#and haven't seen anything suspicious
cosmicsnufkin · 8 months
for the record if you ever see me reblogging from a zionist or terf or anyone spewing anything racist or antisemitic or ableist, please just let me know i'm tired of finding out half a year too late
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Okay, so a friend and I went back over a portion in the Season 3 trailer last night.
Because both of us (on separate days), after having watched the trailer a few times, essentially had the question: Is that green shatterspace portal actually Boscage Maze?
When I myself watched it I felt...idk...like the shade of green was different. And then my friend mentioned (after another look at it) that the color was more muted.
And then...we let our brains run.
Mind you, before the trailer or any summaries of the season came out, my friend and I were talking over discord. We'd decided that based on the evidence (Sonic's natural eminence of prism energy, whatever makes him special compared to Shadow, the fact he shattered the prism, etc) Sonic could theoretically have a deeper connection to the paradox prism due to the energy inside him. Then, they threw a what if in the air.
Essentially "I don't think they'll do it, but what if Sonic is the missing piece to the paradox prism. So they won't be able to complete the prism and do anything with it without risking killing Sonic"
To which I said "That would be so cool! And given that I've never believed Sonic's going to have to actually make a big choice between his old friends or his new friends existing—or at least that he'd never actually make that choice and would find a secret third choice—I think a Sonic's wellbeing versus everything he cares about makes sense. That has the potential to hurt the other characters, because if need be, Sonic would do it"
Needless to say we watched the trailer the first time and I was like "No way he was right. Like, it was a good thought, but none of us thought for sure that they'd do it"
Now, with that in mind. As I said, my friend and I decided to let our brains run after feeling that there was a difference between the green shatterspace in the trailer and the one for boscage maze. We couldn't shake the idea that the colors are different, nor the idea that the shape of the portal openings are different. And we've both seen people talking here about how it could be the last shatterspace open or something (boscage maze that is), but to me...that doesn't make sense. Without special context, it doesn't make sense why it would have to be Boscage Maze of all worlds that would be the last to collapse, or why taking Sonic to Boscage Maze of all shatterspaces could be enough to save him. Plus there are other voices talking in that scene. There are other people who would need to get to Boscage if it was truly the last, and if it's just to get Sonic to the closest shatterspace, the characters would have to be fighting in the in between space (between the shatterspaces). And my friend too, from looking at it, thinks that the green shatterspace in the trailer seems like it's farther out at the edges of the place between.
So, we rushed to the episodes to get a clear shot of the Boscage portal, and then a clear shot of the one in the trailer.
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Now, turns out we were right about the color difference.
But it's the shape too.
If you've been looking in the main tag, I probably don't need to tell any of you that each portal (the part you enter to enter a shatterspace) is shaped like its prism shard. The first image is a shot of the Boscage Maze portal my friend screenshotted. The portal opening resembles the shape of the green shard, and the green is more vibrant than the more muted green in the trailer.
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The shatterspace in the trailer is just...a completely different shape, both in portal opening and the crystals around it. If you need another angle of the Boscage Portal to compare to the crystals surrounding the portal in the trailer, here's another shot.
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So, different green color. Different opening shape that would correspond to a prism we haven't seen before.
Let's return to the "Sonic contains the missing piece of the paradox prism and is essentially a living prism shard" theory, and let us also employ the idea that after the prism shattered and each shard landed in one of our alternate green hills, the shards gave off an outburst in energy that allowed the blue shard to fill the shatterspace with water, the green with dense forest, or the purple with mountains of crystal.
Now you're probably saying "But tumblr user hadesknockedupintheunderworld, what about the red shard? We saw a flashback. The red shard didn't just start growing buildings when it landed in what would become New Yolk"
And to that I'd say...you're right! We know based upon the Chaos Council's flashback that they used the prism shard as their energy source (whether they received it when conquering or after the fact), and that they themselves built New Yolk city without using the prism shard (after all, they only knew it as an energy source)
So, I say to you back. What if upon landing in a shatterspace, the shards were initially unstable. So they either caused a major change/addition to the world they landed in, or it's energy was properly harnessed and contained. That wouldn't be so far fetched, right? Because we know that Nine adapted the power core the council built to properly contain and channel the energy of the red shard to create his shatterdrive.
Now, the idea that the shards, while having shared powers, also have specific element based powers is not a new idea to this fandom. So let's run with this idea too, for funsies. If the blue shard corresponds more to weather (creating storms, lightning, flooding) and the green shard causes plants to grow (as examples), what, then, would Sonic be?
I'd say speed. Why? Well, besides the fact that that's Sonic's thing, let's backtrack to episode 1.
As of episodes 1 and 2, we know Sonic's body produces the same energy as the red shard. Before Nine crafted tech to attach to Sonic's clothes, the energy was not properly distributing to his body. Sonic would run and not be able to stop, he couldn't control his speed, and sometimes, he'd even start running without actually wanting or trying to run. In short, he could not control how fast he was going, how soon he could stop, or even when he would just start running. Even his shoes, which can canonically handle his usual speeds, had started to smoke after a while.
Couldn't you perhaps extrapolate from this that...Sonic became unstable upon entering New Yolk, his speed going haywire, and it was Nine's tech that properly contained and channeled Sonic's (he living shard's) prism energy?
And if Sonic is essentially a living prism shard...
Let's go back to the shatterspace from the trailer again.
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A shard shape we've never seen before.
My friend and I got to this point and we thought:
"What if this is Sonic's shatterspace?"
As in, if each prism shard corresponds to a shatterspace, what if this is a secret 6th one that corresponds to Sonic?
Earlier I said that the ideas people brought up (without in season context) for how or why Shadow would speed to take Sonic to Boscage Maze wouldn't make sense. BUT
If there's a shatterspace out there affected by/created by Sonic's prism energy, it may not be a stretch for the writers (and our main characters) to conclude that getting Sonic there could keep him from disappearing.
