#and honestly she's right to demand that. but also she should shut up
jichanxo · 1 month
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yagami based on a picture from this kimutaku shoot
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weixuldo · 7 months
Like a Drug
Toxic!Anakin x Reader
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a/n: hihihi, this one is a pretty long one shot ahh sorry! its based on this ask from @hanasnx ! (Though I did change the promp a little) I just wanted to also update that It is officially finals week- so I'll be slower than i alr am SORRY!! but i have been working on the next xhapters of allow me and enigma when i get breaks!! I hope u enjoy! ALSO! Please don't stay w someone if they act the way anakin does in this fic- this is purely a scenario for fictional purposes, never let anyone do anything he does, to you.
Anakin has a very peculiar way of showing his love; well you call it love other people call it an unhealthy obsession... you finally realize how fucked up the situation is and leave- but the real question is how long can you stay away?
warnings: cursing, toxic bf ani, smex, cumplay, agressive behavior, mention of blood, fights, alluded sexual harassment, anakin is obsessive and posessive. (he's does some fucked up shit)
“Get up” Anakin’s stern voice rang as he gripped your upper arm. 
You jumped at the unexpected contact- why was Anakin here? 
“Ani! You scared m-” you started to laugh before he tightened his grip.
“Now.” he growled. 
You looked back at your friends sitting across the table from you; their eyes were wide. Before you could say anything, Anakin started to pull you up. 
“Let go of her!” one of your friends demanded. 
He snapped his head towards her and only loosened his grip on you to stomp to the other side of the table. His tall frame towered as he glared daggers at her. 
“The fuck did you just say?” he spat.
She went pale and looked down at her lap. 
“That’s what I thought. Anyone else have any smart comments?” he huffed, before promptly pulling you out of the restaurant. 
Before you made it all the way out the door you mouthed an “its ok” to your friends before following your boyfriend outside. 
“Anakin, what the fuck?” you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. 
He continued towards his sleek black camaro (he loved to drive through the city at night, music blaring and his hand on his property, your thigh). 
“Don’t fucking ignore me Anakin!” you shouted, gaining the attention of an older couple who were heading inside the restaurant. 
Your cheeks burned as you caught their stares, but honestly you were used to this shit, it wasn’t the first time you and Ani had made a scene in public. Anakin always did this- he would get pissy over some irrelevant thing and you would get into an argument. 
He stopped and turned with such anger.
“You really wanna know? You shouldnt have to fuckin’ ask why I’m upset! If you ever thought of anyone but yourself you’d see how fucked up it is of you to get dinner with those bitches who want to break us up” he screamed; his beautiful blue eyes dark with rage. 
You knew Anakin hated your friends. And you knew they hated him.
“You know they don’t like me and always try to get you to leave- Meanwhile those sluts cant keep their legs shut; they’re probably just jealous cause I’m the only guy who gets to fuck you and they have to find a new one every night!” he spat. 
Most of your friends were in stable relationships, but of course Anakin didn’t bother to remember that. 
“How am I selfish Anakin? I just wanted to grab dinner with the girls and you didn’t even come up. I told them not to bring you up after the last fight” you sighed, exhausted from Anakin's irrational moods. 
His sculpted jaw clenched and his right eye twitched. 
“It's the fact that you still even allow their company, it’s disrespectful.”
You shook your head and huffed in disbelief. 
“Anakin, you are absolutely unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable… Do you even hear yourself right now?!” you screamed. 
“And not that it should even fucking matter, but how did you even know I was with them?” 
“I have your location- you know that” he stated as if you asked if the sky was blue. 
“I know that, but how about them?”
He knew where they were because he made several alternative snapchat accounts and pretended to be someone from school who was just looking for new friends.
He spent nights pretending to be an excited freshman who was wondering where the science building was. He used remix to send your friends snaps that made it look like he was on campus or hanging out downtown with other students. And eventually he gained their trust enough for them to turn on their snap map for him so he could “make sure they were safe” if they went somewhere, since it's “dangerous for us college girls down here”. 
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “No way, you probably chipped their phones or some psycho shit cause you’re fucking crazy Anakin!” 
“Well if you just goddamn did what I told you we wouldn’t have to have these conversations or be in these situations” he replied dryly. 
“How many fucking “rules” are there for me to follow?! Everytime I go out or do anything, you find something to nit pick! It's exhausting! I don’t even know why I’m still with you?!”
“Get in the car.” he demanded. 
“You’re insane if you think-”
His whole demeanor shifted and he sighed, “baby, please… I’m sorry, let’s talk about this”. 
“No, Anakin- i’m done with your bullshit” you said, heading back towards the building. 
He felt his scarred eye twitch, but he needed to subdue his temper (just until he could take it out on your pretty pussy).
See, Anakin Skywalker was a master manipulator. He knew that no matter how much you fought or how insane he acted- you would always come back.
This was clockwork for him. You’d fight, he’d act vulnerable, you would fuck, and then you’d be good for a while. A perfect system. Never failed. 
He called your name with a desperate plea- he had no problem acting needy if it got him to where he needed to be, plus this gave you the illusion of having power in this familiar situation. 
You hesitantly turned around to meets his gaze; his beautiful blue eyes glassy with his brilliant manipulation. 
“Baby, I’m sorry- I just worry about you..” he spoke softly as you subconsciously came closer. 
Soon his strong arms were wrapped around your waist and his scent flooded your senses. 
“You know I can't control my feelings sometimes- I just love you too much- I can’t lose you too…” he whispered into your hair. 
You knew exactly what he was referring to with the “too”- his mother. He was very close with her, growing up she was all he had. A few years back she passed away and it took a big toll on your lover.
You never wanted to admit it, but you knew he used that to guilt trip you into staying or to get you to feel bad for him. 
You hated him. 
But you couldn’t stop…
You held him tighter and grabbed his shirt fabric, “I know Ani… I know”.
You were now crying too- You knew this was unhealthy- toxic even; but you just couldn’t quit him. 
You felt his strong arms lift you up and he carried you towards his camaro; you knew what came next… He’d comfort you, fuck you, then you would act as if no argument ever happened.
A cycle you had gotten all too familiar with. 
“F-fuck” Anakin stuttered as he slammed his cock into you; intensive sounds of your bodies colliding, ricochet off the bedroom walls. 
“You feel s-so good Baby- doin’ so good for me” he praised as he thrusted in and out of your plush walls. You were lying on your back as he held one of your legs over his shoulder so he could hit even deeper. 
The glorious feeling of his calloused hands along your smooth stomach made you shiver. When you first started dating Anakin he told you that he would please you so well that no other men would be able to compare.
he was right…
No man could navigate your body the way he does, read your tells like he could, no man could make you cum as well as Anakin could.
He slowed his hips for a moment making you whine at the lack of movement from his thick cock. 
“Look at me baby”. 
You blinked your doe eyes open, tears falling from the corners. He observed your features before his eyes softened. 
“My girl, my pretty girl… always so lovely” she smiled before tenderly kissing you. 
“I love you more than anything” he whispered against your plump lips. 
Moments like this were why you stayed: he could be kind- he was sweet- he did care. 
You were about to reciprocate his statement but were cut off by his hand tightly gripping around your throat as he continued snapping his hips into yours.
You squealed with each powerful thrust- it was ok, you’d tell him later. 
His swollen member was blushing red and as hard as could be. He absolutely adored having you below him, taking his dick like a champ- he remembered how proud he was when you were finally able to take all of him. 
A particularly hefty thrust sent his neurons firing and he knew he was almost at his end. He sloppily bucked his hips into your pelvis as his breathing became more erratic. 
“I’m gonna cum- w-where do you want it sweet girl?” he half stuttered, half moaned.
You patted your chest and gave Anakin a knowing look. 
With that he was gone, his brows knitted together in ecstasy and his hips lurched forward. A string of obscenities left his mouth as he quickly slid his dick out of you to aim for your chest. 
Barely one pump in, his warm seed coated your chest. You watched as his abs and thighs contracted with each wave of pleasure. Some of his damp curls stuck to his forehead, he had a sheen of sweat, and his cheeks were flushed. 
What a beautiful sight. 
Anakin’s fingers tucked some wild strands of hair behind your ear as you slept peacefully beside him.
Last night cut it a little closer than he normally would have, but it all worked out because here you were, still with him- fast asleep in his bed. 
He grabbed your phone and began to go through your messages (an unhealthy habit he picked up a few months back), his fingers immediately moved to the new notifications from your friends.
He opened the pinned group chat and read the messages from last night. 
Where r u? Where’d he take u?
Are you alright?
WTF was that?!
Anakin rolled his eyes; your friends were always so dramatic. But he smiled when he saw your response. 
“Guys i'm good, ani took me home and we talked things out- he’s just been really stressed out lately, it's nothing to worry about!”
You were his good girl and he’d spoil you today for your loyalty. 
He continued to scroll passively until he got to the newer unread messages. 
y/n, can we all please talk when you get back- we’re worried about you
Yea, anakin doesn’t seem like he has the best intentions
We hate to see you in this situation
Babe, he’s toxic- u need to dump him
“...u need to dump him”
Anakin almost threw the phone across the room- no way these bitches were telling you to dump him?!
He was the only one who took care of you, he was the only one who knew what was best for you- who did these girls think they were?!
Before he could stop himself he took out his own phone and copied all of their numbers down so he could send several nasty message to the girls basically telling them to back the fuck off and being unnecessarily hateful.
After he blocked their numbers, he decided it was time for a shower, so he left you with a kiss and headed to the bathroom. 
The emptiness of the bed made you wake. For a moment, you began to search for Anakin but the shower in the other room indicated where he was. 
You smiled and cuddled further into his sheets. The warmth of the blankets began to pull you back into slumber but your phone interrupted the notion. 
It was one of the girls you had gotten dinner with last night, what would she be calling this early for?
y/n, I’m sorry but you need to come back now, I don’t think it's the best idea for you to be with anakin-
“Wait, slow down… why?”
She sent you screenshots of the messages he sent and you almost dropped your phone.
“What the fuck?! Anakin sent this?”
Yes, this morning- I really think you should get out of that relationship y/n- I’ve been telling you this! He’s trying to make you dependent on only him- it's not healthy!
You took a moment to regain your thoughts and quickly said a goodbye when you heard the water stop running. 
Why would he be so cruel? You knew he had his issues but he’d never been so explicitly viscous before. Maybe your friends were right, you had been manipulated so much that you were defending his toxic behavior. This had to stop. 
You knew you wouldn’t be able to face him for long (he would just pull you back in). So you quickly began to gather your things so that it would be easier to leave after you talked with him. 
You almost had everything packed when the doorknob turned to reveal a fresh Anakin; his hair was still damp from the shower and his skin had a glistening shine from the residual steam. He had such a big smile… you hated this, but it needed to be done. 
“What’s going on princess?” he frowned when he saw your bag was already packed. 
“Anakin… I have to go” you said hurriedly. 
He moved in front of you and held up a hand, “Woah, can we talk about what’s going on? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?” he asked (genuinely worried). 
With a sigh, you looked him in the eye, “Anakin- we can’t keep doing this- we aren’t good for eachother”. 
He felt his chest tighten. 
“Was it your friends? Did they put those thoughts in your head?! I told you they weren’t-”
“Anakin! Please, enough! I saw what you said to them- Why the fuck would you say that? You’re not acting like the man I fell in love with… You’ve changed so much” you said with watery eyes.
For a moment he looked as if he were going to punch something but eventually he let out a breath and defeatedly stood to the side. Your words seemed to really hit him. 
“Angel, I do what I do because I love you- you know that. I know I’m messed up- but I’ve been working on it, Truly” he promised.
Tears fell as you shook your head, “I know Ani, but it's not fair to me- I can’t keep doing this! We always end up fighting and you always get upset”
“I DON'T!” Anakin unintentionally shouted, making you shrink away from him. 
“This is what I'm talking about Ani, I don’t wanna do this- no, i’m not doing this anymore. I’m leaving” you said, grabbing your things and heading for the door. 
He called your name but you ignored him, you almost got to his front door when he grabbed your upper arm. 
“Let go!” you shouted, snatching your arm from his hold.
“Please, just leave me alone” you cried as you walked out of the house and headed for the uber you sneakily called while he was still in the shower. 
As the uber drove away, you saw a confused and hurt Anakin standing in his driveway.
You put your head in your hands and cried… 
It needed to be done.
It had to. 
A few months later
The early autumn air nipped at your skin as you haistilly exited the rowdy club. You shivered and crossed your arms after checking the time. 
10:34 pm
You had only gotten to the damn club 30 minutes ago and you already wanted to leave. You and some friends had gone out to reward yourselves for a hard week (and to hopefully get your mind off of your ex).
Some guy in the club had gotten a little too handsy fior your comfort- he attempted to put his hand up your dress and grope your breasts while you were just leaning over the bar to order another drink. You slapped him across the face and made your way outside to get some air. 
You wanted to leave; as you stood by the curb you felt the familiar sting of tears pricking at your eyes. 
The sensation of alcohol warmed your tummy and clouded your thoughts. Warm, strong hands protecting you from any other man who dared to look at you. Fierce blue eyes warding off any unwanted attention- 
You physically shook your head and opened your phone to distract yourself. There was no fucking way you were thinking about him right now. You scrolled to your uber app and looked up rates for a ride back to your apartment. 
$40, $35, $47, $32, $43
The rates were through the roof, no way you were going to pay that just to get a few blocks home. 
Almost instinctively, your hands moved so that your thumb was shivering over Anakin’s number. 
What were you doing?!
You were about to swipe off when you realized: you weren’t willing to take an expensive uber, but you also didn’t want to walk that far in heels and at night. Maybe you should call him… at least you know him and he does owe you a favor anyways. 
Fuck it. 
You unblock and dial his number. 
You groaned. You knew very well what he was doing- he was making you call several times so that you would look desperate. He loved doing that shit. You dialed again. 
“Hey sweet thing, finally came to your senses?” he said, smugness dripping off his every word. 
“Anakin- please come pick me up” you sniffed. 
“And why would I do that? Why would I do you a favor after you’ve been such a bra-”
“Ani- someone tried to touch me- I wanna go home” you cried. 
The other end of the phone went silent. Anakin’s eye began to twitch and his grip on the phone tightened. 
“Where?” he gritted out. 
“What? I’m on fourth street, over by the old mill-”
“Where did he touch you?” he interrupted. 
You took a breath- maybe you shouldn’t have called Anakin, you knew he was going to cause a scene- but at the same time a dark part of you wanted him to become violent with his passion for you. 
“He put his hand up my skirt and started groping my breas-”
“I’m on my way” is all he said before finally adding-
“That fucker is dead.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, Ani was coming. 
Anakin’s knuckles were a fiery red as he dealt several blows to the man who had dared to touch his girl. His vision clouded by rage and hatred; how dare someone try to touch what was his. 
Sure, you were broken up (or so you thought); but anakin saw it as just a small break- You were getting back together- he knew it.
All he was waiting on was your call. 
Once he was satisfied, he stood up and shook the blood off of his hand. He looked over his work; the man’s face wa bloodied and his lip was cracked (there was also possibly a tooth missing but Anakin didn’t really give a  fuck). 
He leaned over and spat, “Don’t ever touch someone who isn’t yours again”. 
He made his way through the crowd of stunned onlookers who all began to back away from him as he headed towards the bathroom. Once he got there, everyone stepped out and allowed him to walk in with no hesitation (They didn’t want to get on his bad side in any shape or form). 
He leaned on the sink and examined the cut on his cheekbone. 
He turned on the faucet and washed the blood from his hands; no need for his beautiful girl to see the blood of a fucking perv. 
He dried his hands and exited the building to collect you from outside the building. 
You stood there, arms crossed, his jacket draped over your shoulders: his Angel. 
“Hey, sweetheart” he called in a soft voice as he put his arm around you. 
You looked at him with big eyes. 
“Are you alright?” He kissed your forehead. 
You nodded and hugged him closer to you.
“It's all taken care of, let's get you home”
“I knew you’d come back” he broke the silence in the car (well, the radio was on- but you hadn’t spoken since he left the club).
“Anakin, can we please not talk about this right now? '' you said quietly. 
He glanced at you and put a tender hand on your thigh. 
“Angel, these past few weeks without you have been hell… I’m sorry for how I acted- I love you”.
You knew this was just another way he was trying to manipulate you- he definitely don’t attempt to better himself, but you couldn’t help but indulge him- after all… you missed him too. You placed one of your hands on top of his and met his eye. 
“Ani- will you take me to your’s?” you asked shyly, as if you hadn’t spent countless nights in his bed. 
He smiled and rubbed his hand along your leg, “Of course darling”. 
“Maybe I can help relieve some of your stress too,” he added with a deeper tone. 
You mentally sighed- of course he wanted that; but you also wouldn’t mind having him near you again, so you politely nodded with a smile. 
He squeezed your thigh, “That’s my girl, I knew you couldn’t quit me that easy”
You turned your head to look out the window at the bright city once more… He was right- you just couldn’t quit him.
Once again anakin is completely fucked up in this fic- pls dont romantiscice this behavior in real life... other than that- I hope you enjoyed the fic lmfaooo. I haven't really written ani as an actually problamatic character before, its mostly just like rude or grumpy ani lmfao. but ty for stopping by!!
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rainylana · 2 years
“Yup, that’s my wife.”
Eddie Munson x reader
summary: this is a part two of “i think i’m in love.” i wasn’t even going to make another part but you guys all demanded it lmao.
for those who wanted tagged<3
@imdoingbetternow @imangy @ahzysauce
@moonymatt @your-starless-eyes-remain @catherinnn
warnings: omg this is so fluffy i can’t. some language, eddie and dustin being chaotic as hell. it’s just so cute lmao. i know nothing of dnd so that’s a warning all by itself.
a/n: honestly should i just make this a series?? i think i could figure out a way to continue to build it. idk, let me know! Also, my requests are open! send me something!
update! i did make this a series lol, part three is here
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“She’s coming right?”
“What time did you tell her?”
“You think we should clean up a bit? It’s a shithole in here.”
“Fuck, she’s gonna hate it. I know it. Not even married yet and we’ve gotten divorced.”
The hellfire club was in shambles, running and zooming around the school basement preparing for your big arrival. Eddie’s heart raced as the clock ticked on, his fingers twitching at his sides to see you again. You’d left a sweet taste in his mouth all day long, his mind could not leave your gentle, smiling face. He knew he was falling head over heals, but could you blame him? He wasn’t used to any woman being interested in what he said, nor did they ever want to hang out with him. This was new, and he was going insane.
“Jesus, why am I dusting!” Mike coughed. “I don’t think she’s gonna care if there’s dust, Eddie. I mean, you’ve got Gareth and Jeff sweeping!”
“Shut up, Wheeler,” Eddie snapped his fingers, standing on the dnd table as he tampered with the light fixture. “We needed to clean up anyways, this just gave us an excuse.”
“I picked her some flowers!” Dustin smiled tooth-fully, bringing some wild flowers out of his back back.
“What! No!” Eddie jumped off the table, his feet smacking against the floor. “She’s mine, Henderson. I saw her first.”
“Technically, I did.” Mike crossed his arms, earning a synchronized ‘shut up’.
“Give me those!”
“Fuck no! Go pick some yourself, I think I saw some grass outside-”
Your knock sounded loudly throughout the room, causing flinches and everyone to shut the hell up. Dustin hurriedly placed the flowers on the table behind him, stepping forward to open the door, but he was snatched back by the collar as Eddie yanked him backwards.
“Mine, Henderson.” He whispered, giving the freshman a death glare. He fixed his hair anxiously, straightening his wrinkled shirt as he looked about the room. “Look presentable.” He ordered, and they blindly straightened their posture.
He took a deep breath, begging a god he didn’t believe in to get him through the night. He opened the door, his face melting into a smirk at the sight of you. “Looks like Barbie showed.” He said over his shoulder, and you giggled under his stare.
“Think I wasn’t going to show?” You asked, making your way into the room as he shut the door behind you.
“Don’t take it personally, kiddo,” He took your arm in his to give you the grand tour, and you blushed awkwardly with a sly grin. “You just keep blowing our minds every chance you get. Anyways! You remember Dustin.” He gestured with his other hand, smirking a villainous glare at the boy as he held your arm.
“Yes, hi! How are you?” You smiled, tilting your head.
“Hey, uh,” He cleared his throat, reaching behind him to grab the flowers. Eddie’s eyes went wide. “I actually picked-”
“I picked these for you.” Eddie snatched the flowers out of his hand, petals dropping to the floor. “Here. Hope you like- well, whatever these are.”
You chuckled at their interaction, observing the messy picked flowers in hand. “Thank you.” You looked to both of them, dropping Eddie’s arm as you turned around. “So this is the game?” Your eyes danced amongst the pieces, your hands ghosting over the dice and other figures.
Perhaps you were crazy, showing up for some supposed “demon summoning” board game with a bunch of people you didn’t know. But what did you have to loose? Besides, it had been many years since you felt comfortable with a group like this. Besides, you felt more at home with the outcasts than with anyone else. They were obviously flirty, you knew that from the get-go, but they were harmless. And you liked Eddie. He was handsome and funny, had a charismatic energy about him that made you feel welcomed. You didn’t feel that often.
Your presence stuck out in the room, and while you were focused on the game pieces, everyone was staring at you, their mouths hanging open as you brought the 20 sided dice up to your eyes. Eddie nearly fainted at the sight. Never once, had a girl touched those pieces. Never once, had a girl played dnd with him before. Oddly enough, it felt like a date to him.
You had on skinny jeans, a baby pink, long sleeve shirt that clung your body. Your hair was let loose, curls flowing down your back with a pink bow, resting on the back of your head. You had on little pearl earrings, a singular silver ring that had your birthstone on it. Emerald. August. Your white converse were spick and span clean, unlike everyone else’s.
“Is this the-” You went to ask again, but froze when you seen everyone’s eyes on you. You clamped your mouth shut, looking at Eddie awkwardly.
“Sorry,” Eddie scratched the back of his head. “Here, we should- let’s get started then!” He announced, embarrassed that he was caught staring.
“Hey,” Dustin poked your shoulder, whispering quietly as everyone got in their seats. “You can sit by me if you want.”
“Actually, Henderson,” Eddie nearly shouted over his sheep, standing at the head of the table. “She’s sitting on the throne tonight.” He smiled widely, his teeth reflecting off the light as he patted the throne, scooting out the chair.
Everyone gasped at the sight. No one sat in that chair besides him.
He took your hand to help you into the seat, quickly looking over your delicate ring. His looked a lot bigger. It was weird for everyone to see Eddie sitting beside you, in just a regular chair, but you, however, looked spectacular.
“Wow,” You giggled, stretching your hands out in front of you. “All I need is a crown.”
They chorused your laughter like obedient followers. You were the ruler now. Eddie’s little dungeon master in training. “So,” You looked to him. “Let’s play.”
His lips curled into a slow smirk. Yeah, he was definitely in love.
You were there for almost five hours, and sleep deprivation creeped in, though you didn’t care. Dungeons and Dragons was the coolest game you’d played since twister, and that was years ago. You had gotten so into it, and everyone cheered you on as you got your feet wet into the game.
It was hard to learn at first, but they walked you through every step and made sure you understood everything. Eddie practically held your hand throughout the entire game, like a parent worried their toddler wouldn’t survive without their grip. It shocked him how easily you were able to catch on, and even though you made a mistake here and there, or mispronounced something, he wouldn’t correct you.
It had gotten to the point where you were subconsciously flirting with him, though you weren’t even really aware of it. He just made you so comfortable, and for once in your life, you didn’t feel the need to fake having a good time. Your life was hard, harder than others, sometimes. You felt guilty for thinking that, because you knew you were lucky to have the family you did. Still, even with the family you had, you felt incredibly lonely. Tonight you didn’t though.
