#and he's Right. so true bestie scout
trans-xianxian · 8 months
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my bestie is rlly upset that fans aren't gay for and in love with wen ning btw
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demonir · 6 months
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cringe culture is dead and I killed it Here's my TF2 self insert ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ He/she only please She's hired as an assistant to deal with miss Pauling's ever growing list of tasks and slowly learns to love the job
more detailed info right over here ↓
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After spending all his savings into moving to America in an attempt to start a new life he becomes desperate trying to find a job searching even amongst shady places for anything that could save her, luckily she finds just the thing, and with a really good pay too. Her goal is to be able to live on her own as well as support her mother back home so this job was perfect, he lied like crazy on the interview though but what he didn't know is that he was the only one that applied so he got the job instantly. He is very scared of anything and everything and not ready for what this job is gonna throw at him. For his own safety he pretends to be a cis woman until he knows if he can safely come out to everyone or not, he hates it though
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After realizing that amongst all the freaks of nature he is not the odd one out, he becomes a lot more confident! Comes out to everyone and is very warmly welcomed and accepted, he might have cried a bit over it Opens up to everyone and becomes friends The guys and Pauling teach him how to use weapons and defend herself and she starts to get the hang of having to kill someone sometimes and then hiding the body She asks the guys to cut her hair so that she could feel more masculine and they are all more than happy to oblige. He starts getting crushes like a LOSER Besties with Scout
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Medic like the true bestie that he is did his top surgery for FREE (might have taken one or two organs out of him tho) He's so happy with the top surgery that he's GOTTA show off his chest every moment he can Might be going a little loco after spending so much time amongst cray men Has gotten so used to fighting it becomes second nature by now, lowkey wants to become a mercenary himself but they wont let him Sometimes uses aviator-like goggles because he doesn't like when his glasses go flying off Combat boots let's goooo Might be dating one of the mercs who knows ヾ(≧▽≦*)o Is more muscular after training with everyone 💪
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ailendolin · 4 months
Fellow Ghosts fan here! Love your ghosts work and your writing! It's really good!
I'm wondering if you got some more thoughts on the german ghosts? Like when you wrote "love-hungry poet" Friedrich Dorn has a crush on Felix instead of Emma.
Hello fellow Ghosts fan! Thank you so much for your ask and your kind words about my writing! I do indeed have more thoughts on the German ghosts! Bear in mind, they're based on nothing more than a promo picture and short press release so most of them will probably end up being quite wrong.
Joachim strikes me as gentler version of Julian. I think it’s likely he died under similar circumstances – although the lighting in the promo pic almost makes it look like his suit jacket is dirty so maybe he had a tryst outside? It’s also possible something else got him killed (maybe he got mugged?). Anyway, I love that he looks like a typical German guy from the 80s – they really nailed that. If it turns out he has a kid like Julian, I really hope we will see him/her visit German Button House one day.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Richard Dorn declares Schiller, Goethe, Kleist or any other German poet of his time his mortal enemy. Maybe even all of them. As I’ve mentioned before, I’d love to see a twist on the romance plot with him going after Felix instead of Emma (and I really wouldn’t mind him eventually realising that Claudius is right there …). It looks like he got shot just like Thomas so I wonder if we’re going to see another heart-breaking duel, treacherous cousin included.
Adelheid, just like Fanny and Hetty, will probably end up becoming one of my favourites. Her costume doesn’t tell us much but the feather in her hair and fancy dress suggests she didn’t die getting ready for bed. Personally, I'd put a spin on her character by her having an affair with her maid (or the gardener/butler, I suppose) rather than her husband being the one who cheated. It won’t happen like that but I think it’d be a fun way to shake things up.
Now, Claudius I’m already in love with. I was hoping for a Roman character when I made my own German version and I’m glad we’re getting one. Interestingly, Claudius is wearing his helmet and armour and seems to have his sword on him as well but doesn’t look like he’s actually been in a battle – perhaps he died on the eve of one? Since he's based on the Captain, Claudius might very well be gay. Perhaps he had a lover in the army or at home – or he fell in love with the enemy (maybe he drank poison before battle so he wouldn't have to fight his lover). I’d like to think showing emotions is difficult for him (hence why Richard doesn't realise he likes him) and that he speaks Latin when he gets emotional.
Griet is going to be so awesome. I mentioned before that she seems to be the lovechild of Mary and Annie based on her looks and feminist personality, and I am very much here for that. She’s not going to be someone you want to cross and I can very well imagine her being the one who establishes some order in the house. I want her and Adelheid to become besties and the others to be a little scared of her.
Urs gives me younger Robin vibes - by which I mean he comes off as a happier, more naïve and innocent version of Robin. That’s obviously just a first expression based on a single picture but I can see him looking at the world around him in childlike wonder whereas Robin was more sad and jaded. I want him to be curious about the world, about technology (in the sense of wanting to learn and calling the cables worms and cameras metal cows like Mary), and smile in true delight when he sees a butterfly – basically a mix of Robin and a toned down version of Kitty.
Svenni being described as a teacher is really interesting. She gives off elementary school teacher vibes and I would honestly love to see her try to wrangle the ghosts like she would 6-10 year old pupils. That’s bound to be hilarious. She’s not a scout so she probably was on a school trip with her class when she got her arrow. I wonder if she has kids of her own. She doesn’t strike me as a mum which is why I think the “child comes to Button House” storyline would work better with Joachim. I feel like she might be one of those “still waters run deep” characters and will surprise us. I can also really see her bonding with Emma.
I don’t have many thoughts on Emma and Felix yet but one thing I love about them in the promo picture is how done both of them already look. They’ve probably been at the house for only a few weeks and are clearly already fed up with the ghostly shenanigans. I also love how normal they both look. No fancy clothes, no fancy make-up – just two ordinary young people who are in way over their heads.
And finally, the House. Because of Claudius’s presence, I think it will be located somewhere in Western Germany. From the promo picture, it gives off the same vibes as Button House with the large, dark red room, the windows to the right and the wallpaper peeling off the walls. According to the press release, Emma and Felix are planning to turn it into a hotel, and while I hope they will succeed where Alison and Mike failed, I don’t want them to have it as easy as Jay and Sam had it in the US version. I want them to struggle for a few series (insert wishful thinking that it will have more than one series here) and at the very end, finally open their hotel.
That's all I have for now. I'd love to hear your thoughts (and everyone else's) as well!
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free-for-all-fics · 5 months
Binge watched Peacemaker so here’s some quick Vigilante prompts! Special thanks to my bestie @tinalbion for putting up with my brain rot and spam messaging. (You’re the one who told me to watch this show, so this is your fault! 🫵😂) Please tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! 💙
1. You’re a butterfly who just so happened to take over the body of someone close to Vigilante’s age. You just did what you had to do to survive. It’s like a Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides situation where you’re like Murn, you dissented because you don’t believe your kind have the right to impose their will on the humans like some sort of bug overlords and you just wanna protect the world. You’re one of the only true “good ones” out of your entire species and, in a twist, maybe prefer Earth over your home planet. Maybe you got here a long time before they even decided to look for other means of existing or you were sent out as a scout to well…scout the planet for its conditions and level of compatibility. And you were able to blend into human living for longer, so it’s easier for you to adapt into your own personality. But with the way Adrian is with emotions and such, he doesn't find it weird that you’re not as “human” as other people. He just thinks your oddities are fun quirks. But then whoops you fall in love with Adrian and he falls in love with you. How could he not? You’re beautiful and sweet but also badass when you need to be and you and he have lots of things in common. What if, even after the cow is killed, you miraculously find an alternative food source that can sustain you, so you won’t die within the week after all and you and Adrian can stay together.
“I’m so relieved it can’t be passed sexually. Not that I’m comparing you to an an STD. I love you.” since Chris hooked up with a butterfly and had those fears of her leaving monster STDs on his dick, that being a Butterfly was a venereal disease of some type, that he was going to become one, like a dick vampire. Or he'd really freak about it going up his butt, since Economos made that presentation.
“My girlfriend’s an alien but it’s fine we’re fine it’s cool.”
2. You and Adrian are in the car together with Adrian driving and he may or may not know you’re a butterfly. A butterfly splats against the windshield, clinging and still alive. Adrian, not thinking much about it, says, “Ew.” And turns on his water and windshield wipers to wipe the butterfly away, effectively killing it. He goes back to vibing and singing along to the radio until he looks over at you in the passenger seat and sees your horrified expression. Either he doesn’t know and assumes you just care a lot about animals (he’s never seen you eat meat. Come to think of it, he’s never seen you eat, period but he’s just shrugged that off, guessing maybe you’re just uncomfortable eating in front of people.) Or he knows and is so oblivious to it like,
"Babe, what’s wrong? Are you feeling carsick or— Oh. Ohhhh. Oh no, I totally spaced. Since you’re…y’know…in a human body, I kinda…forgot. Oh shit, that was offensive wasn't it...? Did you know them, like were they your friend or sibling or parent or ex??”
“I just witnessed my boyfriend kill one of my kind but it’s fine, it’s fine, we’re fine.”
3. You and Adrian were dating and you die somehow so they let a butterfly take over your body because it’s like a The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals situation. Better to have some semblance of you with your human memories than nothing at all. Maybe Adrian is taken over by a butterfly too and the butterflies that take your bodies just so happened to be lovers or “mates”. So while you’ve both changed, you and Adrian are still happy and in love in the end, in a way, since the butterflies possess your human memories while in your bodies.
For a slightly happier version, what if it’s just a close call situation and instead of killing you and taking over your brain completely, since it said the butterflies give human hosts super strength among other things, a butterfly is inserted to heal you and it’s more like having another voice in your head like a mental roommate for a few days or weeks and you have a weird craving for honey/the amber fluid but then once you’re recovered, they leave your body without a fight to find another host that was promised and lined up for them. Maybe someone who was dying anyway, so they’re okay with it.
4. Your mother is the legendary Mothra and/or your father is Drury Walker aka Killer Moth. Killer Moth is primarily a scientist who specializes in genetics and bio-engineering and is capable of breeding, cloning, and modifying insects to his liking. He may have moth-like talents as a consequence of an experiment he did on himself, such as boosted strength, wall-clinging ability, and winged flying. Killer Moth is also a competent hand-to-hand fighter, and he occasionally employs a plasma whip as a weapon and control device for his creatures rather than a cocoon cannon.
“What? No, I’m not a butterfly. I’m a moth. We’re totally different species. Unlike butterflies, we can survive on your food. All of Dad’s experiments to create an army of killer moths failed and all the moths died, except for, well, Larva M-319, or Silkie. He turned into his full moth form temporarily, but then he…exploded…and reverted back to his caterpillar form. It was his way of molting. He’s so cute, though! He’s staying with the Teen Titans. Starfire adopted him. I’ll take you to visit sometime.”
“Okaaaay. But what about you?”
“What about me?”
“if you’re a moth, how are you able to take human form like the Butterflies? Did you kill someone and take their body? Aren’t you an experiment too?”
