#and his WHOLE THING is that once his families safe he's literally going to commit suicide like. and then its mentioned like one more time
locallibrarylover · 1 year
guy who starts to get sick in the head whenever he thinks too hard about mr canis.
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honestly tho om lucifer is such a comfort character
you know mammon's my all time all around favourite no contest but like
lucifer just hits different
he's so tired and he's so overworked and he loves his family so much it makes me sick he's willing to kill and die for them at any chance he made the misfits of the celestial realm his family despite being the perfect example of an angel himself he thinks his brothers are adorable he just wants them to have one quiet day
he's such a bastard he's arrogant and prideful and he'll willingly meow like a little kitty cat because his boybestfriend is sad
he's got daddy issues he's terrified he's traumatised his greatest fear is his father he spent years fighting a pointless war and never questioned his father about whether they ever even tried to find a way to end the war without just mindlessly trying to kill people who really aren't that different from them for a reason no one knows he's willing to be given piggyback rides by another high profile man in a public area
he's a dog person he's weak to puppy dog eyes from everyone he cares about he's constantly done with Mephisto's shit he gets jealous because one of his friends complimented their mutual friend's cookies
he's willing to villainize himself in the eyes of his family to keep them safe he's sadistic his first response to being cornered and scared is to kill anyone who's making him feel that way his love language with his brothers is being a little shit to them he's somehow connected to/the starting point of all the issues/trauma his brothers have he has empty nest syndrome even though all his brothers live at home he hasn't realised the extent to which his actions and words have fucked up his brothers and is constantly surprised and devastated by it when he realises
he has a son he pretends is his brother whom he only ever canonically acknowledged as his son twice which led to huge blowout fights one of his younger brothers bullies him into going to the pub with them once a week his son runs a club with his youngest brother dedicated solely to making his life miserable
he's sadistic he genuinely enjoys seeing people suffer he's so polite he'll allow himself to be poisoned by food he knows is bad he bought dinner for a whole restaurant because it was the owner's birthday he wore a silly outfit and worked at a themed restaurant as a favour for a friend he gets visibly more aroused when he's ordered around he insults his brothers but gets upset whenever an outsider does the same
he loves his human so much and he's so annoyed at them he's so frustrated with them he's so angry at them and he's so worried about them so protective of them so incredibly proud of them he has tried to kill them many many times
he's a borderline alcoholic he's immortal he's greying he gets migraines he forgets to eat and he sleeps at his desk he does the mom thing and orders takeout for his children when he goes out to eat without them he likes dad jokes his greatest wish is to visit a factory he likes good socks he's a grumpy old man
he's over 10 million years old he's an eldritch horror he's the personification of the sin of pride he needs glasses to read his childhood friend? ex-boyfriend? kind-of-brother? old coworker? brother in arms? calls him luci
he's a naggy paranoid perfectionist he removed the entire bathroom because one of his brothers forgot to clean it he had to literally be kidnapped to send him on a vacation he ripped out multiple sets of his own wings he doesn't like being seen shirtless he lectured jason voorhees about him not killing efficiently enough
he's a respected and recognised drag queen he believes love is love he's canonically so beautiful but no one ever makes a move on him because the whole realm thinks he's in a committed long term relationship he refuses to believe his best friend is in love with him despite multiple people saying so
he's the type of person you want to please the type of person you want to make proud the type of person you want on your side because you know no matter what he'll always have your back you're safe that as long as he's there everything will be okay the type of person you want to be held by while everything is falling down around you
he's even queer
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
I think it’s interesting that we learn Philip and Caleb became witch hunters to fit in to the existing culture of Gravesfield.
Because the thing about witch hunts is, there’s a lot of zealotry and tattling involved. If they weren’t a pair of traveling radicals, but rather two side characters in an ongoing town furor? That changes things.
Up until now I’ve been a little curious about the dynamic of having Philip be the younger brother. We are more used to stories where the older person has authority over the younger in a way that allows them to be despotic. Basically when you have two siblings in fiction and one is evil, it’s usually the older one. But Caleb seemed pretty chill? People with chill authority figures usually don’t grow up to do genocide? But Philip is really committed to genocide? And jealousy over your older brother getting a girlfriend is a weird thing to genocide over?
But now we learn, that’s not really the story. Or not the whole story.
This is a JoJo Rabbit situation. This is a Hitler Youth situation.
In a town that’s in a fervor to find the hidden secret evil citizens among them, kids are potentially dangerous. The children you love and care for are also the most likely to be unsavvy and get you killed. Sometimes older relatives under those circumstances have to, or at least feel like they have to, let their younger family members be indoctrinated without openly opposing it, even pretending to support it, because, well. Children talk. Often without filter. Maybe it would be okay, but
Is it worth risking one or both of you being hung in the square to test that theory?
So they get to this town. This town will hang or burn you if you aren’t pious enough. And this town defines piety by its hatred of The Devil. We are all trying to prove we hate the devil the most. And Caleb, older brother, is like, okay then. That’s what’ll keep us fed. That’s what’ll keep us safe. He’s not a zealot so much as he’s just trying to keep him and his kid brother alive and win the town’s favor. Maybe the zealotry even freaks him out a bit, but not enough. Not until he meets Evelyn.
But Philip? Philip believes. Of course he does. His brother has never made any indication to him that there’s room for doubt. No one has ever done that. At least no one whose execution he didn’t later watch with his entire community cheering it on. Because they were dangerous. Everyone knows how this neighbor got sick, how witches caused that terrible accident, how Satan tries to keep us from our eternal salvation. This is literal. This is real. This is eternal souls and cosmic reality. He’s a kid, at first. He gets indoctrinated young. He believes this.
And then they find the actual realm of demons. Actual hell. The source of all evil in the universe. Fucking obviously it is his divine calling to destroy it once and for all. Wouldn’t you? If you could end all suffering? Save everyone for eternity? Surely that is noble. Righteous. Sacred.
And how is he supposed to believe anything else? What is easier to believe: the whole world is a lie and he has been watching innocent people killed for entertainment since he was a child - which goes against everything he was ever taught and also feels fucking bad. Or: the witches used their evil magic to convince my brother they aren’t evil, which proves how evil they are. That lines up perfectly with everything I know, everything everyone around me has always said, and makes it okay that I participated in those public executions, and also gives me some good righteous anger to fuel me on a genocidal rampage for as long as I continue to exist.
In Philip’s head, he’s the center of his dramatic fantasy epic. He’s the lone hero up against the big bad. He’s going to take on the Devil himself.
Idk, I just think it’s cool that The Owl House was like, “hey, Satanic panics, fascism, and genocide are allied ideologies, perhaps even the same ideology, and it’s Bad”
Also, “societal pressure to conform enables and even encourages people to hurt those they love”. Camila tried to send Luz to camp because she didn’t want Luz to be bullied the way she had been, because Luz’s principal told her she had to. It was a gesture born out of a desire to protect her, but one that would ultimately hurt. Caleb let Philip grow up more pious than he was because it seemed safest, to protect him. Philip grew up believing in eternal damnation and righteous cruelty, something that has clearly ultimately hurt him I mean look at what he is now. Philip, meanwhile, hurt Caleb and continues to hurt his family because he thinks there’s a Right and Wrong way to exist. To be. The ultimate call for conformity. For hegemony. But he didn’t spontaneously generate this belief. It was reinforced from a young age from a society that wanted to make sure no one was deviating too much. To centralize and maintain power through manipulation, exploitation, and force.
Anyway I cannot fucking wait for Camila and Eda to meet oh my fucking god
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sunflowersandsapphires · 11 months
Everything the Same
When Skies Are Gray, Chapter 2
Series Masterlist           Next Chapter
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary: Frank’s life has reached a crossroads: he can either continue to seclude himself and pursue a dark, lonely future, or he can open himself up to connecting with someone again and maybe achieve happiness. Being the grump that he is, Frank has already committed to the lonely path, but his curious new neighbor might just turn that around. 
warnings: Swearing, mild violence, descriptions of Frank's nightmares, non-graphic depictions of eating disorder (reader doesn't eat much and it's noticed, that's literally it)
a/n: Writing this chapter gave me butterflies. It's very fluffy. Please enjoy. As always, I love comments and feedback!
w/c: 4.4k
As the weeks passed, and as Frank continued to learn more about you, his infatuation only grew. He learned that you had introduced yourself to nearly the whole building at this point. He found out that you would bake cookies for Gladys in 2B every few weeks when her grandchildren visited and that you were a fan-favorite of the young couple on the fifth floor who claimed you were the only person besides themselves who could get their unruly toddler down for a nap. 
Even Reggie, who was quite possibly the only person more crotchety than Frank himself, had a soft spot for you after you’d helped him find his lost cat. 
He wasn’t quite sure how he, a mass murderer, had befriended the manifestation of sunlight, but he couldn’t complain. You kept his pantry stocked with unique and, honestly, sensational pastries and kept his spirits high with your gorgeous laugh and constant smile. The truth was, you were the best thing to happen to him in years and Frank wasn’t prepared to let that go—despite his more rational side desperately asking him to leave you the fuck alone, for both of your sakes. 
He shoved the warning bells aside, once again convincing himself that a simple friendship wouldn’t be too dangerous for either of you. Besides, you seemed to enjoy his company as much as he did yours, which made no sense to him but who was he to question the choices of an angel such as yourself. 
An angel who was endearingly demanding (I’m not demanding, Frank, I’m insisting) that he sit down to have lunch with her and her coworkers after they closed up shop. 
The cafe was quickly becoming a safe haven for Frank, even on days when his mood was especially bitter. Anyone with common sense would be able to determine that you worked here. Everywhere he turned, there were touches that you had clearly added to the cafe. A sensory sensitive area complete with weighted throws and fidget toys, beautiful arrangements of local wildflowers in the windows, soft upbeat music playing from the speakers. 
Once, when he’d gotten there right as the store opened, he’d been lucky enough to catch you singing along. The sight of you dancing through the kitchen, using a wooden spoon as a faux microphone as you belted out the lyrics to the song playing overhead, had carried him through the rest of the week. With the hope that he could bear witness to the event again someday, he’d basked quietly in your glory, making his presence known after you’d finished your performance. 
While your shop served a damn fine cup of coffee, it was your presence and the knowledge that you had purposefully crafted this space for those you cared about that kept him coming back. 
Which is how he found himself being interrogated by your coworkers as you finished up behind the scenes. Frank hadn’t intended to strike up a conversation with the bakery’s other employees, but they seemed overjoyed to share embarrassing stories and tidbits about you, and Frank greedily indulged. Apparently, you baked homemade dog biscuits for the local shelter once a month, which seemed on brand. You had a complicated relationship with your family, but you were close with your siblings. You were loyal and fiercely protective of the people you loved. Every word out of your friends’ mouths made Frank’s heart grow fonder of you. 
“So, Frank,” The flashy one, Leo, smirked at him from across the booth they were currently seated in. 
“Pete.” You corrected from behind the counter as you grabbed food for everyone. Frank had made up some cock and bull story about a rabid ex-girlfriend who was looking for him and asked you to call him Pete in public. A blush crept over his cheeks just thinking about how stupid that sounded after the fact. 
“Sorry, Pete,” Leo corrected. “How did you become friends with our loveable chef here?” 
“My dog broke into her place a while ago. Fell in love with her. Clearly, I had no say in the matter.” He grumbled, smirking a tiny bit as you spun around, hands pinned to your hips, an incredulous look on your face. 
“‘Had no say in the matter’, who was knocking on my door at 11 pm yesterday because he was hungry and I said I was cooking. Sure as shit wasn’t Max.” You huffed, Frank’s sly grin growing. It didn’t take much to work you up but, fuck, if this wasn’t one of the cutest displays of frustration he’d ever seen. 
“He’s a man of good taste, you’re the best cook there is, Princess.” Leo snorted, giving Frank a knowing look. 
Frank’s brow furrowed. “Princess?” 
“It’s the nickname we gave her.” Your grumpy coworker, Stacy, said with little emotion as she plopped down beside Leo. “Because she acts like a damn Disney character.” 
Frank laughed as you started sputtering, trying to dispute the allegations. “You do act like a Disney Princess, sunshine. Is that such a bad thing?” 
You huffed with an exaggerated frown, plopping yourself in the booth beside Frank, who pressed his shoulder to yours in what he hoped was a comforting gesture.
“Oh god, has she even told you about her baby animal acquisition talents?” Leo chuckled at your growing embarrassment. 
Frank barked another laugh, “The fuck does that even mean?”
“It means, that if there is a hurt, scared, or young animal within a 5 mile radius, it will find her.” Stacy had a small smile on her face as she snatched one of the sandwiches you’d set on the table. “I swear, she’s got like a magnetism.” 
“It’s cosmic, really.” Leo agreed, already halfway done with their sandwich. “This one time, she found a hummingbird outside the cafe. Poor thing was wrapped in cobwebs, couldn’t fly. She sits there and meticulously unwraps it, and, after it could fly again, the bird chooses to sit in her lap for like an hour like they were old friends.” 