“Do you have a way to get home?” Eddie glanced up, finishing putting away the game pieces. Everyone had pretty much left, besides you two. You insisted on staying and helping clean up, so that meant that he was going to stay. Dustin didn’t even try to get a word in, it was obvious Eddie wasn’t going to budge. He politely said goodbye, awkwardly patting your shoulder and sending knives to his buddy. Or, ex buddy.
“I drove.” You smiled, pushing in chairs. “I don’t live very far away.”
He nodded, mouth opening and closing as he thought about what to say. “Are you- well, you plan on sitting with us tomorrow?”
“Oh,” You gulped, blushing. “I’d like to, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rushed, messing with his hair. “I like you. I mean, we like you. The kids and I. You’re pretty. Fun, you’re pretty fun!” He rambled, turning as he shoved the game box into a drawer.
You kept in your laugh, lips pursing together. “Okay.” You nodded, brushing off your hands. “Cool.”
You looked around for anymore trash, hoping to stay longer. “I guess I should go.” You grabbed your back, slinging it over your shoulder.
“Okay.” He walked over to the door, opening it for you. You stopped in front of him, and he smiled awkwardly. “Thank you for tonight.” You said genuinely, ignoring the urge to smile like an idiot. “I mean it, I had a lot of fun. You think I could play again sometime?”
His heart leaped, eyes growing into heart shapes like a damn cartoon character. “Yeah! Of course, sure. I’ll even get you a crown for next time.” He chuckled while you did the same.
You didn’t want to leave, and he didn’t want you too, either. You knew you’d die of embarrassment later, but you stepped closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in an awkward, yet sweet hug.
“Oh,” He muttered softly, stiffening at the contact. He brought up a hand to pat your back, pursing his lips.
You pulled away and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Eddie.”
“Goodnight.” He smiled, closing the door behind you. He listened to the sound of your shoes until he couldn’t anymore, and he sighed loudly and dramatically.
“Yup, that’s my wife.”
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dreaming-of-lu · 4 months
A thought that I shared with a couple of mutuals, cause I cannot shut up about Stardew Valley right now. Imma mix mash my favs together and make y'all spiral with me.
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You, the only beloved grandchild of your grandfather, was given a letter by your grandfather who was on his last leg, filled with information regarding his left behind farm and cottage in your name. He told you when the day comes that when you've grown tired of the city and yearn for a life free from the shackles of the ever growing demand of corporates and nonstop hustle bustle. The farm and cottage will be waiting until you are ready. Years passed and of course, you become tired, exactly what your grandfather told you would. With no thoughts to spare to the city you left behind and little clothes on your back. Quitting your job, you head towards Pelican Town.
The mayor was friendly, save for the carpenter that definitely made you laugh until she made a jab at your grandfather's cottage. While you could agree, since it's honestly not much, yet you'll make do with what you got for now and add things on later. However, the slight pang went through your heart at the disrespect she gave to him. Before the mayor could set off, he highly encouraged you to introduce yourself to the entire town. He then goes over with you about the shipping container, what to put in there while handing you a sack filled with parsnip seeds. He also gestures to the tools he was able to get you that were sitting on the porch, with a wordless pat of good luck, he sets off down the road back to the town.
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First: Single (Bachelor)
Meeting First was quite quick since the man was known to be busy and quite on the run to get things done before heading back to the adventurer's guild that his great uncle runs. He was short in his greetings to you and apologized swiftly that he had to be somewhere.
It may not seem like it, but this man is definitely a poet with words. Chivalrous, that had his great uncle playfully rolling his eyes at his nephew.
Yet there's something underlying mysterious about him that drew you in to him. Perhaps you should gift him things and get to know him a little more better!
Sky: Single (Bachelor)
The eldest son of the carpenter! He lives down southeast of Lon Lon Ranch. He's the absolute sweetest person you've ever met in your entire life. The bright smile on his sleepy face had you mentally cooing at him.
He carves, paints, builds little bird houses just like what his mother use to do. He definitely decorates his home each time the season changes, it's so damn adorable.
He's single due to a breakup that did not end on good terms unfortunately. While he still respect her, however, there are things that were said that ended up hurting the other.
Four: Single (Bachelor)
The grandson of the blacksmith. He was working behind the counter when your fresh face entered the shop. Obviously, a little put off since not many people tend to flock to Pelican Town. He's a bit shy yet he makes small talk just to get to know you better. Until his grandfather emerged and the look on his face had him laughing.
Yeah, he ain't laughing anymore when his grandfather told him 'that's the kid you used to play with all the time when you were younger.'
He takes the tools you got and upgrades them or process the geodes that you tend to bring in.
Time: Single (Bachelor)
The working left hand man of Lon Lon Ranch. This man scared the absolute shit out of you when he showed up on your front porch that morning. To open a door to a towering, one eye, scarred man was not on your bingo card of shit you witness while living here.
He was straight to the point of who to come to when buying animals whenever you get your barn and coop up n going.
He's someone you want to be careful around, an anger you do not want aimed towards you. That mask you saw sitting on his belt felt ominous. He's hard to get warm up to.
Twilight: Single (Bachelor)
You were just planting the parsnip seeds when you heard a bark come from behind you and yelling from someone telling to 'Come back!' A black and white dog ran up on your porch with its tail wagging a mile a minute. A cute dirty blonde haired male came jogging up with an exasperated look before realizing you were the new farmer there.
He was embarrassed yet quickly introduced himself. The adopted son of Uli and Rusl's, the older brother to Colin and his soon to be born little sister. He also works at Lon Lon Ranch.
He's hiding something.
Hyrule: Single (Bachelor)
The doctor of the town. A shy sweetheart that introduced himself to you after you came in due to an already early incident on the farm. He scolds you gently for doing something stupid and rash.
May or may not have told you one day that he wasn't getting enough patients which affected his pay heavily.
Man has unprocessed trauma.
Wild: Single (Bachelor)
He runs the saloon, all by himself, save for his friend Flora does tend to come help him to keep things smooth and sailing when it gets packed. He was friendly enough to introduce himself to you when seeing you pass him on your way to Ravio's General Store.
He def encouraged you to take a load off once and awhile to relax in his Saloon.
He doesn't remember his old life, it seems like he doesn't want to either way.
Warriors: Single (Bachelor)
The older brother to Wind and Aryll. House is on the beach and he's dramatic as hell yet he comes in later on year 2 of your life on the farm. He introduced himself first thing in the morning and he's a bit stiff about it.
He's the only soldier(?) in Pelican Town and ties to the city, he seems so tired and run down honestly.
He's doing his absolute best to raise Wind and Aryll after the funeral of their grandmother.
Legend: Single (Bachelor)
The lone wizard that "summoned" you to his tower to gift you the language of the Junimos. Just to be able to easily translate the language and to fix up the community center.
His sassy attitude def threw you off yet he's standoffish. Only asking you of things he needed from the mines.
He seems to be mourning something.
Ravio: Single???
The owner of Ravio's General Store. The sight of his bunny ear hat sat upon his head was the first thing that caught your eyes. His eagerness to greet you while showing you the package of seeds he was given, showing off the wares he gotten.
The sight of his broken heart made yours clench when one of the workers of Joja mart came in and declared loudly that things were on sale for 50% off. He's trying his best, but the income is needed.
Is finding ways to take down Joja Mart
-TO BACHELORETTES (To be added at some point-
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iwrotetheilliad · 1 year
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♡ Sae is mad. You’re a stubborn bitch. Put that together and that equals hate fuck
Genre: P WITHOUT P ;) also a little fluff at the end
CW: Oh lord there’s quite a bit. The biggest one is def that this entire situation is a bit toxic cuz y’all are flirting in a fight. Ig u could think of it as cheating, but I don’t so. SAE IS A BITCH. He also calls u a bitch so be warned that he is mean af. Also degradation. Slapping, hair pulling, clothes getting ripped off is also there. No prep as well. Unprotected sex babes. Theirs is also mentions of hickies and heavy making out. Sae manhandles you a bit. THAT SHOULD BE ALL THE TRIGGERING CONTENT MATERIAL BUT BE WARNED THAT THIS IS SMUT SO PLS PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!
Characters: Sae Itoshi
A/N: thé sae brain rot has been BAD. Like there was so much in my head, so this fic is honestly just like, a small portion of the smutty thoughts and hcs I’ve had. I’ll probably write more if this does well!
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“What the hell is wrong with you?” Sae demands.
“Oh please,” you scoff, tossing your black clutch purse onto the bed. “There is nothing wrong with me, she had it coming.”
You whip your head around to face your husband. He stands in the doorway, his white shirt slightly unbuttoned, letting some of his collar bone peak out at you. Anger and jealousy flood throughout your body again at the thought of what that cunt did. You can practically see the line she traced with her nail across Sae’s neck. To get back at her, you had pretended to bump into her, practically tossing you wine all over her. It was a shame honestly- because of her inability to take a hint, her pristine white dress left the body with a giant wine stain adorning her side. Good thing you wore a black dress. It just looked like someone’s spilt water on you.
still the way you spilled the wine was very obvious. What can you say? Acting’s never been your strong suit. People were bound to notice, and although no one said it to your face, it’s obvious that they knew you’d done it on purpose.
it’s fine, after all, if they were in your situation they would’ve done the same.
“Y/N,” Sae groaned tearing off his overcoat. “You can’t just ruin-”
“The dress was ruined the moment it touched her skin.”
“You are fucking horrible.”
“No, Sae! You know what’s horrible? You did absolutely nothing to stop her!” You shout storming towards him.
“Oh shut up, yes I did,” he replies, shoving past you.
“Oh I’m sure that tent you have in your pants was trying very hard to shove her away from you,” you roll your eyes, pursuing him.
You knew right know was not the time, but Sae’s back looked very nice in that shirt. It hugged his muscles in all the right ways.
“Are you insane?” He growls, spinning around to stare you down. You didn’t back down though, sizing up to his gaze.
“I fucking wish,” you say just as lowly. “Look, it’s still there.”
You cast your eyes down to where his dick was in fact pressing up against his pants. It looked uncomfortable, and if the night had gone any better, you would’ve loved to help him, but right now, sex did not seem anywhere within your near future.
“You’re actually fucking mental,” Sae rolls his eyes, straightening himself out. “I cannot stand you when your like this.”
“You can’t stand me?!”
“Sae! She was flirting with you. That bitch was unashamed and practically choking you in the middle of the hall!” You scream. “You are so frustrating sometimes. You cannot say that you can’t stand me, when you’re like this!”
“Like what?”
“Better than being a jealous bitch.”
“The fuck did you just call me?” You ask, stalking towards him like you’re about to pounce on your prey.
Sae didn’t move, just stared down into your eyes as you two came chest to chest.
“You heard me,” he muttered hotly.
From being this close, you can see something you weren’t able to recognize just moments ago. Sae’s pupils had blown up, almost completely block the aqua of his irises. His breath was hot against your face, and his lips were such a pretty pink-red color. His hair was pushed off to the side, making him look so much more handsome than he did normally. It was all so much, and you couldn’t tell if the sudden feeling in your blood was lust, anger, or a weird mix of both.
“Fucking try saying that shit again,” you mutter lowly.
He shivers. “You are such a fucking bitch.”
His hands slowly traces curves through the skintight fabric. They travel up your ass to the small of your back, and then slide back down to the swell of your ass. He offers a light squeeze, before leaning over you.
“You,” he begins, “are such a jealous. Fucking. Bitch.”
You hands move on their own accord, shoving Sae back onto the bed. Shock doesn’t last long in him though, because just moments later, you’re falling on top of him. Your arms wrap around his neck, and the swell of his dick is pressing against panties you wear underneath this dress. His hands stop balancing himself, and he reaches up to drag them all over your body. He starts rubbing them over your back, before moving down to your ass. He gropes them unabashedly now, guiding them over his crotch. His left one stays leading your ministrations, and his right hand goes up to your scalp. Grabbing a handful of hair, he pulls you back, a string of saliva lingering between your mouth as you pant. Your eyes are lidded as you stare into his. There is not a single doubt in your mind right now that you look like a fucking whore, and you know he’s thinking the same thing.
Sae pulls your hair again, this time making your head tilt back. You raunchily moan out, and his mouth immediately finds a new home on your neck.
“You are such a dick,” you gasp out as he sucks hickies into your skin. “Mmmmmm.”
“Yeah?” He growls, pulling away from you. “I’m a fucking dick huh?” He releases your hair to slap your ass. “I’m a fucking dick? Dirty bitch.”
His other hand slaps your ass again. Moans break free from your throat, involuntarily, of course. “Yes,” you whimper. “You’re so fucking horrible.”
Sae lifts you off the bed with absolutely no effort whatsoever. It’s infuriating how strong he is. His lips find yours again and soon enough, the kisses devolve into something sloppy. You hear the bed creak again, as Sae kneels onto it. He drops you onto the mattress of a sudden.
You land on your side, with your left leg hiked up over your right one. You lean on your right forearm and push yourself up with your left hand. You toss your hair over your shoulder and glare at him.
“What’s wrong?” you sneer, “afraid that your gonna cum in your pants like a fucking virgin?”
Sae is quick to lean over you, continuing the messy kisses. He shoves you down so that you’re entirely on your stomach now, and with his free arm, pulls your ass into the air. He pulls your dress over your butt, revealing the lacy black underwear you’re clad in.
“Me? Cum in my pants?” He growls. “With how wet you are, you might as well have already came.” He leans down to lick up your pussy through your panties, further wetting the already soaked fabric. “Might as well just leave you like this huh? Since you already fucking finished.”
Desperate thoughts want you to scream at him to not, but your stubborn ass decides against that. “And what? Jerk off in the bathroom? You’d still be imagining me in there.”
Sae backs away from you, and grabs the top of the back of the dress. He pulls, and you are now just sitting on all fours. You’re confused as to what he’s doing, before he grabs the same spot with the other hand. Soon, there’s a loud riiippp, and the fabric falls off your body in one giant piece.
“That was fucking expensive,” you growl, as Sae flips you onto your back.
“As if a cunt like you pays attention to the price of shit. I’ve spoiled you too much huh? You need a good lesson.”
You gulp, but still try to mask your fear. “What are you gonna do?”
His left hand traces your neckline, before wrapping tightly around the bruise littered column. “Maybe I will just leave you here like this,” he muses. “Your pussy soaking wet, begging for my cock.”
“Then I’d just cum myself,” you laugh sinisterly. “I’m thinking I’ll get off to Ryusei in my mind what do you think.”
Another loud crack echoes through the room, but now the sting isn’t in your ass. You cheek burns as you yelp. Sae backhands you next, creating to bright red glows on your face.
“You bitch,” his voice sounds demonic, like he’s two seconds away from becoming evil.
“You were gonna be the one leaving me here needy!” You cry out, trying to lean up. His hand on your neck pushes you back down though.
“Shut up.” Another loud rip, and your pussy is suddenly exposed to the world. The cold air is oddly nice. “I’m gonna make you regret everything you’ve said.”
“You can’t do that.”
“If you cum,” he starts. His hand traces your lips, and his voice grows a mockingly gentle as he whispers, “I’ll tie you up to the headboard, stick a vibrator against that clit, and drain you dry until your begging and screaming and crying yourself hoarse. Ok, baby?”
The pet name is new. Normally when you two hate fuck, he ignores all of them, but the sudden presence of it makes you realize that your actually in deep shit right now.
“Do your worst,” you command.
Sae doesn’t even prep you. He undoes his belt with one hand, unbuttons his pants with the other, and swiftly drags them down with his underwear. His dick springs out, hard, pink, leaking precum. You want to suck his dick so bad, make him feel so fucking good, but you push that urge down.
He lines himself up against your pussy, and in one move, starts fucking you ruthlessly. He’s going fast, he’s going hard, he’s doing everything that he needs to be doing to make pleasure erupt in your body like only he can.
Moans tumble from your lips but you literally do not care whatsoever that this is your admitting to him making you feel good. That stubbornness is quite literally being fucked out of you, and right now your perfectly ok with it.
“Hm?” He hums shakily from above you. “Do you need to come already?”
Never mind, the stubbornness is back.
“N-no. I just wanted to tell you that you can’t fuck to save your life.”
Somehow, he gets faster and harder. You hadn’t even thought that possible, yet here you are, getting your shit absolutely rocked.
“Really?” Sae mocks as you whimper louder.
“Yes,” you reply, not daring to back down.
Sae doesn’t say anything else, content to just let you go insane on his cock, however much you try to deny it. He can tell when you’re close. He’s fucked you so many times that he’s memorized every tell that your body has to offer. Right now, your eyes are becoming heavy, almost looking like you’re about to fall asleep. They’re also turning super glossy, despite no tears falling. When he feels your hole repeatedly clamping onto him without letting go, making yourself feel even more tight, he knows your going to cum.
“You can’t cum baby,” he growls.
“O-ok, I wasn’t going to,” you sigh as he continues screwing you.
“Good job,” he says mockingly.
You don’t miss the sarcasm drowning his words, and somehow, you find the strength in you to reach up and slap him. When he doesn’t say anything, you backhand him. A couple seconds go by, before he commands, “Harder.”
You slap him again.
You slap him again.
“Goddamit, I said harder bitch!”
You slap him, then yank on his hair for good measure.
“Still can’t cum,” he groans, pleasure overtaking every nerve of his body.
“Sae!” You cry when he starts ramming into just the right spot.
“No. Cumming. Baby.”
“Sae, please!” You sob. You’re trying, you really are. “Sae!”
“What is it?”
“I’m sorry!” you moan out finally. “Sae please, I’m sorry I’ve been- oh my god please Sae, please just let me cum!”
“That’s it baby. That’s all I wanted from you,” his voice suddenly saccarine sweet. “You can cum baby don’t worry.”
Your orgasm is so intense, you almost pass out. Every part of your body is lit on fire, you feel like your blood is lava. There’s it not a single inch of your body left untouched by this overwhelming pressure that does nothing but consume you. It feels like you’re drowning at the same time as flying. Your back arches and finally, you feel satisfied with something that’s happened tonight.
Sae fucks you until he comes, and the feeling is pretty much the exact same as yours. Nerve shattering pleasure follows each thrust he sends into you. His thighs shake at the end.
When he finally gets a good look at you, he watches the red painted across your skin, shining from sweat. Your hands cover your face, and a twinge of remorse stings at his heart.
“Y/N?” he hesitantly moves to touch your hand. When you don’t pull away, he lifts your hands off of your face. Your eyes stay closed though. You’re not crying which is good.
Sae sighs, and steps out of his pants. His shirt sticks to his skin with sweat, so he removed it before walking to the bathroom. Right next to it is a cabinet with towels, which he grabs a fresh one from. Going into the bathroom, he cleans himself off, dampens the towel and goes to clean you off. Your eyes are still closed, but you respond to his touch. He wipes the inside of your legs, and then chucks the towel somewhere behind him. He walks to the bedroom door, where his lounge shirt and sweatpants hang. He slides the sweatpants on, and then grabs the shirt.
“Y/N, I need you to sit up.”
Slowly, you pull yourself up. Sae pulls the shirt over you, and you adjust your arms through the sleeves. It’s only after that do you open your eyes to look at him.
Your eyes have darkens but a little bit of light still reflects in them. You look exhausted though, which he supposes is only fair.
“Sae…” you whisper, collapsing against his body. He wraps his arm around you, hugging you firmly against him.
“I’m sorry too,” he mutters. “I shouldn’t have… encouraged, I guess, what she was doing.”
You’re silent for a few beats, before murmuring, “It’s ok.”
“No it’s not.”
“To me it is now,” you say, leaning back to look him in the eyes.”
“Why?” He snorts. “Cuz we fucked.”
“Because you apologized,” you roll your eyes. “That’s all that I wanted.”
You end up falling asleep against Sae and when you wake up, the two of you are curled up underneath a blanket on the couch. Figures, the bed was probably messy. After all, it always is after your 3 AM activities.
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A/N: Goddam.
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tojisxslvt · 6 months
Confessed feelings.
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Summary: Toji comes over to pick up Megumi and Tsumiki, two children he loves deeply, but after a conversation they had at the park y/n goes home and pours her a cup of wine only to be interrupted by a knock on her front door.
Warnings-cursing, THE NASTIEST smut, and Toji because he is a warning himself
(Tojixreader) first person reader.
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He’s so cold; despite the sly smirks and head nods every morning in the office, he doesn’t pay me any mind, and how I wish he fucking would.
For a while I’ve wanted him and only him, but he’s married with two kids, well he WAS married. His second wife sadly passed shortly after Megumi was born, yes Toji was married twice, his first wife he met during high school, and he had unconditional love for her, creating their first child Tsumiki. unconditionally, yet soon she passed, leading him to his second wife, to which he took her name.
But I always asked, how he could skip over me twice..I made it obvious that I cared deeply for him, but the feeling was never reciprocated.
Was it her body? Or was it merely her soul, I didn’t know much about her, but Toji, usually chill and quiet, wouldn’t shut up about her, especially his second wife, he loved her deeply, both of his wives that is.
But, once they passed he instantly distanced himself from anyone else only focusing on his children, and how could anyone blame him?
So I didn’t, and I still don’t, and ever since Megumi was born along with Tsumiki, I have always helped them, always watched them when I wasn’t going into the office and never complained never, the kids weren’t bad at all.
But it’s Toji, I want him, so bad, it aches my heart, he’s still cold towards me, any conversation about love he changes the subject instantly, he doesn’t care for love, and I’m starting to think, maybe he’s done with the whole concept, but honestly just being able to see him made me happy.
I dance to the music making lunch for the children that I was watching today me using my off day to be a free baby sitter but I didn’t care not a single bit, Megumi walks in the kitchen a blank stare following with him, he then makes his way over to me pulling on my apron getting my attention easily.
“Gumi? Why aren’t you watching cartoons?” I asked flipping the burger putting the spatula down picking up the boy, “I got bored.” He said in his normal monotone manner, I hum walking to the living room with him, hearing Tsumiki’s feet patter behind me “I’m bored tooooo can we go to the park!” She asked while I put her brother down, “your dad is coming over for lunch, maybe after we eat we can go,” I say patting her head causing her to giggle adorably.
Megumi blinked before calmly saying “I don’t wanna go to the park,” he then pointed to the door “I want icecream..” he insisted staring dead at me, he was a very quiet kid and always kept to himself, he was also very demanding but a gentleman just like his dad.
Tsumiki whined “that isn’t fair! I asked to do something first!” She said stomping her foot to which he shot her one of his blank stares as if he didn’t understand her attitude. “Okay then..why don’t we just do both?” He asked looking at me for approval. “I don’t see why not..” I said shooting them a kind smile.
“but I do want you two to eat lunch first I’m making burgers..” I say, causing Tsumiki to do a happy dance, “I love burgers!” She insisted to which Megumi just shrugged “I’ll eat it” he said causing me to nod “damn right,” before getting up pointing to the couch “just watch SpongeBob until I finish cooking please,” I asked the two kids hopping up on the couch watching the tv.
“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea! SpongeBob square pants!”
The tv sung causing the two kids to sing along, I make my way over to the kitchen again flipping the patty just in time.
After a few minutes I make the two plates “cmon you too foods ready your dad should be here to pick you two up soon, he texted saying he’ll be a little late but that was 2 hours ago..” I say putting the two plates on the counter top Megumi and Tsumiki to run over jumping up on the barstools by themselves instantly digging in.
I giggle at their expressions “good! It’s really good!” Said Tsumiki with a full mouth,” Megumi of course just shooting me a thumbs up as he ate. “I’m glad to hear it! Eat up you two,” and so they ate the room consisted of giggles and complaints from Megumi because his sister was smacking.
