#and crazy hypocritical the things being said
solarwynd · 3 days
Tbh I don't even care / dislike boycott armys. If you don't want to spend money on BTS because they haven't spoken about Palestine, that's your perogative. Because they're enlisted, that does make a difference for me - maybe others find it an excuse but as someone who doesn't live in a liberal western country myself, I know how things like this work in my country and how vulnerable you can be in this situation, so I don't know how it works in s korea but still I'm giving them some leeway. Also there's just this weird disconnect for me because on one side yeah they're millionaires with a huge platform, on the other side they're currently in the mfing army right now. It feels foul to start tweeting about their privilege from the comfort of my bed in my home - something they currently do not experience. That's just my opinion. Someone else might perceive them to have more power than I do and maybe they're right. I won't say mine is the only right way to think. Plus again it's your money - if you donate more and spend less on merch then that's still a net good imo.
But the whole tone of people remarking on this donation has been completely gross. The way they talk about a genocide the same way they talk about the stupid fanwars that happen on twt everyday rather than with the weight it deserves makes me feel like this is some performative bs. Tweets like the ones some armys and kpop stans make just degrades the whole movement.
If you do have genuine intentions and start making stupid tweets like that, you should really touch some grass, log off twitter and do some more actual activism offline instead of letting twitter brain worms consume you. Acting like everyone's misconstruing what you said and playing victim is also not the move. This is a serious topic so I'd expect tweets related to this to have some actual thought behind it instead of spewing some idiocy as a gotcha because again it looks like you're treating this whole issue like some fandom war and trying to one-up the other side. Click-clack my ass.
Armys always come at BTS crazy during times like this and it’s not because it’s “necessary” since you want them to speak up. It all just comes off as sanctimonious and BTS ruining the perception armys have built around them as stans of them being a bit more conscientious than other k groups. I’ve never had an issue with boycotting in theory it’s just that armys can’t stand behind shit or just go about it the wrong way.
Why is it the minute they don’t perform to your exact standards, all of a sudden they’re low down and evil?Why couldn’t y’all have used Jimin donating as a beacon to rally fans to open a pool or something? And I try not to go tit for tat on things like this, but it’s extremely hard not to when you see proof of all these armys happily buying and streaming golden from last year and have been the main ones making these posts about jimin’s donation.
Nothing has changed from that time to present day. Same with the kpop stans trying to join in on it stanning groups who haven’t said a word either. How do you expect me not to believe y’all don’t have ulterior motives by singling him or BTS out? Now all those accounts have deleted those tweets cause they’ve gotten called out on their hypocrisy and got caught up in how dumb they look getting Jimin dragged over something so harmless. Cause it’s not like he gave money to something inane or inconsequential. He’s helping underprivileged children. Just real dickheaded behavior from that person.
Now considering how a member has close ties with scooter, making a statement would come off as hypocritical. I know in the grander scheme of things, what’s needed and what’s important is the awareness and I’d take it as such. But denouncing Zionism with a Zionist so avidly in the mix still wouldn’t be a good look. Which is why I feel like donating would have been the better option. It’d be much more substantial helping out with funds/materials imo because those are things Palestinians desperately need. But I understand that it’s not on the table since they’re in the military.
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gentil-minou · 1 year
Hi, I'm sending an ask here since i wanna stay anonymous and safe. I saw you being harassed on Twitter today, and that makes me feel very sad. I've always appreciated your analysis posts for Adrien and Marinette and know you wouldn't support depicting them as sexualized minors (which is different from aged up), you love them so much like I do, but some just take it too far to protect their so-called "justice". I hope you take a break when needed and truly wish this wouldn't affect you too much.
With love, from a fan.
I appreciate it, really. And don't worry, I am fine! It's been a few days of just rampant harassment and accusing people of doing things they never did, but in general it's just been ridiculous out there and a reminder why I stay away from mlbtwt.
The fact is that all of the accounts they dragged that I've seen so far have 1. Stated they explicitly draw aged up characters and/or 2. have done it on special nsfw accounts that are meant to be kept away from minors and 3. The people doing the dragging and bringing all this attention are 18+. This tells me that the minors themselves are being smart here and not looking at things they want to stay away from, that is until these people started showing attention to it and turning what might have been a safe space into a hellscape.
The fact is that child pornography is a VERY VERY VERY SERIOUS THING but it is not the same as people drawing/writing fictional characters. Especially when tv shows are becoming more and more explicit about this kind of thing themselves. They've taken what is actually a major concern and essentially created smoke where there was no fire, drawing attention away from a deadly blaze in the distance.
Not to mention, they are accusing real people of something so vile and heinous with complete disregard to what those people may or may have not experienced in their own lives.
I'm a huuuge advocate for using fanfiction/fanart to express yourself and more importantly to explore something in a safe way without causing danger to yourself or others. I'm not afraid to admit that I read and looked at smutty fic and fanart when I was a kid, and that it genuinely helped me learn about myself and my sexuality when I grew up in a setting that made me feel bad about it. And yes, some of what I looked at then was of minors. It is not the same thing as looking at actual child porn and I just don't even know how to explain it anymore. It's like how watching freaking true crime or video games where you shoot someone isn't going to make you do that sort of thing, and I cannot believe we have to argue this ahhh.
What makes me the most angry here is that this is actually doing the worst for teens and minors learning about and exploring their sexuality. It's already really hard to find safe ways to learn (look at how popular euphoria or sex education is with teens) or discover something about themselves. By actively making this bs argument that all nsfw art is bad they're making those teens feel actively worse!
And I work with teens like this!!!! Teens who feel shamed for their body's reaction and what is typical curiousity!!!!! Teens who without a safe a way to learn about themselves will often find themselves in the darker places where they are actually in danger and I just I cannot emphasize how much damage these twitter people are doing to the very real people they are claiming to want to protect.
I'll be explicit here and say I'm not saying minors should look at nsfw things! I'm saying that we shouldn't shame people who do, especially when they accuse people of something they aren't even doing!!!!!!!! No one is drawing child porn like ahhhh!!!!!!!!! Like I cannot even begin to explain how awful that is, to be accused of something you arent even doing just ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways I appreciate your kind words and I am taking care of myself don't worry I've been distancing myself from this fandom for a reason and it's been going well.
I just wish these folks would remember that the lives of real people are worth more than any fictional character. Too many people forget that in this fandom.
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byakuyasdarling · 10 months
#vent in tags#(because it’s less embarassing here)#I don’t want to get into every grimly detail#anyway so tired of the parent I live with calling#me a bad person most days — or lazy or selfish or inattentive#I’m so tired of hearing them say I have no charisma and am socially incompetent#and that I’m not quiet and when I say o don’t talk nearly as much or as loud as they do they say I’m gaslighting#I’m literslly always called a gaslighter.#I dint understand what I did or what’s so hard to understand about me#I know it’s difficult being them but they’re such a hypocrite s;l the time#like 2 days ago when they said for me to internalise my thoughts and I barely even speak to them anymore#and they go on ranting about my estranged parent constantly unprompted to me and my brother and calling them VERY derogatory terms#we do not need the fact one of our parent’s left us constantly rubbed in our face! my family members (other) said they should internalise it#so I know I’m not crazy and they’re being a hypocrite.#but I feel I’m victimising myself to create cognitive dissonance and I am bad and lazy#and that I’m using trauma and my terrible anxiety (which I’ve been trying to improve on) as a shield to those facts#I feel crazy I feel I’m the wrong who’s wrong#I think 2 different things — that they’re actually in the wrong but I could be trapped in my own head#I don’t know I don’t know why I’m blamed for every misfortune#I can’t stand Io for myself because as soon as I talk I’m told to shut up. say I’m wrong. and do what I’m told.#I hate this I hate having a parent who doesn’t want me much and the other who calls me a burden#they used to be really good parents I don’t even know ‘maybe they are and I want to displace blame#I’m so confused#I don’t want to live as anyone else though because losing any of my abilities terrifies me. because I know internally I’m still capable#vent tw#tw vent#tw parental issues#tw negative
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lukesbenward · 2 years
i do a really bad thing where i have a conversation in my head but then retaliate out loud like when i’m overwhelmed i’ll be like ‘gosh everyone is being so annoying and so loud’ and then the second someone talks to me directly i’ll be like ‘STOP DONT TALK TO ME’ instead of being normal in the first place and asking people to not talk to me in a polite manner
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phddyke · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel is actually healing my inner ex-Christian so hard.
