#and i almost started crying while drawing the background
morebird · 11 months
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reidsexual · 2 months
Forgotten II
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It’s taking everything in you not to focus on the latest news circling Gotham. But everywhere you turn, there it is.
“Just in: Nightwing returns!”
“Nightwing reportedly seen battling against infamous KGBeast!”
“Peacemaker of the Night strikes back!”
So here you were - grabbing some coffee despite the late hour and the chilling breeze that accompanied it. You knew Dick wouldn’t approve, as Bludhaven wasn’t exactly known for its harmless background.
But who cares? He wasn’t here now.
Truth be told, you wanted to see Dick. Scratch that, that was an understatement. You were aching to see him.
But the questionability of the entire situation much outweighed that of your desire to speak to him again. How much of his life does he remember? Does he even want to see you? What would you say to him?
You take a sip of your coffee to calm your thoughts, the glow of the streetlights only enhancing the posters stuck on the walls. All of which were about Nightwing’s latest spectacle with KGBeast in Bludhaven.
You don’t even catch yourself staring until you feel your phone vibrate against your pocket. You peel your attention away from all the candid shots and bold words to look at the caller.
It’s Donna.
You pick up, holding the phone to your ear while simultaneously walking down the road. “Donna?” You speak her name, wondering to yourself why she’s calling out of the blue.
“Have you visited Dick?” She asks, cutting to the chase. You sigh dramatically, seeing your breath hang around in the air from the coolness of the weather.
“No.” Replying simply. It’s probably better to keep your words short and simple.
“No? Or not yet?” Garth butts in, taking you by surprise. You slap a hand on your forehead. Of course Garth is listening in.
“Garth.” Donna warns, and you can practically feel the seriousness of the stare she shoots at him.
“We’re not rushing you. Take as much time as you need to adjust. It can’t possibly be easy, trust me, I know.” Your friend reassures you, warming your heart quite a bit. At times like this, you were grateful to have a friend who understood you so well.
“I know. I know.” It’s been hard for you to focus on how you felt, especially since you didn’t want to give much thought to how devastated you were when Dick lost his memories.
You should be jumping with joy, but you feel so numb. So empty. And what scares you is the fact that you don’t know where it’s coming from.
“You still there?” Donna checks in after a long pause, finding your silence quite unnerving.
“Thank you for checking in, Donna. Garth too.” And with that, you hang up the phone. You toss your unfinished coffee into the nearest trash bin and put your head in your hands. You don’t even like coffee.
You almost curse out loud when you see the words written in spray paint right above the bin. “Bludhaven is safe again! Long live, Nightwing!” It reads, with a drawing of his symbol right next to it.
Your eyes slide to the picture pasted below, barely handing on with a measly piece of tape. Your eyes mist over, a shot of Dick as Nightwing staring back at you.
“Handsome guy.” A familiar voice says, and you can feel your body immediately stiffen up. You can’t turn around. You shouldn’t. But your emotions get the better of you.
Your gaze shifts sideways and there he is. Dick Grayson. Not Ric or Nightwing.
“Dick?” You whisper uncertainly. He puts his hands up sarcastically, though his gaze on you remains intent and soft. “Caught me.”
The back of your eyes prickle and you can feel your throat start to close up. But you can’t cry in front of him - not when this is his first time seeing you after everything.
“How much do you remember?” You don’t know if you can even trust yourself to speak, with how foggy your mind is and how much effort it takes you to even utter a syllable in his presence.
“I remember enough.” He takes a step forward, and you don’t even notice that you take a step back before you see the distraught look on his face.
“You didn’t come to visit me.” His words carry no malice, no hint of accusation. Just plain stating. But your guilt still eats at you either way.
Your face falls, too ashamed to look into his eyes in fear that you might get sucked into them. “I didn’t know how to react.” You say truthfully.
“That’s fair.” Dick nods his head before nodding over to the trash can. “What’s not fair is wasting a perfectly good cup of coffee.”
You know he’s only trying to lighten up the situation, but it only makes you realize that he’s been watching you for longer than he’s been speaking.
“Dick, I just need to get my mind right. Set my thoughts straight.” You start carefully, the near-icy weather making you feel numb and frozen up. Or was it Dick himself?
“I let you slip away from me once. I will not let it happen again.” Before you realize it, you two are a step apart from each other. Your breathings are in sync, and you realize that he’s probably as nervous as you are right now.
“That wasn’t your fault.” You shake your head, your shoes being the only thing you can afford to look at for now.
“Then why are you acting so distant?” He sounds pained, and you know that if you look straight at him - you’ll be as vulnerable as he sounds now.
“A lot of things have happened, Dick. You can’t expect to just regain your memories and have everything work out. It doesn’t work like that.” You know you could be acting quite unfair right now, he’s just trying to make amends. But even ice melts when not taken care of properly.
“Can you look at me?”
You shake your head.
Dick gently tips your chin up, slowly enough to let you know that you can push his touch away. But you don’t.
He’s staring at you now, and you can see the faint rims of red in the corner of his eyes. He’s been crying. You can only hope it’s not noticeable on you either.
“I know you’re hurting. And you don’t deserve that. You deserve to be loved for - and I swear to you, I will make up for all I’ve missed. I can promise you that much.” His voice is so soft, his breath brushing against your lips in a way that threatens bringing back old memories.
It takes a lot of willpower for you to not let his words get to you. So you ask a question you know he’s going to avoid. “And what of Bea?”
He looks like you’ve taken him off guard, his gaze faltering. “I broke up with her.” He discloses, self loathing oozing in his words.
“To protect her from the lifestyle I have. She-she shouldn’t have to-”
“Handle it?” You finish for him, unable to hide your frustration. He doesn’t answer, looking at you like he wants to explain something in a way he doesn’t quite know how.
You grab his wrist and push his hand off your chin. Closing your eyes for a moment, you let yourself speak. Really speak.
“Dick, I love you. I’ve known you since we were kids, do you really think I’m capable of despising you? The affection I have for you will never leave my soul until I’m off this earth.” You ramble, months of holding in your tongue coming to a halt.
“So yes, when you couldn’t remember me or any of us, it hurt! I had to pick myself up, start fresh, throw my emotions on the backseat.” Dick looks like he’s about to say something, but he closes his mouth again to let you speak.
“I’m not blaming you for KGBeast’s actions. And I can’t express how much I want his head on a platter for what he did to you. But did you really think nothing would change between us? It’s unfair.”
You don’t even notice that you’re crying until you feel Dick’s hands on both sides of your face, rubbing your tears away as gently as he can with his thumbs.
The moonlight enhances his features, you think. Giving a soft glow to his facial structure, all the way down to the jawline you would press soft kisses to every morning.
“And you fall in love with this beautiful girl. Who makes you happy, even when you’re not you. You got yourself the life you deserved, and you threw it all away!” You know you’re shouting now, and you pound your fists against his chest.
You know even the strongest of your strikes can’t hurt him, which only frustrates you to no end. And the question rises - why do you want to hurt him?
“Why do you do this to yourself?” You cry out, sobbing in between words. “Why don’t you allow yourself to be happy, dammit, Dick!”
Dick does nothing to stop your punches against his chest, instead circling his arms around your figure and bringing you in closer to him.
You’ve missed this. You missed the feeling of him pulling you in, your bodies fitting together perfectly. But not under these circumstances.
Eventually, your punches slow down, weaken. You break into tears, frenzied arguments turning into broken noises and gasps of air as Dick holds you close. He makes sure you don’t fall to the ground, keeping you standing when you don’t have enough strength to do it for yourself.
Your tears make a wet patch on his shirt and he rests his chin on the top of your head, running his fingers down your hair the way he used to. “I know, baby, I know.” He says soothingly, even if the sight of you like this makes him feel like crumbling to the ground too.
“I’m sorry.” He repeats several times, and you are too. You’re sorry for the future you guys could’ve had together. You’re sorry for the missed time. You’re sorry for letting him go.
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arctrooper69 · 6 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 12:
Previous // Next
Warnings: None
This is already so much harder than Cid made it seem, you thought with a grunt as hills of gravelly rock slipped and slid beneath your feet.
The moon's perpetual dusky atmosphere made it nearly impossible to navigate the rough terrain without a headlamp.
And it's just my luck that this one is almost dead. The lamp flickered briefly but remained lit for the time being. At the rate you'd been replacing power packs on this thing, you weren't sure there'd be enough to last the journey back to the ship. The moon’s naturally emitted electromagnetic frequencies were not something Cid had mentioned.
No surprise there. Wonder what else she failed to mention.
You were glad Hunter wasn't here. This would be the death of him. You couldn't imagine the havoc it would wreak upon his enhanced senses - the pain it would cause him. Yet the sour taste of loneliness still faintly lingered, littering the background of all your thoughts.
A faint rumbling sound echoed across the rocky plain and you paused, listening. The strange, muted grumble became louder like the moon itself was warning you to leave and never come back.
Rocks began to quake as the ground rolled in a violent tremor.
“Well, that’s just wonderful…” you growled sarcastically. “Thanks for that!” you yelled out to no one, voice echoing strangely through the barren atmosphere.
The tremors subsided after a few minutes, though you waited a few more before starting out again.
You paused after a while, double checking the coordinates on your datapad. The screen flickered. It was a small inconvenience, yet one that landed precariously atop of so many others, drawing all the ire of pent up rage and hurt into one soul crushing cry of frustration that you’d been keeping down for so long.
“I hate this kriffing moon!”
You stopped, taking a few deep breaths.
Calm. Calm. You have a job to do.
The datapad screen blinked back on as you smacked the side of it with your hand.
Should be right around…. There.
The dimming light of the headlamp softly illuminated the entrance to a mine just ahead.
Here goes nothing.
You sighed, placing your bag on the ground before pulling out the necessary gear.
Grabbing the cable, you began to lower yourself down the dark, damp mineshaft. Without warning, another tremor rocked the ground again.
Stronger than the last, you noted, hoping that didn’t mean anything.
Another small quake sent a shower of dust and pebbles cascading down onto your face and hair. One arm let go of the cable, instinctively curling upwards to protect your face while the other held on with aching fingers, fighting how it swung wildly and out of control.
As if the vengeful moon had heard your angry cries, another rumble of the ground tore the cable from it’s resting place, pulling a terrified shriek from gasping lungs as you found yourself in a freefall, desperately clawing at the wall for any kind of stop.
Pain shot up through your shoulder as gloved fingers caught the edge of a protruding rock, dragging yourself to a more steady position, jamming your feet into crevasses in the wall.
Karking hells! You closed your eyes and let your head drop forwards to rest on the cool rock face where you clung, taking a moment to calm your screaming nerves.
You exhaled in disbelief, unsure of whether you should cry or laugh.
