#and calling it a barbie product n like girl what
ik tht's just marketing but omg if i see one more barbie thing screams
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law in pink | s.r
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♡ first part | next part ♡
summary: after confronting an unsub, it leaves you with a ugly mark and Spencer decides to give you a gift to cheer you up.
warnings: mentions of physical violence, beyond that a bit of girl power from reader and a sweet spencer worried about you.
this story is spencer reid (season 7) x ssa elle woods!reader
words: 1,567 words.
a/n: by popular demand, here is part two of law in pink, and yes, I will be returning to this story in a short series with chapters from ssa woods!reader x spencer. thank you very much again and I hope you like it.
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The first rule everyone should know about you is that they must never mess with your face.
Because they don't know what a process it is to get it well cared for, hydrated and with that natural glow. They also don't know how expensive your skincare products are (always the best of the best) and your sessions with your dermatologist.
So they should never, but never, mess with your face.
But clearly an unsub wasn't going to know that, a criminal accused of killing 4 women with a twisted mind was never going to think that.
Least of all when his hand punched you straight in the face, splitting your lip and leaving a mark on your cheekbone, causing the taste of iron to be savored in your mouth.
"What, is Barbie going to cry about her face? I don't understand why they sent the weakest one."
You turned to look at him as you heard his sarcastic laugh, which didn't last long as the Gucci logo on your heel was branded on his cheek and he was falling dazed after hitting a box in the process.
"Weak? Please, you messed with the wrong Barbie." You smiled proudly at the sight of him on the floor, pawing at your face and letting out a groan at the sensation of pain. "Now I'll have to make an appointment with my dermatologist and a traumatologist because of you." You sighed pulling the gun away from his body and proceeded to take his hands to cuff them.
Within minutes, you heard some voices calling out to you, so you began to signal where you were. Within seconds, you saw a concerned J.J. and Emily come down to where you were standing, pointing their guns at you.
The scene was amusing and amazing to watch, you on top of a man who was twice your size as well as weight, lying on the ground while his hands were cuffed.
"Malibu Barbie just captured the undercover toy." You motioned for the cops to take him away, noticing how Emily got a close look at your lip.
"That must hurt."
"It'll hurt more for him, these babies are from last season and has a good sole. Fresh from the mail and ready to make a mark." You commented showing your heels to your companions, hearing their laughter at your joke.
The three of you walked out behind the hoard of people, noticing Spencer and Derek getting out of the newly arrived SUV. As soon as Spencer's gaze captured your face in his field of vision, you could feel him notice right away how your wounded face was the focus of the stares.
"What happened?" Derek looked in everyone's direction, stopping your gaze on you and the clear change in your usual 'perfect' face. "Oh no, Barbie..."
"Don't even look at me, better look at him." You pointed your chin in the direction of the patrol car, where your shoe logo was visible on the criminal's ruddy cheek. "My pilates classes taught him a good lesson." You commented smiling, but immediately let out a groan from the pain it was to move the muscles in your face. "But I think it will leave me achy for a few days."
In between conversations, the others convinced you to go get attended to, so you heeded and walked away from them in the direction of the ambulance, so they could give your cheekbone and lip attention.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
Spencer's soft voice made you forget the pain for a few seconds, turning to see his face and giving him a smile where your white teeth took center stage.
"I'm fine, it was just a tap." The paramedic walked away to leave the two of you alone. You knew it wasn't an answer that would leave Spencer satisfied about your condition, in fact, his intense stare at you was more than enough to make that clear. You let out a sigh, turning to look at the brunette. "Well, I don't think it's just a 'tap out'. I'll have to ask for a couple of days until I show up at the office decently, not with this horrible face."
One of your biggest problems was your appearance, as many may note, because, if you weren't perfect, you couldn't leave your house.
It had to be everything, head to toe, just the way you have it in your head, if not, sorry, but they'll have to wait for you.
"It's not horrible, you still look just as beautiful." Spencer's words seemed impulsive, but they made your cheeks turn pink, even though I wasn't the only one blushing at that moment, Spencer's were just the same.
"You think so?" your eyelashes fluttered softly, watching the boy.
"Y-yes, y-you always look cute, Y/N."
A kiss on his cheek was the positive response you left for Spence to understand that his words were the best choice, and helped push away those thoughts about how bad you looked with a swollen lip and bruises on your cheek.
"Thank you Spencie, your words are always the right ones. Like a good Chai Latte on a cold day." You smiled getting up from where you were, indicating to him that you would go to the SUV.
For the first time in his life, Spencer appreciated his impulsiveness.
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About a week later, you reappeared at the office for a full day's work.
Your body was covered by a pink skirt and jacket ensemble, something that was no longer a problem for anyone after weeks of seeing you arrive like this.
The only thing that wasn't pink at all was your black purse, a beautiful Alexandra. K. Joy and of course, the tray full of coffees you were carrying in your hands.
"Miss Universe, you're back." Derek smiled, causing you to walk up to him and leave a short hug.
"Good things always come back, now be a cutie and help me with this, D." You passed him the tray with coffees, walking beside him as you shared a couple of words.
There was a variety of coffees for everyone according to their tastes, you had taken the time to memorize each order so that it was to their liking.
And as soon as you appeared, you heard Penelope's voice call out to you. Your hand rose to greet her, approaching her with a smile.
"My pretty Y/N." The blonde immediately caught you in a hug, causing you to do the same.
"Penny!" you said cheerfully as you passed her a butterscotch frappe with plant-based milk. "I picked out something I thought you'd like."
"Thanks, cutie. How's your lip?"
"Sore, a little damaged, but better than I thought. My dermatologist recommended a magic cream that Lindsay Lohan used, she said it worked miracles and in two weeks it would be just the way it was."
A smile tugged at your lips, starting to pass out the coffees you had bought until you reached the last one: the one for Dr. Reid.
"Spencie." Your voice snapped him out of his head, turning to see you with a smile.
"Y/N, hey. How are you doing?"
"Much, much better, look... My lip looks almost like it did before! I'll get back to my pretty face." You placed the coffee in front of his eyes, giving him another smile. "A coffee loaded with vegetable milk, I heard around that you're lactose intolerant so I took the liberty of choosing for you."
A blush of embarrassment at that secret settled on his cheeks, causing him to lower his head.
"Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate the coffee." He lifted the cup, taking a sip from it and simply gave you a look, causing you to smile and go to your table.
But it was surprise that settled on your face as you saw a box full of skincare products. Your hands went to grab the products, noticing that it was every single one you occupied and ever mentioned.
"What? Guys... Wow." You held up the little serum box, but the confusion on Emily's face turned your excitement to confusion. "It wasn't you guys?"
"I don't even remember what I did yesterday and I'm going to remember your products, cutie. You take a lot of them." Emily laughed softly, but made you look again in search of the person responsible.
"There's only one person who can remember details like that." Derek's words drew your gaze from your desk to that of a certain doctor, who was shifting his gaze back to his paperwork. "And he hides behind his work."
A soft blush settled on your cheeks, causing you to bring the little box to your chest and press it to your heart, marveling at the detail.
Your feet soon made their way to the desk of the person in charge, and catching him off guard, you left a kiss on his cheek where your pink lipstick was stamped on his skin.
"Thank you, Spencie. I'll take good care of it."
Spencer's heart stopped for a couple of seconds, you could read it.
And as soon as you left, just like a tomato the young doctor's face colored. As a plus, the comments from Morgan didn't take long to come.
"Wow pretty boy, you just won the lottery."
Spencer knew it and that caused him to smile, because boy did he win it.
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♡ first part ♡
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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sweetracha · 1 year
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Dollhouse Chapter 2:
It's A Barbie World
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Product Details: Psychological Horror, Angst, & Smut (consensual)
Choking Hazard: Kidnapping, Being held against your will, Mental manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, delusional fantasies, Physical harm, abuse, and Minho being the villain.
This story is in collaboration with @goblinracha
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Golden light leaked through the slight crack in the rose-colored curtains. You began to appreciate how the room took on a subtle peach tone during sunrise. Han was usually fast asleep in his bed around this time. After learning about what the poor soul has endured, the least you could do was let him sleep. Your eyes followed the grain of the pink carpet until it harshly turned blue, a lovely teal this time of the morning. They kept on their path until you set on the body in the blue starry bed. The pajamas he wore were the silk baby blue ones with white buttons and pants to match. You smiled knowing he slept in comfort, he told you how the cold material soothed his lingering bruises. 
He gifted you with this information after your first official play session. You were terrified as Minho entered the room and announced it was time to play. Playing? All you knew about play was what Han told you during your meetings in the haven of the pantry. 
“Y/n, please listen to me” Han pushed you off as you tried to kiss him again. You weren’t sure if it was comfort or lust but his hold made you feel some semblance of sanity. 
“Han, please, We both know we don’t have much time! He can be back from the store any minute now. Please don’t push me out Han” You weren't sure why you were about to cry. Honestly, you weren’t sure of anything anymore. You just knew you needed him. 
“Y/n, just listen” Han held your face to look at him, soft, unlike Minho’s harsh grip. “You need to follow Minho’s rules tomorrow”
“I always do! You know I–”
“No tomorrow is different. We are going to play. Minho loves playtime more than anything in the world, it's why he created us in the first place! But it means he is the most hostile in these moments. One slip up and well…” Han began to choke up. “Please Y/n, I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt.”
“Shhhh Han it’s okay. I’ll listen to him, I'll do it for you. Okay, oh please don’t cry, please.” It was your turn to dry his tears. It was terrifying how volatile your emotions are. 
“Promise me y/n”
“I promise, Hannie. I Promise.”
The following day you woke up to a weight on your bed. The soft smile of a sweet lover slowly melted off your face when you saw it was Minho. He never woke you up like this, no he always woke Han up first. The schedule always went; Minho woke up his Ken, then as a good boyfriend does Ken wakes up Barbie, Minho is always still present in the room, calling the shots like a little kid playing with their dollies. From there he gets you ready for the day which consists of simple housewife activities like cooking, cleaning, and caring for ‘Ken’. You didn’t like how this morning felt. 
“Good morning Barbie, are you going to say good morning to Mommy?” the sickly sweet slime that dripped from his venomous tongue was not going to fool you. He was sugar in your morning tea, but you knew the dangers that he hides at the bottom of his cup.
“Good morning Mommy” The roll of your eyes didn’t go unnoticed by him. All of a sudden nails dug into the soft skin of your cheeks. Cat claws debated on drawing blood.
“Behave Barbie” Cold stone eyes bour deep into yours. “Mommy is not afraid to give you your first punishment Barbie. You’ve been here long enough to know I demand to have a good girl.”
“Yes Mommy” you bowed your head in submission. You promised Han. 
“Good girl! That’s mommy’s pretty little Barbie doll. Now go wait in the bathroom, I need to wake up Ken.” He patted your face. The final blow was sharper than the first two, a warning left biting your skin.
You sat in the stylist chair staring into the mirror. Blank is the only way to describe it, you were blank. Your emotions were diluted with water and your face was not your own. Did you always smile that way or did Minho condition that part too? When did you last smile? 
Your thoughts were interrupted by Minho entering the room with Han in tow. The former’s hair stuck up at an odd angle, the look of sorrow told you he was probably yanked out of bed. If that didn’t give it away, the way Han was shoved forcefully into the blue parlor chair next to you did. Through the side of your eye and the upturn on your lip, you offered comfort.
“Alright Barbie and Ken” There was always a jingle in his voice when he spoke to you two in the ‘beauty salon’. The bells in his song made it clear this was his favorite activity with you two. “Mommy has an extra special day planned! Today is your first playtime Barbie! Are you excited?” Minho picked up the comb and walked over to you first.
You gave a stiff nod and a plastic expression to his statement. Warning alarms rang through you as you tried to make the right choices today. Obviously, that was the wrong one as the comb harshly pulled your hair back.
“Oops, You had a bit of a knot in your hair Barbie. Mommy asked you a question, doll.”
“Yes Mommy, I am excited about playtime” Your reply seemed to please Minho enough that he softened his technique. 
What was playtime anyways? Han didn’t have time to give you enough detail but the way he acted terrified you. Was it sexual? You feel like all this had to be sexual in some way but why wait 6 months? If you were going to kidnap someone for sex this was a long drawn-out plan. But Minho was used to waiting. He played you like an instrument for many months before it got to where you are now. 
He seemed to care so much though. Whenever you were Barbie he treated you like a princess. Sometimes he could get out of line sure but he had never hurt you badly. Maybe you were acting out of line? Perhaps you should be grateful for all of this. Minho was standing right in front of your, holding you as if you were going to break, applying your makeup. He even carefully reminded you not to move when he was curling your hair. He said he didn’t want to hurt his Barbie. Sometimes he just had to. 
Your eyes followed Minho’s path out of your mirror and into Ken’s. He gave Ken the same kind of treatment he gave you, even kissing the spot he tugged on earlier. Maybe Ken did deserve some minor punishment. Did he not see Mommy was just trying to keep you both safe and cared for? Ken seemed to appreciate it though, then why did he say he didn’t when you two were in the pantry? In the pantry, Ken seemed so sure Mommy was a bad person but that can’t be true! Mommy loved you and Ken. He was wrong, Han was wrong.
Wait, Han was wrong? What are you thinking? Han is not Ken, Ken is not Han. You are not Barbie! Whatever mind games Minho was playing won’t work anymore. Han, Han, Han, you just had to keep that name in your head like a motto. Ken is not real, Mommy is not real, and sure as hell Barbie is not real. Han is real, he is safe. You will never let yourself forget that.
As Minho finished dressing Han up, you got a look at yourself in the mirror. You recognized this outfit anywhere. The one-piece strapless bathing suit was iconic down to its black and white stripes. Even your hair was done to match the classic Beach Barbie doll. Anyone would look at you and think you were a full-time Barbie impersonator. You guess in some ways you are.
Minho ushered you both out of your seats and into the hallways. Instead of taking a left into the main body of the house, however, you take a right. In front of you was a locked room you never dared to try before. Whatever twisted thoughts that were in Minho’s head, lived behind that lock. Of course, Minho had the key.
When he opened it, Han was the first to rush in. Like a kid in a candy store, you had never seen him more excited. Minho offered you a sweet smile as his hand on your lower's back pushed you through. To say you were confused was an understatement. There was sand covering the whole floor. Where the sand met the wall, a fake ocean and sunset sky were painted. 
Hand-painted, some of the clouds still seemed wet. There were two beach towels and umbrellas set up in the corner, a tiki bar along the wall, and a section of actual water in a little pink pool. So this was playtime.
Minho took his position on a little black stool in the corner of the room. He gave Han a simple nod and Ken seemed to know what to do. He laid down on the beach towel and looked out over the ‘sunset’. Minho softly spoke to you.
“Barbie, Mommy is going to start playing now. All you have to do is follow Ken’s lead. If Mommy wants to change something, he will speak up. Be a good girl and play nice for Mommy” That last bit was laced with toxic intentions.
You lay down next to Han on the pink beach towel. He took your hand softly and looked deep into your eyes. Han was telling you this was going to be alright, that he was right there. So boldly in front of Minho too. You wanted to embrace him for this kind gesture. He was safe.
“Barbie thank you for spending this day with me. I know I should be watching the sunset but you are too beautiful.”
WAIT WHAT? He was just preparing the scene? He really wasn’t there was he? Han was gone, Minho was gone, and you were all alone with Ken and Mommy
“BARBIE!” you heard a snarling shout from the corner of the room. “Play.” was all his frigid voice said
You looked at Ken, you could do this. You had to do this, for Han.
“Oh Ken” you wanted to vomit on your inflection. “It really was um a fun day and all. I had so much fun ummm on the beach” What were you even meant to say?
“You aren’t a broken doll, yet. Try harder Barbie” Minho quipped before Ken’s next line.
“Oh, Barbie! I’m so glad you had fun riding the waves and taking in the sun! A day at the beach isn’t complete without you Barbie” When did his sweet, almost British accent get replaced by a surfer? 
“Ken, thank you. Maybe we could do this again sometime?” what were you doing?
“Really Barbie! That would be like totally rad!”
“Ken and Barbie go swimming” Minho interjected like a director for a low-budget high school play.
“Barbie, you know what's like totally romantic? Swimming during sunset. Let's go take a dip” Ken was able to flip the script like a professional, it scared you honestly.
You didn’t want to go swimming. You didn’t want to play along anymore. It was time for you to go home, actually home. In your real bed, with your real food, and your real closet. You and Han could visit a real beach and swim in the real ocean. You were over it. 
Ken lifted you up bridal style and walked you over to the kiddie pool. He slowly began to lower you in but you stopped him.
“NO I’M OVER THIS SHIT MINHO” you yelled so loud you closed your eyes to project it. However, that meant you missed Minho’s boiling red skin.
“What did you just say, you little BRAT” Minho screamed and threw his chair against the wall. He stalked up to you like you were prey. 
“I SAID NO MORE! MINHO YOU HAVE FUCKING LOST IT. LET HAN AND I GO! HE WANTS TO LEAVE YOU TOO” Now Minho was face to face with you, the heat that radiated off of him was hot enough to burn. 
“Han do you want to leave,” Minho asked like ice once more but his eyes never left yours.
“Mommy, who are you talking to?” Han asked with that sickly sweet sugary tone he greeted you with on day one.
“Exactly, Ken put her in the pool”
“But she said—”
“Ken I will get my boots out if she isn’t in the pool in the next three seconds” 
Han so much as dropped you in, your tailbone meeting the floor through the thin plastic. Minho kneed down and took your hair into a fist. He forced you to look at him.
“Should have been a good girl”
Before you knew it your face was being shoved under the water. You fought back as much as possible but Minho’s force kept you under. Your legs kicked violently but were soon held down by who you assumed was Ken. Water quickly filled your lungs as your eyes stung. It felt like razor blades were cutting you up from the inside. The pink bottom was starting to dim and you couldn’t fight it any longer. Your eyes fell shut and your body went limp. Minho had won.
A violent light overtook your vision and overwhelmed all your senses. You could hear everything around you from the wood floors settling to worried shallow breaths. Then you could feel anything touching you. Fuzz, silk, plush, and cold. Your smell is what came next. Immediately you cringed at the smell of mildew setting into drying cotton. However, the smell of clean linens and ginger came to you. Han was nearby. You wanted to vomit on the taste of plastic and blood on your tongue. Sight finally came to you..
You never thought you would appreciate seeing pink and blue, as far as you were aware those colors were dead to you. Then the realization hit you. Pink hearts, pink pillows, pink sheets, and pink carpet. You were in bed, you survived. You survived! You were alive! 
Shooting up in bed with a jolt of excitement about your second chance at life. You instantly found the blue sea across from you with a body laying in the middle of it. Hannie was safe, you could finally let out that final breath of worried air. As long as you two were together, you were safe. 
The next few months went by in flashes from your memory. You decided it was best to lay low and obey after a session with Han in the pantry. He cried his eyes out to you, more than he had talking about his own past. He urged you to be careful and to just follow Minho’s instructions. He said he had a plan but it was going to take time. The two of you just had to wait, much like Mommy taught you.
Every week Minho put on a different grand opening of a new playset and like a good little dolly you played along. You sat like the princess in your styling chair and walked the makeshift runway once he got you all dressed. Multiple times as he praised you and loved on you, he would repeat Barbie like a mantra. Barbie and Ken, Barbie and Ken, Barbie and Ken, and over and over and over again. Each time followed by a stupid little jingle. It was the warning bells in your head again, it had to be, Han never reacted. Instead, he would slip into his Ken headspace and forget everything. Slowly you began to feel the warm fuzz of Barbie creep into your mind, each playtime she called to you. It was getting stronger but you were adamant you wouldn't let her take you. 
There were only a few playtimes that stood out in your memory, for better or for worse. The first of which Minho described as ‘Fashion Editor Barbie”. She came the second week of playtime and you were determined to do everything right. You laughed at the idea of fashion when Minho dressed you in a pink pantsuit up to the shoulder pads. Your ascot felt like it was choking you and you were pretty sure your face was going to meet the ground in those pin heels. That didn’t matter though, you walked around that room like you were the C.E.O., talking on your comically oversized cellphone. Minho seemed happy after this day, he even let you pick out something new to buy at the store. The silk pillows felt nice as you sobbed into them nightly. 
The second one of note was a few weeks later, this is when you started to notice a shift in Minho. He got you dressed up in an all-white gown and fake fur coat to match. You were given a glam makeover which included a pair of black cat-eyed sunglasses you liked. Tonight was a movie premiere. All you had to do was walk the red carpet with Ken as Mommy snapped photos of you two. A few questions would be thrown in here or there, but overall it was an easy night. Until Minho asked Ken to step away.
“Barbie is the star, Ken! Get out of her shot!” Minho claimed. “It’s a Barbie World, Not a Ken World”
You could tell by the look on Ken’s face that he despised this. It had been bubbling up for some time. Mommy’s favorite toy was discarded for something newer, shinner, and moldable. Minho was bored of Ken and Ken knew it. Ken hated Barbie for it. 
