#and i used to play tambourine sometimes :-)
dgaftilwedie · 3 months
thinking abt papa and his ghouls :((((
copia letting phantom catnap in his office when he needs somewhere quiet
copia who always lends a helping hand if cumulus needs help doing her hair
copia who's a sucker for mountain's head scratches
copia who can't help but agree when swiss invites him to the ghoul smoke sesh
copia who sits down with dewdrop in the practice room for hours just to make sure his part sounds perfect
copia who aurora will always come to when she needs someone to play pickleball with her when the other ghouls are busy
copia who tries all of rain's baked goods and even asks him to bake him treats sometimes
copia who willingly plays pranks on the previous papas with cirrus and thinks its hysterical watch their reactions
copia who comes to aether when he's having a hard day for some quality time and cuddles
copia jamming with sunshine and pretending he knows how to use a tambourine (he doesn't)
just :( copia :(( and his ghouls :((( fuxk i love them sk much im gonna cry
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etunpeudevitriol · 3 months
A collection of things from various Tally Hall concert video recordings that give me that little kick of dopamine:
The way Zubin trills through the word heterophonic in some live recordings of Welcome to Tally Hall
Rob beating the shit out of the tambourine during Praise You
Praise You tambourine toss
When Andrew plays a particularly complicated piano part and his head gets stuck in tilted position as he focuses
That time period when Zubin's bangs were so long you couldn't see half his face
Joe's double jointed eyebrows (like that megamind "no bitches?" meme) during emotional/intense songs
How Zubin's always grooving and bopping to the song they're playing
Occasionally Rob also bops with the songs, and sometimes when he does his upper body rocks back and forth like a metronome
Andrew using his sound effects keyboard for evil
When Zubin flexes his vocal capabilities during covers. During any song really, but he always turns it up to 11 (out of a possible 5) for covers
Ross going *bongobongobongo clap bongobongobongo clap clap* toward the end of acoustic versions of Spring and a Storm
"Mr. Moon?" "Yeah?" "Tell us about the sky!" "Okay" <-during the Wall Party concert. I now add in the "okay" myself every time I sing along to Spring and a Storm (like the "Où! Ça!" in the Notre Place if you know you know)
Every single shenanigan that occurs when they start playing Just A Friend
When Andrew plays with his face half an inch away from being fully faceplanted into the keyboard
Bora being a jack-of-all-trades. Whistling, accordion playing, bass playing, American Sign Language, saying "Sold!", he does it all
Andrew headbanging so hard that his glasses yeet themselves off
When Zubin turns away from the crowd and plays to Ross
When the other ties hype the shit out of Ross and he gets the wildest applause. And he'll either be doing a crazy drum solo or sitting all proud like :]
Joe's 4-syllable insert during Just a Friend (if only he'd also done one for the studio recording 😔)
Maple Leaf Rag intro with all the instruments joining in
I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of
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the-summ0ning · 3 months
Sleep Token HC: being in a relationship with II
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This took longer than I wanted, also got extremely carried away w this one. I have a soft spot for II 🥹 usual NSFW ELEMENTS, fluffy nonsense, not proofread well
Our sweet quiet short king…until he’s comfy then he becomes a certified yapper.
II the bf that had to keep you informed and make you the first to know everything
New brand deal with his favorite drum company? He’s FaceTiming, grinning ear to ear and his eyes the brightest crystalline blue. “Babe, I’m so fuckin’ excited! They even sent me a sick PR package!”
He finally pranked Vessel back? Oh he’s recording the whole ordeal and it’s going to you first, listening to his quiet excited diabolical giggles in the video
His favorite drummer followed him back on instagram? He barreling into your room, and lying right on top of you to show you
A text message of the sandwich he had for lunch? Nothing was off limits
Especially late at night, when he was thinking about you on tour, keeping quiet in his bunk on the bus. Sending you pictures and videos palming himself, teasing you.
“Sweet thing, I need u so badly. Look how hard I am for u. 😕”
II the bf that ties your shoes for you, bending on one knee making you put your foot on his thigh
And if no one was looking would press a soft kiss to your ankle or the side of your inner knee. The sweet gesture wasn’t as always innocent as it seemed when his fingers would lightly graze your calf as he did so
I’m sorry I just see II clingy… so physical touch and quality time would be his top two love languages
Always needing to have a hand on your lower back leading you through crowds or hands/pinkies intertwined, arm around your shoulder
It helps him more than anything than a ‘I wanna lay the pda on heavy’ type thing. You made him at ease during social settings if he could be touching you even if just the littlest brush of your skin on him
hand on your thigh at the table during dinner sometimes testing his limits and bringing it further up your inner thigh delighted by watching you squirm
His phone background would be a picture of the two of you during rehearsal, you sitting in his lap at his drum set and his hands holding yours attempting to teach you a song. moments after that pic was taken vessel pouted that II never did that with him
He loved laying on top of you scrolling on his phone or watching tv, because you would start absentmindedly rubbing his shoulders (which were almost always tense from drumming)
II would enjoy any time he could afford with you
Whether that be an hour out together going to browse a vintage antique store and grabbing coffee before a studio session
If you had free time to go to one of his drum shoots with him and then get dinner and drinks after
He would have a triangle, symbols, cowbell, tambourine—maybe even a microphone, so you could join his jam sessions when he would practice at home
He ends up getting distracted by how cute and silly you look trying to play a cow bell to a beat of their song every time or singing along lost in your own world
II the bf that would use pre show jitters just have an excuse to have you in his grasp
Bending you over the sink in the green room bathroom, pounding deep inside inside you relentlessly. Him putting his hand over your mouth, “don’t want anyone to hear us, right darling?”
Then afterwards snatching your underwear and shove them in his pocket. “Need a good luck charm.” He winks cheekily before leaving.
Also very into spanking and being rough with you…
Loves seeing his handprint on your ass, always making sure to massage and pepper kisses to it afterwards
I believe this man would have your initials tatted on him somewhere
Just want to thank everyone for liking III and IV HCs, I hope you like II’s!!! If you want to request any HCs or just to chit chat my inbox is always open 🤭🫶🏻
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genderlessghoul · 9 months
This is for @anonymouslymadebydesign
I'm so sorry I don't know how to Tumblr properly I messed up your ask 😭 (if anyone saw me post this one for 3 minutes and then delete it, no you didn't)
Here's how to differentiate all the current ghouls, explained as best as I can!
