#and follow it up with 'so when do i get to lead arts + crafts at the hotel' like truly a sentient shitpost of a man 24/7 causing mass
furby-organist · 7 months
// I like both Ed and Amir's voice acting for different reasons. I headcanon Alexa as closer to Ed's voice but honestly go with whatever gives you the most psychic damage to read in his voice.
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totothewolff · 4 months
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Chemtrails Over the Yacht Club Collection 18+ | Toto Wolff x reader, age gap, smut operator, clear daddy issues (this fic is inspired by Lana del Rey, duh), and yacht culture.
Summary: Toto Wolff is a name often mentioned at the Yacht Club, where you work after classes. For some reason, you have always pictured him as an old crank like the usual members, not this foxy man who arrives at the reception making your knees quiver.  The entire staff goes frenetic as he, one of the Club's most important clients, chooses to spend his spring break there without previous notice. You pray to the Gods that you don't cross lines with him since your entire livehood depends on this job, and you really want to graduate college. Author's note: This was supposed to be a one-shot but was way too long, so I split it into two chapters. I hope you enjoy them. By the way, this version of Toto has questionable morals.
< Masterlist | Next chapter >
1 - Dark but just a game
As the sun rises over the Mediterranean Sea, you find yourself running across the streets of Monaco at full speed, like a mad girl, your ponytail swaying behind you like a pendulum, sprinting as fast as you are able all the way from the bus stop to the iconic doorway stairs to Monaco's most prestigious, exclusive, and expensive Yacht Club. 
To your fucking luck, you are running late because you didn't hear the many alarms set on your phone. 
Not because you are acting lazy; these past weeks have been brutal, and your body is exhausted from work, college, and tests.
As you quickly climb the marble steps, you pray you don't slip and break your nose against them. Cleaning it will be a nightmare, and you already have many chores to do that day.
The staff access is all the way down the next street, but you only have about 2 minutes left to check in on time. Either you use this shortcut or get another notice, so you risk it!
For obvious reasons, the staff isn't supposed to use the member's and guests' main entrance; the one that leads to the glamorous and iconic lobby with the front desk and stunning bar that is featured in many Architectural Digest issues due to his architectural heritage and art deco layout, but fuck it.
You would rather get a reprimand from your boss, the Members Services & Events Department director, than a salary fine. You are already biting your nails to meet this month's end.
As soon as you reach the large double gold-framed doors, you feel the fresh air of the AC hitting your pores with a sweet scent of jasmine. 
You want to make the most discreet and casual way in, trying to blend and go unnoticed between the people there and their soft hums of conversations, but Lord! Fate hates you.
As soon as you push the doors open, you feel your keys flying out of your blue short's tiny pocket. 
You don't know who to blame the most: the designers who insist on putting those stupid, almost fake pockets on women's clothes, the massive ball of keys your manager insists you carry around at work due to the old-timey tradition of the place, or you for running relentlessly.
The sound the keys make when they hit the pristine and immaculate stone floor makes you want to die; it sounds like a torpedo hitting the ground.
All the people inside there, the ones chatting on the trendy and expensive lounge pearl white sofas, the ones getting down the swirl stairs from the terrace under that beautiful chandelier and massive skylight, the people enjoying their morning by the gold leaf bar drinking their welcoming Italian soda and the expertly crafted canapés along with the hot man standing at the front desk next to your boss turn their heads following the sound, all looking straight at you now as you stand still there in the middle of the room.
The hot man has short brown hair, dark eyes, and a well-built, athletic body that could easily be spotted from a mile away. He exudes power and sexiness, and you can't help but take him in. 
"Good morning" is all you come up to say, trying to keep your composure. Fuckity fuck!
The tall man bends his body and reaches down to pick up your rusted keys, which slid near his feet.
"Good morning, kid," he greets you as he enjoys the view of an embarrassed, sweaty, and out-of-breath you, with your hair loosened up from running under the sea breeze and wind in those tiny ass blue shorts and white polo that the Club makes you wear as a uniform, with a very amused smile on his face.
Toto's voice is smooth and captivating, sending shivers down your spine as you listen to him. Your heart races and your cheeks flush with a mix of excitement and nervousness. 
You can't believe the man in front of you is talking to you so charmingly. Most members and guests are out of touch or rude towards staff.
"Thank you, s-sir," you quickly reply, grabbing the keys with a slight tremble in your voice. 
Toto's eyes twinkle with amusement as he observes your reaction. It's clear to him that his presence takes you aback, and he finds it endearing.
"Who the fuck is this specimen of a man, Jesus Christ!" You think, your brain breaking down a bit.
"Right this way, Mr. Wolff," Chloé, your boss, stands right by him.
She is almost his height and a vision of elegance and authority. Her perfectly styled curly hair and soft, evony skin glimmer as she addresses Toto in the most polite voice, stealing his attention from you.
Before looking at you with an "I'm going to murder you," look in her sharp hazel eyes as a silent warning of the impending reprimand you are getting.
You immediately recognize the last name: Wolff. He most likely is Toto Wolff, the successful businessman who owns one of the villas at the Club and has a beautiful yacht by the dock. 
You have heard his name many times before. You know he is one of the most important clients and may be spending his spring break here. 
You had no idea he was coming; no one in the crew or staff notified you about it, which is the usual when a big name is to arrive. 
But most importantly, you had no idea he looked like that; you always pictured him as an old fart. 
Damn, he is hot!
As you fix your wild hair in the locker room, you notice Chloé enter, and you rush to finish tightening your ponytail. 
You observe her reflection coming your way in the tiny mirror on the metallic door of your blue locker. 
"Here we go." 
You can feel Chloé's disapproval while waiting for her words, and your mind races with fears and uncertainties.
"Girl, how often do I have to remind you about the importance of punctuality in this establishment?!" Chloé's voice is like ice seeping into your core, chilling you to the bone. 
You feel a mix of panic and frustration, knowing that you have once again fallen short of Chloé's expectations; she is your most supportive person in the entire place.
You bite your lip nervously, trying to devise a plausible explanation for your delay. For the first time, you are glad the staff area of the Club is not as luxurious as the rest of the sparkling oasis venue. 
It's a bit dark in there because there are only small windows below ground level, so it is impossible to notice how pale you are right now.
"Of all days, you had to choose today! Please stop being so reckless. There will be a time when I won't be able to stand up for you and help you out! You know I love you, girl, but Raphaël is going to give us so much shit if any of the guests or Abby mention the incident to him."  
You feel a wave of self-doubt washing you over. This familiar sensation crept up whenever you faced Chloe's harsh criticisms; she's the best but a challenging and demanding boss.
She is at the top of the game, and Chloé works hard to maintain the Club's reputation and the best guest service in town. 
"I-I'm sorry, Chloé," your voice stutters as you try to form an apology, your words coming out in a quiet, shaky breath.
You are still in a whirlwind of emotions. You did your best to keep a professional demeanor in front of Toto's presence and the rest of the guests. 
But the entire incident was overwhelming, plus his aura looked like he commanded respect from people.
"At least, Mr. Wolff, laugh it off." Chloé gives you a soft and reassuring rub on the arm. "I had never seen you reach that level of redness, not even when you slipped on the deck of Ms. Basset's yacht with her birthday cake while we sang her happy birthday," Chloé starts laughing at the memory.
"Here is his clown to entertain him," you get slightly embarrassed now and joke back, but you wish.
"Talking of which," Chloé switches tones back to a boss again.
"What?" you feel your heart going wild again.
You struggle to contain your emotions as she delivers you the news with a funny expression. 
You can't believe you have been assigned to Mr. Wolff's crew, YOU, to overlook and take care of his stay.
The mere thought of being in close proximity to him sends a flurry of butterflies dancing in your stomach as excitement at the prospect of working closely with Toto until you remember who you are. Then, apprehension fills you with the challenges that lay ahead.
"WHAT?!" you let out aloud.
"Yeah, I know, we know, we all wonder if Mr. Holst is pulling some survival experiment or wants to watch you do you and surprise us with one of your biggest hits, like the one you did today. Seriously, how do these things keep happening to you?! Child, I wonder." Chloé lets out with amusement.
The Yacht Club's poolside bar glistens in the sun's warm embrace. A golden hue covers the luxurious setting and trendy chairs cradle members who lounge in pricey fashion wear and fancy swimsuits. 
Laughs and chats overlap the sound of the waves against the shore. The entire pool area has the most beautiful view of Monaco's sea. 
Spring is warm enough, and the freshwater of the ocean twinkles and sparks reflections, looking perfect for diving in or jet skiing.
The long pier there is closed right now as the Waterfront crew sets up all the equipment and performs safety checks before starting their water-based activities schedule for guests.
So, most members enjoy the state-of-the-art giant pool: swimming, sunbathing, drinking cocktails, or reading from their Kindles at the moment, making the bar busier.
Today, you are helping the mixologist and bartenders at the pool and terrace bar by restocking ingredients and tracking orders on the KDS. 
Jesus, these people have crazy and quirky demands for their beverages and food! 
Your feet start hurting from running from one location to another, to the kitchen and warehouse, and up and down the staff's outdoor stairs.
But all pain is gone as you watch Toto approach the bar, wearing an unbuttoned white linen t-shirt and yellow swimming short trunks. His chest and legs look damn good under the sun.
Toto's eyes linger on you as a flashback of a phone call he had with Mr. Holst, the Club Manager and owner, his long-time friend, comes to his mind.
"Miss Y/LN?" Toto says as he reads the list of staff names sent to his email for him to review before arriving at the Club.
"Oh, yes, that one you don't recognize, yeah, that's Y/N," Mr. Holst lets out a long sigh on the other end of the phone. 
He doesn't sound excited at the mention of your name. 
"She's the young college student who works for us, tirelessly, I must admit, to support her education. That's the only reason why I keep giving her chances."
"Put her on board my crew, then," Toto says while signing a cheque at his office, briefly holding his iPhone with his ear.
"Toto, I must warn you, she is inexperienced and really clumsy. I advise choosing someone else." the boss says.
"Add her, please," Toto commands what he pleases. He knows he can tip you well to help you with the bills.
"Okay, you are going to make me say I told you so," Mr. Holst jokes. "I love you here, my friend, but why the sudden rush to arrive? Shouldn't you be on cloud nine in Milano? You are giving us no time."
A small, sarcastic sigh escapes Toto's lips. "See you soon, my friend," his deep voice ends the call; there is no further explanation.
Your pulse quickens as you stand before Toto. You can smell his delicious cologne, mixed with the scent of saltwater and hints of citrus from the cocktails having served.
"It's a pleasure to see you again," he greets you; his words carry a subtle warmth. "I want a Daiquiri; take it to the in-pool chaise area. I will be there," he orders. "Oh, and I hope you don't throw some keys in it," he winks at you. 
"You dislike rusty flavors, noticed, sir," you joke back, seizing the moment; a small smile forms on his lips, and you feel like you won a prize.
Oh, the view that greets you minutes later as you go to deliver him his drink is just too much for your poor heart.
Toto is sprawled on one of the pool's chaises, sunlight dancing on his skin. His fit body is covered in a sheen of sweat from the heat, his muscular physique in full glory for your eyes to enjoy, looking impossibly hot. 
Under his sunglasses, he notices how your gaze goes all over him, his body getting you all distracted before he grabs his drink. "It's a good thing you didn't throw it all over me," he says, confusing you. "Watch your step." 
He points with his head to your feet. You are standing at the very edge of the pool. One millimeter more, and you could have taken a good swim with him, embarrassing yourself as usual.
"Oh God," in that moment, you want to drown in the pool. "Sorry, I'm not, I..."
"Don't mind, you can leave," he says, and that's all. 
There's no more Toto for you that day.
Is he always this cold?
You arrive home exhausted after today's work. The bar's closing always takes time, and it's late at night when you enter your aunt's apartment, where you two live. 
She has already left for work. 
She is a nurse and usually works the night shift, so you two see each other only occasionally, even if you share the same roof, just on weekends.
During the bus ride home, you made peace with the fact that you were going to bed with an empty stomach.
She left you a sticky yellow note on the fridge, letting you know she left food for you. God bless her heart! You felt too tired to cook. 
As you microwave your dinner, Léo texts you. 
Apparently, a kid threw up at the restaurant, and his father caused a big scene by calling the Chef and making him bring out the employee who cooked his son's meal to address him.
"You tried to poison my son! He screamed at me with a thick Australian accent. Can you believe the nerve?!"
Léo is 30 years old and works as a cook in the Yacht Club kitchen under a highly demanding Chef. He is as low-salary as you and middle class, too. 
Because of that and many more things you share in common, you two were able to bond and become great friends. 
Your aunt has always tried to play cupid with you two. She likes him and, well, you too, sort of. 
He is a good person and good-looking, and according to everyone, he is also into you.
You would let him win your heart if he wasn't determined to move countries and leave as soon as he finishes studying his cuisine master's.
There is nothing that frightens you more in this world than the fear of someone leaving you because your parents did that to you. 
Well, your dad was never present anyway. 
And your mom was an irresponsible and immature mess with you. She even called you an "oopsie baby" to your face once while being exasperated with you, but it was the truth anyway. 
She always blamed you for your father leaving and for stealing her youth, all that before she got sober and cleaned her act. 
Now, she is the world's greatest mom to her kids, your stepbrothers. You don't see her much, and she still doesn't care much about you. Still, she calls you on your birthday and sends you money every once in a while.
God, you hate people who abandon and hurt.
So that's why you fear a relationship with Léo. 
Paris is a goddamn expensive and challenging city to live and navigate, more so with a low income, so following him along is not within your reach.
But you really yearn for affection, a body to hold, for someone to touch you and make you feel special.
A boyfriend would be great.
As you lay in your bed, in the darkness, inside your small room, frustrated about not being able to fall asleep, you can't win the dirty thoughts running wild in your head as the night's warmth enters through the open window.
The light fabric curtains sway in the wind as the warm breeze caresses your thighs, and you succumb to the temptation you have been trying to resist for more than 20 minutes. 
You spread your legs wider, feeling the soft cotton of your pajama bottoms rub against your sensitive spot. You start to slide a hand between your legs, with a finger teasing the skin under your panties, getting aroused. 
You close your eyes and begin caressing your folds and picturing Toto's broad, sweaty, naked body approaching you at the bed.
You could almost hear his deep voice whispering, "You're so beautiful." His aftershave fills your nostrils as he leans in for a kiss. 
His big hands gently part your legs, revealing your bare, moist pussy to him before placing himself on top of you in one of the villa's bedrooms.
You fantasize about being buried under his weight, lost in the sensation of Toto's fingers teasing and exploring your insides. 
