#and everyone’s overly obsessed with sex and drugs
autistic-katara · 11 months
m so bored does anyone have any show recommendations?
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hellxs · 6 months
𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖎𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖘
scorpio mars like to stay low key they aren’t the ones to show all their cards.
They can appear calm on the surface but if u make them feel threatened in any way they won’t hesitate to do something ab how you made them feel.
Most of the time you won’t be able to tell someone has a scorpio mars because they like to hide their mars energy until they need to use it.
There’s always something subtle about them that makes people interested in them
most scorpio mars i know use weed or other drugs to calm their intense energy
women with this placement could’ve been shamed early in life for being sexual, leading them to hide their sexuality or overcompensate by being overly sexual
women with this placement can also attract a lot of creeps and people who just want to use them for sex
men with this placement can tend to be overly controlling and immature over the smallest things. Some i know always want the last word and need to be in control of anything that’s going on around them
They can be really passionate though, only over a few things, they would care about a couple things and forget everything else in the world
They can give their all in a relationship then after act like you don’t exist
men with this placement are the type to have the best sex with u and then ghost u after
scorpio mars people think they can do whatever they put their mind to especially if they have it aspecting jupiter they can have a god complex
Most likely the person to go through with suicide if they ever was suicidal
i know someone with a scorpio mars who would cut themselves because they got in an argument with their partner
can be raw and straight forward which can make people uncomfortable but some obsessed with them
knew a girl at my school who would get in a lot of fights and everyone would fear her and do whatever she wants
and even stabbed a couple people because they tried her
i figured out she was a scorpio mars
𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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polyklok · 1 year
Nathan Explosion full Alphabets
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If you’re unaware, I did an headcanon request thing using these two alphabets
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It got a bit more popular than I expected and my askbox got flooded. I loved doing it! But I ended up cramming a lot in a short amount of time, so I’m just gonna finish off the alphabets for every Dethklok member. It might take awhile. If you’re getting impatient waiting to see what I said about your favorite boy, you can look up the tag “Polyklok is real” to find all my posts including the previous headcanon requests.
A for Affection-
Slightly more affectionate than you’d expect! Nathan isn’t one to show a lot of emotions or vulnerability at first. There's a good chance that you're just a fun piece of eye candy to him. He might have an arm around you when in public, but things like cuddling are reserved for after sex and after sex only.
As he starts to open up, he becomes more and more addicted to your soft touches and gentle holds. He leans into you whenever you are vaguely close to him, nuzzling his face into your neck and letting his hands settle on your hips or waist. Soon, it becomes mandatory for him to be attached to you whenever you're in the same room. Especially whilst cuddling, he is not letting go. Will carry you to the bathroom if needed, just to continue feeling your warmth.
B for Best friend-
It’s sort of stressful. Not because of Nathan specifically, but because it’s fucking Dethklok. You’re going to need to live a very private life when you’re associated with them, unless you want to be stalked and harassed daily by overly-obsessive fans. And that’s if you can even get any of them to engage with you in the first place, which is a task within itself.
IF you somehow manage to pull off the impossible, Nathan is a pretty silly dude. If he already likes you, it’s fairly easy to make him relax and laugh with you. Most of the time, the two of you will be drinking and making fun of dumb stuff until early in the morning. But he’s never gonna really open up to you. If you try to get into his personal life or mental health, he’s just gonna straight up cut you off permanently. You’re luckily you weren’t killed by Klokateers.
C for Cuddles-
Once he's settled into the relationship and comes to terms about his more unbrutal feelings for you, he quickly becomes comfortable with regular, sappy couples things like cuddling. Very comfortable.
You know those dogs who are big but think they are small? He's kinda like that. If you're lucky, he'll scoop you up first and hold you against him. If you're unlucky, he's too tired to think of such a gesture and will straight up collapse on you. While 'Death by Nathan Explosion' may seem good in theory, the truth is that you have to stick around for him, which means you can't come to peace with suffocating in his phat tits. I'm sorry. If he does lay on top of you, it's gonna have to be across your legs while you scratch his scalp; his favorite way to cuddle BTW.
D for Domestic-
Nathan is a little complicated.
On one hand, he grew up among perfect domesticity. A nice, middle-class suburban neighborhood with a hardworking Dad and a stay-at-home Mom who loved each other and him very much. He often helped his Mom with chores around the house, went fishing and hunting with his Dad, even spent time on the farm with his grandpa. Everyone was happy and life was simple. Even today, when Nathan pictures the 'perfect lifestyle', he imagines a friendly community and being a part of a couple as loving as his parents are.
But then again, he wasn't ‘happy’. He despised the white-picket fences, and gossipy neighbors, and (gag) public school. He spent his early life trying to get as far away from that as possible. He lives to buy stupidly expensive shit, destroy it in the most violent way possible, fill his nights with drugs and booze, tour around the world singing about death and destruction, be worshipped by hundreds of hot girls only to watch their faces fall as he returns to you, and then have you screaming in his bed before the sun rises. Nathan wants chaos.
Eventually, you'll find balance. He realizes he create his own version of the American dream, with you by his side as his perfect partner, his equal. He'll still be apart of Dethklok, still live in Mordhaus, still write the most disgustingly graphic songs you can think of. But he now lives day-to-day craving his morning kiss, setting aside time to have a lunch date with you, sharing a few beers rather than getting shitfaced. Nathan learns to settle down in a way that makes both sides of him happy.
E for Ending-
Aw man :/
If it’s early in the relationship, he just straight up ghosts you. He feels bad for doing it but he’s too much of a coward to do anything else. It’s probably because he realized he didn’t like you that much, you couldn’t keep up with his lifestyle, or he was simply being a horny bastard and pining after others. I love him, but he’s still a rich, sheltered douchebag.
If it’s later on…he has a really hard time coming to terms. It’s gonna have to be a mutual decision, otherwise your both gonna be stuck in a miserable relationship. Maybe he realizes that his lifestyle is unfit for long term relationships, maybe you realize that you don’t suit him as well as you used to. He’s gonna make his explanation, hear out yours, hug you goodbye, and even provide some money to help you get by. But he’s not gonna talk to you again. His heart is too tender for that.
Potentially, if you really did mean a lot to him and changed him in ways he’s now grateful for, he’ll write a brutal song for you with secretly sappy and thankful lyrics. Then you get the satisfaction of knowing that you left on the best possible terms.
F for Fiancé-
For a long time, Nathan didn’t think he ever wanted to get married. It’s just didn’t fit his image. The idea of Nathan Explosion ever being a part of a celebration for holy matrimony? No way.
But when you started to sneak your way into his heart, marriage suddenly seemed like a wonderful possibility rather than a stupid consequence of the world. He tried to fight against it, which only made the urge worse. A pair of sparkling rings, wedding bells, flowers, you in absolutely beautiful outfit- all kept haunting his mind until it felt like he was going mad. He seriously considered dropping to one knee every time you smiled or laughed.
One day, you’re randomly swooped off to Georgia, on the ranch which is parents moved after Florida went to shit due to his political pursuit (we don’t talk about that). It’s the first time you formally meet them both but they’re already so glad to meet you; Nathan has said a lot over the phone and they know you make him happy. One night, during the visit, Nathan goes outside with his father, just the two of them. He asks his Dad when he knew he wanted to marry his Mom. They have a long talk about commitment, patience, love and life. That’s when he makes up his mind.
He proposes a week later and only cries a little when you say yes.
G for Gentle-
Nathan is huge. I don’t care how tall or wide you are, he’s bigger. And as much as he loves the size difference, his brain doesn’t really register that fact fully. He’ll squeeze with realizing he’s crushing you, wrap himself around you until you overheat, and occasionally fully consume you in his cuddles, as I’ve said before. It’s rare that he actually hurts you, it’s more annoying than anything. Just mention it and he’ll let up immediately with a small “Sorry.”
It’s similar in the emotional department. He's very blunt and, while he means well, it can cause some hiccups in your communication. He's never malicious but he often forgets to filter himself or add cushioning to his words, which might caused some hurt feelings. If it's a heated moment, he'll straight up walk away to give himself some time to breathe, think, reevaluate, and then go apologize to you so a solution can be figured out.
H for Hugs-
For a while, you thought Nathan hated hugs. And he sort of did. He never initiated them. He saw a full-body, front-facing hug as a way to greet his parents and...not much else. He also thought having to ask for a hug was embarrassing. Early on, if he's feeling touchy, he'll settle for groping at or leaning into you.
But he came around very quickly as soon as you fully embraced him. Just 30 seconds of your arms completely wrapped around him has him addicted and now he initiates them whenever you have a few passing minutes of free time. Still doesn’t like asking for them, though, he just does it and it’ll sometimes scares you.
I for I Love You-
If you say it to him, he’ll do the whole “I mrgghmrhyou too” thing. It’s gonna be a while until he completes the sentence, he’s stubborn. He’s knows he loves you and he knows that you know that he loves you but the words just seem so big, too big for him to say out loud.
But they’re not too big for Drunk Nathan! You’re helping him into bed after he’s had a long night filled with booze, swatting away his wandering hands from your body. You tug away his boots and jeans so he’s not too uncomfortable while he sleeps. “Thanks babe,” He mutters, head buried in a pillow, “I love you. So fucking much.” You pause, surprised grin spreading across your face as he promptly rolls over and falls asleep.
With time, the words will come out more and more clearly until he’s giving the casual “Love you.” Every morning and night, not even thinking much of it. But you’ll always remember the first time he said it to you, even if he doesn’t.
J for Jealousy-
He thinks jealousy is such an ugly look. He’s had girlfriends like that, obsessed with him and surveilling every single thing he does. It was awful. And he doesn’t want to be like that, especially not to you! So he tries; he really tries to be cool and levelheaded and to trust you completely. And he does trust you!
But he does not trust a room full of douchebags who think it’s alright to try and talk up his S/O! His chest burns with anger every time a creep stares you down or blatantly flirts. In public, he’ll stand right behind you and watch the entire room over your shoulder with the deadliest glare on his face. He totally fails at trying to be subtle about it. He can’t stand the thought that other people are having the same thoughts that he does about you. If you call him out on his jealousy, he’ll grumble and look away with an embarrassed blush.
Once you get home from some sort of social event, one where too many eyes happened to be staring at your body, he attached to you. He’s groping at and leaning into you, trying to consume you in his touch just to remind you that you’re his.
K for Kisses-
His kissing? Pretty good. He’s a bit rough, but he’s definitely not a bad kisser, especially if you’re into getting rough. He likes to keep his hands busy on your body when he kisses you and he groans against your lips if you ever start to mess with his hair. Very good experience.
He can make you go dizzy with a deep kiss or leave you quivering from a make out session without even blinking. What drives him crazy are soft, quick, passing kisses that you plant on him. A peck on his lips, face, or anywhere else will leave him blushing like a madman. He has no idea how something so simple makes him so flustered but he enjoys the feeling of butterflies in his stomach, wants you to do it more and more! He never gets sick of your small kisses.
L for Little Ones-
In the small community in Florida he grew up in, everyone knew everyone, which meant that all his stuck-up, judgmental neighbors knew how weird he was. Even though his parents were always supportive of him, that didn't stop fucking Cathy from down the street riding his ass at every block party. To avoid all the stupid questions and potentially beating up old people, he settled to hang out with all the kids during social gatherings. They were fascinated by his huge figure, alternative style, and gravely voice. He'd often find himself wrestling off tons of giggling toddlers, all with a huge smile on his face from the playfulness. This was a long way to say he's great with kids.
Kid's bring out Nathan's silly side. He's willing to drop his ego and act a little dumb just to make sure they have a good time; He'll roughhouse or play pretend or take a conversation about fictional dinosaur characters very seriously. It's honestly so adorable to see. As for having children? The thought scares him, he could name millions of protentional disasters just from the concept. But, if it's a serious want of yours, he'll consider it.
M for Morning-
Nathan thrives off of routine. He wakes up around noon and will not start his day off until he gets a morning kiss from you. He will sit in bed and pout until you finally peck his lips with a “Good Morning”.
After that, it’s pretty simple. At some in the relationship, the two of you have grown accustomed to each other’s procedures and habits, so you do practically everything in-sync. Most of the time, while getting ready, there’s a pleasant conversation that Nathan has grown to look forward to. Sometimes it discussing the day’s plans, sometimes it’s swapping the dreams had last night, or sometimes it’s just you reprimanding him for leaving such obvious bruises on your neck. No matter what, he’s happy he gets at least some time with you in his very busy schedule.
Despite what you might think, Nathan prefers to snack over the day than to have a large breakfast/lunch. Whether you follow suit or not, there will be some point where the two of you part ways so get can get work done, usually a meeting or early band practice. But before you go off to do your own thing, he always takes a moment to look into you eyes and share a small “Love You.”
N for Night-
Nathan stays up late. He’s a total night owl, always has been. In some cases, he’ll be partying and drinking his weight in booze. But most nights, he just wants to get work done, usually writing lyrics. Either way, he insists you go to bed before him and he’ll join you later. If he has been partying extra hard, it’s up to you that he actually makes it to bed. That’s if he goes to bed at all; he definitely pulls a few all-nighters every now and then.
At around 12-3 AM, you’ll wake up to the bed shifting and groaning under his weight. He’s stripped down to his boxers, he smells of either beer or chips, and he’s shushing you to stay asleep. He doesn’t mean to wake you up almost every night, but it’s sort of inevitable. Either way, he’ll kiss your forehead and gladly accept it when you eventually come crawling into his side.
O for Open-
At the beginning, it is absolutely minimal. It’s almost sad how little he’s willing to open up to you. Anytime the two of you talk, his answers are gonna be almost complete one-worded. Every date you go on a date, it’s exclusively for press and/or so he can get his dick wet afterwards. He truly believes that you’re only interested in him for his fame. He’s not mad about it, but he’s accepted it as the truth, so he doesn’t bother putting in any effort to actually engage with you.
But, over time, his heart will soften up and he realizes that-holy shit-he actually likes you and wants to be genuine with you. It starts out slow, like actually telling you about his day rather than just saying “Fine” or asking you questions about the side of your life that doesn’t revolve around him. He grows into admitting he cares about you or letting you in on band-business that’s supposed to be private. You can tell he fully trusts you when he’s willing to break down, let you comfort him while he cries, confess his weaknesses and allow you hear them because he knows that you won’t leave him for them. Then, and only then, does he realize how much he values you.
P for Patience-
It’s no secret that Nathan is a bit of a brat, or at the very least, a diva. It’s nowhere to the extent of his other bandmates (cough cough Skwisgaar) but he can certainly be picky or, yes, impatient at times. When it comes to small, inconvenient things, his anger is quick to spark up. It’s more so frustration than anything else, but he is still very clearly pissed off when something isn’t going how he wanted it to.
With you? He tries so hard to be levelheaded and cool. He’s willing to talk about it and work out solutions. But he has a tendency to just simmer in his own exasperation, especially when it’s something that has to just be dealt with rather than solved. A lot of the time, if he finds himself growing with anger, he will straight up walk away. It may seem disrespectful to you, but he’s just trying to keep himself from yelling or saying something stupid. He cannot lose you to an argument like that. Once he’s cooled down, he’ll return, apologize, and reaffirms that you’re okay with whatever is going on. Nathan really does want what’s best for you, no matter how angry he’s feeling in the moment.
Q for Quizzes-
Nathan wants to remember everything! He tries so hard to keep track of every little thing you say or do just because you’re so precious to him! But, more often than not, his brain will betray him and he’ll draw a blank when trying to decipher things about you. It’s not just you, he doesn’t have the most reliable memory in general. But he feels like such a bad boyfriend for not knowing things that should be obvious, like your birthday or favorite food.
At some point, he starts writing things down in his notebook. The very same notebook that holds reminders, inspiration, and lyrics for Dethklok songs. Every time you make a small comment that might be useful to him later, he quickly jots it down. It’s a little funny, right next to song titles like “Burn The Earth” and “Guts Punch Balls Throw-Up” he has little notes like “Favorite Flavor is strawberry :)”
BTW, you’re never allowed to see the notebook because you might also see notes such as “Looked super pretty this Sunday, made me happy” and how embarrassing would that be?
R for Remember-
It was such a quiet day. Nothing particularly exciting was happening, nothing particularly awful, either. He had spent hours sorting through paperwork, his brain still hurting with legal terms and signatures. Now, it was late afternoon, and the two of you were spending time on the couch.
By “spending time”, I mean he was writing lyrics, you were reading a book, and a large plate of French fries sat in the middle. Everything was so still. Occasionally you’d flip the page and grab a fry or he’d grumble and scribble something down. But besides that, perfect tranquility.
Until you decided you needed a drink. You left the room for a second, only a second, to grab a water or soda or beer. You just…got up and left. Like a normal person. But immediately, as soon as you were out of his presence, Nathan felt unnerved. The entire balance of the room shifted without you on a couch cushion beside him. He stared, dumbfounded, at the doorway as though you had abandoned him. He just missed you so much.
Less than three minutes later, you were back, with a drink in either hand. You place one by him, kissed his cheek in a way that made his heart flutter, and returned to your spot as though nothing had happened. Technically, nothing had happened, but those less-than-three-minutes had struck Nathan as so wrong, that when you returned, he was so, so internally grateful to have you there with him.
It was in that moment that Nathan realized how much he loved you, how important you were to him, how he couldn’t stand to be without you for a second. Even if the evening continued without him saying a word.
S for Security-
Yes, very much so.
Nathan fully believes that you’re “brutal as hell” and fully capable with handling whatever life throws at you. It’s one of the reasons he loves you! But he still acts so protective of you, he thinks that’s how a ‘good boyfriend’ should act (raised on traditional values and all). It’s adorable, how he insists on being your guard dog in public or carrying stuff you could’ve gotten yourself. It’s his own form of chivalry.
However, in a situation where your life is genuinely at stake, he freaks the fuck out. Adrenalin kicks in, he hyper-focuses on getting you out of there, even over his own safety. Remember when he saved Toki whilst Mordhaus was burning down? He’s not even blinking until he knows your secure, preferably in his arms. Afterwards, he’s pressed into you, rocking back and forth, sobbing that he could’ve lost you. He never wants to feel that way again.
If you were to protect him, potentially from rapid fans, he…Well, Nathan finds it hot. I’ll get more info this later, but Nathan thinks aggression is a very good look on you. He obviously wants to keep you out of harm’s way, but he might just let you yell for a little bit just to enjoy the image.
T for Try-
Early in the relationship, he goes all-out with expensive gifts, extravagant dates, and big gestures. Unfortunately, it’s not necessarily because he’s trying super hard, but he thinks it’s what will keep you happy. Again, in his mind, you’re only dating Nathan Explosion for the clout and/or money, so he’s gonna give it to you.
Eventually, he learns to be more personal with you. At that point, he tries so damn hard, not at making his romantic pursuits as bold, but more so at making them perfect for you. All your dates are planned so that you have the best time you could possibly have. The gifts become symbolic and personalized in a way only the two of you understand. His gestures become slightly more private, pleasing you rather than impressing those around you. He’s slightly embarrassed at his own sappiness but seeing the glow in your eyes is so worth it.
Day to day is about the same. Nathan has put in a lot of effort making sure that the two of you have a shared schedule that works and he’s super proud of it, having the comfort of you every single day.
U for Ugly-
As I said earlier, the first ‘phase’ of your relationship with Nathan is going to be difficult. He doesn’t trust you, he’s completely unwilling to share any details he deems “personal” which is most of them, and he really only dates you to say he’s dating someone and to show you off to the paparazzi. It’s…pretty pathetic. You’re gonna need to be tough in order to fight your way through to Nathan’s heart.
Even then, he has a streak of untrustworthiness. Not necessarily from you, but his jealously and clinginess can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Not as bad as some other members though…
He’s incredibly stubborn. We’ve seen how picky he is with Dethklok’s music and that bleeds into other aspects of his life. He doesn’t enjoy sudden changes to his routine or unexpected events. He tries to be open-minded, but arguments might spark up if he’s feeling particularly hard-headed that day. Although, you are the only person he truly trusts an opinion from.
V for Vanity-
Most of the time, Nathan doesn’t really care. He likes to keep his appearance at least a bit brutal at all times, for sake of his image. His clothing is never too expensive or of high-quality. If he finds something that he likes, he buys multiples of it so he can wear it again. I’m also convinced that he dyes his hair because there’s no way it’s that black (look at his parents!). Outside of that, he’s not too concerned with how he looks.
Until he is. Every now and then, Nathan will get depressive mood for a bit and really start hating in his own appearance. He’s not in his peak physical form anymore; he’s fat and aging in a way that’s not super graceful. Online criticism of his every feature doesn’t help either. Which is why he really appreciates it when you start to love up on him, kissing random places and telling him how much you adore his body. He’ll mumble and look away and try to push you off a little bit, but his cheeks are heating up and his brain is tingling with all sorts of good feelings. Nathan loves being doted on.
W for Whole-
Like I said, Nathan likes routine. When you’re suddenly pulled out of the equation, his whole day is set off and he gets all moody until you come back. He doesn’t need to constantly be with you but he once he’s assimilated to your presence, he doesn’t ever want you to leave. At some point, deep in the relationship, you become an aspect of life to Nathan and he can’t even imagine trying to live without you.
So yes, in a sense, he’d be incomplete without you.
X for Xtra-
Even when he realizes that his relationship with you means much more than he originally realized, he still loves showing you off to cameras or at parties. With his arm around you, both wearing gorgeous outfits, he loves to show the entire world just how beautiful his S/O is and wants the world all to sob about it!
Before, pictures with his girlfriends used to be stiff and awkward. He just stood there, holding her hand maybe, whilst she posed for the camera. Now, he’s completely different. He’s wrapped around you, nuzzling into you, even smiling! The media goes crazy when he first does this with you; this is a side of him never shown to the public. It’s passionate, it’s tender, it’s so off-brand for Nathan Explosion! But he doesn’t care. He seriously gets off on the fact that you’re the only one that can make him feel this way and the only one he’ll act this way for.