“People literally approached her on the street once to ask if she could help them rescue baby bunnies. There was a whole mess of people, they chose her.” Stacy pointed out, smirking as you buried your face in your hands. 
Frank nudged you with his hip. “Hey now, don’t be embarrassed. It’s cute.” 
You peeked at him through your fingers. “You really think so?” 
“Yah, sunshine. I do.” 
“Not to mention, your wardrobe is like 100% dresses.” Stacy sniggered, polishing off the food on her plate. 
“And, you are so graceful yet so clumsy.” Leo continued. 
“And—“ You waved a hand, cutting Stacy off. 
“Ok, I think we are done embarrassing me for the day.” Clapping your hands together, you started stacking plates. Frank frowned, seeing the small sandwich you took for yourself remained mostly untouched. 
“Who are we supposed to embarrass then? Pete?” Stacy rolled her eyes. 
“I’d really rather you didn’t. He’s very sweet and I’d hate for you two to scare him off.” You wound your arm around Frank’s much larger one, rubbing it gently. 
“‘M not sweet.” Frank grumped, graciously allowing you to retain a hold on his arm. 
“Aww see!! Look at that grumpy face.” You poked his cheek and he growled softly, still not taking his arm back. Giggling, you squished in closer to him. “Sorry, Pete. I’m just teasin’”
Untangling yourself from him, you got up to take the stack of plates to the kitchen. The loss of contact exposed him to the blasting AC, and the chill made his scowl deepen. 
“Pete,” Your voice rang out from the kitchen. Waltzing back into the front room, you grinned at him, tilting your head with a question. “Walk me home?” 
Basking in your bright glow, Frank forgot how to speak for a second. “Uh, yah. Yah, I can do that, Sunshine.” 
Dutifully turning off the lights and hanging up your apron, you gave a twirl around the counter—giggling at the way your dress spun. 
“Disney. Princess.” Stacy whispered emphatically to Frank, smirking at his wide eyes and forgotten scowl. 
Frank pushed himself up from the booth and opened the door for you. “Thanks, sweetheart.” You squeezed his shoulder before walking through the door. 
The two of you maintained a good pace, as you walked the few blocks back to your apartment building. You were giddily chittering away about new recipes you wanted to try your hand at and, as much as it pained him to admit it, Frank wasn’t listening. At the very start of your trek home, you’d grabbed his hand so that the two of you didn’t get separated in the midday crowds. The heat of your palm against his pushed everything else away. Your skin was unbelievably soft, and your fingers threaded through his as if they were created with his hands in mind.
“Frank?” Your voice broke him out of a daze. He took in his surroundings, blushing when he realized you’d reached your shared building already. He was so gone for you already. You could’ve pulled him across state lines and he would’ve happily let you. 
“Frank? Are you ok?” 
“Uh, yah. Yah I’m ok. Just tired.” 
Your pristine brow furrowed and his heart sank, hands longing to cradle your face and smooth the crease that had settled on it. “You’re tired? Did my friends and I wear you out? I’m so sorry!” You’d taken both of his hands now and he had to focus a significant amount on the words he was forming. 
“Nah, I just don’t sleep well. It ain’t your fault.” He shrugged, noticing how small your hands looked around his. You squeezed his hands gently, prompting him to meet your concerned gaze once more. 
“You sure you’re ok? I know that I can drain people’s energy—“ 
Frank drew one hand out of your grasp, nestling it against your jaw. “I’m ok. You—you make me happier than anyone has in…a long time. If people make you feel like you’re exhausting, find new people, yah?” 
You chuckled, averting your eyes but leaning into his tender hold. “Yah. Ok, Frankie.” 
“C’mon. Let’s get you home, darlin’.” 
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Hours later, a shrill ringtone pierced Frank’s tranquility. Tossing his book aside in a huff, he picked up the call. 
“What do ya want, Curt?” Frank's voice had more of an edge than it should have, but the thought of Curtis and David gossiping about his shitty moods was enough to push him into one. 
“Damn, nice to hear from you too. Didn’t see you lurking at group today, wanted to check in and make sure you hadn’t gone and gotten yourself killed.” The man on the other line sounded equally annoyed. 
“Unfortunately, I am still breathing. That all ya needed?” 
“Christ, Frank. You’re making it really hard to want to be your friend, you know that?” 
Frank sighed. “‘M sorry, Curt. I’m ok. Promise. Not holin’ myself up in my apartment or anythin’. I know it ain’t easy stickin’ with me.”
“It’s all good. Come to group next week, will ya? I know it’ll be…tougher than usual. I’m here for you, don’t forget that.” 
“I appreciate it, man. I—yah, I’ll be there.”
“Good. Seeing your ugly mug will make me feel better before my date.” 
“She didn’t dump your ass yet? You're treadin’ water, man.” Frank chuckled. 
“Yah, yah. I don’t know, Frank. She makes me happy. That’s what it’s all about, you know?”
Frank smiled to himself, hearing your giggles somewhere in the back of his mind. “Yah. That’s great, Curt. ‘M happy for ya.” 
“Thanks, Frank. See you next week then?” 
“Yah. I’ll be there. Bye, Curt.” 
She makes me happy. His friend’s words echoed in his ears. Before he could set his phone aside, an idea formed. He swallowed his nerves and dialed the number. 
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Curled up under a blanket on your overly squishy couch, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy as you tried to focus your attention on the screen in front of you. 
Reruns of some 90s sitcom flashed past your glazed eyes. You were tired, but it was barely 7 pm! Letting your head fall against the arm of the couch with a dull thunk, you chided yourself. You knew exactly why you were exhausted at this early hour. The stress of the move a few weeks ago combined with your recent family visits had pushed you backwards into old, less healthy habits. God, you needed to eat something, but your stomach remained silent. 
You rubbed a hand over your eyes, pulling out your phone to stimulate your brain further. Your heart did a somersault as you noticed the text waiting unanswered on your screen. 
Frank: Hey, I ordered too much pizza. You hungry? 
Well, wasn’t that a wonderful offering from the universe. Grinning, you swiped open your phone and typed out a response. 
You: I could eat. If the offer still stands, of course. 
It didn’t take long for another message to pop up. 
Frank: The offer always stands for you, sunshine. 
With a giggle, you lifted yourself from the couch, running out the door and down the hall to rap your knuckles gently on Frank’s door. 
Though you and Frank hung out pretty much daily now, this would be the first time you’d hung out at his apartment. Not that you hadn’t seen it before, he often invited you along on walks with him and Max, but you were eager to really take the place in. A person’s living space can tell you so much about them—and you were dying to learn more about the beautiful, grumpy person living next door to you. 
As if your train of thought had summoned the very man, you heard heavy footfalls quickly pacing before the door opened. Frank’s face was ruggedly handsome. Deep brown eyes that always seemed to be observing above a crooked nose and a magnificent jawline beneath a thick beard. His wavy dark hair was growing longer by the day and you longed to run your fingers through it, to see if it was as soft as you imagined. 
Currently, the sea of black strands was hanging loosely around his face after a day of living whatever life it was that Frank lived. When his gorgeous ochre eyes settled on yours, his expression softened which made your heart sing. Your excitement quickly drifted south as his gaze roamed over your body. Before you could dwell on that fact too much, a scoff-like laugh startled you from the daydream. 
“All dressed up for me, are ya Princess?” Frank’s lips were barely upturned but his expression was impressively smug. 
Looking down at your outfit with a frown, you pulled at the hem of your oversized crew neck which nearly covered the soft cotton shorts you wore. 
“Hey! When you invite me over after business hours, you get what you get. I wanted to be comfortable!” Your frown became a dramatic pout. 
Frank laughed harder. It was impossible to take you seriously when you were so goddamn cute. 
“You know what, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll order my own pizza.” You huffed, sticking your nose into the air. 
As you turned to go, a calloused hand shot out to grasp your wrist. 
“I’m just kiddin’, sunshine. You look beautiful, as always.” Staring into his eyes, you felt heat creeping up your neck as you realized the compliment was genuine. Pushing away the embarrassment that always overtook you when someone commented on your looks, you rolled your eyes. 
“Sure, sure. Bet you say that to all the girls, Castle.” 
The amusement fell from the large man’s expression. Frank tugged your wrist gently, drawing your body into his with ease. His free hand came up to cup your cheek, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity you hadn’t seen from him before. “I mean it. You’re beautiful, honey. Amazes me every damn day, hand to God.” 
Taking in a sharp breath, you swallowed the lump of emotion in your throat. “Thank you, Frank. That, uh, you don’t know how much that means to me.” 
Frank’s porcelain skin darkened with a blush. “‘S the truth.” Clearing his throat, he stepped backwards into the apartment, gesturing for you to come in. 
You curtsied clumsily, grinning at him. “Why thank you, my liege.” 
Smile returning to his eyes, he shook his head as you nearly tripped with the action. “Christ, sit down before you break somethin’, ya goof.” 
You giggled, happily taking his hand as he helped you sit down on the couch without incident. Breathing deeply, your smile widened at the sight of a scented candle on Frank’s mantle. Stifling another giggle, you let your gaze drift over the space in front of you, absorbing every detail you could about your new friend. 
The room was simple: very few decorations, only necessary furniture. That much was not a surprise, the emptiness of Frank’s apartment was apparent to anyone who caught half a glance past the doorway. Once inside, though, you noticed the details that made this apartment so vividly Frank that you couldn’t help but explore a little. 
There were very few pictures in the apartment, but two frames stood next to the burning candle above the fireplace. One was the smiling faces of two children, a boy and a girl, laughing openly at something behind the camera lens. The next was the same kids seated in front of a beautiful woman on a picnic in a park. The woman was smiling at the camera while the kids looked off to the side. 
Gingerly brushing a finger over the frame, you found your thoughts wandering. Frank didn’t talk much about his family, but two weeks ago you’d noticed the ring hung around his neck. It didn’t take much time for you to piece together who he was, the name “Frank Castle” was nearly impossible to find on the internet these days (someone very dedicated had taken up the task of clearing this man from the digital world), but you’d lived just outside of the Kitchen when his trial was the only thing everyone wanted to talk about. Though your curiosity grew by the day, you tried to respect his privacy by not digging into his history. 
His hesitation to talk about it was enough to signal to you that his memories were not all positive, so you hadn’t pushed—hoping that he’d feel comfortable enough to share his experiences with you on his own terms. The world had taken so much from Frank Castle, the least you could give him was his autonomy. 
Moving on from the photos, you shook your head to clear the images of Frank facing all of these horrors alone. You’d do your best to keep him company going forward. 
Hidden in an alcove near his bedroom was a beautifully crafted mahogany bookshelf, practically bursting with novels. Walking over to the magnificent piece, you began running your fingers over the worn spines of books by Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and the like. But, what stood out to you was the substantial collection of feminist novels and volumes of collected poetry. 
You heard a deep rumble behind you. “Ya gonna eat anythin’ or are ya too busy snoopin’?” Frank’s exaggerated grouse made you chuckle. His large hands balanced a pizza box and two beers. 
“I absolutely had you pegged as a ‘classic lit’ fan, but bell hooks?” You looked at him inquisitively, prying the beers from his hand and plopping yourself back on his worn couch. 
Frank simply shrugged, setting the pizza in front of the two of you. “She’s gotta different perspective than me. Sometimes it’s necessary to think about someone else’s view of the world, I guess.” 
“I absolutely agree. Talking Back is one of my favorites.” You smiled at him, heart spinning as you noticed a blush creeping up past his beard. 
Frank forced his mouth back into a scowl, refusing to dwell on the way his chest lightened after you expressed your approval for some of his more “controversial” literature. Throwing open the top of the pizza box, he snatched a piece and shoved it in his mouth to avoid looking at you. 
“You know, Frank, I’m starting to think you might have ordered this pizza for me, specifically. I seem to recall raving about the #3 from Capizzi when we passed the building last week.” You raised an eyebrow at him before grabbing a slice, closing your eyes as you practically inhaled it. 
Opening a beer, Frank didn’t turn to face you. “Dunno what you’re talking about.” 
“Aww, you like me, don’t ya, sweetheart.” You poked Frank’s shoulder, making him growl. Giggling once again at his persistent grouchiness, you snatched another slice of pizza. “Don’t be embarrassed, I like you too.” 
Frank refrained from smiling, eyes glancing towards you as you ate happily beside him. He was goddamn relieved that you’d accepted his offer. Not just because it meant he got to bask in your presence yet again, but also because there was no way the few bites of sandwich he’d seen you eat earlier was enough to satisfy your gorgeous self. He wasn’t quite sure why you ate so little, but he’d be damned if you starved on his watch. 
Startling slightly as your thigh pressed against his, he heard your melodic voice prompt him yet again. “Which classic author have you enjoyed the most?” 
“Dunno. Depends on the day. Recently, I’ve liked Hemingway. But he’s—dark.” Frank’s brow furrowed, worried that his honesty would reveal his demons and scare you away. 
“Makes sense that you’d like him then, you grumpy Gus.” You snorted, beaming at him as he rolled his eyes. “Just teasing. He’s a great author, despite the blatant sexism. Hills Like White Elephants is an incredible piece. It was on my mind for weeks the first time I read it.” 