“Come on you two don’t start, Miki please chew with your mouth closed it’s unladylike to chew with your mouth opened..” Tsumiki smiled her mouth full of food before saying “I know I’m doing it to make him mad,” she said with laughter causing Megumi to grimace in annoyance, “well don’t because your brother isn’t bothering you,” I add, and she just stops nodding her head eating her food.
I prepare Toji’s plate before hearing a knock on the door, causing Tsumiki to yell “daddy!” She yells jumping off the barstool Megumi just turning looking at the door as I walk over opening it.
There he was, the tall muscular man peering down at me his expression immediately changing from stole cold to soft once he saw his daughter run to him “heyyy princess! You have fun today with [name] ?” He asked kissing all over the girls face causing her to playfully screech and giggle. “Of course I did! We wanted to know if we could go to the park and get icecream?”
Toji smiled “of course we can..” he said putting her down “thanks for watching them they adore you..” he said the scar on his lip turning upwards as he smiled softly at me, “you know it’s never a problem..” I insisted with a soft smile.
He glanced over at his son “hey son! You had fun?” He asked to which Megumi nodded with another shrug “my day was pretty average no complaints..” making Toji chuckle ruffling the boys hair “you never complain,” he complimented pecking the top of the boys head.
I grab his plate handing it to him and he takes it looking at it “you didn’t have to cook for me, did you even eat?” He asked to which I shrugged “I’m fine I know I can eat, you’ve been working all day just eat the burger,” I insisted but he simply handed it back “sit down and eat.” He demanded resting his elbows on the counter top “you’re gonna want to anyways if you’re going to the park with us,” he said looking at the food then at me with his deep blue eyes.
I fight the heat rising in my cheeks before sighing “but I made it for you,” I say with pout to which he thinks for a bit, looking around the kitchen before going to the drawer pulling out a knife cutting the burger down the middle, “now eat..” he said again, and without thinking I was sitting on the barstool picking up my half biting into it, and it indeed was very good.
I hum nodding and he chuckles “I dunno why you didn’t just make you a burger too?” He added picking up his half “because I ran out of meat and I wanted you to eat,” I say covering my mouth.
Toji shrugs “yeah but you have to worry about yourself before me, this is your house,” I look up at him still chewing before I turn my attention to the burger, I’d rather have him eat before I do, and he wouldn’t even notice my love for him.
“Are we going to the park or not..” said Megumi while he pulled on his shoes and jacket making Toji laugh a bit “yes can [name] eat before we go sir, last time I checked I’m the one driving,” Megumi sighed sitting down “take your time,” Toji mumbled to me ignore the complaints of his son.
After we ate we all got into the car and drove to the nearest park, “stay close don’t go wandering anywhere but near the park,” he instructed sternly to the two as we all got out of the car, “we’ll be right here he said while me and him walked to the metal bench his hands swiftly in his pockets while the kids ran directly to the swings.
Toji lets out a tired sigh taking his hands out his pockets leaning forward his elbows resting on his thighs, his eyes closed, he worked all day and still made time to come to the park with his kids, he really was a good dad even if he was away so much.
“Maybe you should have let me take them, you need to rest you workaholic,” I say watching the kids, Toji grumbles lifting up slowly his eyes still closed as he leaned back, “they need to get some fresh air once in a while, so do I..so I don’t mind that much..” he says softly.
I think for a bit before tapping my thigh, him opening one eye to look at me, “what? It’s just laying your head down..” I say blinking and he just sighs “you’re so naive..” he mentions closing his eyes again leaning his head down on my thigh kicking his foot up on the bench letting out a slow breath.
“What changed your mind..” I say softly looking down at him, “why can’t I be naive too..?” He questions relaxing his body with a soft chuckle. I smile burying my hands in his hair “a little too late for that huh..?” He asks turning his head to look up at me, his dark blue eyes piercing me.
I blush turning my head a little causing him to just laugh some more closing his eyes again, I think for a bit it’s now or never, “Toji..?” I start hearing his muffled “hmm…?” I think for a bit before finally saying “why is it that you over look me so much..” the air around us grew quiet.
Toji sighed out that causing my heart to burn, did I annoy him? Was the question too vague? He didn’t give me anything he turned his head looking directly in my eyes, “can we talk about this later..?” He said making me tense a little “I’d rather talk about it while we have the chance” “then you’ll be disappointed because I don’t want to discuss this topic right now.” He said sternly shutting me up.
Yes of course I brought this topic up before, like I said I made my feelings clear, I never once stayed quiet about how I felt, to anyone.
I sit back looking up into the sky fighting back the tears..it was just like that day 8 years ago..I felt the same feeling he made me feel again, helpless.
After an hour Toji sits up “alright fuck it, I’m tired, kids! Let’s go!” He called the kids whining as they made their way to us.
I kept my eyes on the ground, debating before finally lifting my head when he motioned for me to get up, “I’m going to go home on my own, I know you don’t feel like dropping me off, plus I could use the walk..” I say with a pain filled chuckle.
Toji looks at me holding Tsumiki’s hand “[name] get in the car please..” he said looking at me “I’m fine Toji..” I say sharply and he just sighs “this is childish of you..” he insists taking his children’s hand.
“I could care less..” I say softly standing walking the other direction leaving him there with the kids, Megumi yelled after me “we were suppose to get icecream!” But I didn’t even look back my heart completely shattered to pieces.
I made it home around 6 pm flopping down on the couch, me even trying with him was useless and I knew that, I look at my phone finally noticing I had gotten a text from Toji.
Toji 💙 “I said I didn’t want to talk about it now, not ever, pick up the phone.”
I stare at the message, was I mad at him? For years of deflecting my love and causing me to turn away and be single for four years? I only want him, I only ever wanted him!
The thought of it pissed me off even more, what stopped him from talking about it when we were all alone? Maybe I was being selfish and a bit bratty?
I think for a bit before turning my phone completely off going to go shower. Once I got out I get dressed in my nightclothes, a silk pink tight fitted night gown that was easy to slide up when my thighs moved.
I sit in the couch with a glass of wine, debating if I wanted to turn my phone on or not. I take a sip of wine looking for my remote. The moment I found it and picked a show I heard a loud pounding if my door, I flinch looking at my door “who the fuck?!” I say loud enough for whoever it was to hear.
I swing the door opened ready to cuss out whoever it was out, but my anger had subsided when I saw Toji peering coldly at me, I quickly cover myself a bit when I saw him looking down at me the kids by his side, I back up opening the house to them in silence.
I close the door rubbing my arms grabbing my cardigan off the coat rack, putting it on, “hey Gumi! Hey Miki..” I say softly Miki rubbing her eyes and Megumi stared blankly. “You owe me icecream..” he said causing me to giggle.
“Kids why don’t you go in my room, Megumi you pick a movie between both of your votes,” they look at Toji and he nods giving them the okay, once we hear the door close Toji looks at me and I keep my eyes on the ground.
“You had me worried,” he started wasting no time, “sorry..” I say in a tone that said I wasn’t really sorry at all, Toji huffed placing his hands in his pockets “don’t be childish [name] you know my situation,” “and I don’t pretend not to! But come on Toji! It’s been 8 years and between that you’ve married twice!” “Keep your voice down, I’m not yelling at you.” He said sternly making me shake my head.
“It’s a lose lose with you,” “I could have told you that,” he said smartly with a grin, I make my way around my granite counter being fed up, “fuck this, talking about this situation is useless..” I say opening the fridge, “I told you that, but no, you wanted to talk so bad then talk, I didn’t waste gas for nothing,” he said crossing his arms.
I roll my eyes grabbing a water bottle, “I tell you the same thing over and over Toji, do I really have to repeat it?” He sighed “no you don’t, I know you have feelings for me..and I don’t over look them” “yes you have for 8 years..” “that isn’t it..just fuckin’ listen..” he scolds while I open my water.
“You have something going on for yourself [name] why throw all of that away for me? Anyone who has ever been in love with me has died or left, I guess I’m being selfish because, I don’t want any of those things to happen especially not to you, the kids adore you, and I hold you close to my heart even if I don’t show it, all I wanna do is protect you and make sure you have a good life..”
I listen to his words, they instantly start to warm my heart, I hum placing the bottle down “thank you for telling me..” I say and he sighs “you still don’t believe me?” “No no, I do! It’s just that..I didn’t exspect to hear that at least not from you, I’m happy with it,” I say with a smile causing him to smile softly.
Toji let’s out a deep breath, “you can stay here tonight, it’s about to storm and I don’t want you driving in the rain with the kids..” I suggest Making a cup of coffee for him, Toji walks around the counter grabbing a cup for his coffee.
“I’ll hold you up on your offer,” he said smiling down at me making my entire face heat up, everything about him made my heart race, I was obviously upset earlier but now I don’t feel a inch of anger, his tall muscular figure standing right next to me almost made me have a panic attack.
“I should go change into something more appropriate..” I say pouring his coffee in the mug and he shrugs “for what? You already have a cardigan covering everything..” he added grabbing the sugar and creamer.
After he quickly drunk his coffee we talked for a while “I always thought maybe I wasn’t pretty enough..” I say fiddling with the ends of my hair Toji leaned down elbows on the counter “I don’t care about looks, but you aren’t ugly at all,”
I smile pushing my shoulder into him “did you just call me pretty,” “ I said you aren’t ugly..” he said sticking his tongue out at me, I giggle at his rude come back “well you don’t look that bad yourself” Toji looks at me lifting back, his waist pressed on the stove, “I know..” he said pridefully.
I giggle shaking my head, “I should go check if the kids are asleep,” Toji shrugged “okay? What if they aren’t then you just invited them out here,” he said causing me to laugh quietly shaking my head “I’m assuming you need a break?” “Oh so you assumed that?” “From the looks of it yeah..” Toji chuckled.
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I lift up to stand next to Toji, staring up into his eyes, he cheekily looked to the side “you don’t know what you’re doing staring up at me like that..” I blink tilting my head “like what?” I ask, Toji meets my gaze again, “like you’re innocent..though your eyes tell me exactly what you want,” I blush, did they really?
I’ve always wanted Toji, but now I really craved his touch, I wanted him now more than ever actually, everything in my body wanted him, I hug myself looking at him, “well what do I want Toji?” I say still keeping my innocent act.
Toji smiled softly “alright..I’ll play your little game..” he teased, before shifting leaning down so he was right in front of my face at my level, he leaned in his lips inches from mine making my body tense “and I’ll win..” he said his eyes lustfully low as he eye fucked me.
I shiver returning the same lustful eyes, why would I ever miss this opportunity..?
Toji tilts his head looking at my lips a small smirk on his face. I can’t take it, not anymore after years of never being this close to the man I craved, of course I got greedy..
Instantly I leaned in but I felt him lean in as well our lips crashing together he hummed softly his voice low and sexily raspy as he did so. I whimper when I feel his hands wonder my hips guiding my body up against his, my heart was pounding out of my chest from sexual excitement, I was certain he could feel it.
He pulls back smirking at my reaction my tongue resting on my bottom lip I lean in again sliding my tongue across the scar on his lip making my lips wrap around his bottom lip sucking on it softly before I feel him lift me up with ease, setting me on the counter sliding his way between my thighs pulling me closer to him.
I shiver feeling the cold counter touch my skin wrapping my legs around his waist as we continued to make out my cardigan sliding down my arms as if it were moving out of the way, Toji kissed down my cheek to my neck his hands grabbing at my gown that the cardigan failed to cover.
He hums kissing back up my neck his hands sliding up the sides of my body making me choke back another groan, Toji lifted his head lifting my chin so I was looking in his eyes, “you might be fuckin’ with something you’ll get lost in..~” he said with a smirk.
I groaned scooting closer so I could feel some sort of friction on my covered clit, my body felt like it was on fire, we were so close, closer than we’ve ever been. Toji placed his hands on my lower back pushing me into him, “I’m guessing you don’t care huh princess..?~” he teased kissing my head softly.
I shake my head squeezing my thighs around him “please just fuck me Toji..~” I whine out my eyes locked on his lips, I watch them turn upwards into a smirk before I feel those same lips peck my shoulder pulling the strap of my gown down my arm.
His strong hands feeling so soft against my aching body, he fondled my breast through the silk gown sucking on my neck now, making me whine as I lean my head to the side to give him better access sliding my hands up into his shirt, biting hard on my lip as I feel his abs graze against the palms of my cold hands warning them up.
Toji hummed softly grabbing my wrist sliding my hand down to his sweat pants that perfectly complimented his growing print. I shiver at the heat causing Toji to chuckle softly, “ah, I see..you don’t like being teased do you princess?~” Toji asked sliding his hand between my thighs, my gown pushed up as I open my legs a bit so he could touch me, that’s what I wanted him to do instead of all this teasing..
He glanced at me with his deep ocean blue eyes, before softly pushing the pad of his big thumb against my pulsing clit.
I grab into his forearm my body hitching at the sudden interaction, he rubbed in slow up and down motions the sounds my clit made through the underwear made me blush, the sudden squelching and squishing it made caused Toji to lift his finger, it glistened in the light covered in my juices.
“Mm..” he hummed “you’re sensitive hm..?” He asked burying his hand between my thighs again sliding my panties to the side, cold air hitting my hot clit, I let out a shaky breath opening my legs wider when I see him crouch down forcefully pulling me closer to his lips and without warning he planted a soft kiss on my outer lips.
My shoulders jump as I look down at him with a bruised lip from biting it so hard, “keep your voice down..” he warns his command muffled before he slid his tongue against my already wet folds teasingly, I let my mouth hang open letting out a deep sigh my head falling back.
He sucked and teased my clit with the warm rapid moving muscle, causing my legs to shake, he was so good at it, I could see why he had two kids,
His hands wrapped around my thighs with passion holding me still with force because of the constant squirms and quiet yelps from him teasing my dripping hole with his flexible tongue.
Finally he plants one last gentle kiss on my harden Bud before he lifts his head, his chin glistening from my juices, “mmm..” he hums out licking his lips, pulling me closer to him me being a panting teary eyed mess, he grabs my chin “open..” he mumbled causing me to open my mouth.
Toji pushed his tongue in my mouth holding the back of my head gripping a clump of my hair as he did so, I taste how I tasted on his tongue as I sucked on it wanting him even more now, and he smiles his tongue in my mouth as I began to bob my head pulling back slowly looking up at him, my innocent eyes being taking over by lust.
I slide my thumbs in the waistband of his sweats, trying to pull them down and he watches me letting me pull them down a bit before he helped me “needy little one hm..?~” he cooed in my ear pushing his huge bugle against my bare clit.
“Toji..please..~” I beg wrapping my legs around him “if you keep begging like this I can’t promise I’ll be gentle..” he said kissing my head lovingly, I look up at him and he instantly meets my gaze “don’t be..” I insist, he lowers his eyes a bit before pulling my head towards his kissing me roughly his fingers getting locked in my hair and I shove my tongue in his mouth.
He wrestled my tongue while with one hand pulling his dick out of his boxers, I pull back a strand of saliva connecting to our lips, once it breaks I look down at his length, it was so pretty, and huge.
The tip oozed with precum, I shiver listening to him chuckle softly, as he strokes his dick with on hand pulling me closer and up off of the counter a bit, “hold onto me..” he whispered and of course I listened wrapping my arms around his neck, burying my face into his neck.
I feel the tip of his cock pierce my hole and finally he thrusted his hips up, my ass pressed firmly against the edge of the counter before lifts me off completely wrapping his arms around my thighs holding me up, my figure being so small pressed up against his huge body.
I gasp into his neck clawing at his shoulder as he softly sighs “you..haa..~ you have to loosen up a bit princess..” he said as my walls only continued to squeeze around him, yet that didn’t stop shit.
Toji thrusted all the way inside of me tilting his head against mine, he pulled back slowly then pushed back in, and once he felt it was easier he started to gain speed the sounds my pussy made while it squeezed around him made me feel so embarrassed.
It was calling for him as much as I was, and he was listening.
Toji thrusted faster making my body shiver under his touch fucking every inch of my brain to mush. I burry my face into his neck “fuuuuuck! T-ah!~” I screamed out into his neck trying my hardest to keep my voice down but he of course didn’t make it easy for me.
He puts me on the counter again slamming into me holding me close as he did so, not even trying to quiet me down not even the slightest. With each thrust came a squeal and a low raspy groan.
My walls accepted every inch of him with pure bliss my pupils disappearing as my eyes rolled back from the abuse my uterus was receiving. Toji slowly pulled out panting making my body hitch “wait no don’t-“ I whine not wanting him to stop getting so close to finally cumming. Toji walked around the counter with me still in his arms before he placed me on the couch flipping me.
His strong hand pushing my head into the couch my back arched, Toji wasting no time simply used his thumb to push my ass cheek out of the way to get a clear view of my pussy, before pushing his cock into me from behind, causing me to instantly tighten up earning a grunt from him. Toji held my hips pounding into me without hesitation.
I grip onto the couch cushion my mouth remaining opened from the gasp I let in as he fucked me from behind receiving continuous strings of moans from me I reach back and he simply intertwined our fingers tightly rolling his hips perfectly stroking my gspot with no problem at all, making me wince the feeling of climax growing strong making the knot in my stomach uncomfortable.
I jerk my hips back making Toji tighten his grip on my waist pulling me back whispering in a hoarse tone “don’t run..~” digging his nails into my waist as punishment. “Shit shit! Fuck! I can’t..!” I moan out shaking my head repeatedly and he just continues to thrust ignoring me.
Toji lifted me back into him by my neck rubbing his hand down my stomach holding it there as he sucked mercilessly on my neck causing many bruises on my neck, while we sat up on our knees making him pound into my Gspot even more now, the sound of heavy panting and skin slapping filling the room causing an echo.
I feel tears roll down my cheeks as he fucked me senseless feeling him touch me in ways my head couldn’t wrap around made my thoughts completely disappear, the only thought that remained was that; I couldn’t wait to cum.
Toji slid his hand up into my gown pinching my nipples gently and tugging on them as he thrusted far up into my core making my walls sore from the constant abuse it withstood. He grunts his teeth clenching him baring a fang, “I’m cumming..~” he warned making me pant shaking my head, “don’ttt..mh! Don’t pull out..” I happen to get out.
Toji smirks kissing my ear tenderly before letting out a shaky breath saying “didn’t plan on it..” sucking on my earlobe, making my entire body shiver I was completely at my limit and overwhelmed as he pushed me back down into the couch slamming it all into me, every last inch.
I bite hard on my lip to fight back the loud screams I so desperately wanted to let out reaching back to claw at his thighs as he grunted out with each thrust, finally he slammed into me once more holding my hips against his as his cum oozed into me, he leaned down placing a kiss on my head.
Finally after some time he pulls back looking down at the mess we created. I pants rolling over holding both of our cum, “Toji..” I hum out and he smirks down at me saying softly “let it out..mama..” he purrs.
I laid there a complete mess panting as I cover my mouth releasing everything felt so, Good.
After a bit I sit up completely sore and tired. “So..” he starts rubbing my hair that was plastered onto my forehead from sweat back into the rest of my hair as I looked up at him tiredly, “was it worth waiting eight years for..?” He asked with a mocking smirk.
And it was, I nod my head feeling my mind turn fuzzy thinking if I stayed up any longer I might pass out, he chuckles kissing my head.
“I know..” he said cockily with a teasing grin.
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howlingday · 2 months
AU idea. Adam instead of being how he is actually wants out of the Fang so he goes to Beacon with Blake and becomes apart of JNPR so it's just JNAPR and his relationships eith the characters are just
Ruby: friends
Weiss: freinmies at first and then good friends
Blake: brother sister relationship
Yang: pun buds/Wingman for Yang to get Blake
Jaune: honestly with Jaune he thinks he is crazy for enrolling without Arua but gains a respect for Jaune
Pyrrha: Rivals
Ren: meditating buddies
Nora: eating buddies
He would also get rid of his Fang mask and train himself to fight blindfolded so if he ever gets blinded temporarily he still can throw dem hands without problems
I do like the premise, and I can see it happen, BUT I also think that a few things should be tweaked so it's not just rewriting Adam as an OC insert.
First of all, let's start with WHY Adam would leave the White Fang at all. For this, I suggest the same reason he attacks Beacon with them; Blake. As Blake attempts to leave the White Fang, what if Adam makes it over to where Blake is and demands she explains herself. Blake, steeling herself, tells Adam that she's done with the White Fang going on their murder spree, and if Adam thinks he can change her mind, then he should just kill her right now. Adam decides to humor Blake and leaves the White Fang with her. The two then flee to Beacon, the closest academy, and enroll to become students.
However, due to Adam's much more recognizable appearance, he decides to stay in the shadows of Vale while Blake attends Beacon. Assuming there's a primarily Faunus neighborhood in Vale, I'll assume this is where he's hiding out. But he still needs lien, so he calls on an old friend, a fellow deserter by the name of Tukson, and gets a job stocking books for him while keeping an eye and ear out for Blake.
During the events of the Volume 1 finale, I'd assume Blake runs back to Adam, who welcomes her with open arms, but the tender moment is broken by the arrival of Sun, who tries to convince her that not all humans are bad. Adam is about to argue when Tukson joins in. Adam swallows his pride, and some bile, and keeps his mouth shut, though he does get a kick out of the fact that Blake stood up to a Schnee.
During Volume 2, I can see Adam pitching in to help Team RWBY with their investigation of the White Fang. Adam keeps out of sight of Emerald and Mercury as Tukson is murdered. With nowhere else to hide, he flees for Beacon to warn Blake, where he meets Team RWBY. It's here that I'll discuss what their relationships would be like.
Ruby - I can see Ruby giving Adam a chance since he's a friend of Blake. She also doesn't really understand why there's so much animosity between Adam and Weiss, so she chalks it up to both parties having negative opinions of the other. To Adam, Ruby is just an ignorant child with no understanding of how the real world works.
Weiss - The two have a mutual distaste for one another. Weiss hates Adam because he's responsible for her turbulent home life and how he's suddenly forgiven just because he's "Blake's friend". He despises her because of the horrible atrocities committed by her father. At one point, their argument gets so heated that Adam reveals his scar, leaving Weiss stunned at her legacy branded across his face. This is where I feel like the two could start getting along better with Weiss apologizing for her company maiming him. Adam says it doesn't change all the horrible things that they did, but he does accept her apology, but only her and not the SDC. They're still hostile, but much less so than when they started.
Blake - I feel like Blake is caught between two worlds with her history in the White Fang and her friendships with Teams RWBY and JNPR. This also puts her in a great position to be a mediator between him and them, giving his side of the story to them and their side to him.
Yang - Yang TRIED to be friends for Blake, but the looks Adam gives her are the same she'd gotten from Raven growing up. To her, he sees her as an obstacle to what he wants, which is Blake. Since meeting, Yang's grown less friendly with him, but she can still put on a smile to keep Blake happy. And in her defense, she's not wrong for thinking something that's true.
JNPR - I'll summarize it into one section and say that Adam and Team JNPR are at opposite ends of indifference. Adam sees JNPR as a bunch of humans who will go on to support the SDC and subjugate more Faunus for the kingdoms, but takes Blake's word that they're nothing like that. Jaune doesn't know a thing about Adam or the White Fang, so he just trusts the judgement of his friends. Jaune does get a bit of brownie points when Adam hears that he stood up to Cardin for Velvet. Pyrrha knows about Adam and is especially cautious around the former White Fang member, mostly because he was at a higher rank than Blake, which means he's a lot stronger than her. Adam also knows about Pyrrha and just sees her as someone as bad as Weiss or Ruby; an ignorant human living blissfully unaware of the plights of Faunus around them. Nora and Ren don't really have much of an opinion on Adam, though they understand the danger of having a former White Fang member nearby. Adam doesn't have much to dislike about the two, other than the fact that they're both humans.