It took many days in the pantry for Han to ease your nerves about Ken. ‘He is all bark no bite’ he would try to tell you. Han slowly kissed every inch of your face to prove to you that he and Ken are not the same. A word sat at the end of his lips but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. That was okay, it was understood loud and clear by you.
However, it seemed to be heard by Minho too. From the way, Han looked at you in the mornings to how his body gravitated in your direction once Ken washed away. Minho did not like the way this all looked. For the first time in a long time, he panicked. He needed a plan.
His plan? Ken visits Doctor Barbie. Originally Minho had planned for Barbie to use plastic children’s tools instead of real ones but where is the fun in that? Barbie was not meant to be a plaything to him, no she was meant to be real. As Ken laid on your hospital bed you slightly cried over him. You saw fear, disgust, animosity, but most of all, absolute unfiltered terror. You wanted to stop, to scream out at Minho, to take whatever punishment Mommy would give you, but you couldn’t. Barbie held your mind close and shushed you. It would have been so easy to let her take control, to never have to remember this day once she leaves. But Ken’s face still had Han’s eyes. You made the cuts as small as possible. You’d kiss the scars tomorrow. 
Every day since then you had been making up to Han. Little things to show you cared like fluffing up his pillows and remembering to take off your heels during your little getaways. He always said he doesn’t remember the pain but you could see the welting scars. When you laid your lips on his shoulder, he placed his on your head. His arms wrapped around you for security, but yours wrapped around him for understanding.
Today marked 8 months since you entered pink and blue hell. The energy in the air was different, uncertain. Minho dressed you and Han differently today saying that for this playtime, he wanted things to be private. When Minho walked in with a pink babydoll gown, matching stockings, a guarder belt, and lace panties; you felt like fainting. However, Minho caught you.
“Y/n look. You have been good recently and I want to thank you. I thought some adult pleasure may bring your spirits up. While it is still playtime, I think you deserve to be here, fully here. I’m not a monster, I still believe in consent. Something tells me that you might want this. Not with me but with Han.” His eyes sparkled the same way they did that first meeting at the tea shop. His warm hand on your back reminded you of the way he held you during the rain. You wanted to be inside his mind so bad back then. You’ll never make that mistake again.
“I want Han, not you” You didn’t trust him even if there was a pinch of love for him still in you. 
“I know, I respect that. All I demand is that I get to sit back and watch. I won’t lay a hand on you” Were you about to believe the sugar that lay at the bottom of his cup?
“Okay, I accept” You opened your stature up to invite him in. Trust went two ways after all. 
When you both entered the playroom you saw it had been changed into a lover’s paradise. A large bed laid in the middle of the room with a mirror built into the overhead. The blankets were plush white with pillows that matched. Silk sheets, just how you and Han liked them, stretched the bed. A simple unassuming white chair sat in the corner. A confused Han stood in the middle. 
“Han?” You questioned in a whisper, still afraid of Minho’s tricks.
“Y/n” Han repeated back. You were both there. 
“You two play nice with each other, Mommy will be over here in his chair. House rules still stand. Be good like this more often and I might be able to make this a routine.” Minho sat down in his post for the night.
The start was slow and awkward, to say the least. Both of you were still in disbelief that Minho would actually let you play like this. He just sat there watching as you felt each other up. After about 20 minutes the coast seemed clear, and Han took the initiative. His hand that was on your hip slid under the lining of your baby doll. He made his way up cautiously to your chest. FIngertips left goosebumps in their wake.
“You look absolutely beautiful tonight. He may be crazed but he does understand attention to detail” You both slightly giggled at the joke but once Han caught your nipple your giggle turned breathy. 
“So sweet doll, Speak up so Mommy can hear you two” Minho chimed in. The least you could do was make it enjoyable for him too, right?
“Han, Please” you whined out as he pinched your hardening bud. 
“Yes, y/n? What do you want sweetheart?” He twisted it just the way you liked. Your back arched off the bed. Minho took note of that. 
“More, please! Anything!” Han didn’t say anything after that, he just dropped his lips to your neck while moving his hand towards your panties.
“No bruising!” Minho piped up again, Han’s sucking stopped immediately. 
While his hand toyed with the edge of your panties, your hand cupped his gray-blue boxers. You massages his clothed cock in your hand and added just a bit of pressure to his balls, just like you knew he liked. When he doubled over in pleasure and tore your panties off, Minho took note. 
Before you knew it Han was knuckles deep inside you while sucking on your clit like a man starved. He was determined to make this moment last because he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get it again. When your thighs clamped around his head he thought for a moment about letting you suffocate him, but then you'd be all alone. Han gripped the flesh on your thigh and forced you open while adding another finger. The whole combination of events had you crying out his name as you finished for him. Minho took note. 
Before Han could enter you, you flipped the script, literally. Han was now flat on his back as you lowered kisses down his abdomen. When you got to his neatly trimmed happy trail you looked up and gave him a wink. Next thing he knew you were kissing the head of his cock. He bucked up and whined for more but you knew he liked to be teased. Instead, you took just the tip in his mouth and rubbed the rest of the shaft slowly. He arched off the bed and shut his eyes, huffing in desperation. Minho took note. 
Once he was on the verge of cumming down your throat, you pulled off. Han could only complain for a little while until you sunk down on his angry red cock. You both moaned out in unison at the extreme pleasure of it all. Penetration like this was rare for you and it had been too long. Han almost came right there. Minho took note. 
You rode Han as long as you could, leaving faint little scratches down his torso. Minho didn’t seem to care about Han getting damaged as much as he did for you. It didn’t matter though as both of you were lost in ecstasy. You brought your whole body up until just the tip was nestled inside then you dropped your whole weight down, forcefully fucking yourself on Han’s cock. When he pistoned upwards on the next retreat, you were pleasantly caught off guard. Han took this time to flip your back over. He rammed into you with no real set pattern or pace. Usually, this would turn you off but you were both so sensitive from lack of stimulation, you’d take anything. He grabbed both of your legs and propped them up on his shoulders so he could hit even deeper in you. Once he found what he was looking for, you screamed out in pleasure. 
“Fuck y/n, please cum for me. Please! I can’t last much longer, I need you to cum with me” Han all but begged for you. You didn’t need to be told twice as you came so hard you thought you may pass out. Both of you just laid in the bed after, sweaty, disgusting, cum covered messes trying to catch your breath. 
“I love you” Han whispered as quietly as humanly possible.
“I love you two” you ghosted back.
Minho got up without a word and left the room, seemingly unaware or unbothered by his boner. Minho took note of that.
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@smally97 @lixiesweetbrownie @seo--changbin @lyramundana @j-onedrabbles @hyuniebeez @jisunglyricist @chvngi @hanjisunginc @whatudowhennooneseesyou @felixsramen @koala-wonderland @lookitsjess @camixiez @dutchessskarma @stvrfir3 @mixtape-racha @kaciidubs
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Listening to Han’s heartbeat quelled the ache in your own. You were awake another night thinking about Minho. How could you have been so wrong? Maybe he was under the same spell Han was in. Maybe Minho was not Mommy and Mommy was not Minho. Yet Minho seemed to know who Mommy was, and vice versa. But the more you thought about it, you knew about Barbie and she knew about you. So why was Han so different? It was like he couldn’t hear the stupid chime every time your identities were named. He blanked out the world and its noises. You had so many questions and no answers. As you began to fade back into dreamland with Han’s arm securely tucked around you, a faint buzz sounded under your pillow.
Incoming message from 
<click to read message>.
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bosskie · 1 year
WIPs and stuff, again
I haven't been feeling much better but my mood inspired me to start a new painting and after these silent months, I feel like sharing some progress and WIPs of my current Molluck works which I have been doing slowly.
First, here's this new painting I mentioned:
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Even the theme of this is not the most pleasant for me, I have still really enjoyed painting this and playing with colours. Gotta still refine stuff.
I have been thinking about painting this scene for some time but my mood and own pain made me finally start this painting. In both Abe's Oddysee and New 'n' Tasty, we don't see Molluck getting his scars, and in NnT, we don't even see his clothing getting burnt! So, I wanted to reimagine this scene but well, Molluck's design is also different now. Even I feel bad for him, I still laugh at AO's version of this cutscene because I love Abe's reaction after seeing him naked. Oh, and thanks to this scene, we also know what like he looks like naked (in 3D)! (Y)
Since I mentioned naked Molluck, you might remember my Molluck sculpt WIP and here's the current state of it:
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There is still a lot to do here but he is now more refined and accurate. I wanna keep his body close to the original/official versions but he is basically a mixture of different models and my little additions. For example, those hands are based on the original concept art since those are the best hands! So yeah, he is basically made from the most appealing pieces... I can't help myself... This Gluk is just much like made for me...
So often, when I do my works, they tend to seem like crap at first but I just keep doing them and after some time, all that work is really paid off. So, don't give up:
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This 'nightmare Molluck' is the oldest WIP I have of this. Hopefully you didn't get the 'Abe moment' after seeing this... I have never sculpted anything like this before... You gotta start from somewhere!
The last WIP stuff I show you also shows well the progress of how my paintings tend to develop:
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You might remember this from my previous post. Still gotta refine some stuff here. My brain kinda wants to call this piece a 'Barbie Molluck'... Um, for some months, I have had such an idea on my mind too... Do a Molluck version of the Barbie girl song... Don't ask me why, I don't know either but I love the idea! Yeah, I haven't forgotten those Molluck dubs. I still imitate him like on daily basis... So many ideas but I try to do my ideas and projects as much as I can and feel like. I'm also about to continue my Molluck game since it would truly be a shame if I don't finish it.
Soon, it's also gonna be the second anniversary since I drew my first Molluck, so gonna see how I have improved in drawing this cutie! [Edit: Felt too depressed for that.] So yeah, my Molluck thing is still going strong even I haven't been so productive. He is my beloved Gluk and no character has felt so much like me than him... Like I have already said out loud, he is the most attractive thing for me... Thanks OWI!
Maybe all this love I have for him made me to win that tattoo competition too... It still feels like a miracle... I thought that it was nothing like they wanted and looked crappy, was about to delete my entry... This is the struggle my self-hatred does to me... It will still take months before I really get help to this but in the meantime, I try to keep myself alive to the next day, try to enjoy life, do the stuff I like... And Molluck is still very important to me, 'mah baby', like I call him sometimes... He is not perfect, has his problems and flaws but that just makes him more lovable to me!
I'm glad if you truly enjoy all this Molluck stuff I do! I never expect that the stuff I do is anything special and especially with this self-hatred... It's more difficult to be a content creator when your inner critic is so loud... But I'm trying my best to learn to love myself even I know that it's gonna take a lot of time. I don't wanna give up even it has been on my mind many times... I have been in such dark waters... But I gotta keep Molluck on my mind since he is one of those things that give me strength to keep going thru this mental hell. I don't wanna be stuck in here... Even Molluck got his life ruined, he just kept going. And well, even the name of my tattoo was 'Don't give up!', so I must just keep going; this is gonna end one day.
I know that it can be somehow heavy to follow someone who has these problems but I wanna be honest and wish that I could be a story with a happy ending.
~ Thanks for your caring!
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shop-korea · 6 months
$1,000 - MAX - $5,000 - THE - WHARF
MAX - OF - $15,000
WAY - 2 - GET - RID - OF - THEM
$15,000 - MAX - FINE - EACH - TRIP
AGE 13 - 17
$0.10 - DIME
AGE 18 - 25
$0.25 - QUARTER
AGE 26 - 45
AGE 46 - 64
IT - FEELS - GOOD - I - WANT - 2
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to-star-lake · 3 years
in the early days when you joined bonten as their new advisor, you spent a lot of time with koko; drawing up business plans, managing the books, overseeing construction on new clubs and buildings.
koko had the nicest office of all of the bonten leaders. it was on the top floor of a highrise in the middle of the shibuya business district. complete with high-end leather and mahogany furniture, and a gorgeous city view.
you'd spent time with each of the bonten executives when you joined and koko was probably your favorite to work with. you found takeomi too serious, kakucho boorish, mochi too macho, the haitani's were exhausting, and sanzu..well..
koko was like you; blunt and efficient with work, a little impatient, maybe a little condescending. you enjoyed your daily work with him in his office. it was always quiet, productive, and his assistants always served the best sencha.
except today.
today when you walked in through the mahogany double doors that led to his office, you were almost decked in the face by a toy rubber basketball.
"he shoots! he scores? no! he misses!" you heard a voice yell, followed by a maniacal cackling.
what...the hell is this? the floor of koko's office, which was normally clean, surgically clean, was littered with teddy bears, squeak toys, board games with their pieces strewn about haphazardly, a jump rope, a putting green, and a trash bin overflowing with crumpled candy wrappers.
the rubber basketball that almost hit your head rolled towards the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves on one end of the room and you saw a kiddie basketball hoop attached to one of the shelves. and below that, sanzu, flopped on his stomach on the floor, a different flavored ring pop on each of his fingers.
"koko..i'm really bad at basketball," he grumbled, picking himself up and walked over to koko's desk, slamming his hands down on the surface, the sudden gust of wind almost blowing the stack of papers in front of koko away.
"oh no, well, why don't you go try the putt putt?" koko sighed, not even looking up from his work, waving his hand in the air like he was shooing away a fly. "ah, y/n! finally, someone sane. please, get over here, i need you to look at something," koko waved you over when he noticed you standing in the doorway.
you made your way across the minefield of toys on the floor and greeted sanzu as he walked past you. "good morning," you smiled cordially.
he sauntered past you, looking down at you through bloodshot, half-shut eyes, his usual sinister smile plastered wide across his face. he'd opened his mouth to say, "good morning, little prin-" but then stepped on a pile of toy soldiers and tripped, tumbling to the floor, his long limbs getting all tangled up in themselves.
"uh... hey, koko?" you took a seat in the armchair beside the desk, setting your laptop down on the tabletop. "what's going on here? where's mikey?"
koko let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes. "sometimes mikey goes off on his own, and when he does, the rest of us have to take turns...babysitting," he nodded at the gangly man with bubblegum colored hair with a plastic toy putter in his hands. "i pulled the short straw today," he sighed, pushing the large binder of documents he was looking at over to you.
"jesus, what now?" koko looked up, so annoyed you could almost see the steam coming out his ears.
"there's no balls," sanzu pointed at the putting green on the floor.
"well, who decided to ambush people by pelting them with the balls outside the bathroom last time?"
sanzu stared back at koko blankly.
"ugh, nevermind. could you play with something else? y/n and i have work to do." koko scooted his seat closer to you, and began circling a few line items on the page in front of you. "got this today from the guys over at the club in akasaka. these totals look off to you?"
you glanced over the document, and flipped back a few pages and reviewed the itemized lists also included in the binder. "damn," you said, looking up at koko. "these assholes are skimming."
koko opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a sudden loud popping noise. both of you turned to see sanzu on the floor, pulling the heads off of a pile of barbie and ken dolls.
koko raised his hands to his temples, the frown lines between his eyebrows deepening by the second. "jesus christ, this psychotic clown, if he wasn't the number 2 I swear to god-” he muttered under his breath.
"hey, sanzu?" you called out and sanzu's head jerked up to look at you, his eyes suddenly bright and attentive, like a child amongst the sea of toys on the floor.
"yes, princess?" he called back.
"could you go on a coffee run for us?"
sanzu tilted his head a little, confused. "a coffee...run?"
"yeah...you know, to buy coffee?"
he blinked, still confused.
"to buy...starbucks?"
"ah! you want me to buy you starbucks," he suddenly shot up.
"yes! yes, please, for me and koko, that would be great," you smiled, thinking you were finally getting somewhere with him.
he walked over to the desk. "anything for you, princess. and you can call me haru," he hummed, taking a bright pink ring pop off his finger and sliding it onto your ring finger, and a blue one onto koko's ring finger. "be back in a flash."
he turned to walk out of the office, whistling and not bothering to avoid the toys scattered on the floor, simply stepping on them as he went.
the doors closed behind him and you turned to koko, "now we can get some work done."
"let's hope he takes his time," koko rolled his eyes, sliding the ring pop off his finger, holding onto only the plastic part as gingerly as possible, a disgusted look on his face because he could tell sanzu had definitely licked the candy already.
"is it always like this when mikey's away?"
"sanzu? yeah, pretty much. but mikey tolerates him cus he's been with him longer than any of us, he's his loyal mad dog," koko sighed. "but that bastard's insane. apparently back in the day he got moved back and forth between all of mikey's captains cus nobody could handle him."
"wow. yeah, i guess i can see that," you glanced over at all the toys scattered on the floor. "seems pretty tough for you too."
"oh, i've actually done the best with him," koko scoffed. "last time, he was the haitani brothers' responsibility, they decided to take him to a hostess club. thought it'd be a good distraction for him. crazy maniac decided to pay for all the women there."
"all of them? that's..that's a lot-"
"no, that's not the crazy part. he paid for all the women, and then made them line up against the wall with liquor bottles on top of their heads and he used them for target practice." koko ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "anyway, who knows when he's gonna be back so we should try to get as much done as possible while he's away."
you nodded. the two of you worked dilligently, reviewing the rest of the books collected from bonten's other clubs and businesses in town, making one stack for ones that pass, and one that required additional scrutiny.
after a while, you stretched your arms up over your head, noticing the sun hung high in the sky and glanced at the clock on the wall. it read 12:15.
"i wonder where he is," you said, realizing it'd been almost two and a half hours since he left.
"who knows what that lunatic gets up to," koko sighed, turning the page of the binder he was leafing through.
"i actually could've used some coffee though," you yawned.
"i can have my girls make some sencha-"
just then the doors to his office burst open, and sanzu staggered in, eyes blood red, a blue gift bag in one hand, the other dragging a giant 10-foot teddy bear behind him.
"and suddenly my headache's back," koko muttered and sanzu approached the two of you at the desk.
sanzu dragged the huge teddy bear over and plopped it beside you. "i got this for you, princess."
"hah..um...where'd you get this..giant thing?" you didn't even know where to begin.
"there's a carnival downtown. i got it playing a shooting game," he grinned from ear to ear. koko groaned, knowing sanzu, by 'shooting game' he probably meant he threatened to shoot the person manning the booth if he didn't give him the bear.
"hah..i see, thank you. but why is it missing its eyes?" you asked, looking at the bear's face and noticing the eyeballs had been ripped out, only some tattered threads remained in the sockets.
"they were ugly," sanzu shrugged. "koko, i got you something too," he dropped the gift bag down in front of koko.
"thanks.." koko reached into the bag and pulled out a tiny cross-stitched sweater which could've only been made for an infant. "uh...dude, what is this?"
"it's a sweater for your chihuahua," sanzu explained, yawning and plopping down onto a chair by the desk.
"i don't have a chihuahua?"
"i could've sworn you did," sanzu tilted his head, as though in deep thought. "oh, i guess it's just you that's always yapping. it's amazing y/n puts up with this every day," he laughed, but his tone was filled with hostility.
you saw koko's body tense in your periphery and you quickly spoke up to diffuse the sudden tension. "haru, did you get coffee?"
"coffee? oh! the starbucks. yes, i did."
you stared back at him. "that's great, uh...so where is it?"
"on the corner of harajuku square, by yoyogi station," he smiled.
"oh my god," koko groaned, raising his palms to his eyes and rubbing them in circles.
you looked back and forth between koko and sanzu.
koko took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair, turning to look at you. "he bought the starbucks."
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zodiyack · 4 years
Ladies With Brains
Requested by anon: Might be a strange request, Could you please write an imagine where reader is dating Patrick Bateman and she has mental illnesses as well so when he says “you could always be skinnier, look better” she admits that she knows that he’s a serial killer and was just waiting for her turn to die, but he can’t bring himself to kill her because he has fallen for her?
Pairing: Patrick Bateman x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, mention of murder, slasher stuff
Words: 1,305
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | Slasher Masterlist
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Though he was good-looking, Patrick was not the most desired of men to be dating. Then again, he wasn’t as much as an asshole as his coworkers. Y/n was a guest; one of said coworkers cousins. She caught his eye rather quickly and peaked his interest to a point he’d never thought existed.
They had some stuff in common too. Right when he met her, he learned of one. Like Patrick, she hated the social gatherings, constantly rubbing her temples and itching to escape the crowded room to some place more quiet and relaxed.
When she finally found her escape, Patrick followed her. He watched as she pulled out a small thing of pills and grabbed her glass of water she’d brought from the other room. Though he wondered what they were for, he moved on to engaging with his prey.
“Hello.” His voice broke the peaceful silence, but Y/n did not move a muscle.
“Oh, hello. Patrick, is it?” When she turned around, Patrick couldn’t help but stare. She was far too beautiful to be stuck in a business party. Patrick admired her beauty, imagining her death a little too happily.
“Yes. You are...”
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” She held out her hand to shake his with a small smile on her face, more than likely fake due to the visible exhaustion running over her entire form. When he didn’t shake it back, she shrugged, “Not a fan of human contact I see? Don’t worry...it’s the same here. My cousin scolded me the last ten times, so now I either put on a smile and shake their hands or stay at his home and babysit for him.”
“Why not stay at your own place?”