“Oh. Oh, no, I’m not an experiment. I was born naturally with this ability. I came out human but didn’t come into full control of my powers until much later. I don’t know for sure, but my theory is that I still inherited genetics from Dad’s human side. Dad was human before he became Killer Moth, so… My half-sister, Dad calls her Kitten, she doesn’t have any moth qualities at all. She’s fully human, totally ordinary and a total pain in the ass. I’m not close to her at all. I think she’s always been jealous of me for my moth powers. She doesn’t have superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, agility, reflexes, flight, razor-sharp antennae and claws, or Toxikinesis like I do. I don’t even have her number in my phone. I love my dad, despite his…flaws, but because of him and his pushover parenting style, she’s spoiled rotten and insufferable.”
5. The laundromat scene from Dr. Horrible but it’s you and Adrian. Adrian has a huge crush on you and, to get to know you, he keeps making excuses to spend time with you like you’re at the laundromat and he’s like,
“Whoa, that’s weird. I asked for one frozen yogurt and they gave me two. You don’t happen to like frozen yogurt, do you?”
“I love it.”
“What a crazy random happenstance!”
And you’re sitting cross-legged on top of the washing machines eating your frozen yogurt together and bonding and he accidentally lets something slip about his work and, to protect his secret identity/double life as Vigilante, he has to cover with a lame excuse.
“I just, you know, REALLY think I'm qualified for this, this job and I just can't get my foot in the door.”
“I'm sure you will.”
“I wanna do great things, you know? I wanna be an achiever. Like Deadpool…”
“The former Special Forces Operative turned mercenary?”
“…I meant Franklin Delano Roosevelt.”
“Well, I've gotten turned down from plenty of jobs. Even fired a few times.”
“I can't imagine anyone firing you.”
“Neither could I. Now I can visualize it really well. But, you know…everything happens.”
“Don't say ‘for a reason’.”
“No, I'm just saying that everything happens.”
“Not to me.”
6. You’re Clark Kent’s twin sister and the last daughter of Krypton. While Clark works at the Daily Planet as a journalist/reporter, you’re working as a waitress/bartender at Fennel Fields as your cover. When you and Adrian are closing up together you turn on the jukebox and dance to the music while cleaning up. Makes wiping down tables, mopping floors, and stacking chairs much more fun. Adrian thinks it’s cute and sometimes even joins you. Sometimes you mysteriously disappear from your shifts for like fifteen minutes because your brother needs you for superhero stuff so you escape out the back door. Quick in and out since you can quick change into your costume and fly faster than the speed of light. You use your heat vision to warm up coffees or pastries when nobody’s looking so it’s like you never left.
“How did you get those trays out so fast?”
“Oh, uh, muscle memory and years of practice?”
Adrian is a darling who covers for you whenever you have to duck out for a bit because he like likes you and “family emergency” is enough for him at first. You go by the human first name your adoptive parents Martha and Jonathan gave you, but maybe you don’t go by Kent, to make who you really are less obvious. He doesn’t suspect anything until later. Why he gets suspicious is up to you. Sometimes you work the bar and have to ward off creepy, pervy guys.
“What can I get for you?”
“I was hoping you could recommend something better than what we’ve been drinking.”
“Well, for the discerning out-of-towner like yourself, I recommend…(alcoholic drink of your choice). You can really taste the extra ten cents.”
“Yes, by all means, two please. So…will you take your top off for me?”
“Take your top off for me like wild college girls. Just a quick look. No one’s watching. Just take it off for me.”
You spray the perverts with the handheld water hose, absolutely soaking them, which causes your coworkers to come over and kick them out. Instead of water, you wish you could use your heat vision on them. Adrian is making mental notes to kill them later or at least seriously fuck them up.
“You know what? When I got this job, I signed up to serve coffee and cold, shitty pastries. If I wanted to be in the Justice League, I’d be in the damn Justice League! Yeah. That’s right, Adrian. I helped my twin brother and his friends save the world from a New God called Darkseid and I fucking killed it! We cut off Steppenwolf’s head and threw it back into the portal before it closed and the Mother Boxes were destroyed. But now, I’m just trying to make ends meet while I work my way through Community College and I can do that just as easily, down the street at Starbucks! I quit!”
“You can’t quit!”
“Yeah, I sure as hell can. Clearly if you don’t want me around you… Why else would you be acting so differently around me?”
“But I don’t want you to quit! I mean…”
Adrian being a total nerd tries to gift you a ring made of actual Kryptonite (how he got his hands on that and got someone to make it into a ring, who knows) but he doesn’t know you’re Superman’s sister and you need to figure out a way to not accept or wear the ring without hurting his feelings (he doesn’t have emotions like people do, but he still has them) and/or revealing your secret identity.
“I’m highly allergic to uhhh…the color green?”
Your disguise is also like glasses and nerdy and shy so you’re a lot like Adrian but then you’re super hot as your supergirl/superwoman persona and he doesn’t realize it’s you but when he does somehow find out your secret he’s like,
“Wait, oh my god, I’m dating a baddie??”
“I’m a superhero, not a bad guy or villain.”
“No, I mean like in the Instagram model hot babe way. I don’t know, I don’t have Instagram, I’m just saying you’re hot both in superhero and civilian form.”
“Oh, uh…thanks? I don’t have Instagram either. I’m chronically offline, I guess. Too busy with…superhero stuff.”
“Yeah, same…”
Classic Star Wars misunderstanding where Adrian thinks you and Clark/Kal-El are dating or in an intimate relationship because he’s seen Clark pick you up from work, wrap his arm around your shoulders (but he doesn’t see the part where he does it to put you in a headlock so he can give you a noogie or do other twin brother things to annoy you), or you just spend a lot of time with him because duh you’re in the Justice League or working alongside him part-time.
Or maybe when the Justice League brought him back from the dead, you were called and had to ditch Adrian in the middle of a date. You made an excuse, but he thought it was because you didn’t like him or how the date was going. But turns out it was because Clark didn’t know who he was and was going berserk, using his heat vision and other powers to destroy police cars and fight the Justice League, not recognizing them as his friends. He only snapped out of it when you came on the scene and called him by his human name. You didn’t have time to change into your costume, so you had to approach him on foot and in human clothes. You couldn’t use your powers while you were dressed as a civilian, but he still recognized you. However, from Adrian’s perspective, (whether he saw it on the tv or in person), when Kal-El hugged you and buried his face in your hair, it looked romantic. All he saw was Superman and you wrapping your arms around each other and Superman shooting up into the air, taking you away. When you come back after Steppenwolf is defeated, you have to explain the situation.
“I'm sure Kal-El wasn't on that thing when it blew.”
“He wasn't. I can feel it.”
“You love him, don't you?”
“All right. I understand. Fine. When he comes back, I won't get in the way.”
“Oh. It's not like that at all. He's my brother.” While Adrian’s brain is too busy processing this information, you kiss him.
“Damn, babe, if only we had gotten together sooner. We could’ve really used you during Project Butterfly when we took out the Cow. You would’ve been so OP you would’ve destroyed those butterflies in milliseconds with your flight and heat vision. And your impenetrability? Those bullets would’ve bounced right off you!”
You’re Kal-El’s twin sister and have adopted a dog (whatever breed you choose) that’s superpowered due to the Butterfly in its head. Once your twin brother discovers you have a Butterfly as a pet dog, he tries to give you shit about it and tell you to “get rid of it”, which you know means he wants you to kill it. But you point out that he has Krypto and he’s being a hypocrite.
“You wanna disapprove of my choice in a pet dog? What about Krypto? He’s literally a super dog too! With heat vision, flight, super strength, and speed! I love Krypto, he’s a very good boy, but so is my dog! They’re the same!”
“They’re not the same! They’re very different! Krypto didn’t horrifically murder hundreds of people and take over their bodies to try to enforce their will on the human race!”
“And neither did the Butterfly that’s in this dog! He/She was a dissenter! You’re gonna blame the actions of others on him/her? He’s/she’s a good Butterfly! I promise! He/She has used those colorful push to talk buttons or ‘one tap for yes, two taps for no’ to communicate with me, and he/she has no intent to hurt me or take over my body. I feed him/her this honey-like stuff and we go on walks and he/she cuddles with me on the couch or in bed and plays with dog toys like any other normal dog!
“Dad said we were put on Earth for a reason, and that reason was to protect humanity! How is keeping that thing helping to protect them?”
“We are protecting the humans! We killed the Cow and stopped the invasion, which you and your friends were too late for to help, by the way! And newsflash, we’re all aliens from outer space, Kal-El! You, me, your dog, my dog! Need I remind you that it was me who dogsat Krypto and handled all the “watch over and protect the world” stuff while you were dead? Trust me, I know what I’m doing. Before the Cow was killed, I swiped more than enough jars of this amber fluid from the processing plant to sustain him/her for many years to come.”
Bonus if you try to get your boyfriend, Adrian, to back you up.
“What about a Chihuahua?”
“Too small, probably wouldn’t fit.”
“Would be cool, though.”
“That wouldn’t be cool at all. Why would that be cool?” Kal-El asks.
“You tell me.”
“It wouldn’t be.”
“There’s your answer.”
Well, he tried. He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit. You’re still not killing or giving up your dog. The “I was born first so you have to listen to me,” excuse Clark loved to use when you were growing up in Kansas with your adoptive parents won’t work this time.
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7. You’re Adrian’s best friend and he has a crush on you but you’re oblivious or he keeps it to himself because he doesn’t wanna risk ruining your friendship but then you tell him you got a date or two lined up with Aquaman, Superman, etc. and he tries to subtly discourage you from going on that date/those dates.
“What’s so wrong about Aquaman, hmm? He brings fish to people when they’re hungry and helps protect the sea from pollution and other environmental damage caused by humans. He’s saved so many sea turtles from choking on those plastic ring soda can things.”
“He fucked a fish!”
“He did not fuck a fish!”
“He wanted to fuck a fish!”
“He’s handsome, and an excellent swimmer…”
“What’s your problem with Superman?”
“He’s an alien!”
“Don’t be racist or xenophobic, Adrian.”
“A literal alien from outer space. And! And! He’s the Man of Steel!”
“Yes… impenetrability is one of his superpowers, hence the nickname. So?”
“So?? Haven’t you thought about why he really earned that nickname? He’d break your hand if you tried to punch him, sure, but he really got that nickname because every woman he’s ever slept with has ended up in a wheelchair for weeks after the deed.”
“Oh, come on. That’s bullshit.”
“Nuh uh! I read it! It’s true! It says that once you go Kryptonian, you’re gonna need a wheelchair.”
“From where? A fanfiction site? Kal-El is smart, handsome, and…”
Adrian wants to scream. Either you go on your dates with Justice League men and he tries (and probably fails) to sabotage them, and/or something drives him to finally confess. Or the Justice league men are in on it and it’s a ploy, all part of your plan to push Adrian to fess up already.
Or for something similar that’s funny, Adrian is your current boyfriend and somehow finds out that before you were dating, you, Superman, and Aquaman had a threesome. Or many threesomes, if you did it more than once.
“We’re just good friends now. Ok, yeah, I’ll admit that in the past, we were Friends With Benefits and hooked up a few times. So? You’ve had threesomes too, Adrian. I know about you, Peacemaker, and that Amber girl. Wasn’t she married? And I know that wasn’t the first threesome you’ve had.”