I'll finish this up by explaining how I think he'd be involved in the White Fang in Vale. I could see him swooping in during the events of Volume 2 and taking back the White Fang after Roman Torchwick is arrested. He'd offer them a place in his new White Fang, promising them a piece of the humans who tricked them into attacking like they did. The White Fang then cheer for Adam as he smiles and looks over Vale, plotting and scheming how best to bring Blake back to his side.
What do you think? Does this sound pretty good?
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sunlightandsuffering · 4 months
Late as fuck Mikasa birthday drabble that I don't love lol ! I always miss my enemies AU, they're honestly hilarious. Mikasa breaking his arm and wanting to sign his cast will never not be iconic to me ! ALSO MIGHT MAKE THEM FIANCE'S, I DID HERE, MIGHT AS WELL RIGHT! “Nice gun.” It sounds like a bad pickup line, a shitty attempt to get into her pants, and well, it totally is, but the guy lingering around her Uncle’s bar also isn’t wrong. “Thanks,” she comments casually, trailing a finger over the condensation on her glass, “It was a gift.” 
At this, the guy snorts, an eyebrow raised almost into his hairline, “Someone got you a baby pink Glock as a gift?” 
Mikasa shrugs innocently, tucking the very poorly concealed weapon further into the waistband of her jeans, she’d just come back from intimidating a rival gang member, okay? She’d needed it, she doesn’t just carry her gun around with her like a monster, it’s not even loaded, it's solely for intimidating purposes. Plus, she looks very pretty waving it around while Connie and Reiner stand menacingly behind her, where’s the fun in being a mob princess if she can’t play a little? But the story of how she got her pink Glock is one that she looks upon perhaps a little too fondly, even more so when she catches Eren’s eye over her would-be suitor’s head, a little smirk on his face that he can’t hide, having heard their whole discussion. 
She doesn’t know if she should be embarrassed that he’s heard, or say fuck it and drag him to the back room all over again like she did when she was gifted the gun in the first place. 
2 Years Ago 
“So you’re not even going to wish me a happy birthday?” Mikasa asks somewhat petulantly, trying not to let the whine creep into her voice, not to show just how perturbed she is that he’s the only one so far who hasn’t wished her a happy birthday. For fuck’s sake, Connie, his number two had sent her a giant stuffed teddy bear, and she can barely get a happy birthday from him, her supposed fiancé? Eren barks out a disbelieving laugh, “Mikasa you broke my arm last month, I just got out of the cast, which, by the way, still fucking hurts–” “You had it coming to you.” “I had to learn how to shoot with my left hand!” 
Mikasa scoffs, “You love being ambidextrous, I haven’t heard you shut up about it since.” “Because it’s fucking cool! But that’s beside the point, we’re in a gang Mikasa, I get shot at semi-regularly, and you didn’t even apologize!” At this, Mikasa shoots him a glare, “I did so.” “When?” Eren snaps and Mikasa studiously looks away, “I helped you out a few times.” 
Eren balks at her, his mouth hanging open, and she thinks rather smugly that for once in his life he actually looks a little stupid, rather than the unfairly good-looking visage she’s used to. 
“You demanded to sign my cast and threatened to break my other arm,” Eren tells her glibly and Mikasa frowns, her brow furrowing up in a way her mother would scold her for, yelling about forehead wrinkles and botox. “That’s not what I’m talking about,” Mikasa snarks back, before lowering her voice to a whisper, “I’m talking about after.”
Eren arches a perfectly shaped eyebrow, a wicked smirk crossing his lips, those eyes gleaming in delight as he recalls that particular night, “Oh that.” 
“Yes,” Mikasa hisses, “That.”
That had been Mikasa jerking Eren off in the backroom, out of the goodness of her heart of course, because he might be ambidextrous now, but he hadn’t been then, and well, who was she to refuse him? That would just be cruel, and really why use his non-dominant arm when both of hers were readily available… and her mouth too, that had also been very available to him. 
“Well that,” Eren smiles fondly, his eyes glazing over a bit as he thinks about it, a small affectionate smile gracing his lips, “That was just good business Miki, payback for breaking my arm in the first place.” She smacks his now healed broken arm, vibrating with fury, “That was me helping you out, you asshole!” Eren scoffs, his smile morphing into a pout, “It wasn’t I had to practically beg–” “As you should!” Mikasa huffs and Eren growls in irritation at being interrupted, “Mikasa!” 
“You’re not even going to wish me a happy birthday?” She finishes sadly, a hint of genuine sadness creeping into her tone, she does have feelings, and he is supposed to be her fiancé. "After all i've done for you." Eren groans, “Oh my god.” Mikasa sniffles, just a little, not allowing the tears to fall, her head turned away, she’d always thought they had this very charming back and forth, that when they finally wed it wouldn’t be so bad, that maybe, just maybe they could fall in love and all the sexual chemistry they had would be put to good use. 
Her lower lip quivers just a little and Eren sighs deeply beside her, an arm hooking around her neck and dragging her towards him, “You’re such a fucking brat.” “I am not!” She protests, but she is silenced with a rough kiss to her lips, and as usual, he tastes like good whisky and a hint of mint, familiar. She melts into him, her hands finding the soft strands of hair gathered at the nape of his neck, digging into the silky whisps. Eren grunts as she tries to climb into his lap, because fuck it, this can be her birthday present. But to her dismay, Eren keeps her firmly planted in her spot next to him, his arm weighing heavy around her shoulders and his other hand buried firmly between her thighs, teasing her whilst at the same time keeping her in place. 
She pulls back questioningly, her lips swollen, silver eyes catching on soft reverent green ones, “Eren what are you–” “Happy Birthday,” he mumbles and before Mikasa can say another word he’s pulling a gun from the waist band of his jeans and she’s shocked to see it’s not his own, it’s definitely not his own. It’s bright pink, almost candy coloured, like a barbie and Mikasa gasps as he places it in her lap. It’s slightly bejewelled around the handle, and if it was anyone else, it would be the gaudiest thing she’s ever received, she’d fucking hate it. But Eren knows her far too well, probably better than he should if she’s being honest, and Mikasa squeals as she snatches it from his grasp. It’s impractical and ridiculous, and the silliest things she’s ever received, but she absolutely loves it. What says mob princess more than a pink fucking gun? 
“I love it,” she tells him seriously and Eren lets out an audible exhale, “Good, because that shit was embarrassing to ask about, do you know Jean almost laughed me out of the arms room?” Mikasa laughs in delight, checking him with her shoulder lightly before she cuddles in, enamoured with her gift, fingers trailing excitedly over the Swarovski crystals embedded in the handle, just before the grip so as not to be uncomfortable to hold. “If you lose it you’re not getting another one,” Eren tells her firmly and she leans up in a rush to press a kiss to his cheek in thanks. “Thanks,” she tells him softly, her other hand slipping down to lace their fingers together, she’s not often this affectionate, this loving with her rival turned husband-to-be.
But really, it’s Eren, he deserves a reward for this.
“Happy birthday,” he winks and Mikasa laughs, setting the gun on the table, “You were totally just afraid to give it to me weren’t you, that’s why you haven’t talked to me all day?” Eren scowls, “Why do you have to ruin everything, I was not!” 
“You totally were, I bet you’ve been agonizing over when to give it to me all day.” “I wasn’t,” He insists, and Mikasa cackles deviously, “You so were.” 
“Whatever, we’re even now, Ackerman.” She laughs in delight, pressing another kiss to his cheek, they are so not even, they are never even and that’s just how she likes it. “Don’t make me break your other arm, Yeager.” “At least it won’t be my dick this time, Ackerman.” She presses her lips together to hide her smile, “Now I know you’re not upset about that.” “Still pisses me off that I’m not the first one you broke,” Eren mumbles grumpily, and she buries her face in his shoulder because she can’t wipe the fucking smile off her face, he’d been so damn pouty about that. 
“I can break it again,” she breathes huskily against his neck, and he hums contemplatively. 
“I’d like to see you try.” 
“Back room, ten minutes.”
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my-beloved-lakes · 8 months
Leveragetober 2023
Prompt 15: Poison
Eliot gets sick and collapses. Parker and Hardison rush him to the hospital and later find out that he was poisoned. (Under the cut)
Recently Eliot, Hardison and Parker had each started taking turns doing client meetings. Parker was getting better at them, but she didn’t really like doing it, so they had agreed to take turns. Sometimes all three of them went to the meetings together, but this time it was Eliot’s turn to go alone.
“How’d the meeting go?” Parker asked when he got back from the meeting.
“Honestly, I'm not sure we should trust this client.” Eliot admitted.
“What do you mean? Why not?” 
“I just have a bad feeling about it. Little details of her story aren't lining up. It also seems like the kind of job that would actually be better handled legally.”
“So what, we’re not necessary?” Hardison asked.
“This time, no. I don't think we are. She also seemed just a little too enthusiastic about the part where this job potentially involves crime on our part.”
“You think it’s a set up?” Parker asked.
“Maybe. How much of a background check did you do?”
“Just a brief one. Everything seemed to check out, but I'll dig a little deeper.” Hardison pulled out his laptop.
Eliot sat down on one of the stools at the counter and massaged his temples. His head was starting to throb. 
“You feeling okay?” Parker asked.
“Hmm.” Hardison said contemplatively. 
“What?” Parker asked.
“Eliot might be right about this. The deeper I dig the less her story checks out.”
Eliot pressed the heel of his hand to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut. The low throbbing in his head had turned to pounding and the lights suddenly felt too bright, which was bad, since the office lights were pretty dim to begin with.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Hardison asked.
“It’s just a headache.” Eliot muttered through gritted teeth. 
“Okay, go lay down.” Parker said. “We can pick up with this later.”
“Till then, I’ll keep digging and see what I can find about our client.” Hardison offered.
Eliot stood up, but stumbled and leaned against the counter, clutching at his chest. His lungs suddenly felt tight, making it hard to breathe. 
“Eliot, what’s going on.”
Eliot straightened up and tried to take another step, but his knees buckled under him.
Parker rushed forward and caught him before he hit the ground. She stumbled under his sudden weight and lowered him gently to the ground. Hardison rushed over and crouched down next to them.
“Eliot, talk to me. What’s going on?” Parker demanded.
“I– I can’t breathe.” Eliot gasped, pain coursing through his chest as he tried to take a deep breath.
"Hardison, call for an ambulance!"
Hardison already had his phone out and was dialing 9-1-1.
"It's okay Eliot, you're gonna be okay." Parker tried to comfort him. "Here, take a deep breath in with me." Parker took a deep breath, but Eliot couldn't. He opened his mouth, trying to suck in air but he couldn’t seem to get enough. 
Parker lifted Eliot's head onto her lap and Hardison squeezed his hand. Eliot squeezed back.
“Just hold on.” Hardison begged. “An ambulance is on the way.”
Eliot’s head suddenly jerked back and he let out a strangled cry as his whole body lurched with pain. Eliot squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his jaw. He heard a horrified gasp from Parker and felt a gentle hand clasp his cheek.
“Eliot, hold on.”
“Stay with us man.”
“You’re gonna be okay. Just hold on a little longer.”
Parker and Hardison’s voices sounded muffled like they were coming from far away.
“Damnit Eliot. Open your eyes.” Hardison was practically shouting but Eliot could barely hear him anymore. 
Eliot’s grip on Hardison’s hand loosened then went limp. He wanted to hold on, for them, but he couldn’t, not anymore. The pain was too much.
“Eliot, no!” was the last thing he heard as he lost unconsciousness.
Hardison sat next to Eliot's hospital bed, holding his hand in the vain hope that Eliot would feel it and know that he was safe. Parker was on Hardison’s lap, leaning her head against his chest. Her eyes were closed, but Hardison knew she wasn’t really asleep because he could feel her trembling.
The doctors still weren't sure what had happened and they didn’t seem very confident that Eliot was going to recover.
They don’t know Eliot. Eliot’s gonna be fine. He has to. Hardison told himself.
Hardison glanced over at Eliot. The sight of the breathing tube in his mouth and the IV in his hand made Hardison’s stomach twist. He knew that right now, Eliot was relying on the ventilator to breathe for him. Whatever had happened seemed to be affecting Eliot's lungs more than anything else.
Hardison looked up when he heard a gentle knock at the door and turned to see a doctor come in. Parker shot to attention too.
“The blood work came back.” the doctor said. “There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is your friend was poisoned.”
Hardison clasped a hand over his mouth.
“What’s the good news?” Parker demanded.
“The good news is it's a fairly easy poison to treat. We’re preparing the treatment now.”
A meeting with a potential client who’s story didn’t add up, then Eliot gets poisoned. The wheels started turning in Hardison’s mind. The client was involved in this somehow. He felt sure of it, but he didn’t have the energy to think about it now, or to figure out how the two were connected. They could worry about that later, once Eliot was okay.
Several hours had passed since the doctors had given Eliot the treatment for the poison and still nothing seemed to have changed. 
Hardison got up and started pacing back and forth in the room. Parker took his place in the chair.
Shouldn't there be some sign of improvement by now? What if we're too late?
Hardison suddenly stopped pacing when he heard Eliot shifting in bed. He looked over just in time to see Eliot reach up and grab at the breathing tube in his mouth and darted over, grabbing Eliot’s hand before he could pull it out. Parker stood up and moved closer in case she needed to help.
Eliot struggled against Hardison’s grip, trying desperately to reach the tube, but he was still so weak from the poison that Hardison barely had to try to keep him from reaching it. Eliot began thrashing around under Hardison’s grasp.
“Eliot, calm down, man. You’re gonna hurt yourself.” Hardison tried to soothe Eliot, but he wasn’t even sure Eliot was actually conscious. He still hadn’t opened his eyes and he wasn’t responding to anything Hardison said.
The heart monitor suddenly started beeping as Eliot's heart rate began to race.
Hardison cupped Eliot’s face in his hand and tilted his head to look at him. 
“Hey, listen to me. You’re gonna be okay, but you have to relax. Parker and I are right here with you.” 
Eliot finally opened his eyes and Hardison almost wished he hadn’t. There was so much fear and panic in his gaze as he locked eyes with Hardison. And Eliot couldn’t even say anything. Hardison squeezed his hand.
“Everythings gonna be okay,” he repeated. “I’m right here, and I got you.”
Eliot stopped struggling and relaxed a little at the sound of Hardison’s words. Hardison started to pull his hand away from Eliot's so he could pull up his chair to sit down, but Eliot tightened his grip on Hardison’s hand. He looked up at Hardison with a pleading look in his eyes.
It must have been like torture for Eliot, not being able to speak and barely able to move. Hardison knew how much Eliot hated hospitals, even when he didn’t get a breathing tube shoved down his throat. He hated the vulnerability of them.
Hardison sat down on the edge of the bed next to Eliot and Eliot squeezed Hardison’s hand a little tighter. 
“Okay, I’m not going anywhere.” he promised. “Do you think you could maybe not break my hand, though?” 
Eliot loosened his grip on Hardison’s hand a little but didn’t let go.
It was only a couple hours after Eliot woke up that the doctors had decided it was safe to take him off the ventilator, but Hardison knew it must have felt like ages to Eliot.
Eliot had agreed to stay in the hospital for a few days so the doctors could monitor him closely to make sure there weren’t any complications. Hardison knew Eliot, though, so he wasn’t at all surprised when Eliot insisted on leaving the hospital early. 
The doctors couldn’t do anything to stop him. Parker and Hardison had tried to convince him to stay, but it was no use. So the doctors had given them strict instructions to make sure Eliot stayed on bedrest and to keep a close eye on him.
Eliot wasn’t good at being put on bedrest. 
“Eliot, get your ass back in bed.” Hardison demanded when he saw Eliot get up and wander towards the kitchen.
Eliot just rolled his eyes and kept walking. He was recovering pretty well, but was clearly still a little unsteady on his feet. Keeping Eliot in bed was like pulling teeth.
Parker moved to stand in front of him, deliberately blocking his way.
“Parker, move. I'm hungry.” Eliot growled.
“No. go sit down. Hardison and I will get you food.” 
“It’ll put me back in the hospital if I eat his cooking.” Eliot muttered under his breath. 
Parker grabbed his arm and firmly guided him to the couch. She smiled a little to herself.
He must be feeling at least a little better if he’s making comments like that. She thought.  
“Stay.” She said, gently forcing him to sit down on the couch. 
Eliot grumbled and rolled his eyes, but he didn't try to get up.
As Parker headed back to the kitchen, she heard him shifting around and glanced back to make sure he wasn't getting up again. He had settled himself more comfortably on the couch and Hardison had joined him.
What would he do without us? Parker thought as she rummaged around in the kitchen for something easy to make.
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Dead Beauty AU (Chapter seven!!)
In other words, about 3k words of everyone’s favourite de Vil cousins accomplishing exactly nothing.
They got to the garden slowly, walking at leisurely pace – no need to rush, really, since it’ll take some time for Carlos to get there, anyway. On unrelated note, Ivy has scraped up her knee; she was sliding on the railing by the stairs, as she just didn’t feel like dealing with the stairs today, not in her high heels at least.
The blood just adds to the aesthetic anyway.
And the bruise can be a future her problem.
She abruptly stops right in front of the lawn, if it can be called that, really: Overgrown weed sharp enough to cut skin, thorny bushes, some vaguely leafy stuff that she’s pretty sure she saw one of the Mims harvesting at some point.
It occurs to her that they should have demanded a payment for that, or at least a discount in the Apothecary.
Diego finally stops too, already halfway through the miserable parody of a lawn, and glares at them.
Ivy glares back and loses her balance a bit; she holds onto Claudine as she removes her heels.
She’s not walking on grass in heels, who do you think she is?!
She holds Claudine’s hand in one hand and her shoes in the other when she steps into the garden.
The ground feels weird under her bare feet, all squishy and muddy in all the wrong ways; she frowns and drops the shoes, as she has just decided they’re too much trouble anyway.
Neither Claudine nor Diego pick them up.
Besides, the gate just creaked. They should probably do something about that, it’s giving her a headache – then again, it does work like a rather effective alarm system, and making it shut up would just be entirely too much work.
And really, soon, they join them: Carlos and the Badun kids, who just as quickly leave with a very rude „try not to die,“ to which Ivy pays no mind.
„Carlito!“ she lets go of Claudine and stumbles over to her baby cousin – the long stems of grass were maliciously weaving in between her legs, yeah?
Carlos catches her before she can fall and she holds onto his shoulders and gives him a greeting kiss on the cheek – she needs to stand on her tiptoes for that, now!
Her baby cousin grew so much since she saw him–
Somewhere back in her mind, she recognises that might have something to do with the access to actual food and the distinct lack of Cruella that there is in Auradon.
Larger part of her doesn’t really care right now.
„How are you?“ she takes a step back, remembering his disdain for casual touch; she steps into Claudine again. Neat.
„Why didn’t you visit us?“
„Yeah,“ Diego says, trying his best not to sound angry, „Why didn’t you at least tell us you are back?“ He then proceeds to hug Carlos and almost lift him off the ground, by which Carlos is entirely unamused. Ivy smiles.
„Hi,“ adds Claudine with an honestly impressive amount of indifference. Ivy gives her a kiss on the cheek.
„What the fuck–“ mutters Carlos and Diego just cackles, that bastard.
„Rude,“ comments Claudine towards both of them, Ivy pressumes.
„You know what’s also rude?“ answers another voice, high and already grating on her nerves. When she looks around, she sees no one else who could be talking. Weird. „Ignoring me! No one has greeted me yet!“
Ivy thinks she has managed to locate whoever spoke, but– it’s some mangy thing, a dog barely big enough to make a fur hat from, not that Ivy would wear a fur hat. Why, that thing was not even fashionable in the sixties!
She shakes her head and looks around to find the annoying Isle rat that made the mistake of trying to prank the de Vils; she sees Diego and Claudine gaping at the dog; Carlos shaking his head at it all.
„Really, Dude?“ he sighs, „I told you not to come with me!“
Wait a fucking minute.
„That thing’s real?!“ Ivy shrieks and staggers backwards, „That dog’s fucking talking?!“
Claudine grips her arm hard enough to bruise and searches for a knife; Ivy steps in between the– the <i>thing</i> and Claudine.
„Not for long,“ says Diego with deceiving calmness, finally breaking from his own surprise, „I’m gonna get the gun.“
He turns around mechanically and walks back towards the Hell Hall; when he glances back, Ivy thinks his eyes are not quite there.
„Wait!“ whisper–yells Carlos after him, „That’s just Dude – I mean, my dog! Don’t– don’t hurt him!“
Oh, hurt it– They’ll merely be putting that thing out of its misery.
Silver gleams through the dull Isle air, a yelp of pain or maybe just surprise: there’s a knife in the ground where the dog’s head was just a moment ago.
And neither Ivy nor Claudine have any other weapon.
Carlos picks the <i>still fucking talking</i> dog up and mutters calming nothings to it; Claudine clutches Ivy’s arm harder, clearly distressed. Yeah, that’s definitely gonna bruise.
„Ivy it’s– it’s talking, it’s talking it must be possessed or–“ Claudine hisses and holds on tighter yet, „Ivy, the Lord has decided. This is the end–“
She descends into what Ivy can only presume is a prayer and still doesn’t let go; Ivy brushes her fingers over hers. Just – please, she’s a de Vil. She’s <i>so</i> not dying by some talking dog.
„No end, love,“ she tells her, „Diego’s getting the gun and then you can get perhaps gloves from this thing, or anything. We’re de Vils, remember?“
„And you’re not killing my dog,“ butts in Carlos, as if anyone asked him. „There’s this neat thing called breaking the generational cycle of expectations,“ he informs her and, again, Ivy doesn’t fucking care.
She turns her back to Carlos.
„Honestly, Ives, you’re doing this on purpose.“
Well, duh.
If he didn’t get too smart in Auradon, that little shit – oh, who is he kidding. He always had too sharp tongue for his own good. Usually, it was more amusing.
„If you’re just gonna sulk the whole time, I’m gonna leave.“
Well, that seems like his problem, if he won’t hear about the boy king, then. 
Ivy tried.
„Say hi to Diego for me.“
She doesn’t think she will – oh, who is she kidding. They’re her cousins. She turns around again, to see Carlos honestly very reluctantly backing away. She almost smiles at that – It goes both ways. They’re family.
„Where do you think you are going?“ interrupts Diego. He is really good at that. 
Claudine finally shuts up and loosens her grip, her fingers pale, bloodless. Ivy rubs them with her own.
„Ives,“ Diego turns at her, „The gun is gone.“
Carlos stops now that he assumes no danger for his poor excuse of a dog and Ivy starts laughing.
Oh, just– „This is too good!“ she cackles, „Harry Hook must have nicked it – don’t you think, Claudine?“ Claudine just hisses. She doesn’t particularly like Harry.
Diego answers with something like „Dear god in the fucking Heaven, why–“ and Claudine hisses again. Ivy doesn’t see the problem – the Hooks with a gun is going to get oh so entertaining– She doesn’t stop laughing.
„Also, I think Auntie heard me,“ adds Diego, „So we better get going.“ He motions at the tree house.
Ivy makes a long face as they start moving and Carlos asks: „Why was Harry Hook here?“
„Curiosity killed the cat,“ she bitches at her darling cousin, „Or that dog, or whatever that is.“
Carlos doesn’t dignify that with a response. Diego unfortunately does: „Oh, you know. They were just trying to poison one another. Or fuck one another. I’m not sure.“
Claudine flings the lighter at his head. Lovely.