His soft, dirty whispers in your ear make you shiver, and you find yourself arching into his touch.
Back in real life, the sound of your shallow breaths fills the room as you dare to push an entire finger inside you all the way in while a soft moan escapes your lips as the scene in your head continues:
"Do you like that? Do you like me inside?" Toto asks, his voice low and husky. 
"Yes, sir," you breathe, your hips bucking against his hand, willing and trembling. 
As your finger moves faster, causing soaked sounds, your mind pictures Toto's intense gaze fixed on you; the thought of submitting to him, of being his completely, makes you quiver.
You feel the heat and wetness of your core and slide a second finger into you, eager for more. 
The soft fabric of your bedsheets rubs your skin with the movement you produce on the mattress as you go all for it, reminding you of Toto's rough yet gentle grip. 
"Tell me what you want," he says, working his hand faster between your legs, making you splash some drops of your wetness.
"I want you inside me," you beg, your voice barely above a whisper hidden below a moan. 
You are all pink in the cheeks and sweaty, and a need to pee sensation starts building in you. 
"And what do you think I should do about that?" he asks with a wicked grin.
"Please fuck me, sir; I need you inside me," you beg.
You close your eyes, lost in the dream, feeling as if he was entering you balls deep as you thrust your fingers as deep inside you as you can take them. 
Your moans hitch as you start pulling them in and out of you as you picture Toto's hip movements till you reach climax, your body shuddering with pleasure, whetting your sheets all over.
The warmth spreads through your core and leaves you content and relaxed. You bite your lip, and you are now feeling embarrassed to face Toto tomorrow morning after this.  
You clean yourself up and change your sheets, then fall asleep like a baby. Your best night of sleep in a long time.
Which means no more classes, no more university, and no more annoying classmates. However, still lots of work to do at the Club.
You are all happy and peacefully cooking your breakfast with a lot of the extra time you have now on your hands.
Yesterday, Chloé authorized you to switch to the morning shift since college is on break. 
She left you many tasks for the day in the digital agenda the Club gave you, which you are now reading as you enjoy your avocado toast.
You have to look extra lovely and put together this week because you will spend three entire days alongside Toto in the middle of the ocean since he got invited to Mr. Holst's extremely exclusive getaway at his gigantic and modern yacht that could easily fit a nation in there, along with other five old farts.
Two days later, you are getting ready to join the crew on board to help with everything Mr. Wolff needs and what the harbor crew, the dock master, the Chef, and the sailing master ask you to do.
It also means you must wear the sailing slut-ish uniforms, keep them pristine, look on point all the time, and avoid embarrassing yourself.
After brushing your teeth and doing your hair and makeup, you check yourself in your bedroom's oversized, full-length mirror, fixing every detail on your sailing uniform.
This one attracts much attention from people on the streets as you travel on the bus to work. Guys always send you dirty looks or discreetly stare you down. 
Everyone finds it sexy, but not the Yacht's Controller, who always makes fun of it; he and his entire team nickname it "The Slut Navy Uniform."
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It's a tight white long-sleeve button shirt with golden handcuffs and a v-neck cleavage, along with a French blue loosen kipper short tie and six golden buttons in the waist area to make it look smaller, with the Club's patched logo on the upper left side, and pair with a too short white knife pleated skirt that you always have to work around to avoid flashing the guests.
And to whose surprise, honestly?! Mr. Holst is quite sexist and still thinks his female staff must look pleasing to men's eyes.
You have a conflicted sentiment for him; sometimes, he is the nicest boss on earth, but he spans from that to a neurotic asshole.
He has a sweet, healthy, young-looking face for his age. Being a billionaire, having a plastic surgeon on call, and being chubby sure helps him with that, but he was definitely once good-looking.
His wife is way too hot for him, tho, and his three sons and heirs are also stunning but extremely posh, a bit deadpan, and out of touch. 
They aren't that reachable, but you have a good relationship with them all. 
You got hired to work there because your aunt was the nurse who helped him take care of his elderly mom for the last decade of her life.
The sun rises over the crystal-clear waters, reflecting on the luxurious yachts docked in the harbor as you walk along the pier, admiring the beautiful vessels.
"Here it comes, the Slut Navy!" the dockmaster yells at you from afar, greeting you and the other girls while joking around as there are no guests near.
He is a pretty quirky character, and you do a little dance in response, extending your arms and rocking your hips while reaching the edge of the pier, where he offers you a hand to board the yacht, along with the four other female coworkers.
You step onto the dock, feeling the cool wood beneath your feet, and take a deep breath to steady your nerves.
"Please don't break my ship," he jokes with you, double-checking on his list that you are part of today's crew. You are his favorite. That's why he is always teasing you.
"Girls, we have lots to prepare before guests arrive. I need you to split into teams. Let's go, people!" he stops fooling around and goes full business mode as he checks his Rolex Daytona.
On time as ever, the guests board the ship while you pour the cold iced tea into the glasses and help the Chef label which plate belongs to whom since one of the guests is allergic to cheese.
"SHIT!" you let out loud in the staff's kitchen, watching the clock on the wall. You were supposed to welcome Toto on the deck about 10 minutes ago. "Gotta go, guys." 
You rush to place the last sticky notes with names frantically before exiting and climbing the metallic stairs to ground level fast to look for him.
You find Toto standing at the railing, his eyes scanning the water. You can't help but admire his tall, muscular frame and the way the sunlight glints off his hair.
There he is, the man you've been secretly fantasizing about, just a few feet away. With a sudden burst of courage, you clear your throat. 
Toto turns towards you, his piercing eyes locking onto yours. You feel your cheeks heating up as you get closer. 
He raises an eyebrow, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Ah, there you are, kid. I thought you had fallen overboard already since there was no one to welcome me," he replies, his voice deep and resonant.
"That's why you were looking at the water, right?" You try to beat with humor the slight reprimand you got. "What can I offer you, sir?" you quickly ask. 
The yacht rocks gently under your feet, waves lapping against the hull as he gently brushes a strand of hair from your face. His touch sends shivers down your spine. "There, better," he says. 
Your hair got a bit messed up from working like crazy. Seconds later, Mr. Holst reaches you two, which explains Toto's move.
Mr. Holst checks you out, expecting you to look perfect, as Ava, his stunning assistant and assigned crew lass, moves to stand beside you.
She is everything you want to achieve at work and excels at her job. Although Ava acts cold and diva to you and the other girls, feeling above you all.
"Hi," you greet the breathtaking young, fit woman, low and quickly, discreetly waving your hand at her. 
She looks at you with the corner of her eyes. Her piercing blue eyes stay on you for a few seconds. Ava remains quiet and then moves her gaze back to the boss.
You wonder if the rumors of Mr. Holst and her are true; wait, that's misogynistic of you. 
Well, you will keep trying to make friends with her. She has no friends here, and you don't like that. You can't cope with abandonment.
"Good morning, my friend. It's good to see you," Mr. Holst greets Toto warmly and squeezes his arm fondly. "We have some catching up to do," he notices Toto isn't holding a glass in his hand yet and addresses you. "Go bring him his beverage."
You were standing there like an idiot, staring at Toto shyly. "Oh, yes, sir, immediately."
"That wasn't necessary," Toto bumps Holst.
"I know, but she didn't get hired to act like a lampost," They both laugh.
"Is Y/N always that nervous and shy? Not the best traits working in hospitality, I must say." Toto asks.
"Really?! No, gosh, I wish she was. I would like her to contain herself more." Holst chuckles as some of your incidents come to his mind. "You want me to have a word with her?"
"No, no," Toto says. 
Then, he is the one making you act like that?
The yacht's interior is even more luxurious than the outside, with plush carpets, gleaming marble surfaces, and intricate woodwork adorning every inch of space. 
You wander through the spacious halls, attending to Toto's requests and admiring the paintings and sculptures lining the walls. 
At the same time, you navigate the ship as you bring him the rye bread he requested to the long outdoor table on the bridge deck, where the brunch takes place. You face the mesmerizing view of Monaco's coastline as you step outside.
You place the plate in front of him and step back to your position behind him, at arm's reach, in case he needs something else.
You can't help but overhear the conversation and pay attention to his words.
"So, how is Irina? And your mom?" Mr. Holst addresses him, sitting at the head of the table and turning in Toto's way.
"Fine" is all Toto answers, deminors changing.
"Oh, okay, please, you don't say more," Mr. Holst jokes at Toto's lack of words; the Austrian chuckles.
The Chef then asks you by the open-ear bud headphones to bring out the sliced fruit dishes.
As all the staff heads back to the kitchen, Toto's eyes are drawn towards the action while the rest of the table doesn't bother paying attention.
When you are about to cross the massive slide door, a strong breeze comes your way. Toto gets to enjoy the view of your legs and ass on display as the wind pulls you a trick and raises your short skirt for a brief second before you rush to move your arm and hand to fix it.
He finds you so fascinating. The two of you couldn't be more opposite. 
"Those are some cute lacey panties," he thinks.
As the day goes by without significant incidents, you start to feel more and more confident around Toto. 
You stare at him for a while, driving the jet ski fast and wild on the waters, breaking waves and revolving, with a firm grip on the steering control and his delicious biceps flexing. 
You are glad he has the life jacket on; otherwise, you be drooling. Then, the sailing master distracts you from him as he asks the guests to return on board. 
The yacht will cruise to deeper waters so Mr. Holst can free dive.
You wait for Toto's arrival, holding the soft, high-quality towel while enjoying the view of a wet him up close as he climbs, dripping, on the swim platform. 
He playfully sprinkles you with some drops with his hand as you come close to remove his life jacket.
"Hey!" you complain, smiling at him being an ass.
"Just a small taste of the fresh waters. I saw you looking over a lot, and I supposed you wanted to join me in the fun," he explains as he dries his hair with the towel, messing it up. "How do I look?" he jokes around. His wet hair is all up and wild, going in every direction.
You laugh and smile at the sight, "Like lighting is about to strike us." 
He then combs his hair with his hand in a handsome man's move and drops the now-wet and heavy towel on your extended forearms. "I will be on the sun deck," he informs you and moves along.
Everything is going so well.
Toto sunbathes for a while and only asks you for one drink the entire time before he leaves to nap in his cabin. 
So you move on to your other tasks as he isn't around but still keeping an eye on his call bell.
All until later, when you hear commotion on the main deck. 
As you enter the living room area, you see Mr. Elrod, looking all red and swollen, sitting on one of the curved sofas as the aid crew offers him an EpiPen.
"Oh, no, no!" escapes your lips, watching the scene from afar as you feel the Chef and Mr. Holst's eyes set on you standing next to each other.
You sense Toto passing you around and standing by your side, observing the scene two steps behind you. The commotion woke him up.
Mr. Holst points you with his finger to the left, which means, "See you at my office now!"
Toto watches you release a loud sigh before moving your feet.
He waits for you outside the double wood doors of the office, sitting in the empty chair beside them, hearing the muffled screams from inside. 
After a while, it quietens, and you finally emerge from inside, distressed and fast, trying to hold back tears. 
You don't notice Toto.
You start heading to an empty place where you can cry in peace while avoiding being seen by guests. 
Toto follows you all the way to the flying bridge, keeping a reasonable distance from you and trying to be discreet.
It's dark already, and the air feels chilly up there as the night fully sets. 
He hears you weeping near the railing as you feel a jacket being placed on you. 
"It's cold," Toto's deep voice says, making you jump. 
You immediately wipe your tears, fix yourself, and turn to face him. 
"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't notice you were here. I apologize." 
God! Why did he have to be there and see you like this? You wanted to avoid getting into more trouble!
He notices your overly apologizing trait and feels slightly sorry for you. "I followed you here."
Your stupid mind takes another angle. "I'm so sorry if I didn't hear you calling me; how can I help you?"
He stares at you. "I meant it as I saw the entire thing with Mr. Elrod and then with Holst and followed you here from his office. He loses patience quickly but is a good-hearted man." 
You nod, now getting it. 
"Did you poison the allergic guy?" he asks, a small smile forming on his lips at the situation's absurdity as he listens to himself.
"Yes. I messed up the plate's labels all for being in a rush." You aren't in the mood to light things up with humor as you hold back tears again. "It won't happen again." Toto notices it; you gulp and look directly at him. "You don't have to worry about it, sir. I will pay extra care with your food and beverages."
"You think I'm here because I'm worried you'll get me poisoned?" his voice is serious. 
You glance at him, confused and surprised. 
What's going on?!
"Just talk to me. What's the reason for the tears?" Toto wipes the tear running down your cheek. "Without the sir bit, please, just Toto."
"Understood, si-r-Toto," you quickly answer. "Well, I-yeah, I feel like I'm not good at anything! I always screw things up. It doesn't matter how hard I try! It keeps happening to me, and they had enough of it."
"Did Holst threaten to fire you? I can always talk to him," he offers you, concerned.
"No, I'm getting a fine, a big one. I can barely afford it, but I can't lose this job either."
"And you told Holst that? That you needed the money? I don't know, maybe he could give you additional chores, or you could stay free for extra hours?"
"Yes, I tried, but he knows that's the one punishment that would make me not dare to commit the same mistake again. It's a bit cruel, but I'm used to it, I guess," you explain to him before you literally have a breakdown in front of him, much to Toto's surprise.
He holds you in his arms, trying to calm you down while a more violent and cold current hits both of your bodies. 
You feel his thumb rubbing your back as you bury yourself in his warmness. His tender touch relaxes you so much that you start falling asleep, feeling exhausted. 
He then notices you struggling to keep your eyes open and to remain on your feet as you lean more into him. 
He lifts you from the ground with a firm grip and carries you around as you fall asleep on him. 
He takes you downstairs through the empty hallways to his cabin, not knowing where yours is or how to get there, and softly places you in his bed.
He pulls your skirt in place, respecting you, even if he likes the idea of spooning you and feeling the lace of your cheeky panties with his fingers as his eyes go down your sound-asleep figure.
Toto hasn't fucked anyone in over five weeks, and the urge to do so starts building inside him. 
But it's not proper to get involved with you.
The following day, he wakes up as the sun sneaks through the massive glass window of his bedroom, heating Toto's face; he then stretches and yawns before turning your way.
But you are already gone. 
It's about 8 a.m., meaning breakfast is about to occur. Toto gets on his feet, feeling hungry already due to his CEO routine, usually waking up between 4:45 and 5:00 a.m. and eating breakfast early. But he has to remind himself he is on a break.
He spots you as soon as he arrives at the bridge deck.
You are wearing a uniform similar to yesterday's. A white button t-shirt with a v-neck, this time no tie, but today's blue A-line plated panel mini skirt with four golden buttons seemed in it looks so tight on your ass, which is anything but good for Toto's horniness as he feels the urge to pin you against the hallway wall and rub your asscheeks against his groin.