Dew :
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First we have our lead guitarist, nicknamed Dewdrop or Sodo. He's most often seen playing his white Stratocaster guitar, which is a great way to identify him. He's the smallest of all the men in the group and also has a very small frame that matches his height.
He's arguably the easiest to recognize with the costumes on because he's the only one with white horns on his mask. He usually wears his sleeves rolled up and has a black compression shirt underneath. If his sleeves aren't rolled up, you'll notice he has no ruffles at the cuffs. He wears a balaclava over his mouth and nose
You know how they say the smaller you are, the closer to hell? Yeah that's Dewdrop. He's our angry gremlin, he likes to throw stuff at people. He also has a very distinct posture. The way he walks and stands, at least to me, inspires authority, it's almost intimidating.
Phantom :
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On rhythm guitar, we have Phantom or Aeon, people couldn't agree on the nickname. He plays a black Fantomen guitar. He's a bit taller than Dew and has a similar frame.
His mask has scratch marks in the leather on the left side. He also wears his sleeves rolled up with a compression shirt underneath, sometimes they're kinda rolled the "wrong" way around so he looks like he has bell sleeves. His cuffs also don't have ruffles. He also wears a balaclava over his mouth and nose, it took him a while to know how to wear it properly because it used to stick to his face so bad.
He's the newest and he tends to act a bit younger too if that makes sense? He's very playful with the audience and thrives on interactions (my personal biggest brag is playing a game of rock paper scissors with him when I saw them live. He's very flexible and will not hesitate to throw himself on the floor.
Rain :
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On bass we have Rain. He plays a couple different basses in the show. If you tend to get confused with instruments, your best bet is to count the strings. A regular guitar has 6 while a bass guitar has 4. He's taller than Phantom and Dew but he still has a small frame, he's our lanky boy.
They changed most of the ghouls' masks this summer so this is not a 100% method anymore but his mask used to have a little patch on the right side that one of the horns was poking out of. His nose is always poking out from underneath and he wears tape on the bridge of it. He rarely rolls his sleeves but it does happen. He doesn't have a compression shirt underneath. His cuffs still have ruffles. He only wears his balaclava over his mouth
He's often classified as shy by the fandom, he acta a bit more neutral on stage than the other ghouls but he does have his moments. He's not very stable on his feet hence the name Rain.
Mountain :
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Mountain is our drummer. He's the tallest of our ghoul.
I don't remember what was special about his mask before it got changed but he's often recognized by sheer height alone. After concerts before bows, he can sometimes be seen walking around the stage without his vest and/or shoeless. His sleeves don't have ruffles anymore. He wears a balaclava for official pictures but not on stage, he paints his exposed skin black instead.
We don't have a lot on him personality wise given he's hiding behind a drum kit the entire show. The people who know more about drums than me seem to agree that he has a bit of an aggressive playing style.
Swiss :
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Then we have our multi ghoul Swiss (my beloved). He plays a rain shaker, a tambourine and allegedly a black hagstrom viking baritone guitar. He also does backing vocals. He's the tallest after Mountain and our boy is large.
Before they changed the masks, he had a small patch on the left side, kind of behind and below the horn. He rolls up his sleeves with no compression shirt and has ruffles at the cuffs. He doesn't wear a balaclava and can often be identified by his bigass smile.
He is feral. He is The Whore. He will secude everything and everyone in his path. He definitely likes to act very sexual on stage and has no shame in grabbing his band mates in less than appropriate ways. Sometimes he does things that he's the only one to know why. Be warned he cheats at rock paper scissors.
Then we have the ghoulettes
They all have pretty much the exact same uniform without variation at all but they can be differentiated by their body type and personality. They also have capes compared to the boys.
Cirrus :
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She's on keys and keytar. She's quite tall and has an average body type. She has her own solo during Mummy Dust on keytar and she's absolutely rocking to it. Loves to interact with fans during it.
Cumulus :
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She's on keys, tambourine and backing vocals. She's the roundest of the ghoulettes and she's rather small. In my opinion she's the most wholesome ghoul, she just wanna spread love.
Aurora :
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She's on backing vocals and tambourine. Smallest of them all, she makes Dewdrop look like a giant. She has a big personality and she's the ghoulette that jumps and dances around the most.
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batneko · 1 year
I really want more video games along the lines of Untitled Goose Game, where you’re just out here causing problems on purpose, and I remembered that old Japanese game where you play a mosquito bothering a family, so I thought... how about Jack and the Beanstalk?
The giants aren’t going to kill you, because you’re a fellow intelligent being, but they don’t want you in their house messing with their stuff either. You’d have to make progress while avoiding their notice, and especially avoiding the toddler who wants to give you a big sticky hug (the toddler could be used to distract the parents or sometimes knock over obstacles. Their presence also explains why the house is so safe, I don’t think there’d be a way to die unless you’re really trying, like, jumping DIRECTLY into a pot of boiling soup.)
Kitchen, pantry, living room, bedrooms, attic. So many possibilities for levels. I like the idea that every time you get caught and kicked out, you can’t return until the next day. Certain things would be reset but things that would take more time, like broken windows or the mess that ensues when you give the toddler a jar of jam, would take several days.
And then I think the win condition would be stealing a tambourine from the attic, because I like the idea of running inside it like a giant hamster wheel.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 10 months
Okay Tumblr ghesties, I have a Thing that is useless to many but may prove HelpfulTM to some
So have my (not) comprehensive list of ghouls in the band (I KNOW I'm missing some, I've been a fan for ages, I'm trying my best here and thie random is confusing as hell so this is definitely subject to possibly be wrong in lots of ways, especially dates-wise and im bad with remembering when eras ended so yk)
Also I'm going by the years they were in the band, not the eras
But I will have when the eras started/ended down below too to help
You'll notice there's a fuck ton of water ghouls. Water ghouls are bassists. There's been a lot of bassists. There was even a while where the band just... Didn't have a bassist. No clue what's up with that tbh
Symbols in the band and what they mean represent:
🜁- air (keyboard)
🜂- fire (lead guitar)
🜃- earth (drums)
🜄- water (bass)
- quintessence (see photo of symbol at bottom of post---rhythm guitar)
+ Multi (Don't technically use symbols, but I use the plus sign--- tambourine, background vocals, the like)
((Note: these are all alchemical symbols, which I noticed when I first got into the band. I adore that so much. I even have a ghoul language in the works comprised solely of alchemical symbols!!))
