#and i remember seeing the awesome fight animation and appreciating it
softened-hearts · 2 years
so i started watching rottmnt
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essycogany · 8 months
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The Roll Reversal Between Sonic And Amy
In Sonic Prime did Sonic and Amy’s rolls get swapped? Because MAN THE IMPLICATIONS IN THIS SHOW IS BOTH SUBTLE AND NOT SUBTLE AT THE SAME TIME.
The reason I say the two hedgehogs rolls are swapped is because one line in the entire show is the only indication of Amy’s crush on Sonic.
Sonic: “You like me….To some extent.” It’s never hinted at in the original Green Hill. Though a funny and random detail I liked is Amy apparently tricked Sonic into getting into the water (Probably to teach him how to swim) and I thought that would’ve been adorable to see.
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Now onto Sonic’s part. Sonic possibly having a crush on Amy shouldn’t be a surprise. First of all the implications in actual canon Game/Modern Sonic is increasing more and more in my opinion. Secondly, this show’s version of Sonic is probably the most emotionally driven and affectionate. He’s not as secretive about how he feels either.
Sonic in episode 8 s2: “We’re all in this together. And I’d really think you’d grow to love them as much as I do.”
Onto the small details. We have short, but not hard to miss moments of Sonic just….staring at the different Roses. Sure, it can be viewed as platonic, but it’s the constant softening his gaze in a bunch of different scenes that didn’t have to be added, but was. It’s all up to interpretation.
Anyways, Sonic and original Amy’s first interaction is with the blue blur coming up to her excitedly and standing in a flirtatious manner. His tone of voice when he says “Got a little sidetracked,” could be interpreted as anything, but how he’s animated makes me pretty sure it’s intentionally flirtatious. That’s just me though.
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Then we have the flirting teasing at Rusty Rose in the pirate dimension.
Rusty: “Not that anyone will remember you.”
Sonic: “Now you’re just being hurtful.”
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Sonic not minding Black Rose hugging him and might even appreciates it.
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And almost all the scenes between him and Thorn Rose was ship fuel for me. With Sonic calling her “Thorny,” as a nickname. He kept the location of the green shard a secret so Thorn could trust him. Sonic stopped himself from fighting Thorn as much as possible. (The Amy Flashback was adorable) Not to mention the last few scenes with Thorn holding onto Sonic was sweet as well.
Sonic even helped improved the sisters lives.
With Rusty finding her humanity and ability to live without her Flikie.
Thorn regained her broken friendship and trust with the Bose Cage Gang.
And Black Rose became the new leader of her Crew. (I say that knowing it was mostly Dreads redemption that helped, but still)
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Sonic’s also the reason for all the Roses to gain a sisterhood. Which was one of the most precious part of the entire show. Season 3 has scenes of them running up to Sonic to make sure he’s alright, and helping Sonic twice by saving the last three pirates from No Place and getting him back home.
And here’s my favorite detail. I love how Sonic adores Amy’s way of thinking in Prime. When helping Thorn come to her senses, Sonic mentions how the original Amy would handle the situation. Expressing herself and discussing how she feels. The reason I bring it up is because Sonic finds value for Amy being able to do it without issue. Understanding he’s not the best at expressing himself.
Thorn: “I don’t know. She sounds pretty great.”
Sonic: “Yeah. You are.”
In fact. Sonic thinks so fondly of Amy that the show couldn’t end without having him come to her bashfully and calling her, “Sweet Amy.”
Also the posing with Sonic’s hand behind his back and feet up doesn’t help.
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Last thing I’d like to point out is Sonic’s implied crush on Amy is very subtle and despite all of this can be interpreted as platonic which I’m fine with. But the thought of a roll reversal between two characters that’s never experienced it prior to now is awesome to speculate.
Stay Creative! 💜
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
The female characters
As usual, this post might have SPOILERS about the first volume of TCF so if you don't want to see this, please don't continue. Thanks!
There's this problem I've noticed as a reader of several novels. It's the reason why I skipped or dropped a lot of novels that disappointed me despite their good plot.
The female characters are either barely in the story, they suck, or turned into a harem member.
Most authors don't know how to write women unless they're the same gender. And while I have no problems with male characters, it's sad that if you see a movie, anime, manga, or novel, the results are either of the three mentioned above☝️.
But TCF managed to surprise me yet again.
Like I said in my previous post,
I did not have high expectations for this novel when I first started reading it. I just wanted to read something because I was bored.
So imagine my surprise when a lot of female characters started appearing everywhere in this novel. While some have minor roles like Amiru, Violan, and Lily, most of them are relevant to the plot. Something that is lacking in most novels. They're not one-dimensional characters but are instead given depth by the author.
Violan and Lily
Violan and Lily, who barely show up in the story because we're focused on Cale's point of view, have their own backstories and goals. Their roles are simple but it's enough that you'll be able to remember their names unlike those characters that are easily forgettable.
You'll be able to remember that Violan loves art and wants to help her husband and family as a wife, mother, and countess. She's very intelligent and even appears to be in equal footing with her husband. She's just as important as Deruth in their territory. If you remember how she appeared when Clopeh attacked them, you can see that despite her worry and anger for Cale's poor state, she appeared calm and was willing to stand by his side despite the danger she faces.
Lily on the other hand wants to be a swordsman to help her brothers protect their territory. I find her small interactions with Cale so adorable because of how much Cale respects her and her dream. She is brave and hard-working, unwilling to stay behind while her brothers do everything. She even grew stronger later in the novel. The fact that she was raised to be confident about her skills and herself is a good sign that Deruth and Violan did not care about gender roles and I just find this awesome.
Another example is the manhwa.
Let me first mention that I don't read the manhwa. I like it but I prefer the novel. I feel like their thoughts and opinions aren't always shown properly compared to when you read the novel.
But when I first saw Witira illustrated in the manhwa, my first thought was "she looks strong". The fact that I noticed how strong she is just by how she exudes confidence and power amazed me. Her personality is already obvious just by how she talks and moves.
In the novel, Cale likens himself to a shrimp while standing next to them, Raon, and Toonka. He knows that he's the weakest in the group and was quick to hide when Toonka jumped into a fight with Witira. He also thought that Toonka is stupid for trying to fight with Witira.
But what I appreciate about Witira is her care for her brother. She was so ready to interrogate Cale about Paseton and her brother had to calm her to calm down.
Before I wax poetry about how cool Witira is, here is the summary of the women that made an impact in the story.
There's Rosalyn who left her position as a princess to be a powerful mage. There's Mary, an innocent necromancer with a tragic background and Tasha who is a dark elf that wants to support her nephew despite the disgust and fear aimed at their race.
The others, while not often seen, are just as important because of their connection to other characters. Cage wants to be excommunicated and protect Taylor (something she failed to do in the original story) and is connected to the God of Death. Litana is a queen who wants to protect her Jungle from Adin and Arm. And Jopis wants her family and kingdom back from Elisneh.
There's also Cotton but to be honest, she's the one of the few female characters that I barely know about aside from her actions in Endable and connection to the God of War. I'm wondering if she'll show up more in the second volume.
She's a quiet character but she's my favorite among all the characters. When she first appeared in the novel, she didn't have much presence. It was only when she was brought above the City of Death/Life that she became more than a pitiful necromancer who was hated and feared just because she wanted to survive, like her parents wanted her to do before they died.
She may look naive at first because she spent most of her life in the underground city, but she later proves how powerful and kind she is.
Instead of hating the world that hated her, she moved past that and just wanted to protect the people she sees as her family and friends. Her backstory is sad but it didn't stop her from seeking happiness even if she became a necromancer.
She's one of the strongest characters in my eyes and I'm happy to see her slowly gain confidence in herself.
Hannah and Elisneh
But out of all the women, Hannah and Elisneh are the ones who surprised me the most.
Hannah was originally an antagonist. She fought against Cale and his group before she was betrayed by Arm. And she was about to die if Cale, Litana, Cage, and Mary did not save her. Instead of completely changing her character, she still remains bloodthirsty but has a softer side because of her brother and Cale.
She develops in a way that I did not expect. I actually thought she would be another Redika because of her obsession with blood and would later die as an extra character but she proved me wrong. She instead fights Arm with her brother and the group. I believe she's as strong as Rosalyn but I don't remember (I have to re-read the novel).
She doesn't care about the scars left on her by the dead mana and keeps it as a reminder of the betrayal she and her twin faced, proving she doesn't care how people who fear dead mana look at her.
Elisneh on the other hand, remains an antagonist against Jopis. She was originally supposed to "save" the Jungle but judging on how her kingdom turned out (like a storage for dead mana and stuck in an illusion), I can make a guess that she would've done the same with the Jungle had Cale not helped Litana before.
She's an antagonist that left a deep impression on me because of how static she is as a character. She remains focused on her greed and thirst for power and it's nice to see that not all antagonists in the story are turned into allies or kind people. She's strong enough that it took a whole group to defeat her.
And last but not the least is On.
She is not as vocal as Hong and Raon but she is the most mature out of all the kids. She is very sharp and knows what Cale thinks of himself and the people around him. She didn't initially trust Cale and I like that. She notices how stupid Cale can be at times and seems exasperated by him. She can still be childish just like her siblings from time to time but her determination to become stronger against the Fog Cat Tribe and Arm shows how much she and Hong had faced before arriving in the Henituse territory.
