#so now that your feel-good comfort show has been ruined for you without our help are you guys finally willing to acknowledge what
piraytoro · 1 year
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Where was your outrage when Sam had his righteous anger stolen from him, over and over, and every time this was framed as a good thing? The black man cannot be angry the way Roy and Jamie and even Ted can be. His righteous anger would not be seen as righteous, and so it must be handled by others, he must be talked or maneuvered out of it. He would not be having a perfectly natural and reasonable human reaction; he would be seen as violent, uncivilized, uppity. This would not be an issue if this was framed by the show as a problem. If the show allowed his father to admit that his anger, while justified, is directly compromising his safety. That it’s not about him and it never was; it is and always has been about the systems of oppression and racist hatred both baked into the system and being actively perpetrated by those in power. But no: he should forgive people for things they haven’t even tried to stop doing. You know, for himself. The system must be opposed only using the tools of the system itself.
Where was your outrage when Edwin Akufo and Shandy were reduced to racist caricatures, leaving in fits of rage and losing their composure entirely—their true, savage natures coming out to belie their attempts at the trappings of civilization. They don’t know how to compromise, they don’t know how to accept the decisions of others with grace, they refuse to change their behavior and only think about what they want. They’re power-hungry, but don’t know how to wield that power responsibly or justly. Both of their endings involve literally shit, a defiling of these majority-white spaces, whether pantomimed or actually physically present, while their white foils in Keeley and Rebecca are allowed to conduct themselves with grace and poise, as presented in direct contrast to them. Where was your outrage when Akufo was brought back only to be denied the very same chance to redeem himself that this show so loves to give its white characters? In the end, even fucking RUPERT is unwilling to stoop so low as he.
Where was your outrage when Dani Rojas was reduced to a caricature of machismo as soon as he was removed from a majority-white space and reunited with other Mexican players? Where was it when we had to wait the better part of two episodes before being reassured that Isaac wasn’t a fucking homophobe? Speaking of, where was it when the show completely failed to address the racist fan hate that players in this sport just like Isaac struggle with every time their team is doing poorly (and often when they’re not!) during its emotional reckoning with an equally ubiquitous homophobic slur? Where was your outrage when a giant chunk of the fandom on this very website was spewing the most reprehensible shit at Nate for doing the exact same things that at least three white men had already been forgiven for within the first few episodes of the damn show?
In fact, where is your outrage about Nate presumably STILL being the ASSISTANT KIT MAN while Roy gets promoted to head coach despite having admitted that Nate is good at all the things he struggles with. “Nate has to work his way up” why? Jamie didn’t get punished for his years of tormenting Nate. He never even apologized, he became a better person and all of a sudden people started pretending none of that ever happened. But Nate, he has to apologize individually to everyone he hurt and then he still has to “earn his spot back,” and yet no one seems to see a problem with this.
And these are just the most egregious examples. But yeah, the worst thing this show ever did was fail to unite your two or three white faves.
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carowleysposts · 13 days
It’s okay to care about things.
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These past couple of days i’ve been noticing that a great part of our fandom is being relentlessly shamed for still loving Good Omens and not wanting it to get cancelled, and I thought i’d share my feelings about it, as I myself have been receiving hateful messages and comments because of it.
First and foremost: many people who judge don’t seem to be able to understand the power of fiction. Fiction is the art of translating reality through magical lenses and making it easier to deal with. It’s something that brings people hope, joy, comfort and brings them together even if they’re thousands of miles apart. Fiction is a shoulder to cry on, a portal to escape through and a friend to rely on. Fiction is magic in its own way, and it can (and has!) change the world in countless ways. Whether you have a happy, fulfilled and busy life or you are going through a rough patch, fiction is always there to help you navigate your own journey, and that’s why it means so much to so many people.
Secondly, it’s important that people fully understand that we do not necessarily associate our favorite pieces of fiction with the creators behind them. After JKR and all of the newly outed zionists, it’s becoming more and more clear that art can be appreciated for itself, and not tied to the person who brought it to life. Sometimes, shitty unforgivable people can make incredible things. And, as long as you don’t support or defend these people, it is okay for you to care about things important to you. It’s okay. You aren’t bad for loving something that has brought you comfort and joy.
Besides, there’s a certain power in taking things back. In looking at the person who made it and saying “this is mine now, and you are not going to ruin it for me”. And that is exactly why so many of us want this show to go on. We all want Gaiman fired. He himself has offered to step back because he is not his art and that story isn’t his anymore. It’s ours. Going on without him would only prove that, and it is okay to root for the show to survive after all that has happened. We are human, and humans need fiction. We need our little bit of magic, and that is perfectly okay.
And lastly, I would like to say that I believe in all the allegations. Even if there’s a chance of it being untrue, it’s not in my nature to doubt victims or to take someone’s side blindly just because I think they are good at their jobs. I believe his victims, I want him to pay for his crimes and I would never, ever support him. You can feel both things: despise for him and love for what he’s created alongside Terry Pratchett. You can want both things: for him to go to jail and for the show to go on in spite of him.
It’s okay to feel how you feel, to love what you love and to be vocal about it. It’s okay to advocate for your favorite show, only you know what it means to you and why. If you need to talk, I am here, I see you and I understand.
I promise we’ll be okay. 🩷✨🫶🏻
Edit: this is meant to comfort the people who are dealing with this situation as well, please refrain from commenting negative things, this is one of those “if you want to judge, do it silently” kind of things. It’s okay to stop enjoying things after stuff like that comes out, but it is also okay to still love them and care about them. Thanks! ✨
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postmoe · 18 days
childe and xiao are home alone and they're horny so they fuck..? 🤭
incest, creepy boys going through your room, idolisation, childe being pushy to xiao, XiaoChi (idak the ship name lmao), they really miss you :(
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Your brothers are creeps, that much is true. Attached to you like another layer of skin, never letting you have the privacy you need outside or inside the comfort of your own home. So, when Zhongli came to you with an opportunity to leave and spend three weeks abroad with him for work, you jumped on it. He didn't want to spend too long without you, and though it may be selfish to his boys, he is, after all, your daddy.
Spending time at a private beach with one crazy is better than being cooped up at home with two.
The loneliness has been slowly clawing at them like insanity. It was only a matter of which one breaks first. Childe had already sniffed around your room, which wasn't uncommon for any of them, but Xiao was done waiting. There was another whole week until you come back, how is he supposed to hold off until then?
Why should he hold off until then?
With an idea in mind, he sneaks off to your room and starts going through your clothes. It's not long before he finds what he's looking for; a pair of panties and one of your skirts. There's a few mirrors in your room, though the one he chooses is one he can manoeuvre to his liking. It's a long mirror on the floor, the bottom screwed so it can be pushed back and forth.
Xiao strips until he's naked before he slips your panties on, followed by your short skirt. Truth be told, he'd had this idea a week after you'd gone, and knew he was going to follow through tonight so he shaved his legs earlier this morning. He admires his half-clothed body before reaching out to tilt the mirror down so he could just see from his waist to his feet.
He turned, pulling the skirt up to expose the cheeks of his arse with your pretty, lil panties decorating him. His cock grows, becoming fat and heavy in your underwear as he imagines his body is yours. His hand smooths up the back his thigh, the other sliding down his stomach to palm himself through your clothes. Ugh, it feels so good~ He really could believe he's gazing at you with how pent up he's been.
His mouth salivates, cockhead leaking, hand now inside your panties to fist his chub against the softness of the cloth. Daddy really does get his special princess the best. He closes his eyes, lost in the 'schlick schlick' sound he was creating.
His heart lurches in his throat as the mood is ruined by his annoying brother, "Look at you go, you freak. Really couldn't wait for baby sis to come home?"
Xiao growls under his breath, squeezing his cock as he glares at him, "Don't think I couldn't hear you fisting your dick in your stockings last night."
Childe shrugs, pushing off the side of your bedroom door and flicking on the light, making Xiao squint, "Eh, tomato potato. Looks like we're both too addicted to our little sister's pussy to wait."
"So why are you here?" Xiao moves on, wanting him to just hurry up and leave him alone.
Childe moves to your wardrobe and picks up another pair of your knickers, stretching them out to admire, "Need new material to cum to. What you're doing looks fun though! I wanna join." Before Xiao can even protest, Childe is already stripping to put on the pair of underwear. He then finds another skirt, whereas Xiao has a pretty black one, Childe chooses a light pink, hiking it up and lifting the bottom to show the outline of his dick in your panties, "How do I look? Just as cute?"
"Absolutely not," was his immediate reply, finally letting go of his member to walk out, despite still in your clothes.
Childe reached out to stop him, begging, "Wait wait wait wait wait! C'mon, it's not like we haven't shared her or done around each other anyway. All I'm saying is a bit of frotting in (Y/n)'s clothes to help... Ease ourselves a bit." At Xiao's hesitance, he takes the opportunity to tackle him and start humping against his bulge, "C'mon~ C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon-"
Xiao pushes against him, the rising pressure in his gut getting too much, "Ugh, fine, stop! Just let me sit up." The both of them sit, Childe moving to intertwine his legs around his brothers. Both are like blushing brides, though Xiao certainly more so. It's a lot easier to be a creep when you're involved or he's alone, but to have Childe so easily push his limits was something else entirely. Well, guess he could play along. When Childe moved to take his cock out, Xiao stopped him, instead pushing and grinding their clothed, fatty members together, "Wanna cum through the fabric. Really stain them."
Childe shuddered, moving in tandem, "Yeah~ Good idea." Once glance in the mirror has his eyes rolling back. Your disgusting, creepy brother's in your skirts and underwear, humping against each other on your bedroom floor while you're away, leaky cocks wetting your clothes. With their pent-up, horny minds it was just perfect orgasm material. His head rolls back, looking into the darkness of your wardrobe, panting and eyeing your prettily arranged shoes. He moans to Xiao, "Let's- Let's cum in her shoes before she gets home. When she puts them on they'll be all sticky and get between her toes. Can't wait to hear her scream."
Xiao grabs onto his arms for stability, breathing heavily, focused on the visage of all their pre through your underwear, the trim of your skirts darker with being wet. "You're so - ngnn - weird. But sure. Let's do that."