LIST OF GHOULS (as of 2023):
Air (This one doesn't have a fandom-wide name as far as I'm aware, but I call him Atmos); air ghoul #1; 2010-2016
Chain (wore a chain around his waist and sometimes painted black on his hands in bone-like patterns); water ghoul #1; 2010-2011
Lake (water ghoul #2) 2011-2013
Alpha (fire ghoul #1); 2010-2016
Omega (thick-ass silver rings on both ring fingers, quintessence ghoul #1); 2010-2016
Big Earth (I call him Valley and I don't think he's got a fandom-wide name either); earth ghoul #1; 2010-2013
River (water ghoul #3); 2013-2013
Little Earth/Pebble (earth ghoul #2); 2014-2016
Delta (water ghoul #4, later quintessence ghoul #2); 2014-2016
Mist (first ghoulette, water ghoul #5); 2016-2016
Ifrit (replaced Alpha, fire ghoul #2); 2017-2017
Aether (banana boy, quintessence ghoul #3); 2017-2023
ChAir/Zephyr (bro's got chronic back pain or smthn, air ghoul #2); 2017-2017
Dewdrop/Sodomizer (stompy and stoic, water #6, later fire #3); 2017-
New Earth/Ivy (earth #3); 2017-2017
Mountain (nameless ghoul with rhythm, no shoes, earth ghoul #4); 2017-
Swiss Army (feral, fucks his guitar more than he plays it, loves being on his knees, a smokin' nameless ghoul, multi ghoul #1); 2018-
Rain (tripped while paying once, water ghoul #7); 2018-
Cirrus (a nameless ghoul that rocks, air ghoul #4)
Cumulus (a nameless ghoul with some moves, air ghoul #5); 2018-
Sunshine (multi ghoul #2); 2020-2022
Phantom (sometimes called Midas/Aeon); (quintessence ghoul #4); 2023-
Aurora (multi ghoul #3); 2023-
Assorted ghouls:
Special/Phil (I think they're the same, but it's been a while since I've paid Special Ghoul attention. I am shaming myself for this 😔)
Edit:: Because I'm stupid and forgot to post the image at first:
The quintessence symbol! <3
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((too many fucking tagssss hrrng I can't get everyone I'm sorry-- but yeah, there ya go. hopefully this helps someone out a little. And for newcomers- we named the ghouls as a fandom. some names just tend to stick, some names have been official, and some haven't. go nuts <33))
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fandom-nursery · 6 months
Can you do Klaus agere headcanons?
Yes!! I love little Klaus so much!
He isn’t totally sure what age he regresses to yet but he’s pretty sure it’s usually under the age of 7
Because of how frequently he was high or drunk over the years he has had a bit of trouble identifying if it was substances or regressing making his movements uncoordinated or his head fuzzy or his emotional state more sensitive. Now that he’s sober hes slowly starting to figure out the ins and outs of his own regression 
Involuntary regressor and has only recently been really addressing it  
He’s pretty accepting of it in a “this might as well happen” sort of way. He tries not to let it bother him and knowing his siblings regress too helps but there is always reginalds voice in the back of his mind calling him weak or an embarrassment for his behavior 
Little Klaus finds all of his big feelings very overwhelming and confusing and tends to shut down when faced with them. It sometimes takes some prompting for the others to figure out what wrong 
He’s pretty talkative when small unless he’s really upset but he tends to lisp or mix up his words while talking which can sometimes make it difficult to understand him. He also loves to just make up words and then use them like everyone else knows what they mean already. His siblings have taken to keeping a sort of dictionary of made up Klaus words
His moods are unpredictable. Sometimes he will regress and be very silly and happy, others he will be silent and clingy and withdrawn, sometimes he will even be incredibly grumpy or angry. It’s hard to tell which version of little Klaus you are going to get
He will nap but it’s always in the strangest places. His family has joked that he must be allergic to his bed after finding him passed out bent over the back of the sofa for the 5th time 
little Klaus once lined up all the kitchen chairs in a row and then fell asleep underneath them
He has a bad habit of hiding and then falling asleep in his hiding spot and making everyone watching him panic because they can't find him
Klaus will run and leap into his siblings' arms insisting they catch him. Most of them manage it pretty well. Ben always feels really bad when Klaus forgets to make him corporeal enough and isn’t able to catch him at all 
Baths have always been a source of great comfort for Klaus and he has a truly astonishing number of rubber ducks 
He loves to go on “treasure hunts”. It's never clear what exactly the treasure he’s looking for is but he has a great time doing it. He also loves to play elaborate pretend games and dress up 
Big fan of sugary snacks. He also loves breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, french toast, bacon, hash browns, you name it he will eat it at any time of day 
Messy little. He’s been banned from eating on the couch after spilling three things on it in one evening 
Surprisingly musical while small and loves playing maracas, tambourine, and kazoo at all hours of the day. He will also sing along to any songs playing over the radio and he knows a very impressive number of them by heart
Klaus doesn’t get too attached to material possessions due to always being on the move. He does however always keep Dave's dog tags around his neck even when small and will rub them between his fingers when he's sad. Being able to see Ben is also pretty important to him since he’s used to his brother's presence. 
He has a habit of stealing his siblings clothing to wear while regressing. They bring him a lot of comfort. His favorite siblings to steal from are Luther and allison 
He will use a paci on occasion although it’s usually a tool to indicate when he has confided something about himself to his family but doesn’t want to answer follow up questions because he doesn’t feel big enough to adequately explain  
He doesn't like diapers very much however he has consented to being changed into them on the rare occasion that he does have an accident 
Ben has known about his regression the longest for obvious reasons but Dave was the one who helped him figure out what exactly it was. Once Diego told him about his regression he became very open about his own and it didn't take very long for everyone else to learn about it. 
Ben took care of him as best he could for years and Dave was his first real living caregiver. He never asked any of his siblings to be his caregiver however Diego was pretty quick to step in and be that for him when he started slipping around his family. From there five also started stepping in. Viktor, Allison and Luther aren’t really sure what to do with him and usually stick to babysitting. Sparrow Ben accidentally proves his resemblance to their Ben when he also falls into the role of caregiver  
Little Klaus does not have as thick of skin as big Klaus and can be very sensitive which his siblings learned the hard way after a bit of teasing that big Klaus would have snarked back to or ignored caused little Klaus to burst into tears 
He isn't sure exactly when he started regressing but he suspects it might have started as early as the mausoleum
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I don’t know about you but in my post-graduation days, people spoke about favorite songs and books like they were hometowns or family. A girl I knew slept with her copy of ‘Les Misérables’ under her pillow; sometimes, lying awake at night, she would read a page or two. Another boy received so much consolation from 'The Beatles' that he hummed 'Ticket to Ride' before an exam, as a sort of lucky charm. Music and literature constituted much of our emotional lives and we used them to celebrate our joys and bandage our wounds.
