#and have stats at 9 am
Ok I’m calling my shit now bc I’m about to go to bed bc I have a 9 am, but I think that lil girl is gonna vomit eldritch horrors all over Oscar’s shoes bc he’s too immortal and isn’t right and should be so so so so dead (see 33 scars)
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hearty-an0n · 5 months
delivering on that pwhl info carrd!! toronto disappointed me so much i put the youtube stream in a different window and worked on this after the first period
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immamapletreekid · 2 months
work anxiety starting before work itself hahahahaahahahahahahhhaha
#IM BAKCIJ THE FUCKIGN BUIDLIGN .AGAIN. AUSUSUXHEHWHGLHKF#im grateful i have an internship for this summer with the way the job market is like currently.#im grateful that i have the opportunity to lessen the burden on my parents shoulders. im grateful that this job can pay rent and groceries#and tuition for a few terms im grateful i get to gain experience while still in school that will hekp me in the future#IM GRATEFUL FOR ALL THIS!!!!! BUT STILL I FUCLING HATE EVERYTHJGN#i hate being unable to eat anything ir sleep at night bc all i can think about is shit i have work tomorrow i have to email this guy and#finish these tasks and impress my manager and be approachable and enthusiastic and eager to learn and not make any mistakes#and not fail anything bc im getting graded on this its alwags grades its always the fucking grades#isnt it. it was the grades that had me crying on walks home from school when i was 9 and it was grades that made me waste away 9th grade#it was grades that made me unable to stomach anything during weeks with tests and it was and is still grades that#dictate every single fucking part of my life#and even tho the ppl who used to yell at me for getting a B in math in 5th grade are no longer yelling at me for getting 60s in linear algeb#ra and stats and calculus and cs#haha.ha when ur university is famous for its.. horribly high suicdie rates#i find that the yelling comes from me now. ive replaced the adults who would sit beside me at the dinner table#yelling bc yea guess what 8 year old me didnt understand division at first#god i hate this school so much. i hate what im studying im gratefula nd am so privileged to be ahle to further my educarion and receive#all these experiences mot everyone can have but god everytime i return to the city where the school is#i feel like throwing up and sobbing and just never ipening my eyes again#haha yea. i hope i csn get a job to support myself in the future#i hope i can still have time for hobbies#why si everyone at school so good at everything#ive met more people who have passed their rcm 10 and arct exams for piano than those who havent#i have classes with people who have already published research papers with professors in the states#my classmates can breeze through a cs assignment while still playing fir varisty teams. working out everyday. goijg ti parties.#eating and cooking balsnced meals each week. having a social life..the whole combo#meanwhile i get overwhelmed because i have to respond to an email and finish an assignment in one day#how do i become like them#why was this about work anxiety at first and why is it about the eternal imposter syndrome and lack of self confidence#i just want money man... i dont give a shit about snything anymore
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maroonafternoon · 9 months
I will be honest. I am having a hard time.
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biborispavlikovsky · 2 years
i got a seasonal job for this month bc i was like why not it will be nice to do stuff + make some money but it is such a pain idk why i did this to myself
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doggirlnarcolepsy · 11 months
New Vegas once again has me in it's grasp girlies
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campercabeth · 2 years
Why do I always feel so productive on days that I have so much shit to do and won't have time to do it?
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The lighting change. Sam is being SO serious. He can’t remember it :( my poor poor immortal boy
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autistichalfblood · 1 month
On March 8th 2023 I got a job as a public school English teacher and I couldn't do anything else, I barely even had time to sleep.
On April 29th 2024 I had to quit that job because I was having way too many anxiety and panic attacks and my health (physical and mental) was declining. I am a diagnosed autistic person who just couldn't handle it anymore, I was teaching 16 different classes, working 9 hours every day, the only English Teacher for over 500 students.
I'm now trying to find my balance again, looking for the safety of my special interests, one of them being Wenclair, hence why I'm back writing my fanfic Unfathomable.
I am rereading what I have already written and doing some small updates (mostly sentence structure and stuff like that) and after I finish up with what is already posted, I will go back to writing that!
It might not be updated in consistent, quick manner when I go back at it, because I need to avoid too much pressure and stress but I'm so fond of this pairing, they keep me company when I'm lonely because I have no friends and no one to talk to, and they actually teach me some things and help me understand others.
I would love to ask any tumblr mates, wednesday/wenclair fans or otherwise, to check my fic out and let me know how I can improve my writing (you can comment there on my fic), I honestly think that interacting with other human beings in a classroom is too much for me and writing has always been my love, so I'm gonna follow that path now.
Fanfic: Unfathomable
Pairing: (Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair)
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TV SHOW: Wednesday (Netflix)
Link: Click here to be transported to AO3.
Chapters 1 & 2 were already fully checked, edited and updated.
Chapter 3 is OUT NOW!!!!
36 kudos away from 700!
66 hits away from 6,100! (woow!)
20 comments away from 100!
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utilitycaster · 5 months
How would the wizards win, they are knocked out easily and fragile as fuck???
Hi anon,
In the interest of verisimilitude I am running this combat play by play. Assumptions include:
Equipment is that of their last appearance (Echoes of the Solstice for the PCs but before Caleb gives his stone to Luc, and 2x141 for Essek) with the notable exception that no one has any potions
All magical items with charges are fully charged
The wizards have all necessary components for their spells
Caleb’s philosopher’s stone is on him and is set to constitution save proficiency, which is how Caleb usually has it set.
Caleb will not access spells that we have not seen him use previously
Essek gets the high level dunamancy spells though bc we left with him not accessing 9th levels and it seems reasonable he’d have these learned.
Characters are all level 20
The poll this is based on does not explicitly say to the death, so I am counting “at least one of the wizards survives and put Yasha somewhere she is not going to bother them” as a win condition for them.
For the purposes of this exercise I am going to make Essek a chronurgist but swap out the level 2 abilities (Chronal Shift and Temporal Awareness) for Adjust Density since we know he has the latter but “time is his speciality” as I don’t have his actual stat block.
