#and i used photos of toys and items from my bedroom
Opinions on tweeks Hobbies?
I hope you feel better bestie 🥺💖
(Sorry for the late reply, got caught up with work! Also ty babes! 🖤🖤🖤)
Anyways, I’m gonna be using this ask as an excuse to do an analysis of his room, as I feel like it says a lot about his character and the things he likes!
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From this photo alone, it’s pretty evident that Tweek is a bit of a “jack of all trades”. He’s a kid with a very active mind, so it makes sense that this would present itself through his hobbies.
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For example, there are quite a few items that point to Tweek being very dexterous and crafty. Model planes, legos, kinetic building toys, all suggest that he enjoys building and working with his hands, a good example of Tweek being a generally more right brained person. These types of toys can also be good for building up one’s mindset and keeping the brain busy, and are usually good for helping out with anxiety, so he could also enjoy these things for that reason.
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The darts and the books are good examples of this too. Books are good for exercising the brain, while darts require focus and skill. We know from sot? (correct me if I’m wrong, my memory is fuzzy) that Tweek is (or at least implied to be) in the book club, another example of his interest in reading. Also, a lot of his go to weapons we see him with throughout the series seem to require some level of aim (a bow and arrow, a slingshot, etc), a skill I like to think he acquired through practicing darts.
Some of these might’ve also been gifts from his parents, hoping to help improve his focus.
We got some sporty stuff too-
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A basketball hoop, what looks to be a kickball, and a football + football helmet. Asides from throwing around a football with the other boys at recess sometimes, and being on the baseball team (which all the boys hated), Tweek doesn’t strike me as the “sporty type”, and considering the balls seem to be tucked away in what looks to be a bin? and the helmet is tucked away under his desk, it’s hard to say how much he really uses them. These COULD be random hobbies he tried to take up to keep himself busy, or maybe he just has a secret sporty side we’ve never known about. The basketball hoop is probably just for fun though, and I can see him holding on to both the kickball and the football to play with his friends at recess!
There are a couple common interests too, things you might typically expect to find in a young boy’s bedroom, such as dinosaurs, toy tanks, and a racetrack.
I think what really stands out to me though is what looks to be a trampoline next to the race track? And also this big ass sword??
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Seriously, how the fuck does he even hold this thing??? Lollll 😭😭
Don’t really have analysis on either of those but, they’re certainly interesting!
Also this doesn’t have to do with his room, but, I’m also such a sucker for the baking hc, that he gets more into baking after put it down, and forms an actual career from it in the future! I think it’s really cute!!
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transgender blues
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babygorewhore · 6 months
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You’re everything.
Eddie Munson x fem reader
Eddie Munson comes home and sees the bedroom destroyed. Your mental health has taken a toll and you feel worthless. But he’s always there to remind you how much he loves you and how he’s always willing to help you pick up the pieces.
Warnings! Hurt comfort. Mental illness. I wrote this with the reader having BPD and autism. This is based on my experience. I haven’t seen much on those two issues. Feelings of worthlessness. Mild self harm. Anger episode. Anxiety. I hope this comforts you because you’re worthy of love and Eddie would love you no matter what. Also the photo used is just for aesthetic. Not proofread.
Thank you to my friends, Dolly, Mae and Em for helping me with this. I love you girls.
Eddie pushed open the apartment door, with his hip, a few grocery bags lined down his arm because he refused to make two trips. “Hey, sweetheart, I’m back!” He shut the door with his foot, did a quick unfocused glance around the living room.
“Fuck, the store was packed! I think you would have stayed in the car, baby.” He set down the bags and started putting away the cold items. Eddie yawned afterwards, closing the refrigerator and stretched. His black, stolen back sweatshirt rising above his stomach.
It dawned on him that you haven’t responded at all. “Baby?” He called again. No answer. He frowned and approached the bedroom door and he gasped when he saw the scene.
The bed was torn apart. Blankets thrown off and the pillows dented. Eddie went to take a step before he looked on the ground. Stim toys were all over the floor. Stuffed animals and even clothes. A few shirts were ripped. He didn’t see you. “Princess, what’s going-“
A hole was in the wall next to the closet. A small one but it went deep in the plaster. Eddie moved quickly. Surveying the damage, he saw a bloody imprint. Knuckles. Eddie sighed. You were having an episode. He should have known. You didn’t answer his texts. You hated phone calls. This wasn’t the first time this happened. Eddie on a number of times had to sit by your side during dark hours.
But he loved you. You were beautiful. His everything. It wasn’t one sided. If anything, you gave too much to him. You were always supporting him. Even when he was unbearable. You stood by him. He would do whatever you needed. He needed you. He wanted you. Eddie knew immediately where you were then.
He gently opened the closet door and he saw you. You were wearing a large t shirt, it went past your thighs and loose plaid pajama pants.
Over ear headphones on, your phone face down on the floor and you were stimming. Rocking back and forth. You were panting, your face flushed and he could see your eyes squeezed shut. Eddie saw your right hand. Your knuckles were bloody and bruised.
He didn’t want to startle you so Eddie opened the door further, enough for you to hear it over music.
Eddie’s heart ached when you turned to look at him. Your eyes were blood shot. Your lips bleeding from what he knew, you bit them or picking at them. Your nails had blood underneath them from biting the nail. You were a wreck. But you were his special girl.
“Hey…” He said, swallowing. “Baby, I-what happened?”
You tried to stand but ended up sprawled on the ground. He went to help you but you jerked away, pulling yourself up.
“I’m so fucking mad right now.” You were almost yelling. But you sounded out of breath. “I-I took my meds but I’m still like this. My heart hurts, I just feel like I want to crawl out of my skin. Everything is too loud!” You weren’t crying but you were growing hysterical. You started pacing.
“Why am I like this? Why can’t I just be normal? Why do I get so upset over the smallest things?” Eddie was standing close but he didn’t reach yet. You were tugging at your shirt. He knew you were getting hot.
“I can’t deal with this. I can’t feel this way! Im so sick of feeling like I’m useless because I can’t even talk on the phone to my boyfriend because I hate how it makes me feel! You shouldn’t have to deal with me.”
“Sweetheart, will you just come here for a second?” Eddie tried to prompt.
“No!” You stopped moving and placed your hands on your chest. “Eddie. I don’t want you to see me like this. Again. Maybe you should leave. I don’t want to keep freaking you out.”
Eddie moved then. And he gently grasped your elbows and looked down. Eye contact was difficult for you and he never wanted to force it. But he tilted your chin, happy if you just looked at his forehead. “Princess. I’m not leaving you. I would never.” He leaned forward, rubbing his nose against yours. “I’m just happy you didn’t break your hand.” He pulled away, glad you weren’t moving away. “You’re burning up. Let’s get to the couch, it’s too warm in here.”
Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist, helping you walk around the mess and he sat you down on the couch. “I’ll be right back, babe.” You grabbed his hand. “I promise.” He smiled at you. You slowly let go.
He tried not to show his panic as he looked for the first aid kit. Eddie came back to the living room, kneeling in front of you. “Let me see that hand.” He asked, pulling it towards him. It was shaking. He was careful, dabbing it with saline and you winced. “I’m sorry, baby.” Eddie went through the motions, remembering how to wrap an injured hand from his own share of punching walls.
After the bandage was around your hand, he pressed a kiss on top. He maneuvered his way up and sat beside you. Eddie held your leg that was bouncing. “Babe…I know for a while things have been really hard for you. And seeing all that today, I see you’re in a lot of pain. And I just want to help you. I love you so much. You know that right?” You covered your face with your hands.
“Eddie, you shouldn’t. I feel like I don’t have enough good days. I’m so tired of always telling you how bad my day was, or that I want to have a meltdown about fucking textures or sounds. I just wish I could be normal for you.” Eddie shook his head, taking your hands down.
“Hey. Hey. I would never trade you for anything. I would never want anyone other than you. The only thing I wish I could change, is how you feel about yourself. Baby, you are so much more than what you struggle with. You’re kind, funny, like so funny I almost snort and I can’t even breathe. You understand me, you are so caring and you let me be annoying when I smoke too much weed. I could go on for days.” You lifted your head. And looked at him. And held eye contact.
“You’re more than bad days, baby. I love you so much. And I know you were listening to our song, right? The one I told you to play when things get bad?” You nodded. Smiling a little. Eddie feigned shock.
“Is that-is that a smile? That’s my girl.” It widened and he grinned, cupping your cheeks.
“Come on. Sing one line with me. And then, I’m gonna go pick up the bedroom. I’m going to make you something to eat and then we’re going to watch your favorite movies.”
“Do I have to sing?” You complained.
“Sorry, baby. Those are the rules.” Eddie winked, still holding tight to your face.
“And I don’t want the world to see me, cuz I don’t think that they’d understand.” Eddie leaned in, pressing his lips softly to yours. Gently because of the picked apart flesh.
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and squeezed tightly. Eddie followed suit and hugged you around the waist.
“I love you so much, Eddie.”
Eddie breathed you in. It wouldn’t fix what you felt. But you wouldn’t have to battle anything alone.
Tagging. @xxhellfirebunnyxx @reidsbtch @take-everything-you-can @emsgoodthinkin @monstxrteeth @battymunson @scene-and-dandylover @lithium80sblog @elaine-in-the-membrane
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munsonhoneybaby · 2 years
Harrington's Party | Eddie Munson X F!Reader
Summary: You seek Eddie out to buy weed at a party only to realize you'd accidentally spent your $20 earlier.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, kinda naive/bimbo!reader, drug dealing (marijuana), smut, oral/facefucking (m receiving), cum swapping, little bit of cock worship, slightest bit of degradation, praise kink, fingering, steve hears you guys literally fucking in his bed
A/N: this went so different than i expected it to in so many ways
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“Eddie Munson, just the guy I was looking to find!”
The voice calling his name pulled his attention from the solo cup he was filling with punch, which was definitely more alcohol than punch. Turning around, he was surprised to find you with an eager look in your eyes. Your voice edged towards a shout so he could hear you over the music and conversations surrounding you. “I need to talk to you, come with me.” Holding onto his sleeve, you led him through the crowd and up a flight of stairs. It wasn't until you reached a quiet hallway that led to Steve's bedroom that he could finally speak.
As your hand met the doorknob, he lightly tugged his wrist from your grasp and held up a hand with a small laugh. “Alright, as much as I don’t wanna question the pretty girl dragging me into a bedroom at someone’s party– you’ve never gone out of your way to talk to me before. Are you trying to buy or something?”
“Ding ding ding,” You sang, opening the door, flipping on the light, and ushering him inside. “I wanted to buy weed, heard you’re the guy to ask.”
“I am if you want good product for a good price,” He shrugged, and then the only sound was the muffled thumping of the music downstairs while he took in his surroundings. There were framed photos of Steve and his friends and his family and you. Basketball trophies lined a few shelves. The room was clean except for a few items of clothing strewn about. Sitting on the edge of the bed he shook his head slightly, “God, this is some crazy shit.”
“What?” You frowned slightly, kicking off your shoes and sitting beside him.
“Selling you weed in Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington’s bedroom. I thought it was weird just coming to one of his parties, but I figured I could at least make a few sales.” He gave a flourishing gesture towards you; “I was not mistaken. Although, I definitely didn’t expect you to be one of them.”
