#and i know it's unlikely she'll die
abluehappyface · 1 year
"I checked to make sure she's still alive and she is"
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meixiaotian · 7 months
still thinking about how each animorph's fate is directly related to how much they enjoyed the war
#animorphs#I swear I saw a post about this years ago but I don't know where it is#so I guess I'll say it again#Rachel loves the war. She flourishes in it. She self-actualizes. And it's terrible#She and her friends don't even know what peacetime Rachel would look like. *Can* she even exist outside of the war?#And it turns out#No! She can't! Peacetime Rachel never comes to pass! She dies before the war is over!#While Ax. Ax is relatively unbothered. He did enlist in the Andalite military after all. He's not as haunted as the rest of them#After Rachel dies he's the next. Peace comes but he chases the echoes of the war and it ends him.#In some awful way where he's gone but he's not. Not exactly dead but absorbed into a greater hive mind#And of course Cassie hates the war. Hates fighting hates killing hates it the whole way through#And when it's over she manages to move on. She spends her days saving the environment#And when battle again comes knocking at her door she says no#She says goodbye. She knows she'll never see the rest of them again.#Because the rest. They hate the war but not as much as Cassie.#And they try to move on but unlike Cassie they can't.#So off they go to enter into another war. And maybe they survive but maybe they don't#Leaving only Cassie as the real survivor of the war. Alone on Earth while her friends all went to die in space#goddamn#I hated the last book as a kid#I still wish they had a happier ending#but there's so much to chew over and cry about#it's a really good ending
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bootyful-seventeen · 11 months
i am too mentally exhausted to even deal with this shit anymore with my mom and grandma and low key wish i'd go comatose for a few years to be left alone tbh
#had a clean up service come by to see the damage and give a quote on the estimate and my grandma wasnt having it#she got upset and started crying to them about she has only 1 daughter and is trying to help her and they're trying to tell her that keepin#all that junk isn't gonna be helping anyone especially my mom but she wasn't getting it and i said i'm not helping clean the junk that's#all around the house cuz i'm tired of it all and having to manage my emotions since i am for sure emtotionally stunted from my childhood#and have to deal with a schitzophrenic mom and an absent sister who's balls deep in denial while i'm struggling to find a job here#and my grandma always stressing me ot saying she's gonna kick me out isn't fucking helping here at all like she thinks it does#so when they left she spent all day sobbing on the phone how i'm a terrible granddaughter who wants to throw out good stuff#when i'm not gonna keep helping sell shit for my mom cuz my sister can do it as her family contribution since she did nothing since dad die#and the thing is i gave them all options on clearing shit out cuz i know this family by now and shit doesn't get tossed but it migrates#cuz i said months ago i can ask some friends if they could come down and help sort and declutter#grandma said no to that and said she'll kick me out if i do it and she didn't want to pay for my mom's shit to get moved into a storage uni#she leaves the clean up to my mom and i think the backyard got worse but she didn't call anyone to throw out the junk like she threatened t#so i call a fucking hoarders clean up service cuz that's what my family is on my mom's side at this point and the city will be called too#and she has this reaction cries all day and calls everyone to say i'm horrible and yells at me saying i'm the one killing her with stress#when she's already been doing that for months to herself when i'm just tired and possibly mildly depressed or something idk#i barely leave my room and don't go outside except to walk my dog but idk cuz my family's attittude was we don't go to doctors cuz#cuz they're for crazy people but of course it's gotta switch up for my mom and no one else and i'm just sick of it all#grandma doesn't accept free help and she won't accept help that i pay for myself with my money set aside for school so i'm done#unlike her when i say i'll do something i stick to it so i'm not doing shit anymore unless i can call a friend to help with this mess#it's gonna sound like such a horrible thing but i can't wait for my family to die so i can live in a clean home again and get help#like deep serious help cleaning and big time grief councelling cuz i barely had time to process my dad's death and being the one to find hi#and that was just this february like god i am going to need so much fucking therapy in my future it's almost rediculous#and probably say screw my mom's side and visit my dad's side a lot more since they seem to be the normal ones in this shit family tree#at least they're not stupid and leave junk everywhere where one neighbour getting sick of not being able to sit outside and enjoy their yar#without mountains of junk staring them right in the face and landing a notice from the city to clean up especially since#we have chainlink fences and at least 7 neighbours can see the backyard and everyone can see the front porch when passing by#i'm just tired of living in these suffocating households and even wanna file a report myself to kick them into gear#its horrible living like this and no one should live surrounded by junk and things they never use or even garbage
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llonelygoddess · 1 year
How they react to...you getting injured
A/N: I hope this doesn't sound redundant but here ya go :)
Romantic Pairings: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy, Khal Drogo, Brienne of Tarth, Missandei
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Ned Stark: If you got injured it would most likely be from falling off your horse during a casual ride. As the doting husband he is he would be rushing to your side and calling maesters to check on you. With only a small bruise to show for you try to get back on the horse but Ned doesn't allow it. He doesn't mean to control you, he only wants to keep you safe from any more serious injuries that won't heal as easy as a bruise.
Robb Stark: With Robb, he normally has guards with you at all times because he worries for your safety. When one of them turns out to be a spy with intent to hurt you, Robb is livid. You were pushed and left with a few bruises but all he sees is red. Robb sentences the man to die and takes his head for it. He spends the rest of the day with you in bed, feeling guilty while he looks at your injuries. You'll definitely want to console him cause he will cry, especially thinking of what COULD have happened to you.
Jon Snow: He truly believes in your ability to take care of yourself, but when you get hurt during a fight he rushes to your side without second thought. You'll both have to fight your way out of the conflict but once you're safe he checks on your wounds. He asks for a maester to check them out to keep out infection and feels a little useless not being able to do anything himself. Jon makes it a point to joke about it to take away the serious energy going on and promises to always have your back.
Sansa Stark: Girly is straight up crying. Doesn't matter if it was just a little accident or you were roughed up by some thugs, younger Sansa is a crier. When she finds you she's holding onto you with strength you didn't know she had. Unlike older Sansa who would be ready to pass someone's death sentence, younger Sansa only cares about you feeling better. She does her best to make you a prayer wheel like her mother does for her.
Margaery Tyrell: She'd be a lot more calm than you'd think, at least around others. Once she sees you lying in bed with your leg elevated, she's questioning the hell out of you. What happened? Who was it? Do you need anything? Milk of the Poppy? It's almost entertaining to see how much she worries in contrast to her usual cool attitude. After you assure her that you're alright she's cuddling up in bed with you, probably to read something to you.