“Oh gods, this is not my day. This is really not my day.”
Whining to yourself, you looked down and realized you were nearly at the bottom.
Taking another breath, you pulled the cable from your belt and hooked it securely once again to the rock face, quickly gliding down the remainder of the mineshaft.
Damn. Absentmindedly stretching your sore shoulder, you crouched to place the pack onto the ground, hissing quietly as the action sent a shooting pain down your arm. You switched the headlamp off and waited for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. A dim light glimmered from a cavity in the wall on the other side of a small pool of bubbling water. They matched the description Cid provided on the jewels she’d tasked you with retrieving.
“Oh how convenient,” you scoffed, carefully scanning the area lest you be swallowed alive by some carnivorous rock or whatever else thrived in this hellhole of a moon. You chuckled dryly. That would be just my luck.
With trepidation, you stepped carefully over the small pool of water. Grabbing the small extraction tool you’d brought along, you sank down to your knees and began drilling at the glowing stones, counting each one as they popped free.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…
You stood back up, carefully placing the stones inside one of the many pouches that lined your belt, and turned around to head back. A wave of sudden exhaustion pulled a sigh from your lips as it washed over you. This place was definitely not one you’d be coming back to in a hurry.
Pausing before the bubbling pool of water, you took one last look around, but your gaze was drawn right back to the pool in front of you.
Weird. A strange feeling of unease crept into your bones and you shivered. Could’ve sworn it wasn’t that big when I stepped over it before. You shrugged, certain that your mind was only playing tricks on you because when you looked once more, it was the same size as it had been before.
“This place gives me the creeps,” you muttered, looking around suspiciously. You glared at the bubbling pool and took a running leap over it just to be safe.
It was almost as if someone had pulled a rug out from beneath your feet. The edge of the pool caught on the tip of your boot and you came crashing down, a cry of alarm turning into a cry of pain as your shoulder roughly met the ground. You scrambled forward with a gasp, pulling your foot from the water.
“Did you just….” you spoke aloud, voice saturated with an incredulous annoyance, “Did you just trip me!?”
The ground rumbled lowly once again.
“Great! I’m arguing with a kriffing moon,” you muttered, shaking your head.
You sighed, four days of solitude and you were already talking to inanimate objects.
Your boot squelched as you dumped out the water that filled it. I hate wet socks. You wiggled your toes glumly.
Wrecker would find this hilarious, you chuckled to yourself. What would the rest of them think of this place?
You smiled, thinking of how Tech would be cataloging each tremor and tectonic abnormality, looking at everything through that endearing lens of curiosity. Echo would be working on a way to combat the harsh electromagnetic frequencies for himself and Hunter. His steadfast attitude wouldn’t let himself give up until he tried every option. Omega would wander, collecting oddly shaped rocks and staring into the strange bubbling pools. And Hunter…
You sighed, picking yourself back up, best not to think about Hunter. But you couldn’t help it. Loneliness settled into your gut, you missed them.
No. You scolded yourself. You’re a grown adult. You have made it in this galaxy on your own before and you will do so again.
But being on your own was a lot different than being alone.
You took a deep breath, willing that forever-heavy emotion back behind the locked doors of practical reality. It wasn’t worth dwelling on thoughts that only brought you down, and it took skill to lock them all away so efficiently - a skill you knew you’d better relearn fast.
Unwilling to stay and reflect any longer, you shot the cable up and climbed out of the mine.
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Recoms X Child Na'vi Reader (Pt. 1)
~A/N: This is pretty short because I didn't know what I wanted to include in it. I would appreciate you guys telling me what you want included in the next part in the replies!
CW: yandere behavior (platonic), technical kidnapping, background death
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-You were a forest navi that lived with your parents in one of the clans away from the mountains. (Not the omatikaya with the Sullys) You were only 3 when it happened. 
-It was a peaceful day in your village and you went out into the forest with your mother to collect herbs for your tsahik. Your mother was a healer as well, so you interacted with them often. You were holding your mom’s hand all through the walk when you both heard a strange noise deeper in the forest. One that neither of you had heard before. 
-As you two were waiting to hear more, you suddenly heard screaming come from your village. Your mother immediately picked you up and started running towards your village. 
-While she was running, she suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground, shouting in pain. You skidded away from her on the ground, then looked over to see she was injured and bleeding heavily. She had a hole in her stomach!
-You went back over to her and hugged her shoulders while beginning to heavily sob. Your crying seemed to draw the ones responsible to you though. 
-You were too distracted with your mother to notice the foreign navi approaching you two. But your mother saw them, pulling you closer to her as she watched them walk closer. 
You only noticed them once they were right next to you two, pointing weapons at you both. You moved to the side, but still clutched your mother, scared and upset by that point. You just cried while looking at the strange navi in strange clothes. You shifted behind your mother while still hugging her neck when seeing one of them walk closer to you. 
The man that walked closer seemed like the leader of them, and he spoke some language you couldn’t understand to you, making you scrunch your face at them. The ones behind the man were looking at both of you, and seeing you do that made the one with, no hair?, smile. You just shuffled back even more. 
Then the man in the front pulled out a weapon and pointed it at your mother. She just let out silent tears and begged them not to kill you. You were her only concern in that moment, knowing she probably wouldn’t make it. You just continued sobbing while holding her tighter, not wanting to let her go. 
-The one without hair was the one to catch the general meaning of the phrase and walk closer to you. Putting a hand on the first man’s shoulder and quietly saying something to him. He just sighed and barely nodded after a few seconds. 
-You just looked between them in confusion, then the hairless man walked right over to you. He crouched down in front of you and said something in an almost gentle tone to your mother before reaching for you. 
-You violently shook your head and held on tighter. Your mother told you it would be okay before breaking your grip and letting the man pick you up. Once he had you in his arms, he walked back to the rest of the group. 
-You cried even louder and reached for your mother as all of them started walking away. The man just rubbed your back as you made your way away from what you knew. In almost no time at all you made it to a big human contraption. 
-Once you got inside of it, you were too tired to continue struggling and just slumped into the grip of the man holding you. Letting out a big sigh before drifting off to sleep. Clutching the man’s shirt the whole time.
-All of them relaxed, subconsciously, when they saw you fall asleep. Glad that they didn’t have to listen to you crying still. They felt kind of bad for you, but understood how you must feel. 
All of them made their way to the area their beds were in. There were enough for all of them, and a couple extra beds, just in case. Lyle tried to set you down on one of the spare beds, but you refused to let go of his neck. He kept at it for about five more minutes before giving up and making his way to his bed with you still clinging to his neck. 
He laid down with you on his chest while everyone else took off their gear to get comfortable for sleeping. Eventually, Z-dog came over to him and gently pried you off of him so he could get comfortable too. She let you cling to her instead, making her way to her own bed. You snuggled hard into her, which she thought was pretty cute. She felt kind of queasy thinking about almost killing you, a very young child, and was almost forced to think about the other navi children she has affected while on this planet. 
-She didn’t even realize that she had kissed the top of your head until Mansk came over and chuckled at her while rubbing your back. He just said he knew what she must be thinking before laying down himself. 
-She just deeply sighed before laying her head down and drifting off to sleep. 
-In the morning, she was woken up by you squirming on top of her. She looked down at you to see you trying to push her away from you. She just smiled down at you before getting up with you in her arms and making her way to the bathroom. 
-She was the only woman there, so she had her own separate bathroom from the guys. She just set you down on a stool on the floor so you could see what she was doing. She knew you really couldn’t understand her, so she figured she would provide examples for you to get you clean and keep you calm. 
-She started by using the toilet, a little embarrassed about someone seeing it, but it was different since you were a young child that didn’t know what anything in their base was. You looked confused, but seemed to understand the purpose of it. So, she helped you onto the toilet and held you up as you did your business. She helped you wipe then moved along to the showers in the connected room. 
-She had to gently shush you when attempting to undress you. But figured her doing it first would help her in her attempts. She took her own clothes off before going back to you and kneeling down to your height and, again, attempting to help you undress. This time you allowed her. 
Once both of you were undressed, she picked you up and brought you into the shower with her. She knew she could work with your hair since it wasn’t in braids like navi usually have. She moved you into one of her arms as she turned the water on in the shower. You flinched because of the surprise of it. She chuckled at you while waiting for the water to warm up a bit. 
Once it was warm, she moved both of you into the spray of the water. You looked at it in confusion, which made her actually laugh. She just set you onto your feet and grabbed the shower head to rinse the dirt off of you two first. She started with your hair and gently rubbed your head to get as much of the dirt out as possible. Then, she moved down your body, rinsing you off before doing the same for herself. When she was done, she grabbed some shampoo, poured some over your hair before rubbing it in. She pulled your head to lean back a little bit, scrubbing your scalp for a bit. Smiling at your relaxed face while she was washing your hair. It didn’t take her long to finish, and she grabbed the shower head again before rinsing your hair out. After that she washed her own hair. Then, she grabbed some body wash and scrubbed both of you down before rinsing you off and turning off the water. She grabbed a towel for herself and dried her body and hair. Then, another towel for you and dried you off and bundled you in it before setting you back on the stool and putting new clothes on herself. 
-Once she was dressed, she picked you up and brought your old clothes out with her to join the others. 
-They saw her walk over to the group eating breakfast. With your clothes in her hand and you covered with the towel in the other. 
-They just raised their brows at her as she was getting close to them. She explained that she bathed you, but didn’t have any more clothes for you. Plus, she didn’t know how to wash your previous ‘clothes’ properly. 
-The men just took a minute to think before saying some of the human female clothes could fit you, and going to look for some. 
-They came back with a t-shirt and cargo pants, along with socks and underwear. Zdinarsk took the clothes with you back to the bathroom to help you put them on. You didn’t struggle until the socks, which she gave up on quickly. It wouldn’t hurt you to walk around barefoot. 
-You were pouting and pulling at the clothes as she walked with you back to the main group. Not at all used to being so covered. 
-As soon as you were set down on a chair amongst the group, your ears went down and you continued pulling at the clothes. 
-Lyle just sat down next to you and patted your shoulder before setting some food in front of you. 
-You looked up at him before looking at the food, sighing before reaching out and taking a very small bit of it in your fingers and eating it. Your ears went back up at the flavor and you began eating it enthusiastically. You even leaned closer to the counter. 
-It didn’t take you long to finish it, and before long you were yawning. You climbed in the man’s lap and laid your head on his chest, quickly falling asleep like you would with your mother. 
-Lyle himself was just shocked at how quickly you went back to sleep, but figured you were young from how tiny you were for a navi. 
-He addressed the group and said they would have to look through the books to ask you how old you were when you woke up. 
