#and be yourself out in public with your friends goofing off with no consideration for me. be silly in ways ive never seen.
crwatters · 1 year
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creepyimagines · 4 years
if ya wanna write somethin for my dumb lil idea im totally cool with that but! 's up to you! - Daynon
[[Oooh hell daynon I love you no homo -X]]
Alex Krailie-
Legit I have no idea how you got with this dude, but lemme just say he loves you.
The only person on set he treats well? Perhaps.
If you're one of the actors, he'll be absolutely stoked to practice lines with you or watch you on camera on the last tapes already recorded.
Does get jealous easily but only if you're around Tim at all. He tries not to interfere, knowing you both are in his film and might be discussing business pertaining to his movie, but he keeps an eye on you. It's not that he doesn't trust you! He really does. He just fuckin hates Tim.
If you have a dog...... Please don't bring them to any shoots.
Jk. If you have a dog, Alex will not complain one bit or feel agitated that you brought them. He loves your dog and even if they're indifferent towards Alex, he loves them because they're yours!
If you're behind the camera while another scene is being shot, KISS. HIM. TO. DISTRACT. HIM.
"Say B roll footage one more time, Alexander, I swear to fUCK."
Vibe sessions where you guys discuss the plot and script while he lets you actually voice your thoughts on it and takes most of it into consideration.
Jay Merrick-
You bringing Jay along to shoots and filmings? More likely than you think
Please bring him. He loves to see you on set, even if you're not even doing a scene that day.
In this scenario, you were probably the reason Alex met Jay. You were a friend of Alex's and auditioned for a part in his film. One thing after another, you bring your boyfriend often and he becomes regular around the set.
Even if there aren't any shoots during a certain day, you'll drag Jay out to a spot you guys used a few times and just enjoy the scenery. Jay actually enjoys it and likes to think of those days as mini dates!
Jay is a himbo, I am sorry, he's a goddam himbo. Please be his common sense. While you guys are giving before filming, he might see a mysterious figure in the woods or find a tree that looks perfect to climb even though it's absolutely not. Don't let him go running off.
Will throw hands if Alex gets snippy with you. Don't test him.
Not to get NSFW, but hold his hand and he will melt. He gets embarassed about being out in public holding your hand, especially around the rest of the cast, but soon realizes nobody gives two flying fucks. Soon enough you won't be able to wrench your hand out of his to act in a scene.
He'll be eager and happy to help you memorize and go over your lines if you're having trouble or just want to keep it fresh in your mind.
Tim Wright-
You can thank Day Anon for this because you two? Playing small pranks on Alex and making sly comments about the choppy script and all the plot holes? Never!
You guys co-parent an adopted dog together just to bring to shoots. Don't @ me on this one
Always (jokingly) shouting at each other to "mEmOrIzE yOuR LiNeS!" in weird voices when Alex isn't around.
When you're at shoots with Tim, he's less sour. Sure he's always a salty bitch, but if you're around him, he feels calmer and not exactly in the mood to fight with Alex like he normally is
You try to convince him to stop smoking for his own good but he just says he does it to stay in character. It's a work in progress.
Like Jay, he absolutely will not hesitate bitch. If Alex gets all up in your grill because of a small mistake or a joke he took too far, Tim is right there to back you up. You tell him you can handle yourself but Tim just worries.
If you do tell off Alex enough or get him to shut up and leave you alone for the time being, Tim will have the biggest shit eating grin on his face. "Hell yeah. That's my s/o mother fucker."
You always ask him if you can wear the yellow tie-dyed shirt. He thinks it's ugly as fuck but honestly the day he wore that, he fucking invented fashion and you cannot convince me otherwise.
If your character doesn't have a specific outfit, wear one of Tim's flannels. Just do it. He thinks you look amazing in them and he gets a bit flustered when you wear them while filming.
Brian Thomas-
You and him goofing off or distracting each other during filming or film meetings is a given.
Yes, this man does love to give you his jacket. You will have to tell him that No Brian, it's 80° out and you're not cold but you really do appreciate the gesture.
Consistently messes up his lines because he's paying attention to you behind the camera than his acting.
Is actually super fucking happy if you and Tim get along. Better yet if you're friends with Tim and Alex. He's stoked that his s/o gets along with his friends. Even if Tim and Alex aren't close, he's glad you guys are.
Because Brian is the only one in the production that Alex actually likes, he's the one who has meetings with Alex about the schedule and such. You always get brought along, though Alex doesn't seem to mind too much.
Hold. Him. While. Off. Camera.
Legit if you guys are just vibin, waiting for Alex to wrap up, Brian will love it if you hug him and not let go for a bit. Weather you're sitting on the ground or just standing around, please.
Also he really likes it when you kiss him on the cheek and he kisses your forehead in return it's cute
The ultimate, goofy gentleman. No I will not elaborate further, you know what I'm talking about.
You guys have inside jokes that no one else around you understands. You'll say some obscure word or phrase and Brian will be dying of laughter while everyone else just kinda stares questioningly or pretend it's not happening.
Brian and Seth are pretty good buds in my opinion and you three used to hang a lot but he never wanted to interfere and feel like a third wheel.
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luminous-studiess · 5 years
Seeing as you mentioned in one of your last posts that you’ve learnt how to study in the pas semester, I was wondering if you could share with us your tips & tricks, please? I love your blog ❤️
hi!!!!! first of all, thank you so much for the kind words. it always helps when i hear that people like my content, and it’s nice to know when people on studyblr reach out and motivate each other. i hope you’re doing well as well!i guess i have to preface this with the fact that studying in undergrad is very different from studying in law school. also, studying in different undergraduate courses constitutes very different studying styles as well. for me, i took literature, so it was a lot of writing papers and not much memory work. in law school, there was a LOT of memory work. i did really badly for several months because i wasn’t used to studying for those kinds of exams. i may make posts if anyone’s interested on how to study specifically for literature or law classes, but for now, these are general tips on how to study.this is a long-ass post, so my apologies!
FIRST THINGS FIRST: general tips, some life advice, preparation
- actual intelligence matters very little in school. some people learn faster, some take a little more time. being smart in itself does not matter when you don’t work. actual hard work can compensate for a less retentive memory (as i’ve found out over the semester). discipline and a lot of hard work always pay off, even if it seems rocky at first. make the resolve to dedicate a set amount of time to study everyday, even if it’s just an hour or so. a little is better than nothing. - my constitutional law professor (aka my favorite professor) advised one of my classmates to log her work hours. while it seems tempting to set a specific timeslot to get things done, sometimes life gets in the way, and you don’t actually get to work at 3 pm. maybe most of the time you sit at 3 pm is spent fiddling on your phone. to actually track productivity and consistency, time the hours you actively spend studying. put away all your distractions. personally, i like the forest app because it forces me to stay away from social media and lets me use the pomodoro method. on good study days, i get to log my work time in batches of 25 minutes. again, it can be the amount of hours you put in, but what matters is the quality of work you put in. stay consistent. i promise you. it helps- on the study environment: sometimes studyblr convinces you that you need a coffeeshop, an aesthetic library, a beautiful italian garden to get things done. that would be ideal, but most of us don’t have access to that. i suggest you evaluate if you work better in public spaces with a little sound ambience, to hold yourself accountable (coffeeshops, the school library, with friends), or in private, quiet spaces. once you know where you work best, know what keeps you focused. is it tea? a glass of iced coffee? a lofi playlist? a podcast? i find that process a little fun because it keeps the study process a little less dull and uncomfortable, as it often can be. don’t forget to keep it pleasant/rewarding, but note that overindulgence can distract you. trust me, i know this from experience.- study materials: are what you want and what you need. you don’t need anything fancy. personally, i need many colored pens and highlighters because i have a color-coding system for cases and provisions, but for undergrad, my best weapons were just a black ballpen and a nice mildliner. it’s preferential, and just see what works for you. - on study anxiety: i have mental health issues. i’ve been seeing a psychiatrist (and lately a therapist) for depression and anxiety, and it used to be really, really bad, to the point i couldn’t start. i think the best place to start is to find that kind of help if you really have bad mental health. but if it’s the kind of anxiety that stems from being worried that things won’t turn out well, or that there’s too much to do, it’s always best to start, and to remember that even a little, or something imperfect, is still progress. try it for 5 minutes. if you still can’t do it, rest. but sometimes we just need a little push. other things that really calm my anxiety are a good baroque playlist (check out baroque lute/jordi savali’s the celtic viol/bach’s goldberg variations on spotify!!!), jazz, or lofi, and lavender room spray. i also like to use gifs which help you with breathing techniques. you can find them all over tumblr and twitter. it’s also really helpful to ask others for help when you feel stuck. i’ve asked professors for a little consideration and classmates for advice and clarifications when i’m confused. reaching out to other people is often a great way to start the learning process. 
