#and he didn't have to be anything other than a “normal�� teen until his accident
darkeneddawning · 1 year
Escaped clone au
You know all those fics where Danny and Damian are twins but everyone first assumes Danny must be a clone? How about an au where Danny is Damian's clone who escaped the League after he was assumed dead. Damian could even have been the one to have "killed" him, back when Danny was a newly created, fully brainwashed clone minion and trying to kill Damian himself.
Danny gets adopted by the Fentons and canon goes on as normal, until Dan. Witnessing what would happen to the world should he turn evil really drove home to Danny how dangerous he is.
Even if he was confident he could be trusted with his absurd amount of power (which he isn't), what if the League of Assassins found out about him? Does he still have programming triggers from his evil assassin clone conditioning?
So, Danny does the responsible thing: he goes to Batman to turn himself in.
Cue Danny showing up on Bruce's doorstep with ghost hunting equipment, intel on the afterlife, and an almost unbelievable backstory. Somehow he still managed to be more well-adjusted than Damian.
More thoughts under the read more
Here's how I'm thinking Danny leaving the League went down:
After surviving his wounds but failing his mission, Danny (then an unnamed potential Damian replacement) knew there was no point in returning to the League. As a failure, he was meant to be disposed of. He even thought of simply allowing himself to perish, since that was what the League would do.
But he couldn't help but feel as though that would be a waste of a resource. Surely he could be of more use to the League alive than dead?
That tiny bit of rebellious logic is what caused Danny to go into hiding, only living on based on the off chance he would find opportunities to further the League's goals. Obviously, that mentality didn't last long after being exposed to the real world and meeting one Jazz Fenton.
Being adopted by the Fentons was the best cover Danny could have asked for, since any odd behavior he couldn't hide while he was learning how to be "normal" was totally overshadowed by the sheer bizarre eccentricity of his new parents. He was still the neighborhood weird kid, but even that was a major upgrade from disposable tool, so Danny considered it a win.
Anyway, if anyone likes this idea, please feel free to have at it! Interpret it as you please :)
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greywritesthings · 3 months
five thirty AM
Ask from @spinningspencer 
So, reader has a Dark Day (idk if there's a better term for that, it's what I call them) where she feels like her brain has been replaced by a dark cloud of nothing and she can't really think anymore (I hope this makes sense) It causes her to feel uncomfortable in her mind and body and just uncomfortable in general. She can't do anything but sit those days out, so she goes to Spencer for comfort to get her through the day.
Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings: feeling numb, feeling unsettled generally readers just sad, you get the vibes from the ask
A/N; this isn't proof read but i quite like this request, i strayed a little bit and i may redo this at some point in the future or do a part 2 perhaps
SR masterlist
Read on Ao3 instead!
Taglist; @reidstheyfriend
You had woken up that morning feeling numb, another bad day. You had bad days every now and again, they just happened and had done so since your late teens. Your limbs feel heavy, you couldn’t do anything, including think. You ran on autopilot through the most basic motions to get through the day. 
You feel unsettled throughout everything, like nothing's right, even when you ran on auto pilot it didn't feel correct and it upset you even further. You often ended up spending hours in the shower crying, with a mind full of static and tears running down your cheeks. 
This time it was different, you had someone to go to who understood your bad days. Spencer. You had a bad day about two months after joining the BAU and he had noticed as you had to be at work, unable to call out given you were on a case. He had come to you with a hot chocolate the same way you made it, including the marshmallows and cream he went to the convenience store to get, and asked you if you wanted to talk, letting you know if you wanted you could come back to his room and you could watch or read something together instead of talking. You had taken him up on the offer and ended up falling asleep in his room, curled up together with books dropped on the floor. That had then become routine whenever you or him just needed some comfort. 
Two years on your bad days were fewer and farther between, you were close with the BAU now, they really were like family. You had Hotch and Rossi saved as Dad and Mom respectively. You and Pen hung out regularly, often baking or painting at her flat while drinking wine, under the eyes of Derek and Spencer given they knew how accident prone the pair of you could be after a few glasses. You also found time to hang out with JJ and her children, with Emily often coming with. All over it didn't give you much time to fall into this state but when you did it hit hard. 
You knew in order to get to Spencer you would have to call him and with a brain that felt like static it was going to take up practically everything you had. You knew you could go to his flat, it was one building over and would mean you technically got fresh air so hopefully he wouldn't try and coax you out of the apartment later on. Where you were already in a hoodie and leggings from sleeping you decide to throw on your converses he had gifted you for christmas and walk across to his. 
What would normally take you seven minutes this time took you four, whenever you were zoned out you walked faster, given you weren't looking anywhere or being careful of anything you took the stairs two at a time both up and down. 
It's not until you reach his front door that you realise the time. You look down to your pocket, inadvertently looking at your watch that had glow in the dark hands. It read five thirty AM. It was much earlier than you had thought it was, You had shown up at spencers early before but not this early, and not without checking. You decided to just sit outside his door, sending a :/ text to him for when he did wake up. You both did this on days where you needed each other but couldn't put into words what was wrong. Before you had a chance to sit down you heard his door unlock and saw the door pull open to reveal a surprisingly perky looking spencer. “Morning sweetheart, cmere” He seemed surprised to see you at his door but didn't mind it, lacing an arm around your waist and pulling you into the apartment. 
Once he settled you onto the sofa and grabbed hot chocolates and a vaguely suitable breakfast for you both he joined you, pulling you into his chest once you had eaten so you could listen to his heart knowing it soothed you. He put on DR Who knowing it was something you knew well and so didn't have to pay a lot of attention to to understand, a perfect mix for when you were having a bad day. 
You stayed like that for most of the day, curled up on the sofa with Spencer occasionally getting up to get water and snacks for you both. He passed you your drawing pad and pencils at one point once he noticed you getting anxious so that you could put your mind elsewhere. Eventually you fell asleep and he decided he would just get you to eat better tomorrow. He carefully takes off your shoes and socks, changing out your hoodie and leggings for his sweater and sweatpants like he normally did. He then picks you up carefully and carries you across to his room, placing you carefully on what had been deemed your side, leaving you under the covers while he goes to change knowing that if he left you alone in the bed you would wake up. Once he was back in the bed he turned on the lamp and pulled a book from the stack beside the bed, shuffling over so he could play with your hair easier as you curled further up against him, sighing contentedly in your sleep. You would be okay tomorrow.
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fizzarollitm · 2 months
Realized I've never put down some lore I've created with @wcshedup about Fizz and his drug use so why not.
When they were younger, the trio never did anything deeper than Cash's booze or shitty skunk weed on a day off in their teens. Maybe got offered a bump from one of the Carnies who noticed them flagging but most people didn't want to fuck with the boss' kids for understandable reasons. It changed after his accident with Sloth sending him back home with a backpack full of pills for the pain & recovery post-prosthesis. For roughly a year he stuck with them but the moment he could cut it cold turkey he did with Cash in his ear wanting his star back.
And then Barbie had her accident and Fizz had an extra refill he never opened. Barbie was in agony with her hip & God knows Cash wasn't about to hike it to Sloth for her to get actually looked at so...she just wanted to sleep and Fizz gave her a couple of pills to do it; no biggie. You can guess how it went from there.
As he left the Circus and moved to Mammon he started doing coke and stimulants in general. They are everywhere and it's easy to shrug it off and take a hit when Mamm has him working back to back shows. He grew up seeing people take shit so he didn't think anything of it. Avoided it before a show but some of those M&Gs were especially sweaty lmao.
When Barbie's using picked up he enabled it even taking a pill or two for his own pain with a "I deserve this" feeling towards it. Again, it was all pretty normalized and he barely had time to think. He shrugged it off until her OD in his apartment. The doctor basically told him either admit her or she'll be back in a bodybag. He signed the check, took his name off emergency contact, and went LC while she went into recovery realizing he was enabling the fuck out of her. The two still haven't really talked since with Fizza "Avoidant" Rolli feeling guilt over the whole thing. It also made him quit with Barbie's voice in his head each time he thought he didn't have a problem.
Modern: Takes edibles for pain & to chill since smoking fucks his throat up. Is a hypocrite so he'll steal another dancers cigarette before a show if he is stressed the fuck out. It's mostly the motion he likes and shooting the shit with others during a break. His doctors (and prob Ozzie too) don't like this habit so he tries to keep it to a few times a month but you win some you lose some. He avoids heavier pain meds like the plague and will bare knuckle it after a surgery or adjustment rather than take something no matter how much it sucks in the moment.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
What do you suppose drew Marin Morrell to psychiatry? Do you think she experienced something traumatic growing up that required her to see a counselor and that sparked her interest?
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I think that what drew Marin to psychological counseling is the same reason she does anything: To Maintain Balance.
(Caveat: while I have taken courses in psychology, they were over two decades ago. I won't claim expertise in this area and any speculation I make should be considered valid for entertainment purposes only.)
One of the things I find interesting is that when Morrell interacts with Scott and his pack, she's never spends any effort on futile recovery, by which I mean counseling the characters to get "back to normal." She has insight into the supernatural, so it's apparent she understands that once they enter the supernatural world, there's no going back for them. (This is in line with one of Teen Wolf's themes: what you know makes you responsible.) She focuses on providing with the tools to find their own balance.
"Lydia, what's it gonna take to get you to open up?" Morrell is introduced to us through Lydia's visits to her in Abomination (2x04) and Venomous (2x05). Lydia is sent there by her mother to deal with the aftereffects of the horrific trauma Peter visited upon her on the lacrosse pitch in Formality (1x11) and, unbeknownst to everyone involved, Peter's ongoing possession. We understand later that Morrell is probably aware of what exactly happened on that field to some extent. What's really interesting to me is that Morrell never asks about the accident, remaining entirely focused on coaxing Lydia out of the mean-girl pose that Lydia uses as protection -- epitomized by the wonderful make-up-as-armor scene in The Tell (1x05). Lydia is only going to be able to come to grips with what happened is if she openly participates in the world around her. This is advice which Lydia takes, asking questions and demanding answers, even going so far as to show up in Allison's bedroom to do so. Unfortunately, the rest of the pack is too consumed with 'protecting' her -- they have yet to learn the lesson that there is no "chance to get back to normal" -- and this leaves Lydia open to Peter's manipulation.
"If it's about survival, isn't a little agony worth it?" Again, when Morrell is talking to Stiles at the beginning of Battlefield (2x11), she's not focused on forcing Stiles to be honest with her. She's more interested in giving Stiles the tools he needs for what's coming. She allows him to lie to her, to keep the illusion of control, but she also suggests that he has to be prepared to endure as well. As he will find out by the end of the episode, going back to his pre-Bite desires of wanting to be first line and pursuing Lydia is no longer an option. The supernatural world is coming for the people he loves, and he has to have a better tactic ready than "ignoring a problem until it goes away."
"Malia, you said something about guilt the other day." Morrell focuses on guilt when dealing with Malia because of the details of her life. She doesn't try to argue that guilt serves no purpose and Maila should try to banish: it's real and permanent. In fact, she reinforces the physical nature of guilt "visceral," which means it's something, like learning to control the shift, that she has to master through practice -- practice that joining with Scott and his pack can give her.
"Why are you bothering with me, Scott, when you know the clock is ticking?" While this sounds harsh, it is actually sound advice, and a complement to Deaton's earlier advice "Don't stop them; lead them." Finding the identity of the Darach is only part of the problem; a way to stop the conflict in Beacon Hills is by Scott accepting what others have already realized: he's going to be an alpha. Scott keeps looking for a way to save everyone without his eyes turning red, fighting against another responsibility he doesn't want and didn't ask for such as when he rejects the power in Frayed (3x05) and Currents (3x07). His power will remain only a potential that Deucalion fears, as he mentioned in Tattoo (3x01), until Scott chooses to embrace it -- harkening all the way back to the trailer for Season 3A when he drowns the child to become the man. Morrell's cold hostility is meant to impel Scott into making the decision he already knows he has to make but doesn't want to.
Morrell's guidance always has one goal: to help these teenagers not only accept what has already happened but to adapt to these events by moving forward. Regret, nostalgia, delusion, and hesitation is just going to cause more trauma; confidence is going to help them keep their feet, even as the ground is shifting beneath them.
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ladylilithprime · 4 months
Untangling the Heart
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: past Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, pre-slash Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canonical Character Death, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Hair Brushing, Faerie Culture, Discussions of Balancing Debt, Ethics of Accepting Intimacy Under Contract
Summary: Routines took time to develop, whether by choice or by accident, but they always had one point where it began.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 17: Pleasure
Read on AO3
ROUTINES FORM THROUGH repetition of an action, sequence of actions, or events that occur more than once by deliberate design, becoming commonplace and familiar, even comforting. To become a routine, however, there must first be an impetus, a starting moment when the act or event is introduced as a potential variable. Some routines were more deliberate than others, such as establishing a routine of brushing your teeth in the morning and again in the evening. Others tended to happen more by accident of circumstance, such as taking a shower immediately upon coming home from a fourteen-hour shift at a cafe one happened to own-- a necessity during the early years when one had a very young child and was still feeling one's way through single fatherhood while also being determined to do better than one's older brother.
