#and i am so glad its a reoccurring bit
strawberri-syrup · 8 months
shrimp jump......
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solitarily-sofia · 2 months
heartstopper (tv show) unpopular opinions:
tao should not have cut his hair. i feel like his hair being long was a sign of him standing by elle and growing his hair out in solidarity bc elle had mentions she got suspended bc of hair length (and taos is curled bc straight it would be past his chin which is the length elle got suspended for) also tao is supposed to be an "outcast" but now hes lowkey fineee
i wish the rugby lads had more screen time, specifically in the reoccuring line up of the three of them gossiping and being cut off by coach singh.
the whole point of the show is providing happy healthy lgbt couples so people complaining its too cheesey, cringy or unrealistic are incorrect.
i hate to say it but charlies mom may have been correct in banning him from nick until he got his grades up... maybe there was a better way of doing so but there was a clear connection bc charlie declining in school and him constantly being with nick. but i am glad how they added that to the show especially from charlies pov bc its so perfectly teenagerly and angsty lol.
i wish they had more characters not in romantic relationships especially with the implications of sahar x imogen other than issac just bc hes ace
kit and joe are the best actors in the show, both together and on their own. (i do think nearly everyone is fantastic but they are definitely the best especially kit but he has 10 more year of experience than everyone else)
most unpopular of all.. i dont love inogen as a character... i think she deserves the best but nick refering to her as one of hsi oldest, closest friends seems a bit strange seeing how most of there relationship is her having a crush on him. she provided a good subplot and conflict in season one but idk she doesnt seem to fit with the show. (this could be bc i was a comic fan first) also i think this could be different if she was a straight ally and expanding on her friendships instead but now i fee like they just wanted more queer people in the show and so they are throwing her with sahar. (the lighting was not subtle) anyway i dont think she was really needed in s2 except to keep ben, who i also dont rly think was needed, and i wonder what they do for her in season three
sorry for such a long list lol and although it may not seem like it i do truly love this show/story. feel free to disagree with any id love to hear your thoughts
Hii sorry for the late response today's been a bit chaotic.
Let's unwrap thiss
I to an extent agree with the tao one, his hairstyle really compliments his personality and he said he felt comfortable with it in season 2! And at first he only cut his hair for elle. But I personally think his season 2 hair looks better aside from that. Still love this though because it's cute that he grew it long for elle! :)
For the second one, I KNOWW!!. I would have loved to see the friendship between nick, Christian, sai and otis develop more!! However, if the show continues to follow as it does in the comics. We should see them more in season 3!! :)
With this I agree, heartstopper isn't supposed to be 100% realistic, it's meant to bring a sense of comfort to people who are struggling.
I agree that his mum probably should have handled it better but it helped Charlie in the long run so that's good. And I think she does genuinely care, but reading this winter and solitaire I can't say I'm a massive fan of her.
The imogen x sahar thing is understandable as there are a lot of queer teen relationships in the show, but the show is showing different types of queer experiences/relationships and how they come to terms with their sexuality. I understand your side though :)
Kit and joe are such incredible actors!! They never fail to have me sobbing on the floor. I MEAN THE FINAL SCENE OF SEASON 2 I WAS BALLING. And I agree the rest of the cast are so incredible too! I really loved tobies performance especially this season. It's rare to see aroace representation but he really did such a great job and it stood out to me.
And finally, with imogen (as a comic fan myself) at first I'll admit I didn't exactly LOVE her character, but it wasn't really her fault she was just a girl who liked a guy. I loved how her character developed though! I kinda think it's a good idea for imogen to be more involved because as seen in season 2 she doesn't have many friends and it would be great to see her adapt herself more to the Paris squad and maybe understand her sexuality more.
Thankyou so much for this ask I loved answering this :)
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apieceoftoastedbread · 3 months
i just got in the car to go home. let me yap.
Okay so, the thing at the beginning with saltarian was super cool. was kinda a jumpscare to see his face on the big big screen but it helped me stop disassociating and realize “holy shit im seeing the ghost movie”. Btw!! shoutout to my brother for taking me to go see it since my super religious parents would never take me. anyways uhm it was fucking awesome!! seeing all the ghouls in high detail kinda sparked my ghost hyperfixation again (it never left, just got very, VERY, weak.) i got to see my silly phantom and aurora and all the silly ghouls again and i was stimming very much. the theater was almost empty!! it was shocking how little people there was. I went with my brother and a mutual friend and we were the only ones in our row with small groups spread around us. Since this is my rant and i dont have any rules im gonna rip the bandaid off. i am so glad copia didnt and will HOPEFULLY keep being a reoccurring character as lead of the clergy. im a little upset about the cliffhanger of the new papa but i get it. ALSO,,, COSMO TALKED?? “Arent we gonna do a encore?” EXCUSE ME?? i was so so shocked. The misleading of death and new beginnings was also amazingly portrayed. i am going to miss the character of sister imperator but she had a good run. The show of Her, Papa copia (Father imperator🙏🙏), and Papa nihil being a family and all of then talking warmed my heart. totally didnt cry at that. WHAT DID MAKE ME CRY WAS IF YOU HAVE GHOST!! god the way they did that song and that whole scene tbh was just amazing. i cried a bit and was so touched by that song. The ghoulettes were amazing and i hope this isnt the last we see of them, but i get it if this is it. The singing ghoulete was amazing, she had a truely beautiful voice and make me get the chills a few times. The ones behind the instruments were just as good if not better. they all did great but i applaud the ones playing for being able to focus and play the entire time. The new song(god talk about quick changes) Was AMAZING!! i was up when it dropped and it has already been added to all my playlists. The credits with the song and the meaning of the song touch my heart in a way few songs are able to. I saw people on twitter complaining (as people on twitter do..) about certain ghouls not having much screentime, and i will admit that some had more than others, but i dont think its enough to be upset about. at the end of the day it relies on tobias, the camera team, and the ghouls boundaries. The dancers for Dance macabre and twenties was super cool!! kinda spooked me and make me uncomfy in the beginning but i think they did great. what did make me a little uncomfy was the video for year zero.. I am not a very religious person and do not have a label on what i consider myself, but the video was a bit of a jumpscare and was a little scary for me,. although im sure other liked it. I cannot wait for the album to be out and i will be putting on ghost more since the tism go brrr. expect ghost themed media to be posted by me more!! i think thats all but if theres anything else ill make a part 2 when im able to think again.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk!!
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duckduckhjonk · 2 months
Since I am now the one reviewer of BFDI episodes, its BFDIA 14 time!
spoilers ahead! duh :3
starting off the episode with a really silly little bit and bringing back the basketball rain. I've loved the angle they take when intensely cranking and having Pen and Eraser there is pretty neat. Balloony being my beloved of course. He's so happy about things love him frfr. And Fanny! look at her go. She hates flying. I like the detail of her being held. Girlie is NOT used to having legs. Big fan of how Snowball holds her. Shes a cat to me. Of course Barf Bag, bestie to all, coming to her rescue.
I think like- just getting out of the intro bit, this is a very pretty episode. Very well shaded and flowy in its movements. Huge fan of that.
Going into the new Cake At Stake song I'm not a fan. Although I like TV and Lewis getting clowned on, I preferred the way it was.
The cake at stake itself was enjoyable. I liked the pan flute voting results. Made it very melodic! and OUGH!! PIN!! SHE'S BACK!!! Pin shall rise! Return of the W.O.A.H.! I'm gonna be honest, I didn't like Pin much originally, but these recent episodes have made me like her a lot more. I'm glad she's back to her normal self! The whole team is so happy to see her ouhhhhhhhh. I saw someone say earlier its like she's in a wheelchair and I wholeheartedly agree.
Of course, the total devastation of Golf Ball being eliminated. Tennis Ball calling her Golfie is absolutely adorable. But also Barf Bag, bestie to all, coming back to host. She's a girlboss love her. Also this is such a close elimination by votes like- what!!! also the golf club eliminating her X3
Also weird comment about the whole Pan Flute bit and Pillow. Very strange but honestly I enjoyed it.
Challenge time! Overall super fun challenge. The duos are interesting as well. I pretty much love all of them. Very long challenge tbh. The dynamics are super fun between them. Although something I'd like to note is I love the reoccurring joke of Donut being known for saying No and only that. The ingredients really were underground.
I think the challenge drags a little around the middle. The parts with Dora are fun. I love Dora. She's everything to me. I think she should eat an island one day. Another detail, where's Lightning's arms? How does he get his arms? Suppose thats a question for IDFB to answer.
The rest of the challenge until the end is a little meh, but Bubble comes back! The end is spectacular though. Pin gets to go super angry mode on freesmart and thats honestly iconic. also Needle's song is so awesome????? Full rendition when??????? but anywho I think Pin should do that more often. She's become an electric type. Beautiful moment. Good for Pin.
The final scene wasn't much. Just evil leafy. I originally thought "omg are we getting the 5b guys back?" but no, we weren't(I'm frequently a fool)
there ya have it! Feel free to share your thoughts in the notes. Btw I'm getting a golf ball plushie soon!!!! :D
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voiceofsword · 2 years
sry to bitch in your inbox abt this but im so glad you pointed out how so many modern enstarries Dont read the stories and base everything off fandom perception.. i saw these users joking about which character would say slurs and someone was ADAMANT rinne would and tho i knew it before it Really struck me then
a) none of them have ever engaged with this text in any meaningful way, ESPECIALLY not the first games' stories, because surprise! characters in es! did Canonically use slurs! and back then Nobody Liked It. we didnt joke about it. most people i know completely stopped paying attention to the characters who did until they apologized. (tho ofc its more a problem w the writing than the characters, but still. we were young. we had the spirit.)
b) people really like using rinne as a punching bag because they dont read the stories and know literally nothing about him except funny drunk drugs gamble man "fuckboy" who harasses niki and the other bees and its. infuriating.
i dont understand how anyone can claim to like a media without ever properly engaging with it, i dont understand how people have fun misunderstanding characters so drastically, and i also think joking about slurs has gotten wayyy too normalized where people feel comfortable saying these things about these characters they allegedly like. and characters like rinne (with a constructed mask of obnoxiousness and such) are the perfect target for these people. which SUCKS. all of it sucks.
