#and comic Tony too tbh
averytirednerd · 8 months
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Just a few examples of one of my favorite genres of fictional men:
Sad and (usually) queer n’ sarcastic/sassy/snarky to boot. Bonus if they’re mentally ill/unstable and regret a lot of things they’ve done (or didn’t do) in the past.
I know this is a confusing description but bear with me here...
Feel free to add more characters to this list. I’ve definitely got more somewhere, just thought this might be a good start.
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ironhardpacker · 2 years
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(( Finds a Tony-look-alike in a comic at the store I work at. Immediately starts making icons for Tony from it. ))
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Iron Man (1968) #4
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raccoonfallsharder · 25 days
boring meeting scribble time
rocket fanart masterlist | art masterlist current art queue | main masterlist
this was inspired by a lovely little unicorn-moonbeam over on ao3 (aka @selynenightshadelovesrocketracco ). we started discussing what it would have been like if deadpool and rocket had interacted in the mcu circa avengers/endgame, and the rest is a zany fourth-wall break
tbh i imagine deadpool thinks they have a wade-and-yukio vibe while rocket…. does not think that. at all.
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imo thanks to wade's comic awareness he for sure would have known about tony shaving rocket (even though it didn't "actually happen" in the original timeline) and he probably would have decided rocket needed cuddles too. anyway this happened as a result
my personal fave rocket-wade relationship is in Blue River Score (2017) but this one (which only exists in my head) is a close second
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raccoon dividers by @/thecutestgrotto fairylight dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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lucianalight · 10 months
“Sometimes a rage builds up and you just gotta let it out. Do you remember that time I was so angry with my father and my brother, I went down to Earth and I held the whole of New York city hostage with an alien army? Tried to use the mind stone on Tony Stark? It didn’t work so I threw him off the building. It wasn’t tactical. I lost it. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us.”
Is this a retcon? Is Loki saying he wasn't tortured or mind controlled and he attacked Earth because he was angry at his family?
Well, let's analyze the situation.
They went to interrogate X-5 who according to Mobius is an asshole that knows them and their tactics. Mobius tells others to not let X-5 get under their skin with a emphasis on Loki, thinking he is the one who most probably is going to lose his temper. But that's not what happens.
Loki does not lose his cool. On the contrary he plays the role of a villain(which is not really convincing tbh) and tries to intimidate X-5. Mobius is the one who gets so angry and hits Brad within a minute after X-5 turns his attention to him. Mobius storms off trying to convince Loki that it was a tactical action and he could play the heavy keys. But when he calms down he confesses that wasn't the case. Then Loki says those lines.
Now let's remember some similar situations we've seen Loki doing sth like this. Before the coronation when Thor was nervous, Loki makes jokes, gives him confidence, tries to calm him down. And after that when Thor is angry, Loki again tries to calm him down, agreeing with Thor saying he is on his side. When Odin saves them from Jotunheim and is furious with Thor, Loki tries to intervene and stop the situation from escalating. In TDW after their argument on the boat, Loki again tries to light the mood with a joke. So this is a typical and in character behavior for Loki.
Should Loki's words be accepted at face value? MCU Loki lies sometimes but he is not the god of lies like comics. He mostly speaks the truth, but not the complete truth. Half-truth is what he mostly uses. He shapes the sentences in a way that people interpret them how they want based on how they think. Especially when it comes to the things that he doesn't want others to know. Things that he was taught were weakness.
Moreover there are undeniable proof in canon that Loki was tortured (his physical state in Avengers, threats of pain by the Other…etc), and his mind was influenced by the mind stone(confirmed by Marvel). There are even moments in S1 that confirm Loki didn't want or enjoy to hurt people. He's had to. And Miss Minutes offered Loki to kill Thanos, which affected Loki more than any of her offers.
"Unbeknownst to him, the scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth."
Unbeknownst to him
Remember in S1 Sylvie tried to enchant him but couldn't? Loki said it's because his mind's too strong. For other magic users? Yes. For mind stone? Maybe. Since we know he wasn't mind control like Selvig and Clint. But the Other had a connection through the scepter to his mind and his negative emotions was being amplified. Which Loki didn't know. His memories were clearly tampered with too as he remembered Thor tossing him into an abyss which didn't happen.
In the main timeline Loki spends a year and half in a cell, where he had access to his magic. Being away from the scepter, having the use of his magic and nothing but time, Loki sooner or later have realized what happened. We don't know when exactly Loki realized that the mind stone was influencing him. But we've seen in other MCU movies/shows that removing mind related magic in most cases also needs magic.
TV Loki on the other hand, right after his escape got arrested in a place that he couldn't use his magic, spending his days either running from or after somebody and trying to fix a disaster. He probably hasn't that realization yet. And even if he had, do you think Loki would talk about it? I don't think so. Just like he never talks or wants to talk about his torture.
There are more than enough clues in canon to confirm that Loki was tortured and his mind was influenced and nothing can retcon all of that.
Back to the scene in 2x02, Loki is trying to calm down Mobius through sympathizing with him. He can't say "Hey remember that time I fell into Thanos clutches after I committed suicide, then he tortured and brainwashed me through my hatred and anger, and sent me to take over the Earth and when I got away you found me and tortured me and now you can't handle one minute taste of your own medicine?" That would have been counterproductive. So instead Loki is telling the truth but not all of it. He was angry at Thor and Odin and his emotions got the better of him. But those emotions, those thoughts and words were influenced. That's what Loki's not telling because he wants to sympathize with Mobius through a similar experience.
