#and i am constantly watching them all make new friends and bring new people into their lives and i just. dont
victim9d · 9 months
#negative cw#our other best friend came over and my roommate mentioned that hes here but never anything past that#and i just went to the bathroom and heard them all playing the board game we were all gonna play and. no one told me#like i would've probably said no bc the kids are here and I'd be uncomfortable but. it hurts?#its a game ive never played before (cluedo) that i bought specifically bc i thought it would be fun to play with my best friends but#god i hate this my stupid brain is so self sabotaging and now im just 'well okay so im never ever gonna play cluedo then this has ruined it'#i hate this i hate everything ab this but my brain gets so all or nothing in situations like this#and i will frequently go for Nothing bc i feel like this is a. it feels once again like i am being excluded from the only friends i have#and its. if it was any other day I'd say maybe they dont wanna keep me up bc of work but i dont work tomorrow#me not working tomorrow is WHY we were gonna play board games tonight literally the entire reason#bc i could stay up later and it'd be fine#but also its fucking 7pm its not that late and they've been going for a couple hours already#and i just. it hurts that they didnt even ask if i wanted to play when ive spent days excited for this#i have talked excitedly ab playing cluedo and now i never ever want to see that game ever again i hate it#i wish i had. i wish i had friends outside of just my 2 roommates and our best friend#like i don't even mean i want people im as close to as them i literally just. i dont know anyone else#no one else would ever want to spend time with me#and i am constantly watching them all make new friends and bring new people into their lives and i just. dont#and its not for lack of trying!!!!! i am always trying So Hard to meet people and make friends but just. it.#i have known for Years like at least a decade that i am fundamentally difficult for people to like especially in person so ive clung to#the trio ive had but i just. i feel like. they are moving on#and its felt that way for a long time for a lot of reasons and its just. i do not understand what im doing wrong#or why people never like me#i wish so badly i could've just been happy with the body i was born in i feel like if i had just settled w being a girl people might like me#i don't know this is stupid and depressing and will be deleted i just#hearing them playing and having fun and the fact that they never even thought to involve me just Hurts
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salmonskinrolltf · 5 months
Soulmates 2
[Here's a sequel of sorts to my previous story Soulmates (you don't need to have read it to understand this story). With thanks to @guytransformedforever, @beardobession, @tf-vigilante, @maletransformationlover, @clevertreephilosopher, @scorpionofredsand, and @maletffanatic for providing the photos used as inspiration.]
Hello, my name is Tyler. This is me:
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And this is my roommate, Dylan:
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Now look, I don’t have a problem with gay people. My cousin is a lesbian. And Dylan is a great roommate. Stays out of my way when we’re not gymming together, but is always down to hang when I need someone to talk to. I just wish he would be less in my face with all his gay shit. Rainbow flags everywhere, blasting Ariana Grande at all hours, constantly bringing new Grindr hookups back to the apartment but giving me side-eye when I ogle women. It’s just… too much for me.
Here’s the thing. I might actually be able to change that. I have this friend Evan, who I’ve wingmanned for on a few occasions over the past year. One night, when we were getting drunk together, he shared his secret with me. He has a magic gift. He clasped my hand and said “tomorrow, you will wake up and have this magic too.” And sure enough, the next day I could feel a tingle coursing through my veins, and I automatically had the knowledge of how to channel it.
Now I have the ability to change somebody’s future. I can’t fiddle with anything that’s innate or has already happened to them. Like, I can’t just make Dylan straight. But I can shape his future decisions or actions, and my magic will make alterations to speed the process along. Like if I made him decide to work out more, he would basically become a muscle beast within the week. Not that I’d do that. I still gotta be the alpha here. I just want to make him a little more… palatable. Someone cool to kick back with all the time, even if he sucks dick. Let’s see... I think I know what will work.
Hello, my name is Dylan:
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Sports are my LIFE. I never cared about them much growing up, but about a month ago I felt the urge to join my local queer volleyball team and never looked back. It became my everything. It’s been great exercise, but on top of playing volleyball and getting totally jacked off of it, I’ve loved the sense of camaraderie. I love my team. So much so that I even pierced my nipples on a dare when we lost the semifinals. My teammate River also recommended I stop dyeing my hair, and I think the look is really working for me. For some reason, even though it’s only been a month, my hair has grown out significantly since then. Was the red dye stunting its growth or something? Anyway. I also feel like my roommate Tyler and I have really bonded. We’ve been watching baseball games together and I think he appreciates how into it I am. He says he’s excited to bro out while watching football together in the fall.
I love Tyler, but here’s the thing. Maybe I love him too much. I’ve always had this huge crush on him, and no matter how many random Grindr hookups I try to distract myself with, I just can’t stop hoping that one day he’ll give up women for good and decide he loves me. Especially now that we’re spending all this time together, bumping chests when our team wins and shit.
I know us getting together is never going to happen, but I have this… temptation. I was born with a gift. Or maybe I wasn’t. Something my twink friend Paul told me made me think maybe he had something to do with it. Anyway, I have the ability to reshape someone’s past. I change just one thing about their past, and everything about their present just ripples forward to reflect that change. It’s a delicate art. Changing something big can have huge effects that are totally unpredictable. It’s a major temptation to make Tyler gay, but who knows how he’d turn out. Plus, I think that’s just too invasive.
But… Maybe I could change something small about him. Something that would make him less my type, and allow me to move on and focus on finding a boyfriend who would actually be into me. I’m into nice guys. I really love how kind and caring he is. And come on, he’s a FIREFIGHTER. So maybe I can try…
What’s up, I’m Tyler.
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You dig the jacket? Yeah, I’m still a firefighter, I’m just off duty. But babes dig whatever look I rock, you know what I mean? I get what I want, and what I want is a lot of one night stands. I know how to get ‘em, too. I’m so glad I made the decision to grow this beard out a year ago, it’s opened so many doors for me. And opened a lot of legs.
I’m getting what I want from Dylan, too. Finally, I have a roommate who’s willing to grab brews and watch the game with me. But I think I fucked up when I changed him. Queer volleyball isn’t exactly “sports,” at least not in my book. I thought he’d come out like a linebacker or something! I mean, nipple rings were never part of the plan. The gay guys seem to really go for them, too, so he’s got an even steadier stream of Grindr hookups coming in and out of the place.
On top of that, I’m a little sick of his shit. He’s always giving me lip about stupid stuff like leaving my dishes in the sink or dropping my unwashed uniform on the bathroom floor. He says it’s unsanitary. Like his parade of twinks aren’t dying to sniff that shit anyway. He just doesn’t get it. I think his volleyball teammates are a bad influence too. They’re all so obsessed with aesthetic and anti-hetero rhetoric. I still can’t make him straight, but I can definitely make him less… annoying.
Yo, I’m Dylan.
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Yeah, I cut my hair shorter than the last time you saw me. The upkeep was just getting to be too much, y’know? A couple weeks ago, about the time I dumped that lame-ass volleyball team I was on, I just got bored with shaving every day, too. I invested in a trimmer and now I rock the stubble look, and it’s working for me. I’ve gained a bit of weight since then, and it’s all for the better because I joined my local football league. Having a few extra beers with my new buds afterward just adds to my potential as a linebacker, anyway.
I thought hanging out with more straight people would make me get used to their vibe and kinda inoculate me against Tyler, but I’m still totally obsessed with him. He’s more of a bad boy now, but I’m finding that less unappealing than I used to. Plus, he’s still parading around in his uniform all the time. I can’t help it! I’ve jerked off more times that I can count to his Mr. June photos in the local firefighter calendar.
Whenever I see his mom, she’s constantly going on about how, out of all his Tonka toys growing up, the fire truck was always his favorite. She thinks that’s why he grew up to be a firefighter. Maybe I can change that core memory into something a little more… disreputable. That would definitely make him not my type anymore. I hope.
Fuckin’ A, man, I’m Tyler.
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God, I love my hog. She’s a beaut, ain’t she? My parents wanted me to grow up to be a doctor or a lawyer or a firefighter or some shit, but all I ever wanted to do was ride my hog. Chicks want to ride my hog too, and I let them. As long as they don’t go near my bike! Hahaha, get it? Fuck, I love life. Let me take another drag on this stogie real quick.
Where was I? Oh yeah, my roommate, Dylan. I wish I didn’t have to room with anyone, but my boss at the garage keeps refusing to promote me. I should knock him around one of these days, see if that changes his mind. Anyway, sure, Dylan isn’t so much of a priss anymore. He doesn’t give me shit if I leave my grease-stained clothes on the couch or light up when we’re watching a football game.
But I wanted him to be straight-acting, you know? I tried to train him up as my wingman but he wore a super gay shirt with all these see-through holes to the party, and all the chicks kept their eyes on him the whole time! Fucker. Why can’t he be more like his brother? I’ve seen pictures. That dude is a full on redneck slob, got a Confederate tattoo and everything. I know they had the same backwater-ass trailer trash upbringing, why can’t he be rougher around the edges? You know what… maybe he can!
Hey y’all, I’m Dylan.
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Hoo-ee, life has been good lately. I dunno why I resisted my good ol’ boy roots for so long. This goatee really makes me look rugged, dunnit? Also the chest hair. So grabbable. I decided to stop shaving my body, and poof! There it went. A full rug, within like two days I reckon. Like a sign from God. This is how I was always meant to be.
I know I was trying to push away my crush on Tyler by making him not my type, but what’s the fuckin’ point? I need someone who can handle me, and this hot as fuck biker dude I’ve created might be the only one who can handle me at this point. I ride ‘em rough and bareback, just like the horses back home, and weak city dudes just can’t handle it.
Will he be the same if he’s not straight? Maybe not. But as long as he can take my eight inches, I’ll keep him around. I vaguely remember having some sort of compunction about changing him so drastically, but I’m too horny to remember what it was.
Fuck it.
Uh… hi. I’m Tyler. Who are you again?
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Sorry, I’m pretty forgetful. Daddy Dylan says I don’t gotta remember shit though, as long as I let him ride me as rough and as long as he likes. He’ll do all the rest for me. He tells me where to go, what to do, who to do. There are so many nice, hot guys who are willing to pay our rent if I turn a few tricks. I love it.
I’ve been like this as long as I can remember. My mom and dad kicked me out when I was 18, in my senior year of high school. I was caught sucking my English teacher’s dick behind the locker rooms. I never went to college after that, but it’s not like I was getting good grades anyway. Sucking Mr. Brentmon’s cock wasn’t for my health, you know. He had a nice juicy one, too. I still dream about it sometimes.
What was I saying? Oh yeah, I took up with this biker gang for a while after getting kicked out. I’ve always had a thing for bikers. But once they got through using my ass, they got bored. It was hard for a while, but now things are oh, so easy. I get all the dick I could ever want. I have a roof over my head, and no job to worry about. All I do is go to the gym and eat and fuck and I never have to think. Dylan said he might take me out muddin’ sometime too. I don’t know what that is, but anything Dylan does is fun. Fuck, I love the way his goatee tickles my skin when he kisses me, so rough, so manly. Way manlier than I’ve ever been. It’s so fucking hot. I love how he takes care of me.
