#and i literally saw the texts while half asleep and the texts were like. an hour old so i was worried i'd missed out!
typing-catastrophe · 6 days
could you write a stanford pines x reader headcanon where the reader is an artist and always draws him and draws in his journals when he isnt looking? maybe he talks to the reader about the drawings and they get really flustered i dunno!!! <3
oohhh! yeesss, that's a great idea! thank you anon ^^ hope this is okay, enjoy!
1.2k words --------------------------------------------------
Your little habit started out even before Stanford came back. Dipper saw you sketching in your notebook from time to time, and asked you to draw something for him in the journal. He handed it to you and pointed next to a text he'd written about some anomaly (maybe a Manotaur or the Pterodactyl). First you were unsure, how would you feel if someone randomly decided to draw in your sketchbook? But it actually seemed really fun, an you didn't want to disappoint Dipper. Also it was in the spirit of research and preserving observations. And honestly, what were the odds the mysterious author would ever show up again?
With that attitude you began, whenever you got the chance to, to doodle yours and the twins encounters with the countless strange phenomena in gravity falls into the journal.
Well, oops? Seemed like the universe decided that not long after you started doing so, it was the right time for the author to come back.
It wasn't a big deal really, Dipper kept the journal for most of the time and Ford told him that he liked the additions he made. You weren't sure if he only meant the notes Dipper added, or if he even knew that someone else drew the newly added creatures.
It didn't take long for you and Ford to get to know each other better and spend more time together. Literally everything about him was just so fascinating. From the way he talked about his dimensional travels, anomaly hunts and research, his interest in a shared hobby of yours (dd&md), to the way he held himself. And, even if you were a bit embarrassed to admit it, his looks.
You couldn't help it, he was captivating. So to no surprise, one day you found yourself sitting the shack's porch, looking over at Ford standing in the yard, working away at something that was too bulky for the basement. You didn't even realise what you were doing, until something startled you out of your thoughts and you looked down at your sketchbook, seeing a familiar figure on the open page.
And then it happened again, in the lab. He was explaining away, deeply invested in whatever topic he was rambling about, not really taking in his surroundings. You had started out just sketching his study, but somehow he turned out to be the main focus of it.
One evening you found yourself in the living room of the shack. Ford was sitting on the floor, which was almost entirely covered in graph paper. You had joined him while he prepared the next campaign session, the tv quietly proving some background noise. While he was franticly scribbling away sheet after sheet, you propped open your notebook and began sketching some of the characters that came to your mind. Ford's, Dipper's and your characters and some npcs you encountered on your travels. But looming over all of them, half hidden behind the dm-screen, the scheming face of the man before you took his shape.
The end of the evening was rather blurry, you remembered falling asleep on the floor and being carried to bed, half asleep in someone's arms.
"hmm thank you", is all you could mumble when you felt the soft pillow under your head.
"No problem, dear", you heard a deep voice chuckle.
When you thought about it the next morning, a smile crept unto your face and you kinda wished, you would've been more awake, so you could've enjoyed the moment properly.
The smiled was quickly wiped off though, when you realised that you must've left your sketchbook in the living room, given that Ford probably didn't bring it with him last night. You panicked and jumped out of bed, stumbling to the door when your gaze was caught by something. Your sketchbook, laying on your desk. You exhaled, glad it didn't lay around for anyone to see. You took it into your hands and opened it to the last page you were working on. But instead of the drawing from yesterday evening, only the one before that stared back at you. Confused, you turned the pages a few times, examined it, maybe someone ripped it out? No, no remnants of a torn out page....
Then, it dawned on you. You left your notebook in your room yesterday. You didn't plan on staying or even going to the living room. God knows how you ended up there, but it definitely was without your sketchbook. Which could only mean one thing...
In record time you were out the door, down the hall and in the living room. Right in time to take in the scenery of Ford staring down at his campaign notebook, opened to the page of your drawing.
"Ahh!! No no don't look!", you jumped forward and put your hands over the drawing. Ford furrowed his eyebrows, looking quite puzzled.
"This? Oh I already saw it last night after getting you to bed. It is incredible!"
Your cheeks heated up. "Oh" was all you could utter.
"It was also you who added the depictions of the twin's adventures, right?"
"Uhmm" You didn't keep your passion for drawing a secret, but you also didn't make a big deal out of it. And honestly, the way Ford was always so indulged in his own mind, you didn't think he was paying much attention to what you were doing. Now you felt a bit stupid for believing he wouldn't connect the - admittedly - obvious dots.
"They really are marvellous. And this?", he gestured to yesterdays page "Truly phenomenal!"
You didn't know what to say. You weren't even sure if you could say anything at all. All you felt was blood rushing to the tips of your ears and a flaming hot sensation in your cheeks.
"I- well uhm, thank you", you managed to stutter "I uh, I actually didn't mean to- uhm, use your campaign book. It was a mistake, I'm sorry."
"You've got to be joking! It's the perfect addition!" Ford exclaimed. "Do you mind if I keep it?"
"Oh", his enthusiasm caught you off guard. "I-, I guess not. Actually, that would mean a lot to me." you admitted sheepishly.
"Very well then! Thank you, dear." He looked at you with a fond expression.
You were about to retreat back to your room, turning around ready to leave, when Ford spoke up again, the smile apparent in his voice. "I also liked your artistic rendition of the twins adventures. Anything else you want to show me?" You froze.
Your heart started beating ridiculously fast. Did he knew? Did he notice you staring at him while drawing? Your thoughts started racing, but came to a sudden halt when he leaned down. His lips were almost touching your ear when he started to whisper.
"Maybe another time." And with that he walked by you, leaving you to yourself.
-------------------------------------------------- thank you for reading <3 reblogs are appreciated
a/n: if you want a second part with romance and/or where ford discovers the drawings of him, let me know! Have a nice day/night!
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 7 months
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[1:44 pm]
(cw: f!reader, "ass")
Fratboy!Jaehyun had woken up groggy and confused. He wasn't sure what time it was or even what day it was. His mouth was dry and it took every ounce of power to pry his eyes open. His room was dark and his internal clock told him at had to be at least mid-morning. He could hear his fray brothers going about their days. He could hear pots and pans banging in the kitchen, people going up and down the stairs, and someone had just gotten in the shower.
He rolled out of bed- literally, he got tangled in his sheets and fell with a muffled groan in pain.
He walked out of his room, walking down the stairs toward the kitchen to see if anyone would offer him any leftovers or second servings.
It was all hitting him now, he had just had his last final yesterday. A week full of studying until his brain felt like mush and his eyes burned. It was tough but he felt really confident. So his reward to himself was a day of playing hooky from work and all responsibilties.
That apparently meant you too... You'd been calling and texting him for half the morning and all your messages went unanswered and undelivered. His location was off because his phone was off so you frantically made a trip to the frat house to see if he was there and most importantly alive.
Your frantic knocks were answered by a calm Haechan who reassured you Jaehyun was alive and asleep. You even saw yourself. His mouth was wide open and his snores were practically shaking the wall.
So that's how you had ended up with Haechan, in the kitchen, wearing his hoodie, covered in flour, and that's how Jaehyun found you.
"What's going on here?" Jaehyun's groggy voice asked.
"So we were making a cake together and we started making the frosting but the powdered sugar went everywhere," you explained with a sheepish smile.
"You're making at cake in the morning?" Jaehyun deadpanned.
Haechan laughed, shaking the powdered sugar from his hair which created a large white cloud, "bro it's like 2 in the afternoon."
Jaehyun's eyes widened, he was in shock, but that didn't take away from the grumpiness he was feeling after waking up and promptly falling on his face. "So you came over and instead of spending time with your boyfriend on his day off you came over and made a mess instead?"
Your face fell and Haechan tensed. "But I called you and texted you all morning and you never answered! I came over because I was scared something had happened and you were knocked out!" You explained.
"So you decided to stay with one half of dumb and dumber and make a big ass mess?" Jaehyun countered.
Haechan pouted, mumbling under his breath, "I'm not dumb."
"We're obviously going to clean up, why are you being so rude right now?" You asked stepping closer to Jaehyun and out of Haechan's ear shot.
Jaehyun sighed, closing his eyes, "I spent the whole week studying my ass off and I woke up later than I wanted to then I fell on my face." His face flushed, "then I come down and see my girlfriend with her other boyfriend and I'm just hungry and tired... and I'm sorry."
You cup his cheek, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips pulling away to tell him, "you are such a baby when you wake up. I'll make you something to eat and then we can watch a movie, yeah?"
"And you're staying over." Jaehyun mumbled against your lips.
"Sure, I'll stay," you chuckle.
"Wasn't a question, baby," Jaehyun smiles, pressing one last kiss to your lips before you turn and help Haechan clean up the mess of powdered sugar.
You crouch down to clean up the mess on the floor while Haechan wipes down the counter. Haechan glared at Jaehyun as soon as your eyes meet the floor. "Don't ever let me catch you talking to her like that again," Haechan whispers.
"Huh?" You ask, peeking your head up.
Jaehyun has a stare down with with Haechan, "Nothing, baby."
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red-viewe · 1 year
general lilia x reader thoughts 🔫 (part two✌)
COLORED TEXT IS FAE LANGUAGE (tw: metions of bl99d, swearing)
Part 1 part 3
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'Fuck my life.'
Here's the tea. You found a half-dead but sexy asf fae on your sidewalk and decided, 'Hey! Let's bring him in, warp him up and fall asleep!' Which was a stupid decision, because now, you're leaning against Mr. Hot Guy's head, pretending to be asleep, because right now, THE FAE GUY IS AWAKE AND HE MIGHT KILL YOU.
After about 5 minutes of awkward silence, this happened.
"I know you're awake."
He said, as he slowly started to get up from the couch. "W-wow, i didn't think you would notice..." God, get yourself together, dude.
"Where am I?" He says, turning to the very sweaty(?) you. God, this man is so hot.
"You're in my house...in the woods, a-and you shouldn't stand up right now, you're still injured.
" You abruptly stand and gently push him down back on to the couch.
"I'm Y/n L/n, by the way... " Mr. Fae still seemed to be om guard.
"Why did you save me? Don't you know about the war going on right now?" He asks in a stern tone (which was kind of hot...).
"Well, war is stupid when you can literally solve everything without death." You say as you walked away into the kitchen.
"...Is that so.." He mumbled.
It toke time for the fae to tell you his name, you respected that. You wouldn't tell a stranger your name either. (Expect you did, but we ignore that) Afte a while, he finally said to juat call him Liliy. Being shot in the stomach with an iron arrow, it toke Liliy time to be able to actually move, but it was progress.
Your days suddenly became more interesting, as you spent more time with him, learning more and more about him.
Like how he's insanely good at games, even when he doesn't try, or when he sometimes helps you prepare for the day before you open the bar.
"I'm not playing with you anymore." You cry in a joking tone as you lose yet again another game of chess.
"Pft, if you'd like, perhaps you'd desire an easier game? May i suggest rock paper sissors?" Liliy says with mischievous smirk on his face.
"Oh, screw you."
'Is this man trying to poison me?' Was the first thought you had when you opened the lunch Liliy attempted to make for you.
"It can't be that bad..." You say out loud, slightly gagging when you scooped up some of the meal(?) onto your spoon.
And...sweet moments, which made your heart beat a little faster and your cheeks warm up.
"Sleeping late, beastie?" Liliy said, as he toke some of your hair into his hands and started combing playing with it, making you blush when you felt his breath a little too close.
"Mhm, I'm doing some stinky taxes before i go to bed." You said, writing down information. After a while of liliy playing with your hair, you started to feel drowsy and fell asleep, waking up the next day on your bed, with a half asleep liliy next to you, staring at you with half closed eye lids and a blush on his face.
'How are you so freaking fine?'
You honestly did not know when you and the fae started getting so comfortable with each other, but are grateful for your friendship with Liliy.
The some of the buildings were set ablaze, others half torn apart, and human bounty hunters were tearing the town apart looking for Lilia Vanrouge. Rumours of the infamous general seeking refuge with someone spread far and wide, wide enough to reach the ears of the royal family. The bounty on his head was more than 9 million thaumarks, and bounty hunters were eager to find the fae.
'Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck' You screamed on your mind as you swiftly ran back to your home in the woods, running from the danger.
"LIliy!" You burst into your home, praying that your fae would still be there.
"Y/n." Liliy was dressed in the armour you found him in, with his gargoyle mask on this head, carrying his weapon. "I have something to tell you, beastie."
"That you're Lilia Vanrouge, I know." You're not stupid. You saw the bounty posters. Bro.
"Are you leaving..?" You silently said, eyes meeting his.
Lilia stepped closer, his voice now low and soft.
"I have to. If I don't I- You- my queen needs me, and it's too dangerous for me t-" You hug him, eyes watering. Lilia's arms gently embrace you, and he kisses your forehead. "I swear I'll be back, my love"
Tears fall down your face, as he slowly releases you and leaves, turning back for one last glance of you.
'Please come back'
Authors note
This one was a bit sad😭 maybe if i finish part 3 i can make some side stories with crack and stuff 😭🙏Would you like that ?🤔
(Also just comment if you want to be tagged if theres a next one)
(Tag list: @anonima-2)
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neoraso · 2 months
i like the way you love me | ldh
nonidol!haechan x nonidol!reader again- something no one asked for yayyyyy ftl, literally just fluff like nothing but happiness oops! there's only one joke about being like- deathly ill but i figured i'd warn you in advance wc:~ 2.5k
all plans you had about “going out on the town” with haechan were dashed as soon as you walked into his apartment. you could tell he was in the middle of gaming when you let yourself in with the spare key he hid “so well” under the mat that you bought him as a housewarming gift. walking through the door and placing your shoes neatly against the wall amidst the array of sneakers and grandpa sandals thrown around the entrance, you absentmindedly noted that the boundaries between you and haechan were almost nonexistent. it had been that way since you met in middle school, when he was baby faced and wild. back then he didn’t know the insinuations of sharing a drink with two straws or passing notes littered with hearts and stars just to say “hi.” now, his face had begun to sharpen, cheekbones more prominent and a jawline that defined his matured appearance. he was still wild, but his energy and teasing were tempered, and he had figured out how to sense when enough was enough.
affection between the two of you was not uncommon nor was it uncomfortable. in fact, haechan was the person you felt the most comfortable with out of your friends- even those you had known as long as him. you moved in sync, matched each other’s preferences and both equally gave each other the push or pull the other needed. he was your “person” as they say, and you sometimes told him this when you were drunk- or sometimes even just on a late-night phone call, falling asleep after your confession. you meant it platonically of course, but these days you couldn’t tell if there was more to your own words…      
you heard him before you saw him, which snapped you out of your thoughts. he was talking to whoever he was playing with through his headphones, but you figured it was jaemin given the sassy (and borderline offensive) comments that were thrown out but you all knew there was no real strength behind them.
the bedroom door was already open as you welcomed yourself in. as usual, even though it was midday the only light was coming from a floor lamp -another gift from you so he didn’t live in dungeon-like conditions- in the corner of the room. clearly, he did not notice you because when you poked his shoulder to announce your entrance he yelped and could’ve easily punched you in the stomach if you hadn’t been used to these reactions and jumped backwards with a smile.
“god, y/n! seriously i could’ve killed you! oh my f- sorry guys i’m sorry.’
he quickly got distracted again trying to resume his place in his game while you tugged on the strands of his bangs sticking out from his headphones.
“my bad, i knew that if i waited for you to respond to my text i would’ve been standing outside for four hours.” you took a pause as you twirled his hair between your fingers. “also, i think you need a haircut. you should let me do it.” you teased, knowing 50% of his concentration was not even on you anyways.
he swatted your hands away and huffed, still furiously clicking his keyboard.
“i thought you liked it long. or do you just want an excuse to touch my hair?” he replied, his smirk turning into a frown when you lightly pulled his dark strands again.
“i do like it, but how do you even see?” not waiting for his response, you flopped onto his bed which was- unsurprisingly- half-made but still smelled clean and slightly like his perfume. putting a pillow over your head, you closed your eyes, humming when he talked just loud enough to let you know when the match was over you guys could figure out what to do.
at some point, even despite his constant clicking and talking, you nearly fell asleep. nearly, until you felt something hitting the pillow that was actually, nearly suffocating you, still over your face. you blindly reached above you trying to catch the hands that were attacking you, glaring at a grinning haechan when you threw the pillow across the bed.
“come on y/n it’s like 2 pm this is no time to be falling asleep.”
“ok mister ‘i’d-lay-in-bed-all-day-if-i-could.’” you said, rolling your eyes.
“yeah but not when i have my lovely dearest bestest friend waiting to have fun with me~”
it was a bit odd how the term “best friend” had been bothering you lately. there was absolutely no reason to consider yourself more than that, but the more horrific probable possible cause was that you wanted more. in the 10+ years you had been friends with him, there had been no romantic feelings. you didn’t think he was unattractive by any means, and you always got along- never having a disagreement that lasted longer than 20 minutes. but you both dated other people, and never had any sort of tension or yearning that you could remember. that was until about six months ago, when you started noticing how pretty he looked when the sun started to go down, or the way his lips moved and pouted, glossing when he ran his tongue over them. it was getting kind of freaky at this point, and you tried to ignore these newfound “noticings” about your best friend.
pulling you out of your reverie, you realized you had been staring at him for about three seconds without speaking which was three seconds too long as he raised one eyebrow, maneuvering his hands back over yours, tugging on them to prompt you to get up.
“i know i’m gorgeous, but it is tiimeee to get uppp come onnn.”
he dragged out the words in singsong as your hands started to get clammy being this close to him.
this was getting to be absolutely ridiculous you thought. he was in a loose black tee shirt and basketball shorts that were a size too big, and he still looked too good.
he finally pulled you into a sitting position but held in his breath when you let go of his hands and wrapped your arms around his middle, gripping the fabric of his shirt. he tentatively draped one arm over your shoulder onto your upper back and placed the other one on the back of your head, slightly petting your hair.