“Not familiar with that one.” 
“It’s one of his short stories, just a little thing about a woman being ‘persuaded’ into an abortion. Definitely not the best pro-choice stance, but the symbolism is unique and it comments on an interesting dynamic of some relationships. It’s one of the only stories I actually remember from school, besides The Yellow Wallpaper. That one I can never forget.” You shuddered, turning your attention back to your pizza. 
“Don’t think I’ve read that one, either.”
“Oh Frankie, you have to read it. It’s dark as fuck…you’ll love it.” You grinned at him slyly, making him smirk. 
“You really are somethin’, ya know that?” Crossing his arms, Frank raised a brow as you cackled gleefully. 
“So I’ve been told. Someone’s gotta be a pain in your prickly ass, though.” You let your head fall against his shoulder, looking deep into his eyes. 
Stomach flipping at your affection, he gave into impulse and rested his forehead against the crown of your pretty head. “Better you than anyone else, sunshine.” 
He could feel your brow pinch as your nose scrunched with a smile. Your soft lips pressed a kiss to his shoulder before you pulled away. “Seriously though, you have to read that one. It’s such a mind fuck. I swear I still have nightmares about it.” 
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Frank let out a breath, body melding into his mattress. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, you were easing the day to day pain he had grown accustomed to. You’d stumbled into his life on a whim and he was holding onto you for dear life. 
Though very few people had ever seen it, Frank’s loyalty meant he fell for people hard. The pain of losing his family made it easier to push people away, to shelter that part of himself, but you’d scaled those walls without breaking a sweat. You were pure sunshine, golden and heavenly, bringing life and love to those around you. He just hoped that he wasn’t the Hades to your Persephone. 
Falling asleep that night should not have been as easy as it was, but your presence had soothed his nerves. Breathing deeply, he replayed the sound of your laughter in his head until he drifted off to the image of your smile painted on his eyelids. 
Unfortunately, the peace you'd shrouded his apartment in was shattered by his subconscious. 
The nightmare started the same as always. A hazy view of his bedroom, lit by the sun shining through large windows. As he opens his eyes, there’s a figure in the doorway. She’s slender with dark hair and as she steps closer, her face sparks recognition. Maria. 
His late wife climbs into bed, pressing kisses to his limbs. He feels his body startle awake as his eyes settle on her smiling face. 
But it’s no longer Maria. 
Sitting in his lap, grinning back at him beautifully is you, his adorably kind neighbor. 
“Hey, sleepyhead.” It’s your voice, not Maria’s, that makes him shudder with the familiar phrase. Before the dream can continue, the setting morphs. 
You’re in front of him, chained up like one of his Cerberus targets, blindfolded and gagged—struggling ferociously against your restraints. 
He hears his voice echoing across the cavernous space. Trying desperately to calm you while fighting his own shackles. 
“It’s ok, darlin’, it’ll be ok. I’m right here. Right here, babygirl.”
A malicious laugh washes over him and you go eerily still, tears streaming silently down your cheeks. A figure rounds your taut limbs, hand wandering over your figure. Frank growls, pulling with all of his strength. 
“Leave her alone, you son of a bitch, or so help me I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” Billy Russo’s torn up face stares back at him, eyes glinting with power and rage. “Hmm she sure is a gorgeous little pet, isn’t she? How the hell did she end up with a monster like you?” Billy’s marred hand rubs your jaw making you whimper. He tugs off the fabric covering your eyes and they immediately fall on Frank, more tears cascading over your pretty face. Next to come off is the gag and you choke out a sob. 
“Go on, sweetheart. Ask him to save you.” Billy smirks, looking between the two of you. 
“Frank,” Your voice is hoarse and it kills him to hear such pain in it. “Frank, please! Please help me!” 
A cold steel barrel presses to your temple. Billy’s fingers flex over the trigger as he tilts his head toward you in false sympathy. “Sorry, little pet, but he can’t help you. It’s his fault you’re dead.” A gunshot rings out and Frank screams, eyes ripping open as his body rapidly separates from sleep. 
The nightmare replayed in his mind over and over the first night, your desperate pleas for help, the feeling of your warm blood spattering across Frank’s face. His mind’s manifestation of his former brother was right, he was going to get you killed. But the thought of pushing you away was just as hurtful. 
He was so fucked. 
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Tag list: @cheshirecat484 @xxdrixx @smhnxdiii @mattmurdocksstarlight
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
bangchan boyfriend headcanons
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
requested?: yes
song rec: my universe - coldplay, bts
author's notes: in honour of chan day, here is some bangchan bf headcanons. i may or may not have cried whilst writing this. i just love him so much ;-; anyways, i really hope you enjoy this one! happy chan day <333
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oh my gosh i can't breathe-
okay, okay
i don't think you understand how much this guy means to me. this guy. the most beautiful, gentle, gorgeous man in the whole world. this person who's very existence is why i am still here today. bangchan. bang christopher chan. chrissy boi
however has the privilege of dating this one should know that they are the luckiest person in the whole wide world
bangchan as a boyfriend? he puts his all into the relationship. being the leader of stray kids has taught him many things: patience, kindness, empathy, compromise, understanding. he is well equipped for any sort of human interaction, if we're being honest. he is also prone to be protective, taking a more caring role is natural for him. as a boyfriend, he will look out for you. make sure you stay out of harms way, protect you from the press, sasaengs, paparazzi, toxic fans, idols, anyone who hurts your feelings, your reputation, your image.
you are like the kids in the sense that you become chan's top priority.
speaking of the kids, you will have to get on well with them. the other members as so important to chan because they are essentially his family. so getting along with them is a must and non-negotiable, tbh
and they welcome you with open arms, anyway, seeing how happy you. make chan. you all end up being one big happy family, its lovely
but it's baffling, really. because at first, chan was a bit concerned that being in a relationship would be extremely difficult because of his tight schedule
and, much like i said with hongjoong, he's a quality time guy. he craves a one-on-one connection with someone, to really get to know them well and to understand their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. which is hard because he literally has no time at all. but somehow, magically, he manages. and much better than he thought he would
and it's because he absolutely thrives in a relationship. he finally has someone to commit to. something to look forward to. something that give shis life a new meaning. a brighter joy that he has never quite experienced before. sure, he's living his dream, but it's not easy. his life is hectic and tough and crazy and busy and lonely. and therefore he values, much more deeply than others, the feeling of companionship
to love and to be loved. that's what he desires the most. that's what he needs
because this man has so much love to give. he will hold you close to him and never ever let you go
cuddles are a necessity! he's very physically affectionate and essentially wants to be close to you in any way. he doesn't even care if he's the big spoon or little spoon. if he's. a big spoon, he feels like he is protecting you and it feels so good holding you close in his arms. but if he's the little spoon, he would feel so safe and loved and cherished as you hold him tight. he lives for any type of cuddles <3
overall, being in a relationship with chan would be extremely important for him for one key reason: you make him feel like he is at home. he finds himself being so comfortable around you; he is free to be himself, with no judgement. he feels safe with you. that's something he can never deny. you are his best friend, his family, his soulmate. a massive part of his life. he never underestimates how much you mean to him. and he never takes you for granted. not once.
dates with him would include:
studio dates - yes, i know, how predictable. the usual setting of every chan fic out there, i get it, i get it. but he loves it when you're at the studio with him. sometimes you guys work together, just quiet and enjoying each others comfortable company, ordering takeaway food at midnight, falling to sleep together in the early hours of the morning. or you guys just mess around and get like zero work done. either way, he loves it
binge-watching - he counts this as a date. he wants nothing more than after a long day working at the studio, coming home to you snuggling up in his arms in his bed while he puts on a movie or anime or tv show you guys have been watching. it's one of his favourite moments ever. it makes him feel so warm and happy
fireworks display - kinda cliché but also totally his vibe. i think he's watched so many anime with romance fireworks scenes that he's just like 'yep, we have to do this.' and it's breathtaking how perfect it all is. a beautiful moment shared with a beautiful man
i hope chan chooses happiness, above all else <3
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chronicoverthinker · 9 months
Some part of me still wishes for a happy ending for this manga , but at the time Yoshiki’s death has been foreshadowed by mokmoklen so many times, even before she started publishing the manga , that I genuinely don’t know what to expect.
We know that the brain snatcher is able to grant wishes , BUT we also know that for a wish to be granted it needs to get something in return.
That’s also why I believe that so many deaths happened in the past , making the Indoh family commit a taboo. What would be considered forbidden to ask a god ? The first thing that comes to mind is of course bringing someone back to life. And the reason as to why it’s because to do that you have to balance it out with a large amount of deaths to bring back order once again between the world of the dead and the living. (This is just my theory btw mayhaps in a month mokmoklen will prove me wrong cause I’m a loser like that)
And we also know that when Hikaru died he literally asked the brain snatcher to grant HIS wish , to keep Yoshiki safe and assure his happines in his stead. So it’s obvious that “Hikaru” is going to get something out of this. And it might just be Yoshiki as a whole tbh… Still in my head the real Hikaru is still alive and they’re living happily ever after
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jessimiko · 2 years
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I thought I'd try my hand at a volume 9 bingo card
Neo redemption
Let Neo be assimilated into the found family, no one is safe
Alice in Wonderland references
This one is pretty obvious
Rosegarden fuel
BRO I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH I COULD CRY. Please just let me have this and I'll be happy
"The Girl who Fell Through the World"
I'm telling you there's no way that fairytale and the Ever After aren't connected, or at least eerily similar
Alice allusion character is the summer maiden
I have literally no reason to believe this other than just a hunch, but I'm calling it now
Team Reunion
If this happens in volume 9 at all, it'll be at like the very end. I have specifics of what I want out of that reunion but that's not relevant here asdfghjkl
Summer Rose
I think both Ruby and Yang are gonna have to deal with things relating to Summer. IT'S TIME TO FACE THE MOMMY ISSUES LADS LET'S GOOOOOO
bumbleby kiss/confirmed
Listen I hate this ship for personal reasons but I want them to just KISS ALREADY FUCKING COMMIT
Oscar "The Little Prince" allusion confirmed
I think y'all have heard about this theory and I am 100% here for it. And now is the time, I mean HELLO Oscar "The Little Prince" Pine is in the DESERT!!! Again this is assuming Oscar is in this volume at all :')
I'm convinced magic is just gonna be a normal thing here, like just completely throws everyone for a loop
Characters going feral
I'm a simple woman, I want to see characters going absolutely apeshit in a fight. (Would be a great opportunity to see Oscar, Ren, and Nora go feral fighting the Grimm after Winter tells them the others are dead) Listen I know it's wishful thinking but let me be a clown alright
Oscar gets his semblance
Once again this only works if Oscar is in this volume, which GOD I hope he is, and if so let my son unlock his semblance it's TIME
Who's grieving? RWBY? Jaune? Oscar, Ren, Nora and the others? WHY NOT ALL OF THEM
Near death situations
Can we even have a volume of RWBY without near death situations at this point, I think not
Theodore frozen by fear (fight, flight, freeze)
Okay so I have this theory. Each headmaster so far (minus Ozpin obviously) has fallen victim to their own fear, which manifested in different ways. Lionheart was flight, Ironwood was fight, and following that pattern, Theodore will be freeze. Fight, flight and freeze.
Half Ever After, half Vacuo?
So hear me out, I can't imagine they would skip over whatever happens in Vacuo (unless the Ever After is outside the passage of time). And if this whole volume is only the Ever After, then I would guess they would use Volume 10 to show us everything that's happened in Vacuo. But I can't see them going that long without showing RWBY, our main protagonists. So, I figure at least SOME of this volume must be what's happening in Vacuo, even just a little bit. Maybe in the second half? Like, first half or so we see RWBY and Jaune in the Ever After, and then they escape. Then maybe we see what happens in Vacuo and and at the end of THAT is a reunion. I'm high on copium
Ship wars in the FNDM get worse
This is a given, I fully suspect someone is gonna tell me to kms because I ship Rosegarden
Emotional support Little
They escape at the end
I'm not going all in on this bc I could be wrong, but the pacing makes sense in my head
Ruby emotional breakdown
Big lore dump
Again, kind of a given
Self reflection
I think this is gonna be the perfect time for a lot of self reflection in the Ever After. About their feelings, their goals, their ideals, what drives them. And they'll come out of it with newly steeled resolve! Or it'll be like, a trauma reliving nightmare. Maybe both!
New outfits for returning characters
Listen if we see Sun this volume and he doesn't get a new outfit I'm starting a riot
Fighting inner demons
Self-explanatory, I feel like this is also gonna be THE volume for fighting your demons. And given how fuckin weird the Ever After is that could be figuratively and/or literally
Uhhh that's about it! I've never done one of these before but I figured why not, now might be a fun time to try it. Feel free to use this for your own watch through of the volume :)
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Okaaay. Buckle up once again, loooong message ahead. I can't help it, you are the one who keeps making me have feelings and melting my heat! (And I love you for it.) So,
"“Fuck, Jake. You need to come back immediately.”" - protective dad Mav is also the best, it's so lovely to see every time
"“I’ll kill that son of a bitch if he tries to touch Liam.”" - I'm sorry, but I can't get past the amazingness that protective dad Jake is, holy moly, I love it and have the urge to comment on it every. single. time.