“My roommate’s anniversary is today...so she kicked me out for the night. Every anniversary I get kicked out. It’s alright though, I’m used to it now.”
“And?” Patrick scoffed. He ignored everything else she’d said after the part about being kicked out. He spoke as if everything he said was obvious and easy, “You could live on your own.”
Y/n shook her head as the smile dropped from her face. “Patrick, not all of us can afford luxuries such as that. And even if I could, there are some things I just need another person to be around for. Not everyone is like you, not everyone is like my cousin, and not everyone is like me. I’m glad we had this talk, but I’d like to be alone for now.”
“I- uhm...” Patrick wasn’t too used to this rejection. Sure, he’d usually get odd looks, but rejection? “How about this, you and I go to my place and you don’t have to be somewhere you don’t want to be?”
“Patrick. That would be taking me somewhere I don’t want to be.”
The disappointment could be seen on his face. To her, he was disappointed because he wanted to get to know her, but to him, he was disappointed for numerous reasons. None of which, were legal. Nevertheless, he nodded. Seeing his reaction, Y/n continued with what she was going to say.
“However...you could take me on a date. Maybe after a few of those...I’ll be willing to go over to your place. Alright?”
He thought it over before nodding again, “Deal.”
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They went on Patrick’s promised dates. Everything went as plan, smoothly and successfully...well...almost everything. Patrick had a complication that could be the thing that ruined everything he’d worked for. The dates started as a plan for three. Then it turned into one every other week. Their relationship continued to grow.
He caught feelings for Y/n, and her him. Patrick didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t know how to admit it. He didn’t know what would happen if he did admit it. So, as a solution to all his problems, he ignored everything he felt for her.
But then the day came. Y/n was in his living room with him, the two making small talk as per usual. She flipped through a magazine for a bit before scoffing and throwing it down. “These magazines, models, companies; it’s all fake. They’re just trying to get girls to feel insecure enough to buy their products.”
“Well, are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Insecure enough to buy their products?”
She shook her head with a sarcastic laugh, “No. But I admit, I’m feeling the envy they somehow make the models give to the viewers, but, it’s not like I can do anything about it.”
“You could always be skinnier.” He suggested, speaking honestly, face and voice expressionless. “Look better.”
“Patrick. That wasn’t nice.”
Y/n sighed, looking away from him. “If I wanted to look like some plastic Barbie doll, I’d join the women you’ve murdered. Your preference in women seems to match that description.”
Patrick’s head immediately snapped back towards her. “What did you say?”
“Blond, skinny, so on. My question is why you have yet to kill me? Is it ‘cause I’m not as Barbie-looking as you’d like me to be?” She was being serious, genuinely confused, and intrigued, as to why she wasn’t already one of the people in and on the news labeled as missing but in reality very much dead.
He stood up quickly, grabbing the weapon beside him as he rose from the couch. Patrick pointed it at her and furrowed his brows. He told himself to do it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t.
Y/n acted as if there was no weapon pointed at her, as if she had not known Patrick was a murderer, as if nothing was wrong. He wanted to say that he hated that she wasn’t scared of him but he knew he would hate it even more if she was.
“Patrick. If you want to kill me, then kill me.” Even through the horror of their complex situation, Y/n remained calm and soft spoken. Patrick couldn’t decide if he hated or loved it. She was a woman he could get use to, that he agreed with, but her brains drove him crazy. A smart woman was beautiful yet torture all at the same time.
“Get away from me!” He yelled, pained by his own human feelings for her.
All she did was stand up, providing him with a clean shot. He knew he could kill her, but his body refused to do anything that would bring her harm. His mind was filled with more worries than temptation.
“Leave! Get out! Run before I hurt you!” She didn’t budge. “I’ll kill you, you little bitch!”
Patrick groaned in anger as Y/n kept quiet and still. It was like she was silently calling his bluff. Bateman had never felt this before, thus his hesitation had been self-explanatory. Did he hate the feeling? He wasn’t sure. But would the feeling turn negative for him if he rid the world of one person in his life to make him feel as such? Would it disappear? He didn’t want to find out; any person could see the risk was too high.
“You won’t. If you wanted to kill me, you would’ve done it by now.” She didn’t move, and he hated it. He hated her for making him feel this way. He hated himself for feeling it.
He hated himself for showing weakness. He hated himself for dropping the weapon and giving in. “Just...give- give me time. I need to think-”
“We’ll need to talk about this at some point. Just know that I’m not scared. I know you won’t hurt me.” Y/n nodded and began to walk out of his apartment, turning and giving him a final understand look. “Call me when you want to talk. We...we have a lot to talk about.”
Why’d he have to pick the smart one? Patrick cursed himself; they really did have a lot to talk about.
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xhanisai · 5 years
Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll choke.
(AO3) (FFN)
Summary -  "But Lila cared more about the middle finger that Adrien shot at her when no one else was looking." To summarise, if you hurt the Ladybug, you can count on the Black Cat to absolutely annihilate you without mercy. A.K.A. A wonderful crackfic where Lila gets karma shoved up her ass by Adrien every time she tries to hurt Marinette.
A/N: I'm having an affair with dumb bitch juice. Shhh. Don't tell angst. ~(x)~ . . . "Heh, looking good~" The Italian teen winked to herself one last time at the mirror and then striked a pose that radiated pure confidence and clearly, a drop dead gorgeous Goddess that has ever descended this miserable planet. Luck was on her side today, lil ol' Rossi could feel it in her bones. 'Today is a wonderful day to knock down Dupain-Cheng a peg or two...' Lila hummed perversely, olive irises twinkling with mischief and sadism. She applied another coating of her favourite orange lip gloss and spritzed her body with some more pumpkin spice flavoured perfume (that was apparently a one of a kind DKNY product that the company themselves have gifted her, that's right Juleka). Digging out one of the hundreds of pictures she has of Adrien Agreste in her drawer, she planted a sloppy kiss on the face (lil hoe thinks she's being seductive smh smh), whispered something absolutely filthy and then made her way out of the house with a green apple in hand. As she walked, numerous plans and ideas were concocted up in her head whilst she happily chewed through the sour, bitter fruit that could compete with her own acidic heart. Certainly, her plans weren't going as smoothly as she'd like, given that not only has Marinette stood strong, Alya and Nino still stuck to the raven haired girl like glue and the model boy actually dared to threaten her to withdraw Mari's expulsion. Of all people, he threatened her! Who the hell did he think he is? He should be nothing but a spineless pretty face, a decoration to her growing fame. Ugh! Shaking her head and refocusing her thoughts, Lila took one last, harsh bite from the fruit and then tossed it away without a second glance, hitting an unsuspecting rat with wings- pigeon, an unsuspecting poor pigeon. Looks like M. Ramier will be akumatised later on if he ever sees the splat of feathers on the pavement. She didn't give a damn. Instead, a sinister, almost feral like smile stretched on the brunette's lips as she spotted her prey up ahead, sitting on the front steps that led to the collège. Quite a few passerbyers and students gave Marinette either a disappointed look or a disgusted grimace. Most pretty much ignored her, leaving the Asian bowing her head down in embarrassment, making herself look as small as possible. 'Like the useless mouse she is.' Lila barely held off the urge to giggle. After making Cheng look like such an evil cretin and even managing to get her expelled, her reputation has almost been tarnished! Marinette went from one of the most popular, prettiest, kindest girl in school to the most conniving, horrible, wench in a matter of a day. She would have been gone forever had it not been for Adrien's stupid- SPLASH!!!!! No way. No. Fucking. Way. Lila gaped like a dead fish, unable to comprehend what had just happened as her once dry, stylish clothes dripped with dirty puddle water and the stench of dirt clung to her hair and skin. The now filthy looking teen snapped out of her stupor and glowered at the offending car that DARED to zoom through the ginormous puddle only to gawk again when she registered the vehicle's familiarity. Lila wasn't able to do more than budge an inch as a certain model stepped out of the car in front of the collège and lifted Marinette to her feet with his hand. He gave the petite girl a warm smile that only sickened the Italian girl to the core even further and when he interlaced his hand with Marinette's, leading her inside the building, Lila couldn't stop the ferocious growl from escaping her throat. This was meant to be HER day today. A fresh splatter on her head from up above proved otherwise. Her hand shot to her head, face twisted in a witch like grimace as slick, gooey slime coated her fingers and hair. Lila mustered up as much venom as she possibly could in her eyes, tilting her head up, only to see the very same pigeon that got hit by the apple, glare back. Neither of the two noticed the wry smile that Adrien let out as he shielded a flustered Marinette inside the building... ~(x)~ Full classroom? Check. Mme. Bustier temporarily out of the room? Check. Dupain-Cheng opening her backpack whilst oblivious? Check. Lila wiggled in her seat like a cat waiting to pounce on the mouse (not like those in cute youtube videos), eyes narrowing at the back of Marinette's head, awaiting for the right moment to act. You see, earlier on, Lila planted one of Chloe's prized earrings (dumb barbie never learnt her lesson when it came to bringing family heirlooms to school) in Marinette's bag, planning on calling her out of stealing it to further crush her reputation into smithereens. Knowing Chloe and her illogical grudge against the girl, the consequences would be so much more worse for Marinette considering she's the mayor's daughter and all- . . . Wait... What? Lila blinked twice, thrice, then rubbed her eyes and blinked again. 'What in the world???' "O-ooooh! Who put this pretty flower in my bag?" Marinette twirled the lavender rose between her fingers in awe, admiring the beautiful plant with a cute blush on her cheeks. She gave the rose a sniff, cheeks glowing further as she hummed pleasantly. "It smells so nice!" Her smile was so disgustingly sweet, Lila could have sworn that the girl was radiating diabetes. Maybe she should pretend to faint and blame it on Marinette somehow? "Looks like you have a secret admirer, girl~ Did you know that lavender roses mean love at first sight?" Alya playfully poked Marinette's cheek, waggling her eyebrows whilst the rest of the girls in the class- sans Chloe, Sabrina and of course Lila herself, gathered around their class president's table. Their coos and questions were deaf on the seething Italian's ears as she was hyper focused on Adrien's face. The way his eyes lowered knowingly and his lips upturned into a secret but smug smile. The way his head tilted towards the side ever so slightly as he watched the French-Asian with so much...love. Lila was close to throwing up in her mouth. 'So that little Prince was the one who replaced Chloe's earrings with that stupid flower...huh...has he caught on...?' Just as that thought passed through Lila's head, the sound of Chloe bragging about her new earrings filled up the room with the addition of Sabrina's praises. The brunette cocked an eyebrow, dissatisfied of her plan failing in ruining Marinette's life further and getting Adrien wrapped around her pinky, where he belongs. With a string of Italian curses muttered, Lila opened her bag and- "CHE CAZZO È!?" Lila launched the provocative bag away with another scream and when it landed on Kim's desk, dozens of spiders pooled out like a tidal wave, causing the athletic Vietnamese to jump up ten feet in the air with a high pitched yowl and that in turn created a mass panic in the classroom. "Ah- đéođéođéo- KEEP THEM AWAY FROM ME!" Kim let out another screech, forcing himself into a baffled Alix's arms as the spiders scattered whilst everyone else stood on their desks to avoid the wonderfully adorable critters. "LILA! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THOSE MONSTERS IN YOUR BAG!?" Kim cried out as soon as a shocked Mme. Bustier returned to the classroom. The red headed woman gawked at the floor and then grimaced before sending a stern look towards Lila, hands on her hips. Everyone in the class froze at her stance. "Lila, we know that you've just returned from a campaign to save a species of highly venomous spiders from going extinct but that does not permit you in bringing them to school. You'll be on rubbish duty for the rest of this week and M. Damocles shall discuss with you later on for a more suitable punishment after that. Everyone else, please remain calm and carefully step out of the room." The olive eyed brunette didn't get a chance to defend herself as everyone comically sped outside at a speed that would make even Sonic The Hedgehog jealous. Nino and Ivan were held piggy back style by their respective girlfriends whilst it took Alix, Max, Nathanael and Juleka to tear a petrified Kim off the wall (In turn, Rose held him bridal style as if he didn't weigh more than a feather). When she saw Marinette shyly grasp Adrien's hand to lead him out, Lila saw red and looked away before she did something she would regret. In amidst her internal monologue, she missed Adrien's dangerous smirk as his eyes glinted devilishly. The boy tightened his grip on Marinette's hand, much to the girl's surprise and delight whilst his kwami snickered in his blazer's inner pocket. ~(x)~ "Whoa!" Marinette let out a yelp, numerous files slipping out of her hands as she flailed her arms to regain balance. Unfortunately, she ended up tipping backwards towards the edge of the stairs much to Lila's entertainment. If she couldn't break Marinette's godforsaken will and reputation completely, a few bones or so should satisfy her ruthless heart- "Marinette! Be careful!" With amazing speed, Adrien caught the girl from behind, interlocking his arms around her body in an iron grip without even wincing at the weight of her mass colliding with his chest. A few passerbyers, including Rossi herself observed the scene with incredulous expressions. The latter pissed at the stupid prince charming's bloody timing! She didn't know what annoyed her more. The fact that her plan failed for the umpteenth time or the useless anime like tropes that seemed to play when it came to blonde boy and noir girl. "Ack! Thanks Adrien..."  Marinette expected a simple 'No problem Mari,' from the boy but was taken aback by his malicious glare that was directed at the tanned girl before them. She couldn't help the squeak that escaped her when his grip tightened as he lead them up the stairs, standing a mere feet away from Lila. His hold on Cheng wavered between protective and possessive. Marinette found it kinda hot. "You know, we have bins for a reason Rossi. Be sure to chuck your litter away or else someone could get hurt." His voice was gravelly and alarmingly low, indicating who would really get harmed in the situation. Lila hated the way her blood chilled to ice and the unpleasant shivers that shook her spine before mustering the energy to plaster an innocent smile instead of running away. "Oops. Silly me," She bent down to pick up the can she conveniently dropped earlier on, causing Marinette to trip in the first place. "My arthritis has been acting up all day-" "And I painted the Mona Lisa, yeah, whatever." Marinette and Lila, both only close enough to hear, widened their eyes at Adrien's passive aggressive tone. Without wasting another second, the boy tugged Marinette along, heading away from the scowling Italian. The sickening duo seemed to get closer and closer every second, causing Lila's blood to burn with rage. "He's definitely caught on...that boy is more slippery and sneaky than I thought...as expected of the son of Gabriel Agreste." Lila growled severely, crushing the can in her grip- SPEW! Oh. The can was never empty from the start. Steam figuratively shot out of her ears as the fizzy drink dripped down her hair, face and clothes, smearing her layers upon layers of caked makeup that took her hours to do this morning- after she went back home to shower and changed into fresh clothes when she was soaked by that dirty puddle, courtesy of Adrien's fucking car! 'GAME ON AGRESTE.' ~(x)~ Lila planted that wretched goose- pigeon, that wretched pigeon in Marinette's locker, anticipating a commotion or SOMETHING. However, when the unsuspecting girl, accompanied by her trio of friends, opened said locker, there was no pigeon. Instead, out popped out a ridiculously cute, handmade Chat Noir doll. According to Marinette's and Alya's babbles, it's a doll that the former has made ever since the pathetic heroes of Paris made their debut. "But how did it get here? I don't recall bringing it in with me today," Yes, Lila also wanted to know how the FUCK that cursed plush appeared out of thin air. It certainly wasn't there when she shoved the feathered pterodactyl in. "Maybe you brought it with you by accident?" Nino quipped. "Didn't you have that phase back in école where you'd always bring a teddy that you slept with for company?" "WEDONOTTALKABOUTTHAT." Marinette retorted back with gritted teeth, slamming her locker door for emphasis but the way she hugged the Chat Noir doll protectively afterwards did little to intimidate the bespeckled boy. In fact, much to Lila's disgust, the trio melted at Marinette's obviously fake cuteness. Unbelievable! Where did that pigeon go anyways!? Never peeling her eyes away from the nauseating quad, Lila snatched the door of her locker open, grinding her teeth- "COO!!!" ...only to be attacked by a flurry of feathers and a sharp beak. This time, whilst she, along with a 'helpful' Alya and Nino managed to rip the bedeviled thing off her face, Lila caught a shit-eating grin on Adrien's lips as he watched her suffer without a word. 'That little BASTARD! He did this to me!' Rolling his eyes as if Lila was nothing but a three year old throwing a tantrum, he threw an arm around Marinette's shoulder who looked more confused than anything. "What is Jacques doing here?" Lila almost scoffed at the Asian's question. That failure of a bird has a name? And familiarised with Marinette no less? No wonder he was currently a bitch and half in her ass! No one answered Mari's question regardless. Though surely, that sinister cat of a model held the answer. "I'm more curious of whether you sleep with that little Chat doll or not, Marinette~" He teased, much to Lila's dismay and Marinette's embarrassment. Alya and Nino momentarily forgot about the clearly traumatised Lila, simply to join in with the jesting. "N-N-NO! HAHA- what a silly question Adrien!" Marinette slapped the teen's shoulder with a bit more oomph than the usual friendly slaps, cheeks reddening and eyes flickering to the side. "She can't go to sleep without it~" Alya confessed on her best friend's behalf, glasses twinkling impishly at Mari's cry of "Traitor!". "One time when she was at mine for a sleepover, she forgot to bring Petit Noir along and stayed awake all night without his presence. She's so pure, isn't she?" Marinette was left as a blushy, squealing mess as the rest of her friends chuckled fondly. If it wasn't frowned upon in this country, Rossi would have gladly kicked them all out the window one by one till their sorry necks snapped but even she had some sort of control. "Adorable, absolutely adorable." This time, Lila did throw up in her mouth as Adrien swept Marinette up into a bone crushing hug with the most disgusting look of 'love' tattooed on his face. The hazel eyed brunette stormed out of the locker room with a growl, deaf to Alya's questioning shouts of her name. She was going to TEAR that boy apart from limb to limb! Adrien's grin only grew at her departure, daring the idiotic girl to try and pull another stunt again. ~(x)~ During a photoshoot that Lila was assigned to model at, every time she attempted to inappropriately run her hands down Adrien's torso or shoulders, she ended up getting bitten by god knows what. The more she tried, the harder the bites were and towards the end, the shoot was cancelled as her skin was covered in tiny little bite marks that resembled wasp stings or even a terrible allergic reaction. The horrid girl never noticed the tiny God of Destruction that lingered nearby his chosen who in turn delivered a little fistbump to his precious friend with a smile far too saccharine to be innocent. ~(x)~ Just before their French lesson began, Lila staged a scene by crying out in pain when shoving her hand in her bag and 'finding' multitudes of sewing needles in them. Surely the class would turn their heads towards Dupain-Cheng with animosity as she claimed that Marinette must have sabotaged her bag that day. Instead, much to her surprise, the majority of the class defended her with an alibi. "But M. Dupain and Mme. Cheng hid away all her sewing stuff for the rest of the month so that Marinette could concentrate for the upcoming exams!" Gee thanks Rose. "Marinette was at mine's yesterday night to study and sleepover so there's no way that she did that," Godammit Alya. "I'm pretty sure 'Nette's needles are silver in colour, not bronze." Shut up Lahiffe. "She would panic if she steps on an ant, how could she hurt a person?" Really Alix? Really? "Marinette and I were stuck in the closet all break so there's no way she's managed to sabotage your bag, Lila." Agreste- do you even know what you're implying here? To summarise, the case was neutralised with a theory that one of the textile upperclassmen students must have accidently put a container of needles in her bag, thinking it belonged to the department. But Lila cared more about the middle finger that Adrien shot at her when no one else was looking. ~(x)~ Lila tried tripping Marinette again but this time, she was caught by the Japanese fencer girl who 'politely' thwacked Lila's knees with her foil and told her to get out of her class. That ice queen never left Marinette's side for the rest of the day. When Marinette arrived to the morning classes with a disturbingly gorgeous, sheer white sundress in hand, babbling about how she was going to alter it after the exams to her friends, of course Lila gave into temptation by altering it herself. By altering, she meant smothering the skirt of the dress with non washable red paint. Marinette returned to the afternoon classes wearing the dress but with the red stains magically transformed into a flawless gradient and decorated with faux red rose petals on the edge of the skirt and the tip of the bust. The poor Italian was rewarded with the grand scene of Adrien claiming out loud how 'beautiful' his 'Princess' looked without shame and twirling her around in the air. Next, Lila somehow snuck a snake out from the zoo (getting bitten a million times and even throttled at one point by said creature) and secretly let it loose at the Dupain-Cheng bakery when she was only 'looking around'. The snake ended up getting its own tank and promoted the bakery, increasing the numbers of customers because surprise surprise, it's the year of the snake according to the Lunar calendar and everyone saw that slimy creature as a symbol of good luck! M. Césaire let the family keep the snake. Marinette named him Aspik much to Adrien's ambiguous delight but then changed it to Viperion when the boy accidentally tore apart her favourite ball of yarn. ("Little bug how could you do this to me!?") Lila even tried to start a rumour going where she apparently witnessed Marinette kissing a strange, delinquent after hours in creepy alleyways and got a little frisky with him. Adrien turned that around on her by asking why she was spying on him and Marinette, both wearing scarves that poorly concealed their ravaged necks. The rest of the day was spent with students gossiping about the new developments of 'Project Adrienette' and suddenly the despicable duo were dating. The rest of the students and teachers decided to switch to Lila as a target to send their scrutinising eyes at. It took Lila twenty-four hours of staring at a blank wall to digest the fact that she unintentionally nudged those two together in her pursuit of destroying them both. Twenty four hours of gaping with dead eyes and not moving a muscle whilst her phone buzzed with the latest gossip on Adrien and Marinette. An immediate news report on Ladybug grabbing Chat Noir into a heated kiss after an akuma battle that almost sent them running for their money, confirming their relationship broke Lila out of her daze and left her screaming inside her house. ~(x)~ The classroom door slammed open, revealing a dishevelled, crude looking Lila Rossi, heaving for air like she's just ran around the world in twelve days. Her hair was dirty, greasy and stuck in ways that defied physics. Her clothes were torn, stained and slick with unnamed substances. Her face was covered in stings, scratches and red marks that ruined her usually flawless make up. Clearly, a drop dead gorgeous Goddess that has ever descended this miserable planet. The students paused whatever they were doing, curious and slightly concerned at the state of the Italian's exterior. Lila let out an animalistic growl, pointing a finger at Adrien Agreste who paid no mind to her and carried on reading his book whilst Marinette Dupain-Cheng slumbered away peacefully in his lap. "I don't know how you did it or what dark magic you played on me or what voodoo dolls you have been using, but you'll never get away with humiliating me! Both of you!" Everyone's eyes widened at Lila's desperate and frustrated tone, now facing the boy bearing the brunt of her bite. Much to Rossi's screaming irritation, Adrien only flipped a page of his book with a hum like someone has just asked him whether he'd like some sugar with his tea. "STOP ACTING DUMB AGRESTE! I KNOW IT'S YOU WHO TRIED TO RUIN MY LIFE!" This time, she received eye contact from the boy. Instead of retaliating back, he put a finger on his lips and- ...shushed her. She was going to fucking KILL HIM. "My Marinette has pulled two all nighters in a row for the exam we just had this morning- which you missed by the way. So, she's sleeping right now. If you have some respect, keep it down." His tone was polite, sophisticated and angelic and his face was softened into the most sweetest smile. A front for the devilish cackle and demonic smirk that was threatening to burst out the seams of his fake exterior and Lila was able to sense it with ease. She didn't get a chance to yell back as Chloe suddenly interrupted. "And what has my Adrikins done to you? Other than get brainwashed by that ridiculous rat and start dating her of course," The blonde pursed her pastel lips, ignoring Adrien's comments on 'I'm not your Adrikins,' and 'Stop being mean to my sweet girlfriend,' and whatever nonsense he was spouting. "Oh wow...hahah...where do I start?" The hysteric girl began, blind to everyone else's distressed gaze at her behaviour. "The spiders? The pins? The ghost bites? That damn ugly bird that can't seem to find another place other than my head to SHIT ON!?" The object of her hate only raised a brow in confusion. "YOU'RE BEHIND IT ALL! I KNOW IT'S YOU!" "...Lila, were you bitten by those spiders that you were protecting during your campaign like a week ago? I think you need to see a doctor." Was the reply she got from Adrien before he went back to his book. "Also, this book mentions that being pooped on by a bird is a sign of good luck! Maybe you'll have a good fortune coming your way after you get better, Lila~" The baffled girl stared back grotesquely, jaw dropped and eye twitching, unable to comprehend the Adrien Agreste before her right now. She didn't even protest as Rose and Juleka hauled her flat ass out of the class, to the nurse's room, debating whether or not to call the ambulance for the mad girl. 'What...The...Actual...FUCK!?' ~(x)~ After the classroom door was closed, leaving behind a questioning class, a cat hero fighting the urge to burst out laughing and a bug heroine stirring awake. "Hmm...what happened Chaton?" Marinette hummed out, still half asleep and she nuzzled against the hand that cupped her cheek. Adrien replied with a genuine, soft smile full of love and a bit of his feline mischievousness. "I'll tell you later, Bug. Get some sleep, okay?" He pressed a chaste kiss on her lips, gaining a brilliant smile in return as Marinette settled back to sleep, relishing the way his fingers combed through her bobbleless hair. 'Mission accomplished, Plagg,' Adrien mused to himself, winking at his kwami who peered out of his bag whilst Tikki shook her head at her counterpart; albeit with more love than anger. The boy dived back into his book, tuning out the discussions that the rest of his friends were sharing regarding the impertinent wench that was just gotten rid of. Hopefully, they won't be seeing her for a very long time. Jacques the pigeon would be delighted in making sure of that. After all: If you hurt the Ladybug, you can count on the Black Cat to absolutely annihilate you without mercy... . . . ~(x)~
'đéo' - Vietnamese for 'fuck no!' 
