#and harry is an amazing godson to his godfather
evadne01 · 28 days
Harry Potter Masterlist Part 2
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Godfather and godson
Sirius teaches Harry how to drive a motorcycle.
Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Just hold me, please
Harry is hurt, and George is there for him.
Harry Potter & George Weasley
One of us
Harry Potter has a bad day, but when you have a family, you are never alone.
Harry Potter & Weasley Family
I mean it
Harry needs someone there for him. And, finally, he has some place to call home.
Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter
Parents, children and names
Teddy Lupin and Harry Potter before Teddy's first year.
And three proud parents look from the sky
eddy Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter, Harry Potter & James Potter
What's a soulmate? 
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley works better as friends.
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are attracted more than their same gender.
Harry Potter likes the Weasleys (a little too much), and Ginny Weasley is an amazing friend.
PS: They are both scared of Molly Weasley
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley
Fairy party 
Hermione and Draco and the aftermath of the party
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini
Am I the last one to know it? 
Theodore Nott has a crush on Hermione. Theodore Nott doesn't know that.
Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger & Harry PotterTheodore Nott & Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott & Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini
It was just an idea
Hermione has an idea. But her friends group is chaotic and makes drama out of nothing.
I tried, I tried and I tried again ~ Am I losing my time?
Lily Evans had a friend. Severus Snape. And she didn't want to lose him because of someone else's actions.
It had to be his choice.
During her fifth year at Hogwarts, Lily Evans makes new friends and also discovers herself
Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter/James Potter, Lily Evans Potter & James Potter, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter
I won't fail again 
Severus Snape finds out something.
Severus Snape has every intention to do something about it.
Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape, Harry Potter & Bill Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter
James Potter tries to bake some biscuits.
Tries is the key word
Harry Potter & James Potter
I wouldn't believe it 
Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's Christmas in OoP and after the War.
Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
This isn't a goodbye, it is a see you later
Harry and George before the war and right after it
Harry Potter/George Weasley, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley, Fred Weasley & George Weasley
I can only think about you 
Fred and George had a simple plan. Well, plans had to be changed.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Once Upon a Time 
Harry James Potter was sure he didn't have a family.
It was not like this.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley
Let's give it a try 
Fred and George Weasley have a creature inheritance and a mate. Their mate knows only one thing of these two.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Close your eyes
Harry Potter has to learn how to dance. Luckily he will get the help he needs.
Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter
Charlie wanted to surprise his boyfriend. Hermione just wants to know who this boyfriend is.
Hermione Granger & Charlie Weasley, Harry Potter/Charlie Weasley
Yule Ball 
Harry and George before the Yule Ball
Harry can face a dragon and the Tournament, but suddenly one dance is too much for him.
Harry Potter/George Weasley, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
With all my heart
Harry and Tom find each other again
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
It's simply us 
A conversation between two friends that miss the third one.
Hermione Granger & Harry Potter
This is good enough 
After the Quidditch game, Oliver is there for Harry.
Harry Potter & Olived Wood
Love is putting someone else's needs before yours
Harry is afraid of his powers and tries to protect his boyfriend.
Fred disagrees.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley
An act of love
AU where the war goes on longer. Harry appears on the doorstep of an old friend, asking for help.
Barty Crouch Jr./Rabastan Lestrange/Harry Potter
The Birthday's Party
During the Tournament, a missing moment we all needed: Fred and George's birthday
Gryffindor Quidditch Team Members & Lee Jordan
A reason to fight for 
Harry and Neville talk about the war and their role in it.
Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter
It isn't right
During the Twizarding Tournament, the sirens have something to say about the second task!
A mother's love
Molly Weasley thinks about her family after the second war against Voldemort.
Harry Potter & Weasley Family
It was freedom
What really happened when Harry suggested to use the dragon to run away during the Gringotts' episode.
Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
Only love can hurt like this
Fred and George Weasley learn how love can hurt.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Fallen Angel
The Dursleys had tried to destroy him, but Harry would never, ever let them.
They had wanted him weak, stupid, useless and alone.
Harry would never be any of those things.
With a different set of friends and a different mindset, Harry Potter approaches life very differently.
Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Harry Potter/Diary Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Susan Bones & Harry Potter, Hannah Abbott & Harry Potter
Brilliant ideas and cheesy confessions 
Fred and George have an incident, Harry takes care of them.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Can we stay here a little longer? 
At Beauxbatons, a moment between two friends
Fleur Delacour & Harry Potter
The boy and the dogfather 
Harry finds a stray at Privet Drive.
Trouble is very protective of the young boy.
Sirius Black & Harry Potter
My little brave pup 
Sirius and Harry after the events at the end of the Order of the Phoenix
Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Stay away from my family 
Charlie is a good big brother. Harry is an honorary Weasley, and no one can hurt him
Harry Potter & Charlie Weasley
Live for us, live for them 
Neville and Harry are more similar than everyone thinks.
Harry Potter & Bill Weasley, Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter
For the Greater Good (For Ariana)
In the summer they spend together, Gellert becomes fond of not only Albus Dumbledore but also another Dumbledore.
Ariana Dumbledore & Gellert Grindelwald
Finding a new place 
The friendship between Harry and Viktor
Viktor Krum & Harry Potter
Everything you want 
Tom is angry when he learns that he needs to get married in order to access to the Ministry.
And, then, he finds the positive aspect.
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
What about magic?
Harry Potter explains to Tom Riddle what is magic
Post fata resurgo 
What if James Potter wasn't an only child.
What if he had a younger brother, the same age as Regulus Black?
Let's see the story of Aedus Eli Potter
Regulus Black & Barty Crouch Jr. & Original Character(s), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Regulus Black & Andromeda Black Tonks
The King of Underworld and his Queen
Greek Mythology AU.
Tom traced the carvings of his throne with his finger. Aberforth had his queen and Albus had married the other of their sisters, Minerva, and made her queen of the Gods. Maybe Tom could have had his own queen as well.
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter
Take chances, make mistakes, get messy
But Harry didn't want to return to Hogwarts, neither as a student nor as a teacher; he couldn't think of starting training to become an Auror and making his life an eternal struggle and fight. Nor did he want to think about Teddy yet, a constant reminder in his name of his parents' fate.
Harry just wanted to be free. He just wanted to live, at least for a while.
Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter
Reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
Harry Potter's characters reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
What is that thing? 
Harry being a younger brother and Fleur being so done with that
Fleur Delacour & Harry Potter
Welcome to the family 
Luna and Harry find a strange book.
Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter
We're not supposed to be here
“If it’s a trap,” she had patiently explained to her not-so-patient friend, “you don’t want to go in when they’re waiting for you.”
Lily couldn’t believe she was the one who had to explain to her Slytherin friend to think before acting.
“So, what do I do?” Severus had exclaimed, waving his hands in a surprising physical display of emotion. “Just let them get away with it?”
Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape
My real target... it's you 
Harry comes to rescue the lost prince Tom from the cursed tower of Lord Voldemort! (But little does he know that this was all a ploy to capture and cage the real jewel, Harry himself.)
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
What homework?
Harry knew that Hermione loved both him and Ron. Otherwise, he was sure she wouldn't have bothered trying to save their lives every time they got into trouble, like she had since their first year.
So, he knew that the nervous tic the curly-haired girl was displaying wasn't actually a symptom of murderous intent, but just a nervous tic from the girl, an outburst from Harry's question. A perfectly innocent question, if Harry was being honest.
Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
It all started with a sunset and a Potions essay.
When their children and grandchildren asked them how they got together, Harry would smile and say, “It all started with a sunset and a Potions essay.”
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Let the dance begin
Filius wore a duelling robe that had been personally measured to ensure the greatest possible freedom of movement and considerable protection.
“Filius Flitwick and Samuel Anderson.”
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jmagnabo92 · 3 months
Could you give detailed reasons as to why you don't like certain HP characters please? And the same with why you like certain characters.
If it's too much don't worry about it, I just love hearing other people's opinions!
This is an interesting ask. I, too, like seeing other people's perspectives, so I understand wondering.
So, let's start with those I love:
I love Harry for a multitude of reasons. He is the kind of character that despite never being in an abandoned/unloved/orphaned situation, I always seem to identify or like those types of characters. I feel for them, i want to give them that support and write them the story they deserve.
Harry also gets a ton of crap. Nothing makes me love a character more than the character getting BS. First, i joined the fandom rather late and it was solely for Sirius & Harry and giving them both the family that they deserved, BUT here's the thing... as I did more and more of getting into the discussion side of the fandom on Quora and Reddit, I saw some takes that made me very upset on Harry's behalf - things like "he was a delinquent that deserved Snape's distrust", he would've died without Hermione, he was wrong for everything and it's none of the other character's faults for any reason, and even defending his abuse as "the dursleys weren't abusive and/or it was Harry's fault somehow". These things made me dislike the characters that were being so staunchly defended by dragging Harry down and it made me love and defend Harry all the more.
He was already an amazing character, so strong and unbelievable at times with how forgiving he was and I loved him for who he is. This kid sacrifices so much and all he gets is pain and trauma and he's still a good kid! It's pretty amazing. Even when the writing tried to make us think he wasn't all that great - his self-depreciation is taken as the end all be all for Harry being 'terribe' or 'lucky' and I like looking for the deeper truth. That he's not as lucky or as bad at things as he thinks he is. He deserves the world.
Sirius, like Harry, was a fast favorite of mine. He's not perfect and he's made some mistakes, but as I mentioned before, I started with Quora and Reddit and the number of people that attacked Sirius and claimed that someone - anyone -else would have been a better godfather pissed me off to no end.
Here's the thing, I stick largely with canon traits and canon facts. And canonically, Sirius was treated like crap with regards to his choices, punished beyond what was fair, and on top of that, he still tried to do his best (and he was pretty amazing at it). This is the guy that's FIRST thought after breaking out of hell was to SEE HIS GODSON. This is the guy that made sure to be what Harry needed him to be to the best of his ability. He's the ONLY adult that did what was BEST for Harry, offered him a home and didnt let Dumbledore dictate their interactions with him.
Sirius also struggles with needing a family and he deserves better than the way people talk about him.
It doesn't help that Fanon Sirius is 10000% a man child that is NOTHING like his canon protrayal, so naturally, I hate it and it makes me defend him and want better for him.
He's a little bit of basically the way fanon treats him. We don't have a lot of information about him, but what we do have doesn't show an idiot that can't be trusted with his own kid. He's reduced to an idiot or a bully and often bashed for no reason.
TBH, I always liked him, but I never loved him until I started writing Prongsfoot and defending him from the BS that I've seen on Reddit and Quora.
But the guy is a good guy. He fought in a war that he didn't have to fight in, he was good friend to people that were underdogs and he was a good husband and father. Everything that we have in this tells us that he's a good guy that made mistakes in his teens. We know so little about the "bully" thing that most of it's fanon with the worst takes and no grace for the little we saw. As far as the books go, James and Snape had a rivalry except that one time in the DADA OWL and I've got my own fanon about why he did what he did, but i won't get into that. I just... I feel like he gets a bad rap and deserves better.
Now, for those I don't like:
He's easy. I don't care what happened in his past that people claim makes his behavior okay. I don't care that he's throwing punches at Remus or Sirius. I can totally understand why he does all that.
What i do care about is Harry.
Harry did NOTHING to him. And it's bullshit that he treats him the way that he does. He's way constantly out of line and Harry deserves better than that.
I've talked about him before, but he's supposed to be this "all knowing, knows what's best for everyone, never to be questioned" character.
