#and depending on how it turns out i want to do prints of it
fanfictionsworld · 2 days
Relationship headcanons for P4 one by one first is Herman Greenhill
18+ minors do not read it
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Well Herman is gentleman.
And if you want the princess treatment you will get it from him.
Flowers,jewelry,romantic dates,love letters you name it he is doing it.
He is also very nervous around you.
Cant keep his eyes away from you,just stares at you most of the time admiring your beauty.
Loves to show off when he plays cricket,everybody knows when your watching he is going to play 10 times better than before.
Every single on of his victory's is for you.
One thing about Herman is that he is very attractive,pshyic and personality wise,so better watch out for those ladys that eye him.
Herman wont do anything of course he loves only you and other women do not interest him so he will politely decline every dance and be with you and by your side the whole evening.
Honestly the man is a walking green flag.
He may not be good with words,but his actions always spoke louder.
You two get each other and you beaing a head-strong just as he is a few argument's do happen,but he will always be the one how apologies first.
He is well built so that means that he is dick is pretty big.
I think out of all p4 he has the biggest and has a vein on the right side and the head is pink.
He fucks hard and fast as well as gentle and slow,but that depends on what you like better.
Expect to have victory sex after every game and expect not walking the next day.
Loves role play,dominance and fingering you until you scream so loud that the whole house can hear his name.
Pussy obssesed loves to eat it.
The biggest kink of all is breeding kink.
This man wants to have as many children as possible.He loves the look on your face when he fills you up and the look of his cum coming out of you after he came inside.
Love spanking,obsessed with your butt,the hand prints on your ass turn him on so much.
But nothing and i mean nothing can make Herman fold as much as the sight of your legs,when you flash him he turns red as a tomato and cant look you in the eyes.
He also folds when you whisper the things you want him to do to you,the filthier the better and he will take so hard that you will only beg for more.
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pancakessart · 4 months
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these cards are now $6 instead of $8 since they might not arrive in time for Valentine's Day now so if you want them, check out the link above!!
gonna put pictures of each individual card below the cut :D
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ALSO the inside is shimmery :)
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^the link again in case anyone needs it in a clearer spot!
i made a lot more than actually sold, and I'll probably give some to friends/family for Valentine's, but I don't have 39 friends/family to give them to :') - moral of the story, less is more when you're a smaller artist!
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greaseonmymouth · 9 months
As you've asked for asks!:
Do you have any quick-and-dirty book/fic binding methods a terrified-of-failure novice could use to bang something out to get over the first collywobbling step of Actually Doing The Thing? (this may be something I've been meaning to ask for ages)
yes! I absolutely do! in my opinion the best quick-and-dirty bookbinding method is a no-glue pamphlet: you don't have to mess with glue or measuring or cutting anything, all you need is your text, some paper, a needle and thread. you can use the same needle to punch holes if you don't have an awl.
this is going to be a little long but that's because I'm going to write out some fairly detailed instructions for an A5 sized pamphlet. If you don't want detailed instructions and think you can glean the necessary info from photos, just skip to the photos! I've also linked tutorials.
for preparing the text to printing, in whatever software you use (word, libreoffice, gdocs, whatever) make sure your document is set to page size A5. make it look readable. then save as/export that document as a straight-paged PDF. now go to the bookbinder JS tool (https://momijizukamori.github.io/bookbinder-js/), and upload the PDF. source manipulation: none printer paper size: A4 display unit (you can ignore, or choose cm if it gives you anxiety that it automatically displays points) printer type: select single-sided or duplex accordingly* rotate paper: ignore flip on long side: check if you are printing duplex and if your duplex printer flips the paper on the long side page layout:  tick folio page scaling: original page positioning: centered ignore the rest flyfleaf: ignore signature format tick: standard signatures. in the length drop down, this depends on the type of pamphlet you are doing. for folio i generally find 4-5 pages per signature a comfortable thickness. if you have 6 whole A4 pages you can still do that as a single signature or you can split it into two signatures 3 pages each. wacky small layouts: ignore this signature info click the generate preview button to see what your PDF looks like imposed! I love this step especially when I'm doing quarto (A6) or octavo (A7) sized books generate output - click this to generate an imposed PDF
for A6 and A7 sized books the instructions are much the same, except for these you make sure the page size is A6 or A7 in your software, and then you choose quarto or octavo instead of folio. for signature length drop down I keep signature length to 1 for octavos typically and 2 for quartos, as this still refers to sheets of paper, and for octavo 1 sheet of A4 paper will turn into 4 smaller sheets in one signature once folded and cut.
*if you don't have a duplex printer you will have to manually turn the paper to print on the other side. I cannot be arsed with this so I bought a printer capable of duplex printing (I didn't have a printer anyway). if you already have a printer check what it can do as you might be surprised and go from there.
now to the pamphlets! you don't need a cover - I have one for the long stitch pamphlet but for the saddle stitch one I didn't bother and just made sure the first page had a title on it. you can always take a different piece of paper and print a cover on or or just use coloured cardstock and create a simple cover, but a cover is not necessary unless you're doing a long stitch pamphlet. all you need to do is to punch holes and start sewing. there are a few different stitch types below, I wouldn't say any of them are more difficult or easier than others, but they do look different so...pick one you like the look of and go from there?
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pamphlet stitch (uneven number of holes) I haven't ever done a pamphlet stitch but here's a tutorial for how to do it: https://www.starpointestudio.com/simple-pamphlet-stitch-book-step-by-step/
saddle stitch (uneven number of holes) I realised that what I was thinking of as a pamphlet stitch is actually saddle stitch, as in this A7 pamphlet:
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here's a tutorial for how to sew saddle stitch: https://www.bookbindingworkshopsg.com/saddle-stitch-bookbinding-tutorial/ here's a video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWHkY5jOoqM (sealemon has a lot of bookbinding tutorials and I know many people who like her videos, I used her tutorial for coptic binding way back when I first made a book but I can't otherwise vouch for the quality as I haven't used her videos)
french link stitch (even number of holes) in this one I used french link stitch which I typically use for thicker textblocks that i'm not planning to use tapes with as the french link gives it some robustness, I used it here because I had never done it before and wanted to try it out. I am planning to take these stitches out and re-sew this pamphlet with a cover now that I've found a suitable piece of transformer fanart to use as a cover:
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french link tutorial. it's quite long but it has a colour coded bit towards the end that shows how the thread is supposed to link which i find very helpful to visualise: https://www.handmadebooksandjournals.com/bindings/french-link-stitch-binding/
here's a video tutoral from DAS bookbinding (he is my go to for techniques and he has the most soothing Australian accent as well, though fair warning not all of his videos are for beginners): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ZPdbaM-Ws
long stitch (even number of holes) for this one I used long stitch and I had a cover. this one is my favourite variation because I can make these pretty and simple covers and the stitch looks nice on the outside as well, so this one scratches the 'i want to make a book' itch for me.
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here's a tutorial that also includes a how to on a cover that is different from my cover: https://lccprintmaking.myblog.arts.ac.uk/files/2020/06/Long-Stitch-Tutorial-A4.pdf DAS also has a video tutorial for long stitch but it's like three videos long, maybe watch it later :'D  here's one I haven't watched but seems decent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnignTL_wDQ
you can use saddle stitch for this kind of pamphlet as well, that's what I did for dozens of ships and hundreds of souls (https://ashmouthbooks.tumblr.com/post/681587080267202560).
I hope this helped!!
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tainbocuailnge · 4 months
I think there is a difference between the comic as a sequence of images with text and the comic as a comic. it's a subtle difference that an untrained eye might not see but the more one as artist draws comics the clearer this difference becomes, because one who first aspires to draw comics will soon find they are merely drawing sequences of images with text.
when people say an artist is clearly inspired by anime they often use "anime" to refer to japanese pop culture in general, but if you look more closely you can often tell it really is specifically anime rather than manga that inspired them, because the paneling and camera angles in their comics will read like a series of anime screenshots rather than a manga page. similarly, when I was a teenager really popular manga that had anime adaptions would sometimes get "animanga" reprints where they replaced the panels with the equivalent anime screenshots of the scene, and they often looked like dogshit because the very premise showed blatant disregard for why the original comic worked in the first place. these two examples are both about anime because i am a weeb but it applies outside that context too. a cartoon storyboard can be read as if it were a comic, but what it really is is a sequence of images with text that has yet to be refined into its actual intended format.
there are many artists who only employ the medium of comic because what they actually want to draw is a video, or a video game cutscene, but the only tool actually at their disposal is the ability to draw a series of images and add text to them so that is what they use. there is no shame or mistake in doing this, you have to make your art with the tools that you have available, and if the sequence of images with text is enough to convey the idea then it was the right tool for the job. but these are different mediums with different visual languages, languages which have a lot of overlap and can occasionally be used in each other's stead to achieve similar results (especially when drawing a fanart comic of a video game for example), but which are still ultimately different. the comic and the video and the cutscene are all different forms that a sequence of images with text can take but they are far from completely interchangeable.
there is a key difference in approach to the comic as a series of images roughly interchangeable with other forms of series of images like the video and the cutscene, and the comic as specifically the comic. this difference in approach is not always necessary to achieve results, an artist who wants to convey a scenario they came up with needs only the sequence of images with text to achieve this. but the difference between a comic with good writing and art, and a comic that is a good comic, is in whether it was treated as a comic rather than a sequence of images with text. I say this as an artist whose nearly every comic has been simply a sequence of images, because I just don't have the patience to refine it into a comic when I merely want to convey my idea rather than draw a comic. it takes a particular skill and insight that have to be developed and practised separately from the ability to draw well and the ability to write well in order to become good at making "the comic" as synthesis of the two.
it's hard to specifically point out the essence of this difference between the sequence of images and the comic because it's kind of a vibes thing honestly, and it depends on where and how the comic was meant to be published too. comics meant to have paper print editions have different constraints and requirements and frameworks to work with than webtoons meant to be read on slim mobile screens in a continuous scrolling format. a good traditional comic will consider not just how each individual panel looks but also the way each page as a whole looks, and how the pages look next to each other in a spread, and how it feels to turn the page towards the next spread. a good webtoon will consider the movement of scrolling down and how this affects the transition from one moment to another in its composition. time is time in videos and cutscenes but space is time in comics, and the space your have available determines how you can divide time across it. when you make a webcomic on your own website you have no constraints but the ones you set for yourself, and sometimes this leads to things like homestuck, which would not work in any other format than the one it created for itself.
the best comics are good because they tell their story and present their images specifically in the form of a comic, in a way that would not be possible if it were not specifically a comic. I think this is true for basically every medium, I'm just thinking about comics specifically lately, because even though I don't really consider myself a comic artist - because I usually draw sequences of images rather than comics - the thing my clients want to pay for is often still "a comic", and they don't know or care to tell the difference. it's a difference that, as established, is often fairly moot anyway, because as long as it successfully conveys your idea it's good enough. but it's precisely because the sequence of images is often good enough that the specific skill of the comic artist is often overlooked.
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hystixia · 10 months
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NOTES 、i gotta thank my lovely mutual @hysterotic for helping me flesh out ideas for this one. love you babe also depending on how well this does. i’ll do part 2 LMFAO
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The air is tense on the ride to church. The sun casts the world in a warm glow as it slowly rises beyond the horizon and you keep your eyes fixated on the blur of trees passing by as your father drives and taps his finger impatiently on the steering wheel.