'che cazzo è' - Italian for 'What the fuck is this?'
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jee-ns · 3 years
(i) ladybugs. // kjn. // one-shot.
you couldn’t do anything. it was a curse you thought. all these years you’ve been through you’ve been waiting for this day. but what’s stopping you? what if you don’t want to get better. what if you wanted to stay this way. she was a miracle. that should’ve happened a long time ago.
note : this one took a long time and frankly i didn’t proof read it. and half of it might be confusing but please just hang on. i hope it’s good enough LOL. and we’ve been innactive for awhile. yeah srry abt that. OH and i started stanning gfriend idk why its kinda pathetic so im just saying i might have a gfriend fic coming up so be ready. - admin 🗣
warnings : violence, abusive behaviour, injury, blood.
words : 1.1k
next : (ii) ladybugs 
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“do you need anything else master?”
you heard yehan shouted from down the stairs. her voice ringing trough the wooden walls with worn out paint on it. “no need yehan!” you shouted back out of the small crack of the door that you made. you closed it after you heard light footsteps scattering to the kitchen.
sighing while closing your eyes. i hope i wont die of boredom. you thought. there’s nothing much to do here it’s a typical suburban house in a small village. you could find it anywhere.
you sat down on the bed and wrote a letter to mother. saying that you’ve arrived safely at grandmas. but a little disappointed that she wasn’t here to greet you. you didn’t mind. that was the least she could do after taking you in before the surgery. you thanked her for keeping you in great hands.
you took a good look around the room. yehan said this was mother’s old room. the room was filled with books and old posters of some band. the walls having some barbie stickers and old photos with friends. the runned down colour of the sage green paint on the walls. you couldn’t believe your mom was into trendy stuff back then. she always seemed like a nerd who would always stay cooped up in her room with her head in a book.
the roomed looked neatly cleaned and you couldn’t complained. the sun rays through the sheer curtain gained your attention. you made your way to the window and your eyes were met with a tree. the bark has a camouflage pattern comprised of gray-brown outer bark.
‘a nice place to have a picnic’
the sun rays beamed through your sheet curtains. the morning breeze passed through it. you woke up to the sound of vacuum cleaning the downstair.
rubbing your eyes slowly you took a whiff of that fresh morning air in the village. your first night here wasn’t that rough. you were pretty comfortable to be honest. you wouldn’t mind staying her forever.
your feet touched the heated wooden floor with a creek as you got up to go to the toilet and brush your teeth before breakfast. as you made your way downstairs you admired the photos that was hung on the wall. there was photos of grandma and grandpa. one with mother when she was younger, and many more.
“good morning! what are you going to do today hmm?”
yehan greeted cheerfully as she placed a plate of eggs and bacon. you thanked her before setting your agenda for today. “well i just want to walk around and be familiar with the place, you know?” she nodded in understandment before smiling and going outside to water the plants.
after you finished your scrumptious breakfast you went outside and saw her trimming the bushed over the windows. “do you need help?” you offered. she paused and looked back at you, declining your offer.
you nodded and took a walk around the garden. the fences had overgrown bushes over them for privacy. there was some flower gardens here and there. peculiarly there was a single sycamore tree amidst it all.
your mouth twitched, turning into a small smile as you studied the tree. the light green maple like leaves danggling as the wind blows them. some falling off, some holding onto dear life.
a thought popped into your head as you were admiring the trees’ beauty. ‘i should grab a book and read it under the tree and do something productive for once’ you thought as you scurried back inside excitedly. atleast do something before you pass on.
you made your way to the tree with a small smile on your face. the wind grazes amongst your locks as you sat down in the big roots that over grown the ground.
after settling yourself, you got to page 4 until someone interrupted your chances of being productive. “what you readin”a soft voice said coming from a branch above you.
you looked up in shock and sat up straight “oh well you know the great gatsby” you said sheepishly with a shrug and motioning to your book. she smiled down at you and scoffed “booringg” she said while rolling the g’s.
“well what would you read then” your eyebrows furrowed as you challenged her. her brown locks and cat eyes really grasped your attention. her white and georgette dress dangling down to her legs makes her more cunning.
“i wouldn’t ... and you’re a kid go have fun. play with other kids or something.” she motioned around the garden. you looked back to where she was motioning and said “im- well i-im not interested in those stuff” with a hand on your nape and a shrug once again.
she doesn’t question tour stuttering “huh” she answered shortly after, while looking of at the garden field before asking “what are you doing here anyway. i haven’t seen you around.” you froze for a moment. why should u talk to  a stranger about your business here. a really really pretty stranger. you could either tell the truth and lie. you went with the latter
“im here to visit my grandma” she hums in understanding before jumping of the branch and landing right beside you. she sat on the tree trunk beside yours and grins. her gummy smile showing making you flustered.
she gasps and yours eyerbows furrowed “don’t move” she says as the cupped your cheeks. by now you’re already panicking. was this how it’s going to happen. under a tree in your grandma’s garden with a pretty stranger. your first kiss here?
you felt her finger slowly glide across your eyebags. you held a breath as she retreats her hands back, without her doing anything you were implying she would do. you opened your eyes slowly as if a ghost will come right at you. only to find her grinning while looking down at her pinkie finger.
“this little guy was on your face.” she said with an ear to ear smile as she showed you the small ladybug. you looked down at it and was flustered. she looked up at you and a worried look takes over her face. “are you okay? your face is red.” yes it’s red from embarrassment. i couldn’t believe i actually thought you were going to kiss me. i feel so ashamed. you thought.
you looked away and waved her off trying to calm down. “no no im fine” you looked back at her with a small smile. there was a small pause before a thunderous sound broke the silence.
you looked up and the sky was all gray with small droplets trickling down from it. you looked back at the girl. she was about to say something before "y/n get back inside it's going to rain!" yehan called out of worry for you.
46 notes · View notes
et-lesailes · 4 years
lockdown lust
pairing: johnny storm x reader
word count: 3270
summary: video chatting with your best friend johnny during quarantine turns a bit steamy.
themes: smut
taglist: @evanstush​​, @tanyam93​​, @bval-1​​, @wonderwinchester​​, @patzammit​​, @rohaintahquil​​, @deidrashouseofpain​​, @sammyslonglostshoe​​, @jadedhillon​​, @bohemian-barbie​​, @whysparker​​, @sebastian-i-stan​​, @sebabestianstan101​​, @lille-kattunge​​, @teller258316​​, @peach-acid​​, @allsortsofinterests​​, @xoxabs88xox​​, @heyiamthatbitch​​, @cptn-sgrogers​​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​​, @bangtan-serendipity​​, @troublermalik​​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​​, @bookish-shristi​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​​, @straightforwardly​​,  @denisemarieangelina​​,  @frencchfries​​, @xlanawriter​​, @littlemoistcarrot​​, @pottxrwolff​​, @arianatheangelworld​​, @ifuseekamyevans​​, @southerngracela​​, @nsfwsebbie​​, @rororo06​​, @savemesteeb​​, @raveviolet​​, @inactivewhore​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​, @shaddixlife​​, @tessa-bl​​, @marvelouspottering​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​, @thegetawaywriter​​, @dwights-new-plague​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​, @fckdeusername​​​
notes: man i wish my quarantine was going like this. graphic creds go to the @thewritingdoll​, also patreon saw this first! click here to join :)
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You’re laying on your side on your bed, dressed in a simple tank top and shorts with your sports bra just barely peeking out from either side of your shirt, clicking through YouTube video after YouTube video on your laptop. Ever since being unemployed thanks to the pandemic, each day is the same as the previous. Wake up, eat breakfast, watch TV, play some video games, eat lunch, read, try and teach yourself a new language, sit outside on the deck for a bit, eat dinner… you’re slowly going crazy not having anything productive to do, but it at least helps being able to chat with your friends via FaceTime and Zoom. It’s rather depressing being alone and stuck at home, but one of your best friends in particular manages to help quite a lot. Even though Johnny’s going just as crazy as you are, he’s still his fun loving, goofy, and energetic self, and it’s safe to say he knows how to cheer you up whenever you’re feeling the quarantine blues.
A notification pops up on your screen indicating that he’s video calling you, and you gladly answer. “Hey there, gorgeous.” He greets you in his typical flirtatious fashion- as usual, he’s shirtless (you’re assuming also only in underwear) and lounging back in his bed with a beer in one hand. “Fuck, I’m so bored. What are you up to?” You laugh softly, sighing as you look at the YouTube videos on the side of your screen. “Literally nothing. Honestly considering just going to sleep because I have nothing else to do.” 
“You know what I miss?” he suddenly speaks up rather than responding to you, taking a swig of his beer. “Sex. No, I miss even just touching a girl. Like even if it’s a fucking handshake. I’m starting to think I should have just picked a quarantine girlfriend so I could get some action.” You blink and laugh, shaking your head to yourself though you can’t help but admit you understand the feeling. “I’m not gonna lie, I definitely miss the feeling of having someone in the bed with me.” You don’t have a boyfriend, but you did sometimes have a fling every now and then. As Johnny said, though, it’s not just about sex. You simply miss the comforting, reassuring feeling of having a male’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you close to his body in his slumber. 
“Yeah? So have you been masturbating a lot?” he asks bluntly, and you laugh; you and Johnny are extremely close, and so questions like these never throw you off or make you uncomfortable. “Kind of, yeah, but I’m sure nowhere near as much as you.” You tease with a smirk, and he snickers in return. “Touche, darling. I can’t help it, okay? I have a high sex drive.” He suddenly arches a brow, lifting his drink up slightly. “Hello, why am I the only one drinking? Go get some alcohol, c’mon!” You roll your eyes fondly at his severe ADD, but nod your head. “Alright, alright, be right back.”
You return a few moments later with a glass of wine, settling into your previous position laying on your side and propped up on your elbow, sipping from your glass. “Happy now?” you ask, and he scoffs playfully. “Wine? What are you, forty?” You blink and laugh loudly, making a face. “Beer makes my stomach feel weird! It’s all… carby or whatever.” He hums thoughtfully before reaching out of the frame to pick up something- a bottle of liquor. “Okay, what about shots?”
You look at him in amusement and disbelief, but honestly, you actually feel a little sympathy for him. He just wants company; he’s an incredibly social guy who absolutely loves going out, clubbing, dancing, and meeting new people- of course he just wants a drinking buddy right now. “Alright, alright, I literally just settled down but I’ll get out of bed again just for you.” You wrinkle your nose at him and he cheers happily, pumping his fist in the air. “Hell yeah, that’s my girl! Hurry now before my buzz dies down.” You chuckle softly and get up again, setting your wine down and going back to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of fruit flavored rum. It’s probably going to be a long night if Johnny’s this hyped up already, but you’re actually looking forward to it. You really do love talking to him, especially during this period of time.
An hour flies by without you even realizing it. You’ve been drinking with Johnny the whole time, laughing and chatting and joking around with each other as you usually do; there’s no one who can make you smile as much as he does. His enthusiasm and rowdiness is contagious- you’ve felt so groggy and lazy during these lockdown days, but he always knows how to snap you right back. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Johnny reaches over to grab another can of beer from the table and you catch even more of a view of his rippling abs. “Yeah?” you ask, wondering just how much you’ve drank to actually be checking Johnny out. You can acknowledge he’s an attractive guy, but he’s only been a friend to you all this time- for some reason, you never really entertained the thought of anything more. Perhaps because you’ve seen the way he is with women; not necessarily bad or toxic, but not exactly boyfriend material either. 
“Let’s play a game.” He suggests, giving you a little smirk. “How about Never Have I Ever?” You blink but smile, nodding your head. “Alright, sure. Wanna start?” He suddenly lifts a hand, shaking his head. “Uh uh uh, hold on. This version of the game has a catch.” He downs the rest of his beer before wiping his lips with the back of his hand, grinning at you mischievously. “For every single thing you have done, you have to take off an article of clothing.” 
“What? You know, like, everything I’ve done!” you argue in amusement, and he grins, wiggling his eyebrows. “And you know everything I’ve done. So? C’mon, it’ll be fun. But we can’t do stupid stuff, like “Never have I ever kissed a girl” or “watched hardcore porn”. It has to be more specific.”
You roll your eyes but find yourself agreeing. “Okay. Fine. Shouldn’t you, like, maybe put on clothes first though? You know, so you actually have something to take off?” He blinks and looks down at his half naked body before laughing loudly. “Oh yeah, good point!” You watch as he stands up, eyes directly met with his boxers as he goes to grab a shirt, pants, and even socks and a watch. “You are ridiculous,” you remark, taking a sip of your wine though giggling nonetheless. As always, he knows just how to make you laugh. 
“Alright, I’ll start.” Johnny gets himself comfortable again, dressed in a simple wifebeater and basketball shorts. “Never have I ever… gotten so drunk as a freshman at a college party that I ended up making my really handsome best friend carry me all the way back to my dorm.” You blink and laugh loudly making a face, whining playfully, “Johnny! God, you didn’t even go to school there, why were you there anyways?”
“To carry your ass back home. Now go on, get stripping.” You scoff but take off your tank top, revealing your patterned sports bra underneath. You see him staring and for some reason, you actually feel… excited. This has to be the alcohol, right? You clear your throat, tossing the top aside. “My turn. Never have I ever had sex with someone new five minutes after breaking up with my significant other.” You fire bluntly, the corner of your lips tugging upwards. He laughs, shaking his head to himself. “In my defense, we had only been dating for two weeks, and she went psycho on me. You remember! Right?”
“Just take off the shirt, Johnny.” You laugh, and he arches a brow, playfully retorting, “Wow, bossy. I like it, baby.” He lifts off the wifebeater revealing his abs once again, and you force yourself not to look at them- you know he’d make a comment otherwise. “If we’re going to bring sexcapades into this,” he murmurs thoughtfully, “never have I ever been caught hooking up in a movie theater.” You immediately blush, hiding your face. “Why did I ever tell you about that? It was barely hooking up, it was just making out! And you’ve done that several times at the movies, there’s no way you haven’t.”
“I have, but I’ve never been caught.” He winks and nods towards you. “So, the bra?” You roll your eyes and shake your head, shifting yourself so you’re sitting up on your knees to wiggle out of your shorts. You’re thankful you at least put on some cute underwear today, looking down at the sky blue material with little tiny icons of penguins on it. Johnny shamelessly looks too, chuckling softly. “Wow. Those are fucking precious.” He barely bites on his lip though as he keeps staring, and you feel yourself blushing deeper, quickly settling yourself back down again. 
It’s obvious where this game’s heading. Both of you know it. You don’t know if it’s because of the alcohol, or the fact that you’re just extremely sex deprived, but you’re completely fine with how this night will end. It’s just a fun little game. Nothing wrong with that.
“My turn.” You snap him out of whatever daydream is running through his head, raising an eyebrow. “Never have I ever dated a freaking supermodel.”
“Is that jealousy I hear in your voice, Y/N?” he teases, but easily kicks off his basketball shorts. “No. Also why aren’t you just taking off your socks and the watch first?” you ask, and he grins, shrugging playfully. “I’m perfectly fine with just chilling with my dick out wearing nothing but a few accessories. What’s wrong with that?” You shake your head to yourself, though you can’t help but find the thought hilarious. How this boy became so bold and confident, you have no idea, but you have to admit it’s even a bit inspirational at times.
“Okay,” Johnny begins, taking a drink of his beer. He looks more excited now, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Never have I ever had sex with a long term significant other.” You blink and make a soft incredulous noise. “You’ve never even had a long term significant other!”
“That’s right, baby girl! Which is it gonna be, the bra or the panties?” 
“Neither.” You smirk and bring your feet into view, wiggling your toes in the fuzzy socks you had been wearing. “I’m guessing someone here doesn’t have a foot fetish at least, because you didn’t even notice that I’m wearing socks.” Johnny groans in playful annoyance as you take them off, crossing his arms. “Fine, you got me there. Your turn.”
You have to pause for a second. Not to think of what you’re going to say- God, you know Johnny better than he does, you could write a book of all the bullshit he pulls. No, you have to pause because this is where things are going to start getting intense. You’re going to see your best friend naked, and he’s going to see you naked. Both of you are horny out of your minds. Both of you are intoxicated. Do you really want to go through with this? 
“Hello? You there?” he asks impatiently, in classic Johnny fashion. You swear the boy has the attention span of a turkey.