Given what we know about this "all knowingness" it's an issue for me that his actions make my favorites suffer. He literally tells Harry that he pretty much knew what he was doing when he "locked" Sirius in his house despite there being other options and knowing it would be detrimental to his mental health. Combine that with "i know i was condemning you to 10 dark and difficult years" and that fact that he KEPT sending Harry back to an abusive home knowing it was abusive all for some love charm that probably shouldn't have worked in the end since Voldemort stole his blood in year 4.
I can't support him with these facts. So, I dislike him.
I used to love Remus. I used to love wolfstar becuase it was them raising Harry alot of the time, but then Fanon took over.
It was the reverse of Sirius and James. He gets all of their smarts, he's the best looking, he's the best father-figure... yadda yadda yadda.
Having the fanon world make him be this perfect flawlessness and Sirius be so freaking terrible that you basically should hate him makes me dislike Remus.
That and in canon, he had a lot of flaws that don't get erased just because he's a werewolf. I don't like how he was with Sirius and Harry in the books and well, it just gets worse with fanon.
Thanks for the ask! I hope it's what you were looking for. if there's another character you're interested in hearing my thoughts on, feel free to send another ask :)
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padfootastic · 1 year
hello miss padfootastic, today I am thinking about godfather Harry who would move mountains for Teddy, when Remus never moved mountains for Harry. :(
yES!!! miss imp ur so so right for this
i don’t care how ooc it might be but i truly fully believe teddy was a traumatised harry’s salvation postwar. he kept that boy alive. physically AND mentally. harry will literally do anything for him and nothing is ever too big or too much for his godson.
i’m thinking of—harry, parenting teddy, wondering about how easy it is (it’s not, really. he’s a child bringing up another child. but take away the nappy changes and the constant crying and the keeping a living being other than yourself alive part, and it really is easy. bc he loves parenthood. loves teddy. so much) and wondering why remus never wanted this. how he could have given it up so easily. it’s honestly just really sad? like makes him hold teddy tight and never let go? primarily i think he just pities remus at that point.
i can ALSO see harry being offended, not on his behalf, but primarily on teddy’s. because this wonderful, amazing child should’ve not had his father attempt to walk out on him, shouldn’t have had to grow up an orphan but that’s what it is. i’ve only read one fic w a similar premise but i rly need more where harry is just. mad at remus postwar for his treatment of teddy lmao.
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@hinnymicrofic Day 25: Letter
Lady Ginevra Weasley would absolutely say that the so-called Lady Whistledown’s letters to the newspapers were the highlights of the week.
Of course, being part of the ton meant she had a grand total of nothing to do except entertain suitors and gossip, which meant the letters didn’t have much competition.
Or any. Because there was only one suitor she was really interested in, and he, on account of being best friends with her brother Ron, was reluctant to publicly court her or make promises.
Still. Lord Harry Potter was an honourable man. He wouldn’t act as he did with her, wouldn’t look at her the way he did, if he didn’t have any intentions to marry her.
She smiled a delightfully secret smile as she twirled one of the flowers he’d given her the last time they’d met. His friend Lord Neville Longbottom, who dabbled in botany, had made up the bouquet, he’d admitted. But he’d laughed and refused to explain the meaning of the flowers saying she ought to find out on her own.
He’d blushed and not met her eyes, so she’d spent the rest of the short meeting teasing him.
She wished they could court in the open, but she understood Harry’s reluctance to upset Ron. Ever since his father had died and he’d had to leave the Crown’s army and take on the mantle of Viscount, he’d become more serious. He smiled deeper and far less often. He held tight to his relationships: his godfather, the Duke of Blackmoor Lord Sirius Black, her family, Lord Neville Longbottom, Mister Seamus Finnigan, Lady Luna Lovegood, and Sir Cedric Diggory.
Still. She couldn’t help hoping that maybe someday. . . He had to, right?
“Ginny,” Fred – or was it George? – leaned in through the door. “I’d stay out of Mum’s way. She’s in a right state after the latest Whistledown.” He frowned as he caught sight of what she was doing. “Is that a honeysuckle? Who gave you that? Did someone propose?”
Generous and devoted affection. That was what honeysuckle meant.
There were far more daring flowers in the bouquet, but the meaning of this was as beautiful as the flower itself, which was why Ginny didn’t want to leave it anywhere. She hurriedly let it drop now though. Harry would never forgive her if she let on to their. . . She wasn’t sure what to call it.
“Of course nobody proposed,” she rolled her eyes. “I’d have to tell you lot and hear Percy’s very verbose lectures on how to choose a spouse and financial matters then.”
Ever since her brother had gotten engaged to Audrey he’d been absolutely unbearable.
“That’s fair,” he agreed. “Though I am curious to know how you would prevent somebody proposing to stop the ramifications from happening.”
Ginny got up and thanked God that her receiving time was done because her mother would no doubt shriek about the creases in her dress from the way she was sitting. “Why, act like a total shrew, of course.”
“Lady Ginevra Weasley,” her brother mocked.
“Don’t call me that,” Ginny chided.
“Where on earth did you learn such language?” He finished. “Still, it’s good to know at least one member of the family won’t spring a surprise engagement on us.”
“Percy was just one, you know—” she laughed, but he cut her off.
“Not Percy. Another. Go take a look at Whistledown, and you’ll learn why Mum’s going crazy. She’s badgering Ron for details right now.”
“Ron’s engaged?!” She exclaimed, delighted and heartbroken and scandalized all at once. “I thought he was head-over-heels for Miss Hermione!”
Miss Hermione was Victoire and Dominique and Harry’s godson Teddy’s governess. She was amazing and below them in class and still utterly out of Ron’s league.
Fred’s laugh was the only response as he left. Cursing her brother under her breath (she could just imagine her mother’s admonition), she picked up her skirts and followed the noises of shrieking.
Mum was fanning herself, besieging Ron – who was red in face – with questions. “Has he ever mentioned this girl to you? When did he propose? How long have they been courting? Why the sudden—”
“Who’s engaged?” Ginny asked.
“Oh, Ginny!” Her mum screamed. “He didn’t even tell us anything! Why didn’t he?”
Impatiently, she took out the held out newspaper.
Dearest gentle reader, started Lady Whistledown’s letter.
Under it was a photo of Harry and a lovely black-haired girl with Asian features.
She was wearing Lily Evans Potter’s engagement ring – something which Harry had once told her he would only give to someone he loved as much as his parents had loved one another. He’d been looking at her as he said it.
Viscount Harry Potter, Heir to the Duke of Blackmoor Proposes to Lady Cho Chang! Screamed the headline.
And Ginny’s heart shattered.
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regulus-cannot-swim · 11 months
The Home We Built- Remus x Sirius.
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Author's note: Hope you all enjoy! I love Wolfstar, in case you didn't notice!
Remus Lupin couldn't believe his ears when he heard that his best friend Sirius Black had been arrested for the murder of the Potters. As a werewolf, Remus knew what it was like to be falsely accused and hunted down. He refused to believe that Sirius was guilty and he spent the next year working tirelessly to prove his friend's innocence.
Eventually, Remus was able to uncover the truth and Sirius was cleared of all charges. He was overjoyed to be reunited with his godson Harry, whom he had not seen since the night the Potters were killed.
With the help of Remus, Sirius was able to provide the stable and loving home that Harry deserved. They transformed the old Black family home into a cozy and welcoming environment, filled with love and laughter.
Sirius and Remus were a perfect team. Sirius was the fun-loving, adventurous one, always ready to whisk Harry away on a broomstick ride or an impromptu trip to the Quidditch World Cup. Remus was more reserved, but he provided a steady hand and a listening ear when Harry needed it.
Together, they helped Harry to navigate the trials and tribulations of growing up. They taught him about his parents, sharing stories and memories, so that Harry could feel like he knew them even though they were gone. They also taught him about the dangers of the wizarding world, warning him of the dangers and helping him to be prepared.
As Harry grew older, he became more and more curious about his godfathers' relationship. He had noticed the way they would sometimes exchange a lingering glance or a gentle touch, and he had seen the way they always stood close to each other, as if they were two halves of the same whole.
One afternoon, when Harry was 16, he finally summoned up the courage to ask about their relationship.
"Are you two… together?" he asked, hesitantly.
Sirius and Remus looked at each other, and then back at Harry. Remus took a deep breath and nodded.
"We are," he said, simply.
Harry's eyes widened in surprise, but then he smiled.
"I'm happy for you," he said. "You guys are amazing together."
Sirius and Remus grinned at each other, feeling a sense of relief and happiness wash over them. They knew that they had done the right thing, by creating a home filled with love and acceptance for their godson.
For the rest of Harry's school years, he always looked forward to coming home to Sirius and Remus. They had created a family that was stronger than blood, and Harry knew that he would always be loved and supported, no matter what life threw his way.
As he prepared to face the final battle against Voldemort, Harry knew that he could count on Sirius and Remus to be by his side. Together, they would fight for the light and the love that they had built, and they would emerge victorious. For the love that they shared was stronger than any darkness that could ever come their way.
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elmswriting · 2 years
when: Some time after the protests.
where: The Potter home.
 who: Sirius and Lily @fauvehoof​
“I’m home!” rumbled from the fireplace before Sirius stepped out of it. The place, albeit not his home, felt nearly as much as his actual place. He had spent plenty of moments under its roof, his energy bound to the walls. Yes, besides his and Remus’ home, this where where Sirius felt the safest. 
James was still at the hospital, resting and healing from the injuries he had gained at the protests. Sirius had been relieved when Lily had given him notice that James was alright, the pain the fear had stitched into his shoulders easing. It had been too close, again, and once again Sirius had to fear that James’ hero complex would come crashing down on their lives. James high moral compass and his passion to do good were one of the things Sirius both loved and hated in James. 
And, he didn’t want to lose two brothers. Not ever, but especially not so close together. It had been jarring seeing Regulus unmoving in his hospital bed, sleeping on the edge to death. Seeing Regulus in a coma had helped stir unlabeled, unspoken emotions in him, and he had had such a sudden strong desire for Regulus to wake up so Sirius could compensate for all the years of abandonment. Instead, he had gotten a moment with Walburga, and left behind a box of licorice wands for Regulus if - when - he woke up. 
And Lily, then. Who had been at the protests too, who also had to fear where James’ bravados would have him end up, who had a son to take care of and thus couldn’t give in to her emotions as freely as Sirius as not to upset Harry. Sirius was relieved that Lily, all in all, had escaped the turbulence fairly scot-free.
 He held bags carrying boxes of Chinese takeaway for them to feast on, a little bag of sweets for his godson. It still amazed Sirius,at times, that this where were he had ended up with Lily; hurrying over to her to make sure she was okay, worry and love for her running freely in his heart as it did for James. Lily, who Sirius once had been so jealous of when she first had come into his life proper. Lily, who he know couldn’t imagine not being in his life. Lily, who had expanded on the gift of family that the Marauders had given him, Lily that seemingly trusted him so that he was named godfather to Harry. Sirius’ heart swelled at the sudden thoughts, at how safe and welcoming he felt by just stepping out of the fireplace into Lily’s world. 
“I’ve brought lots of food!”
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
ah! okay! what is everyone lived and he take the reader to meet his parents and Sirius and Remus are there to?💞💞
Meeting Harry's Family
a/n - ooh, I had ideas right away so excited! Just made a masterlist for Harry but it only has two links on so not much use so far! Requests for headcanons open here!
Warnings: one (kind of) swear word and mentions of dinner (but no specific foods stated).