Just...food for thought.
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monsterhugger · 2 months
genuine question *how* are fundraisers being vetted. i keep seeing "this fundraiser is verified" and it's just a link to. another tumblr blog. like in some cases literally just another tumblr blog reblogging the same donation post or answering an ask from op with "yup this is legit" and like forgive me but that does not scream due diligence to me
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himemeika · 1 month
How do you do ? I hope to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
They've only raised €3,012/€35,000 so far !!
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sokoe · 2 years
I watched s4 of tdp and I really liked it!
I have many random thoughts but I don't really have the time to turn it all into a serious post, so I'll just ramble a bit in the tags. Spoiler warning!
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flourescencia · 2 years
oh and by the way since I've been getting new followers just to be sure if you're a part of the coquette female manipulator etc etc crowd I do not like you at all and it's best if you show yourself out
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yandere-daydreams · 1 month
tw - non/con, unbalanced power dynamics, obsessive/possessive behavior, and manipulation.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who's the best security you could possibly ask for. You've been told that hybrids aren't very good for protection, that you'd be better off just getting a regular dog or, better yet, not living alone in one of the sketchier neighborhoods of a notoriously unsafe city, but those people haven't meant your Kento. Stern, stoic, and loyal - he keeps you safe, helps around the house, and doesn't need (or want, for that matter) half of the attention a normal dog would need. Really, it's more like having a personal bodyguard than a pet. You're sure he'd prefer if it if you treated him more like the former than the latter, too.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who'd practically be human if it wasn't for the adorably pointed ears on top of his head, the wiry tail at the base of his spine, and the dull canines you sometimes catch a glimpse of during one of his rare smiles. It's clear that he doesn't consider himself to be like most hybrids, so you do your best to treat him like a roommate - giving him his space, making sure he has his privacy, constantly resisting the urge to run your hands through his hair and apologizing profusely when you inevitably fail. He claims he doesn't mind, not if it's you, but you've seen the way his lips curl when strangers so much as approach him, how he rolls his eyes when he sees other hybrids sitting on their owners' laps or begging for treats. You're not eager to get on his bad side, even if you do occasionally catch him slipping into your bed in the middle of the night.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who's mistaken for your boyfriend at least once a week. It's your own fault, really. He likes to walk you to work, run errands while you're away, all the things a stay-at-home boyfriend would usually do if he were as loving and as attentive as Nanami. It's always embarrassing, even if all you have to do is nod to one of his less-than-human features to clear up the misunderstanding. Still, it happens so often, and you're not proud to admit that from time to time, you don't have the energy to do anything but smile and nod when your elderly neighbor compliments the 'hunk of a man' living with you.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who's less naturally protective than you think he is. He's concerned with your safety, of course, but that's not a privilege that extends to the male coworkers he catches with a hand on the small of your back, to the friends who drag you out of your shared apartment and don't bring you back until the early hours of the morning. He spends more nights than he's proud of standing outside of your bedroom door, listening for any signs of life, waiting for an intruder, or a nightmare - any excuse to cross that unspoken boundary. It'd be more practical to spend his nights on the foot of your bed like every other drooling, filthy mutt hybrid, but that's not the kind of relationship he wants to have with you. Not if you have to think of him as a dog to get there.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who has to fuck his fist three times a day to offset his humiliating instincts. He tried for complete abstinence at first, not to think about you in that context at all, but there's only so many hours of his day he can spend with his knot pressed into his stomach, his cock twitching every time you bend over or brush against him. Still, it's far from a long-term solution. How could it be, when he still cums untouched every time you scratch the base of his ears?
Guard Dog!Nanami, who volunteers to take care of your household chores so he'll have an excuse to root through your laundry while you're away. He's surprised you haven't noticed just how much of your underwear mysteriously vanishes with every load, but even if you were less oblivious, he'd rather you be suspicious of him than ever find the hoard of tattered, stained, ruined fabric he keeps underneath his mattress.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who knows this can't go on for much longer. He loves you, and he respects you, and he knows that you'll never really see him as anything more than a pet, but he's can't seem to bring himself to see you as a master. And, when he's walking you home late at night after yet another unplanned bar crawl, when he's listening to you whine half-coherently about how hard it is to live with a hybrid that's so close to human, he may pass a darkened alleyway and listen to the long-buried, animalistic mind urging Nanami to claim what belongs to him.
Guard Dog!Nanami, who knows that you'll never make a very good master and he'll never make a very good pet. But, that doesn't mean he can't hope that you'll both be better off after your roles are reversed.
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moondirti · 29 days
imagine being the poor soul assigned to work a serial murder investigation under detective john mactavish.
you're good at your job. analytical, committed, discrete. possessing an eye for detail that turns the most convoluted problems simple, and a mental stamina to sustain you through the more gruesome aspects of your work. but with the explosive nature of this case, in particular — the crimes perfectly suited to garner media attention, victims offed too fast and sporadically for authorities to keep up, stirring an uproar by people who feel as though you are not doing enough — your captain sees it best to place someone… better liked, at the forefront. an agent able to empathise, communicate, reassure, and flash a comforting smile for the public.
charm, you think, makes for a lot of things. the rogue scot proves to you that it does not help make a good sleuth.
his investigation strategies are inelegant. the only thing he manages to do effectively upon processing every emergency call is waste department resources. by the time you arrive on scene — because being supplanted as head has its unfortunate effect on when you get notified — technicians are overwhelmed collecting trace materials he's deemed vital (though they're clearly not); pathologists have been given information conflicting with the results of their examinations, skewing results; and there's absolutely no sign of the profiler working on branching the series of murders to one suspect.
it's like that, day in and day out. the patterns you were slowly starting to uncover come apart quick. mactavish overwrites your list of suspects, trashes 'trivial' witness statements, takes informants off payroll to reallocate discretionary funds towards surveillance tools no one is trained to handle, and is an overall nuisance when you take up your complains with him. you know this case like the back of your hand, have worked on it for months now. if he could just heed your advice and think about what he's doing before he does it, then your combined efforts could crack things open sooner rather than later.