No joke, I nearly started cheering when Lute called Charlie and Vaggie’s love “vile and blasphemous” (and then burst out laughing when Adam immediately followed it up with “Hot as fuck though”). I know that may sound weird considering that I am, in fact, a lesbian, but here me out:
Seeing Christians being explicitly homophobic onscreen? It validates me. It makes me think “Oh yeah, I’m not crazy, Christians are that hateful!” And, call me crazy, but I think homophobia being tied in with villainy is a good thing. Neither Adam or Lute are supposed to be good people; they are very obviously the villain, and that establishes their behavior as bad. Someone on Twitter said that Lute gave them religious fanatic vibes and I couldn’t agree more.
And here’s the thing, too: it’s explicit homophobia, not some dumb metaphor. There’s no way to take it as anything else. And I really need that. I need to see Christians being explicitly homophobic onscreen in the same way that other people need and create worlds where homophobia doesn’t exist.
But me? I want my pain and suffering acknowledged. I want the harm that Christianity does acknowledged. Homophobia is real and the religious kind doubly so. I related to Vaggie so much in that episode; I felt her trepidation about going back to Heaven. Felt like a good metaphor for escaping a fundamentalist church only to be forced to visit again.
And Viv is not afraid to explicitly point this out and criticize them. Like, yes! Say it! They are hypocrites! They don’t care about people being better, they only care about punishment! They maimed one of their own and left her to die because she spared a child! They’re homophobic freaks! They would never see the good that Angel does and how he’s improved and is wonderful, they only see that he’s a drug addict and a sex worker and think he’s worthless for that even though Jesus broke bread with sex workers and people considered the dregs of society. (And of course Angel is gay on top of that.)
And another thing: not only did the Adam line make me laugh, but the second homophobic Lute line about “he blew his shot like the cocks in his mouth” cracked me up too. It reminded me of the pilot where Katie Killjoy said “I don’t touch the gays” to Charlie, which is a line that made me laugh for 4+ years straight. When I told my brother that was the funniest homophobia I’d ever heard in media, he very wisely said, “All homophobia is funny if you think about it.” And you know what? He’s right. It is funny, because it’s so fundamentally goddamn stupid, so let’s give characters ridiculous lines so everyone can laugh at how idiotic they and their beliefs sound.
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itneverendshere · 1 year
I've had thots about Toppers girlfriend with Rafe and his wandering hands and yall are so turned on you both can't stop touching one another you're practically dry humping in front of everyone (ya know the whole hiding in plain sight)
hiii, tried my best, although I wrote this between 6 and 8 am bc my ass can't sleep lmao. hope you enjoy🥹
i was also in fact listening to Taylor's song when I wrote this.
pt 2 is here
i did something bad - rafe cameron (one shot)
warnings: rafe cameron x kook!reader; kook!reader x topper (only mentions of them); cheating; boyfriend!topper (not really lmao poor thing); public sex?; dry humping; mentions of alcohol and drugs; possessive!rafe; almost having sex in the middle of a party I guess;
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You don’t know how you ended up here, with him.
You don’t know what the fuck to do with your hands, or your gaze, or your mind, or anything. You feel truly lost for words. And yet, there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than where you were now, pressed between Rafe Cameron’s firm tights. 
As if you weren’t dating his best friend. As if you’re not in the middle of a roaring party, filled to the brim, at Topper’s house.
His thumb makes a cautious sweep over your hip. “Comfortable?”
You can only nod dumbly, “I am.”
“Look at me.”
Of course, Rafe Cameron, of all people would notice every little thing you did. Probably tracked every tiny movement you’ve made since you entered the house. You feel lightheaded as you meet his stare head-on.
That hand at your hip grows more confident, every finger now tracing your skin in gentle circles. If you died now, you’d die happy. So, maybe... your biggest turn-on is feeling respected and being listened to. And maybe, Rafe always made you feel exactly that, unlike Topper.
“’Been trying to get your attention all night, you know that?”
You are just about able to breathe out a quiet, “Really?
This attraction between you two is everything you’ve ever needed and wanted, and yet in moments like these, you panic all the same.
You know it’s safer to run from him than to run to him like you always seem to do, but the truth is, you can’t stop. Your steady composure evaporates around him.
Rafe nods, utter confidence in the gesture. Not that you’d expect any less from the kook king himself, he always knew what he thought and felt, and wasn’t afraid to let people know. He owns every single bit of himself.
Unlike you.
“Why are you surprised, flower?” he murmurs, “You know I only got eyes for you.”
You stare back at him, mouth dry and head empty. You want to call him out on his bullshit, put the truth on a silver platter, and hand it to him, but you’d be a hypocrite. How can you tell him you hate seeing him with other people when you’ve got a boyfriend yourself? His fucking best friend, of all people.
So you stay quiet and pretend you believe him. If you close your eyes, ignore the party around you, and pretend you’re back in your bedroom, you can do it.
“Is that so?”
He's now grasping both your hips, “Don’t look at me like that. You know I mean it.”
A thrill shoots through you. His touch is scorching your skin, “Not doing anything.”
Cheating on a relationship is a distraction, a self-delusional addiction.
This will end in a breakup or breakdown... or worse. You haven’t crossed that line, not physically at least. Not yet. But you feel like you are about to.
“Trust me, you’re doing just enough.”
The grit of desire that lay behind every word he said has you in a chokehold.
You’re crazy. His lips are so pretty, just thinking about them sends your mind into a sensual state of intoxication. Of course, your blush is a dead giveaway.
“Where’s your date?”
“Don’t know,” one hand moves down, “Don’t care.”
“You should.”
His lips twitch, fingers skirting down, “Yeah?”
His eyebrows rise, eyes flickering over the room curiously.
“Where’s your boyfriend, flower?” He all but purrs in your ear. Your face is most definitely on fire. 
He stares at you, and you simply stare back. The tension that clouds the air is almost too much. 
“Now, what would he think if he walked in here and saw you in my lap?” Rafe’s voice is raspy, “Hmm?”
Every bit of confidence you had is nowhere to be found. He always knows how to play your strings. The thought of Topper walking in makes you feel like you are on fire. You’re sick. 
“You think about that?” You ask breathlessly, and the hard outline of his cock through his jeans is confirmation enough.
“You are really trying to make me fuck you right here, aren’t you?” His voice is lethal, he all but groans, leaning down and sinking his teeth into the side of your neck, just above your pulse, “I’m trying to be good, flower.”
“You’re not good, Rafe Cameron.”
The solid press of his body on yours is all too much. His lips on your neck are everything you’ve fantasized about and more.
“I could be,” Those blue eyes fill with mischief, “For you, I would.”
Your stomach drops and you shove him off, ignoring your flushed cheeks. But then he grins, that shit-eating, sarcastic grin of his, and your glare pierces through him, attempting to keep some space between you.
“Don’t be an asshole.”
“You think I can’t be good?”
“I don’t think,” Your reply is mockingly sweet, and for once he doesn’t smirk, in fact, his grin is half-hearted now, “I know for a fact, you can’t.”
“Right,” His hand works its way from your cleavage, down to your stomach where he lingers for some time, “Good thing you’re dating a good guy, yeah?”
The urge to touch, to be inside you is overwhelming. He’s never felt so desperate to feel someone. 
“Yeah, good thing,” You breathe, body pressing into his.  Your heart thumps wildly between your ribs and you know you’re going straight to hell.
“Do you want me?” he whispers, arm snaking around your waist to bring you even closer. Again.