“Never have I ever had a wet dream about my best friend.” You suddenly speak, looking at him intently- he looks at you in surprise for a few moments, but before he can move, you’re suddenly the one slowly lifting your sports bra up and over your head, your breasts moving up with it before lightly bouncing down.
He’s completely speechless, his eyes on your chest as if he’s never seen boobs before, his facial expression getting more and more serious from shock. “Holy…” he finally mumbles, nibbling on his lip. You’ve never seen him look so hungry, so full of desire, and it’s only turning you on. There’s a certain thrill and adrenaline rush that comes with getting intimate with someone you’re “not supposed” to, and you’re definitely feeling that buzz right now. 
“Well?” you ask softly, tilting your head to one side. “I have. Have you?” You’re taking a big chance here, but considering what a sleazeball Johnny can be, you’re certain it’s had to have happened at least once. He looks at you for a few moments before slowly smirking, moving his hands down…
… only to take off his socks. Your expression is one of complete disbelief as you’re about to ask him if he’s actually serious, but then he goes to take off his watch. After that, he moves his hands to the hem of his boxers and pushes them down- his erection jumps up, tall and thick, and you can feel the heat in your core simply from looking at it. He lounges back against his headboard, completely nude, his chest visibly heaving slightly from excitement.
You clear your throat trying not to be too obvious about staring at it. “Why’d you… um… why did you take more than one thing off?”
He leans over and he’s out of the frame for a second. You hear the sound of hands rubbing together. Lotion. “Because I’ve had more than one wet dream.” He answers simply upon returning, keeping his eyes on you as he slowly wraps his hand around his cock. “Do you want to hear about one?” You widen your eyes, now only paying attention to this shaft at this point, watching him pump himself slowly. Fuck, you’re so turned on right now. “Yes,” you breathe out, starting to shift uncomfortably as you subconsciously rub your thighs together.
“In the dream you were dating that dumb ex of yours. I can’t even remember his fucking name anymore. The one I hated, you know who I’m talking about.” Johnny begins, eyes briefly roaming your body on his screen. “I came over one day and he was out somewhere. You were wearing this sexy ass lingerie, to surprise him when he got back. When I walked in, you just immediately jumped up on me without realizing it was me- when you did, you looked all shocked, but I just kept holding you in my arms.” He breathes heavier, starting to pump faster. “We start kissing. Making out. My tongue’s practically down your fucking throat, my hands squeezing your perfect ass, I bring you into the bedroom.”
Your cheeks feel flushed and your own breaths are becoming a little more uneven, completely focused on everything he’s saying. “Then what?” you whisper; you don’t even realize your hand is moving to your breast. He lets out a groan simply from watching you, continuing, “I push you down on your hands and knees on the bed and slap your ass so hard, it leaves a mark. I tell you that you belong to me now, and that I don’t care if your boyfriend has to watch us fuck for me to prove that.” He stares at you as you start massaging your breast, watching in awe as your fingers pinch your nipple ever-so-slightly. “Fuck, you like this, don’t you baby girl? After that, I finger fuck you over and over again, I make you cum so goddamn many times. You’re fucking screaming by the end of it, you’re still on your hands and knees like a good girl, your face is against the mattress and your perky little butt’s up in the air for me. You fucking love every second of it.” He grits his teeth slightly as he keeps pumping, eyes dark with lust. “Then you want to know what happens next?”
“Y-yes, yes Johnny, please,” you practically moan, now practically trying to squeeze your thighs together to relieve the frustration. “Then take off your panties,” he suddenly demands, and you instantly obey, wiggling them off your legs. “Sit up so I can see your pussy,” he growls huskily. You adjust the laptop so that it’s in front of you, sitting and leaning back with your legs spread so that your bare entrance is in view, resting yourself on your elbows breathlessly. “I’m so fucking wet, Johnny,” you whine, moving your hand down your torso and using your fingers to start rubbing yourself. “Please, please keep going…”
“God damn,” he groans deeply, the mere noise in itself making you shiver in pleasure. “After I have you cumming over and over again, I grab your hair and thrust inside you, holding your ass and smacking it whenever I fucking want.” You let out a moan as you push one finger inside, tilting your head back. “Your tight little pussy felt so fucking good around me, babe. I had my big dick poking out your goddamn belly from how hard and deep I fucked you. I was tugging your hair, choking you, spanking you, playing with those perfect tits- you made the perfect little fuckdoll, so obedient, so damn needy.” He smirks, hand moving up and down faster, staring at you play with yourself as he murmurs, “Just like how you are now, hm?”
“Fuck, Johnny,” you whine breathlessly, pushing another finger in and pumping even faster. “I need you right now, o-oh… oh my God. I need your big dick inside me right fucking now…”
“Holy shit, Y/N,” he groans just from hearing you, rolling his neck to one side and shutting his eyes, head tilted upwards. “Would you cum all over my dick, just like you did in my dream?” You gasp, nodding immediately, lips parted and cheeks pink. “Yes! Yes… fuck… I want you to cum inside me, too…” He grins wider, chest heaving as he watches you weakly, hand working his long length intensely. “I can definitely do that, baby girl… o-ooh fuck, I’m close… I’m going to fucking cum right now…!”
“Me too!” you cry out, leaning against the headboard and rubbing hard; it’s not long before Johnny gets a view of you releasing, and the sight is enough to set him off with a loud groan- you can’t help but stare at how much he cums, wishing you could be there to taste all of it. 
“God damn.” He slowly exhales, leaning back entirely. “That was… wow. I fucking needed that.” He barely straightens up to grab a tissue from his nightstand, cleaning his mess but glancing up at you breathing heavily. “And especially with you. You’re so hot, Y/N, I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I met you.” You widen your eyes surprised, trying to catch your breath as you stare at him. “What? Really…? I… I didn’t think you saw me like that, we were always just such… best friends.”
“Yeah. That’s why I didn’t do anything.” He admits, carelessly tossing the tissue aside, but you’re too shocked to even show any disgust. “You’re the only girl friend I’ve had. I didn’t want to treat you like everyone else. But fuck, it’s been hard.” He pauses and nods towards his length, “This has been too, every time I’m around you.”
Despite the otherwise serious conversation, you can’t help but laugh, even feeling somewhat flattered. You move to sit more comfortably, biting your lip. “Well then,” you mumble tilting your head, “maybe on the next video call I can tell you about my dream…”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Come Home to My Heart, Chapter 2 (Lemyanka) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 ✨| chapter 1
A/N: hiii, this is chapter 2 of this lemyanka childhood friends, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers whatever you wanna call it. I really wanted to play with the time skips to show different parts of their lives together throughout the years so this is a continuation from chapter 1 a few years later. thanks for reading <3
At the age of thirteen, there were many things Priyanka loved. The list included: electric blue glittery nail polish, writing her name with a golden pen, pop music and girl groups-especially Britney Spears and The Spice Girls-, any movie with Lindsay Lohan in it, acting in the school productions -especially if she got the main role-, sleepovers over Lemon’s house where they secretly watched The O.C., seeing films with Lemon without an “adult” with them, re-acting scenes of the Cheetah Girls movie with Lemon…
She was at Lemon’s a lot.
The thing was, Lemon was the only child of her parent’s marriage, her parents both worked, and most of the time she had the house on her own. For Priyanka -who lived with her siblings and her parents and couldn’t spare one second of privacy at her own home- it was like paradise. They did everything together, on the weekdays they did homework together and afterward, they would lay in the blonde’s room reading magazines and cutting pictures of celebrities and clothes they liked, or listen to a new CD they had been saving for weeks to buy for hours until they knew the lyrics by heart.
Her room had yellow walls -big shocker- and it was covered in posters and pictures with Priyanka, white carpet on the floor, and a mix of Barbie dolls and makeup over the boudoir. She also had a large single bed only for herself with like a million fluffy pillows they had shared more than once.
Lemon had ballet classes three times per-week and Priyanka had rehearsals with the drama club but those were the only moments they were apart. Being childhood friends, their parents got into the obligation of sending them to the same primary school after finishing kindergarten and now they would attend the same secondary school once summer was over.
It was a warm day of summer, Lemon rolled over her bed and showed Priyanka an item she liked, Crazy in Love by Beyoncé played on the radio while the other girl was trying to cover a pimple on her chin with some foundation she had bought in the mall.
“You’re going to make it worse.” Lemon made her remove her hands.
“It hurts, it’s like a little red dot full of hate.”
“Use toothpaste instead.”
“Does it work?”
“Allegedly.” She shrugged. “I read it somewhere.”
“Okay… What did you want to show me?”
“Look at these,” she pointed at a picture of Hillary Duff. “I need those shoes.”
“That’s a pump.” Priyanka said, unimpressed.
“But it’s pink and yellow. How you don’t like the gradient in the colors? I’m in love.”
“Can you even walk with heels?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course I can. When you’re short like me, you gotta have some options.”
Priyanka couldn’t argue with that, for her age she was already one of the tallest girls in the classroom. Sometimes she disliked being that tall, she felt like a little deer that couldn’t control its feet, wobbling around awkwardly.
Her best friend flipped a few more pages.
“Look! It’s a poster of Ryan Gosling from that movie… The Notebook.” She sounded excited.
Right. They were supposed to be excited about handsome muscle guys but there was something about it that didn’t click with Priyanka. She thought maybe she was just too young to get it, that when she’d grow older she’d get the feeling but until then, she had become very good at pretending.
“Oh, he’s so hot.” She hoped Lemon didn’t notice the fakeness of her voice.
“I know, right?” She giggled. “Do you want his picture?”
“Ah… you can keep it… I already have Leonardo DiCaprio’s and that’s just too many white guys.”
“Alright.” She picked a pair of scissors and started cutting the actor’s silhouette. The pair of dark-framed glasses she had on kept sliding down her nose bridge.
Priyanka smiled fondly at it.
“I’m home!” It was Lemon’s mom that had just returned from work.
Lemon jumped out of the bed and stood in the door’s frame. She looked even smaller in that oversized t-shirt of the Powerpuff Girls and shorts she wore as pajamas. Her hair was tied in a messy ponytail that brushed her shoulder blades.
“Hi, mom.” She yelled. “Priyanka’s here!”
“Hi, Priyanka!”
“Hello, Mrs. Baptsita!”
Priyanka adored Mrs. Baptista, she was a little wacky for Lemon’s taste but it was because she was younger than most moms with kids their age. She liked Priyanka and she supported their friendship since kindergarten, called them the Ketchup&Mustard duo since that Halloween they had matching costumes.
“Is she staying for dinner?”
Lemon turned around. “Are you staying for dinner?”
Priyanka shrugged. “Sure.”
“She is mom!”
“I’m making spaghetti!”
“Sound good!” She turned back to Priyanka again. “I hope you like spaghetti.”
“You know I do.”
Just a couple of minutes later, they heard the sound of Mr. Baptista’s car at the entrance.
“That’s my dad.” Lemon pointed.
“Hello, I’m home.”
“Hi, dad! Priyanka’s here.”
“Hi Lemon drop, hi Priyanka!”
“Hello, Mr. Baptista!”
Lemon grinned but not even five minutes later than her father’s arrival, the vibe of the kitchen changed and it was clear by the sound of their voices, her parents were arguing. Another argument…
“I swear to God… this is the third time this week."
Lemon sat on the edge of the bed and buried her face in her hands. She looked tired.
Priyanka gently touched her knee offering some comfort. Lemon pulled a weak smile that faded as soon as the voices increased in volume.
"Hey, I have some extra cash, wanna get some pizza?” Priyanka offered.
Lemon bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Let’s go.”
Lemon changed her shorts for pants and put on a pair of sneakers, then she grabbed her keys and both of them were out of the house. It wasn’t that late yet and there was a pizza place a few blocks away they could get on foot; they walked in silence until Lemon’s house was behind, then the blonde let a big sigh out of her chest.
“Pri, I can’t do this…” She sounded fragile as if she was holding the pieces together trying not to break with all her strengths.
Priyanka ran her arm over her shoulder and held her when she seemed about to fall.
“It’s okay, I’m sure they are going to work it out.”
Lemon snorted. “They started going to couple’s counseling and it got worse, they have pretty solid arguments to fight now.”
Priyanka covered her mouth holding back the laughter. “Sorry.”
“You dumb bitch.” Lemon shook her head.
They walked hugged like that the rest of the way, ate greasy pizza with extra cheese, and returned to a sepulchral silent house. Priyanka laid on the bed next to her, so close yet so far. If she extended her hand just a little more, she could touch her shoulder, make sure she was okay but for some reason, she couldn’t. Yet, she hoped that being there for her friend was enough then.
On the other side, Lemon had her eyes wide open, unable to drift off when her mind was going through a million different scenarios. Everything could only go downhill from there.
They didn’t know at that moment but the worst was yet to come.
She dashed out of the house as soon as she got the phone call, barely having the chance to put on a helmet before grabbing her bike. Priyanka was still catching her breath by the time Lemon opened the door.
Her face was bathed in tears, her eyes completely red and she couldn’t stop crying not even to explain what had happened. Priyanka had a vague idea judging by what was said on the phone but it wasn’t until she saw her friend she knew it was bad. Very bad.
Lemon wasn’t the most physically affectionate person in the world but she let Priyanka hug her and cried it out on her chest. They sat on the porch until the blonde began to calm down and could explain it better.
“Pri, they… they are getting divorced. It’s all happening so fast.”
Priyanka held her hand and squeezed it lightly. Lemon looked at her hand and then at her face, her eyes flooded with tears again.
“Hey,” The brunette tried to comfort her. “I’m so sorry, I know you love them both and they love you very much but this is probably for the best.”
“No, Pri, you don’t understand. They are… separating for real. They talked about lawyers and My mom she…” Lemon sobbed. “She wants us to move out…”
“Oh, I mean, that’s normal like-”
“…to New York.” Her voice was weak, defeated.
It took Priyanka a moment to process the newly acquired information.
“New York?!” She repeated in disbelief.
“Apparently, she has a job offer there, and… they think it’s for the best to put some distance between them.”
“I get the ‘moving out thing’ and the distance but that’s a completely different country!”
“I know! That’s what I said. Tell me I’m right, she’s out of her mind.”
“But wait, when does she want you to move out? What about school?”
“She thinks it’s a good idea if we go before the new semester starts so we can settle in and…”
“No, the new semester starts in two weeks… What about your dance lessons? Your life here?”
What about us?
“She said there are plenty of dance academies over there… That I would do fine. I hate it. This doesn’t go with the plan we had.”
Priyanka and Lemon had a life plan since they were ten, sealed with a pinky promise. They were going to graduate high school together and go to university in Toronto where they both would be roommates throughout college. It was their way of being together, to accomplish things in the company of the other, a sign of their unbreakable friendship.
“Wait but… what about your dad?” Can’t you stay with him?“ There was a hint of hope in Priyanka’s voice.
Lemon stared at the wooden floor of the porch for the longest time before looking back at her friend.
"I can’t. My dad travels a lot for business and while he’s going to remain here… my mom gave me no choice. They even said that it’s either New York or some boarding school in Quebec.”
Lemon surely had gone mad about it for her parents to threaten her like that, it didn’t sound like the Baptistas at all.
“This can’t be…” Priyanka shook her head. The tears felt warm on her cheeks.
“We’re leaving next week.”
“No…no, that’s… that’s too soon. You can’t leave… who’s going to help me buy a new outfit for the first day? Who’s going through the first day of school with me?”
“I hate to think about it. They really think this is for the best and then decide to drag me to a different country for the first year of school… «You have to be reasonable» they said, but they are the ones that come with these ideas out of blue.”
It was too sudden it made Priyanka felt dizzy; she couldn’t even begin to imagine what her friend was feeling like.
She squeezed her hand again. “It’s going to be okay.”
“You keep saying that but-” Lemon shook her head.
“Because it is going to be okay. I promise you, we’ll still be together, and… maybe we don’t get to attend the same high-school but we can still go to college together, the plan can still work out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Completely. You’re my best friend in the world; nothing is going to change that.”
Lemon smiled for the first time after getting the news of her parents’ divorce.
“Thanks, Pri.” She went for a hug and was received with open arms.
They hugged for a while without saying a single word, in that situation, words were unnecessary.
The day of Lemon’s moving, ironically the sun was shining and Priyanka kept reminding herself that in different circumstances they’d be at the park with their bikes or at the local pool but no, she was heading to her best friend’s house to say the last goodbye.
Priyanka hadn’t cried in front of her since that day on the porch but she had cried a lot when no one was seeing her. She was sad, upset, and mad about the situation but she didn’t want Lemon to leave with a sad note. So she went ahead and planned a week dedicated to her best friend, to enjoy the things they loved the most.
They had made each other friendship bracelets with their names –Priyanka was red and orange and it had a little golden star hanging next to her name; Lemon’s was pink and yellow and a butterfly next to hers- they had movie nights and sleepovers, karaoke sessions and dancing marathons every day until that awful day arrived.
Priyanka rode her bike like she had done millions of times before. There was a «FOR SALE» sign hanging outside and she hated it with all her soul. There was a truck parked outside as well with many boxes stacked inside and some furniture pieces they were taking to New York. Lemon was sitting on the porch’s stairs with a backpack on, the scene was oddly familiar and for a second time stopped.
She didn’t notice Priyanka’s presence until the brunette touched her shoulder.
“You’re here.” She said and did her best to smile.
“Where else I’d be?”
Lemon stood on her feet and hugged her, Priyanka hugged her back.
“Promise me you’re going to wait for my calls every week… and that you’re not going to have another best friend… ever.” Lemon sobbed on her shoulder.
“I promise it.” Priyanka patted her back in a calming gesture.
“I’ll visit on holidays, my dad is probably going to get a shitty apartment but still, I’ll be here.”
“I know you will.”
Lemon let go of her embrace. “Thank you, Pri. You’re my best friend in the world.”
“I know, right?”
The blonde giggled. “You’re so stupid…”
“Luce, get in the car, it’s time to go.” Her mom called her as she carried one last box.
“I have to go now. I already said good-bye to my dad; he had a flight to catch early but… It feels so empty without him here.”
“Lemz, I’m sorry.” She hugged her one more time. It was quick but it lingered. “Take care and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do in New York.”
“That sets the bar very low, don’t you think?”
Priyanka laughed. “I’ll miss you like crazy.”
“Me too.”
Lemon’s mom waved in their direction, the car was already on and the truck was closed and packed.
“Well, I guess this is our goodbye for now.”
“Count the days because I’m going to be back in no time, okay?”
She nodded.
“Love you, Pri.”
“Love you too.”
And with that said, Lemon started walking toward the car. It was painful to watch her leave but Priyanka didn’t want to look away, she wanted to remember it all until they could meet again.
The car started moving but stopped abruptly as Lemon opened the door and ran back to where Priyanka was.
“Lemon, what…?”
“I almost forgot, I was supposed to give you this the first day of school but…” She was out of breath. Suddenly a brand new CD of Spiceworld was on Priyanka’s hands. “You were so sad when your sister broke the one you had worked so hard to buy and I thought…”
Priyanka was hugging her again. “Oh, Lemon…”
“Please don’t forget me.”
Her mom honked at them, the truck was already hitting the road.
Lemon walked back and this time, she left for real.
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brashierc · 5 years
This is heavily unedited, but I needed to post something. So here you go!
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You were having an insecure moment. It stemmed from the dream you had last night while you slept alone in his bed for the second night in a row. This dream leading you to have insecure thoughts and doubts about what Connor was feeling.
Connor was CEO of his Production Company and lately, after having produced one of the biggest names in the music industry documentary, business was booming. With interest and projects rapidly flying through his office Connor has become extremely stressed and busy. He can’t even remember the last time he truly had a down moment, with himself or spent with you. 
His new assistant Sam has slowly become your best friend. With the amount of times you’re in contact with Sam to figure out Connor’s schedule, and see if you can talk to him between meetings, or the times Sam’s called you for Connor’s holiday schedule. 
Everything in Connor’s world seems to be growing and moving a thousand miles a minute, while you’re at a standstill in the corner. You’re in a small selling slump at work. It’s slowly getting closer to holiday time which means every now and then your store has a big sale, but it’s still pretty slow. 
You woke up from your nightmare last night still accompanied by cold sheets. It was almost 4 am and Connor still hasn't come home. Sam had called you earlier telling you that Connor should be off at a decent hour and Connor would like for you to be at his place. You weren’t shocked by 11 pm that you were still alone and getting ready for bed.
Your nightmare consisted of Connor’s newest client Madison, the most perfect girl you’d ever seen, and him having some sort of attraction which was causing his late nights. This girl was everything you felt you were. She had the perfect ‘Barbie’ face, skinny body, long legs, long straight hair. When you saw a picture of her and Connor gushing about the music video she wants him to shoot and produce you had a moment of jealousy that you quickly pushed to the dark side of your brain. It seems that’s where you dreams are held, because it’s all you’ve been able to see lately when you shut your eyes for the night. 
It seems to be the only dream you can dream when your at Connor’s. Leading you to just stay awake for the rest of the night not wanting to have any visions of Connor with any other girl, dream or not. It broke your heart more and more and slowly made you question everything. 
