#and dakota comes in like “oh i love this song!!!”
you know the phenomenon where gym bros and emo kids end up listening to the same type of music (linkin park, three days grace, etc etc) through some twisted form of convergent evolution
thats dakota and william/ashe to me
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Absolutely Cuckoo • I Don't Believe in the Sun • All My Little Words • A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off • Reno Dakota • I Don't Want to Get Over You • Come Back From San Francisco • The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side • Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits • The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be • I Think I Need a New Heart • The Book of Love • Fido, Your Leash Is Too Long • How Fucking Romantic • The One You Really Love • Punk Love • Parades Go By • Boa Constrictor • A Pretty Girl Is Like • My Sentimental Melody • Nothing Matters When We're Dancing • Sweet-Lovin' Man • The Things We Did and Didn't Do • Roses • Love is Like Jazz • When My Boy Walks Down the Street • Time Enough For Rocking When We're Old • Very Funny • Grand Canyon • No One Will Ever Love You • If You Don't Cry • You're My Only Home • (Crazy For You But) Not That Crazy • My Only Friend • Promises of Eternity • World Love • Washington, D.C. • Long-Forgotten Fairytale • Kiss Me Like You Mean It • Papa Was a Rodeo • Epitaph For My Heart • Asleep and Dreaming • The Sun Goes Down and the World Goes Dancing • The Way You Say Good-Night • Abigail, Belle of Kilronan • I Shatter • Underwear • It's a Crime • Busby Berkeley Dreams • I'm Sorry I Love You • Acoustic Guitar • The Death of Ferdinand de Saussure • Love in the Shadows • Bitter Tears • Wi' Nae Wee Bairn Ye'll Me Beget • Yeah! Oh, Yeah! • Experimental Music Love • Meaningless • Love is Like a Bottle of Gin • Queen of the Savages • Blue You • I Can't Touch You Anymore • Two Kinds of People • How to Say Goodbye • The Night You Can't Remember • For We Are the King of the Boudoir • Strange Eyes • Xylophone Track • Zebra
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theficplug · 2 years
Actors on Actors , Tom Holland.
Tom Holland x Actress ! Black Reader
warnings: none, just pure fluff.
You and Tom are invited by Variety to do the Actors on Actors interview together.
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“I know that outings for us these days are pretty rare, but when you gain twice your body weight and everyone's constantly watching you like a hawk it's a bit difficult to be as open.
We try to keep our careers separate as much as we can.
Sometimes things come along that peak your interest and you just can not pass it up.
I have been a fan of the Actors on Actors series for a long while. I’ve watched them all and each time my respect for the craft grows immensely. Thank you Variety for having Tom, our little special co-star, and I.”
You say nodding to the camera to pan down on the little raven curly haired one and a half year old tugging on the hem of your silk black dress with one arm and clinging to your sparkly black coat with the other.
“Say hello Dakota. H-e-l-l-oooo”
Tom sounds out to the little brown eyed boy and he looks up to laugh at his father for a moment. 
He wraps his arms around your waist before bending down to pick up the little boy and he gives a small wave to the crew.
“Papa sounds funny?”
You ask and he nods before laughing at you pulling a funny face.  
"HeeLLoooOOO DaaAAkkooTTaa"
Tom says again imitating a whale call and Dakota loses it as he holds onto his father's face watching him make the funny faces.
"Pa" he shrieks , letting his little rice grain teeth show for the camera.
You both smother him in kisses and raspberries and the little boy falls against you both in a fit of laughter and squeals.
"If I don't hand him over to Sydney we'll be here all night. He's literally our best friend." Tom says pretending to gobble his little twin's hand before handing him over to your assistant and taking your respective spaces in the chairs to get the interview started.
Tom lets out a long sigh before reaching his hand out for you. You shake your head and roll your eyes before letting him place a kiss on your hand and sitting back properly into your seat. 
“Hi baby.” he coos softly.
"Hi Tom. How are you? Did you have an alright trip here?"
You ask as if you both didn't arrive together.
“You’re too far away.” He pouts before sliding your chair close enough for him to rest his hand comfortably on the inside of your knee before snapping himself into “professional mode”.
“Right, so I just want to jump right into it. Firstly, congratulations on all of your nominations this year. If anyone deserves it, it’s you. Dirty Jazz, I think received a solid 10 minute standing ovation at Cannes and honestly it could’ve went on forever. You told the tumultuous and incredible story of Lucille Anderson often known as Lucille Bogan or Bessie Jackson. A jazz- blues singer in the 1920s and 30s with a vibrant sexuality and look on life. You were truly brilliant.”
He showers you in compliments and you try to confidently accept the praise , but after years together your husband still gives you butterflies.
“Lucille Bogan’s story was so important for me to get to be a part of. Especially at a time like this. One could say that like “oh every woman is sexually liberated and free and this and that”. But, we know that’s certainly not the case for most women and especially not black women. My craft , my story-telling, and my career will always be a love letter to black women. People love to dance and sing and laugh with us because they love to pinch and pull from our culture, our song, our grace, and our beauty but there’s not many that are willing to take in our truth and our humanity.
There's a living breathing human being behind the theatrics and melodies. Most recent indication of this is Megan Thee Stallion. She has gone through so much for such a young woman. She’s been called everything under the sun but a child of God. It should’ve been as simple as her telling her truth and then receiving an outpour of love. Right? But as always they want our rhythm but not our blues.
So, to be able to tell the story of Lucille- and all of her truth was an instant yes from me. Lucille was this multifaceted sensual, delicate, and powerful woman. She was singing in 1924 about how she enjoyed sex and the ways that she wanted to be pleasured. We went about getting her family's blessing and then from there I got to work. I watched all of the performances of her I could find. I listened to her voice and the way she spoke. I wanted to capture that raw confidence that she exuded. She pushed the envelope not only for bisexuals like me but also sex workers.
That was completely unheard of at the time. Ms. Bogan knew that she was an icon in every sense of the word and everyone else was going to know it too. A complete opposite from how I was feeling at the moment because I was around 12 weeks when we started filming so I wasn’t at my most confident and for every roll of my hips. There was a roll of nausea that was sure to follow.”
You say, chuckling softly and Tom nodded along fully immersed until he gives you a small pout at the memory of you having to endure that rough bit.
“I remember the times I would visit you on set and it was in the dead of summer and they’d have you dressed up in the most lavish coats and these sort of headpieces, and you were performing these songs and dances in 95 degree Alabama weather. So they had to have huge fans on you and like a gallon of ice cold water on standby.
I would just massage your back every 15 minutes to try and get you through. It was insane but the film was absolutely incredible. I am so proud of you.
The first time I got to watch you perform Shave 'Em Dry and you were shimmying that white fur coat down your body and then you threw yourself down onto the floor with it. I was so concerned at first because you were literally carrying Kota at the time, but they assured me that you had cushions on the floor and your knee pads. But , you just became her. I had goosebumps up and down my arms. I knew that you had something special on your hands. To watch you in your element was something I'll never get over. I’ve never heard you talk that filthily in my life either.” he states cheekily and you give him a coy smile before mumbling “that’s a lie”. 
Tom’s entire face goes a little funny as he covers his mouth with his question cards and shakes his head. 
“I’m just saying. They know that the storks didn’t exactly drop Kota on our doorstep. That’s all, love.”
You reassure him as you watch a crimson blush slowly make its way across his face. 
“Behave.” he warns, laced with a laugh and it’s loud enough for the crew to pick up on and they chuckle at you two flirting back and forth a little. 
You clear your throat and create a segue, but you knew exactly what that meant for date night later on. 
“But, thank you baby! First of all, The Devil All The Time is my favourite film of yours. And I know that the process was a tough one for you because it is a total contrast to beloved Peter Parker and a small step away from Marvel. To get into the mindset of Arvin, his religious trauma, and the almost southern gothic-y horror elements had to be a bit difficult ?
Because when you get those heavier roles you almost have a duty to the character to give them as much of a voice as we can. For the people who resonate with them to be able to feel seen and heard. I’ve always wanted to pick your brain about your process of reaching Arvin?”
You ask and you don’t miss the way that Tom is scanning your entire face and settles on your lips. 
He takes a moment to ponder your question, but he finds himself continuously getting lost in the way that you spoke so passionately and melodically. You were born to be a story-teller.
"Stop staring at my lips and answer the question Thomas!"
You playfully scold him and he nods his head while toying with his wedding band. 
"Yes ma'am."
He answers in a faux southern accent before fluffing his hands through his hair. 
"Ehm, during that time we were going through a bit of a rough patch. We had broken up and it felt like the big one. It felt like that was it and that we were never going to find our way back to each other. We dated other people and we went on our own adventures. But throughout the entire process there was this gnawing feeling. Loss. Grief. I grieved a million and one universes where we could've made it work and I was hoping that this would be one of them. It is. Thank God."
He adds and you take his hands into yours for a moment giving him a little reaffirming squeeze as you wait for him to continue.
"So, I let that sort of feeling guide me to tap into a modicum of what Arvin was feeling. That, love lost. That sort of grief. Because people grieve everyday, right? That’s something that connects us all. We're all trying to work through something that we don't have. Albeit, a version of ourselves, a loved one, or the loss of something/someone to believe in. I think that Arvin was grieving not only his parents but his loss of peace. And I think in some way I could connect to that because without you there was no peace."
You couldn't help but to lean in to kiss him. You decided to leave it "modest" and opt for kissing his cheeks and nose instead.
He scrunches his nose in response before giving you one back.
"Keep going." You whisper to him.