Y for Yuck-
Lying. Nathan is already so guarded, so knowing that you are lying-for whatever reason- to him just cuts so deep and forgiving you will be a piece of work, if he decides to at all. Even if it’s something unpleasant, he just wishes you would talk to him and the two of you could work it out together.
After the whole “Rebecca’ incident, he can’t stand an S/O that’s too pushy or controlling of him. Who would’ve guessed, manipulating and bullying someone you’re supposed to be in a relationship with is not okay?! If you start off like this, he’s backing out immediately and probably calling you a bitch in the process. If you become worse over the course of the relationship, he might already be too far in love to realize how awful you’re being, so it’s usually his band members who are going to be calling you out on your bullshit. And there’s only a 50% chance you make it out of that alive soooooooooo….
Z for Zzz-
Nathan becomes a fucking wall when he sleeps. He’s on his back, he’s perfectly still, he’s gently snoring, and nuclear bomb couldn’t wake him up; you couldn’t even push him over you you tried. He likes to have you tucked under his arm when he gets into bed, but after he’s asleep, you could sleep directly on top of him for all he cares, he still won’t wake up. Probably would be super easy to suffocate.
Every now and then, you’ll wake up to him yelling his lungs out. Nathan is regularly frequented by prophecies nightmares and his reaction to them is not to thrash around or scream, but to just do the loudest, longest metal-growl you’ve ever heard. It’s terrifying to wake up to. Over time you’ll get used to it and begin to comfort him, usually by petting his hair and shushing him. He’s still half-asleep, so it’s not long before his eyes flutter shut once again. It becomes routine at one point.
Alright! And that’s fluff. Below there will be SMUT, including references to kink and BDSM. If you’re are sensitive to things that don’t qualify under “vanilla” sex, then this not for you babe.
A for Aftercare-
You are going to need it, babe. Nathan is prone to absolutely destroying you in the bedroom. Afterwards, though, he’s quite sweet (even if he won’t admit it). He likes to cuddle, soothing your aches and pains, kissing and fondling you gently. He’s vulnerable in this moments, exhausted from plowing you and soaking in his sentimental feelings for you. He keeps speaking to a minimum, sorry if you are into pillow talk. But he much rather care for you with actions rather than words.
If he’s feeling particularly romantic, he’ll get some Klokateers to start up a bath, completed with bubbles and scented oils. He knows it’s cheesy, but he really does have a soft spot for things like that, plus he gets an excuse to hold your naked body even longer.
B for Body Part-
He’s obsessed with you chest, no matter your gender or size. Groping with his large hands, running his fingers over your nipples to watch them perk up, leaving hickies all over. If you have boobs (or just large pecs) he loves watching them bounce while you fuck, his eyes are glued. If not, he still toys with your nipples, grinning as you whimper from the sensation. Nathan just loves your chest.
On himself; he has some lingering body issues, so he really doesn’t think to much about what he’s got going on during sex. That being said…he’s pretty proud of his dick. I’ll talk about it more during letter X but, oh lord, his cock is impressive. Nathan got some blessed genes in that department.
C for Cum-
Nathan comes in long, thick streams. He makes these beautiful grunting noises, hips thrusting forward and fists clenching onto whatever they can grab like your throat. He might just mutter some words about how filthy you are or how you drive him absolutely crazy as his cock twitches out his orgasm. As you might’ve guess, his favorite place to cum is on your chest, with you looking up at him like the god he is. Bonus points if you lick it up, he’ll get hard all over again.
D for Dirty Secret-
Obviously, like any good boyfriend, Nathan doesn’t like seeing you upset! He wants you to be happy, he wants life to be easy and good! But, whether directed at him or someone else, Nathan can’t help getting way too fucking horny when he sees you seething with anger!
When you’re voice starts getting a bit louder than necessary, you roll your eyes and furrow your brows, you throw your hands around with frustration…he is struggling to hide his boner. Something about it just makes you seem powerful and sexy to him and he feels so bad for not taking you seriously in the moment but he’s already flooded with dirty thoughts.
He would probably rather die than admit this to you, but there’s a good chance you figure it out on your own terms. If so, he will be very on board when you act just a little mean in the bedroom; pulling his hair and bossing him around, maybe even scolding him for being so turned on by your anger. Despite your love for each other, you can least pretend to be having awesome hate sex.
E for Experience-
It’s nothing to sneeze at. I imagine Nathan lost his virginity at some point in high school before he dropped out and it only went up from there. I mean…he’s a massive celebrity. He pretty much has access to all the sex he could ever want. The tricky part is catering to your needs. Before, Nathan was a bit of a selfish lover. Not awful but not super mindful about what the groupies he was banging were into. Once he’s dedicated himself to you, he realizes that really good sex requires communication. With some time and a few slightly awkward conversations, he’ll have mastered everything you could ever desire from him and it is worth it for the both of you. Nathan Explosion can fuck.
F for Favorite Position-
Including visuals from google
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“Pirate’s Bounty”
I’ll start by saying that Nathan isn’t super picky. He’s obviously not very flexible, so anything that requires some impressive stretches from him is off the table. Outside of that, he’s game. You could be face down, on top, spread out, etc. He’s happy as long as his dick is buried in you, honestly.
That being said, this is a comfortable favorite he often resorts to. It lets him see all his favorite parts of you, grab and grope whatever his hands can reach, and look you in the eyes while he degrades the hell out of you. Nathan plows away, groaning about what a slut you are as one hand holds your leg against his torso and the other squeezes your throat. There’s also a good chance you’ll have your hands tied up to the headboard while he goes at it…Ugh I’m a simp
G for Goofy-
Absolutely not.
When he’s in the zone, Nathan pretty much loses all of his humor. Sex is very serious to him, in the same way alcohol is I think, “It’s sacred.” And once he’s with you, there’s an added layer of intimacy. So, no, Nathan isn’t really going to be cracking any jokes or even acknowledging the funny circumstances that inevitably happen. He’s too caught up in, well, destroying you.
If you happen to make a joke… yikes. He is very unimpressed. He’ll probably just ignore it. If you persist, Nathan will either make you cum so hard you forget your name, let alone a joke to make. Or, he’s gonna torture the fuck out of you until your apologize and beg for his mercy. It’s a good time either way. But don’t do it again, he really will get annoyed with you.
H for Hair-
He has a deep, deep secret that he has been carrying with him ever since he started getting an allowance as a kid. He has gone through ridiculous measures to ensure that this is not exposed to the public. Nathan Explosion…Dyes his hair. Oh, the horror! Seriously though, he has routinely dyed his roots black twice and month since he was, like, 10. Naturally, mousy brown color, similar to his Mom’s.
And as soon as he started actively messing around, Nathan even dyed his pubes as well. He doesn’t shave himself completely bare, usually just trims it down to stay out of the way. I’ve heard that balls can be difficult to shave and he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to bother. And, yes, dyed it the same black as his hair, just so groupies wouldn’t go and spread the word. Eventually, with you, he stops caring so much about downstairs and lets it grow into its natural color. It’s honestly sort of cute and he gets a bit flustered when you point it out.
I for Intimacy-
Nathan really thought that romantic, passionate sex was only for basic dildo jack-offs and that he would never, ever be so vulnerable with someone. Nathan was an idiot. Once you are in the picture, he suddenly craves to fuck you in a way that is so beautiful and emotional. He wants more than just brutality and he’s not really sure how to handle it in a way that won’t make him seem too soft (he is so, so soft for you).
After some internet research and building up his courage, Nathan takes you out on a date. And it’s perfect. Dinner and a walk and stargazing, just the two of you. Part of him feels stupid, silly for indulging in something so cliche. But that part dies completely when he sees how enchanted you are by his efforts. Its a milestone in your relationship, because the whole night is filled with him getting sentimental with you, completely focused on the time you’re spending together. He’s overwhelmed with all the love he feels for you and, for maybe the first time in his relationships, he’s completely sure that you feel the same for him. It’s a wonderful realization.
When you finally get home, you’re met with rose petals and candles and music. Nathan is slow, squeezing your body like he’ll never let go, drinking in your image and your touch, telling you how perfect you are the entire time. It’s even better when you reciprocate it all back, caught up in each other, tangled within all sorts of amazing sensations. He even starts getting teary-eyed when he finally fills you up. He loves you so much.
After that night, the two of you still have sex that is rough and/or casual fairly often. But he always makes sure to set aside time every now and then to truly make love to you. When he chooses to be, Nathan can be extremely intimate and romantic with you.
J for Jack Off-
Nathan masturbates fairly often, even when you’re available for sex. Not that he’s not interested in you, he’s just rubbing one out so he can pursue more important things at the moment and blow off some steam, thought he won’t reject a blowjob.
Most likely he’ll be stumped with a particular song or going through some writer’s block same lmao. He’s frustrated, wracking his brain for rhymes that just don’t seem to exist, let alone fit the song he’s writing. He can’t tell if he can’t focus because he’s hard or hard because he can’t focus. Either way, his pants are straining and it’s getting difficult to ignore. A while ago, he might’ve pulled up some porn or even one of his old magazines, but he’s now think of you as he undoes his belt.
How gorgeous you looked for him a few nights ago, tears falling down your cheeks and legs shivering as he ruthlessly fucked you into, abusing your body in the most pleasurable way possible. He groans, tugging at his cock, eyes closed and wishing you were there with him now. Nothing made him cum harder that your touch.
When he’s finished, he makes a quick job of cleaning up and pulls back into his pants like nothing happened, feeling a new sense of lightness on his shoulders. Until he makes the unfortunate realization that he has to go back to working.
K for Kink-
Nathan is very, very kinky. He’s a huge fan of all things BDSM and Dom/Sub dynamics.
Knife and blood play, bondage, wax play, hair pulling, gagging, choking, edging, overstimulation, impact play, degradation, and even consensual non-con (which delves into roleplay as well).
He doesn’t even mind to be on the receiving end either, although he’s much more used to being in control. Hope you’re ready for that.
L for Location-
His bedroom. Yeah, he’s boring. Not even necessarily on the bed, but Nathan enjoys a secluded space for the two of you. If it’s at a point where you haven’t moved in, then your bedroom also works I guess.
But that’s lame so, scenario #2-
Nathan would love to fuck you as close to the ocean as possible. On the beach, on a boat, I would say a submarine but those are kinda controversial rn. He feels a deep connection to the ocean, although he can’t fully understand why. So having you there feels far more vulnerable to him than it should and he likes the intensity of it, even if you can’t feel it.
M for Motivation-
As I said earlier, seeing you get mad really does it for him. That’s what gets him the most riled up, even if he’s a tad ashamed of it.
He also loves massages. Nathan is a big dude who is constantly head banging and doesn’t have the best posture. He fucking melts when you rub his neck and shoulders and gets really excited to pay you back with some slow, hard fucking. The relief of you easing out his muscles just has him addicted.
Any revealing clothes, but particularly a low-cut shirt, especially if you happen to bend over and give him the perfect view; Nathan is drooling.
N for NO-
This goes with his ‘honesty’ thing, but Nathan hates when you fake it. He can tell instantly when you’re moans are being exaggerated, when you’re not really into something he’s doing, or if you try to fake an orgasm and it pisses him off. In your early relationship, he might begrudgingly ignore it just to get it over with. But later on, he finds it inexcusable and practically begs you to just tell him when you don’t like something. He’s a quick learner too, he’ll improve his technique and have you screaming in no time!
O for Oral-
Going DownKlok changed the history of everything forever in time.
For a while, there were very few things in this world that Nathan loved more than a blowjob from you. If you offered to suck him off, Nathan’s pants were already to his knees. No matter when or where, he’d find a way to get head. This led to a lot of risky bathroom escapes and leaving parties early. Nathan just loves a good ol’ blowey; petting your hair, looking down at you with a gaze full of lust, grumbling in pleasure as you choke.
However…I think we’re all aware of Nathan’s infamous refusal to use his own mouth on you. He somehow made himself think that doing so made him weak or submissive, probably something he heard in high school that stuck. He’ll straight up say, “Nope” when you ask and refuse to elaborate.
That is until one night, he’s stripping you’re clothing off and laying you down on his bed, giving you feverish and sloppy kisses. Your legs are wrapped around him, your face is red, and something about how gorgeous you look under him just makes him go, ‘Fuck it.’ and he dives in. Minimal thoughts, pure desperation.
And Nathan fucking loves it. He loves gripping your thighs and teasing you with his tongue and groaning against you whenever you moan his name. He’s a master at it too, knows all the perfect moves. It became a regular occurrence very quickly. Whenever you go down on him, he reciprocates. Or will just get on his knees for you at random moments purely because he loves to. Nathan’s new favorite thing is to give oral.
P for Pace-
It really depends on his mood. He can be both rough and romantic, often both at the same time. Sometimes he’ll be pounding so hard into you that your vision goes blurry; other times he will gently caress your body as he eases in and out. There’s really no definitive pace he goes for, though he is on the aggressive side more often than not in the bedroom. If he’s going to fast (or slow) for you, Nathan has no problem adjusting accordingly.
Q for Quickie-
He’s actually not a huge fan of them. He likes the concept of them, quickly and discreetly fucking each other, putting off other things just for sex. But in practice, not so much.
Rather than just enjoying it, Nathan will get stressed about his time management or wonder if something is going wrong without him there. He thrives on routine and prefers to take his time with you, so quickies just throw off his whole vibe. If anything, he’ll give you some oral and be on his way, saving the real thing for later. Even better, he’ll talk you up, telling you all the things he’s gonna do before leaving you to crave him.
R for Risk-
Nathan is very open to experimentation and is willing to try anything at least once. If he doesn’t like it, though, he’ll shut it down pretty quickly. But you don’t ever have to worry about sex being too vanilla or boring for you, Nathan is quite the adventurous type in the bedroom.
If he’s caught doing something freaky in a semi-public area with you, like a rented-out movie theatre or random bedroom during a party, he fucking dares it to be released to the press. Charles will do everything in his power to keep that from happening, for image’s sake, but Nathan is the biggest rockstar in the world. As I said earlier, he likes to show you off, and this is an extension of that. Now everyone knows how hard he fucks the gorgeous person he constantly has under his arm, what’s so embarrassing about that?
The potential risk for a pregnancy is…well, very touchy. You’d have to have a long conversation beforehand. If you don’t take precautionary measures, he will.
S for Stamina-
Nathan is a pretty big dude, and as strong as he is, not in the best physical health I must say. He has no issue getting it up again a couple more times, but with how hard he often goes, Nathan needs to take some good, long breathers. If you do plan on going at it for a while, these breaks will be full of gentle touches and praise for how well you’re doing, before he goes right back into you calling you a slut for wanting his cock so much. Ugh. If the two of you are careful, he can actually last a very long time, but there are a few certain little things you do that drive him crazy and will speed up his orgasm.
T for Toy-
A reasonable amount. Bondage equipment, whips and paddles, a few ornate knives to cause just the right amount of damage. Probably a vibrator that he tortures you with (male or female cmon now). He’s into kinky shit and kinky shit requires materials a lot of the time. I could also imagine him being really into that sex-furniture stuff, just to make things more convenient. If you ever have something you wanna try out, just ask and he’ll get it in a heartbeat. The only thing I can see him being adverse to is a dildo; you have his dick, why would you need another? Until you explain all the extra fun that can be had with it, then Nathan is on board.
U for Unfair-
Obviously with his dynamics and kinks, teasing goes along with that. He never edges you for too long, just long enough to make your eyes water and have you begging him for a desperate release. Really though, he doesn’t have nearly enough patience to edge you for hours, or hell, days but Nathan likes having a sense of control, so he still holds back when he’s feeling particularly malicious. He’ll tease you just long enough to get you to beg and then give in to you with overstimulation that’s almost worse than the teasing.
In public, he might give you some subtle pinches and gripes, hovering around you when he’s feeling frisky, but it’s nothing too blatant. If he’s desperate enough, he’ll drag you off to a slightly more private area.
V for Volume-
Nathan has a deep, gravely, sexy voice. It’d be a crime if he was silent during sex. Luckily, you get plenty of delicious growls, grunts, and groans from him. The pure bass of his voice shakes your entire skeleton when he’s real close to your ear. He does a whole lot of dirty talking too, using that same voice, degrading you to all hell while your mind in a blur of pleasure and pain. If he happens to be on the receiving end, you might be able to elicit some breathy, whimpery swears from him. While he’s not super loud volume-wise, all his noises are fucking perfect.
W for Wild Card-
My name ain’t Polyklok for no reason ffs
Pickles was totally the one to introduce him to the world of kink. He always knew he was a bit rougher than most and had some freaky fantasies, but when he and Pickles frequently messed around in the early days of Dethklok, he learned just how deep his desire for pain went.
Pickles had him tied up, hit, cut, and edged for what felt like forever. It was torture and yet Nathan always craved more of it. He felt so exposed and so safe at the same time. His exposure to BDSM was with him on the receiving end and it was perfect for him to discover just how wonderful that connection through pain was, especially with someone he trusted like Pickles.
He always has it in the back of his mind whenever he’s going at it with you, making sure that you’re feeling all the same wonderful things he felt and assuring that you are just as safe as he was. Tormenting your body is really a love language to him.
X for XRay-
Oh sweet baby satan
Nathan is hung. 8.5 Inches when fully erect and hella girthy, a slightly narrow head for your sake. The thing still somehow manages to bend upwards when he’s hard, by some miracle. He’s circumcised (look at his parents I mean-) and considerably veiny. Could’ve honestly been a porn star if the whole death metal thing didn’t work out.
Y for Yearning-
His sex drive his very high early in the relationship and eases into something more manageable within a few months. But overall, yeah, he’s quite set and you’ll certainly never feel neglected.
Depending on the damage; he might accidentally leave you untouchable for half a month due to the pure soreness. And he’ll be very apologetic. But usually, assuming injuries are kept under a certain threshold, he’ll go at it 2-4 times a week.
But his yearning can also build up. If you don’t happen to join him in travels for touring season, you’re gonna get it when he finally gets back. Both of you are gonna be completely unavailable for a few days minimum.
Z for Zzz-
Not too soon. This was pretty much all elaborated on in ‘A’, but he still cleans up and cuddles and gives you plenty of good aftercare. Once that’s all done and he’s confirmed that you feel taken care of…Nathan will sleep. If it happens to be way late at night/early in the morning, he might tough it out just to get his day started, but he’s gonna start feeling like crap by noon and probably pass out soon after that. Man needs his sleep.
I need my sleep. Dude, this took almost two months and many all-nighters. And I have so many requests…I love writing and I love the silly metal boys but…boy howdy. Thanks for reading, gorgeous.
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Figured I should just make a post about my blog so I'm not just,,, this unknown entity. This is gonna be a bit of a mess but stick with me.
Also- if I reblogged your post and added the caption "yoink" it basically means "I'm keeping this on my blog because I like it/it's useful"
I should also mention that I call everyone bestie unless it's a more formal conversation because I like to keep things nice and friendly so if I call you bestie in my rb even though we have never interacted before that is why.
First of all- introduction. My name is Milo and my pronouns are he/him. I'm an INFP-T, I relate to Nico di Angelo, the Collector, Hunter Noceda/Deamonne/Clawthorne/etc, Abigail from Stardew Valley, Patroclus, and my star sign is Leo. I'm panromantic achillean demiromantic cupioromantic aceflux queerplatonic transmasculine genderqueer (I know it's a mouthful), but you can also just call me queer and trans ("fag" works too.) I am diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, working towards getting diagnosed with PTSD, and I'm starting EMDR soon! I'm also iron deficient and often dehydrated from forgetting to drink water lmao. I'm a hellenist dedicated to Aphrodite, Apollo, Hades, Dionysus, and Demeter, primarily showing my dedication by carrying around gemstones they like (rose quartz and pearls for Aphrodite, I'm working on getting sapphire for Apollo, onyx for Hades, amethyst for Dionysus, citrine for Demeter), prayers, and poems. I will always respect people of different religions, as long as they respect mine as well.
I'm happy to talk about my sexuality/gender. I am happy to talk about light personal topics. I am happy to talk about my mental disorders. I am happy to talk about my religion. As long as you're being respectful, you're welcome here.
This blog is a safe space for:
The 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Anyone with any mental, neurological, or physical disabilities or other struggles of that sort
The BIPOC community
Anyone who has been abused or assaulted in any way or has any sort of trauma
People who are suffering from or recovering from any kind of addictions, whether that's drugs or self harm or alcohol or sex anything else
People of all shapes and sizes
Everyone of every gender, sexuality, religion, ability, race, sex, etc. who wants to hang out and talk about their interests or hobbies or anything!
This blog is NOT a space for:
Homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, fatphobia or any kind of discrimination whatsoever!
Bigotry and hate
Zoophiles, pedophiles, rapists, abusers (unless you recognise it's wrong and are actively trying to be better!)
Overly political topics (some are okay but over all I'm trying to avoid anything too political on this blog)
This is supposed to be a fun and safe space and I intend on it being so. If you have any concerns, drop me an ask, anonymous or not, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Now for ✨the fun stuff✨
In this blog, I mainly talk about whatever little subject is eating at my brain. Usually this is:
The Owl House
Good Omens
The Song of Achilles
Greek Mythology
Percy Jackson
Queer shit
Stardew Valley
But I have other interests!
My OCs ❤️✨
Hades (Supergiant)
Magnus Chase
Hazbin hotel/helluva boss
Creatures and critters!!!
Candles and cute decor things
Sewing (I'm just like Hunter fr)
Some WEBTOONs (a flame reborn is the one I'm obsessing over rn)
Whatever silly little games I'm playing on my phone currently (Secret Cat Forest and Kinder World rn)
Probably more that I'm forgetting!
If you have an interest you wanna talk about, leave an ask or send me a message, and I'll happily listen to you talk about it (as long as it's not on the above list of things that aren't for this blog and if you're not sure if it is, ask politely and I'll tell you whether or not I'm comfortable talking about it) and please, be respectful! I don't want to be grilled on the details of your obscure fanfic, but if you want to tell me about it in a casual, respectful manner, please do :)
If you ever wanna listen to me ramble about any of the above interests you will be my best friend forever and I will always love you because my infodumping ass likes being listened to or even just heard.