In the week following the sealing of the bargain between Sam and the Novak brothers, the normal routines began to shift a bit even as others began to crop up. Learning to live together, even for only a week, required some careful negotiations around the establishing of and unavoidable infringement on personal boundaries. Sam still showered immediately upon coming home, but Jimmy and Cas preferred to shower after dinner once Jack had gotten his own bath and been put to bed. Jimmy had also taken over cooking since he and Cas couldn't safely eat Sam's cooking the way Jack could as a selkie. This left Cas to either help Jimmy in the kitchen or entertain Jack, both of which he excelled at.
It was therefore something of a surprise when, just after getting out of the shower, Sam heard a cautious knock on the door to his bedroom. It was heavier and more hesitant than Jack's usual knock, so Sam checked that his limited glamor was still up, then dropped the towel from his hair and slung it around his waist before calling out, "Come in!"
The door opened and a Novak cautiously poked his head around the edge of the door, eyes on the carpet. Sam thought it might have been Cas, and this was born out when he said, "Jimmy would like to inquire about the viability of addendums to the grocery list posted on your refrigerator."
"Of course, either of you may add or request alterations to anything on the list," Sam said, nodding even though Cas had not looked up. He hesitated a moment, then added, "If you have particular favorites or something we usually have causes sensory or allergy problems for you, please do let me know. Grocery day is usually on Fridays."
It was Thursday.
Cas nodded, but didn't immediately withdraw. He seemed to be thinking about something, and Sam let him be, absently reaching up to his hair to start working the tangles free with his fingers until he could get ahold of his comb. He probably ought to put on pants as well, since humans tended to be a bit funny about nudity, even partial nudity, and it was possible that Cas was keeping his eyes down for more reasons than just his already admitted aversion to eye contact.
"Thank you," Cas said abruptly. Sam stiffened, feeling the weight behind the words, the acknowledgement of Debt , but Cas was apparently not done. "What you have done... what you are doing for me and for Jimmy, it's bigger than just hospitality, even within the bounds of our bargain. There's trust involved, leaving us alone with your son and telling us of his nature when warning us against alarm if he wanders around as a seal. And offering to take our favorite foods into account in your grocery shopping, when just asking after those foods that cause us problems would be enough to see to our safety and fitness to work for you. The equivalency is off. So thank you. Jimmy can best repay your service to us through his skill at cooking and in engaging Jack. Please let me know if I can do something more for you in return."
Silence fell as Sam struggled to formulate a response to such an unexpected declaration. He supposed he could deny the debt, but he had a feeling that Cas would argue with him and the way he had laid out his reasoning for claiming an imbalance had Sam unsure if he would be able to win that argument. But to accept anything further from the man also felt... uncomfortable, particularly after Cas had clarified that he was the only one offering more. Because he felt that he could not equal his brother with cooking or entertaining Jack? Cas was certainly more reserved than Jimmy, or perhaps simply less prone to pretending a social ease he didn't feel.
And Sam was standing there, speechless and with wet hair, in nothing but a towel.
"...Could you please hand me my pants?" Sam said at length after a long moment of silent floundering. "They, uh, they're hanging from a hook on the door you're holding."
"Oh!" Cas startled, and Sam caught a glimpse of blue as his still-averted eyes went wide. He averted his own eyes and turned his head to study the wet strands of hair tangled around his fingers as the door swung further open and he heard the rustle of fabric and the shuffle of steps as Cas entered the room more fully and approached with the blue plaid lounge pants from the back of the bedroom door. He stopped a couple feet away and held out the pants within Sam's line of sight. "They're very soft."
"They're flannel," Sam murmured, a little inanely. He freed his hand from his hair, the other one still holding up the towel, and took the pants carefully, fumbling a bit to get a good grip on the front of the waistband so he could step into them and pull them up without letting the towel drop. "They're a bit much to sleep in, especially in summer, but not many fabrics match them for comfort and softness."
Cas made a quiet sound in the back of his throat that would have been a perfectly neutral hum of acknowledgement if it had not sounded just the slightest bit strangled. Sam risked a glance up towards the young man's face and caught the flush of heat pinkening his cheeks as his eyes seemed to linger on...
...Sam's own bare chest.
Well. That was both flattering and entirely too tempting a thought. Sam wasn't precisely the horndog that his older brother was reputed to be, but he wasn't chaste, and his last dalliance of any substance was mutually ended a year and a half before Jack was born. He had been through longer "dry spells", of course, but... well, he was also just as weak to beautiful things as any of his faerie kin, and the Novak brothers were very, very beautiful men. It would be easy, as easy as letting the towel slip a fraction of a second too soon to properly conceal himself, as a tilt of his head and a brush of fingers....
Sam gripped the towel more firmly and kept it in place as he situated the lounge pants beneath it before tugging it free of his hips and returning the terrycloth to drying his hair. It would be easy, and it would be wrong to make such a move so soon after Cas had acknowledged a debt between them. That was not a payment he could accept, nor was it a pleasure he could even so much as suggest as long as there was debt between them. He would have to think of something else and hope that Cas had not noticed his distraction or guessed at the direction of his thoughts.
Whether he did or not, at least Cas didn't say one way or the other. He didn't say anything at all for a long moment, and neither did he leave, until he said abruptly, "Would you accept assistance with your hair?"
Human, Sam reminded himself, even as something in his chest tightened sharply. Cas couldn't know what it meant to a faerie to allow someone else to help tend their hair, the trust and familiarity granted only to close family... or lovers. He risked a sharp glance in Cas's direction and was surprised to see the human looking directly at him. It was no wonder Cas avoided eye contact, because it felt like Sam was reading everything in his eyes, the fear and longing and aching vulnerability and, threaded through all of it, a tenuous thread of hope tied into the trembling little waver of a smile.
"There was a rusalka exchange student in the drama department at college," he said, shaking from the effort to keep eye contact. "She handed me a comb one day and told me if I pulled her hair out she'd drown me."
Well. Maybe he understood a bit of the trust involved after all.
"I'll dig out my comb while you let your brother know what I said about the grocery list," Sam said at length, and had the pleasure of seeing the way Cas's face lit up with joy at the implied agreement to his offer.
He watched as Cas darted out of the bedroom, presumably to go and speak to Jimmy, and made himself breathe. The last person besides him to touch his hair had been Jess, and that loss was a wound on his heart that still ached even two hundred and sixty-three years later. None of his relationships since had been close enough to allow such an intimacy, though he had done his best to honor her final wishes that he not close himself off for mourning her. If he was honest, he rather thought she might have liked Cas and Jimmy, had she survived the fever that had taken her and accepted his bond the way she had accepted his hand and ring.
If he was honest, he rather missed the feeling of another person's hands in his hair.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Sam found first a shirt and then the comb. By the time Cas returned, he had managed to towel dry most of his hair himself and was settled on the edge of the bed with space behind him for Cas to sit. If there was a slight tingle that passed between his fingertips and Cas's along with the comb, well, he kept that to himself and Cas made no mention of it. And Cas was, as promised, good enough with hair with his delicate touch and attention to detail that even a tempermental rusalka would approve.
Perhaps he wouldn't mind this happening again.
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
'Secret' Identity - Sherlock x Reader
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Reader's Relations: None
Warnings: Mentions of bullying/swearing (probably)
Other Notes: This is like a High School AU btw, or I guess you could say 'teen!lock' as I've seen in other oneshots.
"Hey!" I shouted as I noticed someone being bullied, "Stop that!" I continued walking over, a rather pissed look on my face, "What has he done to deserve this?!"
"Shut it, pipsqueak or you'll be next!" the bully responded before going kicking the poor guy in the stomach again. That got to me, and I grabbed the bully's collar, "Listen here, 'Buddy', you have no idea who I am. If you continue to bully this innocent boy then I will make sure you are executed, or at least put in the palace dungeons for the rest of your life. Am I clear?" The bully just scoffed, "And how do you think you'll manage that?"
I rolled my eyes and let him go as he ran off like a speeding bullet. I collected myself and bent down next to the curly-haired guy, smiling, "You okay, Buddy?"
He nodded silently but refused my hand when I held it out for him, "I'm not gonna bite, well I won't bite you anyway."
"T-thank you… Your Highness."
I froze, "H-how did you know?"
"Sherlock Holmes, at your service. You really want me to answer that question?" I nodded and sat down next to him as he started to reel off how he worked out I was the princess, which left me in complete shock, "Wow, you're amazing! You'd be a great detective."
Before he could reply, we heard the Headmistress' voice, "(Y/n)! Sherlock! My office now!"
I sighed and stood up, helping Sherlock up and we both followed her into her office, seeing a smirking Jackson standing in the corner. The headmistress sighed, "(Y/n), why were you picking on Sherlock?"
I blinked, "I wasn't doing anything! I was the one that was being nice to him after Jackson had kicked him and had him pressed against his locker! What motive would I have to do something like that to an innocent person?!" I spoke, sternly.
"Well, Jackson, here to told me that he saw you pressing Sherlock against his locker and kicking him."
I rolled my eyes, but before I could respond, Sherlock had piped up, "(Y/n) is telling the truth, Miss. She's done nothing wrong."
I smiled at him, thankful he was there too as I noticed Jackson's eyes widen and sweat starting to form on his forehead.
"So,  (Y/n) have you heard the story about the royal family and that accident?"
I sighed, "Which one, John? There's many stories surrounding my-the royal family," I replied, taking a bit out of my lunch.
"Well, there's a rumour going around that Princess (Y/n) didn't die in the accident that killed the king and queen. And I was thinking, your name is (Y/n) too…"
"Purely a coincidence, John. There's no way (Y/n) is the princess."
John just rolled his eyes at Sherlock's response, "You're the once that's always saying that 'there's no such thing as a coincidence' Sherlock! Is there something you two aren't telling me?"
I gulped as Sherlock patted me on the shoulder, causing me to look up at him and smiled, nodding. I took a deep breath and turned back to John, "John, please don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you, but yes, it's true. I-I am the princess. After the accident, my aunt took the throne as I was too young to rule at the time, being only 8, and I was sent down into the city so I could live a normal life until I was 18 when I could reclaim my throne. But a few years ago, it was found out that my Aunt had a daughter that no one new about, and because she's older than me, she's going to be the one succeeding my aunt on the throne."
"That's not right though!"
"I know," I replied, sighing, "But it's the way it will be, I can't change that. Plus, I don't mind living down in the city, you two, as well as my guardian are the only ones that know my true identity, and I want to keep it that way, at least until we leave school. I don't want people wanting to be friends with me because I'm a princess."
"That's understandable. Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret."
I smiled, "Thanks, John. That's why I'm glad to have you two as friends."
I chuckled to myself, looking at the shared document that me, John and Sherlock had as we were working on a group project together, the rest of the class chatting away working on their projects too, however it all fell silent when there was a knock on the classroom door. Our teacher allowed entry and I gasped at who was behind it; my cousin. The same one that was supposed to take the throne. It was then that I noticed what was in her hands; a tiara, the same one that I had seen my mother wearing in photos from her coronation.
"I hate to interrupt your class, but may I speak to (Y/n)?"
"Lady Emma? What do we have the honour of seeing you?"
"As I said, I'd like to speak to (Y/n)."
I gulped and took a deep breath, standing up and walking over to her, "What? Have you come to rub it in my face? Go on then, put it on your head."
Emma just shook her head, "Actually, I came to do this." She then turned the tiara around in her hand and placed in on my head, causing my eyes to widen as it glowed. Emma just smiled, "The kingdom's magical crown, only glows on the head of the true heir to the throne. Well, what do you say, Your Highness?"
The whole class gasped and I just hugged her, "Wow, but, Emma, really," I paused and took it off my head, placing in on hers, "I was you to rule. I like my life down here in the city, I don't want to go back to the palace."
Emma sighed, removing the tiara and placing it on my head again, "You have to (Y/n). You're the rightful heir to the throne."
"Let me get this straight… so you're saying that the princess didn't die in the accident, and that our (Y/n) is the princess and rightful heir?!" Our Geography teacher spoke out. Emma just nodded, "Yup! Now you coming, (Y/n)?"
I sighed and took the tiara off my head, looking between it and Sherlock and John, before making my decision. I placed the tiara back on my head and walking up to my two best friends, pulling Sherlock out of his seat and kissing him, walking back up Emma after letting him go, and grabbing her hand, running out the classroom.  A few hallways away, I heard my name, "(Y/n)! Wait!" I turned around to see Sherlock running after me, John chasing behind him. The former soon caught up and my face went red in embarrassment, "Listen Sher, I am sorry about what I did, I just wanted you to know I love you before I'm forced to marry so-" Before I could finish, he'd grabbed the back of my head gently and kissed me, "I love you too, (Y/n), I won't let you marry some random suitor." I bit my lip and turned to Emma who was smirking and putting her phone away, "Just texted my mother, if you want to choose him as your husband in the future, you can. You don't have to marry another royal." My eyes widened and I hugged her, "Thank you!"
