#and i have a TON of animatic ideas
urg had other questions abt the truman au wowowowow
what abt eclipse? would there be an eclipse in this au ??? would he be trapped w sun or just as aware as moon???
ALSO, urrrmm are they separated in this au? Are they separated in the digital rendition and one body in the real world or the reverse of that??
After Sun escapes (if he does), how would he readjust to the real world? would he have conflict with moon after the fact?
sorry this au has got me in a CHOKEHOLD
okay so I'm gonna be honest I haven't really fleshed out much of the details for this au (it kinda took a backseat in terms of development simply because no one was showing interest in it and my witch au was more compelling at the time), so I'm not too sure about an Eclipse. In terms of a combined Sun and Moon ai, that does exist (it only appears at the very end of the au, but it exists). There's also a possibility of their base functions that are fronting the body while these two are stuck in the mindscape gaining sentience and not being too happy about being forced back in, so take that as you will...
Sun and Moon do share a body within this au, with the two taking on separate forms within the mindscape, though they don't really stay in the same spot long enough to see each other properly. They mostly communicated through message exchange and an emotional frequency prior to events in the au, but the au basically starts with Moon already being infected, so they haven't talked in some time...
Sun doesn't escape for a good while-he's gone through a good many loops by that point and struggles with differentiating between reality and fiction. He experiences a lot of relapses where he's still convinced that he's in the mindscape, and sometimes his code mimics the functions inputted during that point, so that his thoughts are very jumbled and he can't really think straight. Moon can't really help him through this-how can he help when his mere image is the very source of the problem? If he tries to interfere, Sun becomes even more panicked and can't tell if it's the real Moon or what his brain replaced Moon with. It's extremely painful for Moon to watch knowing that he can't help or even be in the same room as his sibling without triggering a traumatic response. He usually excuses himself to go patrol (they get separate bodies after they reunite in the fire) and cycles through the daycare camera feed to keep an eye on Sun while giving him space. The only thing that really helps Sun is looking through his own programming and memory files to make sure that nothing's changed.
Moon also develops a severe fear of isolation and being alone-he gets antsy when Sun isn't with him, and often forgets that he and Sun aren't sharing a body anymore. He sometimes experiences this during patrols when it gets too quiet in his head-he always goes straight to the Daycare to make sure Sun's still there. Sun can't really snap him out of it, he just stays close and tries to talk about things to calm him down.
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tadbitsketch · 8 months
Hey there! Welcome to the Former Old Builders Club! We've got:
*points at Cassie* Gaslight,
*points at Harper* Gatekeep,
*points at Isa* and Girlboss.
...Any questions?
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basslinegrave · 5 months
tumblr broken again i cant scroll past 3 posts it kicks me out and if i like anything it blanks out the screen right when i got back here to post more than 1 post a week anyway
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wootzietoozee · 2 years
thinking about how the next aib episode is a muscial episode and GOD you have no idea how bad i want an oodle-centric song
i mean just look at oodle and tell me he wouldn't have one of the episode's best songs
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noxeorn · 10 months
I just realized that I'm actually so close to the 200 followers here??? HELLO????
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Like, in the beginning of year I had may be 40-50 max, good chunk of which followed me years ago and ig inactive here now.
And there's actually so many cool people too, whom I didn't even expect to see among my followers originally :")
Thanks you all!
And sorry that there's almost no IZ stuff last months. xD I'm either busy with commissions, or other stuff., or just having a break from art at all in a free time.
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crazymecjc · 2 years
feeling very grgrgrgrgrgr tonight I wanna participate in another zine so so badly they’re so fun
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n1ghtmaremachine · 2 years
y..you have a personal conflict with hh??
my conflict with hh is a deep and complex story involving the world's most awful therapy taking place in a purgatory dimension and i can assure you that you are not prepared for it
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dinoshmino · 1 year
might make a short comic or somethin rq
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jouxlskaard · 5 months
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Hi so I may or may not have forgotten to actually post these on here. Ofc the original concept goes to the brilliant @wolfythewitch, I've just leeched off of it because I wanted to see Elias in the Hermes suit. Also I wanted to see Jon and Martin doing a little dance. And the way I drew Tim as Orpheus is just.... so similar to how regular Orpheus looks. I am sorry. He has a boob window so it's more accurate to his character.
