#and basically the venom symbiote
darchildre · 1 year
I started a new Starforged game this evening - my character is on an island and, for flavor, I decided to roll to create a cool alien creature that could live there. I didn't have any plans to necessarily include it in the plot, but I like to have animals and stuff for worldbuilding.
And then I rolled a luminescent crystalline whale. So obviously there now have to be crystal whale adventures of some kind.
There are many aspects of Starforged that make it my favorite rpg, but the ease with which you can swap back and forth between fairly grim scifi adventure and a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper cover is definitely in the top 10.
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damndeacon · 2 years
This WILL be the
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mintaikk · 3 months
I know DAMN well that the Venom Movie is NOT getting me into body horror romance-
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yiippeeekaley · 3 months
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From Venom: Along came a spider (1995)
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sebari-1004 · 7 months
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angel-inked · 11 months
How they feel.
WARNING: cannon typical graphic violence in Pierre's part, the killing gene/WΔZ is a part of the horror genre.
I've lost count of how many times I've rewritten Forrest for this, Pierre and Eddie weren't even involved to begin with. It's amazing how things evolve over time, isn't it? Except for Alfie, he was written in a day with minimal editing. lol sometimes, the words just flow out effortlessly, and other times, you need a crowbar to get them out 😆
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
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Addicted. That's really the only word he could think of that could describe the feeling. "Tommy? Are you even paying attention?" Brendan scolded. Tommy turned away from the cafe's window with a glare and a scowl. In all honesty, being trapped in a booth between Brendan and a wall while their father rattled on about everything under the sun across the table was the last place he wanted to be right now. Not to forget, Brendan falling right back into his old habit of holding his older brother seniority over his head. Tommy played with his hoodie string idly, If Brendan wanted to gloat his age, then so be it. His mind went back to a few days ago, when you and him had just gotten in out of the storm that had ruined your evening walk. You were both soaked, but you were laughing. Tommy narrowed his eyes in confusion as he shrugged off his dripping Carhartt. While he wasn't quite sure what you were laughing about, he had to admit that you looked good when you laughed like that. Your laugh sounded like home, and he loved it, just like how he couldn't help but smile when the slasher movie made you squeal last night and snuggle against his side and he savored the warmth of your arms wrapped around his bare, topless abdomen.
"Tommy." Brendan sighed. There it is again. "Do you nag at your girlfriend like this?" Tommy retorted. Before Brendan could think of a comeback, he's a physics teacher, not an English teacher, for a reason. "Tommy," Paddy intervened before his sons teenage-like bickering went any further. "What were you just smiling about?" He asked. "A memory." Tommy replied after a moment of silence. "A memory of someone nether of you have the pleasure of knowing." He added in a murmur. "Maybe do us the pleasure of explaining what the hell you're talking about then." Brendan said, annoyance at his younger brother being less than present in the moment. All this remark did was help Tommy find his scowl again. Scooting as close to the window and as far from Brendan as he could, in the window, Tommy found his reflection staring back at him, his slightly paler than normal complexion and the dark circles beginning to form around his eyes, one of the later was mostly bruising from a left hook he took in his last fight, did little to remind him of his struggling sleep schedule. He sighed quietly through his nose. Eye color, the shape of his jaw and eyebrows. He was the masculine version of his mother. He was always told he looked like her. Looking past himself, Tommy watched autumn leaves fall and scatter across the ground in a lovely array of warm oranges, yellows, and reds, while others danced on the blustering wind. It all reminded him of the night he met you a few Octobers ago.
The next countless number of "What was I thinking coming back here?" Ran through his mind with a sigh. He's been back in the United States for almost twenty-four hours now, and he's wishing he caught a flight back to Tacoma, or anywhere else that wasn't Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Being stuck in his head meant that he wasn't really listening to what was going on around him, not until he felt a hand on his arm. He stopped and looked at you as you nodded toward the busy road he had been blindly marching toward. "Oh," he murmured softly, more so in place of chastising himself. "Is everything alright?" You asked. Tommy remained silent as he hung his head. "Are you a soldier?" You asked, taking notice of a tattoo showing just below his rolled up hoodie sleeve, "USMC" it read. "I am.. or, was." He replied. You directed him to a motel for the night, coming back the next morning and insisting on taking him out for breakfast. Tommy was hesitant, eyeing you silently for a moment before, ultimately, his growling stomach decided for him. Now, Tommy's glad you're as stubborn as he is.
Brendan sighed into his coffee, watching his little brother become lost in his thoughts again. "Brendan, leave your brother alone. He's not bothering you, so I don't see what you're getting out of bothering him." Paddy warned lowly. And Brendan Conlon, as much as he didn't want to, listened to his father for once. Leaving Tommy to swim in his wayward thoughts.
Addicted, yeah. Tommy thought, that has to be it. He's definitely addicted to you.
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"Eames," Arthur started, straightening out of his slouch, "I am impressed.". "Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you." Eames said with his usual teasing smile. Arthur huffed a sigh, leaning back in his chair with a shake of his head at the forger. The sound of a door opening caught the attention of the Inception team, and Eames lost his grin at the sight of your figure in the doorway. He narrowed his eyes and clinched his jaw as he swallowed thickly, making him look somewhat mean. Cobb opened his mouth to ask something along the lines of "who's that?" When he was effectively silenced, "Excuse me for a moment." Eames said shortly, shoving his notes into the chest of the dream thief, and moving toward the door. There's his voice edging into meanness. He led you through the warehouse to an empty room. He leaned back against a folding table and opened his arms to you. Burying your tear soaked cheeks in his chest, "Shh," he soothed, stroking your hair. "What'd he do?" Eames questioned after a moment. "Cheated." You murmured, getting out of a terrible relationship isn't nearly as easy as you wished it could be. "Again?" Eames exclaimed. You pulled away enough to look up at him and nod, but not enough to pull out of his grip. "I'll kill him." Eames stated with malice, anger appearing in his cerulean eyes. Those eyes were usually steady, like the sea lapping against the sand on a calm day, and just like the ocean, those waves would rise with each passing storm. "You have to be the friendliest evil person I've ever met." You said with a weak smile at his immediate thoughts of exacting revenge. "Do not pretend you are some meek, pathetic little thing, darling, when I can see that vicious mind working behind your eyes," he said softly with a smirk, however, this smirk wasn't cheeky, it was as close to sweet as Eames would outwardly show. "Besides, we both know that the suit doesn't fit you." He added.
"Oh, I'll get over it, I just gotta be a bit dramatic first." You explained sarcastically, wiping a few stray tears from your eyes as you took a few steps away from his personal bubble. Your own British accent seeped through stronger when it was just you and him as it always had, and as always Eames was thoroughly amused by this. Eames chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "For someone who doesn't want to lose me, he sure doesn't act like he wants to keep me." You added, shuffling your feet around as you glanced down at the floor and back up at Eames, or as he said, Arthur had called him once, a pesky weasel in a kitschy suit. "What was it he told you last time? Forgive and forget? Well, I'll have him know that I'm neither Jesus nor do I have Alzheimer's, so I wouldn't wager he'd take to kindly to me showing up on his doorstep, now would he?" Eames stated, making you giggle.