You laid back on the bed. “Oh, I guess I’m just used to it at this point– being in Steve’s room, not buying drugs in it. It’s not a big deal though, he’s really kind of a dork.”
Eddie’s eyes raked over your bare legs distractedly, the hem of your dress settled just above mid-thigh and the material fitting just right to your body. “So, you’re in Harrington’s bed a lot, huh? I didn’t know you two were…”
He watched you toy with the necklace you were wearing, rambling every time your mouth opened. “Oh, no, we’re not together or anything. I mean, we’ve hooked up a few times but we’re just good friends, y’know?” 
No, honestly, he didn’t know. He’d never had a ‘good friend’ who he casually had sex with, but frankly, he’d never had a ‘good friend’ who looked like you or Steve Harrington. So, he just nodded and moved on. “How much were you looking to buy?”
“How much could I get for a twenty? That’s all I’ve got right now.”
“That’ll get you half an ounce,” He answered as he leaned down to grab the black tin lunchbox he carried around.
“Sweet.” Grabbing your purse, you rustled through it for your wallet which you popped open. You frowned when the twenty-dollar bill you knew had been in there was nowhere to be found. Then it hit you, your palm meeting your forehead with a muted smack. “Fuck! I gave Steve my twenty to get the kegs!”
Eddie heaved a falsely exasperated sigh but his expression was politely amused. “I’m always one to bargain, but I can’t just go around givin' away something for nothing, can I?" Prepared to leave, he pushed off the bed and stood up. "No big deal, I guess you’ll have to find me some other time.”
Whining, you kneeled at the edge of the bed so you could reach far enough to grab his wrist and stop him. “Eddie, no, wait! I really wanna smoke tonight, please? And I swore I’d bring stuff to this sleepover I’m having with some friends tomorrow, I need it!”
If someone had told him this morning that he’d wind up in Steve Harrington’s bedroom at a party with you begging on your knees before him, he’d have laughed in their face. “I feel for you, sweetheart, I really do. But I’m kinda running a business and, as cute as that little pouty lip you’ve got goin’ is, I can’t go doing favors for any pretty girl who bats her eyes at me.” 
“What if I did more than bat my eyes?” You shifted to hold his hand in both of yours, urging him slightly closer as you looked up at him coyly.
He let out a small, surprised laugh. “Not that your offer isn’t tempting, but I don’t normally do deals like that. Besides, you, me, and the rest of the student body all know you wouldn’t touch me with a ten-foot pole.” The expression you took on almost looked offended, although he wasn’t entirely sure why.
“If the offer’s tempting then take it, Munson. You said you’re always one to bargain, right?” One of your hands moved from his arm to the front of his shirt, fiddling with the fabric and looking up at him. “I’ll make sure to give you your money’s worth, I promise.”
His voice was a tad shaky as he watched your hand and its movements like a hawk, “I don’t doubt that. I just uh- just don’t wanna take advantage of you, you know?”
You practically giggled, fingers bypassing his t-shirt and nails scratching lightly through the trail of hair you found leading into his jeans. “You’re not takin’ advantage of me, silly, I'm offering! I get weed and you get to cum, it’s a win-win situation!” Just the feeling of your hands on his bare skin had him distracted enough to delay his response, though he’d opened his mouth to do so. What you thought was hesitation on his face had you drawing your hands back and looking down at your lap in extreme embarrassment. You’d gotten ahead of yourself. “U-Unless you don’t want me to– which is obviously okay of course, I mean I-I’m definitely not your type and that’s totally fair, I’m really sorry, I’m sure there’s somebody else here I can get stuff from–”
Eddie was quick to cut you off, grabbing your hands and sitting beside you as he uttered your name. His voice sounded serious but his eyes held humor when you looked into them. He was shocked to find yours welling with tears; though, to your credit, none spilled over. “I’ve been hard since I saw you were taking me to a bedroom. Trust me, sweetheart, it doesn’t take a business proposal for me to want you. But I don’t want you to think I’m expecting it from you or something, okay? We both know how people talk about you and you don’t deserve that, I don’t think those things about you.”
“You don’t think I’m a s-slut?” 
He couldn’t decide if the little sniffle that followed your words broke his heart or melted it. “Of course not, I-I think you’re…excitable…and emotional and guys take advantage of that.”
Although you’d been hurt or made insecure by the way people treated you, you’d never considered it as ‘taking advantage’ before. He was right; you were an eager and highly strung person, so it wasn’t all that surprising that when a guy showed interest in you, you were happy to make them happy. You’d put out, they’d disappoint you by leaving after, and you’d get over it. But people talk and in a small public high school, ‘eager’ equates to ‘easy’ and ‘easy’ sparks a reputation. 
Nobody really seemed to understand that, at least they never specifically acknowledged it, until now. Until Eddie. Your gaze was full of surprise and what looked like admiration as you looked at him, nodding rapidly. “Yeah, th-they do!”
Despite your reputation, you were generally well-liked by most people at Hawkins High. Even with your status as one of the ‘popular’ students, you’d always been polite to those who were less socially fortunate than you, including Eddie and his friends. It made him develop a sort of soft spot for you, especially as he had a few conversations with you over time and realized how genuinely sweet and sensitive you were. He could only ask to copy your notes or borrow a pencil so many times though.
Leaning your head against his shoulder, you wrapped both your arms around one of his. “Y’know, I’m going back on my word here–” He drawled, “But if you swear to pay me back within the next few days, I can give you the weed tonight. Just don't tell anyone, 'cause then everybody'll think they deserve free shit.”
“Oh, Eddie, I can’t do that! You can’t just give it to me!”
Chuckling, he playfully patted your head. “Kind of you to be so concerned, honey, but I can survive a couple days twenty dollars short.” Still, you toyed with his rings with one hand while the other nervously moved to squeeze at his thigh. “Sweetheart, really, you don’t have to do that.”
“But…I-I want to…” You admit somewhat abashedly. Even sitting down, Eddie felt like his knees went weak. It was incomprehensible how your eyes managed to look so innocent, even as you told him, “I wanna suck your cock, Eddie. Can I? Pretty please?” God, he could’ve come in his pants then and there.
“Jesus, there’s no way in hell you’re actually asking to blow me right now,” He muttered incredulously. Your fingers grazed the hardness in his jeans and he blew out a sharp breath. “You seriously want it? Fuck, can you say it again?”
Pouting, you tugged at his hand and scooted even closer to him, “Pleeease?” You bit down on your lip and excitedly palmed at his length. “I wanna make you feel good, Eddie. Can I?”
He had to fight to keep his eyes from rolling back in his head. “Shit okay, honey. Uh–” Dragging a hand down his face, he did his best to regain his composure within half a second while you were already dropping to your knees in front of him. Instantly going for his belt buckle, you refrained from commenting on the handcuff design.
As he watched you, he forcefully yanked off the red and black flannel he’d been wearing unbuttoned over his Hellfire shirt; you hadn’t even gotten his cock out yet and he already felt like his entire body was on fire. Although he would never admit it to you, he’d been dreaming of this since sophomore year. His hips lifted from the bed long enough for you to draw his jeans and checkered boxers down his thighs. Unrestrained, his dick twitched against his stomach, the sight making you let out a moan that only excited him further. “Stick your tongue out for me, sweetheart,” He cooed as his ringed hand began fisting his cock. Doing as he said, your eyes widened when he slapped the head against your tongue a few times. He noticed your hips rocking, seeking friction against something that wasn’t there. “Poor baby, so needy, huh? ‘S gonna be okay, don’t worry, princess.” 
You guided him further into your mouth, his hand cradling the back of your head. The look in his eyes was absolutely awe-inspired; you’d think he was in love if you didn’t know any better. Taking more of him with every bob of your head, your manicured nails dragged lightly from his hips down his thighs. When your hand moved to massage his balls while your tongue stroked over the head of his cock, he whimpered and clutched tighter at your hair. He wanted to protest when the heat of your mouth left him, but your hand took over stroking his length so you could speak. “Your cock is fucking perfect, Eddie,” You sighed. Your eyes looked almost glossed over as you gazed up at him, seeming unreasonably content; touch sweeping from his happy trail to the suitably grown-out patch of hair at his base. “So pretty.”
“Think so, baby?” He grunted breathlessly. “Gotta say, I‘ve never heard that one before.” You took him by surprise then, dipping your head to lave your tongue slowly over his balls before taking one in your mouth. “Dear mother of God, you’re actually going to kill me.”
Admittedly completely cockdrunk by this point, your voice was an airy hum coming from wet, swollen lips. “Can’t help it, you taste s’good. Want you to fuck my throat, Eddie, please? Wanna make you come.”
“You’re a fucking dream, you know that, sweetheart?” He cupped your jaw, thumb soothingly rubbing your cheek. “Go on, open wide for me, hm? Good girl.” Breathing deeply through your nose, you tried your best to relax your throat as he eased his way into it. “Fucking shit, baby, that’s amazing. Taking me so well.” Hand carefully wrapped around your neck, he could feel the way he filled your throat. “Pinch my thigh if it’s too much and I’ll stop, promise.”
Starting off slowly, he used his grip on your hair to control the movements of your head. Soon, though, the sloppy, depraved sounds of you sucking him off had his hips rutting forward desperately. His palms cradled your face as he fucked into your mouth, grunts and curses rolling off his tongue every other breath. Drool leaked from the corners of your mouth, soaking his cock and dripping down your chin. Tears spilled down your cheeks in mascara-tainted tracks that he continually wiped away with his thumbs. He’d be concerned if it weren’t for your garbled moans and the way you still tried hopelessly to grind down against the carpet.
“Look how fuckin’ messy you are, princess. Look so pretty. So good, so fucking good oh my god. Gotta tell me where to come.” When he attempted to pull out to let you speak, you just braced your hands against the back of his thighs to keep him from doing so. “Mmm, wanna taste it, baby? M’kay, I’ll give it to you. Fill up that filthy mouth.” His shirt lifted as your hands wandered beneath it to graze up and down his sides. The thrusts of his hips stuttered as he finished, pulling out afterward to stroke his cock into your open mouth a few times. 
Before you managed to swallow, he was pulling you to his lap and slamming his lips to yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth. It was the filthiest kiss you’d ever experienced, some of his come sneaking from your mouths to smear against both his chin and yours. Long and debauched, it left you both panting for air, heavy breaths being the only sound as you both wiped your mouths and met each other’s eyes. Becoming aware of the feeling of your underwear, drenched and clinging to you uncomfortably, you look down embarrassedly. 
Eddie’s finger hooks beneath your chin, returning your gaze to him. “You okay, sweetheart? Was I too much?”
“No, no,” You shook your head quickly. “No, I-I liked it. I liked all of it, don’t worry.”
“O-kayyy,” He drawled playfully, rubbing his hands up and down your thighs. “What’s the problem then, huh? What’s got you all shy?”
“I just… I r-really liked it…”
He did his best to suppress the smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Oh yeah? Did lettin’ me fuck that sweet mouth of yours get you all worked up?” You nodded sheepishly and he flashed you a pretty smile. “That’s okay, baby. You know–” His teeth grazed your ear, making you shudder pleasantly as his voice dropped to a whisper, “You’ve still got me pretty worked up, too.” And you could feel the proof that that statement was true, hot and hard against your inner thigh even after coming just minutes ago.