Could the topic of New York invasion handled better? Certainly. Otherwise there wasn't a need for this meta. But Loki's behavior can be explained in-universe and through his canon characterization without retconning any other proof and clues.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Pepper Potts
So many fics make her bitchy and controlling for absolutely no reason she deserves better
So for this we have to think back to like... peak Avengers MCU era. I am sorry. Back when Avengers had just come out it was BRUTAL out there for anyone who didn't like Tony/Steve (Tony Stark, Pepper's canon love interest, and Steve Rogers aka Iron Man and Captain America). While the ship itself is like, fine, it got sour so fast because Pepper was demonized SO much. When she wasn't completely sidelined and ignored, she was a cheater or an abuser (??) or what-have-you in fics so the two men could get together. It's much better now and last I heard Pepper gets some of the love she deserves (bc we do love women in this house!) but oh MAN it was bad back then. TBH all MCU women were treated like garbage by the fanbase but she got the brunt of it because she was in the way of The Most Popular Ship. She was just too #girlboss I guess
Frequently villainized for being a canon love interest for Tony Stark. Often portrayed as a Nag, constantly bothering him about doing "work" for his "company" when he could be working on inventions or spending time with his love interest! Sometimes she just Doesn't Understand Him, inconsiderately pressuring him to stay out of being a hero instead of being who he really is; only the m/m love interest really understands him! Or maybe she's the aggressor, who took advantage of the power imbalance between her and her poor innocent *checks notes* boss in order to pressure him into a relationship he didn't really want where he was treated terribly, and only his m/m love interest can save him from her! Pepper deserves better!
Sharon Carter
she “got in the way” of stucky shippers, in the comics she’s like the love of Steve’s life 
When she first appeared she was unfairly treated by fans for "getting in the way" of the Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes ship. A shame because she's a really good character. I'd talk more about how unfairly Sharon, and her actress Emily VanCamp, have been treated by the fanbase and the creators, but that's a different story.
She and Steve Rogers were meant to have a romantic relationship, but the entire fandom and many Stucky fans dislike her because it wasn’t a good ship. I think she isn’t the best but she doesn’t deserve so much hate
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winteriron-trash · 2 months
pinned faq
hi, my name is roman. i used to be a semi-popular winteriron blog, but now this blog is mostly dead. so. rip, gone but not forgotten. but i still get some pretty common questions so here's a one-stop shop for most of them as well as links to the important things.
My Tumblr Fic Masterlist
My Ao3
My (dead) WinterIron Discord Server
Did you write the Tony Stark wifi tower fic?
yes, i wrote that fic! it is by far the most popular thing i've ever written and it will probably outlive me.
I found that fic on [insert site here], do they have your permission?
probably not, no. i have found that fic everywhere. and i mean everywhere. pinterest, wattpad, facebook, instagram, tiktok, mediachomp, and so on. honestly, it's been years and i can't control or chase down every single copy and i have no interest in doing so. i don't love that it was stolen from me (especially on for-profit sites) but it just is what it is. it's a fanfic rite of passage to have your stuff stolen, honestly.
can i do a translation/podfic/write something inspired by one of your fics/posts?
yes! there is always a blanket permission to do any sort of transformative work with my work, especially my older stuff. if it sparks joy and creativity in you, run wild with it. i prefer to be credited, but honestly, i'm just happy to see my stuff still inspiring people.
will you ever write winteriron/mcu fanfic again?
well, you should never say never. but in this case, you might want to say never. i have very little interest in winteriron or the mcu in general outside of nostalgia, and i likely will never write anything substantial for them again. it's sad, i miss it too, but i just don't have that spark for marvel these days. mostly i write dc comics fanfiction.
did you write [insert winteriron fic/post here]?
idk. maybe. probably. i wrote and posted a lot of things. you can scroll the tag on this blog to find all my old posts, some more popular than others. if you think it was me, chances are, it probably was. i got around a lot from like 2018 to 2020.
do you have a tagging system?
i used to but lord if i'm going to use it now. i don't even remember it, so your guess is as good as mine. tbh i just use tags as a place to ramble these days so navigating my blog is about as easy for you as it is for me. which is to say, it's not easy at all. because tumblr's search function is ass. i do know one of my old tags has my deadname in it. you'll probably find it if you look hard enough, but that is what it is.
are you going to revive this blog?
probably not consistently, no. if i have something i really want to say here, i'll say it, but i don't have much interest in maintaining this like i used to. i want to be able to, i miss posting here a lot, i just don't think it'll spark joy for me the way it used to, which sucks but that's just the way things go.
why did you leave this blog?
idk. life happened. i was an 18-year-old fighting chronic health conditions and mental health issues that led to me dropping out of high school so, tumblr sort of fell to the back burner, then got forgotten about entirely. eventually, i lost interest in the mcu as i felt the quality of it took a turn for the worst and i went back to dc, which i'm still into. i read some marvel comics, enjoy an occasional mcu project, but largely i just don't have the interest i used to. it sucks and i miss it, this blog probably kept me alive as a teenager. but now it's mostly just an archive of my past, and i'm okay with that.
can i talk to you/send you an ask/befriend you anyway?
sure, if you want, don't know if i'm good company though. but i'm always open to making friends and reminiscing about winteriron, marvel, and all that good stuff. i've gotta warn you though, tumblr fucking eats my DMs on this blog like no fucking business. i'm regularly fighting it. my discord is devilbonesofmetal if you wanna yell at me there, just say you're from tumblr.
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elrondhalfelven · 5 months
Do Rich Rider next!
1. favorite thing about them
oh i love him i love how he’s genuinely just a completely average guy - earth heroes “average guys” tend to always be super geniuses ie. peter parker. but rich is genuinely just a completely average normal dude. he flipped burgers when he wasn’t nova-ing! he barely scraped through high school (again, cause of the nova thing!). he was just a genuinely normal teenager with a complex cause of his super smart little brother. becoming nova was both the best and worst thing to ever happen to him.
2. least favorite thing about them
man is lowkey self-obsessed in the sense a depressed person is. everything is his fault, he’s pathetic, he’s wasting everyone’s time. he was like this even before he got powers - he clearly has self-worth issues that just get exacerbated the more he survives. clearly not the only person who clocked this because rich going into therapy was such a huge step!