There's what he wanted to hear. His face split into a huge grin, not unlike the grin he wore when Arthur was pushed out of his chair backward. However, this grin lacked its usual flamboyance and impishness. Instead, it opted for sincerity. If it wasn't for your bastard of a partner, Eames would've swept you away to Mombasa with him years ago, when that failed inception job brought the two of you together for the first time, it had left Eames absolutely and completely enamored by you. "Do you need a place to stay love?" He asked, and you nodded. "and, if you don't mind my asking, I'd rather Ariadne learn architecture from a proper architect rather than Dom Cobb." He added with another grin, this one more mischievous then the last. A smile took over your features, "I'd love to."
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There aren't many people who could say they've watched a rocket explode. Then again, you were probably the only person who was currently being physically dragged out of bed by the alien symbiote that lived permanently under your boyfriend's skin at the annoying time of two forty-eight in the morning. "You need to come quick!" Vemon urged. With your half asleep senses slowly reeling, all the symbiote got in response was a tried grunt, as expected it did little to deter them, not that there were a lot of things that did. Tendrils carried you into the living room, Eddie held his head in his hands with his elbows on his desk, and his shoulders shook visibly. "There's something wrong with Eddie." Vemon murmured, best as they could anyway, there wasn't much about the symbiote that was quiet, next to your ear, while Eddie proceeded to choke on his own laughter.
The soft blue light of Eddie's laptop lit up his features and defined his figure in the dim living room. His desk was littered with pens, one rested upon his open notebook, hastily scrawled notes in messy handwriting abound. He was always up late working for one reason or another. A half empty water bottle was abandoned on the side with its lid off in Eddie's laughing fit. The sent of a microwave ramen bowl with a kick entered your nose, and you began to suspect what had the symbiote all worked up.
"V isn't too found of having a little spice in their life, I take it." You rasped with sleep stubbornly sticking to your vocal chords. Eddie shook his head with a grin, shoveling a fork full of the noodles into his mouth. "Why would you eat something hot enough to burn you?" Vemon asked, "You should wait until it's cool."
"It's not that kind of hot buddy." Eddie smiled. Vemon narrowed their eyes, "What other kind of hot is there?!" The symbiote exclaimed. You chuckled softly as you pulled up a seat next to Eddie, setting your glass of water down on your boyfriend's desk with a tink nose. "Here," you said, tearing open a chocolate bar and holding it up to Vemon, "This is more to your taste, isn't it?"
Vemon nodded and took the candy with a gentle tendril, breaking it in half with another, eating their half whole and handing the other back to you. Eddie watched you break off another two pieces of the chocolate, eating one yourself and tossing the other in the air for Vemon to catch in their mouth. "Again!" Vemon urged excitedly like a child. Well, a child that has way too many teeth and was made of extraterrestrial ooze. You chuckled and broke off another piece of the chocolate. Eddie's cheeks were slightly sore from grinning at you and Vemon, but the reporter physically couldn't make himself look at the two of you any other way. Most people wouldn't react very well to Vemon. The symbiote was anything but subtle and would often think with their stomach before their head, none of which seemed to have ever bothered you.
This made Eddie feel all warm and gooy inside, like all the good parts of a teenage crush. He's had the thought that he couldn't love you anymore than he does now before, but you prove him wrong every time.
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You were his. You just didn't know it yet. His smile hid his jealousy as he watched you mingle with the Shelbys across the room from the table where he and his men were sat, "Is everything alright, sir?" Ollie asked. Alfie nodded, "if Alfie Solomons wants something, he gets it." He said lowly, eyes remaining locked on you. Downing the rest of his half-full glass of bourbon, Alfie stood and made his way to you. Tommy had insisted that the purpose of this party was making business connections, and for that reason alone insisted that Alfie had to turn up to the festivity. The Wandering Jew was less than eager to attend, so after many tireless calculations, he decided he'd show only to make it clear to Tommy that he didn't want to be there. "Did he complain the whole way from Camden?" Tommy asked, nodding toward Alfie as he turned to Ollie. Alfie scoffed at the question, glancing around the room. Once his eyes found you, he found himself completely enthralled. Ollie watched a certain Birmingham native curl his thin pale lips into a smirk before excusing himself.
Now, Alfie watched you laugh as he made his way to you. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and a smile formed on his face as he watched your eyes sparkle in the elegant lighting. Any party thrown by the Shelbys was bound to be extravagant and have an endless supply of drink. However, there was a catch. There was always a catch. You were laughing at something Arthur said, once again stirring the jealousy in Alfie's gut. Stomping that out as much as his heart would let him, he continued his approach. "Hello Alfie," Arthur said with a grin, "didn't think you'd show.". "Well, you stand corrected!" Alfie exclaimed, throwing his hands out to the sides. Unbeknownst to him, you were admiring the way his hips swayed as he walked up to you and the Shelbys. A smile lined your lips, Tommy's plan was working just as you hoped it would. Tommy barely tried to hide his smirk, rubbing his cigarette over his lips before lightning it as he watched Alfie Solomons do what he did best, talk, and you were the main focus of his attention, Arthur shared a knowing look with Tommy. "Right, gentlemen!" Tommy exclaimed, "shall we leave Alfie to his monarch?" He said, eyeing the grins his family was wearing. Alfie eyed Tommy suspiciously, "The fuck you playin' at mate?"
"Don't worry," Tommy said, patting Alfie's shoulder as a wave of Shelbys surrounded the three of you on all sides, "I put in a good word for you." He explained, gesturing to you, and with a nod, he left to follow his brothers.
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Jack grimaced as the metallic thunk of brass colliding with bone filled his ears, "Yep, that's what he's talking about." Howard said with an amused grin. Forrest nodded to himself, gripping his brass knuckles tightly before slipping them back into his pocket, out of sight. "Yeah, alright now." He said softly, stepping over the unconscious man, moving toward his younger brother. "Jackrabbit," Forrest and Howard said in unison, both pausing to glance at the other. Jack remembered mom calling his big brothers' twin flames of a sort, as they always seemed to know what the other was thinking before anything was said, and because they spoke in unison like this far too often for it to be a coincidence. Forrest wouldn't admit it out loud, but they were rather compatible as a unit. As long he was at the head of the operation at least.
Howard rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward chuckle as Forrest grumbled incoherently under his breath. Jack glanced between the pair with a mix of wonderment at Forrest's handling of the situation and embarrassment at being caught at knife point and not being able to defuse the situation himself. "Forrest!" A familiar voice called. The brothers turned to see Ida Belle rushing toward them, "is everything alright?" She asked, Forrest nodded to the man on the ground, watching a grimace spread across Ida's face. "He'll wake up," he started, Ida snapped her attention back to the middle brother. "Probably with less teeth, but it should at least make'em reassess his life choices a little bit." Forrest murmured, shaking his head at the man. Jack tentatively removed himself from the wall, taking a few steps forward to gawk at the man's face. The would-be burglar's nose was likely broken, and his skin was already turning many shades of purple and black amongst the crimson liquid that coated the bottom half of it, and the imprint of brass knuckles could still be made out.