“Superman, I can understand…if you’re into men who would absolutely shatter your pelvis. And Aquaman? You really fucked the fish fucker?”
“Oh my god, Kal-El did not shatter my pelvis and Arthur did not fuck a fish! Where do you hear these rumors?”
“Well, what you read on the internet isn’t true. Anyway, it was years ago. It shouldn’t matter anymore. We’re all in committed relationships with other people now.”
“Did they give you any weird sexually transmitted alien or fish diseases like in the sci-fi movies?”
“Oh my god. No, they were both clean. Can we change the subject and focus on the task at hand?”
8. After Adrian accidentally blows himself up with a grenade and destroys his suit to the point of no salvation, he goes to you to task you with making him a new one. You designed and made him his Vigilante suit, so he knows he can go to you to patch it up or make him another one. It’s either platonic where you’re his sister or romantic where you’re his girlfriend. Up to you.
“I just need a patch job.”
“Hmm. This is megamesh. Outmoded, but very sturdy. And you’ve torn right through it! What have you been doing, Adrian? Moonlighting hero work?”
“Must have happened a long time ago.”
“I see. This is a hobo suit. You can’t be seen in this! I won’t allow it! Five years ago, maybe, but now?”
“What do you mean? You designed it.”
“I never look back. It distracts from the now. You need a new suit. That much is certain.”
“A new suit? Where the heck am I gonna get a new suit?”
“You can't! It’s impossible! I’m far too busy. So ask me now, before I again become sane.”
“Wait....you want to make me...a suit?”
“You push too hard, Adrian! But I accept. It will be bold. Dramatic!”
“Yeah, something classic, like Superman! Or Batman! Oh! They have great looks! Oh, the cape and the boots-“
“No capes!” You throw a paper ball at him.
“Isn’t that my decision?”
“NO CAPES! They’re tacky and impractical. Now, go on. Your new suit will be finished before your next assignment.”
“I only need a patch job. For sentimental reasons.”
You sigh. “Fine. I will also fix the hobo suit.”
“You’re the best of the best.”
“Yes, I know, Adrian. I know.”
“This project has completely confiscated my life, V. Consumed me as only hero work can. My best work, I must admit. Simple, elegant, yet bold. You will die.”
“I just...”
“I did your suit, and it turned out so beautiful. I cut it a little roomy for the free movement without creating gaps in the armor or weak points where the cloth is. The fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin and can also withstand a temperature of over 1000 degrees. Completely bulletproof. And machine washable, V. That’s a new feature.”
“What on earth do you think I will be doing?!”
“Well, I’m sure I don’t know, Adrian. Luck favors the prepared. I didn’t know your powers, so I covered the basics.”
“I don’t have any powers.”
“No? Well, you’ll look fabulous anyway. Your suit I also designed to withstand enormous friction without heating up or wearing out. A useful feature. Virtually indestructible...yet it breathes like Egyptian cotton. As an extra feature, the suit contains a homing device, giving me the precise global location of the wearer at the touch of a button. Well, V? What do you think?”
9. You’re either Adrian’s girlfriend or sister (romantic or platonic, up to you) and he’s being very stubborn and constantly leaving his hospital room/bed against medical advice because he’s more worried about you than himself so he wants to sit at your bedside until you get discharged, even if you’re asleep most of the time. Or after Adrian escapes from the hospital after getting shot, he goes directly to your place and you’re like,
“So instead of leaving or getting discharged from the hospital like a normal person, you took out your IVs and went out through the window, either ran or hot wired a car to come all the way here, without changing out of your hospital gown?”
“The bullet has been removed and I’m all stitched up, so it’s fine. I’m fine. Do you have spare clothes for me?”
“Yeah, I have a box of your clothes that you left. Gimme a sec and I’ll grab them. But you still have a lot of explaining to do.”
10. You’re Chris’ baby sister (you were an accident) and you were a literal baby when Keith died and so you were taken away from your dad since he was deemed unsuitable or Chris, fearing for your safety, took you away and left you on the doorstep of a foster care or something, so you’d be given to another, hopefully better family. Your father was and still is a piece of shit who couldn’t care less that you were gone. If anything, he was relieved to be free of the burden of having to deal with you. You’re given a new name and everything. You don’t remember your biological family. When Chris grows up he tries to find you but can’t and then he gets put in jail for four years. But then when he has to work for the 11th street kids gang on Project Butterfly they’re able to use their resources to find you and turns out you’re kinda coincidentally dating Adrian who you may or may not know is Vigilante.
11. You tend to be clumsy and reflexively say, “Fuck me!” whenever anything even minorly inconvenient happens like you accidentally cut yourself while using a knife, trip over something, bang your knee or elbow against something, accidentally knock something over, stun your toe, etc. but Adrian, your boyfriend, doesn’t quite understand that it’s an expression or figure of speech so he’s just like,
“Now? I mean… I’m down if you really want to, but we’re at work/in the middle of a mission. Shouldn’t we take care of that first? Unless you want a quickie, then I can…”
“Adrian, what are you— Oh. Oh! That wasn’t an invitation for sex, I just did something stupid and it hurt.”
“Oh… Oh yeah, that makes sense, no, yeah, that’s cool, that’s cool.… Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”
“No, it’s not that serious. Just a bruise or flesh wound. An ice pack or band aid will do, if I even need that. But I mean, since you asked…maybe later? Once we get home? If both of us still have enough energy by then.”
“Sure. Yeah, no, I mean…”
What if during the mission you go on together, Adrian is finally able to fulfill his dream of killing someone with a chainsaw and he’s so elated and pumped up on adrenaline that the two of you have sex to celebrate the success of the mission and that Adrian finally got to kill someone with a chainsaw?
12. You’re an Amazon (whether you’re Diana’s actual biological sister or not is up to you), but despite your proficiency in every single other category when it comes to fighting with swords, shields, hand-to-hand, rope, etc., you could never master how to shoot a fucking arrow from a damn crossbow. You’ve practiced for years and years but, to your shame and embarrassment, always kept missing your target. You don’t know what you’re doing wrong. You’d blame it on the wind at first, but it has to be something wrong with you. Well, to fulfill one Amazonian tradition, whether or not you’re a Princess, you must learn to shoot a flaming arrow through a ceremonial ring, which will happen on the eve of your sister’s coronation (or some other big and important event, like the Amazon Games). It's symbolic for lighting an eternal flame. Either Diana is going to do it with you, but she doesn’t have to practice because she’s already perfect, or you have to do it for some reason even though you’re younger than her. You’re dreading what you imagine will be your impending failure and public humiliation, until Adrian surprises you with appliances he’s saved and set up in the backyard. He teaches you how to shoot a crossbow and it’s like that scene from Princess Diaries 2.
“That's enough flaming ones for now. Are you sure I didn't burn you?”
“Of course you did. Look at his coat.”
“No, no, it's very minor. You just sort of seared the sleeve. Look.”
“Take your stance.”
He puts his hand on your shoulder to adjust you. “Elbow down. Just a bit. Use your mouth as an anchor.”
“Excuse me?”
“Touch your mouth. Good. Relax this hand. And breathe in. Release.”
You hit your target. Bullseye.
“Oh.” Did you really do that? It’s hard to believe.
“How did that feel?”
“Wonderful. Wonderful.”
You’d kiss him right then if you didn’t have witnesses.
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another-dr-another · 26 days
speak w uehara!!!! thats my bestie my friend uehara - annie
Maeda, narrating - …Yeah, okay.
Maeda - Maybe it’ll be good to try and go into this second trial with a clear head.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Or, maybe I need a reminder of what’s happened that I could be forgetting.
Maeda - Mm…
//Maeda looks around for Uehara- eventually finding him curled in on himself, half on his podium, half sprawled off it. His right leg is drawn up to his torso, while his arms are over his head, hands reaching to his neck. 
Maeda - …Maybe I shouldn’t bother him.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Uehara?
Uehara - …
//Slowly, he raises his head, moving his arms only slightly, and blinking warily against the light of the trial room.
Uehara - …Yeah?
Maeda - …
Maeda - Just wanted to check on you. You, uh… feeling okay?
Uehara - …
//He unfurls himself, but doesn’t stand- his heels rest against the floor, legs outstretched, as he sits more firmly on the podium.
Uehara - …
//He looks up at Maeda, and smiles.
Uehara - Hanging in there.
Maeda - …I’m glad.
Uehara - …Mhm.
Uehara - Just have a bit of a headache.
Maeda - …Probably from the fight-
Maeda - Tomori checked him for a concussion, right?
Maeda - Have you had any water?
Uehara - …Mhm. Lots, actually.
Maeda - Ah…
Maeda - And you ate your oatmeal?
Uehara - …
Uehara - I wasn’t feeling hungry. I gave Tsurugi… half-over the bowl.
Maeda - …Maybe all the water is killing your appetitie.
//Uehara hums.
Uehara - Could be.
Maeda - …Well, since you’re right by Tsurugi, you can ask him for food during the trial, if you feel like it.
Maeda - Plus, since you don’t care about not interrupting by talking with Tsurugi on your own- 
Maeda - That’s mean, let’s stop that… they can talk if they want.
Uehara - That’s true…
Uehara - Aaangel? Do you have any water?
Maeda - Yeah, he’d give the talent scouts an aneurysm.
Tsurugi - …No.
Uehara - …No?
Tsurugi - …Gave it all to the queen of the field mice. Her people will use it to flood their empty rivers and power their hydroelectric dams. 
Tsurugi - Then, they reuse the bottles by turning ‘em into boats…
Uehara - You’re good enough at resource management to have water left for me, though?
Tsurugi - …
Tsurugi - They needed it, you don’t.
Tsurugi - You’re gonna drink too much and feel gross, and that isn’t nice…
Tsurugi - Besides, gluttony is a total sin, Uehara!
Uehara - Thank god none of us are Catholic, then. Soul death doesn’t scare me… no sir, I’m a bad bitch…
Tsurugi - You aren’t getting any more.
Uehara - Greedy…
Uehara - Maeda, would you please go get me some water from Tsurugi?
Maeda - …
Tsurugi - …
//Maeda does not want to try that.
Uehara - …Fine, I’ll do it myself.
//Tsurugi is sitting with his back to his podium- while he was leaned against the side closer to Tomori, he moved back to the podium's center to talk. Uehara moves towards him, using the bars of his podium to pull himself closer.
Uehara - Tsurugi <3…
Tsurugi - I don’t know what you think you’re going to do, but I have so much faith in your ability to fuck it up. Remember that, okay?
Uehara - I’m obsessed with you.
Uehara - Give a struggling fan a bit of water?
//Uehara… gives out. His legs are sort of tangled together, making it clear he couldn’t put much weight on them, meaning he was supporting himself… somewhat on his knees, but mostly with the one hand he had firmly on the ground. 
Maeda - Like a landslide…
//All of his joints simply stop carrying any weight. Uehara’s head winds up between his and Tsurugi’s platforms, as his hand stretches out along the floor in front of Tsurugi. He shifts slightly, maybe getting more comfortable… and stops moving.