“Eddie…?” You began hesitantly. “Will- Can you fuck me…please? I-I know I was just supposed to get weed, but I want you so bad ‘n you’re still hard so I thought maybe you’d wanna, but–” As usual, you got more flustered as you spoke, a nervous whine slowly creeping into your tone. 
“Hey, I'm gonna take care'a you, honey.” His thumb stroked the apex of your thigh before teasing the edge of your underwear, humming delightedly at what he found. “You did really like it, huh? Your panties are totally ruined, baby.” The hot, open-mouthed kisses trailed down your neck had your jaw going slack and your hips rocking absentmindedly towards his hand. “Poor baby, so horny you don’t even know what to do with yourself. You always get so wet, or is this just for me?”
Your head was supported by his hand as it lolled to the side, giving him plenty of room to suck bruises into your sensitive skin. “Jus’ you, Eddie,” You insisted.
The hum he gave in response sounded indifferent, he simply pulled back and traced a thumb over the marks he’d left, surveying them with a satisfied smile. You giggled out a quiet ‘what’re you doing?’ and he said, “Admiring my masterpiece.” 
 Your body warmed at the thought. “Masterpiece, huh?” His masterpiece.
“Oh yeah, princess. Total work-of-art, magnum-opus type shit. It’d make a real pretty picture if I had a camera.” You had yet to come up with a response when he pushed two fingers past the lace of your underwear to slide through your wet folds, quickly finding your clit. He circled it a few times before easing his middle finger into you. The cries you let out had him adding a second shortly after. “I’m just making a big ol’ mess of you tonight, aren’t I? Covered in spit and cum and hickeys and I haven’t even been inside you yet, honey. Gonna fuckin’ ruin you.”
And he was right. Without even fucking you, he’d already ruined every other man for you. “Please, don’t wanna wait anymore. Jus’ hurry up, need to feel you.”
Wiping his hand off on his jeans briefly, he smeared your slick across the denim. “Shhh, relax. I’m going to, don’t worry. Let’s get you outta this dress first though, ‘kay?” You didn’t hesitate to push the straps from your shoulders, shivering at the way Eddie’s fingers danced along your spine as he unzipped it. As soon as the zipper reached its end, you were yanking the garment off, chest almost level with his face from your arms raising over your head. Finding you braless, his lips wrapped around one of your nipples before your dress had even hit the floor. You moaned, winding your fingers into his hair as he mouthed hungrily at your chest. “Fuck, such gorgeous tits. Should’a let me fuck these instead of your mouth.”
“Next time, Eddie.” You whined impatiently, lifting his shirt until he aided you by pulling it over his head himself. 
With a smug expression, he mused, “So there’s gonna be a next time?”
“Only if you want, but there has to be a first time for there to be a next time so please–”
Your words came out in a rush and he interrupted you with a laugh. “Alright, alright, let me get my fuckin’ pants the rest of the way off.” You climbed off his lap so he could completely undress. The flawless view he got of your ass while you crawled towards the nightstand had him biting back a groan. Watching you open the drawer, however, reminded him that not only were you doing this in Steve Harrington’s bed, but you knew where his condoms were.
Of course, he had no right to feel possessive, so he held his tongue and laid back on the bed. Palming your ass with one hand, he took the condom from you with the other. A finger hooked around your lacy thong, dragging the sullied material down your legs until he could toss it on the floor. “C’mere, baby.” The contented smile on your face was endearing and sweet, even as you straddled him and leaned down until your bare chests were pressed together. His hands soothed along your back and sides as you kissed lazily for a moment, you toying with a strand of his hair. As soon as you pulled away, you heard the foil of the condom wrapper being torn open behind you, knuckles and rings brushing your skin as he rolled it on. “You sure you want me?”
“Need you, Eddie.”
He quickly rolled the two of you, his now-frizzy curls falling around your face as he hovered over you. “Just wanted to hear it one more time, sweetheart.” Your nails dug into his back as he teased your opening with the head of his cock, but he didn’t seem to mind. He leaned down to kiss you again as he slowly filled you and you could feel the guitar pick that always hung from his neck pressing into your skin. The rasp of his voice when he spoke had you trembling beneath him. “Pussy feels so fuckin’ good, baby. All wet and tight for me.”
“You’re so big,” You whined, arms and legs around him to keep him close. “It’s so good.”
“Yeah? You like this dick, baby?”
“Mmhm,” You prattled only semi-coherently, “Best dick ‘ve ever had– want more.”
The tilt of his hips changed, forcing him even deeper inside of you. “God, princess, you sure know how to stroke a guy’s ego.” Every thrust had you whimpering, the sounds of his skin meeting yours filling the room. “Hear how wet you are? Cunt’s just suckin’ me back in. Can’t get enough, huh? Takin’ it so well, sweetheart. Makin’ such a mess.”
A sudden banging on the door made you jump, Eddie’s arms drawing you closer to his chest protectively. Until Steve Harrington shouted your name from the other side. “SERIOUSLY, IN MY ROOM? YOU BETTER NOT BE IN THERE RUINING MY BED WITH SOME NASTY FUCKING FRAT BOY!”
You wanted to respond, call back an apology maybe, but when you opened your mouth Eddie gave you a deep, forceful thrust that had you squealing instead. Steve grumbled something and you could all but see him rolling his eyes and shaking his head before he evidently went back to the party. 
“Just wait til he finds out who you’ve really got back here,” Eddie purred against your ear. “You think Steve’d rather you have a frat boy in here, hm? ‘Stead of the drug dealing loser making you drip all over his expensive comforter.” Calloused fingertips circled your clit, making you clench around him in a way that had him choking out a few profanities. You tucked your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of weed, sweat, and faded cologne. “No, no, no, don’t hide from me. Lemme see that pretty face, baby.” He grasped a handful of your hair, yanking just hard enough to make you yelp as you looked up at him. 
“Fuck, Eddie, you’re gonna make me come,” You confessed meekly. Although you had come with a few other guys before, you’d always assisted them pretty heavily in getting you there. But Eddie? He was effortlessly reducing you to a quivering mess under him. You’d always been intrigued by him from a distance, but his demeanor had you aching for him the second you were alone with him. Now, he was giving you the greatest orgasm you’d ever had. You were starting to think the rest of Hawkins was right when they called him a freak.
“Does it feel good, sweetheart?” He crooned, sounding mockingly doting. “I bet it does. ‘S not too much, is it? You can take it, right?”
Your words were coming out faster than you could form them as you nodded frantically. “Yes, yes, please keep going, I can take it! Please, please don’t stop!”
His lips brushed yours, “Shhh, I’m not gonna stop. It’s okay, I wanna feel you come for me.”
The way you held each other was far too intimate for what the situation was. Your legs were hitched around his hips, one arm around his neck while the opposite hand pressed between his shoulder blades. The fingers previously rubbing your clit were now firmly gripping your ass, letting him grind into you, filling you to the brim. That patch of hair above his cock kept up the friction on your clit in the most perfectly overstimulating way. Your moans were already constant and incoherent as it was, but when he pressed down on your lower stomach you let out a full-blown sob of pleasure. “I know, honey, just let it go. You can do it.”
With his arms tight around you, your body arched into his and you let out a breathless cry of his name. Once again, you looked up at him with an amazement that he couldn’t understand; but, fuck, if it didn’t make him feel like he was on top of the world. You looked at him in a way that nobody else ever really had before, and maybe his imagination was over-embellishing it but he didn’t care, he was already filling the condom. It was his turn to bury his face in your shoulder as he groaned and slowly ground into you until he was too overstimulated to continue– not that that took long considering it was already his second time coming.
You both laid there for a moment, Eddie panting into your shoulder while you coiled one of his curls around your finger. When he slowly pulled out, you whimpered quietly and squeezed your legs together to fight the empty sensation. He had to fight back a laugh when he tied off the condom and threw it away in Steve’s trashcan. You watched him tug on his boxers before sitting beside you, apprehensively running his hand down your bare back. He wasn’t sure how far he was allowed to take this; he’d had one-night-stands before, but those hadn’t felt like this. He couldn’t just leave you there alone though.
His fears were assuaged when you curled into his lap, nuzzling your head against his thigh with a satisfied-sounding sigh. Still, he soothed his thumb across your cheek, looking down at you. “You doin’ okay, sweetheart?”
“Mmhm,” You smiled, sitting up to settle yourself completely in his lap. Your arms draped loosely around his shoulders as you leaned into his chest, “‘M really good, Eddie.” He just took you in for a moment: the blissed out look on your face, your ruined makeup, the hickeys lining your neck, the mess still between your legs. Abruptly, you groaned, making his gaze move back to your face in concern. “I don’t wanna put my dress back on,” You complained.
“Well, unless you plan on sticking around to see Steve’s reaction to the stain you left on his bed–” He teased, “We should probably get dressed and get outta here.”
“Right, uh- one of us can leave a few minutes before the other if you want, I didn’t know if you were worried people might–”
“I want you to take me home, Eddie,” You interrupted with a pout as you fiddled with his necklace. 
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Daddy's Perfect Toy
Bo Sinclair x Female Reader
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This is the nastiest thing I have ever written. and I blame it all on @visceravalentines and @ventiswampwater and both their Bo fics.
This is the first time I have ever written something like this where he isn't your husband he's just holding you captive. My Bo fics are normally soft and comforting but not today. No we're gonna fuck shit up or more like Bo's gonna fuck you up. Now I've only written smut a couple of times so just keep that in mind while reading this.
I'm 5ft and I'm using it in this fic. It does have a tiny tiny bit of softness just cause I can't help it. Reader is on their period during this cause I'm also suffering through it.
Warnings: smut, noncon it's gotten to a point where you kinda sorta like it but not really, bondage, forced orgasms, he is filming the entire thing, taking photos, daddy kink, choking, marking, biting, blood play, creampie, throat fucking, shoves his fingers/thumb in your mouth, dirty talk, degradation, praise, size difference, objectification, overstimulation, dacryphilia, cockwarming, breeding kink, a lot of licking, cunnilingus.
Please let me know if I've missed something.
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You woke up sometime in the afternoon with the worst stomach ache you've had in a while. You are sitting with your back against the bed's headrest. Your head falls down as if it's too heavy for your neck to hold up. Your bottom half is completely bare as it would 'restrict access' to have anything on, a certain man would say. The only item of clothing you are wearing is an old shirt that has a few holes in it. You're assuming it's Bo's. Slowly opening your eyes you see a red stain on the bed sheet in between your crossed legs. Your sleepy brain takes a couple minutes to realise that the stain is blood from your period. Your eyes widen as your head shoots up. You begin to panic because you know Bo won't be very happy that you've stained his sheets. You can't move to hide the stain because your arms are bound to the bars on the bed's headrest. Although you know trying to hide it would just piss him off even more.
You have been sitting here for hours. You try to think of what's going to happen next. You're not quite sure what his game is anymore. He told you you deserve a reward for being such a good girl that you went from being tied to a chair in his basement to being tied to his bed in his house. You're not quite sure how long it's been. You wish you knew what was going to happen.