NEVER BE SORRY!!!! i hope this is alright to post i thought your ask was good and insightful and i'll add onto it a little bit with my own thoughts (heart emoji)
yeah um ! was definitely a ride. i wouldnt recommend it to everyone but at least we have hindsight and things like slurs and general offensive terms/behaviors can be warned for, so that much is nice. i remember being really upset about a few of these, and then getting back into enstars earlier this year and reading a few of the more current stories + !! stories i was happy to see that the writing has developed CONSIDERABLY in terms of this especially after beasts. something ive noticed a lot of newer fans do (referencing my previous post irt the feeling morally superior) is that if you like a specific character for whatever reason youre actually a horrible person because that character said something awful once. of course youre allowed to dislike characters for whatever reason but dont tell other people they should perish because they like them (as if liking them means you implicitly agree with said views, more often than not One line in a miriad of stories that you might not even have read). but like you said, characters making ignorant comments (an unfortunate occurrence, although rare, it still happens) is not a reflection of 2d pixels on a screen but rather a team of writers..... idk. its a complicated situation. i see both sides and i think people are justified in liking or disliking but this is a game about idol boys (and girl) got dam
yeah i hate how people treat rinne a lot. like because characters like him and eichi are villains that means everything that they do or say is, at worst, a straight, physical threat to everyone around them, or at best, an annoyance that can make the fandom feel justified in making them the butt of reoccurring jokes. idk what else to say about him that i havent said already but its also 3 am now and i SAID i was gonna go to sleep an hour ago but i think i might just be a filthy liar
ALSO its probably because enstars is long, there's a lot to read and although tl's arent necessarily hard to come by you actively have to seek them out. again i understand how this might be a nuisance but instead of sitting down and listening to summaries or analysis ive noticed that a lot of short form consumption content lends itself to people just. posting the most reactive interpretations, and people playing a game of telephone with said information until a lot of the fandom has come to accept this misinformation as true. LIKE SOMEONE ON TIKTOK SAYING HAJIME AND WATARU WERE RELATED? IDEK IF THAT WAS A JOKE OR NOT? and yeah the use of slurs is like ridiculously normalized now im not one to say whether people can or cannot reclaim slurs and people are free to do as they like if they can. i see this one thing specifically with tatsumi a lot where people jokingly bring up how said character is homophobic or make homophobic comments towards characters even if theyre being like. excited or happy. and idk. personally it makes me sad. like maybe its fandom culture now maybe im old (is 23)
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spookyserenades · 1 year
hi hi!!🤗
how are you doing? 💖
1st i wanted to tnx u 4 replying to my ask(previous one)!!😁💜
it made me squeal & kick my feet in the air sm i almost fell from my chair 😅
i'm super glad that despite the messy delivery, my love 4 your writing & story could reach u regardless! ^^
i read ch 7 this morning & OMG!!
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thank you thank you so so much 4 both writing it & tagging me too!! i really appreciate both!🥰🥰🥰
i don't even know where to begin w/, there were so many twists & new developments & new things packed in this ch! it wasn't a simple treat, it was a whole course meal!😂
i also got my believes abt your writing reconfirmed! you truly are a master of the craft: your meticulous care 4 details,your capacity in extending the story in a long-slow-burn type of development but making always feels like it's going smoothly,w/out a halt in the plot nor a dull moment, your outstanding skill in making the story feel so realistic & immersive even in the smallest of things as you describing the glass-stained lamp in the mc's room & bringing it up enough times that it starts being a familiar element that i associate w/ mc,w/ their room & can now envision every time an event is taking place in that room.
i also i'm head over heels over how u slowly built a sense of growing familiarity between the mc & the hybrids, by giving them peculiar characteristics,quirks or habits that we saw the mc pick on throughout the whole story & that she thinks abt & is growing accostumed to/notices. also some reoccuring jokes(mc being a lightweight 4 example) or dynamics too.
the way your writing brings each character(side characters included ofc,i love them sm!!) to life will never cease to amaze me!! it makes getting invested in your story so easy,so inevitable!😣💜💜💜
you left ch 6 on an absolute cliffhanger & that same energy & trepidation followed also in the beggining of ch 7, so smoothly & naturally!!👏👏👏👏
------------ (details abt ch 7 below,just in case i don't wanna ruin the surprise in case anybody still haven't read it yet)-------------------
Right after witnessing her mother have a vision & getting warned abt it, the mc also has a confrontational moment w/ her mother that made me stop & reflect a bit abt her reaction: my 1st impression was that she just kinda wanted to not adress it nor aknowledge it out of anxiety,fear & also sense of guilt toward picturing tae like that, like she needed to try to convince herself that it couldn't be true & kinda just take it out on her mom(a tiny bit) bc of the shock & to push away the possibilities. at 1st i simply thought that she was just & rightfully freaking out, but then it stuck w/ me how she brought up in frustration how she stopped card reading & spiritual practice,esp things surrounding knowing the future bc it drove her friends away & almost broke important bonds in her life. i'm no expert when it comes to paganism & its various practices but i'm not avert to learning abt or simply seeing it portrayed as well(rapresentation matters afterall^^) & although i'm not pagan myself,i hope i am respectful when i say i can relate to mc anyway in her relationship w/ it. in my opinion(as a non-pagan,so i hope i'm not being insensitive😅) using practices like card reading or rituals to have glimpses of the future/visions & such are harmless if u only practice them to have the occasional guidance &/or reassurance in your life, but the moment they become smth too reoccuring,smth u depend to much on & you base your every move on,it can turn harmful, it can make u unable to make decisions in your life,turn u paranoid & suspiscious of ppl & you no longer have the reins of the course of your life(not saying this is the current situation ofc,i was just wondering if this is smth that mc experienced when younger,thus why they are more wary now). in the story, multiple times her mother or mc herself bring up the fact that once you tapped into this wrld,u cannot get back & her mother mentioned how mc naturaly has a peculiar capacity & a penchant(?) 4 it. i understand the concept of "once u start,u can't go back" & her mother has never pressured her,rather always tried to give her a positive nudge,an encouraging push to get back into it more but i do feel like there's also some pressure, like it's inevitable & mc will have to get back into practicing(which i feel could be described as being a little cornered but only bc mc had a negative experience in the past that made her take some distance from practicing, not bc the practice or beliefs themselves are neg ofc,i don't need to know paganism well in order to respect it anyway!) so i'm super excited to see how mc's relationship w/ paganism will change & take shape in the future: if she'll further distance herself or if she'll find smth that gets her closer & if it will happen only out of necessity or if she'll find a way of integrating it again in her life by her own terms & level of comfortability bc of her indipendent choice to do so. i'm also curious to know more abt both namjoon & jk's own relationship w/ paganism,faith & their personal believes.
if i may draw a parallelism, mc's situation seems a bit similar to ( not exactly & in a more light way) religious trauma. now,i'm aware that's not a very fitting term since paganism wrks differently & idk if trauma is the right term 4 how she still is impacted by the experience(both past & present) w/ the malevolent entity. it's a bit complicated to explain(i suck w/ wrds srry😭) but by religious trauma i don't mean it in the traditional sense that we apply to abrahamic religions 4 example in which the trauma is created by the abuse & twist of religion to use it as a tool of power/justification 4 bigotry against the individual or the harm prepetruated by the other belivers themselves against the individual, in the case of paganism & this situation i mean it in the sense that the relationship mc has w/ paganism & practicing in of itself changed, specifically due to a negative experience, that still influences the way she interacts w/ the beliefs,customs & practices. bc of that, i'm very intrigued by what u gonna gives us in the future & how she's gonna heal (or not) her relationship w/ it. i dunno if i expressed myself well enough & if i said smth offensive or made a comparison that is disrespctful i apologise, u don't have to but it's more than welcome 4 u to point out so i can both learn & take responsability!😊
now talking abt the main course of this meal,tae's revelation!
i had my mind set on his confessing that it was bc of self-defense ofc & not premeditated either but oh boyyy if u had me faltering & growing anxious & unsure w/ all the amazing & beautifully written build up,the rollercoaster of emotion & tae's sudden changes in mood & pauses while spilling the full truth! the sigh i let out when reading mc's reaction, understanding & reassurance given to poor tae, i probably sounded like a leaf blower XD
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i thought that would be the only main drama of the chapter so i felt more relaxed now just to get hit straight in the face w/ the namjoon' bomb?!!!
i never saw it coming,i never expected such a reaction nor that it would come from him, i never could have predicted such a turn of events, it felt like a slap,like a bucket of ice. literally stopped reading to climb down the ladder & pace around the room in shock o-o
we def know that he runs hot 'n cold, has his moments & he never was fond of tae,to say.
but he always struck me as somebody pretty level headed, quite in control of his actions to the point of being calculative sometimes & who's used to keep his blood cold even in hot situations. i felt like a clown🤡
4 awhile his reaction made absolute 0 sense to me,no matter how hard i squeezed my peanut sized brain i couldn't find smth that would justify or push him to react like that,to that extent & say those exact wrds. but all bc a) i was seeing it from my pov & b) i assumed i already knew the character well enough to be able to see patterns in his behaviour/way of thinking which is not true cause we know barely 3 things abt his past tbh(my bad honestly😭)
1- i thought that he reacted this intensely bc of fear of tae & protectiveness over mc & her wellbeing(him already not liking the bear hybrid but now actually hating him bc he perceived him as a threat or possible danger to mc & the others) but that flew right out the window the moment he started talking shit abt mc directly to her face(not proud of it, but 4 some time i really wanted to slap him a couple times😅). esp when he said that she was a spoiled rich grl that basically always acted out on nothing but her naivety & whims. that felt like he said it w/ his full chest & meant it😳, like he had been feeling that way abt her 4 awhile but never voiced it out untill now🤔. which threw me back to the time when after the vinyl store etc & after eating icecream at the fountain, his mood soured & he started giving the cold shoulder to mc & i wondered if smth crossed his mind in that moment that reminded him abt smth in his past or a bitter thought abt mc?
2-it's more of a theory: maybe he has a hard time seeing the genuine love & care behind mc's choice in adopting them all bc he thinks all there's behind her actions is her "naivety, saviour complex & habit of just getting whatever she wants bc of growing up rich & spoiled" bc that's the only type of ppl he saw around him(when it wasn't straight up abusive ppl)?