„Go get, that, sweetheart,“ Ivy nudges her, because, lighter, you see, „And you go fuck yourself, Diego.“
„Oh, don’t worry about me, Ivana.“
„You know what, Claudine, you can just throw that at him again. Or light him on fire.“
„You can certainly try.“
Claudine walks over to Ivy though, pulling her close, which is good for closely unspecified reasons, and instead eyes the dog, which would probably burn way better than Diego anyway. Carlos clutches the dog closer and hisses something like „One fucking conversation,“ and Ivy has no idea what he means, really.
She turns up her nose as she motions for him to start climbing up; she grabs the rope ladder after him.
„If you fall, I’m not catching you, Ivana,“ Diego informs her. That doesn’t sound like her problem.
She puts both of her feet at the ladder and gasps out in surprise when the thing swings; the partitions dig harshly into her bare feet.
„I’m not falling,“ she growls through her teeth.
„Yeah, sure.“
„…Why would she fall?“ asks Carlos, already mostly up, and didn’t she just tell him curiosity killed the cat? Honestly.
„Oh, I don’t know– Might be the poison. Might be the alcohol. Or Auntie’s sleeping pills,“ Diego says obnoxiously, and all of these are absolutely fine, Ivy will let you know. Just a little something to get her by. She giggles.
„For good– Holly hell, Ivy! Get down right this second, we can talk somewhere else!“ Oh, look, now her baby cousin has the audacity to pretend he looks after her. Well, fuck that.
Ivy laughs more and starts climbing up, ignoring both his protests and the way the rope burns at her hands. She just hopes her nails don’t get damaged from this escapade, that’d be a shame.
„Are you okay?“ he asks when he helps her climb into the treehouse, and why wouldn’t she be? She just laughs more.
„…Yeah, I think I’m gonna take that as a no.“ Always so clever, this baby cousin of hers.
She moves away from the trapdoor so Claudine and Diego could follow after them and asks:
„Me– What about you, Carlos? How’s Auradon treating you?“
He bites his lip, trying to find his words, and meanwhile, Claudine climbs in, very unhappy with the whole ordeal and rubbing at her hands. Ivy pulls her close and settles down, gives her the lighter so she wouldn’t just run her fingers raw.
Diego’s in now, too, finally, and:
„He must be bored in Auradon, Ivy,“ he teases, „For that to happen.“ He motions at the dog.
Speaking of which, Ivy would like to know if all dogs in Auradon talk, or just those that have the misfortune of meeting the de Vil family.
„That’s Dude,“ repeats Carlos, „He’s my friend.“
„And it’s talking,“ points out Ivy, eyeing it warily. Claudine runs her fingers too close to the flame and starts muttering prayers into her skin.
„Yes, because– well because me and Mal– Because Jane–“
Ivy perks up at the unfamiliar name, as does Diego. 
„Who is Jane?“
A distinct blush creeps into Carlos’ cheeks as he stammers the most unconvincing „No one!“ Ivy has ever heard.
„Come on, Carlito,“ she coos at him, „Who is Jane? Is she someone special?“ She threads her fingers through Claudine’s hair, just because she can.
„Come on, little man!“ adds on Diego, „Tell us! Maybe we can help you!“
Now, Ivy doesn’t beg, just– relationship drama, you see.
„I– fine,“ Carlos allows, still blushing, „Jane is a girl I… <i>fancy</i>,“ he frowns at the unfamiliar Auradonian word, „Fairy Godmother’s daughter.“
Oh, yes, relationship drama and also – Carlos’ first crush! Ivy squeaks and Diego whistles; Claudine flinches at the sound.
„And I… I kinda… sorta…“
„He’s a coward!“ jumps in the <i>rude</i> talking dog. No one asked him. It’s only fair Claudine throws the coincidentally still lit lighter at it.
Ivy and Diego laugh as Carlos scrambles after it and:
„Yes! Yes, we can most certainly help with that.“
„How does I can’t talk to a girl become there is now a hellish abomination of a talking dog?“ asks Claudine, extending her hand to get the lighter back, and, yeah, reasonable question, actually.
„Hey!“ barks out the demon-dog. Everybody ignores it.
„Yeah,“ Ivy prods at her cousin and snatches the lighter, which he doesn’t want to give back, for some reason, „How did that happen? Nearly gave me heart attack.“
Well, not really, but close enough.
„It’s lucky we don’t have the gun and I don’t wanna dirty my knives,“ adds Diego, running his fingertips over one of his blades, which looks fun. The fire is better though.
„I– Diego, no. Dude is mine,“ says Carlos, focusing on the incorrect part of this situation.
„Yeah, too late to kill him now anyway.“
Ivy looks at Claudine and at then at the dog: „Is it though?“ She wonders if Claudine will be more upset by the dog’s continual survival or Carlos by its death. „I suppose it’s much too ugly to be of use anyway.“
„Hey! I’m very pretty!“ protests the fucking animal and Ivy catches Claudine’s hand to stop her from throwing the lighter again.
„Shut up, Dude,“ sighs Carlos, „This is a good thing.“
„It’s not!“
That thing just <i>wants to</i> die.
And still, how is it talking anyway?
„Anyway,“ Carlos grabs his dog around the muzzle to shut it up, fucking finally, „Mal kinda gave me a truth gummy so I’d finally tell Jane what I feel to her, but this menace ate it first, so. Talking dog.“
Ivy cackles again: „Oh, you <i>do</i> need help!“
Diego is too busy gaping to agree with her, what a shame.
„Pray tell, did you take her at any romantic outings yet?“
„Like what,“ deadpans Carlos. Doesn’t seem like he appreciates her gracious help at all.
„…Midnight graveyard?“ she offers.
„Oh, good idea,“ says Diego, finally getting his head into the conversation, „It’s gonna be cold, you can offer her your jacket.“
„Oh, how romantic!“ Ivy clasps her hands, „Midnight graveyard, only the two of you… and the dead body you’re getting rid off. Just take a jacket you wouldn’t mind getting dirty or not getting back from her.“
(„The body we’re getting rid of?!“ mouths Carlos silently and, well, obviously. Nothing bonds people like getting rid of a body together, Ivy would know. She absentmindedly catches one of Claudine’s hands and brings it to her lips.)
„Oh, yes,“ nods Diego, „Nothing brings two people close like getting rid of a body together.“
See? Diego agrees!
„Torture also works.“
Ivy looks at him, almost asking „You and who?“ before deciding that she can ask that whenever and to focus on baby Carlos instead. She leans her head down on Claudine’s shoulder as she says: „Or arson. Good for the cold, too.“
Ivy might be just a little too jealous of her jackets and coats.
„Of course you’d say that.“
„Fuck off.“
Ivy just shows him the middle finger; she thinks Carlos is just too shocked to intervene. By how great their suggestions are, of course.
„Also, did you try getting rid of her parent yet?“
There is no underlying motive behind this suggestion of Diego’s, Ivy is so sure. She grins wickedly:
„Have you tried stealing anything for her yet? Jewelry? Designer tiaras? The wand – she seemed pretty hung up on that, didn’t she?“
„Ivy! She’s not– she’s not like that!“
Well, too bad.
„If you don’t like that, murder is always an option.“
„Yeah, what girl could resist when such a handsome young man kills someone for her?“
„…Guys. Guys. I don’t know how to tell you. All of these are illegal,“ says Carlos and, honestly, seems to Ivy he’s just being a kill joy. She slides down, laying her head in Claudine’s lap, and takes the lighter from her to play with it herself.
„…Fight for her hand at a grand tournay the king hosts in her honour?“ offers Diego.
„That’s not real,“ sighs Carlos again. Ivy yawns. He just isn’t putting his heart in it, you see.
„Kill a dragon for her?“
„You sure you are not stealing the wand?“ 
„Dunno, then, wait till she’s comatose and kiss her awake with a true love’s kiss.“
„Arrange for an accident so she falls comatose faster,“ advises Ivy. And Diego keeps telling her she’s not practical, honestly.
„Diego! Ivy!“ cries out Carlos, „I’m not doing any of that!“
Well, too bad.
Ivy closes her eyes; Claudine is running her fingers through her hair. It’s nice.
„Sing her a love ballad then,“ says Diego, as his last ditch attempt, presumably.
„That’s…Not illegal. And not that terrible idea.“
Ivy raises her hand for Diego to high five.
„Still not doing that though.“
Diego high fives her anyway.
„Oh, by the way,“ Ivy decides she should probably tell Carlos about the whole hostage situation now, before she falls asleep, „The Hooks have the king. They want ransom.“
Carlos jumps to his feet:
„The Hooks– What?!“ he shouts in surprise and Ivy grimaces at the volume. Her head hurts. „Ivy, couldn’t you have led with that?!“
„Geez, chill a bit,“ she complains, „It’s just a hostage situation.“
She wants to sleep.
„It’s not like Harriet will have him killed while she can get something in exchange for him,“ adds Diego helpfully.
„Yeah, they could just kill him on accident,“ adds Claudine way less helpfully.
„Shush,“ advises her Ivy. Little lethal accident, who cares? Just adds thrill to life.
„Fucking hell, I can’t believe you guys,“ grumbles Carlos. Well, he’s welcome to go check. She’s sure the Hooks will be all to pleased at him showing up with bare hands. „What do they want?“
„Oh, just the usual,“ she yawns, „Alcohol. Like, obscene amounts of money. A functional remote to the Barrier.“
„Wha– nevermind,“ Carlos shakes his head, „How much money?“
And, you see, Ivy isn’t actually sure. You’ll have to forgive her, with everything else that has been going on.
„Claudine?“ she says instead.
Claudine lists a number and Diego whistles; Carlos just curses again and mutters something about their general insanity, as if that was anything new.
„I’m pretty sure Harry made up the number on the spot, though,“ adds Claudine, shaking her head. Her hair fall into Ivy’s face and she sputters. „Sorry.“
„I– I–,“ Carlos, and thankfully the dog too, are at the loss of words. Neat. „I’m gonna go tell Mal, I suppose.“
He sounds about as enthusiastic about it Claudine does when she offers to take her to the Tremaine salon, that is, like he would rather have his teeth pulled. Mood.
„You do that,“ Ivy waves him away. She is tired and he refuses to take any reasonable advice with that Jane girl anyway. Speaking of which:
„Hey, bring Janey a gift while you’re here. Maybe something from the Mims, or the Faciliers. She’s magic, isn’t she?“
„I–“ He just shakes his head at her before crouching down to the trapdoor, „Lovely seeing, you, Ivy, Diego.“
She blows him a lazy kiss.
„Wait, I’m gonna go with you,“ Diego stands up too, and, well, that doesn‘t seem like her problem.
She wonders if she wants to fall asleep here or try to get to her bed first.
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nanawritesit · 2 years
ITZY Reaction: Meeting Them For The First Time (Fluff)
Anonymous asked: can you maybe write some itzy x reader fluff? like first time meeting them? <3
Of course lovely anon! Thank you so much for sending in a request! I'm kind of awkward when it comes to first meet scenarios, but I hope that you enjoy this!
There’s also a continuation of this reaction where you have your first date with them!
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You couldn’t believe it. One hour out in the city and you were already lost. You thought you had this vacation planned out so well. Yet here you were, stranded in a foreign country, alone, and extremely hungry. 
As you were fumbling around on your phone looking for directions, someone appeared next to you. You turned around to see the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. She was so pretty that you weren’t even sure she was real. 
“Excuse me, are you lost?” she asked, furrowing her brow slightly. 
“Uh, yeah!” you stammered, snapping out of your daze. “Are you a local?”
“I wish.” the pretty stranger giggled. “I’m actually visiting here with my friends, but I seem to have wandered off away from them. Perhaps we could find our way together? I’m Yeji by the way!” Her smile was so gorgeous, you thought it should belong in a museum. You were absolutely captivated by her. 
“I would love that!” you told her, “And I’m Y/N.” 
“It’s so nice to meet you Y/N. I hope it wasn’t too strange that I just came up to you like this. I just saw that cute little lost expression and you seemed so approachable!” she giggled, pushing a small strand of hair behind her ear. 
You giggled back feeling your cheeks heat up. She thought you looked cute?
“No I’m honestly so glad to have someone to talk to here! I came alone.”
“Really?” Yeji asked, widening her eyes. “I thought for sure you were here with a partner or something. You’re too pretty to be flying solo.”
She was so bluntly honest! It made you so embarrassingly shy, but you loved it. She somehow made it attractive. 
“How would you like to spend some time with my friends and I once we find them? We didn’t have many concrete plans for this trip, we just wanted a break from work.” she looked at you with such hopeful eyes, you couldn’t possibly say no to her even if you wanted to. 
“Of course! Before I got lost, I actually had a great day planned and I’d love to take you along!” you told her, unlocking your phone to show her the sights you wanted to see. “Shall we go find your friends now?”
She placed her hand over yours before saying, “How about we enjoy some time together first? Are you hungry? I’ll buy lunch.” 
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“Can you please take this next table?” your coworker pleaded, tugging on your  arm pathetically. “I really need to use the bathroom!”
You rolled your eyes before grabbing a stack of menus. “You’re lucky you’re my favorite.” you told him. 
“Thank youuuuu!” he sang, trailing off as he made a run for the bathrooms. 
“Welcome all, can I get you started with some drinks?” you began as you approached the five people at the table, eyes focused on your order sheet. 
“Can I get a strawberry shake?” the first girl asked. You looked to her to tell her you were all out, but when you met her eyes, you were frozen. She was so cute. Like, you couldn’t believe someone so pretty was eating at your minimum wage hole in the wall diner. The other four girls around her was also beautiful, but to you she was the true jewel of the group. 
“Of course!” you told her, instantly forgetting that your coworker told you not to sell any strawberry items under any circumstances. “For the rest of you?” 
“Just water, please.” they all said at different speeds, laughing at the first girl for wanting something so decadent. 
“Alright, I’ll be right back with those!” you chirped, flapping your book shut and rushing off to the kitchen. 
“Dude I need you to take four waters to table six for me!” you told your coworker who was now back from the bathroom. 
“Sure, why? Wait, why are you putting on your coat? We have tables!” he demanded. 
“Don’t worry I’ll be back in five minutes, this really beautiful woman wants a strawberry shake and there’s no way she's not getting one.” you told him, rushing out of the back door to the nearest grocery store. You bought those strawberries in record time and were back in the kitchen before anyone could even notice you left. 
You slapped the container of fruit in front of one of the cooks, taking a breath between each word. “One... strawberry... shake... please.” She laughed at you before cutting up the berries and mixing up a shake and handing it to you. You took it and made your way over to the dining room, checking yourself in the mirror as you did so. 
“I’m so sorry about the wait!” you told the beautiful woman, locking her eyes in a sweet gaze. 
“Excuse me, but did we see you running down the street a second ago?” the girl across the booth with short blonde hair asked you. “Are you okay?” 
Shit. You forgot that there was a big glass window along where they were sitting. She probably saw you sprinting across the intersection like a maniac, berries in hand. 
“Lia, you better be so thankful for those strawberries!” the tall one with long dark hair teased the pretty girl, tugging on her arm. 
You were mortified. That was until she suddenly put her hand on your arm in the most delicate way. 
“That was so kind of you. I’ve never seen someone so dedicated and it’s honestly really attractive. Can I have your number please?”
Your jaw dropped while the other girls started cheering and hollering at their friends’ boldness. You assumed she wasn’t normally so daring, and that perhaps her friends told her she didn’t have the guts to ask you. That meant that she liked you as well! 
At the end of the evening, Lia walked away with your number and you walked away with a hefty tip from all the other girls. You laughed to yourself at their bickering as they walked out of the restaurant. 
“I told you she could do it!”
“Oh shut up, Chaeryeong!” 
“Ryujin, you’re just mad she got the cute waiter/ waitress’ number instead of you. 
“You thought they were cute too Yuna!”
“Well it doesn’t matter who thought they were cute, I'm the one going out with them this weekend.” Lia beamed. 
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When you got a call back for what you thought was a small modeling gig, you never in a million years would have expected that it would be with one of the biggest girl groups’ main rappers. The connections this industry gave you were truly insane. 
You nervously tapped your foot in the makeup chair next to her, sneaking a few glances when you thought she wasn't looking. She definitely was, every single time. 
“Did they not tell you that I was the center of the shoot?” she asked you with a smirk once the makeup artists had walked away. 
“Hm?” you asked, surprised she was speaking to you. “Oh, no, they just said it would be a group of models wearing pieces from this fashion line. I didn’t mean to intrude on such a big shoot!”
She giggled, swiveling her chair around to face you. “You don’t have to be so nervous. I only agreed to this shoot because I wanted to meet you.”
You were speechless. Ryujin from ITZY wanted you to model in a shoot with her?
“Are you serious?” you stammered, probably looking like a deer in the headlights. “But, I���m not even-”
“I’ve seen you on social media before.” she continued, leaning forward in her chair towards you. “I’m kind of captivated by your visuals if I’m being honest. I couldn’t care less about this shoot, I just wanted to see you in person.” 
“Shin Ryujin...” you chuckled, baffled at the fan fiction-like scenario that played out in front of you. “You certainly have a way of leaving people at a loss for words. I get why they say ‘girl crush’ is your specialty.” 
She looked at you with dark eyes and a Cheshire Cat grin for a moment, taking you in. She then grabbed your hand, leading you to the studio. “Let’s show everyone what a power couple looks like, yeah?” 
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You peaked out into the hallway to see what the big commotion was. You were taking care of some house work when suddenly you heard a large bang followed by a string of curse words. 
You left your apartment to investigate, following the noise towards the stairwell when you saw a very cute girl stretched out on the landing, surrounded by her dropped groceries and clutching her ankle. 
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” you asked, rushing up to her. She looked up at you, and when your eyes met, you couldn’t move a muscle. You suddenly felt flustered and began blushing. You were soon brought back to reality when she responded. 
“No, I was carrying up my groceries when all of a sudden I tripped up the stairs and hurt my ankle! I think it might be sprained...” she told you, looking at the mess around her. 
“Oh I’m so sorry, can I help you up to your apartment?” you asked. 
She stopped rubbing her ankle for a moment, looking at you in awe. “You would do that?” 
You nodded, confused. “You need help, what am I supposed to do? Just leave you here?” 
She giggled, “Not many people would do that for a stranger in this city. You don’t have to though, I could call a friend. I live all the way up on the fifth floor.”
“What a coincidence, I live on the fifth floor too!” you told her, trying to reassure her that she wasn’t an inconvenience. “I would be happy to help. I was just doing some housework anyway, it wouldn’t be an imposition.” 
“Alright then, how should we do this? Bridal style is a bit awkward, so how about a piggy back ride?” she asked, and you obliged by kneeling in front of her. She hopped on before telling you, “My name is Chaeryeong by the way. I’m in room 506.” “I’m Y/N, and I’m in 508.” you told her, “It’s funny that we haven’t ran into each other before.”
“Oh, well I just moved in the other day. My old apartment had an elevator, so I guess I’m not used to the stairs!” she looked behind her and then remembered the mess that was left on the landing. “Oh, my groceries!” 
“Huh? Oh don’t worry, I’ll go get them once I get you back to your place.” 
She looked at your side profile dumbfounded. “You say that like its nothing! Are you just naturally kind or are you trying to kidnap me?” 
You laughed at her before entering the apartment hallway. “No, it’s just the right thing to do when someone needs help. Can you hand me your key?”
Once you were in the apartment, you set her down on the couch and went to go retrieve her groceries. When you got back, you set them all on her kitchen counter and walked back over to her. “Is there anything else you need help with?”
“Oh no, you’ve done more than enough!” she responded, shaking her head. “I really appreciate it.”
“No problem! Well, I guess I should get back to my housework!” you said, turning around to leave. 
“Hey wait!” she stopped you, holding our her hand. “I’d love to thank you once my ankle gets better! Would you like to get dinner this weekend?”
You turned around and gave her a wide smile. “I would love to. You know where to find me, neighbor.” 
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You sighed as you parked your delivery car, reaching over to grab the pizza boxes from the passenger seat before making your way up the apartment complex. Another damn place with no elevator. And of course, this customer had to live up on the top floor. You cursed the day you ever accepted a job as a pizza deliverer.
After catching your breath for a moment, you made your way over to the correct apartment and knocked on the door. What you weren’t expecting was the incredibly gorgeous woman who opened the door to smile at you so enthusiastically.
“Oh yay, my pizza’s here! Thank you so much!” she beamed, putting her hands over her heart.
You were suddenly self conscious of the ridiculous uniform you were wearing. Had you known your last customer of the day would be so good looking, you would have put more effort into your appearance. Well, it wasn’t like she was interested in you anyways, you thought to yourself.
“Here’s your tip!” she chirped, handing you a ten dollar bill.
“Oh thank you miss, but this is a lot of money for just one pizza!” you argued, trying to hand it back to her.
“No please take it!” she insisted, shoving it back towards you. “It’s been a while since a pizza was delivered to me so quickly, and by such a cute delivery person.”
You froze. This girl, who’s beauty you thought belonged immortalized in a piece of art, thought you were cute. You silently wondered if she liked you or the pizza more, but it didn’t matter.
“I’ll be ordering from here a lot more now.” she continued, “Make sure you keep delivering.”
You were speechless as she shut the door. Perhaps this job wasn’t so shitty after all.
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jessicas-pi · 11 months
Caleb should have listened to Obi-Wan. He really should have listened to Obi-Wan.
for the ask game!!!!!!!
EEEHEHEHEE okay okay so this is part of Follow The Silver Wolves, a no-O66 oneshot that I am also calling Let's Give Sabezra Their Own Year On The Run, Shall We?
For a little context: this part (aka... one of the only parts I have written XD) is right after a narrow escape, where Knight Dume, Padawan Bridger, and the Vicountess Sabine Wren are hiding in a cave. Long story short, Plot-Mandated Mid-Escape Puddle Mishaps combined with a Conveniently Located Thermal Pool ended with both kids having a heart-to-heart while rinsing mud out of their hair, and then...
Caleb rolled his eyes as he strode back inside, holodisc in hand. “Honestly, Master Kenobi. You can stop worrying. The last time I saw Ezra and the Vicountess, she was ready to tear his throat out and he wasn’t far behind. So I guarantee you, whatever past experience you have with Jedi-Mandalorian pairs on the run for their lives, these two are absolutely not—”
He stopped in his tracks, staring into the cave, then huffed.
“—kissing in a hot spring. I’ll call you back.”
He hung up and waited, but apparently Ezra was too distracted to notice the bantha in the room—or, more accurately, the Jedi Master in the cave. So Caleb snatched up a pebble with the Force and tossed it at his Padawan’s head.
“Ow! Hey, what was—MASTER?!”
Both kids splashed apart, red-faced. Caleb crossed his arms. “You two wanna explain?”
The Viscountess glanced at Ezra, then looked up at Caleb.
“No, sir.”
“Nope,” Ezra seconded.
“Not at all.”
“Never in a million years.”
“Just forget you saw anything.”
“Hey, was that your girlfriend you were talking to?” Ezra demanded cheekily, obviously trying to change the subject.
Caleb scowled at his Padawan. “You’re not one to talk, kid.”
“Sure I am.”
“Yeah, he never shuts up,” the Viscountess added.
“Well, for your information,” Caleb said flatly. “That was actually Master Kenobi. He wanted to know how the mission was going.”
“Pretty great, if you ask me,” Ezra grinned, and she punched his arm.
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kmoplq · 2 years
‘Is it really you..?’
Captain Price x ‘Hostage’ & FEM!Reader
(Special thanks to @overthetopobsessed for the idea!!!)
Warnings: HEAVY Angst, Mentions of kidnapping, Mentions of torture, Mentions of drugging, slight signs of insanity, but teeth rotting fluff as my apology with tears☹️☹️, also me being goofy in parentheses 🥳
WC: 2.1k
All you remember is spending time with your crush before anything.
You couldn’t even remember anything after that, the only thing stuck in your mind was John Price.