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it was brought up frequently
and you hated telling him you couldn't go every time, knowing how much his family meant to him
but whenever you tried to apologise, saying you would skip your own family function or party, he'd shake his head and insist you go
saying it wasn't your fault you had a busy schedule
eventually, this situation could end in him shushing you with a finger to your lips before pulling you into a tender kiss
it was his way of silencing your previous 'sorry', letting you know he was perfectly alright with you waiting a while
if you wanted to take it slow, Harry would take it slow
this, however, didn't change the crushing guilt you felt every time his eyes shut for just a moment longer, showing his sadness without trying to
he wouldn't want to make you feel bad at all and so subsequently, would try to hide his disappointment
but you didn't miss the letters he attached to Hedwig's leg, probably saying he wasn't sure you should go yet
the events you had to attend, were not excuses, but you were nervous about appearing before his parents anyway
Harry meant everything to you and you couldn't bear the thought of his parents hating you or discrediting their own son for dating someone like you
you knew they would never, from the memories he had shown you through pictures, they seemed like lovely people
and from the way he would blissfully smile as he rambled on about things they did together
"Love, there's always another time, don't worry about it."
Two fingers grazed under your chin, gently lifting your head upward to face him. He could see the doubt and shame buried deep within your gaze, rooted there so thoroughly.
"I mean it, honey. If you don't want to go, or can't go, then we won't. I'm not going to make you feel uncomfortable just so I can have a formal dinner with you."
you weren't all that worried about Remus and Sirius, considering one had taught you for a year and seemed to have thought you were a good student
and the other had camped out at Grimmauld Place with you for a while, frequently turning into a dog before laying his head at your feet
you had gotten just as warm a welcome as Harry had when you appeared at the Black's house
you wouldn't have had any reason to be stressed about Harry's first godfather anyway
all because he had often caught you cuddling together peacefully, arms wrapped around each other with heads resting in the crooks of necks and legs swung over the other's hip
he always sighed and smiled softly, glad his godson had found his person
and it was clear to see you were his person through the photos he attempted to take discretely, both of you waking and hiding beneath the covers
it was obvious in how you had stayed up into the early hours of the morning to make a blanket fort for him, stringing fairy lights with no complaints, wanting him to have a safe space
it was so plain to see in the way you would sneakily rub your eyes, not wanting to pull him away from any conversation he wanted to have even if you were tired
it was clear he was your person in how he'd let his fingers brush over yours while he handed you the tea he had made himself, the exact amount of sugar and milk stirred in
it was futile to disagree with when they saw your reunion, how you jumped into Harry's arms, legs wrapping around his waist as he dropped everything and ran his fingers through your hair soothingly
in everything you did together, Sirius and Remus could see how much you meant to each other
they had sent the pictures of the little moments to James and Lily, practically singing praises of how amazing you were for Harry and how much of a perfect fit you were together
so, when you finally had a clear schedule, you let your head bob softly in admission
"Wait, really?"
You hummed as your lips twisted and your eyes became worried, wondering if it was okay to accept after politely declining for so long.
"They won't mind about it, darling, I know it. This is great, oh my gosh, you won't regret this, love!"
you did regret it a little throughout the week leading to the dinner
what if you did something wrong?
"Aren't your family, like... Rich? What if I misplace my cheap muggle stuff and lose it, they'll totally judge me for how old my sweater is. And my clothes are just jeans and tops, I don't have any fancy outfits. What if they absolutely hate m-"
You yelped as Harry pulled you abruptly by your belt loops to him, smiling reassuringly as he spoke.
"(Y/N), believe it or not, Remus also has old sweaters. Believe it or not, the Weasley's only have ten muggle objects, and eight of them are the same thing. You know what they are?"
You grinned as you remembered how you and Arthur had stayed up curled in armchairs while you examined strange, yellow rubber animals.
"Rubber ducks."
"You bet. Rubber ducks. You'll be fine, Snuffles and Moony have given you glowing recommendations, ones you truly deserve, especially after staying awake with Mr. Weasley and helping him discover the amazing world that is ducks. Okay?"
suddenly, you let out a squeak as you recalled you'd read about fancy cutlery
"Har, what do I do if there's more than one fork?"
He swivelled to face you, eyebrows drawn together until he saw your hand tugging on his sleeve desperately and the pleading look on your face.
"You're stressing yourself for no reason, sweetheart. But if you really want to know, meet me in the living room in twenty."
"Have you forgotten we live in the same apartment?"
"No, no. I'm just saying, surprises have to stay secret. So, upstairs, up!"
He shooed you to your room as he began to set things out, his plan forming as he skillfully swept the freshly delivered chinese takeout into his arms, laying the boxes on the checkered blanket spread over the carpet.
that night, you got a picnic on the floor of your living room, the forks and miniature knives set out just how they would be at a uptown restaurant
"So this fork is used for the starter. Hey, you still following?"
"Yup. So this knife is for the starters," a knife was lifted in your grasp to indicate which you were speaking of, "and this fork is for mains."
"You're getting it, love! Tell you what, I think you deserve a reward of a kiss."
As he enveloped you in his arms, lips sweetly meeting yours, you found it was no real surprise your chaotic fork crisis was completely erased from your mind, frantic and anxious voices ceasing, as long as you focused on him.
that's what you decided was the best option for the rest of the week
just think about Harry
and how much it meant to him
James and Lily were so excited you were coming, sending back a letter right away
the evening of the dinner, you'd been flitting around before Harry placed his hands on your arms to get you to stay still for just one moment
then, you'd compared what he was wearing and decided you would be fine wearing casual clothes
Harry put on multiple rings purposefully so you could play with them on the way there, in order to forget your worry
he'd wordlessly offer you his hand and you'd twist them over his fingers, later taking them completely while he'd swat at you playfully for doing so
you had once overheard Sirius saying how amazing he thought the muggle world and their technology was, so you decided to arrive in 'the muggle way'
which meant you took a black taxi cab all the way there, instead of taking the easier option of apparating
when you got there, Harry's hand found yours as his thumb stroked over it in small, comforting circles
they were standing at the door ready to meet you as Sirius hopped down, marveling at the taxi cab
it must have looked slightly weird, but you carefully and thoroughly began to explain the parts of the car, like the separation glass between the driver and passengers
the explanation took place while walking up to Harry's parents, and seeing you wilfully extend the time of your journey all so their friend could be amazed made them feel you were right for Harry already
James leant over to his wife's ear and whispered to her conspiratorially, eyes still trained on how you were now moving your hands to gesture the way things worked in the newest sorts of cars.
"I like them already."
"As you should, James. They're perfect for him and I've only seen them for two minutes."
you were greeted with a firm handshake from James, returning it with just as much enthusiasm
that was another point in the books as Sirius later told them of how you had rubbed your hand after, wanting to show you were just as happy to see them, even if it meant your hand was slightly crushed
they weren't there to judge you because they thought Harry would make the right choice in a partner, but they were definitely finding themselves approving, even through the little things
Remus gave you a warm smile and nod while you walked in, hanging your coat up on the rack, Harry pouting at how you had to pull your hand from his to shake your sleeve off your arm
when you saw this, your hand was back in his immediately and without hesitation, simpering bashfully as you saw his parents observe the situation
but Lily only smiled at you and this made you a lot more confident, acting naturally and like you usually would with Harry
at the dinner table, your pinky fingers were locked together until you had to use two hands to eat
but then afterwards, they would be interlinked again as soon as possible
you would definitely play footsie
the entire time
even if your leg got tired from constantly knocking them against each other, he would keep playing because he knew it was helping to calm you, and vice versa
you'd try to find a rythm wordlessly, also having to hold in laughter because of the miskicks, causing squeezes of your pinky or his to say
omgimsosorryididntmeanto but also myparentsareatthetablesoherestheapology
giving the same energy as ohmygoditsrobertdowneyjr
you may think Lily and James don't notice, but they do
they see all
really got that Trelawny inner eye thing going on
and they can tell you have such a healthy and happy relationship
so at the end of the night
you're pretty much awaiting a verdict
of course, Harry wouldn't stop dating you if they didn't approve and it wasn't their decision to make
but at the same time it felt really important to you and Harry
his family had grown closer together because of the war and chaos
so had the both of you
there was no deliberation needed between them
you whispered to Harry that you hoped they didn't go off and discuss like in Dragon's Den
"(Y/N), as far as we are concerned, you're already a part of this family. And if Harry chose you, you must be pretty damn spectacular."
"James, don't teach them to swear!"
"Lily-Flower, they're both old enough to. Besides, that's not even an actual swear word."
and after they'd waved you goodbye from the window, you glanced in the taxi cab's mirror and saw them bickering, though fond and loving smiles were on their faces
"One day, d'you reckon we'll be like them?", you asked as you leant into Harry, your side pressing against his, his arm coming to rest on your shoulders.
"I know so, love."
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moonflower-rose · 3 years
Microficcing 3: This Time It’s Personal
Previously: Tie, Graveyard
Now: Pumpkin (also on AO3)
“He’s so fucking cute.” Ginny elbows him hard in the ribs. “Fucking ow.”
“Harry, don’t say fuck in front of the baby.”
“You just said fuck in front of the baby, too.” He elbows her back, but she somehow manages to deflect him, and instead he just smashes his elbow into hers, and bloody fuck, was she sharpening them? Merlin’s tits. “Fuck!”
“Harry, I swear to god if his first word is ‘fuck’, Andromeda will de-godfather you.”
Teddy grins at them both from his high chair, and yells nonsense, none of which sounds like ‘fuck’. Thank god. His hair shimmers, and abruptly turns from chestnut to ginger.
“Look what he’s doing,” Ginny’s whisper is reverent, amazed. Teddy has her forefinger clenched in his fist, and is determinedly tugging it towards his mouth. He’s going to chomp, Harry realises, at the same time as he realises this is not the thing Ginny is referring to, and Harry decides not to mention it. Let her get chomped. Serves her right for having sharp elbows. “He’s changed his hair to match mine. Ow -fu-udge!”
At Harry’s delighted hoot of laughter, Teddy releases Ginny’s finger to grin at him, and his eyes turn bottle green.
“He has my eyes, now,” Harry gives Ted his finger instead, and lets him bite down with relish. 
“I’m having a creepy thought,” Ginny’s eyes are fixed on Teddy. “That this is what our children would look like.”
They both watch Teddy’s eyes turn from green to the warm brown of strong tea, and his hair black, and wild.
“Oh my god, that would be another variety of ours. My eyes, your hair, can you see it?”
A throat clears pointedly at the kitchen door.
“I need to feed him.”
Malfoy stands there, looking cross, holding a bright blue plastic bowl with Thomas the Tank on the side, and a plastic spoon shaped like a duck. Harry’s stomach does a thing, like it just fell off something high, when he sees Malfoy. It happens nearly every time, lately. Has done for months.
Ginny seems terribly pleased about something. “I was just going to get myself a little something sweet, as it happens, so you can have my seat, Malfoy.” She stands, and takes Harry’s face in her hands. For an alarming minute, Harry thinks she’s actually going to kiss him, and then she does, planting a peck on top of his head. “Be good, Harrybob Potterpants.”
She and Malfoy have some sort of stare-off at the door, before he moves, and she exits. He looks fit to hex by the time he sits stiffly on the bench in front of Ted’s high chair. Teddy has spotted the bowl and is reaching with both chubby hands. Malfoy has a variety of roasted veggies in the bowl, potato and carrot, and beetroot, and Teddy’s current favourite, chunks of mushy pumpkin. He tries to grab the duck as Malfoy brings it to his mouth, as if he can help get the sweet orange pulp into his mouth faster. Instead he knocks it off onto the tray, and immediately mashes both hands into it, smears it around, then shoves his fingers into his mouth with a happy babbling yell.
“I thought you and Ginevra split up.” Malfoy’s voice is tight. He loads another deposit of pumpkin on the duck, and this time gets it into Ted’s mouth in one go.