You sigh softly and look into the rear view mirror at his reflection. “Daddy, what’s wrong?” You ask gently and you hear your father sigh almost tiredly.
“Nothing, sweetheart it’s just…” He contemplates it for a moment before shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it, okay? I don’t want you feeling burdened in any way this morning.” It’s Sunday, of course he didn’t want you feeling anything but the spirit of the Heavenly Father washing over you.
You hum rather defeatedly, resting your chin in the palm of your hand and staring out the window once more. “Mkay..” You mumble out, saddened your father didn’t feel like he could share whatever wad weighing hard on him but maybe the Lord could help ease the heavy feeling he has today. You close your eyes and say a small prayer just as you feel the familiar turn onto the gravely trail that leads up to the church you’ve spent your entire life going to.
The pearly white chapel comes into view and your eyes gravitate to the sight, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you see other members pulling up around the same time as you and your father and mother. You sit up straight as your father parks the car and tugs the keys out, fixing your sundress as you wait patiently for your father to exit first before following soon after.
The familiar faces by the church, idly chatting all turn and smile at the sight of you. The older women compliment you, saying you look like an angel as always in those pretty sundresses you always wore.
You’d giggle bashfully in response to their compliments, cheeks warm to the touch as you thank them and compliment them back before the sound of a loud rumble echoes out and you turn to look over your shoulder at the road as a noisy motorcycle pulls into the spot beside your parents’ car. You squint your eyes due to the harsh brightness of the morning sun peeking through the distant trees and into your field of vision as you try to get a good look at the individual. It’s hard to see much until the person gets off the bike shortly after and starts coming toward you.
“For christ— Ahem, you took your sweet time getting here didn’t you, son?” A loud voice from behind you speaks up. You notice the way your father seems to hold a cold stare you’ve almost never seen on his face before as he watches the guy approaching you chuckle, a deep rumbly sound that has you surprised to hear such a deep voice.
“Took the scenic route.” He says with a grin in his voice and as the bright leaks of sunlight hide behind his tall frame, you finally get a good look at his face. And boy did you feel your heartbeat quicken.
His eyes look down into yours and you instantly tear your stare away and focus on the ground beneath you. Grass has never looked so greener before until now.
Your father reluctantly shakes hands with the guy whose appearance is not very fitting, nor would you consider it appropriate for church service. The black ripped jeans with a chain dangling on them, dirtied combat boots, a learner jacket on and somewhat hiding the black band tee he wore underneath. It had a print of a music band you’ve never heard of and it left you feeling curious. You’ve never heard such music before. Anything remotely inappropriate or dark and taboo wasn’t allowed in your parents’ house.
You feel like you’ve stared for too long and look over to your mother for guidance and she gives you a knowing look before subtly glancing at the church doors. You excuse yourself but shortly after, everyone else is coming into the quiet place and the sounds of footsteps and quiet chatter echo throughout the building. You take a seat on the long bench you’ve always sat at while your mother sits on the other side of the church at a different place. You see the man that had talked rather loudly behind you earlier come in along with who you presume is his wife and a rather young looking teenage boy, but where was the motorcycle guy that he had called ‘son’?
“Hey,” Your eyes widen at the sound of a low and deep voice in your ear and you whip your head around to look to your side where you see the aforementioned motorcycle guy. His black hair frames around his face and he smirks at you. “Did I scare ya?”
You blink a few times before shaking your head, mumbling a soft ‘no’ in response to which he chuckles at before letting his arm rest on the back of the bench, nudging your shoulders ever so slightly but you try to ignore it. Your father however is practically staring daggers into the boy when nobody’s eyes are on him before he stands up and prepares to start the day’s service.
You try to scoot away from the strange guy, keeping your eyes on those that sing and you can feel his eyes on and it makes goosebumps rise along your arms.
Suddenly you’re asked to sing and you feel your heart drop to the floorboards. You’ve never felt so nervous in all your life, it was something you were always asked to do by other members of the church so why did it feel so scary to do all of a sudden? Was it because of the mysterious boy beside you? Who knows. You swallow thickly, standing up with a tremble in your legs and hands so you grip onto the bench in front of you. You clear your throat quietly, trying to ignore the way your heart beats so wildly and so hard it makes your throat want to close up on you. You manage to start singing a hymn, one that everyone seemed to love hearing you sing the most and as you let your eyes flutter closed you relax your nerves and let the words flow through you and out into the world.
It’s only a few short minutes and then you’re politely sitting down but as you do so you feel something against the side of your thigh and see his own pressed snug against yours. Did he move closer or did you accidentally sit too close? You apologize in a whisper, trying to move away but he shakes his head at you with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Nah, I don’t mind, angel.” He says back, a whisper in a low voice only you could hear and it makes your heart flutter with an unfamiliar feeling as you force your attention back to those around you as people begin to testify.
You’re so focused on them all, nodding and feeling the spirit seep into your being that you don’t notice the unfamiliar touch against your dress as something slides up your thigh. It makes you tense up for a second when you realize and you glance at the guy who’s seemingly leaning a little too close for comfort but it would appear to others that he’s just trying to see the individuals that stand up and testify better.
“Don’t let temptation distract you from the words of God, doll.” He whispers with a grin on his face, eyes flicking down to your doe eyes that tear themselves away from his face and over to the other people.
He was right. No matter what he was doing, whatever it might’ve been… It was just the devil trying to keep you in his hold. Yet it was so hard to focus when the pads of his fingers grazed over your panties making you shiver slightly.
You didn’t know what he was doing. You’ve never been touched anywhere by anyone before, especially down there, but it was a rather nice and foreign feeling that you found yourself wanting just a little more of. Unconsciously, your legs spread just enough to let his hand cup your clothed sex and he rubs his index and middle against your panties until he feels a damp patch that makes him bounce his knee to keep himself from dragging your foolishly innocent self out of the church and fucking you in the bathroom.
Your father mentions an individual’s name for them to lead into prayer and everyones, including your own, heads turn down and al eyes are closed as silence envelopes the church and the only voice heard is a wretched sinner crying out for the Heavenly Father as he gets on his knees and prays.
You’re focused on listening to his words, feeling the pain he’s burdened with carrying as your brows knit together and you listen thoughtfully. Then something cold and foreign pushed against your nether regions and your thighs twitch as your eyes open and you glance to the guy beside you. He grins sinisterly, like he was the devil incarnate and you shiver under his gaze.
“Listen to ‘im, angel. Hear the cries of a fellow sinner and pay attention.” He whispers with a sick chuckle as he pushes his digit into your warmth and nudges it against your gummy walls. It’s uncomfortable for a few seconds, a new and foreign feeling you’ve never felt before but you unknowingly clench around him as he begins to pump it at a rather quick pace that has pleasure tingling in your gut suddenly as you squeeze your eyes shut and try to block out whatever he was doing to you in attempts to distract you.
Was it wrong? Was this something bad that he was doing to you? You didn’t know and couldn’t find the right answer you tried to search for in your mind. Whatever it was, it had a great effect on you and when you opened your eyes and prayer ended, tears blurred your vision but not from the Holy Spirit overwhelming you, oh no, it was that guy’s hand that overwhelmed you.
A tight coil burns hot in your belly as your legs tremble and you force yourself to straighten up and stare onward as your father stood to his feet and started to preach. Your mind was clouded, hazy and lagged behind on the words and sounds that met your ears but the warm breath tickling the side of your neck kept you alert and on edge in more ways than one.
You bite your bottom lip, trying to hear your father’s words as it touches the souls of many in the church. Your brows twitch, eyes gliding over the various people and a wave of feel-good tingles seeps into your being and your eyes flutter closed for a moment, a soft sigh leaving you glossy lips.
Your father’s preaching reaches its peak just as your thighs squeeze around the strange guy’s hand tightly, as if they never wanted him to leave and then euphoria washes over you. Like being hit by the Holy Spirit, your body tenses up and warmth floods your being as a sharp but quiet gasp leaves you and you curl in on yourself, hands gripping the cushion of the bench by your thighs. You heave quick breaths, heart racing in your chest as those digits curl into something incredibly sensitive inside of you before pulling away and you’re left feeling empty and exhausted.
You watch with half lidded eyes as he raises his hand up towards his face, it’s glistening with something slick on it and you wonder if it came from you. The thought embarrassed you to no end and when he popped the digits into his mouth, sucking the substance off them and then grinning at you as he shoved his hand into his pocket, it made you feel pulled towards him as if you couldn’t get enough despite knowing he was no good for you.
Your cheeks feel warm to the touch, cupping your hands against the hot flesh as you try to slow your breathing and shortly after, church has ended and people are socializing outside. You muster up the strength to stand on legs wobbly like a newborn fawn, hearing that boy chuckle at you as he gets up and walks away like nothing had happened. It saddens you a bit, you had felt some type of connection because of that strange interaction with him but you try to ignore it and move on just like he was so easily able to.
You manage to get out of the church, heading for the car earlier than your parents would’ve liked. You felt so lightheaded you just needed somewhere a little more private to cool off for some reason. You don’t get there in time before that boy is reaching you however.
“Aw, leavin’ already?” He’s teasing, he knows he’s the reason you feel so odd right now and the more you look at him the more you want to cling onto him. Thoughts that aren’t your own begin to fill your head, inappropriate and so lewd it makes you shiver with a mix of disgust and embarrassment directed toward yourself.
“I just need to cool off.. It’s warm out today.” You try to reason, voice a bit strained and shaky as you try to stand up straight but it’s obvious you’re a horny wreck in his eyes and he chuckles at you.
“S’that it? Just got too hot?” He takes a few steps towards you, an unreadable look in his eyes and you struggle to hold his gaze as you fumble over your words until he’s got you cornered with your back against the car. Those wide doe eyes, glassy with need, almost gets under his skin. He grins and it makes your stomach do flips when he looks at you that way. “Y’sure it’s not because I touched ya right here?” His hand forces its way between your trembling thighs and nudges against your nether regions making your breath hitch in your throat as you stare at him completely stunned.
Your hands grab at his wrist, shaky and weak as you attempt to pull him off but he only stops terrorizing your poor little innocent heart when he hears footsteps approaching.
He pulls away, straightening his posture while you push yourself off the car slowly as if you were in a daze at the moment.
“Is something wrong?” It’s your father, concern laced in his voice as he gives you a protective glance and moves towards you all while giving the boy an odd look.
The black haired guy scoffs with a smirk. “Nah, was j’st talkin’ to her is all.” He says it in a way that’s either condescending, sarcastic or as if he wasn’t saying the full truth. It’s hard for your brain to decipher properly anyways as your eyes bore into the grass beneath you, looking at anything but him.
“I’d much rather prefer if you didn’t speak to my daughter, Jeff Mason.” Your father says and it’s only now that you’ve learned the guy’s name. Your eyes flicker up to his face only to find him already looking back and shyness gets to you, making you tear your gaze from his.
There seems to be a tension between your father and Jeff, a staring contest ensues for a few moments that begin to feel like hours until that man you’d heard speaking before church comes up to the three of you.