Childe whips forward, pushing harder into him, "Yeah yeah yeah, fuck, cumming. Gon' cum in lil sis' clothes-"
Watching Childe's semen build up and spurt through your panties was enough, his cock extra wet and pulsing, following and filling your knickers with his own ejaculate. He and Childe are breathless, so much coming out, squelching and cold as they sit in the soiled underwear.
"Fffffuuuuckk, that was good," Childe says, eyeing Xiao with a gentle lust. "Dunno about you, but I could go again."
"In different clothes?" Xiao asks, seeing where he's going, not quite done himself.
He looks around your room, humming to himself as he considers their options, "Have you on top of her giant teddy while I fuck you from behind, keep the clothes on?"
Xiao squints at him with irritation, "How about I fuck you instead? Why do I have to be stuffed?"
Childe grins and stands, pulling him up and then pushing him onto your bed, "You can have a turn after, promise. Now, lemme fuck you in our baby sister's clothes."
Xiao rolls his eyes and turns, reaching for the giant, pink teddy that has your scent all over it. They're going to ruin your room by the time you get back, serves you right for accepting daddy's offer so easily.
A sudden shudder overtakes you as you lay sunbathing on the lounge chair. You feel a sense of disgust out of nowhere, Zhongli immediately noticing your change in demeanour and setting his laptop aside to give his concern to you. "Sweetheart, is something wrong?"
You glare through your sunglasses at the calm waves in front of you, thinking on your feeling. If there's one thing you've learnt to trust, it's the feeling in your gut where your family is concerned. "I suddenly don't want to go home," you confess, leaning back and relaxing into the chair.
Zhongli chuckles, standing to open the umbrella so you don't get too much sun and burn, "I'm sure your brothers miss you terribly."
Yeah, no doubt. You already saw the lethal look they gave you when you waved goodbye from the airport, a promise of reprimand when you return. You know if you stayed though, it'd be no different from when you return.
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lightlycareless · 1 month
Can you do hc for what a daddy-daughter date with Naoya would look like? 🥺
I believe I ended up describing Naomi a bit more than Naoya, but, you know, it's still cute and I enjoyed writing it :) jsgfhajksghjas I still looove these domestic hc's, please keep 'em coming.
warnings: none. fluff. family stuff. naoya is a loving father. but so insecure. you have a daughter named naomi and she is adorable. lots of hello kitty.
Happy reading!
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You message was clear and direct, unmistakable in the neatly written note found on the bedside table…
“Don’t forget I’m going to be away today and tomorrow! Everything Naomi related is already set so you don’t have to worry about anything, but my staff will remain attentive if anything arises.
This is the perfect opportunity for the two to spend time together too! Our little princess misses her papa dearly, so be sure to make the best out of these days 💖 I love you, my beloved husband, see you soon!!”
Naoya won’t deny that your words made him quite anxious, primarily for the fear of not providing his daughter with the entertaining evening she deserved. It had been so long since the two spent any time together, just the two of them, that Naoya had began to believe he was not a good father at all.
Were there any indications, outside of your comforting words, that Naomi wanted to be with him in the first place?
Yes. Naomi had unconditionally showed her love and appreciation for him, from the video calls he’d make on a daily basis, to her reaction upon learning he was finally to return home… it’s clear that she’s happy to see her papa!
And yet, his insecurities would continue to pry at the back of his mind, telling him he was not good enough—never compared to you.
“Naomi loves you, Naoya! So much that when she learns you’re coming back it’s all she talks about! So don’t be afraid of spending time with your baby, I know she wants to be with you as much as you do.”
Naoya has to thank you for always managing to pull him back to earth whenever the darkness of his thoughts overwhelms him. And such, he prepares himself to give his daughter the best day she could ever imagine, and without anyone’s help!
… Or so he hopes.
“Papa… good morning.” Naomi yawns when picked up by her father, him chuckling at the sight of her unruly bed hair—it was perhaps his favorite sight, to see the back of her black hair stand up like a duck’s butt, accompanied by her drowsy chubby face that sometimes had drool in it; Symbol of a good rest.
“Good morning, little mochi. Did you sleep well?” Naoya asks, taking her to the bathroom to clean her up.
“Mmhmm!” she nods, rubbing her eyes.
“Don’t rub too harshly, princess.” He warns, retrieving a lukewarm towel and cleaning her face. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
“Where’s mama?” Naomi wonders, looking around as if hoping to see you.
“She’s with grandpa, remember? He needs her help, so she left.”
Naomi frowns, trying to remember when you said such a thing. Naturally, she doesn’t, but it’s not like it bothers her much—not when she has a long day full of fun coming up.
“What are we going to do?” She asks, a grin appearing on her lips as ideas begin to appear in her mind. “Oh, I know!! We can go to the park, or—or we can go to the zoo…”
“Actually, I already have something prepared that I know you’ll like.” Naoya responds with a smile, pinching her cheek. Naomi’s eyes widen, full of curiosity.
“A kitten?!” The little girl gasps.
Naoya’s right eye twitches, feeling to have unwittingly shot himself on the foot with such phrasing. So much caution in avoiding the subject, just for him to come along and ruin all of their efforts! The thought of a pet is something you and Naoya hoped to consider until she was much older…
Well, thankfully, today’s date will distract her; for now.
“No, something even better.”
She frowns skeptically, a hilarious sight that Naoya tries his best to not laugh at. Her dramatic expressions were always ones to enjoy, though neither knew whom she took after for them. (Naoya)
“But I won’t tell you, you have to see it.”
“Papaaaaa!! Tell me!!” she insists.
“Nope.” He shrugs. “It’ll ruin the surprise.”
“Not fair, Papa!!” She crosses her arms, upset. “I won’t go if you don’t tell me!”
“Then I guess we won’t get ice cream from that place you love so much.”
The good thing about her young age is that it doesn’t take much for her to fold. Just the right words and she’s back to the cheerful, energetic girl she always was—though these “retaliations” have become a bit more common than before, probably a sign that his baby girl isn’t much of a baby anymore, a reminder of how much he’s missed of her life already…
Well, he’s here now, gotta make up for all he’s lost.
“I’m ready papa, I’m ready!” Naomi cheered as soon as Naoya changed her out of her pajama, a half-truth for her hair as messy as it was found.
Per routine, you’d be the one to get her ready by now. From choosing her clothes the day before, to styling her hair, everything that entailed Naomi you took care of.
But since you weren’t here… well, Naoya’s reminded yet again that he doesn’t know much of his baby daughter. Not even how to do her hair! Could he even consider himself a deserving father?
“Is everything alright?” It was Mariya, knocking on the bathroom door before entering. You didn’t need to tell her to keep an eye on your husband to know he’d struggle with Naomi. In fact, as soon as he saw her enter the bathroom, she remained close, just in case she was needed—and that, she was.
“Oh, good morning, Mariya.” Naoya murmurs, slightly embarrassed to be found in the middle of his… crisis. “Yeah, everything is fine…”
“Hello Mariya-nee!!” Naomi grins, waving her chubby little hands at her. Mariya waves back.
“I can help you with that, Naoya.” She offers, stepping closer to the two.
“It’s fine. One step at a time.” Mariya reassures him.
Naoya presses his lips together, hesitant to accept her help before obliging, understanding she was there to support him, not judge. Your entourage wasn’t like his, or his family. Thankfully.
“… Thank you.” Naoya quietly says, she smiles.
“Just worry about having fun with Naomi and taking pictures for Y/N, you have no idea how upset she’ll be if you don’t.”
“I know, I know.” Naoya chuckles. “I already have everything ready for that.”
“And you, Naomi, don’t forget to go easy on your dad!” Mariya teases, pinching her cheek. “Or to be cute when he takes pictures of you!”
“But I’m always cute!”
“That, you are.” Mariya then hugs her, kissing the top of her head before leading them over to the exit. “Have a safe trip and a nice day! We’ll be waiting for your return.”
“Goodbye!!” Naomi waves from the car seat. “See you later!!!”
And as Naoya drives away, he silently prays that his surprise he doesn’t ruin Naomi’s enthusiasm, or he’ll never show his face to you ever again.
“Papa, where are we going? Are we there yet??” Naomi whines, tired of watching the city pass her while tightly holding onto her favorite Hello Kitty plushie, wiggling her legs to accentuate her boredom.
“Almost there, princess. Just a few more minutes.” Naoya responds.
“…you said that a while ago… I wanna know!”
“It’s a surprise, and what good would it be if I tell you?”
“I don’t like surprises!” she exclaims, Naoya laughs.
“Now, no need to lie.”
“…I’m sorry. I’m bored.” 
“We’re almost there.” He says once more upon entering a parking lot, taking Naomi out of her seat, holding her hand before heading towards the busy streets. “We just gotta walk a bit.”
“I don’t wanna walk…” Naomi murmurs, holding his hand even tighter. She never liked crowded places, made her nervous; you and Naoya didn’t know whether to worry or to be glad…
“Alright—up you go.” Naoya smiles, wrapping Naomi with his arms and carrying her. “It’s just a bit more, but I promise it’ll be worth it.”
And it happened just as he anticipated, if not better, for as soon as the two were a mere feet away from their destination, Naomi abruptly goes silent, eyes wide as she observed the well-known figure of her favorite feline mascot, with a brightly light sign that further justified her reaction appearing before her:
Hello Kitty Café.
Naoya was right in assuming this was the right place to bring Naomi, having set his attention on it after reading about it online. He waited for Naomi to be just a bit older so she could enjoy it even better, but it never left his mind. Of course, he would’ve wanted to make this occasion even better with your presence, but a part of him wanted to keep something… exclusive between the two. You already took your daughter to all places unimaginable, leaving almost nothing he could compete with!
Though one place would remain off limits until the three could attend, and you agreed. A particular amusement park that he was sure would completely freeze her, if she was already overwhelmed with a simple café…
“What is it, pumpkin? Cat got your tongue?” Naoya teases, making Naomi turn even redder, quickly hiding her face on the crook of her father’s neck out of embarrassment. “Aww, mochi…”
“Papa!” Naomi she squeaks. “It’s a—it’s a Hello Kitty—!”