I understand some readers don't like the involvement of children in TCF because it's bad for the kids to be in war against a strong organization. BUT readers forget that this is a different world with different ways of thinking. These kids are from the Fog Cat Tribe, beastmen who can fight and are prepared for it. They have abilities that normal humans don't and they need to train those abilities if they want to survive in a world full of strong people and wars.
Her being involved in battles makes her feel proud of how strong she became, something she didn't feel when she was in her tribe. Because she's a mutant, her tribe made her feel bad about herself and was ready to kill her and Hong. She needs encouragement and praises that they're not useless or weak. She doesn't need to be coddled and she knows this.
She's smart enough to know that she and her siblings will only be safe with Cale and his group. Even in the war, their only involvement was spreading a poisonous fog so they could hide their presence from the enemy and Cale could hide his ancient powers from the greedy nobles. Aside from that, they weren't fighting in the war. They entered, used their abilities, and left.
Their tribe is good at being stealthy and it's why Ron wants to train these kids. They're good as potential assassins if they want to become one.
I might make a different post about the kids but this is all I have to say about On for now.
Another reason why I love this novel is because Cale treats these people with respect, regardless of their race, history, and gender.
He doesn't stop them from becoming stronger and instead encourages them to be what they want to be. He respects their failures and strengths. He doesn't coddle them nor does he find them weaker because they're women.
That's why I respect the author. Instead of writing them as side characters existing to make men stronger, the author made me feel amazed at all these strong women, regardless if they're normal or a fighter.
I can write more about these characters like Rosalyn and Tasha but I'll just end it here because I might just summarize the whole novel at this point 😅
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kaiju-krew · 6 months
Hey there! Firstly, big big fan of your art and headcanons, ty for your cool and awesome big brain ❤️ Now that you’ve seen the movie, I’m wondering what your thoughts are on Shimo??? I’ve just seen impressions of her so scattered. (I saw your post on how she will NOT be treated as a pet, and I so appreciate that.)
I will say, for me the ‘old gal’ vibes are so strong and I’m here for it. Like when Goji blasts his atomic breath into the sky at the end and she’s looking at it with such awe and her cute super gummy smile, it reminds me of when a grandma gets shown some common piece of technology that the rest of us are used to, but she just can’t heckin believe it because she lives in a damn cave??? I loved that.
hi hi! omg u think i have a big brain...... compliment of the century.... i must have ppl fooled bcuz i am viscerally dumb most of the time
anywAYS. gxk spoilers below (and a lot of ranting)
shimo my beloved💙 i appreciate most interpretations of her, besides people who are just straight up caling her a dog. and like, not in the way i’d compare goji to a cat? for me it's more mannerisms based, so for goji my main expression/mannerism inspirations are cats, wolves, and komodo dragons (obviously), and for mosu it's owls and cats, with a crumb of horses because of their 'ear' communication so i use that with her antennae.
sorry for tangent but anyways. i dont need someone barking at me that i call goji a cat/draw him acting like a cat so calling shimo ‘kong’s pet dog’ is fine. i think its the difference between goji having the personality i characterize him with + mannerisms inspired by other animals, vs. him having no personality besides Being A Cat. like, he’s a dumbfuck but he’s clearly an intelligent creature capable of communication and understanding. i make a lot of shitposts but truly in my personal hc i’d never reduce him to ‘pet level intelligence’
i think i’m extra touchy about people calling her ‘kong’s pet’ because like. dawg. did you watch the movie? she was JUST freed from being skar’s slave/beast of burden/abused pet whatever you wanna call it. why would you want her to become another creature’s pet again?(obviously minus the abuse) idk mannn it just feels…. reductive somehow. she clearly shows intelligence and understanding when she realizes what’s happening during the fight and helps to kill skar. i just refuse to reduce her entire character to kong’s pet status bcuz that makes me uncomfortable asf.
as a disclaimer, you’re welcome to have whatever hc you enjoy. me expressing my personal thoughts on the matter isn’t an attack on anyone who characterizes her that way, i’m just not interested in engaging with it in the slightest.
DOUBLE ANYWAYS i just needed to get that outta my system. TIME FOR CUTE FUN IDEAS YAHOOO
i’m seeing mixed info about her age so idk where she actually sits there?? i remember seeing something like she’s the First Titan but i also think the novelization of the movie said she’s only 3 million years old?? when im p sure they’ve said goji is 250+ million years old so…. i have no clue there lol. personally she feels less jaded and grumpy than goji does to me so my brain automatically sees her as similar or younger bcuz of my Grumpy Old Man bias.
i’m still workin out my ideas for her but based on how the movie ends i like to think she helps kong with relocating the apes to a better home, and they mostly live in HE. her n kong venture up for surface dates bcuz she gets what she fucking deserves 💙
goji nearly has an aneurysm the first time they come up, since mosu literally takes them for a lil tour of monster island. bro standing there clenching his fist like the arthur meme, he begrudgingly knows she’s right and eventually he gets used to it
i got more ideas cookin for her but this post is already too damn long cuz of my ranting time to stfu
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princesstarfire1234 · 8 months
I saw your RMA Post but before i ask, first i love your artstyle its so beautiful and each time i see it, it makes my day :] and second what are your thoughts of S2 part 1 and 2? And if you can rewrite it what will it be?
Aha hello!! I didn't think that RMA post would actually catch any eyes but I'm it did!!
First off, thank you so much! It's the best feeling ever knowing my art can make people happy just like that :]]
As for your question, I recently just rewatched a good chunk of S2 Part 2 but some of the details around the later bits are still fuzzy (rewatching em is quite hard for me as the english dubs aren't exactly that easy to find out there unfortunately)
I will say though, rewatching it really opened my eyes to just how much of a downgrade Part2 is compared to S1 and even just S2 Part1 itself, not just in story but in like the voice acting and animation. The voice direction is a bit off, characters sound flat, and the animation just feels... weirder, if that makes sense. It's not the worst thing in the world though, it's just an unfortunate thing I happen to notice. They also changed some of the VAs I think (liek Rema's) which was a strange decision but alright ig... There's also the reusing of so many games instead of new ones but oh well... Despite all my problems with it though, I like the inclusion of the new characters (Manus and all the other Leos Valiants). The Leos are all such silly guys :]] I do wish the DV7s got more screentime and played a bigger role though, the first episode for part2 really fooled me into thinking they would lmaoo
S2 Part1 still holds up, certainly not as good as S1 but still, it's got charm! I love the setting actually, Old City is such a bright and colorful place with like all these abstract and messed up winding pathways, it's so weird and funkyy, I dig it a lot!
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So pretty!! God... just like how funky the cities look with all of them being like giant floating islands, it will always be cool af to me
Ik most of my followers don't care about runningman much but in the off chance some non-rma fan sees this, look at Tree City (pic below), I love it so much
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Although... sometimes it really does feel like Season 2 is where the studio decided to lean more into it being a children's show. It's a lot less "dark" compared to S1 which is a tad disappointing. Like just compare Akong's battle (where the dude literally uses a bunch of the old guys to power up his thingy 😭) compared to CG's big mech fight. Still, I liked it! I like the neat guardians (the lil pullulu spirits who guard the gate, Vivace and Ensemble twins my beloved <3).
ALSO ALSO THE IRON BEAST, I can always appreciate a big robot guy aha
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That's all I really got for the ramble aha, I'd say more stuff about S2 and maybe my views on it will change overtime but as of now, I haven't even really gotten around to properly finishing it yet. I remember watching it waaayyy back but it was all in korean with zero subtitles 😭 luckily, I am in a server with people sharing english versions so I'll probably watch those when I get more free time!
I really just miss talking about this show really and I feel like I've largely outgrown the fandom in old spaces where I used to talk in (like Facebook groups and Amino lmfaoo), so it's absolutely awesome to find RMA fans over here on tumblr!