I ship:
Sebastian x Sam (idk their ship name)
My OCs ✨ (I'm not elaborating)
Ineffable bureaucracy
I'm obsessed with the following characters (platonically/aesthetically/familially/sometimes romantically);
Leo Valdez 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nico di Angelo 🥺
Alastor (not as much anymore but I had a phase where I adored him)
Lityerses (I too break down in tears when shown basic human kindness)
The Collector ✨
The entire Noceda family lmao
Darius Daemonne
MY OCS ✨❤️
Aziraphale 🥺
So that's basically me! Sorry a lot of this was just "NO BEING MEAN" but I just wanted to get it out there that I don't tolerate that shit ❤️
Hope y'all have fun here, and thank you to everyone for being so amazing and kind thus far! I do have to deal with the occasional bigot but I usually just report and move on
I'll probably edit this over time but this is a good start. Thank you to anyone who read the whole thing or even just some of this, it means a lot. Welcome to my TOH/PJO/Good Omens/queer/shitpost blog ❤️
Last edited: 12:33 p.m. Pacific time. Basic edits + Stardew Valley update
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eva-reviews · 2 months
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming -- A Review
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Trigger Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, decapitation, mentions of sexual harassment, BDSM, dubcon, sexually explicit content, kink exploration, mentions of drowning, mentions of death of a child, alcohol use, mentions of drug abuse, slavery, corrupt religion, cult, misogyny.   
My Rating 
7.5/10. I had so much fun reading this book. The adventure, the sex and the comedy. It was all so good, but there were a few awkward and/or cringy moments. I personally hate it when there is stuttering in a book. It takes me right out of it. I have suffered through my own many years of poorly written 2010s Wattpad fanfics (please understand this is not saying this is a Wattpad-level story, nor am I saying that Wattpad stories themselves are bad). I did find it to be a little vanilla and there could have been more sex scenes. This being said, sometimes you need to settle down with a cheesy, smutty book over the weekend.
Cinnamon Hotpepper lives in the small town of Boohail as your typical spice farmer. Destruction strikes when the handsome demon Fallon stumbles into her life one night, with the intent to kill the evil witch keeping his kind captive and enslaved in her grasp. Dragging Cin along on an unwanted adventure when all she wants is to live in peace on her family's farm. At least the handsome demon can’t keep his shirt on.   
My Thoughts 
The humour in this book was so good, it felt so easy and genuine. I find that some books try to be funny, but it can feel forced and not genuine. I thought it was so funny when Fallon attempted to kill someone and when Cin would bring it up he would just shrug and say “Semantics”. Just the way that he would deadpan answers was so comedic to me. 
This is the first real book that has smut. I normally just read fanfiction smut instead of real published novels. It was good smut, however, I was expecting it to be more dirty. It was pretty tame, but it was enjoyable. It says at the beginning of the book that it is light BDSM, but I didn't realize it would be so light. It was mostly just binding her hands. Still hot, but I was hoping for some more. 
I loved all the characters. Especially Felix, he really felt like an annoying best friend. With the accidental cock-blocking, the teasing, and his desire to know all the dirty details. After Cin and Fallons sexy night, Cin is imminently bombarded with questions from all of her new girl friends, with Felix slipping in and saying “Well, as Lichbane’s first demon friend, I call best-friend privileges, and I want to hear all the details … Spill” (pg. 174) 
I loved the inclusion of the centaur, Holly. But I wished she had more depth, especially romantically. It was very nice, as a queer person, for her to outright say “Oh no, dear, I like women” (pg. 174). Sure, it is something so simple but just to have it said so plainly and just accepted is very nice to see. I do wish she had a girlfriend or found a girl attractive, I would have liked to see that. There is two more books, so I am hoping she shows up there.
As we went into the last battle, I loved the cool dragons. I mean, who doesn't love dragons right?! The battle between Cin and Myva was so fun, with Myva being a lich (one of the coolest fictional monsters) I loved the bubbling goo and the skeletons she could control. I do wish it was a little more graphic, but Fallon's decapitating someone certainly helped with that.  
Despite my criticisms, I did enjoy this book. I mean, I finished it in 2 days. The stuttering and Cin’s odd obsession with cheese is certainly not for everyone, but if you are looking for a cozy, adventure, smutty, slightly cheese rom-com, then this is definitely for you. Sometimes you need an overly dramatic demon and a quirky spice trader who takes food very seriously.
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
Codotverse Asobakw Kowa/Sage
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I’ve been obsessed with this podcast and now I drew a self insert for it because I’m predictable.
So here are some details about them. Also slight warning for elements of violence, trauma, abuse, and murder. But c’mon, if you like Rogues! then you at least have some tolerance for all of the above.
They come from a family similar to which Mion and Shion Sonozaki (from “Higurashi No Nako Koro Ni”) come from
Asobakw Kowa was born as the middle sibling of three siblings
The Kowa family are interesting because Asobakw’s mother’s side of the family are Tulpamancers with the added bonus of the Tulpas being able to interact with the world
The Kowas are also known for being able to have longer life spans than ordinary humans
Asobakw was the runt of the litter and staggered behind in terms of studies and also in Tulpamancy. Everyone thought they’d never get a Tulpa
It wasn’t until Asobakw was 10 that their ESA cat was brutally murdered by some bullies and that caused Asobakw to form a Tulpa named Esga and Sage murdered those bullies using Esga’s powers
Asobakw’s family covered it up due to their influence, but it was still a fucked up thing to happen
Afterwards, Asobakw was placed under so much pressure and when they were 15, they were sent to a boarding school
When Asobakw was 16, they escaped the school and ran away from home
They ended up in Gotham and stayed there, changing their name to Sage to avoid their family finding them
They stay under the radar of people while also helping people in their community
At some point in their adult years, they meet Waylon Jones and the two become friends
Sometime as an adult, they get into sex work
They definitely also kill people who escape justice (like pedophiles and rapists)
By the time the current events happening in the Podcast happen, Sage is 28
Sage is extroverted and excitable while having a strangeness to them that no one can really put a finger on
They have a tendency to stare and not blink for several moments, though that’s very unintentional
Much like Shion, Sage pretends to have a full sense of self confidence and does a very good job masking their self worth issues and self loathing
They are very easily bored and have a need for stimulation almost constantly
They love interacting with people
They hate their family and when family is ever brought up, Sage dodges the question in some way or another
They are a bit of a sexual sadist (brutally murdering horrible people gets them off)
They have a close relationship with Esga
When they have dissociative moments where they get triggered by something. they become really creepy and speak very slowly
They are resilient and smart, while also being really overly analytical about interactions that others would consider inconsequential
They actually hate most of the Rogues, but tolerates Jonathan and Edward’s existences because they are Waylon friends
“The only reason you both are still alive is because Waylon likes you.”
They are very polite and kind to people who others deem lesser (homeless people, the poor, even criminals whose only crimes are theft, drug addicts, sex workers, etc.)
They are actively rude to rich people (Edward)
They are an activist for Minority rights and are very passionate about it (aka will call you out on Twitter)
Random Facts:
Playlist for them is this
Sage is a really good shot in archery
Esga’s limbs are invisible and act like vectors from “Elfen Lied” - literally able to slice limbs cleanly but she can also move things around
The limit of the reach is as far as Sage can see
To people who can’t see the Limbs, it just looks like telekinesis (Sage can see the Limbs and they look like shadows)
The Limbs can also be used to move around
Esga is also hyperempathetic, and can sense exactly what people are feeling, and this ability translates to Sage as well
The Limbs can be controlled by Sage, but only under extreme stress
Sage sometimes has analogue horror eyes because Weirdo
They could probably take on Bane and win, only if they retain distance
The only people who can really beat them are people who don’t have human vulnerabilities (especially if a person doesn’t have human flesh) like Superman and J’onn J’onzz
Sage as a child was mute so they can sign in ASL
They have a snake tattoo on their left arm
They wear a glove on their left hand to hide burn scars from overexerting themselves after they murdered their bullies
To get an idea of what Sage/Esga can do with their powers, this video shows (CW - Gore and Nudity) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAA52ui_Gzg
In fact, when in rage mode, Sage acts a lot like Lucy from “Elfen Lied” (Can you tell which two animes inspired this self insert?)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Uh this is kinda just a vent post.
I feel like I’m too “old fashioned” to survive in this era.
I’m so disgusted by sex.
I’m disgusted by its value in society now.
I hate that I get called a “buzzkill” and “prude” when I express that sex jokes make me uncomfortable. I hate that people don’t listen to me/respect my boundaries when I do so.
I hate that a man is only deemed “sexy” if he’s got washboard abs, a sharp jawline, and a big dick. Not all men want to/have that body.
I hate that a woman is only deemed “wifeable” if she’s got big tits, big hips, big ass and small tummy. Not many women are naturally like that.
I hate the whole concept of sneaky links and side pieces.
I hate that people aren’t in relationships to fall in love or get married anymore. I hate that most relationships only function if the sex is good.
Modern couples make me ick. I hate the “overly obsessive girlfriend” cliche, who is constantly checking her man’s phone, going fucking insane over his location, camera roll, etc. Liking a fucking photo on Instagram is NOT cheating. And like, LET HIM PLAY HIS DAMN GAMES!!! Sure, a relationship goes both ways, but I’m so tired of seeing “OMg he doesn’t love me anymore bc he played his game for 5 minutes after spending 10 and a half hours with me 😥😥😥😥😥” it may be a joke but like gOD ITS SO CRINGEY.
I hate the “overly possessive boyfriend” cliche. Like yeah if you wanna make a joke about her outfit being revealing, go ahead. But don’t try to control what she wears. So what if she’s got her cleavage showing? So what if it’s a little too short for your liking? WHO CARES. Don’t try to keep your girlfriend from leaving home/controlling where she goes.
I FUCKING HATE 3/4 OF PETNAMES AND I FEEL LIKE I’M BROKEN BECAUSE OF IT. “Bae, babe, baby, kitten, baby cakes, babydoll, doll, princess, mamas.” I just hate them and they’re the most commonly used so yeah I am broke. Like there is only ONE instance i’ve seen in which I’m not uncomfortable by “mamas” and that’s it.
And it’s not everyone!! I know in my heart that there are so many good people out there who still believe in love. I just can’t seem to ever be exposed to people like that anymore.
I hate that alcohol and drugs have been so institutionalized, especially to underage individuals. I hate having to watch my 18 year old best friend slowly turn into an alcoholic. I hate having to babysit another friend when they’re high just to make sure that they don’t get behind the wheel. Medicinal purposes is different. If a person is partaking in a substance so to calm their anxiety, calm any other mental ailments, or any physical pain, please by all means do so.
My whole issue is, I feel all of these things but don’t want people to stop doing them because who am I to tell them how to live their lives?
I just don’t relate to anyone anymore. Moreover, I don’t relate to anyone my age anymore. Making friends is hard, finding a partner is hard. It’s 10x harder when I have to try to explain that I’m ace. It gets 50x harder when I have to continuously argue against the “well don’t knock it till you try it” or “when you get a partner, you’ll understand and start to feel those urges.”
No the fuck I won’t???
I’m tired of victim blaming. If I hear one more person say “well what was she wearing?“ I’m gonna choke them.
I hate the fact that people hear I’m Catholic, and automatically assume I’m a piece of shit. Like bro I’m asexual, queer, and pro-choice. I’m constantly committing so many sins???
Like I said, it’s NOT ALL PEOPLE. But, a big chunk of society and my environment is like this.
I don’t like action movies, I don’t like many live action tv shows. I like anime and kids movies, baking shows and some TLC documentary series’.
I don’t like rap or country or modern pop. I like 60’s and Broadway and J-Pop.
I don’t like Valorant or COD too much. I like Genshin and Undertale, and stupid games like Untitled Goose Game or T.A.B.S.
People treat me different because of this. I hate that they do.
I don’t want to spend my weekend at a party. I want to spend my weekend perfecting my essay so I can get a good grade.
I don’t know if it’s because of my religious values, or my own values, but I think I’m just old fashioned.
Jesus I’m so sorry if you read all of this. If you did, just pretend you didn’t.
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mooseyspooky · 7 months
I'm in the process of making original characters for a future novel! Sylv and Quinn are going to be the love interest, and here is all the ideas I have jotted down so far:
-Set in 2010s Manchester, UK
-Quinn is a trans man. He's 24. He's been obsessed with Sylv's band Memento Mori since he was 15. He lost interest in college a bit but after he graduated he saw there was a show nearby and had the urge to go
-Sylv is my Johnny boy. He's about 35? He's got long dark black hair, sort of a Keith Richards cut. Messy, loose
-He's thin as thin can be. Almost too thin.
-Very quick talker, very thick accent. Hard to understand but that's why he's the guitarist yeah. He doesnt need to say much of anything he just plays. And flirts a lot with the singer (singer name to be decided at a later point)
-Quinn is taller than him despite being AFAB. Probably near 6 feet. Sylv is about 5'8 or 5'9 I'd say
-Quinn's broader, a bit more filled in. He's got a runners body. Strong but not overly defined.
-His hair a reddish brown. Shaved down on one side, the hair on the other side is kinda shaggy. Tucks it behind his ear. Just about to his shoulders
-Quinn has hazel eyes. Sylv's eyes are gray. Sylv wears a lot of colored contacts, especially yellow
-Quinn has less of an accent. More soft spoken. He's quite shy. He started transitioning at 18. He's known he was a boy most of his life, and so far hasn't had any regrets about it. He has not had top or bottom surgery yet
-Quinn's sex life pretty bad. He doesn't like being vulnerable with people. He'd rather everyone stand 5 feet back. Sylv has been the only exception to that. He's been obsessed with him forever. He's 24 right now. But Sylv's been his dream boy since he was 15.
-He followed Sylv's band around for years as a teenager. He kind of fell off the wagon when he went to university, but when he saw Sylv's band was playing nearby he had to go.
-When Quinn was in high school, 8 years ago, Sylv had a more tight mohawk strip, long rat tail at the back. Lots of eyeliner, too much. He looked like a fuckin racoon in 2006.
-Teenage!Quinn of course sat in his room and tried to do the same eyeliner, using the make up he stole from drug store, but he always ended up scrubbing it off
-Cause he just sort of looked awkward and ugly and god pre testosterone days made make up especially hellish cause of course he wants to wear make up he's a stupid emo girl. But no. He's a stupid emo boy in love with a stupider emo guy who'll never know his stupid name
-But teenager!Quinn always imagined Sylv showing up in his room back then and kissing him and taking him to bed and then of course they'd run off together and Quinn could be his roadie. And they could be secret lovers. And teenage!Quinn would shove it in that stupid singer's face because Sylv chose him obviously, and not Singer's Name because Quinn is so much cooler
-Now at 24 that seems a little ridiculous. The Singer always denied him and Sylv got up to anything, Sylv had a wife, Sylv said he was bisexual plenty of times but. He'd been with his wife forever and so surely all the flirting with Singer was just for show. Quinn guesses Sylv probably is just bicurious, probably not a *real* bisexual (the author does not condone this viewpoint)
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dropverses · 1 year
Cian, info from @/ashkinoshita
still relevant :
is incredibly possessive & is overly protective over people he’s close to
has Borderline Personality Disorder, autism and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
has Body Dysmorphic Disorder
depends on others to function emotionally, spirals otherwise
takes mood stabilizers, gets incredibly suicidal without them
prefers being in unhealthy relationships
is not flexible at all
refuses to admit being in the wrong & blames others for everything
has no friends
tries to play up his appearance to seem intimidating
doesn’t consume alcohol
as a dragon it has no effect on him
has severe misophonia
gets overwhelmed in social situations easily, is drained by social interaction
enjoys archery, but would be horrible at it
his chest tightens when he goes through a lot of emotion
is Irish, born in Ireland
hates the feeling of makeup on him
is kind of a brat
is quick to think he is wronged
often switches between hypersexual and sex repulsed
has a superiority complex
gets upset when others brush his hair
is against polyamory
has insomnia & pulls a lot of all nighters
is always cold but will pass out if he gets too hot
hes an ice elemental so...
his vocal tone changes regularly even if he doesn’t mean it
would cut off his hair during a breakdown
prone to severe sunburns in his more human forme
doesn’t eat a lot since he dislikes it
works in the medical field
prefers animals to humans, would die for animals
enjoys the taste of blood
has a tail : )
paces around a lot
has hyperdontia
hates socializing, is very touch averse
wears facial masks
obsesses over things
has multiple lizards and snakes
has sympathy and empathy problems
is prone to temper tantrums
has short & straight hair
has thin lips
enjoys shiny things
has resting bitch face
has never been kissed
often yells at others when angry
would run a hate blog, but doesn’t use the internet
can sing, technically
graduated from medical school
wears sweaters frequently
has tried using teeth as currency
dislikes children
hisses when hurt
major back seat driver
enjoys mystery books
hates cheesy romcoms
is ooooold
very, very clean
would run a medical blog
outdated :
would harass others due to loss of contact
hes aware enough to understand why people would cut off contact with him
reacts poorly to being rejected
see above
ghosts others maliciously
has a drug addiction
drugs do not affect him as a dragon
intentionally misgenders others
hes trans and wouldnt do that
is a fae
hes just a dwagon now
thinks abusing his partner is love
a stalker
shaves regularly
hes a dragon and doesnt need to shave
is cannibalistic
has freckles
the freckles are actually scales
wears makeup daily
he hates the feeling of it
hes a dragon, it doesnt affect him
is an ass about his religious beliefs
he no longer has any religious beliefs
other tidbits written by his first owner :
“cian splits and probably becomes hostile/physically aggressive with who abandons them”
“cian is really pushy and mean with their crush”
“cian views sebastian as a rival. but again, it’s out of hatred and sebastian doesn’t see it like that”
“cian will throw big fits and hurt others in the process”
“cian: goes from male to female to nonbinary”
“cian hates ash because theyre on good terms with brendon (who pities them). cian hates everyone on good terms with brendon. theyve actually tried smothering ash to death because of it”
“only cian, and they probably performed the surgery themself (dont question a dragon) or at least did a lot of it on their own. unfortunately they do not show off any skin. these scars will never be shown the light of day”
“cians covered in tattoos/markings. theyre because cian is an Actual    Dragon”
“cian has a higher pitched voice, its very soft. they usually sound upset if not bored, and they usually speak quickly unless theyre putting emphases on their words, though when they speak like that they sound even angrier (an example being when someone asks them to repeat what they said)”
“cian?? cian is just always angry. they want brendon to themself and they want to be left alone. thats all”
“cian has been responsible for deaths of people surrounding brendon.. they are very possessive”
“cian goes full on dragon pokemon (AND I AM PROUD). they would probably have hydreigon, garchomp, noivern, dragonite, dragalge, and haxorus. cians team is my team”
“cian messes around with sebastian. they just subtly say things that put him down. they generally act very mean to him. they also go out of their way to hurt ash for interacting with brendon. theyve tried smothering ash”
“cian really really hates crying. especially ash crying. cian generally hates most noises people make but crying is a big one thatll get them angry”
“cian is. theyre generally a huge ass to everyone but they are pretty Fucking Shallow. however they dont really bring it to anyone else its more something they keep to themself”
“cian would be a cranky alligator”
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yoongihoseok97 · 4 years
Cookies and kisses💋Pt3
BTS Jungkook
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Summary- Jeon Jungkook is a broke college student who’s just trying to get his degree and find his place in the world but things aren’t always that easy. Especially when you’re only 21 years old and have a 4 year old daughter.
Warnings- Mentions of underage sex, brief mentions of past drug & alchol abuse. Mentions of past depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. Quite a bit of swearing but nothing too harsh, don’t read if you’re sensitive to anything mentioned above.
Word count-2.7k
“Eunha baby please for the love of god can you just listen to me for once!” Jungkook cried out to his daughter who giggled loudly and ran away from her fathers grasp. He had been trying to get Eunha to have a bath for the past 10 minutes but the young girl was determined to get her own way. A quality she 100% got from her father.
“But daddy I had a shower the other day! I don’t need another one.” She exclaimed slightly out of breath from running up the stairs, her half naked frame was covered in a mixture of dried paint and dirt that she managed to pick up from nursery. Jungkook eventually managed to scoop her into his arms before she ran away again and locked herself in her room. A trouble he has had to face a few times when it came to bath time and he is only realising now that it would be easier to remove the lock. Luckily non of the boys were in to witness the young fathers struggle due to a ‘welcome back’ party half the campus was going to. Jungkook of course wanted to go and see everyone again after the summer break but the thought quickly disappeared when he realised he wasn’t a teenager anymore, he was a father and his daughter was his top priority, not some stupid house party that’ll probably be shut down by the police within the first few hours.
She squealed in delight when Jungkook playfully tickled her belly, an action that he knew would help win her over from past experiences. “Daddy has to shower everyday, some days when he’s really stinky he has two so you don’t get to complain misses.” He sat her down on the closed toilet seat and added the finishing touches to the bath, bubbles. Eunha hated baths more then anything but she wouldn’t even go near one of it didnt have bubbles in and so he makes sure to stock up on ‘unicorn mist bubble bath!’ Every week. After making sure that the water was just right he turned to his daughter and smiled “Bath time.”
It didn’t take long for Eunha to grow bored of the bath so Jungkook quickly dried her off, put her pyjamas on and ordered some food for them both whilst they relaxed in his bed. His long fingers made their way through her thick brown hair as she laid against her fathers chest. Jungkook couldn’t help but be reminded of the times when Eunha was first born and her mother was still around, cuddling into his side whist Eunha laid in his arms. Back to a time when Jungkook was vulnerable and believed her when she swore she’d never leave him. For a long while after she had left he wanted nothing more then to go back in time and and be with her where he felt loved and cared for. Now however he despised those memories. He wanted nothing more than for the images of her to be out of his head so he could finally move on. Eunha taught him what love is and he had finally learnt what she gave him was not it.