“I know, I know.” He kisses the top of her head. “Want to go inside?”
“Yes!!” She gasps, wiggling her way out of her father’s arm and down to the ground, where she’d sprint right to the entrance, cheerfully greeted by the hostess who seemed to enjoy observing the excitement of children when coming to this place—one of the many perks of the job.
Naoya had reserved a table in advance, obviously the most luxurious one could get a restaurant like that anyways, with all the commodities included: for not only did it serve as a café, but also a place where Naomi could get a complete makeover.
From hair, nails, makeup, even clothes and shoes—it had it all, and to make it even better, with items donning her favorite Sanrio characters.
“Papa!! Papa!!!” Naomi gasps, a small finger eagerly tapping the menu, particularly the image of the vanilla and strawberry ice cream decorated with a hello kitty cookie—it may not be much, but for an innocent girl who had never seen such a thing, nor thought it possible, it might just be the greatest discovery yet. “Look!! They have Hello Kitty ice cream!!”
“We can order it if you want.”
“Yes!! I want it!!” She grinned, looking over to the rest of the menu. “Or the—or the hamburger! Or… cake too!”
“One at a time, pumpkin. We can also take the cake back home to mama, you know. But at least get something to eat for breakfast.”
“Yes!” She nodded. “Or we can bring mama too.”
Naoya’s heart flutters at the thought of spending time with his family. Seeing you and his daughter giggle at whatever the latter makes up. Spoiling his girls with whatever they want, though he’d have a certain preference for you, wanting to reward all that you’ve done for him while he was away completing missions he often tries to convince himself as necessary.
The reason why he did all of this. To see the two happy.
He misses you dearly. Please come back home soon.
Naomi would continue to order whatever her little heart desired, though she wouldn’t take more than just a bite from them. Probably just wanting to try them out and that was it—and Naoya knows that as her father he shouldn’t let her be so careless with her selections, but as her father, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to indulge his little princess.
Neither on the food, nor the souvenirs Naomi had more than enough back home… which she of course had to have because they were limited edition. From the keychain she’d come to place on her school backpack, to the huge, almost life-sized Hello Kitty plush Naoya ordered the workers to ship to the estate as soon as possible, just so it’d be there when they returned home.
And we still had the makeover to go through, another thing Naoya rightfully assumed she would enjoy given the way she’d intently stared at you when getting ready—as well as that one time he caught her wearing your lipstick. So adorable…
Either way, as soon as Naomi jumped onto the chair and the hairdresser draped her over with a cape, she was given a somewhat extensive catalogue to choose from, naturally inclining for…
“Hello Kitty!” Naomi chirped, pointing at the picture of the little girl with two buns on the top of her head, long hair in the back, and of course, an iconic red bow to adorn. “This one!”
“Alright, sweetie.” The woman smiles, getting ready to work but not before giving Naoya one last look, as if seeking confirmation to proceed, or perhaps even something else… what sometimes follows when a woman sees an apparently single father being highly doting to his daughter…
But he was quick to shut her down, one stern, cold look and a glance of his wedding band was enough to put her back into place. The Naomi’s mother, coincidentally the love of his life, was very much still in the picture, and he’d like to keep it that way.
It was almost comical how oscillating Naoya behaved between the two, attentive and caring with his daughter, but strict and stern with the hairdresser. He wouldn’t be if he hadn’t noticed her intentions…
Yet, he wasn’t going to let that affect Naomi’s excitement, overflowing happiness for being dressed up as her favorite character of all time, with that red bow she always dreamed of wearing (she has many at home, but it always felt like the first time whenever you put it on her), alongside that glittery make up she’d always hoped to one day wear as well, followed by a dress that made her look even cuter, inspired by the colors of the same mascot, with kitten heels to spare—ending up look as a small version of Hello Kitty. Cuter, Naoya must admit.
Lastly, she’d proceed with a manicure, a thin coat of nail polish with stickers of different Sanrio characters; Naoya had previously asked that she be given something that wasn’t too hard to remove later. She was still a kid, after all, she’d have the rest of her life if she wanted to do something permanent.
… As well as all the motivation in the world to convince him into getting his nails done as well.
“Come on, papa!” Naomi insists, showing him her nails. “You too!”
“I—I don’t know…” He responds hesitantly. “I don’t think I’ll look good with them—”
Not that it mattered beyond that, for the moment she pouted Naoya was nothing but putty in her hands—stickers placed across his nails, as many as could fit thanks to Naomi’s persistence.
He could imagine the kind of comments his family would shoot at him, but Naoya had long declared that whatever they had to say wasn’t of his interest. He was doing this for his daughter, and that was unmistakable.
“How do I look?!” Naomi exulted once she was ready, her face bright with excitement as she showed off her dress.
“Beautiful, darling.” He smiled, leaning down to pinch her cheek—almost ruffling her hair. Good thing he remembered to not ruin her pretty princess’ look before he regretted it. She never quite liked it when he did that. “Come on, let’s take a picture so mama can see you—over there, with Hello Kitty.”
“Hello Ki…?”
If she was already overwhelmed by seeing this thematic café, how she felt upon seeing her favorite character standing before her, waving at her, was simply… indescribable.
Naomi stood frozen, perfectly still as the mascot continued to greet her, hoping to either warm her up into responding or another type of reaction, anything really, since Naomi was just… there.
Attempting to take in what was happening in front of her—
Before she started to cry when she finally did.
“Naomi?!” Naoya gasped, walking over to her and kneeling to her height. His overprotective nature led him to believe something was wrong, something he had to fix, but after hearing her small sobs, the murmurs revealing how happy she was to see Hello Kitty there, as well as how she walked over to hug her, he soon understood her reaction.
She was simply thrilled to have met her favorite character.
Oh, what was going to happen when he finally took her to Sanrio Puroland? Was she going to pass out?!
Thankfully, that is something that he won’t have to deal with alone, having already scheduled days off where he’d take you and little Naomi on a small holiday, this stop simply being one of many in the itinerary.
“Pa—papa—it’s—it’s—” Naomi cries, looking over to him yet tightly holding onto Hello Kitty who attempted to comfort her by patting her back.
“Oh, pumpkin, you don’t need to cry.” He laughs, carefully rubbing away her tears. “You’re going to ruin your pretty make up and upset Hello Kitty; She’s very excited to see you too, you know, and you wouldn’t want that, right?”
Naomi’s lips tremble as shakes her head, mouthing a quiet no as she cleans her face. Once better, Naoya asks her to stand next to Hello Kitty, pose for mama’s picture, which Naomi did to the best of her ability, teary-eyed as she smiled.
Naoya smiles, chuckling at how Naomi cheerfully shared her day with Hello Kitty, as if catching up with her life-long best friend, while reminiscing the joys of being a father to a daughter so adorable he was proud to call his.
From her smile, to her giggles, to her pout and frown…
Naomi was perfect in every sense of the word, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her.
There was no question about it, with his insecurities out of his mind, there was no space for doubt anymore. Especially not during the drive back home, after a long day of exciting adventures, when a sleepy Naomi confided in him with the words that would make his heart soar.
“Today was the best day of my life!” Naomi declared with a yawn, tightly hugging one of her new plushies as she began to slowly drift deeper into slumber. “I love you, Papa.”
“I love you too, pumpkin.”
Indeed, Naoya was a good father, the one that Naomi loved very, very much.
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TLDR: Naoya may not be able to do a lot of thing since he's greatly absent, but he makes sure you and Naomi have everything. Also, he's a big spender on Naomi, and it won't take long before she figures that out to her (further) advantage.
Shall I write about their time at puroland? Now I'm really curious about Naomi's reactiong hahahahahaha if anyone wants me to... I mean... I guess..... lol. 😏
Anyways, I want to thank you so much for sending in this!! It was really cute, ajgkjakghasjkghajksg Naomi is just 🥺💖💖💖💖 I love her. (That ending is..... sad considering other things hahaha IGNORE ME DAMMIT I ruined it :( )
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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loneduet · 11 months
Secrets - Part 1
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Summary: You love Sokka and it scares you. You don't know what he'll do if he finds out. (Your a firebender)
A/N - ngl I wrote this for myself because of my recurring obsession with this lovable boy.
warnings: kissing, kinda short sorry
Hope you enjoy!
It all started when I met aang.
I ran way from my home not too long before i met them. Growing up in the fire nation was rough, especially being the emperors daughter. After zuko left to search for the airebender, i soon followed suit and left my status behind. All I ever was to my father was a dissapointment and I couldn't deal with Azula alone.
I was left with few options of where to go. I ended up living undercover in ba sing se where I soon met three kids my age. They were strangers at first, but now I don't know how I lived life without them. They have become my friends. My family.
While I know they are the exact people my brother is hunting down, I couldn't help but join them on their journey. I don't know what I'll do if I have to face my brother, but I know that I will never betray them.
Each of them showed me a kindness I have never known or deserved. Katara immediately accepted me, she loved having another girl be on the conquest and she insisted on braiding my hair everyday. Aang was kind and understanding. Deep down I know that he is aware of the secrets I keep, but he respects my boundaries and he shows me the fun to be had of everyday things. And than theres sokka. He is a completely different story.
When I met him my whole world was changed. At first he was wary of me and my additional presence to the group, but we soon started to get along. Really get along. He was protective and caring. At first glance, i immediantly respected the way that he treated his sister. While they fought like all siblings do, it's obvious that they truly love each other and I know that sokka will take care of her until the end.
I can see that all sokka wants to accomplish is to be a good leader and brother. He doesn't have bending abilities and he has admitted to me that this is one of his greatest insecurities, but it is far from a flaw. He hides a lot of his fear through his stupid jokes and ridiculous attitude, but I have learned to see through his disguise.
I have fallen so incredibly fast for this water tribe boy and he is completely unaware. Knowing his story, I can't let him find out about my past. He will never love me especially if he knows that im fire nation scum.
"Y/N, do you want to share with me?"
