#and he (very respectfully) rejected me :')
miguelo-hara · 2 years
some things that happend to me this week in the tags because it's somehow a lot:
#.txt#probably the most hype thing is that#I GOT TICKETS FOR SW CELEBRATION!!!!!#although when i got in the 4 day pass was sold out so i bought all 4 days seperate which was like twice as expensive 🥲#but it'll be worth it!!#and i can afford a little more now because i got hired for a job at the cinema!!#my first day is tomorrow im kinda nervous but also excited :^)#at least now i have something to do during summervacation haha#another thing was that i finally built up the courage to ask out my crush of like 3 years#and he (very respectfully) rejected me :')#and honestly. im not as sad or hurt as i thought i was going to be#and its kindof a relief to know and that i can start moving on from it#its kindof a shame bc he really is my type and i liked him a lot#but im proud of myself for finally asking 😤#next thing that happend is.PEDRO.COWBOY MOVIE???? HELLO????#you have NO idea how excited i am for that omgg 😩#im apologising in advance for how ill be#oh also i watched the stranger things finale with some friends!! it was basically my first watch party :')#and it was a lot of fun!! (except for a certain death...)#no but fr i cant believe i only really got into eddie after the finale because of all the gifsets and tiktoks 🤡 ive been indoctrinated#and im gonna watch.thor on sunday with the same friends!! which i am SO excited for!!!!#i just hope i dont get spoiled during my shift or online 😪#also i moved. in the same building to a different appartement down the hall lol#unfortunately it was very hot that day and i was drenched in sweat blech#i also went to a thrift store for the first time afterwards and an old couple just snagged a perfect little table right in front of me 😤😤#but omg i knew thrift stores were cheap but i didn't know they were THAT cheap#i did buy a desk chair and some tableware#so yeah somehow a lot happend in just a week lol#i still feel like im forgetting something but i hope you enjoyed this little dear diary entry lmao x <3#i know some people knew about the thing with me and my crush so i at least wanted to give an update on that haha
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galedekarios · 6 months
one thing that really tugs at my heartstrings while going through the epilogue files a bit more is how desperately gale wants to stay in touch with the protag (unromanced) and the friends he's made on their journey together.
not only has he talked to his students about the protag and their adventures at length, he invites the protag to be a guest lecturer:
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Player: I found the love of my life. I'd say I'm pretty happy. Gale: And I couldn't be happier for you. A fitting reward for the sacrifices you made in getting here. Gale: I've told my students plenty of tales about our escapades. You're something of a hero to them, you know. Gale: I'd be delighted to introduce you to my current cohort - as a guest lecturer, perhaps? I'm sure they'd have plenty of questions for you.
he is also happy to invite the protag to his tower for the duration of their stay:
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Player: It would be my pleasure. Gale: Excellent. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the allure of sharing your expertise. Gale: Of course you'll be most welcome to stay with me in my tower. Tara the Tressym: Ahem. Gale: My apologies, Tara. That would be our tower.
and even if they should refuse his invitation to be a guest lecturer, he hopes they'll at least consider coming to visit him in his tower in waterdeep:
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Player: I'll respectfully decline. Sounds too much like hard work to me. Gale: I totally understand. Perhaps our exploits might be a little on the mature side for my students, come to think of it... Gale: Still, at the very least you must come visit me. I've a pantry full of Waterdhavian delicacies and a delightful bottle of Elverquisst with your name on them... devnote: Attempting to persuade the player to visit him, really wants them to come [if the player is illithid] Player: My diet is more... cerebral these days, Gale. You'll need to rethink your menu. Gale: Say no more. There's a wizard in Blackstaff's anatomical department who owes me a favour, no questions asked. All diets will be catered for. I can hardly wait. [if the player rejected to become an illithid] Player: Good food and good company? Now that I can manage. Gale: Excellent, excellent, excellent. I can hardly wait. devnote: Relieved you've accepted his offer
[end of convo for both] Gale: It will give us plenty of time to catch up on your adventures. Gale: I'm very curious to know what you've been up to these past months, but I suspect the telling of that tale would keep you tied to me all evening. Gale: So, in the spirit of selflessness I encourage you to mix and mingle for now. We've time enough to come. devnote: Looking forward to staying in touch with the player
he's crushed if the protag refuses:
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Player: Sorry, Gale. I don't think that's going to happen. Gale: Oh. Well, no matter. Dinner alone can be every bit as enjoyable as with company. devnote: Deflated, trying not to show it Tara the Tressym: Alone? And what am I - a stuffed toy? Gale: Please - enjoy the rest of your evening. devnote: Deflated, trying not to show it
this all ties into another little moment after this first conversation.
if the protag has talked with gale already and has hugged him, there's a second, shorter conversation, in which gale gets choked up as he reminisces over how the party is together once more:
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Gale: I can't believe this is real. I never thought we'd gather like this again. devnote: Taking in the moment, appreciating it Gale: It's quite... ahem, yes really quite lovely. devnote: Getting a bit choked up, trying to hide it/breeze past it
tl;dr: gale loves his friends so very, very much and hopes they'll allow him to be able to stay in contact with them.
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dearobinchwan · 2 months
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ?
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featuring : gn!reader + Zoro, Mihawk and Ace
warning : none
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Roronoa Zoro
His heart suddenly beats more rapidly whenever he sees you smiling, laughing, or even doing the most random thing. On top of that, Sanji's overly complimentary remarks towards you make him want to reach for his swords. No, this can't be. He's stared death down a thousand times, cut through countless enemies. Yet, this new feeling blooming for you – it's terrifying.
Zoro coming to terms with his feelings for you? Buckle up, because it's going to be a hilarious journey. Denial will be his middle name for a while, trust me. This dense swordsman will be in for a wild ride before he finally connects the dots.
Thanks to Nami's interrogation skills (and a little sake), the whole crew knows Zoro has a thing for you. Now, expect endless teasing from Luffy and Usopp, who'll probably try to spill the beans before a certain mosshead gives them his best glare.
Zoro finally figuring out his feelings for you? Great! Now comes the real test: talking to you about them. Because let's be honest, under that tough-guy act, he is probably a nervous wreck, sweating bullets at the thought of rejection.
Zoro's not exactly the Romeo type. So expect a confession that's straightforward, maybe a bit awkward – but heartfelt nonetheless. If you feel the same, a weight will lift from his shoulders. But if not, he'll respect your decision and try to keep things smooth between you.
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Dracule Mihawk
Don't be fooled by Mihawk's stoic facade – because he is quite aware of his feelings for you. Years have honed his instincts, and unlike his pupil, he has no time (and he is too old) for childish denial. His emotions are clear, even if unspoken.
That man has a very calculating mind. He'll dissect every interaction, every glance, searching for a sign that you love him as mush as he loves you. Despite his solitary nature, his mind might already be constructing a future by your side – a future dependent on your response.
Mihawk is probably one of the few men in One Piece who are very romantic (Oda told me so). His brand of romance is subtle yet charming. Imagine leisurely strolls through his gardens or watching the sunset with a glass of wine by his side. A subtle offer of his arm, a hint of a blush from you – that might be all the encouragement he needs to take things a step further.
Once confident your feelings mirror his own, Mihawk will approach things in an (VERY) old-fashioned way. Be prepared for a carefully crafted dinner invitation, where he can formally request the honor of courting you. His pride lies in being a gentleman, and rushing into things is simply not his style. He prefers to court you slowly and respectfully, allowing your relationship to develop naturally.
After a series of thoughtful dates, Mihawk will finally take the next step and ask you to be his partner (Perona and Zoro might have placed a bet on the timeline, of course). Like everything he does, Mihawk will approach this new chapter with utmost seriousness. Your well-being will always be his top priority.
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Portgas D. Ace
Ace isn't the denial type. The ache when you're gone, the quiet competition with Marco and Izo for your laughter – these are the clues that tip him off. Ace falling for you? It's written all over his flustered face. He stutters and turns red like a tomato when speaking to you unexpectedly.
The entire crew is a nuisance and teases him constantly about his love for you. They have grilled him mercilessly – “When will you confess?” they ask, convinced you feel the same.
Denial ? Once again, not Ace's style. But baring his heart, admitting his love for you ? That's a terrifying vulnerability he fears more than anything. On top of that, I believe he is also afraid of losing your friendship by making things awkward if you don't feel the same about him.
Thankfully, Marco, ever the voice of reason, is there to guide this lovestruck dummy. And honestly, this old man is tired of watching you two pining from afar. A stern talk from Marco might be just what Ace needs to understand that silence could lead to a missed opportunity for a great relationship.
Ace's confession? A masterpiece in the making, at least in his head. Daily mirror pep talks and a meticulously planned romantic gesture – that's how he plans to declare his love. Just imagine the blushing, the stammering, the potential for minor explosions (caused by Ace's nervousness, of course).
Dinner over, Ace reaches for something hidden in his pocket. His nervousness is palpable, a sheen of sweat forming on his brow. But then, with a determined glint in his eye, he throws caution (and the letter) to the wind, ready to confess his true feelings directly from the heart.
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bosbas · 2 months
Chapter 8: this is falling in love in the cruelest way
series masterlist previous part || next part
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 3.4k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, heavily going off of book canon, me stirring the pot (im sorry)(no im not), PINING!!!!!!!, anthony being very much in love with his wife
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
A/N: guys i'm sorry but this picture is INSANE. the THIGHS??? HELLO? i am looking respectfully.......👁️👁️
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June 5, 1816 – And yesterday, much to this author’s surprise, Lord Barlow reportedly proposed to Lady Montclair! This proposal comes unexpectedly after the Duke’s promiscuity with Miss Barrington at the Bridgerton ball a few weeks ago. Given the fact that Miss Barrington has been compromised, it is incredibly shocking that Lord Arthur Barlow would do something like this in polite society. Luckily, Lady Montclair remains a single woman and swiftly rejected her former beau’s proposal. But this only begs the question: why did the Duke propose? Is Lady Montclair simply too alluring to pass up, or is something else amiss between Lord Barlow and Miss Barrington? 
“Oh, thank God,” muttered Colin under his breath, his eyes quickly scanning Lady Whistledown’s column as he sat on a bench in the garden. 
“What’s that you’re reading, brother?” asked Anthony, ears perking up at Colin’s scandalous language, even if it was just between brothers. 
Colin felt a slight blush forming on his cheeks. He hadn’t realized he was speaking out loud, having been too caught up in the news that you had finally received a proposal from Lord Barlow. It was a lovely day out, and Anthony, Benedict, and Colin were in the gardens of Number 5 Bruton Street after a round of fencing. 
Of course, once Francesca had come outside holding a copy of Whistledown to read in the gazebo, Colin had stolen it out of her hands and abandoned his brothers in favor of catching up on the ton’s happenings. Though no one should have been surprised by his interest, really, given that you were the main topic of most of the gossip sheets nowadays. 
“Nothing,” Colin answered quickly, trying to recover from his blunder. “It’s bizarre how invested one becomes in Whistledown while living here. Is this what every summer is like when one isn’t traveling for half the time?”
“In essence, yes,” answered Benedict, still jabbing at the air with his épée as Anthony stared at him amusedly. “What does she have to say today?”
“Lord Barlow proposed to Lady Montclair yesterday,” said Colin, a slight edge to his voice. “And he looked a sight while doing it, too, apparently.”
Benedict dropped his foil, turning around to fully face Colin with a shocked look on his face. “And what did she say?” he pressed, intrigued about the outcome of this curious development. It was practically unimaginable that the Duke had proposed to you after defiling another lady in the ton, and Benedict hadn't considered him capable. 
Anthony clapped him on the back, smirking at Colin as he did so. “Well, did you not hear the man say, ‘thank God’? Obviously, she said no.”
Colin crossed his arms, immediately defensive. “It wasn’t that obvious! She could have said yes, and my ‘thank God’ could have been because she would’ve finally left me alone. Duchesses have a lot to do; I doubt she’d find the time to be irritating while attending to her duties in the country.”
Benedict and Anthony gave their brother unimpressed looks, watching amusedly as he squirmed under their gaze. 
“I assure you, brother, that there was absolutely no possibility of that being the case,” said Benedict jovially, earning a snort from Anthony. 
But before Benedict could laugh, too, Colin lunged at him, épée in hand as he glared playfully at his brother. Finding himself unarmed, Benedict yelped and ran toward the house, citing a very important painting to attend to before sprinting back inside. 
Turning to Colin, Anthony smiled curiously. “So, it’s true, then? What Daphne said?”
“What did Daphne say?” asked Colin innocently, dreading the conversation that would follow.
“Don’t be daft. That you love Y/N.”
Colin rolled his eyes, letting out an impatient sigh. “I don’t love her; that’s ridiculous, Anthony! A mere two weeks ago, we absolutely despised each other. I hardly think I could love her now.”
But even as he said those words, Colin questioned whether he actually meant them. Could he love you? He hadn’t ever felt this way about anyone, but then again, no one had ever vexed him quite like you. Though lately, he had been finding the line between irritation and fascination to be quite blurred. So blurry, in fact, that he was having trouble seeing a line at all. 