He notices the nervous energy among the staff members, hurrying to attend to his and the other guests' every need as they start to breakfast.
Your eyes dart at him in awe and fear after last night's events as you give out the glass bottles of sparkling water to everyone at the table.
Toto chuckles to himself, aware of the power he wields on you simply by his presence. 
He looks at you with a cheeky grin and, on purpose, drops his fork.
The sound it makes when hitting the floor causes Mr. Holst to turn Toto's way and joke out loud. "It's alive! The fruit is alive!" he messes around.
"Y/N," Toto calls your name, a smirk already on his lips. "Would you mind picking it up for me?" he requests you in the sweetest tone in front of everyone.
"You little shit," you think, but you say, "Sure, sir," and struggle to get down to the floor in that fucking tight as hell mini skirt, trying to bend without your pussy greeting everyone. 
He enjoys watching you try and struggle all the way down and is pretty surprised when you achieve it without revealing yourself.
"Let me get you a new one, SIR," you emphasize the last word while looking at him with murderous eyes as he laughs under his breath.
Once you are back and have handed him his new fork so he can resume enjoying his fruit, Toto grabs a strawberry with it and gets it in his mouth. 
As soon as the fork makes contact with his lips, Toto feels them burning violently.
He turns your way, eyes wide open, and since you are just two steps behind him, you come closer to mutter near his ear, "Oopsie, I must have dropped it in the wasabi sauce."
After a long chat with the other guests about business, Toto excuses himself to get a shower. 
He dismisses you and gifts you some free time before they dock in Eze Village. 
He asks you to go get him in his room when they arrive.
Toto steps into the steaming water, letting it cascade over his muscular body. He closes his eyes, trying to clear his mind of the sudden life crisis that brought him here. 
As he soaps up his body, he can't help but reach between his legs and begin to stroke his growing erection. 
He could be fucking anyone instead of jerking himself off in the shower. After all, he is a handsome billionaire who can afford life's finest things but is stranded here with few options.
A slight smirk forms at the corner of his mouth as he thinks you would probably be more than happy to join and help him with this as he runs his hands over his well-defined abs and chest. 
He pulls all of his strength not to call you in.
Instead, he focuses on pulling himself harder, faster, and more intensely as he gets lost in the moment. 
"Ahh" he moans, arching his back as he feels the familiar tightening in his groin. His cock is as hard and curved as possible and bounces slightly with each move.
After minutes of going at it, he hears the soft and muffled knocks on the door. 
It must be you, as he instructed you, obedient girl! He would reward you for good behavior if you were in there with him.
He rushes to pleasure himself, or otherwise, if he stops and steps out, after opening that door, he is going to fuck you right against it, not being able to contain himself.
His grip tightens on his shaft. He can feel the familiar tightness building in his balls, warning him of his impending release. 
As he approaches his climax, he lets out a long, intense groan, his fingers founding the way on his throbbing cock. 
With a deep breath, he allows himself to cum, feeling the warmth spreading through his body.
As his last drops of cum splash against the glass, Toto then opens his eyes, catching his breath, feeling refreshed and invigorated.
He cleans himself before quickly stepping out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist while he hears you knocking again.
He opens the door for you, still undressed, wet hair dripping on his bare chest. 
You can't help but look surprised and get a notorious blush, trying to stop your eyes from going all over him. 
"I'll be there in a minute, kid," he says, letting you peek at him before closing the door to your face.
Is this man sending you mixed signals, or are you going crazy?!
Much to his surprise, you remain on board the yacht doing other chores instead of joining him at Eze Village. 
Ava stays in charge of Toto and Mr. Holst as they tour the small village; their first stop is the cigar store.
As they exit the shop after spending a couple of hundred, Toto notices the nearby street where many men wander around, going up or down a broad stone stair to a redwood door. 
At 2:00 p.m., that place looks already buzzing, bright daylight still on the streets.
"That strip club is unbelievable," Holst whispers near his ear, noticing Toto's eyes wandering there. "It's pretty hidden and offers lots of privacy. That's why it's so popular amongst the elites, plus the girls in there, woaf." Holst throws a kiss in the air. "We should stop by after lunch, you know, as our dessert." Holst bumps him, and Toto nods, agreeing. 
He very much needs it.
Everyone is back in the yacht at the time set. The night starry sky looks beautiful on board, and the waters are calm, but the crew isn't.
The guests look bored and a bit pissed off of waiting for Wolff and Holst; they are nowhere to be seen.
"Should we go look for them?" you ask, concerned for his wellbeing, you mean, their wellbeing.
"No one else gets off here," the sailing master declares after sending two male crew members after establishing contact with Ava; after four tries, she finally picks up the signal.
"We are on our way back," she updates him on the radio, sounding exasperated and a bit emotional. "Also, send Hob to receive us at the platform, but make it tactful."
Everyone in the crew looks at each other with a "Did something happen?" expression as they are all gathered around the radio in the small lobby of the crew's cabins.
"Walk," Hob tells you as he passes you by. Moving fast, you follow him without questioning much. 
As you two reach the platform, you see Arvin and Hob teaming up to carry a totally hammered and passed-out Mr. Holst to get him to his suite.
And Carlo helping out a drunk but still awake Toto to walk him to his room, the Austrian hanging from his shoulder to help his balance. 
Carlo signals you with his hand to move your ass to Toto's cabin.
"Pour him a tall glass of water," he asks you as he lowers Toto on his bed. "Stay in here if he needs something else or throws up."
"Puff, I'm fine!" Toto says, making fun of the large man as he tries to remove his shoes but fails completely. 
Carlo exits the room and closes the door behind him, leaving you two alone.
"Do you need help with those?" you offer Toto, a bit amused. He looks way less intimidating when drunk.
He shakes his head way too much. Finally, he gets them out with much force, and one bounces around the carpet floor.
Then he attempts to unbutton his shirt. You watch him struggle with that until he gets exasperated, unable to coordinate his hand movements, and wants to sleep now.
"Would you mind?!" he looks pissed off at you as if it was a duty you were supposed to do.
You don't take it wrong and gladly reach out to help him get undressed. 
Toto is sitting at the end of the bed. You stand between his slightly open legs, placing yourself between his knee. As you undo his shirt, he looks up at you, looking straight at your eyes, chin up.
Jesus! That smell! Why he smells like whore? 
Which turns out to be a good thing; otherwise, you would have to resist the urge to throw yourself at him.
As you unbutton the remaining two lower ones, he says, "I picked the one who looked like you," and you have no idea what he is referring to.
He manages to take his pants off; good thing! You would have lost it! And then Toto drops himself face down on the mattress, quickly falling asleep in his trousers.
You place a pillow under his head and involuntarily comb his hair with your hand.
He wakes up to the vision of you sleeping all curled up in the armchair you dragged near his bed; a weird feeling washes him over before he rushes to pee.
Once back, he falls asleep again, and no human force will wake him up.
After tidying up the room and grabbing Toto's clothes from the floor to the laundry, you leave a hungover kit and a new glass of water on his bedside table before leaving.
Your list of things to do today is nuts.
That same morning, the Chef sends you to get more flour sacks. 
When you open the big, heavy, metallic pantry door, you unexpectedly find Ava crying inside there under the bright light bulb.
"Oh, sorry," you quickly add. Ava immediately turns around and pretends she's looking for something, reading the labels on the cans before her.
You know a crying girl spot when you see it; unfortunately, you have used almost all of them.
"Are you okay?" you ask her, concerned.
"Yes, it's all good. I was looking for this!" Ava answers in her usual tone, picking up a random can.
"The anchovies got you emotional? Got it! I also got emotional in here once for a jar of mayo, and also when choosing which broom to use in the broom closet, and while folding napkins in the linen closet. I get it, girl." You confess to her all the places where you have cried in the yacht due to circumstances.
You make her smile a bit. "No, but seriously, are you okay?!" You ask and try again, sensing she opens up a bit.
Much to your surprise, she starts telling you: "I can't believe he did this to us!" in between cries. "This was supposed to be our gateway trip, not this!"
She sounds hurt. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure about what or who. Still, fuck them for hurting you!" you reassure her, trying to be empathic and supportive while also trying to figure it out.
"He and Wolff spent the entire afternoon inside that fucking strip club! Getting God knows what! I wasn't able to go inside; that stupid no women-allowed policy, you know, fuck them! And that fucking security guy even threw me out of the street, he made me leave, and I had to wait for them FOR HOURS!" now her sadness was starting to become anger. 
"God! I looked like an idiot sitting for hours in that cafe at the corner, forced to ask for food or drinks every once in a while until I saw them pass by through the windows, looking like a mess, barely able to walk and holding rolls of euros in their hands! That's when I sent the signal!"
WAIT A MINUTE! Toto went to the strip club?! You feel a sting of pain and jealousy. Oh, that was the smell! You feel pissed off, with no right howsoever. 
WAIT. Ava is referring to Mr. Holst?! Fuck!
Toto looks very comfy in one of the bulky sofas in the living room. This time, he is enjoying the inside of the yacht, staying away from the sun like a vampire, with his sunglasses on and a stern expression; his head must hurt.
You notice Toto's nasty hickeys on his neck in broad daylight as you approach to check on him, the ones that make your stomach revolve in jealousy as if you had the right to feel mad at him.
"I heard there are good natural remedies for hickeys. Maybe we have the ingredients on board. Would you like me to bring you one, sir?" you can't contain yourself.
He pays attention to your every expression. "Just Toto, remember? When it's just the two of us. And, yes, bring it." 
You return with a peppermint oil mini jar on your hands. Toto stays there staring at you without reaching his hand. 
What is he expecting?! For you to rub it on his neck?!" Yeah, you're mad. 
Finally, he grabs it.
"Let me know if you need something else for other regions," he detects your displeased undertones. 
"That's all. I don't need anything else for any other areas. Nothing happened in any other area," Toto hints to you.
"Understood, sir" you willinly ignore him, still giving him shit.
"Kid, are you allowed to go to Holst suite? Tell him if he will face me at the pool table or if he chickens out." Toto stands up and reaches you closer, his chest a centimeter away. Then he pats your head. "Be a nice pet, little one."
You stare, thirsting at his lips. Also, you want to strangle him! Also, he wants to strangle you, but in a different way.
As you are about to knock on Mr. Holst's suite's massive entrance door, you hear Ava's muffled, intense moans coming from inside while she groans to him to give her his dick harder.
Yeah... maybe later.
Damn, he must be fucking the "please, forgive me" out of her! Why is Toto not doing the same?!
You laugh at the thought.
"Mr. Holst isn't available right now," you inform him upon your return.
"Chicken!" Toto says, pouting.
More like "Cheater," you think. That guy has a wife and kids.
Toto ends up playing pool with two of the other male guests at the man cave, nicknamed "The Captain's Delight." 
The room has rich, dark wood paneling and sleek silver accents. It smells of fine leather and cigars. At the center of the place sits a gorgeous pool table crafted from the finest materials, with an emerald green top and balls made from solid, gleaming ivory.
You call the bartender in and start helping him serve the drinks for Toto, Stellan, and Bram.
Stellan's eyes gleam with confidence and arrogance as he sips his drink and makes a ball hit the pocket with a loud crash.
Toto is a bit of a show-off, always trying to prove himself as the best player. 
And Bram isn't much into the game as he can't help but steal glances at you, his eyes lingering on your curves every time he chalks up his cue, acting anything but discreet.
The bidding starts slow, but the stakes grow higher as the game heats up. The men raise their bets, and their voices grow louder and more aggressive as they argue over who made the best shot. 
Bram eyes get bloodshot from too much drinking, and his speech gets slurred as the game progresses. Their competitive spirits fueling the intensity of the round.
Bram's eyes continue to go all over you, from your legs to your ass, where he keeps staring for more than you like and at your breasts every time he addresses you.
On any occasion you pass by near him, you hear him throw a dirty innuendo whisper really low, only for you to listen to it, which makes your skin crawl.
When he misses a hit, he gets angry and throws a fit.
As he remains out of the game, he asks you for a refill of his drink. As soon as you are back, he pulls you by the waist to sit you right next to him, forcing his hand behind you, making you feel really uneasy.
Toto notices it and quickly approaches you, sitting right by your side, with no inch of space between you, causing the other man to slide away casually.
Bram returns to the game as they start a new final round; another "all-in" bid is placed. 
Stellan takes the price, being the best player of the night, much to the dislike of his peers.
Everyone calls it a night. But you stay in, tidying everything up and helping the bartender clean the bar. 
He wishes you a good night, and you turn off the lights and exit the room minutes later. It's almost 3 a.m.
As you leave the man cave into the long, empty hallway that leads to the stairs, you notice from the corners of your eyes that Bram is leaning against the wall there, waiting for you.
You quicken your pace, but Bram follows you, his eyes fixed on you. "Hey, babe," he slurs, his voice growing louder. "You're really something special."
You try to ignore him, but Bram continues, his words getting more and more aggressive. "Come on, babe. Let's get you a drink. I have Tequila Ley in my cabin and have a great idea for a game."
But you are having none of it. You keep moving. The stairs aren't that far away now, but the hallways are empty and dark, making you feel nervous, as Bram is relentless. 
As you reach the base of the stairs, he goes for your arm, feeling you are slipping away. He spins you around to face him, pushing you against the railing, which makes a loud sound. 
He places his hands on your legs and rubs them up, starting to pull your skirt up as he slides them in while you panic, not knowing how to react.
"I heard a collision sound. All good?" a deep voice booms above you.
Bram looks up to see Toto's imposing figure with an enraged face and stabbing eyes, and he immediately yanks away from you.
You take advantage of the distraction to pull free and hurry away up the stairs to Toto. He watches Bram leave, heading back in the direction you were coming.
"Are you okay?" he asks you.
You nod, looking relieved. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for intervening."
Toto nods. "I noticed him creeping on you all night long; I was waiting for you in case he tried something stupid. I should have stayed in the hallway by the door and avoided you this."
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly. You had previously dealt with similar situations, but this one went too far.
"Why don't we get some fresh air? You look like you could use it." Toto suggests, and both think of the same place to go: the flying bridge.
"Are you really okay?" Toto asks with concern etched on his face as he notices your eyes lost in the sea. 
You are sitting at the edge of the wooden floor, shoulder to shoulder, with your legs hanging in the air and leaning on the railing as you admire the moon's glow reflecting on the waters.
Even with that beautiful landscape, you can't shake the memory of that creepy guy harassing you earlier. 
