#and i am very tired of roleplaying lol
mashkaroom · 2 years
i have carried 2 cups of soup and some food in between plates vertically in my back-pack back to my dorm without spilling a single drop! I can do anything. Specifically *through gritted teeth* i can do this stupid essay
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 6 months
What got you into rainworld?
It's been 2020, middle of autumn, i tired from playing same 3 games on repeat (hollow knight, sundered and undertale (? i'm not sure)) and looked in my steam library, in search for something i haven't played. I had i think 3 games i bought and never played, and Rain World was one of them. I had no fucking clue what is this game, i didn't even remember how i got it (i got it same year spring with 80% off, as my purchase history says). So i downloaded it and jumped right into, without watching any trailers or rewievs.
It was... something. I didn't expect anything, but i was surprised anyway. I had no idea you could pick different character, i didn't know you supposed to play as white slugcat, so i started as Monk.
First thing that surprised me is how HEAVY slugcat felt. Compare to Hollow Kinght where you can jump 10 times your height... yeahh. And second thing - controls, which i changed immediately, because i ain't playing on arrows! ALSO at the beginning i had a thought for a moment that maybe i'll get some upgrades, but even then i felt like it's not gonna happen
And after that i lost track of time. And when i woke up, it was 5 am and i was in shoreline. Then i was stuck in the first room of subterranean with centipedes killing me all the fucking time and i thought that i can't go back through the gates lol
I also remember miros birds breaking my overseer in meme crypts and how i thought that it was gone forever
This is my very first rain world screenshot (i didn't understand what to do with this flower and overseer seemed to point on it (at least it what i thought)
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under cut there's a tonn of screenshots and some of messeges with my friend while i was playing. I had a friend, who helped me in the beginning. They played just a bit, but knew a lot about the game
october 10, 2020
Elsa Fogen 22:57 : Oh you can store food for the next day to spend all the time for exploration, neat Elsa Fogen 23:02 : So i was grabbed by that thing, that pretended to be a pole, but i managed to escape and it grabbed a lizard instead october 11, 2020 Elsa Fogen 6:57 : Fuuck, it's 5 am and i've been playing Rain all this time [Friend name here] 6:29 : How did you... Elsa Fogen 6:29 : I'm in the location with green wamter Elsa Fogen 6:31 : I was fucking flooded 3 times Elsa Fogen 16:13 : I'm fucking tired of these monkies They don't let me go through Fuckers
october 12, 2020
Elsa Fogen 18:11 : AAAAAAAAAAAHH FUCKING ELECTRICAL CENTIPEDES, I HATE YOU SO MUCH Elsa Fogen 18:14 : just fucking look how many times i died in the same room because of these fucking creatures
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[Friend name here] 18:15 : Oh. Which location this is? Elsa Fogen 18:24 : trins where [Friend name here] 18:25 : no fucking way... Wait. WHY ARE YOU GOING THERE IT'S TOO EARLY Or wait. You have already been at Five Pebbles?!?! Elsa Fogen 18:27 : where???? I can't go back anyway......... [Friend name here] 18:27 : fuck... it's too early to go there/ Too early. Why can't you return? Elsa Fogen 18:33 : door was closed................... okay i get it all over again [Friend name here] 18:34 : nononno NO NO NO!!!! WAIT FUCK STOP WAIT WAAAAAAAIT DON'T RESTART LOTUS MOTHERFUCKER (lotus was kinda my roleplay nickname lol) DON'T YOU DARE Elsa Fogen 18:37 : wha how then [Friend name here] 18:34 : You talking about gates with karma? Elsa Fogen 18:38 : yes [Friend name here] 18:38 : Fuf... there... look. So you went through. You sleep one time. And you can go once again. Elsa Fogen 18:38 : 🤔
Elsa Fogen 18:53 : Should i look for this thing?
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Elsa Fogen 19:54 : What should i do here?
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[Friend name here] 20:03 : GO TO SLEEP THEN YOU GO THROUGH HORRIBLE LOCATION TO THE WORSE Don't touch the flies Elsa Fogen 20:23 : And what if i touched them Elsa Fogen 21:43 : Damn it's so dark here
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Elsa Fogen 21:54 : Damn there creepy creatures mechanical Elsa Fogen 22:40 : FUCK I SAW AN ART WHERE BROKEN VESSEL HAD THIS FUCKING BLACK-BLUE THING IN THE HEAD
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[Friend name here] 23:01 : btw, you're ahead of me xD I just... i need to recover my nerves Elsa Fogen 23:05 : btw this thing that leads you can it be killed? [Friend name here] 23:05 : Yes. Elsa Fogen 23:05 : Fuck) I think mine was killed Elsa Fogen 23:10 : So what should i do if my thing was killed...... Elsa Fogen 23:15 : Are these things dangerous?
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Elsa Fogen 23:24 : What a creepy fuckig thing
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but it's neat i love their design so much i saw same things in the location with pile of monkies these fucking things annlyed me so much there was a lake and two of these fuckers lived there Elsa Fogen 23:56 : Fuck, can i kill this thing? It's sitting there and that's it............
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[Friend name here] 23:56 : You can but.... MANY SPEARS. VERY MUCH. Elsa Fogen 23:59 : OMG OVERSEER, MY SUNSHINE
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october 13, 2020
Elsa Fogen 00:00 : OH YES I MADE IT TO THE NEST [shelter] And i understood why the fuck these things for [grapple worms] Elsa Fogen 00:23 : THERE'S 3 OF THEM
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Elsa Fogen 00:28 : That's what i call TOTAL FUCK UP
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Elsa Fogen 00:31 : i lived Elsa Fogen 00:31 : is that a fucking infection
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Elsa Fogen 01:03 : i n f e c t i o n
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Elsa Fogen 01:23 : fUCK
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Elsa Fogen 01:28 : ....how many spears i need to kill this you say?
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[Friend name here] 01:28 : More than 10. :) Elsa Fogen 01:29 : too loose a concept "more than 10" more than 10 can be and 11 and 100 well, two already there ahaha....... [Friend name here] 01:28 : Well.... Hm...... Not 11... Well maybe 20 or more. Elsa Fogen 01:30 : now this sounds as threat of avengers level [Friend name here] 01:30 : One moment. I'll look up their hp. Ha.... Ha.... 200 hp.... Elsa Fogen 01:34 : ................... and how much damage spear does?? [Friend name here] 01:36 : ... [RW wiki screenshot saying how much damage deals every slugcat per spear throw] Elsa Fogen 01:34 : *HYSTERICAL LAUGH* okay i died already around ten times BY JUST FALLING IN THE FUCKING PIT
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Elsa Fogen 01:34 : infected snot
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IS IT BECAUSE I ATE TOO MUCH INFECTION? [Friend name here] 02:22 : Well it's... It's... If short, there's troubles with gravitation and... THERE'S MANY DADDY LONG LEGS ON THE WAY But first you have to bring around 4 flies to Moon)))) YES YES YOU'LL HAVE TO GO BACK BRING 2 FOR NOW There will be more further Elsa Fogen 02:25 : ah. these?
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Elsa Fogen 21:11 : fuck this shit....
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[Friend name here] 21:12 : ))))))) YOU'LL HAVE TO))))) Elsa Fogen 21:12 : no i'm leaving ahupzhvalvva [Friend name here] 21:12 : YEEEEES)))) YOU NEED THIS TO COMPLETE THE GAME By the way Moon quest is not necessary Elsa Fogen 21:14 : thank god
october 16, 2020
Elsa Fogen 20:59 : these fucking tentacles discourage all desire to play rain 🙁
Finding and translating all this takes fucking forever and after this point i moved to another chat and i don't know which one so let me know if you want to see more of this!!!!!!
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peculiarbeauty · 4 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  you can call me rose !
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she / her / hers
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯ so my main muse will always be belle but i also write in the persona fandom. <3 i absolutely do have other blogs but they are currently inactive and i really have no idea when my activity will pick up again on them. this blog and my other most active are:
peculiarbeauty : you are here !! welcome.
fatedprincess : this is haru okumura. she is my little meow meow.
