#and i can't imagine other places are immune to this either
n30nwrites · 4 months
Fetch (Shifter! Tf141 x Male! Reader)
Chapter 4 of Good Doggy
Tw - Drunk Assholes (inspired by real stories from me :)), Slight blood warning, Language (its a COD fanfic??), OKAY SO LIKE I GUESS SLIGHT SUGGESTIVE STUFF?? I WANTED TO MAKE IT LONGER. A SMALL SCENE OF NSFW BUT NOTHING TOO DEEP BUT STILL PUTTING A WARNING, ITS IN BETWEEN THE NSFW GRAPHICS. Gaz has a praise kink.
Beta Reader/Editor - @letmelickyoureyeballs
Updated: 3/5/2024
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The bar is filled. It’s a Friday night, of course it is but you hate it. You don’t like dealing with assholes. Not after the conversation with Maya.
“I cannot serve you anymore. If you don’t decide to leave I will call the cops.” The man in front of you shouts profanity after profanity, angered by the law. Humans were stupid that way. “Here’s a water.” You slam it down, annoyed.
Idiots. Drunken idiots.
Yeah by Usher starts playing. The club you worked at was loud, you have ear plugs in just so you wouldn’t be overstimulated by everything, but you could still hear enough.
“Why do you have a mask on?” He's irritated already which means that this conversation will not end well. You usually strive to give your coworkers the assholes, not caring that he'll have to deal with it. 
"It's to stay safe, I don't want to get sick-"
The man cuts you off and you debate on spitting in his drink, "That's not gonna keep you safe, the only way to stay safe is to build your immune system." He keeps yelling, and some spit leaves his mouth. You place down the menu in front of him as he keeps yelling, "That's the only way to stay safe, not a stupid mask!" 
You walk away, going to your coworker and telling him to get his order cause if you do you'll be fired. You instead went over to the list of music that was going to play and put on a favorite song of yours, not caring for some disgruntled noise from other patrons as you bobbed your head to the beat, distracting yourself from the day you had.
"Ye lik' this song mo gaol?" It's the familiar accent and the way the hairs on your arms stand makes you more irritated. It was roughly 1 a.m. and most people would be tired. You'd reckon it would start slowly down in 20 minutes, which meant you could get some work done.
You turned to face Soap.
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"I'd hope so, I chose it." You tell him as you get closer to him. "You still stalking me?"
"Ah'ahmnot a stalker, juist wanted a drink." He smiles boyishly, as if he wasn't Sergeant John ``Soap" MacTavish with more confirmed kills than unconfirmed.
"At the bar I work at?"
"Juist a coincidence"
"I'd prefer it if you didn't lie to me." You told him while you mixed a drink. "You obviously have something for me."
"A'm in loue wi' ye"
"Not possible." You tell him, interrupting his "confession". You set the drink down in front of him. "$13" You tell him the price.
"I didnae orda a drink?" He looked cheeky, and you wished some part of you didn't find him attractive. But he looks up at you and you can't help but imagine other scenarios, particularly some where you're both naked.
"Well you can either pay for the drink and drink it, or pay for the drink and I'll drink it and talk with you some more." Soap immediately puts down two 20s.
"Th' rest can go to mah bartender." You slip the extra cash into your pocket, going to your POS system and breaking out for your thirty minute break that was required. You grabbed the drink on the counter and left your work area, Soap following behind like a puppy. You found a booth in the corner most people avoided. Sitting down at what could fit five others at most. Your mind goes back to Maya, who’s probably taking care of Icarus, your dog, and Marigold, her familiar. Maya worked as well, but it was an in-house job where she dealt with customers in need of assistance.
"You hurt our feelin`s earlier," He says first as you take a sip of the drink you made. "Hae we dane something tae offend ye?"
"Don't want to get your hopes up." You tell him, "I'm not one for soulmates."
"So ye know?"
"Of course I do. You reek of wolf." He starts to sniff himself and you want to laugh at how ridiculous it looks. "You wouldn't be able to smell it. And it's not a bad smell, just obnoxious cause there's four of you."
"So ye aren't human." 
"Nope, never was."
"What are ye?" You never felt shame in what you were. Didn't feel shame in general, it took Maya for you to start walking around in clothes. 
But you didn't want to tell him. 
"None of your business."
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Gaz knows that Price is going to talk about the bloodshed in the morning. He knows that Price already knows but doesn't care to stop it tonight. Price is just too drunk, Ghost doesn’t care, and Soap is who knows where. It wasn’t like he killed humans tonight, just some animals that were definitely going to get the town's attention (He might’ve killed a bear) but not the hunters.
He's decorated in blood and he loves it. It soothes some messed-up part of him. His teeth still have specks of flesh in it, that he licks clean
He smells you. Heavenly you. You who smells like some plant burning. He didn't understand it, but he loved it.
You're next to Soap, and Soap has the biggest grin as you walk together. 
Though you probably don't see it as together. You probably see it as him stalking you, but you don't seem to have your usual air of distaste. You have sunglasses on, something he hates cause he can't stare at them. Your mask is black, and you also have a hood on. You look perfect, he just wishes you were in his bedroom.
Preferably naked and-
He kind of hates it at the same time though. Soap getting so close to you, still determined to find a way to be with you. Soap didn't lose hope, not like Gaz did. But he'd be damned if he didn't do something. He lets out a growl, standing menacingly as he runs forward, towards both of you, knocking Soap down as he growls at him, his teeth snapping. If Gaz doesn't get to be happy, Soap shouldn't either.
He just wasn't expecting your reaction.
"Get off him." He followed your command, staring up at you and following your eyes when you bent down to be eye level with him. "God you are so..."
"Cute." Your voice gets higher as you gently rub behind his ears, the blood not bothering you at all. Gaz almost forgets how you looked at him earlier, your words that cut him melted away and he just thinks he has a chance.
You loved dogs, who wouldn't? Even if that dog was actually a grown (hot) man. 
"Look who's such a pretty boy." You kept rubbing his head as Soap just stared in shock. "Such a handsome boy, who did you eat?" You coo at Gaz, who leans into your touch and praise, enjoying everything about this moment. Gaz has to take a moment to remember himself, that the praise you give him is nothing.
But he can't help but imagine scenarios in a different setting.
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NSFW Start
It's such a simple setting. In his room, the lights are low. He's flushed, shirtless and on the floor, while you sit above him.
"Can't you be a good boy for me?" You lick your lip before biting it, you stare at him, your eyes actually showing, looking at him with lust and love. A perfect combination, and your lips, god, you were perfect for him. "Come on, you know you want to." You lower your shorts and Gaz gulps, he stares at your cock, mesmerized.
"You're hungry for it, aren't you whore?"
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"Arr ye fecken' kidding me?" Soap says, breaking the peaceful moment, and Gaz's daydream. "A' it took wis a wolf fur ye to lik' us?" 
"I still don't like you all, but dogs are always a great company." You keep petting him, Gaz's eyes closing slightly, and Soap sits up. 
"Ah can do that toh." His accent gets thicker as he rushes to grab your hand, forcing it away from Gaz and instead putting it in his hair. Which was mostly shaved on the sides.
"You aren't a cute puppy right now." You yank your hand away.
"He's fooken' bloody!"
Gaz licks your face, and you slightly smile.
Listen, hating people is one thing but I could never hate a dog, let alone a wolf. Reader still doesn't feel comfortable around the boys, but he does like the dogs.
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feroluce · 2 months
So Sampo is canon described as the only person who can travel between the overworld and underground, but it's never actually revealed HOW he gets around.
I'd like to believe part of the reason he's so secretive really is just because of business. One of the best ways to keep your customers is by being the only one to offer something, and Sampo stands to make a pretty nice profit if he's the only one able to smuggle in supplies. Gotta protect the trade routes ☆
BUT the other part is because he's probably one of the only ones that could SURVIVE it. I'd like to think a lot of his routes enter the overworld either in places like Backwater Pass, where it's technically in the city but is overrun by Fragmentum, or on the frontlines, where it's frigid cold and crawling with Silvermane Guards.
If someone manages to get all the way up, and even if they manage to sneak past all of the Guards/monsters and not freeze to death, there's still the possibility of getting caught in the city proper by regular civilians.
And if Cocolia heard word of someone caught in the overworld, I can't imagine there's any way she would just leave that, she separated the halves for a reason. This person would be interrogated, and then the route sealed off, and then the Undergrounders would lose a vital supply route. Sampo has to be extremely careful to not get caught and not be tailed.
And I'm sure he does a lot of shady trading in Belobog proper, but I think a lot of it also comes from him looting the Fragmentum-corroded areas, too. After all, in the Cyrille the Fool quest line, when the trailblazer sees something strange in the Fragmentum, the first person they think to consult is Sampo.
So I love the thought of Sampo being like extremely disciplined and being able to be out there for like days at a time.
Looting is easier in the beginning, but eventually Sampo has to go farther and farther out for supplies. Sometimes he'll be out there for days, and it's not exactly a safe place to sleep, but he can stay awake and alert for absurd amounts of time if he needs to be. Going for 24+ hours isn't unusual for him on a big supply run; Sampo will be awake for a day or two, he'll bring back everything he finds to Natasha, then sleep for a solid 8-12 hours and be back up again. He takes a couple of low key days where he rests or does easy work, then he's ready to plunge into the fray again!
On the rare occasions he sleeps in the Fragmentum, it's not for very long, less than an hour, and Sampo has traps he sets all around him while he sleeps sitting up with daggers in hand. Caelus finds out about this habit the hard way because he gets restless and decides to go explore (I'd like to think with the Stellaron dwelling within him, he's largely immune to any kind of Fragmentum corrosion), and he sees Sampo curled up in a corner, head down. So of course he approaches to see if he's ok, and-
A trap pops and hisses
There's a bright flash of pink
Caelus blinks
His back hits the wooden wall behind him
There's the sound of reverberating metal-on-metal right next to his ear
Caelus blinks again
...and is shocked to suddenly find that Sampo is looming over him, pinning him to the wall, one dagger sunk into the wood and the other blocked by his metal bat.
And they both just stand there for a beat, until Sampo blinks the bleariness out of his unfocused eyes, and then he yawns obnoxiously right in Caelus' face and tells him he shouldn't interrupt people's beauty sleep! How is Sampo supposed to stay so handsome otherwise!?
Caelus only notices shortly thereafter that there's a thin line of blood on his neck, and he belatedly realizes that Sampo really would have taken his head off by pure instinct if he weren't also incredibly quick with his reflexes. No wonder he's the only undergrounder surviving out in the Fragmentum; anything that approaches in his sleep thinking they have easy prey is almost instantly demolished.
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chelleztjs18 · 11 months
Choices (W.M)
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader (Modern AU)
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Summary: Wanda met you by chance and yet she has a choice to make.
Warning: Angst.. Cheating (i'm not sure to put it as cheating fic or implied cheating), swearing words.
A/n: Hello peeps! Here's more angst for you. I hope you like it! Happy reading!
Main Masterlist
“Are you happy?” Three little words of a question that are simple but complicated at the same time for Wanda. Nobody asked her that question but her, to herself. Everytime the question echoes in her mind and heart, it scares her. She doesn’t have the answer to it, or perhaps she does but she is trying hard to avoid the real answer.
With no doubt, she is grateful to have a beautiful family with Vision. Been with him for a little over a decade, got married for a few years and were blessed with two wonderful sons. It was a picture perfect life. Friends and family kept telling how lucky she is with her life now. Some even straight up told her that they were envious of her happy life and wished they had the life that Wanda has.
Everybody knows Wanda and Vision has a perfect family but nobody knows how she really feels. To Wanda, theoretically, she should be happy. The truth is, she is struggling.
Struggling internally alone for years wasn’t easy at all for her. Battling the depression she has and fighting all the intrusive thoughts is exhausting for her. Nobody knows how she has been feeling unheard and unappreciated by Vision. No one knows how hard headed he is. Wanda feels alone in this so-called happy marriage, so alone.