I remember one Friday afternoon. My team and I had just gotten grilled over an important presentation by a cantankerous visiting faculty member. We retired to our rooms to contemplate our dismal fates. Suddenly, my friend started to play ‘Blowing in the Wind’ by Bob Dylan. He said whenever life became unbearable, listening to this song reminded him that the universe was filled with bigger things, waiting for our wits to grow sharper. I had heard this song before, but never from this perspective. We played a few more songs and half an hour later our spirits were soaring again and we began to excitedly discuss the newly released Booker Prize shortlist. That is how we endured.
Bob Dylan. Elvis Costello. Ian McEwan. Jhumpa Lahiri. Arundhati Roy. These people were our heroes. Since we had relinquished the church and had also turned our backs on advice from our elders, these writers and singers were also our gods and counselors. So, we took refuge in their words and stumbled from one day to the next, ‘down the foggy ruins of time, far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow, to dance beneath the diamond sky, with one hand waving free.’
[Lines in quotation marks from ‘Mr. Tambourine Man’ by Bob Dylan.]
[Philip John]
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arlechinav-blog · 1 year
Trancework Percussion Dive, Part I
This is really long so I will split it into 2 parts.
Different instruments and combinations of instruments are used for different things in the wonderful world of Mediterranean (and well beyond) trancework. Instruments that fall into the frame drum category are generally the ones used for ecstatic rituals but that is not always the case. So, let's take a look at some instruments to go over what they are used to do and at least some of the reasons why. Apologies in advance to the lyre people (or should I say Apollo-gies?), no stringed instruments in this line up.
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First up we have just a basic frame drum. These are usually round, unless you are going for a Spanish or ancient Egyptian model--in which case the drum will sometimes be a square. Like so:
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Some modern versions of the frame drum use a synthetic head, which is very good for learning. You get a good sound and an opportunity to build up some strength and toughness in your hands without obliterating your hands on goat hide. A rough goat hide drum will take the skin right off your hand if you are playing for hours and hours. So, either make sure you have a very smooth head or start with a synthetic head drum. I am very partial to the Remo Renaissance frame drum, 16" up to 18" for learning to make trance music. It has a lovely resonance that improves as the drum ages.
If you want to make ecstatic trance music, that's where things start getting more interesting. Most ecstatic traditions of the Med (perhaps all but I am saving room for anything I may have forgotten) involve making music using metal ringing against metal. This is because metal ringing against metal has been used to compel spirits in the Med since at least the Iron Age, if not before. Those associations run really deep to this day. So, any cult that has a focus on that sort of thing will have instruments built for it. Like these!
This is basically a cake pan. Like the kind you would have in your kitchen if you were inclined to bake. Percussion instruments have a very deep association with accessibility to the common person, the peasant classes, the public, the impoverished. Drums are meant to be smacked and you can do it to just about anything that makes a sound. They are not meant to be expensive or hard to play. So there are quite a few types of percussion instruments that have a whole other life in the kitchen apart from making music.
I am a firm supporter of the cake pan/cooking pot drum revival, especially in ritual context with the Mountain Mothers (like Kybele, Ida, Rhea, Magna Mater, & the Black Madonnas). Other instruments that are devoted specifically to the Mountain Mothers, apart from basic frame drums, include tambourines, tammorras, tribballacce, metal cymbals, sistrum, and pretty much any drum made with some kind of metal that rings against itself.
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(Pictured: Tribballacce, Tambourine with a hennaed head, metal finger cymbals, a sistrum, Azeri Dayereh, Maghrebi Bendir, Persian Daf, & Egyptian Riqq)
These are all specifically used for compelling spirits, which is something the Cult(s) of the Mountain Mothers are devoted to. And this is something that the Dionysian cults adopted directly from the Cults of the Mountain Mothers. The Mediterranean style of play is what I call single handed frame drum--for lack of a better description. This is a style that is still prevalent among many of the Mediterranean islands and in what is now Southern Italy but it used to be a method used by pretty much everybody in the region.
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Okay, I lied. There is one lyre in this post. lol ^
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How do you play with one hand? So glad that I imagined you asking! There are a few ways. I started out by studying Southern Italian tammorra and tarantella rhythms but you can start anywhere you find single handed frame drum.
Now Dionysian trancework does everything and goes everywhere. Some variation of the Cult of Dionysos utilizes every possible avenue of trance. And sometimes so do the Mountain Mothers. I would say Dionysian trancework is an even split between metal and wood/hide percussion while the Mountain Mothers are more strongly associated with ringing metal--especially iron or bronze.
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And that is where instruments like this come into play. These are classical Hellenic krotala. There are also even older Egyptian versions made of bone or ivory but the Hellenic version is largely made of wood. More modern options may include large nutshells as well. I did a whole two part deep dive on the Krotala. These instruments are found heavily in the Cults of Artemis & Dionysos but the Mountain Mothers do also occasionally get in on the action with these.
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The Egyptian version, dated to about 1900BCE. ^
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Classical Krotala in context. ^
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You can still find the dances that go with these traditions out in the world today. The Turkish and Hellenic/Turkish variations use wooden spoons (Kaşık or Kesik). And here's how you get down with these things.
There is also a Southern Italian version in the same family tree. This is Tammurriata.
And honestly more variations all over the place that I will have to get into in the 3rd Krotala dive installment. Tammurriata uses naccere, which are basically another name for castanets.
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Now you might be wondering why we use different types of percussion for different things. The reason for that is compartmentalization and the inherent spiritual authority of the instrument. Wooden instruments are associated with wilderness deities and are valued at least in some part for their potential to burn. This makes them suitable for gods that double as both wilderness and death deities. Death because of the association with burning on a funeral pyre and special folkloric relationship between the dead and fire. Metals are not used in the same way.