----------------END OF ONESHOT
Yeah… this worked better in my head…. Well I'm probably gonna sleep now… saying that I probably won't… hehehehehe I can't sleep well
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Once again Matthew is here to steal the show -Danny
Words: 2,119
Phase Four Masterlist
Previous chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Stranger’ -by Taylor John Williams
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xviii: Date Night
Cat had gone out intending to patrol the city thinking Peter would be too busy for that, but then a sudden fear waked at the back of her mind: What if she hadn't caught all of Beck's helpers and now they were planning to take Peter and MJ while no one was looking?
She tracked them down (checked Peter's Instagram stories to see if he'd posted anything that day) and watched them for almost three hours. She would've stayed until the date ended but someone had been looking for her as well, and they'd finally found her on the rooftop closest to the cat cafe.
"So it's wrong to date a teenager, but it's okay to stalk him?"
Cat threw her spear and Daredevil caught it with a smirk.
"Matthew, you fucking idiot," she walked up to him to retrieve her weapon. "I could've killed you! What were you thinking, approaching me like that while I'm looking the other way?"
Matthew laughed, he let her grab the spear but when she tried to take it, he held it tighter.
"What?" She asked.
"Is your suit different?"
She looked down at the white and blue fabric. "How did ya know?"
"Are you wearing a cape?"
"It's a shield and a glider, actually," she pointed out. "It's pretty cool, wish you could see it."
He raised his hand and brushed his fingertips against the hood, he smirked. "Are those cat ears?"
"I wasn't ready for a drastic change."
Matthew's smile grew. "You're in a good mood for someone who's been watching her ex-boyfriend date someone else."
"Okay, first of all, I've had time for introspection and now I'm over him. Second, how the fuck do you know I'm watching over my ex-boyfriend?"
"I can hear two teenagers talking and they've mentioned you at least twice. Something about how cool you are..."
"Awww," Cat looked back at the cafe with a soft smile. "They're so sweet."
"I guess there's no point in asking how the mission went? I heard in the news you made your debut as an Avenger."
"Yeah, and I made peace with Spider-man."
"So everything's back to normal?"
Cat stopped to think about her answer, she crossed her arms. "I don't know what you mean by normal... My high school friends are still five years younger than me, my brother's still dead, everyone knows Copycat... and I quit S.H.I.E.L.D."
Matthew's voice lost its playfulness. "What?"
She explained that her old friend had gotten involved by accident thanks to S.H.I.E.L.D's lax security and she didn't want to work in such a place. Now she was making sure her friends were protected.
"You've been here for hours, Cat."
"So? Someone could try to hurt them as they leave..."
"I trained you well," he replied sternly. "You would know by now if someone were following them. You're being paranoid."
"I'm not."
"Stop torturing yourself."
"What? I'm not— I'm just looking after my friends!"
"The ones that are having a normal date while you sit here in the cold?"
"You make it sound way worse than it is..." Cat pouted, she avoided looking at him. "Fine. I wanted to look after them, but I also wanted to watch. It's been so long since I had a real date... If it can't be me, I'm happy witnessing one from afar."
Matthew sighed shortly, he turned and started walking. "Come."
"No, you're being annoying."
"We're going on a date."
Cat slipped almost falling off the building. She managed to pierce the floor with her spear and kept herself in place. "Excuse me?"
"An adult shouldn't follow teens without their consent. C'mon Cat, I thought that after working with a lawyer you'd know better..."
"Wait, wait— you're taking me on a date? What?"
"We'll have fun," he shrugged lightly. Matthew stopped and tilted his head a little without facing her. "What, you don't like me anymore?"
"I don't want a consolation prize."
"Ouch. You really think I'm a consolation prize?"
"I think you're pitying me and I don't like that."
"I'm just cheering up a friend. You would do the same for me, right? That's what friends do."
"Friends take other friends to dates?" she replied skeptically.
"I don't date all my friends, only the cute ones."
She bit back a smile. "I'm cute?"
He smirked. "How would I know?"
Cat got to his side and punched his shoulder playfully. "Asshole."
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"Welcome to Josie's," Matt pushed the door open for her.
"This bar is your favorite?"
"Hey, I'm hearing scorn in your voice," the man frowned. "Josie's the best worst-bar here, I promise."
"I promised Kurt I would not get involved in any bar fights, Mr. Murdock, so you better be right about this place..."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you're safe at all times," he grinned.
The lady behind the bar noticed them. "Good God, Matthew, I didn't take you for a man who takes advantage of young women..."
"I'm the victim here," he joked.
"He's right, I've been planning this for three years," Cat mused. "I'm gonna get him drunk, and then I'll take his virtue."
"You be careful, sweetheart, this one's a lawyer— And a damn good one at that!"
"I'm blushing," Matt guided her to the bar and pull out a stool for her.
Cat was delighted, she didn't know what was going on inside her friend's head, but she wasn't going to stop it.
Matthew passed her a beer. "So what are you gonna do now that you have no job?"
Cat tilted her head. "Don't know... I never stopped to think what my dream job would be."
"I could hire you back in the office if you want? We could use the help."
"The thing is, you can barely afford three people," she grinned. "And I ain't cheap. Besides, isn't it unprofessional to have a date with a possible colleague?"
"You care about that now?" Matthew raised a brow, his thumb was rubbing the neck of his bottle and it was distracting her. "You had a self-discovery journey while you were away?"
"You know when you go through so many traumatic experiences you just reevaluate your whole perception of life?"
"I guess I had one of those."
"Good for you."
They smiled. Cat's gaze went up to the tv and saw the news: They were nearing the end of that night's transmission, which meant no big incidents were happening. It was eleven o'clock, Peter and MJ had to be home by now, they were safe.
"I can't spend my days hanging out with teenagers, right? And I refuse to spend my twenties surrounded by the same people who looked after me when I was a kid..."
Matthew took a swig sip of his beer. "Kurt's not ready to be out yet?"
"Oh no, he's more than ready. I'm the one that's not ready to—"
"Put him at risk," he finished her sentence. "You're heroes for a reason, Cat. You're always risking your lives."
"I'm not a hero. But no, yeah, I know... I wanted him to have a long break before returning, though."
"Is that what you want for yourself?"
Cat grimaced. "No. I wanna find my place again. The former Avengers are all scattered throughout the universe and the news are calling me the face of the New team, but that team's not even real. I mean, the only available heroes are Spider-man, Nightcrawler, and I—"
"You might wanna lower your voice," Matthew reminded her. "You have an identity to hide now."
Cat blinked, she'd forgotten about it. "Right. Sorry."
"Here's some advice," Matt leaned forward. "You'll have to decide who belongs in your civilian life, and who will know you as Copycat."
"I can't make half of my friends forget the last ten years of our lives!"
"What I'm saying is that from now on you'll have to make a choice. You know people with no superpowers, and I'm sure you'll want to keep them safe..."
"Those are the ones that you can't talk to about your hero life."
She frowned. "But that's impossible. They know—"
"Of course they'll know, but it's better if they don't know all there is to tell," Matt finished his beer. "People get worried, and you'll have to calm them while also tending to your bruises. It gets tiring with time."
Cat looked at him intently. "Is this what you do with your friends?"
"Helps them sleep at night, and it's a time saver for me," he nodded.
"Jesus, Matthew, I didn't know you could be such a coldhearted man."
"No no, it's the opposite. I care about them, that's why I do it."
The mutant grabbed her beer and finished half of it before replying. "So what does this mean?"
Matthew tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"You telling me this. Does it mean I belong in your hero life? I won't get invited to birthdays and all that?"
"You want to be part of those?" He grinned.
"Only if you take me as your cute date."
"If this one ends well, I'll definitely think about it."
"You mean like if this ends with you taking me to your place, or..?"
Matthew laughed. "You wish."
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Her body had too much energy still, she was used to fighting or training almost every day and therefore she wasn't tired after a day of just walking around the city with a friend.
Cat grabbed her earpiece and put it on her bedside table, she decided to organize her room now that she had time.
"Call Rocket."
"Connecting. Please hold."
She heard unintelligible screams and voices overlapping, when she looked up she saw Peter Quill.
"You," she made a face.
"Who is this?" Quill squinted. "Wait, I know you! You're the little weirdo that could turn into Mantis, right?"
"Can you pass the pad over to Rocket?"
Thor snatched the pad and looked at her with glossy eyes, it was clear they'd been drinking. "Cat! How are you, little lady? I see you're not so little now, are you?"
"Hey, you're still alive," she smiled at him. "Good to see you, man! How are you?"
"Ah you see, having fun," he smiled tearily. "All good on earth? What's going on? Do you need us?"
"Oh no no, no one wants that blond dickwat here," Cat replied.
"Hey, I heard that!" Quill pushed Thor aside. "Watch your mouth!"
"Or what, Starship, are you gonna cry?"
"Why are you two brainless giants yelling?" Rocket's voice came from the back.
"That's my captain!" She exclaimed. "Thor, could you please give the pad to Rocket? I wanna talk to him..."
"Sure, sure... Look after yourself, alright? Be good."
"Of course, big guy. You know me."
The god handed the pad to Rocket. "What do you want?"
"Well, you asked me to call often and it's been a month since my last call, so here I am!"
Rocket went back to his seat, behind him Quill shouted. "Hey, your friend is a mean ass! You better tell her to shut up!"
"I heard what she said, and I agree!" Rocket sprawled on his chair and continued. "So what's new, toddler?"
Cat gave him the update, and he seemed pleased for the most part, but genuinely confused over her definite breakup with Peter Parker.
"I don't get why are you so pissy about his age."
"You might not get the concept, but people would give me eery looks if I dated a kid. That's just wrong."
"But didn't you say your new guy is like twelve years older?"
"Okay but that's different. We're both adults."
"You're being stupid, that's what."
"Well, yeah, but what's new?" She grinned. "We went on a date today."
"Good for ya, kid. As long as he treats you right I got nothing against him..."
"Look at you being protective over me..."
"I did say you and Kurt are like my children."
"I wish you stopped saying that—"
She stopped mid-sentence, she'd opened the bottom drawer of her desk and there she'd found the old letters she'd addressed to Peter during the blip. Rocket didn't seem to notice her pause, he began to talk about Groot and his demands, he wanted to pilot the ship.
"You should let him try. I mean, what's the worse that could happen?" She commented, absently going through the missives.
"Oh you know, nothing special except maybe our ugly, abrupt deaths!"
"So nothing too awful then."
Rocket cackled. "No one here gets me like you and Kurt."
"You're starting to sound like an old man. How old are you again?"
"Maybe ten, maybe a hundred."
"That sounds about right..." she chuckled.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Cat was looking for a box under her bed. "I'm cleaning my room."
"It looks dark outside, what time is it?"
"About two in the morning..."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, don't get all fuzzy," she waved her hand to dismiss it as she crawled out from under the bed. "Gotcha."
She grabbed the thick stack of papers and placed them all inside. Impulsively, she opened another drawer and pulled out an old, battered shoe box.
"So this isn't you having a case of the jitsies?"
She began looking through the stuff, pictures, and old valentine cards that were spreading on the carpet. "I'm not anxious, I'm super energized, it's different. I think... I think I'm kinda happy."
He snorted. "Good to hear."
"Yeah... it is good," she stopped for a moment to take it all in, then kept going.
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​​​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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clutterfield · 2 years
FratBoys! BTS x Comatose! Reader
Main mlist. Previous Chapter
You get into a freak accident and wake up to your body surrounded by seven crying men. Or your unrequited love doesn’t seem so unrequited after all.
Chapter warnings
Angst, Implied low self esteem, mentioned panic attacks and anxiety, implied emotional neglect by best friends, supporting character short death flashback
Chapter Rating: T (For Teen Audiences and Up)
Chapter 7: The Ghost Witch
A/N. In honor of stopping the spread of Asian hate, and to celebrate the start of Bangtan's entry into being more widely known not only for their music, but also for their civic involvement in all things that matter, I dedicate this chapter to a much newer beginning.
People say happiness is a choice.
But what if...just what if you try to choose to be happy, try being the word, and yet you can't seem to feel anything but a constricting sort of self imposed rejection?
Or maybe it's just your anxiety killing you.
You've had panic attacks before, and you hated it--it's like being trapped between the chasm of falling down the stairs but you just hang there loosely, never falling until your breaths go back to normal and your brain rewires on its own, only to go back to that same dreadful feeling the next day, over and over and over again.
But anxiety...anxiety is on a whole other level.
It never leaves.
You have never had a therapist before. Unlike Yoongi, you weren't so keen on opening up to your parents when you were a kid (and even now as an adult, you don't delve into serious topics whenever they visited). What could you say?
"Hey, mom and dad. Nice to see you. Did you know that your daughter isn't happy with herself so much she can't stand to look at the mirror some days?"
Highly unlikely.