Theon Greyjoy: Pre!Reek Theon would instantly be at arms and ready to fight whoever touched you. He's possessive and the thought of ANYONE touching you pisses him off but especially if they meant to harm you. He wouldn't know how to express his worry for you so he'd just angrily stand by you as you recover. Post!Reek Theon is deeply insecure and guilty about you getting hurt. He still wants to fight whoever hurt you but he's more concerned with making sure you're okay.
Khal Drogo: *Activate instant death mode* I mean we saw what happened when Daenerys almost got poisoned, think about actually getting poisoned. Having to lay in bed for days while Drogo goes out in search for whoever did this to you. It doesn't matter why they did it or if you die or not, all that matters to him is giving them the most painful death possible. When he's done, he sits at your bedside knowing you are strong and capable of overcoming this.
Brienne of Tarth: It was only a training accident but your messed up ankle reminded Brienne how fragile you were. She was born and raised to endure the pain that came with being a knight/fighting, but you never asked for it. She'll feel upset at herself for not teaching you properly and it'll come off as anger towards you. Truly she doesn't mean it but if being hard on you will keep you safe next time then she knows what she has to do.
Missandei: Tearsss. She's crying before she even knows what happened to you. Stays by your bedside as you heal from a battle wound and takes responsibility for changing your dressings and cleaning the injury. Missandei knows that this is the life you've chosen to live, but sometimes she wishes she could take you away to her homeland safe from any harm.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 month
Which Ace Attorney characters can you beat in a fight:
Phoenix: I know he looks like a weakling, but this man has canonically gotten into a fistfight before and the other guy died right after. Even after the death, he was still PISSED. Do not fight Phoenix Wright. Not only would you lose, Phoenix would not stop punching if you went down.
Maya: You can easily win- Maya learned how to fight from anime and it shows. You'd think spirit channeling will help you out, but it takes time and focus, neither of which Maya would have when she's busy eating pavement.
Edgeworth: You could win, but it would not be worth it. He would file charges for assault, and you'd have to deal with Gumshoe hating your ass for the rest of your life. Can you imagine having to explain having Gumshoe as an enemy? That being said, before you take the dive, be sure to ruin his dumb ass cravat. You're doing him a favor.
Gumshoe: I don't think he'd fight back unless he's on the clock, but he absolutely could beat you.
Franziska: 100% my most controversial opinion on this list, but I like your odds. She has a whip, but I doubt she has actual fight experience. Who would fight the daughter on Manfred Von Karma? You, that's who! I also think you'd avoid the legal charges you'd have to deal with from Edgeworth, because Franziska would want a rematch.
Pearl: It'd be tough, but you'd win. Cartoon logic aside, she's eight and wouldn't know any of the classic dirty tricks. Since you have longer arms, I think you could prevent her from doing too much damage. That being said, the fact that it was close at all would make you a laughingstock. Also, Morgan would go all Karen on your ass for fighting Pearl, even if she started it.
Mia: There's no way to sugarcoat this, but you're going down. Mia can and will fight dirty- that magatama would get jammed into your eyes if we're talking a serious fight. Redd White, despite running a blackmail company and looking much stronger than her, opted for a weapon and so should you.
Godot: Out of all the people on this list, I'd want to fight him the least. Hot coffee directly to the dick, and then he'd start bludgeoning. Depending on what point in the timeline, he's been in prison too, so fight experience is a given. Your only hope would be to say something ??? enough to make him decide a battle of words is the better option.
Apollo: His perceive ability would give him an edge in a fight, but he's such a butt-monkey it wouldn't even matter. You're winning this, but like Edgeworth, he's going to get legal about this. He's too poor to afford a good lawyer, so I wouldn't be too worried though.
Kristoph: You can win, but you'd die of a mysterious poison two weeks later. We just don't know what could have happened!
Klavier: You can easily win, but for the rest of your life you're going to be known as the asshole that beat up beloved rockstar, Klavier Gavin. Its social suicide. Just take the dive and maybe destroy his career after if you're vengeful.
Trucy: She absolutely knows how to kick your ass, but she's socially astute enough to know when it is better to take a dive. My gut says that she'll probably let you beat her up, then talk about how her entire family is made of lawyers so you settle it out of court. Even if you win, you lose.
Ema: You have about 50/50 odds, but unlike most people, Ema has no limits. This isn't about pride, its about morbid curiosity. Realistically, this is the second most dangerous fight after Godot, since who knows what chemicals she has on her?
Athena: Simon absolutely taught her how to fight. That being said, she isn't in the right headspace for fighting, and I imagine it would remind her of the UR-1 incident. The fight would be with her past, not with you. That being said, Athena can and will tell everyone present about about why you are so bloodthirsty, which is worse, actually!
Juniper: Mess with Juniper and you get Athena.
Simon: He'd kick your ass, but he'd do it in a way where you're pretty much fine the next morning. He'd be fair about it and not hold grudges. Pretty enjoyable fight experience overall.
The Phantom: easy L, you've signed your death warrant. Even if you somehow win this, you're still dead. This isn't even a fight, this is assisted suicide.
Nahyuta: I know he looks like a twink, but with his background he can and will kick ass. That being said, I think you should fight him anyway because it'd be good for his pent up frustration.
Kay: I think its pretty safe to say you'd lose. She was raised by a cop, and would fight dirty. Still a 50% chance of getting sued by Edgeworth, even though Kay begged him to let it go.
Sebastian: He's a joke character. He'd win, because him winning a fight is the funniest thing that could have happened. He probably didn't even realize you were fighting. And if you're talking post AAI2, I think he'd genuinely be able to beat the average person with his baton. It'd be close, but he'd win.
Ryuunosuke: I know he has a sword but still one of the easiest fights on this list. Do it. You know you want to.
Susato: This one is a pretty canon no.
Kazuma: No fucking way, and after what he did to the Payne family you shouldn't even try. Sword aside, he could do this unarmed.
Van Zieks: This may be controversial, but unless you happen to be British he's too busy thinking racist thoughts to notice you punching him in the gut. Not only should you fight him, I think you're morally obligated to do so. Steal some of his wine while you're at it it'll be wasted otherwise.
Sherlock: He wouldn't fight back because he finds the concept boring. Bring him a bear to fight, maybe then you will see the powers of a great detective!
Iris: Ignore everything I said about Pearl, this isn't even a fight, this is a massacre. Not only will she beat you within an inch of your life, she'll over you tea right after so you think the two of you are cool. Do not be fooled! The latest edition of Sherlock Holmes needed a fight scene, so your shame is broadcast all over the world!
Gina: Regardless of if you win or lose, you're losing your wallet.