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emmetofthestars · 8 months
Yes please!! A summary would be greatly appreciated!! An thanku for the helpful tag,, will be looking forward to a tag for yer blu team if you make one!
ive gone ahead and tagged (most) of my blu art under #emmetsis blu!
i also totally forgot that i have a carrd for my blu team and for two extra ocs... but because its rather empty it makes more sense i write something new. the carrd does have pronouns though.
to be more general first, blu team are my blu merc ocs and they are all clones of red team. along the way of cloning and growing they gained their unique personalities. so while they are clones, they are by now completely different people. as a result of respawn machines being a thing in my story, they all generally do not take death seriously as there are no real consequences to it, aswell as the existance of their medic. i think this is a bit of an important thing to add.
jay is the teams scout. not loud and brash at all, unlike red scout. shes not very enthusiastic about the war and she sees no use in it all. shes a close friend with crawford, and they both hang out and skip out on work. the two of them rarely go places without eachother. she likes lemon soda and sour tastes in general :3
carl is the soldier. unlike his red counterpart he is not confident or headstrong. he fears alot of things from small animals to the outside, aswell as people. he keeps his helmet on desperately as light hurts his eyes to the point of headaches. he always gets alot of scrutiny from charon. while there are sufficient bedrooms at blu base, he instead lives in a windowless storage room, in a sort of pillow-blanket fort.
gary is the pyro. bearing no lick of red pyros bloodlust and arsonist nature, gary does not fight. though they know how to fight back, they do not like seeing people in pain and will never attack first. while they arent an arsonist, they love water to almost a similar destructive degree. they would flood their bedroom to the brim with water, if they could. they like to sit at the bottom of lakes.
achilles is the demo. she does not dabble in explosives, but rather swords. he has a fascination with books in general and books about mythology of all sorts, peculiarly achilles of greek mythology, which they named themselves after. also has a particular fascination with cutting peoples heads off, but not out of malice, just out of pure love to his sword and shield, his half-zatoichi and splendid screen. she thinks shes pretty awesome.
daisy is the heavy. he has the same protective nature over people, and though he looks like a big softie he will not hesitate to strike if he recognizes a threat. but when somebody he trusts hurts him, its hard for him to let go. tries to learn how to knit and anything adjacent. when not, just likes to talk to people or take walks. he does not carry a minigun, he sticks to his shotgun and melee.
minnie is the engie. minnie is minnie. minnie builds mini sentries. sometimes teleporters. rarely dispensers. but mostly mini sentries. minnie can say four words: mini, sentry, teleporter, and dispenser. anything else? tough luck. even then, minnie does not speak enough times for anyone to remember what it sounds like.
charon is the medic. whatever inner issues red medic had manifest strangely in charon. not a very good medic- they dont respond to their teammates cries, charging into battle on their own with secondary and melee. they are extremely (hypo)critical and aggressive, and they get physical fast. however, when they are done screaming about whatever it is that their team has done wrong THIS time, they regret what they did, silently berating themselves. and the very next day, they would scream again, and regret it again. the day after that, and after that. they dont talk to anyone at length, not even achilles. they dont apologize, as they have no faith left in themself.
crawford is the sniper. (ill most often refer to him as crow.) unknowingly a drunkard- she doesnt actually know what alcohol is, just finds it tasty. he is as loving of the outdoors as his red counterpart, particularly of heights. she will climb any high building or abandoned pylon, with no regard to safety or her own life, just to feel the wind in her face. would also eat most foods if hes curious, even something such as pure raw meat- he is not aware that meat needs to be cooked. also a literal night owl. she sleeps at day and is wide awake at night.
iris is the spy. though she does her job as best she can, he is in no way as tenacious as red spy. he rarely disguises, and resorts instead to cloaking with the cloak & dagger. the pressure of their job gets to them, they are hardly energetic and often cant even find the energy to hold long conversations with people, or even say anything - the most she will do is approach people to ask them a technical question, then leave. and as a result of an "incident" with the red medic... its only worsened since then.
wow this was a long one..... i love infodumping.... :) some of this is POSSIBLY bound to change but in general their roles are pretty set in stone. i am still actively writing them though.
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french-unknown · 1 year
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I loved the series!
I devoured it in one sitting and, although I had small problems with certain points which I will return to below, I really liked it. My favorite episodes are those at Buggy's Circus and in Baratie. Plus, when I heard the One Piece theme music, I was in heaven!
The critiques and comments I make are purely personal and will just be nuances to add to a work that I greatly appreciate. I couldn't wait to see the live action and I was definitely not disappointed! Being French gave me a little extra laughter.
I would like to have your opinion on two points if possible (the last two of "NEGATIVE POINTS").
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I loved the acting of each of the members of the Straw Hat crew because they represented for me the image that I had of them, whether in their ways of speaking, acting or behaving. I also liked the fact that Usopp's "lying coward" side was less emphasized compared to what I remembered from the manga in favor of giving him a more "goofi" attitude. I suddenly found him more appreciable than in the manga since I remember taking a lot more time to appreciate him there. Also Sanji, the fact that he wasn't so "Nami-swaaaaaaaaaaaaan" while still being flirtatious is something I was grateful for. I was a little afraid that his slave for women behavior would make him more annoying in live action than in manga or anime.
After a while, the family side of the Straw Hat Pirates was so good especially in the scenes when they teased Nami - excuse me, madame - like little brothers after she was hit on by Sanji or the look between her and Luffy when Maya announces that she is offering them the Going Merry and, therefore, that Luffy has won his bet against Nami. I laughed at the "discussion" between Zoro and Luffy in the fog after they escaped Syrup Island. It reminded me a lot of Manny and Diego's "guy talk" in Ice Age! The relationship between Zoro and Sanji is also nice with Zoro insisting on Sanji's waiter job as well as their bickering during the battle at Arlong Park. P.S.: Did I have a few tears in the corners of my eyes during Sanji's departure from the Baratie? ... Maybe.
The decorations were really impressive with the boats which were magnificent, even with their peeling paint, as well as their designs. Whether it was the ships of Alvida, Garp, the Going Merry or the Baratie (I WANT to eat there at least once in my life, please!), it was incredible. The other settings were also very beautiful (the town of Shells Town, Buggy's circus or Syrup Island with Maya's mansion) and even the very artificial side of Arlong Park worked well since it is basically a manufactured water park made by humans. The only setting that I'm less of a fan of is the courtyard of the Shells Town barracks which I find too "flat" and too overexposed in terms of lighting.
The fight scenes were awesome for me! Whether it was the boarding at the beginning or all the combat scenes afterwards, I found that they were very well choreographed and that we kept the manga vibe with the aerobatics at the slightest impact, like the pirates that Mihawk cuts who fly into the air. The devil's fruit powers were also well done in my eyes. Whether it was Gomu Gomu no Mi or Bara Bara no Mi, I found that the attacks were not too unrealistic and did not contrast with the realistic universe that the directors seem to have wanted to give to the live action. Finally, the camera work was nice, especially with the effort they put in. At the beginning, I had a little difficulty with the cuts every two seconds with very close-ups on the faces but I understood that it must be to flesh out the manga side and resume a sort of layout of the frame with boxes characteristics of this genre of literature (as with the segmentation of the image during the announcement that Garp is Luffy's grandfather). Then I ended up getting used to it after a few episodes! Plus, there was a sort of traveling in Maya's mansion when they passed from the entrance to the dining room, which I found rather nice to see them try things. Fortunately, they didn't keep the sort of artistic blurs from the first episodes (during the execution of Gol D. Roger or when Zoro speaks with Mr. 7) because I really didn't like those. The shot we saw in the trailer with Kuro's claws extending behind Merry in the cellar was also very beautiful!
They really looked like normal clothing for the most part (there will be some examples in the negatives points) and it was nice that they didn't seem crafty. Even the Marine uniforms had quite a bit of detail while remaining realistic. There are certain wigs that look better than others (Helmeppo's wig!!!) but they are still very good. Merry is also very cute for a man with curls stuck on him, just like Kobby who is so cute with his faded pink hair and his little glasses.
I appreciate that they "mixed" the different adventures of the East Blue Arc a little since it allows us to move forward quite quickly in the stories and avoids the aspect of they arrive somewhere, there is an enemy, they defeat the enemy, they leave, they arrive somewhere, etc. Plus, we already have mentions of Barrock Work, Skypiea and Loguetown (with Smoker) so that’s always nice. I don't remember if the scene was present in the manga but I liked seeing the panic and lack of coordination of the crew during their first attack by the Marine. In addition to Luffy's problems finding his place as Captain, I thought it fleshed out the series well!
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I didn't like the casting at all as well as the scenes with Shanks and his crew. I had the impression while reading the manga that they were a bit the equivalent of charismatic and festive uncles - and a bit alcoholic on the edge - who throw out a few wise words in joy and good humor with a few jokes here and there. There, I found that they were already older (even Makino, which surprised me) and they all behaved in a somewhat moralistic and not very amusing manner.
Some acting really took me out of the series like that of Alvida, Cabaji or Nojiko (which is not very important in itself) but also those of Garp, Kobby and Helmeppo. The problem for the latter was that, as a result, I couldn't stand all the scenes where we follow their evolution on Garp's ship. I unfortunately found myself skipping these passages. Gol D. Roger, Alvida and Garp's laughs also took me out of the show a bit given how unnatural they seemed.
✧ … The Den Den Mushi… Nope? They looked like creepy toys with a weird digital effect. They made me a little uncomfortable like the old, slightly scary dolls. Nami's tiny Den Den Mushi, on the other hand, I really enjoyed. I would have liked the bigger ones to look like him. ✧ The wanted poster photos also looked strange as if they had the old, not-so-pretty Instagram filters that saturated the colors and erased the shadows and depth of the images. The giant portrait of Morgan at the base of Shells Town also bothered me since it reminded me a lot of a digital drawing.
I had two big "downsides" with the costumes: the Black Cat Pirates and Arlong's crew. I think that Kuro's was okay, but for his two crew members, it surprised me to notice the lower quality of their costumes compared to the others. Already, Bushi's cape seemed too thick to me and we see during his fight with Zoro in the hall that it bothers him. Yet it was especially Sham's that I was surprised by. Her combat outfit looked like a faux leather outfit from a fast-fashion brand with cheap headband and bow tie as well as her shorts + sleeveless shirt combo. Her makeup was also curious given that her "cat" makeup is a unibrow with an arrow that connects said unibrow with her nose where the tip of the arrow that forms the nose is. I was also not convinced by their dynamic as well as by their growling which appeared to me above all to be ridiculous. The makeup of Arlong's crew also bothered since, as much as Arlong and several members of his crew were okay because we could still see their facial expressions, Chew and Kuroobi bothered me because they had rough and inexpressive faces. Mostly Chew who reminded me more of a mix between an overbotoxed woman and the masks from American Nightmare 1...