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  &.
people reblogging callouts for unjust reasoning between friend groups that really should stay within a friend group. people dogpiling one person and assuming the position of a good human being for that. people overall spreading vagueposts , gossip , and other slandering things. in my opinion , unless people are threatening your very life or are a sexual predator , you should keep drama between you and the person in question. sort it out !! stop dragging the entirety of tumblr into your feud. i only learned this big lesson about tumblr callout culture over a year ago.
burnbooks : gross behavior to make a blog centered around talking badly about people.
elitism : people who believe that they are the only one out there who can write a muse and try to slander another person who likes the muse just as much as they do.
copying people's blogs and then preaching about how people should stop stealing from you : it's gross and i just find it so so hypocritical that anyone can say that they have been stolen from when they straight up are doing it themselves. look in the mirror , please.
autoshipping and forceshipping : first of all , if i did not agree to a ship , please do not suddenly act like it's okay to ship with me. it's okay if we build up to it but instantly shipping makes me question where our threads are going. not everything is about shipping , we can write many threads together. i would like to write many threads together before we instantly ship as some muns have chemistry with their writing more than others. forceshipping is gross and being a victim of someone attempting to forceship with me pretty continuously as well as stalk and harass me for years .. i'm really really not okay with it.
◈ EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯   i have been writing on platforms since 2008. i started on youtube back in the day ! i joined tumblr , however , back in 2015. i wrote in the disney fandom when it was CRAZY busy with blogs. i wrote for snow white very briefly around that time but had no true idea of how tumblr worked lol. it really was an experience. i remember roleplay groups were HUGE and there was one particular roleplay group in disney that was super popular. <3 i'll always remember that.
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  FLUFF AND ANGST IS MY GO TO. i do not write smut.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  it depends on the day you ask me this question tbh. most of the time it is memes because i am a teacher and i am perpetually tired when i get home. it's hard to think after work for me. on weekends though ?? i say plots. i am in a good headspace at that time.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  this ALSO depends. i am someone who can write a TON if the thread strikes me. like , angst ?? an ANGSTY long thread ?? i'm so there , girl. sign me up.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  i throw everything in the queue. i tend to find my writing habits existing more in the early parts of the day.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES  ⋯  if i said i was like my muse , i would feel like i need to humble myself a little. belle is an amazing , empathetic , intelligent woman. she is such a wonderful human being. am i a wonderful person ?? i definitely can work on that a little more. i will tell you though that i am very close to my father like belle is with her own. i love reading , literature is everything to me which makes it easy for book talk in threads. belle and i have a similar taste in stories too. belle and i are also empathetic towards people for better or worse. we love people and try to make the best decisions for them if they need advice or help. i just try to keep it real ?? there is a lot we can learn from disney princesses about how to live. so YEAH she inspires me truly. <3
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tagging : @guujies / @adversitybloomed / @revoeu + you ! tagged by : @historiavn ( thank you my love ! )
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bananasfosterparent · 5 months
God speaking of abuse & AA, today there was a huge debate on a BG3 subreddit (what else is new lol) specifically about how AA SAs Tav/Durge and I just.... do they truly believe that it's less harmful to brazenly spread misinformation, to minimize the very real concept of assault (whether sexual, emotional, physical) to win an argument as to whether AA is """good""" or not? Like to stoop so low they actively lie about content in the game while insisting that we are somehow the ones grasping at straws...
I literally do not give a single shit if you dislike AA (maybe don't interact with his content but these people clearly love being miserable) but to just LIE so blatantly... You can interpret AA in many different ways but you cannot undermine that he still values consent both as a spawn & ascendant. Why are they like this,.,.?
I am SO tired of this. Like, I'm not tired of disusing it. I'm tired of having unfruitful discussion with people who just want to be right.
That's why I rarely get on that subreddit now.
I really don't get why it even matters. I saw a post once arguing about ascension not being the best ending for him. Fair and valid, that's something that is completely acceptable to say if that's your personal interpretation. However, they go on to say things about how "Tav isn't inherently manipulative", "Tav isn't this or that", "Tav is this and inherently has this specific perspective"... it's just baffling that they can say that sort of thing and not realize that's literally just showing how they have no idea how roleplay works in a game. Tav isn't ANYTHING specific. That's entirely up to the player.
But using your personal roleplay method for your Tav as proof for the argument of Astarion's ascension being bad for him is so funny to me. It's so tone deaf and ignorant. So many anti-AA people do that sort of thing in their arguments and I'm just tired of it.
It's also wild to me that many anti-AA people think we are angry they don't like AA. When in reality pretty much none of us care about how they personally feel about that version of him. We are frustrated because we just don't want them trying to tell US how to feel about him.
You're right... both routes are valuable and just as bittersweet, regardless of how you interpret it all personally. I just wish more people realized this.
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aquariclily · 9 months
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🔞 Minors do not interact! 18+ only, & preferably 20+.
⠀General Roleplay Information!
All my blogs are listed here!
I personally prefer long RP stuff to be discussed through messages or Discord as I value OOC trust & communication. However, I'm good with filling in interest checkers as well.
I accept most inbox submissions, even for non-(Tumblr)roleplayers. But please don't expect for literally all inbox replies to turn into threads (though, you can ask.)
I can't consistently cut posts bc I'm generally on my phone & open Tumblr on the app.
I roleplay on both Tumblr & Discord. Discord RP's are a little more prioritized sometimes because it's more easy for me for short/more casual stuff. I'm open to try out other platforms if convenient.
NOTE: I am highly selective with my canons.
⠀Do Not Interact…
— DNI if your blog contains the following: Pedo/Incest/Bestiality/Anything Too Problematic (think of e.g. uncomfy~immoral/illegal taboo stuff, etc.) I really don't care what tf you're into - I just don't want to SEE these things on my dash. (Plus, I also don't want trouble.)
— OOC garbage behavior such as; Racism/Sexism/T.ERF/S.WERF/G.ender critical/M.AP/Z.oosexual/A.lt-right/Any discrimination or insensitivities to marginalized groups/etc. I will block that shit on sight.
— "Collectors". I block collectors on sight. I have terrible experiences with them. I usually block them on sight (for my mental health.) If you want your OC x Canon ship, you must offer double-up or leave me alone. Find some other blog.
— I'll repeat: No minors. Roleplay is for 18+ only, 20+ is preferred (not mandatory. This is because I'm 30+.) However, minors are free to follow my blog(s) if they are SFW. It's just that I don't want to roleplay with them.
— If I blocked you: Don't fucking block evade me!!
Notes: I block very liberally to curate my Tumblr Experience™ (it usually means that I just don't want to interact so don't take a block too personal) & it would be too laboring to fully elaborate on every small thing that just bothers me. (Along on how a lot of people on this website lack basic reading comprehension… not worth it. 🗿)
If you read this. Please don't worry about me blocking you out of the blue, I usually (kindly) confront people if we're mutuals for a while.
I admit that I suffer from trauma (C-PTSD) so curating my experience is very important. I don't want to list my specific triggers because it can be used against me but it's in the range of taboo/extreme stuff (what's in my DNI.)
⠀RP Do's…
— Just wing it. Don't get intimidated, I like casual RP's on Tumblr too. Don't worry too much about length/detail.
— Try to read the Blog/Muse Info's. Not mandatory, but it would be nice. This post is just the general RP rules (hence, it's posted on my main.)
— Be patient. Acknowledge that there is an actual PERSON behind the screen. I am not an AI. Don't treat me like one. I have my preferences, & prefer to stick in my comfort zone. And sometimes I get busy. Sometimes, I just want to do different things. Sometimes, I'm just too tired, moody, sick, or whatever reason. You can ask what's up when in doubt, though. It's fine. I'm just saying that I have a life, my preferences, and that I need my rest.
— Talk OOC, plot stuff, discuss dynamics between our muses, etc. I may fill in interest checkers but I personally prefer to work through messages. Interest checkers don't really work for me on my canons so I no longer do that. I value good OOC communication. This is how you get things done with me.
— If there is a problem, talk it out. Let's acknowledge that we're human and being humans means that we're flawed and we all can have our bad days; I want to keep my mind open and hear you out.
— Give attention, show some excitement; I gravitate to those who seem most interested & express it. Don't worry about ♥/reblog-spam lol, I don't mind. I like the attention.
— Come up with ideas. Talk about our muses & world-building. You could never ever bother me with genuine interest & passion. Passionate writers are admirable.
— If you struggle with coming up with ideas: Ask! I will not mind if you ask, because that indicates that you're interested! Which is a good thing. I'll gladly brainstorm for you.