In one swift movement, he pulls you down to the couch he’s sitting on. He supports your body with one hand under your upper thigh, whilst his free hand cups the back of your head, fingers interlacing with your hair. The way you situate yourself on his thigh so quickly is truly laughable, and he does give a little condescending laugh.
The room is full.
And none of you give a single fuck.
You stare into each other’s eyes, panting shakily – lips inching closer and closer together. Rafe lingers there, flushed lips parted, waiting patiently for your move. 
“Rafe?” Your voice is quiet, and yet he still hears you despite the music. You’re not sure how much longer you can stand so close without devouring him whole.
His eyes flicker to yours, “Yes?”
“Kiss me.”
Before you know it, his lips crash into yours roughly, almost bruising them. He’s so hungry for you. For your touch. He has wanted this for so, so, so long.
And fuck, so have you.
The hard press of his cock pushing right against your center is torturous. As if his stupid muscular thigh wasn’t enough. You ground yourself down on him, breathing a moan against his lips. 
“My flower,” He pants into your mouth, tongue swiping against your bottom lip, “Gonna be good for me?”
“So good.” You rock against him, your teeth grazing his lips. His fingers untangle from your hair, and cup your cheek, pulling you in closer to deepen the kiss. You push yourself further against him, rocking your hips. He groans against your cheek, thrusting up. 
A large hand slides down your neck and grips it gently, earning him a sudden, breathy moan, “Want me that bad?” 
Your legs tighten around his waist, “Yes.”
“'Ya sure, flower?”
“More than him?”
“Don’t tease,” you whine lengthily, frustration so pent up it leaves you breathless, “You know my answer.”
“Do I?” Rafe hums, fingers rubbing tight circles into your clothed clit.
“Keep talking.”
You try hard to focus on the budding feeling in your core, to chase it so you can finally know what a proper orgasm feels like. Can’t remember the last time you had one, delivered by a man. 
“I want you,” You mumble, grazing your teeth on his pulsing throat as you suckle on his skin, leaving behind a bruise-like mark, “Always want you more.”
“Fuck—” he gasps, hips giving an involuntary jerk, “I’m never letting you go back to him, you know that right?”
Your grip around his neck tightens, fingernails digging into his tanned skin, “All yours.”
You’re so, so wet and you haven’t discarded a single piece of clothing. All he wants to do is replace his thigh with his cock but, he can’t. Not here anyway, so he settles for this. He’d settle for anything you give him right now. Lost to the sensation his head falls back, his eyes screw shut, his breath coming out in short pants. 
“C-Can we–Oh!– Can we leave?”
“Easy,” He hums, eyes still squeezed shut, brows gathering, “Not yet.”
“Please,” you beg quietly, squeezing his waist with your legs as your body tries to shove him closer.
Your pussy swells with pleasure, moans becoming deeper and more strained. He knows you’re close. He’s not far behind and there’s something so primal about making you cum in a room full of people, who’ve yet to take a second look at you two. The alcohol and the drugs in their veins become your accomplices. 
He feels the tension in your body, the way it seizes up, trying to fight the unbearable heat pooling in your pelvis. The sound of his husky moans in your ear is about to send you over the edge – heated coil unraveling, stomach muscles relaxing.
He relishes in the way you’re staring into his eyes with your mouth open. It feels so good, so right. The way his body completely envelopes yours.
You can’t believe you’re about to cum from dry-humping Rafe Cameron.
“This what you want?” He mutters.
You nod as best you can with his palm on your throat.
“Couldn’t fuckin’ wait, huh?” His jaw ticks. “That desperate?”
You nod again. Fuck, you’ll tell him whatever he wants if he’ll just touch you.
Focusing on the budding feeling, your hands grip his veiny forearm. His sleeves are shoved up to the elbows, cuffed there and you can feel a muscle twitch in his forearm. 
It turns you on. You let go of any thoughts, allowing your body to take over. You moan into his shoulder, grinding erratically into his hand.
“Good girl,” His voice is thick with desire, shaky from the buck of his hips. He has your face in his hands before you can shrink away. He's gripping your jaw between desperate fingers and tilting to your chin up, “So fucking good, flower.”
When Rafe begins to bounce his leg up and down and you bite your lip to silence your moans.
“If you ever let him touch you again, I’ll break his fuckin’ arms.” 
A whine seems to be the only thing that your brain can come up with.
You can feel the fire pulsating through his lips; you can feel it radiate off his body. 
He leans in to brush his lips against yours—feverish and light. His tongue swirls through your mouth from desperation starting to lock inside his chest. You have made him feel all kinds of things over the years. He needs to feel you, needs to touch you, constantly. After the searing memory of Topper’s hand on your waist, lips dangerously close to yours, he needs to be close to you.
"M'gonna cum—baby, please let me cum,” You cry out and dig your nails into his skin, chest heaving rapidly.
"Go ahead," He gulps, ready to take you home, he presses his forehead against yours and you wrap your arms around his neck, "'M right here."
Your stomach churns as the thin thread that is holding your composure together snaps. The tip of his nose drags over your jaw, a soft kiss pressed there as he nudges your head to fall back onto his shoulder. And then he has you shaking, hurtling towards an orgasm that leaves your mind spinning. His lips move to your neck, tongue, and teeth stinging and soothing, mumbling praises and filthy promises.
“Oh, my fuckin'—God!”
He doesn't let up, not when your clit begins to throb, or walls pulse.
Not until you're shaking so hard through your orgasm that you are all but crawling up his lap, leaving you unable to breathe.
“C’mere,” he says, softly, although you haven’t moved. He lifts a hand to your face to brush the hair back from your eyes, lingering for a moment before his gaze slides up to yours.
“You’re mine.” 
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
Top!Velvette x reader headcanons —
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a/n — Oops my finger slipped and I wrote about woman being mean to me! Oh no! ALSO THIS IS A BIRTHDAY GIFT TO @puffymucher everyone say hi
warnings — very short headcanons, small use of mommy, degrading, small praise, bottom reader, top velvette
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So, unpopular opinion, in my book, Velvette is a switch. I know most people see her as only a top, but I disagree. 
However, I’m about to seem like a huge hypocrite because this is about TOP VELVETTE!! and we’re keeping it that way.
She is such a bitchy dom it’s actually insane. Like it’s very about her when she’s topping. 
I could see her liking to be called ‘mommy’ if the reader is into it. 
The in character reason for this? Oh yeah, it’s probably something like… shut the fuck up it’s hotter that way.
I could see her being, like I said, very bitchy and demanding. Also probably very mean.
Like punctuating her sentence with “That’s right darling, keep going. Don’t you dare fucking stop.” “What a pretty little slut.” “Mummy’s good little whore.”
The idea of her using a strap is tricky because she’s more of a taker and not a giver. I could see her using one however, but more because of a control thing than a power thing.
What can I say? She’s very bossy and used to ordering people around. This doesn’t change in the bedroom, with or without a strap.
But I do have this idea of her fucking you until maybe you start crying or on the brink of crying.
And then she would probably look down at you, sneer at your puffy face, and then fucking laugh.
And be like “Are you actually crying? That’s fucking pathetic.” and you’d whine and she’d just respond with, “Darling, if you can’t handle this then I won’t hesitate to fucking stop.”
Maybe you’d let a few ‘mommy’s slip out. Oh you’re fine for. Like you’re her bitch. It’s decided.
Will actually not hesitate to sit on your face to shut you up if your being to whiny. Like will stop whatever she’s doing to you immediately with no remorse and crush you between her thighs.
Probably will degrade you afterwards for being so vocal when she was barely doing anything. “Seriously it’s pathetic how much of a slut you are.”
I don’t think she wouldn’t be praising at all. But it would be very condescending praise I think. Probably calling you ‘good dog’ ‘pretty slut’ or something shit like that.