It's not so much a negative opinion as a sort of realization? In the anime, when I saw Garp hit Luffy, I found it funny. You could see the accumulation of small bumps on his head as well as his acrobatics and his plans to dodge his grandfather. In the memories with Ace and Sabo, Garp's presence when they talk about becoming pirates is quite amusing since they start to resemble the man in Munch's painting "The Scream" more than real children. However, when we saw it in the live action with the flashback where Garp destroys young Luffy's boat while telling him that he would never become a pirate, it gave me more of an atmosphere of a beaten child and that made me feel uncomfortable. I don't know if it did that to you too.
This character does not at all resemble the image I had of him and I would like to know if I am the only one to have this distorted image. In my head, he barely spoke and, probably a cliché given his name, I saw him as a very cold and rudimentary guy. However, in the series, he appears to me to be more extravagant - whether in the way he looks or speaks - and the Latin music that appears every time he is on screen disconcerts me. And also reminded me a little of Hisoka. Am I the only one who was surprised to see him treated this way?
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✧ Every time I saw Nami's outfit at Baratie, it reminded me of Dora the Explorer
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✧ I can't stand anymore Sanji's head movement to push back his bangs
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✧ When Sanji dives to save Luffy in the water, the movement of his hair directly reminds me of Prince Charming in Shrek.
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✧ What is this flag chick for "One Piece" episode 5? Is it for the Baratie?
✧ I watched the original version but some accents were such (Z.E.F.F) that I had to put the subtitles on to be able to understand everything ✧ I realized that I had been pronouncing Baratie wrong my entire childhood. I pronounced it like it was an English word but it seems like it was supposed to be pronounced like a French one? In the French subtitles, they translated mosshead into cabbage head… N O P E! ✧ I died laughing when I heard Sanji announce his attacks at Arlong Park ("côtelette, collier, épaule, poitrail"). I realized that if there was one place in the world where a french speaking person will never be lost in the world in terms of language, it is in a kitchen!
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sayakxmi · 8 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 13: Prince of the Rebellion [Part 2]
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What in the name of fuck
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Bye, lol
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Looks awesome, ngl
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Look at my boy. So happy with his new fancy sword.
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Small thing, but it's pretty cool how they show there's little magoi left with the seal flickering.
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Interestingly, Alibaba no longer calls 23rd brother. Idk when exactly he stopped, but I've noticed it just now.
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The amount of time he doesn't fucking waste
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Welp, there it is. Morgiana vs the monkeys. That's what I wanted to talk about.
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You remember this fight, right? We all remember this fight, right?
Well, in the manga we don't get to see it. Morgiana gets there & throws Alibaba, looks menacingly, we go to Alibaba, and later we see Morgiana after the monkey's been defeated. So this entire fight? Morgiana trying to copy Masrur, and then going with something that she can actually perform at her current strength? Yea, all of that is anime exclusive.
So, yeah. Often enough I mention how Morgiana being eventually sidelined, and the trio not being much of a trio, were things that were long time coming, but I'll be honest with you, even I didn't remember that this fight was completely skipped in the manga. But damn if it doesn't back my point. Idk, just sigh.
Other than that, it's a good fight. Short, but neat. We see that Morgiana's also learnt something new. In the anime at least.
Idk, man. No more words I can offer you about it. I know the signs were there since the beginning, but even I get extra surprised every now and then.
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Yeah, honestly, I have no idea how I would've reacted. Something between angry and horrfied.
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I appreciate that you're still trying to talk here.
Like, people often complain about Alibaba for trying to, idk, talk things through rather than burning everything in his path, but while, yes, Alibaba's not a fan of fighting, the truth is - he's not that strong and he knows. He's never actually allowed to forget that there are powers beyond him, all around him. Sinbad, then Kouen, even Aladdin and Morgiana... compared to them, without Amon, he's just a guy. Especially at this point in time. In this scene, he has no more magoi left, so he's as strong as he is individually strong. And while it's not bad or anything, really, he's actually pretty damn skilled and quick-witted, he is still heavily outnumbered. Which he knows. It's not about cowardice or the lack of resolve. It's about correctly assessing the situation he's in, drawing the most logical conclusion and acting accordingly - he won't be able to win against this many people without Amon (and that excluding the fact that he doesn't want to fight his own people, which, yes, is also a factor), so he talks instead.
God forbid the guy actually thinks things through.
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You go, boy B)
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Love how the moment Sahbmad calls for him, Barkak immediately gets involved and just. Deals with it like it's nothing.
But at the same time, bro, you could've done it a little earlier.
I kinda wonder if he was waiting for Sahbmad to make this call.
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Hell yeah
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Damn, the way he just looked at him. 10/10
Anyway, neat. Now to the ending.
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sord spoiler
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djinn spoiler
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Well, at least this isn't that spoilery. It's kinda symbolic, but without the context it's not that obvius. You know, two sides to him and all that.
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Bro you've been dead for like half of the arc
Btw, he gets replaced by Cassim in some other ed version.
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Oh, hi, Ugo.
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That's cool actually
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Big, big world.
That's another thing I've always liked about Magi. How big the world feels.
As for the song, it's neat. Just neat. Not my fav - that's With You, With Me - but it's nice, and pretty fitting.
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bash-makes · 15 days
So last November I went to Light Box and then the animation industry imploded and then my IPad Pro got wrecked because I spilled a half gallon of water on it (hehe splash splash :’) :’) :’) ) then I got in a car accident (Rear ended off freeway, no injuries, but this caused other problems) and then I sliced off the tip of one of my fingers (OOOOOUGH.) I was burnt out on life.
Then I decided to focus hard on being a Neurology Scribe which has been really cool and illuminating and I’m seeing crazy stuff on a near daily basis.
Getting out of my head, helping the community, learning a whole bunch! I even got all these great patient quotes = (HIPAA COMPIANT)
Learning how to call for a rapid response after a patient was misdiagnosed by the Emergency Department and was actively having a stroke.
Meeting people with rare diseases and sharing in their hardships.
Watching patients who looked close to death recover (Hooray!)
Meeting patients who are not going to make it but were coping.
Everything in between.
Healthcare “Tea”
Helping 60 to 200 people per week
Learning how to write medical charts and fight insurance companies. This is the favorite part of my job.
Learning that most people are chill and just want to vibe. Sometimes they’ll even give you gifts!
Learning to manage my own health anxieties through constant exposure to my own mortality :) :’)
Standing up for trans patients and helping them feel safe.
Funny quotes like: “I knew something was wrong because he couldn’t remember the president’s name and he *hates* the president.” “Yeah I have kidney failure and I’m in my 80’s I just want to feed people chocolate chip cookies and then die.” “HA HA, WOW! (Points) Look at that! I have a hole in my brain!” “Hole in my brain? Well, that explains why I’m so weird.” (Grandma spins) I still got it! (Grandma runs) Look how fast I can go, bye. ( Dementia patient suddenly becomes flight risk) “There is a ghost who keeps showing up and singing “Buffalo Gals” on repeat please make it STOP.” “Doctor, my husband is out of control. We went to my mother’s funeral and he wouldn’t stop pointing and laughing.” ”Because it was /FUNNY/!” (Laughing) Patient: “If I vigorously stimulate the nerve endings in my butt, will that be good for my autonomic nervous system?” Doctor: “I… I mean… It wouldn’t hurt?” (Partially disassociating to maintain professionalism.” Me: (Deeply disassociating to maintain professionalism” ARNP: (Deeply disassociating to maintain professionalism.” Doctor: “I have been reading about dementia to study for my board certification. In my off time I read about climate change. I think I’m neurotic and love being upset.”
Working with a wonderful team and feeling appreciated every day. On the flip side (Not necessarily negative, just challenging.) - Gradually stretching my social battery like gauging an earlobe. Sometimes I tear the earlobe. Oops.
Being too tired to engage with online chats with friends.
Long days
Got big butt and bad back from long commute oops. Time 2 get fit.
Being exposed to difficult patient stories that trigger my own trauma and learning to navigate those feelings while maintaining professionalism.
95% people cool, 5% people not cool. I have had to call out homophobia/transphobia in staff and it sucks! Don’t make me go to HR!!!! GRRRRR!!!!OOPS TOO LAte time For MEEtINGs.
That one time I accidentally printed the guide for “scarlet fever” instead of influenza. Teehehe OOPsS. These challenges have been difficult but the confidence I’ve gained from navigating them has been invaluable. As someone who, ten years ago, was so mentally ill that I was disabled from severe anxiety + CPTSD- it’s really awesome that I’ve grown stronger and now I can help manage a crisis including calling rapid response and writing multiple page long charts for stroke patients en route to the ED. Like, that’s me? Seriously?? Anyway, hi. I am looking forward to sharing stuff again when I feel like it which will be soon because I am feeling powerful and renewed. Taking time off was a good idea.
