#and coming back because you dont know where else to go.......AUGH
doctorwhoisadhd · 6 months
jack harkness parker macmillan parallels are crazy especially with my personal opinion that jack and parker carried alice and york respectively...... holy fuckign shit. INSANE.
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vind3miat0r · 6 months
Hush EA Spoilers.
OKAY. okay. a LOT to unpack here holy shit
first off, loving the soft Hush and Doc interactions at the beginning, the babygirl is learning! i love them ahsgajdh and Hush asking Doc to hold his hand :(((
it sounds like Hush only pulled together the parts of Vega from before the Cacophony ended. he has a better(?) view of humans, and he doesnt seem so vindictive of them as of yet
one thing that caught my attention is that Vega said "I am the first-formed of Gravity." he's one of the first demons. i even theorized as much in my last tinfoil hat post (therefore it is my legal right to say "HAH! called it!") that makes the Sovereign's cruelness towards demons even more sad, cuz he knew what they were like before they were evil n shit
another thing that Vega said was that he was the "Anacrusis of his (D'Deridahn's) Phrase." (this is referring to when he's repeating his whole name). again, we already know that "anacrusis" means "one or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a verse."
i said in an earlier theory that the term "Anacruses" might be a fancy title for old demons. Vega said he's the "Anacrusis of [D'Deridahn's] Phrase." so, i think in some aspects, i was right, but "Anacruses" is more specific: it refers to the first demon created by a Sovereign; the "Phrase" in question being the line of demons created by that Sovereign, and the Anacrusis of that phrase being the first demon. do you see where im going with this?
speaking of lines, Vega said "When you made the Well. When you formed the line."
now, the obvious jump we can make with this is that Hush is the one who created the Elision Well in Aria. we already know from previous audios that Hush was someone else before he was Hush. he maintains that he was created (recently) by the Sovereigns, but Vega calling him "Egregore of the Sovereigns" clearly says that Hush indeed was someone else beforehand
whats interesting is that Vega doesnt say that Hush (or Egregore) is a Sovereign; he says "of the Sovereigns," which is funny because Egregore sounds like a very Sovereign-esque name, not a star's name like a demon's. looks like Egregore is a creation of the Sovereigns too, but what is he? is he the same as Hush, the silence in the spellsong? or is he something completely different, like a lesser Sovereign, or the first demon? could the naming conventions have been different back then? or maybe, its the opposite direction, with Egregore being an angel-type character?
and what is the "line" that Vega refers to? i assume that it has to do with the Well, considering that he says, "When you made the Well. When you formed the line." maybe its the line of yet-to-be-formed demons, lying in wait just beyond perceptibility?? we dont know why demons have kept forming in the Well after the Sovereigns were chained to Death, Avior said as much im sure; and granted, we dont even know how or why the Well was formed in the first place, but we do now know that Hush/Egregore was responsible for it
wrapping this up with YIPPEE THEYRE GONNA GO FIND WARDEN!! THEYRE GONNA GO LOOK FOR MY BABYGIRL!!!! i love Warden sm, they have a special place in my heart augh. cant wait for Hush to show up with their presumed dead situationship and be like "can you fix him 🥺🥺🥺" and for Warden to be like "WHAT THE FUCK??!" need to see them get angry on god frfr
in conclusion, Hush reforms Vega, Vega drops some Hush lore while also being an amnesiac, and sends all the theorizers of the fandom into a tail-spin trying to figure the meaning of the cryptic titles he keeps spitting out. uhhh damn thats crazy. anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk, and remember: its just a theory (a game theory–)
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peppermint-moss · 3 months
13, 19, 22, 25, 32! :)
13. talk about a wip you like! wink wonk needletail amv!!!!!!!!! I'm determined to get him done by end of summer before uni starts again AUGH its gonna happen im gonna do it i SWEAR here's some thoughts
I was like 'why is this video taking so long' n then realized most of my amvs are 3 min tops and this one is 5 MINUTES WITH BACKGROUNDS like yea bud its gonna take a while afjskdlhg
I'm trying da vinci resolve again and with a new faster computer it's actually been going alright!! I hate. the gaussian blur it's doing weird things but I don't want to figure out how to use fusion to workaround it and it's not a huge issue so... just gonna leave it be
i hatee backgrounds and they're just kind of. im doing them out of necessity and shortcutting the hell out of them lol dont look at the backgrounds too closely when the video comes out LMAO
video itself is going good!! there's a lotta scenes im v excited to see come into its final stage and im v excited C: !!! sneak peak be upon ye!!
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19. where do you find inspiration? I have an 'art ref' tag on my main blog that I usually just kind of scroll through so its mostly a collection of art/photos/colours etc i find on tumblr c:
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with? I love warmer toned like soft brown-tinted pieces but I've never actually drawn with that i don't think.. Cooler tones I think are trickier for me (I keep ending up with pink in there but I don't think I should be??? idk lol) but i Looove when I can add a pop of like cold piercing cyan to a warm piece hehe
25. what size canvas/paper do you use? I used to draw somewhere in the 3000x2000 px range, BUT my friends were like thats so small!! and they draw on like 5000x5000 px which sounded WILD to me but I gave 5000px a shot and WOW i do like it... i can get more detail in with my lil brush.. yea so I'm transitioning over to using bigger canvases now lol
32. have you done a lot of collabs? No not besides the occasional map part (which I only really stick to doing just my part anyways!) I prefer to work individually waay more which is like a strength and a weakness cause I don't think I'm very receptive to collaborative work lol (i have less patience for it and am less likely to voice my thoughts orz.. I'd like to be better at collaboration but because its smth I avoid my brain's like well no need to improve that then afjdsklgh) BUT im p baller at getting things done on my own
Something i DID do a while back is the art collab meme with some friends which I actually really loved how they all turned out!! C: (Jo is me btw lol) (idk if there's an originator for this meme ? closest i could find was this but lemme know if there's someone else to credit)
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ask game questions here
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Omg omg omg. Hi. Ok so idk if Shintaro would tell Takane about how he killed her in Route XXX (I kinda feel like he wouldn’t) but I definitely imagine that Shintaro is extremely guilty about it and the memory of it straight up haunts him at night sometimes. Dude probably has nightmares about it every now and again
Like imagine Shintaro randomly tightly hugging Takane and immediately apologizing over and over again and Takane is just “??” becuz she doesn’t know what happened!! She’s clueless! She’s not reminded of the horrors like Shintaro is!
Anyways thanks for coming to my KageTed Talk have a good day/afternoon/night
I AGREEEEEEE I AGREE COMPLETELYYYYY his ass WOULD NOT TELL HER but he's so haunted by it!!!!
shintaro sees takane and sees the person who was by his side over a hundred times and he even once killed. augh his self hatred and shit.... i want to explode theyre so best friends they love each other so much. they go everywhere together and are always together 👍
also them hugging ;_; _; ;_; shintaro is so bad with words so resorting to a hug makes sense. there's so much art of ene always clinging to shintaro and while takane (in my delusions) has her whole thing with touch i think she's naturally really clingy and touchy so she's also like. jumping on his back and surprise hugging him all the time and he's like AUGGHHH. i love drawing shintaro&takane hugs where takane holds him bc she's the comforter and shintaro is the pathetic wet washcloth that needs hugging.
GRRR GRRRR POST STR SHINTAKA CONFLICTS COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT imagine takane having a hard time with something and the dynamic shifts and shintaro Has no idea how tackle the situation with a vulnerable takane. sorry the bit in the seventh novel where takane gets upset for like 30 seconds and shintaro's like. I DONT WANNA EVER DEAL WITH SEEING TAKANE DEPRESSED AGAIN. means so much to me.
ok i always talk abt it, takane would just rely on haruka instead, she also wouldnt go to shintaro yknow. but man shintaro would want to help he just doesnt know how to handle seeing takane like a real person. not so much like the ayano thing where he puts her in a pedestal, with takane is more like... he's used to seeing her play a certain role and when takane moves from it bc of her own problems, he's all out of orbit and he's like Whoa what. also like in the seventh novel he wants to scream and run if he sees her upset like Haha what are you doing ur the sneering girlie in my puter STOP CRYING STOP IT STOP IT THAT'S WEIRD.
i think interesting conflict could come from shintaro insisting to takane he's there for her and she should count on him and have take him into account whenever she needs a shoulder, like he makes a big deal out of that but Then when she really needs him he doesn't actually manage to show up. OR!!!! ANOTHER FUN ONE: he goes and tells her problems to haruka or ayano or worse EVERYONE ELSE because he assumes theyre gonna do a better job than him but he puts her in the worst position of vulnerability ever that she HATES AND IS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE IN. like imagine he goes and tells haruka for example. idk What. like she's having a hard time with something, probably about her sensory issues (primarily i think she'd talk to haruka, but imagining shintaro is asking her to count on him too and her actually considering it and doing it). and chose shintaro to talk but shintaro just passes it over to haruka. and takane's like. ur going behind my back telling SHIT I TRUSTED U WITH??? and shintaro's like erm erm. hehe. shes not mad about haruka or whoever else knowing, its shintaro running away that she gets angry at. sry i have a whole fic written in my head
anyways. shintaro is trying to be a good friend to takane but their dynamic is weird and strange and tends to fall back to You dont know anything about me and I know everything about you (takane) and With a side of youve known me in this life while I've known you for over a hundred other lifetimes (shintaro). they make me crazy!
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E22 "Devil's Trap"
Brought to you by hey so each and every one of you who made me watch this. You all suck. This is the worst. I hate it here. What sort of BULLSHIT was that—
This episode featuring: Odd interrogation techniques, family dynamics, bodysnatching, and one deeply upset Ink
Banging opening music
I will not fall doooown... when push comes to shove I will rise above... jammin
Here we fuckin go the boys are off to save or avenge their dad
[ Kayla asks if one of the opening montages has used Carry On My Wayward Son. I said no, because I would definitely remember that. ]
Where are we
What the dog doin
Holy water and whiskey. Mood.
Oh this be Bobby
[ Kayla and Crepe cheer. They love Bobby. ]
SCREAMS. JOHN JUST HAS THAT AFFECT ON PEOPLE (referring to when he threatened to shoot John) oh I like him already
Satanic Roach Hotel
Ohh. Bad year. Most years 4 possessions, but this one had at least 27...... well thats rough
Fuck off Meg
"Chuckleheads" GREAT word use Meg
Okaaaay interrogation time
"Where's our father, Meg"
"You didn’t ask very nice"
"Where's our father, bitch"
Goddammit whys he so funny
Oh shes posessed
I dunno about innocent
Oh good news bc it means they can yeet the demon, yea?
"Hit it Sam" (begins praying)
[ Winchesters latest hit single in Christian Rap sweeps midwestern protestant congregations as a big hit! ]
Dean buddyyyy
Uh getting spookyyyyy
This is wild. Interrogation via exorcism
What the fuck are u gonna do here like what do u do
Shes dead but not but whats up
Hello ma'am
That sucks ass. Being exorcised certainly doesn't seem fun, esp when you got dropped from a building
A year............ bro.......
Poor gal...
As I went down to the river....
Oh she gone.............
"You guys think you invented lying to the cops?" lmao thanks bobby
"I won't even try to shoot him this time"
[ Crepe asks Kayla if Meg is the woman Bobby has buried in his garden or if that's someone else. Concerning. ]
SCREAMS hes making the car safe and Dean is like MY CAR
Dean just wants his family to stop being self sacrificing. Hypocrite
Sunrise Apartments!
Building full of human shields... thats a problem
Pull the fire alarm lol
Oh those people are SO posessed
Yep there he is, tied u— hm. I don't. Like that actually
"I've got a Yorkie upstairs, and he pees when he's nervous—" Dean for funniest liar
Demon? Demön?
Holy water!!
Hes still breathing hes not dead yet
But he might be posessed
Oh just had to check
Uh oh someone else just got posessed
And another....
Aha... the colt
[ Kayla: Uhhh I'm here for the colt stuff - the Winchesters]
2 bullets left!
Alright. Now what
Dean can and will kill for his family huh
Uh oh zappy lights
The demon's here!
Uh oh
Something is wrong
Sam going AAA
Bullshit bullshit
Kayla: and why was he right :)
Me: Bc he would have been pissed :(
Kayla: and never proud :)
Kayla: (therapy voice) and how did that make you feel
Me: I hate it here
Kayla: elaborate on that
Me: I haaaate it here
Kayla: mhm mhm (writing stuff down)
"What are you and God going to do?" dammmn
Justice for WHAT
Oh so a demon cares about its family
Good for him but also you were already trying to kill them before??
Yeah? Why?
What's your angle here
Huhhhhh. What the fuck do you want with Sam
"I really can't stand all your monologuing"
Oooough hitting him where it hurts damn
How are u guys goimg to get out of this
Oh shit oh SHIT
Oh fuck man
Bro it fucking leaving
Well this is an Awkward Family Ride
Kayla: awkward family ride abt to
What the fuck what the fuck
My so-called friends then proceeded to point, laugh, and heckle me for the next 10 minutes. This is bullshit I hope you know. Stupid goddamn cliffhangers stupid Winchesters and their STUPID FAMILY NONSENSE—
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iknowicanbutwhy · 2 years
Same anon from before, and I'm gonna kick things up a notch, now I'm going in the opposite direction where Wukong (who does have a history of an incredible temper and a catastrophic history of violence) who's so distraught and upset about Mac using his stufent against him and about MK training with Mac that after the fight Wukong lashes out and gives MK that wound before stopping to realize what he's done, but it's too late and MK has screaming and Mac *heard* it happen, and looking at Wukong with total disbelief and broken trust that a shadow portal opens up under and brings him to Mac, who's let down his glamor and has a scar from a similar wound.
AaaaaaAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOO and by no i mean YES YES but also AUGH WUKONG NO
Okay this goes for a while so i need a readmore
*head in hands* Wukong.. how would his and MK's relationship ever recover from that. I dunno if it would tbh. I feel like after that though, he'd either 1) hide away and wait for MK to come back, 2) do whatever he can to figure out what magical stuff and things he can get to fix MK's eye, or 3) seek out MK to take back his powers and staff before Macaque convinces him to enact some sort of vengeance and misuse those powers (which Wukong thinks he can understand why MK would do that and feels guilty and deserving enough to think it possible).
Or all three, not necessarily at the same time. Because this monkey may have a temper but DAMN was that Too Far For No Good Reason. He's supposed to be better and look what he did >:( but if his mistake leads to MK doing terrible things, he cant let that happen, and as sweet as Wukong knows the kid to be, its not like MK would go back to being trained under Wukong after losing an EYE. Probably. Definitely.
MK's most likely response would probably be shock, some disbelief, and then resentment, but not vengeance. He might feel guilty for a while, because it was him who went behind his mentor's back, but he'd also realize (and Mac would tell him) that he didnt deserve to be half blind because of it. He'd want to avoid Wukong more than anything, but if Wukong did try to take his powers, he'd fight back - because he still has to protect the city and his friends - and that would only exacerbate things further.
I like to think Macaque would certainly be empathetic, and a bit sympathetic, but im pretty sure the sympathy would be buried under the frustrating righteousness of MK not even trying to get back at Wukong. But hey, if MK begged him to train again (with less trust than before, but he doesnt have Monkey King anymore...) and Macaque actually agreed (probably trying to take the opportunity to convince the kid to share his power with Macaque or have MK fight Wukong with him) then... thats an opportunity for hesitant bonding time :)
For example: living with One Eye!! eh.... it's disorienting, your depth perception is suddenly gone (but kind of there through context clues), if your eye isnt healed yet you get headaches from moving around too much and sometimes from your other eye straining to pick up the pace (i cant remember the stuff i know about this), you may or may not have to sleep upright for a while - stuff i havent researched because if i click off my tumblr app my phone lacks the RAM to keep it open in the background. Fighting is harder, walking is harder, driving is harder. You have a literal blind spot and it's a little terrifying, especially when you dont notice someone is there. You ever do that embarrassing thing where you lift a utensil to your mouth and miss for no good reason (i do that with two eyes)? Macaque may have some tips to help adjust and a greater understanding than everyone else around MK, and thats always nice. Im pretty sure Macaque would encourage MK to use his ears more, especially on the blind side, even if it's easier for the Six Eared Macaque to do that than the two-eared MK.
But man.. the fight between Wukong and MK would be such a hit to MK's already bruised ego. Wukong would admit to his own terrible mistake, but he probably wouldnt even give MK a chance to (maybe not forgive but) move on from what was done because he'd probably shamefully assume he didnt, and then IMMEDIATELY proceed to demand MK renounce his staff and powers and MK is like >:O "NO!!! I- I need these to protect the city!" And Wukong is like "well sure, yeah, but I'll be taking care of that. We cant have you misusing your powers." And MK is all "But I havent been misusing them?? I've literally been kicking demon butt while you were hiding all the way at your mountain or disappearing wherever you want in the world or doing absolutely nothing to help the city." And Wukong is like "You've been watching the island??" When it's more like Macaque was and just telling MK about it because MK wanted to know whenever Wukong was in town so he could hide and Wukong gets all defensive before MK can talk like "Of course you were. Scheming with your new mentor, right?" And MK is like "No??? I didn't- I wouldnt DO that-" and Wukong interrupts with "just like you didnt do it before?" When he KNOWS that MK didnt purposefully work with Macaque the first time but he's getting defensive okay??
Id love to end the ensuing fight with Wukong getting genuinely angry again and that trips up and scares MK BUT. Wukong manages to hold back. He's not there to hurt the kid again, he's there to stop him from hurting himself and anyone else. Which is a bit ironic, because MK's friends most definitely joined in on the fight and got DEMOLISHED, but they're not missing any eyes (or limbs for that matter) and that makes MK SO relieved yet guilty that they'd been put in that kind of danger to begin with. But Wukong definitely made use of MK's blind spot and that definitely hurts, actually, but is also infuriating.
Oh wait how do i end this where the hell is Macaque.
Macaque kept out for the most part, feeling it was necessary to have this play out. Not that it was exactly easy... but he does yoink the kid out of there when Wukong corners him and very nearly takes his powers. And if any little MKs were in denial of just how far Wukong would go to do what he thinks is right (no matter how wrong he is), the good news is that Wukong had to remove the limiting seal on MK's powers that made him less than immortal first, and that achieved two things: 1) MK saw for himself Wukong reaching inside of him to rip out the best defense he has for the city and his friends, and 2) MK's powers remain unlocked when Macaque yoinks him out of there. And so commences the comfort portion of the hurt/comfort that this entire thing seems to be. I always like to think that Macaque is rather awkward when it comes to reassurances. He seems like a guy better at throwing out the harsh, twisted truth and a guy good at giving out platitudes, but he tries.
After that fight, MK and Macaque both realize that the King isn't going to let this go. Before Wukong showed up, MK had a choice between fighting with Macaque and hiding for a little longer, but now he doesn't even have a choice. It's fight or lose.
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ddeongies · 11 days
i need to lock in so i can try and do a thinkpiece for chapter 12 but that will maybe have to come later(slash never...) bc we are in the same boat and my brain is mushhhh right now so this might also be incoherent but HELLO HI i saw and read ur update so quickly i think something activated in me like nmau sleeper agent. this chapter was so cute 🥹🥹🥹 i love them sm...to my earlier ask YESSS TRUST AND CONSENT IS SO SEXYYYY ESPECIALLY WHEN CHARACTERS RESPECT WHEN SOMEONE'S SAYING NO and it's so good to see that from both sides too, i kind of said everything i have to say abt it in that other ask but really it's just so lovely how comfortable they are with each other despite the still lingering uncertainty about the nature of their relationship AUGH.
i love ryujins inner monologue all the time but just seeing how yeji seeps into her thoughts more and more over time and seeing her just bask in this overwhelming presence and her blossoming feelings like shes down BADDDDD, just this headfirst tumble from plain attraction into (almost) love i love themmmm.
ik we love seeing sexy top yeji but her cutie side is JUST AS IMPORTANT!!! soft pouty yeji im so...shes so...and her unfaltering desire to do whatever she thinks will make ryujin happy like even though she had already said it was fine they weren't hooking up, still offering just omg chill. i love her. sometimes she needs to think about herself first though. but thats just adding back on to my earlier point like ryujin is there and counter balances where yeji's mind might go and reassures her that yes she does actually like yeji as a friend before anything else.
i love the level of intimacy they've reached in this chapter...playing with fingers while cuddling always gets me like . we are seeing each otherrrr its so important. and the soft kisses without leading into anything else like AAGHBH THEYRE SOOOO the way u write them is sooooo........
let me add the little bits i did have from 12 thinkpiece i half started ummm.
first of all. yejiselle IM NODDINGGGGG THEYRE LITERALLY SO GREAT i love aetzy i love their friendship u literally give them such a fun dynamic even though theyre not the main focus. second of all. i really appreciate the way you explore that quieter, more contemplative side of yeji, like we all know she's a talker but this yeji(all of your yejis really) feels so steady, so calming, so safe. the kind of warmth that puts you to sleep because of how relaxed you feel etc etc. third of all... when ryujin gets a little bit mouthy and then they start a playful banter oh exactly and the ROUGHHOUSING YESSSSSS like u literally get it u literally understand everything
ok back to business. i really like your descriptions of like. scenery. like even just beyond actually describing it the way you do it makes it feel like actual characterization both in the way things in rooms are set up and the way whichever pov character notices and describes things its so great.
...the eager beaver shirt...ur sick....i also love when we get to see snippets uve posted show up in whichever fic theyre from
i think that's all for now i might come back again later if i think of anything else im dying to comment on, also i saw u got around to my other ask and i loved reading ur answer so much like we literally are seeing eachother abt everything. (and dont worry about taking a while to answer them, i totally get it). as always. thank you and take care!!!
omg i will eagerly await a chapter 12 think piece no rush no rush 😁 (and never is good too lol i feel you very hard on the brain mush issue godspeed friend)
i love showing consent and trust and stuff and one of my goals with nmau ryeji is to show like just them having this comfort and compatibility and mutual respect from really early on. like it’s not too hard to get through the slightly messier and more uncertain parts of getting together when the foundation you have is so good and easy! like do they know how to ask each other out? no! is it still worth it to keep trying? i’d say so!
god yeah yeji is SO much more present for ryu than she used to be like early on if yeji wasn’t physically there ryu wasn’t thinking about her so constantly but now…. she’s down just as bad as yeji is lol i love it and that’s what it’s like when you’re into someone… like everything is about them and you don’t even realize it
part of what makes sexy top yeji so sexy is the fact that she’s also this cute and pouty softy like she’s just all around precious and then she says or does something more 🥵 and it’s like oh…
but yeah it’s also really important to me that they had this baseline of friendship first. like you don’t need that for a good relationship (i literally met my wife on tinder so we dated in a very straightforward way lol), but for these two i really like it’s necessary for them to both get to the places they need to be idk
playing with fingers is so important….. especially when it’s something that irl ryeji be doing like please ladies 😭 and they both have such nice hands too 😭 (something that may be coming up in the chapter i’m currently working on lol)
i love aetzy so much they’re so fun n cute! (i also love yeji and jimin’s friendship, but it didn’t work out narratively in nmau sorry girl. giselle specifically felt like a perfect non-athlete friend for yeji to have in this story specifically i’m glad she has a role.
i really see yeji as such a steady, grounded, emotionally intelligent person. it’s very strange to me when people boil her down to like yapping and being clumsy (which are both parts of her that i adore), but like i think the more and more we get to see of yeji when she’s not in pure like Idol Mode (like in her instalogs) it just proves more what was already clear. she’s like a calm, observant, contemplative person and idk i think that’s really neat. ryujin has literally said if she’s the sun yeji is the moon like… it’s fascinating how little we truly know her (and i will stop my essay on how incredible i think yeji is as a person and continue to keep addressing it in my writing lol i got carried away)
also YES roughhousing is so important like they’re just acting like two kids with crushes which is what they are!! any excuse to get a little physical with the girl you like lolol
and thank you! i really try to make scenes feel grounded. sometimes i’ll do a first pass where i just focus on dialogue and internal monologue and then i go back in and choose like the setting/activity and try to flesh everything out
lol i definitely got a bit carried away here, but thank you as always for such a thorough and lovely comment!! i love chatting about all this stuff so so much it’s one of the best parts of writing in this amazing little community! 🥰
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togoldlilya · 1 month
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You silly boy
this is the build up to "because i love you okay?" which starts immediately after this one
toge is unsure if he'll ever get the confidence to confess to sayaka. he wants to so so so badly but he's just scared. scared to ruin everything they have right now. scared she won't feel the same. scared that if he does they won't be friends anymore, and he cares way to much to let that happen.
"what's wrong kiki? are you okay?" her voice breaks him out of his thoughts, prompting him to look to his right where she's walking next to him.
"mmm shake" he responds giving her a curt nod. she hesitantly lets it go shooting him a small smile.
"well we're almost there, it's right up ahead!" she points to the storefront of the antique shop they're going to. her excitement makes his heart happy, loving the fact he's able to see her smile like that. he let's himself be pulled along, entering the shop without complaint. he doesn't really understand her fascination with things like this but he lets her be, finding her wide eyes filled with wonder to be adorable. "ah! look how cool this is kiki!" she exclaims holding out some old pocket watch or something, to be honest he's not sure cause he was looking at her face the whole time.
"ooh ikura! shouyu!" he mindlessly replies eyes watching her fondly as she starts rambling about the object. he lets himself be dragged around the shop, looking at and reacting to whatever she shows him. they end up leaving the store with only two items, their next destination a cafe up the street.
"hey there, you're pretty cute are you available?" suddenly a girl appears in front of them, batting her eyelashes at toge. "can i have your number?" she presses on not giving him a chance to respond. toge is shocked by the boldness of this stranger, words dying in this throat.
"he's not on the menu tonight, sorry. please leave us alone" sayaka immediately comes to his rescue, words hard but not unkind.
"he can speak for himself you bitch, don't interrupt like that." the girl does not back down causing toge to tense up.
"look he has feeling for someone else, and they like him back okay? and that someone is definitely not you, so leave us alone" sayaka doubles down, refusing to let this girl intimidate her.
"augh whatever you psycho" she scoffs spinning around and walking off.