Tsurugi - …
Maeda - …He died. Of thirst.
Maeda - There has to be a biblical figure that happened to.
Tsurugi - …
Uehara - …
Tsurugi - …Ue.
Uehara - …
Tsurugi - …Get up.
Maeda - …?
Uehara - …
Tsurugi - …Uehara, Get Up.
//Uehara does not get up.
Maeda - …No.
//Tsurugi gets in front of Uehara, and tries to lift his head.
Tsurugi - …
Maeda - …
Uehara - …
Uehara - Mmm…
Tsurugi - Jesus-
Tsurugi - Are you okay?
Uehara - …Yeah.
Uehara - The floor was nice and cool, I got drowsy…
Tsurugi - …You can’t act like you aren’t aware of that rule after the conversation that was just had.
Uehara - …What rule?
Maeda - …
Uehara - Oh, yeah- no, I wasn’t going to sleep… I just got comfy.
Tsurugi - God…
Tsurugi - Have some water, then I want you to take a sip of my coffee, okay?
Uehara - I looove manipulation and guilt-tripping it’s why I’m so. 
Uehara - Naturally good at it.
Tsurugi - Stop being catholic please.
Maeda - Yeah, you could be protestant…
Tsurugi - …What’s that entail again?
Maeda - …
//Uehara starts laughing, in a way that almost sounds breathless.
Uehara - …Y’know, it’s sort of funny.
Uehara - I keep thinking we should be in class right now.
Uehara - Maybe it’s the bright lights, makes me feel like we’ve just…uh, outside…
Tsurugi - …I wonder what the air is like. If it’s all cold and dry, or hot and humid…
Maeda - …
Uehara - Man.
Uehara - Maeda didn’t even try to get the water for me.
Maeda - Wh-What did you want me to do? 
Tsurugi & Uehara - Ask nicely.
Maeda - …Well, I’m happy to have learned that, then. I’ll be sure to use that wisdom in the future.
Uehara - Maeda’s first day of preschool he just learned his first manner.
Maeda - Tsurugi wasn’t giving you water!
Uehara - He was being very polite about it.
Tsurugi - I was going to call you a hellion if you kept asking for it.
Uehara - Tsurugi was very worried about me.
Tsurugi - …I thought you were going to drown if I gave you any more water!
Maeda - I’ll aspire to be more like Tsurugi.
Uehara - …No.
Uehara - Go be your own person. Let it all be…
Uehara - Sorry. It’s not about being your own person. That’s not what I meant.
Uehara - You need to work on… refining your choices. You need to think before you speak or act- but you need to have a code you’re going by.
Uehara - If you don’t understand the choices you’re making…
Uehara - It isn’t that you’ll always be inactive… it’s that you’ll never be okay with the things you do. And it’ll hurt you, when you don’t have something to fall back on.
Maeda - …
Tsurugi - …
Uehara - …
Uehara - I don’t know. I guess my advice isn’t that relevant to you.
Maeda - …
//Maeda has… no clue what to say.
Tsurugi - …
Tsurugi - …Oh, Uehara- have some coffee, now that you’ve had some water.
Uehara - Mm… okay piccolino…
Maeda - …
//Maeda watches as Tsurugi passes his drink to Uehara. Tsurugi’s eyes flit up to Maeda, then flick back- then, after a moment, he turns to Maeda.
Tsurugi - Maeda? Do you want to play rock-paper-scissors? I’ve got a win-guaranteed strategy, it’s where I ask you to only play paper the whole time, and you agree.
Maeda - …
Maeda - S…sounds great… but I think I have some people to talk to before the trial starts again.
Tsurugi - Okay! Go have fun then. Play with your friends…
Uehara - …Hope you’re good, Maeda.
Maeda - …
Maeda - See you both later.
Maeda, narrating - Well.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Always something. Maeda - I think priests are supposed to, like… make you feel better. But I guess Uehara’d be happy to hear my thoughts on his… shortcomings.
[Speak with a Student - Maki]
{Stand on your Podium}
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chichiricatsan · 8 months
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More about Eilin under the cut if anyone's interested! :)
Eilin's Origins Tapestry Here!
Pic sources are from Pexels ~ [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ]~ The two quote pics are from Pinterest. The others were all taken/edited by me from the Dragon Age games themselves.
Name Pronunciation: Eilin is pronounced as AYLehn
AY       is pronounced as                     ie         in tie
L          is pronounced as                     l           in let
eh        is pronounced as                     e          in pet
n          is pronounced as                     n          in no
Gender: Genderfluid/Non-Binary ~ AFAB (assigned female at birth, female anatomy) ~ they/them pronouns (will also accept he/she pronouns since they’re fluid).
Orientation: Pansexual.
Age: 24/25 (Origins, 9:30 Dragon) ~ 35/36 (Inquisition, 9:41 Dragon)
Class: Rogue ~ Longsword/dagger combo (preferred) or dual daggers
Specializations: Ranger ~ Duelist ~ Legionnaire Scout
Name of Their Mabari: Samwise. The hound was cheekily named after one of their favorite characters in one of their favorite pieces of human literature. They remain steadfast companions to this day.
Romance: Zevran ~ He tried to kill them…TRIED being the operative word. Even so, Eilin was impressed by how close he came to accomplishing his mission, and quickly grew attached to the Antivan Crow right from their first mouthy meeting. They saw much of themselves in the man and found a kinship with him early on. Their romance is a slow burn as they both must try to heal past scars and allow themselves to fully open up to their growing feelings for one another. After the Fifth Blight is ended, they stay together and travel Thedas in search of a cure for The Calling whilst enjoying the pleasures of each other and the world with their earned freedoms, helping others when and where they can…maybe with a bit of profit as well ;)
Besties: - Alistair ~ Their first companion and Grey Warden ally who became like a little brother to them. Even though Eilin is more mature and straightforward than him, they share similar senses of humor, and Eilin sees the good (and deflections) in him after so much discontent with the hand the world has dealt him, a sentiment they deeply share amongst others. Despite Eilin’s doting on him, they do not coddle him, but instead try to talk him up and show him what a great warrior and person he is and could be, giving Alistair confidence to stand up for himself and push him to possibly become Ferelden’s king—though that path is decided against for several reasons. Alistair and Eilin share a true and lasting friendship to the present day.
- Shale ~ Witty, dry-humored, gemstone-loving bestie! They share a deeper disconnect to their home away from home and instead find connection in each other…through shiny things and crushing Darkspawn heads. Eilin finds Shale (and golems in general) interesting, though their curiosity is stemmed after The Anvil of the Void scenario. Eilin supports Shale’s free will and ability to find purpose in their new life outside the parameters of expectations, as they have done. The one thing they disagree on is the destruction of the pigeon population, Eilin believing that even the most vexing of feathered defecating devils need love, too.
- Oghren ~ A respected warrior of merit and a fun drinking buddy, within reason of course. Eilin tries to keep him on track with his alcoholism and with Felsi and being a good, if absent, father. They are glad to continue their friendship into the Awakening escapades.
- Anders ~ These two share excessive, fun personalities that color the Awakening experience for everyone…or cause a massive amount of scoffs and eyerolls. Anders became another (albeit, more powerful and self-aware) little brother figure for them to watch over and support. Frankly, Anders became the one who watched over Eilin and educated them on the harsher side of things regarding The Circle, a welcomed perspective for the Hero of Ferelden that strengthened their positivity towards mages and distrust & dislike of the Chantry and its oppressive systems. They both dote on Ser Pounce-a-Lot, and when Anders is forced to give him up, he contacts Eilin to keep him at Weisshaupt as the mouser for the fortress’s larders. Aside from that, Eilin takes care of the precious little furball because they love animals and cares about Anders, even after what befell Kirkwall’s chantry.
- Sigrun ~ A respected Legionnaire scout with a heart of gold that bonded with them over their time in Awakening. As someone who’s always held The Legion in high regard, Eilin appreciates Sigrun’s goals and learns some of Sigrun’s tricks of the trade in Awakening.
Frenemies: - Morrigan ~ While gaining a better understanding of her and mages through their journey, The Dark Ritual’s revelation had their trust for the woman plummeting. Still, Eilin could see and understand Morrigan’s proposition held more than what she was outright revealing, especially with the two’s overall friendship they’d formed and Morrigan’s feelings about Flemeth and her ways. Eilin decided to kill the old woman to gain Morrigan’s favor and rid the world of a powerful maleficar…for now. It was having the former topic’s discussion with Alistair that really threw things into a spiral, but they were all in agreement in the end. Alistair and Eilin’s bonds of friendship carried them through the decision to take Morrigan’s offer. Eilin pursued Morrigan later on to try and check on her and gain some kind of answers, but the woman continued to successfully elude them.
- Wynne ~ While Eilin respects the woman and appreciates her skill and experience, they find her air of superiority hard to tolerate and often feel that Wynne speaks down to them and lectures far too often on things that aren’t her business…specifically on their relationship status with Zevran.
- Velanna ~ The Dalish mage was too hotheaded and closeminded for them to fully get along, but Eilin tried to understand where she was coming from nonetheless, sharing a mutual feeling of wanting to protect/save their sibling(s) no matter the cost.
Enemies: - Loghain & Rendon Howe ~ For the man who helped free Ferelden from Orlesian rule and was held in such high regard, Eilin expected more from him, especially with what went down at Ostagar. And for Loghain to allow a cave tick like Howe to run around behind the scenes and make things all the worse threw their opinion of them both over the edge into revenge territory, almost feeling as strongly as Alistair on the whole matter. In the end, Eilin ended Howe’s life, and they allowed Alistair to challenge and deliver the final blow to the man who they believe deserved a punishment befitting of him. What could be more fitting than decapitation at the hands of his best friend’s bastard son? Poetic justice, they’d call it.
- Isolde & Eamon ~ Teagan rides a fine line being listed here as well, being Eamon’s brother and sharing his sibling’s sentiments, but Isolde is on a whole other level of insufferable to Eilin. Not only was she irresponsible with her own son and refused to acknowledge his budding mage powers that put the entire village of Redcliffe under siege to the undead, but her purposeful mistreatment of Alistair—all rooted around a rumor—and Eamon’s conscious negligence of him and the situation also solidified their hatred of these two. They never said so aloud to Alistair who seemed conditioned/content to be grateful to his abusers in one way or another, but Eilin was good at being subtle.
- Sten ~ Eilin tried to understand and be patient with the Qunari and the concepts of the Qun, but felt Sten’s creed to be too akin to that of the unforgiving casteless system in Orzammar. Later, they butt heads over the whole “you look like a woman” conversation, which left Eilin in a foul, murderous mood. Then, Sten’s constant scrutiny toward them and their ability to lead finally resulted in a confrontation in the village of Haven leaving the qunari at the business end of their blades. Sten surrendered, but Eilin “kindly” asked Sten to leave the team for good. They’d had enough.