Essek’s CON, WIS, CHA, and STR are unknown as are his HP. I have rolled for them, added his CHA bonus as a drow, and taken an ASI to one other stat. I have also just used the wizard default of 4 HP per level + con bonuses. I rolled (4d6 drop lowest): 16, 8, 14, and 11, which seems like a reasonable spread. I’m giving him 16 CHA (14+2 racial bonus), 16 CON, 8 STR, and 13 (11+2) WIS, which seems reasonable to me. His HP is therefore 6+4*19+3*20=142.
They all start at the corners of a square with sides 30 feet, as there is no 2D configuration of four equidistant points. Same teams are at diagonals from each other (ie, going clockwise, it goes Beau, Caleb, Yasha, Essek.)
In order to stave off any whining: if both wizards roll higher on the dice for initiative than both sentinel babes I will reroll. After that the dice shall tell their story.
Caleb is not allowed to cast Wish to simply win the fight even though that is the obvious answer and not prohibited per the rules of the poll because while that proves my point, actually running through the combat and demonstrating the general case of “wizards beat melee at L20 as a rule” is more fun for me.
Final and most important rule: I am a human person running through combat for four people. Will this be perfectly optimal in every way? No. If there is something egregiously wrong then mention it but if you simply had a different strategy then well, write it out yourself.
Combat below the jump:
Initiative: Caleb rolled 7 (modified to 9), Essek rolled 16 (modified to 19), Yasha rolled 15 (modified to 18), Beau rolled 3 on the d20 and 6 on the d8 from her boots of the vigilant (total of 14).
Round 1
Essek casts Hold Person on Yasha since he cannot cast it on both at once as they are 42.4 feet from each other. She fails with a natural 1. [L2 spell used - Essek]
Yasha rolls again at the end of her turn, and gets a 12, failing.
Beau runs to Essek and attacks him twice, using a ki point to stunning strike him on her first hit and attempting for all hits after until it succeeds. She rolls an 11 and a 14 to hit on the dice, which will hit. Essek rolls a natural 18 on his first con save, succeeding, but a 9 on his second, which fails, dropping his hold on Yasha. Beau just takes flurry of blows for her bonus action, with advantage, rolling a 17 and a 12 respectively at advantage. Total damage to Essek is 14+11+7+7=39 damage. (2 ki used) She can also extract aspects; he is a normal guy.
Caleb shapechanges into an ancient white dragon. He picks up Essek in a talon (object interaction) and flies 35 feet into the air.[L9 spell used - Caleb; concentration]
Round 2
Essek is stunned
Yasha summons her wings. She makes her Frightful Presence save with a natural 18 and flies almost into melee with Dragon!Caleb but that is her action. She rages as a bonus action.
Beau has no abilities nor items that extend more than 30 feet away. She may as well use Empty Body to become invisible and resistant to all damage though! (6 ki used total, 4 this round). She makes her frightful presence save with a 15 on the dice. Essek is no longer stunned.
Dragon!Caleb can get both Yasha and Beau in a cone of cold, DC 22. Yasha saves with a 17 on the dice and total of 27,  Beau rolls a 3 and uses a ki point to reroll, getting a 9+10 which fails. This is a con save, so no evasion. I rolled extremely well (thanks google dice roller thing) and Beau takes 96 cold damage, halved to 48 from Empty Body. Yasha takes 48 cold damage as well, halved due to her saving throw. Caleb rolls a 6 on the d6; this ability recharges. He then flies 80 feet away from Yasha.
Round 3
Essek casts Ravenous Void 30 feet behind Yasha such that he and Caleb are outside of the spell’s 100 foot range. Beau is however also in range, though neither she nor Yasha are within range of the sphere, merely the 100 foot event horizon. [L9 spell used, Essek; concentration].
Yasha must make a strength save, which she makes with a 14 on the die, against Essek’s DC of 20. She moves 25 feet towards Caleb and Essek as she is in difficult terrain (yes, even in the air.) She uses her battle cry ability as a bonus action, granting Beau advantage on attacks and saves.
Beau makes a strength save as well, and makes it with a natural 18. She can activate her maelstrom gloves at this point I suppose, as her action. She also runs from the sphere, along the ground, at half speed (35 feet); she will use step of the wind to dash as a bonus action (70 feet). She is still within the range of the spell this turn.
Caleb can hit Yasha with the cold damage again. She makes her save with a 15 on the dice. I rolled much more poorly this time; she takes 32 damage. His breath weapon does NOT recharge this round as I rolled a 4.
At the end of round 3: Caleb has 333 HP as a dragon and has used one 9th level spell on which he is concentrating. Essek has 103 HP as himself and has used one 2nd level spell and one 9th level spell, the latter on which he is concentrating. Beau has 144 HP and is invisible; she has used 8 of her 20 ki points. Yasha has 148 HP and is currently raging.
Round 4
Essek casts lightning bolt on Yasha at 5th level. She fails her dex save (16+3 = 19, his DC is 20), taking 10d6 lightning damage, or 26 points per my roll. (Yasha is at 122 HP).
Yasha makes a strength save at advantage against Ravenous Void, just making it with a 10, but Essek uses Convergent future to make her fail. Yasha is pulled into the Ravenous Void; Essek takes one level of exhaustion. Yasha takes 5d10 force damage (another 26 points) and is restrained. (Yasha is at 94 HP).
Beau rolls a 15, succeeding with a 21. She successfully runs out of the range of ravening void and stays there. HOWEVER she is now within Dragon!Caleb’s blindsight radius.
Caleb gets directly above Beau and attacks her with his multiattack. He rolls a 9, 17, and 15 on the dice and gets +14 on all three attacks, dealing 2d10+8, 2d8, 2d8+8, and 2d6+8 damage total, all of which will be halved. That added up was a 72 total, halved to 36 for Beau who is now at 108 HP. He rolls a 5 on the d6, recharging his breath weapon. All attacks are made at minimum 10 foot reach, putting him outside the range of Sentinel; he returns to 40 feet above Beau.
Round 5
Yasha is out of range, so, upon realizing what’s going on, Essek casts See Invisibility on himself and can now see Beau, but that is his action.
Yasha takes another 34 damage from the Ravenous Void and makes a strength save at advantage; she makes it and is no longer restrained. She can get 15 feet out of the sphere. (Yasha is at 60 HP)
Beau can I guess run 70 feet away from the wizards.