- scheduling: i find it hard to keep on top of things, so i’m really thankful to the classmate who added me to a google calendar with all the class assignments. i think it’s a great system for knowing what the assignments are, so google calendar is your friend. for daily tasks, bullet journals help keep me accountable. i have a really simple one. quick and dirty. ACTUALLY STUDYING: methods, tricks, tips- consider the subject. different classes require different methods. some classes like math and chemistry – which, disclaimer, i have very little experience with – require practice problems. for literature classes, this requires much free analysis, annotations, research, and your own interpretations. other classes like history and geology require the memorization of topics. consider what information you need to learn, and how you want to approach it.- TAKE NOTES DURING THE LECTURE. i can’t stress this enough. if the teacher or professor mentions it, it’s probably important. nowadays, for major classes, i mark the topic on the syllabus with a special-colored highlighter that i won’t use for anything else so i know it’s crucial and will probably turn up on an exam. note: if they place special emphasis on a bit of information because it probably WILL turn up during the exam. one of my professors mentioned that a case would probably turn up during the philippine bar exam and guess what. it did. listen to the professor, don’t goof around on twitter (me to my undergraduate self, tbh), take good notes. make the notes into a reviewer during exam season. pass the class.- pre-studying helps. this is mandatory in law school, because mostly, you go to class to regurgitate what you’ve studied (or didn’t study) on your own from the syllabus. for undergrad, however, it helps to give yourself a background on the material so you can engage in the class, and take notes more efficiently. also, as much as possible, do the required reading. you’ll probably do it in one night anyway before the exam, so at least spread your work out and do a reasonable amount weekly.- on that note: if you’re going to rush through the syllabus and do “a semester’s worth of info” in one night (yes we’ve all seen Those Memes) anyway, it will be less of a pain in the ass to actually do the work slowly and consistently every week. trust me. this comes from a procrastinator who’s getting bitten in the ass, so please learn this as early as you can. it saves you a lot of pain later on.- THE CLASS SYLLABUS IS YOUR BIBLE. it’s all there. before classes, go through it. keep it with you during class and annotate it if you have to. some of my friends like to space the syllabus out on a document file so they use the headings for note-making. the syllabus will be your friend during review season.- always learn actively. if you don’t know a word or term, it will always help to google. make notes in the margins. make flashcards so you state information and retrieve it instead of just recognizing it. form study groups. rewrite your notes. engage with what you’re learning and it becomes so much more interesting, and so much easier. - set a time to unwind religiously. breaks are so important to avoid burnout. i like friday nights for unwinding, family dinners, reading, watching series. please rest. REVIEW SEASON: HOW TO COPE. HOW TO PASS. HOW TO CRY AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. - exams are scary. i used to enjoy them, until law school, where i’ve been beaten up thoroughly by every exam. but strangely enough, this is where i only learned how to actually study for an exam with huge blocks of information. i realized that this method really helps for undergrad, and probably will get you honors if you stick to a similarly solid method. - study as early as you can. once you know when the exam is, make a study plan. two weeks is a good minimum. sometimes, there are professors and teachers who announce only a week before, which is unavoidable, so honestly. just make a plan. i tend to assign a set number of syllabus pages to cover/study for on each day so i have time to do a second reading/quizzing. - HOW TO REVIEW: remember the class notes? remember the syllabus? those will help you cover everything you need once you schedule. the syllabus is your map for what you need to cover. assume that everything in the syllabus is something you need to go over at least once, so assign a set number of pages/topics per day. the class notes are your guide on what to focus on. note the special topics which have been emphasized by the lecturer. it also helps if you know what parts you’re very unsure about, so you know what to work on again when you have extra time. i tend to make reviewers out of my class notes, which also helps to retain info, because i go over it again. make time to re-read and quiz yourself. - blanking out on exam day? i can honestly assure you that it’s probably because you didn’t sleep enough. you’ve studied the information, but sleep deprivation either makes you fall asleep during the exam (which has happened) or forget what you learned (which has also happened). if you’ve made the time to repeat what you’ve needed to learn, the studying isn’t the problem. i make a rule to try and avoid all-nighters when necessary because sleep is integral in helping you retain information. when i need extra time to study, i go to bed early, and wake up around 3 or 4 am to study some more. it really helps.DEALING WITH FAILURE: - my professor (a huge businessman, constitutionalist, overall a very successful person) told me that he would not get where he is now if he hadn’t failed. failure is growth because you know you’re doing something. the only true “failure” is when you stop trying. some days are hard, some days don’t yield the results even when you work hard. it’s okay. be gentle on yourself. you are still growing.- sometimes i think about the fact that “gifted child syndrome” aka burnout and perfectionism stem from how many smart kids are often praised for their intelligence and not their work ethic. so when they do badly later in life, they think it’s because they weren’t “smart enough” and give up easily. i think much of doing anything entails a lot of embarrassment, a lot of hard work, and lots of failure. it’s so hard to put up with, and it can often be depressing and unhealthy and put you in a bad place. sometimes we need to talk to someone professional, if it gets to that point. but sometimes, it also helps to realize that a little hard work will help us to get where we want to be. - ask for help. i talk to my friends, my parents, and my professors when i’m stuck. it really helps.ok, whew. i know there’s so much more about studying. but i hope this helps for now. please let me know if you guys want more specific study guides. good luck, loves! you got this.– sam 
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Meeting and dating Tim Cavanaugh
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(My shit gif)(Tim’s the one in the leather)
- You and Tim met when Wendy was trying to set you up with one of the boys. She had introduced you to the gang expecting that Mickey or Tommy would charm you. What she didn’t expect was you to be bashfully attracted to the “bad boy” of the group.
- You and Tim caught each other’s eye the instant you were introduced and continued to sneak glances at each other the entire time you were with the group. He manages to get you away from everyone else to talk on your own.
- Tim isn’t a stranger to flirting, in fact he’s really good at it so he feeds you some lines and wins himself a date.
- He picks you up and you go to the drive in restaurant by the beach. He buys you a coke and the two of you get to talking. You really enjoy yourself so by the end of the night you agree to see him again.
- The two of you share your first kiss that night after he opens the car door for you. It’s quick since you don’t want your parents to come across the two of you but it’s enough to make your heart race.
- The two of you go out more and more and while you really like Tim it seems like he grows distant in between your dates. He’s hot and cold with you and you aren’t sure why. Well you find out soon enough when he comes to school with a bunch of bruises littering his face. You ask Wendy about it and get told the truth.
- Tim likes you and that’s no secret but he doesn’t want to drag you into his mess of a life. So he tries to conceal his feelings hoping that you’ll get bored of him since he knows he won’t be able to stop himself from seeing you. He’s not very good at pretending since he can’t help but act love struck when he’s with you.
- You corner him after school that day and try to force him to talk to you. After some silence and him avoiding your gaze you gently turn his face to you and tell him how you feel about him, saying how you want to see him again if he’ll let you. He doesn’t respond and looks away again so you turn away disappointed.
- As you’re leaving he quickly blurts out the question of “will you go steady with me”. You freeze before you turn back to him with a smile, giving him a hug and a kiss as you agree. After that you’re much closer and there’s no more pretending.
- He has this certain smile reserved just for you.
- Tight hugs.
- Hes really clingy when you’re alone. He’s still clingy in public but considerably less.
- He likes pda but he’ll only partake when he knows his father isn’t going to show up. That is until his father finds out that your dating, after that he doesn’t really care who sees.
- Helping him get over his intolerance and bigotry. It’s really just his father talking and his own insecurities, you know that they aren’t actually his views.
- Insisting to others that he isn’t as bad as people think. When Brian comes to the school you try your best to convince him he isn’t a totally awful person. You also try to make up for your boyfriends behavior by being extra friendly and nice (at least when Tim isn’t there as to not cause even more trouble).
- Does Brian sort of have a crush on you? Yes. But he would never admit it to another soul for as long as he lives especially after him and Tim become friends.
- Stealing his leather jacket.
- Photobooth pictures.
- Sharing milkshakes.
- Get used to being dragged into helping with pranks.
- He goes to your house after his father is done with him. You patch him up and comfort him as the two of you cuddle together.
“These bruises are really ugly huh?”
“You could never look ugly.”
- Offering to let him stay with you. He always just gives you a smile and thanks you but rarely ever takes you up on your offer.
- You’ve stood up to his father at least once and it made Tims heart stop. He makes you promise that you’ll never do it again, he’s terrified that you’ll get yourself hurt.
- His father just gave you a dirty grin and flirted with you when you tried to threaten the him. Flirting is his favorite tactic to get on Tims nerves.
- Watching tv together at your house.
- Praising and complimenting each other.
- Obviously he’s pretty quick to anger so you’ll have to hold him back and stop him from making dumb decisions.
“Just let it go Tim.”
- He can be pretty smart when he wants to be whether it be in academics or “street smarts”. If you have a question chances are he has the answer.
“I’ll tell ya if you give me a kiss.”
“A kiss? Well what a bargain.”
- Joking with each other; he feels a swell of pride when he makes you laugh.
- He acts over dramatically to make you laugh usually in response to some kind of joke you or someone else made.
- Goofing off and just acting tastefully immature with each other.
- You hardly ever really fight unless it’s because of his intolerance or due to him lashing out when you’re trying to help him.