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pupyuj · 5 months
she’s so babygirl that it hurts
I just wanna grab her tiny waist and ruin her haha jk, unless?
i gotchu anon WE NEED MORE GAEUL CONTENT IN GENERAL unpopular opinion but she’s very baby daddy to me too and in this essay i will—i’m joking… THAT’S A DRABBLE FOR ANOTHER DAY EHEHUEE 🤫🤫
OHOHOHO ive’s gaeul-unnie being this strong figure for the little ones :(( she’s their pillar! but when it comes to you all that just evaporates into the air 🫣 she really doesn’t know what it is! every touch, every smile, everything and anything you say to her just makes her mind go blank and before you know it she’s absolutely putty in your hands 😳 it's so amusing to see for the younger members! ☺️ you coming over their dorm without a warning and surprising gaeul w the prettiest flowers and the yummiest donuts that you let the other members snack on, of course 😭 ugh gaeul being so charmed and enamoured that she kinda just lets you do anything you want to her?? ya'll are watching a movie in her room and she has no problem allowing you to pull her to your lap and touch her underneath the blankets... your cold fingertips being such a nice contrast against her warm skin.. how could she not whimper under your touch??
ofc you'd have to tell her to be quiet or else the girls will find out and tease her to no end!! and gaeul does try her hardest, she really does! but her efforts go to waste when you start playing with her tits underneath her shirt and rub her cunt through her panties :< and it looks like she's trying to stop you with the way she's squeezing her legs together and holding onto your wrist as if to pull it out of her shorts but really, she's torn between letting you fuck her completely or just tease her! "love, can i touch you?" you'd ask knowing damn well what the answer would be 😵‍💫 ugh gaeul was so whipped for you that it was her that decided to lay down on the bed and pull you on top of her...
kissing her neck would be enough to completely melt her down! she absolutely loves the way you kiss her :(( it was so addictive! gaeul suddenly grinding her cunt on your thigh when she's usually so patient and actually prefers when you take your time with her?? oh, she must be so desperate to get off! gaeul doesn't even care that she looks so unlike the 'eldest' of the ive family—when you're around, no titles matter to her. just you, and the way you make her feel.
but yeah no, it's totaly so easy to ruin her! with enough degrading words in her ear and about three fingers inside her tight cunt, gaeul would be gone 😵‍💫 just a moaning, whimpering mess underneath you who can't get a grasp of the situation bcs, well, you were just too good at what you do :(( "can you take it, hon?" you'd ask,, which is of course was useless considering gaeul can barely hear her own thoughts with the way you stretched her out while you spread your fingers inside her and the fact that you knew that she can take anything 🫣 "useless.. i was hoping you'd put up more of a fight..." saying this with a pout, deeply upsetting gaeul bcs oh no you were unsatisfied but also turning her on bcs... well, she's a slut for you, what did you expect.
"(y/n)-ah.. more... i can take it... p-please, more..."
"aw, that's right.. good girl." gosh, gaeul could cum from that alone.. her ending up hugging you as you thrusted your fingers inside her in a rapid pace :(( whining in your ear and just begging for you to completely break her bcs she needed it! especially when she has been so busy taking care of the members... being able to relax and be used like this was a blessing and thank fucking god for you while she's at it 🤭
who else is part of the clingy gaeul after fucking agenda bcs hello that's totally her!! refusing to let you go anywhere and practically trapping you underneath her bcs even your aftercare was to die for!! 🥺 but trust that after gaeul has recovered that she'll start something up again! babygirl just needs so much love rn and she knows you can provide that and more 😋💕
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bonefall · 6 months
Opinion on WhistleFrost: do you see it as platonic or is there something more there in your eyes? If seen as romantic, how high are the odds that they’ll be a canon couple in the rewrite in some way? I know you say no changes done until the arc is done but I gotta know what your brain is thinking about them in the moment because they are my favoritist thing ever rn
I definitely see them as not entirely platonic. They're giving me big Mothwing/Leafpool vibes.
It's the way that whenever they're at their lowest, the only person that could come through to them was the other. Throat slashed and losing blood fast, her mother's command to trust no cat swirling in her fading mind, Frostpaw's heart still guided her towards Whistlepaw. The whole world crashing down, her Clan having punished and mocked her for how she'd helped her friend, the only one who could pull Whistlepaw out of her self-destructive desperation to save her sister was Frostpaw.
Like they remain the one stable thing in the chaos. I'm reminded of the way Leafpool was afraid Mothwing wouldn't belive a vision she had, especially knowing she was faithless, and she simply responded, "I believe in you, Leafpool."
So when it comes to BB, I know that there needs to be one or two significant moments where Frostpaw's love of Whistlepaw makes her realize things about herself. One of them I'm pretty deadset on.
Instead of it being Smoky that goes against Frostpaw's wishes while she's injured, violating her trust in him, and this somehow NOT causing a massive backslide in Frostpaw's tentative ability to trust people (thanks i hate it), Frostpaw realizes that she's forcing Whistlepaw to watch her die.
Whistlepaw is too inexperienced to deal with these injuries, but she's doing everything Frostpaw asks. She didn't grab her mentor. She isn't going to the humans. She's desperately trying to treat her best friend and feeling her slip away below her paws.
How can Frostpaw let this happen? Whistlepaw loves her so much, she'll lose her. It's then that she lurches up from her deathbed, drags herself out onto the moor, and calls the humans.
In BB, they're a team of researchers who study the Clan cats. It's why they were able to field dress her so easily, as opposed to this... random horse farmer who happens to carry a syringe of cat tranquilizer in their pocket. Minor detail that bugs me more than it should lmao.
BUT that aside... I need to know how ASC ends before considering if they can be a canon couple or not. As much as they love one another, I feel like it's unlikely Whistlepaw would leave WindClan, and she is a Cleric subject to the Vow.
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
Hell yea I’m going to Shoko if given the opportunity (I hope she doesn’t think she’s a rebound especially in the context of after finding out Geto cheated on you.
My only worry would be if stsg wanted you back and I know she’s intuitive enough to know they do without saying anything. Would she refuse? Protect you? Or would she just let them have you?
yall underestimate shoko too much. theres a reason shes friends with those two.
much like satosugu, shoko is just as obsessed with you, but she's a bit more dignified with it, and wont make it so obvious. Yeah she's crazy for you, but unlike satosugu, she won't stalk you, disrespect your boundaries or constantly lovebomb you.
When you're finally safe in her arms, and those two idiots are still pining after you, she's not gonna roll over. She'll tell them to back off, she'll be civil, for a time. But these men are stubborn. She's known that her entire life. Only death will make them give up on their obsession.
Eh. Satoru always said he wanted to live fast die young, right?
She has friends in dark places. It's no real issue to precure something oderless, tasteless, deadly. Administering it is the real issue, but once the hard part is over, she doesn't have to cover up the bodies. It's supposed to look like a tragic accident.
i fully believe that in a no curses au, Shoko would be the most dangerous out of the trio. shes a doctor. she's taken an oath 'do no harm', but she's more than willing to bend the rules for you.