He forces a smile and puts a hand on Jeff’s shoulder, squeezing a little too tight. “Jeffrey here will be sure to do that. Won’t you, son?” There’s an underlying authority to his voice as he looks at Jeff who glares back silently before shaking his hand off and walking towards his motorcycle with not a single word to follow.
The middle aged man chuckles awkwardly and tries to make small talk with your father but it doesn’t do much, if anything it would seem your father didn’t like either of them and that made you more curious than it should have.
You walk around the car to get into the car without disrupting their— very tense and awkward —conversation, trying to ignore Jeff who’s standing by his bike with his eyes glued onto you.
“Hey, Mary.” He calls out and you blink a few times before turning to look at him. He grins, “Yeah, you.”
“That’s.. That’s not my name, Jeff.” You didn’t even mean to say his name. It just spilled out by accident, he repeats the way you say it on loop in his head immediately.
“Sure it isn’t.” He grins with a teasing tone and crosses his arms as he looks you up and down slowly, undressing you with his eyes but you’re none the wiser. He finally looks at your face and smiles wickedly. “I’ll see ya around won’t I, angel?”
Your hold on the handle of the car door tightens a bit at the way he says it, heart fluttering in your chest and your knees weak. You feel a little bold, taking a deep breath as you hold his gaze. “Are you implying you’ll come to visit more often?” You meant the church, it’s obvious in the way you say it that you meant it in a church setting. But Jeff is far too sick and twisted to accept it as just that and that alone.
He chuckles at you, an unfamiliar glint in his eyes. “Heh, y’gonna see me a lot more often than just here.”
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 month
Family of two
Summary: …may become a family of three.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x daughter!reader, WandaNat
Warnings: none
Word count: 1230
a/n: might become a series/its own au, might not, it depends so I haven’t decided yet. Let me know what you think!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Wanda hums to herself as she cooks Sokovian food. She is wearing a flowy dress, a neat one but not too fancy. There’s a smile on her face. Her two favourite people are meeting each other today.
“Y/N!” Wanda calls out, mixing the sauce in the pan. “She’ll be here in an hour, hun.”
Y/N, who is pacing around her room, frowns at the muffled words coming through the closed door of her bedroom. The dress she is wearing per Wanda’s request flows in the air as she turns around. It’s a sundress, baby pink with small forget-me-nots printed on it.
She isn’t excited for this dinner. In her thirteen-year-old mind, their family is already complete enough for the two of them. Of course she wants her mother to be happy, but they’ve been this way since she was born, and change is difficult.
Not answering, she huffs and sits down on her bed. The smell of the food is making her mood slightly better, it’s comforting to smell the Sokovian food that she grew up eating, as it’s usually reserved for special occasions nowadays.
For the remaining hour, Y/N stays in her room playing video games while she waits for the inevitable.
A knock comes from the front door of the house at six o’clock on the dot. Wanda sets down the food on the dining table, washing her hands quickly before going to open the door.
Outside the door stands Natasha Romanoff with the widest smile on her face. “Hi, babe.” She kisses her before being led inside. “I brought some gifts for Y/N, or bribes,” she shrugs, “whichever word fits better.”
Wanda giggles, “she’ll like you, don’t worry.” She takes out three plates from a cabinet, setting two of them on one side and the third one to the opposite side. “Y/N! Natasha is here.”
Letting out a breath, Y/N stands up and makes her way out of her room. She has a straight face as she stops in front of her mom and Natasha. “Hi.” Her voice is quiet and her gaze keeps moving.
“Hey.” Natasha keeps looking at Y/N, almost unnaturally much. “Here,” she hands her a bag, “gifts for you.”
“Oh.” Y/N takes it and looks inside. There’s a soft looking teddy bear, some chocolates, and a book she has wanted for a while. She’s bribing me, is her first thought, though she doesn’t say it out loud in front of Wanda.
Her mother is looking at her with her brows raised.
“Thanks.” She murmurs, setting the bag down on the couch before sitting down on her seat around the dinner table.
Wanda gives Natasha an apologetic look before the two women do the same. The atmosphere is treading towards uncomfortable as they all put food on their plates.
Clearing her throat, Natasha glances at Y/N. “So, your mom told me that you like theatre.” Her statement makes Y/N glance at Wanda before she nods. “Are you..in a theatre group? Or do you just prefer watching them?”
“I’m not in a group.”
“Y/N has a hard time meeting new people.” Wanda pipes in once she realizes Y/N is going to be giving short answers today.
“It’s okay,” Natasha says quickly, not wanting the girl to feel embarrassed, “I do too. It’s stressful to meet new people.”
Y/N huffs, her gaze locked on her full plate as she moves the food around with her fork. “How long have you two been together?” She decides to change the subject. She doesn’t want the conversation to be about her.
“Nine months, honey.”
She nods, looking at her mom. “So, is it serious then?”
“Y/N.” Wanda gives her a warning look. “Yes, we are in a serious relationship. And I really love her.”
Her gaze move from Wanda to Natasha, her eyes squinted the slightest. “I really love your mom too.” Natasha says quickly, feeling just a bit threatened.
Y/N hums, going back to playing with her food. She doesn’t know what to think of the situation. Slowly, the table goes back to tense silence. Wanda taps her fingers against the table, her eyes hopping from her daughter to her girlfriend and back.
Biting her lip, she quickly blurts out, “Natasha owns a motorcycle.”
Natasha furrows her brows as she looks at Wanda, who is giving her a look to start talking. “Uhm, yeah? I have a motorcycle.” She mumbles, unsure about where Wanda was going with this.
Squinting her eyes, Y/N lifts her head to look at Wanda. “You think that motorcycles are death machines.”
“Yes..but you think they’re cool.”
“You do?” Natasha smiles when Y/N nods. “That’s great. Maybe you can test ride it someday?”
Her eyes widen in subtle excitement, though Wanda squashes it down right away. “Absolutely not!” She sends a warning look to both Y/N and Natasha.
“When she’s older, I mean.” Natasha corrects herself quickly.
Y/N rolls her eyes, but she has a small smile on her face as she finally starts to eat the food in front of her. For the rest of the dinner, Wanda and Natasha keep most of the conversation going.
“What did you think about Natasha?” Wanda picks out a book from Y/N’s bookshelf before sitting next to her on the bed.
Y/N shrugs, laying her head on Wanda’s lap. “She’s okay, I guess.” There’s a small pause while Wanda looks for the page they last left on. They both enjoy those routine, Wanda reading for Y/N before she goes to bed, even though she thinks of herself a bit too old to have bedtime stories read to her. “I didn’t like it when you said it’s difficult for me to meet new people. It made me uncomfortable.” She mumbles.
Wanda sighs, setting the book down momentarily. “I know, baby, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I was just nervous and it slipped out.”
“You don’t like..talk about my personal stuff with her, do you?”
“No, of course not.” Her hand goes to Y/N’s hair, combing through it softly. “I would never tell anything personal about you without your permission, okay? It was an honest mistake.”
“Okay. I trust you.”
Wanda’s eyes are locked on Y/N’s profile, she can see the slight apprehension on her face. “Are you scared?” She whispers, her fingers moving to Y/N’s cheek, moving around with feather light touches.
“Scared of what?”
“Things changing.”
“Yeah.” Y/N swallows. She fiddles with her hands under the cover. “I’m scared you’ll love me less.”
“I could never love you less, baby.” Her hand moves Y/N’s head to a position where they can hold eye contact. “You love your friends right?And you tell them you love them.” Y/N nods.” “Does that make you love me less?”
“Does saying I love you more make you mean those words less.”
Wanda smiles softly, “exactly.” Her fingertips move from Y/N’s cheek to her forehead, and down her nose. “You’re still my number one priority, and always will be.”
Smiling back, Y/N nods softly, moving around so she is in the most comfortable position. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” Wanda picks the book back up, and starts reading the next chapter.
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aestheticaltcow · 4 months
Our Future
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A/N: I've been workin' on this one for a couple weeks now and I finally finished omg
“I just don’t know if I want her to meet Eva.” Tiffany sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood in the doorway, “Tiff, do you wanna meet her first or somethin’?” Richie asked, scratching the back of his head. “Richie, I’m sure she’s a lovely girl, but she’s like, what 23?” Richie sighed awkwardly. “Yea…” Tiffany shot him a look, “Look, Tiff, she’s really great-. I want Eva to meet her.” he looked down at her hopefully, Tiffany sighed. He’d been okay with Eva meeting her current boyfriend, so it would be hypocritical for her not to let Eva meet Richie’s girlfriend- you. Tiffany nodded. “Just promise you aren’t breakin’ up with her anytime soon. I don’t want Eva to also get her heart broken.”  
Over the summer, you worked as a waitress at The Bear. You thought Richie was handsome from the start. He was tall and rugged, and you couldn’t help but watch his hands as he did paperwork or signed for the liquor order. His hands were so big… you couldn’t help but imagine what they’d feel on your body. Manhandling your breasts, wrapped around your neck, pulling you over his knee to spank you… you dragged yourself out of a daydream when Carmy asked the wait staff a question. “I’m sorry my mind was elsewhere… what was the question?”
It went on like that for weeks, Richie being the focal point of your daydreams. Your friends slowly started noticing how you’d turn down guys when you’d go out. Your parents noticed you were taking your time to do your hair and makeup before work. They’d assumed you had a crush on another waitstaff member or, heaven forbid, a line cook; oh boy, did they not expect the man you’d been dolling yourself up for someone 20 years your senior. 
One night, you agreed to go out with some friends from high school. You weren’t looking for a hookup or anything, but when you saw Richie across the street from the club at some pizza place, you were glad you’d borrowed a short cheetah print dress from your friend Mandy. You snuck away from the rest of the group and ‘causually’ bumped into Richie. He’d always thought you were pretty and quick as a whip, but he was significantly older than you, and the idea of even hitting on you made him uneasy. But, when he bumped into you on that night out, he couldn’t get the idea of you out of his mind. “Yo, cousin. You good?” “Ugh yea… was just sayin' hey to y/n.” Carmy chuckled when he saw you walking away from Richie, “She’s into you.” Richie adamantly disagreed, “She’s a good kid, but I’m way too fuckin’ old for her Carm.” 
As the summer came to an end, you’d turned in your two-week notice. Leaving  Richie with a sense of urgency to at least follow you on Instagram. By your last day, he did manage to get your phone number, which, in turn, led to some late-night Instagram stalking from both of you. Richie didn’t expect anything to happen. You were three hours away from Chicago, back at school, surrounded by boys your age. There's no way a girl like you would ever want some 40-year-old divorced single Dad. At least, that was until you’d come home for your Mom’s birthday in mid-September. 
You needed a break from your family. You saw Richie was out with some of the guys from The Bear and decided to make a move. ‘Casually running into’ the group was more challenging than you thought, but when Sweeps noticed you enter the bar, he knew why you were there. “Richie, your girls here.” he laughed; Richie was confused but was happy to see you. You two spent the night talking, “So you got a little boyfriend at school or somethin’?” Richie had hoped the answer would be ‘no,’ and then he could swoop in and show you how a man should treat a woman of your caliber. “Depends on who’s askin’.” you teased, making Richie chuckle. He offered you a ride home.