“what’s gotten into you hm? you’re not usually this cuddly... are you terminal or something? please don’t tell me you’re terminal.”
your response was slightly muffled when you turned your head, so your lips were slightly pressed into his side. even you had no idea what you were doing. this was probably wildly inappropriate, but you were close enough you could play it off…most likely.
“don’t be ridiculous, i’m not sick. im just tired… or …something.”
“or something?” he almost sounded disappointed, which was concerning but also made you feel better that you both seemed to be dancing around something. he pulled the back of your hair to get you to look at him and you complied. you rested your chin on his stomach, enjoying the way he smelled just like he always does and how warm he was, his hand still resting on your shoulder blade.
for once, he was speechless, his hand stilling in your hair. luckily (for both of you) he regained his composure, blinking rapidly and clearing his throat, trying to change the subject.
“well, either way, what did you want to do today? i know i said we should go out but now i kinda wanna… stay in… i guess…” he trailed off noticing how your eyelashes brushed against the tops of your cheeks as you sleepily blinked up at him. suddenly the air became thick, waking you right up, your heartbeat picking up against your chest. he looked at you intently, like he was scanning your face for whatever you were thinking to be spelled out for him.
this was bad. it’s like you were drunk, dizzy and face flushed, your skin was tingling but also numb everywhere you could feel him. you had a feeling where this was going and though it scared the hell out of you, you also wanted him badly. more than anyone you ever have before and certainly more than you ever thought you would feel towards him.
you could only hum in response as he trailed both of his hands to the back of your neck.
“do you think we’re changing too or is it just me?”
his question caught you off guard and you wished he’d do pretty much anything else (mainly, kiss you) than continue this vulnerable conversation. but he was still looking at you, with eyes that were more earnest than usual, and you knew this was a time he needed sincerity and honesty from you.
“changing…” you repeated his term thoughtfully before finishing your sentence. “well um… yes. i mean- i think about you differently than i ever have and i…” you were almost too embarrassed to continue, but his eyes still staring into yours and shining with the fondness he always had for you, you felt you owed it to him to let him know how you felt- even if he didn’t reciprocate. “the thought of you with anyone else scares me. i want to be able do…this” you said tugging his shirt to emphasize your intimate position, “all the time, not as friends. i don’t want to just be your friend.” he still wasn’t speaking which made you nervous and continue to ramble when you probably, most definitely should not have. “lately i don’t want to be away from you, and i… want to be yours…if that’s ok and you feel the same obviously… i mean i hope you would-“
he cut you off with a whisper of your name. to which you replied with a meek “yes?” your voice cracking a bit from nerves, not expecting to say all of…whatever that was. you shocked even yourself with everything you admitted to him.
“do you not know how i feel about you-or have felt about you? it’s been like three years.” though his words were loaded, he was still smiling down at you. then you realized he said three years.
“you’re kidding.” was all you could manage, deadpan, as he started to chuckle, rubbing the tips of your ears between his fingers.
“mmm i’m not~ thank you for meeting me in the middle i knew you would.”
you poked his side at that and narrowed your eyes, making him laugh more. “well don’t sound so smug, or i’ll take it back.”
“you couldn’t even if you tried~ i’m irresistible.” he didn’t even give you a chance to roll your eyes as he lifted you up under your arms to stand in front of him.
looking up at his face, you tried to keep your voice steady.
“we’re very close right now…”
he looked down at your lips and leaned in, just close enough to where you could feel his breath hit your nose.
“yes we are. is this ok?” his breathing was even but his pulse was not, you could feel it fluttering against your chest at the same beat as your own heart. he leaned in more as you nodded and closed your eyes as you waited for his lips to finally meet yours. his hands reached down to grab your hips and he grinned against your mouth when you put your hands over his, slightly pushing your fingers in between the gaps of his own. after what seemed like eons, he kissed you, inhaling deeply and gripping your waist just a bit tighter. not wanting to overwhelm you by slipping his tongue in like he wanted, he opted begrudgingly to pull away and kiss the corner of your mouth, squeezing your side and kissing your cheek next when he heard you whine and felt your hands climbing up his stomach to his shoulders then the nape of his neck to pull his mouth back on yours.
indulging in you again because – when has he ever said no to you- he gave you one, two, three more kisses, each louder and wetter than the last until kissing your nose and pulling away.
“hey, we still never figured out what we wanted to do today. i haven’t even taken you on a date yet.” he said thoughtfully.
“we can date tomorrow, can’t we just stay in and do this all day? we can watch a movie later… i guess…”
he gave a real laugh at his and pet the top of your hair noticing your frown at the thought of parting from him.
“you’re so cute like this, ohh what am i gonna do? but ok, you win. i wanted to stay in too. and now,” he started with his signature mischievous look, “i get to have you all to myself~ and do this- “he slightly lifted you again and pretty much tossed you on the bed earning a yelp as he climbed into his side, lifting up the blanket to encourage you to slip underneath with him. cuddling was nothing new but with this newfound stage in your dynamic it seemed a bit daunting now.
“come on, i won’t bite-unless you want me to” he said wiggling his eyebrows, grinning when you lightly smacked his thigh before lying next to him. immediately throwing your arm around his middle and slipping your ankle between his, you adjusted your position and watched as he reached over onto his bedside table to grab his laptop. he set it on his lap and typed in his password with one hand while the other arm was around your shoulder, securing you to him. he pressed his face into your hair and kissed you there before dramatically sniffing.
“baby… i think you need a shower…”
you gasped at his audacity (but mostly the pet name) and tried to get up from his iron grip threatening to go home as he laughed at you even more, relenting,
“i’m just kidding baby. ohhh my baby~ you actually smell great is it that perfume i got you?”
“yes…” you grumbled with hot cheeks, “i wear it every day.”
quieting down to look at you so tenderly, before he could say anything you spoke again,
“weird how we kind of skipped all the normal steps huh.”
he hummed and threaded his fingers through your hair.
“did we need the steps? we’ve known each other forever and everyone already acts like we’re together. actually, we wouldn’t even have to say anything to anyone. i could probably makeout with you at the next group dinner and no one would care. wow that’s actually a great idea we should do that.”
“we absolutely should not? you’re crazy.”
“yeah, crazy for youuu~” before you could cringe at such a cliché line, he poked your shoulder and said with a faux stern tone, “hey, kiss me again.”
“now who’s obsessed?” you said, but still embarrassingly quickly lifted up from his grasp to lean over his face. he looked up at you with a slightly devious expression which did not match how carefully he moved your hair out of your face as you met him in the middle making him sigh into your mouth, breathing you in. he pulled away and pressed his head against the pillows to look at you better.
“me. i’m obsessed. i am completely obsessed with you, always have been. i’ll tattoo it on my neck and hands and update every social media letting everyone know how much i-“
“okay! i get it. but just know i feel the same… times 1000.” you interrupted him, becoming more bashful with each word. thankfully, he spared you, pulling you down to lay all your weight on top of him with your face in his neck and lightly rubbing your back.
“what should we watch? wait i have an idea-“
“not the kissing booth.” you managed to muffle against the skin of his neck. sick of that movie he made you watch at least once a month. but he could feel your eyelashes closing against his skin.
“you’re so mean. and you know what? i don’t even think you want to watch a movie you’re already drooling on my shoulder.” when he got no response from you, he got nervous he had actually offended you until he felt your soft, even exhales on his collarbones. realizing you actually fell asleep, he smiled to himself and continued to play with your hair. he was so content finally being able to have you this way it didn’t take him long to close his eyes and meet you in your dreams.
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malereadermaniac · 10 months
You're mine - Kyotani x Male Reader
Possessiveness in a situationship always ends up badly, right? word count: 800 m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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Let's make something clear - you and Kyotani were not in a relationship
At most, you and the blonde are in a situationship
Like yeah late at night the volleyball player would cuddle you after banging you and whisper sweet nothings as the two of you fall asleep
But he made it clear the two of you were NOT dating
It pissed you off frankly
You're willing to give him, and do give him, everything a boyfriend does but he just doesn't want to commit himself to you
So you decided to fuck Kyotani off and get over him
Which lined up perfectly with Iwazumi's party that night
He made sure to text you beforehand, informing you of what time he was getting there and telling you to make SURE you don't arrive at the same time as him
It was almost like Kyotani was embarrassed to be with you?
Which really made no sense since half of the guys you talk to would KILL to be with you
That's what pushed you over the edge, so you decided to message Oikawa
8pm is when Kyotani said he'd be at the party, so you and Oikawa stroll in at 8 30 hand-in-hand
Now, while Oikawa and you had dated before, you both knew that there was absolutely nothing romantic there
He was simply helping out a friend
And if only you could have taken a photo of your situationship's face when he saw you both
Kyotani was obviously pissed off, but he quickly fixed his expression back to a neutral one and went back to talking to his mates
But fucking hell the blonde couldn't take his eyes off of you the whole night
He was burning holes through Oikawa's head and hand, which hadn't left yours the whole night
So far, Kyotani managed to get two words in before Oikawa cut him off
It was really pissing him off
Finally, Oikawa had to go find Iwazumi, leaving you open for Kyotani
But as he was walking up to you, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw some owl-headed cunt come up and talk to you
Kyotani decided to get a beer and hang out with his friends, he didn't want to be seen with you anyway
That's what he thought at least
But after a little while, he found himself telling his friends he was "going to the 'bathroom'" but he B-lined towards you
But once again, Kyotani stopped dead in his tracks
But this time, a look of anger and jealousy flooded his face
That was all Kyotani was screaming inside of his head while he watched that owl-haired guy from earlier shoving his tongue down your throat
Kyotani felt himself lose control over his body
He came up to the two of you, his expression neutral as he grabbed your wrist in silence
"Kyotani? What the fuck?!" You shout as the blonde drags you away wordlessly
Once the two of you got outside, Kyotani shoved you against a wall, his muscular arms either side of your head
"So you think you can just go and kiss other guys huh? Are you fuckin' other people too? Huh?!" Kyotani berates you with questions, his jealousy becoming more and more evident
Your face consorts into one of disgust
"Who are you to ask? I recall you making it clear that we were nothing more than a quick fuck"
Holy shit you dug deep with that one
"Oh so you are fucking that cunt Bokuto?! I shouldn't be fucking surprised" Kyotani shouts, the other people outside trickling back inside as they hear the blonde volleyballer shout
"...who the fuck are you to talk to me like that? Kyotani, you're lucky I've even given you a second glance"
Fuck you just kept going at him
"Shut up, (y/n)! I'm the fittest guy you've ever seen don't lie to yourself!" Kyotani looks down at you, his fists clenching against the wall as his frown became deeper
"Oh yeah? Bokuto's literally taller than you..." you say with a neutral face, feigning innocence
Kyotani snaps at that line
"Oh just fuck off!" He shouts
"Then let me go." You say, gesturing with your eyes towards his hands either side of you
All that could be heard were your breaths, crickets in the forest nearby the house and the wind of the night
Kyotani's eyes looked deep into yours, he was blushing like mad
Probably from the anger he was feeling
But he couldn't deny that lust wasn't also there
So he did what was natural
Kyotani bent down to your mouth and kissed you
So you kissed back
Which turned into a heated makeout session
Which went on and on
And on and on
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jynxpsiche · 1 year
Not Tangerine already planning on fathering reader's baby as his won, cause hey, the baby also has blue eyes so he can totally pass of as their son.
Also imagine if the real dad ever shows up and tries come back into the baby's life and Tangerine is all conflicted cause he loves the kid as if it's his own son :/
Unwanted texts
💌. Summary: unanswered texts from her, lead Tangerine to meet someone he already despised…
…Tangerine meets the baby’s biological father for the first time.
💌. Warning: SWEARING. LIKE A LOT! Jealous Tangerine, female reader, canon gore. English is not my first language! I don’t know many British slangs!
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c’mon babe
I just wanna meet the baby
be there for them, y’know?
pls answer me
It’s been already a couple of days and sometimes, during different hours of the day and night, your phone would ding with notifications…from him.
Your ex boyfriend.
The biological father of your precious baby.
The whole situation pissed you off. Firstly, when he found out about your pregnancy, he decided to leave without an explanation and leave you alone. Then he had the nerve to message you after god knows how many years.
It was ridiculous. He was ridiculous.
But obviously you couldn’t ask for any type of help from Tangerine.
He was quite the protective type, especially if the main cause was a shitty ex-boyfriend.
Surely he would have gone feral if he found out about your ex’s sudden texts. That’s why you decided to keep the thing for yourself and just…ghost him.
But who would have known that you would end up calming down a rather irate Tangerine?
However, it’s important to start from the beginning.
It was a day off for Tan, which meant that he would have spent the entire day with you and his little one. But since it was still too early to get up, for now he simply drank in your warmth and cuddled your body closer to his, without waking you up.
The curly man was affectionate only with his girl and his baby, neither to his brother he showed this side of his. He wasn’t ashamed of it, he just had a reputation to defend.
His chin was placed on your head while you were all nuzzled in the crook of his neck. His strong and bulky arms were tightly wrapped around your waist, not allowing you to leave. Not that you wanted to.
Only your soft breaths echoed through the room. But the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by the ping of a notification. The sound made him grimace, but not waking up from his slumber.
Then another ping, closely followed by another and another one.
Now Tangerine was fully awake, his half-closed eyes glaring at the device on your nightstand. When he noticed no more ding’s came from your phone, he softly pecked your forehead before trying to fall asleep again.
But then again. A new message.
Groaning softly, Tan lifted himself from the bed, before pecking your forehead again and assured that you didn’t wake up.
He was not standing on your side of the bed, the device on your nightstand calling for him to check what had interrupted his sleep.
With a furrowed and irritated expression, Tangerine unlocked your phone, noticing new messages unopened. They had been sent just a couple of minutes ago.
He quickly glanced at your sleeping figure, a strange feeling bubbling in his chest. His expression furrowed more when he saw the contact’s name. X.
Who the fuck was that?
But he surely was took by anger when he read the multiple messages he sent you.
He wasn’t only a dickhead, but he was also the biological father of his son.
His bloodshot eyes read every line and every word of every message he dared to sent you. His fingers gradually tightening their grip around the device.
The another ding. Another message.
I know ur reading the texts
ur online
u finally have the courage to read what I’ve been sending you
u stopped ghosting me huh?
God you’re such a bitch sometimes…
His vision darkened at the last text he sent, nostrils fuming with rage.
I want to see the kid
Meet me here
Xx xx xx, xx
“Tan? You good?” Your sleepy and raspy voice reached his ears and immediately he turned towards you, his furious expression never leaving his face.
You noticed, of course. Slowly you rose from your spot on the comfy bed and lazily dragged herself up to his tense figure, wrapping her delicate arms around his waist.
A soft kiss on his back.
“What is making you so tense?” You whispered against his skin, your hands gently rubbing his sides. Tan slightly crocked his head in your direction, his brows still furrowed. A sigh left his lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He instead asked with a low tone laced with rage. “Why did you hide it from me?” His tone showed how he strongly demanded an answer.
“I could have handle it. I simply didn’t answer his texts to show him how an insignificant being like him should be six feet under. To show him how he was a nobody to me anymore.” Your tone was flat, laced with venom, finally expressing all your suppressed rage.
His expression immediately softened at your words, his brows relaxing and the wrinkles on his forehead disappearing. The tails of his mouth slightly raised in an almost visible smile.
But you noticed it.
When he turned in your direction, his hands on your waist, his lips left a soft peck on your forehead. His face was calm and so close to yours.
“I’m goin’ to take care of him. Don’ worry.” He whispered, his soothing voice sending you in a sleepy mood. A light yawn left your mouth. He chuckled at your reaction.
“Now go to sleep love.”
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After you fell into another peaceful but deep slumber, Tangerine got to work.
With Lem’s help (after calling him for twenty minuets straight, the poor man was sleeping) he managed to find the phone location and so the location of the fucker.
It was now 3:45 am and Tan was alone in a desert neighbourhood. Silence was his only company at the moment.
He stood still in front of an apartment complex, his eyes fixed on a specific window while the cigarette in his hand slowly burnt.
With a flick he tossed the small nicotine stick and put it out with a stomp of his foot. His lips were curled into an annoyed curl.
Silently, he climbed the fire escape with big steps and in a blink of an eye his shadow was printed in front of the covered window, blinds hiding the inside.
But a faint light from behind them immediately caught his attention, a sadistic grin creeping on his moustache.
His hand grabbed the gun from his pocket and he shot the window’s lock, allowing him to access to the apartment.
Frantic, disconnected noises echoed from inside. Tangerine knew the fucker heard him.
Only when he entered he was met with a younger, dull man, his face pale and his eyes wide from fear. “Who…who the fuck are you?!” He half shouted, his voice cracking a bit.
The man wanted to show his composure so bad, show him how collected and tough he was. But in reality, he was shitting in his pants.
With great strides, Tangerine approached the trembling man, his pistol clearly visible. “‘s not important, is it? Wha’ is important is why you fuckin’ harassing my love with your insipid messages.” He spat out in a hard tone, his rigid stare piercing the man’s soul.
The man’s eyes frantically wandered around, he is searching something to defend himself thought Tan. Quick pants from the man often broke the silence in the room.
He took a step back, his hands shaking uncontrollably. His body language was visibly betraying him. “Just…the fuck you want from me?!” He continued in a fake authoritative voice.
Tangerine held his face high, communicating how he was in control. Slowly his arm raised and he pointed the gun in the man’s forehead.
“I want you to delete her number, to forget about her and the baby and to never contact her again.” He stated with calm rage. His tone extremely sharp.
When the man was the pistol pointed at his head, his confident mask fell, his eyes filled with tears and his still standing posture crouched on himself. Shamelessly he nodded his head at every request, his voice dead in the back of his throat.
Suddenly, Tangerine shot the man in the leg and he stumbled back. A cry came out from his mouth.