3. favorite line
Holy shit he’s such an icon
“Let’s scream in his face anyway.” 🥺
“I pulled [Annihilus] inside out and saved the universe. What have YOU done lately, Tony?”
“Shut it, warcrimes.”
“I loved him too. You know that, right?” I’m UNWELL
“Please, Rich. I think you need to talk to someone about this.” “About the fan-sites?” “About the fact you’re dying.” he’s UNWELL
“Let’s review. Your ride is toast. I’m Nova. You’re dead. Allow me to demonstrate.” HOT.
4. brOTP
sam alexander. they’re brothers!!!
also the new warriors. that group tends to be ignored these days as a very formative time in Rich’s life - i’m due a reread, i’m part of the problem, i haven’t read that in over 12 years! but yeah, so many fond memories there <3
5. OTP
peter quill. they’ve just made so much sense forever
6. nOTP
idk if I really have one tbh? he’s not popular enough for these to form
7. random headcanon
Rich’s real superpower is that he’s actually turned into a surprisingly good cook. He finds the process quite relaxing. Which the guardians really appreciate because Pete “no patience” Quill burns everything because he gets distracted and, while they won’t admit it, they did grow accustomed to earth food while they were stuck down there.
8. unpopular opinion
Thank god he never made it into the MCU. Since 2006 has been going from strength to strength in the comics (a part from the few years when he was dead!). Since he came back in 2016/17 I don’t think anything he has been in has been bad. He either has the magic touch or he’s insanely lucky for dodging MCU synergy and having writers who clearly love him!!
9. song I associate with him
Fortress by Queens of the Stone Age
Watch me While I Bloom by Hayley Williams
10. favorite picture of them
juann cabal Rich is my little guy his big brown eyes <3
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binkywinky · 9 months
i love danbeau to pieces but ngl i'm kinda resentful of the tragic super hero love life that the mcu has going for everyone tbh (except maybe tony), i mean carol's almost 70 and is emotionally stuck in a relationship she had at 18... it would be nice if/when her path finds maria's x-men binary that gives her some sort of closure in a way, wdy think?
Well, the tragic superhero love life trope is kind of a staple, so I can't be too mad at it. And it's a new thing for Carol as she doesn't have it in the comics.
As far as her relationship with Maria... I feel like the bigger picture isn't being considered.
Even if she wasn't in love with Maria, that's her family. Carol disowned her biological family and claimed Maria and Monica as her own. There's no real closure from that.
If we're taking romance into consideration, I think we're not being fair. I'm just saying... if Steve can pine for Peggy, Carol can be as sad as she wants about Maria. Because unlike Steve, she and Maria knew each other for over a decade, worked together, lived together, and raised a child together before they were separated. And if he can pout for over 10 years with all his memories intact and still not have closure, then I think Carol is allowed to be sad.
That all being said, I do want Carol to be happy. I want all of them (Carol, Maria, and Monica) to be happy, preferably together since that's literally all they ever wanted.
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Hi, so you do not have to publish your respond or answer at all 😉 But beside Five x Lila and Brienne x Jaime what other pairings do you ship? Much love 💜
Hi! 👋🏻
I don’t mind answering- the main thing I use tumblr for is appreciating and talking about ships that I love so it’s not an issue to answer this by any means :)
I haven’t watched a ton of new shows lately, mostly rewatching older favorites or watching new-to-me-but-not-new-this-year foreign tv shows. But I will put a few below (I liked the main couple in the foreign shows) and some of my older ships after that! 😊
Foreign TV shows (I don’t often find a lot of fanfic/ fan art for foreign TV shows comparatively but I loved these series):
-Love Between Fairy and Devil (cdrama)
-The Manny (Mexican TV show)
-Hidden Love (cdrama)
-Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (kdrama)
-Ever Night (cdrama)
-Love, Now (Taiwan drama)
-Tale of the Nine-Tailed (kdrama)
-Happiness (kdrama)
-Mischievous Kiss (jdrama)
-Boys Over Flowers (kdrama, but I like Ji Hoo/ Jan Di instead of the main couple of Joon Pyo/ Jan Di)
And several others, but those are the ones I remember at the moment.
Main ships from American and/ or western shows and movies (though I probably like others from the same franchise too):
-Marvel: Steve/ Peggy and Clint/ Natasha are my main ships. I really enjoy Bucky/ Sam too, but I haven’t ventured to them quite as much.
-Barney/ Robin from How I Met Your Mother
-Penelope and Colin from Bridgerton. Really liked Kate/ Anthony too.
-Carol/Daryl from The Walking Dead followed by Rick/ Michonne (admittedly I slowly lost interest in the series after Glenn died, & I think I mainly stopped watching after Carl died. But I love the ship still)
-Tony/ Ziva from NCIS
-Deeks/ Kensi from NCIS LA
-Rollins/ Carisi from SVU followed by Benson/ Barbara. (All 3 of which, NCIS/ NCIS LA/ SVU, I didn’t finish or don’t really keep up with regularly)
-Harry/ Hermione from Harry Potter
-Penny/ Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory (I probably stopped watching regularly after season 5 though)
-Chloe/ Oliver from Smallville
-Enola/ Tewksbury from Enola Holmes TV show
-Uncas/ Alice from Last of the Mohicans movie
-Casey/ Kevin from Split & Glass (they’re one of my more problematic ships, TBH)
Cartoons/ Anime/ Comics:
-Starfire/ Robin from 2003 Teen Titans cartoon & the 1980s comics & live action tv show, also known as Dick/ Kory followed by Beast Boy/ Raven (or Garfield/ Rachel)
-Bruce/ Selina (pretty much any Batman universe I’ve seen)
-Naruto/ Hinata from Naruto. Shikamaru and Temari are a secondary fav for me.
-Ichigo/Orihime from Bleach. I also like Renji/ Rukia.
-Toph/ Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, but I prefer them as a post-original series couple. She’s too young for me to want them together during the show. Katara/ Aang.