- Leske ~ Sadly, this was one person Eilin was not expecting to be their enemy. Ever. Perhaps they were in love with him and always had been. Perhaps they were to remain only friends with (past) benefits who could tell each other anything. Perhaps they were only Carta thugs united under the stresses of everyday life in Dust Town, watching each other’s backs on principle alone. Perhaps Leske only really wanted to get close to Rica, as more than his jokes would imply. Perhaps Leske truly, finally gave in to the Carta’s whims, being sucked back into its seedy underbelly all because of monetary gain. Or, perhaps, it was all of the above…along with a helping of jealousy on Leske’s end. Whatever the case, this loss for Eilin changed them significantly, and is an ever-present bruise on their heart. They have moved on, but if pressed upon, it aches.
Do They Follow A Religion? The Stone ~ Though most dwarves do not believe casteless to be favored or even acknowledged by The Stone, Eilin still believes and keeps their faith in mind, not outwardly expressing it unless it’s brought up. It was something they held onto those long and lonely days in Orzammar under the Carta’s thumb, for themselves and their family.
Strengths: - Adaptable. - Confident, even if they “fake it ‘til they make it.” - Able to think on their feet and keep their cool when necessary. Subtlety can be the key to victory. - Great leadership and enforcer skills, uses a mix of persuasive and intimidating tactics. - Though logical and pragmatic at their core, they can and will tap into their emotional reserves to be a better leader/friend (this is a progressive trait gained through their DA:Origins journey).
Weaknesses: - Their sharp & droll tongue can get them into trouble/offend others. - Masking to fit in, leading to varying sorts of discontent. - Sometimes they're a bit too lethargic, but a personal side effect of The Joining for them is heavy fatigue. - Blunt without tact, their Carta life rearing its ugly head at times. This also can result in a lack of giving second chances with some people. - Flirty and wanton, but truly emotionally distant, craving a real chance at romance and love, but fearing it at the same time, not wanting to be hurt or left behind. This is especially true after dealing with Leske and the Carta in Orzammar.
Personal Issues: - Letting go of the past and betrayal(s). - Allowing themselves to make mistakes without fear of cruel/unusual punishment (mainly to their family who are now safe with a net of nobility with Bhelen). - Aligning themselves with true love and relationships, romantic or otherwise. - Changing and growing out of their Carta (and other) personas to find themselves and their true values.
Hobbies/Talents: - Stone/gem carving - Weapon care, and blade engraving for extra flair. - Reading human literature/fiction. - Collecting a variety of bits and baubles. - Drinking anyone up to the challenge under the table with their high alcohol tolerance.
Likes: - Colors: Purples, slivers/ice blues, golds, oranges, and greens – cooler/cold and nature-esque shades.
- Layers of clothing. It lets them feel safer and more guarded. Plus, they like cooler weather, so it stands to reason they’d need more layers.
- The changing seasons. Winter and spring and the petrichor smell that comes with the snow and rains, autumn and the colors, and the familiar dryness and heat of summer keep them from feeling too homesick.
- The surface world in general and the freedom and opportunities that come with it. The adventure of it all keeps them going, as does the elf they share their journeys with. 💖
- Animals! They become a ranger class for a reason, not only seeing animals as opportunistic companions for battles, but also because Eilin gains an affinity for them. Still, they’ll always love giant spiders the most and summons one (christened “Nid”) to ride as their preferred steed.
- Gemstones, trinkets, and human literature. More often than not, the books, bits, and baubles they collected were spoils of Carta shakedowns gone south, some regrettably so. Some were trophies of success, others a kind of “memento mori.” They kept them all, nonetheless. (Think of them as a somewhat morbid Ariel from Disney’s The Little Mermaid lol).
- Passionate artisans of their crafts/pursuits, whatever that may be as long as it isn’t hurting/impeding others. This stems from their observations of the better side of the pride of the caste system. Even casteless, Eilin can see and appreciate the efforts their fellow kin put into their lifelong works. This is a big reason why she helps Dagna out of Orzammar to pursue her dream of working with The Circle of Magi. Zevran being passionate about being an assassin is also a good example, as is Wade’s need of perfection with his armor making in Denerim.
Dislikes: - Animal abuse of any kind. - Petty political/noble affairs. - Willful ignorance. - Lack of flexibility in and around rigid systems. - People unwilling to have a little fun/laugh at themselves
Scars/Blemishes: - Their brand tattoo on the right cheek (the design extends upward over the right eye, but cannot be seen in original Origins screenshots and was not available in Inquisition’s tattoo selections, sadly. I’ll have to draw them sometime to show off my personal vision of them lol). - Scars on right side of face, ear, and neck (Inquisition screens) that they received from skirmishes with the werewolves from the “Nature of the Beast” quest and other various fights. - Various moles/beauty marks. - Dryer skin patches from exposure to Dust Town and Orzammar’s environment in general.
Their Origins/Awakening Journey: - The Broken Circle: Sided with the mages and Irving survived the final fight with Uldred.
- The Arl of Redcliffe: Redcliffe was fully saved and Connor & Isolde lived with the help of the mages.
- A Paragon of Her Kind: Sided with Caridin, destroyed the Anvil of the Void, and Bhelen rules Orzammar.
- Nature of the Beast: Brokered peace between the elves and the werewolves.
- The Urn of Sacred Ashes: The Urn was protected.
- The Landsmeet: Loghain was defeated and executed by Alistair, Anora rules Ferelden.
- Was The Dark Ritual Performed?: Yes, (sadly for Eilin) by Alistair. It took a long talk and trust for these two friends to allow Morrigan's ritual to take place. 😞
- Warden’s Keep DLC: Sophie was killed and Avernus is alive with permission to continue his research, but it must be kept ethical. Eilin drank the strange concoction and unlocked the power of blood.
- Dragon Age Awakening: Vigil’s Keep and Amaranthine were saved, Nathaniel is alive and well, Oghren and Felsi reconciled, but are separated, and The Architect is dead.
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ratstarxx · 9 months
alright so idk i just wanted to share an anecdote and my journey as an aroace person.
So this story starts the beginning of my freshman year. my second day really because it was just us on the first. now this needs prefaced by saying, i don’t have a lot of friends. it’s not some sad horrific thing - i mean id like a couple more friends but i’m not keen on a giant group. so at this point i have one solid friend, and i make it through the day like scouting out who’s nice and who i could get along with. my last class of the day is acting and i’ve already seen these people once or twice helping out with drama and i quickly get the understanding that they’re chill and id get along with them. the acting class is in the auditorium and we’re told to sit stage right in like two sections. i just pick a seat way off to the (stage) right, around people but not directly next to anyone. over the next week or so i start settling in and end up joining the big group twords the middle. i sit next to these two friends who i think are pretty cool and they seem to like me.
and the year progresses. i don’t become besties with one or the other but i make friends in general. i’m not sure if i could like become best friends with one of them because they had a really tight bond. like hallmark movie best friends. like the small part that isn’t ineffable about this relationship will be explained later on. but i am making other friends (i’m just gonna go with initials bc these ppl follow me on tumblr) and i become really good friends with w. we have some common interests but generally we just vibe yk.
now i’m gonna skip ahead a couple months to the school class play. all of us are involved in this - the previously mentioned acting friends (m and p) are both actors along with me and w is on stage crew. so one day w and i are mopping the stage or something just talking. i can’t remember exactly how it went but w has a boyfriend and he talks about him sometimes. but w really only refers to them as “my boyfriend” so i’m just going with it and pretending i know who it is. anyway at some point while we’re talking i must’ve said something like “who is your boyfriend btw” and they’re like ohhh l. and i just feel so dumb. they’re always together and interacting and i’m just like how did i not realize. i think about it for like a full day realizing how many things have gone over my head and how oblivious i am. fast forward a week or two to opening night. i’m kinda nervous because this is my first play-and also my first performance but i only had one line and i knew i could nail my characters. i have one bit in scene 3 then i change and im not needed til scene 7 so i mostly sit around and if it wasn’t crowded i sat in the fem dressing room. it’s about intermission time and we’re kinda sitting in a semi circle doing makeup as a bunch of queer (not girl) afabs. we’re talking about past relationships and stuff and coming out when p is talking and they say something along the lines of ‘and my dad was like you seem to be besttt frienddsss with m’. everyone understands and acknowledges it. then i realize. i’m like wtf. and i go ‘you’re with m??’ just lost and they confirm. this was like 10x more obvious than w and l. i have no clue how i didn’t see it. but 3 months in i realized that there relationship was romantic.
i don’t know why i care but i do. i wanted that friendship. i wanted a relationship like that. i thought i could have that if i found the right person. and in a single phrase i realized that i can’t. i know i can’t be in love. i accepted that long ago. but i struggle to accept this. maybe i didn’t believe in true love or whatever before i met them. but the way that they look at each others like they’re all they need. like it’ll be okay as long as they’re together. like i can see the hearts in their eyes. the way that they talk. the way they’re always laughing with each other. they way that they just effortlessly get each other. i don’t want to date them. i mean i’m aroace and lesbian at that. but i am so incredibly jealous. it’s like i see them together and it feels like a dagger in my chest. then i want a dagger in my chest. the jealousy consumes me.
at the beginning of that year i thought i had come to terms with myself. i’m not sure if i have. but i haven’t seen anyone talk about feeling this way, and if you’re like this, you’re not alone. we’re gonna make it through. it doesn’t matter how many friends you have or how relatable they are right now. you’re gonna find your person. and i hope someday i can find a plutonic m to my p
i really struggle with friends. i currently have 2 solid friends that i talk to most days. i know that i’m not either of their number ones. i’m aware that i put in eighty percent of the effort into our relationships. at least with one of them. but i know that people do care for me. and that i may never be able to fall in love, but i still get to be loved. and i still get to love. i just have so many more people to share my love with. i love you.
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Welcome everyone to the pinned post!
So you guys have clicked on this blog. That’s great, but you know what else is great? Getting to know exactly what you’re getting into now that you’ve actually clicked on the blog. This is a rp blog, and if you’re not into this you can easily leave me alone.
The Background
I do have like an entire large few paragraphs, but I’m not typing everything out here. Be fortunate.
Born in Australia by two New Zealand parents who had fled the island before it sank into the ocean, he never really caught a break. Two months old, his parents abandoned him, only rescued by a kind and caring couple who never had a child. What a fantastic start to his life.
Growing up wasn’t easy, being so different from everyone else and not knowing why. He still doesn’t even know about his true heritage (or the fact he has autism but like whatever-), or his actual parents besides a few very faint memories. But eventually, he had found a place in nature. He was always enamored by it, and still is, taking in the beauty when he gets the chance to.
Of course, he had an actual job to do still: shooting down animals or pests people did not want to see around. And he did pretty good. So good actually that Mann Co recruiters scouted him out to hire him. He… did not get a chance to say no. It was either take the job, or be executed because he knew too much now about the organization.
And that’s how he took the job, becoming a Sniper. He basically does the same stuff he used to, only now instead of animals, it’s people. Doesn’t seem entirely right to him still—more specifically, when it’s just a bounty target—but he had to take it.
Physical Description
Well, I do have a description. But I also have a picture! A couple, actually. But I’ll iust combine them into one for easy viewing accessibility.
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Height: 6’ 2” (He’s a tall one, that’s for sure.)
