#and i KNEW that would happen when i saw the first ever gifset with him
agendratum · 7 months
nothing like thinking, okay maybe this guy that played ai di has other roles, like sure it won't be the same character, but like maybe it will be something, i can watch other dramas, there are people xuan lu i do it for- nope he literally has one more drama (and it's probably not what i need)
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clairedaring · 4 months
I just have a question because I saw your tags in the msi gifset. When you said Ming would have thoughts on he would take care of Joe and Joe should quit, wasn't he still hung up on Tong? Because had Tong reciprocated, the promise of taking care of Joe would mean nothing, no?
hiiii nonnie
i really wish i could share the excerpt of the novel but that would spoil the events of ep.4 this week. so instead i will say answer your question in the most non-spoilery way as possible.
sooooo for my interpretation of the characters, by the time ming and joe had settled into their relationship of 6 months/year (depending on whether you're talking abt the novel or series), i'd say that ming had pretty much set aside his feelings for tong and i don't think ming ever truly LIKED tong as a person but it's more like being attracted to the visual/physicality of a guy (think how you like someone very superficially for their face, you just like staring at them).
and i'd say when mingjoe had settled in their relationship, ming already knew he LIKED being treated nicely by joe. and in the series, you can see it even more clearly through his reciprocal of nice gestures to joe (bare minimum really but oh well that's the nicest we get of ming in this first timeline).
because for me, i don't view him crying over tong as him being still hung up on tong but rather just pain from finally letting go of this unrequited love for an unattainable someone he's had for so long.
but yea back to the point of his promise to take care of joe... now i did say i won't spoil it but i can give vague hints of the context in which it happens... and hopefully after this week's episode airs, i'll remember to share the novel excerpt from this part because i just know the series will definitely NOT adapt it as it is in the novel (it is so so so incredibly toxic it is insane, yet i enjoyed it)
so by the time yan ming xiu (ming) had said that promise to zhou xiang (joe), he had pretty much made up his mind that he wants zx and zx only but his possessiveness over zx made him do... some not very nice things that will happen this week... so please stay tune 😅
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light-lanterne · 1 year
(i don't typically talk about him but i saw a gifset about the ordeal so here, some byers angst)
tw // vague descriptions of murder / trauma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☽ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - another offering, @byelerss, @catboy-cabin, @conanssummerchild, @dark-quill, @fenixashes, @fluffyfangirl, @foodiewithdahoodie, @holyvirgilscriptures, @hyperfixationcentralsvoid, @ivytheenbyfae, @runninguplenorahills, @rotisseries, @saffirez, @willow-lark, @yearninginblue. once again, not byler so i hope this is okei ~
headcanon that jonathan and argyle shared some classes together, but they only really started talking because jonathan was actively searching to get some weed and knew argyle had access to it. shy and awkward, jonathan would avoid conversation for the first few weeks, say he needed the weed only because he was curious about it,,, if needed, he'd pretend that he had insomnia and thought it would help.
nothing major.
however, as he befriended the kind and patient argyle, jonathan would slowly open up about his very stressful childhood and all the pressures he'd been under since he became old enough to care for himself (working to sustain their family, raising will even though he was still a child himself,,,). then, he'd eventually open up about will's disappearance, his feelings of guilt, and maybe even allude to some of the events of the past few years.
but none of those were the real reason behind his initial craving for self-medication. sure, all those events probably contributed to his growing anxiety, but something had been haunting him for a while, and that event on its own had been the reason he even considered using drugs even though will and el still needed him.
and that was the fact that he murdered tom holloway.
an asshole in life and a terrible threat as he became flayed, tom was not someone jonathan particularly cared about or missed now that he was gone. however, the fact that he had taken another human's life, even if necessary, was something he wished he could take back.
at the very least, he wished he had someone to talk about it for it kept plaguing his mind.
but he couldn't tell anyone. hopper was gone, his mom was already quite prone to stress, argyle was in the dark, and the kids were obviously out of the question. the only person he could really talk about it with; the only person who could truly get it was nancy, and she had seemingly not given the incident a second thought ever since it happened.
she was, after all, one of the strongest people jonathan knew. brave, logical, stubborn, and always ready to do whatever it took to protect her friends and family. nancy wheeler was a woman of strong convictions and relentless will, and having to bash a possessed man's head into a pulp was merely a means to an end. her way of preventing any of her loved ones from sharing barbara's grim fate.
and he ?
he was plain old jonathan.
the kid who'd cried the time he had to kill a rabbit and now, eight years later, the teen who struggled to breathe every time he remembered the face of the man he'd murdered.
so weed it was, and with luck, it'd bring him the sweet oblivion he desperately craved.
- the end -
(will forever be upset at the way this fandom acts like the kids and teens committing acts of violence is heroic or badass, when in reality it's nothing but a series of incredibly traumatic events that would leave them all with varying degrees of permanent mental damage :\ )
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
Director's Cut for the little things (give you away)?
How I love this fic 🥰 it was my first attempt at writing Saviris within the bounds of canon—the tragedy of them, and how that's so tied up with the brightness of Westallen, is so intriguing to me, and so underexplored (which ties into Savitar's true identity as Barry being underexplored, but I digress).
As I said jokingly to one of my mutuals when first posting this, this fic came about because I got pushed "one gifset too far". The scene itself has been written with a Saviris slant before (and I highly recommend it), but really, it's the many gifsets that finally pushed me to try my hand at Saviris myself. From Iris's perspective, of course.
On that note, if you haven’t read this fic, I highly recommend doing so before reading this ask response, since it does answer something that I intentionally left unanswered in the fic.
So without further ado:
It starts a little earlier that I originally meant it to, with Savitar's appearance on E2 to kidnap Iris. I was originally going to omit this in the final version (this was just to get me in the zone), but I ultimately decided to keep it. I think in this scene, Iris's perspective on Savitar is so interesting:
She’d seen that expression before, on Barry: he had the upper hand, and he knew it. Though Iris had only ever seen it on Barry when he was teasing her, not…
The words were out of Iris’s mouth before she could really process what she was saying—really, she couldn’t look away from Bar—Savitar, from Barry’s kind features twisted in a sneer, a gruesome scar covering the right side of his face.
How did he get it? What happened to you, Barry?
Terror and pity swirled in her in equal measure, but all she could do was fall back into her instinctual nature: protect, defuse, shield. All else could come later.
She keeps seeing him as Barry, instinctively. No matter how much she tries, she cannot see him as anything else. The similarities to Barry hurt, they're painful...but they also let her see this:
Savitar smirked before affecting an expression of mock sorrow—still not quite meeting her eyes, she noticed.
It's something no one else takes note of...but she does. Of course she does. She knows Barry like the back of her hand, but this is Barry. It's also how, in the following scene, she can stand up to him and call him out:
“You can hardly meet my eyes, and you’re sarcastic more than you speak from the heart…and I know why. You and Barry are one and the same…and you can’t hide how you feel from me. I know what you’re like when you’re hiding something, remember?”
“So,” she said, “don’t play me for a fool. You’ve found a way around this, I know you have, so why don’t you save us both some trouble and tell me? With sincerity this time,” she added sternly. “Cut the sarcasm.”
“I pose that to you now.” She crossed her arms. “You want me to trust you, but you won’t even be honest with me. How does that work?”
And she even cracks his shield a few times:
Savitar’s lips twitched, but he scowled instead of the smile Iris was certain he’d suppressed just now.
“Frustrated is a strong word,” he muttered, seeming oddly abashed suddenly.
“Come closer,” she added, emboldened once more.
“Eyes are the windows to the soul, right? I want to fact-check your sincerity.”
He laughed then—a laugh closer to sincere than she thought he intended. “Only you would say such a thing. Fine.” He walked steadily closer to her…stopping when their noses were almost touching. “Close enough for you, Iris?” He murmured.
Her breath caught in her throat, but she nodded. Though she took comfort in the faint blush she saw spreading across his cheeks—she wasn’t alone in her feelings, then.
Saviris’s proximity to Westallen is what makes it so interesting, isn’t it 👀
He hesitated, something flickering in his expression.
“I’m not…good with that,” he said finally, still not looking at her. “With trust.”
He chuckled bitterly. “Not everything. I didn’t tell you about…about being the Flash, or…or about my feelings for you when it mattered…”
Hmm he inadvertently admits something here 👀 quite a contrast to his scathing words earlier:
“Well, how convenient for you, then, that I have it,” he sneered. “Wouldn’t want you kissing the aberration by accident, now would we?”
Fun fact, this is the first line I wrote in this entire fic, and it’s my favorite 💞 it’s so him
(Also notice who makes Savitar look up in the first place when he's so occupied with his plans 👀 very telling. It’s not his partner in crime…but his heart)
In the end, Savitar rejects her. Reasserts his identity as Savitar, not Barry. It's too late, though. He's already admitted he's Barry—even though the rest of canon proceeds the same, Iris has seen beneath the mask. He can put on his gleaming metal armor, can put up all his walls...she's won this battle, the same way Barry will win it in 3x23 with the Masonville story.
And, also, there's a fix-it aspect to this too. What version of Barry could ever kill Iris, even if his life depended on it? No version, that's what. So...
“So yes, I found a loophole.”
“And that is…?”
“That is…for me to know, and you to find out.”
It's not too difficult to guess the loophole, I'm sure 😂 it's an idea I got from this fic, actually (an amazing fic, I definitely recommend it. It’s labeled OT3, but it’s really more of a poly-V)—they came up with a clever loophole for Savitar that’s been my headcanon ever since. His “loophole” is to revive Iris with his new godly power, and keep her as his Iris forever, away from Barry. After all, it’s Barry’s life he really wants, Iris included, the finale proves that. The rest of the season just does a really bad job showing it…so I wanted to imply that his ultimate goal wasn’t to kill Iris…but to steal her away in such a way that Barry would never know (without jeopardizing his existence, in other words)
Also, as a bonus:
“I forgot how much tact you lacked, Caitlin,” Savitar sneered, without looking up. Out of the corner of her eye, Iris saw Killer Frost flinch.
She was trying to kill her. Logically, Iris knew this.
But the more emotional part of her remembered her friend, who had sat with her and encouraged her to pursue Barry. Who had defended her place on Team Flash. Who had gone out for drinks with her, played darts and laughed with her.
Caitlin Snow, with a warmer heart than most people realized. Killer Frost was assisting in Iris’s murder, but…Iris would believe in her friend—in Caitlin—up to the bitter end. And in that vein…
“You got what you wanted,” Iris spoke up sharply, “there’s no point in bothering her about it.”
Savitar couldn't care less about Killer Frost, that's canon. Iris, though? She looks at KF and sees her friend, Caitlin (because the show ought to have emphasized their friendship more). She speaks in KF's defense when Savitar won’t. It's sweet but also so sad 🥺
(Also helps explain why she forgives KF so quickly in s4. I reject that “work friend” nonsense)
Now ofc this is not the last time I'm gonna write Savitar, and it's not even the last time I'll write Saviris. But this was a fun way of inserting a moment of them into canon, to give Iris a win with him like Barry gets one...to further emphasize Savitar's feelings for Iris and establish that they always existed 🥰
director’s cut ask game!
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angelhummel · 1 year
okay so in honor of pride month, i have something i wanna get off my chest for real. sorry if this is super long
I have a tendency to go outside of tumblr spaces when looking at glee content — something i frequently regret. but in my time in those spaces, i often the most delusional take ever. it is basically, “kurt was always kinda pushy towards finn. so did he actually DESERVE to be called a slur??? 🤔🤔🤔 let’s discuss.” this shit boils my blood to no end and while it’s obvious why, i feel the incessant need to defend my boy kurt at all costs.
for one, he wasn’t any more pushy than any other character in the show. i mean for god’s sake, rachel quite literally THREW herself at finn as early as the first episode and i guess that’s fine??? what kurt did was virtually no different bc all the characters do weird, out of pocket shit throughout the show. it really only bothered finn bc kurt is a boy and finn is OVERLY bothered by the prospect of a boy having a crush on him. (more specifically that its kurt — he just simply dislikes kurt being attracted potentially straight guys. thats why he took so much issue to kurt singing with sam. it’s always been about his personal issues with kurt)
moving on to the actual scene in question, so much of what flop accused kurt of was grossly unfair to him. like he says something along the lines of “im scared to even take a shower when youre around,” implying that kurt is some ‘predatory gay’. which is ironic, bc we learn from kurt himself that he never showered after gym JUST to avoid be labelled as something like that. at no point did kurt’s advances move towards remotely ANYTHING sexual in nature, finn just instead assumed that of him
finally, i do believe that flop WANTED to call kurt a slur. he knew that kurt wouldnt call him out for it and you can tell from his tone that that had been building up inside of him for awhile. he wanted something that would push kurt away/scare him. he just went for the cruelest method possible in the moment.
so all this was to basically say that flop hudson sucks and that kurt did not deserve any of the shit that he endured. he was pretty much taught by his peers that it is inappropriate and unacceptable for him to have the same wants and desires that literally any teenager would have simply bc he was gay.
thank you for tuning into my rant. this has been stewing for awhile lmao
lmao yesterday i saw a gifset where cory as finn was doing some good fun acting and i stared at him for like a minute going "if i focus on the cory of it all, can i trick myself into liking finn even a little bit?"
the answer was already no, but if it hadn't been, this ask wouldve set me straight. thank you <3
i've definitely talked about that before tho bc omg. finn has the nerve to call anyone else pushy. i know its not like it'd happened in the show already but. this is the boy setting up a whole kissing booth to manipulate quinn into kissing him aksljfsdlk. or the way he got drunk at the wedding reception in s4 and was hounding rachel. that literally gives me the heebie jeebies lmao sorry to be dramatic about it but i hate it
and god yeah it just breaks my heart bc we know that kurt is always walking on eggshells around these people anyway. and literally 2x04 has become one of my least favorite episodes bc of how hard it is to watch as a kurt stan lmao. sorry it has like two iconic songs but finchel are so fucking manipulative and awful and i've had several rants about this episode before aljsfdlks but basically boils down to them literally making kurt feel like he's committing a crime by asking sam to sing a duet with him and isolating him to an unhealthy degree
and then wanna act all :O four eps later when kurt is like "im getting tf out of here to go to school with people who are nice to me" aslkfdslfjsd
anyway literally just search "2x04 anti finn" on my blog and you will find more posts than you would ever care to read lmao
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Hi! Was there any indication that Castiel ever knew about what happened to Crowley when he was captured by Salmondean at end of Season 9 and begining of Season 10? I think he was aware that they were trying to "cure" him by injecting sanctified blood, but I don't think he actually witnessed any evidence of what happened to Crowley as a result of the failed cure. Did he know that Crowley did have some of his humanity back? Did he know about Crowley's human blood addiction?