Pretty much any of the studio Ghibli main characters, though there are still a few films I need to see…
Honorable mention to Lily/ Sebastian in the Love, Lies, & Hocus Pocus book series I’m currently reading…
There’s probably a ton of other ones (certainly there are more shows/ movies I love that I don’t necessarily have a ship for or that I just didn’t have a ship I went to fanfic for) but these were the ships I most remember from growing up and/or from reading fanfic/ fan art in the last 10 years or so…
What about you? What are some of your ships? I don’t suppose we have any other overlapping ships or shows, do we?
And much love right back at you! 🩵
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larcenywrites · 5 months
Alright, bear with me: 1) in the comics, Tony becomes Iron Man a lot earlier than he does in the MCU (in his 20s, not in his 30s, not too long after his parents death), 2) people say cats can kinda sense when you're sick. So imagine if Maria's fluffy cat, which now belongs to Tony, felt that something was wrong with him during the palladium poisoning... and the cat just refused to leave him alone, she'd always follow him around and watch over him, keep him company, give him cuddles 🥺
🥺 tbh the cat probably wouldn’t leave him alone much anyway, but she’d be very concerned 🥺 Tony would probably get pretty annoyed when she keeps placing her paws on his chest and sniffing his eyes every morning 😭 especially because she’ll probably place her paws right on the reactor sometimes and it probably hurts a little 😭 and she’s a little heavy 🤧
I would love exploring the idea of an earlier MCU Iron Man tbh! It’s not longer after his parents death, and perhaps it’s not Afghanistan for several reasons, but suddenly he’s on his first overseas business trip and very tired and confused tbh but somehow it gets worse… By this point it likely wasn’t orchestrated by Stane but he’s kinda cool with it 🤔
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webanglikethat · 2 months
Writing tips My Revered Fic God 🙏?
An Anxious Boy’s Guide to Writing:
0 ➜ let’s start with THE most liberating truth: there is no singular "right" way to approach writing. whether it's crafting dialogue, building characters, or painting vivid settings, the only "right" way is YOUR way. so embrace YOUR unique voice and style. this isn't just some random feel-good advice; it's a FUNDAMENTAL truth of creative expression !! I mean, think about your favorite authors – they each have a unique voice, style, and approach. some write flowery and descriptive prose, while others prefer stark and minimalist sentences. some excel at witty dialogue, others at introspective monologues. [the beauty of writing lies in this diversity.] I mean, even within a single genre or style, there's room for infinite variation. so therefore, your unique perspective, experiences, and way of seeing the world will naturally infuse your writing with something special. so, instead of trying to write the"right" way, focus on writing YOUR way. the way you write is perfect. 
1 ➜ try some warm-up exercises !! write a short scene with your characters doing something mundane, like grocery shopping or cleaning their room! it will sound weird, but you’ll get accustomed to your character and how they behave. jot down some dialogue between characters about their day. as you write, pay attention to how your characters behave in these everyday situations. how does your protagonist handle the frustration of a long checkout-line? do they meticulously organize their groceries, or toss everything haphazardly into the cart? these small details can reveal volumes about their personalities.
2 ➜ don’t pressure yourself to post anything !!!!! write for yourself first !!!! treat it like a private journal if that helps take the pressure off it !!! seriously !!!
3 ➜ I'm not above bribing myself, and neither should you be 😊 try setting small rewards: "If I write 100 words, I get to watch an episode of my favorite show." BUT be careful – this can become counterproductive if you get stuck on a particular section. use this technique’s sparingly and adjust as needed 💀 it can be VERY TOXIC so uhhh maybe skip this …. 
4 ➜ read old stuff you’ve written. for me it reminds me that I can, in fact, put words together in a semi-coherent manner. 
5 ➜ COMIC SANS! write in comic sans, it’s proven to help you write more (plus my ADHD ass loves it) 
6 ➜ that said, write in a different background color. it sounds silly, but I LOVE IT !! but again, it might just be my ADHD. I know my friends prefer ntr (the font). so don't stop at Comic Sans. try out different fonts to see what works for you. maybe the clean lines of Arial help you focus, or perhaps the classic look of Times New Roman puts you in a scholarly mood. some writers swear by monospaced fonts like Courier for their first drafts, finding that the uniform letter width helps them focus on the words rather than the layout! don’t just stop at the background – play with text colors too. while black on white is standard, try dark blue text on a cream background, or dark grey on light blue. the key is to find a combination that's easy on your eyes and stimulates your creativity. I really like soft pink with dark blue :]
7 ➜ start with the scene you're most excited about, even if it's not the beginning. (what I always do tbh … the scene which inspired my whole WIP is like … 5k words in). many successful authors swear by this method. Toni Morrison often started writing her novels from the scenes that most intrigued her. in an interview with The Paris Review, she said, "I always know the ending; that's where I start."
7.5 : short scientific moment: according to a study published in the "Journal of Experimental Social Psychology," people are more likely to complete tasks when they're intrinsically motivated – aka, when they're genuinely excited about what they're doing. so by kicking off with your most thrilling scene, you're basically hacking your brain's motivation center!!!!
8 ➜ write your idea as a text message to a friend. sometimes the casual format helps !! like “hey, so X is doing this, and then Y…” — you might wonder, why does this work? it is all about reducing the pressure. when we text friends, we're not worried about perfect grammar or flowery language – we just yk spill the tea 💅 so this casual format can help unlock your creativity. creativity flourishes when we're relaxed and not overthinking.
9 ➜ use a writing prompt generator for a warm-up exercise !! but also prompts on Tumblr!! I can send you some if needed <3 pro tip: set a timer for like 10 minutes and write based on a prompt without stopping. it’s like a creativity workout for your brain.