I looked over to see Sokka and his adorable puppy dog eyes looking at me.
"Of course." I giggle, helping him set up the tent.
Due to our constant travels and relocations, we had very few supplies which resulted in only three tents between the four of us. I wasn't complaining though.
"Goodnight Y/N." Aang said, giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek before heading to his tent.
"Yeah, goodnight!" Katara said with a wink. To her, it was obvious that I liked her older brother. She immediantly approved when she found out about it. If only she knew who I was.
I climbed into our shared tent and zipped it up behind me. Sokka was already laying down opening up the covers for me.
It was a normal thing for sokka and I to fall asleep in each other's embrace. Ever since we accidently fell asleep during one of aangs stories we have been inseparable. Sokka claims that he sleeps better because of how warm I naturally am and frankly he helps me keep the nightmares of my dad at bay.
From an outside perspective, our relationship is definitely weird. It's not normal for 'just friends' to cuddle up to each other every night. Deep down though, we both knew that their are feelings, but neither of us wanted to ruin what we have. What we could have.
I slipped under the covers next to him, his water nation blankets being especially fluffy and comfortable. Naturally his arms wrapped around my smaller frame and I tucked my head against his chest. His slow heart beat helped lull me to sleep.
"Y/N?" Sokka asked right before I dozed off.
"Yea?" I softly replied.
He than looks me straight in the eye. "I'm really glad I met you."
The statement takes me aback and I look maintain his eye contact, sitting up.
"Can I kiss you?" I whisper, not being able to help myself any longer.
He doesn't reply but leans forward and captures my lips with his. His body radiates warmth as he scoops me into his lap. I slide my hands into his soft hair that is let out of his usual ponytail. He grunts softly and let's go of my lips and puts his forehead against mine.
"Y/N, I think I love you."
Before he could return to kissing me my entire body freezes. He notices when I tense and looks at me questionably.
"I cant." I reply, leaving the tent in haste. The boy of my dreams watches my figure go, wondering what he did wrong. I cant do this to him. It has to stop.
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toxictigertonic · 13 days
Hiii soeey for bothering u but do u have any Mother gooseberry and franco hcs? Those 2 have been in my head all day
I have infinite headcanons that I can spit out about these two. Coyle is a little harder bc sometimes all I can think about is beating him up for the funnies, but these two? They make up my brain chemistry.
- Reagents picked up on the "the goose in on the loose" line and will now use that to tell their fellow reagents that she's out and about.
- Sweet tooth, but not to the same level as Franco. She likes cakes and pies and cookies and will choose those first over anything else, while he goes for candy and sugary drinks.
- I'm projecting here but she LOVES cinnamon. The only complaint she's ever gotten about one of her baked goods was there being too much cinnamon. She had to politely explain that that simply wasn't possible, and then Futterman had to explain that they needed to shut the fuck up, and then shut the fuck up.
- She likes to hum to herself a lot. I feel like she hums and sings whenever it's too quiet and Futterman gets mad she just won't let there be silence.
- Massive fan of comfy sweaters. She likes the light fabric of her blouse but a good comfy sweater is where it's at for her.
- Her favorite season is spring! She also likes winter (for the cozy sweaters and baked goods, obvi), but spring is when everything comes to life. Futterman would eat a bee though.
- She loves to sniff flowers but I think she'd have allergies :( But the funny thing is she's not the one who sneezes, it's Futterman.
- Likes the thought of having her nails painted but as soon as they chip she's gotta take all of the polish off. Partially nervous picking, partially bc she thinks it looks bad.
- If she's not feeling absolutely bloodthirsty and catches you she just picks you up by the back of the neck and holds you there. Naughty reagents go in air jail.
- Has a collection of pretty skirts but she feels like she never has anywhere nice to wear them. Someone let her show off her nice skirts.
- This woman is a lesbian and I will not be debating. Futterman says some... awful things about it. Damn homophobic goose.
- Even though he tells you to watch the suit, he knows that thing is a mess. Having something nice on just makes him feel a little less ugly and you BETTER not ruin it.
- Cuddles with Lupara sometimes, it brings him comfort even if it's genuinely uncomfortable.
- Winking at him if he catches you in a hiding spot will get you a 5 second head start to run for your life. God help you if he catches you though, you don't play with his feelings like that and get away with it.
- Would have, without a doubt, been the kid who tried to drink a spoonful of vanilla extract bc it smelled good.
- Would also eat a spoonful of sugar but he'd actually enjoy that. He's not kidding about that sweet tooth.
- I don't care WHAT the game shows, this man is itty bitty. 5 foot 3 at best. I'm leveling this playing field, give us our short king Red Barrels!
- His hearing is bad on the side with the visible injuries. It's why he shoots first when he hears a noise, he doesn't know what the hell he just heard and he'd rather be safe than sorry.
- Has a hard time keeping what he's drinking off of his shirt or from running down his chin. Not like he's trying to be elegant when he drinks that cocktail.
- If you offered him skim milk he'd kill you on the spot. This is a WHOLE MILK HOUSEHOLD.
- I don't think his "mommy" would need to be a woman tbh. I think fulfilling the mothering role would be enough for him most of the time. Besides, tiddy is tiddy.
It's so tempting to put in all my silly headcanons for Franco bc I love him but I will refrain from the Cringe
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Daddy Issues in Naughty Babe
I cannot express enough how much I love every single thing that Naughty Babe is doing.
It constantly emphasizes loving our friends as much as we love our romantic partners, and now this entire episode was about being a good father and wanting better for your son. We see the difference between wanting a better life through money versus wanting a better life through love, and we see the difference between wanting your son to be better than you versus wanting your son to do better than you.
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Yi's dad, Makorn, openly adores Diao, which is why Diao willingly confessed to his plan to ruin the wedding, yet Makorn told Diao regardless of what happens, Diao is family.
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And we got to see that even though Makorn is tough on Yi, it's because he doesn't want his son to be him. Makorn told his son that his wife and Yi's mother left him because he was a cold man and tells Yi to express his feelings for Diao. He tells his son it's okay to cry.
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So even though Makorn could not comfort Yi as a child even when Yi called out to him, he encouraged his son to express his feelings, which is something Makorn himself struggles to do.
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Yi wants to be his dad. He wants to be strong and protective. He was reckless once, and it destroyed people's lives, so now he is controlling not only of others, but himself and his emotions. So he leaves his bedroom and has a panic attack in the living room without seeking any form of comfort. His father told him he could cry, but his father also showed him that nobody would be there to comfort him even if he asked.
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Then Diao walks in, sits down next to Yi, and wipes his tears away. And Yi allows it.
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This is why Makorn loves Diao. Makorn knows that even though he wants better for his son, he is to blame for Yi's callousness. Diao is good for him. Diao is is the remedy to a cold heart, and Makorn never wanted that for his son in the first place.
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When Yi snaps on the phone, Makorn tells him to listen to Diao instead.
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When Yi is ready to kill Diao's family, Makorn tells him he did not raise him to be violent the way he is.
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He doesn't want his son to be better than him. He wants his son to DO better than him. He wants his son to have the love he was incapable of giving him.
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And Diao can give him that.
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Makorn continuously warns Diao that Yi is hard to love, yet Diao consistently responds that Yi deserves his love regardless of how difficult it is.
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Because Diao only wanted love from his father.
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His father, Sattha, tells him that he wanted a better life for Diao which is why he has done all he has including sending Diao to the UK.
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Yet Diao confronts him with the fact that Sattha also greatly benefited from Diao's predicament, so if Sattha has anything to apologize for, it's that he basically exchanged his child for a better life.
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Every time Yi has stumbled, Makorn has been there to scorn him and threaten him, but he has been there. He cannot express his love, but he does express his support, even if it is abrasive. He tells Diao and Aon, the bodyguard, to look out for his son. He cares deeply even if he cannot show it.
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Yet Diao literally stumbles in front of his father, and his father doesn't even try to reach out to help because up until this point, Sattha has only financially helped his child through the contract with the Chens but never physically. He doesn't support Diao. He doesn't physically care for him. Because he thought he didn't need to if Diao was financially well off.
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Neither Yi nor Diao know what love looks like, but are trying despite their upbringings. Yi tried being controlling and protective because that is what he knew were ways to show love. Diao tried to be obedient because that is what he believed would get him love. Now both are seeing what the love they want actually looks like.
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For Diao, it is someone who tells him he loves him. It is someone who allows him to make his own choices. For Yi, it is someone who comforts him when he cries. It is someone who protects him when he feels weak. And for both, it is someone who is their safe place, their home.
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Because home is always been rough for both. When Diao called his father at home, his father was short and distant. Yi's father always summons him home because he wants to talk to Yi (aka lecture him).
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Makorn wants his son to do better than he did and encourages his son, in his aggressive way, to love better than he did. Sattha wants his to son to be better than he was and made every move to guarantee that. Makorn wants his son to marry for love. Sattha wants his son to marry for money.
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Sattha wanted his son to be better than him and didn't give Diao an option. Makorn wanted his his son to do better than him and has given him nothing but (harsh) support.
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Both boys have issues that make it difficult for them to trust how they are loved.
But they trust their friends. They trust each other.
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And they trust one of their fathers.
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Congratulations, Makorn, on being an issue, but ceaselessly trying to help your SONS solve their issues.
look at me appreciating a character's father instead of telling the character to kill him. *growth*
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Can you write about ransom married to his shy and kind childhood sweetheart reader
Only You- Husband! Ransom Drysdale Wife! xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Ransom married his shy childhood sweetheart and doesn’t tell his family but they find out at somepoint and they talk her down and reader has a panic attack and Ransom helps reader through it
Warnings: mentions of toxic family, mentions of a panic attack, mentions of self doubt, fluff, angst, soft Ransom, let me know if I miss anything
(Ransom’s POV)
Ever since I married Y/N things have been so good with us and she is someone who truly sees me for who I am and loves me regardless and I’ve loved Y/N since we were growing up together and Y/N is so shy but it’s so cute when she’s shy.
