#i dont understand people who dont want to know anything outside their own experience. thats so sad and lonely? like. live a little.
crwatters · 1 year
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totheblood · 1 year
as a black writer i want to say some things…
one, inclusivity is absolutely needed. not only in this community but nearly all communities. oftentimes we are seen as a non-factor or have our experiences just be disregarded. i made a post on this a while ago and got a weird amount of hate for it.
two, i really dislike the way in which this conversation was brought up. because while a lot of it is true, (we need more inclusivity in works and more black writers) people ended up bringing up specific writers and sort of blaming them for the lack of inclusivity? or saying that they writer their readers white? this is so frustrating because one it’s not true, as someone who has read a lot of their work, it has been raceless except for the fact that their readers are hyperfeminine. again being hyperfem is also a lesbian experience so please remember that, and thats how they are! that’s who they are in their daily life and thats how they write. some of you dont realize how incredibly difficult it is to write outside of who you are. but overall i havent seen them say anything that would make their readers explicitly white. on top of that it’s just so counterintuitive to the point to bring up white writers when discussing the lack of inclusivity. there are a lot of black writers!!! how about instead of bringing others down, we work to bring others up. it takes away from what we are saying and is not only unfair to those writers who had nothing to do with it, but also black writers.
third, if you are making an entire account to spread hate, you don’t have the moral highground you think you do. i know this may sound shocking but how about you block the things you don’t like, and dont talk about it anymore. there are things ive seen on here that i haven’t liked but i keep my mouth shut, don’t follow or interact, and keep it moving. that existing will not cause me to spend my time writing hate to that person or even focusing on it. i’ll focus on my work and what i like to write/read. you are obsessed at the end of the day. it’s not a good look and it’s mass bullying.
fourth, i saw a lot of discourse about minors. again, a lot of the minors who read my work don’t realize it’s mostly for your sake. unrealistic expectations of sex and relationships are so detrimental when you are so young. but at the end of the day i can’t control what minors read/don’t read. my work is public and i understand that. once again, however, i ask that you don’t interact with me. as someome who is 22 and already in a position of power it would be not only weird but wrong for us to have interactions. please remember that.
all in all, i do love this community and the people who are just here to read and mind their own. stop ruining the collective experience for everyone please.
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
I was just catching up on your most recent fic after a busy week and saw your AN and came here looking for more clarification.
I guess I don’t understand why you felt the need to take it upon yourself to write something that you knew would get the attention of the people you were satirizing. Your whole stance on fan fiction (based on your own personal statements in both your asks and your ANs) seems to be that if people aren’t doing it the way you personally like, they shouldn’t be doing it at all. You keep saying you want people to just talk to you about it but why should they when you haven’t extended that gesture to them?
Also it’s very odd of you to be speaking for an entire group of people you yourself do not identify with. To what end exactly? So you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you fandom correctly while everyone else doesn’t? Did someone come to you and ask you to advocate for them? It just doesn’t make sense why you felt like this was your responsibility to correct or something.
It kind of reeks of moral (and fandom) superiority, like you’re just doing the most to educate people (which is. Not a thing we need in fandom spaces) and keep them on your straight and narrow instead of letting fandom works be what they are which is, for most people, a fun, exploratory way to engage with the source material. Your GOTCHA attitude towards readers who were enjoying your “bland” fic was very shocking. It does come across like you just want to embarrass people who enjoy those types of stories and tropes and make yourself feel enlightened and better than them because you thought outside the box.
I don’t know. The idea of using these tropes as a tool to spring “THIS WASN’T REAL” on readers is fun but I think it would have been much better if you hadn’t actually been making fun of other people. That kind of spoils the whole experience of your fic. I’ve been a fan of your writing and art for a long time and I do genuinely understand the desire to have people write more of what you want to see/write things that feel more in-character, but the approach here is confusing and off putting and it’s pretty disappointing to see you openly hurt people just because you like dicking around and can’t just scroll past stories/ideas/headcanons you don’t agree with.
Anyway I doubt any of this will change your mind about what you did and I doubt you’ll even care about what I have to say about it. It’s hurtful and upon deeper inspection and reading and rereading the fic and your AN and asks, I’m pretty sure I’m one of the intended targets. This is kind of word vomit at this point as I try to get my thoughts out but you asked for the people you were criticizing to reach out so here I am. Discouraging and disappointing but I hope you found what you were looking for I guess.
see thats like. completely antithetical to the point ive been reiterating for like a week. i CANNOT stop anyone from writing and i dont want to this is not the take away and it never has been. if they want to write fifteen fics like that to spite me then good on them i really just
cannot keep saying enough that i dont want anyone to STOP writing. this was just me kind of screaming in the dark because i see the exact same patterns repeated over and over. you should never ever stop creating because some fucking nobody is frustrated with the content produced en mass for free as a hobby. there is no actionable Thing that can take place here i cant stop anyone from writing any of this i just kind of wanted some people to Think about what they were reading. ive gotten messages from people saying they didnt like the initial tone of the story before chapter 4 but kept reading it because they were desperate for content. thats nuts to me! but i also understand that those people just have very little to choose from. if anything i want MORE people to write
like i keep saying again and again i do not want and cannot stop anyone from writing whatever they want. im not your mom! and to a certain degree, this did come out of nowhere there was no big thing that set it off, it was just me being obscenely frustrated.
and what i am REALLY frustrated about is how presumptuous youre being! i do feel bad that i hurt people and i decided basically a day after i posted the chapter i would never do something like this ever again. theres just too much room for misinterpretation. you are actively reading me as malicious like we can just talk in dms. "im so disappointed in you" YOU DO NOT KNOW ME. THAT is the shit that is getting to me youre acting like i am incapable of acknowledging how i know this fic could have been interpreted. its up now i made my bed im not going to plug my ears and pretend a public vent wouldn't catch people unawares. i am no stupid and do not treat me as such
i am actively choosing not to post most of the asks i get in FAVOR of this because they are dumping on the kinds of fics i dont even necessarily like and i think that's just adding on. again this is why i spoke about braid tropes used, shit that could basically be applicable to any fandom, and not a particularly fic. i didnt want to go into someones comments or dms and say hey! your fic is personally, to me, bad and hard to read, might you explain yourself? like theres nothing TO explain its aet it just exists how it is. there was no nice way of doing this kind of thing, but itd be so sweet if people didnt call me a friendless clout chaser and do some "you'll never work in this town again" shit.
