#and for jane . who doesn’t like people being close to her just in general.
shadowedvalesa · 1 year
thinking about when jane literally has billy on top of her, when she’s about to practically be sacrificed, when chaos is ensuring all around her and she’s trapped… she saves herself through love. she reminds billy of love that he once knew, reminds him of a good time in his life. she even places her hand on his cheek, physically trying to comfort him while she’s about to die. it speaks volumes on who she is. she has been through so much, seen the worst aspects of the world around her. in that moment she’s literally enduring such horrors once more, yet she speaks out, provides endless amounts of love. she tries to give billy love, despite the fear she would have been feeling in that moment. she tries to comfort and help him. so many of her actions revolve around the goodness she knows and has felt over the last years, and she tries to provide that back as much as she can. she could have been bitter, she could have been hateful. she could have easily stayed with kali’s gang. but at the root of it she is just good, and. god. she’s just. ugh. <3
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Iconic Creepypasta Duos
(All Platonic)
Toby and Jane!
Ultimate best friends, like everyone in the mansion knows they’re besties.
Toby originally was drawn to Jane because she reminded him of his sister, but slowly him and Jane worked through his idea of her. After that, Tony realized that Jane would always be there for him, so he wanted to support her too.
Through Toby, Jane is allowed to be weird and unleash her inner monologue without judgement, which is why she appreciates him so much. He’s a girls guy 100%
Around the mansion, you almost never see them apart. They both also aren’t the biggest fans of Jeff, though they’re pretty close with Liu.
Ben and EJ!
These two are consistently getting caught in random shenanigans. Both of them being naturally curious and knowledge hungry, it’s pretty easy for them to lurk around. They’re like shadow best friends or gossip friends.
They see all the shit around the mansion and don’t hesitate to spread it around. Tbh these two are the Regina Georges of the mansion.
Jack is the smarter one when going into one of their curiosity missions, but he’s still stupid when it comes to blowing his cover. Ben is the one who insinuates their missions, like why has Slenderman been leaving the house lately? They found out Slendy Wendy had brothers.
Jeff and LJ!
Most sadistic mfers, they prank an ungodly amount. Both are loud and comedic, Jeff is more extreme though. These two can NOT go on a mission together because they will fail.
The person they prank the most would be Ben probably. Ben is easy to persuade into doing dumb shit so he’s kind of their TV.
You will find Jeff stacking donuts on Jacks nose for funzies. They are consistently doing dumb stuff, it’s funny, but they kind of act like those guys in your math class.
Nurse Ann and Bloody Painter!
Ann and Helen are a lot closer then the rest of the pastas think. Both being introverted, when they hang it’s mostly in their rooms or the medical hall. Since they aren’t as crazy or loud, they’re often overlooked.
Neither mind though, both of them get pretty funny when they’re alone. Most of what they do is watch dumb shit or cartoons. (Both avid fans of SpongeBob)
You will find these two doing really weird shit if they think no one is looking. They will actively make you feel left out two with the amount of inside jokes they have.
Hoodie and Liu!
These two are also really quiet, not really close friends but they’re on missions together a lot. They share a similar music taste and often give each other playlists to listen to.
Even though they’re work partners, they talk occasionally outside of their missions. Liu is naturally hella funny and Hoodie is a giggler.
Neither of them are extremely close, but they’re getting there.
Jason the Toymaker and EJ!
Jason is always getting hurt, this bitch is clumsy asf. Over this EJ and Jason started becoming friends. At some point at the mansion, you’ll notice Jack hitting Jason over the head with a thick book because Jason’s a little bit of a Himbo.
Think of Jason as Blackstar from Soul eater and Jack is Death the kid. Jason causes almost too much havoc for Jack, but they still bond regardless. Even if Jack is beating the shit out of Jason.
They aren’t as close as Ben and Jack, but they’re still good friends.
Sally and Judge Angels!
I don’t know much about Judge Angels, but I feel like she’d take a quick liking to Sally. Sally is a sassy mf and Dina returns that energy, which is prob why Sally likes her so much.
Most the Pastas are scared of returning sass to sally since she has the most power in the house, but Dina doesn’t. Dina and Sally together are like balls of fire.
Both of them actively pull pranks and blame it on Jeff and LJ. Then they’ll prank them themselves. The 4 of them have a cute little prank war going on.
Jane and Clockwork!
Jane is everyone’s best friend, she generally gets along and likes most the people in the mansion. When Clockwork came along tho, they just hit it off immediately!
Both of their crude humor just bounced perfectly off each other. You can always find them giggling about some weird shit. Think of their relationship like Brittney and Trixie’s on YouTube.
They have talked about starting a podcast before, they’re literally like sisters.
Candypop and Slenderman!
Candypop is very… personal. I mean he gets close. He’s also the same height as Slenderman. Candypop has an obsession with bothering those who are reserved, he’s weird with everyone. He’s always taking people out of their shells.
Still, him and Slenderman are essentially the ultimate duo. Candypop gets along well with his brothers too. Seriously, most the time Candypop is talking Slenders (nonexistent) ears off.
It’s so often to see Candypop following around Slenderman that the other pastas started harassing both of them. Slender pays no mind to this.
Candypop and Puppeteer!
Another case of the Candypop disease puppeteer was blessed with. The menace. Honestly though, these two are best friends and they find enjoyment on missions together. Whenever Candypop isn’t up Slendermans ass, he’s up puppeteers. Seriously Candypop is a menace.
Since they’re some of the only creepypastas that kill outside of their assignments, typically they go on sprees together in their free time.
You may never see them together but you can always hear them laughing together. (Seriously, they’re always laughing and it’s a little scary because imagine it’s 3AM and you hear 2 grown men giggling?) (it’s kind of hot tho ngl)
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showtoonzfan · 9 months
Okay,guys. What do you think of fionapollos recent video?
Ganna be straight to the point, I didn’t like it. This is ganna be a long post so if y’all love reading, feel free to but I’m warning y’all now. Of course, what I’m going to say are my opinions only. This is coming from a person who actually follows Fionapollos, I love listening to her art commentary vids and I hope she keeps up the good work! But for this recent video specifically? I don’t think it was good. Not to say that Fionapollos didn’t handle this well for the most part, she’s always respectful and open minded and I’m glad for that, but the structure and overall execution of the video was poorly handled.
Outside of being an inspiring animator and a help to spread awareness of how incredible indie animation is, I have no respect for Vivziepop, but that doesn’t mean I want to be biased or one sided. There were only two sections of this video I agreed with, it’s in three segments. The first segment was about Erin Frost and the evidence they had provided, and like me and some have been saying, the evidence just wasn’t strong enough to indicate a really toxic environment, especially since what Erin had provided was screenshots of her being on good terms with Jane and Sam. I never really saw an issue with Jane deciding to move the assignment to someone else since Erin was struggling, because like Fionapollos said, people in this business just want to get stuff done and if someone can’t do it, they have to take measures where someone else can.
Now maybe this wasn’t mentioned because there isn’t really evidence to support it, (it’s just a statement) but we do know that according to Ashley Nicholas, Viv had talked behind Erin’s back, calling her too mentally unstable to work. I personally believe that there was a lot of gossip provided by Viv and/or Jane and Sam regarding Erin, they’ve all shown to be shady before so I just wouldn’t be surprised if this were true, however let’s move on. Other parts of the video I agree on were Fionapollos simply just being fair. She stated that the fake document is damaging to indie companies and studios, and how her audience has the right to feel the way they feel, but outside of that there wasn’t anything specific that I agreed on outside of the Erin stuff. Her closing thoughts were nice as usual, but I’ll move on to the actual issues I had with the video.
If I had to speak in general, I feel like Fionapollos just didn’t have enough evidence, cause this video is basically a rehash of what her last one was, where she didn’t have enough evidence back then, only this time in her personal opinion, Viv is just a flawed non-perfect person who makes mistakes and needs to stop being put up on a pedestal and idolized as someone who is perfect….something I drastically disagree with but I’ll get into more of that later. When I say that she doesn’t have enough evidence, what I mean is that the stuff that she looked at is only the FROSTING of the iceberg pointing to Viv being a narcissist who mistreats her employees. Like I said there’s only three sections, and the only section where she actually looks at evidence against Spindle is Erin’s section and the document, something that was obviously fake and I’ve already shared how I dislike it when people pay more attention to the fake/troll side of things rather than the real actual evidence. I was shocked/bothered to see that KenDraws’s document isn’t even mentioned here, since the topic of this vid is how Viv/Spindle treats her employees and that document could have been a MASSIVE factor in evidence pointing towards the mistreatment being legit in some areas. Instead, the majority of this vid is very empty and lacks something that you could make a case out of. Of course she was going to go with the “I just think Vivziepop is flawed”- route, because she doesn’t have the same knowledge of evidence and drama that Viv has been through, wether that be in the past few months or past 2 years. It’s just clear that she so far has only seen a few bits and pieces of evidence but not the mass amount pointing to Viv being a problematic childish person. And I get it, she’s not like others where she constantly follows every single move Viv makes or constantly checks her status online, but if you’re going to make a video like this, you should be more informed.