Caleb uses his breath weapon again on Beau. She rolls a 5 on the dice, which is a failure on the con save. She takes 39 (79 halved) damage. Beau is now at 69 HP (nice). The breath weapon does not recharge this round.
Round 6
Essek casts Gravity Sinkhole where Beau is. She rolls a 4 on the dice and fails her Con save, taking the full 5d10 force damage (27) which isn’t halved by Empty Body. Beau is now at 42 HP.
Yasha succeeds on her saving throw and is now 40 feet out of the sphere, 50 from the center. She needs to make her next two rounds of saves to get out of the range of the spell, but takes no damage this round. She heals herself up 20 points, to 80, as her action.
Beau runs another 70 feet away.
Caleb goes after Beau, who I assume is running at a tangent to the radius of Ravenous Void, and dashes, catching up but is not able to attack.
Round 7
Essek uses momentary stasis on Beau. She rolls a 9 on her Con save, failing with a total of 19; she is incapacitated and has a speed of zero.
Yasha rolls a 3 and a 4 on her next saving throw, failing her strength save, and is pulled back into the center of the sphere, taking 5d10 (33) damage. Yasha is at 47 HP.
Beau is incapacitated.
Caleb makes his multiattack, dealing 57 total, halved to 28. Beau is now at 14 HP.  Caleb’s breath weapon does not return.
Round 8
Essek casts gravity sinkhole again at Beau. She rolls a 19, making her con save, but still takes 5d10 halved. I rolled a 28, halved to 14, precisely knocking her unconscious.
Yasha takes 25 force damage from the center of the sphere and makes her save, moving out from the center of the sphere. Yasha is at 22 HP.
Beau rolls a 2 on her first death save. This however does not matter, because...
Caleb lands and attacks Beau, taking her death saves and killing her. His breath weapon does not return.
Round 9
Essek hangs out in Caleb’s talons, chilling.
Yasha makes her strength save and moves out from the center of the sphere. She is again 50 feet from the center.
Caleb flies to the edge of the radius of Essek’s spell and lands.
Round 10
Essek gets out of Caleb’s talons and stands but is otherwise still chilling.
Yasha makes her strength save and dashes, reaching the wizards but is not able to attack them. She is no longer raging, having taken no damage nor attacked in a round, so she rages again.
Caleb drops Shapechange and casts Disintegrate. Yasha rolls an 11, for a dex save of 14, failing. She is reduced to 0 HP by Disintegrate, which turns her into dust and kills her because she is still dust even though she is raging.
Conclusion: I did to be fair roll like absolute shit for Beau but it was ultimately a game of dragon-and-monk anyway; once they're in the air and she's not and Yasha's unable to come to her aid, she's fucked. The second Beau fails to stunning strike one of the wizards, and Caleb gets a +9 assuming he has all his favorite magic rocks around him against Beau's 18 DC, so this is not out of the question, they can and will either turn into a dragon with a +14 to con saves and also who can fly, or cast "gravity hates you personally" at 9th level.
I would also note that Yasha's 101 damage in one hit in Echoes of the Solstice relies on several buffs from - you guessed it - magic users, as well as a crit. (fun fact! I rolled zero nat 20s during this, which is kind of weird although also I was mostly only rolling saves). Neither she nor Beau can one-shot one of the wizards on their own - even if they're teaming up only on one of them it's going to take 2-3 rounds, and meanwhile the other has, again, cast "fuck you" at 9th level in the meantime.
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starsandhughes · 8 months
Penalty Box Series— Trevor Zegras Edition (Two)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: one
next: three
a/n so i def posted this then deleted it bc i hated it bc i wrote it in the 1-3am range… and now i’m writing it again in that range… fingers crossed!
i’m sorry this is short!
OCTOBER 15, 2023
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 16,611 others
yourusername welcome back to my post game penalty box update show, céline dion fans and non-céline dion fans! tonight was the ducks home opener and it was a doozy!
first i want to address that my lil quackies have now won their home opener 8 years in a row and are now 20-9-1 in their 30 year history for home openers! and if you’re like me and ✨love✨ stats, then you’ll be thrilled to learn that mr. frank “the tank” vatrano is the FIRST DUCK EVER TO SCORE A HAT TRICK IN THE HOME OPENER! shoutout to mason, who passed frankie the puck so that he could score the empty netter for the hatty, and made me cry at how sweet he was! (yes, they got good job forehead kisses because i love them soooo much!)
now, on to the fun stuff that you’re all here for! my future husband and baby daddy got his first penalty tonight, and oooo lordy, he looked fine! seriously, like, you think you all were freaking out about how hot he was in the box? imagine how i feel! he’s coming home to me!
his penalty was for “holding the stick” against aho (queue the boos) he did not agree with the penalty and made sure to scoff at the refs so that they knew they made a ridiculous call (i legally have to be on his side)
but get this— the penalty was called 11 seconds into z’s shift, it was the 6th official power play for the canes! we love! (we don’t love that it resulted in a c*nes goal though)
what was my favorite part of the game, you ask? it was the scrum, of course! my mans tried his best in holding back pesce, but he really just clung onto him as he got dragged around the scrum because he… is pocket sized compared to pesce. the 9th photo is of z clinging onto him from behind. i imagine pesce’s inner monologue was like “if the child will not move off me, then i shall move with the child. i am undeterred by the diminutive boy.”
ANYHOOZLE, i’m so proud of my boys! especially jamie baby, who now has back to back assists! this is your reputation era, jd! i love you endlessly <3
and to my z-baby, i’m perpetually proud of you and i’m sure you’ll do something productive soon! i love you, always💜 (and you look hot as fuck in purple) (you should buy more purple)
(p.s. did you all really think i’d only post one pic of my mans in the box when he looked that hot in it tonight? guess again! post two coming soon!)
tagged trevorzegras
view all 277 comments
trevorzegras i can’t tell if i was attacked or loved more in the post but i love you, forever, my sweet girl! (i’ll buy more purple) (i’m not pocket sized! or diminutive! at all! that’s quinn!)
yourusername i’d like to think i had an even balance of love and bullying<3 (you are compared to a 6’4 man!) (quintin’s gonna kill you and i’m going to have to let him)
trevorzegras he wouldn’t dare kill his future brother-in-law! and i’m going to be a the dad to his nieces/newphews/both!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras count your days, zegras
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras she has options
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes no? she doesn’t?