“This’s your last warnin’.”
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justwonder113 · 11 months
Showering Han with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Hyunjin; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
Summary: when the love of your life comes down with a fever and is bummed out you do everything in your power to cheer him up.
Warnings: genders neutral reader, Han has a fever, Whipped reader as always, Han is feeling anxious and reader tries to comfort him. Fluffy ending bit angsty in the start. Loads of hugs and kisses I can't help myself. Please tell me if I missed anything Word count-2.1k
A/N- I wanted to say thank you for all the support, reblogs, notes, your comments everything! They literally make my whole day! I kept giggling in the subway like a lunatic the other day. I cannot describe how much it means to me that you like what I write. Thank you so much🩷🩷🩷
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It was one of those days where everything seemed normal and fine but you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Like you were chilling by yourself but it felt like something unknown loomed over you, something like sixth sense was tingling and bothering you. Like... there was no explanation for you to feel this off. Were you forgetting something? But you had everything listed and checked out, you even double checked it! You wondered what was up...
You sighed and started searching for your keys, which was prooved to be little hard when you had your hands full with groceries. Normally you went shopping with your boyfriend, but these days he seemed to be a little overwhelmed and you didn't want to stress him more on meaningless stuff. Also, you didn't have to buy so much stuff, you were only out to buy few of the nescesities, you just couldn't help yourself when you saw that your favorite bakery had Han's favorite cheescake on display in the window. So you bought it and couple of more snacks , which you knew he would appreciate. 
You finally fished out the keys and walked into your shared apartment. You wondered when Han would get home, hopefully, his schedule wasn't as packed today. You really wished he could get some chance to rest for a while.
You almost dropped everything and screamed when you noticed dark figure on your sofa. You calmed when you recognized the black hoodie of your boyfriend with the text on the back. It was the one you had gifted him on your anniversary, custom made and everything. He was dressed in all blacks no wonder it almost gave you a heart attack, he was blended into the darkness of the room. Was he asleep? How was he breathing laying face down like that?
"Baby?" You called out his name, but no answer. You got closer and examined him, he was dead asleep. Your heart ached, he was so tired he must've immediately fallen asleep. He didn't even go to your bedroom and just slept on this uncomfortable as hell sofa. The sofa wasn't the best when it was new, you still had no idea why you bought it, but now, it was in such a bad shape it felt like laying on bricks. You had to wake him up, who knew ho long he was aleep like this, he woud be all sore.
You gently placed a soft kiss on his squished up cheek, your eyebrows furrowed. Why was his skin so warm? To confirm your suspictions you sofly kissed his forehead, and, unfortunately, you were proved right. He was warm. He surely had a fever. You started inspecting him more, his skin felt damp, his breathing was shallow and rugged and he looked really uncomfortable, Why didn't he call you? You were doing nothing meaningful today, the least you could do was to take care of him.
"Jisung baby?" You tried to soothe him out of his slumber, your hand softly rubbed his waist, soon enough he did stir, he was staring to wake up, you decided to call some more "Sunshine wake up for me" you started littering kisses on his cheek while telling him to wake up between kisses. It worked, because now he was watching you, half dazed, but you noticed how the corners of his lips lifted up when he saw you. "Hey baby..." His voicse was raspy, it immediately sent shivers down your spine, and your heart did a flip when his hand brought the back of your hand and softly kissed it.
"How are you sweetie?" You decided to ask with a soft voice as he rubbed his eyes. Jisung looked at you for a second and then just shrugged his shoulders."I'm fine, just sleepy." You couldn't help but sigh, "tell me the truth Ji, you're clearly not feeling well." You were being a bit harsh, yes, but he didn't really expect you to believe him just like that did he? The first thing he did when he woke up was to squint his eyes and froqn as if he was in pain before noticing you and giving you a convincing smile. He was clearly pale, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't see himself but you had eyes for god's sake! You tried to approach him more softly so you lowered your voise "What's wrong love, please tell me, I'm worried..." Han looked at you for a second then just sighed and layed on his bed, his eyes closed, not enjoying harsh light.
"I wasn't feeling well since I woke up, but I thought nothing about it and decided to go to studio, I had some ideas and I wanted to try and incorporate it into the new song I'm working on. I spent most of my day working on it, after that we had dance practice..." You carefully listened, while softly patting his stomach, his hands were busy playing with the fingers of your other hand, you noticed quickly into your relationship that he loved to do so whenever he was feeling stressed. "I noticed I had some trouble with the choreo, but I thought it was because my muscules were sore from yesterdays workout. Minho noticed it and told us we could take five. I was chilling on the sofa when Felix approached me and hugged me, but like the second he touched me he immediately jumped up and bought Chan. In second everyone was around me, Chan kept worrying like a mother hen saying I'm burning up and stuff, then he got all stern and told me that he was bringing me home. He and Minho brought me here actually. The others also took day off, Chan said that we were overworked and needed a day off, Minho also agreed he said that schedule did allow it and we had plenty of time. So we got here, Minho even cooked and made me eat some soup. Chan also kept pestering me if there was something I needed help with, it got so overwhelming that I told them that I had just texted you and that you were over the block. Minho got the clue and so they left. Honesly I just wanted to be alone for a while, I guess I must've fallen asleep." Your heart ached as you listened to him talk.
"Why did you isolate yourself baby? What's up, please talk with me?" You tried to coax him into talking, he took a few deep breaths before he could look at you, and the second your eyes met his resolve broke and his eyes started watering up. You immediately got everything you needed to know so you layed nex to him and held him as tight as you could, letting him let go of his feelings. "It's okay my love, I'm here I've got you"- you kept muttering over and over as he cried his heart out, his each sob killing a part of you. You also kept pressing kisses against his temple to let him know you were here for him both physically and emotionally, -"You did nothing wrong, everything's fine, you'll be back in shape in no time! We just need to take care of you first. My precious baby always works so hard. You need to take a break sometimes my love, your body can't handle all that pressure. We will get you in shape in no time though, don't you worry!" You helt his face gently and made him look at you, your heart squeezed when you saw his tearful face. "I'm proud of you! You're doing absolutely amazing job! I'm beyond proud! I'm the luckiest person to have you in my life you hear me? Words can not express how much I love and adore you Ji, don't you ever forget that!" Jisungs eyes watered up even more if that was even possible, but now he was smiling so it eased your worries, he also held you so tightly you would wake up with bruises tomorrow, both from the couch and his hold on you. You felt him nod against you which made you smile. "Promise?" he pressed a kiss on your collarbone, "Promise, I love you baby." You pressed a kiss on his crown and held him just as tight.
You laid here for a while, before you noticed that his shoulders had stopped shaking and he was starting to calm down. You mentally prepared yourself it was time to act! "Sungie baby..." You softly called his name to get his attention, and when he looked at you with pretty doe eyes you started to talk, "what do you think we bath together and then we cuddle in the bed? I also bought you your favorite snacks we can eat them together too,"-your hand crept into his hair and started playing with his locks, Han immediately leaned into the touch,-" but of course after we check your temperature and take appropriate meds. What do you say? We can cuddle all you want after that."
"Okay, sounds good." He leaned up and helped you stand up before standing up himself, he stumbled for a second but he quickly regained his composure. His hand never once left yours. He looked at you as you headed towards your bedroom, mischief evident in his eyes, "Baby, since our sofa is broken what do you think we buy new one?" You looked at him clearly unamused, already knowing what he had in mind. " Absolutely we should buy new one but not that Lightning McQueen one!" Jisung pouted at you, "you're no fun sometimes." He grumbled, you laughed and kissed his pout away, his lips immediately chased after you the second you leaned back which made you laugh. You told him that you would kiss him as much as he wanted when you were done with your tasklist.
You led him into the bathroom and helped him bathe, you were spooning him from the back while he basically melted against you, feeling so content and relaxed. You also massaged the knots out of his back and shoulders and he almost melted into a puddle from the pleasure. It also didn't help that you kept pressing kisses on his neck and shoulders.
You didn't stay long in the bath tho, you quickly gave him the warm fluffy clothes and quickly did your skincare so you could go and snuggle in the bed. You took his temperature, gave him his meds and also brought some hot tea and snacks you had bought. Jisung munched on them like a happy quokka he is.
After you put away everything you joined him under the sheets, some movie played in the back. Both of you snuggled against each other, Jisung's head layed on your chest absolutely loving cuddling you and feeling of you softly scratching his scalp. "Thank you for everything baby, I don't know what I would do without you." He searched for your hand and bought it to his lips to kiss. "I love you." His voice was soft and raspy, he would surely fall asleep any second now.
"I love you too." You leaned in and pressed a kiss on his lips. He leaned back looking at you with confused eyes, you raised your eyebrow, what was up? "Baby I can get you sick if you kiss me like that!" His comment made you chuckle, did he now realize that after you kissed him gazillion times over the night? God, you loved this dumbass. You leaned in and whispered against his lips before sealing them again "I don't give a damn."
Jisung melted into the kiss and tried to kiss you with as much passion if not more. The kiss was slow, passionate, it made you feel full, complete, it made you feel like you were on top of the world. Every drag of your lips against his soft ones ignited something in you. You sometimes wondered how you were before him? Not that you could remember it any more, it's just, this boy made you feel so alive, you could never imagine yourself without him, he was an extension of your soul, your being, he was your other half, your soulmate and you would do anything for him .
You leaned back to get some more, Jisung whined at the loss of the feeling, his cheeks looked more flushed up, his lips were rosy red, his breathing was shallow, his hair all disheveled in the most delicious way. God you adored this man. You couldn't help but connect your lips once again, and once you felt like you couldn't breathe again you moved and kissed every corner of his face, his neck, his collarbones that peaked from his shirt, his hands... Absolutely adoring both kissing him and his adorable reactions, his soft giggles and shy smiles, his proclamations of love proving you once again that you two were made for each other.
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna
(Stray Kids x Reader)
Chapter 5
5,842 words
A/N: So so so very sorry for the delay! I’ve had like 3 major life changes since I’ve last posted so please forgive me😭
Hi :]
Oh my god he even uses that face in his texts.
By this time, it was around half an hour before the company car was picking you up again. You had all your stuff ready and were just waiting, and you decided to text Chan because you had his goddamn number and what stupid idiot would not text him?
I was just wondering… are there any Korean-specific subgender-based cultural norms that I should know about?
None that I can think of. Felix might hug you at some point and the others probably won’t but that’s more of their personalities than any cultural things. And we won’t blame you for not knowing everything about Korea! Felix went through the same thing when he moved here (and so did I many many centuries ago) so we all understand that it can be a lot and we want to help in any way we can!
After squealing into your pillow for a bit, you got the notification that the car was here. Before you rushed down, you remembered to respond to him.
You’re literally too nice! See you in a bit!
Hey, let me know when you arrive at the building! I can walk you in!
How were you supposed to survive today?
When the car arrived at the company, you made sure to tell Chan.
Great! See you down there ;)
What the hell was the winky face for? Was he trying to give you a heart attack?
You turned to watch the car drive away while you waited and then shifted your gaze to a nice omega couple who were laughing and holding hands as they walked. Smiling to yourself, you turned back to the company building just in time to see Chan jog out.
Stopping in front of you, he grinned and held out a large iced coffee.
You smiled back while cocking your head in confusion. “Hi?”
He shook the drink which made the ice rattle. “I got you a coffee.”
“Oh my- you didn’t have to do that!” Your heart warmed as your gaze flickered between the drink and his face.
He shrugged in response. “I had to buy coffee for all the kids anyway, and I should really pay you back for the food last night.” He rattled the drink again.
Taking it, you raised your eyebrows at him. “Again, the company paid for that. It wasn’t my money.”
Chan looked to the side. “Yeah, well, the company pays me and I bought that with money they paid me so if you think about it, the company paid for that, too. Ah!” He looked back at you. “If you don’t like coffee or iced Americanos, you don’t have to drink it! I wanted to surprise you and most of the kids drink iced Americanos, but next time I’ll ask!”
You shook your head at him. “Next time? You anticipate buying me coffee often?”
He smiled even wider at you. “Well, we can’t have our star caretaker falling asleep on the job, can we?”
You giggled at that. “Star caretaker? You’ve known me for less than 24 hours and I haven’t even met the rest of your pack, I don’t think you can really judge my caretaking abilities based on that.”
Chan’s smile morphed into a smirk. “Yeah, but you bought me food, so that tells me enough.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully. “You are ridiculous.”
His jaw dropped. “Hey, I will take that coffee back! I’m sure one of my members will enjoy the extra caffeine!”
Hugging the coffee to your chest, you hissed at him jokingly. “Stay away from my coffee!”
You turned away and saw Jisu step out of the building, holding a few papers and a pen. “Ah, Y/N!” She narrowed her eyes at the sight of you and Chan but seemed to ignore it as she turned to you and handed you one of her papers. “Here is your schedule for today, each of the caretakers will meet one-on-one with a member from the caretaking department, and you are actually assigned to me. There’s just a couple more things sign pertaining to what you can and can’t say on camera or in public, and then you should be done with all that. Then you will meet with your band’s leaders, or,” she paused, glancing at Chan who had been standing silently behind you the whole time, “in your case, you’ll be meeting a few of the other members. That will be in time for lunch, which you can get from the cafeteria and after you eat with the members, Bang Chan can dictate what you do with the rest of your day and if you will spend more time with the band or not.”
You turned slightly to see Chan smile at you softly. “Nah,” he said, tilting his head, “I think I’ll probably kick her out of the company by then.”
You resisted the urge to kick him and settled for a flick on the shoulder.
He cupped his hand over where you flicked him and stumbled backwards dramatically, causing you to roll your eyes in response. Yeah, like he can even feel it through those damn arm muscles.
Turning back to Jisu, you saw she had a calculating look on her face, cat-eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. You straightened up and adjusted your outfit in order to appear more professional. She blinked a couple times before fidgeting with the pen in her hands. “Shall we get going, then?”
You nodded and followed her into the building and up the elevator, staying silent the whole time.
Yesterday, Jisu had been professional, but today she seemed colder. You got through a presentation and a couple contracts without her saying a single word other than what she had to, and when she did speak, there was no emotion in her voice at all.
Oh, god, is she jealous of me? Does she have a thing for Chan?
You thought back to your interaction earlier.
She didn’t really say a single word to him, did she? She just looked at him when she talked about him. But he didn’t really say anything to her either, which seems a bit unlike him.
Your phone buzzed, bringing you away from your thoughts. You glanced up at Jisu and saw her turning away from you. Checking your phone subtly under the table, you couldn’t help smiling.
Link -> The Top Ten Best Mini Fridges For Sale
Should I get the one that plays elevator music? I’m sure that won’t get irritating fast
Seeing Jisu concentrated on looking over the last contract, you texted Chan back.
How do you know it’s elevator music?
Actually the review says it plays Happy Birthday. My bad!
You muffled a giggle at that.
But that’s even better! Now, when it’s one of your members’ birthdays, instead of sitting awkwardly while 7 other dudes sing happy birthday, they can sit awkwardly while the fridge sings happy birthday!
Yeah but it doesn’t actually have the lyrics, just the music :’(
Ooh so the fridge can play music while 7 other dudes sing Happy Birthday! Maximum Awkwardness!
You saw Jisu straighten up out of the corner of your eye and you put your phone away.
She smiled politely at you, looking just a bit less playful than the way she smiled yesterday. “Alright, Y/N, it seems like you’re finally done with the contracts and presentations. I’ll be taking you to meet Chan and the others now.”
On the way to wherever it was that Jisu was leading you, she walked briskly and you had to basically jog to keep up. You pondered asking her what was wrong but you figured that after only two days, you weren’t exactly bestie-level friends.
She stopped in front of a door and knocked. Quicker than you expected, a curly-haired, beanie-covered head poked out of the room and smiled at you.
“Y/N! Hi!” Chan exclaimed, like he hadn’t just texted you a couple minutes ago.
Jisu cleared her throat. “Alright, I will be in Conference Room 6B if anyone needs me.” With that, she walked off seemingly even faster than she walked here.
Unfazed, Chan turned to you. “Are you ready to meet the others?”
You took a deep breath and tried to shake your nerves out. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s do this.”
Your heart pounded as you stepped through the doorway.
The first thing you noticed was the smell. After working all day with just you and Jisu, each wearing heavy duty scent blockers, you had gotten used to the relatively scentless air of the company building, but when you walked into the room, there were several sweet scents overlapping to fill the space.
It looked to be a dance studio, but a bit smaller than the ones that idols usually had in their dance practice videos, and there was a circle of wooden crates in the very center of the room, some of which were occupied by-
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Holy motherfucking shit.
You were in a room with over half of Stray Kids.
And they were staring at you. Fuck, do something cool, you told yourself. Before you could do something that would have been completely awkward and embarrassing and unforgettable, your hours of Jisu’s and Kwang-sun’s etiquette classes kicked in and you bowed and greeted them formally.
The members on the crates glanced at each other briefly. Felix was curled up against I.N on one of the larger boxes and had their legs splayed out on another. Hyunjin had shoved a few crates together to lay down all the way with his head in Lee Know’s lap, his neck in some sort of headlock/neck hug from the older boy.
Chan appeared beside you after shutting the door, resting his hand on your back.
“Hey, guys, this is Y/N.” He turned to smile at you. “Our new caretaker.”
His warm voice and soft eyes made you feel like you were in your own nest back home with a nice hot drink and your favorite book. Before you spent too long staring at Chan, you turned your head to the shuffling coming from the other boys.
Felix had untangled himself from I.N and made his way over, beaming at you. He grasped both of your hands in his and met your gaze. “Hello, Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!”
You had to quit. You had to. You could not handle Lee fucking Felix saying your name in that perfect voice or his flawless hands gently holding yours. This was going to kill you.
Taking a deep breath, you squeezed his hands. “It’s nice to meet you, too. I look forward to working with you.”