As if you’re her pet. Like even her praise is so backhanded she’s such a bitchy top ugh it’s crazy. If you’re really into calling her mommy, she would definitely let you suck her tits. Like absolutely. Shes just be on her phone while you latch on and probably stroke your hair or something.
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a/n — Bottom reader isn’t really my brand but dominate mean woman are OBJECTIVELY hot.
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Am I the asshole in this situation??
First of all I'm so sorry for bringing t/b discourse here but this has been so gd annoying I need help. And all this is is on twitter-retro etc.
I'm 100% here for switch please keep in mind. Idc what anyone else likes it's food I'll eat all of it. But this fandom. Oh this fandom. So here's the context, it's a anime show with a really popular almost canon mlm ship, one of them is crazy beautiful and the other one is a big muscular man. Naturally the fandom like the pretty man as bottom and the muscular man as top. Let's call this DC. Not all people tho and it's the problem.
See, there are some creators who hate the above dynamics so much they make the muscular man a woman, sometimes trans which is fine but they always babygirl him, call him wifey, use she/her pronouns, go all out to make the pretty man over the top masculine so he can be top while making the canon masculine man demure little wife. Note that they're both really tall but D has long hair so they always make him wear accessories to feminize him. I made friends with some authors who used to like switch, they wrote DC back then and they were so good. They were all into switch too. Over the years they became really hateful of DC dynamics and started to exclusively write CD, talk about CD only, rt CD art exclusively.
This is still fine, they're like 10 people out of thousands who don't care, and most people don't care. Until one day recently when I said it was better to ship switch. Those people started clowning me, saying it's their right to exclusively like whatever, write whatever, started ignoring how the show portrays them. They wrote literal threads detailing how to how use tags as if no one knows, shaded people who said they didn't care and would use whatever tags they liked. It got to a point I had to ask them to stop, they started saying I was harassing them and accused the fandom of harassing them on anon and ao3. When I said it Doesn't Matter they said it was racist to suggest that, telling me to block if I didn't like their posts. I could not make them understand how fetishistic it was, just because Japanese fans do this doesn't mean it's good or we have to follow? They somehow figured out who I was and blocked me, kicked me out of a server we were in together, so I lost mutuals and some followers too.
Then they started answering my asks unseriously like "I write CD to piss YOU off" "can't project on the twink like yall" and started insulting switch fans calling us hypocrits. There isn't much CD content to begin with how can I share more of those? Whatever is available they make it heteronormative like that. One of them deadass called me an asshole for "harassing" them just because I said it's rude to block people over t/b dynamics when no one is bothering anyone, because these people are always blocking anyone posting DC and making a bubble of CD only fans. This is bound to make them lose track of canon but who cares anymore. They keep complaining about being harassed for liking CD and yes some fans probably send anon hate but that doesn't mean any critic of CD is harassment?
Tell me how I'm the asshole here for suggesting they stop obsessing over t/b this much? How am I the asshole when I'm the one they all blocked and apparently I'm a bad guy because I followed some popular accounts who post DC and said some weird things about D which I didn't even know about.
What are these acronyms?
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Would You Marry Me?
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You couldn't say how you had ended up there for sure, hand in hand in some chapel, smiling a drunken smile at Bill as he reciprocated.
You guys were just eighteen, but drunken after a concert, you guys found your way to a chapel.
You could remember sitting on top of the trunk of Bill's car, smoking and drinking under the moon's glow.
You remembered leaning back, holding Bill's hand as he held yours, his other holding a cig and your other hand holding the alcohol.
You could remember Bill turning his head to you, smiling as he admired you like he always did, running his thumb over your hand as he stared.
"...you wanna get married?"
"What?" You laughed at his words, thinking he was joking only to see his dead serious face.
"Wait- you're serious?"
"Yeah…would you marry me, (Name)?"
You stared for a moment, a small smile on your face, nodding your head. "Yeah." You muttered, Bill chuckling softly as he leaned down to you.
"Yeah?" Bill repeated, looking into your eyes as if for confirmation. "Yeah." You laughed, Bill wasting no time to lean down and kiss you once more, the last one as just partners dating.
"Come on!" Bill slid off the trunk, you laughed as he pulled you up, almost lifting you off the trunk, taking your hand as he and you almost tripped over one another going to the chapel.
You could remember Bill smiling at you, holding your hand as you all but ignored the officiant, never hearing anything but the words you had heard many times before to others, but now it was for you.
Bill had said his "I do." While smiling at you, resisting to kiss you when he did.
The officiant then turned to you.
"Do you take Bill Kaulitz to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"
You smiled, never looking away from Bill.
"I do."
You remembered nothing more than Bill finally kissing you as you were pronounced married, laughing between kisses as everything was a drunken blur.
So now you sat on the curb of the sidewalk, papers and documents in your hands as you went over them again and again, each time with each one saying the same thing.
You were married. To Bill Kaulitz.
"Fuck, did we actually do that?" You laughed, holding the papers in your hand as you sat on the curb, Bill at your side.
"We just. We just did." Bill laughed along with you, leaning closer to you, his eyes scrunched up with his beautiful smile, his hand on the back of your neck as you touched foreheads.
"They're gonna kill us." You breathed out, barely away from his lips as you smiled, looking into his eyes.
"So fucking what?" Bill smiled, shaking his head as he leaned forward, locking your lips on a drunken kiss, the first of many kisses between your marriage.
Bill and you shared your kiss on that curb, it wasn't the best planning on your part, sure, but with Bill, everything was perfect.
That day it was leaked. A picture of you and Bill outside the chapel, kissing on the curb with marriage papers and marriage certificate in hand.
People went mad. They went crazy. They were hypocritical that you guys were too young. That you wouldn't make it. There were supporters, there were ones that were happy.
There was Tom, Gustav and Georg. Your best friends who were saddened they weren't there, but happy for you.
Maybe you wanted a real wedding with them in it.
People said that would never happen and laughed when you brought up being married to Bill forever.
None of them mattered though as you stood hand in hand with Bill once more fifteen years later, the same smitten smiles on your faces, alcohol free.
Gustav, Georg and Tom all stood beside you, Tom as the officiant to his brother for once, or at least now, you were having your actual wedding.
They said you wouldn't make it a year, but here you stood hand in hand, fifteen years later.
Same smiles. Same love. Same Bill.
Y'all I know this sucks but tell me if you like it in the comments!
Taglist: @billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @dead-tapes
@ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @elenacgn08 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @juliarc28 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @meryldian @tcmltmptheg @bandberries @killed-kiss
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brucewaynehater101 · 11 days
Saw the ask about rogues and civilians thinking Red Robin died while he's off on BruceQuest AND discovering he spent years undercover as a sex worker and thus band together to makes entire sections of the city impossible for other Bats to enter
Fuck, how does this affect Red Hood? From Jason's own personal thoughts on Tim and (how much does he learn?) to his reputation
Yeah when Tim's hero reputation is irreparably FUCKED before he does things himself and goes off on BruceQuest, all hell is breaking loose and now a good chunk of Gotham's people and rogues are . . .
As far as they know right after the kid got Smear Campaigned he fucking DIED
Wtf would they even do after that?
Dick-as-Batman is gonna have it horrifically, how are civilians and rogues gonna treat Damian as Robin? Will they try and kidnap Dami to try and save him from Jane Doe's fate?
What does any major character think of this? Individually or collectively?
How does this affect their relationships with each other? Oh God, Alfred; what about him?
During BruceQuest do rogues and civilians alike try to reach out to the third Robin's associates to see if they need help themselves like Cassie
Joker???? What about him and if this is a timeline where Tim was earlier Joker Junior'd? What will he think when news comes out what will he do?
Does Harley decide, after Red Robin returns and it's revealed the kid is alive and well, to go "Joker is objectively 100% awful but he was up to something" and adopt Tim as her own kid of sorts, but without Joker sharing custody and doing it with her owm friends instead like Ivy?