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Hi! Can i ask for a matchup with Tokyo Debunker? If yes then thank you so much! Pronouns: any Zodiac: Aquarius Demiromantic Omnisexual MBTI: INTP Personality: I have ADHD, I'd describe myself as someone who is easy going, stubborn, honest and observant, though I dont think im also that good at understanding others emotions and struggles, so usually i try my best to sympathize and find logical advices to help them. My bad trait is that i give up easily at things i dont find myself good at. I also do have some issues trust people and myself, but when i start to trust people, I act more blunt and more teasing towards people, jokes around and can be sarcastic and mean around them. oh and i forget and let go of things really easily, so i dont really hold grudges. Appearance: Im kind of thin, purple with yellow strands, jellyfish hairstyled hair. My hair is pretty short cause i dont tend to like having a long hair to carry around. Orange eyes. My resting bitch face usually look like im mad or exhausted and thats usually why people don't tend to talk to me that much- oh and im about 6'5 and do tend to have scars all over the body because im pretty clumsy and cant concentrate much things around me. Likes: arts in general, i also enjoy watching people do their own activities. I enjoy music in general. Outside of arts, i also like to experience new things as long as it sounds interesting. I find human psychology interesting because we never know what others are thinking and why they think that way (maybe thats why i like taiga sm hshhshs) Dislikes: Bitter food and drinks, chocolate, insects, being forced to do something i dont want to. Hobbies: Listening to all kinds of music and drawing, sleeping and writing stories (i get to analyse people's mind) Thank you for reading if you ever decided to do this request!! I really love your writing style! Sorry if its a bit too long, its my first time asking in tumblr-
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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You and Haku are going to be an unstoppable teasing machine. You’re both too stubborn to back down when the other starts the teasing war and everyone around you will just have to deal with it.
I feel like he would also enjoy people watching. I think he finds it interesting watching people interact with the world around them and would like making comments to you and pointing out funny events he sees.
Haku can definitely relate to not liking being forced to do something. His relationship with his family and the shrine says a lot about that. So he’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to. He values both his and your freedom too much to do that.
Since you have trust issues, I can see a relationship with Haku taking a long time to form. He can come across as ingenuine sometimes or seem like he’s just playing around so he’ll have to work hard to convince you that he really does like you.
I see Haku as someone who loves exploring new places and trying new things so he’s ecstatic that you’re the same. Expect to go on a lot of crazy dates when you both get free time.
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prisonhannibal · 1 year
i dont mean to presume youd know yourself, but im a sámi thats moved to the east coast of australia (darug land). its a little lonely without in person friends that are also sámi.
i was wondering if you or anyone you know, knew of anybody living nearby. idk. looking on my own hasnt been the most fruitful given the already low precedent for us lol :3
I don’t know anything about the community in australia since i’ve never been there, but if any of my followers do then please comment! it can be very isolating and lonely to be outside of where your culture is, even being in sápmi but being a minority and not having a strong connection to the community is lonely so I really hope you can find people to connect with who understand your experiences ❤️💚💛💙 if you’re comfortable with sending me an ask off anon we can talk, even though I’m not in australia so it’s a bit different, but it could still be nice if you want that. I don’t have messages open unless we’re mutuals, but please send me an ask and i’ll message you!
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
ok so first and foremost i dont agree with ppl being mean and insulting you because thats not how you get people to listen to what you have to say so i am sorry about the prev ppl immediately going to attack you but im not going to sit here and minimize their anger because its not baseless and they are well within their right to feel that way. im coming here to try and at least offer my view as a lesbian, which i doubt will do anything but its worth a shot i guess.
i dont agree with the implication that 'bi/mspec lesbian' labels are not harmful when they are fundamentally lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic from the talking points ive seen, and hurt us. implying that lesbians can feel attraction to men is the same rhetoric homophobes push onto us in real life to try and imply our sexuality is a phase and can be cured. "you just need to give men a chance." yk things of that nature. im not going to dive deep into the biphohia of it because i do not live the experience of a bisexual and i dont want to talk over bisexuals but i think it speaks for itself when people are so adverse to the label. you must ask yourself why are you so afraid to identify as bisexual? lesbianism has always included nonbinary, trans, gnc, and intersex people. and if its 'too restrictive' then it does not apply to you. lesbians do not and will not ever be attracted to men, i know its hard to believe but yes! people who arent attracted to men exist! we exist! i feel people are so angry and emotionally charged is because we are tired. tired of facing lesbophobia from outside and within the community. sorry for the long ask i tried to keep it short and concise. all i can say is please listen to actual lesbians.
hi, thank you for not being an ass an providing an actual argument, i very much appreciate that /gen. there genuinely is a horrid amount of lesbophobia, biphobia, and transphobia within the community. i know that there are a lot of arguments that the mspec label contributes to such. i just cannot get over the fact we are having fights like this within a community that is actively being attacked so heavily as a whole, especially right now.
your argument's reminiscent of the idea that the pan label is biphobic. genuinely, some people just identify with one label more than another, and sometimes people feel best defined by a combination of labels. even if the difference between the definition of bi and pan is miniscule to you, it might be big enough of a difference to someone else for it to matter.
it's not about "fear" of identifying as a certain label, sometimes it just doesn't. feel. right. once again! i could identify with bi, pan, omni, whatever label! but it's just not me. this has been said before, but nothing about identity is simple. feeling like we need to separate each other all into our own little boxes is incredibly isolating. the point of having this community to begin with, is so we all know that we're not alone.
everyone's just trying to live their lives. you genuinely seem like you have good intentions and god, i KNOW that this argument's tiring, and i can't imagine what it's like to deal with all the other arguments targeted against lesbians in particular, and i won't act like i'll ever understand the struggle with lesbophobic arguments, since i'm not a lesbian.
but people outside of the community are taking advantage of this argument even existing in order to make life worse for us as a whole, regardless of whatever label you choose to use. whether you're bi, a lesbian, or a bi lesbian, doesn't matter to the people passing bills against our rights and healthcare and protection. any difference to them is equally wrong. i'd rather stand against that idea as a whole than go along with it to suit whatever i'm trying to convey.
i just don't want to cause people to struggle to be themselves and live their lives simultaneously. majority of us have that same goal. even if we don't agree with each other along the way, at the end of the day, we all just want to feel safe and happy.