"Liam is smart, he must have sensed your fear, and he’s now scared, too", "“I want to stay with Mama and Dada.”", "Liam nods softly, sitting down in front of the TV and hugging his new plushie." - MY POOR LITTLE DARLING BABY!!! Holding Red's skirt with white knuckles 🥺 This precious little sunshine personified must be protected at all times and all costs! (and I am so glad it is what happened with him being looked after by the ⭐FAM⭐ instead of daycare, he must be kept happy and care free and safe, I-... sorry for the rant, I just love Liam so much)
"“I’m not going anywhere this time, Red.”", "“Promise?”", "“I promise you.”" - ahhhh, their love!!!! Goals. Just, goals. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Love, love, love it 💗💗💗 
"“Red, would you like to be a full-time instructor at Top Gun? You won’t be taking unnecessary risks, and you won’t be related to the Dagger Squad in any way, but that’ll make possible that yours and Jake’s relationship can be considered legal.”", "“I honestly don’t care about your surname, Jake. I just care about the pilot, and you’re probably the best pilot of your generation.”" - Iceman, my goodness, I could kiss you, honestly, I knew you were a great guy, but you are an actual angel. Love to see supportive superiors (take notes Cycunt) It literally made me tear up, it is so good 🥹
“Well, that’s not going to happen. Because you have me, and you have your family. We’re fighting with you. We're soldiers, Jake. We fight.”", "“I don’t know what I would do without you.”", “You won’t have to find out.”" - ahhhh, AGAIN!!! GOALS!!! Pure beauty and pure, unconditional, stunning LOVE!!! I can't find words that do it justice!!! 💗💗💗
"Turns out that Mav’s friend, the one who had been trying to prove all the crimes that Jake’s father has committed, has disappeared.", "You just hope he's okay, but a little voice inside your head tells you that the man is probably dead." - awww, poor guy. I know he wasn't mentioned much, but you still managed to make me have an emotional reaction to his disappearance. Incredible writing, I say!!!
"He’s being investigated" - yesss!!! That's what you get if you are being a cunt, Cycunt (omg, sorry for the swearing, but he just brings the worst out of me... after the stunt with the picture and all...) I guess he should be thanked for bringing Red back to Jake??? But the man must rethink his later actions.
I love the catch up with everyone. Poor Bob stressing about Doc, the lovely doting husband and dada-to-be he is. And Navy sailing proud and beautiful is just so great to hear, they are so cute, honestly. 💗
"“It might be Jake’s first pregnancy.”", "“How am I supposed to bring another baby into this world when their big brother has to be constantly guarded in case someone tries to take him away from his parents?”", "Nat hugs you tightly, caressing your hair. “You’re not alone. You have this big, crazy family that will help you every step of the way.”" - I honestly cannot wait to see how Jake is during the pregnancy, it is going to be the softest most wholesome thing ever, I know for sure. And Liam finding out he is going to be a big brother!!! I will melt from all the cuteness and sweetness. And I love, love, love, adore the support system that these girls (and the whole fam) have. This moment is so vulnerable and so touching and wholesome and amazing, just warms my heart 💗
"“His aiming skills aren’t legendary only on the air.”" - hahahaha, Amelia keeps being the Legend™ that she is and we love her for it! 💗
"You’re pregnant." - YESSSSS!!!!! BABY SERESIN #2 CONFIRMED AND ON THE WAY!!! YAY!!! Charlotte is going to pop champagne for 9 months straight!!!
Jake's dad should really just go to the first police station he finds and get them to arrest him. Confess all his crimes and plead for a life sentence. Like, I'm sorry, asshole, but how dare you not only keep tabs on your son, his family and everyone he loves but also critique the amount of food he is eating on top of all that?!?!?! I must say tho, love the angst and drama, it is so exciting still. Beautiful work my Lovely, absolutely amazing!!!! 💗
AND! Before I go - MICKEY AND MINNIE?!?!?!?!!!!!🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭 Keep steady my beating heart, that is the cutest ever!!! 💗
Anyways... Incredible and stunning work as always my wonderful, amazing and incredible Beauty, you are one hell of a writer!!! 💗
Lots of love and hugs and all good things to you still!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗
(italics anon 💚)
My looooooove 💚💚💚💚💚
Let me comment on some things but, thank you for these messages you sent me, they make my day ten times better 💚
"“Fuck, Jake. You need to come back immediately.”" - protective dad Mav is also the best, it's so lovely to see every time
we'll talk about this in the future, okay? now i can't comment on that jsdjkdkjdsjk
"“I’ll kill that son of a bitch if he tries to touch Liam.”" - I'm sorry, but I can't get past the amazingness that protective dad Jake is, holy moly, I love it and have the urge to comment on it every. single. time.
Dad Jake is a whole kink, tbh. It's amazing.
“Well, that’s not going to happen. Because you have me, and you have your family. We’re fighting with you. We're soldiers, Jake. We fight.”", "“I don’t know what I would do without you.”", “You won’t have to find out.”" - ahhhh, AGAIN!!! GOALS!!! Pure beauty and pure, unconditional, stunning LOVE!!! I can't find words that do it justice!!! 💗💗💗
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I love the catch up with everyone. Poor Bob stressing about Doc, the lovely doting husband and dada-to-be he is. And Navy sailing proud and beautiful is just so great to hear, they are so cute, honestly. 💗
We all wanted to know more about Navy and soon-to-be-dad Bob so i gave you all a little update hehehhe
AND! Before I go - MICKEY AND MINNIE?!?!?!?!!!!!🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭 Keep steady my beating heart, that is the cutest ever!!! 💗
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hanna-kin · 2 years
The Kristina post you didn't see coming
Or maybe you did.
I have so much to say about Kristina. I know in the fandom she tend to bring alot of strong opinions but I also think there's a heavy sense of fanon when it comes to her.
Often she's viewed as the villian of the story but in my opinion she's alot more complex.
In fics she's often portrayed as homophobic, racist and classist and most of all not giving a shit about Wilhelm. In my opinion she's none of those things but we'll get to that.
She's portrayed as someone who only cares about the image of the crown and while every author has the creative freedom to do portray her in anyway they want I much prefer a more nuanced portrayal of her.
I also strive to create her as a nuanced character with many flaws but also capable of love and compassion.
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When we first see her she comes off as controlling and strict. From the way she checks Wille’s to the way she's already decided Wille's fate. She doesn't care about his opinion and the only thing that matters to her is covering up her sons scandal.
Never once does she ask how he is. If he's okay. It's all business.
She's annoyed with him and doesn't do anything to comfort him even when he shows distress.
So really it's not that strange that people get the view of her that she lacks compassion and that she doesn't care about Wille.
I mean she sends him off to a new school but can't even be bothered to send him off herself.
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What we need to remember is that she's literally the queen. She's grown up as a public person, just like her own children are now being raised in front of the whole nation. Her childhood is now Erik's and Wilhelm’s.
Her parents where probably even more absent as the monarchy has become more and more progressive by every generation (if we go by the IRL family)
It's safe to say that she's been absent and that she hasn't been there for a huge part of her children's childhood. But is it all by choice? I don't think so.
Look being a royal is a full time job, basically your whole existence is being a representation of your countries culture. It seems unpopular but we have to admit that the royals work hard, they are not allowed bad days and they have more travel days than any of us can imagine. And it's a job, it's a duty.
I don't think Kristina wanted to be away from her children . I really don't. But she grew up like that and has to accept that. Not only missing important every day moments with her children but also a deeper bond with them that she'll probably never have.
I don't think she wanted that. But again it's her duty. She probably had moments where she could be a normal mum, especially before she became the queen but she's been away alot and even if she could have done a better job but I don't think she did all that by choice. It's just one of the dark sides to the monarchy.
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We see this absence in the beginning of the show. Like I said, she's not there for Wille’s first day, Erik is. It might be by choice or she might have other commitments. I find the latter one very likely since they have a busy schedule.
Apart from a text we don't really her from her. She doesn't come to parent's day. Again due to other commitments. She's not even in the country it seems like. Again we don't know if it is by choice or not. Maybe she really would have liked to be there but simply couldn't.
Then of course we have Erik's death and I think this is something that highlights her love for Wille because if she didn't love him, would she really be the one to call him?
If she didn't really care surely she would have someone else call? She's experiencing the worst moment of her life and she also has to call her son so that he gets to find out from her and not some random person.
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Erik's death also adds another layer to her because at the very core she's a grieving mother who's trying to come to terms with a shocking loss.
But she can't grieve at her own pace and at her own terms. She's the most public person in Sweden and everything about this families tragedy is made a public matter. The funeral is live sent, their are probably hundreds of articles published and expectations on her in particular. I think she's not allowing her or her family the time to grief properly. She just wants to move on.
But that might just be her personality. Maybe that's not just her being a queen. Maybe her coping mechanism is to not cope (I'm a bit like that which is why I adress it like this)
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While I hate the way she treats Wilhelm in all this I don't think she knows another way. She tries to be strong, she tries to cope. We see her at the funeral trying to support him and afterwards I just think it's her way to deal. Sadly, Wille needs something else and as a parent she should acknowledge that and focus on his needs.
Instead the whole family kind of just sweeps everything under the rug. Had they not been the royal family I'm sure they would have delt with it differently and it feels like here the Queen takes precedence. However, I think she's trying. We see it during the dinner. She's trying but it ends up with her going on about Wilhelm having to step up which does nothing to comfort him. He needed his mother but she simply wasn't there for him.
We doesn't see her again after that. Wilhelm is left grieving by himself without any real support. It kind of feels like Kristina just shut down as a coping mechanism and it left Wille without the support he needed.
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The next time we see her is after the tape is released. And in this moment I think we see that she cares for her son. Her touch is tender and comforting and I truly believes she feels for him.
As we know it doesn't last long though. She has to be the queen to and she is not good with finding that balance. All too soon she switches to business mode, leaving Wille to comfort himself. It's probably one of the most heartbreaking moments seeing Wille hugging himself like that while she sits next fully focused on "cleaning up" after him as if he's done something wrong.
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Once again she's made up her mind on how they will adress it but I don't think it has anything to do with homophobia or Simon being a poor person of colour. A sex tape is a sex tape and it's a huge scandal.
I think that's the main thing. It's yet another scandal they can't afford. Yes it wouldn't have been as serious if it was with a girl but I don't think that the queen nor the royal court are homophobic.
They just need to find a solution to the problem and the easiest and most obvious solution is to make a denial. It doesn't matter what Wilhelm wants to do. The bigger picture is more important so while I think she feels deeply for her son she chooses to prioritise the public image, the monarchy and the legacy. She thinks it's more important in the long run.
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But she does care for her son and I don't think she would have had any issues had Simon been a normal boyfriend introduced in a normal way. I want to believe that at least.
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She's set on the denial and even manipulates Wille into giving in. It's probably my least favourite moments of her. But I also kindof think she is trying to protect him, just like kept from him that it was August
Like I said, she's spent her whole life in the public eye. She's been criticised, scrutinised and followed her whole life. I don't think she wants that for him but it's their legacy so they don't have a choice. She's trying to protect him because she knows it will only get worse. But rather than listening to what Wille wants to do and prioritise his needs she just follows what's best for the monarchy as a whole and while she probably thinks it is the best it falls short when she has to fall back on very manipulative tactics to convince him.
Maybe she should just have respected her sons wishes and found another way even if it would be more difficult.
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It's such a complex situation and my biggest issue is probably the way she handled August. Not letting Wille know is just a jerk move. He deserved to know and have August punished. But clearly she couldn't allow that to happen so she let her son down and betrayed him.
I think Pernilla August does a great job adding that little bit of softness and gentleness. The small details in the way she caresses Wille’s cheek or rubs his back make it feel genuine to me. So while she's mostly absent and more often than not is unable to provide the physical and emotional comfort her son needs, these little moments shows us that she loves her son, so so much.
To sum it up, she's stuck in her life, just like Wilhelm is stuck. She doesn't complain but I do think she hates her life some times. I think she wishes things were different. I think she would want a different life for her children. I think wants to get away from it.
I think she sees it as a punishment sometimes.
I can't wait to see where season 2 will take us when it comes to Kristina and her relationship with Wille. I think we'll see a huge rift between them after the huge betrayal but I hope we'll see her grow and realise that she needs to do better if she doesn't want to lose another son. I hope we'll see some nice scenes with them together where she is more supportive and loving.
Both Pernilla and Edvin are so good so I'm really looking forward to see their new scenes. I'm sure they'll be amazing and emotional and bring out alot of feelings from us all.
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I am sick of abuse apologia and denial in popular fandoms because a character has a Tragic Backstory.
This will definitely be controversial, but I don’t care. Here we go.
Loki? Killed 80 people in two days and actively began committing genocide before he was stopped. I feel deeply sympathetic for his struggles, but his reaction was unacceptable. Yes, he was victimiziced, but once he started murdering people left and right, he became a villain.