My brains melting, go crazy go stupid
Alright!!! Let's try to answer the questions ^^
For Jason/Red Hood, it depends on how much RH is associated with the Bats. Before the BruceQuest, it might not be well-known that he's allies with the Bats (especially because he's shot at or tried to beat him up). Depending on how public his aggression towards Robin (now RR) was, this might endear him to the areas that are closed off. As far as emotionally, there Jason had to resort to crime and desperate measures just to eat. Dealer's choice on whether he had to resort to selling himself or not. Regardless, I bet Jason throws up repeatedly in horror and distraught after finding out that Tim has been doing that during his time as Robin (not sure when Tim would have started, but at least as young as 15). There's a bit you can explore there with angst and shit (especially since Jason attacked Tim at the age of 15).
I think that maybe Gothamites would believe that Robin has lost his marbles in grief. However, that makes perfect sense due to everything he's been through (as far as what's publicly known of him being a child therapist, Robin, and losing Batman). Despite them thinking it's possible he did lose himself, at least he wasn't putting people in the hospital like Batman did. I think they would be more upset that RR wasn't supported and how hypocritical everyone was.
It's a toss-up on how they would treat Damian. It probably varies between despising the child for taking over R3's place, wanting to protect him, and being indifferent to Batman throwing another child into the line of fire.
Alfred is debatable. How cruel it is to Alfred and how the old man reacts depends entirely on how he acted to Tim during his years of Robin, whether the 16th birthday incident happened, and whether he intervened when Damian said harsh comments to Tim. That would change Alfred's reaction to being either "fuck it's all my fault" or "what more could I have done so this didn't happen?"
Maybe a rogue or two tries to reach out to RR's non-Gothamite associates. I'm curious how Anarky reacts to all of this.
Adding JJ to this AU would be so fucking cruel to Tim, but I'm down for that. That would give him parent issues with 3 sets of parents, but Harley is just a complicated mess of emotions and shit. I think she would take on more of an aunt role to Tim due to the whole JJ incident. There could be some angst there with Tim calling her Aunt Harley
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shark-bytee · 18 days
i feel this needs to be said.
the whole situation right now is handled so incredibly poorly, not just by the sc mods, but EVERYONE.
emily is a fucking weirdo. sc mods should have handled that as soon as it was brought up. it was handled poorly.
however. you can't just post a callout without. evidence. you need to actually have evidence at the start or who is going to believe you?
to the people who say "don't harass the mods" and then have tags like "fuck pansear" are being hypocrits. you are also harassing the mods. yes i saw that tag, if you've removed it now. no it's not ok.
to the people who are accusing ALL THE SC MODS of being zoophiles and pedos are fucking crazy. stop. you have evidence against emily. don't accuse the mods about this, especially as you say "ohhh don't harass them."
this whole thing is a mess and could have been handled much better if the sc mods did something first OR a full doc with the evidence was actually posted first.
this community should have been a safe place for everyone. instead it's become a cesspool. i don't wanna be a part of this community anymore.
and i don't think the sc mods are in the right. emily is a fucking weirdo. but. the accusers aren't completely in the right either.
i'm disappointed, frankly, with everyone involved. i have nothing else to say other than do better.
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This was for the best, right? (Vil x Fem Reader)
Genre: Heavy angst/ No comfort
Pairing: Vil x Fem Reader & One-sided Rook x Fem Reader
A/n: Hi! So do you guys recall the idea I had with Vil x Reader angst? So this is it! If you want to know about it first, I’ll link it (here) I hope you like this one, I gave my best effort on this, hopefully, it fits Vil, I love him so much.
Credits: The design was made by me in Canva and the art that was used is all from the Official Twisted Wonderland Cards. The line breakers are from Kaomoji dividers!
Warning: This is ANGST NO COMFORT! Panic Attacks on Vil’s side, Breakups no reconciliation, misunderstanding and Insecure Vil, relapses of Trauma on Vil’s side, talking bad about Reader’s appearance, although vague it still is there.
Sypnosis: Your face got leaked throughout social media when you went to have a date with your boyfriend Vil. It made him hate his reputation; he would understand if people bashed him instead, after all, he wouldn't let those words affect him, he's more worried about you, you're not used to the media watching you, having you be seen with him by paparazzi. He kept thinking of ending things with you to protect you from the backlash. ⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽༓☾∘∙•⋅⋅⋅•⋅⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅
He is usually unbothered by the fact that he gains hate often, he plays villainous roles, having to only reach till halfway or even before the story’s conclusion. It was normal for people to threaten him just because his character did something horrible to the main character. At least he is aware of how well he performed in acting by how despised he was. However, what he wasn’t prepared for was you being the one gaining hate. 
People are hypocrites, they cuss him out and throw the worst insults they could think of towards him, and at the same time, they view him as a perfect human who deserves someone “better for him”. He didn’t expect that his selfishness would get in the way of his relationship with you just because he wants one normal date outside of school but when one of his paparazzi caught a picture of him with you out on a simple date in Pyroxene. The picture showed your face fully without any filters, those uncouth journalists milking his fame with their horrendous illegal articles; anything to gain a higher footing in their industry than anyone else.
When he found out about the article, you two were cuddling in Pomefiore in his bedroom. He had a separate, massive bedroom since he was the housewarden, watching the film that he was recently cast in. As usual, he was given the role of a villain, it was the same old same old, except this time, the villain won, and it was satisfying to see him reach the end. He didn’t tell you though, so while you lay your head on his shoulder, watching; complimenting his looks and joking about how you’d date him even if he was that crazy.
He loves your little antics, you’re the only one who had an odd mind falling for the roles he has. “You have a peculiar taste for characters sweetheart” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer while you giggled. 
“Funny how I’m dating you” You cuddled closer to him, what you said earned you a playful glare. He was about to tickle you as punishment, but his phone suddenly vibrated, showing the name of his manager, he went to kiss your forehead before he untangled himself off you; “Give me a second, I’ll take this call real quick” he informed you which you gave a nod, letting him out of the bedroom and to his bathroom. 
"What is it?"He examined himself in the mirror, fixing his hair while his manager spoke, "Vil, check what I sent you, it's a link." Vil glanced at his phone and clicked on the article, wondering what it was, he waited for a bit, and as soon as it finished loading his heart drops.
“Famous actor Vil Schoenheit caught dating!” It was a stupid title, but he didn’t give any thought about It, fearing for the worst he scrolled further, finding your face unblurred on it. “What is the meaning of this?” he frowned, gripping his phone before his manager answered. 
“I’m not sure how they found out about the café you and your lover frequent but I’m trying to track down the owner of the article and threaten them with a lawsuit, but with how the media eats up everything, I’m afraid the damage has been done” Vil could hear rustling from the other end his manager taking out which he thinks is paperwork, most likely about the process of lawsuit, he was growing restless as he looked at how many comments and likes did the article gain. He didn’t even notice that his Magicam was being blown up by “fans” questioning him for his taste, and criticizing you. 
He was starting to feel chills around his body when he continued to investigate the whole thing, Vil was close to having a panic attack, gripping the edge of the sink. He tried to calm himself down, remembering what his father taught him. 
“Deep breath in, deep breath out” he recalled, causing him to loosen his grip a bit and relax. A knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts when he faintly hears you from outside. 
“Vil? Are you okay? You’re taking a while there” you asked which he straightened himself up, composing himself before looking at his phone, who still had his manager on call. “I’ll have you deal with this; I need to go.” He walked to the door opening it after his manager agreed and ended the call.
“Sorry, it was just a minor nuisance at work” He smiled at you, he was a good actor but when it comes to you sometimes, he can’t seem to lie. “Are you sure? You sounded pretty agitated when I went to check on you” You touched his hand, entangling your fingers with his, which made him sigh. 
“it’s…” he hesitated for a moment; does he tell you? He can’t drag you into all of this, he was planning to have it stay hidden till the article was gone, but at the same time, you’re bound to know about it once your friends find out and question you about it.
“Can we talk?” He finally caved in, gazing at you with a mixture of worry in his eyes; how could you say no to that? 