charming. reckless. he also seems especially gifted at steamrolling your complaints—
take it up wi' the boss, lamb. there's a reason ah got pit in charge—ye need tae stop worryin' yer wee heid aboot these things. jist look at ma track record. speaks for itself, i think. say, how aboot ah treat ye tae dinner an' a private massage this week'nd, help ye unwind? ye're a bonnie thing under that issued jacket o' yours. gotta learn tae take it off, sometimes.
it's your antisocial nature that shuts you up. or that's what you like to believe, anyway — the closest thing you can attribute an overactive stomach to. in your own time, you test the integrity of his word and pull some strings to access his history. a near perfect case clearance rate, go figure, accompanied by glowing recommendations from every captain he's ever served. described as clever, crafty, tenacious.
words and numbers don't exactly do much to ease your conscious. you need evidence, a lead, a testimony, an arrest, to believe all the praise — especially with a growing list of families whose grief doesn't get easier.
still, you're quiet. more pliant, afterwards.
johnny takes a liking to your attitude shift.
if not a shaky starting trust, it just means that you don't complain when he bullies you into his car to kickstart a canvass. or as he reaches over to fasten your seatbelt for you, or when he pinches your cheek with some cheery encouragement on the tip of his tongue. you're obviously tired, still suspicious, but you let him do what he wants with little to say about it; driving from street to street, knocking on doors and asking random citizens if they've seen or heard anything suspicious.
and really, it's the final test when, by dusk, he gets nothing more than a you still haven't found my stolen car.
he waits to see if you have something witty to say about what a waste of time it all was. a comment to really grind at his gears, muttered under your breath like all the other foul doubts you think he hasn't heard.
(driving to the last house on his list, the sky deepening from pink to purple to black. everyone at the office should have retired by now, and will have expected you to have done so yourself. it's really a wonder he managed to get you out here. you must have put sense on the back burner to miss the purpose this excursion lacks. the fact that neighbourhood canvasses are only done after a fresh crime scene. never like this, mid-week, for no reason at all.)
only you stay silent.
he's glad you can learn to listen.
home is a comfort after such a long, tricky day.
johnny lets you knock on the door this time, standing two steps behind so he can properly absorb his handiwork. when simon answers, nursing a cigarette with a mean, cruel twist of his lips, he feels his heart strain a little between his ribs.
"good work, mutt." a large fist hooks under the collar of your jacket. before you know it, you're being slammed into the doorframe, knocked unconscious, and hauled into the foyer. "this one's pretty. might jus' keep 'er."
"aye, sir. easy tae break too, ah reckon."
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annievrse · 4 months
origami flowers
sebastian x reader —ᡣ𐭩 blurb
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you hear a familiar voice call your name as you trudge down the hallway of weston college, your shoes clicking against the concrete floor. you're not sure where you're going; being the faux nurse of the school while ciel and sebastian figure out why children are going missing gives you more free time than you're used to. but with no need to go to the infirmary, you've been exploring the campus.
pausing mid-step and spinning, your eyes widen when you see ciel running towards you.
"young master?" your voice goes up an octave in surprise. "what happened?" you ask, your voice sharp with concern.
the younger boy pants with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. "we have an... issue..."
you glance behind you to check nobody is coming and lean down—it's a good thing everybody is in class. "where's sebastian?"
ciel gives you a worried look and stands straight, his hand wiping the perspiration from his forehead. "that's precisely the problem... i don't know."
furrowing your brows, you sigh and stride past your master. ciel's calls of your name fall on deaf ears as you make a beeline for your infirmary. "i apologise, young master. follow me."
ciel shakes his head in disbelief at the random demand but follows you nonetheless, his steps quickening to catch up to you.
"shouldn't you be in class?" you tease, turning the corner.
ciel rolls his eyes and huffs in annoyance. "i was, but i broke the quill i was using, and i was sent to my dorm to retrieve another."
"i see," you smirk, trying to hold back your giggle. "and did this broken quill have anything to do with the fact that you haven't seen sebastian since last night?"
"perhaps..." he eyes you suspiciously. and then his face slackens and he glares at you. "you know where he is."
you wave your hand flippantly. "i have an idea."
fishing the key to your temporary office out of your blazer pocket, you slide it into the keyhole and twist.
and low and behold, ciel's butler sits hunched over your desk.
ciel lets out a strangled sound and steps into the clinic. "what the devil are you doing in here?"
"my lord," sebastian raises his head in surprise, something foreign to both you and your young master.
sighing, you approach him, watching his hands fold paper delicately.
ciel just shakes his head at the pile of origami flowers overflowing onto the floor next to sebastian. "playing with paper, are we?"
you notice what ciel does a moment later, your cheeks warming at the sheer amount of work he had done. "seb..."
sebastian stands, paper flowers falling from his lap onto the floor as his hand comes to rest on his chest. "i apologise, my lord, i did not realise the time."
he doesn't meet your gaze as you pick up a pink flower and twirl it between your fingers.
ciel narrows his eyes but says nothing at the sight.
"i was unaware i was occupied for this long, my lord. i will get to making the pastries for afternoon tea shortly."
ciel shakes his head, turning toward the door. "no need. they are no longer required. i will handle the situation myself."
sebastian nods despite knowing ciel cannot see. "indeed."
"just be in your office tonight so we can prepare for soma's arrival."
lowering his head, sebastian bows. "yes, my lord."
and when the door to your clinic closes, sebastian's hand returns to his side. "i saw one of the students making them," he gestures to the flowers. "do you like them?"
you smile and nod. "they're incredible, sebastian."
leaning over your desk, he gathers his creations, and before your eyes, they transform into a bouquet. your eyes widen at the sight, and you look up at him. sebastian's cheeks are dusted pink, though you deduce it to the lighting because he doesn't show such emotion.