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shesnake · 2 months
sorry to talk about star wars on main but
Leslye Headland is truly the funniest person alive for saying on record that oshamir was inspired by reylo. like it's the most transparent marketing line to simply tell you that they're "enemies to lovers" (pending) and to bait the reylos (who are arguably the strongest voice in the disney era fandom... like look what they achieved [derogratory]) into caring about non-white characters because yeah The Acolyte Does need the numbers.
and sure this is bringing people into the show for the wrong reasons and also deterring people from the show for the wrong reasons but it's a TRAP lol ms Headland has a comically large shovel-shaped lightsaber and is digging a hole in the ground right in front of us all. and I am DIVING IN HEAD FIRST before she's even sprinkled leaves over it. because oshamir is nothing like reylo, because The Acolyte is nothing like disney era star wars!
The Acolyte is critical of the jedi order and the absolutism of the dark side. it's not about Anakin but it does Understand Anakin and what went down in the prequels (unlike the kenobi series which essentially nullified his whole corruption arc...) and the jedi order's unique form of oppression through repression. up until this point we've only seen our protagonists being lured to the dark side through grooming and sabotage by a sith actively turning them away from the jedi.
but in the acolyte, our protagonist Osha has already been fucked over by the jedi without the influence of any sith! they killed her family, they killed her PEOPLE/RELIGION, they left her sister Mae to die (after they already decided she had terrible vibes), and they abandoned her as a "failure" because after all they did to cut her away from her life THEY DIDN'T WANT HER because she was affected by the trauma THEY CAUSED.
and they did say to Sol from the start that she was too old to be recruited. how many other padawans must they have done this to while they were too young for that trauma to grow and could still be groomed to believe in the force in the way the jedi order do. Sol is horrified at Qimir/The Stranger for killing a child and he just shrugs and says "you brought her here" because it really is on him.
but yeah Osha at this point in the story with her lived experiences is an adult who cannot be manipulated like that, by a jedi OR a sith. and so what other approach can Qimir really make to lure Osha over to the dark side except to... talk to her? sure there's a seductive subtext to it, but this is the first time we've seen someone with the force, sith or jedi, have to present their case like an adult To an adult.
and as the no.1 jedi order hater this is SO compelling to me because everything Qimir has to say is SO true and yeah manny is hot and amandla is hot and when you think about it he did kind of give her a knife lightsaber because he wants someone on that same level of enlightenment with him which does expose him to creating someone who could very well destroy him but he's taking that risk with her because he does Know her already from what he sees of himself and he's just going to get to know her better and they're both just going to keep talking it through and developing that set of beliefs together in That Beautiful Separation They Felt and she'll learn more about him and his particular history his real name and the scars on his back and also there's what he represents as a minority in the world and Headland's connection to him as a lesbian and how it feels like they don't want you to exist and let's not forget the colonial metaphors the manifest destiny of the way the jedi operate she'll see how alike they are and she'll be able to come into herself as an empowered user of the force and that'll be thanks to him and the journey will be Glorious!
but none of that is going to change the fact that before he made this intellectual/civilised/human/seductive approach with her as an adult HE STILL GROOMED HER SISTER and Osha is NEVER going to forget that because if she and Mae are the same person she's the only one left to remember he did that to her/them and I cannot fucking WAIT to see her lightsaber turn green when she finally runs it through his chest god bless 🥰
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aingeal98 · 9 months
Something I enjoy a lot about Cass is that with a lot of heroes that don't kill it can easily veer into self righteousness. It happens with Bruce a fair amount and while it can make for a compelling character beat if done well, if done poorly it just kind of makes the reader annoyed lmao. Like why am I supposed to root for this guy when he's saying "If you shoot the man who killed your parents your soul will be forever ruined!" and acting like there's no difference between types of kill?
And the thing about Cass is that while her no kill rule is based on the experience of watching someone die and the horror she felt, and while she does project it into pretty much everyone she meets... It never comes across as unlikeably self righteous to me. Like for Cass every kill is a tragedy and while her no death rule is a moral statement it's also given more importance as an rule that gives us psychological insight into what governs and drives her. Even when she's wrong, even when the villain is so sympathetic and justified that there's no reason to root for her, the narrative always feels very self aware about it. Like when she let that father get arrested despite him just wanting his daughter back. The writer (Puckett of course) wasn't interested in convincing the reader that Cass's judgement was the morally correct choice. He was interested in what it said about her that it was the choice she chose.
And similarly when she approaches people to try and stop them from killing she always lacks the morally righteous air a lot of others carry. She's desperate and earnest and determined to get them to change but it's not because she thinks she's in any way better than them and has the right to pass judgement because of it. It's someone who genuinely believes that she's irredeemable manically trying to save everyone else because if these killers can do the right thing and turn over a new leaf then maybe... Just maybe... there's hope for her?
It's so compelling to me. The desperation and clear projection that happens when she goes out determined to enforce and/or promote her code to as many people possible. Every time she says someone can change she's speaking from experience. Because she views herself as irredeemable and beneath everyone but she's still out here trying to be good so maybe if others make the same choice it's proof that she's not doomed. That none of them are. She doesn't want the hitman to redeem himself by becoming a hero and helping his former victims. She just wants him to walk away, to start a peaceful and quiet new life. And when he fails to do that and they meet again she still won't give up on him. When she stands in front of the victims family she won't declare she knows better. She'll hopefully and uncertainty ask "But maybe... He can change?"
Like there's so much heart behind everything she does and every action she takes. Every time the topic of killing people comes up she's so earnest and clearly projecting her own issues and seeing herself in every murderer and it's so fun. It's so fascinating. I miss Batgirl 2000.
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allthornsnopetals · 2 months
Unrequited love
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If her dead heart could shatter it would. She has been waiting for her mate for a millennium.
To find out that you would rather be friends, messed her up.
She was rejected by Edward, indulged in the company of others, which were purely sexual, and finally being rejected by the one.
Tanya is trying to understand why. She knew you were human, so you would never experience the magnetic connection, the pull, the yearning, and the instant clasp of your heart. But that would not stop her questions of why.
Why would you not want to be with her, as she wants to be with you?
In my perspective, out of all her sisters, she would respect your wishes. And even fight the urge to turn you, so you would be her mate, her forever.
She would question you, interrogate, and even ask if there is someone else. She just wants to know why you would only have her as a friend, especially after the—in her perspective, romantic experiences—experiences you have shared together.
"You like me but you do not love me?" Said Tanya, sounding defeated as she sat beside Y/n.