Anakin Skywalker? Literally massacred innocent children, led a genocide, and became a brutal fascist dictator.
Kylo Ren? Same as his grandfather. He was a brutal, entitled, genocidal neo-Nazi.
Severus Snape? Abused classrooms full of children whom, as a teacher, he was supposed to guard, guide, and inspire to the point that some were more terrified of him than actual monsters or dark wizards. The fact that the #1 kid he bullied was the son of the woman he loved just makes it worse.
And the list goes on.
Speaking as an abuse survivor, I DON’T CARE THAT THEY’RE SAD. I DON’T CARE THAT THEIR LIVES HAVE BEEN HARD. Feelings do not excuse cruel and evil actions. Backstories are explanations of behavior, not justification. These characters aren’t “misunderstood” — they are complex. They can be interesting, entertaining, sympathetic, and/or gut-wrenching, but they’re still bad people who do bad things. Sorry, but truly good people don’t lead genocides or consistently abuse children.
I am sick of the romanticization of toxicity — including toxic male characters shipped with strong, kind, brilliant female characters (Star Wars and HP fandoms, I’m looking at you).
What I want to see more of are characters who are kind, gentle, empathetic, loyal, patient, good people who only want the best for others despite their own hardship.
In contrast to Loki is Thor, who endured heartbreaking betrayal and lost nearly every member of his family and yet managed to remain a kind, optimistic, cheerful teddy bear who just wants other people to be safe and happy.
In contrast to Anakin and Kylo is Obi-Wan Kenobi, who lost everyone and everything he ever loved — his best friends, his colleagues, his mentors, the love of his life, the Jedi Order itself, and the very democracy for which he fought — to betrayal, death, genocide, fascism, and darkness, and yet continued to be endlessly kind, noble, brave, steadfast, hopeful, and gentle, always willing to sacrifice himself to save innocents.
In contrast to Snape is Remus Lupin, who, as an outcast, was shunned and discriminated against his whole life, endured devastating personal tragedy, and lived with severe self-hatred, and yet remained a deeply kind, tender, empathetic person who inspired children and never stopped fighting for kindness and goodness.
These character foils really show how difficult and painful backstories do not excuse abusive behavior, because they just as easily could not have become awful people. I mean...
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Side note: Speaking generally, if an abuse survivor says “this character is abusive and displays many red flags that I and many other survivors have seen in our abusers,” and you haven’t ever experienced abuse and you say “No, of course that character isn’t abusive, how dare you say that,” please understand that you are being deeply ignorant and disrespectful, and consider that an opportunity for growth.
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
@destefaniart Yup, “In Their Shadows Grow Trees of Good and Evil” is definitely Court of Owls related. Its literally just using that series’ AU setting and family dynamics with the premise: 
What if the Batfam found out about the Court’s existence and plans for Dick before the Court ever tried to make a move on him, based purely on fifteen year olds Jason and Cass watching Court members be skeevy around their older brother at galas and being like...mmm, don’t love whatever’s going on over there. I sense Evil afoot.
(The following is just some off-the-cuff dialogue along those lines, but not actually likely to be the actual dialogue I go with because the character voices aren’t quite what I’m aiming for Jason and Cass to actually sound like in this. I’m mostly just being goofy for the LULZ at the moment. But like. You get the gist).
Jason: I do not care for their vibes, sister. 
Cass: Samesies.
Jason *spluttering*: Samesies? SAMESIES? Did you not hear the intonations I put in that? The gravitas? You couldn’t just like....match my energy, nooooo, you had to go and fucking derail by being like ‘ha ha, samesies, tee-hee’ which by the way, is something I have literally NEVER heard out of your mouth before now and I somehow doubt I will ever hear you say again...ugh. God, would it KILL you to just follow my lead for once?
Cass, regarding her dramatic-ass brother with all the gravitas he wanted before: Yes. I could die. Would you like that? Do you want me to die?
Jason: ....what?
Cass: I see. I would literally die for you. For our brother. But me? I can die. You’d be fine. Ideal, even. Good to know.
Jason: What is happening right now.
Cass: Learning I love you more than you love me. Its fine. Why? What’s up with you?
Jason: Why are you like this?
Cass *shrugs and stares deeply into her flute glass of sparkling apple cider as though its a scrying pool that contains the answer to his question, which is now suddenly the most important question to ever be asked and/or contemplated*: My parents are bad people. That could be it.
Jason snorts, the mood broken: Oh please. My dad’s an ambulatory piece of shit with just enough of a credit history to trick society into thinking he came out of a womb instead of a public toilet. You ain’t special.
Cass *shrugs*: Knew it wasn’t going to land. Figured I’d commit anyway.
*both pause to soak in the sudden uncomfortableness*
Jason: Right! So! How do you want to play this? Should we just skip straight past the awkwardness to an abrupt subject change and pretend neither of us ever dropped the dreaded ‘p’ word? Or we could do the whole ‘mine are worse’ ‘no mine are worse’ thing until we make a scene that ends with Dick assuring us its not a competition and we can both have shitty parents while getting that weird pinched expression where its like he can’t decide whether he wants to apologize for having good parents or like, pat us on the head for having terrible ones? That’s always fun.
Cass, nodding thoughtfully: I do enjoy that. I shouldn’t. But I do.
Jason, bumping her shoulder with his: Eh, don’t feel too bad. He gets the same look when Bruce burns toast and Dick can’t decide if he wants to roast B for it or apologize for being a functioning adult who can safely use a toaster without having the fire department on standby just in case.
Cass: Also very funny.
Jason: Exactly. Sides, its not like its your fault. I mean, how do we know you finding that funny ISN’T because your parents are shitty people?
Cass, eyeing him with the dubious air of someone who WANTS to believe, but is well acquainted with her brother’s brand of bullshit: I laugh when our brother gets the awkward look where he doesn’t know whether something’s just sad or something he should feel bad for.....because my mother kills people for money.
Jason, spreading his arms as if points were actually just made: Can you prove there’s for sure NOT a connection there?
Cass: People are right. You do use that too much.
Jason, who has never backed down in his life and for damn sure isn’t about to start right now: And you know who’s fault that probably is?
Cass, with eyebrow raised: Your dad’s?
Jason, triumphant: EXACTLY. Its not my fault the math all checks out.
Cass: Right. Its math.
Jason: Yup. Can’t argue with math. The only empirical truth of the universe. I mean, could you imagine if you tried to say math led you astray? Bruce might actually cry.
Cass: Are you done?
Jason, pausing to consider. Yeah, I can be done.
Cass takes a deliberate chug of her drink, eyes watching her brother the whole time as if just waiting for him to reverse course and pick right back up.
Jason: Hey wait a second. People say I use that too much? What people?
Cass *shrugs*: People.
Jason: Well what people are talking about me? Are they talking about me TO you? What do they say? Are you defending me at least?
Cass, after a pause: Sorry. I lied. No people were talking. Definitely not about you.
Jason, narrowing his eyes: Why don’t I believe that?
Cass shrugs: Because I just told you I lied?
Jason: Ugh, no, not about that, I don’t believe you about lying.
Cass squints: I lied about lying?
Jason: Yes. That.
Cass: That’s weird. Why would I do that?
Jason: I DON’T KNOW.
Cass: Well if you don’t know how should I know?
Jason: You’re doing that thing again.
Cass: Now you’re lying. I never do things. I’m a thinker, not a doer. My therapist even said so.
Jason, rolling his eyes: That’s because you’re a demented little chaos monster who pathologically lies to your therapist just so you can giggle at Bruce’s face every time she comes back with increasingly niche diagnoses for stuff you read about on WebMD.
Cass: Bruce said I needed more hobbies!
Jason: Yes, and manipulating your therapist into basing an entirely absurd and completely off-base CASE STUDY on you is what he meant.
Cass, the unrepentant: He should have been more specific.
Jason: She’s going to publish only to be completely discredited and then laughed right out of her tenure isn’t she.
Cass, shrugging: I don’t know how tenure works.
Jason, eyeing her sternly: Don’t you think that a) there’s a chance this might have gotten a LITTLE out of hand, and b) you should be at least a LITTLE concerned that I of all people think this is a bad idea?
Cass: Why do you get to be the only one with bad ideas? My parents are bad people too! Math!
Jason: Eww, stop making me see the error of my own ways! I’m too young to repent!
Cass, rolling her eyes now: I’m only doing it because she’s a terrible person who shouldn’t be allowed to work with children who can’t tell when she’s being secretly judgy while saying things that would make them feel bad if they couldn’t tell she doesn’t really care about helping them like I can.
Jason: So you’re saying.....this is all just because she’s actually a danger to the people she’s supposed to be helping, and you’re only doing it for the greater good.
Cass: Mostly for the greater good.
Jason: Cass!
Cass: Its not my fault its still funny!
Jason groans. He’s so not cut out to be the responsible sibling. It feels gross. How does Dick do it all the time.
Cass, exasperated: Jason. She thinks I have an imaginary friend.
Jason: What? Why the fuck does she think that?
Cass blinks: I told her I did.
Jason groans again.
Cass: She didn’t have to believe me!
Jason: Why didn’t you just tell Bruce the real reason you don’t like her and let him deal with this?
Cass, hotly: I’m not a QUITTER.
Jason: You get how absurd you’re being right now right? This is ME. Judging YOU. For YOU being the absurd one here!
Cass: Your last therapist was convinced you were a pyromaniac!
Jason jabs a finger at her: Hey! That is NOT the same! ONE time, I said ‘fire pretty’ as a JOKE, and he just leaped to conclusions!
Cass: You started a fire. In your room. That same night.
Jason: That was an ACCIDENT! 
Cass crosses her arms. Judgmentally.
Jason: He was being RIDICULOUS and it was totally ridiculous that Bruce just like, BELIEVED him because like ‘he’s a professional Jason, he knows how to do his job,’ as though the fact that I can literally LIE TO HIS FACE about secretly being fucking ROBIN in session after session wasn’t kinda a big red flag that maybe the dude’s not that GOOD at his job, y’know? But you show B enough diplomas on a wall and he’s like ah excellent, an expert, like people don’t BUY their way through school all the fucking time and I was just TRYING to make Bruce see how ridiculous it was to think this guy had ANY clue what he was talking about by being like hey, look at all the super flammable and incendiary stuff I have just readily available throughout my room, and yet surprise! No fire! Could a pyromaniac do that?!
Cass: And then a fire started.
Jason: Yes, obviously, but only on ACCIDENT.
Cass: From all the super-flammable and incendiary stuff you accidentally had in your room TO start fires.
Jason: Okay, see, I feel like you’re not getting it.
Cass: That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
Jason: Oh great, now I’m getting judged by Miss Watch Me Gaslight My Therapist Into Losing Her Job By Writing About How Not Normal I Am, With This Of Course Being a TOTALLY NORMAL THING TO DO
Cass glares at him. Jason glares at her. 
Cass: This is why Bruce is so sure we need therapy, isn’t it.
Jason: Can we agree that he can never know that we’ve come to understand why he’s concerned, and that making us go might not actually be the worst thing he’s ever done to us?
Cass: Obviously.
Jason: Great. Now to distance ourselves from this uncomfortable self-awareness as quickly as we possibly can, let’s jump tracks: where did we land on those creepers talking to Dick and how we feel about their vibes?
Cass: The vibes are rancid. 
Jason: Awesome, we’re still on the same page. And this leads us to conclude that the owners of the rancid vibes give Major Skeeve and we do not like and or trust them or their skeeviness right? 
Cass: Duh.
Jason: So in conclusion, rancid vibes, skeevy dudes, probable evil afoot. At the very least, insidiousness. We should definitely investigate further.
Cass: Yes. There will probably need to be punching.
Jason: Any particular reason, or because you just want to punch them?
Cass: *hesitates* Sure.
Jason: I am so uncomfortable with this inverted dynamic wherein I am the voice of reason and also moderation. Are we done yet? Is opposite day over?
Cass, rolling her eyes: Fine. Minimal punching. And I won’t even enjoy it even if they are evil and my parents are still bad people and math said it was okay.
Jason: See? There we go. And Bruce thinks we need therapy. Hah!
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norangeyyy · 3 years
Late Night HCs
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Bucci Gang Edition
TW: nothing too extreme, just a little bit of hurt/comfort stuff sprinkled right here and there.
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Bruno Bucciarati
► Bucciarati typically doesn't stay up late at night, he has work and would squeeze all the amount of sleep he can get on his free time.
► Unless he has a lot of things in mind.
► It doesn't matter whether it's a work-related problem, his past, a random thought, or just generally his worries about his future. It will keep him up.
► He'll definitely need someone to be an outlet but if no one's available, he'll just stare at the night sky and distract himself with the moving clouds or finish some of his work until he's too tired to think of anything.
► If you happen to be in the same situation and same place that night though, then make sure that you take care of the trust he has for you when he was at most vulnerable and he will do same with you.
► I personally headcannon Bucciarati to be the type to like those kind of conversations since i highly doubt that he has been so vulnerable in front of anyone besides Abbachio ever since he joined the mafia.
► And even then, he's mostly the one who lifts the spirits up and not the other way around since he's the leader.