Forrest removed his hat and held it against his chest. Jack figured it was a show of courtesy for Ida Belle rather than for the man laid out on the ground. Everybody knew Howard could become volatile at a moments notice, but what seemed to take people off guard was when Forrest lost his temper. Jack felt rough hands grab his shoulders and yank him off his feet. His shoulders were the first thing to collide with the hard ground, and his back hit second. "Fuck you Howard!" The eighteen year old exclaimed. "Oh, whatever you say, little doggie." Howard grinned widely. The pair froze at the sound of the middle brother's soft gruff laugh. Howard smiled, glad to hear the happy sound. Jack fought with his features as he picked himself up, Forrest certainly made keeping a straight face look easier than it actually was. Jack lost this battle when he noticed Howard smirking at him, and his eyes narrowed into a glare.
With a soft grunt, Forrest brought a cigar up within inches of his face. Storm grey eyes inspecting the roll of tobacco from end to end before clamping his teeth down on it. Jack watched him slip his hand back into his pocket for a match as the sound of a subtle click came from behind him. There was no mistaking what this sound was, the safety on a weapon. Forrest slid his fingers into his brass knuckles for the second time tonight. When he turned around, he was met with a smile. You stowed your pistol back in the holster on your hip, "I thought I told you to stay inside!" Ida Belle exhorted. You merely huffed in her direction, much too taken by the stranger in front of you. "May I?" You asked, reaching for the cigar. Jack didn't think you looked like much of a threat. However, he knew Forrest thought otherwise, eyeing you up and down agonizingly slow until another grunt rumbled out of his chest, and he thrusted the cigar into your hand. You retrieved a square shaped metal lighter and allowed white smoke to waft out of your nose while you repocketed your lighter. Jack often wondered what preference Forrest had for carting around a box of matches to light his smokes with as opposed to an actual lighter. Matches had their other uses, like lighting oil lamps, the campfires people would huddle around after dark, and Howard's favorite, shine stills. Jack could ponder till his puzzler was sore, and the only conclusion he would ever come to was that this was simply a quirk of his silent older brother. "Good taste." You smirked, passing the cigar back to Forrest, who grunted.
Howard noted a look of bewilderment appeared in Forrest's eyes after he returned the smoke to his lips and removed it again, inspecting it. Was there something wrong with it? Howard wondered. "Hmm." Forrest hummed, leveling his steely gaze with the side of your head as he wedged the already flattened end of the cigar between his teeth and firmly bit down on it. Ida Belle introduced you to the brothers properly, adding that you were new to Franklin County. Forrest grunted lowly at this. "What on earth could've brought you to a town this small?" Jack questioned. Forrest shook his head like he thought the question to be of little relevance. "Work mostly. My mother wanted to marry me off, but I'd rather carve my own path in life." You responded casually. Forrest snapped his attention back to you, "Hmft." He grunted softly. Jack gave Howard a confused glance, the eldest only shrugged in response. "We ought to let you boys get back to work." Ida said, attempting to corral you back inside. You shot Forrest a smile over your shoulder, effectively locking him in place. He glanced toward his brothers as he heard a truck door slam. Jack was already griping the wheel, and Howard was sauntering toward the back end of the brothers shared vehicle. The eldest stopped by the driver's door, appearing to have been smacked by a thought, and spun on his heels to see Forrest hadn't moved. "Are we gonna get a move on before sunrise, Forrest?" Howard liked to tease his baby brother for being slow and lumbering. "Hmft." Forrest grunted again, at the remark. Forrest turned back in your direction, contemplating his actions for a moment. He whistled to get your attention. "Ida Belle! Wait just a minute, now!" He hollered, catching up with you. "What the hell is he doing?" Jack asked impatiently. "Well, I'll be damned to hell," Howard grinned from ear to ear with a chuckle, watching his baby brother converse with you, knowing his brother well enough to know something had his interest piqued. "looks like ol' Forrest found something that intrigues him."
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A friend had warned you against taking a job in your area. You knew you lived in a bad part of New York, but you didn't need someone to tell you that. you grew up there despite it all. Besides, working at the diner was decent, you made ends meet and your new job had brought new friends along with it. "The usual?" You smiled cheerfully at the group of rowdy boys who just walked in. "As always." Pierre smiled. He was always the dominant one, acting before any of the others. You'd even heard some of them call him boss a few times. "How's Alice doing, PJ?" You asked as you refilled his coffee. Pierre perked up at the nickname, his pale features practically beamed as he pretended not to hear his friends snickering. They've told him repeatedly to ask you out already. "She's good." He replied. This is what the two of you bounded over, Pierre lived with and cared for his elderly grandmother, who was struggling to get around these days. She's not getting younger, after all. You lived with and cared for your ailing father. His health and characteristic charisma had taken a hit when a back injury forced him into retirement. He buried himself in his construction job after the divorce from your mother. Had it been up to him, he would've worked himself into the ground. You were currently one of the only things keeping the old man afloat.
"When are you gonna make a move, man?" Jamal asked. Pierre rolled his eyes. A glare quickly replaced his nonchalantly as he spotted the man who had been openly flirting with you over the last week ordering a coffee from you, Pierre and his boys used to come to the diner every other Wednesday after the lunch rush, but Pierre has been showing up daily since this started. If there was one thing that Pierre didn't like, was someone else encroaching on something he had convinced himself was already his. "Might be sooner than we think." Khalid, Jamal's twin, said lowly, recognizing the dark look in Pierre's eyes. "Don't do somethin' stupid, Pierre." He growled, grabbing Pierre's hood and wrapping it around his hand just in case. Pierre was compulsive at best, and flat out obsessive at worst. The rest of the gang have had to physically restrain him more then once because of his inability to control himself. "Alright, alright! Jesus don't fucking choke me!" Pierre griped, trying to yank his hoodie out of Khalid's hold, effectively gaging himself in the process.
The diner cleared out as the sky grew dark, Pierre broke off from his friends. "I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow." He said, propping himself against the outside of the diner. "Don't do anything stupid." Khalid warned again, resulting in Pierre flipping him off. The gang walked on regardless, unwittingly leaving Pierre to lie in wait for his target. Pierre spent the next half an hour psycing himself up, gripping the glock he kept hidden under his shirt. Finally, the targeted man emerged from the diner, walking past Pierre and down the block. Pierre knew the back alleyways well, sure he'd have to jump a few fences that he knew he wasn't supposed to, but who cares? He had to get ahead of this guy. Weaving his way through the dark passages, he peaked his head around the corner and spotted the man again. He plastered himself to the wall and exhaled heavily. His heart was like thunder pounding in his chest. He would never grow tired of this feeling, Pierre thought. The man, whose name Pierre couldn't be bothered to remember, appeared in his vision, causing Pierre to act. Snatching his victim off the sidewalk and yanking him deeper into the alley.