- He’s insecure after years of living with his dad and being the mans verbal and physical punching bag. He doesn’t like admitting that he’s vulnerable and when you even hint at the fact he’ll get defensive.
- When you fight he tries to push you away and tell you to “just drop it”. The two of you will argue, you might even yell a little but ultimately you just leave and give him space. After you fight he tries his hardest to make it up to you, even though he never outright apologizes.
- You can’t hold a grudge against him, you just can’t. You understand the reasoning behind his actions and you just can’t hold it against him because it’s usually genuinely not his fault. He’s a product of someone else’s evil and it wouldn’t be fair to punish him for something he’s only recently able to try and overcome. So you forgive him and don’t push the matter.
- Stealing his baseball caps.
- He dips you when he kisses you.
- Riding on his shoulders.
- Beach dates.
- Going to drive in restaurants.
- Hickeys.
- Makout sessions. A lot of them occur in his car late at night.
- Apparently he has a pretty good porky according to Cherry Forever.
- He was willing to go to a house in the middle of nowhere and strip naked to be inspected by a prostitute just to get laid. So yes, he’s a horny fellow.
- He loves when you kiss his cheek, it’s his weakness.
- He plays with your hair when you cuddle. Doesn’t matter what position the two of you are in, his hands just going to wind up in your hair.
- When he goes to hang out with you he purposefully wears comfier clothes so that you’re more likely to cuddle him.
- He also dresses like a stereotypical all American good boy to meet your parents. It’s kind of adorable how nervous he is and how much he wants to make a good first impression.
- Loves when you wear his clothes.
- Oh lord is he a jealous boy. You’re one of the only things he cares about and has all to himself so he’s going to fight tooth and nail to keep you. There’s been quite a few after school scraps because someone couldn’t keep their eyes or their comments to themselves.
- Hes one of the only guys in the gang who doesn’t particularly like pranking or teasing you. He just doesn’t like “being mean” to you in any capacity.
- Theres definitely a lot of “I love yous” after he gets over the initial nervousness of saying it for the first time.
- He knew he wanted to marry you the first time he kissed you and even after everything the two of you have been through that hasn’t changed.
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fallen029 · 5 years
Swimsuits and Demons
The day was boiling out and most everyone at the hall was filtering about, using up all the good A/C, or trying to escape the heat by taking some dunks in the hall's swimming pool. They were at capacity and the bar staff was working at overdrive, to accommodate the overabundance of patrons. This had been since sunup for Mirajane and she was more than a tad disoriented by this point.
It was Lisanna that took notice of it. Having come in to help her sister and Kinana out, she was of course disappointed to not a get a chance to hang by the pool with Hap and Natsu, but was also reverent of all the hard work her older sister was putting in. This was why she suggested to Mira that she take a break.
"We're getting slammed," Mira hummed in that just slightly too overly joyed pitch she got at times, when she was in over her head at something. "I can't take a break."
"Of course you can," Lisanna insisted, trying to mimic that fake grin her sister had down so well. It was often that Lisanna had a chance to look out for one of her older siblings (they were typically doing the reverse to her) and didn't wish to squander this opportunity at minimal payback. "Just fifteen minutes, maybe, huh? Really, sis, you look flushed."
Kinana, who was returning to the bar then to refill her pitcher of ale, looked over at where the sisters were speaking with some interest. Ever helpful, she remarked, "You should take a dip in the pool, Mira. I saw Lucy over there earlier. Even a quick lap'll probably make you feel loads better."
"I don't there's room for a lap," Mira remarked, but someone was yelling out then, across the bar, for a refill, and Kinana and Lisanna both rose to the occasion.
"There's room for yours, at least," her sister offered and, well, it was the late afternoon by this point.
Mira felt as if she did deserve a break.
Just a quick one.
Her transformation magic saved her a trip to the back, to change, as purple tiles merely appeared over her as she walked out of the building, doing away with her work day drags and transforming her into a sleek, blue bikini with ease. She found the sun warm, but welcome on her pale flesh and, as she made it towards the pool area, she immediately spotted some of her friends in the water already, as they had been most the day, goofing off in the summer's heat. She caught eyes with Lucy almost immediately and was more than prepared to head on over there, but then she found her gaze caught by someone else and found herself making her way over there instead.
Laxus wasn't the kind to enjoy guild festivities. And a hot summer day could account for that certainly. Everyone hung around who weren't out on jobs, brawling inside, drinking until they forgot the heat, or some of the younger ones, the teens and young adults, flirted around the edge of actual flirting poolside.
None of this was interesting to the slayer.
At all.
He probably wouldn't even have ventured heading to the hall that day had he not previously agreed to meet a potential client there. A posted job had led to some more seedy undertakings and he needed to meet with the man to converse once more on an upcoming tactic. The man seemed as weary of Laxus as the slayer was of the man, but Fairy Tail felt like an even enough meeting grounds; at least it was the only public place Laxus was willing to meet and the guy seemed rather desperate by that point.
But it was worse, inside, as the day wore on. The guys inside were only getting drunker, which meant they were only brawling even more, and the guy he was supposed to meet was late, so Laxus found himself seething as he paced about by the pool, considering heavily at times bringing down a massive bolt of lightning and frying the occupants good.
It was when he let this thought out, in a grumble to Freed, who was waiting around for the guy with him, that the rune mage suggested he take a seat nearby instead.
The less casualties of the day, the better.
But it was as the two of the were sitting around, Laxus bemoaning the fact Lisanna had yet to be by to refill his beer and Freed continued to glance at the time, questioning just how long they should wait around for the other guy, that Mirajane came trotting out in what Laxus felt like was far too revealing, skating on the cusp of being nothing at all. Shifting in his seat, he could hardly hear Freed's continued complaint of the late time as his eyes followed the woman now, daring her, challenging her, to not immediately return the gaze.
She did, of course, her eyes falling to him after turning from Lucy's. Laxus' gaze was heavy and she knew better than to ignore it. Sauntering over, Mirajane gave her smile to Freed, however, the rune mage returning it easily.
"Taking the rest of the evening off?" Freed questioned, but Mira only gave a slight shake of her head.
"Just a quick break," she replied. "The sun will go down in an hour or so. Then we have to deal with the dinner rush."
"Yes," Freed mused as Laxus only continued to glower at the woman, not saying a word. "Your days seem to be a dizzying array of menial tasks, but it is the most honorable who find themselves busy throughout the day. Laxus and I have had the misfortune of being run around by a client who apparently does not know the meaning of punctuality."
"Well," Mira offered after a slight hum of sympathy, "at least you get to spend the day by the pool. I'm glad to have even a short break. Except, you know, my skin is so prone to burning, I thought I'd come over and ask if I could borrow your sunscreen?"
"Our what?" Freed frowned before looking down at the table, where between the mugs and other cups there did lay a tiny bottle of what she'd requested. Reaching down, he snagged it before remarking, "I'm not sure who this belongs to, actually."
"I doubt they'd care if I use some," Mira reasoned, moving to take it from him. Still, standing right there in front of their table, she took to flipping the top on the tiny bottle before squirting out some of the substance onto one outstretched arm, humming slightly again. "I would just hate to burn."
Laxus was burning. His gaze, at least. Smoldering, truly, it felt like, but Freed seemed more considerate as he sat back in his seat once more.
"Skin care is an important, yet often overlooked aspect of health care," Freed offered. "We all strive to age gracefully, yet frequently neglect to put in the work."
"Well, I can always just transform into something more attractive," Mirajane pointed out, "when I'm older. If I want."
"I suppose that's-"
"Oh, Freed, can you do something for me?" And Mirajane was so good at it, too good at it, Laxus felt; ignoring him. Her eyes were only for his best friend then as she questioned, "Do you think you could get my back?"
And Freed definitely could not. A step too far in the friendship of he and the oldest Strauss. But, as he was then silently weighing the fact that you could never grow in a friendship if you didn't push yourself passed such boundaries, Laxus had finally had enough of his silent seething and umped up rather suddenly.
"I'll," he grumbled, snatching the bottle from the woman with enough aggression that Freed tensed up, but Mira only beamed into the slayer's eyes, "do it."
"Oh, sure, Laxus, thanks," she said easily as Freed only studied the interaction from his chair, confused, but intrigued.
The moment was awkward, yet brief and soon enough Mira was rushing over to the pool, to giggle and waste her precious time with Lucy while Laxus only reclaimed his seat with a frown, not enjoying how his hands felt now, all sticky from the sunscreen.
"I thank you, Laxus," Freed began suddenly, making the man frown over at him. "You saved me quite the dilemma. I am uncertain how you were aware of my inner struggle, but-"
"Don't," Laxus grumbled, "mention it."
And it was always best to just listen to the man.
Their client was a no show, as it turned out, and Laxus cursed a bit when realizing this might have been some sort of ruse, but Freed only offered to return the favor he bestowed upon him earlier, dealing with Mirajane.
"I," the man remarked, patting at his trusty sword on his hip, "will go and get to the problem of this. Alone. Fret not; no one wastes the time of the Laxus Dreyar and gets away with it!"