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legalize-necromancy · 5 months
yk im reaaaaal tired of people acting like cities are inherently less racist/bigoted and completely writing off all rural areas as racist/homophobic monoliths with nothing worth saving. where is the empathy for these communities?
to say fuck rural areas and whatever else, youre saying fuck my family, my friends, their families, and all the people of color who call these places home. these communities that are already incredibly neglected but people dont care about these towns/villages/rural areas or the people in them, they just want some feeling of superiority over the “unintelligent hillbillies”
like of course racism and bigotry exists! im a black nonbinary queer who lived in small towns in central illinois for 20+ years, this isnt naivety, i know bigotry well but the thing is it exists everywhere, including cities. to act as if it’s exclusive to rural areas is disingenuous and i can smell the classism a mile away. this isnt even touching on the queer communities in cities right now but the same applies to it too.
this is also not touching on media which almost solely represents these places as truly irredeemable.
so again, i understand they arent perfect and there is much work to do but i understand these places in an intimate way that the people who want to write us as unsalvageable cannot( white liberals i am especially looking at you). i have plenty of nightmare stories: being pulled over by cops after school just got out and i didnt even make it off the high school’s property, addictions and violence thats taken friends and family, but i can also talk about the way the most community ive ever felt to this day, outside of my own family, was in the trailer park my friend levi lived in, walking through the woods identifying plants and animals and animal tracks with friends, hanging out in abandoned trailers in the middle of nothing teaching each other guitar, the farm my grandpa had and all the joy and wonder that brought me. i cant talk of the good without also speaking of the bad but thats just life isnt it?
im in my feelings and i know for sure im not saying anything someone hasnt before, maybe im saying nothing at all, but though i live in a city currently, i will never stop loving my little ol mining town in the rust belt and the rural areas that raised me and the ones that are home to the people considered disposable, uneducated, and unworthy of grace or help. im just exhausted from constantly having to experience the contempt people have for rural communities.
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mothicality · 6 months
post discusses selfharm a lot, though no details beyond it being selfharm and having scars. also mentions suicide attempts (no details)
guy with anxiety experiences anxiety, what a shocker!
did. big anxieties today. wishing two people would adopt me (host of nerd club (be my dad please) + dm for my d&d group at the nerd club (be my big brother please))
earlier today i decided to go to the pharmacy on my own for the first time ever. which is very scary. i cannot go shopping on my own but pharmacy is like a middle step since less options and you can get the clerk to help you super easy. still really scary, biggest shopping ive done alone before that was mcdonalds ;-;
but i bought gauze-ish stuff and disinfectant wipes. had to ask about it and i feel like the clerk was guessing it was selfharm related but she didnt ask. she was sorta tense and cautious with her answers but she was still nice and wasnt invasive or anything, so still good experience and i got the stuff
and then. so i go to the nerd club once a week, been there four times now, and i am a very warm person and it is fairly warm there so i get Hot. so i would like to wear shortsleeves to be less hot. but i am visibly Quite Scarred, which, well. i have no experience with people who arent familiar with selfharm, so going somewhere like that with my scars visible is scary
so i messaged the host a few days ago on messenger, no answer so i asked about how to contact him personally outside nerd club and he gave me his phone number (privilege!he wants to keep his work and personal life separate so not many get access to it), so i messaged him again when i got home 4ish hours ago
and. he just replied. and im too anxious to open it but he has guessed it is selfharm. i dont really know why i didnt outright say it, it's just. difficult i guess
since i was 12, pretty much all my interaction with other people irl has been within mental health contexts
i moved into my first grouphome then. the people there were familiar with selfharm since everyone there is mentally unwell, and one of the other residents had visible selfharm scars and sometimes wounds
my second group home was for kids with more severe issues, so theyre definitely also experienced with it, and they knew i was moved to that group home because of two suicide attempts
and then outside that i'm only really ever at appointments at the psych facility or the government - all people who have read about me before meeting me, who knows lots about me and my issues and whatnot
oh and with my family, all of us are mentally ill so theyre familiar with mental issues, and my mom used to selfharm a lot and has had several suicide attempts, so theyre familiar with it through her too
but now. ive joined three clubs, two of which are in person. these clubs have nothing to do with mental health and such, the nerd club is actually just a regular school club thats been opened up to people outside the school. so...it's different here. i don't know how to...be, i guess. i don't know what is or isn't okay. it's hard
i struggle socially there - they're really kind and welcoming and understanding, but...i don't know, maybe it's just anxiety, but i feel like i mess up more than they do, even though they don't get upset with me. i'm almost constantly anxious about missing social rules and what is and isn't okay to do
bleh. so yeah. big anxiety today. but it's...a good kind, in a way, i guess. it's because i'm doing difficult things that i previously couldn't. it's...progress, development.
dont know where i was going with this. just to vent out my anxiety i guess . . . i'm glad it's getting better
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transzilla · 7 months
tgirl user on this site like last december who calls herself a baeddal: i cant believe were getting villified for making jokes about force fem, let trans people live
the same tgirl seeing a few tboys experiment with a similar kink in the same way: uh dont you know the term autoandrophile was once used by PSYCHOLOGISTS to god forbid CALL WOMEN CRAZY? do you think women are CRAZY? also since we All Know being feminine can only ever be lesser and humiliating by liking forcemasc youre basically a woman hating sexist for not only viewing gender roles as black and white. Oh and since youre a trans man you clearly have not matured at all mentally or sexually beyond that one annoying 14 year old trans boy i still hold a gurdge over. Over theres butch lesbians in the forcemasc community? Well theyre okay because theyre women.