Having clearly overheard part of the conversation, Gregory ran up to his brothers, laughing hysterically as Hyacinth chased him. He stopped and let his sister catch up, smiling evilly at the older Bridgertons “Colin loves who, now?” 
Hyacinth arrived a few moments later, panting heavily. “Y/N, of course,” she stated while trying to catch her breath, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
“What? What do you mean? Why do say that?” pressed Colin. Why did everyone in his family seem to think that he loved you? Surely they saw the two of you bickering incessantly, right? Your feud was so famous it had even made it to Lady Whistledown’s column. Colin couldn’t understand how anyone could think he had so much affection for you. 
Hyacinth raised an eyebrow at her older brother, unamused. “Colin, I am not an idiot. Though perhaps you might be,” she added brightly. And before Colin could respond, she quickly turned to her eldest brother. “Now, Anthony, could you please tell Gregory to give me back my quill?” she begged.
Gregory, scoffed, glaring at his sister. “I’d only borrowed it for a moment! And I only did so because Hyacinth hid mine! Anthony, she’s being unreasonable,” he whined.
Anthony affectionately patted them both on the head and flashed a faux sympathetic smile. “I rather think both of you are being quite the nuisance right now.” 
At times, Anthony found himself slipping into the role of a father figure to his youngest siblings. It was an unspoken duty he assumed after their father's passing. Yet, it was important to occasionally remind them that he was still their brother.
Hyacinth responded with a frustrated groan, her teeth grinding audibly, thoroughly vexed with her brother. However, the sight of Gregory's smug smile reignited her fury, and she immediately charged at him. Despite being older than Hyacinth, Gregory wasn't foolish enough to underestimate her, and he took off in a panic, screaming as he tried to outpace his deceptively quick sister.
Colin shook his head in amusement as he watched the antics of his youngest siblings. “Were Daphne and I truly like that?”
“Worse,” said Anthony flatly, but he couldn’t mask the warmth and fondness interlaced in his words.
At that, Anthony began to turn back toward the house. “Well, I must be-”
“Wait!” interrupted Colin. He wasn’t entirely sure why he had stopped his brother, other than the fact that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the possibility that he could love you. You, the person he supposedly hated. The person who certainly hated him. 
But, as always, Anthony was the right person to talk to about this. He would know what to say. Though it was well known that Anthony was completely smitten with his wife, Colin remembered a time when the pair seemed to dislike each other fairly intensely.
After a few moments of charged silence, Colin met Anthony’s expectant gaze. Swallowing his pride, he spoke up. “Purely hypothetically, and simply out of curiosity, when did you fall in love with Kate?”
Anthony smiled, amused. “Hmm,” he hummed thoughtfully, putting a hand to his chin. “As long as it's purely out of curiosity,” he teased. “It wasn’t like I simply fell in love with her one day, Colin.”
“Yes, but if you had to pinpoint a moment?” pressed Colin, slightly exasperated. If anything, he needed to know if he had experienced that moment himself.
Anthony’s gaze softened, and he suddenly saw a lot of himself in Colin’s uncertainty and pause when it came to a woman who profusely vexed him. “I found Kate in the library the night after we played Pall Mall for the first time,” he recalled fondly. “We were at Aubrey Hall for the country party and it was raining outside quite loudly, a terrible storm. She was huddled underneath a desk because she was scared of the storm. I very quickly realized I couldn’t hate her anymore. Not properly, anyway. Not when I just wanted to sit on the floor with her and protect her from the storm, and anything else that might come her way.”
His voice had softened as he spoke about his wife, recalling the moment he truly knew there was no way out. Anthony had tried to deny it to himself after, but his protests simply held no conviction after that night. 
“You never told me that,” said Colin thoughtfully, not missing the glint of emotion in his brother’s eyes as he talked about his now-wife. 
“Yes, well, the real challenge was getting her to love me back,” he said, coming out of his musings. “And that didn’t happen for quite some time after that. It was rather premature of me to declare my love for this woman while I supposedly hated her and was still technically courting her sister.”
It was truly a wonder that he and Kate were married now. But when it was meant to be, it was meant to be, Anthony supposed. Something that was proving to be particularly true of you and his brother. If Colin, who had a deep-seated need to be liked by anyone and everyone, could fall in love with you, the only person who didn’t actually like him, then surely it was meant to be.
Colin, still deep in thought, chewed his lip nervously. “And how did you get her to fall in love with you?”
“We were caught in a… compromising position. She had been stung by a bee and I… Well, I’m sure you recall,” said Anthony, suddenly feeling uncharacteristically shy as he remembered the circumstances that allowed him to marry his wife. “It’s far easier to get a woman to love you when she’s already your wife,” he finished sympathetically. 
Colin choked back a laugh. “Unfortunately, I can’t very well put Lady Montclair in a compromising position, can I?” he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“But Colin, I thought this was all hypothetical,” teased Anthony, playfully punching his brother on the shoulder. 
Colin cursed under his breath, rolling his eyes in annoyance as Anthony continued laughing at him. “Never mind. I’m off to find Eloise,” he muttered, patting the eldest Bridgerton on the back and leaving him free to go dote on his wife. 
After speaking with Anthony, Colin had a renewed sense of purpose. He had to find out why you hated him. He was so utterly exhausted of hating you and of having this tiresome charade of fighting with each other at every available moment. At this point, he didn’t particularly care who in the ton liked him or not. Colin knew he would happily take the entire ton’s wrath for the rest of his life if it meant you loved him.
But he needed to know just how unrealistic his hopes were. Eloise would be the best–and perhaps only­–person who would know. 
Colin found his sister practicing needlepoint in the sitting room, focused intensely on the material in front of her. It was unclear whether she was trying to sew the fabric or her finger, given how often she was pricking herself as she attempted to thread the needle. 
“El!” he called by the doorway, pausing when he saw his sister grimace after pricking herself once again. “I can return later if you’re busy.”
“No! No, please interrupt. Thank heavens,” gasped Eloise, grateful to be able to do something other than draw her blood. 
Colin laughed, amused, and suddenly felt a tad sheepish. Was he truly about to ask about you? To ask about you to Eloise, who would no doubt hold this over his head for the rest of eternity? But he had to know. He had to ask, at the very least. 
“I was just…I was wondering if you knew why Lady Montclair hates me,” he asked, clearing his throat awkwardly. 
Eloise let out a snort. “Well, I can’t imagine she’d be hard-pressed to find a reason why, given how you treat her.”
Seeing her brother’s crestfallen face, Eloise immediately sobered. Standing up and walking toward him, she placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “I thought you disliked her as well,” she said in a questioning tone.
“Of course I do,” clarified Colin quickly. “But she hated me first and I still don’t know why. I thought she might have said something to you, given how close the two of you are. Do you know at all?”
Eloise clicked her tongue in sympathy, looking at Colin with concern. Perhaps his feelings did run deeper than anyone thought, and the recent dancing and promenading were more than just Colin being his usual charming self around you. “I’m sure I have no idea, Col. But you could always just talk to her.”
Colin shook his head, smiling sadly at his sister. “That’s the problem, isn’t it? She doesn’t usually seem very eager to speak with me.”
Sure, the two of you had been getting along recently. But that had only been twice. And was that really enough to undo the weeks of hatred?
It was a particularly delightful Wednesday afternoon, and you found yourself feeding the ducks at Hyde Park as you watched Isabelle and Charlotte skip rocks across the pond. Though you loved Louis to bits, it was a lovely feeling to have both of your sisters home with you. There was simply something about being out in society that he could never quite understand like them, though not for lack of trying. 
After lunch, you, Charlotte, and Isabelle had managed to sneak out of the house just as the post-meal discussion grew rowdy. It was not unheard of to have such lively discussions in the Montclair household, and you frequently even enjoyed them. But there were some days, like today, that you frankly just wanted to have a quiet afternoon with a baguette and about a dozen ducks. Luckily, your sisters had decided to join you, and the three of you had set off toward the park in search of a flock of birds to feed.
It seemed that the ducks had taken much more of a liking to you than to your sisters, and they had grown disinterested in the endeavor. Charlotte and Isabelle had opted to give you their remaining bread and take a stroll around the mostly empty park, and you couldn’t say that you were complaining. Coming from such a large family, it was a rare luxury to have an afternoon largely to yourself. 
A while later, after most of the ducks found themselves happily full, you spotted a stumbling figure making its way toward you. As you turned to your sisters with a questioning look, you were disappointed to find them in deep conversation facing away from you, neither one of them noticing you. 
As the figure neared, you realized who it was: Nigel Berbrooke. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your stomach drop, unpleasant memories of him and his disgusting words flooding your brain. You had no desire to speak to this man, and you looked around for anyone you could speak with instead. But you had not brought a lady’s maid, and everyone else was too far to intervene.
“Lady Montclair,” said Nigel, with what looked to be an attempt at a seductive smile on his face. 
You stood up from your crouching position rigidly and turned to face him. You were unable to form any words, discomfort far outweighing any other emotion you were feeling. This had to be his first time back this season after his absence, you thought. You hadn’t seen him at any events since the Danbury ball, and you rather thought you would have noticed him, looking as vile as he did now.
His nose was a tad more crooked than on the night you had met him, and the bags under his eyes were ghastly. But perhaps it was just your perception of him, knowing what you did about who he was.
“Mr. Berbrooke,” you settled for saying, nose crinkling as you caught a whiff of the pungent smell of alcohol emanating off of him.
“A promenade?” he asked roughly, reaching for your hand without permission. “It’s a lovely afternoon, it would be a shame to waste it.”
“Oh, Mr. Berbrooke, we were just about to head home,” you pointed your head toward your sisters, panicked. 
Isabelle and Charlotte were far too immersed in their conversation to look like they were ready to head home, but you prayed that Nigel’s inebriated state would distract him from this.
He growled at you, clearly displeased at your rejection. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you, Montclair. Your dowry, as well as your other…assets, are far too good to pass up,” he slurred, very obviously staring at your chest. “It’s a shame Colin’s gotten to you first.”
You were scandalized, opening your mouth to chastise him, or to scream for help, or anything that could get you out of this situation, really, but he cut you off before you could say anything. 
"I've heard Lord Barlow abandoned you, and truth be told, it's hardly shocking," he taunted, his voice laced with disdain as he regarded you with a sneer. "You insist on playing the coy maiden, denying every man what he craves. It's the only reason they’re after you now, you see? They want what you didn't give Arthur. And it appears Colin has taken the lead in the chase, the lucky bastard."
His words brought you crashing back down to reality. Of course, he was colluding with Colin. You had conveniently overlooked that fact as you found yourself becoming bashful in his presence, feeling secure, even desiring his company after these recent days. A surge of bile rose in your throat.
You felt tears prickling in your eyes, and you were impossibly angry with yourself for forgetting the very reason you despised Colin Bridgerton. How could you have let yourself forget? He was still the same man you overheard at the Danbury ball, and you were too embarrassed to admit that his charm had worked on you. 
You were disgusted with Nigel and Colin, but also with yourself. You were more than this, you chided. How could you have let this happen? The two men were clearly no good, and you had unwittingly allowed yourself to be ensnared, much like you had with Lord Barlow.
“Excuse me,” you said roughly, dodging Mr. Berbrooke’s outstretched hand as you ran toward where Isabelle and Charlotte were standing, propriety be damned. 
“On va chez nous. Tout de suite,” you said to them urgently, practically begging as you tugged on Isabelle’s hand (We’re going home. Right now). 
Charlotte looked at you, confused, and then noticed you glancing nervously at Nigel as he approached, angrily staggering over to you as his face contorted into an ugly scowl. 
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry Mr. Berbrooke,” Isabelle said firmly, “but it seems we have to go.” 
Not waiting for a response, your sisters hooked their arms in yours and hurriedly walked back from where you came. They’d be damned if he let anything else happen to you after what happened with Lord Barlow, and they were not about to waste any time.
Nigel only grunted, displeased, but let the three of you go without protest. Both of your sisters’ husbands were very powerful men, and Nigel was not so deluded as to forget his place in society.
“Y/N?” Charlotte questioned softly once you were sufficiently far away enough. 
But you were too embarrassed, tears streaming down your face as you choked back sobs. How could you have let yourself fall for Colin’s charm? You knew exactly who he was, and you had ignored it anyway. It didn’t matter that he made you feel safe and that the two of you had more in common than you cared to admit. He would never respect you, and you could never love him. 
Nigel had come at just the right time, you thought sullenly. Right as you were thinking you could finally overlook your rivalry with Colin, right as the memory of why you disliked him in the first place was fading. And thank heavens he did. You would not be taken for a fool again, by Colin or by Lord Barlow or by anyone. 
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Lute sees Vaggie's wings have grown back and tries take them again. She grabs them to pull them off, but her hands burn right through her gloves. Sp, Lute tries to cut them off with her sword, but the blade shatters the second it hits the feathers. That's the power of love, bitch!
this could be either so dramatic or so fucking funny so i'd love to imagine it being Both
(fuck this turned out looooooong XD)
Emily: "Good news!”
Charlie: "YAY!"