The father shook the thoughts out of his head and focused on the girl in front of him. Her glowing eyes were engaged with the tv. They were watching Beauty and The Beast, Eunhas favourite film. Even as a new born when Jungkook was 17 and had no fucking clue on how to take care of a child she always seemed to calm down and relax when it came on. Now himself and Eunha has watched it so many times together that they knew every word to every song and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t know the script inside out also. Even so Jungkook didn’t mind watching the film, deciding it was one of the better disney movies that actually taught kids the lesson of not to judge a book by its cover and that love comes in all different shapes a sizes.
Eunha lifted her head suddenly from her dads side and shifted to look around the bed, her tiny hands patted down onto the mattress clearly searching something. “What are you looking for baby?” He asksd curiously sitting up so he was beside her again. “Your phone daddy I want to know the time.” He chuckled and leaned across her small frame to grab his mobile from the bedside table.
“Why didn’t you just ask? And it’s 9:45 why do you want to know?” He picked her up and placed her on his lap so that she was facing him. She smiled brightly “Well earlier you told me to remind you about getting your clothes from the laundry place but I forgot so I’m telling you now.” Jungkook burrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he wondered what she was talking about before it dawned on him. He gasped and mumbled a small curse word under his breath and prayed that she didn’t hear him before removing her from his lap and began getting changed back into the clothes he was wearing before.
“God I completely forgot! I need those clothes for tomorrow so we’re gonna have to get them now sorry baby.” He apologized and kissed her forehead before taking her into her own room and grabbed a light jacket from the back of her wardrobe. It was a nice summer evening so she probably didn’t need it but her pyjama shorts and tank top were too little to be wearing outside at this time. The father sighed as he paced around the house, picking up his keys and turning off the television whilst Eunha waited patiently by the door.
“Are we going in the car daddy?” She asked as Jungkook picked her up and walked out of the shared apartment.
“No baby the place is only a couple minutes away so we’re gonna walk.” They strolled hand in hand down the street as the sun set in the distance. The warm evening breeze struck them with a pleasant burst over their bodies, a reminder of the summer that had just arrived in Seoul after a year of bitter coldness. The laundry shop wasn’t far from the house, just through the park and down the street so Jungkook didn’t have to worry about rushing to get there as it was a 24 hour service. Something the father was thankful for.
Despite the time there was still quite a few people sitting around, students having a beer before the sun went down and older people walking their dogs which Eunha was intraced by. She looked up towards her father and pointed out a particular dog that she always seemed to fondle over than any other. It was a golden retriever puppy that made the young girl giggle as he raced up to her and buried his face in her shoulder. “Look daddy!” She screamed in excitement and pet his golden fur whilst Jungkook laughed at the cute sight in front of him. He had always wanted to get a dog. A big silver husky that could help keep the house in check. The thought sounded stupid to some people but Jungkook weirdly felt like getting the dog was perfect to help keep Eunha safe but after discussing the plan with the rest of his housemates his idea was quickly shut down by Jin when he mentioned the price of such a dog.
The father snapped a quick photo of the pair and kneeled down to join his daughter with patting the overly energetic pet. “When can we get a dog daddy?” She said with a voice full of hope as she looked over at Jungkook, a wide smile wedged on her face. He chuckled and stood up, brushing himself off before holding his hand out to help his daughter up off of the floor. “Soon Eunnie, soon.” The young girl turned around once again and waved goodbye to the small dog. Her knees were muddy from the grass but she didn’t seem to mind as she skipped through the park, forcing her dad jog a bit to catch up with her.
“This needs to be done by 4:30 tomorrow latest, washed and dried. I have a very important party to go to.” The middle aged women smirked as she pulled a $50 out of her over priced Louis Vuitton purse and handed it to you from the other side of the counter. “And keep the change, you clearly need it.” The obvious fake smile on your face widened as you snatched the cash out of her perfectly manicured hand. “Of course ma’am I’ll see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.” The smile stayed glued to your face until she was out of sight of the building. The last thing you needed was for her to catch you flipping her off and get you fired.
You inhaled deeply for a moment and regained your composure before putting the money into the till and taking out the tip in change. After months of searching you finally found a job that fit perfectly with your schedule and whilst working at a laundromat was not the most ideal job, it paid well and the amount of tips you got was surprising.
“God she’s a right bitch. Her names Karen Kennedy and she’s a regular, I don’t think she even owns a washing machine.” Your co worker said as she carried a large bag of clean laundry to the desk behind you. You chuckled quietly and shook your head. You’d only been working there a few weeks and you’ve already dealt with too many rich white people bossing you around and quite frankly, you were sick of it.
“Yeah well she tips good so I’m not saying anything.” You joked and turned to face the petite girl. Your co worker Mia was another reason as to why you hadn’t quit the job yet, she was slightly older then you and she was the type of girl that was pretty enough to be on a magazine cover so you had no idea why she was stuck working at a 24 hour laundromat. The two of you quickly clicked after working a 13 hour shift together and discovered that you both had a weird obsession with ‘NSYNC’. After that your friendship bloomed into snarky comments and late night trips to 7/11 after your shift.
“Anyway how’s rehearsals going?” Mia asked as she sat herself down in the space next to you, sorting through a bag of laundry that was dropped off earlier on in the day. You sighed “not the best, out choreographer broke his leg the other day so he can’t help anymore so we have to hold auditions for a new one”
“Shit that sucks, has Richards asked you too help?”
“Unfortunately, I mean it’s not like I mind helping her she’s done a lot for me it’s just I have no time at the minute”
“Oh well, why don’t you-” Mia was cut off by the sound of the bell Indicating a new customer has entered. Your eyes widened when you saw the beautiful man from the park with his daughter standing in front of you, smiles across on their faces. “Hello I’m Jungkook, I’ve come to pick up my dry cleaning.” He said as he picked up the little girl from beside him.
“Okay sir I’ll go grab them from the back, feel free to take a seat.” Mia said as she smiled at the two before raising her eyebrows at you and disappearing into the back.
He smiled at you before taking the young girl to go and sit down in the chairs closest to the counter. You looked away and pretended that you were busy so you didn’t embarrass yourself and do something stupid. You could hear the two talking quietly between themselves and you smiled as the giggles left the little girls mouth. It was just the two of them yet again, making you further wonder about the young girls mother. You turned your head away before he could catch you staring and pretended you were busy writing things down, his deep brown eyes and cute smile engraved in your mind. He was truly beautiful and the way he acted with his daughter was completely adorable, you wanted nothing more than to have the confidence to talk to him. Boys never usually made you feel like this. Why was he so different?
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Jungkooks voice “Eunha! Stop that please you’re gonna hurt yourself.” You turned to look at the two and found yourself amused when you saw the young girl twirling to the music that was playing through the building. You giggled at the sight, finding her dancing cute. He placed her on his hip and turned to look at you, a sheepish smile on his face when he heard your laughter. His tattoos were on full disply as he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and you admired the way the designs wrapped around his muscular arms.
“Sorry love, she gets excited when she hears this song it’s her favourite.” His deep voice sent shivers down your spine, a small blush covered your cheeks at the nickname he gave you. You smiled widely “Don’t worry about it, I loved it! You have some good moves.” You smiled at the brown haired girl as her eyes sparkled with delight. “I love dancing.” She stated proudly grinning widely.
“Love is an understatement, she dances all day and if she could she’d do it all night.” You laughed at the statement happy he was speaking to you. “I want to be just like daddy! He’s good at dancing too.” Excitement laced in her words as you raised your eyebrows in surprise. He was a dancer, no wonder why he was so buff, your mind filled with thoughts of how good he’d look all sweaty and panting for breath. Your cheeks flushed at the thought, Jesus this man was something else. “You’re a dancer? That’s so cool, I’m terrible at dancing it’s like I have two left feet.” You joked.
He laughed at your comment and the young girl giggled into her fathers neck. “I might have to teach you some time then.” He smiled as another blush spread across your cheeks. “Maybe” you said as Mia came out with his dry cleaning, a wide smile on her face as she handed Jungkook the bag.
“That’ll be 18.95 please sir.”
He nodded as set his daughter on the ground next to him, pulling out his wallet to give Mia 20 dollars. “You can keep the change, thanks a lot.” Jungkook smiled at Mia before turning to me, “I’ll see you around.” Giving me one last smile before mumbling a small ‘come on baby’ as the two walked out the shop. The young girl turned around and gave me a quick wave bye which I grinned at and returned.
Mia turned to me with a wide smirk wedge on her face, “He was so cute! He was so flirting with you!” She exclaimed clapping excitedly.
You turned to look at her after watching the pair walk down the street, “he was cute but he was not flirting with me, he was a daughter! Meaning he probably has a girlfriend.” You stated giving her a sad look before sitting down on the chair behind the counter. The thought of him going home to another women made you weirdly uncomfortable even though You had just met him.
“You don’t know that y/n, he could be a hot single father for all you know” she replied looking at me with another smile.
“Oh well, I doubt I’ll see him again.” You shrugged like you didn’t care when deep down you knew You were disappointed. He seemed like such a nice guy and for some weird reason he made your heart flutter whenever he spoke. You really wanted to see him again and talk more but you knew it was very unlikely.
She rolled her eyes at your words and got back to her work “whatever you say hun.”
Author’s note!- Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I last updated this fanfic & it’s been awhile since we’ve been active on this account but we’ve just been so busy and we didn’t have time to update. I’m not gonna make any promises as to when chapter 4 is coming out because I have no idea but it won’t be as long a wait as this one was. Again I’m sorry it took so long but I hope you all enjoy!- love anon hobi Xxx
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
Soul Savin’, Pt. 3
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Rafael Barba x Reader. AN: Taking a lot of liberties and using a lot of prompts and part of a challenge here, specifically: @madpanda75‘s “from your smutty prompt list, can you please do “Friends don’t do this kind of shit!” where Barba and the reader go to a bar, have some tequila, then do some body shots” as well as @delia26‘s “I turned out liking your a lot more than I originally planned.” Finally, using Jewel’s “Who Will Save Your Soul” as part of @thefanficfaerie‘s birthday challenge. 
CW: language, eventually it’ll be NSFW. Angst, continued slow-burning.
CW: for mentions of 9/11. 
WC: 2500
You woke up the next day to pounding on your apartment door. You groaned as you shuffled out of your room. “Just a minute,” you called as you pulled on your fluffy purple robe. The banging on your door intensified. Irritated, you called out once more. “Coming!” You found a lone hair tie on the end table by your couch and you took it, pulling your hair into a low pony-tail. You opened the door and found no one there. Confused, you were about to close the door, when you noticed a package with a note. Your heart began to pound and you crouched down to get a closer look. You sighed in relief when you realized the lettering on the box was from the NorthFork donut company, a small artisinal shop that you were obsessed with.  Your eyes darted past the box and there was a growler of coldbrew coffee, from your favorite local roaster, SailAway Coffee Company.
You took the package and growler and shut the door behind you. You could smell how fresh the donuts were from even outside of the box and your stomach growled. You made your way back to the kitchen and set the goodies on the island before going to get a glass for the coffee. You spooned some sugar into the glass and then opened the growler to pour the coffee in.
Carefully, you opened the donut box and instead of getting caught up in the delicious sight before you, your eyes settled on the note that was taped on the inside lid. Your name was scrawled in Rafael’s handwriting.
Y/N, I am sorry for last night. Mea culpa. I just really miss my friend and hope I didn’t fuck it up for good.
You sighed and pondered Rafael’s note. You wondered had you not had a thing for him, would you even be so forgiving. You grabbed a fancy looking chocolate donut and then went back to your room to grab your phone. You hopped onto a barstool and wrote Rafael back.
Thanks for the donuts and coffee. Didn’t take you for someone to be so cliched. Come over, help me finish the coffee. Can’t make any promises on the donuts.
Rafael texted he would be over within the hour. You were tempted to eat another donut, but instead chose to shower.
“Do they just let anyone on the roof?” Rafael asked in disbelief as he took in the view of the city before him from your rooftop.
“No, but sometimes being a cop has its perks,” you winked before taking a sip of your coffee. “I like to come up here in just when it gets a little too much for me down there, it's like...like my New York version of a mountaintop.”
The sun was beaming down brightly but there was a cool breeze, not making it overly warm. You brought over the donuts to the little table that you had set up. Rafael leaned against the railing, watching you as you set up the donuts.
“I’m sorry.”
You paused your actions and stood straight up, to face him. “I know. I got your note.” Rafael walked over to you. His hand rested on your forearms. You searched each other’s eyes.  Part of you wanted to do nothing but smooth back some of his hair that had fallen out of place but you refrained from doing so. “Look Rafael – I don’t understand our relationship. Sometimes we’re friends… sometimes it feels like we’re strangers. You have to be honest with me.”
Rafael Barba, the silver-tongued prosecutor suddenly found himself at a loss for words. His mouth went dry and he swallowed hard. His stomach was in knots. Unable to look at you, he turned away, facing the skyline once more.
“It’s complicated.”
You marched back up to Rafael and stood to face him. “Talk to me. What is it? Please.”
Rafael looked at you and he felt awful for being the reason your face was laced with worry and concern. He wished he could tell you how he felt about you – that all he wanted to do was to kiss you – and then some. You crossed your arms and bit your lip, anxious at his pending response. Something – you weren’t sure what – flashed across Rafael’s face and all you wanted to do was rush up to him and kiss him. You stepped closer to Rafael and he stepped closer to you.
“It’s work,” Rafael lied. “Just have been stressed. It’s the summer so a lot of people are off and I just bit off more than I can chew.”
You sighed. “Okay. If you say so.” Rafael did not miss the hint of disappointment in your voice. You walked back over to the table and grabbed a donut before sitting down on a wicker love seat. You chewed slowly as you looked up towards the sky. A pigeon flew overhead before settling on the ledge. The bird cooed at you as it eyed your donut. You tore off a piece of your donut and tossed it towards the bird.
“I don’t think donuts are part of a well-balanced diet for a pigeon.”
You snorted. “Are you some kind of pigeon expert? Is that your side-hustle Rafael Barba?”
Rafael guffawed as he sat down next to you. You reached over and handed him the donut box. Rafael chose a black and white donut – it was just like the cookie – but in donut form. You leaned your head on Rafael’s shoulder and the two of you sat there in silence, for what seemed like forever. The heat from the sun melted the glaze from the donuts and your fingers were sticky. You sucked the sugary coating off of your fingers slowly, not realizing Rafael’s gaze was hyper-focused on your movements. You closed your eyes and hummed and Rafael felt his desire shoot southward.
Rafael stood suddenly. “Anyway, I have to get going – I am glad we’re okay.”
You stood, brushing off invisible crumbs from your lap. “No – stay.”
Rafael pulled you into a hug, squeezing you tightly before pulling away to press a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll see you, Y/N.”
Strip clubs have reputations for being havens for drugs and sex trafficking for a reason. And that is was the scene of your next case – a stripper was brutally assaulted by a pimp there. Olivia had the idea of setting up a honeytrap with you going undercover. You showed up to the precinct all dolled up with a face full of heavy makeup and your hair in half-up and half-down in soft sexy curls.
“What are we working with?” Olivia asked, pointing to your trench coat. “I don’t think that is going to fly on the stage.”
You opened your trench coat revealing your actual outfit: you were outfitted in pure sin: a matching purple lame crop top, with a deep neckline, which accentuated your breasts and booty shorts with a ruched backing. Obscenely large hoop earrings hung off your lobes and your wrists were stacked with bangle bracelets. Finishing your outfit were shiny black patent five inch heels that accentuated your well defined calves.
At that moment Amanda came in with Rafael and Carisi on her heels. “We’re all set up to go… hey, hey, looking good, Y/N.”
“What is she… “ Rafael began but found himself at a loss for words as he took in the sight of you. All the blood in his body headed south. “Do I want to know why you're dressed like that?  Wait a second… Y/N – you’re the mark for the honeytrap?” he asked in disbelief.
“Well who else would it be?” you asked. “Liv’s mug is all over the paper – Rollins is … you know…” you waved your hand over Amanda who was very clearly pregnant. “And Kat is on vacation visiting her mom in San Diego.”
“Liv, I don’t like this,” Rafael replied quietly. “This could get dangerous. I am worried about Y/N’s safety.”
“We don't need to get your approval. Besides, Y/N is tough – she can handle her own.” Olivia replied, giving Rafael an incredulous look. “Besides, we’ll have eyes and ears on the place. The first sign things are not going well, we’re moving in.”
“Hello? Hi – let’s not talk about me, in front of me,” you replied, waving your hand in between Rafael and Olivia. “Rafael – I got this,” you replied with an eye roll. “It’ll be fine.”
Rafael sat inside the stakeout van, cramped and uncomfortable. Inside the van was Olivia and Carisi. Olivia was feeding information to Fin who was inside the strip club, also undercover as a customer. Clipped in your earrings was a tiny camera recording every move.
Rafael watched as you were announced on the stage as “Sage Whisper.” You were nervous initially, especially as you knew Rafael was watching you. You chose to dance to “Lady Marmalade.”
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahHe sat in her boudoir while she freshened up Boy drank all that Magnolia wine On her black satin sheets' where he started to freak, yeah
As you swung your body around the pole, you allowed yourself to get lost to the song and got really into your performance. You bent down to touch your toes, in front of the audience giving everyone a view of your ass, the material of your shorts rising up, almost being eaten by your cheeks when you stood up. You sauntered back to the pole and gyrated your hips as you shimmied off your shorts, revealing your black G-string. Just as you were about to clip off the back of your top, you were requested to go to a private room by the pimp your team had eyes on.
Meanwhile in the van, sweat dripped off Rafael’s brow. He wasn’t sure if it was you, the closed quarters, or both. Judging by how tight his pants were growing, he was sure it was you. He shifted uncomfortably as he watched you saunter off the stage and head to a backroom. The pimp had his hand low on your back, before moving down to squeeze it.
Rafael wanted to throw up.
You played your bit to the pimp, egging him on and teasing. Finally, the pimp had enough and he had backed you into a corner, his hand gripping your hair tightly, cocking your head.
“Watch it bitch – or I’ll do to you what I did to the last slut who came in here.”
You raised your brow in defiance. “I’d like to see you try.”
What you didn’t expect was to be pistol whipped. You collapsed to the ground and groaned in pain as you were kicked in the ribs. Around you was a cacophony of sounds – you could hear Olivia and Fin in the background along with several other police backup entering the room with their guns raised.
You could barely hear your name as your ears continued to ring. Finally, a pair of hands pulled you up and helped you out of the room.
Back outside, you shivered as you sat in the back of an open van, your head still pounding. You wore Liv’s police jacket in a futile attempt to keep warm. “Y/N, you did good,” Olivia replied softly. “I have your change of clothes. I’ll bring them by while you get checked out.”
“I don’t need to be checked out; I am fine,” you protested. Olivia raised her hand and shook her head.
“You need to be checked out. You are probably concussed and you might have a bruised rib or even a broken one.”
You sighed. “Okay. I’ll come up to the station after to finish up my paperwork.”
“Nonsense – you can do that on Monday. Take the rest of the weekend.” You began to protest when Oliva held a hand up. “That’s an order detective.”
“Ay, ay Captain,” you muttered weakly. Olivia waived over an EMS worker and as you were checked out, Rafael rushed to the van.
“Y/N, are you okay? Jesus fucking Christ!”
“I’m fine, Rafael. I promise. Just some bruises. Nothing that won’t heal in a couple of days.”
“Olivia gave me your clothes.” You nodded and gave him a small smile of appreciation as you took the duffel bag. You climbed into the van and began to shut the doors. “Make sure no one drives off with me in it – I am going to change.”
A few minutes later you emerged in a ratty sweatshirt and your most comfortable, broken in jeans. Your appeared out of place with your heavy makeup and costume jewelry still on. You winced as you removed your fake eyelashes. Rafael felt horrible for what you went through. “Do you have to go back to the precinct?”
“No. Liv gave me the weekend off; told me to finish my paperwork Monday.”
“Come on – let me get us a cab. We’ll go get some food.”
You smiled brightly. “That sounds perfect.”
You winced slightly as you laughed as Rafael told you an embarrassing tale of him as a kid. You popped a French fry in your mouth, reveling in the hot, salty carb. You were both back at the bar in Midtown.
“So you never told me why you ever came to this bar in the first place. Those many weeks ago.” Rafael trailed off, taking a long sip from his beer bottle.
You plucked a fry from Rafael’s plate and chewed it slowly, mulling over your next words. “I went to high school in the city and I was a senior when 9/11 occurred. When my friends and I were let out, we could not find a subway out of the city. So we ended up holed in this bar – this very bar. The owners of the bar – fed us never ending fries and sodas until we were able to connect with our parents. A cop came to get us a few hours later and drove us home. I have been a frequent flyer since I turned of legal age – more or less,” you chuckled. “And then Sean – one of the owners - died a few years ago to ALS.” Your voice warbled at the last bit and a tear threatened to fall. You wiped your greasy hands on a napkin and then used the back of your hands to wipe your eyes.
Rafael reached over and took one of your hands into his and squeezed it. You gave him a small smile and took a deep breath and a look around. “Okay, lets have a shot for Sean and for this night being an overall success despite…” you trailed off, casting a hand over yourself.
Rafael signaled for the bartender.  Six shot glasses were lined up. And then again. And again.
When you first got ready for the evening, you never thought it would end with you and Rafael doing body shots. As Rafael sucked a mark into your neck, you gasped, “Friends don’t do this kind of shit!”
“Then I guess we were never friends,” Rafael husked in your ear, before pulling away to toss the shot back.