Y/n nods, staring at the ground, feeling horrible for rejecting her. "Is there someone else?" Tanya questions, find Y/n's gaze.
She shook her head, confusing the vampire. "Then why, not feel the same way as I do? I thought we were on the same page... I assumed you felt the same way as I do."
"Tanya, you're my friend... A very good friend. I was new to town, but you showed up and decided to be—what I thought, was my friend." Y/n explains, trying her best not to upset Tanya, knowing she's in a rather sore situation.
It rang through her head. She never thought, she could be friend zoned. She's Tanya Denali, a beauty, a leader, and desirable woman, who was being friend zoned by her own mate. She would kill and die for the woman beside her, but she would only simply see her as a friend.
She distanced herself for a while, until the bond was tearing through her, like a heated blade cutting through her flesh.
Whenever she sees you it pulls her apart, but when she cannot, it kills her. In a sense she can't stand herself.
She curses whomever would listen for giving her someone she cannot have. For a while Tanya would feel hollow and not even her sisters can fix it.
But if you are in danger, she would never think twice to drop everything to save you.
Also, Tanya's a vampire. She has nothing but time, so she will wait until you come around. She would still flirt, pursue, and be with you, because to her this is a challenge, and she loves a good challenge.
She'll wait until you come around, and trust me, she has nothing but patience. It's Tanya Denali, leader of her coven, her patience is her number one gift.
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Kate in my perspective, is very much: 'that's cute but you're mine and I'm you'res'.
She just gives me that vibe.
So if she finally confesses her feelings and you inform her that you just want to be friends, she's laughing her ass off, and most likely changing you right then and there.
Unlike Tanya, Kate does not give a fuck for your wishes.
The bond was set, the moment her eyes met yours. The magnetic connection fed her determination, her hunger, and her drive. Once Kate sets her mind on something, she will do anything to achieve it.
Once, she turns you the bond is set, making it impossible for you not to love her as she loves you. She just hopes that you could forgive her for changing your life.
Kate barks a laugh, doubling over, holding her middle as she finds your words amusing. "Kate, I'm serious. You and I are friends, nothing more." Y/n says, beginning to feel comfortable with her reaction, and perhaps a bit frightened.
Kate wipes a fake tear, slowing her laughter, coming to an end with a large grin. "Princezná', that is funny. You're hilarious, you should be a stand up comedian." She cups Y/n's cheeks, rolling her thumbs over her warm human flesh.
"But there is one thing that I know... It's that you and I were never destined to be friends. You are my love, and I am yours." She pecks her lips, rubbing their noses together, affectionately.
Y/n's heart beats rapidly, unable to recognize the person in front of her. Pulling away, she begins collecting her belongings. "You're right we were never meant to be friends. We should have stayed as strangers." Kate laughs again, taking Y/n's hand into her own.
"That is not how mates work. You'll understand once you wake, but I must warn you, it will hurt."
She strokes your hair, comforting you as you transform. Kate knew it would be a risky thing to do, but when it comes to her beloved, she can't seem to give a single fuck.
This is giving yandere vibes, but she's obsessed, and drunk on love. (and she didn't wait for so fucking long, just to be friend zoned.
When you do come back, do expect a bit of manipulation, and a lot of apologies.
She would spend her entire life apologizing for changing you, but she knows, that the bond has infected you as it did her, so it is only so much time until you're in her arms, forgiving her, and sharing your undying love for her.
She will be waiting with a shit-eating grin.
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Like Tanya and Kate, Irian has been patiently waiting for her mate, for the one, for you.
So in my perspective she isn't going to take the news very well or at all. But unlike Kate, your request to be just friends isn't going to fall to deaf ears.
She has been following the law perfectly well, until she met you, sealing the bond... Sealing her fate.
So, your rejection does not settle well with her.
Irian would not be understanding, because to pursue you is to put her family in harm's way, to break the law, to bring suffering to herself and her coven.
Sorry, babe but you're not going to get rid of her.
She would make it seem that she took your rejection well, but internally she's burning.
If she knew that you rejected her because you're already in an established relationship... Yeah not anymore. You better say good bye to that fucker, because Irina has sent them to the darkness, aka death.
She would make it appear as if they left you. Abandoned you, packed up their things and left, and broke things off with you. Making you feel unwanted, heartbroken, and low in self-esteem.
Toxic, yandere style, but she's kinda fucking crazy and feral; (thanks @thegamingcatmom, for rotting my mind, I expect composition for my therapy, that you're accompanying me to, because there is nothing right in your head. If you need evidence, look at the stuff you publish... Well, the stuff I like... WHATEVER!!)
She would be there as a 'friend' to catch you and patch up any holes, that their absence has left on you.
She would even make you rely on her, making you believe that you should have chosen her, which is fine, because she would welcome your lost heart with open arms.
"I should have listened to you." Y/n wept, cuddled deep in Irian's arms.
Irian shushes Y/n, rubbing soothing circles on her back as they lay comfortably on her couch. "It's okay, Maličký. It is not your fault, it's his. He sucks for leaving you." She wipes her tears away with her sleeve.
"Did I do something wrong? Is there something wrong with me?" Y/n sniffles, finding Irian's gaze, her eyes filled with pain.
"No, not at all. There could never be anything wrong about you. Never think that way." She pulls her into her arms, pecking gentle kisses to her hair.
"Irian?" Y/n pulls away, looking her in the eyes. The blond psycho hums, cradling her face in her cold hands, and softly kissing her head. "You won't leave me, would you?"
Irian felt her dead heart squeeze. As if she could leave her darling behind. Her heart was completely devoted to her, far too gone for her to just leave her.
"I would never. I'll break if I did."
Faster then she thought, you're cradled in her arms, spending every waking moment with her.
She of course would never tell you, that she murdered your ex-partner, fuck that shit.
And once she has you, she's not waiting for permission to turn you. She can't have the volturi knocking on her door.
She would turn you, knowing that you would be stuck together forever, and would easily forgive her.