Alright well don't take what I said like that hahaha like idk who tf you're talking abt and I do see a lot of trans men bitching abt forcemasc. And cis women which is umm kind of special.
I understand what you're saying and inter community transphobia pisses me the fuck off but I mostly see the "men are evil and transitioning to male is evil" from cis women and these neofeminist environments mostly like i really dont think the heat youre experiencing is a tgirl invention. Like thats a cis pioneer lol
I do see a lot of trans women that are transphobic toward men and don't trust transmasc circles and like I understand some trans male circles have UNIQUE issues but like baeddel shit from tgirls... if I get tired of it I just turn my phone off LMAOO like this shit just does not fly or exist in real life
My whole thing is if you're gonna do the baeddel thing and hate men and say being a man is unethical whatever at least take care of your girls. Like I think I've experienced maybe one "baeddel" circle irl and it was in like a sheltered city bubble and it was just pretty normal transgender female drama like all these liberated queer people say they hate men and dickride them anyway. theyd just be dicks to trans men and dickride cis dudes. And they were even awful to other tgirls like you couldn't do anything and anger the fucking clique without somebody being like oh my god she was such a bitch like it really is ur own people LMAO but like I understand it just blew trying to hack it in those tboy and cis people spaces cus everyone was horrible to u for being transfem. Like they werent any less misogynistic. But then even in the transfem circle they also were not less misogynistic even if tgey talked all this shit abt men. transgender people are awful mostly because they're neurotic, it was rejection from other trans people that had these girls reacting with bullshit like that, I just don't want you responding to these wolf notes with more anger. Like let the fire die out. Please. Lol.
Dont read too much into internet drama especially, like this shit isnt real I think it gets so cutthroat cause a lot of people arent really trans or have trans communities outside of the internet unfortunately like the real world resources are not there and people are too eager to subsitute with tumblr. And I'm the same way like I'm a hick like my closest trans friend is a half hour away. Like just calm down cus if ur not calm ur not thinking.
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jerrydarlin · 8 months
rewatched Under The Skin last night. my friends are champs for sticking it out the whole way thru and i love them so much. i know that movie is not everyones cup of tea, its so bleak and disheartening.
as much as it is about predatory nature and taking advantage of loneliness (and taking advantage of others' predatory natures too), as much as it is about BEING alone, and how sometimes thats just all we get, there still remains a desperate yearning for empathy. to achieve it. to receive it.
i think about that lil guy left on the beach as he struggles to learn to walk. Such a perfect gutpunch moment that really hits the theme almost TOO hard. we dont always have the support we need, and for a lot of us, it isnt clear if we ever will.
after sparing one of her would-be victims (she feels empathy for this poor deformed man, a subject to cruelty and ignorance by his fellow man every day of his life, an outsider), it becomes clear that our main girl is now also stuck in a strange place, alien to her, completely unaware of how people actually *DO* ANYthing, much less find joy in it. but still trying her best to understand. its a very subtle reversal and its actually quite beautiful. but, as they often do in films like these, tragedies will ensue, and the end result is an act of cruelty, met with shock and horror and failure to empathize.
its easy to frame these ideas through other lenses like race, gender and identity, religion, or immigration. so much of humanity's cruelty is just the outright refusal to empathize with anyone or anything.
Its probably not the best film by any means, but it addresses some really hard to answer problems, and for a guy who makes like one movie every ten years, its impressive that he wants to tackle stuff like this and not just offer up a smoothed-over experience for the viewer. some stuff just cant be written into fruition. we as a species must learn to love each other on our own.
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spamtonology · 2 years
Hii ive been lately thinking alot about spamton and how he views any romantic relationships, and dont get me wrong, i do myself like few spamton ships alot, but i think that spamton probably never had an actual experience with any romantic feelings in canon, or will in near future
Back in his addison and big shot days, he probably was too busy calculating, selling, and speaking to his phone friend to actually ever consider liking anyone, like yeah probably few Swatchlings made him go like 😮😮😮😮😮 and he was flirting with ladies (or maybe Even queen) on any types of parties, but in reality i dont think he ever truly thought about anyone in romantic way, yes he did think about being in relationship, but never got Close enough with anyone to actually concider it, because he had other goals to do first
And i dont think current spamton is any better, hes wayyyy too mentally unstable to be in a relationship, the only thing he really cares about at the moment is NEO, and hes way too much detached from reality, he would either have very bad sudden episode and run away from his "loved one" or use them to get to neo. Like i get all the "take spamton home take care of him" fics are made mainly for fluff, but spamton isnt really in his right mind after his downfall, and honestly that would certainly lead to very unhealthy relationship, where one is using another for his own needs and other one is treating him like a child/pet not knowing how to handle him
(But well, theres also post canon possibilities, but we have no idea how story can go and can only form headcanons for that, but if you'd like i would be very happy to write my own interpretation later ^__^)
I would love to hear others take on this idea too because When i first thought about it i was like omg thats actually not a bad idea. And wanted to share it but i was kinda shy lol
I don't know what you're trying to ask? If you have a blog of your own you could post this in the tag, don't worry about being shy, I understand. You wanted my opinion on the idea so I will discuss it.
Just a disclaimer, a lot of this is going to be headcanon on what I believe his life was like in the stages prior to canon. You are free to disagree with my headcanon as it's not correct, only my interpretation.
I think as an Addison he was relatively isolated and lonely (despite being with the other Addisons often...you can be in a friend group and still feel left out, I've been there), and often hammed up his own personality and ego to try to get attention and to stand out. He did develop a sort of insecurity complex as a result. He might have shown some interest/attraction to potential customers, but it never went anywhere beyond that, and his fellow Addisons would always catch their attention before he could anyway.
