#and help ground the team and have their own unique skills
mcnuggyy · 2 years
funniest parts of sense8 is when one of em gets out of some big fight and it does the whole dramatic pan around the group and they're like thank you everybody :) you all helped save me<3 when it was mostly like. sun with a lil help from wolfgang
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soular-sisters · 5 months
Your Rising Sign & Your Gift From The Universe 🤍
Through my studying of astrology, I have learned that with each individual’s rising sign comes a natural ability gifted by the universe that is second nature to that individual. Here is a little description of each rising sign’s gift that the universe has given you in this lifetime.
🤍 Aries Rising: Since aries is ruled by mars (the planet of masculine energy & drive), an aries rising is naturally goal-oriented. The universe has gifted aries rising with the ability to follow through with goals & continuous energy to reach their success.
**ways to best use their ability: leading a group to success, motivating a team, & helping push themselves and others through tough times.
🤍 Taurus Rising: Being a taurus rising, the venus sign that’s of earth element, means they are naturally grounded. The universe has gifted taurus rising with a natural sense of mindfulness & peace within their being.
**ways to best use their ability: meditating in nature, being a healthy mediator in situations of conflict, & creating peaceful practices for yourself and others to follow.
🤍 Gemini Rising: With gemini being one of the two signs ruled by mercury (the planet of thoughts & communication), a gemini rising has the gift of gab. The universe has gifted gemini rising with the ability to expand their mind & connect with others from all walks of life through communication.
**ways to best use their ability: forming friendships with diverse people, networking with others to develop their career, & creating social groups by interconnecting their various friendships.
🤍 Cancer Rising: As a cancer rising being ruled by the moon (the planet of the mother & feminine intuition), they are naturally caring and empathetic individuals. The universe has gifted cancer rising with a natural intuition into their own emotions as well as the emotions of others.
**ways to best use their ability: being the mom friend of a friend group, intuitively sensing how to help those in need, & caregiving for animals and people who need healing.
🤍 Leo Rising: The solar sign of leo being ruled by the sun (the planet of warmth & radiance) is a natural star. The universe has gifted leo rising with a natural stage presence & ability to perform on cue.
**ways to best use their ability: giving an unforgettable speech, performing a piece of art that they’re passionate about, & using their charm to present on a topic for positive change.
🤍 Virgo Rising: Virgo being the earthy sign ruled by mercury (the planet of our analytical mind & communication), they naturally sees the finer details the average person doesn’t. The universe has gifted virgo rising with natural observational skills to see situations from a clear & logical view.
**ways to best use their ability: giving solid objective advice to others, finding truth in complex situations, & standing up for what’s right even if others don’t initially see it.
🤍 Libra Rising: Libra being the second of the two venus signs carries an undeniable beauty that can be seen from anyone they meet. The universe has gifted libra rising with natural physical beauty & grace.
**ways to best use their ability: styling themselves and loved ones for an event, spotting the trends before they start, & finding the beauty in life where others don’t see it.
🤍 Scorpio Rising: Scorpio is a unique sign that is ruled by two planets (mars & pluto) giving them an energy to intuitively connect with the physical & the unseen. The universe has gifted scorpio rising with an ability to intuitively see through the vail of any facade & naturally see pure truth.
**ways to best use their ability: reading situations for what they are, being the one to say what’s being unsaid, & connecting the truth between the spiritual and the physical world.
🤍 Sagittarius Rising: The happy-go-lucky sign of sagittarius being ruled by jupiter (the planet of luck & adventure), is blessed with a natural sense of positivity. The universe has gifted sagittarius rising with a lucky streak, it seems as though the universe finds good luck for these natives through life’s sticky situations.
**ways to best use their ability: helping themselves and others find luck in a bad situation, using their good sense of humor to lighten the mood, & seeing the positive side of life.
🤍 Capricorn Rising: It is no wonder that the sign of capricorn being ruled by saturn (the planet of karma & knowledge), is known as the old soul of the zodiac. The universe has gifted capricorn rising with innate wisdom.
**ways to best use their ability: answering pop quiz questions that come to people’s minds, studying various topics to gain deep universe knowledge, & giving sound advice to others through higher wisdom.
🤍 Aquarius Rising: The unique & innovative sign of aquarius is another sign with dual rulership by both the planets of uranus & saturn. The universe has gifted aquarius rising with a natural connection to humanity.
**ways to best use their ability: making personal connections with various people they meet in life, understanding the depths of humanity, & using their humanitarianism to heal rifts in human connections.
🤍 Pisces Rising: The spiritual sign of pisces is our final sign of double rulership with two ruling planets of neptune & jupiter. The universe has gifted pisces rising with a strong intuition through their connection to the spiritual realms.
**ways to best use their ability: meditating to connect to their higher self, making spiritual connections to the people they meet in their life, & helping others to connect to the unseen spiritual realm.
instagram: @dredivinecreates 🩶
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
Hey, I was wondering if I could get TLOU2 headcanons of Ellie and air-headed reader from the previous request? Basically what happens to them after Joel tells the truth about the Fireflies.
I imagine that unlike Ellie, Reader forgives and understands why Joel did what he did, since she wouldn't want to live in a world where Ellie was dead, even if it was a virus-free one. And Reader values life, not wanting to sacrifice hers, she'd just like to keep being a family with Joel and Ellie. She believes it's what they deserve after everything they've gone through (as selfish as some might call her belief).
When Joel dies, Reader is devastated and angry, going with Ellie to hunt Abby down. However, midway through, when Reader realizes she and Ellie are just hurting people, and a kid is involved (Lev), she gives up the hunt and returns home. Reader realizes revenge isn't giving them closure, and no kids deserve to be traumatized like they were. However, Reader waits for Ellie even after they've parted ways, as some part of her hopes Ellie will come to her senses, and Reader will never give up on her best friend.
Sorry for the length, and thank you in advance!
Ellie and air-head reader part 2
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Warning: cursing, death
A few years later you and Ellie grew up properly a bit in Jackson
Your bond grew close to a sisterly one
Ellie often helped you navigate social situations, understanding your awkwardness
She’s your wingman, guiding you through interactions with others in Jackson
Your shared immunity makes you both feel like outsiders at times
You bond over these feelings, creating a unique understanding between you two
You and Ellie decide to share a living space
You train together, ensuring you’re both capable of defending yourselves
Ellie’s practical skills complement your imaginative strategies, making you a formidable team
When Joel reveals the truth about the Fireflies, both you and Ellie are in shock
Obviously you gotta calm Ellie down a bit as she has a breakdown
The weight of the revelation hits you hard, given the shared immunity
This shared secret deepens your bond with Ellie
You both spend hours talking about what it means and what could have been
Despite being socially awkward, your comforting presence becomes a rock for Ellie
Your relationship with Ellie deepens as you navigate the complex emotions brought on by Joel’s revelation
You’re her confidant, and she’s yours
It takes a few days, but replaying in your head Joel’s truth, you start understand and forgive him
You can’t imagine living in a world without Ellie and believe Joel did the right thing
You comfort Joel, reassuring him that his choice was justified
You stress the importance of staying together as a family
Your dreamy and optimistic outlook helps to calm Ellie during her moments of turmoil
You and Ellie, with Joel’s occasional involvement, engage in community activities in Jackson, contributing to the town’s well-being and fostering a sense of belonging
You often advocate for Ellie during social situations, understanding her conflicts and helping her navigate interactions with others a bit
Your presence becomes an emotional anchor for both Ellie and Joel
You balance Ellie’s need for answers and Joel’s protective instincts, providing a middle ground that helps maintain harmony in your “family”
Ellie: “How can you be so okay with this? With what Joel did?”
You: “Because I wouldn’t want to live in a world without you either, Ellie”
The news of Joel’s death shatters you
Your usual dreamy and optimistic demeanor crumbles as you struggle to process the loss
You have an emotional breakdown, crying in anguish
Ellie is there, but you both are lost in your own grief
Your devastation quickly turns to anger
You channel all your pain into a fierce determination to find Abby and make her pay for what she did
Despite your usual preference for peaceful solutions, you decide to join Ellie on her quest for vengeance
You know this journey is dangerous, but your shared grief and anger bond you even closer
You and Ellie prepare meticulously, gathering supplies and planning your route
Your usual creativity comes in handy as you devise strategies and backup plans for the journey ahead
Before leaving Jackson, you share emotional farewells with the few friends you’ve made in the community
The journey is tense
You and Ellie are driven by a shared purpose, but the weight of your grief often leads to quiet moments of reflection and occasional outbursts of emotion
You and Ellie support each other through the darkest moments
Your bond strengthens as you share memories of Joel and remind each other why you’re doing this
Your roles balance out – Ellie’s practicality and survival skills complement your creative thinking and optimism, even in the face of anger and revenge
As you encounter various obstacles and enemies, you struggle with your conscience
The violence necessary for survival clashes with your inherent love for life
In moments of doubt, you draw strength from your memories of Joel and your determination to honor his legacy by helping Ellie find closure
During quieter moments, you and Ellie have deep conversations by the campfire
Midway through the hunt, you come face-to-face with the reality of your actions
The sight of innocent people and a child, Lev, makes you question the path you’re on and face a moral dilemma
You’re torn between your desire for revenge and the realization that continuing what you’re doing does more hurt than good
Your instinct to protect kicks in, and you realize that no child deserves to be traumatized as you and Ellie were
This shifts your perspective on the hunt for revenge
You grapple with a deep moral conflict
Your sisterly love for Ellie and your need to honor Joel’s memory are at odds with the violence and trauma you’re perpetuating
You have a heartfelt conversation with Ellie, expressing your newfound beliefs
But that only makes an argument arise and some very hurtful things are said and done
Despite the bond you share, you decide to part ways
Partly ‘cause she kidna kicked you out
You hope Ellie will come to the same realization, but you understand she needs to find her own path
You promise Ellie that you’ll always be there for her, no matter what, but in smaller afekt she doesn’t give a fuck
The journey back to Jackson is lonely and filled with reflection
You think about Joel, Ellie, and the future you want to build
The community in Jackson welcomes you back with open arms
You dive into your creative outlets using music to cope
Despite the uncertainty, you hold onto the hope that Ellie will come to her senses and return home
You never give up on her
You develop a routine of waiting for Ellie, often spending time at places you both frequented
Each day, you hope to see her return
You become deeply involved in helping the community, using your experiences to counsel others who’ve faced trauma
Your empathetic nature makes you a trusted confidant
You create a smaller memorial for Joel in Jackson, a place where you and others can honor his memory
Your theatre performances become popular in Jackson, helping others find solace and just turn off from worries
Your songs and paintings often reflect your journey and your hope for Ellie’s return
You write letters to Ellie, even if you can’t send them
The journey and your decision to return home foster significant personal growth
Everyday you check a book where a person’s name is written when they come back to Jackson to see if “Ellie Williams” or “Ellie Miller” isn’t there
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cdmodule · 2 years
In defense of Clock TPOT (and why he’s not ooc)
I’ve seen a lot of people insist that Clock’s character “got ruined” since TPOT but to me, the way he acts perfectly lines up with traits of his character seen since his introduction. Let me explain. (For future context, this was written right after TPOT 3)
Clock’s always been kind of… aggravating. • One of the earliest cases being how quick he is to condemn Liy, Icy, Teardrop and Bracelety and switch up on them, as early as BFB 1. You could look at the whole scene really, but mainly...
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Already in his first introduction he’s butting his head into conflict and goes by whatever seems right to him (rather than for example, finding a middle ground or being otherwise helpful). Also going from arguing with Liy to forming a truce with her after. I’ll get back to these later.
• On another point, In BFB 2 and a few times in BFB30-TPOT we see more of Clock carelessly talking to hosts and demanding answers. While he’s not unique to this, It adds a lot of boldness to his character. (Using just transcripts here to save space)
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• Looking back at BFB 10 Clock is the first one to not only ask for characters being recovered but also informs Four on who’s eliminated.
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To him, enforcing rules is important even If his fellow contestants are mad at him for it. Remember how I said he sticks his head into situations and does what he thinks is right? • Now… we're at the part where Clock disappears for almost the rest of BFB, until coming back in BFB 15.
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Not particularly sad, however frustrated at his team and doesn’t wanna hear it and leaves. He’s still hurt, which I feel like a lot of people forget when bringing up his change in TPOT. • Besides being forgotten by his whole team, throughout BFB Clock doesn’t exactly have friends to begin with. Think of another BFB character, and It’s likely they’ll at least have/had one other person. Clock is just kind of there.
Despite that, he’s VERY helpful for his team, often using his powerful clock-hands to win challenges, which is very important to him. The one time he made his team lose in BFB 6 he quickly gets embarrassed and defends himself. Speaking of defending himself….
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BFB 1 - BFB 6 - TPOT 3 (Last one doesn't have CC) It seems to be his default answer to confrontation. And It’s a shock to him every single time. Which shows that Clock doesn’t do this maliciously, but rather that it comes from a lack of understanding social situations. He’s restricted to his own ideas of what’s right or wrong (shown by. playing by his own rules, doing what he wants & sticking his head into situations he isn’t part of) and on top of that has difficulty reading others, being surprised by negative reactions because of it. Basically he lacks social skills. Of course that isn’t a free card to act unpleasant around others, but It’s a skill you gotta work on nonetheless. Clock has rarely shown interest in building friendships, like him hesitating to join a truce with Liy. The only time he’s been curious was in joining Loser’s or Winner’s team.