If there’s one thing that could drag Harry’s attention from his godson, it’s Malfoy. Harry looks at him, Malfoy’s ramrod-straight back, and tense shoulders, and dark brows drawn down in a frown. He’s pretty sure none of that’s for Teddy. Malfoy loves Teddy, melts for Teddy. Malfoy being soft and gorgeous and gentle over Teddy is about seventy-five percent of the reason Harry’s internal organs have felt like they’re falling down a long flight of stairs every time Harry looks at him lately. The rest of it has a lot to do with the way Malfoy fills out a Falcons jersey.
A combination of both is to blame for Harry pushing Malfoy up against the cottage wall two nights ago, and snogging him blind.
“We’ve been split up for a year,” Harry says, curious. 
“Perhaps you should let her know,” Malfoy’s face is getting red. His neck was already blotchy. “I hardly think fantasising about what your babies might look like is a sign of two people being over each other.”
Oh. Malfoy’s jealous.
“I think it was more morbid curiosity than fantasy,” Harry picks a piece of beetroot from the bowl and lifts it to Teddy’s mouth. He chomps with enthusiasm. There are little bits of feta sprinkled in, he can see now. Ted loves a bit of feta. “Anyway, she’s moved on. Shagging someone else, in fact.”
Malfoy turns, finally, and looks at him. “Who?”
“One of your lot,” Harry says, and nicks a bit of potato. He licks a smear of feta off his thumb, and Malfoy’s eyes follow every movement hungrily. “Zabini, I think, or it could be Parkinson. It may actually be both, if I know Gin.” He’s pretty sure it’s both.
“Oh,” Malfoy’s voice is soft, surprised. “And - and what about you?”
Harry nods vigorously. “Oh yeah, totally. I’m seeing someone, actually.”
Malfoy’s shoulders tighten, and he turns back to Ted, pushing the veggies around with the ducky spoon distractedly. “Oh.”
“Mmm,” Harry grins at Teddy, who currently has blond hair and green eyes. Malfoy hasn’t noticed. It switches to black and grey, and Harry blows out a breath and tries not to notice the way his guts tumble around like a washing machine when he thinks about what babies with Malfoy would look like. “It’s early days, actually, but we had a promising snog last Thursday and with any luck, he might let me do it again sometime soon.”
Malfoy drops the spoon and it ricochets off the high chair tray and onto the tiles, where the lump of pumpkin splats. “Shit!”
“Sit!” Teddy yells, and Harry looks at Malfoy, whose eyes are huge with panic.
“Oh, god.”
“I thought I’d be the one, but, no. It was you.”
“Sit! Sit!”
“Oh, god.”
He looks so upset that Harry can’t bear it. He’s shaking with laughter as he puts his hands on Malfoy’s neck, thumbs his jaw, and kisses him. Malfoy’s mouth opens in apparent surprise, and Harry slides his fingers into Malfoy’s hair, and his tongue into Malfoy’s mouth. 
“Am I him?” Malfoy asks, dazed. His eyes look hazy and dark, and his mouth is blood red from Harry’s stubble, and teeth, and the sucking kisses he can hardly stop pressing to them.
“Yep, you’re him.” Harry smiles, tentative. “I’d like you to be.”
Draco turns again to Teddy. His face is entirely red, now, and he pulls out his wand and retrieves the spoon, charms it clean. Ted has claimed the bowl and has mashed its content into a bright pink smear, with roasted veg remnants up to his tiny plump elbows. No sharp points, there.
“I’m him.” Draco says it firmly, then puts his free hand even more firmly on Harry’s thigh, like he’s staking a claim. It’s like a bolt of lust directly to the cock. “Since we have that settled, I’m going to need you to take the blame for teaching Edward improper words.”
“You what-”
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agustsvga · 3 years
parents for a day — harry styles x f! reader
a/n; instagram posts au (?), excuse any errors, feel free to reblog/like, interact, and stay safe! (the title made no sense now that i think of it but oh well) — inspo by @only-kiwi instagram au
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In which you and Harry babysits your friends’ babies, and surprise(s) at the end too!
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Liked by annetwist, harrystyles, and 2,009,228 others
yourinstagram leia rose, my amazing and adorable-ly annoying goddaughter that's living the disney life in italy ❤️
yourfan1 her tiny headband 🥺
yourfan2 babysitters of the year!!
harrystyles y/n was sleeping while i looked after her and the bear's name is cappuccino
harryfan1 HARRY 😂😂
annetwist so adorable!
yourinstagram @/annetwist hi mummy!
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Liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 1,599,948 others
yourinstagram a nice walk together with luke. P.S. - his favorite type flowers are wildflowers
yourfan3 mom 👋🏼
yourinstagram @/yourfan3 only on holidays if @/harrystyles doesn't mind
liampayne bear missing you guys!
yourinstagram @/liampayne sending him hugs from venice ❤️❤️
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Liked by bellahadid, arianagrande and 1,988,588 others
yourinstagram leia loves the sun.
harrystyles the longest walk ever
yourinstagram @/harrystyles it was 30 minutes stop whining love
yourfan4 they're too cute 😂
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Liked by mitchrowland, yourinstagram and 2,088,912 others
harrystyles luke and leia! all grown up ever since me and @/yourinstagram did our duties to look after you 3 years ago. miss you so much!
yourinstagram let's fly back to italy and steal them then go to disneyland, missing them! 😢
harryfan2 AHH!! remembering when you and @/yourinstagram as the most amazing babysitters to them, how fast time flies!
friendinstagram1 they're missing their godmother & godfather! @/yourinstagram @/harrystyles
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Liked by louist91, harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 1,055,164 others
yourinstagram @/gigihadid and tommy being the adorable godmother-godson duo! (thank you for the shoes 👟👟)
gigihadid best money spent on 😘
harrystyles tiny boots so cute @/gigihadid
harryfan3 WAIT IT'S @/harrystyles @/yourinstagram SON??
harryfan4 they went from babysitting to having a baby too, time flies 😭
yourfan5 my heart!! congrats to you @/yourinstagram @/harrystyles!
yourinstagram @/yourfan5 ❤️
zayn cute lad ❤️ congratulations to my favourite pair of couple, x
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Liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles, and 822,006 others
gemmastyles even though there was difficulties and a long wait to see my two favorite people, me and @/annetwist finally got to see @/harrystyles & @/yourinstagram cute little sweetheart. we love you, tommy. love, your aunt gem 🌻
harryfan4 how fast the night changes. now both our favorites are parents!
annetwist mother and baby in great health, sending lots of love to @/harrystyles @/yourinstagram!!
yourinstagram ❤️ aunt gemma and granny anne, we're both so grateful to have you in our family 🌻
harrystyles now awaiting for the dad jokes to make its entrance
friendinstagram2 tommy!! congrats to my best friends, challenges ahead but you two will strive, congratulations!! x 🌹
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moonofthenight · 3 years
Petit Lion
A bit of Sirius and Harry bonding for you to cheer you up!
Universe belongs to the amazing @lumosinlove
CW mention of beverages and brief mentioning of food
“Do you really have to go?” said Sirius, pouting a bit, throwing his arms around Remus’ waist.
“I will be gone for a day not a week, baby. You will survive, there is enough to do,” Remus said with a glance over Sirius’ shoulder.
He stood on his tiptoes to give Sirius a last kiss before turning away, making his way out of the door.
“Behave and don’t set the house on fire.”
“Ha ha.”
Remus was still laughing when Sirius closed the door.
This was now four hours ago and Sirius had been doing chores all morning, trying to occupy himself with something to do. He spends so much time with Re it was weird when he wasn’t there, just like right now. James gifted Lily with a spar-day for two and she convinced Remus to go with her, leaving James and Sirius alone at home. He was too tired to do any more cleaning and most of the house was done anyway so he suited himself with a cup of tea, sitting down with a heavy sigh as he grabbed the old magazine that still laid on the table. He thought about doing a crossword but ended up skimming through the articles about the latest fashion trend and what is the best way to eat healthy. Nothing really interesting if you literally have someone who plans out what food you should or shouldn’t eat.
He was reading an article about Harry and Megan’s interview with Oprah when his phone started ringing, causing him to nearly spill his tea. He groaned as he stretched his back, making his way into the living room to accept the call.
The moment he picked up, Sirius nearly threw the phone away, far away from his ear.
“Pots?” he asked after a moment of recovering.
“Oh, thank god. Can you understand me?”
“Is that Harry? He has a really loud voice for his small body.”
“Believe me, I know. He hasn’t stopped crying for over an hour now. Please come over, I beg you. I would call Lily but you know, it’s her day off.”
Sirius chuckled a bit, “Sure thing super dad. I’ll be there in 10.”
“Thank you Cap, I owe you.”
“You owe me nothing James, this is my godson, not some random child.”
And with that he hung up, jogging towards the bedroom to throw on a hoodie. He nearly slipped on his way to grab the car keys but caught himself just in time.
Thank you hockey, I guess
Sirius send Remus a quick text that he will be over at the Potter’s and that he should come there with Lily so they can drive home together before starting the car, driving out of the driveway. Sirius was on the front door of James’ house in no time, parking the car safely, making his way over towards the door. He didn’t even get the chance to knock, the door flying open revealing a stressed-out James and a crying Harry. James has never looked so thankful and relieved to see Sirius. He may have been a bit offended by that but now was clearly not the time.
“How is the little guy doing?”
“Still crying like a champion,” James answered while closing the door.
Sirius slipped out of his shoes, walking into the open kitchen, a dancing James following him.
“I tried everything. Skin-to-skin, food, a new diaper, dancing, cuddling, everything Cap,” James said, sounding a little desperate.
“Jamie calm down,” Sirius said with a smile, “Give him to me, take a shower, drink water. I’ll take care of it now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh my god, Pots! Give me my godson and go take care of yourself.”
Sirius didn’t even wait for an answer, taking Harry out of James’ arms, pressing him safely against his chest.
And after another second, Harry’s crying started to fade, his breath evening out, little hands grabbing the front of Sirius’ shirt and if he was really honest, Sirius’ heart never felt so light and proud at the same time. He smiled softly at the little person in his arms, rocking him from side to side.
“How- how did you do this. What sorcery is that?”
“It’s called the Black charm,” Sirius said with a smug grin.
“Outdone by the godfather, I can’t believe it,” James said, pouting but the relieve in his eyes gave him away.
“I think it’s my heartbeat,” Sirius whispered, tracing the back of Harry’s nose with his finger.
James looked at the two for a bit, feeling nothing but love and gratitude.
“You are good with him, you know? Have you and Re thought about own kids?”
There was a beat of silence where Sirius kept tracing Harry’s face before he looked up.
“Well, we had one talk about it and we both definitely want it in the future but… not now though,” Sirius’ voice got quieter in the end.
“Although, this little man really has me catching baby fever,” he added with a laugh.
“He loves you,” James said, making his way upstairs to jump into the shower.
“And I love him, you have no idea how much. To the moon and back mon petit lion.”
But these words were for Harry and for Harry only.
He carried a now sleeping baby into the living room and Sirius felt the day coming down on him too, so he laid down on the couch, placing Harry on his chest, securing him with his arm. He listened to the bathroom door, followed by footsteps that got louder and louder.
“Scoot over Cap,” James whispered and Sirius cracked an eye open, moving over for James to lay down beside him.
Lily and Re came home an hour later to James and Sirius curled up and intertwined on the sofa, Harry sleeping safely between them, their hearts filled with an endless amount of love.
And if they took a picture for this year’s Lion’s Christmas Cards, it was only for them to know. Well, at least until Christmas.
