#just. i love humanity!! i love when people arent all the same!! i love people from different places different cultures different everything
fizzingwizard · 1 year
"My brother had no regard for her; his pleasures were not what they ought to have been, and from the first he treated her unkindly. The consequence of this, upon a mind so young, so lively, so inexperienced as Mrs. Brandon’s, was but too natural. She resigned herself at first to all the misery of her situation; and happy had it been if she had not lived to overcome those regrets which the remembrance of me occasioned. But can we wonder that, with such a husband to provoke inconstancy, and without a friend to advise or restrain her[...] she should fall?" - Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility
#jane austen#sense and sensibility#literature#the level of sympathy and compassion and understanding of the human heart#we think of historical eras as either moral and right or depraved always one or the other#and that the morality of the first was upheld by the stern treatment of anyone who acted out#and by extension that depravity is brought on by a lack of rigidity#but the struggles and paradoxes that are part of being human were just as real and just as common and people DID understand them#its only the base and unimaginative who think everyone can be fit into one righteous box if they just try hard enough#never acknowledging times they failed their own standards or maybe without ever having been tested at all#its easy for someone who is happy to judge someone who is unhappy#and we have always known this and it's always been true but we're still dealing with the same unbending personalities who are so loud#just the other day i was in an internet fight where multiple people were claiming that if someone says no to regular sex they are cheating#the possibility that they just have a low sex drive or are going through something was called an exception too rare to matter#the possibility that people are different and not everyone wants the same amount of sex and sex is really very awful when you dont want it#was laughed and sneered at. whats more a partner who accepts their partners sex drive for what it is was called a beta lol#being compassionate and understanding of people you love = beta behavior LOL LOL#this is why we cant have nice things. relationships should be based on support and communication and openness#to the reality that people change sometimes in ways we like and sometimes in ways we dont. nothing is forever.#my two thoughts that entire thread: i hope the men who read this arent intimidated out of standing up for their female partners. and#i hope the women reading this understand you have to believe in yourself despite all of it. despite everything the world throws at you.#of course women can be mean and selfish just as much as men and of course mens needs and feelings matter and so does keeping commitments#but no one has a crystal ball and if you enter a relationship expecting things will always be A Certain Way you're in for a rude awakening#especially if all you do to promote what you want is to badger and pressure and shame your partner for being an imperfect human#tangent but its just these things are so timeless. we should know better now. there's got to be something wrong with us that we don't
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
I feel like on some level, Homestuck is all about identity and your sense of self?
Like obviously in a literal sense, every character has more than one version of themselves - their dream self, their God tier self, their pre/post scratch self, self prototyped sprites, meeting yourself in a time loop, splinters of yourself, your Ultimate Self.
But I feel like in a more metaphorical sense, Homestuck is fundamentally about how your sense of self and the way you see yourself in the world changes as you grow up? Idk
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crwatters · 1 year
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sillyandquiteawkward · 10 months
sillys (not so) lil info dump about how to be a human being. smiles
htbahb is an album from glass animals, of which notably, all the songs align with different people's lives, perspectives, and feelings, also of which are shown on the (various) album covers. so the easiest way to go thru the story is song by song. but i will show you the album art so you can get a gist of things before we go into details.
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these are just some of the various album covers for htbahb, theres a bunch of them, but we dont need to see all of them to see the different lives of our characters.
1, Life Itself
this is our main character for life itself. you can call him a bit of a nerd if youd like. apparently his name is chuck rogers. they dont all have names.
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hes an inventor, loves ray guns and strange technology, but as noted in his song, feels like he was raised with expectations hell never be able to achieve. his father as a child said he would be a superstar, but nowadays, he cant get a job and he lives with his mom. hes struggling with finding himself and his place in society and hes doing drugs and feeling like hes absolute rock bottom with everyone being against him. he feels alone and attacked and retreats back into his car or grandmothers basement and keeps folding back into himself.
in the music video for life itself, hes only seen in a few scenes, leading the charge against [popular st] with a smoke bomb as [mamas gun] watches knowingly from the sidelines as perhaps the real leader behind the assault. they seems to be accomplices with each other, as they ride in the car together and seem to be specifically looking for [youth].
2. Youth
now the main character for youth is tricky, it seems like we have two characters for youth, the small child, and assumedly, his mother the waitress. i think i like the interpretation that the mother is the main character for this song, and the child represents the album as a whole. alternatively i also like the idea that the child is youth, and his mother represents [premade sandwiches]. but for the most part, they are just both the characters for youth.
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youth is a mother talking about her child, and to her child, almost in a detached sort of way as if they arent able to see each other. a mother speaking her hopes and dreams to her child. somehow these two have been separated when the child was young, perhaps through giving up to adoption, or hinted in the music video, abduction. she wishes best for the child, urges them to feel their mother at their side, and notes that theyve got her eyes. she lists off her wishes for them to be happy and have friends, and be silly. this perhaps is for the best, that they can be happy even without her. i particularly like in this song, the wordplay makes it sound like the singer is counting one, two, three, four, five, when they are singing other words like boy, to, free, funny, and fly respectively.
in the music video for youth, the child is seen almost haunting the mother as she works as a waiter, appearing in several locations playing and running around as she remains dutiful to her job. they briefly sit looking at each other in the same hotel room he had been taken to in life itself's music video.
3. Season 2 Episode 3
this is the main character for season 2 ep 3 and i think one of the cool changes between album covers, as we see a fully done up girl all put together with her make up on, and in the other, someone a bit more silly with her makeup removed. this might be the way she sees herself vs how other people see her.
