#and he can get a prosthetic or something there’s probably technology for that
quibbs126 · 1 year
So I was looking at some fanart of Dark Choco, and some wires got crossed in my head and I was like, “wait, why does he have both arms??” Forgetting that Dark Choco has never at any point lost an arm, just an eye
Anyways so I think Dark Choco should lose an arm now in the story
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syd-slays · 2 months
I literally can’t stop thinking about medic Dex.
Warning: blood, war, wee bit sad
It starts as an accident, or course. He had never thought about healing others because he hates blood and seeing people in pain. He even stopped working on the councilors prosthetic leg when he heard the tech would be embedded in his skin.
Dex was perfectly content helping his dad make medicine and handing it off to Elwin.
Until the incident.
The mission wasn’t supposed to be violent, the keeper crew were simply scouting a new location until someone accidentally activated a trap. (I usually picture Biana but any of them would have similar effects.)
She’s on the floor bleeding out. So, Dex (who has been making medications to stop excessive bleeding his whole life) rushes to put pressure on the wound.
It’s not enough.
Sophie is there. She has grown up watching action movies and probably knows strange, horrific facts. So, she mentions cauterizing the wound.
It wasn’t supposed to be a battle of any sorts so the only metal is Sophie’s dagger. They heat it (probably with help from Marella) and pass it to Dex.
They’re all horrified, broken children. Dex is just the unlucky one who is closest to the wound.
(If Fitz is there and Biana is the victim, he is an absolute wreck).
Dex knows what it feels like, to have his skin burnt like that. He has the scars to prove it, which make this especially difficult.
But it stops the bleeding and they’re able to get her to Elwin.
Dex is covered in blood and shaking. Elwin notices and realizes that he needs something to focus on before he starts spiraling. So, Elwin asks him for help to finish the procedure (he does need the help and Livvy can’t get there fast enough).
Dex can only focus on the temporary pain he caused until people start thanking him for saving her life. Then he realizes how important having a battle field medic would be (bonus points because it makes him needed).
Imagine later in the war, Dex has taken the position of medic well. He expertly gives pain medication to Sophie whose bone fracture is too complicated for Dex medic-in-training to fix. He uses a medicine dedicated to stitching skin back together on Keefe’s ribs, fast enough that he doesn’t gain another scar.
But Dex has a large scratch against his leg that won’t heal on his own. He wonders off to a corner alone to fix it. He is found (by Biana (?)) sobbing, holding a needle and thread against the wound. This person is confused on why Dex would use such a human method on himself, until they realize it’s because Dex used all the correct medication on his friends. In his words, “they needed it more.”
Don’t imagine the other person gently taking the needle and stitching his skin together so he doesn’t have to, them finally understanding the sorrow that comes with a medics position.
Dex being asked to make technology that could kill and believing that being a medic will even out the damage he causes.
Dex doing anything to keep his friends and family alive.
Dex, years after the war, still being thanked for saving lives on the battlefield and in the hospital.
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gretchensinister · 8 months
Babylon 5 rewatch, S1 E2: Soul Hunter
Franklin! Oh gosh he's so lively and enthusiastic at this point
Interesting that jumpgates will work/open for completely unidentified ships, most scifi I've read would have that kind of technology not work without some kind of standard code or something
This...does seem like a clear and present danger my dude
Claw machine hell
Let's not worry about momentum
...don't know if he's a he, either (90's!)
Sinclair why is your shirt unbuttoned (probably just off duty but lol)
Okay serious information I'm listening.
I wonder how a station ends up with an underclass, like, how did those people get there and why? What did they expect to happen? Like B5 is as big as a city but it's not like you can get there by accident. It seems like this social situation speaks to less...knowledge? Awareness? Of what's going on than I would personally find ideal on a space station
I'm pretty sure souls actually do canonically exist in the B5 universe unless I'm misremembering something. Either way I wouldn't want to be "preserved" by a complete stranger
I just want to note that now, as opposed to when I was a kid, I realize that all the MedLab stuff is VERY much a plot device--what I mean is that I live in a city with about the same population as B5 and we have sooooooo many doctors offices and at least 3 large hospitals. It doesn't make sense for Dr. Franklin to be directly involved with a random stabbing victim.
Gray Council mentioned!
That bug looks INCREDIBLE compared to some shit I've seen in really expensive movies recently. Fuck me, you could PUNCH that bug.
This guy may be messed up for a soul hunter but even the guy chasing him seems...well...mega-creepy
Also a plot thing that only one person is dying at this time in this size of population, even if it doesn't have the same number of elderly people as a city that's not a diplomatic/military outpost
Hint of weirdness between Gray Council and Sinclair initiated!
Oh yeah souls don't like being trapped in a little glass ball forever HUH WHO KNEW
I wonder how that prosthetic affected her hearing
Why WOULD a Gray Council member be serving as ambassador?👀
Man, Delenn was eating popcorn and watching cartoons last time, this time she was almost murdered
At least she got her peoples' souls back
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cloudyswritings · 9 months
Story/worldbuilding ideas n prompts
Just a sorta dump of ideas I’ve got rattling around in my brain. I may or may not get around to using these so feel free to play around with them.
Climate pirates: Basically just the future of our world where global warming has resulted in far more ocean to sail and a lack of resources has seen a second golden age of piracy. This would look kinda like a hybrid between Onepiece and Cyperpunk as a setting, maybe a woman who unexpectedly becomes captain and fights capitalism?
Spectral: Through science a man discovers a way to enter and exit the afterlife, he basically uses this to pull a bunch of heists from various afterlives and ends up being chased down from both the real world and by the dead. I imagine this could either be a story from his pov or someone who is trying to piece together his life story after the fact.
Slime based economy: Self explanatory, the economy of the US has transitioned to a form of slime. There’s probably a darker secret behind it all.
First contact but with octopi: They rapidly advance technologically once a scientist accidentally makes them longer lived, this leads to tension between our species. This would probably look like some sort of political story(I’ve been watching west wing).
Beam me up: A person finds a downed UFO and saves the beings within from the clutches of the government. This turns into a silly buddy cop story between a non-binary sweetheart and a grouchy gray alien as the go on a world tour to track down the pieces of his ship and reassemble it.
Necomancer Whales: Basically a revenge story where a whalefall rises from the grave to hunt down the whaling ship who killed them. A sort of found family story with the creatures who were eating the whalefall? Idk I just like the idea.
Glass: A world where different wavelengths of light carry different magical affinities. Prisms and glass orbs could be used as focuses for channeling magic, staining glass might chance what types of spells can be cast. Glass opacity and quality impacts spell power. Some warlocks and sorcerers will replace body parts with glass and crystal prosthetics to boost their innate spell casting potential. I’m almost certainly doing more with this. A person can also develop their own light/wavelength from exposure to magic, this would cause them to glow and have inborn powers others don’t. The longest lived sorcerers are near blinding to look at.
Dreaming deeply: The barrier between dreams and reality has cracked, and in places shattered. Legends walk the earth once more. In Greece the skies rumble with thunder, in America the souls of cities shake off their slumber, and in the darkness beyond the earth something hungry has turned its gaze towards humanity.
Succulent: A man becomes obsessed with succulents, covering his entire apartment with them. As his friends become increasingly concerned and his viewpoint becomes more and more distorted violence blooms with scarlet petals. The plants need fertilizer to grow…(this one is in progress)
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tell me about your ocs 🫣🫣 i liste
thank you for unlocking my side quest. this is probably definitely going to be a very long post
okay, so i've got five time lord ocs, but the main one is Fox (short for foxilquinn, because of course i had to give him a weird time lord name)
so he kind of started out as the kid in a doctor/master child au type story, and hes not not that anymore, but also he's got much more lore than just that now
to start off at the beginning he was born (or loomed i should say) on earth during the third doctor's era. i still haven't figured out why or how they had a loom, but they had one. the unfortunate thing for fox is that this loom was mildly broken so that leads to some problems for him (mainly his hair color will stay the same across all regenerations (which isn't really a problem but whatever, and its also where he got his name since the hair color is about the same as the color of a red fox's coat), he doesn't have a typical injury/stress threshold for regeneration, he has to literally be dying or he can't regenerate (this ends up with him losing a leg and an eye during his first regeneration, but it doesn't kill him so he doesn't regenerate from it), and he's really time sensitive to the point that being near anything paradoxical or too out of sync with the time line just kind of makes him pass out)
(also side note, fox is trans, it isn't like a big part of anything but i just like making my characters trans)
anyway when he's like six the cia show up and are like 'hey we're going to take your kid and put him in the academy on gallifrey' and then basically kidnap him. and since he's still got two years before he's initiated into the academy they stick him in the care or brax because a) he's the doctor's brother and therefore closest available family member on gallifrey and b) i thought it would be funny to stick brax with a child, he does not seem qualified for that
fast forward a bit and he's at the academy doing academy stuff. this is mostly uneventful, he does some mischief, but nothing big happens here. he does end up being in like the same year/class as romana though because this is my story and i like romana so she can be in it if i want her to.
after graduating fox steals a tardis and runs away because hes seen what gallifreyan society is like compared to the rest of the universe and he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in that society not being able to do what he wants.