"are you okay toge? that girl was crazy..." sayaka turns her attention to stunned boy.
"umm gomashio natto, shiozake! nozawana okaka ikura... tsuna mayo okaka" umm sorry natto, i'm fine! you didn't have to lie for me... i know what you said is not true his words upset her greatly.
"what are you even saying right now toge? do you hear yourself? of course i like you back silly!" toge feels his brain shut down at that, unable to proccess what she's saying.
"okaka, nozawana! natto nozawana! ikura... hakusai..." seeming to get frustrated at his inability to explain he pulls out his phone and furiously types out a message.
you dont have to lie to me like that saya. you dont have to spare my feelings just because you feel you have to. thank you for helping with that girl but i know you could never like me back, im just me after all... i cant even express my feelings to you properly, how could you ever like me back?
sayaka balks at the message stunned that he feels this way. "but that's not true toge i-"
i dont understand, i cant even talk normally, how could you ever have feelings for me? i can give nothing compared to you, how??
0 notes
POV: You Got Wayyy Too High
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Warnings: Drug use (weed lol)
Aizawa Shouta/ Eraserhead
“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Aizawa as he plopped his bag at the door. You were trying to smoke weed from a pipe, but instead of lighting the actual herb, you were trying to heat it up from the bottom of the pipe.
You’d never smoked weed, but wanted to try it and bought the supplies from a local smoke shop, as well as buying some good stuff from your friend.
Unfortunetly, you also didn’t bother to look up how to actually use a pipe, instead just relying on knowledge you gained from drug documentaries.
This meant that you only knew how people heated up heroin with a flame under the spoon, which meant that surely you could do the same with weed.
“No, no, no, no. Stop that,” he ordered. You were his age, but nonetheless still buckled under his stern tone.
“Look, do you need me to show you how to do it?” he asked, gently taking the glass pipe from your hand. You nodded.
“Watch carefully,” he ordered, as he properly lit up the herb as he inhaled the smoke. He then passed it to you, watching you carefully to make sure you were doing it right. Soon, you got the hang of it.
Even sooner, though, you were a coughing mess.
“Calm it down, there. Don’t take huge puffs. You’re not impressing anyone here, y/n,” he scolded, taking another puff. He did it effortlessly, as if he’d done it for years. (He has.)
You wanted to impress him, though, even though he seemed to not care what you did. You just wanted to prove to him that you were ~cool~.
Well, this ended up in you looking very... uncool.
While Aizawa was chilling with a pretty decent high, you were laid across the bed, starfish style, blasting music in your ears. You were honestly vibing though, so Aizawa didn’t mess with you. For now.
The next day, he definitely teased you a little bit about how totally out of it you were, and how you listened to the same song on loop for 3 hours.
“How did you know that?” You asked, cocking a brow.
“Uh, because your headphones weren’t plugged in?”
Yagi Toshinori/ All Might
He was smoking when you came home, and though he tried to hide it, you smelled it. He acted as if he was just caught as a 17 year old in his mom’s house.
“Uh, no, it’s nothing! I...I don’t do anything like that!” He insisted.
“Toshi, come on. I can smell it,” you smiled. He covered his face.
“Please, please, keep this between you and I...I only do it because it helps with the pain and-”
You cut him off, “ I dont care why you do it, just lemme have some already!” 
Of course, you were just teasing him, and he knew that, but he couldn’t help but ask, “...You smoke?”
You shook your head playfully.
“If you’ll let me, I’d like to try some, though!” 
He passed it to you, and you took a way-too-long drag. Instantly, you were doubled over, coughing and hacking your lungs out. 
He patted your back firmly.
“Since this is your first time, you’re gonna cough a little. Just try to take smaller puffs and take deep breaths. There you go.”
Once you recovered, and Yagi got his turn, he handed the joint back to you. It continued to be passed back and forth between you two until it was finally no longer than a centimeter. 
For a moment, you both just chilled out on the couch together, just vibing. That was until Toshinori noticed your goofy, dreamy facial expression. He chuckled to himself, but that was all you needed to become hysterical, laughing so hard that you couldn’t breathe. Seeing you laugh so much of course made Toshi a mess as well, which only added to your decent into utter madness.
Eventually, though, you both calmed down, and Toshi excused himself so that he could go take a quick bath. He often did this whenever he smoked, so that the warm water could aid even more in soothing his aching muscles and creaky bones.
So you were left alone. Totally unattended. At first, everything was totally fine.
However, as you started to actually feel the effects of the herb, you began to panic.
Is this normal? Does everyone else feel like this when they smoke? Oh God, this isn’t right...oh fuck, I’m gonna be the first dumbass to OD on THC...fuck...
Thoughts whizzed past your brain, every single one making sure you knew how totally fucked you were.
Tears streamed silently down your cheeks as you counted your pulse with two fingers on your wrist, but you coulnd’t find a pulse.
oh fuck...i’m probably going to pass out any minute now...it’s all over...
Images of your final goodbyes to everyone you loved flashed just behind your eyes.
“How’re you holding up, pumpkin?” asked Toshi, coming back from the bath, in a robe and his golden hair still damp.
You looked at him, your eyes red and puffy.
“Toshi...I’m...I’m dying...I love you, okay?” you murmured. He would have laughed, all except he saw the genuine fear in your eyes. 
He sat down next to you, surrounding you with all of his lanky limbs. 
“You’re not dying, honey. What you’re feeling right now is totally normal, I promise. Take some nice, deep breaths for me. Come on. There you go. Good.”
He cradled you there for a good while, until he felt your tense muscles finally slacken, and your breathing evened out.
Toshi made a mental note to never let you smoke that much ever again, guilt pinching at his sides.
Fatgum/Taishiro Toyomitsu
You had taken an edible cookie from your friend. She told you it was just a small bit in there, just enough for you to feel something.
You decided to be modest, eating just half of the cookie. You didn’t notice any effects, and out of sheer boredom you decided to go ahead and eat the rest of it. No harm in that, right?
Well, an hour later, it kicked in. You were expecting to feel something interesting, but you definately weren’t expecting anything like this at all. 
Everything seemed so far away. Even your breathing sounded like it was coming down a long corridor and echoing to your ears. You could feel your soul swimming in your body. 
Fatgum, who you lived with, luckily finished his hero duties early, and walked into the house joyfully as usual.  He called out your name. You didn’t reply.
His large footsteps could be heard, but you were too busy thinking about how weird breathing sounds to notice. 
Fatgum soon found you collapsed on the bathroom floor, face pressed against the cool tile.
Immediately, he propped you up against the wall, looking into your eyes with great concern.
“What did you take? Y/n, look at me. What did you take?” 
You lazily looked at him, your face completely serious. As serious as it could be, anyway.
“...i...it was...edible...” you mumbled out. As soon as he understood, he was laughing hysterically.
“s..stop...s not funny...” you grumbled, punching him in the gut. 
“Alright, alright... let’s get you into bed. You’ll feel much better once you wake up,” he smiled, picking you up and bringing you into the bedroom. 
You quickly were comforted by the warm, heavy comforter. Fatgum took a moment to look at you in your groggy state, trying his best to hold back a laugh. It was so painfully obvious that you’d never done anything like this in your life. His only regret was not being around to witness your ascent into cloud 9.
Soon, though, you had drifted into dreamland.
Hizashi Yamada
You locked yourself in your bathroom, sneakily lighting up the joint you bought off of your friend. Your boyfriend was in his room, playing Fortnite or some shit, and frankly, you were embarrassed to smoke in front of him. You knew that he’d definately find something to roast you about, and he was relentless.
A couple minutes after you lit up, though, the door was basically busted down.
“HEY, HEY! You better be planning on sharing some of that!” yelled Hizashi, his hand already out and waiting. He still had his headset on, but you saw with relief that his mic was turned off. You passed it to him.
“Augh! Where the hell didja get this weak shit, y/n? Nah, this ain’t gonna cut it,” he complained, putting it out. 
“Hey! I got that from my friend, dude! What the hell?” you frowned. Before you could be too mad at the waste, though, Hizashi pulled out a small wooden box from under his bed. Opening it, he revealed his stash of entirely too much pot.
You covered your mouth, stifiling a laugh. How the fuck could you have not smelled it? 
Within five minutes, he’d rolled up a blunt, and was passing it to you, already lit. 
It was gone after a little over half an hour, and you could already feel the effects. Your eyes were dry, your stomach craving junk food, and your brain craving chill vibes.
He returned to his game, unbothered but his volume definately toned down about 5 notches. He was a lot more chill than you’d ever seen him act, ever.
You found your way into the kitchen.
Once his game was over, he met you in there. You were in front of the fridge, pulling out thing after thing. By the time he’d gotten to you, you had eaten half a jar of pickles, three pieces of cake (with your bare hands), drank a bunch of soda, and you were headed for the chips that were sitting idly on the top of the fridge.
“oh, God...what the fuck are ya up to, dude?” he groaned. He did not want to deal with this mess.
You grinned at him.  “I dunno, maan... look dude could you just get me these up here? please bro...” you giggled. He sighed dramatically, taking them.
However, instead of handing them over to you, with your dirty little fingers, he ate them.
“stoppp, bro, please lemme get some!” you pouted. He acted as if he couldn’t hear you, leaving the kitchen. You followed after him, kicking him in the shins. 
Still, he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hizashi, come on, maaannnn!” 
He laid himself on the bed, covering himself with blankets. He pulled out his phone, calling you.  “Y/n, I miss you so much, man. Come chill out!” he spoke into the phone, trying his best not to break the act. You were absolutely furious at this point, punching at him.
“I’m right here, you doughnut!!” you groaned.  Dramatically sighing, Hizashi frowned, “I really wish y/n was here to sesh with me...” all while still eating the chips. You jumped on top of him. 
Finally, you caught him off gaurd, grabbed the chips, and locked yourself back up in the bathroom. 
This time, though, he just left you be. 
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notedchampagne · 4 years
I GOT A WHOLE ESSAY OF NEPETA FOR YOU ALL (thats mostly a copy paste but that doesnt matter) SO GET READY
i wish nepeta had a deeper arc actually like her design is cute!! shes deadly!!! idk i WANTED her to be a bit more complex like id revamp her character if i could. you could theoretically add depth to what she has now but that in itself has minimal depth like we have shipping charts and rping and cats and feral and idk what i can do with this!!! like as far as we know olivebloods probs have the most freedom aside from being a highblood. they can be feral and kill shit and do stuff
i think itd be interesting if nepeta, raised in a cave and maybe just chilling there most of her life, was so disconnected from like City alternian society she tries to find a connection to it via keeping tabs on her friends and their connections w each other. but shes bad at it. it moreso makes her reflect inwards on herself and idk heart player stuff. shes a rogue of heart right?? so consider her taking bits of some ppls identity to give to others and idk where the line is between knight and rogue but i think itd be neat if she tried to find her identity in trying to mimic others/ connecting dots to others. sociologist AND theres a roxy parallel in lonely cats
i also think itd be funny that if she was able to like, alter her superficial personality enough to get along with mostly everyone shes just kind of pissed off at them all the time. customer service smile because she wants company but also because i want nepkat friendship canon
like imagine for a second that in her intro shes a sweet happy haha catgirl :) nepeta and karkats first convo: AC: GOD eridan pisses me off haha what a dickbag CG: HEY NOW. karkats anger is full of dramatics and him being emotional about his friends but NEPETAS anger is literally just her being pissed at how nobody understands her and shes SICK of it and then continues to act babey because she doesnt know how else to act
and MAYBE maybe. just maybe its also an aradia situation???? like on the meteor shes TIRED bro whatever she will fucking CHILL *dies to go to the dream bubbles* she (wait for it) simply.... cannot live in a society (wow circular)
like i dont imagine her having a Happy Happy ending. a negative character arc/end would be tastey though. like at the meteor meeting weve grown attached enough to her and her leaving bc 1) cant live in a society 2) shes kept taking and giving those identity fronts the most she can do at this point is go back to reflect, on herself. alone. its miserable and that could be the impact
all of her friends gave grown past her. as much as the Friend Group Was There nepeta made herself be a part of it. she thought her being was to fit in for them but its only ended up making herself miserable and detached along the way. nepeta will chat joyfully for 2 hours and then dissociate for 5 also i wanna say theres a strand of connection between loneliness being nepetas End and it being Jades Beginning and continouous struggle. i want them to talk as lonely green girls and she gives that connection between dirk w heart identity struggles and splinters and also LONELINESS with jade and relatability and customer service facades AUGH okay thats all i want okay nepeta negative character arc and attachment and symbolism to the difficulties of heart players and green cats thanks for coming to my ted talk 
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temptingempress · 4 years
The Mafia’s Princess J.hs (2)
Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn't want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you'll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperment will change in each story.
Warning: A bit of sexual interaction but nothing too much, weapons, skin damage, cursing, DIOR FREAKING HOSEOK. AKA: SUPERIOR HOSEOK.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/639443379410927616
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Hauling Areum away in his arms from the vent into his arms, he opened the window just to see that the cops and dogs were guarding the entire motel, just waiting for them to come back and attack. He had to think and he had to think fast or else they’ll both be dead meat. He looked around and spotted one place where the dogs nor the cops have reached yet. The garbage bin. Of course, it was disgusting but it was the only chance they got. 