-He just got agreements from everyone and Mansk getting up and going to get the navi books to figure out what phrase would be easiest for the situation. 
It took an hour of you napping on Lyle for you to wake up, and by then Mansk was ready enough to ask you your age. He gently knelt in front of you with the book and repeated the phrase from it, which made you scrunch your face. But eventually you held up three fingers. He raised his brows before giving you a thumbs up and using his fingers for his age as well, which made you give a tiny smile. 
When he stood up he just deadpan said that you were three, a toddler. The rest of the group facepalmed, and realized that they had traumatized a toddler. They weren’t surprised, but they were disappointed. 
-They spent the rest of the day entertaining you while trying to teach you some english. You had picked up a good bit of what they were trying to teach you, which they were happy about. 
-You happily ate all of the meals, which kind of shocked all of them. They figured your young age blessed them with your curiosity. 
-It had been almost a month with you, and they were all very attached. They very much enjoyed you being with them. They even had to be reminded to look for the Sullys. 
-In that time, you have also greatly improved your english skills. You could have simple conversations with them in english. 
-You have even been able to do a lot of things yourself after they taught you how to do them, like going to the bathroom, after they put some more stools in there for you. 
-One night, they had gathered to have a discussion once you had gone to sleep. 
They had been discussing whether they even wanted to continue their mission or not now that they had you. They knew for a fact that they couldn’t do both. They could either finish the mission they were given, or continue to care for you. 
And they really liked taking care of you. 
To be continued... (Plz give me ideas for this)
Tags: @iggy5055 , @eywas-heir , @onlyreadz , @horniestbutterfly
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collisvng · 1 year
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Pairing ♤ Han Jisung x Fem Reader ☆
Synopsis ♤ You and Han had become friends quite fast.  You loved his writing, he loved your voice. He and Bangchan manage to get you an audition that could potentially start your career as an artist under their company. But things go terribly wrong, resulting in the potential loss of Jisung's friendship. ☆
Warnings ♤ Mentions of: anxiety, panic attacks, brief mention of blood, yelling/screaming, crying, the feeling of being useless, a LOT of angst ☆
Word Count ♤ 1,837 + 8 sm screenshots ☆
"What the fuck?!" Jisung yelled after you.
You click-clacked your way ferociously through the halls of the JYP building, faltering a few steps that almost landed you on the ground.
You were running away from your only shot at getting into the company, but you didn't care. The air was leaving your lungs, your eyes became blurry from a combination of dizziness and tears, and for the first time in your life you knew you couldn't handle any sort of pressure. There was guilt and hatred in your eyes; feelings towards yourself and your actions. And worst of all, you had Jisung following after you in the most confused rage you had ever seen before.
For the last two weeks Han had been helping you with your audition. You guys had been friends for a while now ever since meeting at an anime convention that Jisung somehow managed to sneak into unnoticed. One moment you’re chatting it up with a Turnip-Head cosplay that approached you because you were dressed as Sophie Hatter, then the next thing you know you're at the dorms hanging out with Han and his friends. 
After a few failed attempts due to his anxiousness, he eventually invited you to see him work. He took you to the studio and showed you songs he wrote. Each one being passionate excerpts of romance, heartbreak, and acceptance. He was a literary magician in your eyes. And one day, when he heard you singing the chorus to a song he was working on, he never let a moment pass without speaking about it. You were full of surprises, and his brain was full of lyrics he wanted to hear you perform. Eventually, the guys learned about your hidden talent and encouraged you to try to do something with it. Chris was especially encouraging and even tried to sample some of your melodies for background vocals in his own songs.
You guys bonded over your love for anime, video game lore, and your constant praise of each other’s talents. You loved his writing and lyricism. He loved your voice. And eventually… you secretly grew to love more parts of him. He even took the time to write your audition song for you, after the company finally gave you a chance (with the help of Jisung and Chan’s constant pleading).
You became his muse, he became your best friend. And now, with your nails digging into your palms trying to keep yourself calm, you couldn’t even look at him.
He called after you again… And again… And again…
It wasn’t until around the fifth time that you finally spun around and yelled, ‘What the fuck do you want?!’ did he finally stop.
You both stood a great distance away from each other. Partially because Jisung needed space to calm down, and partially because you both knew how you can get in moments of stress. Your eyes widened, then narrowed sleepily as you stared him down. Just one word, one word, and you were ready to blow up in his face. Whether it would be with anger or with tears though, that was a mystery.
“What are you doing?” His voice came out a bit softer than the last time he spoke. “You just walked right out!”
“I couldn’t do it,” your nails were one clench away from drawing blood. “I’m not ready. I told you I wasn’t ready. Now your boss thinks I’m a dumbass.”
Han let out an angry sigh, rubbing his finger tips over his nose before bringing his palms from his chin to his eyes. He pressed inward, as if to push them through his skull.
“You’re not a dumbass,” he huffed, “and you ARE ready. Stop telling yourself you’re not.”
“LOOK AT ME!” You released your hands from their clawed prison to hold them up to show him. The imprints were deep, you were borderline hyperventilating, and your eyes widened once more. If you could see yourself in the third person, you probably would have thought you were crazy. “I look insane, Ji. I’m too anxious for this.”
His hands dropped to his sides, eyes opening slowly. A small vein began to stick out on his neck as he clenched his jaw. Jisung was always understanding and compassionate–the type to listen when people asked him to, responding in the best way he could. But right now, seeing you freak out as he stood in front of you, was setting him off. He knew you had potential. He knew you were capable. And as a person who became an idol himself despite also having anxiety issues, he knew anything was possible as long as you wanted it badly enough. 
“So that’s it?” His blunt tone caught you by surprise. 
Jisung made his way over to you in long strides, practically gliding across the floor. He made it to your side in record time, looking down at you with what little distance there was between both your heights. He looked annoyed, he was annoyed, and he wasn’t about to let you walk out of the building without knowing that he was.
“You’re just going to let this go? Everything Chan and I did to even attempt to give you this opportunity… And because you feel nervous you’re just going to walk out?” An irritated laugh left his throat as he glanced up at the ceiling. “Gosh you always do this.”
You felt your heart on the verge of cracking. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Each word that left his mouth next sent you into anguish.
“You never stick to one thing.”
“You always need help, but never follow through.”
“And you use your anxiety as an excuse to give up.”
And there it was, in its final form; heartbreak.
You were no longer present in your body. Arms limp, eyes glossy, a hitched breath in your throat, and no emotion shown on your face. You almost looked bitchy, but in a ‘I no longer have anything to lose’ kind of way. You wanted to fight him, but also wanted nothing more than for this end and to just hug him. You couldn’t believe someone you grew so close to in such a short time would end up being like this.
“I think you, of all people,” you took a step forward, the tip of your nose practically meeting his chin as your glass eyes searched his, “would know how messed up that last statement is.”
He leaned down to meet your gaze. Pupils to pupils, nose to nose, mouth to–fuck what kind of shit was trying to pull? You wanted to punch him, but with him being so close like that for the first time your mind was running laps. But that all ended the moment he said, “At least I’m not letting my problems get in the way of my own opportunities.”
That was the final straw. The overstimulation in your brain took over and your whole body began frantically shaking. Jisung being so close, his anger, the mix of emotions in your head, wanting to sob, feeling ashamed for walking out of your only shot at the career you’ve always wanted, knowing that your friend saw you as nothing but someone who gives up… 
It took Han a moment before he realized you were finally in full panic attack mode. Harsh breaths expelled themselves from your mouth as you vibrated from your torso upward. You were flexing and unflexing your hand as if you needed to grab something, and your eyes were no longer looking into his, but blankly staring at something in the distance to hyperfixate on something other than what was happening. He took a step back, his big boba eyes filling with concern.
He pushed you too hard. He let his emotions get the best of him. He did it; he fucked up. 
“Shit,” he mumbled a swear under his breath. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.”
Grabbing your hands at the right moment as they unflexed, he intertwined his fingers with yours.
The phrase was repeated over and over, followed by Han squeezing your hand with every intake of oxygen you made. Eventually you found a steady rhythm. And his words, despite you wanting to slap the living hell out of him, were actually helping you calm down.
Once your breathing became stable, you and Han stood there in silence. You came down from your panicked high and once that was done… you didn’t really know where to go from there.
With Han’s fingers still laced with yours, he tried to step forward. It caused you to flinch, almost stumbling backwards, which filled him with dread. “Listen, I–”
“Thanks for calming me down,” you released his hands instantly. “But I think I need some space from you right now.”
His lips came forward into a pout, as puppy dog eyes met your blurry vision. You could tell he was remorseful for what just happened, but it wasn’t enough for you to stay and hear him out. You needed to be as far away from this place and him as soon as possible.
As you turned to walk away, Jisung tried to stop you by reaching out for your arm to pull you back. But he was immediately stopped by the sound of Bangchan’s voice echoing across the hall.
“Don’t.” His voice was stern and blunt. It almost sent a shiver down your spine. “Let her leave. She’s been through enough.”
Han looked over his shoulder at Chris, then back to you. His hand remained floating in mid-air, while sudden realization began to set in for you. When did Chan get here? How much did he notice? Was he here the whole time? Who else–
Before you could flare yourself up again, Bangchan was already in front of you grabbing ahold of Han’s shoulder and pulling him to the side. He told you to leave, followed by saying he’d text you later. Then without letting Jisung get a word in, you left. The last thing you remember before exiting was hearing Chan ask Han what the hell he was thinking, then next thing you know you were pushing through a set of double doors and running.
That night you received several texts from a group chat that Felix randomly made that included everyone except for Han. Apparently there were already rumors being spread about your conversation with Jisung and all the guys knew. You also received many texts from Bangchan and Jisung himself.
This was it, you thought to yourself. You would never be able to show your face around the JYP building ever again. And to make matters worse… You probably lost a friend.
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Notes ♤ AHHHHHHH! It’s finally done! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Figured since I am best at writing angst that I should start off my page with it lol Depending on how things go, this might turn into a two part mini series. We’ll just test out the waters for a bit and see how it goes. Thanks for reading! 🩶 — collisvng✨️
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starsurface · 6 months
Hello!!! ^_^ i really enjoy your headcanons like... a lotSHSJSJNE. And i was wondering if you could write some hcs about CG!Syzoth with a babyspace regressor? :3 its totally fine if not!!!
Hi!!! I'm so glad you like them!!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Syzoth w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🦎 Really good CG!!! Absolutely adores regressors!!!
🦎 He’s really good with almost any headspace too!!! Might get a bit confused with middle regressors, but he’s learning <3
🦎 If you thought you were clingy, you haven’t meet Syzoth 🙄
🦎 Syzoth loves cuddles!! Adores them even!!!