I just got back home from visiting my folks and it always drains me and I never told them I got married and I wanna protect Y/N from my family so she doesn’t get hurt. Y/N saw me walk into our shared bedroom and said “hey babe how did things go?” I took my shoes off and sat down by Y/N on the bed and just hugged her and said “doesn’t matter, I’m just glad I’m home with you now bunny.” Y/N smiled at me and said “I’m glad you’re home too Ransom I missed you though are you sure I don’t need to meet your family?..” I shook my head and kissed her forehead and said “no Y/N trust me it’s not worth the agrivation ok? Don’t worry pretty mind with that.”
Later on I realized I forgot some documents that I needed that I thought I brought home from my parents house and I groaned and said “shit.. hey Y/N could you do me a huge favor?” Y/N came downstairs and said “yea Ransom of course honey what is it??” I took her hands in mine and looked at her and sighed and said “I’m sorry but I forgot some important papers at my parents place would you come with me to get them? I don’t wanna go alone and I doubt they’ll be at home right now.” Y/N kissed me and said “Ransom I would do anything for you I’m your wife I love you.” I smiled thinking how did I get so lucky with her? I said “are you sure?? Because if you’re not comfortable I can just go and come back quick?” Y/N shook her head and said “no I’ll come with you.”
————time skip———
(Y/N’s POV)
We got to Ransom’s parents place and we walked in after Ransom opened the door with his key and he looked around for the papers in a few places and then found them and he smiled at me showing he had them and said “ok my dear we are good let’s go.” But before we could get very far we both heard a voice behind us saying “Ransom? What are you doing here again?” We turned around and Ransom whispered “it’s ok bunny I’ll handle this.” I nodded and Ransom stepped in front of me and he looked at his mom and said “mother, I just forgot some papers here that I needed I was just leaving.” His mother looked at me and noticed my wedding ring and she said “Ransom.. did you marry this girl? Without telling us?” Ransom took my hand and said “mother I didn’t tell you because I knew you would judge her or me for anything and you and everyone else would try and ruin things and I wasn’t gonna let that happen.”
I started to feel overwhelmed and a few more people came in the room either asking me questions or to Ransom and after a few more minutes Ransom had noticed I started feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable and said “we’re leaving come on honey oh and no one ever contact me again or Y/N.” We got to Ransom’s car and the drive back home was quiet mainly because I was too overwhelmed to speak and Ransom held my hand the whole way home which helped me relax and he looked at me and said “I’m so sorry baby I was hoping they wouldn’t be home I didn’t think they would be, I love you.” We got back to Ransom’s place a few minutes later and we got inside and I started breathing hard remembering everything his family said and I started having a panic attack. Ransom noticed and helped me to sit on the couch with him holding me and said “hey Y/N shh I’m here don’t worry about what my family said ok? You are beautiful, wonderful, the love of my life, my sweet bunny wife who I adore and so adorable and the most amazing woman I’ve met and I’m so glad you’re mine I love you ok? My family are petty and jealous because I could actually love someone like you baby.”
I smiled at Ransom feeling shy and said “you’re so gentle and loving to me I love this side of you.” Ranson kissed me and said “only for you my love, I’ll protect you no matter what and I’ll always be gentle with you I promise Y/N you deserve to be loved.” I laid my head on his chest and said “I love you so much Ransom you deserve love as well thank you for defending me.” Ransom held me close and said “I love you bunny I will protect you from my family no matter what, only you matter.” Ransom held me while my panic attack calmed down and I loved how soft he was with me and I always felt better just being in my husband’s arms.
Hey darling I’m so sorry I’m late with this but I hope you enjoy this one 🧡🧡 probably not my best one 😅 but I did my best xx
@chrisevansdaughter @jessybarnes
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neaxsfiction · 1 year
Bakugo comfort fic please 🥰
Bakugo's a character I've not read many things about but I'll try my best to portray his personality the best way possible. Its a bit rushed but i did my best. Thanks for the request ❤️
Bakugo comforting his friend
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I knock softly on his bedroom door hoping I am not disturbing him. I just need to talk to him.
He opens the door after a few seconds. His hair is messy and semi wet, he prolly was after shower. He was wearing a black tanktop and some matching sweatpants and also the usual angry expression he always has.
"Whatcha want at this hour?" He scoffs.
"I needed to talk to someone" I reply truthfully.
It's gonna be a rough night tonight.
"Shut up and come in" he growls and gets inside his room
He sits on his bed and glares at me.
I take a deep breath and start speaking. I tell him how my ex boyfriend dumped me some hours ago. I explain him what that guy meant for me. I cannot help it, when I flashback our memories, tears slip out of my eyes. How could he do this to me?
For a split second I thought his eyes softened as I was tearing up and explaing him. It must've been the tears though, Bakugo is never being soft for anybody, not even his closest friends. I think he has never seen me that way before so thats why seems to listen to me carefully.
"Told ya from the start he was a piece of trash" he spits out after bearing my meltdown.
I find myself tearing up more. How could he say that now?
"Stop being so weak. It's just an average guy. Nothing special about him." He explains. His anger seems to have toned down and he seems invested in this conversation.
No, bakugo is not like that.
"He was my first love..." I manage to say to him between my sobs, not knowing what else to say at this point.
Maybe I was the stupid one for not seeing his red flags from the start.
"And? Are you gonna let it be your last as well?" He asks and his tone softens.
"I don't know..." I say in pure despair.
"He wasn't good for you. If you find a guy as great as me - if that's possible, you won't have such a problem again" He explains with a rasp on his voice.
My sobs calm down a bit after his words. Maybe he was right. Maybe not. Maybe my head's too much of a mess to be able to think properly.
I notice him stand up and heading towards me. He looks at me with a soft expression. Maybe I didn't imagine that earlier.
He places his hand on my head and raises it so I can look at him directly in the eyes.
"Next time show me that you actually have a proper taste to guys." He smirks coming close to my face.
I nod and his words are traveling around my brain. Maybe I actually need to get some better taste in guys.
He stares deeply into my eyes as if he's unfolding my memories with my ex boyfriend and slowly remove the feelings behind them. Does that guy have a second quirk?
He lets me stay a bit in his room and we have fun while talking about cringy moments with my ex. Maybe he's right about him. At least I will now think of those moments and will be mentally thanking him for dumping me.
He offers to take me to my room that night. That's so strange of him, he never does that but anyway.
"Wanna make him jealous?" He asks jokingly.
"If it means to regret dumping me, then hell yes" I reply with the same playful tone he has.
"I'd help you in that." He says and for the first time that night he stares to the floor as we reach my bedroom door.
There is an awkward silence for a few seconds that totally ruined the playful mood.
What did he say again?
"Goodnight. Please don't cry over that douchebag." He says now looking at you with an almost apologetic look in his eyes. After that he slowly walks away.
"Goodnight to you too. I won't, I promise, and-" I say without thinking straight at this point.
He stops as I haven't finished my phrase and turns around, tilting his head to the left expecting me to continue what I was saying.
"I'd let you help me." I finish off my sentence and quickly open my room's door hiding behind it.
Bakugo pic
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carnivore-voyeur · 2 months
It's not our responsibility to educate a 40 years old man on important matters. At that big age, everyone is capable of educating themselves.
Again, non-white fans have the right to feel offended by words that were clearly ignorant. You're not gonna change that.
But good for you. Maybe he'll see you do that hard work to defend him and come thank you personally for your help.
Again, if you are offended based on something you misunderstood then that is your own fault. You, yourself stated things that were factually incorrect which I addressed in the ask you sent me. Furthermore, no amount of self-righteousness justifies accusing Per of being a Nazi, accusing him of dating “Proud Zionists” on purpose, thinking genocide is okay/not caring about genocide based on blatant misquotes, nor making horrible comments about his family, his mental capacity, his appearance, his belief system, et cetera.
I do not give a single shit if you think it’s not your responsibility to educate someone. If you are seeking out an opinion about an “important matter” from someone who is uneducated on that matter and then mocking that person for being uneducated on that matter, then you are not acting in good faith. You can also correct someone’s ignorance but as I’ve discussed repeatedly that has to be based on the actual content of their words and actions, not some bullshit assumptions your friends made and spread around on Twitter.
He has already said to you all that, one, he doesn’t support any horrible thing happening in the world right now; two, he exists in his own world the majority of the time as it’s “the only way [he] can live”; and three, he doesn’t engage in politics. You do not know why he’s like that or why he feels the need to be that way. He has consistently been closed off from people, especially online, throughout his career and he only shows what he’s comfortable showing. If that makes you unhappy, that’s tough. He doesn’t have to change for you.
If he does not want to engage in political conversations with you all, then you need to accept that. He is not a social activist nor your spokesperson. He is a fucking guitar player with his own personal struggles. If you don’t like that, no one is holding you hostage. You can leave his social media. You can stop supporting his content. That doesn’t necessitate this gang mentality you’ve developed on Twitter where you need to gather up as many Ghost fans as possible to your side to ruin this man’s life.
I wouldn’t feel the need to say anything at all if you all weren’t so atrocious and obnoxious in your unavoidable “commentary” that manages to leak it’s way onto all forms of social media. I’ve seen everything from people posting and reposting blatant lies and slander about him on normal videos, people yelling that he should lose his job, people attaching morality to physical appearance and mental health status as if that’s not extremely ableist, people dropping hateful comments about his family in his DMs, et cetera.
Additionally, you can’t deal with any kind of backlash without accusing anyone “defending” him (see: correcting misinformation and addressing harmful comments) without using vulgar insults against us or assuming that we’re trying to get recognition in return from him. The amount of times I’ve been told to stop “dickriding” is disgusting. I don’t respect people like that. Unlike you all, I do not care about the approval of my peers. I do not care if he ever recognizes me. I don’t care if we ever talk or if I ever meet him.
I do care how people treat him because he’s a human being and you don’t treat him like one.
If you were simply being critical of things he said and expressing that in a proportionate manner that didn’t involve any of the above things I mentioned, then good for you. I wasn’t fucking talking to you and I wasn’t telling you how to feel. You can shut the fuck up and leave my blog. If you are engaging in any of the above mentioned atrocious behaviors, then my answer is still the same. Shut the fuck up and leave my blog. If you message me again, I am just going to block you.