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With this in mind, It starts to make more sense why Clock is pushy and doesn’t get boundaries in TPOT. It’s nothing new! Just more blatant. (And also he wasn’t even around for a third of BFB) • His personality has been and is still developing in TPOT. The aforementioned traits have been pushed since he’s around Winner, adding a bit of obsessiveness too. But consider a few things: 1. His team forgot about him and he got frustrated and left. A change to his character after that wouldn’t be surprising 2. He never made friends and now actually found someone he’s interested in, even if that interest is One Sided (and honestly? It checks out w/ his lack of proper relationships) 3. Sometimes… people just act differently around other people. I mean he is a huge fan after all, See Point 2 again 4. We are in the middle of an “arc” and we don’t know how It’s gonna end yet And about that character development… • Something I noticed is that Clock never came off Genuinely sad and regretful (maybe in BFB 6 depending how you see his reaction to losing) until being rejected by Winner and not even getting to defend himself. This time he REALLY noticed he messed up.
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I assume this will be a turning point in how Clock acts and will try to be a bit more self aware of how he acts around others. That’s for future TPOT episodes though! But all in all, I think Clock becoming devoted to Winner to the point where It seems parasocial to some (though I’d argue that “parasocial” isn’t the right way to describe this, but that’s a different convo) is par for the course, considering his boldness and lack of social skills and relationships in BFB.  Thank you for reading <3
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midastouch013 · 6 months
New Recruit
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Natasha Romanoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: You're a new recruit to the avengers
Warnings: None
P.S the request wasn't wonky, and I did kwum 😁
Nick Fury's commanding presence filled the room as he addressed the assembled Avengers.
"Avengers, gather around. We have a new member joining us today," he announced, his gaze sweeping across the team. "They come highly recommended, and I believe their unique abilities will be a valuable asset to our cause."
The Avengers exchanged curious glances as Fury motioned for you to step forward.
"Allow me to introduce our newest recruit," Fury continued, gesturing towards you. "They're a bit of a wildcard, but I have a feeling they'll fit right in."
You stepped forward, greeted by a mix of intrigued expressions and welcoming smiles from the team.
"Hey there, everyone," you greeted with a casual nod, a hint of amusement in your voice. "Hope I'm not crashing the party too hard."
Thor's booming voice echoed through the room as he greeted you with genuine enthusiasm. "Greetings, friend! What manner of skills do you possess?"
You grinned at his warmth, feeling an immediate sense of camaraderie. "Just a little something to bring some heat to the proceedings. You'll see soon enough."
Steve Rogers, the epitome of old-fashioned charm, stepped forward with a warm smile. "I'm Steve Rogers, but you can call me Cap. Welcome to the team."
You shook his hand firmly, returning his smile. "Nice to meet you, Cap. I'm Y/n . Ready to lend a hand wherever I can."
Bruce Banner observed you with a curious expression. "Welcome aboard. Do you have any specific skills or expertise?"
You shrugged, a playful glint in your eye. "I've been known to light up the room when needed. But I'll let my actions speak for themselves."
Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, chimed in with a smirk. "Well, whoever you are, you've got quite the sense of humor. I like it."
You chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie already. "Thanks, Clint. Figured I'd try to keep things interesting."
As introductions continued, Wanda Maximoff offered you a friendly smile. "I'm Wanda Maximoff. It's nice to meet you, Y/n."
"Likewise, Wanda," you replied warmly. "Looking forward to getting to know everyone."
Natasha Romanoff observed you with a keen eye, her expression unreadable. When Fury finished speaking, she stepped forward with a smirk.
"Welcome to the team," Natasha said smoothly. "I'm Natasha Romanoff. Let's see what you're made of."
You met her gaze, feeling a sense of respect for the legendary Black Widow. "Thanks, Natasha. I'm ready to prove myself."
With introductions complete, the Avengers turned their attention back to Fury, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. And as you settled into your new role among Earth's mightiest heroes, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.
As the flames flickered and danced, casting shadows against the trees surrounding Tony's cabin, the Avengers basked in the warmth of the fire and the camaraderie of their shared company.
Tony Stark, reclining in a comfortable chair, raised his glass in a mock toast. "To new beginnings and old friends! Or something like that."
Clint Barton, sitting nearby with a smirk, chimed in, "Yeah, Tony's just happy because he's not the new kid on the block anymore."
Tony shot him a playful glare. "Watch it, Hawkeye, or I might just put you on dish duty for the rest of the night."
Bruce Banner chuckled, sipping from his own glass. "Let's try to keep the peace, gentlemen. We've got enough chaos to deal with on missions."
Wanda Maximoff, sitting cross-legged on the ground, smiled at the banter. "It's nice to have moments like these, away from all the fighting and danger."
Thor, ever the optimist, nodded in agreement. "Indeed! 'Tis a welcome reprieve from the battles that await us. But fear not, for Asgardian warriors are always ready!"
Steve Rogers, leaning against a nearby tree, couldn't help but smile at the scene before him. "It's moments like these that remind me why we do what we do. We're a team, through thick and thin."
Natasha Romanoff, sitting quietly beside you, observed the group with a soft smile. "You know, Y/n, I never imagined I'd find myself in moments like these. It's… nice."
You turned to her, catching the sincerity in her eyes. "Yeah, it really is," you agreed, feeling a warmth spread through you at her words.
As the conversation continued, the fire began to wane, the flames dimming as the night pressed on. Without hesitation, you stepped forward, feeling the warmth of your powers stir within you.
With a flick of your wrist, you summoned a burst of flame, reigniting the fire with ease. The Avengers watched in awe, their expressions a mixture of surprise and admiration.
"Wow,that's incredible!" Steve exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder.
Natasha observed you with keen interest, a spark of admiration flickering in her eyes. "Impressive," she remarked, her voice low and husky. "You certainly know how to make an entrance."
You met her gaze, feeling a rush of warmth spread through you at her words. "Thanks, Natasha. Just doing my part to keep the party going."
As the fire blazed brightly once more, the Avengers continued to bond, their laughter and camaraderie echoing through the woods. And as you sat beside Natasha, a silent understanding passing between you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the connections you'd forged with Earth's mightiest heroes.
As you and Natasha navigated through the crowded party, you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. A man in a sharp suit lingered nearby, his gaze fixed on you with suspicion. Sensing the tension, you subtly nudged Natasha and gave her a knowing glance.
"Trouble at three o'clock," you murmured, keeping your voice low as you observed the man's lingering stare.
Natasha's lips quirked into a knowing smirk as she assessed the situation. "I see him. Let's give him something else to watch."
With a quick nod, you took Natasha's hand, pulling her into an elegant twirl on the dance floor. As the music swelled around you, you moved in perfect harmony, your steps fluid and graceful as you danced with practiced ease. The man's gaze faltered, his suspicion momentarily forgotten as he watched the two of you with mild interest.
"Smooth moves," Natasha whispered, her eyes twinkling with amusement as you continued to dance.
You grinned back at her, feeling a rush of exhilaration as you lost yourself in the rhythm of the music. "Just trying to keep up appearances."
As the song came to an end, you and Natasha gracefully parted ways, seamlessly blending back into the crowd as if nothing had happened. The man's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before he turned away, satisfied that you were just another couple enjoying the festivities.
With the distraction successfully averted, you and Natasha made your way towards the west wing, where the USB drive was rumored to be located. The hallway was dimly lit, the air heavy with tension as you approached the door to the room where the drive was being kept.
"Ready for this?" Natasha asked, her voice low and steady as she prepared to breach the room.
You nodded, your heart pounding with anticipation. "Let's do this."
With practiced precision, Natasha picked the lock, and you slipped into the room, your senses on high alert as you searched for the USB drive. It didn't take long to locate it, tucked away in a secure safe on the far side of the room.
But as you reached for the drive, the room suddenly erupted into chaos as alarms blared and lights flashed. HYDRA soldiers poured into the room, their weapons raised and ready for action.
"We've been compromised!" Natasha exclaimed, her eyes narrowing in determination as she prepared to defend yourselves.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you sprang into action, using your fire powers to fend off the attackers while Natasha engaged them in hand-to-hand combat. The room became a blur of motion and chaos as you fought side by side, your movements perfectly synchronized as you battled against overwhelming odds.
At one point, a soldier attempted to flank Natasha, his weapon aimed directly at her back. Without hesitation, you intercepted the attack, summoning a burst of flame that engulfed the soldier's weapon and sent him staggering back in surprise. Natasha's eyes widened in gratitude as she delivered a swift punch, knocking the soldier unconscious.
"Nice save," Natasha remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice as she turned to face you.
You grinned back at her, feeling a surge of pride at your successful maneuver. "Just returning the favor."
The Avengers had been through a tumultuous few months, facing challenges that tested their strength and resolve. In the rare moments of respite between missions, Wanda suggested a girls' night in, complete with a cozy movie marathon to help them unwind and recharge.
As they settled in, Natasha glanced over at you, a playful glint in her eye. "You're welcome to join us, Y/N. Consider it an honorary invitation."
You chuckled at the unexpected offer. "Well, I certainly can't say no to that. Thanks, Nat."
Natasha glanced over the selection of movies, her expression thoughtful. "How about we start with something classic? A good comedy should do the trick."
Wanda nodded in agreement, a smile playing at her lips. "Sounds perfect. Let's keep it light tonight."
Just as they were about to hit play, Sam Wilson sauntered into the room, a hopeful expression on his face. "Hey, what's going on here? Movie night?"
Natasha and Wanda exchanged a glance, suppressing a smile at Sam's enthusiasm. "Actually, Sam, it's girls' night tonight," Natasha explained, her tone apologetic but firm.
Sam's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Girls' night? Aw, come on, why didn't I get the memo? I can hang with the best of them!"
Wanda chuckled softly, shaking her head at Sam's protest. "Sorry, Sam, but tonight is strictly a girls-only affair. Maybe next time."
Sam feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Wow, way to exclude a guy. I see how it is."
You, sitting nearby, interjected with a grin, "And besides, I'm not a girl either."
Sam turned to you, his expression one of mock disbelief. "Wait, you too? What kind of girls' night is this?"
" One with Y/n the only exception" Natasha deadpanned
You shrugged, your tone light as you replied, "I guess exceptions can be made. Don't worry, Sam, you're still one of the girls in our hearts."
Natasha rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright, enough chitchat. Let's get this movie started before Sam convinces us to let him join."
With a mock sigh of resignation, Sam retreated from the room, his protests fading into the distance. Meanwhile, Natasha and Wanda settled back into the couch, ready to enjoy their movie night uninterrupted.
As the night wore on and the movies played on, you found yourself getting increasingly comfortable, nestled between Natasha and Wanda on the couch. The laughter and banter of the films filled the room, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.
At one point, as you reached for a handful of popcorn from the bowl between you and Natasha, your fingers brushed against hers. It was a fleeting touch, but somehow, your fingers intertwined naturally, as if drawn together by an invisible force.
You glanced over at Natasha, surprised but not entirely unwelcome by the gesture. She met your gaze with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting the warmth and affection you felt in that moment.
As the movie continued to play, Natasha shifted slightly, leaning her head against your shoulder in a gesture of casual intimacy. You felt a rush of warmth spread through you at the contact, a sense of comfort and connection unlike anything you'd experienced before.
Without a word spoken between you, you allowed Natasha to rest against you, feeling a sense of contentment settle over the both of you. The room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your own little world, wrapped up in the warmth of each other's presence.
Wanda, sensing the unspoken bond between you and Natasha, smiled knowingly from across the couch. She said nothing, content to let the moment unfold naturally.
Several months had passed since that cozy movie night, and in that time, a deep bond had formed between you and Natasha, evolving into something more than friendship. And after you , very nervously, asked her out and you went on your first date, you became official.
Now, as the snow fell softly outside, you found yourselves holed up in a cold safehouse, the result of a mission gone awry.
The bitter chill seeped into the room, wrapping around you like a suffocating blanket. Despite the layers of clothing and blankets you both piled on, the cold seemed to penetrate to your bones.
Natasha sat beside you, her posture rigid and her breath visible in the frigid air. Her stoic expression betrayed no hint of discomfort, a testament to her Russian upbringing and her ability to endure harsh conditions without complaint.
But you could see the telltale signs of her discomfort – the slight shiver in her shoulders, the way she pressed her lips together in a thin line. You knew that she was just as affected by the cold as you were, despite her efforts to hide it.
"We need to find a way to warm up," you remarked, your voice tinged with concern. "This cold is unbearable."
Natasha glanced at you, her gaze steady. "I'm fine, Y/n," she replied, her tone clipped. "I'm Russian, I don't get cold
You frowned, knowing that she was downplaying the severity of the situation. "Nat, we can't just tough this out. We need to do something before we freeze to death."
With a sigh, Natasha relented, her mask of indifference slipping slightly. "Fine, you're right. But what can we do? We're stuck here until backup arrives."
As the fire crackled merrily in the hearth, you racked your brain for a solution. And then it hit you – your powers. With a determined glint in your eye, you summoned your flames, allowing them to dance to life in the palm of your hand.
The warmth spread through the room, banishing the chill and filling the air with a comforting heat. Natasha watched in awe as you worked your magic, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"You never cease to amaze me" she murmured, her voice laced with admiration.
You shrugged modestly, feeling a rush of warmth spread through you at her praise. "Just doing what I can to keep us both safe and warm."
As the warmth from your flames enveloped the room, Natasha leaned closer to you, seeking refuge from the biting cold. The soft crackle of the fire provided a soothing backdrop to the otherwise tense atmosphere.