I really have no complaints. I wouldn’t change anything about my life, even if I could remember how…
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smartycvnt · 6 months
Another Life
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Title: Another Life
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: Hotch introduces the team to his wife when a BAU case brings them close to where he settled down.
Word Count: 1240
Warnings: brief mentions of murder
The murders were making Aaron nervous. Foyet was long gone, and Aaron thought that he had moved on. Jack and Ash were none the wiser to the thoughts racing through Aaron's mind. To them, this was just a freak situation in a nearby city. It was something that Ash constantly reassured everyone that the city cops would be able to handle. Aaron had more than enough on his plate at the firm to worry about the bullshit happening half an hour away.
Aaron wished that his wife had been right, but then the call came in from Garcia. The BAU had been sent out after the bodies of more victims had been found. Whenever one of Jack's friends showed up on the autopsy table, Aaron had rushed over there to see what he could do to help. Legally, he wasn't sure what he could do, but Aaron wanted everything to be over as quickly as possible.
"It feels different looking down at the body knowing who it was." Rossi and JJ shared a look as Aaron stared down at the boy on the table. "Carter, he ate dinner at my house last weekend. He was on Jack's baseball team. I helped him fill out an application for a pre-college program last month."
"Aaron, I am so sorry," Rossi apologized. "We'll get this sick bastard before he takes another kid's life. Go home, be with Jack, I'm sure that he needs his father."
"My wife is with him. Ash has been a godsend," Aaron said. JJ looked surprised by the news that Aaron had remarried. JJ could remember the difficulties that Aaron had whenever he had tried dating before. "If you guys aren't too busy when this is all over, I'd love to have you over for dinner."
The offer to come and see where Aaron had been for the past decade or so had been happily accepted by the rest of the team. Even Garcia had hopped on an airplane to come and see Aaron and Jack. Aaron pretended not to be nervous about the whole ordeal, but Ash could see right through him. She could see the way that his fingers twitched as he watched the FBI issued black SUVs pull into the driveway.
"I know that I'm relatively new to the housewife side of things, but my cooking isn't that bad, is it?" Ash joked as she nudged Aaron's side with her elbow. Aaron glanced down at his wife, who was smiling at him in an attempt to get him to calm down. There wasn't anything for them to worry about. Ash was amazing, and the team would love her. If anything, Aaron knew that he only had to worry about Emily or Derek charming her away from him, not that they'd ever seriously do that.
"The ten pounds I gained should be reassurance enough." Ash smiled at Aaron's joke. He placed his hand over his stomach, which Ash knew for a fact was still in great shape. Aaron worked out like he was still planning on taking a fitness test for the FBI again. He was a great influence on her health and worked with her to get some exercise almost every single day.
"Are they here?" Jack asked as he raced down the stairs. Ash didn't think that she had seen him that excited to see anybody in a long time. Suddenly, she felt a little nervous. These people were very obviously important to her husband and son. Ash watched as Jack practically ran outside and began hugging the group of people that got out of the vehicles.
"Come on," Aaron said as he led Ash outside. She looked at each of them, who seemed so happy to be reunited with their old friend. Ash felt out of place, but she wouldn't have traded her place watching for anything. It felt like a blessing to see a sliver of Aaron's old life before he had been forced to move. He didn't like talking about Haley or his work before, and with the dark subject matter, Ash had just let it be.
"This is my mom, Ash," Jack introduced. He looked back at Ash, who was still taking a moment to compose herself. She had done everything that she could to build a relationship with Jack without forcing it, and it had paid off. She constantly worried about being too overbearing or not seeming to care enough, but for Jack to introduce her as his mom showed that she had been doing things just right.
"It's nice to meet all of you. Aaron isn't much of a talker, so I'm afraid that I don't know a lot," Ash said. She shook each of their hands as they introduced themselves. Aaron ushered everybody inside to eat the dinner that Ash had made for them that was sitting out on the dining room table. It was a bit cramped, but there seemed to just enough room.
Ash spent most of her night listening to the stories that everybody had to tell. Aaron looked so at ease around his old friends. Rossi was full of stories about Aaron's early days, and Ash wasn't the least bit surprised to learn that he had been uptight and overly serious to compensate for his initial lack of experience. JJ's stories about Aaron falling asleep at his desk working overnight sounded somewhat familiar, but it was a habit that Aaron had been slowly breaking himself out of.
"You guys are gonna come visit again, aren't you?" Jack asked hopefully.
"Definitely, and we'll work on talking your old man into coming to DC for a bit. Have you ever been Ash?" Emily asked. Ash thought that she liked Ash the most out of everybody. They were the most alike, both women who had focused on their careers to a personal detriment. Ash hoped that Emily got lucky and found someone like Aaron who could give her the family that she had always wanted, but kept pushing off.
"Nope, I haven't left the state actually," Ash answered. "Aaron lured me in with stories about foreign cities and exotic places."
"Well now you have to come out," Rossi decided. Aaron watched as they all planned a trip for him to come to DC in the summer. It scared him a little to go back to where he had lost his wife, but Jack had been asking to visit for a couple of years now already. Aaron wanted to give Jack everything, and there was no better way to set a good example for his son than to put his own fears behind him to make his family happy.
"Do you think that they liked me?" Ash asked hours after everybody had left as she got ready for bed with Aaron.
"I think they love you almost as much as I do. It's impossible not to," Aaron told her. Ash smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Yeah, you really did try keeping your distance. I guess you're not much of a lone wolf anymore, and I can't say that I'm too upset about it."
"Me neither," Aaron agreed. He really was glad that he had let go of his reservations and made the move to let things get serious with Ash. He would never forget Haley or let Ash replace her, but it was nice to have someone else there for him and Jack.
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alphajocklover · 22 days
Hey bro, I have a bit of a strange situation going on. You see, I’m a big nerd, like playing dnd, good at math, into card games nerds. And I never really questioned it. But recently, I’ve found myself wanting to be more active, I’ve been wanting to become something I am not, a big strong guy. And it all stared when I rediscovered the Xmen through the show and upcoming movie. Could you, I mean, would you mind helping me become like my ideal man, Wolverine?
I want to be the small hunky and hairy beats he is, oozing with libido and sex appeal.
It's a little strange, but I’ve been getting a lot of superhero requests recently! Not that I’m complaining, I love writing about superheros. They’re interesting characters who have long histories and decades of lore to use. Plus they’re usually hot as fuck. And Wolverine is one of the hottest. Muscular, with a thick layer of hair, and gruff as can be. He’s traditionally a loner, but he has a certain rough charm to him. There’s a reason he’s been a part of almost every superhero team at one time or another. People can’t get enough of the guy. It could be his inventive power set, his ability to change with the times and still remain interesting and relevant. Or it could be that he’s an incredibly manly hunk whose animalistic nature makes people weak in the knees. He’s everything you ever wanted to be, or at least everything you’ve wanted to be since you saw those new X-Men cartoons. When you watched them, something awakened in you. And now… you’re becoming just like him.
You’re not becoming him, if that’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is happening to you can’t give you claws like Wolverine or coat your skeleton in adamantium. I mean, in our world adamantium doesn’t really exist, and even though some transformation methods could turn you into a perfect replica of wolverine or add onto the periodic table, this one won’t do that. It’s more fun to be a stud without the responsibility of being a superhero anyways, especially since one of his main powers is to survive incredibly painful situations. Now you get all the pleasure, none of the pain, and an absolutely studly body.
One common fun fact that people like to bring up about Wolverine is the fact that he’s… while he’s short. Really short. Since Hugh Jackman is over 6 feet tall, people tend to forget that in the comics Wolverine is a complete shortstack, standing at 5’3”. So, I’m afraid to say that you’re going to shrink quite a bit. Luckily, being shorter just makes your new muscles look even bigger and better. Your biceps are enormous, your pecs are amazing, and your abs are almost inhuman. That, plus a heavy layer of manly, thick hair, and you look like you walked right off the pages of a comic book. Or out of a very suggestive movie. Of course you don’t want to just look like Wolverine. You want to be like Wolverine. Which means a few… adjustments to your personality.
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That might seem daunting or scary at first, the idea that your personality is going to change. But you won’t feel that way very long. Nothing is going to faze you anymore. Just like Wolverine You’re tough as nails and you act like it. Literally nothing throws you. You’re a certified badass. Yes, you have a sensitive side like the real Wolverine, but most people aren’t gonna see that. Most people, from your manly new friends to the girls you hook up with, are going to see the manly man, the strong warrior, the beast.
There are some small differences between you and Wolverine of course. The main one being that the guy in the comics doesn’t hook up with people very often. Too busy saving the world. And when he does get a love interest, the feelings between them are pretty serious. You don’t have the same patterns. You’re the type of guy who has a new girl every night and is constantly looking for more pussy. You can’t help it, with a massive cock and an even bigger libido. You’re the best at what you do, and what you do is fuck.
**Hey guys! Hope I did Wolverine justice. He’s a super hot character and I had a lot of fun writing a tf inspired by him. Hope you enjoyed!**
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What Must Be Done.
Major Trigger warnings guys!! Please read the before the story!!
Plantonic!Pierre Gasly x Reader, Platonic!Charles Lecerlc x Reader (although there are feelings between you and Charles)
Summary: Your friends discover you have relapsed and have begun to self-mutilate again.
Warnings: Major trigger warnings, mentions of self-harm, depression, suicidal ideation, cutting, scarring, blood.
 Word Count: 2660
Authors note: My loves, once again, I am at no point romanticizing self harm. Please take note of your mental health at any point you consider reading media like this and please know you are so deeply loved and so enough and there are always options for help, please seek treatment and help if you or someone you know is suffering <3 
I opted to not address reasons for self harm, because every single person who suffers has different reasons, so instead I focused on how deeply this actually affects everyone, and to bring attention to the fact that you are loved and you deserve to feel good because so many people actually do love and care for you and want to see you healthy and better. I hope it is okay and you all like it <3 
Dropping your guard was not the right thing to do. It wasn’t them that had let up, they had just stopped verbally asking you how you were. They were still watching you like a hawk. Eye’s still flitting down to any available skin their gaze could reach. Months later and still constantly monitoring you, without you even noticing.
So when you all had gone down to the gym one evening, always dedicated to your sport, you hadn’t thought twice about shoving the sleeves of your top up in an attempt to beat the heat.
As if on instinct, both Charles and Pierres eyes ran down your arm, fully expecting to see the same scars that had finally healed over, both pain and pride filling their hearts whenever they caught a glimpse of them. Pain that they existed, pride that you had beat it. What they had grown used to seeing and feeling.
What they hadn’t expected to see were the fresh cuts that suddenly adorned your inner arms. A new wave of emotion they had been thanking God they had yet to feel, knowing they might, but never fully expecting the way it would slam into them, driving the breath from their lungs the second they did.
One would expect it to be fear, but ever since they had found out that this was what you had struggled with, the fear had nestled its way into their very being, and latched itself on, never to leave them again. They would no longer know an existence without fear when it came to you. A fear that this would happen again, a fear that you couldn’t beat it again, a fear that they would have to watch you lose all that you were again and most importantly, a fear that they would lose you for good.
But dread? Dread was new.