— Drop threads & start new ones if you lost muse. It's fine.
— Take a break if you need it! ♥
⠀RP Don'ts…
And I can't stress it enough.
— Don't be weird. Respect my boundaries. I am very tired.
— Don't sexualize/romance the muses that are minors or child-coded.
— Don't godmod. Don't try to control my muse without my consent.
— Don't expect me to ship something if we haven't discussed it. Also don't be a jerk if I say "No". I'm still selective. Don't demand me to do double up for ships if I don't see you demand it to others & don't see it in your BYI/RP Rules. (It's unfair to put a double standard to me.)
— Don't disrespect my wishes and preferences in roleplays. I am not an AI that is willing to write literally everything. Don't get mad if my muse isn't going to act the way you want them to. Don't guilt trip me for retiring muses: My muse for things isn't going to stay the same forever.
— Don't pressure me to write things I'm not (or no longer) interested in. When in doubt, just ask. If you don't ask; I guess you'll just stay in doubt then! Sorry.
— Don't make OOC vagueposts & stuff like that. It makes me nervous and worry if it's about me. I also will raise a brow at you if you give OOC drama more attention than roleplay, this can result into me confronting you or even unfollowing you if we're not close enough. Outside that: I actually DO support callouts of genuinely shitty & problematic people with actual/proper evidence! I'd rather not want to end up interacting with e.g. someone who's predatory or weird around minors.
— Don't be afraid to message me!! I'd love to talk.
— Feel free to message me for my Discord if interested. Be sure to have some clear information about yourself somewhere before I add you!
— My status often says that I'm "offline". I want to reply at my own pace.
— Even on Discord, I take my breaks.
⠀⠀♡ this post to confirm that you've read the "General Roleplay Information"!
— Message me if there are any questions! Don't be shy if you don't understand some things.
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dvilsdesire · 1 month
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: You can call me Owl, or Sam. :) Whatever you prefer.
MUSE NAME: Haarlep.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: I'm fine with either IM's or Discord. Time zones are a bit shit for me since I live in Australia, but I'll catch you when I can.
EXPERIENCE: I've been Rping way over a decade now. On tumblr? Since... 2012, I think? But waaay before then, back in probably 2007 or something. I've Rped on multiple platforms.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I greatly prefer para/novella. I like delving into a character's mind and thought process. I know I write a LOT of inner monologue for my muses as well, I actually STRUGGLE with short replies, so when someone gives me a single para or line... it's really difficult for me to match that short length, but it's also something that I don't really vibe with. I greatly prefer longer replies. I want to delve into characters and see how they react, I want to learn all of those little things about your muses as well. I'm a sucker for character development. I'm also a fan of the nitty gritty.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: One line responses. Please, for the love of god... give me something to work with. It's a quick way for me to show disinterest and likely not really reach out to write with unless it's something that I am REALLY enjoying for small snippets. But please, I greatly prefer longer replies. Short ones also make me feel like you're just not interested in what my characters have to say :/ Please read my rules, whilst I know we can't remember EVERYONE'S rules (seriously, I forget as well!), it is obvious when people don't. If my muse is a muse of power or something, then please treat them as such. If your muse ends up wanting to attack or something, and they are of a lower class... then they won't win. It's just that simple. Respect the power of certain muses.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I like both and am fine with both. Whilst I LOVE plotting and getting to know muses and getting an idea of where we can go, I also understand that sometimes our brains are just too tired from real life and memes can be something simpler and quicker. I think both of them are very good for very different reasons, which I'm fine with both. By all means, memes are EXCELLENT ice breakers imo, and then we can always plot something once we've established a little starter. :)
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Long, lol. As covered in my previous responses.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I get a lot more done when I'm writing in the mornings. Obviously due to work, I am tired in the evenings, so I get very little done (Haarlep has certainly reawakened my muse tho I'm shocked at how much I've been writing on my work nights lol). I mostly write on Fridays as it's the only day I have to myself, so I try and churn out as many replies as I can, but once it hits the afternoon, I'm pooped lol. So yeah, mornings are definitely best!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Haarlep? Absolutely not. Haarlep caught me by utter surprise when it came to being a muse of mine. I saw him once, had a little laugh, and suddenly he wouldn't leave my mind, and then I just... had the persistent urge to write them. I'm very happy that he did come to me, though, as he's really been helpful in making me come back to RP on a more regular basis and I've had such a good time exploring him. But no, we're absolutely nothing alike. Haarlep is an incubus, and I'm asexual as fuck lol. If anything, and don't take this the wrong way because it's probably going to sound BAD lol, but I have more in common with Raphael than I do with Haarlep X'D and that's... saying something, since I am not an evil devil hahaha. The only thing I think I could say about me and Haarlep being similar is the fact that I can mask like a beast in public. (: Even then, that's entirely different to what Haarlep is doing, I'm just masking because I'm austistic and people have expectations of me in society lol, Haarlep is masking because he's trying to seduce and eat someone hahaha.
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Tagged by: @shimmerbeasts Tagging: @astralrogue @chaoticbard @dcwncametheclaw @galefcrce @azzagrazt and anyone else! Tag me so I can read :)
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gr8stoneddragon · 4 months
How many works do you have on AO3? 46
What's your total AO3 word count? 661,297 (not including drafts or currently unpublished chapters)
What fandoms do you write for? Right now? Just YYH. But I've been wanting to write more HxH.
Top five fics by kudos:
Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction (HxH)
Tired Revenge (AtLA)
Demon in Training (YYH)
Frustration (AtLA)
Breathing Fire (YYH)
Do you respond to comments? I have been trying to be better about this more recently (since last year-ish) but now that I actually have regular weekly commenters, it can be hard haha. I've never had to deal with having so many comments before and I'm honestly so grateful. Love my readers ❤️
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't usually write angst tbh, but Absent Goodbye (AtLA) is about a character death so there's that.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The first one that comes to mind is Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction because that one actually has an ending hahaha
Do you get hate on fics? Nah. I somehow manage to join fandoms way late, after any and all ship wars have died, or just at the right time when they are starting to get popular and people just want more content.
Do you write smut? Yup. Though I actually find explicit content a lot harder to write than fluff. Doesn't mean I wont try.
Craziest crossover: Gosh. Have I ever written a crossover fic? I don't think so. I think all the crossover stuff I've done has been strictly roleplay.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Lmao, yes. With the person who tagged me and also my husband. @sokkarang
All time favorite ship? This is an impossible question. I am currently in YYH multiship hell, but if I had to pick some top non-YYH OTPs they would probably be:
KilluGon (HxH)
NezuShi (No. 6)
Tokka (AtLA)
TaiYama (Digimon)
Drarry (HP - don't come for me, I know)
I could definitely keep going but I'll stop there.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a really long Jet/Zuko High School AU fic that I doubt I will ever pick up again. I was so into it and had so many ideas for that fic when I was still rping in the AtLA fandom, but I've moved on for the most part and I'm not sure I could remember now what the end goal was for that fic or all the things I wanted to include. Which is sad but... it happens.
What are your writing strengths? I have been told that my character dialogue is very good, and I'm a really strong character-driven writer in general I think.
What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Lol. Coming up with plot ideas is really difficult for me sometimes. And then when I do come up with an idea, they always seem to be novel length monstrosities. Writing one-shots, or anything I can actually finish within a week or so is just so fucking hard for me for some reason.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I'm always tempted to do this, but it does feel awkward at times, and as someone who is only fluent in English, I'm always afraid of getting things wrong.
First fandom you wrote in? The first fandom I wrote in was YYH, but that’s not the first fandom I published fic for. I kept a lot of my writing private for many years.
Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh lord. This is such a hard question. If we're talking fics that I wrote myself as a single author, I would have to say I'm really proud of Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction (HxH), Breathing Fire (YYH), and Shower, Interrupted (DRRR). But I am also completely obsessed with the long-running rps I have right now with people, and some of those get published on Ao3 as well.
Tagged by: @snarkyauthor
Tagging: @zuzsenpai
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pepsiwatermelon · 2 years
I think a lot of people, especially younger people who weren't integrated into the otherkin community before they started making their kin lists, don't realize that it's always been at it's base a spiritual identity. I'm not a hard gatekeeper, if someone sees like, Bakugo or whatever, and goes "oh shit he's literally me" and doesn't introspect farther than that, I'm not gonna tell them they can't be otherkin. But if you're going around being like "oh yeah I just relate to him, I'm not like these ✨ crazies ✨ who actually believe they're Eda Owlhouse, or a dog, or a dragon lololol" then congrats, you're both ableist as hell and not fucking otherkin man. You just think a character is neat. And that's okay!