Pierre chuckled darkly as the man scrambled to get to his feet again after being thrown onto his back, Pierre appeared somewhat scrawny, writing him off as such would often prove fetal. Never underestimate the insanity of Pierre Jackson. Pierre laughed and knocked the man back down with a well placed kick and placed his foot on his chest. "Any last words bitch?" Pierre grinned wickedly, tossing his leather jacket aside and retrieving the glock from his belt. "N..nn..no." the man stammered. "No?" Pierre taunted, "Well, too fucking bad." He added, squeezing the trigger. Bang. The deed was done, no going back now. Pierre's arm fell to his side limply. He breathed heavily as the thrill of his actions enraptured him. Soon enough, muscle memory kicked in, and Pierre began rummaging through the man's pockets. A wallet, a lighter, and a pack of cigarettes, he could make use of these. He placed the unfiltered end of one of the stolen cigarettes between his teeth, not bothering to light it. He just wanted something to chew on.
His cell tone brought him out of his daze, he stumbled from the slight dizziness of standing up too quick and almost fell, "Fuck!" He hissed in irritation. Grabbing his phone from his jacket, "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Pierre, are you very far from the diner?" You're voice came through the other end of the line. "About half a block, what'd ya need?" He asked. "We just heard a gunshot nearby," you started, making Pierre aim a glare at his lifeless victim for screwing things up again. "Could you come walk me home?" You asked, completely unaware of the part Pierre played in the ruckus. "Yeah, sure I can, just give me about five minutes." Pierre responded. "Okay." You said, hanging up. Glancing down at himself, Pierre noticed the blood splattered over the front of his hoodie, he thudded his head back against the wall with a sigh, lolling it to the side in order to stare down his jacket that he threw on the ground in a haphazard manner. He grabbed it and zipped it up hastily to hide the evidence, pulling himself together and checking the cost was clear before darting out of the alley. A toothy grin appeared on his face as he headed back to the diner. He achieved his goal of eliminating the competition, and was giddy at not getting caught.
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fiepige · 1 year
Venom!Hobie Cat-Symbiote AU!
Okay so I might have made an AU of my AU...
It's based on my Venom!Hobie au but with a slightly (?) lighter tone in the sense that Hobie actually gets along well with his symbiote. Though they initially mostly get along due to shared mutural trauma... (But more about that later)
This version of the symbiote is more animalistic and usually communicates with Hobie through emotions- sorta projecting its own emotions and feelings towards him to let him know how it feels about something, though it might also communicate via single words or short sentences but that's pretty rare.
So, I'll do like I did in my original Venom!Hobie post and focus on the Design first:
Since they get along the symbiote feels safe around Hobie and thus it'll often "extend" itself outside of him and take the shape of a (freaky looking) cat - Kinda like how VENOM is able to partially seperate itself from Eddie while still being tethered to him:
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Like this but they actually get along and the symbiote looks kinda like this:
(Once again- I CANNOT draw but the brainrot is stronger so I need to share this)
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(I didn't draw the symbiote goo that would extend from it to tether it to Hobie but it's there I swear!)
Since this is Spider-Punk's symbiote I wanted some of the spikes to carry over in this design
I haven't quite decided if it should have the "running-mascara" look (buttom drawing) for its eyes like Spider-Punk's mask has or not so lemme know what you guys think?
The spikes are used as a way for it to communicate to others as a way to make its body language more expressive (though it only shows itself around people it really trusts so it rarely uses them as it still just communicates its emotions directly to Hobie when it needs to)
And like with Venom!Hobie the spikes are reminiscent of symbiote teeth
When it's relaxed/happy the spikes will be pressed down towards its body - making it easy to pet- if somebody would dare approach it that is
Hobie pets it a lot as it usually sits on his shoulder when he walks around (when there's nobody around that is)
The symbiote is still made of the same goo as regular symbiotes so it does not feel like petting a cat at all- Hobie doesn't mind but most other people find it rather unpleasant to touch
The "fuzzy" look is just the symbiote goo trying to imitate cat fur
The reason the symbiote takes this form is partially because it's more animalistic and likes physical affection (from people it trusts, it will bite your hand off if it doesn't like/trust you and you try to pet it) and partially because Hobie is a cat person and it used it as a method to make Hobie like it more when they first "met" + petting it helped Hobie calm down and still does
It's gotten pretty good at mimicking cat noises including purring
It'll usually stay on Hobie's shoulder or sit in his lap like this, it's still tethered to him so it can't go that far without him - not that it really wants to anyways
If it likes someone it'll rub itself against their legs and mimic purring noises
Okay now we move on to the
This is my current headcanon for this AU but as always feel free to share your thoughts/ideas/inputs if you have any <3
Hobie and the symbiote "met" at one of Oscorp's labs
Hobie was living as a homeless teen (13-14 years old having escaped an abusive household a few months prior) and was captured by Oscorp to be used for their symbiote experimentations
Hobie was an easy target as he had just been bitten by the radioactive spider a few hours prior and thus he was starting to suffer from the fever the bite gave him
Hobie was to be fused with a new kind of symbiote
The symbiote had been made to make people more susceptible to orders- making them less inclined to think for themselves
But in order to make that possible the symbiote had been put through some rather painful and extreme experiments- making it more "dead" than alive at this point
When it's fused with Hobie, who's still very sick at this point, the spider bite is still working its magic on Hobie's body and thus it also partially heals the symbiote
Both Hobie and the symbiote are terrified of their situation as they're put in holding cells made specifically for symbiotes.- Their only comfort is each other.
The symbiote takes on the cat like appearance to soothe Hobie after being subjects to a particularly bad experiment
Since Hobie's gotten powers from both the spider bite and the symbiote they quickly become the subjects for many inhumane and painful experiments as the scientists futilely try to figure out how to replicate the symbiote (as they're unaware of the spider bite, thinking the symbiote alone is behind Hobie's new powers)
Due to the symbiote Hobie develops a taste for human flesh
And he gets his first taste of it as he manages to escape the lab during one of their many tests- killing as many guards and scientists on their way out as possible. (This is also the first time they fully transform into Venom!Hobie)
He would later return and burn the lab down completely.
As a result of their treatment at the lab + Hobie's past with his abusive family, both him and the symbiote have developed a deep distrust to other people.
Which is also why Hobie isn't trying to get rid of the symbiote, he considers it his only friend for a long time.
Hobie still loves playing music (which is also how he eventually makes new friends) but has had to make some adjustments due to the symbiote, thus he usually uses both earplugs and noise cancelling earmuffs when he's playing and even then he still gets migraines if he plays for too long or too loud
He still craves human flesh and will usually target cops or anyone associated with Oscorp to sate his hunger.