Metals are associated foremost with the mountains where ore was pulled from. This gives them associations with darkness, caves & caverns, as well as monsters that go bump in the night. Secondarily, later in the timeline, metals took on an association with weather-based sorcery--which translates as Wind Spirits and Storm Gods as well as gods and spirits associated with Blacksmithing. So the cult of any deity who rules over caves, the sky, or weather spirits will use metal instruments in their rituals. This encompasses both the Cults of the Mountain Mothers as well as the Cults of the Storm Lords--and all their attending deities. This is where the practices of the Kouretes & Koryvantes come from.
And I will have to pick this up again in part II because I have reached my maximum allotted number of images for this post. Whee!
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kedicatt-cotl · 1 year
I love Kallamar, however. I will always adore Leshy. Thus, I wish to ask.
Since Heket occasionally makes music now, would Leshy join in from time to time via singing?
Or would he be instrument player while Kallamar is the singer?...
What I mean to ask is. Are the bishops gonna become the Cults music band?
Playing in a band required a lot of team work, and Heket is not a big fan of team work.
But there is someone else you could call the cult's music band!
Baal liked the idea of playing music. He took one of the unused guitar-like instruments made for Heket (Narinder made multiple, trying to get them to sound better) and started learning simple melodies.
Nardiner noticed it and made a smaller guitar for Baal to play.
Seeing Baal with a while guitar of his own, Vlastislava wanted to play something, too! Guitar seemed too hard to use for her, so she stole Heket's tambourine. After that, Nardiner made her a smaller one.
Now, sometimes you can hear those two playing music together. Usually it's Baal trying to play something and Vlastislava shaking her tambourine violently, but who are we to judge? Give them some time, and they can be the cult's music band!
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angelicdevil · 10 months
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Some more TADC OCs because I can’t stop myself. Got one more coming up, I’m really having fun with this show. A little info on each under the cut
Needle is obviously based off of Sonic, with a hint of Shadow and some Amy. Mostly Fleetway Amy. She can play the drums, and started out as an asshole because xe was scared and angry. Of course, fae has Sonic/Shadow speed and Amy super strength.
Sugar is an NPC created by Caine to give Needle a companion. He’s based off of Tails, Cream, and Chao. He’s sweet as his name implies and plays the tambourine. Needle resented him because he felt like a bandaid on a bullet wound and more responsibility, but in time she learned to love him like a brother.
Trollfany is obviously based off of the trolls toys. She’s a mean motherfucker and pretty constantly angry. Jax loves to pick on her.
Twina (pronounced Tween-ah) is VERY clumsy and anxious. She’s nice though
Abstractica is me wanting to make a character based off of abstract paintings. It might or might not be the first to have abstracted I haven’t decided. Either way, it has also been here a long time. Bun doesn’t really see zemself as a person anymore, or at least not human. Not in a demeaning way though.
Beansworth is another obvious one based off beanie babies. She’s very nice and cuddly, he loves giving and receiving hugs for therapeutic reasons. They’re also lighter than their size would imply so it’s not really that strong.
Monstilda is based off of Monster High dolls, so I kind of just combined as many different dolls as I could. She’s the youngest at 18, and was close to their 19th birthday. She’s a rather crafty person, and sometimes uses Bob like molding clay. He loves it.
Lady Bot is another version of my AT oc, based off of Murder Drones designs. She was another programmer at C&A and is the second longest player resident next to Kinger by a significant margin. She has very limited admin permissions so she can solve rather small or cosmetic problems.
Alyssa is Bot’s first NPC creation. She’s incredibly anxious and a bit of a mama’s girl. She’s also often seen with her younger brother
Glitch is absolutely a Mama’s boy, being Bot’s younger child. He really likes sweaters and can be given treats in exchange for favors, like odd jobs or bringing something. Jax sometimes drags him into his pranks. He thinks Jax is funny, though he doesn’t like it when he’s overly mean and the others try to not let Jax be a bad influence on his impressionable mind.
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6. Disturbing or distracting dom/daddy harry while at work and he gets annoyed and teaches you a lesson with aftercare 🤭🤭
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Warnings: dd/bbg dynamic, dom/sub dynamic, light degrading, mocking, impact play with cane/rod, use of safe word, subspace.
There is no smut, just the punishment.
You truly appreciated that Harry wanted you around when he was working on his music. It was certainly a big deal that he let you in to be a part of this process. However, when he had told you the day before that he had something special planned for you two, being holed up in the studio for the entire day wasn't what you had in mind. On top of that, he was not having a great day today. Whether it be that lyrics weren't really great for a song, or that a key change was needed, maybe a song wasn't feeling as special or unique as it could, or even that no matter how put together something was, there was just something missing that made the song sound unfinished. It was just a big flop of a session.
You knew how grueling the creating and production side of things could be, he'd show up at your place so drained mentally and creatively that he'd just pass out without even eating sometimes. Today was certainly one of those days and you'd been in for close to 9 hours now! And in all honesty, you were bored to death. Soon enough people started heading out and you figured you'd soon be off behind them soon, but when you returned from walking Tom and Tyler to the hallway Harry was still sitting at the piano trying a few different things out, tutting when he'd accidentally hit an incorrect key. You knew he needed to wind down a bit so you went back to sit on the couch to give him space for a few minutes.
A few minutes turned into a half an hour before he came back to the control room. He gave you a small smile before he plopped down on the rolly-chair and rubbing his face for a few moments before looking at you.
"I know we've been here a while, baby. Almost done." he said rbefore turning around and reaching for the controls. You sighed and tossed your had back in exasperation and Harry tutted at your irritated sigh, but didn't say anything more to you.
They'd been working on the same song for nearly two hours and you basically knew it by heart. So when Harry played it over the speaker You hummed along to the tune lowly. Unknowingly interfering with the concentrated listening Harry was trying to do.
"Love, can you just shush. I'm trying to listen." he huffed.
"Oh, sorry." you said softly before just laying down and closing your eyes. You started to doze in and out of consciousness, you'd been there for who knows how much longer, and so you unknowingly started to sing along to the song again. It felt real and like a dream at the same time in your state. But when Harry groaned and stomped away and into the recording booth again you realized that it hand't been a dream.
Harry was really annoyed at you and he had been all day; since the morning there were just ways in which you'd been challenging him or irking him; all the little exasperated sighs and grumbles and huffs were silent complaints sprinkled in all throughout the day and they only added more to it. So he put space between you again and continued working.
You were sick of being here all day! You were getting hungry. Your stomach was grumbling now... you decided to just tell him it was time to go. Clearly he wasn't in a place to write anymore. You wandered in quietly and you knew he saw you, but he didn't acknowledge you. You tested him again to see if he'd tell you that you were leaving now. So you headed over to the percussion section and flicked the center of a tambourine.