The middle part of the video is the worst. It’s dedicated to talking about the fake document and AnimationCallout, (which this section of the video doesn’t do much, it’s just panting Spindle in a victimizing light) and she also dismisses the transphobic allegations by saying it was included in the false document so it makes her question if that is true as well (despite the fact that the screenshot of Viv’s discord messages had been floating around awhile before the document). The biggest part that made me roll my eyes is where she mentions Viv’s old weird art, indicating that she assumes people spite her all because of old shit she did years and years ago, which if you know me is another thing I hate the people bring up regarding Viv’s controversies. Her old art is irrelevant. This entire middle section felt irrelevant because the topic is about Spindle mistreating their employees so I don’t know why she felt the need to bring that up as well as how fake documents affect animation studios but that’s just me.
There’s also things that weren’t mentioned that bother me. Like I said KenDraws document wasn’t mentioned, but there’s more. The most obvious is that Erin ain’t the only member who left Spindle. For a video about Spindlehorse mistreating their employees, there’s no mention of anyone else, or people who claimed to be mistreated. KenDraws, Ashley Nicholas, Salem Squidder, Nicolas Jordan, Jane Walker, the list goes on. This is evidence that there’s definitely more going than just “Viv is flawed”. You can only use that excuse so long, as more and more people who were close or her or worked on her stuff left.
I also feel like it’s a glaring issue that Spindlehorse/Viv never acknowledge their mistakes or even confront their controversies. Name one time Spindle came out and made an official statement on the allegations or drama. Zero. They always let the fire burn, hide behind the fanbase, and wait for the waters to cool before moving on and pretending nothing ever happened, only speaking up if someone dare call Viv problematic. They silence any ex member and never take accountability, and it’s something the public has yet to acknowledge, no one ever acknowledges this shit and I’m so tired of it. This is why I never agree with anyone who tries to paint them in a victimizing light filled with people who are “just trying to get by” when there’s no evidence that leaves me to believe that’s true, especially when they’re too cowardly to even confront something or make a fucking statement. Doesn’t help that they always ignore allegations against Viv or just shut the other side down by simply saying “she was nice to me end of story”. How are we supposed to believe that these people are genuine who don’t want to hurt anyone if they aren’t saying anything? How are we supposed to believe Viv is just an imperfect person if she NEVER acknowledges her faults and keeps making the same mistakes over and over again?
I truly believe that Fionapollos had good intentions, but I’m really tired of folks just dismissing Viv or the shady stuff that’s been going on at spindle with just “they’re imperfect stop putting them up on a pedestal”. Like I said there’s plenty of evidence pointing to the people at Spindle lacking self awareness and Viv being an abuser who blacklists people and talks behind other’s backs, so this vid just didn’t do any justice. She just doesn’t know the half of it. Sorry.
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Make a drabble for my time travel au pls
It shouldn’t be so difficult to keep up an act, but Jon never was much of an actor to begin with.
In a perfect world, he could blame the slip-ups that almost reveal they’re dating on someone else. Martin, for instance, given he is the other half of this particular equation. However Martin does a significantly better job at keeping everything under wraps - something that shouldn’t be a surprise after everything they’ve gone through. No, his fault is being slightly too aloof at times these days or when he’s blunter than he ought to be, compared to how he was a matter of weeks ago. Still, Tim and Sasha simply worry over him, concerned that something has happened in his personal life to upset him. When he delivers Jon tea and occasionally shuts the door behind him, they assume he’s in trouble again, none the wiser about the kiss he places on Jon’s forehead or the casual way they chat with him leaning against Jon’s desk. 
Jon, however. He’s not as subtle as he’d like. It’s been a point of contention with himself for over a decade that he more or less wears his heart on his sleeve, despite every attempt otherwise. It certainly doesn’t help that he can’t lie to save his life. 
All of this means he generally goes out of his way to avoid Martin because he’s well aware of the fact that he cannot control how softly he looks at him. 
So far, it’s been a successful strategy. Sasha assumes he’s kicked up his dislike of Martin a notch and hasn’t thought too much further into it; Tim’s spent much of his time preparing to comfort Martin after Jon inevitably does something to upset him. This does nothing, unfortunately, to save them when he’s forced to be in the room with all three of them to prepare for the inevitable arrival of Jane Prentiss. 
There is nothing to worry about, he tells himself as he gathers the pertinent statements along with a list of reasons they should be preparing that hopefully won’t trigger suspicion. I simply won’t look at him, or speak to him, or even acknowledge that he exists. It is an absolutely reasonable plan, one that he’s confident he can stick to. 
“...hey boss,” Tim starts about halfway through Jon’s explanation of why he believes Prentiss is inhabiting the tunnels underneath the Institute. “Is there a reason you’ve been avoiding looking at Martin the past 30 minutes?”
Jon startles visibly at the question, clutching his pen tighter. He clears his throat and glances at the table, setting down the pen in favor of picking up his papers and organizing them. “He has yet to ask any relevant questions. I don’t see why I should focus my attention on him.”
“It’s just that, you know, you’ve glanced at both Sasha and me several times by now. Doing the whole-” Tim wiggles his fingers at his eyes with an easy grin, “-eye contact thing to make sure we’re listening and understanding. But not Martin.”
“Yeah, actually, Tim’s right.” Sasha sits up in her chair and leans forward, placing her elbows on her desk and frowning at him. “You’ve been treating him like he doesn’t exist lately, Jon. That’s not okay.”
“Well, I-” Shit. Jon swallows, stumbling over his words in his attempt to come up with some sort of believable excuse. “Martin, he - that is, I simply-”
A long-suffering sigh comes from Martin’s desk. “Guys, it’s okay. Jon doesn’t have to like me.” As usual, Martin comes to his rescue right before he makes an even bigger mess of things. “What matters is that we do the job, right?”
“There’s plenty of studies out there that show it’s important that people who work closely together need to have the ability to get along if they’re going to be successful,” Sasha argues with a shake of her head. “The workplace environment can become toxic really fast otherwise.”
“Toxic?” Jon furrows his brows, offended at the implications. “Maybe I don’t talk to Martin much, but I would hardly call that toxic.”
“What about the way you berate him when he doesn’t do his ‘due diligence’?” Tim cuts in. “That’s toxic behavior if I’ve ever seen it.”
“Or the way that you not only give him the easiest tasks but tell him you’re doing so because that way he can’t mess things up?” Sasha tilts her head to the side, one brow raised in a challenge. “Or how you-”
Jon raises his hands in supplication and sighs. “Alright, alright, I get it. I need to be more pleasant to Martin. Now if that’s all, I’d very much like to get back to how we’re going to handle Ja-”
“No, no, you’re not getting off that easily.” Tim exchanges a look with Sasha, then, one that becomes far more mischievous than he likes. “You need to apologize.”
“What?” Both Jon and Martin respond in unison, eyes meeting for the briefest of moments before looking at Tim and Sasha in varying states of dismay. 
“He really doesn’t need to do that.” Martin leans forward and fervently shakes his head when the others look at him. “It’s, it’s fine, guys, okay? Just drop it.”
Is this how they all viewed him, back then? Jon’s brows furrow and his lips tilt down into a frown as he leans his palms onto the spare desk in front of him. He knew he’d treated Martin poorly, of course he did; he’d have to be either very stupid or very oblivious to not. “No, no,” he says in a softer and far more exhausted tone than he usually uses (mostly for the purpose of keeping up the ruse). “They’re… they’re right. I never have properly apologized for the way I treated you, Martin.”
Martin, for his part, freezes much like a deer caught in headlights. “I - uh. Jon, this maybe isn’t the time?” 
For the first time since walking into the assistant’s area, Jon looks straight at Martin. It’s probably a mistake, one he’s not entirely certain they’ll recover from because he can feel the way his expression softens even as Martin’s shifts to a visible panic. “There’s never going to be a ‘right time,’ I don’t think. I’m sorry, Martin. I truly am. I will do better from here on out.”
The silence that follows is loud, lasting what feels like an eternity before being cut through with a low whistle. “That was a lot more genuine than I expected,” Tim says, gaze flicking between the two with a growing curiosity. “Hey, have you two ever considered-”
“That’ll be quite enough of that, thank you,” Jon interrupts, breaking eye contact with Martin and shuffling his papers unnecessarily. “Back to the topic at hand-”
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formosusiniquis · 2 years
Role Swap AU where Chrissy Cunningham is the queen bee of Hawkins High. She’s bitchy and a little cruel and she runs around town with Tammy Thompson and Tammy’s boyfriend Jason. Everyone hates her, they love her, they want her, they want to be her. And Chrissy has set her sights on Jonathan Byers, the only guy in school who seemingly does not even remotely care about who she is or what she’s doing, she’s obsessed. She’s not used to having to make the first move, usually boys come to her and she decides who is worth her time, it’s a process this change in dynamic. So when Jonathan’s friend Nancy’s little brother goes missing she has her opening. She invites Jonathan and Nancy and Nancy’s friend Barb -- that she never goes anywhere without -- to a party, just to get their mind off of things. It’ll be fun.
Nancy doesn’t go, “She just doesn’t know how to let loose and have a little fun Jonny,” is Chrissy’s answer, “it’s so sweet that you brought Barb though I bet she never gets invited to parties like this.” Cause mean girl shit is always just a little different than mean boy shit. Barb still goes missing. Chrissy and Jonathan don’t sleep together but he does stay the night.
Meanwhile Will Byers has a lot going on. His best friend is missing, his mom just got remarried and now he has a sister that people keep calling his twin, and Max found a boy in the woods with a number tattooed on his arm. He likes Jane, they were friends long before Mom started dating her Dad but he doesn’t like that all of a sudden he’s supposed to act like they’re some big happy family. Luckily his Mom is still adjusting to housing and feeding two more people and Dus(ten) can hide out in the attic and Will can sneak food up to him without it being too suspicious. Dustin has weird powers, keeps tapping into the radio his Mom leaves on or accidentally making his walkie talkie pick up Hopper’s police radio.