As a Big Shot, he's incredibly busy and overworked and stressed despite his otherwise luxurious new life, but masked it with unhealthy coping mechanisms, which didn't work well for him at all. He could seem outwardly charismatic and talkative to outsiders, but on the inside he would be struggling severely with himself, just a constant downward spiral until he finally snapped. In terms of relationships, he probably sought after people he thought he could trust his secrets with, namely Swatch if the Q&A is anything to go by. Queen's close proximity and party-going nature probably helped a lot with Spamton's forming of relationships even if it was probably confined to the mansion...Spamton to me feels like the type of guy who wanted to impress Queen as much as possible and show how truly good he is at his job, only later developing feelings for her and doubling down on that. Swatch is a special case, but I think his relationship with Swatchlings was more of mild intimidation that he tried to play off as disinterest/seeing the Swatchlings as, well, underlings.
I do not think it's fair to say he is too "mentally unstable" to be in a relationship...That almost feels insulting to him. I think I remember having a similar opinion before rescinding it because I realized it could be ableist. I think he is not completely detached from reality as this was the case with Jevil, rather I believe he is all too aware of the reality he is in and denies it vehemently so it may come off as being detached from reality in that context.
You are right that Spamton’s current character could lead to a tumultous and unhealthy relationship, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I really do not like the implication you made that it would be like trying to take care of a child or pet, but maybe I am misinterpreting your words. Many fanfictions do portray that sort of relationship which I detest and try to avoid at all costs. “Taking care of” Spamton is like taking care of an adult man with a history of severe mental illness. There are no fluffy cats or chubby babies here. That doesn’t mean fluff isn’t allowed, however. I absolutely love fluff with Spamton, and seriously mentally ill people do deserve respect and love like any other person. It’s just very important for me to make the distinction between this and taking care of a child or pet as it comes off as infantilizing and dehumanizing mental illness.
(Addendum that he is also a fictional character in a fantasy series and you can technically do whatever you want, but to many fans he hits close to home as well, and many mentally ill fans who relate to him probably wouldn’t want to be treated like a child or a pet either. When you are saying he is too mentally unstable to be loved, or that he must be taken care of like a child or pet, it might come off to other people that this is how you feel about mentally ill people, regardless of your intent.)
I apologize if I sound sour tonight, and may have misunderstood anything you said, please do clarify. I would like to hear your post-canon interpretations anyhow, even if I might disagree with them (and we can agree to a civil discussion, yes?)
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sereniv · 9 months
people deserve to feel uncomfortable when it comes to injustice
i dont mean uncomfortable in a harmful way like being subjected to videos of death or rape when its unnecessary for you
i mean everyone and i mean EVERYONE (who is capable of understanding), needs to have someone outside their (your) experiences tell you to stfu.
Everyone needs a moment where you feel bad or guilty. Everyone needs a moment where they are called out on ignorance or bigotry on any spectrum,
so that you have the moment to just, take it. to deal with it. to suck it up
to learn to look past your emotions and to see what the real issue is
too many times people have to walk on eggshells, to be a model minority, when they want- NEED to be angry
And im not talking verbal abuse, i mean not having to be nice all the time
I mean "shut up this isnt for you" and for you to take it. "dont talk to me dont touch me" and to deal with it. "i dont trust you" "you are making me uncomfortable" "you will never understand" "stop"
To hear someone tell you how it is without filter, and to hear it, to listen, and to move on.
You say "got it" "understood" "sorry about that". you dont grovel. You act like an adult. You fucked up, or you are not what the person needs right now and thats ok. Dont dwell. You arent a bad person and you need to actually put effort into understanding that so that you can look past any opressor guilt and focus on what is more important and that is learning
But people are too used to coddling and hearing things being said in the nicest way
And i think everyone just needs to get a wake-up call at least once to humble them and learn them that you are nothing special. You not the main character. You DO make people uncomfortable sometimes just as they make you uncomfortable sometimes
I know for a fact that i do. i know that i have been ignorant, i know me not understanding something on a personal level like racism or transmisogyny has made me say things that probably made some of my friends roll their eyes.
And i know ive felt that with other people where i roll my eyes or ive felt uncomfortable
Everyone is going to have something they dont know on a personal level be it abelism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, death of a loved one, poverty, etc
I used to be scared to mess up, until i realized other people feel the same way. And that i felt like it was dumb for them to feel that way, it felt artificial like they were always calculating what they were saying or always feeling wary, and i saw that i most likely came off that way too
so i try really hard to just own up and move on. Because its not about you
youre allowed to feel bad
but like give yourself a time limit or something and keep it to yourself or write in a diary. And then do better.
Best thing you can do rn is ask someone to tell you anything theyve wanted to tell you that youve done to make them feel uncomfortable.
but you HAVE to make sure you are ready to hear it and take it and accept it, to apologize and to move on
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so im not a big my chem fan, but observing this from the outside points to an issue ive seen repeated in every community ive been in, whether it be fandoms or subcultures, that i think we should really try to address at its root.
it is difficult, even for people who want to, to change a community for the better, because it means acknowledging that something is wrong, and it means that there will be a change to the status quo youve become used to as we try to change. ive seen many, many actual conversations be opened and promptly labelled as discourse with 2 clean separations, with many people wanting to stay out of it and proclaiming that they wish things could go back to normal. ive tried to start conversations about things that ive noticed as a black person in alternative subcultures and fandom spaces, and they do not gain traction, not because people are ignoring it, but because they dont think its their place to share and dont want to rock the boat on it.
so how do we address this?
if you can opt out of a conversation, you need to be acutely aware of the fact that we cant. i cant wish the community went back to normal, because this is my normal. all thats happened is that now you know about it. think about the fact that these unpleasant feelings are an aberration to you but are a tuesday to me. the discomfort you feel is because its been like this all this time and you havent noticed. thats okay, but its not okay to try to ignore it once its brought to your attention.