Did he know about Crowley's affection for Dean? I know all the shippers talk about his jealousy for Crowley constantly but I think his hostility towards Crowley would be consistent with his distate for Crowley's demon status (angels have a deep-seated contempt for demons, as Naomi said they are "unclean") and let's face it their history of antagonism. He didn't seem to know about "summer of love" because in the phone call with Sam it was clear neither of them had any clue what was Dean doing. But later, was there any indication that he knew Crowley had "winchester derangement syndrome" (other than the cut scene with Rowena)? Perhaps when Dean handed the first blade to him instead of Crowley he saw the hurt on Crowley's face? Or did he just interprete it as Crowley being sour that he lost the first blade? Did he consider it fair game to deceive and manipulate Crowley?
Then, did he notice Crowley's affection for him? Crowley flirted with him of course but he must have written it off as a kind of insult or just a mannerism?
Or was he too preoccupied with the Winchesters and his self-condemnation about heaven and the need to make amends to see any of it? Was it not until they had the talk after "Rock Never Dies" offscreen when all of this came to light? Was Castiel remoreseful that he never really saw Crowley for who he was?
Sorry for the long ask, but since you made me into a crowstiel believer I am having all sorts of crowstiel questions.
Hello hello!! No honestly thank you so much for this ask, I love talking about Crowstiel so much and I’m more than happy to share my thoughts on all this!
From what I can remember, I don’t think Cas has any idea that salmondean have Crowley imprisoned until Road Trip, which is like midway through season 9. There’s a deleted scene from that episode where Cas and Crowley actually get to talk (albeit very briefly) about their respective near-human experiences, which you can see in this gifset. I wish I had a link to the actual clip but I’m sure it’s on Youtube somewhere lol. Of course the scene was deleted because tptb LOVE cutting Cas and Crowley content but it’s real in my heart.
I don’t think Cas was aware of the full extent of Crowley’s addiction at that point, but if he was it would have been through salmondean’s perspective unfortunately, i.e. probably not very fair to Crowley at all and just a lot of hand-wavy “Crowley was being ridiculous” rather than actually explaining why Crowley was doing it and how he ended up addicted in the first place. I like to imagine Cas and Crowley would have had a deeper conversation about this circa season 12 though, where Cas would hear Crowley’s side. I haven’t really considered Cas’ reaction to all that before so I’ll have to think more on it but knowing Cas, he probably would have felt a lot of sympathy.
Next… yeah as much as heIIers just love to imagine that annoying and frankly demeaning “Cas and Crowley petty catfight over the boy they both like” thing, I actually don’t think Cas had much of a clue that Crowley was in love with Dean for a while. I can’t remember anything that would indicate that other than the First Blade incident like you mentioned, so I think if Cas was going to put two and two together it would have been in that episode for sure because Crowley literally does come running and freely hands over the blade for no reason other than the fact that he likes Dean. Especially if you factor in yet another deleted scene between Cas and Crowley where they both call Dean the other’s boyfriend (yeah). You can watch that one here. Other than that, there aren’t any instances where Cas uses Crowley’s feelings for Dean against him that actually made it into the show—iirc the most Cas does along those lines is tease Crowley about wanting to save Rowena in The Foundry. So I guess I’d say Cas’ awareness of Crowley’s affection for Dean, and willingness to be petty about it, exists in a weird canon-adjacent grey area depending on how much weight you want to give cut content!
Overall though I definitely agree that Cas’ issues with Crowley are NOT about Dean and more about the way their season 6 partnership went up in flames + the whole ingrained This Is A Demon And Demons Are Abominations thing. Between Uriel referring to Ruby as a “stain” and what you mentioned about Naomi it makes sense that Cas would have a lingering sense of that as well, in conflict with (what I consider to be) a repressed fondness for Crowley.
My OWN interpretation is that Cas intentionally holds Crowley at an arm’s length and pushes him away, partly due to everything above but also because Castiel thee self-loathing angel of Thursday wholeheartedly believes Crowley should hate him. For betraying him in season 6, and then even more so the longer Cas performs antagonism toward him. He wants Crowley to hate him, he wants Crowley to give up on him, because it would be easier that way. But Crowley just doesn’t ever seem to truly hate Cas back or stop forgiving Cas for things or stop actively seeking out Cas’ company for whatever reason or discontinue his attempts at flirting (this all being due to the sheer depths of post-curing ritual Crowley’s sentimentality and desire for companionship of course—he hasn’t let Cas go and honestly can’t, because they have history and Crowley will latch onto that with anyone) and it makes Cas uneasy because he thinks he doesn’t deserve any of that from Crowley and this complicates literally all of their interactions until like literally the last third of season 12. That’s just how I imagine it though.
So I think all that plus everything else going on (and going wrong) in Cas’ life especially by season 12, between the Winchesters and heaven and Lucifer and Lily Sunder and all his guilt, I’d say that the notion that Crowley was maybe a little bit in love with him was far from top of mind until Rock Never Dies like you said, where there was definitely some kind of recognition or conversation offscreen following Crowley’s decision to stand beside Cas against Lucifer and getting beat to hell for his sake. I don’t think Cas would realise that he himself is maybe a little bit in love with Crowley until 12x12 though. I think it was you who made a post about Cas seeing Crowley bathed in blue light when he breaks the lance to save Cas’ life, and tbh I can’t pick a better moment for the realisation to click for Cas that Crowley might genuinely be the person he’s been trying to find in Dean for years. And yeah I’m sure Cas would have felt a lot of remorse and guilt, even, for pushing Crowley away for so long and not opening himself up to making amends sooner and for refusing to see Crowley for who he actually is, and so forth. I also think Cas being as messed up as he is would then feel even more unworthy or undeserving of Crowley’s positive regard in general as a result. Nothing that can’t be worked through, but Crowley would really have to beat it into his head at first and literally just be like “well too bad” to him acting like Crowley shouldn’t love him. Or at least that’s how I’d write it! I’m sure there’re other ways to work it out.
Anyway I hope this helped to answer your questions! I’m totally happy to talk more about any of this, whether it’s assessment of canon or just things from my own imagination lol.
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sitpwgs · 1 month
Hi! How are you? I hope you're having a good week. this will probably be a shorter ask and I might forget some stuff. I have not watched the Bonnie and Clyde proshot yet either. I have been so horrible at watching stuff lately especially when musicals can be pretty long lol. It sucks..but I'm excited cuz I haven't seen it in a long time, and my sister isn't very familiar with the show at all besides a few songs. I also just think watching pro shots will help me remember the musical more..plot wise and the more you watch it cuz bootlegs aren't really good quality lol. Idk why but I think they changed Waitress being shown on PBS so not sure when I'll watch it either..but I just wanna say I love your recent gifsets of the show and all of your gifsets of course! Anyway I really don't care about him being too old..I like that he came back for them and I also like that he was in the original and how he said it meant a lot to him to revisit them. Obviously I'm a little biased lol and I do agree with you technically but not a problem for me when watching a show. I think I saw someone say they walked out of the Outsiders cuz the character looked way too old and that was the stupidest thing ever lol. They were all older in the movie too, same with Moulin Rouge, so not a big deal. I could agree with Aaron being old just because they had younger people play that part in comparison but if he still loves doing it, then that's great. He seems to be the favorite but I have not really seen any others to compare. I still hope you enjoy seeing the show though and he has a lot of energy that night and stage doors too! By the way, what's your opinion on an actor that doesn't stage door often or takes a lot of time off performing or misses a lot of shows? I don't really know what the standard is for this so I'm just curious..even if understudies are always appreciated!
So at least your reasons make sense for walking out of the show! I just hope it wasn't a show you really wanted to see. I've fallen asleep in a movie theater but not at a show. I think my sister might have fallen asleep for a song when we saw Hadestown but that was because she was tired, which makes sense. When I used to see shows with my mom, it definitely happened to her lol. I hope you don't get too tired in between or during shows or anything!!! But I've still never walked out of a show and don't think I would, except for your reasons cuz shows are expensive. I can't really say I've gone in a show completely blind. The only times I can think of was when I saw Head over Heels and The Color Purple. The Color Purple..I saw the movie but didn't know any songs except I'm Here. Head Over Heels I knew was a jukebox musical with Go Gos songs so I knew some of the music but knew nothing about plot. I'll have to ask my sister if she can think of more. Omg I still haven't seen Oklahoma either..not even the movie but I do technically know some stuff about it now lol. I'd say I'm familiar with most musicals so it would be hard to think of something I could be completely blind for but it seems like a fun thing to do..since I enjoy most musicals. But I guess I'm the same as you for Stereophonic and Oh Mary if that counts and I hope you enjoy CATS. I'd wanna know what that environment is like and with that kinda show. I've watched plenty of bootlegs not knowing anything though!
I am excited for the Outsiders tour and will be happy to see the show and staging. However this is the first time in a long time where I've loved the OBC of a show so much so it's hard to imagine the tour cast which I'm sure will still be great. I just think everybody is perfect in their roles and they all have amazing chemistry with each other that makes the show really believable so I'm sad I can't see them. I also have a bit of a crush on the lead haha and love his voice so much...the understudies do not compare lol. This is all very subjective though cuz I've seen people say they prefer the understudy more. I guess because he does not have a typical Broadway voice or he has a specific style of singing or quality to his voice which I personally love. Maybe I've just listened to the cast album too much then lol. But the show will still be great. They just announced Grant Gustin who is having a baby, replacement for Water For Elephants which is Kyle Selig from Mean Girls. I am interested in how he will sing in the role and this is also a show I've seen people say they like the understudy more or would prefer someone else in the role. I just wonder why that is..is it the style of music or type of show? I'm also nervous who they would get for Gatsby replacements too. It's just something interesting to think about. I will send more in part 2 before this gets too long!
hello friend!!! i am okay! how are you? happy concert week!! i'm so excited for you to go to your concert and i can't wait to hear about it! 🤍
i am also really bad at watching things! i'm currently watching interview with the vampire, which just got uploaded onto netflix, and a bunch of my friends absolutely love it so i'm really excited to get further into the series. i just finished episode one and i might be able to get through the entire first season before i go to new york, but knowing who i am as a person i think it's pretty unlikely. maybe someday i'll watch the proshot of b&c! who knows when though! they did change waitress being shown on PBS but i'm not sure why :( i hope you get to watch it sometime soon 🤍 and thank you for your kind words!! i've been having fun giffing again (although i haven't giffed in like three weeks now) :)
and haha that's so fair! i know a lot of people who aren't bothered by stuff like that but i definitely am! i don't think i'll be stage dooring any shows (which is fine) while i'm there! i used to stagedoor and i have such fond memories of stagedoor but this time i'm trying to see more friends and i'm already packing in so much theatre that any stagedoor time i have is rather limited :(
i have so many conflicting thoughts about stagedoor. i think it could be lovely! it could be so great for people to connect with actors, but i think it often leads to boundaries being crossed — as many lovely, positive, kind stories i've heard at stagedoor, i've also heard of people stalking actors, or harassing them. i would never fault someone for not stagedooring, especially given the current wave of covid. but also, stagedoor isn't in their job description! and after a long day i'm sure many of them just want to get home! i think that taking time off work is also something everyone's entitled to and it's not always our business to know why — it could be illness, it could be personal stuff, it could be anything. i do think that when an actor is calling out constantly though and it's a poorly kept secret that he's out partying then that's different 😭
and no! the shows were the wizard of oz (which i do love dearly) and cats haha. here's a secret: i almost fell asleep the first time i saw hadestown (first preview on broadway). which i do think was because of sheer exhaustion (red eye flight where i did not sleep much) but... you know! i'll be sure to give you a cunty cats review <3333
i hope the outsiders tours near you/tours to a place that's convenient for you to get to and also during a date you can make it!! and i saw that about kyle selig!! i have a soft spot for kyle; i loved him in october sky & pippin (for the like three weeks he was in it) and mean girls obviously. and sometimes understudy performances just click better with people! my friend just saw water for elephants and said it was fun, but not great so i think it's just the show 😭 but that's okay! i will see you in part two!