So for a change, and a test in your theories, you headed back to your own apartment after work. Dragging your tired body into the cold home, shivering as you flip the heat and light a candle. 
You had done a lot for the night by the time you were ordering pasta and waiting on your delivery. You completed laundry, dishes, cleaned up the bathroom, changed your sheets and reorganized your lotions and perfumes into a cute little display on top of your dresser. 
You jumped a bit as your phone started ringing disturbing the nice silence you were in. You picked up the device, shocked to see that it was Connor’s name running across your screen. He hasn’t called you in days, usually making Sam do it for him. You actually haven’t spoken to him at all today, and it was just then that you noticed that you hadn’t. No texts, no voicemails, no stupid memes through Insta. 
“Hello?” You answered, weary that he might just be butt dialling you. 
“Um yeah?” Your brows furrowed.
“Where are you?” He asked. 
“Home?” You responded, confused at his sudden interest.
“No, you’re not here.” 
“I’m at my home.” 
“Did Sam not call you this morning?” 
“He did.” You nod, remembering Sam’s call about Connor wanting you to be at his tonight.
“Well it wasn’t the first time I’d had that request this week, and frankly I didn’t believe him when he said you’d be off at a decent hour.” 
Connor doesn’t respond for a moment, and you bite your lip nervously while you wait.
“Can I come over then? I’m off tonight, and I wanna see you Baby. I missed you.” 
“Um sure, if you’d like.” 
“I’d love to.” You feel like you can hear his smile. “Have you eaten? Can I bring you dinner?”
“I ordered pasta, it should be here soon.”
“Oh.” He responds, knowing that you hate ordering food because you despise the awkward interaction of answering the door and taking your food from someone else. “Wanna change it to pick up and I’ll get it on my way?” 
“No I’m okay.” 
Connor stands dumbfounded in his living room. You were at your apartment, he couldn’t remember the last time you’d actually stayed at your place, you practically lived with him. You were ordering yourself food, and not asking him to get it for you.
“Okay well I’ll see you 10?” 
“I love you.” 
“Mhm.” You hung up on him.
Connor stared at his phone in awe when his phone beeped at him and the call ended. He knew something was wrong. That he’d done something wrong, or that you were upset about something and that left him feeling a bit anxious. He wasn’t paying attention to what he was packing all he knew was that he was throwing clothes into a bag and was out the door on his way to your place within minutes of your phone call. 
He actually ended up beating your delivery driver. 
“Hi Baby.” He greeted when you opened the door for him. 
“Hi.” You smiled, allowing him to kiss your cheek and hug you loosely. 
He watched with curious eyes as you shut the door behind him and tidied up the shoe bin by the door. You were putting a pair of flats away in your closet when someone knocked at your door. Connor answered for you and took your bag of food, paying for it and the tip. He was just shutting the door when you walked back out.
“Oh, here let me get my wall-”
“I got it Baby.” He smiled, walking past you to the kitchen to get you all dished up. 
You watched him as he unboxed your meal, transferring the food from the plastic containers to your plates. He set your food down on the table and held the chair out for you with a cute little smile. You simply took a seat and dug into your food as he sat across from you. 
“Y/n?” He whispered when you refused to make eye contact with him.
“What’s wrong?” 
You looked up with big eyes and stared at him. “What?”
“What’s wrong? What happened? Why weren’t you at my place tonight?”
“I wanted to come home.” 
“But, I’m sorry if I’m jumping the gun here, but I thought that my place was home?” He asks softly, reaching for your hand. 
You let him take it, and stare at his thumb that rubs soothingly back and forth across your knuckles.
“Baby?” He whispers. 
What he doesn’t expect is for you to look up with tearful eyes and a deep frown splayed across your mouth. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He rushes to crouch next to you, holding both of your hands. 
“I had a nightmare.” Is all you can sob out.
He reaches out and pulls you from the chair down into his lap so he can hold you tightly. 
“Everyday this week.” 
“Oh Baby.” He coos, rocking you back and forth. “What was it about?”
“You.” You sob into his shoulder, shuddering breaths in and out. 
“Me?” He pulls back to make eye contact with you. 
“Breathe Baby.” 
“You” You take a deep breath, “You didn’t want me anymore, you wanted-wanted-wanted- Madison.” 
All the wind has been knocked from Connor’s lungs. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“Baby,” He sighs, “Of course I want you. I only want you. I love you.” 
You just sob harder. “I was becoming worried that maybe you were bored, that you didn’t want to be with me anymore. That you were staying late at the office because you didn’t want to go home. So I thought maybe I’d just go back to mine so you could finally go back to yours.”
“Y/n L/n.” Connor holds your face so you have to look at him. “I am not bored.” He shakes his head. “I want to be with your forever. I was staying late at the office because I wanted to get done with Madison’s video so I could be done with her business and let one of the new investors take her business.” He explains. “I thought the quicker I could get it done the quicker I could be with you, and you wouldn’t have to worry about her. Even though there’s nothing to worry about. I only will ever have eyes for you.” He smiles, kissing your nose softly. “Baby, if I had it my way there wouldn’t be a ‘your place’ or a ‘my place’ there would only be ‘our place’ because I absolutely hate coming home to an apartment that you’re not in.” 
You pout at him, staring at his eyes, trying to read his expression.
“I want you Babygirl.” He whispers. “I’ll only ever want you. I promise you that.” 
“I have-” He sighs. “I have the weekend set up for us to look at houses. It was supposed to be a surprise but you need to know how committed I am to you. I have the first place booked for 9 tomorrow morning.” 
“And there will always be an ‘us’ because the future for us is coming sooner than you think.” He makes a show of kissing your left ring finger. 
“Connor David.” You sit up straight. 
“Yes ma’am, this won’t be bare for long.” 
“Stop.” You cover his mouth, groaning in disgust when he licks your palm. 
“I’m just trying to tell you how I am here for you. And how you don’t ever need to dream about me leaving you for someone else. I’m yours, you’re mine. That’s all we need to be okay. No matter where we are, what we’re doing, where we’re going, as long as we’re together then we’ll be okay. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too.” You smile, wiping your tears away.
“I’m sorry I made you doubt that. I’m sorry that I let you go to bed alone. I’m sorry that you felt like you couldn’t stay with me.” 
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not, it’s not okay. I’ll work on making that up to you. Now you need to get and hydrate so I can prove to you all night long how sorry I am and how much I love you.” 
“Connor.” You gasp when he lifts you up into your chair and pushes your plate closer. 
“Eat while I get the tub ready.” He grins, leaving a hot kiss to your neck before walking away. 
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kingliam-rys · 4 years
Forgotten Memories (Liam x MC)
A/N: So Hi, I never write anything (this is my first oneshot/fic/ drabble?), so don’t expect this to be a regular thing but I got this idea from a photo from my childhood (I was dressed as a princess), and my MC head canon, kind of has a tragic backstory and I felt like this was a good way to discuss it with Liam. I just want to preface that there isn’t a ton of dialogue, because as I wrote this, I realized how atrocious I was at writing dialogue…..Oh also,  I mention that they have a VCR, and I’m just gonna need you to pretend that those aren’t obsolete anymore, cause otherwise they wouldn’t be able to watch the tape. so yeah…thanks. ok. enjoy. bye. 🙈🙉🙊
Description: MC(I named her Riley because I’m unoriginal) replays an old tape from her childhood, and shares some memories about her past with Liam. 
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Riley sat in one of the spare rooms in her and Liam’s quarters. Dozens of boxes scattered the room as the Queen tried to unpack. It seemed comical that after being married to Liam for the past eight months and living in the Palace, she has just found the time to sort through belongings from her past. Though given the renovations on the royal quarters were only recently completed, and then the extended stay in America for the Beaumont/Walker wedding, it really wasn’t a surprise at all.
Most of the boxes went untouched when Riley came to Cordonia over two years ago, and while she still did not have a need for her old Diesel jeans, or black non-slip waitress shoes, sorting through her old life brought up many nostalgic memories. Besides the clothing that took up most of the boxes, there were a few that held mementos of her childhood. An old barbie, that now had tattered clothes, and frizzy hair, it was one of the only dolls that Riley had when she was little, and she carried it everywhere. Holding the doll in her hand, she could recall the time when she was just a child, she’d bring the doll along with her to the park, where she’d find her older brother shooting a basketball, and her neighbors grouped around watching the young children scattered about.
A small smile played on her face as she placed the doll down, and picked up the next object, another memory forming. It was a coffee mug that had a faded floral print and a chip on the rim. While it didn’t seem like an extraordinary object, it held a significant place in Riley’s heart. It was the coffee cup she saw her mother use every day. The same one that would be held in her Mother’s hand as she woke her for school every morning, the floral scent of her mother’s tea rose perfume, reaching her, before she even opened her eyes. Or the same mug that would be clutched in her mother’s grasp as she called for Riley and her brother to come inside, from the balcony of their small one bedroom apartment.
The things that were in these boxes, told more about Riley’s life than any of her accomplishments could, even more than Maxwell’s memoir would.
Riley sat back from sifting through the box, trying to recall her childhood, beyond what these objects were able to bring about, but that was the problem, there weren’t many more. Whether that was because they were insignificant to her, or whether she subconsciously wanted to forget the bad, there weren’t many. But, obviously, her life went on, and while her mother worked tirelessly to provide her with everything her and her brother could want, Riley couldn’t help but be grateful for what had become over her life. Married to a man who loved and adored her, a little baby on the way. Hell, she was Queen of a country, how could she possibly regret anything about how her life turned out. Well maybe one regret, the pixie cut in middle school that had her mocked for months. That may be the only thing she’d change.
Her hand absentmindedly went to her small bump, ghosting gentle circles over where she felt the tiny flutters of the baby’s movement. A happy reminder that her child would have a childhood filled with happy, loving memories, with both of its parents guiding them through life.  
Her grin was prevalent as she returned to sorting through the remaining contents of the boxes, mostly old papers and projects from when she was in grade school, a few sports item,-most likely keepsakes from her late-brother, and an old high school sweatshirt that had a faint scent of nauseating axe body spray, most likely owned by an ex-boyfriend that she stole it from and never returned, nor threw away. As she lifted the sweatshirt, she spotted the last item remaining, an old VHS tape. It’s content even more of a surprise, since there were not many photographic memories from her childhood. And she could not remember a time when her small family ever had a video camera. The quizzical look returned when she saw the unmistakable scrawl of her mother’s hand writing on the label: Riley’s 4th B-Day
Checking the time on her phone, she noticed that Liam would be arriving home from his last meeting soon. She closed up the last of the boxes, deciding to take time another day to sort through the remainder of her past life. Exiting the spare room, Riley walked through the hall of the royal family’s quarters, holding onto the VHS tape, glancing up when she heard her husband enter through the front door.
“Hello, my love,” He says, removing his suit jacket, placing it on the chair beside the entrance. Riley smiles at him, noticing his tired appearance. Liam had taken on more work, and scheduled even more meetings for himself, to lessen the load of her schedule, but also lessen the load of what would be expected of them in just a few short months.
Riley greeted him and he leaned down to press a kiss to Riley’s lips, while also placing a hand on her growing bump. She reciprocated wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning into his embrace.
“How was the rest of your afternoon, feeling okay?” He asked, holding her close, relishing in their embrace.
“Yes, it was very productive. I got through some of those old boxes, most of it can be donated, old clothes and what not, but I found some things from my childhood, random mementos that I had held on to, nothing too special but,” Riley explained, and her giddy joy took over as she held up the tape she found, “Look what was hidden at the bottom of one! It’s from my childhood, though I don’t remember much from my fourth birthday, but how amazing, I thought there was nothing left, but this just comes out of nowhere.”
Liam returned his wife’s joy, while he knew some of Riley’s upbringing, it was always a painful remembrance for her to talk through, as she reminisced about her late mother and brother. This provided a glimpse into her forgotten childhood, that she could keep and remember forever.
“I know we have dinner with our friends tonight, but do we have time to watch it now?” Riley questioned, Liam taking a glance at the time on his watch, “I believe so. We should be able to watch this in our room.” They grabbed the tape and headed to their bedroom. Once in the living area of the suite, Liam put the VHS in the player and turned on the TV and when they were both comfortable on the couch, Liam pressed play.
“Ok, my little love, are you ready for your big day,” a light voice asked. “Yes, Mama, I ready to be a pwincess.” A little voice replied, bringing into view a baby faced-Riley.  Liam’s eyes widened as he looked at little Riley dressed up as a princess. The sparkly pink dress with matching crown and glitter wand, were perfect.
“And what is today, Princess Riley?” her mother asked. “My bwirthday!”  The eager little girl shouted, showing off a toothy grin, “And how old are you sweetie?” Riley replied holding up four fingers. “How many is that Riley?” Her mother encouraged.  Riley touched each finger counting out, “One, two, three, four. Four, Mama!”
Just then, a little boy, dressed in his own princely garments, appeared on the screen, standing next to Riley, “ah, and there is Prince Nicholas. Are we ready to start the party then?” The voice asked. The picture began to shake and shift over the small apartment, landing on the scene of the kitchen table where it was set for an extravagant tea party. With the two kids seated at the table, a woman passed in view, sitting next to little Riley. That woman, being Riley’s mother, Rose.
At the sight of her mother, Riley’s breath caught in her throat as she watched intently, everything about this forgotten moment making her that much more emotional. She never thought she’d be able to see her mother, or hear her mother’s voice again, it had been years since she’d passed. Riley had almost forgotten how gentle and even toned it was, it was like listening to a peaceful lullaby.
The scene played out before them, young Riley and Nicholas both taking moments to tell extravagant tales of their “life” in the castle, until Riley’s exclamation that when she grows up, she wants to marry a Prince.
Liam squeezed his wife’s hand at that moment, stealing a glance at her, smiling, as she watched the home video play out. Liam kept his gaze to her, as looks of confusion rolled along Riley’s face. She didn’t remember much about this birthday. Sure, she remembered the pink dress, and the tiara, and of course, the claims of wanting to be an actual princess, but what little four year old girl didn’t dream about being a princess.
Riley didn’t have too many memories from when she was younger, very few stuck, and there weren’t many reminders of what her life was like before she was able to recall moments from her childhood. And the moments she could remember, weren’t always filled with her mother smiling so much, or her brother and her laughing until their faces turned red.
Tears began to prick her eyes, damn hormones, Riley thought, trying to hold back all the emotions she was facing watching the reminders of her fourth birthday. Liam tightened the hold on his wife as he sensed her reaction to the video. The memories carried on before them and Riley was almost lost in nostalgia until a knock sounded through the old recording.
In the video, Riley’s mother gave a confused look, as her children voiced who they thought the unexpected visitor may be. Rose moved out of the camera frame as she went to answer the door, where a new voice was heard.
“Hello Princess!”
Little Riley’s face lit up as she saw the source of the voice, and with a grin exclaimed, “Daddy!” Immediately running out of the camera view to greet him.
Though their joyous reunion was only overheard, the look on her young brother’s face remained, as he rolled his eyes and gave an annoyed huff. Rose, returning a moment later, giving Nicholas a pointed look. Riley could practically hear the tone her mother would use, Play nice Nicholas. It’s your sister’s birthday, it makes her happy.
That’s when the man, that Riley never thought she’d have to see again, stepped into view of the camera. Holding on to his four year old, smiling and laughing. And overall what looked like a blissful moment, only pained Riley to see it even more.
Present Riley immediately tensed, reaching over to grab the remote to turn the TV off. Her breath was heavy, as her heart rate increased. She felt like her world was closing in around her as she reacted to the memories the old VHS tape brought about. Riley’s relationship with her father was a bit troublesome. He was only around occasionally during her childhood, showing up maybe once or twice a year-usually around the summer, and if she was lucky again during her birthday. But the man had disappeared all-together when she was eight years old, only sending a sporadic birthday card or Christmas card, if he remembered. Or at least that’s what she thought. She learned the truth, years later, of what kept his life, his actual, real, day-to-day life from hers in New York.
Riley felt Liam’s hands smooth over her cheeks, not even realizing that her tears were falling harder than before. The tightness in her chest subsiding as she could faintly hear her husband’s whispered words, that tried to calm her down. Take a deep Breathe, Riley. It’s okay, my love. I’m right here. Look at me.
She was able to calm her breathing, realizing her panic wasn’t just affecting her, but the little life inside her. Hesitantly, she lifted her gaze, meeting the bright blue eyes of her husband. They were filled with worry as they began to search her face.
“Hey there, talk to me.” Liam’s thumbs wiped the remaining tears from Riley’s cheeks. She hiccuped at the fetal attempt she made to calm down. “I-I’m fine.” She whispered, fearing her voice would give away the true heartbreak she still felt. She didn’t want Liam to worry, he always worried enough about her. “I just need a moment,” she asked, settling against him as Liam returned the embrace, his hands landing on her bump.
Even eighteen years later, Riley didn’t realize the hurt that she still held onto. How the man who lied to her, and left her, could still continue to break her heart. The memory on the VHS tape wasn’t even a bad one, it actually seemed like a normal jovial moment between her and her father. But maybe that was the issue, of all the memories Riley had with her father, they were always happy. Her second grade graduation where he surprised her with red roses and a trip to an ice cream shop for a giant chocolate sundae, or her sixth birthday where he bought her an American Girl doll and a visit to Manhattan where they ate tiny sandwiches and drank tea.
Yes, the little time she spent with her father was some of the most resounding in her mind, and that broke her heart even more. She couldn’t remember the joyous times with her mother, no shopping trips or grabbing coffees, gossiping over a boy Riley had a crush on, nor could she recall special moments with her older brother, him comforting her over a boy who broke her heart or cheering for her at her high school graduation. No, instead, the materialistic recollections of her absentee father filled her thoughts.
Liam soothingly ran his hand along her back, her head tucked under his chin. Riley was no longer crying, just staring at the space ahead of her. “Do-Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, lowering his gaze to hers.
“It was hard to see them. My mom, my brother.” She paused, shaking her head in a bit of disbelief, “my dad.. it was a bit surreal. I don’t think I’ve ever remembered a time when we were all so happy.” Riley took the time to let it sink in. “I mean, my childhood wasn’t horrible, my mom made sure we never went without, but she worked long hours, and my brother and I shared a cramped bedroom, while my mom slept in the living room. It wasn’t ideal but considering our circumstances, that’s just how it was.”
Liam nodded in understanding, knowing this instance of her life, while it wasn’t a traditional home, it was Riley’s, and he believed that her family’s struggles helped build her into the woman he loved so much. The strong, compassionate, loving, woman.
“But to see my father,” She continued, shaking her head at the thought of him, “My face lit up like someone plugged-in a strand of Christmas lights, I don’t know why I believed that man held the world in his hands, but that’s how I saw him at the time.”
Riley’s voice began to shake near the end, knowing she had to stop. To take a breath, let her husband provide her with a pearl of wisdom that he always could offer to her.
“He was-he is your father, no matter what he decided to do later in your life. I think in the moments he did spend with you, are true and honest to how much he cared for you.” He remarked, not knowing the entirety of Riley’s reality, “Parent’s do crazy things sometimes, some meddle in your life when they think they know what’s best, other’s just leave when they feel like they can’t be their best. And the one’s like your mom, will do everything in their power to make sure that you can become the best.”
He always has a way with words, That was what she needed, Riley knew that Liam always could talk through her jumbled thoughts, to help sort the mess and hurt in her mind, that she couldn’t quite articulate as eloquently.
“Thank you, it helps calm my mind to hear that, and even though I don’t think I can ever forgive him for leaving or for what he did to my mom… thank you.” She tilted her head, capturing his lips. Trying to convey the love she felt for him. He eagerly returned the kiss, only to pull back to rest his forehead against hers, his hand cupping around the side of her neck.
“Anything for you, my love.” He reminded her, placing a kiss to her forehead. Riley leaned into his embrace, wrapping an arm around his neck and she shifted to rest her legs across his lap.
“Can I know what happened? I mean, other than the fact that he disappeared when you were a child, I don’t really know much more about him.- Like what is his name?” He asked, running his thumb along her knuckles. She smirked at his caring nature, feeling herself calm in the hurt she felt towards the man.
“His name is Andrew, Andrew Pierce.” She revealed, sorting through the account of her father’s life “I’ve mentioned before how the last time I saw him was when I was eight years old, but I only discovered the truth about him when I was fifteen, right before my mom passed away.” Riley continued on, to explain how her father had another family in some fly-over state, the traditional white picket fence family, and Rose only discovered the truth when she attempted to serve Andrew with child-support papers. Learning that not only did he not live in New York, he had a wife and child living as a happy family in some upper middle class neighborhood. The nice house, with fancy cars, the extravagant vacations and family parties, while her mother worked 18 hour days, sacrificing time with her kids to make sure they had a roof over their heads and food on the table.
The extravagant gifts that Riley received from her father would be things she would trash later on, knowing how much more he could have provided for her. Not even in materialistic items, but in her school tuition, or school uniforms or lunch cards. Andrew Pierce couldn’t even make sure that his daughter survived on the streets of New York City, his decorum wouldn’t allow for it.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to talk about this before. I thought that, that part of my life was over, that it held no baring over who I am right now. But it does, subconsciously, I think that it has always been a motivation to who I am, and who I wanted to become. Thinking that if I was good enough, he would want to be a part of my life.