10 ➜ create a "no one will ever see this" document where you can write freely. I kid you not, this takes some pressure off my shoulders !! like wow, no one will see this (unless I change my mind) so I can write as I desire. the psychology behind this is solid (let me yap, I’m a psychology student). it basically taps into what psychologists call a "safe space" – an environment where you feel free from judgment and can express yourself fully. by creating this judgment-free zone for your writing, you're actually stimulating the parts of your brain associated with creativity and reducing activity in areas linked to self-censorship.
11 ➜ the "word sprint" technique (no idea if that’s how it’s called). so basically set a timer for a few minutes and write non-stop, even if it's gibberish. and then sit back and look what you can work with !! I LOVE DOING THAT — now, why does this work? again, it’s all about bypassing your inner critic. you know -> that annoying voice that's always like, "wtf, that sentence is trash." by forcing yourself to keep writing, you're actually tapping into your subconscious creativity. psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi found that people are most creative and productive when they're fully immersed in a task. when I'm done, I sit back and look at what I've written, and I'm often surprised by the gems hidden in there. It's like, "okay, let's rewrite this part, let's change this adjective..." but the raw material is there!
12 ➜ change your environment every once and then. write in a different room or outside. seriously, I get some weird but cool ideas when switching rooms. I’m like “oh .. wait I could add this in my story” 😭😭 try this: set up a "writing tour" of your home. spend 30 minutes writing in each room. pay attention to how your writing changes with each location. does your bedroom inspire more introspective scenes? does the kitchen spark dialogue ideas?
13 ➜ NOW to the big one. the voice that says "what if it's not good enough?" now here is a secret: first drafts are never good enough. that is what editing is for. that’s why they’re first. I mean eldest children are fucked up compared to their younger siblings, so why can’t books be? Ernest Hemingway, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, said it best: "The first draft of anything is shit." and if Hemingway's first drafts were shit, we “normal writers” can cut ourselves some slack tbh 🫂
[here is a fun fact: Mary Shelley's first draft of "Frankenstein" was only about 72,000 words. the published version? Nearly 170,000! that is a whole lot of editing and rewriting.]
14 ➜ make a list of why you love writing and why this story matters to you !! when we write down our motivations, we're actually engaging in a form akin to self-affirmation. studies show that self-affirmation can reduce stress and improve performance. so basically it’s like giving your brain a big, warm hug <33
15 ➜ one of my favorites -> create a "praise folder" our brains have a negativity bias and we tend to focus on and remember negative feedback more than positive. the praise folder helps counteract this by giving you concrete evidence of your awesomeness.
so basically create a folder on your computer or in the cloud. every time time you get a positive comment, screenshot it and add it to the folder. include comments from friends, family, online communities and even old teacher's notes if you have them (they boost my ego SO MUCH). it's a confidence goldmine. on days when imposter syndrome hits hard, I open that folder and remember that yes, I can write, and yes, people enjoy my work!
pro tip: add your own praise too! when you write something you're particularly proud of, jot down a note about why you love it and add it to the folder <3
16 ➜ set RIDICULOUS low goals. like idk, "I'll write one sentence today." you’ll probably write more and then you've succeeded! plus, it tricks your brain into getting started, which is often the hardest part. once you've written that one sentence, you'll probably keep going. it’s kinda of like telling yourself you'll just watch one episode of your fave show – we all know how that ends 💀
17 ➜ another time, I opened up my old diary and started typing out entries. it was cringy 😭😭 BUT it got me writing. and before I knew it, I was tweaking those real-life events into a scene for my character !! shoutout to Ram, you’re carrying my trauma from now on 😭🫂
18 ➜ something to start with as well: rewrite scenes from the book. take what's canon and make it your own, change what you don't like, add something you think lacked, add details that a diamond scene could never be long enough to have. you'll have the blueprint so its hard to sway away from it, if you're insecure about ooc and/or rusty this is a great start. some of the greatest works in literature started as retellings or reimaginings. (“West Side Story" is just "Romeo and Juliet" with a new setting)
19 ➜ even if your writing doesn’t get a lot of likes, that doesn’t mean it isn’t good enough. I’ve had to fight with that a lot (especially as of lately) because I’ve always measured my skills with the attention they got; I've had to really work on separating my self-worth as a writer from that. It's HARD, or at least it was for me because I started writing in a community that really focused on that (on insta) we are SO SO SO SO conditioned to seek that validation BUT I've found a few things that help !! 
20 ➜ set goals that aren't related to likes! 
21 ➜ remember that some of the most critically acclaimed books weren't bestsellers at first, and that sometimes people rate masterpieces 2 stars ?? like hello?? 
22 ➜ and obviously focus on the comments and messages from people who were truly touched by your work, even if they're fewer in number <33 I might get like 5 likes on my writing posts that aren’t RC related but the comments are always the sweetest
23 ➜ try the Pomodoro Technique: work in focused 25-minute bursts, followed by 5-minute breaks. this can help maintain concentration and prevent burnout!
24 ➜ read your work aloud!! I swear this can help you catch awkward phrasing, repetition, and pacing issues that you might miss when reading silently.
25 ➜ join a writing group or find a writing buddy! lose your minds together 💀🫂
-> remember, characters can evolve. if they feel a bit different, that's natural !! you can can always explain it as character growth or new experiences they've had "off-screen” !! just yesterday I was writing a scene with Vyxaria okay? and as we know, she’s usually super confident and just the cunties MC ever, but in this scene, she was kind of a nervous wreck ?? and so /I/ freaked out, thinking I'd lost her voice completely. but then I realized that like ?? hello ?? even confident people have moments of doubt. that scene ended up being one of my favorites because it showed her vulnerability !! 
one last long long long rant! 
remember, you're not writing for likes. you are writing because you have stories to tell, emotions to express, and worlds to create. THAT is where the real value lies. keep pouring your heart onto the page, and the right readers will find you. your words matter, likes or no likes.
why do we write? it’s not for the dopamine hit of seeing those likes roll in (though, let's be real, that feels pretty good). we write because we have stories burning inside us, begging to be told. think about it – how many times have you been in the shower, or lying in bed, or stuck in traffic, when suddenly a character pops into your head, demanding attention? or a plot twist that gives you goosebumps? that is your writer's soul speaking and it doesn't give a flying fuck about likes. writing is our way of making sense of the world, of exploring the depths of human emotion, of asking "what if?. it is how we process our joys, our traumas, our fears, and our dreams. when you sit down to write, you're not just stringing words together – you're creating a portal to another world, a window into someone else's soul (even if that someone is a fictional character).
the real value lies in the impact your words have – on you as the writer, and on those who read them. maybe your story helps someone feel less alone in their struggles. perhaps your poem captures a feeling someone else couldn't express. your fantasy world might be the escape someone desperately needs. that value can't be quantified in social media metrics.