"During filming I leaned on Rob a lot. The way that he transformed and ran into this project bible raised in the air and high pitched southern accent first. It made me feel like I had to step up to the plate. I didn't grow up super religious in that regard so I did spend some time in small churches and gaining that insight into what that sort of connection to a higher power and faith can mean to most."
"That's hot, be careful babe." He whispers to you while holding the mug for you to have a sip of the chamomille tea.
"When I heard Robert's voice, I screamed! It was so creepy and off putting. Hated him throughout the entire film."
You added and Tom nods in agreement before sitting the emerald green mug down and offering you one of the strawberry pastries from the small table next to you both.
"Peter and Arvin are different but in a lot of ways they aren’t. They both lost their parents at a young age. They both were raised to try and do the right thing. Both, a little lost and always end up in situations they had no business being in at their ages. They are connected through that feeling of grief, self preservation, and coming of age. It's just that through writing we were able to laugh and kind of ride the wave with Peter. With Arvin the writing is very- cut and dry. The audience feels uncomfortable because he is uncomfortable and at times drowning beneath the wave. I’m sorry babe. Was that too long winded? I never know when to cut myself off. I’ll just keep going and going.”
He stammers nervously while sitting back to sip his own tea.
You admit to him half jokingly and he gives you a small nod.
“No, are you kidding me? You know that I could listen to you talk for hours. I wanna finish this conversation with you tonight.
We've also never really even announced that we’re married. We just started showing up one day with our rings, and only the sleuths know that we have a baby. Let alone talk publicly about the break up so this nearly feels like one big couple’s therapy session.”
“We already share so much of ourselves with the world through our art. I leave a piece of me with every character that grace your screens, and in the year of 2023 everyone knows everything. It just felt nice to have a moment in time where Thomas and I didn't have to open up the relationship to a third partner, the public. There were no analysis of our body languages towards each other or rumours that he was going to leave me for a very talented, very beautiful well known past partner.
Although, I did see a few of those after the TMZ announcements. Sorry babes I've got this one locked in for life.”
You state and he smiles giddily and happily for the camera before showing his wedding band. 
"I've seen some of you little sleuths talking about me wearing my ring on my pinky so that means that we must've gotten a divorce, right?" he asks you in faux concern with a small voice crack for dramatic effect.
You immediately follow his lead and hop into character with furrowed brows and a scowl on your face.
"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THOSE PAPERS I SERVED YOU LAST MONTH WEREN'T ENOUGH? GOD, WHY WON'T YOU TAKE A HINT!" you ask before leaning in to grab his face and place the softest kiss to his lips.
"I just wish I knew how to quit you..." you say quoting Brokeback Mountain, one of the films that inspired you both to become actors.
He breaks character and rests his cheek against your hand for a moment.
"But yeah guys, my ring is just a bit small. It always has been and I'm in the middle of two films right now. I haven't had the time to get it resized. Leave me alone!" he says the last half, jokingly in the Peter Parker voice.
“Speaking of waves. Your next film! Cat’s out of the bag. You’re going to be in The Little Mermaid live action remake. I am so excited to see you in it because you’re honestly just already a real life Disney princess and this is one that Dakota can actually enjoy and he gets to see mummy sing and be all pretty as one of the sisters of Ariel! What was that like?” Tom asks, still smiling proudly at you like a Cheshire cat.
“First of all, two Disney checks in one household! So, there will be foundations, organisations, and communities being poured into. Just give us a year! My team read the email to me and I said THE MOUSE? I’ll be there by tomorrow. UNDER THE SEA. SHALALALA MY OH MY. YOU WANNA KISS THE GIRL.
Clearly,  I wanted to audition for Prince Eric and they said no. So, that was a bummer that you couldn’t see my on-screen happily ever after with Halle. I pitched for Erica and Ariel but they said give us some time and I will be holding them to that.
In all seriousness, it was one of those pinch me opportunities. When it knocks at your door you have to welcome it in with a charcuterie board and wine waiting for it.
I knew that I eventually wanted to be apart of something less gruelling and a film that our Kota-bear could enjoy too because he loves anything with singing and bright colours at this stage.
I remember seeing my favourite cousin. She knows that she’s my favourite cousin too. Hey girl! She was playing the role of the hairdresser that melted Tina Turner’s hair off with the relaxer in What’s Love Got To Do With It.
I remember watching her and knowing then and there that if she could be on screen like that then so could I. It was a foot in the door. Halle and everyone that was a part of the project were dreams to work with and the representation that she’s bringing to the company is beyond. It’s something that little brown and black children have been waiting for since the dawn of time. It’s here. We are here.” You say definitively and nod your head towards the camera.
“This is also one step closer to working with Angela Bassett. Angela, we met once in a Met Gala bathroom and I’m sorry you had to see me taking a “breathing break” while sitting on my fiance’s lap eating Jolly Ranchers but this is me absolutely shooting my shot.” you plead as you turn and look directly into the camera. 
Tom places his hands over his chest and throws his head back laughing at how cute you are.
You’ve been in this industry for years and have so many accolades of your own but you still look at everything with fresh eyes like you’re just playing dress up and meeting your idols every time you walk on set. 
“How do you feel about taking on such big shoes to fill? I know that you were absolutely losing your mind when you got this role. Because not a lot of people know but you have been grinding since you were just a little tadpole on the waves with thee Naomi Watts but this is the role that kind of skyrocketed you into the public eye. Apart from you being a part time Rhianna impersonator.” you laugh and he gives you a side eye over his mug before you continue. 
“We had been together for 6 months when you got the call and you were just floored. I kept having to remind you that it’s real and wasn’t an “accidental email”. Your mum cried I believe. I mean we all kind of did to be honest. It was a core memory for sure. We were also out at dinner at the time and I’m sure scaring every other customer there. We were all just cheering and holding onto each other and crying.
  And then the nerves settled in and you thought about not only filling Toby’s shoes but also the shoes left by Andrew. And at the time most of the fan reception of Andrew’s version was just- a lot. I personally loved his version of Spiderman. I thought that it felt authentic to him and the lens that he wanted to tell Peter’s story through. But some of the original stans were not having it. I remember that there were think-pieces being written before you had even gotten the script.” You watch as Tom weighs the question and his answer for a moment. 
“Well, first things first. I remember you telling me the best piece of advice that I could have possibly been given. You told me that “yes, of course you want to honour the groundwork that Toby and Andrew had both laid down for this beloved character but you also want to trust your own instinct and intuition about what feels real and right to you”.” Tom says and you hum and nod in agreement. 
“You said whether they love you or hate you, your job is to tell a story. No matter how you tell that story as long as it feels real and right to you, someone’s going to resonate with it. And from there the pieces of the puzzle just kind of came together.
We may not have all have been bitten by radioactive spiders. But, we've all been teenagers before. We've all experienced that feeling of wanting to know all that there is to know but not knowing how to digest all of it. The little awkward quips and quirks of growing and becoming yourself is Peter Parker. He’s so imperfectly perfect and he’s always going to be a big part of what I’ve done in my career. Getting the accent down was one of the hardest bits because I am so painfully British and the way that we speak is just different. So, to just stay there in his zone for days at a time I would bring Peter home with me. I love that the fans love him so much. I love the way that he seems to STICK with them. See what I did there.” He says laughing at his own joke and you shake your head at him.
“He’s like this all day! His dad jokes kicked in long before he was even an actual dad! Get a load of this guy. Please don’t cast him in any comedies any time soon. No, actually diapers are expensive. Please cast this dilf of the year in all of the comedies, thank you.
I think that authenticity is what really brought your version of Peter to life. He's a larger than life superhero but you made him seem like everyone's childhood best friend. But also YES I remember. We would be lounging around at home and you’d just casually go “ do we have any cold waTER bOTTLES”. Peter lived with us for about 5 months until you got the accent down perfectly. Now you just slip in and out of it at the most random times.” You say and his eyes widen at the dilf of the year comment. 
“Dilf of the year? Please don’t get them started, that's going to be a hashtag by this afternoon.”
He groans and you lean into him , blowing onto his cup of hot tea with a smirk plastered on your face before taking another sip of his tea. 
“I said what I said.”
You retort quietly and he holds the mug to your lips and gives you a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“And with that. This has been Actors on Actors for Variety with the Hollands. Please, be sure to watch the others if you haven’t already! Take care.”
“That's brilliant baby, nothing more to add. Oh, and be sure to watch The Little Mermaid in theatres on May 26!” You add before blowing a kiss to the camera. 