As Richie pulled up to your parent’s apartment building, you said fuck it and swiftly moved to place a kiss against his lips, the tickle of his facial hair adding to the stimulation. Richie was taken aback; he’d wanted to kiss her for months but didn’t think it would be like this. He kissed you back as soon as he’d realized what was happening. What should have been the perfect first kiss was ruined when your Dad saw you get out of ‘some random old guy's car’ and told you to get your ass inside. 
Your parents scolded you, “Wasn’t he your boss!” “Y/N! We forbid this!”. You were mad at the pair and returned to school sooner than expected. You turned your phone off and stared at the ceiling for a few days; maybe they had a point. Was Richie too old for you? He disagreed; if two people like each other, what’s the big deal? It’s not like she was fresh out of high school- she was 22, and he’d just turned 42. 
A year later, you graduated college and moved back to Chicago to be with Richie and work at a tech start-up. It took a while, but your parents had warmed up to Richie. Granted, your Mom still hated him, but you took a win as a win when your Dad referred to him as an ‘okay guy.’ 
Tiffany was hesitant when Richie brought you around Eva at first. She liked you, but she knew Richie better than anyone and didn’t want you to get your heart broken. She didn’t bring anything up until Eva’s birthday party. You were watching the kids play in the backyard when Tiffany saw an opportunity to talk to you. “Hey, Y/N, thanks for comin’.” you smiled up at Tiffany as she sat beside you. “Of course, I couldn’t miss Eva’s Taylor Swift party.” Tiffany nodded before asking, “Can I talk to you about somethin’?” you nodded, “What’s up?” “Might be a little awkward, but um, you and Richie? How’s it goin’?”
You squinted in Tiffany’s direction, “Why do you wanna know?” “I don’t want him back, but you’re just in such a different-” you scoffed. “Tiffany, I don’t think your daughter’s birthday party is an appropriate place to bring this-” “Y/N. I know Richie better than anyone. You have so much life to live. Don’t you wanna travel or get married or have kids someday? I just want you to know what you’re getting yourself into before you’re too invested in this.” “Thanks, Tiffany.” 
Richie was talking to one of Eva’s friend’s Dads when he saw you walking toward the gate, “Sorry, I gotta check on somethin’...” he ducked out of the conversation to follow you out of the backyard. You wiped your eyes as you walked up the street. It was only a couple miles to the closest train stop, and you figured the walk would be a good way to clear your head. “Hey baby- you okay?” Richie called as he ran up behind you. You nodded, “Yeah, everything is fine… I just have to do some stuff…” “What about Eva’s party? Haven’t even had cake yet…” he noticed you’d been crying, “Did Tiff say somethin’ to you? I can-” “Richie- do you wanna get married again?” the question left him dumbfounded. “Maybe?” he shrugged, “Why are you askin about that?” 
You sighed, “Richie, I wanna get married and have kids someday.” you flexed your hand as you stared at the ground, “Okay, we can… we can talk about it later… come back to the party?” Richie said, trying to change the subject and cut the tension between you. “ Yes or no, Richie? Would you want to marry me and have a kid or two within the next three years?” “Baby,” Richie said softly as he touched your bicep, “Let’s talk about all of this later.” you shook your head. “Go back to the party. I have some thinking to do.” you calmly said as you looked up at him. “OK,” Richie nodded and kissed your forehead, “I’ll see you at home?” 
You haphazardly packed some clothes into a suitcase before grabbing your chargers and laptop from the bedside table. This wasn’t how you thought your day would end, but Richie’s answer- or lack thereof- was all you needed to know. Before leaving the apartment, you messily wrote Richie a note saying it was over and your Dad would come by to pick up the rest of your stuff later in the week. You felt your heart break as you locked the door behind you. It was over.
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lrt the key thing to remember about covid is that it isn't magic. It has to get in you first before it can infect you, and you have to have a certain amount of viral load before it can take over (it doesn't take much anymore, but it still has to reach that threshold).
The key to being able to do fun, indoor things is to find an n95 or higher respirator, test to make sure it fits you without leakage, and then do not take off your mask. ever.
This is where it gets people. I hear tons of stories from people who caught Covid even though they masked, and it almost always turns out they took it off for one reason or another.
"Hungry or thirsty?" Eat and hydrate beforehand or plan to stay until you get hungry. If you have a medical condition where you have to eat or take meds while you're out, find a place outside and bring multiple masks so you can put on a fresh one when you're done. For thirst, they actually make something for this. Do not take off the mask.
"What if we wanna take a selfie?" Take them beforehand or keep the masks on. Do not take off the mask.
"What about air breaks?" No air breaks. If you can't tolerate being in a mask for long periods, you cannot safely go to long events. Do not take off the mask.
Respirators have a seal. When you break the seal by taking it off, they do not work as effectively. The seal can also break after a certain amount of use, which changes depending on how many other people are masking around you. I used to have a diagram showing how long each masks last in different situations, but I sadly cannot find it so I won't say a specific time since I can't confirm it, but this is essentially why if I'm going to attempt something riskier, I wear a p100 because those are good for 8hrs before you have to change the filter, and anything that I go to indoors won't be more than 3hrs (simply because I'm old and I ain't staying out longer than that lol)
I really appreciate that op made a psa, because the point of that post I think a lot of people are missing is that we need to be in full pandemic mode specifically because of the wave. But the problem with writing Covid things in a sensational kind of way is that it makes mitigation seem like an impossible task that requires monk like sacrifice, and that makes people immediately shut down. It's not, even in a huge wave like this. Will you have to change your routine and behaviors, and some of those changes might be inconvenient? Absolutely. But they will never be impossible. It's important to remember that adaptation isn't sacrifice. You're not "giving up" anything. You're still gonna be able to have your social needs met, you'll just be doing it in a different way for awhile.
If you want to hang out with a small group of friends at their/your house, and it's too cold to be outside or you just don't want to, the safest way to do it is universal masking, full vaccinations, testing multiple times beforehand, and using at least one air purifier that filters up to 0.1-0.5 µm in the room you'll be gathering in. This can be done diy with a Corsi-Rosenthal box if you need something cheaper! Air filters suck in viruses faster than people can breathe them in, so the risk of getting covid would be incredibly low in this situation (but never zero). If you want to share a meal, know that taking off the masks will increase the risk, but at least let the purifer run at the highest setting tolerable for an hour before doing so
If you can't afford to stop reusing your N95s, I recommend either locating a mask bloc near you and ask for some mask donations, or buy an elastomeric n95 like this one. There are many to choose from and while they are more expensive, they're reusable, with the filter only needing to be changed after 8 hours (or sooner if in a big crowd)
Some people are currently inventing portable air-purifiers you can pair with masks, and you can 3-D print them!
You're at work/the dentist/some other situation where you absolutely can't go outside in a non-crowded space, and you need to take down your mask? Nasal sprays like this one can be a good extra layer of protection for these situations. You can always, like with most viruses, rinse out your nose after being in public and rinse your mouth with CPC mouthwash for even more extra layers of protection.
One of the frustrations I have with the current Covid advocacy is that it's still largely focused on near-total abstinence, which has never been and never will be an effective education tool. I prefer taking a cue from AIDS advocacy and focus on education and providing resources. Of course, staying home is the only way to stay 100% safe, and you should choose contactless options whenever you can as long as the pandemic is still going. But isolation is becoming less and less realistic for most people and I want to still show them that you can stay safe even if you can't stay home.
Covid is not an impossible task. It's not magic. You do not need to catch that wave. These are imperative facts we as a collective have to internalize if we want out of this pandemic. You are not helpless. We've had airborne viruses for years and years, and we've known how to protect ourselves from them as well. We've known how to protect from Covid, specifically, for years. The only reason it's gotten this bad and is still a pandemic is because our governments benefit more from the masses being sick and needing resources, full stop. Like climate change, we have the tools to beat this virus back at any point. Because of this, even in this huge wave, there is no reason you have to only exist online. There are ways you can see your friends safely.
All people like OP are saying is that, at least until this wave improves, you should do that without going to the bars, clubs, restaurants, concert venues, etc. Because it's not only extremely unsafe for you, but it's putting other people in danger too.
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millie-multifics · 3 months
Though I Yearn • Part 1
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Secret Admirer (could be cute, could be creepy, depends on how you see it.), Reader is part of the Red Cross Girls, Spoilers, possible mentions of injuries, death and warcrimes.
Word Count: ~1.2k
Masterlist Next Part
x x x
Thorpe Abbotts was abuzz before the sun peeked above the horizon. Many of the personnel had been busy throughout the night while the men who would be in the planes got as much rest as their minds and bodies would allow. You were amongst those who had been working through the early morning hours, preparing the Clubmobile to serve fresh donuts and hot coffee that were intended to carry the men through their dangerous and lengthy mission.
Helen stepped into the truck, a small stack of letters piled on top of the supply box in her grip. She set the box down on the chair in the corner, seperating the letters adressed to you from the ones adressed to the few other Red Cross ladies. “Early mail delivery.”
“Must be for morale, first combat mission for many of the men today.” You easily recognized the printing on the first envelope, a letter from back home just like the ones you had recieved every week since arriving to Thorpe Abbotts. The second envelope was unusual, void of a return adress and stamp, only your name was scrawled across the front. You gently peeled open the envelope, unfolding the sheet of paper to read the message inside.
“During our first encounter your presence washed over me like the English rain, soothing and all consuming. You have captured my attention and selfishly, I must admit that I don’t want you to ever let it go.”
The letter had no siganture or name to identify who had written it, only a creased bottom corner and a small coffee stain in the middle of the mostly empty sheet. You didn’t recognize the handwritting but admittedly, you had not seen the writing of the majority of personnel at Thorpe Abbotts. Your brain spun, shuffling through as many first encounters as your mind would allow but it was overwhelming, there were so many possibilites… too many possibilities.
“Everything alright?” Helen asked, her eyes glancing to the letter clutched tightly in your hands, worry creasing her brows. She hoped everything was okay at home, it was everyones nightmare to recieve bad news from home while being on a whole other continent, so close to a raging war.
“Oh,” You quickly folded the letter, tucking it back into its envelope. “Yes, everything is fine.”
You were sure Helen was skeptical, feeling her eyes following your movements as you tucked both letters into your coat. The men trickling out from their quarters was enough to distract both of you from the coffee stained paper.
“I don’t recall such a welcoming committee when I arrived.”
The sudden voice behind you had been startling, you turned to find the handsome Major leaning against the open window of the truck.
“I do recall being in this very spot while you rushed right passed, Major.” You sent the man a polite smile, adding to the stack of paper coffee cups, “Surely you were focused on the business at hand.”
“That must have been it, I’d like to think I would have introduced myself otherwise.“
You were thankful for the roar of planes flying overheard, the arrival of his men drew his attention away from the heat pooling in your cheeks. “That is my cue. Enjoy your day, ma’am.”
The soldiers came in waves, stumbling across the clubmobile on their way to settle in. Many men lined up for the provisions you offered; hot coffee, fresh donuts, cigarettes, the newspaper and even the occasional magazine.
You sent the next in line a smile, one nearly tripping over his own boots as his friend nudged him forward. “Gentlemen, what may I offer you today?”