He doesn't feel bad about killing but will still try not to harm civilians (emphasis on try- sometimes the hunger gets the best of him)
He still operates as Spider-Punk but for a long time he's mostly fueled by his hatred for Oscorp and how they treated him and the symbiote
But as he slowly learns to open up to people he starts to shift his focus onto figting to help people and make the city safer (which means he'll still target cops and Oscorp employees but that's not his only focus anymore) (he also makes an effort to actually save civilians at this point)
Though due to the symbiote and their past this version of Spider-Punk is more prone to just straight up killing his villains (+ he still gotta eat right?)
But I'd like to imagine that this version of Hobie also finds his own community who help him out and accept both him and the symbiote
Giving them kind of a "happy" ending despite this version of Hobie being more messed up and unhinged...
Once again this turned out way longer than I intended lol (I just can't shut up about Venom!Hobie, the brainrot is real!)
Thank you so much for reading!!! <3 <3 <3
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(And please let me know if you have any thoughts/inputs/questions about anything I wrote! The brainrot is real and I'll never get tired of talking about this guy)
Also click here if you wanna read more about my Venom!Hobie concept <3
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vulpinesaint · 20 days
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yeah obviously he said this for real. don't worry about fact-checking it it's literally fine
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the-stove-is-divorced · 6 months
For the celebration, congrats by the way, what was your thought process coming up with "Hello Fellow Wartior?" Like, were there any things you were inspired by specifically?
Thank you!! And tysm for asking something! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
And oh! That was specifically inspired by the absence of a lot of venom symbiote & peter dynamics, funnily enough? The venom arc was always my favorite thing in any movie or episode it' appears in, but it always felt like never lasted every long or even felt off? Like it was just an obligatory addition to check off the list instead of a moment of character exploration like it should be.
Though, Specular Spider-Man is the exception for giving it the proper weight and focus! Like, you can see the slow changes beginning to take form including in his thought process / narration. It isn't just suit good! Suit bad! Get off! You can see the underlying horror.
I ended up rambling to a friend about my frustrations, or the potential for venom arc's in general, because yeah, we know how it always goes but Spidey has alternate universe's, is there any where he keeps it? Where their bond is healthier? And I didn't see jack shit. And I, pissed the fuck off there wasn't, realized if I wanted it I'd have to do the damn thing myself, and there we are! From there, since I was twisting some classic rules, I could twist some others, like fuck it, like both MJ and Harry find out!
And then trying to mold the symbiote into something well intended but still potentially harmful, so I could keep the classic aggression and hostility exhibited by black suit Spidey, but give it a different context. Plus something to challenge Spider's sacrificial streak by being nagged into a healthier life style, haha! I wanted to make it fun and different, basically.
All in all, I was pissed the fuck off there wasn't more venom and spidey content, then realized I could be as self indulgent as I wanted to be and explore "what if he kept it?" and it snowballed from there! The absence of what I wanted was so upsetting I needed to do it myself. Tysm for asking! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡♡♡
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bumblydumbly · 3 months
There are a lot of things I love about venom 2 and a lot of things i disagree with (but is really just the same thing kinda)
Love Venom’s behavior pretty much the whole time gotta be honest (aside from his Anne obsession and subsequently his time inside of Mrs. Chen)
Was very unimpressed (person to character) with Eddie’s behavior for most of the movie, BUT its kinda tied to the root issue i had with this movie—
Sanitizing Venom (painting him as a ‘good guy’).
Okay so, the antagonists of this movie are Cletus and Carnage, Cletus being a known serial killer and Carnage being, well. Borne of anger and fear and blood and conflict—so really into killing lots and lots and not really to eat.
So above board, they dont want your protagonists to be comparable to these guys! They cant kill and eat bad guys on a regular basis bc that is too similar to killing innocent people obviously.
But, Eddie is totally cool with it in the first movie by the end and is willing to compromise. So “the FBI is investigating them”, and Eddie is really selfish and mean to Venom as a result.
Which brings me to: the bullshit reasons they give for the FBI to be investigating them:
“Multiple dead bodies at your building last year” most of the characters where definitely still groaning when Eddie had to jump out the window (not to mention the ones who were alive continued giving chase), but even if he was investigated it would be self defense, bc they CLEARLY broke into his apartment and attacked him. Not really FBI-worthy unless they were investigating private security services
“That bizarre outburst at the lobster restaurant,” The staff decidedly did NOT call the police? They called an ambulance, which likely also has files or documentation of calls, but nowhere near as accessible as a police report, so why is that even on the FBIs radar? Even if it was, the results from the hospital visit were unlike anything theyd ever seen, but its not entirely uncommon for sporadic behavior to occur in fevered patients. Not really FBI-worthy, either.
“And only you at The Life Foundation when that rocket exploded” Actually? Seriously? The only person who was anywhere near the Life Foundation after Riot killed all of the scientists (which. is pertinent and not feasible for Eddie to have done) was Anne, and we dont really see her leave to know WHEN she left, but any record of eddie at the life foundation was literally Being Kidnapped, unless we’re expected to believe that after being blown probably 60 feet away from the rocket and into the bay that he swam TOWARDS the life foundation instead of away just so the police have a witness. Very plausible.
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labwebs · 11 months
A couple of thoughts on post-Spider-Man 2 Peter:
He tends to describe himself as "on an extended break" rather than "retired" from Spider-Man. Though he is finding fulfilling ways to help others outside of the suit, he knows he'll suit up again one day. He hopes it won't be for a big, Avengers-level but they never show up for it, city-wide emergency but... he knows his life.
Peter promised MJ that his break would last at least until a month after everything on their to-do list for their house is completed. Enough time to fix and update everything that needs it, and enough time to enjoy it as well. Of course, if Miles asks he'll be there, but both of them are very confident that he'll be able to handle things on his own for a while.
Though he often uses his usual spider powers around the house casually (really, few things are more freeing than being around those who know his secret so he can be his full self and not have to hide his abilities), he has completely ignored his still-lingering "anti-Venom" abilities. The longer he's had to process everything that happened, the more freaked out he is about still having anything alien still a part of him. So he's just going to ignore it and hope it's never something he has to rely on again. He'd much rather be the best Spider-Man he can be under his own power.
Speaking of processing, dealing with the aftermath of everything that happened without the outlet of swinging around the city does sort of sneak up on him and surprise him with how difficult that becomes. Of course, he relies on MJ and really they both have a lot of trauma to work through from that week... but it sort of hits him like a train when he finally processes that he died. And that he would've stayed dead if it wasn't for Harry... and then he hates himself even more for how he treated his friend.
As a sort of side-project, he picks up photography and developing film as a hobby again. It's about the one thing he cheats on with using his powers outside of his house- though never in an obvious, show-off way. Just sometimes he's gotta get the right angle and the best way to do that is to get to a rooftop, y'know? He's taken a few pictures of Miles in action solo, too- and makes sure to only sell those to not the Daily Bugle. Obviously.
He is determined to work up the nerve to propose to MJ before his break from Spider-Man is over :)
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stainapologists · 4 months
Another reform school kid is "guy with a sentient quirk that behaves like a personification of gender dysphoria"
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swiftyangx12 · 2 months
…Kenji Sato x Venom![Reader]
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Hear me out, it’s just a thought (and a fic idea if anyone wants to try out).