The dread existed because of a promise they had made to you the night you had promised you’d fight to beat this and they in turn had promised they would do everything they could to help you in any way you had needed.
The promise to make sure you were benched from your team to receive treatment is a part of it. The dread of what they would now have to do claiming its spot right next to the fear.
Your name left Charles lips as a defeated sigh, turning to look at him as he ran his hands through his hair, face cast down, Pierre’s eyes never leaving your wrists.
There was no malice or disappointment in the look, nor in Charles' voice. Only dread and fear.
And suddenly it seeped off of you too. 
“This isn’t what you’re thinking” frantically pulling your sleeves down, you desperately began an attempt at an explanation of what they had seen. 
“Then what is it exactly?” Pierre decided to take control of the conversation. Although both invested in your health, Charles had always been a little more emotional when it came to you, too protective, unable to think clearly and always letting his emotions get the best of him.. Whereas Pierre, he could think logically, he could take charge and do what needed to be done, knowing that both him and Charles were about to be the bad guys, and if that’s what they needed to be, then he’d happily be the worst of the lot. Anything to keep you safe. 
You stood, Pierre’s eyes now boring into yours and Charles unable to leave the floor. 
Charles is unable to face you at all. 
And as you stood there trying to come up with a reason for what this was, you came to nothing, only focused on how they were disgusted in you, how they hated you for breaking your promise, how disappointed they were in you. 
How Charles could never like you now. 
How, if they had decided to keep to their promise, you were about to lose your job. 
They wouldn’t really do that to you, would they? They would never. 
And still you could come up with nothing other than, 
“It was one bad day” 
You flinched as the water bottle hit the wall. Both Pierre and yourself staring at Charles retreating back as he grabbed his towel, storming out of the gym. You didn’t know what to do. Do you run after him? Do you stay? do you crawl back to your own room, tail between your legs, aware that you’d finally fucked up enough to make him hate you? 
Of course you had fucked up this badly. There was no other outcome for you. You were always going to fuck it up. You ruined everything, so you weren’t surprised you’d ruined this too. 
“You promised” it was all Pierre had said as he began gathering up both of your belongings, cutting your gym session short, both of you well aware that the plans for your day had changed in a matter of minutes. You know, because they found out that you’d fucked up, again. 
“I know” you sighed as you followed Pierre, well aware of what was going to happen now. It was the same routine for a long time, until they thought you had gotten better, but now, “You don’t have to check my room”. 
“You promised” Pierre hadn't turned to look back at you once as you made your way through the hotel and up to your room, “You promised and you lied and now we can’t trust you” he had finally come to a stop outside of your room, hand outstretched, waiting for you to place the room card in it so he could get inside and begin ripping your room apart, searching for anything that you could possibly use to cause further harm. 
“Did you ever trust me after the first time?” you let out a dry chuckle, a poor attempt at diffusing the situation, earning the exact response you had expected from him as he moved to drop your suitcase on your bed in order to start the meticulous search. 
“No, but we gave you the benefit of the doubt, and we’re the ones who are going to have to live with that” you recoiled at the words. How had he been so nonchalant whilst being so cruel, barely even glancing back at you as he said it, only rifling through your clothes. 
“That was unfair” you whispered out, so soft you were sure he hadn’t even heard, his posture stiffening indicating otherwise, and the onslaught of words streaming out of him a second later a confirmation he had heard exactly what you’d said. 
“I was unfair? Me? You’ve actually got to be kidding. What’s unfair is the fact that for the next few hours I have to go through every item of clothing and luggage and toiletry bag and every nook and fucking cranny of this godforsaken hotel room looking for anything that you could fucking use to hurt yourself, again, because you can’t keep a promise. What’s unfair is the fact that one of my best friends is literally harming herself and I have to witness it. What’s fucking unfair is the fact that now, I have to live with that fear again and anxiety and I’m not going to be able to sleep because I have to live with the fact that I didn’t push for you to see someone the first time we caught you pulling this shit and I simply took your word that you’d stop and that it wasn’t all that serious and now that’s on me. Do you get that? I am terrified that you’re going to kill yourself and I have to live with the fact that it’s all on me. So yeah, maybe I was unfair, but I think I may be allowed to be. And you’re the last person who is allowed to call me out on it.” His chest was heaving by the end of it, his knuckles white as he gripped the shirt he was holding, a poor attempt to keep himself calm, and when he noticed you weren’t going to fight him on it, he simply turned back around to continue the well practiced routine of searching your stuff. 
The second Charles had opened the door, you’d stormed into his room, eyes red from tears that had now refused to surface as you stood in front of your two friends. 
“You got me suspended” was all you’d said to them and they both felt their stomach drop the second they’d heard you say it. Neither knew what to say in response, because yeah, they had, quite frankly, they’d pushed for it, not that it took much to convince Toto that this was the best course of action, and their lack of response only made you more angry, “YOU GOT ME FUCKING SUSPENDED!”
Charles thought he was going to be sick, he knew you were going to be angry, but he hadn’t expected to feel so distraught at your anger, he’d thought you’d understand it all. 
“Of course we did, we keep our promises” was the only explanation that Pierre offered, once again having to take the reins, knowing that when it came to you, Charles wasn’t capable of much if he wanted to keep himself under control. 
Truthfully, Pierre didn’t blame him. He understood that here he was going to have to be the bad guy, because if Charles had to, then his friend was never going to recover from it and Pierre could only focus on one of you at the time and Charles being in love was nothing compared to what you were currently going through. 
“There were better ways to go about this and you know it” you were directing all your anger at Pierre now, both of you acting as if Charles wasn’t even in the room. 
“Like what? Hear you promise that you’d stop and it wasn’t that serious?” Pierre repeated the words you’d told him the last time you three had this conversation, throwing every single one of them back in your face. 
“It isn’t that serious!” you were absolutely seething, completely unaware of what the boys had gone through to make sure this entire process was going to be as easy on you as possibly whilst keeping you as safe as possible. 
“What the fuck do you mean it isn’t that serious?” Charles had finally spoken up, a look of pure rage etched on his face, one to even rival your own. 
“I mean, it’s not that ser-” 
“IT’S FUCKING EERYTHING!” even Pierre had startled at Charles outburst, knowing that this was destroying Charles, but never expecting him to show you just how much. “It’s fucking everything”. 
A thick silence seeped into the entire room, neither you nor Pierre wanting to break the silence out of fear and Charles just trying to quiet his mind down enough to formulate a decent thought. 
“It’s everything because you are everything and to you it’s nothing because it was simply one bad day and now you’ve got a few fresh cuts on your arm, but what happens when that one bad day is behind the wheel? Because you see, the thing is, my bad day isn’t that serious, because on my bad day, I might just be angry or have a cry and watch some shitty serious to make myself feel better, but your bad day, I might lose you forever. So yeah, to you it’s not that serious because fuck, your days bad enough and then suddenly it’s not really a you problem anymore, but to me, its everything because I lose everything” Charles was so clinical he was even scaring Pierre. 
The comment stopped you in your tracks, because yeah, even you were slightly nervous about that day, but you sure as hell weren’t going to admit that, not to them, because if you didn’t say it, it wasn’t real. In truth there was a lot you didn’t want to admit, most of all your feelings towards the man standing in front of you, or the feelings that drove you to all of this or even how you’re surprised anyone even cares at all, so you settle for something that feels slightly safe, a segway, maybe a way that you’d eventually be able to talk about it all with the two closest people to you, despite your fears. 
“You embarrassed me.” Pierre let out a laugh, not that he found anything funny, not by a long shot, but more so that out of everything, this is what worried you. 
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you know that right?” the look in your eyes confirmed that no, you did in fact not know that, “Jesus, there is nothing to be embarrassed by, you’re sick, that’s it, you’re sick and you just need some help getting better. It’s like, when you break your leg, you see a doctor and you allow yourself time to heal and you work at the physio and you let your friends help you and visit you in hospital, but you put in the work to heal and get better and walk again, it’s exactly the same, you’re sick, and we just want to help you get better.” Pierre prayed that he was getting through to you, after the first time, he had thrown himself into educating himself as much as he could in order to help you in any way he could, and this had stuck with him, that you were just sick and being sick is okay, but you had to work to get better. 
“What if I do all this work and then ruin it all again?” your voice was so small and Charles was sure his heart was about to break at the sight. 
“Then you ruin it all again, and we help you pick up the pieces all over again and we get you better, but we need you to try, please, fuck, we need you to try.” Charles was now standing directly in front of you, fighting every urge to just grab you and hold you close, wanting to take every single ounce of whatever burden you were holding off of your shoulders. 
“Toto said Mick was going to take my spot, and if a reserve is needed, Danny is going to fill in” you needed to somehow move away from this topic, heart aching to the point of break, changing to the only other thing you could think of. 
“And you?” Pierre knew you and Toto probably had discussed a plan of action revolving around your recovery too. 
“Benched, media duties, but he’s going to be sorting out an intensive therapy regime for me, or something like that, get the best of the best to help” you’d dumbed the process down significantly, but that was the jist of it all, “I have to go, Toto had to run to a meeting, but I’ve got to meet with PR now, sort everything out from that side, I’ll see you both at dinner.” You’d made your way out the room, both boys' eyes never leaving you, and subsequently the door once you had shut it behind you after a chorus of goodbyes followed you out. 
“You can’t make a move while she’s healing, you know that right?” Pierre knew Charles knew, but he needed him to make sure that Pierre was going to do everything to make sure your recovery was the only thing you would be focusing on for now, no boys, no racing, nothing other than your mental health. 
“I’ll wait, I’ve waited for years and I’ll wait for more, her health is the number one priority” Charles felt his friend give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, letting him know that he was aware of how difficult this all was, “I’ll wait.” and he would, for the rest of his life if he had to, but he’d wait, because you were everything. 
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the-owl-house-takes · 6 months
I can't take Luz antis seriously I'm sorry but i am starting to hate them for numerous reasons
First of all, why do you ?? Care so much about this random fictional teenage character and the fact that she is imperfect ?? Like yeah I won't deny the owl house can get bad with it's writing at times but why are you so obsessed with hating it. if you don't like it why are you just filling your mind with more hatred and toxicity why are you s toh fan if you hate everything about it
Second of all a bunch of their arguments are useless. I most oftentimes see them ALWAYS bringing you her introduction and how she brang snakes to school. And let me tell you, in kids cartoons - character introductions are very much often exaggerated !!! All the time !! Oftentimes, characters in their introductions are exaggerated so the audience, usually being children, can easily get a quick grasp of who this new character is. Luzs introduction is meant to show us that she's the weird kid, people don't really like her, she doesn't fit in, she likes to have fun in weird ways. Her bringing fireworks,spiders and snakes into school, I believe is not meant to be taken extremely seriously, I believe it's a form of exaggeration, because fictional characters in their introductions are, like I said, exaggerated so they're easier to read
And honestly it seems a bit pitiful to always bring up the same scene over and over again even though it leaves little to no impact on the rest of the show
And don't tell me she is a Mary sue who's flaws never get pointed out. They literally do. Watch season 1. Also clearly she means no harm and she already feels such remote and guilt for things she has done but never has meant (helping belos w his plan). Are y'all trying to make her look morally bad? You're not doing a very good job
I've seen people say that she doesn't 'deserve' friends, her family, her girlfriend, or a happy life.