🦎 He constantly wants to hold you, or have you on his hip, or hold you hand while walking about
🦎 This is very good with clingy or dependant regressors
🦎 But if you like your personal space or being slightly independent? He’ll give you some space, but would atleast like some cuddle sessions every now and then
🦎 Was actually so scared to turn into his lizard form while you were small
🦎 He knew you could handle it when you were big, but even that took a lot of convincing
🦎 What if your were scared of him! What if you start crying, or his teeth scare you, or his claws terrified you? Or-
🦎 Bap him on the nose and call him silly for thinking all those bad thoughts
🦎 Lizard Syzoth is also super cuddly, but even more so!!! (Your so warm and squishy!! Not at all like his reptile form)
🦎 Although he’s also very careful around you, he has sharp claws and teeth, and is also pretty big, so if you wanna cuddle with the big lizard, he makes sure he’s extra careful <3
🦎 Doesn’t matter what CG nickname you use, but Dada is definitely one of his favorites
🦎 The first time you called him any sort CG nickname, he kinda . . . broke down
🦎 Not that you did anything wrong!!! He just got really sad, remembering his son calling him all kinds of nicknames
🦎 But he does encourage you to continue calling him whatever you want, and apologies for scaring you
🦎 ^ A nice cuddle session would help him feel better, but if you wanna color him a picture instead, he would be over the moon
🦎 Calls you many nicknames!! Hatchling, Little One, Tiny, Sweetheart, and more!!
🦎 Keeps any pictures you make!!! He thinks they’re all beautiful, and got a binder just for them!! :D
🦎 From scribbles to detail, or coloring pages, all your drawing get praised!! <3
🦎 And if you wanna hang up any on the wall or fridge, he’s all for it!! 
🦎 Likes dance parties
🦎 I dunno why, but I could see him really enjoy spinning you around or just doing tiny hops with some pretty music in the background
🦎 Really good with any kind of protection (padding), and very soft and encouraging about it
🦎 Your go-to babysitters are kinda . . . everyone, from the Earthrealm friends, to the Royal House
🦎 ^ But Tomas, Ashrah, and Kitana are probably your biggest ones
🦎 He does get really upset when he has to leave you with them, especially when your already regressed, it just makes you both upset
🦎 He wants to watch after you!! Your his baby!! Does he really need to travel to deliver this letter? :(
🦎 Learnt how to control a phone just to communicate with you when he’s not there <3
🦎 I dunno about you, but I get super squeamish around bugs (had my siblings fight D’Vorah for me in MK11)
🦎 And if you also don’t like bugs, he’ll try not to eat them in front of you, atleast when your small
🦎 . . . Also one time he ate a butterfly and you sobbed so hard, he felt terrible
🦎 But if you do like bugs, that’s great!! :D
🦎 He’ll take you outside, help you finds them, and be very excited when you show them to him (no, he won’t eat them when you show them to him . . . He’ll eat them later, when your bigger)
🦎 He’ll take you outside even if you don’t like bugs, sitting on a blankie and sunbathing, or reading you a book
🦎 Your naptime is his naptime . . . because he gets to snuggle you <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually love Syzoth, he's super cool!! :D
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stepswordsen · 3 months
【Magi】 Judar 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
Happy 15th anniversary to Magi~!! 💗🫶
I did a quick doodle of my favourite Magi character, Judar~~
You can read the rest of my rambles under the cut as usual!
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The sketch is originally from 2022, but I quickly resketched the hair and expression recently!
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Art Rambles
I just wanted to get the quick concept down so excuse how scribbly it is, I'll refine and redraw the rest eventually
Me scribbling his braids without refs. Well, I'll definitely resketch the hair and clothes eventually
I love how big and comfy hanfu sleeves are, omg...
Judar with red eyeliner and black nails is so slay~ I want to draw him with gold and red hanfu earrings eventually hehe
This bangs ngl~~
Also I'm glad I improved a LOT from 2022 omg
I'll refine later and make this less scribbly eventually
I looove the expressions and eyes in this one hehe
Judar Rambles
Judar is extremely important and personal to me, I feel this as someone who comes from a similar cultural background to him as well, Judar is EA/CN inspired and so his background and backstory context really makes me feel for him... Speaking personally, as someone who is Viet/SEA diaspora.
Like, ahhh, this character makes me so emotional... He makes me want to cry (in a good way)
Emotional tears, cuz this chara is so healing and cathartic for me.
It's not necessary for me to be able to relate to my faves imo. I pick my fave charas based on who makes the writing more entertaining with their existence and on my fave character tropes in terms of design and writing (they're usually antagonists, morally gray/evil charas, and/or opposing forces).
But with some charas I definitely gravitate towards characters who are easier for me to understand and mildly relate to though (ie. Judar (Magi), Hakuryuu (Magi), Suwon (AkaYona), Keishuk (AkaYona))
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Sen's unhinged meow meow mf pipeline
I first became obsessed with Kuroha at 12, and Judar at 20.
Truly, my character tastes are as ancient as time LMFAO
My cute murderous black cat sons! 🐈‍⬛
I actually started the sketch as Kuroha (KagePro) actually. It doesn't help that they have similar~ish hairstyles and expression vibes LMAO, but then the eyes looked more like Judar cuz of the rings, so I changed the sketch to Judar. I think it fits more this way.
Smug edgy asshole character, cunty Sen-core bastard cat, OK with murder...
Black cat theme, black/white (monochrome) colour scheme/design, black/white/red/yellow colours, both smug evil assholes with black hair, they're both antagonists, morally questionable and/or morally bankrupt, have smug expression vibes, are unhinged, violent and bloodthirsty...
And ofc, I was a goner!
Kuroha has red eyes when using his Eye Ability too...
KHR and Magi's Anniversary
In terms of characters, story, writing, themes, and art, Magi is my favourite manga ever. For me, Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) and Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (Magi) forever hold a special place in my heart as my forever no. 1 favourite series.
Happy 20th anniversary to KHR~~!! 💗🫶
Lots of series are celebrating its anniversary this year. DGM's 20th Anniversary is also this year!
I might as well ramble about KHR and Magi then~~
I'd say both KHR and Magi are very important to me because KHR was the reason why I started drawing (almost) every day in the first place and Amano's style was the foundation/main inspiration for my art style... And it still shows in my art style. While Magi is the manga I fell in love with for its story, art, writing, and characters.
Amano and Ohtaka both have insanely good inking styles that I admire... I love how intricate and detailed Amano's inking is, and Ohtaka's inking is super gorgeous and sharp, and really stands out from other art styles too.
I expect DunMeshi to join that list and become very important to me!
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
Hii for the prompt could you do 42 nsfw with leonardo luna from blue lock with she/her reader (maybe in a fwb situation) but whatever you write im sure it will be amazing💖
# tags: scenario; friends with benefits; roommates!au; study!au; kinda romance; smut; aged-down (20 y/o); nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual acitivities, high stamina, no foreplay, angry sex, a bit of fingering yourself, hair pulling, hickeys and bites, mention of crying
includes: female reader ft. leonardo luna {blue lock}
author’s note: ooo okay, my first bl request, very nice! 
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42. “… You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
The blueberry scent of the candle was in the air, and your favorite study playlist was playing in the background. The summer semester was slowly coming to an end and you had one last exam to write. Concentrated on drawing and highlighting important information on the book, you almost jumped and spilled peppermint tea on your notebook, swore under your breath. In each device, the sound of the bell and the beating of the fist on the wooden exit door spreads. Slowly you made your way towards the noise and when you saw your roommate on the other side you just rolled your eyes.
“… What happened this time? And why didn’t you remember the keys?” You opened the fair-haired man’s door wider, and he cursed only under his breath, temporarily walking towards the bathroom. “It’s nice to see you again too, Leo.” You locked the door and then you went back to your bedroom.
While you were studying, you heard dripping water all the time, and a few swear words, as well as a sound informing you that your friend had dropped something on the shower tray. You heard the sound of a hair dryer, water running in the sink and brushing teeth, and (at the end) the slam of a door as the twenty-year-old completed his evening routine. After a while, the door to the room opened, and Leonardo appeared on the threshold.
“We lost.” He grumbled sat down on your made-up bed and you sighed a little.
“I’m sorry about this?” You replied uncertainly, still focusing on your colorful notebooks. You definitely didn’t know anything about sports and you definitely didn’t know how to make other people feel better in crisis situations. “You won’t always win everything.” You replied and this time you looked at the young man, smiling slightly. “You always give your best, right? So I guess it’s okay.” His gaze was a bit tender, but also somewhat lustful.
Football was more than just a sporting hobby for your male friend; it was his biggest passion, his reason to live, his way of life, his future and his job. Just as for you the most important thing now was studying and taking care of your future through learning, so for your friend it was football, the field and the team.
You turned your head lighlty to the right as Leonardo began to touching the hem of his boxers and looked around the white room. You knew exactly where this was all leading up to. You’ve known him since the beginning of your studies, since you both started being roommates; his parents bought a two-room apartment in the city center and to relieve their costs a bit, they decided to rent one room. When looking for a place to study, Leonardo’s parents’ offer turned out to be the most favorable in terms of price and location. When you first met you were both single with no desire to start a relationship; you focused on college, he on sports. So you two entered into a relation focusing on sex. Thanks to this you knew when your roommate was feeling emotional, stressed, nervous and sad.
“… You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” You laughed as you put down your pen and undid the first button of your sleep shirt. “Do you want something? Just say it, Leo.”
Without a word, the young man got up from his seat and walked over to you. His hands cupped your face in a confident way, and his lips landed on yours. The kiss was wet, a bit intrusive, fast, but at the same time full of emotions – especially the negative ones. He expressed nervousness, a desire to dominate, desperation, anger. You allowed the man to touch your body and face, and without a word you allowed him to move your body from the comfortable chair to the equally comfortable mattress on big bed.
Leonardo needed only a few moments to take off his loose boxers and then a few more seconds to take off your cute set of pajamas with penguins and polar bears. For a moment, he thought about commenting on your outfit, but instead, he just reached into the nearest cupboard for a pack of condoms. His cock was hard and dripping with the first juices, and you just touched your wet pussy, involuntarily inserting two fingers into her. A quick fingering relaxed your muscles and mind, adding some spice to the image of your naked body. The young footballer’s mind was focused on you.
Without a word, you spread your lower lips a bit more, allowing the man to enter your pussy in one smooth move. Lubricant wasn’t needed, you were wet enough.
Your sex has never been vanilla – quite the opposite. Leonardo didn’t look and wasn’t a romantic for whom positive emotions, plans for the future, candlelit dinners or charming kisses mixed with tender words mattered. The movements of his hips were hard, chaotic, and always touched the back wall of your uterus. Whenever you fucked you got the best orgasms and that was enough for you; you didn’t have to get flowers or kisses. Good sex made up for it all.