Imagine Kenji Sato meeting [Reader] (Gender Neutral or any gender since it’s still an idea) who seems like any ordinary individual, just someone vacationing in Tokyo. They’re also a huge baseball fan, especially for the Dodgers and politely asked for a photo with him. (Which is a normal occurrence for the famous player.)
They seem like a cool person and just enjoying Japan before their time ends.
Then one night during a Kaiju attack, Ultraman is doing his best fighting against one. However he seems to be losing his grip until large dark tendrils latches around the Kaiju’s neck and was being yanked back. Who helped Japan’s hero is none other than America’s infamous Venom, standing on the tallest building near the area.
???: “Venom, don’t kill it. Let Ultraman take care of the rest.”
Venom: *Grumbles* Then it would not be fun.
???: “We don’t have clearance to eliminate these things. Fall back. I promise to buy those chocolate candies tomorrow. Okay?”
Venom: Mmm…Fine.
After a few harsh blows by Venom, he disappears into the dark. Ultraman was able to lead the Kaiju away from the city and is questioning what just happened.
Then another night, Kenji accidentally witness Venom in an alleyway shifted back to [Reader], the same fan who asked for a pic with him.
Kenji: It’s you!
Venom: *In their mind* “Busted!”
[Reader]: Oh, right. I have some explaining to do.
So yeah, [Reader] explained they unintentionally picked up a Symbiote back home and basically formed a symbiotic bond as a host with a…parasitic alien.
Kenji: You’re hosting a parasite…
Venom: I am not a parasite!
[Reader]: *Yanks him back and spoke in a stern tone* Venom, behave. I’m sorry. He doesn’t like being called that.
I just want to get this out before my brain rots from the idea.
[Edit]: I fixed a minor detail about which team Kenji plays for.
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possessmedude · 9 months
Venom Muscle Possession - Part 1
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Ryan was a hot young jock, but he wanted to make more progress on his body. He has been working out every day for over a year and can’t seem to make his muscles bigger. They were a good size, but he wanted them much bigger. He was getting undressed in the locker room when the Venom symbiote noticed him. Venom needed a new host and could sense the eagerness in Ryan. After observing Ryan’s tight body, Venom knew he would be a great new body for him.
Ryan had finished undressing and looked around to the empty locker room. He heard something behind him and he turned to see Venom manifesting into his humanoid form. His jaw dropped as he saw the large, muscular symbiote standing before him. Venom stuck his long tongue out of his mouth and into Ryan’s, going deep into his body. The feeling was euphoric and Ryan clinched his body and muscles. Venom’s tongue snapped back into his own mouth and he smiled. Ryan stumbled and looked back at Venom while admiring his huge muscles. He could feel a connection between his body and Venom’s, a yearning to be one.
“What do you want?” Ryan asked. Venom smiled saying “I need a new host to be my body and you’re the perfect vessel to host me.” “So you want to take over my body?” Venom licked his lips and said “Basically, yes. But it would be my body now.” “Why would I let you do that?” Ryan asked. Venom stepped closer to Ryan, grabbing his hands and putting them above his head and pinning him to the lockers. Venom put his head into Ryan’s pits and inhaled, breathing in his manly twink scent. “I see how you look at the other men in this gym with jealousy over their muscular bodies, and their big cocks. Let me inside you and you’ll be the alpha male, you’ll have all my muscles, and a huge dick.”
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Ryan couldn’t believe it, but he looked at Venom with such admiration - he wanted every drop of him inside him. Ryan said “Do it, take my body” and then threw himself at Venom. Venom embraced Ryan’s body and started unraveling and wrapping himself around Ryan’s tight, muscular body.
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Ryan felt Venom slithering over his body like a second layer of skin. It felt absolutely amazing, he reveled in bliss as Venom slithered his way up his torso, tightening around his biceps, then spreading to cover his cock and balls, all while caressing them while he spread. Ryan was so excited and loved the feeling Venom gave his body, he couldn’t wait. “Yes Venom, fucking take my body. Give me all of you - I want it all!” Ryan yelled.
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Ryan’s body jerked backwards into the locker, with his hands above his head. He wasn’t in control of the parts of his body Venom has spread to. He involuntarily flexed his biceps then felt up his muscles which Venom was making even bigger. The symbiote was spreading up his neck and Ryan began smiling at the thought of another man controlling his body. “Come get me man!” Ryan yelled as Venom’s head hovered in front of Ryan’s face. Venom then shoved his head into Ryan’s face and his classic Venom face formed over Ryan’s.
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“Fuck, you feel great Ryan, thanks for the body” Venom said while cracking his new neck. “This is only the first part to make sure you feel good, now comes the good part.” Venom started to turn into goo again and started flowing from all parts of Ryan’s body into his open mouth. With Venom still in control and Ryan in the backseat, Ryan’s body was chugging the symbiote down, even pushing as much as he could into his mouth. Ryan still felt everything and loved the sensation of the cool symbiote sliding down his throat and filling out his big, buff body.
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He felt Venom sliding into his leg making them huge, filling his abs with chiseled definition, pumping up his big pecs, and sliding into his arms and making his biceps and triceps enormous.
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Then Venom slid into his cock and caused it to grow to a full 13”, followed by pumping into his balls, making them huge and fall with a thud. Ryan’s body groaned and stretched as the remaining drops of the symbiote entered his body.
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Ryan’s new incredibly buff body relaxed as Venom settled into his new host. He grabbed his jockstrap and took a deep whiff. “Fuck, you smell like such a man. Well…I smell like such a man.” Ryan smirked. Lifting his hairy armpit to his nose, he took a deep whiff and smiled, with his cock getting erect at the manly smell. Venom’s long tongue came out of Ryan’s mouth and licked his pit and biceps. “Delish” Ryan said, while flexing in the mirror.
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Ryan decided to go lift weights in the gym to further bond the symbiote and human body by tearing and rebuilding their muscles together.
Ryan walked out onto the gym floor with manly cockiness. All the guys in the gym stared at him in shock and awe of how quickly he bulked up so much.
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A jock named Brock, who used to be bigger than Ryan, approached Ryan in the locker room. “Hey man, what’s gotten into you? What’s your secret?” he asked. “A big boost, want some of it?” Brock responded with a “fuck yeah!” Ryan smirked and said “Open wide”. Brock, confused, did as instructed and opened his mouth wide open.
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Ryan grabbed him and started shoving his tongue down Brock’s throat. Brock was confused and his initial instinct was to push Ryan off of him. But he continued to embrace Ryan, and then he felt something entering his mouth. He began to panic but Ryan had him locked in place. Brock felt a second symbiote slithering down his throat and beginning to fill out his body. It spoke to him in his head “You are my new body now. Accept me, let me in. We will be one. We will be as big as Ryan. You want this, you want to have his strength.” Brock was resistant but then started flexing and feeling the strength filling his body. “We will be huge together. Our body will be a beast among men. All men will crave your body, our body.” Brock’s cock started to grow at the arousal. Brock accepted the symbiote and chugged it deeper into his throat.