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale would you be the dad to sissy’s kids if i kill trevor?
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes of course
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras see? options!
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale aw, jamie baby! i’m gonna cry!
trevorzegras @/yourusername HE IS NOT GOING TO BE THE DAD TO OUR TWINS
yourusername @/trevorzegras FINE
user76 you’re so real for knowing all of us were acting whoreish over him in the box
yourusername this house is pro whore!
user14 “mwah!” -z in the 5th pic
jamie.drysdale i love YOU endlessly! so happy to have my own professional cheerleader back this year
yourusername wym “back”??? i never stopped being your cheerleader! i’m offended at best
colecaufield @/yourusername i would never do that to you
jamie.drysdale @/colecaufield you’re just mad that quinn asked me to be the dad to the twins
trevorzegras @/colecaufield @.jamie.drysdale I’M THE DAD! I’M THE FATHER! I’M THE BABY DADDY!
yourusername @/trevorzegras wow… jealous much?
colecaufield @/trevorzegras it’s hypothetical! if quinn kills you, then it should be me! i’m best friend number two!
jamie.drysdale @/colecaufield but she wouldn’t have to move if it’s me!
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk congrats! if quinn kills trevor, you get to raise the twins with me as their dad!
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername do you want your own room? or just the nursery and you can sleep with me?
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk we can share the bed!
trevorzegras @/yourusername @.matthew_tkachuk NO
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername NO FAIR
colecaufield @/yourusername RUDE!
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk 10 minutes ago, i lost my dear fiancé, trevor
trevorzegras @/yourusername I’M NOT ACTUALLY DEAD
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk sometimes i can still hear his voice
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername i’m sorry for your loss
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk i’m not
trevorzegras @/yourusername divorce.
yourusername @/trevorzegras we can’t get a divorce if i’m a widow
trevorzegras @/yourusername ghost divorce.
colecaufield @/trevorzegras wrong 22, bitch
trevorzegras @/colecaufield all’s fair in love and war
yourusername @/trevorzegras i don’t think you used that correctly
colecaufield @/trevorzegras so you admit to cheating?!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield no? there was a war i had to stop, and i love you! i didn’t “cheat”
yourusername @/trevorzegras you definitely didn’t use that correctly
user32 this game was everything to me
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i can’t believe the father of my future nieces/nephews/both is a criminal…
trevorzegras @/jackhughes you’re one to talk!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras that’s not the point!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @.lhughes_06 i’m the only one of us that’s not a criminal! none of you should get to see the babies!
yourusername @_quinnhughes i love you so much but trevor is screaming and *i’m* about to kill you
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes you pissed off the princess
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes has she ever threatened your death?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i don’t think so
jackhughes @_quinnhughes you REALLY pissed off the princess
user47 “i legally have to be on his side” that’s true love baby!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras the war begins
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you're at 2 games?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras 2 more than you
yourusername war! war! war! war!
_alexturcotte war! war! war! war!
yourusername @_alexturcotte you? you get me
_quinnhughes @_alexturcotte @/yourusername heathens
yourusername @_quinnhughes you quite literally started this war
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes heathen
_alexturcotte céline dion? are you 60?
yourusername i love her
trevorzegras @_alexturcotte what can i say? i love me an older woman
yourusername @/trevorzegras if you have a mommy kink, just say so
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername WHY
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale i just want to make my mans happy! i love him!
trevorzegras @/yourusername forever?
yourusername @/trevorzegras always💜
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and 11,341 others
yourusername soooo..... i couldn't just pick 8 pictures... and then i couldn't just pick 17 pictures... so here's 26 more pictures for a grand total of 34 (not including the penalty count)!
enjoy pictures of:
-z looking unreasonably hot in the penalty box
-z looking unreasonably hot in his plum carpet fit
-his many faces during games
-z attacking aho (#JusticeForJack)
-the scrum turn into a conga line
-jamie baby in his plum carpet fit (he also looks very good! both my boys were in blue <3)
-jamie baby's faces during the game
-jamie baby playing volleyball with the puck
with love,
tagged trevorzegras and jamie.drysdale
jamie.drysdale NO
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale welcome to the club! i’m so sorry
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale it could be worse
yourusername no one is safe🫶 ever💜
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i thought you loved me
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale this is how i show love
jackhughes @/jamie.drysdale you should've known this was coming
jamie.drysdale @/jackhughes i thought i’d be safe since i didn't get a penalty
colecaufield @/jamie.drysdale good thing you don't get paid for thinking
user46 oh i’m drooling
trevorzegras not all of these pictures are bad ones of me and i’m taking that as a win! i love you, forever💜
yourusername i know! aren't i the sweetest? (i love you, always)
trevorzegras i don't call you my sweet girl for nothing!
jackhughes @/yourusername he's lying to you
yourusername @/jackhughes die.
trevorzegras soooo sweet💜
lhughes_06 @/jamie.drysdale just wait til you get your own post
jamie.drysdale @/lhughes_06 you and jack didn't get one and you two got penalties!
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale i was mad at them at the time!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername be mad at me
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale never.
yourusername @/lhughes_06 p.s. congratulations on losing your nhl penalty virginity!
lhughes_06 @/yourusername why are you like this?
yourusername @/lhughes_06 to make your life more interesting
lhughes_06 @/yourusername my life is interesting!
yourusername @/lhughes_06 you're welcome!
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science-lings · 2 days
a few more thoughts on the options below the cut, curse the character limit on poll options
3- I love you disabled Phoenix hcs, put him in a wheelchair or something. give him a cane sword bc he saw Misty's staff and Karuma and he would think that a cane with a secret would be cool as hell and Edgeworth would get one commissioned for him for his birthday bc he's extra like that.
5- Mia, Ryunosuke, Kazuma, and even Gregory all play rock paper scissors to see whose turn it is to defend him. The afterlife in the AA universe must be wack.
6- I just think it's funny if he's just constantly barely dodging death due to pure coincidence. He just happens to hit the water just right or move his head at the right moment to avoid the assassin and he just doesn't notice. Everyone wants him dead except the universe itself.