As I talked about in my ask to Wolfy (which I believe to be what drew quite a few people here? idk at this point), I have quite a few reasons for why I think Elias would fit the role of Hermes. Obviously he's a much more sinister Hermes, but it's a neat little concept to play around with. I think the little things Hermes says (like the line above) can be interestingly recontextualised when you view Hermes as an antagonistic force, rather than a guide/mentor. I thought it'd be interesting to see Elias as someone who helps Tim/Orpheus because he knows that it'll end in tragedy every time, and finds enjoyment in the helplessness that the audience faces knowing how it ends and being completely unable to change it. Get Beholdinged, babey!
Maybe I'll draw some Gertrude!Hermes....? Who knows - I'm currently in the middle of doing a shit ton of work at the moment, both for school and for personal reasons. I've got Mechanisms fanart happening, some concepts for myself as a Corruption avatar (nature!), ideas for animatics (which I admittedly don't have much experience in, but I will try to do it), and some other random ideas. Only time shall tell.
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raguiras · 2 months
Mionn's art & writing ship trade event
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(Click the art for better quality!)
I'm hosting an art & writing event centered around ships & duos (multifandom)!
I've recently reached 200 followers on this blog, 900 on my meme blog, and 100 on Instagram!! Honestly, I don't even know what to say... I feel so damn honored and am so grateful for the support!! 🖤🖤🙏
As a multi-milestone celebration as well as an event for the official Spade of Storms (Deuce x Allen) day, which is on the 27th of July, I decided to host a TRADE EVENT!!!
Basically, this event is going to be an open art/writing trade that's all about ships (or platonic duos).
The event starts on 7/23 (today) and lasts for rest of July as well as for the entirety of August. For every Allen x Deuce art/writing that I receive during this duration, you get one of your own ship from ANY FANDOM back!
Why am I hosting this?
it's a way to thank everyone for three different follower milestones
a contest/DTIYS/raffle wouldn't promise that everyone gets something back, so I went for a trade event
the event allows me to post more about other canon TWST characters and draw them while not having to neglect Allen x Deuce
I wanna make new mutuals & friends, get to know more ships, and strengthen friendships with mutuals I already have!
Artfight is/was tons of fun, but I only do/did colored sketches there & ships are a tricky subject. Meanwhile, I'll do ANYTHING here!
Basic information:
Make a drawing/writing/comic of Allen x Deuce. (Ideas can be found in this post's pink "starters for my ship" section.)
Post it on your blog, tag me in it, and refer to my event. (While posting is by far preferred — especially for bigger artworks and written stuff — you can also just DM it to me.)
In return, you'll receive a gift of the same type for your own ship from any fandom (OC x canon, canon x canon, OC x OC)! I'll DM you about the ship, so make sure that your DMs are open.
For example: If you submit a sketch, you'll get a sketch back. If you submit a fully shaded drawing, I'II make a fully shaded drawing for you, too. If you add a background, I'll (do my best to) do the same. If you write a drabble... You know the drill!
ANYONE can join, whether you follow me or not! However, new followers through the event are super appreciated!
EVENT TIME: July 23th (today) - August 31st
Anything submitted before or after this event duration will not receive anything back (unless we explicitly do a trade), but be held in high regard nonetheless!
The portrayal of Allen x Deuce must be shippy/romantic.
Please keep angst at a minimum unless it has a happy ending. Comfort is allowed.
Please DO NOT add your own OC or another canon character to the submission. Including them in the background as a wingman or something is alright, though. Additionally, any kind of romantic implications between Deuce and another character/OC are NOT allowed.
Please no NSFW. Harmless implications and slight spice are okay, but keep in mind that these characters are both minors.