3- his worry abt tae putting them all in danger w/ the law could be quite reasonable but i think is way inflated in his head. mama raised no snitch & i don't think there is any reason to suspect that any of the other hybrids or mc herself would rat tae out. plus tae himself said that if it ever comes to it,he would never confess that the others knew abt him. plus the poor teddy bear hybrid is already shouldering the guilt from 1(cough well deserved chough) kill & is already living in worry of facing legal truoble bc of it so if namjoon thinks tae would do it again w/ any of them when there's no reason nor need to beside the fact that tae would never as well, just confirmed to me that all the accusations,assumptions & concerns that pushed namjoon to react that intensely & against tae were based on fear mostly. i mean,it makes sense to experience a bit of fear given the situation ofc, but unlike mc's & the others initial doubt & fear, his seems diff, like there's smth personal behind it...which bring me to my last point!
4- namjoon already has his fair share of negative experiences w/ the law bc he faked his documents to join the club etc & he got found out. but we never got to know how he got found out, if somebody ratted him out or smth else. so it makes sense that he would be more wary & tense than others knowing that the law could be involved again & also knowing that he would have to be in a position where he has to trust others to not sing like a bird. but still, he seemed very nervous & paranoid even... is he hiding smth like tae did? we still don't know what kind of ppl were in his life b4(beside mc's mother) or how exactly he came to know abt the "supernatural" & such. also b4 ending captured & at gerry's he mentioned that he lived as a wolf in national parks to jimin but didn't go into details. maybe he's trying to fly off the radar bc otherwise he risks smth legally & tae's situation put him on edge? idk,i'm speculating,rambling,being delirious at this point??😭😂 i'm trying to find smth in his reaction that may make it more understandable & feel less as just him being straight up an asshole & i'm kinda boiling my brain & feeling quite stupid w/ the things i came up w/😅
talking abt the actual fight instead, i really love your choice in making jk the one that descalated the situation & kinda acted as a mediator/sedative authority. unusual but suprisingly it fits him & the story very well! plus it also shifted his position in the house & dynamic,w/ mc mostly, but also w/ the bear & the wolf hybrids. god bless him 4 handling it so well & preventing the worst! xd
all the hybrids(minus poor hoseok but understandable😓💚) played a role into taking off some of the responsability & weight on mc abt having to do damage control & managing the situation. it really felt like it's no longer a relationship where she's primarily the one that takes care of them & navigates all the relationships & duties & things to do to keep things running in the house, but they all try to do their part & some of her part too if it gets too much,like this time. they are not just basking in the comfort & love, they are enjoying it ofc but they are also serious abt returning it & resolving conflicts etc inside the house also to take care of her as well. 4 now it's out of gratitude & also liking & caring abt mc & it's going so well w/ the slow burn!!!
quick note- you wrote abt jin having ptsd/anxiety/phobias & w/ that obviously come also triggers & i noticed how in the scene by the fire while making s'mores he seemed fidgety & uncomfortable w/ getting close to the fire so hoseok was roasting them 4 him. & knowing he was a "performer" in circuses b4, i wonder if they used fire or heat to punish him? or if smth happened to him that has to do w/ fire. u don't have to tell me if you don't want to ofc!^^ it's just me noticing this lil thing & being too curious xd
i think i wrote enough(too much even) & should just stop by now😅 thank you 4 everything, 4 sharing your breathtaking writing, for giving me time out of your day when u reply & also 4 giving me space 4 my rambling even tho i feel i may have taken advantage of it a bit by now😓🙏
i hope this ask doesn't feel overwhelming & i hope you'r doing ok & are happy & healthy!!🤗🥰💜💜💜
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Hi hi hi lovebug! I'm doing well lately, how have you been? I'm so happy you've dropped by to chat again! 🥰
Thank you so much for continuing to support Trouvaille and send me such wonderful feedback! I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to receive your love and all of your thoughts on the story 🥺💘
So again AHHH thank you so so much for your sweet compliments about my writing, my heart is gonna explode seriously 😭 (you know how to make a girl blush!!) I'm really pleased that you are feeling immersed into the story, especially in the jam-packed, plot heavy update in Chapter Seven! So cool that you can envision the home and the settings too, I was hoping that I was describing the surroundings well enough that readers could see it in their minds!
One of the most exciting things about writing an OT7 fic is planning out all the little quirks and traits each of the boys will have, on top of the MC and side characters, as well. Since about a week has passed since MC adopted the hybrids by Chapter Seven, she's become accustomed to some of the most obvious quirks some of them have (Hoseok's three note whistle tone, Jimin's cowboy manners addressing her as "Miss Y/N", etc.) so over time as she gets to know them more intimately, other unique traits will reveal themselves! I love a good few reoccurring jokes as well, I'm happy that you've picked up the lightweight one LMAO... eeeee but I'm so glad that their quirks are making them seem more realistic, thank you!! 💜💜
fdjkasfh I wanna apologize for leaving the previous chapter on a cliffhanger, I tend to do that a lot... I'm a sucker for shock value 💀
So MC and her mother! Their relationship tends to ebb and flow, due to the fact that their personalities are quite different. MC tends to be a bit more grounded in reality, conscious of responsibility, and perhaps a bit overly concerned with the opinions of others, at times. Meanwhile, her mother is loud and proud, free spirited, and almost childlike in nature. In a way, MC might feel as though she often had to act as the adult growing up, while her mother may have felt MC was a bit too rigid. Besides that, the spirituality that MC and her mother share also plays a big part in their relationship and dynamic. MC's big issue with her mother is the perceived nosiness that comes with card reading for others, particularly behind their backs. It is mentioned I believe in Chapter Three that MC's mother would often do Tarot readings for MC and then report back to her on the results, which in turn irked MC while she had taken a break from her spiritual practice. MC may have had instances in her childhood where having an eccentric pagan mother discouraged others from wanting to get closer to MC and her family. When her mother had the vision about Taehyung, I think MC's main concern was Tae overhearing the interaction, and either getting spooked or his feelings hurt in consequence. Truly, MC thought the vision to be so absurd at first, that she wrote it off almost immediately.
Paganism is an interesting sort of religion to practice, as there are many paths under the umbrella term of paganism one can take. One pagan that does card readings might not do herbal magic, another might not use Tarot or oracle at all and focus their energies on candle magic. Really, it is up to the practitioner how they practice, what they believe, and what works best for them. MC and her mother are a good example of this. Her mother tends to lean on Tarot and psychic ability, while MC (who is just now getting back into her practice) tends to be comfortable with spell crafting-- we'll dive more into her practice in the future! Also, no worries- you aren't being insensitive whatsoever (in fact, you're very respectful), I love answering questions on paganism and The Craft! I hope I can be a friendly person for anyone to come to and ask questions like these, it's fun to discuss with others! ✨💖
I like that you pointed out MC's mother being one to "nudge" her back into her practice, that IS absolutely what she is doing. A big theme here, as well, is the idea of "you see them, they see you" when it comes to working with spirits or any kind of magic. That's why it was important for me to stress the urgency MC had with performing some protective magic after the altercation with that entity; protection is key for a pagan/witch. We'll see in future updates how she hones her craft and makes it her own (on her own terms!) As well as how Namjoon, Jeongguk, and perhaps the others (!) beliefs and practices take form and change over time.
I really like the parallel you drew to the concept of religious trauma. MC primarily pulled away from her practice in attempt to get that nasty entity she accidentally summoned as a teen off her back, and sort of moved on like nothing ever happened. I think that the religious trauma parallel is a good comparison to what happened to her, but rather it being caused by an institution itself (for example, The Church), it was caused by her own lack of knowledge/research on the spell she was casting. I think she's on the right track to begin healing from her mistake, and now she knows to research before casting unfamiliar spells, and stay on top of protective magic!
NOW FOR TAE'S REVELATION! AHHH I'm so excited that I could keep you on your toes throughout the scene where he recounts what he had done! That scene was particularly tricky for me to write, and I revised it many times, so I'm glad that it had the sort of dizzying and uncertain pace that I was hoping for. Tae needed a big hug after that, and I'm glad MC gave it to him!
ANNND Namjoon too! I guess my love of shock value manifested itself into a fight scene, and making Namjoon into the instigator... You're right; he's always been suspicious of Tae, and definitely runs hot and cold. And on the other hand, "calculative" is one of the best ways I could describe wolf hybrid Joon. I think that he while he was flying off the handle in rage during the fight, he was still rather cold and cutting with his words, as if he hadn't considered the effect they'd have. I think because he is overly calculative, he can sometimes read a little too far into situations and get into his head, thus creating volatile or explosive emotions he cannot ultimately control.
So another reader had a similar theory that Namjoon reacted in this way because he was jealous or perhaps feeling the intense or instinctual need to protect MC from Taehyung. Though, when he turned his attention to MC and began taking it out on her, that shit was uncalled for. MC was already feeling a little insecure about her lack of knowledge when it comes to hybrids, so Namjoon inadvertently triggering that insecurity by calling her "stupid" cut her deep. She too, in the moment, believed that Namjoon truly felt that way about her, hence her breakdown. I like the connection you made to the outing with the hybrids when he suddenly grew distant and somewhat mean; perhaps this circles back to the jealousy he might feel (MC was surrounded by Yoongi, Tae, and 2Seok all paying her particular attention).
I also like your theory that Namjoon might have a hard time accepting that MC simply wants to give all of the hybrids, himself included, the opportunity to live safe, happy lives. I think the whole "spoiled rich girl" comment was something that just came to him, considering the significant sum she had handed over to adopt them all, the large house she lives in, etc. I think he said the first insulting thing he could think of in his blind rage-- but it is and interesting theory that he may be jaded towards those he perceives to be rich and spoiled, especially because we don't know too much about his past.
Because Namjoon's past is still a mystery, I love that you've come up with so many theories to fill in the gaps! The idea that he could be nervous about Taehyung being a fugitive because he himself is is an interesting theory! 🤔 It would certainly make sense for him to explosively react over the news of Taehyung perhaps attracting law enforcement to the house and in consequence, Namjoon himself... but for now, we simply don't know!