The client was such a non-threat that, honestly, Laxus saw no reason for them both to go seek him out anyways. Plus, he did have something else that he wanted to deal with that evening… He did send Bickslow out with Freed, however, just in case.
Laxus had something else to wait out.
The day, as all overly busy ones did, seemed to drag and as the night wore on, with the inebriated guild members stumbling out into the now cool streets of Magnolia, Mirajane saw no reason to keep her sister and Kinana around for too much longer. Natsu and Happy were going to get some ice cream, Mira had overheard, and told Lisanna she was more than welcome to join them. And Kinana loved the summer time, when the ground was so warm, especially in the evenings, when the air was cool, but the ground was warm, isn't it warm, to the touch? Yes? And Mirajane knew she enjoyed so very much sitting on the warm, yet somehow cool ground, and, well, Kinana got very few joys in life.
Mira saw it fit to give them to her.
And perhaps, yes, there was another reason that Mirajane cleared the bar so easily, doing away with the usual hangers on by suggesting different desirable spots and parties that were taking place that night. Cana questioned Mira's knowledge, but the barmaid was quick to remind her and anyone else who cared to listen that of all the insiders in the land, she was by far the most well informed.
No bit of gossip escaped Mirajane.
Not a single piece.
Had the day not been so hectic, so scrambled, maybe it wouldn't have been so easy. To get everyone out. And on time for once. Surely surpassed her clearing the bar record. Mirajane felt more than a bit proud of herself, if not somewhat smug, as she came over to the last occupied table, the man seated at it the king of both emotions.
"I dunno if you noticed, Lax, but last call has come and gone."
"That right?"
"That's right."
He grunted then before looking down into his mug and remarking, "Maybe I wanna stick around."
"You and everyone else, usually."
She'd taken a seat then, before him, and Laxus raised his eyes to meet hers while the woman only smiled in that same soft, sweet way she typically did, not offering up much else.
"If you were trying to make me jealous-"
"By mentioning I want you out of the bar so I can go home?"
"-then you should have tried harder." Laxus snorted. "Freed wouldn't even be interested in you on your best day. And all the losers out by the pool aren't even worth your time."
"You do realize you were sitting by the pool too, right?"
"I was," he griped, "waiting for a client."
"By," she pointed out, "the pool."
And they were at a stalemate of sorts. Eventually, the slayer only snorted, looking off as he stewed before deciding on a worthy rebuttal.
"I just don't appreciate it, is all."
"Appreciate what?"
"You...flaunting yourself all over the hall."
She made a face then, a more serious one as she remarked, "I really don't think that the guy I occasionally decide to spend an evening with-"
"Three times a week is occasionally now?"
"-has any right to tell me how to dress or act." Then she paused. "Or even a guy that I'm very serious about. In fact, it might just make me unserious."
"Yeah, well-"
"You might even call me silly."
"Unserious. That would be silly. Right?"
"You're not going to tell me how to dress." And she lost her play then. "Or act."
"I'm not trying to."
"Sure sounds like it."
"What I'm saying is," he complained, "is that I didn't like it. And I didn't. And you were purposely antagonizing me."
"Only because you were boring holes into me."
He huffed that time, looking off instead of down at his mug as he remarked, "I just don't like it, alright?"
"Don't like what?"
"Say it, dragon."
"I don't like seeing other men...be interested in you. Or women. Or whoever. Anyone. At all. And I don't like when you purposely flaunt it in my face because it's not fair that I can't just let everyone know that you belong to me."
"I belong to," Mirajane questioned with a raised eyebrow, "you?"
He'd worked himself up, just a bit, and only frowned as his breath came out as a pant. He felt caught. Momentarily. Just as quickly, this changed to vigor.
"Yeah," he decided, sitting taller now, feeling the control shift back to him. "What if I am, huh? What are you going to do about it, Mirajane?"
He rarely referred to her that way. By her complete name. Somehow, the way that he said it felt more full, too long, much too long, compared to most others.
Reaching out, she pulled his mug closer to her then, not even glancing down into it first before she put back a good portion of the ale. Then, with harder, more alert eyes, she remarked, "Maybe it's the other way around."
"What do you mean?"
"My I," she challenged, jerking a thumb back, towards her chest, "own you."
"Think about it, Lax," she suggested then. "There's literally nothing you could do to me. Nothing. While there are so many ways I could torture you."
"How do you figure?"
"If you made me angry enough, I could screw you over, real good, in this guild."
"I rank higher than you."
"Only in your heart," she retorted. "We're the same rank."
"There's an internal ranking system within the ranking system and you know it."
"Rank has nothing to do with it, anyways," she declared with oozing confidence. As the man only stared blankly, she added, "I have your grandfather under my thumb. And most of the guild members. If I said that you weren't to be trusted, that you were dastardly and not worthy-"
"What are you? Some kind of storybook character?"
"-I could get you barred and banned." Then she took another swig of his drink before adding, "Again."
"You're full of it."
"And, now that you reminded me of how ranking works-"
"What's the point? You trample all over it."
"-I do know a good number of the women in other top guilds that you like to toy around with. Or you did. I mean." Mira's head fell to a waiting palm then, giving him something close to an empathetic gaze. "I imagine that it wouldn't be too easy for you, if I destroyed all those relationships, huh? It's almost like, dragon, once you cross me, there's literally no other part of your life that won't be tarnished. Plus, I could easily sleep with all your friends. Fine, maybe not Freed, but if I really wanted, all the others."
His expression mimicked her own almost, as hers was something of a sour, wry victory, and while he certainly didn't seem the victor of their spat, he still refused to deflate fully.
"Guess that's what I get, huh?" He did reach out though, to reclaim his drink. But when he looked down into it, he found it empty. Snorting slightly, he remarked, "For contorting with a demon?"
"You don't negotiate with Satan," Mira offered through a hum. "It never goes well."
"I'll remember that," he remarked as she stood, but he stayed there, in his seat, knowing it would be some time before she was finished closing up. Not that he minded. He frequently found himself waiting around for the woman. "For next time."
"Oh, dragon," she tsked with furrowed brows. "Didn't you listen? There is no next time."
Nodding in surrender, he did hold out his mug as he asked, "Is there another round? At least?"
"Last call is for the low rank, after all," she said as she did snatch up the mug, planning to refill it. "There are perks."
He waited until her back was to him though to remind, "You know, demon, owning me doesn't negate what I said."
"You can own me, if that's what you think you're doing," he assured her with a bit of edge to his tone then, "But it doesn't change anything. You're still mine."
"Oh yeah?" she questioned, but it didn't feel as challenging now as she hardly even glanced over her shoulder, instead only refilling his drink. "Dragon?"
"Yeah," Laxus agreed with a nod. "Demon."
She was back now, with his drink, and set it down with a slight echoing thud in the mostly empty bar. Laxus kept her gaze as he thoughtlessly reached out to reclaim the mug once more and down it all in one prolonged chug.
He felt like he might not have won, he rarely did with the woman, but at least had evened the footing somewhat. And when she followed him home that night, he was nearly certain.
Of course, this wasn't the case as he found out the next day.
Mirajane departed in her typical fashion; under the cover of darkness. Not for any real reason other than, well, she was the one who opened the hall in the mornings and that required getting there rather early. So she was gone when Laxus awoke. Not that this was much of an issue. It was for the best, even.
He didn't have to be on his guard near as much.
Or risk running late by being convinced to stick around in bed for a bit longer.
Still, he met up with Freed as planned, to be debriefed. This occurred away from the godforsaken guildhall, which meant that Laxus missed out on the commotion that took place that morning and dove into the afternoon, but he did have the misfortune of happening upon the place a bit later.
"What are you doing, Bickslow?" he grumbled, spying the man first, hanging around in front of the building, creeping on some of the lady members. It wasn't surprising to Laxus to find the women in their swimsuits, imaging they'd just gotten back from the pool, but to see Bickslow in only his trunks made the man frown. "Going for a swim?"
"And ruin my perfect Mohawk, boss?" Giving up on his creeping, the seith easily fell in line with his idol and best friend. "No way! Me and the babies here, well, water ain't exactly our strong suit, yeah?"
"Then why are you dressed for it?" questioned Freed, but Bickslow only frowned at the pair of them for a moment before his tongue slipped between his lips and he flashed his guild marking.
"Haven't ya noticed?" Bickslow asked, his babies echoing forms of this as now, yes, when Laxus finally moved to open the thick guildhall doors, he did notice quiet a lot. "Everyone is!"
And they were.
The whole guild.
Even the old gross men no one quite wanted to see were sporting trunks. Including the Master, though he snoozed, up on the bar, supported both by his physical staff and the bar one. It was one of the bar staff, in fact, that Laxus found far too enticing to follow with his eyes, even with all of the scantily dressed women.
"Why?" was Freed's sole question as he frowned.
"Mirajane," Laxus hissed under his breath, not even needing an explanation.
"That's right, boss," Bickslow assured him with a snicker. "The woman, she gets us, you know. All of us. And our desires."
"I really doubt your desires were taking into consideration," Freed huffed.