Besides, in your family, showing mental weaknesses will only get a scoff and some long drawn out double lecture about 'when I was your age, I didn't have that kind of shit to deal with'.
And yet you were tired.
Existing was just tiring sometimes.
"You're thinking too much, mouse. "
You startle at the new voice, eyes shooting to stare at the spectre floating above you, your arms finding their way against the cool sheets of your bedroom.
Or former bedroom?
Well you weren't dead. Not yet anyway.
It was just weird to think about having your two bodies in two places at once.
The comatose one currently at MyeongDong Hospital connected to life support, and you in your ghost form or spirit form or whatever the fuck you were in the Bangtan's residence.
Moon Byul, ethereal in her white kimono and long red hair (a trait that would have had any man, particularly your best friend Yoongi bedding her faster than even Jungkook can run and that boy runs fast).
It had been two days since the seance and Eugene had all but left you to your own devices.
That is, have Byul hang around for awhile until you eventually woke up in your corporeal body.
She did say she was going to be your unofficial ghost guide.
You sigh, turning your head to stare at her pretty face. It was a shame really that she had died so young.
According to her brother, Byul had always been sickly as a young girl, and had long since known when her time was up --it was a trait passed down from the females of Yang to the next generation.
Grim reaper's eyes he had said.
And so one day, while it was storming wildly, Byul just drove out to sea and drowned herself.
It was a pretty morbid way to go.
"Tell me what you're thinking about, mouse. " Byul hovers to the side.
Her voice surrounds you like a siren underwater. Cool and soothing is what she is.
You had never met Byul before until now but you did see pictures of her all over the Yin Yang Quatro.
Eugene doesn't talk about her much, probably hurt over the fact that she chose to die and leave him alone, but with what little you could gather, the briefest tremble in his voice told you a lot about his love for his only blood relative.
"Just...how we're going to go about things tomorrow. " You confess, twirling your hair distractedly.
The ghost hums, floating over to take a good look at your face and you blush. It isn't everyday that a beautiful ghost looks at you like that! Particularly not one who is in league with the Bangtan boys' in terms of being a god send.
She pokes your nose, another habit you've noticed she does while often with you (or as often as the day she nearly gave all seven of your best friends an aneurysm by dashing towards you as if to attack).
"Don't worry, mouse. The ghosts associated with every memory you have in this community are not savage creatures. The only dark entities are the ones beyond the veil where I come from, and I have yet to sense one of them."
The at least for now is unspoken and that's what makes you shudder.
"Oh, you're fading, mouse. " She lightly grumbles, irritated but not at you.
True enough, your fingers become transparent, only to go back to its undisturbed, solid state once Byul touches your hand.
Perhaps that was the thing about having Byul as your spirit.
Eugene had explained that the planes of where you are now were conflicting, hence you were merely limited to a human form for a couple of hours until you would eventually fade away.
It was the limit of Eugene's strange abilities--he can't make people rise from the dead (nor from a coma apparently), but what he can do, is make them visible to their loved ones if the desire of the person was strong enough to sustain one's soul.
Your desperation to come back to your best friends was what helped you over come being stuck in a spirit form.
At least for a good while.
All good things must come to an end, you suppose and by then, only Yoongi for some odd reason was the only one who could get a sense of you.
Maybe because he was the most emphatic out of all of them despite him keeping to himself most of the time.
When he wasn't loving girls and leaving them that is.
"Thank you," you murmur, feeling the after effects of Byul's energy.
"Sleep, mouse." She says, and your lids flutter shut.
You awake to arguing.
"Stop, don't open those fucking blinds, she might disappear!"
Rolling to your side, the heated whispers cease as a hand caresses your cheek.
"Forgive us, baby. You can sleep more if you're tired, yeah?"
Blinking back the dimness of the room, you hoist yourself up to mild protests, arms coming to encircle your shoulders as you properly take a good look at the people inside your bedroom.
Seven shadows shift awkwardly, one letting go of the curtains just as the dust mites dancing in the light seeping through from your large french windows settle down into nothingness.
"Guys? What are you doing here? Don't you have to be at the company?" You question, wondering if they skipped training with the staff.
Your boys were after all the brains behind the KMJP Industries, an affiliate of their adoptive father's huge billion dollar conglomerate even while doing university and you know they were working themselves to the bone recently to produce new tracks for contracted foreign artists and some other related stuff.
It was such bad timing that you got injured and you somehow felt guilty about taking precious time away from them.
From the corner of your eye, you spot a Starbucks bag and can't help but wrinkle your nose at the smell.
"That smells like shit," you blurt, only to shut your mouth at the realization that the boys might have brought you dinner, and you were being relatively ungrateful.
But...could you even eat at this point?
Eyeing the caramel macchiato and bread that Namjoon was slowly pulling out to sniff with furrowed brows, you decide you can't even if you want to.
Because it smells fucking rotten. What the fuck.
Suddenly, Hoseok shouts as Byul glides through the walls, "Mouse, don't eat anything. "
You hide a nervous chuckle as Namjoon nearly drops the bagel and coffee, only for Jimin to catch the entire thing and hand it over to Jin who promptly takes a whiff in mild consternation.
"But...it smells fine?" He mumbles more to himself than you and you look to Eugene's dead sister for explanation.
She flips her hair daintily before taking a hover to her new spot in the corner. "To you it does, human. But to her, it will smell sour and unappetizing, as she is trapped between wakefulness and death, her senses will not work properly. Even I cannot predict what she might feel about random everyday objects. "
Ever the curious pup, you hum with an ask, "What does it smell like to you, Byul?"
She shrugs after a moment and you realize the boys were as curious to know the answer as you were. "Like nothing. I am already dead and everything connected to my past self has left my memories like dust. "
You frown. "Oh, but you still remember Eugene though?"
She smiles at you mysteriously. "My brother is not a part of my past. He is a part of my present and always will be. "
Does that mean--oh. Oh!
You remember Eugene having once told you back when he had to leave you alone to manage Yin Yang Quatro not to worry about intruders as you wouldn't be alone.
You assumed he meant his pet dog Kimchi.
But now you are starting to think otherwise.
So Byul still haunted the place, huh.
It would've creeped you out, but seeing as you're on the way to following her footsteps if you couldn't get back, it was like you weren't even afraid at all.
Byul had this calming effect about her that made your heart serene. If anything, you might just marry Byul in the after life if things didn't work out with the boys.
You think you saw a twitch on the seven men's faces but ignore them entirely in favor of your specter.
She leans forward from her position against the wood, "I scouted the perimeter, and we are going to start with the shelter, if that's alright with you, YN?"
Byul switches topics fast and you can't help but freeze, alerting the boys to your discomfort.
The youngest three immediately gravitate towards you, glaring at Byul.
The shelter?
"What do you mean the shelter?" Hoseok frowns.
You had never worked at any shelter before as far as they know.
You gulp.
Here's the thing.
Although the boys spoiled you for everything, not even letting you pay a dime for groceries, and even giving you an allowance apart from the money your parents sent and your two part time jobs, you had been roped into taking a third not because you needed to but because you wanted to.
"The, um...it's," you exhale loudly, causing all men to shift their concerned gazes to you. "It's a facility for homeless people. "
They sigh in relief. "Oh. That does not seem so bad?" Taehyung hums in light appreciation, though he can't help but wonder if the money they were giving you wasn't enough.
The others seem to think so as Yoongi questions, "Do you...work there?"
Of course they wouldn't know.
They didn't know about Eugene, nor did they know about your apartment.
The only job they were aware of (and of which you had to beg them to let you work in) was at Starbucks.
You shrug. "It's a voluntary kind of thing. "
You try to hide your grimace as Byul raises a well sculpted brow at you (how the fuck does a ghost have perfect eyebrows on?!).
"You didn't tell them?"
They swivel to her and you wince.
"YN?" Jin's no nonsense tone sends you spiralling into a sort of dreaded abyss as sweat breaks out of your chin.
Forcibly closing your eyes, you tip your head back already feeling an oncoming head ache.
"It's a home for prostitutes. I occasionally help out."
You cover your ears at the multitude of angry outbursts, having had already expected it in the first place.
If this is how they would react to that little tidbit in your life, you wonder how you would even go through all of your memories with them, much less talk to ghosts at this rate.
This was troublesome.
"What do you mean they have to be the ones to learn everything about her? Can't she learn it herself?" Eugene runs a hand through his handsome face.
"...okay that is an absurd statement, I retract. But! But isn't that an invasion of privacy in your ghost world rules or something, sis?" He gripes, uneasy about the entire thing. Your boss cared about you to that extent.
Byul could only smirk. "If you're worried about her, just think about the results. Those men of hers don't seem to know a thing outside of the life they had created for her inside this house. "
Eugene pauses. "So basically you're telling me that YN has to open up to them so they could collect every fragment shard of her soul that's somehow being absurdly kept by a bunch of your ghost friends in the netherworld? And it has to be those seven assholes?"
"Yes. "
"...Fine. You all heard that?" He glares at the seven men while you merely shrink back behind Eugene, trying your best to avoid all the eyes on you.
At this point, you just wanted the ground to grow a mouth and swallow you whole.
Because you were about to let Bangtan Sonyeondan in on every little secret you had kept from them all these years.
"If only you hadn't been fucking around, this would be a lot easier." Eugene lowly mutters but you hear and you couldn't have agreed more.
If only.
Next chapter
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@potaetopic @yoongiigolden @missseoulite
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cyphersuna · 3 years
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader!mikaelson (Slow burn), derek hale x ex-lover!reader, mcCall pack x platonic!reader, original family x sister!reader, stiles stilinski x platonic!reader (at the moment)
sypnosis; Y/N Mikaelson arrives in a small town with the hope of becoming independent and having a new life but a near accident will turn her plans around and risk them knowing who he is.
Has the war of Original Vampires and Wolves started?
The smallest of the Mikealsons, will she be with a wolf?
Will Isaac accept Y/N?
warnings; none
author’s note: hello baeess, welcome to a new #saturdayofyouaremikaelson!!! I only hope you enjoy this chapter because your emotion excites me and if your emotion excites me, I will be excited to do more chapters to excite you. see you next week 😺
Word count; 1.7k
゚・ 🌌ރ ੈ♡‧₊˚🎲 *ૢ✧ ۪ ♟️ ° 。
YOU WERE ENTERING Beacon Hills while looking at the forest around you which looked spooky, possibly because it was night or they were infested with those human dogs. Possibly both. You still remember the faces of Niklaus, Kol and Elijah knowing that you would live here. You think it was the best thing in the world, but you get it. That your sister, the youngest of the Mikaelson clan, decides to move alone, with no one from her family nearby and in a "city" full of dogs. You would also worry.
It began to be heard on the radio lurk from the neighborhood to which you began to hum it. This century was very different: 16-year-olds look like 18 or 19, their type of clothing... You did not complain, it is better than the clothes of before.
Six teens and two adults appeared out of nowhere to which you stopped. You got out of the car and they watched you from head to toe. One in particular made your blood run cold. Derek Hale...
You sighed and spoke.
"Forgiveness! Are you okay?" You asked, and the bearded one came up to you.
"What are you doing here?" He asks and you start to breathe. Human dogs have to hear it and feel it so they know that you are not something supernatural. Speaking of that title, it's the best series and more daddy Dean. You pulled myself out of your thoughts and looked from left to right to fix your gaze on the dark haired man.
"Me?" He nodded. "Sorry. Do I know you?"
"Don't act, Mikaelson," he snap at and Peter comes closer to both of you. The Good Peter, he was more your brother than the ones you have, well not so much like that but he was like a brother.
"I think you're wrong" you say to see him in the eyes. "My name is not like that" you say playing stupid, well! When you don't? Coming here you thought that Derek and Peter would leave and more because of what happened to his sister who did not doubt that Peter would kill her. But just in case you knew you would have to change your first and last name.
"It's not a name," says the older of the two raising an eyebrow. "What's your name?" He ask.
"Diane Jones" you say pretending to be a little scared. You saw how Derek would glare at you deadly and the teens stared at the scene in confusion. Wow! The redhead's shoes were fantastic.
"What brings you to Beacon Hills?" Asked Peter.
"I came to live here" you respond.
"Alone?" Said the one with black hair, super furious. He looked sexier like that. "Without your parents?"
"Excuse me, but I don't have to tell you anything" You walked back and Derek took your arm tightly and the children approached looking worried.
"You won't leave until you answer." Peter put his hand on Derek's shoulder with a "calm down" look
"And your parents?" He asks calmly.
"I do not have. I'm an orphan" you say looking at your feet. Seriously, you deserve an Oscar for best actress.
"How did you get here?" Peter still asked.
"My uncles sent me here to study and not cause problems" you say looking at Peter.
"Don't li-" Derek says to be interrupted.
"It's not her" said Peter. "Listen" as you said, breathing helps and more if it is accelerated when you feel threatened.
"Can I go?" You asked.
"Yes" Peter says. You walked to your car and your turned it on to continue on your way, when you saw that you were far away you start to laugh. Derek's faces and the wolf children, the banshee, and the humans were gold.