You felt something bump your hip and turned to see Chan grinning mischievously. “There’s no need to be so formal, Y/N. None of us are that serious.”
Your jaw dropped in mock offense. “I’m just trying to make a good impression!”
Chan rolled his eyes at you sarcastically before smiling and showing off his dimples. “The company has already hired you and made you sign a thousand contracts, you would have to make a pretty bad impression for us to get rid of you. Plus, you gave me food, so I already like you. Speaking of which,” he added, looking back at the others, “we should get some lunch. Any suggestions?”
Hyunjin suddenly started wriggling around violently in Minho’s grasp. “I suggest that hyung lets go of me so I can talk to Y/N properly!”
Minho, who had been staring at you analytically, turned his gaze to the boy in his lap who was still squirming frantically. Then he looked up at Chan. “Hyunjin wants tissues for lunch. Think we can arrange that?”
Felix giggled and squeezed your hands again while Chan shut his eyes and sighed. “I thought we agreed to be on our best behavior.”
Minho’s eyebrows raised at his pack alpha. “When did I agree to that, hyung? You just said we should be on our best behavior and assumed, incorrectly, that we would agree. I think she should see us at our worst. That way, we can only get better.”
You smiled at him. “I think that if feeding each other tissues is really your worst, I don’t have too much to worry about.”
After you said that, Minho’s eyes narrowed at you appraisingly and his mouth twitched like he wanted to say something more.
Suddenly, Jeongin spoke. “Trust me, hyung, that is definitely not your worst. Hopefully, for her sake, she will never have to see that. And hopefully, for my sake, I never have to see it again.”
Minho turned to the youngest. “What do you think is the worst?”
Chan cleared his throat. “Any edible suggestions for lunch?”
“Pfft. You can eat paper.”
Chan fixed Minho with a glare until the younger rolled his eyes. “Fine. There’s that place a couple streets down that we ate from when we got back from Bangkok.”
“Sounds good!” Chan clapped his hands together. “Anyone against it?”
The younger members shook their heads and stayed relatively silent while Chan called to order, only to start up again when I.N asked Minho if he ate paper a lot as a child.
When Minho had launched himself across the crate circle at the youngest, Hyunjin was finally released. He sat up and dashed over to you and Felix, smiling shyly at you.
“Hello, Y/N.”
“Hello, Hyunjin.” Looking over the two beside you, you felt a quiver of excitement. “So this is it,” you told them, “you’re my omegas.”
They enchanged glances and turned to smile at you even wider. “Yeah,” Felix said, “I guess so!” He took one of his hands from your little tangle and offered it to Hyunjin, who took it, and in turn, offered you his own. You placed your hand in Hyunjin’s, completing the circle.
“I hope I do well,” you murmured, “I can’t believe I get to work with some of the prettiest and most talented omegas on the planet.”
Two pairs of ears had turned red when Chan walked over, finishing his call to the restaurant. “Okay,” he announced, “the food should be here in about 45 minutes. In the meantime-”
A shriek was heard from the other side of the room, where Minho and Jeongin had been wrestling. Currently, Minho was sitting on top of the other boy and a spare pair of sweatpants had seemingly materialized out of nowhere and been wrapped around I.N’s head.
Chan sighed and went over to help settle things.
You looked at Felix and Hyunjin and frowned. “Should I help?”
Hyunjin shook his head at you. “Ah, no. It’s better to just leave them to sort it out.” He rolled his eyes playfully. “Alphas.”
Sure enough, Chan was walking back to your small circle with Minho thrown over his shoulder. Jeongin trailed behind, his hair going in all different directions, but with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“As I was saying,” Chan stated casually, like he wasn’t carrying a grown man over his shoulder, “the food will be here soon, so I figured that we could use this time to ask Y/N things in order to get to know her. What do you think?”
You realized his last question was addressing you. “Oh! That sounds perfect. Ask whatever you want.”
Chan smiled at you, showing off his dimples. “Great! Shall we have a seat?”
You and the boys maneuvered the crates until you each got comfortable. Minho had sat down on one and immediately pulled Felix into his lap, without much protest from the younger boy. Hyunjin was on the floor leaning back against a crate and had Jeongin resting between his legs. Chan had opted to sit closer to you with both of you sitting on the long crate.
“Y/N!” Chan turned to you. “Are there any questions you want to ask us?”
You tilted your head to the side, thinking. “Hmm. I guess, what do you want me to call each of you? Do you want me to call you by your stage names or any nicknames or anything?”
Chan looked around at the others. “I think most of us don’t really care about what you call us. Our fans call us by every nickname we have so as long as you aren’t insulting us or anything, anything should be fine. Everyone agree?”
Minho raised his hand slightly from where it had been resting around Felix’s waist. “I actually don’t care off-camera, but I would prefer if you called me ‘Lee Know’ on camera.”
You nodded at him. “I can do that for sure. Anything else?”
He shrugged back at you. “That’s it.”
“Okay.” You smiled at everyone. “I don’t actually have any more questions, so you guys can ask me questions now.”
Felix squirmed in Minho’s lap. “Can we- no, nevermind.”
Chan frowned. “No, Felix, what were you going to say?”
“You can ask me anything,” you told him. “If I’m going to be your caretaker, we should be comfortable with each other.”
Felix hesitated for a second before speaking again. “Is it alright if- you can totally say no- but…” He paused and laced his fingers through Minho’s, continuing to stare down at them. “Could you… take your scent blockers off? I just want to get used to your scent if we’re going to be around each other a lot.”
You sat up a bit straighter. “Of course! Can I- am I allowed to take my scent blockers off here?”
Turning to Chan, you saw him furrow his eyebrows together. “Yeah,” he responded, “the eight of us usually like to hang out without them, so if it’s just us without any managers or other staff, we don’t usually wear blockers. All of the other employees know to knock to give us time to reapply them before they come in, so you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Alright,” you murmured, “if everyone is comfortable with it.” You glanced around the circle but no one protested.
Slowly, you reached a hand to pull off your scent blocker.
Your floral-earthy scent washed over the others and they took a moment to take it in.
You glanced at each of them to observe their reactions. Having smelled it before, Chan just smiled softly. I.N slumped more from in between Hyunjin’s legs and Hyunjin blinked rapidly. Minho’s hands tightened around Felix’s waist before relaxing again, and Felix closed his eyes and leaned back against him.
With the blocker off, your own sense of smell was heightened and the scents of the others became stronger. With all five of them, it was hard to differentiate the different smells, but you sort of liked the chaotic mix that belonged to them.
A pinging sound broke you and the others out of your trance and Chan fished his phone out of his pocket. “Ah,” he muttered, “the food’s here.”
“I’ll get it,” Minho said, standing up suddenly and picking up Felix from his place on his lap. A small whine escaped the younger boy in surprise as he was yanked up, but he quieted when Minho deposited him in Chan’s lap.
Chan’s only reaction was to rest his hands on Felix’s hips. You got the feeling that them passing each other around like stuffed animals wasn’t anything new.
While Minho put on a fresh scent blocker and got himself together to go down and get the food, Felix peeked at you from his place against Chan’s neck.
“Wait.” Something suddenly occurred to you and you turned to Chan. “I thought we were supposed to eat the cafeteria food. Why did you order something?”
He rested his head on top of Felix’s and squinted at you. “The cafeteria food is good, but you deserve something better for your first day with us. Plus,” he added, eyes glinting, “I owe you for last night.”
You pouted at him. “I told you that you don’t have to pay me back. That was the company’s money, and you already got me a coffee!”
“Oh,” Hyunjin piped up. “So that’s why you got an extra coffee this morning. I knew you weren’t ‘just trying something new,’ you liar.”
Chan gaped at him. “Uh, technically, I’ve never given coffee to Y/N before, so I was trying something new, and I wasn’t lying.”
“Hyung, oh my god,” I.N groaned. “No one cares about your coffee and whether or not you were lying.” His head slumped in your direction. “Noona, just let him buy food for you. It makes him happy. Part of his whole ‘head alpha leader’ thing.”
You giggled at that. “Fine. But it’s literally in my job description for me to take care of you guys, so let me buy you food every once in a while, okay?”
Chan opened his mouth to protest, but was interrupted by Minho entering the room.
“Yah, come and get it, you gremlins!”
The younger members swarmed the takeout bags while you and Chan followed more slowly. Soon, they had the food all laid out on the floor and you crouched down beside it. I.N scooted over to sit between you and Minho on your right, Felix sat on your left, leaning against Hyunjin on his other side, and Chan took his place directly across from you.
While the others were sorting the food, Chan handed out water bottles to everyone. “Does our maknae want to say anything?”
Jeongin unscrewed the cap and lifted the bottle in a toast. “Y/N-noona, welcome and good luck. Hyungs, don’t embarrass me or yourselves too much.”
You and the others laughed and they rolled their eyes while you each drank.
The group started eating in relative silence, occasionally one of them would ask what you liked and would pass you something to try, but they seemed to be pretty concentrated on eating.
Then, Minho broke the silence. “So Y/N, what exactly is your interaction with us supposed to be like on camera?”
Putting your bowl down, you considered his question. “Well, for now, they don’t want me going on lives or doing anything super public because I guess I haven’t built that trust yet. I’ll travel with you through the airport, go to your concerts, and be with you whenever all eight of you are together, but if you all have individual schedules, I’ll just go where I’m needed. That will probably be worked out between Chan, your managers, and I.”
You paused for a second, swirling your spoon in your bowl thoughtfully. “They also want me to be sort of known? I’ll be on camera more than your managers and they want to make it clear to the public that you guys and the other groups have caretakers, but they don’t really want to put a spotlight on me as a person. They want someone with a caretaker title and maybe a face to that title, but they don’t want people to be super interested in me.”
Minho’s eyebrows furrowed. “That’s going to backfire.”
Your head tilted in confusion. “What do you mean?”
He shrugged. “The more mysterious you are, the more people will be interested in you. Or they’ll just make things up in order to give you a personality and suddenly there are rumors all over the place.”
You took another bite of food before responding. “I’ll just continue doing what the company tells me. If it backfires, it’s on them and not me. Plus, I don’t really care about rumors. I know who I am and no matter what random people on the Internet have to say, I’ll still be the same person.”
Hyunjin laughed at that. “So much backbone! Binnie-hyung is going to love you!”
You smirked at him. “And you? Do you love me?”
Hyunjin blinked in surprise but before he responded, Felix piped up from between the two of you. “Hey, noona, you said you’re going to be with us when it’s all eight of us, but what about the dorms? Are you staying at one of them or going back and forth?”
You couldn’t help but smile at Felix when he shoveled a few too many noodles into his mouth. “I’ll actually be getting my own place,” you explained. “The company agreed because it means that you guys won’t be suffocated by me right away and if you ever need a mental break away from cameras or the other members, my apartment will be sort of a neutral zone for you to just chill. Actually,” you added, checking the date on your phone, “I’m supposed to look at apartments this weekend.”
“Really?” Chan looked up from his own food. “I’ll go with you.”
You choked on the bite you had just taken. After clearing your throat, you shook your head at him. “You don’t have to do that! You’re probably busy anyway.”
He shrugged. “I was just planning on working in the studio but I’ve been spending too much time in there anyway. Plus, I could help you find a space that’s good for all of us.”
You hummed. “That does make sense, but you really don’t have to if you don’t want to!”
Chan waved his chopsticks at you. “No no no no, I want to go with you!”
“Alright,” you huffed. “You can come with me, if you really want to.”
“Can I come, too?”
You turned to Jeongin and tilted your head. “You want to come?”
He nodded shyly and turned to Chan. “I don’t have any schedules in the morning.”
Chan shrugged back at him. “It’s fine with me if it’s alright with Y/N.”
You smiled at both of them. “Sure. I’m supposed to meet the real estate person at 9. I’ll text you the address.”
Hyunjin sighed loudly and flopped backwards. “Why do I have to have a vocal lesson? I want to go apartment shopping!”
Felix giggled and laid back until his head rested on Hyunjin’s stomach. “Hey, at least the rest of us can’t go either. We can all suffer together.”
Minho groaned and stood up. “If everyone is done eating, we should start practicing soon. I gave us an extra long break already.”
You all helped to clean up and shove the crates to the corner of the room. Chan told you that this was all they had for the day so you could just sit back and watch them.
“But this is brand new choreography,” he added playfully, “don’t take a video and spoil our moves on Twitter!”
You laughed at that. “I think that would violate around seven of my contracts.”
He smiled and took his place.
You watched them dance for a while, time seemed to slow down and pass faster at the same time.
Their moves were hypnotizing and there was one point where you audibly gasped and Minho turned back to smirk at you.
Your phone screen told you that a little over an hour had passed before the boys finally took a break. Each of them collapsed on the spot except for Minho, who made his way over to you.
With four other sweaty men in the room, you couldn’t exactly pinpoint his scent, and you didn’t remember what his file had said, but you could tell that he smelled sweet, which was a bit surprising. You had expected an alpha like him to have a harsher scent. A scent that deodorant companies would bottle up and name something like “CLIFF JUMP” or “CAR CRASH”. Maybe Minho would be “TIGER FANGS” if he had a scent like you had expected.
But he didn’t.
He sat next to you, wrapping a washcloth around his neck and draining his water bottle. “So.” He turned to face you. “What do you think?”
You raised your eyebrows at him jokingly. “I think your fans would appreciate more twerking.”
Hyunjin burst into a cackle and turned over so he was laying on his belly, then pressed his forehead into the floor. The others still seemed too exhausted to laugh, let alone move.
You smiled at them and made your way over to their water bottles, trying your best to remember which one belonged to which member.
You passed them out, receiving grateful smiles in exchange. When you got to Chan, instead of drinking from his bottle like the rest of the boys were and like any normal person would do after an hour of intense dancing, he just hugged his water bottle to his chest and grinned at you lazily.
“Thanks, Y/N. You didn’t have to do that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s literally in my job description to take care of you all. When are you going to get that through your head, Bang Chan?” You huffed, kicking his feet.
“Don’t even try with him, noona,” I.N wheezed, finally able to speak. “Hyung is allergic to being cared for.”
“Yeah,” you mused, “I got the feeling.”
They danced for a few more hours, using the last half to practice their older songs and keep them fresh.
At one point, you were caught unconsciously moving your arms and legs like the dance called for. Your face went hot when the boys started imitating you and calling you cute.
One of these days, you were going to die of a heart attack.
At least you would die happy.
At the end of dance practice, Felix sank into the seat next to you and laid his head on your shoulder. You were a bit surprised at the affection but you welcomed it happily, lifting your hand to run through his hair.
Chan came to stand in front of you, the other members packing up their water bottles in their bags.
“So,” he huffed, still not fully recovered from the workout, “do you want to quit yet or do you still think you can handle eight of us?”
You smiled at him teasingly. “Are you that desperate for me to quit? You could just fire me, at least I would get a good compensation package.”
Before Chan could respond, you felt a tug at your wrist and turned to see Felix sniffing along it. When he caught your curious gaze, his eyes widened and he dropped your wrist like it burned him.
“Sorry!” He licked his lips and your thoughts evaporated momentarily. “I didn’t- you just smell so good, noona.” He scooted away from you and looked guiltily at Chan.
Choosing to analyze that later, you moved back into Felix’s space. “Hey, it’s alright! Here,” you grasped his wrist in your hands, mirroring his previous position, “I’ll smell you and that way we’re even. If that’s okay with you.”
He smiled softly and nodded at you, so you lifted his wrist to your nose and- oh fuck.
Felix’s scent flooded your senses. It smelled mostly like lemon but with a hint of something sweet as well. Maybe lemon pie or lemon cake? Definitely something lemon flavored with frosting. You felt like you could have started floating like a cartoon character when they smell something tasty. It wasn’t fair that he could smell like this after hours of intense dancing.
You looked up at the word and were honestly surprised to see the other boys there. It really just felt like you and Felix floating on a lemony cloud. Even Chan’s presence had faded away.
Hyunjin was staring at you with his mouth parted, his hands paused where they had been rifling through his bag.
You froze. What the hell did he mean by that? Were you going to be fired for smelling Felix? And right after you had joked about getting fired? What kind of sick irony was that?
Before you could spiral any further, Hyunjin turned to Chan with his lips pouted. “Hyung,” he whined, “they’re too sexy for people who are already cute! Tell them they can’t be cute and sexy!”
You snorted at that. “Well, then you’re breaking your own rule, Hwang Hyunjin.”
His mouth parted in surprise before his lips moved into a shy smile as he looked away and zipped up his bag.
Chan made sure everyone’s scent patches were on and they had their things before exiting the dance studio. You walked down to the cars, listening as the boys decided to just take one car and have Hyunjin spend the night at the other dorm. Chan told them he was staying at the studio, which surprised no one, but the announcement was still met with groans.
“Hey, you can’t just blame me this time,” he said defensively, “Changbin and Hannie are joining me there!”
The groans of the others continued. “That doesn’t make it better,” I.N muttered.
Chan rolled his eyes as you made your way outside and shoved them towards one of the waiting vans. Minho started corralling them while Chan waited with you for the next van to pull up. Felix suddenly shot forward and wrapped his arms around you, tucking his head into your neck like he was trying his best to smell you despite the scent blockers you wore. You hugged him back before Minho patted Felix’s butt in a little “let’s go” gesture. The two of them along with Jeongin and Hyunjin waved at you as they finally got into the van.
“Bye, noona!” “See you, noona!” “It was nice to meet you, noona!”
You smiled and waved back at the younger members. Minho, the last one to get in, turned to you. “I hope you manage to survive meeting the others,” he smirked.
As they drove off, Chan edged closer to you and bumped your shoulder with his. “That went well, I think.”
You grinned at him. “Yeah, just be sure to let me know if any of them secretly hate me.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “They like you more than they like me, but sure.”
“Just wait until I have them kick you out and elect me to be the new leader of Stray Kids.”
The van pulled up next to the two of you. Chan sighed. “Well, I guess this is it. I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. Or should I say leader-nim?”