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the song is the lament of a boyfriend to his girlfriend, who seems to be glued to the couch, watching shows, getting high, not changing her clothes, and eating day old leftover food and most notably, mayonnaise straight from the jar. at the beginning of the song, the two of them are high together, however he soon sobers and realizes she refuses to get sober along with him. he tries to convince her that their relationship wont work if she keeps being like this and doesnt try, but she wants him back the way he was (high as well) and views him as a nag. she still makes him happy, but sometimes she makes him sad to see how she lives. even after an acceptance from the boyfriend that she wont change and will never be vertical and golden like he wants and that the relationship will never work out, the song ends hinting that hes picked up getting high with her again due to her calling him a killjoy and wearing him down.
in the music video we watch the girl splay out on the sofa, surrounded by her mess watching tv and doing nothing. halfway into the video, we are brought into the game she plays, as she battles [life itself] [cane shuga] and [the other side of paradise], all of which are men who could possibly be the boyfriend figure.
4. Pork Soda
this is our main character for everyones favorite pork soda. hes an older man, who for the most part seems pretty happy. wonder if hes harboring some long lost feelings or something.
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the song opens with a street performance unintelligible to a normal listener, its like passing by a conversation, you are only able to hear bits and pieces of the spoken words. once the song starts you hear a story about this guy's girl who used to be fun and adventurous and would take him along with her. in the same breathe hes begging to go back to the days they were happy together. it seems like they fell out of love, or are in a struggling relationship bereft of communication or the passion it once had. shes only happy when theyre having sex together, and just looking at each other causes him heartache. the song talks about pineapples in my head, and being brain dead, as well as other references to diminishing mental facilities, that perhaps in their age, theyd forgotten about each other.
the music video gives us probably the most clear story line, as we see the wife prepare a meal before sending it through a dumbwaiter into the basement for the husband. there he sits alone, watching tv. up above the wife plays with their dog, imagining the dog is the younger version of her husband. all of her time is dedicated to the dog, and all of his time is dedicated to the tv. they have forgotten they love each other and live in the same house, but live in separate worlds. only after the dog destroys his tv and the husband destroys the floor above him and under her feet, do they finally get back together as he catches her as she falls, surprised and exhilarated for the first time in forever. and things seem to be better as they finally occupy the same room together again.
5. Mama's Gun
This is the main character for mamas gun. shes a victim of the perception of her mental illness. i think this is my fav song of the album.
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during the song, the woman initially admits that she took her gun and made her husband go to neverland. however she also says she loved him a lot and he was perfect. through bits and pieces of the lyrics you can come to the conclusion that she has some sort of psychosis, or perhaps schizophrenia in particular as she notes many different voices and figures talking to her. the song references dr swango, a doctor who killed his patients, however he insists to her that him and all the other voices in her head are too from neverland, and that she was a murderer just like him. is she really guilty of murder? what really happened? the flute played during various instrumental parts of the song is a sample from the carpenter's mr. guder, a song about a man who does what hes supposed to in society and his job and gets nothing from it. karen carpenter herself was a victim of her own mental illness and they say that theres a specific purpose for the sample chosen. once the lyrics pick back up, the voices again pipe up and tell her she was a murderer, even the voice who had never spoken says so, so he must be telling the truth right? during the final bit of the song, it seems like her husbands voice joins into her collection of voices, as he bears a cheshire smile and asks her to lay with him once again, and that hes waiting for her. in the end, its unclear what happened with her and her husband, as she goes back and forth saying she was violent, she was doing nothing. this song was inspired by a story they heard of a woman going into a drug induced black out for a month and reappearing in another state with no memory, and the lingering fear that shes done something terrible wrong, and never being able to have the closure of knowing what happened.
theres no music video for this song, but we see her appear in life itself. she and [life itself] drive to the hotel where [poplar st] is holding [youth] captive and attempt to break into the room hes in.
6. Cane Shuga
this is our main character for cane shuga. hes exactly how he seems, a rich white guy who is, of course, using that cane shuga all day everyday.
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cane shuga presents a dialogue from two parties, two people in a relationship. the singer promises he wont do coke anymore, that he wont be a john doe in the hospital. the chorus however is the high he rides on, where he thinks hes hot shit, hes 007 james bond, hes as powerful as kim jong, with a popped collar as he looks into the glare of the mirror and hypes himself up after using in the bathroom at work. hes untouchable. the second chorus is his partner, giving up on him, their love has burned up, just like his drugs. theres a humorous line of putting their foot down saying ive had quite enough, but corrects themself and sarcastically says or lack there of, that they arent being given anything anymore by him. regardless, their verses and conversation is short. the chorus of his high is the main focus of the song, and repeat over and over as the days continue.
[cane shuga] appears in season 2 ep 3's music video as [season 2 episode 3]'s potential lover. their stories do seem to entangle, they both are drug users dealing with partners who want to stop using. some people say that he is her partner, that he stops using for her, but falls back into the habit. however this doesnt exactly line up with her song, as she doesnt want him to stop. i think its part of that unreliable narrator theme weve seen in previous songs. people have different experiences with each other and get different messages due to the issue of communication. im not exactly on board with these two being together, but i do understand where people are coming from with this take.
7. [Premade Sandwiches]
this is a spoken word interlude, sped up and pitched down. there doesnt seem to be a character paired with this song, and on cd this song is simply a bonus track hidden behind cane shuga. on first listening its very difficult to catch what is being said, but over and over the speaker is talking about standing in line for various things. this song discusses mindless over consumption of drugs, of buzz words, of natural foods for your dog, watches, new clothes made to look old, the junk drawer filled with phones you dont use, with pens that dont work, with random shit you never needed just piling up. people stand in line and they dont even know why.