Wanda is in a deep secret hollow in need of happiness in her and she never tells a soul about it. Despite all of the problems she has with her depression and Vision, deep down, she also knows she is very attracted to women and she wants a happy life with the one she loves someday.
It’s unavoidable that sometimes Wanda hates herself for even wishing to leave everything to have the dream life. It all feels worse as a huge boulder of guilt puts extra weight in her heart. Wanda wants to give up. Sometimes she can no longer find her will to live.
Then, you came. It all started with a simple conversation starter in her inbox, being the friendly person she is, Wanda replied. You two instantly had a magical connection. Messages after messages, turned into more conversations. You and Wanda grew close together. Wanda was lost until she found her again in you.
Friendly words turn to personal. Love words and pet names were all over you and Wanda. Just like a strong magnetic pull, you two are attracted to each other. Strong feelings make both of you get to know each other closer and better. What she and you have was innocent but not for so long.
Before you two know it, it turned into an insatiable desire. A heated affair yet full of love and care starts to form. You and Wanda have been secretly together for almost a year and rent a place where you both always spend time together whenever there is a chance. It was beautiful. You make her smile. Wanda finally feels happy and she feels appreciated by you that she started to love herself again.
You are the perfect definition of who Wanda has been wanting and dreaming off all these years and you see such a soul in her. Wanda falls for you and so do you.
You are all she has been thinking about and you can't run away either from the fact that you want her all the time. You care about Wanda so deeply, all you want for her is for her to be happy. You know you can treat her better than he does and you do. You have been giving her what she deserved and Wanda wants to do the same thing to you. Her feelings for you get deeper and deeper.
Maybe she thinks she fell for you just a tiny bit but she knows that that tiny bit was strong enough to make her want to be with you.
The urge in her to have a life with you grows. You are not immune to it either by now. Both of you keep talking and imagining how lovely it would be to be able to have the dream life together. The dream was flawless and of course made you and Wanda smile endlessly.
It was pure heaven for you, until you started to want her just for yourself. You started to get jealous of Vision. Whenever you are not with Wanda, you wish you were him so you can be with her. You started to wish that you were not just someone in the dark. You started to want to be able to tell people that you are hers and she is yours. It started to bother you more and more but at the same time, you know all of this is not right. She’s a married woman, she has a family. It has been an issue in your subconscious but you tried to ignore it.
The more you spend time with her the stronger your feelings for her and the bigger the urge to call her yours. It has been the talk between you and her every here and there. Sometimes it leads to little arguments and the word “need some space” has been mentioned a few times. With no doubt, Wanda disagrees. She loves you, she doesn’t want to be away from you. Even the idea of it and not talking with you hurt her.
Until one day, you can’t take it anymore.
"You need to understand, Wanda. This is hard for me. My feelings for you get stronger. The stronger it gets, the more jealous I am of your husband. He gets to be you everyday, touches you or just simply being around you. What about me?" You explained frustratedly yet still in calm manners.
It wasn't the first time but it still hits her when she hears that you are jealous of him. She knows it hurts you. Wanda stuttered a little when she was about to answer you but the short silence was enough for you to jump into your own conclusion.
“I understand, y/n. This–"
"Do you, Wanda?" You cut her sentences.
"This is as hard for me as it is to you. I love you, I want you and I value you. You are so precious and special. I want to be with you as much as you want to be with me.” Wanda swallows the lump in the back of her throat after her ramble. She tries to hold back her tears.
“Then choose me, Wanda.” suddenly the thing you want to ask her the most slips out of your lips and just like that a bigger and more intense argument started. You and Wanda started to raise your voices at each other.
“You know I would choose you in a heartbeat, over and over again if Vision and I don’t have the boys. I would never leave my sons.” an explanation and argument flowed out at the same time in her response. Her two hands shoved her hair back away from her face frustratedly.
“I would never ask you to choose me over your kids.  I understand your position as a mom. You deserve better than him, Wanda. I would treat you the best. I will always make you and the boys happy. I care about you, I love you. Choose me over him.” you pour your emotions out. Your and Wanda’s heart start to beat faster as everything feels more emotional.
Wanda’s lips are slightly open. She is speechless. She knows she wants to leave Vision for you but she is worried if the divorce will take effect on Billy and Tommy. Her eyes slowly turn glossy. Her heart wrenches when she sees how sad you look right now. She never wants to be the reason for your sadness.
Your heart aches hearing her silence. “You have no idea, Wanda, I wish everyday that I was him so I can be with you all the fucking time. All of our conversations about our dreamy life together and what we imagine, it messes my mind because I know that I’m always yours but you are never mine.”  Your hand gestures show your frustration even though your voice starts to calm down and your tone is softer by now yet full of emotions. Your chest rises up and down after the long words you said. Your body feels leaden.
Wanda walks closer to you as her hands cup your cheeks, her green eyes look deep into yours. Tears start to fill her eyes. “Y/n, my sweet, I’m yours. You know, I’m all yours. You are all I think about everyday, detka.” Oh the feelings of her soft touches almost got you again but you try to fight it and her soft whispering voice is not making it easy. Then you remember what's bothering you the most.
You pull your face away from her hands as you walk a step back from her. “Yeah, but it’s not right. All of these are not right.” Her stomach churned and her hope disintegrated when she saw you move away from her touch, the touch that you always tell her that it’s your favorite thing in this world.
Wanda furrows her eyebrows in confusion. “Y/n, a few minutes ago you asked me to leave him and now you say everything we have is not right?! You are all over the place. I don’t understand.” Tensions start to grow back second by second.
“I know, Wanda! I know. It has been a battle in my mind lately. I want you for myself but I know I can’t but I’m jealous. I don’t fucking now. All I know, I can’t do this anymore, Wanda. I love you but I just can’t. I’m leaving.” You can’t believe what you just said.
A soft gasp escaped her lips. Her heart shattered. Oh if a broken heart has a sound, you would hear it. “Are you breaking up with me?” she asked and her voice sounds shaky. Her lower lips quivered. You know that she is going to cry and it hurts you. You were right, with one blink she did, her tears rolling on her cheeks.
You close your eyes for a little bit in trying to erase the image of her crying as you take a deep painful breath. "This is gonna be hard for both of us, Wanda, but it's for the best."
You grab your stuff and car key as Wanda watches you preparing to leave.
As you walk you steps out of the house, her soft hand grabs your wrists. "Y/n, please don't leave me. Please. I can’t imagine that we don’t talk or see and not be with each other." She begs with a cry.
As soon as you see her cry, your instinct is to calm her down. You pull her into a hug, for the last time. Wanda breaks a sobbing cry. “I’m sorry.” You crumbled inside.
“No, I’m sorry for putting you into this situation. I’m sorry I caused you pain when I should have brought you peace. Please detka, don’t leave me. We will be so happy together, I promise.” Wanda’s tears soak your shoulder. Her throat thickened with sobs.
“Maybe in another universe or life.” That's all you can say right now.
You leave a goodbye kiss on her forehead then leave right after you let go of your embrace. Everything feels like a knife in your heart. Sorrow shredded you inside. With a heavy heart, you drive away. You never want everything that you have with her to end up like this. Despite the fact that you broke up with her, you still love her. You even think that you would never be able to fully move on from her.
You don’t know how you will get through all this, all you know is it's for the best. You tried to stay as long as you could. You understand her position but you can’t bear the pain anymore and you are trying to save both of you from more of it. You know that it's not fair to you and her marriage with Vision.
Wanda watches you slowly disappear into distances. She could hardly move as tear drops kept falling. “I love you, my sweet. Always.” she whispers as if she wishes that your heart would hear it.
Since then, Wanda has been in a deep sad state. Her heart lives in constant pain, emotionally and even physically. Her heart broke into pieces yet they are all patched with a band of loneliness. Torment seems like it permanently claws her heart. Wanda feels so lost. She feels like she went back to square one after the break up, even worse. She misses you so much, your care, presence, sweet words and your corny jokes. Once again, she forgot how to smile. Every single breath she takes, it hurts. Wanda understands the reasoning behind your actions and she knows that the only thing she can do is to accept it even though she knows she wouldn’t be able to move on from you.
You are as struggling as Wanda does. You never thought it would be this hard but you are determined, at least you try to be.
You fully knew that there will be a lot of things that will remind you of her. You know her like the back of your hand. Things that she loves or hates. No matter what, you will always remember how easily she blushes from your words, those little giggles she does everytime you tease her neck with your kisses. The rushes of feelings you have whenever she lands her soft touches on you. You will never forget how her green eyes playfully give the puppy dog eyes whenever she tries to get what she wants from you and of course you could never say no to them.
Both of you are struggling to keep your heads up from drowning in the memories you had together.
A day feels like a year. Days turn to weeks and surely shift to months. A year does not come without any difficulties to the both of you.
You answer your door and you feel like you have been struck by lightning. Your eyes rounded. Your heart skips a beat and you even stutter when you call her name. “W-Wanda? Uh–Wh-what are you doing here?” You and Wanda always know each other's address, even before the affair started but both of you agreed to scratch them out of the meeting spots list.
You never thought you would see her beautiful face again nor see her standing right in front of your door with a bouquet of the same exact flowers you two used to have at the rented house before. Her smile, it feels like a soothing touch to your crumpled heart.
Wanda was hesitant at first to visit you, knowing how determined you are, she thought you probably moved to a different place by now. As luck would have it, you still live there.
“Hello y/n. I'm sorry that I came here unannounced. I tried to call or text but you never answered me but I really need to tell you something.” She greets nervously, you can even see pride,fear, sadness and happiness all at once. She tries to swallow down her nervousness. Her eyes blink a few times. You still remember how she is whenever she is nervous.
“Hi Wanda. It's–it's okay. I uh- I.. Wait, what-what do you need to tell me?” you are struggling forming your words. Are you happy to see her? Of course! Deep down, you miss her but you have been trying hard to kick that thought out for the last whole year yet you don’t realize that your cheeks blush. Your stomach does somersaults, your legs feel weak.
Her eyes sparkling as she looked at you in awe. Wanda still looks at you with the eyes that want you. Awkward tension roaming freely between you two. Wanda wants to hug you so badly. She scans you quickly until she hears you clear your throat.
“Oh well, I.. I don’t know where to start but uh I’m here to let you be the first person to know. that I filed a divorce, so uh–well, so I can be with you. I’m sorry it took a little while but I’m back. I’m here for you, for us. I chose you over him.” The more words she said, the more nervous she got. An anxious smile shows up slowly. One of her hands squeezes the strap of her purse that's on her shoulder. Wanda is thinking what’s with the pause of your response and the silence.
“Say something, detka.” Wanda vaguely demands, her mind starts to worry instantly.
“I don’t–I don’t know what to say. It–”
Wanda quickly interrupts your words. Her anxiety gets the best of her.
“Isn’t it what you always wanted, y/n?” Her heartbeat doubled in speed by now, her voice is getting shaky. Her throat tightened.
As you are going to answer her, another interruption shows up.
“Babe, who is it? What took you so long?” A redhead shows up asking curiously as she opens the door wider. 
Just like that, Wanda feels the worst heartache in her life. It’s more painful than the one she felt last year when you broke up with her. It felt like a dagger stabs right through her chest and a barb wire wrap to her heart, clawing into it deep and was left bleeding to the last drop. It takes a split second for Wanda to find out the fact that you are with someone else.
How could she do this? Is the only thought she had right now. Wanda doesn’t know that your relationship with Natasha is only two weeks old. She wouldn’t care about it, all she knows is that you found a new love. Wanda doesn’t know anymore which feeling is worse; Not seeing you at all or seeing you but not being with you.
The wounded heart that was numb can feel again, but it’s agony that’s all it can feel. You hear her take a quick shaky breath. Just from everything that happened and that you saw through Wanda’s eyes or face expression, you can feel the pain.
Her pain doubles what’s yours. A full year of trying hard to move on from her yet subconsciously waiting for her to tell you the exact news she told you just now but it never came until today when you are already with somebody else.
Watching her eyes slowly swim in tears and silently jump back and forth between you and the red haired woman feels like a sledgehammer hits your stomach over and over again.