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Ryan released his lips from Brock as the last of the symbiote spawn slithered down Brock’s throat. Brock’s body squirmed around while the new symbiote got adjusted in his body. Ryan watched his symbiote spawn take over Brock’s muscular body limb by limb and enjoyed every second of it. Brock’s body had grown in size and mass similar to how Ryan’s did. The last of the symbiote traveled up Brock’s throat ready to reach his brain and take complete control of his body. Brock was smiling as he felt the symbiote traveling to his head. “Fuck yeah man!!! I’m fucking huge! Give it to me!!” he yelled. Brock’s eyes rolled back into his head and he stumbled backward. A smirk slowly grew across Brock’s face as the symbiote was now in full control. Brock started flexing his muscles and feeling his body, rubbing his cock and balls. “How does it feel?” Ryan asked. Brock said “Amazing” as he continued to flex his huge biceps.
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Ryan stepped toward Brock and began feeling his symbiote bonded body. The two began to make out, diving their abnormally long symbiotic tongues into each other’s mouths. Ryan took a deep whiff of Brock’s pits and licked them with his long tongue. Brock shivered in ecstasy at the feeling. Ryan slapped Brock’s naked ass and said “Come on, we have lots to do”.
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To be continued…
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depresssant · 2 months
thinking about a venom!reader in the MHA world...
ok i got very carried away with the dabi part but ykyk. uh two are platonic yan and the other is romantic. but basically, i was thinking about a quirkless reader who becomes the host for venom in the mha world. how cool would that be?
maybe i'll do a deadpool one as well, but i love venom too much atm.
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⏤ venom!reader: you're just a quirkless reporter with a dark past. you work⏤well, worked for a news channel diligently, making sure to bring justice if not through a quirk, then through a camera. that is, until you investigate a company accused of trafficking quirkless civilians to test for quirk development. however, the chairman of the company doesn't take kindly to your intrusion and has you fired.
⏤ venom!reader: you sneak into the company's lab with the help of one of the chairman's closest scientists. you stumble across an alien, symbiote, from a whole different planet. this symbiote picks you as its host and you now have a literal parasite feeding off of you. the chairman is ecstatic since none other hosts have lived as long a you, so he sends men to capture you but venom is having none of it.
⏤ venom!reader: you escape from the chairman's men while accidentally getting your boyfriend, soon-to-be fiancé murdered in the process. you swear to get revenge, and the hero commission is more than willing to turn you into a hero if it means using you to push their agendas.
⏤ venom!reader: you accept despite knowing this won't end well. your mind is on revenge and revenge only. you want to murder the chairman, but for now, you have to bide your time. you're paired with the pro hero hawks, and he wants to be your friend so damn bad. you're assigned as an apprentice under the number one hero and decide to use these people to help you with your revenge.
— venom!reader: you're able to charm everyone with a charismatic personality. okay. that was a lie. you're brash, reckless, and stubborn, but perhaps that's something the number one hero's masterpiece loves about you. you're like... the wild older sister that's always bringing chaos to the family. you take shoto todoroki out on outings when you're not working yourself to the bone, and it warms his icy heart. you return to his home bloody and bruised up after a long day of fighting villains, and the first thing on your mind is to help him with his homework? the way you look after him is so domestic and familial.
— venom!reader: you make shoto want to keep you in his home forever, away from harm's way. you're destined to be his older sister, and there's no way you can be anything else, right? he doesn't know you don't really care about him. you just treat shoto todoroki well to get on his father's good side. but he finds out your true feelings the night you spend rambling off in a drunken haze to fuyumi, who may as well be as wasted as you. you and her talk about one day moving and leaving everything behind, and shoto can feel his entire world fall apart. no. no. no. no. you and fuyumi are his older sisters! you're supposed to love and care for him. nothing more! your jobs have gotten into your heads too much! he can't let either of you leave. no. he won't let either of you leave. you've become shoto's lifeline, and he'll die of you disappear.
— venom!reader: if you aren't hunting down the people on your list at night, you spend the day doing the commission's dirty work. your partner, hawks, who aides you with your work, isn't the most tolerable person to be around, but he pays for your food every time the two of you go out, so you're not too keen on dropping him just yet. his constant remarks about how you should be his apprentice instead of endeavor's are a bit annoying, but you brush them off. the heroes working directly for the commission are all fucked up in some sense. you would know since you've worked for them, and your old partner form the old days is no exception. he shows you off to the media as his best friend, but just because the two of you hung out so much back when you were younger doesn't make you friends. at least in your eyes.
— venom!reader: you don't see the maniacal glint in hawks's eyes when he looks at you. he looks at you as if you're the entire world, but you don't even spare him a single glance. why? why do you not smile at him like you used to? why do you keep a distance from him? why? why do you hate him? why won't you just LOOK at him? why? why? why?
— venom!reader: weeks after the grand chase between you and the corporation's men, you're still left with a terrible reputation. you work as a hero, but the people view you as a villain, and your symbiote doesn't really help in fixing your tarnished reputation. so many people died because of the chase. you seem like such a villain. would it be surprising if you tried to join the league of villains? you join hawks as a mule in the l.o.v after much conviction, and none of the villains unsettle you as much as that guy, dabi.
— venom!reader: dabi's gaze unsettles you. it feels like he's picking you apart with his haunting sickness that has you questioning how good of an actor you are. he's clearly done his research on you when he asks about your apprenticeship under endeavor and how you live with the man. there's distaste in his tone not for just the todoroki family, but you too. the two of you fight a minute into the conversation, and you evade him so quickly, he's quite embarrassed. the two of you are forced to partner up multiple times, and it's the usual mean and snarky banter that has both of you wishing death upon the other.
— venom!reader: walking in on blood running from his eyes, you offer him your help to which he denies quite harshly. but you're adamant on gaining the trust of the league, and dabi's too tired to deal with you so he lays back on the couch and lets you clean up all the open wounds he's got. touch makes him disgusted. it has him wanting to hurl and scrub away at his skin till it bleeds all over again. but you're touch... isn't so bad. you handle him with care, something dabi thinks he's never felt before, and even though he feels that similar nausea creep up his throat, he can still let your hands ghost over his stables and open wounds.
— venom!reader: you're able to read him like an open book, and dabi hates it so damn much. he hates your sarcastic remarks. he hates your brash and reckless behavior. he hates how you treat him with such gentle care. like... like you actually care about him. it reminds him of fuyumi. he misses her. you're like her. then, he sees you get a call from that brat—that "masterpiece"—and dabi's blood boils a fury. you talk to that twerp with a tone full of care and understanding. why won't you talk to him like that? why is his puny little brother able to call you older sister? why do you smile at his words? you're supposed to smile at him. let him be your brother. damn it, the scarred villain will do anything if it means taking away everything endeavor and his damned masterpiece love. but you? endeavor doesn't matter at all. he just wants to see you call him brother. once. just once. though, dabi knows he'll lose it if you give into that wishful thinking.