I know it's hard, especially in this age of instant gratification, but try to shift your focus from external validation to internal satisfaction. ask yourself: did I express what I wanted to say? did I challenge myself as a writer? did I pour my truth onto the page? if the answer is yes, then congratulations, you've succeeded, regardless of how many likes that post gets !!!!!! 
so, write like nobody's watching (or liking). write for the pure joy of creation, for the thrill of bringing your imagination to life, for the catharsis of expressing your deepest truths. hour words have power and meaning, with or without external validation. they matter because YOU matter, and your perspective is unique and valuable. you're not just creating content – you're leaving a piece of yourself in the world. that’s beautiful, that's brave, and that's worth more than all the likes in the world. so keep writing, keep creating, keep sharing your voice. 🫂
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
random rant. why was i thinking about this I do not know
i have a lot of thoughts about infinity war and endgame. there were some great moments (i love a good community experience and the lady in the theatre sharing her tissues with me when cap hears “on your left” will forever be a moment engraved on my heart - bless you strange lady wherever you are and may your life be full of good food good health good company && cherry blossoms)
but in general neither of them were great (not me writing an essay about how they clearly created the endgame script with the ability write captain marvel out if her movie didn’t do well, or about how the “girl power” scene was meaningless && performative, or about how they killed off nat who had been holding the planet together for five years to save clint barton the serial killer and then like?? didn’t have a funeral for her???)
but for the purposes of this post i will stick to how DIRTY they did the guardians of the galaxy
honestly rocket’s fat jokes. comics-canon rocket is attracted to all sorts of bodies and movie-canon rocket is honestly too aware of his own body image issues to risk bringing attention to anyone else’s tbh
nebula and rocket stayed on earth for five years during the snap? HOW is that canon??? i just absolutely fuckin refuse to believe it and i have wiped it from my mind. it makes NO sense. maybe they would’ve stayed until thanos got his head lopped off but after?? nah. they’re going back to space. maybe touching base with krags, the other ravagers like stakar, etc etc etc. i hereby uncanonize this event it’s fuckin stupid
even if we give allowances to the endgame writers and remind ourselves that they didn’t know about floor & teefs & lylla - i just can’t see interactions between rocket and thor in infinity war playing out the way they did. rocket had lost everyone in the snap (nebula being really only an ally at the time of infinity war) and he liked thor in endgame. (don’t get me started on the treatment of depression and grief in these fuckin movies)
nat’s treatment of rocket makes me wanna scream. why does serial killer clint look like the respectful one when they’re talking about her alleged coworker of five years?? who has apparently been working on protecting this planet he doesn’t think he has any ties to??
2014 nebula replaced 2022/2023 nebula and neither tony nor *rocket*, sole companion for five years (while isolated on terra apparently????) NOTICED??? it makes me so fuckin mad i could scream (don’t worry i fuckin fixed it)
gimme some time and im sure ill think up more
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carmenized-onions · 17 days
Okay it’s been for fucking ever since I promised a p2
not ‘I love you’. Because saying I love you would be weird and bad and stupid and too soon.
so so cute they’re such nerdsssss
Him avoiding Dee Dee so reall
Also Carmy finally paying himself so tony can join and him wanting the white apron for her wanting her to be his team and her with the blue so so cute
Alsoooo the Faks just being there so hilarious.
RICHIE CALLING CHIP TO BUG THEM!!!! And being giggly coz they’ll pick up (the am I dead drama was hilarious)
squid and inks chat too>>>>> ong they’re bestiesssss
PART 2222222~~ Listen never apologize for a delay anymore. i'm the king of delays.
But anyways. I think I did really consider naming this chapter 'Weird and Bad' before settling on Don't Say It. Should I be admitting that. I thought it would be extremely funny and to be fair it would, but it probably would've taken away from the romance so i steered away
LISTEN IF MAN DOES IT TO HIS PHONE I THINK HE'S GONNA IGNORE HER IRL TOOOOOOOOOOO, thankfully everyone gets it in this moment lmao
I personally believe, let's talk S4 theories bro, that Carmen has not been paying himself. That's like his excuse for spending 13k on fucking butter. Is that he's not getting a paycheck. And I think he's on the brink of getting evicted as a result! But in CK canon, I had to deviate, because Chip was smart!!! if you wanna be my lover, you gotta not be some FUCKING BUM!!!!!!!
i'm still mad about the five stars. IT WOULD'VE BEEN SO MUCH MORE DRAMATIC IF THEY WENT FROM 3 TO 1. LIKE COME ON. COME ONNNNNNN whatever. i love my petit chef nonetheless
love to use my comic relief faks that also help move plot along. thank you for your service Matter of Fak
as we know, this fic has always really been more about RiChip and SquidInk than THIS CARMTONY BULLSHIT, IT'S ALL ABOUT THEIR FRIENDSHIPSSSSSS RAAHHH
especially next chapter tbh. it's such a not carmen chapter. so far at least. maybe the final scene will shake things up but i am currently taking a break before writing the last 2.5 scenes because my brain is exploding. maybe something this weekend though? no promises.