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wikiangela · 6 months
No not at all. I honestly felt like I was insane last night because everyone seemed to suddenly be omg it’s true love or omg did you see that look or wow the way Buck was eye f’ing tommy! And I was just like……where? Sure the camera framing was there for possibilities going forward if they want. But that one interaction we got between the two I was genuinely just what am I missing?? I’m all for bi Buck. And all for Buddie. Hell I’m even open to seeing something with Buck and Tommy if they decide bi Buck for some reason needs to not happen with just Eddie at first. As a member of the queer community I’m all for as much representation as possible in all medias. But I just… genuinely saw that scene last night as Buck wordlessly saying “Hey man thanks for the help saving some of the most important people in my life” to Tommy and then immediately running after Eddie. Maybe it’ll change next week when we’re actually supposed to see them interacting (and maybe even actually saying words to each other) but just based one the one scene, I too do not understand the degree people are reaching to make it into something bigger. Nor do I get the new narrative of some of them calling people phobic just because people don’t see anything in that scene or if they don’t want Buck and Tommy and would rather just keep it Eddie and Buck.
ngl I never got the whole Tommy thing people have been freaking out over ever since finding out he's coming back (not to mention I have no memory of him from the begins episodes and I had to look him up like three times to remember 🤣) I thought it was a joke at first but I see people being way too intense about this 🤣
like, all this theorizing is getting out of control
imo we don't need him for Buck's realization, and tbh I feel like we don't need Buck to have a realization at all, it would make so much sense if he already knew he's bi 🤣
but if that's what they're gonna do, I'd be fine with that, but like, that 2 second smile was not leading to anything like that 😂
like, fr, that little moment in the episode was literally Buck smiling at him like "thanks for helping us save those people we love so much", there was definitely no vibe 🤣
I saw a gifset of that moment and went into the notes and omg either I'm blind or people are pulling this out of their asses about the tension and Buck being flirty??? where??? are we watching the same show 😂
like, we'll see where they go with Tommy, but so far people are reaching, and arguing, and it's kinda ridiculous 🤣 like, have any theories you want but there's no reason to call people phobic or attacking them bc they disagree jfc 😂
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i'm so excited about you taking asks again ahhhh okay so. if you'd absolutely had to choose. what would be your top 5 cockles moments, and why? thank you ily <3
here’s the thing: there are so many routes i could go down with this, because cockles moments come in all shapes and sizes and formats. these include moments from their panels, their bloopers, the footage we get when they don’t even know they’re being recorded, stories being passed down from photo ops & autographs(one of my personal favorite ways to get cockles, tbh, because they’re all insane), and social media(tweets to each other, instagram posts & comments, etc.). 
SO! since many a list like this has already been made, and i want to stand out from the crowd, what i’m gonna do is definitively give the number one spot to each of these five categories.(i might even throw in honourable mentions because they’re so despicably in love that they warrant that. i really put my whole pussy into this, guys, i hope you’re happy.) 
disclaimer: these are my own personal opinions. but that also means i’m right. so. enjoy. 
number one: top cockles panel moment
so we’re starting off with a bang, because how do you even BEGIN to rank what atrocities jensen and misha commit at jibcon. every single one they’ve had is damning in it’s own right, for different reasons.
however, considering just how much unabashed fuckery they’ve given us to sift through, it’s a good thing i do have a personal favorite despite it all. it’s heartwarming, the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, AND it’s jarringly cinematic - mainly because it has a whole ass arc to it that was years in the making. it might even be surprising to some people, but my favorite cockles panel moment, and what i consider the one that encompasses their entire gut-wrenching journey from 2008-2013 in the most sweepingly romantic gesture possible, is this one.
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i want this burned into my retinas. i am not even joking. when i'm through with my explanation, let me convince you why this is thee most romantic cockles moment of all time.
first, some history: people call this the resume off, but many seem to forget the botched attempt at a resume off a year prior. and yes, you guessed it: it's during their break up. it's a juicy time period for a reason, guys. it came across as exceedingly one-sided and VERY awkward. let me refresh your memory as to just how bad it was, and just how hard jensen was trying and ultimately failing at winning misha over: the funniest part of the whole resume off in 2013??? every joke/bit had literally already been made/done. they were just going through the motions again, but the difference THIS time...is that misha reciprocated jensen's energy. it. is. fascinating. i want to get into it more detail in another post, and i'll link it here when i'm done, but the main takeaway, i think, and the main difference that showcases how much they've grown in a year, is that in jib 3, misha flat out refused to do an accent, and this time around, he indulges jensen for literal minutes. when i tell you they're crazy, they're crazy. i can't wait to actually dive into it later.
ANYWAY, the resume off culminates in this moment here. and, like, a million things happen in this gifset. actually, more like a million and one. the music starts playingneediremindyouthatthesongissingingintherain(h e l p), misha starts dancing, jensen 'perpetually fake grumpy' ackles lets misha think he's not going to join, misha sits down defeated, but no!!! that was jensen's plan all along(look at his stupid fucking smirk) and he offers his arm to his dance partner who immediately grins like a fool, jensen then leads misha into their kick step, they perfectly synchronise and let loose, and are then very clearly having the time of their lives, hanging off of each other with joy and ease. from their expressions alone i can tell that this moment is so. so. so. so! much more than what initially meets the eye. i mean-misha is fighting back the biggest smile i've ever seen. to me, it reads like jensen is offering something to misha, something that misha kind of gave up on expecting, and him offering his arm like that is like, a surprise to him in the best possible way(and it's so not platonic, let me just say that.) as soon as jensen did that, it ushered in a new era of cockles. this panel is jensen and misha's favourite for a reason, and i think this moment is the biggest clue as to why.
whew!!! ok. that took a lot out of me and that was only point one. moving on,
number two: top cockles blooper moment
cockles bloopers hold an extremely special place in my heart, because it shows just how fucking disastrous jensen and misha are. they are so goddamn infatuated with each other that they HOLD UP PRODUCTION ALL THE TIME TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER(???). let me repeat. let it sink in. jensen ackles; arguably one of the most professional actors on that show who puts everything he has into each scene, with mountains and mountains of notes to prove it: would rather hold up production to flirt with misha collins. this sounds fake. it's not. he does it. all. the. time. and here's the thing guys!!! i'm gonna let you in on a secret!!! misha loves it. he loveesssss it. on top of that-misha collins: overlooked because he's pranked and people assume he's unprofessional as well, but his only pranks are in retaliation/off-set, and he rarely if EVER causes problems if he can help it....lets himself get carried away when it comes to jensen making kissy faces at him!!! are you actually kidding me!!! i mean. misha. it's just a face. you've seen it a million times. i don't buy that it triggers something in you that strongly....you like it, and you like jensen's reaction. you can't fool me!!! lisa berry's face in that one gifset shows just how fed up the crew is with their gross, coupley boyfriend antics.
i could pull up so many examples. sooooooo many. but my favourite was sealed since the moment i saw it.
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i actually already wrote an analysis on it but i can't find it :(((( which SUCKS because i really unpacked the whole thing. i'll try to summarise.
basically, a backstory is part of this too!!! jensen and misha both had a really really hard time with this scene(because it's explicitly romantic there i said it), they sat down for hours and poured over their scripts together, they were super super nervous going into filming, both of them, jensen especially, were super hard on themselves for their performances not being true to their characters but they both complimented the other's work(boyfriend moments fr). so, yeah. they weren't confident going into shooting. and how do they get themselves to feel better???? by cuddling each other, apparently.
a lot. a LOT. happens in this specific blooper. to the point that i saw it years before i knew about cockles and it raised all sorts of flags for me.
1) stop pulling my face towards your crotch(as a thinly veiled request that misha would, in fact, move jensen's face towards his crotch, considering it was jensen moving himself there in the first place. also, why so comfy down there guys???) 2) you're my baby daddy i know(in the most intimate voice i've ever heard please) 3) i know, i know, i love you too i didn't say i love you i know but you wanted to say it etc. misha's right, of course. that's what jensen meant.
it just reeks of comfort, familiarity and intimacy between the two, and it's a moment that is extremely sweet and silly at the same time. they're so <3
number three: top cockles found footage moment
WONDERFUL category. truly the culmination of the cockles experience. many people have said that shipping cockles doesn't work because 'they're just onstage you dummies!! they're playing it up for the audience!!!' here's the thing, love. i could not disagree with you more. once you climb your way up the cockles ladder, you soon learn that they are, in fact, playing their dynamic DOWN, not up. they really are just Like That™, and they could not care less about the paying audience, if we're being honest, considering how much time they take to giggle with each other and refuse to let the audience in on the joke. and i love them for it <3
anyway, my point is that this category is for all you naysayers out there, all you 'jensen and misha's relationship is just for show and is real life queerbaiting'(?????lordhelp???) oh yeah? ok, explain this.
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he. he. he calls jensen sweetheart. literally enough said. there's nothing to really add here, except, misha and jared then immediately engage in damage control. jared's method is distraction and misha's is retconning('get out of the car, dude') this was what got me to buy into the cockles dumpster for GOOD good. you don't call your buddy sweetheart accidentally and sound so completely earnest while doing it! especially not when that buddy is jensen ackles!!! you think he would let any of his friends call him that? do you?
one more thing; if it was a slip of the tongue, little mouth thing or whatever, you think jared wouldn't have jumped on it immediately??? i can hear it now. 'did you just call him SWEETHEART???' yeah. that's what i thought. you know why he didn't? because it was too revealing.
number four: top cockles autograph moment
i mean, i think we all know what it's gonna be, and if you don't, well, do i have the piece de cockles resistance that is gonna send you over the edge.
if you haven't heard of this story by now, as a cockles, truther, i'm gonna go ahead and get you to read it, because there is no possible heterosexual explanation for any of it, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
spoiler alert: it's the story where phones weren't allowed in an auto session, jensen nuzzles himself in misha's hair, leans his full body weight onto him, holds his hand, etc. etc. i'm imploding just repeating this back, actually. also, just, the sheer amount of stories from photo ops where they tackle hug each other or slap each other's asses or sing romantic songs to each other or almost kiss is, frankly, a lot. if i could wish for anything, it would be to witness them in person.
and finally,
number five: top cockles social media moment
this one is super difficult, because there's obviously a lot to choose from. but you know what? full send, i'm going with this one:
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i just. what to say about this. how often do misha and jensen watch sunsets together for it to qualify as ‘always’ ??? why are sunsets synonymous with their relationship??? that’s like??? a very romantic thing????? ‘this guy’??? the fact that it’s a CANDID??? i don’t know guys.
that could have been better but i am TIRED so. there you go rose ily
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So I actually wrote this! I’ve never written dark!Sterek before, but I saw the gifset and couldn’t help myself. I hope you all enjoy <3
THREE DAYS, FOUR HOURS, AND twenty-two minutes. That’s how long the one they called Mieczysław ‘Stiles’ Stilinski had been separated from his pack.
Three days, four hours, and twenty-two minutes. Stiles realized what happened nine minutes after his pack was taken. Therefore, the hunters were unofficially dead at the countdown of three days, four hours, and thirteen minutes.
To Stiles, though, time blurred. It was a stain of colors, a snarl at the back of his throat, and the faintest ringing in his ears that made him feel like he was losing his mind all over again.
Three days, four hours, and twenty-two minutes. It was the longest Stiles had ever been alone.
He was greeted by gunshots first.
At a first glance, Mieczysław was nothing but a boy. A boy who grew up surrounded by wolves, an emissary to a bunch of wild animals. There were rumors about what rested behind the amber of his eyes, but few people chose to believe them. Because he was scrawny, he was human, and it seemed like easy pickings when a group of hunters chose to go after the crumbling pack.
At a first glance, Mieczysław was nothing but a boy. And that that always been the easiest way to lure in unsuspecting prey.
He was greeted by gunshots first. The screams that followed were a welcome sound he hadn’t heard for far too long.
There was something about the smell of gunpowder in the air, the feeling of blood on his fingertips, and the taste of ash in his mouth that made Stiles feel alive. He could be wrapped in the darkest shadows or walking through the heat of a blazing fire and the smile on his face would never waver. At a first glance, he was nothing but a boy. A weakling. But to the hunter watching him tear through their ranks without even blinking, it was like hell had become a place on Earth.
The hunter’s name was Col Henderson. And he hadn’t wanted to take the job in the first place.
Beacon Hills was a shell of what it used to be. At first, Col hadn’t even believed the rumors were true. The rumors saying there was still a werewolf pack patrolling its borders, that is. He’d been hunting since he was old enough to carry a gun and at this point in his life, he wanted a challenge. Something to make him smile when the beast went down; something to make him feel proud when the light faded from the monster’s eyes.
The Hale pack had been fairly easy to round up. Most of them were feral to the point of being wild animals anyway.
It was the emissary that remained elusive.