Vaggie: "How good can it be, if we had to come all the way to stupid heaven to hear it?
Charlie: "Vaggie, c'mon- We could REALLY use some good news!"
Emily: "Then you'll love this. I looked into it and, Vaggie, you being abandoned in hell was wrong, not to mention Adam never cleared it with anyone else anyway- so you can come back here to heaven! Isn't that great!"
Charlie: "Oh... thanks Emily, that's..."
Vaggie: "Not happening."
Charlie: "Maybe she could have some time to think about-"
Lute: "No.”
Vaggie: "No."
Lute: “An angel's place is in heaven. Hell is a prison for sinners, demons, and the fallen who reject the very order of creation. If you choose to stay down there, then what does that make you?"
Vaggie: "It's making me fucking happy, for one thing."
Charlie: (whispers) "... a happy day in hell?"
Vaggie: (whispering back) "Every single one."
Charlie: (BEAMS)
Lute: "Then you've made your choice. You're not an angel. You’re not one of us. You're a traitor."
Vaggie: "And it's been better company than I had up here."
Lute: "Think so?” (grins) “Sera, respectfully, hell is rebelling-"
Charlie: "We were PROTECTING ourselves!"
Lute: "-they killed Adam and one of their people is up here acting like he doesn’t still sympathize with murderers and filthy sinners. We can’t risk anyone else getting past heaven’s gates.”
Vaggie: “Like I’d ever want to!”
Lute: “So you wouldn’t lead the charge if your demon bitch said the word and pointed at us?”
Emily: “Lute!”
Charlie: “Vaggie wouldn’t-”
Vaggie: “Charlie never would! That’s what makes her different from assholes like YOU.”
Lute: “You think everyone’s as weak as you are, don’t you? She’s a hellborn princess. She just called violently resisting a sanctioned extermination ‘self defense.’”
Lute: “Sinners are not people. They had their chance and burned it. And they’re not the only ones.”
Emily: “But they can be redeemed! We’ve seen it happen!”
Lute: “Once.”
Emily: “It doesn’t matter that it was only ‘once’- it matters that it happened and we still don’t understand why. We have a duty to the people of heaven, but if sinners can find their way here then that duty includes them too! And the exterminations were just wrong from the start!”
Lute: “Careful Emily, you’re starting to sound like a traitor too.”
Emily: “If the other choice is sounding like YOU, then-”
Sera: “Enough! Both of you! Emily is not the one on trial here, Lute.”
Lute: “Then listen to the ones that ARE! Sera, listen to them, listen to HER- she’s made her choice. She’s fallen even more than Lucifer Morningstar did-”
Charlie: “Don’t you DARE bring my dad into this!”
Lute: “-and there should be a PRICE for that. We need to take precautions.”
Emily: “Precautions? What does that even mean? She’s locked in hell with everyone else, like Lucifer is, what more can you even do to her?”
Lute: “Same thing I did before. Only this time.” (draws sword) “I know how to make it stick.”
Charlie: “What?”
Vaggie: “….you… bitch.”
Lute: "Traitor's don't need an angel's wings, do they? Traitors don't deserve them."
Charlie: "Well she has them again now anyway so CLEARLY having angel wings doesn’t mean what you think it does!”
Lute: “It means I didn’t use heavenly steel the first time.”
Emily: “You-”
Charlie: “Don’t. Come any closer.”
Emily: “Lute stop! Sera stop her! This isn’t helping anyone!”                        
Sera: “I have only one question.”
Lute: “Ask and get it over with, we all know what the answer is already.”
Sera: “Hush.”
Sera: “Vaggie. Do you reject our offer of a pardon, and the orders of and service to heaven, in favor of remaining hell?”
Vaggie: “…I do.”
Sera: "Understanding that no other angel has ever done so before?”
Vaggie: “They would’ve, if they’d met Charlie.”
Sera: “Then you are guilty of treason.”
Vaggie: “…”
Sera: “Lute. Make it quick.”
Lute: (grinning) “As the seraphim commands.”
Emily: “Wait-”
Charlie: “BACK. OFF.”
Sera: “You are not in hell, miss Morningstar, this is not your domain and you have no power to draw on here. I will honor our former treaty not to spill hell’s royal blood but do NOT test my patience with it. Emily, restrain her.”
Charlie: “NO-”
Emily: “Sera you can’t! This is-!”
Sera: “Fine. Exorcists, hold the hell princess. And Emily, if you cannot obey a command or bear witness to my rulings then leave before I remove you myself.”
Emily: “I… you…”
Lute: “Kneel. Traitor.”
Vaggie: “Charlie don’t struggle don’t fight them- get those fucking spears out of her face- Emily!”
Emily: “…what…?”
Lute: “I said. KNEEL.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE!”
Vaggie: “Please! Don’t let- AGH- don’t let them hurt her!”
Emily: “I won’t… I.” (grabs Charlie and holds on tight) “I- I have her. Spears down. I, have her restrained.”
Sera: (relieved) “Thank you.”
Lute: "Let's make you look the part first shall we? Trim this hair out of the way?"
Vaggie: "You're pathetic."
Lute: "I'm not the one chained up and crying on my knees."
Charlie: "PLEASE I can make a deal I can make a new agreement with heaven- Whatever you want! What do you WANT from us!?"
Lute: "I want her to hold still. If she flinches, I might nick that left over eye of hers."
Vaggie: "Fuck. You- Ah!"
Lute: "Whoops. Hope that won't scar."
Sera: "Lute I said to make it quick-"
Lute: "We want to it be clean too don't we. I'm just cut cutting off some loose ends- wouldn't want to miss her wings and MANGLE this, would I."
Emily: “Charlie-”
Charlie: “YOU!”
Lute: "There. Now you look just as pathetic as you did three years ago."
Emily: “Charlie just close your eyes, she’ll be okay-”
Lute: “No she won’t.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE-”
Lute: “AARGH!”
Sera: “…….” (horrified)
Lute: “My hand! My sword-” (rounds on Charlie) “Demon BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO!?”
Charlie: “Vaggie? Are you..?”
Vaggie: “….fine. I’m. I don’t think it’ll even bruise?”
Emily: (awed) “Your wings broke her sword. They shattered heavenly steel-”
Emily: “A miracle.” (releases Charlie)
Charlie: "Vaggie-" (snaps the chains off vaggie and pulls her close)
Sera: “Traitor. How did you regain those wings.”
Vaggie: (huddled in Charlie’s fierce hug) “C- someone told me I had to fight with love, and I thought about Charlie, and they just…”
Lute: “SEE!? They were made in HELL they’re as profane as the love that spawned them-”
Emily: “Then they’re not under heaven’s jurisdiction to take away, are they? They belong to Vaggie. Not to us.”
Lute: “Belong to- she doesn’t DESERVE-”
Emily: “And you don’t deserve to cut them off her apparently.”
Lute: “I-”
Sera: “Lute. QUIET.”
Lute: (seething and bleeding from sword shrapnel) “…”
Sera: “You, fallen. If I bent my power on you, I could very likely burn those wings from existence.”
Charlie: “If you want to start a war with hell that’s a VERY good way of doing it. Sera.”
Sera: "...."
Sera: “…you will no longer be allowed past the gates of heaven. You are here on and forever more bound to the regions of hell, regardless of your wings-”
Vaggie: “Fine by f-fucking me.”
Sera: “-and in time you will lose all your divinity. You will bleed a demon’s blood one day.”
Vaggie: “Good.”
Lute: “If you live that long.”
Charlie: (Unholy SNARL)
Emily: (getting between them) “Can I send them home now? Or are we going to do something else to shame all of heaven in front of our guests?”
Vaggie: (sighing) “I’d love to be home right now…”
Charlie: “We’ll be there in a second.” (hugs her tighter) “I promise.” (kiss her hair) “Want to stretch your wings?”
Vaggie: “…yeah.”
Sera: “No, Emily. I will banish them.”
Charlie: “Okay.” (suddenly glaring) “Ha ha thank you Sera but don’t bother. It’s straight down from here and the prison wards don’t stop anyone from coming IN do they?”
Emily: “Are you sure your wings are okay for flying with, Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “That’s what I wanna find out.”
Charlie: “We’ll be fine. And we won’t be coming back.”
Emily: “I’m sorry.”
Lute: “Like you’d have the chance.”
Sera: “Go. Heaven is no place for either of you.”
Charlie: “Wow really I hadn’t noticed! I mean no one in HELL ever tried mutilating my girlfriend in front of me, but whatever I guess!” (muttering) “Sadistic homophobic pricks.”
Vaggie: “Told you.”
Charlie: “You did. You did tell me. I’m sorry I didn’t-”
Vaggie: “I love that you didn’t listen.”
Charlie: “…okay.” (deep breath) “Okay.”
Vaggie: “Besides, there’s Sir Pentious up here now.”
Charlie: “True. They don’t deserve him.”
Vaggie: “And Emily.”
Charlie: “Hm.” (burns a hole in the clouds beneath them) “Ready to fuck off together for all eternity?”
Vaggie: (weak chuckle) “Yeah, sweetie. Let’s go home.”
- they go home-
Sera: “Emily.”
Emily: "..."
Sera: “I hope you will think hard on what you’ve done and very nearly did today. Please.” (touches Emily’s shoulder) “For your own sake. Please.” (leaves)
Emily: “…she’s never going to forgive me, is she.”
Lute: “Oh shut UP. Sera will forgive you for ANYTHING.”
Emily: “I meant Charlie.”
Lute: (disgusted noise) (throws her broken sword down after them) (stalks off)
Emily: (sits down on the edge of the clouds) (finds one of Vaggie’s loose feathers floating by) (picks it up and twirls it sadly as she stares down at the distant warm glow of hell)
-down in hell-
Angel Dust: "Unholy fuck, Vaggie Tales, what the hell happened to your hair?"
Charlie: "Lute."
Vaggie: "Heaven."
Angel Dust: "Huh. Shit that's a bad enough cut to make a guy rethink the whole redeemin' himself stuff to get up there, y'know?"
Charlie: "I know. Trust me Angel Dust- NOW, I know."
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evilminji · 8 months
(Ironically) Oh My God... ( o.o)
Do... okay, so there are many, MANY religions... JUST here on earth. Right?
Not all of them think there is "an afterlife". Some think there is a NEXT life. Potentially MANY lives. Some also believe in JOURNEYS you must take, to reach THE Afterlife. Or perhaps periods of judgment. Evaluations of WORTH. So forth and so on.
What I am saying is?
There? Are Ghosts who probably just straight up REJECT the premise that they are dead. Oh sure, YOU might be. Or BELIEVE you are. But they KNOW they aren't.
Because The Gods Said So.
Some, are also, AWARE they are Dead. But reject that? All this? This is it. No, no. This is the MIDDLE. They are supposed to GO somewhere. They haven't FOUND it. But when they DO. They will, as a community, make a map for those who follow and head on in! It'll be great!
There are FAITHS in the Zone.
Beliefs that were compatible enough, that they Did Not Die.
And they'd probably like to tell you about it.
Why WOULDN'T they? It was a VERY important part of their daily life, originally. And NOW? Is frankly a Highly Topical Subject, don't you think? The discussion of "is there a God?" Is KINDA important to have, when you're stand outside the gates to SOMEWHERE, and none of who can agree on WHAT is on the other side.
Is it better to stay here? Were we abandoned? Is this a punishment or a blessing? An accident? Freak occurrence? Are there Gods HERE? And if so, does that mean WE can become one? What does that MEAN, if we can?
All HIGHLY important topics to discuss.
But! It's made all the more pressing because? There's all these OTHERS! Who have never even HEARD of your gods teachings. And therefore? Don't know where they are.
They, innocent people, have been TRAPPED HERE, for centuries if not longer. May be condemned to be trapped FOREVER. Anyone with even a scrap of empathy would be HORRIFIED.
The problem is that THEY are horrified too. Think YOU are trapped. And of course, your first impulse is to tell them they are Wrong... but?
Are they?
What if NEITHER of you are Wrong? Elder Beings keep insisting this place is INFINITE. It is therefore ENTIRELY possible, this is a place to simply? Store the place before afterlifes. Like a busy road.
After all, your Gods certainly never mention these new people. And THEIR God (singular, correct? Right.) never mentioned YOUR people. Surely they WOULD have, if it was important!
And such concensus starts to build. Because everyone is trying to move on, pray, ascend, or otherwise do as their holy scriptures told them too. They are ALL rather lost and confused. And UNLIKE those Fight-y violent sorts? THESE fine religious folks are pleasant and sensible.
Even if no one can quite agree. Meh. SOMEONE is right here and I shall live assuming it's me until proven otherwise, respectfully and as the gods preached.
And it's quite literally like religious Fandoms, to make light of things a bit. There is bickering. And "stop that infernal CHANTING, I can't here my self pray!" *chanting grows louder in protest* "ARGH!". And trying to make new, confused ghosts welcome.
It's one of the ZONES within the Zone. Like slowly gravitating towards like, until the Zone itself started to just naturally shuffle them all together in clumps. Like with the academics.
Now why? Do I even bring this up?