You arrived at your new home. You smiled when you saw that it was normal, not big and not too small. A normal house. It was supposed to be furnished since yesterday. You got out of your car and opened to see the living room, you closed the door and walked into the kitchen and up the stairs. You went into all the rooms and they were perfect and yours was much more.
It was big, being a Mikaelson it couldn't be small. You were already beginning to miss them. Well not all. Elijah and Rebekah's overproduction were suffocating. Also you will no longer be listening "little Klaus" or "little Kol" You're not like them, you just like to have fun. And you like being with them more. Kol and you, hunted and had fun at parties and flirting with people. Klaus gave you life lessons. You were amused by his stories and how could he be so... him. Of your seven siblings, you only loved Kol and Klaus, of course you had your differences: you were friends with Katherine and Klaus hates her, you love the Salvatore brothers with your life and they detest them, even more. You lay down on the bed and you smiled a smile that only bring problems.
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Isaac Lahey Pov
"It was her," Derek says, somehow I felt concern and more to see how he reacted when he saw the girl as our age.
"Who is she?" Scott ask.
"Y/N Mikaelson" Peter said calmly.
"And she is...?" Stiles question them.
"She is one of the Originals and Derek's great love," Peter replies.
"Original of what?" Lydia ask.
"From the Original Vampires," Derek says angrily.
"They exist?" Almost all of us say at the same time.
"Yes. And between them the two hybrid of Vampire and werewolf" explains Peter.
"What is a hybrid?" Allison ask to which Stiles responds.
"Hybrids are a supernatural cross between two or more different species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf turned vampire, as they were the first type of hybrid introduced to the world. However, since the creation of the werewolf-vampire hybrids, there have been other hybrids of other races in the universe, such as siphons turned into witch-vampire hybrids, werewolf-witch hybrids, among others" he says to finish.
"How do you know that?" Asks Scott.
"I read it when I was trying to find out what you were, but I thought the vampire thing was a lie," Stiles responds.
"A hybrid is more lethal than any werewolf or vampire" Says Derek. "Nature does not tolerate such an imbalance of power. Thus, the warlocks, the servants of nature, saw to it that the wolfish side of Klaus and Y/N Mikaelson are asleep. But they are still a danger.
"Who are the Mikaelsons?" I ask.
"The Mikaelson family is a powerful family whose line goes back at least to the Kingdom of Norway in the late 10th century with Mikael and Esther, a wealthy landowner and a Viking warrior, and a housewife and a witch, respectively. In the early 11th century, the family was deadly until the loss of Esther and Mikael's seventh child, Henrik to a werewolf attack that spurred them to use Esther's magic to turn Mikael and the rest of their living children into the The world's first vampires, from whom all Vampires are descended from the original vampires, are known as the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, but the Mikaelson family is also known to have members who are also witches and hybrids. Among them are two hybrids: Klaus and Y/N. In total the Mikaelsons are eight; Mikael, the father, Esther, the mother, Freya, The first daughter which is only a witch and does not belong to the original lineage, Finn, The second son, Elijah, the third son, Klaus, the fourth son which is the hybrid and is not the son of Mikael but bears his last name, Kol, the fifth son, Rebekah, the sixth daughter, Y/N, the seventh daughter which is not the daughter of Mikael and the last, Henrik, the eighth son. Of these eight only are alive: Freya, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Y/N" Derek answers.
''They wasted no time," Stiles says.
"Neither is Esther. Children of different parents" I say smiling. "But how did "first hybrids" happen?
"When Klaus and Y/N first killed after being turned into vampires, they triggered their werewolf gene, which finally reveals the truth of their true paternity to their family: Klaus and Y/N were not Mikael's children but the boss's children of her village werewolf clan, with whom Esther had an affair. Once Mikael learned of Esther's infidelity and realized that her lover's pack were the werewolves who killed Henrik, Mikael hunted down and killed Klaus and Y/N's father and his entire family, igniting a war. Between vampires and werewolves that still exists. Shortly after the Mikaelsons became vampires and learned of Klaus and Y/N werewolves' legacy, Esther was forced to curse Klaus and Y/N to make their werewolf natures lie dormant, so that they didn't bother yet. More to nature by possessing so much power. However, Klaus and Y/N felt betrayed by this punishment, and in retaliation, Klaus murdered his mother and framed Mikael for the act. Understood?" Peter asks and I nod.
"I'm more than sure it's her!" Derek exclaims.
"It has to be her, if you questioned her or just stopped...-Lydia says to be interrupted by Peter.
"It's her Doppelgänger..."
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Y/N Mikaelson Pov
You got out of the tub while you were dripping to grab the towel and start drying off. Tomorrow would be your first day in high school, you had never attended one and according to Caroline and Stefan they are very good, also Rebekah go into one and she looks older than you. You wrapped the towel around your body and left the bathroom to go to your room. You dropped the towel while you felt the air all over your body, you took off your underwear from the wardrobe and then put on a loose shirt and some pajama shorts. You go down to the kitchen for some whiskey and you go back upstairs. You arranged your things for tomorrow and left them arranged so that you only had to go...
˚༉🎠·₊✧ 🧺 ϟ₊˚🎻ミ༉‧🍫₊˚
previously in you are a mikaelson > next
@blessednereid @itmejado @rottenstyx @chloe-skywalker
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enolathesly · 3 years
Non-human spirit interactions- pt. 2
.... So, yes, there are nature spirits that were not, have not ever been, and cannot be human.
There are others though. Not demons. That's a very Christian feeling thing in my opinion, that comes with all the doom and gloom of church-led guilt and threats of eternal fiery damnation.
But there are spirits that are inhuman, not necessarily linked to any one location that can tend to cause chaos if not dealt with appropriately. I have had an issue with these before. Not often. But a few times. Things will go missing or break, or in some cases show up in places where they shouldn't be. Accidents will happen that normally wouldn't. If there are fairies, then I truly feel that this would be them in a nutshell.
For instance, when I was 8 years old, we lived in a house that was old and poorly maintained by our landlord, and honestly wouldn't have done well in an evaluation, but that is what my single mother of two kids in a small town could afford. And shelter is shelter, even if grass grows through the floors in the summer or raccoons fall through the ceiling every other Fall.
At this point, I had already started to "see" things and had a lot of questions and worries and occasionally fears. And one afternoon in the summer, my brother and I, along with a couple of his friends, stomped into our home after a walk across town doing unsupervised kid stuff. (they were all teens around 8 years older than I) And walking down the main hallway between my bedroom and the living area, baby doll in hand, I was stopped dead by a dark... thing. I had seen this thing before and ignored it like my mother told me, but there it was, standing directly in front of me, eyes burning into mine, and I was frozen in fear. I couldn't walk around it this time. I screamed and my brother and his friends ran behind me and snatched me away. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
This thing was of course a resident of our house for as long as I could remember, since moving in a couple years before, and I had never seen it so aggressive in my whole existence. What followed I can't say for certain. My memory pops in and out. I became sick with a fever for a few days, but I distinctly remember my brother and his friends chanting something in the hallway, and later him sitting by my side while I was in and out of consciousness. Back then, he still cared.
Eventually, they called in a local shaman to come cleanse the house. This was really weird for me, because it wasn't something that I, a child, was used to seeing or being included in. He walked the house, asked me some questions, and came to the conclusion that just below our bathroom floor was something ominous that emanated the negative energy this thing was fueled by, and that we would do well to look into it.
We didn't really.
Until our 2 hound puppies went missing. (Mine was named Daisy.)
There was a space under our home, used to access plumbing and such, and in that space there turned out to be an old empty well. Surprise surprise. And that is where the puppies disappeared, unfortunately. I was beyond sad and angry that this thing might have taken them.
After this, another cleansing took place, this time with the well, and I didn't have another interaction with this thing after that.
Looking into it now, resources suggest that it was an angry House Wight. Which seems to make the most sense. How long it had been there, I have no idea, but I doubt we had ever done anything to appease or honor it, and so it took from me, an easy target bursting with energy that I hadn't learned to control. Whoever did what they did to piss it off owes me like 6 years' worth of therapy.
There was another incident with a Wight, where I learned what a Wight is, with my own daughter. She was about 3, and we were living in an entirely different state in a different home on different land. And the "Owl Man" became a thing. A darkened figure, in the corners of rooms with giant eyes that watched her. At first, I thought it was nightmares or something she may have caught on tv. But it persisted, and things started to go weird, like cabinets being open, oppressiveness, yadda yadda. I'm not big on poltergeists, but I was deep into the internet trying to figure it out when I came upon Wights, and the description fit like a glove. The land that we lived on was once old farming land before being turned into communities, and the residents were once pretty Old World. The answer? Beer. Good dark beer. I started leaving it out in bowls and soon things cleared up. My tiny garden blossomed. Weird smells went away. All for some beer and a simple hello and thank you.
There are other things that I could write about, and maybe sometime I will. I haven't shared much on this topic with anyone really. So why not here?
Anywho, if you have made it this far, thank you for your attention. I hope you will give me a follow and maybe click a <3 so that I know that you are there and listening.
Have a wonderful day/evening. Blessings to you.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Note: This post contains mention of abusive behaviors, physical assault, and sexual assault.
Oftentimes, it can be difficult to notice that your partner is exhibiting manipulative, toxic, or otherwise unhealthy behaviors, especially if you've been in the relationship long enough that those behaviors have become what you consider to be "normal" In situations like these, it can be helpful to know what signs to look out for if you feel that you might be in a toxic relationship.
Reddit user u/KitKatCrunchie asked, "Women, how did you spot a predatory man early?"
1. "Often for me specifically, it's tiny things someone does that is exactly the same as another man from earlier in my life who turned out to be predatory. Using the exact same phrase in the same context that seems just a tiny bit odd, or doing something that seems like a genuine (and very small) misunderstanding but it's the exact same misunderstanding as someone earlier in my life." —u/Ch33ry_SCT
2. "If they show entitled and possessive behavior almost right away, or if they make early remarks against women that are very negative." —u/Top--9686"I had a coworker who became a stalker, and this is one of the red flags that I saw in hindsight. The level of vitriol he spewed about other women was insane. Even with him explaining their (perceived) offenses to me, the intense hatred was still disproportionate."—u/vsnord
3. "To be honest, it was just a gut feeling. The most innocent things are malicious in hindsight." —u/rubytherobot4472
4. "Pay attention to your instincts. If they're pushing you to drink, do drugs, etc. or trying to get you violate your boundaries."
5. "Pay close attention to how this person treats women that they aren't sexually attracted to. A lot of men that are abusive or who view women as sex objects either entirely ignore, or are insanely caustic to women who are fat, disabled, old, or otherwise not conventionally attractive. This is a good sign that once you stop being his sex object, he will treat you with the same flip disregard for human respect and decency." —u/pippitypoppity98x
6. "'Future faking' is a great term that I didn't have a word for until now. He promises you the world, but can barely show up to plans." —u/jittery_raccoon"I had this happen to me once. We weren't even together, but all of the future faking and love bombing that he did on the very first date made it far more difficult for me to recognize that he was canceling plans and taking forever to text back. It really is manipulative, and clouded my judgment for a few weeks."—u/No-Yoghurt2660
7. "If he gets jealous or 'ribs' you about your exes, coworkers, boss, male roommates, etc. A normal guy won't suspect that you are up to something or that everyone wants you (adorable, though, you are) without just cause. The predator suspects everyone is 'up to something' because THEY are." "My mom told me this when I was a teen: 'Someone who says everyone is a liar (She was talking about my dad, lol) IS a liar. They think everyone does it too.'"—u/fullercorp
8. "I notice this one while dating when I tell a guy that I'd like to pay my own bill, not extend the evening, or that I don't need to be walked to my car or walked home. I say no, they insist, and I say no very firmly. If they don't back off, I have my hackles up. I know that men are taught to be pushy while dating, so I give them a second chance to accept my no. But if I say no again and their response is anger or insistence, I don't see them again. It's shocking how often they act angry at my no."