It was your senior year of high school. He had just told you that he was planning on going in the military.
You didn’t like the idea of him going out there. The Price you knew wasn’t always hard and demanding.
He was a average guy. He was the guy to enjoy a nice movie, nothing to scary, or boring. Just a nice comedy.
“Your really thinking about it, aren’t you?” He looked ashamed. It wasn’t a painfully obvious look, he tried hard to hide it but you’ve known him long enough.
“I just.. I don’t know! I know the risks and the training will be hard to take, but thats the whole point.
(Innit?) Isn’t it?”
You sighed. When John had something in his mind, he wouldn’t let it rest until he found out what to do with it.
“I just want you to be safe, I don’t wanna lose you, too.”
“Why? Do you think I’ll die that easily? Y/N, You know that if I died before I saw you again, I’d come back just to say goodbye.”
“Thats what im afraid of! I don’t want you to say goodbye! I don’t want to see your mother in tears on my porch!”
“Do not bring my mother into this.”
“Why? Is it because you know she’ll care? Honestly, isn’t it enough to know that you have actual family that will keep and touch with you and will actually sort things out?!”
“I know thing are hard for you right now-“
“No, you don’t get it. You don’t get it, not even in the slightest. I can barley have you come over without my parents yelling at each other over the phone or at me. Hell, my mom even whopped my ass in front of you! Is that not enough proof for you?”
At this point he was speechless. He didn’t know who to respond. So he left. Didn’t call, Didn’t show up at school, Didn’t even send a letter.
You trace 3 soft knocks at the light pale blue door in front of you. You had on John’s hoodie. You were giving it back, but you just wanted to make sure he was ok.
“Oh! Hello dear! Come in, come in!” You stepped in to see the dining table set up so perfectly. Nothing out of place or mismatched. All perfect.
“Uh, Ms.Price?” “Yes, dear?” “Where’s John?”
Her faced pulled a frown from her normally bright smile.
“He left, and I thought you’d be the first he’d tell. That stubborn boy.”
You looked like you had just witnessed the most gruesome thing imaginable.
“W-What do you mean ‘He left’?”
“To the military. Did he really not tell you, dear?”
Your heart dropped, you stopped breathing. Tears wound up on the edge of your eyes. You lost all feeling in your body and went limp.
This. This was all your fault. That stupid argument. That stupid comment. If you had kept you big ass mouth shut, you probably would have gotten a call.
You started weeping into Ms.Price. You didn’t understand why you were crying. Ms.Price should be in your place right now, seeking you for closure. Knowing that her son, her only child has left her.
“Its ok, dear. I get that it hurts, but at some point you gotta let them go.”
Letting go. Letting go sounded to sweet for your ears. You pulled away after some time, seeing that you had completely ruined Ms.Price’s shirt.
“Im sorry Ms. Price.”
“Please dear, call me Hazel.”
“Ok, Ms.Hazel.”
She let out a chuckle. So sweet and soft, almost lulling you to sleep.
“Dear, you don’t have to add the Ms, Its completely fine, I pinky promise.”
She held out her pinky, looking at you like you were her own child. You held out your pinky and intertwined them.
It had been 19 years since that whole shit show. You barley remembered it.
You walk around your decent sized apartment, finding something to keep you busy with.
You still had John’s hoodie on. It still being to big for you.
Your cat, Mews, purrs against your leg. You look down to see a pretty orange-brown, coat of fur.
“Look at my little chaos baby. Alright, time to feed you.”
You had found Mews at a animal shelter that was obviously wasn’t in the right condition.
You and the feline had bonded instantly with the look of an eye. She was a very friendly cat in general, but she was especially cuddly with you.
And thats why you instantly got her.
You heard a knock at the door. Turning around from the window, you walked towards the door
You open the door, looking around before closing the door.
As you turn around, a man in all black takes hold of your mouth and throws you against the previously opened door.
Your muffled curses hitting the gloved palm of the shadowed man.
You think as fast and smart as you can. Coming up with a solution, you throw all your weight onto the man, sending you both tumbling to the ground.
I guess the martial arts class paid off after all. Maybe your mother was finally right. Sure, she wasn’t right about you being a whore, but that martial arts really did teach you something.
You get up quickly, getting into a fighting stance. The man groaned and massaged the back of his neck.
“And what are you going to do little girl? You don’t know anything.”
The heavy russian accent flows through the wind, the broken english made it even clearer somehow.
“Come here and I’ll show you?”
He pulled out a knife, which made you flinch a bit.
He came running towards you, knife at the ready to stab or slice some part of you.
You dodge and hit him in his throat and he falls to the floor. You thought he was the only one.
Hell maybe he was a robber. But you were mistaken when you felt a sharp pain in the side of your neck.
You left hand quickly held that spot the pain was erupting with. You turn around to see another masked man, holding a syringe with liquid in it.
You’ve been drugged. You cant do anything. Your visions goes blurry, colors flashing around and polkadots painting a picture in your vision.
Everything goes black quickly. Your woken up by a harsh slap. It definitely hurts more then it’s supposed to. You’d know.
Your voice hoarse, you try speaking but all that brings you is pain.
“What..What do you want?”
“You have information that can help us.”
You looked at them, almost laughing. It was a scary moment, but hell all you could do was laugh.
“Me? Having some sort of sensitive information? Your fucking crazy.”
“You know a ‘Price’ , yes?”
That made you shut up instantly. You almost wanted to blame Price for this, but you know that it can’t be helped.
“Whats it to you?”
“Thats none of your concern.”
“For fuck sake. How am I gonna give you information if your not even gonna tell me-“
Another harsh slap to face. But this time, instead of it hurting more than normal, It hurt like a fucking bitch.
It felt like someone had sliced your cheek open,
but it hit you. If you were slapped, just a normal slap to the face, it would sting. So why the hell is your face bleeding?
“Did you just slit my cheek?” “No, I kissed your cheek.” “Oh wow, you have jokes.”
The man pulled you by your collar, making you jerk forward.
“Listen, just give me the information about Price, and we can let you go.”
“Well kill me then cause im not giving you shit.”
“Didn’t think i’d have to do this the hard way. What a shame.”
He let go of your collar while walking over to a counter that held shit that you’d see in movies.
Your heart sunk to your stomach. You had thought this whole thing was just a fucking dream.
But your life is at stake here.
It had been weeks. You had started keeping track of the days, but had slowly lost count.
The stab wounds, scars, burns, and everything else had just became numb.
Is this where I die? I’m m not ready to die. I can’t t die. Please.
You cant feel anything. Not anymore. So is there even a point to cry anymore?
You feel yourself go crazy, seeing thoughts. Until you heard a loud bang. Your head shot up like you were just fighting sleep.
I mean, you’re not wrong, are you? You hear gunshots, you don’t know what else to do besides stare at the iron door.
Feeling absolutely nothing knowing that you’d be dead by time anybody got to you.
“Is there anybody in there?” You heard a all too familiar voice behind the door.
“Hello.” You barely even heard yourself and was even more surprised when that familiar voice came back to you.
“Step away from the door, Im coming in!”
You crawled away from the door, unfazed by the loud banging ans just stared into the dents being made into the cold metal.
Once there was a big enough hole, a tall man stepped through scanning the room before he landed on you.
Price. This bastard is Price.
You sat up on your knees looking up at the man. Admiring his physique and his bearded face.
‘Is it really you..?” You felt all the emotions flood back too fast and started letting out tears.
He thought you were delusional. He can’t blame you though since you’ve been trapped here for who knows how long.
“I’m sorry miss, but I’m not the one your looking for.”
Your heart broke into billions of fucking pieces.
“No, no no no no.. You have to remember me theres no godamn you can’t. John please.”
He was shocked when he heard his name come out of your mouth. He didn’t know how to react. He saw you eyes widen, your eyes behind him.
“Get down!”
You pulled him to the ground with you and you heard a strangled cough right after.
(gunshot. gunshot to the head. he’s dead 🤯)
“Oh, um, thank you.”
“Your welcome, Sir.”
Now he was really fucking confused. First you were calling him by his name and now your calling him sir?
“We’ve swept the floor, Cap.”
“Alright, let’s head out then.”
He offers his hand for you to hold for support and you feel yourself fumbling over your feet.
“Woah, careful there.”
Then he notices the one thing he forgot. His hoodie.
You both began to walk as the new proclaimed man, Gaz, leaded you both outside. Checking every corner.
“Hey, I had the same hoodie in high school. Where’d you get yours?”
“Just a friend. What’s it to you?”
“When’d they give it to you?”
“2 days before he left for the army. We went out to the skating rink. The fucker didn’t know how to skate at all, had to help him regain his balance every time. He even fell on his ass, I think.”
You let a gruff giggle, but to him it sounded angelic.
Then he realized. He finally fucking realized.
You stopped admittedly, your breath hitched so hard you started coughing.
He started laughing and patted your back with the right amount of pressure.
Gaz noticed and stopped to turn around.
“Are you two seriously flirting? You guys just met like, 10 minutes ago.”
“Gaz, I’ve known her since birth.”
You started coughing more with the tiniest hint of laughter.
“His mom basically took me as her daughter.”
“Speaking on my mother, how is she?”
You glared at Price.
“I don’t know Price let me think… Oh wait, i’ve been locked up for weeks!”
You playfully hit his shoulder. He playfully hit you back.
“Your not supposed to hit a woman, Price.”
“But your not any woman, your my girlfriend.”
You looked at him, taking a second to register what he had just said.
“What did you just call me?”
“I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Am I technically wrong though?”
“Because you didn’t let me say yes yet.”
You cut Price off by pulling him into a passionate kiss.
“But yes, I am your girlfriend. For now at least.”
“Now what’s that mean?”
“You’ll know when I show you.”
“You guys suck at flirting and im going to throw u both off a cliff.”
“Gaz, your just mad you don’t have anybody.”
“Whatever, loser.”
I actually don’t like this a wee bit ngl, but i hope u guys liked this ☹️🫶
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baggebythesea · 1 year
Princess Glimmer and the Day of Many Choices: I'm not working FOR you, but I will work WITH you. (14/?)
"You and me as equal queens," Catra said and held out her hand. Glimmer gave her a surprised look, then a nod which contained both respect and challenge.
"You got game, Horde scum. I like that. And it's perfect. Your old Horde buddies would not take kindly to be bossed around by a princess, but they will listen if the orders come from the Fright Zone."
"You overestimate how beloved I am by the rank and file," Catra smirked, but her tail twitched.
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"You have yourself a deal, my Queen," Glimmer said and took Catra's hand. "The first thing to do is..."
"Stop it right there," Despara said and stepped in between them. "I just pulled Catra out from the Horde. I'm not letting you put her back just because it suits you."
"It won't be like that," Glimmer protested. "This time we..."
"What do you mean, 'you're not letting her'?" Catra demanded. "I make my own decisions, thank you very much."
"'Your own decisions' almost killed you and ended with you brainwashed by Horde Prime," Despara said with dark voice. "And the moment Glimmer crooks her finger..."
"Hey," Glimmer protested. "I'm trying to..."
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"I get that you got a hero-high from rescuing a poor little damsel in distress," Catra said and barred her teeth, "but if you for a moment think that..."
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"Im not letting you self destruct one more time."
"That's rich coming from..."
Suddenly, the three of them went from shouting at each other to being knocked out and entangled together in a net.
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"Thank you," Bow said and with deliberate care chose another arrow and nooked it. "Now, if perhaps I can say something, I would just like to point out that the three of you love each other and can do anything if you support, trust and help each other, and that if you don't do that I will personally lock you up in the hot springs of Mystacor until you can behave."
"We don't have time for rest," Glimmer protested. "There's too much work to do."
"I don't love Sparkles," Catra protested.
"Yeah, right," Despara muttered.
"What is that supposed to..." Catra begun, but Glimmer managed to turn enough in the net to put a hand on Despara's.
"Hey, Ador... Despara," she said with gentle voice. "I'm not taking her from you."
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"It's not like that..." Despara mumbled.
"No, it's OK," Catra interjected. "It's only natural to be jealous of someone as cool as me. But don't worry, I'm not running away with a glitter bomb now when we FINALLY got together."
"As if you'd have a chance with me anyway," Glimmer sniffed.
"Hah, you'd come running if I crooked a single finger," Catra bragged.
"You'd have to do better than that," Glimmer smirked.
"Is that a challenge, princess," Catra grinned.
"You're not exactly making me feel better about this whole thing," Despara said with dry voice and crawled out of the net.
"The point is," Catra said and crawled after her, "that I'm not a little meek kitten you can control... and, honestly, I don't think you'd want that anyway." She and Despara traded a grin.
"Also, Sparkles is right. We CAN do something about the whole mess Etheria is in right now. We can make it BETTER. And if me sitting on Hordak's stupid daddy complex throne is what it takes... hey, that's pretty much our childhood dream right there, isn't it?"
"There wasn't a princess with us in our childhood dreams though," Despara grinned.
"There totally should have been," Glimmer said and teleported out of the net. "So we agree then? The three of us, ruling together?"
"Fine," Despara agreed. "But if I even for a moment think you'll start self destructing again, Catra, I'm putting you on a leash."
"Promises, promises..." Catra leered.
"I do have another net arrow right here," Bow said with level voice.
"That won't be nessecary," Glimmer laughed. She fluttered her eyelashes at him. "...at least not yet. Did you get access to Horde Prime's broadcasting system."
"It's ready to go," Bow said and put away his bow with a little bow.
- - -
"Citizens of Etheria," Glimmer said. "The war is over. Now we enter a time for peace. There will be much work to do, but to usher us into this new era I now happily announce a new alliance. Between the thrones of Brightmoon (and the princess alliance), the Fright Zone and the Crystal Palace." She took a step back and took the hands of Catra and Despara. "We have all on occasion found reasons to be enemies. Now we - and all of you - will work to build a stable peace. Together."
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"Good speech," Catra said after Glimmer was finished. "Now for the nitty-gritty."
Part 13 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/baggebythesea/711664889917308928/oooooooh-i-was-aiming-for-queen-glimmer-and-her
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alphashley14 · 1 year
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
<Prev Next>
Chapter 19
No One Ever Really Dies
After fleeing the lounge, Ricky and the kids hurried into Fred and Daphne’s room and shut and locked the door behind them.
Once inside, they stood around the door and listened. 
“I don’t hear anything. What about you Scoob?” Fred asked.
“Not a thing,” Scooby confirmed. 
“Even the best of friends argue,” Daphne said. 
“She’s right,” Ricky said. “They love each other too much to resort to violence. No matter what they’re fighting about.” 
The six of them backed away and sat around the room to talk.
“So like um…” Shaggy plopped down into a chair, “can we talk about… that?” 
“Shaggy’s right. We need to be on the same page about this,” Velma agreed. 
“I just can’t believe that sweet little dog turned out to be…” Daphne left the end of her sentence open-ended, but everyone knew what she meant.
“I trust him,” Ricky said, to all of their surprises. 
“Like really?” Shaggy exclaimed. 
“But why?” Scooby asked. 
“Whatever he was in the past, he isn’t the same guy who’s comforted me today more times than I care to mention,” Ricky said. “I don’t need to remind you all that I have regrets too. But I’ve realized that I was wrong and I’m doing something about it. He didn’t get to finish telling us his story, but it should be obvious to us all that he did the same thing. And unlike me he’s had centuries to do so.” 
“He’s right,” Velma said, thinking back to how Mystery had told her about magic. “If he was the same fox who did all of those things back then, I don’t think any of us would even be standing here right now. If he wanted to hurt us, he’s had infinite opportunities to do so by now. Not to mention that he wanted our trust enough to tell me what his achilles heel is.” 
“Yeah but like, that’s assuming he’s telling the truth,” Shaggy said. 
“I think he has good intentions,” said Scooby, remembering how Mystery had exacted justice on his behalf when the scary priest in the painting had come at him earlier.
“I think so too, just from what we’ve seen and what we’ve been told so far,” Daphne said. “But, I think it’s important that we all remember that we don’t have all of the facts yet. Mystery didn't finish his story.”
“Is it wrong of me to say that I’m kind of glad he didn’t?” Fred asked, anxiously messing with his ascot. “It’s- a lot.” 
“I feel exactly the same way,” Ricky agreed. “Also, adding onto this discussion, I would like to point out that even if we didn’t trust the Mystery Skulls, I believe that continuing to cooperate with them is presently the more strategically sound thing to do. If it weren’t for the Mystery Skulls, my old group would have us vastly outgunned and outnumbered right now. Not that I’m calling you kids incapable. Because it’s honestly impressive how difficult it’s been to get one up on you. But if they cornered us somehow…” 
“He’s right,” Velma said thoughtfully. “The Mystery Skulls actually have a pretty good chance of overpowering them, even without our help.” 
“But if they’re so strong,” Scooby said with a tilt of his head, “then why don’t they just barge in and rescue Arthur?” 
“Actually, yeah. I was sort of wondering the same thing,” Daphne said thoughtfully.
“The situation’s too delicate for that,” Ricky replied. “Right now to Professor Pericles, Arthur- or rather I, am a tool. But if we barged in and tried to rescue Arthur- or me, then we’d need to get the remote from Pericles. And he’s so smart that chances are he’d realize what we were there for before we could do that. He might even realize that the swap’s taken place. And if that happens, I can’t begin to describe how monumentally bad that would be. Because then Arthur’s not just a tool anymore - he becomes a hostage. And I think we all know what the first of his demands would be.” 
“The planispheric disc!” Mystery Inc. exclaimed at once. 
“Like he’s right. He’s totally right!” Shaggy cried. 
“And even if we gave him the disc, there’s no garuntee he’d give Arthur or Mr. E or whoever’s in that body back,” Fred added. “Because as long as he has a hostage, he’s got a way of making sure we don’t interfere with his plans.”
“Which means that as much as we don’t like it,” Ricky walked over to the window and leaned against the glass, looking out over the twisted forest. “The covert operation that Arthur has going on right now is the best chance we have of getting him back safely. I just hope he stays safe in the process.” 
Ricky talked with the kids for another twenty minutes before they bid each other goodnight and at last retired to their rooms for the evening.
As soon as he was back in the seclusion of his room, the entire day finally hit him all at once. Ricky felt like he hadn’t slept in fifteen chapters. He was suddenly so tired. Had it really been only a day? It felt more like seven months.
But as much as he wanted to collapse face-first onto that huge bed and pass out for the rest of this chapter (assuming nothing weird happened in his dreams this time and his insomnia hadn’t followed him to this body), Ricky knew he’d feel monumentally better after a shower.
Ricky looked over to the bathroom with a sigh and repeated what Fred and Mystery had told him earlier. “We’re both guys… it’s only as weird as I make it. Don’t make it weird…” 
The problem was that it was already weird. Ricky had grown more accustomed to what existing in Shaggy’s body felt like, but the shower really forced him to feel the difference. Then there was Shaggy’s hair. Washing Ricky’s hair was a process. Shaggy’s hair on the other hand was as easy as wash, rinse, fluff it with a towel at the end, and- oh wow. Hair’s basically dry already. All done. 
So. If he was looking for plus sides to this whole situation, he supposed he could add that to the list: showers were easy.
After he was dried off, Ricky got dressed to go to sleep, brushed his teeth, turned out the lights, then finally climbed into bed. 
As absolutely magical as the bed was, Ricky laid awake for a long time, letting his thoughts drift wherever they wanted to go. He thought a lot about today. But time and time again, his thoughts wandered back to Cassidy. Until finally, he gave up and stopped trying not to think of her.
She would have loved all of this, he thought to himself. Vivi’s a fighter, just like her. They would have gotten along well. She might’ve been cautious of Mystery, but he would have adored her. She wouldn’t’ve been afraid of Lewis either. And the Dead Beats would have made her laugh. A mental image came to mind. Of her. Laughing as the little pink spirits nuzzled and crowded around her for pets like they had to him and the kids earlier. The thought brought a smile to his lips. 
As nice a thought as it was, it was never going to happen. And it was all his fault. 
Are you here now? Could you have come back as a ghost? Like Lewis? 
No. Ricky didn’t want that for her. If she came back as a ghost, then what if she came back as a weak spirit, like the painting ghosts? Stuck in one place? Trapped where she’d died? Clinging to her humanity and always struggling to not be consumed by stronger beings? Like the wild world of yokai Mystery had described. God, no. Not Cassidy. After all she’d been through, she deserved peace. 
But… where exactly? 
The Mystery Skulls talked about life after death as if there was more than one. If that were true, then perhaps he and Cassidy would truly never meet again. But maybe it was better that way. Wherever she was… all he wanted was what was best for her. But what did he know? Basically nothing. He would have to ask one of the Mystery Skulls about it when he got the chance. 
“Wherever you are,” he prayed to her quietly, “I hope you’re at peace, somewhere worthy of you. And I’m- Oh Angel… Cassidy I’m so sorry…” 
Maybe Ricky was just that exhausted. And perhaps not being in the body of an insomniac had something to do with it too. The last words that slipped past his lips before Ricky cried himself to sleep came out barely a whisper. 
“I love you…”
“It’s done,” Lewis said, popping back into the room through the table in front of them. Marcie shrieked and nearly sent Arthur’s coffee flying across the room, but Arthur reached out and caught it before it could spill. 
“Dude. You did that on purpose,” Arthur said dryly. 
“Maybe,” Lewis shrugged. “It was funny tho.” 
“It wasn’t funny to me!” Marcie protested. 
“Sorry,” Lewis said, not sounding remorseful. He flew up to Arthur’s head level and flipped upside down. “But to be fair, I don’t get people I can mess with very often. What’s the point of being a ghost if you can’t at least have a little fun with it right?” 
“Yeah,” Marcie half-laughed, “I guess so.” 
“Is there anything else I can do to help while I’m here? Anything at all?” Lewis asked. 
“You’ve done plenty,” Arthur said. “Seriously Lewis. We may not have been able to pull this off without your help. Just out of curiosity, how many different tracking devices and bugs did you find on the Enigma Machine?” Arthur asked. 
“Four,” Lewis replied. 
“And what did you do with them?” 
“Hid them in the ceiling above the vehicle. Just like you said. When you make your escape, the tracking systems will show that the van is still in the garage. They won’t be able to track it.” 
“And you weren’t seen?” 
“Come on man, you know me. I’ve had plenty of practice avoiding breathers and fucking with security cameras by now,” Lewis said, flipping over so he was upright once more.
  “How foolish of me to doubt you,” Arthur said jokingly. 
“Yeah Arthur. Why’d you do that?” 
They laughed, but soon broke off into silence as an unpleasant truth hung in their air between them.
“I don’t want to leave you,” Lewis said sadly at last.
“And I don’t want you to go,” Arthur admitted, pulling his friend into a hug. “But we both know why you have to.” 
“Your plan will work. It has to,” Lewis said. 
“And when it does, I’ll see you on the road the night after next.” 
“But until then, know that you’ll never be off my mind. Just- remember, Arthur. If you need me for any reason, you can send a message through the Dead Beats.”
“I know. Thanks, Lewis.” Arthur said. 
They pressed their foreheads together for a long moment, a final goodbye, before Lewis turned to Marcie. “Take care of him,” he beseeched her. “Arthur’s the smartest idiot I know. He could build a whole new world with that brain of his, but he’ll get so focused on it that he’ll forget to do important being-alive things. Like eating. Or sleeping. Or occasionally taking a shower.” 
“Hey! I- do not!”
“Oh yeah? How many meals have you eaten today?” 
Arthur opened and closed his mouth, then pursed his lips in thought. “...Does one singular donut count as ‘brunch’?” 
“No it does not. Eat something, Kingsmen!” Lewis barked. 
“All right. All right. You have my word. I’ll scrounge something together.” 
“And you’ll sleep?” 