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nobody-nexus · 9 months
Ragapom HCs I Have
(WARNING: There's a LOT of headcanons)
-Transfem Lesbian Pomni (Is On The Spectrum)
-Cisgender Bisexual Ragatha (Has ADHD)
-Pomni has a cat tail (This is to give other hcs context)
-Pomni loves hearing Ragatha play the cello
-Ragatha will always ask if it's okay if she can touch Pomni or not, but if they're in immediate danger there's no time to ask (she will ask if Pomni's okay and apologize AFTER the danger has passed)
-Pomni learned how to sew just to help out Ragatha (She's not great at it, but it's better than nothing)
-They both learned each other's favorite smells and they've asked for candles of that scent just to sit in their rooms and take it in
-Pomni's not the BIGGEST fan of her body but Ragatha makes sure she feels valid (if you misgender her, you die. There's no getting pass it)
-Ragatha hides her love of horses because she's embarrassed by it, but Pomni actually really like animals
-Pomni makes various animal noises when expressing emotions, mainly cat or even dog like noises- and Ragatha's memorized all of them
-Blanket cuddles ALL THE TIME- even if Pomni's okay with touch. Ragatha being one giant comforter for Pomni always makes her SO HAPPY
-Pomni has bells on her tail, which although was Caine's idea, it DID make it easier for Ragatha to know if Pomni's sneaking away for a late-night snack or not
-Pomni has a BIG love for dresses. Ragatha once made a dress for Pomni, who wears it every time they go on a date
-Jax was the first to find out about them dating by barging into their room while they were making out. Caine was the last to find out, but still thinks they're "gal pals"
-Whenever Ragatha's having a bad day, Pomni just likes to talk. Since she's not always up for physical comfort, she knows her voice soothes Ragatha
-Pomni swears a lot whilst Ragatha hardly does so
-Ragatha makes Pomni flustered CONSTANTLY, and she never even means to
-Pomni's stamina is nonexistent while Ragatha can run for hours without realizing it
-Ragatha can pick up Pomni like she's nothing
-Pomni is awful at coming up with cute nicknames for Ragatha, but Ragatha has a bunch. Her favorite one is 'sweetheart' for Pomni
-If the jester's feeling very protective, she'll bite Ragatha to show bite marks, showing that no one touches Ragatha but her (And the doll's beyond embarrassed about it)
-Pomni's flirting sucks, but Ragatha's reaction is THE most 30s thing you could imagine. Hands on sides of face, shaking her head a little, "Oh Pomni, QUIT IT! You're gonna make me blush!", blushing hard, giggling along the way
-If Pomni gets flustered enough, she gets a nosebleed like a cartoon character! Her blood is black in color
-Ragatha lets Pomni help in the kitchen by grabbing ingredients for her. That's about it
-Ragatha was shocked hearing Pomni talk in Spanish and Russian for the first times (AN: YES, I still think Pomni's Russian and Hispanic)
-When they kiss, it's VERY obvious. Ragatha wears red lipstick, and it gets all over Pomni's face, making her all red and flustered, but she loves it every time it happens
-No one has told Pomni her eyes turn into hearts when she's infatuated yet. Not even Jax (Mainly cause Ragatha won't ALLOW him to do so)
-Pomni thinks Ragatha looks hot holding knives.... Ragatha's a little bit of a klutz with knives in reality
-Unlike Ragatha, Pomni actually likes bugs. She usually handles centipedes if any are around
-Ragatha has a big sweet tooth which is why she bakes. Although it has lead to Ragatha accidentally getting high because Zooble made pot brownies... Multiple times
-Pomni is easy to anger whilst Ragatha has a long fuse, but can be easily bothered
-If Pomni gets too stressed out, her teeth get shark like. She can crush a damn BONE with them, and Ragatha helps out with those said bones (don't ask where she gets them from)
-Pomni likes playing horror games whilst Ragatha likes calmer games
-Ragatha loves FNaF and will ramble about it to Pomni
-Pomni likes to draw! Ragatha loves ALL the drawings she does
-They watch Disney movies in bed together :D
-Most of their dates get ruined because of Jax or Caine (Sometimes Bubble)
-Ragatha gets oddly competitive in multiplayer games, thus why they don't play many multiplayer games together
-Slow dancing is Ragatha's favorite romantic thing to do with Pomni
-They usually kiss when both are laying down because the height difference hurts Ragathas back hurt when they kiss whilst standing
-Pomni HATES being wet with her clothes on. Pomni has to be carried by the scruff of her outfit like a cat because she just COMPLETELY shuts down due to overstimulation of the wet clothes against her skin
-Ragatha hates her hands, but Pomni finds them interesting, and she likes to watch Ragatha use her hands for various things JUST to see how they work
-Caine almost gave them a child by overhearing something they said wrong, but thankfully the two were quick enough to stop him
WOW that's a LOT of hcs. And maybe I have more. Hope you like them!
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
what do you think about the theory that the dumbification of steph and dick is (occasionally) rooted in ableism?
ok I don't know much about this theory but in the end I don't think the dumbification of these characters have anything to do with ableism. If they were written dumb, it was written that way on purpose as a stand alone.
So let's start with Steph.
There's this overall impression that Stephanie is the dumbest of the bat group and that's really not fair for three reasons. 1 - Her character was handled poorly in the batgirl comic, 2 - Stephanie's debut isn't hers, and 3 - she's unique from the rest.
1 - Her character was handled poorly.
What I mean by this is in her Batgirl comic, the intention of her writer was to purposefully make her dumb.
The very first page, her introduction as Batgirl is this -
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #1
Her very opening is Dick noticing she's not as good as Cass through her skill level and then Stephanie being like "Yup! That's me! I'm a nobody and can't do anything!" That's her introduction. And throughout the rest of the comic, she'll just continue putting herself down as someone who isn't capable or exceptional. This is exactly how Roy acts in Red Hood and the Outlaws. He puts himself down, is ashamed and disgusted by himself, and thinks of himself as a failure which is a HUGE mischaracterization by Scott Lobdell because he wanted to boost Jason's character by putting down Roy's. Which is exactly what's happening here. The authors are trying to boost Barbara and somewhat Cassandra's skillset by putting down Stehanie and making it out like she's some kind of massive failure and Barbara is her saving grace without whom she would be pathetic and die a second time.
2 - Stephanie's Batgirl comic wasn't written for her, it was written for Barbara.
The entire time of Steph's defining "who am I and what can I do?" comic that every single character goes through is just a cover up to talk about how good at her work Barbara is. Instead of getting to see the ingenuity, the determination, and the skills Stephanie learned on her own, under Batman, and from her death, the entire time it's just Barbara dictating Stephanie's actions which further leads to the dumbification of her character because the comic begins with Barbara talking about how pathetic and dumb stephanie is-
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #2
And it continues with her being in charge the whole time, Stephanie learning nothing, never acting independently, and always being under Barbara's shadow.
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #3
So from the beginning to the end, what has changed? How has Steph grown as a person and skill-wise? She's done nothing.
They did Steph so dirty in this comic -
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #4
You're telling me someone who was grappling before they even met Batman is fumbling over a safe save??? This comic feels like a Tom Taylorized version of Batgirl.
And this is what happens when they have her act independently, without Barbara's orders -
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #5
They refuse to let her even be good at school
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #15
And even the one case she does get to solve near the end without Barbara's interference, they only let her do it with the help of another female senior vigilante.