The dark haired soldier leaned on the window ledge that seperated you, sending you what you could only assume to be intended as a charming smirk. “If a ‘gentle’ man is what you are looking for, then that is what I shall be.”
It certainly had not been the first attempt at flirting you had experienced in the day, but generally the men had kept it tame, calling you pretty in some way or asking to take you for a harmless drink. You let your distaste for the comment show on your face, choosing to adress the amused man at his side.
“May I offer you anything?”
“Just two cups of coffee and cigarettes, thank you.”
You placed only one cup of black coffee on the ledge along with the requested cigarettes, offering a polite smile. “When your friend learns how to speak to women respectfully then he may make requests. Welcome to Thorpe Abbotts.”
Your eyes briefly found those of the dark haired man, his mouth slightly agap with your words before he was pulled out of the line by his now laughing friend.
The line faded quickly, the men moving along to find their Quarters to settle in as soon as they were served. The coffee urns were empty, only a single cup of black coffee leftover from the gallons that had been brewed. Helen had just began to clean when the last few men to arrive wandered through. You had heard through whispers that one plane had been seperated from formation, missing in the clouds. It had flown overhead a short time ago and you assumed these were those lost men. Most passed without stopping for a treat, settling in on the forefront of their minds but one staggered up to the open window.
“Anything left?”
“I’ve always got extra cigarettes or the newspaper on hand, one last cup of coffee if thats what you’re looking for.”
The solider accepted the lone paper cup, sniffing the bitter liquid before taking a large gulp. The boldness helped relieve the putrid smell of vomit from his nostrils. It was fragrent on the plane because his navigator was unable to control his air sickness, but the scent seemed to stuck in his nose as it was still the only thing he could smell, until the coffee anyway.
“You got any gum?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder at two men who were busy chatting amongst themelves. You slide a small package of mint gum across the ledge, watching as stalked toward the two soldiers, throwing the gum to the dark haired one without more than a simple ‘Heads up’.
Your first encounters with many of the men circled your mind as you lay on your bed, the letter once again clutched between your fingers. Major Egan, Douglass and Blakely, Hambone, Crosby and Bubbles, Curt and Dickie. Your first interactions with many of the soldiers were friendly introductions, none had stuck out to you as anything other than kind or mildly flirty.
He had never intended on you reading the letter, it had been written in a futile attempt to rid you from the forefront of his mind. He surely wasn’t a fool, you were far too good for a man like him but he had been completely taken by your warm presence. Unable to ease the yearn he felt for you, anchoring deeper every morning when you happily served what the military had insisted to be coffee.
It may have been a presumptious move on his part but he just couldn’t help himself.
He had snuck the letter into the mail carriers bag when he was delivering letters to the men as they ate was being labelled as ‘breakfast’.
x x x
Tags: @canyousmelltheflowers
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wearesorcerer · 1 year
This could potentially be big. Screenshots from someone in a Facebook group providing his professionally-affected opinion:
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Basically, if any of this is true, you could expect Paizo et al to sue WotC/Hasbro. I would love to see that happen, personally, but it all depends on how likely any of the above actually is to work. Like, if 5.5/6e turns out to be as crappy as 4e was, this will just be WotC shooting itself in the foot again (though probably not enough to kill it). So far, I've only heard good things mechanically and bad things for the playerbase, but they have all been vague suggestions with no concrete details.
A Concrete Example
The Hypertext d20 SRD was constructed under 3.5 as exactly what its name suggests: a self-interlinked reference document for everything in the system. Prior to its existence, the SRD was a collection of (possibly rich) text documents without page numbers or other means of easy reference. The Hypertext SRD included all OGL material from print sources it could find, so includes ~85% of the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook, Arcana Unearthed, and some bits from Deities & Demigods. It has other useful tools, like an encounter calculator and spell search. For the longest time, it was the only thing like it. Other sites (DnD Tools, Forgotten Realms Helps) eventually sprang up with more content; DnD Tools has been taken down numerous times for violating the OGL, while Realms Helps has stayed under the radar for some reason.
At some point, the d20srd webmaster updated it to include Pathfinder (seemingly all, but arranged by book like how Paizo's PRD was, which is deeply unhelpful) and some 5e (limited entirely to the core three books). This was long after d20pfsrd launched; that site is modeled off of the 3.5 d20srd site in organization and is amazeballs.
Since this webmaster has published 5e material on this site and since the new OGL possibly interprets that as accepting its terms, if this new OGL were legal, he could be sued to take down his entire site (or at least the perennially helpful portions) because it is no longer valid. (Per the screenshots, this is only half hypothetical: I know WotC did do this when 4e came out to fanpages that had 3.5 and 4e material because they didn't want competition from their own product.) This would leave only unauthorized (DnD Tools) or status unclear (Forgotten Realms Helps) archives. We've already lost reams of 3.5 material because WotC deleted its 3rd ed. archives (they used to publish stuff online regularly).
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hyunverse · 1 year
college boyfriend! ☆ stray kids hyung line.
stray kids hyung line x gn! reader. contains: fluff, headcanons. no warnings ahead! disclaimer — © 2023 hyunverse on tumblr. all rights reserved. authors works are protected under the copyright law. do not plagiarize or translate my works. tumblr is my only platform.
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majors in music. he's set on being a sound engineer, thus spending hours in the music lab. if he doesn't answer your texts for hours, you know where to find him. just head to the music lab and you'll find him writing lyrics. (that are most likely inspired by you!)
we've all established this but this man overworks, alright. forgets about the concept of time. you'd have to bring him lunch and drag him out by dinner. because if you don't, this man will panic when he sees the clock strike 10 pm and nobody's in the campus. even more panic when he remembers he has an eight a.m class the next day.
god forbid if you're the one studying too much though... not under his watch! he’ll make sure you have all your three meals! remembers your class schedule, even your exam schedule. takes you for rewards after your study sessions. ice cream at the closest froyo store, croffles at the campus cafe... you name it!
your full time driver. he would not let you walk! not under his watch! grocery runs, doctor's appointment, club activity... your faculty is a ten minute walk from your dorm, yet he will insist on driving you to your faculty. if you insist on reducing carbon emissions — he’ll gladly walk with you.
would 100% gift you a bike to go to class with too. chan would do anything in his power to make life easier for you. whether it be driving you anywhere you want, ordering food for you, or even make a doctor’s appointment for you — he does these little things just to ease some burden off you.
he's a great study buddy. you're guaranteed to get your work done with him. he'd slip in encouraging notes between your text book pages, and would grab a quick snack between sessions. if he sees you get too stressed, he'll take your hand and soothingly rub them as he whispers encouraging words.
biggest tease, truly! the kind of boyfriend to stick his tongue out at you when you walk past him in the corridors.
doesn't mean he's not a softie as well! sometimes he’d cook you lunch boxes, especially for the days where you have non stop classes. yes, he loves being a pain in your ass, but he also loves you <3 would do anything to see the joy in your face as he hands you a lunchbox <3
he enjoys doing chores with you. whether it be buying groceries, or doing the laundry at the laundromat, he enjoys having you as company as he does them. it's a sunday routine for the two of you to get groceries together, then do your laundry. the day ends with him making dinner for the two of you.
minho would take you on walks, in pursuit of stray cats. he'd bring some treats along, and feed any strays you both find in the neighbourhood. this happens so often, that the neighbourhood ladies have grown fond of the two of you!
overtime, you'd end up adopting a cat with him. it just couldn't be helped! the sweet kitten keeps on following the two of you... how could minho not take it home? lets you name the cat just to see you happy.
also i feel like he'd get twitter just to slander you. picture this, you wake up on a random day and see a twitter notification. turns out it's just your boyfriend mentioning you in a tweet that says something like, "y/n stinks." it's fun to him.
occasionally tags you in pictures of cats and bunnies though.
such a dependable boyfriend, truly.
car broke down? call him, he'll know what to do. forgot to print out your assignments? e-mail him the file and sit tight, he'll print them out for you. the sink is leaking? he knows who to call. he's a dependable boyfriend, willing to do anything for you.
though dependable, he absolutely loves being babied. finds the most comfort in holding you.
just finished class? he's calling for u to come over and cuddle. he just got back from the gym? going straight to your dorm to cuddle. he is touch starved and you need to entertain him.
takes you out for shopping sprees! it's okay if your money is tight for the month, his credit card exists for a reason. for you to abuse of course! if you refuse, he'll say that it's reward for studying today.
sometimes you'll randomly receive a package by the door and it's from him. your eyes would linger at an item for a second longer and he'd immediately buy it and have it sent to you.
he's the type of person to visit his family every weekend. no, you won't find him in his dorm on a saturday. he had most likely drove to his parents' for the weekend. overtime, when you get more serious in your relationship, he'd take you to his weekly visits home.
brings you to his mama and would adoringly watch you cook with her.
if there's a weekend he comes home and you don't, his mother will literally ask for you. so you might as well just visit every weekend!
it's okay because weekends spent at his = less money to spend on food.
roommates to lovers trope
how could he not fall in love with you, his roommate who’s so sweet, and so caring?
a shy boyfriend, yet he doesn't shy away from little gestures of affection in public! holds your hand as you stroll, also fond of putting his hand in your back pocket. he'd happily wait by your lecture hall, a cup of your favourite drink in hand. imagine him in a varsity jacket, hair a little messy, leaning against the wall as he waits for you to finish your lecture. as soon as he spots you, you’d see his eyes turn just a little brighter, and his smile growing a tad bit bigger.
memorizes your schedule by heart. him texting: “you in economics right now? it ends in ten minutes, right? i’ll bring your favourite drink <3” is a normal occurence.
all of your friends adore him. how could they not? he’s shy, respectful, and treats you well. buys you flowers for no reason. you’ll come home and see a bouquet of fresh flowers in a vase, with a cute little note from him <3 would doodle in the note too hehe.
impromptu dates, always! he’d wake you up from a nap and show you that he already set up an indoors picnic. a blanket sprawled in the living room, with your favorite snacks lined up. brings you to a flower field he discovered on a random monday, after class.
hyunjin's the type of boyfriend that would walk around with you, in search of new places you can call your spot. so far, he has three “our spot”, them being a flower field, a cafe that’s a hidden gem, and a secluded table by a window in the college library.
shares his clothes with you. you share a house together, might as well just mix the laundry and freely use each other’s clothes! pull up to college in a sweatshirt of his, and he’ll coo and call you his sweet angel. still gets butterflies every time he sees you in his clothes!! which is pretty much everyday!! still!! he thinks you look so cute in them.
if your jackets don’t fit him, he’ll just tie them around his waist. just wants a piece of you with him, really.
he’s an art major. you’re consistently his subject of art, especially when the assignment is a portrait! uses his assignments as an excuse to paint you. the reward is kisses.
listening to music together in the train to campus. one earbud in his ear, another in yours. you two thrive in comfortable silence, just leaning against each other as soft music plays in your ears.
slow dancing sessions to relieve stress. just swaying with him in the living room, the sound of your giggles filling in the atmosphere.