Thank goodness Toto noticed how the man leered at you, making those crude comments under his breath. 
God knows what could have happened if he hadn't stopped it before it went too far!
The incident left you with an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
"You know, if you want to explain to me what hap...," Toto starts saying, but his voice trails off as he looks into your eyes and sees the vulnerability. 
He knows that he should keep things professional between you, but there is something about you that he can't resist.
He places his hand on top of yours, and the warmth of Toto's hand takes you out of your trance. 
He can't help but lean in closer, your heart racing as you see him approach to rest his temple on yours. 
You lean into the touch and wrap your arms around his waist, holding him tight, making you feel safe and protected. 
Finally, you can't take it anymore and whisper: "I don't know what's happening between us, but I can't resist you anymore." you smile, your cheeks flushed, fresh tears drying. "But I want you, Toto," you confess.
He looks at you in total silence for what feels like an eternity, just looking at your eyes.
Before your lips meet in a tender, soft kiss that sends waves of electricity through your body, before you move your hands around Toto's neck, pulling yourself closer to his body as the kiss deepens. 
The kiss grows hungrily, and you keep rubbing yourself against him until he wraps you around his waist and lifts you.
He leads you to his cabin, his footsteps echoing in the quiet space. As he closes the door behind you, a wave of nervous anticipation washes over you.
He looks straight at you, his eyes searching for any sign of hesitation. You look back at him, your gaze unflinching, and he knows then that you are ready before lowering you into his bed. 
You glimpse at the bulge on his pants as he moves to place himself on top of you, parting your legs; you pull him closer once more, his lips finding yours as he undoes the buttons on your shirt, his fingertips grazing your bare skin. 
You close your eyes, savoring his gentle touch, feeling his warmth and hardness. 
He trails a line of kisses from your collarbone to your stomach, taking his time to explore every inch of you as his hands trace the curves of your body; slowly, he slides your skirt off and tosses it aside.
He leans in and places a soft kiss on your inner thighs, eliciting a gasp from you; he quickly removes his pants, not being able to contain his erection inside them anymore.
You stare at his dick shaft to the side, and it makes you get wetter with arousal.
Your breath hitches as Toto unclasps your bra, revealing your breasts and teasing your nipples with his fingertips until they harden under his touch. 
His mind is whirling with desire for the beautiful young woman you are. He returns to his position between your legs and starts rocking his hips in circles, rubbing his erection on you. 
You grab his ass and squeeze it, pulling him closer. "Toto..." you whisper, arching towards him. His tongue teases your earlobe, making you shiver. 
"Do you really want this?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Your answer comes in the form of a moan as you lean into him, your hands finding their way to his chest. "I've wanted this for days."
He then removes his trousers and, in a single move, pulls down your soaked panties before penetrating you slowly, feeling your body tense up at first but then slowly relax into him. 
Your breaths become synchronized as you both sway together. Your moans fill the cabin, echoing off the wood-paneled walls as you enjoy his length inside you. 
The feeling of being taken so roughly sends waves of ecstasy through your body. Toto runs his fingers through your hair, pulling it. 
With each thrust, you can feel yourself falling deeper in love with Toto. For him, you taste sweet and innocent, yet wild and untamed at the same time. 
He thrusts balls deep into you, taking you completely. Your bodies clasping together in a rhythm. Sweat dripping down as you desperately fuck each other. Your pussy clamps down around his cock, driving him crazy.
After a while of intense fucking, with a couple of final hits, you feel an orgasm releasing from you as you come all over his dick. He groans into your mouth, his hips bucking and his cock throbbing inside you. 
Minutes later, Toto quickly pulls out in a fast move, removes his condom, and lets his cum spill over you. 
You gasp in surprise but then moan as the warmth spreads across your sensitive skin.
He leans down and kisses you passionately, your tongues dancing together in the aftermath of intense lovemaking. You look completely satisfied. 
"That was amazing," he whispers against your lips. You nestle closer to him, your breathing still ragged. 
"No one has made me feel like this before," you murmur, tracing the head of his cock with your fingertips, caressing with your hand all over his chest, then kissing him for a while, tongues dancing, moist lips rubbing.
Then, you both get clean and return to bed, where you are about to spend the rest of the night embracing.
As you are comfortably wrapped naked in his arms while he tenderly runs his fingers on your lower back, Toto tells you: "I have been restraining myself from having you for days.
"Why?" curiosity is filling you.
"Because it seemed inappropriate, plus we couldn't be more different, starting for our ages. I could be your dad!"
"Daddy..." you sigh as you look straight into his eyes, moving your gaze away from his bare chest.
"Stop it," he lets out in a dangerously low voice.
"What? It turns you on? I wouldn't mind another round, daddy," You moan out the last word, being an ass and teasing him. "My shift starts in about 2 hours."
Suddenly, you feel his weight all over you as he, in a fast move, places on top of you, and you laugh. He starts kissing your neck and heading all the way down, biting every inch of your skin.
You release many "daddies" out as he devours your pussy and fucks you hard till the sun comes out. To be continued... < Masterlist | Next chapter >
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Invisible part 2
- a change of perspectives
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Part 1
Part 3 coming soon...
This time, Sanji is incognito in a new body - hanging out with you!
He's getting to know you, and sees you in a new light.
This is leading up to part 3, where there is a happy end.
"...and that's why we should switch bodies!" Usopp ended his lengthy explanation and Sanji just stared at him.
A very grumpy Law sat in a shady corner, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation.
"You need my body? For a heist? Why can't I just go with Nami-san?" he felt betrayed.
"Because you're bad at lying. This has to work. We need the lying mouth and the brawn" Nami said, and added with a pout:"please! For me!"
"Yes of course my Nami-swaaan! Anything you want!" Sanji heard his own mouth say before his brain even had a clear thought.
So, he ended up in Usopp's scrawny body. But he was proud that the sweet Nami-swan needed him. His body. Whatever happened to it would be fine.
They went on a super secret mission on a super secret island while the Sunny waited in a calm archipelago with a few villages.
Usopp's body felt so weak, Sanji tried a few Kicks but it didn't feel right- and everything in Usopp's many pockets clinked and clonked mysteriously. He just hoped they would not get attacked while his body was away, he wouldn't be able to protect the ship like that.
"Uuusoppp!" Someone called.
"Hey, Usopp?" Someone punched Sanji in the side, reminding him that for the day, he was Usopp.
"Oh, hey y/n! Uhm..what's up?" He said and tried to remember Usopp's mannerisms and speech patterns.
"What's up? You wanted to help me today, remember?" Y/n told him, beaming.
"Of course! I didn't forget," he lied, "But I've got so much to do today here..." he tried to think of excuses. He wasn't exactly in the mood to hang with her.
"You promised!" Y/n looked a bit cross at him, "and it's so important to me" she told him.
"Ok, what are we doing?" Sanji sighed. She may not be his type at all, but at that moment she was still a girl in need.
"We're finishing the book, silly" She said like Usopp had to know.
"Of course, the book" he said and followed her to the girl's room - a holy place on the ship that was usually forbidden to him.
He took in the sweet scent of female perfume and was delighted to see sexy clothes laid out on the beds. Meanwhile, y/n trotted over to a table and took out a big book, a small Box full of papers and arts and crafts materials.
The book looked like an album but much more intricate. The pages y/n had opened where full of pictures of the crew, handwritten comments and small memorandums of the places they had visited: dried leaves and flowers, tickets, maps.
"Remind me what we're doing again?" He casually asked.
"I'm making a scrapbook for Sanji, remember? Did you hit your head?" She raised her eyebrows.
"For me- uhm for Sanji? His birthday is months away!" Sanji said, wondering why she would do that.
"It's just to show him how much the crew loves and cherishes him. After I saw how cruel his family was to him, I wanted to do something nice for him" she answered, laying out her materials.
The mention of his family still stung a bit, but her sentiment was sweet. He didn't know she cared so much.
"You will help me with folding some decorative origami." She pushed a pile of small, pink sheets towards him.
"Uhm..." Sanji stuttered. His fingers were very dextrous, but he didn't know anything about origami folding, and these sheets were tiny.
"I'll show you again..." She said and sat next to him. She showed him how to make small, folded cherry blossoms. She taught him step by step how to do it.
He was not used to it and made many mistakes, but she was patient and gentle. He finally made a small, slightly crooked blossom he was not proud of, but she praised him like he just did something great. Smiling, she placed her hand on his arm and he couldn't help but feel good about his small accomplishment.
He never really noticed her, when she was not in danger or hungry she barely registered to him. Which he kind of regretted now - she was exceptionally kind and caring. Maybe he should try and talk to her more often.
When he sat beside her to fold the blossoms, he watched her artfully place the photos and memories on the pages.
He began to feel very cozy. Y/n hummed softly as she worked on a gift for him, smiling in the golden light that filled the room. He noticed how her eyes would light up with excitement, and he couldn't deny the charm in her enthusiasm.
He watched her as she lovingly filled page after page of their adventures and he couldn't help but wonder how much effort she had already put in - for him.
"Can I see?" Sanji was now curious for the rest, he couldn't wait for the finished book. He skipped through, pages and pages filled with carefully preserved memories. All the people theu met and helped. Y/n's commentary was emphasising the crew's friendship and his good qualities.
There was a photo from punk hazard. It showed Sanji, smiling, handing out food to marines and pirates alike. He couldn't help but notice the abundance of pictures she had of him. Could it be that she had a thing for him...?
Above she wrote: "Your great cooking brings everyone together. What would we do without you?" In small, precise letters. There were more pictures of laughing marines and happy giant kids. He knew that she liked to take fotos, but he never really noticed how much. Her message made him smile, he was indeed proud of his skills and the joy it brought. And he liked that she saw that.
"You did great!" His eyes got a little wet and he handed it back to her.
As he bathed in her attention, he couldn't help but ask her: "Do you like Sanji?"
He already got his answer by seeing her blush violently.
"As a fellow crewmember, of course!" She tried to gloss over the fact that she was red as a poppy by hiding behind the book.
"Of course" He chuckled. It felt strange to know that he had at least one secret admirer on the ship, even if she wasn't his type at all.
"There is absolutely nothing, I'm just being nice!"
It was kind of cute to see her so shy, but Sanji feared by making her reveal her secret, he had upset her.
"You know what would be nice now? Cup of tea and some cookies!" Sanji felt like it would cheer her up.
"Yes, that would be nice" y/n seemed relieved.
He was happy to take care of her. When he brought her tea and cookies, they ended up talking about everything, forgetting the time. It felt like he already knew her.
As the sun began to set, they finally finished the album. Y/n closed the book with a satisfied sigh.
"Thank you so much, Usopp! I wouldn't have been able to finish it without you" she said, giving him a warm smile.
Sanji felt a strange warmth in his chest at her words. He realized that he had genuinely enjoyed spending time with her, even if she wasn't Nami.
"It was my pleasure" he replied sincerely.
Y/n looked at him curiously. "You seem different today, Usopp. More... thoughtful."
Sanji scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well, sometimes you just need a change of perspective, you know?"
Sanji couldn't help but reflect on the day. He had expected it to be a tiresome chore, but it had turned out to be a surprisingly enjoyable experience. And he couldn't deny that y/n's company had something special about it.
When Sanji and Nami returned, victorious, there was a small celebration for everyone, including Trafalgar Law, he seemed to randomly visit more and more, much to Luffy's delight. The captain of the heart pirates sat next to you and since he was both creepy and frightening, you left him alone, instead talking to Usopp.
He had been unusually calm and polite these past days, but was back to his usual, loud self now. You made jokes and watched him shoot peas at Luffy across the table.
"You strawhats really are a piece of work" Law said next to you, looking unnerved and tired.
"Is it too loud for you, Tra?" You turned to him, trying to include him.
"Not exactly" He answered.
"I just hope that the constant body switching in this crew stops now" He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Constant? " you asked.
"Yes, a few weeks ago, now once again." He leaned back, looking exhausted, "I should never have used that power on punk hazard." He crossed his arms.
"What do you mean - now? Who changed?" You couldn't believe they wouldn't tell you. But than again, you didn't tell anyone, either.
"Well, before it was you and Nami-ya, now Sanji-ya and Usopp-ya. I hope her scheming ends now " As he leaned back, you saw that Sanji was standing at the table with a tablet full of drinks, brows drawn.
Slowly, you processed what you just heard. Sanji and Usopp switched bodies. That meant...Usopp's strange behavior was because it was really Sanji.
Your heart beat frantically as you realized the reality: Sanji had been in Usopp's body. He knew that you had a crush on him.
A quick glance at Sanji revealed that he must have heard everything clearly. He looked confused and thoughtful, even though Robin was trying to get his attention.
"EXCUSE ME" you almost choked on your own voice, working hard to keep it together and get past Sanji to the exit. He let you pass, but gave you a strange look.
Trying to act as innocent and normal as possible, you walked out, closed the door to the dining room and ran to the girl's room to have a small breakdown.
Y/n had left in a hurry.
"Hey Law, what did you just say about Nami switching bodies?" Sanji asked, a bit in shock.
"Just what I said. A few weeks ago I already helped Nami-ya by making a switch" He said dryly.
"When exactly?" Sanji asked.
"Three weeks if you have to know. In that town with the casinos." He answered.
Now he couldn't deny it anymore.
He never went on a date with Nami, no wonder she didn't seem to remember anything they talked about. It had been Y/n. They almost kissed.
He needed a smoke, fast. He headed outside.
Lighting his cigarette in the cool night air cleared his head. What a mess, he thought, So I was on a date with Y/n in Nami's body, and she hung out with me in Usopp's body. How stupid. And on top of all that, she likes me.
He breathed out smoke. Actually, he had felt really comfortable with her. His time with her was enjoyable. It was effortless to talk to her, she was kind and gentle with him. Made him feel safe.
She also liked him. He kind of liked her, too. She wasn't his usual type, but still cute, in her own way. But she's not the kind of lady he always dreamed of.
He rolled the thoughts around in his head. But first things first, he needed to clear the air between them. Be a man.
He knocked at her door, no one answered.
"Hey y/n, open up!" He said.
"Go away!" She sobbed.
Now he's made her cry, great.
"Don't cry! I am not mad! In fact, I'm flattered. Let's stay friends, though!" He put his ear against the door and heard another loud sob.
"Just don't cry anymore!" He couldn't bear it, it made his chest clench and his stomach turn to hear a girl cry.
"Please, leave me alone now!" Her voice was barely audible throught the wood. It felt wrong to leave her alone now, he had to do something. He sat down and leaned against the door.
"I am sorry I never really noticed you, that wasn't fair. But I'm here now." He listened for an answer.
"Sanji, you're not helping!" You cried through the door.
