#and for that latter question
bananasofthorns · 8 months
scholarship applications go to hell and DIE challenge
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
[ cw: slight questioning of gender identity / ]
Leo learning he’s trans and having various reactions to it.
1) Uncaring - not like anything really changed? It’s like learning your blood type. Leo is Leo, that’s all.
2) Existential - how the heck did he miss this for so long??? Wait is this gonna change his perspective of gender for himself or is he overthinking things??? He’s comfortable in his own skin and all but what if he’s not, actually? Should he think about this harder? Are there other things about himself he doesn’t know of yet-?
3) Peeved - what do you mean he could have had sick long claws and a cool long tail?
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
I think a lot about this painting that was, presumably, given to Fernando at the 2012 Japanese Grand Prix, which there is just zero explanation for it, other than these pics:
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Where is it now????? It better be hanging up in a place of honor in one of his houses istg!
But what makes this better is that after he crashed out from that race, he tweeted a samurai quote 😭 I like to imagine him just nonsensically mumbling samurai quotes while staring at this painting in despair
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sysig · 9 months
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Puts the “plates” in “Fellplates” (Patreon)
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sexualize being a system. do it.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
I think it's gotten better as of late but I must admit. unbelievably validating to, after months of being like "I feel so much discussion of TTRPGs and actual play rests on the idea of novelty rather than skillful execution and I disagree" to turn on the Sam Reich episode of Adventuring Academy and for Sam and Brennan to say "I would watch any well-executed premise the creators were passionate about, no matter how many times I've seen the same concept."
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pr1ncess-h0pe · 1 month
chat do you think that kazuaki nanaki just has never gone into the school library ever or do you think that he's no longer pure of heart enough to see the true nageki
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would it be fair to say that "asexuals can still have sex though" is pretty much the same as saying "lesbians can still fuck men though"?
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muaka-safari · 2 months
May I ask, did you get around to writing that essay about ga-matoran in Metru Nui and their connection to the Great Temple? Not expecting anything! Just curious!
Oh, I think I wrote a bullet-pointed list on ga-matoran and their connection to the Great Temple, specifically looking at how it affects their concept of gender here, but I never wrote anything long-hand.
If a quick rundown is what you're looking for, follow that link. If you do enjoy long(ish), rambling essays from someone making far too extensive headcanons for fictional worlds, read on.
So. Ga-Metru. The metru of the ga, the metru specifically for the ga, that metru. Now, I could launch straight into the impact of Ga-Metru being Mata Nui-favoured... but this is my essay, so I'm gonna roll this a bit further back and delve into a possible reason of why Ga-Metru is favoured.
Because I have a personal headcanon that Ga-Metru's favoured status was very much a byproduct of the natural resources.
Look at it this way: You need to build a protodermis purification facility on Metru Nui. You've already built the forges and furnaces; now you need to be able to source the building material for these smithies. So you need somewhere with a lot of liquid protodermis readily at hand - somewhere, for example, like Ga-Metru.
And then, because you probably shouldn't put all your important masks in a place full of burny, melty fire, you store your kanohi mask here (instead of Ta-Metru) as the other major building in this budding metru.
So, ta-da, you now have your second major site in Metru Nui, and over time that becomes Ga-Metru, home to the Ga-Matoran. Second-eldest metru, not out of any holy significance, but because it provided an important resource.
Time passes, and your purification/storage facility becomes a place of spiritual importance. I mean, it makes sense. It's an old, vital building, storing items of power, and isn't the hot, noisy space of Ta-Metru, plus the act of purifying carries a kind of holiness to it.
So, the next logical train of thought: if Ga-Metru is home to the temple of your god, then - obviously - god must like this metru best.
Next, next logical train of thought: if Ga-Metru is the favoured metru, then those who live there must be Mata Nui's favoured matorans. Or, at least, they are spiritually closer to Mata Nui, living basically on the doorstep of your connection to him.
By this point, matoran have certainly been granted sentience, and with that comes all the messy irrationality of thinking for yourself. What a lot of religions like to do is recognise those singled out, spiritually, with a title. Father. Reverend. Back in the medieval era, catholic priests were called "Sir" the same way a knight was.
Regardless, the point is: you need a name or a title to recognise that Ga-Matoran are different. And (headcanon going strong here) because Matoran weren't programmed with a sense of gender, they only really have "he/him" for daily use, with "brother" as a title of respect.
So language does what it always does in these circumstances - it adapts. Except, well, the Matoran may not have a concept of gender, but the Great Beings who created them did. So, somewhere in that pesky programming and superfluous data, there's a not-memory of "sister" being an equivalent title to "brother" - they don't understand how it relates to gender, they just know it feels right. And with "sister" comes the pronouns "she/her" so suddenly you have a whole metru with their own special pronouns and titles.
And, ta-da! Matorans have now accidentally ungendered gendered pronouns.
I also think it adds an interesting sense of irony for any (head)canons that Ga-Matorans consider themselves above or better than other Matorans (because then their importance is built on a coincidence, rather than actual Mata Nui favour) but that's for another day - or for other people to take a crack at, if they'd like. (I know I've certainly seen some interesting posts about Ga-Matoran self-importance!)