Because! I think it would be HILARIOUS if everyone wanted to convert the Newly Crowned Ghost King to THEIR religion, under the belief that he could? As some sort of Holy Divine King, ask GOD(tm) : "Bruh. Wtf are we supposed to be doing? We are SO LOST. Can we have a hint?"
And yeah, half of them are like "just for fiiiive minutes! We can totally kick you out of the Temple afterwords if you don't like it! You totally WILL, obviously, because it's AWESOME. But, like, if you WANT too! Five minutes! Pleeeeeease???"
While the others are just shooting Informative Pamphlets out of alien potato cannons in FULL religious regalia. As Danny flees at full speed. Getting pelted.
Maybe some real weird Space Monk is just ( o-o) *is under Danny's Bed. Makes eye contact when he leans down to look for his shoes* "one of us? One of us?" "How did you even get passed the ghost sheilds?" "The Gods have many paths." "Not helpful! And terrifying! Get out from under my bed." *awkward scurry* 👉👈 "one of us?" "No. Back to the Zone, you know better." *sad mantis-otter Space Monk noises*
Just? As a writer, I am a bastard. And I think Danny should get harrased by Court Officials wanted him to Govern more. It's funny. He is a teenager and doesn't know shit. It's like watching an Esteemed Academic Conference being lead by someone's toddler. They don't know what's going on! But they Sure Are Giving Answers! :D
@hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @hdgnj @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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artful-aries · 1 year
Can I please have How they flirt headcanons for zhongli scaramoche and Childe? Thank you in advance 🤗
Hello hello!!! I have no excuse for taking so long to put out content other than my job killing me and getting distracted with oil painting
How They Flirt With You (Zhongli, Scaramouche, Childe)
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His flirting is as refined as osmanthus wine
He is very gentlemanly when he flirts; chaste, grazing touches, deep, meaningful looks, and his willingness to jump at your beck and call are very prevalent as he seeks to woo you
Zhongli wouldn’t overload you with compliments, that would make it seem like he only cares for your physical appearance or that he is too obsessive. When he does compliment you, it is pure poetry that falls from his lips
“Your eyes shine like the purest noctilucous jade. For all of the wonders of Teyvat, you are certainly the most captivating.”
He knows his compliments can come off pretty strong in their own right, which is why he keeps them to a minimum unless he is absolutely sure that you are okay with it
None of his flirtations would come across as needy or desperate, he is calm, cool, and collected as he effortlessly but respectfully flirts with you
Being as old as he is, he does not clam up when it comes to things of this nature, nor is he afraid of the possibility of rejection. It’s all part of the mortal experience that he wishes to see more of
The unfortunate part of Zhongli’s flirting is that he can be incredibly long winded and wind up telling you the whole history of processing silk flowers into usable fabric before he can think to stop himself
He tries to pay attention to what you’re interested in, but if a topic comes up that he’s knowledgeable about, he can’t help himself but to delve deep into the topic with you
It’s not that he’s trying to show off in a conceited way, but Zhongli does like showing you that he is knowledgeable and capable in a wide variety of subjects. He just has a hard time reigning himself in once he gets started.
If you decide to flirt back with him, his demeanor isn’t going to change much other than he’s going to have a soft smile permanently plastered to his face
The way you flirt amuses him, but it makes a warmth seep deep into his heart, and his hands tingle slightly as he practically eats up your flirtations
He wants nothing more than to kiss you in these moments, but Zhongli is going to bide his time and wait. Like stone, he knows his feelings are not subject to change for a long, long time, but mortals can be fickle with their affections. He wants to wait and see how serious you are about him before trying to take things to the next step
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Chant “tsundere” in the mirror three times and Scaramouche will appear
When he starts developing a crush, he’s going to deny it to himself for a while. What use is a crush to him?
As the feelings only continue to grow as he’s around you, he has two options; avoid you, or bully you (these are clearly the only two rational options for when you have a crush on someone)
Scaramouche will attempt to avoid you first, going weeks meticulously avoiding you before he finally just gives up. It’s clearly not working for him, if anything, it’s making his thoughts of you worse
So, dropping back into your life like he never left in the first place, he starts bullying you
He never gets physical and doesn’t say absolutely horrendous things, but he will frequently imply that he thinks you’re an idiot or a weakling
You might genuinely think he just hates you, and rightfully so. Yet if you ever actually get genuinely upset with him, especially to the point of storming off or giving him the silent treatment, Scaramouche will internally panic
He won’t apologize, at least not outright, but it is very easy to see the shift in his demeanor. He makes sure that you’re in earshot to hear him say nice things about you to others, or he just sort of hangs around you as though he’s silently begging you to forgive him
When you do finally start talking to him again, he can’t help but feel a little giddy even though it makes him feel weak and pathetic
From there, his flirting actually begins, but he’s certainly no charmer. Scaramouche is still as abrasive and hard to get along with as ever, but he does random acts of kindness for you now. He’ll call you an idiot, but give you bundles of your favorite snack. He’ll scoff at you cooing over a cute cat, but will sneak a cat plush he made himself that looks just like the kitten you were cooing over the other day into your belongings
If you decide to flirt back, he’ll laugh and ask if you’re serious. When you confirm that you are in fact serious with your words, a blush will develop on his cheeks, and he will finally be rendered speechless instead of running his smart mouth
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This man is quite the tease, and it’s hard to tell when he’s just looking to get a reaction out of you or when he’s being genuine in his flirtations
He’s touchy to a fault. He sees no problem with hoisting you up randomly over his shoulder and carrying you off somewhere. The way you fluster and struggle against his hold his just so cute to him, you can’t expect him to behave when you give him such nice reactions
If you gave indication that you would genuinely start hating him for being so handsy, Childe would reign it in. As much fun as it is to push your buttons, he doesn’t want you to hate him
His touchiness doesn’t completely die, but it’s a lot more gentle and sweet, more like proper flirtation rather than borderline manhandling you
With his connections to Northland Bank, he likes to spoil you just a little bit with gifts. Nothing extravagant since you’re not dating yet, but just nice little sentimental things to show that he’s thinking of you even when he can’t pry himself away from his work
Childe also flirts by showing off, especially when it comes to fighting. He makes sure that the fight is never too dangerous or scary, but he wants you to see him absolutely decimate his enemies
It’s like he’s showing you how strong he is, that you can rely on him if you wanted to
That being said, he definitely gets a little cocky and gets himself hurt a time or two, but that just gives him an excuse to play up the injury a little so he can get you to tend to him
He will totally give you flirtatious winks and teasing remarks as you help him apply bandages to his bare torso, saying that surely you must have been dreaming of the day he got hurt so you could do this
This would be your chance to turn the tables on him and get him flustered. Shoot him a teasing remark back or let your hand ghost over the curves of his muscles and the man will turn as red as his hair
Childe loves a competition though, and will ramp up the flirty comments and gestures until you give up and walk out a blushing mess or you give in and finally kiss his stupid lips already
He knows that no matter which way things will turn out, it’ll be all the more thrilling for him
The Harbinger totally doesn’t mind staying in the flirting stage for a while; he almost likes the chase more than the reward. Almost.
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shinehyuk · 2 years
closer | nishimura riki
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| Genre : yandere
ㅡ Summary : after giving in to him, your attempts to get closer to the male don't go unnoticed.
Word Count : 2k
tw/cw : unhealthy obsession, abuse, toxic relationship, food, please do not read if uncomfortable with such themes!
request : Hi ! could you do a yandere ni-ki scenario where the reader starts to give in and attempts to get closer to him ? love your works btw !
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩༄*ੈ✩ ✧
You knocked twice on the door to Riki's room, quietly hoping that he wasn't asleep yet as you waited for his response. Hearing a light 'come in', you walked into the room and respectfully closed the door behind you.
The male turned on the light lamp that resided beside his bed on the night table, frowning at you as he rubbed his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked coldly, sounding almost irritated by the fact that his rest had been so rudely disturbed.
"I can't sleep" You answered with a gulp, thinking of abandoning your plan and going back to your room, but remembering what you decided on before. You were going to attempt to try to get closer to him – it definitely was not going to be easy, but you knew that he wasn't too keen on hurting you and had a secret soft spot, even if he didn't show it too often. And it was not like you could leave, so giving in sounded like the only option you had at the time; and maybe sometime in the future, you could have a chance to escape if he trusted you enough. But for that, you had to get closer to him.
"And?" He cocked a brow, not seeing how your trouble with falling asleep could possibly connect to him in any way.
"Could I.. sleep with you..?" You asked nervously. Riki coughed out from surprise, shocked by your rather abrupt question.
"Could I sleep with you?" You repeated, in case the male didn't hear you clearly the first time.
He sat up more straight and sighed, a mix of emotions showing on his face before ending up on a cold, indifferent face. You were sure that he was going to turn you down and tell you to get out and go to sleep, but instead he moved to the right side of the bed, making room for you on the other side.
"Fine." He scoffed, seemingly unhappy, but you could swear that he was trying to fight back a smile for a split second – not wanting the male to change his mind, you hurried to lay down on the free side with a smile. "But don't think I'm going to share the blanket with you."
"Thanks, Riki"
He switched the night lamp off, moving to lay on his side, facing away from you. You quickly fell asleep by his side, a bright smile on your face; you were glad that he didn't reject you like he'd always do – that meant that you were probably going to manage to actually get somewhere by attempting to get closer to the male.
You woke up in the morning, smiling at the warm, fuzzy feeling that surrounded you – opening your eyes, you saw that it was a blanket; the same one Riki had. You looked over to his side of the bed, seeing that he was still sleeping, and did not, in fact, have a blanket. You widen your eyes, breaking out in a cold sweat.
Oh no. Did you accidentally take his blanket during the night, when he specifically told you that he wasn't keen on sharing? Was he going to get mad?
You tried to be as quiet and stealthy as you could, taking off the blanket and softly putting it on the male, hoping that he wouldn't wake up while you did. You listened and waited for any signs, but it seemed that he was still asleep. You sighed out in relief, sleepily rubbing your eyes and sitting up. You had a feeling that you had a very nice dream that night, but couldn't remember any of the details.
Standing up from the bed as quietly as you could to not wake the sleeping male, you were ready to leave the room before you suddenly got yanked back, landing on the soft bed again.
"Stay" The male groaned, hugging your arm. You looked over at him, noticing that he still looked like he was in very deep sleep. Was he talking in his sleep? "..Don't leave me."
"I'm not going anywhere" You reassured him, comfortably laying back on the bed, smiling at the male's cute gesture before going back to sleep.
Maybe staying with him wouldn't be so bad?
About an hour later, you woke up, the warm blanket placed on you again. The only difference was, Riki was nowhere to be seen – you frown, stretching and leaving the comfort of the bed, going to look for the male.
Opening the door, you were met face to face with the male who was carrying a tray with two plates on it. Seeing you, he scoffed loudly and looked away. "..You ruined it." He whispered, quietly enough for you to just barely be able to hear.
"Huh?" You frown. "Is that..?"
"..That's not for you." He sneered, coldly walking past you and setting the tray on the bed. "Sit down."
"Did you seriously think I'm going to eat from two plates myself, dummy?"
You coughed nervously, embarrassed as you went to sit next to him on the bed. The breakfast looked delicious; Riki wasn't the best cook, but you could tell that he tried, especially if he was making something for you.
"Thank you" You smiled at him, the male looking away as soon as you made eye contact.
"I'm just making sure you don't starve," He said. "Enjoy."
You nod, both of you digging into the food in silence. Even though the only thing you heard was the sound of chewing and fork clinking against the place, the silence wasn't awkward at all; it was rather peaceful. You wished for more mornings like this, but you were more than sure that after you left the room, Riki would return to his cold demeanor, acting like nothing ever happened at all.
After you finished the breakfast, the male stood up, picking up the tray with the empty plates. "I'm leaving. Bye." He stated. "You're.. welcome to stay here. Just don't cause chaos." He shyly gestured at the room, glancing at you one last time before closing the door, not waiting for your response.
You couldn't help but grin, happy that he was already starting to warm up to you so quickly; it was nice. He never really let you stay in his room before, especially when he wasn't present. Could he really have had a change of heart so quickly?
You spent your time reading books and studying from the materials Riki has provided you with; even though you weren't allowed to go out, he still wanted you to have a grip of what's happening in society. Hearing the familiar click of the front door, you couldn't pass up another chance to get closer to him, hurrying to greet the male as soon as he came in.
As soon as Riki fully closed the door behind himself, you wrapped your arms around him, hearing a light gasp. "What did you just..?"
"Hello." You smiled. "Do you have anything for me?" You glanced at the bags he was carrying, the male chuckling at your enthusiasm.
"As if." He put the bags down with a smile on his face that this time, he simply couldn't fight back. The male pulled out a brown teddy bear from one of the bags, awkwardly passing it to you. "..Here. Use this as a sleeping buddy instead of me."
"Oh? Did I snore that much?" You accepted the plush bear, smiling at the fuzzy feeling that was now in your hands.
He rolled his eyes with a smile, unpacking the rest of the stuff from the bags. "Very much."
You scoffed dramatically, turning away from him. "How dare you?"