You could feel the tension slowly ebbing away as the heat seeped into your bones, and you found yourself inching closer to Natasha, drawn to her warmth and the comfort of her presence.
With a soft sigh, Natasha leaned into you, her shoulder pressing against yours as she sought solace in your embrace. Despite her usual stoicism, you could sense the vulnerability beneath her facade, a reminder that even the strongest among them had moments of weakness.
As you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her close, you felt a rush of affection wash over you. In that moment, surrounded by the flickering flames and the gentle fall of snow outside, you knew that you couldn't keep your feelings hidden any longer.
"I... I love you, Natasha," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Natasha's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in surprise. For a moment, she seemed almost speechless, caught off guard by your admission.
But then, a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and she reached out to gently cup your cheek in her hand. "I love you too, Y/n," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.
And with a sigh of relief you captured her lips in a soft kiss, planning to give her many more in the foreseeable future.
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sendaidivision · 4 months
Ryūzō's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka Tetsumasu… a name that doesn't stir any personal memories, but the weight of his past is something I can't overlook. I've never crossed paths with him directly, nor have I been involved in the darker aspects of his history. My past as a ninja assassin was strictly controlled, and I refused to take part in any job that didn't align with my own moral compass, which is why I ultimately left that life behind."
"His transformation from a criminal to someone who finds solace in the care of horses is a journey I can respect. It's a path of redemption I'm familiar with, as I too have sought to leave behind a life of violence for one of peace and education. I understand the anxiety that comes with a past that haunts you, the fear of retribution, and the struggle to move forward. Hisoka-san's efforts to start anew, to care for creatures as noble as horses, show a desire to change, and it's a desire I can empathize with."
"As for the jitters he feels, they're a natural response to a life once lived on the edge, always looking over one's shoulder. I hope he finds the peace he's looking for, just as I have."
Daiki Kamiyama
"Daiki Kamiyama, or 'Paladin' as he prefers to be known, is an interesting young man. His enthusiasm for heroism and justice is something I can't help but find admirable, even if it comes across as a bit naive. It's refreshing to see someone so committed to their ideals, especially in a world that often rewards cynicism and self-interest."
"I've encountered many students with their heads in the clouds, dreaming of changing the world. Daiki-kun reminds me of them—full of potential and eager to make a difference. His role as a 'superhero' may seem childish to some, but I believe it's a manifestation of a pure desire to do good, which is commendable."
"In the end, Daiki-kun's heart is in the right place, and that's what truly matters. Whether he's serving tables or donning a costume to fight for justice, his actions are driven by a desire to help others. That's a quality that should be encouraged, not dismissed. I look forward to seeing how he grows and matures."
Jack Verrill
"Jack Verrill, known as 'Heed,' is a man whose reputation precedes him. While I can’t claim to have met him before, there’s a certain familiarity in the way he carries himself—a professionalism and depth that suggest a life rich with experience. His role as Daiki-kun's butler and his mysterious past hint at a man who’s seen much and knows more than he lets on."
"I respect his dedication to his charge and his ability to adapt to various situations. His multilingual skills are impressive, and I have no doubt his English would be more than sufficient for any conversation. As for his playful idea of causing worry through language, it’s a harmless bit of fun that shows his lighter side."
"In truth, there may be common ground between us, as we both understand the weight of responsibility and the importance of discretion. Trust is earned, and in time, I believe Jack-san and I could find mutual respect based on our shared experiences and the roles we play in our respective teams."
Veiled Vanguard
"Veiled Vanguard is an intriguing team with members who each bring their own unique strengths to the table. Hisoka, despite his skittishness, has the potential to be a good leader. His dedication to his new life and his care for his horses show a capacity for responsibility and compassion. Leadership isn’t just about being fearless; it’s about guiding others and making tough decisions, qualities I believe Hisoka possesses."
"The team's formation and their entry into the D.R.B. pique my curiosity. Each member seems to have been drawn together by circumstance rather than choice, which can create a strong bond. Their diverse backgrounds and skills could provide them with unexpected advantages in the competition."
"Overall, I see a team that, while perhaps unconventional, has the potential to surprise us all with their resilience and determination. I look forward to seeing how they will grow and face the challenges ahead in the D.R.B."
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unhonest-iago · 1 year
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Death Rattle
Aizawa, Kurogiri & Mic reacting to y/n's death; they die the same way Gwen does in the Spiderman movies.
Gn reader
Aizawa- Pro-hero
This is the one time he can't distract himself by throwing himself further into his work. It's also the first time he takes time off where Nedzu doesn't have to force him to.
Despite having more time to rest, he just deflatedly sits on his bed and stares straight at the wall while he plays the events over and over in his head
He was so close...if only he'd gotten there quicker. If he'd caught them with his scarf before the impact snapped their neck. Aizawa refuses to go to y/n's funeral or grave until a year later. Not because of any conflict in schedule, but because he feels he failed them that much.
Mic comes over to make sure he's taking care of himself--he's not. Pushing him towards the shower while he sets the table with the takeout he bought. Reporting back to Nedzu about Aizawa's condition.
His voice gruff from not using it, his students too afraid to mention their name. Aizawa knowing his students mean well, he allows them to ask any question they want about y/n as long as it's not about how they died.
It oddly enough brings him some comfort, pulling a heavy weight off both parties' shoulders. At least to where they can continue class like normal the next day, acting like it never happened.
Kurogiri - League of Villians
Unlike the other two, Kurogiri can't place how he's feeling. Not knowing whether it's due to compartmentalization or simple confusion. All he knows is that he had positive feelings towards y/n.
They were a valued part of the league and while each member had their eccentricities, they all brought a unique skill set to the team. And while he was meant to protect Shigaraki, he couldn't help but remember what few fond memories he had of y/n.
Kurogiri is the one who ends up creating a makeshift grave for y/n. He thought they deserved a proper burial in accordance with their religious beliefs but being the league, his hands were tied.
Creates warp-gates whenever he wants to visit, staying long enough to weave a crown of flowers out of nearby weeds. Giving them vague progress reports. Assuming this is what people mean when they say 'it's the thought that counts.'
Tries to clean up the grave as kids tend to knock over the grave marker, teens using the ground as an ashtray. He wishes he'd gotten to know them better while they were still alive.
Mic - Pro-hero
Accidentally causes a mini earthquake from how guttural a scream he lets out
Aizawa has to use his erasure quirk so he doesn't damage the public's eardrums or his own vocal cords
Even the kiddos are concerned when he returns to his post, noticing how withdrawn he's become. There's fewer tangents during lessons alongside a constant 5 o'clock shadow.
Despite being colleagues, he thought of y/n as a friend. No matter how many times he was told it wasn't his fault, he continued to beat himself up over the matter.
His radio show is placed on an indefinite hiatus. The slot's still his for when he comes back but they struggle to find a temporary replacement that keeps ratings consistent.
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gcthvile · 1 year
Top Gun OCs pt. 3
Lt. Dane "Bone Saw" Bradshaw
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Dane Bradshaw grew up in the shadow of his older brother Bradley, who was a natural when it came to flying. Their father, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, was a legendary pilot and a close friend of Maverick from the original Top Gun class. Unfortunately, Dane never got the chance to meet his father, as Goose tragically lost his life in a flight accident before Dane was even born.
Growing up, Dane always admired his brother's talent and passion for flying. He would listen intently as Bradley recounted stories about their father's heroics in the cockpit, and dreamt of one day following in their footsteps. Despite being separated by a significant age gap, Bradley always made an effort to include Dane in his life, sharing his love for aviation and teaching him everything he knew.
As Dane got older, he discovered that he had his own unique talents. While he didn't possess the same natural flying abilities as Bradley, he developed exceptional technical skills and a deep understanding of aircraft mechanics. Dane's passion for aviation grew stronger with each passing day, and he became determined to contribute to the world of aviation in his own way.
After finishing high school, Dane enrolled in a prestigious aviation engineering program, where he honed his skills and deepened his knowledge of aircraft systems. He excelled in his studies, earning top marks and gaining recognition for his innovative ideas and problem-solving abilities. Dane's dedication and expertise caught the attention of the Navy, and they offered him an opportunity to join the Top Gun program as an aviation engineer.
Although Dane initially had reservations about pursuing a career behind the scenes rather than in the cockpit, he realized that his skills could make a significant impact on the safety and performance of the aircraft. He accepted the offer, knowing that he would be able to contribute to the legacy his father and brother had left behind.
As Dane stepped onto the hallowed grounds of Top Gun, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He knew that he had big shoes to fill, but he was determined to honor his family's legacy and prove himself worthy. With his technical expertise and unwavering dedication, Dane became an integral part of the Top Gun team, ensuring that every aircraft was in optimal condition for the pilots.
Dane's journey at Top Gun was not without challenges, as he constantly battled with feelings of inadequacy compared to his brother's flying skills. However, he learned to embrace his own unique talents and realized that every role within the aviation industry was important for the success of a mission.
Throughout his time at Top Gun, Dane formed deep friendships with his fellow pilots and engineers. He became known for his unwavering support, always ready to lend a helping hand or provide technical guidance. Dane's determination, resilience, and commitment to excellence made him a valuable asset to the Top Gun program, and he played a crucial role in ensuring the safety and success of every mission.
Dane Bradshaw is a driven and determined individual who possesses a strong work ethic and a deep passion for aviation. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his unwavering commitment to excellence in his work. Dane's technical expertise and problem-solving skills make him an invaluable asset to the Top Gun program, as he ensures that every aircraft is in optimal condition.
Despite not having the same natural flying abilities as his brother Bradley, Dane has never let that discourage him. He is resilient and tenacious, always eager to learn and improve. Dane understands the importance of his role as an aviation engineer and takes pride in the fact that he can contribute to the safety and performance of the aircraft.
Dane's relationship with his brother Bradley is a unique blend of admiration, support, and sibling rivalry. Growing up, Dane idolized Bradley and looked up to him as a role model. He would listen intently to Bradley's stories about their father, Goose, and dreamt of one day following in their footsteps. Bradley, in turn, recognized Dane's passion for aviation and did his best to include him in his world, fostering a strong bond between the two.
While their age gap initially created a bit of a barrier, as Dane was too young to fully engage in the same activities as Bradley, they found common ground through their shared love for aviation. Bradley served as a mentor to Dane, teaching him everything he knew about flying and instilling in him a sense of discipline and dedication.
However, as Dane grew older, he also developed a sense of healthy competition with his brother. He often felt overshadowed by Bradley's natural talent and the legacy of their father, but instead of letting it discourage him, Dane used it as fuel to push himself further. He strived to prove his own worth and carve out his own path within the aviation world.
Despite the occasional rivalry, Dane and Bradley share a deep bond of brotherly love and support. They have each other's backs, cheering each other on in their respective roles. Bradley recognizes Dane's unique talents and often seeks out his input and expertise when it comes to aircraft mechanics and engineering.
Their relationship is characterized by mutual respect and admiration. Dane looks up to Bradley as a source of inspiration, and Bradley sees Dane as a constant reminder of their father's legacy. They push each other to be the best versions of themselves and find solace in the fact that they are continuing the Bradshaw family's aviation heritage together.
Dane's call sign, "Bone Saw," is a nickname given to him during his time at Top Gun. The origin of the call sign stems from a combination of his expertise in aircraft mechanics and his determined, relentless nature.
The name "Bone Saw" reflects Dane's technical prowess and his ability to dissect and analyze complex aircraft systems with precision, similar to how a surgeon uses a bone saw in a surgical procedure. Just as a bone saw is a tool used to carefully and skillfully navigate through intricate structures, Dane has a knack for unraveling the inner workings of aircraft, identifying issues, and providing effective solutions.
Moreover, the call sign also symbolizes Dane's relentless work ethic and his unwavering commitment to excellence. Like a bone saw that cuts through obstacles and challenges, Dane approaches his work with a tenacious and determined mindset. He will go to great lengths to ensure that every aircraft under his care is in optimal condition, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of perfection.
The call sign "Bone Saw" not only represents Dane's technical expertise but also serves as a reminder of his resilience and dedication. It showcases his ability to navigate through complex situations and his unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle that comes his way.
Overall, "Bone Saw" is a fitting, some would say call sign for Dane, for his technical expertise, relentless work ethic, and his ability to dissect and solve intricate problems within the aviation world.
And lastly, let's talk about Dane's strengths and weaknesses.
1. Technical Expertise: Dane possesses exceptional technical skills and a deep understanding of aircraft mechanics. His expertise allows him to analyze complex systems, identify issues, and provide effective solutions. He is meticulous and detail-oriented in his work, ensuring that every aircraft is in optimal condition.
2. Problem-Solving Abilities: Dane has a natural aptitude for problem-solving. He approaches challenges with a methodical mindset, breaking them down into manageable components and finding innovative solutions. His ability to think critically and analytically is instrumental in resolving issues and ensuring the safety and performance of the aircraft.
3. Work Ethic and Dedication: Dane is known for his strong work ethic and unwavering dedication. He is committed to excellence in his work and goes above and beyond to ensure that every task is completed to the best of his abilities. Dane's determination and perseverance enable him to overcome obstacles and deliver high-quality results.
4. Team Player: Dane understands the importance of collaboration and teamwork. He works well with others, fostering positive relationships and effective communication within the team. Dane is always ready to support his fellow pilots and engineers, offering assistance and guidance whenever needed.