9. "If he has a long 'hard-luck' story. I dated a guy who could never take responsibility for anything and always portrayed it as life being unfair on him. It wasn’t his fault that he got in two car accidents within a month, it was so unfair that he couldn’t get a job better than McDonald’s, etc. It took me years to realize that it’s impossible for every negative thing in his life to be the result of an exterior loss of control." —u/breakfastburritotime
10. "You know that vibe when you are at the mall and the kiosk person's eyes lock in on you and they make a beeline to get to you? Then they start whatever spiel that they use and you've heard it all before and you know that they are only pretending to be polite/using social norms to trap you because they want something from you? Something you don't want to give? It feels like that." —u/CrushedIntoServitude
11. "Another woman messaged me on Facebook and told me she saw I'd gone on a date with him. She told me that she had gone on several dates with him and he had assaulted her. Naively, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked him about it and he FLIPPED OUT, sending me pages and pages of texts painting himself as a victim. Needless to say, I didn't accept his next date invitation to go to a secluded cabin for a weekend with him." 12. "That 'You're not like other girls' line is manipulative as fuck." —u/Current_Ad_4865
13. "His friends were doing things that have now since been made illegal (sharing pictures without permission). He would receive them and never told me. It wasn't until I found out years later that I realized he'd probably done the same thing to me. He couldn't understand why I was so disgusted with him for simply enabling his friends to violate women like that." —u/Bright-Degree-7047
14. "Whenever a much older man (or much older woman) tries to find a much younger partner, that’s an immediate red flag. I gag when I hear of the stories of 50-year-olds preying on 19-year-olds." —u/SerenaKD
15. "I set boundaries early, like not talking or texting while I’m at work. If someone repeatedly crosses them, even when I remind them that I need to focus on work/life, they don’t respect my needs, at the very least. I'm not sure it specifically weeds out predatory men but it cuts down on possessive, and dismissive ones." —u/angelicyokai
16. "This one is obvious, but any racism, sexism, anti-gay or anti-trans bias, antisemitism, etc." —u/m0nsteraplant
17. "I playfully hit him on the arm and he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall with a disproportionate amount of force. It was not playful. He later attacked me while I was pregnant with our daughter." —u/darkliest
18. "Not sharing basic information about himself, but he wants to know everything about you." —u/Badgaldidiii
19. "Love bombing. Do not ignore this. It feels wonderful in the beginning, getting someone's full attention, making you feel like the queen of his universe. Gifts, attention, affection, romance, intimacy, amazing sex. They make you feel safe, so safe that you feel like you can truly open up. Then it stops. Suddenly things begin to change and you aren't so wonderful anymore. All of the things they did before never happen again, and you begin to be the object of constant criticism and emotional manipulation. And because they treated you so well before, it's easy to think that you must have done something wrong to make them change their behavior, and if you don't think that, they will make sure you do. You will end up apologizing for breathing too hard, accidentally slamming a door, not reading their mind, etc. They will give you bread crumbs of that wonderful love they shined on you before, only to bait you into staying." "Before you know it, you have become a love-addicted doormat constantly waiting for your next fix. But they don't give it to you unless it benefits them, which is typically when you are ready to leave. Seriously, love at first sight only happens in Hollywood. Ignore the Disney movies and sappy rom-coms that you cling to, secretly hoping that it could happen to you in real life. These men bank on that, they can sniff out your vulnerabilities like a truffle pig and will exploit them in due time. Love bombing is the beginning of an abusive cycle and once you are hooked in, it's very hard to climb out. It's bad. Do not ignore the love bombing. Love develops slowly."—u/yoitsstargirl
20. "The only real answer is that you can't always spot a predatory partner. Some predators throw up those flags, and it's great to learn them so you can get out as soon as they start waving them. But some just won't. Some will be your friend and your confidant, never making a move or pushing a boundary until they get you alone and drunk. Some will be the perfect, loving partner until they think they have you trapped (pregnancy, marriage, mortgage). I'm not saying this to scare, but because I think the MOST IMPORTANT part of this is not to blame yourself for trusting the wrong person. It's not your fault that you 'didn't see the signs.' Sometimes there just are none, and when things go wrong the best thing to do is to just get the fuck out of there as quickly and quietly as you can. Blaming and second-guessing yourself will only cause indecision and delay." —u/lumpytuna
21. "Compliments/insults. How many insults are actually disguised as compliments? Any guy that makes seemingly lighthearted jokes about your appearance has got to go. There is always a thread of truth in jokes. Also, when giving compliments, do they show jealousy? This could be as simple as, 'Oh I’d tell you how beautiful you look tonight, but I’m sure that you get that a lot.'" —u/bottlecap92
22. "Some red flags are hard to pinpoint. I have good instincts that took me a long time to learn to trust. Some men do small, negative things that raise alarm bells and I can't articulate why. Like, a guy on Tinder told me that he liked the photo of me without makeup better. I don't know why that raised alarms, and honestly, I don't even wear makeup often. And it is a really benign statement. But something about asserting preferences for my choices made me uneasy in the context. In combination with his overall tone, I had the impression of someone who was controlling. Shitty people do this unconsciously because they are behaving as usual, but it tests what you are willing to accept." —u/thiscatcameback
23. "This might be kind of trigger happy, but I watch how they treat my cat. If they pick up my cat and my cat tries to leave but they don't let her leave, then I call everything off. If they are that comfortable violating my cat's autonomy as soon as they meet her, then they might be comfortable violating mine soon after or down the road."
24. "How a man talks about women, especially his mother or previous relationships is very indicative of his views on women." —u/kubrickfanclub_
25. "Predatory people are often very nice and charismatic, which is something that I wish we were told in school because I think we're often told that the people who will kidnap or hurt us are weirdos lurking in trench coats in dark alleys. That's not often the case. The predators who are good at what they do will often know how to appear nonthreatening. A predatory person will charm you and use manipulation to make you feel like YOU are the bad guy if you reject them. Remember that they are the asshole for putting you in that position in the first place. I was a people pleaser in my 20s and often worried about rocking the boat, but now I listen to my gut more and I don't care if you think I'm a bitch for declining your advances." —u/croptopweather
26. "Talking about trust issues and using them as an excuse for intrusive/controlling behavior. Even if someone has trust issues, it is not really your responsibility to compromise boundaries to meet an excessive need for 'security.' It is their responsibility to be aware of the issue and actively work to understand and control it for themselves. If they are not able to, it is still not your responsibility. They are probably just not ready to be in a relationship built on trust." —u/ecalicious
27. "Men that in any way joke about consent, #MeToo, feminism, etc. in a demeaning way is a big red flag for me." —u/ecalicious
28. "Another thing to look out for is someone who is constantly telling you what kind of person they are, unsolicited. 'I'm a really open-minded person,' 'I'm a really generous person,' I'm really kind to my friends.' If you were really that way, you would trust me to see it in your actions, and not need to tell me about it. As soon as someone tells me something like that, I start looking for evidence of the contrary. Usually, they're covering for the fact that they know they are NOT like that, and they hope it takes you a while to figure it out." —u/sweadle
29. "Any guy who calls themselves an 'alpha.' Gross. Run." —u/_c4rli3
30. "We were in the early days of dating. He was still holding a candle for his ex, so she was often a topic of conversation. I was very young, inexperienced, and frankly, I had low self-esteem so this didn't immediately raise red flags. He told me that his ex packed up her shit while he was at work and left. That was it, not a word to him. She just disappeared like a fucking ghost in the night and he never heard from her again, she refused to speak to him. Soon after, his anger issues became obvious and I understood why a woman would escape when he wasn't there to stop her."
31. "When they push or ignore your boundaries in relatively insignificant situations, that's how you know they'll ignore them in really important ones." —u/underneaththerose
32. "When they call women 'females.'" —u/Oreosandcookiesx
33. "Double standards concerning their behavior versus yours." —u/VegetableLasagnaaaa
34. "Any man who fetishizes an entire race of women has to be deeply fucked up, even if he insists that he’s 'not a racist.'" —u/bananajamz987
35. "My dog, who loved everybody, hated him. Sometimes animals have instincts that we've been conditioned to ignore because of social norms." —u/tetrapsyII
36. "Man here. Don't trust a guy who hangs out with people he doesn't want you to meet. If he hangs out with terrible people, then there is a good chance they have something in common." —u/MrFergison
37. "If they literally don’t ask for consent, they just expect it. They expect you to want everything that they direct at you." —u/Weak_Commission1429
38. "Slightly more overt red flags were incidental unwanted/unwelcome touch in the workplace. Let me explain, I am not a 'hug a stranger' kind of person. Predatory males in the workplace would touch my hands outside of a handshake, maybe while they were resting on my desk. They would ask for a hug or pose for pictures in awkward ways. I often wore suit coats over a sleeveless shell top. One guy managed to get his hand beneath my jacket every single time we stood next to one another in a picture or even in a conference room addressing a meeting. His hand beneath the jacket waist grab to introduce me. It was just weird."
39. "Every predator in my life seemed to come at a time when I was particularly vulnerable. As a teenager, it was the early days of my parent's divorce, and later on, it was almost always within three months of a breakup. They would say all the right things but with zero sincerity. The love bomber was the worst, who got me hooked quick, then blamed me for having feelings and falling for him when he promised me the future that I’d always wanted." —u/StrawberrySwirls
40. "He got mad at me for not answering my phone when I was in school. This was high school, mind you, and he kept blowing up my phone, so I went to the bathroom, answered the next call and he wanted to know why I wasn’t answering. I told him I was in school and that apparently wasn’t a good answer so I told him to never call me again. Luckily, he obliged. But if a man doesn’t care about your education, he does not care about you." —u/solivia916
41. "When he was trying to guess which house was mine on Google Maps before I met him in person." 42. "Unfortunately, I didn’t. I just had a three-year relationship end because the guy thought that I would drop everything and follow him to a college that I had no desire to go to. It was my first relationship so I’m pretty much 0 for 1 for now. There were red flags, but I thought I was being nice for overlooking them rather than just naive and stupid." —u/-your-ivy-grows-
43. "I tend to be a lot more careful around rich men. They not only tend to believe that they can get away with more, but unfortunately, they’re often right about that. Obviously, this is a demographic assessment, not a personal one, so your mileage will vary, but I’d just like to put this caution out there as well." —u/phixlet
44. "Any guy that gets territorial and nasty with another woman stepping in when he’s making advances on a drunk girl." —u/iddybiddybritty
Do you agree with these? Or is there a telltale sign of a toxic partner that wasn't mentioned on the list? Let me know in the comments.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger as a result of domestic violence, call 911. For anonymous, confidential help, you can call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or chat with an advocate via the website. My tip - If a man hems and haws during an agruement or when your calling him out on bad behavior. It means he knows he doesn’t have a good reason for his shit.
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spookybias · 4 years
ᝰ frozen ideals | park sunghoon ˎˊ˗
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paring: park sunghoon x gender neutral! reader
genre: slice of life ─ fluff, slight angst
content: idol! sunghoon x figure skater! reader, more than friends but less than lovers au, i ramble a bit about what a home is.
synopsis: sunghoon revisits the ice rink, and after seeing you, begins to have doubts on what he really wants in life.
word count: 2.7k
note: this only took a couple of days, so it’s not my best work. i kind of overdid it i guess? this was supposed to be short, but i just couldn’t stop. i also cried while writing a couple of paragraphs of this lol. one more thing, i’m not the best with endings, so i’m not sure if you guys will understand it. it is happy, though.
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SUNGHOON DIDN'T VISIT THE ICE RINK AS OFTEN AS HE BEFORE. During his figure skating career, he was often at the ice rink at least 3-4 times a week. Sometimes before school hours, other times after school hours, and many times during school hours. If he thought his life as a professional figure skater was busy, his belief had changed once advancing from trainee to applicant to contestant, and finally, to idol.
Sunghoon’s time was divided between training, schoolwork, competitions, and every now and then, interviews.
His schedule was now made up of all the tasks of a predebut idol. There were photoshoots, interviews, and vocal and dance practices to attend. His free time was given away, -but only out of love for his fans- to sudden vlive sessions and random social media updates. he rarely ever had time to himself nowadays, as even what was left after all of his daily routines and weekly events was often used to eat, freshen up, and rest. And none of this would compare to the schedule that was to come once him and the boys made their debut.
There were times where he thought back to his days on the ice; what would life be like if he hadn’t quit figure skating?
It had been a long time since he had visited the ice rink, and while all the other boys used their one free day off in a while to visit their family back home, or to hang out with their old friends at their favorite place, Sunghoon found himself back at the ice rink. But who’s to say that this favorite place of his that he spent many times at alone, wasn’t his home?
Home isn’t where you live. No, that was your apartment, your house, your condo or your space at the shelter, maybe even the streets. Home is the place that provides you with a sense of security, an overwhelming amount of happiness, a much more avaliable version of cloud 9. Even when you’ve been there twenty times in one week, forty times in one month, the place still feels like a new visit each time. That’s a home.
Often, it isn’t what you do at said place that makes it a home. It’s the safe space founded by the very things about that place that make you happy. The angle at which the lights hit, the background noise that boasts behind you when you’re having fun, the people inhabiting the environment. All these things still feel new, but recognizable every time you visit.
This was the case for Park Sunghoon. You were his safe space.
The ice rink was nearly empty except for you, your coach, and the advisor who kept watch to make sure there weren’t any mishaps in the rink. This wasn’t meant to be a private meeting. You almost always arrived as soon as the rink opened, and so there were never really people there.
Sunghoon had shown up out of the blue after waking up with a sudden urge to visit the rink. It wasn’t until he stood in the seating area, looking over the frost, did he realize how much he missed. He remembered the goosebumps that grazed his skin when the chilly air hit his bare arms and the numb feeling you get on your butt when you land on it after falling back.
He longed for it all, but maybe not enough to quit his new career.
You noticed the lanky boy outside the rink after landing a toe loop. You were a skater, sure, but you weren’t the most coordinated one. You had often made it to competitions with Sunghoon, but you wouldn’t ever make it as far as he did. Still, you loved ice skating, and you would only get better.