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cleaverqueer · 11 months
DIY How-To; Aluminum Can Spikes
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Preface; This will work with any kind of can as long as its metal. (soda, monster, ect) You can make them in colors depending on which side you trace your stencil on but im gonna teach you how to make them silver
And i cannot stress this enough,
Material needed;
Empty clean aluminum can(s)
Sharp scissors (maybe a stitch ripper for attaching them but scissors work too)
A sharpie or permanent marker
Superglue if you want them perfect
An abundance of patience and caution
1 Gather your aluminum
First step is to turn those cans into flat sheets of metal. Start by making a small cut near the rounded edge of the top or bottom, about this distance
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Then cut around the top to connect back where you started and take the ends off.
Next you cut a line straight down the side to interrupt the loop of aluminum.
What I do next is kinda just flatten it the best I can? Press it against a flat surface, make tiny bends against the curve, just to make it easier to work with, always being careful of the sharp edges
2 Make a stencil
So the general shape youre gonna wanna make it is like this
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The big point will be the tip of your spike, and the little nubby ones will hold it on
imo it helps to have an extra can to experiment with what works best for what youre going for, but once you figure it out, have one flat cut out piece to trace for the rest, to make sure they all come out the same!
3 Trace a bunch and cut them out!
Sounds easier than it is. if you work with it, you can get more spikes sometimes by drawing them close together, but then theyre harder to cut out. Again, be careful of edges. If you want silver, trace on the printed on sign so you dont get sharpie on your spike (or dont, mistakes are punk)
4 Roll them up
This takes a little practice, but what you wanna do is roll up the wider end of the triangle, one edge over the other, into a pyramid, forming a spike with the point of the big triangle at the end. (this ones harder to draw)
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Sometimes theyll stay curled tight on their own, sometimes they need a little help (superglue) i havent figured out how to make em curl perfect every time yet. You can also fill them with hot glue to make them sturdier ( BEING CAREFUL OF THE SPIKES WHEN THEY HEAT UP FROM THE GLUE) But the good news is your spikes are done!
4 Affixing them to your shit
Once you figure out where you want them, hold the bottom triangles on the first spike up to the spot it goes like you mean to put it in, mark where they touch the fabric, and then take your scissors or stitch ripper and cut four little tears that DO NOT connect at those points.
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It should look like this, with the center dot representing where the spike point is centered!
You should also give each spike enough room that the tears dont run into each other. I usually do them one at a time but i dont think it matters.
After the tears are cut, you carefully insert the bottom triangles into the rips
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flip it over, and fold the triangles in over themselves like a staple
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Repeat until youve added on all your spikes and your piece looks sick as fuck
5 Bonus; patching over the studs
So when you do this, like a staple, theres the little pointy bits sticking in, and if its a wearble item, it'll prick your skin. If youre autistic like me thats a big drawback, but you can remedy this by sewing a patch of a thicker material (i use denim) over the place where these spikes are holding on.
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anystalker707 · 9 months
What do you think?
Pairing: Nami x [gender-neutral] Reader Kinktober prompt: Face sitting Tags: Oral / Dom-Sub undertones (if you squint)
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          Nami was standing in the quarters, trying on the new clothes she’d bought on the last island while you lay on her bed, checking the sketchbook you’d found around on her bed. It had some maps on it along with a few notes. Robin wasn’t around, so she insisted you be in the quarters with her while she tried new stuff.
“What about this one?” She asked, still standing in front of that mirror, turning from side to side to check on the shirt from different angles—she needed to make sure it looked fine.
You glanced away from the sketchbook; it was a red shirt with a flower print. “Not bad,” you muttered.
Although Nami asked for your opinion on everything, she would always wear and do whatever you wanted, so you didn’t put too much effort into giving your opinions until she made a choice, depending on the situation. The problem, however, was that Nami seemed to want you to give her all the compliments on Earth despite the fact you already pampered her.
“You’re not even looking!” She scowled as she turned to you, hands on her hips.
“I am!”
“Then what am I wearing? Tell me without looking!”
A sigh escaped your lips. You didn’t need to look, either way. “White slippers, light blue jeans shorts, red shirt with the plumeria print, and golden chain, aside from your usual bracelets.”
Nami was silent as her eye twitched, and she groaned while walking over to you, removing her slippers as she climbed on the bed. “It’s not like that, and you know it very well!” She was straddling your hips and holding you up by your collar, so you put the book down. “I need your honest opinion on everything, I can’t go around looking like I assassinated fashion!” She shook you back and forth.
“Oh, so my fashion opinions are that good?” You raised an eyebrow at her.
“Hm…” Nami paused and thought, now just resting her hands on your chest instead of holding your collar. “Not really, but—”
“Yeah, of course.” You rolled your eyes.
“But,” she reinforced, “it’s always good having a second opinion, y’know? Even more from my sweet partner!” Her lips curled into a smile as she leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek, chuckling despite the way you glared at her. “Do you like this outfit?”
There you go again.
“Well, I preferred the gray skirt, y’know? It looked cute.”
Nami was already scrunching her nose, of course. “Well, that one, um, it has potential, but it’s also kinda uncomfortable, so I think I’m donating it as well.”
“Right,” you sighed, placing your hands on her hips and then patting her thighs gently. “Yeah, okay, this short isn’t that bad.”
“Yeah,” Nami hummed. “Still a little uncomfortable, though. I’ve seen better.” She pulled back a little, running her tongue between her lips as she pulled her hair behind her shoulders. “Wanna see something else I got, though? It’s even better.” Pride glinted on her smile as she pulled back and got off the bed for a moment.
You raised your eyebrows, holding back a sigh. “How many clothes did you get?” The question was rhetorical, honestly—you were used to how she’d buy piles of it at once.
“No, no! You’ll like this one!” A chuckle escaped her lips as she unbuttoned her shorts and just let them drop to the ground before she placed her hands on her hips, shifting her weight to one of her legs and letting her hip pop out. “So? What do you think?”
Well, damn, that really shut you up. The panties Nami wore were red and had some frills, and a tiny golden pendant hung from the middle of the waistband that went all the way up to her hips. Her pussy looked so fat in that. You gulped.
“Oh, yeah,” You mumbled, propping up on your elbows and clearing your throat—it was hard getting your eyes off her. “Well, that’s just perfect.”
“Not too tight?” Nami teased as she slowly got on the bed again. You held on to her thighs, but it was brief; she kept moving up until she was right above you, in a way you had to lay back against the bed again. “I think you need to take a closer look.”
Fuck, she was so close, already making your mouth water. It was difficult to pull your eyes away from her, the way her pussy’s shape was so obvious through the thin fabric. Her ass, too, you could see her ass now. Shit. She shifted a little, and it was a clear signal after being with her for all this time.
You held on to Nami’s thighs to carefully pull her down—she raised an eyebrow, hands on the headboard as she glanced down at you, biting her lip. She made sure she lowered herself right on top of you. A soft groan escaped your lips when her pussy finally pressed to your mouth, hot and nice. Even with the fabric on the way, you were turned on the same, feeling your heart start to beat faster as you pressed your lips to her and started mouthing at her through the panties.
Nami sighed as she relaxed a little, finding a comfortable position that didn’t demand a lot of strength from her while you kept mouthing at her through the underwear.
“Mmph, feels good,” Nami whispered as she gently pushed her hips more against you. “But you can do better, right? I know you can make me feel better, you know how to please me so well,” she whispered.
You couldn’t resist those words; they hit you straight in the gutter, and she really could touch you or something, right? She probably wouldn’t. She was too cruel for that, and unfortunately, you loved that.
Your mouth kept working at Nami through the fabric, forming a wet spot that was both a mix of her fluids and your spit, and her breath already sounded a little out of pace.
It was easy exposing her cunt to you—your finger hooked around the band of her panties to pull it to the side, and your mouth was pressing to her pussy in no time. A louder, higher-pitched moan came from Nami with the way your mouth pressed fully to it, licking from her entrance to her clit, where you let your tongue circle and press down. Nami groaned with it, thighs quivering under your hands.
You somewhat wished you could say something, tell Nami how good she felt, but she’d probably complain and tell you to keep your mouth busy, so you didn’t stop. Your lips latched around her clit, sucking on it, then nipping on her labia before your tongue trailed down to push into her.
“Mm, you’re doing so well,” Nami moaned, one of her hands traveling down to run her fingers through your hair before taking hold of your strands.
The way you hummed against her made Nami moan again, her hips shifting as you kept eating her pussy so nice and good, pushing your tongue as deep as you could inside her, tasting her, while your nose sometimes brushed against her clit. Shiver sparkled down her spine with the way your tongue lapped at her insides, but her back was fucking arching when you licked up to her clit, giving it a little attention again. Your teeth tugged gently on her folds, sometimes sucking on the skin gently, just trying to give her a little while to recover before your lips were sealed around her clit again.
Nami was loud, letting the sounds just spill from her mouth as you sucked her clit and trailed your tongue around it just the way that she liked, sometimes pressing a kiss to the swollen and abused nub. Your tongue ran flat against her clit, making her thighs quiver again.
“Like that,” Nami groaned as she tugged on your hair, nails scratching your scalp a little. “More,” she whispered, rolling her hips against your mouth.
It was difficult to coordinate it at first, with her pussy messily pressing against your mouth, but you soon found a rhythm, mouthing at her pussy whenever it came closer. Given how you were drooling and her wetness, you could feel the mix trailing down a corner of your mouth. Your jaw also ached a little from being held open and all the strength you were using, but that was a mere detail. She tasted so good, you fucking loved it.
Your fingers sunk into her thighs trying to keep her in place so that you could suck her clit, but just until she was on the edge, her hips stuttering with the pleasure that was building up into something greater and so quickly. You gripped on to her tighter to really keep her still at least while you tongued inside her. Her hold tightened around your hair without actually tugging on it a lot, and her hips stilled, thighs quivering as she finally came.
“Mmph, fuck,” Nami gasped, weakly rolling her hips into your mouth until the throbbing between her legs became more sporadic, still using your mouth as she rode down from her high. She groaned, letting you continue to suck on her clit until the first tinge of overstimulation kicked in. It took her a moment, and she was finally pulling away—you took in a deep breath as if remembering you could breathe freely, looking at her with wide and hazy eyes. “Well,” she panted, looking down at you with a grin, “I think I’m making you try something as well. I bought you a little something.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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20dollarlolita · 10 months
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(It's been entirely too long since we've started a tutorial with a very blurry picture, which is a 20dollarlolita tradition. Am I about to fall over and only staying upright because of a death grip on this trim? Stay tuned to find out)
Let's make a skirt.
There's a lot of lolita fashion that doesn't fit most people. It's me. I'm most people. I'm going to wear it anyway, so I'm going to resize that to fit me.
The hardest part of resizing a lolita skirt (or skirt part of a dress) is that you almost never can get the fabric that the skirt was made out of. Lolita prints are usually pretty limited run. While some dresses will let you redistribute the fabric to have a slightly less full skirt, that's usually a major reconstruction that ends up drifting a bit away from the lolita shape.
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A ruffled bustle bustle, however, is pretty common. Bustles like this are pretty common in lolita fashion and add an additional detail. In addition, you can make the waist of the skirt several inches bigger without a problem, and without compromising skirt fullness. If you ever want to undo the alteration, seaming the skirt back up is not very difficult. It's not a fully seamlessly reversible alteration, but there's far worse things you could do to the garment (ask me about my AP dress with mesh pits).