1. Self-Doubt: Due to being compared to his brother Bradley and their father's legacy, Dane sometimes struggles with feelings of self-doubt. He may question his own abilities and feel overshadowed by others' natural talents. However, Dane has learned to embrace his unique skills and remind himself of the value he brings to the team.
2. Impatience: Dane's drive for perfection can sometimes lead to impatience. He may become frustrated if things don't progress as quickly as he would like or if he encounters obstacles along the way. Dane is learning to manage his impatience and strike a balance between striving for excellence and understanding the necessary time and effort required for success.
3. Lack of Flying Skills: While Dane has a deep passion for aviation, he doesn't possess the same natural flying abilities as his brother Bradley. This can occasionally create a sense of inadequacy or a feeling of being left out. However, Dane has come to embrace his role as an aviation engineer and recognizes the importance of his contributions to the team.
4. Perfectionism: Dane's pursuit of perfection can sometimes lead to an excessive focus on details, potentially causing him to overlook the bigger picture. He is learning to balance his meticulousness with the ability to prioritize and make efficient decisions.
Though, despite these weaknesses, Dane's strengths far outweigh them. His technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, work ethic, and dedication make him an invaluable asset to the team. Dane continuously learns and grows, using his weaknesses as opportunities for improvement and personal development.
Lt. Austin "Chaos" Mitchell
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Austin Mitchell was born into a world of aviation. As the son of the legendary fighter pilot, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Austin was exposed to the thrill and passion of flying from a young age. Growing up, he would spend countless hours at airshows and military bases, watching his father in action and dreaming of one day following in his footsteps.
From the moment he could walk, Austin was fascinated by airplanes. His room was adorned with model planes and posters of fighter jets, and he would spend hours studying flight manuals and watching aviation documentaries. He absorbed everything he could about the world of aviation, fueled by his father's stories and experiences.
As Austin grew older, he became determined to prove himself as a pilot. He excelled academically, earning a scholarship to the prestigious United States Naval Academy. While there, he immersed himself in the study of aeronautical engineering and honed his physical and mental capabilities, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.
During his time at the academy, Austin's competitive spirit and natural talent quickly became evident. He consistently stood out among his peers, impressing his superiors with his exceptional flying skills and unwavering dedication. It was clear that he had inherited his father's innate ability and love for flying.
Upon graduation, Austin was accepted into the Navy's elite fighter pilot program. He underwent rigorous training, pushing himself to the limits both physically and mentally. He proved himself time and again, mastering complex maneuvers and demonstrating a natural instinct for aerial combat.
As Austin's training progressed, he found himself constantly striving to live up to the legacy of his father, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. While he admired his father's achievements, he was determined to forge his own path and create a name for himself in the aviation world.
Despite his academic intelligence and exceptional flying skills, Austin Mitchell possesses a charmingly clumsy and awkward side to his personality. While he may be a bit of a "dummy" when it comes to real-life situations, he more than makes up for it with his determination and infectious enthusiasm.
Austin has a tendency to find himself in comical mishaps and awkward moments. Whether it's tripping over his own feet, accidentally spilling coffee on himself, or fumbling with simple tasks, he has a knack for finding himself in humorous situations. However, he never lets these moments define him or bring him down. Instead, he embraces them with a light-hearted laugh and a self-deprecating sense of humor.
Despite his occasional clumsiness, Austin's genuine warmth and enthusiasm endear him to those around him. He has a knack for making people feel at ease, often using humor to diffuse tense situations or lift the spirits of his fellow pilots. His infectious laughter and positive attitude have a way of brightening even the most challenging moments.
In social situations, Austin can sometimes come across as a bit awkward. He may stumble over his words or find it difficult to strike up conversations, especially with people he admires or finds intimidating. However, his genuine nature shines through, and people quickly realize that beneath the awkwardness lies a kind-hearted and well-intentioned individual.
Austin's ability to laugh at himself and not take life too seriously makes him a relatable and approachable person. He doesn't let his occasional clumsiness define him or hold him back. Instead, he uses it as a reminder to embrace life's imperfections and find joy in the journey.
Though, overall, Austin Mitchell is a smart, talented, and determined individual with a charmingly clumsy and awkward side. His enthusiasm for flying and his unwavering dedication to proving himself create a unique combination that endears him to those around him.
Austin's relationship with his older sister, Jenny Penelope Mitcell AKA JenPen, is one characterized by a deep bond and mutual support. Despite their different paths in life, they share a strong connection that goes beyond their sibling status.
Jenny, being the older sister, has always been a source of guidance and inspiration for Austin. She has been there to provide wisdom, encouragement, and a listening ear whenever he needed it. From a young age, Austin has looked up to his sister, admiring her strength, intelligence, and determination.
Jenny, in turn, has always been a protective and nurturing figure in Austin's life. She has taken on a role of both sister and mentor, offering guidance and advice as he navigates his own path as a pilot. She understands the challenges and pressures that come with their family legacy, and she has been a pillar of support for Austin, helping him navigate through both the triumphs and the setbacks.
Their relationship is marked by a playful camaraderie as well. They have shared countless inside jokes, playful banter, and lighthearted teasing. Austin often finds solace in his sister's presence, knowing that she will always be there to lift his spirits and bring a sense of levity to any situation.
While they may have their differences, Austin and Jenny share a common love for aviation, inherited from their father. They bond over their shared passion, often swapping stories and experiences from their respective journeys. Whether it's discussing flight maneuvers or sharing the thrill of their latest accomplishments, their love for flying connects them on a deeper level.
Austin and Jenny have a close and supportive relationship. They are each other's confidants, cheerleaders, and partners in crime. Through the ups and downs of their individual paths, they can always count on each other for unwavering support, understanding, and a shared sense of family pride.
Austin's call sign, "Chaos," is a reflection of his charmingly clumsy and unpredictable nature. While some call signs are chosen to reflect a pilot's skills or demeanor, Austin's call sign was given to him by his fellow pilots as a light-hearted acknowledgement of his tendency to bring a bit of chaos into their lives.
Despite his exceptional flying skills and determination, Austin's clumsiness and occasional mishaps have become somewhat of a running joke among his peers. Whether it's accidentally triggering an alarm during a training exercise or causing a minor disruption during briefings, Austin has a knack for unintentionally creating moments of chaos.
However, his call sign is not meant to be derogatory or demeaning. Rather, it is a playful and affectionate way for his fellow pilots to embrace his unique personality. They recognize that while Austin may bring a bit of chaos into their lives, he also brings joy, laughter, and a refreshing sense of authenticity.
Austin has embraced his call sign with good humor and a sense of self-awareness. He understands that it is a reflection of his endearing quirks and the genuine connections he has forged with his fellow pilots. Rather than being embarrassed or discouraged by it, he wears his call sign proudly, embracing the chaos and adding his own touch of humor to any situation.
In the end, "Chaos" serves as a reminder that life doesn't always go according to plan, and it's okay to embrace the unexpected. Austin Mitchell's call sign reflects his ability to find humor and joy in the midst of chaos, and his fellow pilots appreciate him for it.
And lastly, Austin's strengths and weaknesses.
1. Exceptional Flying Skills: Austin possesses a natural talent for flying, inherited from his father, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. He has a keen understanding of aviation principles and demonstrates exceptional skill in the cockpit. His ability to adapt quickly to different situations and make split-second decisions gives him an edge in aerial combat.
2. Determination and Perseverance: Austin is driven by a deep sense of determination and perseverance. He possesses an unwavering commitment to his goals and is willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve them. He is not easily discouraged by setbacks or challenges, instead using them as fuel to push himself further.
3. Positive Attitude and Charisma: Austin's infectious enthusiasm and positive attitude have a way of uplifting those around him. He has a natural charisma that draws people in and makes them feel at ease. His sense of humor and ability to find joy in even the most difficult situations make him a valuable asset to any team.
1. Clumsiness and Awkwardness: Austin has a tendency to be clumsy and awkward in real-life situations. While this doesn't affect his flying abilities, it can sometimes lead to comical mishaps or moments of embarrassment. However, he doesn't let these moments define him and often uses them as opportunities to laugh at himself and bring levity to the situation.
2. Impulsiveness: At times, Austin can be impulsive and act before fully considering the consequences. While this trait can be advantageous in certain situations, it can also lead to hasty decision-making or taking unnecessary risks. He is aware of this tendency and actively works on finding a balance between spontaneity and thoughtful decision-making.
3. Difficulty with Social Interactions: Austin can sometimes struggle with social interactions, especially when he finds himself in the presence of people he admires or finds intimidating. He may stumble over his words or find it challenging to initiate conversations. However, his genuine nature and warm personality often help him overcome these obstacles and build meaningful connections with others.
Overall, Austin Mitchell's strengths lie in his exceptional flying skills, determination, and positive attitude. While he may have weaknesses in clumsiness, impulsiveness, and social interactions, he recognizes them and works to improve upon them, constantly striving to become a better pilot and person.
Captain Hazel "Daredevil" Quinn
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Hazel Quinn was born into a family with a deep military heritage. Her father was a retired Navy pilot, and her mother served as an intelligence officer. Growing up, Hazel was surrounded by stories of bravery, adventure, and a strong sense of duty. Inspired by her family's legacy, she developed a fascination with aviation from a young age.
With her natural talent for flying, Hazel excelled in her high school's aviation program. She was determined to follow in her father's footsteps and become a Navy pilot. After graduating with top honors, she earned a scholarship to the United States Naval Academy.
During her time at the academy, Hazel faced numerous challenges and obstacles. Being one of the few women pursuing a career in aviation, she encountered skepticism and prejudice. However, her unwavering determination and exceptional skills quickly gained her respect among her peers and instructors.
Upon graduation, Hazel was selected to attend the prestigious Top Gun program. Her selection came as no surprise to those who knew her, as she had already proven herself as an exceptional pilot during her time at the academy.
At Top Gun, Hazel faced even greater challenges. The program was known for its intense training and rigorous competitions. But Hazel was undeterred. She embraced the pressure and pushed herself to the limit, determined to prove that gender was not a barrier to success in the world of aviation.
During her time at Top Gun, Hazel formed a close bond with her fellow pilots, both male and female. Together, they supported and pushed each other to be the best they could be. Hazel's skill, determination, and camaraderie earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and instructors.
After completing the Top Gun program, Hazel was assigned to an elite fighter squadron. She quickly proved herself as a formidable pilot, consistently exceeding expectations in combat simulations and real-life missions. Her exceptional flying skills, combined with her strategic thinking and composure under pressure, made her a valuable asset to her squadron.
Throughout her career, Hazel continued to break barriers and inspire others. She became an advocate for gender equality in the military, working to create opportunities for women in aviation. Her passion, talent, and unwavering dedication to her craft made her a role model for aspiring pilots, both male and female.
Hazel Quinn's journey as a female Top Gun pilot is a testament to her resilience, determination, and the power of following one's dreams. She not only shattered stereotypes but also proved that with hard work and perseverance, anyone can fly high and achieve greatness in the skies.
Hazel Quinn possesses a fiery spirit and a feisty nature that sets her apart from her peers. She is not one to back down from a challenge, and her determination fuels her pursuit of excellence in everything she does. Whether it's in the cockpit or in a heated debate, Hazel's spirited nature shines through.
With a quick wit and a sharp tongue, Hazel possesses a sassy demeanor that can catch others off guard. She has a knack for delivering biting remarks and sarcastic comments, often using humor as a shield to mask her vulnerability. Her sarcastic remarks, though sometimes biting, are usually meant to lighten the mood or inject a dose of reality into a situation.
Hazel's tough exterior is a result of the relentless training and demanding nature of her profession. She has faced numerous hardships and setbacks throughout her career, but she has learned to adapt and persevere. Her toughness is evident in her ability to remain calm and focused under pressure, even in the most challenging situations.
Underneath her tough exterior, Hazel harbors a darker side. She carries the weight of her responsibilities and the sacrifices she has made for her career. This darkness fuels her drive and determination, but it also adds a layer of complexity to her personality. She has experienced loss and heartbreak, and these experiences have shaped her into a more introspective and guarded individual.
Hazel can come across as grouchy at times, especially when she is focused on a task or dealing with frustrating situations. She is not one to sugarcoat her opinions or hide her frustrations. However, this grouchy demeanor is often a result of her high standards and a desire for excellence. She expects the best from herself and those around her, and she can become easily annoyed when things fall short of her expectations.
Despite her fiery and sometimes challenging personality, Hazel possesses a fiercely loyal and protective nature. She cares deeply for her fellow pilots and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and success. Her loyalty extends beyond her squadron, as she fights for equality and fairness within the military.
Hazel's personality is a complex blend of feistiness, sass, toughness, darkness, grouchiness, and sarcasm. While she may have a sharp tongue and a tough exterior, beneath it all, she is driven by a strong sense of duty, a desire for excellence, and a commitment to making a difference.
Hazel Quinn and Tom Kazansky, AKA Iceman, have an intriguing relationship that starts off as rivals but gradually evolves into something more.
From the moment they meet, Hazel and Tom have a natural competitive dynamic. They are both exceptionally skilled pilots who constantly push each other to be better. Tom, with his cool and composed demeanor, tends to tease and annoy Hazel, often trying to get under her skin. Hazel, being feisty and quick-witted, is always ready with a comeback or a witty comment to match his provocations.
Their banter and constant back-and-forth create a playful tension between them. Their competitive nature fuels their drive to outperform each other, and they often find themselves vying for the top spot in training exercises and missions. Each success or failure only intensifies their rivalry, pushing them to work harder and prove themselves to one another.