"these are for you," sebastian mutters, handing you the bunch.
your breath gets caught in your throat before you whisper, "thank you."
a smirk pulls at the corner of sebastian's lips, and he nods once. "you're welcome, dearest."
you turn away from his piercing gaze, grasping the flowers in your arms. "next time you stay in my bed, don't become so distracted from your duties that ciel has to come to me to find you."
this time, sebastian's lips morph into a smug smile. "of course. it won't happen again."
and when you put the origami flowers into an empty vase, you know he's running through all the scenarios where he could do exactly that once more.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
found - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 216
"Hey, Moons?" Sirius asked, walking quickly into their shared dorm room.
Remus, who was laying on his bed, flipping through pages, turned quickly to look at Sirius. "Wh- hi, Pads! Erm, what's up?" He tried his best to keep calm and not allow his face to turn red or seem suspicious.
"Have you seen my Potions notebook?" Sirius asked, looking almost too anxious for having lost some simple classwork. "I asked Prongs and Wormy, but neither of them have found it."
Again trying to hold his poker face, Remus shrugged awkwardly, still laying on his bed. "Nah, mate. Haven't seen anything."
Looking considerably more relieved, Sirius nodded. "Alright, well- if you see them, give them straight to me, okay? I- er- have homework."
Giving a noise of affirmation, Remus turned back to the words in front of him, waiting for Sirius to leave the room quietly before he turned a page.
And again, he read over the Potions notes, scrawled in Sirius's perfect handwriting, haphazard snippets of ingredients and instructions. But in the margins, it was written over and over:
Sirius Lupin
And oh, Remus's stomach flip-flopped as he ran the pad of his finger over the black ink. "Sirius Lupin," he murmured to himself, grinning, almost giggling at the thought. It did sound rather amazing.
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yikesmary · 1 year
BOYFRIEND DUTIES — choi seungcheol x reader
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summary: after a night out with your friends, your boyfriend, seungcheol tries to take care of a drunk you. as he is helping you get ready for bed, you start mumbling about an interesting topic
notes: yes hello everyone I haven't updated in so long and I come back with this subpar writing 👍. I am still on hiatus technically, but I missed writing and thought that this would be the way I would ease my way into writing so to speak. hope you guys enjoyed!
join my taglist!
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"Cheol..." you trailed off, clinging onto him for dear life after he carried you out of the car and on the way into the house.
It was one of those rare nights where you, your boyfriend, and your friends were all free on the same night. Arranging a time when all 14 of you could hang out was hard, considering all of you had separate lives to live and jobs that had different schedules.
Which was why all of you decided to spend your day together by drinking, eating, and singing karaoke. You, being the lightweight you were, didn't take much before you were drunk and screaming with Soonyoung in the mic, singing to whatever song he decided to play even if you didn't know the song.
By the end of the night, you were plastered, stumbling all over the place and Cheol had to guide you in walking when you both left the karaoke place.
And that's how you found yourself in Cheol's arms, your cheek resting on his chest while he tried to unlock the door with the key while you were in his arms. Hearing Cheol's steady heartbeat, you found yourself slowly dosing off.
"Hey, baby, you can't sleep yet. We have to get you ready for bed," your boyfriend said, gently waking you up.
You whined at his interruption, burying your face into his chest, and shook your head no. You felt the rumble of his chest when he chuckled at your actions.
He managed to carry you all the way to your bedroom and placed you gently down on the bed. Cheol turned to go, but you sat up and grabbed his arm, and looked at him, your sleepiness was suddenly gone and you were now aware he was going somewhere.
"Stay?" was all you could muster from your drunken state.
"I'm just going to get a few things for you, I'm not going anytime soon," he told you.
You squinted at him, suspicious, before you let him go and watched as he walked out of the bedroom. He didn't take long and he walked back in with a glass of water and a pack of your makeup wipes. "I saw that you used up the last of your makeup wipes so I opened a new one for you," he said, placing down the glass of water onto the nightstand and walked towards you.
Grabbing the makeup wipe, he tried to remove the makeup the best he could without having to press too hard. You moved a bit, but he was able to get most of the makeup out.
Throwing the makeup wipe in the bin, he reached over to the nightstand to grab the water and handed you the glass to drink.
As you were drinking, Cheol once again exited the room and went into your shared walk-in closet. By the time you drank the entire glass of water, he came back out with pajama pants and one of his shirts you declared to be your sleeping shirt.
"Why didn't you get dressed yet?" you asked, grabbing the clothes and you gave him the empty glass.
"I wanted to make sure you went to bed before I did anything," Cheol replied.
You started tearing up, and you didn't know what triggered it, his thoughtfulness or the fact you were still kind of drunk, but it was probably the mix of both.
"Are you okay? Why are you crying? Do you feel sick?" Cheol started panicking once he saw your tears.
“It’s just… I don’t deserve you,” you said, tears starting to stream down your face.
“That’s not true! If anything, I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you,” he said, crouching down to kiss you on the crown of your head.
“But I’m the one who’s drunk and you have to take care of me while you could’ve easily spent more time with the guys,” you sniffled.
“You were having fun with our friends who we haven’t seen in a while. I wasn't going to leave you alone," Seungcheol softly told you.
"I love you so much," you told him.