When you found out about the article, Vil was worried that you’d be upset at him, not once did your expression change when he was explaining it. He didn’t expect you to smile and kiss his cheek, telling him that “it’s okay, the media will die down on it, at least if they found out, they won’t bat an eye if we go on dates more publicly, right?” you told him.
He was amazed with how well you handled the news; what about the possibility of receiving backlash? No, actually you both were receiving backlash already. “You’ll have to stop using social media for a while and deactivate it just to be safe” he warned you, looking at you for any signs of distress, he was concerned that you were just hiding it, you’re not someone who’s made to handle the eyes of strangers, he thinks you might not even understand what it means to have your face be doxed by media. 
"Darling," he said, enveloping you in his embrace, which you gladly returned. He said, "Listen, this is the media we're talking about," stepping back to look directly into your eyes. You'll be receiving insults left and right, and I worry that if your friends choose to drop you because of our reputation, it will negatively impact you. I'm capable of managing myself and safeguarding you from the public eye, but what if this also concerns your friends?" he knew that the possibility of your close friends dropping you for something trivial like this was unlikely to happen but there’s still a possibility. 
“If they drop me for something so stupid, I guess they don’t deserve to be my friend,” you said firmly, “Vil, I don’t mind this," You replied firmly, "but it seems like you’re bothered by it” You pointed out, touching his face, it was true, he is bothered by it, he’s scared of the outcome, he’s afraid that every day when you go out in public, people will try to hurt you or coerce you into doing something you don’t like.
“Once the article is down, it’ll fizzle out” You comforted him, noticing that his breathing started getting a bit ragged. Was it really going to stop once that article was taken down? There might be people who saved that article and reposted it. 
In the next few days, you two would often just stay within school grounds, Night Raven College is big enough for you two to roam around and have your usual dates; Despite his frequent work schedule and dormitory maintenance, he still made time to have meals with you. During those times, everyone seemed to keep testing his patience, when he was on set, his unprofessional coworkers kept festering him about you, and when outside, he felt restricted, not being able to walk freely without eyes catching him, so he was advised by his manager to use his car to go back to school and work. He kept his social media muted as well; he couldn’t scroll around Magicam cause every article in those past few days has been nothing but hatred towards you.
“That woman looks so average, what the hell did Vil see in her?”
“Honestly, I would even accept if he’s gay for Neige, whenever those two are together they look so cute!”
“She looks like an extra://” 
Comment after comment of users trashing your looks, your whole being even without knowing you.
It angers him, so for the sake of his mental health and yours, he made sure that you also kept your social media muted, although often, he saw you scrolling on it, reading the comments, or just chatting with your friends. 
He doesn’t understand why you do it, it frustrates him a bit when you do, but he couldn’t tell you to just delete social media entirely, he’s not toxic.  
During lunchtime, he was late to meet you, rushing through the cafeteria, he found you with Deuce and Ace, chatting away. He was going to greet you till he heard what Ace said.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna stop this act?” he munched on his egg sandwich while Deuce looked at Ace like he had just grown a second head. 
“What the hell are you talking about Ace” Deuce said before Ace glared back at him. “I mean! Being unbothered by whatever nonsense Magicam’s got on. You have your face everywhere and people are talking smack about it!” He pointed out in which, Vil couldn’t even see what your expression was right now. "If I were you, I’d confront him about why his agency hasn't gotten to the bottom of this." Deuce wanted to hit Ace that time, but it was true, both your friends were confused as to why it continued to circulate. 
“You don’t have to listen to Ace” Deuce paused, not knowing where this could possibly lead to what he meant. “It’s okay, I understand the concern.” You voiced out, placing the fork down, fiddling with your fingers, “It does affect me, but It’s not Vil’s fault that It got way out of hand.” 
Vil frowned, hearing that, so it did affect you, why didn’t you tell him? Was it because of his incompetence? He thought about how many times you told him that it was okay, that you didn’t mind it. He knew that the article was stupid, but the evidence was evidence to journalists, and that caused you to be in the middle of the crossfire between him and his “fans”. 
Was it worth sacrificing your peace dating him? He smiled bitterly to himself, how stupid of him to have these kinds of thoughts. He looked at his phone, he was going to send you a message that he was in the cafeteria but decided to go against it. 
“I don’t think I can make it. You can go eat.” He sent the message before leaving the cafeteria and going back to the dormitory, he needed some time for himself. 
When he reached his living quarters, he sat down on his bed, noticing the way the curtains were covering any light coming inside. It was like the state of his mind currently, he didn’t feel like doing his daily routine today, which is funny, if he didn’t push himself to keep a perfect image, he would be nothing but average; but if he did look average, would that give both of you the pleasure of living a normal life? 
He scoffed to himself, he can’t just throw his career away, he needs it for your future; both your futures, he stood up, grabbing all the necessary cream, face powder, and other stuff for his face, but the moment he saw himself, looking tired, he stiffened up. Will there be a future where the two of you would be together?
Vil didn’t realize that he started to avoid you. His bedroom was inaccessible, you would knock on his door, but he wouldn’t confront you. Staying silent and just waiting till the knocking subsided and you were out. 
He still showed up to needed House warden meetings, or event planning, he did his duties as usual, he just didn’t do his duties being your boyfriend. 
It was as if his insecurities when he was younger were relapsing whenever he thought of talking with you, was it okay to talk to you right now? He still thinks it’s not the right timing. He isn’t his usual self right now and he doesn’t want to risk doing anything bad. 
However, it breaks his heart to see the sorrow in your eyes when you meet him and to see him neglect you. He was aware that the distance between you and his unwillingness to communicate about the situation was making your relationship unstable. 
After three days of no contact, he was on top of Pomefiore’s garden, he missed you dearly, he gazed down to see his dormmates having tea under the recently renovated garden, then he noticed someone familiar within the garden, focusing his eyes on it, it was you! You looked… happy? 
That was the smile that you usually only reserve for him, what’s going on? Vil thought to himself, confused as he ripped his eyes off you, only to notice Rook Hunt, touching you the way you would with a lover, giving you a gaze he never saw from Rook, but he knew what that was.
Rook liked you, both of them did, but he decided to step down in favor of letting Vil court you. He knew that feelings would never fade that easily but he didn't expect to see this sight. You two looked so perfect for each other, his hand touching yours as if you were having the time of your life, even without him. He clawed the railing of the balcony, not feeling his fingernails scrape the paint off of it, his eyes blurring as he walked away, fearing that he might fall if he ever passed out. His heartbeats were the only sound he could hear, aside from the static his ears were hearing. 
He fell back into his bedroom, feeling his whole body shiver as he grips on his arm, numb to the pain that his nails were digging into his flesh. Cold sweat trickled down his face, he didn’t know if he was even breathing or not, his brain foggy, like an impending doom was going to happen if he once tried to “breathe.”
Vil ended up passing out, and unfortunately, the moment he woke up, it was already 5 am, he jolted awake, standing up, hearing a continuous knock from his door, He flinched as his head throbbed, touching it gently to try to ease his headache, he moved to the door, opening it, not expecting to see the person he least wants to see.
“Roi de Poison” Rook greets him, smiling brightly at him, Irritating. “I noticed you haven’t gotten up and gone to work yet, did you take a sick leave?” Rook continued, his voice filled with worry, he was about to fix the hair covering Vil’s face when he got his hand slapped away, startling him, he noticed the way Vil’s eyes darkened a bit.
“I’m fine” Vil affirmed, groaning a bit, he pinched the bridge of his nose as another headache hit his head again. “I’ll get ready, for the meantime, please take care of the dorm in my absence” He continued, replying curtly as he slammed the door shut before Rook could even say anything, He was sure that Rook would do as he says, if he didn’t, he’ll find a new vice housewarden. 
Vil was already late for work, his disheveled look was barely noticeable but his manager noticed the slight imperfection in it. She walked up to him, fixing the sleeves of his outfit. “You’re late Mr. Schoenheit” She buttoned the sleeves, waiting for a response from Vil, who just sighed, “I apologize, something came up, can we start?”