“No need to apologize, love. I figured whenever you felt ready to share, that you would.”
Liam’s hold on his wife tightened, placing a kiss to her hair, as he heard the recounts of the man who is her father. It easily rivaled and bested his own, surprisingly. He silently wished there was a way he could take away the pain his wife had felt for so many years.
“I wish  I could offer more, but I know that we learn from our parent’s mistakes. I know that as much as I admired my father as a King, I wish to not repeat how he was as a father to me.” Liam remarked, trying to soothe Riley.
“I know Liam, you are going to be an amazing father to our little cub, they couldn’t ask for anyone better. That’s one thing I know for sure, I never have to worry that you will leave our child or that you will pass them along to a nanny just because you can” Riley smiled, picturing Liam holding their little cub, her dark curls with his expressive ocean eyes. Running a hand through his hair she tentatively thought of herself as a parent. As a mom. It terrified her.
“I’m scared,” she paused, “I’m scared that I’m going to turn out like him, that I’m not cut out to be a mom, to be a parent.” Liam’s arm tightened around her, “I don’t believe that for one instant, you care for our baby so much, you are loving and compassionate and strong, and I know you, Riley, you are meant to do whatever you set your mind to. You are not Andrew Pierce, you are Riley Brooks-Rys.”
A smile tugged at her lips as she rested her head against his shoulder, her fear subsiding at his words, “ Thank you Liam, Thank you for being you,” She whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And hey, four year old Riley got her wish, she married a Prince- well a King, but same thing.”
Riley laughed at her husband’s antics, a swell of love filling her heart. “Yes she did, and that’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her.”  She remarked, planting a kiss on Liam’s lips.
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dallas-owns-my-ass · 5 years
Let Them Talk
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     Paring: Dally x Insecure! Reader
     Summary: Songfic based of the song Prom Queen by Beach Bunny. The reader feels insecure when people start talking about how she’s not as pretty as Dally’s ex’s.
     Warnings: swearing, insecurities, crying, smoking
     “Shut up, count your calories
     I never looked good in mom jeans”
      Laughter was the only thing to be heard coming from the group of young greasers. Two-Bit could never fail to raise our spirits. Johnny, Pony, Two-Bit, and I were walking to the DX to meet Soda and Steve during their break. Two-Bit tried to balance on a large stick he found, but unsuccessfully fell, causing the group to erupt in laughter once more. We crossed the road to walk into the DX to find Soda at one of the gas pumps with Tim Shepard and two members of his gang.
     “Hey Soda!” yelled Pony with a wave, gaining Soda’s attention.
     “Hey Pony” he hollered back.
     We went to join in on their banter, talking about everything from cars, to school, to girls.
     “Hey that’s Dally’s new girl right?” Tim asked, nodding at me. 
     Soda nodded in response, them going into their own separate conversation, while Ponyboy told us about school. But I was too focused on what Shepard had to say about me to listen to Pony.
     “She not bad, but Sylvia was a real looker. She had that blonde hair and was a lot skinnier. And she wore clothes where you could actually see her figure.” he joked.
     “Wish I, was like you
     Blue-eyed blondie, perfect body”
     Except it was far from a joke. I had long dark brown, almost black, curly hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a mocha complexion. I dressed like the guys in the gang too; leather jackets, cuffed skinny jeans, and converse. Why is he with me when he could be with someone like her? She was close to perfect with her straight, blonde hair, curvy but slim figure, and bright blue eyes. Her clothes were revealing, but they suited her. My figure was curvy, but more on the muscular side. I guess guys didn’t like that as much. 
     “Y/N” Ponyboy called again, snapping me out of my thoughts.
     “Oh sorry. I was daydreaming.”
     “Daydreaming about Dallas” Two-Bit mocked, bringing a light blush to my cheeks.
     “Oooh she’s blushing” Pony teased.
     “Yeah because she’s so in loveeee” Soda sang. Johnny even joined in with kissing noises. 
     “Shut up” I mumbled, now embarrassed, the blush on my cheeks growing.
      “They botherin’ you again doll?” said the familiar voice of Dallas Winston, as he slung an arm over my shoulder, pulling me close to him. 
     “Nah, we were just jokin’ around” I told him.
     “’Bout what?” 
     “Yeah why don’t you tell him Y/N?” Soda continued, wiggling his eyebrows.
     I smacked him on the arm. “It’s nothing, really.” 
     He raised his eyebrow but shrugged it off as he lit a cigarette. We walked out of the DX once Soda and Steve finished their shifts. I didn’t know where we were heading, probably the Curtis’s house. Tim Shepard’s words crossed my mind again. If he noticed that, everyone else probably did too, including Dally. 
    “Look I’mma head back to my place.” I told the group.
     “I got some school work to catch up on.”
     “Yeah like Y/N L/N ever does school work” Two-Bit remarked.
     “You just don’t wanna hang out with us no more” Johnny added on jokingly. I smiled at that.
     “Imma catch you guys later aii” I said as I began to walk off.
     “I’ll walk you” Dally said while throwing his arm over my shoulder.
     We didn’t usually walk in silence, but Dally was being a lot quieter today. And to be honest, I didn’t feel like talking. 
     “You wanna go on, umm, out tonight?” Dally asked 
     “But somewhere nice. Like one of them fancy Socs restaurants or something, with the fancy lights and stuff.”
     I smiled. He may not have been good at romantic gestures, but he tried, he really did.
     “You want to go to a Socs restaurant? You know you have to dress nice, Socs clothes and all that good stuff. I mean that’s assuming we don’t get jumped on our way there, you know?” I joked around with him. 
     “No I’m serious doll. You know I’d do anything for you.” he said giving me a quick kiss.
     “And wear something nice.” he said wiggling his eyebrows with a slight wink, as he walked off.
     “Maybe I should try harder
     You should lower your expectations
     I’m no quick curl barbie
     I was never cut out for prom queen”
     I almost tore apart my closet looking for something decent to wear. Well, something that looked decent on me. The clothes looked beautiful on the hangers. It was a beautiful dark red dress, that ended just above the knees. But the moment I put it on, I couldn’t help to feel overwhelmed by my insecurities. How it hugged my curves too tight, making my thighs look to big. Or the way it made my arms look in comparison to the rest of my body. I couldn’t explain it but it just made my arms look, weird, I guess. It would look beautiful on Sylvia. I thought of how the red would make her bright blue eyes pop out, and how the dress would only make her perfect figure more appealing. Getting frustrated, I ripped the dress off, and changed into one of Dally’s shirts, which went all the way past my knees, and went to go do my hair and makeup. 
     “If I get more pretty
     Do you think he will like me?”
     I tried to tame my curly hair, using a shit ton of gel and edge cream. I went to do my makeup, pulling out the brushes and other makeup crap. As I was applying the products, I couldn’t help but let my thoughts consume me. I couldn’t help it. The more I looked into the mirror, the more I worried about my appearance. If only I had a smaller nose. And rounder eyes. And if my lips were just a little bit more. . .  I broke down. Full on sobbing. Why was Dally even with me? He could get any girl he wanted. One who was prettier. One who was more girly. One who had more money, and less problems. 
     I jumped at the sudden hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was met with the eyes of Dallas Winston. I didn’t even hear him come in. I looked away, embarrassed. Dally had never seen me cry before. Nobody cries in front of Dallas Winston. Great. Now he probably thinks I’m some sensitive crybaby. 
     “Baby what happened? Did I do something wrong?” he asked softly, concern growing in his voice. 
     “hmm? Oh. No. Nothing’s wrong baby. I was just..” I said feeling kinda embarrassed. He didn’t buy it though, for he let out a long sigh. He pulled me out of the chair and into a hug.
     “Do you wanna talk about it?” he whispered.
     “No... yes.”
     “Disect, my insecurities
     I’m the deep end surgical project.
     It’s getting hard to breathe,
     There’s plastic wrap in my cheeks.”
     He pulled his arms off me, waiting for another response. I didn’t know what to say. How do you even explain that to someone, much less someone you love. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. He should just leave you. You don’t deserve him. He doesn’t love you. He can do better. 
     “Do you love me?” I blurted out. Fuck.  Out of all the things I could have said, that’s what I fucking chose. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. There was silence fora couple of seconds, then he spoke up. 
     “What are you talking about? You know I love you doll. Is that what’s bothering you? I know I don’t show it much, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you know that, right? I mean if it’s bothering you this much babe, I can change. Just why didn’t you tell me sooner baby?” I cut him off. 
     “Dally it’s not that. It’s just that... well I’m sure you’ve noticed, you know... compared to Sylvia, or anyone really, I’m not really that like... pretty or anything. And people talk and stuff, and I just think you could do better.” I mumbled that last part. He frowned.
     “Ya know none of that’s true doll? You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Anyone who says otherwise is crazy. And people are always gonna talk and shit, but you can’t even be compared to Sylvia. Sylvia’s a bitch. She cheated on me the first chance she got. But you’re the complete opposite. You’re a leader, and you don’t take shit from no one, especially me. I know it ain’t much but... I think you’re absolutely breathtaking. And man, I wish you could see yourself the way I did.” I smiled. Dallas Winston wasn’t always sweet, but when he was, you could see that he really meant it.
     “And you got a nice ass.” he said, going back to his usual self.
     “I fucking love you Dallas.” 
     “I know you do doll.” 
More Like This
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
Ep. 1 | The Marauders: Chase Her
A/N: I’m back, witches! ;) With the long-teased BAND AU!! Also @inakindofdaydream​ here’s your tag as promised, hope you enjoy :)) More Marauders in my masterlist! Read on AO3! - J xx
“Oh, Lily, darling, isn’t it a bit…” Narcissa Black appraised the outfit with a derisive sniff, “childish?”
It was a floor-length gown, trimmed to flow with the model’s figure exactly, thanks to Dorcas’ design skills. The highlight was the hot pink lava-lamp-like mixture oozing between the solid pale pink inner layer and the clear exterior material; Lily, a chemistry undergraduate who’d founded the Evans brand on Etsy as a hobby, had made it from scratch. Underneath it all was a complicated circulation system of refrigerant to keep the wearer cool, courtesy of Marlene, who was studying to be a mechanical engineer. Lily had tested it on herself and had the light burns on her legs to prove it, but it was worth it for the 60s-themed Met Gala. That is, if she could convince her client to wear it.
“Hardly,” she responded, “The design says you're playful, but the slinky cut and deep-V neckline say you’re a woman ready to conquer the carpet.”
Narcissa rolled her eyes, “Serves me right for selecting a designer last minute. All the professionals are booked.” 
Lily tried to think of a popsicle or winter, anything to cool the angry flush she could feel burning in her cheeks.
The tall blonde was unbothered as she strutted around the mannequin, inspecting the low back and the spaghetti straps, before extending her arms out to Dorcas and Marlene, who were standing by, “Fine, fit me.”
“I got it,” Lily said quickly when she saw Dorcas’ jaw drop in indignance at being treated like a maid. 
Marlene successfully occupied the deeply offended designer until Mary, the brand's publicist, announced that it was time. 
Lily and their client left the hotel for the iconic New York museum in a chartered limousine among an entire fleet of them. Although dressed plainly in a black sweater and pencil skirt, Lily’s bright red hair made her stand out among the Black family’s monochrome entourage. 
“Sirius, who’s that?” James pushed his thick-rimmed glasses up his nose and tiptoed to get a better look through the sea of celebrities and their teams spilling onto the carpet. 
“I don’t know, but she must be nice because I’m not related to her,” said the dark-haired man, who’d been essentially coerced into attending this event with the rest of his crazy reality television family. 
“Starting to not regret letting you drag me along,” while his friend walked the carpet, James followed the lady with the designer access credentials who looked at everything around her in unabashed wonder.
“James Potter!” someone called out.
He turned around and noticed too late that it was a reporter.
“How does it feel to win a record deal after your performance in the Highland Music Festival?” 
“Will you be performing on The House of Black?” 
“When is your debut album coming out?”
James held up a finger for silence the way he’d seen his mum do plenty-a-time, “I’m so grateful - especially to my music teacher, Minerva McGonagall. I don’t think my best friend will even be on that show anymore and we do everything together. We’re in writing sessions now, just having fun and seeing what we can do, but we’re very excited to share our music with everyone soon, especially our amazing fans.”
“Who are you wearing?”
“Who are you most excited to meet tonight?”
“Are you excited for The Weird Sisters’ performance?”
It went on this way until James could politely extricate himself with the boyish excuse of needing to use the bathroom. He practically sprinted to the tents at the end of the carpet. 
“My armpits are sweating, Lily!”
There she was. A picture of calm amidst the commotion. And her name was Lily.
“Cissy, calm down -”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Siri!”
“See, this is why I can’t work with you lot anymore! You’re bat-shit crazy! Of course, your pits sweat, you’re a human being - not a fucking Barbie doll!”
“You haven’t the faintest idea of the impossible standards I hold myself to because I actually strive to be my best self unlike you, you lazy dog!”
“Are you getting this?” Bella Black, whispered with a toothy smile to the camera that was filming the entire exchange.
"How's it going, Molly?" James addressed the short videographer with auburn space buns. 
She made a funny face at him and he laughed. Molly smiled just a bit in spite of the tensions she worked around daily. 
"Narcissa," a clear voice pulled his attention back towards the girl named Lily, "I believe you've just nicked the wire that runs the cooling system with your heel," she crouched down and hooked it back up, "There you are."
James took this as his cue to pull Sirius away before another argument began. Also, he may or may not have wanted to get even closer to the red-head, "C'mon, mate, let it go, yeah? It's not worth it."
Narcissa huffed and strutted away. Lily had no choice but to follow at her heels, but to her admirer, she made it look like a power move. 
"Ugh, remind me never to do that again!" Sirius collapsed onto the couch in the recording studio they rented next door to their label, Castle Records. 
"James?" Remus asked his less distraught friend.
"Ah. At least it wasn't Bella."
The bespectacled boy sat at his drum kit and began to play a couple of mid-tempo rounds on the snare, cymbals, and base, creating the mood of a pursuit. 
"Ooh, I like that," Peter switched the settings on his electronic keyboard to an eighties synth and joined in the jam.
Remus added the bass while Sirius plugged in his electric guitar. 
It was three the next afternoon when Remus finished mixing the track and Sirius had no more unorthodox but cool ideas like, "Record the tires squealing while I  do donuts in the parking lot on my motorbike and add it to the chorus!"
However, James, being ever the perfectionist when it came to music, kept wanting to re-record the drums and the others couldn't even talk him out of it because truthfully, it sounded better every time he did it. 
When they reached the one-week mark, though, Sirius had to take action. "I called Molly. She's going to record our music video today and you know she's quick in post-production so whatever you've got is what we're running."
"Ugh, I hate you!" said James. He didn't. 
Molly arrived at nine sharp and set up the lighting, did their hair and makeup, helped them pick coordinating but not matching outfits, and at ten exactly, called, "Action!"
Don't let her doe eyes fool you
She's been winning since the day she was born
Darlin' don't wanna lose you 
Je ne parle pas français, mais j'adore
So I'm done playing hard to get
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
 You're running circles in my head
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
And every word you ever said
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Is calling my soul outta my body, must be in heav'n
"LilyLilyLily!" Mary squealed, barging into her friend's hotel room and clambering onto the bed, "We made it!"
Narcissa's lava dress had been trending all week and the Evans brand online store had finally crashed with the volume of orders they were trying to process at once for clothes, accessories, make up, and fragrances.
Her name is bloomin' in my heart
And every beat I beat is hers alone
Darlin' think of what we could start 
Jamais seul ou triste, jamais pas en mode
"Jimbo! Jumbo! Jambo!" Sirius woke up his roommate with their first single blasting from his phone, "We made it!"
Their Chase Her music video had over a million views and the song was number one on Spotify. 
And if our paths cross just this once
Could you be mine and I'll be yours
Tonight, darlin', we dance, we dance
Nous pourrions vivre pour toujours
Sirius guffawed at the comment section, "James: I don't speak French; Also James: Nous pourrions vivre pour toujours."
"Co-written by Google Translate," the singer quipped, putting on his glasses so he could see it all for himself, his smile coming close to breaking his pretty face.
Done being someone you'll forget
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
 Cuz you're all I got gon' through my head
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Yeah every word you ever said
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Is calling my soul outta my body, must be in heav'n
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 46 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 46
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Nikki spent a good amount of time at the studio. It would be another week before touring would resume for Generation Swine. It made him nervous. He hated being away from home. Tommy was back in the studio, but Nikki kept his words short with him. He did miss his best friend, but the pain that (Y/n) was going through made Nikki mad at the way the drummer treated her. Nikki had made sure (Y/n) had asprin and a relaxing day. He made sure Ziggy was with Vanessa and that she was just a phone call away.
“Dude I’m telling you, pregnant chicks and pickles are a thing,” Vince smiled.
"Why? She wants yours more often?" Mick said, deadfaced and monotoned.
“Among other things,” he said wiggling his eyebrows. “But on a serious note, those midnight runs are no joke man.” he smiled. “This kid is going to be amazing.”
"How are things going for you and (y/n) and trying?" Mick asked nikki. Tommy looked up from his drums.
“I think she’s getting frustrated, and I don’t blame her,” Nikki sighed. “I’m thinking about getting myself checked out. I know the problem is with me man.” Nikki grabbed his bass and bowed his head. “I’m always the problem.”
"Not always." Tommy said. "Sometimes it's a brother with an endless supply of booze."
Nikki lifted his head and looked at Tommy, “Ok, you and I need to talk. But first I want to lay down these tracks. Then you and I are going to go out to eat and we’re going to talk.” Nikki looked at him.
"Okay." Tommy nodded, chugging his water. He wanted a beer so bad, but it wasn't allowed in the studio.
“Let’s get to work,” Nikki said as they began rehearsing. Not long after Nikki stood in front of Tommy. “So you told (Y/n) that she stole me from you?” he shook his head at Tommy. “Where did that come from?” Tommy just shrugged. He wasn't sure how to explain what he said. He just felt that his sister had taken his best friend, the other terror twin, and tamed him. “Ok, let’s go find a place to eat and you are going to tell me what brought this on. No booze! You need a clear head.”
"Fine." Tommy grumbled. "Might as well go to McDonald's at that point."
“Then McDonald’s it is, you want a happy meal?” Nikki teased.
"Only if I can have the Barbie toy." Tommy laughed and flipped his hair.
“Such a good girl you are!” Nikki smiled. “I’ll meet you there,”
"I'll be waiting." Tommy smiled.
Nikki and Tommy met at a local McDonalds. Nikki opting for a Big Mac Tommy actually got the happy meal. “You are such a kid man.” Nikki smiled. “Talk to me man, where did this whole thing about (Y/n) stealing me come from. Because for a lot of this journey, we were still the terror twins.”  
"I just...you were staying with her more often instead of partying. And...and you opted for the hotel more….and…" Tommy dropped the fries he was holding. "I need help man."
“Why didn’t you say all this when we were back in rehab?” Nikki folded his hand on the table and looked to his friend. “Just because I was with her didn’t mean I couldn’t have fun…. I just didn’t want to mess up. I was doing blow and letting girls suck me off while talking to her… I mean… we kept partying but… I should have realized you needed me too man… I’m sorry.”  
"It wasn’t just you. I screwed up with Heather. I got involved with Pam. I just keep messing things up that has nothing to do with you. And I...I screwed up with (Y/n). I should be who she talks to when she has a problem. instead she runs to New York."
“New York was on me man, you know that,” Nikki sighed. “The night I was brought back to life… in ‘87… she came to me man and … we… let’s just say I thought it was a dream or a girl who looked like her and I went for the needle again.”
"So that's where she went. she left and for days no one could get a hold of her." Tommy explained.
“Yeah,” Nikki sighed. “We just got lost in each other and… next thing I know I have the needle in my arm and she’s saying she doesn’t want to watch me die… I made the decision we should all go to rehab and get clean then.” Nikki breathed. “Been clean ever since.”
"I wish I could've made myself be clean." Tommy sighed.
“Look man, I made the decision to be clean not just for (Y/n) but for myself… I mean… I was a mess even before we got together. You know that, and we can always have fun. Who says the terror twins can’t be terrors? You can be naked and sober. Hell we’ve done it before.” Nikki let out a laugh. “You get clean because I want to see you at our wedding… I still haven’t picked a best man you know… I was hoping…”
“You mean...me?” Tommy asked. “Are you sure man? What if I become you at my wedding?”
“I don’t think you would man. Besides, that was a mistake and I’m sorry… I was not in the right place and I should have been there for you with a clear head.” Nikki shook his head in shame.
“No, it’s okay.” Tommy shrugged. “Do you have a rough estimate of when the wedding is?”
“Not sure, but I know I’m supposed to be at your parent’s for dinner tomorrow,” Nikki chuckled. “Athena mentioned something about your aunts being there.”
“Oh god you poor man,” Tommy laughed. “When I spent a summer in Greece with them, they tried to pimp me out to all the girls in town. I mean, I didn’t mind, but some of those girls had muscles bigger than my, well, everything. They grow ‘em big in Athens.” That’s when both of their cell phones rang at the same time.