Hoseok’s P.O.V
I sigh as I held Areum close to my chest, there’s no way that she could be seen by the police or else it’s pretty much over for her and her family. I quickly set Areum down being careful not to to injure her even more than I already did. I had some spare time until the cops could reach this area. Taking my jacket off, I carefully wrapped it on her wounded leg so no infection would begin to grow. I had to get her back home and I had to do it fast. There she could be met with a medic. This all has me wondering if I should just drop her off at the place she belongs and leave her be. All I am is trouble in her life. I am in everybody's and I really dont give a shit. I’ve become my own nightmare that lost it’s mercy ten years ago but when it comes to her. I swear I’d do anything. I’ve become so selfish and allowed my heart to become enslaved in chains to her love. To her affection. To the way she smiles or the way the moonlight touches her soft skin. 
Love is tortuous, I feel myself going on a never ending rollercoaster with her. She was the worst thing that ever happened to me but the best thing at the same time. She can’t let me go and that’s the worst part about this relationship because I know at some point she’s going to have to let me go. Not that I want to go. I want to be her dream man and offer everything she wants that she deserves but not off of blood money. I’ve never thought that one time in my life I’d be regretting being a mafia lord. Love is powerful. 
All this goes through my mind as I picked her up once more and jumped into the trash can, where there were a lot of bags. Yes, it’s risky to possibly get stabbed by glass shards or bitten by a rat but it was better than prison. Our landing sound was muffled by the plastic bags. The cops were approaching so I closed the bin and hid myself and Areum to the best of my ability. There happened to be a small hole that I peeped through to see if the cops were going along their way but they weren’t. They were just guarding the whole hotel as well as their dogs. We needed a distraction so I picked up a rusted old wrench and while they werent looking aimed it at the highest window that was out of the cop’s eyesight, so of course they wouldn’t see the wrench. Once the glass broke the cops shouted and ran towards the window, holding their guns up. I took Areum when the coast was clear and silently got out of there, running far away into the woods. Once I was far enough, I slung Areum onto my back and looked into my suitcase for a pager. “I need a car sent to Eastwood Urgently.” 
Eastwood was about 5 miles away but it was the only place where I knew to navigate to from here. My pager dings before a man starts to talk “Yes sir, it will take us fifteen minutes. Parked in the garage sir.”
“Thanks Jungkook. Coming home soon, prepare med for Areum. She got a bog bite...” I looked at Areum’s leg. Lines of slightly opened bloody flesh lined along her legs “And a bit of a scratch.”
As I kept walking on the cops were soon long gone or so I think. You never know in this field of work. I had a long ways to go and there was no way Areum could walk on her feet. She wasn’t very heavy so I could handle it. Walking through nature was quite nice actually. It’s not something I usually do. I had to make it to Eastwood before the sun rose because if not I could get caught by someone. I felt Areum shift her head on my back, and soon her hips.
“Baby?” I say to her as she regains her conscious. I went to a tree and sat her down onto the leaves so she could wake up and I could take a small break before we move again.
Areum’s P.O.V
An instant sting shot onto my leg as if somebody took sharp nails and dragged it along on my skin. “Augh!” I whimpered as I reached for the long bloody scratch. I saw that a sweater was wrapped around my bloody wounds. I don’t even remembered what happened after being in that vent. All I remember was darkness. “It hurts.” my voice cracks as my hands tried to rub down the cut to attempt to make it feel better but my attempts only made it worse. I wasn’t used to all this. I mean, small scars and such were common but this? My eyes began to water as the pain only got worse. It wouldn’t go away. Hoseok knelt towards me, caressing my cheeks. “Hey, you’re alright.” 
Areum felt Hoseok’s heavy breaths as he continued to walk with her in his arms. Two hours passed and they were far out of the cop’s sight. They were almost to their destination but Hoseok’s steps became slower. Areum spoke “Stop, I could walk on my own now.”  Hoseok shook his head as he kept walking. Sure, he was tired and he exhausted. He could just pass out right then and there but he wasn’t going to let go of her.  “Hoseok.” Areum spoke louder as her fingers gripped his shirt. “Let me go.” “You’ll get hurt more Areum, I’ve already done enough to you!” He didn’t let go her, he couldn’t let her go but soon enough he had to let her go. “Let’s take a break.” he panted. Areum’s P.O.V
I laughed a little as he had to let me go sooner or later. Some long scratched lined my leg and I still felt the sting but it wasn’t unbearable. I could walk on my own now, well, at least limb. By looking at Hoseok slumped down on a tree I had to walk at this point “Okay, just get on my shoulders.” He panted and knelt down. I chuckled a bit as I tightened the ‘band aid’ Hoseok put on my cut. “No love.” I push Hoseok’s shoulders back up. “I need to start doing things on my own.” Five years ago. Areum’s P.O.V
The evening of the ball was wonderful to say the less but as the sun set over the horizon the part I dreaded came. The dance. Where my parents set up certain men from different kingdoms to dance with me. Expecting me to find my one and only true love but the truth was I liked none of these stuck up petty men. They think they all have me at their fingertips when really they all disgust me. With their pristine suits, perfect smiles, and expensive rings. I was so sick of seeing all of them but especially one of them, Namjoon. 
Namjoon was the richest prince there was. Everyone knew him, loved him, and loathed him. He was the number one running to marry in my parents list but certainly not on mine. Taking a class of champagne before the dance I saw Namjoon coming towards me. Even down to the way he walks irritates me. Even though he didn’t do anything to me I just didn’t want to marry him. I didn’t want him to take me away to wherever he lived and trap me as his little house wife. Oh yeah, might I mention, all of Namjoon’s ex wives told me not to marry him because he’s demanding, bratty, and a so called womanizer.
He gave me a smile and fixed his glasses and I returned with a nice gesture. Coming close he looked down to me, admiring every aspect of my long golden dress. He finally spoke “Good day my lady, I’m looking forward to out dance.”  I just smiled and nodded, just because I hated him didn’t mean I had to be rude to the guy. Even though I really wanted to punch his ass to ten buck two. His next words to me made me gag my champagne. “Maybe I could get more than a dance by the end of tonight.”  He swayed away with a wink. Now I really wanted to get out of this place. That man was the epitome of sickness. The bell rung and it was already time for the dance. All the princesses gathered in front of the princes. I took my position right in front of Namjoon. The kings and queens oversaw from the tall stories. Overlooking their daughters with binoculars, seeing if they could see anything “magical.”
The dance has begun and we all followed the elaborate and precise steps to the rhythm. Princes caught us by our waist and held onto our hands tight. Twirling all around the dance floor I soon was caught by Namjoon. My soon to be king. He smirked down onto me as his hand traveled down my waist. I gave him a naïve smile but I really knew what he was doing all along. I couldn’t be more happy to spin again into another prince’s arms but Namjoon seemed disappointed that my body left his presence.
 The dance went on and on and on. “I think we have found the one for Namjoon, may he have your daughter in marriage?” Namjoon’s father exclaimed loud enough for me to hear. My body went into full shock, I just wanted to get out of there. I knew my parent’s would say yes since they’ve been rooting for us. 
My eyes caught the guards running outside of the palace, everyone seemed distracted so I decided to discreetly take my leave. I lifted my long golden dress up and ran to where the guards were running towards. They led me all the way outside. I heard one of the guards running close so I pressed my back onto the brick wall surrounded by bushes so they wouldn’t see me.  “There he is!” One of them yelled and chased after a man. I tried to get a closer look but all I could see was a leather black mask and all black attire. He seemed to have a black turtle neck a buckles along his chest. Strange, how could he even get into the castle’s quarters. I knew I shouldn’t of but I followed the thief, looking for some new excitement. The guards lost him but I knew exactly where he was heading, the maze. He was taking a shortcut to the maze. One that could be missed by the guards. It was strange that he knew where everything was in this castle, was he one of our workers before? He entered the maze and I came after him. I saw something shiny in his hands, aw it was my bracelet. As I followed I stepped on the noisiest branch. 
The thief turned back, pulling out a black gun and it sure did look terrifying. Something that’s never allowed on the grounds of the castle. “Who goes there.” He spoke. “Come out or I will shoot.” 
I didn’t really have a choice, the last thing I wanted to do tonight was get shot. Well, maybe it was better than getting engaged to Namjoon. I came out of the bushes and allowed my dress to flow down. I bowed at the thief lifting two sides of my dress up. Once I analyzed his face might I say... He wasn’t bad looking, he looked pretty good for a thief actually. “Princess Bailey.”  The thief stood there for a bit, probably in shock he’s seeing me out of anyone. Hoseok’s P.O.V
 This day couldn’t get anymore stranger. I put the bracelet in my pocket but held the gun tight in my hand. I wasn’t afraid to get royal blood splattered on my clothes. “Who do you come with. Where are the guards.” For some reason she just stood in front of me. Staring me down as if I was some sort of toy in the toy store. She took a step closer to me but I took two steps back, holding my gun higher to her head. If I shot at anytime she would for sure dead. This was one bold princess. She spoke once again “That bracelet, it’s mine. But, you could have it.” “I wasn’t asking.” “What is it for might I ask? Will you pawn it?” She seemed super calm when seeing a whole criminal right in front of her. The biggest one of Korea that is. “It’s for someone.” “Oh a gift? How kind of you sir. If you asked me I would’ve gave it to you.”  “You don’t even know me. “ “Who are you then.” The princess smiled as she stepped closer again “I come in peace, please lower your gun.”  Not budging still I get a small intercom out of my pocket and spoke “Bring the helicopter in the maze.” “Helicopter? That’s not very discreet. This castle is filled with security tools. You’ll surely get shot down.” She sung as her heels kicked the rocks on the ground. I thought about it and she did have a point. “Cancel the helicopter..” I turned the intercom off and looked at the princess. “Okay, then what do you suggest?” The princess smiled and turned to me. Happy that I gave her an inch. This may be a big trap but at this point I didn’t have a choice. 
“Follow me.” She hums.
Hello everyone, I hoped you liked the part two of the Mafia’s Princess. Now you know a little backstory, I’m curious if anybody reads my story. If so could you please comment or anonymously tell me so I am more encouraged to continue it? Thank you so much and tell me what you think so far. I might accept request pretty soon! Thank you so much for reading :)
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bloomyn · 4 years
Can I request a f!reader x giyuu where Giyuu always says he has the worst luck and then he ends up with the Luck Pillar for an S/O? And maybe Giyuu doesn't have that bad of luck after all 🥰 you can make it fluffy or smutty but just Giyuu with an outgoing extrovert s/o. Pls. 💛
lucky ; lucky
pairing: giyuu x reader
tags: fluff
a/n: awwwww soft giyuu makes me soft (for lack of better wording) + whole bunch of word vomit
sanemi practically doubled over.
the water pillar clenched his fist. 
it was, not actually nothing. this last mission had left with with half dyed hair and  pink stained skin. dont ask him, he had no idea how it happened. 
“is that you giyuu - san?” mitsuri chirped. he sighed, reluctantly turning around to face the love hashira only to be met with not only mitsuri but you as well. immediately, he flushed, turning back around and completely forgetting that sanemi was still dying on the floor laughing at him.
“i-i just have bad luck.”
you laughed, flicking a rock at him. “hey! im right here you know!”
he just wanted to curl up and die.
giyuu crept into the estate, annoyance written clear on his face. it hadnt been a great week. no, he hadn’t been killed and yes he had been able to defeat the demon but wow did it come with its consequences. it wasn’t dyed hair or skin, or a knocked tooth, or falling into cow dung, no, those had all happened last month. he could already hear other hashira’s laughter about his situation, if the universe was at all listening he was practically begging for a bit of decent luck-
“giyuu-san? what are you doing?”
he froze in his tracks. frick, he had been so close to the infirmiry too. 
he rolled his shoulders back and took a deep breath. of course, of course it had to be you. the one hashira he didn’t want to run into. no, it wasn’t because he hated you, it was, quite the opposite actually. 
he felt your hand on his shoulder and thank god for the darkness because if you had seen the dark flush run down his face he would’ve died and ascended into the sky right then and there. he looked down at his feet, trying to come up with the right words to say, but he didn’t have to.
you had already grabbed his wrist and started to drag him down the hall.
“i know you don’t really want to draw attention to yourself so you can rest in my room for now!.” you whisper-yelled. “i already have some supplies.” he wanted to tell you that well, yes he didn’t want to draw attention to himself but with you around he probably would anyway. not that he minded of course, he secretly loved the way you managed to keep a bubbly persona even if he couldn’t reciprocate it.
he was hit with a waft of sweetness as he stepped into your room. 
“take a seat!”
“ah, ne, [name] - san?”
you hummed, turning around to get the supplies out of your kit. 
“how did you know i was there?”
“where?” you asked, “in the court yard?”
he nodded. he had silenced his foot steps and breathing, and he knew he was good at slipping around , so how had you managed to catch him?
you shrugged. “just lucky i guess.”
he sighed. “would you mind sharing a bit with me?”
at that you laughed, a full on laugh not just a slight breath through your mouth. and on the inside (he would never tell you), it made him feel a bit warm inside. you sat down, taking a seat in front of the blushing water hashira. when he finally peeled off his uniform, and no, you weren’t staring at his rippling abs and toned pecs, you practically fell over.
all over his chest were dumb smiley faces and markings, some good some not so good, hilarious nonetheless. but before you could even mutter a word, the man in front of you sighed.