anyway he kind of just travels around for a while until he one day runs into the doctor and romana and him and romana have a fun little reunion and he travels with them for a while.
after romana returns to gallifrey fox starts sneaking in and out of gallifrey to see romana. this gets a cia agent assigned to his case because he's now a threat to security (he isn't really all that much, his main goals other than seeing romana are to not get arrested and being annoying to gallifreyan government officials that aren't romana). of course this cia agent is narvin because he's one of my favorite time lords so he goes in the story as well
anyway things happen, romana gets captured by the daleks and imprisoned on etra prime. fox goes looking for her, does not succeed but does get blown up and has a building fall on him, resulting in him losing most of his right leg and left eye (also he builds himself a futuristic prosthetic leg and also uses forearm crutches that can fold up really small (like fit in your pocket small) because that's something i desperately want to exist so i'm giving them to him and just calling it time lord technology instead of finding a way for it to make sense) (forearm crutches are so inconvenient to bring anywhere if you're not actively using them and also sometimes when you are)
after romana gets back she gets a bit concerned about fox just running around the universe and getting into dangerous situations because of the events mentioned in the previous paragraph and basically goes 'why don't you teach a class at the academy' so she can make sure hes not out there somewhere getting himself killed
he agrees and ends up teaching a small class of students that (maybe they know this through like matrix prediction or something idk) are all probably going to be renegades. the goal of this class is basically him teaching them how to not die out in the universe (the high council also make the rule that if he's going to be employed on gallifrey he needs to stay there and try to take his tardis from him, but he basically tries to fight them about it (i like to think he tries to bite one of them) and they let him keep his tardis as long as he doesn't go on any unplanned trips)
(there's other stuff about him, like he survives the time war because i don't want to kill him off and theres a few regenerations here and there, but i've already said so much about fox so i'm going to talk about my other ocs now)
the other four are all fox's students who i actually just made up to be placeholder characters for like a scene then i got attatched. they're Azdran, Ensil, Jerex, and Maxin
Az is probably the one i have the most stuff for, they're from the house of oakdown and their parents really want them to be like some kind of politician, but they just want to get off of gallifrey and live a normal life without the expectations of their house behind all their actions. they're nonverbal and use a data pad that they modified as an aac device, this data pad is pretty old and it's a miracle that it still works, but az manages to keep it functioning somehow. they're also the only one of the students that survives the time war, they fall through a rift in time and space opened by the war and end up on earth (something something that rift in cardif)
I honestly don't have much for ensil, hes arcalian (the others are all prydonian) and finds the whole time lord society thing stifling and wants to not deal with that for the rest of his life
Jerex was raised by tardis engineers and likes tardises more than people. he already is bonded to a tardis by the time he enters fox's class and would prefer to spend his days working on upgrading and fixing it rather than having to do classes. if it weren't for the time war getting in the way of things he probably would have just settled himself on a quiet planet with his tardis and helped with repairs on the tardises of renegades who stopped by. i think he still ends up as a tardis engineer/repairer during the war because its what he's good at, but he'd rather not be involved in the war
Last there's Maxin. she's the daughter of maxil and i honestly can't remember if she started out that way or if i made her design and then named her and went 'yeah that could make sense'. anyway because of that she often disregards a lot of rules because her father has like some power and can get her out of things. she also definitely breaks into his office and looks through things she shouldn't be. after the academy she ends up joining the military and pretty quickly climbs the ranks (all of them graduate pretty close to the start of the time war so the gallifreyan military is actually like a relevant thing that does stuff at this point). once the war actually starts though it doesn't take her long to figure out that she a) kind of hates rassilon and thinks he's just making everything worse in some sort of power play against the daleks and b) she can't actually do all that much of what she wants or thinks is best in the military both because of it's structure and because, even despite her rank, she isn't often taken seriously since shes pretty fresh out of the academy, so she defects and starts helping the resistance
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past curfew
The Captain and the Artificer meet late at night in the UES Safe Travels' bridge.
Content tags: Character study, non-canon, space travel, frozen in time, memory loss, Artificer (Risk of Rain 2), Captain (Risk of Rain 2)
It’s late.
The Captain breathes a steady sigh through his temporal vents, worn boots thumping softly along the corridors of the UES Safe Travels. It’s been decades since he’d trodden these halls, and yet—he remembers every corner, every nook and cranny. She’s changed, of course. Like the leather of his soles, the hands of dozens of other captains just like him have molded her, shaped her. There are some new dents and scuffs that’ve been here for probably years, but feel as though they’d been made just yesterday. The Safe Travels is not just his first ship. It’s subjective, arbitrary in the way children have their seat in the classroom, but she is his ship.
The bridge is empty, not as always, but as its new natural state has evolved to become, and he straightens to fill it up some more. If he closes his eyes, he can still hear the ghostly chatter and bustle of the personnel fluttering about from console to console, the squeaks of the chair, the clatter of keystrokes. Upgrades over the years made them obsolete. The only thing the ship needed now was her Captain and a skeleton crew.
It’s not so much the fact that the presence of strangers is odd. The Safe Travels is a colony ship, after all. Her duty is to oversee a secure journey through the stars to any and all who sought them out. As the war spiraled on, there were thousands strong who fought to go, to hide themselves into her holds and flee into the stars. No, the Captain is no stranger to strangers. It’s the fact that there are so few that strikes him like the crash of a falling cymbal at an orchestra.
Alloy prosthetics creak and shift beneath his coat as he goes to stand before it. It’s strange. The starry void is not unfamiliar to him, and yet, when he stares into the cold space surrounding Petrichor V, he cannot help but feel terribly unknown.
He lifts his chin from his collar. The Artificer glides from the doorway, jetpack humming away as her legs dangle in the air. The Engineer had done fantastic work on them—Not a complaint yet, he’s said—but old habits are hard to break, it seems. She never seems inclined to touch the ground with her spotless white boots.
“You’re”—out past curfew—“up late,” he says. He doesn’t move from his spot in front of the viewing port as she comes up behind him.
“I could say the same for you.” She perches on an empty desk beside him, gutted of its buttons and wires and monitors long ago. Such tactile means of control were no longer necessary in the age of holograms and projected displays and smooth, cold touch screens that did not always heed his metallic touch. Buttons and levers never discriminated against who used them. They never disobeyed their Captain.
The Artificer's smooth, unseeing visor turns to face him. The motion’s slight, and he gets the impression she’s glancing at him sidelong. “Star-gazing?” she offers.
“It doesn’t get old,” the Captain rumbles. “There’s always something new to see.”
“It’s beautiful.”
Does her suit, tidy and sleek like the new desks, ever fail her in its simplicity? Does it fail to recognize her? Surely not. She’d be dead innumerable times over if it did. He ought to have faith in this new technology—Nostalgia blinds his reasoning.
(It’s hardly ‘new’ anyway. The Artificer is almost as old as him, but her decades are lost to crystalline confines. War has not worn her down.)
“Yes,” he agrees. The soft green horizon of Petrichor V begins to glow along the edge of the viewport. “Are you much of a traveler?”
“I think I used to be,” she replies. Her low voice softens as she continues. “The House was generous, but I always yearned for more.”
“I’m sure that’s precisely what made you a suitable candidate.”
She chuffs a little. “Amongst other things. What about you? Was it ever an acquired taste?”
“No,” says the Captain. “I never was meant to stay in one place forever. I’m certain I was put into this world to fly a ship through the stars.”
“That’s awfully confident.” It’s not a compliment. “What if you can’t?”
“Then I am nothing.”
A lull, during which Petrichor V further creeps across the display, unassuming and gorgeous as kudzu and ivy.
“It’s admirable,” says the Artificer, “your confidence of your place in the universe. But no one is one piece of many, scattered with a single purpose to just be a piece. You’re a Captain to the people, too. You must be a friend to many. That’s not ‘nothing’—or else it’s a lonely life you live.”
He turns to her, then, but she’s not looking at him. She’s caught the stars in her visor, beyond Petrichor’s monstrous size choking the rest out. He wonders what she’s seen.
“My taste was acquired,” she begins. “I wanted to explore, yes, but—there was always that edge to overcome. Being afraid of the unknown, rather than awed. The House guided me over it. And I think—I always knew I wanted to become a herald for the House. But it wasn’t until I set foot onto Petrichor that I realized what it meant to truly burn for exploration. I had to be dragged away from every new place we visited, and I kept a journal of every stone, every new plant, every animal, every monster. I’m sure there are hundreds I missed. We weren’t there for long when—”
Her voice vanishes. Petrichor V dominates the viewport, and it will be this way for the next few days as the UES Safe Travels orbits it, held tight in its suffocating gravitational field.
“I kept a journal,” she starts again after a taut pause, “I don’t remember what was written, only that it was written. And… it was taken elsewhere”—bitter, longing—“when I was trapped within the crystal. I do not know where it might have gone.”
“A shame,” the Captain says, and it is. “Losing a journal is losing your own story.”
“How many journals do you have, Captain?”
“Dozens. A hundred, maybe.” All tucked on his bookshelf, some leather-bound, some mere pads, one a hefty, padlocked book. It’s his first. The key remains tucked against his chest on a chain hidden beneath his coat, vest, and shirt.
“What do you write about?”