Jeongguk being the one to break up the fight was another twist to Chapter Seven. I'm sure not only MC, but readers as well were surprised to see bristly, avoidant Jeongguk get in the middle of those two, but I think he might have been the only one to do it successfully. Teaming up with Yoongi (who calmed MC down and then escorted Tae from the room), Jimin making her tea, and Seokjin staying with her while she fell asleep-- they all managed to put aside some of their smaller spats with each other in order to restore order in the home. I think at the end of the day, all of the hybrids are seeking a peaceful, happy environment to live in, so breaking up the fight was a priority to the others in the home. In future updates, we'll see how dynamics change and flourish between the housemates as time wears on and new situations crop up! 🤭
Final little note, for Seokjin-- he was indeed a performer for a circus, so the possibility of an accident involving fire happening to him is extremely likely! We still don't know how he was injured prior to his adoption, when MC picked him up from the shelter. Fire could definitely be included in his list of phobias that we know of (so far, we know that crowds are a phobia, for sure!)
THANK YOU thank you thank you for sending me another lovely message filled with your wonderful thoughts and theories, I truly enjoyed taking the time to read through them and reply as thoroughly as I could. I also thank you for reading and supporting Trouvaille and remembering so many little details tucked away in all of the chapters, it really made me so happy to discuss the story with you!! I hope you have a lovely week, are eating well, and staying healthy!! 🩷💓💗💘💖
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its-all-honey · 1 year
The Umbrella Academy Season 3 ☂️
i last week finished watching the third season woo !! i used to be so obsessed with tua after watching season 1 that i even ended up getting all the volumes of the comics 😅 after watching season 3 i also reread all the comics back to back in like one sitting lol (spoilers for both the show and the comics coming up 🫣)
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im gonna try my best to not make this sound super confusing when i talk about both season 3 of the show and volume 3 of the comics lol ------------------------------- the comic ---------------------------------so i went into season 3 having not previously read the 3rd volume of the comics meaning i had no idea what would happen, though i did know that the idea of hotel obsidian/oblivion was based off the comics BUT!! i found that the 3rd season of the show practically had nothing to do with the comics other than the title 😭 the plots of the show and comics across all seasons and volumes are both very different and season 3 was the most unlike its corresponding comic. one of the main differences being that the sparrow academy are only introduced at the end of volume 3 of the comics so i honestly dont know where the whole storyline for the 3rd season of the show came from i personally found the plot of the 3rd volume of the comic quite confusing and hard to follow as the perspectives and locations kept changing a lot so im actually rather glad that they chose not to portray the events of this comic in the show. that being said, i did like how each of umbrella siblings had their own storylines/adventures that they were on. probably my favourite storyline in the comics is vanya's ongoing recovery from volume one of the comics and also the pairing of five and allison which happens throughout the comics. i also like that luther and diego's rivalry is present across the comics. ------------------------------- the show --------------------------------- in the show, i find the characters to be much more likeable and more full of personality compared to the comics so season 3 did not disappoint in that respect. it was cool to see aspects of the comics continue to be translated into the show for example allison's reluctance to use her powers is a big thing in both medias AND IM SO GLAD THAT KLAUS FINALLY GOT TO USE THE FULL POTENTIAL OF HIS POWERS IN THE SHOW 😭😭😭 all the other character progression among the umbrella siblings is great as well!!! (we love senior citizen five) i liked the sparrows though some of them did not get much screen time and a few of their powers were a bit lame in my opinion 💀 (marcus and alphonso i am looking at you, sorry not sorry) i love love LOVE fei tho she is sooooo coool and christopher being just a random floating cube is so silly to me plus if you think about it, um some woman gave birth to that?!?!?!?! seeing sparrow ben just get subtly accepted by the umbrella siblings was so sweet like they were lowkey all just so happy to see ben again even if he's different. OH AND SPEAKING OF ACCEPTING!!!!! VIKTOR HARGREEVES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 madddd props to the producers/writers of the show for giving elliot page a trans character and doing it in such a good way ❤️❤️❤️❤️ im so obsessed with all the different sibling reactions to viktor (also vanya in the comics has short hair sooooooo) ok so a few things i didnt like so much was first of all, luther and sloane romance felt really forced to me and a bittttt weird but ive seen people say that luther was in his himbo era during season 3 so honestly i'll let it slide. secondly there's lila who i disliked in season 2 but then she shows up with stan and i loved stan he was so silly!!!! BUT THEN lila is suddenly actually pregnant😭???? idk man, it gotta hella crazy. um thirdly (this is gonna be a really hot take but hear me out), i know its the whole point of the show and its a reoccurring thing that happens but all this end of the world/apocalypse business is kindaaa boring now 🧍 i guess it does happen differently in each season so its not completely repetitive everytime and i must say that this time was actually my favourite end of the world lol hopefully, the finally season will resolve everything nicely but only time will tell i suppose 👁️👁️. im actually gonna shut up now though because this is getting so long and while i could go on and on about tua im gonna have to stop 😭
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area51-escapee · 1 year
This is technically a vent but it really ain’t that serious I just need it out of my head lmao
I was getting that reoccurring thought again that I should delete my blogs and delete everything I’ve ever written and give up posting my writing all together forever and then I went to take my birth control and saw what week I was on like OH. That explains that. We’re good everybody ALSJSKDJSJSHSK
It is of course a little depressing to accept the fact that people just aren’t really interested anymore. People have actual responsibilities again since we ain’t all sitting at home. I also just don’t post nearly as often as I used to. I can ramble about my oc’s all day all I want but why is anybody going to care if I can’t update consistently. I think it’s a little more upsetting because that was one of the first times I felt really. Good. At something. I’m okay at a lot of things which is fun in its own way but ultimately I am not good at anything just. Passable. My writing is okay but it could be better. My drawing is okay but I’m often too tired or in too much pain to work on it. I can make some things by hand but they’re all just. Okay. Not good or great or really noteworthy. Just okay.
And sometimes like now it does make me kinda sad. But it usually passes and this too shall pass cuz when I really think about it it’s like. Well that sucks. But that sure ain’t enough to stop me from being obnoxious on main about these fictional little guys AKDJSKSHSKSHSK. Of course I want other people to like my oc’s and find them interesting but also I like my oc’s very much. Maybe too much. I don’t care they make me incredibly happy. I love them like friends. They don’t exist outside of a fictional space and they don’t really do anything but they still bring me a lot of comfort. I wish I had marketable plushies of my blorbos. I love my oc’s. My friends like my oc’s. I absolutely love my friends’ oc’s. In the end that really is enough. There are still some people who have interest in them too and I am so thankful for them and I’m glad they still care about my silly little dudes like I do. I can’t let go of these things just because they don’t draw as much attention as they used to. They still hold all my attention and they still bring me so much joy. I may be a bit abnormal about them and I don’t write or draw as much as I used to and I kind of just talk about the most random things ever when I do post about them but also I’m having fun and that makes me happy and I think I’m okay with that. This week and these feelings will pass and I’ll continue to fixate on them like it’s my fucking job because they make me happy and that’s reason enough to keep going I think.
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khs12478 · 1 year
i dont know why but this emptiness is reoccurring again. im so glad i already finished school and currently waiting to be admitted to any universities. the last not so few times i had this emotionless phase, it had caused me to get distracted from my study. i hate it a lot. how i cant explain to people what actually is bothering me.
i know and am fully aware nobody is gonna read this post. these bots might engage but honestly fuck you, bots. 
currently, i am spending full time in my house as i quitted my job. worked only for a month but it was getting a bit mentally tiring. as long as i had the chance to escape, i’’ll do it. 
truthfully, i dont even know if its emptiness or just rage... but whatever it is, i know its better for me to stay shut bc i am afraid of hurting other’s feelings. 
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. get to know your mutuals and followers! ✨🍄✨ no pressure.
ough.... im going to try not to start waxing poetic so i dont sound lame but this is very hard... not even because i don't have stuff that makes me happy but just bc i dont actively recognize happiness when im in the midst of it bc of how distracted i get. but!! ok
i like motifs in medias i enjoy! i think wigfrid has made me realize this more this past year than i ever have before. musical motifs or reoccurring themes. UGH 😩what CAN'T repetition do, honestly? the goddess of story progression fr
i like tea! having it and making it. this may be obvious because of the don't starve teas i make that i talk about sometimes. but it really eases me down, and its been very helpful waking myself up for my numerous 8:30 AM classes this first year of college.
(my favorite is earl grey with lemon and sugar. i would say my second favorite is chai with creamer and sugar. but there's this diner that i go to with my dad and they have this tea thats like. black tea with oranges and cloves?? and cinnamon? bro it goes hard its so good.)
i like plants and animals! and honestly, sometimes i feel like a bit of a fraud when i say that nowadays... i was always far more infatuated with that stuff as a kid. in modern day its become really hard to dedicate myself to nature with so much stuff to do. i have a lot of friends who know a lot about wildlife, and i'll admit i pale in comparison to their knowledge on the subject. but i've been getting more into solarpunk, and it's been alleviating a lot of the strife that current issues have been putting on me, and it's given me the ability to enjoy nature in a more genuine way than i have in a long time
i like video games! and i know its obvious that i like playing video games, but i'm very happy to report that i really like video games. even from a theoretical or technical perspective. i'm currently pursuing game design, so i would certainly hope i would like video games... but a part of me was always nervous that i wouldn't find what i was looking for in game design. but now i find myself theorizing how to dissect different elements of the games i experience? and breaking down the theory of what makes the games i like fun? and every time i do it gives me such a little thrill. i love video games, and i'm very excited to learn more about them
i like creating! i think i'm very blessed to be able to both write and draw. and though i think my skills have always been imbalanced, i still think its pretty cool that i have the ability to develop both. and im glad that people like my goofy ass art even though i haven't drawn anything legitimate in like. months fr fr
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myevilmouse · 2 years
I think it appropriate that a day that consisted of diversions, distractions, and outright procrastination should carry into the night with my favourite avoid everything activity: The Ask.
You once asked that when I finish my trip through your Thryce catalogue, name my top favourite fics (that’s sort of like picking a favourite toe!) Here are the winners (drum roll)
Infectious (first place)
Imitation/Dis Manibus (tied for second/third)
I have written at length about Infectious & Imitation (previous asks), so I would like to give Dis Manibus the spotlight (feel free, please, to discuss/ask me about the other two if you wish) The premise - reoccurring nightmares - of this fic immediately caught my attention (as a sufferer) however, we quickly parted ways as the root of my problem is definitely NOT ghosts 🤣
Thrawn had unfinished business with Pryce that remained so due to his untimely demise. The fic is bold for many reasons, the first being that you crossed over Legends & Canon lines - I love that. The second feature in the fic is an unfamiliar planet, but a real Star Wars planet (unlike my lazy-ass self who makes up planets & names them after pesky Captains). I really appreciated getting away from the familiar and feeling the wide-open savannas that you described in such lush detail.