"Me? You're the one who bothered me in the middle of the night AND had the audacity to snore."
You poked him in his side, making the male yelp as he glared at you, a shock in his eyes that was replaced by a confident look the very next second. "Oh, you're on." He poked you right back, and so you both were a laughing mess for the next two minutes before the male regained himself, his cold attitude returning again.
"..What do you want for dinner?" He asked, unpacking the last bag before entering the kitchen.
"What can you make?" You answered his question with another question, looking around for something to snack on.
"Spaghetti will be good" He said as he yanked the package of sour gummies from your hands, putting it back into the drawer you took it from. "No snacking before dinner."
You whined, crossing your arms. "Not even one?" You made puppy eyes at the male, hoping that he'd break under the pressure of your persuasion.
"..No." He glanced away, preparing the necessary items in order to make the dinner. "Now, unless you want to help, go away."
"Can I really help?"
You left the room, impatiently waiting until the male was finally done with the food. After what felt like forever, he returned with the spaghetti, placing it before you.
You ate dinner together while watching TV, the male glancing at you every now and then to make sure you were eating well. Seeing you enjoy the dish he prepared, he smiled in relief as he watched you gobble it up.
After you finished eating, Riki collected the plates and put them away. "..If you need me, I'll be in my room." He muttered before leaving you alone.
The rest of your day went by pretty quickly – you did your daily before sleep routine of skin care then got ready to sleep with your new "sleeping buddy" that Riki got for you. It was a very cute plushie that was holding a red heart in both paws; only after giving the toy more attention, you remembered that you haven't given it a name yet. You thought for a minute, thinking up something that could fit. Perhaps something associated with the male next room? A play of words?
"You look like a Niki, don't you?" You smiled at the bear, feeling its fuzzy, brown fur. "Niki it is." Placing it on your bed, you didn't feel quite satisfied about today's day. You've made quite a move on with Riki, but was it really enough to get closer to him? What if he didn't make anything of it?
You needed something way stronger. Something that will really get through to the male and make him realize that you've truly given in to him.
Knocking on his door just like the night before, you waited for a response. Once you heard one, you entered the room and prepared yourself for what was about to come.
"Riki..?" The male wasn't sleeping yet, scrolling on his phone in the bed.
"What? Can't sleep again?" He cocked a brow, putting his phone away on the night table.
"No, it's just.. I love you"
"..You what?"
"I love you" You repeated a bit louder this time, to make sure that he heard you clearly.
"I know what you're trying to do" He rolled his eyes and scoffed in irritation, standing up from the bed. "It won't work"
"You're trying to make me let down my guard so you can easily escape."
"No! I just.. want to get closer to you."
He gulped and breathed out, taking a moment to take in and consider everything that you've just said to him. "..Then," He sighed, stepping closer to you. "..I guess I love you, too."
Your eyes slightly widened as he placed a soft, light but loving kiss on your forehead, shyly patting your head with the palm of his hand. "..But don't let it get to your head."
You nod, grinning and happily wrapping your arms around the male who slowly returned the sweet gesture, silently enjoying this moment that he has waited so, so long for. He has wanted this ever since he first saw you. He wanted you to love him back. For you to want to be with him.
And now that it has finally happened, he will let nothing ever tear you apart.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
thank you for requesting! i hope you liked it <3
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ೃ༄*ੈ✩
‣ Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby  @heemingyu @nikipedia07 @effulgentfireflies @annoyingbitch83
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Hello, i just watched season 2 and I'm hurt like i need something for healing
It's my first good omens fic so i want a good rec
So please Help me.
I want something with very similar to how season two was and also without the ending
And i like it to be new:)
(sorry for my bad English It's not my first language.)
Hi. Here are some series two alternate ending fics...
Better Millions of Years Late than Never by figuring_it_out (G)
“Yes, let’s” Aziraphale whispers. Teary, achy, and crumbling. Deeply regretting his millions of years long denial. Well, no more. I respectfully reject the season 2 finale until further notice. An attempt at an alternate ending.
love is going to lead you by the hand by mygalfriday (T)
In all their time together, Aziraphale has grown used to the many and varied ways Crowley looks at him. Mercurial creature that he is, Crowley never runs out of emotions and his face displays them all so clearly. Never, in the whole history of their long acquaintance, has Crowley ever looked at Aziraphale the way he looks at him now.
Authorial Intent by gaslightgallows (T)
Michael’s plan to erase Aziraphale from the Book of Life has certain… flaws. A revision of the final season of S2 Ep6, where the Metatron does not make an appearance.
Between sand and stardust by lgbtqcrowley (T)
It’s been 6 months since Aziraphale chose to stay on Earth with Crowley. Now he can’t think of anything better than moving to the South Downs, but what if Crowley doesn’t want to. Meanwhile Crowley is having very similar thoughts. Once again they have to be reminded to communicate.
Promises by Angelica_Tree (G)
Alternate ending to season 2, episode 6. Crowley gets to speak first, and the words he says sparks a confession from Aziraphale. Afterwards Aziraphale tells him about the Metatron’s offer, an offer they decide to use to their own advantage.
Run Back to Me by Caedmon (T)
The two angels got on the lift and turned around, and Crowley stared at them while the Metatron leaned over to press the button. The doors started to close - “Wait!” he heard, and his head snapped up. An alternate ending, beginning when Crowley turns to leave.
- Mod D
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hibiscuswrites · 4 months
could we get a something-something for billy’s feelings on reader not understanding and genuinely thinking he’s pranking her when he asks her out? (but like she’s not freaking out crying, just declining nicely)
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Note: As someone who's never been on a real romantic date and has only ever been asked out as a joke so people could laugh at me, writing this was very self-indulgent and cathartic, and to whoever sent this in, if you still follow and read my work, you are beautiful and wonderful, and worthy of all the love in the world 🥺💕 I also think I'll make another part to this or maybe a few where he shows her he means it
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He thinks you're absolutely wonderful. You're smart and funny and helpful and kind and supportive and everything great that a person can be. But you're also plain beautiful. He thought so from the moment he laid eyes on you. Thought you were stunning and he wanted you. Not as a one-night stand. Not as arm candy for an event. He wanted you. So he had made it a point to get to know you as a friend. Sure you were technically his subordinate working for Anvil, but that didn't mean much to him. He wanted to spend time with you, and once he did and got to know you, he was hooked. Getting coffee with you here. Asking for your opinion on a new project there. You were his friend, and he was yours. And you enjoyed that.
So when your usual platonic coffee date ended with him telling you how beautiful he thought you were and asking you out to dinner the coming Saturday, you realized you knew it was too good to be true. You had thought he was just trying to be nice. Spending time with you and making a friend. But now you saw he was just like the others. Not immune to the childish pranks of peers, daring him to ask out the girl who was just so far out of his league so they could laugh and joke when you were naive enough to say yes. Or breathe out a sigh of relief when you said no. You had been subjected to it all before. But Billy had been your friend, you thought. You didn't see it coming from him. Ignoring the sting, you tried to keep your smile intact.
"No, that's ok. Thank you for the offer though."
He winced and rolled his shoulders, trying to laugh it off, not really used to rejection.
"Oh. Alright."
He finished off the last bit of his coffee and hoped you couldn't read his disappointment.
"I don't mean to pressure you, you're allowed to say no. I'm just wondering if there's a reason? Does Saturday not work for you? Or is it just...me."
His jaw was tense as he waited and suddenly he was a child again, just wishing that his love and care would be returned. Your shrug didn't help soften the blow, and neither did your small laugh.
"Saturday is fine. I just know this prank already. Been the butt of it plenty of times."
Billy's brows furrowed as he looked at you, head tilted, a sliver of hair falling to his forehead.
"Yeah. Where the cute popular guy asks out the girl that looks like...me, and then you all have a good laugh about the fact that I thought I had a chance."
You chug the rest of your own coffee, eager to get out of there but Billy reaches forward, hand on the tip of your knee respectfully. His brown eyes look heartbroken when you look into them again.
"I...I wouldn't do that. That's not what I was doing. I swear. I just want to spend time with you. It's not a joke, or a prank, or whatever stupid ploy those fuckin' assholes were trying to pull on you. I would never want to make you feel used or hurt. I just want...you."
You stared at him blankly, your heart wanting to believe him but your brain fighting that desire desperately. Billy pulled his hand away but stayed leaning toward you.
"I don't even really have friends to be plotting with, Doll. Honestly. The two friends, true friends I got, they wouldn't stand for something like that. Much less encourage it. But I understand."
You cleared your throat, willing the heat rising to your cheeks and ears to go away as he spoke.
"I understand your apprehension. I do. I don't blame you for not trustin' me. But I'm telling the truth, and I hope you will be able to see that eventually. I won't take it personally, I swear. We'll just stay friends, pretend this never happened. But just know the offer still stands ok? I'd love nothing more than to take you out. But I'll wait for you. As long as I have to."
His smile is warm and genuine as he looks at you, and for the first time ever, it might just be true.
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Billy Russo taglist
@veracruz-djarin @susceptible-but-siriusexual @thesandbeneathmytoes @thickemadame @sesamepancakes
General taglist
 @titty-teetee   @vibranium-soul @ateliefloresdaprimavera @glimmerglittergirl @hatterripper31 @lilac-tea-time @krysiewithak
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into-crazy · 3 months
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don't wanna miss a thing
》 chapter 3
Negan Smith x Female Reader
Non-apocalyptic AU // The Walking Dead AU
Other Characters(mentioned): Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, and Carl Grimes
Summary: You get harassed by some guys on your way home and someone comes to your rescue. They walk you home, reflecting on moments from your shared past.
Warnings- mature language, alcohol consumption, age gap(reader's in her early 20s), slow burn, angst, comfort, fluff, ages 18+
Other chapters & info -> RIGHT HERE
💕divider by @saradika-graphics
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It was a painful walk down the driveway.
Even in your state, you still respectfully chose not to cut through the grass for a shortcut. Rick was proud of his grass, he worked hard to keep it nice and healthy. But now that you were finally out of there you let your tears fall freely.
You were so fucking stupid. Completely delusional to think that you could ever be with Negan. Who were you kidding? There was never a chance. You're just a kid to him. You've always been, and he'll never see you as anything other than that. Though what hurt you even more was seeing that he had his eyes set on someone else. You know that you have no right to be upset. Negan doesn't owe you anything, he can be with who ever he wants. However it doesn't stop the fact that deep down inside of you it still hurt.
Reaching the sidewalk, you turn towards your house and continue on. The sun is close to setting, casting long shadows all over the ground. That is how you noticed a vehicle coming up from behind, by it's shadow. At first you didn't think anything of it, assuming that it was going to keep going in the direction it was heading. But then it suddenly slowed and someone called out to you from the passenger window.
"Hey there, cutie!"
Wiping your eyes, you look up to see that it's a group of guys in a small SUV. They look like they could be high school seniors or college freshmen. Blasting their music loud enough for the whole street to hear. Whatever they were listening to it's rather obnoxious.
"Where are you heading off to?" The same guy from the passenger window asks you. You spot the can of beer in his hand. Well that's great, they're drinking in a moving vehicle. Hopefully they have a designated driver.
"No where," you return indifferently. "I'm just going home."
"She's not into you bro." The driver states to him lowly.
However he brushes it off and tries again. "Shut up man.. So we're uh, heading over to a party tonight over on the east side. How about I get your number and maybe I could see you there?"
The way he asked you felt as though he wasn't even asking you at all. It sounded more like a demand. That or he was rather confident that you were going to give him your number. Either way you weren't interested.
"No thanks." You toss back, hoping that they'll get the hint and move on.
Your rejection is heard by the other guys, they immediately poke fun at their friend. Which only stirs him on more.
He then attempts to cover up his embarrassment with a laugh, licking his lips before replying, "well see, that doesn't work for me sweetheart."
You stop in your tracks, turning to look at him in shock and wondering if you had heard that right. The arrogant smirk on his face indicates that you had. You hated hearing the word sweetheart come from his mouth. All of a sudden you start to feel very exposed. Remembering that you are wearing nothing but a bikini because your clothes are in your bag. It doesn't help that every one of those guys are leering at you like you're a hooker selling on the street. You nervously clutch on to the bag around your shoulder.
He opens his mouth again to speak. "So how about it? Give me your number and we'll meet up. Then I can fix that little attitude problem you got." He winks at you while his friends laugh and exchange high fives.
This whole situation makes your stomach churn. You want nothing more for them to leave you alone. Anger bubbles up in your throat too quickly before you can contain it.
"I said no!" You snap at him. "Now do me a favor and fuck off!"
He scoffs at that. "You bitch!"
He launches his beer at you from the window. Luckily it misses you. Instead it lands right by your feet. The can smashes against the concrete with a loud crashing sound and beer slashes all over your feet. It startles you into dropping your bag on the floor.
Everyone in the car breaks out into a laughing fit. You, well you stand there. Dumbfounded and utterly defeated. And you didn't think this day could get any worse, yet it had. This was the soggy cherry on top of a shit sundae.
"Hey!" A voice is unexpectedly heard from behind you, snapping the guys out of their guffawing.