AUs are very much allowed! All the previous rules apply here, too, and I'm willing to give an overview of some AUs via DMs.
Please no genderbending.
Please DO NOT draw Allen or Deuce as a standalone character. This is a SHIP event for a reason.
Please don't change their appearances too much, especially when it comes to the color schemes & body types.
Giving them different outfits — especially event outfits — is absolutely cool (yes, you can draw Allen in a skirt if you wanna), and changing their hairstyles is okay as long as they still look like themselves.
This is NOT A DTIYS event, so please DO NOT redraw one of my Allen x Deuce arts. Please come up with something original.
If you have any more questions, please DM me!
What CAN you submit?
drawings // comics // writings // animatics
For drawings, anything from a quick sketch to an extremely detailed drawing with a background is allowed! You'll get something of the same quality back. The same also goes for writings/fanfics.
Animatics will receive a drawing in return.
What CAN'T be submitted?
Gacha videos // edits // memes
-> You can theoretically submit all of these and I'd appreciate them, but I wouldn't be able to give you anything back.
Memes refer to funny pictures that simply have Allen & Deuce's faces in them. DRAWN memes/meme redraws count as DRAWINGS.
Starters for Allen x Deuce
Got no clue what to draw/write about?
Check out the few already existing Allen x Deuce posts on this blog for proper lore and facts.
Check @spade-of-storms for fun facts, shorter rambles and additional info.
In any case, you can't go wrong with simple fluffy, romantic scenarios! Dates, kisses, cuddles, whatever!
For information about Allen himself, please check my pinned post.
I want to join the event, but I don't have any ship (OC x canon, canon x canon, OC x OC) you could draw/write about for me in return.
That's okay! In that case, I'll gladly draw/write about two separate characters or a platonic duo for you.
Can I do multiple submissions for this event?
Obviously, and every single one will be "revenged"!
Can I get something of another type/quality back? For example, can I get a fully shaded drawing for my sketch, or art for my drabble?
Unfortunately not, as I prefer to always give something of the same type back. There are only the following two exceptions that I AM willing to do:
you do a drabble/oneshot —> I do a sketch
you do any type of art —> I write a drabble/oneshot
Is there anything you refuse to draw/write about?
Deuce ships (other than Deuce x Allen). NSFW. Family x family. Minor x adult. Any ship considered to be problematic.
How do I tell you about the ship I want you to draw/write about for me?
I'll DM you after you post your event submissions.
Do you prefer to do OC x canon, canon x canon, or OC x OC?
I have a bias towards OC x canon and canon x canon ships. However, I'm willing to do any ship that's not problematic! In the case of OC x OC, I simply need you to provide information on two OCs instead of one only.
Will you do poly ships?
In order to keep things fair, no. But I could include the third party as a plush or chibi head.
I want to make Allen x Deuce content for you, but not receive anything in return.
That's also super appreciated anytime (and totally doesn't make me freak out /pos)! Simply share it as a gift and don't mention the event.
How long is it going to take you to finish your "revenge" on me?
It depends on the type of submission you make & what I'm giving you back. Some things can be done within a day while others may take much longer, but either way, you WILL get something of the SAME TYPE back & that's guaranteed.
Personal notes:
My health isn't the best and I also have a job. Please be respectful and don't rush me nor get mad when I'm being slow.
Please do not start a discussion nor get mad at me if I refuse to draw/write about a ship I deem problematic & want you to pick another one instead. Preferably pick a ship that's by far NOT problematic from the beginning.
I'm unwilling to draw/write about any Deuce ships other than Deuce x Allen because I kin Deuce a ton and tend to feel uncomfortable with many of his ships, so please don't ask for any. I'm asking you to not start a discussion over this, either.
I won't post everything I make for the event on this blog. Sketches and writings will either be DMed to you or posted on one of my other blogs.
That's it for now! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to DM me.
And again, thank you so much for 200 followers!
♤ Happy trading! ♤
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I should probably make some art for truman show au…
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Patreon Ko-Fi <— Commissions open!