Karen Wheeler is on her last fucking leg. Her son is missing, her baby boy, and Ted’s only suggestion for help is to keep plying her with uppers so she can stay awake longer wondering when her son is going to be home. Things come to a head when she faints in the grocery store, she’d been light headed all day and something about reaching for Mike’s favorite cereal had her giving way completely. When she comes to, she's staring up at Claudia Henderson, such a lovely woman, a nurse at Hawkins General she set Mike’s arm after he’d had an accident playing with Ted. She asks if she can go with Karen to search the woods again for Mike. Rounded curves, rounded smile, Karen can’t believe that someone believes her that something has taken her boy.
Nancy Wheeler just won’t stay out of Chrissy’s fucking way. She’s asking questions and poking her button fucking nose into everything. And what’s worse now she’s stealing her fucking boyfriend. Maybe it’s wrong. Maybe she’s let Tammy get too far into her head, but it’s a little satisfying ripping up her stupid little notebook.
Dustin can feel Mike Wheeler. Can feel that boy in the bad place who loves his friends and his dragons and his Mom. Dustin keeps trying to get to him, and his new friend Will keeps telling him to stop making all the radios in the house scream and fuzz.
Her head aches. She’s tired. Coffee is safer than those little pills that Ted keeps giving her. A new bottle every time he finds something he doesn’t like in the house. Dinner is late, more pills. The pillows in his chair are flat, more pills. They stare at her but they leave her unfocused and jittery. She has to be focused. Mike is so close, she can feel him. Claudia doesn’t judge her, but Karen can see the way she looks at those little bottles. So different from the way she looks at the lite-brites that are spread across the basement.
It’s not a smear campaign. Not when perfect little Nancy Wheeler is cornering her boyfriend in the dark room. It’s just the truth, Chrissy knows the kind of stuff she’s gotten up to in the dark room, or the kind of things she wanted to get up to if she weren’t worried about getting called a slut. Maybe Nancy should have worried a little bit more about optics and a little bit less about getting to the bottom of things, she’s a reporter shouldn’t she know how vicious the rumor mill can be. The sight of a pistol tucked into a pocket book, the feeling of well manicured nails against her cheek make her think for the first time that maybe she shouldn’t have let Tammy convince her to write rumors on the bathroom wall. 
Dustin says he can get Mike back. That the body they saw in the quarry wasn’t real. Will believes even if Jane and Max are skeptical.
Chrissy goes to the Wheeler house, she’s turned the tides of the rumor mill. Tammy has become a tonedeaf, jealous bitch -- and one of those things is true -- and Nancy has become the victim. Jonathan is there, and she tries to convince herself that there was nothing to worry about until he’s shoving her out the door telling her to run to get out. She does. She doesn’t. There’s a monster in the Wheeler house, it crawls from the basement.
And so it goes.
Then Claudia finds a rain soaked boy in the woods. He’s so small. She takes him home.
Then the Sinclairs move in down the road from Chrissy. A sweet family, it’s hard though to see a family with two small children moving in when she knows there are monsters in the world now. She tries to pretend that everything is normal, but the strain is there, and whether it’s her or Jon things are going bad. It’s hard to blame Nancy Wheeler for it this time.
There’s something wrong with Mike. Something is wrong with her baby. It’s so fortunate that Claudia is a nurse. She’s been cutting back on her shifts at the hospital, but she had told Karen that she could call anytime.
The shoe drops. Jonathan is sweet when he ends things, but Chrissy has never been one to let things go without a fight. She’s prepared to apologize. To ask for one more shot. When a red head with an attitude grabs her. She’s pretty sure her dog ate her step brother and Chrissy seems more capable than Hopper. Next thing she knows she’s got the Byers-Hopper kids, Max, and the neighbor kid from up the road hiding in the back of a bus while she tries her best to backhand spring her way into knowing how to swing a softball bat. Max’s dog looks an awful lot like the monster from the Wheeler basement.
And so it goes.
The summer comes and Chrissy needs to get away from her mom. She gets a job at the mall, but she’s waited so long the only places hiring are in the food court, absolutely not happening, and the record store. The record store where she ends up working with Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson.
Eddie didn’t plan to work at the mall, he didn’t want to work at this neon colored capitalist hellscape, but if he gets busted for possession one more time he’s not sure that Hopper is going to look the other way. The record store is hiring at least, he plans on taking full advantage of the employee discount this summer. Then Queen Chrissy walks in in all of her Ralph Lauren Gap glory.
Chrissy was not a good person in high school, she knows that, but she put her head so far down last year that she managed to graduate early. The hostility coming off of her new coworker is a lot more than she expected. He’s started a board to count the number of times a guy comes in to hit on her and critiques each one ruthlessly. Nerd, jock, and tragic each category has several tallies in it. Maybe it’s the popular kid solidarity or maybe she is becoming a bigger person through the power of babysitting, she feels bad that Steve Harrington is the only one who ends up getting included in the Tragic category. He comes in a lot in his tiny blue Scoops uniform but he hasn’t tried to talk to her once.
Unexpected as it seems, Queen Chrissy is apparently the founding member of the Hawkins chapter of the babysitters club. It’s a never ending parade of children marching through the door and demanding to see her. The Byers boy is his favorite, but the Wheeler kid that had gone missing a couple years ago always has a haunted look on his face. The little curly haired one with the gap teeth seemed to startle her when he came running by, he’s loud and has no sense of what should be an inside thought and not an outside thought, but once he assures her that his mom knows where he is she’s letting him and the oldest Sinclair in through the back to sneak into the movies.
Something weird is coming in through the radio Dustin tricked out with his powers for her. It’s picking up a lot more than the rock station from Indianapolis. Max knows Chrissy will be able to help, she doesn’t expect her new neighbor to be working with her babysitter but she’s heard the shit he gets into at night he should at least be able to figure out if she’s just picking up a radio station all the way in Russia. She brings Erica with her, Lucas has been weird lately hanging out with Dustin a lot lately and ignoring her. She’s not jealous but if he’s gonna hang out with other people she can gossip with his younger sister.
And so it goes.
She’s got no right to be jealous. She is though. Who the hell does Robin Buckley think she is, stealing her kids. All Max can talk about is how cool Robin is. How she doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her. How she’s in the band. How she’s going to teach Max how to play the drums. Oh Chrissy, did you know that Robin speaks three languages? Chrissy, Robin’s gonna teach us how to say Italian curse words. Robin stood up to Jason for us. Robin, Robin, Robin. Who the fuck is this girl who can just swoop in an make her kids fall all over themselves to sing her praises. They don’t even like Eddie this much and he’s a DnD playing rocker with an unlimited stash of weed. But somehow a band nerd whose only friend is second year senior Steve Harrington has her kids wrapped around her stupid finger.
The last thing Eddie Munson ever expected was to stumble on Steve Harrington lurking at skull rock. Or at least not lurking alone. He startles when he sees Eddie, not fear, just surprise. There’s something desperate and haunted in his eyes when he looks up at Eddie. And then the captain of every team of Hawkins high is begging, begging for Eddie to hand over anything he’s got that will make him forget he’s even a person. He doesn’t deal anymore, not really. He’s promised Wayne and Chrissy and Red and even Karen fucking Wheeler that he would stop. Sticking to stuff that nature provides doesn’t feel like lying. Eddie really doesn’t want to leave someone as fucked up as Steve here alone. It doesn’t hurt that he’s pretty and that shaky little laugh that Eddie manages to pull from him. It’s only a little lie when he tells Steve Harrington to meet him at the trailer park after the game.
One more thing Chrissy can’t stand about Robin, she’s somehow got Eddie attending a basketball game. They’re all there to support Lucas but normally it’s a fight to get the nerdiest of them in the stands. Sure he’s spending more time looking at Steve Harrington, warming the stands with the rest of them now, than he is at Buckley but she knows the band geek is at fault here somehow. She’s really trying to not be a bitch about it but maybe jealousy like her hair and her eyes is just one more wretched thing she got from her mother.
Steve Harrington is floating, and not in the way people usually claim to when they come to Eddie. His eyes are blank and unseeing and Eddie is sure that he’s about to watch the once captain of the basketball team die right in front of him. Then Robin Buckley, screaming and inconsolable and inexplicably in the passenger seat, bumps the radio in her frantic rush to get to her best friend. Bowie starts blaring from the speakers, the neighbors dog starts barking, Max comes out of her trailer and screams. Then Steve Harrington falls out of the sky.
If she could get one thing out of life it would be to finally be free of the Upside Down. But instead she’s in a fiery red hellscape with her ex boyfriend, her platonic soulmate, her arch nemesis, and the human embodiment of a golden retriever. Insult to injury, injury being the giant fucking chunk missing from her side -- maybe now her mom will lay off for a bit, surely now she’s at goal weight -- and the insult being how hot Robin looks covered in the barest hints of demo blood. Even if she won’t shut up about rabies.
Steve is handling this much better than Eddie did the first time. Bouncing around literal hell, sticking very close to his side. It makes him feel a little braver, this beautiful boy looking at him like he’s an action star. He just hopes they all make it out this time. He’s got a bad feeling.
And so it goes.