9- he has no backstory, what if he just made a deal with the devil to never die and just... never brought it up to anyone bc no one asked. He would hide something so major about himself and no one would find out because he's just... like that. got that no backstory main character thing going on so anything can be the truth, it's all true if it sounds fun enough to think about.
anyway if you have a hc please tell me I wanna know so bad
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ranchthoughts · 7 months
An Update to the Kissing Multiverse!
The first version is here, second version here, third version here. There is also a little bonus stat crunching here. My tag for this project is here.
Well, Only Friends and Dangerous Romance are over, so I am back with another GMMTV Kissing Multiverse update for you all. And boy howdy it is a doozy. We've added 16 shows, 19 actors, and 33 unique kissing pairs!
Must have visible lip to lip contact
Must be shown on screen in a GMM tv series (no kisses from ads, promotional content, trailers*, movies, etc.)
*please note this means none of the GMMTV 2024 trailers count
Breakdown by Show
The data set now includes 77 shows.
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(full list in alt text)
Breakdown By Actor
The data set now includes 131 actors.
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(full lists in alt text)
Results and Discussion
Unique vs. Repeat Kissing Pairs
Last time round we learned that the vast majority of GMMTV kissing pairs are one-offs and that mixed gender pairs were less likely to repeat. Those conclusions hold true for this update.
There are 169 "unique" kissing pairs in the dataset, and of those, 156 (92.3%) appear only once, in one show. 13 pairs (7.7%) appear at least twice.
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The 13 pairs that appear in more than one show are:
Book/Force (in A Boss and a Babe, Enchante, and Only Friends)
Bright/Win (in 2gether and Still 2gether)
Dunk/Joong (in Hidden Agenda and Star in My Mind)
Earth/Mix (in A Tale of Thousand Stars, Cupid's Last Wish, and Moonlight Chicken)
Fiat/June (in The Gifted and The War of Flowers)
Film/Gun (in Not Me and Three Gentlebros)
First/Khaotung (in The Eclipse and Only Friends)
Gun/Off (in Not Me, Puppy Honey, Puppy Honey 2, and Theory of Love)
Lee/Mook (in My Dear Loser and The Jungle)
Louis/Neo (in The Eclipse and Fish Upon The Sky)
Marc Natarit/Pawin (in Dangerous Romance and My Gear Your Gown)
New/Tay (in Dark Blue Kiss and Kiss Me Again)
Phuwin/Pond (in Fish Upon the Sky and Never Let Me Go)
The kissing pair that has appeared in the most shows is Gun/Off, with 4 shows out as of now (and 2 more in the works!).
10 out of 13 of these repeating pairs (77%) are same gender pairs, specifically BL branded or brand-adjacent pairs. Once again, an interesting look into the GMMTV het vs BL system.
All in all, 97% of mixed gender pairs and 85% of same gender pairs appear only once, in one show.
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Same Gender vs. Mixed Gender Kissing Pairs
Of the 169 "unique" kissing pairs, roughly 60% are mixed gender pairs and roughly 39% are same gender pairs. This ratio has shifted slightly from the last update (when it was 59% mixed gender and 41% same gender) as I have added more het shows to the sample.
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Now to look at the shows themselves: 35% of the shows had only same gender kissing pairs, 47% of the shows had only mixed gender kissing pairs, and 18% of the shows featured both. You will notice that this is a 8% increase in favour of "mixed gender kissing only" shows compared to the last update which is due to the number of het shows I added this update.
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Most Kissing Pairs Per Show
The average number of kissing pairs per show is 2.4.
The shows with the most different kissing pairs are:
Only Friends (16 different pairs)
The Warp Effect (15 different pairs)
Friendzone (11 different pairs)
The Jungle and U-Prince (9 different pairs each)
The Player (7 different pairs)
Not Me, Three Gentlebros, and 3 Will Be Free have 4 different kissing pairs each, and then all other shows have 3 or fewer kissing pairs each.
Welcome Only Friends to the top of the ranking! 🎉 A well deserved placing. I would like to take a moment to hone in on the distribution of kissing over the course of the series:
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We hit 9 kissing pairs in ep. 9, 10 pairs in ep. 10, 11 pairs in ep. 11, and 12(+) pairs in ep. 12. Very satisfying.
The Power of Jojo
Jojo, every series:
You get a kiss and you get a kiss! YOU ALL GET KISSES!
(inspired by @dribs-and-drabbles here)
As we've learned over these past updates, Jojo has an outsized impact on the number of kissing pairs. He has directed roughly 10% of the shows in this sample, but his shows account for nearly a third of all kissing pairs (32%). Half of Jojo's shows are in the top 6 for most kissing pairs per show (Only Friends, The Warp Effect, Friendzone, and The Player).
The average number of kissing pairs in a Jojo show is 7.4, compared to 1.8 for non-Jojo shows.
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Interesting to note: last update, the average number of kissing pairs per show for Jojo shows was 6.0 (1.4 lower) and the average for non-Jojo shows was the same (1.8). Only Friends had quite the impact.
(note: in this section, I am just looking at kissing pair iterations here not at unique kissing pairs, e.g., Phuwin/Pond are a pair in two shows (once in a Jojo show and once in a non-Jojo show), so they are counted twice.)
Most Kissing Partners
First, to put this in context: 50.4% of the actors in this sample have only had one kissing partner. The average number of kissing partners per actor is 2.6 (an increase of 0.3 from last update - again, possibly due to Only Friends).
We've had some significant changes in the leader board this update. Previously, our top 5 were Joss (10 kissing partners), Lee and Namtan (9 each), and Ohm and Nanon (7 each).
Welcome our new leader, Lee, with 12 kissing partners!
Krist takes the second spot (11 different kissing partners), followed by Joss (10), Namtan (9) and First (8) to round out our top five.
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Next we have Gigie, Mild, Nanon, New, Off, and Ohm with 7 different kissing partners each; Film, Mond, Mook, Neo, and Singto with 6 kissing partners each; and Bright, Fluke Pusit, Jan, Khaotung, and Mark Pakin with 5 kissing partners each. There are also eleven actors with 4 different partners, and fifteen actors with 3 different partners each.