Things were different in the basement. True it was a lot more uncomfortable being tied to that chair but at least you knew the routine. Food, shower then fun time as your captive would call it. You both have very different ideas on what fun is though. The shower however in the basement it consisted of baby wipes. In the house you get to have an actual shower yes but only with him either watching or joining. That little voice in your head that sounded a lot like him reminded you that you hadn't earned privacy yet.
You turn your head to look out the window, noticing it was starting to get dark. It was around this time that Bo would bring you some food down into the basement. Except you had already eaten today. You had a burger and fries that Bo made. He has been giving you actual food since you've moved into his bedroom. You'd never admit this but he is a pretty damn good cook. It's definitely a couple steps up from the microwave meals you were being fed in the basement.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the glow of headlights and the sound of Bo's truck. Sitting up straighter after hearing the door slam shut. You feel yourself smile hearing his loud footsteps. You can't believe you're even a little excited to see him, you feel sick. You straighten out your legs to try and hide the blood even for a little bit. Putting a smile back on your face before the door opens. Bo walks in holding a glass of water, shutting the door behind him.
"Hey baby girl, got ya a drink." he brought the glass to your lips so you could have a drink. Placing the now empty glass on the bedside table. Bo sat by your leg on the edge on the bed facing you. He slowly puts his hand on your knee. You flinch slightly hoping he doesn't notice, if he did he didn't comment. Tracing circles with his thumb, he sighs then looks at you "ya know I've had a pretty shitty day ta day. Hoping you might help me with that"
Before you had a chance to reply, not that he would listen to you anyway he would do what he wanted regardless. You see him setting up a camera. He makes his way back over to you after the light turns green.
He began by softly holding your chin and running his thumb across your bottom lip before pushing it through your lips into your mouth. You knew exactly what he wanted as you began to suck. Bo smirked, immediately moving to attach his mouth to that sensitive spot behind your ear. You were trying not to make any noise. He removes both his hand and his mouth from you before going to undo his belt and tugging his jeans and boxers off.
Kneeling over you so his crotch is right in front of your face. Grabbing his dick he pumps it a few times before lightly tapping the tip against your lips. You reluctantly open your mouth as he presses himself all the way in. Trying desperately hard not to gag because you know he would enjoy it too much and you weren't going to give him the satisfaction. You could already feel tears starting to form in your eyes, your hands gripping the bars. You can feel him lay heavy on your tongue, trying to breathe through your nose. He grabs your head with both hands pulling out slowly and without any warnings rammed it back into your throat. Causing you to choke and gag. You go to try to push him off so you can get some air but your arms are still tied to the bars on the headrest. Bo chuckles darkly as he is full on fucking your throat. Everything, every part of your body feels like it's on fire, you can't help but start crying. Bo looks down on you and a low growl escapes from the back of his throat. "Goddamn princess, you look fuckin gorgeous when ya cry like that!" He grabs his polaroid camera taking a picture of your tear stained face and cock stuffed mouth. Giving the picture a shake then places the camera and the photo back down.
Bo thrusts a couple more times then rips himself out of you before he has the chance to cum. You take in several deep breaths but they are each painful. Your lungs are burning and your throat is hella sore. Bo leans down and starts licking strips up both your cheeks. He then grabs both your thighs and pulls them apart. He sees the blood stain on the sheets, you think he is about to get mad but his eyes darken in a very lustful way. Looking back up at you with a kinda half smile "don't worry bout it darlin' I'll change it afta we done" he winks and spreads your legs even wider. "This is such a pretty pussy, and it's all mine." He dives right in devouring your cunt hands gripping your thighs. You're trying not to make any noise but with his tongue hitting all the right places in your already sensitive cunt it's becoming really hard not too. He growls into your pussy sending vibrations right into your core when he feels your walls clench around his tongue. Moaning, you try to arch your back but it's difficult in the way you're sitting. Releasing one hand from your thigh, he glides a finger through your folds and then another and then another.
You are so so close "b Bo, ohhh 'm c close" you feel him growl again. Sucking and swirling his tongue like it's his last meal on earth. You wish you could grab hold of his hair as you cum hard in his mouth. He had swallowed your juices yet kept going at it. You feel your eyes tear up again as you try to unsuccessfully wiggle your away from his touch. He has an iron grip on your thighs that will no doubt leave a mark. You try tugging your arms against their restraints to push him away.
"Bo, p please" your over sensitive walls clench as his continues to fuck you with his tongue. After your second orgasm hits. Bo's eyes look up at you as he licks straight up your folds. The way the blood is smeared around his face mixed with some of your juices that has dripped down his chin makes him look absolutely gorgeously feral. Bo straightens up to capture your mouth with his. He loves that you kiss him back. You're breathless as you break away.
"You taste fuckin' amazing baby doll, daddy just can't get enough." He has a smug smile as he uses two fingers to scoop up your folds wiping them on your face not forgetting to smear some on your lips. He shoves his fingers in your mouth to suck the rest off before going to untie your arms. Bo takes off his shirt then yours then guides you to lie down. Lines himself at your entrance before gliding in. Kissing your forehead, giving you a little time to adjust.
"Yer so tiny baby, daddy's cock is all up there" he pokes the bump in your belly where he is buried. He pulls out watching the bump go down then rise as he enters you again. Bo does that a couple more times before his pace speeds up. Your brain feels completely fuzzy. You're not even sure if you can produce words at this point. He lifts your legs up into a mating press. Your back arches as you let out an almost pornographic moan. Your nails are clawing at his back as he sucks marks on your neck and chest.
"Ya really are fuckin' made for me princess" Bo groans "my perfect little whore" his hand wraps around your throat squeezing just enough to make it a little uncomfortable. "Who do ya belong to baby? Who does this pussy belong to?"
"Y you Bo"
His hand squeezed a little bit more "who?"
"Daddy it it belongs to you, I b belong to you d daddy"
"Good slut"
Bo loosens his grip on your throat but keeps his hand there as he thrusts into you harder. Your mouth falls open but you don't hear any sound come out. Your nails dig deeper into his back. If he's leaving marks on you, you're gonna mark him too.
Bo feels your wall clench around his cock. He knows you're close. You try saying your close but all that comes out are whimpers and moans. "What d'ya need sweetheart? I can't understand yer whimpering"
"Wanna cum"
"Ya wanna cum?"
You nod
"O on your cock"
Bo looks at you with a smirk like the big bad wolf. "The little cockslut wants to cum on my cock uh. Who would have guessed that?" "Well you have been very good lately so go ahead, cum for me" "m gonna fill you up for being such a perfect toy for daddy to play with. You deserve it princess" Bo sinks his teeth into the part where your shoulder meets your neck drawing blood, leaving another mark. He fucks you through your orgasm and cums deep inside of you.
Stays still for a few minutes before Bo puts his hand under your back and rolls you onto your side with him still buried in your warm cunt. He wraps his arms around you and you can't help but snuggle into his neck very thankful for the comfort and being too fucked out to care.
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Tag List: @sketchy-rosewitch @rottent33th @phantomcat394 @lanamiller comment or send an ask if you want to be added or removed.
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somethingblu3 · 4 months
Richard Headcannon's (Later)
I have a few headcannons now because I rewatched later, and now I'm obsessed with it, and I came up with some following @astarions-bride post.
I'm sure I have a bunch more, but these are all the ones my tired brain can think of. I'll add some more smutty ones at a later date, maybe for Febuwhump?
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You two always go shopping together. It's always a fun date night. Richard always knows what fits your body best and what suits your figure. Of course, he would be really into the color analysis. - He would also be involved in the actual 'dressing up' not just for going out but for work, especially because he wants you to make a good first impression. Helping apply make-up, choosing different heels/perfumes for you to wear for different occasions.
He loves taking videos/photos of you, especially when you aren't looking. He has entire folders saved of the same photos but in different poses. Maybe he enjoys scrapbooking. Of course, he loves dirty photos/videos as well. Lights up when you're bored at work and escape to the bathroom to send him a quick selfie, teasing him about what's to come later. He almost wants to share it and show you off, but he holds himself back.
When you get back from work, he always attacks you with kisses. Sometimes, you don't even make it to the bedroom and end up on the couch, which means you have to get creative with positions. He loves it when you arrive home all sweaty and tired because that means you can have showers and head straight to bed.
He loves showers and baths. There's so much closeness between your bodies. He loves cleaning your hair while you tell him about work woes and gossip. Trivial things. You debate on dinner but end up settling on takeout. Of course, make-out a sesh when waiting for delivery.
Then he feels jealous when the delivery guy comes to the door. He can feel them watching your body either in a towel or see-through pjs, usually a night dress one he picked for you. And then, when cuddling on the couch, he's really possessive and doesn't give you any room to breathe. He has to mark you - with anything he possibly can anywhere with bite marks and scratches. The neck is the most obvious place, but then the shoulders and your waist, anything that can show through clothes even though you mostly wear suits at work.
Of course, he takes your clothes from the day and saves them in a pile like he's nesting. It's a comfort thing - from his last relationship (we all know how that ended), he craves constant touch, so when you're away, your clothes are the closest thing to him. Sometimes, he likes to lie and spread your clothes on his chest, especially dresses, and feel them like you are there, sometimes not even in a sexual way.
He loves having photoshoots with you. Something you do in your rare down days. Outfits don't even have to be sexy, but often they're short. - And speaking of shorts, he loves those too. Just the expose of your leg/thigh drives him wild; he can't hold himself back. He always grabs your ass, especially when you pull him in for a kiss.
He always tells you that you should be a model, but you never take him seriously. He loves watching you while you sleep, especially post-orgasm. It always starts with innocence. At first, he traces your face - your cheeks and then, of course, he goes lower, and before you know it, he's fucking you mid-sleep, and he can't help himself. Sometimes, he slides a condom on, but of course, he's too tired and doesn't want to wake you. When you miss your period, he's a worried mess. He's never told you about what he does, although you always go into detail about your 'weird sex dreams' - you're both very open to each other about sexual stuff.
It doesn't take you long to realize he's a panty thief, so you end up giving Richard his favorite items, the ones you know he loves. You both love trying new things. At first, he was ashamed of using toys with you, but then it didn't really matter to him. All he cares about is your pleasure. He loves researching new positions and getting into kinky stuff; he's very nerdy about it. Aftercare is a hit or miss with him only when he's in the mood, but no matter what, there's always cuddling in the end because of how much he craves your touch.
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sleebyfrogs · 1 year
The shirt for my historically accurate Toy Soldier cosplay is done!!!!!
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[Image: two photos, both taken in a mirror, of a young, transmasc person in their bedroom, wearing a reconstructed, white Victorian dress shirt. It has a shield-shaped bib area and a tab below the placket, with a detachable rounded collar and cuffs. The front placket and collar have a narrow black edge, and everything is fastened together with pearlescent shirt studs and cuff links. In the first image their face is blurred out, with comically simple eyes and a moustache doodled on top. In the second it is obscured by the body of a mandolin, held by its neck in one hand. Their short, dark hair is visible under an antique black-and-red military cap. End ID.]