"I'm not the one overdressed right now, now am I?" Bickslow chided.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"I dunno, man, but I sure would feel awkward, being the only one not rocking their sweet swim attire."
But he wasn't the only one, of course, because Laxus was still there, fully clothed, stalking across the bar now as he left his friends behind. He found Mirajane busy behind the bar, refilling a tray of drinks.
"Mira," was his cross greeting, the low tone of voice getting Makarov, who apparently wasn't snoozing so deeply, to peek an eye open. "What's going on here?"
'Hmm?" She pretended to be shocked by his presence, but Laxus knew, oh he knew, that just like him, she could sense it, when he was near. She had to. They were that connected. "Oh, Laxus, hi. Did you not get the memo? I'm surprised. Bickslow was the most enthusiastic about my suggestion."
"What," he continued to ground his teeth, "suggestion?"
"Well, it's so unbearably hot that I just thought, even if we all can't be in the pool, if we dressed like it, then we'd feel cooler through, like, just the power of our mind, right? It's basic psychology, Laxus."
"You study the psyche now, woman?"
"In my spare time."
Laxus exhaled heavily through his nostrils before glancing about. Noting he was drawing at least some attention, especially from his nearby grandfather, he leaned across the bar then, closer to the woman, as he hissed only loud enough for her to hear, "You're on my nerves."
But she only narrowed her eyes at the man as she said, "I warned you; the hall is mine. Don't test me, Laxus."
Huffing this time, he looked off though he stayed bowed towards her as he remarked, "Maybe one day I won't find your little power plays so cute, woman."
"Maybe," she agreed, backing away then with her tray of drinks. "But you know what will happen then."
Surely, he understood as he left the guild in a huff with a flustered Freed, he did.
Convening with Satan certainly had it's price.
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soloragoldsun · 5 years
Gelfling Relationship Headcanons
I saw a post with Skeksis headcanons, and I just had to do some for our Gelfling squad. I’ll be drawing from the books, meaning I will be including Amri in this. Whether he dies or is written out of Age of Resistance, I’m keeping my precious Grottan boy alive in my posts!
...Holy crap, this ended up long. Of course, I had to write four freaking paragraphs for everyone! I may add Tavra and Onica later, but...come on. You just gotta see them together to know how they are in a relationship. I may make a separate list of headcanons just for that ship, actually.
He is initially cold and distant toward you, as he’s afraid of becoming too close to anyone after losing Mira. Once he finally realizes that his feelings aren’t going away, however, his attitude changes completely. He is honest about how deeply he cares about you, apologizes for his behavior, and says he understands if you don’t feel the same way. When you return his feelings, he’s momentarily stunned into silence, then pulls you into a hug.
He is a total gentleman. Like, he always has a flower for you when you meet up, will tell you how wonderful you look, will hold doors open for you, and will offer you his coat if you’re cold.
He can be a bit overbearing and overprotective, as he’s terrified of losing someone he loves again. As a result, he tries keeping constant tabs on you, and has to be told to back off every now and again. He will fret over you if you’re injured or sick, and Aughra help anyone who disturbs your recovery!
He will gladly hold your hand or peck your cheek in public. Other forms of PDA, such as longer kisses and cuddles, will result in him becoming more bashful, but he never complains.
When she first realizes her feelings for you, she is quiet about them. Due to being new to the daylighter world, she’s terrified of ruining any relationships with the friends she has made. She does catch on when you flirt, however, and becomes bolder over time, eventually kissing your cheek on impulse one day, leading to a full, mutual confession.
She loves flying with you, whether you have wings or not. If you do, she’ll lead you on long flights in the dark, racing you through the trees or through the tunnels of Grot. If you don’t, she’ll happily carry you to all her favorite places, showing you the view from up high.
She loves to cuddle. Honestly, I headcanon that all Grottan love cuddling. If you’re sitting anywhere for a long period of time, you will have Deet tucked under your chin or nestled against your side before that time ends. She will cling to you when you try to get up, insisting you hold her for a few more minutes. If you’re next to her when she wakes up in the morning her eyes immediately light up once they clear of sleep.
She is totally fine with PDA, and will sometimes fly up behind you to give you a surprise kiss on the cheek. Holding her hand is basically a requirement wherever you go, as is cuddling whenever you take a break to sit down.
You have to be the one to confess to her, as she’s very absorbed in her research and her duties as a daughter of the All-Maudra. While she accepts your feelings, she insists that you keep your relationship a secret for now, since her mother absolutely wouldn’t approve and would try to stop it.
She is very affectionate when you’re alone, and loves to show you her favorite books. You are the only person outside her family she will lend her books to for any period of time. Quiet walks and evenings reading together take up much of your time.
She gives lavish gifts because she can, but also because she feels guilty that her status keeps your relationship from being more open. Eventually, she can’t keep it a secret any longer and tells her mother, who is not pleased. Efforts to separate you are met with defiance, leaving you both on strained terms with the All-Maudra. She eventually gives in, with the condition that your relationship ends if circumstances lead to Brea becoming the next maudra.
PDA is absolutely out of the question while your relationship is secret. Once it’s exposed, there is still a certain amount of restraint in your interactions, limited to very deliberate actions like offering one’s arm or giving a single kiss on the cheek.
She is very up-front about her feelings once she realizes them, and once she catches on that you like her. Like, she just asks you out of the blue: “So, were you planning on saying you like me at all within the next trine?”
She loves taking you exploring through Sog, and will often invite you on hunting expeditions. She teaches you how to use a bola and spear, and is very encouraging if you mess up. Neech likes you a great deal. Sometimes, Naia will kiss his nose and send him to wherever you are, where he’ll boop your nose with his. Her family loves you, and her mother approves of your relationship as long as you don’t distract her from her eventual duties as the Drenchen maudra.
She believes in you and your abilities wholeheartedly, and will immediately shoot down anyone who insults or doubts you. Sometimes, she overestimates what you can do, and needs to be calmed down when bragging. She brags about how awesome you are all the time.
She doesn’t often initiate PDA, since she doesn’t feel the need. Everyone knows you’re together, so there’s no need to show off to make a point. Just the same, she will always accept a kiss, hug, or cuddle wherever you are.
He is very eloquent about his feelings for you... At least, he would be if he wasn’t so nervous about actually confessing. Eventually, he sums up his feelings in a letter, which he gives you. He then walks away while you read it, then comes back with a hopeful look in his eyes.
He writes poetry and songs for you, and will give you private performances with his firca. He says that you inspire him more than anyone else. His entire face lights up whenever he recites one of his favorite stories, or asks you to hear a new one he wrote. If you ask, he’ll play a lullaby on his firca until you fall asleep.
He thinks the world of you, calling you his greatest muse. He will sometimes gaze at you when he thinks no one is looking, and will become very bashful when caught. He endures some teasing from his friends about how much of a sap he is, but everyone is ridiculously happy for the both of you.
He becomes very flustered if you are affectionate with him in public, becoming a stammering mess and ceasing to function properly. He will hold your hand, sporting an adorable blush and a shy smile the whole time.
Flirting for him mostly involves friendly banter and jokes. He goofs off more and more when around you, because he loves to hear you laugh. When he actually confesses, however, he becomes very hesitant and shy, unsure of whether he’s actually worthy of you.
He shows you all around Grot, introducing you to urLii and everyone in his clan. He wants to learn all about your beliefs and culture, and visit wherever your home is. If you have a pet, he will lavish attention on it and love it immediately. He will often take you to his favorite rooms in the Tomb of Relics and cuddle with you while telling you about all of the artifacts. He loves traveling and exploring, and can’t imagine doing either without you now that you’re together.
He will openly gaze at you as if you’re the greatest thing on all of Thra. Even after a long time, he remains stunned that you returned his feelings. Sometimes, you have to remind him to not think so little of himself.
He is all about PDA, because he is so proud to be your boyfriend, he just can’t hold it in. He will frequently tackle-hug you as a greeting, and will pepper your face with excited kisses, because he’s so happy to see you every time.
In true Drenchen fashion, he is very forward about his feelings, bluntly explaining them and asking if you feel the same way. His near-brush with death has made it so that he doesn’t want to waste time waffling over a confession.
He is very considerate, always asking if he can kiss you or pull you closer. He will always comfort you whenever you’re injured, gladly carrying you home whether you need it or not. Falling asleep in his arms is a common occurrence.
He worries about his weakened state due to his time at the Castle of the Crystal, and wonders if he is capable of protecting you. He insists on instructing you on how to defend yourself, just in case you run into trouble when he’s not around.
He is casually affectionate wherever you are, sometimes lifting you up so that you can sit on his shoulder while he walks. Also, he gives the absolute best hugs. Ever. Of all time.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Ted Lasso Should Be Your Halloween Costume
Most geeks are pretty punctual when it comes to planning and executing a Halloween costume. What is Halloween if not just a nationally sanctioned excuse to show off our cosplaying skills? However, 2020 has caused even the most honored traditions and best laid plans to fall in flux. If you find yourself without a costume just days away from Halloween 2020, let us make a suggestion: dress as the titular character from Apple TV+’s most popular comedy series, Ted Lasso.