You were getting worried, Rook went to your dorm, telling you about the state of Vil and that he was worse for wear, you decided that this time, you were going to visit and you were going to talk to him even if he didn't want to. It’s been dragging on for too long—the avoidance of your lover and the media is hurting you. You need to do something before your relationship reaches a breaking point.
When you arrived at the modeling agency where Vil works, you were graciously allowed in. You were familiar to those at the agency; some supported you, while others did not. However, the only support you needed was Vil's.
The moment you stepped inside the photoshoot, you saw Vil, working with another model, he looked gorgeous as always, although it seemed that he was tired; it was unusual for him to be in a state where it was obvious.
The manager noticed you before she ushered you further in, just to get nearer where Vil could see you, and Vil froze, stopping the shooting when he saw your face. 
“I’m going to take a break,” he said to the crew members, seeing you, his gaze remained unfazed, “Let’s talk on the lounge” he murmured, walking past you.
You didn’t know what else to do but follow him, understanding that Vil wasn’t feeling well. The moment the two of you were alone, he went to give you apple juice, the one that Epel’s family sells, you give a gentle smile to him, but he didn’t reciprocate. It made your heart ache. 
“What do you need?” he asked, sitting down on the opposite side of you. Reluctant to look at him, you fixed your gaze on the apple juice. “Are you feeling alright?” you asked, which made Vil chuckle, “That’s a funny question Y/n” 
“I just wanted to know, You’ve been avoiding me for a while and-“You were cut off by Vil who placed the half-empty apple juice on the table. “I just needed some time to think, plus we agreed to lay low” He answered, which frustrated you “Vil, I heard from Rook that you turned up late during work" you were feeling nervous, and for the first time, your lover made you uneasy. "that never happened before,” you said, wanting to touch his hand, but he pulled it away, his eyes showing a trace of betrayal.
“What?” he asked, heart breaking as he looked at you, “Rook told you?”
“Of course he did, he’s a close friend of yours!” you protested, feeling a sense of desperation when Vil kept rejecting you, for the past few weeks, or months? You don’t know, but it’s been so long since you two last saw each other and stared at each other for more than just a glance, now you’re on the receiving end of his glare?
“You…” Vil murmured, before he finally let his body relax, his expression turning soft. “I think we should break things off.”
“What?” you gasped, gripping on the apple juice a little bit too hard, “Vil- “
Why? Vil wanted to answer why, there were plenty of reasons why, you two were just way too different, and the fact that if he pursued this relationship further, it’d hurt both of you more. It was clear that Rook liked you and you liked Rook, what is there to continue this relationship? Plus, the media will continue to see you as inferior, this will continue for a lifetime, and no matter what he can’t see why and how your relationship with him will continue without it getting toxic. He finally understood that he is way too much for you, his feelings would slowly wrap you around vines that contain poison, HIS poison. He was thinking of the future, and he can’t see it going beyond the challenges you two face. 
He eventually responded, "I lost interest, I’m sorry, we both should focus on our careers first” He lied, not looking at you as well, you both were too hurt to even gaze at each other. You didn’t move or talk, so he decided to stand up, fixing his attire and looking cold. “I’ll be leaving now, hopefully, we can put this all behind us, I’ll have a taxi be ready to get you home when you’re ready.” he said, his heart aching, he wanted to hold you, but he stopped himself, “Just talk to the manager when you plan to leave” he continued, turning around before leaving the lounge.  
The moment you left, the manager went up to him excitedly, he didn’t feel like celebrating at all when he found out that they tracked down who the journalist is and are now filing a lawsuit against them; at least on a positive note, you were out of the picture, out of the prying eyes of the media. 
This was for the best, he thought to himself, feeling numb while he felt his chest tighten when he went back to work.
Word Count: 3418
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portraitofadyke · 7 months
Ed's 'inevitably violent streak'
I would also like to point out that despite the show skipping most of Ed's spiraling era and only showing us a very quick montage and his list of crimes, we never actually see him physically hurt any crew member but Izzy.
In s1, Ed never explicitly harms anyone. Maiming during the educational raids is mentioned by Stede, but Ed never lashes out on anyone but the 'other guys'. He threatens some guy to show Stede how it's done, he tells Fang to skin a guy. What is his reaction when the first person he lays himself bare for abandons him?
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Yeah, he curls up into a ball, cries, eats shitload of marmalade in a pillowfort and writes shitty breakup songs. But wait, there is a guy in s1 who repeatedly slaps and threatens the crew! Someone who, coincidentally, also attempts to kill Stede after Ed tells him not to!
Oh, wait, it's Izzy. It's Izzy bc he cannot stand Ed going 'soft' around this crew. So he comes up with a plan to sell the crew and Stede out to the English and get them killed, despite knowing about Ed's feelings.
Of course, Ed throws Lucius overboard. Notably, right after Izzy threatens his life unless he becomes Blackbeard again. It's a breaking point for him, because he laid himself bare for Lucius the most, and in killing Lucius, he might kill that side of him. But, as we know, Lucius survives. We never really doubted it, to be fair, because Lucius is still A Good Guy.
In s2, we get the montage. It's said that Blackbeard has gone mad and is probably working the crew relentlessly, always raiding and looting and chasing after the next thing. I do believe the saw him do some pretty fucked up shit, and he's probably driving them crazy by making them do more fucked up shit on each raid. In fact, the crew knows he's fucked up, and Izzy even says they're all 'worried about him'. Izzy makes the mistake by not only quoting Stede and mentioning his name, but suggesting they talk about it, after years and years of prohibiting Ed from expressing his feelings and threatening him whenever he becomes 'soft'. Good thinking, just hypocritical and way too fucking late. In fact, when he comes on board after Izzy suggests talking, nobody seems all that alarmed until he pulls out the gun, which he never fires at anyone but Izzy, after he mentions Stede, the man Izzy almost killed multiple times. The crew is uncomfortable, they think he's crazy. It's never said that he hurt any of them. In fact, they all just kinda sit around until he shoots Izzy. After Izzy dares to talk about his 'feelings for Stede', something Izzy threatened to kill him over before. They actually seem pretty fucking shocked Ed did that. Would they react that way if he repeatedly hurt the crew?
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After that, Ed just goes back to being depressed. In fact, I rewatched the first two episodes AGAIN, and Ed just goes to play with his dolls, cries like crazy, and presumably starts coming up with more passive ways to kill himself. In his interactions with Frenchie, he even holds Frenchie, and he never flinches, doesn't seem to be afraid to be in his proximity. Even when Ed knows Frenchie is lying about killing Izzy, he never lays a hand on him.
Even when he's sailing them into a storm, the crew is hesitant to take him down. They know he's fucked up, they wanna know if he's better. Sure, they are probably also afraid of him, but Ed once again never hurts them. He's at his lowest, ready to die, and yes, he makes Jim and Archie fight (bc he saw them kiss lovingly and that's... touchy). Even as he's ready to die, he doesn't go out to hurt any of them. When they finally take him down, he's just ready to go. At that point, he's just completely out of it.
My point is, certain people like to paint Ed as this inevitably violent person. And sure, everyone knows Blackbeard is insane. A maniac. He tortures both mentally and physically. But Ed, even as Blackbeard, goes after other people, not his crew. He hurts people in raids and soldiers and shit. Of course, he did send the crew through Hell, but for someone who is 'abuser' and 'gonna domestically abuse Stede', he doesn't hurt his crew other than Izzy, who fucking gets it after repeatedly trying to kill Stede and abusing Ed for years. They explicitly TELL US Ed's go-to answer isn't violence unless the other person threatens him. Maybe, just maybe, all of you are a bit racist?
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
In light of the new Ahsoka show pissing me off, I have decided that---at some point after I finish up mitptt and get going again on bcc---I'm going to write a spite fic.
In said spite fic, Ahsoka---at the age and time she is in the Ahsoka show---goes back in time to the Prequel Era, where her younger self discovers her.