The one who launched the beer motions at the driver to go. "Oh shit, let's go!"
The car speeds off as Negan rushes over to your side. It catches you by surprise, because what is he doing here?
"That's it- get the hell out of here!" He shouts at the car before mumbling under his breath, "little pricks." He then turns his attention towards you. "Hey.. you okay?"
You break down in tears, hugging yourself for comfort. Negan wraps his jacket around your shoulders to cover you up. Then he pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you. You hug him back tightly and sob into his chest. Not caring anymore as you let it all go.
"I know, it's alright. I've got you now." His voice is low and soft as he strokes your hair. "Come on, let's get you home."
You nod at that, using the back of your hand to wipe away your tears. He collects your bag off the ground and walks you the rest of the way to your house.
"Rick send you to check on me?"
A scoff leaves his lips, "No. Rick didn't send me to do shit. I came because I wanted to make sure my girl got home safely. Good thing I did, too."
Negan calling you his girl would have brought a smile and a blush to your face, if you weren't still upset.
Coming up to the front door, he thinks of what to say. "Listen I uh.." his sentence trails off as he gently hands you your bag. "You should go on inside. I can come by for the jacket tomorrow."
There's no response or movement from you. When he turns to leave you snap up to look at him. "Stay?"
He immediately stops at that. Meeting your sad eyes, he doesn't say anything.
"Please stay with me for a while?" You plead quietly, hands clutching tighter on to the jacket.
Sighing deeply, he takes a second to ponder on it before agreeing. "Alright."
It's silent again as you unlock the door and step inside. He follows right after you, taking the liberty of closing and locking the door behind him. The chill of the air inside brushes against your skin, making you shiver. It didn't help that your hair was still damp from the pool.
Negan notices that you're cold. "You wanna go get cleaned up and put on something comfortable?" You flash him a worried pout and he chuckles. "Don't worry, I'll wait down here for you. I won't sneak out or anything. Promise."
You take his word for it. But before you ascend up the stairs you make a suggestion, "I don't want to come back down afterwards. Would you come up with me? You can wait in my room."
His eyes widen, he's taken aback by your invitation. Even though it was an innocent request it was rather unexpected, and that was what threw him off. Plus he's never seen or been in your room before. He briefly clears his throat, "I mean, sure. Is that what you want?"
"Yes," you return. "I just.. I'd feel better knowing you're close by. Knowing that I'm not alone."
There was no way he could say no to you. He hums and follows you up the stairs all the way to your bedroom.
The sun had finally set, casting the last bit of light through the curtains into your room. You navigate through the dimly lit space to turn on a table lamp beside your bed. As the light flicks on Negan takes in your bedroom for the first time. It was certainly a reflection of your personality, and that in itself made him feel welcome. He notices that you didn't change rooms since you're not in the master. He doubts that your aunt took it over either but that's a question he'll save for another day.
You scramble around, picking a few things up from the floor and moving others out of the way. Negan stood there, lazily following your movements. You collect a fresh pair of clothes from the dresser and let out a small sigh, "I'm going to go wash up."
He keeps his focus on you as you slide off his jacket and set it down on the bed. "Take your time. I'll be here." He assures.
"Feel free to sit on the bed if you want. I won't mind." And with that, you leave the room.
Negan decides to look around some more. He caught a glimpse of a photo collage on the wall, so he went over for a closer look. There were pictures of your parents, some with the three of you together. All with huge smiles and warm vibes. There were a couple snaps of the Grimes, looking like the picture perfect family as usual. One photo was of him and your dad in the garage, laughing as they posed for the camera. Negan remembers all the good times he'd spent with him.
He then came across the only photo of you and him up there. Right in the middle, it was a selfie you'd taken with him a while back. Your smile was so bright, and he couldn't help but notice the glimmer in your eyes. He really liked that photo. Negan spots your camera on the desk near the pictures. He remembers how you used to carry it everywhere, capturing the moments up on the wall above. You don't carry it around anymore, not since your parents..
A few more steps and he finds himself by the window. Peaking through the curtains, he's got a perfect view of his house from here. Everything from his driveway to the front door. It makes him wonder if you've ever watched him from here.
The sound of the door creaking brings him to turn, finding you coming back into the room. Your hair is damp from the shower this time, and you're wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a cropped tshirt. It was a bit revealing, however the man has already seen you in a bikini so you didn't think much of it. Besides, he'd told you to put on something comfortable and what better than the close you sleep in.
He looks you over briefly. "Feeling better?"
"Yeah, I needed that." You admit. There's a guilty look on your face, like you have something you need to confess. A secret that you can no longer contain. Inhaling sharply you breathe out, "actually, there's something that I need to tell you."
He fixes his gaze on you, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I know."
It was a sad, gloomy day. Even the sky looked melancholy, filling up with puffy grey clouds to shield away the sun. Not allowing the warmth of the rays to reach you or anyone else.
Many people had shown up to pay their respects and offer their condolences for your loss. Most of those people you knew, and very few in which you didn't.
The burial was especially the hardest for you. You couldn't exactly describe the feeling you experienced while watching your parent's caskets being lowered into the ground. You don't think you'll ever be able to describe it. But it was at that moment in which you knew that you would never see them again. At least, not in this life.
Your eyes were red and puffy from crying, and you didn't talk much at all. Relying mostly on head gestures. Only having enough mental energy to mutter a few words to certain people that talked to you. Aunt Rena never left your side throughout the whole event. Even Rick, Lori, and little Carl were always close by. As for Negan, he kept a bit of a distance.
There was already so many people around you, he didn't want to smother you with his presence as well. Though he did come by to offer his own condolences when he had the chance to talk to you more privately. You hugged him tight and never wanted to let him go. He kept you tight in his embrace, letting you hold on to him as long as you needed. It was up until other people came over to talk to you when he had to gently pull back.
It is a quarter to 8 pm. You've been home for a while now. Aunt Rena was exhausted from the day and had went to bed early. You had other plans.
Drained and full of grief, you grabbed a bottle of whiskey from your dad's cabinet and sat on the front porch looking through your family photo album. Since it's the middle of November it is cold. So you brought a blanket to keep warm. You sat by yourself, with shaky hands and teary eyes. Flipping through the pages and pouring glass after glass. Laughing at some of the memories through the photos then taking swigs of your drink when your laughter turns into soft sobs. You probably shouldn't be out here like this but you were. You didn't want your aunt to know, or worry. That you're slowly numbing yourself with alcohol so that you could stop feeling for a while. It seemed to do it's job. As you felt yourself gradually slipping in and out of consciousness.
Negan is pulling into his driveway when he spots you on your porch all by yourself. Immediately he notices that something's not right. You're not moving.
Getting out of his car he rushes over. Calling your name but no response. You are passed out and there's a half empty bottle of whiskey on the table next to you. At first he's very worried and assumes the worst. Though the panic fades when he hears the soft snores coming from you. He checks you over again, you're sound asleep with an open photo album tucked in your arms.
"Shit kid.."
Relief washes over him, though he's concerned with how long you might've been out here. Especially out cold the way you are. It's freezing and you only have a thin blanket wrapped around your body. Brushing some hair out of your face, he could tell you had been crying again. Your cheeks were flushed and dried streams ran down your cheeks and nose. He attempts to wake you up by shaking you gently. When that doesn't work he does it more firmly.
"Y/n.. hey, wake up."
You only mumble and tuck further into your blanket in response. Brows furrowing then letting up as soon as you get comfortable again.
The sight of you made his heart ache. He can't imagine what you're going through, though he really does feel for you. He had lost two of his good friends, but you had lost both your parents. It hurt you both, yet it wasn't a pain in which he would try to compare to yours. He only wanted you to know that you weren't alone. That he will be here for you when you need him. After all you've become his friend, too.
Negan takes the book from your freezing hands and places it on the table before ringing the doorbell. He waits there at the door for a moment until Rena answers.
"Oh Negan, hello." She is surprised to see him at this time of night. "What can I do for you?"
"Hey Rena. I uh, well I found y/n asleep out here on the porch." Stepping aside, he motions over to where you're at.
Rena gasps into her hands, rushing to your side, "I- oh dear, I didn't even know she was out here!" She strokes your hair, a frown on her face as she examines the contents on the table.
"I figured you didn't," Negan shrugs. "I know you wouldn't have left her out here like this."
"Oh no, I would never." She shakes her head. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I was asleep, she could have been out here all night."
"She's alright. Gotta get her inside though."
"If she really drank that much, it might be hard to get her up in this state." Your aunt worries.
It's clear to Negan that it would be a rather difficult task for your aunt to do by herself. So he offers his help. "If you want, I can carry her inside."
"Would you?"
Negan carefully scoops you up into his arms and takes you inside. Your aunt follows behind, with the photo album held closely to her chest.
"You can set her down on the couch, she'll be fine there for the night."
He takes you into the living room and lowers you on to the couch. You stir from the movement, slipping in and out of your deep sleep.
Your aunt decides that the cover you currently have won't suffice. "I'm going to run upstairs and grab her another blanket. Can you watch her for a minute?"
Negan nods, a quiet 'yeah' leaving his lips.
Your aunt goes to retrieve the item, leaving Negan with you. The sound of you mumbling grabs his attention.
"What.. what happened?" You ask, fighting to keep your eyes open.
"It's alright sweetheart." Negan shushes you. "You're safe. You fell asleep outside but you're inside now."
Giggling to yourself, you reply, "oh yeah.." You briefly look around, recognizing your surroundings. Last you remembered, you were outside on the porch. "How'd I get in here?"
Negan drops to his haunches directly beside you. "I carried you."
"You carried me?"
"Sure did." There's a proud grin on his face after saying that.
Taken aback, your eyes gleam up at him. "Thank you."
"It's not a problem." He brushes it off. "Just want to make sure you're okay. Your aunt's coming back with a blanket. Now close your eyes and get some sleep."
"M'kay." You shut your eyes, letting out a deep sigh. "Hm.. Negan?"
He leans in a bit closer. "Yeah?"
"I love you." It comes out just above a whisper. Though the room was so quiet that he had heard it perfectly clear as if you'd said it aloud.
He chuckles awkwardly in response because you have never said that to him before. But you are drunk and he is your friend, so he figured you were just saying sappy shit. Like the kind of things you'd tell the girl holding your hair back while you're throwing up the alcohol you've ingested in a toilet. He gives your shoulder a playful nudge, muttering back, "love ya too, kid."
With your eyes still closed, you shake your head. "No Negan, I don't mean as a friend.." Your voice is low and soft. "I love, love you. Always have." That is the last thing you say before drifting off to sleep.
Your confession comes as a total shock to him. He is left completely speechless, wondering if you'd really meant what you said. However, he doesn't want to wake you again to find out. There are so many questions going through his mind when your aunt comes back. Pulling him away from you and halting his thoughts.
"There now," Rena places a thicker covering on top of you. Negan stands there, staring at you while she tucks you in. "She should be alright down here for the night. Thank you so much for bringing her in."
Her gratitude snaps him out of his haze. "Not a problem, you're welcome."
Your words are all Negan thinks about on his walk home. You love him? Did you really mean that? It's possible that you were just spewing nonsense since you were intoxicated. But what if it was the truth and it had managed to slip out because you were drunk? He believes in that old saying, "a drunk mind speaks a sober heart." So if what you'd said is true, then how long have you had these feelings for him? Must have been a long time, you did say you always have.
Negan thinks back, to a few instances where he had caught you looking at him a little too long. The times you've blushed because of something he said. Moments where you wanted to be near him. That twinkle in your eyes every single time you looked at him. He had always thought he was crazy when even the tiniest of a suspicion that you were interested in him popped into his head. Maybe she's got a little crush. Nah, she doesn't.. She's looking at me like that again. Cut the shit, she's only being nice.. Those suspensions bugged him for a while. And each time they'd come up he would dismiss them.
The thing is, he has always been very fond of you, but he wouldn't think of you in that way. He couldn't. There was no way. You were his friend's daughter.
Knowing what he knows now, however, he doesn't think he could forget or brush that away.
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mugiwat · 2 years
My ship headcannons - zolu!!!