This update sees an astonishing 6 new kissing partners for Krist and 3 for First, catapulting them into the top 5. The impact of Only Friends can't be denied either - it increased every one of its actors' total kissing partners, and pushed Mond, Neo, Khaotung, and Mark Pakin up into the upper echelons, along with First, of course.
Most Kissing Partners in One Show
We have a new reigning champion for "Most Kissing Partners in One Show"! Thanks to his tireless hard work in Only Friends kissing 5 different people, Neo rockets to the top of the list.
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We now have seven people who have kissed 4 different people in one show thanks to Only Friends (First, Mark Pakin, and Mond in Only Friends; Fluke Pusit, Gigie, and New in The Warp Effect; and Plustor in Friendzone), and eight cases of people kissing 3 different people in one show (Book, Force, and Khaotung in Only Friends; Joss and Namtan in The Player; Joss again in 3 Will Be Free; Krist in The Jungle; and Singto in Friendzone).
Please note that all of these instances (except for Krist in The Jungle) happened in Jojo shows.
In total, there are 52 instances of people kissing more than one person in a show, and 31% of actors in the sample have kissed more than one person in a show at least once.
Which of the GMMTV boys has kissed the most guys?
Last update we had a five-way tie for first place between First, Fluke Pusit, Neo, Plustor, and Singto, with 4 men kissed each. Only Friends has significantly changed the situation.
Congratulations to First for taking first place in the men kissing men category, with 7 men kissed! Next we have Neo in second place (6 men kissed) and Khaotung in third (5 men kissed).
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First has kissed Gawin (Not Me), Force (Only Friends), Khaotung (The Eclipse and Only Friends), Mark Pakin (Only Friends), Mix (Moonlight Chicken), Mond (Only Friends), and Ohm (The Shipper)
Neo has kissed Drake (Only Friends), Force (Only Friends), Louis (The Eclipse and FUTS), Mark Pakin (Only Friends), Mond (Only Friends), and Title (Only Friends)
Khaotung has kissed Book (Only Friends), First (The Eclipse and Only Friends), Mond (Only Friends), Pawin (55:15 Never Too Late), and Pod (Tonhon Chonlatee)
There are now seven men who have kissed 4 men each: Fluke Pusit, Krist, Mark Pakin, Mond, New, Plustor, and Singto. Special shoutout to Mark Pakin, Mond, and Plustor for racking up all these kisses over the course of one show each (Only Friends, Only Friends, and Friendzone respectively).
Finally, there are eight men who have kissed 3 men each, and eleven who have kissed two men each.
The Kiss Web
Behold... the Kiss Web, newly updated:
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And, as usual, some colourful breakdowns too:
The reach of the top 5 kissers: Lee, Krist, Joss, Namtan, and First.
The kissing webs of the top three shows: Only Friends (in pink), The Warp Effect (in blue), and Friendzone (in green). Yes these are all Jojo shows.
Some "kissing triangles" (no squares this time because there were too many to show). Note the triangles completed in the course of one show: Nat-Plustor-Singto (Friendzone), First-Khaotung-Mond (Only Friends), Mark Pakin-Neo-Title (Only Friends), Fluke Pusit-Gigie-New (The Warp Effect), and Joss-Mild-Tay (3 Will Be Free).
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I’ve been having fun Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon-ing around this web and I’d like to propose a challenge to you all: what is the longest chain between two people (with the most people between them) possible? Basically, reverse Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Bonus points if there is no quicker shortcut between them.
If you’d like to play another little game, see my post here.
Contributing authors: @airenyah, @alsoran, @alwaysthepessimist, various anons, @bengiyo, @burnsuncomet, @callipigio, @cangse-sanren, @catboykacchan, @catboyjosten, @catsundmaus, @chickenstrangers, @crowie, @dribs-and-drabbles, @ffirstkhao, @foralleternityidiot, @isaksbestpillow, @jeonghanurl, @kattahj, @kpinhiding, @lurkingshan, @maibpenrai, @maybeitdontmakesense, @nieves-de-sugui, @non-binarypal7, @sammie-lightwood-bane, @sollucets, @userneos, @theselightsareblinding, @tiistirtipii, @waitmyturtles, @williamrikers
Data visualization consultants and beloved proofreaders: @chickenstrangers, @dribs-and-drabbles, @wen-kexing-apologist
Asked to be tagged: @blmpff
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momolady · 6 months
2023 Year End Stats
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Not to be stereotypical or anything, but for me at least, 2023 was an odd year. I bled for 6 months straight, dealt with the worst pain I still can't comprehend, had a hysterectomy, moved in with my partner, got some cats, dealt with a lot of stress, watched the world burn. Yeah, it's been pretty good to outweigh the bad.
But anyways! I've done the math and put together a list of my stories that performed the best this year. At least in terms of notes anyways. I'm also going to share my stories that didn't perform as well and hope they get the love they deserve.
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Anyways, let's get on with the count down. Forty total stories have published on Tumblr this year. Sixty-six were published on Patreon. Top monsters were orcs (7), Vampire (3), Fae, Minotaur, Romm Monster, Lich (all 2).
Top Ten Stories:
10. Kahann the Naga
This one would probably be in my top ten favorites to write of the year. This dark, twisted romance between a lonely, isolated girl shipwrecked on an island with the dangerous and sexy Kahann struck the dark romance itch I've been wanting to scratch.
9. Keir the Orc
Comfy farm romance that features annoyances to lvoers. What else could you want? Orcs are always fun to write, I feel I could do it with my eyes closed, but thankfully I don't wanna do that.
8. Atharo the Lich
The pink lich, this one had imagery in it I couldn't get out of my head. the visions of this pink lich still huant me and I wish I could conjur such sstrong imagery still.
7. Asier the Drider
A simple premise we cann understand. Getting packages and ordering online is probably yhe msot fun we can have without leaving our homes. But what if your neighbor was annoyed by this? And what if that neighbor was a drider?
6. Auberon the Room Monster
The enchanted library. i think I've written more about the romance and mystery of bookstores an libraries more than anything. But this story was special, with lots of worldbuilding wrapped like a blanket around these characters. The room this monster stays in is the library, and who doesn't wanna spend time with that guy?