8. The Other Side Of Paradise
this is our main character for the other side. hes gonna be a basketball player and make it big babyeee.
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so its a bit unclear and vague in the lyrics, but it seems our narrator and the basketball player used to be close friends. he even seems to be in love with the basketball player, calling him my love. but the basketball player leaves their home in new orleans to go chase his dreams out west and make it big, leaving our narrator's side. he told the narrator not to worry but after phone calls, it seems like basketball boy got a girlfriend. hes gloating to the narrator, hes got a girlfriend now, hes got a gold camaro, hes made it big, meanwhile our narrator is at the payphone hearing all this and his world turns in slow motion. no longer is the basketball player his baby blue anymore. hes moved on, hell never have another chance to love his friend. hes so angry and hurt, but he balls up his fist almost in a fight or flight reaction, and settles for the ghost of his love. hed always hoped for a paradise where they could be together but it seems like fate had other plans. he laments the basketball player for ditching them, saying here in new orleans people dont leave and ditch their lady (him). he wants to be loved and pampered by him, not her. heres where the vagueness comes back, the narrator seems to be so distraught that he rather kills himself, or finds that his body looks wrong, perhaps that hes not a girl that couldve been loved by the basketball player.
he only ever appears in the music video for season 2 ep 3 as one of the bosses [season 2 episode 3] defeats, claiming ball is life. there is a music video that was recently released for this song, however it does not depict the basketball player.
9. Take a Slice
this is our main character for take a slice, hes a bit of a slut but he makes it work :) the spoken intro to this song is the real recording the band took while talking to a male fortune teller, so the sausage candle is rather real or a lie from the fortune teller.
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take a slice regales the story of a young man who finds pleasures in the sultry sexual aspects of life. hes sucking on cigarettes in a way freud would roll in his grave, hes painted his nails dark, has piercings, hes asking for another slice of cherry pie, cherries being a symbol for all things sex and lust. hes smitten with the idea of being a prize to be sought after, and after trying sex work for the first time, realizes this is the job for him. hes going to fuck his way through college, and sleep during class dreaming of you. wink. hes rolling in the dough, hes got a gold car, hes maybe dabbling in drugs too, and hes filthy and he loves it.
10. Poplar St
ms moore is the main character of poplar st, and shes a cougar, and not the good kind.
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a young boy lives a typical suburban life. hes got bandaids on his knees and hes climbing trees. but one day, he sees mrs moore and mr keats have sex. immediately this drags him out of his childhood, hes such a man now that he knows what sex is. this is the first step of her grasp around him. as he gets a bit older, his mother calls her prosti-tits and looks down upon her. but the boy looks up to ms moore, despite his mothers words. mrs moore sees his desperation and pulls him into her clutches. theres a very specific voice crack when her teeth sink in deep and the note hes singing falls flat. this bit of pain expressed is highly contrasted with the chorus coming back in, the boy once again considers himself a real man, a true romantic, this is what all men dream of, isnt it? but there are dead flowers in the sand, hinting that these roses arent just romantic. the next bridge plays and interesting word switch up. it starts out with her begging him for more as she sits in her underwear, and then switches to him begging her for more in his underwear. theyve both wasted their days, but when it comes to his youth and her age, the only one wasting their childhood is him. the song concludes with mrs moore calling him up collect (so he has to pay for the phone call, not her) one day and breaking up with him. and then it all gets pulled out from under him and hes just a boy again. this tells the sad tale of how men and boys' sexual assault and grooming often is pushed to the side because they think this is how things are supposed to go, that they are supposed to have sex and to be used and abused from a woman is supposed to be an achievement. but really all it is, is abuse that leaves him feeling terrible.
11. Agnes
this is agnes :) i think it was mentioned at some point that he takes pictures of people when they arent looking, so to me, i like to think hes the one capturing everyone pictured in this album. bear witness to other humans.
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the song starts out where the singer is appearing to try and comfort agnes. how did it get this bad, agnes used to just take pills and smoke a little, somethings changed perhaps. the singer notes agnes is just going through the motions every day, numb, and nervous, but hes swelling with emotion all the same. here the singer laments he wants to hold agnes like hes mine. theres a longing sadness in the lyrics. the next verse confirms the worst, while agnes was perhaps a genius when it came to the romantic, he was a deeply depressed and lonely person. he started to rely on the drugs and the alcohol he used to use recreationally, just to live a normal life. and he ultimately commited suicide. the singer wonders where the agnes he used to know went. however the singer reconsiders, and accepts that agnes did his best, life must feel so unbearably long when its soaked in sadness, living a false life filled with depression. so it goes, the singer thinks, but cant help but to feel lost. the only thing he can think of is agnes, perhaps considering all the art agnes made, all the photos he took of other people, perhaps just thinking about his friend in any aspect. grief is funny like that. on the vinyl record, this song's last seconds repeat over and over until you stop the machine from playing, like a lingering memory you cant stop thinking about.
the agnes music video is much different than the others, as it focuses on the singer, dave bayley as he sits in a centrifuge and attempts to sing the song. this causes a very physical reaction and he struggles to even lift his hand, by the end of it hes sweating profusely and unable to catch his breath, but he persists and continues singing. he mentions this was a mere fraction of what someone going through depression could feel like. during the music video as well, he appears to be looking across from a mannequin, perhaps the stand in for himself once hes put himself in agnes' shoes.
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thanks for reading if you did i love being insane. all of these are my personal thoughts on the album, and might not exactly match up with your interpretation, but i have tried to keep to what we believe is what glass animals had in mind for the album and these characters.