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jmagnabo92 · 2 years
Sirius Returns
Snippet - sort of, for a Sirius returns from the veil fic.  Home Series.
June 18th, 2006
         In the days leading up to June 18th, Harry James Potter always finds himself feeling a little gloomy.  Unlike the other major days marked during the war: May 2nd and June 30th, this day is the only day that solely affects Harry because a decade previously, he’d lost the one person that meant the world to him: Sirius Orion Black, his godfather.  
         Sirius had always put Harry first, loved him and only him, supported him, helped him with the Dursleys, and did everything that he could for him. Unfortunately, when he was fifteen, he’d fallen for Voldemort’s trap and instead of rescuing Sirius – Sirius ended up dead.  He’s never forgiven himself for that.
Which is why the anniversary of his death every year he has Andromeda Tonks (Sirius’ cousin and the grandmother to his godson/son) watch his godson/son Teddy Potter (previously Lupin) overnight.  
This is why he’s packing his eight-year-old's overnight bag and trying to keep him calm (because he always gets extra excited when he’s off to grandma’s house), when he hears the floo go off.  “Harry!  Harry!”
Confused, and unexpected, Harry heads down the stairs of their cottage to see the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, himself, in his fire.  Although on friendly terms with the Minister given the time that they’ve spent as part of Dumbledore’s Order and the cleanup of the Wizarding World after the war, Harry hadn’t really talked to him often in recent years because he’s been busy with his own endeavors and had chosen not to pursue a career at the Ministry as an Auror after the hell of the war.
“Kingsley, what can I do for you?”
“There was an incident at the DOM - I need you to come to St. Mungos,” Kingsley states and when Harry opens his mouth to say that he doesn’t have anything to do with the Ministry to be summoned, he adds, “It’s Sirius.”
“Sirius?” Harry asks, stunned.  His heart beating fast, and he’s almost panicking.  “Is he – did he?”
“He came out of the veil – he’s at St. Mungos.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
It took less than ten minutes to get Teddy to Andy’s, say goodbye, and be walking up to Sirius’ hospital room.  He couldn’t believe that he’s about to get his godfather back.  He just hopes that Sirius is as happy as he is to be back.
“Harry!  Oh, thank Merlin!  Tell them I'm fine and to let me go,” Sirius insists upon seeing him, clearly happy. His hair falls in waves to his shoulders, shiny and clean, his grey eyes sparkling in a way that Harry had only seen briefly, and he looks to be about ten years younger than when he died.  He looks just as handsome and happy as he’d been in his photographs.  It’s amazing.
“You have to be checked over,” the healer insists. “You just came out of a death veil, and you won’t let me check you over!”
“I feel fine!  Harry, please tell her I’m fine.”
Harry looks at the healer, who turns out to be Lisa Turpin, “Healer Turpin, please let me talk to him – I’ll convince him to let you check him out if you come back shortly.”
Lisa gives him a look, “Only because it’s you – by the way, the Minister said that we’re keeping this a secret because he knows it’s going to blow up in the paper – so don’t let anyone in unless it’s me, him or my underling Natalie McDonald.”
Lisa leaves, closing the door behind her, and leaving Harry alone with Sirius.  He looks good, just as good as he does in Harry’s photos from his parents’ wedding. His eyes are sparkling in a way that they barely ever did since they met, and he looks genuinely happy.  
“Harry!” Sirius cheers.  “You’re all grown up – they won’t tell me anything, but it’s been a while, yes?”
Harry’s still standing there in awe, the thing he’d been dreaming about for years – Sirius coming back – finally has happened and he’s in utter shock.  
“Harry?” Sirius questions.  “Are you okay?”
Shaking his head, Harry chuckles, “Uh yeah – yeah, I’m fine just in shock.”
Sirius laughs, “Yeah, I was kind of in shock when I was dragged here.”
“Dragged?” Harry questions moving next to the bed. “Sirius, you fell out of the veil after being in there for ten years and – and it’s natural to worry about your health. Although you look good.”
Sirius grins, “Thanks!  I feel great!  Tell me – ten years?  What did I miss?”
“Alot, but before I get into all that, will you please let Healer Turpin check and make sure that you’re okay?”
Sirius groans, “I don’t want to be poked and prodded.”
“Please?  Do it for me? So that way I can be sure you’re not going to disappear on me, again?” Harry asks.  He wants to make sure Sirius is fine and okay so that he doesn’t get invested in having Sirius back if he might disappear in a day, a week, a month or anytime really.  
“Can I at least get a hug first?” Sirius questions.
“Of course,” Harry gives him a hug, relishing in holding Sirius for the first time in a decade.  “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too,” Sirius replies, holding him just as tightly, a hand in Harry’s hair, messing it up playfully. When they let go, they both have tears in their eyes.  
“Um, I’m going to go get the healer, behave for her, okay?”
“I promise I will.”
While Sirius is getting poked and prodded by the healer, Harry sits with Kingsley in the hallway, a spell to keep their privacy surrounding them.  “So, fill me in – how did this happen?”
Kingsley sighs, “We’re not really sure.  There was a disturbance in the DOM – there were strange readings for the last week, they were trying to study those readings and figure out what they mean when Sirius popped out this morning.  The readings stopped after.  We’re guessing that the readings were indicating that someone was finding their way back to the living.”
“And - and he’s not going to disappear or anything, right?  He’s here to stay?”
“He’s here to stay, and – and I – there was something I've never told you.”
Harry gives him a look, “Is it about Sirius?”
“Yes - I...”
“Never cleared his name?  I knew I was a mess after the war and in my unofficial 8th year at Hogwarts, but you promised me that you had cleared him,” Harry states angrily.  
“I know - I know, it just – it wasn’t that important –”
“It was to me!”
“Harry –”
“It’s the only thing I asked for.  It was the personal favor to me that I requested – everything else I've done was mainly for other people – this was for me.”  He’s sure the look on his face shows the utter betrayal he felt that everything else he requested (that were for other people) got done, but the one thing just for him didn’t – of course no one really cared what he wanted. “I could’ve asked for the world after the way I was treated, anyone would’ve given me whatever I wanted and all I asked for was for Sirius’ name to be cleared.”
“I know, but I also know that we had alive death eaters to bring to trial and imprison...”
“And by a year after you would’ve had plenty of time to do it,” Harry finishes.  “But let me guess, the Wizengamot figured that it didn’t matter because he was dead? Or maybe you didn’t.”
“I did - I just – it wasn’t top priority.”
“Make it top priority,” Harry states, fiercely. “Because I will not let him be a fugitive for the rest of his life.”
“It’ll take a couple of weeks to get the paperwork sorted out.”
“As long as it gets done as soon as possible because he has already had too much of his life taken away from him.”
“I understand.  I will take care of it, I’ll let you know when.”
“Thank you.”
“So, how’s he doing?” Harry asks as he reenters Sirius’ hospital room.  
“I can’t believe that he’s actually in perfect health,” Lisa replies.  “There’s nothing wrong with him – you'd never know that he was dead less than four hours ago.”
Harry smiles, “Good, when can I take him home?”
“Take me home?  What am I a new puppy?”
“Sometimes,” Harry grins at him, then looks back at Lisa. “So?”
“Let’s just keep an eye on him tonight and then you can take him home tomorrow if nothing else comes up.”
“And I can stay the night with him?”
She gives him a look, “Knowing you if I say no, you’ll just sneak in afterhours anyway, right?”  Harry shrugs, he doesn’t need to deny it because she knows it would be a lie.  “Fine, you can stay.”
“Thank you.”
She rolls her eyes, leaves them alone.
“So, are you okay with staying with me for a while?” Harry asks.  “I probably should’ve asked sooner, but I – you know...”
“Of course, Harry.  I'm delighted that you even want to offer me a place to stay and put up with me for who knows how long.”
“Put up with you?  Sirius, you are so much more than that – you, I finally have you back – I wasn’t going to let you stay anywhere else.”
Sirius grins, “I’m glad that you care about me the same way I do for you.”
“Of course, you’re Sirius – I can’t even explain what you mean to me.”
“You can try,” Sirius suggests.  “Maybe start by filling me in on your life – everything I've missed from even before I died.”
“It’s a long story.”
“One worth hearing, I’m sure.”
Harry grins and for the first time in a decade, he happily spends the night sharing stories with Sirius instead of getting drunk at some bar.
June 19th, 2006
Sirius couldn’t be happier if he tried.  Despite still having to stay inside and away from the public for a while, he’s happily heading home with Harry, his godson, the kid that he promised a home to ages ago.  He can vaguely remember the afterlife, enough to tell Harry that his parents love him and are so proud of him, and enough to feel at peace with what happened before he died, but nothing else.  This, however, being back with Harry and finally fulfilling his promise to be around for him is the best feeling in the world.  
“So, like I said, I always thought about living in the home you gave me, but I you hated it there and I didn’t want to be reminded of that, so instead, I bought a home in the country,” Harry says, as he pulls the car into the driveway of a nice two-story cottage.  “So, I thought about what kind of house we would’ve had if you’d been free when I was thirteen and I designed and had it built while I was finishing my last year at Hogwarts even with the fee I paid to Gringotts for breaking in (which was rather small since I argued they got involved in a wizards’ war when they wouldn’t have let me come get my gold when I was Undesirable Number 1) it was done by the time I came home for the holidays.”
“So what you’re saying is that I should absolutely give you a glowing compliment of my new home?” Sirius teases.  
“I didn’t - I wasn’t –”
“Harry, I’m sure the place looks great and it’s perfect because it has my favorite person living in it and it’s not Grimmauld Place.”
Harry smiles, “I know that, logically, it’s just ...”
“You’re eager to impress me because of the Dursleys?” Sirius asks.  He knows enough about Harry’s life with them to know how important his opinion is for Harry. “Unlike them, I have loved you since before you were born, you don’t have to impress me (even though you do) to make me love you.”
Harry shakes his head.  “Even more than five years since I’ve seen them at the trial, nine years since I left their house, I still struggle with those old feelings of never being good enough – it doesn’t help the way that the Wizarding World treats me.”
Sirius nods, knowing that it’s difficult to fight how you’re raised (he’s done it himself), even after knowing that it was wrong (evidenced by the 20 years in prison for child abuse).  As they exit the car, and head up the walk to the porch, which has a series of lilies, primroses, carnations, and buttercups, Sirius chooses to comment on that instead of the Dursleys, “Four types of flowers?”
“Hmm-mm, mum’s namesake, grandmum’s namesake, and the favorite flowers of my Potter grandmother according to some letters and journals I found, and Andy’s favorite flowers.”
“Ah, four important women in your life that you may not have spent a lot of time with, but you want to have them with you in spirit.”
Harry nods, “I wish that I could’ve known them, but I didn’t, and this is... my way of having their influence of my life.”
“So, you’re close with Andy, then?  We didn’t really talk much past the war and going back to Hogwarts afterwards.”
“Hmm-mm, well, it’s been a complicated decade,” Harry says, “But I’ll explain a bit as I give you a tour.”
Sirius nods looking around the foyer that opens up into the sitting room, which looks comfortable and has a lot of pictures of Harry’s friends and family in addition to a telly and what appears to be muggle video games and movies.  The picture of his parents’ wedding is large and over the fireplace, a place of pride. He leads Sirius to the left away from the stairs and into a kitchen, which is surprisingly large and stocked. There’s a handful of quotes on the walls and various cookbooks.  At least one of which looks homemade, he smiles, “Molly’s?”
Harry nods.  “Yes, even though she was disappointed that I’ll never officially be a Weasley by marrying Ginny after the war, she still wanted me to think of myself as family as she thinks of me as family – thus, a Molly Weasley cookbook.”