His eyes glimmered at you in a way that made you want to take a picture and keep it in your wallet.
In order to keep what was left of your sanity, you turned to the van and opened the door. “Call me what you want,” you told him over your shoulder, “but can I call you mine?”
You took a seat in the van and watched his jaw drop before he started giggling. You closed the door and watched him as you drove away. He was still smiling and had brought his hands up to half-cup half-hide his face.
I could get used to a view like this.
(Bold means I can’t tag you, sorry for the inconvenience!)
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secretninjadonut · 9 months
| After Party | Aespa
Yoo Jimin (Karina) x fem reader
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Fluff 😋😋
I just feel like a real fluff mood RN 😐😐😐
This was after Aespa’s performance of Spicy at waterbomb festival and everyone had changed into warm clothes but there was a party after just to have fun and Aespa was attending so here you were in a car driving to the party with your head resting on Karina’s shoulder.
You listened as the four of them conversed talking about how great the party is going to be and then spoke when they asked “Y/N/N don’t you think it’s going to be fun?” and you responded with a yawn and said “Yeah but I’m tired now after performing in wet clothes” and Karina cooed at you while the others laughed at your reaction and Winter said “it’s cute how you are when your tired” and you defended yourself and said “Yah I’m literally not even that cute and also just because I’m the maknae doesn’t make everything I say and do cute” a pout forming on your face as they all cooed at you and Giselle said “it does and your pout makes it even better” and everyone agreed even NingNing said “It’s actually so cute and when your mad too” you respond with “Ning we’re not even that far apart in age” and you turn away from them just to see Karina’s teasing face and you sigh as you hug onto her arm and she plays with your hair turning your band mates attention away thankfully not seeing your red face.
You soon arrived and went into the party NingNing soon found the le sserafim girlies and partnered up with Yunjin while Giselle and Sakura talked and Eunchae sat next to them drinking apple juice, you stuck with Karina as she spoke with Chaewon occasionally involving you while they sat down and you snuggled up to her breathing in her scent. Winter was with Kazuha laughing quite loud and in annoyance you just tried to fall asleep and you did in Karina’s embrace.
Half an hour later you woke up and looked up at Karina who was petting your hair and still talking with Chaewon this time clearly slurring words and she said “Y/N baby you woke up I just had a couple drinks don’t worry” but indeed you did worry at her slurred words you texted the group chat with all your band mates and said that your taking Karina home because she drank too much while you bowed and said goodbye to Chaewon holding Karina’s hand and tugging her into the black limo you had come in.
You nuzzled up to her in the car as well her arm around your waist and the other holding your hand when you said “Rina drink this” handing her a bottle of water to sober up she slurred out “Thanks baby”you guys arrived back at the dorm and you changed into her oversized hoodie and it was huge on you but you liked it and threw on some sweatpants while you went to go help her wipe off her makeup and get her clothes to change her breath fanned on your neck while you wiped off her makeup. Your red face was on full display now and she teased you every minute for it saying things like “awww is my baby flustered” or “darling do you like my breath fanning against your neck?” you in response quiet and then you told her to go change into the pyjamas you picked for her and she obliged.
She came back fully dressed and saw you on her bed which was disrupted a second later with her jumping on top of you while she wrapped you in her arms and turned you around so she was laying down with you on her chest. You quickly nuzzled into her neck and wrapped your legs around her waist with her arms around your waist securely she asked “you like my cuddles hm?” and you nodded quickly hearing her chuckle above you and her chest vibrate while you were falling asleep on top of her.
In the morning you both woke up in the same position and she kissed the top of your head making you flush and heat rise quickly to your face as you look up with innocent doe eyes and she laughs saying “your so innocent but also I need to get water and pills my head is banging” you quickly get up and kiss her on the cheek while saying “I’ll get them for you babe” while she blushes slightly at the nickname and you just wink in response.
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haespoir · 1 year
craving: kdy.
⨯ pairing: doyoung x pre-med!reader
⨯ word count: 704
⨯ summary: you don't mean to overwork yourself, but when you do, doyoung is always there to bring you comfort
⨯ content: fluff, literally just cute doyoung being domestic
⨯ extra content: meant to be read alongside these texts
⨯ playlist: for days, rini / hope you do, oceanfromtheblue / more than enough, alina baraz 
⨯ a/n: this was a request, i hope it's alright!
. . .
You didn’t mean to ignore Doyoung’s texts. Really, you didn’t. If you had to be honest, there weren’t many things in life that trumped your boyfriend. However, when it came to Organic Chemistry, he seemed to be beat. 
It had been at least a week since you had last seen the man, and you knew more than anyone that he was going to complain about withdrawals the next time you saw him. Unfortunately, that would not be anytime soon. 
Waking up from a nap after your shift at the hospital had you feeling like you were in a different dimension and not in a good way. Putting it simply, you were absolutely exhausted. You had spent hours this week working on your thesis paper, and the fact that you had to balance it with your volunteer hours at the hospital felt like hell. 
doyoung [ 4:12pm ]: date tonight?
That was the last text that had been sent and left on delivered for at least 6 hours now. Thankfully, Doyoung wasn’t someone who was easily upset. He understood your dedication to your studies and career; in fact, he was most likely your biggest support. He loved to make your lunches before your shift, and more often than not, he was quizzing you with flashcards that he helped make. That thought alone made your heart nearly overflow with care and affection for the man. 
With a small huff, you decide that it’s best to get some sort of sustenance in your system before you begin your dreaded study session. You expect your apartment to be void of any form of life, however, the familiar figure on your couch tells you to believe otherwise. It seemed that you were not the only one taking a nap at this time. Doyoung was fast asleep, a blanket wrapped tightly around his figure as he snoozed. You loved this man with everything. 
Doyoung had essentially broken into your apartment, and knowing him, there was going to be a meal for you to warm up in the microwave. In his defense, you had told him many times that he was welcome to come over when you were studying; the fact that the code for your place was also his birthday helped him sneak in whenever he wanted.
You’re certain your heart is filled with nothing but love for the man on the couch as you eat the warmed up fried rice he had made for you. He had left an adorable sticky note on the top of the bowl, and you swore that you were going to marry this man as you read his messy scribble. 
hi my love!! i asked for a date tonight!! while i would prefer taking you out for a nice dinner, i do have papers to grade soooooo…. a study date will work too.  p.s i’m tired too TT wake me up AFTER you eat!
The smile on your lips doesn’t disappear as you eat, and even though you’re craving your boyfriend and his touch, you decide that letting him sleep in isn’t a horrible thing. So you take your time eating, and when you’re done, you take a quick shower, relishing in the way the hot water feels on your body. 
But there’s something that would feel even better. 
You can’t help yourself when you lift Doyoung’s blanket and squeeze onto the couch next to him, placing his arm around you. “Sleeping beauty, are you waking up anytime soon?” 
“I don’t want to,” Doyoung hums softly, squeezing you in a tight hug. 
You laugh at his words, sharing the sentiment. When you were in his arms, there was nothing more you wanted than to stay there. He was like your safe place, a place for you to let go of your worries and stress. “Don’t you have papers to grade?” 
This only makes the male groan, and you swear he’s tempted to push you off the couch with the way he stares at you through half-lidded eyes. Before he can even think about doing that, you press a kiss on the tip of his nose. 
“Come on, we’ve got a lot to do tonight.”
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barcalover86 · 9 months
End of beginning
A never-ending friendship
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Chapter three
"Y/n, it's not good. It's not good at all."
"What happened??"
When you saw the picture from Bia's phone, your heart shattered. It can't be.
"I hate these gossips. They don't even know the truth, and now they are assuming things"
What was truly happening, it was that some stupid people took pictures and videos of you and Gavi while you were giving each other's instas. It also captured a moment when he hugged you, seeing how big his smile was, even after Barca lost badly that night.
People were assuming that you were his crush, and that didn't make you happy.
You saw exactly the same day that he was texting a girl saying those 3 words (I love you) and if he would see the new gossip about him, which he will sooner or later, will make him angry. Really angry.
Like, let's be real. You would also feel the same way if you had a boyfriend and people were thinking that you are into some other boy.
"Bia, I feel so bad. I'm sure the girl hates me and maybe they'll break up because of me!"
"Don't overreact, maybe they won't see it."
"It's all over the Internet. It's kinda impossible not to see."
You sighed, thinking what could you do now to repair things.
"And to be honest with you, here it's not your fault at all. You didn't do anything to him."
"No, just randomly gave him my insta. How could I do this to some boy that has a girl at home!?"
You were utterly shocked by your action.
"But just give it a thought, y/n. He asked for your insta, and he seemed pretty.. in love when he was around-"
"Bia, stop! He isn't in love with me! How many times do I have to tell you that-"
"He wrote a girl that he loves her, I got it. But maybe you saw wrong??"
"How could I? He was literally right in front of me."
"Maybe you got all shy and-"
"I'm not stupid, ok? I know what I saw yesterday."
After a moment of silence, Bia speaks up.
"He still has your insta. Maybe he'll text you??"
You rolled your eyes.
"I'm sure that after today, he won't do it ever again. And I'm sure he won't look after me at Camp Nou."
"Y/n.. I still think you are overreacting everything. Let's see how things go. Slowly and natural. You are already lucky that you had the chance to stay this much with him. And people are just jealous of you. My girl is really pretty. "
"Thank you, Bia."
Days have passed, and all you did was walk around new places from Barcelona. Every dinner you spend at your new friends' restaurant, and they also told you that you are overthinking too much.
Their encouraging helped you a lot, but you were still waiting for his text.
And it wasn't showing up.
Maybe you are right and he is mad at you.
Now, the El Clasico game had come, and you were all ready in your hotel room to start wach the game.
You were wearing Gavi's jersey. You thought that maybe it'll bring him good luck. Which after a loss, Barcelona needed.
And it really helped them.
Barca was winning already since the first half with 2-0. The game ended with another goal from Lewandowski and one from Vinicius.
So 3-1, was a great win.
You all celebrated, drinking champagne like it was new year's eve, but you couldn't care less more.
This night, you'll have fun.
At least it'll help go away the shame that was created at the game against Getafe.
But you drank way more than you should, and without being aware, you sent Gavi a photo of you in his jersey with a cup of champagne in your hands.
And then you fell asleep, waking up the next morning with the biggest headache ever.
And also with 2 missed messages from Pablo Gavi.
A photo and a text.
Fucking hell..
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🍪Something in Cookies?~🍪
Soukoku,Smut.Dazai and Chuuya were best friends since middle school.They get along together but not in the same house.Chuuya’s apartmen is right next to Dazai’s,They’re both 19 years old.
Dazai,who’s been laying on his bed,swinging back and forth lazily.He decided to text Chuuya,knowing he might be doing the same thing as him
“Chuuyaaaa!! >v<“
chuuya immediately texted back
“Can i come over pleaseeeee?? :3”
“Ofc Dazaii! I’ll even bake you cookies if you want!!”
“Ooh! Sounds good!!”
Dazai grabbed his keys quickly and leaves the home
“I’m omw Chuuya!!”
he continued walking,gently knocked on the door,Chuuya opened the door with his home-style clothes
“Hi Chuuyaaa!!”
Chuuya leads him inside of the house and closed the door behind them
“You’ll sit and watch me bake cookies alright??”
“But i would like to bake togetheerr!”
“Nuh uuh! They’re speciall! Just sit on couch and watch tv!”
“Aah okaayy!”
Dazai sat on tv and started watching tv like Chuuya commanded to while Chuuya bake
after an half hour,Chuuya finished baking cookies and put then in a bowl,sat next to Dazai
“Let’s eatt!”
they began to eat.Chuuya glanced at Dazai,trying to see if the aphrodisiacs in the cookie is working…
after another few minutes,Chuuya started feeling horny and saw Dazai started squirming in his seat
“Chuuya…Did you put something in cookie…?”
Chuuya smirked,enough to make Dazai understood the station…
Dazai blushed nervously while Chuuya started getting closer
“You know…I’m always open to you~”
“Ik Dazai,my pretty little pet~”
Chuuya pulled him closer by the waist,gently touching his lips to his as they gently kissed,Dazai’s tongue slided inside his mouth.The kiss continued getting rougher and rougher…Without breaking the kiss,Chuuya started unzipping Dazai’s pants and let his hard cock feel the cold air around it…Chuuya pulled back from the kiss and leaned into Dazai’s cock,wrapped his lips around his base and swirls his tongue around him.Dazai gasped for air and arched his back,involuntarily thrusting into his mouth while softly whimpering
Dazai continued whimpering and leaking.Chuuya grabbed his hips tightly and squeezed them.Chuuya’s fingers suddenly pushed inside Dazai,pumping in and out to get him ready for something bigger…
Chuuya smirked through his cock,pumping his fingers faster
“I-I-I’m c-cum-cummiiingggg!!!!”
Dazai arched his back once again,squirts thick ropes of cum into Chuuya’s mouth and watching him swallowing it all,Chuuya let go of his cock with a gentle-swift motion,looking straight at his eyes.
“You’ve so good for me,little pet~ Now it’s time to take my cock like a good boy~“
Dazai nodded,spreads his legs wide and looked at Chuuya position himself on his entrance,slowly pushing in and making Dazai moan
Chuuya smirked and started moving his hips in a rough-fast pace
“Hghh!! Aah!! C-Chuuyaaa~!!”
“Yeah…keep moaning,good boy…taking me so well…Mmm~”
Chuuya kept thrusting harder and harder,Dazai is literally crying from the mix of pleasure and pain…
30-40 minutes passed like this as they finally reached their climax, Chuuya collapsed on top of Dazai and wrapped his arms around his waist
“T-That was intense…Thanks Dazai…I needed it…”
“You’re…welcome…panting…I needed it too…”
“I love you Chuuya…”
“I love you more Dazai…”
They both kissed once more and cuddled together until they fell asleep…🌟 💤
⬇️Saw them on pinterest‼️ ⬇️
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reallychaoticwoo · 11 days
Please bare with me here this is my first fic ever. I don't have a word count as i literally wrote it on my notes app. It half butt proof read. Should be pretty tame, just really long lol. Please feel free to lmk what you think 😊
❤️Pairing: Chan x reader
⚠️: mentions of alcohol, the guys being mischievous, other than that, I think we're safe here. Please let me know if I missed anything!
✨️Please note that this is purely a work of fiction and does not represent the idols in any way.
Tonight was the night. Your monthy karaoke night with your bestie Jisung and his boyfriend Minho. For the past three years this has been your little groups tradition. You'd go out to eat, sing your hearts out, and sleep over at the dorms. Some nights when you guys got back the rest of the boys would be awake and you'd all play board games, video games, or just sit around and watch a movie. You had gotten to know them all pretty well now. The first three had met were Seungmin, I.N, and Felix. The first night Jisung brought you back to the dorms you were pretty buzzed and the three had been up playing video games pretty late. Jisung and Minho had plopped down in the chairs opposite of each other in the living room and you sat on the floor in front of Jisung. You guys sat there and watched the three play for a while until you finally ended up falling asleep against Jisung's knee. That's when the sleepovers officially started. Tonight, like most, the guys were still up when you all finally made it back. They had pretty much integrated themselves into the tradition of monthly board game nights with you over the few years. You walked in the door laughing while Minho was scolding Jisung yet again for forgetting to grab his house key before they left. At this point, you'd think Minho would know better than to trust Jisung to remember such a small object when he was always rushing to leave on karaoke night. When you made it inside you saw all the guys sitting in various spots around the coffee table. Felix, I.N, and Changbin where on the couch watching the TV. Hyunjin sat in the chair to the left of the couch drawing in his sketch book. Seungmin was in the opposite chair scrolling on his phone looking somewhat amused when a clip of him calling Chan "old" appeared on his feed. Chan, however, seemed to be missing. It was honestly pretty normal for Chan to be absent. In the three years you've known Jisung you can only recall ever seeing Chan a handful of times, and you've only ever talked to him once. He was always busy working on music, working out, or just "doing what Chan does" according to the guys. You sat on the floor in front of the couch leaning back between Changbin's legs.
"Soo, how'd it go? Add any new songs to your set tonight?" Changbin joked nudging you with his knee lightly.
"Actually I did! Jisung and I put on quite the performance", you said, while smiling at Jisung.
Jisung told them how you guys had gone through all your usual songs when Minho surprised you both with one you two hadn't sung together before. Regardless, you both killed it and had Minho looking somewhat irritated his little plan to embarras you both didn't work.
"I was thinking we could watch Deadpool tonight, if that's cool with you all?". Felix scanned the room receiving nods from everyone before getting up and heading to the kitchen to make some popcorn. I.N insisted someone text Chan to join them for the movie tonight. He somehow got everyone to convince Minho to text Chan since the other members absolutely refused to disturb him if he happened to be working.
Chan was sitting in his studio, like he did most nights, headphones in and working away. He'd just finished working on the beat he'd been so obsessed over for the past 3 months. Something about it just didn't feel right to him and he couldn't accept it being anything less than perfect. As he leaned back in his chair, sighing, he pulled out his phone and saw a text from Minho.
'The kids all practically begged me to ask you to join us for movie night. We're watching Deadpool.'
Chan decided that it's been a while since he'd let himself enjoy a night off so he replied, 'Give me 10 mins and I'll be there'.
He made sure to save his work again. 'Can never be too careful', he thought to himself. He shut his laptop, shoved it into his bag and quickly headed to his room to put on something more comfortable.
"Chan said he'll be here in 10." Minho said loudly so that everyone could hear him since Felix and Jisung where arguing, once again, over who had better taste in popcorn. Felix said he liked his with a lot of butter, whereas Jisung, preferred caramel popcorn. You shook your head laughing to yourself, "I'm surprised you haven't turned into a pile of sugar yet with how much you love sweets, Ji." looking a Jisung with a quirked brow. Just moments later he and Felix finally walked back into the livingroom with the most comically large bowl of popcorn you've ever seen. Your eyes widened looking at the two like they've lost their minds, once again trying to refrain from laughing.