Pulling off Jason Sudeikis’s look as the affable Ted Lasso is a considerably easy lift that won’t break the bank. Pulling the costume together could likely be accomplished with things you already own. Iron and button up your finest collared shirt, toss a navy sweater over top, put your khaki pants on one leg at a time, purchase a fake mustache (or grow your own, gentlemen) and voilà, your everybody’s favorite coach. 
The costume can even be considered timely: today, Apple announced that they have given an early season 3 renewal to the comedy series, ahead of the start of production on season 2 which is slated to begin in London in January. Worried about folks not knowing who you are? You shouldn’t be; Apple TV+ claims that Ted Lasso ranks as their top comedy in 50 countries, including the U.S., UK, Germany, France, Canada, Russia, Japan and more, growing its viewership more than 600% since its August 14 launch.
Need further convincing? With the year that most of us have been having, the world needs more Ted Lassos, even if it’s for one-night only. Lasso is eternally optimistic, relentlessly positive, and an attentive, thoughtful friend. Who else could you aspire to channel in 2020?
Describing the Lasso ethos to EW, Sudeikis said, “Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world,’ and this creates the change you want to see. Create the world where being nice, being uncynical, being egoless, being empathetic, and promoting forgiveness is not something that is weak and happens without consequences. Ted does see the best in people and he really is the best version of myself. He’s like me after two beers on an empty stomach on a bright sunny day, just like, ‘With all of us together, what can’t we do?'”
Speaking with Den of Geek, co-creator Bill Lawrence chalks Lasso’s charm up to his embracement of curiosity. “Right now, in public discourse, whether it be in politics or on social media, the ignorance with the quintessential American abroad is always coupled with arrogance. So Jason said you could do Ted Lasso if his ignorance was coupled with curiosity instead of arrogance. He’s self-deprecating and quick to learn. When you do that, he can still be a little bit of a goof once in a while. The show works because he’s also, we like to say, “dumb, like a fox.”  He’s very crafty about human nature and about getting the best out of people.”
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
So if you’re still procrastinating on your Halloween costume, we urge you to be dumb like a fox and spend your day doing your best Ted Lasso impression. If your Halloween spirit is a bit too heavy this year from all of the stresses and pressures of 2020, then take Lasso’s advice: be a goldfish. Ten second memory.
The post Ted Lasso Should Be Your Halloween Costume appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/31QngHz
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bumperkarate31-blog · 4 years
Can Tho jobs canthoclub
daily wage employment Work hunting can be hard. There are numerous businesses available, and there are plenty of people trying to find careers. You could speculate the way you are actually proceeding in order to get a good task, within a affordable period of time. This article can assist you in thinking in different ways. Look into the employement tips listed below, and feel happier about searching for job. Dress effectively whenever you go with an interview. The best advice is always to 'dress like a boss'. Go in dressed like you would be the supervisor of the individual within the place you need. This may be a good way to stay in addition to the package in any job interview placing, and will show you are intent on the position. Use social media to create and determine your internet appearance. More employers are beginning to factor in candidates' open public information on typically the most popular web sites, which include Facebook and Twitter. Update your privacy configurations to ensure any questionable images, up-dates and hyperlinks are certainly not visible to folks away from your group. Make sure you transform awareness settings for pictures which have been placed through your friends. Make sure to maintain your resume up to date when you are searching for work. You may not want a business that is certainly interested in one to find it difficult getting to you. When they are not able to speak to you immediately they will search for another person to fill up the career. Expect to overcome to the elevate which you should have. Keep an eye on the things you bring to the corporation through out the 12 months to help you create your situation if the time will come. Your supervisor will regard you for doing it and it could quickly cause a larger elevate than what you will have received normally. Sign up for a whole new e-mail address which sounds professional. Contact details will likely be the primary point the employer notices over a resume. Decide on an tackle which has your last name with the minimal. Owning an less than professional email address may actually force you to shed the position well before you've even been interviewed. Constantly do your homework before going to your interview. Investigate the organization that you will be signing up to. Know whatever you can regarding the company and those who help it. Any task candidate that is aware of exactly what the company is about and the firm record will be located in higher regard than an applicant that does not. If your office is placed into cubicles be really lenient with how your staff members create their cubicles. This will allow them to set photos up, as well as to experience a set up which makes them feel in your own home. Therefore, their output may go up, along with your profits along with it. As you quest for a constant task, recall you could get some extra work on along side it. Virtually everyone has a talent that they could placed to work with. Try out free-lance composing, grass function, or acquiring items to offer at the profit. The only real limitations in your choices are the type you set about them, so be creative! Give a thanks a lot note. Lots of people don't accomplish this, so when you take advantage of this a single suggestion, you might place yourself in front of the pack very quickly. Simply write a short note thanking the person for their time, reiterating that you might want the task, and reminding him or her of your respective exclusive credentials. Should your work can be carried out both night or day supply flexible daily activities. This will expand the pool area of staff that you are selecting from, and anytime their tend to be more prospects readily available, chances are better that you will get better workers. And also this will make your personnel truly feel they are much more liberated to set their plan and reside their existence when necessary. Don't lie in your cv concerning your talent sets. trung tâm việc làm cần thơ could feel like you have to expand the simple truth to open entrance doors, but generally your deficiency of the skills, the truth is, is going to be discovered rather quickly with a smart job interviewer. Alternatively, teach on your own the skills you must know to help you be more appealing to selecting organizations. Organizations eventually have concerns making use of their financial well being. You should represent yourself being an asset the corporation can make use of to earn far more, as an example by talking about circumstances that you performed a fantastic job. Companies will naturally would like you being reliable and difficult-functioning, but it is essential that additionally you give them a prospective to make money. Never ever articulate adversely about a former workplace or job experience with your interview. You need to stay positive all the time! If you are battling to preserve this prospect, take into consideration looking at a magazine from your community collection that could seriously help have a beneficial focus in your interview. This may significantly help in the direction of helping you accomplish your desired goals. You must generate an e-mail that displays your work interests when searching for employment. Stay away from personalized contact information that noise way too relaxed. For example, "eagerplumber5555" noises a lot better than "sexyhotguy88." You desire folks to think about you being a solid skilled, not someone that is looking to goof off of. Dress for success. For much better or worse, your appearance may be the initial impression you can expect to make in your job interviewer. Be sure to dress suitably, and so are nicely groomed. It is best to threat simply being around-dressed rather than to chance showing also casual. Whenever possible, steer clear of sporting any denims, shorts, or t-t shirts. Be sure to allow all the functions involved know if you use a number of job firms to locate a task. There exists no problem with utilizing several, but they should be knowledgeable. This helps to keep them from duplicating endeavours by submitting you many times for a similar position.
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Using this type of information and facts beneath your belt, you are able to greater ready yourself for interview, deal with characters and resumes. You may provide a better photo of yourself to companies, and you will have a much better photo of getting chosen. Take the information right here and ensure you make use of it, so your task search can end with a great job.
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
Cheeseburger in Paradise: Two.
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She had seven missed calls.
Two were from her mother and the rest were from him.
From the time she turned off her phone on a plane in Los Angeles to the time she turned it back on in a town car in Aruba, Niall Horan had called her five times.
Georgina Ferguson couldn’t believe it.
Before they left, they made a plan. One person would leave their phone off to use as a back up just in case. Brittany’s phone had died just before their connecting flight so it was up Georgina to keep them safe. She scanned through the text messages that had accumulated while she was in the air in search of the address of the house they were going to be staying at. Niall had ordered the girls a car so they didn’t have to worry about relying on strangers in a foreign country. Georgina had seen too many abduction films and knew she needed to have an exit plan just in case. She typed the address into Google Maps and turned on the Find My Friend application. If something went wrong at least someone (mainly her mother and Dave) would know where they were.
As Brittany made small talk with the Australian driver, three notifications popped on her phone. Two voice mails and a follow request from Find My Friend.
Niall had called her five times. Niall had left her two voice mails. Niall had requested to follow her - just in case.
Brittany’s comments from the plane swirled around her head. Niall liked her. She didn’t want to believe it. He was just some annoying boy who knew how to push her buttons. He laughed too much and cared too much and spent too much time trying to get her attention.
Maybe Brittany was right.
Maybe he did like her. She was just too stubborn to see it.
Georgina placed her phone to her ear and was instantly met by an Irish accent. The first message was wishing them a safe flight. The second was checking in and updating them on what everyone was up to.
“Who was that?” Brittany asked as Georgina hung up the phone.
“Messages from Horan.” Georgina said looking out the window before going back to her phone.
“What’d he say?” Her friend asked.
“Dave’s phone died so we need to call Horan if we need anything. Everyone is just drinking by the pool.” Georgina said in a low tone. “He wants us to go through the side gate when we get there.”
Brittany nodded. “What was the other one?”
“Wishing us a safe flight and reminding us about the car and the address n all that.” Georgina said checking their surroundings.
“That’s considerate. Isn’t it?” Brittany smirked.
“Extremely.” Georgina replied dryly.