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rei-caldombra · 1 year
Jujutsu Kaisen S2 (Prequel eps) pulled me back into this story. Summer 2023 Anime
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I liked Jujutsu Kaisen when it first came out. The presentation was excellent, and I thought it was at its best when it was just having fun and showing off cool powers. When it came to the story elements and more dramatic angles, I did not feel super invested. I didn't dislike the story or its attempts at being serious, I just didn't feel much towards it. I also did not see JJK Zero, and for clarity I am anime only (If I do not mention the source material at all in a review, please assume I have not read it). Not intentionally, but because I didn’t get around to it at the time then forgot about it. JJK wasn’t an anime that stuck out in my mind strongly. I just thought it was a great show that other people seemed to enjoy a bit more than I did. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The point of this is to say I barely thought about Jujutsu before watching this and remembered very few fine details.
Despite that I absolutely loved it. It's very impressive how much they accomplished in just 5 episodes. These episodes successfully got me reinvested in the grander story, characters and dramatic elements. The rest of this will contain some direct spoilers, especially for episode 5 where I go into the most detail. 
As usual the overall presentation is fantastic, not much to say there. The fights look awesome, the characters move very smoothly and with great expression. One of the best-looking shows out there. 
The funnier side of JJK is strongly present here, which I appreciate as I did before. For me JJK excels at portraying characters having goofy and interesting interactions. Usually people are like “cmon, get back to the action!”. For me it was the opposite, I wanted the villains to go away so everyone could go back to having fun. The fights that had comedy mixed in were the ones I generally liked the most. I don’t think fights need to feel as if they have life or death in the balance to be engrossing. I love a good high-tension fight too, but my general preference for series I like is having a good balance of comedy and drama. JJK before now was a series I thought had great comedy and decent drama. With these episodes I now know at its best it can excel at both. 
Tbh, I barely remembered Geto existed before watching this. But they still managed to make me buy into Geto and Gojo's friendship very quickly. They have a very good dynamic. Which makes what happens later far more compelling. 
So, onto episode 5. This is some of the best setup for a villain I've seen. His slow descent into darkness feels very organic and real. Descent into madness was the first phrase to come to my mind earlier but that would not be accurate. He is not insane. He is coming from a place of logic. It's incredibly immoral but comes from sane thinking. I also like how his idea came from a very direct but very casual conversation as well. Him getting tired of basically putting Band-Aids on a massive wound and wanting to tackle the root issue is a very real way of thinking about serious problems in the world. It makes complete sense for both him and the other Jujutsu Sorcerers at the top of the power scale like Yuki consider the ways they can get out of the cycle. He is sane and follows a perspective we can understand, which makes him much more compelling for me. Just the simple detail of having a year pass makes a huge difference. The editing and presentation lend so much to Geto’s declining mental and physical wellbeing. The way they actually had him appear physically unwell during his time of contemplation is such great detail that really drives how much the events of episode 4 impacted him. And this detail strengthens his position even further by having him go back to appearing healthy when he chooses his path. The use of perspective and framing is fantastic for portraying his emotion at various points. 
These episodes made me much more interested in the world than I had been before. The way cursed energy works is pretty interesting, and the topic of the scene with Yuki is the perfect situation for reminding viewers how it works. I think these episodes did a good job of re-explaining things for the people who forgot details from S1 (me lol). At times I do think the explanations took away from the pacing of the fights and could absolutely be considered info dumping, but overall they work fine and aren’t a huge detriment. The element of powers being stronger if they are explained helps alleviate that issue and is frankly a stroke of genius by the other so they can more easily get away with info dumping.  
After watching these 5 episodes, I am starting to see what elevates this above other shounen for a lot of people. I’m really looking forward to the rest of season 2! I will watch Zero soon and will remind myself of important details from the first season before continuing on, promise! Thanks for reading!
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choccos-aaart · 1 year
GRIZZ, PANDA and ICE BEAR stand by at the desk. Grizz is in the middle, manning the laptop. The screen displays the message from the fan-translation team of the game MOTHER 3 (2006).
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GRIZZ Oh man, this is so exciting! We've never followed a game together in like so long.
PANDA Oh yeah! Oh, did you know this game isn't even available in America? How'd you even get this, li'l bro?? 
ICE Panda is not ready for that information. 
PANDA Aw what?
GRIZZ Now as usual, I'm taking player one.
PANDA Dude, it's a single player game. We gotta take turns.
GRIZZ Whatever, I'm going first--
ICE *Shh* Ice Bear wants to concentrate on reading the text...
PANDA You done yet?
GRIZZ C'mon, patience man!
PANDA Since when did you know anything about patience?
ICE Done. Let's go.
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GRIZZ OH, OH, we can name the characters! Sweet!
PANDA "The younger twin brother. A gentle boy."
GRIZZ There's brothers? Hey, let's name them after us. That'd be so fun.
ICE Ice Bear only saw two brothers in the family picture.
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GRIZZ Well, that's a bummer.
ICE Ice Bear also remembers seeing a dog in the family picture. He volunteers to be the dog.
PANDA Oh okay! I guess I'm this little guy, then.
Keyboard tapping from Panda.
GRIZZ Just "Panda"? Man, that's boring! "Pan-pan" is way better.
Keyboard tapping from Grizz.
GRIZZ There we go!
PANDA Alright, then that other kid should be you, then. 
Keyboard tapping from Grizz.
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PANDA Oh, we have a dad here. Any of you remember your dads' names?
GRIZZ Nah...
Ice Bear shakes his head.
GRIZZ Man, let's st pick "Don't care"
Keyboard tapping from Grizz.
GRIZZ And for our mom, too.
Keyboard tapping from Grizz.
PANDA That's some sweet names - Flint and Hinawa~ Aw...
ICE Look, the dog. "Brave and smart", just like Ice Bear. 
Keyboard tapping from Ice Bear.
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PANDA And our dream family is DONE! ... Huh? Favourite homemade food?
GRIZZ Lil Bro, your call!
ICE Ice Bear doesn't know. Randomly picked: "stir fry"
GRIZZ Thanks, bro! 
Keyboard tapping from Grizz
GRIZZ Ah, the "favourite thing". Boys, it's time to discuss. Whose favourite thing is it? Or is it something we all like?
PANDA Hm... We've gotta make it meaningful. Something that's dear to our hearts. Oh! I know!
ICE Ice Bear recommends Panda doesn't look at himself for inspiration.
PANDA Aw come on, man!
Keyboard tapping from Grizz.
[I have no screenshot for what he wrote. It will be a surprise for later]
GRIZZ Oh yeah.
PANDA Grizz, are you serious? (In amusement) What the heck is that?!
GRIZZ Come on, it'll be funny!
ICE Ice Bear approves.
PANDA Oh, fine, fine.
Keyboard tapping from Grizz. 
GRIZZ Ju-ust doing some final set-ups, and... voila!
ICE "OK desu ka"
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PANDA Welcome to the world of Mother 3...
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GRIZZ Oh man, this music's AWESOME
ICE *Shh* Ice Bear wants to see the cinematic.
The cinematic continues.
Scene 1, tutorial at Alec's house.
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GRIZZ Already so much in character! The number of times I had to get you up in the mornings like that is insane.
PANDA Shut up, man! As if venting your frustrations in your Crobar Jones films wasn't enough!
GRIZZ Don't be so embarrassed, baby bro, it's just us.
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PANDA OMG... Our mom's so sweet! Reminding us to look handsome before we go out, making our favourite food, I almost wish she were real.
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ICE Look for the dog.
GRIZZ Okay! ... Just farm animals, huh. Darn.
ICE Ice Bear is still optimistic.
GRIZZ Now, that's the spirit.
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GRIZZ We're fighting dragons! That's awesome!
PANDA But they look so cute~
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GRIZZ AW WHAT? It's turn based?
PANDA You don't like that?
GRIZZ Just not my style. You take over!
PANDA Okay, ...Man, you just need to learn to appreciate it.
ICE Ice Bear enjoys reading the text.
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PANDA Aw.. I love our mom. That letter was so sweet...
He sniffles.
GRIZZ Bro, are you crying?
PANDA It just felt too real, especially the way she was talking about us...
GRIZZ Huh. ...Now I wish that were real, too.
ICE Ice Bear brought the tissues.
Panda blows his nose. Grizz, and eventually Ice Bear, grab a tissue, too.
PANDA Oh man, I'm so excited for the rest of this game. It seems so wholesome!
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Howdy, I am here to go for one last match-up, as I want to move on to other things in life, such as trying to post a bit more often on Tumblr. As for the final match-up I'll be going with, I am thinking of going with 1 Genshin character from Inazuma and 1 from Sumeru, if that is cool with you?
In terms of info, while it is the same from the 1B and Pro Heroes post, I do have 2 bits of new info that has happened recently, recently I tried out the MBTI 16 personally quiz. In that quiz, I ended up getting INFP-T as my result and as for the end bit of new info, I am also considering on binge watching more Anime, I started off with watching through Saiki K, then a bit of Dragon Ball, then I started watching One Punch Man, with more anime I am considering on binge watching in the future, so if you have any suggestions for which anime you want me to watch, let me know
Overall, I think that it all I want to give out, I hope you have a nice day and remember to takea break from time to time, as your mental health matters!