But mainly the dumbification of Stephanie comes from making Barbara look good. And people can say, "She's older, she knows better which is why she's in charge" but I counter with Tim and Bruce's dynamic or Dick and Bruce or Tim and Dick. Just because a partner is younger doesn't mean they're incapable. Writing Stephanie this way was a choice and since this was supposed to be her comic, this characterization for her is what stuck leading to the dumbificaton issue.
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Convergence Batgirl Issue #1
They won't give her a freaking break.
3 - Stephanie is different from the rest of the Robins and Cass
Stephanie started off her vigilante career by herself, unlike the rest. Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, and Damian all had mentors that raised them in some way shape or form at the beginning but Stephanie literally created her own costume, snuck out, and learned crime fighting by herself. She's like Helena, Bruce, and Barbara and I firmly believe if Bruce had treated her as Robin, genuinely taken her in, she wouldn't have died in the altercation with Black Mask.
But I think it's because of this element and the fact that times have changed, this ingenuity and self-growth is seen as unfeasible which leads to the dumbification of her character. As if she's unable to fight and think for herself without leading to her detriment.
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Convergence Batgirl Issue #1
They seriously classified all her hard, independent work as Spoiler into "being young and silly." I can't-
In summary of Steph, I don't believe dumbification has to do with ableism. Stephanie's written that way because the writers don't know how to write her and they don't care enough.
I don't think the dumbification thing with Dick is anywhere near as bad as it is with Steph. But whereas Stephanie doesn't a single post-og spoiler comic where she's seen as good until the very recent Batgirls comic run and tie ins, Dick has numerous comics where he's pointed out to be amazing or good.
Steph says it
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Convergence Batgirl Issue #1
Tim says it
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Robin (1993) Issue #32
Bruce, Helena, Damian, and various other heroes to summarize.
However same issue with the stephanie batgirl comic and dick - both characters are dumbed down to highlight Barbara's intelligence. Not even touching Tom Taylor's run, Dick's really only dumbed down when he's paired up with Barbara.
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Batgirl (2011) Issue #3
There's no way he can't fight his way out, use a grapple or a device, manipulate someone, or at the very least have an escape plan.
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Convergence Nightwing/Oracle Issue #1
He's the leader of the Titans, the Outsiders, been Batman, soloed, been Robin, and he teaches heroes on tactics, strategies, and fighting skills. But she won't even give him the decency of hearing out his plan because she's so incredibly smart that she doesn’t need to listen to anyone but herself.
No, I don't believe Steph and Dick's dumbification is related to ableism but there are other factors that play into it.
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i--see--everything · 4 months
Survival chances of every TMagP character
Sam: 23%
I don't think he's gonna die any time soon, it would be like at the end of the whole series or season two.
The show is having three seasons btw.
Both Sam and Alice are presented as the main characters, so at least one of them is gonna die, certainly, or maybe even both. I'm leaning a bit more on Sam. He has way less common sense that her, but he still has chances.
Alice: 56%
Again, either Sam or Alice is gonna die. I'm sure of it. But she has better chances than him.
What's also definitely going to happen is that Alice is gonna fall apart, complete mess of a person, her whole life is gonna be in pieces, the good old TMA character corruption.
Her character reminds me a lot of Tim, so I don't think so they would end the same way. With them dying tragically. Nah, Alice is probably gonna make it through and suffer a lot.
Gwen: 35%
Gwen is the kind of person that always thinks they know what's best for everyone, and I think that's gonna get her at the end. Like last episode when she brought Lady Mowbray to the OIAR.
I think she gonna get into a bad situation, assume she knows exactly what to do, ignore everyone, do whatever she wants and end up as a stain in the wall.
Or have someone else's killed that way.
Or maybe she'll make it, idk.
Colin: 45%
I think is too easy to think Colin gonna die.
My boy was already loosing it and hasn't been seen in several episodes. It's too obvious to assume he's dead.
But also I don't how he could end up no dead.
Celia: 68%
She seems to know what kind of story she's in and that gives her a mayor advantage over basically anyone. Celia has great probabilities of survival, but I also wouldn't put her above 70%.
Lena: 0%
She's too safe, she's the status quo, she cares about her employees. She's gonna get eaten by Bonzo.
Luke: 0%
He's gonna die and send Alice into a spiral.
He might be an External already
Bonzo, Needles, Lady Mowbray, basically any External: 1%
They are gonna get the Ceaseless Watcher treatment, or whatever this universe has in its place.
Or pull an Oliver Banks and survive by being too sexy, but unlikely.
Jack: ???
You guys think Rusty Quill would let Alexander J. Newall kill a baby?
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I don't like the Found Family trope.
There, did I get your attention? It's true, but the question is, why is Guardians of the Galaxy still one of my favorite stories in any medium ever?
Something really clicked for me with the ending of Vol. 3 (spoilers ahead, natch). The team broke up and that kind of development is usually heartbreaking, because we love the team, they love each other, now that they've found each other why should they ever part ways?
The answer is that they're a family, and that's what families do. Growing up means leaving the parents who raised you and finding a path of your own, maybe to someday continue the cycle with kids of your own, but never losing what you got from your first family. Those people, who you can't choose, will always be a part of you.
Each of the Guardians, aside from Drax, had their childhoods interrupted by traumatic events. They didn't get to finish growing up naturally, and that loss hounded them all their lives. When they found each other they began to heal, but here's what I didn't realize until the end of the trilogy: the family that they found with each other wasn't the kind that you make when you grow up. It's the kind that you grow out of.
From the beginning, Peter has shown signs of "Peter Pan Syndrome," acting like a little boy even though he's highly skilled, courageous, and compassionate. His maturity gradually began to show through, but one quirk that kept coming up was his refusal to return to Earth. No good reason for it except that he couldn't bear the reminder of his mother and he was ashamed to face his grandfather. He can handle it now because his life with the Guardians gave him the stability he needed to become a true adult.
Gamora's new incarnation doesn't need the Guardians because she found the Ravagers instead. We don't know much about them but I expect that what they did for Yondu, they'll do for her too. In the meantime, Nebula's had a few good years of being loved and now she can follow the footsteps of the Gamora who was lost, aside from falling for Peter, because that's unlikely to ever work again.
Groot's been the most fortunate, not having his youth cut short or taking any serious trauma since he sprouted. Eventually he may want to strike out on his own, but until then it's good that he can stick with Rocket.
Mantis seemed more aware than anyone of their internal struggles, including her own. Which is appropriate, her being an empath and all. She really made the boldest possible move, going it alone, and I'm proud of her. Hoping she'll make an appearance in The Marvels or something else before reuniting with Peter and/or the Guardians.