However, beneath the surface of their rivalry, there is a mutual respect and admiration that grows over time. As they witness each other's skills and determination, they begin to recognize the depth of their abilities and the passion they share for flying. This mutual respect becomes the foundation for a deeper connection between them.
As their relationship progresses, Hazel and Tom start to see past their competitive façades. They discover common ground and shared experiences that create a bond beyond their rivalry. They become allies and confidants, understanding the unique challenges they face as top pilots in a male-dominated field.
Their banter and playful teasing gradually evolve into a deeper understanding and affection. The witty comments and comebacks become laced with a genuine fondness and care for one another. They develop a level of trust and reliance, knowing that they can count on each other in the most critical moments.
The transition from rivals to lovers is marked by moments of vulnerability and growth. They learn to let their guards down and show their true selves, allowing their relationship to blossom into something more profound. Their shared experiences and deep connection become the foundation for a passionate romance that transcends their initial rivalry.
In summary, Hazel and Tom's relationship begins as rivals, with Tom teasing and annoying Hazel, and Hazel responding with her trademark wit. However, their rivalry gradually transforms into mutual respect and admiration, leading to a deep connection and a passionate romance. Their journey from rivals to lovers is marked by growth, vulnerability, and a shared love for flying and each other.
Hazel's call sign, Daredevil, is a reflection of her fearless and daring nature in the skies.
Throughout her training and career, Hazel has consistently demonstrated a willingness to take risks and push the limits of her abilities. She thrives on the adrenaline rush that comes from pushing her aircraft to its maximum potential, often engaging in daring maneuvers that leave others in awe.
Hazel's fearlessness is not just limited to her flying skills. She approaches challenges head-on, unafraid to tackle difficult situations or confront obstacles with determination and courage. Her willingness to take calculated risks sets her apart from her peers and earns her the admiration of those who fly alongside her.
The call sign Daredevil also speaks to Hazel's ability to remain calm and composed in high-pressure situations. Even when faced with intense combat scenarios or dangerous missions, she maintains a level-headedness that allows her to make split-second decisions and take decisive action. Her ability to stay cool under fire further solidifies her reputation as a daredevil in the skies.
Additionally, the call sign Daredevil captures Hazel's audacious and rebellious spirit. She is not one to conform to traditional norms or be limited by societal expectations. Instead, she embraces her own unique style and approach, often challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries. Her refusal to be bound by convention makes her a true daredevil, both in the air and in life.
So her call sign, Daredevil, represents her fearless, daring, and audacious nature. It reflects her willingness to take risks, her ability to remain composed under pressure, and her rebellious spirit that sets her apart from the crowd.
And again, lastly, we get to the strengths and weaknesses part.
1. Exceptional Flying Skills: Hazel possesses exceptional flying skills, making her a standout pilot. Her natural talent, combined with her extensive training and experience, allows her to excel in the skies.
2. Determination and Perseverance: Hazel is known for her unwavering determination and perseverance. She is not one to give up easily and will go to great lengths to achieve her goals. This determination drives her to overcome obstacles and push herself to new heights.
3. Quick Wit and Sharp Tongue: Hazel has a quick wit and a sharp tongue, allowing her to deliver clever comebacks and sarcastic remarks. Her wit often helps her diffuse tense situations and adds a touch of humor to her interactions.
4. Fearlessness and Daring Nature: Hazel is fearless and daring, always willing to take calculated risks and push the limits of her abilities. Her audacious approach to flying and life sets her apart from others and earns her the nickname "Daredevil."
5. Leadership Skills: Hazel possesses strong leadership skills, making her a respected figure among her peers. She has the ability to inspire and motivate others, leading by example and fostering a sense of camaraderie within her squadron.
1. Stubbornness: Hazel can be stubborn at times, often refusing to back down from her opinions or change her course of action. While her determination is a strength, her stubbornness can sometimes hinder her ability to adapt to new situations or consider alternative perspectives.
2. Guarded and Introspective: Hazel carries a certain darkness and guardedness within her. While this adds depth to her character, it can also make it challenging for others to get close to her. She tends to keep her emotions and vulnerabilities hidden, which can create barriers in her relationships.
3. Impatience: Hazel can be impatient, especially when she feels that others are not performing up to her standards or when things are moving too slowly. Her impatience can sometimes lead to frustration and a lack of understanding for others who may have different approaches or learning curves.
4. Difficulty Trusting Others: Due to her past experiences and the competitive nature of her profession, Hazel finds it challenging to trust others fully. This can create barriers in her relationships and make it difficult for her to rely on others for support.
5. Tendency to Take Risks: While Hazel's fearlessness and daring nature are strengths, they can also be considered a weakness. Her willingness to take risks, although calculated, can sometimes lead to dangerous situations or unnecessary challenges.
Overall, Hazel Quinn's strengths lie in her exceptional flying skills, determination, quick wit, fearlessness, and leadership abilities. However, her weaknesses include stubbornness, guardedness, impatience, difficulty trusting others, and a tendency to take risks. These strengths and weaknesses contribute to her complex and compelling character.
Back with another set of Top Gun OCs! Yes, they're all quite long and I've spent a lot of time on them, so I'd really appreciate your comments and reblogs! ♥️
(also now I'm going by my new system of making OCs as you can see hehe)
tags: @msrochelleromanofffelton @blueboirick @hanlueluver @meiramel @gaminggirlsstuff
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aahcaimhcone · 4 months
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A crossover between Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and Puella Magi Madoka Magica could create an interesting blend of two very different genres: the Super Sentai series and the magical girl genre. Here are some potential scenarios and facts about both series that could be relevant for a crossover:
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Genre: Tokusatsu, Super Sentai
Premise: A team of space pirates who have the ability to transform into any previous Sentai team. They are on a quest to find the Greatest Treasure in the Universe while defending Earth from the Space Empire Zangyack.
Key Elements:
Transformation into any past Sentai heroes.
Space pirate theme with a strong emphasis on teamwork.
Searching for treasures and fighting against invaders.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Genre: Magical Girl, Dark Fantasy, Psychological Thriller
Premise: Middle school girls who are offered a contract by a mysterious creature named Kyubey to become magical girls and fight witches. The series explores the dark and tragic consequences of their wishes.
Key Elements:
Dark and emotional storyline with deep character development.
Themes of sacrifice, despair, and the cost of wishes.
Complex and intricate plot with time loops and alternate realities.
Crossover Scenario Ideas
Shared Antagonist: The Space Empire Zangyack and witches from the Madoka Magica universe could team up, leading to a collaboration between the Gokaigers and the magical girls to defeat them.
Transformation and Powers: The Gokaigers could gain the ability to transform into magical girl forms, drawing power from the magical girls' abilities. Conversely, the magical girls could temporarily gain Sentai-like powers and weapons.
Character Interactions: The interaction between the lighthearted, adventurous Gokaigers and the more somber and introspective magical girls could create interesting dynamics and character development.
Time Travel Elements: Considering Madoka Magica’s themes of time loops and alternate realities, a plot involving time travel could bring the Gokaigers into different timelines and realities to help the magical girls.
Ultimate Wish: The concept of wishes in Madoka Magica could be explored further, with the Gokaigers possibly making a wish that impacts their universe or seeking a powerful artifact that the magical girls are also after.
Facts and Common Points
Release Year: Both series premiered in 2011.
Popularity: Both have strong fanbases and have made significant cultural impacts in their respective genres.
Themes of Sacrifice and Teamwork: Both series explore themes of sacrifice and the importance of working together to achieve goals.
A crossover between Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and Puella Magi Madoka Magica would combine the adventurous, action-packed elements of a Super Sentai series with the deep, emotional, and often tragic elements of a magical girl series, offering fans a unique and compelling storyline.
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The worlds of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and Puella Magi Madoka Magica have mysteriously merged. The sudden fusion of these realities causes chaos, and the protagonists must team up to restore balance while facing their respective enemies.
Captain Marvelous (Gokai Red) & Madoka Kaname (Pink Puella Magi):
Storyline: Both leaders in their own right, Marvelous and Madoka must navigate the complexities of leading their teams while discovering the true nature of their merged worlds. They aim to find a way to separate their realities without causing further damage.
Joe Gibken (Gokai Blue) & Sayaka Miki (Blue Puella Magi):
Storyline: Both skilled fighters with strong senses of justice, Joe and Sayaka find common ground in their struggles and responsibilities. They must learn to trust each other and combine their strengths to protect their friends.
Luka Millfy (Gokai Yellow) & Mami Tomoe (Yellow Puella Magi):
Storyline: Luka’s cunning and Mami’s experience make them a formidable pair. Together, they take on reconnaissance missions to gather information about the merging worlds and the threats they face.
Don Dogoier (Gokai Green) & Pia Undo (Green Puella Magi):
Storyline: Don and Pia work on developing strategies and solutions using their technical skills. Their intelligence and creativity are crucial in understanding the science and magic behind the merger.
Ahim de Famille (Gokai Pink) & Kyoko Sakura (Red Puella Magi):
Storyline: Despite their contrasting personalities, Ahim and Kyoko form a strong bond. Ahim’s compassion and Kyoko’s fierce independence create a dynamic duo that can handle both emotional and physical battles.
Gai Ikari (Gokai Silver) & Homura Akemi (Purple Puella Magi):
Storyline: Gai’s enthusiasm and Homura’s determination lead them on a journey to uncover the deeper mysteries of their enemies. They must face their pasts and overcome their inner demons to succeed.
Navi (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) & Charlotte the Dessert Witch:
Storyline: Navi and Charlotte provide comic relief and unexpected assistance. Navi’s ability to give hints and Charlotte’s unpredictable nature often turn the tide in crucial moments.
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica):
Role: Manipulative as ever, Kyubey seeks to exploit the chaos for his own gain, using the confusion to contract new Puella Magi.
Witches (Puella Magi Madoka Magica):
Role: The Witches thrive in the chaos, spreading despair and conflict. Each Witch represents a unique challenge for the protagonists.
Oriko Mikuni (Puella Magi Oriko Magica) & Kirika Kure (Puella Magi Oriko Magica):
Role: Oriko and Kirika have their own agendas and use the merger to further their plans, creating more obstacles for the heroes.
Isabeau de Bavière (Puella Magi Tart Magica) & Kagari Hinata (Puella Magi Suzune Magica):
Role: These powerful Puella Magi are manipulated by Kyubey and the other antagonists to fight against the protagonists.
Space Empire Zangyack (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) & Basco ta Jolokia (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger):
Role: Zangyack continues their conquest, using the merged world to strengthen their forces. Basco, with his own ambitions, complicates the situation further by exploiting the confusion.
Black Cross Army (Himitsu Sentai Gorenger):
Role: This classic villain group sees the merged world as an opportunity to re-establish their power and cause mayhem.
Plot Highlights:
Initial Conflict: The merger of the worlds causes initial confusion and skirmishes between the protagonists.
Alliance Formation: Realizing the need to cooperate, the Gokaigers and Puella Magi form an alliance.
Discovering the Cause: Through various battles and investigations, they uncover that a powerful entity (possibly Kyubey in collaboration with the Zangyack Empire) is behind the merger.
Epic Fights: The heroes face off against various enemies, each group confronting challenges tailored to their unique abilities.
Resolution: After intense battles and emotional growth, the heroes manage to reverse the merger, restoring their worlds and defeating the antagonists. The experience leaves them with newfound respect and friendships.
This crossover allows for a rich narrative combining action, strategy, and emotional depth, making for an exciting and engaging story.
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Gif Challenge
Based on the Gif Challenge proposed by @donna-lynn from this amazing scene. Task had to be an unusual reason dealing with Phoenix so I made it about Nat not being a good pilot when she is flying with Bradley and Jake calling it out. It’s angsty and Jake biased (but honestly that the only thing I know how to write at this point) and I do t know if it really has an ending but I tried 🤷‍♀️. Hope you guys like!
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“Why is she dead?”
The question had been asked to and about all of the pilots in Captain Mitchell’s Dagger Squad for the better part of a week and a half at this point but still the room fell silent with a pregnant pause every time the phrase left their Commander’s mouth. Today Maverick was standing at his lecture podium, pointing over to Phoenix as the woman kept her head low. The inquiry was directed to Bradley Bradshaw, one row back with an angry scowl on his face, his brown eyes narrowed as he looked upon his instructor.
“Why is she dead?” Maverick asked again.
Jake Seresin had hated the question the first time he heard it and he hated it just as much now. Sure, he had plastered on a cocky grin and given some bullshit about his partner not being able to keep up the initial time it was directed at him but even he was not immune to the somber fears that invaded the team’s mind when they realized how easy it was for this mission to fail. How inevitable it could be to be standing in formation in their dress whites, lowering an empty coffin into the ground. Hangman didn’t have many friends here but he would still rather not have to go through that experience (no matter how much a certain mustached pilot seemed to grind his gears) and had been working on trying to fly better with his wingman.
They all had.
Except one pilot.
“Why is she dead Lieutenant?”