“A bunch of mutts,” he told the man at his side, listening to the distant sound of snarling wolves from another part of the compound. “Good for nothing but a bullet between the eyes.”
The hunter only grunted, looking tired. And honestly, Col couldn’t blame him. They were all tired. The emissary had yet to come for his pack and they’d been sitting around all day, waiting for something that didn’t seem to exist.
Until the sun touched the tips of the trees, that is. 
That’s when all hell broke loose.
Col first saw him when the compound doors slammed open. He was on his feet in a second, loaded rifle held tightly in his hands. The already dying lights above his head flickered and briefly went out— and when they came back on, a lone figure stood in the compound’s entrance. His head was head tilted slightly and his eyes practically glowed against the faint darkness.
There was a dull spark in them that held nothing but the last remnants of humanity. Humanity that had been clinging to the boy for years now, though that hadn’t mattered for a long time now.
A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. One that sent a chill down Col’s spine.
“Emissary,” someone breathed. And Col didn’t even realize the word had come from his mouth until amber eyes fixed on where he stood. The boy raised an eyebrow.
“My pack,” he said. “I want them back.”
There was a loud click as the man next to Col loaded his gun. The emissary’s attention immediately snapped to him and Col almost sagged to the floor, suddenly aware of each breath that he had been holding.
“You're going to give my pack back,” the emissary said again, the smile slipping from his lips. He took a step forward and immediately, every gun was trained on him. The boy paused, eyes flashing, but it didn’t seem to be out of fear. 
No, there was a new look on his face, replacing the amused one that had been there previously.
It was cold and dangerous. The bags under his eyes seemed to darken, holding the exhaustion of each day that he’d been without his pack. Around him, the shadows grew as the softness of his face hardened.
In the distance, one of the wolves yelped. Loudly.
And just like that, the spark of humanity in the emissary’s eyes flicked out.
Col had faced a lot of beasts in the past. He’d gone after born wolves and those newly turned. He’d taken down a dozen packs and faced an alpha that nearly ripped him to shreds. Col told his blissfully ignorant friends that he hunted deer and then went home to a list full of names— one of every monster he’d ever killed.
He’d seen a lot over the years. But nothing added up to the boy that stood in front of him, eyes turning to stone as he caught the sound of his feral pack in the distance.
Once more, the lights overhead blinked out. But this time, they didn't turn back on. In a moment, the silence had turned to gunshots, gunshots turned to screams. And dammit, Col hadn’t even wanted to take this job in the first place.
He stumbled back, pulling his walkie from its clip on his belt.
“Backup! We need backup!”
Static was his answer. Col stumbled blindly through the darkness, trying to get as far away from the screams of his fellow hunters as fast as he could. There were things he’d heard about the Hale pack’s emissary, but he’d never imagined any of them were true. In fact, he'd laughed at 'exaggeration of it all.
The job of an emissary was to keep the pack connected to themselves, to their humanity. Col hadn’t thought much of the feral pack they’d put in chains but this boy seemed to be even less human than all of them combined. Less than the alpha who had nearly bitten Col’s head off, less than the betas who had snapped and snarled the entire way to captivity.
In his panic, Col stumbled over his own feet and fell hard to the ground, his gun skidding somewhere across the floor. Suddenly, the lights flicked on and when he looked over his shoulder, all that was left were bodies.
The one they called Mieczysław ‘Stiles’ Stilinski stood among them. His eyes raked over the entire room, not a single emotion on his face. Then, they snapped to where Col had fallen and that smile from earlier tugged at the corners of his mouth once again.
Col shoved himself up and turned, running faster than he ever had into the depths of the compound.
They had come to Beacon Hills with an even number of eighteen hunters. When Col turned the corner, stumbling to a stop as a dozen guns aimed in his direction, there was some part of him that wondered if even double that would be enough.
“Don’t shoot, dammit!”
“What the hell are you doing?”
Behind him, the sound of footsteps echoed off the cement floor. Col’s heart skipped a beat and he slowly turned around.
“You took my pack,” the emissary said, turning the corner. “Now I’m gonna take them back.”
Col retreated back behind the line of guns. The emissary’s gaze traveled over them all and his eyes darkened. He took a step forward, ignoring the tightening of every finger around the trigger.
“It’s doesn’t matter how many of there you are,” he said, words almost a snarl. He moved closer— Col started to tremble. “I’m going to kill every single one of you until I find them. Do you understand me?”
“Stand down, boy!”
“Do you understand me? I’ll burn this whole fucking place down if I have to!”
Someone fired. Sparks flew.
Somewhere in the distance, one of the wolves howled.
It happened too quickly. Col scrambled for his spare pistol and a crackle of electricity filled the air. Something was burning, the smell like a sour acid began to fill his nose. Col's eyes burned, his hands were shaking too hard to get a proper hold on his gun as he scrambled back away from the fighting. It was like a nightmare brought to life and when he managed to make himself look back, the sight that awaited him was even worse.
The emissary’s eyes were brighter than fire. The air around him swam with the shadows and his face was so pale, it was like the blood drained right out. Distant howls collided with the chaos in the air and Col momentarily flashed back to his latest kill— a young omega, newly bitten. She’d looked at him like he was the Grim Reaper and it had made him feel powerful. Being the predator always did.
For the first time in his life, Col Henderson knew what it was like to be the prey.
The emissary flicked his wrist and Col slammed up against the nearest wall, losing all ability to breathe as the boy approached. There was something about him. Something darker than night, colder than death. 
“Big bad hunter. Where is my pack?”
Struggling for breath, Col managed to point down the hallway. The boy followed his gaze and then hummed.
“Thank you.”
Three days, four hours, and twenty-two minutes. Stiles had realized what happened to his pack nine minutes after they were taken. Therefore, the hunters were unofficially dead three days, four hours, and thirteen minutes ago.
The clock continued to count— three seconds on the timer. Col looked at the emissary like he was the Grim Reaper.
And at second one, the boy smiled.
An emissary’s main job had always been to keep a pack connected to their humanity. However, as a group of bold hunters learned the hard way after capturing a bunch of feral werewolves known as the Hale pack, the one known as Mieczysław ‘Stiles’ Stilinski, barely had any humanity in himself to begin with.
There was a hum under his breath as he released his pack one by one. The betas first and his alpha right after them, whose eyes glowed red as he barely contained a series of whines. The second the chains were off, clawed fingers latched onto Stiles's arms and sharp fangs skated up the side of his neck. Stiles smiled, tracing bloodstained fingers through Derek’s hair.
“It's okay. I'm here now.”
Warm breaths snuffled against his skin. “That was stupid.”
“I know.”
“And dangerous.”
“But so fun.”
Derek drew back, his attention zeroing in on a darkening red patch right underneath Stiles’s shoulder. “You’re bleeding.”
"Only a little."
"Does it hurt?"
“They took my pack,” Stiles said, a dangerous glow in his eyes. “Isn’t a little agony worth it?”
The red of the alpha’s eyes burned even brighter. Derek growled and pulled him into a hungry kiss— one that promised a much more thorough examination later. The man's lips were a little cracked and Stiles could taste blood. Humming at the back of his throat, he kissed Derek harder.
Three days, four hours, and twenty-two minutes. That’s how long the one they called Mieczysław ‘Stiles’ Stilinski had been separated from his pack. The longest he'd ever been alone.
But he wasn't anymore.
They left the bodies as a warning to anyone who dared cross the Hale pack again. 
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
As promised, here’s the smutty followup to yesterday’s blurb! This is the fifth post of seven in my Platonically themed event. Again, it’s not really been edited because it’s late and I’m very tired but alas, thats how it goes. 
Words: 2,278
Warning: some vague dom/sub dynamic stuff with a more dom Ben, spanking, it’s P in V sex but theres a lot of talk about butts. Also they’re still dorks. 
It had been a nice day. You and Ben had gone out with a few friends, just a little picnic in the park to catch up with everyone. If you’d been at all worried about publicly being together on a no romo day, then it was for nothing. As much as everyone there considered you and Ben to be an item, it mostly went ignored, aside from a couple of questions about how you’d gone living together so far. But having such a big lunch, everyone having brought something to share, neither of you were especially hungry at dinner time. Ben whipped up a pot of butted noodles for you to pick at as you watched TV but it was soon set aside as you shifted to lean against the arm rest with your legs stretched out to lay over Ben’s thighs. Each of you were engrossed in your phones more than the quiz show he’d flicked on, occasionally sharing something you saw or read.  
You had opened tumblr and were scrolling through your dash, pausing to read longer bits here and there but mostly just liking images and reblogging memes. Until you hit a patch of not safe for work content. One of the porn blogs you’d long since forgotten you’d followed had hit a rare patch of activity, every second post one of theirs. Those posts you paid a little more attention to, especially when videos and explicit images were involved since you knew they were likely to be taken down soon and you didn’t want to miss out on seeing something hot. Unfortunately your headphones were in another room so you weren’t game to turn the sound on for any of the videos but the visuals and erotic comments below were enough to make you feel as if the room as heated up. You could feel yourself getting wetter at each new post but couldn’t seem to stop looking at them.  
A particularly good video of a sloppy blowjob made you clench your thighs together, your foot rubbing against Ben’s thigh as a result. His palm came to rest on the top of your foot, rubbing it soothingly, though his attention was still elsewhere. In fact, his gaze didn’t shift until a little later when you were looking at a very hot gifset of a woman on all fours, crying as she was pounded from behind. He cleared his throat. You jolted a little at the sound and tried not to look too guilty as you met his eye.   “You okay?” “Mmhmm,” His eyes travelled over you from the lip between your teeth to your tightly pressed thighs and your fingers wrapped firmly around the phone.   “I don’t mean to interrupt,” he said, clearly meaning to do exactly that, “but ummmm, are you watching porn right now?” “No,” you answered too quickly. “Hey, you don’t have to hide it if you are, go nuts. I’m just a little curious about what’s turned you on so much you’re practically panting. And can I help?” “I’m not watching anything. It’s just some gifs I saw.” “Well I think QPR law states you have to show me or you’d be a big meanie.” You chuckled and handed the phone to Ben, a little curious about how he’d react.   Ben watched the gifs through a couple of times before nodding, “Yeah, that’s uhhh, that’s pretty hot,” he rubbed your foot again as he kept watching the looped footage. “Are you turned on?” “Yeah, a bit,” “Hmmm, same.” “Should we-” “Do you wanna-” You spoke at the same time and then both laughed a little as you simultaneously agreed, “Yeah.” Immediately you swung your legs around intending to walk towards the bedroom and Ben followed for about two steps before he stopped suddenly, “Wait. This is a no romo day, right? Do you still feel anti-romance?” “Yes and yeah I think so. Why?” Ben shrugged, “I don’t think we’ve ever had sex on a no romo day so...how does it work?” “Oh, good point. Well.” you wanted to keep it brief, already worked up and wanting to move to the fun part, “I think it’s probably best if we keep it on kind of the rougher side, a little impersonal even. Could you maybe hit it from behind? I’m not really sure eye contact and all that stuff would be as fun for me right now.” “No need to ask twice. My hot partner wants me to look at her gorgeous arse while I fuck her? Yeah definitely into that.” “Jesus I’d forgotten you’re an arse man.” It was true too. As much as Ben might prefer ass to tits he also enjoyed the visual stimulation of watching you – seeing the pleasure on your face, watching your body react to his. So, while doggy style was a regular position for you, variations of missionary and cowgirl were probably a little more frequent. Which was wonderful, except not what you needed right then. Ben responded by poking his tongue out you but he seemed quite as eager to move things along, “So rough doggy then? Can I spank you?” “You’d be into that?” He shrugged, “I know we haven’t really done anything kinky yet but yeah, I enjoy spanking. I mean...watching an arse jiggle after it’s hit is incredibly hot.” You giggled, “spanking is very okay then. You could be a little mean too if you wanted, maybe calling me a degrading name to get at that impersonal thing. Slut maybe.” He hummed uncertainly, “I can try it if you really want but I gotta admit I’m not as into degrading stuff as I am spanking.” “It’s fine if you don’t, whatever works. Honestly, I’m already super horny so just do whatever you’re comfortable with and don’t get too gentle or loving with it, and I’ll be happy.” “I can definitely do rough for you. For instance,” You gasped as Ben grasped your hips and turned you around, positioning you in front of the arm of the couch before he pushed you to bend over it. It was a surprise considering Ben’s typical nature. He had his controlling or domineering moments but generally seemed happiest when he was showering you in affection or letting you take charge. Adding to the surprise was the way he tugged your pants down to your knees and began to touch you through your underwear. It made you squirm, trying to find a little more friction, but he only gave you a quick spank. Not overly hard but it didn’t have to be to make you feel tingly. Just knowing Ben was capable of an action like that was hot enough. All the same he pulled your knickers down too and ran his fingers through your folds.   “Wow, okay. You meant it when you said you were horny. Pretty wet already.” “No shit Sherlock. You know I don’t need lines like that that get you interested in fucking me.” He gave you another slap for your insolence.   “Better get you stretched out then, hadn’t we?” You felt two of Ben’s fingers rest against your entrance and expected to feel them sink into you too. But it didn’t happen.   “What’s the hold up, Tiger? Ow,” the spank had been a little harder than the last.   “If you want them so bad, do it yourself.” Your breath caught as you realised what he meant and you shifted your hips back, levering yourself against the arm of the couch, until you felt his fingers penetrate you.   “That’s it Kitten. You’re too horny to wait, aren’t you? God you’ve got such a pretty arse. Giving me the best view right now. Your needy cunt soaking my fingers while your arse,” he hit you again, “jiggles. It’s making me so hard.” You whined, unable to find a better response, and rocked back against his fingers, slowly fucking yourself on them.   He let you go on like that for a little while, happy to listen to your hitched breaths and needy sighs as you got a little of what you needed. But then he pulled his fingers from you. You let out a disappointed whimper, “Ben, c’mon,” “I’m so hard from watching you be so desperate. Just gotta get my pants off. But you can play with yourself for me, can’t you?” You nodded and shifted so you could drop your fingers to your pussy. Ben gave your arse another slap, “Not what I meant Kitten. Play with your arse.” Startled by the low growl in his voice you quickly complied, leaning on the couch as your brought both hands up to grab your arse cheeks, squeezing them and pulling them apart to better show off your holes.” “That’s very good, Kitten. Spank yourself.” It wasn’t the same as when Ben spanked you since you knew what was coming and the position didn’t allow you to get as much force into your hits as he could. But it was definitely arousing and it definitely seemed to work for Ben. You’d barely registered the sound of his pants dropping before he was sliding into your wet and waiting cunt.   “I can take it from here,” Ben’s hands replaced yours, groping your arse as you dropped your arms back to the couch, though you felt it was useless to try and prop yourself up on them. It would only be a matter of time before you collapsed entirely.  