This fic takes us as close to the edge of the deep, dark, rabbit hole as a Mouse fic allows, and then it throws us a satisfying, closure-worthy, life-line of an ending that is just ever so lightly seasoned with a pinch of melancholy.
Other features of the fic are those (possibly salacious) details that you chose to leave out. Inquiring, smutty minds 🤣 may have been disappointed, but due to own lush imagination…I was more than satisfied 😎
I would like to discuss the genesis of this fic, and perhaps crossroads that you met along the way during its creation. I am curious if we adhere to Thrawn’s death by Rukh as accorded in Legends; it is never explicitly stated how he died in the fic (did Pryce have to relive the death in the nightmares??) How did the location come about - did you have specific requirements of a planet?
Big Bonus: are you gonna write me the sequel?? 👍🏽
As always: feel free to completely deviate from my queries and just carry on.
@beebee-76 it’s so lovely to have you back.  Thank you for this delightful ask that I welcome as a way of unwinding this evening.  Definitely responding to asks is a great distraction and diversion for the recipient, so I am glad you are still prompting me to respond with these!
First of all, I’m thrilled with your selections for favorite Thryce fics.  It's very interesting to me that these were written in a row, actually, one after the other. Clearly an inspired period in my fic life! Infectious is of course the epic, the longest, the labor of fuck-or-die misery to happy ever after, and I’m so happy it got that rank!  I remember when you read Imitation you had said it was your fave (prior to reading Infectious) so I was very curious to see if it still ranked.  It was such a random story, where Thrawn’s mind and his relationship with Pryce is explored through his absence, in a way, that I love that you still hold it so highly on the list!  Dis Manibus is definitely one of my favorites and I love how people connect with it and give it a chance despite the strangeness of the entire thing.
Spoiler alerts for that story, so follow me below the cut!
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You are always generous with praise in your comments, and here in your ask I only can blush and say thank you for the compliments re:  boldness, interesting crossover, descriptions of the planet, flirtation with the darkness but satisfying closure.  I do tend to research all my fics quite a bit—looking for the perfect place to set them, the ideal place in the timeline to squeeze in my story, and make them as “realistic” as possible in our GFFA.  So it’s fantastic to hear you appreciated that!
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Also happy to hear that denying the reader those (you wrote “possibly” I’m going to go with “hopefully” salacious) details wasn’t a disappointment.  I’m 800% certain your imagination wrote something far more delicious than the author could have delivered!
So as to your question regarding the genesis of the story, it was simple:  I have an ambition to write Luke x all the ladies.  In my never-ending quest to smush his nekkid Jedi flesh against random women, I couldn’t neglect one of my favorites just because she was evil!  As always, the idea was the ship, nothing more.  And I am a sucker for the nightmare comfort trope, so decided to use it.
From the beginning, this story wrote itself.  I was really a vessel for the muse, and more than once I sort of looked at the screen like “huh ok” and just kept going.  There are always surprises along the way when I fic, which is one of the things I love about it, but this story was a non-stop surprise.  In all honesty, I had NO IDEA her nightmares were Thrawn until I was physically typing that chapter and then I was like (just as the reader is) ohhhhhhhhhh when Luke senses that presence and we know it’s a ghost.
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Admittedly I was filled with glee at this development (and also annoyance, knowing it would be harder than ever to get these two to bang now) and couldn’t wait to see where it went.  Unlike some stories (looking at YOU Cold Comfort) the characters never fought me in this one—they knew the plot even though I didn’t, and I just typed it out like some possessed Jedi medium 😉
You mention it isn’t explicitly stated how Thrawn died in the fic, but it actually is (and you are correct, we adhere to Thrawn’s EU death by Rukh).  The segment is towards the end of Chapter 2:
“Dream about Thrawn?”
He didn’t know why he asked, but the twitch at her eyelid answered that question before she made the admission.
“I dreamt his death,” she replied quietly. “I’ve seen it happen. Many times. That… that monster that he trusted with his life. I read official reports, and of course the holonews…” Her tone shifted, telling him what she thought of official reporting. “Rukh always was a sneaky bastard, but —”
As to how the location came about…I did a lot of research on this one.  I wanted a planet that had been part of the Galactic Empire and then remained loyal to it after the rise of the New Republic.  Ansion fit the bill and was described in Wookieepedia with a quote thusly:
"Ansion! Look at it. Small, backward, unimportant. If queried, I wager not one politician or merchant in a hundred could tell you anything much about it."
Sounded like a great place for someone to hide out, in other words.  There was also an accompanying image:
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Then I figured since Thrawn had taken the planet in his northern campaign, it seemed likely to me that Pryce could have been working clandestinely to undermine the New Republic in her adopted home…
As for the sequel…
Are you SURE you want to know? OK I am giving you the exclusive inside peek...Here's the story and you tell me after reading if you still want me to write it, how's that?
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More spoilers for the Dis Manibus sequel, cut and pasted from the Thryce Discord where I posted it in November of 2020:
It’s 12 ABY.
Luke goes back to the Academy; Ari goes to work for Lando. It’s super profitable for Lando and her both. Everyone likes her, she’s having fun, making money, soon becomes an equal partner in like 3 of his ventures. It’s enough for her. Luke even goes to visit her a few times, much to his sister’s dismay, to see how she’s doing. He likes her a Lot. Maybe too much. But nothing happens.
13 ABY.
Tionne has been researching and discovered a tentative solution in some ancient text: in order to eliminate the residue, Luke has to stop exposure to the ghost’s earthly “catalyst” which was Ari. It makes sense, but it’s hard. He explains it to Ari, who understands but is sad. Losing a friend. He stops visiting/comming. It’s worse for Luke. He’s feeling something close to heartbreak even though nothing ever happened. He’s mopey. It makes him reluctant to help other ghosts when they come calling. He doesn’t develop his gift as a Jedi medium. Other than a few times he (successfully) contacted some friends and family, he stops trying to communicate with the dead.
Fast forward a couple years. Luke is doing his Jedi thing, talks to Lando, who Ari has instructed to never bring her up to Luke. Lando thinks this is some old lovers’ tiff and complies. Later that year, Ari goes missing. No one knows what happened to her. The worst is assumed. Luke thinks she killed herself to be with Thrawn. He’s sad but understands, even maybe secretly a little bit relieved. Once he goes into the “after”Force, looking to see if he can confirm she’s really gone, rather than in some sort of earthly trouble. He can’t sense her. Some wise Jedi comes and yells at him for being selfish and he ghosts out of there in a hurry. Ari isn’t heard from again and Luke accepts she’s dead or doesn’t want anything to do with the new life she’d worked hard to build.
Luke gets married to the love of his life and settles down. All is well in the world, other than some trauma from finding Thrawn’s clone.
Mara dies. Luke grieves.
Luke is being a Jedi badass and keeps in touch with old friends. He meets up with Ghent. They share a drink and talk about old times and their admiration of a certain redhead. Luke marvels that the slicer had never been hacked, that’s how good he was. Ghent mentions he was sliced once post ABY, by some sophisticated bounty hunter cum slicing group. He mentions the bounty hunters were actually NRI-sanctioned, picking off old IMPs who had rejiggered biodata. They caught a few before Karrde’s organization was able to figure out the hack and warn the others. Lightbulb: Was Ari’s data compromised. Ghent: Yes, she was, but when he contacted Lando, she’d been missing, presumed dead already for months, so they couldn’t warn her. Since she never turned up as a bounty with NRI, there was no reason to think she’d been caught. Karrde, Ghent mentions, had promised to break any clients out of NRI custody if they were caught due to his organization’s cockup. Other people who were on the card were turned in and busted out, or warned in time to escape the bounty and redo their biodata. Luke finds this interesting but it’s nagging the fuck out of him and he can’t figure out why. He goes into NRI files, finds records of the bounty hunter organization. One of their ships was lost in space, back in 17ABY. Using the Force, he goes on the hunt. Finds the ship, drifting in space through oh, I don’t know, a ten month span and discovers one former Imperial Governor frozen in carbonite.
Defrosts her, nurses her back to health. They catch up, she hears about Mara, and Ben, and Lando’s kid, and all the rest. She’s like wtf. Luke tells her about Thrawn’s clone, she already knew. Thrawn had told her about it. Says something like “I didn’t want to lose him twice” so she just never looked for it. She wanted the real thing, not the clone. Luke tells her the Force keeps bringing them together and he sorta thinks he loves her but always thought it was Thrawn’s influence but it’s not now. Their dead lovers would understand/want them to be happy although they will have quite the polycule to negotiate in Force Heaven. Luke: Or am I still not your type? Ari: You got better with age :P
The End. Hope you enjoyed it.
NOW I DON’T HAVE TO WRITE IT! Or do you still want me to?
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probably-haven · 3 years
So I’m the anon who asked for more Archon War Venti headcanons and I just loved it! I really like reading your headcanons cuz some of them are similar to mine but mostly are headcanons that I didn’t think of so it really is nice to read and see your thoughts about Venti!
I feel like as if I’m asking too much but could you keep doing these types of headcanons? Like it doesn’t have to be Archon War headcanons but like some headcanons about Venti’s relationship with the Ragnvindrs and Gunnhildrs. Because the first Gunnhildr was the first one who prayed to Barbatos and the first Ragnvindr was his friend who left but came back and I really wanna hear your thoughts on that!
And I’ve decided to get off anon cuz you just replied to my texts and I wasn’t expecting that so I’ve got a short confidence boost that I am completely taking advantage of! And thanks for the advice! or uhh comment? observation? I’m not entirely sure but thank you for that! I’ve heard that be said to me a few times and I have been trying to be more, uhh, assertive so thanks for that!
rfouierjkhfkecs i actually came across information on Gunnhildr and the "Red-haired warrior" yesterday when i was doing more research into the rebellion against Decarabian and I was like "wow this would be really fucking fun to research and theorize on, but its too specific/niche to include unprompted no matter how much i want to" but bestie you prompted, and im literally so happy right now because I didn't think I'd ever really get the chance to post about them!
also lmao yeah, i tend to try and reply to as much as I can, since it's a good feeling when someone does and all. but yeah, no problem! I’m glad you felt confident enough to reveal XD. 