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zoro’s first thought when he saw luffy for the first time was “who the fuck is this kid” And his second one was “why the fuck is he kind of cute tho”
zoro knew he had a huge crush on luffy starting waaaaay back to the first nights they met. Something about that little row boat, and the galaxy of stars in the sky, and the sheer wonderment of that straw hat boy that just lured him in
and luffy always knew about crushes and love and dating from his older brothers, but never REALLY understood what they were talking about…. Until he saw zoro
seeing luffy almost executed by buggy still keeps zoro up at night even years later
whisky peak was the biggest night of flirting ever. Including the big ass fight
Ace meeting them in Alabasta pushed luffy to fully realize his feelings…. He had to be the big brother and give luffy the reassurance and approval…. Also ace has a soft spot for Zoro, it’s the soft look in the sword man’s eyes whenever he looks at luffy
zoro and luffy 100% start dating right after luffy defeats crocodile. As soon as luffy wakes up in the castle, he sees zoro there and everything comes out. (Yes, they’re dating in the bath scene ;0)
Also the whole crew knows they’re dating instantly. And they make fun of zoro all of the time for it too, especially sanji
Skypiea is just their honeymoon
their favorite spot on merry is the crow’s nest in the evening with a warm blanket, watching the horizon for their next adventure
zoro lives for the moments where luffy can rely on him. Even if it’s sad and heartbreaking like Usopp leaving the crew temporarily or saying goodbye to merry (luffy cries into him bitterly only in private, he has to be a strong captain for his crew, but only zoro can see him this weak)
their favorite place on sunny is also the crow’s nest, but it’s a little more comfortable this time
no explanation needed on why zoro almost died in thriller bark (also you can’t convince me that “I’ll even share my lunch with you!” is not canon zolu)
the two year gap between them had unspeakable pain. Zoro seeing luffy in the papers and Ace dying almost had him run off the island until Mihawk stops him
luffy was impervious to hancock’s advances because he already figured he was in love with zoro. he didn’t need anyone else and no amount of seduction could change his hard head. (boa is still unaware of his and his first mate’s relationship. luffy honestly doesn’t care if she knows, but the others just rather not invoke the wrath of the pirate empress if she finds out she has been rejected and honestly luffy just figured she knows but she’s just stupid)
their 2 year reunion and seeing how strong (hot) they both have become makes every second away worth it. The crew respectfully gives them their time alone on the first night
luffy never asked zoro why he lost his eye, but he does kiss it every night
the crew sometimes forget the two only met each other not too long before the rest of them: their relationship is so natural and so rooted that it’s a shock that they haven’t known each other all their lives
only the east blue crew remember the frustrating flirting phase, minus chopper who was too dazzled by the crew prior to Alabasta
leaving the crew in Zoro’s hands while luffy got back sanji was the biggest honor. Zoro always takes his role as acting captain very seriously.
zoro hasn’t fully forgiven sanji yet for the pain that he caused Luffy in whole cake (it also took him longer time than the rest of the crew to truly forgive Robin and Usopp)
the Wano hug was 100% canon and 100% because the boyfriends hadn’t seen each other in like 2 weeks + the slight separation anxiety the two developed. (And i’m 100% on the oda ships zolu boat too)
everyone in the crew will eventually go their own paths after they reach their dreams, but zoro will remain with luffy until the end…. And beyond…
if luffy goes like Roger, 100% zoro will take the role of Rayleigh, telling of the fond stories of his captain and keeping his legacy
Let me know if u want me to share more or my sanuso headcannons
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domtheforestgnome · 9 months
Moments my heart sequentially broke for Wilhelm in season 2 part 2
Hello! It's me again with another post about moments my heart sequentially broke for Wilhelm in season 2 of Young Royals. Here's part 1. And also there are Part 1 and Part 2 for Simon.
What's noticeable - based on these posts - till this moment Wilhelm has suffered mostly because of being rejected by Simon, whereas Simon is being hit from different directions (being in the destructive relationship with Marcus and hearing not nice stuff from him, being erased by Royal Court publicly, having hard time with his "long lost" sister, still being bullied by other students in Hillerska for his non-royal backgrounds)...
Yeah, that's my observation, feel free to make your conclusions based on it. Anyway my heart broke this season for Wilhelm when...
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Simon agreed Wille's position actually IS problematic for him when it comes to their relationship. I mean, I really want to cry every time I see it.
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I know the feeling, kiddo. I know the feeling sooo well. I wanted to hug him, and I really was disappointed he and Felice didn't go together to the ball, even though I got that she wasn't a fan of fueling the rumors with it.
On the other hand, watching Wilhelm like that is not entirely bad for him and feeling all those feelings. I imagine him trying to live the normal life, partying and all of that, and that could be also just to feel something, forcing and pushing things to extreme level - but the pain of being punch probably felt pretty real.
And here he wasn't in control and still felt something really strong and difficult. And in my opinion even though heartbreak is never easy, it was actually good for him to experience that as a... prince.
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Do I even have to say anything? This scene is a masterpiece. Also it reminds me of the one in season 1. The one after Wilhelm learns that his mom knew about August's deeds and tried to excuse it with acknowledging Erik's legacy. Back then, I could really feel that he's so lonely and not gonna lie, I was really worried about his mental health in that moment - like "Please, Wilhelm, don't do anything bad to yourself, pleaseee". Though, this time he's not alone. At least he's got Felice, Boris, and even Nils to talk about it.
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Yeah, I'd rather Wille and Felice went together for that ball. He was so lost. And Simon brought Marcus, not really making things easy for Wille.
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Look how tired he was! Seeing him literally on the verge of exhaustion after putting all his energy to talk politely to Marcus and respectfully informing Simon, he surrenders. I'm so done!
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Kissing Simon and still being very careful. Like, it all was still so fragile like glass in that moment.
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When Wille made breakfast for Simon and the boy didn't want it, suddenly being very reserved towards Wille. The change in the mood after their kiss at the ball must be confusing.
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Ugh... "all the things he said, all the things he said, running through my head" moment. Like Simon said lots of hurtful (still true) things to Wilhelm, and I am sorry for the kid bc it can hurt two times more when you really believe you doing things with a good will... I was watching that moment with sympathy for the kid. He believed he was doing the right thing and he really tried to administer justice towards August.
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Him panicking and getting totally none of a response to it by Jan Olof and the other man. Like "you don't have to be sorry" would be nice to hear in this situation.
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When he learnt August is his back-up.
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I am proud of his reaction though - breathing and dealing with the news. Like before, kind of similar situation to that one in season 1 episode 6, but the reaction and also Kristina's emphasis on being in this together as a mother-son family, made it really different. They can do it. I believe it.
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But later on I'm watching this scene and now as I am thinking about that...I might got manipulated just as Wilhelm. The way he said that his Mom is counting on him and therefore he should be doing all those things, the Royal Court want him to do, and yet it's so difficult for him. I mean I see a 16yo boy, but at the same time he talks and looks way more younger child. You can see that he loves his family so much too and cares for them, but the official role part is really messing ways of showing that.
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When he was harsh for himself, being annoyed with the characters choices in the "Kris".
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When everything started to collapse bc Simon didn't change his mind about going to police.
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This whole sequence.
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Oh, the longing. His thrive for the touch.
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They shouldn't be scared!!! They're still children!!! I can't.
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Yeah, I mean... Somehow my heart is even more broken for Wille here than for Simon, probably bc he's not stopping himself anymore from being that close to another boy. I know that Young Royals is not exactly about that (internal) struggle, but thinking about him in season 1 - all the pushing and pressure to have it in control, not let himself kiss Simon then kissing him, not wanting to be more than friends, then liking him too much for that, then all the video thing. He really wanted to be close to Simon, and here he finally was without stopping himself!!! And all their future was so unknown and scary. God!
Ok, I need a brake. That's all for now.
Take care!
Now with Part 3
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is-nini · 10 months
Once Upon a night
(Alhaitham x Reader)
I hope you enjoy this little fanfic I made! I am sorry for suddenly disappear but I'm back! And uhm... Yeahhh me hope you enjoy! I apologize if it's bad tho.. uhm.. yes!
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You are known to be the sun around the Akademia. A bright girl who radiates warmth and kindness everywhere you go. Bright eyes that seem to glimmer endlessly below the sunlight of the sun. It is as if you are a part of the light itself, warm to everyone who gets close to you.
Although you never really got into a high position at the Akademia, your presence around the Akademia is quite helpful especially when it comes to communicating with strangers or with any other tourist which helped the economy quite a lot.
Knowing all of this it is no wonder when the Scribe, Alhaitam refused to be the Acting grand sage, you were the one who is called to try and pry him to get him into at least consider the offer. So here you are, looking around for this man called Alhaitam.
You sigh as you ponder about the task that you have been given it is such a tiring task... Isn't it obvious that he doesn't want to be the Acting Grand Sage? Why even bother to ask you for help? Although you very very hesitantly accept you never promise a successful communication between you and Alhaitham.
You stopped at your track as you look up to the sky, seeing the sun slowly set. You started to make your way to your usual place to unwind for the day which is the calming place that you found near one of the lakes around the outskirts of Sumeru City.
The night has always been your favorite time of the day, it's calming to know when everyone is asleep and you're alone with your thoughts. You skipped a bit with happiness, with freedom, letting the wind caress your hair, letting the scent of the water waft around you until you finally take a rest on the green grass beside the water. You enjoyed every time you spend around the lake, too much actually that you didn't see a white hair man walking in your direction.
Alhaitam enjoy his time in peace but the same scene can get boring, he is also not in the mood to meet any Akademia students right now so he decided to take a walk around the outskirts since no one would spend their time there.
He walks with a destination in mind, he knows where he wanted to go but once he got there, it seems like the place is taken by someone. The irony, he wanted to avoid the Akademia students but ended up meeting one of the students... The one that was asked to look for him nonetheless.. though that was the case, Alhaitam just kept walking, not caring about you, why would he? He'll just reject your offer like the rest and then you'll leave him alone.. or that's what he thought.
Once you realize the man who you should be looking for made his way to you, you immediately stand up and nodded respectfully towards him in a calm manner. "Hello Alhaitam" you called out softly, very softly in fact that it took Alhaitam by surprise because of the contrast between what he's seeing now and what he heard about you is different.
Alhaitham nodded at you and proceed to put his attention back to the scenery in front of him, the twinkle of the firefly and the distant sound of the frog, the cricket is like.. as ironic as it sounds, it is like a piece of calm music.
The both of you just stay there in silence. Alhaitham doing his own thing while you are doing your thing. Alhaitham took a small glance at you, he expects you to bring up the topic of him being an Acting Grand Sage but no, you just stay there, quiet. Oh well, he doesn't mind after all, it's all the better for him.
You stare into the water, calm water, just you and your thoughts, of course, there is Alhaitham beside you but since it's not working time, you don't feel the need to talk about it regarding his status. You took a glance towards him, seeing him just standing while reading a book. You clear your throat a little, gaining his attention. "You can sit here if you want," you said as you pat the place beside you, he looks at you before walking and sitting beside you, not too close you notice but still, it's a good thing he didn't find you vile or annoying.
The two of you just sat there in silence, Alhaitam for some reason feels calm.. your presence is not suffocating, he can just do his stuff in peace... it's actually nice having a companion. Although you and Alhaitham are not close ,it's not bad having you around. It is quite out of character and rare for him to enjoy a companion but for once it is a good sensation. His thoughts were cut short as he heard shuffling beside him. He looked beside and saw you are not in your sitting position anymore.
You slowly stand up and stretch abit, feeling a stare from the person beside you, you also look back at him. You smile towards Alhaitham "it's pretty relaxing around here right? Hehe, I enjoy this place too" you let's out a smile at Alhaitham. He put away his book, also stand up and nodded. "Goodnight then, see you around!" You said while walking away, leaving Alhaitham looking at you slowly disappearing into the night.
Alhaitham is intrigued by you, your demeanor is nothing special but he enjoyed the night. He actually enjoy spending time with someone from Akademia- if you exclude Kaveh. That night Alhaitham went home with a calm mind and a weird thought.. for some reason he keep looking forward to meet you.
The day went by normally for you, once the night time come, you immediately went to your favorite place only to find it occupied by the silver hair man. The only difference is rather than sitting right beside the water, he sat below the shade of the tree. You walked towards him without a word, your steps make his head turn towards you, and you immediately smile and wave toward him. "Enjoying yourself?" You asked while taking a seat beside him under the tree. "Quite. It's nice around here" he said in his baritone voice.
Whenever he talks, you always shiver. His voice is very soothing. So thus the night went, the night after that, and the night after. Not a lot of words, just pure silence but in a comforting aura surrounding the two of you. You let yourself lost in the scene that the topic of Acting Grand Sage left your mind for a while.
A tap fell onto your arm while you were looking at a book on The House of Daena, you turned around to see one of the few Akademia students who sent you to talk to Alhaitham in the first place "So, how was the progress?" You looked at them in a confusing manner, they looked at your expression and then sigh "The Acting Grand Sage thingy? Y/n, tell me you remember" You forgot but you know the consequences if you tell the truth so you say "Yeah, I tried and nope, he didn't accept" It is very bold of you to assume AND to lie but you knew the answer. Although you are not close to Alhaitham, you know he is the type of person who is not interested in power or fame. Just like any other, he wanted a comfortable life but without a high status.
The person looked at you disappointed by your answer. “try again” the person said with a stricter tone this time. You sigh and look down at the ground, you know that this is an important matter but in the end, you don’t understand why you have to be the one to force him to do it. Little did you know, as you seep into your thoughts the man who you just discussed is right beside one of the darker corners of the library, listening to the whole interaction. He doesn't understand the weird crunch at his heart seeing you look so… dejected. His feet started to guide him towards you before he stopped himself, why does he care? What benefit will it give him? none of this was answered and thus he, once again looked at you slowly walking out of the library after picking yourself up.
once the night came, you walk towards the usual spot. As per usual, Alhaitham is already there but something is off.. he is in front of the lake, hands folded in front of his chest, this time rather than reading he looks like as if he’s wondering something. Hearing your footsteps, he immediately looks in your direction. “hello Alhaitham..” you greeted while trailing off, he stares at you for a while and with a straight look on his face he said, “If you have any questions, say it now”. You look at him confused, you don’t recall having any question for him specifically so you ask him the first question that came to your mind “Are you ok Alhaitham?” you asked, he stare at you and closes his eyes for a while. you, looked at him with full confusion, did you say something weird or wrong? “I am fine, thank you for asking”.