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fabeong · 1 year
My Dear Revyn - a letter goodbye(?)
Apparently 2am is the perfect time for my OC Ryesandeii and his hopeless crush on Revyn Sadri to take up space in my brain.
Enjoy this angsty letter, likely written right before Ryesandeii accepted Odahviing's offer of help to reach Alduin, knowing full well he might not return from the confrontation...
Quick shout-out and thank you here to the lovely @thana-topsy, @argisthebulwark, and @nejackdaw, all of whom are joys to see on my dashboard and whose writings are my current inspirations!
My dear Revyn,
I hope I am not overstepping with such an address. Over the past months you have been a source of unending joy and warm companionship for me, and not a single journey to Windhelm has been bearable let alone complete without a visit to you.
It would be at the very least rude, and at worst unforgivable, if I did not write to warn you therefore that you may not see me for a while. Or perhaps ever again.
I have spoken little of my apparent destiny as Dragonborn, or even of the effect it has had upon my already tumultuous life. Please do not think this to be a reflection of any distrust in yourself, but rather I have up until now done a shameful amount to avoid this calling and the responsibilities it brings out of little else but sheer cowardice. Perhaps there is some logic in wishing to avoid a fate that demands I face the dragon known best as ‘World-Eater’, and yet I can no longer pretend such foibles justify allowing Skyrim and all those who dwell here to suffer a worse fate than I witnessed levelled on Helgen, so long ago now.
And so I am preparing myself to face this World-Eater. If all goes well he shall never return. Whether I shall is unclear to me. But I have run from my past and my fears for too long, and if there is even the slightest of chance that I may prevent the world from meeting a terrible end then even my meagre effort must suffice.
I hope once more that I do not overstep here, and if it is so then I beg you to cast this letter into the fire and speak no more of it. But I confess the thought of saving you above all served as a final throw of the dice that has committed me to my destined cause, because if whatever sacrifice my pitiful life provides can ensure you live in a world free from endless torment and tyranny then I shall consider it worthy. I have long considered you a dear and close friend, Revyn, and were I a braver mer I would have confessed to feelings beyond friendship. I would confess how I have searched every ruin or forgotten treasure for something that could compare to even half of your beauty, only to come up with nothing capable of it. I would confess how it has long been you that brought me back to Windhelm time and time again, diverting through that bitter cold and cobbled paths to bring you whatever spoils have come my way and indulge in your company. Truly, you are a ray of the brightest sunlight and most comforting warmth in a city with dire need of such goodness.
I can do little more but apologise for my persistent cowardice, if no longer in an apparent heroic destiny than in relationships, that I never could summon these word whilst with you. If they are not something you could accept from me then I once more implore you to cast them aside guiltlessly, and will only beg that you remember me kindly. And if somehow I do return then I promise I shall return to you, and show you the decency of hearing your reply in person.
My friend Karhjo, whom you have seen with me many a time, will return to the caravan and family he travelled with before our paths crossed. I have tasked Meeko to stay with him too, but you know as well as I by now how wilful and of independent spirit that lovable mutt is, and so who among us knows where he may roam? What little else I have remains with Winterhold.
I have not prayed in a while to anyone other than Arkay. I hope he is listening, along with every other Divine and Daedra as I pray for your health, for your family, and above all for the joy you shared so generously with one who deserved it the least.
I remain in life, death, or anywhere in-between, faithfully yours.
And no, I'm not sure at which point I decided Ryesandeii's writing style is that of a Regency noble on his deathbed.
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it's been hard for some time for me. Weeks, months, the past 3 years. I am not finding any reason to hold on, to hang in there and it's so fucking hard. People say 'it was meant to be' and that feels like a knife, i don't know if all this pain, this intense struggle is meant for me, im 18 years old, I have an exam in 2 days, which is going to decide my entire life and I'm crying here trying to find reason to simply stay in this goddamn planet and coming up with nothing and it's so fucking hard . Above all I want to do well in this test, desperately, but my mind is so fucked up right now it's honestly so hard to simply stay right here, and I feel like I'm going to mess up my life by myself and isn't that so fucking unfair because I want this so MUCH and everything decides to go shit right now when it matters
I'm so sorry for unloading all this on you
Hello, love. Thank you for reaching out. I know in times like this things can feel so hopeless, and it can become completely overwhelming to handle without some reassurance and support. First things first, no matter what happens with your test your worth will not change. You are a whole being, you are loved and you are important. You deserve joy in your life, and I know beyond this difficult period of your life there is so much love waiting to be found.
I'm going to assume this is an educational test, but please let me know if I am wrong. As someone with extremely specific goals that I want to achieve, I know how you can be swept up into how this is your purpose, how it is all that matters, and how any deviation from the plan will ruin it. I can also tell you that none of that has to be true. I planned my college education to a T. I knew exactly where to go, what degree, what specific field, and what timeline. That didn't happen. At first, it did, but life gets in the way and I got thrown off my track. I felt like my world was ending. If I couldn't do this, why should I even be here? But after all of that panic, I'm doing better than I ever was before. I still have the same goals, and while I am disappointed at times that my plan didn't work out I also have so many opportunities to appreciate that I never would have had otherwise. This is where it is so vital to separate your worth from one goal. If you fail the first time, you can try again, you can take a new route, and have a much better experience! But if your worth is based on how well you can do this specific thing, any hiccup will throw you for a loop. You are worth more than your accomplishments. You have your own unique experience, ideas, and interests. You have hobbies, friends, and personal goals. You are only 18, and you have so much life ahead of you to decide to do anything you want. You will grow and change in ways you can't even imagine today, and that is a beautiful thing.
But all of this aside, one thing is the most important. Your life matters, and if you are struggling with feeling depressed or even suicidal the most important thing is not any tests or achievements but getting the help you need. If you aren't healthy it will be infinitely harder to get through what otherwise you could do with enjoyment. Therapy is a vital tool for those struggling with depression, especially if there are factors such as adverse life events or traumatic experiences that may exacerbate the issue. Support groups are also a good option for those who need emotional support throughout their life, and often you can find a group for a very specific niche. I know that at this point it probably feels like it will never get better, but I promise that is not the case. With support and patience healing is possible. Reach out to those you are close with and explain honestly how you are feeling. Having comfort from those we love may not erase our struggles, but it can offer a space to breathe and feel safe. Little things will help you get through the bad days, and that's okay. Staying alive for your pet, your plant, that new show, a tasty food, or anything at all is a good reason.
You have a bright and happy future ahead of you. No one test will take away the years of wonderful experiences and love you will have. Please feel free to reach out for support at any time, whether it's for emotional support or educational advice. You are loved, you are important, and you will get through these difficult times.
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(TW) Heavy Angst Masterlist
a break does exactly what it says on the tin (ao3) - interruptedbyfjreworks
Summary: there was no sad smile, no teary eyes, no final words of goodbye. there was just a door shutting and two men going their separate ways.
all i want (ao3) - AmaranthLiz, orphan_account
Summary: Dan needs some time away. He needs to 'find himself', as dumb as the phrasing is. So, naturally, he fakes his own death.
Be Alright (ao3) - Yiffandquiff (paradisobound)
Summary: There is a darker side behind the hiatus and the ending of Dan and Phil games…one that Dan and Phil never showed.
before/after (ao3) - katesofheaven
Summary: Dan and Phil have a dying daughter and they deal with it in different ways, both before and after she goes.
breathe in, breathe out (ao3) - darkesthorizon
Summary: Dan never thought he'd have to live without Phil, but sometimes he thinks wrong.
Burn (ao3) - cherri_bombe
Summary: sentimentality was our downfall
Can We Just Pretend (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: After being seen cuddling with a childhood friend, Phil thinks Dan is cheating.
Chapped Lips and Fading Days (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan gets cancer, Phil is sad.
(TW) Change Will Come (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: Dan’s a depressed university student. Phil’s just a cute coffee shop barista who writes notes on Dan’s hot chocolates.
Choking on My Thoughts of You (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: The first time Phil coughed up a petal, he thought he was seeing things. He blinked, staring at its perfect edges, almost as if to will it out of existence. There was no way something so small and perfect could have come from his lungs. That couldn’t be possible. Yet there it sat, perfect and white as can be, cupped in his hands.
Phil loved Dan so much it was killing him.
(TW) Demons (ao3) - glitterhowell
Summary: One night Dan and Phil have a terrible fight which results in Dan storming out of the apartment. Dan finds himself in the neighborhood he used to get drugs from the only thing is Dan has been sober of any drugs and alcohol for over six years. Will Dan be able to resist his old comfort and fight the temptation? Will one night ruin his entire life?
don't leave me here alone (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: “Dan, I need you. I can’t do this alone.”
Echoes of your voice (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: Phil's raspy, drunken voice keeps ringing loudly in Dan's ears like a broken radio. He can't forget it, but he can't remember either. He just wants Phil to come back, but he never does.
Falling For Angels (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: Phil has always been an angel for Dan, helping him in the worst of times. But angels can become dark too, so when his does, Dan has to take the fall.
Five Hours Is All I Have (Five Hours Is All We Need) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Death AU in which everyone has the exact time and day they will die written on their back. Phil, with only five hours left in life, ends up meeting Dan, who has the opposite problem.
helplessly helpless: I’m alive, can you hear me? (ao3) - MANIAvinyl
Summary: Dan’s been in a relatively good place. He’s kept his head screwed on tight recently. So because the worst of the storm has passed he feels like it’s on him to help the world to de-stigmatize talking about mental health. When he mentions this to Phil, though, it’s finally revealed how much the last few years have impacted his best friend, too.
hippo milk is actually pink (ao3) - deletable_bird
Summary: In Which Dan Is Drunk, Phil Is Also Drunk, They Hook Up, And Things Just Kind Of Go From There
Lay Us Down (ao3) - thegirlwholikestowrite
Summary: It was like a stab in the chest, the realization. That there would be no more Dan and Phil, no more Pinof, no more live shows together, no more gaming together. No more together. It still didn’t erase the times those things existed.