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First of all I just wanna say, I am so flattered by the response from y’all for this little au!
This fandom is the best. ❤️💙🧡💜💛
None of my AUs are based off existing fanfic! Only my own artwork and replies to asks! ✌️
The main story behind the this AU actually started from a simple concept of me re-watching Arcane and thinking how interesting Donnie would be as Jinx, and wanting to sketch a few ideas. This led to me wondering about the other boys and everything spiraled into splitting them up as follows: Donnie grew up with Draxum from the beginning as his personal test subject, driving him mad like Jinx. Leo and Mikey get separated from Splinter and Raph about five years after Splinter escapes with them. Leo gets kidnapped by the Foot clan where Shredder is alive and trains him as his pupil as revenge against Splinter. Mikey finds his way into to Big Mama’s loving arms until she gets bored of him and throws him into her Battle Nexus. Raph is the only one to stay and be raised by Splinter, who is more diligent in his teachings. He befriends April and they grow up together, training to become ninja. Eventually the boys find each other again.
Mikey’s rescue arc: The starting point of the entire story!
Leo’s rescue arc: Currently running!
If you wanna read it on AO3! (Each new arc will be added, after they are completed!)
Stuck On You In The Leg
Leo's Cringe Moments 1, 2, 3
Don't ask Donnie about his past
Raph & Donnie bonding
Brutus Animatic - Leo and Raph's storyline
Donnie and April being silly
Usagi & Leo's history
Maps- Raph and April meet
Rise/Ew crossover
Distractions-ways the boys help Donnie on his bad days
Leo's concerns over Draxum
Leo & Splinter argument
Thirds- Donnie has a bad day
Raph Time- Something's been bothering Raph
Old Secrets- Mikey and Donnie get into a bit of a spat
Important tags are also in the search bar
#Sep!au life -a ton more everyday moments for the brothers
#Sep!au infodump
#Sep!au ref
#Sep!au future- Doomed timeline
#Sep!au fanwork - all the lovely works I've received!
Also massive timeline for anyone looking for a clearer explanation of events and don’t want to have to scavenge though all the mess of my previous replies!!!!!!
Warnings: This story has plenty of humor and family fluff but it can and will get pretty dark, please take care when checking it out. TW for child abuse, blood, horror, experimentation, self harm, mental health issues, abandonment issues, mind control, dark humor, and language (mostly from Mikey and Leo lol).
As far as anyone looking to make something based of the Separated AU, I am totally okay with most anything as long as credit is given but I will not be chill with tcest of any kind. I also ask you include no romance aside from the confirmed ships.
You can absolutely make anything that covers the things I’ve already mentioned in my replies, or if it’s just fam shenanigans, hanging out and dealing with recovery. I would love to see it and share it! You don’t have to bother with asking for the O.K. in that case. But I do ask that you maybe hold off on anything anyone might consider plot related or that’s not been addressed in the asks, and would be mostly speculation, cause I’ll be covering a whole host of before, and after reunion events, either in quick sketch comps or comics. If you’re still unsure you can always ask me. I would consider myself pretty easy going, so I’ll probably only say no if I think it’s something I have plans for, or if it really just doesn’t fit with the feel of the AU. I’m more likely to say yes if you have an idea of what you wanna do. Please, be specific in your ask, if you can. I don’t like telling people flat out no, so the more info I have the better!
That’s all for now! Again, I wanna thank y’all for being so awesome. I look forward to causing you all pain in the future!