(*almost historically accurate, and almost done)
After all this time!!!!! I started in September(?) and it’s now May but a lot of that was just putting off starting the twenty eight hand-done gimped and tailored buttonholes this ended up requiring because I can’t do anything by halves
If you’re wondering, I used this pattern, which worked wonderfully for me (special thanks to this tutorial too for demonstrating some of the more difficult parts), but I spent a long time trying to alter it to fit me, and to fit flatteringly, as I have never made a garment this complex before and I do not have the body an average men’s pattern expects. I had to do a lot of things multiple times over, but I’m really glad I did, because it’s definitely the most effort I’ve ever put into anything like this, and the finest sewing work I’ve ever done. I feel very dapper and handsome.
I did machine-stitch most of it because I knew, knowing me, that I could either end up with an ahistorically-sewn shirt or no shirt at all as I would procrastinate sewing all of that by hand just. Forever. I did hand-stitch a lot of it though, mostly the felled seams and fiddly collar bits. And the buttonholes. God so many buttonholes. The black edge is bias tape that I folded in half and ladder-stitched to itself through the shirt/collar fabric. (Also the horizontal seam you can see near the bottom in the lower picture exists solely because I didn’t have the fabric to cut the front out in one, and that part gets tucked into the pants anyway. Piecing is period.)
I’m still working on combining my various incomplete bits of antique cuff link and stud sets in the least-mismatched way, and the shirt itself is definitely not perfect (and there are still some minor adjustments I want to make), but all this to say I’m delighted with my work and excited to move onto the next item, which will probably be either the trousers or waistcoat, and I intend on documenting those too! I learnt so much from this experience and one day I’ll likely make another shirt much like it.
(Also, I’m happy to answer any questions about it!!! I know I could have used footsteps to follow in when I started this project)
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hellfireslut · 2 years
Unwind and Relax - part 3
paring : eddie munson x bimbo!fem!oc
word count : 1.6k
part 1 , part 2
warnings : mentions of sex, mention of virginity, bit of angst mostly fluffy though, she/her pronouns used!
summary : Stephanie and Eddie have a heartfelt conversation about moving their relationship forward.
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Eddie pushed open the door to Stephanie’s bedroom and was greeted by a barbie dreamhouse. Walls filled with baby pink and off white stripes that danced across the walls of her room. The scent of vanilla cupcake and fresh linens swarmed his nostrils. A bed full of plushies and stuffed bears coated her comforter. His eyes danced across the bedroom admiring how her room translated so well to her personality.
“Wow, it’s very um… pink.”
He said surprised. Eddie had imagined the typical girly and ditzy room of Stephanie’s before, he didn’t expect his hypothesis to be correct.
“Well of course, you know pink’s my favorite color.”
She giggled walking toward her vanity. She flicked the light switch of the mirror up, lighting up the once dim mirror. Eddie walked around her room, admiring the trinkets and photos across her dresser. He picked up one of the roses that swam in the eggshell white vase.
“ ‘This one of the roses I got you for our first date? Glad to see they’re still alive.”
“Oh yeah! I just love them, they’re kinda starting to welt though. More of a reason for you to get me more.” She said turning towards him, smiling as a rouge grew across her cheeks.
Stephanie got lost in his stature as he picked up the other dresser items, fiddling around with them as the metal of his rings clanged against the objects. He was so different from her. Dark and rough. A leather jacket with pins of band memorabilia. A black and white handkerchief that flowed out the back of his right jean pocket. To others- their looks, and personalities clashed. But to Stephanie she admired how though they didn’t seem like the ideal pair, they were perfect for each other.
Stephanie opened the door of the white, sparkled vanity pulling out a box of makeup removing wipes. Pulling out a single wipe from the package she began to remove the mascara, lipgloss, and other cosmetics from her face. She looked up in the mirror as she watched Eddie make his way to her bed. Sitting down, he moved the stuffed animals out of the way putting them near the headboard. He admired her natural beauty as took off her makeup. “God, she’s beautiful.” he said to himself. Her eyes glowed as she noticed Eddie’s brown eyes meet hers through the vanity mirror, in love with what he was seeing.
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to go wash off my face. Oh and, while you’re sitting, could you tuck in my plushies?” Her eyelashes fluttering softly as her eyes softened at the thought of Eddie and her stuffed animals.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
Eddie stood up leaning over the satin comforter lifting it up from underneath the baby pink pillows. Stephanie walked in her personal bathroom across the hall as the butterflies in her abdomen awakened. “Sweetheart.” she thought. She loved the pet names he called her. The way they were genuine as they fell from his soft and plush lips. Reaching for the sink she began to run a lukewarm stream of water from the faucet. As Stephanie was splashing water across her face, Eddie finished tucking in her toys. He smiled to himself as he walked over to her vanity, taking a seat in her quilted chair. Playing with all the cosmetics and knickknacks on her dresser waiting for her to finish in the bathroom.
Stephanie walked back through the doorway of her bedroom. She softly patted her face dry with the pink towel in her hands.
“Tada, all done. They’re nice and snug for you.”
“Aww, thank you Eds.” She walked over to him giggling, as she hugged him tightly from the vanity chair.
Stephanie stood in front of him gazing at him. Though he looked out of place in such a bright barbie pink room, she felt as if it belonged to him as well. She stared down at his anxiously waiting for him to get up from her seat, not wanting to ask him thinking it would be rude.
“You should sit, finish taking off your makeup.”
“Uh- on your um… lap?”
“Yeah sure, why not. I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it’d be nice to sit with you while you do your thing ‘ya know?”
“Oh I- it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just we’ve uh, never done that before.”
He could tell she was nervous. Stephanie was always awkward with things like this. The pair had only kissed twice. She was shy when it came to his love language. Physical touch, words of affirmation, all of it. It was all new to her. She began to chip at the soft pink nail polish that covered her nails. In an effort to remove her anxiety she walked towards his lap. Hovering in front of him, he leaned back spreading his thighs slightly. She sat down on his lap, letting out an aspirated sigh. Eddie leaned over the side of her left right shoulder looking at the picture of them in the mirror. His hands slowly snaked around her waist.
“You look beautiful, doll.” He placed a kiss on the crook of her neck.
Stephanie softly chuckled at the pet name, reaching for a cotton round. Moving around on his lap searching for items to use for her nightly routine. The squirming around of his lap made something arise in Eddie’s jeans. He began to grow hard as she naively shimmied around on his groin. Using his hands that were around her waist, he pulled her to a halt in her movement. Stephanie moved around on his lap to get a look at his face. Slightly perplexed she asked,
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, uh” he sighed softly looking at her lips as he bit down on his own bottom lip. “You’re just moving a lot that’s all.”
Stephanie’s innocence got the best of her most of the time. Her lack of sexual experience and physical experience with men put in her a spot of misunderstanding.
“Oh well, I’ll try my hardest not to squirm.”
“Alright then.” Eddie began to slowly slither his hand down the ruffles at the seem of her silk pajama shorts.
Stephanie’s eyes grew wide at the cold sensation of his ring clad hand, unintentionally swatting his hands away. Eddie took this as a sign of discomfort as he turned to look at her.
“I’m sorry, was that too much. I know how you aren’t into all the touching.”
“It’s not that I’m not into it,” her bottom lip pouting out towards him. “It’s just that, this is all new to me, Eds.”
Eddie lifted her up off his lap carrying her towards her bed. She yelled at the sudden jolt giggling all bubbly and bright for such a late evening. He softly placed her onto her bed. He walked to the other side of the bed as he began to get on top of it, laying down beside her. Stephanie flipped over to her side, her head resting in her hand as she looked at him with large doe eyes cocking her head in confusion.
“Babe, how about we do this. Let me kiss you. If I go too far, or you’re not ready, just tap me and I’ll stop right away.” He looked at her with genuine love in his eyes.
She nodded her head slowly, agreeing to his proposal. She loved how he was so willing and open to her innocence and ill experience of physical touch. How he agreed to take it slow and not freak her out. It’s she didn’t want to be intimate with Eddie, she was simply saving her self for that special moment. Her innocence also came with her ditzyness. Stephanie was a bit of an airhead and everyone knew it. Always asking, “What’s that?” or “Huh?”. But what she admired most was how, despite her naive manor, Eddie never took advantage of it.
Eddie’s hand slowly cupped the side of her face, kissing softly at her pink lips.
“Strawberry? I like it.” The pair giggled in between the kisses. He slowly peppered kisses down her neck as she softly moaned out his name without realizing so. His hand trailed up her shirt stopping just before her breasts. She nodded her head, signaling the “okay” for him to continue. Softly gripping at the material of her cotton bra he slowly to kiss down her neck. She lifted her shirt off throwing it over her stuffed animals to shield their eyes from the steamy scene. Eddie softly giggled at the action.
“I’m glad you’re letting me do this.” he said pulling from her lips. He grabbed her hand slowly rubbing his thumb across the top of her knuckles. Stephanie pulled him back in, continuing the moment. Eddie’s hands reached behind her back as they continued to kiss. He began fiddling with the clasps of her bra. Stephanie’s eyes opened widely as she tapped him on his arm repeatedly. His hands pulled away from her back as he pulled away from her face as well.
“Too far?” He asked staring at her. That loving look was back in his eyes. Never did he want to push her before she was ready.
“Yeah I’m sorry, I just didn’t want it to get that far. I’m not ready yet and this is the farthest we’ve gotten though!” She giggled bubbly.
“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care how long we wait okay? I’m not going anywhere.” Stephanie stared into the glowing brown orbs of his as she was lost in his love.
She pulled him back into her lips as they crashed together. “I’m not going anywhere.”. His words replayed in her mind as they continued to kiss. Forever mine, Eddie Munson.
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ninepentz · 10 months
Update at the bottom
Angus cloud passes away July 31st, 2023.
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Unfortunately and unexpectedly, we have found out that this man was unresponsive at around 11:30 am today from a possible overdose. It was just a week after his father had also passed. There are reports that he had been struggling with mental health and suicidal thoughts recently.
I'm curious what happened and what astrological events could have triggered this, so let's take a look at his natal + day of chart. Hopefully it can give us some more insight into what exactly was going on with angus leading up to his death. I wasn't a huge fan or anything but for some reason this tragic event interested me and so here I am following my instincts. I didn't even know anything like this was going on with him so tbh I was shocked to hear about this.. enough about that though let's get into this reading.
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First chart is Angus clouds and the chart below that is the day of death chart. For the 2nd photo, in the 'list of aspects section' we have todays transits this side👈 Angus natal this side👉.
We don't have a time of birth for Angus so we will ignore whatever is aspecting his MC, NN, Asc. This also makes this chart reading a little less specific since I have limited information. But we will do what we can.
Sun transit opposing Angus natal moon, uranus, neptune:
This tells me that he was feeling somewhat exposed, uncomfortable, reminded of something from his past with the sun opposing the moon. Every time I have a transit from sun-moon it is rough, I must say. It's like you feel embarrassed, ashamed, too visible.. it's as if someone tore down your home and all that was left is you standing their in what used to be your privacy/safe space. Your ego is somewhat hit with this sun transit and the moon is our deep inner, habitual self.
It could be also straight forward and be describing his relationship with his father (sun) and the memories that it's bringing up (moon), since his father passed.
His natal uranus is transiting into the 5th house, to me the 5th house represents our childhood, who we were as children, our inner child/creativity, what we do for fun and much more than that which you can look up in the link below.