Not quite everything. But he can’t rightly say, ‘What matters to me.’ A Captain needs everything to matter lest it be lost to the void. “The people I’ve met. The new things I’ve touched, smelled, seen. The ship, her health. My own, as well.” No Captain survived for more than a decade if they ruminated in their head all the time.
“Perhaps a story?”
“I’d like to hear them someday.” She pushes off the desk and starts floating back to the door. “Let’s talk more another time,” she says over her shoulder. “Truly, I’d like to listen to your stories. But, of course—it’s past curfew, Captain.”
So she is a bit of a whip. “So it is,” he chuckles. “Goodnight, then.”
“Goodnight, Captain. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Then he is alone.
It’s late.
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crossroadsdimension · 2 years
I’m still rolling around in analysis mode with Trigun Stampede, and I remember folks familiar with the serious complaining about how much of Vash’s backstory gets revealed.
Except...while there is a lot that’s blatantly said, it doesn’t outright confirm what old Trigun fans already know.
Here’s what we know so far in the first 3 episodes, if you’re coming in as a newbie:
-He was a kid living on a colony ship when the crash happened
-He has a brother named Nai (going by Knives) who is absolutely off his rocker and wants the Plants to survive more than the humans on this desert world. (I mean, just look at Ep 3 again if you think I’m wrong)
-Vash is something more than human (my dad, who is watching this with fresh eyes, thinks that Vash is a cyborg because of the circuitry). Other than his appearance, how quickly he moves and how well he can avoid bullets even while scrambling around like a clown in Ep 2 makes this clear.
-Vash has excellent eyesight and sharpshooting skills, considering he isn’t using a sniper rifle to shoot at EG Mine’s feet as the man sat on his perch in Ep 3, and a single boulder and a single bullet can destroy an entire cluster bomb. Considering how quickly he probably had to calculate how big of a boulder to throw and where to hit it, that means he’s got a very good brain between his ears. (Whether or not he uses it, though....)
-Vash doesn’t want people to know he’s skilled. He said in the first episode that destroying that cluster bomb was all luck on his part.
-Vash is terrified of his brother. It’s a through line in the first three episodes that culminates with Knives showing up. Anyone inexperienced with the series probably thought the piano was pretty until they saw the look of pure terror on Vash’s face, and his shots went very wide when he was shooting at his brother.
-Vash doesn’t like killing/hurting anyone and wants to keep people safe and alive, and he gets furious when someone threatens the status quo because they live for killing others (like EG Mine. I’ve seen that clip of his voice dropping an octave while he points his gun in the bomber’s face, and I know you all have, too).
At best, we could guess that Vash and Knives are enhanced humans, like the two Nebraskas, but with Lost Technology instead of cobbled-together experimental materials. It would explain the “circuitry,” as well as maybe some feelings of betrayal on Knives’ part, if he doesn’t want anything to do with the humans who “re-made” him.
Again, the above is looking at the information the show has given us and extrapolating on what newbies could be thinking. I don’t know if anyone’s actually thinking this or not, but considering my dad’s current perspective....
Here are the things we don’t know because the show didn’t spell it out (putting under a read more if you don’t want to see these questions, and because the post is getting a little long):
-How long it’s been since the crash (or what they even call the crash, because the manga has a name for it!)
-WHAT Vash and Knives are
-The “gate” that Knives talked about, and what Vash might have that mirrors Knives’ abilities (insofar as they’re brothers, at least...I expect some character foil/mirror nonsense)
-Where Millie is (in all seriousness I expect her to show up at some point)
-How Vash lost his arm and where he got the prosthetic
-How Knives knew where Vash was at the end of Ep 1 (it sounded like he was talking to someone....)
-Knives’ long-term goal for himself and the Plants (beyond getting rid of the human “parasites,” as he calls them in Ep 1)
-How far back before the start of the show Vash gained the “Humanoid Typhoon” status
I’m sure there are some other points, but I hope this makes it clear that no, Trigun Stampede does not give us everything about Vash right off the bat. It gives us some points, but not everything. And I’m looking forward to how they reveal everything else as we go along
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G-witch AU Infodump
Enabled by @werewolfcoochie @marchdancer @sharpdistances @germanpillow @kallista-dragonsoul and @iwantthatdickgrayson here is me infodumping about random shit in my G-witch AU:
After being rescued by Ellyus, El4n takes on a new name and identity— one he would choose for himself— though Shin Sei doesn't quite have the means necessary to turn his face into something else, nor does he remember what his original face is supposed to look like anyways.
Anyways, his new name is Nary, bc “nary” means “nothing, none” and he's basically someone who has nothing, starting from scratch with a clean slate and even before that he had nothing. Also it's a reference to @stil-lindigo 's fantastic poem-comic here and @telamont 's fic may the little garden where you smile, last forever since I read both of them at roughly within the same timeframe and they double-teamed up on me in terms of brainrot. I am not sorry for this.
I'm still struggling over his new surname however, though Frey is a temporary placeholder— as a reference to the goddess Frigg whose divine domains included clairvoyance and prophecy, and though Nary himself is no prophet his love interest is so hmmm. Does Ellyus count as an Odin figure? I'm not well-versed with Norse mythology. (what El definitely is is a trickster/prophet/fey type character)
Shin Sei in this AU is comprised of the friends and families of the slaughtered Vanadis researchers who want justice/vengeance for their fallen loved ones— and so support Prospera in her schemes. There's also mercurian folk in there but yeah.
Ellyus gets his mother and Shin Sei to fake/develop a new identity and backstory for Nary/El4n. It's up to him whether he comes back to Asticassia but I like to think he does.
He dyes his hair the same colour as the woman who's presumably his mother, the lady with the birthday cake? Yeah? The same brown.
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He still wears soft earrings bc this analysis of El4n's gender thing lives in my head rent-free. He also wears a lot more feminine clothing because he can. (EDIT: added the link that I forgot to add bc fucking hell I knew I was forgetting smth)
He has a new hairstyle. I actually have a design in mind but since I can't draw right now... lemme dig up my gallery in hopes that there's something that looks like it—
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(I'm not sure if I could share these, as far as I could track these were drawn by the original artist of the comic this character is from, I eventually seek to replace these w my own drawings when I can.)
He probably ends up taking the surname of some Shin Sei employee, though argh, it fucking pains me that we know practically nothing about Shin Sei!! Who's Godoy and what does he even do?!
The Plant Quetta attack does not happen. There will be another attack to replace it, alright, but it's been moved down the timeline. I don't know when it'll be or by whom, but it happens on Earth, while Ellyus is there. Why is he there? Dunno, probably some GUND-ARM related reason. He's one of the main mechanics of Aerial after all, and someone who's heavily involved in the production of GUND-prosthetics.
Speaking of Ellyus' engineering work, Shin Sei did develop the drone technology Prospera mentions in the witch trial— it's just that Ellyus is the one who created it. Maybe he could also be present in the trial room? His presence wouldn't really help against Delling but hey, it's the thought that counts. Besides, he (and we the audience) already knows Miorine will come to save the day.
Delling is fucking dead. No mercy for the fucker, he probably dies in the same attack that lethally wounded Ellyus? Or perhaps after that, in another incident. Vim Jeturk is accused of the murder, and subsequently silenced by Prospera and/or Shaddiq.
Shaddiq takes the presidency. Ellyus left behind pre-recorded video messages tailored to each recipient, he sat down and recorded them before he died, set to automatically be sent to the ppl he wants in the Know after his funeral, and Shaddiq and El4n's messages include the entire backstory, basically, and so Shaddiq knows about Quiet Zero and who it's for. He seeks out Prospera and basically proposes an alliance— much of their goals align, he can use QZ's might to strong-arm favorable negotiations for Earth, he knows who QZ's for and realizes that Ellyus can be “alive/free” again like Ericht since he's deduced that the night Ellyus went missing from his hospital room and came back dead was actually him being uploaded into a GUND-bit.
(It's part of Ellyus' machinations, to protect Miorine from Prospera, to bridge Shaddiq to a strong ally who shares a lot of his goals, and... yeah. Fuck Spacians, this alliance is gon be a bulldozer.)
Shaddiq does not ally with Peil.
Peil will meet a karmic end. I don't know how yet, but El4n and El5n are involved. Anyways, that'll probably happen during or after the struggle for the Benerit Group presidency.
Guel actually learns something beyond “daddy good”, dammit.
Miorine and Prospera have a... complex, shall we say, relationship. Prospera holds back from roping her into revenge unlike in canon— mostly because of Ellyus' pleas to not let GUND-ARM be ruined/soaked in blood, partly because Miorine is the one who resurrected and kept true to GUND's ideals of medical research and stuff. Prospera hates her bc well, Delling's daughter, but on the other hand... a successor of sorts to carrying the GUND research torch. Miorine doesn't trust her, no, buuuut she still can't deny that together w Shaddiq they're... actually doing decent work. (Again, unlike in canon LOL)
Suletta's off to the side having her own Identity Journey. The video message to her also explains her origins and everything, so she now knows she's a repli-child. I don't know what I'll do with the journey proper but I want the eventual outcome to be: “I am not Ericht, I was never a Samaya and that's just fine. I'm Suletta, and the name Mercury is mine in a way it isn't for mom. I still love you, mom, Aerial/Eri too, but I am a Mercury and I'm proud of that. I still love you but I'm me and you're not my entire world.” kinda deal. Basically, independence, loving her family on her own terms.