Hello again Mason! Thank you for the request! Oh my goodness, the number of anime recommendations I could give you! I've given you a few recommendations below (as well as a few character related ones in the match ups) but if you want a longer list let me know! I'm always down to talk about anime!
Mob Psycho 100 - 3 seasons, about 40 episodes total. Similar to Saiki K and One Punch Man, and done by the same people who did One Punch Man (both the anime and the manga).
Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Two different series, 1 season and about 60 episodes each. This it's my favourite anime. Both the original series and Brotherhood are good but my preference is Brotherhood as it's more faithful to the manga.
Gurren Lagann - 1 season, 24 episode. A classic robot fighting anime done by Studio Trigger with so much more to offer than you see with a first glance. An amazing story, up there with some of my favourites.
Noragami - 2 seasons, 25 episodes. A tragically underrated series full of awesome fight scenes and an endof season cliffhanger that the fandom has been stuck with for the last 8 years. Thank goodness season three might finally be confirmed!
Let me know if you watch any of them; I'd love to chat about them! Alright! Onto the actual request!
In Genshin Impact, I match up with...
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Yoimiya is a firecracker in more ways than one!
She will always be pulling you around Inazuma, even if it's just to do her chores. She loves spending time with people, especially those she cares about.
Super enthusiastic about your hobbies. She thinks it's amazing how you seem to make it look so easy making ???. She's definitely had a go herself and has a new found appreciation for your skills.
I don't see Yoimiya as someone who watches a whole lot of anime but she'll be more than happy to sit down and watch with you.
Her personal favourites are energetic, optimistic sport anime like Free and Haikyuu. Also a pretty big fan of Ya Boy Kongming for the music.
Time spent with Yoimiya will never be dull. She's always got something fun to do, and something nice to say!
I also match you with...
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Colei is definitely someone who would get along well with you, both in a friendship way and a romantic way.
During times when she's bed ridden, she'd love to watch you work on your projects. She may not have the ability to join you but just know that she finds your hobbies very cool!
I fell like in a modern au, Colei would be into anime a fair bit but she would have a preference towards romcom shows like Love is War and Wotakoi. I also see her as a big Sailor Moon fan!
Restful, relaxing days spent cuddled up on the couch watching anime and eating snacks.
When she can go out and about, she would love to go exploring with you. Doesn't matter where, as long as you two are together and get to find a cool, out of the way spot to relax.
Colei would also love to have picnics in the places you two have found while exploring!
All in all, a very wholesome relationship! Colei well never fail to make sure you know how much she cares for you.
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Hey for the requests how about top 10 scenes you're looking forward to seeing in the new season of the anime? Maybe include gifs showing how you'll react to each scene? 😏
Must admit trying to rank the top three was harder than I thought it would be, and I can see myself flip-flopping as the month go on which one I am most looking forward to seeing, so just know that the top three are all basically the scene/s I I am most looking forward to seeing animated.
Also, I cheated here and there, but hopefully you can see why!
Also also, there's of course no guarantee that every scene in the manga will be adapted (some will likely get left out for one reason or another), if they will be adapted exactly like they are in the manga, or how the animation will look (visually it looks like we're in for something awesome, but animation-wise I think we still need to see more), but I am hoping the ones mentioned below will get great adaptions.
With that all out of the way, let's get to it!
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Nemu vs The Hand of Reio, Chicken Eyebrows aka someone [Bazz-B] finally appreciates Renji's eyebrows, Renji and Rukia Having More Than One Kind of Tension Between Them at Zero Division, Izuru vs the Chicken Lillies, Byakuya's Greatest Fear, Ichigo Reveals His True Bankai, Ichigo Renji, and Aizen vs Yhwach, Hitsugaya's Hollowifed Bankai, You Can't Kill this BROTP (Even When They're Turned into Zombies) aka Hitsugaya and Rangiku Emerge From the Tanks, The Teams Arrive at the Palace, Operation Mille-Feuille, Mayuri's [Temporary] Mental Breakdown, Orihime Shows She's Got the Power aka Ichigo and Orihime vs Yhwach, and Hitsuagaya Reflects on the 10 Years of Peace
10. Zombie Hitsugaya
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This one is going to be tough, but I know if done right it will be awesome to watch. Zombie Hitsugaya is ruthless and doesn't hold back, cutting down enemies with precision and ease. Why I will be emotional though is not only is one of my favourite character in the series technically deato attack his allies, but also because it shows that when Hitsugaya fights, he's hold back. If he chose to, he could fight just like his zombie counterpart but he holds back and chooses not to. Also, I think the chapter with him vs Mayuri will work better compared to the chapter version. I remembered annoyed the crap out of me at the time (because I felt like Kubo was using the same panels and just repeating himself and not getting to the point), but with hindsight I don't mind the chapter now; I think the anime could make better use to the mini Ground Hog Day Hitsugaya goes through, the scene just repeating itself with slight variations.
9. Rukia vs As Nodt
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There's a lot to love about this one, from the build up to it with Byakuya vs As Nodt many chapters ago to Rukia's bankai reveal to the Kuchiki siblings small moment where Byakuya helps Rukia come out of her bankai. Also, I love As Nodt, he's one of my favourite Sternritters and his design is the best among them. The anime has the chance to make him even more creep and menacing then he already looks, giving motion to the incredible pages Kubo drew with him in this battle.
8. Unohana vs Kenpachi
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I've been looking forward to this fight for a looooong time. I love both Kenpachi and Unohana, and they have great chemistry together in this fight. This is one of my fave battles in BLEACH and to know that it's finally going to be animated has me very excited!
7. Yamamoto's Bankai
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This, this right, here, if done right will one of the best bankai reveals in the series. The double page Kubo did of Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūmanokushi Daisōjin is one the greatest things I have seen in the whole manga and just gives me a surge of hype every time I look at it. Imagine how this thing is going to look animated!!
6. Any Scene with Shinji and Momo
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Cheating here, but I just know regardless of what's going on, this is how I will react to any scene these two are in together. If I had to pick one scene with them I'm particularly looking forward to seeing it's when they come to assist Omaeda, because we get to see a glimpse of their typical dynamic and Shinji recognises Momo's kido abilities.
5. Renji Being the Best Bro There is
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Oh damn this scene. Not much happens action or movement-wise, but this scene made me I teared up while reading it the first time and I can only imagine how I'll react to seeing it animated.
This is the culmination I didn't fully realise was going on in the whole arc. Renji has been helping Ichigo for the majority of this arc, from getting out the hot-springs to early but wanting to be there for him regardless all the way up to this moment, where he has to carry him to final battle. And why? Because Ichigo reunited him and Rukia together. Rukia has been his most important relationship throughout the manga, his reason to become a lieutenant, and Rukia never forgot the day Renji let her go to Byakuya. Ichigo was the one who brought them back together after decades of distance and uncertainty.
Because that's what Ichigo does, he unites the people around him through his sheer determination and willingness to fight against overwhelming forces, whether it's Renji, Byakuya, Aizen, or Yhwach.
4. The BLEACH Comedy Hour, Hosted by Byakuya Kuchiki and Toshiro Hitsugaya, Guest Starring Kenpachi, and Featuring Gerard Valkyrie, Rukia Kuchiki, and Renji Abarai
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This isn't a scene so much as it's a series of moments I'm looking forward to seeing, all them involving the BROTP I always wanted to see finally happen.
First up, to see Hitsugaya of all characters cracking a joke and about his height no less, it's both funny and surreal and everything I wanted without realising it...and he's doing this with BYAKUYA of all people! Add to it, when Kenpachi makes his entrance and Byakuya and Hitsugaya reacting the exact same way to said entrance and you have for me one of the best moments in the entire arc that isn't a battle.
Then you have Gerard, who is an over-the-top 'miracle' man that demeans his enemies while boasting about his strength but also isn't afraid to dish out a nice comment or two (the guy wanted to be Hitsugaya's friend for crying out loud! :P).
And of course we have the glorious dorkiness that is Renji and Rukia not recognising Hitsugaya when he's in his Completed Form, and he just goes along with it.
The battle scenes between these moments are great to though! We see Hitsugaya interfering with Kenpachi vs Gerard and showing concern for his fellow captain (that one panel of them clashing swords got me so hyped right out of nowhere!), Byakuya catching Hitsugaya with Senbonzakura, Byakuya saving Renji and Rukia, and just the general banter between Hitsugaya and Byakuya, it really shows to me why they make a great BROTP.
3. Kenpachi's Bankai in All of it's Terrifying and Badass Glory
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This was the scene that made me desperate for the anime to return. This entire chapter is begging, begging to be animated. Kenpachi's bankai is nuts, and the panels Kubo did made me both hyped and terrified. From when the dust clears and Kenpachi raises his head to tearing off Gerard arms with just his teeth all the way to looming over a building about the deliver the final strike, it all incredible and one of the best chapters in BLEACH. If the animation team follows these panels closely, I have no doubt we're in for one of the best bankai reveals in the series.