But this could explain that angus fathers death really shocked him and came out of no where. This could explain that an unexpected shift of events caused him to go back to his past, childhood, the family and their pasts. At the time of his death he had been staying at his childhood home trying to recover from his dad's passing so, you can probably imagine all the memories that come with being back where you 1st started in your old neighborhood, your old bedroom, every item that was left over from your past. Such as, old toys, old personal items/notebooks/clothing/treasured things, his father's belongings and what he left behind in this world. You start to see the world very differently when someone you were really close too, who you have so many memories with, who you hugged, loved, and spoke to all of a sudden is just gone forever. Thankfully I don't know that feeling yet but just imagining it is brutal. So that's what I think the 5th house could be relating to in this situation. It was an event that causes him to think/face something unexpected from his past.
Sun opposite neptune, he was struggling bad with this transit to the point where he was unable to see things clearly. He may have been doing a lot of drugs to cope with this, addictions, confusion, lack of boundaries, blurred lines bubbling up. This transit in general would describe someone who's confused or unclear about their own identity. As if they don't fully understand who they are as a person or that they even exsist sometimes. They don't have a strong sense of self, just lost and kinda isolated. Maybe his dad was a strong figure in his life who provided him some kind of stability and was a grounding presence in his life.. so this situation made him feel as if he lost that. Also I think that this transit could describe someone being unaware of their ego self, so maybe angus was being a bit reckless and making bad decisions.. he wasn't in his right mind and if he was in a better space he wouldn't have wanted this outcome. It was as if his triggers were coming out and he couldn't control them, something triggered him to do drugs, something triggered him to regress back to an unhealthy version of himself.
I didn't find any information about his father's cause of death but will update when I do
Chiron transit square natal sun:
I think maybe he had been feeling like he wasn't doing enough to put himself our there and fulfill his potential. He was ambitious but for some reason something was getting in the way, making him feel weak, discouraged, sad.
Natal saturn transiting into the 8th house:
This tells me his process of death may have been slow and over time..he may have also became intoxicated to the point of paralysis in a way. It's like his body just stopped, he couldn't move his arms, legs, nothing, as if he was trapped in his own body. I'm curious what he overdosed on but we will have to wait until the autopsy results come back if they ever do.
Natal pluto transitting into the 3rd house:
This one is big on being known for a period of time when ones siblings could potentially pass away.
Everyone was saying how deeply he was impacted by his father's passing and their astrology is definitely showing that too.
Transit moon opposing Angus natal sun:
Like my other interpretation of sun opp moon above, this aspect will have the same meaning. I feel like he didn't want to be reminded of his past. Maybe he was feeling hostile with his other family members or it's possible that he had some kind of guilt of something to do with his family. I wonder if tensions were high around the home. I'm getting the sense that it was also something more than just his father's passing that was causing him pain.
So I went to his IG to find out a little more info about him bc honestly I know nothing. Well I found this video he posted on his page, in the link below and it's a song by someone speaking about the people they lost in their life and how they said and did things to them that made them feel selfish and regretful. If you listen to the song it'll explain it better but that was just the gist of it.
That's crazy to me.. he def felt that way about his own dad, it was posted the same day he made another IG post dedicated to him saying "miss u breh"
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North node transit square natal moon:
You know what's interesting to me is the moon in astrology is deeper than just our emotions and comfort zone. It is our habits that we have learned from childhood, it's how we were raised, it shows who someone is at their core. Their habits, their manners, their reactions, the way they show up in the world and interact with others. Heavily moon dominant people will have very distinct personalities and it's a similar thing with venus too just in different ways
What I'm getting from this aspect is that angus probably felt a little alienated in a way, from what I know, seen and heard of about his character was that he always spoke his mind no matter how blunt it was. I remember a video going around of the time euphoria was really popular and I guess fans were going crazy about him and he just told them they shouldn't be so invested in celebrities and focus on their own life. I couldnt find the video, but it was something like that, and my 1st impression was that he was a little rude/judgy for that but nothing too crazy. I guess based on his personality maybe he felt too real for the world, like he didn't put on a front like everyone else does in his industry especially.
It would he easy to feel like an outsider around people like that. The moon is our roots and the opposite from that would be saturn which is who we are when we refine ourselves and become more responsible and mature. Maybe he felt that he was unrefined and not responsible, he just didn't have that same "home" training that it seemed like his peers had. He was different forsure, I was watching some interviews of his, like on the red carpet and the way he spoke to the people interviewing him was just wow, a very unfiltered person he was. I say all this just to emphasize the way that he felt so different from others, moon-NN would be that the moon person feels too raw for the world, too honest to be relatable to everyone else. To fit in you would have to stay on top of every trend and try to be someone others can familiarize themselves with, if you don't do that you are somewhat of an outcast. Maybe he felt this way, he was just too far gone to fix his reputation.
Another thing that happens at his age is we start to become more conscious and mentally developed..personally I know that after 25-26 I was realizing my place in the world, how my actions affected others. Bc before that age you are just a reckless/thoughtless/impulsive teen in a way with an under developed frontal lobe. Hope that makes sense. I can definitely see that reality hitting him.. especially when you are trying to succeed but it seems like no one relates to you and you're not as interesting as you may of once thought.
AS transit square natal sun:
Maybe he was unhappy with the impression people had of him, someone was saying that his character in euphoria is not far from who he actually is irl. So maybe he was feeling too exposed with the sun here and he was kind of a private person who didn't want people to know his personal things.
Neptune conjunct his natal jupiter:
I feel like he was definitely mixing different drugs up with this aspect. Neptune-jupiter aspects are messy, too much going on at once bc both of those planets are about expansion/versatility in different ways. Neptune would be drugs, addictions, confusion, jupiter would be magnifying all those qualities and causing someone to overdo those things. This is common aspect for infections too imo or even foreign substances in however that applies.
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Above are the house transits at the time he was reported unresponsive, 11:30am.
Jupiter conjunct uranus in the 8th:
Whatever it was he was doing caused a shock to his system, like a foreign substance or maybe just an overload of it caused his body to do things that didn't make sense. I wish I knew what kind of drugs he was taking but at this time all I know is that he may have overdosed on prescription drugs.
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I was curious what could happen to our bodies if we take things like fentanyl and meth at the same time so here's an article I found if you're curious too. Apparently one of them is an upper (high energy drug) while the other is a downer (calming drug) and people often mix uppers with downers to achieve the perfect high. It can send the body mixed signals/confuse the brain, leading to overdose.
So most of this post was written before we had a confirmed cause of death, but as I'm reading it all, it's pretty accurate. Crazy, I had this post hidden bc I was unsure of my own interpretations, and I was feeling a bit unfocused. But thankfully now we have closure on this unfortunate situation.
For now this is what I have and as always, expect to see more updates on this post when I have more information so please check back for those. Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far 🙏
NOTE TO SELF: ADD FULL 'DAY OF' TRANSITS/HOUSES. Need to know what houses everything was in at the time of death to get a fuller picture.
RIP ANGUS CLOUD. You are now in a better place away from all your troubles. I hope you are happy to be free of that burden..
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✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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etes-secrecy-post · 5 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: A Christmas gifts for my OC friends 2023
Ho! Ho! Ho! Its the wonderful time of the year! 😁🎄❄️You better rotate your frowny face to a cheerful smiley face! because its "Christmas Day"! And what better way than revealing my gift arts for my 'wonderful' secret friends, this Christmas? 😊🎁
IMPORTANT NOTE: No #OnThisDay throwback post, for the 2nd time.
Let's start off with:
🎁 Bryan360' OCs [1st half] 🎁: ↑
• For Maxwell, May, and Sam - a Slim Travel Monitor (per furson) from the Speedster Twins (Spot & Riya), and Cude.
Spot 🐶🏎️: We've saw these awesome portable screens during our stroll at the store. 🙂
Riya 🐰🏎️: So, hope you guys useful during gameplay, whether you're in your bedroom, or outside the house, or even going travel around. 😁
Cude 🐰🤖: Yeah! Ultra portable, slick design, and easy to carry than a bulky monitor. 😉
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🎁 Bryan360's OCs [2nd half] 🎁: ↑
• For Windy - an Insta 360 Go 3 Starter Set from Rita Speedster. • (and) For Scottie - a premium replica of 5-Banana Coin from Bonn Speedster.
Rita 🐶🚺: And for Windy, you need something to go cam than just an ordinary smartphone! 😃 I mean, have you already seen a maliit (tiny) cam with a supreme quality pixel as your smartphone/tablet? Thus, I gifted you an awesome Insta 360 Go 3 (w/ built-in 128GB memory storage) with invisible stick as your starter set! 😁 (More info? → [CLICK ME!])Pls, ingatan (be careful) your new shiny toy, Windy. 😉
Bonn 🐰🚹: And the DK train continues with this genuine replica of '5-Banana Coin' 🍌🪙, which was featured in the game of 'Donkey Kong 64'! 🐵🎮 Its slightly heavy given that this big coin was made in solid metal, so please be gentle, bud! 🙂That's a worthy item to your DK collection! 😁
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🎁 For other OCs 🎁: ↑
Carmenramcat: • For Shadow Ramcat - a premium replica of MuruKir Shield & Sword from MuruKir and Mayu.
MuruKir 🔵⭐: The perfect legit weapons for you, Shadow Ramcat! 😃With your brand new shield and sword 🛡️🗡️ based of my shape shifting powers, this will improve your combat skill. Right, Mayu? 😁
Mayu ✨🐇: Absolutely correct, MuruKir. Not only its light weight, but it can slice everything with your new trusty sword, and your new shield to protect against any force and immune all source of magic/element powers. 😉 Plus, I'm sharing it with my teleportation powers, as well on your new sword. However, there's a caveat when using it. Unlike my staff, your sword's teleportation would only one cast before it'll charge by a single hour, so please used it responsively, Shadow Ramcat. ☝️😮 Otherwise, enjoy your new weapons, courtesy of US. 😊
rafacaz4lisam2k4: • For Sammir - a Wubbzy Fluffy Chair, plus two more plushies from the Speedster Cousins (Miya & Aace).
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Eyo, my cute cloudy bear! 😁 We've brought you three adorable soft things, that will sit and snug with your favorite memorable cartoon characters to your hearts content! 🥰🤗 And BTW, this is Aace! My big cousin! Sammir, this is Aace. Aace, this is Sammir! 😊
Aace 🐶🐺⭐: Pawllo (Hello), Sammir! It's a pweasure (pleasure) to meet ya, Sammir! 😊Enjoy your lovable Cwistmas (Christmas) gifts, from yours truly (The Speedster Twins)! Let's be fwiends (friends), ey Sammir!? So, happy holidays! 😁
(And lastly) alexander1301: • For Alex - a junior kart-size functional Hot Wheels Twin Mill from Bonn Speedster.