The problem is that bustles like this take quite a bit of energy and fabric, especially if you want to have details like lace trim. It's one of the more time-consuming alterations to do.
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Or you can make one bustle/ruffle underskirt, one time, and wear it with all your skirt and dress modifications. You can splurge and get some nice trim and get some nice fabric, because you only need to buy it once. You can also wear it as a standalone skirt. (Just remember to never, ever steam it before taking pictures. You wouldn't want to look competent)
I put off making one of these for a very long time, because I'd made the process much more complicated in my head than it turned out needing to be. Once I was building this and realized I needed to simplify the fuck down, this became a really easy project.
Materials: I decided to make the ruffles on my skirt out of eyelet lawn, which is a cotton fabric that has an all-over embroidery. I got this for about $10 a yard on ebay. I don't have a very accurate judgement of how much I used on the skirt. I bought 4 yards and used probably 3.5, but I also wasted a bunch of fabric on an extra tier that I had to chop off. I wanted a fabric with more detail than broadcloth, but that wasn't exclusively going to work with OTT styling.
I got 30 yards of 1/2" Venise lace off cheeptrims.com for $9. I really recommend putting lace on your ruffles if you can. It really adds to the detail level, and you only need to buy it once. You already have to hem all of this so you might as well hem it with lace.
You will also want some fabric for the slip layer (for want of a better term) to attach the ruffles to. My ruffles were a little bit sheer, so I wanted an opaque base fabric for modesty. Depending on the look you're going for, you can also use this layer to add some subtle detailing or changes to the finished look. If you're only wearing it with over-the-top looks, using a base fabric with shine or glitter can stop your ultrabustle from looking too plain. If you're wanting your ruffles to lay flatter, getting a soft fabric with a lot of drape will make the ruffles droopier. I just used some weird cotton plainweave that I got at Green Store for 75% off due to a bolt-long defect.
I used 1" elastic in the waistband here, because this skirt can get a little bit heavy, and then you often have another skirt on top of it adding to the weight.
The other thing that I used that made this much easier was a ruffling attachment for my serger. You don't need to use a serger, but a ruffling or gathering attachment that allows you to ruffle a flat strip of fabric and sew it onto another piece of (not to-be-ruffled) fabric will speed things up considerably. I know a lot of people buy a ruffler or a gathering foot when they start sewing lolita, and then are disappointed when they don't use it very much. There's a very limited number of lolita applications for these attachments, and I'm happy to tell you that this is one of them. If you don't have one, you don't need to go buy one. You can just do the two-step process of gathering the fabric and then sewing it on. But if you wanted an excuse to go buy one, well, you have one.
The Plan:
So I'd previously made a lot of math and calculations for how each tier was going to gather into the previous one, and then realized during the build phase that actually was way too complicated.
What we need is a rectangle with ruffles on it gathered into a waistband. Yes, a rectangle. I know, I was stunned too, but the final result worked the best.
I wanted the tops of the ruffles to be hidden in seams. If you just sew ruffled strips onto a single piece of fabric, it's very difficult to hide all the raw edges and to make sure you're not spreading loose threads all over the place. We're going to make ruffled strips, and sew them to each other. This covers up the raw edges very nicely.
This also will allow you to slightly gather the second and top tiers to each other, if you want to make this skirt in an a-line instead of a bell/cupcake shape.
The Math:
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If you know what skirts you're planning on wearing your ultrabustle with, it can help to measure them and get a good guideline.
Generally, you want your ultrabustle to be a number somewhere within these guidelines.
~~Close to the same length of the skirt you're wearing it with or ~~4"ish longer than the skirt you're wearing it with. (This depends on if you want the bottom ruffle to stick out. If you're Tallita and all the skirts and dresses you're resizing are also too short, you might want this to double as a ruffled underskirt) and ~~An acceptable length to wear as a skirt all on its own.
My first run at this ultrabustle was WAY too long, and after chopping off the entire top tier, it ended up being either 1" shorter or 1" longer than the skirts I'm planning on wearing it with, which is a great number for me.
As for the total fullness of the skirt, you have to remember that the ruffles will add visual volume to the skirt. This means that you don't actually need the hemline of your skirt to be super full. All that matters is that your petticoat can comfortably squeeze in there. For this, I measured the hemline of the smallest dress that I had that still fit my petticoat, and used that. It turned out to be about 80" around.
So, what sizes do we cut this at? It's math time.
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Here's a worksheet if you want. You're going to need to know how long you want the finished skirt, how wide you want the hem of the slip (not the ruffle) of the skirt, how many ruffle layers you want, and your waist measurement.
The slip needs to be shorter than the ruffles, so it doesn't show. So total slip length is your skirt length minus 2.5". Divide that by the number of ruffle layers that you have, and you'll have how long to cut each of those. This is slip tier short side.
Each ruffle layer needs to be longer than each slip layer, so that the slip doesn't show. You want each ruffle to overlap the previous one. So, take your slip tier short side and add 2-3" (or more, if you want). This is your ruffle short side.
Your finished slip diameter is your slip tier long side. That one's easy.
If you're a math and planning person, you can determine your ruffle long side measurement. You'll want to take a piece of your fabric, cut to the ruffle short side measurement and also about 45+ inches wide, and a piece of your slip fabric. Run them both through your gathering attachment so that your ruffle fabric is sewn onto your slip fabric. If you like how that looks, you can then measure the finished length of the ruffled fabric and use that to calculate how much fabric you'll need for the ruffles. There's four places where people mess this up. First of all, if you're using your gathering attachment to sew and gather at the same time (which is the point of that attachment), you want to do all your test runs gathering it onto a fabric. The amount of fabric that goes into a machine ruffle changes depending on if it's onto fabric or just gathering. Second, you want to use your finished fabric, at your finished ruffle length. Different fabrics will ruffle different amounts, and different ruffle widths will look different even at the same gathering amount. Third mistake people make is to not gather a long enough strip. The longer a strip you gather, the more accurately you can measure how much fabric is actually going into your ruffle. And the fourth is to take that measure as an accurate one, and not plan for needing extra fabric. The upside of the gathering attachment is that it will save you so much time. The downside is that you can't be as accurate with knowing how much fabric you'll use. Remember, you can always turn the leftovers into a matching accessory. Even if you're going to go yolo like I did and not do the math about how many ruffles you need, you will still want to run a check that you like how your ruffling attachment looks. You don't need to measure super accurately, but try to get a feel for how much fabric is going into each ruffle. For example, if your ruffler takes a strip and makes it 1/3 it's flat size, then you'll need more fabric than if your ruffler makes it 1/2 it's flat size. If you're really on a budget, you can just cut your ruffles at 2.5x your slip long dimension and precisely gather by hand. My time's worth something to me and so it wasn't worth it to do that just to save a yard of $10 fabric.
The last part is just to check that your ruffle long dimension (or it's rough approximation) is still at least 2.75x your waist measure (3.25 is better). If you don't have that, your skirt likely won't look full enough for a lolita silhouette. If that's the case, just add to your skirt dimension until it is.
Actually making it:
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Before you forget, cut out a piece for your waistband. You can decide if this looks better in your ruffle fabric or your slip fabric (I used slip). This piece should be 3ish" longer than the distance around the fullest part of your booty. You need this to be longer than your booty distance so that you can get it on your body. If you're using 1" elastic, you want this piece to be a minimum of 3" wide.
I've found that the easiest way to do this is to start out by making the whole skirt as a single, very long strip. So, I take my slip tiers and cut them all out, and sew them into a long strip.
On my specific fabric, I decided that I wanted the pattern on the eyelet to go lengthwise. So, instead of cutting the fabric across the grain (short side, selvedge to selvedge) like I normally would, I cut down the 4 yard length of the fabric. This meant a lot less seaming. Since I didn't really know how much fabric I was going to use (you know that test I described to check how much fabric you're going to use? Yeah, guess who didn't do that), I just cut them one 4-yard strip at a time. I'd ruffle one all the way, stop, and cut the next one. This did actually save me quite a bit of fabric versus cutting them all at once. I had to go back and sew the sides of the ruffle together once the skirt was done. It was a small price to pay for the convenience I experienced.
I knew what size I wanted the finished ruffle length to be, but I cut my ruffles about 2.5" longer than that. I wanted a little bit of wiggle room once the skirt was done, so that I could do the length adjustment once the whole skirt was assembled.
And then, it's just a matter of letting the ruffler do its work. My serger ruffler works by you putting the item to-be-ruffled on the bottom, and the item to attach the ruffle to on the top, and then just hitting go. Some other rufflers work by putting the to-be-ruffled at the top, so you can see it as you go. Like all sewing machine attachments, if you're not sure, just go on youtube and search "HOW SINGER GATHERING FOOT DO THING NOT LOOK LIKE SHIT?" and someone's probably made a video of it.
So, once you've run all your ruffle through your machine, you should have a nice single strip of slip fabric with a ruffle on top of it. Now, some gathering attachments don't actually sew super strong seams, because you have to adjust tension or stitch length pretty severely to get it to ruffle like you want. The other advantage of putting the ruffles in a seam instead of just topstitching them onto a piece of fabric is that it doesn't matter how strong your ruffle attachment is, as long as it's strong enough to hold until you can put the ruffle in the seam. The seam provides the strength.
Once you have your single long ruffle, cut off a section that's the diameter of your bottom tier.
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Now you just need to sew them together (and finish your inside edges). I like to start at the bottom tier and go up.
For each tier, you're sewing the bottom of the slip layer to the top (ruffle and slip) of the tier below. Just pull the ruffle of the higher tier out of the way, put right sides together, and sew.
If you aren't using a serger, you can zigzag over your edges and then trim them down, use an overcasting stitch from your sewing machine, or topstitch some seam binding over the seams. The extra line of stitching on the slip layers in front won't be visible. One of the other nice things about building this in the way we have is that, when you finish the edges of your inside seams, you're putting three layers together and finishing it as one. This is actually a lot less then 1/3 of the work of finishing them separately, because you'd have to finish the ruffle as a flat piece, which would take way more time. Have I convinced you on the greatness of this technique yet?
Continue cutting pieces off your ruffle layer and stacking them until you have as many layers as you decided you were going to have.
Once you have your layers all stacked up on each other, it's time to sew the skirt back seam. I find that it looks best to hold the ruffles out of the way, sew the slip together, and then go back and sew all the ruffle pieces. Basically now is a good time to just check for any ugly spots and to touch them up.
There's like 50 ways to attach a waistband to a skirt. For this one I used this method (what a blast from the 20dollarlolita past we have there. Also please note that the cost of ruffler feet seems to have gone up from $15 to $60-$100 in the past 10 years and despite working in a sewing machine store, I'm not totally sure why).
Once you've got the whole skirt assembled, it's time for the finishing.
The first thing that I did was put it on and try to judge how short I wanted my top ruffle. I'd cut all my ruffles extra long in the short dimension, so that I could shorten them when they were on the skirt. I picked a length that worked, marked it out, and chopped at that point. I then did this for the other two layers. I found that I wanted my bottom ruffle to be a little bit longer than my top ones, and cutting it long allowed me to make that choice.