That being said, you hadn’t gotten better just yet and were easily distracted. Skidding to a halt, you cheerfully waved to Sunghoon. “Hi, Hoonie!” That meant your eyes were off the cracking ice in front of you, and you tripped, flying forward.
Sunghoon rushed out onto the ice, panic gracing his features. He was accustomed to the ice, and carefully but quickly made it to you in his converse.
“____, are you okay?” Sunghoon didn’t wait for an answer, wrapping one of your arms around his neck and hoisting you up bridal style. “I haven’t seen you in months, and when I finally do I cause an accident.” He shook his head.
You chuckled at his self-disappointment. You waited for him to put you down on the bleachers before telling him, “It wasn’t that big of a deal Sunghoon. I’ve fallen hundreds of times. Ninety out of a hundred of those times, you weren’t there to help me.”
“If it was no big deal, then why did you need me to carry you off the ice?”
You smiled mockingly, eyes shut tight and lips pressed together, a compressed smile at its finest. “I didn’t. I just wanted a free ride.”
Sunghoon shook his head, laughing. His laugh was light like a feather, quiet like a baby’s snore. “You always were lazy,” He replied jokingly.
“Hey! I’ve been practicing really hard! Someone has to take your place, remember? And you’re not here to coach me anymore.”
It was true. After word got around that the Park Sunghoon had quit his career as a professional figure skater, everyone in you guys’ age range seemed to be fighting to be known as the best. For awhile, Sunghoon offered you tips and techniques for mastering his most known tricks. You were someone dear to him, and even when you guys were competing against each other, he secretly hoped you’d do better than him.
The young boy only got busier, though, and could no longer help you train.
“____!” You were snapped out of your conversation by your coach, Eunkyung. She walked up to the two of you. The way she eyed Sunghoon -a look of disbelief mixed with digust- made you gulp. “Stop fooling around. He isn’t here to train you anymore, therefore, he’s wasting valuable time.”
You knew how Eunkyung felt towards Sunghoon. She had dreams of making it as big as him when she was the same age, but couldn’t due to financial situations. Seeing someone who had everything she wanted in a figure skating career give it all up irked her soul. She had openly voiced her opinions on Park Sunghoon to you and the other trainees.
“Please, Eunkyung.” You begged in a low voice, but Sunghoon could still hear. Something about you begging Eunkyung to let him stay made his heart flutter. “We hardly see each other anymore. I really missed him.”
That was it. Sunghoon’s ears were suddenly on fire. When had you gotten so bold?
“Fine. Thirty minutes. Don’t expect another break today because this is the only one you’ll be getting.” Eunkyung walked off muttering something about ungrateful teens and the next competition being in three weeks.
You began to move from the bench Sunghoon had dropped you off at, but immediately sat back down, a hiss escaping your lips.
“You said you were fine.” Sunghoon placed a protective hand on your shoulder, as if the pain was a person making their way towards you.
“I am fine.” You stared out onto the ice trying to wiggle out the static shooting through your leg.
“That isn’t the kind of sound people make when they’re fine, ____. I’ll get Eunkyung.”
“No.” Your voice was firm. “It’s just a cramp, Sunghoon. You know figure skaters get cramps.”
Sunghoon stood quietly, looking down at you, but you avoided eye contact. “Okay.”
“I get them a lot. Eunkyung says it’s because I don’t stretch enough beforehand. We used to stretch together, remember? But you’re not here anymore so I forget.” The statement sounded more spiteful than you intended.
Sunghoon wondered if you were mad at him, and hiding your anger with fake excitement towards seeing him again. Did you secretly wish that he had never come back?
You kept bringing up the past and reminding him that he wasn’t around anymore. It was times like these where he questioned what he really wanted.
The two of you sat in silence. Just basking in each other’s existence was enough. That’s what was so mesmerizing about your friendship. Sometimes all the two of you did was sit next to each other, and it felt like so much fun.
“It’s been awhile, huh, ice prince?” You broke the silence and smiled playfully. “Did you miss me?” Your tone was teasing when you asked, but deep down you knew that if the answer was no your heart would shatter.
Sunghoon didn’t bother to even fight back. “Yeah, I did.” He liked it when you called him ice prince. It could get him to admit anything. It could even make him admit he was in love with you, but you didn’t need to know that.
“You never text me anymore.” He couldn’t figure out if it was a normal statement or a sad one. “I know you’re busy, though.” He exhaled being grateful for that add-on. “What’s it like?”
“I love it.” Sunghoon simply stated. You hardly even finished asking the question when he had answered. “It’s a lot of work, and sometimes I can’t believe I made it, but I love it.”
“You love Jake especially too, right?” You teased.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
“You know I’m kidding,” You shook your head, laughing. Sunghoon missed hearing your laugh. The audio recordings from old videos of you two together just weren’t enough for him anymore.
“You know you’re the only…” Sunghoon trailed off and looked away. Talking about his feelings for you was difficult for him. It was difficult for you too. You didn’t need him to finish his sentence. Of course, you often needed reassurance that you hadn’t been replaced, but just the first few words of his statement were enough. You knew what he meant.
He was the only one for you too.
“Do you think what I’m doing is right?” Sunghoon suddenly questioned. For some reason he was holding back a sob, and he wasn’t sure why.
You stared at a scrape in the ice for a moment, before finally turning to the boy of your dreams. “Yes.” You nodded your head, smiling. “I watch your vlives and read your interviews and I retweet all your photos and cheer on all your moments.”
A single tear slipped down your cheek. You were happy for Sunghoon, but it hurt that he was doubting his desires after a long time of trying to prove himself.
You continued, “Sometimes my friends tell me I’m whipped, but I’m just really happy for you, Hoonie. So please don’t doubt yourself.”
Sunghoon was glad that only one tear had escaped. He didn’t want you to cry over him. “There are days where I try to imagine what life would be like if I was still here. Skating with you and everyone else.”
You replied almost instantly. “Well stop imagining those things. You’re not here anymore. You can’t let what you thought you wanted interfere with what you really want. You didn’t leave anyone or anything behind. It’s not like you forgot about this place. We still love you, and we’re rooting for you and always have been. You spent so long trying to prove yourself to everybody. Don’t let those years be in vein. If you quit, I swear I’ll-”
“I’m not going to quit.” Sunghoon stopped you. “If you’re proud of me, then I must be doing the right thing.”
You let out a breath and smiled, turning away from the boy once again. “Ideals change, ice prince. You’re allowed to change.”
Sunghoon looked over at you, noting how you avoided eye contact. He found it really cute. “Thank you, ____.” The two of you shared a smile, and then Sunghoon looked down to your left leg. “How is it? Is the cramp gone?”
You stood up, wiggled your left foot, and hopped on your left leg for good measure. “Yep! Think we can go around the rink for a bit before my break is up?”
Sunghoon’s cheeks turned pink. “Are you asking me out?”
You tightened your laces and laughed. “I would never."
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SUNGHOON SKATED BESIDE YOU. This wasn’t a date. Despite your hands clasped together tightly but comfortably and the statements shared between the two of you earlier, you and Sunghoon were not a thing. The two of you were just a couple of friends who almost had something due to your shared interest and quiet bonding. You loved each other and it wasn’t complicated, but it was uncharted territory neither of you were ready to enter.
You skidded to a stop. “I’ve been practicing really hard,” You told Sunghoon again. You skated circles around him. “Eunkyung says that with a couple more months of training, I can make it farther than you ever did.”
“Is that a threat?” Sunghoon began following after you, the two of you facing each other, skating sideways to form a small circle around the spot you guys had just been standing in.
“Yes, it is.” You stuck your tongue out at him. “But seriously. It’s so much work ‘cause you’re known for doing the most.” You rolled your eyes, remembering the countless laps Eunkyung made you skate around the ice rink. You brightened up when you remembered something else. “I’ve been getting a lot better at salchows, though, which we all know I am terrible at. Look.”
Sunghoon watched in amazement as you skated around the rink, performing salchows over and over again. Your landings were a little slopping, but you could easily fix that.
“I wanna show you something else before you go.” Suddenly Sunghoon remembered that he had to leave soon, as your break would be up, and he had to see his mother in a bit. He followed you out the ice rink.
You opened your backpack, which Sunghoon had just now noticed was left out on the bleachers. He would have to remind you not to do that. If the rink got crowded, someone could steal your stuff. You pulled out a black notebook and handed it to Sunghoon.
He opened the notebook, puzzled at the lines and numbers all over the pages along with little doodles. However, his confusion went away once he realized that the little doodles were diagrams of figure skating tricks, and the lines and numbers all matched up to physics calculations.
“After you left, I honestly forgot a lot of your tips. It was hard using your methods without you being around to coach me.” You looked down at your hands. “I take physics in school, so I’ve been using it to help me with figure skating.”
Sunghoon was in awe. In his mind, he had been selfish to keep wishing he could be back at the rink just to help you. If he had stayed, he would just be stopping you from finding your own techniques, from realizing your full potential. He now realized that he didn’t have to keep worrying about if you were okay. You were doing just fine without him, and although that thought would be negative to most, Sunghoon was proud of you.
“____, this is amazing.”
“You don’t think it’s nerdy?”
“Of course not. You’re a genius,” Sunghoon stated. The embarrassment that had just filled your senses was quickly replaced by fluster. “Um, thanks, Hoonie.”
The two of you continued to flip through the book together, you pointing out tiny notes that you wanted Sunghoon to see, and him asking questions and nodding his head in intrigue. Sunghoon flipped to the most recent diagram, and examined the page.
“What’s this?” Sunghoon pointed to a diagram of a trick he had never seen before.
“Oh! Eunkyung says that if I want to stand out I should combine a couple of moves and form my own tricks, and name them something cool. I need to show the judges how I stand out from the other contestants.” You looked over the page, and caught a small note in your handwriting. Suddenly feeling nervous, you tried to change the subject. “Uh, why don’t we skate some more.”
Sunghoon glanced at you before scanning the page once more. And then he saw it. The diagram was a mix of a salchow and a toe loop, two moves Sunghoon was very much known for perfecting. Under the diagram were two words that made Sunghoon’s heart flutter.
Ice Prince.
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Just to any mods in general: When designing a character do you go through many design changes before settling on a final design?
I'll put it under a cut since it's kinda long.
not rlly tbh , tha only one's who'v rlly gone thru any sort of design changes was alien , tyrant , teen , an horror (an even then most were 4 sake of convenience/amplifying their characteristics y'kno ?)
4 example:
- while alien may hav gotten a new Frill around his neck now , he also used 2 b able 2 split his mouth all tha way down 2 his abdomen . not sure y i had that but i don't now
- horror's monster form design was a Lot different from how it was back then (never posted it publicly tho) . biggest difference was that he had eyes and a nose !!! an also chains on his wrists an ankles
- tyrant had a Lot mor scars , altho they were simplified 4 convenience sake . him being blind in one eye was ALSO not a thing originally ! ended up adding it bc ,,,, idk lol thought it looked neat
- i jus made teen look mor liek a ,,,, well a Teenager . fuckers sixteen now he can b a little edgy as a treat <3 also unrelated but fun fact he has three parents ! i forgot 2 include one of them when teen reveals who stars parents r whoops
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For me I just kinda .. make the character design and then … keep it like that until I look at it again and go “ew”
usually when i have an idea for character design i make a few sketches on paper to see what i like. ive usually talked about personality, characteristics, backstory etc beforehand so i have a vague idea of what i want it to look like!
-OWA's design changed a lot, more specifically his outfit and its colors. He used to wear a jacket until I decided that he probably wouldn't enjoy the restrictive movement that comes w it, and also drawing his scars seems cooler to me than just a normal jacket.
-Burnt Toast was going to originally be humanoid before the final design! He was going to have only one eye and a lower jaw, and he would wear a mask around people he didn't trust. After changing his story slightly, he ended up being the giant time noodle seen today :]
-Lizard RHM was actually very tricky at first. I knew I wanted him to be a lizard, but it was very difficult to decide how humanoid he would be, what his color scheme would be, what kind of lizard he would resemble, etc. Orange and spikey stuck out to me the most! im a sucker for orange. i love orangh
i kind of just accidentally make design changes over time and go "oh i guess this is how i draw them now lol!!"
the most common thing for me to do is to make hair fluffier over time or make the character shorter by accident
I tend to stick fairly closely to the original design (in Alex's case, I have not changed anything about them, but that's just because I got attached to the silly), but more often change the character's personality over time (Alex went from someone barely making ends meet and working paycheck to paycheck to a popular YouTuber because of a joke AU I made).
There's an example and exception contained in one OC of mine, who went over a huge personality overhaul (went from sad to thembo) and also had a lot of his features changed as a result of him actually being given an ethnicity (he didn't have one before), after which I changed his features accordingly.
I'll also change a physical design if the old design has bad memories attached to it (I recently redesigned a character because his outfit was created by my abuser).