“i was unconscious. there were some kids.”
you bit the inside of your lip. could you laugh? were you allowed to laugh?
“you can laugh.”
and you howled, your face was all scrunched up, your body keening at the thought of little kids drawing on the oh so scary demonslayer. infront of you, giyuu was red all over.
“awh giyuu-san its okay. they were only little kids.” you said fondly. he groaned, leaning forward to rest his head on your shoulder. 
“please dont tell anyone about this”
that was two months ago. and he’s really starting to believe that you actually sent him some luck because he doesn’t want to sound cocky but, he’s been on a roll. no dyed hair, no pesky kids, no accidents.
“tomioka - san!” rengoku boomed. “i heard you managed to get rid of those two demon moons!”
he nodded curtly, “mm”
“all that bad luck seems to be wearing off huh?” rengoku smirked, tossing an arm around the younger man.”
yeah okay, so what if he was spending a considerable more time with you than anyone else? so what if he had unintentionally fallen for you even more? the only issue with those questions was that the answer to both of them was yes and just the thought of you had him red. 
and also, maybe he had read that the interesting about those who practiced breath of luck was that they were able to spread their lucky energy, but only to those who they were truly in love with. 
you sighed. “mitsuri-----”
the love hashira rolled over, facing you, a bright smile on her face.
“so did you finally come to your senses and admit your deep loving feelings for our very own tomioka-san?”
ah. of course she knew.
she squealed, rolling on top you and squeezing your face in between her hands. 
“thank god! i mean i already told him that you were in love with him but--”
you gaped, flipping the pink haired woman over.
“you WHAT.”
“i-i mean he’s in love with you too so...”
“when. did. you. tell. him. this.?” you managed through gritted teeth
she held up a two.
“weeks or days.”
she looked away, “hours.”
you jumped off the girl and sprinted out of the room. oh crap oh crap, you were the luck hashira how was this even happening--
you stopped. 
“g-giyuu - san”
you felt him come up behind you, and then next to you.
“i’m in love with you.”
you choked on your spit, hacking up air and nothingness. giyuu crouched beside you, patting your back. once you’re breathing had returned to decently normal you took a seat next to your crush.
“i wanted to be the one to tell you, you know.” you whispered.
“hmm, i think you did though.”
you furrowed your eyebrows
“breath of luck users can pass their energy off to those which they love, and , um particularly this month i-”
you blinked.
“i didnt think you’d be able to feel it. i thought it was a myth, you could feel it?!”
giyuu nodded, smiling a little at your blushing face.
“i could feel it.”
“AUGH.” you groaned, “thats literally so embarrasing i was trying to project as much as i could onto you because i thought that maybe it wouldnt actually make a difference but you actually found out im so sor-”
a pair of lips on your cheek cut you off.
“dont be sorry, i thought it was”, he coughed into his arm, “romantic.”
you swore you passed out.
“well.” you started, “at least one of us thinks so.”
you turned to meet his eyes and you both dissolved into giggles.
“does this mean im going to get lucky all the time now?” he asked innocently
you swung your laced hands back and forth. besides you, your boyfriend was an entirely new shade of pink. grinning, you planted a kiss on his cheek.
“giyuu- dont be embarrased! im just spreading my luck to you!”
“i shouldve never told you about that.”
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dvrlingrenjun · 4 years
Tumblr media
oh my gosh boyfriend nana is 💝💝
jaemin is known to be a big fLIRT, so during the days before y'all dated he be flirty as hell.
to everyone but mainly you, yk that feeling where someone likes you but you feel like you’re being self absorbed ? yeah you felt that emotion towards jaemin.
like he was flirty with everyone else too, what makes you special ?
but anyways, both of you were oblivious and obvious that there was something going on between you too.
i feel like nana is the type of person to actually confess in like games such as truth or dare.
so imma roll with it
the confession! + first kiss
you were at a college party with people you mainly know, so it was pretty much tamed for the most part. and y'all were playing spin the bottle on the diner table.
but no kissy kissy only truth or dare because we are a child of god 🥰 (if you’re an atheist whoops)
the bottle lands on jaemin, and the whole gang be smirking. plan a coming inTO ACTION !!
they all love y'all but sometimes,,, you guys are just dumb and your friends are loosing brain cells by each second. so they planned this :D
jeno being the one who spun the bottle, asked the punchline to which nana replies with dare,,
oooh spicy, okay i’ll stop-
jeno mentally have an cute evil laugh
“kiss and confess your crush.” jeno said simply.
jaemin shoots glares at all of his friends, he knew that they planned this. seeing as they are all high-five jeno.
even though jaemin was busy glaring at mainly jeno, he starts fiddiling with his fingers obviously nervous.
jaemin gets his courage together and goes up to the opposite side of the circle where you were.
you didn’t notice him coming since you were lost in your thoughts, ‘nana? having a crush? he never told me?’ you stopped thinking as you suddenly noticed jaemin close to your face, a few centimeters apart.
“are you okay me kissing you?” jaemin asked.
because consent is cute y'all !!
you nodded your head without thinking, causing jaemin to smile cutely before closing the gap.
the kiss was sweet, jaemin’s lips gave you the taste of the party’s punch near the kitchen.
jaemin broke the kiss when he heard whistles and howling from the people playing the game. much to his disliking of pulling his lips apart from you.
“nOW CONFESS ! DONT FORGET ABOUT THAT PART !” hyuck reminded jaemin, to which jaemin sighed at his loud friends.
“so (name)..” jaemin trailed off hesitantly, ignoring donghyuck’s comment.
“you don’t need to answer right away but i like you, and i didn’t expect to confess to you at a party but yeah.” jaemin laughed now realizing the situation.
without letting you give him an answer, he ran back to his spot letting the game continue on.
apparently, jaemin’s friends weren’t happy enough with that. so after a few rounds, it was park jisung’s turn to spin the bottle landing on the person next to you, shuahua. one of your friends.
not happy with the results, chenle knocks the table with his knee. chenle hisses in pain acting as if he didn’t do it on purpose.
now the bottle lands on you.
“truth or dare, (name).” jisung quickly said before jaemin caught on what their plan b was.
unlike jaemin’s bold decision choosing dare, you chose truth. slightly scared on what jisung would say after their shenanigan earlier.
“do you like anyone?” jisung asked, renjun lightly smacked jisung’s arm, it was a vauge question. jisung realized why renjun was smacking his arm and hastily corrected himself:
“-DO YOU LIKE JAEMIN THAT’S WHAT I MEAN!” jisung yelled out loud, jaemin face palmed at the stupidity.
“uh,” you didn’t know how to answer, also confused.
first date!
jaemin quickly after asked you out since that party and you obviously said yes, flustered.
i can see roller skating dates or bowling, augh that would be so cute.
you two would get your sizes and head to the rink after putting the shoes on.
now since you two are complete KLUTZ, both of you guys would fall every now and then. jaemin would hold on to both of your hands trying to keep yourself and himself steady.
the people around you guys would be awing on how cute that situation would be, and who wouldn’t awe about jaemin
and after getting tired, you two would get the pizza that the roller rink sells. and just imagine 80’s-90’s aesthetic lights on jaemin.
i liVE for aesthetics.
and nana being the photographer (and maybe you) be taking so many pictures oh my gosh. i think this would be my first ideal date-
first time saying 'i love you’
jaemin is a simple affectionate boi, just imagine staying in one of y'all’s place just cuddling.
you guys would be watching a random movie. you would almost fell asleep due to jaemin’s warmth and comfortable clothes with a blanket on top of both jaemin and you.
just as your conscious is about to go, you feel jaemin kissing your forehead and whispering “i love you.”
conclusion !
overall, you two would be rlly cute together.
nana is a very affectionate person so just imagine you would be talking to one of your friends and he would pull away just to hug you.
i feel like he would get jealous in a cute way though, like let’s say you’re hanging out with hwang hyunjin and nana would be all pouty that you’re giving him more attention.
not that scary type though, he trusts you enough to be with other people. it’s just as more of a fun joking way.
and pls give him all of your love and attention then he’ll be a happy boi :D
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kitten-mafiagang · 4 years
Pretty Blue Flowers [Akaashi x Reader] Hanahaki AU!!
(Reader's pov)
Hi im (y/n) (l/n) from photography club and im not like the other girls in our class.Well many people doest really see me like im a ghost because im always the 2nd person on the background of the scene i guess..but i never knew someday ill be the main character...with a sad ending.
(At school)
I was running late to the photography club because m teacher just let me to some of the paperworks she suppose to do.
I opened the door panting.
"*pants* s-sorry im late Mitsuba..." i greeted my only friend mitsuba she is also at the photography club.
"(N/n)-chan!! we need to take some pics to every sports club today!! im assigned to the basketball club and you were assigned to the volleyball club!!" she cheered at me.
"Boys girls..?" i asked.
"boys" she replied.
"augh..this will be weird" i complained.
"Oh got to go now (n/n)-chan!! bye bye~" she left the club room.
'lets see whats interesting today...' i thought
(At the Gym)
Before i even opened the door i heard screams and noises.
"AKAAASHIIIIII" i opened the door and saw the boys in circle.
"Bokuto-sa-" the white haired ones cut him off.
I stood there and watched the small scene infront of me.The Black haired ones looked at me until.
"Look bokuto-san she got a camera i think shes from the photography club maybe shes here to take pictures of you as our ace.." the black haired ones pointed at me.
"e-eh?" i was confuse and all.
"R-REALLY?!" the white haired ones stood infront of me with a wide grin.The black haired ones looked at me and gives me the 'play along' looks.
"Y-YEAH!! Im here to takes pictures of the volleyball team most impoertantly the ace!" i smiled at him playing along.
(Timeskip after the picture taking)
After i took the pictures of the team,eh..mostly bokuto-senpai i hurried my way out silently not to attract attention.
"(l/n)-san.." akaashi-senpai called.
"a-akaashi-senpai what is it..?" i asked.
"You forgot this.." he handed me the camera.
"t-thanks akaashi-senpa-" he cut me off.
"Akaashi....call me akaashi" he said.
"o-oh ok then akaashi..."
Since that day i admired akaashi...ok not just admire i came up to love him.Its been days no weeks turn to months hanging out with bokuto and akaashi.
Until one day...
"(y/n)-chan!! Im right, right??!" bokuto screamed.
"Well yeah but arent great horned owls are indanger-" bokuto cut me off.
"AKAAASHIIII!!" bokuto called akaashi.
"Hey isnt that Miko-chan and akaashi-san...?" a student muttered.
"OH my god!! the two school prefect couples-" another one muttered.
Looking at the two i was suprised,akaashi has a girlfriend? are they really dating...? or its just mistunderstanding...
While i was in my deep thought i started to feel weird and itchy from my throat and i ran out of the scene and rushed to the bathroom.
"E-eh?! (y/n)-chan!!" bokuto-senpai called.
I ran out and rushed inside the bathroom and locked myself to a cubicle.I started to cough blood at the toilet bowl with few Pretty blue petals.
"F-flower...?" i was confuse and remembered what the two girls were talking about and i coughed more.
Its been a week since i was like this i also spit a whole flower which made me scared.
I searched up about this kind of symptoms,And i was suprise what pop out first 'Hanahaki disease' a disease for one sided love and also can cause death.
The whole night i was browsing how to remove this disease before it could kill me.There was two ways if i should take a operation or if the person i loved loves me back.
Well i dint tell my parents since they work in a different country...yeah i live alone.
(Timeskip at school)
(Akaashi's pov)
Its been a week since (y/n) was acting weird and it worries me and bokuto.She would always excuse herself whenever she sees me..is she avoiding me..?
did i do something...?
"Googmorning Miko-chan" I greeted Miko when i saw her at the hallways.
"Goodmorning too keiji-kun!!" she would call me by my first name always and it bothers me sometimes since people mistaken us couple.
I was about to walk forward when i saw (y/n) standing behind Miko.
"Keiji-kun what's wrong..?" Miko asked.
(Reader's pov)
They are couple!! First name basis...
It kinda saddens me so i decided to ran away from akaashi and Miko.I rushed at the bathroom and locked myself in a cubicle and starts vomiting and couching violently.
"T-thorns..?!" i was suprise this time i spit out a whole flower with thorns.
The whole day was very tiring so i decided not to go home yet since i could feel this is it.I went to the gym with my camera at my hands and i saw akaashi and bokuto practicing some cross shots and line shots.
When i was about to greet akaashi,Someone at my back shouted and ran inside.
"Keiji-kun!!" It was Miko she ran inside and greeted the two boys.
It pains me i could see his smile lingers from his face while talking to the cheerful Miko.Maybe i was the wrong thats right..Im just a background...a second person in the backline,I pulled my camera to take a picture of akaashi smiling.
Its a pretty smile...
As soon as Akaashi's pretty eyes glanced at mines i started to tear up and ran away.
I was at the school garden and saw the only blue flower at the flower pots.
I pulled my camera and take a shot of it..It was the same flower i always spit out its very pretty...like his eyes.
I went home and printed the picture out and started at it.