"Don't touch the set up." Harry reprimanded and you sighed and just flicked it one last time which made him sigh so you just stepped away. You saw a little stand of mallets for the various percussive instruments. There was on particular one with with very long, thin handle and what looked like a little yarn ball on top and it intrigued you the most so you grabbed it sneakily and just continued around the room until you reached Harry.
"H, love, m'hungry." you said quietly.
"OK, just a minute. Need to record the progression so I can work on this at home." he said as he pressed the record button on his voice notes and you sighed and booped his head with the mallet lightly and he swirled around on the piano stool and glared at you through his creased eyebrows, "What did I say about touching the set up?" he scolded you as he yanked the mallet from your hands and you pouted.
"I'm sorry, I just-"
"You've been disobeying me the last hour." he said to you and you rolled your eyes. "Watch that attitude."
"Or what? You're gonna stay here overnight?" you mumbled.
"I just might." he challenged you and you sighed.
"Fine...I'm calling an uber." you muttered in irritation and started walking off.
"You better not take another step, Y/N." his voice was deeper and more intense and you knew he had switched. You turned around to face him, "Come here." he ordered and you made your way over and stood before him. "What has gotten into you today?" he asked you and you sighed.
"I'm just tired of being here, H."
"That's now what you call me right now." he said and you glanced into his eyes apologetically.
"I'm sorry, daddy." you said softly and he gnawed on the inside of his cheek as he watched you for a few seconds before a lightbulb went off in his head. He had told you that you were going to do something special today. Which you still were, but it was until later in the night. He had a whole thing planned. But you probably thought that he'd forgotten all about you; he wanted to see if he could get you to admit it.
"So what is it that has you acting like such a brat, baby?" he asked you.
"I told you already." you huffed and he sighed.
"Don't forget I know you better than anyone, baby. You can't hide a thing from me." he said, "You think I forgot about our special date huh?" he asked, "Tell the truth."
"Yes, I thought you forgot." you confessed softly and he smiled.
"You're just such a whore for my attention, aren't you?" he asked you as he stood and you stepped back to give him space while you nodded, "Say it then." he urged as he gently grabbed your chin.
"I'm a whore for your attention." you said softly, your eyes not daring to leave his.
"Pathetic, needy little thing. Can't even go a couple hours without riding my dick." he spoke down at you and it sent a chill down your spine. "You know you've been bad and really stroppy, so I don't think you deserve to go on a special date tonight." he said and you immediately pouted.
"Daddy, no! Please." you huffed and he looked into your eyes, you looked so upset.
"Well...I hadn't told you that you'd have to wait all day for our special date...I can see why you'd get impatient or think I forgot..." he hummed and you nodded to confirm this, "But then again, you shouldn't have to know that to still be a good girl for me. You should always be good for me so you don't deserve the date. We're at at an impasse." he said to you and you bit your lip.
"What about another punishment, Daddy?" you suggested and he bit his lip.
"What did you have in mind?" he asked you and you shook your head.
"You decide, Daddy." you responded and he smirked as he glanced down to the mallet in his hands. It was thin enough like some of the little canes you had played with before. They weren't your favorite, but they weren't even on your soft limit list...
"I want you to sit on the stool, bottom bare." he instructed you as he moved aside while he landed soft smacks of the little rod against his palm. Smiling at the gentle bite of it against his skin, your ass was gonna be all red. You took off your pants and then your underwear before sitting on the stool and looking up at him, "Turn around for me, baby girl." he said softly and you did so wordlessly. Your entire body curled up and you giggled when you felt the tickle of the top of the mallet brush down your spine. "It's a shame that your attitude clouds your cuteness, baby." he said lowly.
"M'sorry, Daddy."
"No you're not." he hummed knowingly with a smile. He knew that you enjoyed challenging him. You didn't push him this far most of the time, just a little thing here or there to keep him on his toes, but it was fun for him too. Especially knowing that he'd be the one to reel you back in. "We're gonna do 11 for all the things you've been pulling since this morning." he informed you and you nodded silently in understanding, "I want to hear you count them out."
"Please, just not too hard." you said quietly.
"I don't think that's for you to decide." He stated with what could only be described as arrogance. He felt proud of being the one to have the semblance of control because truly, you had all of it in your perfectly manicured hand. Of course, he'd never hurt you, but punishments weren't meant to be comfortable, "If it's too much use your word, OK, baby?"
"Yes, Daddy." you confirmed verbally.
"Alright now lean forward, face down."
"On the keys?"
"Yes." he said and you positioned yourself and waited.
"Ready for me?"
"Yes, Daddy." you responded shakily and just a few seconds later you inhaled sharply as the sharp sting of the thin rod made a quick impact on your butt. The sharp bite of it made you dig your fingers into you thighs, the first and last ones were always the worst. "One." who exhaled shakily and he smirked. And he alternated the next three hits and you were panting as you got out, "Four." You were squirming now, your ass felt hot and tender.
"Stop wriggling around or I'll add one more." he warned you and you swallowed thickly and nodded. You were tense as you waited for the next hit and it came quickly but you couldn't help it as you shot up at the last smack, your hands slamming down onto the piano hard as you winced.
"Five!" you said louder so he could hear you over the discordant accompaniment of the piano keys still ringing out as your hands stayed put over them as you gathered yourself.
"Trying to be a musician now?" he asked. His tone was taunting and smug. Your skin was covered in goosebumps as the feeling from the hit subsided, your head started to feel cloudy, something you knew was indicative of you starting to slip into your subspace.
Maybe you weren't handling this as well as you would normally because you were hungry or even just a little irritated at his lack of communication today. Emotionally, you felt sensitive and vulnerable because you'd also never been punished in a public place, so this was also new for you. Usually you could make it to about 8 hits before you started to fuss and get whiney, but right now, the final six hits seemed like way too many. You knew you could get to 11, you'd taken more than 11 swats to the bum before, so you at least wanted to try. You were mentally finding that place of strength, trying to calm your breathing.
"You alright, baby?" Harry's voice intruded your thoughts and you nodded.
"Yes, Daddy. I'm alright." you assured softly and he waited a for more seconds, watching you silently and closely to ensure that you were indeed OK.
"Can I keep going, baby?" he asked you when he saw you exhale and relax.
"Yes." you confirmed and you started to sit again.