Sirius raises his eyebrows, “You dated Ginny?”
“Yes, it wasn’t really worth it – a few weeks of peace and fun in sixth year and over two years to make things better with Ron.”
“Make things better?”
“He was upset that I was ‘messing her round’ according to him just because I was sixteen and under constant threat of Voldemort and broke up with her to protect her and after I no longer had Voldemort to worry about, I wasn’t ready to settle down or get seriously involved with anyone - I wanted to relax and experience life for the first time. Ginny understood even if she never gave up on me and Ron, well, he told me I never should’ve gone out with her if I wasn’t sure where I wanted it to go and … frankly, Bill and Charlie had to sit him down and tell him that it’s not normal for teenagers to fall in love and get married with the person they dated at fifteen/sixteen.”
“That took over two years?” Sirius questions.
“Oh, no.  He just didn’t want to listen – until Hermione broke it off with him and he realized that his brothers were right.  We were okay, just not as close in our make-up seventh year that was treated as an eighth year, especially given that I was co-head boy with Neville.” Harry grins, “Guess Dad and I were alike in that regard, Captains sixth year and Head Boy despite not being Prefect seventh year.”
Sirius smiles, “I’m sure they were – are proud of you even without those titles.”
“Hmm-mm, me too,” Harry agrees, leading him out of the kitchen into a secondary sitting room that has a ceiling that looks to the sky outside as it’s pure glass, as is the other walls, since this sitting room clearly sticks out beyond the limits of the rest of the house.  “I like the openness of the room having been locked in on more than one occasion, so this room allows for me to – to have the openness whenever I need it.”
Sirius nods, “I definitely understand that.”  He looks passed the double doors, “Is that a little quidditch pitch, pool and hammock?”
Harry nods, “You know how much I love to fly. This house is on several acres of land for that specific reason.  I also have the pool charmed so that I could use it year-round.”
Moving back into the kitchen and the first sitting room, Sirius notes a bathroom, a study, and a closet before two sets of stairs, one going down and one going up.  
“The basement doesn’t have much down there, more like a testing ground for spells and things, not really worth seeing.  I toyed around with having it be some sort of mini cinema, but haven’t quite figured it out yet,” Harry says, leading them upstairs.  “I opted to take on Quidditch after school – played Seeker for England, I needed a break from being responsible for people’s safety.  Unfortunately, while I got to enjoy the high life of being a bachelor, it came with reporters and the press, and it sucked.”
“Given everything from your fourth and fifth year, that makes sense – that you’d hate it,” Sirius offers.  “I’m guessing the Harry Potter Fan Club from school got that much more intense, too?”
“It was awful, sixth year was bad enough – after the war, it was worse and then being a famous quidditch player, I realized I’d never get away doing that, so – no more quidditch.”  He sounds a bit upset but is smiling none-the-less. “Anyway, it only took two years before I quit.  I just wanted a peaceful life, and with that peaceful life came –” he stops at the first bedroom door which had a name across it: Teddy’s Room.  “- a kid.”  
“Maybe you and James are a bit more alike than I thought if you knocked someone up –”
“Oh no, I was very careful given my surprise birth and my godson’s,” Harry states.  “Biologically, he’s Remus and Tonks’ kid, but I adopted him when he was four. He was born a month before the final battle where they both died, and because I talked Remus into going back to Tonks when he wanted to run from her after he knocked her up, he asked me to be godfather.”
“Remus tried to run out on my cousin?”
“He did.  Said it was a mistake and Teddy would be better off without him – although he didn’t know his name at the time.”  Harry smiles, “After the war, Andy realized that although she loved – loves him, she wanted to be a grandmother and not a mother to her grandson, I wasn’t in a position to take care of him, though – not at barely eighteen and having just spent the last year on the run – so she was his primary at first.  I spent the summer with the two of them for the most part and checked in on him whenever I could that first year.  When I finished school, she asked me if I’d take custody of him, but I couldn’t, I wasn’t ready.  She understood, after all, she loves him to pieces, she just wants to spoil him and see him for special visits, not have primary care.  So, we split custody for the next two years, helped by the fact that sometimes I wasn’t around due to traveling for the games and such.  And then when he was four,” (here, Harry’s grinning), “I realized that I was ready.  I took him full-time and just before Christmas, I signed the papers to make him mine – my son.”
“Congratulations,” Sirius grins.  “You’re obviously happy about it, so I’m happy for you.  When do I get to meet him?”
“Later, he’ll be home in time for dinner.  I always get smashed on the anniversary of your death, so I’d been packing his bag when I got the call about you – anyway, there’s multiple rooms up here for you to choose from and I’m obviously in the master bedroom.  Teddy did take one of the rooms for his toys, but we can always move if you decide you want that room.”
Sirius smiles, “I’m sure one of the other two rooms will be great.”
“Great, I recommend that one, it has a balcony charmed so that the doors can be opened, and you can see out without bugs and people seeing in, but it’s your choice.  Choose one and then get settled while I go get Andy and Teddy?”
Sirius turns to enter the room with the balcony when Harry calls him back, “Sirius?”
“Yes, Harry?”
“I – I uh, I know you’re here to stay, and I have plenty of time to tell you this…” Harry trails off and is looking incredibly nervous.
“You can tell me anything, Harry,” Sirius smiles at him.
“I know,” Harry smiles.  “You’ve always been the only person that I know that I can tell anything to – I, I just … I really missed you, and I’m really glad you’re back because I’ve never got to tell you that – that I love you.  You were the best godfather, the only adult in my life that seemed to love me for me and –”
Sirius cuts him off with a hug.  “I know that you love me, Harry.  I love you, too.  You were a great kid, and it seems like you turned out alright.  I always loved you for you and I always will.”
“Great.  Good. I just…”
“I know,” Sirius grins.  “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
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fruitcoops · 4 years
ahhh *le gasp*
you know what would be even better?
Pads meeting Harry for the first time 🥺😳
Thank you for suggesting this, anon! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“You okay?” Remus murmured, sliding his hand around Sirius’ waist. They had been standing on the doormat for an eternity, his hand poised to knock without actually moving. Sirius nodded. “Do you want me to do it?”
“No, I’ve got it.” He took another ten count to steel himself, then knocked carefully. The soft sound may as well have been a sonic boom in his ears.
The door opened a moment later, revealing Lily, who was wreathed in the warm light of the house. She looked tired, but the vibrancy that made her so fantastic remained. “Hey, you two. Come on in, it’s cold out there. James, they’re here!”
“Be right down!” Jams called back, his voice echoing in the staircase. A happy babbling sound followed it and Sirius froze midway through removing his scarf. “I know, buddy, it’s so exciting!”
“He’s been talking about it for days,” Lily said wryly from a million miles away. Sirius’ eyes were fixed on the stairs. “Pads, is something wrong? Do your ribs hurt?”
Pads. Pads, that’s me. “Quoi?” He shook his head after a moment as reality trickled back. “No, I’m fine. Um, there’s a baby upstairs.” Duh.
Lily’s smile held no trace of judgement. “Yeah.”
“That’s your baby. And—and James’.” His brain was short-circuiting. “Your actual child is upstairs.”
“Your actual godson is upstairs.” Lily practically glowed with happiness. “Come on, the living room is warmer.”
He fumbled to grab Remus’ hand and held it tight, doing his best to take steady breaths as they sat down on the couch. “Alright. Alright, I’m okay.”
“You’re going to be the best godfather,” Remus said, giving his hand a squeeze and kissing his wrist. His chest ached, though whether it was from his half-healed ribs or something entirely different, he wasn’t sure.
Slow footsteps came from the hall and Sirius closed his eyes. Deep breaths. Slow and steady. “Are you ready?” James asked from the doorway. He swallowed thickly and nodded.
There was a soft whine as they entered the room and Sirius opened his eyes, immediately checking for any problems. He heard Remus gasp, and then James was standing in front of him with a bundle of red blankets; there were dark shadows under his eyes and a beaming smile on his face.
“Okay, Pads, here we go.”
“I can’t,” Sirius blurted suddenly, tucking his hands under his arms. “I can’t. He’s so small. I’m going to drop him or—or squish him, or something. My palm is as big as his face, James!”
“Crazy, right? Give me your hand.” James reached out with one arm and both of them reflexively lurched forward to catch the baby. He rolled his eyes and fixed them with a patented James Potter Look. “Guys. I’ve got the kid. Sirius, give me your hand.”
His fingers trembled as he held it out and James carefully adjusted him so his arms formed a cradle against his chest. Sirius could feel his heartbeat in his ears and his throat at the same time as James leaned down; there was a brush of soft fabric, a gurgling sound, and then Sirius was holding the baby.
Harry had Lily’s eyes, and James’ nose. Sirius would swear on any holy book that the stars themselves lived in those eyes. His chubby cheeks were rosy as he stared at Sirius with an open mouth. He let out a shaking breath and Harry smiled, toothless and squishy and absolutely wonderful. A couple drops of water splashed onto his round little face. “Stop crying on the baby, Pots,” he murmured.
James huffed. “That’s not me, man.”
With more care than he would use for the greatest treasures on earth, Sirius nestled Harry into the crook of his arm and reached toward his own face—his fingers came away damp. “Oh. Sorry.”
“Don’t worry, we cried all over him at the hospital and he’s fine. Look at how he’s cuddling into your chest. That means he likes your heartbeat.”
“He’s perfect.” Harry reached two chubby hands toward his face and Sirius leaned down, tracing one finger along the unbelievably soft skin before holding his tiny, warm fist to his cheek. “Bonjour.”
Sirius grinned. “Bonjour, Harry. I’m your godfather. And you’re perfect.”
Harry wrapped his hand around Sirius’ finger—his little palm barely made it three-quarters of the way around, but his grip was solid as Sirius tickled his chin. He squealed and Sirius laughed.
“Oh, god, they’re so cute,” Lily sniffled from her armchair. Sirius hummed his agreement, never taking his eyes off the baby. He didn’t think he ever would. “How’re you feeling, Sirius?”
“Everything. I’m feeling everything right now.” Another tear dripped down his cheek and he quickly wiped it on the shoulder of his sweater so it wouldn’t touch Harry; this baby would never have tears in his life if he could help it. “You are the most precious thing,” he said softly, just for Harry to hear. “I will never let you get hurt.”
“That’s what we all promise.” James’ voice was low and a little choked up from the seat next to him. “I wouldn’t count on it, though. Babies are surprisingly accident-prone.”
Sirius shook his head as Harry made unblinking eye contact with him. “No. Not this one.”
A warm hand curled around his shoulder as James leaned into him, reaching out to tap his baby on the nose lightly. They all laughed when he sneezed, looking shocked at the noise it made. “You’re a lucky kid, Harry. You’ve got the best godfather in the whole wide world.”
“Re, you should hold him.” Sirius finally tore his gaze away from Harry and looked at Remus, whose eyes were red-rimmed. “Woah, are you alright?”
“Fine,” Remus said hoarsely, taking a deep breath as he held his sleeve to his eye. “Totally fine. You’re both just incredible and I love you.”
“I love you, too. Hold the baby.”
“Are you sure you want to let him go?”
“You get thirty seconds before I’m stealing him back.” Sirius cracked a grin. “This is your warning.”
“I better make it count then,” Remus laughed, reaching for the blanket bundle. “Hey, kiddo.”
“Watch his head,” James reminded him as they passed the blanket bundle between them. “He has too many bones right now.”
Sirius blinked. Did I hear that right? “He has what?”
“Too many bones,” Lily repeated. She raised an eyebrow. “What, you thought I was about to shove a full human skull through my hips? Hell no, the baby needs to fold.”