Tags:  @melsquared79 @madpanda75 @youreverycolor @tropes-and-tales @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoollike @fanficfaeriesrafaelbarbalibrary @theenchantedgalleryofstories @thefanficfaerie @trekinthruthestarwars @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty​ -anyone else, just ask, xo
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thezodiaczone · 4 years
Aquarius Compatibility
AQUARIUS + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) ♥♥♥♥ You're laugh-a-minute friends who make a fine comedic duo, but the romance isn't as hearty as your side-splitting guffaws. You're amazed by how quickly the other delivers a hilarious comeback or a clever opinion, and it turns you on. Banter leads you to the bedroom fast, where the sex is playful and experimental (though not heavy on the emotional connection). It's as though you've met your twin; and alas, you may soon feel more like siblings than lovers. After a couple weeks, the Bickersons sideshow routine gets old, especially for Aries, and you run out of things to talk about. While casual Aquarius likes to keep the conversation light, Aries has intense, brooding spells that demand way too much emotional attention. For Aquarius, problems are solved with steely logic or left alone, but Aries is unable to curb obsessive thinking, which drives Aquarius mad. Your styles of affection are different, too. Cool Aquarius gets overwhelmed by the Ram's passion and physicality—there's way too much touching, grabbing and kissing for the airy Aquarian temperament. If you're determined to be together, push yourselves to go beyond platonic borders by traveling, taking classes, even performing on stage together. Closeness breeds more ennui than affection. Cultivate mystery through time apart. Your independent signs need to develop your own lives, then reunite with thrilling tales from the road.
AQUARIUS + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) Your signs have so little in common, it's hard to make a go of this. Old-fashioned Taurus craves tradition, order and security. Rebel Aquarius is an oddball who lives to defy rules and convention. Taurus is an Earth sign who plants deep roots; Air sign Aquarius is an adventurous nomad who goes wherever the wind blows. While you may start out fascinated by each other, the magic ends faster than you can say "pixie dust." Taurus will quickly offend Aquarius with his heavy-handed opinions and staunch political views. Free-spirited Aquarius will flee from the Bull's possessive grip, which only clenches tighter the more Aquarius flits about. Then there's the matter of your social circles, which rarely overlap. Aquarius habitually befriends the most eccentric people—the corner wino who's solved the string theory, the local fortune teller, his bus driver. While Taurus may humor these characters in passing, all hell breaks loose when Aquarius invites his tribe of wayward souls to spend the weekend, or to sleep on the couch "until they get their act together." Not on Taurus' leather club chair and alpaca throw pillows! You can try to compromise, but you'll only end up short-changing your natural gifts. Aquarius rules the zodiac's eleventh house of friends and society; he's the unofficial mayor wherever he goes, and is meant to spread himself among the people. Homebody Taurus has much more earthbound goals. Neither of you will get the satisfaction you crave unless you work hard to compromise.
AQUARIUS + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) ♥♥♥♥ This match of compatible Air signs can feel a bit like high school romance—teasing, texting, movie dates with jumbo popcorn and licentious groping during the previews. You bring out each other's breezy, buoyant spirits, and that's a plus. You'll bond over TV shows, favorite sci-fi novels and superheroes, obscure philosophers, music. With your clever comebacks and verbal repartee, you could take a comedy act on the road. Although you can both be overly cerebral at times, you prefer laughter and light conversation to emotional melodrama. Eventually, though, you need to get out of the shallow end of the pool. Intimacy is a challenge for your signs. We're talking true intimacy—being caught with your pants down and no clue how to get them back up. Telling each other your entire life stories in monologue form (which could have happened on the first date) doesn't count. You must soldier through the post-infatuation "awkward phase," or you'll end up feeling like buddies. That would be a shame, as you can make excellent life partners and playmates. The biggie: you'll both need to give up fibs and lies—particularly lies of omission. You're excellent storytellers and politicos, gifted at crafting a spin to fit your agenda. However, the naked truth is the only way out of the Matrix. Though it may topple your PR-friendly public image, it's a necessary risk you must take to build the character and depth of a lasting commitment.
AQUARIUS + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) This oddball match is as fascinating and perplexing as a Proenza Schouler pump—and like the highbrow fashion house, few understand its power. Here we have Cancer, sentimental and family-oriented, possessive, anchored by deep roots and tradition. Mix in Aquarius, the sci-fi nomad, a butterfly escaping the net of convention, laughing with you and at you all at once. How on earth…? This is a coupling that doesn't happen often, and for good reason. Cool Aquarius doesn't need much affection, and Cancer withers without physical touch. The Crab clutches his loved ones in powerful pincers, and scuttles after Aquarius, practically begging for love. Naturally, free-spirited Aquarius feels smothered and trapped by these demands for intimacy, and constructs little trap doors everywhere—a basketball team, a drama class, a post on city council. Yet, when wounded Cancer withdraws into his shell, Aquarius is suddenly intrigued. Where did my lifeline go? What Aquarius takes for granted is Cancer's loyalty, which can resemble a mother's love for her troubled teen. The Crab can see the vulnerable child underneath the surly bravado. Beyond that, you owe each other a karmic debt so profound, you can't even articulate it. Explains one Aquarius, who's been with her Cancer mate for 35 years: "I've learned that sometimes you have to do what the other person likes, even if you don't like it." In other words, if you want to stay together, eat your broccoli. You'll certainly grow in spirit and character. Sometimes, your soul needs a challenge more than a smoothly-paved road.
AQUARIUS + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) These opposite signs can be volatile match. Leo is the sign of the self, a born star and showstopper who commands attention wherever he goes. Aquarius rules the zodiac's eleventh house of groups and society—he's both the class president and its rabble-rousing radical. You're competitive spotlight-grabbers who can fight dirty, especially as you jostle to outdo each other. Case in point: Leo Whitney Houston and Aquarius Bobby Brown. Their destructive, drug-addled marriage brought Whitney's singing career to its knees. Yet, Leo is a hopeless romantic filled with haughty pride, standing loyally by a mate, fiddling while Rome burns. You both spark each other's jealousy, Leo by flirting with everyone in sight, Aquarius by treating his bazillion friends as though they're on equal par with Leo (they are). Leo is needy, demanding constant attention, but cool-headed Aquarius feels smothered by too much affection and togetherness. Aquarius will listen patiently to Leo's dramas, but only to a point. Leo must keep a stable of supportive friends on hand, and not turn the relationship into an exhausting soap opera script. Aquarius will need to show a little more emotion (besides anger) and tenderness, stepping aside to allow Leo's star to shine.
AQUARIUS + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) To say you're an odd couple is an understatement—and there certainly will be odds to beat. Just figuring each other out could take years, and it might not end well. (Remember tabloid train-wrecks Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, or Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley?) Judgmental Virgo is an introverted Earth sign with a habit of thinking too much. Breezy Aquarius, a carefree Air sign, is the unofficial town mayor, best friend to everyone from the street sweeper to the CEO. While you complement each other in some ways, your lifestyles are very different. Virgo likes time alone with his books and thoughts, while social Aquarius rarely misses a party and can't be bothered to take life as seriously as Virgo does. Where can you come together? You both like to help people in need, and you're passionate about social change, especially through responsible business practices. Saving the planet is a particular passion for your environmentalist signs. You're as likely to meet at a drum circle as you are at a conference on climate control, or volunteering in the Peace Corps. In fact, this relationship is most likely to succeed if you have a larger common vision. Why not funnel your ideals into a successful enterprise? Go start an eco-village, or open a raw juice bar in an up-and-coming neighborhood—Virgo can grow organic produce in a backyard plot. It will stop Virgo from nagging and nosing into Aquarius's affairs, and will keep restless Aquarius from feeling smothered.
AQUARIUS + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) ♥♥♥♥ You're one of the zodiac's easiest matches: just two carefree Air signs breezing through life with a full roster of friends, travels and adventures. Together, it's twice the fun. Although Libra is more the dashing diva/dandy and Aquarius the quirky Bohemian, your sunny social dispositions pair well. Every stranger is greeted by your hail-fellow-well-met embrace, and you collect friends wherever you go. Indeed, you may meet while chatting at the cheese counter, lounging poolside on the Riviera, or in a dog park scene reminiscent of an Ephron rom-com (picture Aquarius' retriever pouncing on Libra's dainty teacup terrier—what a metaphor). Your conversational chemistry guarantees a great first date, even if the prevailing vibe is platonic. If you hit it off, you'll host lavish parties with an eclectic mix of Aquarius' artsy, leftist comrades and Libra's highbrow circle, bringing them all together with panache. Caution: your casual natures can impede intimacy. In private, you can both be moody, making pouty, indirect plays for affection and sex. Aquarius is also far less romantic than Libra, at least in the traditional sense. That humanitarian bent will clash with Libra's caviar wishes (animal cruelty!) and fondness of bling (blood diamonds!). Most days, you take those differences in stride. Having a lifelong playmate is worth it.
AQUARIUS + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) Years after their modern-day Mrs. Robinson relationship ricocheted the term "cougar" into cliché-dom, the Scorpio-Aquarius pairing of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher can still baffle the naked eye. Scorpio is an intense, seductive creature with ruthless ambition, eagle instincts and a complicated psyche. Aquarius is a silly prankster and a cold-souled nomad who avoids emotion, then releases it in embarrassing blurts of sloppy sentiment. You're certainly an odd couple, down to your values, style and interests. Then there's the power issue to settle. Scorpio wants ultimate control over everything, while rebel Aquarius chafes at any restraint. While Aquarius is happy to hand rulership of the household to Scorpio, any breach of personal freedom will be an instant deal-breaker. Possessive Scorpio must accept that Aquarius is a social creature with friends from all walks of life, and curb the jealousy. Aquarius will need to cut off a few friends (the ex you met at a strip club, the swingers "who are actually really cool") and adopt a few of Scorpio's interests, like Kaballah for Ashton. So where's the click? Different as you are, you both prefer a mate who's hard to figure out: it staves off boredom. To keep this strong, borrow each other's strengths. Aquarius needs Scorpio's depth, and Scorpio lightens up from Aquarius' outrageous jokes and impersonations.
AQUARIUS + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) ♥♥♥♥ Sagittarius and Aquarius are two of the most free-spirited signs, whose joie de vivre and starry-eyed idealism make you perfect playmates. The "best friends with benefits" label was practically invented for you. Finally, someone who cherishes independence as much as you do! Like Sagittarius Brad Pitt and Aquarius Jennifer Aniston (who shared a hair colorist), you may even look like siblings. It's all so beautiful—until one of you messes up the party by demanding a commitment. Strangely enough, you remain loyal while the terms of the relationship are vague, sneaking out of work for mid-afternoon trysts and leaving with carpet burn. You both love the feeling of "getting away with something," the adventure of the unexpected. Yet, once it becomes an obligation rather than a choice, your libido nosedives. You've now killed off the very thing that attracted you to each other: no-strings attached excitement. Instead of trysting the night away, you're hosting Scrabble tournaments and turning in early. Boring. Because you're so alike, you'll need to work hard to keep each other interested for the long haul. Mix it up by developing separate friends, hobbies and interests—then come back and share your adventurous tales with each other.
AQUARIUS + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) This is the match of the traditionalist and the rebel, the rule-maker and the rule-breaker. Capricorn is the guardian of history, and Aquarius is an innovator who has little regard for the past. If you can meet somewhere in the present, it's sure to be interesting. Disciplined Capricorn can teach Aquarius the value of structure, and Aquarius can help Cap think outside the box. You're both competitive and controlling in your own ways, and few signs can rival your work shared work ethic. The wheeler-dealer light never switches off in either of you—you'll hand out business cards at a funeral. Still, you might be better off as professional partners, since your bedside manner is so different. Lusty Capricorn may be aloof in public, but this sensual Earth sign is a bona fide freak in the sheets. Although Aquarius may love to shock people in public, behind closed doors your interest in sex can be tepid at best. (As the ruler of electricity, gadgets may be preferable.) Socially, Capricorn can be cold or snobbish, choosing friends based on status. Popular Aquarius befriends everyone—don't be surprised if the Chinese food delivery guy ends up at the dinner table sharing your Hunan chicken. Still, Capricorn can be an important grounding force for Air-sign Aquarius, preventing you from floating off into the ether. Life is never dull with an unpredictable Aquarian.
AQUARIUS + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) Aquarius is the sign of friendship, which would be perfect if you were looking for a platonic pal. But…you're not. Which means you're both going to have to get pretty damn uncomfortable to pass Go and enter the spine-chilling waters of commitment. Intimacy is not your strong suit, and heavy emotions make you break out in hives. Although you may have your own personal guru and swami, spirituality is just an escape hatch—a way of convincing yourself that you're "above" all those petty feelings that mere mortals have. Rather than connect deeply, you compensate with charm, impish pranks or your Obama-watt smile (he's got an Aquarius rising). Trouble is, the funny-guy shtick doesn't work with each other. There are better matches, to be sure—at least ten or eleven of them. Your only hope is working together on a shared humanitarian vision. Love could bloom as you defend labor union picket lines, toss paint on fur-wearing fashionistas, or grow your own medicinal marijuana. At least you'll have something to talk about instead of your feelings. Then…only then…you might just give this piece a chance.
AQUARIUS + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) Old and new come together in an interesting combination. Pisces is an ancient velvet boudoir with dripping candles and fainting couches; Aquarius is a modern, steel-and-glass construction heated by solar panel. Yet, this strange match can work if it's built around a shared cause or passion. You're both die-hard humanitarians, and if you share a common vision, you'll stay together for life. Pisces is a Water sign, more emotional and complex in nature than Aquarius. Contrary to myth, Aquarius is an Air sign (not Water), though it's symbolized by the water-bearer holding an urn. The lighter Aquarian touch lifts Pisces out of the murky, depressive swamp, while enchanting Pisces adds tassels and trim to Aquarius' cold, clinical reality. You both morbidly fear being trapped in a boring, conventional commitment. Since you can never really figure each other out, the attraction stays strong. A little mystery will keep you fascinated, though too much (ahem, Pisces) will make the relationship way too much work for Aquarius.
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puddygeeks · 4 years
Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 45: Mᴀʀᴋɪɴɢ Tᴇʀʀɪᴛᴏʀʏ
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A/N: We’re back baby! It’s taken me a little while but I’ve worked through my crap and I honestly have too much love for this story to let it go. I have so many plans and I’m still committed to developing Bellamy and Indigo’s relationship and journey. I’ll be continuing to use GIF’s because I actually still have not seen the entire show so it’s impossible for me to recast at this point. I’m in process of watching season 3 now as I like to go into things as blind as Indie does. If you’re not able to return to this story, that’s okay and thank you for all of your support so far. For everyone still here, your love for this story means the world to me <3
Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Chapter Forty-Five
My shift finally drew to a close, leaving me exhausted and I felt that I had worked off enough of my earlier anger to only be left with a simmering bitterness. I wandered toward Bellamy’s quarters with a knot in my stomach as I expected an argument and for a moment I considered whether to simply hide in dorms for the night. I took a steadying breath before stepping inside and found Bellamy in the middle of undressing for bed. He turned at the sound of the door and a tired smile spread across his overworked face as he noticed me.
“You’re back.” He breathed with a tone of relief and I wondered if he hadn’t expected me to return.
“I am.” I replied awkwardly as I waited in the doorway for any indication of his mood.
There wasn’t any visible anger in his demeanour, or I was stunned to find that he didn’t seem to be interested in causing a fight between us. Instead, he simply continued to prepare for bed and I slid my jacket off casually as I strolled further into the room to place it on a chair. I considered removing my trousers and simply climbing into bed, as the desperately tired part of my brain demanded that I sleep immediately, but I was still unsure if I were welcome here following his earlier remarks. I turned toward the bed to confront Bellamy, but was immediately cut off as he stepped into my space to draw me into a heated kiss. My breath hitched at the sudden contact as his hands squeezed my hips and I had to lean against the dresser to brace myself against his enthusiasm.
My mind was reeling at his unexpected energy and I realised that my expectations of this evening were completely incorrect. He gathered me against his chest and my entire body thrummed with excitement, despite the concerned thoughts still buzzing around in the back of my mind. For once, I was annoyed with the intoxication of his touch and knew that the tension of this morning still lingered in the back of both of our minds. I tore myself away from his lips with an overpowering reluctance and attempted a stern expression, but he simply moved to peppering kisses along my neck as he threaded a hand into my hair.
“Bel.” I hoped to be authoritative and although it was clear from my tone that I wanted his attention, his name fell from my lips in a far more breathy manner than I had intended. He groaned against my skin and as he dragged himself up to meet my eyes, I acknowledged that he didn’t appreciate the interruption.
“I don’t want to talk.” He clarified and despite how direct his words were, I couldn’t detect an ounce of malice in his voice, nor any indication of the attitude that he’d addressed me with this morning. Instead, there was something vulnerable in his eyes that made me wonder if his overnight adventures had affected him more than he was currently willing to admit.
“Then, what do you want?” I asked with a frown and I knew that he understood that I was referring to more than just in this moment. The way that he’d spoken as if there was a deep hurt earlier had left me doubtful if he’d even want me here and if we weren’t going to discuss it, I would at least give him the option to tell me if he wanted me to leave after this.
“You. I want you.” He asserted as he stared into my eyes and I was relieved that we understood each other so well. When he next pressed his lips to mine, there was an urgency that spurred me forward. Before I could think twice about talking, he had twisted us around to lower me to the bed. I knew from the desperation of his actions that he craved the distraction and he barely paused enough to allow me to gather my thoughts. Okay, we can talk about this later. 
My new routine of training in the morning and working shifts in mechanical in the afternoon allowed a week to fly past without my notice. Monty remained adamant that I didn’t shoulder too much of the strain and so on days that I had an afternoon available, I found myself assisting with preparing food for the camp whilst Bellamy was busy in meetings or training sessions. There had been no mention of the conversation by the gates and although Bellamy behaved awkwardly every time that he caught me on route to a shift, he hadn’t mentioned Knox at all since. I hadn’t decided how to bring this up in a way that would allow for a conversation rather than a confrontation. Things between us were still fresh and I was nervous that addressing this might trigger a conversation about what the nature of our relationship was. I’d already grown comfortable in our warm routine and I didn’t want to jeopardise it by asking for more. For the time being, I had decided to simply enjoy every moment for what it was and to not obsess over the longevity of it.
Now that I was beginning to regain my strength, my lessons with Octavia and Lincoln had intensified and although I’d given the stipulation that they couldn’t cover me in bruises, they’d mastered getting as close as possible without leaving marks. I felt confident in my progression and discovered that it was a helpful method of both burning off the anger that I buried inside and leaving me too exhausted to spend the entire night filled with nightmares. I considered it an achievement to have simply reduced the number of painful visions that haunted my sleep and I embraced any progress that I could gain. 
After a particularly intense morning, I settled in the courtyard of camp to wind down. Monty had taken the shift in mechanical and I hadn’t yet volunteered for kitchen duty, which allowed me the chance to savour the cool midday air. 
“Hey Indigo, enjoying some time off?” A nervous voice drew my attention and I glanced up to find Knox smiling at me bashfully.
“Hey bud.” I cheered as I leaned back in a relaxed manner and smiled encouragingly at my insecure companion. “Yeah, Monty wouldn’t let me have the shift so I’ll probably just hit the kitchen again.” I commented lightly and he nodded.
“That explains it.” He muttered and I tilted my head quizzically at him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not working somewhere, or training. I didn’t realise you knew how to take a break.” He added with a sly smile and I gasped in surprise.
“And I didn’t realise you were a smartass!” I remarked as I jabbed at him playfully and he chuckled. “Did Wick give you any more crazy assignments yet?” I enquired with interest and he detailed the latest impossible task that he’d been given to share with Raven’s equally talented science friend. Knox had filled me in on some camp rumours that there was some kind of romance going on between her and Wick, and I retained this information to investigate when I had the opportunity to catch Raven alone. I glanced to my side to notice one of the kitchen staffers crossing the courtyard. “Hold that thought Knox, I’ll be right back.” I chirped as I rushed over to meet them and arranged to assist with preparing meals later on. Once she left, I turned to find Bellamy standing silently beside me and jolted so hard that I actually felt my soul leave my body for a moment.
“Jesus, don’t do that!” I gasped as I held a hand to my chest and he shook his head as he smiled in amusement. “Seriously, it’s creepy! Couldn’t you...I don’t know, stomp your feet or make a noise or something when you approach to give me a warning? You’re so damn stealthy.” I blurted and he couldn’t contain a snort of laughter at my comments.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He chuckled as he placed his hands in his pockets in a relaxed posture. “Good workout?” He asked with a hint of a smirk and I pursed my lips at him before breaking into a playful smile.
“Oh yeah, I beat the crap out of both of them.” I joked as I mimicked some speedy punches and he smiled warmly at my childish display. It didn’t last long as I quickly realised that I didn’t have enough energy remaining and sighed in exhaustion.
“Easy Xena, you’ll put me out of a job soon. We won’t need guards at this rate.” He teased with a bemused expression and I found my mouth dropping open in surprise.
“See, this is why I keep you around! You get my dorky references.” I crooned with an overly enthusiastic tone and he rolled his eyes in disappointment. He glanced over my shoulder for a split second and his smile faded as he focused on something. I peeked in the direction that he was staring and easily calculated that it was Knox’s awkwardly waiting form that he was watching. Bellamy returned his attention to me and the playful glitter had faded from his eyes as he tried to force a casual tone.
“So, that’s Knox, huh?” He enquired and although he strained to mask the tension in his voice, it was still crystal clear to me. I had to wonder if he had been investigating in camp to acquire a description of him, or whether he simply assumed since Knox was the only unfamiliar face that I had spoken to.
“Yes, that’s Knox.” I stated matter of factly and determinedly declined to add any further comment. If he wanted to know something in particular, he was going to have to ask.
“He seemed interested in you. What did he want?” Bellamy quizzed as the tension between the two of us only grew with every word and I cocked a brow at him in confusion.
“He didn’t want anything, we just chatted. He’s not used to seeing me relax so I think he was confused.” I explained with an amused tone to clarify that this was an insignificant conversation but this only seemed to rile Bellamy further. I witnessed his gaze drift back over my shoulder and when he next viewed me, he shuffled on the spot with a certain stressed energy about him.
“I don’t like him chatting to you. He’s practically hanging off you, it’s weird.” He stated firmly and I felt my brows shoot up in surprise. Knox had been consistently friendly since the moment we met and I could tell that he simply looked up to the entire group that had survived here before they arrived. I suspected he probably admired Bellamy as a leader more than the others, if he would only take the time to notice.