Now, it's obvious that older Ahsoka- (who we'll call O!Ahsoka) -is younger Ahsoka- (who we'll call Y!Ahsoka) -at a different age, so O!Ahsoka can't really lie her way out of being discovered. After that becomes obvious to her, O!Ahsoka figures- "Oh the Force must've sent me back in time so I could save myself and Anakin from the stupid dogmatic Jedi!" -and decides to do just that.
Then, after O!Ahsoka basically treats the other Jedi- (barring herself and Anakin, and maybe Plo) -like shit, shits all over the Order and their practices, and just generally acts like an ass about everything and shows a surprising amount of ignorance---Y!Ahsoka is like- "What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you forgotten that these people are our family? Have you forgotten how the Force works? Have you forgotten why we practice certain things? What the hell?"
So O!Ahsoka tells her everything---all of her opinions on why the Jedi and especially the Council are bad/hypocritical/whatever/etc, everything that happened in The Wrong Jedi arc, how Obi-Wan was apparently "playing politics" and "betrayed her" or whatever, everything Anakin did and what that lead to, how Anakin's actions are apparently the Jedi's fault, etc---in hopes that hearing all of that will turn Y!Ahsoka against the Jedi and make her help her "save Anakin from them."
Cue Y!Ahsoka going off.
Y!Ahsoka absolutely rips O!Ahsoka and her arguments to shreds---defending her fellow Jedi and their beliefs, both through logical emotional arguments, and just expressing her shock that O!Ahsoka could so easily forget all that they were taught and be so fucking callous about the death of their family.
Y!Ahsoka then uses the information that O!Ahsoka has given her to help her fellow Jedi stop Anakin from fucking everything up and killing them all---as well as take out Palpatine and win the war.
All the while also having an identity crisis because- "how could she turn into such an asshole???" -but everyone, particularly Obi-Wan, helps her through that.
Meanwhile O!Ahsoka has to deal with the fact that she actually is wrong and an asshole, and also work out her own issues in a healthy way instead of just ignoring them, absolving Anakin of any agency, and blaming the Jedi.
This fic will also be full of a healthy dose of Rex finding out what Anakin makes him and his brothers do---how easily he was ready to cast them aside---and, after dealing with all of the bullshit that Anakin has been pulling throughout the war, he decides that he's just fucking done with him.
He just walks away from him, decides that he's not putting up with any of this anymore.
In a similar vein, I'm thinking about Padme also learning about this stuff and---paired with Anakin's now super erratic and crazy behavior, plus they've just recently "made up" from the Clovis stuff---she does some serious thinking and finally sees Anakin for what he is, and makes the decision to leave him because she hates the person she's become by being with him.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
What is your favorite Nuzi headcanon? Either one you’ve made, or someone else!
well i thought a lot about this and i may have a slightly unpopular opinion, but here it goes anyway-
[this is MY opinion btw, im just saying the stuff i LIKE, this doesnt mean id DISLIKE anything that ISNT this]
i like headcanons where N and Uzi try to imitate more human things and cultures- whatever that might mean- either going around searching in malls or whatever or the human corpses for the stuff that was left behind- or trying to celebrate and learn about human cultures, like holidays- or heck, headcanons about the drones being able to process human food- or IMITATED human food with their own snacks-
call me a killjoy but im not crazy about seeing powerful industrial machinery with highly advanced AI and learning abilities being dumbed down to animalistic instincts.
lest we forget that for all the tail wagging and oil hunger and wing flappings that exist on the characters as external designs, they also have understanding of weaponry, aviation, battle tactics, and complex understandings of technological work- they have tastes in careers, plushies, sports, fancy dresses and music- they are literally trying to be human; and while i dont outright dislike or hate animalistic traits given to them like tail wagging and purring [id be a hypocrite if i said id HATE it since i use those qualities my own headcanons too, lets face it, its adorable :"3 ] i just wish there was more art/fics/etc of N and Uzi trying to do some normal human stuff too- since the imitation of non human creatures trying to BE more humane yet still being somewhere in the uncanny valley or just awkward segments of the process just really facinates me.
kinda like jack and sally from nightmare before christmas [but less creepy smh]- trying to do something they arent quite made for but still trying anyway<3
maybe not imitating to the point of uhh wearing a human skinsuit 😭 but still-
i wonder if im making any sense...
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snaillock · 10 months
i really like ur writings🤭 and i’m happy bc finally someone writes male reader stories
anyway!! i would like to request a sae x gamer/streamer m!reader fic, where the reader is a big gamer and also a twitch streamer, how did sae get along with that, how does sae take it when the reader doesn't pay attention to him because he's playing / chatting with his friends on discord🫣 sorry if i write something wrong english is not my first language😔 had a good day!!
sae itoshi x male!streamer!reader
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tysm anon! i’m glad you enjoy my stuff! i also hope you enjoy this and that it’s to your satisfaction
tags: male reader, established relationship, jealous and overthinking sae, surprise! sae also sucks ass at communicating, also lowkey self-indulgent since i secretly dream of being a streamer, doing a different format than what i typically do
sae knows he’s being hypocritical but he simply can’t help it.
he saw the way you would hole yourself up in your office, streaming for several hours straight almost every day. sometimes you wouldn’t even get out to take a break.
you could’ve given yourself a much more laidback schedule thanks to sae’s success and wealth. instead you chose not to rely on him financially and prioritized your self-independence and stability. the only thing you really accepted from him career-wise was the massive clout boost that came with being his boyfriend. not to mention, you just loved the career path you chose, even if it did make you stressed sometimes. so you were more than fine with committing a lot of effort into it despite his insistence.
he understands and relates to how busy your lifestyle can get, yet he can’t help but feel a little neglected when he rarely sees you outside your office during the day and knows you don’t have much time free time to spend with him.
and perhaps he did feel jealous whenever he overheard you and your other streamer friends voice calling and playing games, laughing and cracking jokes with each other.
ugh he hated the idea that he could get jealous at all. he knows he should be more rational about this. he’s supposed to be the rational one! but he can’t help it. you’re his boyfriend! you should be spending your time with him. laughing and making jokes with him.
it’s gotten so bad that he even felt annoyed by your viewers fawning over you. he knew feeling a threatened by them was crazy because who the hell doesn’t know you’re sae itoshi’s boyfriend. anyone would be crazy to try to come in between that. plus he has plenty of his own simps going insane over him. so he of all people should be more than aware of what it’s like to be with someone who’s famous and very out there in the world. he should especially expect this when he’s dating such a good looking guy.
sae has rarely felt insecure about himself either. until his mind started spiraling and he manages to convince himself that he isn’t interesting enough to be with you compared to your gamer friends. he definitely doesn’t say anything to you about it since he doesn’t want you think he’s weak because of it. instead he lets those overcooked insecurities build up even more and more in his head until he starts believing them.
one day he noticed your office door slightly cracked open so he peeked his head in to see you streaming. which you then noticed from the corner of your eye.
“sae!” you spun your chair around to face him. you quickly took off your headphones, forgetting to mute the microphone, and held your arms out with a big smile. “come here baby!”
he was surprised and flustered from your enthusiastic response. how could he not be when he’s been living with those negative ideas about the relationship for a while that he’s gotten so used to them. he reluctantly walked over to you to which you wrapped your arms around his neck, making him bend down to your eye level.
“i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy lately,” you said before cupping his face and planting kisses on his cheeks. “i promise i’ll make it up to you.” his face softened as he felt his worries wash away thanks to your words and kisses.
“alright,” he nodded. everything’s going to be alright. he watched your screen from the corner of his eye as the live chat started going crazy, with a slight smirk on his face.
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a.n: when i got this request, i was also working on a much bigger sae fic which should be coming out in a few days or so. it’s currently 2k+ words. so stay tuned and if anyone wants to be tagged when it’s posted, let me know!
i also don’t think i can post a fic without using read more. i always write so fucking much.
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