Steve Harrington is probably going to be hard of hearing for the rest of his life, blood leaking from his ears and left arm broken in two places by the time they take care of Vecna. Robin lost a chunk of her large intestine -- and half a tit, let’s really focus on the important things here Cunningham, I was already only a B cup. But they’re both alive. They’re all alive. Eddie’s been posted up by Steve’s bedside, slowly and patiently teaching a prep sign language, something he wouldn’t have even thought about doing a couple months ago.
Chrissy, the most oblivious bisexual that Eddie has ever had the misfortune of trauma bonding with, has fallen ass over tit for Robin Buckley and refuses to do anything about it. It’d be sweet if it weren’t so goddamn sad. They’re holding hands on Robin’s hospital bed, laughing at a soap that’s playing on the TV. Until Steve screws his face up into the most intimidating little jock scowl he can, a look that doesn’t work as well outside of the locker filled halls of Hawkins High, and demands she stop stringing along his best friend. Robin looks mortified but the challenge lights something up in the late Queen Cunningham. She sets her sights on Robin now. Chrissy Cunningham may not be queen anymore, but she’s still a little bitchy and she always gets what she wants.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 10 months
Alright, since I realize I haven’t exactly been as active on here recently as I would like to have been, I thought I would attempt to make up for it by letting you guys in on some of the newest OC babies I’m planning on introducing soon. I hope you guys like these little tidbits, and (even though I don’t have any of their intro posts up yet), feel free to ask me whatever questions you’d like about them!!
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— Texas native who transfers to McKinley at the beginning of season two after her mother’s job is relocated to Lima.
— Generally your typical sweet Southern belle, but also fiercely independent and has a feisty streak.
— Well-set up to be popular when she first transfers, but quickly becomes an outcast after giving a tongue-lashing to some jocks after she watches them slushy Tina, so she joins New Directions.
— Generally sings country and pop music outside of the group numbers, but occasionally busts out a showtune (and does some country duets with Sam).
— Either a Tina or Santana ship, I haven’t quite decided yet.
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— Her story is set in kind of an AU post-canon after the boys recover the stolen money from the ravine, where Santi officially retires and they all move to the same town close to each other (and also where Frankie doesn’t have a baby and broke up with his girlfriend because I just. Can’t really deal with that).
— Quite literally bumps into Frankie at a bar (and spills her drink all over him) and very quickly becomes friends with all four of them.
— A total energetic and social ray of sunshine who’s very comfortable in her bisexuality and active in her local queer community, and helps the boys come to terms with their various non-straight identities.
— The main singer at a local burlesque club, and KILLS it as a performer.
— In a poly ship with all four former Delta Squad boys, who are all also dating each other (except for Will and Benny, obviously).
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— Daughter of Grumpy of the seven dwarves fame.
— Pretty much lives up to her father’s name; doesn’t put up with one bit of crap and is never afraid to speak her mind (which normally doesn’t make most people happy, but she doesn’t really like people anyway).
— Is definitely an outcast in Auradon and at school; the only people who actually talk to her at school outside of the teachers are Ben and her cousin Doug, who’s actually a little scared of her.
— Befriends Mal almost immediately after the VKs get to Auradon (they are truly kindred spirits) and decides to try and help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand because she resents Auradon and how fake and falsely cherry it is.
— Doesn’t really lose her prickly streak by the time the Coronation rolls around, but does come to realize that not everyone in Auradon is so bad and she needs to let people in more.
— Definitely besties with Mal, but also strikes up unlikely friendships with Carlos and Lonnie (and kind of becomes Carlos and Jane’s unofficial protector since they’re both pretty quiet and she is. Not).
— Also an Evie ship because I simply have to give my beloved girl a girlfriend. <3
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— A boyfriend for my bi king Charlie Swan. <3
— A tailor who runs a clothing shop in downtown Forks - Charlie constantly brings his uniform to his shop whenever it gets ripped.
— Definitely suspects the Cullens of being vampires but can never prove it until Charlie lets him know about Edward and this man just jumps up and shouts “I KNEW IT!”
— Sweet but fiercely loyal and protective Gryffinpuff king. <3
— Definitely acts as a non-Charlie adult confidant to Bella and is the best stepdad when he and Charlie finally get together.
— Also used to have a bit of a crush on Carlisle and still gets nervous around him even after getting together with Charlie because Carlisle is just. So pretty.
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— A British archeologist working with American Army Intelligence who gets assigned with Indy to help him find the Ark of the Covenant.
— Kind of shy and socially awkward (mostly due to constantly being underestimated in her field for being a woman) but incredibly intelligent and observant and knows when to stand her ground and not take other people’s crap.
— (Also probably autistic, but, well, they didn’t really have the language for that back then. But she is.)
— An incredibly sweet and compassionate woman who would do anything to help people in need (but also tends to trust too easily, which is why Indy is good at balancing her out).
— Indy likes to call her Lou, and she pretends to hate it, but she secretly loves that he thinks enough of her to give her a cute nickname.
— A ship for the daring professor himself, obviously!
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— (Yes, I know Winchester sister OCs are overdone, I don’t even care.)
— Technically her first name is Olivia, but she doesn’t like it and prefers to go exclusively by Via.
— Sam and Dean’s half-sister, fifteen years old in the first season, who was born out of a three-night stand between John and her mother.
— John didn’t stick around, obviously, but he kept tabs on Via and her mother and when the woman was killed in a car accident shortly after Sam left for collage, he came and got her and started training her to be a hunter.
— Immediately loves her two older brothers and is fiercely loyal to and protective of them, but shares a closer bond with Dean since she’s spent more time with him.
— Doesn’t like John at all, however, both for essentially abandoning her and her mother and for trying to turn all his children into hunters rather than letting them have normal childhoods, which is a point of contention between her and Dean.
— Despite her anger towards John forcing his kids into early training, she loves being a hunter and has a particular affinity for taking down vampires.
— A badass baby lesbian (who not only knows Dean is bi WAY before they even meet Cas but takes one look at Sam the first time they meet and is like, “Well, this one’s not straight either”).
— Might not have a love interest, or I might make another OC to give her a girlfriend, I haven’t decided yet (I’ll probably wait until I get a little further into the series).
Alright, that’s it for my more immediately upcoming OCs!! Again, feel free to ask me any questions you want about my newest babies!!
Tagging some of my OC community besties: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @luucypevensie, @carmens-garden, @endless-oc-creations.
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mihrsuri · 1 month
Too tired to put this into many words, but latest meta idea: there is a letter from Thomas to Henry, basically thanking him for being understanding about something that Anne hadn’t been so understanding about. It’s vague what exactly the matter was, but it causes a furor within fandom and it’s sort of infamous (known as the “you understand me as she does not” letter or something like that). It’s used to justify the perception of Anne as a termagant and to boost up Cromarry as a ship, and there’s lots of meta about how it simply means that Anne was more than just the perfect wife and queen and has flaws & blind spots. The general consensus is that it’s about the time period after Mary found out and before she came around, when she was keeping her distance from Thomas but keeping up a polite front, and Anne dismissed Thomas’s concerns while Henry provided a more sympathetic ear.
Oh that’s really interesting! Assuming they’d put it into written words. Actually it makes me think a lot about, so there’s a quote from Natalie Dormer about a different role/character she played that’s basically ‘kindness, intelligence and ambition and compassion can absolutely all be genuine and coexist’ and a lot of the time in universe Anne getting flattened into ‘perfect queen and mother’ and how, listen her reaching out to Mary was a billion percent genuinely just out of kindness (that in this world she could show and it could be accepted) but also there is So Much Politics Anne Did. And ruthless, that people don’t see.
(Like let me say, her grace towards Jane Seymour is like, as much about contrasting political FUCK YOU as other things, the way she’s going to play Henry Percy and Reginald Pole like a fiddle and happily watch them fall and die is real).
Which is to say yeah, this is a blind spot! It doesn’t make her a bad person but it’s a blind spot because she doesn’t really get how much of an impact Mary is having (because that’s her daughter + in lots of ways there’s like a feeling of…kinship sort of??) and how much she could.
But Henry gets it. Like yes, he loves Mary as a daughter but he’s also very much seen up close what happens when royal families start fighting for inheritance (the rebellions when he was a child just for one but I imagine he must have heard stories about the Wars of the Roses etc). He knows himself how dangerous it can be when thrones are involved. And Henry also knows Mary’s like, other side in a way that maybe Anne doesn’t (fairly viewed or not?)
Whereas Anne is like ‘oh no, she’s going to come round - her heart is good Thomas’ Henry is far more Getting It.
(I think he’d say something like “Your Grace, your understanding of my heart in this matter is above that of all others” and people infer from the date(s)).
(Incidentally the discourse on ‘They Should Have Just Told Mary Straight Off’ is uh Something)*
(People who buy into tend to think Anne was just a happy surrogate BFF to the gay couple type vibes or they kill her off early or say yep, she cannot have loved Thomas really at all).
*Often it’s like ‘Anne was forced to not tell’ and no, she was not forced she just made the reluctant decision because her husbands were against the idea.
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byersfanclub · 2 years
making this post again and being more detailed and explaining more. 
Why Ted’s “And no sweetie pie” comment throws me off and if it’s meant to be aimed at Will or Mike’s GF that Ted and Karen know nothing about. 
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gif cred: bylrndgm
So, I know a lot of people’s first thoughts to this scene are “Why would Mike make that face?” If it’s directed at Will. I get you. I see you. Usually when you see a grimace, confusion or annoyance, you’d want it to be about El because ofc we want Byler endgame. 