“Oh, she is uh, she came here to–” you internally curse yourself right now. Why on earth you can’t form any full sentences. You never tell Natasha about Wanda, let alone about the relationship you two had. A few different kinds of emotions and feelings melt and smother your heart and mind. You feel terrible now. To who? Both of them but mostly to Wanda.
“To ask if any of you see my dog. He–he ran away to catch a squirrel and I saw he ran this way to your house.” Wanda came to the rescue with a heavy heart. It’s obvious and painful for you to see how hard she tries to keep herself together and not to cry.
“A dog? I don’t think we have seen any dogs around. Do you have pictures of him? Oh, I’m Natasha by the way and this is my girlfriend, y–” Natasha answers, looks confused but she suspects nothing.
“Y/n, she told me her name before and yes I have his picture. His name is Sparky. My sons love them so much. Someone close to me helped me name him.” Wanda continues and shows her dog’s picture on her phone. She steals glances at you when Natasha is focused on Wanda’s phone.
You remember the day you and Wanda adopted Sparky for the boys. Her laugh still sounds so clear in your memory when you pitch Sparky as the idea for the names because of his frizzy fur as if he just got a spark of electricity wave.
“Aww he is so cute. No wonder you look so sad.” Natasha doesn’t pay attention to anything else but the pictures.
“My sweet.” Wanda calls you with the pet names she used to call you very softly that Natasha can’t hear but loud enough for your brain and heart to dig some more memories of Wanda that live rent free in your mind.. You loved it every time she called you that. Surprisingly, it still does the same effect to you now as it did to you before. The way Wanda’s eyes adore you while she is in such pain is not helping at all.
Eye contacts were locked the whole time between you and Wanda. Natasha’s voice finally pulls back your attention and Wanda looks away as soon as you break it..
“Well, You can leave your number and we will let you know if we see Sparky.” your girlfriend suggests.
“Y/n has my number.” Wanda’s quick awkward glance visits your eyes one more time.
“Oh awesome! And what’s your name again?” Natasha asks with a smile.
“Sorry, where are my manners, I’m Wanda. Nice to meet you, I appreciate your help.” the Sokovian brunette replies and offers her hand to Natasha for a friendly handshake then to you.
Unexpectedly, you still feel the indescribable feelings you always get every time you feel her hand touch you. The softness of her touch is addictive for you. You always want more of it. You never get enough of her and everything else about her. “You two make a very cute couple.” Wanda shows a fake smile as she compliments you and Nat.
You know how hurtful it is for Wanda to say it because somehow it hurts you too when you hear it. Natasha thanked her but your lips refuse to do so.
You notice her fake smile slowly turns to sad frown as Wanda turns around. You watch her heavy steps she takes to walk away from you and it makes you realize how hard it must’ve been for Wanda to watch you leave a year ago.
Wanda feels like she’s walking on a broken glass path, it hurts her in every step she takes. Her heart feels empty and numb. She feels so lost. Her heart beats in agony. She feels every part of her is tightly wrapped in a painful blanket that she can’t take it off and it’s sucking the life out of her.
Wanda throws away the flower, she wishes it can be that easy to throw away all of her feelings and all the sweet memories with you but she knows she can’t. You are very special and meant a lot to her. No matter what, she loves you. You have been the reason for her to remember how to smile again, to be happy. She knows that her heart belongs to you even though it would be hard for her to move on. Wanda doesn’t know how but all she knows, she wished that she chose you sooner.
Her heart still hopes for miracle and waits for you in spite of the painful truth she just found out.
You watched Wanda drive away. Internally, you are worried about her driving in her current state of mind and heart.
A few hours have passed, Wanda has occupied your mind the whole time. You can’t focus on watching the show with Natasha.
You are worried about Wanda. What happened today hit you hard and made you realize that deep down you still care about her. You still love her.
You wonder what's on Wanda's mind about you and Natasha but you haven’t realized that deep down you hope that Wanda doesn't misunderstand that you two live together.
Seeing her again a year after definitely tore down the wall around your heart so easily. You thought that you had moved on from her but you were served a plate of truth that the feelings for her are still there. No matter how hard you try, Wanda always has that huge special spot in your heart.
The moment Wanda told you that she chose you over Vision and left him for you was really a surprise for you, it’s not that you doubt how much Wanda loves you but it’s because you know how big of a step it is for her to do.
Your heart keeps commanding you to grab your phone but your brain fights it and barks orders to you to  put it down everytime you do so. Until this one last time, you unlock your phone and search for Wanda’s name in your contacts. You are staring at her name on your phone screen, having this huge urge to tap the message button but you don’t know what to do. Your heart begs you to do it because it knows who it wants you to choose.
“Hello you…” Wanda quickly wiped her tears, her heart racing from her emotions as soon as she read your text. She smiles in her cry. This time the tears that slowly fill her eyes are tears of happiness. She recognizes the greetings, the one that you always do everytime you see or talk to her. Your smile everytime you say it comes vividly in her mind. She still feels butterflies in her stomach as she quickly replies.
No matter what, the feelings are strong, both of you have been the main choice to each other this whole time.
A/n: Welp, that's all from me for today. I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know what you think. Comments and reblogs are highly appreciated. Follow me for more!
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askprotoroll · 3 months
What is the “Roll Z” outfit about?
Oh-ho-ho! I have been waiting for someone to ask about that.
See, about a month ago, a friend of mine showed me this video by man on the internet.
Listening to it, I couldn't help but picture Roll in place of Zero, and thus, I drew up this:
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Now, I don't have a solid nor canon X timeline just yet because there's several ways it could go.
Please also keep in mind that I have never played the X games, so if I get anything wrong, I'm sorry!
All the timeline ideas start at the end of the golden age of robotics. Robot masters have been made illegal because of all of Wily's attacks, and so they're ordered by the government to (unfortunately) be deactivated. Including the light children. Light and Wily both end up going into hiding.
Roll, of course, did not agree with this and ran. But, she somehow gets damaged in the process. (The scenario I imagine the most is a building collapsing on top of her.)
This is where the timeline splits.
Timeline idea one:
The first idea I had has Wily finding Roll after she's damaged and decides to use her to get the final one up on Light.
He upgrades her to be the Z look, and much like with Zero, he implants the maverick virus into the gem on her helmet and seals her away, making her an unwitting pawn in his final plan.
Wily did not do anything to make her loyal to him because he knew it wouldn't work. He also knows the virus will likely not affect her either because of her sentience. (which is probably dumb in hindsight because she was affected by roboenza. Maybe the cure made her immune? Idk)
Light, in the meantime, is working on creating X (the timeline also splits here, but I'll get to that later) and passes away while X is in containment doing the final checks, as per the normal x timeline.
Now... Whether or not X is found before Roll is up for debate (as i said, i never played the X games), all I know is Dr Cain still finds X, and Sigma finds Roll.
Roll is initially hesitant to trust Sigma, even fighting him at first, but she is convinced to stop, and she does end up joining and becoming one of the top maverick hunters.
That'd be where Roll meets X...
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The timeline will most likely go on like the games from there.
Timeline idea two:
Much like timeline one, Wily finds and upgrades Roll. But unlike timeline one, Wily has a change of heart, not wanting his legacy to only be destructive.
In this timeline, Zero DOES exist, but he is unfinished, and the maverick virus is in him instead of Roll.
Everything else is like timeline one, except Roll may end up finding Zero at some point.
Dunno what she'd do. Maybe if she had a dream sequence like Zero did in one of the games of Wily telling her to "fix his mistakes," she'd destroy him or something.
Timeline Idea three:
This timeline can be a variation of one or two interchangeably because the change here is involving Light, and is actually somewhat based on an AU my friend has.
In this timeline, Light ends up taking Rock with him into hiding and upgrades him instead of building X.
Everything else carries on like timelines one or two up until "Rock X" ends up meeting "Roll Z"...
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After that, everything would carry on the same.
Timeline idea four:
This last idea is something I got from this video of a protoman rom hack for Mega Man X 1
This time, instead of Wily finding Roll, It's light who finds her and upgrades her, which would include fixing her core because ley me just sat this now,
Because Dr Light is the one who made Roll's experimental core, only HE can fix it since he's the only one who knows how it works. That doesn't mean it can't be maintained by others, though.
This means that in the other timelines, Roll likely still has that issue with her core.
This also means that Zero exists, too, but this time is fully completed. Although honestly, I imagine that Zero is built to be a girl in these timelines because I read somewhere that Zero was based on Protoman, and since he'd technically be based on Roll in this timeline...
I'm not sure what the dynamic between Roll and Zero would be to be perfectly honest. Neither of them would know about Zero being built by wily unless Zero tells Roll about that dream sequence.
Then again, he apparently asked light about it, and Light claimed he didn't know so... that's up in the air I guess.
There are several more possibilities I haven't covered here, like if Blues was taken to be upgraded by Light or if Roll wasn't found by anyone. But the four I talked about are the ones I think about most.
As I said, I don't know which one is the "canon" timeline for the AU. Buuut I think I should mention this-
When the robot masters are deactivated, I personally think that they were all preserved in a museum somewhere. It'd be such a shame otherwise. Plus, it means that, one day, Roll would be able to see Rock and Blues in some form.
Despite the rough patches in their history, Roll loves her brothers and would very much miss them.
I'll probably end up drawing more of Proto!Roll Z eventually.
For now, enjoy this little bit of dialogue I imagine being shared between X and Roll
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X: "So, you were the first of the Robot masters?"
Roll: "I was the prototype, yes."
X: "You were made by Dr Light too?"
Roll: "Mhmm.."
X: "That would make you my sister, right?"
Roll: "...huh. yeah, I guess it would."
- Melody
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found-wings · 8 months
I LOVE THE PHOENIX PHIL HEADCANON OMG here's some misc hcs with them :D
• foolish was 100% the first person to try to touch them and kept going "ow. ow. ow." because he'd get burned, then immediately put his hands back on the wings
• phil tries to stop him and tinas like "no- let him finish" (he's trying to 'build an immunity)
• roier uses the wings as a way to heat up a knife and do stupid bs with it such as; slamming it against a tree and starting a forest fire, cutting various items in half and they either crumble or burn, or on fed workers (it just makes them mildly uncomfortable)
• on the same topic, when phils napping by fits place, ramon uses the wings to heat up scrap metal he has to try to wield them together.
• dapper also uses them sometimes as a portable heater for potions and uses tongs to hold them above the wings if they need to get to a certain boiling point (bbh is like 'I tried to get him to stop' when phil asks about it. but man's is a liar LMAO he encourages it)
• chayanne sometimes asks him to use em to start fired under his portable grills and pots if he can't find his flint and steel
• on the other side, tallulah def roasts marshmallows on them
• fit has definitely gone "yknow let me just borrow these for a sec-" and holds either dynamite, fireworks, or bombs ends on them to light em off
• etoiles has 100% had many. Many. sticks set on fire and burned durring stick fights and even if phil apologizes for accidentally doing that and you just hear "okay so we're playing that way" and he brings out the flame-enchanted code sword as a joke before they reset the fight 😭😭
• "the burn- he's just too good!"
• "that was literally an accident!!!!"
• "see? you doesn't even need to try!!"
• "oh my godddd."
• if phil does something to make richas mad, he'll purposfully walk into the wings flames and go to his dad's yelling about how phil set him on fire (he's done this too many times for them to give phil anything more then a slap on the wrist)
• he's lit off more then a couple lanterns and candles for cellbit when the two meet up in the order to share information (and more then a few books have scorch marks on them . . . it's very easy to tell which books have been donated by him.)
• more then once phil has been sentenced to laying underneath one of tubbos machines with his wings being used in place of a temporary blaze-burner (fit is very much laughing at him and being told to stfu by tubbo in fear of phil leaving)
• pac and mike are very quick to remove flowing water from their builds and keep them contained to pools and waterfalls that are easily visible
• more then once quackitys beanie or sleeve has caught fire and you can hear him swearing from miles away when it does
• sunbirds tend to surround him a little more then usual when the wings are out, so 100% foolish has asked the capybaras to warp phil to him to attract a sunbird real quick and phil agrees if he has perms to name it (it will be named something stupid.)