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m0nochromem0use · 7 months
one person said i should so i’m going theatre kid on main here’s the musicals i associate with jrwi campaigns
riptide: anastasia. chip just Is dmitry idk what to tell you. my petersburg is the first song on my chibo playlist. also please imagine with me: pre ep 53 jay and still. imagine with me and sob
prime defenders: the easy answer is be more chill but anyone who’s followed me for more than a month can see my actual answer coming from a mile away because it’s nerdy prudes must die. listen to the summoning and tell me that isn’t ashe and the trickster. you literally can’t. also mid s2 ghostknife is SOOOOO if i loved you and closer to the finale they are so cool as i think i am reprise. alternative answer is the lighting thief because i think about dakota and good kid so so much
apotheosis: okay weird pick for this one. the bifrost incident by the mechanisms. which isn’t technically a musical but i think it fits well, i’m pretty sure i’ve talked about rumi and odin and peter and loki on here before? but thanatos is also very thor. ooo you wanna listen to this weird little steampunk space band sooooo bad
blood in the bayou: sorry for two starkid musicals on this list but like. i have no answer other than the guy who didn’t like musical. like otherworldly goop infecting and replacing people and they become part of a hivemind? how could i not. becky and kian singing join us and die. rolan singing let it out. come on. oh also bonus crazytown from 35mm is the rand song ever
the suckening: natasha pierre and the great comet of 1812. you have to hear me out on this one okay shilo is SO natasha rostova coded. also edward twilight is anatole kuragin coded but that’s much more cursed so i think about it less. arthur has the same depressed old man energy as pierre
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taranodongirl · 4 months
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Act English
The Age of Not Believing
Are We Dancing
Beautiful Beulah
The Beautiful Briny
The Best Time of Your Life
The Bombie Samba
The Boogie Woogie Bakery Man
Bright and Shiny (song)
Chim Chim Cher-ee
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (song)
Christmas in Los Angeles
Chu-Chi Face
Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song)
Come to the Funfair
Dakota (1968 song)
Detroit (1967 song)
Doll on a Music Box
Drummin' Drummin' Drummin'
Feed the Birds
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
For Now, For Always
The Glorious Fourth
The Happiest Girl Alive
He Danced With Me/She Danced With Me
Heffalumps and Woozles
Hip Hip Pooh-Ray!
Hushabye Mountain
I Believe In This Country
I Hum to Myself
I Love to Laugh
I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)
I'll Always Be Irish
It's a Small World (After All)
Jo Jo the Dog Faced Boy (song)
Jolly Holiday
Let's Get Together (Hayley Mills song)
Let's Go Fly a Kite
Let's Put It Over with Grover
The Life I Lead
Little Black Rain Cloud
Lovely Lonely Man
Mad Madam Mim
Magic Journeys (song)
Makin' Memories (song)
A Man Has Dreams
Me Ol' Bamboo
Mind over Matter (Sherman Brothers song)
Miracles from Molecules
Mr. Piano Man, Please!
My Own Home
Oh, Benjamin Harrison
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (song)
One Little Spark
Over Here! (song)
The Parent Trap (song)
The Perfect Nanny (song)
Pineapple Princess
Portobello Road (song)
A Rather Blustery Day
The Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down
The Right Side
River Song (Sherman)
The Roses of Success
Rumbly in My Tumbly
The Rutabaga Rag
Sister Suffragette
Someone Like Me (Sherman Brothers song)
The Spectrum Song
A Spoonful of Sugar
Stay Awake (Mary Poppins song)
A Step in the Right Direction
Step in Time
Strummin’ Song
Summer Magic (1963 song)
Tall Paul (song)
Teamwork (song)
Ten Feet off the Ground
That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song)
There Are Those
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Think Vulgar
The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
Truly Scrumptious (song)
Trust in Me (The Python's Song)
Try a Little Something New
The Ugly Bug Ball
Up, Down and Touch the Ground
Valentine Candy
Vulgarian National Anthem
West o' the Wide Missouri
What's Wrong with That?
Winnie the Pooh (song)
The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers
The World Showcase March
You Two
You're Sixteen
You're the Only You
Your Heart Will Lead You Home
Thank you for everything Sherman Brothers. I’m so glad that I sent Robert that letter before he passed. I’m going to believe that he read it.
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intertexts · 4 months
oh god i just realized I forgot to send you this. behold: the worst trivia ask out of all of them:
- they spend the first. 9 whole minutes talking about the logistics of snapping someones neck irl only to learn that its not actually possible and thats just something that was make up for movies
- "this is the most guy talk we've ever had at the beginning of a rolled. i feel like we need a trigger warning for boys"
- bizly wanted them seeing tide again to feel awkward and weird! like you're going back to your parents house after not seeing them for a really long time
- talking about how dakota has so many parental figures now and grizzly goes "except for ms. g. she has my whole heart" and WITHOUT missing a beat charlie goes "no. *i* have your whole heart"
- there was apparently a group of people on twitter who made a VERY long VERY well researched document about how all the medical stuff esp involving william would work and kept tagging bizly in posts asking how things would work and hes like "man i dont know!! i write a silly superhero show im not a doctor! it all comes down to his parents built a very strange machine that was designed to view worlds unseen!" (<< quoting the dp theme song in the most EXASPERATED voice possible.)
- "WILLIAM WISP SHOULD HAVE FUCKIN WORMS IN HIM. if we were playing this realistically william would be fuckin LOCKED UP with rigor mortis and COVERED in worms and FULL OF GASSES. he should be FOUL. and FULL OF WORMS. and I DONT WANT THAT" << hes a coward for this. btw. i feel like william should be grosser
- they just keep saying more things about how william should be so grotesque. at one point charlie goes "please dont draw this. its so gross". me, looks at my 4/7 jrwi freak week canvases that are william wisp themed. um. well.
- WARM BODIES MENTION. i love that movie. charlies like "thats how i want william to work hes undead but hes like. pretty about it"
- bizly: "because we've already explored this plot thread of William Being Dead so much, i dont want him getting a heart to just automatically fix that. its not like hes just magically alive now. i havent thought of the exact consequences yet but i want there to be some drawbacks to this to keep things interesting"
charlie: "william is just thrilled right now to be feeling stuff. i dont think hes considering the possible drawbacks"
- "ive never been prouder of any of my characters than when william wisp dented drywall"
- "why didnt vyncent get a fun surgery too" "because I'm a coward"
- they were on some absolutely insane energy for this rolled they keep going on like 5-10 minute long tangents and BARELY talk about the episode other than to mention how william should be a rotting corpse. I REMEMBER NOW that this was a SIGNIFICANT factor in my being frustrated with the heart surgery thing LMAO
TERRIBLE rolled youre right!!!!! help!!! this is so funny. great rolled guys lets wrap it up. william should be wormy and u cant snap peoples necks. good job everybody. it is really funny to me that people were... expecting medical accuracy?? how do u really seriously research putting one guys heart and another guys blood inside a body that's been dead for several years. frankly i would love to see it i'm very curious.
LOWKEY I'M GLAD HE *ISN'T* A BLOATED LOCKED UP DECAYING CORPSE!!!!! PERSONALLY!!!! i fully respect ur rights and taste to think he should be rotting and worm filled and stinky but frankly i'm on charlies side w this one. hes undead and pretty about it <33
anyway. i still have many thoughts about wiwi's soul/body/wisp relationship that i will NOT start talking about now because it would get LONG. but. its always great hearing their thoughts on it. eyes emoji. but yeah i really don't want him to be just magically fixed and alive now.... we'll see!! we'll see how it goes!!!!
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tangerisms · 7 months
tumblr user tangerisms i would LOVE to see your other nhl playlists please share with the class im begging
oh i have SO many thank you for asking
(i made the panthers and wild top 100 ones rn, ill add the matching rosters at the end. also expect repeat songs bc its based on the top songs i had last year)
the other two ive had for a little while now are both pens based but i should really get onto making more
and ofc, silly little sergei fedorov
(i also have playlists on my profile with silly nhl photos on them)
florida panthers
5 - aaron ekblad - something in the orange - zach bryan 7 - dmitry kulikov - not allowed - tv girl 9 - sam bennett - roslyn - bon iver 12 - jonah gadjovich - work song - hozier 13 - sam reinhart - skinny love - bon iver 15 - anton lundell - howl - florence and the machine 16 - aleksander barkov - like real people do - hozier 17 - evan rodrigues - exeunt - the oh hellos 18 - steven lorentz - everywhere, everything - noah kahan 19 - matthew tkachuk - lake missoula - richy mitch and the coal miners 21 - nick cousins - francis forver - mitski 23 - carter verhaeghe - sanctuary - joji 24 - justin sourdif - the moon will sing - the crane wives 27 - eetu luostarinen - sage - richy mitch and the coal miners 28 - josh mahura - tongues and teeth - the crane wives 41 - anthony stolarz - alkaline - sleep token 42 - gutav forsling - homesick - noah kahan 62 - brandon montour - willow tree march - the paper kites 67 - will lockwood - in the woods somewhere - hozier 72 - sergei bobrovsky - demons - joji 77 - niko mikkola - pumpkin man - mage tears 82 - kevin stenlund - it will come back - hozier 91 - oliver ekman-larsson - through me (the flood) - hozier 94 - ryan lomberg - the calling - the amazing devil
4 - jon merril - eat your young - hozier 5 - jacob middleton - something in the orange - zach bryan 6 - dakota mermis - stick season - noah kahan 7 - brock faber - not allowed - tv girl 10 - vinni lettieri - northern attitude - noah kahan 12 - matthew boldy - work song - hozier 14 - joel eriksson ek - all my love - noah kahan 17 - marcus foligno - exeunt - the oh hellos 20 - patrick maroon - wasteland, baby! - hozier 21 - brandon duhaime - francis forever - mitski 23 - marco rossi - sanctuary - joji 24 - zach bogosian - the moon will sing - the crane wives 25 - jonas brodin - i was all over her - salvia palth 26 - connor dewar - dial drunk - noah kahan 29 - marc andre fleury - sunlight - hozier 32 - filip gustavsson - never love an anchor - the crane wives 33 - alex goligoski - alien blues - vundabar 36 - mats zuccarello - in a week - hozier 38 - ryan hartman - orange juice - noah kahan 46 - jared spurgeon - chokehold - sleep token 49 - daemon hunt - the moon doesnt mind - lord huron 89 - freddy gaudreau - a burning hill - mitski 90 - marcus johansson - little lion man - mumford and sons 97 - kirill kaprizov - memento mori - crywank
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bizlybebo · 7 months
please use this ask to scream at me when you finish season 1 💜
I want to see your reactions
god. so.
i finished season one at like 1am and it fucking tore me apart. i sat in silence and just stared at the wall for a HOT minute. i couldn't actually comprehend wtf i just witnessed.
and holy fuck i have some WORDS
first off.
the final 40 minutes of s1 ep24 tore me apart.
absolutely nothing was resolved, but there was so little time left.
and then ashe pulled out that book, and the trickster was out, and ashe was waning, but there were only 5 minutes left.
and she was gone.
she is gone.
ashe winters is fucking gone and im actually going to cry aagain
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cyclone-rachel · 3 months
Thoughts on The Boys, episodes 2 and 3:
Episode 2:
Huh. Guess I have to watch The Wire.