having the affected minority control the conversation means they should control the way this conversation is spread. you need to get the explaination of why this is wrong from someone who understands the nuance better than you, and share that, not your own summary. in the same way that your teacher can explain science to you better than you can to someone else even if you understsnd the topic, you are not an expert.
one opinion does not a consensus make. you need to know what different members of the affected group think, you need to hear differing perspectives, you need to hear how those perspectives interact with each other. one person may feel that theres no excuse for not speaking out, another may feel that making a statement when they never use that medium at all is performative, and another still may think both statements are true or have a completely different and unrelated opinion. not every opinion is mutually inclusive, and even when it is, its important to understand that that doesnt mean any party is wrong.
questions are welcome. you are allowed to ask questions, even if you are not allowed to give opinions. you are welcome to engage, you are welcome to ask people (who have indicated they are willing to publicly share) questions about their views and opinions on the topic. do not reach out to people who have done nothing to indicate they are willing to share their perspectives publicly, but if there is a public forum of communication, your questions (just questions!!) are welcome.
dont get defensive. its not your fault, or anyones fault, that you didnt know this was happening, and no one is accusing you of doing anything. you didnt know, now you do, so accept the new knowledge and do better now.
dont be guilty. again, its not your personal fault, you are only at fault if you refuse to aid in fixing the problem. guilt does not help fix the problem. we do not care how bad you feel about our problem. we do not care how sorry you are we had to deal with this for so long. we care that you help improve our conditions now.
most importantly, you can and should share the conversation. i understand that seeing people talk about the prejudice they face feels like an intimate thing that is not for you, but if someone is saying "hey, i am facing this issue in our community as a minority" that is a problem for our community, not for the minority group. while your opinion may be unnecessary in the conversation, you are still a part of the community, who can reach other parts, and most importantly, raise awareness to people in it who arent in that minority group. i cant tell you the number of times i have made a post about my own experience only to have it live and die in obscurity due to well meaning people liking instead of sharing, due to being unsure if its their place to. it may not be your place to comment, but its definitely your place to share!
i hope this can help people engage with uncomfortable topics better in future.
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Incel!Shinsou x F!Reader fanfic idea (Part 2)
So here we are, Incel!Shinsou is back and this time with a bit of growth that he needs to make independently (While thinking about the reader of course. Thank you so much to @blossominglark for sending in such a lovely message! Also here you can find a small explanation as to why i even started the Incel!Shinsou series.)
"I think I want you. I think you're bad. I think you're good, it's like the love I never had. I think I need you. Oh God, it's true. I think I'm falling and there's nothing I can do" - Beetlejuice Chill by Life After Youth
Part 1: Incel! Shinsou x F!Reader
Part 3: Incel!Shinsou x F!Reader (1/2)
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How difficult could it be? To forget that you ever existed... thats what's haunting Shinsou ever since the conversation you two had a few days ago. He cant seem to focus anymore, everything just reeks of you. (His own bedroom where you two would sit on the floor and work on your project together. You would laugh at something that came on the television, every time resulting in his face heating up and heart beating harder at the sound, the beautiful sound, of your laughter. It doesn't feel the same anymore. He cant sit or sleep there anymore.) Shinsou starts speaking with Aizawa more, to be honest its not like Aizawa gave him that much of a choice. He needed to understand what was happening with his son and you in order to help or bring some constructive input.
Shinsou goes on and on about how he mocked you to his "friends". When questioned on his "friends" he said that they were all telling him that you needed to be taught how to be a "proper woman" the "perfect girl for them".
("Hitoshi what-...why would you...?"
"I don't know! It made sense when i was young and- i... i dont understand how or why and...please just- help me i dont understand!"
"It's ok, it's ok, come here." Aizawa hugs Shinsou tightly. He starts running his hand over Shinsou's hair comforting him.
"What did you show them? What did you tell them about...her, exactly?") A mess of tears and regrets, thats what Shinsou is. A puddle which he somehow drowned you in out of a bitter rage that had nothing to do with you.
Aizawa finally holding a grasp as to how Shinsou's mind worked, he couldn't help but feel defeated. He neglected his son so much he became bitter and resentful towards the wrong people, the wrong person. (Aizawa only ever told Shinsou that his mother moved away from them because it was "too much for her". Young Shinsou couldn't grasp why his mom would leave him, but again he never really asked questions since he saw how upset it made his dad. "Dont worry Hitoshi, ill be here for you no matter what. Got it, problem child?") An intervention needs to be made now. To prevent even more damage, to keep his son safe and his sons ex-friend safe.
"Hitoshi? The posts and things you put online, you need to delete everything now." Urgency was a must, damage control needed to happen now. Who knows if Shinsou wrote about where he lived, where you lived and studied at, if he showed those "friends" of his your face. Who knows how much information he put out there to a bunch of strangers about you. "Ok, ok. Let me delete everything...yeah...thats-yeah...makes sense." He's slipping, Shinsou is slipping into a pit of shock and disgust, he needs to fix things and that only starts by wiping away years of miss informed opinions disguised as truths.
Everything is gone. No more accounts. No more pictures. No more you. He didn't make any announcements or even address why he was wiping everything. He didn't answer the piles of questions flooding his inbox about why he was doing all of this, he just didn't care anymore. He couldn't find you either. No account on any platform with any signs of you. (He should have asked for your socials, but knowing where you two started off at he thinks its better that you two didn't. It saved you from his incessant torment he saw himself being capable of.)
Week one came and went. You didn't show up for classes and people started to take notice.