• it's not uncommon for the eggs to surround him more on group trips and events whenever they go by somewhere cold as he's basically a walking heater (que the jokes about them liking phil more- when really he's just making sure they don't get frostbite 😭)
• ,,,,,, more then once hes been put through pain when a spontaneous code fight appears and he's had to run for shelter as its common for rain to pour when the day quickly shifts to night and damage his wings (another incentive for etoiles to finish fighting as quickly as possible)
- 💿
Oh my god I love all of these silly headcanons SO MUCH RAAAH, especially the ones involving Phil and the Eggs, Fit, Tubbo, Etoiles and Cellbit because I am so biased
Also on the topic of rain and code fights - I am so. silly about it because I imagine Phil only runs for shelter when he‘s 100% certain the others can handle it. Every other time, especially during the times he had to fight off the code by himself, he pushes through the constant pain on his feathers while engaging in combat
On another side note, all I can imagine whenever someone pulls out a flame enchanted weapon is Phils eyes just instantly going O^O when he sees it and he just. stares. with big eyes & puffed up wings as if he’s about to attack the weapon before snapping back to the current. He‘s offended and sees flame enchanted weapons as a threat to his very being / j
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bluegekk0 · 8 months
fpk doesn't take being sick well. of course, no one does, but he's especially sensitive to it. during his rule, he healed any illness or injury with soul magic, so he forgot how miserable being sick can make you and how to mentally deal with it
(more below in case it's long)
post-hibernation, he is unable to simply make the illness go away with magic, so he has to go through all the symptoms. and he's not used to any of them. the same applies to injuries, though considering he usually gets those while hunting, the adrenaline helps with the initial pain, and over time he learned to expect it. at least somewhat
but being sick? it always hits you unexpectedly, and for him it's especially stressful. he's terrified of dying, he knows he can't wiggle his way out of dangerous conditions anymore, so even a simple illness is enough to put him on edge. and so he tends to overreact to even the least non-dangerous symptoms, he'll whine in pain and toss and turn in bed, though he rarely complains about it out loud
whenever he's sick, he feels the most vulnerable and alone, so he greatly appreciates the presence of others. he'll ask them to stay by his bed so he knows they're still there and he doesn't have to go through it by himself. grimm always agrees to keep him company, and since he's immune to most common illnesses (thanks to his body temperature that can kill most viruses and bacteria), he doesn't have to worry about it being contagious. he'll cuddle with him, bring him food and warm drinks, and talk to him until he falls asleep. holly doesn't need to be asked twice, they don't have to worry about common illnesses either so they'll always sit by his bed and watch over him to make sure he's doing okay. hornet tends to only bring him tea and whatever else he needs, but she rarely actually stays in his room. she'll say it's because she doesn't want to catch whatever he's sick with, but in reality she hates seeing him in a weak state like this. she's afraid he might die, and her instinct tells her to run away from such possibility
thankfully fpk's body is much better at dealing with illnesses and injuries than it used to before hibernation. with injuries specifically, his increased body fat acts as an additional barrier between the outside world and all the sensitive parts inside. it's the main reason why he survived the attempt on his life (during the grimmkin incident i mentioned), the stab wound wasn't deep enough to do serious harm to his organs, in part thanks to his bigger mass. it still put him out of commission for about a month, though, and you can imagine how miserable of a month it was with how badly he reacts to pain. he was able to recover, although he had to gain back some weight to return to his usual chubby self (as a side note, i feel like i should give him a scar from that incident since the wound was big enough to leave one, but i haven't decided where exactly it would go yet haha)
as to what kind of illnesses he could catch in the first place, that definitely falls more under worldbuilding, i think you could come up with some unique ideas here. but i reckon stuff like common cold, the flu, digestive issues and infections would be present and relatively common among all the species in hallownest, wyrms included
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ronaan · 9 months
i started watching the movies (for the first time) after finishing reading the hobbit and lotr, and here is my take on the thirteen dwarves' design after seeing an unexpected journey:
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thorin. why does he look like a model? it's not exactly uncanny valley (like a certain other drawf i will be mentioning later), but he still looks instantly out of place among most dwarves. i wish they at least did something wild to his beard. but he does look cool and my gay ass isn't immune to a hot guy, even if he probably shouldn't be hot, so i'll give you that. 6/10
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balin. WHY IS HE SO FUCKING OLD? this feels like a hate crime. he is literally canonically younger than thorin, and he looks like he is one foot in the grave. like, i understand that they are both a little under 200 years old at this point, but pick a fucking struggle?? either make thorin look like an old wrinkly man as well, or make balin look younger. also, the design itself is boring as fuck. 2/10
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bofur. this one is my favourite. he looks very cozy but also a little scary. he could be heading out the back with an axe to chop some wood for a nice little fireplace. he could also be an axe murderer. he's actually the sweetest dwarf you'll ever meet. he reminds me of my grandpa. 11/10
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kíli. WHY THE FUCK IS HE YASSIFIED? he literally looks like what i imagined aragorn to look like while reading lotr. he barely has a beard, his hair is just... long. this is some fucking guy. not a dwarf. i do not care that he has a romance plot - you don't need to yassify a dwarf for him to be in a relationship with an elf, just ask gimli. 0/10
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fíli. this is a solid design of a younger dwarf. he has more braids in his hair than i can count. he has a weird long ass mustache and it's also braided. i can see him growing into a more unhinged look that most dwarves clearly have as he becomes older. but i do feel like he was cleaned up a little for a lesser contrast between him and his brother. 7/10
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ori. he looks very cute. his design instantly makes him stand out and i feel like i already know his personality just by looking at him (which is great for a trilogy with such a huge cast). he's a silly little dwarf. perhaps a little naive. must be protected. 10/10
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nori. somehow, i feel like this was the last design they worked on. what is going on on that head. is he the inventor of middle earth hairspray? if he is, he's doing the worst possible thing he could with it. this isn't quirky or interesting - it just looks bad. the beard is kind of cool, but there is still something off with it. 4/10
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dwalin. this guy is here to maim and kill. i feel like his haircut choice isn't even due to male pattern baldness. he just wanted as much hair as possible AND head tattoos. he found his look. he has a scar on his face. 10/10
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glóin. i haven't seen lotr yet but i know what gimli looks like in the movies and the goal with gloin's design was clearly to make him look as much like gimli's dad as possible. this guy is already walking in his son's shadow, but i don't mind. overall, a solid dwarf look. i love the metal thingies in the beard. 8/10
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dori. when i look at him, i have that "look at this distinguished gentleman" sound in my head. he's got a very intricate braiding situation going on in his hair, and i kinda love it. he has clip on piercings on both his ears and he has clearly constructed his whole look so he could show them off. 9/10
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óin. we are evidently starting to run out of personalities, because this guy is also here primarily to maim and kill. to be fair, that's what a lot of dwarves are, so i'll allow it. i like the two giant beard braids - i'm pretty sure he has more facial hair than i have hair on my head, which is exactly the kind of impression a dwarf's beard should be giving. 7/10
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bombur. he reminds me of obelix from the french cartoons. he has an entirely insane beard-works-as-a-moustache-extension situation going on as well as a huge circular braid which i can't even tell where that's coming from. it's a nice unique design. 8/10
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bifur. he's got an orc axe stuck in his head. i forgot that was a detail in the book and i also did not understand what it was until i googled it. i thought it could just be an accessory choice. but i might just be stupid. i can, however, tell that he had an emo phase and he still meticulously dyes strands of his beard jet black, so he could have a trendy dark-and-silver look. 7/10
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omgkalyppso · 5 months
When Étoile needs some peace of mind, is there an activity they like to do or a place they like to go?
Do they involve others or do/go alone?
Thank you so much for the ask!
I let this get away from me for a bit so I was like "I'll just cut out all of THIS and make it its own post" and then tried to rein in what I was trying to say, and then it got away from me again! So. fdskghdksfjgh
magical self harm mentioned. fictional character death mentioned.
For the most part Étoile wouldn't mind their friends or partners being around them when they need some peace of mind. Depending on their level of frustration, they might even need to talk it out or hear someone else's problems to put their own in perspective. Otherwise they're very social. They'll take part in louder activities (drinking), more physically exerting ones (dumb challenges, like climbing), or other nonsense you'd expect from a more rowdy character, like Karlach. They also enjoy social comforts, like just being near someone while they pray or meditate or what have you. And that's where things might start to get tricky.
Auril is an extreme god, and sometimes when Étoile seeks guidance from her, they might intentionally "burn" their hands by holding Ray of Frost for an extended period while reciting their prayers, and comparable expressions of devotion which invoke Auril's cold domain. Unlike Loviatar, the pain isn't the purpose of their divine connection, their practices could make people just as uncomfortable to sit around due to lack of custom.
I think a lot about these sections of the Church of Auril wiki pages:
When an individual wished to become part of the clergy, they had to undergo a ritual called the Embracing. This ritual required the applicant, in only boots and a thin robe, to spend the evening exposed to a raging blizzard. Holy symbols of Auril were painted all over the applicant's body. The applicant was forbidden to use any sort of magic to protect themselves from the cold. Those who survived until morning were deemed worthy by Auril and accepted into her Church.
Clerics of the Frostmaidan were bestowed a natural immunity to cold which was identical to the effects of the resist cold spell. Powerful clerics had the innate ability to duplicate the effects of the ice storm spell, and summon ice para-elementals. Clerics of Auril had access to the spells of both the Time and Wards spheres. Unlike rank and file clerics, specialty priests of Auril were unable to turn the undead.
But there are also times where they need to be alone, whether in prayer or just in silence. There may come a time where they feel "alone, together" with Astarion, but that's actually years off.
Étoile does have hobbies, but I can't picture them doing them for the sake of centering themself / finding peace of mind. I can't imagine them being able to focus on reading either — maybe meditation, but that's really conditional.
Anyway. The spawn they follow into the Underdark find ways to severely irritate, confound and distress Étoile. Which leads me to my two other answers to this question. While Étoile may visit Halsin's Moonrise Village, their mountain in Impiltur, and other locales post-canon, they have two semi-permanent homes for the foreseeable future: one in the Underdark, and another in Baldur's Gate. I haven't yet decided whether the Szarr Palace should be in the Lower or Upper City in my headcanons, but it's only a temporary residence for any of the "vampires" (Astarion and his siblings) in my post-canon (more intended as a place for staff and spawn), and they will have their own residences in the city otherwise. Wherever I decide to place the Palace will influence the number of those homes and whether they are in the Upper or Lower City.
Étoile would probably be tempted to have the windows taken out of any residence in Baldur's Gate to allow Astarion (et al) free reign of the space even in daylight, but Astarion would refuse to live in a fucking box, so shutters and curtains and the the security of a coffin for reverie would have to suffice. Étoile would have a room or three depending on the size of residence, two of which would cause Astarion some anxiety: a bedroom, rarely used in place of the master bedroom but still providing the possibility that they expect conflict between them (this is not the room's primary or intended purpose), and a study, which is where they would go to be alone when necessary to find peace of mind (reading and writing letters; some to intentionally be never sent), in which Astarion is welcome, but scrutinized if he goes in alone.
Astarion has his private spaces also but it takes him longer to grow accustomed to not having space that's going to be stolen from under him or shared / invaded by family and masters.
Étoile's third room would be one dedicated to Auril; kept politely clear of where Astarion rests because once they place something of her likeness in there, the room radiates cold. I imagine this room goes questioned by those who know of it, because why have this inconvenience and then not spend more time in there / why would this not be Étoile's default place to go to to find peace of mind — to which their answer would be, if they'd wanted that then they would have stayed on their mountain.
In the Underdark, I have such a specific vision of what their settlement turns into. It wouldn't be anywhere near as grand as I'm picturing after only 6 months into the epilogue, so in those early days, Étoile would just go for a walk, pace the border and their boundaries and find a high point in an outpost to look out over their community.