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flamingstuffs · 4 months
i found riko's death pretty horrifying, actually.
yes, i understand what he did to kevin, jean, neil, and everyone else that crossed his path. i understand that there was no real hope for changing him, and that his death was the only way to end his reign but. he's still very human. he was barely an adult, never really got to be a kid but never really allowed to mature either. he lived underground too, under threat of violence. all he wanted was for his father to love him (not even love, just acknowledge). he wanted to prove that he was worthy of his #1 - desperately, dangerously so. he needed to be #1 the same way kevin did - he was just as much of an object as any other player on the team. yes, he was cruel, and horrible, and he enjoyed it, but on the other hand. what other choice did he have? he was born to be evil and taught it was the only way to win, and winning was the only way to live. he'll never know there were any other options, because he lost his usefulness, acted out too much, and was disposed of casually, by his brother who he never got to meet. riko was doomed from the moment he was born, and he spent every waking moment trying to prove himself worthy to live.
he's so human. he screams when he's in pain, he's upset when people say mean things to him, but those things arent allowed for a raven, much less a moriyama. his body jerks a little when the bullet enters his brain.
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mangalho · 2 years
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Ex-warbot OC
They don’t have names yet.
The two bots with the scary faces were specifically made for war, and now that it’s over, they still maintained their original ‘warface’ even though it has stigma associated to it. Many robots changed their faceplates post-war, as it made it easier to find jobs and not get into unnecessary conflict.
The sleeker looking guy used to be in their company, though he wasn’t made in the same factory as them; he isn’t their ’batch-mate’.
After the war he completely modified his frame, and now has an idol career. He desperately wats to erase his past, as people (and robots alike) will respond better to a ‘new’ and untainted idol.
The two warface bots are “brother and sister” and they do odd jobs here and there to make ends meet and to be able to afford things they want. Rich people hire them as bouncers a lot since they are a symbol of terrible times. Sometimes they earn 15k in one night for just one gig it’s crazy. They both really love clothes since it distances them from their body’s original purpose while simultaneously not erasing their past. Also they look cute and cool!
The idol bot once meets the warfaces by chance in the street and pretends he doesn’t know them AGAHAKALAK I think he’s insane… completely erasing your past and the person you were is psychopathic to me idk. Anyway
There arent a lot of warfaces going around anymore. since they either died during the war or changed their frames. Pre-war bots were re-fitted during the conflicts and just had to go back to their former unweaponized frames after it was all over so they’re fine.  All of these robots can download information and i want that type of learning to mostly disappear if its deleted, but if they learn things like we do or experience real events, those memories and skills can’t really truly be erased; if they do try erasing them, they will still remember them, just not with HD video clarity, which brings them immense suffering sometimes. “How to people live like this?!” Well buddy it sucks idk we all cope
Newly minted robots are wack because they don’t exactly have a ‘soul’ yet they just do things they’re supposed to do, but after some time, all of them actually develop real awareness and shit… my war bots had like a 78% chance of dying everyday when they were activated, but they survived and attained sentience at like one year post birth and they wised up rly fast after that. They remember their first year, but they describe it as a ‘weird haze’
These robots feel pain so they wont like dive into a hole or damage themselves too much. Self preservation means longer-lived machines which means less repair costs and less human lives on the line as well.. slay !!!
While the conflicts went on, most robots achieved sentience and decided to stop fighting so there was like a robots rights movement and eventually the war stopped altogether and now the robots have a salary and a normal life mostly. They arent organics, so they need other things. They are solar powered and need oil sometimes and also they need new nanomachines once in a while like we need vaccines. Get your boosters… its not just tetanus and coronavirus anymore now they gotta think about like..the trojan horse 9000
I want them to have this aversion to organic things dying bc they are universally gross. Like they dont like seeing living-machines die either but a rat being squished by a car is also gross!
There are probably some tensions between humans and robots but like i kinda get it bc i wouldnt mess with a guy who has like lead pipes for arms. also most robots ARE normal but some are insane idk 🙆‍♀️🤷‍♀️ just  like people are.
 mine are normal tho they’re just vibing 💖🗣🤙
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lexirosewrites · 29 days
Happy slick Sunday! This is werewolf anon from last week! So my idea was that Eddie is already a werewolf. It’s part of why he never made it very far up the social ladder. So he has a pretty good idea of how to help Steve, even if at first he doesn’t want to because at this point he only knows Steve as the preppy jock bully from high school and not seen him since.
I also had a think on Billy’s motivations a bit more. I’m thinking that biting Steve was a way to drag him to his level, to really knock that crown off Steve’s head. Billy is determined to be at the top, even as a werewolf.
I was also thinking maybe Will and Jonathan could be half wolf, through Lonnie. Maybe that’s part of why they have such a tough time socially? Ofc youre either werewolf or you arent but to the people of Hawkins it probs doesnt matter whether they can shift 😬
Also El should be a wolf as well. In fact I was thinking that the way the kids find out is they finally get reunited with Steve after he freaks out and tries to go it alone, adjusting to his new situation. Steve has consented to having a hang out wherever hes currently staying (Eddie’s?) and when the kids come hes nervous about their reactions to being told, having asked folks to let him tell the kids himself. Before he can get a word in, El immediately clocks his change and gets in his space and knocks her forehead under his chin, a sign of affection from younger wolves to their family. And then she goes about her business leaving the rest of the boys in shock. (Hopper might be human but at this point hes used to everything and is just in the back like ‘yep, pick you up at 7, *salute*). Then Max does the same and the Mike, Dustin and Lucas are just ????? (Will is clueing in but more shy)
Anyway none of this has to do with the Omega of it all so its only a bit slick sunday adjacent but i thought youd like my further thoughts 😂
I mean Steve is definitely having Eddie’s pups so thats a given.