During the first hickey of the evening, you firmly grabbed the man by his still slightly damp blond hair. Your fingers tangled in the soft strands, and your neck was marked with more and more maroon and pink marks. The shivers on your body indicated the first spasms of pleasure, and the footballer entered your body with more and more force, clasping his hands tightly on your buttocks, hips or arms. Years of training, years of endurance training on the pitch, years of running after a black-white ball resulted in the possibility of having sex for long minutes, quarters of an hour and even hours.
Your sweaty forehead touched Leonardo’s equally sweaty neck; you only clenched your teeth tighter on his muscular nape and your fingernails on his athletic back. You felt pleasure spreading through your body, you felt amazing moisture between your legs, and your face was decorated with transparent tears.
“… It’s not over yet, Y/N.” He whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe lightly, and you nodded. Studying for exams could definitely wait.
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17snifflesandsnzes · 5 months
😔🎤🌡️ for Wonwoo, Jun, and Joshua?
Thanks for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!! 🫶
😔: What are their “tells” when they’re not feeling their best? Do they sleep more or less? Do they become easily irritated, aggressive, snap at little things? Or do they withdraw and become quieter, cry at the drop of a hat, stay in the background? What’s the one surefire way that one of their loved ones would be able to tell that they’re sick?
🎤: How does their voice change when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them? Does their voice get lower? Scratchy? Raspy? Can you hear any congestion in their voice or do they hide it well? Do they avoid speaking too much because of a sore throat and coughing, or do they try to talk through those things?
🌡: Do they tend to run hot or cold? When they have a fever, is it barely noticeable, or does their temperature skyrocket?
Jeon Wonwoo:
😔: Wonwoo would definitely be the kind of person who'd just try to fade into the background if he was sick. He would try not to draw attention to himself and would just, kinda, be there. And even if the members notice and ask him about his lack of energy, I feel like he'd just brush them off.
🎤: Wonwoo's voice is pretty deep already, but I feel like his voice would get even more deep and raspy when he's sick. Mainly because his sneezes are really harsh, especially to his throat. And he would definitely avoid speaking if he has a cold because he absolutely HATES having a sore throat.
🌡: Wonwoo would run hot, but his temperature wouldn't skyrocket with a fever. If you felt his forehead when he has a fever, it's definitely noticeable, but it's not as bad compared to the other members.
Wen Junhui (Jun):
😔: Junhui would definitely lose his playfulness and would become way too quiet if he was sick. He would also sleep way more than he usually does and would lack energy whatsoever. Especially because with a cold, his head would get stuffy, and his Korean comprehension skills would go down for sure. I also feel like Junhui would just prefer being alone during the starting stages of being sick.
🎤: Junhui's voice would definitely get super congested. It would also become super raspy . With Junhui, you can easily hear the congestion in his voice, making it easier for the members to notice he's sick. He also tends to get coughs with colds, so he would just prefer not talking while sick.
🌡: Junhui's temperature would definitely be super high whenever he's sick. Because he gets such bad fevers, the members would send him home and make him rest despite his complaints. His high fevers are also the cause of his very low energy.
Hong Jisoo/Joshua Hong:
😔: Joshua doesn't have super obvious tells to when he's sick mainly because he's so good at hiding his sickness from his members. But the 95 line, more than the rest, have a few ways to tell when he's sick. He would definitely be a lot more sleepy and would sleep whenever he can. Joshua would also slightly isolate himself because he doesn't want to get the other members sick.
🎤: Joshua's voice would definitely get raspy when he's sick. His sneezes aren't that harsh, but his colds are almost always accompanied by a cough, which causes his voice to get super raspy. He would try to talk through his illness instead of being completely silent because that would definitely make the other members worry, which is the last thing he wants.
🌡: Joshua's fevers wouldn't be that detectable. If he has a fever, it would mostly be determined by his shivering, not by his temperature. If you took his temperature, his fever might not appear high, but he could be absolutely miserable inside. So the members don't really take Joshua's temperature anymore and just make him rest regardless.
All done! Hope you enjoyed!!~
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dwreader · 5 months
Post-Season 1 IWTV Podcast Transcript
Special Guests: Assad Zaman, Rolin Jones and Mark Johnson
"Armand is someone who comes into Louis's life in the second half of IWTV, they meet in Paris and Armand is immediately like most people completely entrhalled by everything about Louis and what he stands for. He's changed from the person he was before he met Louis, which is a person who's a bit lost in the monotony of his life is the way I would describe it. -Assad Zaman
[intro chit chat with Assad]
Assad: Armand is someone who comes into Louis's life in the second half of IWTV, they meet in Paris and Armand is immediately like most people completely entrhalled by everything about Louis and what he stands for. He's changed from the person he was before he met Louis, which is a person who's a bit lost in the monotony of his life is the way I would describe it.
N: Its been 500 years its definitely been monotonous. [514] Ok yes 514. Ok we get it. You need some love in your life. Now did you know from the beginning like when you got the sides, were you told you were going to be playing Armand.
A: I think if I knew I was auditioning for Armand, I wouldn't be here. I think just the prospect the notion would send me over the edge and I would crumble. I got the audition, a couple scenes with Daniel Molloy, a character named Rashid, I know who this guy is he's highly efficient and he's got skills, very clear part to play in. I kind of went in and did those tapes fairly confidently. Then I got a recall and another scene added, with a bit more subtext. Rashid has a bit of a sting to him with his status. Then I got a third recall and Rolin asked to have a meeting with me on Zoom, give some notes... I was thinking why is he wasting his time talking to me about Rashid when he's got Louis and Lestat to worry about so I'm terrified I get onto Zoom with him and okay okay so basically Rashid is in disguise, he's not Rashid he's actually the vampire Armand and he proceeds to tell me all about Armand. I'm think just don't lose your cool. This has to be a secret and we don't want to leak it but we want to see a bit more from you. And I got off the call and I almost started crying.
N: So how much time did you get then? between that first audition to the recall? You have to go from a no nonsense assistant to I am a vampire king?
A: They gave me maybe 8 or 9 hrs between the call with Rolin and the next tape I sent over. And then I did another 4 rounds after that... it was a grueling process.
N: Once you get to set, everyone knows or its still a secret you're witholding?
A: Apart from the main cast, a lot of the crew didn't know.
N: Sit quiet in a corner and don't attention?
A: That' was my initial approach to Rashid before I knew he was Armand. All  he wants is to keep his job and not get killed.
N: Now while you're filming the first season, what convos did you have with Rolin about the plan for Armadn in the show?
A: We did discuss wth events in IWTV and where we're gonna see him in season 2, a lot of that is very important. Where Rolin has curiosity is when we look into Armand's past and where he came from, there's some obvious differences to me in what to explore and to see what we want to pick from it. His story.. its complex. He's messed up. He was messed up even before he became a vampire. The events that makes Armand have to be complex enough to see how he turned into  what he is. .... I was also very aware as an actor a duty to the story being told in this moment, it's Louis's story and him recounting it to Daniel, their story is very important as well. As much as Armand is sizzling in the background, I have to honor their story as well. We don't want the audience to draw too much attention to it right now cause it deviates from the story and the themes that are important to explore in the season.
N: When Rashid revealed himself, I screamed. It only works cause Rashid has so cleverly.. you almost forgot about him.. "love of his life"? Louis?? Not another old vampire and this one who can stand in the sun.
A: We hope that he hasnt made the same mistakes all over again.
N: Why is he pretending to be Rashid this whole time?
A: I think it's incredibly painful for the love of his life describing another love of his life. There is also curiosity with Daniel about why he's allowing this interview to happen.
N: And Rashid was there in that first interview so that whole thing makes sense.
A: We actually don't know what transpired in SF, cause he was not there in the book. How far did Louis get and what Armand had to do to stop him? That could also be why this interview is happening.
N: A little taste of what's to come in s2?
A: Theatrics, vespas and romance is in the air. We're in Paris. It's a gorgeous part of the Paris and the journey they take to get to Paris and the showdown that has to happen in Paris.
Highlights of Rolin Jones/Mark Johnson
N: How are you feeling about Season 2? Is there pressure? Is there a feeling that OK we did one and now we can really dig in?
R: Actually I'm just sort of being excited about Season 2 and not being scared out of my mind with it. The second half of iwtv, there's some lovely passages but there's a lot of people sitting around talking.
M: It's a whole new continent, but it's characters Rolin has already created. Im feeling quite confident and excited and abuzz about what we're going to do next season.
N: I'm very curious what attracted you to vampires and the world of AR.
M: I was not familiar with AR to begin with, my excitement has to do with what Rolin did with it for the pilot and thought this is extraordinary and I read AR and realized all of the treasures, of what Rolin took advantage of and what needed redressing.
N: Rolin, can you explain to me the process, you know, how did you pitch yourself as the showrunner of this?
R: I had an overall meeting with them about a list of things I wanted to do and as I was leaving they said we forgot to mention our boss bought the Anne Rice books, I stopped and I put everything and I said we're gonna take another 45 min for the meeting. By the time I left, I knew that's what I was going to do. They put me thru the gauntlet to prove if I was a guy. It wasn't just about whats a good poilot or first season it's what does this look like 8 seasons from now.... I was really excited cause I wanted to do something grand and big. I had some of my theater pals create a visual world.
N: Let's talk about Louis being black. I feel as though we are in this age of adaptation or reboots if there will be a gender or race swap and that's the extent of it. It felt as though you making this change meant you got more story, you were able to mine that fact for more story points and a new dynamic. These two men are famously white... and I'm wondering about the choice to do that and what it was to execute that.
R: I came around to his ethnicity a sort of interesting way which is through Lestat. There's a famous rewrite of Lestat in book 2, he's sort of an aggressively different character than what he was in book 1 and that's the Lestat she carried on for the rest of time. So that's our Lestat. So we tried to take the given circumstances and put him back in this time period, so he had a super emo relationship wtih this guy with Nicki, then he had uhhh  a very excitable relationship with his mother as his second companion choice (we'll get into that in season 3 y'all), and then I was like lets give him a legitimate a third attempt at figuring how to be with somebody for the rest of his life and how to not repeat your mistakes. And I started from there so it had to be someone with some money cause he had to be with his own folks and I thought he wanted someone who could fight back and who could be a challenge and would force him to restrain himself. And nobody at AMC was interested in 7 seasons of the regretful plantation owner, so we made Louis come from a lineage that did have a plantation and did own slaves. And the second thing was aesthetic if you take away the ruffle shirts and all the swampy goodness and you wanted to make this new, whats the new hot time and birth of jazz seemed right on. And there was a spot when a black man could get in on some business and have some morally gray thing that owning a plantation would. It all clicked into place pretty quickly. ... and the other thing is you're trying to build as much inherent conflict, enough not to burn thru in a season you want 7-8 years of conflict and distress and vulnerability in both of them. I wanted to load Louis with as many contradictions and things unsettled as possible.