"I love you too,"
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taglist: @belladaises @winterpaos @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @outrologist @stagefrjghts @dahliatopia @exo-saranghajaaa @uhlatcha @watermelon-sugars-things @miniminimingi @venzline @withloveyjh @lockburn-castle @userjunhuii @mypsychicpizzaworld @violetvoo @maevadobreva @soonyoungblr @baekhyunstruly @ryusol @dunixxd @minhwa @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @icyminghao @cookiehaos @duskunt1ldawn
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echotunes · 2 months
Pac's talk about Arkanis
(disclaimer: I'm not fluent in Portuguese so I may have missed or misunderstood something but this is what I gathered)
It's going to be a "survival and RP" series - there's also going to be enigmas and mysteries, but it's also going to have regular Minecraft gameplay like building houses and such
The "first season" of the series will begin very soon ("not like, next week, but soon")
Pac wanted a studio for the series so he, Batista, Tayr, Himaru, and Guhzera made one - Boiss Studios. They've been working on the project for a couple of months now
They have a team of programmers, artists, and actors(!) for the server
There'll be new mods that we haven't seen in Minecraft yet, they're being made specifically for the series
It's going to be a completely original story
There's going to be 20 participants total! So far people who have been revealed (via Twitter here and here) are Meiaum, Bagi, GabePeixe, Guaxinim, Maethe, Choke, Matt, Felps, Pac, and Coreano.
Pac emphasised that "for now" there's only going to be people who speak Portuguese in the series, which made a lot of people in chat wonder if there's gonna be Portugal-Portuguese speakers there, but he didn't say anything else. He also trailed off mysteriously about the "for now" part
Pac said he'd be streaming basically every day. the people are doubtful of this but who knows
There will be "probably weekly" events, maybe some related to specific dates as well
Regarding the story: There's a city called Valigma and it has a mayor named J. The mayor has a Twitter account and "he's very suspicious honestly". He wants to recruit "experts" for their talents, for a purpose that is currently unknown
"What talent does Pac cubito have? I don't know, we'll have to find out."
(paraphrased) "If you're upset that your streamer isn't participating: Who knows, maybe there'll be an event in the future and they'll appear, who knows."
There'll be one central story but every member can create their own story as well
There won't be subtitles like there was with the Qlobal Translator in QSMP because that mod was made for QSMP specifically. Maybe other people will have the Twitch subtitle extension like Pac does, but there won't be anything in-game
It's a mainly stream-focused SMP, and people can make stream highlights if they want. Pac said there'd probably be things posted on his own clips channel
There'll be an official Arkanis Twitch channel that'll "go live sometimes"
"Is Pac on Arkanis going to be the same Pac cubito as in other universes? I don't know! It's possible!"
It's been a very cool thing for Pac to be part of the team working on it, he's very excited and hopes people will enjoy it
It's called Arkanis from Latin "arcanus" meaning "mysterious"
There might be a fanart museum like in QSMP
and then he ended stream. I may have missed or misheard something so if anyone else wants to add on feel free but that's the general gist I got!
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m30wk1ttycat · 5 months
Contains: cuss words, cuddling (*omg*) Pairing: Newt x Reader Summary: You can't fall asleep, so he tries to help you, somehow.
Even after all those years, stuck in the Glade, trying to find a way out - you finally did it. But you weren't happy. How could you? Everything was going wrong in so many ways possible. Your family, friends from school - all gone. The Flare was spreading. Alby was gone, Chuck was too. There was no way anyone could be happy.
Thankfully, you still had that one boy you could trust with your entire life. The one and only, Newt.
That same boy who dragged your ass out of the Maze so many times, you'd be counting for days. The same boy who always made sure you were safe and sound after your morning runs with Minho and the other Runners. That same boy who tended to you after you were the one challenging to fight Gally during one of the bonfires.
Good old times.
Nothing's changed. Or, well, at least he hasn't changed. Not one bit. He's still the Newt who's always nice to everyone, but isn't afraid to be a bit more aggressive when he needed to prove a point.
Now that you think about it, Thomas and Minho haven't changed much either.
Thomas? The boy is still curious, too much for his own good. You weren't sure if he was either smart, or dumb as fuck. But he made a good friend regardless.
Minho was just as sarcastic, if not more than before.
Now you were stuck in some facility, "a haven protecting them from the Cranks" in Janson's words.
"This place has actual beds?" Newt grinned, making that signature face of his. "Y/N, we're so gonna share a bunk bed."
At this point, it didn't even sound like a request. More like a.. command, maybe? No, you were just overthinking this.
"This is Heaven," Minho joked, plopping down onto one of the beds.
This was far from Heaven. But it was still better than the Glade, probably.
Right in the middle of your thoughts, you were interrupted by Thomas. "Huh, new clothes."
"What, never seen 'em or something?" You say, walking into the room with a furrowed brow. This was suspicious. Janson was acting a bit too sweet.. There was no way this was going to end well. Just no.
"Y/N, chill out," Frypan says.
You weren't even doing anything wrong, why was Frypan suddenly telling you to chill out?
After everyone took a shower and all, you were supposed to go to sleep, but you just couldn't. You were tired - obviously. But you couldn't sleep. You were tired, but not tired enough to actually go to sleep.
Shifting under the blankets, Newt seemed to have picked up on the movement in the bottom bunk. He let out a small chuckle, that only made you realize he wasn't sleeping. Damn it.
"Can't sleep?" he whispered, leaning down from the top bunk. Even in the darkness, you could still make out his features. His messy, sandy blonde hair, his chocolate brown eyes, his smooth jaw, and of course, those barely visible eyebags.
He wasn't sure whether he should, or shouldn't frown. You were tired, he knew that. He realized, when you almost fell asleep on his shoulder when you were eating in the dining hall. Those weird looks from the guys would probably forever haunt his mind.
With a slight huff, he whispered a quiet "come here, then". You were confused for a moment, but you did as he said, climbing up the ladder. He laughed softly, trying to muffle out his laughs and giggles by covering his mouth with his hand. Unsuccessfully at that.
With a swift movement, he manages to pull you into a cuddle. You'd beat the life out of him, if only you weren't too tired to do so. He played with your hair, whispering some random stuff into your ear, but you could barely focus on anything else other than your hair getting twirled by his fingers. Those whispers mainly consisted of quiet comments, like "you're so adorable when you look like a lost pup" "you're so huggable" "try to get some rest, huh, love?" "cutie"
"Y/N," he whispered, "you still awake?" To which you didn't reply. He figured you were asleep, so he let out a sigh, kissing the top of your head, still fiddling with your hair.
i'm so sorry its so short, i jus have a ton of school workkk
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archangeldyke-all · 28 days
Thinking about Sevika’s very pregnant very hormonal wife crying and complaining to her about nothing and Sevika realizing het wife just needs to be fed.