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I then started just zigagging on my lace. If you don't have a serger, you can use the lace as a hem finish, which also saves you an additional step. The lace really added a lot to this, and since I only need to make this once to wear with a lot of different garments, it was an economical use of nice lace.
I started putting the lace on the top layer first. This is because, if I ran out of lace, having a different (wider) lace on the bottom layer wouldn't look strange. As previously mentioned, I did zero measuring of how long my ruffles are, and had no idea if 27 yards would be enough lace. Don't be like me. Do some tests. Or be like me and choose the life of treachery. Anyway, stick lace on this thing, please. You worked hard and your skirts deserve it.
The only other thing that I did was to cut the slip layer down by about 3" on the very bottom. I did this because I made a mistake, but I like how it looks.
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You can take this system of ataching ruffles in rectangles or even a trapezoid and stick it in the back of a skirt (or skirt on a dress). I did that here because I knew that I wanted a pink bustle, not a white one.
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I'll do a tutorial for the actual skirt resizing sometime after I actually resize a skirt with this. Here, all I did was slice the back, hem those edges, and then button on some waist ties from another dress. This let me easily add several inches to the back of this skirt, without needing to re-distribute pleats, and without sacrificing the fullness of the shape.
This will all sit a little bit better once I've pressed the skirt, as well. Steaming the top layer of this while the garment is on me/a dress form/a hanger will decrease the poof in the top layer a little bit, and honestly, we could benefit from that in this case.
Anyway, if you have this, you have a very fast way to enlarge existing garments.
So, while this has thankfully very much decreased in the past years, there's still some people with weird opinions on MoDiFyInG bUrAnDo, so let's have a talk. Lolita clothing is not community owned. If someone who was never going to sell a dress to you modifies it, that doesn't take it away from you. This is a mentality that we tend to have in lolita more than other fashion just because of our high resell scene, but it wasn't ever going to be your dress and so you don't need to have an opinion about what happens to a thing you were never going to personally own. Things have value more than money, and value is often changed rather than destroyed. AP's Halloween Treats OP has no value to me when sold for $500 on Lacemarket. I don't spend that much money on lolita, ever. But a questionably-altered AP's Halloween Treats OP that I can un-alter has value to me if the price is good. But a questionably-altered AP's Halloween Treats OP has very little value to someone who likes the price, but can't undo the alterations. When someone resizes a dress or skirt, true, sometimes the people who are the size it was originally made can't wear it anymore. You've decreased the value to them, but you've made it more valuable to people who are the size that you've made the garment become. This skirt had no value to me when it's waist measure is 7.5" too small, but now I can wear it, so it has functional value to me. A lot of people who say that modifying the dress ruins it are either ignoring that also the stress of putting a dress not sized large enough for your body can damage it and not look as great while doing so, or else they have a much worse take. People who say that modifying clothes ruins the garment, but also say that wearing a garment that's too small ruins the garment, what they're actually saying is that wearing that garment is a privilege that should not be extended to larger sized people, and if they say that then they can just, you know, go fuck themselves. We don't need that in the community. Everyone deserves to wear lolita, and some people have to work harder to achieve it, and that's not fair, but everyone deserves it.
So yeah, kiddos! Build a skirt! Go cut up some clothes! Wear the skirts you've always wanted to wear! You can do anything!
And to answer the question we opened this with, yes, I was absolutely falling over.
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maezysworld · 30 days
Test subject x The ghoul pt. 2
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pt. 1
Pairing: cooper howard x fem! cat mutant & sniper reader
hi friends once again I am dyslexic so this is probably not the best but I hope you all enjoy it anyways (I’m always open to feed back as long as your nice about it)
Warnings: slow burn, writer is dyslexic, might be slightly out of character, a whole lot of guns, use of y/n, blood mention, sad dog (not a dead dog a sad dog)
context: you are part cat due to being experimented on you have the cat ears and eyes along with all there senses (i do plan on making a full backstory)
You guys have been walking for awhile few words exchanged. your walking a head of him with the dog by your side, you’ve been following the sent of the vault dweller as the dog follows the doctors. “what her name” you ask the ghoul. “she ain’t mine.” he says in response dry and uninterested in your attempt to start a conversation. “why the hell do you have a random dog?” you ask confused but not really surprised. “The doctors, and just how do you know where we’re going.” he says not knowing if you’re following the dog or leading her. “I have my ways” you say before you stop walking and lift your mask just to show your nose, as you take a deep breath you notice that the doctors sent smells different smells bloodier. the dog runs ahead to a fallen huge piece of metal, it looked like it was apart of a building but your not to sure. you start to jog ahead following the dog, the ghoul not far behind. Once you catch up you see a headless body that belongs to the doctor, the dog lays her head on his lap and makes a short whimper noise.
you crouch down next to her petting her head “I guess we found our man.” you say looking up at the ghoul. “part of him.” he says looking around foot prints catching his eyes. “so what’s this information you have for me.” he sounds frustrated that you haven’t told him yet (and your surprised he hasn’t shot you for not telling him yet) “the value dweller has his head and is going to a woman named moldavor.” you say now standing looking at the ghoul, he doesn’t respond. You lift your mask just above your nose again taking another whiff of the air. “what in hell are you doin?” he says turning to look at you “do you ever take off that mask?” he says a moment later. “not around strangers I don’t” you say putting your mask back on now knowing what direction she’s heading.
“you must be fuckin hideous hiding your face in this world” he says lightly laughing. “something like that, here” you throw him a chem, you have met quite a few ghouls (well the non feral ones) are normally fairly nice, so you started carrying chems on you when ever you have space just in case. “I’m not to sure how many you have but I know you’ll need one soon.” you say as he catches it, he looks at you confused maybe a little Great-full too.
“well we know where she’s heading we can stop here for now” the ghoul says. about 20 minutes later you guys have a fire going and sitting down, no words spoken. “I’m y/n” you try to start a conversation to no response. “do you wanna tell me yours?”. “do you wanna take off that damn mask?” the ghoul snaps back. you sigh, “okay mr ghoul, no need to be so rude” you whisper as you wipe down your gun. the ghoul heard you but choses to ignore it “do you ever take off the mask” he says sounding a lot less defensive. “depends” you reply “on what?” he asks curiously. “if im alone yeah sure, with others it really depends on who im with” you say never looking up at him “so your hiding something.” his words sound like a question but his tone tells you it’s not, “I can keep watch if you want to rest” you say, the ghoul doesn’t move. you put your pistol in your holster while the ghoul watches your every move, you stand up and stretch a bit and walk around where your little camp is “are you not tired?” you ask the ghoul, once again he doesn’t respond he just puts his hat over his face ‘thanks for the response’ you think to yourself.
after a few minutes you sit back down with your back turned to the ghoul and you take off your mask. it’s hard to hear and see in that thing and if your going to be in the dark you’d prefer to have any advantage you can in a fight, and well having built in night vision it’s pretty handy. you pull your jacket hood up to cover your ears to the best of your ability. you put out the fire, after about 26 minutes you see figures running in your direction it’s a pack of ghouls you nudge the ghoul to wake him up “you should get up there’s a handful of ghouls coming our way” you say before putting back on your mask and standing up with your pistol out, the ghoul stands up trying to see what your looking at but it’s practically pitch black but he hears the footsteps and that’s all he really needs. the dog runs up and attacks one of the ghouls and with our fully thinking you follow, but the ghoul stays his distance. you shoot a few only killing 3 as your reloading you hear one coming from behind you, you turn and pistol whip them as they fall to the ground you feel another one grab your ankle. You take out your switch blade and stab it in the side of his neck before kicking him with your other foot grabbing the back out after your ankle was released and stabbing him in the head again, blood gets everywhere your eyes on your mask are practically covered in blood. you focused alittle to hard on whipping it off when you get tackled to the ground by another, you can’t even see what’s attacking you as you struggle to take off your gas mask while kicking this thing off if you. After you get it off is when you feel the ghouls dead weight on your body with a bullet threw his head you shove him off and you start to stand up “you were really about to let the last one take you?” the ghoul laughs, you wipe the blood off of your face and brush yourself off “yeah well I expected to get a-bit more help from you.” you say irritated “I wanted to see if you could hold your own. clearly you can’t” he says stepping closer “I didn’t think I had to dickhead, I assumed you had my back.” you say sounding more and more pissed off. “they got your mask off?” he asks knowing the answer considering he saw your face. you turn away making sure your ears are still covered from the man, “you ain’t ugly, so why wear it?” “I’ll answer that question the day you tell me your name.” you scoff. “fair enough little miss” he sounds more chear full, that makes your blood boil. ‘took almost losing my life to have him pleased, fuck off’ you think to yourself grabbing your mask and getting as much blood off of it as you can.
VERY SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG I’m sorry it’s not the best my wifi has been supper weird and I had to do this all on my phone and I’ve been sick the past few days☹️ but hopefully it’s good enough!!
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revelingrexan · 9 days
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if you want to use them as actual cake topper images or other decoration, you have my full permission to! that's why i made them! (i'd love if you tagged or messaged me if you do!)
if you do want to use these for cakes, i also made several other versions and have notes under the cut
OKAY SO FIRST OFF I'M NOT AN EXPERT ON PRINTING STUFF. the (very) short version is, purples and pinks don't show up well in the most common printing method, and that "most common printing method" is used in edible printing, like what's used for cupcakes and cakes
(most printing uses a color model called "CMYK," if you want to look it up)
so!! maybe you can use the images above the cut and it'll be fine, or maybe you need to give the printers these versions. these colors were picked because it lets the images turn out like the ones above the cut, NOT how they're shown here:
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i'll find out if giving the printers either version works or what in a few months, and i'll update this section then (or sooner if someone fills me in), since i'm planning on getting myself a Lucifer ducky cake for my birthday :3
i'm including versions with circles because many cake designs are circular -- including the one Lucifer used in-show lol and what i plan to print -- and the circle is placed relative to where i intended the image to crop and how i intended its composition. (if you'd like the circle to be placed a bit different, you can do so using the square version)
i included a bunch of variations where Lucifer's not holding anything, if you want to add a number for someone's age for a birthday cake or your own object or some phrase or whatever you please
again, idk how printing works, so i might swap these out for the more vibrant versions depending on what i eventually learn. i'm just prioritizing these less bright versions basically so everyone remembers these are the intended / expected colors
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(i wanted to make a "complete Lucifer hat and complete Alastor" version as well as a cropped version for the pedants [affectionate] out there. but the second version didn't work out when the time came 😔)
it'll probably take some artist's license to get everything to fit in a perfect circle, but here's two versions where i actually did the first step more correctly, using my programs "mesh transform" to get it circular
in the first image, Lucifer is more accurate, and Alastor is more accurate in the second, in case anyone wants to use these (no obligation; you can do your own thing if you'd prefer).
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the mesh is still visible in the second image because i hadn't intended to keep the screenshot -- i just thought the mesh looked wild, so i screenshotted, but it was a lucky save since Alastor looks decent there. (it might also be preferable if you use a mesh with more points than in that screenshot)
again, some artist's license will likely be required to get them both looking good. have fun with it! i might try this project again in the future, but for now i'm done lol. (it'll probably be at least a few months or a few years if i do try again, and no guarantee that i will)
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