God that annoys me
You don't necessarily earn these things. Well, you shouldn't have to at least !! Everyone deserves a chance of a happy life, especially ppl like Luz who are just random teenagers who are struggling in their life due to various factors
Luz does deserve a happy life and a happy ending. Yes it might be a bit bland and boring in some people's eyes but that doesn't mean Luz as a person wouldnt deserve love and joy in her life
She continuously tries to "make up for what she's done" and she always blames herself too hard. Season 1 finale, season 2, season 3. It's shown constantly how do you miss it and how can you call her selfish
ALSO SHE LITERALLY LET HERSELF DIE ? And you're going to tell me that she's selfish even though she is literally anything but the things you try to make her be
Anyway I don't think Luz is actually that hated in the fandom, I just see very specific people hating on her and it makes no sense to me
Luz defender forever m💪
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Tiro Libre (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
Sooooooo, part 3 in my Rivales Storyline, deffo read parts one & two if you want to understand better... Thank you to everyone for being so patient with me, and to the people who have reached out you are amazing!! 
The teams main focus after coming off the strong performance in Barcelona and the Christmas break was to bring that drive to the league and try to win it. Your main focus was not to miss your girlfriend too much, but also try to be her rock from a far while your friends were fighting for equality within the national team. 
You were able to spend Christmas back in Spain, but most of the time while you were there your house was used for the girls to meet and plan their course of action. Now that you were back in Manchester you realised how much you missed the Spanish girls being around constantly. Having watched them plan their attack and get ready to go to the federation you felt like one of the team. 
Being born in America you had been in the youth system for the USA but never actually got a look on the national team, until recent years you were mainly considered a bench player. It didn’t mean you never wanted to be on the national team, it just meant you could support your love and teammates in the supporters section. 
One night you were sitting on the couch in your Manchester apartment waiting for Alexia to call, you had been back for a week and you had a game the next afternoon. A low-key night was planned for you and Ona who had just left to grab your take away from the shop on the corner. When she slams the door open and yells out to you, she immediately has you standing and worried. 
Turning towards her you immediately see the panic in her eyes as she says “someone leaked the news, they are spinning it in their favour.” When she finishes you feel the dread in your stomach and cant help but think of what this means for the girls. 
“Im sorry Ona, I know thats not what any of you wanted” you tell her as you walk towards her and immediately pull the younger girl into your arms. You always knew she was sensitive, and you know she needs this as you can feel her tears soaking through your shirt. “It’ll be okay, you know the rest of them won’t let anything crazy happen Ona.” 
She sniffles and pulls back and says “you don’t know that Y/N” 
Shaking your head you tell her “I do though, you really think Ale or Irene will let them get away with this?”
“Exactly, you know they have your back. You guys are all in this together.” you tell her. Before she can respond your phone rings with an incoming call from your love. “Speak of the devil” you say as you wink at Ona who smiles at you as you pick up the phone with a “Hi love” 
“Hola Ale, were your ears burning?” Ona asks with a laugh. 
She laughs through the phone as she says “I know you both only talk about me when I am not there” 
You all laugh and you chime in “In your dreams love, we have enough fun without you dragging us down” 
This gets a laugh from Ona and you drag her on the couch beside you where she settles with her head on her shoulder as you both settle in and talk with Alexia. “I am guessing you guys saw the news?” 
“Yeah, I was just telling Ona how you guys will not let this get you down.” you remind her. 
The way she responds makes you wish she was closer to you. “Oh Ona don’t you worry, there is no way they can keep La reina quiet, and you know we are all in this together, and I have your back”. The confidence she says that with gets to you, you know first hand how insecure she can be, and how she is worried for her teammates but she would never let anyone else know. 
You have to adjust in your seat as you are a bit turned on by her confidence and you hope Ona doesn’t notice but when you squirm one too many times she asks “you good Y/N? you cant sit still.” 
You immediately feel the blush in your cheeks as Alexia chimes in down the line “something caught your attention babe?” based on the tone in her voice she knows exactly what she is doing to you. 
Ona s continues to look at your for an answer as you say “yes i am fine, just worried for you all” finishing with a small smile to her as you add on “I may also miss Ale a little bit.”
“Oh you do? what do you miss most babe?” Alexia chirps from the phone.
Immediately Ona stands and squeals out a “ew gross guys, I am right here” 
Laughing you tell Ona “Come back, we can watch a movie and hang up on Ale for that comment.”
“really?” Ona asks you in a soft tone. 
You smile and pat the couch beside you as you ask her “high school musical?”
She nods and settles back on the couch beside you as you hand her the remote you say into the phone “I’ll call you later babe.” 
“bye Ale! Sorry not sorry” Ona chimes in. 
“its okay you guys enjoy the movie. Love you both!” she says as she disconnects the call. 
Ona has the movie on and her head on her shoulder when you look at your phone screen as it lights up with a text from your love “you are the best, take care of Ona for me. xoxo” reading that you know she got exactly why you needed this time with the young Spaniard. 
The following days after the news breaks of the 15 players speaking out has your household on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop. When the world steps up in support of the 15 you can see Ona start to relax a bit. She realises that maybe it's not going to be the end of her national career. 
You both are heavily focused on your club games, trying to keep up the momentum in league and in cup. The girls continue to remain on fire and head into the last week before the international break on a 5 game winning streak. You are looking forward to some time off, as you have been asked by the club to help run a girls camp. Being one of the more known players not linked to a national team you were excited to help out. 
When the roster announcements for the national teams started to come out you didn’t think anything of it, you never have had to. It wasn’t until you walked into your apartment to Ona lying face down on the couch not saying anything to you when you walk in. You think she’s asleep but when you move closer you realise she’s staring at her phone. 
“On you okay?” you ask as you step closer and crouch beside the couch where her face is turned. She turns her phone towards you and it takes you a second to clue into the roster announcement. “Oh shit. I’m sorry Ona” you tell her as you turn her phone screen off and put it on the table. 
“they left us all off the list” she says sadly. 
“It doesn’t mean anything, it means that you guys have made more a stink than you thought. They’re trying to make a statement back but it won’t work. You all won’t let it.” you tell her as you reach out and brush the tears off her cheeks. “Ona you are doing this to make the sport a better place for every young girl out there. You guys are heroes. you have seen the support you have gotten from players everywhere. This won’t last” 
“Maybe you’re right” she says as she sits up, you adjust to sit beside her as she says “No, you are right. I am not going to let this get me down. We still have a champions league to win, and this break will be good for me to rest up.” 
“exactly, that’s the right attitude.” you agree and before you can continue Ona’s phone rings with a zoom invite to join the other girls for a strategy session. “You have fun with that, say hi to everyone, I am going to make us dinner.”
When you head back into the kitchen you hear the girls on zoom, and you can hear your loves voice comforting the others and you are again reminded how amazing she is. Wanting her to know you shoot her a text “i love you Ale, you are amazing for standing strong for all of those girls, can’t wait until I can kiss your face.” 
Moments later you hear the team make fun of her for the blush on her cheeks as Ona yells out “Y/N, I am hungry stop texting Ale and make us dinner!” You laugh at her and continue on your way with dinner, only pausing to see the text from Ale says “I love you, call me when your in bed later babe.” 
During the international break, Ona had decided to hang around and help you with the camp for the young girls. You were happy she was going to stay around since you could keep an eye on her, but it would also be a quiet week without her around. The end of the first day of camp you were tired and lying on the couch gathering your strength to make dinner, Ona had decided to head over to one of the girls houses to watch movies but you had a face time date with Alexia. 
When your doorbell rings you groan and drag your self off the couch to answer the door. Not paying attention you open it as you ask “Mrs butler did you need sugar again?” your neighbour has knocked twice in a week for sugar. 
“Well I am not Mrs Butler but I can really use some sugar if it comes from you” the voice says and immediately you lock eyes with your love. 
“Ale, what are you doing here?” you ask her still standing staring at her. 
She steps closer without coming in as she says “Well I was hoping to get some sugar from my love, but she doesn’t look happy to see me?” 
Smiling you reach out and grab her shirt and pull her in as you say “get in here and get some sugar love.” Her hands settle low on your back as yours wind around her neck and you press your lips to hers. Every time you are reunited after being apart it feels like coming home, her taste, her touch, her smell, it completes your soul every single time. 
When you hear a door slam down the hall, you pull back and smile at her as you ask again “what are you doing here?” 
“well I suddenly had some free time and wanted to see you” she shrugs and leans in and connects your lips again. 
Pulling back you whisper “i love you”
“te amo mi amor” she says back as she presses her lips to your forehead. You reach around her and grab her bag and pull her and it into your apartment slamming the door behind you. 
She walks in and looks around and says “nice place babe. Want to take me on a tour?” 
You drop her bags and walk up to her, slowly unzip her jacket revealing the crop top you know she favours. Reaching up after its unzipped you push it down off her shoulders and down her arms as you say “maybe later” once her coat is on the floor you reach her waist band and slid your hands in and pull her towards your couch. You push her back and she sits starring up at you. 
“babe?” she asks as you step towards her and pull your top over your head, revealing your bare chest. You hated wearing bras when you were at home, this time being no different. 
The way you watch her eyes widen when you reveal your bare chest, and it fills your heart knowing you can still get this reaction out of her after being together all this time. stepping forward you place one leg on either side of hers on the couch as you straddle her and say “I’ve missed you Ale.”
“I’ve missed you too babe, and I have missed these two a lot too” she says as she brings her hands up to your breasts, and you cant take it anymore as you lean down and press your lips to hers. Once of her hands remain on your breast playing with your nipple as the other reaches down to slide under your waistband and settle on your ass. 
Moving one hand to the back of her head you bury it in her hair as the other settles on her breast over her shirt, she deepens the kiss and you feel her tongue tangle with yours and you cant help but let out a soft moan. It stirs her into action as he hand lowers into the front of your sweatpants and just as she reaches into your panties and slides her fingers through your wetness the door slams open. 
“Y/N? why is it so dark in here?” she says as she turns on the lights. You and Alexia only have  moment to move your hands back to safe places before Ona screeches and yells out “seriously! you have a bedroom!” as she spins back around. 
You laugh as you lean back and grab your shirt that was on the ground and pull it over your head as you say to Ona “were both wearing clothes now On, sorry about the show. I didn’t know she was coming so we got a bit carried away” you finish with a shrug. 
As Ona turns back around as you slide to sit beside Alexia as she says “Hola Ona, I figured I'd use the break to visit you guys and check out Manchester.” 
“We both know you came here for Y/N, but I will gladly help you find the best food places because Y/N has no taste.” she says with a laugh. 
“hey” you interject “if your going to stay with us you can’t team up on me thats not fair.” 
“life isn’t fair babe sorry” Alexia says with a laugh as she places a hand on your thigh and squeezes. 
Ona laughs and asks “are we going to order dinner? Leah only had that weird health stuff at movie night and I am hungry.” 