(in reference to this ask from last week)
platonic pack dynamics are as important as romantic mating ones and just as valued on slick sunday!! we love a good pup pile and omega steve would adapt so easily to being the pack mother to his children🥰
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traumatizeddfox · 7 months
we seriously need to change the language when it comes to abuse. narc abuse does not exist. abusers can have mental disorders, triggers, or traumas but that does not mean people with the same disorder is abusive.
when i first realized i was abused i fell down the narcissistic abuse tiktok trail, i started to believe the only reason my ex was abusive was because he had NPD (he is diagnosed) but then after more of my own research, and conversations with people who are diagnosed with NPD, I realized that abusers are just abusers, and that a lot of people with this disorder are the ones being abused, ostracized from society and not taken serious.
The thing about abusers is they all share the same brain cell, which is why you can list off 10 things most abusers do and a lot of victims will relate. I get countless anons of victims telling me things their abusers did, and I can usually 8/10 times relate on some kind of level, because abusers, again literally only share one brain cell.
The issue with this is abuse has been almost synonymous with the word "narcissist". The amount of shit you see with "Narc abuse", when it's really just abuse. People making countless posts about "how to spot a narcissist, how to fix the narc", etc and I can guarantee you that not all of these abusers have NPD.
BUT we live in such a world of "what about me", so when people try to break the stigma of NPD, victims assume you're telling them they weren't abused. They mention x y z thing that their abuser did, they bring up their mother who maybe was one and maybe their abuser does have NPD, but then these same people want to scream about mental health awareness. They want to say that "Your disorder is not your story", or that everyone with a disorder deserves love, respect, therapy and help but once anyone with a disorder that isn't socially acceptable, it's as if these people turn a blind eye to anyone with a disorder that isn’t classified as worthy. No one is telling you to respect or love the piece of shit who abused you, hurt you, bullied you. Fuck that, but we HAVE to stop associating abuse with npd. if we want to make a change to mental health and the stigma, we need to do with all disorders.
People make these videos, blogs, books, posts, etc on narcissists like they arent...human. The stigma has turned anyone with cluster B personality disorders into something hideous, when really, most of these people are born this way, or deep rooted trauma. BUT when people hear this, they think its giving an excuse. No one is telling you that you have to love ur abuser who might be a narcissist, or that mental disorders = pass. No. Your abuser can have NPD, OCD, depression, etc and be a completely terrible person, and no one is giving them a pass. (Maybe some might but thats a completely different story.) but to just assume NPD = abuser and abuser = npd, is incredibly ableist, but people aren't ready for that one.
The way people talk about people with NPD like they are monsters, and ghouls waiting in the dark corners of the street, waiting to snatch their next victim (who they always describe as being an empath because these people think having empathy = being a good person, when most people aren't even empaths.) They like to romanticize their abuse as well. Talking about how narcissists spot victims who are so "kind, loving, wonderful, special." They try to make it this thing that it's not. Abusers do not abuse you because you are special. they abuse you because they are abusers. Your abuser is a piece of shit who deserves to die because they are an abuser. not because they have a disorder.
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hot-chocolate-rat · 7 months
Reading through @badaziraphaletakes inspired me to make a post about reasons:
Why people tend to choose Crowley of Aziraphale, and, consequently, think Aziraphale is bad
This might be a long post, i'll cover some topics and i might get all over the place at some point! But please be patient! Can i get into it?
Inversion of values
When first watching Good Omens, you might expect a strong inversion of values, that Heaven is bad and Hell is good, angels are the oppresors and demons the victims
It is mostly religiously (religious trauma) motivated, aka "christianity is a fucking bullshit" motivated, to expect seeing the ones who calls themselfs good (Heaven, who we interpret as Christian religious figures) be actually bad (wich, in real life, they tend to be) and, the ones they cast out as evil and sinful (Hell, wich we interpret in this case as anyone the church calls sinful, like the queer comunity) to be good and innocent and just different, it makes us feel emphatic for them, even seeing that they are, indeed, bad
I believe some people just dont want to accept it, they want to believe the angels are inherently bad and the demons just questioned their bad ways
But they arent, if anything ALL angels and demons are naturally good and innocent, "oh but Gabriel!" He was naturally good, we saw it, the same with Michael and Uriel too, they're all just tainted by the strong grip Heaven demands for them to have; in episode 1 season 2, we see both Crowley (as starmaker) and Aziraphale being totally innocent and adorable, they're good by nature, no one in the story is actually evil
When this inversion of values we wish for isnt fulfilled, it might cause an annoyance, i know a lot of people who dont accept it, and just make it up because... well is expected!
This was originally taken from a post of "Bad Aziraphale Takes"
Crowley is "more queer" than Aziraphale, at least thats how people see it as, in fics too, how many times Crowley gender is explored, with pronouns and labels and identities? While the more i saw for Aziraphale was a vulva or they/them pronouns, and never in a human au! Aziraphale is depicted and seem as a cisgender male
I have seem even people saying Aziraphale have internalized homophobia! I- how??
Found them! @theelastword made an ask on the "bad Aziraphale takes" blog that inspired this bit <3 thank you love
Need for a villain and favorites
As we saw, people that hate Aziraphale choose to see Heaven as evil, as the villain, and that is also followed by many people who dont hate Aziraphale! Well, might i say that... we dont have a real villain in Good Omens? The angels arent evil for wishing to follow what they believe to be God's plan, nor for deminishing humanity- but i'm getting ahead of myself here!