Will Ferrell? What are you doing here
Guess they couldn’t have Clancy Brown play the coach
He played the coach, right
Oh hey, he’s back!
You don’t know the half of his low point
“sensitivity readers” and how many of those did you hire?
he’s gonna be fun
“braindead maniac” does describe the comic version
Of course
Don’t take anything they give you
Oh, it’s his mom that’s doing that stuff
Far from “wee” Hughie.
wait who’s this guy playing the boyfriend, I feel like I’ve seen him before
Oh he was the original Dove on Titans, that makes sense
she has a speech therapist?
I love her so much
Oh dear
Fuck off, Butcher
Oh no, they’re making a movie about Ryan
“Homeboy” oh no
Anakin too
This man says volumes with his face
again, I love Sage
Ashley changed her look! I forgot when she ditched the bangs
Oh ouch
Do you not know what the word solo means
That’s the exact wrong advice to give him
Is she 32?
oh she’s a decade older. I see.
Is that the right idea?
What are they doing
Ryan is not a good actor
Using the Captain America line, I see.
He’s gonna go on a power trip
Damn, really?
I want Kimiko’s jacket
Nothing like free hotel breakfast
Oh no, these weirdos are flat earthers too?
“Starlight is a lizard person” jesus
not the minion memes
oh they are calling him Dakota Bob
“soldier boy held captive by the CIA” well he’s being held captive by someone
fuck, they’re climate change deniers too?
“soldier boy + liberty= secret lovers?” I mean, maybe
gosh there’s so much here.
“stormfront is alive” the fuck she is
“tinfoil hat wearing nazi motherfuckers” correct!
Kimiko are you okay
you can tell this was filmed in 2022 because that’s the year before last’s baja blast
hahaha these guys believe delaware isn’t real?
How dare you come for Tom Hanks
god, Frenchie doesn’t believe in the moon landing?
omg I love her
Yeah, you should go to the hospital
So glad that he didn’t mean that
Thank you, Hughie
Haven’t seen him in a while
The political commentary on this show is too real.
Hahaha I love her
So like conspiracy theorist Jubilee.
A-Train redemption? That would be nice.
Let him have his moment, man.
He’s gonna have to work on his restraint
Kimiko are you okay
Firecracker said “fuck the French” I guess
She’s not gonna do it
That’s like 3 references in one
Drown his ass in the chocolate fountain
“Zionist cabal” NO
Run, bitch!
Hughie cheering on his girlfriend I love them so much your honor
oh hey she’s back!
Go off, Hughie
ooooh Kimiko what are you doing
Episode 3
This is not going to go well.
Also look how few Starlight supporters there are compared to the Homelander supporters
Fuck off
“they want to get rid of superheroes” and what do they think Starlight is, then?
What has she actually said?
There are not seven of them.
I do really like those suits
Oh good, Butcher seems to be doing the right thing
gosh, I do kind of hope she doesn’t believe all of this and is just looking up what will cause the most controversy and clicks. Would be funnier if she was a true believer though.
She’s not wrong
He is that petty
“make a sandwich out of her”
Guess we know Starlight says trans rights, good for her
I’m sure he’s gonna try
Just let him go into the basement and see there are no kids in there.
Well, then she’s gonna be out of a job
Love how The Masked Singer hasn’t changed here
Eyyy kimiko’s a hacker good for her
Kimiko and Helena would be great friends
I love Hughie wearing a dolly parton shirt
Maeve didn’t blow a dude
as far as I know
oh this is fun
“dodgy incel” he’s not wrong
Oh, his voice is changing
That’s fuckin’ brutal.
I’m obsessed with her
do I like Ashley now?
She is a girlboss
gosh, this song
It is clearly not nothing
He also helped take down Stormfront
Not wrong on any of those counts
MM is a great character
You two should hide
Oh yikes
Not the best thing to see
Get your head in the game
Oh hey, it’s Nina
Glad Butcher threw those away
Why did she end that sentence with a question if she wasn’t lying
You said she would be fine!
Ashley are you alright
Yes, go after her, queen
What is a dinosaur doing on her poster
Oh damn, Annie as a bully
She is better
Hasn’t she been traumatized enough
Oh no this is very out of date
also how dare they use Maeve’s image for this
Hughie can chill.
There’s no way the vents are that big
Oh no
Hughie get out of there
“critical supe theory” I think that is just known as the works of Garth Ennis and a few other authors here in the real world, ma’am
Is Stan dead? I can’t remember
How did Homelander know
Hughie’s sweat is going to get him hurt
Well they’re not performing that show anytime soon
Yeah, listen to her
You can try
And how would you do that?
why is she watching reality TV
Is he really?
Oh no
Stop talking about how people smell, Homelander
“gave you everything that I ever wanted” oh that was pointed
oh hey mirror Homelander is back
What start?
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magpigment · 1 year
duck or ape by roar and i dont wanna die by the unicorns are SUCH good songs for william my god!! i already had those songs on my radar but man do they fit him. Also i would love to hear any and or all of your reasoning for your william playlist!! 👁
this got longer than i thought and i still didn’t finish it so i might go back to this at some point and expand upon or add certain things BUT for now, enjoy!
ok so! not all of these will have explanations, and some will only have explanations, but most will have lyrics that specifically remind me of wiwi and a brief explanation. hope this is cohesive enough!
william wisp:
dead now by forrest day
ok listen. listen listen listen. this entire song? literally william to a T.
'Save the rest for another day like this Your mind has gone blank, you're dead now You're dead now
The flames I lack, maybe never coming back Under attack, I'm dead now I'm dead now
You creep, you've grown too cold to sleep Your eyes grow wide, you're such a creep You've reaped, you've sown, your own you keep You creep, you freak, you've blown it
You're alone, you're alone, you're alone, you're alone You're alone, you'rе alone, you're alone, you'rе alone [cont.]
All right, you've grown too old to fight Your life is shown in different light You laugh and toast your final night You laugh too late, you've blown it'
this entire song fits not only his first death but his slow loss of function over the next few years and his general uncanny effect on other people and how they perceive him AND how he perceives himself. i cant even articulate how much this song IS HIM in my brain.
momento mori by fish in a birdcage
'Like a muzzled hound I'm tied and bound A wild beast crying for release I want my mouth so I may howl And share with silence of the trees Ashes to ashes dust to dust Filling up my coffee cup One way to shake me up I never wanted to sleep My bones became a drip Now that I've had my sip After a little taste I never wanted to sleep'
ONE: wolves. TWO: in my head this is more or less how he never wanted his powers, much less to die for them, and how he tries to cope w them after the fact
oh! starving by car seat headrest
'Goodbye, secret files When I'm gone, all this information will die'
'Cats crawl into gutters Just at the sight of me You guys got mad skills I just got mad (I'm not happy unless I'm unhappy)'
this bit specifically is very william to me, because like. especially in early seasons he was pretty vocal about his view of himself as just some guy vs dakota and vyncent, with his powers not being some grand thing and his own struggles with heroism and morality. you guys got mad skills is to me about how he views dakota and vyncent, and i just got mad is about how his own abilities only ever served to make him worse off and how he feels like he could never use his own powers for good things (ep31-35 for reference)
i hate living by car seat headrest
'I wish I was drunk I wish I weren't here I need to be more drunk Or be less here And when the cops came Hiding in the back of the closet And these people would not stop laughing They could not shut their mouths Oh Wasn't I the life and soul? No no no'
'You wouldn't think having a good time Would be so goddamn hard You wouldn't think having a good time Would be so goddamn hard You overthink, you don't have a good time You just wait for it to end You don't think you'll ever try something as Meaningless as this ever again'
the comfort of a laugh track by roar
Why is it so hard to speak To people I don't know Is it something that you learn When constantly alone? When did I become a man Trapped inside a ghost?'
'If you could only see me now I know I'd disappoint somehow I'm stuck inside a fantasy Where I could be all you would need'
'Will I live in shame of the things in the past that I should have done for you? And is it possible to forgive all the ignorant ones if they're just too young?'