On cue your stomach growls causing you all to laugh as you say “I guess so, since my hunger wasn’t satiated earlier” 
Alexia laughs at Ona’s grossed out expression and she leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek as Ona says again “seriously get a room” 
You laugh at her as you ask “okay what are we ordering then?” 
When you finally get Alexia alone again later that night, after you are both spent and satiated from fulfilling your other hunger, albeit quietly since Ona was home, you are lying in your bed with Alexia curled up beside you. You are on your back and Alexia is on her side with her head resting on your shoulder, your arm under her head playing with her hair. She has a leg thrown over yours, and a hand tangled with yours on your stomach. 
You press a kiss to her forehead as you ask “can I ask you something ale?” 
She nods and says “Si mi amor” 
“How are you really doing?” you ask quietly against her head ending with another kiss to her forehead. 
You feel the deep breath she takes as she squeezes your hand and says “It’s hard, but I have to be strong for the others. You know I am not worried about not playing, I have won my awards, yeah I want an international trophy, but I don’t want to win it for a federation who treats us like this.” 
She turns slightly so she meet your eyes and you lean down and press a kiss to her nose as you say “you are amazing” 
Shaking her head she says “not if I end up ruining it for all the younger players, I hate that they are missing the opportunities they are for standing up, we should have left them out of it.” 
“hey, you wouldn’t have been able to keep any of them out of it, you are all doing this for a reason. To stand up for the next generation of female players love. You guys are role models.” You tell her as you lean down and press another kiss to her lips, pulling back you whisper against her lips “I am so proud of you love, and I am by your side every step of the way.” 
“I love you” she says back as she presses a kiss to your lips and settles back on your shoulder. a few moments go by and she says “I am so glad you have taken Ona in, I have always worried for her, but I am glad she has you” 
“she’s my hermanita” you tell her. 
She groans and says “no don’t, I am tired and you know you speaking Spanish gets me going.” 
You laugh quietly and press a kiss to her forehead and settle on your pillow with a whispered “buenas noches mi amor” she answers with a groan and presses a kiss to your chest under her chin, you fall asleep with a smile on your face. 
The three of you watched both Spanish games from your couch, neither of them going the way the federation thought they would. A 5-0 loss to England was embarrassing, but losing 3-1 Argentina was the icing on the cake of a bad international break for the team. Although hopefully this would light a fire under the federation and make them realise they need to get the players back on their side. 
The 10 days you had Alexia in your bed were the best nights sleep you have had in a long time, she just made you feel more complete. She also helped Ona a lot as they were able to talk about the struggles in person, and Alexia was able to comfort Ona better than you could when it came to this. 
When you were dropping her off at the airport you hated that she was leaving again but you both signed up for this, and you knew you would be seeing her soon. As you pull up to the gate you park and get out with her when she turns to you and says “I’m good from here babe, I really don’t want another scene in the airport” 
You laugh at meet her at the trunk as you tell her “I am going to miss you babe” 
“I am going to miss you too, I am already missing these two” she says as she grabs you in a hug and sneaks one hand to your chest and squeezes. 
You laugh and pull back from her and say “you are a dork and I love you so much” 
She smiles and press a deep kiss to your lips, you cant help but to smile against her lips, pulling back you say “I think we will be seeing each other soon anyway” 
“oh yeah? confident in your team?” she asks with a smirk.
You smirk back and with all the confidence you say “well we beat you didn’t we?” 
She laughs and says “yeah you cheated babe” 
“no way” 
“you did, playing the abs card wasn’t fair, but it won’t get me again” she says and she grabs her bags and settles them on the sidewalk. 
You close the trunk and step up beside her on the sidewalk and she wraps you in her arms. You wrap yours around her neck and bury your face in her neck. Its a few moments later that she places a kiss on your temple and whispers “I gotta go mi amor” 
You pull back and press your lips to hers one more time. Pulling back you whisper “I love you Alexia, kick Madrid’s ass so I can see you again sooner.” 
“Only if you kick PSGs love” she says back. 
“deal” you lean forward and seal it with a kiss. She pulls back and gathers her bags and turns to leave, turning back with a “I love you Y/N, Ill miss you” 
“Love you too” you say with a wave and watch her walk into the airport. 
You use the visit to fuel you, it helps to motivate you even more to want to win and be able to play Barcelona again. The upcoming game in Paris had a lot of hype around it, you had seen ads of it in the streets of Manchester and it made you excited to know that you had the city behind you. 
It was for nothing, the game was a snooze fest. Neither team played well, it ended up being a 0-0 draw, Mary came up huge and kept you in the game a few times. You didn’t know what it was, it was like the other team came out flat so your team matched it. It was not a game to be proud of. 
You tried to channel Alexia and get the team pumped up for the home leg, knowing it was the last chance you had to stay alive. In the middle of the champions league games you had a FA cup game against Tottenham to contend with. Deciding to light the fire under the team and focus on one game at a time, your team killed it. Took 60 minutes to get the first goal, but then the floodgates opened and you won 4-0 and moved on to the semis in the cup. 
Continuing the momentum was an easy way to encourage the team to dig deep and push through, knowing that the game was at Old Trafford and a Thursday evening game you knew it would be a wicked atmosphere. 
Waking up Thursday morning, you had an extra pep in your step. Barcelona had beaten Real the night before at Camp Nou and broke the attendance record, it was electric and you hoped your fans would bring it too. It also motivates you to know that winning this game would mean playing Barcelona again, and getting to see Alexia soon. 
The whole day leading up to the evening game was chill, Alexia was unreachable, you knew they would be analysing game film but you wished you could speak to her. Once you got to the stadium you were in the zone, until your phone buzzed with a good luck text from your love. You continued to pump the team up in warm up and through the team huddle, then you continued with the tradition of fist bumping everyone in line before taking your place behind Mary, who was just as fired up. 
Coming out flying you go up 1-0 in the first 15 minutes. The rest of the game remains a grind until the 86th minute, PSG are pressing for the equaliser. A beauty of a ball from Ashley Lawrence gets swung in and when Millie jumps to clear it she gets challenged and when she heads it clear it bounces of the PSG attackers head and goes right back into the net, flys too quickly on the redirect past a frozen Mary. 
You couldn’t believe the luck, that was easily a one in a million deflection and of course it happened at the end of a champions league quarter final game. Holding on until the final whistle you know extra time will be necessary. Walking over to your bench you grab your electrolyte bottle and take a minute to look at the fans who are supporting you behind the bench, when you meet the eyes of your love. 
She smiles and mouths “I love you, now go kick ass” and ends it by blowing you a kiss. You smile and feel the confidence in you reignite, and you turn and use it to pump up your team. Coming out flying you have chance after chance, you Ella hits the post twice, Alessia makes the goalie make a fingertip save. You just cannot buy a goal. 
When towards the end of the first half of extra time, Katie gets a ball off a rebound just out side of the box, she tees it up and before she can strike the ball, she gets taken out. Whistles are blown and a yellow card is produced. The trainers come over and check on Katie and have to take her to the side for treatment. She’s your normal free kick taker, so when Marc yells at you to take it you are surprised, but you know you can do it. 
You stand over the ball waiting for the refs whistle, and you close your eyes, you picture the training field back in Barcelona. You and Alexia and a bunch of balls, trading free kick goals for kisses. In your head when the ref blows the whistle you know exactly where this is going. Leading up to it you strike it and know its going in. 
The roar of the crowd and Ona hopping on your back is your indicator of the goal. You celebrate with the team, and when you head back to line up for kick off, you point behind the bench where you know Alexia is and press a kiss to your lips and point it back towards her. 
Your girls hold out and make it to the 120 minute mark and when that whistle blows the team is immediately celebrating. A few minutes later the team is winding down and you may your way toward your love. She’s moved to the bottom of the stands where you gesture for her to hop the barrier. 
As she moves towards you, you cant help but smile as you notice the united jersey she is wearing. When she gets close enough you pull her into your arms and tell her “I am so glad you are here” 
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world babe, that free kick was amazing.” she tells you and presses a kiss to your cheek. 
Never one to participate in PDA so publicly what you do next surprises you both as you pull her into you and press your lips to hers hard. She indulges you and when you pull back you tell her “Free kick goal equals a kiss right?” 
She laughs and presses her lips to yours again and when she pulls back she says “that one deserves two love” 
“I love you” you tell her, “and I love you in my jersey” 
She smiles at says “I won’t be wearing it again until after we play” 
Sticking your tongue out at her you tell her “It won’t last long when we get home, It’ll look better on the floor anyway” 
Her eyes darken and before she can say anything back Ona runs up and jumps on you both with a “amigas guess what!” 
“Hola Ona good game, you were a beast” Alexia tells Ona with a smile. 
You smile at them both and say “whats your news On?” 
Alexia steps up beside you and places her hand on your lower back as you both face Ona when she says “Jorge is out, the federation is cleaning house and we may be called back into the team!” 
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hozaloza · 1 month
What is this weird fanfic war going on, y'all this is so--
"Please Remember"
They had great times. Amazing moments. A friendship he never thought he would have. Never. Ever since he moved to Georgia, everything was just perfect. An unlikely friendship formed because of a group project, an unlikely bond formed because of this trip, an unlikely romance began to bloom because of this moment.
But, good things don’t always last.
Ben had gotten better with his emotions, feeling much calmer than ever. His uncle and aunt asked if it was possible that he wanted to go back with his parents. Ben felt excited, he really did miss his parents and little sister. But…that meant he had to leave behind his friends. It was a hard decision, but he decided to go back. They hung out in the graveyard one more time, staying up past 12  to bid him farewell.
“I’m going to be honest, it was nice having Ben around with me. He was like a brother to me, I’m gonna miss you bud.” Aiden stated, placing his hand on his shoulder. The tall boy smiled at his cousin, bringing him in for a hug. The group laughed as they kept playing games and eating snacks; even Ashlyn was having a good time. It was nice seeing each person be a whole new being from when he first met them, and yet still kept certain personality traits within them. 
Finally, the night came to an end, and they all went back inside Ashlyn’s house for one more sleepover. Ben laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t bear leaving them; he had known them for 2 years now. But he was missing home more than ever at this point, it had to be done. 
“...It’s too bad we don’t get to graduate all together.” Taylor stated out of the blue.
“You’re still awake? I thought you would be the first to black-out.” Aiden stated, immediately sitting up.
“Meh, can’t really sleep.” “...You’re also sad about Ben leaving, huh?” Aiden asked the brunette. She stayed silent for a moment, letting the silence set in. Then, she turned to face him, and there were tears in her eyes. The tall boy sat up to sign if she was alright, but he suddenly got bear hugged by her. He stiffened as she sobbed in his arms, but soon after calming down, wrapping his arms around her.
“...I don’t want you to leave…” she softly sobbed, clenching his shirt. Ben patted her back to comfort her, looking up to see that the others had gotten up. It was embarrassing to admit, but everyone didn’t want him to leave. Their friendship was extremely strong, it was going to be hard to let go. No words needed to be spoken at that moment, they just got up and hugged Ben. It was silent and long; they needed to make it last as long as they could, in case this was their last ever group hug.