2. The Adaption of Chapter 659 - YOU KNOW WHICH MOMENT!
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This will be me the day before the scene is likely to be shown (if it isn't shown in the teaser they usually show at the end of the episode). This is the only hitsuhina moment in the entire arc (unless we get anime-only filler) so of course I am very excited to see it!!
I can't wait to see Hitsugaya fly through the air, attacking Gerard and distracting him from Hinamori, who is carrying her unconscious captain on her shoulders. But she doesn't escape immediately, she looks on worriedly at the boy she considers a friend. Not just any friend though, one she has known since childhood, who has been a constant in her life. She says his nickname, which we hadn't heard since chapter 392, and for just a moment, he glances at her, as if he heard her. We know in this moment there's still a bond between them...IS IT OCTOBER YET?!
Hyourinmaru's Completed Form
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The payoff I never expected to get - or at least, not like this. It's what I waited years to find out and it's the reason I joined Tumblr. I've said it before, but while the appearance of Hitsugaya's Completed Form is cool, the main reason I love this form is because of the powers.
The reveal in the manga caught me so off guard that I couldn't stop thinking about it days afterwards, and then the next chapter when the powers were revealed...I knew I had to see this animated! Whether it was the anime returning or a fan animating the scene themselves, I just knew I had to see this animated. Kubo made the powers look so epic, so OP, so incredible, I was hyped for days afterwards.
We've gotten a glimpse already in the trailer of the Completed Form, and visually it's everything I imagined it would be. If the animation is on par, then I don't know how I will survive the scene where the powers get shown.
Thanks for sending this one in! :D
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zorobae · 3 years
Luffy and Zoro in Wano so far (912 - 1010)
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The first interaction that Luffy and Zoro had in the Wano arc is their re-union. It may not seem like a big deal cuz Oda-sensei made their hug just one tiny panel but I still think it is. This is the very first time in the manga that these two hug. The way Luffy jumps on Zoro’s shoulders is the same way he did when he saw his brother again in Dressrosa. More noticeably, Zoro’s smile when he recognizes Luffy is huge. He usually only smiles that widely when he gets booze or because of Luffy (examples #one and #two). Still, this is probably the brightest smile Zoro has ever had. Luffy smells the meat Zoro is carrying and when he asks about it, Zoro promptly gives it to him and says that Kuri is full of animals they can easily kill and eat. Luffy then explains to Zoro that the animals are all poisoned cuz they drink the contaminated water — while still eating said meat. The thing is, Luffy had the same thought Zoro did when he saw all the animals in the wastelands. And I find this reminiscent of when they saw all the weird fish around them on their journey down to Fishman Island or when they saw the dragon on Punk Hazard. In the Ocean, on Punk Hazard and also on Wano, the first thought that these two dorks had when seeing giant animals was the same; let’s eat them.
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I can’t tell if the bottom left speech bubble is said by Luffy or by both of them. Either way, they continue to be of the same mindset. I think Oda-sensei very intentionally made Luffy share this fight and everything that follows with Zoro — cuz it wouldn’t have worked with anyone else from the Wano group (or from the whole crew, for that matter). They would have tried to stop Luffy from fighting and bringing too much attention to them and therefore, possibly jeopardizing the plan. Zoro is generally more level-headed (and cautious and skeptical) than Luffy but definitely not always. Oftentimes, he and Luffy think alike, mainly when it’s about confrontation or an injustice that they feel the need to correct (there are more examples of this during the Wano arc). I still remember that when this chapter came out, Oda-sensei’s note on top of this last panel was “After too long, a fight side-by-side!” Clearly, Oda-sensei knows how likeable and awesome he made this duo~
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Luffy and Zoro’s fight against Hawkins gets cut short cuz Otama’s dog sorta reminds them that they need to get her to a doctor. This moment from the fight is interesting to me. We only find out later (in chapter 924) that the nails are made of seaprism stone but there’s no mention of that in this chapter. For all Zoro knows, those are normal nails that would simply ricochet off of Luffy but of course, he won’t even let the nails touch his Captain. Zoro has been this protective of Luffy since the very beginning. I think protecting/saving his Captain is part of what honor means to him. When he has to and for as long as he is able, he will do anything he can to keep Luffy safe.
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I just appreciate how similar their ready-to-fuck-shit-up expression is.
When they go to Bakura town to save Otama, Luffy has got her and is ready to leave but once he notices her cheeks and she tells him what Holdem did to her, he immediately turns around and sends Holdem flying. That’s in chapter 917. Zoro does something similar in chapter 944. Sanji and Zoro save Otoko and Zoro then tries to kill Orochi for what he did to Yasuie and to Ebisu Town. In both instances someone - Otama and Sanji - tells Luffy/Zoro not to fight but they do anyway. Consequences be damned, they both feel the need to enact justice right then and there.
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The next moment that I think is noteworthy is this one, from chapter 959. It’s an example of their differences. “If he’s alive.” Luffy’s faith in his friend and crew mate is unwavering while Zoro is simply being realistic/brutally honest.
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It’s hilariously adorable that Zoro actually does not get lost. He finds Luffy rather quickly but barely even tries to talk him out of “making things worse” and instead is on board with what he’s doing and helps him. This moment would not have worked if Zoro hadn’t also been at Luffy’s side when they helped Otama. So yet again, I assume that Oda-sensei intentionally made Luffy share this with Zoro cuz I daresay any other Strawhat would have been more reasonable. But Luffy and Zoro are on the same page in this regard.
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These are just some of the times when Zoro either protects or saves Luffy from attacks. He also, at one point, has to cut Kaido in order to get him to spit Luffy out. Basically, Zoro has just been an insanely badass First Mate in the Wano Arc so far. I really appreciate that Oda-sensei has put so much emphasis on their similarities and their effortless teamwork. The trust that these two have in each other just hits different imo. In the most recent chapter, Kaido ponders how to kill Luffy — and Zoro then uses his last attack, after saying “Hey! Kaido! That’s my Captain! If you want to crush anyone’s skull, you’ll have to start with mine!” He seemingly loses consciousness afterwards. Maybe this is just me but that declaration took me right back to Thriller Bark. The difference this time of course, is that Luffy was apparently conscious to hear what Zoro said. I don’t expect it to happen any time soon but I can only hope that Oda-sensei will make Luffy acknowledge the weight of Zoro’s words...
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abuzd · 2 years
hey dogwood! i tend to be rambly so if that ends up being the case with this ask then dw haha but anyway! i just wanted to send you a lot of kindness and support. i know that the stuff you've gone through/are currently going through aren't the types of things that you can just 'get over' or magically wake up 100% recovered from. but i'm still rooting for some more gentle moments to enter your life, you know? like more nights where sleep isn't such a challenge, you feel warm and cozy, and you can feel more safe and comfortable than usual. and more days where you can experience joy and moments that make you smile and laugh... just little things like that.
i also just wanted to say that even though i don't really 'know' you other than from what you post, you do seem to have pretty cool tastes in everything tbh! like this is probably gonna seem really random but i find it awesome that you like mob from mp100 and i remember you tagging a post once with something like 'even though he's 13 i still want to grow up to be like him' and afsjdjsgj SAME. and your style has always been cool to me too, you pull off your looks so well! especially when you do cool things with your hair! i think you look awesome whenever you try something new!
and last - i just really admire how much love you have in your heart towards your loved ones, like the way you talk about your bf and friends and moots and plants and animals, it's just so soft and warm? and you are so kind to your anons too! you really care about others and have the sweetest heart i've ever come across. i could imagine you sitting by someone's side and being a great listener while also giving them all the words they needed to hear, just sitting with them out somewhere calm and peaceful, like whatever your favorite type of nature is. like it just makes me really happy that you exist, because it's proof that there are still wonderful people in the world. you deserve the best!
anyway i'm not totally sure how to conclude this message but just know that a lot of people care about you and appreciate your presence on here! please please take care of yourself, even if it's tough, you're deserving of whatever extra time it takes to do little things for yourself that bring you joy or at the very least help to keep you stable. you are worth it, 100%! i have a lot of hope for you and i'm so glad you're still fighting and never giving up. i hope whatever you have ahead of you today or tonight goes well, take care!
i don’t have the words to thank you with all my heart for this, it nearly brought me to tears. as much as i’m not capable of accepting these things to be true about me, it means so much that someone sees any such good in us, so much so to send something as incredibly loving and caring as this. thank you, truly thank you so so much 💛
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them?Thanks....
Sure thing! Narrowing it down will be tough though, so buckle up lmao
**Spoiler warning for Persona 5, Your Turn To Die, Percy Jackson (and related series), My Hero Academia, and Danganronpa 2**
Here are my top ten (in no particular order, with explanation):
1. Sakamoto Ryuji (Persona 5)
I can still remember my slow dissent into absolutely loving Ryuji. I related to him a lot personally and I really admire how he takes care of his friends throughout the game. Even if he's loud, he really cares about everyone to the point that it riles(?) him up (relatable content lmao) and I just generally really appreciate him within the game and the arc he goes through with his injury. He's also one of the characters within the Phantom Thieves that is totally one-on-one friends with all of them? You have the obvious, with Ann, Morgana (even if he and Morgana fight), and Yusuke, but he checks up on Makoto a decent amount throughout the game and the spinoffs - he admires her, in a way, and I can't really explain it without a powerpoint lmao. He's one of the few that got along with Futaba pretty immediately, him and Ann doing really good at talking with her, and even with Haru he cared about her and was pretty immediate wanting to take down Okumura with the awful situation she's in (though all the Phantom Thieves pretty much were). Anyway, he's just pretty awesome, and my only problem is Atlus' bitchass need to have the best friend character want to perv on women and the need for "comic relief", and that shit comes up mostly random and honestly contradictory to his character, but that deserves its own post. Also also, the gender envy this man gives - I don't wanna be a guy, I just wanna have Ryuji vibes.