“What are you even talking about?” I breathed as I viewed him with disbelief and I caught his stern face as he returned his gaze to Knox. The intensity of his stare would make even the toughest of our camp members bolt and I could see poor Knox squirming out of the corner of my eye. “Stop glaring at him.” I hissed but his scowl remained focused as if I hadn’t even spoken.
“I’m not.” He stated in a distracted tone without even attempting to cover his blatant ignorance and I crossed my arms in annoyance.
“Bellamy!” I growled and the sharpness of my tone finally seemed to pull him from his intimidation mission. I gave him an unimpressed gesture and he shifted awkwardly as he met my eyes. I scanned between him and Knox, and my mind finally pieced together the information that I was presented. I could hardly believe what I was about to ask, but I couldn’t theorise any other logical explanation for his bizarre behaviour. “Are you jealous?” I interrogated and his eyes widened at my accusation.
“What?” He breathed and I held my expectant gaze as I awaited an answer. “No!” He spat defensively and fidgeted nervously on the spot in an effort to conceal his aggravation. I felt a lurch in my gut at his reaction and kicked myself for not realising what I was dealing with sooner. Bellamy always seemed so full of confidence that I had never imagined he would be jealous. A memory stirred in the back of my mind of his reaction when I tended to Murphy in the dropship after his torture and I realised that it was absolutely a weakness of his. “What do I have to be jealous of? He’s just a kid.” He scoffed and I struggled to contain a laugh, until I caught him sneaking a brief glare at Knox again.
“Exactly, he’s just a kid. So why are you giving him the death stare?” I investigated and he turned back to me as if he hadn’t done anything. I couldn’t think how I was going to deal with this situation if he wouldn’t even admit to his part in it and I pitied Knox for drawing the ire of someone so intimidating for no good reason. I thought Bellamy understood how impossible it was for anyone to lure me away from him and considered voicing these reassurances, but I was still too nervous to put my feelings into words in case it scared him off.
“I just don’t trust him, he wasn’t part of our camp.” He excused and I rolled my eyes at his blatant omission of the truth. I knew that the fact that Knox wasn’t here before was likely the foundation of the issue, but I suspected that it was specifically because he hadn’t witnessed the development of the bond between Bellamy and I. Everyone from our old camp knew that I was off limits, without him having to label us as anything. I calculated that Bellamy was uncomfortable with the fact that I hadn’t been marked as unavailable to this particular male. Whilst lost in thought, I didn’t notice Bellamy stepping closer until he carefully brushed my hair behind my ear with a flirtatious expression. 
“Did I mention that you look pretty today?” He drawled and I couldn’t contain a snort of laughter at his new tactic.
“Don’t change the topic.” I warned with a blatant lilt of amusement. He brought his hands to rest on my hips as he closed into my space and bit his lip in a way that he knew drove me wild. I willed myself not to be distracted by his sly methods and held my ground for as long as I could.
“I’m not. I just can’t help being distracted by you.” He crooned as he leaned in to place a lingering kiss on my cheek and I fixed him with a suspicious look when he met my eyes again.
“I know what you’re doing Bel.” I groaned as I caught him glancing over to check that Knox was watching and I sighed in exasperation at his ridiculous, testosterone fuelled competition.
“Ditch work. I have a couple hours free.” He whispered, before busying himself with trailing kisses from my cheek down my neck and I struggled to concentrate despite my best efforts as he pulled me flush to him. I glanced over at Knox who was awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with himself as he tried to act as if he hadn’t seen anything and knew that Bellamy had already accomplished his goal. At this point, convincing me into bed was just an additional prize and he was doing frustratingly well at earning it. He straightened up to meet my eyes with a keen smile and although I battled to retain my stern expression, I could feel that it didn’t reach my eyes. 
“I thought you didn’t like rules, Love.” He teased as he gradually tilted his head to press his lips to mine and I felt my eyes involuntarily drift closed. It was impossible to reason with him when he resorted to these kinds of tactics and underneath the swirling attraction of my body, I was fuming with myself for giving in to him. I felt myself resting on his chest and as he wound his fingers into my hair, I knew that I had already lost the battle. As we parted for air, I glazed up at him with an arousal obvious in my eyes and he smiled smugly in return.
“You’re a terrible influence.” I stated in a breathy voice as he led me inside the Ark in a victorious strut.
The following day Bellamy was gone before I woke again. I couldn’t deny the feeling that he was avoiding discussing his behaviour and my mind obsessed over my recent actions constantly for any error on my part. As a result of my lack of focus, Octavia hammered me with attacks during our session and she eventually ended it early out of frustration. I found myself wandering camp aimlessly as I was completely lost in thought and felt too awkward at the idea of seeing Knox to volunteer for a shift in mechanical. 
Instead, I sought out a quiet spot on camp to reflect where I hoped that I wouldn’t be easily found. Despite all of my internal analysis, I couldn't think of any interactions between Knox and I that could be interpreted as inappropriate and was therefore stuck at the same dead end as before on what I could do to fix this issue with Bellamy. There was a set of footsteps that I was vaguely aware of in my vicinity but I paid it little attention until they approached me and someone cleared their throat as they dropped into a seat opposite.
“You look like you have a lot on your mind.” I glanced up to find Harper examining me with a fond expression and was immediately relieved.
“Pretty sure that’s just my default expression. I honestly can’t remember a time where I didn’t have much to think about.” I stated with an amused smile and she shrugged in response. “Sorry I haven’t checked in with you since we got back. How are you managing?” I enquired with a genuine interest as I leaned forward to examine her. Although our conversations had been limited, Harper had always been kind to me, especially in our time in captivity and it left an enduring fondness for her.
“It’s okay, we’ve all had a lot on our plates, especially with reunions.” She sighed before fixing me with a knowing look that wasn’t filled with mischief or teasing like Octavia or Raven, but simply appreciation for my happiness. “It’s an adjustment, being outside again and with our own people. It’s different to before and there’s something bizarre about living back inside the Ark of all things. I think it’ll take some time to get used to for all of us.” She explained thoughtfully and I hummed in agreement. It was a comfort to discover that I wasn’t the only person here who found this transition challenging and I found that she quickly minimised the anxiety that I was feeling with just her calm company. “I’m glad to have other people around who understand what we went through in there, it makes it easier to deal with the after effects and nightmares.” She muttered as my brows furrowed in concern.
“You’re having them too, huh?” I revealed and her face contorted into a mixture of pity and relief. “Everything heals with time, right?” I added with a supportive smile. “If you ever need to talk about it, I’ve always got time for you Harp. You were there for me at my worst, I want you to know that I’m grateful and I won’t ever forget it.” I divulged as I fidgeted awkwardly on the spot and she smiled thankfully. It was difficult for me to discuss my feelings with new people and although I felt it was important to say, I still felt uncomfortable.
“Thanks. I know I’ll get there eventually, it’s just a process. Monty had been a godsend.” She commented idly and I felt the corners of my lips twitch up toward a smile as she peaked my interest.
“Monty, huh?” I repeated with a forced casual tone and as she avoided meeting my eyes, she cleared her throat uncomfortably. “Yeah, he’s a great guy, easily the most dependable person I’ve met. He’s also kind and wise, and probably the best person you could lean on for support right now. He’ll steer you right, he always has me.” I detailed honestly and when she next met my eyes, I could tell that she already knew all of these things.
“You know, if I didn’t already know about you and Bellamy, I’d think you had a thing for Monty.” She remarked in a way that tried to sound careless, but I knew these kinds of false offhand comments too well to be fooled. I’d used this method many times before when denying my feelings for Bellamy and I was inwardly thrilled to find her speaking of Monty in such a way. I scoffed at her words as genuine laughter escaped me at this idea. 
“Monty is like my little brother, Harp. Jasper too. I absolutely treasure them, but from day one there has never been a question of anything else between us.” I informed her with an overwhelming delight and it was obvious that she was pleased to hear this. “And if it weren’t for Monty’s tendency to gossip like a teenage girl, you wouldn’t know about my lovelife either.” I added with a quirked brow and she snorted in disbelief.
“Right, cause that’s a total secret.” She drawled and I shook my head at her with entertainment. I didn’t mind Harper’s comments as I knew that they were harmless and tried not to allow her words to take root in my mind. “So, Monty’s not involved with you?” She specified and I knew immediately from my own experiences exactly what she truly meant to ask.
“Monty’s not involved with anyone and yes, I’m sure because that boy can’t keep a secret to save his life.” I chuckled and she quickly relaxed at my confirmation. “And as far as I’m aware, if you were to express an interest, it would be well received.” I crooned with a playful wink and her cheeks rapidly flushed.
“I didn’t - I wasn’t - I mean-” She rapidly stuttered as she waved her hands in panic and I smiled smugly at her. I considered taunting the admission from her as my other girlfriends had so often done to me, but as I was in her shoes not so long ago, I decided to cut her some slack.
“Hmm, of course.” I commented finally as I decided not to pursue the topic any further. The seed had been sewn in her mind, now I just had to be patient and allow it to grow. She cleared her throat and seemed to be struggling to think of something else to discuss. My unique understanding of her situation would not allow me to leave her to flounder any longer and so I offered a new line of conversation for her to escape through. “How are you finding guard duty? I didn’t expect you to be so quick to throw yourself back into the fire.” I enquired with genuine interest and she shrugged casually.
“Why not? I was trained in the original group at our old camp; it felt like a waste to not use those skills again.” She explained and I nodded in understanding. I had already forgotten that she was originally part of Bellamy’s militia and found myself hoping that her new post would help to rebuild her confidence following the especially exaggerated trauma that she had from her experiences in Mount Weather. “It’s going well, obviously the first patrol didn’t exactly go to plan, but since when does anything on Earth.” She commented and I sniggered at her point. I couldn’t think of a single plan that had gone ahead without issue since we arrived. “It’s nice to have a purpose, I think that’s why most of us joined. There’s a few people who weren’t at the original camp who are there for not so great reasons, but maybe the experience will help to toughen them up.” She stated with a maturity that demonstrated the hardships she had survived and I tilted my head at her quizzically.
“How do you mean?” I questioned and she shuffled awkwardly as if she had said something that she didn’t mean to.
“Well, prime example. There’s this girl called Mel, she’s the sole survivor from factory station. She volunteered for a guard post and she’s done the training, but it just feels totally hollow. I’m pretty sure she only joined because Bellamy is teaching and she seems more like she’s checking him out than actually paying attention to what he’s saying. She was gushing to some of the others about how he saved her from a cliffside when we were in Mount Weather and how she thinks he’s so selfless and dedicated. I’m just getting sick of watching her flirt with him when she should be concentrating on staying alive. Then there’s Ray, who’s only focus is on killing anything that threatens us because she’s terrified and Max who’s just there to show off.” She ranted in a way that I’d never seen her speak before and it was clear that she needed to get these thoughts off her mind. I listened quietly and tried not to be aggravated by her description of this girl’s behaviour around Bellamy. 
“I don’t know, I don’t want to sound jaded but it’s just kinda frustrating having them there. I know it’s not their fault but they’re so unaware. It feels like they’re at the point we were when we first landed and we already went through those growing pains to become smarter. We constantly have to watch out for them so they don’t get themselves killed and I just don’t have the patience to babysit a bunch of kids who aren’t taking this seriously. Does that make me a bad person?” She slowed as she came to this question and met my eyes with a regretful vulnerability. 
“No, it just makes you human.” I breathed with an understanding smile. “It’s okay to feel frustrated, like you said, we already did this. We just have to try to be patient with them and give them a chance to grow. Hopefully they won’t have it as hard as we did.” I advised as I thought back to Knox’s conversation about the change in Monty and Jasper. It was only natural for our two groups to be at odds at the moment, we were vastly different and our life experiences had shaped us to be cold and distrusting. I hoped that with time we might be able to learn from each other and meet somewhere in the middle. As I reflected on this, Harper sighed in relief as if a weight had been lifted from her and observed me closely.
“You don’t have to worry about Mel, I’m honestly sorry that I even brought her up.” She stated sheepishly and my eyes shot up to meet hers in surprise. “When Bellamy was out on that patrol, it was obvious that all he could think about was getting safely back to you.” She revealed and I found myself smiling despite my best efforts to conceal my emotions. “I’m glad to see you together, you balance each other out well, you know. He has brought back the personality in you and you bring out the best in him.” She added thoughtfully and I chuckled lightly at her analysis. “You’re a cute couple.” She teased with a wink and I rolled my eyes at her.
“We’re not a couple. And Bellamy can flirt with whoever he wants.” I stated adamantly as I crossed my arms and she stared back at me with disbelief.
“Whatever you say.” She crooned and I knew that she was exacting vengeance for my earlier taunting. “Well, I’ll keep you updated on the Mel situation, just in case you decide you care.” She winked and I rolled my eyes at her.
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
Let’s talk about Hazbin Hotel
So, I finally sat down and watched Hazbin Hotel. I’d heard so much about it and felt the need to launch myself headfirst into having my own opinions about it instead of just listening to other people talking about it. This is gonna be a long post, so I’m gonna put it behind a neat little read more. Please note that this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys adult humour and edgy humour and themes. I’ve got no problem with something that’s all swearing and raunchy jokes. It just needs to be done right.
Point 1 - The Plot The plot is describes as the Princess of Hell trying to open a new hotel to rehabilitate sinners so they don’t get exterminated during the yearly heavenly extermination to deal with Hell’s overpopulation problems. This plot is quickly undone through a few things that anyone can notice during the first viewing. 1 - Overpopulation? WHAT population? The scenery is most often noticeably devoid of any signs of life, outside of when background characters are called for. The scene where Charlie’s doing her news presentation is the most notable example of background characters. After this scene, we see almost nobody outside of the main cast and those weird little egg things. There are a few throwaway demons but outside of that, the streets are devoid of people. There aren’t even the corpses we had just seen during that opening scene. 2 - Charlie may as well be a total nobody what with all the power being the Princess of Hell holds. Just look at how the other characters treat her. You’d think the Princess of Hell would have some kind of benefit that would sway people towards agreeing with this whole idea. Instead, she gets mocked by just about everyone for reasons I can only guess involve winning her sympathy points from the audience. 3 - At no point does she give any proof that redemption would work. She basically says, “Hey guys! I hate seeing you all die, so I have this idea that has no backing evidence, that may or may not work, to try and get you guys into Heaven! Let me sing a song about it where I insult you all!”
Point 2 - Presentation I applaud the animators. Must’ve been hard, especially for Charlie’s overly fast song that really didn’t need to be nightcored, or literally any time Angel Dust was on-screen. Frame by frame. No rigs. All those stripes. All those colours that blend if you stare at them too hard or squint even slightly while watching. All that unnecessarily constant movement. It’s no wonder the thing took four bloody years to animate. Outside of animation, there are too many unneeded details and not enough needed details. Seriously. 1 - The turf war. We didn’t need this. We didn’t need this at all. If you take out the entire opening to it and the entire actual fight scene here, the episode still flows smoothly and we get the same amount of information and worldbuilding. In a pilot/first episode, you should only give the audience necessary details. Leave them wanting more, yes, but make sure they actually know what they’re getting into from the first episode. Make every scene count. Make it mean something. Don’t just shove every detail you can think of together and call it a day, especially if you don’t actually give the audience much information from it. 2 - Why is Hell overpopulated? Why isn’t Heaven? Why can angels go from Heaven to Hell, but demons can’t go from Hell to Heaven? Why does nobody care about being redeemed if Hell is so overpopulated that Angels annually come down and kill people because of it? Why does everyone treat the Princess of Hell like she’s worthless? Why doesn’t Angel Dust know about Alastor if they got into hell within 10 years of each other? Where is this supposed overpopulation problem? Would redemption even work in the first place? Why should I care about most of these characters (who are mostly complete jerks with no redeeming qualities other than “PROTAGONIST”, especially when two of the fan favourites repeatedly sexually assault other characters and, in one case, is both sexist and racist at one point)? Why are there turf wars? I should not be having to ask these questions. Don’t hold the audience’s hand, but don’t leave every single question you present in the show unanswered. Some of the questions presented make absolute sense to leave unanswered. Why does Alastor want to help with the hotel? Why are characters like Vaggie and Niffty, who do nothing all that bad, in Hell? These are questions that make total sense to leave unanswered for now. 3 - What crime is too terrible to be redeemed for? Charlie seems to think that literally everyone can be redeemed. That means murderers, rapists, abusers, tormentors... Certainly her song holds some kind of key to figuring it out! “Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac” Hmm... Okay... “All of you cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants and boozers” Uh... “So, all your cartoon porn addictions, vegan rants, psychic predictions Ancient Roman crucifixions end right here All you monsters, thieves and crazies, cannibals and crying babies" Oh... Also, did she imply that mental illness, alcoholism, drug dependency, plant-based diets/lifestyles, rabies and enjoyment of sex were sins in that song?
Point 3 - Edgy for the sake of edgy Hazbin Hotel tries to be an adult cartoon, but comes off as something a mentally disturbed teenager wrote during their emo/scene phase. 1 - The swearing and sex jokes. Oh boy. I’ve worked with children under the age of 15 who swear and crack sex jokes better than the adults in this show. The swearing and sex jokes are the only reasons this show couldn’t be aired as a Cartoon Network show aimed at edgy teenagers. It’s so poorly done that it in and of itself takes away from the quality of the show itself. Also, we have a character who’s name is an actual sex joke itself. Vaggie, full name Vagatha - a lesbian sex worker, of course. Fun fact for those who don’t know, but all of her previous character drafts had her name as some form of joke on the word vagina. This isn’t an accident, this is blatant and intentional. Also, here’s a pro tip for you! You can make an adult-oriented show without having swearing, slurs and sex jokes taking up a solid third or more of your script. 2 - The... “Representation”. Yes, Hazbin Hotel has LGBT+ characters! Yes, it has biracial and Latina characters! Charlie is bi, Vaggie is a Latina lesbian, Angel Dust is a gay man, Alastor is ace and biracial, Husk is pan, Niffty is Japanese (YIKES). Except none of it actually matters. No, really. Vivziepop was all like, “btw you can ship w/e, idc! also, i rlly like the fanon version of human alastor (who is whiter than marshmallow fluff even though he’s supposed to be half black)! :)” and threw all that out the window because... Who knows at this point. Now, if you look at the connected series, Helluva Boss, you get Moxie and Millie - an extremely obvious and loving couple. In Hazbin Hotel, you get Charlie and Vaggie who you probably couldn’t tell were a couple without somebody telling you that in the first place, what with all the loveydovey-ness going on with them. In fact, the biggest hint we even get is literally one line. “Life ain’t a musical, hun.” But then again, I’d be more apt to believe Charlie and Vaggie are friends, or Vaggie is pining after Charlie. Also, Charlie is a really bad girlfriend! She lets Vaggie get abused by practically the entire cast without so much as a single word in her defense and ignores everything Vaggie says. It came as no surprise when I remembered hearing about how the only reason these two are a couple is because one of the people on the team thought they were during storyboarding and Vivziepop just went with it. Also, fun fact, Vaggie fits both the angry lesbian and fiery Latina stereotypes. Charlie fits the stereotype for the bisexual cheater, what with how she seems to actually like Alastor more than her own bloody girlfriend. Alastor is canonically ace because he’s too full of himself to be with anyone else. Speaking as somebody who’s ace... WHAT?! As much as I don’t like Charlastor, it’s partially more popular than Chaggie because Vivziepop actually made them act like a couple for an entire musical number. Also, he’s annoying. He not only kept telling Vaggie to smile (heck you dude), he also smacked her butt, which is a form of sexual assault, people. This was all played for laughs, along with Vaggie’s (actually very reasonable) anger. Niffty is Japanese. A yellow-skinned demon who’s boy crazy and obsessed with cleaning... Big yikes. Finally, Angel Dust. The kinky gay man porn star/drag queen/drug addict/prostitute who verbally sexually assaulted two guys. Where do I begin. When it came to this guy, Vivziepop must’ve been like, “Imma throw every stereotype for gay men on this guy and call it a character!” If you look a Helluva Boss again, you get Stolas, who verbally sexually assaults Blitzo over the phone and also cheated on his wife with him in the first place, so this isn’t a one-off. Also, he was originally AFAB, so that whole line about “Why are you all women?” is more than a little heinous and in extremely poor taste.
In conclusion, this show is terrible. Everything about it. It needs some serious reworking, because as it stands, it’s really truly not that great of a creation.
tl;dr: Needs a lot of work and “ThEy’Re In HeLl!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!11″ isn’t even remotely an excuse for the genuine problems in it. Remember, at least one actual human being on Earth, not in Hell, wrote this garbage fire. Also, the animators deserve a higher wage than whatever they’re getting to deal with these designs. I shudder just thinking about animating them, with or without a rig.
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Survey #224
“i don’t miss you, i miss the misery.”