Eye color: Blue (because all characters with such main character energy as him have blue eyes.)
Weight: 150 lbs (or about 68 kilograms for you non-American folk.)
Age: 25 (Awfully young, but then again he did get dragged into the workforce.)
Other features: He has an enhanced sense of hearing, able to hear things many others cannot. It’s also quite sensitive, but he has a way to deal with it sometimes.
I know this post is already very long. But you clicked on it for a reason: to read more about him! Do you get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit.
He’s somewhat easy-going, trying to be friendly to people. It doesn’t matter if they’re a member of the other team (oh yeah, if you couldn’t tell, he’s a BLU.), he’ll still try! Though his social skills aren’t the best, he’s only human after all. It could also be the autism but like who knows really.
You might have seen the “traumatized” in the blog name. You know what that means. He has so much main character energy, getting grabbed into horrors beyond his comprehension. Well, at least where I mainly use him. But this blog is different. Who knows, maybe he’ll be the true silly he can be after all!
He likes to read, look out into nature, and fish occasionally. It’s not super often, but he does have a tackle box and two rods. Why two? Don’t ask him, might not be the best idea for him to start talking about…
Other memories/qualities
Give or take within the span of a year after he joined, he was really good friends with the team’s Engineer. Besties for the resties, and probably one of the more wholesome friendships. But then, that Engineer left with little to no reason. At the time, Sniper hadn’t really tried to interact with the rest of the team, so really the only person he cared about and cared for him was gone. Left a pretty deep emotional scar, and it’s still painful.
He has some gifts from his parents, such as an old guiding light style candle lamp thing. Yes, he does have a flashlight, but sometimes he uses that instead when it fits. The teeth on his hat? Partially gifted, partially stolen (from when the animals stuck their teeth in his flesh, obviously /hj). He has a few others, you might just have to ask him!
Remember when I said he had a way of dealing with his sensitive hearing? It doesn’t have an off switch, meaning it can cause a huge problem trying to sleep at night. So he uses a pair of earmuffs when he wants to sleep. Usually, it works. Other times, he’s up all night. Depends on the conditions, really.
His main goal in life? I do not know why you’d ask that, but I know it and will still share it to you. He tries to logically connect events and phenomena, even when there isn’t a meaning or reason behind it. Someone definitely took the all history links message a little too far (/j). Sometimes, this caused more stress for him than it does relieve it, as much as he tells himself.
So what does he do with all the stress? Mostly, bottling it up and hiding it. Can’t be a professional of you’re too emotional out on the battlefield, after all! Once the bottle breaks… it can get pretty messy. It’s not super easy, but it’s been broken before by a few people.
Where this leads off
So, now I need to make a statement about where he’s off in life right now. Where exactly am I setting this timeline split? Well, I’m just about to do that, be more patient. I know this is a long post, but you don’t need to get so rushed!
After Engineer left, and he managed to catch his bearings, he’s trying to settle into the base and the community he’s part of—being a mercenary—a little better. Maybe you can strike up some conversation, or maybe he’ll get dragged into some undeniable horror, or maybe he’ll just rot alone. Who knows? Not me, that’s for sure.
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peas093zzz · 1 year
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Letters to the Lover Unknown...
A story of two poets (Zola & Jermaine) who meet through a poets pen pal program . They are matched up and write poems to one another, they eventually get to know each other through letters and decide to write a poetry book together about love since most of their poems are about the trials of their love lives. They eventually meet and fall in love.
Set the Mood:
“New Apartment-Ari Lennox”
“Starting Now-Brandy”
“Self Care-Savannah Christine”
The big move...
I have spent most of my life in San Myshuno, being a true city girl at my core. I’ll miss the hustle bustle of the city but I need a change of pace. Windenburg was really 3rd on my list of places to move but Newcrest was still devoloping and San Sequoia was too family oriented for me. I still wanted to experience a good night life while also having the option to live in suburbia quietness. It’s also not too far of a drive, 4hrs was not too bad and a 1hr flight was something I could stomach.
My older brother Sailen (Say-Len) was helping me with the drive and moving into my new place. I got lucky with the place I found. When I was scouting one weekend. I happened to look in the classifieds and saw a 1/1 available with some stipulations. I later called and spoke with an older widow named Peggy, she said the rent would be lower if I did grocery shopping for her weekly and came by to help with her garden. She lived in Henford-O-Bradley which was a 20min drive from my new home. She seemed sweet and like she could use some company. I love my elders. Hearing their stories from youth until present day is my favorite pastime. They have so much wisdom and beautiful life lessons. It also gave me something to do while exploring and hopefully meeting new people.
S:“Ayeee man turn this lovey dovey shit off! Put on something else, bout to fall asleep at the wheel”
Z:“Nobody wants to listen to Rod wave crybaby ass!”
S:“N**ga I’m driving so I get the Aux anyway!”
Rolls eyes and switches the playlist, he so aggy man.
S:“30 more mins and you’ll be starting your new life! how you feeling bug?!”
Z:*Sigh* “I’m excited but a little nervous. My head is all over the place to be honest. Everything is secured but I’m just worried about making friends. I have not even met my new co workers yet! Idk I know I’m overthinking it but I just want to this to be a good decision ya know?
S:“Do you ever really know if something is good or not? Tbh it could be a bad one or it could be the best decision of your life, the only way to know is to try. To experience it. You don’t want to get old and regret not going for it and any where you go you’ll meet someone who'll like your weird ass lol.”
Z:“Shut up! I really can’t stand you sometimes but you’re right”
S:“And don’t worry about friends I’m going out tonight I’ll bring you back some “friends”
Z:“You better not bring no strange hussies to my new apartment lol”
My brother and I could not be more different but he truly is my bestie. I was sad to be leaving him and the family back at home. But I wasn’t happy and they knew it too. My brother was my number one supporter for this move, probably because it gives him an excuse to come to party and have a place to crash at afterwards. He is quite the explorer but cool with never leaving home fr. He’s kinda a mommas boy lol and my mother and I ehhh.
S: "We here bug!"
We finally arrived to my new place, I could not wait to fill this place with furniture but mostly new memories and fun times. Time to blast Ari Lennox “new apartment”
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toastys-muses · 2 years
Cherry just made me type all of this out. Now you’re gonna sit down and listen to all
The Earthspark SkyBlaze lore.
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[Some Spoiler Warning for Earthspark Season 1 on Paramount.]
She’s a love sick, power hungry, genderbent TFP Starscream recolor who is hellbent on killing megatron, destroying ghost, and taking over the planet alongside her bestie Viridian, whom she loves more than life itself.
She was born in the sea of rust where Sunspot’s lab resides. She never knew who her father was and didn’t exactly care either, he was dead to her and sunspot. She moved to the city of Iacon by her self and joined the seekers, quickly climbing the ranks to lieutenant.
When she returned to visit sunspot, she found her carrier experimenting on herself with untested predacon CNA, and once it was injected into sunspots frame and she was writhing on the floor in pain, SkyBlaze killed her on the spot. Drove her heel right through her helm and her blade right through her chasis.
Once her carrier was dead, she threw herself into the work, and climbed the ranks to Major General, just a few ranks under Starscream himself.
Speaking of Starscream, however, she indeed caught her commanders attention, both by her aerial combat abilities and her charm. And oh Primus did she fall hard for him.. Once he was locked away in ghosts HQ, she went a little insane since her sparkmate was locked away from her.
She never lost her wing either. She’s still a badass flyer who can handle her own, either in the air or on the ground. And the fact that she and megatron came to a draw should say a lot about her ability.
She kills the autobot pyromaniac known as Sunburst by electrocution, and a bullet to the helm, for not telling her where Optimus Prime was.
Once Starscream was locked away and megatron joined the autobots, she rose to become the Seeker commander, along side the new mistress of Decepticons. She just doesn’t control Skywarp and Novastorm.
Once Starscream is freed (or breaks out of) his secluded prison, SkyBlaze refuses to step down as commander, and even challenges him to a fight. Of course, SkyBlaze is bigger and stronger than Starscream, so he quickly loses.
That thing about her finding dark and red energon was true, she was out digging through an energon mine and found some. She gave the energon to viridian, per her demand, but stole it back right under her nose, and eventually used both of them in battle against Megatron.
SkyBlaze is disgusted with the fact megatron ended the war with just a snap of his digit. Millions of years of fighting for nothing, all down the drain just because he and optimus says so. How come megatron gets a chance at redemption but not her beloved Starscream?!!
SkyBlaze’s son is an autobot, and is an aerial scout. She isn’t angry at him for being an autobot, just extremely disappointed. Same with her twin girls. Just because they’re her family doesn’t mean she won’t beat the crap out of all three of them. They shouldn’t have sided with the wrong faction.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Can I please ask for some protective Cubs and/or Coops. I adore these boys and I love the fics where they always have each other’s backs. It could be a similar situation to Remus and that Stan guy or something different. No pressure or anything and if you don’t vibe with this prompt don’t stess bestie
Yes, I love protective Lions! For the anon whose meds got mixed up: I'm so sorry that happened, and I hope this provides the comfort you were looking for in the form of Cub lovin' <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for panic attacks, forgetting to eat a healthy meal
It was Sirius who noticed first. Then Remus. Then Finn.
He was still kicking himself over that one, to be honest.
Sirius moved like a solid wall, murmuring in quiet French as he led Logan out of the gym and into the hall with Remus hot on their heels. A pang hit Finn right in the heart—I want to understand, he thought, fervent and afraid as he set the jump rope down. I would build the Tower of Babel again to understand how to help.
His pulse picked up; sweat itched at his forehead even after he stopped exercising. “Something’s wrong,” Leo said under his breath as they hurried into the hall.
Obviously, Finn bit back. He should have known since the second Logan started snapping his fingers in a nervous tic, should have seen the fucking signs—
“Everything alright?” James asked cautiously from the weight bench where he laid. “Did someone get hurt?”
“Just—just hang on a second.”
“Respire.” Sirius sat crosslegged across from Logan, whose eyes were squeezed shut as he leaned his head against the wall about ten feet from the door. “Logan, respire.”
A gentle but firm hand moved Finn out of the way by his shoulder; Remus slipped past them with a cup of water. “Drink this,” he ordered as he took Logan’s twitching hand between his own. “Open your eyes if you can.”
“Gonna throw up,” Logan managed, his voice high and reedy.
“Lo?” Finn’s mouth was dry. Logan hadn’t had a panic attack since their last year at Harvard together—he barely remembered what to do.
Logan’s chest caved at the sound of his voice, and one pale green eye cracked open to stare at him in sheer terror. “Finn. Finn, it’s happening, I don’t know what to do—”
“Move.” Finn’s throat hurt, but his brain kicked into autopilot. I can fix this. “Leo, get some damp paper towels from the break room. Cap, give him space.”
Leo disappeared from his stunned place by his side; after a moment’s hesitation, Sirius held his hands up and backed away. Logan was still gripping Remus’ hand with white knuckles. “How do I help?” Remus asked as soon as Finn knelt next to Logan.