This may be structured a bit more like analysis/theory/just citing canon things at first before it gets into a more headcanony format.
ehe i have so much free reign on this it's lovely
More Archon War Era Venti: one two three
spoilers for Venti's backstory and Diluc's(kinda, i think, just in case)
first things first, laying down some canon background because before yesterday i hadn't heard of either of them outside of that one cutscene.
the very reason Decarabian had his storm wall up in the first place was because at the time Andrius had declared war on him- and his tower, and the city of Mondstadt by extent, were basically constantly under attack by Andrius's blizzards, which since he was still alive back then, were a lot bigger and covered basically what seems to be the whole of Mondstadt outside the barrier.
This meant that people had two options. Live in the city under Decarabian's oppression, or live outside the barrier, and brave the blizzards of a warring god... which was not a good idea
but the Gunnhildr clan(not yet called that) tried- and they almost died because of it. In the midst of a blizzard, the clan chief's daughter, named Gunnhildr(which the clan would be named after later) sent out a prayer that was heard by a wandering wind spirit. And the faith of that prayer gave the spirit enough power to create a small shelter to protect them.
When her father past, she became the new leader and also a priestess. She would later lead the clan to fight Decarabian alongside four others. And basically the Gunnhildr Clan ended up as like sworn protectors of Mondstadt
as for the red-haired warrior, who is basically assumed to be the earliest known ancestor of the Ragnvindir clan(im gonna refer to as Ragnvindir for convenience sake, even though "Ragnvindir" is technically a different character from Vanessa's era)theres not much information on him, but heres what i have from the various wiki's
- he was a wanderer
- one of the first to use the sign of windblume to find other rebels(so he's intelligent)
- actively propped up the nameless bard so he could watch as the tower was destroyed
there's this little tidbit too from the Windblume Ode bow's description that im probably gonna talk about a considerable amount too: "Atop the ruins of the ancient tower, amidst the cheers, songs, and tears of those who had newly won their freedom. A red-haired warrior turned his back on the newborn god, hidden like a single raindrop in a tidal wave of humanity. He was first among those who passed the secret sign of Windblume, the one who wove threads of dawn throughout the long night. His name has since been lost to time, but his deeds are still remembered in song." followed later by "The fate of this clan will likely never change: they shall ever live in the darkness and bring forth the flame of dawn."
Now I'm going to start with the Ragnvindir(geez, why's it spelled like that tho)
My idea of his character is basically formed by a mix of Ragnvindir stereotypes and just generally analyzing text.
So what do we know about Ragnvindir's for sure? they are shady motherfuckers- or at least they rarely operate in the spotlight. also damn, these guys are more cursed than anemo vision wielders- like the only one who didn't canonically lose someone close to them was Crepus, but considering that Diluc doesn't exactly have a mom..... he probably did
so what do we know? - he was close with the nameless bard - he was intelligent - he likely operated primarily from the shadows "ever living in the darkness" - he was a wanderer - he abandoned Venti during the celebration - but his deeds were still remembered in song, so Venti and him were likely still close
now the question of the century: how will i choose to interpret "turned his back on the newborn god"? And honestly, I'm- not sure- at first i assumed he abandoned him completely- but Venti did still make sure to carry on his memory- which could just be Venti being Venti, but for the sake of sanity, this is how I'm interpreting it.
A lot of things happened to the Ragnvindir that day. He lost a friend, saw another become a god to replace the one they had conquered, and he saw his goal, his reason for being in Mondstadt, come to fruition. "see the world through my eyes" the bard had said, and the Ragnvindir had been a wanderer even before. Sure, the people had won freedom, and that was to be celebrated, but he's intelligent to recognize that people would likely see him as one of the key figures in leading the rebellion. And for him this was a solemn time, and ending to a chapter, and not being one to operate in the spotlight, the last thing he'd want is to be swept up in festivities and attention at a time like this.
It also likely didn't help that he's probably smart enough to understand the idea of "power corrupts," and seeing the wind sprite just readily accept the mantle of Archon was likely not the most comforting thing to happen in the given situation after all. But Decarabian was gone, and Andrius had ceased his blizzards, so without a word, he slipped into the crowd and left, a wanderer once more.
now back to Gunnhildr
she was the first to receive an anemo vision from Barbatos, no I do not take criticism on this "the power bestowed on her by Barbatos" like please, they basically said it.
It also mentions that she crowned Venti with laurels(symbol of vistory) after the battle- the book Biography of Gunnhildr additionally says "the Gunnhildr Clan will continue honoring the legacy of its ancestors and its duty to the Anemo Archon: to protect Mondstadt, the land and all who inhabit it, forever."
I really like this because it conveniently ties into my past headcanon about Venti granting visions to the people of Mondstadt and having them be the ones to erect wind barriers and defend the city in his absence.
So in the Archon War I like to imagine that the Gunnhildr clan had a lot of people who were actually granted visions and were basically in charge of protecting it from those who would attempt to ambush them.
Mondstadt essentially became known for this- the fact that the mortals within it were strong enough to fend off the force of a god without support from their own.
but regardless, Gunnhildr, as she had before, served as a priestess to Barbatos, the closest thing that Mondstadt had to a ruler, and yet she only took charge of prayer and protection.... i hate to just- equate them to their descendants- but to an extent- her role was kind of like a merge between Jean and Barbara- Except with a whole lot less structure.... i really dont want their characters to just be carbon copies of the descendants but- c'mon, the comparison was right there.
anyways besties- back to Venti so i can tie them in
The Archon War was one of the worst times for Venti in his entire life thus far. And the time immediately after Decarbian's fall, while Gunnhildr and the Ragnvindir were still alive, was the key period of time in which things could have gone very differently.
Venti is the god of freedom. That's a reoccurring theme and I think I've made that abundantly clear. But during this time, Venti was anything but free.
I've mentioned before how he would stay far from the city of Mondstadt so the shockwave of his death wouldn't reach him, should he fall.... well- Venti is new to a lot of things- godhood- humanity- war- freedom- and at this point he was trying hard to figure out how to be Mondstadt's god without becoming Decarabian, and while still being able to survive, and make sure they survived, and see the world for his friend, and carry on his friends legacy.
And this is a lot of stuff for what was once a carefree elemental being, and there were certain things that had to be done for this to happen. He couldn't just stay in Mondstadt, or he would grow weak and his people would be vulnerable to attack, but he couldn't abandon it, because despite being able to fend for themselves, there's always hat just in case. He couldn't stay in any one place outside of Mondstadt for very long or he'd be found and killed. He knew in order for Mondstadt to survive he would have to take an active role in the war, strengthen himself so he could defend Mondstadt, and thats exactly what he did.
He started by going after the less powerful gods, ones he had a chance at beating with the power he got from the Gunnhildr clan and the rest of Mond, and by wiping them out, he would grow stronger, so he kept it up- working his way up the metaphorical ladder.
but he couldn't let anyone near him either, because he knew just what would happen if he was attacked then. Were it not for Gunnhildr's prayer, the early years of the Archon War would have been without contest the loneliest time of his life, and there would be nothing he could do about it, bound by survival and his attachment to the legacy of his friend, constantly fearing for his life and going against his very nature as the god of freedom. Frankly thrust into that circumstance that early on, and having to face it alone, it's likely that Venti would have caved under the pressure and dropped his attachment to either his survival, or to his friends legacy... or just something entirely worse(isolation messes with brains) so I'm attributing the fact that he didn't do that to Gunnhildr's companionship, speaking to him and guiding him through it as he had guided her through the blizzard some time ago.
I also like to think that she's responsible for founding at least a number of the different celebrations that still happen in Mondstadt even now.
Ugh supportive warrior priestess- we stan
anyway meanwhile! we got the Ragnvindir
He hears about Venti taking part in the Archon war during his wanderings and returns to Mondstadt to check in, wary of what he might find.
Venti, who hadn't seen him since the rebellion, is elated to say the least and they do a bit of catching up because they need it
and then the conversation turns more serious, and the Ragnvindir brings up a third thing that Venti needs to hold onto- his humanity.
See, in the early years, just desperate to get a foothold on the world, Venti's first number of targets were just indiscriminately going after those he knew to be weaker than him, and the Ragnvindir points this out, saying that while it's not necessarily bad, if he keeps doing it, it won't be long until he causes his and, by extent, Mondstadt's legacy to be tainted by a reputation for slaughter, no better than any of the other bloodthirsty gods that frequented the war's fields. "Think of what the bard would do, we were both close enough to do that much"
And Venti becomes yet more caged, but recognizes that he's right, and this is another turning point, that in the coming years would keep Venti from losing himself.
also- Gunnhildr, Venti having told her about the Ragnvindir's concerns that he now shared, probably organized some kind of event (not unlike the right of part, but also, yes unlike it) that was deliberately intended and designs to serve as an excuse that Venti could chose to take to visit Mondstadt, something she know he desperately wanted to do, but wouldn't allow himself for fear of putting them in danger. But if she made it an official celebration, then it would give Venti the opportunity to visit his people again, under the guise of it being a responsibility, not having to deal with the moral implications of doing so at a time when he was already dealing with enough of those already.
Also on his travels, the Ragnvindir probably started and spread a number of rumors that could end up working in Venti's favor, not that anyone ever knew it was him of course.
basically Gunnhildr protected the people of Mondstadt and did all she could to keep everyone in as high spirits as possible, Venti included.
And as for the Ragnvindir, he took a more realistic approach, traveling and getting venti followers in far places, spreading false information about him, and just overall making sure that Venti didn't do things he'd regret.
And when they died, Venti would carry their legacy with him as well, not losing his humanity to the tide of war as he very nearly had(though he still often came close), and trying to spreading high spirits where ever he could without fail.