"Let's talk about it. I know you've been in Nami's body for the day we went shopping. You know I hung out with you these past days as Usopp. I can't return your feelings, but I learned that we can be good friends. I want to spend more time with you! And I'm not mad or weirded out. I swear from this day forth, I'll be the best friend you ever had!"
It wasn't the best idea to get comforted by the guy who broke your heart, but in this second he was so sincere, you couldn't help but feel a little better.
You opened the door - he almost fell on top of you. Both of you chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, let's be friends" you agreed, doubting that your feelings for him would vanish anytime soon.
So since all of you have had so many great ideas I chose to write ALL THE ENDINGS!
Chose between
- Sanji or Zoro
- Law or Sanji
- no one (coming soon)
@sophsgloom @nim-rose @iloveartofcartoons-blog
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hi sweetheart, hope you’re good<3
Could you write sth for Matilda and Lucas? Whatever you’d like but I’m getting all mushy on the idea of them understanding each other without words and all
Note: me too! I starred thinking about it and I melted! 🥹🫠 I hope you're well too!
Even though Lando and Oscar would spend a lot of the time in media duties, they still wanted their little ones close to them so they could spend a little time with them on their breaks.
While their mothers engaged in conversation, Lucas and Matilda sat at the table with their arts and crafts kits open. They were both quiet kids but they understood eachother without having to speak many words.
Matilda would always make sure her crayons were within arms reach for Lucas, and the little boy would always notice whenever she needed something and make sure she could have it, like right now, when he noticed her crayon needed to be sharpened, gently handing her the sharpener with a sweet smile on his face.
"Thank you, Lucas", Matilda whispered gently as she took it, a sweet smile on her face too.
They drew on each of their drawings until it was done before Lucas pulled a big A3 sheet of paper from his folder, "my mummy said we could draw on this together, do you want to do that?", he asked.
Matilda nodded, grabbing some of her pens and spreading them out so he could use them too, starting to draw flowers on the paper. Lucas followed her, doing his best to make sure they complimented her pink and purple flowers. They easily found a scheme: Matilda would draw the petals, colouring them in and then Lucas would follow with the glittery yellow pen to colour in the middle, ending up with about a quarter of the page covered in flowers in all colours and shapes.
Lucas thought it would look nice with some rainbows, so he started drawing them, this time with Matilda following his lead as they drew the coloured arches.
After tidying up, they both got up and walked up to a magnetic wall, their mothers always keeping an eye on them, and grabbed some magnets to hold their drawing up.
"Hey, Tilly", Lando cooed as he and Oscar walked up the stairs, seeing their children looking at the drawing.
"Did you draw that with Matilda, little man?", Oscar asked as Lucas hugged his legs, nodding in response, "it looks really good", he complimented.
"Looks really pretty, baby", Lando smiled, pulling his daughter up on his hip and kissing her cheek, "let's go to mummy, hm? We can all have lunch together".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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evangelic-echo · 4 months
ℭ𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔩 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
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Part 4: Part 3:<
“If there was one thing I learned about your father, is that he had the worst work ethic I’ve ever seen.”
“You knew my Dad?”
“Mhm, always trying to slither his way out of doing the work the elders gave him, it was only ever when he personally wanted to work towards something that he’d put quite the effort.”
Charlie looked down at the floor, looking as though she was deep in thought after hearing your words. You wondered if possibly you had offended her, talking about lucifer in such a way.
“Sorry, but my Dad’s busy at the moment. Y’know, being the King of Hell and what not.. He asked me to attend to the meeting instead.”
You looked down, following Charlie’s gaze to see her fidgeting with her fingers under the table. Due to her reluctancy, you could sense something was up. Did Lucifer drop out of the meeting to avoid you? Did he even know you were the one attending? You couldn't imagine that after so many years he'd try to simply avoid you like that, and instead send over his daughter to pick up the work for him. If you could easily get over what happened so many eons ago so should he. Despite Charlie's hesitance, you made it clear you were being stubborn on the matter.
"Buut he is staying over at the Hotel for now, if you came over he would surely be there."
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Walking through the portal you made, both you and the princess found yourselves in the hotel. Once entering, rich, crimson walls envelop all around you as the crystal chandelier above with gold fittings hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden light that complements the rich red tones. The chandelier not only being used as a light source, but a decorative central piece of the lobby. Before you stood the reception desk, possibly crafted from dark mahogany wood with a crimson leather inlay and gold detailing. Behind the desk, a large, backlit panel showcases an exquisite piece of art in gold, depicting a serene landscape that contrasts beautifully with the vibrant red surroundings. One artwork that particularly caught your eye was a portrait of the newly ascended sinner you had just met merely yesterday afternoon, you took down a mental note to ask Charlie about it later.
To the left of the room was occupied with an elegant bar made with the same details as the front desk, a rich, dark mahogany counter that boasts a glossy finish. The front of the bar is adorned with crimson leather panels while the barstools are high and plush, upholstered in deep crimson velvet with a golden trim. The bar lights shone the same warm toned light as the main chandelier, keeping that same warm and inviting glow over that casted down at the bar and the shelves behind it that were lined with different kinds of spirits, wines, and liquors. While observing the intricate designs of the room, you didn't notice until that it had a couple demons occupied at the bar, one behind the bar while there was two sat before him. You only noticed when you had all three of them completely gawking at you, making you feel really awkward and uncomfortable.
"Wow Charlie, this place looks stunning. Even with magic I can't believe you built all this in a day"
"Yeah, I guess having the Devil as your dad has a few perks."
As you and Charlie both laughed at the joke, you could still feel those same eyes burning a hole at your back that was turned to them. Feeling uncomfortable, you tried keeping up conversation about the hotel while fidgeting where you stood, refusing to move and risking making eye contact with the men behind you. As you were fidgeting with a feather attached to your wings, you realised that you were an angel. An angel sent from heaven with huge ass wings that reached to the floor, and that is probably the leading reason as to why you had three demons gawking behind you. While in thought, Charlie had stopped talking and looked up enthusiastically right behind you, where you could definitely feel a demonic presence behind you.
"Alastor! I am so so so SO happy to introduce you to Y/N, she's here from heaven to learn more about the Hotel!"
Instantly turning behind you, you were faced with a tall man who had quite a slim build and a huge ass devilish grin that stretched across his face. His hair is dark with red streaks, styled in a neat, vintage wave and he was clearly dressed in 1930's attire, featuring a long red coat with black and crimson stripes, a high collar, and matching red gloves.
"It's quite evident she's from Heaven my dear! Though sending down angels that weren't exterminators is very out of the ordinary."
If it wasn't his appearance that got to you first, it definitely would be his voice. The static of his voice was enough to irritate you.
"I wasn't sent down here, I came here out of my accord"
Alastor's smile just got wider and way more creepy when hearing you came here on your own. You couldn't decipher what he meant by it. That smile was like the demons very own poker face.
"Alastor here is the hotels Hotelier and top manager, after me of course. He's helped a lot around here and I'd honestly be lost without him."
"Why Charlie my dear there's no need to talk so highly of me! What I do here is merely the bare minimum, wouldn't you agree little angel?"
Oh you could see the resemblance in tone straight away, the condescension was wayy to similar to Sera's, and it quite literally gave you the ick. You hardened your gaze towards him, about to respond when instead you were interrupted by the two other demons making themselves known, introducing themselves to you. One was a twinky, tall, fuck ass demon like Alastor, resembling a spider and a lot more easier to talk to. He was the only other resident that was staying here with Sir Pentious before he quote on quote "died". The demon that was behind the bar was the Hotels barkeep. He was significantly shorter than the others, but was also significantly taller than you too. Both of them were quite fun to talk to and didn't have annoying as fuck glitchy voices, which helped in terms of you being able to graciously join in the conversation. Whilst in the midst of talking to the others, you noticed Charlie was on the phone to someone and you were praying to God she wasn't calling down Lucifer. That's a type of awkwardness you couldn't deal with at the moment. However, instead a young girl came down walking down the stairs and she had a pair of wings??...
"Hey babe, how did that meeting-"
She completely stopped talking and just stood there, staring at you. Everyone is the room had gone silent, waiting for one of us to say something.
This is so awkward.
Her gaze hardened towards you as you just stood there, too scared of breaking the thick tension in the room.
"Why the fuck are you here?!"
"Do I know you?"
You can admit that the weird, possible angel, did look familiar to you but overall you couldn't you a name to the face. She scoffed in response, crossing her arms in front of her as she continued to just stand there..
"VAGINA! Yesss I remember you now, it's been a while how have you been?"
Angel and Husk behind you start hollering with laughs, Charlie however looks absolutely horrified and alastor just stood there with the same weird grin on his face. Vaggie stood there, vexed as hell giving you the biggest death glare.
"My names Vaggie. You know this Y/N."
"Noo what I know is that I was there when Adam named you, and he did in fact name you Vagina, which I'll continue to refer to you as."
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Taglist: @alientee @sncks4scoob @froggybich @simbalioness @elementwind91 @tsukiko26 @weirdgirlislonely @azzuurr3 @originaldickhead @annybah @white-00-7 @missa-archdevilme @sassy-persona
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Camp Counselor Ethan Hcs🤭
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Warnings ⚠️ swearing, drinking, suggestive comments, no gf, children 👎🏾 fem!reader
This man LOVES being a counselor and as his s/o he ropes you and everyone else into helping that following summer
He’s in charge of the shyer kids because they feel more comfortable with him (and he used to be one)
Chad and Ethan’s cabins are right next to each other and if he’s not with you he’s with Chad (since he isn’t so hellbent on stabbing Chad)
LOVES TUG OF WAR WITH CHADS CABIN gets slightly over competitive
He’s making sure his cabin is going ALL out for color wars
Unfortunately you guys are on opposite sides of the camp and it’s not a long walk but being so far🙄 makes him touch starved and horny
He doesn’t know it until you or Mindy says something but all the 12 year old girls have the biggest crushes on him but he’s so unaware of it. (This would’ve been me at camp lolz)
When you guys tell him he gets beet red in shock.
When it’s arts and crafts time he always makes sure his group is sitting next yours
when he notices one of his campers crushing on yours he takes upon himself to help the little fella out (he also uses it to spend time with you)
He likes most of the other counselors
Especially if they swapped with him so you two could spend time together
But he really just likes hanging with the kids and listening to their stories
“.And Tommy started talking about his hot wheel collection and apparently he’s got this collection of rare ones”
Also LOVES camper drama
Him and Annika love debriefing each other
Campers are very shocked when they learn you two are dating (this is early in the summer)
When the campers see the look he gives you as you get off lifeguard duty or lake time with your girls
They try harder to push you two together but when you guys realize you just play into it
“ yeah girls you’re right Ethan is kindaaaa cute”
“Idk guys I DO think Y/n/n is very pretty”
When you guys do canoeing he’s always your partner
“ETH BABE YOURE GONNA FLIP US” (this is how they “figure” it out)
“Yeah Counselor Y/N called Ethan BABE”
The campers love the two of you
But mainly him- he’s always getting small drawings or projects from kids and he always keeps them
LOVES leading nature courses and talking about bugs
This man LOVES S’mores probably his favorite treat (he’s definitely the type to burn the marshmallow) that’s actually me self projecting lolz
Okay suggestive/NSFW warning
He’s obviously a guy and going a WHOLE two months is a lot and seeing you gets him riled up regardless
Those looks during Lifeguard duty weren’t sweet loving ones (they were but also 😈 lol)
He loves seeing you tan with your girls and lies down in front of you if it’s a lake and lays on his stomach so he can get a “good view of the campers” good view of your chest
During Counselor Night he keeps you on his lap by the bonfire while you both sip on Alcohol that was snuck in
You guys sneak off and fuck in the woods GOODBYE
he brought a blanket incase he got lucky
He got lucky and thank goodness because he would’ve exploded
Cannot help staring if you’re wearing shorts
And Chad teases him about this (but then Tara walks by)
Get jealous if other counselors flirt with you this may or may not lead to steamy makeouts behind trees
One morning he surprised you on the cabin porch for a makeout session and accidentally moaned too loud causing some of your campers to wake up (he pulled away in time but was hurt his noises cut your time short)
If you guys sneak off during Color wars a nosy camper HAS to ask why there’s red face paint on him and blue on you
Chad and Ethan smoke behind their Cabins at night and talk about you and Tara
Loves doing physical labor near you so you get riled up as much a he is
A/N: I feel like I wrote too much lol but hope you like Pt.2?
Also this is inspired by Murdrdocs go check theirs out!!
Also please request I’m so bored when I’m not writing
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junowritings · 6 months
Gale with an artificer significant other who makes him magic items for him to absorb?
:0 I never considered this idea before but holy hells if that wouldn't be such a fascinating scenario. I'm not the most well versed on artificers so I had to do a lil reading and wing the rest but hopefully this is alright~!
♡ An artificer partner who can create magic infused items for him? Hells you may as well be a knight in shining armor for Gale, showing up in his hour of need when circumstances were most dire.
♡ Before the abduction upon the nautiloid ship, Gale’s lack of orb-based implosions was credited only to the magical objects he had amassed over the years. And where his supply had begun to dwindle, Tara had been invaluable, retrieving magical objects and bringing them back to the tower to aid the wizard like the ruffled caretaker she always had been. It certainly wasn’t a pleasant existence, locked away constantly fighting to stem the tide of something he once hoped could earn him the forgiveness he craved. But it sated the orb, for a while; gave him the time that he desperately needed as he scoured every tome and followed every lead for answers in quelling the thing’s lethal nature away from any who could get caught up in the destruction, should his plans go awry.
♡ After the crash however? Gale has neither, and the orb within his chest burns at the knowledge, churning away with that incessant need to consume and nothing to fulfill it besides the few measly trinkets left on his person.
♡ Thankfully he has a saving grace, in the form of the very person that helped free him from that rune circle back at the beach. Even without your constant tinkering with magic infused items, you’ve got an uncanny knack for stumbling across things that are absolutely thrumming with powerful magic. Weapons, armor and trinkets that brim with enough power to keep the orb quiet for hours, days even if he’s fortunate. 
♡ You make no fact to hide that you’re an artificer by trade and soon enough Gale learns that the items you’ve been giving him alongside the ones that you find are of your own making. You’ve got a way with magic, enough that the items you give him are enough to effectively sate the orb - did you learn this all yourself? Or were you so gifted that the art came naturally to you? Whatever the reason, the items that you create are invaluable to the wizard, one that you offer up freely before he even reveals the reason why he needs them in the first place.