“Grab some more water, and granola bars.” Slowly and deliberately, he reached up and cupped the side of Logan’s face. He had never allowed himself to do it at Harvard, but Logan always came back to himself quicker with a grounding touch. “Logan, can you look at me for a second?”
He shook his head. “Gonna throw up.”
“Alright.” With a shaky exhale, Logan leaned into his palm. “There you go, good job. Are you still dizzy?”
“Little bit.”
Past adrenaline rush, past collapsing, moving through dizziness. Finn ran through his mental checklist like it was just yesterday that Logan had crumbled after a bad game in from of scouts. “Cap was right, you need to breathe. I’ll do it with you, okay?”
He watched Logan’s chest move up and down, erratic at first before slowing to match Finn’s steady pace. Something damp and cool brushed against his free hand and he pressed the paper towel to Logan’s forehead, then kissed Leo’s cheek in gratitude as he sat down. “What happened, love?”
Logan swallowed hard and licked his lips, but his eyes were opening. “Dunno. I was almost at the end of my reps. I was fine.”
“Did you eat?” Sirius asked quietly to his left, waiting with his arms crossed. Despite his stance, he didn’t look angry.
“Bagel for breakfast. Coffee.”
His mouth tilted down. “That’s not enough.”
“We’re not upset,” Finn assured him, sliding the makeshift washcloth to his temple. “Just worried.”
“It’s really warm in here,” Logan panted. His pupils had dilated so far they almost masked the green entirely. Past dizziness, into dehydration. “Is anyone else warm?”
Finn’s sweat was already cooling on his body as he handed him the water glass. “Drink.”
In twenty seconds, half of it was gone. A decent amount spilled over the front of Logan’s shirt from his shaking hands, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Leo’s whole face was lined with concern. “Better?”
Finn glanced up at the others and gave them a quick nod. We’ve got him. Sirius squeezed his shoulder as he passed, and Remus passed him a couple energy bars before heading back into the gym. Logan’s breaths were coming easier; they waited in silence until the rest of the water was gone and his face regained some of its color. “You can’t skip breakfast on heavy workout days, Lo,” Finn said, folding his legs under himself. “You know that’s how these get triggered.”
“It’s been long enough that I thought I’d be alright.”
“Does this happen a lot with you?” Leo asked. Insecurity flickered over his face and Finn felt a stab of guilt.
Thankfully, Logan shook his head. “Not for a while. They used to, back in school.”
“Then why’d you skip breakfast if you knew it might happen?”
“I slept weird. Didn’t wake up hungry, and by the time I was, we had to go.”
“We can take another five or ten minutes to make sure you eat instead of having a panic attack.” Just to make that extremely clear, he added in his mind. “For future reference.”
Logan’s nose twitched as he looked toward the gym door. “Sorry for interrupting your practice.”
“Health comes first,” Leo said firmly. “Practice won’t ever be more important than your safety.”
“It’s our job—”
Finn held his hands up in a timeout motion. “Panic attacks aren’t something we fuck around with, remember? The guys will understand. Coach will understand. Besides, we’re your boyfriends. It’s our job to take care of you when you’re feeling shitty.”
Logan looked between them, sighed, and leaned forward to rest his forehead on both their shoulders. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Leo said into the soft skin of his neck with a light kiss.
Finn rubbed small circles onto the back of his hand and buried his face Logan’s slightly-sweaty curls. “Love you, three. Ready to head back in?”
“Only if you’re ready for me to kick your ass in squats.”
Leo snorted. “Bold of you to assume Cap’s letting you near anything heavy for the next 24 hours.”
“That assumes he lets you in the gym at all,” Finn amended.
Logan rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”
“And I’m sure he’ll believe you, after you’ve been cleared by every doctor in a four-mile radius.”
“I’ll make him let me in.”
“Now that I’d pay to see,” Finn laughed. He internally cheered at the rosy splotches of temper that lived a semi-permanent life on Logan’s cheeks.
Leo nodded. “A true battle of wills.”
Logan’s jaw ticked at the side. “You’re the worst boyfriends ever.”
“Nah, we’re just protecting you from your big bad older brother who is fully capable of banning you from the gym if you don’t play your cards right.” They heaved him to his feet by his hands; if Finn spent a little extra time dusting his back and thighs off, that was nobody’s business but their own.
“Are you done?” Logan asked with clear amusement written all over his face.
“I’m protecting the booty,” Finn said solemnly. Next to him, Leo fought a valiant battle against the grin trying to take over his face. “It’s a very important booty, you know.”
“Like you’d know, Pancake O’Hara.” With a playful smack to his—admittedly lacking, in comparison—rear end, Logan strolled back down the hall to the gym and pulled the door open.
“Yoga mats,” Sirius said without preamble. Leo clamped a hand over his mouth and hid his face in Finn’s shoulder.
“Yoga mats. If you even breathe on the weights, I swear to god I’ll sit on you.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Love you, too.” Sirius narrowed his eyes down the hall. “You two have absolutely no excuse to chill out here. Congrats, Harzy, your rotation for the bench press just started. Knutty, Bliz is waiting for you by the ice baths.”
“Oh, god,” Leo groaned.
Even Sirius looked sympathetic as he moved aside to let Logan in. “It’s only fifteen minutes. You’ll sur—Logan, put that down!”
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presidentbungus · 3 years
heavy is a grand master at rolling with things. it takes a lot to faze him. he is gentle, but only with things that aren't people. surprisingly protective of everyone on the team. has probably broken into zoos to fight the bears for "enrichment". appears only mildly annoyed right up to the point where he throws you through a wall and leaves. likes animals, particularly big dangerous ones. gets a great deal of satisfaction from the sound of meat and bone crunching. is significantly more eloquent in Russian than English. probably writes poetry in Russian, actually... it just doesn't translate well. has an endless supply of stories and folktales from Russia, and no one realizes he made like half of them up. tells great bedtime stories but only if your taste runs to tales of graphic violence.
EDIT: this wraps up the last of the heavy headcanons, I think. thanks to everyone for participating love this big guy love you all !! do still send some headcanons in if you have anything else to add though the night ain’t young but it’s still kickin’ !
ohhh yeah this is the sauce boss. the boss sauce. everything here is true and correct and I think we should get married(/p and /j obviously but you are incredible).
I don’t even know where to start with this. he’s been through hell and back it takes a fucking lot to pierce his veil of Not Giving A Fuck. his Fuck meter fills up very quickly though if you screw with those he has marked as His Family His People To Protect. I think even if like medic just dies in battle one time he thinks it’s directly his fault and feels really guilty about it and is like I Cant Hang Out With You AnyMore I Am A Danger To You (or he gets super super over fucking protective so it won’t happen again). and medics like um, what the fuck. ok I literally ran into the sight line of 3 sentries and 5 soldiers and a deeply overzealous demoknighr it’s not your fault. and he’s like auuaahahaugahaiuagahahgah. and medic’s like I think let’s calm down a little bit and you stop being weird I am not sure how to deal with it
everybody learns not to mess with heavy pretty quick though when on like the second day soldier gets angry at him for being russian and soldier ends up with almost every bone in his body broken In the span of about 4 seconds
he’s suuuuuper good at russian and was like a lit major or whatever the popular opinion is. he’s frustrated with how restricting English is but spy speaks russian and they’re besties ! I’m stealing this directly from a fic i read at some point I just loved it a lot
heavy’s a VERY very good storyteller even through the semi-permeable barrier of his English-speaking skills. I think him and demo and engy team up to tell campfire stories and stuff. he also tells them just when he’s Parenting! to varying degrees of success. medic is very enthusiastic about the gore while scout is probably like “um… ok… LOL… I think i am goin g to leave right now”. shut the fuck up scout. take the father figure while you have the chance you are going to need one
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narutoad · 3 years
alright i’m just gonna go ahead and post my chunin exams predictions (matchups and results):
Inojin vs Houki: Saw this one coming from a mile away because of the mutual connection to Sai. Results were already announced.
Iwabe vs Wasabi: Come on, we all knew this one was coming. I see a potential enemies to lovers arc here. That aside, we know pet users don’t tend to do well in the chunin exams and Wasabi’s team hasn’t been given much time to shine. Power to her, I love her so much, don’t think she’s gonna win this one chief
Tsubaki vs Denki: AKA the round where the writers cheat their own system. It’s the theme of traditional fighting vs scientific advancements, but they don’t have to undermine the shinobi system because Tsubaki is a samurai, not a shinobi. They still might let her win to prove a point, but they have nothing to lose by letting everyone’s favorite Boy Scout win the match using gadgets and gizmos. Also, people got excited over Shikadai vs Yodo last time, but as much as I hate to say it, I think (if this matchup happens) they’ll eventually be this generation’s Smart Guy/Badass Girl ship.
Sarada vs Chocho: Because they’re besties. Repeat of the iconic Sakura vs Ino but without the element of “we’re fighting over a boy who doesn’t like either of us.” Sarada is objectively better cut out to be a chunin than Chocho but considering Chocho was one of the standouts from the last exams, I think she’ll hold her own really well. (and then she and Inojin can get promoted together at a later date.)
Boruto vs Mitsuki: One, because it’ll feel the most like a “classic” fight; Boruto is like Sasuke in a lot of ways but he’s his father through and through, and pitting that against Orochimaru’s kid feels nostalgic. Total fanservice. Two, because these two idiots are currently not present at the exams and will only be allowed to compete if they arrive before their names are drawn. For the drama, they’ll show up right before the last match and their names will coincidentally be the last two in the bowl.
BONUS— Shikadai: As far as Naras go, this kid is too old to not be more traumatized than he is. He’ll have to fight god with a broken toothpick or something and he’ll lose his sense of self and will to live and probably try to quit being a shinobi, but hey, the writers will find some way to make him a jonin by the end of the chunin exams. Wonder if that has anything to do with the Amado subplot going on. (Also if this crack prediction comes true and Chocho somehow beats Sarada, Team 10 will have a member on each skill level, which I think is hilarious.)
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daydreamrry · 3 years
Expand Dino bestie!! I wanna hear the theory!!
Ask and you shall receive. I noticed this only because L*rries were talking about it nonstop and it's something that I would have 100% missed otherwise. My theory isn't about L*rry tho obv. So in the summer I made a post about the idea that H has been chasing someone (not publicly known) that he fell out of touch with, and he's using his music/videos to get them back. The adore you video came first, right? H meets a "fish" who represents this person, in the water. There's a part where H is sitting on a bench with the fish, he gives them binoculars, and it cuts to this guy with a metal detector on the beach picking up a glass bottle with an address in it. H then grins & nods at the fish, like a "do this, tell me where you are!" Later we see the beach guy go to that address & a woman answers the door, and at the end of the video the two get married (cute). This little side story is like what H is hoping could happen, like he thinks this person is "the one"? In the narration at the beginning with H & the fish, it says "loneliness is an ocean full of travelers", and when we see those other two getting married, it says "maybe you'll be invited to a wedding between two neighbors who it took an ocean to bring together", like they were both lonely/looking for company when they found each other? At the end, H sails out to sea after he dumps the fish back in the water, so they're separated now. Now the watermelon sugar video, he's on a beach eating watermelussy, no fish in sight, BUT in the background there's a woman with a metal detector who seems to be looking for something. She doesn't find anything though. In the lights up mv, again H's ass is on a beach, but he's very distraught this time, looking around for something that's not there anymore, shouting "I'm sorry by the way". The last video, golden, was literally him running after something for a majority of the time. Now for the fish specifically, there's little clips of him crouching on the rocks, reaching to the water as if to say "come to me", while singing "I don't wanna be alone", and the lens that's used is a fish eye lens.