"What? There's literally going to be 9 of us and what if we want to have a popcorn fight later? We just needed to be prepared" Felix said grinning like a toddler who was trying to act cute while getting scolded.
"Who says it has to be later?", You said, grabbing a peice of popcorn and throwing it at him as he went to sit back down.
Just as the movie started, Chan walked in. "Looks like I made it just in time, huh?" He said quirking a brow at the boys.
"We weren't going to let it fully start without you, just the intro" I.N said somewhat jokingly while shrugging his shoulders.
Chan sat down on the floor near you but more towards the coffee table, which he rested his arms on starting a the TV.
About halfway through the movie, you got up asking everyone if they wanted a drink since you were heading to the kitchen to grab one for yourself. Most of them nodded and you headed to the fridge.
As you were pulling out drinks for everyone you heard someone ask if you needed any help. You let out a yelp, jumping back and hitting your head on the door of the freezer above you.
"Ouch!" you yelped while rubbing your head.
Chan reached out to steady you with an apologetic look on his face, "sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just figured you could use some help carrying everyone's drinks".
You gave a small smile and nodded, "That'd be great thank you."
"You alright?" He asked scratching at his neck looking almost embarrassed, pulling his hand away from your back. "I really didn't mean to startle you.."
"I'm fine, I promise." Letting out a faint laugh, "The guys have had me injuring myself much worse with their little pranks. By the way, I'm glad you chose to join us tonight. It's nice getting to actually see you, haha. I know the guys are happy you're taking a break for once."
He chuckled a bit before saying, "Yeah, they are a chaotic bunch. That's why I work as much as I do. I want them to be able to enjoy life as much as they can. It's my job to make sure that happens. I'm glad I was able to hang out tonight too, I've definitely missed having some time with them. Plus it's nice finally having a chance to get to know you."
You gave him a smile and a nod, trying to stop yourself from blushing before turning away to grab for the drinks you'd set down on the counter.
You both walked back into the livingroom handing everyone their drinks before sitting back down at the base of the couch.
Changbin tapped your shoulder, "Hey switch spots with me." He whispered.
You looked at him puzzled but switched with him anyways. A few minutes later, Seungmin moved to the floor, followed closely by Felix who pulled a pillow down with him so he could prop himself up a bit and lay down.
You were confused as to why everyone had moved as soon as you sat down, but you just chalked it up to them trying to be respectful knowing very well you'd probably fall asleep before the movie was over. You giggled to yourself thinking about the fact you really haven't ever made it through a full movie since you've known them. You always fell asleep wherever you sat, and if someone was near you'd be falling asleep on their shoulder or against their knee.
Seungmins voice was the one to pull you out of your thoughts. "Hey old man, move your head we can't see the TV".
Chan hadn't even noticed the guys had moved down to the floor behind him. "And where exactly should I move my head huh? Here?" Chan said moving directly in front of Seungmin now. Seungmin just rolled his eyes and nodded his head to the direction of the couch. After a few moments of half joking half annoyed staring from the both of them Chan moved to sit on the opposite end of the couch. Suengmin giving a subtle nod to the other two boys on the floor as he did.
The movie had about 30 minutes left and your eyelids were feeling extremely heavy. You'd dosed off once or twice nodding awake once your head started falling. Chan having noticed you getting tired out of the corner of his eye pulled down a blanket from the back of the couch and placed it over you. You smiled at him shyly mouthing "thank you" as you cuddled into the blanket shifting yourself so were now more on your side with your head resting against the arm rest. You let out a yawn and drifted to sleep.
The movie credits started rolling and the guys slowly all started getting up. A few stretching, some yawning. Hyunjin looked over at the couch somewhat puzzled as he had been too focused on the movie to notice anything going on around him. He shot a look to the three guys who were now standing from their spots on the floor silently questioning them.
"It was Changbins idea" Felix said looking at Hyunjin innocently.
Changbin elbowed felix in the ribcage. "Hey!"
Seungmin shot them both a glare whisper yelling at them to shut up so they didn't wake you... and Chan?
Chan must've been tired from staying up late every night for the past month. Because now, he was fast asleep, head leaned back against the couch, mouth open, almost snoring. And you, you were no longer curled into a ball. Your feet layed on Chan's lap, your arm falling off the couch, and a little puddle of drool lay next to your mouth.
"You can't tell me they don't look adorable" Changbin said shrugging his shoulders looking at Hyunjin.
"Regardless, you guys all know better than to try and push these things." Hyunjin said, giving them his signature eyeroll.
Jisung and Minho stepped next to them, having seen and overheard everything.
"I don't know Jinnie, Chan could really benefit from finding someone. Might finally get him to take care of himself too." Jisung said wiggling his brows playfully.
"Not that you're wrong babe, but that's up to HIM, not anyone else" Minho said shooting pointed looks at the three musketeers of meddling.
They all looked in opposite directions feigning innocence. "Well I guess we will see in the morning. We all know better by now than to wake either of them when they're sleeping" Hyunjin said before walking off to go to sleep himself.
And he was right, both you and Chan were definitely NOT little rays of sunshine if woken up before you were ready. So they let you sleep. Together. Because that couldn't possibly cause any issues tomorrow.
Faint sounds of arguing coming from the kitchen is what had you slowly waking up the next morning. Seungmin and Felix almost setting the entire kitchen on fire while trying to make breakfast and Minho scolding them for trying to cook together again after what happened last time. You groaned, rolling your closed eyes and reaching back to throw a pillow in their direction for waking you up with their nonsense when you felt an arm pull you back down. Your eyes widened and you quickly turned around to see Chan. The boys started to quiet down worried they might wake you or Chan up.
You on the other hand, you were staring at a very much asleep, very seep deprived Chan. The boys had told you stories about how cranky Chan would get at them when they woke him up so you decided to just lay back down and get some more sleep yourself.
Little did you know that Chan was also somewhat awake due to the boys in the kitchen being ungodly loud. Well actually, he was somewhat woken up by you when you shifted to throw a pillow at them. He decided to keep his eyes shut once he realized he was pulling YOU down and back into him. Luckily for him, you didn't seem to notice that he'd been pretending to be asleep as to not embarras himself. Also luckily for him, you'd decided to let it slide and lay back down.
Despite sleeping on a couch with another person, it was probably the best nights sleep Chan had gotten in years. Little did he know it was the same for you.
About 30 minutes later the rest of the guys had piled into the kitchen. Faint whispers asking about if you or Chan had woken up yet.
"I could've sworn I saw y/n about to throw a pillow earlier when I was scolding Felix and Min, but when I looked again she was laying back down" Minho said.
The guys all looked at each other, some confused, some knowing, and Jisung wiggling his brows at Felix, who smacked his shoulder for it.
"Ouch! That hurt you know!" Jisung yelped.
"That was the point idiot" Felix smirked back at him.
This time it was Chan who reached over you to grab a pillow and throw it at the guys. "Will you all shut up! She's sleeping and you haven't quit bickering for the last 10 minutes. Do me a favor Minho, grab my card and take the boys with you. Go grab some breakfast, on me."
Minho looked and Chan with a quirked brow and a sly smirk, but Chan shot him a death glare and Minho went to go grab the card.
It was about 15 minutes after the 7 guys had left that you started waking up again. This time though, Chan was already awake smiling at you sweetly but a bit nervously.
"Its really quiet in here, what'd you do? Muzzle them?" You jokingly question with a yawn.
"I just didn't want them to wake you, so I sent them out for breakfast. They've told me how you're not really a ray of sunshine when waking up." Chan said with a small laugh.
You went to sit up, noticing Chan's arm still laid lazily over your hip.
He rubbed the back of his neck again, "oh, um, sorry about that." He said pulling his arm back and sitting up himself.
You let out a big yawn while stretching your back. You smiled at him warmly "it's okay, I assume you didn't make it through the movie either? The guys told me you rarely ever sleep and apparently aren't a ray of sunshine in the morning yourself", nudging his side with your elbow.
He let out a small huff "Heh. I'm really not, it doesn't help there's so many of them. They couldn't sit in silence if their lives depended on it."
You let out a snort "oh don't I know it. The past 4 times we've had a movie night I couldn't tell you what any of the movies were about. It's kind of adorable though, they all get along so well even when they're fighting"
Chan smiled to himself, "Yeah, we're definitely family now. As annoying as it is, I wouldn't have it any other way. Sorry for um, basically smothering you though. I didn't really plan on falling asleep."
You let out a small giggle looking at your hands, "It's okay. I'm 99% the boys planned for it to happen. I'm not upset. To be honest, it's probably the best I've slept in years. Not to be weird or anything.."
Chan nodded, "Oh did they? I'm gonna kill them when they get back! And I get it honestly. I rarely ever sleep so it was nice to get a good rest for once. You make a good body pillow." He giggled and poked/pushed your shoulder.
"No need to commit murder now haha. Besides if I know them it was probably Changbin or Felix's idea. They haven't shut up about how you need to get out there more and all you ever do is work." You joked back at him.
Chan scoffed, "And just exactly how many times have they been talking about me now?"
"Ummm, let's just say I've been hearing it here and there since we started the whole karaoke, movie night, sleepover tradition" You said nodding your head side to side.
"Remind me to thank them for consistently making me seem like some desperate hermit for the past few years." He rolled his eyes, pouting to himself.
You snorted and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Well if it makes you feel any better, I get it. I'm somewhat of a 'desperate hermit' myself. Um, actually, scratch the desperate part.." You lifted your hand from his shoulder and face palmed, cringing at yourself.
Just then the boys walked back through the front door. Felix was the first to say something, "We brought you both some food" he said with a big grin on his face.
Chan just stared at him and then looked at Changbin and then back to Felix. "Alright boys, who's bright idea was this?" He motioned between you and himself. You covered your face with your hands only peaking through to look at the pure guilt on their faces.
Felix was quick to throw Changbin under the bus and Changbin was quick to do the same to Lix.
Chan looking only slightly amused said, "I'm gonna give you to the count of three. One.... Two..."
And both boys took off running. Felix aggressively handing the food to Jisung before taking off to run upstairs away from Chan. Chan almost immediately taking off himself to go hunt the two meddling musketeers down.
"Well that probably won't take too long, but why don't you come to the kitchen and eat something anyways" Jisung said grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you up off the couch into the kitchen.
Seungmin sat next to you at the island as Jisung handed you your food.
"Just so you know, it wasn't just their idea" he said leaning closer to you so he could whisper it. Smirking as he sat there.
"Oooo Min, I thought you we're more clever than that" You said with a smirk of your own.
Chan and the two boys came running down the stairs toppling over each other with Chan having Felix in a playful head lock and Changbin trying to pull Chan off. Chan let go and walked over to take a seat at the island grabbing his food.
"So Minnie here let me know that he was also involved in their little scheme" You said to Chan while glancing at Seungmin with a mischievous smirk.
"OH, was he??" Chan said, brow quirked in Seungmins direction.
Seungmin's glaring at you came to a quick end when Chan reached around you to wack his younger friend upside the back of his head, leaving you giggling uncontrollably.
"Well, as always, this was eventful" You said grabbing your purse and getting ready to head out. "I'll see ya'll soon." Smiling warmly. You gave Jisung a big hug and then Minho. You waved to the rest of the guys, and then went on your way.
Before you could make it down the hallway to leave the dorms you heard Chan call your name. You turned around to see him jogging your way. Finally reaching you, looking a little nervous, he said, "Um, I was going to see if maybe I could get your number? You know since I'm sure you have everyone else's.. and um, just so we could maybe also talk on more than just movie nights. You know what, never mind, just ignore me."
"Hand me your phone." You put your hand out and giggled at how adorably awkward he was.
"You sure? It's okay, I don't want you to feel like you need to. I mean we've really only talked this one time anyways" He said still somewhat cringing at himself, but sounding a bit more hopeful.
"Chan, just give me your phone." You rolled your eyes smiling at him, putting your number in his phone. You decided to be a little ballsy and put a winky face next to your name. "Us actually talking some this time was nice. Plus you having my number just means we can become as close as I am with the rest of the guys. We have some catching up to do Mr. Workaholic." You nudged him, handing him back his phone.
"Haha that we do. Well, in that case, I'll talk to you later. Be safe" He said before heading back into the dorms.
You were sitting at work, watching the clock, just waiting to head home and relax. Your phone lit up and you checked the notification.
'Hey its Chan, just thought I'd text you so you could have my number in your phone haha'
You smiled to yourself and texted him back.
'Hey! Thanks I probably should've gotten yours too when I gave you mine haha'
'Welp you got it now 🐺"
'That I do lol. What are you up to today?'
'Just working, as always. Bout to take a break and go get some food. You?'
You thought to yourself for a second before replying. Maybe you could get to know him a bit better? Or would that be weird? You decided to just ask anyways.
'I get off in 30 mins and I'm starving, would you want to grab a bite with me??'
'Sure, that'd be great just let me know where'
You texted him the address for you favorite small restaurant and saved his number under 'Chan🐺'.
You guys met up and sat down at your usual table. You made awkward small talk for a while before you both finally started opening up. You asked him about his music and some of his favorite songs. And you told him how you were thinking about getting into dancing again and how you used to dance when you were younger. You both just chatted for about 2 hours before Chan said he should probably get back to work.
"Thanks for joining me, it was really nice to get to actually know you" You said smiling warmly.
"Thanks for inviting me, it was nice getting out of the house and enjoying myself for once." He replied before adding, "If you ever need a food buddy again let me know".
"Don't tempt me, it's a lot nicer eating with good company than alone". You smiled a bit of blush starting to make it's way to your cheeks.
You both said your goodbyes and headed to your houses.
You and Chan met for lunch about once a week after that. Chatting and every now and then maybe a little bit of subtle flirting neither of you were sure if the other person meant to do or not. You talked more about his music and how you planned on taking on some dance classes once you found a new place to stay. It'd become your new tradition, just the two of you. You liked that you had more time to figure him out and get to know more about him other than the ghost of a man the boys always said he was. You were really starting to enjoy his company, maybe a little too much? It didn't matter you were positive it was just a momentary crush. Nothing more. Right?
Karaoke night came quicker than you thought. You'd been so busy with work, your weekly lunches with Chan and trying to figure out where you'd be moving when your lease was up in a month that you'd almost forgotten about it.
You started getting ready for the night out with your best friends. This time though, you actually put effort into your appearance. You questioned yourself as to why you were even doing it. It's not like Jisung and Minho haven't seen you looking like like death, puking your guts up from way too many drinks, makeup smudged and hair a mess. I mean they've been the ones to hold your hair more times than you'd like to admit. So why did you want to feel pretty tonight? You'd usually just throw on something comfortable and that'd be that. Tonight though you opted to do your makeup, hair, and even put on a dress. It was a black dress that flared at the end coming down about mid thigh, just a simple skater type dress but cute none the less. You paired it with some combat boots and a cute necklace you'd gotten as a gift from Jisung on your 1 year friendaversary. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror smiling and threw some PJs in your bag and headed out.
Jisung and Minho were waiting for you outside like always, and when you walked out they both looked at you with wide eyes and open mouths.
"What the actual hell??? You look HOT!" Jisung gawked. Gaining a loud smack on the arm from Minho.
"Must I remind you I'm right here??" Minho said crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
Turning his attention to you now, "you do look good tonight, what's the special occasion?" he asked as if he didn't already know the answer.
"I don't know I just wanted to feel pretty I guess?" You said with a shrug.
"And doooo you feel pretty??" Jisung nudged you, wiggling his eyebrows.
You laughed, "I do". A firm nod sent his way.
"Great then let's go show everyone how it's done. We've got a showstopper tonight" Jisung joked dragging both you and Minho inside.
And just like all the times before, you left the karaoke bar and headed back to the dorm. Walking inside you noticed the 5 usual guys sitting around the coffee table already playing a card game. I.N looked up first and let out a loud gasp.
"Holy hell, warn somebody if your gonna show up looking like that y/n!" He said clutching his chest as if he were gonna have a heart attack looking at you.
You laughed almost snorting, "like what exactly, Innie?".
"Like you're about to take our souls right out of our chests" Said Felix falling into Hyunjin dramatically.
"Seriously Lix, I'm right here!" Hyunjin rolled his eyes throwing his arm around Felix. "You do look drop dead gorgeous tho! Finally took a page from my book of fashion, huh?"
Changbin hopped up and gave you a huge hug spinning you around, "You look stunning! To what do we owe the honor?" he jokingly bowed and you smacked his arm.
"Yall are ridiculous" you rolled your eyes smiling "I just felt like dressing up, it's been a while, and I wanted to feel pretty" you said with a shrug.
Seungmin smirked and just said "mhmm" cocking a brow at you. To which you gave him an annoyed glance before setting your bag down and sitting next to Changbin and I.N on the floor.
"So what are we playing tonight?" You asked looking around at the guys. Jisung and Minho took a seat on the other side of the table.
"Cards against humanity!" I.N said a little too happily.
"Oh? I didn't know you had a twisted since of humor Innie?" You quirked a brow smiling at him.
"Haha only sometimes. Hard not to be a little twisted living with these idiots" He said nodding his head at the guys sitting around the table.
"Yeah, we're the idiots here baby bread" Seungmin said pinching I.N's cheek fake cooing at him.
"Okay, okay be nice Min, jeez. This game is too perfect for you" You said rolling your eyes dramatically. Hyunjin joining in on the eye roll laughing and giving you a nod of appreciation.
"So who wants to read first then?" You say passing out white cards and splitting the black cards into two piles so everyone can reach them.
Just then Chan walked in, "I'll read first!" He said with his big cheesy smile.
"Oh, you decided to join us again? To what do we owe the honor?" You said giggling copying Changbins words from a few minutes ago.
"Just wanted to spend time with everyone. Is that so bad?" He replied.