'Fake love, yeah, you know you'll be truly missed Fake love must be some kind of abstinence Let's not make much more out of all of this Let's not, but we still can pretend we did'
poor grammar by roar
'I can't see you when I need to How am I supposed to get through? Method-actor, suffering Try repeating once again, this time with feeling Premeditated like some sick joke Waited all night for you Waited all night for you'
to me this entire song really fits william and vyncent
duck or ape by roar literally this entire song. self explanatory lmao
nights like these by pigeon pit honestly this song just gives me the vibes of the three prime defenders just being traumatized kids and comforting each other and stuff, or specifically during the timeskip when it was just will and vyncent just trying to cope, and then dakota trying to find his place with them again after he gets back.
saintly rows (oh oh) by dear and the headlights OK SO. RELIGIOUS TRAUMA WHO?? not to mention the entire song heavily uses death and religious metaphor near interchangeably, and ghosts are used largely as that metaphor. it lends itself very well to his religious upbringing (even if it's not a super large focal point of his character but clearly both his parents are religious, his first idea for his superhero suit had religious imagery which he ended up not going with, and he, with dubious canon implication, has some sort of actual physical aversion to various religious artifacts or rituals such as bibles and praying, along with how much focus charlie puts on the fact that william keeps bringing up that there is no god) which is super super interesting to me. also the song has several allusions to being unable to sleep, paranoia, loss of oxygen and by extension the ability to breathe, 'Caskets for hands bury your plans right next to your songs', 'Out come the gaunt ghosts of your thoughts,' and generally being plagued by some sort of ghostly figures which cause paranoia which in william's case could be the wisps or some sort of extension to how he perceives himself. either way i think the song fits a lot!
im not crying. youre not crying, are you? by dear and the headlights
'Did the seesaw nights put their hands on you? I can't really say, I can't really say Are you swinging from the eaves in a tasteful noose? I can't really say, I can't really say'
in my mind this section fits with how he died the first time, following the wisps in the woods and falling and not wanting to fully admit to himself that he died that night
'You're following a flashlight down utility halls And then you mumble to yourself that this has all been your fault And oh, you're not laughing, you're not laughing, are you?'
this fits with his incessant need to solve mysteries and his tendency to blame himself
'Then the howls and moans pour from the black and it's a sea of blank faces straight to the back Aggressively mediocre in every single way Yet you're the only reason that they came'
this fits with when they went to the spirit world, his own identity crisis and his feelings of inadequacy in comparison to the rest of the team, and being unable to rectify that his own abilities help, and that even without them his friends would still want him around the rest is just like. vibes? and scenes in my head lol.
harness your hopes - b side by pavement
'And the freaks have stormed the White House I moved into a lighthouse It's on a scenic quay, it's, oh, so far away Far away from the beginning, the shroud is made of linen The yearling took the purse, the goth kid has a hearse Heart-breaking, earth-quaking'
'Minds wide open truly Leisure, a leisure suit is nothing It's nothing to be proud of in this late century And I'm asking you to hold me just like the morning paper Pinched between your pointer, your index and your thumb It's a semi-automatic, believers are ecstatic You see the way they cling, the cold metallic sting And I'm living in a coma for Donna de Varona The harness made of hopes, the lovers on the ropes Nun is to church, as the parrot is to perch And my heart's wide open Truly'
i dont wanna die by the unicorns
'I spotted the glow over the mountain, tonight My turn to turn in just when the weather's getting nice I predict: I die in a plane crash I see it now, I die in a car on tour And there's no one to stop this Nobody to loosen death's firm grip on me Doo doo doo doo I die It's true Doo doo doo doo I die And so do you My prophecy is almost complete My finger's on the pulse (But where's the beat?) We don't wanna die in the ocean (Drifting out to sea) We don't want to die in our sleep (-ing bags) DEATH: buckle up boys, we're going for a little ride Death! I just want one more breath! Can you grant me one more please?'
all the dying by mother mother
this entire song just fits him very well i think? especially with his upbringing in deadwood being able to see things that werent there and being able to see ghosts, and how prevalent death was in his life from even before he died
NOT TO MENTION ITS ALSO LIKE HOW HE VIEWS HERO SOCIETY AND HEROISM AS A WHOLE. and his general viewpoint on his own powers and his disdain for his powers especially in association with mallard etc etc
'When I see the damned in their dire straights Damning all the men with those american names I said don't damn the man, damn your hand For makin' a fist and shaking it all around Damn the hand, damn your hand Oh, you can damn the butchers and damn the beef Oh, you can damn the flies in all the heat Or you can damn the dying and dying and dying ♪ Dying and dying and decomposing Dying and dying's for real Dying and dying and pounds of posy Dying and dying's forever When I hear the crying of a siren in the night I think of piles of writhing people, fighting for their lives I see an image of a body, broken and beet red I hear the acappella angels singing for the dead I think of all the butchers and all the beef I think of all the flies in all the heat I think of all the dirt that lays a bed for bones I think of all the words that get written on the stones I think of all the surf that come crashing over souls I think of all the dying'
figure in the background by snake pool rather self explanatory methinks
friendly neighborhood poltergeist by rory webley
self explanatory also, but imo this fits very well with williams crush on vyncent
villains pt1 by emma blackery
'So I'll go I'm better off alone Run and tell them that the villains on my list They're the reason I've been pulled so low Monster, monster, I feel like such a monster Tell them I've been saved But the devil walks amongst ya, amongst ya I'll be the ghost the haunts ya You've seen my demons but you weren't really supposed to You've got me locked up but I'm not like you I'll be my own escape route, you know I'll get you caught up Got my attention I'll make you my victim'
'I don't feel anything Because I became possessed and obsessed With the idea of revenge Where you going now? Everybody's looking at you 'Cause you set yourself on fire just to light up the room'
youre not welcome by naethan apollo
'I can't believe you used to truly scare me You were like a ghost story told to keep me weary But I never listened, no, I slept good 'til morning And when our paths finally crossed, I didn't heed the warning Then push, push, push, push Yeah, you pushed me to the edge I used to dread the thought of falling quickly But now I just wish that you'd send me off that ledge So I can finally fucking take you with me'
basically this can be about his tumultuous relationship with the wisps, mallard conway, or the hero agency as a whole, or a mix of the three! however, i mostly associate this segment with his tie with the wisps and how badly mallard wants him to embrace it (especially the 'i used to dread the thought of falling quickly' because of how william died the first time, and then the 'now i just wish youd send me off that ledge' with him falling down the slope of morality in e31-33)
dead! by my chemical romance
'And if your heart stops beating I'll be here wondering Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life And if you get to heaven I'll be here waiting, babe Did you get what you deserve? The end, and if your life won't wait Then your heart can't take this Have you heard the news that you're dead? No one ever had much nice to say, I Think they never liked you anyway'
'Wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand? And wouldn't it be great if we were dead? And in my honest observation During this operation Found a complication in your heart, so long 'Cause now you've got (now you've got) Maybe just two weeks to live Is that the most the both of you can give?'
'If life ain't just a joke Then why are we laughing? If life ain't just a joke Then why am I dead? Dead!'
grave digger by matt maeson
'I can't run to you, Father I need love ♪ I can't talk to you, Mother I know it's got you caught up But your sweet sinless sensation is not my style And I'm not giving up But tell me if I run away How long will I bleed? Tell me if I run away How long will I bleed? ♪ Colors blend They're all black and white ♪ Goddamnit, I cannot bend I'm all shriveled inside'
'Ain't no point in tryna pick-a me up when I'm down Yeah, you can stick out your hand And you can lean towards the ground I'll be tryna suck all of the liquid out the dirt Tryna catch a curve Digging my own grave'
hand me my shovel, im going in by will wood and the tapeworms
'My soul was crushed like a tall boy Underneath the boots on the curb And I'm still picking up my molars And putting them back in my face My name was soiled by a last call spill With a backwash swill and the blackout killed me Sober on impact from a fall from grace Take the road on higher ground And tell me, "Don't look down, you'll fall and break your back" But that just reminds me how there's more to be found beneath the black! This is not enough This is not enough to prove it yet No, I need to hit the bottom This is not enough This is not enough to prove it yet No, I need to hit the bottom (Gotta get to the bottom of this) (Gotta get to the bottom of this) (Gotta get to the bottom of this) Take you with me'
'Looking up, we see the point of entry Between where we are and we've been Looking down, I could say Heaven sent me Hand me my shovel, I'm going in!'
'Gotta gotta gotta get, gotta get, gotta get Gotta get to the bottom of this If it kills me!'
this entire song describes william's need to solve mysteries to a T dude.
hope this made some iota of sense, and sorry for the lack of explanation on most, i just couldn’t figure out a way to properly articulate it 😭 anyway hope you enjoyed lol, i’d love to hear others thoughts and additions if they have any!
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badnew2005 · 1 year
mac + the record by boygenius becos i love doing big posts like this :D
without you without them. found family of All Time. charmacden and the gang as a whole. the thousand billion different forms the gang has taken. it’s always them. mac growing up so neglected and lonely, desperately craving any mimicry of family and love he could find. and here comes this messy smelly kid who’s actually a couple months older than him but looks years younger. cat <3 mac 4eva . spending christmas throwing rocks at trains. it’s us against the world as long as we’ve got eachother we’ll be fine. and then come these rich bratty twins who act like they’re so much better than you but you know you and charlie are the closest thing they’ve ever seen to god. i want to hear your story and be apart of it. the gang unpicking their pasts unpicking what makes them Them. learning what you don’t Have to talk about, how to make life bearable. “a love letter to the mortifying ordeal of being known, written in a pandemic world that violently reminded us how much we need each other”…… that’s them baby!!!