♡ The time eventually comes where Gale can’t hide his affliction any longer, and finally opens up to you about the orb and its constant need for consuming potent magical items. He can see the cogs turning in your head already, piecing things togethers as you realize why he’s asked you for those magical items in the past. He apologizes for keeping that factor in the dark until he knew he could really trust you, hoping that his words will at least earn some modicum of forgiveness considering just how many items you’ve handed over. 
♡ His apology is cut off abruptly, earning a thump to the shoulder from you when you realize the man has been eeking out the time between ‘feeding’ the orb so as to not raise suspicion. Needless suffering, considering how easily that pain could be mitigated by something that you could have made in abundance. Gale’s surprised when you forgive him just as quickly, a determined glint that he’s seen whenever you’re at work with your craft present in your gaze as you jump up and dart over to your tent. He calls after you, only to be met by a quick “I need to get to work!” before you all but disappear from view.
♡ The morning after this conversation Gale’s all but woken up by a loud clatter right outside his bedroll, startled by the sight of you unceremoniously dropping half a dozen handcrafted items right into his lap. You don’t need to tell him what they are - he can sense the magic within each one with but a glance, and the bewildered expression upon the wizard’s face is well worth the time you spent working into the late hours of the morning to make them. You look exhausted but smug, proudly gesturing to the pile with open arms as though expecting him to use one there and then. 
♡ Maybe you actually do, as Gale ends up having to convince you that he’ll test them later at your insistence. Probably better to get breakfast together first, so that he at least has some sustenance and you can get a break before he attempts to do anything else.
♡ Gale often finds himself transfixed watching you as you tinker, fascinated seeing you at work. Of course he never wants to intrude whilst you’re hard at work, and wouldn't dream of interrupting you. But it’s hard to miss the guy practically burning holes into your hands, inquisitive eyes peeking over from the book he’s pretending to read trying to figure out every step of your practice by observation alone. It’s kind of cute, in a way - and having the actual process of your work appreciated is rather vindicating.
♡ Offer to show him how you work and the wizard will be by your side the moment you give him the all clear. He’s naturally got a curious disposition - one that’s gotten you both into more trouble than you can count actually - and his eyes are practically trained to the movements of dexterous hands along with your words of explanation, mapping out the intricacies. A perfect mix of the mundane arts and the magical to make something that is basically saving everyone in a few miles radius from an impromptu end - how could that not be fascinating to a man like Gale?
♡ He doesn’t want you to feel like he’s just using you for the magical items that you provide. The lengths you go to to help him cope with his affliction aren’t lost on him for a second, and he fears he’ll never be able to repay for that kindness. The man will essentially put himself at your disposal should you need anything. He doesn’t mean to brag, but he’s learned enough that he’s confident he can at least be of some use to you with his proficiencies. You’ll notice the little things - the extra portion he gives you when it’s his turn to cook; the little gifts of tools or items that caught your eye from passing merchants. He knows it’s not enough to repay you - you deserve something better, something grander - but till things have settled and he can give that to you this will have to do. 
♡ Admittedly the pair of you experiment with the usefulness of your creations. Does the kind of magic or spell infused within the object have any effect on how long he can last before the next one? Unfortunately not; but the fact that the ability to test such a theory is even possible is extraordinary. With the threat of living from magic item to magic item no longer the catastrophic issue that it once was. The orb is always a lingering thought in the back of his mind; even on the best days it never fails to remind Gale of its presence ceaselessly beating away in his chest. But now it feels as though he’s gained some control back; a stable supply that does more than buy him time. And it’s all because of you - his wonderfully avid creator.
♡ Even after the orb is temporarily stabilized you still continue to make items for him. Maybe it’s out of habit, or maybe you worry that the spell that’s holding the orb back won’t last as long as you both hope. Whatever the reasoning, Gale never misses the spare magically infused trinkets hidden away in his pack; his ‘emergency supply’ for the worst case scenario that you’re not there and he needs it. He may hopefully never need to use them, but gods if he doesn’t cling to each and every item you make for him like it’s still the dearest lifeline you’ve ever given him.
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tare-anime · 1 year
Inspired by this amazing art by @nallhir
Her husband never ceased to amaze her (AO3)
Attending a gala always unnerves Yor.
Too many people. Too many eyes on her.
Of course, she has many experiences in attending a gala, most often to do her assassination jobs.
So blending in, or to be more specific, being invisible in a gala has been one of her skills.
That’s not what her concern is.
This time, she has to attend a gala as Loid’s wife.
And the part where she has to do things perfectly so as not to embarrass her husband is actually the thing that makes her nervous.
Because Loid has asked for her help (like she has wanted him to do!). And then he bought her this amazing dress. He even helped her with her hair-do and make-up (she never knew Loid had such a skill. But of course, her husband is perfect in everything!)
At the very least, she has to perform well.
She tries her best to ignore the feeling of eyes following her every movement.
For Loid’s sake!
The music plays and Yor feels dread in her stomach.
This is it….
It is time to dance.
Yor takes a deep breath. When Loid extends his hand, she accepts it.
Just like practice…. Just like practice….
Her husband (thankfully) leads her to the margin of the dancing floor, and he gently guides her hand to rest on his shoulder. She can feel the warmth of his hand placed on the small of her back when they get ready to dance.
“Come closer.” She hears him whisper.
Yor gulps and steps closer, but his hand pulls her even closer until their body nearly flush one another.
Her heart starts to beat faster, but then she hears Loid whisper, “So tell me, what did Anya and Bond have been doing this morning?”
“I saw the remnants of colorful papers, and the crafting tools weren’t in their places.”
Yor blinks. And she starts to smile. "Oh, Anya was trying to create a photo frame from unused utensils."
The music starts to play, and they start to move. But she hears him continue, "Oh really? Then why didn't I see it among our family photos?"
She chuckles, "That's because she insists on adding flowers and other ornaments on the frame."
Yor starts to let her own body move on pure muscle memory as she giggles recalling the antics of their daughter and dog earlier. "Unfortunately, the ornaments made from paper didn't come out as she envisioned. And despite my reassurance, Anya was upset."
She moves her body in sync with Loid's lead while continuing the story. "So I told her about pressed flowers."
She twirls and extends her arms before returning to Loid's side, and she hears him whisper, "And…?"
"And that's what Anya and Bond have been doing in their room, until you came home."
The first song ends and Yor grins widely, fully aware of what Loid's been doing.
The fact that such a simple tactic works wonders only adds to Yor's amazement toward her husband.
"Thank you, Loid. For always taking care of me."
"Anytime, Yor. It's the least I can do after asking you to accompany me. And I really enjoy your company, by the way." He grins in return.
Their conversation continues when they swing their bodies to follow the second song.
"So, tell me about how to make a beautiful pressed flower? I can't let my daughter and dog beat me in a skill, now can I?"
Yor laughs. "Well… you can start by…"
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giltandgreen · 3 months
Concept for Loki's Lair in New York
My concept for a fictional lair Loki occupies in New York in an AU I have not written and may never write about Loki getting some sort of Avengers I settlement where he gets banished to Midgard like Thor but instead of like actively trying to better himself he just becomes a Villain of the Week for the Avengers. But not like a scary villain rather an inconvenient one as Loki and Sigyn really like living in Midgard and so Loki is trying to prolong their stay as long as possible by being a headache/annoyance to the Avengers every so often without really messing anything up. Eventually, the Avengers catch on that Loki isn't really trying to do anything nefarious (his freeze ray that one time wasn't even plugged in and when they show up to the lair instead of fighting the Avengers his henchpeople just let them through the door with a wave and a smile) and start playing along.
Anyway, Loki's Lair is:
possibly Art Deco on the outside but Art Noveau on the inside. I've also considered it being Art Noveau on the outside and Art Deco on the inside. Art Deco seems more villainous but I feel like any room Sigyn designs is full on Art Noveau. Either way, it's a run-down apartment building somewhere that Sigyn and Loki renovated. Initially, there were some concerns about gentrification and the fact that a villain lair was going up in the neighborhood, but Loki and Sigyn have been really great about being positive forces in the neighborhood.
Has a room for all of the Loki merch that has ever been made, which Sigyn collects. Loki's merch is now being made and sold through the same Avengers line because he's become sort of an anti-hero more than a real villain. Most of the proceeds are funneled back into helping the neighborhood around the lair.
The room where all of Loki's big villain reveal/monologue scenes are held, which upon closer inspection really is just like a big stage with moving parts. (This room may also be occasionally used by the neighborhood LGBTQ community for balls free of charge.)
The room where all of the props for Loki's big villain room are stored when not in use.
A basement swimming pool where, as a sort of sidequest, Sigyn and Loki are keeping all of the alligators they rescue from the New York City sewers.
A craft room
A room adjacent to the craft room that is just used for storing glitter
Loki and Sigyn's bedroom with ensuite bathroom and double walk-in closest. This room arguably has the best views from the building and may be part of the penthouse.
The first floor lobby where there's always a couple of kindly henchpeople willing to help you into the right elevator and get to the right floor. Also two door henchpeople and a henchperson who watches the front desk, but if you look at the "security monitors" you'll find they're just watching Drag Race.
The henchperson breakroom, which is fully stocked and even has a fridge that Sigyn spelled to ensure people only take their own lunches following what has become known as the Reuben Sandwich Incident. After a little research, the Avengers find out that Loki's henchpeople not only get great benefits but Loki seems to the major force behind the creation of a henchperson union, which has really annoyed some of the other supervillains. This leads to a weird situation where Captain America refuses to fight AIM because it would require crossing a picket line.
At least two libraries
A really nice guest room for Frigga when she comes to visit
A slightly less nice room for Thor to use when he comes to stay the night
The classroom where Loki teaches his introductory heroing classes for youngsters (a la this post). Sigyn provides the healthy snacks for the classroom.
A massive kitchen complete with Asgardian style roasting spit.
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apoptoses · 9 days
JESS i’m having louis/armand/daniel brain rot again, i wanna know your thoughts 🥺 specifically like, are there any things that armand and daniel enjoyed during their DM years that you think they might pick back up with louis at trinity gate? i feel like in my head, daniel is always kind of the third wheel (at trinity gate, at least), but i’m really fascinated by the idea of LOUIS being the one to step into their world for a change
oh man oh man, I LOVE this question!! and i have so many thoughts!!
Movies: we know Louis watches movies from how he kept showing up at Lestat's in body thief to stare at his tv lol But I think Armand and Daniel have so many inside jokes from all of the weirdo movies they used to watch, or quotes that they repeat and Louis doesn't get it. So I think they'd really enjoy sitting him down and subjecting him to the Worst Hits of Armand's Movie Phase.
And Daniel especially would enjoy the validation that some of these are fuckin terrible films LOL They could mind gift back and forth about how insipid Louis finds the plot until Daniel is sitting there choking back laughter because finally, someone who agrees Time Bandits isn't that funny.
Video Games: I don't mean modern console games, I mean like classic arcade games and pinball machines. Which Armand probably has a whole room of them in the basement somewhere, lovingly restored and in perfect condition. And I think Louis would be a little hesitant- he seems like the type who acts 'above' certain things just because if he tries it and sucks at it he'll feel humiliated. But even he can't resist the siren call of PacMan and eventually he's knocked them both down on the scoreboard and taken the top spot.
(Also they like to go out a lot so sometimes they end up at like, Dave n Busters LOL Which is far more contentious because ugh, it's noisy and tacky and smells like that radioactive 'cheese' mortals cover their nachos with. But your jock!Louis headcanons have bewitched me and I think they could soothe him by getting him to shoot hoops on the basketball game)
Going Out-Out: Louis is such a homebody when left to his own devices and now that they've got Trinity Gate, home to whatever vampires want to stop by, what's the point in spending time among mortals?
So they'd ease him in with some random one-off classes ("Come, Louis, we've an appointment to learn to make fresh pasta tonight" "Yeah, I know, what's the point when we don't eat, just don't argue with him, it'll be fun" And you know what? It is). And then they'd take him to random stuff from the meetup app (or not so random, because both of them know Louis wouldn't be able to resist debating strangers at a weekly book club).
And then they're back to running around strange apartment buildings to meet up and coming artists, and accepting invites to follow their classmates down to a local bar, and crashing the sets of night shoots around New York. It goes better when it's the three of them because when someone is over it and ready to go home there's no obligation to stay and keep their partner company. No pressure to do anything but enjoy existing together out in the world for a few hours.
Special mentions:
board games (the more obscure the better)
travel (this time Louis and Daniel are more mentally present lol)
letting armand play sugar daddy and picking their outfits for the ballet (which leads to some altercations that have armand feeling like that post about 'help my subs have unionized')
weird 70s/80s craft nights (louis ends up gifting his tie dye shirt to lestat, armand and daniel send theirs to marius)
'treasure hunting' aka scamming the wealthy out of their art collections (louis doesn't care about the value, he does however feel some righteous indignation over important historical pieces being kept in vaults as some tech bro's 'investment'; daniel is just happy to finally understand how armand does it, and take part in it himself)
abusing kitchen gadgets (doesn't matter who you are, playing 'will it blend' can catch the fascination of even the most arrogant, erudite vampires)
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thedrarrylibrarian · 8 months
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Have you ever had a day that just went completely to shit? That was the entire month of November for me. I had planned to have this Happy Hour ready then, but between work and home life and hosting for the holiday and everything else...a ball had to drop. I was so disappointed, because I love doing Happy Hour and I love speaking with the creators who help with the guest fic recs.
@ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm could not have been more gracious and understanding about postponing his rec. I always thought his artworkand fics were lovely, but being on the receiving end of the his kindness makes the works even lovelier to me. I love that even in moments of violence, he portrays characters as vulnerable and soft, the gentleness of moments of solitude, and the joyfulness of the mundane. If you haven't checked out Joy's art before, I cannot recommend it enough.
So after waiting for several months, I am finally so excited to share his incredible fic rec. Our first Happy Hour guest rec of the year is by the lovely and gracious @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm.
Outside of things that become fanon, we all travel the worlds of transformative works building up our own personal sense of canon. A lot of that process is wish fulfillment and self indulgence on little pleasures and minor vanities, which is what carves out this perfectly molded comfort that we all shelter ourselves in, what comes together to broadcast our unique wavelengths of bliss. But there is also another part of the process, one that I find myself unconsciously engaging in at times, which is an attempt to rewrite, rewire, recolor the places in which the source material has dulled, or to find cracks and fissures for interpretations that will allow me to engage with the source more meaningfully in the long run while honoring the directions in which I’ve grown and changed. There’s been a lot of work in the Harry Potter fandom that took on the form of a kind of hermeneutics, or that used the setting and characters as a kind of convenient vehicle to make a point about The Real World, in a way that sometimes makes it feel like we, the naive and spirited readers of the source material are somehow distant from the world and must be gently pulled back into it in the language of our distraction. Harry Potter and Welcome to the World of Grey was the first AU retelling of a larger segment of the HP canon where I felt like I was encountering something completely new, something that had the distant shape of these previous approaches at first glance but that, right from the first page, has that almost physical pull of the complete and precious new. 