“I’m calling it.” Brittany smiled. “You’re going to like him by the end of this trip.”
“You’re delusional.” Georgina mumbled.
“Could say the same about you.” Brittany teased.
“You are just as bad as my mother.” Georgina grumbled as a nice neighborhood came into view.
“I’m just saying G.” Her friend smiled.
“I’m gonna write that on your tombstone.” Georgina shook her head.
“Yours is gonna say–” Brittany started to say until she noticed the house they had stopped in front of.
It was something out of a travel brochure. A tall iron fence with intricate embellishments stood around a massive multistory house.
“He spent way too much on this.” Brittany said in awe.
“What do you mean?” Georgina asked sliding some money over the front seat to the driver.
“He said he’d take care of it all but this is just too much.” Brittany said getting out of the car.
“No one else is paying for this?” Georgina said surprised.
Brittany shook her head as she grabbed her suitcase. “That I know of.”
“That’s not fair.” Georgina said. “I mean I know he has the money for it but like he shouldn’t have to pay for it by himself.”
“Are you sympathizing with Niall Horan?” Brittany teased.
“Oh stop.” Georgina said grabbing the rest of their things from the car.
“He’s not that bad of a guy you know.” Brittany said.
“If you keep this up, I’m ignoring you for the rest of the trip.” Georgina said.
“Just give ‘im a chance.” Britt said as Georgina shot her a dirty look.“Last one.”
The two women gathered their belongings and headed for the gate. Some overly played dance song was blasting from the backyard letting them know they are in the right place. Georgina punched in the code to unlock the gate.
As the two women stepped foot on the property, Georgina’s stomach filled with butterflies. She knew why it was happening but she didn’t want to believe it. Niall Horan didn’t have feelings for her. She was sure it. This was just Brittany’s way to get her to cooperate. This was just a ploy to create a drama-free environment for the two weeks they were away.
At least that’s how it seemed.
They rounded the corner of the house to find a full fledged diving competition taking place in the pool. Drinks were being shared by the bar. One couple was using a lounge chair as a very public make out spot.The one person she didn’t want to see stood out in a pair of bright yellow swim trunks.
She was screwed.
Brittany made her way to her boyfriend who was acting as a bartender. Georgina left her luggage by the house before taking a minute to collect herself.
She could do this. Right?
Without a second thought, she headed towards her friends. Greetings were briefly shared with everyone around the bar.
She watched as Niall got out of line for the diving board and headed towards her. A few curse words were mumbled under her breath causing her best friend to laugh. Georgina looked up to find Brittany watching her.
“Remember what I said G.” She whispered. “Be nice just for the trip.”
Georgina attempted to think of a snarky comeback but the most popular member of their group had appeared and was hugging her best friend.
The sound of the excitement in his voice made her body tense up. She didn’t understand how someone could be that happy all the time.
Before she could she critique his every move, a pair of blue eyes was staring back at her. She put a fake smile on her face and got ready for to play a part.
“Fergie.” Niall smiled pulling her into a hug.
“Hey Niall.” Georgina responded as nicely as she could.
The young man stepped back and studied her face closely.
“What?” Georgina asked confused.
“Y'alright?” Niall asked scanning her features.
“Yeah why?” She asked still not understanding what he was doing.
“You called me by my first name.” Niall explained. “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t sick or anything.”
Georgina rolled her eyes trying to fight a blush from forming. “You’re so annoying.”
His signature laugh filled the space between them.
“So what’s that about?” She asked nodding to the line at the pool.
“Jamie said he was better than Tom Daley.” Niall said.
Georgina couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “He’s such a twat.”
“Right?” He said with a laugh. “We thought it’d be a fun competition.”
“Who’s winnin’?” She asked somewhat interested.
“Surprisingly Mags is.” He said nodding to a girl in a red bikini.
“She used to be a ballerina.” She said. “That makes sense.”
“She did?” He said smoothing over his wet hair.
“We’ve discussed this before you goof.” She said trying to be playful.
“I’m sorry I don’t remember every conversation we have.” He sassed.
“You remember my order at In N Out but you don’t remember our friends childhood hobbies.” She shook her head. “Tsk tsk Horan. Shame on you.”
Niall’s lips turned up into a big smile. “Let’s go get you settled brat.”
“So we had a bit of an issue yesterday when we got here.” He said once they got inside.
“What happened?” Georgina asked.
“I had sort of planned out where everyone was gonna stay but uh the couples ganged up on us and took the entire second floor.” He explained running a hand through his hair nervously. “It’s kind of a mess and now we are stuck down here. Just because we aren’t part of a pair doesn’t mean our opinion is invalid.”
“So you mean to tell me that you are paying for this monstrosity of a house by yourself and those drunks out there told you where you are going to be sleeping.” Georgina marveled at the thought.
Niall sighed. “She told you?”
“Yes but we’ll get to that in a second.” Georgina said. “You’re too nice to them Ni. You should have gotten first pick and then they could have fought for whatever was left.”
“I know I know. It’s just they are all so used to getting what they want and I already made them wait to come on this trip so I just let them.” He said sounding insecure.
His eyes fell to the floor realizing he might have said too much.
“They are kind of bullies.” Georgina said trying to lighten the mood. “Like that night when we went to Santa Monica and they said they got to take the first Uber home because they didn’t want to be split up but like you were gonna puke and Ash was nearly dead so you deserved the first one.”
“That was bullshit. It was a short ride to Keith’s place and they couldn’t be apart for what was it.. ten minutes?” He shook his head. “Absolute bull shit.”
“So what did they leave us poor singles with?” Georgina asked with a smile.
“Well uh two rooms on each side of the first floor. One shares a bathroom with Keith and the other shares a bathroom with me.” He said quietly.
Georgina was quiet.
“If I’m honest, Keith should have been left at home. He is being a real creep and talking about all the women he’s going to bring back.” Niall went on to explain. “So I wouldn’t choose that one. I mean if you want, I can switch to that room and you can keep the two over here.”
“Stop being a people pleaser Horan.” She said.
“I just want everyone to enjoy themselves and I’m worried they won’t.” Niall admitted shyly. “If me changing rooms will help, I’ll do it.”
“Keep your room. I get to take showers first. Got it?” She smirked grabbing her luggage and walking past him.
Niall stood still for a moment. He wasn’t used to this side of her. She was usually a little standoffish and cold. But here she was joking around with him.
He couldn’t believe it.
“So which one is mine?” Georgina asked pulling him back to reality.
“Uh the one on the left.” He said nodding towards the door in front of her.
“How much do I owe you?” She asked stepping inside the room.
“Fergie…” Niall started to say but she cut him off.
“Unlike the rest of their friends, I wasn’t raised to be disrespectful.” She said quietly. “I can’t let you pay for this entire trip by yourself.”
Niall watched her closely as she spoke - his eyes full of admiration.
“How much can I chip in?” She asked.
“I appreciate the offer.” He said sincerely. “But-”
“No buts. I’m gonna pay for something. Whether it’s part of the rental fee or for groceries or for drinks when we go out.” She said stubbornly. “We all have well paying jobs there is no excuse for them to think just because you are who you are that they deserve to get off without paying a dime.”
Niall cheeks turned rosy as the woman in front of him continued to rant about their friends. He had never seen her this passionate about anything. Not only was it slightly attractive, it was also really nice to see someone care about him.
Money wasn’t an issue. If he wanted to rent a mansion in a foreign country for a week, he could. But the fact that she was concerned about him spending too much meant something.
“You know what Fergie?” He said softly.
“Hmm?” She mumbled glancing up at him.
“I’m glad that you’re in my life.” He stated sincerely.
“Why’s that?” She asked placing her suitcase on the bed.
He shrugged, “You actually give a shit.”
She didn’t know how to respond. He took the moment to explain.
“I know I can come off a little strong sometimes and I can be a bit persistent with things but like out of everyone you give it to me straight.” Niall said trying not to show how he actually felt. “There is no bull shit with you. If I’m being a twat, you let me know. If I’m being too clingy, you let me know. If I’m being too much, you let me have it.”
Heat danced across her body as his words floated around her. This was not happening. Niall Horan wasn’t admitting how much he appreciated having her in his life. This wasn’t real life. She was still asleep on the plane and this was all a dream.
“I uh just wanted to let you know I appreciate it.” He smiled.
Georgina still didn’t know how to respond so she resorted to what she did best.
“You kind of forced yourself into my life so I’ve had to learn to adapt.” She teased making him smile even more.
“That’s how I make all my friends.” He joked. “Just annoy the shit out of them until they get use to me.”
“Sounds about right.” She laughed.
“Want me to give you a minute to like relax?” He asked trying not to over stay his welcome.
Georgina shook her head. “I’m good. We can go back with the others if you want.”
Niall headed towards the door. “Want a tour?”
“I’m only allowed on the first floor so I don’t need to see the rest.” She said following behind him.
“One day we’ll get the credentials to make it up there.” He assured her.
“Or we could just find more single friends.” She suggested.
“You do have a point.” He nodded.
“Why aren’t you as drunk as the others?” She asked as they stepped outside.