20$. i’m stuck how longs the chevy been on cinderblocks as macden mac gaining/taking back independence and mac driving vs dennis’ sense of control being seen within the range rover. but just. oh this is So mac. it’s a bad idea and i’m all about it. long live project badass. whatever the idiots he loves suggests he’s there !!! i want to know more macden road trips. driving charlie around philly. driving to visit den in college. i cant summarise it well yet further than. ITS SO MAC !!!!! song about the “wanting to poke the bear impulse” hello mac. nice to see you here. having so much passion being ride or die for whatever ur friends want picking a side and dying on it no questioning. the subtle breakdown of that devotion. bickering. i Know you have twenty dollars. macden living together for Twenty Years. ran out of gas out of time out of money. the loves still there but they’re twenty years older and it can’t sustain itself running on nothing for this long. wanting a bit more. wanting to run back in time
emily i’m sorry. the cars !!!! can be both mac pov ab den or den pov ab mac. waking up inside a dream full of screeching tires and fire. the storm. the apartment burning down. all the wars mac and dennis are each fighting inside their heads that are keeping them from eachother. (again macden road trips i know you exist i want to hear more about you) suburbs maybe. and i feel myself becoming someone only you could want. that’s them. macden and the gang. someone only you could love. i’m sorry i just make it up as i go along. again both mac pov ab den and den pov ab mac. it’s their first time being this person coming out and everything that comes with being Them. sure they’re forty they should know better but. it’s their first time. i’m not ready! we could run away be other people. macden most comfortable acting as other people hiding behind fake identities. i’m sorry.
true blue. similarly could be both mac pov ab den or den pov ab mac but i’m sticking with mac pov. knowing dennis so well behind his lies and walls. loving him so passionately despite everything. the first two verses are just So let me tell you about dennis. den running away to college to north dakota fucking around to find out who he is calling mac confessing everything and nothing. and i wasn’t surprised! AND IT FEELS GOOD TO BE KNOWN SO WELL !!!!! I CANT HIDE FROM YOU LIKE I HIDE FROM MYSELF. they know eachother. too much. it feels Good from macs perspective. terrifying from dens. they’re on opposite ends of journey of coming out. even before mac started weathering the storm, dennis Knew him. ofc macden moving in together. straight after college or dennis slinking home from north dakota back to mac. it’s scary. he can’t live without him. YOU ALREADY HURT MY FEELINGS THREE TIMES IN THE WAY ONLY YOU COULD. again loving dennis so passionately, despite everything. i remember who i am when i’m with you !!!! your love is TOUGH your love is TRIED AND TRUE BLUE !!!!! it hurts ! and it’s ugly ! but i love you !! i do !!! i cant stop. i don’t want to stop. dependable and alarming and loyal never ending. YOUVE NEVER DONE ME WRONG EXPECT FOR THAT ONE TIME THAT WE DONT TALK ABOUT BECAUSE IT DOESNT MATTER ANYMORE WHO WON THE FIGHT I DONT KNOW WERE NOT KEEPING SCORE !!!!!!!!!!!! there’s nothing to say. it’s him.
cool about it. the dive bar. paddys <3. i’m trying to be cool about it !!!!! i love you !!!!! feeling like an absolute fool about it !!!! i love you too much !!!!!!! wishing you were kind enough to be cruel about it. times up. it’s never gonna happen. it is. talking himself into i can live without dennis without this love. i cant. wanting dennis to apologise. to be Real for once. to not run away. to shout and scream at him and everything he’s ever done. loving him Despite it. to validate macs feelings and experiences. absolution and all it’s religious connotations. religion woven into this love you can’t escape it. dennis as the golden god. dennis as a thousand sins, the ultimate temptation. wanting so badly to just forget about him to be able to walk away like dennis seemed to be able to do so. once i took your medication to know what it’s like and now i have to act like i cant read your mind i ask you how you’re doing and i let you lie but we don’t have to talk about it i can walk you home and practice method acting ILL PRETEND BEING WITH YOU DOESNT FEEL LIKE DROWNING tellin you it’s nice to see how good you’re doing even though we know it isn’t true. again. nothing else to say. that’s them. all tied up.
not strong enough !!!!!!!!!!! i know i have done a thousand not strong enough posts but surprise surprise the search function isn’t working. another jumping around perspective jumping around timeline. IM NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO BE YOUR MAN. mac and the storm. mac getting so so so strong while dennis was in north dakota getting so so so strong to come out physically and emotionally. to find his pride. black hole opened in the kitchen their midnight teas inflate peeking into the kitchen. theyre drowning stuck in that apartment. but it’s also a lifeboat! the double i’m not strong enough to be your man i lied i am / i lied i am just lowering your expectations. i Am strong enough to come out, but you’re not. don’t expect much from me i don’t know if i can deliver it. I DONT KNOW WHY I AM THE WAY I AM !!!!! i don’t know why i’m like this. i cant stop it. the bossiness the obsession. ALWAYS AN ANGEL NEVER A GOD ALWAYS AN ANGEL NEVER A GOD !!!!!!!! the storm !!!! the storm !!!!!!!! no matter how hard he tires that war is never ever ending!!! gods never gonna come say ur alright mac it’s okay.
revolution 0. macs crippling lonely upbringing. whatever the fuck macdennis is. it’s not real. none of it is. whatever he thinks the love between him and dennis is. if it isn’t love then what the fuck is it. just let me pretend !!!!!! angry and violent child screaming for love and attention never quite learning how to stop, because love never found him! the storm. dennis vs god. maybe they’re the same. he would like that. being stuck forever the only people who have stayed Hate you and they won’t shut up about it. if you’re raised with an angry man in your house …. go and invite him in etc. i wish he was angrier. mom too. i wish they cared enough to shout at me. give me Something other than indifference. even if the gang hate me at least they tell me they’ll scream and shout and laugh and punch me. at least they see me.
leonard cohen. macden driving forever !!!!!! listening to dennis’ stupid music forever. trying to read into it to see part of him between the chorus and the verse. if you love me you will listen to this song. of course i love you dennis. i’ve been listening to rick astley since i met you. i promise i will never give you up. or let you down. or run around and desert you. even if you do it to me a thousand times (you will). you said i might like you less now that you know me so well. I MIGHT LIKE YOU LESS NOW THAT YOU KNOW ME SO WELL. cause i know you man. right after mac came out. I Know You. that’s terrifying. so he ran (around and deserted mac)! i think that’s true. telling stories we wouldn’t tell anyone else. the comfort of driving. den’s flimsy sense of control. not having to look eachother in the eye. music playing on the radio you can pretend you didn’t hear. “there’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” sunny is a love story. and i am (not) an old man having an existential crisis at a buddhist monastery writing horny poetry. turning their apartment into a church. macs room a place of worship. i never thought love would happen to me i never thought You would happen to me
satanist. a satanist an anarchist a nihilist with me. let’s run away and hide and be someone else. they can’t catch us. i’ll go against god i’ll be a Satanist as long as You’re with me as long as i have you. please can we run away. do you want to be in my life a long time? i want you there. macden and hiding behind these fake personas. everyone else has talked ab this phenomenon a thousand times better than i am today. at least until you find out what a fake i am. i’m sorry i don’t think i can actually leave god behind. he’s the only person who loves me. we both know you can’t let yourself love me. honey and vinegar. you wonder if you can ever be seen from so far away a slow pull a seismic drift leaning over the edge of the continent. it’s so hard to come back!! you hang on until it drags you under.
we’re in love. they’re in love !!!!!! you could Absolutely break my heart. that’s how i know. loving dennis Despite everything. and i told you of your past lives, every man you’ve ever been, it wasn’t flattering boy you listened like it mattered. he’s trying at least. again a thousand times mac and dennis Having to hide behind aliases and masks. if you rewrite your life may i still play a part. dennis trying to run away to Be someone else but always having to come crawling home to mac. in the next one will you find me i’ll be the boy with the pink carnations pinned to my lapel who looks like hell and asks for help. that’s them. that’s always been them. there’s something about you that i will always recognise. we’re in love. it’s stupid and ugly and wrong in all the right ways and right in all the wrong ways. it’s us and it’s love!
anti curse. OUGHHHHH. i have already done a line by line mac analysis of this song ITS SO. it’s the storm! he’s drowning !!!! everybody else knew mac was gay but he’s Still drowning. making peace with my inevitable death drowning on the boat, mac coming out and abandoning god - the gang begging him to ask god for help, and when the heavens open and god answers they all climb and kick and push mac down to the bottom. and he drags them back down. he was ready to die with the gang. to go to hell. the gates opened god listened to him God Heard Him Say He’s Gay. being ready to die to be swallowed by this storm. i guess i did. alright considering !! macs relationship w his parents. with the gang. tried to be a halfway decent friend wound up a bad comedian. they all hate me. he’s spent his whole life begging for his parents to love him this moved onto the gang. but they all hate him. he’s a joke. was anyone ever so young? all they are is children begging for love and attention. unpacking god in the suburbs. meeting dennis. never being able to go back. i’m swimming back !!!! learning to weather the storm !!!!! dad. i’m gay. he’s not drowning!!! controlling the war holding your own little peace summit at the eye of the storm. you don’t have to make it bad just cause you know how. dennis begging and screaming for him to just go back in the closet. no! writing the words to the worst love song you’ve ever heard. loving them all despite everything. sunny is a love story. love in its foreign characters an incantation like an anticurse (or even a blessing!!!!) mac being the only member of the gang Not cursed in the gang gets cursed. he’s finally on a string of luck ! but fucks it up anyways
letter to an old poet. OH MY GOD. oh my god. i cant stop i just cant. you all know my s16 theme was macs anger!!! wanting to confront dennis but not wanting him to run again. it’s all bubbling. it’s coming. i said i think that you’re special you told me once that i’m selfish AND I KISSED YOU HARD IN THE DARK AND IN THE CLOSET you said my music is mellow maybe i’m just exhausted YOU THINK THAT YOURE A GOOD PERSON JUST CAUSE YOU WONT PUNCH ME IN THE STOMACH . AND I LOVE YOU !!! I DONT KNOW WHY I JUST DO. but !!! you’re not special you’re Evil ! you don’t get to tell me to calm down. you made me feel like an equal BUT IM BETTER THAN YOU ! and you should know that by now. when you fell down the stairs it looked like it hurt and i wasn’t sorry !!! i should have left you right there. with your hostages my heart and my cat keys. YOU DONT KNOW ME !!!!!!!!!! i wanna be happy I’m Ready To Walk Into My Room Without LOOKING FOR YOU i’ll go up to the top of our building and remember my dog when i see the full moon. I CANT FEEL IT YET. BUT I AM WAITING. there’s nothing else to say. explaining it would just be patronising. he’s there!!!! he’s weathered the storm and he’s had enough of dennis fucking around. had enough of everything ever being about dennis. i’ve actually been through shit i deserve it dennis. i should beat you up. leave you out to try. i shouldn’t have let you back in. but i did! because of course i did! you stole my parachute blindfolded me span me around and pushed me out of a moving aircraft. but i survived. built my own campsite all alone. you made me cry you said goodbye you told countless lies and hurt me. that’s all you ever do. i don’t think you deserve to live blameless anymore. i want to hold you accountable. but you’ll just run away again won’t you. make everyone hate me for no reason other than you’re scared how much i know you. come on. you fucking coward. celebrity booze mac is calm and collected confident ab his outfit while dennis is almost falling apart. the argument on the plane. everyone else is scared. mac was taking notes. he’s not stupid he knows dennis was johnny. but he can’t Say it he Can’t scream and shout and beat dennis.