Who knew that turned out to be true…
Years passed, Ben had just turned 23 recently. Five or so years have passed since he last moved back to his bio family. He was able to connect with new people, continue his path with the guitar, and overall fit right back in. He tried texting his old friends everyday, but he was getting more and more busy with his own life; it was something he feared he would do, but he slowly stopped talking in the group chat. His connections with Aiden and Ashlyn still remained, so he constantly knew what they were doing, but not the rest…
“[College is alright so far, some of my friends are even sharing a dorm with me!]” Ben typed on his text to speech, smiling at his parents.
“Well that’s wonderful Benny! We’re just happy you finally found something to love as equally as singing.” His dad spoke, grunting as he got pushed.
“Psh, please! You would’ve been better as a cook! Right pops!” Lily spoke. Ben rolled his eyes as he watched his dad and her play push each other off camera while his mom chuckled at them.
“Ugh, these two never stop fooling around, why did my normal baby have to leave me alone with these knuckleheads?” “Hey! I am a normal child! Ben’s always using that text to speech feature like he’s some lizard person! He knows how to sign, he’s just trying to mind control us into following his lizard leader!!” Lily argued off screen. 
“[If I’m a lizard then you’re a weasel!]” Ben typed on his phone. He heard his little sister laugh off screen, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. He still couldn’t believe she’ll be graduating soon, he remembered her being a baby like it was yesterday! “Well, we must be heading out now, Lily’s rehearsal starts soon. We’ll talk to you later! Bye bye my sweet baby!!” His mom spoke, waving goodbye to him. Ben smiled as he waved bye, hanging up on the call. He sighed as he got up, deciding he needed a quick treat. 
‘To the bakery shop it is.’ he thought, grabbing his wallet and keychain.
(spare you the horror angst for now...)
(...NO THIS ONE IS PRETTY TAME,,, I'm talking about a Logan angst fic I got prepared,,,infection,,,,,,,,,,heheheheheheh)
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
joshua best friend headcanons <3
a/n: this best friends series is giving me so much serotonin, and i love to see others enjoying it!! joshua is so cringe (said lovingly) and i am so very fond of him :,-) my break from work is over after today, so my posts will probably not be as frequent, but i promise this series will continue !! pics not mine <3
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!joshua x gn!reader | requests: open
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he's the type of best friend that sees you two as a team
yes, he refers to you both as "the dream team" constantly
and he says it with his whole chest each time
like when one of his members asks what he did on the break, he'll answer "oh, y'know, just got the dream team back together"
they just respond (probably preceded by an eyeroll) "how's y/n doing?"
they're so unfazed by it but they'll tease him about it if you're around. if you join them at an event or a hangout, when you walk in the room they'll cheer because "the dream team is back together again!!!"
they're so dramatic but shua is eating it up actually
unironically will ask you, "is he bothering you, queen/king/my liege?"
he thinks it's so funny like it doesn't matter if you think it's funny he will stick with that bit forever
because he actually does care if people or things are bothering you
he will ask you how you are doing all the time
and he wants genuine answers
he'd never push you or anything like that, but he isn't asking you out of politeness or routine
as your best friend, he is dedicated to your wellbeing
he's so invested in supporting you
if you're trying to overcome a problem, develop a new skill, or complete some random 30-day challenge, joshua is right behind you the whole time
he'll send you encouraging messages, look out for tips he can send your way, and sometimes he'll even take part in it himself!!
truly a great cheerleader to have in your life :,-)
creates traditions for you two
he knows that life is wild and it can be hard to get together and talk as much as you want to
so he ensures that, regardless of what's going on, you two have things that bring you together
it could be based on a shared interest! maybe you both really like this one youtube channel, so you always watch the new content together
i would not be surprised in the slightest if he signed y'all up for silly subscription boxes
like yes there's a monthly service that sends you mini science experiments and yes joshua got you both a year-long plan and yes he expects "shua & y/n's science session" to be a whole event every time
it was somewhat of a joke at first because shua loves being ridiculous but you both ended up loving it so much that you looked forward to each new box
he's very protective of you <3
he's always looking out for you, so he is pretty invested in how people treat you
whether it's in the workplace, in your friend circles, in romantic relationships, and even in your family (bio, chosen, or otherwise)
he wouldn't meddle in your relationships, but he's not afraid to speak up if someone is not treating you with the respect and care you deserve
he always respects your decisions, but he will never hold back an opinion that is for your benefit.
he won't get mad if you disagree with him either like he's the king of promoting autonomy, agency, and self-respect <333
he works hard to earn your trust, which is why you trust his judgment
and he goes to you for the same thing
he nevers wants you to beat around the bush with him
your bond is too special for superficial pleasantries like that
you both know each other so well that it only makes sense to be transparent with one another
which is why he'll come to you with some of his biggest concerns, insecurities, etc
because you're the one person who can see him for who he is without him worrying about putting on a persona or performance
and he's so grateful to you for that, more than he could ever express
so after a heart-to-heart he'll just look you directly in the eyes and say a soft yet strong "thank you"
and then make a lil joke because whoa it got real serious and he's a lighthearted guy
takes a lot of pictures of you / you two together !
he will send you the pictures where you are making a funny face and threaten to use it as blackmail <3
if you try to do the same he'll just go "good luck, i'm beautiful in everything :-)"
and you're like yes but have you considered you're also an idiot <3
runs ideas by you for weird things he can do to shock his members
he knows the water bits always kill, but he's looking to take things to the Next. Level. so he's scheduling a meeting with you to walk through his bit prototypes and maybe even doing some trial runs with you
he's taking it so seriously and you're like wow you're a dumbass and he's like "thank you so much so what was your rating on the tearaway pants trick again?"
boy has a clipboard and everything i swear
joshua is just such a funny and strange guy who wants to add value to your life because you bring so much to his!! he'll always be there for you, rain or shine, and he reminds you constantly of how special you are :,-)
joshua if you're taking applications for besties please let me know and i'll submit my resume asap!!!
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markdelonge · 2 years
best friends with Johnny Knoxville...
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not my gif
note: im so pissed why is this so short :/
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request?: yes
contains: profanity, pretty sure thats it
• probably the most reckless duo on earth
• people get scared whenever the two of you are in a room together
the two of you are ALWAYS up to something. rather it be pranking each other or the crew, or having stupid ideas and going thru with them without thought. you guys are unpredictable.
• matching shoes omg
• or lil friendship necklaces (like the ones with half and half of a heart)
you guys have multiple friendships bracelets, necklaces, rings, ect, but, they break hella easy so you both have a bunch of half heart charms that read "best friends forever" laying around your houses
• get mistaken for a couple A LOT
once a rumor first started going around, you and Johnny were quick to shut it down. you both saw each other as siblings almost, so seeing rumors about the two of you dating kinda grossed both of you out
• probably end up hosting a show together
or a radio show. it was one of those 3 am ideas that the both of you took a lil too seriously.
• he brings you on set all the time
• but he won't let you do any of the stunts.
even when a stunt is in progress, he'd make sure that you were far away enough so you weren't in harms way. he says that "no one wants to watch a girl get hurt" because its "not funny".
• literal fights because of it
• having hotel room sleepovers
annoying the room service workers to death, prank calling people, leaving the room every other minute to go get ice (having an excuse to run down the halls), accidentally getting locked out, having to bother the room service workers even more.
• constantly calling each other names
like "bitch, whore, dumbass, idiot, stupid, moron" literally any insulting name you guys can think of, thats just the way you two talk to each other
• yelling at each other
yelling at each other so much that it sounds like an argument to everyone else around you, but to the both of you it sounds like you're having a regular every day conversation
• "talking shit" behind each other's backs (as jokes, you guys love each other to death)
"Ugh, Knox is so fuckin' annoying, I wish he'd leave me alone"
"Then stop hanging out with him"
"No, he's my best friend, I'd never"
• taking his sunglasses
sometimes you take it without asking, sometimes he gives them to you because you complain about the sun being in your eyes, sometimes he gives them to you to hold while he does stunts. you two practically share sunglasses.
• late nights at corner stores
omg, going to get slushies, snacks, milkshakes. literally mini grocery shopping trips. once, you two got a little too carried away and ended up spending over 100 dollars on snacks. the workers hate you guys.
• him cutting your hair while you're sleeping
a bit thingy for jackass, instead of buzzing your hair, he took a pair of scissors and "gave you a trim". he left before you could wake up. so when you did wake up, you got out of bed to see a chunk of your hair and a pair of scissors on the nightstand.
• being menaces at hotels omg
running down the halls, ding dong ditch, prank calling other rooms, actually getting the police called once or twice, having races (one person takes the elevator and one person takes the steps to see who would get to the next floor first)
• if you guys sit next to each other, theres no way the two of you are gonna be quiet.
you guys are always joking about something, even if you aren't talking, you're doing something that makes the other person laugh, you guys got yelled at for doing it during an important meeting. now you're not allowed to sit next to each other during business meetings.
• secret handshakes
• like multiple
every other month, the two of you make up a new hand shake that'll only last about a week. you guys forget about them all the time 😭
• having a playlist of songs that the two of you constantly listen to
its always
"Hey, listen to this new song i like."
and it becomes both of your favorite songs.
so you're practically sharing a music taste.
• ight thats all i got :)
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xerith-42 · 5 months
Minecraft Diaries Stoner Headcanons
Part 2 in the Aphverse Stoner Series!
Disclaimer: I haven't watched Season 3! I mean, I have, but I don't remember any of it other than that Blaze was in it-- And I just checked the wiki and he's a villain? Uhm. No, he isn't. Hatsune help me I'm going to have to make a whole post about that now... anyways, pretend Blaze is just like another guard Irena gathered because she just collects them like they're pokemon.
Blaze our beloved to start us off. Uh, pipe weed is really common in Ru'aun, it's actually a primary export. And well, Blaze is a pretty big fan of it. Once when he's smoking weed with his friend, he comes to a realization.
"Listen, listen. We use earth with the plant, fire by lighting it, and air to inhale it. What we're missing is water." I am saying that Blaze made the first bong in the MCD universe. Or that he at least came up with it and was credited for the original idea. These two are very proud of their idea and want to spread it everywhere.
Pipe weed is not allowed at the guard academy, and guards are expected to remain sober, even though alcohol is okay?? Doesn't really make sense to a lot of new cadets, including Laurance, who's able to smuggle it in, and hide it from Garroth.
Vylad does actually smoke pipe weed, particularly while on his own during those 15 years. It helps relax their muscles, and causes a sort of numbness that helps keep the calling quiet.
When he tells Laurance of this, both of them share it together at some point.
Dante used to smoke weed with Laurance on slow nights in Phoenix Drop, and even smoked it with Nicole a few times. He quit when he found out Nana was pregnant.
The number one smoker is Travis. His mom had a stock pile of it he found, enough to last years, and it's one of the main things he brings with him to Ru'aun.
When Travis and Blaze meet, they are instant friends. I don't know what happens in Season 3, but this is all that matters to me. They would be BESTIES!!
Despite being banned by the church, Zane is in a position of power so the rules don't apply to him. He never does it when he has something serious going on, but when Zane has some downtime, he'll light up a bowl to take the strain out of his shoulders.