"Is it better for you to stand?" he asked you and you nodded before confirming verbally that you'd prefer to stand, "Go on, baby." He encouraged you and so you stood, your legs were crossed so that you could squeeze your thighs together. Not just because this always made you wet, but also because it'd be easier for you to absorb the impact without feeling like your legs would tremble and give out. You heard come closer and roll the stool away, "Your little pussy dripped right onto it." he said before he moaned softly as he collected your wetness from the stool on his index finger and he dipped it into his mouth, "Always taste so nice and sweet for me. Love that you take such good care of yourself for me." he praised you and it made your heart flutter 10 times what it normally would, you were definitely slipping into your subspace.
"Thank you. Always want to give you my best, Daddy." you responded breathily and then you tensed up as he smacked your ass with the mallet again, "Mmmm, six!" you counted off as you tightened your grip on the piano. You managed to get through a two more like this, but the last three hits seems impossible. Your body was trembling and even if Harry had been watching carefully and taking even more time in between each one to make sure you were alright or to give you time to use your safe word if you needed it, he could see that you were struggling today. But you pushed yourself through the eighth and prepared as best as you could mentally for the next one.
Your knees were buckled, so it was making you feel even more lightheaded than you already did and you felt cold and tingly. You felt like your butt was stinging in waves, you were so far gone that the thought of anymore pain had a few tears streaking down your face, your vision was starting to get splotchy with colors and streaks of light. You could hardly hear your own voice counting the ninth hit at how loud your ears were ringing and your hear beat thumping. You had never used your safe word before, you felt conflicted about whether you should or not, but with the state you were in you needed to. So you exhaled shakily as you mumbled your safe word.
"Sunset." you got out and Harry immediately came up to you and set the mallet on the piano before pulling your body into his. Your hands immediately found his as you started to cry in relief. This had never happened to you before and you could hear him asking you questions, like if you were hurt or if you were upset at him, but you couldn't even process them enough to form an answer. He turned you around then scooped you up into his arms before carrying you back into the control room and sitting on the couch with you curled up in his hold.
That dreamy look in your lidded and glazed over eyes confirmed to him that you'd slipped off into your subspace. He was just as surprised as you were about this. But he took extra care and was delicate as he wiped away your tears with his thumb.
"I've got you, my love. I've got you." he whispered quietly as he held you tight. His warmth and scent around you felt so comforting. And the soft kisses he peppered all over your face were making you smile, "That's what I want to see." he said softly as he glanced down at you, "Did so good, baby. Did so good for me." he reassured you quietly before kissing your lips tenderly. He held you until the floaty feeling had faded away and when you hugged Harry back tightly and inhaled deeply he smiled, "There you are, baby." he sighed in relief, "You're alright?"
"Yeah." you hummed with a smile.
"Good. Thought I'd pushed you too far." he said and you shook your head.
"No, I pushed myself. I thought I could keep going. But I'm really hungry and a little bit grumpy and maybe a little bit annoyed at you." you confessed and he frowned.
"I'm sorry. I know I've kept you waiting all day, I should've communicated with you better before." he admitted.
"It's OK." you said softly before reaching for his face to kiss him slowly and tenderly. "Also we've never done something like this outside of the house so I think I also felt a little more exposed than usual and all of that just...caught up to me."
"Oh, you're right..." he said pensively and then started to feel bad because he hadn't considered that in the slightest. It wasn't even a thought in his head when you suggested another punishment. It was important to feel safe with your partner but also in the space where you were and he had failed to consider that and he was so disappointed in himself.
"I didn't think about that either until I started to get overwhelmed." you explained, "We were just a little spontaneous, don’t beat yourself up, please." you said with a smile and he nodded.
"Yeah, we were. I’ll think things through better in the future. I love you."
"I love you too." you smiled at him. He grabbed you your clothes and some water, and thankfully, your butt didn't hurt as much as before, maybe you just felt a lot more sensitive since you were slipping into your subspace. You knew there'd be some discomfort, but it wasn't like you'd imagined it would be.
"Are you still up for our plans?"
"I didn't go through all that for nothing." you said and he chuckled.
"There's some very light night hiking involved." he said and you frowned at him.
"Seriously?" you huffed out of laziness; especially after this! If there was anything in the world that you refused to do it was hike. You hated it almost more than anything, you just weren't the exercising outdoors type of person. Harry knew this.
"Yeah, there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight and I wanted us to watch it. S'real romantic." he said. "A couple of our friends are going too. They're bringing pizza from L'Antica..." he hummed, knowing this was your favorite pizza spot.
"Fine. But you have to carry me." you bargained and he smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Anything for my good girl."
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Of course of course we love the femritters on this blog
-they tried to start a band once and only got one live show which they were booed out of because they were soooo bad
Candice was vocals/guitar
Bambietta was backing vocals/keyboard
Meninas was bass
Giselle was drums
Liltotto didn't want to join in but sometimes she'd just be like tambourine or something
-they were mostly punk rock but sometimes did like… soft rock
which sounded better than the punk stuff
-Candice kept ruining stuff with her guitar solos…
-whenever they watch comedies Candice cackles like a maniac every like 3 seconds and Giselle just talks through the entire thing so everyone else can't understand what's happening
- Giselle talks through every movie ever cause she’s just like me
-they also could never decide a name for the band but several ideas that were thrown around:
Candice & The Electrosuperdeath Girls
The Bombers
All Quincy Rejects
Dead On Arrival
Guys I Don't Think This Will Last Longer Than A Month At The Highest Do You Not Remember When We Tried To Make A Movi-Wait Meninas Stop Copying This Down This Isn't A Fucking Name You Dumbass
- on Bambietta's birthday once everyone thought it'd be a genius idea to literally just put a bomb in her cake
- Giselle wanted to be in the cake but they wouldn’t let her (they didn’t understand her genius smh)
-For christmas everyone got each other coal, this wasn’t planned, they all individually thought of it
- Giselle also put a bow on her head and said she was the group’s gift, and only Meni thought it was cute
- Candice once considered showing up entirely wrapped in bows and literally nothing else but she realised that would not help her against the slut allegations so she chose not to
- Christmastime is always the most chaotic for the girls
- Meni is the only one who buys thoughtful gifts
- Giselle once gifted Liltotto a rotting arm
- halloween they usually do nothing for because last time they dressed up bambi and candice argued for hours over who was sexier in their costume
it ended with a group vote which resulted in zero votes for both of them
- for an experiment Giselle once faked her death to see what the others would do and after a week she came back and literally nobody noticed she left
- Meni like… noticed but she wasn’t worried
- Liltotto got a snack stash everyone is aware of but she doesn't know they're aware of it and thinks she's kept it secret
- Giselle keeps taking everything grape and blue raspberry flavored
- Lil plays gacha games, like.. it’s an addiction
- Meninas plays cookie clicker games
- Bambi speed runs anything and everything
- Candice plays yaoi visual novels
- She picks bad routes to see men suffer and plays good routes to giggle when the men kiss
- Giselle does the same but for yuri visual novels
- Giselle plays games like ddlc so often.. like the most fucked up ones you can find.. like you and me and her. And corpse party
- Candice listens to punk rock
Bambietta listens to classic rock
Giselle listens to breakcore (and idol music)
Liltotto listens to idk
Meninas listens to folk and pop music (another idol music enjoyer)
- Giselle has literal skeletons in her closet (The animal ones are sourced ethically but the human ones…)
- during blackouts Candice uses herself as a generator but ONLY for the stuff she uses regularly and nothing else
Jeez that one was long! Sorry we haven’t posted in a while, we’ve both been a little occupied. I hope you like the hcs tho! :3 - Giselle
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ask-ocean-o-r · 5 months
What are your thoughts about the other choir members? :3
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Oh, I've been wanting to answer this question for SO LONG! First, Constance Blackwood, she's my best friend! What else would I think about her? She's a really nice girl! I envy her sometimes...