With magic, Menzoberranzan and the Sword Coast easing the way, House Ienith is technically a functioning town two years post-canon and is maybe a third of the way to being finished to a level of construction that makes it a desirable place to live. But by this time there is a working library with a window overlooking a town square where Étoile can unwind and spy on the vampiric wizards and scholars in their studies. And, more importantly, a river has been diverted to have a channel flow beneath the town and then curved back into the river as a source of renewable water. It's neither fresh nor clean without magical intervention, but with a few runes it feeds wells, kitchens, laundromats and bath houses, the latter of which is the alternative somewhere for Étoile could go for peace of mind.
I picture a private, fully stone room, candles unlit, three days below ground (Advanced Darkness), with a recessed pool of water that grows deeper the further you walk into it. Grotesques and murals carved into the walls. Whether the water is warm (hot) or cold, I think Étoile and their dark vision would enjoy the tranquility.
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asterjennifer · 7 months
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❗ Slight domestic violence scene
“Shit, shit shit shit shit…!”
She cursed under her breath when crossing over the familiar rooftop made out of what resembled pure marble. Her tiptoing sounds unnoticeable even to herself. She'd been lying if saying this new way of sneaking around didn't appealed to her the most when it came to this entire sinner form she'd taken after her downfall.
Jumping from one smug brick to another, landing gracefully onto the railing, onto one of the million endless balcony's of the castle. She's not fond climbing over its walls as she kept fearing that one day — someone would catch her right handed and then do whatever is worse imaginable inside her head. She might be an immortal being in hell now, but not immune to any pain.
That's what sinners had to deal with, the enteral punishment of experiencing pain repeatedly. And no way to stop it. Neither due to getting used to it, nor by the choice to kill yourself. No sinner could actually kill themselves unless they owned angelic weapons. And that chance was lower than the chance of the Happy Hotel succeed. Okay, maybe not that low. But still low.
She sneaked around a pipe attached to the edge of the second tower, lifting her head into the red sky. Day or night, lunch or dinner time, it didn't matter considering the red stayed the same shade throughout the year. Were there any signs for seasons at all? If so, she'd not seen them yet. At least familiar looking stars shone at random spots around the white planet that must've been heaven. Or at least she assumed so.
Shaking her head free, she jumped to the other pipe. It's not her intention to run late as it's not her style pushing the schedule around. However; how could she have said no when they practically begged her to help with the spontaneous side job they involved themselves in rather involuntarily. It's not really their fault and therefore she found no strength to brush their pleading off.
But now she risked the tragedy of getting spotted since she usually was long gone by this time of the night. Not in any sight, invisible to the world of royals that lived inside this castle. Despite only having seen a few faces before — she didn't want to test her luck either. It's better she stayed unaware of the actual number of residents inside the big place she used as shortcut.
Her bare paws landed silently on the floor of the balcony, another one she crossed every single time she's required to get to the other side of Pentagram City. Which was, if nothing messed up, every single work day. It was part of her everyday life after all. She sighed out after realizing it's still empty inside. What a lucky bitch, she thought to herself bewildered and in pity.
It's always a risk using this pathway. At least then she knew what hour was the best in order to avoid the rare chance of an encounter. That's something she inspected before even trying to use the castle as her own personal bridge, it's just so much easier and quicker walking and climbing this insanely big building than running around it. Making her ignore anxiety entirely.
“You're a fucking disgrace!!”
She yelled into his face with her shrill tone of voice. Filled to the brim with anger that caused his stomach to twist until it threatened to throw up the remaining content right in front of her feet. His pulse overpowered the shattering reality of these pathetic, whiny nosies coming out his beak.
“You have one job, Ray. One! And you can't even do this right, can you!?” She ignored his sad sounds.
He felt both legs shake. “I… I'm really sorry, Rika—”
Her hand shot into the air, shutting him up the same millisecond. He swallowed the bitter taste of both fear mixed with guilt once her brows twisted furious.
“Dare you call me by name at this moment. You're not allowed to.”
Her glaring green eyes drilled through his every single thought — making it impossible to think about his next words. How to present the apology burning on his tongue.
Her tone sharpened drastically. “I don't want to fucking hear it… Seriously. You're a Goetia Prince, for Satan's sake!”
These words left with such desperation, as if she waited for someone to come in and explain this circus of a display to her. All Ray could do was pressing his hands into each other for a little grounding and let her continue scream until it echoed against the walls, coming back into his ears a second time afterwards. Like a second punishment.
“All you had to do was present the next centurie's climate change on earth! How hard can it be when it's your purpose!?”
She raised both arms into the air, looking up while her white bird face started to turn red from the madness he caused her. That's what he always did, he was painfully aware.
“Yet you didn't even finish the research… Am I and everyone who has to deal with your lazy ass a joke to you!?” Her eyes shaded a dark, crazy green.
“No!” He yelped back helplessly.
Hands pressed into fists out of pure desperation to fix his mistakes, his blue glowing eyes met her green ones, thus she narrowed them.
“I- I'm sorry I didn't finfish yet— the earth is a very wild climatic place! It's hard to b-be consistent in the results if one tiny bit can change everything! It—”
The blabbering died by the sound of her flat hand hitting his cheek with all her might. He felt the electric pain shooting through his nerves, almost knocking him to the ground by how she liked using all her strength when putting him into his rightful place.
“I so not care about your excuses, Ray…” She mumbled threatening low.
He rubbed his cheek to ease some of the pain. Yet the tears strung in his eyes regardless. Not brave enough to meet hers again.
“You embarrass me, the entire Goetia family!...” Her hand wiggled as she must've caused herself some pain by the impact as well. “Have some class and skill for once in your otherwise useless existence… For all our sakes. You're a fucking headache like this.”
He lowered his head as deep as he could — letting her spit the words with the venom of hatred he made her feel towards him since what felt like forever. Without waiting for a response from him, she turned on her heels to leave the room. Her golden locks curled around her arm gently in contrast to her radical movement of tearing the door open. He couldn't even hear it over the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.
“Oh, and Ray.” Air thicker than butter.
She looked over her shoulder, much calmer in her appearance now. Both of them knew better, though.
“Do my decision of taking care of you dirty one more time and you can rot away all alone in this castle forever. I don't care.”
“Yes, Ri— My Savior.” He quickly corrected his mistake.
Although he's praying internally she didn't notice, she either did not or she simply didn't care — she just left the room with a bang. Ray's body flinched hard from head to toe at the deafening sound of her going out of the castle. Letting him stand in silence and guilt to think about the mistake he'd done.
Somehow nothing he ever did seemed to be right, good enough or just worth acknowledging with more than a mere nod. A sigh left his beak, coming out from the deepest place of his stomach which still spun uncomfortably fast. His face shifted into a disgusted grimace, forcing him to close his eyes.
Why can't I be better? Not look like a disgrace to the rest of his peers who were more than talented and royal blue than he ever felt. It's unfair, he thought sad. It's unfair that no matter how hard he tried being better, being a Goetia Prince, it was never good enough to anyone. Was he doomed to live in this misery of being a failure forever?
The tears that had been on the edge finally found their premission to run down his cheeks. It made him feel only worse about himself, though. He wasn't supposed to cry. Or be this weak in general. It was disgraceful. With that he took his steps towards the balcony, perhaps some fresh air would help him relax both his racing pulse and the uneasy carousel inside his belly.
On his way, he wiped the tears as well. Although nobody should be able to see him from that height — it was better not risking someone being able to catch him in this state and take a photo for social media. Then she'd make her threat come true, leaving him forever lonely to rot away inside these walls made for influential royals.
She froze in her place when the doors to the balcony opened without a warning. The sound of marbel hit the glas once they were out of the way — there was the face she'd been avoiding the most, right after the blond bird woman. Her heart stopped working and came to a standstill.
Any plan of escape, the ideas she played through endlessly for her safety now vanished altogether. Leaving her defenseless to the loud gasp of the Prince. Who's eyes widened in pure shock when his hands shot up to his chest the same second. Shit, she thought panicked. I'm so busted...!!!
Ray couldn't move for a good while. Somehow his muscles didn't listen to any order after finding an unexpected visitor on his private balcony.
Her purple hair moved slightly with the warm wind of hell. Big, round yellow eyes stared directly into his, as if they tried to reflect his own. She was smaller than him, but to be fair, most people were. A sinner... he noticed immidiately because of her form. She's no native to hell. This cat-like appearance must've been a result of either her sins on earth or the silent story of how she died.
He ears dropped down onto her head, hiding away almost. The panic ate away at her nerves, wondering what punishment a Prince of the Goetias would come up with. After all, not only was she rudely invadig his private place, but she also sneaked around like she's about to actually break in. It made the sweat run down her back.
Then, by the most rooted reflex, she felt her legs shake heavily. "I don't mean any harm!!" She yelled out.
"I- I swear I only pass over your castle t-to reach my town faster-! It- It's not what it looks like-"
However, the Prince didn't take in her justfications, nor the whimmering tone of voice under her words. He kept staring at her. For some reason he wasn't feeling anything. He neither felt anger, nor fear. No worry, offense or confusion. All he could do was look at her roundly shaped face and eyes.
The darkness of earlier suddenly left his shoulders. She was pretty, her straight hair fading into a colder purple down along her strains, her clothes reminded him a bit of that gothic style some people wore throughout their daily lives. The fact she wore no shoes was a good way to realize just how small her figure truly was. These soft looking feet were maybe as big as the palm of his hand.
It's obvious that she couldn't be older than him. Time moved foward differently in hell, yes, but there's this qurik to her that revealed she must've come here not too long ago. The Prince blinked out of his trance — hearing her still ramble while being pressed against the railing.
She's scared, he finally made the conclusion for himself. Her pupils were only a point wide and continued shaking with tremor of pure fear. And while he's having every right to be filled with wrath, his intuiton made him decide to not be bitter towards her. He's able to see she didn't mean to come rob or harm him.
Her fearfull attitude, this slim albeit elegant body of hers, it all screamed innocence. And while it should never be taken for granted — he's aware it was the truth. A foreign wamth spread inside his chest.
"No, stop." He said calmly, lifting his hand.
The way her mouth snapped shut wasn't what he intended, so he shook his head. "I mean... tell me the reasoning."
The air around them burned for her. She had no idea how it felt on his feathers. The soft tone caused mistrust to bubble up. Why was he behaving like she didn't just land on his balcony as a stranger?
Knowing there's no choice, she swallowed the lump blocking her throat. "I... use the castle as a shortcut to reach my city faster, My Prince."
Although they quavered at the edges, the Prince's cheeks heat up until they turned a deep pinkish color due to her words.
The title definitely was nothing new. Despite the most stuff calling him Mr. Ray on his demand, being called a Prince shouldn't have made his heart jump as high as it did. No, he thought half conciously. It's not about being adressed as Prince. She said "My Prince."
What was going on with him? He never felt this way before, clueless he wondered what spell she probably used to tame him for her benefit. For now, however, he didn't mind all that much and instead nodded thoughtfully because of her simple answer. It seemed logical — she's a cat demon. Sneaking around places had been a new gift amongst the torture of this enternal life.
He scanned the floor for a second. Then he raised his eyes again. "You swear upon your wounds its the truth?"
No room to interpert this oath, considering it sounded oddly specific, she breathed through silently. "Yes, My Prince." She swore.
The Goetia noticed the breeze of the night came flowing easier now. Without awareness, a smile creeped under his beak. And while she's no expert on bird demons — she realized that it was a smile indeed. Confusing her further, feeding this doubt that cricled around her head.
"What's your name?" He couldn't help the question.
The stranger blinked once, then a second time. "....(N), My Prince." The fright too present for his and her taste.
(N).. he replayed her name in his mind with his own voice. (N) sounds beautiful. That's the first thing he came up with. Her name was just like her apperance. It was beautiful. His smile widened an inch.
"How long have you been using my castle as your shortcut?"
"Since... two months, My Prince."
"When did you die?"
"Five months ago, My Prince..."
"(N), certainly you're aware of what you're doing."