I wrote few words at the photo and went to bed.
"So this is how i end huh..."
"Well im glad i met you...Akaashi.." Everything turn black.
(At school)
(Akaashi's pov)
Its been two weeks since (y/n) dint go to school.I was heading to my classroom and saw few students holding few Blue flowers some of them have bouquet of white and blue roses.
I was confuse what happened? is there a event that i dint know?
I went to a classroom where few students where staring a table with many blue flowers and a pink haired female sobbing deeply.
"(N/N)-CHAAAAAAN~!!!" she sobbed more.Wait did she meant (n/n)..? as in (y/n)? i went closer to the table and putted my hands on her shoulder.
"What happened to (y/n)...?" i asked the pink haired female.
"A-akaashi-san?!" she was suprised.
"c-come ill explain!" she wiped her tears using her sweaters sleeves and dragged me out into the school garden.
"S-she...she has hanahaki.." she said blankly.
I knew the disease i heard about that before since some news channel shows victims of it.
"Who?" i asked her.
"what do you mean...?" she asked.
"who did she fell for...?" i asked.
"I dont know!! she only left one thing before she passed..." she pulled a photo and (y/n)'s camera.
"(n/n) would always take pictures of the most important things to her i dint get to see whats inside the camera but you could find it out yourself.." she said and ranned away maybe to her desk again.
I checked the photo of a Blue flower and something is written from the back of the picture.
'Pretty Blue Flowers' written behind it.
I soon checked her camera next and the first thing got my attention.
It was a picture of me tossing a ball and i checked more and there was me smiling when i was talking to Miko yesterday.
Did she like me....
I checked more things from the camera but theres nothing else important.
The only answer i got is
Pretty Blue Flowers....
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 15
death awaits!
oh god the cover. I aint ready 
the cover of overlords open mouth w/rodimus floating inside or w/e,,,,the overlord mouth fixation continues i see
and of COURSE its by nick roche. of course
oh god the tension and dread in the first page, as we get overlords sinister promise to murder everyone, starting with rewind, and then seeing chromedome rush over to open the door, and knowing that 30 minutes have passed already...
that full page spread of everyone vs overlord is amazing
also I always thought that ambulon was trying to kick overlord but now that I look closer he’s actually jumping away from overlord, having just crashed one of those hover...thingys....into him...which is honestly cool as hell. also I'm never over the fact that ambulon kinda looks like he’s smiling here, just having a grand ole time as overlord tries his best to murder everyone
and chromedome just seeing this and saying ‘rewind?’ is fucking killing me thanks
PIPES NO DONT DO THIS. YOURE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND. PLEASE don't talk about how much fun you're having on your wacky space adventure oh god, that’s just asking to be murdered,
his messed up goodbye thoughts are brutal...plus the final shot of him laying all busted up....god :( 
that guy seriously had some awful luck this trip. rip lil guy
BUT he sounded the alarm!!! so good for him!! that's a pretty amazing final act right there
oh my god I forgot abt this scene where rewind is like ‘so brainstorm why is my husband saying your name in his sleep :))))’ and brainstorm is like ‘haha idk its certainly not because we’re working on a secret project together, so jot that down!’ lmao brainstorm....
also dw rewind brainstorm is not fucking ur husband, just look at his evidentially extensive collection of perceptor-style microscopes...my man is microscopesexual 
I forgot abt the metabomb omfg
‘some of my favorite words are monosyllabic’ rodimus ily, himbo of my heart,
fort max :( rung :( 
oughhghghg I forgot abt the scene of tailgate making cyclonus a new horn ;_; and then cyclonus materializes menacingly bc tg dared to volunteer their room for movie night hvbfshdjkfbaskj cyclonus anti-social icon
what the fuck, is drift a flying car??? hello??? what the hell????
seriously he’s got like, rockets and shit, what the fuck
anyways, the entire exchange b/w ratchet and drift here kills me, for multiple reasons.... ‘my faith and my sword’ lmao love it. and then ratchet refusing to leave drift and calling him his friend ;_; aughhh
rodimus w/the squad like ‘lets go gays!!!’ 
also I guess cosmos WAS on the lost light lol, totally didn't remember that, I'm guessing he left at some point to go be in the other series lmao 
I'm sorry but ‘amazing. you speak entirely in name’ is so fucking funny, but also like stfu overlord you're not allowed to be funny
now I'm confusing myself lmao, rodimus DID know abt overlord, didn't he??? wasn't that the whole thing???? I don't remember if he was involved w/the whole mnemosurgery plan but he at least knew that overlord was there...but we haven't been told that in-story yet so now I'm questioning that lmao
oh god I forgot that overlord almost kills magnus, jeeeeesus. good thing he’s a russian nesting doll otherwise he probably would've died fr 
also damn that's gotta be scary for everyone else, bc magnus is The Big Guy, and a renown fighter...plus drift got all fucked up...yall are in for a bad time 
tailgate gettin his panic on I see
swerve w/the meta narration lmao 
cyclonus ily sm.......
rodimus charging at overlord....ohhh my boy not your best idea
cd and rewind both saying ‘I thought you were dead!’ HHHHHHHH I'm destroyed fuck it all
rodimus (inadvertently) saving the day by saying ‘til all are one’...iconic!!
drift just casually chillin w/no legs
chromedome going into extreme detail about all the mnemosurgery he’s been doing on overlord for WEEKS while rewind is Right There....my dude.
this issue has a LOT of completely white backgrounds but I cant even rlly blame milne bc this seems like more drawing work than usual
oh god cd don't say ‘we’ll finish this conversation later’ at a time like this, that’s never a good idea,
rewind no don't do it :( :( :( 
that panel of cd’s arm getting cut off...AUGHHH
so incredibly fucked that cd does what’s best for rewind by blowing the pod up....hhhhh god 
and then that last panel of cd laying on the ground....fucking destroy me!!!!!!!!
also I love that at the beginning of the issue we see whirl with the missile launcher thing, and that’s what cd uses at the end here....good bookends. jro is really great about putting stuff in the story that just seems like innocuous filler/fun character building but turns out to ALSO be plot relevant later
HOLY SHIT I forgot about the cast page with the big red X’s thru the dead people’s profiles....jesus christ 
AUGH this issue was a rollercoaster, phew...and the emotionally devastating conclusion to this arc is still yet to come! 
I will say that it’s super interesting looking back on this, in the sense that rewind & chromedome are introduced as the first ever gay tf couple, and a few issues after we get told this explicitly, rewind is killed. this doesn't really end up being an issue representation-wise bc literally everyone is gay and there are a bunch of other significant gay characters/relationships later on, AND rewind comes back later 
but still! it’s interesting to think about how, at the time this came out, the phrase/concept ‘bury your gays’ wasn't really something that was talked about a lot (or like, it was, but not as often as nowadays, and not really under the term ‘bury your gays’ iirc), but at the time of publication this would have fallen under that trope (though rewind coming back later negates it imo). I think it would've been tough for this story to come out nowadays due to the backlash that would've occurred from rewind’s initial death (it also makes me wonder if there was any backlash when this DID come out) 
to be clear, this isn't a writing criticism - in fact, the reason this is able to work at all is because of the crazy amount of representation mtmte has. it’s like, youre able to kill off gay characters without it being ‘bury your gays’ if literally all your characters are gay by default, and there are a bunch of significant gay relationships happening - technically speaking, any death in mtmte is bury your gays lmao 
this is a completely disjointed rant but my point is like, if this issue came out in 2020 people would probably be pretty put off by rewind dying (understandably), but in the context of the series as a whole I don't consider this to be bad writing/bad representation/bury your gays 
and like, WERE people really mad about this in 2013? I am curious now, bc I would definitely feel kinda betrayed if I didn't know all the stuff that happens later 
but its pretty nice, because now I'm free to enjoy the writing and be emotionally devastated by rewinds death in a normal way, and not a ‘I'm angry at the writers for killing off one of the only gay characters’ kinda way
anyways I'm tired as hell so I'm going to bed, ill continue the emotional devastation later, phew
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kiddoryder · 6 years
Birthday Puppet
Hey guys! I wanted to say thank you for liking my first Hazbin Hotel fanfic and my OC. I really appreciate it!
 Anyway this new fanfic introduces my other Hazbin Hotel OC Lucius! The nephew of Sir Pentious, and it’s his birthday which is uncle got a special surprise for his nephew that don’t sit well for Charlie and the others.
 So relax and enjoyed the story! @vivziepop
 At a fancy Victorian Castle (Idk where he lives but I can picture it’s something fancy) Sir Pentious was ordering his Egg Bois to set up a party. They were in his stage room setting up the party and the egg Bois was working hard and fast.
 Sir Pentious - “Hurry up and set up those balloons!”
 All Egg Bois - “Yes boss!”
 Egg boi 21 - “Hey boss! What’s the party for anyway?”
 Sir Pentious angrily grabbed the egg boi with his tail. This made him and the other egg Bois scared and jealous that Pentious grabbed one of them.
 Sir Pentious - “Haven’t you been listening?! Today is my nephew’s Lucius birthday. This year his parents decided to let him to spend it with me. And this party gotta be perfect!”
 Sir Pentious then heard the door knocking.
 Sir Pentious - “He’s here!”
 Sir Pentious threw the egg boi away and quickly slithered to the door. He opened the door and there was his preteen nephew Lucius. Lucius looks similar to his Uncle, but he was more humanmade since he has legs. Lucius has gray hair, wearing a white shirt, a black tie, gray vest, black pants, and black shoes with white spats. He was also holding a book bag.
 Lucius - “Hello Uncle Pentious.”
 Sir Pentious - “Hello Lucius! Happy birthday my boy. Come in! Wait until I see what I got planned for you.”
 Sir Pentious came into the house and Sir Pentious lead him to the stage room. Lucius eyes widen in amazement at what his uncle plan for him.
 Luscious - “Oh Uncle this is amazing!”
 Sir Pentious - “Anything for my nephew.”
 Egg boi 8 - “Hello Lucius-“
 Lucius - “It’s YOUNG MASTER Lucius to you minion.”
 Egg boi 8 - “My apologizes Young Master Lucius but, didn’t you invite friends over to the party?”
 Lucius - *scoff* “Who need friends when I have minions? Besides, friendship disgust me.”
 Sir Pentious - “Your parents and I taught you well my boy.”
 Then all of a sudden, one of the egg Bois accidentally tripped and dropped a bowl of punch. The bowl of punch landed on Lucius wetting him and ran toward a mirror and saw that he was a wet sticky mess.
 Lucius - *angry* “IM UGLY!!”
 Egg boi 47 - *nervously* “Oopsie…”
 Then glass cups were being thrown at the egg Bois and Pentious. Some of the egg Bois got crushed to death.
 Egg boi 28 - “Hey!”
 Then more dangerous things like glass, forks and knives was being thrown. Pentious and the egg Bois hide behind big crates.
 Lucius kept on throwing things which kept Pentious and the egg Bois still hiding.
 Sir Pentious - “Now look at what you idiots has done! You made him mad!”
 Egg boi 47 - “But I tripped while holding the punch.”
 Sir Pentious - “Well you shouldn’t have tripped!”
 A sharp knife was thrown through the crates and it killed an Egg Boi.
 Egg Bois and Pentious - “AHHH!”
 Looking for something else to throw, Lucius went inside his bag and picks up a doll. However it wasn’t just a doll, it was a raggedy Sonya/Liz doll he made. Lucius then looked at the doll, tears began to form in his eyes and began to sob and wail loudly while hugging the doll.
 Sir Pentious - “Go see what he is going now.”
 Egg boi 23 - *frighten* “But Boss, I’m scared.”
 Sir Pentious - “NOW!!”
 Egg boi 23 timidly looked up and saw Lucius crying while hugging his doll.
 Egg boi 23 - “The young master Lucius is crying Boss.”
 Pentious looked up and saw Lucius crying while hugging his doll.
 Pentious - *concern* “Why are you crying Lucius?”
 Lucius - *through his tears* “Now the girl of my dreams will never love me like this! She even rejected my invitation to my party...I even called her my property!”
 Lucius just broke down into sobs again. It just breaks his Uncle’s heart to see him so sad. Especially on his birthday.
 Sir Pentious - “Don’t worry Lucius your birthday will still be great! *sinister* and I already know the perfect gift!
 Meanwhile Sonya was there spending time with Charlie and the others at the hotel. There was a knock on the door and Sonya opened it. It was an Egg Boi with a letter in his hands.
Egg Boi 19  - “Good morning my good lady. Sir Pentious would like you to come to-“
Sonya grabbed the letter, kicked the Egg Boi far away, and close the door.
 Charlie - “Who was it, Sonya?” Sonya “Some talking egg thing who gave me some weird letter.”
 Sonya - *reads it* “Come to my party my lovely property from Lucius" Augh! Does anybody got a lighter?” Angel Dust hands her a lighter and she burn the letter. Then she crumbled the envelope and threw it in the trash.
 Vaggie - “What’s wrong Sonya? Who’s Lucius?”
 Sonya - “He's a boy who have a crush on me.”
 Charlie - “Aw! That is so cute!”
 Sonya - “No it’s not cute! It’s disgusting especially with him.”
 Vaggie - “Aw come on he can’t be that bad.”