Rooster was always moody, even the first time they ran into each other in flight school. Jake chalked it up to the rumor that the kid was an orphan, but shit, they all had their sob stories, Jake included. It didn’t mean he walked around like the world owed him an apology everywhere he went. Jake didn’t understand it, airing out insecurities or flaws like that for the world to see, much rather preferring to keep it hidden from any exploiting. Bradley wore his feelings like a cape when he was on the ground, wrapped in the shroud of his slights as though it would protect him better from more. Despite their differences, Jake didn’t exactly hate Bradshaw in those early years. They were different yes, but Jake respected Bradley’s talent, his methodical and careful temperament helping his natural skills in the air. Hangman could admit the man was good, and even more Bradley himself also knew his own aptitude. He wasn’t cocky like Jake and some of the other younger pilots, but Bradshaw wasn’t some shy little kitten. He was confident in his abilities in the sky.
The Bradley that returned to Top Gun for this mission was not the same Bradshaw Jake remembered. He seemed okay at first, when they all reunited at the Hard Deck, playing that stupid song in that God awful shirt and hitting Jake with some low blows that seemed to be their own unique language over the years. Hangman didn’t appreciate the early grave comment, an innuendo to Jake’s air to air kill that had made him lose a wingman, but their working relationship had turned so contentious at times, it didn’t sting quite as hard as it should. Jake knew Javy worried, and even Nat’s face seemed to fall, but Hangman could take care of himself, hitting Bradley with the perch joke that despite Rooster’s talents, never stopped being true.
It was par for the course, the normal Rooster-Hangman dance that they reverted back to each time they saw each other.
But then they all reported to Top Gun.
The minute Captain Mitchell was introduced, Bradley’s hunches were raised. It didn’t take a genius to know something was going on with these two, but even Jake was surprised by how quickly the Bradley Bradshaw he thought he knew seemed to disappear. Once Maverick threw the F-18 manual into the trash can, it was as though he threw Bradley’s abilities in as well. It was like a completely different pilot.
First there was the incident with Payback and Fanboy. Now Bradley had always been a team player, much better than Hangman of course, but still toeing the line of protecting his wingman but also respecting their talents. That first hop showed Bradshaw swooping right into the way of Maverick and Payback, taking the tone intent on the two-seater but not in a helpful or sacrificial way. It didn’t clear Payback up to take a shot at Maverick, or allow them enough time to get through the pretend course to drop the missile. It provided nothing but a mock kill for Captain Mitchell and Bradshaw sweating through pushups on the hot tarmac. Phoenix had come in, ever loyal to her best friend, with the chirped, “now you know something about Rooster” and Jake had wanted to argue back. That was not Rooster. That was not the same Bradshaw that made sure every move he made in the sky had a purpose; that the greatest good outweighed all emotions or desires. The Bradley on the tarmac was letting his personal feelings impact his flying, whatever weird history with Maverick that he refused to talk about spur him into being a type of pilot that Jake couldn’t even recognize anymore. It was disconcerting.
And then they flew together.
Needling Bradshaw had been a favorite pastime of Hangman’s for years. Usually it garnered more banter back but the day they were first partnered to fly together, Bradley shut him down with a stern huff and his eyes roaming their surroundings. When Captain Mitchell finally announced his location, the calm and collected Rooster that Jake had known for a decade disappeared and was replaced with a frantic and downright dangerous man in its stead. A cobra move was initiated and Hangman was stuck watching from the sidelines as the two men with so much past flew closer and closer to the invisible Hard Deck. Jake was flabbergasted as he watched, not so much about Mitchell (who had already shown he didn’t take much credence to Cyclone’s rules and regulations) but at Bradshaw, who sprouted insults back at their Commanding Officer as though he had no regard for the fallout. As the ground came hurtling faster and faster upon the two planes, Jake tried to warn again, finally seeing some sense in the two men as they pulled out of the free fall and back to flying with their heads. Bradley was in the perfect position, a shot Jake knew the other pilot could make, and yet he hesitated, allowing Mitchell to get away and turn the tables, as easy as taking candy from a baby.
If they were friends, maybe Jake would have said something, or tried to talk some sense into the other man, but the truth was, a spot was on the line, a spot that though could end Jake’s future in a single flash yes, but also could provide him with the stepping stone to the Admiral track he always desired. So Jake stayed silent, focusing on his own flying, and slowly trying to incorporate Maverick’s notes, and remember his own partner in the air.
That all changed today though when Rooster was flying with Phoenix and Bob. For as long as Jake had known Bradshaw, Nat had been at the mustached pilot’s side, the two becoming friends immediately upon meeting on move-in-day at flight school and never deviating since. People contributed it to birds of a feather flocking together but Jake always disagreed, finding Phoenix’s style more like his own than Bradshaw. Natasha was no nonsense in the sky and on the ground, conceding nothing to those around her as she fought for a place in a industry that was ready to diminish a woman’s accomplishments as though she only made it this far as a favor. Of everyone called back to the mission, Natasha was the one Jake wanted to fly with the most. Their first hop hadn’t gone how he hoped but he sent Phoenix off on her own because he trusted her skills to handle herself. The plan failed and it gave everyone the chance to lament about Hangman leaving people hanging but he stood by his decision. The thought process was sound.
Bradshaw and Trace in the sky together used to be seamless. 10 years of friendship always helps build trust and Jake knew for a fact that Bradley was the one Nat was eyeing to fly with when they first got called back. Today though, it was anything but smooth, Bradley flying with that weird hesitation that warranted Maverick to begin chiding. The minute the Captain tried to talk to Rooster, he seemed to get enraged, shakily flying through the course at a speed that was doing nothing to get them to the target in time. Phoenix tried to intervene, encouraging Bradley with a mothering tone that didn’t suit her, but it still didn’t work. Rooster stayed on his perch, basically flying so slow he was going backward, and Natasha for all her own confidence and skills, cowered. She brokered no argument to Bradley’s leadership and each time Bob called out how delayed they were, she merely stayed in formation, not even pushing to increase their speed.
The two planes eventually made it through the canyon but the time was too late, over a minute and a half later than needed. Jake sat in the ready room by the radio, listening as Maverick got tone on Bradley first and then Phoenix and Bob not a minute later. The others in the room looked encouraged by the duo getting through the course but Jake knew this was going to end badly, his own face turned in a grimace at the way Nat allowed her own abilities to be curtailed by Bradley’s emotional temper tantrums. When the hop got back, Hangman’s eyes tracked to the window where he watched Rooster disembarked his plane with an air of fake smugness, as though this was his entire plan all along. It was disingenuous; Hangman didn’t believe it for a second.
The debrief began as normal, Maverick’s notes plentiful and his voice edging just a bit into impatience as the countdown to the mission ticked closer to zero and the team still had yet to run the course successfully and under the time. Hangman sat in his front row seat, his fingers tapping softly on his thigh as he listened quietly, wishing he had a toothpick to take the edge off his own failure on his run with the Ivies. He knew he would get the dreaded question soon but it seemed Maverick had another pilot to target first, his green eyes picking out Rooster and locking on.
“Why is she dead Lieutenant?”
By this time Maverick had asked the question for a fourth time and Bradley looked no sooner to answer. Jake watched as Nat lifted her head up from where she had been staring daggers into the table. “We were the only ones to make it through the course Sir” she offered. It was said respectfully but also tentative; no doubt the dark haired woman knowing she was opening herself up to a lecture for stealing the answer from Bradley.
Just as Jake expected, Maverick’s eyes trained on to Trace immediately, his expression unreadable as he scrutinized Nat’s words. “You were over a minute late Lieutenant, and superior enemy aircrafts intercepted you on your way out.”
“We were late Sir, yes,” Bob spoke up next, like a puppy at Phoenix’s heels ready to fight his pilot’s battles despite his normally meek demeanor, “but making it through the canyon was our primary objective.”
“In a timely manner, Lieutenant Floyd” Captain Mitchell pushed back and no one was surprised when Bob’s head looked down dejectedly. “The time is set for a reason, any delay and you are putting yourself into a position that you will have to battle your way home.”
“So it’s a dog fight then” Bradley finally chimed in, the air of the room unsettled at the charge of animosity in his tone.
Maverick huffed, “against Fifth Gen fighters?”
Rooster shrugged as though unbothered, as though the thought of engaging in such a deadly dance in the sky was almost welcoming, “Yeah we still have a chance-“
Jake had seen combat, had flown and taken down an enemy with just his finger on the trigger. It was a horrific task, one that haunted his memories even on a good day. The thought of anyone else in the room having to engage in that kill or be killed predicament, made Hangman’s stomach turn. One look at their Captain, the only other active duty man in the Navy with a confirmed kill to his name, and it seemed he was thinking the same thing. It’s easy to sit on false bravado and confidence here on the ground, another thing entirely to find the wherewithal to save yourself against better-quality enemy fighters. Maverick’s voice was drenched in exasperation as he finally looked up, “In an F-18?”
“It’s not the plane Sir,” Rooster’s eyes were slits, his words sounding more like curses as he launched them towards their teacher, “it’s the pilot.”
Something seemed to ignite within Bradshaw at Mitchell’s final word, his mouth thinning as he all out glared forward. He opened his mouth, mustache twitching in fury, but before he could get anything across Phoenix’s voice snapped through the room, “But Sir-“ she began, and suddenly Jake’s own mouth was opening.
“Oh my God” the man called, not sure why he was intervening exactly but knowing that he needed to. Something about seeing Phoenix dig herself a grave for Bradshaw of all people set Hangman’s nerves on edge. His relationship with Natasha had always been a little harried (he was more than aware of how much the woman grew frustrated with him), but Jake respected Natasha the most out of anyone and he’d be damned if she blew her opportunity for this mission protecting Rooster, “When are you going to get it?” Jake drawled loudly, resting his head on the back of the seat with a sigh. He could feel the eyes of everyone in the room fall to him, watched as Maverick himself finally removed his gaze from Bradshaw enough to stare Jake down. “Lieutenant” the Captain warned.
“Excuse me Sir, but Bradshaw here needs to understand.” He muscled himself forward, ignoring the twinge of achiness in his shoulders from pulling over 8G’s and then being expected to bang out 200 pushups. “A man either flies like you or a man doesn’t come home, it’s that simple.” He shifted to his right, seeing Nat’s stare narrowed on his own, “no offense intended” he smirked over.
Bob’s head lifted, the guard puppy back, “and yet you always manage” he called back dutifully.
Jake waved it off, not intimidated by Floyd’s attempt at bite, “y’all want to fight me but you know I’m right. We’re going into combat, the likes of which none of us have ever seen before, except him” he nodded towards his Captain but Mitchell wasn’t looking at him anymore, his eyes clouded with the haze of memory. “Flying with your head in the past isn’t going to work-“
“What the hell does that mean?” Bradley usually talked to Hangman with some sort of ire but even Jake could hear the difference in his tone today. Rooster was poised for a fight, his perch forgotten as he leered angrily at the blonde across the room. Jake’s eyebrow raised in a challenge, “you and our esteemed Captain, I can’t be the only one to see there’s some history here.”
“Lieutenant” Maverick tried but he was ignored to the background as Bradshaw rose a few inches in the air. “It’s none of your business” the mustached man argued, tone firm, “so shut your damn mouth-“
Jake refused to back down though. He kept his tone neutral, playful almost compared to Bradley’s anger, but he kept his argument level, “It is my business if it puts the team in danger.”
“You’re going to preach to me about team? That’s rich-“
“You don’t fly like you should up there Bradshaw and you’re bringing Phoenix down with you.” The woman in question instantly straightened from Hangman’s words, surprise coloring her features at the accusation. The blush told Jake everything he needed to know, that loyalty to her best friend aside, Nat saw what flying with Bradshaw means for a team trying to make it home. “You know I’m right” he levied, just to reiterate.
“Are you?” Rooster challenged; a nasty smile on his lips that just looked wrong for the usual easy going pilot. Gone was the piano crooner, replaced with a coldness that had been festering since Mitchell walked in the door, “is that your path to team leader? Knocking down everyone that’s competition to you out of the running so you’re the only one left.”
“Better than your plan to get everyone killed to prove a point.”
“And what point is that?” Bradley goaded, standing all the way from his chair now. Behind him, some of the other pilots were rising too, ready to jump in if things got physical. Jake stayed seated though, despite the fact that he could sense the shift in the room, an altercation imminent. Hangman kept his mask in place and his face calm as he met Bradley’s eyes, “That for some reason you think you don’t need to listen to Maverick, that you know better than him. And whatever story you guys shared means he’s scared to contradict you. Well I’m not scared Rooster” he stated icily, “not of confront you. Your attitude is going to kill your wingman. You want to say I lead people to an early grave? Well you basically buried Phoenix up there with your misplace Daddy issues your harboring for Mav-“
But Jake never got to finish that thought as Bradley launched himself forward. Hangman’s reflexes were good, getting himself standing and with his hands up so that Rooter’s first shove did nothing but push him back a few steps. After that the others were there and Jake had Javy’s hand steering him to a safe distance as Maverick finally worked to control the room to some kind of order. “That was out of line Lieutenant” Mitchell chastised and it took Jake a moment to realize he was talking to him. Bradley, the man that got physical first was still huffing in Payback’s hold but their Captain’s eyes stayed only at Hangman, looking at him with such disappointment that Jake almost thought he was back at home with his father. Something burned within him, an anger he kept so readily contained bubbling to the service, “You know I’m right Sir, you just don’t want to admit it. He isn’t ready and he is a liable to the team every time he’s in the sky.”
“I’ll show you a liability” Bradley argued back, straining against the men who held him.