No answer to reciprocate. Of course she knew, it's not like she was stupid enough to sneak over places she didn't at least did surface research on. All she's able to offer was a reluctant nod. The Prince sighed conflicted.
On one hand it's his duty to punish intruders, regardless their intentions. On the other though, he couldn't deny this shot of excitement once they first made eye contact. This Sinner reminded him of a pet. Of a cute, little kitten that's just seeking shelter when breaking into the back of a house. It didn't mean to cause trouble. It was looking for a comfortable place to rest in.
Exactly that's what she looked like to him. It's not the truth, it couldn't be and neither of them would have the power to convince him otherwise. But maybe, just maybe, he found a new opportunity. Something better than this msierable, lonely life he was forced to live. She looked like she needed shelter — he could give her shelter.
His shoulders relaxed. "Come, (N)." He meant it as an invintation, but sounded more of an order by accident.
The girl's ears shot back into the air. Wiggling her tail unconsciously fast by the insane situation. She knew she couldn't make it if she tried to run away. He'd catch her before she managed to jump off the balcony.
That's it, she shivered defeated. Stomach spinning and making her sick to the bones. He's going to do the worse to me for touching his castle...
Plagued by intense fear, her legs managed to move along his enormous steps regardless. She hugged herself, feeling the goosebumbs even underneath the layers of fur. Praying to whatever's there that it would only result in instant death, that's the best outcome she could imagine. What else would be better?
He closed the doors behind her after they entered the living room. Mint eyes fixated on the handle — a new wave of excitement overcame his system.
His heart pulsed hard in his neck, hands and feet. This was totally forbbiden. He never ever could invite a lower class demon into his private walls. If Rika knew... The mere thought of her finding out ran down in an ice cold shower. With all these warnings, this ungodly risk he took, it was still so thrilling. This had to happen and he told himself it was nothing other than fate.
She's a lost kitten that needed shelter. And he could provide her the best shelter in all of hell. Ray shook himself from the words and turned his head around. She stood in the middle of the room. Taking all attention, as if pulling it onto only her. Her arms were wrapped around her chest, it made him a bit sad he couldn't see her chest now. Yet her face — it was everything.
"(N)," He made her flinch by accident. "Tell me about yourself."
The second the order left his beak, he's bewildered by himself for asking such a trivial thing. Again, he couldnt't win against these intrusive thoughts. She was like a flower than an actual cat when thinking about it. He would scrap through the dirt until she had space to bloom. He's certain she would be gorgeous after she presented him her petals. All he had to do was digging into the depths of the dirt. She would come out.
She licked over her lips in a nervous manner. "I... W-What would you like to know, My Prince..?"
"Whatever there is to learn, Flower. Whatever it is. I want to know."
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pearlescentpearl · 1 year
Behind the scenes for reborn! Maedros bulletpoint fic?
This is a rather unspecified question here, not sure what you want to know, so I guess I'll just ramble about some things that didn't make the cut for the fic?
One thing I didn't really get to explore in the bullet point fic is Mísrilya/Maitimo's relationship with objectification.
The thing is, canonically, elves and Ainur alike have strongly developed senses of aesthetic appreciation/attraction. Getting lost in the wilderness bc the view is SO pretty is something they do. Wanting to hang out with certain people bc they are SO pretty is something they do. The denial of beauty is treated like an insult/punishment. A significant part of the reason the Valar invite the elves to Valinor is bc they find them SO beautiful they want to keep them around, and I can't imagine this didn't have an effect on Calaquendi culture.
So there's already this... aesthetic appreciation motivation at the forefront of the Valinorian Ainur's approach to relations with elves. It's not quite objectification. But it's not not objectification either.
And Melkor and the Ainur cleaved to him are not immune to this either! They also love beautiful things! Even if that love is the toxic kind that revels in possession, objectification, and despoiling.
So what does this mean for Mísrilya/Maitimo who is a very pretty elf? A mixed bag, mostly.
People want to be his friend, and have his attention, and linger in his vicinity just to look at him, and these are all socially acceptable things in Quendi culture. He's an idol, but he's not really a person to half the people around him, he's just Very Pretty so people like looking at him. He's half an object, in the way popular celebrities are half object to a good number of their fans. So Mísrilya grows up accustomed to a certain level of casual scrutiny whenever he's in public. He's incredibly conscious of himself, and his self image at all times, but at the same time, his looks are an unfortunately significant cornerstone of things like his ego, his confidence, and his sense of self-worth. People like him so much because he's pretty. What is he worth to people without that?
And that's just when Mísrilya is Some Guy at Cuiviénen. When he gets taken to Utumno the objectification becomes literal. He is now a pretty object for people to look at, and play with. There's no more privacy. There's no more respect for his feelings. He is a bauble on a shelf and he is expected to behave as such even when people are systematically destroying him for their own amusement. He is a barbie doll to them. As you can imagine, this severely damages his sense of self, his sense of self-possession, and his sense of boundaries. Not even his name is safe.
And when he's no longer pretty enough to save his life, he gets tortured to death
Enter; his new life as Maitimo, and the cycle has started all over again with being Excessively Pretty. The same cracks get built into his psyche, except now it's Worse. It's part of his very name. He lives in privileged place predicated on being available for aesthetic appreciation by powerful beings. Plus, he's royalty now so there is never any escape from the scrutiny. But Maitimo does something Mísrilya never did, and that's weaponize his objectification.
And in my head, that's due to all the time Mísrilya has spent in Mandos grappling with the way people treated him for being pretty, both the good and the bad. As Maitimo, he seeks to exert control over it. You see that in how Maitimo takes a lot of modeling jobs for artists and college classes in order to network socially. Maitimo quite literally uses his face to get in doors and influence the right people to move the way he wants. He's in control of his own affect now.
He even, at his most desperate, uses this maneuver on Melkor to keep his attention off other people, even as Melkor reminds him of the trauma objectification has caused him by saying such things along the lines of '[being pretty/looked at is] all you're good for'. By the time Mahtan visits Maitimo in Lórien you see this toxic view has sunk claws in Maitimo when he makes comments about being useless, and needing to be good for something.
So yeah, I didn't really get to explore the objectification aspect of Mísrilya/Maitimo's character in this au to its fullest, but do know it is there from start to finish.
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dominijoyce · 2 years
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"Are you crying? Is everything alright?"
"Yes, I just- I have always dreamed of this opportunity and lost hope in it and yet- And yet, here you are."
Idea inspired by @starplatinumgold in which Fugo is a gorgon who went all of his life scared of hurting others and Giorno is a living stone statue and therefore immune to his deadly sight giving his lover the opportunity to be this close to someone without worry of doing them harm.
Also if you are interested, I included some of my ideas of other Vento Aureo characters in this Monster AU under the cut- Maybe someone might get inspired to produce something out of that, just how I did, heh.
Okay *cracks knuckles*
Vento Aureo Monster High AU (cause that's what happens when two completely different hyperfixations meet)
First things first, this AU doesn't take place in the high school itself, cause I don't wanna mess with character ages and etc. This AU (at least my version of it) doesn't involve mafia either, because I just imagine it as a simple Vento Aureo Simple Slice of Life shenanigans, but with monster twist (they deserve to not suffer at least once, heh)
The main idea for Fugo other than a gorgon is that he is specifically the child of Sthenno (was thinking of Euryale first, cause there is no canon child of her yet, but I think Sthenno fits him better)
The original poster that inspired this idea compared Giorno to a gargoyle but I don't think that fits him so he is a living statue, cause Araki based his design off of one. While they aren't connected in this AU, I also sorta got the inspiration from the myth of Galatea and Pygmalion which makes both Giorno and Fugo related to ancient myths ^-^ (also my friend pointed out that it also fits, because vampires are connected to Pillar Men - wasn't intentional, but also fun)
As for the rest of the main squad-
Bruno is a werewolf, but not because of the reasons that people might compare him to one (wolflike behaviors, leadership skills, sort of caretaking nature etc.), I mean those too, but I made him into one, because of a reason that only real true OG Monster High fans are able to connect :p
Leone is a banshee, because death follows him everywhere, heh. In all seriousness I just think it fits him and his aesthetic and also I have seen multiple reinterpretations of him as a ghost and I wanted to be sort of "original" (banshees *are* ghosts in MH, I know, but they are like weird and not full type of ghosts so *shrug*)
Narancia is a steam robot, who is a "failed prototype" of his creator, that was thrown away. He malfunctions quite often or even completely shuts off due to various issues with his design, quite often forced to replace his parts with any new ones he manages to find (can't exactly afford to buy new ones yet or do a full repair). Also he has a jetpack, a radar similar to his Stand and his shoes can switch to roller-skates.
Mista is a black werecat, because I honestly have no idea what else could fit him tbh. His main gimmick is luck and unluck, where he is superstitious about every little thing (not only fours) that could bring unluck - sometimes including himself, even when others reassure him there's no way he brings anyone bad luck with just existing. He is still paranoic though.
Lastly, Trish is a hybrid monster, because I fell in love with this concept back when it was introduced and I firmly believe we need more of that. She is a sea monster and boogeyman hybrid. Sea monster cause she grew up on the coast and boogeyman cause Diavolo ofc, but also I think it is funny cause in canon MH boogeymen hate being the center of attention and use shadows or shapeshifting to always be out of spotlight, while I imagine Trish would be the opposite of that and always strive to be the brightest star in a room. Sea monster also fits, because some of those underwater weirdos (like octopi among others) can manipulate their shape to such a high degree and fit into such narrow spaces and that kinda reminds me of her Stand.
If you read all of this, thanks for being interested in my random rambles and ideas and hope you like them. Maybe I will come up with more (was considering Part 6 Protagonists as Monsters, but not many ideas yet), but for now have these funky creatures!
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Man those people on your ‘why are you straight edge’ poll are really showing their disdain for people who engage with any sort of drug… if I may add, I voted for having a medical restriction (my liver is failing thank youuuu immune system) AND I also take prescription opiate medication to help with pain. Every time I take my painkillers on days where I’m not working so that I can enjoy my hobbies I have complicated feelings about it because anti opiate rhetoric is just EVERYWHERE and it’s like… I just want to have a nice day. Getting over the ‘oh but it can be ADDICTIVE’ stigma is so important and it’s really not different just because I have a prescription. People who are so nasty about drug use for recreation are so stressful to me.
Ikr it's like people have such disdain for addicts, and drug users in general. I get upset about this because while I personally am a very casual user and I spend most of the time sober and am self assured so I can walk people being dicks about it off, but I know addicts and their lives are hard enough without all the stigma piled on top of it. I just wish everyone could be addiction neutral and pro harm reduction but they're so moralistic about it. I wasnt the politest I could have been about people not drinking and having sex because I was trying to keep it light and I know people take things like this really serious and it kinda backfired.
But like I totally know what you mean about the opioid thing. I really think that our society could benefit from being a little more addiction neutral, because yeah sometimes substance dependency does ruin your life, but I'm neurodivergent and I've met people where I think that doing life with drugs is better for them. Like you raise a great point about opioids. They're dangerous and addictive but if you're in pain because of a disability you need pain management. It's not really an option if you want to lead a normal life. There's a lot of heroin addicts who got that way because they needed pain management and their doctors refused them on the basis that they might become addicted, but taking a daily pill to improve your life, while it may be illegal depending on the substance, isn't bad. I bring up my own neurodivergence because I've heard of the same thing with ADHD and stimulants. Most people who have an ADHD diagnosis can get an Adderall prescription, but undiagnosed people and people falling through insurance cracks will sometimes turn to the street version. And it's like those people, both the ones with a script and the ones who are self medicating, should not be forced to live a substandard life because of someone else imagines there's some purity to a life without drugs. The goal should be to get those people the drugs they need in the safest way possible.