Lights Low (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: You only want me when the lights low, now that you're drinking will you say you need me?
Marigold and Rosemary (ao3) - AlibiNonsense
Summary: Phil’s a strange child. His first word is ‘why’. He doesn’t speak much and cries a lot and never smiles. His parents take him to doctor after doctor who say that, despite that he’s intelligent for his age, there’s nothing wrong with him. Nigel gives his son fat plastic toy soldiers to wave about in his chubby hands and put into his mouth. Instead, Phil makes a stage out of a baby blanket and has two of the little men carefully hop around it; lines up the rest in rows as an audience and then knocks them over when he’s finished, his face crumpling.
Missing (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: "So we have a new update on the serial killer running loose around London-" Dan turns the tv off, he didn't want to hear anymore. He just wanted Phil back home, safe and sound.
One Last Time (ao3) - ineffabledaniel
Summary: Phil left Dan a week ago, and it only took that week for Dan to realize he can't carry on without Phil. He has to see him one last time to say a few final words.
(Poison) Ivy (ao3) - jkjm191029
Summary: Some beds of roses also have thorns.
(A song fic about 2012!phan based off ‘Ivy’ by Frank Ocean)
Promises From The Dark (ao3) - glitterhowell
Summary: Dan was so deeply in love with his boyfriend Phil he would do anything to be with him again. Even if that meant murder.
Red Like Roses (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Red like roses fills my dreams and takes me to the place you rest...
(TW) Seized (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: It started out as a fun day at the park but it ended in terror. Phil takes his little Dan to the park and while Phil is not looking, Dan suddenly gets kidnapped. What will happen to Dan? Will Phil ever see his boyfriend again? Did Phil have something to do with it?
(TW) Soul Songs (ao3) - Phandiction
Summary: It was said that only by the voice of a songbird could a human truly ever come to know themselves. It was said that everyone had a specific melody and when a songbird sung yours, for the first time you would be completely understood and entirely loved. You would be forever entranced with inner peace caused by the absolute perception of your own being, and therefore that of others.
Dan is a songbird, purchased by the king and cared for by the kings very own messenger, Phil.
the end of all things. (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: they were from two separate sides, it was never meant to be.
(TW) The Killer Of A Mindset and the Mindset of The Killer (ao3) - thegirlwholikestowrite
Summary: Dan Howell likes killing, not because it's brutal, but because it is simple. So when he comes across someone very far from simple with the intentions of killing him, he discovers he isn't as strong as he thought he was.
The Most Human Colour (ao3) - lvckyphan
Summary: “I’m sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell, and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud.” — Richard Siken.
It’s easy to dismiss the things we don’t understand as non-existent. Love is a religion and Phil is agnostic.
To Love You (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: Dan is a rent boy, a male prostitute, a cheap whore, another slut for hire . . . He's heard many more derogatory terms used against him in pointless arguments, regardless of whether it be with friends, family or a random stranger in a dingy pub. He's ashamed of who he's become, but he never says it out loud. He hides things, things like his shame, his pain, and the fact that he's helplessly in love with his bestfriend, Phil Lester.
(TW) Uncle Nick (ao3) - TrashFan
Summary: Phil accompanies Dan to one of the Howell's notoriously drab get-togethers expecting to be bored out of his mind. But when a figure from the past show up and shuts down both Howell boys, Phil wishes more than anything that things could be uneventful and boring.
Unrequited (ao3) - thiccennugget
Summary: Phil doesn't believe in soulmates. Dan's been searching for his for years.
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funlovetoys · 2 months
Universal Rules for Great Sex
Intimate relationships are as diverse as coffee flavors or songs in your playlist. Every couple, and indeed every individual, has their own preferences, secret techniques, and fantasies. However, there is a "golden" list of rules that, if followed, will ensure great sex with almost any partner.
Whether you're at the beginning of your relationship or have been together for so long that your sex life no longer brings the same pleasure, this rule applies everywhere and always. Simply ask your partner what they want or like. Based on their response, decide if you are ready for those conditions or not. This approach is much more effective than secretly attending oral sex courses when your partner dreams of anal sex.
Openly express your feelings during sex—this is a key element for both you and your partner to achieve pleasure. Moans, gasps, scratches, and even light biting can be not only pleasant additions but also valuable feedback and signals that your partner is doing everything right or not.
Never, under any circumstances, fake an orgasm. If your man is not a virgin, he will know that you are faking it. An orgasm has many signs, and loud cries and moans are not necessarily indicators. Believe me, your deception will be uncovered. Why bother with falsification when you can discuss everything and enjoy the process? Don't rob yourself of pleasure. If it's difficult for you to reach the peak without additional help, you can choose a sex toy to your liking from our selection.
Here's a little curious fact that not all women know. A man can climax without ejaculating. So, even if you didn't see physical manifestations, it doesn't mean he didn't experience pleasure.
Safety comes first. This may seem like the most clichéd rule, but statistics on STDs and the number of abortions suggest otherwise. All sex should be protected. Forget about "safe days" and stories that "it's more comfortable without a condom." If he doesn't like latex on his member, fine... In our store, you'll find contraceptives to suit all tastes and budgets.
"Don't be shy..." If you’re naked and kissing in a room, it means you're already desired, and you’re the most beautiful woman and the sexiest man there. In the heat of passion, no one will notice skin imperfections, two-week-old epilation, etc. Right now, nothing matters but your emotions. And they can ruin everything, or rather their absence, because you're fixated on your imaginary problems. People are different, and there are no universal beauty standards. Maybe he’s thrilled by a cute belly, and she adores hairy backs.
Hygiene. Do you think this will be a lecture on how important it is to wash and brush your teeth twice a day? Not really. Although, if you've spent five hours at the gym and then immediately jump into bed, there might be questions. But, for the most part, the natural scent of our bodies drives partners crazy, and you don't need to run to the shower after dinner at a restaurant to smell like strawberry soap. However, if you really want to freshen up, do it together.
Speaking of restaurants, here's another tip. Many prefer to have a certain amount of alcohol as a sedative and to relax. This is not the best idea. You might miscalculate the dose and agree to something you’ll regret in the morning. Or you might fail to perform what she already agreed to. Alcohol is not the best friend of potency or orgasms. So, one glass of wine is enough. This will be plenty for courage if you need it.
"All inclusive" is a great offer if we're talking about hotels in Turkey. In sex, there should be some limitations. We mean that you shouldn't show off all your skills and abilities on the first night. Changing positions every two minutes, suddenly switching from oral to anal sex, pulling a whip, "rabbit," and edible lingerie from under the bed—this will only distract you from the process and prevent you from focusing on what's important. A good foreplay, two to three positions, and that's enough for the first time.
That’s probably enough for today. And remember, rules are made to be broken, but these are probably not worth it. All the additional components that will make your intimacy even more comfortable and vivid can be found on our website. We have everything: contraceptives, lubricants, erotic lingerie, and of course, various toys for couple and solo use.
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premarriagedetective · 3 months
Pre-Marriage Investigation: Why It Matters More Than Ever
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Hey there, future brides and grooms! Let's talk about something that might seem a little unromantic at first: pre-marriage investigation. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Background checks? For the person I love? No way!" But hear me out. In today's world of online dating and long-distance love, getting to know your partner—really know them—is more important than ever.
Here at Pre Marriage Detectives, we're not about ruining your fairy tale. We're here to make sure it has the happiest ending possible. Because let's face it, love might be blind, but marriage shouldn't be!
What's the Big Deal? Why Investigate?
Trust is Good, But Clarity is Better
Think of it this way: you wouldn't buy a house without an inspection, right? Marriage is an even bigger investment—of your heart, your future, and yep, your finances too. A little due diligence can go a long way. It's not that you don't trust your partner. It's that you respect your relationship enough to put all cards on the table.
Better Safe Than Sorry
We've all heard those horror stories. The dream partner who turned out to be married already. The doting fiancé with a secret gambling problem. Nobody thinks it'll happen to them—until it does. A pre-marriage investigation is like an insurance policy for your happily ever after. Wouldn't you rather know about any potential bumps in the road before you set off on your lifelong journey together?
What Can a Pre-Marriage Detective Agency Uncover?
Show Me the Money (Problems)
One of the biggest things we look into? Finances. It's not about how much money your partner has. It's about how they handle it. Are there debts you don't know about? A bankruptcy in the past? Getting this all out in the open now can save you a lot of headaches (and heartaches) down the line.
The Legal Lowdown
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Has your sweetheart ever been in trouble with the law? We're not just talking about major crimes here. Even things like multiple speeding tickets or a suspended license can hint at larger issues. A pre-matrimonial investigation can bring these to light, so you can discuss them openly.
The Ex Files
Past relationships can tell us a lot. Maybe there's an ex-spouse you didn't know about. Or child support payments that will affect your future budget. Knowing this stuff isn't about dredging up the past—it's about being fully informed as you plan your future.
Digital Deep Dives: Because Online Isn't Always Fine
Social Media vs. Reality
We all put our best selves forward on Instagram and Facebook. But is your partner's online persona telling the whole story? A good pre-marriage detective agency will look for any red flags, like hidden profiles or concerning interactions.
Catfish Concerns
Sad but true: romance scams are on the rise. If you met your partner online (hey, no shame in that game!), it's extra important to verify that they are who they say they are. Better to check now than to doubt later, right?
It's a Small World After All: International Investigations
Love Without Borders
Marrying someone from another country? How romantic! But it can also be complicated. Documentation, cultural differences, even the possibility of marriage fraud—there's a lot to navigate. That's where a pre-marriage investigation can be a real lifesaver.
Family Matters
In many cultures, you're not just marrying a person; you're joining a family. Understanding family dynamics, expectations, and any obligations your partner might have can help you start your new life together on the right foot.
Awkward But Necessary: Having "The Talk"
How to Bring It Up
Suggesting a background check can feel about as comfortable as a pebble in your shoe. But it doesn't have to be! Try something like: "Hey, I love you and I'm so excited for our future. That's why I think we should both get pre-marriage investigations. Total transparency, you know?" Framing it as a mutual thing can take the sting out.
What If They Find Something?