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mellozheist · 3 months
hellooo!! first of all: I ADORE YOU your art is amazing and your animatics are so gorgeous and inspiring!! I'm sure you've already been asked this question but I couldn't find an answer so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask again: what program(s) do you use to animate? What's your process like?? I've been wanting to try and learn to make my own but I have no idea where to start and I figured I should ask a master :P
ello! I appreciated your kind words :D
sorry about the delayed reply, I thought I could have drawn my process out for you but it turns out I don't have enough time so here I go
I use Clip Studio Ex (still on ver.1) only Ex can do animation If you considering buying it
CSP Pro can only animate 12-24 frames which is difficult to work with
I wish to get back on Toonboom but I'm hella out of practice (It's a good program tho, though just not so friendly with beginners)
My process is to find inspiration first, for example
when I do fan animation/animatic like Hermitcraft or Life series
I just listen to the audio or songs on a loop until I have a rough idea in my head of what I want to draw
(When you start something, Just use the idea of "What you want to draw/express" not what others want to see, Just make sure you're having fun, and we can figure out along the way later)
TIP : If you don't feel like starting making animatic right away, I suggest you make other kinds of art for that Idea first, like some sketching art, illustration for catching the vibe you want to go for, or just character design as a reference! :D
after that, make rough sketches, It doesn't have to be pretty, just do a quick sketch so you won't forget the vibe and energy (it can be on paper, I recommend using a pen instead of a pencil cuz you won't have to delete and redraw, just make a new one, it's quicker)
I make re-sketching sometimes to fix composite or make a better pose sometimes, timing and spacing are also very important to make the movement smooth
I make a line of action guide for some difficult movements sometimes
When I do Lineart I just open all the videos to watch while head empty cleaning Lineart
There are many more processes for professional animators
I recommend you check out videos, there are tons on YouTube
here's some that I learned from
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thecryptidart1st · 6 months
In one of your posts you said that there were some songs you were gonna animate with some characters either from The Graveyard Shift or idk. Are there any animatics about that topic that you have started?
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I have no animatics, but a butt ton of hyperphantasia, so this ask was an opportunity to draw out scenes that haunt my mind every day
For The Graveyard Shift in particular, I have ideas for the following songs (sorta in order from least to most unhinged and including spoilers for future TGS characters)
"Shit" by Bo Burnham
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Probably most of Tom Cardy (Perception Check and Hey I Don't Work Here shown here)
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"You Didn't Know" from Hazbin Hotel , bc Lute's line didn't need to go that hard but its burned into my memory at this point (also this animatic somehow evolved from its initial concept while working on this ask so now it's Rosemary and Gregory)
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"We Don't Talk About Bruno", but Michael Afton is Bruno being talked by every other mascot horror because Sammy's looking for him
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"Waiting In The Wings (Reprise)" from Tangled the Animated Series (this is actually the most serious bc it's actual character growth between Mike and Doug)
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"Forklift Simulator" by Sbassbear (bc I base Mike's and Ethan's friendship and humor off of Game Grumps interactions)
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and finally "Bring In the Love" by Dankmus, bc this stupid remix has been haunting me for the better part of half a year now and stupid sexy workout William won't leave me alone
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heckyeahponyscans · 5 months
I've been watching a ton of Youtube videos reviewing and rewriting Disney's Wish movie. There are a lot of bad movies out there, but what makes this one unique is that nearly everyone agrees that this movie had good bones, but was executed poorly.
The villain song really exemplifies this, and not just because it has lyrics like "It's genetics, yeah I got these genes from outer space" (which he didn't, by the way.)
The king's flaw is he's over-protective which leads him to be too controlling of his subjects. He takes their wishes from them (which makes them forget what they wished for) and won't grant most of them or give them back. When he was a child, marauders destroyed his kingdom and killed his parents (I think?) which instilled a fear of other people's motivations. So now he's a control freak.
So here's what the king's villain song establishes:
He's vain! This has never come up before and doesn't have anything to do with his villain motivations.
Then we have lyrics suggesting that he exploits people's labor and takes the credit for himself to make himself look good. ("I'd give the clothes off Benito's back, if you really needed that. I'd be the first one to volunteer Henry if your home were to crumble.") BUT the king studied hard to master magic, built a kingdom, and sometimes magically grants wishes. No part of that is stolen valor. This lyric doesn't make sense.
Then the infamous "I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent" line. I'm not going to talk about why it's stupid because everyone else already has.