No Plant Quetta means no tomato paste and no divorce! Huzzah! (I mean, another attack still happens but due to Ellyus' and Miorine + Earth House's influence Suletta focuses more on disaster relief and evacuation and stuff.)
Adding a new layer to Ellyus' non-linear time thing (I've posted about it, I've linked to it before in another post, it can be found in his character tag), he's allowed to make phone calls to One (1) person in the past. That person happens to be Jeru Ogul, aka Shaddiq's child self, way before he's learnt to put up barriers around his heart.
(Ellyus was never meant to be human. If the G-witch cast proper is comprised of 3D beings and us the audience 4D, he'd be like, 3.5D. That's why he's allowed time shenanigans by me. Only as far as I allow it, though. He's a plot device, a robot w its guts exposed. I have also posted about this before. I won't link to it here bc well, I already have before and ppl didn't seem all too interested in the makings and structure of his character. Meta-narrative fuckery ftw.)
The calls are sporadic, but kid Jeru comes to hold this mysterious friend person in the phone very dear to his heart. Their non-judegmental and gentle encouragement was one of the things that kept him going in those days.
He's buried the memory now, in the deepest layers of his heart, under twenty vaults, along with the tender hurt and angry child self that was Jeru Ogul and everything that it represents. It fuels him, it's his impetus, but it's hidden, carefully so.
It's a surprise to the both of them when they find out.
(basically, Doylist reason was that I needed a narrative tool strong enough to break through his walls and allow him to be changed for the better, to stop having tunnel-vision, and Ellyus became the narrative device responsible for that task)
This development allowed for Shaddiq to be more proactive and open. To the point he might actually ask for Miorine's support/help during the competition for the presidency. I'm still contemplating it.
I don't know what I'll do with Dawn of Fold yet.
Not the Space Assembly League, really.
Somebody help.
Well, that's it for this episode of info-dumping! Thank you for enabling me, I was afraid to do it bc it's disheartening to scream your heart out into the void and have no response.
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pencil-peach · 11 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 14
Part 15! Of the G Witch! Onscreen Text Analysis! Where I transcribe and discuss! Onscreen Text! And also just generally analyze the episodes! When I have time!
We are on Episode 14! "What They Wish For!"
Click Here! To go back! To Episode 13! Or! Go to the Masterpost!
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Or! If you'd like! Join me! Beneath the Cut! (This one is really long! Wow!)
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Before we start, something I forgot to discuss at the end of last episode, but there's this moment when Prospera asks Miorine if she'll be friends with Suletta again after the investigation, and Miorine says that of course she will.
Afterwards, Prospera pauses and smiles before proceeding to discuss Quiet Zero with her. I like to think she was genuinely relieved for a second, knowing how much she means to Suletta. (And also it maybe makes her easier to manipulate too. It can be both. Tomatoes tomatoes.)
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We learn here that Prospera had been in talks with Delling about Quiet Zero since before she sent Suletta to Asticassia. Something that always gets to me about the timeline of events regarding Quiet Zero is Delling's behavior in Episode 2 during the trial.
Clearly he was devoted to developing Quiet Zero, so what was his goal with the trial? Prospera seemed to act as if she genuinely needed to convince Delling to accept Aerial by blackmailing Vim, and Delling seemed to be genuine when he spoke of disposing Aerial and "Getting Rid Of" Suletta
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Prospera even makes a face like she wasn't expecting this. Was Delling trying to find a way to proceed on QZ without making use of a Gundam, and Prospera purposefully went behind his back to proceed with the plan in her own way? Delling does say, "Right now, Quiet Zero is still MY project," to her, as if he thinks she's getting ahead of herself.
Or maybe he just didn't want Aerial to be at the school, and wanted it to increase its Permet Score in some backwater sectors in space, and was just going to pretend to get rid of it and ship Suletta and Aerial to some distant war front. Who knows!
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Utterly meaningless little detail, but I'm learning Japanese and I wanted to point it out. The title of this episode is "What They Wish For," and in the original JP name, the word they use for "They" is "彼女たち" (kanojotachi), which is the "they" you use when referring to a group made up only of girls. If it's a group of men or men and women, you use "彼ら" (karera).
So the title here is most likely referring to Sophie and Suletta in regards to their duel. It's probably obvious but it's a neat little thing that doesn't translate 1 to 1.
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At the GUND-ARM Inc booth, they've set up a little info tablet for the prosthetic legs. How cute! Wish it was legible.
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OHHHHH FUUUUUUCKKK!!!!!! Rubbing hands down my face FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!! Okay lets go.
ASTICASSIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Welcome to ASTICASSIA, a front for learning that cultivates the pilots, engineers, and managers on whom the future of the Benerit Group relies.
As a higher education facility operated by the Benerit Group, we train the personnel who will form the core of the space development business.
The Asticassia School of Technology is a higher education facility operated by the Benerit Group. It implements a boarding school system that teaches the basics of communal living, a highly advanced professional curriculum, and a comprehensive instructional program in which we have invested all the technological confidence and accomplishments that the Group has built up in the mobile suit industry. Here we train the personnel who will support the space development business in the future. *To enroll, recommendations from Benerit Group [investment?] companies are required.
Chairman of the school board: Delling Rembran.
[Enrichment?] [School Grounds?]
In the educational front constructed at Front Sector 73, there are schoolhouse areas where students can study in state-of-the-art facilities, residential areas where a House system fosters cooperation as they eat and sleep alongside their comrades, and tactical testing sectors where they can perform combat exercises with mobile suits. Interfront Monorail systems are also installed for travel between areas, enabling smooth movement. The schoolhouse areas include facilities such as cafeterias where students can relax during breaks between classes, and training rooms to promote the maintenance of mental and physical fitness.
Curriculum Fostering Independence
[??] an educational policy of respecting our students' independence, the curriculum has adapted a system of free choice. In addition to compulsory subjects that are common to all three special courses, students can build their own curriculum, selecting from classes corresponding to the department in which they belong, making choices specific to the improvement of their personal skills.
Equipment Complete facilities and mobile suits
The Burion company's Demi Trainer is used for mobile suit training exercises at the school. There are also many mobile craft, and a full compliment of maintenance docks equipped with cutting-edge technology. Thus pilots and mechanics can perform their exercises in the most perfect environment and facilities. [Burion company's Demi Trainer]
(Righthand side)
Special Courses Three Special Courses
Three specialized courses have been established at the school. The "Piloting Department" develops high grade pilots, the "Mechanics Department" creates professionals in the maintenance of mobile suits and working equipment, and the "Management Strategy Department" trains experts in corporate management. In each of these three-year special courses, students learn from the ground up under the guidance of outstanding instructors.
1. Piloting
A course to develop "high-grade pilots" with outstanding skills as mobile suit pilots, able to participate in development projects and conduct instructional training for ordinary pilots. In addition to control techniques, their skills as pilots are cultivated from many different perspectives, including physical training and immersive courses to understand the construction of mobile suits and mobile craft. *Enrollment in this special course is limited to those with mobile suit operating experience.
2. Mechanics
A course to create professional mechanics and engineers who can handle the maintenance, repair, design, and development of mobile suits and mobile craft. Its aim is to train personnel skilled in fast and reliable maintenance, who can perform customization and tuning for different pilots and environments, as well as designing and developing new mobile suits and mobile craft. In addition to basic technology, this department also places great emphases on creativity
3. Management Strategy
A course that teaches the knowhow of corporate management. The curriculum has been designed to instill abilities that are indispensable for managers, such as information analysis skills, the foresight to anticipate the trends of the times, fast and accurate judgement, and management skills for motivating subordinates.
(The Curriculum section is incredibly blurry, as the blur effect on the screen in this shot seemingly increases from left to right for some reason. This section is already incredibly long, so for the sake of legibility (and my sanity) I'll omit them from this transcription for now. Apologies, I'll try and make a separate post giving my best guesses as to what they say later.)
HOKAY. During Nika's flashback where she talks about how the DOF allowed her to go to Asticassia, we see her reading an actual Asticassia info pamphlet. A lot of this is just reiterating info we already know, but we actually Do learn some new info that clarifies some things about how Asticassia works
We learn that in order to enroll in the school broadly, it's REQUIRED to have a recommendation from a Benerit Group verified company. It's not like a normal school where it simply increases your chances of getting admitted, it's a baseline requirement. That's why Nika, Sophie, and Norea needed fake companies only registered in the group by name.
Somewhat more importantly, we also get an explanation as to why there seem to be so few piloting students at Asticassia as opposed to the other 2 courses. It's because a student needs to have Mobile Suit operating experience as a PRE-REQUISITE to enroll for the course. Asticassia's Piloting program isn't a course where one can learn to be a pilot, it's a course that reinforces and improves the skills a pilot must already have. (A lot of other things make sense too, like, the fact that students are responsible for the support and repair of their own mobile suits, or that the school doesn't provide any mobile suits other than Demi Trainers for class.)