Alhaitham looks at your face filled with confusion, he can’t stand it, the way your face turns according to your emotion, the way you tilt your head a little.. he doesn’t want to admit it but it is.. cute.
“I have no intention of being the Acting Grand Sage and I will not consider it” You immediately look up at him, and after connecting his answer is when you finally realize the fact that he knows what one of the students ask you to do. Before you say anything, he added “And you are not responsible for my answer. No one can change my mind. Tell the student who asks you that whatever answer I give doesn’t correlate to your action” You smile up at him, very brightly and say, “Yes sir!”. Alhaitham has seen you smile multiple times but this one for some reason makes his heart thump. He turns his head back to the lake, hiding his slightly red face.
“How did you know?” you asked, tone filled with questions, looking at him expecting an answer. "It would be embarrassing for me to not know what's going on in the Akademia" He said with a low grumble. Hearing him grumble you immediately look down, scared to look up at him, thinking that you have offended him.
Alhaitham notices your behaviour and turns his body fully towards you "you don't have to look scared. I am not offended by you. The students around Akademia have always wanted things to go they're way" you nodded a little while slowly looked up at him "th-then thankyou Alhaitham… for answering the question.." you said as you locked eyes with him.
The both of you stayed like that for a while. The wind is blowing softly around the two of you as you both still look at each other deeply.
Alhaitham took a step, getting close to you as you stood still, looking up at him in awe. He touches your cheek softly caressing it. He closes the distance between the two of you. "May I?" He whispered softly. You didn't answer anything, instead you erased the distance between his lips and yours.
Below the moonlight, the two of you share a soft, loving kiss for a couple of seconds before you pull away, looking up at him with a smile. "Very daring Mr. Alhaitham" you tease him.
He gave you one of the rare smiles he has. "I'm not the only one who is daring, love" he said before he kissed you again on your nose this time. You giggle as you pull yourself up to a tiptoe and hug his neck "does this mean we are dating now?" You asked. He stares at you for a while before shaking his head 'no'. He then hugs your knee and pulls you up as now you are sitting on his hand. "Y/n, Would you like to be my girlfriend?" You laugh with a red face as you nod your head. "Of course!" You confirm before he gives you a peck on your lips. "Ok, now we are dating" he said as he stroked your face lovingly before putting you back on the ground.
After that night the student never pesters you again about asking Alhaitham to be the Grand Acting Sage. Alhaitham makes sure they won't disturb you or make you sad but you don't have to know that.
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maxwritesalot · 2 months
Ships And Ship Headcanons For The BSD High School AU Fanfic I’m Making🥳🙌
(I began writing this yesterday :0)
(This is really long lol! These also aren’t all the ships, I’m thinking about making headcanons of the other ships that’ll be in the fanfic! There will be angst/NSFW, but mostly SFW !)
These headcanons/soon-to-come-out fanfic will have PROSHIP/COMSHIP/DARKSHIPS, and some graphic/triggering topics that might make you or some uncomfortable, so, if you don’t like it, RESPECTFULLY LEAVE!
[ None of this art is mine/belongs to me, but I did edit/make the images for the ships you’re about to see! ]
‧₊˚ ⋅
Junichirō x Tachihara (TaniTachi)
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Best Friends ➜ Crush ➜ Dating
• They play guitar together!
• They take a bus to school and they always sit next to each other and listen to music with headphones!! 🎶🤍
• Junichirō enjoys taking walks, while Tachihara rides a skateboard:3. After school, they sometimes go to clothing stores, Junichirō walks while Tachihara rides his skateboard!
• Junichirō buys Tachihara bandaids with little cats and bears on them lol! Tachihara thinks it’s cute 🩹
• (a little nsfw) Tachihara and Junichirō skip class sometimes to make out behind the school😭. (They got caught once)
Akutagawa x Chuuya (AkuChuu)
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Friends ➜ Best Friends ➜ Crush ➜ Dating
. ‘⟡
• Akutagawa fell for Chuuya, and Chuuya fell for Akutagawa harder❤️‍🩹
• Chuuya likes to take Akutagawa in a field and they just shoot at trash cans lol! (Idea from my wonderful girlfriend @catmelonwriting ❤️)
• Akutagawa and Chuuya go behind the school to smoke. No reason much, just to be with each other. (They’re also the ones that caught Junichirō and Tachihara one time)
• Chuuya and Akutagawa always have lollipops and always swap them hehe!
• Akutagawa enjoys biting and kissing Chuuya’s neck. :3
• Akutagawa and Chuuya go on double dates with Junichirō and Tachihara!❤️🤍
(Bratty Sub Akutagawa and Hard Dom Brat Taming Chuuya🙏❤️)
Dazai x Atsushi (DazAtsu)
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Crush ➜ Friends ➜ Dating
__ 𓍢ִ໋🀦
• They met on Atsushi’s first day of school, but met again in the Library (when Atsushi began to have a crush on Dazai:3)
• They go to the Library together a lot!
• When they started dating, they went on dates to Café Uzumaki all the time hehe! (I love Café Uzumaki if you can’t tell)
• They write poems together!! (TOTALLY not a reference to me and my lovely girlfriend)
• Dazai buys Atsushi flowers and plushies, Atsushi buys Dazai bandages and coffee.
• (nsfw) Dazai and Atsushi don’t make out a lot, but if they do, they do in the school bathroom because why not hehe! Atsushi sucks Dazai off a LOT😭.
• Dazai gets A’s and B’s, and only gets one D. While Atsushi has B’s and C’s and only one A, so they help each other :3
Fyodor/Fedya x Nikolai/Kolya (Fyolai)
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One-sided friendship ➜ Crush ➜ ? Dating ¿
( kinda S/A warning ? )
, 𓆩♱𓆪
• Fyodor plays with Nikolai’s hair a lot! He always puts Nikolai’s hair in braids, ponytails, buns, etc.
• Nikolai sometimes holds Fyodors hand during class! Fyodor doesn’t like it, but Nikolai loves it!:3
• They both try to manipulate each other which rarely works.
• (Angst?) Nikolai has wanted to date Fyodor but Fyodor refused (internalized homophobia) . Nikolai kind of forced him into a relationship with him. Their relationship is very one-sided.
• Nikolai always gives Fyodor kisses (even without consent). 😣
• Nikolai sometimes forces himself onto Fyodor, which Fyodor of course doesn’t like at all. Sometimes Fyodor just goes along with it.
Higuchi x Gin (HiguGin)
( teacher x student )
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teacher/student ➜ Crush ➜ Dating (slightly toxic)
( warning pedophilia, slight S/A )
ꫂ  ၴႅၴ
ּ ֶָ֢. ( ၴႅၴ
• Gin is the student, and Higuchi is the teacher💚
• At first, Higuchi had a crush on Akutagawa but he rejected her. Gin, being Akutagawa’s sister, of course looking like him; Higuchi went after her instead.
• Gin, like Akutagawa, refused. But Higuchi continued to pester Gin anyway.
• (Angst?) Higuchi would S/A/do sexual advances on Gin until Gin finally gave in.
• Gin actually fell in love with Higuchi a little after they began dating.
• They try on lipstick together and kiss each otherrrrnnn!!!:3
• Higuchi sometimes asks Gin to stay after class so they can kiss, hug, etc. Higuchi always says it’s about Gins behavior so no one suspects anything.
John x Lovecraft (SteinCraft)
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Best Friends ➜ Dating
࿆ ⟢
• They love drawing on each other’s papers!
• John’s really good at doing hairstyles, so he always does Lovecraft’s hair because Lovecraft doesn’t know how to do it much since he has so much hair!
• They hug a lot in every class they have together :3
• During lunch they always go under the school stairs to eat there! (Like most couples do irl except to have sex which they rarely have😭)
• They are known as the “perfect couple” ❗️💜
• John and Lovecraft like to eat fruits together, especially grapes!!!!!!!! :3
Shibusawa x Atsushi (ShibuAtsu)
( teacher x student )
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teacher/student ➜ Obsession ➜ Dating (toxic)
(I love toxic/abusive ShibuAtsu💕)
( warning pedophilia, grooming, S/A )
⠀. ,   ꗃ
• Shibusawa is the teacher, and Atsushi is the student!💕
• Atsushi is the “teachers pet”:3
• Shibusawa nicknames Atsushi “angel”. (Dead Apple ref lol)
• (Angst?) Like Gin and Higuchi, Shibusawa makes Atsushi stay after class. The first time he did, Shibusawa groomed him and S/A’d him. Atsushi was confused and didn’t understand why it happened.
• They started dating after Shibusawa forced Atsushi to because he threatened to drop his grade to an F!:(
• Shibusawa and Atsushi don’t go on dates, they just stay in Shibusawas classroom :P
Wow! Thanks so much for reading this! This took 13 hours in total 😭 ! I really hope you like it❗️
Also, I’m so sorry if I don’t post for a while again! I’m dealing with a very serious problem going on in a few days, so, my dearest apologies!
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astranva · 2 years
Did Joey get asked about bsgf!yn during his Jimmy Fallon interview 🫣
have you watched the interview? you remember the bit where the moment joe sat, jimmy told him that he met his sister backstage? yeah no, instead, it was bsgf!yn.
“i wanna thank you for being here, but i also wanna say how cool it was to meet you girlfriend, by the way, backstage,” jimmy said.
“my girlfriend’s here,” joe nodded with a smile.
“y/n,” jimmy said.
joe nodded again, “y/n,” he repeated, “it was just her birthday.”
“it was? happy birthday, y/n, she’s sitting backstage,” jimmy pointed behind him as the audience cheered, joe grinning as he looked at them while clapping. “there was a cool story back there she told me about-she-she chooses your outfits?”
“she chooses my outfits, yeah,” joe nodded with a smile, motioning towards his suit, “she has the best style i’ve ever seen so she’s always mixing and matching my outfits, like wear this with that, and no, not this shirt because it’s too much for the vest, stuff like that.”
“that’s so cool, but-she’s basically your stylist? even though y/n’s a creative director, right?”
“yeah, she is.”
“and she’s crazy talented,” jimmy’s eyes widened, “so we were-we were all talking backstage and then someone told me that she was-she was the supervising creative director on so many of my favorite shows-i think everybody’s favorite shows,” he said.
“yeah, she’s incredible,” joe shook his head, a proud smile on his face, “euphoria, the queen’s gambit, throw in some black mirror, and she’s worked on so many movies,” he said, “she’s-she’s really talented.”
“and she’s so young, too,” jimmy pointed out, “with the movies she worked on and all the tv shows, i thought she’d have to be at least, what? 35? but she’s younger,” he said, “how did you two meet?”
“we met back in 2018,” joe said, “y/n used to work at 21 laps entertainment, and it’s-it’s stranger things’ production company. so there was this big party happening, or like some sort of a gala they were hosting, and sean brennan, who’s the supervising art director of the show, introduced me and the cast to y/n,” he explained, “you know, like, this is y/n, y/n, this is joe, and he was like, y/n’s insanely talented and praised her so much so then we started talking about her work and then she was like ‘i love your show, i binge watched it the other day’ and you know-”
“was it-was it friendly or were you two flirting?”
“i was flirting,” he pointed at himself with a small chuckle, “she was seeing someone at the time and-she kept respectfully rejecting me,” he laughed along with everyone else, “and diverting the conversation to talk about the show and sean, but i had no idea she was seeing someone so i thought, alright, i have no game,” he slapped his thigh, “but yeah, at some point she had to-she directly told me she was seeing someone,” he laughed.
“nooo,” jimmy laughed, “man, that’s embarrassing.”
joe nodded, “i was very embarrassed. but then i apologized and she was-she’s a very sweet person so it wasn’t awkward or anything. then we didn’t really see each other for a couple of years then we met again through some mutual friends.”
“that’s when you both finally got together?”
“no,” joe chuckled, “remember the person she was seeing?” he asked, watching as jimmy nodded, “yeah, they were together. my chances were gone,” everyone laughed, jimmy covering his mouth in shock, “yeah, fate wasn’t really working in my favor.”
“you’re kidding,” jimmy said.
“no, i wish,” he laughed, “but, seriously she’s the sweetest person so i was okay with having her as a friend. she’s not-like, she’s not someone you’d be okay without having in your life. you gotta make room for her,” joe said with a smile, “but yeah, things worked out at the end.”
“so wait, let me get this straight,” jimmy put a hand up, “you’ve basically had a crush on her since 2018?”
“since 2018, yes,” joe nodded.
“but you only got together this year,” jimmy added as joe nodded, “and how does it feel to finally be with your crush?”
joe gave a sheepish shrug but with a smug smirk, he opened both arms, “i’m a happy man-i’m a happy man.”
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