Plus a lot of people are forgetting that otherkin and therian overlap widely. Hell, I bet a lot of newer self identified kin folk don't even know what therian is. When people genuinely new to the kin community ask me for my kin list, they're surprised and confused when I say deerkin, dragonkin. They think when I say I'm angelkin, specifically Lucifer, that I identify as a blorbo from their shows, and no I don't. Otherkin doesn't mean you identify as blorbo from your shows. I mean, it totally can! That's also extremely valid, our old host fully identified as Sam Winchester and The Batter on top of these other kintypes. But it's not JUST that, and in tired of getting erased and added to like, cringe comps by PEOPLE WHO CALL THEMSELVES OTHERKIN because I want to connect to my spirituality.
Also, when I say "people who call themselves otherkin" I mean literally just that- not that I think these people are faking or whatever. But if you're kin-for-fun and are self-identifying and CHOOSING this community, learn your history. Respect the people who's experiences you don't understand. Iirc, otherkin in the form I'm familiar with has existed since the 70's. Therians even longer before, though I'm admittedly not as educated on that one because I don't generally ID as therian despite having deer as a kintype and "qualifying".
It's, at it's core, a spiritual identity, and y'all are forgetting that. It's not a funny little roleplay game, that's being a furry or a cosplayer. Which is fine! I am also both of those! But if you're coming into the otherkin community, as a newer otherkin or an outsider, do your research. Talk to people who've been in the community for a while. I've been here for what, like nine or ten years now. Some of my mutuals and other friends even longer. It's more than just "lol I'm soooo like komeda 🤪" and while yeah that can be part of it, we have such a more in-depth and RICH history.
I used to get death threats and gore because I was openly otherkin. Now, being "a kinnie" is more normalized, but only within a very narrow window of expression that can go TikTok trending. Im glad these kids can express themselves without having to worry about what I did. But so many turn around and make fun of those of us who genuinely feel a spiritual connection to our kintype, and it's disheartening.
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ravvenheart · 1 year
fifi here, sparklative thong left a trace in my head (and since I’m occupied by other works, idk if I write it) so I’m leaving a prompt with a usage of those:
Roleplay in bed - SW and client, idk something along those lines. Feat SPARKLATIVE THONG. And maybe slight femininization (switching pronouns??? A bit of makeup)
A scene before - “lets try something new” talk with negotiation and boundaries, bc it’s good to talk abt trying something new
"Why this has been so has been sparkling?" jan asks, no one in particlar. In hindsight, the footage of him drunkenly wondering about this piece of fabric was slightly embarassing. With grammatical skills of the english language completely lost on him, Jure and Nace passed him after some time. The drummer chuckled along but ignored him ultimately but Nace, best boyfriend one could ever have, paid attention to him and listened to his ramblings. the battery of mark's battery conviently gave up, so he left for his bag inside, promising hed return in a moment.
"nacko, look at it, its so pretty"
The older nodded along and looked him up and down with dark eyes jan always got lost in. "Yeah, very pretty"
"But why so sparkla-, sparkly-, sparklative?" he rambled on, completely focsued on the thin fabric with deliacate lace and shining rhinestones.
Totally oblivious to the dark gaze his boyfriend is sending him, nace leaned in and whispered "Reds always been your color Janći. think youd look breathtaking"
Jans head whipped around at the words, trance abrubtly ending as he finally met naces mischevious eyes. something in his stomach fluttered as images flew around his head and his breath stopped for a second.
Lace across his pelvis, rhinestones framing his hips and fabric barely fitting his dick with the head peaking out to the side. Nace between his legs, kissing hickies onto his inner thighs and hands, gripping tight, leaving bruises on his hips. He felt himself shifting away from the hot breath on his sensetive skin but then again moving back, needing more, more stimulation, more touch, more nace. he was breathing hard as the bassists large, calloused hands caressed his sides and spread on his stomach. Goosebumps all over his body-
Jan felt the blush on his ears but the footsteps of marc made him return to the present because jesus christ, where did these thoughts come from? this was definetely neither the right time nor place to dive into this newly developed-, kink? Preference? interest? Well, whatever it was, nace chuckled meanly at jan, apparently fully aware of the crisis he started in the younger man. the bassist planted a short but hot kiss under his ear, making jan shiver and freed himself from his grip and turned back to walk back to the venue just as marc started filming again. quickly realizing he needed to get his act back to the "why is this so sparklative?", he rambled on again and yelled back at nace, though the older mans words reverberated in his mind. The vision even more.
Guess who returned with a little treat!?
Dear fifi, you are so correct about the sparkative thong and there has been a vision in my head I cannot get rid of and I've been writing whenever I had time this week (in between working 40hrs and getting sick lol) and I am not even remotely finished but I really really wanted to share this with yall!
I'll try to get this done in the next few days, I think I am at 2k right now but I won't promise anything, because I never fulfill my promises anyway lol but I offer this as a little tasting, teasing you for what is about to come (and who!)
Excuse the typos, I haven't betad this yet and I'll be going on a trip to brugge tmr and I am very tired, I promise the finished version will be better!
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
Hi, requests are open so I am wondering if you will do a 2nd part to the masturbation headcannons for resident evil? I loved the post and in particular was wondering your thoughts on Leon, but I love reading for anyone tbh, haha. It is alright if not as well btw - I know myself it is easier to write something you are interested in personally rather than forcing yourself :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
I was surprised cuz I usually include him, my bad :))
I hope you like this anon, and if you want to see more masturbation headcanons about RE characters I didn’t include tell me.
If you like what I’m doing and want to support/commission me, visit my ko-fi page. Thank you 🤗.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Leon will masturbate rarely, imo, because of his busy schedule and fatigue. However, when he has time, he’ll take it slow. He’ll probably be in a hotel room with the adult movie channel on. As for the porn preference, he isn’t picky, lol but he has a soft spot for a spy or secret government agent roleplay. 
The urge might hit him after completing a mission. It will be very spontaneous too.
“Oh, I’m by myself in this hotel room.”
When the realization hit, he’d quickly close the blinds, put a “do not disturb” sign on the door, lock it, and get to it. Porn is optional, when he is really tired.
He will take his time with this. He’ll slowly unbuckle his belt, pull down the zipper, insert his hand inside, and rub his soft cock through his boxers until it hardens. Once hardened he’ll take extra care of it.
His hand will pull it out slowly, as Leon likes to watch it bounce in the air. He is above average in length, with an average girth and a beautiful curve on the end. There’s something arousing in seeing his cock exposed like that. Sure, it would be even better if someone would wrap their lips around it, but maybe some other time.
After that he’ll pinch his tip, slowly massaging it with his tips as it’s dry. He’s trying to get some hot precum so his hand can slide up and down with ease. Saying so, he’ll wrap his hand around it and he’ll stroke himself with gentle motions. Leon is vocal during any sexual intercourse, so he’ll start moaning as he pleasure himself, the moans increasing in intensity the faster he goes.
Once lubed properly, he’ll pick up the pace. When he is in the mood he likes to tease himself by denying his orgasm as long as he can. He likes it when other people do that to him too.
However, when he chases his release he’d probably follow the urge to cum. That being said, his hand will slid beautifully up and down that length until hot spurts of cum will land on his hand and t-shirt.
He’ll relax completely after this and will let his hand fall next to his sweaty body. His cock will soften and land on his tight happily. Oh, and Leon is circumcised. I think. He gives me the impression that he’s circumcised.
Moving on, he’ll get up with a frustrated groan as he forgot to take a towel with him and now he has to take the long road to the bathroom. After he’d washed, he would go back to bed and fall asleep immediately.
Taglist: @lunarastrobabe
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starlightwonders05 · 2 months
I think I’m gonna start using tumbler to share my thoughts and progress as an artist so this will be the start of that. I’ve finally decided how to format my favorite story. I’ve been devoloping that story with my friends for two year now. And we settled on a comic format where its kinda like “everything is not as it seems” where it kinda starts off as sorta normal but i lowkey cant fully do that ofc because our story involves being in a purgatory. So I Geuss its more just like? I don’t really reveal everything at first but just set the tone that this place is kinda important? I started writing the script for the first page and surprisingly its like doing a very detailed roleplay. Honestly? Im more scared of drawing backgrounds then anything lol I’ve been tooo hyper focused on my human skill that I’ve neglected literally everything else lol.