► So expect to hear things and words you wouldn't expect to come from the Bucciarati you see everyday come spilling out of his mouth, it'll be a lot.
► Pat his back or better yet, give him a hug and brush his hair while doing so. He needs it a lot since he hasn't really got one after his family fell apart.
► "I feel so much better now, thank you. I'll make sure not to forget about this night. "
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Leone Abbachio
► The night owl of the gang.
► Staying up until 3AM is nothing new to this man, hell, he could even go on a whole day without sleep if he has a lot of things that's bothering him.
► He's the opposite of Bucciarati, he prefers to shoulder his intrusive thoughts alone. It'd take some great amount of effort and trust to make him talk and let it out.
► What he does during those times is either using his stand to replay certain memories that could either worsen his guilt or put him at ease, or just drink until he passes out but most of the time, he does both.
► He could also be listening to some music while he does so but if he's feeling guilty for making Bucciarati concerned about his frequent drinking, then he'll just listen to music and hope that he'll fall asleep and not just keep his eyes closed until the sun rises.
► It works, kind of, but even without alcohol driving him to sleep, he'll always be tired. His sleeping schedule is seriously messed up because he never really cared about it in the first place.
► Would sometimes go out for a walk. Leone is fond of the city's peacefulness when everyone is asleep, with the only thing keeping him accompany is the cold air and the dim light of the lampposts.
► Secretly still has his police uniform and would occasionally take it out just to stare at it or talk to it in a not-so-kind of way as he sees his younger self in it.
► Gets dragged in whatever shit Narancia and the others are up to if he gets spotted. Mostly it's just for a movie night behind Bucciarati's back but Abbachio knows better and expects the unexpected when it comes to the gang.
► Knows what everyone does in late night if they're still up and has seen a lot of ungodly sights.
► Whether it be seeing a sleepy Mista and the pistols chanting a weird prayer to a bowl of cereals or Fugo being dragged out of his room by Narancia, Leone knows it.
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Pannacotta Fugo
► Just like Bucciarati, Fugo rarely stays up late at night and if he does, it's usually just because he's busy.
► Fugo has hobbies like painting and reading, everyone in the gang knows that. It's just that he gets carried way too far sometimes and loses track of time.
► Who could blame him though when the book he's reading is just too interesting or the painting he's currently working on is almost done, right?
► On extremely rare occasions where something unpleasant enough to keep Fugo up at night happens, he'll bundle himself in his fluffy blanket like a butterfly in its cocoon.
► He always does this back when he's still living with his parents, it makes him feel safe from anything that's haunting him.
► And if it's neither his hobbies or problems that's keeping him up, he'll just hear Narancia whispering outside his door or Mista throwing pebbles at his window.
► For the first few times the duo did this, Fugo was still able to resist until he just can't anymore knowing that they wouldn't leave him alone all night.
► "Well, this isn't so bad. "
► He says as he enthusiastically tosses a popcorn into his mouth with his eyes glued all over the lit screen of the TV.
► Movie nights, along with sneaking out to go the nearest convenience store, became a common thing between the Torture Dance Trio™ ever since then.
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Narancia Ghirga
► The type to wake up in the middle of the night and think "Hmm... Everyone's asleep, let's commit robbery tonight!"
► Fugo's sleep paralysis demon.
► Would literally not hesitate to steal chocolate bars with Mista and probably does 3AM challenges with him too.
► Never runs out of ideas to keep himself up at night and is the one who comes up with everything but what he does still depends on his mood.
► If Narancia's feeling a little too lazy then he'll just sleep and most of the time, with music keeping him accompany. But unlike Abbachio, he purposely doesn't wear headphones just to annoy Fugo whose room is right next to his.
► If he's feeling like it, he'll straight up just invite the others to watch a movie or play videogames even though Bruno has already made it clear not to use the TV after 11PM.
► But just as he likes staying up at night doing crazy things with the boys, he also uses his energy left and free time to self-study, as surprising that may sound.
► He may hate reading but he takes advantage of the fact that his brain is much active at night and he doesn't want to depend on Fugo too much. After all, he dreams on going back to school and he's more than willing to be capable enough to do so alone and pass without the other teen's help.
► Will cuddle anything that's near him while he studies but if you give him a plushie, it'll be instantly his favorite and he would definitely use it as a study buddy.
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Guido Mista
► Alright, let's be honest here, this dude wouldn't even stay up if it weren't for his bros.
► 5 seconds lying on the bed and he's already knocked out for a good 10 hours if there's no work he has to do for the day. Make it 8 at weekdays thanks to his mafia-related responsibilities.
► He sleeps like a log so only a combination of shaking him up awake with Fugo and Narancia can make him rise from what seems like a two year coma but is really just a normal tuesday night.
► Will pretty much join Narancia at anything he does but since his last three brain cells are obviously still as half asleep as him, he won't be able to remember that much the next day.
► And once he's out of the room and is already sitting on the couch with the guys, Mista's the type to fall asleep halfway through the movie.
► You can't blame him though, it's 12AM and it seems that Fugo got to choose what movie they'll watch since Narancia already got to choose the other night.
► Unless they're playing videogames or are going out then he won't be acting like a slow ass PVZ zombie with a fried brain. Actually, he'll be hella active if that's the case.
► Active at grabbing every snack each second, that is.
► Actually, it's the pistols who does that but oh well, it's not like Mista's innocent too.
► "I swear it's not me who ate all of our groceries for this month! Right, guys?! It's the pistols! "
► And that, everyone, is how Guido blew their little rendezvous without even trying.
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Giorno Giovanna
► There's not much to be said about this boy since just like Mista, Giorno goes to bed early as he makes sure he still gets the proper amount of sleep.
► He already has a lot of things to deal with at day so of course, by the end of it, he'll be exhausted.
► Nights before exams are excluded because although he may seem like he skips class sometimes, Giorno still knows his priorities.
► Only when he became the head of the mafia did he really started to lose sleep as great power comes with great responsibilities.
► It took a LONG time for Giorno to adjust to a lot of things cause come on, he maybe resilient but he's still a 15 year old teen.
► Not only does he have towers after towers of work but i like to imagine that he still continued his education and used some of the things he learns in class in the mafia, specifically in classes like history or geography class since as a boss, he has to know every nook and cranny of Italy.
► Not to mention that emergencies happen and he always has to be ready to give out orders, even if it means being woken up at 1AM.
► God, help this child because all the things mentioned above are just an understatement of what happens on the first few months of being in charge of Passione.
► "So this is why Diavolo looks like he's about to explode whenever something goes wrong huh. "
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gch1995 · 3 years
Hey, fun fact! The word isn't "attachment" in those Eastern beliefs, that is the closest English equivalent that could be had one of the dozens of times it's been grossly on trend to appropriate the shit out of numerous non-Christian religions in Western societies. It was an exceptionally poor choice on Lucas' part to not come up with an in-universe word/phrase or keep it to fully stating "selfish attachments." As it was an exceptionally poor to show us parallel stories of how to raise an emotionally healthy human and how to do exactly the opposite, while giving us a Jedi Order that explicitly states and demonstrates exactly what it means by "attachments," which is any manner of emotional attachment as any such attachment can become negative, and more importantly (something found in so many religions), will always come before the group's well being. Human beings with attachments that are emotionally and biologically normal will always put their loved ones before institutions, ideologies, and ideals. This is exactly why so many religions have always had their priests, priestesses, monks, warriors, etc. be committed only to the belief system and community, not allowing marriage and children and sometimes requiring removal from family, friends, and original community. Just, you know, in societies that have an awareness of healthy development in children, protective laws regarding children, that generally look down on cults, and know what adult agency is, we stopped thinking it was appropriate to remove children for lifelong induction into orders and it's got to be an adult decision that one can change their mind on without experiencing exile or execution.
It was shortsighted and tastes a bit like unintentional appropriation, but at least in justification of the former, it was meant to be a narrative understood by children. We see that love wins and that there is good love and unhealthy love, and it's literally that simple and that complex. It's that badly told, that well told, and that unintentionally well backed up in its own material in how both happened. By turning it into "well, ACTUALLY, you just don't know that Lucas meant..." and having every primary character he created drastically changed to justify that, all that's accomplished is giving a message that is contrary as hell to the one we were given.
I mean, is it shocking that they kept shitting on Luke? No. For one thing, this guy has to end up being disney's Luke in the ST, that's his trajectory. For another, look what they did to Han Solo, a guy whose whole arc in the OT had to be obliterated to make Kylo possible. That did not bode well for anyone. They're going to do whatever they retroactively need to do in order to make their own shit make sense and to "fix" the things that weren't loved about Lucas' saga.
Yep, Lucas definitely engaged in some cultural appropriation of Eastern religion with the Jedi Code. However, regardless of his intentions, what we got was a story in which healthy love in a normal human being can easily be morphed into unhealthy love in their adulthood when their natural healthy emotional development as children is suddenly disrupted by a religious soldier cult who tells them ambition, anger, close attachments, love, family, and individuality is “dangerous,” “greedy,” “selfish,” and “wrong” over and over again throughout their formative years, and refuse to give them that healthy emotional support and freedom they once had as children when they try to reach out for it.
Then, in the OT movies, we see that Luke Skywalker had a full, healthy, safe, and normal childhood before getting involved with the Jedi, so he’s not afraid to stand up for himself, and he knows how to form healthy attachments, which allow for him to be able to save the day for love of family and friends.
While Anakin does hold responsibility for his crimes as an adult, he was selfish, and no one forced him to turned on the Jedi in that moment in Revenge of the Sith, I always thought diminished responsibility was more appropriate than just holding him entirely accountable because, yeah, his sanity of mind is not all there. His agency is deeply compromised to ever feel safe doing better. He has every symptom of poorly treated/severely neglected C-PTSD, OCD, and several of BPD. He genuinely doesn’t believe he has much of a choice but to obey Sidious and all these corrupt and abusive authority figures throughout his life because they essentially do hold his and/or his loved ones lives in their hands. Anakin’s been conditioned to be obedient to corrupt authority his whole life. He’s been a soldier in battle for over thirty consecutive years of his life, and thinks the only way to be safe is by being a good weapon, a good protector, or a good tool for others. At least in the original canon.
Anakin’s options for healthy support and safe escape from the living hell that is his life of abuse, manipulation, oppression, and warfare generally come down to decisions between right vs wrong with him having to pick between life or death and danger or safety of self and/or loved ones. Yes, he became a coward, but there also was never a safe option for him to do better. Killing and war crimes become like a unhealthy compulsion for him to survive Sidious by taking his orders, as a release for anxiety, and release for other negative emotions in the moment. It’s not presented as this long-term or premeditated thing on his part that he recognize the horror with full clarity of mind. While he knows that doing these awful things ultimately doesn’t make him feel any better in the long run, he does keep getting taught throughout his life by these corrupt authority figures that committing these acts of abuse, warfare, and murder are “necessary” to survive. His views of right vs wrong are being manipulated by abusive and corrupt authority figures in these two space cults most of his life from which escape is highly risky, so his moral judgement is skewed.
Yet, Anakin also is still guilty because he did pretty much give up trying after he went dark until Luke came along, and he did have a conscience. While his agency was compromised, his love for Padme did absolutely become selfish when he went dark. Thus, he still had to pay for his crimes. He doesn’t get the happily ever after with his wife and kids after going dark and hurting his wife in a blind rage as punishment. He doesn’t get to make it up to the entire galaxy for being a mass murderer and war criminal against them over the past 23 years at the end of RotJ, just Luke, who he dies saving because he realized his love for his son was greater than his fear of Sidious.
Disney was trying to recreate that same sort of tragic backstory with Ben Solo/Kylo Ren of villain with compromised agency to feel safe doing better, but, in my opinion, they forced it too much and made it feel unbelievable. It’s not realistic. Palpatine has to be brought back from the dead, and his interest in corrupting Ben Solo for the dark side is so great that he infiltrates his mind? What? Anakin’s agency was severely compromised to feel safe ever doing better, but the narrative also made it clear that he still had a choice to do better, even if he didn’t believe he had and/or deserved one after being groomed for years by abusive and oppressive corrupt authority figures and feeling too afraid to do the right thing. Thus, he is still held as responsible for his crimes. Anakin’s actions and choices were his own, regardless of the poor emotional/mental stability, the force being a metaphor for a drug addiction, lifelong oppression of abusive authority, lack of safe opportunity for escape to anything better, and limited to nonexistent healthy support. His agency was deeply compromised, and his motivations understandable. However, ultimately the Jedi Order and Palpatine didn’t force him to commit mass murder against them in Revenge of The Sith, and, while there was no safe escape, Anakin also is guilty for giving up on trying to fight the dark side after going dark.
With Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, his family and friends treated him well, he came from a wealthy and famous family, and Luke didn’t stop him from seeing his parents. However, the narrative wants me to buy that it’s not at all his fault he became an asshole since Palpatine infiltrated his mind, influencing his actions and thoughts from childhood, and Palpatine told him he deserved more kindness and power from his family and friends, even though he was already getting it from them on the light side? Too much agency is taken away from Kylo, and his family and friends are too good to him for me to believe that he would actually fall for Palpatine’s lies of them trying to “hold him back” or “make him weak.”