And fucked
love love love love love love love
men and minors dni
never in your life have you been this hormonal.
not during your worst periods as an adult.
not during the horrific throes of puberty as a teen.
not even when you were a toddler and a tantrum was just as likely as a giggle fit.
you think you might have truly lost your mind.
you're currently sobbing on the toilet-- you have been for the past twenty minutes-- not because you're sick or anything, but because you can't stop crying for long enough to heave your round body off the toilet seat.
and why are you crying? because you got frustrated by how often you have to pause your video game to get up and pee because you're eight fucking months pregnant, and your bladder's the size of a thimble.
you know it's a ridiculous thing to cry about. you know it's just your hormones overwhelming you. none of this knowledge can stop the sobs from wracking your body, though.
there's a knock on the bathroom door. "baby? have you seen my fuzzy socks?" sevika asks.
you sniffle and try to make your voice sound steady. "ch-check the dryer!" you call.
there's a suspicious silence outside of the bathroom, and then the door flies open, your wife wearing a worried look. "are you crying in here all alone?" she asks the moment she sees your face.
you pout, and fall apart all over again.
"oh, baby." sevika's by your side in an instant, wrapping her arms around you and pulling your head toward her stomach. "what's wrong, love?" she asks. "why didn't you come get me?" she asks.
you sniffle and choke out a few words. "b-because it's stu-u-pid!" you whine. "i can't s-s-stop cryin' and i'm not even that upse-e-et." you complain to your wife. "and now i can't get off the toilet 'cause i'm too weak from crying!"
sevika's face clears with relief when she realizes nothing's really wrong with you, and she bends down to give you a kiss. "our little girl's really runnin' a number on you, huh?" she asks, reaching down to pat your swollen belly.
you nod against sevika's shirt, using it as a face-wipe for all your tears and boogers. "i pee all the time. i f-feel like i should just live on the fuckin' toilet."
"but i'd miss you if you were in here all the time." sevika pouts. you snort. "c'mon love." she grunts as she hikes her arm under your shoulder and knees, hauling you off the toilet.
you giggle a little in your wife's arms, clinging to her as she walks you to your bedroom. "what're you doing with me?" you ask.
"'m takin' care of you." she whispers as she pulls your pants off your legs. you huff, a few tears still escaping your eyes, and sevika kisses your bare thigh.
"i haven't showered in days." you warn as sevika pushes your legs further apart. she groans.
"good. i love you musty."
you giggle a little, then cry some more. "you're gross. 'n way too nice to me." you whimper. sevika chuckles.
"my poor baby. such a fuckin' mess since i knocked you up, huh?" she teases. you nod and pout, letting your emotions control you, knowing sevika wont judge you for it. "i gotcha babe. just lay there 'n let it all out for me." she whispers, before ducking down and sucking one long stripe up your cunt.
sevika groans and you whimper as she sucks your clit into her mouth. for a few minutes, she just suckles and kisses your clit, making you a shaky, whiny mess. most of your cries are being blocked out by your moans, but there are still tears running down your cheeks.
"so fuckin' pretty when you cry, baby." sevika whispers. you gulp.
"shut up."
"it's true. your eyes get all sparkly and your skin gets all shiny-- fuck, you're the most beautiful thing i've ever seen."
you huff another laugh at this-- you're covered in hormonal acne and in third day pajamas-- but sevika blinks up at you like she really means it.
"you-- would you just--" you pull sevika's mouth back to your cunt before she can make you any more flustered with her words. your emotions are swinging wildly from the sudden stubborn sad-attack you've encoutnered, and the wild, childlike excitement and bashfulness you always feel around your wife.
which means that every time she blinks up at you, her pretty silver eyes barely visible over the bump of your belly, your heart stutters and your cunt clenches and a few tears leak out of your eyes.
when she reaches up and intertwines her hands with yours, you cum. it catches you completely off guard-- but the simple, sweet, intimate gesture made you topple over into a mess of cum and tears.
they're not sad-tears anymore, though. they're tears of joy and love-- all for the woman who's crawling up from between your legs with a big smile on her lips-- your cum covering her cheeks and chin. "that was quick." she teases. (she loves how easy you are now that you're pregnant. it turns her on endlessly.)
you grunt and flip her off. "are you gonna keep teasing me or are you gonna come sit on my face?" you ask.
sevika smirks, then leans down to kiss you deeply.
you gasp against her lips, relaxing into the kiss, taking in the taste of you still on her tongue.
when sevika pulls away, your head is fuzzy and your stomach is fluttering with butterflies. you blink up at her as she grins down at you.
"you stay here and take a nap. i'm gonna draw you a bath and make you a sandwich-- then maybe i'll join you." she says with a sweet little wink.
you blink up at your wife, and then burst into a fresh round of tears. above you, sevika cackles.
"is this 'cause you can't eat me out or...?" she asks. you groan and flip her off again.
"it's 'cause you're fuckin' perfect you asshole. what the fuck?" you ask.
sevika just giggles, pulls the blankets over your body, and kisses your forehead as she hands you a few tissues.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @claude999 @nhaaauyen @micronreadzztuff22
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pomefioredove · 5 months
OH MY SEVEN! PLEASE I NEED A PART 2 OF MC GETTING BOUGHT BY NBC (or maybe they get bought by rsa? By like Chenya or Neige?)
part two of the NBC ending is here! very intrigued by the idea of an RSA ending, especially since our knowledge is limited. I also kin snow white so maybe I have a little soft spot for neige.
bonus: I had to stop writing this to save another animal that got inside. second time this week.