“Fold?” Sirius asked, horrified. “When does he stop folding?”
“Somewhere around eighteen months.”
His jaw fell open. They were barely three weeks in, and the baby wouldn’t be safe for another year at least. “But he’s already out?”
“So he doesn’t need to fold anymore.”
“We were thinking about making a bubble wrap outfit for him.” Lily glanced over at Remus and smiled. “Aw, Re, are you okay?”
“No.” Remus’ voice was thick with tears. “Yes. I don’t know. This baby is the only thing in the whole world that matters.”
James smiled at Lily. “Hey, that’s what I said!”
She shook her head. “The nurses were getting worried, I think. He was crying more than I was.”
Remus was whispering to Harry with a small smile as the baby gnawed on his sweater cuff, and Sirius rested his chin on his shoulder. Harry’s eyes went wide again when he saw Sirius and he shrieked, lighting up with a smile. “Did you find your favorite person?” Remus asked, leaning some of his weight on Sirius’ chest. “I know, buddy, he’s the best.”
“We’re about to be outranked by the godfather,” Lily sighed. “I knew it was coming, but still. Ouch.”
“It’s cute that you think we’re giving him back,” Sirius teased, reaching down to feel the pitch-black fuzz on Harry’s head. “He’s got your hair, J.”
“I know.” James sounded absolutely thrilled.
Out of the blue, Harry’s face began turning red. His smile slipped and he began wiggling around, flailing his little fists as he let out the most eardrum-piercing, window-shattering screech Sirius had ever heard. Remus paled and Sirius went still.
“Oh, no, no, shhh,” Remus soothed, rocking him gently. “It’s okay, you’re fine, Pots what do we do?”
“He’s probably hungry.” Lily stood up and stretched her back out. “Come here, parasite.”
“Parasite?” Remus and Sirius chorused with equal degrees of offense.
“Relax, mama bear, you know I love him,” she said, rolling her eyes as she hoisted the baby out of Remus’ arms and let him curl up against her. He quieted immediately and an indescribable kind of affection covered her face. “I grew him for nine months in my belly. This little critter made me eat pickles and ice cream together.” She tickled his belly and he burbled happily. “You did! Do you know how gross that is, honeybun? Do you? Oh, mama loves you so much.”
They all stood up as she left the room, though Sirius couldn’t really place why. James wiped his hands on his jeans and turned to them with a mischievous smile. “So, what do you think? It wasn’t super clear—”
Sirius wrapped both arms around him and pulled him in for a crushing hug. “Thank you. And congratulations. But mostly thank you.”
“Love you, Sirius.”
“Love you, too, J. You are going to be the most amazing dad.”
“I meant what I said. Harry’s lucky to have you.” James squeezed him tight and stepped back to hold him at arm’s length. “Dude, I’ve got a baby!”
“You’ve got a baby!” Sirius laughed, wrapping an arm around Remus’ shoulders as well; they swayed for a moment, all laughing and all slightly in shock. It was perfect.
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
@harrypocter Week 3: Lee Jordan
Lee flicked his wand and conjured a bunch of dandelions to lay on the grave.
He knelt in front of it, ignoring the dirt getting on his work robes. He worked for a wireless network anyway, appearances didn’t matter.
“Hey, Freddy.” He said casually. “So, this time I decided on dandelions. It represents ‘the return of life and rebirth’ according to the bloody book, which I think is rather ironic. D’you agree?”
He paused. “Of course, you do. It’s a damn good joke, if I say so myself. Plus a pretty great callback. Remember second year? The Halloween Feast?”
There was another long moment of silence. The breeze whistled through his robes and hair and against the gravestone, as though to break the depressing silence or trying to reassure him.  
At first, talking to the grave as though it would actually respond had been a coping mechanism and Lee had nearly sobbed every time he’d realized there was no point and there was never going to be a withering retort ever again. The pauses had been crushing.
Now, though. . . .
Talking to his old best friend’s grave like this made him nostalgic. More upbeat than upset. More melancholy than rage at the unfairness of the world. More a lingering loving sadness than despair. More spasming than debilitating. The pauses were more symbolic of the departure from his regular life, the dipping back into those war-torn awful years.
“George has a new product out,” He continued, standing up and walking around, gesturing as he did when he told stories without a mic. “It’s a figurine of Harry, actually. He’s experienced a sudden upsurge of popularity since the Blackwood case. Should’ve seen his face when George told him. It was at the last DA reunion. George loved his reaction, though he probably loved it a lot less when Ginny started to ‘console’ him, if you know what I mean.”
He waited again, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of wind and sunshine. The Weasleys really had picked a beautiful place for the grave.
“Angie’s pretty great, too. She was all giggly with Luna and Audrey and Alicia at the reunion though, which makes me worry because that is a dangerous group. Don’t tell them I said that,” he added. “Also, she’s taken a break from the Wanderers. Because. . .”
He cleared his throat. “Well, that’s why I wanted to come see you today. I’m sure you must be wondering. It isn’t your birthday, or Christmas, or the 4th of July, or New Year’s Day or the anniversary of the battle. It’s. . . .”
He wondered how to put it. Fred had always liked straightforwardness, Lee decided. George was the one to dilly-dally and outsmart.
“George and Angelina told me they’re pregnant,” he blurted out. “Well, Angie’s pregnant. They’re having a kid,” he emphasized, in case Fred hadn’t understood.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’ll make amazing parents, but still, here I am, bachelor, trying to remember the names of my dates - I accidentally called Andrew Alan and he threw a tantrum and left last month - and there they are, having an actual, literal baby. And they decided to make me godfather! Me!” He gestured wildly at himself. “What the hell made them think that would be a good idea? Ha! Last week I nearly burned down my apartment trying to make something edible.”
Lee paused again, and continued softly. “Th-They’ve found out the gender. It’s a boy.”
He laughed slightly hysterically. “I’m going to have a godson! I’m going to be a godfather! How about that, huh?”
He hesitated. “And – well. I know it’s different, and complicated, and George and Angie are a bit—” He shrugged, not able to articulate it. George and Angelina and their relationship could be as complicated as easy, as ugly as beautiful, as defined by grief as by happiness, and as marked by Fred’s absence as by the presence of his lingering ghost and legacy. “But – there’s no way they’re ever going to end up naming him anything but Fred. Wait and see. George blathered on about some names they’re contemplating, but I’d stake my Gringotts vault on it.”
He let out a breath and then knelt in front of the gravestone again, tracing the letters on it with his finger. “Your life was way too short. And—” He remembered seeing Fred the last time, the easy smirk on his face as he twirled his wand and made a crap joke in the Great Hall, the way Lee clapped his shoulder and said ‘Later, mates’ before leading his own group out onto the grounds, thrumming with excitement and nerves and determination.
He remembered feeling guilty for his own grief, about how all-consuming it had been, when to him George had been more important, George who had lost his twin brother.
“I couldn’t save you. You died.”
He closed his eyes again, pressing his forehead to the stone. “But … it happened. Dwelling on it’s not going to help. I’m going to do my best to make sure Lil’ Fred has a long, long life. He has to at least outlive me.” Lee nodded determinedly.
“I know you’ll be watching over him,” He continued, getting back on his feet. “Just like you’re probably fanboying over Teddy and Victoire and Dominique and Jamie and Lance and Percy’s soon-to-come kid. And well – I will be too. So, one more collaboration, huh, Freddie?” He smiled in remembrance. “S’how we became friends, remember? You were so nasty about it. ‘One collaboration’, you said. ‘We’re a duo,’ George said. And that promptly went down the drain when we actually got into it.”
His mouth twisted in a half bitter half fond smile. Somehow, the old grief had returned as an itch from the celebration of a new life he had meant to do. Grief had that way. He could be standing and doing something perfectly normal one moment and the next want to collapse and curl up and sob. He couldn’t stand to be there a second longer. “Love you, Fred, you Merlin damned asshole. See you soon.”
And he turned and walked away, ghosts still pressing at his heels, back into his life.
Feedback appreciated! I'll admit I got a teensy bit carried away with the length. . . .
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dumblydork · 4 years
Another Hinny headcanon! Bit of an AU because a few characters are alive *sniffs*
I was itching to write something but had zero ideas (and was also busy crying over the Marauders schoolwork) but here I am again so enjoy!
Also this is kind of meh but pls don't mind thanx
Molly's red hair shone from at the front of the rows of white chairs, where she sat with her husband's arm around her, shaking slightly with tears. Or atleast that was what was told to Harry when Ron walked into the Room of Requirement.
"Are you all set? Ginny's ready, she's looking lovely." Ron smiled at him. Harry nodded, his throat suddenly constricted, rendering him unable to speak. He stood by the closet where he had changed into a black tuxedo with a bowtie, which at the moment felt impossibly tight.
"Merlin, your hair just never sits, does it?" Hermione's voice echoed as she walked in quickly, staring at the top of Harry's head.
"I used so much Muggle hair liquid-"
"Gel," Hermione corrected Ron.
"Yes, gel. We'll have to make our peace with his unruly hair." He continued.
"Harry, are you alright? You don't look too good." Hermione approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm alright, just slightly anxious." He finally turned around to face his best friends. He forced a smile but he knew his best friends could tell.
"Oh Harry. There's no reason whatsoever to be so anxious. Last time I checked, Ginny wouldn't have proposed if she didn't want to marry you." Hermione smiled, but looked at Ron for support.
"Oh definitely, it's totally unlike Ginny to propose to someone she doesn't want to marry." He made a joke which worked, as Harry gave out a laugh.
"It's time." Two identical voices said. Fred and George popped their heads inside the room as Hermione let out a small squeak and rushed out.
"How is it being married?" Harry asked Ron for what was probably the thousandth time that day.
"For the last time Harry, it's amazing. You and Ginny love each other and that's all there is to it, really. Now come on, we have to be there before Ginny." Ron grinned as he put an arm around Harry and led him out of the room onto the grounds.
Harry and Ginny had settled on Hogwarts for their wedding venue as it was the one place where they shared a lot of memories; their first kiss was in the Gryffindor common room, for instance. Not to mention all those quiet moments they spent under trees in the grounds.
The place looked beautiful- the altar was set right next to the lake, decorated in white and pink flowers. Ginny had always wanted a summer wedding right at Hogwarts. It was almost impossible to believe the war was over 4 years ago, and Hogwarts was back to normal. There was only one person who could officiate the ceremony, and he was currently standing in the middle of the altar, broadly smiling at Harry who walked towards him, Ron to his back.
"You look a bit queasy, Harry." Remus whispered with a grin.
"I'm just nervous," Harry attempted a smile.
"You'll be okay- there's really not a lot to marriage." Remus added helpfully, as Harry looked at Tonks and Ted, who was currently sat in his mother's lap, waving his chubby hands at his godfather.
Harry managed a wave back, feeling already better looking at his godson's hair which had turned a milder blue for today. Tonks smiled reassuringly at Harry as well, her hair red for today.
He looked to the other side of the seating to see Molly Weasley still shedding tears but smiled happily when her eyes met Harry's. The Weasley siblings and their wives all sat behind them, except Ron who was Harry's best man.
McGonagall sat next to the Weasley parents, wearing velvet robes, a small smile continuously on her face. She was currently chatting merrily to Hagrid who was to the side of the main seating rows, a chair for him separately.
The rest of the chairs were occupied by his close friends and family, Dudley and his wife also on one of the closer front rows. Dudley waved a small hand, no doubt intimidated by all the wizards and witches around him but trying his best not to show him. Seamus was trying his best to talk to Dudley, being the closest Muggle born.