“... Yyyyes…” Arthur groaned. 
“But you’re going to eat something first.” Lewis said. 
“Fine! Look, Lew! This is me, going to eat something!” Arthur said loudly as he marched into the kitchen. 
Lewis’ scowl softened into a smile as he watched Arthur disappear into the other room. Then he turned back to Marcie once more. “Hey. Uhm. I know you’re doing a lot as it is, but I meant what I said. Take care of him… please.”
“Don’t worry. I will,” Marcie nodded. 
“Seriously. Thank you. The only reason I’m not an anxiety-ridden mess is because I know he’s not totally alone in here.”
“You are an anxiety-ridden mess,” Marcie corrected. 
Lewis barked a laugh. “I guess that’s true. So… it seems like you’re taking this really well. You’re definitely less hesitant to believe all this than Velma was. Any reason why?” 
“I mean Arthur had the Dead Beats as proof of the paranormal from the get-go, so I guess I’ve had a while to come to terms with the whole ‘ghosts are real’ thing before I met you. Other than that, I did have my doubts as to whether he’s really not Mr. E for most of today. Until…” 
“I made one reference. Just one. And the next thing I knew, Arthur had to physically restrain himself from going on a rave about Smash Bros trivia. We got refocused back to the task at hand pretty quick, but that’s definitely when I knew for sure. Mr. E would never.” 
Lewis snorted. “Yeah! That sounds like Arthur!” When Arthur came back into the room, eating the final bites of a ham and cheese sandwich, he didn’t say a word about Lewis being gone. Marcie supposed that for them, just leaving was easier. Or else they’d never be able to let each other go. 
Marcie was tempted to ask Arthur if he was okay, but he spoke up as she was opening her mouth to do so. “You should eat something too. I would’ve made you a sandwich too, but I didn’t know what you liked or if you were vegetarian or anything like that.”
“I’m not vegetarian but yeah. I’ll eat something. Speaking of… it’s getting pretty late you know. Are you… going to sleep soon?” 
“How about a shower?” 
Arthur snorted. “Not a chance in Hell.” 
Ricky dreamed that night. Of her, of course. 
The last time Ricky ever saw her was in the forest when all five members of the original Mystery Incorporated met together for the first time in 20 years. After Pericles made his offer and flew away, Brad and Judy had left in a huff, at that time still pretending that they were acting in the best interest of their son. Leaving Ricky and Cassidy alone beneath the moonlit trees. 
“The nerve of that bird,” she’d scoffed, angrily kicking a tree root. “Who the hell does he think he is?” 
Ricky just scowled, trying to hide how tempted he was to take him up on his offer. He didn’t trust Pericles. Their relationship would never be what it was. But… he missed him. As hard as he denied it, he missed his old friend. Having lost his every friend and ally, Ricky was alone. He hated being alone. 
“He’s right you know,” Ricky had said. 
And Cassidy had whirled around to scold him, “You can’t possibly be considering-!” 
“Of course not!” (He’d lied both to her and himself that night, of course.) “I just mean that us, working together… we’d have a better chance at getting the pieces than we would by ourselves. My offer still stands, Cassidy. You’re smart. Resourceful. Strong. I want you back on my team.” 
Looking back, she’d looked almost hopeful at first. But as soon as ‘getting the pieces’ left his mouth she had turned sad, her disappointment in him evident. “And my answer is the same,” she sighed. “I told you already, Ricky. I won’t hurt those kids.” 
“Right,” Ricky had said bitterly, “Because they’re good kids. What was it you said? Better than we were?” 
“We were good once too,” she muttered.
“You were a child.” Wait- what was that? A newer memory, the voice of a newer friend, echoing in his ears.
“You were a good kid.” What was he doing? He could be good again. This didn’t have to end the same way it had been the first time. He could save her. She didn’t have to die! 
“And he took advantage of that.” But even as these thoughts occurred to Ricky, everything he wanted to say was trapped at the back of his throat. 
“Goodbye Ricky,” and then she was leaving. 
Ricky tried to move but his feet were rooted to the spot. He tried to talk, to shout her name, but no sound would come out. He reached out, trying to catch her, but she was just out of reach. 
But he watched her walk away, just as he had back then. And as she vanished into the darkness of the trees the memory of another familiar voice, a more cruel voice, echoed in his ears.
“Would you like to know how she died?” 
Ricky shot up, wide awake in a cold sweat. He had to look around for several moments as he recalled where he was and why. He was safe. In Lewis’ mansion. The forest was but one in a long series of regrets. And Cassidy- 
She’s gone.
Ricky took several deep breaths and fell back onto the pillows. 
Figures he couldn’t go one night without something weird or otherwise unpleasant happening in his dreams. Granted - he hadn’t ended up in another dimension this time, so this was arguably an improvement. Arguably. As in Ricky could also argue that he preferred the Sitting Room. Seriously, the realities of the waking world were unpleasant as it is. Why did his brain have to torture him when he was asleep, too?
Just then, his stomach made a noise akin to the sound of a dying whale. 
“Fuck you Shaggy,” Ricky grumbled in the dark. But he felt bad as soon as the words left his mouth. It wasn’t Shaggy’s fault that his body for some reason required breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper. It was genetics- some kind of disorder- something. In any case, something wasn’t right. 
Come to think of it, how is he not constantly shitting with how much he eats? And how is he not as fat as me while shitting all the time? Where does the food go? Is this kid’s stomach a portal to another dimension??? 
Ah, the thoughts one has while tired as fuck at- Ricky glanced over at the alarm clock to see what godforsaken hour of the night it had the audacity to be - 2:51 in the morning. 
Also, speaking of shitting, he kinda needed to go to the bathroom anyway. 
Grumbling in I-don’t-want-to-get-up, Ricky reluctantly left the bed’s warm comfort. Fuck, he’d been all cozy from his body heat warming the covers and the inside of the mansion was cold - especially at night. But what else should he expect from a haunted house? Ricky turned the bedside lamp on, retrieved his jacket from where it was lying at the foot of his bed, and quickly put it on. 
He used the facilities, then went to the door. He glanced over at the clock again. It was now 3:00 am - the witching hour. Was it a good idea to wander the halls of a haunted house during the witching hour? Probably not. But based on the off-key didgeridoo noises his stomach was making, this stupid body wasn’t going to leave him alone until he fed it. So he really didn’t have much choice if he wanted so much as a chance of getting a wink of more sleep. 
Ricky stepped out into the hall. Fuck - it was dark. Fortunately there were nightlights at pretty regular intervals in the halls for the living, so he wasn’t wandering completely blind. He was fine leaving the East Wing and the few turns after that. Living and working at Destroido meant that he was used to remembering his way through large buildings. He heard footsteps once or twice with no one attached to them, weird glowing orbs darted in and out of sight, and at one point he thought he heard voices muttering. But he didn’t meet any ghosts. That is until- 
Uh-oh. Which way was it again?
Left or right? Should he just walk to the end of each hall and see if anything looked familiar? Dammit, where were the Dead Beats when you needed- 
Such a quiet sound was deafening in the silent hallway. Ricky froze. 
Scraaape- Scrrrrrraaape
Ricky gulped and turned his head in the direction of the noise. 
Ding-dong Daddy-o… 
One of the suits of armor had moved. From its usual frozen position to leaning forward with its head turned in Ricky’s direction, glowing pink eyes beneath its mask fixed right on him. 
Ricky gulped. Lewis said they protect the mansion. “U-uh… I-I’m a guest…” he stuttered, fiddling with his fingers, feeling very silly and very scared. “I uh, I got hungry. Could you uh- tell me which way the kitchen is? 
Scccrrrape Scrrrraaape
The suit of armor moved again, pointing towards the left. 
“Oh-” Ricky had kind of not expected it to answer him, much less help. “T-thanks.” 
Scrrrraaape Scrape Scraaape 
The suit of armor briefly bowed to him, then motioned for him to be on his way. 
Heart pounding, Ricky’s whole body felt stiff with fear as he took the route to the left. He could hear the armor’s head turning as it watched him go. As he came to the next hallway (he remembered where he was now), he heard a bunch more scraping behind him as the possessed armor returned to its usual frozen position. 
Well that was terrifying yet helpful. 
Just as terrifying yet equally helpful, every suit of armor Ricky passed from then on pointed in the direction Ricky needed to go. Until finally, very creeped out and not wanting to make any more noise from the metal moving, Ricky told one of the suits of armor as politely as he could that he remembered which way to go from here, but that he appreciated all of their help. The armor bowed to him, resumed its original position, and none of them moved after that. 
Soon after that, came into the foyer, where he was happy to see a familiar troop of pink friends playing tag near the ceiling, zooming around the chandelier. As he stepped out of the doorway, one of the Dead Beats spotted him and pointed him out to his friends, who all made happy trilling noises as they zoomed down to give him nuzzles and demand pets. Trying to stay quiet, Ricky laughed, scritching their heads. “Hey you guys. Boy, am I happy to see you. I’m on my way to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Would you like to keep me company?” 
The Dead Beats were delighted to do just that. 
Then at last, Ricky made it into the kitchen. 
Ricky opened the fridge and squinted from the glare of the bright artificial light, his eyes having adjusted to the dark house. He was looking for a drink when- 
Ricky jumped and banged his head on the top of the fridge with a curse. 
“Oof, you okay dude?” 
“Lewis?” Ricky turned around, rubbing the soon-to-be bump on his head. The ghost was standing by the doorway with a couple more Dead Beats. “You’re back. And- What’re you doing up?” 
“I’m a ghost,” Lewis shrugged. “I don’t exactly need sleep. What’re you doing up?” 
“Uh- couldn’t sleep. And I got hungry.” 
Lewis snorted. “You just missed Scooby. He was in here for a midnight snack not half an hour ago.” 
“Ah. That explains why the fridge doesn’t look as packed as it did earlier,” Ricky said. Right then, one of the Dead Beats floated over to him helpfully with a bag of pretzels. Ricky thanked him and then turned back to Lewis. “So. How was Arthur?” He asked, popping one into his mouth.
Lewis sighed with relief. “He’s okay. Thank God. Marcie’s on board, I helped with some things, and thus far everything’s going according to his plan.” 
“That’s good,” Ricky sighed, eating another handful. “So what exactly is his plan?” He asked after he swallowed. 
“Actually, I needed to talk to you about that…” Lewis rubbed the back of his neck and procured a flashdrive from a pocket in his waistcoat. 
Ricky abruptly stopped chewing. Why did he have a feeling that he knew what the contents of that were? He swallowed. “What’s that?” He asked. 
“Proof of what happened to you,” Lewis winced. 
“... Oh,” Ricky looked away. “Did uh… did you watch it?” 
“No,” Lewis said. “That would be a messed up thing to do. And I’m not going to let anyone else see it without your permission either. So… are you okay with me seeing this? Or anyone else for that matter?” 
“Um… let me get back to you on that. It’s- late. I know somebody should see it but- could I think about it?” 
“No problem man. Take as much time as you need,” Lewis said, tucking it back in his pocket. 
“Oh! Ricky. What are you doing up?” Mystery, in the form of a dog, trotted into the room and hopped up into one of the chairs.
“Ah- uh, bad dreams,” Ricky said, forgetting to lie about it. “-And a midnight snack,” he caught himself, shaking the bag of pretzels. He quickly changed the subject. “So uh, how are you and Vivi? All good?” 
“What happened with Vivi?” Lewis growled.
“Tensions ran high, and we had a moment. About three years ago. But we got through it, and we’re fine now,” Mystery said, hinting very strongly to Lewis that they would talk about it when not in mixed company.
Lewis fortunately caught the hint, because he reverted the subject back to Ricky. “Gotcha. So, Ricky. Bad dreams? Do you… want to talk about it?”
“I’ve just been- thinking a lot about Cassidy,” he admitted, setting down the now-empty bag of pretzels and opening a jug of yogurt. “I know you never knew her but, I really wish you had. She was… she really was perfect.” 
Ricky was too deep in self-pity to notice the panicked look Mystery and Lewis shot each other. 
“I said a lot of really shitty things to her,” Ricky sighed. “Things I didn’t mean. And I just wish I could take it all back, or at least tell her how sorry I am. For all of it.”
He was completely oblivious to Mystery and Lewis silently shouting at each other on either side of him. 
‘Should we tell him???’ Lewis mouthed. 
‘No!’ Mystery mouthed back. 
“And she would have loved this.” Ricky laughed, “Knowing her she’d be like ‘hell no’ at first. But once she got over that initial hurdle I really think she would’ve liked to learn all of this, and to meet you. And you would’ve liked her.” 
‘He deserves to know!’ Lewis mouthed, gesticulating wildly. 
‘Don’t say SHIT!’ Mystery swiped a paw across his throat.
‘He’s heartbroken!’ 
‘It’s too much!’ 
“She would have been a big help too,” Ricky said. “She was so smart. One of the smartest people I ever knew… and the kindest.” 
‘I’m gonna tell him!’ 
‘Don’t you dare!’
‘We should tell him!’ 
“In the morning!” Mystery loud-whispered. 
Ricky looked up, and Mystery and Lewis quickly snapped into “totally-not-up to-something” poses before he could notice. “Did you say something?” He asked. 
“Oh- yes. Cassidy-” The dog cleared his throat. “Cassidy is a truly wonderful person. And uh- in the morning, I have a lot more to tell you and teach you that I bet she would really want to see.” Were it not past 3:00 in the morning, Ricky might have caught Mystery’s use of the word ‘is’ as opposed to ‘was’.
‘Smooth,’ Lewis mouthed at Mystery over Ricky’s head. 
Mystery shot him a glare. None of that was a lie. 
Just then, on its own, the radio on the counter turned on smack in the middle of a Mystery Skulls song.
“If I could do this all a-gain,  If I could start o-ver, and give you everything-”
The three of them turned around to the source of the noise to see the Dead Beats floating totally guilty around the radio. 
“-Yeah, I wouldn’t change a thing. As long as I have you baby- As long as I have you baby!” 
Ricky just looked at them confused and listened while panicked, Mystery and Lewis comically shook their heads, ‘NO!’ 
And the Dead Beats stubbornly nodded, ‘YES!’ 
“See?” Ricky sighed, completely misinterpreting what the Dead Beats were trying to tell him. “They get it.” 
As the strum of the keyboard and the thrum of the beat gave way to lyrics once more, Lewis flew across the room-
“-’Cause no one ever really diiies-” 
Ricky didn’t hear the rest because Lewis cut the radio off. 
“Why’d you turn it off?” Ricky asked, confused. 
“I- uh- it was way too loud. You- sillies,” Lewis turned to the Dead Beats with a too-wide grin. “I know how much you love music, but do you want to wake the whole house? We’re going to have to have a talk later,” The ghost growled at them. 
The Dead Beats just crossed their arms and turned away sharply. Foiled!
While Lewis glared at the Dead Beats, Mystery turned back to Ricky. “Speaking of,” the kitsune-disguised-as-a-dog said, “I really think you ought to get back to sleep.” 
Ricky scoffed. “I’m not so sure that’s going to happen. Sleep doesn’t exactly come to me easily. Not to mention I’m not exactly looking forward to another nightmare.” 
Mystery tilted his head, thoughtful. 
The dog made a flourish with one of his paws, and a small vial appeared on the table in a flash of his foxfire. 
Ricky jumped, not expecting it. The vial was half-moon-shaped, with a star-shaped cork, filled with a beautiful luminous midnight blue fluid. 
“Really? You’re gonna give him that?” Lewis exclaimed. The Dead Beats were still pouting behind him.
“What is it?” Ricky asked.
“Magic,” Mystery replied. “We're acquainted with a number of potion makers and regularly enlist their services. This,” Mystery said, motioning for Ricky to pick up the bottle, “is a half-dose of dreamless sleep potion. It instantly puts its drinker into deep sleep, then awakens the drinker fast enough that the mind never enters the stage of sleep in which dreams occur. This is a half dose, meant to be taken when one wakes in the middle of the night. So it should guarantee you another five hours or so of restful slumber.”
“Just don’t get reliant on that stuff,” Lewis warned. “Trust us, we know from experience: It becomes an unhealthy coping mechanism if you use it too often.”
 “So I will not allow you to use this tomorrow night under any circumstances,” Mystery added with a nod.
Ricky blinked at him for a few moments, so grateful and stunned that words failed him. “I- Thank you Mystery,” He stammered. 
“Oh pish posh. It’s such a simple matter it hardly requires any thanks. But I accept it all the same.” (Bullshit. Ricky could totally tell he was enjoying the gratitude.) 
“Also, don’t drink that until you’re already in bed,” Lewis cautioned. “It’ll put you out so fast that the flavor will still be on your tongue when you konk out. Arthur took it too soon one time and passed the fuck out right in the middle of the apothecary.”
“Sheesh. Strong stuff,” Ricky said, admiring the way the potion glittered. 
“Hardly. Just a little magic,” Mystery chuckled. “Now off to bed with you. The faster you fall asleep the sooner you’ll wake up. There’s much to discuss in the morning.” 
After Ricky finished his yogurt and two packs of popcorn, he bid Mystery and Lewis goodbye and the Dead Beats led him back to his room (Lewis discreetly made it very clear on their way out that they were still in hot water). As Ricky followed the pouting ghosts back to the East Wing, he turned the potion in his hands and wondered if Mystery had ever used it, or if he ever had trouble sleeping. He was centuries old, and had been through so much. Did he get nightmares too? 
The Dead Beats led him on a different route back to the East Wing than he’d taken earlier that took them past the library. Which was why Ricky stopped, confused, in front of the doors. 
The lights were on. 
Curious, he walked into the library and the Dead Beats followed, chirping something that he imagined meant: “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be following us?” But Ricky ignored them. 
The library was seemingly abandoned and dark, save a few lamps and the dull glow of moonlight shining through the windows. It wasn’t immediately apparent who was working this late until Ricky spotted an orange sleeve sticking out of a pile of papers at one of the desks. 
“TWELVE!” Velma shouted as her head shot up from the desk. Ricky and the Dead Beats jumped with surprise. She snorted and adjusted her glasses, reorienting herself back to reality from whatever she’d been dreaming about, then her bleary eyes fixed on him. 
“Shaggy-? Wait. No. Sorry. Mr. E- Ricky! Sorry. What are you doing here?” 
“Couldn’t sleep. What’re you doing here?” He asked, crossing his arms. 
“Who could sleep in a house full of books?” She shrugged. Then she yawned, rubbing her eyes beneath her glasses. 
“I’d get back to bed if I were you,” Ricky advised. “Mystery’s also awake and if he finds you in here he’ll probably scold you for neglecting your health and send you back to bed anyway.” 
“Are you going to scold me?” Velma asked. 
“Nah. I’m up at 3am too, so I really can’t talk,” He shrugged. “Come on. Let’s go together.” 
Velma straightened her work station so it wouldn’t look like a tornado had blown through it come morning, and the two of them followed the Dead Beats back to the East Wing.
Their walk was mostly silent until they passed a familiar portrait of a scowling priest, who gave them an extremely distasteful look but didn’t dare say anything out of fear of facing Mystery’s wrath again.
That was when it occurred to Ricky that they were walking along the same stretch of hallway where he’d had that talk with Fred earlier. Also he and Velma were alone. Which made it the perfect opportunity to ask her a rather delicate question. 
Ricky cleared his throat nervously. “Um, Velma?” 
“I uh, have a question to ask you… It’s not exactly a fun one, but uh...” 
Velma straightened her spine and squared her shoulders. “Okay,” she said thoughtfully.
“I need to know how Cassidy died.”
Velma’s face softened at the question, but he saw confirmation in her eyes of what he’d already suspected. 
“You were there, weren’t you?” 
Velma looked away, and she didn’t answer for several long moments. She took off her glasses to wipe the wetness from her eyes with her sleeve before she got a grip, put her glasses back on, and confirmed what he already knew: “Yeah. We were there.” 
Ricky’s throat closed. For her, and for the other poor kids who’d had to witness something so awful. He didn’t meet her eyes when he asked her quietly, “Did she suffer?” 
Velma hesitated in her answer. None of them had seen it happen, but they were all haunted by imaginings of Cassidy’s final moments. Had she been shot by the Kriegstaffebots before the self-destruct sequence completed? Was she blown up? Had the explosion killed her instantly? Or had she been covered in burns and injuries, forced to suffer before she faded away? Or had she lasted a bit longer and drowned? Supposedly drowning was a peaceful way to go, but she must have been so scared- 
“No,” Velma said firmly, no matter how much she doubted it. “It happened so fast. I’m sure she didn’t suffer.” 
Ricky’s entire body sagged with relief. “Thank you, Velma."
Professor Pericles was a homicidal maniac. 
Both fortunately and unfortunately for the entirety of the human race, he was smart about being a homicidal maniac. 
He didn’t just kill people whenever he felt like it. He did so with purpose, waiting until the opportune moment to remove certain pawns or obstacles from his path. Which was good for Marcie and Arthur, because it meant that they likely had a bit of time to stop Professor Pericles from killing someone in the future. 
They had been working for a little under an hour after Lewis left when a stubborn little red light turned green. 
Marcie nearly spat out her coffee. “I’m in!”
“Seriously?” Arthur’s head shot up excitedly from where he was hunched over his own computer, sending a couple of pages of scribbled notes falling from the side of the table. One of the Dead Beats picked them up and put them back helpfully. 
“Yep. Alright, Arthur. Now what?” And with that they swapped computers, and Arthur’s face lit up in the artificial light as his eyes greedily took in the seemingly alien letters and numbers filling the screen. 
Seemingly alien of course, unless you were an expert of Arthur and Marcie’s calibur. For while to untrained eyes it may look like word salad, to the two of them it was like looking into the Matrix, and at a mere glance Arthur knew that Marcie really had pulled through. 
He was looking at the Kriegstaffebot program codes.
It was time to deliver the first strike. The question was: when was Pericles going to feel it?
They went into Velma’s room to talk. 
It went about as well as it could have, as painful as it was for both of them.
After Velma finished recounting Cassidy’s final hours, Ricky thanked her and returned to his own room, where he laid back in his bed, the sleeping potion still corked in his hand, and stared at the ceiling processing what he’d been told. 
He blew up K-Ghoul. He. Fucking. Blew up. K-Ghoul. He destroyed her home and her livelihood, and he tried to kill her until he succeeded. 
Ricky was grateful for the potion Mystery had given him, because he was so angry right now that he was certain he’d never get back to sleep otherwise. 
K-Ghoul had been his gift to her when Angel Dynamite had returned to Crystal Cove. He used the excuse that she’d need a good cover to come back with her alias intact. But that wasn’t completely true. He could have just as well gotten her a job as a custodian somewhere if he wanted her to keep an eye on the town and the new Mystery Incorporated unnoticed. But she would have been miserable doing that kind of work. Angel Dynamite was a DJ, and Cassidy had always loved music. It was true that she came back to Crystal Cove for a reason. But he wanted her to be… happy. He also supposed, looking back, that he’d wanted to thank her for all the joy she'd brought him once. And to make amends in his own way, even if the words to apologize hadn’t come (yet another of his many regrets). 
Their breakup was his fault. As the years went by after Pericles’ betrayal, Ricky had grown bitter and angry. And the one who got the brunt of it was the very same person who stuck by his side longer than anyone else. He never struck her. As awful a human being as the curse had twisted him into, he didn’t think he’d be able to live with himself if he ever hit Cassidy. But all the same, he’d been so… mean. And of course, no matter how much she loved him, Cassidy’s self-esteem and strength of spirit was too high to deal with his bullshit, so… They broke up. 
And after all that time, Ricky had still regretted the way he’d treated her. But even though they weren’t together anymore, he… he wanted her to be happy. K-Ghoul had been his way of looking after her, as he should have done all those years ago. 