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | 'bad' ending
summary: yuu transfers to RSA type of post: short fic characters: neige, chenya additional info: yuu is gender neutral, pretty platonic
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This entire ordeal had been nothing if not shady.
From the purpose, to the "donations", to the absence of the prefect themselves...
...And now, the grand announcement- that of which Crowley had been hyping up for days- was cancelled.
"I don't get it," Epel murmurs, walking on a sideways footpath back to the hall of mirrors. "You really think he just took all the money and ran?"
Vil huffs, the disappointment heavy in his voice. "Well, it certainly seems that way. No one's seen him all day,"
Despite the sour mood over the trio of Pomefiore students, the day is bright and sunny. Birds sang, the sun shone, even the wind carried a suspiciously merry tune with it.
"We should not give up hope so soon. Anything could happen," Rook ponders. "Who knows? The day is not over yet."
"I'm starting to wish it was," Vil says. "It's far too jovial for such an underwhelming afternoon. And the whole purpose of this walk was to clear our minds... hmph."
Epel squints ahead, taking in the way beams of sunlight seem to shine through the foliage, casting rays of gold over the usually darker campus.
"Y'know, I betcha- I-I mean, I think you might be onto something. It is unusually cheery today, isn't it?"
Vil huffs. "Wonderful. Nature itself mocks me,"
"Non, it's not the climate which has changed... it's more of a presence. Monsieur Pommette is correct," Rook says. "Something has shifted here."
Vil rolls his eyes, not exactly in the mood to be playing word games with Rook again. He shoots a glare to Epel, warning the boy not to encourage him, and a silence falls over the three.
Though... he still cannot deny that something feels aloof. Something that isn't sitting right with him...
He sighs. "Perhaps we should check on the prefect. Just in case,"
And so the three stop in their tracks and awkwardly, though hurriedly, walk to Ramshackle.
Nothing is quite amiss about the building itself, though, still, there's something hazy and dreamlike about it. A warm, golden glow that turns the rough and brittle exterior into a quaint and charming home, full of light.
"I don't like this," Epel murmurs. Vil does not respond, but he understands. He's having similar thoughts.
Just as they're about to enter, someone tall and dark steps outside.
"Crowley!" all three snap, in varying tones of voice.
The man goes stiff and, for a moment, looks as if he's about to make a run for it- though he thankfully holds his ground. "Ah- good afternoon, dear pupils. Having a... studiful day?"
"That's not a word," Vil crosses his arms and glares. "Why are you here?"
"I was... well... just discussing some things... with... the prefect..."
He sounds utterly nervous.
Vil's eyes narrow. "What are you hiding?"
Before he can answer, the door behind him opens again, and you peer outside, giving Crowley a chance to escape. "Guys?"
"Trickster! We are relieved to see you in good health!"
"Hm? Why wouldn't I be?"
Epel shakes his head. "W-well, you just haven't been around much, and we saw Crowley- hey, where'd he go?"
Vil grumbles something indistinct, massaging his temples. "That man..." he sighs. "But back to business. Are you well? What's happened?"
You look away. "Well-"
Thankfully, before you have to explain it yourself, the door opens wider, leaving the Pomefiore trio face-to-face with the one person they least expected to see.
Neige beams. "Oh, my... hello, Vil! I didn't think I'd run into you here!"
The housewarden's eyes immediately narrow, and it takes him a moment to respond. "Yes, well, as you know, I go to school here. Would anyone care to explain this?"
A voice from behind the trio echoes. "Oh, I volunteer!"
Epel squeaks and jumps (much to his embarrassment) and the other two whirl around to an ever-smiling face they can't quite recall...
"See, we're on the moving squad," Che'nya giggles, slinking back to the front door of Ramshackle. "You wanna know why? I'm sure you're just dying with curiosity, aren't you?"
"I can put the pieces together myself, thank you," Vil murmurs. "But I do have a few questions."
Che'nya opens his mouth wide again-
"-Not for you," he turns to you. "How? And why, exactly?"
You shrug, looking to Neige for help.
Which he gladly provides, of course. "Well... it was more of a school decision. We heard what was happening, and held a vote," he says, speaking tentatively while under Vil's astute gaze. "We've heard lots about how much your prefect has helped here, and how unfortunate their circumstances are, and... well..."
"A person like that just doesn't go to NRC," Che'nya snickers.
Vil glares for a moment longer, and then sighs. "Well... this is certainly a turn of bad luck for the lot of us,"
"But I can visit!" you insist.
Neige and Che'nya both nod in agreement, though the latter's placid smile makes his approval seem less genuine.
"Well," Vil says, turning to the boys beside him. "Don't you two have anything to say?"
Epel clears his throat, trying his best to sound light and formal. "I think it's... it's... I'll miss you," he sulks.
"A magnifique opportunity! Think how much you will learn, how many new people you will meet- oh, you must allow me to visit often! I could not bear to let you make all these beautiful discoveries on your own!" Rook says, dabbing the corner of his eyes with a handkerchief.
"Why am I not surprised?" Vil sighs. "Well... I suppose I have a duty to inform the others. And, perhaps..."
He pauses, his watchful gaze fixed on you.
"...We might hold a vote of our own."
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undreaming-fanfiction · 2 months
Written for @steddieangstyaugust, inspired by Dead Boy Detectives if you couldn't tell.
Steve should have seen it coming, really. Despite dating, driving the gang around, and being silly with Robin, he'd known for a long time he wouldn't live long enough to amount to anything. Everyone had plans, had a future. But Steve? He'd be lucky if he could give his imminent death a meaning.
Turns out, he couldn't. Or at least, not in the way he wanted.
It didn't matter if it was the guilt he'd been feeling ever since Eddie died and Max ended up brain dead, poor judgment, or simply wanting for the wait to already be over. Whatever the reason, he pulled "an Eddie" in August 1986. He didn't even ask, he just ran out as a distraction while the rest of his friends were trying to evacuate Max from the overran hospital. He got a few swings in, they got a few chomps. Then more than a few. In the end, he way lying on the ground, bleeding out, but his efforts didn't seem to matter. As soon as he took his last breath, the monsters just turned around and went back to Max's room. Steve didn't even have enough time to pray he'd bought them enough time.