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it9chi · 4 years
emergency contact hcs
alternative title: it’s been awhile since you two broke up and until now neither of you changed your contact information for various reasons and because of this you are still saved as the emergency contact
kageyama would either be working out or sleeping when he suddenly gets a call from a random number in the middle of the night
say like.. 2-3 am
mf wouldn’t even look at the caller when answering cs its either he got interrupted during his sessions or he got woken up
he groggily answers the phone and winces when he hears loud club music from the other end just dampening his mood a bit more lol
“is this kageyama tobio?” he hears the other line ask
kageyama suddenly sits up straight like wtf happened this time
mind you this mf doesnt even go to clubs so why would anyone in a club or some party area call him let alone get his number
“yeah. who is this?” is what kageyama replies
“sorry to bother you at this time but you are the emergency contact of miss y/n l/n and i’m here to inform you that she is passed out drunk at (club location) so if you don’t mind please pick her up for her own safety”
without a second thought, kageyama agrees and grabs his keys to his car and basically pressed on the gas and zoomed at the said location
he doesnt even realize how worried he was til he noticed how his grip on the steering wheel was so tight his knuckles turned white
even if you two broke it off, he still genuinely deeply cares for you to this extent of picking your ass up at some club doing god knows what
kageyama has probably began overanalyzing the situation and thinking it was his fault on why you were acting like this
when he arrives at the club, thankfully you were still there with the bartender
you were slouched on the bar with shot glasses surrounding you
“i just miss him so much” you cried to the bartender. “i mean i gave him everything! he was my first he even took away my goddamn virginity and yet..” you paused, lips quivering, as the thought of kageyama breaking up with you replayed in your head like a broken record
“y/n” kageyama speaks up after eavesdropping at your little rant to the bartender
you whip your head up and lo and behold, it was the guy who broke your heart. the reason why you’re in this club for the 4th time this week
“t-tobio?” you stuttered, suddenly feeling sober
kageyama cringes at the sight. your hair was all tousled, your eyebags are prominent making it look like you’ve cried for weeks or you had no sleep
but he assumes you did both only making him guiltier
kageyama walks up to you and drapes his jacket over your exposed shoulders
“let’s go home yeah?” he says quietly. you don’t say anything but let him take you home
before you two leave the bar, he thanks the bartender for keeping you safe and sound by the time he arrived (tipping him of course)
you woke up with a killer headache the next morning on his bed with a million questions running through your mind
you and suna had a rough breakup
there were a lot of unanswered questions and overall you two got toxic real quick just a little after suna went pro
you don’t even know why or how it happened
suna would suddenly come home all stressed and shit and wouldnt utter a word to you and the next morning he’d be back to the suna you once knew
this became a reoccuring thing where it all just piled up and boom! mf called it quits after YEARS being together
and because of this abrupt occurrence in your relationship,
(you’ve broken up a few times before this btw)
he seemed to be genuinely done with the relationship (for now is what you think lol)
so you were the bitter ex girlfriend
tweeting and sharing abt very obvious and shady things abt your relationship with suna n the such
when the twins found out oh boy were they in for a surprise
you kept posting abt being single and free and all that shit but everyone knows whats the jist anyway
you two will come back to each other eventually 
suna was also being bitter and lowkey started to talk shit abt ur relationship (only to the twins tho cs suna isn’t THAT bitter)
+ the twins know its bullshit anyway lmfao
cs u also talk shit abt suna to them 
back to the story !! 
you’ve posted something very uhh you know.. something that you know suna has to come back crawling to you
so you posted on your instagram story abt ur halloween costume for this year
ironically enough u and suna had this halloween pact where y’all would dress up as couple characters and everyone on the tl always found it cute but sadly for now you are single
so you posted a very sexc selfie of u wearing mai’s costume from rascal does not dream abt bunny girl senpai
suna obviously saw this and was salty abt how you looked like that WITHOUT him
so he was mad,,, at himself and at you for some whackass reason
and to deal with his anger, he resolved into practicing volleyball surpass his limits
(mf thot he was deku or smth) 
because of this he sprained his ankle rlly badly that he ended up on the hospital
and since he didnt bother to change your contact info, you were still the emergency contact
that means you got contacted by the hospital at 11 pm 
IMMEDIATELY you rushed to the hospital cs wtf happened to your (ex)boyfriend
and when you arrived at the emergency room, you see suna sitting on the bed with his leg elevated 
“whoops” is what all suna says when he watches you go through a rollercoaster of emotions
you didn’t exactly know if you wanted to cry, laugh or be angry at his situation
laugh cs mf deserved it for breaking ur heart
cry cs u thought something really bad happened to him
angry that he pushed himself too hard for volleyball
you sat next to him and waited for his doctor to tell you what happened and what needs to be done
the doctor basically tells you suna just needs to stay at home til his leg heals before he can start playing again and you just need to be with him to take care of him n shit
nothing much tbh
just missing a lot of practice and you being around again
something he genuinely misses but acts like he doesnt
on the inside suna was glad he just needs to stay at home cs that means he can destress for a little longer and that you were there, maybe he can get you back
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grizzee11 · 3 years
Sharpwin Overload
Ya'll I'm tired as hell! I can't tell you how many times I've watched the scenes between sharpwin from 3x12. Its been watched over and over to the point my eyeballs hurt 😫 BUT I keep getting new details I've missed or am simply obsessed about. From Max calling Helen's name when he woke up, trying to decipher if he said "I love you" in the shower, analyzing every touch between them, Max holding her while caressing her body close to his, if Reynolds would get a reaction seeing the intimacy between Max/Helen (he had to of seen it), and wondering how they will unfold on the next episode.
This has to be THE most enduring, heartfelt, romantic, electric soul binding relationship I've ever seen on TV and Max/Helen haven't even kissed, had sex, nor are a couple yet! Their chemistry is off the charts and I'm so thankful that the creater/writers saw the potential in Ryan/Freema to go with it (and look how amazing its turned out). Other shows need to take notes; instead of being scared with how two actors' chemistry might affect their story, just go with the flow. Its too rare to have this type of on-screen chemistry between two people.
I can't tell you how much I hated Person of Interest and the way they did Joss Carter because they didn't like the direction the relationship was going with the main character Reese. The writers on the show loved writing them together and even the CEO of CBS wanted them to have more scenes barely into the beginning of season 1. That's how magical they were and instead of going with the magic, the creator literally sunk his show and got everyone pissed off by killing her off. The CEO of CBS even threw him under the bus for trying to fix something that wasn't broken. Taraji who played Joss Carter had to do a whole PR damage control to explain why she left but on good graces which was bull; they wanted her gone. Thank God Jim Caviezel impromptu their kissing scene on the last episode because he knew their characters were supposed to be together.
Sorry for ranting but that show really pissed me off and left a sour taste in my mouth. It was the first show I loved to the max and I wanted it to be cancelled for the way they treated Joss/Taraji and I'm glad they did get cancelled and she went off to Empire and became a bigger star while that show tanked (Karma is a bitch!!!). Shows like that along with others like Sleepy Hollow happens in a reoccurance for no reason to where its hard to root for a ship if a black woman is factored into the equation who happens to have chemistry with the main lead. Luckily New Amsterdam is doing it right (even if they've dragged it a bit too long) and look how rewarding its become. I don't think this show would be as great as it is had Max stayed with his wife and never having scenes with Helen. The show has a great concept revolving around the hospital but shapwin just makes it a whole lot better!
P.S- Can you imagine once they do become a couple?! Cuddling in bed, love scenes, kisses 😘, hugging, holding hands, dinner night, pregnancy (Helen still wants a child y'all), Helen being a mother to Luna, balancing work life with family time, sexual gazes, oh and let's not forget office sex after a silly arguement lol.
I can't wait to see the next episode! Will they kiss on the rooftop or do more after his custody meeting back at his/her place once everything is resolved 🤔? I have a feeling they are going to make love either on the 13th or 14th episode to give us everything. That will eclipse any kiss (hell the shower scene felt better than any kiss I was anticipating) and Reynolds might take over as Deputy Director so Max can have more time with Luna (to shut his in-laws up)and for Helen. And to he honest its the right choice because he is struggling with his work schedule and being a single father. My predictions have been wayyy off since this season but overall we've come a long way with sharpwin's journey and I'm savoring every little morsel I can... on repeat if necessary lmao 🤣
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teddy-bear-surprise · 3 years
hi!! how are you? i seen your post about wanting to write headcannons or blurbs and i didn't know if you wanted them to be birthday related but osbddkndjdd staying up until exactly 12 am with peter and once it hits, the reader gives him a bunch of kisses & let's him now how happy she is to be with him!!!
This story is also available on AO3 and Wattpad!
Hi! Thank you so much for the request, I'm doing great today and I hope you are too <3
Title: Midnight Birthday
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: None (they joke around about poop and farts, which makes me sound immature, but I promise it’s funny and not like serious)
Context needed: Y/N
I deviated slightly from the prompt on accident, but I hope you enjoy it :)
Your phone rang loudly for the third time, prompting you to finally pick up. Normally, you would ignore everyone’s phone calls, but you realized that Peter was the one calling you. You had set a special ringtone for him, just so this wouldn’t happen, yet he still had to call multiple times just to get your attention.
“Hey, Peter! Sorry I didn’t pick up before… You know how it is, right?”
Peter chuckled on the other end of the line, “Yeah, I know. We should really come up with a better system for you. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if there was an emergency and they had to call you. I know you can’t see me right now, but just the thought gave me goosebumps.”
You heard him shudder, “I’m sure you’re very goosebumpy, Spider-Kid.”
“Hey!” He asserted jokingly, “You know that I prefer ‘Spider-Man’, you know that. And don’t be mean to me! I’m over here calling to invite you out to dinner and this is what I get? I am beyond hurt. I will never recover.” Peter emphasized each word as sarcastically as he possibly could.
“Oh, get over yourself drama queen. Spider-Boy, Spider-Kid, Spider-Man, it’s all the same thiiinnggggg. Just take the compliment, hun. In thirty years– when you’re all old, wrinkly, and a Spider-Senior –you’ll be missing the days when people called you Spider-Kid. Now, what were you saying about dinner?”
“I said I wanted to invite you out to dinner! Were you not listening?”
You rolled your eyes and wished he could see your face right now. “I got that part, genius. I meant like what kind of dinner… Y’know, Where? When? The details, Pete, the details.”
“Oohhhh, that would make sense.” He laughed quietly, shaking his head at his own stupidity. “I was thinking that we could go to that restaurant you love, you know the one you were talking about the other day… Ummmm I think it was called Sveleka? Right? So we could go there around 7…”
Peter’s voice trailed off as he tried to remember the details of his plan and you cut in. “It’s Veselka, but that would be great, Pete. I’ll see you there at 7, love you.”
You hung up the phone before Peter even got a chance to reply. Your phone skills were rudimentary, to say the least, and it always got you into trouble. Luckily, Peter understood your bizarre hatred of phones and phone calls, allowing you to talk to him without worrying too much.