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for the ask game: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 :)
ok bestie
How many words have you written this year? 537,776
How many works did you publish this year? 143
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? maybe "It wont be the same when my favorite person leaves" but idk... I worked REALLY hard on that fic and it was really cathartic to see an idea that I have been plagued with for months finally come to fruition in a way that I really enjoyed I think. The first version of that fic I wrote was really discouraging because I really hated it but I like the version I posted. Also "Death, suits you dear sir" that one was just really enjoyable to write and I enjoyed the process of it. I think I would've wanted it to be a little scarier but I like the tone I put and I like how I wrote it. I can say I'm proud of that one. Lastly "I can't escape my shadow" is very near and dear to my heart, it's reminiscent of my old writing and It was really fun to write more horror for the first time in however long.
What work of yours has the most hits? "I want a nice soft place to land I want to lie down forever" which makes sense since its one of my owl house fanfics and thats a pretty popular fandom. But it also really surprises me that it's my most popular fic this year bc like... I really hated that fic when I wrote it like, I had the idea in my head and it didn't come out the way I wanted it to at all. The words fought me and I was SO unhappy with it and I still reckon I could do it better. But it's my most popular fic this year I guess.
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Ok so there might be a lot of recent fics bc like I wrote a lot this year but honestly? "Words I don't say" I did not expect a lot of feedback and it was a little bit of a shot in the dark being the first fic I wrote for that campaign. I think I'm noticing a pattern of the ones that I am insecure about are usually received the best
Favorite title you used "Icarus and melted wax" you know how much I love Icarus references
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? I think I literally just threw out the sheets of paper I used to collect this data when I cleaned my room a bit ago. Crap. I think it was either Alec Benjamin or Tamino
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Oh thats a good question oh god how do I find this out easily without having to collect the data myself. Probably Albatrio bc I think I have the most riptide fics. Wait I think I figured it out if this is accurate data its a tie between Jay and Gillion or or Chip and Jay
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Dakota and William I think (or PolyPD)
What work was the quickest to write? Oh god I think I have several like 2k fics I wrote in like an hour I absolutely am NOT going to remember which ones. Uh probably "You're my brother and I love you that's the truth" I wrote and posted that one in school. I don't know when I wrote it during the day but it took like an hour...
What work took you the longest to write? The unfinished halloween fic anyway probably "A glimpse in time" it's my longest fic this year and I'm pretty sure it took me a REALLY long time tbh.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? heavy sigh. I doubt it's going to be that many because that implies that it's something I intend to finish and not something I gave up writing. Probably only one that I intend on finishing but if I count ideas that I still want to elaborate on: 3
What’s your longest work of the year? A glimpse of time linked above, that fic possessed me so hard I do not even understand how. I wrote like 6k exposition for it.
What’s your shortest work of the year? OH that's actually a really good question I never actually like... thought about. "sandstorms" at 1,430 words. I always forget I wrote legend of zelda fic, one of those i need to revise and fix bc the tense makes me so unreasinably mad
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? weeping sobbing shaking crying I don't wanna talk about it I don't wanna talk about the halloween fic I'm crying and shaking and sobbing. Oh also the two unfinished fluff prompt asks that I do still intend on writing.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Probably "I wrote this instead of sleeping" only 92 of my 411 fics are NOT tagged with that, Phantom does NOT get sleep actually. In second place is "fluff"
Your favorite character to write this year?A William wisp <33333333333 but Vyn is fun to write too bc I make him a creature.
you didnt put 18 so im not answering that one lol
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Kian Rolan and Rand I need to write more with them I NEED to write more bitb fics lest it drives me insane.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? Good question, I honestly usually reread like the most recent stuff I post, I always reread my fics in the morning after I post them to look at them with new eyes and see how I feel about them then. This one is gonna be a list hold on "I'm a wreck when I'm without you" "The birds who sing in the dead of night" "Until you're in my arms again" I have no idea what others, that's getting a bit older in my fic sooo, I don't usually go that far down.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 16,395
Which work has the most comments? "I want a nice soft place to land I want to lie down forever" Linked above
Did you do any collaborative works this year? uh no? Is that working w ith another person to write a fic, I assume that's what it is and no. Other than the fact that I bounce ideas or plan a good bit of my fics now with you sami
Did you write any gifts this year? No but I may or may not have been supposed to and have not written that yet. This year will be me writing my first gift I feel it.
Did you receive any gifts this year? Two!!! "Struck by lightning" by Nyxthedragon25 and "Lost dog" by Periperson both absolutely lovely fics and everyone should go read them absolutely
What’s your most common category? Hold on what are the categories... oh I don't use those anymore so I can't answer something with that. I very rarely use slash tags I am absolutely not comfortable enough to use those tags.
What do you listen to while writing? Instrumental music or classical music probably.
Favorite work you wrote this year? I have literally no idea tbh but I really like "Here's a health to the company" that one's just a really nice fic, I might add a bonus to it sometimes this year where I add ashe into it which is what I originally wanted to do when I wrote it but I didn't know anything about Ashe enough to be able to write him. But like I had and have an idea of what I could do for him in that 5+1 situation.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? "The words should have been a weight lifted off her shoulders. It should have been relieving to get it off her chest, to tell the big secret that she had been holding close to her heart for so long.
That’s what she had been told. That it was a relief to finally tell the truth.
Whoever said that was a liar through and through."
From "I cry hard because I have died, and you're alive" I'm actually surprised I wrote that in 2022... just barely but it I thought for sure it was gonna be 2021 anyway that line has always stuck out to me I think. There are probably better lines and stuff I've written recently but that one just sticks out to me, I think it's really cool.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? I think just mostly all the fics I managed to write, all the support I've had and I think the friends that I have made. It's really just... shocking to me that people enjoy my fics, a lot of people comment about seeing me upload in their inbox implying that they have notifications on for me and that's just... really wild to me. I can't really comprehend the support and the love people have for my writing, it feels unreal I think. I don't understand it at all haha, I'm just here writing silly things and people actually like it.
I think also my biggest surprise is my growth and how much Jrwi put me in a chokehold haha I didn't expect to write this much this year and I think I'm really happy with where I am with my writing. This year has been amazing and I'm so proud of myself for everything I've done and I'm so glad to have met a ton of amazing people in this fandom and to actually interact and join the community in whatever way I can.
Side note: I'm actually really proud of myself for actually like trying to put myself out there a little more. I hate making fandom posts because it makes me really nervous, but I think that I've gotten over that fear and I've tried to interact more with some people. I've made some great friends and some great mutuals and I'm really happy with that. It's been an amazing year so thank you all.
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robinruns · 2 years
14, 26 & 30!
14. Moshpit, barricade, back, or rafters
Barricade please!
26. Best concert experience
Like I wanna say every show is my best concert experience, but I think the top two right now have to be seeing My Chem FINALLY, and Taking Back Sunday in Minneapolis. I got VIP, so I got to meet the band before the show, then I got a spot at the barricade between brothers from Montana and two girls from North Dakota. Before the show started, the guy standing next to me said "I bet they'll sing to you by the end of the show" and I was like "pfft yea right!" The show was so good, like Adam is THE frontman, and getting to sing along to every song off Louder Now was amazing. Then at the end they were performing Decade Under the Influence, which is my favorite song of theirs, and when they got to the bridge Adam looks right at me while he's singing and like oh my god, I coulda died right then, it was AMAZING!!! It was EVERYTHING!!! And I got a pick and set list! Like that set the bar really fucking high lol
30. Next concert if you have one planned
For the first time since like... summer 2019, I don't have any concerts lined up right now. But a lot of the bands I love for sure have new music scheduled to drop in 2023, so fingers crossed they come around close enough that I can go.
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teenz-stories · 1 month
Teen-Z: Forever Young #3: Stressful Day In Work (Part 1)
New morning starts. Greeny is amazed how last week's party went. Seconds later she gets a phonecall. Turns out it’s Uma. Greeny greets slime girl as they talk on the camera.
Greeny: Hi! How are you?
Uma: Amazing. She stretches I just came back from my morning yoga. How about you? She then notices Greeny’s power up is gone Oh. You don’t have this cool hairstyle anymore.