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winterhawk-ao3feed · 3 months
the timeline-transcending fuckups of clint barton (and how he fixed them)
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56622376
by lovefromtwo
It took the barest glance at his surroundings to figure out that he wasn’t in the vents anymore, but in a dingy alley. He had been sitting right next to a trash can, which explained the smell that was just now washing over him. The walls were plastered with black and white, peeling posters advertising local nightclubs and shops- none of which, upon his first glance through, he recognized. One of them, which advertised a place called Samuel's, declared a MIDNIGHT SHOW- Every Saturday- 25 cents a ticket.
25 cents. A ticket.
Triple futz.
It didn’t take Tony Stark to figure out where Clint was. Or, actually, when he was. Which was definitely not any time in the past thirty years at least. Twenty five cents. Jesus christ.
Clint slumped against the wall, raking his hands through his hair. “Aww, time travel, no,” he muttered, entirely to himself. He had been having such a good day too. Completely incident free. Except that he had accidentally knocked over Bucky’s coffee this morning in the communal kitchen and fled instantly. But he wasn’t ready to deal with the mortifying ordeal of thinking about that yet.
(or, the time Clint Barton went back in time and fell in love with Bucky Barnes all over again)
Words: 4378, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel, Captain America (Movies), Hawkeye (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Howling Commandos, Peggy Carter, Other Avengers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Deaf Clint Barton, Clint Barton-centric, Dubiously Explained Science, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Sexism, Clint Barton Needs a Hug, They all do tbh, Identity Porn, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, again don't they all, Carnie!Clint Barton, mcu canon can bite me, but the hawkeye comics are my bible, Idiots in Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romantic Fluff, too tho lots of it, Slow Burn, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, your author has no idea how the military works, and doesn't particularly care either, Not Canon Compliant, Overuse of 40s Slang, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, sort of fix-it fic but only if you squint, also slight background steve/tony but again only if you squint, Clint Barton Causes Several Sexuality Crises
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
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AFFILIATE VERSE / Into the Mel-verse if you are feeling groovy
set in a heavily canon divergent 616 timeline w/ spiderverse movies worked in / some of this like the leonard stuff is canon across all verses @thefleetsfinest / @crisispider / @hopeburns
anyways, here's a bunch of headcanons and notes that i have for what i have developed with MEL MY BELOVED BESTIE; and if it's chill, i will probably default to this verse being my main / primary. so if you're groovy, i'd like to write in this verse.
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💜💙 freefall happens a little differently, in that linda and clint never dated, but they are friends mostly because linda is dating @thefleetsfinest and leonard adopted a stray alcoholic (clint) that is how that is going
💜💙 linda and clint still attend the gala together, or more linda runs into clint at the f.e.a.s.t. charity thing (leonard is probably in attendance too / linda still calls tony small dick energy and then kisses her doctor boyfriend) and both are squinty eyes at him the entire time
💜💙 Clint is actually injured going to Linda's clinic when Spiderman and Captain America confront him, and Linda still goes to defend him; partly because she will not have that happening right outside of her clinic. it definitely one of the leading causes where she wants some space from clint
💜💙 Clint still brings Bryce to Linda's apartment, and Bryce dies, and that's why Clint gets banned from her apartment. Linda calls Leonard to help with clean up, and Leonard helps Clint in the direct aftermath
💜 He goes to Leonard all injured after The Hood, and than he decides to go sober with the help of Leonard
💜💙 clint is still currently banned from linda's apartment, but she has mostly forgiven him for covering his ass and the whole dying kid in her house; it's fine he is leonard's friend, she can forgive him over time
💜 leonard mccoy is clint's aa sponsor, across all open verses, when post freefall happens; clint's living on leonard's couch as he gets sober and starts to put his life back together, there may have been some snuggling involved, because when you are sad and pitiful, sometimes being held is nice and lenny is a good friend.
💙 Clint and Leonard tend to go to aa meetings in Brooklyn, but if ever needed they have popped into the usual place that Tony and Carol end up. The first time that happened was so awkward for Clint.
💜 The first four people, on Clint's long list of amends and apologies, is to Kate, Bucky, Natasha, and Peter Parker.
💜 Now let's get on to talking Peter Parker ( @crisispider ). After apologizing to Peter, the two had always been friends over the years, but they become closer friend again. Clint is surprisingly there as Peter is going through the details of a divorce, or co-parenting, and being a single dad.
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💜 Clint is roughly one year sober, and only doing small investigative, vigilante/hero work, not always directly in NYC (legal troubles), and that is when Luke has become Mayor (tbh i do not know the timeline between 2020 to 2022/23 comics well) when he gets the offer about the Thunderbolts, he is not at all sure about it and still has major issues with this
💜 Clint and Peter have been becoming closer friends, since Clint apologized, and it's once Clint has joined the Thunderbolts, that is when Clint and Peter start to flirt a little more, and one thing leads to another, that leads to feelings and a relationship. Clint's been a Thunderbolt for the city for some time now, in a relationship with Peter for some time. About a year probably.
💜 Peter and part-time Mayday move in with Clint at some point down the line, making the Spiderman and little Bug mainstays in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. The neighbors at Bed-Stuy absolutely love Peter B. Parker, and he's a big help at fixing things and making thee apartment labeling make sense
💜 Clint and MJ are buds, pals, friends; he loves her. The Barton-Parker-Watson family is so good and wholesome. Kate Bishop is also a part of that, DUH, Peter gets Kate in Clint's will. Kate and Peter have such a funny friendship.
💜 Eventually, Clint does get back in good graces with the Avengers, and even returns to the Avengers in the time of emergencies. He can be both a TB and an Avenger sometimes as a treat.
💜 Clint's even visited Spider-society once, because Peter vouched really had for a bring-your-boyfriend to work day.
💜 Clint's best friend, outside of his other best friends. His non-superhero friend if he has to be specific is Leonard, he loves harassing his doctor, needs him as his sponsor. has become more of brother to him than barney is, and is his best friend. they just get each other. and he swears if leonard gets hurt.