The need to see Heaven as inhetently bad, the big bad villain, makes people see Aziraphale, going back there "freely", hurting Crowley's feelings, saying Hell/demons are the bad guys (wich they ARE?? There is not an inversion of values!) As him being evil, as him going to the side of the villain instesd of choosing Crowley, going back to CROWLEY'S abusers, not his, not theirs, Crowley
I do believe humans have a natural need to have favorites, when you're a kid is always "wich caracther of this cartoon am i?" and later is always "wich do i relate to more? Wich do i like more?", and people choose Crowley for all those reasons above and probally some personal ones too
So! As a small conclusion:
People choose to prefer Crowley, they choose to see Crowley as better because he's a "good demon", he's the victim that fell from Heaven and hates Hell, he's the queer caracther, he's kind and genuine and helps Aziraphale and have a car he loves
Because of the idea that Aziraphale is: A) opposite to Crowley; B) an Angel! (The abusers! The bad guys! The evil!); C) a BAD angel for that matter, he's selfish and mundane and comes across as rude to Crowley (because he acts so fucking autistic too!); people tend to DISLIKE Aziraphale, small simple minded people, but people nonetheless
I know the whole post is a bit over the place, it might sound confusing here and there, but i really wanted to put all this together to try and understand why people hate Aziraphale
I though maybe this can give a small input on why people think like that, it sures helps me to understand how they think that and what they mean by their terrible takes! I guess is mostly them being naive
Oh! You know how in the 2000's the media was demonizing femininity by having blond, pink, feminine villains in their high school romances? How we, to this day, tend to see feminine girls as fake, vulgar, naive, etc? How most teen girls go through a "not like other girls phase" because of that?
Same principle! Is the same reason for why they see Heaven and Aziraphale as evil
I hope someone can appreciate this lil silly thoughs put together <3
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simplyreveries · 8 months
hii!! i just found your blog and the writings are all so good?!! can i request lilia, riddle, and epel with a yuu/mc that’s shorter than them? if it’s not ok you can ignore this!! tysmm(≧∀≦) and have a nice day!!!
i sometimes forget im the same height as riddle fkljd
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lilia vanrouge
lilia is always teasing you about it even if it's only like… you’re shorter by an inch or two. he’s playfully telling you how cute and small you are in comparison to him; he tells you he thinks you're such a fragile human. he loves to hug you and bury his face in your hair, he’ll coo to you as he playfully rocks you side to side, it’s sweet.
sometimes he does make jokes regarding it and trust me they're so bad that its almost funny. (keyword almost, you just give him a deadpan stare). one time when no one could hear you saying something during class, lilia mentions "ah well i guess it can't be helped. after all, you're easy to overlook fufu". once again lilia says all these things like he isn't 5'1.
he enjoys giving you kisses on the cheek- but he also loves grabbing your face with his hands and lifting it up a little so he can give you a kiss on the forehead. then that would only turn into him attacking your face with kisses all over.
riddle rosehearts
he doesn't necessarily say anything about it, but he is quite happy to know you're someone that's actually shorter than him. besides, his dorm leader uniform usually gives him some extra height with the boots/heels he wears and has on most of the time. if you ever were to point that out, he'd give an amused look and be like "hm, i guess i am, arent i?" he feels so confident askdhahdj
one time after you did enough pleading with him to let him try on his heels that are a part of his uniform to feel that extra sense of height. he wouldn't admit it, but he found the whole thing to be quite silly and bit back some laughs.
riddle is a little content too with the fact that he has someone he looks down at when talking to instead of up… it hurts your neck yk. he has also developed a habit of petting your hair, especially when he’s in a soft and relaxed mood with you. he has a gentle smile on his face as he pets your hair as you're talking or whenever you come over to hug him.
epel felmier
im not even going to lie to you he is incredibly happy that you're shorter than him, it makes him just feel so good about himself… he is also genuinely surprised because it's not often he meets someone his age that's shorter than him. epel finally gets to feel confident and smug even if it's being a single INCH taller than you. you've once caught him standing next to you and discreetly doing the hand thing to see how much shorter you are than him haha.
even though he doesn't like the shoes vil gives him or makes him wear for pomefiore’s dress codes and such, he does like how much more of a boost it gives him to his height so that he can feel even that much taller than you, he’ll laugh and if you ask him why he’ll get closer to you and point that out.
he doesn't really take it kindly when other tall guys at nrc seem to tease you about it, he gets pretty defensive over you… like it's it's mostly because he's used to hearing it himself and knows how harsh people can be. he doesn't want to ever see you upset like him because of it too. he can't help but feel a little more protective over you.
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snippit-crickit · 11 months
Which artists had the most influences on your art/painting style? I really love your work and I wanna know where all those came from haha
Thankya! Honestly there are so many, i usually brainrot over a specific artist for a while and then i find another whose style i find just as intriguing....