Long story short, I think H met someone a long time ago on social media (he used to be super active remember) where it'd be easy to lose contact after a while, & regretted losing touch/misses them. But he's hoping that by writing songs (like sunflower vol 6) & making videos telling them to come back to him, one day they'll see it and do that. Obvi I don't want this to be true bc heartbreaking. But I can also easily see his hopeless romantic extra ass doing this lol. Anyway, those pictures I saw of Cornwall reminded me of all of this, and that's why I was curious if he's scouting out a continuation of this theme given that it's got the same beachy setting and we know HS3 is coming. SORRY that was so long 💀 - 🦖
come here and lemme kiss your brain 😘😘
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astrochemstry · 3 years
Sincerely three as best friends
Bcs i wished they became best friends and nothing bad in the musical happened :’)) also bcs DEH brain rot ghsahg im srry Connor seems so ooc here I don't know how to write him help
oK so they Evan and Connor met bcs of Jared since i said so jk but like
Lets just say Connor was a scout as a kid, his mom let him be a scout since she hoped it would- maybe, help control the anger issues and such
So ofc Jared is a scout too bcs its Jared
And they met and got grouped together
So uhh Jared and Connor didnt really like each other at first
I mean Jared was scared of him so he stayed away
Correction, tried to
But they always get grouped together
And bcs its Jared he can say some pretty hurtful things
“Oh come on those twigs arent even tied tight enough, did you even pay attention??”
“Thats big talk for a guy that’s just standing there”
I think Jared almost pissed himself bcs of how aggressive that sounded but lets not talk about that
For now
Skip to whatever highschool or senior highschool i don't know how schools work im sorry
So Evan and Jared are walkin around the hall
Lets say theyre talkin abt whatever and then bAM
“Yeah this girl really likes me and- oh my fucking god”
Evan is confused bcs what ????
Then he looks at where hes looking and
“Uhh i think i forgot to- uh forgot to go and get a hallway pass and uh and ill just go” Jared gets all nervous and now understands how Evan feels
“Holy shit Evan is this how you feel with Zoe? All sweaty and wet-” “just- just shut up. shut up.”
Theyre both cowards so they try to run away but then boom Connor Murphy is right in front of them
Jared almost pissing himself #2
“Evan Hansen, right?” “Oh-  ah, me? Oh yes thats right thats me, Evan. Hansen Evan, Evan Hansen.” *insert Jared taking off his glasses, cleaning it and putting it back on- proceeds to squint his eyes at Evan*
“Nobody signed your cast.” “No shit Sherlock.” *Insert Evan nudging Jared and glaring at him and Jared thinking he fucked up*
But Connor doesnt give a fuck and only glares at him bcs hes more interested in the blondes- i mean cough bcs its Jared
Then swoOP he signs his cast, “There, now we can both pretend we have friends”
Jared coughing, “Ahem???” Evan raising an eyebrow, “I thought we’re just family friends?”
hey Evan got some sass too guys
Anyways bcs idk how they became friends bcs idk Jared tells Evan about how he met him at the scout camp and then for some reason Evan has this sudden burst of confidence where he decided to talk to Connor but fails miserably but Connor notices and then he talks to them and then what Evan says in For Forever turns true and-
ok maybe not everyday but yk
Jared puts alarms for 3am and it starts again after every 5 minutes and the only way they can turn it off is to say “Jared Kleinman, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman”
Jared eating a bathbomb infront of Evan and Connor
Both very concerned  about it but Connor says, “thats fake isnt it? Its not an actual bathbomb. right?”
But Jared tells them yes but thats the prank
It is a bathbomb
Evan constantly talking about trees and taking them to the park he became vice park ranger or whatever u call it idk
Jared: “You worked here??”
Evan: “yup”
Jared: “and thats the tree you fell from?”
Connor: “thats high.”
Jared: “not as high as you, bestie”
And he means Connor’s height… and bcs he was high at that time
Also Jared calls them bestie to annoy them but now its like a thing for them three
Theyre not really annoyed they jsut like how it sounds so they do it too
Connor does it sometimes tho, he always calls them by their Last name
Instead of first names being the factor of being close friends, Connor calling you by your last name is basically him saying “youre not so bad” or youre a close friend to him
Jared: “Evan, Bestie, is it photosynthesis if i combine a photo of me with the dirt in my backyard?” 
Evan: “not really”
Connor: “Trying to grow taller, Kleinman?”
Connor is basically their go to person if they need a drive since Evan cant bcs of the cast but still cant afterwards since he hasn't gotten his drivers license yet and Jared almost drived into a shop and isn't allowed to drive for them
Hes also really good at finding places to make forts
And bcs of Jared’s and His scout knowledge they made one place in an orchard
Yk that orchard the Murphys love
Its closed but they sneak in lmao
Jared acts like he aint scared but bro is scared of getting caught
Connor also got them into books
Evan read the little prince and he cries over it everytime
Jared was like “ew books” but then Connor introduced ready player one to him
“Why do i have to read this? theres the movie??” “just shut up and read it bestie” and Jared loved it
Also they found out Jared is a secret theatre kid and got into it too
Connor is pretty impressed and he complimented Jared on how its cool
Jared doesnt believe it and is still trying to find if hes lying
But really Connor isnt
I wish they became besties :’)
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redlyncentral · 3 years
High school musical, the musical, the convention, the book, my reaction.
- "Remember what miss Jenn always says?"
"trust the process?"
"Nope, 'is that the last apple?'"
- "I give her my most feminist-fierce look"
- Gina listens to k-pop? I love that! Bet she's a huge blackpink fan like her actress.
- I can't believe they said Gina and ash who are both confirmed sophomores are in different school years???
- Ricky should have a dog. That's an observation I made. Like a big fluffy brown one.
- ej taking his own car to Wyoming because he doesn't want to get stuck with singing theatre kids. icon
- "not only women changed the world" big red would NEVER say that.
- "aren't we all animals?" oh ricky bowen, great beast foreshadowing btw
- Carlos is such a leo.
- so many things we first saw or heard of in s2 were established here like Salt lake slices, Ricky spending the vacation at his dad's etc.
- "it takes my mind off ashlyn" oh he IN LOVE in love!!! Good for him!!!
- "I still can't believe we [kissed]" BELIEVE IT UR GONNA DATE IN LIKE TWO WEEKS???
- "I really like ashlyn" he went from that to "[me liking Ashlyn is the] understatement of the year". GOOD FOR HIM!!!
- "girls are mysteries" DUDE!!! SHE KISSED YOU!!! SHE VERY MUCH LIKES YOU!!!
- Miss Jenn had her driver's license since 2000 and she's 35 in 2020. I'll calculate that later.
- "Kourtney and I have a lunch date" POTTS FAMILY RIGHTS!!!
- "big red said-" yup kourtney and big red pizzaria besties so true.
- I'm genuinely excited seeing some friendships again okay
- sebbie ilysm. pls be my friend.
- ok nini and ej are on good terms now. It was never really talked about in the show after they broke up
- TWO OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS NOT GOING. *enter the 'not this' video"
- Ok so everyone know that ej bought Gina the plane ticket or just Nini? How does she know, exactly?
- Ashlyn got new crystals after giving hers away to Miss Jenn. It's good to know though it's not crucial.
- the way they don't work yet because they're not charged w energy. pls
- "I'm beginning to think they're just pretty rocks" maybe u bought fake ones???
- the way ashlyns like "oh it's snowing? maybe we should huddle for warmth" like twice in the series. She's such a hugger 💞
- weird text from big red, huh. Maybe you should text him again 👀
- "this is life, not a rehearsal" CARLOS WOULD N E V E R SAY THAT.
- Miss Jenn being petty and not sharing her room is kind of a mood.
- seblos facetime 💗
- frozen reference? Interesting.
- Ricky writing a song named "confusion"... 👀
- I get that big red was worried but he should've texted ash back.
- Gina. Tell ash to send that text. I'M BEGGING YOU.
- "you're telling him by texting that you're crazy about him". she's in love with him. Let her.
- OK SHE SAID THEY KISSED. Gina is 100% aware okay
- not CHASE. Gina. Have you MET big red???
- ofc ash suggests snow angels 😭 I love her
- kourt ily pls stop doubting urself u can be multitalented and proud of it
- big red stalking ash's socials because he feels bad for not going to the convention 😭
- omg no I don't want him to feel bad ash pls text him
- could you tell i love redlyn?
- gina pls just be urself and give ash your true thoughts
- Mr mazzara has been whipped for two seasons now wbk
- chapter twenty four. There's only five ash and big red chapters until chapter FORTY NINTH. help.
- Carlos missing Seb is adorable
- they're really into frozen I see
- everyone's treating EJ like he's so old 😭
- "almost all of [the theater kids] seem to be having some kind of personal crisis, emotional turmoil or explosion of self-doubt"... Yeah, are you new?
- "Hasn't he got a million cousins?" KNEW IT. I FUCKING CALLED IT IN MY PASSOVER FIC. I'M SO HAPPY
- Ashlyn also has a big family? Oh, their wedding is gonna be MASSIVE
- EJ PICKING UP HIS FUTURE COUSIN IN LAW 😭😭😭 platonic redj has my heart.
- "I guess hey is word of the week" ash is such a caswell 😭
- not ash being cold about him coming there like she's happy but duddukfd
- I get why she's annoyed but. UGH. Not redlyn angst. My heart can't handle this.
- kourt you are very much an advanced singer pls
- ash and gina taking a bad workshop is so funny pls
- kourt 😭
- diane... Interesting.
- awe kourtney getting the validation she deserves!!! Good for her!!!
- "wildcat it up".
- okay he can't ignore her. Good.
- Ashlyn why are you acting brand new Ricky told u this 😭
- why is gina ignoring big red.
- big red not knowing what epiphany means 😭
- not big red regretting this already. Hi dummies pls communicate it hurts to read
- thank god they learned from this for 2x08
- Ricky pls ask big red about Ashlyn.
- awe Lucas and Nini met!!!
- I wanna hug Carlos, like, poor thing. He didn't get to participate in the workshops or spend time with his boyfriend.
- "I can't even pretend to understand [what's going on with big red and Ashlyn]" Ricky. Ur a bad friend. Sorry not sorry.
- caswen... 👀
- Ricky being Gabriella. So true
- "we're drama kids. Our imaginations are out of control"
- they love each other I'm really glad this was resolved
- Natalie getting offended by being accused of being her emotional support rodents to the convention as she should be. I have ones too. It's no joking matter.
- SEB!!!
- ahh seblos reunited!!!
- ej having unexpected friendship w Seb and red. My rights tbh
- Carlos and EJ hug??? I need it now
- okay finished it!!! It was. A cute read.
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