At first he kept the pace slower, letting you adjust to him, though each thrust was forceful, just as you’d asked it to be. But gradually Ben sped up, hands still playing with your cheeks, sometimes grabbing and sometimes spanking them. He tried to say more about how hot it was to take you like that but his own breath was escaping him as the words seemed to be. So he let his body talk for him as he pounded your cunt and dug his fingers into your flesh.   And then he pulled out.   You were on the verge of asking him who the fuck he thought he was when he said, “one second. Just want to try something.” and then, remembering he was meant to be acting mean, added, “And you just want me to keep fucking you, so you’re not going to complain.” In a disgruntled daze you let Ben help you up onto the back of the couch so that one leg was bent to lean against the arm he’d just had you bent over and the other dangled towards the floor. It took a little more adjustment before Ben was happy. First pulling you back towards him and the corner of the couch, and then pressing you to lean forward so your hips were raised and he could better access your pussy. You had to grab onto the back of the couch for support, digging your fingertips into the leather as Ben resumed fucking you.   The angle had changed a little and the position was slightly more awkward to maintain but it was worth it for the way your clit rubbed against the smooth leather, leaving a trail of wetness behind. Each thrust rocked your hips in such a way that you quickly found yourself getting close to release.
That, however, seemed to be Ben’s plan as he began telling you how good you were going to make him feel when he made you cum. “I know you’re close Kitten. So just cum. I want to feel your cunt on me when you do.” He lay another few spanks to your arse cheeks and that tipped you over into your orgasm.   But Ben didn’t stop.   “I th-think you can do bett-er than that,” he grit out as you clenched around him and he seemed to thrust twice as hard as he had before, “You were so,”   You grunted as he plowed into you. “So desperate before. So you can cum better than that. Right kitten?” You nodded and gasped out a, “Yes” as your arms shook with how hard Ben was fucking you.   But he didn’t relent. He kept going until he felt you tighten again and heard you moan, nearly sobbing as relief flooded your system.   That seemed to be enough for Ben and he let himself go too, holding your hip tightly as he pressed deep into you.  
Ben leaned his forehead against your back as he tried to regain his regular breathing rate and gave you a quick kiss there before he righted himself and helped you to dismount the couch. The evidence of your orgasms was still smeared across the leather but neither of you paid it any attention.   “Sorry I never called you a slut or anything,” Ben said with a slightly self-conscious chuckle, avoiding your eye as he hitched his pants back into place. “I just like Kitten better.” “Don’t be,” you said mirroring his actions to looking at him, “Kitten worked perfectly. Also, that was really good. Maybe you could be rough and mean more often?” “The double orgasm was a pretty good indication that it worked for you,” “Of shut up, I was being serious. It was really hot.” “Yes but I like teasing you, remember,” “Prick.” “That hurts,” he said with a fake gasp and a hand against his chest, “Keep talking like that and I’ll have to spank you again,” “Ha ha, very funny. Tease me all you want but we both you enjoyed it as much as I did.” “Maybe I did.” he conceded, “but I wasn’t going to hate it when I was watching your arse.” “Alright, you perv. Was there any leftover noodles? Bit peckish now.” “Yeah, in the fridge. Grab me some too would you?”
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halsteadsass · 3 years
How did you get into hawkami since you don’t usually watch CF? And btw where are all of the gifs of their scenes from last night?! I can’t believe ZERO exist now and it’s been almost 24 hours since the ep aired. Unheard of for other shows lol
I used to watch CF religiously until my interest in it diminished until I was only slightly paying attention. It’s sandwiched in between med and pd so changing the channel is kind of useless lol. I ended up paying attention a lot more last season again and then when I found out brett dalton got cast I knew I needed to actively watch this season.
Violet and Hawkins just happened to be a pleasant surprise lol. One of those ships that I don’t think the writers ever thought would catch the way they did with the fandom. I remember the first time I saw Hawkins, I hoped we would see him again. Just a new man to thirst over LMFAO. Then we got those first interactions between him and violet and the sparks just flew. They were incredibly cute, had great chemistry, and just made the show feel fresh again. Everything we’ve gotten from them has been so great that with gallo intruding and not minding his own business, im afraid they’re going to get ruined because this is derek haas we’re talking about. Seriously!!! I’ve been on the lookout. Im surprised there hasn’t been any except one gifset. i can’t imagine its the tag system blipping that badly since gifsets from last nights ep of cpd are already floating around. I don’t torrent anymore so I have to wait on logoless sites to upload the episode so as soon as they do, I’ll be giffing them.
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aiyexayen · 4 years
The ChengXian/WangXian parallel gifsets about the sad boat rides with Wen Ning made me think, once again, about how Wei Ying was worried about being the Jiang Cheng in his relationship with Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying just had so few models of relationship, and only two real models of a serious relationship involving himself--Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. He saw himself as a caretaker in each of them.
Even Jiang Yanli, ultimately, though there was certainly more give and take there. He only accepted a very specific kind of caretaking from her, though, and we see how fraught that was in the way Yu-furen shamed Jiang Yanli for it.
But Jiang Cheng was the most complicated. He and Wei Ying were the Yunmeng Shuangjie. Twin Heroes. Both of them strong male cultivators. Their relationship was such a carefully orchestrated imbalance. Wei Ying had to take care of Jiang Cheng even to the point of making sure Jiang Cheng didn’t feel taken care of. He was stronger, but he had to make sure Jiang Cheng didn’t feel weaker.
And at the same time, he had to be able to have his best friend and brother and navigate the lines of teasing and boasting that came with those dynamics and also with his natural brash and outgoing and free-spirited personality. It’s not something that weighed particularly heavy on him until later on, of course; it’s just How Things Were.
But Lan Zhan being Wei Ying's true equal was a heady taste of something new, something he was desperate for.
Someone he didn’t have to take care of in all those tricky, sticky ways. Someone who could understand him from the outside. That equality between them--of swords and strength and wit--formed so much of their early relationship. The ways Wei Ying and Lan Zhan excelled differently weren’t seen as anything but surface-level differences, cultivation styles. They could choose to take care of each other on their own (like in the Xuanwu cave) but there were no expectations except that which they set for themselves.
The best cohesive example I can think of is the situation at Dafan Mountain. Jiang Cheng has taken off after Wei Ying, to come and find his troublemaking brother and bring him home, ostensibly being the one to wrangle and care for his brother and best friend and someday-second. But as soon as he finds them, Wei Ying is clearly the one in charge. Jiang Cheng gets locked into a shield barrier, given a verbal half-teasing pat on the head, and left behind. Wei Ying goes off with Lan Zhan to find the source of the problems and their new level of partnership is beautifully put on display through their fight (other things happen in that fight, too, but that’s another post).
Jiang Cheng was never allowed to truly take care of Wei Ying. His parents never let him. Wei Ying never let him. He tried, all the time, most of all when he gave himself up to the Wen soldiers. But even that was immediately undone, turned back around on him.
Wei Ying never figured out how to attain any semblance of true equilibrium in his relationship with Jiang Cheng, even after everything at Lotus Pier, especially after everything at Lotus Pier, either before or after the core transfer. Maybe if he had, things would have been different. Maybe if he had, he wouldn’t have sacrificed his core to begin with.
It’s debatable how much Wei Ying expected to keep living after his core was gone. It’s even more debatable how much he really thought about anything past his own desperation in the moment, about all the promises broken with that single act, about how that would affect his relationship with anyone else. That doesn’t seem like a very Wei Ying thing to sit and think about.
Regardless, once the core was gone, he and Lan Zhan weren't equals. It messed up his relationship with Jiang Cheng, too, of course. The resentful energy was its own kind of strength but it couldn’t make up the difference in any way that counted. It just complicated everything by a thousand times and added in all kinds of new problems.
Even though Jiang Cheng had his core and Wei Ying had nothing but the tortured screams of the lost and vengeful echoing in his head, Wei Ying was still the caretaker there.
Don’t let Jiang Cheng find out the secret. Don’t let Lan Zhan become embroiled in it or expose the secret. Make sure Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli and Lotus Pier are okay. Lift Jiang Cheng up as a leader. Win the war. Apparently still be alive welp didn’t see that coming. Protect them all. Even if it means leaving.
But as much as he scrambled for strengths and leaned on his demonic cultivation he was still weak. Able to wipe out entire outposts of Wen agents yet repeatedly brought to a point where Lan Zhan could kill him easily and we know that the only way he could hope to match him would be to use this dangerous thing that's eating his soul, so shit could really get out of hand. Which wasn't really winning in the end. Demonic cultivation for him in general wasn’t strength so much as carefully-applied weakness.
Not to mention his reputation. They got so far off-balance where reputation and social standing was concerned.
Wei Ying’s merits had been contentious throughout his life--on the one hand, they're all he had to elevate himself beyond the need for the Jiangs' charity, or anyone's charity, as his status as family was so fraught and inconsistent. Being the best made all of that a moot point as much as it could be. And it also made him able to take care of said family, fulfilling all manner of "repay debt" vibes and "I'm obsessed with justice and protection" vibes.
On the other hand, they were definitely part of what made things so difficult with Jiang Cheng. Wei Ying’s reputation outclassing Jiang Cheng’s as a prodigy, a swordsman, a hero, even as he balanced it out by getting a simultaneous reputation for goofing off and being irresponsible. He did his best to make them complementary even though they were never really allowed to be.
But Jiang Cheng said it himself when he visited Wei Ying at the Burial Mounds--as soon as he started walking a different path, all of his merits and his skills and his reputation were turned upside down and used to make him a more effective villain.
So suddenly he didn’t even have any good social standing. He was mistrusted and then hated and reviled. On a number of levels, he could handle that, because it was more important to him that everyone who wasn’t him was okay. But it put him at complete odds with the great Hanguang-Jun, which was definitely something he made a point of noting more than once so we know it really, really mattered to him.
And that knowledge crept further and further in, between the war ending, things going back to some semblance of normal when he...couldn’t, and eventually him ending up in the Burial Mounds.
It was inevitable. He was the weaker one between himself and Lan Zhan, in every possible way. He knew of only one way that could go down.
It's a fear that got tangled up along with the rest of his paranoias, insecurities, traumas, resolutions, and twisted certainties pre-timeskip. On top of that, he lost a central piece of his identity and had no idea how to replace it.
If he isn't himself, who else can he be? Who else might he turn into? Someone who needs to be taken care of? Someone who might have his agency circumvented by a stronger person who thinks he knows better?
He sure did that to Jiang Cheng, and he never really had to own up to that piece of it. He never really regretted it either but he also sure didn't want to be on the other end of it.
Aside from that, Wei Ying just didn't know how to not be the strongest person. Being equal is the closest he’d ever come. He's never been allowed to be weak and taken care of unless he's play-acting and isn't that fucking heartbreaking? Fuck.
So who is he without that?
He still fought with the strengths he had and pretended to have the rest of them. And in one last great act of being the protector and caretaker, ran off to the Burial Mounds.
We do get to see Wei Ying and Lan Zhan working in tandem to bring back Wen Ning, and even though Wei Ying stumbles at the end (for the first time ever, I think, into Lan Zhan’s arms?), he does it successfully. They’re still able to work together, in spite of everything that’s happened, especially when Wei Ying is leaning into his actual talents. Even if Wei Ying’s weakness is still looming over his shoulder, as we see later.
Being with the Wens, living a simple life, leaning into his strengths, being part of a community and family, taking time to work on his scholarly/inventor hobbies, all this served to calm a lot of those fears and also conveniently take Wei Ying out of the scenarios and away from the relationships that caused them. It offered him tentative new pieces of identity to grab.
But then, of course, he lost that, too.