It's not new information, but now that I think about it the fact that Burion is the company that supplies Asticassia with its Demi Trainers is probably why Secelia and Rouji are allowed to be members of the Dueling Committee, despite their company not being in the upper echelon of the Group, nor either of them being piloting students themselves.
Nothing about the Dueling or Holder systems are explained in this pamphlet, at least, nothing on this page. Suletta didn't know anything about it before arriving to the school, so if I had to make a guess, I figure it's only something you learn once you get to the school. (Or maybe it's just...explained on another page.)
All the lovely things stated about the school's grounds and house system are really funny when you remember that Earth house looks like this.
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I like this scene where Norea hands 5lan his phone back. She doesn't even hide the fact that she stole it, and then she reveals to him that he knows about him and his relationship to Peil (Probably because she read his email correspondence with them.) 5lan calmly takes it back, not to plussed about it, and probably not interested in even telling Peil the phone was stolen at all. They both say that the other is annoying. True love!
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There's this bit where Suletta tells Sophie about her promise to Miorine, and she responds by calmly and emotionlessly repeating out loud everything she knows about her before cutting back to her usual outgoing personality. This is the only time we ever really see her do something like this. I wonder if this is something she does often when she's deep in thought about something.
In this scene, Suletta is also still unaware about the reality of the situation. She says she can't let Sophie win their duel because in her mind, if she does, she'll lose her status as Holder. When Sophie runs away, Suletta reaches out, telling her that they need to do the dueling vow. She doesn't understand what's really happening.
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TEXT: RUMBLE RING The Rumble Ring, the main event of the Open Campus, is about to begin! All participating students, please report to the 9th Tactical Testing Sector. All viewers[...]
The Rumble Ring event screen. We never see the full thing so we don't know where the viewers are told to go. [Punches the wall in anger] FUCK!!!! WHY CANT WE KNOW!!!!!
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Lauda says that the rumble ring will be the last thing he does before he becomes CEO of JHM. It's sad that he has to bear that burden on his own, but we later see that Petra was working as his assistant while he was CEO. It's sweet that she seemingly unenrolled too, just to follow him.
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Couple of fun things about this scene, so, firstly, underneath the photos of Sabina and Renee, in the window, we can see Renee and Sabina's fans holding up signs and hearts and cheering them on.
The other is that, in this battle, Sabina and Renee are using different mobile suits. In the Earth House duel, the Grassley Girls were all using Beguir-Pentes, while in the Rumble Ring, Sabina and Renee using Heindrees. We can actually see that the UI on their photos has been updated to reflect this.
Now, this is clearly not, like, a standard thing, right? Like, we only ever see these specific Pre-Duel spreads for the Grassley Girls. Shaddiq himself doesn't even have one, so it's not like it's a Grassley thing. So that probably, definitely means that these are fanmade spreads, and there's either one, or a group of extremely dedicated Grassley Girl Fans who make them.
Oh, and because I didn't notice last time, all the Grassley Girls have a shape flourish around on their Duel Info. Sabina, Renee, and Henao all have a star, but Maisie and Ireesha have a heart.
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A funny thing about the Rumble Ring (That you will only notice if you do some stupid thing like rewatching this show double digit number of times like I have.) Is that, when the 9th Tactical Testing Sector fades out into its simulated environment, it shows a dark, overcast sky. But during the actual Rumble Ring, the sky is clearly, um. Not that. This isn't a case of a prior animation having been used without edits either. Up to now, every single simulated environment has been unique, including this one. It seems there might've just been a miscommunication between the environment artists who were in charge of the simulator scene and the background artists responsible for the Rumble Ring scenes. Maybe nobody caught it or had time to fix it before the episode aired. I wonder if they fixed it in the Blu-ray version?
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Unlike Guel's Dilanza, Lauda's isn't custom colored. It uses the same color of the base model. I wonder if he requested that.
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When Norea targets Chuchu's cockpit, she receives an alert on her monitor saying ALERT YOUR COCKPIT IS BEING TARGETED. That's how she knows Norea had done it and managed to shield herself.
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Rouji then states that they must not have the regulation program installed, so in addition to limiting beam output, the program also ensures an MS is unable to target an opposing MS' cockpit, so as to avoid a lethal attack.
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I like that Secelia knows when to drop the snark and keep a steady head when it comes to people's safety.
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Maybe I'm just a bit too sentimental, but there's something about this scene, where Chuchu is about to fully give into her wrath and follow the same path Norea went down, only to be brought to her senses by somebody yelling for help that really makes me mourn the time that G Witch didn't have to tell its story. Even just a little bit more time to explore that idea....ah well, it is what it is, and I still love this scene.
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This is the screen that pulls up when Norea tries to contact Sophie and cant get a signal because she's out of range. But more interestingly, this is our first look at the Thorn (and presumably Ur)'s main menu (it's faded out behind the Communication mode UI)
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It's the same as Aerial's! Not surprising, but pretty cool.
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Sophie's death is kind of interesting when you think about it. At this point, Eri has produced a miniature data storm, and thus taken control of the Gundvolvas and the Ur.
But Sophie still pushes through and manages to maintain control of Ur, pushing herself closer and closer to Aerial, even still being able to defeat the now rogue Gundvolvas.
We learn later in Episode 22 that in order to maintain control of a Gundam in Eri's Data Storm, you have to clear Score 5. But Sophie's case is still somewhat different. When Suletta Pilots Calibarn, she's told that it doesn't have a filter for data storm feedback, but as a result can produce a higher score within the same amount of Permet.
That means that, despite Sophie and Suletta each having surpassed Score 5, Suletta in Calibarn is actually not being exposed to as much Permet as Sophie is in this scene. (Sophie and Suletta have a similar Permet Scar Pattern on their faces, but unlike Suletta, the Permet scars are running through Sophie's Eyes.)
And Sophie doesn't have Suletta's natural resistance to data storms either, so on top of that Permet Exposure, the Data Storm is frying her too.
Norea wasn't lying when she said that she died before Suletta could kill her.
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This is scene is such a sad conclusion to her duel with Sophie. The whole fight, Sophie is forcing her to confront and ask herself uncomfortable questions.
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When Sophie tells her why she kills, Suletta tells her it's wrong, that you can't kill other people just to get what you want, and then she remembers Miorine's horrified face, and remembers that she did the same thing to save her.
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When Sophie forces her to ask herself what Aerial was built to do, what she needs all these weapons for, she freezes. She doesn't know the answer.
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And when she sees that Sophie has died, Norea tells her to her face that Gundams will eventually kill anyone who continues to pilot them. Something her mother told her wasn't true.
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But...when she talks to Aerial, she can only rationalize it by saying that Sophie had to be wrong. That Gundams are supposed to save people. Because that's what her mother told her. And above all else, at the core of Suletta's being, the very foundational idea that she has built her entire life up from is the belief that her mother loves her and would never lie to her.
Eri can only tell Suletta what she thinks will make her feel better. That it's okay, because she saved everybody. And Suletta agrees, because again, move forward gain two. Just like mom says. And just like that, all 3 of the uncomfortable ideas that Suletta had to confront during her duel with Sophie are completely shut down.
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But even as she says that, with a smile on her face, she's crying. Deep down, she doesn't want to do this. Deep down, she knows that it's wrong. Deep down, she's in so much pain. But it's fine. It's okay, because even if it hurts, even if it's unbearable, it has to be right. It has to be right, because her mother is always right.
You could say a lot about Miorine's actions in episode 17, and maybe it wasn't the best way, but separating her from her mother was not a mistake.
Thank you for reaching the end of this part! Quite a long one huh??!??!?! I don't blame you if you couldn't finish this one...there was just so much to talk about!!!
For my final gift...
Here's the theme that plays for a majority of Norea and Sophie's attack on Asticassia. This theme also plays a bit during the infiltration of Quiet Zero.
A fun fact about this episode is that it has one of the few Enemy/Non-Aerial Gundam battles that "Pharact" doesn't play at some point for. Click to go to Episode 15! >>
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knightotoc · 11 months
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I wanted to design a Post-RotJ survivor Anakin for a while, and my extreme dislike of his de-aged ghost appearance in Ahsoka is motivating me to finally do it. In the movies, almost everything about his disabilities and death was written around morality and convenience. He's scary because of his disabilities and their villain-designed accommodations; he sacrifices himself to prove his goodness, the final "use" in a life devoted to being useful to others. I love the ending of RotJ for the tragic failure in Luke's arc and parallel with Padme, but I also want more for Anakin.
This is a version where Luke succeeds in saving not just his father's morality but his life. Some tiny part of Anakin wants to live, in spite of his pain and guilt. Instead of flying the escape vessel back to the moon of Endor, Luke flies to the nearest Rebel med-ship and gets Anakin out of the failing Vader helmet and suit and into a bacta tank. This continues the theme in RotJ of Luke becoming emotionally distant from his friends/the cause because he still believes in Anakin. In this version, that hope starts to become inconvenient.
I do not think Leia and Han would quickly forgive Anakin, even when they learn he killed the Emperor. This becomes an issue when Luke needs Rebel money for new accommodations for Anakin's amputations, damaged lungs, and newly weakened heart.