But to name a few, when i first started drawing humans i was really inspired by wachtelspinat whose tf2 and midnight crew art i absolutely adore (i read homestuck because of their midnight crew fanart and i was solely disappointed that little chess guys arent actually that important, mayor my man)
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I also love shiyoon kim, especially their more sketchy works, you may recognise them because they drew spiderverse concept arts and much more i even have his brush set! You can buy it for 10$
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I also had a big phase for sergey kolesov's artworks that comes back to me every now and then, he used to be a concept artist for dishonored 2 and deathloop and the way he renders things in his paintings and his colors are just so,,,
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Lately ive been frustrated with my colors so im doing some studies of nathan fowkes's art, his colorkeys are so simple and the values are great and he seems to never use black yet it works
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I could go on and on, overall i find old children books inspiring as well, but more like the ones made in the eastern block,,,, same goes for the polish school of poster! heres a poster for alien and big lebowski
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i also get inspired by my friends, you know that kind of osmosis where youre buddies with someone and your styles merge together to the point where people cant tell your art apart?? Im kinda like that with my friend fel, they've been of the grid for a while but ill let people know if they ever feel like posting again, heres a drawing they made recently of their oc beaver
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w0rmm1lk · 8 months
Can I request a Bakugo (Cuz let’s be honest, he is FINE AS HELL) x gn! Reader who’s very socially awkward?
Like, if anyone they don’t know tries to talk to them they’ll just be like🧍‍♂️and give them that classic awkward smile
yes!!!! i relate to this reader sm and also I 100% agree bakugo is so fucking fine like??????? he's a fucking 2d character from a style where theporportions arent even based on humans, he has unmanaged anger issues and will fucking explode and not in the joking sense and yet????/ like whoever made hi design TEL ME YOUR WAYS. he's so fucking pretty. but also as much as I love him jeanist did him so fucking dirty with that hair. jeanist looked at *THAT* and really said "I can fix him"??? bitch don't fucking fix him I like the explosive pomeranian bitch. but like that one scene when he was making fun of todoroki during the provisional license extras classes like bro I was watching with my siblings and had to aggressively hold back a fucking screach noise. AND I STILL DO WHENEVER I WACTH IT. he's a fucking anime character who is so damn unhealthy but if you cant tell by the length of this, I fucking love him.
reader: GN
characters: bakugo katsuki
summary: reader is a very much not people person so how the fuck are they dating bakuhoe out of all bitches
warnings: swearing if you couldnt tell. anxiety, mentions of anxiety attacks. bakugo being a bitch.
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💥- okay honestly, first day? didnt even know you were in the class.
💥- this mf too focused on beating everyone up to notice you.
💥- was forced to acknowledge you when you kiri and bakuhoe were in the same area during the usj attack.
💥- after yall beat the shit out of some ppl you were sweating a ton but not bc you just fought some bitches.
💥- your ass was panicked af, not only are you shoved in a small space with two extroverts, you're also being exxesivley complimented by Kirishima bc you punched someone and along with that the fucking usj is under attack.
💥- it was very obvious you were panicking tbh.
💥- like bakuhoe at this point doesnt give a shit about other peoples feelings at this point but even he could tell.
💥- you were just standing there with you r arms pinned to your sides staring into the distance as Kirishima was obsessing oever how you beat someone up.
💥- after the usj he started to notive you more often.
💥- he noticed hpw evenn when the whole class was close with each other, you were still extremely quiet.
💥- he noticed how awkward you were even when talking to your friends.
💥- he noticed how youd speak up if your friends were being rude to you but the moment someone like monoma said something you just shut down.
💥- he even noticed how panicked you were when you learned about the internships.
💥- during the sports festival you both fought one on one, that's when he truly noticed how awkward you were.
💥- like bro was beating the shit out of you while yelling shit like "say something damnit!"
💥- honestly even though he wouldve won anyways, the round ended faster due to your panic with him yelling n shit.
💥- bro was thinking about it more and was like "damn. but like why were they kinda cute."
💥- first thoughts?
💥- immediete denial.'
💥- bakugo thought his time would be something like loud and outgoging, someone whos super confident.
💥- then saw you who was about to have a fuckinh panic attack and was like:
💥- i want that one.
💥- honestly ur crush on him was not obvious at all, you were just your normal panicky self but this time with slightly more blush.
💥- honestly you guys didnt get together until someone had to word it to make it seem like they were challenging bakugo to confess.
💥- will fight someone for you.
💥- monoma insulted you? 3 days of house arrest for bakuhoe.
💥- someone judged you? explosions.
💥- cashier looked at you wrong? banned from the convenience store for the next 6 months.
💥- congrats on your new scary dog privledges.
💥- mf so fucking protective tbh
💥- its not that he doesnt think you cant fight for yourself, he knows you can beat anyone to a pulp. i mean like- you're in the hero course for gods sake man.
💥- more in the sense of, distant jealousy. you wont know he's jealous, but whoever is talking to you thats making him jealous will know.
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not my best work but i wanted to type something lol.
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zeravmeta · 2 months
something i massively respect about alchemy stars' writing in regards to illumina is that it would be So SO easy for them to fall into a "military is good/bootlicking is necessary" trap considering they arent fighting other people but literal nightmare monsters, many popular characters including the main heroine of the game are from that military faction and our protag multiple times works with and depends on them, but INSTEAD it's even more critical of militarized structure and armed forces as a concept because of it.
rather than just going "our soldiers are brave for fighting monsters" they go "actually in such a brutal struggle it becomes frighteningly easy to throw out morals in the name of survival, meaning that we can mold people into living weapons all for the sake of said survival" and "so long as the greater humanity survives the powers that be have no issue tossing out as many lives as it takes while they continue to push propaganda of heroism as grand to continue adding more bodies to the front line" and ALL OF THIS IS RIGHTFULLY PRESENTED AS BAD EVEN WHEN SAID ENEMIES ARE NOT OTHER PEOPLE BUT LITERAL NIGHTMARE MONSTERS. even in reinhardt and bartons backstories where we see their rise to glory as some of the biggest players in illumina they are constantly criticizing the system they've been put into and choose to break said rules if it mean saving more lives. and what really makes alchemy stars' war narrative so compelling is that even some of the old guard soldiers in command who constantly argue with them all once held the same kind of hope they did and do, they're just so embittered and numb to watching so many people die that they Had to become cold and calculating about lives on the battlefield in order to ensure the greater survival of aurorians. and in current canon we have reinhardt flat out say that she hates how she understands her old commanders, that shes become the same type of person she once criticized because like them shes had to make unfair decisions that cost people their lives. but EVEN with all that, the actions of the committee and the war crimes perpetuated by them in the name of survival are still fully framed as being wrong.