Post-timeskip, Wei Ying is thrust right back into a world where he has to finally face those issues. Whether you take it as he still has no core, or he has Mo Xuanyu’s really weak core, he’s not doing so great where that’s concerned.
He still has strengths. We’re not actually shown any indications that this man is weak at any point, not truly. He has a better grasp on the situation at Mo Manor than all of those precious Lan babies put together.
But we are shown that he uses a bunch of hands-on crafty tricks, talismans and spells and such. And, interestingly, in counterpoint we’re shown Lan Zhan descending from the heavens with his qin. Wei Ying doesn’t use a dizi here yet (let alone sword), and Lan Zhan doesn’t use Bichen. I do think that’s lovely.
However, Lan Zhan is still incredibly strong, in more ways than just physically: his reputation is strong, his presence is strong, his confidence is high, his mastery of the qin is unparalleled, he’s had sixteen more years to grow up and develop his golden core.
From the framing, and Wei Ying’s reactions, and the Lan juniors’ reactions, it’s pretty clear that’s the impression Wei Ying has. There’s an imbalance between them (along with alllll the other reasons he might have to want to stay away from/keep Lan Zhan out of things). He doesn’t see them as complementary, just as not-the-same.
He meets Jiang Cheng next and, hey, Jiang Cheng is actually really strong now, too (also he always was but meh). Again, Wei Ying uses his tricks to outwit and outmaneuver the situation at hand. Again, he’s struck by the impressive image of someone entering the scene like a badass.
And what a deliciously awful carousel of conflicting feelings. Pride? Despair? Longing? Love? Annoyance? Delight? Relief? Pain? Fear?
But as far as strength goes, clearly Jiang Cheng has it in buckets, now. Which means even if they still had a relationship, Jiang Cheng surely wouldn't even be the Jiang Cheng in it anymore. What a horrible realisation.
It can’t be helped much by the fact that Wei Ying almost lets himself get run through and Lan Zhan enters the scene to fucking save him. Even if it’s from the kid we know he just bested.
And that’s the back and forth we see at first. Wei Ying proving his strength and his character but the framing and his reactions proving that he’s still caught in the idea that Lan Zhan is stronger and better than him.
Lan Zhan is beloved. Lan Zhan is strong. Lan Zhan would never accidentally murder people he loved more than life itself. (OKay I won’t get into that but tell me he didn’t think that at any point I dare you)
He accepts it and plays it off as not a big deal, but it clearly is. In his rare serious moments, we see that.
So post-timeskip, Wei Ying has to figure out who he is and then how he can be said person. A significant part of the character and relationship development post-timeskip is about that.
He once again finds himself exploring uncharted territory of building relationship dynamics he’s never experienced with Lan Zhan. It started because he realised they were equals. It can’t develop further until he acknowledges that they still are.
He figures out how to be weak with Lan Zhan first, that it's safe and allowed and okay. There’s nothing wrong with being taken care of. It doesn’t have to define him and it doesn’t have to be about agency or about all the twisty psychological junk that was all wrapped up in his familial relationships at all.
Then he figures out that he still has the capacity to take care of someone like Lan Zhan back, that he’s still able to be needed, and not just someone to follow around and protect.
Wei Ying has strengths, strengths that were always there and always part of him as well as new ways he's grown and changed. He’s an inventor, he’s a genius, he’s a prodigy, he has his talismans and his music and his people skills and his teaching ability and his empathy and his heart.
All this definitely comes to a head on the steps of Jinlintai, by which point it feels like one of the only remaining imbalances that Wei Ying feels so keenly is their status, which of course Lan Zhan snuffs out utterly romantically.
It’s even more poignant that that moment comes right after Wei Ying gets Suibian back. And he's not nearly as good with it--Lan Zhan has to protect him multiple times in that fight and then of course he gets stabbed. But the point is still made, that he was still able to fight, and even his failures with the sword just drive home that this isn't who he is now. And that's okay.
By the time they're at the Burial Mounds again, Wei Ying has accepted the way they work as a team and that they can be complementary. And they fight flawlessly.
I love that growth for him.
He absolutely ends up being the Jiang Cheng, in a number of ways. He runs after Lan Zhan when he’s drunk to keep him out of trouble. He ends up left behind to take care of defenseless people while Lan Zhan runs off and has an epic sword fight in an evil fog bank.
He has to be taken from Lotus Pier, unconscious, in a boat, and is held so preciously in Lan Zhan’s arms.
But. Turns out it’s not so bad when the person you’re being Jiang Cheng for isn’t Wei Ying.
I swear this is not throwing shade at Wei Ying.
But he figures out, slowly, how to actually have a relationship built on even ground, as equals, in spite of being unequal in all the ways he used to think mattered. And he only manages it with someone once he’s on the weaker side of it.
I just think that’s super interesting.
And I think it sets a precedent for Wei Ying to understand the flaws in his old dynamic with Jiang Cheng. Especially once there aren’t secrets between them.
Everything has to change, anyway. Everything has already changed, almost two decades ago, and it isn’t going back. It can’t ever go back. Everything they were to each other was bound up in Jiang Yanli’s presence, in promises long broken, in dreams long dead, in a future that has already proved to not be real. In the old Lotus Pier, a lot of it, since they never really moved on from that, either, even back then.
Jiang Cheng has grown up. He’s raised a kid. He’s raised and trained disciples. He’s been a sect leader for over a decade and a half. He’s been to other people what he never could be to Wei Ying.
He’s also proven that he still wants his brother to fix things, still expects him to be able to. Still wants to fight, still knows how to cry. Still acknowledges fragmented pieces of their lost dynamic. Probably more of the healthy ones than Wei Ying ever has, too.
Jiang Cheng still, even in the wake of learning about the golden core, even after everything he’s built and has become, acknowledges Wei Ying as a strong person. As someone as strong as he is, if not stronger in many ways. As having the capacity of an older brother.
But then, Jiang Cheng was always able to conceptualise a world where he and Wei Ying were equals, complementary if not evenly matched, just as much as Lan Zhan was.
It wasn’t a fantasy that Wei Ying indulged him in. It was a reality that Wei Ying himself didn’t know how to accept and kept at a distance, carefully juggling too many separate parts of a whole he couldn’t allow to come together until they all crashed down.
But he’s been on the other side of it now and maybe it’s enough. Maybe he can take what he’s learned in building/rebuilding his relationship with Lan Zhan and apply it to other people. Especially Jiang Cheng.
And maybe Jiang Cheng has been a sect leader and an uncle long enough to not let Wei Ying get away with shit.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
I am curious: what are your favorite scenes from your main ships (date, dair, derena...)?
scenes involving milo don't count, sorry!
for me, it's really not just scenes, but body language & just in general, how they are with each other, you know? dan and serena grin at each other and hug SO much, you can tell that being around each other in s1 made them both so happy, and even after that glow fades the way they look for comfort in each other... top level stuff. the way blair looks at dan... we never see her as radiant at any other point. she was not looking at anyone else like this. and gosh, dan and nate. they're both so comfortable around each other that there's absolutely nothing weird about like. discussing that one ex girlfriend whom they both share AND both were in love with. there is literally no other duo who trusts/enjoys each other's company so much that they're comfortable in a love triangle. (probably because they're more in love with each other than with the girl, but that is not the point. or is it?)
anyway, more specific answers. under the cut. this is one of the longest answers i've ever written on this blog possibly but you KNEW that would happen when you sent this ask, didn't you? (affectionate)
derena: i tagged one of my ds reblogs as 'the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one' and like. look at them! this hug from 1x10 kills me in the best way. they are both the literal embodiment of :D when they see each other! i love 1x10 as a whole moment, their entire thing at cotillion is so sweet and they're both so happy. the fact that he is talking about his chemistry teacher during this kiss in 1x07. that bit at the end of 1x05 when they talk about their siblings (being there for their sibling because of fallible parents being a derena parallel makes me simultaneously really sad and really soft, tbh). 1x05 gives me SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT but the way they walk off together arms around each other does something to me - these are two people who are still getting to know each other but who really like what they see, and who trust each other and. are just having a good time together! back when derena was my OTP, the 1x11 "your story's about me?" was absolutely a fave, too, and i still adore it, albeit in a different, more nostalgic way. i like a dan who writes cute stories about serena. no empty shell sabrina van skoneker bullshit. she is so much like you, daniel! you'd be shattered if she did this to you. don't do this to her. tbh, most derena moments from s1 are just A+ romance. the bit in 2x02 in the jitney is so funny, they're SO bad at being exes. the bit in... 3x03 i think?? i don't remember... on the contrary. when they're talking about dan's fling w/ georgina and serena's relationship with carter, the ease with which they talk and how happy/supportive they are of each other's new relationships... yeah. love to see it.
i also really like any instance of them having honest/open conversations. 1x13, talking about how serena is concerned about blair. 1x08, serena talking to dan about feeling jealous of vanessa. this bit from the touch of eva or whatever that episode is. 4x04 i think. this is the conversation everyone is trying to get dan to have and he's avoiding EVERYONE else. derena interactions in 3x21 (can't find a gif right now) - the fact that dan is with serena when her dad abandons them, the fact that he goes all the way there with her. 2x07, "i'm really glad you're nate's friend. he really needs someone like you right now" (though i'm cheating, that's technically a d/n moment too klhdflkgf). there's a bit in s4 where he's advising her against having an affair w/ colin, i don't remember the ep number, but the way he takes her side so easily and naturally and puts due blame/responsibility solely on her professor... yeah. 4x10 i think this ep is?? idk. but like my tags say, im sentimental about this moment because while what dan was doing was irresponsible, sneaking her out of the ostroff, he was the only person in this episode who was actually talking to her and listening to her and taking her seriously. nobody else was doing that!!
i probably have more moments i'm not remembering, but we're only 1/3 into this answer and LOOK AT THE WORDS, good lord, i'm sorry.
dair: my favourite dair episode is hands down despicable b (5x21) which i have heard is an uncommon answer. i just love the conflict resolution of it all, okay!!! 1x04 & 2x08 are like. standard answers any dair shipper will give, and i'm no different. i love dan being able to give blair advice and blair actually taking his advice even though they're not friends yet!!! be right back, yelling at the intimacy of it all!! 5x16, with their getting together (this little kiss and dan being so startled by it), blair admitting a flaw she genuinely does have and dan saying it's not awful because it's her, which is just. romance at its finest. those vows, good lord. 5x18.... they're having fun! blair showing up at the loft in lingerie for dan... the delight on her face.... (i know this moment blows up in their face but when she's there she looks so happy and proud of herself and this was like THE moment when i was like. oh. dair is really the heart of this garbage show huh).
i think for me, the thing that really sells dan & blair together is the serena of it all. both of them love serena more fiercely than anyone else, and that is what brings them together. (fwiw i definitely think nate loved serena this much and this deeply, too; the writers just wanted to pop the serenate balloon, which even i think was extremely unnecessary and ooc.) but (& i have so much meta about this) their relationship grows beyond serena. their entire s4 arc is SO good. i love how comfortable around each other they are, in such an adult way, in the sense of like. they both bring so much stability to each other? morgan tagged this edit "the marrieds" and like. yeah. b offers to help him shave. they're having breakfast & reading the paper together.
all the love declarations we got that weren't a simple 'i love you.' be your charming wonderful self (how could she not love you/ tell me what would make you happy, dan) i told chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore (you spent your life earning the keys to set you free when you were free all along!!!!) dan's pep talk to blair in 5x21 (already linked a gifset earlier, here's another one if you want i guess). there's definitely more... but honestly, the way the dair arc was executed was so good - while i do have my complaints, i also think keeping those aside, it was SO close to perfect. i love dan & blair's banter and gradually becoming closer and closer and closer. it felt very organic and real and GOSH. the way penn & leighton looked at each other while playing dan and blair...... it's just SO MUCH.
date: this is the hardest, because it's. *screams*. maybe you saw me losing my mind over those 2 seconds of nate handing dan a waffle? i love almost every scene with these two, even the hellish s6 breakup scene. my favourite episode for d/n (& also favourite gg episode in general) is 2x06 - i love the homoerotic subtext of it all. nate pretending to be dan because dan's name is the first name that came to his head. dan flirting w/ nate while tied to that thing, in his underwear. them becoming friends. and 2x07 as a follow-up to that! dan getting nate to live in the loft with the humphreys for a while. i am so soft.
4x09 is a terrible episode in general, especially for serena my beloved, but the d/n moments in that one? off the CHARTS. this weird overly macho flirting, in some ways THE most iconic d/n line. this entire finish each other's sentences nonsense. someone (i think it was ana but im not sure?) compared the energy of those scenes i just linked to the book blairenate love triangle resolution, blairena choosing each other over nate in the books, date choosing each other over serena in the show (if only! RIP.) after the saints & sinners ball, this cute little moment of 'youre the only one who understands me. please tell me they went home together. i mean. how could they not have.
3x07, them watching vampire porn together. a tag i used on ao3 (& also on here, once) is 'nate brings out the himbo in dan'. here is a prime example. 'is she levitating?' i don't fucking know, dan, what do you think?? (i was telling my partner that that's what i love abt dair vs date. around blair dan is an intellectual, a librarian, an art historian, a museum curator. around nate it's like dan is competing to be #1 himbo on the show. can my girlfriend actually fly? i don't know, dan. i can't believe you're seriously asking such a question.)