CW: long post, medical descriptions
While Palpatine created Anakin's suit and helmet in part to accommodate his disabilities, his greater priority was making Anakin useful, powerful, and intimidating. Luke just wants Anakin to be alive. (Comfortable and independent, if possible: two things Anakin has never been.) Palpatine also spared no expense from his entire galaxy of wealth, while Luke has to borrow from some rich sucker who can get behind the rehabilitation of their most dangerous enemy (Mon? Lando? or someone less politically correct?).
I've been researching what we'd use in the real world for Anakin's disabilities, because I think it's important, and because I've become fonder of hard scifi, and because hand-wavey soft scifi would wear off when the money gets tight. Most limb-different people in the real world do not get prosthetics; they are very expensive and not always useful.
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^ when you look up "most useful," Google will unhelpfully show you "most advanced"
As Vader, he would have had access to the best technology, something like our implantable myoelectric sensors. (One of the best arms on the market today is called LUKE, which stands for "Life Under Kinetic Evolution" and is of course a reference to Star Wars. Life imitates art better than vice versa.) But in this design, Anakin has only one prosthetic, a body-powered hook on his left arm. Obi-Wan cut his legs above the knees, and Dooku cut his right arm above the elbow, so these prosthetics would have to be more complex. But Obi-Wan cut his left arm below the elbow, which is easier to accommodate. Body-powered prosthetics are maneuvered by things like harnesses on your shoulders and have been around for a long time.
Anakin's chronic (type 2) respiratory failure is treated with noninvasive ventilation; as Vader, this was his helmet (sorta similar to F below), which must have been connected to a ventilator somewhere on his person (his chest thing?). In RotJ, he wanted to see Luke with his own eyes, so I think he'd want a different patient interface. The most common is an oro-nasal mask (B).
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A more realistic/cheaper ventilator would take up more space than Darth Vader's. But Luke is not Anakin's only ally; I think R2, when given the chance, would gladly regain his loyalty to Anakin and volunteer as ventilator, mobility aid, and advocate. Would this cause a rift between him and C3PO, who, while Anakin's creation, is also more emotionally complex? Maybe!
Another thing to keep in mind is that Anakin (probably) still has a powerful connection to the Force, which he could use to accommodate his disabilities like the blind guys in Rogue One and Quest for Camelot. But due to his emotional and spiritual exhaustion, I think his connection would be weakened and unreliable. Billions of people wishing him punished or dead would be more than enough reason to cut himself off from their luminous lives.
What would happen next? I write faster than I draw and I want to draw, so I'm shifting into draw mode before I can figure out the rest of the story.
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
I have a question. I have a character who lost her leg (below knee amputation). The setting is medieval/classical antiquity level tech approximately, and there is some magic around.
Anyway, the character uses a prosthetic most likely (she's supposed to be a badass mercenary*, and you can't exactly cut people up with a sword if you use crutches (correct me if I'm wrong)). I might solve the "prosthetic doesn't fit properly and will cause issues" with magic, like an enchanted prosthetic that magically always fits?
But now I'm wondering, what about the liner and sock and how it attaches to the stump. So, do you know anything about how prosthetics were attached to the limb in the past? And how they'd prevent chafing between the skin and the prosthetic (does just any piece of fabric work for that)?
Of course, I can just solve it with magic, but I first want to explore realistic options before resorting to that.
*If the whole idea of a warrior character who is also an amputee is not possible in this setting, please tell me! I do not want to go through with something that is super unrealistic.
It's definatly possible, especailly for a bk amputee!
Small side note first, you absolutely can fight on crutches, not with a sword (to my knowledge) but I used to do martial arts when I was younger and my instructor spent a great deal of time teaching me how to use the crutch itself as a weapon. Not the most elegant thing in the world but if you put some spikes on it, it could do some damage lol. Probably not what you're looking for but I thought it was worth a mention anyway lol.
As for the prosthetic itsef, it's unfortunatly pretty hard to find information from that era but I do know of a few examples. I know a lot of medieval knights who lost an arm and got prosthetics capable of holding shields built into their armour (as in the armour is what held it on) and continued to fight, but it's a lot harder to find information about leg amputees from that same time period, mainly because it seems leg prosthetics kind of sucked until pretty recently lol.
I do recall my prosthetist telling me about some old types of prosthetic legs though. Not sure about the reliability of the info since it seems to be just a collection of facts he learned about while researching the weird old legs he found in the company's storage room, but it could be somewhere to start at least.
Old prosthetic leg sockets used to be made of metal and leather or various types of wood. Post WW1 they used aviation scrap metal for the overall shape of the socket, sometimes lined with leather, and the liners were made out of thick cotton socks. some also had leather straps used to tighten the sockets. That's a much later era obviously, but depending on your setting, there wasn't anything about these designs that stood out as being unachievable -technologically speaking - for earlier time periods, I think there just wasn't as much demand until we started blowing each other up in war. Here's a photo of one of those legs btw, this in an above knee but it can give you some idea of what I'm talking about. Some were left metallic, but most of the time they were painted to match the wearer's skin tone.
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Don't quote me on this but I think the smaller holes were how the padding material was fixed in-place to the inside the socket. Either that or it was to allow airflow, not 100% sure. The larger hole was so that you could pull a sock through as a way to get the leg on more securely. They still use that method on some prosthetics today, my first above knee prosthetic had one too. Both these features would have been on below knee prosthetic sockets too, they just would have been on the lower part of the leg, obviously.
Earlier prosthetic legs seemed to be mostly made out of wood, though I couldn't find much info on how they actually stayed on - my best guess is using similar methods to the metal ones, using leather straps pulled tight to hold them in place and using fabric socks for padding. Legs like this have existed since ancient times. As silly as it sounds, the pirate peg-leg is likely based in a certain amount of reality. Some rich folks would have been able to get wooden legs carved to look at least similar in shape to the real thing but a lot of common people would have been stuck with a peg. it was honestly probably a more practical option than the carved ones anyway.
My prosthetist also showed me photos that looked like they were from the early 1900's from I think Vietnam, where they made prosthetic legs out of bamboo and other wood. According to the article that accompanied the photo, the design had been in use for centuries. This prosthetic was made from bamboo. It had a peg for the leg itself, and the socket was a kind of basket made by splitting the bamboo peg and using fabric strips (or possibly other bamboo cuttings, the picture was very grainy) to tie it together and make it tight enough to stay on.
Like I said, I don't know how reliable to sources are, but hopefully it gives you a starting point for where to look!
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snobgoblin · 11 months
oh my god you guys have no idea I've just been exploding to tell you this one all day
(warning this one's a little dark, think the darkest elements present in both fnaf and Gorillaz)
OK GOD OK SO. fnaf Gorillaz au. BUT. it's a bit more complicated than that, it's not a 1-to-1 theyre the same for like, anything, it's basically "Gorillaz characters and their backstories are essentially the same except theyre in a completely different setting mirroring the events of fnaf"
OK SO. I'll try to make this as short as I can
-Murdoc is William Afton
-Russel is Henry Emily
-Noodle is an amalgamation of those two's children who died in accidents
-2-D is a nightguard
(I thought Russel and Murdoc would be perfect for Henry and William because they're both really into robots)
OK. so. in this, Murdoc and Russel are partners. they adopt this kid, Noodle, together, and realize that like them she really loves technology and music. (it's easier to combine William and Henry's families into one since there aren't many gorillaz characters) they just think the world of Noodle, they love her more than anything, so they build two springlock suits to entertain her. 1 (Spring Bonnie) Cortez the Raven and 2) (Fredbear) Katsu the Cat. Noodle loves these things to death, and one day she decides that she wants to try on the springlock suit, and she died (kind of mirrors both El Mañana and the tragedies that struck in fnaf)
well understandably, this destroyed Murdoc and Russel. so they opened up a pizzeria (known for their off the walls flavors) to maybe, hopefully fill the void of making that kid happy with their animatronics. this time, with a different Cat animatronic with sunglasses, Mike the Monkey, and a new, colorful Cortez the Raven, as well as an unnamed Pig (also I'm not entirely sure if Golden Freddy and Fredbear are one in the same tbh but there would be a fifth)
well Murdoc decided he just couldn't stand it anymore and he wanted to make a deal with Satan. if he sacrificed five children, he could get Noodle back. so he killed these bullies that frequented the pizzeria
those bullies being, the gangreen gang. well Russel just felt awful about this, I mean his friends were killed, he's gonna have strong feelings about these kids being killed. so he tried everything to bring them back, taxidermy, prosthetics, but he found out that stuffing them in suits did the trick, but because their souls then went into the animatronics, the deal did not work
well anyway I forgot a lot of what I was trying to remember today but shit hits the fan in every way imaginable, Murdoc gets springlocked and then Russel has no friends, no family, no partner, and really no reason to live so he burns down the pizzeria with him inside
I also want to do something with Cyborg Noodle- like, in the books, Charlie was a robot the whole time and had no idea the real her died as a child
OH I forgot to mention 2-D becomes a night guard bc he heard some freaky shit went down and he wants to know All The Secrets he's very curious about it. like a real life horror movie. he probably would also be like Phone Dude from fnaf 3 (really excited about the murders to the point of salvaging everything from the fire to make it a horror attraction)
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Could you write a joker x reader? Reader is an apprentice to the prosthetic guy but doesn’t know he’s using children, reader is just trying to learn from someone well versed and ends up seeing joker a lot and one thing leads to another ? Thank you very much
you're welcome!
fun fact I LOVE THIS OMG <3
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When you first joined Noah’s Ark Circus, they all joyfully declared you a third-stringer.