💜 Leonard makes Clint cry more than he'd care to admit to, like when Leonard and the Mccoy family adopt Clint as their own, and treat him like family. It makes him cry and stop he knows it's okay to cry Peter, he's till crying though and its ugly. He also just loves Leonard a lot.
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💙 Linda and Leonard start dating before Freefall takes place exact timeline uncertain. this happens after Leonard wises up. She cares a lot about him, and was just giving him space to adjust to moving to New York and involving himself in superhero lives. They are so close with each other, and really it was a matter of time.
💙 The Night Nurse Network is a thing, with Linda's clinic being a whole location, and she's got her rolodex of associates. She's got help now, she's not the only doctor/physician acting as more than half of NYC's hero population's pcp and emergency doctor. She has @thefleetsfinest and @hopeburns (when she's not in space) who both can be ran into and seen around the clinic, as well most importantly, everyone's favorite waiting room buddy, Leonard's corgi Luna. there's three doctors/nurses are the night nurse clinic now.
💙 As Clint would put it, the crush era between Linda and Leonard was unbearable (and since clint was drinking at the time / he drank to that) as Leonard would deny any time he got jealous that Linda was trying to date and get out there. Linda absolutely hated that time, as most dates were just not interesting or went poorly, and she did not really want to be "getting out there", plus Leonard was right there and really they were both unbearable and oblivious to each other's interest in the other!
💙 Linda always ends up back at the clinic after her dates (the one time with the lizard girl), and most of that she ends up hanging out with Leonard after all her dates, cause he's more interesting (and the ideal guy)
💙 Linda's friends include Jessica Drew (and Carol by extension), Stephen Strange (they get coffee, he's a pest once he knows about leonard too absolutely awful), Laelynn (by extension her girlfriend Luce), and Leonard (by extension clint and peter are around a too), and than there is Danny and Luke as well.
💙 Speaking of Jessica Drew, Linda absolutely adores babysitting Gerry when given the chance. To add to that, she starts watching Mayday Parker as well which she really doesn't mind, because of Leonard doing a favor for @crisispider and Clint.
💜🧡 Clint and Peter watch Greer's kid William sometimes, which naturally Clint is like "Oh my pal leonard can watch him too" which sorry Leonard you didn't like those curtains did you anyways. So Greer has Clint or lets Clint's friend Leonard watch William.
💙💜 So Linda and Leonard babysit, just as Clint and Peter will baby sit all the super kids they know.
💙 Linda was more nervous about Leonard meeting her mother, than about meeting the Mccoys or Leonard meeting the rest of her family. This is mostly because of the fact that her mother was unpredictable in how her opinion could be swayed. It wouldn't change anything, but it'd be preferrable if she was Leonard-favorable.
💛 Wasps and spiders may be natural enemies (which may not be true), but Nadia has said she has arguably warmed up to @crisispider but like Miles is still the cooler Spiderman
❤️ Luce (i know i need to add her) is absolute buds with @crisispider it happens mostly because she quips back to at least half of Spiderman's jokes with quotes in specific voice, and they usually grab a bite after a tough day of heroing. That and they get the whole secret identity.
❤️ Luce is Newark's vigilante, but she'll end up wherever a lead will take her which is more often than not over the water to NYC. She tries to avoid being in Manhattan, minus the Night Nurse clinic which is currently in Manhattan, because every superhero and his mom defends Manhattan. She'll go defend Staten Island if she has to over Manhattan (that's a joke she'll kick names and take ass anywhere, wait a minute)
❤️ LUCE ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT PROVE LEGAL ADVICE ! She knows why are asking @crisispider so go pester a lawyer! She is just a paralegal, and it's in her opinion that like hawkeye should not.
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💜 THE WURM -> don't worry about :) -> it's not a cosmic threat :) -> all in your minds :) -> it's my blog, so of course, this would happen in a meddium length hawkeye run :)
💜 A few relapses for Clint, superhero shit is tough but he always gets back on and it never lasts long. his sobriety lasts longer.
💜 Oh about that Wurm ;) The avengers are clint's team :) oh and Clint plus the team save the day :) so you think :) and things are fine until the Wurm comes back to eat Clint I mean what :)
💙 Linda has to relocate the clinic, which actually ends up being more upsetting than she'll care to admit. It happen, it's happened before, she's always moved when needed. This time it's more because Danny Rand had bought the last building to remove rent as an issue for her. She knows it was a give back thank you gift, these things happen, it is still absolutely a stressful and massive plan when she moves her clinic out of the Lower East Side. She tries to find a place near the same area and still in Manhattan, but rent is a bitch. She manages to find a place in Turtle Bay, between 2nd and 3rd.
💜 Clint and Peter get married ! There is going to be a wedding. The proposal? Has not been worked out. But there is, of course it's gonna end up a big thing, spiderman and hawkey are big heroes!
💜 Clint's best man is . . . complicated. It ends up being co-best man Kate and Leonard. He had to narrow down groomspeople to a limit number of four. Figuring out who is. . . . still tough.
💙 The meeting of the Carters and Mccoys was something, which to date may be the most stressed that Linda has ever been to date. It goes well, mostly.
💙 Linda and Leonard will get married too, and Linda wants it family and friends, and keep it small and quiet. As much as it can be when there are already a few superheroes who have to be on the list ( stephen plus clint and peter)
💜 Clint is Leonard's best man for his wedding with Linda. IT IS VERY EMOTIONAL. and Clint's speech is great (awful)
💙 linda's dress is a little decade inspired, just below the knee in leg, with some umpf to the skirt, off the shoulders or at least neck bare, good for dancing, very simple. the more exciting part of this is really the lace she is wearing underneath.
💜 Peter is gonna have a second kid with Clint. They are gonna be girl dads time two.
and just. so much more. so much. i love this affiliate verse. so much. also like. peter has the whole of spider society stuff. going on. and clint can't even wrap his head around some of it.
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