Greeny: Nope. It wore off as soon as I gotten home. So like. She thinks but she forgets how long did it lasted I don’t know. Few hours later?
Uma: Let me know if you will want to organize next party. I’m all yours. I will stay in Z-Ville for a while because there’s so much to do!
Greeny: Right now it won’t be needed but thanks anyway. And why exactly so much to do? She gasps Don’t tell me. Someone hired you to be DJ?
Uma: Yes,girl! I am DJ on the fresh opened club. Crazy Paradise. I played my first show yesterday. Peoples loved my mixtape and my fresh remix of Pinky’s song! „I Don’t Wanna Be Your Ex” gets pretty viral recently.
Greeny: giggles Well,I just noticed this.
Uma: I will wait patiently for your friend’s next banger.
Greeny: You will need to wait a while. Because she’s right now recovering from whole recording music video mess what we had been going through whole month. But! Spoiler alert. Pinky plans to relase some old song she made when she and Luvboy were still a thing. She says she will remaster it and she can relase it even this week.
Uma: I hope so! Have great day!
As Uma ends call,Greeny then gets a message from Pinky that she wants to meet everyone on the breakfast. Greeny nods as she goes to the set. Scene changes into Pinky giving everyone pancakes. Then silence distract everyone noticing that Kid didn’t arrived.
Alvin: stops eating Where’s Cody?
Pinky: Maybe he just didn’t read my message? It’s a thing he does very often recently.
Belze-Bob: Maybe he is busy working?
Light: Working? On Sunday?
Greeny: He works on CrispyBees.
Mermaid: Didn’t he worked for 8Bit before?
Greeny: This is 8Bit. Just the boss renamed it to CrispyBees.
Mermaid: looks confused Why?
Greeny: Copyright problems. Turns out 8Bit was a name of fancy clothes shop. So Cody’s boss renamed that restaurant for the CrispyBees. I think that name sounds way catchier than before.
Scene changes into Cody giving black and pink smoothie to the vampire character. They have black with red accents hair stylized on pixie undercut. They wear now on themselves black top layered with black vest. Same colored shorts,tights. They also have on themselves white sneakers.
Dakota: Awesome service as usual,bro.
Cody: smiles Oh it’s nothing. You are one of my best clients.
Dakota: I was coming there because I heard amazing reviews on the website. And I still am. They remember moment  where they and Lyra-their cyclop best friend went out You remember when I came here with Lyra?
Cody: nods You and your friend are the most good behaved guests I ever had to serve. I never had any problem with you neither your friend.
Dakota: smiles gently Pleasure to hear that. They pull out Zlay app I’ll pay with Zlay. It’s much easier to pay.
Cody: smiles That will be 18 Zeedollars. But. For you since you’ve been coming here ever since I gotten hired here I will give small discount. 9 Zeedollars.
Dakota: laughs softly Okay. They pay 9 Zeedollars by cash Cash then. They stand up as they leave Awesome breakfast!
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godiswithuss · 5 months
my favorite trips
- 2014 Seattle
God i fucking loved going to seattle. I was 12, the 2014 World Cup was on. i had the iphone 5c and about to go to 7th grade. i remember when we beat the netherlands on the road July 9th,2014 and the entire time in seattle we had the dream of winning the world cup UGHHHH it was beautiful 😭😭😭 I LOVE IT AND THE MUSIC FUCKING THAT ONE SAM SMITH SONG THE NOW I GOT YOU, AM I WRONG BY NICO, VINES!!! shit was amazing. i remember we were getting to vegas from behind the strip and there was we were passing by trump tower and everything and then the news hit that gotze scored that fucking cursed bitch ass goal and i was thinking like FUCK…. we’ll have another chance :/ shit was amazing though.
- 2017 Rushmore
I was 15. my first time listening to trilogy by the weeknd. i lost so much weight and was looking good, i grew out my hair. i looked SAURRR good. i had a black shirt blue jeans and black vans with some gold jewelry. i was beautiful. i remember getting ready in the hotel in south dakota and listening to house of balloons. it was euphoric it was literally fucking perfect. i was finding myself and i was young and like trying to be artsey and i even drew a purple rose in colorado. i was such a try hard but i loved it. i remember when keren was stuck because she sat on this foldable chair bed thingy and she laid in it and it fell over towards the wall and that shit was so funny she was stuck too… man THE MUSIC HAD YOU LOUGH LOUGH HAUST. oh and like XO tour life banged OMG AND THAT SUMMER I LISTENED TO LANA DEL REY IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! + SUMMER WORKOUTS THAT YEAR WENT CRAZYYYY
- 2018 Vegas
May 2018…… yeah….. i was about to turn 16. Ye was posting on twitter. my body was looking so good and i remember i had that ck shirt with light blue jeans and cement 3s… plus i think the guitar pic tattoo. it was for my dad’s 50th birthday and i made like a little movie. i remember that black shirt blue jeans black chelsea boots, i was on twitter and was taking picture and videos trying to be artsey and deep. shit was amazing. i love 2018 ye too. OMG IT WAS MOTHER’s DAy TOO AND I REMEMBER LISTENING TO LOOK MA NO HANDS FOR THE FIRSG TIME IT WAS BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭
- 2018 New York/West Orange
god fucking damnit. what i consider the happiest moment in my life so far. i was 16. scorpion came out literally the DAY we were leaving to NYC. i remember falling asleep on the way back to west orange from i think it was one of the first day we were there, maybe when we went to eat pupusas at the park and i fell asleep next to my dad listening to summer game by drake and i remember after july 4th we were walking back to the house after watching fireworks and blue tint by drake was blaring from a car. and that NYC day man…. colombia vs england. PARTIDAZO and there were so many colombians and they were all fine like my gawd???? and i remember wearing that pink and white polo shirt with black shorts and the white huraches??? the black argentina jersey???? LAWDDDD i was so cold 😭 the happiest moment in my life and what would come that year…. another story for another time :)
UGH and all those diner we would eat at THE TEYANA TAYLOR ALBUM HURRY HURRY HURRYYYY GAWD IT WAS SO GOOOOODDD i loved going to all those janky hotel with my family and all of us sleeping in the same room. it’s those memories that you really carry and not the ones you except to remember forever. it started raining in NYC too. the rain was beautiful. it would be hot then cold and we took a train to get there and back and it was just so big and walkable and green 🌳 i loved it so much. FUCK AND TJE 2018 WC TOO I REMEMBER HOINH TO CHURCH WHEN FRANCE WON and when we ducking lost i remember when it was official we were at a gas station and i was telling my dad like FUCK we have to wait 4 more years and i remember how hyped we were going into oklahoma and we were 2-1 up and then everything happened :,(. those walks at the gas station during a road trip, things i will always cherish. just how sunny it would be and my dad pumping gas and my sister and mother going to by snacks and i would take off my headphones after listening to music 🥲
- 2021 Miami
the “last” big major road trip… 2021 was insane, i was looking good, feeling better, passed all my classes with good grades, wasn’t talking to my ex. I WAS LOOOKINH SO GOOD, had long hair. the summer where we finally saw argentina win a tournament and i remember those penalties vs colombia on July 6th, 2021 watching it with my dad. and then we saw them win in a hotel OH AND THE SUNS WERE IN THE FINALS LIKE OMG???? i had a breakdown talking to makayla and we went to disneyland and i had a hoodie 🥲. life was good.
- 2022 Mexico City
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Hi there! Santa here. Sadly, I got an early gift that I didn't want ... the flu. My fever's gone but I'm still coughing a lot. That's why it's been a few days since I've sent a message.
My cat's a longhaired torbie named Dakota. She's 8 years old. She's THE most stubborn cat I've ever known but she's also really sweet. I've heard people say torties & torbies have a certain kind of personality. I want to get her a cat tree that has more than one level. Right now she just has a little nest type tree that's kinda shabby.
I saw you tagged Carly Simon as your other favorite Simon. I like her songs a lot. My mom is a big James Bond fan, so of course I was introduced to her with "Nobody Does It Better".
Hopefully I can get back to you quicker now that I'm feeling better! Have a happy Friday!
Oh no i am so so sorry that you have the flu! That's a terrible early gift, but I hope you are on the mend. Last year we had a -8 degree night with a windstorm - power was out for 28 hours and we had no heat! And then when power came back on, our pipes had frozen and burst so i had no water the whole week of Christmas because no one could come out to fix things. This was all compounded by me getting covid too. There will be no Christmas like last Christmas hopefully ever again!
I love hearing about all cats! I have heard that about torties and torbies too but i've never had one myself. My cat is about to turn 5, she is a black and white tuxedo cat as you can probably see from my pictures. She is also stubborn but sweet. She was found on the streets of the city where I live by my work colleague and consequently she is very fearful and self-protective. I'm her person and she is open and loving and trusting of me but she will hide for hours under the couch in the basement when my siblings or parents or other people will visit. I have two cat perches that are just one level and those ones with multiple nests and jumping spots look so nice. I really hope Dakota gets a cat tree with levels!!!
Yes, I love Carly Simon! My parents love James Bond too and used to have a movie collection on VHS so I think I must've heard her song there too. I also was a big fan of her music video for Let the River Run from the movie Working Girl. I know that her relationship with James Taylor was extremely difficult for her but they are my favorite 1970s/80s musical couple - both so beautiful and talented and great when they sang together. Anyway - I do love her, her voice, her look - she's definitely my other favorite Simon!
Hope you have a great next few days and that you're feeling better each day!
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