Then the king compliments himself a bunch, and I guess the takeaway is he's narcissistic. Okay. BUT. That still doesn't tie into his motivation for hoarding the wishes! Which is that he's over-protective and paranoid about what the 'wrong' wish could do! This song is a mess! Just like the movie it's in.
Wish has an interesting premise. It could have been a good movie. I like a lot of the early concept art and ideas, some of which even made it to the animatic stage. But instead it's full of non-characters blandly imitating the actions of classic Disney characters without any understanding of what made classic Disney great.
There are still creative people working at Disney and I feel bad for them. The call is coming from inside the house, and it's coming from executives saying "Nix the shapeshifting Star Boy, the stockholders want something that will sell more plushies."
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
22 ASKS!! :DD THANK YOU!! :} 🎉🎂🎉
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GASPPP!! :DDD I'D LOVE TO!! :}} 💖💖
I've actually been thinking a lot about Louis and his story lately! Though, since drawing is rather taxing on me atm I haven't gotten around to making him a character study post.. Like I did for Cuttlefish.. BUT!! I have still made some story bits for him anyways! :DD 👇👇
I had this idea that he used to be an ordinary flavored cookie of some kind. And he used to live on land as this washed up fisherman that was really down on his luck.. he had lost his job, his home, his arm.. he had no friends.. no family.. nothing. He was really lost and alone..
Its around that time he was somehow welcomed aboard Seafoam's ship. It was just Seafoam, Octo and Ellie at the time. Louis found great comfort and security with this crew. He had never felt more welcome and wanted in his life.. This environment started to break down Louis' anxieties and depression overtime. Slowly turning him into the more jolly and boisterous Louis the crew knows him as today.
But things would take a seemingly bad turn when a curse befell Louis. Turning him into this half cookie, half crab beast. Louis' body had changed significantly, the biggest change being his huge crab arm. Now, most cookies would consider this ghastly new form to be what its intended to be. A curse.. But Louis.. actually didn't mind the changes. In fact, he liked his new body. Quite a lot! And though his new crab arm did cause him quite a bit of aches and pains.. and also took away his ability to swim.. he honestly considered it an upgrade!
Where before he had a missing arm and was completely useless in combat.. now he had this huge intimidating claw in its place! With his new found strength and power, he was a force to be reckoned with! Not only that, but he didn't see his new body as ugly, he thought he looked AWESOME! So he also got a major confidence boost too!
In present day, Louis is a confident, sociable, and all around happy person. And he gives all the credit to Seafoam and his crew for his new found zest for life! :}} ✨🦀💖✨
Anyways-- thank you for taking interest in Louis! :DD rn drawing is rather challenging for me, but I hope to draw him again someday soon! Maybe I can go back and make him his own character study post like I wanted to! 👀👀
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XD Bibi would probably use it to make a cold glass or water for me🥺💖
And hey, thanks for the cake! :DD No doubt Cici will devour it XDD (Bibi allows it)
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I suppose if I really wanted to I could learn how. But I don't want to turn my hobby into a job..
I made my first post on December 19th, 2018!! :00 That's roughly 4-5 years or so!
I use FireAlpaca! And I use a xp-pen 13.3 pro tablet ✨✨
As for that Undyne and Papyrus post.. The story behind it is, that Papyrus is from a different timeline. And in his original timeline.. Undyne is dead.. Now, this other Undyne knows that her Papyrus, the "real" Papyrus, is somewhere else in the underground. So this Papyrus is an imposter. She questions this imposter. "Who are you, and why do you look like Papyrus?" She waits for this imposter to answer.. But Papyrus has no words.. since his Undyne died, he hasn't heard her voice in a very long time... he's too shocked to speak..
I DO have a YouTube channel, and I was intending to make animations for it... but I lost my drive. Animations get stolen A LOT. And Animations take a ton of time to make. I was discouraged.. why would I spend so much time on something, if its more likely to be stolen?