Bonn 🐰🚹: Hey, this one is for you, kid. Since you liked to hang out with my four Speedster kids. And I know, you're a fan of die-cast models of Hot Wheels and other brands. I myself loved collecting it, too. So, you and I had a lot in common. That's why, I made this junior kart-size functional of the iconic OG Twin Mill. 🔥🏎️🙂 Take care of it, wear seatbelts, and drive responsively, kid. You deserved it! Happy holidays. 😊
Well, that's all for now! 🎄🎁 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🥳🎆
The Rabbit Family (and Sam) - owned by @bryan360 / BryanVelasquez87 (dA) Sammir (HTF OC) - owned by rafacaz4lisam2k4 Shadow Ramcat (OC) - owned by @carmenramcat Alex (Human OC) - owned by alexander1301 | dA [CLICK ME!]
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Hello!! It's Winter. I was inspired by Strawberry's amazing shower story.
Brigitte let out a loud sigh, looking at her husband’s empty side of the bed. He wasn’t coming home until tomorrow morning and she was feeling lonely (and horny). She scrolled through the photos on her phone, looking at some of the more intimate and sexual ones her husband had sent her. 
Resting her hand on her bare breast, she moaned as she devoured the almost-naked photo of Emmanuel that she kept password-protected. The more she looked at his gorgeous body, the more she needed release. Keeping the phone in her right hand, she opened her nightstand drawer with her left. After shuffling a few items around, she found what she was looking for, praying it was fully charged and ready to go. 
Brigitte remembered the day she suggested bringing toys into their bedroom. It wasn’t that her husband was bad at sex (quite the contrary) but she believed a vibrator would only enhance the experience. Emmanuel had been supportive, agreeing to anything that would bring her more pleasure. In fact, he loved using toys on her, and now they had become a valuable part of their sexual routine. 
He set his bag down on the floor, immediately stopping when he heard a buzzing sound coming from their bedroom. 
He was looking forward to surprising her by coming home a day early, almost revealing the plan every time he spoke to her on the phone.  
Opening the door to their suite, Emmanuel followed the sound, making sure not to make any noise with his footsteps. He stopped in his tracks when he heard loud moans coming from their bedroom. He couldn’t help but blush, knowing exactly what his wife was doing. 
“You’re starting without me?” He smirked, seeing the most beautiful sight in front of him as he entered their bedroom. 
“Oh my god!” She threw the vibrator down, leaping out of bed and greeting her husband with a hundred kisses. 
“You’re home!!!!” She squealed, grinning from ear to ear, continuing to devour his soft face as she wrapped her legs around his waist. 
“Shhh… shhh,” he carried her to the bed, placing her down gently on the duvet. “I see you started without me…but I will help you finish.”
Hellooo Winter! ❤️
Oooops busted 🤭 hahaha but hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do 😏
I’m laughing at Emmanuel arriving home and listening to the sound of the vibrator tho 😂
But hey, at least this time he was not late and gets to finish the job 😏🔥
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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sosimsofmaddi · 3 days
House update!
So! There's been a lot going on in the Leikos-Geroux household. Kelley aged up recently and got a room remodel. The twins*, Brucie and Juneau, became kids and had their room redone. And we had accidental baby girls** who took over dad's art studio (and booted their aunt Roxana out of the house).
With so much change, the rest of the house got a cosmetic update as well! I haven't changed any walls and I don't plan on it! But we gave them a fresh update on their furniture and style. We started off with not as nice stuff, but now that Reese is a writer with monthly royalties and Gunnar sells painting for over 1K a piece, we could afford to get some nicer things!
*Brucie and Juneau, will usually be referred to as "the twins" because they're boy/girl and they're the first set.
**Shilow and Rio will be referred to as "the babies" or "the girls" because they're the second set of twins.
Living room/foyer update:
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I love this space! The couch, iMac, and the little elephant rocker are my absolute favorite items in this area of the house. I have that exact computer and desk chair, so that's a little inspired by my own desk set up!
I love the CC toddler/baby stuff. I love the little elephant rocker and bookshelf wagon. We also filled the place with plants, which is also inspired by my apartment.
Parents' bedroom update:
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Studio/nursery swap: (newborns and infants)
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Art studio:
The art studio space got moved upstairs and expanded because of the new babies. The second floor landing used to be a lot of clutter and another seating space, but now it's purely an art studio. I really love this space!
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Kelley's room:
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Kelley is my OG child, and I have such a soft spot for him. He and Reese started my game. She was a single mom, and it was just her and Kelley against the world. She changed her whole life to figure out how to protect her son when he started showing signs of being a werewolf (like her). Their relationship has always been really sweet, and Kelley has become the best big brother.
Within a year of moving to Moonwood Mill, Reese met and fell in love with Gunnar, a werewolf from the dangerous Wildfangs.
Soon, they were accidentally pregnant with their twins. Kelley's life changed very quickly, so I want him to feel special. Kelley has his own room, and style update was really personalized.
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(Please ignore the flower wallpaper room! It was in the middle of a remodel for Brucie and Juneau.
The twin's remodel:
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I've changed it up a little bit since these pictures, but it's basically the same! I love the little clubhouse portion of the room. I changed it by moving the easel out to their dad's art area. I put in a toy washer and a toy kitchen mixer where the easel is in this photo.
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emilyyjjean · 7 months
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Dreamsnaps Week 14 submission + ranking
Bedroom Beauty
"Don't sleep on this DreamSnaps theme -- show the community your most beautiful and elegant bedroom!"
I had actually built this bedroom a while ago, shortly after I unlocked most of the night thorns decor items from leveling up my character. I then used it for a [Spoiler] quest, and now I've used it for Dreamsnaps! I did tweak a few things though in the room when I was getting it ready for my Dreamsnaps photo. I spruced up the reading nook in the far left hand corner, and I of course had to hide the Toy Story Aliens in the picture as well. I'm pretty surprised with my ranking on this one; I honestly didn't know how it would go since I wasn't quite sure if people would say it was elegant.
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Julia Fox Is a Mom of a 2-Year-Old, and Her Apartment Proves It
Julia Fox believes in "maximum transparency." So despite her fear of being roasted in the comments, she decided to do a tour of her messy, kid-centric apartment on her TikTok. As a mom to 2-year-old Valentino, Fox wanted to normalize her space in all its chaotic glory - something she hopes most parents can relate to. "Maybe someone can watch this and think, 'OK, so maybe I'm not doing so bad,'" she says in the video. Fox starts the tour in her "bedroom," which is actually the apartment's living room. "I put my bed in the living room so I could turn my bedroom into a little playroom for Valentino," she says while sweeping the camera over the toys on the floor and a random clothing rack she says she "really [needs] to get rid of." (#Relatable.) She then shows off her "nostalgia mirror" that's decorated with photos of Valentino as a newborn next to mementos of loved ones who have passed. The mirror hangs over her "grow station" (two small pots filled with soil). Despite being labeled with small signs for "mint" and "basil," she confirms that "nothing is growing because we don't know what we're doing." From there, Fox takes us down a long hallway, passing a variety of items needed to transport her toddler around NYC, including a tricycle, strollers, and an array of little shoes. She makes sure to point out Valentino's daycare schedule, written in marker on a whiteboard near the front door. Then there's a quick stop to peek at her "little" bathroom with leftover toys in the tub. "It's very tiny, but it does what it's supposed to do," she says. Entering the kitchen, we see Valentino's adorable mini kitchen facing the real deal. The countertops are covered with gadgets like a brand-new cotton-candy maker and various shoe boxes. She adds a disclaimer for viewers, "Don't judge me! I know it's really messy," though all we can think about is the luxury of access to fresh cotton candy. But the crown jewel of the 31-year-old's apartment is her son's bedroom. "I put the most effort into this room," she says, showing off the lofted bed and built-in bookshelves. "I really wanted him to have a cute room." However, Fox admits he doesn't spend any of his time there. "He only wants to be in Mama's room," she says. "He sleeps in bed with me. Yeah, we're cosleepers, sue me. I don't care." This isn't the first time Fox has shared her honest experience of motherhood. In September 2022, she opened up about the rude awakening that came with postpartum depression. "I think it's just such a reality check when you finally have a kid and you're like, 'Holy f*ck, this has just drastically made my entire life worse," she shared on TikTok. "This is not at all the fairy tale that I was f*cking promised. But how do we say that out loud?" While Fox clearly loves her son, she acknowledges the importance of maintaining transparency among parents. @juliafox Come with me on a very underwhelming apartment tour! also to clarify I have only ONE mouse and he’s cute 🥰 ♬ original sound - Julia fox Many TikTokers appreciated the authentic nature of the tour. "[You're] a mother that obviously prioritizes your child & it is a beautiful apartment," one user commented. "Love you are showing that success looks different for every person." Another replied, "Love how much of your space is dedicated to your son." And comedian Hannah Berner dubbed Fox "a relatable icon." The "Uncut Gems" star admits they have a "small mouse problem" but adds, "I appreciate that they come out at night while we're sleeping to clean up the crumbs that my son drops on the floor." She has no plans to evict the mice anytime soon. https://www.popsugar.com/family/julia-fox-shows-her-apartment-with-2-year-old-son-49071842?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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annaphoenix1994 · 2 years
Ain't Gonna Drown
"I'm bound for the broken promise land; To mend my demons and get back my upper hand."
"Ain't Gonna Drown" by Elle King
Corey's hands shook with anxiety against the steering wheel as he crossed the state line into North Dakota. Looking back at the child in the backseat of the car, he then felt guilty for the tears in her eyes and the scared look on her face. If he was really taking Michael Myers' daughter like Laurie said he was, then he knew he was dead eventually.
There was no way around it.
Sighing, he picked up his phone, dialing Laurie's number.
"Where do you want us to meet for dinner?" He asked, referring to the inconspicuous dialogue he and Laurie discussed in order to cover their tracks if their phone records ever got pulled.
She huffed on the other end, "The Allen's. I have to make a few more calls to get everyone together."
"Okay. I'm a few hours away. We won't have much time to get everything ready before the rest of us get here."
"I know."
Hanging up, he then looked back at the child in the back seat, "It's okay. I'm just taking you somewhere special."
"Am I going to see Uncle John?"
"Uh, yeah."
Ella clapped her hands, "Oh, yay! Are mommy and daddy coming too?"
"Sort of..."
After filing the missing persons report with the local police department, Michael stayed close to Mia's side. Almost too close as he wanted to be there to comfort her with every tear she shed. He couldn't help but blame himself for what happened, even though nobody expects to have your entire world taken in the comfort and safety of your own home.
Entering Ella's bedroom with a glass of water, Michael frowned at the sight before him: Mia going through Ella's clothes and favorite belongings.
The tears hadn't stopped rolling from her eyes since she had realized Ella had been kidnapped. Neither had Michael's — however his tears had dried and the only thing left on his face of sadness was his frown.
He set the glass of water aside before coming up behind her, hearing her whimpers muffled by the pajama shirt of Ella's being clutched to her chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, his arms giving her something for her head to lean against. "I can't handle this, Michael. I should be out there looking for her-"
"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault-"
"Don't you dare say that. It's not your fault."
"I was just trying to let her do things on her own," He sighed. "She wanted to feed Peanut on her own and show me how good she had been doing. I should've gone out there with her-"
"But you did what you felt was right. You just put it next to the round pen so that all she had to do was throw it in there. Nobody would've thought she could've been taken that quick."
"I should've known that sooner or later, this mess would've been brought back up. You got taken from me and now Ella. It all boils down to one person."