While he was wrong to commit murder of the Jedi Order for Palpatine in his desperation to avoid abandonment and getting hurt, Anakin wasn’t wrong to grow to distrust and resent Obi Wan and the Jedi Council because they genuinely were moral hypocrites who treated him like crap. Yoda ran the Order like an emotionally abusive/oppressive cult. Obi-Wan was an emotionally negligent, misguided, and toxic guardian, friend, and mentor who usually sucked up to Yoda to try to get on the Council, even if that meant throwing people he cared about under the bus and living in total denial to do it. The Council was using Anakin as a pawn to commit treason against the Chancellor when they suspected he was a Sith without the entire Chamber’s consent or knowledge. Yoda, Obi-Wan and the other Jedi adults he grew up with were enabling and perpetuating the biddings of a classist, corrupt, and hypocritical Republic head of government that enabled and supported slavery and oppression on the outer rims, while blindly claiming to support “democracy,” so they were going down either way.
Yeah, Palpatine deceived and manipulated Anakin, but he also was influenced to turn on the Jedi Order and Republic because the way they were running genuinely did suck. They genuinely did compromise his agency to feel safe doing better. It doesn’t mean they deserved for Anakin to participate in murdering the whole Order for Palpatine, nor are they directly responsible for his actions and choices as an adult, but you can tell the Obi Wan and the Council did heavily contribute to Anakin’s fall to the dark side. They did give him valid reasons to distrust and resent them and feel afraid by being emotionally/psychologically abusive, manipulative, and oppressive.
There is no real evidence that Ben Solo has of his uncle, his parents, and the other Jedi being awful. It’s just Sidious’s lies, which makes for a far less compelling and relatable motivation. It makes it seem like he’s just a delusional and entitled brat who wants power for shits and giggles.
Why is Palpatine suddenly so intent on fucking up the Skywalker family? Yeah, Anakin was a good weapon for him, who perpetrated his crimes, but he still wasn’t really necessary for his rise in the long run. He was just an added bonus and opportunity for him to be lazy. Not to mention that there’s not much organic or realistic lead up to Ben Solo being an asshole, or a compelling motivation like there is with Anakin.
The Kylo Ren we are introduced in TFA is an entitled, narcissistic, and self-aggrandizing manchild with no redeeming qualities. He was his uncle’s favorite student. He got to keep in touch with his family back home after going to train as a Jedi. He’s upset about being overindulged by his uncle because he thinks that means he’s not really earned his place as a Jedi, even though he’s made a lot of friends in the temple. How is it even possible for Sidious to be back from the dead? Also, why does Rey ever suddenly like this asshole at all? They spend most of their time fighting, and Kylo Ren was just abusing, torturing, and stalking Rey the whole time. Most of the time it’s abusive and in the end it feels forced.
As for Luke, he is really out of character in the ST movies, but especially in The Book of Boba Fett. Lucas intended for him to be the guy who broke the toxic cycle of his predecessors with that whole “no attachment” bs. No one expected for his new Jedi Order to be perfect, but Luke actually enforcing that “no attachment” bs rule that he knows helped fuck up his dad and the last Jedi Order is entirely out of character. This is the same man who grew up with healthy attachments to family and friends and learned the importance of having personal agency to make free choices without being pressured. The stuff that is now labeled Legends material is more true to his original characterization.
Of course, there are still many fans trying to defend this OOCness of Luke, Anakin, Obi Wan, Leia, and Han in Disney Star Wars, the old Jedi “no attachment” rule, and all the other retcons. It’s not what Lucas actually intended, but since when have any of these Disney SW fans ever respected GL’s original story? They wanted a a story of simplistic good vs evil tropes between the Jedi and the Sith that the original Star Wars saga never fit, and Disney is trying to give them that, and recycle all of Lucas’s original stories.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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It's the Cat's Life for Me
Pairing: Ranboo x Reader, Tommy x Reader, Tubbo x Reader, Purpled x Reader
Request: Can I have your take on the yandere boys (purpled, ranboo, tommy, and tubbo) with a cat hybrid reader? Don't overwork yourself and remember self care! <3
Word count: 1.6k words
A/n: This all platonic, nothing romantic. Also oops i didn't make it yandere- misread it.
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He’d definitely be excited to meet you, especially since you’re a hybrid. He’s an enderman hybrid and you are? Oh a cat hybrid! That’s really cool! You two should hang out a few times- it’ll be great.
When he realizes and puts the pieces together, he gets ultra excited. Most cats don’t like water, right? So does that mean you don’t like water or- oh you definitely don’t like water! Or water in that way. Maybe water period- you know what he shouldn’t and won’t try that again.
Now you two playfully threaten each other with water. You, at least, would have a squirt bottle at the reader for whenever the moment is right. Ranboo does the same. Think old wild west style shoot off. That’s what happens.
There has to be loads of cuddle sessions with purring. Specifically to calm one of you down. Or both of you. Doesn’t matter, works all the same.
I don’t care what Mojang said; endermen can and will be fluffy.>:( They have to be. So you just pet each other to help calm down. Either be pet or pet, that is the question. Honestly it’s a “whatever you think works best for you bud” thing.
So I already mentioned how you helped with his anxiety. But I want to go slightly more in depth with it. Anytime he seems like he’s panicking, and you get his permission, you just flop on him and purr up a storm. The combination of weight, sound, heat and feeling is very comforting to him. You’re like a living weighted blanket!
Also you totally nap on him during this time, making it impossible for him to stand up and do anything. Just designated chill time.
When this man enderwalks, it’s a whole cute show. Just an enderman hybrid, slightly hunched and walking around the server, muttering stuff in a different language. Then you got that cat hybrid that’s following him and occasionally rubbing against him. Especially if they think he’s about to get into trouble.
Sometime he’ll just pick you up and carry you around with him. It’s the equivalent of a child picking up the family cat and walking around with it. He isn’t properly holding you so you do that cat slinky thing where they just elongate like a slinky. You aren’t pleased but you can’t get out of his grasp.
Okay kinda following the headcannon that Tommy has wings here. But when he finds out you’re a cat hybrid? Oh man this is so cool! What cat things can you do? Do you know? Want to find out? Want to commit science with him?
He will drop you from great heights and free fall with you. It’s a fun activity only the two of you can enjoy together.
Before you hit the ground, he’ll do his best to grab you and land. Other times aren’t that fortunate so you just land on the ground yourself. Mostly on your feet but there were a few times Tommy messed you your angle. He’ll always make sure you’re okay by the end.
Like any bird, he will love to annoy you. There is no safe place. Look away or don’t pay attention when he’s talking? Grab and gentle yoink the tail. Loves to just attack your tail when you’re relaxed or least expect it.
Once he realizes what effect catnip has on you, it’s game over. He can get you to do whatever he wants! After you play, rub, eat and sniff the catnip. And if he can get and keep your attention. Maybe this was a mistake…
Will absolutely get you cat toys. You don’t enjoy them, yet you do. It’s Tommy’s way of patronizing you but they’re also so fun. Man what a conundrum....
His favorite toy to get you is a laser pointer. Easy entertainment for everyone! Plus it’s his secret weapon. Admittedly his newest. It was something he should’ve realized ages ago. But now? Oh it’s his new best friend- besides you of course.
Losing an argument? Pull out the laser pointer? Wanting you to do something because he’s too lazy? Point that little red dot at a point where you pouncing on it gets his job done.
Play fighting is a very common occurrence between the two of you. Happens right out of the blue. You two could literally be chilling on a hill and then you two are wrestling aggressively on the ground.
Tommy also tries to spook you. Is it effective? Sometimes. Usually not. But when he’s able to get you to jump and just bolt away screaming? Man those are the best reactions! You jump so high too!
Aw man, here comes another fuzzy duo!! You two can easily chill out with each other. It’s incredible. You both calm down together. And just chit chat so much. Emotional support friend? Sure.
You’re so good with Micheal too. Micheal just wants to pet you so much. Big cat? But also human? Good friend? Cool friend? Soft and fuzzy friend!! You’re like a giant talking cat to him, for lack of a better description. You can do human stuff. You just got some animal features.
Another duo that will just cuddle. Bring in Ranboo and Micheal while you’re at it. Make it a family cuddle session!! The little group will see two people cuddling and go “I must join”.
I feel he has an area to grow plants in Snowchester. He just has to. So you know what that means? He’ll grow you stuff! Load of cat grass and some catnip along with other greenery that you like to much on. He makes sure they aren’t poisonous to cats- wait how much of that will apply to you? Do you know?
Okay so you two play fight, but much less aggressively than you and Tommy would. You two also include Micheal. Very gentle play fighting then. Like ultra.
You two fight with what your instincts are telling you. Mostly acting out on the funny animal behaviors that’ll make Micheal laugh or just to have fun with it.
He will get you so many soft things. Just so much. Soft blankets, fluffy pillows and so much else man. Especially trying to get the squishy and soft stuff so you can knead it. Honestly a very endearing sight. You purr so heavily doing it.
Now you two will do gentle headbutts of affection. Very gentle, mind you. You two are very wary of the horns that peak through Tubbo’s fluffy hair. Sometimes the two of you won’t gently butt heads, but butt your heads against other body parts like the upper arm or shoulder. To grab attention and show affection.
Now this relationship is going to be mildly different from the get go. There won’t be an innate sense of “what’s right” or how hybrids function as a being/person. See, Purpled is a human. You are a cat hybrid. Two very different species. The backgrounds and some of the body language is different, but you two manage quite well.
So he’ll treat you differently than the other hybrids. Well, only a wee bit. He’lll treat you like the others but in a different way, with a different tone to his actions. It’s very sweet, but you tell him it’s not necessary. He still does it.
One of the cat-like things he found out was that you don’t like water. People usually like water and some cats like water, yet you’re like a majority of cats. You despise getting wet. Attempts at smacking anything that’s getting you wet was what clued him in on this. Specifically when he accidentally did it. Oops.
You two can’t swim together. Napping is really out of the question because he has work and sleeping doesn’t seem like the most interesting activity. Although relaxing, it isn’t too productive.
Activities are hard to come by; stuff you’d want to do with Purpled is stuff he definitely doesn’t want to do and vise versa. After a standstill on what to do, you two started to get creative with the ideas.
Building super tall buildings? Although not safe for Purpled, you can easily take the fall. Along with that, Purpled is more than happy to build tall things. You can’t tell me otherwise because this man built a whole ufo.
Sometimes he’ll even bring you on his mercenary missions. It’s a cool way to hang out and have some more one-on-one time and you two get to work together. A very pog situation.
He tries to give you a part of the money; 50-50 for you guys. But you deny. It was his job, you just came around. Although not too happy about it, because you two worked together on this, he’ll concede. After all, he can just slowly slip the money into your house.
On these trips you not only provide companionship but you also are more than ready to work. Maybe playing coy and cute for a patron at a bar to lure them out and away from the public eye to be executed by Purpled. Or it could be a simple distraction of someone running by. Maybe you’re able to pickpocket the target and get what’s needed. You’re a cute and fuzzy swiss army knife
He loves to get on higher surfaces than you and try to pick you up. Even if it’s only enough to just get your feet on the ground. You do the little cat extension thingy and he thinks that’s super cool and funny. So he’ll do it often. Though you try to object, claiming to not enjoy the process at all. Yet that smile and giggles say otherwise.
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When you try you commit suicide (REQUESTED)
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
WARNING: If you are or know anyone who is suicidal, please get them help! If this topic triggers you, please leave now!