(edit 3/26/23) Personally, when I see this expression on Mike’s face, I see annoyance that his father is teasing him. Kids hate being teased by their parents. Ted seems to tease Mike a decent amount from what we’ve seen. “Our son with a girl?” or the “If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?” and other little remarks throughout the seasons that Ted has said about or to Mike. He’s annoyed that his father is teasing him about Will, maybe this is first time Ted has said something along the lines of Mike and Will being “in love” (ofc Ted probably doesn’t actually think this, but parents tease their kids all the time about their friends that they’re close with) OR/AND it could be mike just thinking of having to face el, idk 🤷‍♀️ On my last post, I had a few people in the replies say some retorts which could definitely be some explanations... If we had more evidence to back them up. I understand that my theory is purely a theory as well, but that’s because I also have no hardcore evidence that Ted is referring to Will as Mike’s “sweetie pie” this is just what makes the most sense to me.  So one of the few things people tend to bring up whenever I’ve spoken about this before is that fact that Karen was eavesdropping on Mike and El’s conversation in s3. 
Now, this very well could be indication that Karen knows that Mike has a girlfriend, there’s still not enough hard evidence that that is the case. Their conversation doesn’t have enough evidence, for all she knows it could just be one of Mike’s friends. Mike is friends with Max by now, who’s to say he couldn’t have another friend that’s a girl? The only line in their conversation that’s even slightly incriminating is “I can’t see you today” but also who knows how long Karen was listening in? Does Karen know Hopper is taking care of some girl? I thought no one was supposed to know? If anything, I think this could have more to do with Karen as a character in general because she def knows something is up, rather than her knowing Mike is dating a girl.  Another thing about that in general is with Ted’s teasing about Mike, I feel like it would have been the perfect and prime opportunity for Ted to tease Mike about having a girlfriend. That makes such perfect sense for his character and for Mike’s dynamic with his father. But that’s just imo.  Now, the next thing people bring up is that fact that Karen and Ted know about a girl who escaped and was potentially being hidden by Mike in their basement. This is fact, we know this happened. They know about this dangerous girl. But why on Earth would that equate to Ted thinking that Mike is dating this girl years later? And she now lives in California (either close or with the Byers) That’s very odd to me. Either I remember s1 wrong or Ted and Karen magically found out about El from the time skip between s3-s4. Or they know Mike just randomly has a girlfriend in California that they never show us any screen time for us to know that they know.  Lastly, they never show El interacting with Karen or Ted or Nancy or Holly when the pull up into the Wheeler’s driveway. Minus Mike’s shit monologue and then basically not talking to one another (so romantic) If Mike and El were on great terms, wouldn’t this have been a good time to be like “Mom, Dad, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, El/Jane.” That literally doesn’t happen lmao. Very odd. They don’t even ask who she is.  Overall, this obviously ties back into Ted’s “And no sweetie pie.” comment. With all of this said and done, does it still make sense for Ted’s comment to be aimed at El/Mike’s mysterious girlfriend that we’re never explicitly told that Karen and Ted know about? No. Not really. At least not in my mind. But it sure as hell makes sense for Ted to be teasing Mike and for it to be just another piece of foreshadowing Byler endgame. 
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vacantgodling · 9 months
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alright time to once again kick a hornet’s nest, this time trope edition:
tl;dr this take is wrong lmao (imo)
let’s do my usual shtick and add a definition:
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basically i just dislike the assertion that “enemies” always has to be someone you are actively stabbing. that it has to be a constant action packed physical altercation. i also dislike the assertion that enemies to lovers can’t be one sided on one character’s end because that’s like …. literally the entire plot of p&p — a lot of the emotions lizzie was experiencing and the hatred she had towards darcy for 1. meddling in her sister’s relationship 2. betraying wickham and 3. being condescending towards her 4. she just deadass states outright that she hates the man so…. that qualifies in my mind as enemies to lovers—on the side of lizzie. darcy not seeing it that way doesn’t make it Not enemies to lovers. but let me explain further:
(to me) enemies to lovers is when one or more characters in a proposed relationship follow more closely the actual definition of what an enemy is: people who are opposed or hostile to one another. the confines of their situation and universe will actually dictate how they are able to showcase their emotions or act out on their hatred but even the act of feeling it and feeling like enemies is fair game in calling something enemies to lovers.
in the case of lizzie and darcy: lizzie cannot be rude to darcy outright because he is of a higher social class than her and it would be unbecoming and bring shame to her family if she were to act out. so she opts for more subtle ways to show her displeasure, ie (and btw these are mostly taken from the 2005 movie cuz it was my special interest for years and i have the most on hand brain knowledge of it): the dig at the first ball where she overheard him saying poetry was shit and her interfering just to say she disagrees to undercut his prideful stance. the way that, when she was staying at merryton, she stopped reading when darcy acknowledged it as a good thing, she actively went out of her way to politely, but still pointedly disagree with near everything he said, etc. TO LIZZIE he is her enemy and adversary and the cause of the unhappiness in her life and she wants nothing to do with him. clearly, that’s not how darcy feels, but if we focus on lizzie, her storyline is an enemies to lovers. darcy was her enemy and she grew to love him.
he wasn’t “just” an annoyance to her like he legitimately fucked up parts of her life that were important to her—like jane’s feelings, or the injustice to wickham and the cruel view he had of her family.
also as an aside, you clearly don’t understand p&p if you think darcy for any moment disliked lizzie. like he literally didn’t and that is Also apart of his storyline but i digress.
circling back around the the physical altercation thing: not every character is going to want to put their hands on someone (for a variety of reasons, whatever those may be; be it character morals/values, the plot or story restraints — such as p&p it’s unbecoming for lizzie to put her hands on darcy even though i’m sure she wanted to strangle him after she found out about how he separated bingley and jane) and, more importantly even: not every character who puts their hands on each other are enemies.
let’s use a very generic example: (to me) two characters who are on opposite sides of a war aren’t always enemies. their factions may be enemies, and they may have to fight each other for their loyalty to said factions, but they themselves might not actually hate each other specifically. and i think what hinges on making a Good enemies to lovers dynamic is the actual personal dislike, distaste, and hatred the characters have for EACH OTHER.
final point i will make is tbh where do you draw the line in the sand from just disliking someone to actual enemies? if your only metric for deciding someone is an enemy of someone else is their propensity for physical violence then you’re missing out on a whole plethora of delicious ways that characters can hate each other and display it despite the confines of their situation. if all your thought process is is just yeah they aren’t killing each other so clearly they aren’t enemies then like idk! you’re just missing out! having reasons why these characters can’t fight each other or even Won’t fight each other is what makes an enemies to lovers dynamic so interesting, fascinating, and fun to play with. is it fun when characters beat the shit out of each other? absolutely. but is it also fun to see two people who clearly don’t like Anything about each other be forced to play civil? absolutely!!
tl;dr: tropes are tools not bibles let people have fun and if you don’t see more of what you want in the world then maybe make it yourself
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not-wholly-unheroic · 2 years
It occurred to me recently that while in the novel and stage musical, it’s Peter who says that he mustn’t be touched, in Disney’s version, Hook is the one who seems to have a complicated relationship with touch.
In Peter’s case, even the boy himself doesn’t seem to know WHY he resists touch and Barrie never gives us a straight answer. On one level, I suppose you could surmise that Peter is afraid that if Wendy touches him, he might develop feelings for her and start to grow up. I have also heard some speculation that book-Pan is touch-averse because he has a sort of existential dread (which is intriguing because Hook has this same fear)…that he knows he is an anomaly who shouldn’t exist and fears that if someone tries to touch him, the illusion will shatter and he’ll realize he isn’t real. Belief is everything in Neverland and so long as he can convince himself that he is real, he’s alright…but the moment he stops believing it, he—like the fae child that he is—will die.
Disney’s Peter doesn’t seem to have this problem. He takes Wendy’s hand at a few points during the film and even catches her and sees her safely to the ground when she plummets from the sky. In the sequel, Jane even hugs him, and though he looks rather taken by surprise, he doesn’t push her away. Hook, though, is a totally different story.
In fact, aside from Mr. Smee, Hook doesn’t touch anyone in either film with a few very brief exceptions (tossing Tink in the lantern in the first film and handing off the whistle to Jane in the sequel). Even when he tosses Starkey overboard, it’s with the claw, not his hand. Despite all his interactions with Peter, he really never touches the boy. His men do all the manhandling of the children, and the few times we see him get anywhere close to Peter, he generally only touches him with the tip of a sword or the claw—never his person, unless you count taking a split second to yank out that single hair. Hook literally keeps everyone at arm’s length. He doesn’t allow himself to get physically or emotionally close to anyone with the exception of Mr. Smee…and even then, the touch usually has to be on his own terms and he has to be in a highly vulnerable state. For example, at one point in the sequel when Hook is terrified by the octopus, he physically grabs Smee and pulls him into a hug…but in the first film during “Your Mother and Mine” when a teary Mr. Smee leans over into his arm, he shoves him away in annoyance. Nevertheless, Hook seems to find reassurance and comfort in being near someone he actually trusts. After the crocodile frightens him in his introductory scene in the first film, we see Smee gently coax him to lay back in his chair for a shave and give him a reassuring pat on the arm/chest and almost instantly the captain’s shaking stops. Similarly, in the sequel, when he needs to relax, he goes to Smee for a massage. But it isn’t just in his moments of fear or stress that he reaches out to Smee. Near the end of the first film when Hook thinks he has won, we see him laughing and instinctively going in for a hug with Smee. All of this leads me to a couple of conclusions: (1) Hook is also touch-averse with people he doesn’t know/trust…likely because he has had bad experiences in the past. I personally headcanon that his father was physically abusive so his initial reaction with anyone new who goes to touch him is to flinch away, expecting violence. (2) Hook is actually very touch-starved and once he DOES trust a person, he is rather clingy. His love language is touch and even just a light, reassuring touch of the arm or shoulder makes him feel safe and grounded. A long, tight hug is even better.