⏤ venom!reader: you don't realize just how horrifying of a situation you've found yourself into until you are gifted the dead body of your next target with the name of the villain that killed the person carved on their back. there's eyes always on you, and red feathers constantly litter around the corners of your apartment. but you brush it off. you know, but you push it aside. your revenge was more important. you're so dedicated to your cause that it starts to take a toll on you physically and mentally.
⏤ venom!reader: you turn more and more villainous as you take away the lives of all the people standing in your path of revenge. you've become a blood-thirsty anti-hero, feeding your parasite human brains and yourself the blood of your enemies. you're getting closer and closer to your goal, but at what cost? the lives of so many that you've lost count? innocent and guilty—you're losing your ability to differentiate. blood, guts, and revenge are the only things on your deranged mind.
⏤ venom!reader: you keeps pushing the brewing situation away until you're running away from the very heroes and villains that are after you. you're like a ghost with how you've disappeared, but it seems like no matter where you run to, you're enamored admirers will always find you.
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also, if ya'll are looking for a story with this prompt or premise, i've got the one for you. my book is called venom (link btw) and idk... now that i've gotten my e-begging out of the way, enjoy ur day.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Reacting To Your Symbiote
Requested: HEYY ive been eating UPP your head-canons for rhe boys, i would like to request one on how they would react w/ a reader that has a symbiote (venom basically) except it’s not like butcher’s case, but spouted from comp v when they were injected at a young age :D - anon
A/N: This idea is cool my love!!!! I hope you like it!! I did base it off clips from Venom/the Wikipedia just bc it's been ages since I saw the movie lol so apologies if anything is wrong!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜
Requests are open! 🔮
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Butcher thinks your symbiote is both gross and a great thing to have on the team. You didn't tell anyone about them, fearing you'd hear the same responses you'd always heard growing up. He interrogates you about your powers. You promise you would never hurt anyone, that it's pretty bad in terms of looks, but that you have everything under control. That's not good enough for him. He wants you to show him. After more yelling and assumptions, you snap. It's only your arms that you allow to be taken over, but it's enough to leave him feeling sick. Afterwards you're pretty quiet, avoiding him as well as you can. The look on his face was exactly what you were trying to avoid. Eventually he grows a little more used to them and even apologized, though it's a poor one at best. When he really sees you in action he's left speechless. The team needs you, both of you. You're strong, and powerful, and scary in the best way possible.
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Hughie was pretty freaked out the first time you showed him. You begged him to run, to save himself, but mostly you wanted him gone so he wouldn't have to see. When he didn't, you had no other choice. Your symbiote took over, giving you just enough control to apologize before, quite literally, annihilating your attackers. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He knew you were a Supe, you were pretty upfront about that, but you'd never gone into detail about what you could actually do. He understood why. Your symbiote was the thing of nightmares. It was malleable, and throbbing, and it could be as large as it wanted. It swallowed you whole, making itself a set of knife-sharp teeth. It smiled at him, telling him he was safe, which would have been endearing had it not been you standing in its place moments before. He has a lot of questions, all of them you're more than willing to answer. He deserves to know, especially coming face to face with them. You're an open book, the both of you are.
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Annie was pissed. You never told her you were a Supe in the first place. You couldn't tell her. She was everything good about Supes and you feared you were everything bad. You were afraid of her judgement. You had enough of that from M.M. You made sure no one told her, not until you thought she was ready. And then she watched you save Hughie. She felt like an idiot, watching them take over your body, in awe and horror. She felt lied to. Technically, you think but dare not say, it wasn't lying because she never asked you, she just assumed you were human. You apologize anyways, knowing it wasn't right. You show her your symbiote bit by bit, introducing them slowly, telling her as much as you think she can handle at a time. You've been told, if you wanted, you'd be a perfect villain, you'd fit right in with Homelander. You didn't want her to come to the same conclusion. Annie could come to rash decisions at times. You figured you and your symbiote were no exceptions.
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M.M isn't the biggest fan. It's nothing personal. Being a Supe is enough not to make him like you. On top of that you've got this thing inside of you that has a mind of its own. It could be capable of anything and you'd have very little control over it. You know this. You've been dealing with it since you were a kid. You and your symbiote grew up together. You've reached a level of mutual understanding and maturity that they aren't just going to start running around and rob banks or hurt people. That's not who either of you are. Still, he can't shake the feeling, the worry, that they could turn on your team at any moment. Your symbiote knows M.M. doesn't like them and, much like a dog, wants to give him extra attention because of it. You've had long talks about what not to do around him, keeping them in check so that you can gain just an inch more of trust. Anything helps to show him that you're not a monster.
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Frenchie is probably the most comfortable around your symbiote out of all The Boys. He has a lot of questions for the both of you, especially about your childhood. For many years you thought you were a monster. Your family was expecting powers that could save people, that would get you into The Seven. Instead there was this thing that took over your body, this creature that could control their child. They thought it was gross, unsightly, and forbid you from letting them out. Of course you didn't listen. When you fell off your bike and skinned your knee, they fixed it. When you couldn't reach something, they helped you. They weren't all bad, they just weren't willing to learn that. Still, there was a lot of shame and even now, you struggle to open up about them. There's absolutely no judgement from Frenchie. He's fascinated. Awestruck. He tells you constantly how cool and powerful he thinks you both are. He doesn't want you to think of yourself as some kind of monster or abomination. Ever.
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Kimiko watched your symbiote take over the first time you were really hurt. Homelander pushed you off the roof and you fell, breaking your bones, gasping for air, but magically alive. If she could have, she would have screamed. Your symbiote, as gently as it could, wrapped itself around your body, resetting your bones, putting your insides back together. It was excruciating. It only takes a few minutes before you're completely healed. She watches in awe, eyes wide, unsure of what the hell just happened, but eternally grateful you were okay. She stands you up, unsure of what to say. That night, you tell her everything. She's the first to really appreciate them. They're not the most attractive and have a wicked attitude, but they care about you. They saved you. Anyone who loves you that much is good in her books. She gives them names, asking how Kevin is or if Susan might be able to help her with something. It always makes you smile, knowing she isn't afraid of them or thinks of you any differently.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks your symbiote is disgusting and weird. He refused to have you be a part of The Seven, but without any other candidates, he eventually gave in. You do a lot of weird things that truly make him uncomfortable. Arguing with your symbiote is a big one. Only you can hear them when they're inside, so it just looks like you're talking to yourself all the time. He hates when you're "saving" someone and they come out, but only partially, like a hand or leg. Something about that, you and them together, makes him queasy. When it's one or the other, that's a little better. When he gets uncomfortable he gets angry, which is bad news for you. Like The Deep, you've become a scapegoat for Homelander. If anything goes wrong, it's your fault. Your symbiote doesn't like him and, as hard as you try to keep them in check, they make it known.
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