Personally, I haven't really changed anything much design wise for my aus (except for my modsona she got a redesign recently). Triple Treat really only had this one rather dark joke I have since tossed aside I guess. However, how an au of mine did go through a bit of a change... Kid!
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Initially, Kid was meant to be a rather shy and quiet child. He didn't really talk with people or other kids at his daycare, his only friends being his toys. Mama V also wasn't part of the initial concept, coming from a suggestion that one of the other mods had
As you can tell, Kid has perked up quite a bit. He's a LOT more friendly and cheerful, and a lot more... Peculiar to say the least, with some of the things he's able to so ;)
Well, I guess there's also a lot of the ideas I had for Reaper! I just, haven't really been able to implement them.
If you want an example... Well, let's just say...
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Reapers... Aren't always Reapers :>
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
New Paracosm AU: Big Hero Beau
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@decaykid yes, kind of...
Okay, like I said in my last post this idea came to me after listening to Fist Pump and Viva Namida on loop with pacing.
So you know like how the original Humble Pie paracosm is very western horror kind of drama, yeah? well, this paracosm is just full on ANIME BBY!!! I'm talking Space Dandy, I'm talkin' Gurren Lagann, I'm talkin maybe a little bit of Trigun, and also takes alot from action rpgs like Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Persona, Viewitful Joe, and Wonderful 101 (but its like only two people), and takes alot from Sonic the hedgehog (mostly Sonic Underground, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Forces), and little bit from Fancy Pants ( that's not an anime or a "real" video game, its just an old flash game I used to hyperfixate on).
This paracosm is completely different which is why I gave it, it's own name instead of just adjective then "!"
This version of Beau takes a lot of inspiration from Dandy ( Space Dandy), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog), and Kamina (Gurren Langann)
In this paracosm, both of Beau's parents perished in a tragic accident, Beau takes his siblings to an abandoned shack and they hide out and live out there. the tragedy this motivative Beau to become stronger and a hero, not only to keep his siblings safe but others too. The last thing his mom told him was that his smile could save a thousand lives, so because of that he always keeps an upbeat, go get 'em attitude, and he doesn't want to bum his younger siblings out. His mom also gave Beau her heart shape locket before she passed on, so Beau has worn it ever since that day.
The locket is very precious to him, he doesn't let anyone touch it (other than his siblings), and if he loses it he'll go into a panic attack and can't do anything else until he finds it again.
Dev, Beau's little brother, also wants to be strong and a hero, he tries to train like his brother but he can't keep up. Beau tells Dev that he has to be strong in his own way, so Dev decides to put his tech skills to good use and make his older brother cool weapons for him to use. I forgot to mention in this paracosm some people are born with superpowers and such, and Beau's superpowers are super strength and speed, while Dev's superpower is super intelligence.
Dev can't keep up with his brother on foot, so he made himself a jetpack to keep up, and makes science weapons for himself to use.
In this paracosm, there are evil robots, pirates, bandits, ninjas, demons, fallen angels, giant spiders, bad guys who kidnap pretty people, any enemy you would find in a video game or anime yeah it's probably here. So, there's always something for Beau and Dev to fight or someone to save from something.
Beau and Dev don't have secret identities since superpowered people are common but they get to have a pretty rad transformation scene activate when they fist bump each other.
Beau fighting style is similar to that of a hack and slack fighting game, Beau mostly use his fists to fight and his speed, he'll also use guns too, but he'll only use swords if he thinks he can pull off a cool move, since not really experience using them that much. Dev made Beau special gloves and boots that make the attack range of his hit larger so its easier to take out hoards of stuff like robots (which happens lot) and big enemies like giant monsters.
His boots are also guns so its like....
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Oh, and Beau also makes sure that he always looks cool when fighting just in case someone takes a pic (which happens alot). Unlike Bayonetta, Beau is more playful with his posing rather than sexy.
Dev's wits come in handy when the two come across puzzles, riddles, or finding a way out of traps on their adventures since Beau didn't complete school once his parents passed and mostly focus on raising his siblings and hero training.
Much like Sonic, Beau is very snarky and witty while fighting his enemies (or at least tries to be), he always tries to make a snarky comment or a really cool zinger before finishing off his enemy. Due to his kind of being not the sharpest tool in the shed, it can take a while for him to come up with a good zinger, so it kind of stalls fights, and sometimes it gets to the point where the enemy is just like "Oh my GOD! just KILL ME!", this also annoys and embarrasses Dev too at times.
Beau makes money from bounties and doing odd jobs around, he makes enough for his siblings to live comfortably, but there are times where he'll go hungry because he only has enough for Dev and Carrie to eat. Beau is still a kind of a lower-level hero compare to the other well know ones around.
Dev has also made a rocket ship so they can fight intergalactically on other planets
Carrie in this paracosm is still 4 years old, she has yet to show any signs of having powers, which is pretty normal for her age since people in this world don't show powers until they hit their pre-teen years.
Beau will take Carrie on their adventures if it's safe enough, but if the mission is too dangerous Beau will take her to the nearest daycare or the nearest trustworthy femme person. Beau will try to make the mission or fight end quickly as possible if he left Carrie with a stranger, there's a sigh of relief once he finds her safe, if not (which doesn't happen a lot thankfully), well somebody gonna die and Beau tries to make it up to her by spending the next few days with her, just him and Carrie.
Beau tries to put being a good guardian/older brother before being a hero and tries his best to spend as much time with Carrie and Dev as possible on chiller/lower stakes days.
Beau had never had time to really process the feeling of losing his parents, there are days where he feels down but he never lets it show around his siblings or have it affect his hero work. There are nights where those memories keep him up, sometimes he'll cry but still try to smile thru the tears.
Beau likes to give peps talks to himself in the mirror, and pep talks to Dev, when he's feeling discouraged, although most of the time those pep talks don't really make any sense Dev still appreciate his brother's kind words.
Since Beau saves people, he interacts a lot with damsels in distress, he flirts with them, but usually gets rejected for coming across as too cheesy or cocky. He doesn't really mind it tho, he actually finds it funny, but when a lady actually flirts back he gets really flustered and has to leave immediately. Despite this Beau still tries to give Dev advice on talking to girls.
Beau still smokes and drinks because the stress of having to raise young siblings, dealing with trauma, and being a hero can be alot, but he still makes sure his siblings don't see him and he doesn't get too wasted.
Other than hero stuff, Hero! Beau enjoys reading comics, parkour, skateboarding, break dancing (which he incorporates in his fighting for some really cool finishers), practicing cool poses and phrases, playing video games with his little brother, and watching barbie movies with his little sisters (since Barbie reminds him of his mom).
Oof, I think that's all I got for now....
TL;DL Basically if this version of Beau is Sonic the original Beau is more like Shadow if that makes any sense.
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t100fic-for-blm · 4 years
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author: @easilydistractedbyfanfic
art: @silvernyxa
teen | canon-divergent | season 5 | friends to lovers
What if the Eligius IV didn't come back to Earth, and Raven found a way to get Spacekru off the Ring on her own?
author: @easilydistractedbyfanfic
teen | canon-divergent | season 2 | enemies to friends
Figuring it out was an accident more than anything else. Because in spite of her reputation for being a genius, it still took her a little while to actually put the pieces together on something this...unique. And maybe because John Murphy doing her bidding any time she told him to seemed like the least he could do, considering.
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author: @easilydistractedbyfanfic
moodboard: @hopskipaway
explicit | canon-divergent | season 5 | smut
Raven's stressed & overwhelmed and Murphy is alone & angry on the Ring. They decide to make a deal to help each other out when it comes to physical release. It's meant to be a simple friends with benefits arrangement. Until it's not so simple anymore.
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author: @animmortalist
mature | canon-divergent | post season 4 | slow burn
An impulse. A prayer. A hope. Bellamy stays behind with Clarke as Praimfaya hits. And everything that happens after.
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author: @sparklyfairymira
mature | fantasy au | enemies to friends to lovers
Murphy and Raven have never gotten along. They only put up with one another for their mutual best friend Clarke. Clarke, fed up with their bickering curses them to the Fey Wild telling them she's done with them until they learn how to work together.
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author: @queenemori
moodboard: @hopskipaway
teen | modern au | childhood friends | friends to lovers
For Murphy, it's always been him and Raven against the world. No matter what life throws at him, he always knows Raven will be by his side. He just hopes things stay the same when they cross over into more-than-friends territory.
author: @redstorms
not rated | canon-divergent | season 6 | trans character
Missing scene/alternate party from season 6 where Raven and Murphy drink in the tavern together. They talk.
author: @easilydistractedbyfanfic
mature | canon-divergent | season 2 | enemies to friends to lovers
Murphy’s different when he comes back. But then so is Finn. She can see it in the way they move through the grassy field even before she gets a good look at them. She didn’t know what she expected to hear from them about what happened while they were gone, but it certainly wasn’t what she got.
And she certainly didn’t expect to find Murphy sitting outside her tent that night, late, after she’d thrown herself into a repair to keep her mind occupied after hearing the awful and disturbing story either. But that is what she got.
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author: @nakey-cats-take-bathsss
teen | modern au | scooby doo au | friends to lovers
Officially, the delinquents were retired. They’d left the crime-solving and unmasking bad guys behind in favor of studying and adult responsibilities. But when they get a letter from Russell Lightbourne, inviting them to the mysterious Red Sun Festival, it might be time to rev up the old mystery machine. Murphy never thought they would be back together again, and the last thing he ever expected was for his crush on Raven to come back in full force. But when things in Sanctum, Massachusetts take a weird turn, their feelings may be the thing that saves them in the end.
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author: @queenemori
teen | modern au | kid fic | definitely, maybe au
John Murphy is newly single and adjusting to his new normal, which includes partial custody of his 13-year-old daughter, Emma. When Emma tells Murphy about her first big crush, she is then prompted to ask him how he met her mother. Instead of giving her the straightforward story, he decides to tell her about the three important relationships he had in his twenties, but he changes the names, so she's left to guess which woman is actually her mother.
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l-egionaire · 4 years
Peter Parker X Sophia Sanduval AKA Chat
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Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until the other one dies.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Sophia fell for Peter almost the minute they met. Peter took a little longer but he fell hard when he did.
How was their first kiss? - So quick they almost didn't realize it happened. Chat gave Peter a quick peck to the lips before leaving and it took them a moment to realize what just happened.
Who is the best man/men? - That's complicated because peter had two weddings. One in public as Peter Parker and one in private as Spider-Man with his superhero buddies. For his public one it was Harry Osbourn. For his private one it was Johnny Storm.
Who proposed? - Peter. He took Chat on a date to the Bronx Zoo and planned to propose to her but then a supervillain battle broke out. After handling it, he immediately asked her to marry him before something else happened.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Mary Jane Watson. Sophia didn't have a ton of friends when she met Peter due to being a mutant and after meeting each other, she and MJ hit it off.
Who did the most planning? - Sophia for the public one and Tony for the private one. Peter tried to help and even took some time off Spider-Man stuff but he was just really busy.
Who stressed the most? - Peter. He had Miles doing his Spider-Man duties for both weddings but couldn't help but worry something would happen
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Sophia's Parents. They threw her out when she was a teen and the last time she saw them wasn't great so it was decided not to invite them.
Who is on top? - Sophia. I see Peter as too worried about his super strength to try topping his partner.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Again, Sophia. Pete isn't the type to start things often.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - A while. Pete's spider-Enhanced Stamina and Chats determination go a long way.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Yeah. They each try to give the other their fair share.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 1. May Parker-Sanduval
How many children will they adopt? -0
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - They try to keep it even but its usually Sophia.
Who is the stricter parent? -Ironically Peter. His daughter has mutant spider powers so he knows to be careful and keep a close watch on her.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Peter. He's a serious worrywart.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -Sophia usually makes the kids lunches.
Who is the more loved parent? - They're loved equally.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both. Due to physical mutations their child attends Xaviers school so they have meetings with the X-men.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Peter liked to pretend that was sweat but Chat knows better.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Peter. He knows how rough it can be dealing with authorities.
Who does the most cooking? - Chat. She was already an impressive cook when they met but then she got some lessons from Aunt May. She continues the beautiful Parker tradition of breakfast wheatcakes.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Sophia. She's a vegetarian.
Who does the grocery shopping? -They try to split it between them though Pete often grabs things when on patrols.
How often do they bake desserts? - Sophia sometimes bakes the occasional cake.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Peter is a mete lover while Sophia is a veggie head. They make it work.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Sophia.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Peter. Whenever he wants to give Chat a break from cooking.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Peter. Master inventor and chemist but terrible cook.
Who cleans the room? - Peter. Spider powers make cleaning a breeze.
Who is really against chores? - Neither.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Sophia since most of them are hers.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Sophia if she's in a rush.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Peter. He rushes to make sure theirs no spider stuff sticking out.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Chat. Some mice told her where it was.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Peter.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -Chat.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -If there is anything resembling a holiday coming up they go all out on decorations.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Yo love each other.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -Peter. Long nights as Spider-man
Who plays the most pranks? - Chat.
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