Though I have been thinking about making sketch animatic memes... maybe once my health improves I could try to make one-
And hey! Don't worry about my arms, I can make several whether I'm feeling good or bad! :D
AND AAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm glad you like him and noticed his eye details!! :}}}
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(Post in question)
XDD Jangles is chaotic enough to sleep hanging upside down tho lets be real-
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (In response to this post)
:DD Bibi gives his thanks!
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@cudlycorncornsworthcoberson (In response to this post)
XDD I know right?? Another year has already come and gone, its crazy to think about! :00
And don't worry, I've been focusing all my energy on taking care of myself and drinking lots of water! 👍👍
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Awe! Thank you so much!! :DD Right now the main thing I'm battling is my poor mental and physical health.. but I have high hopes that things will improve soon! :)))
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@the-woomyverse (Post in question)
:DD Thank you! I'm glad you liked them!! :}}
As for Ludwig and Morton, unfortunately they don't have a lot of story built yet.. but I'm working on it! <:D
Ludwig is intended to be the eldest sibling, and heir to the throne. He's the "Prince of the Koopas". That post shows Ludwig seeming nervous.. and unsure. I'm experimenting with Ludwig taking his role as heir very seriously.. but its stressful. He feels like he's under a lot of pressure and has a loooot of responsibility to look forward to..
Though I'm kind'a going back on that a bit. The canon Ludwig seems pompous and a bit arrogant. Maybe I should keep some of that but in a positive way? I imagine that Bowser wouldn't force Ludwig to do this if he didn't want to. And I imagine that Kamek would have done very well to prepare Ludwig for his future kingly-hood.
What I mean by this is. I think a more.. confident, and level headed version of Ludwig would be appropriate. Rather than a pompous snob or a nervous wreck. He could be a young prince with a lot of wit and discipline. A price that is bound to make a fine king. 👑
For Morton I'm afraid there's even less story built for him 😭💔💔 Right now the main thing I'm experimenting with is Morton having some form of melanism. (Its a mutation where animals are born with excess pigment in their skin. Making their fur/hair/skin very dark/black when it otherwise would not have been.)
I could experiment with Morton not liking this aspect of himself..? Maybe it makes him feel out of place or insecure..? Though I doubt any of the individuals around him would have judged him or treated him differently at all for it.. even his siblings.
Idk, I just need some more time to think about him I suppose! <XDD Sorry!! 😭😭
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Thank you!! :DD
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@untitled-7613 (Post in question)
Thank you! :DD I'm glad you like them!! :}}
And Jimmy was a lovely gift, though I didn't create him! The factual fam is mostly intended to be made of characters that I can take credit for-
(Note- Jimmy was a nice gift, but please! I stand by only wanting comments <:} 💖💖)
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Dawww, as far as I'm concerned, you've followed me twice! At least in spirit! XD
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Hergn... but that takes efforttt... how about you tell me what you like about it first? :0
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No problem!! :D And I wonder that about K Rool. I didn't actually realize that he would be very similar to Bowser.. hmm. Well, I'm thinking that even if he is close to Bowser in size, Bowser's got him beat by his fire breathing ability XDD And King/Big Koopa's overall could just be a tougher species-
As for the Super Stars, they have about the same status as the 1-Up Mushrooms. They are this extremely rare Power up that seems to only show up when its needed.
I've been experimenting with the toad people worshiping 1-Ups and the Delfino people worshiping Super Stars. These bizarre and wonderous powerups that are strongly tied to the prophecy and what not. They're also related to how Peach and Daisy became royalty..
Its a lot of complicated word spaghetti atm but the point I'm getting at- is that there is definitely more than one! And they are so powerful and so.. seemingly sentient, that they are seen as almost.. like.. these holy beings that bring about future events.
I haven't rambled about all that biz yet becuase I cant find proper words to figure out what I'm even thinking <XD Gonna need some more time on that one!--
And yes yes yes! The Commander is still around, and AWWW!! Is he really?? :DD That's so sweet! Thank you so much!! :}} I haven't thought much about what role he's played in raising the Koopalings, though I really should. While he isn't there to actually help raise them, he's always been around as they've grown up. Whether it be following Kamek around or doing some kind of work around the palace.