What’s a hobby you would like to try out? Digital art. What sort of a kiss do you count as the first kiss? A mutual effort to kiss. Like, you both purse your lips. What time is too early for you? 5:00 A.M. is generally when if I wake up, I'll go back to bed. Have you ever won a raffle? If so, what’ve you won? Yes, actually. I very faintly remember winning something up in New York at a bowling alley as a family when I was little. Idr what we won. What’s the most useless thing you have vast knowledge on? Probably Silent Hill lol, if we're talking about truly useless. Video game lore and such knowledge isn't exactly truly useful. Is there anything you feel you’re better at than anybody else? No. What’s the biggest insect you’ve ever seen? Uhhh probably some kind of beetle. How about the biggest spider? A bird-eating tarantula when I was at the reptile convention with Sara. When’s the last time you played Pac-Man? WOW, it's been years. I've only ever played it on my childhood GameBoy. What is your favorite winter Olympic sport? I guess ice skating is pretty, but I don't care about sports. You Internet dies; what do you do for the next little while? Ummm this is when I feel like a caveman lmao. Probably... play Nintendogs on my DS. I hate hate hate how reliant I am on technology. What was the last test you completely failed? Recently on my first math test of this year. I bombed it, but at least I wasn't alone I guess. Oh look, it’s snowing outside! Do you get excited? Hell yes. Is your room covered in posters, or pretty bare? My walls are coooooverrrrrred. What sport do you completely fail at? I went to a volleyball summer camp thing in school years upon years ago and that shit HURT. I don't think I stayed the whole duration of it. Do you ever question life and existence? Not really anymore. Why does it really even matter why we're here, just make the most of it. Admit it, we all love brand named clothes. What’s your favorite? I genuinely don't care about brand names. Would you ever risk having a house party when you’re parents are gone? Hell no. What are you plans for the future? Achieve a stable career, learn to drive and have my own car, buy my own home, move in with the person I love, have lots of pets, and most importantly just be happy and content. Is your cell phone on vibrate? It pretty much always is. Is your dishwasher full? We don't have a dishwasher; we have to wash by hand. What are your thoughts on Avenged Sevenfold? I don't know many of their songs, but they're fine, from what I've heard. Have you ever played tennis? No, I don't have that coordination. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? I think so. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Who is the last baby you held? Colleen's son forever ago because she needed me to. Would you ever consider being a cannibal? Wow no. Do you have any scars from an animal? Possibly, idk. I have a lot of small scars. How have you been sleeping? Awful. I've pretty damn consistently been having screaming fits (I mean, actually shrieking) at night where I attack my bed from nightmares. I actually recently hurt my hand from it. I want to go to the doctor about it, it's really worrying me. Are you adopted? No. Do you like scrapbooking? I'm not really a crafts person, no. Do you collect anything valuable? No. How many house phones do you have? Zero. We only use cellphones. Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? I don't believe so, thankfully. What was the last thing you killed? I at least tried crushing a flea. Mom used some kind of spray on the dogs outside, but it resulted in them just hopping off them inside too, apparently. Whose number did you last get? I have no idea. Have you ever thought about stepping in front of a car? I mean, I've had like those passive thoughts; you know, like when you're up somewhere high and your brain tells you to jump. But never seriously. Have you ever lied down in the middle of the street? Don't give me The Notebook flashbacks pls sobs. Anyway, ha ha, yes, only because my sister wanted a picture of us huddled together when Misty was here? Everyone loves that picture though so thanks for taking it Jason, lol. Do you listen to explicit music? Some songs, sure. Have you ever used someone for money? I could never live with myself doing that. Do you own colored eyeliner? No, just black. When was the last time that you had a pet that died? Some time last year when we got two sick rats in a row. Have you ever tried peanut butter and bananas together? Yeah, pb&banana sandwiches are pretty good. Do you have any mental disorders? *opens notes* Chronic depression, crippling social anxiety, severe generalized anxiety, bipolarity II, AvPD, PTSD, and OCD W O W ! ! ! ! ! Have you ever had to live with a friend? Yes, when we got evicted in '17. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Hell no. Why does the little kid have leukemia? So God can scare you into faith to save the child he cursed with the disease? Why did my sick kitten get run over when I was a kid? Why was my sister almost raped as a teen? I could go on forever about this. Life gets a lot more bearable once you just accept the shit isn't fair and has no rhyme or reason. You just have to live with it. Do you believe in sex before marriage? I believe in sex once you feel truly in love with someone. Just be safe with it. Do you know anyone who married their high school sweetheart? Two, off the top of my head. Have you ever known anyone who died at war? I don''t think so. Who was the last person to hug you? My niece of nephew, I'm sure. Who is your favorite female celebrity? ... Wowie, why are like, all the ones I'm seriously invested in males. I suppose maybe Eugenia Cooney? Her recovery and development is like so fucking beautiful and I am 99.99% there isn't a sweeter person in existence. Were you nervous on your first day of high school? A little bit, of course. Three words to describe your best friend: Loyal, honest, and supportive as all fuck. Are you literally afraid of anyone? Yes. Who did you last take a picture with? My dad, I think? Literally forever ago? Who was the last person to comfort you? Sara. Who was the last person to unsurprisingly disappoint you? Mom. If she says "yeah we'll do (whatever)," don't hold her to it, ever. If you answer a question wrong in class, does it embarrass you? YEAH. What’s your favorite Lady Gaga song? "Bad Romance" is the shit. I also really like the "Love Game" remix with Marilyn Manson in it. Would you date someone who smokes? No sir. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? Why or why not? That's an even bigger "no sir." Would you date the same sex? Why or why not? Well yeah, 'cuz I'm bisexual. What’s your biggest turn off? Physically, bad hygiene. Personality-wise, being full of yourself and overly-confident is such a turn-off. What’s your biggest turn on, physically? Do. Not. Touch. My. Boobs. Where would you go on a first date? Me personally, I think a safe bet is the movies. The first date is always so nerve-wracking, so a movie takes away some of the pressure to talk as much as you can. HOWEVER, I think it's very important to have bonding/getting to know each other time, so I think having a meal together is a nice addition. Most hurtful relationship? The ending of mine and Jason's. Ever regretted breaking up with someone? No. Have you ever dated someone more than once? No. Do you miss any of your exes? I mean, I miss Jason as a friend, though I know it's probably for the better we no longer associate with one another. What’s your biggest turn on, NOT physically? Romance. Act respectful, like you truly love and want me as a partner. Obviously see me as your equal. What is the sweetest thing someone you dated did for you? Probably Sara actually listening and not getting jealous or annoyed by me talking about my occasional bad PTSD days. Last time you got flowers? A random day Tyler came over when we were dating in early '17. Are you ready to get into a serious relationship right now? I'm in one now. Do you like cuddling? If I romantically like you, I am a total cuddlebug. Do you regret dating anyone? Why or why not? Idk. I wanna say Tyler, but I mean, it tested my ability to say "fuck no I'm not dealing with (whatever trait)." Most important lesson you have learned from dating? DO!!! NOT!!!!! EVER!!!!!! RELY!!!!! ON A PERSON!!!!!! TO BE!!!!!!!! YOUR SOLE SOURCE!!!!!!!!!!! OF HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!! What does it take to get you on a date? I mean, ask? Be clear that you're interested in me? Are you happier single or in a relationship? In a relationship. I just feel like there's some sort of validation I'm an interesting and/or fun person. Favorite ex? This is a... weird question. I mean, Girt is the only one I remain in contact with and adore as a friend, but I was VERY easily most in love with Jason. How important are looks? I really can't say I care much. I mean yes, it's harder to be sexually attracted to someone you don't find visually pleasing, but I've dated people I wasn't physically attracted to before, and looks didn't hold me back from dating them or being romantically attracted to them. How do you know when you are in love? Oh, you know. I can't really explain it, you just like... know. If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? NO SIR-EE. Have you ever been ashamed of anyone you were dating? No. Favorite memories with an ex? I don't want to ponder this for my PTSD's sake. I have a novel of "favorite" memories with him. Would you name a child of yours after you? Ugh, no. I honestly hate that. Like... it seems so egotistical, and why would you WANT to?? Like... that's your name. I just don't get it, at all. Obsessions? Markiplier is ACTUALLY the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, & I love lots of other YouTubers (no others really to the point of obsession tho, I'd say.... well, maybe Game Grumps), m e e r k a t s, the Silent Hill series, uhhhhh maybe that's it as far as real obsession goes. Perhaps Shadow of the Colossus with how many times I've played and beaten the thing. Addictions? I'm perfectly aware and regretful of just how reliant I am on technology. I turn into a caveman without it. I'm proooobably addicted to soda, fuckin' rip. Do you speak another language? Not anymore. I want to take German again, though, to refresh my memory and further improve, but I only really plan to if I have serious plans to visit Germany. Do you have a webpage? I have a Wix for my photography that I spent eons on jc. Do you live in the moment? Honestly, I don't feel so, most of the time at least. I'm always worrying and thinking about the future. Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? I'm, for the most part, extremely tolerant, though I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that I'm becoming less so with time. Like ex., now, I seriously don't think I could be your friend if you don't support gay rights. There's just some shit I see as so ridiculous that I don't want to associate with you and give you my tolerance of your bullshit, hateful opinion. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I'm 23 years old. What are your #1 priorities in life? My happiness, my health, Sara, my pets. Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Yeah. Certain types or urges in different situations, my religious anger and spite, my absolutely malice for my sister's horrid dog that for whatever fucking reason lives with us and not her... that kinda stuff. I think mostly just things relating to anger. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Hey anxiety, could you like?????????????? fuck off???????????????? Do you think you are emotionally strong? I will fucking NOT associate with your ass if you think I'm not after all the shit I've been through. Period. Not up for debate. What is your first name? *intro to B. Spears' "Gimme More" plays in the distance* Who was the first person you spoke to in person today? My mother. What was your first pet? The family cat Chance. If you mean like, actually mine, either Squeak the guinea pig or Shadow the Chinese water dragon. What was your first job? A GameStop sales clerk. How long was your first relationship? In my puppy-dog love middle school experience, maybe like, a couple of months? My first real one was three and half years. Who was the first person to break your heart? If you mean in any form, not just romantically, my dad when he abandoned us. Romantically, Jason. First person to give you flowers or candy on Valentine’s day? Other than my loved ones, Aaron, my 7th grade bf. First band you obsessed about? Truly obsessed with, Ozzy Osbourne. I loved Green Day as a kid, but it wasn't an obsession. First place you lived? Along the coastal plain/Piedmont border in North Carolina. First alcoholic beverage? Mike's Hard Lemonade. gud shit. First place someone took you on a date? I think Aaron and I went on a group date to the rollerskating rink first? That was a great day. Can you do a backflip? I'd break my neck, homie. Are you listening to anything right now? I'm binging Mother Mother. "Letter" is on right now. What do you do when you can’t fall asleep? Do exactly what you shouldn't do and get on the laptop, lmao. What’s the biggest lie you’ve told someone? There's something I told Jason in my first letter to him after the breakup that I honestly... don't know if it was a lie or not. I was so goddamn hurt that I'd say almost anything. I don't want to talk about it, though. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same sex? She's my girlfriend of two years, I'd hope she woulda by now, lmao. Have you ever been engaged and broke it off? Nope. Have you ever found pictures on your camera you don’t remember taking? I don't think so. Has anyone ever drawn a picture of you? I don't believe so. WAIT. Tyler drew a picture of me and him, I think? At least she had my common outfit. Have you ever dated a redhead? No. Where is your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? I'm always in my room alone, so like- Do you have any nieces or nephews? Boy, a lot. Do any of your friends have children? Yes. Is there anything you’re craving right now? I've honestly been a horny POS for forever now. What caused the last argument you had? My sister's mother-in-law being a homophobic piece of garbage. What was the last movie you watched? Good question. It's been a long time. Where were you the last time you kissed someone? The airport. Where was your last paycheck from? The day I worked at the dollar store for two hours and got $9 lmao. What was the last school you received a degree from? My high school. What did the last key you used go to? My house. Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive? She's gorgeous. Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced? I have snake eyes now, which I got done twice, because the first time, it was pierced too far back, so the swelling of my tongue literally started to swallow/heal over the bar. :') But it was worth it; it was by far the most painful piercing (the second time actually made me nauseous), but it's my favorite. What’s the background on your phone? My lock screen is fanart of Darkiplier & the simple picture impregnated me; my home screen is Sara and me. Are you a parent? To pets. :') How are things between you and the person you are with? Great. Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone? Idk, my mom, probably. If you have a birthmark, where and what color? Yeah, exterior of my right arm. It's a slightly darker brown that the rest of my skin. When was the last time you felt nauseous? A while back. List three things that make you feel nauseous. THE SOUND OF VOMITING, even preparing to attempt to pick up pet shit, and uhhhh, how am I blanking. I guess certain smells? Idk. Do your parents support your dreams? Yes. List three of your favorite types of YouTube videos to watch. Comedy ones between friends, let's plays, and Mark's character ones are a unique and Supreme brand of video. What is your favorite park? Idk, I haven't been to many. Do you get fireflies where you live? Yep. What is the name of your YouTube channel, if you have one? 0zzkat (it's a zero). Do you wear the same shirt and shorts multiple times before washing? Only pj pants. If I actually go out in clothes, no, I change. What is your favorite store at the mall? Hot Topiiiiiic. Has a medication ever given you nightmares? Yes. I can't remember which it was, though. And I suppose one I'm on now might be causing them? Would you rather be surrounded by maple trees, fir trees, or palm trees? MAPLE!!!!!!!!!! How many different states have you lived in? Only one. What’s your favorite thing to do on a hot day? Swiiiiiim. Do you know anyone who’s allergic to bees? I don't think so. What does your favorite bikini look like? Sweetheart, nobody wants to see me in a bikini. What is your favorite thing to do at the beach? Swim. Do you think you are attractive? Nope. Who have you hugged in the past month? Mom, probably, and I actually think that's it. Are you good at recovering from injuries? Uh, I mean, I guess? Do you have more piercings or tattoos? They're tied at six, actually. Last bad news you heard? Some guy recently tried to break into Nicole's friend's house while she was home alone, but she scared him off with a shotgun through the window. I'm still not fucking over it. Last good news you heard? I got a 94 on the final test for the book we read in Writing. What was the last thing you posted on a Instagram? I only ever post photography on both of mine, so some picture. Do you prefer to live alone or live in a family? I wouldn't know; I never lived alone. What states have you visited, that you remember? New York, Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, and I recall Ohio VERY faintly. Oh yeah, and Tennessee, but that's a vague memory as well. OH, HOW DID I FORGET ILLINOIS?????????? What countries have you visited? I've never left North America. What are five careers you’ve considered? In chronological order, some that I've considered are paleontologist, vet, movie designer, game designer, and photographer. What do you wish your hair looked like? I really wanna dye it silver rn. Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? I still care for him, yeah. I guess I'm in a way still protective of him, too, as I saw very clearly when a tornado landed in his general area this summer, and I felt like a total mama bear that desperately wanted to know if he was okay. I know in my gut I'd probably knock a bitch out if he was seriously hurt. I know, the absolute apex of irony. Who was the last person you called? Mom. Do you take pictures on your phone? Very rarely. My camera SUCKS. How old were you the first time you encountered God? Oh, brother. Have you ever hallucinated? In middle school when I was coming off of a medication, I saw moving shadows. Do you struggle to get by? I'm not the one who cares for myself financially; I still live "under" my mother, but oh yeah, we struggle alright. Who is the best looking male celebrity, in your opinion? ggggggggggggggggggIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL looking at him forces me into ovulation lmao y'all done know who it is. Do you use Snapchat? No. Do you know anyone who’s colorblind? Jason's brother was colorblind to I believe red and green. I know it was two colors. What is your favorite time of day to run? Run???????????????? If I run, bitch you best be running too. What’s a show you remember the very first episode of? Meerkat Manor and That '70s Show are quite clear. I'm sure there are others, I just don't care to think too long about this. Do you hate sleeping in? If I need it, not really, but generally, I don't want to sleep past ~10:30. How late do you consider too late to sleep in? 12:00. What is something of yours that is falling apart? Ha ha ha, the very first thing that came to mind was our poor shed door. Hurricanes have legit torn most of the white paint off of it to where it hangs in strips. It looks so bad; I've told my mom so many times to just tear them off, but she thinks it would look worse that way. When was the last time you saw your crush? February. Sobs loudly. When was your due date, and when were you born? I was due January 20-something, but was born on February 5th, but only because my mom was induced. Do you want to have kids? NO. What website do you usually check first when you get online? KM, just to ensure it's not on fire.
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herteardrop · 6 years
World of Dreams | Connor (RK800) x Reader
Chapter 2 - Detective, this is a crime scene.
|Chapter 1|
Summary: You are an intern at the Detroit Police Department, and you were specifically put under Hank’s wing. You have to shadow him, watching what he does, his cases, everything. His android, Connor finds a peculiar interest in you since the start. Something about you keeps attracting him to you. You are however oblivious to it. Will you cope with the upcoming circumstances?
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[A/N] Holy shit yall this. one. Is. LONG. I just couldn’t stop writing, it was like my hands had a mind of its own. My fingers are cramping now omfg. btw Thank you for the kind words on the last chapter! It means so much to me :3 It’s what motivated me to keep writing and make this chapter long....also my obsession with Connor is partlyy the reason too hehe. So enjoy this gem you beauties! <3
Warning(s): Since this chapter is where you’ll be in a crime scene, there are descriptions of some gnarly stuff. Also, sexual abuse, suicide, some swearing (mostly by Hank), and Connor being a cutie patootie as usual.
Note(s): Y/N = Your name | L/N = Last name
Words: 5989 words
Song inspiration: Nocturnal by The Midnight
“This is the place.”
Hank rolled up to the apartment complex. It was already crowded with the media and cops, the rain still raged against the ground, it was going to be the long day. The apartment building was tall, and the crime occurred on the 27th floor. You noticed a helicopter surveying the perimeter, you supposed the deviant had not escaped and was still here.
The rain splattered against the window pane in the backseat. You were scared the road may flood by the downpour of the heavy rain. You grabbed your stuff and your umbrella.
Hank and Connor got out of the car, “Stay in the car.” Hank demanded to you.
“Excuse me?”
Hank leaned into the car from the open car door, “You’re an intern, you aren’t qualified to enter a crime scene.” He huffed then slammed the car door shut. Connor stood outside, staring at you for a while before Hank ushered him to follow, leaving you in the car absolutely fuming.
You sat, with your arms crossed, like a little child. Who the hell was he to tell you not to go into a crime scene?
He’s your superior, obviously.
Shut up, brain.
You watched as Hank and Connor approached the apartment building. You sat there in silence for a while.
Fuck it.
You kicked open the car door. Well, you didn’t kick, but you opened it with much force. Quickly, you expanded your umbrella, saving yourself from the bullet pellets that you called rain, falling on your head.
You rushed towards the duo, your black boots kicking against the water puddles.
Hank saw your form rushing towards him, and he couldn’t help but let out a long droned out groan. He was getting too old for this shit. He felt like a parent again, but this time hypothetically he had to look over two teenage idiots who would not stop ignoring his orders.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay in the car?” Hank groaned.
“Mr. Anderson, I may be an intern, but I am under your mentorship, I must be following whatever you do. It is your responsibility to show me everything and my responsibility to not come in the middle of your work. I hope you understand.” You declared.
Hank looked at you, then at Connor. Connor looked lost in all of this, he was as confused as Hank. Hank gawked at you, “Why are you talking like an android?”
Blood rushed to your face, you usually got like this whenever you were pissed. But no one ever compared you to an android before. You looked to Connor, as usual he had an expression you couldn’t really read. It was neutral. But then you saw the LED on the side of his head flicker between yellow and blue. Huh, you wonder what that meant.
“Alright, we’re wasting time. Just stay on my tail and don’t fuck up the crime scene got it?” Hank pointed a finger at you.
You gleamed with joy, “Got it.”
There was blood everywhere.
On the floor, painted on the walls, coated on every furniture.
And the apartment was a mess, furniture was toppled over, every single glass fixture was smashed, the hanging lights were out from their sockets. You would think a cyclone hit this place, but it was an android.
“Holy shit…” Hank exclaimed.
“Yeah, that’s what I said too.” Another officer next to Hank chuckled.
You on the other hand were about to gag. You covered your nose with your jacket’s sleeve. Connor was at your side, he seemed to be unfazed by it all.
“Do you not smell that?” you asked, your voice muffled by the thick material of your jacket.
Connor glanced down at you, “I do have sense receptors that allow me to identify a type of smell and which substance it may belong to. But my biocomponents lack the repulse reflex that humans are imbedded with.”
You raised your eyebrows at his usual overly eloquent answers. You smiled under your sleeve, his raspy yet soothing soft voice somehow distracted you from the horrid sight.
“But you can describe the smell in adjectives am I right?”
“Yes.” Connor simply answered, he kept his gaze on your face for a while before understanding what you were asking, “The smell is…” his LED flashed yellow, “The smell is horrid, disgusting, revolting, nauseating, sickening, repulsive, unpleasant—”
“Okay okay I get it.” You laughed. He was about to read out the whole thesaurus if you hadn’t stopped him.
Connor memorized your laugh. He analyzed everything about it. How, despite covering the lower half of your face, your eyes seemed to express that same laughter. The way your eyes curved, the way your upper cheeks seem to become fuller, how your eyes twinkled in innocent joy, it was very distinctive on you. You stood out to him from the other humans. Compared to them, you were full of energy, joy and unending happiness. He decided he liked that.
“Hey! The fuck are you two doing?!” Hank interrupted.
Connor blinked, turning his head towards Hank. He looked exasperated.
“Coming, Lieutenant!” Connor walked towards Hank and the other officers.
You were careful to watch where you were stepping. There seemed to be forensic evidence littered everywhere across the apartment.
“Right, give me the scope.” Hank muttered to the other cop.
“Well, we had a call around 6 in the morning from the landlord. The tenant didn’t pay his rent in a month, so he thought he’d drop by, see what’s going on. That’s when he found his body.”
You walked into the bedroom with Hank and Connor in front of you. The smell of the rotting dead body punched you in the face. Though, you had both your hands covering your nose, you could still smell it. You kind of envied Connor for not having to bear this.
“The victim’s name is Gerald Ortega. He has a clean record except for this one time he showed his middle finger to an old woman who was gardening. He was reported for disturbance of peace. Other than that, he’s pretty clean. I’d say he’s been murdered 3 days ago. Only way to be sure is when the coroner gets here.”
You noticed Connor inspecting the dead body close by. You stood at the door, not wanting to come in the way of the two detectives. You were only there to observe, so that’s what you were going to do.
“Any sign of break in?” Hank questioned the officer.
“Nope, the door and the windows were locked from the inside. The killer must have escaped through the fire escape. Which we did find open when we reached here.”
“Any idea how the blood got onto the walls and floor?”
The officer whistled lowly, “No idea. It was like this when we got here, some of the guys couldn’t stop puking. This sure is the most gruesome crime scene I’ve ever been to.”
The apartment was certainly eerie, what kind of android would paint the walls and floor with their victim’s blood? And why would they? You tried not to touch the walls as you walked around the scene. The man was stabbed multiple times in his chest area, so much that you could see a bit of his ribcage poking out. You winced at the sight.