"Like I said before, if it's that Laurie woman, I'll kill her myself, Michael." She stated, now grabbing Ella's backpack in search of her hairbrush to provide a hair sample for the sheriff's department.
Michael sat on Ella's bed, frowning at the sight of her favorite blanket sitting next to her pillow as he watched Mia pull out the items in Ella's backpack: her hairbrush, favorite plush animal, and her toy wallet that held a dollar bill and the photo of Ella and Michael from her birthday.
Mia shed another tear at the sight of the photo before beginning to grab the stray hairs from Ella's hairbrush, accidentally pulling the base of the brush away from the rubber bristles, revealing the AirTag that had been hidden and dropping to the bed.
Michael and Mia both shared a look, "What is that?" He asked.
She hesitated a breath, "I-I don't know?" before picking it up, looking at the white disc that was intriguing to both Mia and Michael. She gasped, flipping it over to see the Apple logo. "It's a goddamn AirTag, Michael!"
"W-What does it do?" He asked.
"It's a fucking tracker, Michael. I should've known she would've tried to pull shit like this!"
"How are you so sure she did it?"
"Because I crossed paths with her when I was in Haddonfield. At the grocery store."
"Yeah. Ella wanted to get a snack from the other check-out lane next to the one John and I were in and when I went to go and get her, I ran right into that bitch. When she exited the store I guess she was waiting on us or whatever because she had her phone out taking pictures of me — well, it better have been me instead of Ella, but either way I destroyed her phone."
Michael shook his head, "She definitely had something to do with it, then." He said, tightening his jaw at the small device in his hand, his fingers clamping over it as if he were going to crush it only for Mia to stop him. "Why not?"
"Because I can use it to my advantage somehow." She guessed, bringing out her phone to turn on the function Find My iPhone, the AirTag detection almost immediately popping up on the screen. "Fuck!" She shouted, seeing that the tag had been tracking her for a few days now. "It's been tracking me since October 17th, Michael. The same day I was at the store. Look!" She said, zooming in on the first pinged location on the map. "I don't know how she could've gotten the tag in her backpack. I didn't have any altercation with her long enough for her to- wait a minute!"
"There was a guy who brought her backpack back to me when she left it on the floor in the next aisle. He was a younger man, but he physically had it. Maybe he's the one who planted it?"
"Maybe, but we need to figure out how to get her back."
Mia's suspicion had been confirmed after the AirTag detected near you notification had presented on her screen. Growling in frustration as she was not able to disable the AirTag without destroying it, she then saw a banner appear on her phone that stated:
The owner of this item will be able to see its location --
You are connecting to an item that's paired to someone else's Apple ID --
"I'm turning this in to the police." 
"What does it say?" 
"It's got to be Laurie, Michael. I can't disable this AirTag because its owner can only see its live location. And look at this," She added, pointing to the email address that was associated with the Apple ID. "If you spell out her first and last name, it's the exact amount of stars. It's Laurie, Michael. We need to go back to Haddonfield."
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All the Lessons I Never Learned
10. Preparations (Part 2)
Synopsis: Thor is hit by the realities of having to move across the world to live with Loki and begins to have second thoughts when Frigga helps him sort through and pack up his playroom.
Word count: 1,775
Stand Alone?: No
Warnings: Anxiety/meltdowns
Notes: These angsty chapters are really hard to write while keeping Thor in character or without getting repetitive, but I'm pretty happy with this one.
Read it on AO3!
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Thor had not gotten the easy part of this deal by any means. 
The day after Loki went home, it all came crashing down like a tower of blocks.
First, there was the day when his mother had sat on the floor of his playroom and told him about a game they’d be playing called “yes or no”: She would hold up a toy, and Thor would say “yes” or “no”. The “yes” items would get sifted through with another game later if there were too many, but were generally going to be kept, and the “no” items would get put into a charity bin. 
Well, the truth was, most items, even the “yes” ones, got thrown in the charity bin. With very few exceptions, it was going to be easier to simply give Loki a list of “yes” items and a large check to have him simply repurchase most pieces of Thor’s bedroom and playroom. Only a few special things would be going with him, like the play kitchen, which had been especially made for him and would take far too long to re-order. The other things making the journey would be a smattering of beloved and irreplaceable toys, some favorite books, and his wardrobe, as Frigga considered shopping for him to be too much of a pain to put off on poor Loki. 
Unbeknownst to Thor, she had also already decided on many of the toys before even giving Thor the option, tossing old things that were broken or that Thor had never touched, a couple still in packaging. Casualties of this included many trains, other vehicles of all sorts, and a couple dolls that had come with doll furniture or clothes Thor had wanted for his snake.
It had been since the three youngest children were all in the home that this game had been played. Thor hardly remembered that, and he had never needed to get rid of much.
But now, Thor had more decisions he needed to make: Which dozen out of the hundreds of picture books did he actually like?  Which building block set was better? Duplo or traditional wood? Did he really need all those puzzles? What about the play silks and rainbow ribbons? How about the stuffed animals which were used as padding and pillows and not as friends?
The task was horribly overwhelming for such a small little. He wished that the choice wasn’t even his, but also knew that it would be so much worst if it wasn’t. He wasn’t aware that that was already the case. 
“He was such a good boy about it-- a big strong, brave boy,” Frigga wrote Loki afterwards. “Look at this!” she sent over a photo of the much less full room. 
“And no tantrum?” Loki asked back.
“Well… no, there was definitely a tantrum,” she admitted.
After said tantrum, they had begun the process of disassembling the items Thor did want to keep and began putting them in boxes. 
Not much of that got done today though, as Frigga lost her steam and needed a break. She was tired and old. All of the energy, mental and physical, was being drained from her through this process.
“Loki!” Thor had yelled on a facetime call, taking the phone out of his mother’s hands. “Loki! Mumma’s been really sleepy and daddy’s been busy so I’m a big boy. I built boxes all by myself an’ put away blocks an’ books ‘cuz m’ a big kid!” he bragged, not realizing that running around with the phone was very shaky and jarring, nearly making his brother need to turn away for fear that he’d be sick. 
“You put your blocks away already?” Loki asked. Slightly in that impressed tone adults offer young children and also in that concerned voice that was Loki’s own stress. The voice that said “Oh my God this wasn’t just a stress nightmare. This is actually happening.”
“Yeah. An’ morrow daddy saided he’ll help wit my big toy bins an’ putem away. Mjolnir’s baby furniture, too. Um I getta use the wench!” 
“Wrench,” Frigga corrected him, with a laugh, taking the phone back out of his hands and letting him flop down on the couch next to her. 
Thor took the big plush snake, which was haphazardly wiggled into a baby-doll romper-- the tail in through a leg hole and the head poking out of the neck-hole-- and snuggled it close to him, letting his mother wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him just barely into the frame of the camera. 
“Mumma! Mumma!” Thor had yelled the next day after coming home from school. 
“Mumma call Loki! Call Loki!” 
“Loki’s working today,” she told him. 
“But… he’s gotta see boxes! Big boxes! Upstairs!”
“Why don’t we send him pictures?” 
 “Okay!” the little grinned, clapping and beckoning his mother up.
After he was sure she was following him, he ran to the playroom as if it would look entirely different from when he left, but to be fair, it did. 
Frigga and Odin had had a couple movers come in and take a few of the things that had to be moved. Only a couple boxes of kept things, the pieces like the doll furniture and a bunch of the smaller toys, were packed into a corner of the room, while the rest sat almost empty. 
Thor paused, suddenly realizing the magnitude of how much was gone. 
The carpet had indents where the playground and train table had been, and the bookshelf which had once also been alive with extra bins of toys, particularly nice arts and crafts projects from school, board games, and DVDs of movies-- even a couple of video games that were deemed okay for the preschool age group-- was now almost entirely empty with the exception of a couple of small knick-knacks. 
Thor whipped around to see if his mother knew about this. 
She seemed entirely indifferent to it. 
“Where’s playground? Where’s my trains?” The poor dear didn’t sound angry, not at first, but genuinely confused and sad, as if he didn’t know they wouldn’t stay. 
“Loki doesn’t have room for all that extra stuff so we’re just taking the essentials, darling,” Frigga said as if it meant nothing; As if she were talking with an adult.
“Give it back!” he whined. 
“They’re already gone, honey. It’s alright, it’s just things.-- Look at how much progress we’ve made though! The whole room’s packed! You did such a good job!”--
There was a noise that reminded the woman of when both Loki and Thor were both small. The scream-crying Loki would make when he was only a baby. It wasn’t one of the angry, frustrated yells of a preschooler or toddler tantrum, but a shriek; a screech of grief that disolved into a melty pile of tears. Not a blowup but a meltdown.
The little slunk down to the floor, but he made no moves to violently thrash or hold his breath or break anything, but instead he just wailed and cried. At first, he was sitting, and made an attempt to wipe away his tears, snot, and spittle, all the sorts of fluids that tended to happen when a little cried. 
Frigga pet his back at first, slowly crouching down next to him. She did not speak until he pushed her away. 
“All gone,” was the only phrase he could squeak out before falling backwards into a laying position. 
The mother tried to hide her sigh as she stood back up and took a few seconds to take photos of the room and the distressed little for Loki. 
Thor hid his face once he noticed and rolled over onto his side away from her. 
As phone photography subject matter began to lack, Frigga got him a pillow out of an unsealed box, and grabbed the snake plush from atop the cradle box, and dropped them by him before squatting down again and making sure he felt comforted just enough. 
Thor screamed into the pillow and tried to use it like a massive tissue. 
He flipped over onto his belly, planting his face into the pillow, and hugged Mjolnir underneath his chest and tummy. 
This was just all too much. 
When Thor was originally told of this new chapter in his life, some parts of it felt distant. Even packing up some of his toys felt far away-- and he had played the “yes or no” game before. But now, to see the room as it was: empty, and, in some ways, decaying, was something just shy of traumatizing. Paint in some spots had faded more than others, and was starting to peel in some of the corners by the crown molding. Where the play kitchen had stood against the wall, it was still a brilliant white. 
There was something haunting, dire, and incredibly lonely about all of it. To know it was coming to an end. To know that this piece of life was over, and yet still being unable to grow up, to grow out of the disorganized mania and phase of discovery that was being three or four. 
It took a little while, but eventually Thor wound himself back down, bawling wails turning to shaky, sniffly whines. 
The lucky part was that it made getting him down for his nap a little bit easier, and taking him out of the ex-playroom was a nice change of pace. It was one of the few days that there wasn’t a fight or a new fit from it, as he was just simply too tired. If Frigga hadn’t encouraged him to be a proper boy, he may have just fallen asleep right on the floor of his playroom on the damp pillow. 
His bedroom was almost entirely intact, with the exception of the fairy lights and the picture books on his shelf being packed away. Most of the rest would come tomorrow, with the final touches being added just after that so they’d be all ready by Friday afternoon, just after the barnehage got out for the day to give the little one plenty of time for goodbyes. 
Frigga sat at the foot of the toddler’s bed, and briefly looked around the room, surveying what she needed to help the boy pack and how they were going to go about it. The little was snuggling himself into bed and getting comfortable under the covers as she did so. 
There wasn’t much she needed to do after that, just tuck in the blankets around him and give him a loving kiss on the forehead before maybe reading a picture book and turning off the lights. 
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