"Does anyone know why y/n isn't at school anymore? Is she sick?" Midoriya asked one day. Everyone kind of just looked at each other hoping that someone might have an answer. Be it that no one other then Shinsou was in the same class as you, everyone in his friend group knew about you since you where always nice despite the way you presented clothing wise. (The clothing didn't matter nor did the labels, you were still so welcoming to everyone. Hell, you even welcomed Monoma and that guy is considered psycho by everyone.) Shinsou couldn't do anything but listen to his friends (Midoriya, Shoto, Denki, Mina, Iida, and Ururaka) go on about how nice you were. How they miss you. He misses you . He ruined this, he ruined your school experience and pushed you to lose the friends you had because of his own ignorance. He forced you to choice between showing up to school and dealing with him or not coming in at all and losing the friends you had because of him.
The Sports Festival was coming up soon, here all the students would compete against each other to show off their skills. The Festival acts more as an opportunity for the different Courses to fight each other since its focus centers on the physical strength and wellbeing of the students instead of their study of focus. It also helps with publicity by letting UA show off their students to the general public. (Shinsou didn't understand why the school would have a Sports Festival. UA was better known for being STEM and Art focused which meant that many of the students only had to take 1 year of P.E. instead of the 3 years other schools required.
"So again, what's the purpose of this?"
"Its just a chance for the different Courses to bully each other, and for the General Course to get mocked." responded Togeike. Be it that she never spent time with Shinsou, they both had a mutual attitude and just stayed away from each other out of disinterest. It wasn't after Shinsou's personality changed did she feel more comfortable being around him and started speaking to him casually throughout the day.
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"So what does the Business Course do during-"
"Hey, didn't you and y/n work on that project together?" This caught Shinsou of guard. For the past week its all been about you and how you hadn't been coming to class. (You haunt him even outside of school, the guilts too much for him at times.)
"Yeah...what about it." he snarls. Just because he's changed in appearance and largely in attitude, that doesn't mean he's over the way he treats people. Cant she get to the point already-
"Geez man, i just wanted to ask if you needed her number." That...was off. Why would she assume that he needed your number?
"Why would you give me her number? Don't you think that as former project partners i would already have her-"
"You're clearly upset about her not being here, so shut up. Either take it or leave it, jackass." she bit back. How did she know? Shinsou has always had a resting bitch face which made it hard to read his emotions. How did she manage to figure it out? (God he was an asshole!)
"Yeah, please....i'm sorry. I could-"
"Please shut the fuck up, i don't want an apology from you. Take it and fix this shit. I hate seeing people mope and you're pretty much dying in a pit here." Togeike really gives no fucks and she was tired of the purple haired boy looking like a kicked puppy. She assumed it had something to do with you. When you started skipping class, Shinsou also started to look upset and wouldn't speak that often. It wasn't like Shinsou was shy, he just didn't see the need to speak all the time. So to see him become even more silent was concerning.)
He left school that day with a skip to his step. He has your number! He has a way of contacting you! Yet, he still knew that having your number wouldn't fix anything. You left him alone and it wouldn't be fair for him to barge back into your life without proving he's improving, that he's actually deserving of you're friendship at least....
The Sports Festival.....
He can prove himself to you there....
Everyone will see it, every student at UA has to be there for credit....you'll have to be there. You'll also have to participate for the start of it, so you'll have to interact with someone.
(This was it)
This was so much fun to write! Lets give this a slow build up to give him proper character development and redemption. The next part will be the Sports Festival and what he plans on doing to get you back. Let's set up that his intention is too for one, make an impression on the school for when he decides to transfer to the Art Course but also to make an impression on you and get you to notice him in a positive light. Our poor incel is trying his best ok....
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gragam · 2 years
things about my unnamed robot guy (pictured below) sorry its long. ive never used a read more link this is so exciting
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-in the future where the us military is just starting to experiment with fully autonomous android soldiers. the first generation are deemed unfit for practical use for various reasons
-no particular protocol for disposing of them so once the second generation is under way the majority are scrapped or deconstructed for parts but some are kept around military compounds as free labor or whatever
-my guy came from a base in arizona where he was being used for menial tasks, the people at the base liked to fuck around with him because he would do whatever they wanted
-at some point this led to his tracking system being broken so when he finds his way out (details unclear) they arent able to find him and apparently deem it not worth pursuing further (do not care about the implications of this not my problem)
-he ends up in a little desert town thats slowly dying (like figuratively), and mostly everyone there who hasnt already left is content to die with it. some time ago it was a factory town but since then there hasnt really been any reason for anyone to move there so its just been slowly deteriorating for decades upon decades
-he arrives in the middle of the night and the only person still out and about is an 18 or 19 year old girl walking around smoking a cigarette who sees him and thinks hes the coolest thing ever because hes a cool robot and she kind of monologues to him about her situation and the state of the town as they walk around together
-basically she lives alone here with her cat and she hates that the town is the way it is and that nobody wants to do anything about it but she cant afford to leave so she just spends her time outside of work wandering around daydreaming or whatever
-he understands spoken and written english but he cant speak, and he doesnt have much of a personality at this point so he doesnt react much beyond vague gestures (plus he doesnt really know that much about the world so he doesnt totally get it anyway) she likes this about him since everyone else just pities her. she also says he reminds her of a cat but he doesnt know what a cat is, this comparison becomes important to him as a symbol of the first time someone treated him like a person
-she takes him back to her house and he lives there for like a year and a half. at first he only communicates through vague gestures but over time she teaches him asl which she knows because her mom was deaf. when shes not working she takes him around town with her and teaches him things (she likes to dress him up when she takes him out), people dont seem to mind since nothing interesting happens there so everyone just knows him as the robot that hangs out around town with that weird girl. at this point robots are uncommon in day to day life but they do exist, nobody in the town has ever seen one in person but theyve heard of them so its only shocking because nobody would have ever expected to see one in a town like this
-he takes a liking to cats and starts wearing clothes and doing things on his own, through his interactions with people he starts to develop more of a personality and even emotional responses to things