N: How did you decide when to deviate from Anne's books? Were there rules in what you could invent ?
R: There were a couple caveats make it here and now, make it grand and big but we said she wrote a very transgerssive book in 1973 and tried to put her in the room in 2021 making a TV show... there's no point in making it if you're going to make a roughshot of it. You're constantly revisiting the book. That's when you're in draft, in after produciton draft, dropping in as much Anne as we could. We were going to write the heightened language thats in the novel. 
N: Can you tell me about how you found Jacob and Sam?
R: Obviously 9 billion people auditioned. It was very clear something very dynamic was happening when they got in the Zoom. For Jacob, there's this genuine warmth, kindness, for a character who's going to make a number of questionable choices, how do you make you want to love him? .
N: Did you always know the season was going to end with the reveal of Armand and the "murder" of Lestat?
R: Very early on, we were talking about making this thing in the writers room and pre-production. A lot had to do with lumber and covid. We were wrting scripts for the entire book and we got a lovely call from AMC "is there enough in this story to stay in new orleans this whole season?" So what we ended up doing, we made the first 4 into the first 7. We did that 50 days before we shot our first day.. it was a lot. And it was to the benefit of the show, we made a better product. We were not going to be able to do Europe in the same beautiful detailed way we were doing New Orleans. What was originally 8 episodes is now a 15 episode book. Was that the ending of my season 1? Not originally but it became the ending.
M: Now it's hard to imagine how we were going to pack all that into one season.
N: There's such a movement to that finale.
R: For me, that kind of episode. It's one for the people, the one for everyone else. you're doing twists and turns like a thriller. My favorite scene is the one that stops the action, the balcony scene...
N: Thinking this is all from Louis's memory.
R: Memory is a huge part of the show. We are only 7 episodes into a 15 episode story.
Audience Q: How sympathetic do you think Lestat is? Obviously this man has some major flaws like the whole next book is a whole lot of backpeddaling like he's not so bad he's not so bad. How sympathetic do you think he really is?
R: The more you spend time with it. I find Lestat wildly sympathetic. and the way it's built... You're not gonna see Lestat speaking for himself until season 3. Its a big deal right? You go ahead and have someone else tell the world about you from their POV. Who had the most traumatic entrance into the world of vampires? It's Lestat. You have no idea the baggage going into North America. We are playing with POV. Stick with Lestat, he's got a lot of pain.
Q: Why is Louis truly doing the interview? He says I wanna redo, but yet he's doing the same thing, he's dodging, cagey. Why did you bring this man to Dubai to do this?
R: It is absolutely THE question. IF you wanna know what we're still digging out, it's the why of it. There's a reason why this is the second interview. The first interview is very important. Something signifcant life altering happened in 1973 but they weren't the right people to do back then. There's a lot if meat on Louis's side, Daniel's side and most important Armand's side.. who's become the most fascinating character of season 2. There's a lot in Dubai left to be revealed.
Q: Do we think we've seen the end of Lestat and Louis's sexcapades?
R: So it's AMC, we are trying to sliding as much under the door as we possibly can. We are interested in the whole thing - the sex sure, the love story, the psychological torment, we are trying to write a love story that doesn't disappear after book 1. There's Armand coming..
N: Can we talk about what's to come? You're hinting this show can go on for many seasons, how long?
R: The real reason I wanted to do this show.. season 3. The Vampire Lestat. I really know how I wanna do The Vampire Lestat and I couldn't be more excited about it... and as goofy as body switching is, I think there's something in the tale of the body thief. QOTD... you gotta think on that one, how to do such a massive object, if you do it in one or two seasons.
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 month
a handful of OCs
art masterlist | navigation | fiction masterlist your OCs masterlist | current queue | rocket art
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a library of art for my OCs, including ones i haven't drawn yet but plan to! this lil masterlist does or will include art of
jo aka jolie from Window Across the Galaxy ✓
pearl aka madame lizette lavenza from cicatrix ✓
sanna orix from cicatrix , giftwrap, & take what you need)
anaya’s wife from cicatrix
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jolie from Window Across the Galaxy
jolie is a normal terran girl who is only a badass when her protective instincts are triggered. mostly she just likes to draw pretty things, including that raccoon she saved from yondu udonta's ravager vessel. also she's a mess.
favorite scene from WATG (rocket & jo) ✓ initial jo sketches & concepts ✓ more jolie sketches with more detail ✓ official og jo portrait ✓ lineless jo [COMING SOON]
other peoples' jolie-art
jolie's painting of rocket by @hibataao3 makes me cry every time i look at it
very first portrait of jolie by @raccoonmybeloved ~ so fucking cute i died
sims of jo by @evolvingchaoswitch ~ particularly love her paint-spattered outfit
an absolutely drool-worthy nsfw of rocket & jolie by @lazarel-3000 that permanently has altered my brain chemistry and lives in my mind forever ♡♡♡
adorable jolie sketches by @moonnpiie that truly capture what i mean when i describe jo as having “everywhere-hair.” plus her lil art-glove! (and a really cute rocket)
the cutest jo by @frostedwitch in her chapter xxvii sweatshirt. she is so cute with such shiny eyes and cute freckles and i love her so so so much! ♡♡♡
this shiny-haired jo by @miinsie! i love her hair so much in this one - it almost looks iridescent. i swoon. thank you for taking the time to read and to share this lovely interpretation of jolie with me!
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pearl from cicatrix
pearl was lured away from terra as a child and essentially groomed to be the high evolutionary's bride (which mostly means being repeatedly broken down over the years). currently pining after the raccoon who saved her (despite their rough start), enjoying her newfound semi-independence, and learning her strengths. she's gonna be an asskicker eventually
favorite scene from cicatrix ✓ official pearl portrait ✓ pearl & rocket snuggle-sketch ✓
other peoples' pearl-art
art of chapter one. nemotia. by @frostedwitch. this is like. one of the most amazing things i've seen. pearl's eyes are so shiny, the dark background is so ominous, the reflection in the mirror is heartpounding. love this so much it makes me cry.
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sanna orix from cicatrix, giftwrap, & take what you need
sanna orix is a genderfluxe merchant from a planet called cyxlore in the telladore system. like many cyxlorades, sanna orix recognizes the sybila nix ora, a goddex who watches over the dead and may provide them with simple pleasures to make their time in the afterlife more joyful, comfortable, and sweet. it's impossible to say if this spiritual path influences the cyxlorade culture or vice versa, but relatedly, cyxlorades tend to be a very tactile people who deeply value small and sensual luxuries: fine cloths, good food, beautiful homes and scenery, and more. sanna orix lives these values through their work as a merchant, peddling fine goods (and often, fine advice) to all her customers, whether she is on their home planet or abroad.
lineless portrait [COMING SOON] sanna orix & bestie wona beax [COMING SOON] sanna orix selling panties [COMING SOON]
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anaya's wife from cicatrix
anaya's wife is the owner of anaya's armoire, a luxury lingerie shoppe on sovereign. she's an extremely skilled domme and while she does have her own name, she doesn't care that we don't know it. she doesn't mind being known primarily by her relationship with her sexy, subby lover ~ and as far as she's concerned, referring to her primarily as anaya's wife in public conversations is only its own form of free advertising.
lineless portrait of anaya [COMING SOON] anaya's wife & anaya [COMING SOON]
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jester-lover · 2 years
SLENDERVERSE CHARACTERS: giving you a hug!! (Everyman HYBRID ver.)
Warnings: BLOOD, fluff, lore spoilers, mentions of violence, habit
Characters featured: Vinny, Jeff, Evan, Damsel/Stephanie, Alex, HABIT, Slenderman
Vinny Everyman
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Bear hug, every time
Homie doesn’t even think, he just sees you and pounces
He’s so warm too
Industrial space heater
Cuddles get a lil tough because of that
He’s so sweet though
Always loosens his grip if he thinks you’re getting uncomfortable
Will accidentally hit his glasses on yours's (if you have them)
“You’re finally here!”
Jeff Koval
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At the beginning of your relationship, he’s anxious towards affection
But when he’s comfortable, he’s comfortable
Will be behind with you at every moment he gets weirdly paranoid, hugging you close
Sometimes, when he gets so anxious he can’t sleep, he’ll stay up so late it’ll mess up his sleep schedule, he’s very affectionate when he’s sleepy
“I’m so tired, please don’t let go of me.”
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Before HABIT, he’s really your average college kid
Hugs before and after classes
Smiles at you during any classes you share (not a thought in his head)
He’s rather short, so usually he’s resting his head on your shoulder, but if you are even shorter, he’s definitely putting his head on top of yours
Holds you whenever you watch movies together or play video games
After HABIT, it all changes
He’s so terrified of hurting you he backs away, he’s no longer affectionate because he feels like he can’t trust his own body
This is where you step up, you reassure him that he is still deserving of love and support
He breaks down in your arms, everything is going to be okay
Even for a little while
“I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t know what’s real.”
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(Could not find a gif of her:(
In my own opinion, damsel/Stephanie seems to be a bit more of a serious character, one who is hunting down Slender without a laugh in sight
She’s a sucker for hugs, especially if she wants to calm down after a tough day
Will be so happy if you hug her while she’s painting (be aware that you will have paint on you)
Has off days, usually when her nightmares get worse
It’s better to leave her alone on those days, she just wants to cry in frustration
After she feels better, she’ll give you a hug and ask to draw something with her
“Keep your pencil there, the shadows aren’t deep enough.”
Alex Koval
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Since Alex is another character we know little about, I have read his wiki and rewatched his appearances in the series, I will choose to portray him as the more timid Koval brother, one who is haunted by the events in his life. If you don’t like this characterization, please consider leaving suggestions for a better characterization, I’m always open to kind criticism.
Alex has never been in a relationship as serious as he has with you.
He holds you so dear to his heart, it almost hurts him every time he sees you go
Alex tends to talk to himself a lot, he gets picked on a lot by his colleagues for his strange behavior
But not you, you never pick on him
You are soft and kind to him, he hasn’t felt like this before
He holds you, unless the thing by his bedside is near, he gets strangely, almost aggressively distant when the scratches start appearing
One day, when you finally break and ask him why he won’t give you affection anymore, he shows his scars to you
He tells you he won’t let it happen to you
“You mean more than anything, you can’t get hurt. I won’t let it hurt you.”  