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quinnick · 2 years
Stranger Things Coffee Shop Headcanons
So, I figured as an actual barista who understands his craft and has dealt with a lot of customers, I have duty to the byler nation (and the general public) to make a proper Party+ El and Max coffee shop au HCs. I am in no way an expert in all that is coffee but I do make coffee basically every day and have realized most people don’t know that much about coffee so I am very qualified. 
Anyways, here you all go
Mike Wheeler - Mike is the asshole (/affectionate) who goes to coffee shops and buys just tea. He mostly likes a London Fog and get’s a large. He also always get’s a little treat. He prefers scones but will settle for anything but also will be over the moon with excitement. He over tips even though all he does is get tea. He also tips every time he goes for a refill. He’s a writer so he also sits in one spot basically all day but always leaves thirty minutes before close and leaves his work area cleaner then it was when he got there.
Will Byers - He is a caffeine addict and he will do anything for it. He drinks coffee 24/7 but he doesn’t actually like coffee. He 100% orders a Carmel and Vanilla latte (Iced... always iced) with whipped cream and drizzle. And he also always gets extra pumps of the flavoring because he is crazy (sadly, Mike will not be joining him in this). he rarely gets anything to eat choosing to get a sandwich from a nearby shop. He also sits outside most of the time so he can paint or draw in peace. He has his work hanging up in the local coffee shop and it always sells fast. He also likes to paint the barista’s as an extra tip. He of course always generously tips. He keeps his work area generally clean but his favorite spot to sit outside always as a little bit of paint left over but he is usually gone about mid day. 
Lucas Sinclair - He loves just a basic hot vanilla latte. He’ll get it with almond milk a lot of times but doesn’t really care. He also grabs any hot food / breakfast items that are available. he always goes before school just to grab a cup. He also is usually picks up drinks for the rest of the party if they ask. He 100% grabs El and Max their drinks and has their orders down. Whenever he forgets his morning coffee, one of the party will sneak off and make a quick coffee run just for him. Lucas is the person who relies of the barista’s knowing his order mostly because his brain just doesn’t work very early in the morning. He’ll grab an second coffee if he has a game later in the day or a big test. He does like to sit down at the coffee shop if he is with friends or out on a date. He also obviously tips well. He also tips the same amount every time he goes. 
Dustin Henderson - Dustin was banned multiple times from drinking coffee but will still grab a cup if he has a school project due the next day. He mostly just gets a smoothie now a days whenever they go. He also likes to get a muffin but never finishes. He eats half of it and then pics at it for the rest of the chat. He also mostly just hangs around the coffee shop when he is with friends and rarely ever goes to begin with. But all the barista’s know him by name. Dustin also tips great obviously 
Jane “El” Byers-Hopper - She is also banned from drinking coffee. She tried it one time and started vibrating. So she likes to get frappes that don’t have any caffeine in them. She likes vanilla frappe with cinnamon powder and chocolate drizzle. During the winter she will get a hot chocolate with whip cream. She hangs out at the coffee shop a lot with Max. They will sit outside and she will watch Max try to do skate board tricks on the empty road. They accidentally leave a mess despite their best efforts to clean up but it’s okay because the barista’s love them so much. Sometimes they will give El extra stamps on her card. El also tips as much as she can although Max had to teach her a reasonable amount to give. Even though El still gives a few more dollars then that.
Max Mayfield - She does get coffee despite being a gremlin when she drinks it. She get’s a Carmel and Vanilla latte and likes it iced with whip cream. She ends up only drinking half of it before she gets distracted by skate boarding. She refills her drink with ice 5 times before deciding it is mostly just water and can be thrown out. She also one time tried to do a trick on her skateboard while drinking her coffee and ended up in the hospital. She tips but also leaves bottle caps she finds out in the street in the tip jar. The barista’s hate her (/affectionate)
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walshparker · 3 months
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parker walsh intro
updated 3/2024 for ogden fall 2023
FULL NAME: parker jane walsh
AGE, BIRTHDAY: 22, december 31
PRONOUNS: she/her
SEXUALITY: pansexual
HOMETOWN: montpelier, vermont
+ charismatic, earnest, debonair
- self-conscious, fanciful, transparent
someone’s hands under your sweatshirt, monthly hydrafacials, hot summer nights and cold swims in the ocean, mens white button-ups, a flash of glossy red hair, cursive handwritten letters, endless stacks of annotated plays on a bedside table, themed dinner parties with friends, smiling with the eyes, a hum against closed lips
— FAMILY, the walsh family is akin to american royalty, with members involved in politics, philanthropic efforts, and various large-scale industries
MOTHER: annabeth walsh — vermont state senator
FATHER: jeremy walsh— CEO (of what? not sure, but the business has been in the family forever); comes from super old money
SIBLINGS: finn (25, brother), andrew (28, brother)
YEAR: senior
MAJOR OF STUDY: theatre (acting), business
EXTRACURRICULARS: theatre collective, senior class board
parker is your classic girl-next-door type—if your next-door neighbors are affluent and exceptionally well-to-do. she’s charming, approachable, and playful. she’s a wonderful listener and conversationalist. that said, it’s her empathy and love of others that really cements her girl-next-door label. outside of being greer morrison’s summer holiday next-door neighbor, that is.
parker and greer met when they were just girls, their families’ hamptons summer vacations (and, nearly, their summer house’s front yards) overlapping. the two connected pretty immediately, as young, charismatic girls with the world at their fingertips would. their parents, too, got along, leading to consistently overlapping summer holidays through the years. parker always admired greer, from her athleticism, to her determination, to her general aura. as high schoolers, the two were practically unstoppable, with greer’s enticing energy and parker’s personable nature. it was hard not to get caught in one of their gravitational pulls, if not both. sure, greer was the one who got the guy every so often (and even the girls, in many ways). the one with an apparent effortlessness that parker knew she, herself, didn’t possess. but they developed a bond that—at least, to parker—was as genuine and true as only relationships between young women can be.
all-american bitch → miss americana and the heartbreak prince → so american
love bombing wouldn’t work on me. i would just be like, thank you, this is exactly the appropriate amount of love. ramp it up, actually.
people always say ‘fuck around and find out’ as if it’s a bad thing. i love finding out. i need to understand.
regardless of circumstance, parker always looks polished; from gala gowns to princess diana-esque pullovers and shorts, there’s always a put-togetherness about her appearance. if she looks messy, something is probably wrong.
unless she’s in theatre makeup, she probably has that dewy-skin-laminated-brows-clean-girl thing going on
is a natural blonde, but consistently gets her hair dyed red (a fraud! a fake!)
so affectionate — so, so affectionate
open and direct and playful
wants to befriend every monster, but absolutely has friction with people who are opposite of her in certain ways (e.g. never care to try but get by anyway, blatantly inconsiderate, anyone who meets her initial warmth with immediate skepticism/disbelief/coldness)
thinks she’s really funny, but more than half the time her jokes are so bad <3
textbook perfectionist to her own detriment (thanks, mom!)
emotionally volatile/intense; she feels a lot and doesn’t always handle it in the best ways (and my words shoot to kill when i’m mad, i have a lot of regrets about that)
very involved in the theatre department and performs in just about every major production put on; she aspires to have a long, professional career in acting, either on stage or screen (or both)
(her acting roots are in shakespeare and she’s a sucker for macbeth)
is part of an off-campus archery team; her equipment (which she always sneaks onto/off of campus in a comically large rehearsal bag) is always propped up against a bedside table or at the end of her bed
is a total nerd — adores lord or the rings, dungeons & dragons, scifi, and the like; thinks the mcu has lost the plot, though, and stopped keeping up after wandavision
DMs a D&D campaign on campus that’s always open to everyone! loves when new people join in, even if only one time
“accepting something doesn’t mean you have to like it” written on seven post-it notes stuck to her mirror
i’m done being baby, i want power
she and jesse broke up immediately after coming back to campus + she’s putting on a brave face about it (though, probably not doing the best at it all the time)
went blonde after move-in week and just before homecoming (will it stick? stay tuned)
working on being more blunt and forward with how she feels/what she thinks and less appeasing, which could either go nicely or horrifically awful
it being her last year at ogden really hit her upon coming back, so she’s digging her heels into her theatre work (and her business major, but, like, come on, now, that’s not where the passion lives). hearing about summer internships and job opportunities from others really has her feeling behind. there’s a part of it that’s also avoidant of real life, but she’s far from confronting that.