3x12 pep talk. (sorry about the shitty quality!) essentially nate telling dan that he (dan) is hot and that he shouldn't talk himself down so much.
dan making nate gay in his book. you know. his book from which blair found out he was in love with her. nads (who i will not tag in this billion word long gushy meta, because i value her sanity) once called inside "wish fulfilment' and. i mean. yeah
nate checking dan out at the derena wedding continues to be hilarious. hilarious in the same way as dan sexually fantasising about nate. canon really went 'let's give ivy some special easter eggs' and i appreciate them a lot!
i love the way they are around each other - so quietly attuned to each other. i showed my sister my date!husbands gifset, and she was like. yeah they're so married. and it's just stuff like how dan looks for nate over his shoulder, it's not even an active action, it's as easy and natural and intuitive as breathing, checking to see if nate is still there.
oh, that wasn't as hard as it could've been! okay. cool. im SURE there's more things i could scream about, because it's DN, the fact that they're non-canon makes me THAT much fiercer about them than dair/derena, to be honest. so many dots to connect!! anyway.
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ledamemangociana · 4 years
RANKING HAISUTE (or the ones i’ve seen so far)
not that anyone has asked me, but i’ve literally been so hyperfixated on these shows for MONTHS and although i’ve gotten my bestie into them now, it’s not like i can bombard them with all these deep-ish dives into these things and how much and why i love them, so i thought HEY why not just put it out into the ether coz DAMN i really wanna talk about them.
under the cut for length (HELLA LENGTH) and spoilers.
let me preface this first by saying i havent seen ALL the shows yet. i havent ever watched the first run of Itadaki No Keshiki, and i havent seen any of the new Karasuno cast shows yet, as by the time i had gotten hooked on these shows, the time to watch Strongest Challengers and Battle At The Garbage Dump on DMM.com had passed, and with my limited budget (i havent been able to work properly since literally mid-July last year), it’ll be a while before i can afford their twin pack DVD when it comes out next month. ALTHOUGH i am hoping to be able to download Fly High on DMM.com before the availability runs out in the middle of March, if i’ll actually have enough money for that.
additionally, i rank these from my least favorite to most favorite, but that does not mean that i hate or dislike any of them. in fact, i have little to zero negative things to say about any of these shows. i just happen to love some more than the others, and i think you’ll be able to tell by how long i go on about each show. i’ll TRY to keep things concise but im telling you now, i’ve already tried this once until an accidental button press erased everything i had written, and this will not be short. at all.
i’ll start first with the things i love about Haisute in general:
quite obviously, the projections. before i finally saw Haisute this year, i had only ever seen BNHA, KNY and Kuroshitsuji musicals, and while they have awesome set pieces, i had never seen video projections utilized the way Haisute does, and i think it’s so wonderful and creative, and so technically sound on everyone’s part. like, it has to be so precise with cast performance and blocking and sound and lights...like. dudes. shout-out to the tech staff of Haisute, y’all are amazing.
the acting performances in general. i dont think there’s a bad actor at all in any of these. some stiff-ish performances (Noah Ishikura as Lev, but mostly in SoE, which was his first time acting ever, so understandable), maybe, but even those actors do great when they’re having a pivotal moment, scene or dialogue. it’s hard to pick faves but somehow i do have them, lol - Kenta Suga as Hinata (obviously), Kentaro as Daichi, Hiroki Ino as Suga, Kousuke Asuma as Oikawa, literally ALL THREE BOKUTOS, literally BOTH AKAASHIS, Ami Saito as Yachi, Tatsunari Kimura as Kageyama, and my top two faves, Shori Kondo and Takato Nagata as KuroKen. for obvious reasons (see: my numerous gifsets that i still have so much to add to alkdjf).
the music is WONDERFUL. the varieties across shows, teams and characters while still maintaining the main themes are just so good. it’s easier for them to be highlighted to since there isnt any singing, and so many moments are told through the music rather than the music accompanying the moment imo.
the choreography is gold af. im sad we lose HIDALI after Tokyo Battle, but im sure the rest of the shows still keep that amazing spark. but i juST. HIDALI’s choreography is iconic. i’ll talk abt it a bit more in some of the entries in the list.
OKAY, now on to the rankings.
7. View from the Top (2nd Run) so again, I DONT HATE ANY OF THESE SHOWS. the reason this is at the bottom of my list is mostly because of what it doesnt have through no fault of its own, rather than anything that it does. i personally love watching character growth and evolution, so for the most part, the first story in anything that has multiple follow-ups tend to be my least favorite part, and i come to enjoy them more as a “look how far we’ve come” thing. that being said, i do think this was such an awesome show to kick-off what has become an iconic 2.5D franchise. so much of it feels like the transition from potential to kinetic energy. a little show that could, and then did. i do think i enjoy this more with a nostalgic sort of fondness than i do with a “look how cool this thing is!” feeling, but again, that’s coz i enjoy watching things changing rather than at the start. what definitely stands out to me here is that i came to it this as only my fourth 2.5D franchise, and the ones i’d watched before this were so different in staging and execution, and that really had me hooked. also, this franchise honestly is one of the best casting in any show i’ve ever seen in my life, like wtf, i havent seen a badly cast actor at all, even for the side characters i dont really pay that much attention to otherwise. you cant help but be sucked into the bright light that is Kenta Suga, and Kousuke Asuma has to be the most Oikawa Oikawa to ever Oikawa anything Oikawa. Tatsunari, Ryotaro and Justin absolutely jumped right out of the manga and anime and onto the stage as Kags, Tsukki and Asahi. and GAWD do i love me some Kentaro and Hiroki as DaiSuga. i went in a big fan and simp of Hiroki Ino and Sugawara, so for the first couple of watches, i was heavily focused on Ino!Suga, but by the third rewatch, Ken-chan came around a corner and smacked me in the face with a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. when that man smiles, i just get murdered.
6. Start of the Giant i honestly had a hard time picking between this and InK for the bottom spot, not because i hate this (AGAIN, I DONT HATE ANY OF THESE SHOWS), but because of how this show feels to me. ultimately, i picked this one to win over InK because of how much character progression is shown between these two shows. stating the obvious, KAZUMA KAWAHARA. HOO BOY. and big, BIG shout-outs to Kouhei Shiota for portraying Tanaka’s emotional roller-coaster so excellently to stride alongside Ennoshita’s big journey and Kazuma’s powerhouse performance. i also wanna spotlight how much more comfortable Tatsuya Kageyama was in his second go-around as Kags, and how well Keita Tanaka and Naoki Tanaka came in as new(old)!Daichi and new!Suga. it took me a while to get to this show because i was so sad to lose Ken-chan and Hiroki after SoE, and i thought i just would not be able to love DaiSuga the same way. turns out that that’s a good thing, because they do play similar but different DaiSugas to Kentaro and Hiroki. it possibly also helped to know that KT wasn’t entirely new, and to have known of Naoki from BNHA (with Hiroki!), although i hadnt known it was him until i started the show up at last, lol. Kentaro got to play a captain who was warm and very much one of the boys, someone who was growing into the role of a captain of a team that had a very real chance of going farther than it had in a while, while KT got to play a Daichi who, fittingly, was more established as a pillar of the group (and im sure the storytelling of this show helped with that), more of that Dadchi that we know and love. Hiroki got to play a gentle but mischeivous Suga who was all about watching over and taking care of the team, watching and waiting for his turn while understanding that Kags was their best chance, while Naoki got to play a more active, more athletic Suga who was becoming more active the closer the team got to Nationals. their performances stood out not just coz they were new, but because of the theme of this story in particular, about captains and leading, so i thought it was quite a nice way to welcome them into the fold. i also of course enjoyed Johzenji and Wakunan, maybe Johzenji more than Wakunan. i saw someone say they’re a bit like Fukurodani and Nekoma lite, and i can totally see and agree with that. this show also feels a bit like Revival lite, in that it’s got a fun first half and then a more action-packed second match with an emotional gutpunch at the end. but ultimately, this is lower on my list because, through no major fault of its own, it felt like a filler show, considering what was coming after this. it felt a bit like “lets’ get on with this story so we can get on to the last hurrah that everyone is looking forward to.” of all the side teams to have been portrayed in the Engeki story, i feel like i remember johzenji and wakunan less. again, that’s not really anyone’s fault, it’s just where this show was positioned in the timeline and what it was ultimately representing. as a parting thought tho, i just wanna shout-out the new lighting scheme they did for this show, especially coming from SoE where there was a lot of darkness or back-lighting. this show is brighter lit in general than most of the shows that came before it, and idky exactly but i do appreciate that a lot.
5. Winners And Losers objectively, this is probably one of the top 3 shows in all of Haisute’s history. but it’s lower on my list because it is the most taxing to watch and rewatch, not because it’s too slow or anything like that, but because it really just is such a tiring story, and i think that’s deliberate on the part of the writers and directors. this was Karasuno’s first major loss, and it was against an opponent they thought they knew, so of course the lead-up had to be a big deal. it’s also a story that revolves quite a bit around kageyama reaching a turning point and learning a few lessons that would ultimately change him, so the story had to also execute that change happening not just in Kageyama but around him. add to that the fact that this was Tatsunari’s goodbye performance (as well as Shohei’s as Noya, but then he doesn’t really get a big emotional moment here) and it’s just heavy on the emotions all around. the comedic distraction of ShoriTaka as Tetsuko and Kenko was honestly quite welcome, lmao. quick little shout-out to Kousuke Asuma and Allen Kohatsu as IwaOi, since they got to really show off the different sides to both those characters in this, and they just are stellar in general. that bit at the end of one of their flashbacks where Iwa-chan tells Oikawa that he’s not the only one fighting, there’s six people in that team, and Oikawa breaks into laughter as Kousuke strips off the flashback jacket, and Iwa’s like “uuuhhh did i hit you too hard, or?” UGH, i love that bit, that almost creepy laugh from Kousuke and the way he comes out of it to say “suddenly im not so upset” is just SO good. im also so happy to see Hiroki get his due as Suga when he finally gets to step up to the plate - or net, as it were - and basically pinch-hit for Kags. he plays senpai!Suga so sweetly, like you really can’t help but love him coz he’s so caring. i also did not expect to be hit right in the feels with the switch back from him to Kageyama, but that bit where he says “it’s frustrating, but hinata’s expression when he’s hitting my sets is different from when it’s yours” really got me. and then when he had to leave the court, asahi and daichi send a fist bump his way, and he gives just this tiny fist bump wave that’s both tired and disappointed and sad, and it’s juST! it hurts me everytime. and before this gets long, im gonna just spotlight the last 10-15 minutes of the show, right after Karasuno loses. Kenta absolutely nails Hinata’s expression in the manga, that wide-eyed disbelief and shock. and then when Daichi tells him not to apologize because he didn’t miss, when Daichi just walks over and hugs him, good gawd. (sidebar, but i’m so glad i got to see that bit with both Ken-chan here and KT in Strongest Team.) and the way Hinata couldn’t move after thanking the audience, not even after Ukai called him back, so Daichi had to actually go get him? my heart was in PIECES. and then the fuggin dinner scene. LORD ABOVE. like, if you dont love Kenta Suga as Hinata, this is the scene that should convince you you’re wrong.
4. The Strongest Team this is right smack dab in the middle of the list because it’s probably the best staged show of all the seven that i’ve seen, but it also hurts me so much for all the obvious reasons. this is the one i’ve rewatched the least, and everytime i rewatch it, i cry as if it’s the first time im watching it. the whole show absolutely feels like a tribute to the Karasuno cast and all the growth they’ve had and contributed to Haisute over their three years with the show, and the entire thing feels so fond, if that makes any sense. everyone on the team gets a big emotional moment, and it’s so sweet to see them each paid tribute. aside from them, i gotta AGAIN shout-out kousuke as oikawa. i like aoba josai enough, i like oikawa enough as a character, but that moment when kousuke absolutely broke down in the locker room after losing to karasuno broke my heart, even more so knowing that he absolutely felt all that gratitude because he wasnt sure he’d be able to come back to the show coz of his hip injury. i think one little moment that doesnt get as talked about as it should is just after he and Iwaizumi have that short convo of always being each other’s partners even after they’ve moved on to different schools. they do their fist bump, and then Iwa walks away, but Kousuke/Oikawa is still absolutely in tears, and as Iwa walks off, he just kind of reaches out and lets out a pained “Iwa-chan!” that’s just barely audible, and that jUST. GETS ME EVERYTIME. hell, im feeling a little heartstring pull right now just thinking about it. i also wanna shout-out Shiratorizawa because Engeki made me actually care about them. like, okay - i dont hate Shiratorizawa, at all. but watching the anime, despite having an entire season be around them, i just never really latched onto them. i like Ushiwaka enough, and i just...dont like Tendou (sue me). but Engeki Haikyuu has a habit of spotlighting other teams and characters enough to make you actually think about them and care about them, and Shiratorizawa was the biggest example of that for me. their theme is awesome, it’s this big, deep, heavy thing that feels as big and broad as the players look. and i could feel their almost militaristic teamwork when the coach is on them, and it’s so good. speaking of Coach Washijo, shout-out to that flashback scene to his younger days. Kenta looked absolutely risible in the wig and giant eyebrows, but i think it was an important touch to have the person playing Hinata be the person playing younger Washijo, because their inner conflicts are basically the same, and Washijo comes to appreciate Hinata’s efforts because of it, so i thought that was a nice touch. (still dont like Tendou tho, sue me.) i gotta end this entry coz it’s getting long, so im just gonna quickly list my favorite scenes/moments:
Yamaguchi’s pinch serve, and bringing out the spear. Kairi Miura wields that spear like he’s been doing it all his life.