And I come down really easy, to the point where I forget to take prescription meds and don't experience any ill effects, but I have a friend who experiences a come down from their adhd meds thats not unlike the comedown ive seen from my other friend who's a meth user, and this friend with the ADHD meds can't function without them. But when the doctor and the pharmacist get them their meds on time they live a perfectly happy fulfilling life. That's what I mean when I say I'm addiction neutral. Most people who get addicted didn't just pick up heroin or whatever one day for shits and giggles. When I fuck around with "highly addictive" substances I make sure I'm in a good place and it's not a problem to drop them. People who develop problems are usually either they're escaping from something or self medicating. The goal for society can't be to never do drugs we've had drugs literally for longer than we've been humans.
I've heard second hand of a study which I haven't gone looking for, I might, because as you can tell this is a bit of a soap box for me, where they gave Heroin addicts a prescribed dose of heroin like you would pick up Percocet for chronic pain at a pharmacy, and because those addicts weren't shooting up mystery amounts and worrying where they were going to get their next hit from so they didn't start rattling and all the other things that make addicts lives hell, they were able to start doing things like holding down jobs. That study should have been a game changer. I want addicts to be able to live, and selfishly I want to be able to go to the drug store when I'm bored and say "one mdma high no fentanyl please" and leave with something to spice up the afternoon. That's like, not a moral failing on my part even though I'm not self medicating I'm just having fun.
The way the war on drugs has ruined drugs, which like, genuinely drugs are sort of magical when you think about it. Not just the fun ones either. Like when I was a baby I had a really bad bladder infection that absolutely would have killed me if I had had that same situation just like 100 years ago, but my mom was able to force a pill down my throat and it went away. Since then I've probably had at least a dozen little things like that that would have killed me dead if someone hadn't invented a chemical that could interact with my body and make it genuinely not a problem. and the fact that we have that for things like chronic pain and we're too afraid to use it because of stigma is so insane. Like god forbid people get high.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER with a Human ! S/O who has psoriasis
Characters included : Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Ao'nung, Tsireya
Pronouns used : They / Them
Note(s) : Psoriasis is a non contagious skin condition caused by stress, hormonal changes and immune disorders. It can also be caused by genetics as it runs in family. You get flaky patches on the skin that are painful and dry.
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He's worried for your health, it was bad enough you were human but now he refuses to take you anywhere remotely dangerous. He worries if they look too red or flaky, bringing you to Mo'at with no questions or confirmation on if its actually sore or not. Sometimes it can get annoying, and to be honest it's not the best way to react, but Neteyam's doing it because he knows how stubborn people can be and doesn't want you dimishing your pain, regardless on if you've ever done it or not.
Has a schedule for you and your ointments, he won't let you skip one or two even if they're looking really good one day, Netyam is very strict when it comes to your health. If they get bad again because you've been a bit careless while he's been away you're in for a lecture.
If the areas where it's bad ever split he's literally doing everything for you no exceptions, and while he doesn't want to come off as overbearing, Neteyam knows how incredibly dangerous infections are, he can't risk further injuries coming from the scabs.
Whenever it's all flaky and crusty he admits he cringes a bit, but still doesn't mind bringing you to a lake or getting something to wipe the excess off. He's very gentle and slow, trying his best to prevent making it worse.
When you get to the Metkayina any bullying or harrasment is met with aggression, he won't go out of his way to fight, and even tries to deescalate the situation if it goes too far, but he will defend you.
He has a bit more trouble bringing you to Ronal, and ends up very stiff and awkward during the interactions of your health, less so if you talk to her directly. Because of this, Neteyam usually gets Kiri to help him gather herbs he can use to help you, and because some Na'vi are judgemental of humans and it'd be easier to avoid stares or confrontation going to Ronal.
If you itch, bite, pick, whichever, he tries to help by placing something with a layer of cream or some kind of ointment over the parts that you tend to aggravate, it's his way of being not only affectionate, but helpful in preventing an infection. Neteyam isn't judgemental as I imagine most of his younger siblings done it from time to time, he probably done it as well at some point.
Given that when it splits water and just touching in general is incredibly painful, he tends to convince you with how bad it could get in the future, reminding you what could happen if you don't try to prevent it. When rubbing them onto your skin he reminds you that you can ask him to stop at any time if he notices you flinching or closing your eyes in pain.
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He's mainly concerned, not overbearing, it's mainly small anxieties and asking questions that can be a little too invasive. They can get annoying sometimes even if he means well.
Wonders if because his family share DNA with humans that he could catch it, until you shut him down with the 'It isn't contagious.' which then gets him embarrassed on the fact he assumed in the first place. Ask him about it a while after, his face and even up to his ears and shoulders will go purple with a blush.
If you get made fun of, either by Na'vi or other humans, he'll defend you, as sad as the attempt is to watch, and relate to your experiences as he feels he can never truly fit with either. Even if the experiences you two have are wildly different in the simplest of terms.
Picking it usually ends in him being a little disgusted at the puss and blood that comes from it, but he wipes it away and washes the bacteria nonetheless, offering you comfort for the painful splitting. He can come off like he's disgusted at you, which he genuinely isn't, it's moreso the fact its gotten so bad and you could have an infection that ends in excruciating pain. He doesn't want you to go through that.
Lo'ak tries preventing picking and biting by telling you stories of how he nearly had to remove an arm one time because he scratched at an injury, this usually leads to you feeling anxiety or annoyed, maybe you're comforted by this and try to stop, either way he's trying to warn you of the dangers it can cause.
He takes a longer time than the rest to bring you to healers, unless you don't need convincing and go yourself, this isn't for a lack of caring, he just feels like making you go too often could make you feel babied.
Tends to ignore advice by healers, nothing major, but he brings you on exploration and hunts even after Mo'at or Ronal directly tell him not to.
He brings you to Mo'at very awkwardly, she tends to assume it's him in need of help for doing something dangerous, but whenever it's you she's sighing and asking why you didn't come sooner. Scolding him as he looks down and huffs.
Lo'ak makes sure to tell you he sees you for you, and he doesn't care that you have Psoriasis, it's apart of you, both figuratively and literally. He couldn't imagine you without it and doesn't make you feel bad for having it.
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Kiri feels really bad for you if you get bullied for it, she tries to relate to you given she gets made fun of for her being a 'freak', although her attempts come off slightly pushy, it comes from a place of love and wanting to understand you.
Her strong connection with Eywa allows her to help you, she's able to find the materials needed in order to soothe your pain without fully understanding where everything is.
She's been training to be a healer for as long as she could think, and is more capable than most in this list beside Tsireya, so she knows what to do on the physical spectrum of helping you. Emotionally, she's also really good! When you're feeling really down Kiri asks you questions, and if you prefer to listen, she's also amazing at speaking about things she's interested in.
When you pick and bite she tries telling you it won't help at all, explaining the dangers in detail, this can either distract you from it or convince you to try and be more aware of your actions, although you obviously won't always be able to stop if you don't realise. But if you react negatively for whatever reason she tries to be near you more often, gently removing your hands from the parts that you're going to pick or bite almost on instinct.
She will bring you to Mo'at or Ronal when she doesn't know how to help, listening intently so she doesn't have to. It's not that she hates the outside or anything, but in the Metkayinas she prefers to stay away from others from fear of bullying, both for you and her.
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Ao'nung made fun of you because of your 'strange skin', along with the Sully's for being 'demons'. After the whole Lo'ak incident he stops being extreme about his remarks but will still tease and mention it sometimes. However, if you genuinely have a problem with it and ask one of the Sully's, given the only way you'd be allowed with the Metkyina's is with the Sully's, to have him stop then he probably will.
I imagine he'd probably believe humans just looked like that, I don't think he's ever actually been 1 on 1 with a human before or up close. That's probably until he meets Spider, and you have to explain what Psoriasis is.
If it gets really painful he has no idea what to do, he then proceeds to be the embodiment of crying for his mother when he has an issue. He sounds fairly unbothered and even annoyed at you, but Ronal knows how he is, and she is side eyeing you both.
Will stand there and constantly ask questions while Ronal checks you over, she kicks him out after a while and remarks how childish he's being.
Given they usually only get painful if dry, though sometimes they're just annoying, Ronal suggested swimming more often, and so you joined in on the lessons the Sully's got. The lessons would most likely be longer with you because you tend to slow them down, at least you don't need to worry about breathing with the oxygen mask.
He'll try bringing you hunting every once and a while, mainly to help exercise you and help you be more useful so you can be more healthy. If you struggle and can't exercise more often, Ao'nung doesn't know what to do that could assist you beside help with ointments.
If you pick and scratch he gets kinda angry, it doesn't mean he'll yell or harm you, he just doesn't want you to be in pain. Ao'nung will hold your hands or cover the parts you can reach when he's around, but when he's gone it's easy to fall back into that habit. After a while of scolding you and telling you to stop doesn't work, he begs Tsireya for help.
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She constantly asks her mother for help whenever it gets too painful or dry, Ronal tells her she can't help besides ointments on the skin regularly and Tsireya is dissapointed every time, wanting to help ease your pain.
Even though Ronal disapproves of you, being fearful of a betrayal given human nature, she will still be willing to help for her daughters sake and to remain in good spirits with the Sully family.
Tsireya tries ways to improve your mental health once you explain that things like stress can cause it, she takes you swimming in shallow water to try relax you and clean out any dirt that could be in the patches. She's gentle when guiding you and never presses hard against areas where it appears for you, sometimes she forgets how tall she is though and leads you too deep.
She's never judged or been rude to you, and when her brother or other people are she isn't kind with them. Heck, when she had first met you she had simply believed all humans had it.
Tsireya was really accepting when you told her what it was, she even held your hand and gently brushed a hand over some sore parts to prove she wasn't disgusted. Sometimes kissing them when it wasn't all crusty and all split.
Whenever or if ever you feel insecure, Tsireya to the rescue! She will separate the lessons with the Sully's and with you if you feel ashamed, only when you feel better about yourself will she bring you back. Building confidence is key and forcing you to the deep end, literally, will only shatter your self image.
Constantly reminds you to put the ointments over your skin and frets over you, loving to show you how much she adores you and doesn't mind your skin condition at all. Applying them herself if you forget.
She is still Ronal's daughter, and will be strict when it comes to medical issues, especially when they split given how painful it is and how it can become infected easier.
Again on the splitting or if you pick, she's hesitant to bring you back into the water, it hurts when wounds go into water and she's nervous you'll be in more pain. However, she does understand it can clean wounds and it's either this or wait until its healed to swim. Which she's fine if you prefer the second one.
If you pick and scratch she's probably the best one to have, she asks Ronal to bring her bandages so she can wrap them up after washing the dirt out and put ointments on, she helps change them and makes sure the bandages are thick so you can't scratch through them. Tsireya won't repremand you too much or get angry, she understands it can't be helped sometimes and besides some light scolds she treats you gently.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Sharing my brainrot because I do that often
What if the younger Vanrouge felt isolated from their brother not just because of how busy he is but the fact they were literally isolated from each other.
The Little one has had a very weak immune system and it wasn't uncommon for them to go outside for a few hours and end up catching the fae equivalent to a cold and then that cold becomes something worse shortly after. There was already a sizable age gap between Lilia and (Name) however since (Name) was already coddled and surrounded by doctors and had to be watched lest something happens and they become sick, having to take medicine twice a day, made it so much worse. Lilia in his prime was very active and trained regularly, spending most of his time outside fighting as opposed to his younger sibling who was forced to stay inside and do nothing that couldn't do anything except look on in envy as their brother lived a life.
As (Name) aged, they got better, going outside didn't mean that they would get sick and they no longer needed to be monitored. It was a slow adjustment, as those who cared for them feared that this improvement was only temporary and they would get worse later, though as long as (Name) took their medicine on time and rested well enough along with mandatory checkups they would be able to live a "normal" life, And so the shackles on their life were released.
(Name) was ecstatic, being able to live the life they wanted to. However, they struggled. They didn't really have friends, it's not that they weren't taught manners or (Name) was overly awkward or anything. They are very charismatic and quick to charm people, and it's not like it was an issue of intelligence either. (Name) was very smart, which was always expected, after all when you can't do anything that is mildly dangerous and books are right there it's expected that you'd pick up a book. It wasn't uncommon to find (Name) in the Mansions library all cozy in the corner reading a book with those who were to take care of her sitting close by reading or doing work.