edits (mine and reblogged)
ogden, fall 2022 semester timeline
ogden, spring 2023 semester timeline
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fandom-nursery · 4 months
Carlos agere headcanons
Regresses to around 2-4 years old 
He started regressing pretty young while he was still living on the Isle but he hid it from everyone out of fear of what would be done to him if anyone found out 
He tends to run off and hide somewhere when he feels himself start to slip even after he is in Auradon and has people who he can trust to take care of him 
Little Carlos wants very badly to feel safe and loved but is also incredibly anxious 
It takes a long time for him to trust new people and he generally prefers to stay in his room while regressed and only be around the other VKs, Ben, and later Jane
Carlos tends to get pretty quiet while little (and has on several occasions gone totally nonverbal) unless he gets super excited about something in which case he starts talking a mile a minute 
Very easily startled by sudden movements and loud noises 
It took a very long time for Carlos to feel safe enough to nap while regressed but once he does he starts falling asleep the second he’s put in bed 
He loves bathtime! On the Isle things like warm water, bubbles, and bath toys were completely foreign concepts and now that he has access to them he can’t get enough 
He is a lego kid. And a block kid. Really anything where he gets to build he loves
One of his favorite things to do while little is play fetch with dude 
He loves sweets but the other VK’s learned the hard way not to give him too many or he will get a sugar high and become crazy hyper 
He is a messy eater and always needs someone to wipe down his face and hands after meals/snacks 
Evie designed him a little black and white stuffed dog out of fabric scraps that he carries with him everywhere and is incredibly attached to. He got so upset when Evie tried to take it from him so she could wash it once that his crying prompted Mal to create a laundry spell on the spot so they could clean it without taking it away from him 
Evie designed him all sorts of comfortable clothing to wear while he’s little. His favorite outfits are the ones with a lot of pockets so he can carry little trinkets and snacks around with him 
Carlos has a paci on him at all times. If it’s not in his mouth its in one of his pockets 
He does occasionally wear diapers while little. Usually Evie or Jay will ask him if he wants them when he first starts regressing and depending on his answer either change him into them or leave him be 
After their quest for the dragon eye when the four of them all became friends Carlos told them about his regression (although at the time he didn’t have a word for it exactly he just knew that sometimes he felt small). He figured it was only a matter of time before he accidentally regressed in front of them and he wanted to be in control of how they found out 
Ben found Carlos regressed during the first week or so of him being at Auradon prep. Carlos was terrified about being found out and immediately went into a panic. Ben stayed calm and helped comfort him, eventually managing to calm him enough to convince Carlos to let him lead the little back to the dorms where Jay took over. It was one of the things that really helped Carlos start to feel safe in Auradon 
When Carlos started to get close with Jane he told her but she isn’t super confident in her ability to care for him when he's little so she usually isn't around when he regresses 
Evie and Jay are his primary caregivers. Mal does her best but being nurturing with children just doesn’t really come naturally to her so she’s typically more like a fun older sister. Ben also tries his best to be a caregiver and for the most part is however, he didn't grow up on the isle and there are just some parts of Carlos and his regression that Ben will never fully be able to understand because of this. 
Because he doesn’t associate the title of mom or dad with safety, love or care he doesn’t use them when addressing his caregivers and just tends to use their names
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oh-stars · 1 year
The entire time that I wrote The Man That I Could Be, I never did a teaser. It's done now, but... I have an epilogue written. Well, mostly. It was supposed to be out yesterday (it was supposed to be a five chapter mini fic) or on Christmas Eve, but it's not done. I was trying not to rush the fic and being kind to myself by giving myself permission to enjoy the holidays.
However... I'm not sure if this is even something people want? The story ended so nicely, in a way that turned out to be more perfect than I could have imagined, so a true epilogue doesn't feel appropriate. So I'd like to share a few words from the epilogue and if people want to see it, then maybe I'll post the whole thing.
Without further ado, I present to you a piece from...
Now I've Found a Real Love
An epilogue to The Man That I Could Be. This does contain major spoilers for the fic.
Max seemed to be the only one not trying to hide it from him. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Steve and Max sat side by side in her bed, mugs of hot chocolate in their hands. Max’s nightmares were particularly rough right now, with school stress and Lucas complications aggravating them. Steve doesn’t mind though. 
She laid her head on his shoulder, legs curled up as she held the mug close to her chest. 
"You alright?" Steve finally said. 
"It's whatever," she mumbled. 
"It's not." 
Max shrugged, but didn't move. "Hey, Steve?" 
Steve took a sip of his hot chocolate and hummed into the mug in acknowledgement. 
"Are we celebrating Christmas this year?" Max whispered, voice so soft and careful it doesn't even sound like her. It's eerily similar to Jane's. 
"Yeah, why wouldn't we?" 
Max lifted her head, brow furrowed. "Uh, Steve?" 
Steve just raised an eyebrow. 
She doesn't look at him, not since some kid at school made a comment about how freaky it was for her to try and make eye contact. Steve had been trying to get her to forget about that twerp's comment, had tried to get names to take care of it, but Max couldn't let it go. Now she never looked at people's faces, always toward their necks or in their general area. "Steve," she said again, "are you sure?" 
"Max, it's our first Christmas together. Of course we're celebrating." He set his mug down on her bedside table and twisted to fully face her. "Hey," he said softly. "Why did you think we weren't celebrating?" 
She sighed, but let him take the mug from her hands. "None of us were sure how you felt about it." 
Steve paused. "About Christmas?" 
Max nodded. 
"I don't have a lot of traditions or many fun memories of Christmas," if any, "but I want to change that. It's different now that I've got you and Eddie around. Why wouldn't I want to celebrate with you?" 
She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Steve, you were the first person who gave me permission to be upset on the Fourth because it was the anniversary of Billy's death. So I am giving you permission to be upset on Christmas because, since you apparently are choosing to ignore it, it's the first anniversary of their deaths. And that's going to suck. So no, we didn't think you'd be thrilled about celebrating." 
Yeah. That made sense. 
Steve felt himself shutting down a little. It's been all too easy to forget his parents were dead. His life had moved on and it's not like they were staples in his everyday life. After those first six months, Steve stopped holding onto it. Or he thought he did, anyway. Sure it was kind of hard on his mother's birthday back in August, but Joyce and Claudia took him out to lunch to cheer him up. It was easier when he wasn't alone and even easier when he remembered that he was mourning the ‘could have been’s and not the people themselves. 
Is that a shitty thing to say? That he doesn't mourn who his parents were? 
He doesn’t care. They were shitty people. He thinks he’s allowed. 
Steve cleared his throat. "Max, I appreciate that, but... I've made peace with it--" 
"It doesn't mean it won't be hard," she countered. 
"You're right, but I'm also done letting them control me." Steve dragged his knees up to his chest, chin tucked on his arm. "I've never really gotten a chance to celebrate Christmas like I wanted to. Anything that could have been fun was a chore and..." He shrugged. "I like the idea that I have full freedom to do what I want now." 
Max carefully wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Can we get a real tree? I've always wanted one." 
Steve nodded. "You know, I've always wanted to cut my own down." 
She snorted. "Really?" 
"Yeah. I always liked the idea of finding a nice looking tree and cutting it down myself. You know, the Crowleys are out of town next week still and Eddie will be here. Maybe you can stay home on Monday and we'll go get a tree?" 
"Think we can find a place where you can cut one down?" she asked quietly. 
Steve smiled and patted her arm. "I'll look into it." They end up falling asleep not too long after that, with Max bundled under the covers and Steve teetering on the edge of the bed, he'd been so certain he'd make it back to his bed.  Oh well.
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theylovebats · 1 year
Okay! Here is my group of elaborate Magnus RTC crossover concepts (Some are more in depth than others)
Karnak: An avatar of the end; An avatar of the web; An avatar of the eye, skipping all this cause Karnak’s would be super long!