 Sonya - “He’s Sir Pentious’ nephew.”
 Vaggie - “On second thought maybe him having a crush on you is really bad.”
 Angel - “So wait, Sir Pentious’ brat have a crush on you?”
 Sonya - “Yeah that what I said.”
 Angel then burst into laughter much to the confusion of Charlie, and the anger of Sonya and Vaggie. Husk was just drinking his alcohol not caring and Nifty was busy cleaning.
 Sonya - *crossing her arms* “And what is so funny?”
 Angel - *laughing* “Sir Pentious’s brat having a crush on you! *laughing*
 Sonya - *mad* “Angel it’s not funny!”
 Angel - “Oh yeah you’re right it’s not funny...It’s fucking hilarious!! *laughs more*
 Vaggie- “Angel stop it, or I’ll knock you out!”
 Angel - *laughing dying down* “Okay okay. You gals have no sense of humor.”
 Sonya - “Well it’s not funny to be always get kidnapped by a slithering asshole.”
 Charlie - *shocked* “Wait he kidnapped you?! Why didn’t you tell me? I mean if that the case we gotta lock up the hotel and-“
 Sonya - “Ah Cousin Charlie don’t worry about it.”
 Charlie - “What? But he come and kidnapped you and-“
 Sonya - “Oh please he’s always tries to kidnap me. Do you know how many times I been bag snagged, locked in a suitcase and chained up? So much to the point that this rate, I can escape blindfolded. Oh he forgot to blindfold me that time.”
 Angel - “Wow that’s really impressive kid.”
 Sonya - “Yeah but it’s really stressful too at the same time. He just likes me for my looks and want me to be a “proper lady” and follow the “woman code” basically being a stereotype of a girl: wearing dresses, looking pretty, doing housework. Bleugh! So stressful… *sat down on a bar chair and turn to Husk* hey buddy, what drink you recommended?”
 Husk - “Hold up let me see. *give her a liquor bottle* here you go.”
 Sonya - “Thanks.”
 Sonya was about to take a sip until Charlie grabbed the bottle.
 Charlie - “Sonya are you nuts?! You don’t drink liquor! That’s for depression. You drink red wine for stress.”
 Charlie hands her a glass of red wine. Sonya began to drink the wine and feel a little calmer.
 Charlie - “Okay so Lucius have some obsession issues, but have you try talking to him about it?”
 Sonya - “Yeah. The first time I let down gently, he did this!”
 Sonya lift up her shirt a little to show a stab wound scar above her belly button.
 Vaggie - *shocked* “He stabbed you?!”
 Sonya - “Yeah saying that he ‘freaked out’.”
 Charlie - “Sonya why didn’t you tell me or anybody else?”
 Sonya - “Because like I said Cousin Charlie, I can take care of myself. I mean he is related to Sir Pentious after all and failure do run in their family. Besides, stuff like stabbing and killing happen in Hell all the time it’s not much of a big deal.”
 Angel - “Sonya does get a good point Charlie. Somebody could get run over and nobody would care.”
 Charlie - “Okay that is fair...but still though!”
 Sonya - “Hey don’t worry Cousin Charlie, if I really needed help, I will call you.”
 Charlie - “Promise?”
 Sonya - “I promise. *drinks more wine* But I can take care of myself *starting to sound mad and stress* to that no good Victorian bastard son of a bitch. I’ll-“
 Unknowingly to Sonya, she was also shaking in rage. It got so bad to point that she crushed the cup in her hands and the wine splatter on her clothes and face.
 Sonya - “Damn it! Excuse me I gotta go change now.”
 Sonya went upstairs to her own hotel room. Then after she finished changing in the bathroom, she heard a strange noise. Sonya started to look around her room.
Sonya - “Hello? Anybody there?”
 Suddenly, Sir Pentious slithered into the room. Sir Pentious - “Hello my dear.” Before Sonya could scream or fight back, Sir Pentious took out a white rag that has his venom and covered Sonya’s mouth and nose with it that  knocked her out. Sir Pentious evilly smiled and slung her over his shoulder and quietly open the window, and saw the latter connected to his blimp. He grabbed the latter and flew away without being noticed.
 Sir Pentious came back to his house still holding Sonya over his shoulder. The Egg Bois saw their boss stage back carrying Sonya.
 Egg Boi 666 - “Wow boss! You got the girl!”
 Egg Boi 15 - “Should I get Young Master Lucius boss?”
 Sir Pentious - “Of course not! I want this to be a surprise for him. The question is: what to do with her? Hmm…”
 Sir Pentious sees wooden board, paints, hooks and a big pink frilly dress. Even saw some of the egg Bois either playing with them or getting themselves killed. Pentious - “Hmm I got an idea!”
 Back at the hotel, Angel Dust was just flipping channels on the television drinking liquor, Vaggie was reading a book and was drinking beer, and Charlie came into the lobby looking worried.
Charlie - “Hey guys, have Sonya came down at all?”
 Angel Dust - “Nope.”
 Vaggie - “No why?”
 Charlie - “It’s been half an hour and she haven’t calm down at all.”
 Vaggie - “Maybe she just wants to have a little alone time.”
 Angel Dust - “Alone time? Isn’t she a little too young for that I mean once you start watching those type of movies, you can’t stop and-“?
 Vaggie - *shocked* “NOT that kind of alone time you idiot!”
 Angel Dust - “Well be clearer next time!”
 Vaggie - *rolled her eyes* “Anyway, she’s probably in her room reading or listening to music.”
 Charlie - “That’s true. Maybe I’m overreacting...Hey Husk can I have some vodka?”
 Husk threw her a vodka bottle and Charlie caught it. Charlie sat on the couch with Angel and Vaggie to watch TV. The TV turned static for a few seconds until it shows Sir Pentious fiddling with the camera.
 Sir Pentious - “Is it on?”
 Egg Boi 52 - “Yeah boss! We are on TV now! *he waves at the camera* Hi people!”
 Sir Pentious was annoyed and pushed the Egg Boi out of the way.
 Sir Pentious - “Greetings you pathetic sinners! It is I your future ruler: Sir Pentious!”
 Angel Dust - *deadpan* “Oh joy it’s Sir Penny on TV.”
 Charlie - “Let see what’s his so called “plans” this time to take over Hell this time.”
 Vaggie - “I bet it’s something really stupid like most of his other plans are.”
 Sir Pentious - You see, I prepared something very special for my nephew Lucius who *The egg boi was moving the camera down but Pentious made it go back up* HOLD IT STILL! Anyway, I prepared something very special for my dear nephew Lucius whose birthday is today!”
 The Egg Boi turned the camera to Lucius. He was now cleaned up but still looked bummed out. He was hearing a party crown and sadly blew a birthday blower. Then an Egg Boi tapped Sir Pentious’ arm and whispered:
 Egg Boi 12 - *whispered*  “She’s awake now Boss!”
 Sir Pentious - “Oh perfect! Oh Lucius come over here, I got a surprise for you.”
Lucius went next to his uncle and saw lots of buttons and levers and a small button remote. Sir Pentious presses a button on the table, and the curtain stage opens to reveal wooden fake animals, trees, and the backdrop was the forest. Angel, Charlie and Vaggie looked confused on what Sir Pentious was doing on TV.
 Charlie - “Really a puppet show?”
 Vaggie - “I guess he lost his touch.”
 Angel Dust - “Forget his touch, he lost his fucking brain. With all those extra eyes you'd think he'd see just how stupid that is.”
 Charlie chuckled at that statement as she, Vaggie and Angel Dust continue to drink their alcohol.
 Charlie - “I wish Sonya was down here to watch it with us.”
 Vaggie - “Maybe she’s watching it in her room. You did put the TV in there for a reason.”
 Charlie - “Good point.”
Lucius - “A puppet show? You made me a puppet show? Well I guess that is pretty cool since your puppet shows always entertain me.”
Sir Pentious - “Thank you. But this isn’t just any puppet show for you my boy, I happened to have gotten a very special for "puppet" for you!”
The Egg Boi turned the camera to the stage and Sir Pentious pressed a button on the table. The stage lights went on and Sonya came down the stage. Two hooks were impaled into both her hands which made her float and her hands bleed. Sonya was wearing a pink Victorian dress with white socks and Mary Jane shoes. She was also wearing a white headband with a feather on it with her hair loose. Sonya was fully awake but looked confused and a little in pain. Lucius gasps happily while Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust spit out their drink in shock.
 Lucius - *happily* “I-Is That!!”
 Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust - *shocked and horrified* “SONYA?!”
 Sonya - “What the hell? Where am I? And where are my clothes!?”
 Pentious - “Oh I burnt them and gave you a brand new pretty one!”
 Sonya - *mad* “You burnt my clothes?!”
 Pentious - “Oh yes cause a young lady such as yourself shouldn’t being wearing such horrid clothes.”
 Lucius - “Uncle, you did this for me?”
 Sir Pentious - “Well of course. You deserved something special for your birthday. What's more special than your own property? Beside I-“
 Sonya - *shocked* “What?! I'm nobody prop-“
 Angry that he got interrupted, Sir Pentious pressed the button he had on the remote and the hooks and chains glows light blue and end up electrifying  Sonya and she screamed in pain.
 Sonya - *panting* W-what the hell was that?!”
Sir Pentious - “Oh it’s something I added to the hooks and chains. I just to press this button on the remote that can make me shock you as much as I want! It would teach you some matters to becoming a proper lady for Lucius. The pain helps you learn.”
 Lucius - “And we will make sure that other self of yours would be a proper lady too. Excellent idea for making the hooks not reach her fingers Uncle. We can’t let that wild side of her come out you know?”
 Sir Pentious - “Agreed. Although perhaps once Sonya becomes a proper lady, the other side of her would be even more proper.”
 Sonya - *angry* “When I get down here, I'm gonna-“
Then all of a sudden, Sir Pentious use his tail and wrapped it around Sonya’s neck beginning to choke her. He even grabbed her cheeks and began to sink his nails into it.
 Sir Pentious - "Oh I'm sorry what was that you said missy? You said: *sinisterly* I'm going to make Lucius happy by being his puppet because if you don’t, I would kill you by squeezing you until your lungs pop?" Sonya - *while being choked* “S-Stop!”
Sir Pentious - “That's what I thought.”
 Sir Pentious let go of Sonya and she was now panting from being choked. Even though she couldn’t see it, she felt small drops of blood fell off her cheeks.
 Lucius - “Oh Uncle, you've made me the happiest boy in Hell!”
He hugs his uncle and The Egg Bois awed. The Egg Boi that was the camera then turned to Sonya. Sonya was panting in pain and saw the camera turned to her.
 Sonya - “Oh god I don't normally say this but: *desperately* SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!”
 Sir Pentious - *takes the video camera away* “What you doing to stupid fetus? Don’t record that! *looks at the camera* Lucius! How do I turn this thing off?”
 Lucius - “You need to rotate the zoom ring to off in order to turn the camera off.”
 Pentious - *confused* “Huh? Where is this thing you call zoom ring?”
 Lucius - *takes the camera* “Let me do it!”
 Sonya - “You better let me go now-“
 Sir Pentious pressed the button that shocked her and screamed in pain. Lucius then turn off the camera which made the TV goes back to its regular channel.
 Charlie - “Hold on Sonya I’m coming!”
 Charlie was about to run out the door until Vaggie stopped her.
 Vaggie - “Wait Charlie, we can’t just go yet.”
 Charlie - “But you saw what happened on the TV!
We need to save her!”
 Vaggie - “I know but we don't know where the party is. It could be anywhere for all we know.”
 “I figured out where.”
 They all turned to Niffty and saw she was holding a crumpled envelope.
 Niffty - “I saw it on the TV too and I remember Sonya having this and throwing it out. The top left should say his address.”
 Niffty took the paper, straighten out and the address. They all looked at the crumpled envelope and said an address that said, “Nightmare Boulevard 11001”.
 Charlie - “Excellent work Niffty let’s get going!”
 They all ran to Charlie’s limo and surprisingly, Charlie got into the driver’s seat and began to drive fast.
 Charlie - “Don't worry baby cousin, Charlie is coming!”
 Meanwhile back at the party Sir Pentious, Lucius, and the egg Bois was laughing being entertain by the “puppet show”. They were” controlling the chains to move Sonya’s arms around and two extra robot arms to move her legs to make her dance. Sonya never felt such anger and pain in her life and wanted nothing more to be free and beat the living crap of them. Sadly she couldn’t due to the hooks being deep impales in her hands and keep on getting shocked. Even if it she wasn’t getting shock, she would be banged against the wall, the floor, or even the lights. Sonya couldn’t even let out Liz due to her fingers can’t reach the ends and all Liz could do is sadly watch seeing her other self-getting tortured.
 Sonya - “Let me go your Victorian asshole!”
 Sir Pentious shocks her and Sonya screamed in pain.
Sir Pentious - “Ah ah ah. That's no way to speak to me or my nephew, especially on his birthday.”
 Lucius - “Come on my lovely Sonya where's your passion?”
 Sonya - *angry and sarcastic* “Oh, you mean beneath my rage and fury?”
 Sir Pentious - “Aw you just can’t handle the fact that I'm just simply having some fun with my dear nephew.”
 Egg Boi 91 - “And us too!”