I also am just very scared to be a content creator in general I’ve been putting it off for a very long time I wanted to start a lot younger but I wasn’t confident in my skills but now im confident in my skills im just not sure WHT to do im even confident i can still do something good with the eras where my skills are underdeveloped. I Geuss I’ve just put so much weight on trying to wait for the “right time” to do things and waiting until i get this or that or wait until thie happens. I’ve lowkey been stalling for like two years. I struggle with even taking care of myself on a daily basis so doing art on a daily basis is kinda like hard? I used to go through sketchbooks in like a month lols. But i just have less motivation i have more ideas then ever i just am tired and scared? I just Geus a part of me just deep down feels like.. what if i put myself out there and no one wants to read my story? And love my ocs? I’ve been working so hard on these things for years so what if i show it to the world and no one even cares? I would have wasted my time and just like..i wanna be an artist and i wanna be a creator that people can love i wanna be known for it and do big things because of it and i just deep down feel like its not gonna happen for me. Im not gonna get lucky. And my efforts are for nothing..
I’ve been SO inspired by things like Undertale black butler and just artist creators. I also feel like my efforts arent enough i hear stories of others posting when they are young and slowly getting recognition or just lucking out with connections and i feel like that kind of things wont happen to me. Im black and trans and I was severely neglected as a child. No one really encourged me. No one ever really believed in me. So I barely believed in myself. It took be until my mid teens to learn basic ass things. Because I was academically smart and could speak very intelligently no one believed i needed help. No one helped me. They told me that i was smart and can figure it out myself. That’s devasting to hear. When youre drowning and know that anyone else can do this. Everyone else is better than me. I may like doing art and am passionate about it but i know everyone else is better. They arent as scared. They were encourged. It sucks. Because this has been my life story and i can’t even be good at the one thing im passionate about doing. And I’ve put all my cards into art. I’ve sacrificed a lot. I’ve worked SO hard. But i feel like it’s not enough. I feel like it’s never gonna be enough. Im gonna end up one of those sad lonely people who were so passionate when they were young but gave it up cause it never worked out. And im scared of that. I WANT art to be my thing i want content creation to be my thing i really do but as the days pass it feels like im wasting my time. No ones ever gonna like my stuff. No ones ever gonna see me. No one cares. It feel so suffocating. Doing art has become a very heavy burden on my shoulders. Something that used to save me is now weighing me down. Im not good at anything else. I ahve no other choice. And im very afraid. I dont wanna will this into existence but there’s no denying my fears. They scream at me everyday. I cant help but listen? It try I’ve tried so hard to be positive to keep pushing but i jsut need to get all this off my chest. It’s hard. Im sorry this turned into something this wasn’t supposed to be but i suppose it’s good for me to let it out. No ones really listening anyways.
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apoptoses · 1 year
tagged by @esinofsardis ! Thank you!
current time: 9:10pm
current mood: tired, struggling with chronic pain kicking my ass all week
current activity: futzing around in scrivener when i really should be answering stuff on ao3
currently thinking about: the way marius absolutely roasted daniel in QotD by saying he lacked common sense lol
current favorite song: i’ve been listening to a lot of new order lately, age of consent has been on heavy rotation in my car
currently reading:
City Boy by Edmund White
The Joy of Gay Sex
Behaving Badly in Elizabethan England by Ruth Goodman
The Body Keeps the Score
currently watching: not really invested in any series right now, but i am thinking about putting on a spader movie tonight. it’s a tight race between watching jack’s back or watching crash for the 1000th time.
current favorite character: armand is forever blorbo but i’m on a deep dive to figure out what daniel’s life before armand would have been like, and the greater context in which they experienced 70s and 80s nyc. i want to know exactly what his days would have been like and what his cultural background would have been like as a boy born in the 50s, hence all the edmund white books i’ve been picking up.
current WIPs: oh lord-
♥ a third installment to my little submissive armand series that began with the reverse roleplay fic, wherein we explore their very first night together back on night island now that daniel has been turned
♥ a fic exploring their relationship to the dancer for the ‘play party’ day of #VCKinkWeek
♥ a fic exploring daniel’s developing biting kink starting from that first night in pompeii
♥ the third medical kink fic
tagging: @desertfangs, @hekateinhell, @kf-tea, @birdblacksocialclub (but no obligation!)
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autisticempathydaemon · 8 months
(I’m not sure if this sent the first time or not, so I’m sending it again jus to be safe lol)
• What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Let Me Down Easy by Gang of Youths; can’t even pick a lyric because I adore the whole song too much. It all resonates with me (and it’s extremely catchy).
• What is your Enneagram type?
6w5. INFJ-T for Myer Briggs.
• Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I’m most productive when I put them on for background noise while I complete tasks, but I often don’t even remember what the video is on because I accidentally tune it out lol.
• Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
Never had one. I loved making storylines with plot in my head instead of a singular imaginary friend.
• What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
In clothes twice my size with hot herbal tea, reading/drawing until my eyes get tired.
• If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
Am I allowed to say that I wouldn’t? I often poke fun of my name for its uniqueness, but I’ve fought hard to reclaim it as my own after hearing it he used in such a negative light growing up. I also just like that I’m named after a mountain :)
• What is your favorite of Redacted's audios, and why?
Imperium storyline. I love the complexity and depth of it all, and hearing beloved characters have to navigate such a awful world such as the Imperiums is fascinating to me. And the sound design FUCKS it’s insane.
• What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don't get the hype for.
Vincent. I appreciate the purpose that his character serves, and I genuinely love all of the characters, don’t get me wrong, but he just doesn’t do it for me like how he does for others. I’ve been enjoying seeing his character w/ this summit stuff, however! Maybe I was just getting bored of him?
• Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Twilight series. It’s so stupid and awful and perfect in all the right and wrong ways. It makes me laugh, and I love poking fun of it.
• Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Huxley. I know in my heart of hearts that we’d bond over so many things. I wanna pick at his brain fr
• Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you're tired, and if so, what is it?
Childhood memories/stories. I guess it doesn’t feel all too easy to share them when I’m in my right mind, but when I get sleepy, it feels nice peel back the curtain for a while.
• Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Uh uhhh uhhh uhmmm something sweet with a vitamin water?
• Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
Assuming you mean music, my favorite atm is one I made for a redacted OC of mine. He is lovely and I’ve been trying to discover more music that matches his taste.
• What's your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Audio roleplay channels all the way. I love creating characters and putting my imagination to use.
• And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
Lover of all things nature and stars. Graduated w/ my masters in Alternative Medicine & Holistic Healing. I feel a deep personal/spiritual connection with water, and I’ve been told that I don’t play very well with others. I don’t have much to say with my spoken words, yet reading and writing are beloved hobbies of mine :)
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This took me a second- not because it’s not obvious but because this is a boy I don’t think about often, I’ll be real with you. Then I checked the March Redactedness brackets, and I knew- it’s gotta be you and Camelopardalis.
It’s such a definite match; like, everything about you would work so well with him. Your personality types reveal a positive, thoughtful, compassionate person, as does your work in Holistic medicine, and that’s exactly the type of personality that would sit well next to a Serenity daemon. That’s not even mentioning the love of water, nature, reading, and tea which also just strike me as very Cam things to love; like, you would love so many of the same things and share so many hobbies.
I bet you’d have a great house together with either a bursting, varied tea cupboard or a drawer stocked full of the specific kind you two like. You’d have so many books and shelves, and I like to imagine Cam reading some of them to you. That’d be such a treat for him. Outside the home, y’all would go out in nature loads- maybe hiking or just peaceful walks? They’d be so serene and sweet, the two of you holding hands and picking flowers, Cam helping you keep your footing.
You've been hiding in plain sight, and it appeared, oh I know/ Loving you once only feels wrong, I need you/ I always knew I'd find you, to be here is worth the wait to/ I'm not lying when I say, "I've been stuck by the glue onto you"
Admittedly, I picked the song by vibes. The lyrics are cute, of course, and I always make sure to choose love songs, but the lyrics weren’t as important as the feel. I wanted a song that would be perfect for a little afternoon stroll with your beloved, not too slow or fast, not sad but sweet and light and a little bouncy.