You knew that his birthday was tomorrow and you had developed a plan of your own. It was supposed to be a surprise, and the last thing you were expecting was for him to ask you out to dinner the night before his own birthday. In a way, it made you appreciate him even more, knowing that he loved you enough to randomly call you and ask you out to dinner. But now, thanks to his unexpected decision, you only had two hours to rearrange everything before meeting up with him for dinner. You stared at the giant teddy bear sitting on your bed and sighed. Even though your plan was technically easier to carry out now, you felt a twinge of annoyance about having to modify your schedule.
Originally, you wanted to sneak into Peter’s apartment, along with May’s help, and surprise him with a giant teddy bear that said “I love you” when you hugged it. Ideally, you would get there right at midnight, as the night turned from August 9th to 10th, and show him that you cared. That you cared about his birthday, his happiness, and his wellbeing.
You shook away the thought and positioned the teddy bear so that it looked like it wanted to give you a hug. In between its warm, fluffy arms, you placed a small box. This box was technically Peter’s real present. It contained a small, circular locket with one half of a glass spider and a key. In the very same box, you included a long handwritten note telling Peter how much you loved him and how proud you were of him. Once you rearranged the box and bear to your liking, you began to get ready.
The closet of your apartment was minuscule, as was the whole place, and the limited space had led you to develop a very limited wardrobe. Your outfits only consisting of basic black pieces, one dark green jacket, and three pairs of shoes. Peter always joked that he loved how your closet all looked the same, claiming that it made it easier to find you if you ever got lost in a crowd. You both knew that was far from true since everyone in Manhattan loves wearing black, but you appreciated that he was so kind about your unconventional fashion decision.
You grabbed a simple, long black skirt and a silky black tank top, changing out of your pajamas. It might have been five o’clock in the afternoon, but pajamas stayed on until you left the house. That was just the rule. While you fixed your hair and makeup, you began to worry that Peter would figure out your plan. It was a slightly irrational thought, especially since he was socially inept and on multiple occasions forgot when his birthday was. Still, the thought plagued your mind until the moment you were ready to leave.
As you walked to Grand Central station, you texted Aunt May, letting her know that the plan had changed. May had been the biggest supporter of you and Peter’s relationship from the start. Honestly, she was the only one you could trust because she was the only one who could keep both your and Peter’s identities a secret. You hopped onto the Six heading downtown, hoping that she would reply before your service completely cut out.
You: Hi, May. Peter invited me out for dinner at the last minute so we might have to rearrange a bit.
May: This is why I told you to make plans with him ahead of time, so we wouldn’t run into any bumps like this.
You: I know, sorry. I wasn’t expecting him to do this.
May: I was kind of expecting it… I made a bet with myself that he would do this and it looks like I won!
You: You bet on us?? Is this like a reoccurring thing???
May: Definitely not. That would be immature. I’d never do that.
You shook your head at your phone, laughing at how obvious it was that May bet on your and Peter’s relationship. To you, May was like a second mother, or just a really cool aunt. She seemed to understand how to be just serious enough, but not stiff. Not to mention that she was ten times nicer and more supportive of you than your actual mom.
You: I’m gonna pretend that the last part of the conversation never happened. But what I wanted to tell you was that I’m going to meet Peter for dinner around 7 at Veselka so I won’t be able to go back to my apartment and then to Peter’s in time. I just left the bear at my apartment and I’m thinking of asking Peter to go home with me after we eat, what do you think?
May: Sounds like a solid plan, kiddo. Good luck, and please don’t let Peter eat too many of those sauerkraut pierogies this time, he was gassy for two days. It wasn’t fun.
You: Thanks for the gross heads-up, May. Byeeee
You got off at Astor Place and walked in silence towards the restaurant. You were looking at the ground, head hanging low, when Peter called out to you from across the street.
“Y/N, hi!”
You looked up at him and smiled at the goofy boy waving at you. “Hi, Peter!”
Jogging across the street, you made eye contact with him. He held out a hand towards you, helping you onto the sidewalk, and embraced you. Peter kissed the top of your head softly and gave you one last squeeze before letting go.
“So, I guess we’re both early then. I gotta say that I’m shocked, Parker. I wasn’t expecting you to get here before me.”
“What can I say, I’m full of surprises.” Peter winked at you.
The two of you merrily ate your dinner, with Peter threatening to instigate a food fight more than once. You talked about anything and everything, by the time you two were ready to pay the bill, it was almost 11 and you were stuffed.
Peter rubbed his hand on his stomach, poking at it, “I think it would be physically impossible for me to eat any more. Like I would just spchwoooo,” he mimicked an explosion with his hands, “explode.”
“I’m just glad we didn’t order any of those sauerkraut pierogies, May said they made you all gassy last time. I don’t even want to know what would have happened if you ate those and the stuffed cabbage.”
“What?! May said that? I never get gassy. Ever.” Peter lowered his voice, “I’m literally superhuman, it takes more than some sauerkraut and cabbage to mess with this iron stomach.”
“That’s not even close to being true. You had explosive diarrhea after that burrito two weeks ago, and don’t blame the food, you were the only one out of the three of us who got sick. Did you forget that May and I had to take you to the hospital? Because I don’t think that counts as an ‘iron stomach’.”
The two of you argued about stomachs, diarrhea, and food the rest of the way to your apartment, stopping every few minutes to point out airplanes flying overhead. You insisted on walking home so you could arrive almost exactly at midnight. Plus having Spider-Man by your side was basically a guarantee of safety, even in Manhattan. Peter held your hand the whole time, swinging it like a smitten teenager. After walking nearly fifty blocks, you arrived at your apartment. You noticed that Peter seemed hesitant, only lightly resting his foot on the first step leading up the building.
“C’mon, let’s watch a movie or something. I don’t want you to leave yet.” You pouted and tugged on Peter’s hand, pulling him up into the doorway.
“Well then, I guess I’m not leaving.”
The two of you were cuddled on your small couch watching Buzzfeed Unsolved, Peter’s favorite show, but you weren’t paying attention. Every few seconds your eyes would dart up at the clock, waiting for the hour hand to strike 12. Peter was entranced, never letting his attention deviate from the screen, and he didn’t even notice that you weren’t looking at the TV. The minutes went by slowly and you were counting down the seconds until midnight, gripping onto Peter’s arm. He thought that you were just scared by the prospect of unsolved murders, not that you were anxiously waiting for his birthday.
The last second passed and the clock struck 12, you immediately jumped out of Peter’s embrace and turned to him. Peter sat up in shock, confused by your sudden movement. You took the opportunity to straddle him and grab his face.
“Happy birthday, My Love.”
You peppered his face with sweet kisses and his eyes widened. His body softened under your touch as a feeling of love and happiness filled his heart. Peter snaked his hands up your thighs, letting them rest on your hips, and squeezed softly. You gave him one last kiss on the lips and rested your forhead against his.
“I have a surprise for you, Birthday Boy.” You lifted yourself off of his lap and held your hand out to him.
Peter took your hand and followed you obediently, curious to see what his surprise was. You opened the door to your room, revealing the large stuffed bear and its matching box. Peter let go of your hand and excitedly ran towards your bed.
Before he could say anything, you began speaking, “I know it’s not much, and I know you probably thought that I’d have like a trail of rose petals in here or something like that. But I wanted to show you that my love for you isn’t just about our physical relationship, my love for you i-is emotional and wholesome. I love you, Peter Parker. I truly love you and I’m so happy that you’re mine. I mean, every morning I wake up, I remember that I’m dating you, and that makes me the happiest person in the world.” You reached over to the box in Peter’s hands, “So, Peter Parker, will you accept this key?”
You opened the box and Peter’s cheeks glowed red. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he nodded his head.
“Yes! I love you so much too. I- Thank you,” He paused, “Oh no. Wait, I don’t have a key for yo–”
“Pete, this is your birthday present. I wouldn’t expect you to give me a gift on your birthday, silly.”
He rambled energetically, “You’re right… I’m still going to get you a copy though. Oh my gosh. I love this so much, and is this a spider because I’m Spider-Man?! Where’s the other half? This is so cool!”
You held up your matching locket, opening it to reveal the other half. “Yep, it is because you’re Spider-Boy. The best superhero in town. And, don’t throw away the little note at the bottom. Well, don’t open it now, but if you ever need a reminder of how much I love you, just read that note.”
Peter held your hands in his and pulled you down, both of you crashing into the giant teddy bear. The second you fell onto it, it blurted a freakish, distorted “I love you”, scaring both of you. You jumped up and looked at a wide-eyed Peter.
“Y’know, maybe we don’t need the bear. I don’t really want to be on the next episode of Unsolved.”
You laughed at Peter’s joke, pushing the bear onto the ground and kissed him. His soft lips tasted like the blueberry dessert you shared and his skin was as soft as butter.
You pulled away, foreheads resting together once more. Peter whispered, “Thank you for giving me the happiest midnight birthday, darling.”
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radiant-reid · 2 years
I’m really questioning my sexuality right now. Even though I’m in my early teens it’s still a thought that lives in the center of my head. I know that I like guys, but its still a reoccurring thought if I like girls too. I won’t be able to test that theory since my religion frowns upon it and the thought isn’t as pleasing when I think about doing so, which is only making me more confused. I cry myself to sleep every night because I want an answer knowing that I’m the only person that can give the answer but fail to give one to myself. And that is so frustrating to me ! Because I’m impatient and tired of questioning myself. And to add onto my non-ending list of issues I think I might not like either genders because I’m just SO indecisive. I apologize for ranting like that, but my diary isn’t helping whatsoever - 🕶
( I also picked a signature - emoji - because I’ve got lost to say )
okay let's chat about this because it's such an important question and i'm so glad you feel comfortable sending this in <3 it genuinely made me a bit teary-eyed
so, fun fact about me- although i don't want to make this about me- i am not actually out to anyone... so i understand where you're coming from with being unsure about who you like. labels always seemed important to me when i was younger, but i promise you that you're just as valid without one- regarding both gender and sexuality. i know it's frustrating and you want a word to describe your identity, but you've still got all the time in the world to find a label if there is one that fits you. you're not failing yourself at all by taking your time
also, i'm really sorry that your religion frowns on it, you deserve to be able to practice faith and be your authentic self <3 i can't give you a whole lot of advice as it's not something i've experienced, but hopefully, there will be some helpful comments or asks sent to me.
you are so loved here <3
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