"Oh shit. Stupid. So stupid."
Steve froze, or at least got startled. Which was something, you know, for a dead guy. If this was the voice of an angel welcoming him to the afterlife, it sure sounded like-
"Did I look this dumb when I died? I hope not. Why the fuck would you do that, Harrington, huh? Thought they no longer needed you? Can you imagine what it's going to do to Dustin when he finds out?"
Steve opened his eyes and sat up. Nothing hurt. Weird.
What was even weirder? He came face to face with Edward Munson, recently deceased.
Eddie shrieked and fell back on his ass. He'd probably been crouching over Steve, but now he was splayed on the hospital floor, gaping at Steve as if he'd seen a-
Oh. Okay.
Steve turned around and grimaced. He was sitting in his own mangled corpse, which he wasn't too thrilled about. He sprung to his feet and, after giving his bloodied face one last look - they didn't get the hair, phew! - turned to Munson. "Fancy meeting you here. Are you, like, my afterlife welcoming comittee?"
Eddie made a vain effort to close his mouth. "Uh, no. Not really. I mean, there probably is someone coming to get you, but if you don't mind, I won't stick around for that. I don't think Death likes me very much, after I bolted on her."
Steve blinked in confusion. "Death…is a woman?"
"Oh yep. Very nice. Didn't even chase me when I freaked out and ran. Um. But you might want to wait for her. I will stick around for a bit longer." Even in death, Eddie hadn't changed. He pulled a strand of his hair in front of his face, and Steve wondered if he could chew on it, now that he was a ghost.
"But why? What is there to do?" Steve paused, thinking. "Wait. Is there something we can actually do? To help?"
That made Eddie laugh, although it was weak and incredulous. "Uh. Harrington. You've just died in like, a pretty painful and sadly heroic way, and your first thought is that you haven't done enough?"
"Doesn't feel like I have. Look," he said, offering Eddie a hand to pull him up, "if Death is coming, I'd rather not be here. Can we go and check on the others?" He wiggled his fingers at Eddie when he didn't respond.
The wiggle must have jolted Eddie's brain awake because he took Steve's hand. It was weird - he could feel the pressure where Eddie's hand met his, but there was no warmth, no texture. Possibly no pain, he thought. Useful.
"Right," Eddie cleared his throat. "Let's go. Just a bit of a warning - I think Will can see us. At least he looked very suspicious when I tried to sneak into your house when you all were staying there, and when I told him to just pretend he didn't notice anything, he nodded. So, uh. I guess he's special or something?"
They would learn quite a few things in their new existence. First of all, Will wasn't special. He just fit the criteria of "nearly died in the Upside Down or the newly merged realities", not just by being in danger, but being so close to death he almost didn't make it. Turns out, Hopper could see them too after his near death experience under the mall, and Hopper couldn't just be shushed.
Half-corporeal hugs were exchanged. Tears were shed, especially by Dustin and Robin. But they were all still together, for now. The danger was near and their grief had to wait.
By not quite so safe experimentation, Steve and Eddie found out that only two things could hurt them - other ghosts and iron. Luckily enough, none of the Upside Down creatures qualified as either. And so the party gained an invisible and indestructible vanguard - Eddie and Steve, both wielding their weapons of choice (Steve was overjoyed that he could just pick up his nail bat, and maybe that was a bit of a giveaway, seeing the bat floating towards the party with no body to hold it). They scouted ahead and reported back, either to Will and Hopper, or just by angrily scribbling in a notebook provided by Nancy. They couldn't sleep, so they would watch over the party in the night, allowing them the so much needed rest.
The months dragged on. Eleven kept her promise and saved Max, and when the pale redhead saw Eddie and Steve even with her damaged eyesight, no one was surprised. And as Upside Down crept further into their world, there were more injuries, more near death experiences, more tearful reunions. After being bitten by a demodog and almost bleeding out, Robin flung herself at Steve the second she could move and babbled about him being the absolute biggest idiot there ever was. He didn't dispute it, but hugged her tighter.
They were making progress. Still not enough to fix things, but they were getting there. And Steve's brain started another countdown to his and Eddie's potential second demise.
"Do you think we'll still be around, when the portal is closed?" he asked Eddie during one of their night vigils. "What if it's just the Upside Down that's keeping us here?"
Eddie, scribbling in a notebook, shrugged. "I don't know, and for the first time in my life - well, death - I don't have enough information to panic about that." He chewed on the pencil, meeting Steve's eyes with caution. "Might be nice though," he said slowly, "to stay. Do some more good, make sure everyone's safe. If you're in."
Steve laughed. "Wait. Are you, Eddie Munson, the mortal enemy of jocks, asking me to join you? Even when we're not neck deep in shit?"
"Mortal enemy…I mean, I lost the mortal part, and it felt so mundane to just keep the enemy. So yes, one position if Eddie Munson's afterlife has just opened up. Will Steven Harrington join me in it?"
Steve thought about it, and maybe he should have thought longer. Maybe he should have considered that eternity is a pretty long time, but his infrequent visits to the church taught him that heaven would mean being with his loved ones. He'd still be around if the party needed him. He'd see Robin off to college. And then, when everyone left…it would be just him and Eddie.
Him and Eddie. What a thought.
He winked at Eddie who, for a ghost, looked like he was sweating bullets. "Take me to the movies first, Munson, and I'm all yours." And then, even if he know neither of them would feel it, he covered Eddie's hand with his. He might have been imagining the gentle spark of warmth, but he decided it was real. He knew it was real.
Eddie smiled at him and interlaced his fingers with Steve's. "I can work with that, big boy."
And for the first time in so many years, the countdown in Steve's head stopped.
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