5. Marek the Vampire
This murky, dark, and swampy tale is one of those that stays with me. The idea of a different sort of vampire, one in the bogs and wetlands of a strange peninsula that gets flooded every year haunts me. The image of him is one of my absolute favorite creations and I hope I get to visit this peninsula village again.
4. Placide the Paralangua
This story marks the beginning and growth of my Charcourt universe. Liek Hearthway Hollow it's a town filled to the brim with straneg creatures, only it's the Paralangua, alligator type monsters who throw a festival every year to celebrate their history and the continued growth of Charcourt. Is it a cult? Maybe. There's a new five part tale of this area up on Patreon now.
3. Ben the Werewolf
Enmies to lovers, I think most people get on board with this trope. This tale of Hearthway Hollow delves into the relationship between two high school enemies who reconnect after years and manage to put aside their competitivness to find one another. The lead in thisstory is also Rowan's little sister.
2. Leraye the Demon
Demons are always fun. My demon characters have ways of weaving themselves in and out of the world we know, sometimes as proper members of society, often not. Leraye is one of those that visits our world as a full time member, seeing out the comforts of a Chinese bakery whose owners are a family with ties into the reality he avoids.
Florenz the Vampire Bat
This would for sure also be on my favorites of the year. This dark story wove together elements of fantasy, horror, and romance that I love to death. The lead is sophisticated and dashing, the lead is adventurous and excitable. The chemistry between the leads while writing this tale was so good.
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The Ten Least Appreciated Stories
10. Juniper the Tiefling
I am deeply disappointed this didn't do as well as I expected. This story was based on characters me and my bff made for a one shot DND session. So this story was more personal to me than others. but more than that, I feel it had some of my best banter!
9. Rocco the Guard
Another personal tale based on ideas me and my friend came up with during a visit where we watched the Owl House together. I also greatly enjoyed the leading lady who was smart, spunky, and chaotic in the absolute best ways.
8. Ozzie the Werewolf & Tryfon the Naiad
It has a trans lead, it has polyamory, it was set in hearthway Hollow! I thought this story was serving up gold on a platter. But maybe people weren't in the mood for gold. The comedy in this is top notch, at least I thought.
7. Laertes the Fae
Another story where the dialogue I feel sparkles and pops with every interaction the characters had. This did only recently come out, so maybe it'll grow after this.
6. Ransom the Shapeshifter
Another personal story based around lore me and my bff created for our Stardew Valley characters. It also featured a nonbinary lead and monster, I thought people would be excited for this. I loved playing with the avant-garde sci-fi aspect and being a little weird. But maybe that's why people didn't like it too much lol
5. The Leshy
Another story that would be in my top ten for my personal favorites to write. I loved the complexity of the leading lady and crafting her has made her a personal favorite. The characters and world of this story will be one that stays with my thoughts as I think about the cozy, dark streets anfdthe moss covered steps of the buildings.
4. Jaqueline the Dullahan
This story has it all! Chocolate, Halloween, a sexy dullahan chef, and it's a lesbian romance. Maybe I don't have enough wlw readers but this story came from a ko-fi prompt I wrot and just grew into a full fledged story. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this story and how it felt like a cozy fireplace with hot cocoa.
3. Beast the Symbiote
Beast is a character I have been wanting to get out into the world for years. She's such a complex villain character, and who doesn't love that. I feel like she is one of my coolest characters. Lucky Devil was also a character I had been dying to get out, she's been in my head since I watched Magi Madoka and she took form slowly over the years. She is in part based on me, and I want to do more with this lovely couple.
2. Fia the Selkie
I'm starting to see a pattern here. Male reader stories aren't ya'lls cup of tea? Too bad, I have some amazing male readers and commissioners I adore working for. Fia was this comforting warm blanket of a story. A struggling musician and the lovely Selkie he's come to be with. I really love this story, please check it out if you want some comfort.
1.Ria the Orc: an AU
I'm actually a wee bit pissed about this one. Another male reader, and Ria is a character I've come to absolutely love. This was written for a commissioner I've come to consider a friend, and writing for him has become an amazing experience. Ria and her beau have also become such real, loving characters in my head. This was an AU of the modern monsters Ria where she is in Obresh and participates in the Reaping. Who doesn't love Reaping stories? C'mon folks, give these ten stories the love they deserve!
Thank you all for an amazing year! Next year I will hopefully publish and you're going to see bigger and grander things from me, I owe that to all of you. Keep a look out for my Ozren novel hitting the shelf soon. Thank you so much and I hope I continue to write stories you love.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
People getting obsessed with their AO3 stats, yeah get excited about kudos and comments because truthfully, everyone wants to know their hardwork is connecting with someone, but find other stats to help with the dopamine hit. Stats that you control, not up to the whims of others. Words counts. Per story. Per fandom. Per year. Overall. I'm 3k away from 40k words for the year! Or I'm 5k words ahead of where I was last year at this time. I'm this many words away from achieving some number that I have decided to celebrate.
Number of fics posted. Per fandom and overall. I get excited to see the numbers go up on my page. I like to stare at my documents and ask "which one of you wips is going to be fic #34?!" But I also celebrate in increments of 5. I currently write for two different fandoms so I get the satisfaction of hitting those arbitrary achievements collectively and again for both fandoms individually.
Number of pages on your AO3 profile. This one takes longer because there are 20 stories per page. I am currently One story away from my 10th page on my profile. (and then I get to also celebrate in another 10 stories when I'll have 9 pages for just one fandom) This is also fun because you can look at the number of pages for your fandom and go "10 of those are mine."
Getting a new "year" tab on your AO3 stats page.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
02/02/2024 Daily Recap
TLDR; SaveOFMDCrew Tumblr Updates; How To Help; Twitter Hashtags; Daily Lists; Reminders: Appreciation Events; Live Rewatch OFMD Party with Q+; Operation Auxiliary Wardrobe; Cast & Crew Sightings; New Watch Partys; Actually reasonable Articles; Stats; Petition Status; Morale; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
= Save OFMD Crew Tumblr Up =
The SaveOFMDCrew Tumblr is finally up and running! Due to some weirdness with accounts they'll be under @saveofmdcrewmates as opposed to the regular name. This will have the same news as the other platforms so feel free to give them a follow.