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Absolute little degenerate
Homie will jump on you the second you walk through the door
Will go off about everything he’s done that day, even if you want to hear it or not
Definitely hogs the bed, will not give you an INCH of blanket, he also grips on to you like you’re gonna fly away
I’m so sorry if you like cooking, he will come up behind you and scare you before hugging you
On a more positive note, he deeply enjoys dancing around in the kitchen, Frank Sinatra playing in the background, it’s one of the few times the both of you feel content
“Humans are so soft.”
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My depiction of Everyman Hybrid slender is a slightly more modern creature than a puritan eldritch, like, he’s still been around (and smart) for a long time, but he’s learned to stick with the times. This also helps me put together some of his hijinks in the series.
He does not give hugs !!!
He is pure evil !!!!
But I choose to ignore that !!
He has extremely long limbs perfect for hugging
Def will make you climb him like a tree to hug you though, out of spite
He also is a gentleman who will always ask for your consent before initiating larger displays of affection
Plays music while you cuddle, but not like classical, he listens to the smiths.
Look at him and tell me this isn’t a Smiths fan
If you give him a lil kiss he’ll be very happy it’s heartwarming
Thank you for reading! I’ll be working on creepypasta content too, Laughing Jack is on the list (my personal favorite), but I need recommendations!! Who would you like to see in future posts regarding creepypasta?
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
I think the thing about Butters is that he’s this really fun contradiction to me. And from what I’ve seen from going through the seasons. Butters Stotch starts out as a contrast to the main four. He’s gulliable and a push over, which turns into the perfect victim, and then he’s the perfect sidekick.
For awhile he seems almost like a loner, or perhaps just comfortable with himself. Something likely picked up from being grounded in his room so often. He sings to himself various songs to pass the time by, he does various art mostly drawing several times throughout the show. Something like tap dancing seems to be something he could attach himself to while not needing to be physically strong and his parents could gain socially from having a talented son.
Yet as time goes by we see his “innocent ways” be twisted, but instead of it being a straight laced kid he’s already quite the asshole. In season 3 he doesn’t hold back from bullying the Codswolds, and in season 7 he quickly piles on to the bullying of Gary Harrison. He has an aversion to difference, the kind that makes you think anyone different is bad. Which wouldn’t be surprising to have come from his parents and their more religious background.
Butters, showing off his age, attacks life in the only way you can when you’re in elementary school and learning everything for the first time. Butters doesn’t start cussing because his friends do, we know he’s capable because we see him do it a few times such as in Christian Hard Rock. He’s not really afraid to stop his class and tell them he’s never played WoW and instead likes Hello Kitty Island, but he will tell Stan “I'd rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy goth kid”. There a hierarchy he’s picked up on, and he knows being gay is the worst. Even as he doesn’t know what it is.
Butters didn’t know what his father was doing, he didn’t know why everything was so upset while at camp, and instantly after his first kiss he think he’s a “man” and needs to change his entire life to be one. In that same episode, Butters Bottom Bitch, he rags on gay people quite a bit. Which we see over the course of the series in various ways (see previous paragraph’s quote). He’s been homophobic while having no clue what that really means. This seems to manifest just as much with his sexism, very little clue as why girls are lesser than (though his sexism also seems to stem from the fact they are different) but he accepts it and says a lot of misogynistic shit.
We see almost again and again the abuse that Butters faces that there is no root wrong, there is just an overall wrong. There is no nuance to why a sect of people are bad, they just are. He’s grounded episode after episode for things he hasn’t done or wasn’t a big part of, his school photo being a great example of this. He is nurtured into a world where he is belittle enough to believe he doesn’t know better then others a lot of the time via his parents and later on Cartman.
A more deep rooted homophobia and/or sexism would have him against presenting or doing anything related to being feminine. He’d hide against naively showing his true self so he wouldn’t get bullied. He would care about being masculine or enforcing gender roles. Yet the majority of the time he doesn’t seem to understand the deeper intricacies of these topics like the other boys do. Otherwise he wouldn’t enjoy himself as Marjorine in the self expression and acceptance he’s given. Otherwise he would understand what was happening in Cartman Sucks.
Yet in early seasons Butters is implied to study often to avoid being grounded. He’s shown to be a relatively smart side kick when he’s not being tricked into believing the world has ended and he’s the last person alive. Tbh I believe he would be a lot smarter if he wasn’t largely plagued by a bended view of reality because of the ongoing psychological trauma he receives from his parents.
He loved being Majorine, he doesn’t want to be a faggot. He’s harmed most times he expresses himself, he continues to anyways. He’s seen as a cringe outcast yet can summon a whole crowd with a tap dance performance.
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iwaoiness · 7 months
Feel the rain on your skin
In the interlude between sets, music dances as usual in the air, accompanying the whispers of the break. Oikawa is more than used to it and enjoys watching Matias swaying to the beat of his favourite tunes while the coach imparts his final instructions.
This time, however, as they hydrate and wipe the sweat off with their towels during the brief interlude before the start of the last set, a rhythm all too familiar flows from the speakers and reaches Tooru's ears. He furrows his brow, turning away from his group to listen better.
And that familiarity hits him like a freight train as he recognizes the song. His eyes widen like saucers, immediately turning his head towards one of the stands, on the other side of the playing area, and before he can even be aware of what he's doing, he's running. Oikawa doesn't hear the shouts of his teammates or his coaching staff, nor the surprised screams of the fans as they see him approaching. He only has ears for the song, only eyes for the person who is also running downstairs towards him.
Oikawa's laughter rings out joyously as their gazes intertwine, and Iwaizumi returns the smile before descending the final steps and covering the last stretch to the billboard, harnessing the momentum of the run to plant his hands on it and vault over.
Just a few more verses until the chorus arrives, the climax drawing near as Tooru does the same.
As the female voice melds with the choir, when an energetic release your inhibitions reverberates throughout the stadium, as that moment of pause arrives, Oikawa halts before a smiling Iwaizumi. Both sport flushed cheeks and slightly laboured breaths, yet their eyes gleam with excitedness, and then...
"Feel the rain on your skin!” They sing at the same time, the voices somewhat unsteady and off-key, but full of genuine joy that washes over them, tantalizing their senses. "No one else can feel it for you" Wave their hands downwards at the same time, moving loosely in place, mirroring each other's movements with perfect synchronicity. "Only you" and point to each other, smiles widening, Oikawa's eyes narrowing into crescent moons, Iwaizumi's dimples blooming like tulips in spring "can let it in!" they bring their hands to their chests and nod. "No one else, no one else!" And sway back and forth, shaking their hands and heads in rhythm "Can speak the words on your lips! Drench yourself in words unspoken!" They continue their dance, locked in each other's gaze, oblivious to the stares, to the dozens and dozens of mobile phones above them, to their figures now being broadcast on the stadium's big screens.
It's just the two of them. It's Tooru and Hajime back in Japan after almost three years across the ocean. It's Tooru and Hajime in the courtyard of the setter's house, struggling to learn the choreography that Oikawa saw on TikTok and that I need to learn this shit and so do you, Iwa-chan! It's Tooru and Hajime being the same dorks they always were despite the distance, the phone calls, the fights, the video calls, the loneliness, the surprise trips, the crying. It’s Tooru and Hajime as much in love as ever.
"Live your life with arms wide open!" They continue, extending their arms gracefully and drawing nearer, fingers pointing downwards as the words today is where is heard, pointing at each other again in the your and gesturing with their hands the book gesture when the verse ends with book begins.
And then, laughter finally bubbles up and their bodies collide as they throw themselves towards each other in a tight embrace, as if merging into one, with the applause and whistles of the fans (and players too) in the background.
Oikawa's weariness evaporates, the love in Iwaizumi's heart overflows.
“Told you the dance would come in handy at some point" Tooru whispers softly near Hajime's ear.
He feels a squeeze at his waist where Hajime's hand rests, solid and warm even through the fabric of his shirt. And he also hears Iwaizumi snorting with amusement before he turns his head away long enough for their eyes to meet again. Iwa-chan's were always like that, intense and deep, and also full of tenderness and affection.
"You call useful to dancing during a break in the quarterfinals of the Volleyball National League?"
Oikawa shrugs, playfully.
"Maybe it will bring luck. You should dance with me before every set."
Hajime laughs again, shaking his head before leaning in and kissing him affectionately. A kiss of just lips and I love you hidden.
"We will see, darling." He whispers, a promise hidden there too.
probably the best thing i write about this two
u can find me on my ao3 🍉
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Hetalia Mating Season AU: 🇺🇸 Demon America🇺🇸
Alright so the last chapter I’m doing for this year and will resume next February starting with Russia so stay tuned for that.
Anyways enjoy and view digression is advised.
His sweaty thighs held you against the wall and kept you in place. Sweat rolled down your face and the majority of your body. It was difficult to keep calm and collected when you were still terrified out of your mind. His thrusting had slowed down some so he could give you a slight break from his assault on your body. His throbbing cock had been pounding away at you for the past hour. The panting and the occasional ‘I love you.’ filled the air that otherwise would only be thick with lust, passion, need, and cries for help. Alfred’s lips found their way to your neck and he left a few sloppy kisses there.
“Y/N….” he calls out softly in the musky air. His eyes roam your neck, which had a few hickeys and scratches he’d left on you earlier. A few moments pass, and whimpers leave you as you continue to take Alfred within your welcoming walls. He bites your collarbone in response to your lack of acknowledgment of him.
A loud squeak bounces off your vocal cords. Your head slammed back into the wall and your legs wrapped around his sinewy waist, causing his dick to be able to penetrate you deeper. A loud, husky moan spills from Alfred’s mouth. He was drowning in the feeling of ecstasy. It was a relief to finally be fucking your brain out. His grip on your hips tightened and his nails began to leave long tracks drawing traces of blood.
Your background against the wall while your pussy overflowed with his seed. A few tears escaped your eyelids; they hadn’t been dry for a while.
Alfred, out of his initial lust-filled haze, finally considered you. He gently began to kiss away your tears that slipped, thrilling for him that you were unable to do anything about your inhibited state. You were 100% under his control, and there wasn’t a thing you could do to change that. Your tears were a sweet, intoxicating hydration that could fuel him for the rest of the night.
You began to go back to blubbering as forcefully as you did when you were first captured. You hated this nightmare. As the tears continued to be lapped up by the aggressive demon, you decided that you’d had enough. You’d managed to summon the minuscule amount of strength you had within your entire being to shove him. It may as well have been a light tap; however, the malice behind the action was not lost on Alfred. He loosed his grip, letting you almost plummet to the ground. You let out a sharp cry of shock. That felt like a sudden rush of cocaine to his ears. His strong, slender tail had ceased your fall to the floor. You get a glimpse of his amused ruby eyes. He then slamps you to the bed as if you were some sort of ragdoll.