You’re not a performer; far from it. You keep to the tents, mainly the medical tent wherein your mentor works. It’s a place of healing, quiet and out of the spotlight that many of the others seem drawn to.
It doesn’t bother you at all. Doc keeps you busy, even if there’s no one to treat at any given moment. There are other things for you to do, and things that he can teach you. Thank the Lord he took you in and is willing to let you study under him. Already you’ve learned so much.
Reviewing some of the texts he’s left you is one of the few ways you’re able to pass the time while Doc is away. You’re not sure where he is, exactly, but he told you he had to fetch some more supplies from town. What kind of shoppe he went to for such things is beyond you. Maybe he’ll show you someday.
For now, there are no illnesses or injuries, thank goodness, and you’re alone in the medical tent. So you read. You sit and commit things to memory and test yourself.
That’s how you stay, fairly idle, until the tent’s ‘door’ is parted and you hear footsteps in the grass and dirt. Upon looking up, you’re faced with the circus ringleader, JOKER.
To say you’ve had feelings for him since shortly after you met him would be fairly accurate. He’s a handsome man, with sunset-orange hair that reaches past his shoulders and the brightest eyes you’ve ever seen. His smile… it makes your heart melt.
He’s been here in the medical tent pretty frequently ― making visits every couple of days, per Doc’s orders, since he’s got a prosthetic arm. It needs checking up on often, to make sure things are going alright. (Though, if Doc is to be believed, he’s chuckled about having to chase Joker down before, with the man sometimes going a week without having Doc check up. You wonder what’s changed that he’s doing better about that now.)
You won’t complain. You like getting to see him. He always has a new joke for you, and despite that he seems quite shy about letting you examine his prosthetic, you find the technology fascinating. It probably isn’t nearly as much to him… he’s expressed before that he doesn’t like that he’s ‘missing pieces’. You can imagine he’s suffered a lot at the hands of other people’s cruelty because he’s different.
All these people are different. No one is exactly the same. You wish you could find the words to say something like that. You just… don’t know how to go about it without making it sound like you’re dismissing his struggles. Ah, well.
“Afternoon, Joker,” you call as you set your book to the side for now. “How are rehearsals going?”
He uses his prosthetic hand to tip an imaginary hat to you, smile ever present. However, there’s also the distinct look of discomfort on his features. “Afternoon, m’ lovely! Aren’t ye a sight f’r sore eyes. Rehearsals are goin’. Eh, well…”
His other hand is held up so that you can plainly see why he looks to be in pain. A cut across his palm, not especially deep but definitely dripping some blood. “Had a li’l accident. Comes wit’ the territory, I s’pose. Doc ain’t round?”
“Oh, dear! I’d say you had an accident.” Your romantic feelings for him get gently pushed to the side in favor of concern over his wound, and you wave him over toward you. “Doc had to go into town to pick up some things, he said… I offered to go so he wouldn’t have trouble getting around, but he says he likes getting out once in a while. Come here, though, have a seat. I think I can patch you up. What happened?”
He offers a mirthless chuckle, sitting down on the cot next to where you’re studying. “Ah, well, let’s jus’ say I ain’t gonna be takin’ Dagger’s job anytime soon, aye? ‘Parently I don’t know the right end ‘f a knife from the wrong one! Found a point, though, hehe.”
You shake your head. “Still making jokes even when you’re hurt? Tsk, if that doesn’t sound like a man married to his job.”
“Awh, no. I jus’ don’t want ye tae worry, ye knoo?” As soon as you turn toward him with a roll of bandages and a bucket of water, he holds out his hand. “I ‘ad worse than this, so don’t fret, alrigh’?”
You dip a rag in the water, and wring it a bit before reaching to start cleaning the cut on his hand. “No promises. Try not to flinch, okay? Grit your teeth if you have to; this might be a little uncomfortable.”
He does his best, you think. You can practically feel his whole body tense up as you make long, careful strokes down the injury to make sure it gets rinsed as well as you can manage. A hiss of pain even gets sucked through his teeth and you can tell from the look on his face that it isn’t pleasant.
“There we are,” you murmur once you finish that part, resting the rag on the edge of the bucket. “The worst part’s done. It looks like it’s stopped bleeding, since there wasn’t too much that came off while I was cleaning it. I’ll bandage it and let you get back to work. Although,” you add in a teasing tone, “if you wanted an excuse to take a little rest, I’d say you’ve got one.”
He laughs, and thankfully it sounds a little stronger than he seemed while you were cleaning the cut. “By God, I got s’me bad luck, aye? Ain’t enough I’m missin’ a ‘and, I gotta ‘urt the other one. Be useless before long. Bloke wit’out either of his ‘ands ain’t good for much, is he?”
You fall quiet for a minute as you unroll the bandage. You begin to wrap it around his hand, making sure that it’s secure but not overly tight. At the risk of your silence making him think you agree with him, you gingerly run your fingers over his palm after you’ve tied off the bandage with a small knot to keep in place.
“I think you’re good for plenty, Joker.” Even though he goes wide-eyed when you do it, you bring his hand up to your face and press a feather-light kiss to his palm. “That prosthetic Doc gave you allows you to have another hand. And this cut isn’t so bad, even though you should rest it a bit. Honestly, even if you couldn’t use both of your hands, I think you’d still find a way to be amazing.”
His face turns pink, then he lets out a breath of a laugh through his nose. “Maybe y’re the one who needs some medical attention. Got a fever ‘r somethin’? Scramblin’ y’r brains?”
“Oh, please.” You sit down on the cot next to him. “Don’t try to make me laugh. I’m trying to tell you that I have feelings for you.” If only your heart would stop pounding like it’s about to jump out of your chest. “You wouldn’t… happen to have anything to tell me, would you?”
“Ah. Well… no. Nothin’ tae say.” In stark contrast, however, he lets his injured hand curl lightly around your fingers. “… Migh’ ‘ave somethin’ tae do, though.”
With that, he leans forward… and hesitates. He’s so close, you can feel his anxious breath, warm against your lips. He wants it. He’s just too afraid to go for it. You can imagine that other people has beaten him down so thoroughly, the thought that no one who isn’t like him could love him has been engraved onto his heart.
He wants it. He doesn’t think you do. This despite the fact that you’ve just told him you like him. What has the world done to this poor, sweet man?
Well. That’s fine. You’ll just have to engrave something else over his heart, something much kinder.
So you lean forward to meet him halfway, taking his lips against yours. Once you’re there, he’s eager to reciprocate, pressing in against you like he’s been craving for it his whole life.
God, if there were only some way to lock a tent the way you’d lock a bedroom. All you can pray is that Doc doesn’t pick this moment to return.
You feel like perhaps you’ve convinced Joker to take that rest after all, because it’s not long before you’re lying on the cot with him. You’re content to kiss him like this until he feels relaxed enough to go back to the practice tent.
But then you twine your fingers into the bony fingers of his prosthetic, and he shudders like he thinks you’re going to pull away from him. “A-ah, hey…” he mumbles against your lips. “Ye shouldn’t… I mean… ye oughta focus on my good ‘and, darlin’…”
“Hm… but I don’t see a bad hand that you have.” You smile, and kiss him again. Twice as hard this time.
“You’ll have to keep up with your visits here, sweetheart. So I can examine your hand. I’ll need an excuse to hold it, after all.”
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Trigun Stampede Episode 2: The Running Man
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So once more, not a huge amount of story material, but a great episode for Vash. He got to be cool and save the town in the last episode, but his true personality was put on display in this episode. Viewers get to experience Vash as the true pacifist that will help friend and foe alike. And really, they do a great job of painting that picture with the Plants and Lost Technology. You see, with JuLai's infected/diseased Plant, they introduce the duality of the identical twins Vash and Knives. Vash, the untainted and pure that will indiscriminately help, and Knives, who will attempt to sabotage and damage. It's a great little detail that doesn't carry a great deal of consequence outside of helping you understand who Vash is.
Alongside that, the Lost Technology concept is already pretty strong and furthers that dichotomy between brothers. Vash possesses a prosthetic arm that's clear and pure and not explicitly meant for harmful or violent acts. (Presumably) Knives on the other hand though adopts the design of a Bacteriophage as what seems to be a bomb or explosive of some sort. Knives' Lost Technology is twofold really, the negative and violent opposition to Vash's purity and passiveness, and the connection to viruses and disease. After all, the one plant has been infected by something.
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Overall though, these episodes are so fun. So damn good. Just the staff behind it having a field day with Vash and his concept and really taking it in their own direction. Vash's ability to dodge bullets remains incredibly satisfying, and the direction with it (and overall) is impeccable. Just look at this clip.
It's so ridiculously fluid and creative, and even though the first few seconds are certainly the best, the direction and character acting in the rest keep it up to snuff. The way Vash freaks out when cornered or trying to dodge bullets, or how the camera follows him through freefall, or even just how he runs. The work is really just outright incredible. I'll never get tired of this animation work, the technical ability is so outstanding, and the creative direction to make the most of it is amazing. Just a match made in heaven.