2. Egokoro Nao (Your Turn To Die)
Almost every character in YTTD is absolutely amazing and so truly believable that it honestly takes my breath away, but Nao just did so much and overcame so much. The way she tricked that evil AI? Fucking flawless - I am floored to this day. She appeared weak, but she was actually one of the strongest there, overcoming shit and taking burdens when she knew Sara had shouldered too much (like pushing doll Reko so Sara wouldn't have to). I was so upset when she had the sacrfice card, like that was so goddamn rude. Her connection with Reko was really sweet, her flashbacks with Mishima made me tear up, and her newfound closeness with Alice (if he lives instead of Reko) is just amazing. She was one of the best of us and I'm still mad she's gone. There was no saving her, and honestly I wanna cry.
3. Tazuna Joe (Your Turn To Die)
Joe!!!! My beautiful boy! You also couldn't save him, but in that one chapter he's here he was DOING it. He is the definition of a best friend and he would literally go to hell and back for Sara. I loved the element of him not trusting the group because of the chance of a traitor, but then coming around and holding his head high for his own death. Like I literally have nothing to say except that he's amazing and deserves the world over and over again like-
4. Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson Series)
Okat I literally can't get into why I love him because I will fucking spiral and none of y'all would ever see me again because I would be forever writing this post to explain how awesome he is. Nico di Angelo is iconic - he is a legend, and he is the moment. Kinda off topic, but I had known he was attracted to Percy since the first series, and I only had one friend who had read the series too and when I told her that she was flabbergasted. Like you could not convince me it wasn't straightup written in words - I fully believed that the first series mentionned that he had a crush on Percy, and when I reread it to read HOO, they never say it????? And then in HOO, Annabeth starts talking about how Nico had been crushing on her and I was so lost (but that was just Annabeth misunderstanding). Anyway, always thought that was funny, but seriously, he deserves the world. He is the strongest and most caring demigod in that series, and I will throw hands if needed. I want only good things for him, cause y'all only know the bullshit life put him through. And yet after everything, he still wants to do the right thing and will save everyone's asses again and again.
5. Piper McLean (Percy Jackson Series)
Now SHE is the MOMENT. The Lost Trio is my absolute favorite grouping of characters cause their friendship is so real, but Piper is just amazing. Her development from trying so deliberately not be girly into using emotion (which girls are always called to emotional) as a strangth and playing around more with setreotypical girly things while being no less of a badass? Give this girl a metal. I hear any hate for her and I start seeing red - she isn't just the not-like-other-girls trope, she grew from that - that was part of her development and y'all completely missed it. Y'all judge her for that as if you didn't also have a phase where you thought you were cooler than girly shit. I know y'all said you were one of the boys, or aren't into One Direction or something and thought that made you cooler. She is so incredibly strong and you could see the changes in her self-confidence in each and every book - and she was pretty much the only one of the seven that was deadass friends with everyone on the ArgoII (save for Nico, which is a crime that basically all characters commit). Ugh, she's just amazing!
6. Jason Grace (Percy Jackson Series)
Now this is the one I see people deadass sleeping on. The amount of bullshit I see about Jason is insane, and almost every post I've seen hating on him contradicts itself or other posts as to why he sucks. His arc is pretty damn clear to me when it comes to his whole thing about choosing which camp to belong to. I really appareciated that it wasn't just a clear switch into being Greek - he chooses Greek in HoH, but in the last book his loyalties are still in question, because it's not that clear cut, and he finally chooses both - he will go between both camps. And honestly, the seperation of Greek and Roman was part of the problem as a whole, making the two camps enemies instead of comrades, and Jason's a big part in helping that rift, becuase it's a rift he feels inside himself too. Being part of the Lost Trio (aka team low self-esteem) he has problems with making decisions and actually seeing himself as being a good fighter, especially compared to other people. He never gives himself enough credit for the achievements he has, and struggles with not wanting to be a leader but also needing to be since it's all he's ever been told to be. He cares about other people and (despite what some say) is pretty emitionally aware of others. He knows immediately that something is wrong when Leo comes back from Calypso's island, he knows that Reyna kind of has feelings for him (even if he doesn't do anything about it, but I'm sorry, if I have a hunch that someone is into me, I'm not saying shit unless they say something, and I think it's bullshit that y'all say he's stringing her along when he literally never shows reciprocation, and even then he feels bad and aknowledges that he should have done something), and then there's Nico. He is one of the only people that actually make an effort (if I see another post about how Frank should've been the friend to reach out I'll foam at the mouth - he only made a half-assed effort because Nico was Hazel's brother, try me) and he pretty quickly understands that Nico is attracted to Percy, and he handles it the best way you can. He keeps it to himself while still making sure Nico knows that he supports him 100%. My favorite thing though? He gives bear hugs. Jason is a really friendly guy and he hugs his friends excitedly without a second thought (except no actually, because he respects boundaries and stopped himself until Nico gave him the go ahead) and I love that so fucking much. Also, just like everyone in the Lost Trio, he is bisexual - I don't make the rules.
7. Bakugou Katsuki (My Hero Academia)
Another character that I straightup can't explain because a) I'll be here forever and ever, but also b) I am nowhere near good enough with words to explain some of the nuisances. That sounds pretentious but baBY there is complexity here. Just know that he is a character that fundamentally changed me, and he deserves a longer explination then this.
8. Kirishima Eijirou (My Hero Academia)
Kirishima can be hard to explain for me because I heavily relate to him (like kinning shit in the modern sense of the word). He cares so much, his definition for what is manly is absolutely correct no one is doing it like he is, and his insecurities make sense. Even though he comes on strong and seems unwavering, inside he doubts himself constantly and doesn't think he does enough when he really does so much (uh oh, I'm seeing myself in this fictional character). One thing that is key that I have to mention is his dynamic with Bakugou and the way he thinks Bakugou is cool even though (on paper) Bakugou seems like the type of asshole he wouldn't like. I just really appreciate that and what it says about Bakugou as much as what it says about Kirishima. Tangent, but one day I was thinking about how I would totally definitely dislike Bakugou irl, but then remembered that there was once a person (let's call them Olive) in my class, and Olive didn't give a shit about getting along with everyone, only doing what they needed to do. They had amazing grades and were all-around talented, and the rest of the class thought they were rude/an asshole. Me though? I looked at them and admired them, deciding that I was going to be their friend. So I talked to Olive, and just kept doing it and eventually they were one of my best friends, and they admired me in return...... I deadass went through the Kirishima/Bakugou friendship arc. Like I don't know what to do with that.
9. Tanaka Gundham (Danganronpa Series)
He deserves a standing ovation. The way he sees himself as evil/cursed when he was saving all our asses? I can't. He had one of the best trials/motives of the entire series, let alone game. Him and Nekomaru did what needed to be done, because he was absolutely right - even if it's a nice sentiment to not kill each other no matter what, what's the point if we all die? There was mutual agreement within the fight and eventual murder, and Gundham still tried in the trial because you don't give up on life. No matter the outcome of that trial, he could be content knowing he fought for life (be that his own or the lives of everyone else) and honeslty that's just so cool of him. He was such a fun character to have, and that fourth trial just cemented everything.
10. Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko (Danganronpa Series)
The character development baBY. Entering the second game I was so scared he was going to be Byakuya 2: Electric-Boogaloo (yes I hated Byakuya with a burning passion - even if I mellowed by the very very end of the game, I will forever be mad about him stringing up Chihiro like a bitchass). When trial two hit I was straight sobbing - and the execution? I was pleading that he hadn't died too. And after that he did his very best to help everyone. He became one of the most helpful people of our group and was a really good friend. After him catching Hajime and Mikan, I had a running joke of calling him Abstinence Police during my playthrough, cause he really does object to sexual shit other characters say and it's a great bit. What really stuck with me was Peko knowing that Fuyuhiko would probably not be able to forsake everyone else, because his tough-guy act really was just that - an act. Tying in with my Abstinence Police thing, he literally threatened to sell someone to a whore house (which, even though I'm laughing, is fucked up) but he would literally never do that - he's out here saying that you're in high school! You can't have sex! after that threat, like babe. All this to say, I appreciated him and that similar need he had to come across as tough that Mondo had in the first game.
Honourable mentions:
Takamaki Ann (P5), Akechi Goro (P5), Yabusame Reko (YTTD), Shinogi Keiji (YTTD), Mioda Ibuki (DR), Chabashira Tenko (DR), Souda Kazuichi (DR)
Thanks for the ask! This was a lot of fun (even though I'm pretty shitty at explaining, and even picking honourable mentions was tough cause there are still characters I wanna add lmaoo)
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