Harry Potter and Welcome to the World of Grey by @sobsicles (456,640 words, rated E)
When Harry fails to keep his anger at bay and Voldemort possesses his mind, the events that follow lead him down a long road to realizing the world isn't as black and white as it seems.
Chaos, hilarity, and tragedy ensue with a Dark Lord being honest all the time, a rival becoming something else, and a world demanding to be saved. Featuring frightened Death Eaters, deep conversations with a monster, Pureblood traditions being ridiculous, and the fight to do the right thing with no true options.
Harry's life just gets more and more bizarre with each passing moment.
Or, the one where Harry's life gets split in half, and he has to figure out how to bring it back together.
The summary is immediately gripping, and I’ll leave the reader to discover the shapes of the AU on their own, but the basic premise of the story is that Harry, at the end of 5th year, does something he would never do in the book, and that as a consequence of (?), or despite (?) or alongside (?) this, him and Voldemort begin to, on a relational and intellectual level, engage in a way that would otherwise be impossible. This story works on so many levels, all of them incredibly crafted and so masterfully sustained over the behemoth length of the first installment. The Harry in this story is funny and young and troubled in the most delicious ways all the while wading in and out of the crushing solitude of predetermination (and also maybe just humanity). I generally read exclusively fics in which they’re adults, or at least on the brink of adulthood in 8th year, but the author has crafted such incredibly convincing teenage characters in both Harry and Draco here that by the end not only do they both end up under your skin but they also become these people that sit alongside you, whose adolescence you’ve literally gone through as both a sympathetic spectator and as a mirror of them, drawn into the irresistible sweet delights of their love, the painful bonding of people captive in their lives, the hope of the future born out of surviving something together. 
There is also a tendency in fics to paint the adults of the HP world as traitors, because that’s what the majority of them are, and this is something I also usually engage with. In this fic, while we maintain that the state of the world and the fates that befell all our favourite characters are largely the result of a kind of treason of goodness and responsibility, we also get to have these incredible deep insights into why each adult character is the way they are, through relations made possible only by this unlikely scenario that the author proposes. We also get to have the warm joy of seeing a child empathize with (and pity, and comfort, and teach) people who they owe nothing to, and this is an absolute treasure that shines brighter as we move through the story.
Finally, as this is Happy Hour, apart from all the things I’ve briefly mentioned up there that make this fic a delightful and comforting experience that I constantly go back to, I wanted to talk about a strange way that made this story become my source of comfort. This story made me like Voldemort. Not the terrifying and irredeemable one from the books or the movies. There’s this feeling that I have about fics and fandom, and I think it’s shared by a lot of people who’ve been around for a while, and it’s that these characters and settings and storylines are almost… nebulous things that always existed in us and around us and that we had maybe some slight hope for, but that were first snatched out of non-being and formed by the source material authors. This is also just how art and creativity is, in general - an antenna that beams signals and sometimes someone gets the whole message first. And you grow up and sometimes things are shaped by the source material to make you think oh I’ll feel this way forever and then of course you change your mind, but this was more like an intense, emotional journey in which I realized there was all this personal negativity that I’d always shove into this concept and this being - and that when I encountered the newly formed shape that this author’s Voldemort takes on, my resentments and my fixed darknesses, once unmovable and heavy at the bottom of this big thing in my life, were suddenly things I could walk up to. That the previously unapproachable veil of evil - which is simple, and undebatable - had lifted, and suddenly I could decide to do something else with them, to pick them up and carry them or throw them away, or live alongside them as awkward housemates until suddenly the shame and fear they represented wasn’t something I had to run from. So for happy hour, I picked a story that made me, and continues to make me, engage with not only happiness but a kind of lasting adult joy that comes from letting something come in and help you redraw the city lines of your own story. It’s very precious to me. I read the entirety of this fic in two days next to the crisp Adriatic sea, but I’ve reread it in many settings since then, and it’s always made me both hungry and full in the way that good home cooking does. I hope it does the same for you too.
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animeomegas · 1 year
There are programs where idols are left to take care of a child or look after several children. So imagine that in the world of BNHA there are such programs, but with heroes. Someone will definitely start a baby fever, someone, on the contrary, will postpone having children. Bakugou would show a cute side when he cooks and feeds the baby during the broadcast. Amajiki probably would not have gone to such a program, he would have cried when the child cried and would definitely be afraid to pick him up. Midoriya would definitely be called to this show often, he makes perfect family content. Please don't get Denki's transmissions like this, his Alpha will have to explain to him that they can't have children yet.
I think I know what you mean! Some PR management definitely push for some heroes to go on shows like that haha.
Here are my thoughts:
Bakugou charms the children without even trying. They love him and he has no idea why.
They follow him around like little ducklings, constantly calling for him to watch them do this cool jump! Look at what I drew!
His PR team have given him firm warnings about language and behaviour, but he still ends up pushing one of the pups onto the sofa when they try and run at him.
He has an 'oh shit' moment before all the pups cheer and ask him to do it to them next!
He makes a really good impression on the kids and they all cry when he has to leave.
The general public find his episode very cute.
Okay, unpopular opinion maybe, but Midoriya is terrible with children.
He tries so hard, but they just don't really like him.
Of course, when he's famous and number 1, none of that matters, children everywhere love him.
But if this show aired soon after his debut... yeah, it doesn't go great.
It is hilarious to watch though.
Midoriya tries to keep things orderly but the pups enjoy pranking him, messing around and purposely wearing Midoriya down.
He walks off set exhausted and covered in paint. He wasn't thinking about pups any time soon, and he's now doubly sure.
Denki walks into the room of children and they immediately crown him as their leader.
He could lead those children anywhere, he has their absolute loyalty in seconds.
The episode would be nonstop noise and colour everywhere. Denki leads improv arts and crafts, which goes as well as it sounds, but the kids love it.
They start to tear up when he leaves, like with Bakugou, but Denki is good enough with children to stop it there, making them promise to be committed to chaos in his absence.
He doesn't get baby fever though. As fun as it was, going home to his clean, quiet home where his alpha gives him their full attention is the most fun.
Denki is fun uncle material, not really parent material imo.
The children dislike Iida and he gets very stressed about it.
Nothing he does makes them like him, and they disobey him enough to give him an aneurysm.
Whichever PR person decided on this is fired.
Iida comes across pretty badly lol. It's still fun to watch the children plan a mutiny though.
If we're talking about baby fever though, Kirishima is the one that comes to mind first.
He walks out of the filming and straight to his alpha like 'please? 🥺'
The kids are apprehensive at first when he walks in, but they all love him and keep running up and asking for a hug from him.
Kirishima melts at how cute they all are.
That's all I have for now, but this was a fun idea, thanks anon! <3
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HEY HEY HEY so I’ve never requested anything before bc I’m new to tumblr and idk if this is even where I’m supposed to request thing so if i’m wrong then I sincerely apologise.
BUT, if I am then slay I have a funky idea for a tangerine fic that I think you would write so well :)
So I saw you said you’re British but idk if you ever went to a youth club? Like where they have 5-12 year olds come for group games in a sports hall and they do arts and crafts and play with the big rainbow parachute thing on the ground?? Well anyhoo I’ve been stuck on this non hitmen au where I can see reader being one of the leaders who takes the club and usually lemon is the other one, but for whatever reason, maybe like a recreational injury, he needs tangerine to fill in for a few weeks. So this is reader and tan meeting for the first time other than Lemon mentioning him and obviously Tan isn’t used to being around kids and is a grumpy dude and doesn’t know how to talk to them while playing the games but reader finds it funny because she knows them all well. Some funny Tangerine and kiddio interactions results in him catching her attention and the two become better friends while the group are away with the arts and crafts leader. Maybe they get up to some interesting stuff after a few weeks in the sports supply store room?? I just think it’s a fun little thing and the idea gives me nostalgia because if my old youth club lol
HI HI HII!! don’t worry you did it right! okay so, for this I had too many ideas (as it felt so nostalgic to write) I kinda added too much but not enough and feel as though it may not make any sense (like I waffled) I really loved this idea and don’t know if I did as well as I could’ve. but thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
uncle lemon’s brother
tangerine x f reader
wc || 1.2k
warnings || none
masterlist + rules
Most days, you worked at the local youth club, where you'd lead all sorts of fun activities for the kids. Whether that be arts and crafts, sports in the indoor hall or nature walks, whatever it was that kept the kids entertained, you did it. 
Luckily you have a work partner that helps lighten the weight of the kids' intense energy. He's much like a child himself, so he fits in perfectly. When he first joined several months back, the kids gave him a nickname before he could even introduce himself, naming him Lemon, well, Uncle Lemon. There was no reason behind the nickname other than it was 'funny'.
You and Lemon were quite a pair when handling the kids. You had worked out a system that allowed the children to do as much as possible in the short time you had available. You'd lead the artsy sessions, and Lemon managed the sporty activities. 
Last week, during one of the after-school sessions, Lemon ironically injured his wrist on one of the climbing apparatuses while on lookout duty. So for his temporary replacement, he asked his brother to fill in. You've never met his brother before, only hearing bits of him when Lemon would share stories or memories. You were a little uncertain if he would be a good substitute considering how much of a grump he was described as. 
Today is his brother's first day, so you were patiently waiting by the front desk to give him a quick tour before the kids arrived. Hearing a car pull up out front, you hastily organise the schedule for this afternoon, flicking through the papers as you make your way to the entrance.
"Hey, 'lright?" the man greets, extending a hand.
"Hi," you reply, shaking his hand as you hold his intense eye contact. "You're Lemon's brother, right?"
"Yeah-- Lemon?" he questions, his head slightly cocking.
Snickering. "Yeah, the uh- kids gave him that nickname when he joined. Clearly, it's stuck. How is he doing, by the way?"
"So dramatic," he scoffs. "Acting like he broke his whole body. Can't believe the knob-- sorry, the idiot broke his wrist on a climbing frame," he snickers, following after you. 
"Yeah, that sounds about right," chuckling. 
It took a little time for Lemon's brother to settle into his new role. It was quite clear that he was not used to being around kids, but as the afternoon went on, he grew more comfortable, and his demeanour began to change. Soften, even.
He was 'coaching' a game of dodgeball while you entertained the eliminated kids, telling them stories until the next round. 
"Bob..." a little boy asks, lightly tugging on your hand.
"We're still calling me 'Bob'?" you question, your features playful as you act displeased. "But, yes, munchkin. What's up?" you ask, ruffling his hair.
"What should we call him?" he asks, blatantly pointing across the hall.
"I think something funny," someone else adds, giggling.
"I think we should call him turd man,"
"Turd man?" you entertain, pretending to be disgusted. "That's so disgusting."
"I like turd man,"
"Me too," another adds.
"Mr Grump,"
"Don't forget he's Lemon's brother, so we should call him something similar?" you prompt, trying to ease them into a less disgusting name. 
"BANANA," a young boy calls out, practically jumping in excitement.
"Lemon number two,"
"Oh, how about something citrus-like. Something sour, maybe?" you chuckle, occasionally catching eyes with the new replacement across the way.
"Satsuma," a little girl calls out, pulling the small orange from her shoe.
"Sweetie, that's a tangerine," you smile.
"That's a good name,"
"We should call him that,"
"Please can we call him that, Bob?"
"Hm, I don't see why not," you laugh, ushering the kids along to join in the new game.
"Tangerine," a young girl calls out, rushing over.
"Tangerine!" another screams. 
"Why the calling me that?" he whispers, his head hung low as he leans towards you. 
"Ask them," you snicker, talking close to his ear. "Could be worse. They call me Bob,"
"Okay, yeah, you're right. That's much worse," he chuckles. "'lright," he claps, gathering the kids together. "We got time for one more game, ain't we, Bob?"
Grinning. "Yeah, I think so, Tangerine."
After one quick game of dodgeball later, you, Tangerine and the kids walked back to the main rec room to wind down before hometime. All sat in a circle as you all took turns to share your favourite part of the day.
"Where are you from, Tangerine?" a little boy asks, picking his nose as he poked him with his free hand.
He turns to look at you, his features begging for help as he leans away from the bogey picker. "Um... from my house,"
"Me too,"
"And me,"
"I'm from Poland,"
"Me too,"
"My daddy is from Ireland,"
"Where is that?"
"Near Spain,"
"No, that's an island,"
"You're wrong,"
Listening to all the kids blabber on, you face Tangerine, masking a snicker when you see his exasperated expression. "Hang in there," you mouth, a smile pulling on the corners of your lips. 
Playing along, he checks the time on his watch. "Almost there," he whispers. 
As the days went on, Tangerine grew a lot more comfortable with the kids, and he looked as though he was starting to enjoy his time with them. There was something so endearing about seeing a burly, attractive man acting so juvenile while entertaining kids, how soft and gentle he could be while speaking to them. 
The two of you had spent lots of time together over the last couple of weeks, hanging out and chatting whenever there was a moment free. Tangerine was very slow to warm up, very reserved, but once you got past the first layer, you realised just how decent a person he is. 
The kids had just left for the day, so you and Tangerine had to pack away the equipment in the sports cupboard that was left out.
"Hey, pass us that, would ya?" he asks, nodding to the bag of balls behind you. 
"The ballbag?" you grin, reaching over the messily organised area. "You gotta say it. That's the rule round here," you joke.
"Ballbag," he says flatly, extending a hand. "Now give it," 
"Yeah, one min, my legs stuck,"
"Yeah," you sigh.
"Don't move. I'll come help," grinning.
"You're a funny man,"
He parts the boxes to the side as he makes his way over to you, moving the equipment out of the way so he can crouch to the floor beside you. His hand is warm and firm as he grips your ankle, slowly guiding it from the crack, looking up at you. 
He coughs in his fist, clearing his throat. "There we go," he says, glancing away from your admiration-filled gaze.
Clearing your own throat, awkwardly looking away. "Thanks,"
"Yeah," he nods, meeting your eyes once more. 
He slowly stands up, keeping his eyes glued to yours. His head hangs low as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his eyes darting over you. "No problem," he whispers. 
"We should get going," you whisper back, practically pulling away.
"Don't worry. I weren't gonna kiss ya," Tan chuckles, lacing his hands into yours. Smirking. "Not yet, anyway."