-for a while he questions whether or not his inner world is authentic and meaningful or if its just his ai mimicking traits of people hes met but in the end he decides it doesnt matter either way because its real and important to him (sitcom awe sound effect)
-at a certain point the girl starts acting sort of distant but he doesnt have the emotional intelligence to understand that anything is wrong, and one day she just disappears without a word. nobody else knew her and she didnt have any family so nobody cares to look for her (kind of a parallel i guess). he stays in the town waiting for her and taking care of the cat for half a year but the cat is already old and eventually it passes away. he had learned about the way humans honor their dead from the girl and he gives the cat a proper burial
-he wanders around the town for weeks not sure what to do, he sort of starts to revert back to how he was before he met the girl because without her to talk to or the cat to take care of he feels like hes lost his connection to the human world. people around town start to notice that hes different and over time they reach out and help him recover, he starts to reconnect with other people in town and he goes around helping them out with whatever tasks need to be done (this time of his own accord as like a parallel to what he did at the military compound)
-eventually he gets a place to stay and once enough time has passed he gets another cat and names it after the girl, not as like a replacement for her but as a way to honor his memory of her. i dont have anything planned after that i think it would be weird if the girl just came back. i was also trying to think about how to deal with his battery running out i feel like that could be used to touch on mortality but i didnt know how to incorporate it plus im literally making this up as i go. so sure maybe that would happen eventually
to be honest im a little embarrassed to be posting this ive never taken writing seriously at all and ive never really been into making “““ocs”““ beyond like fun character designs but ive been thinking about this all day and i thought maybe it would be fun to actually do it. i dont plan on making this into anything btw and also i still dont have a name for him or the girl or the cat or anything and ive only drawn him twice (or 3 times if you count the roblox mouse drawing or like 8 times if you count the doodles of his head from different angles at various levels of detail in my philosophy notebook)
oh and a special little detail for people who read the whole thing or who clicked the link and scrolled past it anyway: he has a rotor inside his chest that spins faster when hes happy and it makes him sound like hes purring :)
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ndkdndkdjdkdjkddjdl · 3 years
More Lab stuff
(more insight regaurding the lab stuff i mentioned in the last post-)
reminder note: Siren and Sebastian were younger during this time, under 13 years old
oh and if this seems like its typed weird then its bc they were copied from texts so bare with me-)
more regaurding topic about the Lab arc !!
there's a detail regaurding that
so vervain and wolfsbane
those plants were extremely hard to get
(this has always been a thing in oc world-
or Crypttales, i should start saying the actual au name damn i have too many oc worlds- when did this happen 💀)
that's what made keeping Siren and Sebastian risky
they had enough to make them woozy
but not enough to make them pass out
thats why they were always awake during surgical procedures
vervain and wolfsbane was already being taken and used by hunters (the fact that monster hunters were stocked up on these plants is why werewolves and vampires became so "rare")
so the lab couldn't get a hold of those materials
these plants were only found in the wild
and again
monsted hunters are always working in the wild
so the hunters get to it first
anyways, at that Lab, they wanted to study everything about vampires and werewolves. there are plenty of reasons but i listed that in a past post
to be able to operate and keep them alive, they needed to understand the anatomy
and that was the challenge,,
so before getting a look on the insides and the cutting and all that, they dedicated a day before to understanding the outsides
so basically they reached horrifying levels of inhumane and had horrible methods such as overwhelming them/exhausting them in ways (strapping them down didn't work, even if they were woozy with vervain or wolfsbane, being strapped down wouldn't hold them because the adrenaline kicks in)
they never did the studying and the surgical procedures on the same day so at least Sebastian and Siren got a break- they'd just dump them back into their individual cell after gathering information to prepare for the surgical procedures the next day
ofc Kaleb didn't go near them after bc well, he can clearly tell by their behavior that they arnt in the appropriate state-
he was sad he couldn't help comfort them in any way but he at least brought Sebastian a boiled egg (Sebastians favorite food 🤩)
(Sebastian would be huddled in the corner growling at anyone who gets close, so Kaleb just gently rolled the boiled egg too him
meanwhile he couldn't even step into Sirens cell or else Siren would cling to him and not let go, he felt horrible about not being able to do anything for siren (tho Siren didn't really need any comforting, unlike Sebastian, he didn't care as much)
also Kaleb cried
a lot
about what happens to them overall
the only reason he stayed was bc he was the only one giving them a hint of love
after Siren and Sebastian got out
he stayed but with a new mission
to find a way to shut the lab down
he was never successful
until Sasha got older
she started to help him and they basically made it into what it is now (still studies supernatural creatures, but they dont make anyone suffer nor hold any supernaturals there as test subjects)
Kaleb didn't even know half of the things happening either until he was given more authority
luckily he found out about this immediately on his own, the moment he noticed that Siren was being more "clingy" and Sebastian was growling at people (which he rarely does)
he realized that something is wrong
the others were messing/experimenting with Siren and Sebastian's behavior aswell
he was never told about anything going on with them until after he got "promoted", he had to figure it out on his own
which scared him even more because "what if this isn't the only thing they're doing to them?"
(he didn't have access to info, he just had to keep Siren and Sebastian alive and healthy enough)
so yeah Siren and Sebastian were seen as animals and the fact that they were forced into their cryptic forms bc of vervain/wolfsbane didn't help
because with certain supernaturals (vampires, werewolves, and seamonsters) its a fine line between animal and being
and during this time, Sebastian and Siren leaned more towards "animal", and in their cryptic forms, being seen as a being is almost pure luck
they were nonverbal aswell in this arc
so yeah, no surprise that they mostly weren't seen as real beings during this time
extra ramble i wanna add
Ever since the start of forming crypttails, this type of conflict between human and supernatural has been an existing thing! and it still is the biggest factor, and will most definitely have a much bigger play soon,,
The lab arc with Sebastian and Siren is the most direct thing regaurding this. Humans often dehumanized supernaturals, just like Sebastian and Siren delt with at that lab,,
Humans saw them as things like labrats, or potential power sources it wasn't one sided though, supernaturals saw humans as food and/or objects or "pets"
but there are plenty of peaceful/casual dynamics between the two, like Kaleb and Sasha in the lab arc, but also like everyone in the kingdom
and i love to play around with this,,
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