Ocean: An avatar of the eye, some random teenage girl interning at the institute, everyone (especially Jon) kind of hates her and finds her to be a nuisance, there’s a twist and she turns out to be Mary Keay’s assistant, works HARD to become a favorite of the eye, abuses her omnipotent powers like crazy (usually just to show off), Gerry HATES her, Mary thinks she’s perfect and complains about how he “Could’ve been more like her; An avatar of the web, I don’t have much for this it just also made sense but I like the first one better-
Noel: An avatar of the desolation, doesn’t get involved in the Lightless Flame, just does his own thing, evil life destroying drag show; An avatar of the corruption, similar to Jane Prentiss but he is a minor in canon and I’m running with him being a minor so it’s more of a performance art experience that lures you in by being interesting, I feel like him and Prentiss are very close (she views him as her adopted son), drag show vibes either way, Basira and him get along oddly well, I feel like he gets an intern job working for the ghosty podcast so him and Georgie are buddies, Melanie and him have banter but not as much as him and Basira do, they’re the only ones who know they’re joking, everyone else thinks Basira and Noel hate eachother
Mischa: An avatar of the hunt, he’s part of a ridiculous SoundCloud rapper gang that consists of a bunch of other hunt avatars, you make fun of him for a bit and then him and his pack of buddies destroy you; An avatar of the desolation, he sort of accidentally wrecks the lives of tragic souls he hyper-fixates on, he doesn’t realize that the entity he works for is feeding on his pain as much as his victims, random but I feel like him and Tim are besties, he’s friends with Sasha too, after things don’t go well with Talia or they decide to be friends Sasha and Tim try to set him up with Noel, pummels the HECK out of NOT Sasha with Jane/Penny’s help
Ricky: An avatar of the spiral, he gets all creative and hypnotic with his wacky psychedelic cat visuals, Michael was afraid of him and so is Helen, he confuses you with sermons from the Bachelor Man Bible, Tim and him are best friends in both versions; An avatar of the vast, SPAAAACE, he terrorizes astronauts and Simon Fairchild is also afraid of him, him and Daisy are buddies and joke around about the dogs and cats stuff, Daisy carries him around a lot, Georgie is his friend and they learn ASL together, they find his cat stories very interesting
Jane/Penny: An avatar of the stranger, she canonically is beheaded and brought back as Jane Doe, she TERRIFIES everyone from her fear group, Jon pretends to be neutral her but he’s very attached and views her as his niece, can often be found watching National Geographic in the room Martin sleeps in for a hot sec (reciting facts, requesting to play dolls, just generally scaring him and the whole of the employees), the entire institute goes from being afraid of her to loving her over the course of the plot, quickly becomes the golden child of the Magnus institute as she’s not actually that harmful; An avatar of the spiral, Michael and Helen love her, confuzzles you with her weird decapitation tricks, animal facts, identity crisis hypnosis abilities, another interpretation could be actual Penny Lamb with spiral avatar traits and stuff
Constance: An avatar of the vast, CLOUD MAGIC, she definitely has a lil sugar cloud clump she floats on, spends a lot of her time just hanging upside down and doing silly little sky tricks, she for a while doesn’t realize that her spooking of human people is very harmful but after she does she gets a bit of a devious side, she has tea with Simon a LOT and they poke fun at each other for being a “Gen Z hormonal beast” and a “Silly old British man” but neither have the heart to get too mean, I have so much for the final few seasons with this one-; An avatar of the lonely, this one was too sad, I changed it so she’s still vast but she hangs around Martin in his lonely era and makes Blackwood (same last name) jokes, they poke fun at Peter for his multiple divorces with Elias, her and Martin have an adopted sibling relationship, she introduces Martin to the family before the world ends and they love him
Ezra: An avatar of the spiral; An avatar of the web
Virgil: An avatar of the end; An avatar of the corruption
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dirtyvulture · 6 months
😎 I had cut my finger on the knuckle at work last night ( nothing too bad, it just got a grazing chunk of my finger) and Mama didn’t rise a little bicth so I finished my shift but it brought about a thought or two. I am also going to try and include some SB AU in this post too . Also Vulture you absolutely cracked me up with the whole Nat refusing to sleep on the edge as much as possible because she is afraid of the grey wolf ( the whole point of this song was to make it so that children wouldn’t sleep on the edge of the bed because they could fall off it and hurt themselves, hence the grey wolf who will bite painfully your side if you sleep on the bed’s edges) 🤣🤣🤣 that and her being afraid of the “ Baba Yaga” of not only her birth country’s folk lore but the stories of her ( R ) that the RR would tell to threaten and scare the black widows with . Russia and Eastern European countries are full of more superstitions folklore , songs and cultural influences like that ( I am by no means an expert and I don’t know all of them nor the culture tie to them), I think that even though she will adamantly deny it deep deep deep down Nat holds all of her birth country’s folklore, songs, superstitions and cultural influences very closely to her heart and beliefs.
R was born in and is from the 19th century so was there for the PEAK of the Grimm Brothers Fairytales and the darkass children stories that had the  purpose and function to teach children lessons, morals and the potential dangers of the world. R was born in 1832 and the Grimm Brothers Fairytales ( a book of collected fairytales from world wide but mostly Eastern European countries/ cultures. And the inspiration for most if not all of the OLD DISNEY movies. Such as Snow White,  cinderella , sleeping beauty, The little mermaid and you get the idea ) came out in 1812 so R probably got the book as a gift for her birthday or Christmas . She absolutely loved that book and misses it ( while she doesn’t fully remember her childhood or her parents/ what happened to them she does remember getting that book and loving it) , it also means she isn’t a stranger to the old and darker children stories of Eastern Europe or in general. Plus she was VERY CONFUSED by the older Disney movies because that isn’t HOW SHE REMEMBERED the story going ( the original fairytales that the Old Disney movies are based on is sooooo fucking dark and twisted, I am not even kidding) but she enjoyed/ enjoys them nonetheless.
As I mentioned earlier I believe that R does use the journal that Rogue got her just not as a journal , I think that she writes down the bits and pieces that she can remember from her past and also the things that were dug up on by herself, Jean, professor x or any of the others . She has multiple notebooks, journals and other things but the journal that Rogue gave her is especially important because well rogue gave it to her and R uses it to write down her notes about what R remembered of / pieced together about Esther Hudson. I also think that R was a avid writer in her journals / diaries when she was younger ( because A ,there wasn’t much to do back then especially when she was sick / is a sickly frail child and B , that was the only way she had a outlet for her true thoughts , feelings and her true self. Nothing was fake or pretend within the pages of her diary/ journal.) but she stopped writing when her mutation hit ( she had finished the book she was writing in the night that everything went down before going to sleep) because it was hard to write a journal/diary on the run / even getting her hands on one and the utensils to write with and two she didn’t want it found and have people found out that R was really Jane Howlett . Later on when R found out that she stopped aging she wanted to keep lasting records of her to a minimum ( one of the reasons she didn’t want her pictures taken) .
I will close off this post with the thought that occurred to me when I cut my hand . I have decided not to put my SB thoughts here because it might make this too long and those thoughts  deserve their own post so they can be really flushed out . But I think that it would be hilarious if the grumpy badass Sergeant Romanoff is the same way of being scared to sleep anywhere but the middle/ center of the bed because she is terrified of the grey wolf and scared of the Baba Yaga . That she and Yelena take the superstitions , fork lore, songs and cultural influences of their Eastern European roots very seriously even if they adamantly deny it out loud. Before SB Nat didn’t have the people she was with stay in bed with her and didn’t give a shit if they were on the edge or not . But when she let SB stay the first time ( after she fucked their brains out ) and on wards she was adamant that they were on the middle/ center of the bed with her ( this was the first subconscious sign that she cares about SB ) . SB has never question why she is so adamant about that , always figuring that Nat didn’t want them to fall out of bed.
Ok Now for the last thought brought on by my injured hand, I got lost on a train of thought. R was just in the school after the students came back and R was helping them bring in all their overstuffed luggage. R was talking with and was surrounded by a gaggle of the youngest students and while R was working with the luggage her the knuckle of one of her fingers bushed against some metal and it cuts a grazing chunk of her finger ( that was generally what happened to me at work and that shit hurts like hell) . So R puts down the luggage and grabs something to stop her finger from bleeding ( also trying hard not to swear in front of the little kids but she does say ow ) Nat is watching on with Jean as they were talking and with a wide smile Jean tells Nat to watch what happens next. A little kid comes running in with bandaids ( R has already healed) but as R bends down with a smile taking and putting on the bandage ( it is one of the little kids type bandaid , the cartoon ones) thanking the little kid and telling them they are a lifesaver. All the little kids emphasize that R CANNOT TAKE OFF the bandaid until the boo-boo is healed and they all took turns kissing it better. Jean then explained to Nat that the little kids don’t know about R’s abilities and think that the quick and flawless way that R heals is because of “ ✨Healing magic ✨” Jean  gestures to the scene before them at this . She explains that whenever R hurts self or yells “ Ow” this happens, and R has walked around all covered in bandages before. R also lets the little ones play nurse ( R is the school nurse and the kids love and look up to her so the play nurse instead of playing doctor)on her. Jean asks Nat not say anything to them because that would break their hearts. R heard Jean and Nat and she heard Nat promise not to say anything and with a content smile went back to work bringing the kids overstuffed luggage back in with a child bandaid on her finger .
PS I am adding this to the end of this post because I am pissed at the fact one of the  sections I wrote was just lost . It was a thought / image of Wolvie and Nat being in bed together and R sleeping on the edge of the bed falling out of it clutching her side because she landed on it ( in the song the wolf bites your side) and she is pain . A half asleep Nat yells out “it’s the grey wolf”🐺🐺🐺 in Russian and R just looks at her like “ Girl SERIOUSLY 😒 😒😒” . It was just all about Nat’s fear of the grey wolf and it was really good to. * VERY HEAVY SIGH 😔 😔😔* I will just rewrite it on a different post . Also Wolverines aren’t wolves but a small and vicious breed of animals that can and will square off with ANY THING , especially when that thing is bigger then them . They are cousins with the  honey badger  , I know that wasn’t the point you were trying to make Vulture but I thought it would be a cool fact to share .
Oh no I hope your finger is okay 😭 Last week I punctured my thumb pretty bad and not being able to use it was so annoying lol
I wonder at what point Nat will realize the legend behind all these lullabies and folklore tales is literally the same person she's in love with lol
I remember reading some of those fairytales as a kid! And as morbid as most of them were, they are very iconic. I love the idea that R is very into Disney. Imagine how she would react if Nat finds out and takes her on a trip to Disneyland one day.
I have to give it to you anon, I really like your idea that R uses her journal more as a memory keep for her past, but not so much for her current times. Sometimes, Nat sees R writing in her notebook and is very tempted to read it (because R does not take any liberties to hide or lock up her journal), but Nat respects R too much to sneak a peek and is happy to wait for R to tell her what she's been writing instead.
(I bet Sergeant Romanoff would purposely push her bad partners towards the edge of the bed lmao. But once she gets with SB, she happily lets them take up as much space as they want in the middle.)
R wearing a bandaid that has Looney Tunes characters on it or something, I absolutely love it 😂
I don't think I've ever used R's "Wolverine" title in the actual fic yet. Perhaps when I finally do, Nat assumes a wolverine is related to wolves and then is told by Scott that wolverines are just grungy little animals, and she thinks Scott is just being mean about R (as usual) and then is shocked when she finds out...he's kind of right 😂
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