A downside of being a Shadow Knight is that your lungs are much more used to inhaling smoke and dealing with heat thanks to the Nether, so they have some insane tolerance. Like, Vylad was smoking so much, and Laurance is never not frustrated at how much he has to go through in a single sitting just to feel something.
And Aaron? When he was a father? And a Lord?? Of course he was smoking. He was very careful about it, and kept it away from Jacob. And as he traveled with the rest of the cast, he was always careful to hide it from the kids. He didn't quite mind if anyone else saw, as long as they were smart enough not to ask for it.
Travis is not smart enough.
Also Aaron likes wearing the bandana when he accidentally gets a little too high so no one can see how bloodshot his eyes are. Irena can tell by the way he stumbles a little more than usual.
Zoey? Pot head. She's literally an immortal elf, she has tried every drug Ru'aun has ever had and then some. She stops smoking it as much when she's taking care of the kids, but after the group is gone for a few years and she spends more nights searching for a way to bring them back, she picks it back up to try and seem less stressed when people talk to her.
I feel like all Lords smoke just a little. Like, it's such a stressful job. You're constantly having to care for so many people, be a master of subjects you might not have studied, and who knows when one day you wake up to the news that you have to ready yourself for war. People need a way to relieve the stress.
Except Irena. She tried it once when she caught Aaron smoking and it tasted so bad and she did not enjoy the feeling at all. When she becomes friends with Blaze he tries to coax her into it, but she never caves, and he backs off.
LUCINDA on the other hand!! She's a witch! She's a bit of an herbalist! Does she know the perfect growing conditions for the plant of origin and how to cultivate it's harvest for maximum output?? You bet your ass she does!
Blaze x Lucinda x Travis polycule when?
The first time Lucinda and Blaze meet each other he tells her about his innovation of using glass devices to create water vapor that you can smoke, and Lucinda very eagerly drags him into her brewing room and just proudly goes "I have a cauldron!! >:)" And Blaze gets so excited!! He's already trying to figure out what he would have to custom order to work with this, but he needs to try it.
Wait why is that adorable I need to write that now.
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thelostgirl21 · 11 months
"My number-one priority, which I said to her, was just to make sure that we were doing it right and that we did it sensitively with a care and a kinship, and I wanted to avoid all kinds of stereotyping, really. So there was an awful lot of script rewrites and things like that. We deleted whole scenes in favour of songs. So I brought in a new song, and I said: 'Can we just cut all this dialogue, and I can just sing something?'" - Joey Batey, Digital Spy interview
The first time I watched that scene, when Jaskier started singing that last part to Prince Radovid:
Of them, I’ve had enough. With you, I have enough. With you, I am enough. I am… I am enough...
I literally started crying. Because, although it's played for laughs, since the beginning of the show, Jaskier's often been portrayed like this "annoying character" that tries too hard to be liked, wanted, and involved in his friends' lives... to find his "forever home"...
But often, he just gets punched in the gut, blamed for everything going wrong in other people's lives, gets told off when he tries to introduce himself or be included in moments where people are there to offer each other comfort (but apparently want none from him) as a result...
Season 2 started to make some progress on that, with Yennefer and Geralt allowing themselves to show more vulnerability around him, and telling him that his help his needed...
Season 3 saw characters that are usually so quick to dismiss him and treat him harshly (ex: Yarpen Zigrin) actually thank him, when they realize how selfless Jaskier can be, and the risks he is willing to take to help others (even those that treat him like an annoying nuisance)...
But still, he'd gotten used, at some point, to being "barely tolerated" rather than "wanted". And his "break up" with Geralt broke his heart and hurt him so much that, although forgiven, I believe it did leave some scars...
As someone with ADHD (that has a tendency to get overexcited about a bunch of things without noticing that it doesn't interest people, impulsively interrupt them with my thoughts, follow them around, and "impose my presence" without meaning to) and associated rejection sensitive dysphoria, Jaskier's behavior and emotional responses are something very easy for me to identify with.
And having him sing "With you I am enough. I am enough," hit me right in the feels, in the most cathartic way!
Prince Radovid is the first person we met on the show, I think, that was shown as being immediately happy to meet Jaskier, wished to adopt that puppy and bring him home right away, saw him as being irresistible and special, envied Geralt for having Jaskier as a friend/companion, couldn't get enough of his singing, and listened when he talked to the things he didn't say...
Knowing that it is Joey himself that just decided to basically show up to work with that song he'd written, and ask if he could sing it instead of using the dialogue in the script, just ended up offering yet another layer to that scene.
When hearing him sing:
"It’s not a want, it’s a need, it is paying no heed to what others say to sing."
now, I can't help but feel like there's some kind of "meta" dimension to those lyrics, as the actor chose to sing what he - as the person embodying Jaskier - wanted to sing, rather than what had been scripted and what others would have wanted him to sing.
That song feels deeply personal, born out of a very intimate understanding of the character, and how being treated the way that he used to be treated would have emotionally and psychologically affected him.
I'll be 100% honest, when Joey was talking about the sapioromantic connection between the characters, and explaining how Radovid wore a mask, was a bit of a mystery to him, and how Jaskier would become fascinated and wish to figure him out...
...I was genuinely concerned that they'd somehow manage to "romanticize" yet another toxic relationship, where the two characters would constantly be trying to outsmart and play mind games with each other.
But that's not it at all. They are both seeing what they try so hard to hide from others. Prince Radovid's environment is highly toxic and dysfunctional (as Jaskier aptly described, he's stuck in a vipers' den) - knowing too much, or not enough - can mean life or death for him.
Whereas Jaskier tries so hard to meet expectations and be what others need or want him to be - give voice to other people's issues, stories and problems - that he all but becomes invisible to others himself as a process.
Sure, they know his name and his songs. But they don't know Jaskier's own soul or story. He fades away in the background for the benefit of others.
They are both trying to figure each other out not because they are people that enjoy indulging in court intrigues, manipulating others, and dominating "the game" for their own gain...
They are trying to emotionally connect with the good, beautiful, and vulnerable parts of themselves that they have been forced to hide from the rest of the world to survive.
They are highly insightful empathetic individuals using their gifts on each other to empower each other, rather than malignant narcissists using their perceptiveness to control each other.
This is an extremely refreshing and healthy relation dynamic that I was sort of hoping for - since Joey put so much emphasis on how important it was for him to offer a relationship that may be flawed, but handled sensitively and carefully without resorting to stereotypes - but this totally went above and beyond my expectations!
If Joey Batey himself isn't queer, then he's got such a capacity for love and emotional empathy that he's apparently able to care about queer issues with the intensity and insightfulness of someone that has experienced them.
The fact that he's using queer labels and sub-categories that are often lesser known by people outside of the LGBTQ+ community to describe Jaskier's sexuality (sapioromantic, panromantic or pansexual...), as well as talking about issues affecting non-monosexuals, such as the desire to avoid bisexual erasure, brings some much needed attention towards the richness and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community!
I sincerely couldn't be happier, or more grateful...
Apparently, there are plans to further explore Ciri's bisexuality, too, with the introduction of Mistle in Season 3!
Here's hoping they'll be using Jaskier as "queer consultant" for the other queer romances on the show...
Also, the relationship between our sweet Bi!Ciri and her weird Pan!Uncle Jaskier means everything to me...
I'm trying to remember if Ciri has been exposed to any models of queer romances in her life...
I mean, most unions between princes and princesses, or kings and queens, are often political alliances. They might have same gender consorts, but I'm not sure that this is something they would have educated younger princesses about, or made very "public".
I sort of want to have her catch Jaskier and Radovid while they are kissing at some point, and realize that the innocent crush she had on Triss in Season 2 is something that is perfectly normal, and that she shouldn't be afraid nor ashamed of that part of herself.
Maybe even go to him and start asking him questions about it... That would be a very thoughtful and sensitive way to explore what being queer means in the world of the Witcher; having Ciri learn, directly from Jaskier, about the potential risks associated with being in an openly gay relationship.
There would really be such an opportunity for the two of them to continue to bond over something like this, and Ciri would know that she's got someone that genuinely loves her and that she can trust to support her and the choices she makes regarding her love life in the future, no matter what.
I can see so many possibilities, though I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic about this (since if they went that route, it would just seem too good to be true!)...
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rou-luxe · 26 days
Ikevil OC: Elsie Juniper
The Juniper Tree fairytale is very violent. If you search it up, do so with caution.
I drew this a while ago but I forgot about it 💀
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more under the cut
Elsie Juniper. Quiet and deadly. If she snaps, no one is making it out alive.
Birthday: May 14th (Taurus)* Height: 160 cm Affiliation: Theater, Crown (temporary) Curse: The Juniper Tree: Marlinchen *not intended to be recently, that's just a coincidence
"My mother she killed me, My father he ate me, My sister, little Marlinchen, Gathered together all my bones, Tied them in a silken handkerchief, Laid them beneath the juniper-tree, Kywitt, kywitt, what a beautiful bird am I!"
In "The Juniper Tree", Marlinchen's tears assist in bringing her brother back to life. Following the tale, her tears provide physical comfort to someone for a set amount of time, but like numbing rather than anesthesia. She tends to use it more on people suffering a fatal wound, to let them pass in peace. Elsie is rather sensitive and prone to crying... in conjunction with her ability, her ability tends to be rather inconvenient for herself...
She hates the stench of blood and flesh. However, her ability does come in handy when helping out Roger (he tends to accidentally cause more damage to the person when this happens because he doesn't know when he's going too far) Roger sometimes uses the tears as numbing.  Then the members have to drag her away from Roger lest he get turned-
She works as a costume designer for the theater where Liam works at. Occasionally she writes her own plays. Sometimes she'll go to the bar and write with quill and pen for hours on end...
Relationships (read: delusion / headcanons)
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oh lovely sylvatica... yk how Alfons loves watching Liam at plays? Elsie likes to watch front row seat to see all her hard work and Liam usually has them sitting next to each other* Elsie can't take much more flirting. Save her. Please. + their relationship is a complicated one. might write sometime.
Ah, yes. Coworkers and great friends. Elsie loves designing new outfits for Liam ❤️ He's really good at comforting her and Elsie repays him any way she can. Always the small things. She probably loves messing with his hair.
Elsie is painfully honest. Harrison teases her a lot about how obvious it is whenever she lies. He doesn't even need to use his ability. They both love sweets, though, and Harrison loves treating Elsie to the bakery. (BIG BROTHER FIGURE SPOTTED!!)
William and her are on okay terms. Elsie respects him a lot. wtf what else do I say (<- just finished William route but is still confused)
Elsie feels really comfortable around Elbert. They can have silent moments in peace, and she likes taking care of him, whether it's making sure his hair is brushed or making him tea. He is ADORABLE.
Victor has too much energy for her, but she sometimes helps him take care of Crown. She loves messing with Victor's hair also...
Other than to study her ability, Elsie and Roger don't interact often...