He looked at one of the chairs in the front row next to Tonks, which was left empty with a black dog plushie. Harry could feel tears line his eyes as he thought of Sirius- how happy he would have been to see his godson get married. The two chairs next to Sirius' didn't help his tears either- they were also lefy empty for his parents- a similar stag plushie next to Padfoot's and a single Lily flower. It was Ginny's idea and Harry loved her all the more for it.
Harry's appraisal of the audience was cut short when the choir started the music and everybody straightened up. All eyes were on Harry, until a few heads turned around to see the bride. However, Hermione walked in first as the matron of honour, wearing a pastel pink dress which Harry noticed for the first time. He could slightly hear Ron gasp, no doubt reliving his own wedding. She came and stood to the side, smiling broadly at her husband and Harry.
And finally, there she was. Ginny was the image of gorgeous- she was wearing a traditional white gown, off her shoulders with a very long veil trailing behind her. Her fiery hair was tied up in a bun, he could tell. Harry could feel his heart thumping- it was a mixture of elation and anxiety, but more elation. Ginny was going to be his wife- they would be together for the rest of their lives.
Ginny was finally here, standing right in front of him. She was the opposite of the blushing bride, waving happily at baby Ted and her parents, both of whom were crying now. "Psst. Harry." Ginny whispered.
"Hi." She smiled, bringing Harry back to reality.
"Hello." He said breathlessly.
"You'll have the rest of your lives to talk, I'm starting the ceremony." Remus admonished playfully; both of them knew he was teasing them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today," He started but Harry did end up blocking the rest of the ceremony out, too busy staring at Ginny who would look at him and then laugh at something Remus had added into the speech and then look back at him. It was all very dreamy.
"Do you, Harry James Potter, take Ginevra Weasley to be your faithfully wedded wife?" He could hear Remus say.
"I do," Harry managed.
"And do you, Ginevra Weasley, take Harry James Potter to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." Ginny smiled and for the first time that day, Harry saw her blush.
"And finally, the moment I can SEE Harry has been waiting for, you may now kiss the bride." Remus laughed. But Harry couldn't care- this was the moment he had waited for ever since he had been dating Ginny.
He lifted the veil but before he could do anything, Ginny dragged his neck down and pressed her lips on his, leaving Harry stunned. He could hear cheers coming from the audience, most strongly from the twins.
"And now I declare you husband and wife!" Remus finished, as he hugged both of them together. "Have the best life ahead." He whispered before pulling away.
Harry and Ginny faced their audience, made up of the people they loved the most, but turned back to each other. They were each other's better halves, and now they were married, bound by magic (and law) to be together for the rest of their lives.
-sometime later-
"Throw the bouquet, Ginny!" Luna almost yelled and Harry could have sworn that was the first time he had ever heard Luna speak at a volume louder than a whisper.
"Okay, here it goes!" Ginny turned out and threw the bouquet of pink lilies behind her, her eyes shutting close.
"Aw no!" Collective groans came from the crowd, and she turned around to see who had caught the bouquet.
It turned out that baby Teddy was holding the bouquet which was also bigger than his face, while Tonks' hair colour changed furiously. The baby was laughing as if he he knew it was funny and it was infectious- the rest of the crowd burst out laughing literally a second later.
Ginny turned happily to Harry. "So Mrs. Potter, how do you feel?" Harry asked after pulling her slightly away from the noise.
"Perfect, Mr. Potter. I like the sound of my new name." Ginny smiled, placing her head on her husband's chest. Harry placed his chin on top of Ginny's head, standing quietly under the shade of the big tree where they had first sworn to be together.
Until a wolf whistle broke them apart, or rather two, identical, wolf whistles.
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Just Be Yourself
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: Harry gets some relationship advice from his godfather...
A/N: A few nods to wolfstar bc why not 😂
Also I changed this a little, but I think you’ll still like it!
Sirius lives AU bc why the hell not
Harry entered the Three Broomsticks, scanning the pub for his godfather.  Sirius’ name had finally been cleared, allowing him to come and go wherever he wanted as he pleased, whenever he pleased.  And every week, Sirius went to the Three Broomsticks to spend an afternoon with his godson.  “Hi Sirius!” Harry said, sitting across from him at a table, a butterbeer placed in front of him.  “Harry!  How are you?”
The young Gryffindor took a sip of his drink before answering.  “Good!  We beat Ravenclaw at quidditch yesterday, Fred and George snuck some firewhiskey into the common room and got a little drunk.”  “Oh Merlin, did they do anything stupid?”  Harry laughed.  “Well, Fred tried to transfigure himself into a frog, that...did not go well”  Sirius laughed, taking a sip of his drink.  “I can imagine.  So anything else interesting happen?”
  “Well, there’s this new girl in my year, she’s a transfer from Ilvermorny.”  “Really?  What house was she sorted into?”  “Y/H.  She’s in a few of my classes too.”  Sirius had seen the look on Harry’s face before, he’d seen it in James and in Remus just before he’d asked Sirius out.  The look of a boy who was head over heels in love with someone.  “So, what���s she like?  What’s her name?”  Harry smiled, the same smile Sirius had seen when James talked about lily.
“Y/N, and she’s, well, she’s just amazing.  She’s so smart, and funny, and kind, and….”  “And…?” Sirius said, smiling.  “She’s beautiful, Sirius.  She’s so beautiful.”  “Harry, I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer me honestly, okay?”  “Uhh, okay?”  “Do you like this girl?”  Harry blushed redder than his quidditch robes, and Sirius laughed, playfully slapping his arm.  “You do!” he exclaimed, Harry’s blush deepening.  
Sirius gave Harry a moment to collect himself, and he drained his glass.  “I think I love her,” Harry said quietly, and Sirius smiled.  “Are you going to ask her out?”  “I dunno.  We’ve only been friends for a few weeks and I don’t want to freak her out or anything.”  Sirius smiled, taking Harry’s hand.  “I get it.  Remus told me he felt the same way before he asked me out.  He was so nervous, the poor man was shaking head to toe.”  “How long were you friends for before he asked you?”  “A few years, but we started off as friends.  From what you’ve told me, this girl stole your heart from the moment you met.”
“She did,” Harry answered, finishing his drink.  “Sirius, what do I do?”  It warmed Sirius’ heart that Harry was comfortable talking to him about these sorts of things.  After all, he was the closest thing he had to a father.  “Do you think she knows how you feel?”  Harry shook his head.  “I don’t think so.  I’ve tried to hide how she makes me feel.”  Sirius nodded.  “Alright, well, here’s what I’d do: Play it cool.  Don’t trip over yourself to impress her, just be yourself.  How much time have you spent together?”
“We have lunch together sometimes, and we study for Potions and Transfiguration a lot.”  “That’s good!  So she’s already comfortable spending time around you.  Now what I’d do is to spend some time with her outside of classes.  Spend some time on the weekends together, go to a quidditch match with her when you’re not playing.  Maybe invite her to Hogsmeade, as friends, at least at first.  Give a week or so, maybe more.  Then, tell her how you feel.
“When you tell her, don’t overdo it.  There’s no need for flowers or a grand gesture.  Something simple, like ‘Y/N, I really like you, and I’d love to go on a date with you.’  I’m not saying it’ll be easy to ask her out, you might stumble over your words, but if Y/N’s as kind as you say she is, she won’t mind at all.”  “Was Remus nervous when he asked you out?”  “Oh Merlin, he was terrified.  He’s normally so composed, as you know, but he could hardly get a word out.  You’ll be just fine, Harry, trust me.  And if you need anything, write to me.”
Harry had done as Sirius suggested: he’d started spending time with you outside of classes and school.  He played gobstones with you in the courtyard, he spent some Friday nights in your common room, and when Y/H played a quidditch match, he asked you to go with him.  Harry had gotten to know you more and more over the past few weeks, and he was more in love than ever.  It was now Friday, and before dinner, he would ask you to go to Hogsmeade with him tomorrow, on a date.  His palms were sweaty and his heart was pounding, but Sirius’ advice was still in his head.  Just be yourself, don’t overdo it, you’ll be just fine.
You met him in the entrance hall like you did every evening, a smile on your face.  “Hey Harry,” you greeted, walking up to him.  “Hi Y/N,” he returned, nerves building.  “Can I ask you something?”  “Sure.”  Harry took a deep breath, trying to keep his breathing even.  “I really like you,” he said, eyes locked on your face.  “You’re amazing, Y/N.  And I-”  He froze, mouth going dry.  You smiled, face sympathetic and kind.  “And?”  “And I was wondering if you’d maybe want to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?”
He held his breath awaiting your answer.  “Harry Potter, are you asking me on a date?”  “Y-yes.  I am.”  His heart was beating so hard he thought it mat burst, and when you spoke, he thought he might faint.  “I’d love to go on a date with you, Harry.”  “You would?”  “Yes, I would.”  You stepped forward and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, setting his skin ablaze.  “Meet me here tomorrow at, say, 10?”  “Sure, yeah!”  “Great, see you then!”  You entered the Great Hall and sat at your house table, leaving Harry feeling lighter than he had in years.  Instead of going in for dinner, Harry ran upstairs to write to Sirius.
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constancezin · 2 years
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The Godfather
As a rule, Sirius didn’t get babies. He had been too young when Regulus was born, and he’d only met Nymphadora when she was a toddler, talkative and a mini human being. He couldn’t understand what was the fuss for those people who would coo and stand teary in front of newborns who were either sleeping or crying their tiny lungs out.
And then on the evening of July 31st he got an urgent owl and minutes later he was standing in front of the Potter’s house; even before he knocked the door was opened.
“Come in, Padfoot!” said James, pushing him excitedly inside the house and dragging him to the stairs. “Come in!”
“Hello to you too,” mumbled Sirius, but James was past hearing him; he was already at the top of the staircase even when Sirius got in the middle of it, clearly so happy.
James waited for Sirius in his and Lily’s bedroom, the door open. There was a bundle of clothes in his arms.
“Come and meet my son,” said James, voice trembling with amazement, pride and tiredness, and then Sirius just watched as James placed that bundle of clothes in his arms to reveal a tiny red-faced baby. “Harry—this is your godfather.”
Harry, Sirius realised, no words coming to his mouth. The baby was no longer that bump in Lily’s belly, no more jokes about fawns or watermelons. Harry was real, a tiny human being that had just appeared in their lives, and he was so perfect…
“James… how did you do this?”
“Well, when two people are in love—birds and bees—it was actually very simple—”
There was a short laugh coming from the door. “James?” He didn’t miss a beat. “And then my beautiful wife did all the work, of course. I may have fainted.”
“Only once,” teased Lily, allowing for James to take her hand and press a soft kiss on her knuckles. “There will be a while until we consider giving Harry a sibling.”
“Two of these?” asked Sirius, unable to keep the longing out of his voice. He grabbed the baby’s hand with his finger. “By Merlin, look at those ten perfect fingers!”
“And you haven’t even seen his toes yet,” said James, winking at him. He lifted the blue blanket to reveal the baby’s feet,
“Oh. My. Goodness. This is the cutest thing in the world.” said Sirius feeling a sudden urge to kiss the smallest feet he’d ever seen.
It all came down to this perfect little baby that Sirius was holding with all the care in the world, that he felt he already knew and loved for a long time. This brand new human being who was part of his two best friends, born of their love, so cherished; Sirius vouched he would protect Harry from any harm and also show him all the great things in the world.
A tear fell from his eye.
As a rule, Sirius didn’t get babies; but Sirius Black had always been a proud rulebreaker and he thought the best way to start breaking this rule would be with his godson.
Special thanks to @startanewdream who wrote this little drabble at my demande
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