"Not at all, I'm actually glad you decided to join us. Here come sit." You scooted over and patted the floor next to you with a smile on your face.
The rest of the guys shared a knowing glance with each other. Chan never told them he'd be there tonight, but they felt like he would be. He hadn't stopped asking them about their monthly nights with you. Hell, he hadn't shut up about you since the first time you both had lunch together. They just shrugged it off, smiling to themselves.
A few rounds around the table and you were ready for some food. So you got up to go get some snacks from the pantry telling the guys you'd be right back and to just continue playing. The second you got up to walk out Chan's heart had practically stopped beating. He blinked trying to shake himself out of it and looked at the guys who were all staring smugly at him. This time it was Minho who decided to meddle, giving Chan a nod towards the kitchen as if to silently communicate with the eldest.
"Need some help?"
This time you only slightly jumped back, careful not to drop the few snacks you'd grabbed.
"Jesus Chan, warn somebody! I'm gonna make you wear a bell around your neck if you keep sneaking up on me like that." You said with a smile and an eyeroll, setting the bags of chips down on the counter before heading back to the pantry to grab something sweet for contrast.
"A bell, really? Like a collar?" Chan chuckled raising a brow at you.
"If it'll keep you from trying to give me a heart attack every time I'm in the kitchen. Since you're here now though, can you grab the caramel?" You said while heading to the counter to place down the sweet snacks and now cutting up some apples.
Chan did as you asked, and a few moments later placed the caramel down on the counter near by the other snacks. He decided he'd try and help further and put the bags of chips you'd gotten into some bowls. You smiled in his direction thanking him.
"So what's the occasion? The guys seem to be shocked seeing you in a dress." He asked not so casually.
You shrugged, "Just wanted to feel pretty tonight I guess." With a slight blush on your cheeks and tip of your ears.
"Mhmm.. Well, you look absolutely gorgeous. But I'm sure you've heard that plenty tonight" Chan said with a little smirk and a small laugh.
"Haha, I guess, the guys wouldn't shut up when I walked in. Binnie literally picked me up and twirled me in his arms." You giggled trying to fight off the redness in your cheeks.
"Can't say I blame him." Chan muttered mostly to himself.
"Oh really? And why's that?" You asked.
Chan was a bit shocked you'd heard that. Trying to find a way to reply, "Uh, cause, you know, you look really good tonight and um.. just.." He trailed off praying you'd understand.
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it. If we're being honest here I maaayy have worn it hoping you'd be joining us tonight.." You looked down focusing on playing the snacks you'd put together for everyone. Trying to hide your embarrassment.
"Oh really?" Chan sounding a lot more confident and sure of himself now. "And why are you dressing up for me?" He asked quirking a brow at you.
"I guess you'll have to figure that part out." You said turning to take the food to the island. Only to be stopped by Chans hands landing on the counter caging you in your place.
He smiled his cheesy but cocky grin and looked at you with a fake puzzled look. He inched his face closer to yours and leaned to whisper in your ear "What? Do you like me or something or do you just like teasing me?". You gulped. Trying desperately to keep a neutral face you leaned in a bit more "Why can't it be both?" Then, it was your turn to smirk before moving his arm and setting the food on the island.
"Alright guys, foods on the counter if anyone's hungry" You called out from behind the island.
The 7 guys pushed and shoved their way to the island ready to devour the snacks.
"Think you made enough y/n?" Seungmin said already grabbing himself a cinnamoroll of the sweets board.
"There's 9 of us so probably not" You laughed, "I can always make more later if needed, or next time I can just come earlier and make everyone dinner so you all can stop acting so starved"
"I'll have you know that we ARE starved, Chan over here is always too busy to cook anymore, Minho is too up Jisungs ass to care if we eat, and Minnie and I aren't allowed anywhere near a stove or oven or waffle maker anymore" Felix said pouting, arms crossed.
"Well then it's settled, next time I'll make dinner. Speaking of Chan here..." You turned to look at the man, "what actually made you join us tonight? In the 3 years I've been having these sleepovers you've only joined maybe a handleful of times and now you've graced us all with two in a row? Did the guys force you? Blink if you need help." You giggled, mostly to yourself.
Chan chucked shaking his head, "No one forced me. Like i said before, i just wanted to spend time with everyone. Maybe i wanted to continueto get to know you better too." He grinned looking right at you.
Giving him your best shocked Pikachu face, you turned to him, "Well I'm glad you decided to spend time with us. I've enjoyed you being around more and I know they do too." You said motioning to the rest of the group who all nodded in unison.
Back in the livingroom you all played a few more rounds. Minho ended up getting the most black cards followed closely by I.N who only had 3 less than his older friend. You expected Minho to win anyways, he definitely had a darker sense of humor when he wasn't acting like a three year old on the world's biggest sugar rush. The guys slowly started heading to their rooms with Seungmin, I.N, and Changbin being the first to head to bed. They waved saying variants of goodnight to you and the guys. Changbin having to add once again how "gorgeous" you looked before walking out of the room. You just chuckled to yourself waving back as they walked away.
Turning to the remaining guys you asked, "so are yall heading up or do you want to turn on a movie?"
Hyunjin smirked folding his arms, "You can just ask for a cuddle buddy y/n. You have never once made it through a movie and you always fall asleep on one of us by the end of it."
"Hyunjin, have you considered maybe I just don't sleep and a movie somehow let's me relax enough to finally get some sleep? Otherwise I'd be up all night clawing at your doors just to scare you all" You laughed out loud at yourself.
"And here I thought I was the dramatic one. No need to go around causing nightmares y/n" He laughed. "I'm personally ready for bed and I am taking Lix with me". Felix faked a pout at this even though he was smiling widely. "Goodnight guys, goodnight y/n" Felix called out being dragged up the stairs by Hyunjin.
"Anyone else heading to bed or is it movie time?" You said now only standing with your besties and Chan.
"Well I'm usually up all night anyways, so I could go for a movie." Chan said with a smile on his face.
"Well we are going to head to bed, I'm exhausted from having to play bodyguard at the karaoke bar earlier" Jisung said nudging you giggling.
"Oh please, Minho was the one basically smacking anyone that tried talking to me. How am I ever supposed to find a man if yall make it your personal mission to smack around anyone who tries to so much as say hi?" You said crossing your arms facing the two of them.
What you didn't notice was Chan's face when you mentioned finding a man. Maybe he could be man? Well, as if he wasn't trying before, He definitely is now.
"Well excuse us if we don't approve of you "finding" some weirdo from the karaoke bar" Minho said rolling his eyes. "You deserve better than that y/n, we just care." You missed the little look he shot Chan. Silently asking Chan if he liked you and the look Chan gave back saying yes.
"And on that unexpected sappy note babe, let's go to bed. Goodnight you two, don't stay up too late" Jisung called over his shoulder holding Minhos hand and heading to bed.
"Well, I guess it's just us then. I'm gonna go put on my pjs, mind picking a movie?" You asked Chan, smiling warmly as you grabbed you bag and headed to the bathroom.
Walking out of the bathroom now comfortable, you made your way over to the couch. Chan was already sitting and scrolling on his phone while he waited for you.
"So, uh, it's not a movie but I figured we could binge watch a few episodes of Dragon Ball Z if you're up for it?" He said looking a bit nervous.
You giggled nodding quickly, "Hell yeah I love Dragon Ball!".
About 3 episodes in you started getting tired. Moving around trying to make yourself comfortable without just fully laying down.
"You getting tired again?" Chan asked.
"No, I'm fine, just uncomfortable." You said deciding to just deal with neck pain you'd probably end up having tomorrow.
"You know, if you wanted you could take my room and I'll sleep down here? I'm kind of shocked the guys have had you sleeping on the couch this whole time" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"No, absolutely not. It's your room and you of all people should be sleeping comfortably. And they've offered to let me sleep in their beds but I couldn't take their spaces from them." You replied.
"Well, apparently you desperately need sleep too. Besides, I'm not taking no for an answer." He shrugged.
"Well you're going to have to because I'll be sleeping here on the couch Channie" You nodded once.
After another episode had passed you were asleep. You felt someone pick you up and start to carry you. Peaking through your lashes, barely conscious you saw Chan smiling down at you, before opening the door to his room carefully. He placed you in his bed and pulled the covers up before turning to walk out the room.
"Chan.." You said groggily.
"I can't take your bed from you, I'll feel awful" You whined barely able to keep your eyes open. "Please just stay with me"
He looked at you both amused but with caution. "Are you sure? I just want you to be comfortable".
You pulled him over and softly patted the bed next to you. Nodding faintly, "I'm sure. I could use a cuddle anyways. I slept really well last time".
"Only if you're comfortable with it."
"I am. Now come here." You reached up at him with grabby hands and puppy dog eyes.
He laughed softly, "Okay, okay. No need to pout. Scoot over."
He climbed into his bed and you scooted back to cuddle him, head on his chest and your arm across his stomach.
"Mmm.. this is nice." You mumbled into his chest before you fell asleep. He laid there smiling resting his head on yours. 'Yeah, this is nice.' He thought before falling asleep himself.
Everyone besides you an Chan had eaten breakfast together, and were now lounging around in various areas of the main floor. I.N was sitting at the kitchen island scrolling on his phone. Changbin was on the couch annoying Hyunjin who was sat on the chair sketching a panda. Felix and Seungmin were sitting on the floor against the couch playing Mario cart and arguing over who would win.
Jisung and Minho walked into the livingroom from cleaning up the breakfast mess. "Anyone seen y/n or Chan this morning? Her bag is still here, so I don't think she left." Jisung asked the group. They all shook their heads, some shrugging their shoulders. Jisung and Minho shared a somewhat hopeful glance.
Waking up this morning you felt a sense of peace and comfort. Something you (and Chan) haven't felt in a very long time. Rolling over to face him, he started waking up. With a sleepy smile on his face he pulled you in closer. "Mmm. Good morning cutie" He said groggily, his morning voice being more raspy than normal.
You giggled in his arms, "Good morning Channie." You said before pulling back a little to look at him. "Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed, and for the cuddles. It was definitely a lot nicer than the couch. Plus, you make a great body pillow." You joked.
"Of course, i couldnt just let you sleep on the couch knowing I had a perfectly good bed you could use. The cuddles were just a major plus. Speaking of which, body pillow huh? Didn't know they could hug you back. I think I'm a bit better than a pillow." He joked secretly hoping you'd agree.
"You're right. Body pillows are waayyyy more comfy." You joked back before adding, "I'm just kidding, you're definitely better than a body pillow. Way more warm too"
He smiled pulling you into him one more time before saying, "We should probably get up now. I'm sure the guys are having a field day coming up with why we are both missing".
"Eh, let them. I don't mind. It's not like Jisung and Minho aren't already rooting for us to happen. Not to mention the 3 that had us sleeping on the couch together last time." You said cuddling into his chest one more time before finally pulling away to get up.
"Touche. Well, they aren't the only ones." Chan said nervously.
You turned to look at him blushing more than you'd like with a big grin on your face, "Chan, you're rooting for us?"
"Well yeah, I like you y/n.. I understand if you don't like me like that though. I'm happy to just be friends if that's what you prefer." His voice barely over a whisper, his nerves taking over.
You walked over yo him cupping his face in your hands. "I like you too Chan, I honestly surprised you couldn't tell by now."
"I didn't want to assume"
You laughed, "I thought I made it pretty obvious wearing a dress, trying to subtly flirt, making sure you sat by me." You started to list off before leaning in for a kiss. It started out slow, a gentle peck, before turning into something only slightly more passionate. You pulled away smiling, "Hopefully that was obvious enough." You said giggling before going in for one more quick peck.
A few minutes later, you and Chan head downstairs into the livingroom.
"Ooo where'd ya'll go last night??" Jisung asked wiggling his brows and giggling.
You shoved his arm, "Chan let me take his bed and I asked him to stay since it was his room. And before you ask, no. Nothing happened." You said firmly glaring at your friend.
"Geez, I wasn't gonna say anything.." Jisung said with his hands up feigning innocence.
"Sure you weren't Ji. Just like I'm not gonna kick your ass for trying to trap Chan and I together every chance you get" You raised your hand as if you were gonna hit him jokingly. "And as for the rest of you.." shooting glares around the room, "don't think we don't know what you all were trying to do. Chan and I will be the ones to decide when and if there's something there." You looked at Chan nudging him softly. The guys however, missed it.
They all looked down guiltily. "Sorry.. we just want you both to be happy. We'll stop trying to make things happen, it's not our place. Please don't be upset with us." Felix pleaded looking like a hurt puppy.
"I'm not upset with any of you. I couldn't be even if I tried. Just let things happen when they happen." You said smiling softly at the group.
"You're right, we're sorry y/n. Speaking of which have you found a place to move when your lease is up? You could always stay here until you find somewhere if needed." Jisung offered with a soft smile.
"I have a few places I've looked at but nothing really promising. And thank you Ji, but I think I'll pass on sleeping the couch longer than a night at a time" You replied.
"You could always sleep with me." Chan shrugged laughing a little too hard. You hit his shoulder glaring daggers at him.
Jisung and a few others shot you a look before sitting down next to Felix to join in on Mario Kart.
"Well as much as I love hanging out guys, I got places to look at before going back to work tomorrow. I'll see you all next month" You said grabbing your bag, making sure everything was in it.
They all said their goodbyes to you barely even looking up. You smiled to yourself at how much like family they all felt to you now. Standing up to leave you looked at Chan giving him a warm smile and waving goodbye. He waved back a you went on your way.
Chan sat down in the living room looking at the guys, "So I know Jisung won't mind, but what do the rest of you think about y/n moving in?"
"Just means more movie nights, I'm down." Felix said.
"She's already family at this point of course we won't mind." Minho said matter of factly.
"More time with y/n? Sign me up! Maybe she can whip Jisung and Felix into acting like normal humans instead of fussy toddlers." Changbin said smacking Jisung on the back laughing.
The rest of the guys all agreed. Chan decided they would wait until next month to offer so you had time to find a place of your own first. He didn't want you to feel pressured because of the friend group.
You'd looked at 10 different apartment/dorms over the month and not one of them fit your budget or need to be within walking distance of your job. You were feeling extremely overwhelmed. Walking up to the stairs of your 11th apartment option, you reminded yourself that tonight you'd be able to just relax with the boys. You and Chan had texted every single day with him even trying to help you search for places. You still made time for your weekly lunches and even had a few extra lunches together. You were honestly falling pretty hard for him and couldn't wait to see him tonight and fall asleep in his arms again.
Back at your apartment you went through the box of clothes you'd packed up and dug out a cute black tank top and some sweatpants that had a flattering fit. You threw your hair up in a bun and headed outside to meet Jisung and Minho.
"Hey guys, I know we haven't missed karaoke once, but do you mind if we just head straight to the dorms tonight? I promised the guys last time I'd make dinner and I don't think I have it in me to do that and go all out singing like we normally would." You asked them with a small sigh.
"Yeah we don't mind. Are you okay? Did you find a place yet?" Jisung asked.
"No, I've see 11 places this month and honestly I'm about to give up. It's all just getting to me." You sighed again.
"Well let's just try to enjoy tonight then. Chan offered to help make dinner so you didn't have to do it alone" Jisung smiled at you.
"Did he? That's really sweet of him." You said smiling to yourself. A small blush creeping on your cheeks.
Jisung nodded, opting to not tease you this time.
Walking inside the dorm Hyunjin greeted you first, "I see you decided against gracing us all with a pretty dress this time" He joked, eyes shrinking from his smile.
"Eh, not really feeling it this time." You said back heading for the kitchen.
"Anyone have anything specific that'd like for dinner?" You called back.
Before you could even turn around to look at them they all started bickering about who would get to pick and why they should be the one who gets to pick.
"You fucked up, shouldn't have even asked them, now they'll be arguing for the next hour" Chan said from behind you in the kitchen laughing heartily.
You giggled letting out a small snort, "Yeah, I knew I shouldn't have said anything the second it left my mouth".
"Alright you guys chill, y/n and I will be making whatever we feel like so get over it" Chan yelled to the guys.
They all settled down, pouting to themselves and started back at doing their own things while they waited.
"Jisung told me you offered to help me cook. Thank you" You smiled at Chan warmly.
"It's the least I could do. There's a lot of us it's definitely not a one person job" He said smiling to himself.
"Can't argue there, but you also didn't have to."
"Well I wanted to." He replied wrapping his arms around your waist. "Plus it gives us some extra time together." He kissed your cheek before heading to get dinner started.
"Felix, I.N, could yall please set the table? Dinner will be ready in 10" You called out to the living room. The boys hopped up immediately smiling at you and grabbing dishes and silverware heading to the dinning room.
You and Chan took the food to the table and let everyone know dinner was ready. Chan pulled out a chair for you to his right and you sat down smiling at him in thanks. He nodded before sitting himself at the head of the table. To your left sat Jisung and Minho. Changbin and Seungmin were at the end of the table opposite of Chan. Across from you was Hyunjin, with Felix next to him and then I.N on the end by Chanbin. You all started digging in, everyone chatting amongst themselves. I.N looked at you and Chan feeling playful, "Thanks mom, thanks dad, dinner is amazing!" He said laughing loudly. And the rest of the guys joined in laughing too. "Our parents are great cooks" Felix added.
"Will you guys stop!" You said shooting them a glare, blush finding it's way to your cheeks.
Thank god you didn't look at Chan who was also blushing profusely shooting warning glares at the two boys.
After dinner the guys brought in the dishes to the kitchen. You and Chan cleaned the dishes, now cleaning the rest of the kitchen and dining room from the aftermath of a small food fight the youngests had started during dinner.
Chan looked at you, "So I know said you still haven't found anywhere to stay. You know you're always welcome here" He offered with a slight nudge of the elbow.
"Haha you just want an extra cook. But it's okay, I don't want to cause any issues for anyone. I'll be okay." You smiled kindly back at him.