When it comes to Bowser returning injured.. I wonder. part of me thinks that he wouldn't return right away, so maybe his injury wasn't seen by the Commander. But the news of his defeat would certainly be bone chilling. Commander would be more tense around the palace. And probably extends his night watches a bit longer in an attempt to better protect the Koopalings..
On the last note, Yes! I do plan to redesign him once again XD or at least update him a little- Though drawing is very challenging for me atm.. so that'll have to wait a while!.. <XDD
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As for your questions! <XD --I've been thinking more about Tuna's character over the past few days and this got me thinking even more! :D
I imagined that when Tuna started out he was a real brat. Not super great to be around. He had some bottled up stuff for sure and was real rebellious and resistant to authority figures. Nobody was really willing to deal with his crap and always pushed back, which just made him more bratty.. for a while Seafoam wasn't sure what he was gonna do with this kid..
But then he reached some kind of middle ground with Ellie.
I have several ideas in mind for how this could go.. but I'll ramble about this one first- XDD
Ellie has thick skin and could tolerate the snarky remarks he made. She also didn't push back, even through she very easily could have. She knows that this kid has some serious inner battles and he doesn't need her snapping back at him.
And like some of the things you mentioned, it started out with Tuna just bumming around in the kitchen. Since Ellie could tolerate him she never kicked him out. Making the kitchen kind'a like a space where he could.. "get away" from the rest of the crew, in a sense..
Ellie was the first person to crack that outer shell of his. Providing him a consistent source of comfort, with her food and the quiet kitchen.
After some time the snarky remarks or comments would slow down.. over time he just resorts to standing around and watching her cook. Getting closer and closer.. eventually asking questions. "What are ye makin..?" "..what's that do..?" She would always reply genuinely. And as gently as she could considering her usual monotone voice <XD
Eventually it turns into "..where'd you learn to cook?" "..how long have you known Octo..?" "..do you trust Cuttlefish.?"
She could say kind things about the crew which gets Tuna to lighten up around them. "Octo seems mean but actually he's just blah blah blah..." Next time he interacts with Octo he's less tense. "Seafoam is genuinely as kind as he seems. If ye can trust anyone, its him." He starts listening to Seafoam more..
These interactions would continue to develop more and more. I don't know if he'd ever be able to help her cook anything- considering how strict she is about it <XDD But although I have several more ideas for this, I like this idea of Ellie really softening him up over time..
WAAHDH WALL OF TEXT--- Thank you again so much!!! :DD It makes my heart very happy to hear that you love Tuna and Ellie so much!! 🥰🥰
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(Sorry for not being able to transfer your cookie gifs to this post! <:0)
Hmm.. that makes me wonder if the cookie run characters have.. cookies. Like, small cookies that THEY eat.
Something tells me they don't.. Which makes me think that seeing someone eat a normal cookie would still be horrifying! <XDD
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Awe! Thank you so much! :DD Such a pleasant and wholesome message to read, truly. :}}
I'm working out my feelings with the fandom.. tbh I think I'm just in a place where my emotions are all outa whack. And I'm just avoiding anything and everything that upsets me. 💔
I'm sure in a few weeks when I get my health back on track I'll feel better about the Octonauts fandom. Perhaps I'll even return with more updated designs! XD
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:DDD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad to hear that!! :}}}
And huh.. its been a while since I've drawn the FNAF string beans hasn't it? Once I can get my health back on track I should draw them again! <XDD
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Blue!💙💙 :DD Specifically shades similar to what ever this one is XDD 👇👇
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:000....... FISH! :DD
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And thank you! This makes me feel a lot better XDD
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I think the cookie run games have cake/dog things..? I'm assuming the crews pet would be one of those :00
As for the names you've suggested, I love Patty, Pretzel, Muffin and Cornbread XDD such great names! :DD
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