Drax is a special case and the one who I thought was most likely to die, since it seemed like his arc was all wrapped up: he had his childhood before we met him and it was his adulthood that was ripped away from him. Revenge was his entire deal and Ronan and Thanos are dead now, so what's left for Drax? Well, it turns out revenge doesn't have to be his entire deal and now I'm embarrassed I ever thought otherwise.
Rocket...oh, Rocket. We always knew that he was something other than what nature had intended, and that was on top of the nonstop physical and emotional abuse, but now it turns out he already lost the only three people who put anything good into his sad little life. Since there was nothing to salvage from his upbringing, he was the one who needed the Guardians the most, so he's the only founding member to stay. But no mistake, it matters that he's staying as the leader. He's not alone, but he's not under anyone's control, either. He knows who is now and he knows his worth.
The "don't call me a raccoon" running joke always bothered me a little but I never dreamed it would have a payoff like it did in Vol. 3. Rocket claiming his full name is much more than a nod to his comic origins. It's his understanding of where he began and the injustice that was done to him, his acceptance that he wasn't at fault for the deaths of his first companions and that he does deserve to be loved by the Guardians.
That's the foundation that lets everyone part ways without having to ask each other if this means their relationships are over. As far as I've seen, no other found family in fiction has reached this point - the team is generally the endgame, and if someone leaves, things will never be the same again.
In a real family, a good one, when someone leaves we celebrate. Congratulations on your first apartment. Good luck at college. Blessings on your union. Just remember, you can always come home again. Our arms are open for you.
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strawberrynightmere · 3 months
Bad Cats!!! [Part 3]
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Warning ⚠️: yandere tendencies, mention of (temporary?) re-homing, mention of financial struggling (idk how to exactly put it), an attempt at writing a professional sounding email.
A/n: Sorry, this took a while, I had things to do. This is a bit longer than what I expected.
It finally happened. Your boss' incompetence has set back the whole company. You knew it would happen eventually, but you thought that by then, you'd be working somewhere else. There's still no reply from the places you applied to and the bills! What are you going to do now? The obvious thing is to cut your food supply short, but that's still not enough.
And how are you going to take care of Andrew and Ashley? You can't just toss them outside. That's inhumane! You've grown attached to those two and they have also grown attached to you. Besides, they've been living here with you for some time, and you're afraid they won't be able to adjust to the streets again.
All of this has been brought up in your conversation with Julia. Unlike Nina, Julia knew how to offer helping you.
"What if I take them in until you get back to your feet."
"You would do that? Even take in Ashley?"
"Yeah! You said they got tamer over the time, besides when introduced to new people. I can deal with that for the time being."
You wanted to cry in releaf. Like a boulder just fell off of your shoulders. You make the arrangement with Julia and end the call.
Andrew was right at the doorway looking at you with what you can pinpoint was concern.
You crouch down to his level and pat his head. "Everything is alright."
You were waiting for Julia in the park, where you said you two would meet. Andrew and Ashley were in their cat carriers wondering why they were here and what was happening.
You hear footsteps running in your direction. It was Julia!
"Sorry I'm late. Traffic." She said out of breath.
You take her to the bench you were sitting on to rest a bit. While she was resting, you, for some reason unknown to anyone, spoke to Andrew and Ashley.
"Listen, you two will be staying with Julia, temporarily, please be good to her. I'll come back for you as soon as possible." Then you turn to and tell her what she needed to know about the two.
Meanwhile, Andrew and Ashley were confused, to say the least.
The time the cat siblings spent with your friend was unpleasant. Ashley hated everything about this situation. She hated the place they were living in. She hated Julia. She hated how she treated them as babies. She hated that Andrew was unresponsive the whole stay.
"Are you still going to stay quiet?"
At this point, she'll die of boredom and frustration.
Speaking of which.
Ashley slaps her brother with her little back paw.
"Are you gonna talk now?"
"She left us."
"She. Left. Us." Andrew repeated, emphasizing each word.
"Well, watcha gonna do about it?"
"Something I should've done before."
That surprised her. It took only a moment for her to realise what he meant.
"Oh. Oh! My god, really? Are you actually gonna do it? You are gonna listen to me. This. This moment is so much bigger than me! I'd like to thank myself for holding up for so long. My parents... can continue to rot in Hell where they belong."
Andrew just rolled his eyes at his sister's dramatic speech, like she was gonna get some kind of reward.
"But anyways. This episode is titled 'Andy and Leyley and the-"
"You're not going."
"You'll stay here and distract the human. She still can't tell the difference between us."
Ashley sinks down to the floor.
"And Leyley is stuck with the crumiest job possible."
"Daww, don't worry, Leyley. We'll pick you up very soon." Andrew assured in a teasing tone.
"Ha ha ha! Fucking asshole."
One rejection letter after another. You were losing hope. You're gonna end up homeless at this point.
Slumping your head on the table.
An email from your current job. It's probably gonna beo something like half of the company being let go. Whatever. You click on the email.
Respected workers of [COMPANY],
It has come to us with a heavy heart to announce that [REDACTED] from [DEPARTMENT NAME] has been forced to let go.
As you are all aware of the current setback in this company. We are glad to announce that this is just a small hiccup, and in soon time, the company as a whole will soon be able to function like before, and you'll be able to receive your full payments.
For any questions you have, please email us.
With full regards
P. S. As for the new manager of [DEPARTMENT NAME], the position will be vacant until further notice.
This has to be a dream. You rub your eyes to confirm. Yep. It's real. So many questions were forming. Was any of this possible? What was this feeling right now?
Who cares! You won't have to worry about this anymore. You won't have to worry about finding a home for Andrew and Ashley or the possibility to send them to a pound. You won't have to worry about starving or being homeless.
And the best part? That sucker of your boss finally got fired.
Wait. Andrew and Ashley. You'll have to see until next month if you'll be able to take them back. Right. It's late. You'll tell Julie about the good news in the morning.
What the...
Black fur, green eyes. Either you're hallucinating from the lack of sleep and the lack of nutrition, or that really was Andrew sitting at the doorway.
You carefully get close to the cat and stretch your hand out to him. And then you feel his little head rubbing against your palm.
"What are you doing here?" You ask in a voice that was right above a whisper. "I can't take you back just yet. I need to call Julie."
Picking up your phone from the table, you dile Julie and wait for her to pick up, but there is no answer.
"Gess, I'll return you back there tomorrow."
As you say that, two arms trap you at the table where you were sitting. Turning around, you see the same man from your dreams. Black hair and green eyes. It suddenly dawned on you.
"You're not taking me anywhere."
A/n: There were a lot of possible plots I was working on, and honestly, this one was the only one that was working out for me. Hope you enjoyed it.
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