“Hi ma.” Tommy answered.
“Athena? Is everything okay?” Nikki asked. Both women were talking and the boys just nodded before hanging up.
“Guess who’s coming to dinner.” Tommy groaned. “Mom didn’t tell them I got remarried until this morning and they want to meet Pamela.”
“Yeah Athena just told me,” Nikki groaned. “I gotta tell (Y/n), I hope she’s feeling better though. She had a killer migraine.”
“She still gets those?” Tommy asked. “I was kinda a dick to her back then when she got them.”
“Yeah I know,” Nikki sighed. “She threw up when she was out with your mom planning the wedding. I think she’s just stressed… I’m thinking a nice trip to Hawaii and some fun time to help her relax.”
“Is she still upset that she hasn’t been working?” Tommy asked. “I know that she’s kinda been blacklisted by a few labels because of what she did for us.”
“I think we should create our own label with her as our manager,” Nikki looked at him. “I mean, she’s done a lot for us and we can help other artists along the way. I’ve written and produced some things for other people and she’s been there to help me along the way.”
“And she did write most of my songs for my first album, which I feel guilty about.” Tommy sighed. “And she did trademark Motley Records for us. Oh! Look what she gave me a few months back. I’m waiting for the right time to record it though.” He slid the paper to Nikki to read.
Nikki read the words and closed his eyes. He knew she was feeling depressed but this was on a whole level. Looking at Tommy he gave him back the paper, “She has talent man… I just wish I could get her to see it.”
“That’s...that’s probably my fault.” Tommy told him. “I thought I was driving her in the path of a career that would be more stable than the music business by telling her there was no money in songwriting, things like that. God, I was so shitty to her.”
“Well, you’re going to have to get clean and fix it man,” Nikki sighed as he cleaned up. “I should go, I want to make sure she’s ok.”
“Okay yeah. I got some calls to make anyway.” Tommy told him. “See you tomorrow man?”
“Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow,” Nikki said as he gave him a high five and a hug. “You’re still me best friend man, don’t forget that.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get soft on me now Sixx.” He smiled and headed to his car. Nikki headed home. Vanessa was parked in the driveway and Ziggy was running around happily.
“Hey Ness, is everything ok?” Nikki asked as he got out of his car and made his way inside.
“Yeah. (Y/n) called and said she was feeling better. Well enough to have the kid home, not well enough to drive.” Vanessa told him. “Oh! Vince’s oldest has some puppies they need to rehome. I was wondering if you guys want one. If not, Vince is going to try to adopt all six of them.”
“Ask (Y/n), Ness. I don’t mind Ziggy having someone to keep him company. Besides I got to talk to (Y/n) about something.” He smiled as he walked inside and laughed when Ziggy ran around the living room.  
“Well, good. Because I already brought one over and (Y/n) is cuddling with her up in your room.” Vanessa told him.
Nikki laughed as he shook his head, “Alright, well let me check on her and you can go on home. Vince was saying he would have to buy an entire pickle factory for you.” he teased.  
“Ha, ha. He’s sooooo funny.” Vanessa grumbled. She was already plotting how to get back at him. Maybe promising him his favorite thing and it not happening would be perfect. She left the house, leaving Nikki and Ziggy downstairs.
“Come on Zig lets go check on Mommy,” he said as he made his way upstairs with Ziggy following behind him. He reached the bedroom door and knocked softly. “(Y/n)? Can I come in?” A small bark answered him, followed by a giggle.
“Come on in.” (Y/n) laughed. “Jett, that’s your daddy and your brother.” The little labrador retriever wagged her tail happily when she saw Nikki. “Hi honey.”
“Hey,” he said as Ziggy jumped up on the bed sniffing the new puppy. Nikki leaned over and kissed her. “Feeling better?”
“Yeah a bit.” She smiled up at him. “How was your day?”
“Eventful, I talk to Tommy.” he breathed and sat on the edge of the bed caressing her cheek. “He’s going to be at the dinner tomorrow at your moms.”
“Oh, that’ll be a blast.” (Y/n) sighed. Jett whimpered and laid by her. (Y/n) scratched her ears.
“Man, Ziggy and Jett.” Nikki looked at the new puppy and ran his fingers over her. “I know hun, but… Tommy has his demons to battle and… he says he’s sorry.” Nikki looked at her. “We can cut out early tomorrow no problem.”  
“I’ll sit and listen to him I guess.” (Y/n) snuggled up against Nikki. “So, what do you think of her?”
“I love her,” he smiled. “I was thinking of checking myself out… down there…” he cleared his throat. “There’s gotta be something wrong with me.”
“What?” (Y/n) looked at him. “Nikki, there’s nothing wrong with you. Trust me.” She smiled at him. “What brought this on?”
“I don’t know,” Nikki sighed. “I just feel like it’s my fault we’re not pregnant yet.”
“Something wants us to calm down and enjoy ourselves I think.” (Y/n) told him. “And, who knows, the gene that my mothers side has that allows them to have like twenty kids, it might just have skipped me.” She shrugged. “But there’s nothing wrong with you Nikki.”
“I feel like I’m letting your down,” Nikki swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Nikki, if we never have kids and just grow old with twenty dogs, I’ll be happy. As long as it’s with you.” She smiled at him.
“We can be Dogy parents,” he smiled and kissed her deeply. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Me too.” she kissed him again. “I missed my soon to be husband.”
“I missed my soon to be wife,” he breathe as he lay her down and peeled off her clothes. “Can I show you how much I missed you?”
“Oh course.” She moaned. “Just be gentle with me.” Nikki smirked.
Nikki removed his clothes as he hovered over her, gently pushing into her. “Fuck I missed you.”
“Oh god. Fuck.” (Y/n) moaned. “I missed you so much Nikki.”
“Shit sweet girl,” he moaned, “you feel so good.” (Y/n) just moaned in response. She loved having Nikki like this. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him close to her.
“N-Nikki!” She moaned, cumming around him.
Nikki let out a strangled cry as he came in her, holding her body close. He collapsed next to her pulling her close. “Fuck I love you.”
“I love you too.” She curled up in his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. “Glad you came back into my life.”
“I’m glad you let me come back,” he kissed her shoulder. “I wish we were getting married tomorrow sweet girl.”
“Let’s do it.” (Y/n) whispered. “Let’s just tell everyone that we’re going to go to Vegas and if they want to be there, they can be there.”
“You and I both know that your family would kill us,” he laughed. “But… I am going to be happy seeing you walk down that aisle.” he smiled. “Nap time?”
“Mmm yes.” She said, falling asleep by him.
When he woke up later, she was gone, but he could smell food coming from the kitchen.
“What smells so good?” he smiled as both Jett and Ziggy ran up to him.
“Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn.” (Y/n) said. She was just wearing her underwear and one of Nikki’s shirts.
Nikki walked up behind her and ran his hands under the shirt his fingers tickling her skin, “God you look sexy. You are going to make me fat with all this good food.”
“I think you work out enough that you won’t have to worry about it.” (Y/n) laughed.
Nikki kissed her neck and smiled, “I want you to know that you make me happy sweet girl. You are very special to me and I hope I’m making you happy.”
“I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time.” She told him. But there was something off sometimes. She felt like some days, her meds were working and she was the best fiancee and doggy mom ever, but then there were days where she could barely pull herself out of bed, let alone put a smile on her face. She didn’t know what was wrong with her.
Nikki pulled up to the Bass house and looked over at (Y/n), “You ok?”
‘Yeah.” She took a deep breath. “Are you sure we can’t just go to Vegas?”
“If you can convince your family to agree to it, i would book a flight this minute,” he smiled at her. They watched as Tommy pulled up with Pamela. (Y/n) took another deep breath.
“Are you ready?” (Y/n) asked.
“As ready as I can be,” Nikki said as he got out of the car and ran around to help (Y/n). “Just squeeze my hand if you need to ok?”
“Okay, I will.” They got out of the car and met up with Tommy and Pamela. Pamela hugged (Y/n).
“Hello you two!” She smiled. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Hi Pamela.” (Y/n) smiled at her, not making eye contact with Tommy. “Ready to go in?”
“Yeah, although I’m not sure what to expect with the aunts,” Nikki smiled nervously.
“They’re fun. Just watch out for Aunt Calliope. She’s a cheek squeezer.” Tommy laughed. (Y/n) rang the doorbell. David answered the door.
“Hey dad.” (Y/n) said, forcing a smile on her face.
“Hey pumpkin,” he said and hugged her tight. “Nikki! Good to see you,” he shook Nikki’s hand and hugged him. “Thomas and Pamela come on in guys.” he hugged each of them and smiled. “Everyone is in the living room.” They made their way in and soon, Calliope, Tahlia, and Erato were all at Nikki.
“Η αδελφή μας είχε δίκιο! Είναι! (Our sister was right! He is handsome!)” Calliope called out, pinching his cheeks.
“ Um… Hi….” He smiled and leaned to (Y/n), “What did she say?”
“That you’re handsome.” (Y/n) laughed.
“Μοιάζει σαν να έχει σκαλισθεί από τους Θεούς! (He looks like he was carved by the Gods!)” Erato laughed, watching him.
“Κορίτσια, κοιτάξτε τον κώλο. (Y/n) τα παίρνει ώριμα! (Girls, look at that ass. (Y/n) picks them ripe!)” Thalia added to it. The aunts all fawned over Nikki, separating him from (Y/n).
“Um… (Y/n)! Help!” Nikki called as they pushed him up against the wall and smiled nervously.
“Hey what about me?” Tommy looked at his aunts and pouted. “I’m here too!”
“Uh oh.” (Y/n) said. “T-Bone, you know what’s going to happen, don’t you?”
“Huh? What? I mean I’m here and they should say hi,” Tommy had no clue.
“Baby pictures…” (Y/n) hissed. Tommy went to find the albums, but his mom and aunts beat him to it. “Shit…”
“Thomas, come sit with me.” Calliope demanded. “And bring your golden bride with you.”
“Yes Tia Calliope,” he grumbled as he led Pamela to the couch as the baby pictures were passed around.
“Nikki, you must look at her.” Voula said, handing Nikki the album. There was a picture of (Y/n). She must have only been about three or four, sitting on the couch with a book in her lap and Tommy sitting on the floor in front of her. He knew she couldn’t read the book, but she was telling him a story anyway and he was listening to her as she went.
“Sweet girl! You look so cute!” Nikki held her close and smiled.
“Mom, why?” (Y/n) groaned. The aunts were all busy showing off pictures to Pamela. Athena came in through the kitchen door.
“Oh, is it baby picture time?” She teased. “This one is my favorite.” She pointed to a picture of the three Bass children on a trip to San Diego. Athena and Tommy were standing in front of the lion enclosure. Tommy had (Y/n) on his shoulders, with a pair of mouse ears on her head.
“You guys look happy,” Nikki pointed out.
“(Y/n) can I talk to you?” Tommy looked at (Y/n). seeing the pictures stirred something in him and he looked at how upset his baby sister looked when she saw them.
“Uh, sure.” (Y/n) said, getting up. Nikki watched her, ready to get up if needed, but (Y/n)’s spot by him was taken over by Thalia. “What is it?” (Y/n) asked when they made it through the kitchen door and stood in the backyard by the pool.
“I’ve been a crummy brother lately and… I know I’m not… look, I just didn’t want you to end up in the music business and be disappointed when you wouldn’t make it. But you are so talented and I was an ass for stealing your notebook when it was personal. Most of what you wrote… sis… have you talked to anyone?”  
“I...I don’t know what you’re talking about…” (Y/n) said, looking out over the pool. A stray cat was drinking water from it.
“(Y/n/n)...” he took a breath. “I’m checking myself into rehab, can you promise me you’ll talk to someone… please… Oh and by the time I get out I’m taking Nikki on an awesome Bachelor party.” he tried to lighten the mood. “He loves you and he’s good for you and you’re good for him.”
“I was going to ask you something too. But if Nikki’s already claimed you as a best man…” She smiled at him. “I want you and dad to walk me down the aisle.”
“I would love to short stack,” he said as he pulled her into a big hug. She hugged him back. Athena popped her head out.
“Okay losers, dinners ready. Mom said wash your hands.” Athena told them. Tommy and (Y/n) flipped her off before going in and washing up. They took their seats for dinner. Nikki held (Y/n)’s hand.
“Think we should ask about Vegas?” he whispered.
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna say something.” (Y/n) said, smiling at Nikki. She opened her mouth to say something when Tommy interrupted.
“Okay guys, I have an announcement to make!” Tommy said. (Y/n) looked over at Nikki, who just shrugged. “We just found this out yesterday. Mom, dad, you’re going to be grandparents.” He rested a head on Pamela’s stomach. “Pamela’s pregnant!”
Nikki looked over at (Y/n) and squeezed her hand. He gave her a reassuring smile before looking at Tommy, “Congrats you two.” The aunts all turned their attention to Tommy and Pamela. (Y/n) stood up.
“I’m gonna go grab something from my old room. I’ll be right back.” She said, leading up the stairs. Her parents had let her store stuff in her old room, and had kept it slightly made up just in case she ever needed someplace to go. She shut the door to the room and looked around at everything. She had to breathe. She was letting Nikki down by not giving him kids. She knew it. She sat down on the bed and held her head in her hands.
Athena looked around for (Y/n). Nikki was cornered by the aunts who were asking him about getting (Y/n) pregnant quick. She walked up the stairs and knocked on (Y/n)’s old bedroom door. “(Y/n) it’s Thena.”
“I’m okay. Just looking for something. I’ll be out in a minute.” (Y/n) told her. She started pushing boxes around like she was actually looking. She didn’t want to go out there until she knew for sure that she would be able to keep a smile on her face.
Athena opened the door and walked inside, “you ok?”
“I’m great!” (Y/n) said, giving her a smile. “I’m...great…”
“You can kid Tommy because he’s stupid, but me? No you can’t.” She pulled (Y/n) into a hug. “I know you and Nikki are trying. Have you talked to your therapist recently?”
“I...I actually haven’t been in a few months.” (Y/n) admitted. “I was doing good, so I stopped making appointments.”
“(Y/n/n) that’s not good,” Athena sighed. “You need to call them, make an appointment.”
“I was doing so good ‘Thena. But everyone is having kids and getting married and I was going to say Nikki and I just wanted to go to Vegas and get married and Tommy made his announcement.” She sat down and sighed. “I’m letting Nikki down ‘Thena.”
"Who says you're letting him down?" Athena say with her. "That's all in your head. He loves you and he's happy. If he didn't he wouldn't let Tia Thalia pinch his ass and smile.” she laughed.
"What if he decides he wants a Pamela who can give him kids?" (Y/n) asked.
“(Y/n)?” Nikki called from downstairs.
“Is that what you think? (Y/n) I want you to talk to make an appointment, you can’t think like that.” Athena looked at her sister’s eyes. “What has got you thinking this way?”
Nikki’s footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. Athena looked to (Y/n) and held her face in her hands. Athena wasn’t sure when her baby sister began to lose her light again but she knew she had to say something.
“I’m going to tell Nikki, he should know…” Athena moved to the door.
"He worries too much and would blame himself. Just keep it between us please."
“But…” Before Athena could argue Nikki knocked on the door.
“Sweet girl are you in here?” Nikki poked his head in and smiled. “Sorry are you guys having sister time?”
"I just came in here to look for something." (Y/n) smiled.
“I’m going to let your fiance talk to you,” Athena walked up to Nikki and smiled. She was tempted to whisper thet (Y/n) needed help but she didn’t want to send her sister over the edge.  
"Are you ready to go Nikki?" (Y/n) asked.
“Yeah, are you ok?” Nikki caressed her cheek. “I know Tommy announcing something like that sucks, but I talked to your mom about the wedding…”
"Its ok Nikki." She told him. "Maybe it's a sign to no Vegas?"
“Well I was able to convince your mom to that beach wedding you were talking about,” He smiled and kissed her. “I mean I had to agree to a really huge engagement party but what’s one party your mom throws against an awesome beach wedding?”
“Oh sweetie, you have no idea what you’ve signed us up for.” (Y/n) laughed. “Imagine a Motley Crue concert, but instead of screaming girls and their metalhead boyfriends, it’s a bunch of Greeks.”
Nikki laughed and held her tight, “I love you sweet girl and this is going to happen no matter what. Even if we go to the courthouse to make it official I am marrying you this time.” Nikki held her face in his hands and kissed her. “Think we can get away with a few minutes of hot sex in your old room?”
“They still going after Tommy and Pamela?” (Y/n) asked. “Because if they are, I bet we can.” She kissed him deeply. “Just like old times.”
“They are fussing over her and I was able to get away,” he mumbled against her lips as he pulled her top off her. “I think we’ll be ok.”
“Let me just click the lock into place.” She locked the door, because her luck, Tommy would walk in on them. “How do you want me Mr. Sixx?”
“Want a ride Mrs. Sixx,” he smiled as they both shed their clothes. Nikki was peppering kisses over her body as he led them to the bed.
“I think I like hearing you say that.” She moaned softly. “We just gotta keep quiet, okay?”
Nikki laughed, “think you can do that… Mrs. Sixx,” he whispered against her skin as he sank her down on him. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as she rocked on his cock.
“N-Nikki…” She moaned softly. “F-fuck.”
Nikki brought her mouth to his as he swallowed her moans. He guided her hip on him as she bounced on his lap. She felt amazing on him. It felt even better when they thought about how they could get caught at any minute.
“I...I…” She whispered. He could hit all of the right spots and having her coming undone in minutes flat.
“Cum for me (Y/n),” he said against her lips as he kissed her furiously his hip meeting hers in fast thrusts. She kissed him deeply as she moaned loudly into his mouth, cumming around him. If they had more time, Nikki almost wanted to see how many times he could get her to cum.
“Wanna see if I can make you cum again Mrs. Sixx?” he gave her a devilish smirk before thrusting his tongue into her mouth.
“If you think you can Mr. Sixx.” She moaned into his kiss, loving the feeling of him inside of her.
Nixxi reached between them, his thumb finding her clit as he pressed circles onto it. He wanted to make her cum just one more time before he spilled into her. “Want to feel you again.” She grabbed onto him, moaning as she felt the pressure building up again. She knew she was going to scream if she wasn’t careful. Nikki buried his face into her shoulder as he felt his own pressure build. Her was trying hard not to yell out, but she felt so good.
“When we get home,” (Y/n) panted. “We can be as loud as we want.” She kissed him deeply.
“Fuck yeah,” Nikki murmured against her lips. “I’m close Mrs. Sixx. So close to cumming inside you.” he groaned as he kissed her while thrusting into her, his thumb still circling her clit.
“Cum in me baby.” She whispered as she squeezed his cock, trying to milk everything out of him. “Fill me up.”
Nikki’s thrusts became erratic as he spilled into his he kissed her deeply. When it was all said and done he placed his forehead against hers. “You’ll always be my sweet girl.”
“Promise?” She asked in a soft whisper, almost inaudible.
Nikki gazed into her eyes and smiled, “promise.” She kissed him gently.
“You know, we could climb out the window like you used to when we would fool around up here.” (Y/n) laughed a little.
“That is an idea,” he smiled and kissed her. “It’ll happen,” he whispered. “It might take us some time… but I know it will happen for us.” She was about to say what if it doesn’t. She was about to tell him her fears. But instead, she just smiled and nodded, letting him hold her until Athena knocked on the door.
“Hey you two, mom wants pictures, the aunts are getting ready to sound the horn to get the family all over, and they want to discuss a good date for the engagement party.” Athena told them. “So, stop screwing like rabbits for like five minutes, okay?” (Y/n) blushed.
Nikki chuckled and kissed (Y/n)’s shoulder, “Come on sweet girl, let’s go back to your family.” Nikki helped (Y/n) get dressed and then got dressed himself before opening the door.
(Y/n) kept a smile painted on her face for the rest of the night, feeling Athena’s eyes on her. They set an engagement party date that would work for everyone, and it gave the rest of the family from Greece to get there, as well as all of (Y/n)’s American family. They were told to invite Vince, Vanessa, and Mick, which was a given.
“Is Mick the blond one or the scary, broody one?” Erato asked Tommy and Nikki.
“The broody one,” they echoed and laughed.
“We should go on a ride on our bikes man,” Nikki smiled at Tommy.
“Yeah man, we should.” Tommy smiled. “But, actually, I start rehab in a couple days.”
“Darling niece, is Mick single?” Erato asked while Tommy and Nikki talked.
“Oh my god.” (Y/n) groaned.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk @tommyleeownsme
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish @getbackhonkycatt @are-you-reddie54321 @flamencodiva @deacyduck @scarecrowmax @major-tom-is-a-junky @anyasthoughts @bandaids-not-groupies @ilovetomkeiferslips
Nikki Sixx Tags: @daisystuffsstuff @unknownoblivion @deakysblueoutfit @fandomshit6000 @sixx-mckagan
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags: @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12 @shawnsstxtches @knockemdeadgirl @deansgirl1993 @haileynicoleseavey17
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