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Also, did Trigun make an Akira reference with Vash here? Was definitely the first thing that came to mind.
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With this episode though it feels like we're still just dipping our toes into the world. We haven't really talked much about Lost Technology, or the fate of the ill plant in JuLai, or what's even going on with Vash himself. And I'm pretty excited to be honest. I mean, we're 2 episodes in and they're already stunning us with all of this insane visual work, and still delivering solidly on introductions so we can get to better know the characters. I'll probably be saying it each and every week, but I can't wait to see what they do with the next episode!
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lost-technology · 1 year
Rem Lives AU Fanfic Idea
So, I have this idea for a Trigun Stampede AU.   A “Rem survives” AU.  (Please don’t roll your eyes).   The idea of it is that most things go like in canon.  Vash and Nai are jettisoned off on a shuttlecraft.  All of the stuff with the Big Fall is the same.  Vash being found by Ship 3 is the same.  He even gets scrutinized and imprisoned just the same.  However, in the early days and week where survivors are trying to piece things together, a lot of wounded survivors from crashed ships that are reasonably close by are brought into Ship 3 because they got out of it with most of their facilities intact (I believe Luida said something about activating a gravity-well so that they kind of landed rather than full crash?).  Ship 3 is one of the few ships with a working hospital and they gather up any survivors they can in need of help.   Vash, from his cell, gets used to the sirens and the drone, hearing gurneys come in every once in a while whenever a Search comes back.  And then one day, when Luida comes in to do her daily check on him and bring him food, she has him come with her (still in chains, for the comfort of the rest of the crew - jerks) because they think they might have found someone of interest to him.   Indeed there’s Rem - alive (due to some kind of lucky air-pocket in the command room during the crash), but really messed up.  Burns and cuts all along her right side.  They had to amputate her right leg.  One eye and half her face is all bandaged up.  They don’t know if she’s going to make it.  Whump! Whump! ANGST!  She regains consciousness briefly, recognizes Vash and puts all of her monitoring equipment into a FRENZY as she tries to get up out of bed, DEMANDING to know why there are shackles on him before she’s sedated for her own good.  And Vash is led back to his cell with this image burned into his mind.  He stresses himself out for the next few days and is not allowed to see her because of how precarious her condition is.  And then the incident with the Plant happens and Vash heals it and becomes the Hero of Ship 3.  Rem starts recovering enough that they are allowed to see each other and Vash basically lives in her hospital room for a while, refusing to leave her side.  She gets a prosthetic leg - thank you Brad - goes through intense physical therapy to recover and use it.  Is very concerned about learning what happened to Nai.  Vash is reluctant to tell her the whole story...  Vash does that “Brad deciphers the Black Box and runs off to try to find Nai” thing as in canon when Rem is taking a nap in coldsleep.  I do not know yet if it is for a health reason (crash really did jack up her insides and she’s subject to multiple surgeries, some of which are best done when she’s kept on pause while the technology meant for implants is tweaked), or if it’s because she becomes a Ship 3 crewer and is put on sleep-wake rotation. Maybe both? Probably the surgery-thing.   She’s pulled out of coldsleep when Vash returns missing an arm...  And helps teach Vash how to use his new prosthetic, using her knowledge / experience from her leg.  She decides to join Vash in searching for Nai.  Ship 3 is against this because, well, she’s the Hero of Project SEEDS, having held her post and relayed the alarm / reversed poles on the ships to save everyone that is yet alive. (She doesn’t feel the same way, is full of regret, always second guesses how she should have “read the signs” in the ship-readings / blames herself for things that aren’t her fault, because hey Vash has to get it from somewhere and generally has a massive case of PTSD).  Everyone wants to protect her.  No one wants her to put herself in danger.  And that’s when she takes a SEEDS service-revolver and absolutely pin-point obliterates all of the targets on a target range to show that she can look after herself.  To say that everyone is blown away by this is an understatement.  “Senior Crew Training,” she tells them.  They all had to be weapons-proficient, even if they were not expected to actually have to need to use them.  And so... Vash and Rem adventure around Noman’s Land.  Vash is treated to new perspectives on his mother, the kind he never got in canon.  She is, generally speaking, a non-fighter (and gets them out of trouble with diplomacy and devious ways.  “Rem does crime” is an Ao3 tag I coined, after all).  She totally did crime with forged data to try to protect Vash and Nai, she’s going to be no different - just a little bit devious there, or a lot...  Rem fighs with her brain.  And Vash, being a supernaturally skilled Plant-gunman, keeps that brain from getting blown out of her.  With her around, though, he cuts some of his more passively-suicidal crap and gains fewer scars.  She winds up taking long terms in coldsleep back on Ship 3, though, because her goal is to not age and die before they get to Nai.  That boy needs to be grounded!    
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lokigodofaces · 2 years
Okay, I'm going to talk about Rocket's prosthetic obsession thanks to the new comments from James Gunn. I have yet to see the Holiday Special (tonight hopefully!), but I think I have enough context to know what is happening.
I have always found Rocket's obsession funny in a way, but over the years with the way Gunn has spoken on the subject, it seems that him and I find it funny for two different reasons.
I now believe that the intended meaning behind the joke was "haha racoon is stealing prosthetics, now amputee doesn't have their prosthetic, haha." A very ableist type of humor. And I'm kind of surprised I didn't see it earlier. I don't know, it just never crossed my mind, and as y'all could probably guess that Guardians of the Galaxy isn't a part of the MCU I spend a ton of time thinking about. The prosthetics thing is something I forget about until I rewatch them again. But now after putting literally any thought into this, yeah, I'm pretty sure this was the goal. Which is unfortunate because I've always interpreted it in another way which is funnier and actually has to do with Rocket as a character.
Rocket's prosthetic obsession has always been funny to me in a "this guy has issues" sort of way. But isn't that the basis behind a lot of the humor in the Guardians movies? Rocket stole anulax batteries for the heck of it, Drax thinks he's invisible if he stands still or eats nuts slowly, Yondu joked about eating Peter when he was a kid, baby Groot apparently chewed someone's toe off, Peter tried to explain sex while smiling like a 12 year old to the head of an extremely elitist and eugenicist planet, Mantis is convinced Kevin Bacon is an Avenger, Nebula got a whole ship to try to kill Gamora and proceeded to crash it instantly, and Gamora picked up the guns from said ship two seconds later and shot at Nebula with that. Random examples. I could go on and on. These people have problems. And it's because of trauma. All of them have wildly different backgrounds, but all of them went through something traumatic. And trauma doesn't just produce soft spoken people who apologize if you run into them. Traumatized people can be all sorts of problematic.
I think one of the beauties behind the Guardians franchise is that all of them are a little unhinged, unfriendly, defensive, etc. But they all get along after a while. And it is hard. Some people criticized the second volume, saying that they just completely re-did the character development from the first. No. The Guardians are a wacky found family and family doesn't always get along, especially if the found family is as wild as the Guardians. They fight and struggle to get along but they all truly love each other. I think it's beautiful.
An obsession with prosthetics is unhinged and frankly unacceptable in real life circumstances. Really, I think most of us would not get along with the Guardians if we met them. If it weren't for comedy being its main genre, I think we'd get lots of discourse about all of the Guardians being terrible people versus meow meows, but a lot of the despicableness of their actions goes over people's heads because of the comedy. But, darn it, Rocket's obsession fits in so well with the craziness of these movies. And it helps that those jokes were delivered well!
The very first one was the leg in the first movie. It's one of the things Rocket lists when he is telling the others how they'll escape the prison. When I was watching it, I assumed he needed a certain mechanical part that can be found in prosthetics because his plan was very technological. You have the action scenes of them fighting the guards, then it cuts to a scene of Peter sitting down with the amputee, asking how much he wants for the prosthetic. The contrast adds to the humor. Then Peter gives Rocket the prosthetic and Rocket laughs, explaining how he finds it hilarious to steal people's prosthetics. And Peter is reacting like the audience, shouting at Rocket because this guy has problems! Because the joke should be that they're all ridiculous, not that some guy doesn't have a prosthetic now!
It's disappointing to find that so many people are being ableist with this when this works with Rocket's character (okay, he's the one that's easiest for me to list random ridiculous things. He has some wild issues). And, yes, this means that Rocket is ableist. Like I said, if it weren't for the genre there'd be lots of discourse on these people. My thoughts are that he's definitely improved as a person (now he's giving his stolen prosthetics to people that need them, like Thor), fiction isn't reality, trauma doesn't excuse being a jerk but I can see how he's the way he is, if you have problems with this don't be a jerk. Whatever. I don't care enough. But it seems like people, Gunn included, are leaning away from my interpretation and towards just plain ableism.
Anyway, my explanation for how Nebula got Bucky's arm is that she showed up at Sam's house (Bucky is celebrating Christmas with the Wilsons) and asked Bucky if there was a [insert animal that is not a racoon] that asked about his prosthetic during any of the fights against Thanos. He said yes, she said he wanted to give him a fake Christmas gift because of this ridiculous obsession. Bucky said he was in, and they made a paper mache arm or something like that, don't tell Rocket.
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