She's constantly under the impression that Jude is really scary. She once bumped into him and wouldn't stop apologizing
In the Victorian era, if a woman was single, it was commonplace for a woman to be escorted by an older male servant (like a butler) or an older family member. If she was NOT single, the woman would typically be escorted by her lover. Alfons takes advantage of this fact
Of course, Liam wants Elsie to be safe, so he asks Alfons to sit next to her. Alfons is already there, anyway. He can trust his coworker enough in case anything goes wrong... right? 😇
(she has her own backstory with explanations of certain likes / dislikes, but I'm not revealing it. maybe in a separate post. I don't want to traumatize anyone just looking at this)
watch me forget she exists
"...What do you want from me?"
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malarkgirlypop · 4 months
Misc. Tag Game! ✨
thank you for the tags @1waveshortofashipwreck
Made by the amazing @ronald-speirs 💖
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Just went to Japan and Korea and it was so fucking amazing.
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Finishing my nursing, getting a job. Like go me, get that big girl job!
Favourite books?
Trial by Fire, I will never not brag about it!
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
This one person I'm getting to know at the moment. Ah they are the best, literally makes me feel so good.
Favorite thing about your culture? About being American?
Um I am not an American. But NZ is so cool, we are super chill, such a vibe. I'm here for bringing back Māori culture into New Zealand!
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
I think it was August 2023. Band of brothers was the first show I watched with my friend.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favourite?
No I haven't. I want to, but im so busy rn. Maybe later.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Ah all I have to say is Malarkey, and just all Malarkey things ever. Please and thank you.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
A little, only a teeny tiny amount, only small, not much, hardly any, it doesn't fill my whole brain all the time. I don't constantly live in a fictional story i am writing, I don't know what you're talking about.
Favourite actor/actress and your favourite film of theirs?
Sebastian Stan, The Winter Soldier. like why he so hot. He also scared the shit out of me in Fresh, but that was also a good movie.
Favourite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
"I'm tired of this Grandpa!"
"Well that's too damn bad!"
Holes, 2003.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
I have no filter on here so there is nothing I don't think people know about me.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
what's that? I'm confused.
Three things that make you smile?
My friends
A really special person
Any nicknames you like?
Kate doesn't have any nicknames, but because of my hair my dad calls me Floss, like candy floss!
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@panzershrike-pretz @ithinkabouttzu @executethyself35 @ronsparky @venus-haze @joetoyesbrassknuckles101 @footprintsinthesxnd @mutantmanifesto @jump-wings @mads-nixon @blueberry-ovaries @b00ks1ut @next-autopsy @1waveshortofashipwreck @paula-912 @brassknucklespeirs
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Be a zombie
Favourite movie?
All movies, any movie, I'm good at entertaining myself with bad movies.
Do you like horror movies?
I do, but I'm still scared.
No pressure tags:
@georgieluz, @b00ks1ut, @blueberry-ovaries, @next-autopsy @land-sh @grumpy-liebgott @venus-haze @goneandbackagain
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Hello hi! I'll just post this again just in case mine was also deleted, if not you can go ahead and ignore this! I was wondering if I'd be able to get an Obey Me match up!
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: demi-sexual
Appearance: I have straight black hair that goes down to my waist with chocolate brown eyes. I stand at a whopping, gigantic height of 5'0 (I know, I'm super tall 😌😌). I also have a few, small scars on me, either from minor surgery that I had to go through or because I'm just clumsy 😔😔
Personality: I like to think I'm a super fun person to be around. Of course when I'm meeting someone (or someone is meeting me for the first time) it's just the usual niceties, but once you're within my close bubble I'm a very silly person. I like to joke and tease with my friends a lot (within their comfort zones). I'm also very observant when I'm with friends. I always make sure everyone is having fun, and if they're a bit down I make sure to do a quick check up on them, making sure if they're alright and just there in case they need someone to lean on/listen. I'm also very affectionate! Whether it's verbal or physical (a little more for physical because when I tell you I am TOUCH STARVED). I love hugs, head pats, playful nudges/shoves, or just platonic/romantic cuddling I love it all.
Likes: I love the rain, from the sound as it fall or the way it smells I love it! I also like to read! I mainly read a lot of fantasy and romance books because a fantasy book with a drabble of romance is a huge KO for me. I also really like to just hang with friends or loved ones, just being around them brings a lot of comfort for me!
Dislikes: I am not the biggest fan of hot weather (90+F) I will literally turn into a puddle of ice cream and just lay there as I continue to melt on the concrete. I also don't like mushrooms, it's either the texture or the way they taste but I refuse to eat them. I also don't like overcrowded places. If it's just a bit of a large crowd then I'm somewhat fine, but if it's so crowded that I have to shimmy between people and we kinda end up brushing against each other I will absolutely hate it.
Extra fun fact: I'm a big sucker for knowledge and always want to take it all in, whether it helps me or not in the long run I don't care, I want to know. I like to know random things that will not help me in any shape way or form.
I hope you have a good day!!🫶🫶🫶
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Belphie is a tough nut to crack; he takes a long time to get close to anyone. From his trust issues to his hate for his brothers, he genuinely didn't want people around.
All Belphie ever cared for was to have Beel around. Beel was safe, his twin comforted. However, you started to creep your way in.
When Belphie was forgiven by the crew, he tried to turn over a new leaf, especially to make it up to you.
He would forgo sleep to help you with classwork, cook for you, and even help you find a new book to read.
He constantly questioned why he cared so much about you. Was it because you were small, like a teddy bear, or was it because you were kind to him even after everything he said and did.
When he confessed these growing feelings to you, you were a little apprehensive. I mean, yes, he was much better than before, but could you let go of everything that happened?
You gave him a chance to impress, and boy, did he impress. He set up the whole attic in a start-night theme, with pillows and blankets galore and a projector playing a movie you liked.
Your cuddle date soon became a weekly occurrence. Some nights you watched a movie and other nights you would read to Belphie as he slept.
He loved your voice, and all the books you read were fascinating in their own ways.
He would pick up on the books you liked the most and try to mimic what the lovers would do. Or he would decorate the room in the fairytail theme of your book.
As you two grew closer, the brothers noticed a massive shift in Belphie and were thankful for your presence in his life.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You had just gotten back to the House of Lamentation after a grueling day of helping Dia and Lucifer out with minor tweaks to the exchange program. You felt off as you went to your room, passing by some of the brothers. They all were looking at you oddly and laughing even. Once you reached your door, you quickly learned why. Though Belphie and you were officially dating, he sometimes didn't hesitate to torment you. Hung on your door was a note that said 'Attic tonight?' and a cow-themed pajama set. You laughed out loud. It was no wonder everyone was so weird.
Changing into your new onesie, you made your way to your destination. Upon entering the room, you saw a beautiful landscape of fairytale dreams. Once making your way in a little deeper, you found a half-asleep bull curled up on a pillow. As if sensing your presence, Belphie popped his head up and looked at you, "I thought you were never going to make it!" You laughed gently, taking your place next to the man. He soon wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your side. He was always the cutest when he was sleepy, when he was akwake he was always grumpy.
You pulled out the book you had been reading for Belphie and found the right page again. As you began to read, the boy got more comfortable around you and dozed off. You smiled, finishing the chapter you were on and marking the book. You scooted down and got closer to Belphie, tangling your legs with his. As you repositioned, he woke slightly, gently kissing your cheek before closing his eyes and finding sleep again. Not too long after, you also found comfort in the darkness of sleep with the bull-man by your side.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Mammon had just approached you with an offer to go see a play that was the original writing of a book you liked. Belphie was not a fan of this as he couldn't sleep with you that night.)
Belphie: Do you have to go with stupid Mammon? What if it's a ploy to get with you?
Y/N: My dear, there is no ploy to get with me; I am with you. I just want to see the play.
Belphie: But it's Mammon. Maybe he is gonna try to sell you off to clear some debt.
Y/N: Belphie, it sounds like you are jealous and don't want me to go for your own reasons.
Belphie: Nno I just want to keep our regular routine.
Y/N: Mhm, I see no jealousy at all.
(A pillow could be seen flying across the room)
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lathalea · 1 year
My King, I would like you to send me ❄️ - a Dwarven winter tradition!
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My Dear Lady Lemond57,
I hope my letter finds you in good health. Are the low temperatures bothering you greatly? The winter has unleashed its wrath upon the slopes of the Lonely Mountain and the constant snowstorms make it barely possible to venture outside. We have not seen clear blue sky for over a month and snow seems to constantly fall from the sky. Therefore, I have no way of knowing whether — and when — you are going to receive my letter. In the meantime, my people are doing our best to keep our spirits up during the coldest days. Balin is complaining that these freezing temperatures outside are not good at all for his poor joints and Dori curses the draughts in the upper levels of our kingdom, but rest assured, the heat from the forges keeps us sufficiently warm. Dwarves praise Mahal for making our bodies both sturdy as rocks and our tempers fiery. The fire that runs in our veins protects us from the cold, but I am aware that the people of Men do not take well to low temperatures. Therefore, along with this letter I am sending a thick blanket made from the finest Iron Hills wool. May it keep you warm during the coldest days of this season.
You asked me about Dwarven winter traditions and I will be more than happy to oblige. There is one that brings a smile to many a face under the Mountain: the Yule Goats. Every year, when the winter festival of Yule is upon us, two large mountain goats, a male and a female, appear at the Main Gate of Erebor out of nowhere. They are accompanied by a colourfully clad couple of mysterious Dwarves with goatherd’s crooks adorned with ribbons and little bells. Each of the goats is laden with countless gifts. Then, the Goat Herders and their hooved friends make rounds through our kingdom, giving gifts to everyone they meet. No one knows the true identity of the Dwarves and the goats and no one knows where they come from, but they always know what kind of gift to give to every Dwarf they encounter on their way. For example, this year, I received a new pair of sturdy walking boots that fitted me perfectly. The Yule Goats brought my sister a beautiful set of combs — she lost hers barely two days earlier! How did they know? Dwalin, on the other hand, was given a jar of fragrant pomade for his moustache and beard. He reddened like a beetroot at that! The Yule Goats were clearly hinting at the fact that he should take good care of himself and braid his hair. I am certain that you know how much we care for our beards, but if a Dwarf is to double his efforts on this front, it can only mean that it is time for them to look for a spouse. Nori made a bet with Bifur that Dwalin will start courting someone before the spring comes into its rights. There is one present, however, that alarmed my sister greatly.
My sister-son Fili received yet another pair of sharp blades made from the best dwarven steel, but Kili… well, there was a bib in his gift box. According to Dís, it can mean only one thing: she is about to become a grandmother and she is mortified because Kili is not even courting anyone. At least not to her knowledge. But the Yule Goats are never wrong. Fili informed her that the reason behind this gift was simply the way Kili usually eats. Quite untidy, to put it mildly. Surely enough, my younger sister-son did not like this suggestion and informed his brother about it by wrestling him down to the floor. Fili, as you can imagine, responded in turn and it took Dís and me a significant amount of time to separate them. Luckily none of them sustained any serious injuries besides their bruised egos. In addition, I am glad to say that all of the furniture in my study survived this time.
I will not bore you any longer with further details of my everyday life; Balin reminds me that it is time for the council meeting.
May Mahal watch over you in the coming year and if you ever find yourself in the vicinity of my kingdom, you are more than welcome to visit.
Your humble servant,
👑 Thorin Oakenshield
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