"Its not an issue for any of us. We kind of already all talked about it and Changbin and I.N offered to bunk together so you could have your own room if you wanted. No couch." He said kind of chuckling.
"As sweet as that is, I'm not taking one of their rooms. That's not fair to them. I really do appreciate the offer though." You smiled again, a bit sad this time. 'What are my other options though I have to be out by Friday' you thought to yourself.
"You could um.." Chan trailed off not wanting to scare you away.
"I could umm, what?" You questioned.
"You could stay in my room if you wanted.." He said running his fingers through his hair giggling nervously.
"Chan, I'm not taking your room from you either." You said firmly.
"Uh, I meant like.. um.. like room with me?" He was looking down at the table now. He'd been scrubbing the same spot since bringing up you staying with them.
"Oh.. uh, are you sure? I know weve been seeing each other but.. " You trailed off unsure of how to say the rest of what you wanted to say.
"Buuutt?? What?" He questioned waiting for you to finish.
"We haven't really, like, ya know.. made anything official." You said staring down at the table.
"Well I'm officially asking you to room with me, and if you'd let me be so honored, I'd like if we were, ya know, official?" Chan blurted out with a mixture of eagerness and nervousness.
"Are you sure?" You asked almost shocked. You knew how you both felt about each other, yet, somehow it still felt unreal.
"Yes I'm sure y/n! Will you please let me make your mine already? Moving in or not, I want to be able to call you mine" He pleaded.
"Yes. Yes to both." You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Thank you, for being mine." He said softly, head nuzzled into your neck.
"I couldnt imagine being anyone else's" You smiled back, kissing him one more time before pulling away to look at him. "We should um, probably tell the guys I'm staying then. I'm gonna need some help getting the stuff out of my apartment" You giggled pulling him for a big hug in one more time before pulling apart completely.
You both finished cleaning quickly before walking into the livingroom together. Chan did a quick head count to make sure everyone was there.
"Okay guys, I spoke with y/n about her staying with us and she decided she'd stay, so we will need some help with week moving her stuff in if you all don't mind" Chan said to the room.
Jisung jumped up "YESSSS!! I knew you couldn't stay away from me" He chuckled. "How's movie night gonna work now tho?"
"Same as always maybe more often now tho" You winked playfully at him.
Changbin was the next to stand up "so who's room are you taking?? Mine or I.N's? Might as well start clearing it out before we bring you stuff over. "
"Uh, about that. I didn't feel right taking either of your rooms from you.." You said smiling sheepishly.
"You're absolutely NOT sleeping on the couch" Felix said kind of sternly.
"You're right Felix. She's not. She.. uh, she decided to stay with me in my room." Chan said looking at the boys a bit nervously.
Jisungs jaw dropped, the rest of the room mirrored his expression, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
"Does this mean...??" Hyunjin asked hesitantly.
"Yes. We're officially together now. Not that you all didnt know we've been talking.." You said glancing quickly to Chan and then back to Hyunjin.
Chan nodded a little too quickly, smiling his big cheesy smile. "Yepp. Which means Changbin, keep your hands to yourself." Chan chuckled looking at Changbin and then down at you, pulling you close into his side with his arm around your waist. You blushed a little too much at that. Changbin put his hands up surrendering with a laugh.
The guys all cheered a bit too excitedly. Giving you and Chan both hugs and nods of waaayy too much approval. You giggled at them being so dramatic over you and Chan now dating, but it warmed your heart to know they all supported you.
Friday came fast and the guys had helped you move your things into the dorm. Felix and Changbin also helped you sell the things you weren't taking with you. Once you were all back at the dorms you sat down on the couch. Plopping yourself between Chan and I.N, your head falling back in exhaustion.
"Why don't you go take a nap in your new room" Seungmin said looking smugly.
"I think I will." You replied giving him the same look as you went to get up. "Oh btw, thank you guys for meddling. You did good for once" You joked looking at the three boys who started all of this. And with that you made your way to Chans.. Your new room before falling onto the bed. Chan walked in behind you and shut the door before falling on the bed next to you.
"Do you want me to help you unpack later?" He asked turning to prop himself up on his elbow facing you.
"If you don't mind" You smiled at him kindly.
"Of course I don't mind" He grinned kissing your forehead. "Now come get some sleep before we get to work." He pulled you into his chest and you smiled, quickly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. A sound you had really come to love.
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sl-walker · 4 months
...from the next yet-unposted chapter of Stardust.
“I could eat at least three horses right now,” Booster said, looking over his array of plates and bowls, completely undeterred by the fact that it wasn’t even seven in the morning yet and the only people as awake and ready to go as him were the various geriatrics in the IHOP getting an early-bird special.  The way he saw it, caffeine existed for a glorious purpose and while he hadn’t needed any to get moving today, he had been in an insomnia-hangover himself a worrying number of times and therefore he held no mercy (and only conditional compassion) for those who were dawdling on waking up. “Maybe three and a half.”
“Oh no, Secretariat goes cannibal and destroys his brethren in his haste to fill the empty pit of his stomach,” Ted fired back, though it was with laughter in his voice as he clutched his mug of coffee like he’d shank whoever might try to take it. “Thoroughbreds everywhere react to the scandal tonight on CLTV in a stunning exposé!”
Brenda, Paco and Jaime were all nodding over their plates, looking like they hadn’t even actually woken up to roll out of bed.  Even then, Brenda picked her head up and squinted blearily at Ted. “Aren’t thoroughbreds the high-strung horses that keel over if you look at them cross-eyed?” she asked.
“I literally just asked that myself yesterday!” Booster said, pointing at her with his fork and well-speared sausage.  “Gotta say, I’m not sure how I feel about being compared to a critter that dies so easily.”  He was, however, a little more worried that the ‘high-strung’ part might be too on-target for his comfort.
“S’okay, I might have to kill you for being so awake right now,” Jaime mumbled, teetering over sideways until he was tucked halfway between Booster’s shoulder and the back of the curved booth. “And so happy about it.”
“It’s not my fault you stayed out so late.”  Still, Booster set his fork down long enough to reach across himself and lightly ruffle Jaime’s hair in something like a mixed apology and commiseration. “C’mon, today’s gonna be great.”
“You were out running by 5:30, ese, humans don’t do that,” Paco said, before shoving his plate of bacon and eggs away so he could fold his arms on the table and drop his head down onto them.  “Not normal, sane humans.”
All things being equal, Booster was an early-riser by nature, if not always factually; that he’d slept as well as he had the night before meant he felt pretty amazing right now, though. “In fairness, Paco, you were still awake when I left to go running.”
Paco groaned and shook his head against his arms. “Only ‘cause you were channeling Maria von Trapp in the kitchen.”
Booster opened his mouth to ask who the hell that was, but Ted shook his head with a grin and held up a finger before pulling his phone out and aiming at them.  When Booster raised his eyebrows in question, Ted mouthed, ‘Bianca,’ then took a shot of him and Jaime, the latter of whom might have fallen back asleep in the less-than-a-minute since he’d last spoken.  Booster made sure to beam for the camera, though, because he knew it would make a funny contrast to the probably-asleep teenager using him as a blackout blind and pillow.
Whatever Bianca texted back must have made Ted happy, because he smiled.
“Who’s Maria von Trapp?” Booster asked, before diving back into his breakfast.
Brenda finally managed to rally enough to drag her coffee close and start into her pancakes. “Who hasn’t seen the Sound of Music?”
“I don’t think they have whimsical anti-Nazi musicals in his time,” Ted said, sliding his phone over, presumably so Booster could both see the picture and Bianca’s response.
Booster dropped his fork again just to snatch it; the picture was admittedly very cute.  Bianca’s string of emojis in answer was every bit as cute.  Booster quickly sent the picture to his own phone and then slid Ted’s back to him. “I wouldn’t be against watching some whimsical anti-Nazi musical,” he said, on a delay.
“If you show him that, we are never, ever, ever getting back together,” Paco said, rolling his head to the side towards his-- maybe girlfriend?  Ex?  Who even knew, Booster couldn’t keep up with it, it seemed to change by the day.  “We would never stop hearing it.”
“Oooh, incentive,” Brenda snarked back.  Then, casual as can be, she wet a fingertip in her mouth and stuck it, wiggling, into Paco’s ear.
The subsequent shriek made every single person in the vicinity -- regardless of their hearing aids or lack thereof -- jump half out of their skin.  A line cook in the back swore something that sounded Eastern European in origin.  Jaime jolted out of his hiding spot and Booster was certain the reason the kid didn’t armor up and have a cannon cycling, ready to go, was because both Booster and Ted immediately reassured him that it was safe.
Brenda had turned fire-engine red.  Paco was glaring at her while swiping at his ear.  Jaime was looking around with his mouth hanging open, clearly having lost the plot.
Ted chewed his bottom lip, obviously about to bust up, even as someone managerial-looking started in their direction, IHOP nametag glinting menacingly in the sun.
Booster put on his most charming smile and said, “Perfect timing!  Can we get the check?  And some boxes?”
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whumpbug · 3 months
hey so I'm gonna send a lil prompt
You don't have to answer it of course but it's been rolling around in my head for a while and I doubt I'LL write it since I don't know how you feel about fanfics
so I figured
why not put it in your askbox just for the sake of it
The idea is that at some point, Archie goes to Simon's apartment for either a minor injury (really just an excuse to see him) or something that's kind of serious but can be delt with pretty easily. Basically anything that isn't fatal and wouldn't be fatal even without intervention. When he gets there he sees that Simon is clearly MUCH worse off than him for whatever reason and now they're BOTH fussing over each OTHER and fighting over who gets taken care of by the other
Definitely a whumpee-turned-caretaker/caretaker-turned-whumpee situation. I don't know I just think it'd be fun but if you're busy or something that's totally cool I just wanted to show it to you
HI ANON!!!!! like i said in a previous post, i will literally give you my firstborn child if you ever make a fanfic for my boys. i dont think you understand how thrilled i would be. you are ALWAYS welcome to write about my guys!!
anyways, heres a little prompt fill!!! it ended up being more about the fluff than it did about the fighting over who should be fussed over so i hope thats okay!! simon being cuddly when hes feverish is one of my favorite traits i gave him. i hope you enjoy too!!
In hindsight, the cut on his leg really wasn’t too bad.
Archie was about ninety-nine percent sure he would have been able to suture it himself. He saw it done more times than he could count, and the wound itself was neat and shallow, though bleeding profusely. Wouldn’t have taken him more than twenty minutes.
But he really missed Simon.
Simon had been swamped with exams and lab practicals and volunteer hours for the last week and a half. The poor guy had 2 hours a day to himself if he was lucky. Archie made himself scarce to not add more to his plate, of course, but it had been three days.
He figured a little pit stop couldn’t hurt. Even though it was well past midnight, Archie knew Simon had finished his last final in the afternoon because he texted him that he was going to knock out, and then went radio silent.
It had been seven hours since then. Simon was definitely awake by now.
So that’s how Archie ended up silently slipping through Simon’s kitchen window, a common practice for him, angling his leg just right so as to not drip blood all over his floor. 
All the lights were off. Weird.
He shut the window gently behind him and padded into the living room, squinting as his eyes started adjusting to the dark.
Suddenly, a lamp flicked on and Archie nearly died of a heart attack then and there.
He blinked at the sudden brightness and was greeted by.. Simon?
His friend was slowly sitting up from the couch, head still lowered as he viciously scrubbed the sleep from his eyes. There was a mess of blankets and pillows surrounding him as he propped himself up on his forearms. 
Had he been sleeping?
“Archie?” His voice was rough. He blinked blearily, hair mussed from sleep. “What are you doing here?”
Simon’s gaze lowered to the bright red stain on Archie’s leg and he jolted a little bit. 
“Oh. I see. Come sit down, I’ll--” He was cut off by a soft yawn-- “take a look at it.”
Simon went to grab the suturing kit that was already on the coffee table from the last time Archie stopped by, but his hand slipped and he nearly toppled over. Archie rushed to catch him.
Something was not right.
Simon was never one to be this groggy. He was the kind of person that could go from dead asleep to awake and alert in a matter of seconds. He hardly ever had a “wake-up” period, and he was certainly never this out of it.
When Archie helped Simon back to sitting, he frowned at the unnatural heat he felt beneath his palms.
“Simon? Are you okay?” He cupped his cheek and stifled a hiss at the burning, fevered skin.
“You’re burning up!" Archie exclaimed.
He should have known something was up when Simon didn't text him after his nap. He suddenly felt a bit guilty. "I'm sorry for waking you, I should have called first. You should be sleeping.”
Simon shook his head, but it only succeeded in making him dizzier. “Mmh. I’m fine. You’re the one bleeding. Just sit down, would you?”
“No way. This--” Archie motioned to his leg-- “can wait. You’re sick. You’re exhausted. You need rest. I'll get you some medicine and some tea, okay?"
“Just sit down. You're dripping blood. I can still suture. I’m fine. I can practically do it with my eyes closed.” He looked up at Archie again in a hazy way that made him not want to test that theory.
Still, Archie knew Simon well enough to know that he wouldn’t back down, especially not while mildly delirious from fever. He had to improvise.
He made a show of sighing and sitting down as if he resigned to Simon’s orders, but then, when his guard was down, he reached over and snatched the suturing kit from Simon’s trembling hands.
“Hey!” He shouted, but it came out as more of a whine. He was too disoriented to do anything about it anyways.
“Shush. How about I let you sit here with me while I do suture myself, y’know, so you can supervise, as long as you promise to let me get you to bed when I’m done.”
Simon peered up at Archie with glassy, fever-bright eyes and finally relented.
Archie smiled. Admittedly, he was very pleased with his small victory. He sat back on the couch, beside Simon, and propped up his leg.
He pulled out the pre-threaded needle and hemostats and got to work.
The process was actually relatively easy. Archie practically memorized how it looked when Simon did it, so it was no trouble at all. He fell into the rhythm of threading, looping, anf knotting.
He only faltered the smallest bit when he felt the weight of Simon chin settle on his shoulder. In the corner of his eye, he could see Simon was flagging. He was more exhausted than he was letting on. He was blinking slowly and lazily, gradually nuzzling further and further into the side of Archie’s neck.
By the time Archie finished the last knot, Simon was nearly a deadweight on him. Archie's heart clenched.
“Alright sleeping beauty. Let’s get you to bed, m’kay?” He murmured, replacing the items in the suturing kit and carefully getting up to crouch in front of Simon in an offer of a piggy back ride.
Simon was not one to decline.
It took Archie a bit longer because of the throbbing pain in his leg, but he eventually got Simon tucked into his bed with a damp washcloth on his chest and forehead. 
Just as Archie was leaving to go find the ibuprofen, he heard the smallest, saddest sound come from the bundle of blankets.
“You’re leaving..?”
Archie thought he might die right there. 
He all but dashed back to Simon’s bedside and cupped his face. “No. No, of course not. Not when you’re feeling this sick. I just wanted to get you some medicine. I’ll be right back.”
Simon just averted his hazy eyes and huffed a small whimper. “Stay? Please?”
Archie bit his lip in contemplation, but his mind was made up before the question even made its way out of Simon’s mouth. 
He kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers next to Simon, who scooted over to make room, and pulled him into an all-consuming embrace. 
Simon melted easily into it, letting his head fall on Archie’s chest. Even in his foggy state of mind, he made sure to be careful of Archie’s injured leg as he wrapped himself around him. 
Finally, he felt like he could breathe again after such a hellish week.
Archie rubbed up and down his spine, reveling in how the tension in Simon’s muscles melted away with each pass.
Medicine would have to wait. For now, this was far more effective.
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#1: long lonely people with places to go
I wake up really early but still not early enough to catch the sun rise. It goes while I'm sleeping. Cracks the door of the morning open and climbs out the window like a kid in a superhero movie; when I open my eyes, it's all blue. There's a cat meowing for food outside. I get up.
I conveniently forgot to tell my mom that I stopped wearing shoes in my last year of undergrad. It isn't really the kind of thing you just text someone about after all like hey, I stopped wearing shoes btw— she'd probably freak out, right, and she did, when it popped the summer I came back like a big blister. Look, I didn't say. Someone I loved very much does that. At first I was sort of weirded out but one time when I was falling asleep doing readings in the library they took me down to the creek, and it was early spring and cold but the sun was warm on my skin and the water was skittish with light so of course I had to get in the water. There were tiny black fish everywhere. They darted between my legs as I splashed across the sand-dirt floor and disappeared when I wasn't looking, they were so scared. I looked down the length of the creek to where the trees framed the green edge of the sky and I loved it, loved it so much I couldn't put my shoes back on afterwards.
I worked hard to build up that thick skin on the base of my foot. Pavement is forgiving but the groundskeepers liked to line parts of the trail with tiny pebbles and sand and hard poky granite and that shit took months to get over. When I finally did, we had graduated. It was time to leave.
And I knew, viscerally, that my skin wouldn't be getting any tougher in Singapore and that if I wanted to run around in the woods again I'd have to keep it that way. But I had a wretched time at home. Home? Home, like a place, like the concept of people who want you all the time, always, no matter what. Anyway, I went home. I have a silly little habit of picking at my nails and skin when I'm very anxious. In an anxious, miserable daze, I fiddled all the toughness away.
I went back to the woods on campus for the first time two days ago. It was brutal. Everything hurt. Even the sand-covered paths, even the gravel that I wouldn't have shrugged at in May. See, the metaphor writes itself. I've literally walked myself backwards, away from the light.
But we have to keep going, right? Right. Right, we have to keep going. If you say anything three times in a row it becomes true. It's the middle of the morning now and the sun's properly up. I'm listening to quiet acoustic Taiwanese songs that I can understand half of, tea finished, dishes drying on the rack. It's true, I was depressed for two months but now I'm just sad. And sadness I can work with.
There's a movie I saw this week after all. But I'll tell you about it some other time. Right now, I have to wash this mug. Then I think I'll go outside, in spite of the sun.
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