And if anyone's putting you down and you feel this way, let me know (So I can yah yeet them into hell and back again then throw them into 939 and 682's cell >:D)
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SCP 073 (Cain)
Cain's heart drop when he figured out that you were suicidal
He probably has figured out bits and pieces since he noticed that you've acted a lot more different than usual
You came from a very abusive family and everyone around you were toxic
Then you came into the foundation and worked hard enough to stress you out
Didn't help that much since your mentor died from an SCP and some of your coworkers were being bullies to you
Which then drove you to become even more suicidal
Found out much later when someone called him in because you were at the medical bay
Glass was sat there beside you and wanted to check up on you
No responses were heard and Glass turned to see Cain's pained look
He told Cain everything that has happened and he was truly heartbroken by all this news
Cain had tried to comfort you and would give you some space if you need
Would remind you every so often that he loves you and makes sure that you're taking breaks
Definitely dealt with the bullies without you knowing
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
He's quite dense so he might not know that you're suicidal
Probably noticed a few changes in your behaviour but wouldn't question it
Definitely didn't try and threaten to kill everyone once he found out that you were injured
Stormed into the medical part of the Foundation and asked for you
Was about to drag you back to his cell but was stopped abruptly because the doctor who was treating you said the scars were from yourself
Abel looked at you with confusion and hurt
He allowed you to rest in the hospital for a couple of days and asked so many questions
And realising that it was because of your PTSD working with the Foundation and not wanting to stress further
Swore to protect you for all of eternity and wouldn't allow you to go back on the field
So you settled to work in an office instead, handling safe classes and taking some time off
Abel monitored you to make sure you don't do it again
Definitely gave you a huge lecture
It was loud enough for the whole floor to hear and everyone just stopped what they're doing just to see what was happening
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
To say 999's little jello heart shattered to a million pieces was an understatement
Nobody has ever seen a bright orange blob of happiness looked so worried and somewhat traumatised as he had received the news
That said news was you trying to commit suicide
And fortunately, there were people around to stop you from hurting yourself even more
999 slithered over as quick as possible and went in to check on you
The first thing he did was to give you a big warm hug and to tell you that he cared about you and you meant everything to him
He never complained about you once and you were grateful for that
999 didn't question your reason for suicide since he knows it'll make things worse and that you'd open up to him whenever you were ready
He saw many of the scars you have on your body and was immediately concerned
Noticing this, you explained your situation to him and he was very much understanding
999 would comfort and support your decisions in not trying to commit suicide
Everyone outside just peeked in and was relieved that you've agreed to work on this together with 999
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
When 682 heard that you wanted to commit suicide, he was confused and concerned
Part of him wanted to know why and the other part told him that you were stupid for doing that
The both of you were transferred into another room as requested by 682
The very first thing he did was to shout at you for doing something so stupid
Moments later after you cried for a bit, he checked up on you, asking if you were alright, making sure you were comfortable and nuzzled your side for a bit
Once you were relaxed, you've told him everything that's been happening and he listened for once
Which did surprise the researchers when they found out moments later
Unfortunately, 682 did breach containment just to hunt down whoever made you feel that way and he did succeed
Then casually went back to his cell which shocked everyone, even you
Well, let's just say that you were feeling much better and nobody ever bothered you again
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
049 was sus since you were acting strange lately
He had 100% noticed the scars but didn't ask, thinking that you went on a mission and you were just injured and you went to the medics
Later on, his heart dropped when he heard someone say that you seemed like ending your life, which you did
He came into the room you were in and checked on your injuries and scars
You could see the pain in his eyes when he connected the dots and you didn't need to say a thing for him to understand that you did all this to yourself
049 just sighed a little, took a chair and sat on it then nursed your injuries and gave you such a disapproving look
"Who is it this time?" he asked which shocked you since you've never told him explicitly that something or someone bothered you
But you weren't that surprised since your bird boi is observant af
So you just told him everything and he dealt with the situation professionally
And whoever/whatever's bothering you just vanished out of thin air and nobody ever questioned it
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
As I've mentioned in the other chapters, 035 is a master manipulator and actor/actress
So when it comes to body language and the tone you'd use when talking to someone, he would have an idea of what's going on
So when you secluded yourself every passing day and would avoid talking about reoccurring scars on your body, 035 would have quite an accurate guess
When he confronted you about this, you shied away from him for a moment
Since you know 035 well, you just told him everything as he listened intently
He just absorbed all the negativity from you and you just felt better
035 would reassure you and you blindly listened and feel much better with him
And of course, like any other partners out there, he dove into whoever was making you feel suicidal and sorted it all out
After a couple of days, you went back into 035's cell and asked about the missing person
All 035 told you was that the person just got eaten by some SCP and nobody knows how the said person got there
SCP 105 (Iris)
Iris might question your scars here and there if you ever had them
She might not even think that you were suicidal until you showed the obvious traits or if someone told her that you were in the medical bay
Would 100% lecture you about being suicidal then comfort you a second after she's done
She's just super worried about you and even though she's in the foundation with you most of the time, there are moments where she's asked to go into the field with the MTFs
As Iris is rightfully worried about you, if she can't stay with you, she'd make Cain, Dr Glass and Dr Lights watch over you
Maybe Kondraki if he's ok with this
Might even go to Clef and/or Bright if she really needs to
At least they can keep your minds off things
Iris would tend to any of your scars and injuries and motivate you to live
Shows you loads of photos of the happier times you've both shared
Would never let you touch anything that can cause you an injury
Definitely would deal with whoever's making you feel that way if there was that someone
SCP 106 (Old Man)
106 would probably find it hard to grasp the concept of emotions other than the few basic ones
So when he was informed about your attempted suicide, he was confused
not because he didn't understand it, because he definitely did
It's just because he never understood why anyone would do such a thing
Even more so if that person was you
When 106 came to visit you, he would unintentionally show his worried expression which saddened you
Is definitely torn between just comforting you and wanting to ask you about your issue
You did tell him at the end about you wanting to commit suicide and 106 telling you to never do such a thing
Making sure that if someone made you feel this way, he'd deal with them right away and you'd never have to worry again
Although he finds it hard to sympathise with others, he did understand the term, so he would try his best to do so
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
He's basically 106 but a little denser
096 is 100% more anxious than the other SCPs here and would definitely show signs while he's being observed in his cell
Kind of understands the term 'suicide' but not to a full extent
Like he knows what it is, but not how and why people would do so
When 096 got the news about this from your psychologist, he literally went brrrrrr
Went to check in on you and gave you a bone-crushing hug
Made sure that any injuries were properly bandaged and treated
Started to cry midway through
You explained to him that you didn't go all the way because you knew that he needed you and you'd never leave him alone again
096's worried expression slowly turned to happiness and gave you another hug
Dr Jack bright
Bright would notice something's off with you but wouldn't say a thing just yet
Like if he notices that whatever is happening to you has worsened then he'll confront you
At first, you would avoid his gaze and questions, but you ended up telling him everything that's been happening
Bright was shocked and conflicted about all this information
You could literally see him tearing up as he was trying to find the words but couldn't
He ended up giving you a big teddy bear hug
And you just cried into his shoulder/chest
Jack Bright would try his best to comfort you because he wants to take all the pain away
Whenever he's on break, he'd make sure to check up on you
If he was busy and can't visit you, he would make sure to send someone to check up on you
Most likely Dr Glass
Would tell you about his dark thoughts as well
Only because he understands and you wouldn't feel alone about this
Dr Simon Glass
Glass would definitely know
He's a psychologist after all
Would find a way to get you to be more vocal about the issue
And it's quite subtle so you wouldn't know
Once he gets all the information he needs, he'll start to find ways to minimise the chances of you feeling suicidal
He's just so subtle about this that you wouldn't even know
Once you feel better, Glass feels more relaxed knowing that he helped you overcome the issue
Would 100% still watch out for you in case it happens again
Everybody else notices this and helps poor mama Glass look out for you too
Wouldn't necessarily beat up anyone if they hurt you but would definitely give some warning signs to back off though
Sometimes our hardworking Dr Iceberg ends up helping him because mama Glass is busy af
Dr Alto Clef
As dense as he may seem when it comes to emotions, he is very much aware of your unusual behaviour
Would most likely ask for some advice from Dr Glass
By ask I mean he booked in a therapy session for you and tricked you into going
And yes, you did end up going to see Glass
Simon then informed about your situation with Clef and he was stunned
If it was someone/something making you feel this way then he'd go out of his way to sort it out
After all, Clef is rather good at completing missions
Makes sure to comfort you whenever you're down and suicidal
Sometimes he'd even share his experiences with you
Would try and act goofy but came out rather annoying
Ended up asking Bright to help him cheer you up
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki is a little dense but would notice something's off
Wouldn't be 100% sure so he just keeps the thought to himself instead
Would also go to Glass for some advice about your strange behaviour
Glass ended up teaching Kondraki some psychological stuff just so he can be left alone for once
Would never make you feel down about yourself
Definitely would motivate and compliment you
Acts all fatherly with you
Like he's protective with you to the point some people would jokingly say he's your dad
Making you share a room with him because he's worried and wouldn't act up weirdly when you're along
Kondraki might resort to asking Bright and Clef for some help
Might even ask Iceberg to do some of his paperwork because he wants to spend more time with you
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soleilsuhh · 4 years
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nct 127 imagine : what they would be like as boyfriends !
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[✿] — TAEIL. he’s the epitome of a chill and cuddly boyfriend. not exactly the type to do those big grand gestures of love and he doesn’t expect you to, too. instead, he shows his love in small and sometimes, subtle ways; you can see and feel his love for you in the way he looks at you during random moments or the way he casually includes you in his future plans like he doesn’t see or want a future without you. he’s very caring and committed. the type of boyfriend that will make you feel so loved and protected. he loves seeing you thrive and be at your best, and he’s more than willing to give you so much support to help you reach your goals. taeil is also very humorous and light-hearted - having him as your boyfriend is guaranteed fun time with lots of laughs and silliness.
[✿] — JOHNNY. honestly so flirty and playful. he loves talking to you a lot - he’s the type of boyfriend that will talk to you on the phone all night. at the same time, he’s also an amazing listener - very patient, understanding, and he also seems to know the right things to say to make you feel better. definitely your personal hypeman; he’s very generous with compliments and praises. he’s also the type to like talking about you to his friends; gushing about you to you is not enough, he’ll do it with his friends too - but he’ll do it so casually and subtly. a proper gentleman; he will insist to pay for most of your dates and will treat you like a lady. so so reliable - the kind of boyfriend you can count on with a lot of practical things.
[✿] — TAEYONG. this man is pretty much ‘husband material.’ once he is in a relationship, he is very committed, loyal, and he will expect the same from you too. he wants and craves a deep connection; the “you and me against the world” type. he’s very sensitive to your wants and needs and sometimes, you won’t even need to tell him your thoughts - he will just know. he’s the type to ditch a friday night with the boys because he wants to spend time with you. amazing at giving emotional support. he is a bit prone to jealousy and can be very protective but he’s never controlling; your decisions are your own. so affectionate. he likes being the little spoon but doesn’t mind being the big spoon too.
[✿] — YUTA. not gonna lie, yuta can be quite intense in a relationship simply because he feels things very strongly so if he loves you he loves you - you’ll be the only one he will have eyes for and he will be quite attached to you. but he does also have a playful side; he loves making you laugh and he is just so caring. he can be possessive and protective but he also respects you so much that he would never try to control or limit you. the type to ask “hey babe who’s this?” when he sees you talking to someone he doesn’t know. very touchy. best person to talk to simply because he’s so accepting and non-judgemental; the type to help you embrace your dark side and flaws rather than trying to “fix” you.
[✿] — DOYOUNG. he’s the type of boyfriend who likes to act “annoyed” with you but would literally do anything for you - i mean it, he would do anything for you, he’ll just complain a little bit but he generally likes being helpful. protective. “text me when you get home so i know you’re safe” type of guy. naturally dominant in a relationship but it’s more in a “maternal” way. is a good listener but he feels just listening is not enough so he’s the type to make you soup or some other comfort food when you’re upset and will sit down with you and find a solution. he values mental stimulation and learning too so he likes talking to you about the ideas and thoughts he has.
[✿] — JAEHYUN. he might be slow to express his emotions but when he finally does, you will realize just how deeply and strongly his feelings for you are. generally, he’s not very verbally expressive with his love; he prefers to show it with his actions. that’s the thing - what he might lack in verbal expressions, he makes it up by going out of his way to show he cares: he’s the type to come over at late at night if you’re having a bad day, no matter how tired he is, or the type to pick up your favorite food or drink on the way home. the type of boyfriend to calm you down by making you smile or laugh but also seriously listens to whatever you have in mind and try to offer advice. he loves to spoil you. plus he’s very attentive and observant. if you mention in passing that you have seen a certain dress or piece of jewelry that you like, he will surprise you by leaving it on your bed with a handwritten note.
[✿] — JUNGWOO. he’s a hopeless romantic kind of boyfriend. the type to do small and sweet gestures out of nowhere just to see you smile. the type to send cute “good morning/good night texts.” the type to sneak up on you for a hug. the type to bring you flowers even though it’s not really a proper date. he’s the type to make you laugh even at 1 a.m when you’re crying because you just overthought. although he may be quite a fluffy boyfriend, he’s also extremely smart and reliable. acts of service is one of his primary love languages and he enjoys assisting you in your life; you would be pulling an all-nighter trying to finish a project but once he provides his help, that project will be finished in a blink of an eye.
[✿] — MARK. he’s the type of boyfriend who tries to become interested in the things you’re interested in so that you have even more in common and can spend more time together while doing/ talking about something you like. he wants your friend and family to like him too. honestly such a sweet boyfriend. you treats you more like a best-friend in public - the type of boyfriend that fist-bumps you or you guys have your own “handshake” thing you randomly made up that one night and now it has stuck through your whole relationship. surprisingly, very protective and defensive of you. will fight anyone who tries to cross you in any way.
[✿] — HAECHAN. he can be an annoying and clingy boyfriend but he is also so much more than that. he's the type to tease you over so many little things to see you pouty and apologize so profusely when you act upset. he's the type to watch that favorite movie of yours for the thousandth time even though he doesn't like it that much himself. he's the type to surprise you with how mature he is during serious times; he gives really solid advice. he's the type to tolerate your ramblings with so much patience and actually ask you questions so that you can ramble even more about it. he just likes listening to you talk so enthusiastically. the type to trust you so much that he's not afraid to be emotionally vulnerable with you and he reassures you it's okay to do the same with him.
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