Jake flared a hand as if to show his point, before turning back to his superior, “you wanted to know why Phoenix was dead? Because of that Sir. He’s not ready and she’s flown the worst she has all week because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Because nobody ever wants to hurt Bradshaw’s feelings” he scoffed, “well I’ll be your villain” he told them all, looking around the room at the wide eyed pilots, “speed is the only thing that gets you home. You want a military funeral you stay at Bradshaw’s pace but you want to see you family again” and now he turned right to Natasha, “you find that accelerator.” He shook off Javy’s hand and headed for the door, listening as Maverick excursed the rest of the class as well.
Over the sounds of chairs scuffling and most likely being righted, Jake could make out footsteps, expecting his best (and only) friend Coyote to check on him. He didn’t turn around, figuring the other man would fall in step, when a hard punch nailed him right in the back of his shoulder. Hangman stuttered, not exactly hurt but skin still smarting from the hit, to see an enraged Natasha right behind him, “what the hell was that?” he asked her in surprise.
“What the hell was that in there?” she countered, her voice bellowing in the hallway. The others were still inside the lecture room for now but Jake knew they only had a few seconds of privacy. “You think you have any right to comment on how we fly?” She shoved at him aggressively, “As if you are any better.”
“You flew like shit today Trace” he informed her, waiting for her to disagree, “and you were going to let him slide.”
“I worked with my team today, like we are meant to!”
His eyes narrowed, “And you’ll be killed for it.”
“We made the target” Phoenix gritted out ignoring his point and dying on her hill with that one fact, “the first team to do it. Yes it was later but we have time to get faster, working as a team and succeeding in something is more important. You just wanted a chance to take Rooster down a peg-“
“No I want you to make it home-“
She laughed mockingly, “You think I’m not used to this?” she spat out, pushing at his shoulder again. Jake rolled with, staggering back until his body hit the wall. Natasha leered into his space, towering despite her limited stature, “I have been dealing with men who mistake their misogyny for a hero complex since flight school” she informed him, “and I don’t need you of all people, Bagman” she cursed out the abomination of his call-sign as though it burned her throat on the way out, “acting like you’re defending my honor.”
“I wasn’t-“
“Or using me as an example in your newest pissing contest with Rooster-“
Jake’s eyes narrowed and he pushed back from the wall. His movement startled the woman for a second but Nat cooled her features quickly once Hangman made no move closer, “You call me out on every move I make in the sky, just like you do with Javy, and Fritz, but for Rooster, you cower. For Bradshaw you swallow your voice like you’re afraid anything you say will either rile him up or depress him.”
She rolled her eyes, “I know you don’t know how it is to have a friend Seresin but-“
“You think you’re helping him doing this?” He tilted his head down, making sure she was listening, “news flash you’re not. Protecting him for criticism just weakens him and when someone dies on his watch, that’s on your conscience.” He huffed an angry breath, not normally so flustered. He could see Nat eyeing him, her face contorting with something akin to confusion. Jake knew he wasn’t the best pilot to preach teamwork and wingmen but he couldn’t help his emotions now. He closed his eyes for a moment, “Natasha, you can do this mission if you fly like you’re meant to, don’t let Bradley Bradshaw ruin it.”
“He’s a better pilot than you” she tossed out, intending to wound. Jake shrugged nonchalantly, “not right now he isn’t. But if you want to try your luck on a dogfight go ahead, but I, and everyone else in there, even Captain Mitchell, knows that with Bradshaw in the box, you’re as good as dead. I’m just the only one brave enough to say it.” He stepped around her, the noise of the others leaving the classroom finally catching them, “talk to your boy Nix, get him out of his head, but don’t fly with him if you’re going to let him ruin you.”
“Don’t think that means I’ll fly with you either” she snapped back but Jake didn’t even bother turning around. He has a feeling he sold his spot away after his outburst today. The blonde just had to hope it was worth it, anything to keep her safe.
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rpking99 · 5 months
Evil Team
Hiden away on Luxure is an evil team dubbed Team Siren. A team of overindulgence and lust.
Leader: Jessie
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Jessie knows she is attractive, but also knew she had enough being some bottom rung on the ladder. Finding out about Luxure, using some connections to sneak onto the island, she ended up with a few other past villains. Finding out about the Gijinkamon phenomenon and what a few others where planning... Jessie used her seductive skills and ended up taking over the orginisation
She was never going to bow to someone else ever again. Now all will worship her boots!
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Malva is a very sensual being. And with Lysander's plan failing... well she naturally fell in with Team Siren. As most saw her as an innocent TV news woman and a member of the Kalos Elite 4, not realising she was technically as double agent to help Team Siren slip around the Pokemon Ranger
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Courtney was always eager to please, always happy to let others take control. She did as she commanded. And so, obeying Jessie and becoming hers was easy as could be
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Shelly clashed with the rest of the team when she first joined, but all it took was for Jessie to show off some of her skills and the former Team Aqua Admin was an eager follower of their goal.
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When Mars found out about Team Siren's plans, she instantly offered to join. The chaos it would cause being just oh so wonderful~
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Plumeria is the only member of the Team who does not believe in Jessie's goal. She is only here because of the Team Skull members who had ended up within Team Siren, and she was determined to keep them safe.
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There are grunts from every Evil Team on Team Siren. And as they have no uniform, they keep their own style from when they where
Their Goal
Now many of you may be asking "The hell does Team Siren WANT?! And what are they even DOING?!"
Well, glad you asked!
What Team Siren are doing are kidnapping people and Pokemon to run tests on them. Trying to create something... special.
Scientists working on using Salazzle phermones to hypnotise/turn people in sex pets. Which is basically Jessie's end goal, to turn herslef into the Worlds Dominatrix. All under her heel!
But she needed more help than she thought she would. And so, out comes their new lead scientist...
Professor Juniper!
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During the story of Luxure, Professor Juniper is kidnapped by Team Siren and put under the process that bent her to Jessie's will.
With these effects in play, their advancement skyrockets and soon they have it... Team Siren's end goal.
Mega Salazzle
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Using research on almost every type of strange phenomenon out there in the Pokemon World, from Regional Variants to Tera Types to Paradox Pokemon to Mega Evolution and more, as well as Juniper's knowledge on Pokemon biology, Jessie's goal was finally realised
Creating a Gijinka Mega Salazzle. Their ultimate weapon who's phermones are now so powerful, that the world will be warped to be its slaves. And as it belongs to Jessie, hers as well.
A Poison/Fire/Psychic Type Pokemon with stats comparable to a Legendary and a unique Ability "Queen's Comandment" (This Ability allowing working like "As One", where it now has two abilities. It's original "Corrosion" Ability and a second ability that allows its Fire Type to change any time the opponent attacks, changing her Secondary Type to whatever recives the least damage from the attack sent her way).
Do not try using Normal, Fighting, Ghost, Poison, Ground, Electric, Psychic or Dragon moves on her as she will become immune
She also has all G-Max moves as well. She is a moss, a monster. A final challenge. Can you defeate her and save the world?
Total Muses: 8/Infinity (Depending on how you count the Grunts) (Also, not counting Juniper here, no repeates)
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owlhead650 · 13 days
Could I ask for something of choice for Ace, if you’d like?
Thank you for the ask, yes you can have more Ace content. I've written a short story that's 505 words in length about Ace and Ciel Featherstone. Check it out below.
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Ace tied their hair into a ponytail and tied their hoodless collar cloak around their neck. Ace was sitting in front of a linea unica mirror and preparing for another long day of performing magic tricks. Their makeup had already been done, all that’s left is to put on their dark fancy clothes. The checker pattern, the playing card symbols, purple, blue, grey, black. It gave Ace an aesthetic that was both mysterious yet approachable.
Just as they had secured the headband for their tiny tophat the door opened behind them. “Ace dear? There you are!” It was their cousin Ciel.
“Ah, little Starlet. Have you come hoping to sneak a peek at the magician’s secrets?~” Ace liked putting some unnecessary flair into their words. It helped with readying themself for the audience.
“No, Ace. I missed the better half of your first week just because of some league business. I’m sorry.” Ciel wore a feather in her short navy coloured hair. She is the circus aerial dancer and as such her dress had to be light and sleeveless to maximise mobility. Ace wouldn’t mind wearing that kind of dress sometimes, only they’d rather not copy her.
“Don’t be sorry at all, I’ve had a great time. Your Ringmaster has been very welcoming. And Terra was there too.”
“Oh right, I suppose you and Terra have some shared history. I hope that doesn't make things awkward.” Ciel knew that Terra’s eccentric behaviour was a lot to deal with. She would most often be exasperated, exhausted or enamoured by it, sometimes all three in that order.
“If anything our dark ‘shared history’ makes things easier. Terra actually gave me a genuine apology for putting me out of commission that time. When she’s loud and disruptive I can deal with it because I know mostly what to expect. Also according to the Ringmaster about 40% of resignees at the circus cite Terra as a chief reason for why they left. How does she keep her job?” Ace tried to ask the question in a way that sounded more humorous than demeaning, instead their tone found a middle ground between the two.
“Well the kids love her and the parents hate her. Terra’s unique flavour of chaos adds a thrill to Agate Circus that has become a core part of its reputation.” Ciel explained. “Alistasia couldn’t possibly fire her, begrudgingly we’ve acknowledged her as indispensable.” 
“I see. That’s practically the same reason she wasn’t kicked out of Team Meteor. Maybe my new job isn’t that different to the previous one after all.”
“Well there’s much less terrorism involved when you work for the Circus.”
“Maybe, but isn’t cornering the market with overpriced food just a different kind of terrorism?” They were only ninety five percent joking. Ace forgot to pack their own lunch one day and had to pay a ridiculous price for some crappy fast food.
“Well you’ve got me there. Ready for our show?” Ciel asked.
“I am! Your new fool has prepared all their tools.”
So what did you think? Just now I came up with the headcannon that Ace joined Agate Circus after the events of Reborn's postgame. When everything is said and done Ace needs employment. Team Meteor isn't paying them anymore. The next best option for them is to put their magician skills to use at Agate and reconnect with their cousin Ciel now that they don't need to commit themselves to the Alcantra dynasty.
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unpopularwriter25 · 3 months
hey there! if i already sent this ask, then sorry for sending it again! bcs last night i really am not sure if it was a dream that i sent an ask? i have my ocs information and are wondering if you could match him up with a kny hashira? tysm!
Akito Fujimoto — Hashira
Age: 22
Height: 200cm
Gender: Male || Sexuality: Gay (… very gay)
Appearance: Has red fluffy hair that falls to his waist. Half of it is put into a neat bun. He also has a black army hat, with the word “KILL” in kanji embroidered on the front and centre. The man has bangs that hide his burn scars and missing left eyeball. His mouth is exposed. He has a mechanical right arm and padding for it. The uniform’s sleeve is cut off for the right side and the other side is the usual long sleeves. He has a haori that kinda just like… drapes on his left shoulder until his upper torso.
Personality: He’s often quiet and doesn’t talk often. Fireworks and any other loud noises get him all angry and raged (which fuels him for battle, hence why he uses guns). Although, he has a certain soft spot for people he likes. Akito used to serve in the Japanese army for a while before turning to demon slaying. 
Weapons: Big. Freaking. Arm. Gun. The man uses his mechanical arm for battle, being able to exchange the gun attachment to any other bigger or smaller gun. He can also do hand to hand combat is he wanted to.
Hobbies: He enjoys playing musical instruments as well as just… chilling on the porch and drinking tea.
im not actually sure if your kny ships are still open, but tysm!
Hey hey!! Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy!!
I ship you with Tengen Uzui!!
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Tengen’s flamboyant and lively personality contrasts with Akito’s quiet and reserved nature, creating a balanced and complementary partnership.
Both have strong protective instincts and a dedication to their comrades, enhancing their teamwork and mutual support.
Tengen’s sound-based attacks and brute strength pair well with Akito’s ranged precision and strategic thinking, making them a versatile and formidable team.
Akito’s disciplined and duty-driven nature would resonate with Tengen’s own sense of responsibility and commitment to his comrades.
Tengen’s protective nature and commitment to justice align with Akito’s motivations, creating a strong foundation for mutual respect and support.
Their shared interest in music and relaxation would foster a deeper connection and provide moments of respite from their duties.
Tengen’s appreciation for the arts would resonate with Akito’s musical interests, providing common ground for bonding.
Tengen’s sound-based attacks and brute strength would pair well with Akito’s ranged precision, allowing for coordinated and multifaceted battle strategies.
Akito's precision and adaptability in combat would complement Tengen’s versatile and powerful attacks, creating a well-rounded combat team.
Akito's reserved nature would be balanced by Tengen’s outgoing personality, creating a dynamic where Tengen could help Akito open up.
Tengen’s outgoing nature would complement Akito’s quiet demeanor, while his compassion could help soothe Akito’s rage and bring out his soft side.
Tengen, with his own combat background, would appreciate and respect Akito’s military experience, fostering mutual understanding and camaraderie.
His experience and strategic skills complement Akito’s disciplined military approach, making them a well-rounded team.
His imposing presence and unique weaponry would pair well with Tengen’s physical strength, creating a formidable duo.
Tengen’s physical prowess and combat style would complement Akito’s mechanized weaponry, allowing for versatile combat strategies.
Akito's striking appearance and unique style would complement Tengen’s flamboyance, making them a visually compelling pair.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
I played Berwick Saga, here's why you should!
It's a really really good games :)
For those not in the know, Berwick was the second of Kaga's post-Nintendo SRPG games. Despite having TearRing Saga in its ridiculously-long full title (TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga Lazberia Chronicle Chapter 174 for those who are curious), the game has only the loosest narrative connection with its predecessor, so don't feel obliged to play that first (though you still might want to to get your feet wet on Kaga's post-Nintendo design style, if you've never played Thracia).