“Didn’t want to risk something happening to you and Britt and having no one to come help.” He admitted shyly. “She didn’t call me when she said she would so I got a little worried.”
“She almost made us miss our bloody connecting flight.” Georgina complained.
“How?” He asked trying not to laugh.
“Her phone charger was in her checked bag and her phone died so she wanted to buy a portable one at one of those shops.” Georgina explained. “The queue was outside the shop and she still wanted to buy it.”
“Is that why she didn’t call?” He asked looking over at their friend.
Georgina nodded as she watched Brittany dance along to the song that was playing.
“Sorry I called so much.” Niall said slightly embarrassed. “She told me she’d call in between flights and she wasn’t answering so I was hoping you’d pick up instead.”
“S'fine. I’m sorry I didn’t pick up.” Georgina apologized. “We decided to keep one phone off so we wouldn’t end up having two dead phones.”
“Smart idea.” He said glancing back at her.
“Well now that we are safely here do you wanna get something to drink?” Georgina asked keeping her eyes off the boy beside her.
“There are plenty of beers in the fridge.” He said turning towards her. “And they made some tropical juice thing with rum if you want that instead.”
Georgina scrunched up here nose trying to make up her mind. Niall found it cute.
“Or there’s water.” He added trying to help.
“Water’s for fish Horan.” Georgina joked. “Bring me something that’ll get me drunk.”
With that, Niall laughed his way to the bar to make her something to drink.
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uni-life-tips · 6 years
Tackling Unproductivity
It's okay to feel unproductive and useless etc.
As a student there are going to be days where it feels like you just can't do anything right. You start the day by spilling your coffee all over something important, you're late to class or go to the wrong room or get all the way there only to hear that class is cancelled and you could/should have slept in etc. Most of all, there are going to be days where you set out to be productive and get your homework done...and none of that happens and you feel useless.
This happens to everyone and getting frustrated at yourself isn't going to do you any favors.
In most of my upper-year semesters this happened often. I'd get out from my last class of the week and tell myself I'm totally going to be productive. I make a list of all the assignments and readings I have to complete and prioritize them. Then I get home and think "I've been in-class all week. Time to relax. I'll get started on that list bright and early tomorrow morning". Then I start watching a movie or something and I can't enjoy it 'cuz I'm constantly thinking "hey...you need to do your homework". So I end up trying to do my homework (failing due to lack of motivation) and I end up just refreshing Youtube about 50+ times (I wish I were exaggerating) and browsing the "Recommended" videos for about 4 hours. Again, I wish I were exaggerating but this is literally how my days are in Uni and I hate it.
We've been discussing webpage designs in some of my classes and we've learned that webpages with endless scrolling or pages that show you something new each time you refresh are running on game/gambling theories. People get addicted to the chance of something interesting happening with the next one. If you just keep scrolling you'll eventually find something interesting; if I just refresh Youtube again I'll find something interesting. Sound's kinda harmless...right? Well, replace "refresh" with "put in another quarter" and "Youtube" with "slot machine". Ta-Dah! This is how web-pages capitalize on addictive personalities and whatever else. This is why it's so freaking hard for me to just get off of Youtube and be productive. Next thing I know it's Monday, I've got to get to class, I have done absolutely none of my assignments or readings, but I now know how to wash and butcher 20 different fish for sashimi...as if I'm going to be able to get a fish on a student-budget living inland.
I've had entire weeks/months of this. This is where "good stress" comes in. I wouldn't have finished a draft of my paper if the deadline weren't 9 hours from the time I started. Yeah, I was supposed to start a month ago but I gave into the trap of constantly refreshing Youtube.
There's no easy answer and relying on deadlines to light a fire under your ass doesn't always work out and it's a horrible strategy. My strategies might not work for you, but if you're willing to read on then you'll find some of the ways I've tried that get me to be somewhat productive:
1) Get out of your room. Being alone in your room gives you the freedom to goof-off or go online. Your gaming systems are probably there. Your art-supplies, the bed, etc. Don't sit in a room full of temptations and expect that you won't be tempted to do something fun rather than study. If you don't need the internet or your computer or whatever else for a particular part of your academic work (e.g. readings either for a class or for a paper) then take what you need, leave everything else, and find somewhere else with fewer distractions to do the thing and don't let yourself go home until you finish it. It could be somewhere as close as your dining room table, or outside of your living area entirely: Univerity library, a food court, a random area where you can sit and be alone with your readings etc. Personally, I tend to go to foodcourts or fast-food joints with self-serve soft-drinks. Self-serve usually means unlimited-refills so long as you and the cup remain in the establishment. So I order a meal and plop down to eat and go through my readings/assignments while getting the most out of the drink I paid for. Also, being out in public means I'm a lot less tempted to just watch youtube videos or something.
2) Prioritize. Make a list of the stuff you have to do in order of importance. Define "importance" however you wish. I usually go by whichever ones are "due" sooner. E.g. I have: readings for the class on Monday, mini-assignment for Wednesday's night class, studying for an exam on Tuesday morning, laundry (2 weeks overdue therefore you have 4 loads instead of 2), and a paper due on Thursday. I'll create a numbered list: 1) Readings for Monday 2) Study notes for exam, 3) Mini Assignment 4) Paper 5) Laundry (2 loads). Then I try to stick to that list as much as I can. I usually end up deviating and that's my next point.
3) If you're having trouble getting anything done and getting frustrated with yourself, step back. Ignore the priority order and pick on the shortest or easiest task on your list. Get that out of the way to give yourself the confidence boost of having completed something. Ride that sense of accomplishment and work your way up to the most difficult or complicated task on your list. It won't feel as intimidating if you're riding the positive feelings of completing something. This is why small tasks like laundry, cooking, or cleaning are important to include. If you can't handle your academics right now and feel useless, work on laundry or cleaning or whatever. Simple tasks that are hard to mess up. You'll feel better once you've accomplished something, no matter how small. Don't beat yourself up over not having been productive in the "right" ways--sometimes you just need to feel like you accomplished something. This is also why I end up having tons of sweets and baked goods made during Hell Week in University. I'm stressed out, there's way too many exams to study for and assignments due. I can't focus on any one thing long enough to complete it because all the other stuff is screaming at me and I feel worthless. I feel even worse about myself because I "escape" and decide to bake stuff or make sweets. Then I have a ton of sweets and nothing else done. I am frustrated with myself but I do have to admit that I needed a 'win' in that situation. I needed to feel some sense of accomplishment. I have no idea how to complete my paper or what to study for the exam(s) but I did know how to bake those cookies so I'll munch on those while I try to break down my academic tasks into more managable steps.
4) Break down your work into more managable steps. Telling yourself "Write paper" might not be enough motivation or information to help you figure out where to get started. Instead, if you have a rough outline of phrases or points or references you want to include in your introduction as opposed to your body paragraphs then that'll make producing the paper easier on you. Some people just can't get started on a blank document. It happens to the best of us. If it does then break down your paper into pieces. Introduction, point 1, point 2, point 3, discussion, limitations/other considerations, conclusion. Also, it's good practice to create your reference/bibliography sheet as you find the articles. It's better to have 13+ random articles cited properly from the get-go and choosing which to delete than having to go digging around the library for something someone else may have checked out or worse, trying to find the article again on some online database. Don't do that to yourself. Cite once, cite it properly, and move on.
5) Do something enjoyable. Go out with a friend, complain to each other about assignments, gossip, joke around, laugh with each other. Try some new food at a new place or something. Take advantage of the daily special at a pub. Do something fun to forget about the workload you have no idea how to tackle. This is especially good if you're in the process of brainstorming topics for a paper or if you've finished a draft of something. If you're trying to formulate a topic and thesis statement then taking a break and letting your ideas incubate for a while (subconsciously) is good. When you get back to it you'll either see an angle you never considered before, realize it won't work, or whatever else. All ideas look good in the moment when you come up with them, but give it time to simmer and you might realize it was garbage and you wasted time barking up that tree. Same principle with a draft of a paper. Take a break to forget about it so that you can lay fresh eyes on it when you get back. You'll see the holes in the flow of your argument. You'll better-spot typos. That time away with your friend(s) wasn't a waste, it was re-setting your brain and allowing you time away from your ideas/paper so that you didn't end up married to them and blind to the faults in them.
Good luck! Don’t stay frustrated at yourself. That solves nothing and makes you feel horrible. Find some way to break yourself out of the rut and force yourself to look at the up-sides rather than the negatives. It’s a cliche psychological trick that’s been done to death, but it does have some merit to it. If all you focus on are the negatives, that’s what you’re going to see more of. Look for the positives and choose to focus on that. Rather than be frustrated about not being productive in the “right” areas, look at what you did manage to accomplish. I have a mountain of academic work I have no idea how I’m going to tackle and I’ve got 3 things due in 9 hours. It’s daunting. I wanna cry. But I have freshly-baked, home-made chocolate chip cookies. It’ll be a long night and I’m not sleeping tonight and I’m probably going to have to ask for an extension or figure out which one of these assignments I’m going to take a fail in...but I have cookies.
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