Other attributes of your personality type suggested you to be cautious, loyal, and ambitious which is why I’m giving you James as a runner-up. I almost imagine him exclusively a coffee drinker, so pairing him with a tea person is fun and a little silly. The way you say you’ve been told you don’t play well with others was also fun and gave me Smartass-vibes which led me to give you Aaron as your second runner-up, in addition to the fact he could really use a partner to get him out in nature.
note: thank you for waiting and sending in an entry 💜
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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nilikhangdiwa · 9 months
2023 Fic Wrap Up!
following last year's post, i'm going to go through all of my fics for the year and talk about them a bit! again, um, mostly a3, but yeah!
unbearable warmth
tasuhoma, master loves a mystery
this one was a comm for my lovely friend asra who really loves tasuhoma, so i wrote her a little thingy! there's nothing too much to say about it i think, but i struggled writing it because mlam isn't really my usual playverse. i think it turned out okay though!
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if the sky stops dancing
washisora, kuyuki, +3ghosts, first crush baseball, akiyama twins, canon-compliant (mostly), canon character death
this one was a comm for my friend mic, aka the ceo of washisora and my co-ceo of misuomi! i think i ruined a few lives with this one, not gonna lie. it's a little thing of hikaru and sora getting closer, and they're sooo cute. i've never done anything wrong in my life.
the comments in this are so funny if you check them out! and this fic was the reason for one of the next fics in this list.
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transfem banri, transfem nonbinary taichi, established relationship, fluff, silly
i took a break from destroying lives to write this silly fic. actually, i was in a pretty bad writer's block in the earlier part of the year, so this is one of the first fics after, like... rarepair week 2022 that isn't either a gift or a comm. i wrote this in the school library when i was supposed to be writing a paper, lmao.
it's a sequel to YOU GO, SHE/HER! which i wrote in 2021 and consider to be my magnum opus bantai fic. it's basically the same tags as this one.
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i hope this little light reaches
washisora, kuyuki, +3ghosts, first crush baseball, akiyama twins, canon character death
after the first kuyuki fic, mic came to me like. an hour later with more terrible ideas. so, of course, i helped them make it happen! mic had the idea for the plot, so i just wrote it out into the world, and then this! and then i got sniped by my friends who came for my neck for both of the fics.
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modern talking, modern walking
bantai, transfem taichi, internet friends to irls to eventual lovers
okay, no more angst. only sillies. this fic was for a little server exchange for my friend max! we both love bantai and transfem taichi, so like. this was the natural progression of things, i think! there's not much to say, just that it's very silly and i like it very much.
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i wanted to be your tomorrow
homachika, non-explicit sex
please note the one and a half month gap between the last fic and this one because my god i was so tired from life. but then this roleplay thing happened, and i was playing homare, and my friend was playing chikage, and then... and then i brainrotted so hard. it was so bad. chikahoma was all i could think about for weeks.
there's so much backstory for the chikahoma that inspired this, but it does end in character death, so i'll warn for that real quick. homare confessed to chikage via poem (i am not good at poetry but i tried lol) and they got together and they just... they were so in love with each other and just wanted to protect each other. but it ended up that homare was dying, and as he's about to die, chikage promises that he'll continue writing poems in his stead. and i. and i shatter every time i think about that.
brb crying. anyway.
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hex & willis, patholosite
SNRK. NUMBER 7. okay. so patholosite is the oc universe of my friend, jas! and i'm very mentally unwell about it. patholosite ruined my life. 10/10 would recommend. it's basically about this doctor, hex, who has, like. seven million issues, the most pressing of which being his inferiority issues. and he's basically currently working under willis, who is a genius and is not helping hex's inferiority complex at all.
stuff happens. please ask please ask please ask. i need to inflict the world with patholosite.
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Lost and Found
samlil, devil's gambit
okay, so this one is a gift for my lovely girlfriend, quill! umm. she did not ask for it. she just randomly sent me money so i sent her this in retaliation.
for context again, me and some friends made a little fake theater troupe like a3, and we're all split into little subtroupes. so devil's gambit is the lead play of my oc/sona (lance, playing sammy) for the troupe, and quill's character (quill, playing lilith) is the colead!
so. um. yes. gay. also this is from before we got together so like. yeah. finger guns. sometimes the gay precedes the gay.
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Why do you, as a man, call another man your partner? Because you're gay?
misukazu & tsuzuru, queerplatonic relationships, established relationship, aromanticism
this one was for the pride month exchange on twt for my friend, link! she asked for a couple things, so i settled on this. it was really fun to write, since i, like kazunari in the fic, am aro, so i was like. hahaha, projection go brr.
(note. i did not have a girlfriend yet at this time. but i do now and i'm still aro. so like. um. the projection projected back at me.)
i was actually supposed to also write a second fic, since i managed to finish this one pretty early. a 5+1 fic about kazunari again, but then i didn't manage to finish it. maybe one day!
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we can be dyed in any color we want
sakuya & kazunari, mentioned bansaku, smoking, just bros hanging out!
this actually wasn't supposed to be the next fic. this fic takes place in the same universe as this, like. kazuchika/bansaku universe i have fluttering around my brain? kazuchika is not mentioned in this fic, but bansaku is. it's not necessarily an au, it's just... a thing.
anyway, so the next fic was supposed to be the main kazuchika fic. but then the main kazuchika fic was turning out too long and i wanted to post this fic. so i decided, hey, instead of posting the main one first and then this side fic, i'll just drop the side fic. i mean, it still makes sense!
so, yeah. this. hopefully, i'll be able to finish the main kazuchika fic this year. maybe.
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someday, i'll be falling without caution
okay, this one is one i wrote for chikatsumu week, so i'll go through each of the entries. it's chikatsumu week, but the actual thing went on for about a month with 7 prompts. i didn't get to finish all of them, but it was slay!
day 1, first meeting. chikage meets tsumugi in act 5. i don't think there's too much to say about it, since it's pretty self explanatory, but i think they're silly. they should stare at each other and try to peel each other.
day 2, letter. a letter that tsumugi writes to chikage following some unspecified incident where chikage disappears. i wrote this with the intention of it being the same universe as this au i have where april becomes the next organization head, lua.
day 3, domestic. it's just chikage picking up tsumugi after rehearsal and they hold hands and talk and walk. i can write so much about people just doing the most mundane shit, i swear. i love writing mundane shit.
day 4, angel/demon. playverse fic, morimiche (moriarty and michael). this one was inspired by a roleplay me and my friend did a billion years ago. basically, moriarty wants to corrupt the angel and drag him to hell with him. which, like. i mean. i fuck with that. go moriarty go. moriarty is a meanie.
day 5 fic, i ended up putting it in a separate fic (next fic in this list) because it touches on some more sensitive topics.
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silver sulfadiazine
chikatsumu, attempted suicide
day 5, scars. so this one is an unofficial sequel to a fic i wrote on my alt, where basically chikage. y'know. this is the aftermath, and it's from chikage's pov, and he's kind of hazy in-and-out and doesn't quite know what's going on. it's unofficial because the actual fic didn't have any intentions of chikatsumu, but i figured it'd be a nice little what-if.
the original fic was titled freezerburn, and had a lot of themes of like warmth and coldness and such, so i carried that over here. so this one is titled silver sulfadiazine, which is used to treat burns.
i actually wrote this whole thing on a flight to visit my aunt, and then i posted it when i touched down at the airport. very fun.
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a collage of cicadas
tsumuguy, tasuguy
this one was for fuyu ship week, though regrettably i only finished two, because i was preoccupied with rarepair week that started days later. i was also really busy at the time, since i was fortunately able to take my latest term abroad, but that also meant i was packing my shit and running documents for weeks.
day 1, garden + growth. nothing too crazy, just cute tsumuguys! i love tsumuguy. i love guy ships, though there aren't very many, which makes me sad.
day 2, debut. no-mankai au where guy still has journey, and tasuku is still at godza. this is based off a tweet i saw once about this concept, so i just wrote a little something.
i actually had plans for the rest of the week! very briefly:
day 3, beach. tasuhiso. tasuku picks hisoka up from the beach at 3 in the morning.
day 4, passion. tsumuhoma. it was going to be just ages of homare waxing poetic about how much he loves tsumugi's passion for theater and gardening and life.
day 5, snow. azutsumu. they're drinking hot chocolate in the lounge in winter and azuma laments how the flowers tsumugi was tending to are dying because of the cold. tsumugi tells him that there are flowers, too, that bloom in the snow. like you, azuma-san!
day 6, home. azuguy. my note for this just says "guy: tadaima; azuma: okaeri". and like. that's all you need to know, really.