 Sir Pentious slapped the Egg Boi away in annoyed.
 Lucius - “Yes I mean my property Sonya.” Sonya - “No I'm not! You always try to kidnap me!”
 Lucius - “Because I want you with me, forever!”
 Pentious - “Okay enough chit chat. How about a little puppet show!”
 Egg Boi 12 - “Oh boy!”
 Lucius - “Oooh, I'd love that.”
 Then Charlie, Angel Dust, and Vaggie sneak into the castle and saw the party room. It was actually pretty easy since the guards were eggs Bois and they quickly killed them. Then they  quietly sneak into the party room and hide behind the chairs and they saw on stage the curtain opening.
Sir Pentious - “Once Upon of time, there was some weakling pathetic girl name Sonya.”
He pressed the button and Sonya came down looking angry and in pain.
 Sonya - “I'm not part of this!!”
 Sir Pentious pressed the button and Sonya got shocked again.  
 Sir Pentious - “The pain help you learn.”
 Sonya - “The pain is melting my brain!”
 Sir Pentious - “Anyway, Sonya was really lonely and pathetic. She would always say: Sonya - “FUCK YOU!!”
 Egg Boi 25 - *gasps* “What such language!!”
 Lucius - “May I uncle?”
Sir Pentious -  “Oh, how could I say no to the birthday boy?” Sir Pentious gave Lucius the remote and Lucius presses the button two times and it shocks Sonya twice. Sonya screamed in pain much to the horror of Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust. Even a jerk like Angel Dust was even horrified and disgusted on what Sir Pentious and Lucius was doing to Sonya.
 Charlie - “This is horrible!”
 Vaggie - “Wait until I get ahold of that brat! I'll give him the biggest birthday beating of a lifetime!”
 Angel - “Yeah! Can’t we just shoot them?”
 Charlie - “No you can’t! We could get caught and they could kill Sonya.”
 Angel - “So what else you suggest we-“
 Vaggie - “Shh! Something happening.”
 They turned and heard Lucius saying:
 Lucius - “Uncle I’m starting to get famished. Is it okay we have some birthday cake?”
 Sir Pentious - “Why of course Lucius. Come on you chicken shits it’s time for cake!”
 Egg Bois - “Yes Boss!”
 Sonya - “Wait! Can’t I at least eat some cake? I mean isn’t it the “women code” ladies first?”
 Lucius - “Well Yes you are correct about that. But it’s my birthday and I get what I want! You get to eat later.”
 Sir Pentious - “Oh and one more thing:”
 Sir Pentious pressed a different button. Instead of getting shocked, two small hands appeared from the side of the headbands and it stretched Sonya’s mouth into a force smile.
 Sir Pentious - “This helps you smile. Don’t worry once your mind is clean from our training, you will be the proper lady you meant to be for Lucius. Remember, the pain helps you learn.”
 Sir Pentious laughs as he left the room. Sonya was panting in pain and felt like crying. She never felt this kind of torture before especially from Sir Pentious and Lucius. Liz came in shadow form came and looked at Sonya sadly because she can’t help. Sonya noticed Liz’s and tried to say:
 Sonya - “It’s. Okay”
 Then two small knives were thrown that destroyed the two robotic arms. Sonya spit out the remain of the robotic arms and her mouth was free. Confused, Sonya looked and saw Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust coming toward her.
 Sonya - *gasps* “Guys!”
 Charlie - *whispers* “Shh! Don’t worry sweetie we will get you out. The question is how?”
 Angel Dust - “Don’t worry Princess I’ll already figure it out.”
 Angel Dust use his second pair of arms and grabbed Sonya’s ankles. Angel was about to pull, but Vaggie stopped him.  
 Vaggie - “Do you literally have shits for brains? Are you trying to cause more pain to Sonya?!”
 Angel - “Is there anything you suggest Vag-hag?”
 Sonya - “Look I-“
 Sir Pentious - “What’s going on in there?!”
 Thinking quickly, Angel opened the doors opened the floor of the stage and hide. Vaggie climbed up the pole where the lights, and Charlie saw a clown costume. Getting an idea, Charlie quickly put on the costume and close the stage curtains. Sir Pentious, Lucius, and the Egg Bois came back into the stage room and saw the stage clown and the “clown”.
 Charlie - *in a goofy voice* “Why hello there!”
 Lucius - “Who are you?”
 Charlie - “I’m uhh...Chuckles the clown! I’m here for the birthday boy party!”
 Sir Pentious - “Strange. I don’t recall ordering a clown unless it was stupid minions of mine! *facepalm* ugh! They are stupider than I imagine. Anyway, what kind of clown are you? *threateningly* because if you are one those molester clowns you better not lay a finger on my nephew!”
 Charlie - “Oh no no. I’m the happy clown that makes kids happy!”
 Charlie began to do a goofy weird dance on stage. This leave the Egg Bois entertain while left Sir Pentious and Lucius confuses. While that was happening, Vaggie crawled on the top pole where Sonya was hanging. She hanged upside down and gently grabbed Sonya’s wrist and saw how deep impales the hooks where in her hands.
 Vaggie - “Aw geez the hooks are really impaling in your hands.”
 Sonya - “Please just do it! I can’t take any more of the torture.”
 Vaggie - “I know the hooks and shocking must be really painful.”
 Sonya - “Well yeah but wearing the dress is the real torture! And I don't care how painful to take out the hooks just get me out!”
 Vaggie - “Hang on, kiddo.” Vaggie took a deep breath, and  start pulling the first hook out and Sonya’s left hand. Vaggie managed to pull out the hook and Sonya managed not to scream, but a few tears slipped out. Her left hand was free but now had a hole and was bleeding more.
 Vaggie - “It’s okay Sonya, just one more hook and your free.”
 Sonya then gasps because she felt like somebody was holding her ankles. Vaggie and Sonya looked down to see Angel Dust halfway out the bottom stage door and holding on to her ankles.
 Vaggie - “What are you doing?”
 Angel Dust - “I’m getting the kid out what it looks like?”
 Vaggie - “Hey I got everything under control.”
 Angel Dust - Well you are taking too long. Plus I don’t think Charlie can keep up with the shitty clown act.”
 Charlie was still doing some goofy dances. While the Egg Bois was laughing and enjoying it, Sir Pentious and Lucius was just confused.
 Lucius - *whispers* “You think he’s a drunk clown or a drug addict clown?”
 Sir Pentious - *whispers* “Not sure. They are always hard to tell. It could be both.”
 Lucius - “Well this clown dance is weird.”
 Sir Pentious - “Agreed. *yelling* Hey clown! Entertain my nephew!”
 Sir Pentious threw an Egg Boi at Charlie. However Charlie caught it and began to juggle the egg boi.
 Lucius - “Oh that’s cool!”
 Sir Pentious - “Oh do you Huh? Hey clown! Juggle these!”
 Sir Pentious threw lots of Egg Bois at Charlie as she tried her best to juggle them. Lucius was laughing and being entertain as Pentious kept throwing more egg Bois. Unfortunately, it was too many Egg Bois she had to juggle, and she ended up losing her balance and fell dropping the Egg Bois. Sir Pentious and Lucius laughed at the some of the Egg Bois ended up getting splattered. However, one Egg Boi, grabbed onto the curtain and tried to hold on but his gripped wasn’t strong enough to hold on. But it was strong enough to pull down the curtains. That when it reveals Vaggie and Angel Dust trying to free Sonya and they all had an “oh crap!” Look while Sir Pentious and Lucius looked shocked.
 Now that they are caught,  Angel Dust quickly pulled Sonya down. The good news is that freed Sonya’s from the chains. Bad news: while it did freed Sonya, the hook was still impaling to her hand and Angel Dust accidently slam her face to the ground. Angel Dust quickly pulled Sonya with him to the stage floor and close the door.
 Lucius - “Those disgusting parasites are stealing my property!”
 Sir Pentious - “Well don’t just stand there you duck shits! Get that gay parasite!”
 Some of the Egg Bois grabbed long tasers stick and began to stick it on the stage ground. Angel Dust was holding Sonya in his second pair of arms and was dodging all the lasers. Angel kept dodging and even took out his gun to shoot them while holding Sonya.
 Sonya - *impressed* “Whoa you’re really good!”
 Angel - “Eh I work part time as a stripper before kid. This actually similar to this only I don’t have to take off my clothes.”
 While that was happening, Vaggie jumped down stage and began to crush some of the Egg Bois that was coming toward her and using the tasers. Charlie quickly took off the clown costume and also began to fight back.
 Sir Pentious - “Ah Princess. I should've known you were the jester because that all you are in hell!”
 Charlie - “At least I’m not a try-hard wannabe like you!”
 Lucius - “How dare you insult my Uncle like that!”
 Lucius pressed a button on the table and lasers began to come out. It started to shoot Charlie and Vaggie, but they managed to dodge them and even use Egg Bois as shields.
 Sir Pentious - “You added lasers? I taught you well my boy!”
 Lucius - “Well I did learn from the best.”
 However, Vaggie managed to destroy the laser gun by throwing a knife at it. Angel Dust managed to get himself and Sonya out of the bottom stage. Unfortunately, he tripped over a dead Egg Boi’s yolk and end up dropping Sonya. Sonya slid across the floor and two Egg Bois chained her up.
 Lucius - “Your parasites should have known better to steal my property!”
 Charlie - *angry* “Property?!”
 Vaggie - “Sonya isn’t your property!”
 Angel Dust - “Yeah! Charlie knew Sonya longer so she’s Charlie’s property.”
 Sonya - “Not helping!”
 Lucius - “Doesn’t matter. I choose and get what I want: And I choose Sonya as my property and that she is!”
 Sir Pentious - “And somebody tries to get in my nephew’s way, they have to go through me!”
 Sonya then managed to get up and swing the Egg Bois to the wall since they didn’t tighten the chains enough. Then Lucius noticed Sonya standing up and looking angry.
 Lucius - “Don’t you know it’s unlady of you to fight! It’s my birthday and I order you to surrender.”
 Sonya - “Surrender my ass! I don’t give a crap if it your birthday or bar mitzvah, I’m nobody's especially your property. All of the torture, you put me in a dress! Since you love puppets so much: Why don’t you be one!”
 Sonya pulled the hook out of her right hand beside the pain and threw it at Lucius. The hook impales his shoulder and he was now stuck in the wall.
 Lucius - *in pained* “Wow...this hook is pointy!”
 Sir Pentious - “Lucius!”
 Charlie - “And why don’t you join him!”
 Charlie took out two Spears that Vaggie handed her and impales Sir Pentious’s arms and pinned him on the ground.
 Angel - *amazed* “Whoa Princess that was impressive.”
 Charlie - “Hey you messed with family, you get deadly consequences.”
 Sir Pentious - “You will pay for this!”
 Sonya - “Hey here’s a treat for you!”
 Sonya took some cake and smashed it on Sir Pentious’s face. Then he walked up to Lucius and said:
 Sonya - “Happy birthday your douchebag of a brat!”
 Sonya smashes cake on Lucius face too. Then she and the others left the “party”. One of the Egg Boi just blew a party blower which Lucius angrily kicked him.
 At the hotel, Sonya was now back in her regular clothes since she keeps spare clothes at the hotel. Charlie was cleaning the wounds on Sonya’s hands and was wrapping it gauze bandages. Then Charlie was finished, and Sonya was feeling better.
 Sonya - “Thanks for saving me guys.”
 Charlie - “Anytime. How are you feeling?”
 Sonya - “Well beside the terrible pain I felt getting shock, hooks impale in my hands, bang into walls, wearing a pink dress, and this could most likely scar me for life...I'm fine.”
 Charlie hugged Sonya in comfort since spent the whole day getting tortured by one of her most hated enemies .
 Charlie - “I’m just glad that you are okay. You know we would do anything to save you right?”
 Sonya - *smiling* “Yeah I know.”
 Vaggie - “I’m surprised that psycho brat didn’t come out.”
 Sonya - “Well she felt like that was more of my battle. Plus my hands was still in pain so she couldn’t use her weapons and didn’t want to bring more pain when it comes to using the fists.”
 Angel - “But what happened to Miss “I can escape Blindfolded?”
 Sonya - “Hey I was knocked out! I was caught off guard.”
 Vaggie - “Now we gotta know to be more careful. We can’t let that happen again.”
 Sonya - “I know I mean I can’t be one of those wimpy damsels in distress girls. They are so annoying and useless.”
 Charlie - “I understand that. But there’s nothing wrong for asking for help to get rescue once in a while.”
 Angel - “Yeah I mean I even asked for help when Penny kidnapped me.”
 Sonya - “He kidnapped you before?”
 Angel - “Yeah. He tried to torture me, but all he did was turn me on if you know what I mean?”
 Charlie - *uncomfortable* “Uhh right. *to Sonya* “What Angel is trying to say that is that even tough people like him and you, even Liz, would sometimes need help being rescue. And we would do anything to save you because we are two peas in a pod and family.”
 Sonya - “Thanks Cousin Charlie. I would do the same too.”
 Charlie and Sonya smiled and hugged each other. Charlie was happy that she rescued her cousin and Sonya knows her cousin and her new friends would come to rescue whenever she’s in trouble.
 Hope you all like it!
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