Unlike TearRing, which was basically Fire Emblem with a new coat of paint slapped on top, Berwick is quite a bit different, most notably featuring a hex-grid layout, the player and the AI take turns taking actions on a single phase of play (so no player and enemy phase, but the player does always get the first move each turn) weapon access being mostly tied to a unit's level, playable units you need to hire each chapter if you want to use them until you manage to permanently recruit them, and horses that can take damage and die!
The cast of playable characters is rather small but highly unique on the whole. Units are seldom defined by their stats, but by their skills, weapon access, and prf weapons they have at their disposal. A number of units, including all the thieves, can hide on leafy or man-made terrain, the flier can fly over ground-based units and is safe from melee units initiating onto her, the christmas cavs of the game are defined by one having Vantage (due to the way countering works in Berwick, he can stop enemies dead in their tracks if he hits them first) and the other having the accost-like Deathmatch, a few units are highly valuable for their ability to re-roll avoidance against arrows (you'll be seeing a lot of enemy archers :p), some archers can set up an action to intercept units moving into their range with a free attack that immediately ends their action if the attack lands, and the pirate is less an axe guy who can swim and more a nautical thief who can actually pack a punch unlike the two pure thieves.
The writing is also excellent. Though the main lord, Reese, is involved in a continent-spanning war, the corrupt and incompetent king and his court do everything in their power to sideline him out of petty prejudice, so Reese's army spends as much time helping the common people of the capital as they do aiding the war effort directly. That's not to say Berwick is devoid of big moves and politics, but it is to say it has a stronger focus on the daily struggles of life during a time of war (though this naturally abates by the end of the game, focusing more on the big movements again). The playable characters also receive much more care in their characterization and different story arcs than is the norm, and almost everyone has their own story woven into the main plot, and their own ending once the final map is done.
Downtime between missions (for most of the game, each chapter has its own main mission followed by two optional side missions) takes place in the hub city of Navaron. Before you get worried, everything is done via menus, and the hub is purely there for watching cutscenes, taking on missions, preparing your team, hiring mercenaries, buying equipment and horses, exchanging prisoners, turning in bounties, chatting with an eccentric collector who's keen on rewarding you handsomely for giving him often-unsavory weapons, forging and crafting gear, and eating at the pavilion for chapter-long stat boosts. None of the tedium of exploring Garreg Mach or doing the Somniel's dozen or so chapterly minigames. Much of the NPCs are involved in giving you your side missions, so you'll get to know even them quite well.
Berwick is challenging but fair. And when it feels overwhelming, the folks on the FE Discord are extremely helpful and welcoming to new players. So yeah, I said my piece, Berwick's worth trying out :)
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magicallymalted · 9 months
Here for more career help! This time Colm O’Shea is looking for a career for after he is honorably discharged from the muggle military and discharged from the ministry’s secret intelligence branch. He has war injuries, a limp that requires the use of a cane and permanent ringing in the ears. It’s likely that he is suffering from a case of shell shock/PTSD.
Personality-wise, Colm is an ESTP and an Enneagram type 6w5. He is intelligent and kind. He’s also learning how to value his own life and his family is urging him to prioritize a job where his life isn’t at risk often. In addition, he also has prejudices against the English government (which also carries over to the ministry). He has become a bit of a pacifist in the years after the Great War as well.
At Hogwarts, Colm was a Gryffindor and played keeper on the house quidditch team. He also passed all of the core OWLs with the exception of astronomy. He received an Outstanding in charms, DADA, and flying.
Thank you!!
*vaults over the desk* Hi there! Thank you for your patience as we replenish our reserves in terms of both nourishment and labour. Colm is definitely a very layered case and we should be happy to take him on!
As far as our services go, we will best attempt to explore manners in which Colm current skill sets may be of use, while also coinciding with atmospheres that may be in alignment with her temperament. Please note that the following list is merely meant to offer some insight into potential possibilities, and is not a concrete boundary for occupational pursuits. Yet, should Colm like further consultation after this instance, or perhaps has found a good fit for herself upon review of these positions, we would be most obliged to hear of such success or more help needed!
It should be noted that there are refunds allowed, only further assistance as requested or restraining orders if not—the career ghost is obsessively insistent that all wixen be equipped with fulfilling jobs. But before the ados are in any way furthered, let's get into it.
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Wand Wood Production
Instead of developing wands himself, Colm could consider getting into the business of growing and/or exporting wood to various wandmakers around the globe. With some help from employees to do the more manual stuff, he could engage in the logistics of it all and the business-y side. (This is secretly just a tree farmer but the business of "wand wood export" sounds cooler)
With Colm's breadth of life experiences with the wizarding world, war, muggle life, etc. he could offer some unique perspectives in terms of life philosophies, perhaps even write a book. It would likely be a more peaceful and independent career where he could indulge his more academic side, though it could also become something that could work with his more extroverted tendencies if he should choose to give talks, take on apprentices, or engage with other thought leaders.
Magical Retreat Operator
In the realm of being a business-owner, if perhaps Colm would like to be around others in a more tranquil environment that could ALSO work to support his own sense of peace, consider opening a retreat or spa for wizards and witches to help relax and recover from stress and traumas.
Quidditch Coach
Utilizing his Quidditch experience and taking into account the lack of danger (in that his feet would be firmly on the ground), Colm could find work as an asst. coach and make his way up to coaching either professional teams, smaller scale community leagues, or school teams. It is worth noting that the noise, however, could be a bit much for him.
Private Mentor
Instead of becoming a professor, it may be worth considering taking the private route of Colm focusing on one or a handful of pupils at a time and honing their magical education, perhaps even after they have graduated from their required education and are looking to further their knowledge.
We hope that you find this information most auspicious. If you would like any further reading material leaflets on such positions, or perhaps none are to your liking, please feel free to let us know! After all, we have to start by ruling out possibilities, and maybe some are closer than others.
Kind regards,
The Magically Malted Career Services Team
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Hi, Can I Request a Scenario Where Alya, Marinette, Adrien, Felix and Kyoko Meet the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders.
Type: How Alya Would Cope Knowing That She Could Create Mental Illusions That Could Stun The Enemy And Trick The 5 Senses.
Or Kyoko Upon Knowing That She Could Merge Wind And Water Creating Ice Or Other Elements Like Lava, Earth Among Others.
Félix Discovering that He Could Free a Sentimonster from the Control An Amok Has Over It.
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• As Alya discovers her ability to create mental illusions that can stun the enemy and trick the five senses, she initially feels a mix of excitement and apprehension. The realization that she possesses such a unique power allows her to envision new possibilities in her role as a hero. However, she also understands the responsibility that comes with this ability. Alya recognizes that mental illusions can be a double-edged sword, as they have the potential to manipulate and deceive others.
• With a sense of determination, Alya sets out to explore and understand her power. She seeks guidance from the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders, who shares wisdom and teaches her how to harness her ability effectively and ethically. The spirit emphasizes the importance of using her power for the greater good, reminding Alya that with great power comes great responsibility.
• Alya's journey towards mastering her power is not without challenges. She grapples with the ethical implications of manipulating others' perceptions and learns to exercise restraint and empathy. She learns to distinguish between using her ability for defensive purposes, protecting herself and others, and crossing the line into manipulation.
• As Alya gains more control over her ability, she becomes an invaluable asset to the team, using her mental illusions strategically to disorient and confuse adversaries. She uses her power not only to stun enemies but also to create distractions, giving her allies an advantage in battle.
• Throughout her journey, Alya remains grounded, constantly evaluating the moral implications of her power. She recognizes the importance of open communication and transparency with her teammates, ensuring they understand her abilities and intentions. Alya's growth as a hero lies not only in mastering her power but also in using it responsibly and for the benefit of others.
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• As Marinette encounters the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders, she is filled with a mix of curiosity and reverence. The spirit's presence evokes a deep sense of connection and respect within her. Eager to learn from those who came before her, Marinette approaches the spirit with an open heart and a thirst for wisdom.
• The spirit, embodying the collective knowledge and experiences of past Miraculous holders, recognizes Marinette's potential and genuine passion for her duties as Ladybug. Through their interactions, the spirit imparts valuable insights, sharing stories of heroes who faced similar challenges and triumphed through bravery and resourcefulness.
• Marinette's encounter with the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders becomes a transformative experience. She gains a deeper understanding of the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with being a Miraculous holder. The spirit guides her in honing her skills, helping her unlock hidden potential and develop new strategies to face the ever-present threat of evil.
• As Marinette absorbs the spirit's wisdom, she embraces the lessons learned by her predecessors, incorporating their experiences into her own growth as Ladybug. The spirit encourages Marinette to trust her instincts, showing her the power that lies within her and reminding her of the unwavering support she has from her friends and allies.
• With the spirit's guidance, Marinette's confidence blossoms. She learns to navigate the complexities of being a hero, striking a balance between her responsibilities as Ladybug and her personal life as Marinette. The spirit's presence serves as a constant reminder that she is never alone on her journey, empowering her to face challenges with unwavering determination and unwavering faith in her abilities.
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• As Adrien encounters the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders, a sense of awe and respect washes over him. The spirit's ethereal presence captivates Adrien, evoking a deep curiosity about the heroes who came before him. Eager to learn from their wisdom, Adrien approaches the spirit with humility and a desire to embrace his role as a hero.
• The spirit, embodying the collective experiences and insights of past Miraculous holders, recognizes Adrien's potential and genuine desire to make a difference. Through their interactions, the spirit imparts valuable lessons, sharing stories of heroes who faced adversity with courage and perseverance.
• Adrien's encounter with the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders becomes a transformative experience. He gains a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and responsibilities that come with wielding a Miraculous. The spirit guides him in honing his skills, helping him unlock untapped potential and develop new strategies to confront evil forces.
• As Adrien absorbs the spirit's wisdom, he embraces the legacy of the heroes who came before him. He learns to harness his own unique strengths and talents, realizing the importance of embracing his true self. The spirit encourages Adrien to trust in his instincts and rely on the unwavering support of his friends and allies.
• With the spirit's guidance, Adrien's self-assurance grows. He learns to navigate the complexities of his dual life as both a civilian and a hero, finding balance between his responsibilities as Cat Noir and his personal aspirations. The spirit's presence serves as a constant reminder that he is part of a lineage of heroes, instilling in him a profound sense of duty and inspiring him to face challenges with unwavering determination and unwavering faith in his abilities.
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• Upon discovering his ability to free a Sentimonster from the control of an Amok, Félix experiences a mix of surprise and intrigue. The realization that he possesses the power to liberate these powerful creatures from their constraints fills him with a sense of purpose. Félix sees an opportunity to free the Sentimonsters from their involuntary servitude and to restore balance to their existence.
• With the guidance of the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders, Félix embarks on a journey to understand the true nature of Sentimonsters and the Amoks that control them. He learns to tap into his unique power, channeling his energy and intent to break the connection between the Amok and the Sentimonster. The spirit teaches Félix the importance of empathy and compassion when dealing with these entities, emphasizing the significance of freeing them without causing harm.
• Félix's journey is not without its challenges. He encounters various Amoks, each presenting a different set of obstacles and complexities. As he engages with these entities, Félix develops a deeper understanding of their origins and the motivations behind their actions. He learns to navigate the delicate balance between his desire to free the Sentimonsters and the potential risks involved.
• Through his encounters with Amoks, Félix begins to uncover the intricate web that binds them to the Sentimonsters. He explores different techniques and strategies to free the creatures while ensuring their well-being and safety. Félix's ability to free Sentimonsters becomes a beacon of hope, offering these beings a chance at freedom and the opportunity to live harmoniously in the world.
• As Félix continues his journey, he becomes an advocate for the Sentimonsters, using his power to liberate them and support their integration into society. His actions inspire others to question the ethics of controlling these creatures, sparking a movement towards greater understanding and compassion. Félix's power becomes a force for change, transforming the lives of Sentimonsters and challenging the norms that have kept them enslaved.
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• Upon discovering her ability to merge wind and water, allowing her to create elements like ice, lava, and earth, Kyoko experiences a mix of awe and trepidation. The realization that she can manipulate these powerful forces of nature leaves her both excited and humbled. As she begins to explore her newfound abilities, Kyoko seeks guidance from the Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders, who helps her understand the extent of her powers and provides guidance on their usage.
• Kyoko's journey involves training and mastering the art of merging wind and water to create different elements. She learns the intricacies of manipulating these forces, studying their characteristics and how they interact with one another. The Spirit of Former Miraculous Holders helps Kyoko understand the balance required to control such elemental powers, emphasizing the importance of respect and reverence for nature.
• As Kyoko gains control over her abilities, she finds herself becoming more attuned to the environment around her. She develops a deep connection with the elements, feeling the wind's whispers and the water's gentle caress. With each practice session, Kyoko hones her skills, gradually expanding her repertoire of elemental manipulation.
• In battle, Kyoko becomes a formidable force, utilizing her ability to create ice, lava, earth, and other elements to gain the upper hand against adversaries. Her mastery over these forces allows her to adapt to different situations, creating defensive barriers, launching powerful attacks, or manipulating the terrain to her advantage.
• Throughout her journey, Kyoko remains humble and aware of the immense power she possesses. She understands the responsibility that comes with controlling the elements and vows to use her abilities wisely and for the greater good. Kyoko's journey is not only one of mastering her powers but also of cultivating a deep respect for nature and her connection to it.
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