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== How To Help ==
Twitter folks: looks like @SaveOFMDCrew as well as several other people who've been leading the charge on twitter wanted to remind everyone on when to use what hashtags. Apparently there's been some cross pollination and they wanted to try and clear it up. Thank you to @havethisonelife for summarising.
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Haterade Posts:
#OhBloysHeMad , #TheNumbersWereThere, #FinishOurStories Avoid: #DontStreamOnMax
When Advertising ourselves:
#SaveOFMD #AdoptOurCrew
Horny Posts:
No tags (Edit: @SaveOFMDCrew said it was ok to use #OurFlagMeansDeath on horny posts, just no other tags).
Suggestions for How to Help
Looking for ways to help? There are still daily ideas for you here: How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
Cast Appreciation Events!
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Tomorrow is Day of Damien! A day to shower Damien Gerard (Father Teach) with support and kindness for all he's done for our fandom! He has been hitting #SaveOFMD events pretty hard trying to support us! 
When to start: Saturday February 3rd, 6 AM CST, 7 AM ET, 4 AM PT, 12 PM GMT  Hashtags: #DayOfDamien
His Social Media Accounts:
Linktree (has his cashapp, etc) / Instagram / Twitter / Twitch / Tiktok
== Live - Rewatch Party with Q+! ==
This rewatch party is particularly important because the crew is really trying to get people hyped for the BBC launch of s2 on Feb 5. Everyone is hoping that if the s2 launch in the UK shows huge interest it'll be a huge boon for the potential for s3 with the networks.
Sunday Feb 4, 2 PM GMT / 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
=Operation Auxiliary Wardrobe=
Do you do applique, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery, knitting, needle felt or any other textile-based OFMD Art? Wanna join a fun group of participants? Starting next week there will be a recruiting drive for a new fabric+thread project mid-month if people are interested! If you want to jump in now you can message @ForceMonument on twitter, otherwise other avenues will be opened sometime in the coming weeks!
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=Cast & Crew Sightings =
This is from 01/26/2024 but I missed it and I feel like it needs to be shared. Dominic Burgess being a goofball badass as Jeffrey Fettering singing a 18th century version of the Friends theme song. <3 (Apologies for the quality of the video, I had to record it off my screen so people didn't have to go to Twitter). Twitter Post.
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Wee John Wednesdays Mondays are back!
Mon 5th Feb, 10.30pm on Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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You can see a running list of current/upcoming watch parties here.
Thank you @libbyroseitm for the new Watch Party!
Uncle Season 1 watch party on i-player. Thurs 15th + Fri 16th Feb (GMT - 8 PM , ET - 3PM, PST - 12 PM)
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Catered specifically for the UK crew, but we'd be thrilled for anyone else using VPN's to join in too! Here's an article on how to join via VPN
WatchParty Hashtags:
== Articles ==
Finally! The Q+ Article is wonderful and very uplifting.
Our Flag Means Death: Why It Deserves to Find a New Harbor
The 10 best TV shows to watch this week, from Mr and Mrs Smith to One Day
Hairy Bikers Go West, Death In Paradise and Wheel of Fortune: TV highlights this week
The Uncertain Fate of “Our Flag Means Death” Season 3: A Closer Look
Every show canceled so far in 2024
Netflix adds one of ‘the best shows of 2022’ after it was dropped by HBO Max
== STATS ==
Thanks to @Seven_Sugars over on twitter for this info and analysis.
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Also, as always, more fun stats from @meowzawowza on twitter from the Netherlands.
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== Petition Status ==
Almost to 84K signatures friends!
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== Morale ==
I know we're ending day 24 of being the Gravy Basket. It's been a lonnnnng several weeks. We haven't heard from chaos dad in around a week now, so it may seem again like things are slowing down again. As several folks have mentioned before, not every day can be ground breaking, but seeing everyone in the community getting together, having fun with watch parties, discussing ofmd meta, making new art and fanfiction, it feels like the momentum is still there. We often don't see many updates on the weekend so take this time to relax, take a break, maybe do the rewatch party if you have time on Sunday. I did want to bring up, this article on The Tourist is cool because it highlights that HBOMax has cancelled some very highly rated shows in the past and Netflix has picked up on them-- and while we didn't see anything from the 2024 Netflix announcements (as @poison-into-positivity mentioned, even if it was picked up it wouldn't be for 2024) that doesn't mean it's not still a possibility. So don't give up hope. It's going to take some time to get through to the networks, and we'll keep keeping at it.
If you are feeling down or concerned, be sure to reach out to your fellow crew, we're all here for you.
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. You are so incredibly strong, do you know that? No matter what's going on in your life, you're still here. Every single day you get back up, and you keep going. That is incredibly powerful, and incredibly strong, and don't let anyone tell you any different. Do you think our buddy Rhys let's anyone tell him he's not the baddest ass mf on the planet? Nope.
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If all you did today was get out of bed, or take a shower, or walk your dog, and nothing else, you kicked today's ass. If you wrote fanfiction, or watched a tv show, you kicked today's ass. They say that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and while I see where that phrase is coming from I like to think of it a bit differently. What doesn't kill you, gives you a glimpse of just how strong you already were. You are the reason you are kind, you are the reason you are strong, you are the reason you continue to grow. You. Outside forces can help shape you, but you have always been strong even when you have felt your weakest, it's just not always easy to see. That strength is so important, and so is your need to rest. Remember to take a break from all the stressors of your life, whether that be a shower, or a 5 minute walk, or a day or a week away from the internet, whatever works for you. Even the strongest bridge in the world can break when there's too much weight on it. That doesn't mean the bridge is any less strong, it means something extremely heavy pushed it past its limits. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, just please know, everyone out here in the crew are so incredibly proud of you, we're rooting for you, and we're so very grateful you're still here with us.
Speaking of resting....Reminder! No recap for 02/03/2024 unless someone else wants to do one! Please feel free to, obviously! I will be off drinking after taking a dip in some hotsprings and then watching OFMD with two friends who have yet to see it. So if I show up lurking and drunk-tumblr you all, I sincerely apologize, but I hope if I do that drunk Abby is at least amusing. Love yall <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
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If you wanna see someone else other than these two in these gifs from OFMD let me know, we can switch it up a bit.
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