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i just want to hold you tight (i don't want to go back to that lonely life)
lantaru, past tonoita, self-shipping, knights of round iv, internalized homophobia, kind of a character study
HEY. YOU. DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THE LANTARU AGENDA. "what the fuck is lantaru?" you may ask. LANCELOT AND ITARU. listen. hear me out. okay. i just think that, as a child and a teen and even into adulthood, itaru yumes with lancelot. that's his lanchan. that's why his hair is bleached at the tips, so they matchy. that's his 2D anime british twink boyfriend.
the fic itself is a little bit of a love letter to self-shipping in general, and how it can help people get through some tough times. it kind of just explores itaru's relationship with lancelot as a character, and his relationship with the people around him, and just. idk. i like them. because, hey, listen. sometimes i can make out with hisoka in my head as a treat and it fixes me a bit. insert that post about being a little mentally unwell to get better.
i like lantaru a normal amount please hear me out on this.
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fool's errand
chikatsuzu, chikamerl, knights of round iv
rarepair week 2! um. listen. i blame my friends wholeheartedly for this. like several other fics, this was inspired by a roleplay between me and some of my friends. and like. god. i'm so mentally unwell. tl;dr is that merlin spent the entire time antagonizing everyone, but then he's becoming human and shedding his magicky dragon-y nature, and chikage, for some fucking reason, decides to be kind to him.
and my brain has never let go of it.
my god i hate them.
i love them please make out.
but yeah. i really like how this one turned out, actually! i like how merlin talks all fancy and old timey and chikage's like uhh ok lol. merlin refers to chikage solely as "chikage utsuki" in this fic, rather than "utsuki chikage" which is how i usually write it. this is because merlin is white. thank you.
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my universe is filled with you (more and more)
sakyoita, future, marriage, established relationship, moving
itaru and sakyo move into their house together! there's not much to say about this, i just really wanted to write an itasakyo fic for rarepair week. they're just really cute and shaped. this one was a little late i think, so all my rpw fics were a little late, but hey! that's fine.
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meet me where our scars collide
tasuchika, introspection, intimacy
i am obsessed with chikage and his scars. like. i swear. i just think about them randomly. it also goes a little into chikage's default flight response of just running away from the problem. i just think. i don't know, man. just... chikage's got so many issues, i think kissing men could fix him.
it's actually really funny because i posted this fic in august, and then like i got a dm in december from one of my friends just SHAKING ME. and i was like WHAT DID I DO. and she was like MEET ME WHERE OUR SCARS COLLIDE. THAT'S WHAT YOU DID. and i was like I POSTED THAT FOUR MONTHS AGO???
anyway, i really like how it turned out!
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citokazu, act 8, canon compliant
before rpw, someone in a server was like, hey, someone give me a rarepair for day 5 of rpw? i'm thinking citokazu, but idk... and i was like, YO CITOKAZU DAY 5 THAT'S LITERALLY MY PLAN TOO THAT'S CRAZY !! DO IT.
this fic is actually really timely beecause actually between the previous fic and this one was my flight to japan. so i literally had a despedida like when i was writing this. i really like citokazu, though i haven't talked about them a lot recently, so i wanted to write something for them for rpw!
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tsumuhiso, uriluci, urimiche, sympathy for the angel, stray devil blues, non-linear narrative
okay. so if you haven't seen me during the a3 play ship poll, i made this propaganda for uriluci/urimiche. the au that i mention there is the same one that this fic is inspired by. and i am so unwell about uriluci it's unreal. i adore them, they make each other worse.
the title is venus, because it's the morning star! morning star, morgenstern, is also associated with lucifer. so, yes. also in the end note of the fic, the numbers indicate which order the different fic sections actually go in chronologically.
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augju (kind of), gekka, blood and violence, canon character death
this one was my fic for the gekka zine! (which, hey, if you haven't checked it out, you can find it on tumblr @/gekkazine!) it's just, you know, the usual augju bullshit.
july is a really interesting character to me, and more often than not i end up writing him? to the point that some people think of me as july oomf. which is. um. i don't know if that's a compliment, but sure, i'll take it! he's just really. somethimg. he sure is something.
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you are gold, you are home
chikaita, domestic fluff
a comm for cg! most of my chikaita are stuff for cg, tbh, and i'm not complaining! this one's just a short and sweet one about chikage waking up with itaru in his arms, and something about the vulnerability and gentleness of domestic life that he never thought he'd have for himself... yeah.
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bunnies and red pandas
this one was for chikaita week! i had a lot of fun writing for these, and i had previously committed to being chill and low stakes about it, so i didn't have a lot of trouble or stress about it. the title references, of course, their a7 (??? i think ???) animals.
day 1, late nights. chikage hasn't come home and itaru's so worried he throws his matches. chikage's his lucky charm! or actually he's just so worried that he can't focus. either way, they're cute.
day 2, playverse. gawafuta! gawain (kniroun) and futami (uraomote). i think... this is the first fic for them i've posted, though i know there are more on ao3. my and my friend ended up making this ship after (another) roleplay thing, and then just... i just think they're neat, i don't know. i have a lot of gawafuta thoughts. i think that futami's one of the best people to help gawain adjust to getting, like, reverse isekai'd, because of his job. like, yeah, the info gathering stuff, but moreso being a teacher. like, modern jp lit takes a lot of inspiration and cues from earlier parts of jp history and lit, so futami presumably knows quite a bit about history and society as well, and just. i think they're neat.
day 3, office life. this was kind of inspired by when i met my friend and he was telling me about how when he went to shinjuku there were just a bunch of salaryman sitting around on the sidewalks and shit drinking and smoking and i was like... yeah. and then this was born. there's a lot of things about itaru's reputation that he has to keep an eye on, i think... but chikage will help, don't worry! also chikage is super pining and in love in this.
fun fact, there's a deleted line in this where chikage says something like not entirely accurate because he wasn't born in japan and only started living here a few years ago, and itaru calls him a gaijin lmao. i took it out because i don't think itaru would do that but like it's funny to me.
day 4, domestic. "nuh uh" "fym nuh uh" is the reason i wrote this entire thing. i had this exchange with someone on twitter about how itaru just says silly things and i was like. you know what? yes. so i just make itaru say silly things in this one.
day 5, plushies. after writing this, the world plushie didn't even look like a word anymore. and i'm just really obsessed with the mental image of itaru turning all of his plushies away so they don't see him and chikage doing the nasty. there's also references to the extended kniroun lore there (runa) which i am happy to talk about at great length always anytime.
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samlil, devil's gambit
same deal as lost and found. although, okay, we were actually already together at this point. she, like... randomly sent me money again. i think because i didn't have enough in my paypal to resubscribe to dropout, so i was like haha is anyone willing to commission me real quick. and then she just sent me money. so i wrote this because i wasn't going to take no for an answer. also i had major samlil brainrot, since i had a manga studio art class where we had to make our own manga, and i was like. okay! great! (makes devil's gambit manga) (does not sleep for three weeks)
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Hunter's Mark
azusakyo, nocturnality extended universe
this one was a gift for soda for a little server exchange! they didn't ask for much, so i was like... hm... what's the last thing you said about azusakyo... and then saw vampires and went, PERFECT. I ALREADY HAVE A SAKYO VARIANT FOR NOCT. although he ended up a little different from how i'd originally made him, but i think this works!
the faust backstory is that he's a vampire who's also the head of vampire hunters. why is he hunting other vampires? who knows. he and franz have a history. also, despite being a vampire, he can interact with holy objects and things. he literally trained himself to do that and not to react when it burns. he's crazy, lol. that part i think was inspired by raphael from the mortal instruments. i'm a little unnormal about raphael santiago, but don't worry about it.
the summary of the fic is an excerpt from goethe's dr. faust, who faust is, y'know, name for. he did this bargain with a vampire a long time ago for something. haven't decided what exactly, but something along those lines.
also, fun fact! in my current noct universe, faust's heir is akito, played by azami.