Tsukki’s big “GODDAMMIT I THINK I LOVE VOLLEYBALL NOW” moment. the expression on ryotaro’s face right at the end of that scene, where he’s basically saying “it’s just a club, AND YET!” uuuggggghhhh, please i love it. also, shout-out to when Hinata pointed at him and just said “...nice.” like...that always feels like only half Hinata and Tsukki, and more half-Kenta and his best friend Ryotaro, just like the “Tsukki! that one was worth a 100 points!” line that absolutely gets Ryotaro so that on the live cam he had to turn his head away before he meant to for the next bit.
that moment in the last-ish set of the match where everyone is just DESPERATE to win, so it becomes this frantic rally and volley where everyone just starts to grunt and yell louder and louder, and people are running back and forth and jumping and diving, and it’s just this cacophony of sound and blur of movement that just seems to stretch on and on, until finally Shiratorizawa just yells “SHUT UP! WE’RE STRONGER!” and knocks all of Karasuno down. WHEW. that bit is just. WHEW. i almost always forget to breathe at that point. and then the waterworks get turned on as Ukai tearfully tells them to get back up, because volleyball is a sport where you HAVE to look up. LORDDDDD.
the bit towards the end of the match, after tsukki returns from his injury, where they absolutely acted out Ushiwaka pushing Hinata and Tsukki to the floor and holding their heads down. when i first watched it, i gasped because that is straight out of the anime and manga, and then when the rest of Karasuno came in to pull Ushi off, i just turned into a giant sobbing mess.
the graduation curtain call, obviously, but in particular, the bit that will ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, destroy me is when Kenta says “this show was so tiring and tough sometimes, but when i look back, all i can remember are the good times, the best times.” GODDAMMIT IM TEARING UP BADLY RN JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT BIT.
3. Summer Of Evolution this is where the lines between the rankings get a little bit blurred, because i love these top three equally for the most part, but i had to choose a number two (i absolutely know what my number one is), and when i really think about it, SoE just gets edged out by my number two, but barely. i think what i love the most about this show is that this, more than any of the other shows, really portrays these characters as high school kids. and that’s not just because part of the story is set in the school and it’s actually showing the school sometimes, but coz they’re going through and portraying teenage experiences and emotions. most of the other shows portray the team in matches, so we’re seeing them more as volleyball players than teenagers or students, but we get to finally see that here, and it’s really refreshing. other than that, im gonna try to just list some of my highlights and favorites again coz i dont wanna keep going too long:
im so glad to finally have girls on the show, and not just in a “YAY FEMINISM! GIRL POWER! WHOO!” kind of way. kiyoko has always felt like an inextricable part of the team for me, so it was bittersweet to have such a great Karasuno cast but without a Kiyoko, so i was REALLY happy to finally get her here! and for a first time actor ever, Shizune was so awesome! she absolutely has that gentle strength that Kiyoko has, and the way she’s been written in absolutely does feel like she’s always been there. i do wish she got more to do with the third year boys, but all in all, it’s SO good to have an actual Kiyoko who absolutely looks like she came out of the manga.
im also just so DAMN happy about Yachi and her portrayal here. i think ami saito is so dang perfect, and yachi is such a fun addition that fits right in with the chaotic fun of Karasuno. one thing that i REALLY love, though, is how she gets to just act. before Haisute, my only experience of female characters and actors on a 2.5D stage is with Uraraka (and two or three other female students) in BNHA and Elizabeth in Kuroshitsuji, and those characters are your typical cutesy girls, and their movements and body language are so typically girly, you know what i mean, those softer arms and smaller movements, looser fingers, these little “Kyaa~” things, those things. but Kiyoko, Yachi and Saeko arent like that, so that’s not how they’re portrayed here. Ami as Yachi is just as loud and expressive and active as the Karasuno boys, bar actually playing in a match. also, her chemistry with Kenta is SO GOOD. i dont really ship YachiHina, i think they’re cute friends, but BOY DID THESE TWO MAKE ME RETHINK THAT. ami’s Yachi with Kenta’s Hinata made me think “YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THESE TWO GO ON A CHAPERONED DATE.” they’re adorable. a particular fave of mine is when hinata climbs a tree to help a baby bird back into its nest and he asks Yachi if she wants to climb up too, and also after Yachi finishes making the Hinata poster, she jumps onto the back of Hinata’s bike and they ride off-stage together. PLEASE IT’S SO CUTE.
OH HI FUKURODANI. they are such good chaos boys, i love them. i dont have much to say about them here just yet, but WOW im so glad to have them onstage at last.  
NEKOMA IS BACK THANK GAWD I LOVE NEKOMA. of all the teams portrayed, i think nekoma is the one that feels the most connected together (AHA!). like, even when they have a new character and/or cast member, the new ones never really stand out as new, they feel like they’ve always been there. this play really showcases the teams at their most casual so we dont get to see as much of their excellent teamwork and connection as we do in past and future shows, but you really get a sense of their family dynamic and just GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, and honestly dont get me started on ShoriTaka, i will literally never stop
shout-out to Tatsuya Kageyama, he had big shoes to fill not just in terms of character but also as an actor, since this is his first show ever. much like with KT and Naoki as DaiSuga, it does feel like he plays a similar enough Kageyama without just mimicing Tacchu. this is also the right Kags arc to introduce a new Kageyama actor with as well, since there’s a big change after that loss to Aoba Josai and Oikawa, so i think the writing of the show also absolutely helped Kage-chan ease into his role, and helped the audience ease into this new Kageyama. overall, i think he did an awesome job, and we’re really fortunate to have had two awesome Kageyamas before gen 1/1.5 changed to gen 2.
i also just noticed/realized that the backstage video for SoE starts with the introduction of Kage-chan and Fucchi as new cast members, and ends with the farewell to Ken-chan and Hiroki as graduating members, and i know that’s just natural coz the first time the Karasuno cast met the two new members was at the photoshoot for visuals, but also what a nice little circle of life there.
COMING INTO THE HOMESTRETCH NOW, if you’ve made it this far, thank you SO MUCH, im sorry, i really just have a tendency to ramble, and like i said, i dont really have anyone or an opportunity to talk this deep about these shows to, so thanks so much for your time.
2. Karasuno, Revival! WHEW okay, so idk if this is Unpopular Opinion or controversial coz objectively it is the best show so far, and i’ve put it only at number 2. BUT LISTEN: before i saw Tokyo Battle, this was absolutely my number 1 favorite. the Dateko match is so good and so fun to watch, and honestly, that rap battle gives me so much life im almost immortal now. i LOVE that they also got to show ikejiri (THANK YOU KENTA SUGA) and ken-chan as daichi got his moments because of it, and it gave us “katou tou shinakya, katenai!” as an iconic quote and theme for the show, we got a fantastic moment for Asahi that was paid off from the previous show, also honestly “otchita kyougo, tobenai garasu” is just gonna be stuck in your head forever for a while. we also got Kousuke and Allen’s excellent IwaOi back, bringing with them their “Iwa-chan, are you my mom” dynamic (and gawd the cackle i let out when Iwa yeets a volleyball at Oikawa, or that turn and yell that makes Oikawa yelp as he exits off stage lkasdjf), which is always a plus. but! BUT!! best thING FOR ME???? NEKOMA, BABY!! like im sorry, im biased, but i fuggin LOVE nekoma, kuroo is my favorite character in the entire series, and Haisute really gave them a fantastic story and dynamic, because again, there’s so much you can do on stage that you sometimes cant do in anime or manga, so they were really able to highlight Nekoma’s famous teamwork, especially when centered around Kenma. more on that later, but like. it was just such a JOY to watch Karasuno, still kind of scattered puzzle pieces at this point trying to figure out how to best go together to create one big picture, go up against the smooth teamwork of Nekoma, and learn and grow from it. also they honestly have the best team theme music and team dance, fite me. also thank you Haisute for making KuroDai so painfully real lakdsfj
1. Tokyo Battle okay okaY OKAY OKAY OKAY. i think there are some people who actually like this the least coz it’s just too different from the rest of the shows that came before it - no Karasuno, less projections, different music style, aesthetically different stage, etc. B U T. aside from me just being biased because Nekoma are my favorite team, i actually think many of those differences are what makes this show my favorite one. first of all, the music is LIT AF. the themes for each team are so distinct, they really help play up the animal motifs that are played up the most in this show than in any of the others. secondly, THAT CHOREOGRAPHY THO. good gawd. HIDALI said “it’s our last Haisute, let’s go out with a bang” and they really fuggin did. Fukurodani absolutely is TOKYO PARTY TIME, they got to really play up their party birds schtick and i love it. Nohebi i cannot HELP but love because i love snakes, but also, with Nohebi’s cast, you can tell the choreographers were so happy to finally have an actual technical dancer. they had yuu fukuzawa doing the most and then some in playing up the snake theme, and it’s literally so hypnotic to watch his pops, locks and isolations. he’s also just such an AWESOME daisho, and it helps that nohebi are written to be cunning and sneaky. i also love that he and Kuroo seem to actually have a lot of untold history, and i kind of wish we could get a bit more elaboration on that, coz Yuu’s and Shori’s chemistry as frenemy team captains is SO GOOD. and then of course. NEKOMA, BABY!! so okay. kenma absolutely should be the lead of this show, and he is, BUT he’s also, to a certain extent, inextricable from Kuroo and the rest of the team, so that you dont always get that feeling of Kenma being in the spotlight the same way Hinata is (for understandable reasons since Nekoma arent even really the main characters of the story as a whole), and i think that’s important because, again, Nekoma is all about that teamwork and connection. like, Kenma is the lead because he thinks for Nekoma, and Nekoma acts accordingly, instead of how it is usually where the story is showing Hinata’s perspective alone. it also feels like that in terms of the actors. like, technically Takato is zachou, and he is, but also several times in the curtain call speeches, the cast members refer to or mention both Takato and Shori together. even Takato says that when he had spoken to Kenta about how nervous he was about taking up the zachou mantle from him, Kenta had said “if it’s you and shori, you’ll be fine.” they are a unit, and it really comes across in their portrayals of Kuroo and Kenma as well, and even if you love nothing else about this show, you literally cannot help but love that about them. i think the show does a great job revolving the Nekoma team dynamic around that too without making it the ONLY thing that keeps Nekoma together. the star of the show is absolutely the theme of “connection” (more than the other theme of promises), and if you’ve seen the show and you dont cry at the “Tsunage” section as Nekoma wins the match against Nohebi, then are you really watching the show lmao.
OKAY OKAY I’VE REALLY RAMBLED ON, and if you made it all the way here, THANK YOU AND IM SORRY. but also, there’s still a lot of things i wanna talk about that i didnt talk about here coz im mostly a scatterbrain and live half my life radiating BDE - Bokuto Dumbass Energy. so if you’re also ridiculously obsessed with these shows and wanna talk about it, my inbox is open. someone come hyperfixate with me while i make SO MANY MORE GIFSETS OHMYGOD ALL THE GIFSETS geezas crust when i get to Tokyo Battle i will be insufferable.
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goalkepa · 3 years
I forgot the exact reason why I didn’t make birthday edits for mason last year (probably got too busy with the finals + I do not clearly remember footballers’ birthday anymore since I got too many favorite lmao so when I saw chelsea post about his birthday it was too late for me to find footage and make gifs or even graphics. I meant ofc I could go on youtube and just randomly picked some videos but i knew when the outcome wouldn’t be good I would rather not making it. so since that I started to save clips in order to have enough contents when it comes to his bd (and this plan went well as I also did the same thing for kai) and the thing is that saving those clips is the best choice I’ve ever made because of how many incredible things that happened in the past 12 months. from all those moments in the ucl final to his first hattrick, it made me really emotional when watching those clips back and I think this birthday gifset is the best I’ve ever made, not because of how it turned out but the process of making it, even tho I still suck at time management that I made 10+ gifs (including all those that failed) this morning, which means it was possible that i wouldnt make it if I got other emergent things to do. I originally wanna make a fancy edit for him like I did for azpi but until the end I still don’t have enough time and inspiration and skills for that. it is a bit funny because no matter how much content I post on here, he will never see it (unless it got repost on twitter lmao) and same goes to other players that I made contend for, the whole chelsea sqaud in general. but I guess I still enjoy doing it regardless of the exposure, that I know when I look back at what I’ve done these years, all those nights holding my laptop that felt like it was going to burn, it will definitely put a big smile on my face. im a little bit sad because I feel like this is the last time I made birthday edits for mason (and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make for others in the upcoming months) since next year when I graduate I don’t feel like I will have time for it (and this blog in general?) so yeah, at least I made the last one out of my best, that it will remain one of my favorite post on my blog. 💙
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