He summoned a bottle of wine that he spiked with an aphrodisiac. You weren’t going to be leaving the bed for the next couple of days. Nothing but his name would be spilling from your mouth. Only begs and pleads for him to stop when he commands you to do so. He will hold your thick thighs steady as he holds you in position. He waves away the fantasy that dances in his head he has the real thing in front of him. Right here and now. His tail tightly coiled around your sweaty thigh which rilled up more blood to pool into his cock. He was getting a little lightheaded from all the excitement. He sees that your quivering were flowing down your face like a rushing river fresh from an early spring rain. As they slid down your heated skin, some of the water evaporated and transformed into steam. You were powerless in this situation. He popped open the wine with the slide of his hand and poured some into his mouth. He grabbed your chin, and he forced you to look into his hungry red eyes. What you saw told you of your sealed fate that you, to some degree, still wanted to deny, now that the rough introductory part where you had to satiate his heat and expand with life with his aires. He leans down closer to you and gently rests you on the floor as he tosses your legs over his shoulders.
His icy blues glossed over your glorious naked form, glistening in a golden sheen under the scarlet moonlight. It made him want you more. His eyes had to momentarily flutter in delight that he lost himself in the clouds again. His cock was springing up and down in ecstasy, urging him to get on with it. He leans down closer to your lips so that he can go in for the kill. He connects his lips to yours. The “La-Milliere” wine was his poison of choice so that he could savor the moment. He wanted to make you scream until the midnight sun. The boldness of the ripe summer raspberries and the passion that filled the air energized him and intoxicated you as the liquid slid down your throat and began to take you over. You felt his dick rub against you impatiently against your thigh. You became more aware that your body was sweating profusely and you were begging to crave him to be deep within your wet walls. You let out a pained moan that conveyed to him your budding need.
“Awe it looks like you don’t hate me so much after all Y/N~” He teased.
He drags your leg wider out with his tail and steps that leg down with a clasp that he installed into the floor. As the wine infiltrated your system, you began to feel light as a feather. You were going to be more pliable to his fantasy so that everything could be perfect. He leans down close to your ear and huskily commands:
“Get ready to scream my name, dollface~”
You swallowed thickly as you felt him prod against your sex again. You squirm between the cold metal band and Alfred’s large, heated hand that feels like magma has tiger claws. You sucked in some air through your teeth in pleasure and pain. The shock of having ice and fire take over your skin was overwhelming. Alfred lifted your right leg, allowing him to begin his dissent into you a much more thorough experience. He entangled his free hand in the center of your messy hair. The frost that formed within the center of his red eyes, mixed in with the desire that was coursing through your veins, sent a lightning bolt of anxiety through your stomach.
“What’s my name dollface?” He barks at you sharply.
Your eardrum quivered with fright. It took seconds for your terrified mind to respond to his command. You finally let out a tiny squeak of
“AL..fred…” A sudden jolt of his cock driving into you like a rabid jackhammer made you gasp for air and yelp simultaneously.
“Louder Y/N, that was pretty pathetic~” His nails scratch your scalp as he intertwines his digits extensively in your distressed (hair color) locks. The grip made you wince in pain. You cleared your throat to prepare your vocal cords to appease your sadistic lover.
“Alfred…” you say somewhat more confidently and with more vigor behind your voice. His thrusts beginning to feel far more intense. A white film spreads over your eyes as heat. ignited from your core that was being barraged by your demonic beast making rough love to you. You tried to utter his name once more to ensure you appeased him. You were far too frightened to want to know what his “punishments” would be.
Alfred was enjoying the unconcentrated look of ecstasy and fear mixing on your features.
Your hands gripped the carpet to steady yourself as your body was forced to accommodate bouncing up and down on his member. He was following a fast rhythm that mimicked “Slow it Down” by Charlie Puth. Your mind had been so consumed with Alfred’s cock filling you that your brain hadn’t registered the music playing in the background. Something else inside of you was beginning to reach the edge. You threw your head back at the building, pleasure taking over your entire being. Your arms clung to his being tighter to brace yourself.
“Ohhhhh, someone’s getting close~” His nose presses against your collarbone. His shark-like teeth graze at your moist skin like fresh cake. You involuntarily shivered. It took him a few more minutes to reach his breaking point. Seconds away from his relief, he bit down on your collarbone harshly. This was another bite to add to your growing collection of love bites, hickeys, and scratches. The entire underworld would know just who you belong to. He shouted your name so loudly that I’m sure even those in heaven could hear his cries of pleasure. Your body for a few moments, felt as though it had been tossed directly at the sun. All of your senses had been flooded by clouds, making you question if you could die twice. His seed had spilled out onto the carpet along with your juices. It took Alfred a few more minutes to ride out his orgasm. He began to sprinkle your bite wound and breasts with gentle kisses.
His shift into being tender was a welcome shift to your bruised skin and pelvis radiating with pain and heat. Your body was taking in his genes so that a family tree could begin to sprout. He finally pulled out, and you couldn’t help but feel empty without his cock filling you. He unstrapped your left leg from its restraint and scooped you up into his arms. Moving some of the matted hair from your clammy face, he takes a few moments to drink you in and take in your features. He loved being able to admire you.
Bright blush pink was dusted across your face. You weren’t sure of what you would make of the sweeter tone shift, from a demon who simply snuck into your bed and tore off all your clothes into shreds to have impromptu, impassioned sex.
Surprisingly, you reached your hand up to touch his pale face. You wanted to make sure that he was more than some yearning illusion. When your hand collided with an actual being, that not only was real but kissed the palm of your hand. A wave of butterflies washed over you in that instant.
“Heh. You’re cute Y/N.” He kisses your hand once more before he moved to your forehead.
“I’ll explain everything while we have a little shower sex. That should help make things a little more clear.”
You gripped onto his boulder-like shoulders as his leather wings glided through the air towards his onyx marble and gold-trimmed bathroom. He allowed you to stand on your own in the lion-pawed tub. Standing for you was difficult, and you struggled because it felt like your pelvis had been split in two. Alfred held you steady by the waist to steady you while you continued to cling to his shoulders. His tail turned on the shower head, and you were on cloud nine as the warm water washed over your sullied skin. It stung a little in places where Alfred’s managed to draw blood. He buried his nose in your hair and inhaled deeply. It felt good not to be alone.
“Y/N?” He questioned.
“Yes?” You open your eyes only to be greeted by his toned torso embracing you.
“Are you ready to be the new Queen of Solar Dead?”
Your eyebrow furrowed in confusion. A few moments pass before you finally manage to ask:
“Your new job will always be to keep my bed warm and bear my airs.”
The information to you still sounds like you are having some fearsome fever dream where blind passion was the only thing your mind could comprehend. Soft notes of rose petals reached your nostrils and put you at ease. The aphrodisiac was still active in your bloodstream. You still craved him. As if he could read your mind, his tail coiled around your leg and began to prod at your sweet spot that you still hadn’t fully recovered from earlier but desired more. A moan of pleasure escaped your lips. When the sound reached his pointed ears, he bit down on his lip to contain himself. He didn’t want to pounce on you and possibly break his tub. His tail dragged you down into the rising rose bubble bath.
The stroking from his tail became much more intense.
“OH AFLFRED!” You shout. Perhaps being dominated by him wasn’t such a bad thing after all. His hands savagely grab your thighs and spread them wide. He places them on either side of the tub. Your hands move to his back so you won’t sink below the tides as he plows you. Just as he placed his cock at your entrance again. The heat of the sun was rubbing your folds underneath the water. He caresses your face and plants a few kisses on your cheeks before moving to claim your lips.
“I love you.” He whispers lightly before he enters into you once more, slowly this time. His girth stretches you out, and you whimper his name as you struggle to keep consciousness. He started slowly at first. The water in the tub began to turn into small waves splashing about against the tub walls. Alfred was singing your praises for being able to take him so well. He alternated between doing this and giving showering you with kisses. With his firm grip on your waist, he found a steady rhythm to enter and exit you while the smooth jazz filled your ears like cotton balls.
The two of you were enamored with one another, lost amidst the rose-scented lust.
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linesonscreens · 9 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yes, all of it) - December 1952
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
Dec 6, 1952
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Dec 8, 1952
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Honestly it's not a bad look.
Dec 9, 1952
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Did that just make him cry?
Dec 11, 1952
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Gah! Please never do that again!
Dec 19, 1952
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No no no! If you just outright lie then of course he will brush you off without a second thought. You've got to start with something somewhat true and then slowly work in the bullshit over time. Maybe throw in a death threat and a passive aggressive snipe at his sexuality to twist the knife a little.
God, it's like you four year olds from 1952 have never even been on social media.
Dec 21, 1952
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I mean, it's more than I've gotten this year.
Dec 23, 1952
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One of many things that I think sets Peanuts apart from other strips is how well Schulz depicts depression (probably because he almost certainly suffered from it). You might think depression is just a sad feeling similar to grief but it's actually more of an irrational pessimism coupled with a persistent sense dread. Your brain doesn't exactly lie to you but instead tells you the most negative version of the truth possible which can lead you to some very irrational conclusions. You feel fine, it's the ~world~ that's broken (and keeps giving you these useless pennies).
Er, not that I know anything about all that.
Anyways, Schulz perfectly captures this in a way that's honest and sincere but also entertaining and kid-friendly. Which is pretty damn impressive when you think about it.
End of the year character design recap time!
Again, not doing every character every year for my own sanity since the cast will be getting very large. CB and Snoopy will be constants but the rest will get rotated in/out:
Charlie Brown
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October 1950
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December 1950
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December 1951
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December 1952
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October 1950
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December 1950
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December 1951
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December 1952
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March 1952
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December 1952
(why can't I make this one picture smaller? Am I doing something wrong?)
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September 1952
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December 1952
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May 1951
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December 1951
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December 1952
The main thing I'm noticing is that everybody looks twice as old as they did last year while the expression work is getting a bit more complex and nuanced. Charlie Brown's head is literally half the size it was in 1950, Schroeder has aged up into an actual character and has shed a lot of his UPA stylization, Snoopy's face is becoming a bit more blocky and angular, and Lucy's eyes no longer make her look like some kind of cursed doll. Big improvements all around I think.
Linus... got a shirt. Look it's only been 3 months what do you want from me?
There's also a lot more detail in the backgrounds now which is creating a wonderful sense of these characters existing in an actual environment. Schulz is also surprisingly good at drawing plants and nature which adds a nice organic softness to his world. It's all actually making me kind of annoyed at the animated adaptations because they always go for something loose and minimalistic for their backgrounds and I think they would have really benefited form the contrast something more solid and detailed would have provided.
Finally his paneling and compositions are god tier. I mean, god damn.
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Anyways that's it for 1952, I hope you all enjoyed it. Next up: 1953!
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