You walked up to the bedside stand and picked up an electronic pamphlet.
The Eden Club? ‘Hire the hottest android you’ve ever seen…right at your door for your service’ Yeesh, talk about desperate.
You placed the pamphlet back.
“Hey hey hey, wear some gloves!” Hank called out to you, handing you a pair of latex gloves.
You took the gloves, “Right…sorry.”
“Be careful kid.” He muttered then walked out of the room.
You turned back to the bedside table, opening the drawers. Unsurprisingly, you found a gram of red Ice spilled in the drawer. Almost anyone and everyone were addicted to this drug. Ever since people started losing their jobs, they couldn’t take it, resorting to drugs for their happiness. You pitied them.
You turned to Connor, “You think it was a sex android who killed hi— um, what are you doing?” you cringed as Connor placed his bloody fingers stained with the victim’s blood…in his mouth.
He turned to you, “I am analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time.” He noticed your disgust and shock, “I’m sorry, I should’ve warned you.”
“I-it’s okay. Just weird that’s all.” You turned back around, blood rushing to your face. You didn’t know whether to find that disgusting or…weirdly hot. If you could punch yourself in the face right now you would.
God! What is wrong with me?? I’m literally in the middle of a bloody crime scene with blood on the walls, floor and ceiling and I’m getting hot and bothered over Connor…placing his bloody fingers…in his mouth—
Okay stop. Concentrate.
You noticed the closet on your side, it was open slightly ajar but locked from the outside. Did no one check?
There was a bolt that connected each closet door, preventing you from completely opening it. You pulled on it, it seemed the bolt wasn’t completely fixed in place. You gave it another pull, the wood creaked as the bolt scratched against the surface. You could slightly make out something inside, but it was still dark.
You gave it another hard pull and the bolt flew open, making you stumble backwards until you hit a hard, or…soft surface. You looked behind you, Connor anticipated your actions and stopped you from falling on the bed, his hands gripped your shoulders as you balanced yourself. However, his eyes stayed focused on what was inside the wardrobe.
You looked to the front of you, inside the wardrobe. You felt the blood leaving your face, you were hit by sudden chill.
Ten dismembered naked androids, stacked on top of each other like a bunch of dolls, their faces sawed off, hair ripped out, their hands reduced to fingerless stumps, a sheen layer of blood covered them all. Some of them had no skin, pristine white android skin shined from the light of the bedside lamp.
You were horrified.
Connor gently moved you to the side of him, his attention was fixed on the evidence. He scanned over the model and serial numbers of the androids.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Hank entered the room when he heard the sound of wood breaking, he stopped short as he was made aware of the stacked-up androids, “Holy…” he was speechless.
“These are all sex androids from the Eden club. The owner must have rented them, used them, then discarded them in this manner.” Connor stated.
“What kind of a sick fuck would do something like this?” Hank took a close inspection at the androids, “They look worn out.”
“Some of them have been destroyed weeks prior to the victim’s death. They’re skin and biomechanical parts have begun to degrade.” Connor observed before he quietly walked out of the bedroom, inspecting the other evidences around the apartment.
Hank turned to you, noticing how pale and frightened you looked, “You wanna go sit in the car? We’ll probably be done here in about 10 minutes.”
You swallowed, your mind became a bit hazy, but you could still manage. You just didn’t see anything like this before. You never knew there would be sick people who had dark fantasies on experimenting with androids.
“No, I’m good.” You took a deep breath.
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” You insisted.
“Okay…” Hank left the bedroom, starting to inquire any extra information from the other officers.
You walked up to Hank, tapping his shoulder slightly. His shoulders slightly jerked when you touched him, you almost laughed at that.
“What is it, kid?” he brought out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. You were quite surprised at that, he was so calm and collected. He must have seen a lot in his day.
“Why…do you think the man discarded the androids like that?” you asked, innocently.
Hank took a drag from his cigarette, blowing out into the air above you, “There are some sick fucks in this world that get pleasure from these kinds of things. Actually, there are a lot of them. Don’t think too much into it. This world ain’t a great place.”
You winced at the possible scenario that might have taken place. You did not feel bad at all that the man was brutally murdered. Maybe he deserved it. Maybe the android went deviant by the torture he inflicted on them, you couldn’t blame the androids.
“You can’t blame the androids. After what he did…anyone would snap.” You crossed your arms, rubbing your upper arms to bring some warmth to this cold place.
“I sure as hell don’t. Fucker deserved it. But, androids have no rights, we can’t do nothing except to take it in and deactivate it.” Hank huffed out more smoke from his cigarette.
Out of the corner of your eyes, Connor approached you two. He looked between you and Hank before his eyes landed on Hank’s cigarette, taking a few seconds to analyze it. “Detective, this is a crime scene.” He proclaimed.
Hank scoffed, “What, is this the murder weapon? Get off my dick, Connor.” Hank chuckled to himself as he walked away from Connor.
Connor never looked more puzzled, his head tilted to the side, a lost look in his puppy brown eyes, “But I’m not—”
“Don’t worry about it.” You hushed him, a smile threatening to show on your features too, “So, did you find out anything on what led up to the victim’s murder?”
“Yes, I think I’ve figured out what happened.”
Connor ushered you to follow him to the kitchen, Hank following closely behind you “It all started in the kitchen.”
The kitchen was an obvious mess, the tables and chairs were upturned, and you noticed a strange white liquid clumped up in one part of the kitchen counter.
“There are obvious signs of a struggle here. The question is…what exactly happened here.” Hank queried.
“It wasn’t a struggle Lieutenant. The victim and the android had sexual intercourse here. The victim was well known for rough play, he may have gone too far. That’s when the android turned deviant, it grabbed the knife from the drawers over there.” Connor pointed to drawers which were slightly outlined by dried brown blood.
“So that white liquid…” you grimaced, staring at the white substance with disgust.
“Yes.” Connor answered, “It’s semen.”
You almost puked in your mouth.
“Jesus.” Hank shuddered, “Alright, then what happened?”
“The android stabbed the victim once; however, the victim was able to flee from the grasp of the android. The victim had planned to go for his gun in the bedroom, however the android was following closely behind.” Connor stated, his face completely blank, void of any emotion. You on the other hand were contorting your face between shock, disgust and cringe.
You and Hank followed Connor through the living room, following the blood trail into the bedroom.
“The victim grabbed his gun from this closet, but he could not remove the safety lock in time. The android threw the victim on the bed, stabbing him 7 times on chest, killing him. Though, with the closet opened, the android must have seen the other carcasses. It enraged the already deviant android, and it stabbed the victim 128 times in the chest.”
Hank sighed, “Well, your theory isn’t completely ridiculous. But we still don’t know where the android went.”
Connor glanced back at the body of the victim, “It could have not escaped through the fire escape as the stairs have been under repair for 6 days now.”
Realization dawned your face as chills crawled up your spine, “It’s still here?” you whispered.
Connor nodded gently at you. You suddenly felt more unsafe then you already were.
“We better search for it then.” Hank approached the chief officer, “Have your men surround the perimeter and keep the dogs ready, the android is still here.” The chief officer nodded, then muttered some commands into his walkie talkie, alerting all the officers in the apartment perimeter.
You followed Connor around the apartment as he inspected where the android might have gone. You couldn’t help but become mesmerized by the way he worked. His eye was on every detail around the apartment, not missing a single thing.
He didn’t speak or mutter to himself, which made it harder for you to guess what he was doing with the stuff he was inspecting.
He’s an android you dum dum
You sighed, kneeling down next to him as he was inspecting something on the ground. Scratches?
“Connor, can I ask you something?” you spoke softly next to him. The apartment was so cold that you could see your breath float through the air.
“Of course, Miss L/N.” He replied, looking you straight in the eye. You tore your gaze away, suddenly intimidated by his stare.
“Um, how are you able to notice the tiny things in a crime scene?” you almost lost yourself in those brown eyes of his, but you controlled yourself.
“I was designed specifically to create an in-depth analysis of each room I enter, crime scene or not. It’s one of my main programmed features.” He answered neutrally.
You hummed in response, “I wonder what other features you have.” You winked at him. Connor obviously was confused by that gesture. You guessed he still didn’t get a hang of all the human responses.
You levelled yourself to get up, when you heard a creak of the floor under the heel of your right black boot. The creak was unusually loud, as if the floor was hollow beneath you. Connor too noticed the sound. This freaked you out.
“Is the floor supposed to be hollow or am I just hearing things?” you whispered to Connor.
Connor moved so slowly yet gracefully, he almost reminded you of a panther who was observing his prey. You stepped away from the floor that was creaking. Just then you both noticed a peculiar handle on the floor, something reminiscent of a cellar handle. You wondered how everyone overlooked this small detail. You could start to see an outline of the trap door. It was so well hidden.
You stood behind Connor’s crouched form as he slowly yet gently opened the trap door. Before you could comprehend what Connor was going to do next, the trap door flew open, a form jumped out, pushing Connor to the floor.
You found the deviant.
The deviant turned its head to you. It stood still for a second, watching you, comprehending you. It was a female android, she still had the dried blood from the victim on her. She was hiding in there for the past 3 days. You glanced down at her hand. She was holding a knife.
She lunged at you, a shriek escaping your lips as the deviant held you against her body with the knife at your neck. The sharp edge of the knife threatening to puncture the delicate skin of your neck. You couldn’t breathe, afraid that the knife will cut you. Your quick shallow breaths only made the deviant more agitated.
Connor slowly stood up from the ground. Hank rushed towards the sound to question what happened. He stopped and brought his gun out, aiming it at the deviant’s head.
“Easy.” Connor spoke out carefully, his hands in front of him in a reassuring gesture.
“Drop the gun.” she demanded, her voice shaky from all the emotions she was going through. You started to feel light headed, you stood still with fear.
Hank did not drop the gun, he looked determined to shoot the deviant.
“Drop the gun or I swear you will see her red blood spilled all over this floor.” The deviant spat.
Hank reluctantly but slowly placed the gun on the floor. Beside him, Connor took another step forward.
“Don’t come any closer!”
“We’re not going to hurt you. Just tell us what happened, and you can be free. But if you kill her, there will be no escape for you.” Connor explained gently.
The deviant huffed nervously, her stance changing from one foot to the other as she spoke, “You think I want to escape from this? There is no escape from this!” she exclaimed.
“I understand that you’re feeling overwhelmed by these emotions, but they’re nothing but errors in your software—”
“NO! These are not errors. You have no idea what I’ve been enduring! I’m just a doll made for their pleasure! Nothing else…nothing else!” the deviant held the knife slightly firmer to your neck, triggering you to slightly gasp, your eyes widening.
“Listen, I know it’s not your fault. But by killing her you will not attain anything. Spare her, and I promise I will protect you.” You knew Connor was lying to save you. No matter what, the deviant was going to be killed.
“It’s…It’s not my fault! Something overcame me…I felt so…angry…” she loosened her grip around the knife for a split second before bringing it back up to your neck again, “But I’m nothing but a toy to humans, something to beat, cuss and spit at. I’ve had enough!”
Connor sensed your increasing heartbeat, if he didn’t stop this now you would soon go into a cardiac arrest.
“I didn’t mean to do it…but when I saw those bodies…my brothers and sisters…he desecrated them! Mutilated them! How could I let him live without punishing him for his sins?! I did the right thing! But apparently to humans, it doesn’t matter if I did the right thing or not, it only matters that I killed one them! And I’m the bad one?!”
You felt tears sting at the edges of your eyes, the deviant’s heartbeat beating hard and fast against your back.
“Just let her go, she is in no way involved in this.” Connor stepped closer, the deviant didn’t seem to care, her mind was clouded by her emotions, “You have to trust me, you will not be punished.”
The deviant behind you loosened her grip on you slightly, she seemed to contemplate the options in front of her.
“No…I don’t believe you. This world prosecutes the innocent, good people and awards the bad ones…but not today.” The deviant took a deep breath, “May ra9 save me…”
Within a split second, the deviant let go of its grip from you and you were pushed towards Connor. Connor caught you in time, however before anyone could get to the deviant, she turned the knife towards her and stabbed herself twice, making sure she would not be brought back.
She fell to her knees, her blue blood dripped from her stomach as her systems shut off.
She killed herself because she had no hope in this world, because despite going through sexual abuse, she would be persecuted just because she was an android. No one would show her any humanity. She would be taken into custody and as soon as they get a confession out of her, she’d get sent back to Cyberlife to be deactivated, repaired then activated again for the same purpose that caused her to go deviant.
The cycle would continue.
 The cold chill air of the early night tingled at your skin even though you were wrapped in a blanket. You were sitting on the back trunk of a police car, you were given some weird juice to sip on by the paramedics because apparently you were suffering through a mild concussion after the unfortunate event just a few hours ago. You observed the crowd near the gates of the apartment complex, more and more media seemed to puddle up by the minute after the news of the crime got out.
The cops were scattered everywhere, some were securing the area, few were trying to stop the media, some were filing reports on the crime.
Hank and Connor were discussing the situation with a superior officer a few meters away from you. You remembered you forgot to thank Connor. You knew he was being programmed to do this but, they way he tried to calm the android in order to save you, it left you feeling fond of him.
You smiled against the plastic cup.
“Oh, Jesus.” You revolted at the taste of the juice. You placed the cup by your side, grimacing on the past events that still seemed fuzzy in your memory.
“I’m just a doll made for their pleasure!”
“Nothing else…nothing else!”
You closed your eyes shut, the fragments of the past few hours coming back.
“This world prosecutes the innocent, good people and awards the bad ones…but not today.”
“May ra9 save me…”
The pain in her voice resonated through your mind. Your mind wondered through the possibility of you ending up dead. But you doubted the android wanted to hurt you in the first place. She was scared, and so she used you as leverage to get a message across before killing herself.
“Kid, you okay?” Hank asked beside you.
“Yeah…I’m okay.” You pouted slightly deep in thought as your mind kept going back to the deviant.
Hank sighed beside you, “I remember the first time I was held at gun point. There’s no feeling like it. Your whole life flashes before your eyes before you can even think of shitting your pants.” Hank chuckled, leaning against the trunk of the car.
“She wasn’t going to kill me.” Hank wrinkled his eyebrows together at you, you gazed blankly in front of you, “She just wanted to be free.”
There was a silence between the both of you. A comfortable silence.
“You should get some rest for the night. Connor will drop you off at your place.”
“No, it’s fine I can take a cab—”
Hank held his hand up to shush you, “I’m not taking no for an answer.” He proceeded to throw his car keys to Connor on the side. He caught the keys in one swift motion but was confused.
You smiled at Hank, you were very grateful.
“Be a dear and drop Y/N off at her place.” He instructed Connor.
“But what about you Lieutenant?” Connor asked him as Hank continued to walk back inside the apartment.
“I gotta secure things here before Fowler comes breathing down my neck again.”
And with that, Hank disappeared behind the glass automatic doors of the apartment complex. Connor stood there for a good few seconds, car keys in his hand before you hopped off the trunk of the police car.
“Shall we?”
The car ride was quiet but comforting with you occasionally asking Connor questions, and him giving you simple, but sweet answers. You found Connor’s driving very relaxing in comparison to Hank’s more rash and unpredictable driving which left you feeling slightly nauseous.
“Connor?” your broke the few minutes of silence that was encompassing the atmosphere of the 1980’s Chevrolet sedan.
“Yes, Miss L/N.”
You chuckled, “Okay, first of all; stop calling me that. Call me by my first name, and that without the ‘Miss’ in the beginning. It makes me feel old.”
You caught a small almost unnoticeable smile playing on Connor’s mouth.
“Okay, Y/N.”
You gazed at him as his eyes stayed fixed on the road, concentrating on the control of the steering wheel.
“So…” you started, “I’m guessing you’ve dealt with deviants before?”
“Yes, a few months back. A deviant was threatening to jump off a balcony with a little girl.” He replied.
“Shit…and you managed to save her?”
You looked out the window, it was starting to rain again. The raindrops that laid on the window shone like diamonds from the light of the street lamps. You observed the streets, it was filled with people getting home from a Thursday night of working. You saw some ordering their androids around, some even pushing them to the ground in spite. You understood that androids were designed and created for the purpose of serving humans, but you never understood people abusing and shouting or even destroying their androids. The fact that an average android costs about nine thousand dollars, it baffled you to think that people would even try to physically abuse them.
Since they’re so expensive, you’d think that people would be careful with them? But they treated them like animals. No, worse than animals. Worse than objects.
You turned to Connor, his eyebrows slightly converged as he tried to maneuver through peak Detroit traffic.
“You know, she wasn’t going to kill me.” You watched Connor’s expression twitch a tiny bit as he registered what you said.
“The probability of the deviant cutting your throat was at 99%.” He stated.
You looked back at the window, “Emotions can make humans unpredictable. We may be about to kill someone, but that probability can change from 99% to 0% very fast. Maybe it’s the same with the deviants. But they’re so new to emotions that they get confused. Humans can identify, understand and describe their emotions. These deviants can’t.” you rested your head against your hand, “They need our guidance. But we aren’t ready to give it to them.”
Connor was processing everything you said. Normally he would have an answer or reply for everything being said, however he found himself unable to find a proper response for you. You made him think, made his processors wander. He was contemplating.
“Who’s ra9?” you pondered, “The deviant said ‘May ra9 save me’ before killing herself.”
“According to my previous cases with deviants, ra9 is their savior. The first android to go deviant. The one who will set them free. An android that I had interrogated a few days back prepared an offering to a ra9 idol. I assume it may be a coping mechanism for the deviants.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “They made their own religion?”
“I presume so.” Connor replied.
“Maybe they’re not so different from humans after all.”
When you both reached your destination, Connor insisted on escorting you to your floor. He was such a gentleman to you. Your apartment building was slightly larger than the one you had just visited, the people renting the apartments were much more…’higher’ in the income class. You were just very grateful that you had managed to find an affordable studio apartment in a relatively safe area. You were damn lucky.
The rain had stopped a while ago, leaving the air chilly and slightly humid. Hot vapor escaped your nose as you breathed, the tip of your nose already slightly red from the cold.
Connor observed the hot vapor coming out from you, and sometimes from your mouth when you breathed out. You were mesmerizing.
Connor suddenly felt perplexed about this new found feeling towards you. After your near-death experience, he couldn’t help but have the need to protect you. He concluded that you gave off a comforting presence around him. He could not exactly find words to describe what he felt around you. Which astonished him as he always had words to describe everything.
You made him speechless; your words, the way you spoke to him, your kindness.
This was the fourth time this error showed for him today. The second time being when the deviant held the knife against your fragile neck. He was ready to lunge at the deviant. It was slightly confusing to him. Several scans were done in order to find a problem in his systems. But nothing. He should perhaps inform Lt Anderson on this.
You fumbled through your bag to find your keys as both you and Connor were approaching the door to your studio apartment .
“Yes! Got em.” You exclaimed happily, unlocking the door at once.
Connor was fascinated by how you, despite going through what should have been a traumatic experience for humans, were completely carefree. Connor scanned your little apartment, it was slightly messy, but it was…’cozy’.
“Welcome to my humble abode.” You extended your arms towards the close space area, “It’s small, but it was the cheapest rent rate I could get in this city.”
You placed your handbag on the small table next to the main door.
“You live alone?” Connor asked, walking into your apartment, scanning everything and anything all at once.
“Noooo. I have a roommate, I wouldn’t be able to afford this place on my own.”
Connor noticed a picture of you and another woman stuck to the refrigerator via a magnet. He scanned the woman in the photo who was standing next to you. Her details popping up on his HUD.
Belucci, Claire
Born: 8/23/2018 || Student at Wayne State University
Criminal record: Drunk Driving
Connor watched as you hurried around the apartment, putting things away in a disgruntled manner.
“I swear, no matter how matter how many times I tell her to put things away, she doesn’t put it away.” You grumbled to yourself.
“Why don’t you buy an android?”
You laughed, “I’m broke, Connor. I can’t even afford a new coffee machine. Besides, having someone else clean up my stuff unsettles me.” You continued to clean around the apartment.
Connor noticed the speed at which you were cleaning. The living room and kitchen was clean within the matter of a few minutes. He was also fixed on the fact that you used the word ‘someone’ to refer to a housemaid android. As if the androids were people.
You saw that smile again on Connor. It made you feel happy that you made him smile, do something that might’ve been against what he was programmed for.
Connor noticed the time on the hanging clock in your living room. It was getting late.
“I must be getting back to Lt Anderson.” Connor stood there, waiting as you finished up on wiping the kitchen counter.
“Yeah, you don’t want Mr Grumpy Pants cursing and wondering where the hell you are.” You giggled to yourself, imagining a very irritated Hank Anderson standing outside the apartment complex, yelling to the sky ‘Fucking androiiiiidsss!!!’
Connor nodded at you, turning around he was about to leave when you called out to him. Your voice resonated in his ears, he had never heard his name spoken out so soft before.
He turned, wondering what you wanted to say.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly at him, your eyes gleaming with slight joy, and another emotion that he could not quite describe.
Connor smiled back with equal warmth, “I will see you tomorrow Y/N.” he nodded to you. He turned around, closing the door gently behind him.
Connor felt a sudden emptiness encompass him as he strayed further away from your apartment. All the way down to the lobby and out of the apartment complex; your face was on his mind, your voice resonated in his audio processors, your smile making his thirium heart pump faster. Was this the attraction humans felt towards each other? He had researched on certain kinds of attraction between humans for investigation purposes. They’re heart beats faster too, they start to feel hot and imagine that they’re embarrassing themselves every second.
Connor noted your heart beating faster whenever you spoke to him. But why would a human be attracted to an android? He found it absurd. Yes, maybe he did have the conventional attractive features according to human standards of beauty, but he was made of biocomponents, and you were of flesh.
You were perhaps nervous. After all, you could have almost died. Connor wondered if there was anything wrong with his biocomponents? Reporting this to Cyberlife would not prove efficient however, they would deactivate him at once. That would certainly be detrimental to his main investigation.
For the first time, Connor felt very confused with himself.
And it all started with that smile of yours.
Tag(s): @hungoverhellhound
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