it could have been so easy to just handwave this war aspect of alchemy stars' plot but they actually explore it in a surprisingly nuanced way i fucking love it
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triptrippy · 5 months
"He's 60 at most. Too many people call him their wife, he's too young". This doesn't sound a bit silly at all to you? Not even a little?
for how speed of development seems to be painted in fantasy settings, no. theres an implication based on how he looks and how he acts that despite being alive for 60 years, his body and brain arent fully developed. that, and i read his portion of the story same as OP, a tragedy of a young kid watching everyone he loves age faster than him and being given adult responsibilities when hes not ready to have adult responsibilities, cause hes a kid, leading to him ruling his kingdom as a young tyrant
and why else would the author include the ages that they become adults? even then, 16 for a human is just when kids are likely to finish puberty, thats not even when theyre fully developed adults. cmon man.
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milky-oatmeal18 · 2 years
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so i know a lot of people make an au where they actually have powers and stuff for tfbw, i wanted to do my own take on it bc while i love the other designs people make, i wanted to make my own and my own story (?) for people finding this more recently I redesigned some of them here!! it’s only 3 but the 3 here were rlly bothering me
its basically the same, but they have powers and such, this means their backstories that they made for themselves are actually true, the ones that arent human arent human (human kite, kinda ironic name)
theyre still kids, so theyre all still like the same, its not a serious hero gig, they literally just want a franchise, but they dont know that other people arent like them, they dont know superhero movies are cgi, so they reek havoc instead of helping their town, even while trying to fight crime or prof chaos, no one knows most of their identities either, so its hard to stop them if they dont even know who they are n stuff, prof chaos is actually a good villan here too, hes ofc still nice, he still cares about the others when fighting, but he has good plans, he has almost won fights before, but most of the time his plans are ruined by getting grounded or having to be home at a certain time
their costumes are meant to be just slightly better, some of them havent even changed much and i honestly might change that a bit later, but for now this is what i have :] i might design others i havent drawn either, like general disarray, mintberry crunch, ect ect
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infernothechaosgod · 7 days
One thing imma be real one thing i don't like about some mouseverse comics is that some characters just straight up look so human, and honestly I think that theres some good missed potential with some of them like the phantom blot la creatura
Before I got into the comics for good I thought the phantom blot was suppoust to be a human and that was one of the reasons why he freaked mickey out so much bc he's just straight up activating his uncanny valley/ is somewhere where he's just straight up not suppoust to be so he doesnt look like anything mickey's seen yet but apparently he's suppoust to be a dog
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I think blots design is very good without his mask he looks like one of these rich people way over their head (its bc of the mustache, brows and half closed eyes half of the time im telling you he looks like he has 500$ of spare change in his pocket at all times )
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(He'd rob me out of my money on etsy)
But blots design really doesnt look like a dog and I honestly think for him thats a strenght for a couple of reasons I dont wanna fully write out here bc id be getting into character design study for like 4 pager out here but the main point is Blot is the villian and a well masked one on top of that his design being highly diffrent from others is a good thing bc he's already not like others he stands out and he's evil and he's suppoust to be creepy so I think not really looking like a dog despite teachnicly being one has its purpose and even metaphor to it if you wanna go that route (maybe bc he views himself so above everyone and so humanized compared to them that he ends up sticking out, because he is so above them he's no longer one of them and its visible in his design)
But the points above start to fall flat and explode like a comicly large firework when you consider eeeeeh
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All these are background/one off characters so I understand why the designs arent exactly thought out on the same level as main characters that would honestly be ridiculous but some of them just don't look like any animals and some straight up look like humans with slightly altered face structure
And that unfortunately also goes for my best girl samantha
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ily but you do not look like a dog girl T T
When I was first reading that comic i thought she got the "kitty kat" treatment but turns out its just a thing for one off/side characters
Also there are some alternative designs for already existing characters that look more human in animation that arent used for some reason probably bc the animation and comic departaments being quite diffrent and also having a giant brick ball between eachother or disney just refusing to re-brand or re-design things that are already somehow well known
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Comic o'hara design ^^^
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Animated o'hara design ^^^
There very slightly diffrent but I can easily tell animated o'hara is a dog while the comic ver had me a bit confused (especialy since I didnt see the ears at first)
Also o'charas first apperance IN COMIC FORM looks alot more charming to me for some reason, the same goes for other police officers
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he's so fat here I love it
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They look alot cuter that way imo I like their snouts alot more in that form Plus they do the side eye every dog ever gives you at some point you know exactly what im talking about 🫵🫵🫵🫵
I dont know it could just be me being picky but I feel like there would be some ways of making the side characters look more animal but still easy to draw and design, maybe something like character base's for diffrent animal species that can get altered for diffrent one off/side characters...or giving the comic artist more time to do their job crazy idea i know
Idk like i said it could just be me being picky but I just don't like that and think there are some ways to change that
This is just my opinion and rambling though so lemme know what you think maybe im missing something or you preffer them that way Id love to hear others opinion since I know there are ppl out there who put alot more thinking abt the mouseverse than i did and probably ever will
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