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Shaped Like Halloween
kazunari & chikage, halloween, liberal use of the word "slutty"
this one was for a halloween exchange in a server! for. um. my girlfriend. IT'S ACTUALLY REALLY FUNNY. the previous fic, the azusakyo fic, it's for a different friend. but initially, the giftee i had received was also my girlfriend. so i asked if it was okay to switch with someone else since i figured she might like to receive fics from people who are, you know, not just me. AND THEN I FUCKING LEARNED THAT BOTH THE GIFT EXCHANGES IN DIFFERENT SERVERS JUST RANDOMIZED THE GIFTEES. SO I RANDOMLY RECEIVED QUILL'S NAME TWICE BECAUSE THE POWER OF GAY OR SOME SHIT??? IDK.
anyway, it's sillies! kazu and chikage. i'm pretty sure that when we'd filled out the forms to join the exchange, we hadn't gotten together yet? and she had something written down like, kazu and chikage, i've been thinking about them recently. and like. i kin kazu, she kins chikage. i know what you are (gay).
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Starburst Tea
bansaku, first meeting, no mankai
for being my favorite a3 ship, you'd think that i'd have more bansaku fics. but, hey, at least i have this one! i also posted this around the time of the bansaku cg, so i was literally losing my mind.
this is based off an actual place i went to while wandering around. me and some irls found this cool little tea shop the city. it was really cozy, and there was an actual wall of tea with different blends. i got carnival! it was good tea. the owner asked my friend if he would be willing to help paint a mural on the side of his tea shop with some other japanese people, so that was slay and fun. there was a fire, we made smores! the owner also has a little wood soldering set, and he let my irl draw his face on the wooden counter. it's really nice. anyway, in universe, my irl is kazu, he just does shit for banri.
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(if) we are meant to be
mukuyuki, soulmate au
last fic of the year! this one was for the secret santa on twt for my friend, aud! admittedly, i don't have a lot of practice writing youngestgumi, but i think it turned out well! i wrote this on the plane ride back home, actually, so it feels like a really nice close for the year.
i'm super normal about soulmate aus, by the way. i have a billion fluttering around my mind at any given point in time.
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thanks for sticking with me this year! hope to write a bajillion more fics again next year~ i actually have one coming up soon for a server secret santa, so look out for that one! >wa)b
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transhawks · 1 year
Lmao, it always goes back to those Prohero Arc connections and clarity I swear. And people wonder why I’m so obsessed with that arc for this single reason. I think one of my favorite things is the character development you’ve been going through. Perhaps the real iconic narrative arc all along was Rani turning into a passionate AfoHawks spokesperson. *chefs kiss* the pOETRY 🎶
LISTEN. YOU DONT GET HOW FUCKING WEIRD THIS IS????? 2020-21 I was off roleplaying my dhampir!keigo, infiltrating AFO's coven and stupidly falling in love with his ward sacrifice Fae/Werewolf!Tomura and failing in killing him (Tomura cursed him to hell and back and Jin didn't help with his curse, fucking fae :/), but like WE NOTICED when we roleplayed Keigo FINALLY meeting AFO that like....the whole dynamic changed. There wasn't anything non-platonic (except keigo whining in the local monster support chat that the vampire lord of the area was boring af because real vampires throw massive masquerade balls that turn into orgies) but just....Hawks was at once at extremely high alert but also far more honest than he'd ever been. The pleasant and quirky local surfshop clerk/ditzy halfvamp schtick melted. This was a weapon. And not just a weapon; this was a vampire who could see the world just like All For One could, if he'd just flee the coop his human raisers had stuffed him into. Like the similarities in thinking jumped out. Of course Keigo wasn't exactly like AFO but I still remember that our tomura RPer had Tomura specifically mention (once they got all the files from Hawks's treachery/spy chats) how much Keigo sounds like sensei. It was fun! And it made it stick in my mind that surprisingly, Keigo and AFO could interact interestingly. This was bolstered by that chapter in 2021 where Keigo begins psychoanalyzing him, too. It was so interesting seeing him try to think like him. But you know, it's not like I expected canon to explore this. Even in the beginning of the war, I didn't. Something to note is that for the majority of the fight, All For One's own hubris and bias towards very flashy destructive quirks has blind-sided him to Hawks and his role in this war, by which I mean (and I can back up) is that most of the hero effort has indeed been carried on Keigo's back or orchestrated. It took until AFO got rewound to realize how much Horikoshi was setting them up. Endeavor barely mattered between them. And then...well, they started talking. Focusing on each other more. What am I supposed to do, ignore it????? It got heavier and heavier, the panels mirroring each other, converging at times, etc. Just Horikoshi doing excellently for a pair of people I never imagined would interact. And now we have Keigo laying on the ground, defeated, stripped of all that he believes he is, as All For One asks him if he's tired and then leaves with his wings, saying in the end he couldn't protect anyone. Too fast for his own good. Hubris.
LIKE??? HOW AM I NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE SPOKESPERSON?????? i am a simple man, I like rich dynamics and cool framing and horikoshi feeds me regularly.
EDIT: was about to publish this but got a similar ask
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Oh yes I absolutely loved the quietness of this. First he tells him to get out of his way and then, like, "Haven't you done your best?" It's a solemn moment, surprisingly, and I hope the anime does it justice in a year or two. And the god imagery! Ugh! i have SO MUCH to say on this but you have to wait because im doing a Big Meta again lol.
As for HPSC prez Keigo, part of me thinks that would be a Bad End. Or bittersweet at most. I remember misinterpreting one of the vol extras to mean that the HPSC was essentially grooming him to eventually replace her and there's something very fucked in that thought. I do however think he might do something with kids!
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hanktalkin · 10 months
my fist couple of Tavs were just me figuring out the game, more as a player than truly roleplaying as I tried to cover all my bases and see what kind of options they are. Et Al was my first tav I actually started putting some effort into the backstroy for so if you'll let me ramble under the cut a bit
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Half Orc obviously. The orc half of their parentage was their father, who died when they were around 8(? or half orc equivalent, I know they have slightly shorter lifespans) and this ended up being very difficult on their mother as the rest of the area they lived in was pretty homogenous, mostly humans w occasional dwarves/halflings but Et was basically the only halforc in their whole community. (I gave them the Acolyte bg, but for some reason that still gives you the baldurian tag which? i don't get. the temple their devotions to is dedicated to Bahamut, and it's pretty remote, kind of like how we see the temple of Lathandar is, with only the community surrounding them). I am not sure about their relationship w their mother, still figuring it out, but I guess it depends on how old they were when they were sent to temple, whether it was because their mother couldn't handle it anymore or if it was Et who couldn't handle it and wanted out.
But the stoic/reserved essence of a monk was seen as "good" for them in the sense that (sometimes well-meaningly implied, sometimes outright said to their face by their peers) it would "control" their "natural orc aggression". (Emergent roleplay due to the fact that orcish intimidation proficiency was my only social skill, so that's why I ended up picking when there were no monk "let's all calm the fuck down" dialogue options, lol). Unsurprisingly, they came to resent that, know that they're unfairly being asked to repress their emotions in order to not "frighten" or make the people around them uncomfortable. So, they definitely have a perspective on the world that people, even "good" people, can can end up being cruel. While playing I kept thinking of the "aren't you tired of being nice? don't you just want to go apeshit?" "NO! I am tired of everyone else being MEAN!"
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I said before their father died, but it was more a "missing presumed dead" situation, which means they have this noble, idealized version of their father they've always held onto, something the Emperor found easy to exploit. (This was also the first time I put some effort into the dream guardian, thinking what their relationship to Tav would be.) So having this person who looks always kinda like how they thought their dad might look like, encouraging them and telling them they're on the right path, they were basically putty in his hands. Which made the reveal in act 3 the sharpest turnaround (the emperor Making The Moves now became the biggest yuck)
So they really jived with Wyll after his transformation, because they 100% understand and empathize with a persona who is trying their fucking hardest to be good, but the world who hates them for their background and instant assumptions makes that so so hard. Also, due to their mixed upbringing difficult relationship w their mother, they've always longed for the idea of a strong, stable family life. Epilogue where the option to say "I want to start a family" you know I was hitting that option so hard.
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