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@tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @v1ntage-daydr3am @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @ugh09876554444 @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossomfan @landryslove
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sarah-yyy · 1 year
Sorry to bother you, is My journey worth watching?
what: period cdrama // completed // 24 eps, roughly 50 mins each where: iqiyi (i think most eps are still vip-locked) (standard disclaimer that i don't use eng subs so i don't speak to the quality of the subs) why: ngl, i was in it purely for zhang linghe to start, but then got !!! over cheng lei and lu yuxiao, and was too invested to quit even when the plot got sloppy. extremely gorgeous cast, extremely gorgeous set. the cinematography?? chef's kiss. you can see the budget for this show was good. the relationship between the characters? v interesting.
story revolves around the Gong family who is v prominent in jianghu even though they live up in the mountains and keep themselves sequestered away from the rest of jianghu. the Gong family itself is split into 4 different factions: Shang, Jue, Zhi, Yu.
Yu 羽 - the Yu household deals with internal affairs. the head of the Yu household is the head of the Gong family (the title is Sword Wielder or zhiren)
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this is our male lead, gong ziyu (a baby). second son of the Yu household. his dad is the zhiren and his big bro (gong huanyu) is the named heir who will inherit the zhiren position. has a v lukewarm relationship with his dad. introduced as being quite useless. his martial arts is :/ and he sees no need to improve his skills etc because his brother will be there to protect him.
is quite suddenly thrust into the position of zhiren when his dad and his brother die under ~mysterious circumstances :(
Jue 角 - the Jue household deals with...external affairs, they are the ones who leave the mountain to Get Things Done outside and manage all relationships/partnerships outside
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gege step on me this boy is gong shangjue, head of the jue household. he is The Man. the pride and joy of the gong family. everyone (*cough*i say everyone but really yuanzhi-didi does it enough that he counts for everyone*cough*) worships him. martial arts skills?? loyalty to the gong family?? incredibly attractive resting bitch face??? he is a 10 no matter how you assess him.
missed out on being the zhiren by virtue of him not being home when tragedy struck the old zhiren and gong ziyu's brother. doesn't think gong ziyu has what it takes to be zhiren and take care of the Gong family. my boy gong shangjue would make an Excellent zhiren tbh
do i have to seduce y'all into watching this i think i have to:
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Shang 商 - the Shang household develops/produces weaponry
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for most of it, the show has a p dark vibe, BUT whenever gong zishang shows up, we know we're in for some laughs. this zishang-jiejie is the eldest daughter of the head of the Shang household.
her father doesn't take her v seriously because she's a girl (also because she's always following behind gong ziyu's personal bodyguard jin fan like this: 😍💖🤞🏼; valid life choices tbh because same) but she does take her craft v seriously! ride or die for gong ziyu.
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Zhi 徵 - the Zhi household develops poisons
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YUANZHI-DIDI!! this boy loves two things: poisons and gege. #1 gong shangjue fanboy at least 10 years in a row. parents died when he was p young, and gong shangjue took him under his wing. whiz at poisons and v fight fight fight (ง •̀_•́)ง. is suspicious about everything and VERY protective of his gege.
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alright that's the main Gong sibs all sorted. there's also an assortment of Inner Mountain (houshan) characters that are v interesting but i won't get into because 1) spoilers, 2) this post will get too long if i get to talk about hua-gongzi and xue-gongzi/xue-tongzi.
okay so the Gong family live in p much a fortress up in the mountains. no outsiders are allowed in, and only a select few are allowed out of the Gong family territory at all. we learn that this is to protect the Gong family from Wu Feng, a spy organisation which has p much taken over jianghu. Wu Feng learns that the Gong family will be holding a bride selection contest thingy for gong huanyu, and sends:
yun weishan, a low-ranking assassin in Wu Feng (Chi, the lowest out of 4 ranks chi, mei, wang, liang), disguised as a bride.
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her mission is to be picked by gong huanyu as his bride, and become the next zhiren-furen so she can p much feed intel to Wu Feng. when gong huanyu and the old zhiren both croak, her attentions turn to gong ziyu who is by that point already 😍🥰😘 over her anyway NO SURPRISES. the 恋爱脑 on that boy istg, absolutely head no thoughts only yun weishan at least 20 hours in a day.
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shangguan qian, a higher-ranking assassin (Mei, one rank above yws) in Wu Feng
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my love my wife her mission is a little different from yws. her target isn't anyone from the Yu household but gong shangjue instead. the goal is to get her hands on this secret weapon (this is also a v HMMM part of the plot but no matter we endure what we have to) that the Gong family is safeguarding.
the relationship between these two wu feng spies is so interesting too!! they're not friends, not exactly allies, but also not quite enemies. they will help each other out if they really have to (and only if it doesn't jeopardise their own positions and there is adequate compensation), but will also not hesitate to stab each other in the backs if it serves their respective missions.
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i needed like 100000 more scenes of them together ngl
ANYWAY the plot revolves around the Gong family trying to Catch The Spy, the Wu Feng spies trying to Complete Their Mission, gong ziyu trying to Prove Himself as the zhiren, and ofc there's romance sprinkled around. that's p much the gist of the show.
listen listen listen... i know this show has a bad rep in the cdrama circles, i agree. the plot is......HMM and it tries to hard to be one of those clever mysteries when it should just be what it is which is p much an idol drama?? i mean...it is a guo jingming show, we weren't going in expecting to be wowed by the plot. i think if they'd just stuck to the basics, this would have been a stronger show, but imo this wasn't bad bad. the worldbuilding was good and the characters were interesting, and like i said, the whole thing is shot really beautifully!!
the ending was......but i'll keep this spoiler free and just say that it was HMMMMM and v unnecessary what they did.
with the preface that i watched it without much expectations as to the plot, i enjoyed a lot of parts of the show! it's an incredibly easy watch, and because it's only 24 eps, the pacing is quick and conflicts don't tend to drag on for too long. if you're looking for some easy entertainment, i'd say go for it, but if you have Standards regarding plot etc, this is probably not the show for you
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yourwitchybrother · 4 months
Apollo, My Beloved
Perhaps I couldn't wait any longer before I finally addressed my beloved patron and godspouse. Both of which are terms I will define in this post. Apollo has been part of my life, well... since birth! Being my Patron, he has been around for all of it. He's seen me at my best and at my worst, he's seen me through my relationships and my hardships. He saw me through my hardest moments, through the easier times, and through the trauma I've faced.
So yeah. He and I are pretty close. Let's get into it, this is going to be a long one.
Who is Apollo? ☀
I have heard Apollo referred to as the God of many things, and this description of him is not incorrect as much as it is a gross minimization of the things he takes Godly precedence over. He is the god of:
The Sun; Light; Poetry; Music and the Arts; Healing / Medicine; Plagues; Knowledge; Order; Prophecy; Truth; A God of Beauty; Agriculture; and Archery.
Some of these things are not as well known as others, and there are absolutely some things missing from that list. Again. He rules over a lot of things.
Apollo, in my life, has been more present as the God of music and the arts, and prophecy. A major part of my practice is the art of prophecy and divination, the concept of time and the future. Of course, I do not have as much time as I would like to delve fully into the concept of time as much as I'd like, but I still like to dip my toes into the concept of prophecy. It took me a while to accept the fact that prophecies do, in fact, exist, and they are things that can be accessed by someone who is not the Oracle at Delphi.
Apollo is also known for having many lovers and, more nuanced, has been claimed as a patron God of Queer individuals. He has had his fair share of gay lovers himself, and in fact, is quite known for having a series of lovers who have then turned into plants. For example:
Hyacinthus, who was turned into a Hyacinth. Daphne, who was turned into a Laurel tree. Cyparissus, who was (unwillingly) turned into a Cyprus Tree.
At a certain point, it is almost comical.
Apollo, as a Worshipper and Devotee.
Of course, everyone starts somewhere. And for a good portion of my practice, I started as a worshipper and devotee of Apollo. This meant that I was dedicating certain acts to him and gifting him little trinkets and leaving him offerings. My favorite instance was when I left him a pack of cookies for about a month. After a month, I went to eat them as to not waste them. The cookies gave me static and shocked me. Apollo and I had a conversation about boundaries following this.
I have been devoted to Apollo my whole life, I like to say. Ever since I could improperly hold utensils within my digits, I drew on things. When I first learned how to make illegible sounds, I sang. When I learned how to create poorly worded poetry, I crafted it. By no means am I a lyrical genius or a poet laureate. In fact, I'm horrible at writing song lyrics and I have only ever written one catchy verse, and in all my years of playing Ukulele, I have never been able to play and sing until November of last year.
However, in my early childhood, leading up to college, I was nearly prodigal when it came to musical instruments. I graduated high school knowing how to play clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, flute, xylophone, euphonium (my favorite), bass guitar, acoustic guitar, ukulele, trumpet, trombone, and kalimba. I'm sure there are people out there who know more instruments, but all things considered, this is a damn collection of instruments that I'm pretty okay at. In 8th grade I was the back-up singer in my military schools rock band, I was the acoustic guitarist.
I've also been acting for about 9 years (I'm about to be 20), which is a good portion of my sentient and cognisant life. I've done work both on stage and off, but yet still have not managed to be in a musical. They scare me.
Not to mention my history with other forms of art. In fifth grade, I painted a still life that was elected and ended up in a local art gallery. In the first week of May, one of my photos from study abroad was selected as being the best in its category and I won a prize. My history teacher hung a drawing I did of her daughter in the classroom because she adored it so much. However, that may have just been because it was a picture of her daughter.
This laundry list of artistic endeavors is not meant to be a flex or a brag. It's meant to showcase my extensive history in the arts and my devotion to Apollo. He has been an important part of my life. Before every performance, I pray to him. Before every concert, I'd ask him to send me humility and patience. Before every drawing, I ask Apollo for inspiration and a dash of creative whimsy. I also say hi to the sun every morning, wishing him a good morning while I drink my morning coffee.
Apollo, as my Patron.
As my patron, Apollo is my biggest mentor. He is there for me through thick and thin. When the going gets tough. I know I can lean on and rely on him.
My mother calls me Sunshine (my hair sticks up and gets all frizzy, and so she calls me Sunshine because she considers my hair to be rays), she always has. This is reflective of Apollo's presence in my life, in my opinion. A little ray of the sunshine that he emits.
But back to the mentor thing. Apollo has always been someone I can look to whenever I need guidance. Whether that means consulting the cards and asking him for some guidance, or using a pendulum and having an asinine round of "is that a yes or a no" with him, or him sending me a sign.
Very recently, I asked him for a sign that he's still there. That he hasn't gone anywhere or left me. I asked him to send me something bright orange, out of the ordinary, that I wouldn't expect to see. About two days later, at the beach, one of the friends we had been waiting on shows up wearing a bright orange dress. And I mean neon. And she never wears bright colors like that.
But, enough hyperspecific personal anecdotes. If I keep going, this post would be an autobiography.
Apollo, as a patron, is a very hyper and mischievous guide and mentor. He will say things that don't make sense in the moment, but will eventually make sense. He likes his riddles. He likes his complex-meaning messages. That is why it's important to write things down, of course.
Apollo, as a Godspouse.
So, let me start with the definition of a Godspouse. A godspousal to a God, Goddess, or any divine being with the intention to devote yourself to them wholly and fully for the rest of your life. This can look like a lot of things. It can be entirely platonic, it can be romantic, it can be a continuous boss-employee work style relationship, pretty much anything. The only difference between this and a normal worship or working relationship is that it is sort of binding. It is not a light decision to make, and it should be a decision you make after years of already devoting yourself to the divine being.
I am of the unpopular belief that you can start deity work at any time during your practice, not just later on. Apollo started my practice with me, and I am of the firm belief that I only understood parts of my practice and have made so much progress with his assistance. It obviously depends on the deity you work with, which deities you accept help from, and who you let into your life. But this is an entirely separate post for another time. Apollo and I have developed a strong, firm bond over the past 10 years. And in the grand scheme of my practice, we've been godspoused for only a short while.
Our relationship is more of a romantic kind, in the sense that we have our affectionate nicknames for one another (he calls me his songbird and sunbeam, and I call him Sunspot / my sunlight). We flirt back and forth and send one another gifts (I, in the form of offerings, and he, in the form of signs and literal gifts through people in my life). It's a sweet little give-and-take we have. My end goal, though, is to become a sort of oracle for Apollo. Again, this loops back to my obsession with time and prophecy.
The End (Finally)
If you read all of that, you rock! Apollo is important to me and he has left a major imprint in my life. He is a major source of light for me and to not ramble about him this much would be a cardinal sin of which I would have to repent for. Plus, he loves and adores attention. But I will stop running my mouth. As usual, if you have any questions or requests, feel free to comment them here or submit an ask via my tumblr. Blessed be, may the sun be your guide! A domani!
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lightningrogers · 4 months
wip (it out!)
share whatever project you're working on right now, except 'project' is incredibly open ended. it could be fic, original writing, playlists, art, crafts, whatever it is you're doing!
thank you @emlovessid for tagging me 🥹🥰 i’ll follow along and do a snipped from my @marauderswithpalestineproject fic!
She has to be new—James can’t imagine ever seeing her and forgetting it. She’s clomping down the hallway toward him, bag slung low and heavy on her back as she heaves herself along on one leg. Wedged beneath her armpits are crutches, and her right ankle is encased in a hulking, fluorescent pink cast. The word ‘petunia’ has been graffitied down the shin in thick black sharpie.
Around her neck, though, is the most promising thing James has ever seen: the Gryffindor tie done up so tight it could choke her. Her uniform is pristine, for all the extra trouble she’s having getting around, and every sharp crease or folded pleat is still ironed in with precision. She looks wonderfully pissed off—and though James is yet to discover that this trait (in anyone) really endears him a frightful amount, he indulges the swoop in his stomach when he gets a good look at her face.
He can see their future in just a glance. Quite clearly, actually. One where he’s standing at the end of a long, flower-laden aisle in a church with ceilings that stretch on forever, and stained glass that throws everything into technicolour. Mum and Dad sit proud and weepy in the front row. Sirius and Remus and maybe even Peter stand beside him at the altar while he waits. Finally watches her drift toward him, a faceless man’s arm hooked around hers. Her flaming red hair is soft and floaty, curled and pinned in the way he’s seen his mum do a million times. Might even have mehndi, and little lengths of red string tied around their wrists. He can see it all; can smell the flowers of the bouquets and hear the church organ bellow. He doesn’t even have so much as her name.
And then? Well, then, James Potter does what he does best: sticks his foot in it. Royally.
“Need a hand, hoppy?”
“Only if it leads to you fucking off.”
everyone who i was going to tag has already been tagged before so! open tag to anyone who wants a go!
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