The reason why they struggled to find friends was because as a child whenever they would get invited anywhere, they couldn't go. (Name)'s caretakers would say that they would get sick if they went or if they convinced the caretakers then they would get sick before they had to go. It was incredibly disheartening for both the host and (Name) and eventually, people just stopped inviting them.
They went to a few public events where you just needed to be a noble to attend and they heard whispers about their relationship with their brother or lack thereof which wasn't a very pleasant experience and they decided to at least try to reconnect with their older brother, which was easier said than done. Simply because their schedules don't align and it was very hard to get ahold of him for a few minutes which was... odd since they live in the same house. They won't lie, they read books where siblings are very close or when they're outside just going on a walk, and seeing siblings just hanging out and they can't stop the feelings of envy that bubbles in their chest.
A few years passed and (Name) has given up, nothing works and it feels like Lilia is avoiding them (which he isn't he's just busy) and so they return to having little to no relationship while he does fuckall somewhere else (in their words). Then the Princess gives birth to the first prince, and then Lilia retires and is given the role of caretaker.... what? the??? fuck??????? mixed emotions all around, joyous occasion a prince was born! but why their brother???? he wasn't exactly known for being gentle.
What makes it worse is that the nobles are talking about it and for some reason really liking to compare both of them to each other and it's really getting on (name)s nerves.
now imagine after a while of debating with themself they decide they need a long time for themself and so they sort of disappear like they have a list of places they always wanted to visit yet never got the chance and just said fuck it and left. They write home often about where they plan to go next and about their condition. They return every few months for the check-up and always refill their medicine but the letters are always very formal with where they plan to visit next and how their condition is. The only real time they return is if they need to attend a social event and they gather what they missed before leaving again.
The first time that they met Little Draconia was during a ball, they are currently making random passive-aggressive conversation with a random noble lady they get bored and step out to take a walk in the garden only to hear muffled sniffles which alarm them, they inch closer to the sounds only to spot a small child with horns. Immediately they recognize them as royalty but the prince was inside? oh, that's right another child was born a few years back uhh comfort the child.
Little Vanrouge comforts the child and they start to talk, Little Draconia seems guarded but is comfortable enough to talk about what was troubling them. This was their first time at these events and they were ignored while their brother was given all of the attention Vanrouge understood, this was basically their debut and they were ignored, along with the sibling issues. They expressed this to the child which piqued the child's curiosity yet Little Vanrouge doesn't tell them more because they know the child knows their brother and children are often times blabbermouths. Nonetheless, they form a quick bond and they both gain a friend whom Little Vanrouge writes to.
Most of the letters are Little Draconia rambling on and asking for advice or their opinion which Little Vanrouge happily gives and often times Little Vanrouge will be the first person they notify whenever they plan on returning and Little Draconia updates them on whatever latest gossip they heard while doing literally anything.
Also, Imagine that Vanrouge(Name) didn't know about Silver. Like they came home for a bit only to find a human child, imagine little Silver and Little Vanrouge just standing there staring at each other for like close to an hour which they were interrupted by Lilia walking in. It was definitely a sight. Though Little Vanrouge was a little miffed at the fact that they weren't informed of the child's existence, they wanted to have a relationship with their nephew. 
(Silver and Little Vanrouge have a better relationship than one would think)
(No Little Vanrouge didn't ask where Silver came from, they just assumed adoption because there was no way a full fae had a child with a human and then that child was also fully human.)
eee more black sheep brainrot!!!
okokok i love the idea of just vanrouge!(name) feeling sort of out of place in lilia's life? like they never fit into it to begin with but now that they're better and can do things with their brother, they just aren't able to because his life doesn't allow that. and then just the angst of them leaving to travel the world because they've missed so much, only to keep coming back home to see that more people are managing to fit themselves into lilia's life.
like, doesn't that mean the lil bat didn't try hard enough? was it their fault they never had a relationship with him? because so many other people managed to do it so why couldn't they?
and then the lil bat meeting draconia!(name) and being able to confide in someone while also being a person that can be confided in? mnghm sign me up :DD
they begin to emulate their brothers' lives so perfectly that it's almost like it was fate in both bloodlines. and they finally have a sibling relationship that they've read so much about in fairytales and storybooks. it's no longer a dream for them, it's a reality. and it's one they're never going to let go of.
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Some changes I'd make to Bayonetta's story
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For so long, I was pretty disappointed by the story aspect of Bayonetta, and fans would essentially tell me that the game was more designed for gameplay rather than story content. As someone who plays for story (primarily), I didn't understand why we were given such a cool concept if it would be phoned in. This made me want to make some changes.
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Bayonetta 1. Explain more info on the culture of the witches/sages. I imagine that if they're gender-specific, then they typically procreate with humans (or maybe other supernatural creatures; that'd be cool) and the daughters of sages and sons of witches are left with their human parents. 2. Show more of Bayonetta's past, not just her friendship with Jeanne. 3. Make it so that Jeanne, Bayonetta, and Balder aren't the only witches and sage in the world; make the clans go into hiding following the war and having suffered many casualties, secretly plotting against each other. This will be important in B3. For most of this game though, Bayonetta is battling other sages, along with a few witches who want to control/recover the Eyes of the World. 4. Give us other creatures to contend with outside of angels and demons, ones that stay within the human realm. 5. Make Luka actually matter. I like him, but his whole "revenge for my father" thing doesn't really work because nothing he does will ever harm Bayonetta or Balder. Maybe make him a human immune to demon/angel attacks, or one of the other species I mentioned? Maybe the king of fairies like Lukaon?
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Bayonetta 2 1. Let Loki actually be a force to be reckoned with. While he can stand his own against some angels, he can't do anything against bosses, which is pretty underwhelming, given his power. Plus I'd probably nix the amnesia arc; it's Bayonetta 2.0. And maybe make him a bit less brash; Bayonetta is just as cheeky as him, but much more sophisticated. Make him a bit more charming to match his mischievous side. 2. Remove young Balder, but involve more witches/sages to discover/recruit/battle against. It'd be mostly witches if we go to Inferno, though Loptr has recruited/brainwashed sages. We can still get more flashbacks of Bayonetta's life, though! 3. Have most of the game take place in Inferno, resulting in the 80% witch/demon and 20% sage/angel battle and recruit ratio. 4. Have Bayonetta battle against Sheba following her journey into Inferno, either because the demon/witch alliance is fluctuating, or because some sages are on Bayonetta's side at this point. 5. Have something between Luka and Bayonetta form here, assuming they're still going to go the romantic route in B3. 6. Show Bayonetta and Jeanne in their daily lives. Having Jeanne as a high school teacher would be so cool, along with seeing if they have friends outside of their battle group.
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Bayonetta 3 1. Untether the multiverse story. It comes out of nowhere, with no buildup from the other games. Instead have Singularity incite another war between sages and witches, hoping to wipe them all out, noting that his ability to traverse other universes after destroying ours. He'd also be scoping out sons of witches and daughters of sages to reveal their true identity and manipulate their pain and hatred. I'm essentially nixing the sci-fi stuff; he's a supernatural being, not an artifical human. Maybe mention that he uses Purgatorio in order to traverse through different multiverses. The battle would be Bayonetta and allies against witches and sages in equal measure--though perhaps certain bosses include the sons of witches and daughters of sages who are hurt for being cast aside. 2. Give Viola a better design. Granted, everyone except Jeanne has a rather drab color scheme, but Viola's whole look is too busy! Personal preference. I also like the idea that Loki/Aesir is the one who brought her to present day. 3. Allow Bayonetta/Luka/Jeanne to take on different forms; even if they're not traversing the multiverse, I like the idea of them calling upon their alternate selves' powers to save their universe. 4. Make Viola Jeanne's daughter. I'm mainly saying this because of their hair similarity, but I like the idea that the next generation has to do with Jeanne rather than her Umbra sister. Her father is undisclosed. Kinda like the idea of Luka asking Bayonetta if Viola is hers and we get a callback to "raising children vs making a baby" from B1. 5. The story ends with the decimation of both clans--seemingly. In reality, the witches and sages now integrate themselves into society largely made up of the Umbran Warlocks and Lumen Sages (daughters), continuing to influence them, though the sage vs witch war has made them want to focus on rebuilding themselves rather than picking fights, sparking hope for unity (albeit separate unity, similar to before).
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Music Meister x Deaf GN Reader:
this idea has been in my brain for years omg. We got that Brave and Bold vibes.
TW: None
🎤 He was most likely pulling off his latest heist when he met you. His voice had managed to hypnotize everyone in the surrounding area... EXCEPT for you. You were simply looking around in confusion, holding your bag closer to you, as you watched everyone around you begin stealing valuable items. Then, you looked down to your dog, who then led you away from the area as quickly as possible.
🎤 Now, the Music Meister had never had that happen to him, before. Everyone he met would always fall under the spell his singing casted. What made you any different? Did you have earplugs in or something? Perhaps you were listening to music with ear buds in, which prevented it from working? His mind immediately goes to those two options due to the fact that, last time, Batman had managed to defeat him using a similar tactic.
🎤 He doesn't figure out until the next time he sees you what actually happened. He had, as expected, gotten caught before his plan could be completed. After escaping from captivity, he decided to lay low for a bit before going through with his next plan. By "laying low", he means "go to the nearest cafe while wearing the most extravagant clothing imaginable to try the new latte they are advertising".
🎤 You happened to be there, your dog laying beside your feet as you say at a booth and drank your drink. Your eyes immediately caught onto his outfit. It was so flashy that you couldn't help but stare at it. Especially since flashy outfits tend to mean "supervillain". Your service dog seemed equally as intrigued, standing up and laying their head on your lap.
🎤 Once he spotted you, he recognized you as the person who didn't react to his powers. You staring directly at him didn't help to hide yourself, either. So, he happily walked over and started to chat away, trying to ask you your name and such, while making extravagant gestures as he did so.
"Sir... can you please stay still while you talk. I need to read your lips. I can't hear you."
🎤 Oh... NOW everything makes sense! You weren't using earplugs or headphones or music... you just... you couldn't hear. Oh, this could be a problem, now that he thinks about it. If you can't be influenced by his spell in the first place, then you could be a liability. A rather cute liability, too. He didn't necessarily realize, at that point, that his powers didn't work on the hard of hearing and deaf. He assumed Batman needed special earplugs to stop, say, the sound vibrations, and that the physical vibrations caused the effects of his voice. If it is hearing the sound that actually causes it, then... You are basically immune.
🎤 He smiled, stilling himself as he talked. He even sat down in the seat across from you as he chats. He managed to get your name - which he finds to be very fitting for someone as lovely as yourself - and your dog's name. Coffee. You explained that you named them Coffee because you really like the cafe, so you named your dog after the first drink you got from it: a coffee.
🎤 The more he talked to you, the less he saw you as a potential liability, and the more he saw you as a very sweet person. Your voice is extremely beautiful, as well. Your way of navigating the world and viewing it is astonishing to him in a way that he feels he'll never be able to understand, but can wholeheartedly admire for that exact reason. Being a singer at heart, his world is reliant on sounds, rhythm, and the emotions those things provide. The closest you can describe is the vibrations they come with, mentioning how your friends played a boombox extremely loudly for you so you can place your hands in front of it and feel the way it vibrated with each beat. His world is dependant on sound, while your world doesn't need it at all, due to every other sense taking its place.
🎤 Coffee nuzzled your ankle as an alarm on your phone went off. Checking it, you told the man in front of you that you had to go home. Waving goodbye, you quickly left the man at the table. He couldn't help but watch as you left, simply amazed by everything he learned about you. Not only are you the one person he has met, so far, to be immune to his voice, you are rather smart, kind, lovely... Basically any positive adjective, in his eyes.
🎤 It took him a bit to shake those thoughts away, realizing that it had gotten late. Not only that, but he can't be getting distracted while the police are still after him! Oh, but he truly wished he had been able to get your number before you left... Then again, if he has managed to bump into you twice, now, who's to say that you won't bump into each other a third time?
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