Deep breath. Finding out something unexpected about your partner doesn't have to mean the end of the road. It's an opportunity for honest communication. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation. Maybe it's something you can work through together. Or maybe it's a deal-breaker—and isn't it better to know that before you say "I do"?
Leave It to the Pros: Why DIY Won't Do
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Google Isn't Everything
Sure, we can all search social media and maybe dig up an old traffic ticket online. But professional investigators have access to way more. Comprehensive databases, court records, international information—stuff you can't just Google.
Keeping It Legal, Keeping It Ethical
There's a right way and a wrong way to do background checks. At Pre Marriage Detectives, we know all the rules. What's okay to look into, what's off-limits, how to protect everyone's privacy—we've got it covered. No creepy stalker vibes here!
The Price of Peace of Mind
Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish?
I get it. Hiring a pre-marriage detective agency costs money. But you know what's way more expensive? Divorce. Therapy to deal with betrayal. Lawyers to untangle merged finances. When you look at it that way, a pre-marriage investigation is a bargain.
Good Marriages, Happier World
This might sound cheesy, but it's true: when people enter marriage with eyes wide open, it's better for everyone. Kids grow up in more stable homes. Courts aren't clogged with messy divorces. One solid marriage at a time, we're building a society based on honesty and trust. Not bad, right?
Real People, Real Stories
Sarah's Close Call
Sarah was all set to marry her long-distance boyfriend—until a pre-matrimonial investigation revealed he had a wife and kids in another state. Devastating? You bet. But Sarah says she'd rather nurse a broken heart now than shattered trust (and bigamy charges!) later.
Mark and Julie's Happy Ending
When Mark suggested they both get background checks, Julie was hurt at first. But the process actually brought them closer. "Seeing it all laid out, the good and the bad, made me feel like we really knew each other," Julie says. They're now happily married—and big fans of radical honesty.
Crystal Ball Time: The Future of Pre-Marriage Investigation
Tech Meets Trust
As technology evolves, so does the world of background checks. We're talking AI that can spot behavioral patterns, blockchain for super-secure identity verification, real-time data that leaves no stone unturned. The future of pre-marriage investigation is like a really good bouncer: nothing sketchy gets past it.
The New Normal
Here at Pre Marriage Detectives, we have a dream. A world where checking your partner's background is as standard as picking out wedding flowers. Not because we're all suspicious, but because we all value starting marriage on a foundation of total transparency.
Wrapped Up With a (Safety) Bow
Listen, we know romance isn't all spreadsheets and background checks. But we also know that the best love stories are built on trust, honesty, and really knowing each other. A pre-marriage investigation isn't about spoiling the magic. It's about making sure your magic is the real deal.
So before you walk down that aisle, before you say those vows, give yourself the gift of certainty. Because "happily ever after" is way more likely when it starts with clarity.
Here at Pre Marriage Detectives, we're rooting for your love story. We just want to make sure it's not a mystery novel in disguise. Ready to write your next chapter—with no surprises? Give us a call. Let's make sure your forever is built on facts, not just feelings.
After all, they say love is all you need. But we say love and a little investigation make a perfect pair. Happy sleuthing, lovebirds!
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buggie-hagen · 4 months
Sermon for Third Sunday after Pentecost (6/9/24)
Primary Text | Psalm 130
Dear People of God,
       Martin Luther highly commended the Psalms for Christians to read and to pray. The Book of Psalms keeps it real. It’s a book in the Bible that touches grass. It is planted firmly on earth among the people. Here you will find real people with real problems. Here we learn a child of God goes through the same things everyone else goes through. The ups and downs of life. Though what makes us different than others is our relationship to God that we have through faith in Jesus Christ, which is, how things are in the face of God. Can you hear it? The struggle of the psalm writer today. She writes, “Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD” (Ps. 130:1). These are not the words of a person who has their life put together. This is a person with problems. A person overwhelmed. Out of the depths! Think of it as someone who has been plunged hundreds of feet into the ocean. Without the equipment to swim or breathe. We’re helpless like that. We may have convinced ourselves that we are strong, that we can swim to the surface. That we never needed help in the first place. That we are in control of our own destiny. To such things we hold tightly. We are comforted when we think we are the ones in control. But what fleeting and false comfort that is! Only wisdom will realize that in fact, we have very little control over our lives, what happens, what we do, what others do. So, the Psalm-writer, she’s honest with herself! “Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD!” she says. That means, out of the chaos. Out of the ruins. She has loosened her grip, showing that she no longer trusts herself to be the one to get out of this mess. Instead, she addressed her cry to the LORD. It is not the strong and independent that understand the deliverance of God. It is the weak. The needy. It is those who have despaired of themselves, these are the ones whom the LORD will rescue. The writer of Psalm 130 fully puts her trust in him. He will be the one to lift her out of the chaos. She demands of God, “Hear my voice, be attentive to the words coming out of my mouth, hear the voice of my entreaties” (Ps. 130:2). Know this, dear people. We ought to pray at all times. Especially in we are to pray in our time of need. When you’re on your last leg. When you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, these are times to do it. To make known our complaints to God. Which, you will find, we’re always in our time of need. And this is our comfort, that our pleas, as we pray to God and make known what troubles our hearts, our comfort is that the words of our mouths will not land on empty ears. The LORD hears and sees you where you are. In fact, even before the words are on your mouth, with compassion, the LORD knows, he knows what has made you toss and turn at night.
       Next, we have a royal thunderbolt. A verse that knocks our teeth out. It obliterates us of any righteousness we think we might have. It says, “If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?” (Ps. 130:3). This is to say, if the LORD was keeping a checklist of our wrongdoings, our sin, none of us would be accepted by God. We would be condemned. In some sense this verse can help us show a little more mercy, we tend not to be relenting. We can be quite keen on keeping a checklist of the faults of others (or of our self). We justify ourselves, making our cause sound righteous, in the name of fairness we keep a checklist on others, like “Did that person get more than their fair share!” “My brother got an extra piece of ham and I didn’t!” “This other person has never made this mistake before, but they made it now, so I will point it out to them!” We gotta learn when to let things slide. To not be so uptight. It’s not good for anyone that we constantly are seeing the faults in others and making sure they know it, or we feel good making sure someone else knows. But let us zip our lips when it comes to the faults of others. We are the Pharisees who oppose Jesus when we keep checklists on the wrongs of others. Only when we are Christians do we not count sins against others. The psalm says, “If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?” Not one of us stands with righteousness in the face of God. Iniquities is a word for sin. Each of us, equally, are all twisted up by the sin that we’ve inherited, the sin that we are born with. We cannot point to someone else and say, “Hey, I’m better than that person!” The true reality is, we’re not better than others. We need mercy just as much as the next person. So, when we point the finger at someone remember that there are three fingers pointing back at us. The psalm continues, “But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.” The psalm-writer is speaking of the LORD. Forgiveness is with the LORD. We would do well to always remember that forgiveness is at the heart of God’s love for you and me. When he forgives, he is not stingy with his forgiveness. Though you are all knotted up by your sin, it is the LORD out of his kindness who unravels you. Plucks you out of your sin. Not because you deserved it. It is simply because God has chosen you. Jesus is God’s forgiveness. God does not forgive fake people; God does not forgive fake or plastic sins. God is a real forgiver. Meaning, that he forgives grievous sins—which we all have by virtue of being born. It is actually true that even what we consider our noblest and most beautiful deeds—even if all the world were to praise you for what you have done, you’ve gotten the Nobel Prize,  even those so-called good deeds need forgiveness—in the eyes of God we each stand empty-handed—without any goodness of our own.  (pause) This is why we have the tradition of cupping our hands to receive the Lord’s Supper. It shows we bring nothing to God. We are beggars. We live by grace alone, receiving all God’s precious gifts to us as a gift. But with the LORD is forgiveness. He has not counted your sin against you. He has done this in Jesus Christ—whose suffering and death brought about your forgiveness. That way we never look into ourselves for righteousness, but only to Jesus Christ—who is our righteousness. And then we have revered God as God has chosen to be revered.
       What does the Psalm-writer do at this point? She waits. She waits for the LORD with her whole being. And in his word, she hopes. She, like us, depends on the same thing. The word of the LORD. With the LORD is forgiveness, kindness forevermore. It is he who lifts us out of the depths, out of the chaos. And for now, we don’t see how this could be. Even God’s mercy is a matter of faith. We do not know it with our eyes. Our experience does not necessarily confirm God’s kindness. We suffer. We die. We do not get the desires of our hearts. On top of this, there is so much that is unmerciful in this world. So much kindness is only calculated kindness. A transactional kindness. I will love you if you love me, so it goes. If you cross me, my love for you will disappear.
So the Psalmist waits for the LORD, his word will yet prove true. She has a sure and certain hope, one that will not be left disappointed. In Jesus Christ, God is faithful in spite of all evidence to the contrary.  The kindness of the LORD is unconditional. Though we may relish keeping a record of others’ trespasses, the LORD Christ will have none of that, He is not calculating your every wrong. In the cross of Christ God has got out of the accounting business. Christ has put an end to the counting of wrongs. He has taken all the wrongs you and I and all the world have ever done and went through them on the cross, they were nailed into his body. He was punished, so that you could live. As surely as the morning will come, so will the LORD’s word come about. His steadfast love in Jesus Christ will brighten your dawn—even as he already has taken a hold of you.
       The Psalm-writer concludes, “O Israel, hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.” Whatever chaos enfolds your life. Whether it be chaos in your heart, at home, or in the community, or in the country, wherever you find yourself, you have been redeemed. God has given you his word in baptism, in baptism he has put you to death to bring you forth to life. And as you speak to one another and repeat the word of God, the word does what it says, it forgives, it loves, it restores, it heals. Though you are twisted up and tossed about by iniquity, God has smashed the calculator. He has clothed you in his Son. Jesus has been made your dear elder brother. He has made the plunge, brought you up out of the depths of the ocean, and given you breath that you did not have. This is true now. And this is true in the future. Like your brother Christ has been raised from the dead, you will be raised like him—with your soul and body intact you will know the unending kindness of the LORD.
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