And Pericles fucking blew it up. Without even consulting me. How dare he? 
“He had no right…” Ricky seethed quietly, feeling more like his bitter old self than he had in a while. But this time his anger was directed at just one bird. Professor Pericles. Not the kids. Not the world. Not Cassidy- 
Maybe it made him a horrible person, but he couldn’t help but be a little mad at her. “Why didn’t you come to me?” He whispered into the dark, a tear falling down his cheek. 
I would have protected you. I never would have let him hurt you if I knew. 
But Ricky couldn’t be mad at her. Because he knew exactly why she hadn’t come to him. 
She had no way of knowing that I would have chosen her. I was working with Pericles. For all she knew, I was the one trying to have her killed. 
Imagining that broke Ricky’s heart all over again. That Cassidy died thinking-
Ricky sniffed and closed his eyes. 
Cassidy… died.
As angry as he was, Ricky was also overwhelmingly sad. 
They were in the Midnight Zone. She was surrounded by Kriegstaffebots. The lab exploded. 
No. No, she would never give up! There was no corpse so maybe- 
But their seal friend found her helmet. Even if she survived the blast, the weight of all that water would have killed her for sure. And even if not, there’s absolutely no way she would have been able to swim to the surface before she drowned.
There was no way out. Not even for her.
She’s gone.
In the back of Ricky’s mind, ever since he’d first learned of her death, there had been doubt. A small flicker of hope. Cassidy? Dead? It couldn’t be real. But Velma was no liar, and above that she was a realist. Hearing the facts of how it had happened from her made it… real.
She’s gone.
That was that. That was it. Ricky Owens was never going to see Cassidy Williams again and he didn’t even have a body to bury. The empty shell that had once been her was buried under rubble at the bottom of the ocean, the high walls of the trench the closest thing to a tombstone she would ever have. 
She’s gone. 
Pericles did it. He got rid of her. He pulled the trigger- 
But I put the gun in his talons.
The weight of his own grief threatening to crush him, Ricky redirected his energy into his rage. I never should have saved him all those years ago. 
He uncorked the potion and was immediately hit with an extremely strong smell. There was a lot of lavender but also other herbs and- whatever the hell that was. Ricky had no idea what he was about to ingest, but he trusted Mystery and needed to be well-rested. 
She will be avenged. Her death will not be in vain! I’m going to need every bit of strength I can muster if I’m going to help- 
But Ricky didn’t have a single other thought. For he’d tipped the bottle back and downed it in one gulp. And the instant after a light, minty, earthy flavor hit his tongue, Ricky’s entire body was going slack, the bottle was slipping from his fingers, and he was being enveloped in the welcome peace that slumber brought - completely dead to the world.
Dawn came with deceptive tranquility. 
The sun was peeking over the horizon and a morning mist had settled over the forest, making the mansion and the twisted, jagged trees around it seem as if they were on an island at the center of an endless gray sea. 
The arrival of a long-awaited guest was marked by the rumble of a familiar engine, and the mist curling around a familiar silhouette like an angel’s wings.
Well. If any of you missed Ricky, you ought to be overjoyed with how Ricky-centered this chapter was. And you should expect the same from the next few chapters as well. If I were to map out the evolution of my plans for this chapter, they'd look like a roundabout with the number of directions this could have gone. At one point it was going to be heavily referencing the exorcist (have fun speculating what the fuck that means) (also that''s the stage I was at when I wrote the last chapter's author's notes, so sorry - I lied. It's gonna be a while before things get "nuts"), but then I realized that part would fit better later in the story. So a large chunk of this chapter was cut out, pasted somewhere else to be saved for later, and rewritten. So you guys have that to look forward to. But I'm happy with where this chapter ended up. I loved the humor and fourth wall breaks, angst is always fun to write, I liked further exploring some off-screen Rickidy interactions that may have happened in the show, and I think it ties up Ricky's grief arc in a neat little bow - right before it's smashed to pieces in the next chapter when You-Know-Who returns! (How did that accidentally become a Harry Potter reference? Oops. Lol. Though the dreamless sleep potion was inspired by the potion of the same name and function in the Harry Potter series. I just got back from Universal Studios, ok?! Harry Potter is on the brain.) Also. We got to meet the suits of armor, Lewis is back with the main group, and Arthur and Marcie have hacked into the Kriegstaffebots. What will they do with that? :D Finally, I just wanted to say that the next chapter of this fic has been living in my head rent-free for almost a year. It's one of the scenes I imagined that made me want to write this fic to begin with. So from the bottom of my heart, I can't even begin to say how excited I am to share it with you. That's all for now Warlocks, Witches, and Badass Bitches.
Chapters 1-18 of One of Us are presently posted on Archive of Our Own.
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mydarllinglover · 10 months
SafeHouse || Fourteen
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"Oh, uh, he was just asking if I had a date" I said
"why? what did you say?" Draco asked me, turning his head quickly, to look at me.
"The truth, that I didn't, then he said the weirdest thing"
"What, ask you out to the ball and you said no?" Theo mocked
"No. He's going with Tracey Davis, He said that him and some others thought that I was dating one of you three! Who the hell in their right mind would think that!" I demanded
"Yeah, who would ever think that...ridiculous" Draco said quietly
"I know right, like you could actually get anyone with that face" Theo teased
"leave me alone, I've gone through enough today, I had to dance with Snape" I shivered making the guys burst into a fit of laughter at the memory. "Quit laughing! Its not funny- its traumatising!" I glared at them.
"I- I'm so s-sorry, its just soo ahh god" Theo said through laughs, wiping away a tear.
"Why were you late?" Draco asked
"I got lost" I shrugged
"You've been at this school for over a year, how did you get lost? How hard is it to find the Great Hall?" Theo said, blinking rapidly.
"I think we should leave the Hall now, I'm tired" I yawned and stood up to leave
"She's avoiding the question, but why?" I heard Theo say to them before standing up as well.
Walking out the Hall I saw Ron and friends walking up to the stairs
"Oi! Ron!" I called to him, He stopped, turning to see me
"Keira! Guess what, the best thing happened" Harry rushed to say
"What's up?" I asked
"Ron had to dance with McGonagall in dance lessons" He wheezed
"Merlin's beard, that is so embarrassing, did you twirl her like a gentleman?" I laughed
"What like Snape twirled you" Theo said from behind me, making me freeze
"Shut up Nott!" I barked at him
"What?!" Ron roared with laughter "You danced with Snape, that is so much worse!"
"Shut up, Ron its not funny!" I glared at him
"Yes it is! Wait till the others hear of this"
"Don't tell Fred and George, They'll never let it down!"
"I know, thats why I will, so they forget about me" He smirked
"I hate you so much, anyway, you got a date yet?"
"No, you ?" He asked
"Hey, Keira Weasley? I was wondering if you-" A Hufflepuff boy in Sixth year started
"Can you see that we're talking here? Bugger off!" Ron told them "You were saying?"
"No, I don't either, why don't you just take Hermione" I suggested
"Can't, "apparently" she has a date" Ron rolled his eyes
"Excuse me, Ronald! I Do have a date!" She told him, huffing
"Oh really? tell me who it is then" Ron told her, Harry stood between them looking awkward
"You're joking!" Draco said "You're not telling me someone's asked that to the ball?"
"What, Jealous you couldn't ask Her? I would be honoured to take Hermione to the ball, You know what Rita wrote about her, I'm mad someone got there before I could" I said
"What! No, I'm anything but jealous" Draco said, I caught the light pink blush seeping through his pale face
"shut up then, You make it so hard to be friends with, Honestly" I rolled my eyes "I'll see you later" I waved to the trio before walking back to Theo, Blaise and a pissed off-looking Draco.
"Wait, do you guys have dates?" I asked when we neared the Slytherin Common room
"Draco does" Theo stifled a laugh "Don't ya mate"
"Shut up" Draco snapped, glaring daggers at him
"Who?!" I asked eagerly
"Parkinson, asked her whilst they were dancing" Blaise smirked
"What about you, Blaise, Theo?"
"I'm going with the ever so lovely, Daphne Greengrass" Theo grinned
"My dance partner had a date, your dance partner" Blaise shrugged
"Wait! I know" I said
"What?" Blaise looked at me quizzically
"Why don't we just go together? We both don't have dates"
"Yeah because you practically turned half the school down" Theo muttered
"sure, why not" Blaise smiled at me "Be my date, Weasley?"
"Why of course Zabini" I curtsied.
Christmas day was finally here, Jumping out of bed, I grabbed the pile of presents, For me but also the ones I planned to give to the three and rushed for their dorm.
"Christmas!" I yelled to wake them up when I burst in, Causing Theo to fall off his bed
"Shut up, Weasley!" Draco groaned, rolling over
"What time is it?" Blaise asked
"Early, wake up!" I said
"Keira! What the hell, you scared the shit out of me"  Theo shouted at me
"Okay, I have presents!" I said with the extra sparkle of jazz hands
"When did you get them? We're always with you" Blaise asked
"Guess not, This one for Blaise, this one for Draco" I dropped his presents on his bed before shoving him to wake him up "And this one for Theo, Hurry up and open the small one's first!" I said "Draco, wake up or God help me, I'll hex you so bad"
"Fine! I'm awake!" he huffed before reaching for the presents
"What the hell" Theo stared at the Silver chain necklace I had got him
"Hm, I got a bracelet" Blaise smiled at the Silver bracelet.
"I got a ring" Draco looked at the Black Ring
"Are these...Friendship bracelets, rings, necklaces?" Theo asked, looking up at me
"No. we're not that close, Just open the other presents" I gestured at the other presents
"Okaaay, I see what's going on" Blaise said after open his smokey green coloured notebook. Draco had opened his forest green notebook and Theo had juniper green.
"Just shut up, last ones" 
"Hey! I got you these for Christmas last year" Theo said after opening his presents contains his favourite sweet filled socks.
"D'you wanna explain, Weasley?" Draco asked
"Well after not telling me about the presents last year I decided to get my own back and get you guys contrasting, now we are all equal and I wanted to get you all different things and things that I thought would suit you more, Theo you look like a chains guy- no, not in that way- stop it! But Draco, you are definitely a ring sort of guy and Blaise has nice wrists"
"I have nice wrists?" Blaise asked
"Yes, now let me open my stuff then we can go breakfast" I said, grabbing the present from mum "Open yours" I waved them off to their own piles from their families.
"What is that?" Draco looked at my jumper, dropping a present from Narcissa
"My mum made it, It's her thing, One bad word And I will take it all back" I glared at him, slipping the green jumper over my head.
"You can't do that, It's mine now" He told me, fiddling with the ring on his finger.
"Mince pie? Mum makes them, they are just the best!" I offered the large pile
"Your mum sounds amazing" Theo sighed, diving in
"She is, You'll definitely have to meet her one day" I said
"I want one" Blaise said reaching for the pile.
"Breakfast time" Theo clapped his hands together
"Hang on, I need to get my siblings presents from my dorm" I jumped up to leave
"Why didn't you just send them?" Draco asked
"Because I like to hand deliver gifts, I feel it makes it more special and personal and everyone's actually here this year and no one's mad at each other, I'll meet you in the Hall." Then I walked off.
"Merry Christmas!" I Cheered to The Gryffindors "I have presents"  I dropped one first in front of Fred then George, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny.
"Oi, Do I get one Weasley?" Seamus shouted over the table
"Do I know you?" I faked confusion, the key to pissing a guy off was pretending they are irrelevant to you which he sort of was.
"Shove off Finnegan" Ron told him
"So, you all got dates?" I asked my brothers
"Yeah, you know Angelina, wicked Chaser" Fred gestured to the beautiful dark skinned girl In Gryffindor "Even Ginny managed to get a date, Didn't you Ginerva?" I turned to See Ginny quickly who's face turned to match her hair
"Who?!" I asked her
"Neville Is taking her" Ron rolled his eyes
"Awe, Gin thats great, now you can come to the ball with us, George, who you taking?"
"Well, It was between Katie and Alicia, so of course I took Lee" George grinned at his best mate
"I love you baby" Lee cooed
"Marry me sweetheart?" George asked
"What about you two?" I asked Harry and Ron
"Yes actually, Twins" Ron said
"I'm taking Parvati" Harry Said looking nervously at the girl giggling with Lavender Brown
"Ron's taking my Twin sister, Padma from ravenclaw, do you know her?" She asked me
"No" I flatly before turning back to the guys "good for you guys, Hermione decided to crack yet?"
"Nope" Ron rolled his eyes "What about you?"
"Oh, I have a date, We all know him, We all love him, and he is quite dashing, I give you... Blaise Zabini"I pointed at the Slytherin table, who coincidentally him, Theo and Draco were already staring in our direction
"I beg to differ about us liking him" Ron grumbled.
"You're taking Zabini?!" Parvati asked me "He is so fit!" She squealed to Lavender
"Isn't he just" She squealed back, I felt like something was drilling into my brain at the horrendous noise
"See you guys later" I waved to my friends and family before leaving to my table to have some breakfast
"That took forever" Theo groaned when I sat down
"Thats what she sai- Sorry" I stopped myself
"Why were you pointing at us? what were you talking about?" Draco asked
"They were just asking who my date to the stupid ball was" I shrugged, biting into a piece of toast "Oh, Blaise, you have quite the admirers in Gryffindor" I giggled
"Ew, don't make me sick, I cant tolerate them with their stupid hero complex" Blaise rolled his eyes.
"Literally my whole family are Gryffindor" I blinked
"Well you don't see us hanging out with red and gold, do you?" Theo said
"Point taken" I nodded. 
After sitting around the fire in the common room, lazying about and eating sweets, we were back in the Great hall having lunch.
"If you both have dates, does that mean it's just me and Blaise tonight?" I asked Theo and Draco
"Why don't the six of us just stick together" Theo said
"because I'd rather not spend my time with Parkinson thanks, No offence Malfoy, And I don't really know Daphne" I shrugged
"But you share a dorm with her" Blaise said
"Do you see me ever talking to her and the other girls? I only sleep in there, the rest of the time I'm with you dickheads" I said
"Alright, calm down on the name calling" Theo told me, feigning hurt.
"Keira!" Fred called, him and George walking over
"What do you both want?" I asked
"Why do you assume we want something?" George asked "Zabini"
"We hear you're taking our Sister to the ball" Fred said
"Yeah I am" Blaise answered
"Is he a better dancer than Snape?" Fred asked me, wiggling his eyebrows
"He told you" I whined "I'm going to kill him"
"Ah ah ah, Save that anger dear sister" George told me, before him and Fred looped their arms through mine to pull me up
"What, where are we going?" I asked them
"We need another person to make it even" Fred said "Bye Sssslytherins"
Turns out they had brought me into their snowball fight.
I was the Sixth player, the other five being Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and Harry. Hermione chose to sit out.
I as well as the others was covered in snow, I could barely feel my fingers when Hermione had said she needed to go and get ready for the ball at Five O'clock.
"What, you need three hours?" Ron had asked, stopping what he was doing to look at her, Giving George the perfect shot to throw a large snowball at the side of his head. "Who're you going with?" He yelled after her
"You do like to make your jealously seen, don't you Ron" I laughed, throwing another snowball at his back
"Shut up, Keira, I'm not jealous, I just want to know who he is" He glared
I had decided to leave half an hour after Hermione to get ready.
Walking into my dorm, I was surprised to see The other Girls in there, Davis, Greengrass, Parkinson and Bulstrode were all putting on their dresses and styling their hair.
"Hey, Keira!" Greengrass greeted me
"H-hi" I waved to her.
"So who are you going with to the ball then?" Davis asked, grinning as she continued to braid her hair
"Oh, I'm going with Blaise, we both didn't have dates" I shrugged
"lucky, I couldn't find anyone" Bulstrode sighed
"I wonder why, Millie" Parkinson rolled her eyes "I of course am going with Draco, after all, we are destined for each other" She jutted her chin out, grinning.
"Keira, you're close with Theo, do you think he will like this dress, the colour?" Greengrass asked, Gesturing to her dress
"It looks wonderful, as do you, I'm sure he will love it" I smiled before walking to my bed to get ready, Pulling my dress out
"Woah, that's beautiful, where'd you get it?" Davis stared at my dress
"Uh- I don't know, It was a gift with no name" I shrugged before slipping it on.
"Well it couldn't of been your family, Salazar know's they would never be able to afford anything as nice as that" Parkinson said
"I don't know whether to take that as an insult to my family or a compliment to my dress?" I said honestly, whilst curling my hair with my wand, a spell I had learned in a book Hermione had told me about.
"We should take a picture!" Greengrass had said gleefully.
"I can take it for you, If you want" I offered as she held up her camera
"Oh, thank you so much, girls come on" She waved them over to pose, Parkinson tried acting as though she were a model, pulling the most ridiculous faces. Bullstrode blushed as she stood behind the other three girls.
"Smile" I said before clicking the camera a few times, during the first one Davis had told a joke, making the other girls laugh.
"Brilliant, you all look amazing" I said, handing the camera back
"Wait! Trace, we should do Keira's make up and, your hair looks so nice curled, but what if you grabbed two strands and did- look I'll show you" Greengrass said as her and Davis walked over to my bed. Greengrass did as she was saying, Picking up strands of my hair to twirl and pull together at the back of my head, whilst Tracey made work of Adding blush and light colours of pink, matching my dress on my eyelids
"Did you receive shoe's with that dress?" Parkinson asked me, my eyes going wide
"No, I completely forgot to even think about that!" I said "I was gonna wear my trainers to be honest"
"Lucky for you, Mother sent me a collection to choose from, and I think I have just the pair to go with your dress" She said, catching me off guard.
"Don't act so surprised, Keira" Davis laughed "We're not as bad as your brother and his friends like to say" I caught the blush on Parkinson's cheeks as Davis mentioned my brother. Weird.
"Yeah, so you don't need to avoid us you know" Greengrass said "Although we are aware on how close you are with the Three leaders of forth year Slytherin"
"The what?" I let out a laugh
"You know, they practically rule our year, house and below, Just wait until we're in seventh year, they all come from the wealthiest and most influential families, haven't you noticed how everyone looks up to them and follow their lead"
"No, I just see them as the three weirdo's I decide to spend my time with, they're more annoying then anything" I shrugged
"Awe, You're so gorgeous, I love your necklace, Keira" Daphne said, taking a look at me and admiring my snake pendent when she finished "You and Your little sister are just angels"
"What?" I laughed
"Guess it make's up for your eleven brother's" Pansy rolled her eyes
"I have six brothers" I corrected
"Hey, have you seen the twins in sixth year, My oh My, they're funny and have the looks" Tracey said, making the others laugh.
"We need more Pictures" Daphne said reaching for her camera once again "Keira, come and get in it" She said
"But who's going to take it?" I asked
"Come on, Weasley, Did you forget we are literally attending Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry? We have magic" Pansy said, waving her wand
"Oh, right, yeah" clumsily walking over in the heels pansy had lent me.
"Ready?" Daphne said before clicking the camera. And we all smiled at the camera before Tracey made us crack up once again.
I guess the Slytherin Girls weren't all that bad.
After the pictures, I had slipped out to go see the guys.
Knocking on the door just in case they were changing.
"Who is it?" Theo yelled through the door
"Theo, my ears!" I heard Draco shout at him
"It's me, who else would want to see you gits!" I said
"Come in, Keira" Blaise said.
I pushed the door open and walked in. Draco and Theo stopped their bickering and the three of them just stared
"What? do I look ridiculous- quit staring at me!" I told them
"Woah!" Theo said
"Shut up!" I blushed furiously "You lot don't look so bad yourselves" I admired them in their dress robes, they all wore black. I walked in the room, slipping a few times on the ruddy shoes
"Are you wearing heels?" Draco asked as he caught my arm before I could break my ankle
"Yes. Pansy let me borrow them, and I am beginning to regret it" I bit
"Hey, at least you're not so short" Theo joked
"Sorry, we can't all be lanky string beans like you, Nott" I glared at him.
"Pansy, huh, and what happened to you not tolerating any of them" Blaise chuckled
"That's before they helped me get ready" I said "Are you all quite done with the Ridiculous questions, Blaise, shall we go?" I asked him
"I would love to" He bowed jokingly before looping his arm around mine, Draco letting go of me
"Please don't let me fall and embarrass myself" I looked up to him with a pleading look.
"Of course not" He smiled warmly.
"Oh, the girls look amazing, Be nice to them!" I glared at the other two.
"Since when did she start caring" Theo said to Draco, rolling his eyes before following us.
"Where did you sneak off to" Tracey laughed when we met her and the other girls in the common room
"Went to see the guys" I said, letting go of Blaise's arm to join them "Hey, Miles" I greeted the boy holding Tracey's hand
"Hi, Keira, nice to see you again"
"I want to get some more pictures!" Daphne exclaimed, using Engorgio on her camera which she had slipped into a tiny bag on her shoulder
"Come on, Daph, I think we have already taken enough" Pansy rolled her eyes
"No, I want to get a picture of the four of you" She said, nodding at Theo, Blaise, Draco and I "After all, you do spend all your time together"
"Oh, I don't know, shouldn't we be leaving for the ball?" I said
"No, we still have a while, its either this or waiting in the entrance hall" Miles unhelpfully said
"Come on, Weasley, the camera won't hex you" Theo said before pulling me in so I being the shortest was in the middle of Blaise and Draco, and Theo being the tallest was stood behind me, his arms slung around Blaise and Draco. Blaise had an arm around my shoulders whilst Draco opted around my waist.
Daphne clicked a few, when we had made different facial expressions and relaxed more.
"Amazing, I'll get them all to each of you soon" She said.
"You can't walk in heels, can you?" Pansy asked me when I stumbled away from the guys
I blushed profusely, before shaking my head "No"
"That's okay, we can help you" Daphne said "Look, come over here and we can teach you, right, Pan?"
"Yes, I don't want Weasley embarrassing us" She rolled her eyes, before they led me to the sofa's
"Look, most of it is with confidence" Daphne explained
"And you want to use your hips for balance, switching the weight from side to side" Pansy said "Like this" And she instructed, walking around the sofa.
"Okay, that seems simple enough" I said before trying to do what they showed me 
"There you go!" Daphne cheered "You're a natural"
"Practise, Weasley" Pansy said.
"Are we ready to go, Ladies?" Theo asked
"Hey, Theo" Daphne said to him, smiling widely.
"Daphne, you look nice by the way" He told her
"Is it bad that I'm exhausted already?" I whispered to Blaise, making him chuckle
"We're all used to such events, With our families and stuff" Blaise said.
"really, when?" I asked
"Whenever you weren't staying over at one of our house's there was a ball, Draco didn't want you coming so He managed to convince Narcissa to plan them when you were with your family"
"I should be offended, but I'm secretly relieved?"
"Oh, don't worry, Narcissa adores you so she's already planned to have one when we get back from Hogwarts" He grinned
I was stood with the other five as we waited for the door's of the Great Hall to open
"There's Ron and Harry, I'm gonna go say hi" I told them, and they all scrunched their faces up at the mention of the duo.
But I ignored it and walked off to my Twin brother and his friend.
"Ron, Harry!" I said to them
"Hi!" Ron said grumpily before turning around to look at me, his jaw dropping "What?! Thats not fair! You got that whilst I got this?" He said , pointing at his dress robes
"It's not my fault, I don't even know who sent this to me" I said furrowing my brows
"H-hey, Keira, You L-look lovely" Harry said, blushing
"Cheers Haz, d'you know where Hermione is?" I asked
"No, We haven't seen her since she left at five" Ron rolled his eyes.
"What a delight you are, Ron, Cheer up before you ruin Padma's night, I best be getting back to my own date" I said before walking back to the group, Just before McGonagall called for the Champions
"Grumbling Gargoyles, Is that Hermione With Krum?!"  I asked
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