I personally was just fascinated by the fact that the "female" Matoran are the "holy" Matoran, despite gender being nonexistant, and examining one possible reason for Ga-Metru gaining its favoured reputation. (What can I say? I love clawing my way into the cracks of existing world-building.) Feel free to agree, disagree, whatever, but these are my personal headcanons and I hope people enjoyed reading about them!
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foursaints · 5 months
music taste of barty, evan, pandora and reg? like genres and artists and songs? that they like?
anon.... i was waiting for this. i actually very psychotically have a playlist of music that i think barty listens to. I have so much respect for the people that want barty to listen to Lana del rey & mcr or whatever. but THAT'S A GRIMY DUDE!
he's listening to terrible traphouse music & drill & fuckboy rap & industrial noise and the day that juicewrld died was probably his personal 9/11!!!
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sweetpapercroissant · 11 months
“dean winchester is a misogynist because he lies to women to get them to sleep with him and therefore clearly doesn’t respect them”
then you actually watch the show and every time dean sleeps with a woman he’s soft and there’s a gentleness even in his passion and he always makes sure his partner’s satisfied/comfortable and he does form genuine connections with the women he sleeps with even if he lies about his name and job (which is completely understandable and actually the sane thing to do considering most of america knows him as a serial killer and there’s not a lot of people around who’d bother talking to a guy who claims he hunts monsters for a living) (or for fun ig since there’s not a lot of ‘living’ in this profession) and he spends time getting to know them and offers the little bits of himself that he can and most of the time that dean has sex with a woman he sleeps over and they see him off in the morning with a goodbye kiss and genuine affection for him and if they ever run into him again they’re clearly fond and look back on their shared memories with satisfaction if nothing else and. this is the guy who doesn’t respect women? how? by believing they are adults who can want and enjoy a night of sex with no strings attached (something he’s always straightforward about btw)?? and more importantly it’s always consensual and they like him as a person and they’re clearly both enthusiastic about it (in fact there’s actually instances where dean isn’t completely enthusiastic but never the other way around).
also any time he’s been in a serious relationship where he was going to be a part of the other person’s life he tells them the whole truth, about hunting and monsters and his role in it and what being with him would entail. so i’d say he respects women just fine but maybe you need to seriously evaluate why you feel having casual sex with women is inherently disrespectful of them.
not to mention that the sex does mean something to him. even if he didn’t it wouldn’t be “wrong” or “misogynistic” to want to have sex with a woman without a relationship BUT. the sex does mean something to him. because he craves intimacy and human contact and affection and being liked and wanted and so often when he’s going through something he’ll open up to these women (jaime, anna) and they’re willing to listen to him without judgment and they’re gentle with him, with his grief, his trauma and the sex is a way for him to connect on a deeper level with them and it helps him and he’s spent almost his entire life isolated from society and can’t form long lasting relationships for much of his childhood and youth but he actually cares about them as human beings and he feels affection for them and it fulfills his desire for tenderness that he can’t expect from anyone else. and there’s nothing wrong with any of that.
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storgicdealer · 4 months
i think its really obvious with my chosen & dark obsession at this point but i NEED to see them being friendly & domestic and more gentle with each other in canon at least as a flashback
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solaestial · 3 months
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Namid[A]me - Hitorie 🌧
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old main version now swapped with the realistic raindrops one here because i've realised i kind of just prefer it a lot myself visually HAHA, despite this one fitting the vibe of the song better
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prussianbluevelvet · 10 months
As a leftist, having ‘good intentions’ is not enough.
You need to be fucking educated.
Your intentions mean NOTHING, without accurate knowledge and education abt minorities, you’re just doomed to repeat harmful propaganda without A) being able to spot it and B) more prone to justifying your bigotry and biases via ‘I’m trying to be morally correct so I’ll just believe whatever makes me feel good 🥺🥺🥺’ which just results in you confirming and perpetrating you own biases.
Like… I have a migraine now. I just spent 2 HOURS explaining the history of antisemitism in europe to my mum and educating her about jewish stereotypes and the history/cultural context behind it cause she’s a typical well-meaning-but uneducated leftist who thinks that spewing antisemitic rhetoric is somehow ‘helping Palestine’ i think the fuck not! bitch ur literally european how the fuck are you NOT familiar with the BS myths and legends behind antisemitism… thought it was common knowledge but I suppose people are generally less educated than i thought????? ugh.
Being a leftist doesn’t automatically make you a good person, or ‘correct’ or even morally correct.
You gotta actually fucking learn about history, and various cultures, and the context behind different types of bigotry if you want to avoid repeating it.
Everybody thinks they’re ‘morally correct’. Nazis think their actions are morally justifiable.
Being a leftist isn’t about being ‘morally correct’.
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myfairstarlight · 2 months
Happy one year anniversary to Good Omens s2, so let me get this off my chest:
Where tf did Crowley have in mind when he said they could run away together actually because baby, Heaven and Hell would have found you sooner or later. And you can't say Alpha Centauri, you suggested that IN FRONT OF THEM like 10 minutes ago
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buttercupshands · 6 months
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mixing is in progress...
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