Second, Richard Potts, oh he's a sweetheart. I got him into the choir because I felt bad that he didn't really have the choice to join any other clubs! I know it's a bit confusing... because he's mute.. but I assigned him to play instruments like the tambourine or piano! He's really good at it!
Third, Mischa Bachinski, he's an absolute troublemaker! The only reason he got into the choir is because he stole 3 boxes of communion wine, it was a punishment assigned by Father Marcus.
Fourth, Penny Lamb, she's nice. None of us know much about her actually, but what we know is that she has a brother and she likes animals. So I'm not sure how to think about her.
Fifth and last, Noel Gruber, oh he's HORRIBLE! He keeps interrupting the choir practices with his.. fantasies! He once came into the choir room in a DRAG OUTFIT! That's extremely innapropriate and against the school dress-code! Though.. a teacher came in because she wanted to check on our practice for fun and once she saw Noel in a dress she kind of... suspended him. I feel bad because he genuinely seemed sad, like he wanted to express himself, but STILL! He kind of deserved it.
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websitewizard2005 · 27 days
Shaperaverse Jill for the ask game maybe? :)
First impression: My intro to her was through Astonishing Tales so I thought she was super fun & funny & that she would write like classic 2012 wattpad fics.
Impression now: My impression of her has stayed pretty much the same, though now I see her as being a lot more mature than I used to. Still silly, but knows what's up. She's one of the posties that I'm less invested in, but I still really enjoy her as a character. I also think she's really fun to draw.
Favorite moment: FOR SURE the part she sings in (I think) The Battle Begins. Also the part in the podcast where she's really high in the Abbey and she says “Not all who wander are lost but sometimes they are” and then starts singing Amazing Grace.
Idea for a story: not a completely Jill-centric story but I really want to write that college band au where Jill is a barista who sings & plays the tambourine & Asha is her roommate.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have any! tbf I don't have many unpopular opinions on anything ahahdah. I think I might be one of the only people who's drawn her with super short hair so I guess that's my unpopular opinion lol
Favorite relationship: I love the dynamic of Jill, Michael, & Asha as a trio!
Favorite headcanon: She likes making jewelry! She's made most of the jewelry she wears, and she's made at least one piece for all her friends.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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It’s not a Leap Year, but... remembering Davy Jones.
“Underneath his nasty exterior, Davy had a heart of gold. He’d always fight for what he wanted. I’d have to say he had the most feeling of any of the members of the group.” - Peter Tork, Sioux City Journal, January 1980 (x)
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"[W]e’re playing to 18,000 screaming kids and Davy’s banging on the tambourine and he comes waltzing over to me right in the middle of this wonderful thing and he yells, ‘We’re gonna form a group!’ Which is why I love Davy Jones, because he noticed and he knew what it was about.” - Peter Tork, Hey, Hey, We’re The Monkees (1996) (x)
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Peter Tork: "Davy’s extraordinarily funny.” Q: “Is he?” PT: “He’s said things — and quite deep sometimes, too. David has, he’s got some insights.” - GOLD 104.5, 1999 (x)
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Q: “Which of the Monkees are you closest to?" Tork: “It's different with each. [Micky]'s the best pal, but my heart connection is biggest with Davy. Davy is capable of as much heart as anyone I've ever met. I kind of had a crush on Davy for a while.” Q: “That's sweet. Maybe it will work out for you two some day.” Tork: “Maybe. We'd have to talk to our respective girlfriends about that.” - St. Petersburg Times, June 23, 2000
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Peter Tork: "Davy, for all of his virtues and glories, was very much into British music hall. Given his head, he would do nothing but ‘I’m Henry the VIII, I Am.’ I mean, not that he did that song, but that’s the kind of music that he would do, in spite of the fact that Davy could rock like nobody’s business. [At one point] Davy [did a version of] ‘Hippy Hippy Shake’ and nailed it! It just wasn’t what he wanted to do.” Q: “I think that demonstrates the dynamic of what each member brings to a band and to a situation and how they contribute things but are also there to tell you to pull back where necessary or encourage you to go further.” PT: “I’m only sorry that we didn’t do more of that by a huge amount. I only now have, in the last couple of years, come to understand how smart and good-hearted Davy Jones could be. I did not have the skills to notice that, even though I was drawn to it without knowing exactly why. But I certainly did not have the first clue of how to encourage all of the good stuff from Davy that I loved. I wish I could have known how to do it - and he might still be with us, even.” - Las Vegas Weekly, September 14, 2016 (x)
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Clowning around at The Monkees' London press conference on June 29, 1967.
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Peter with Dolenz, Jones, Boyce and Hart in 1976, and in 1977.
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From The Monkees' Solid Gold interview in 1986.
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Peter Tork: “(quietly) Yeah, I really hit him once.” Q: “You feel badly about this?” PT: “I sure do. My conscience was stricken for years. (perks up) Of course, the little sucker hit me first.” - 2000 The fight, in quotes and audio.
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“Jones has a tremendous sense of fun.” - Peter Tork, The Post-Crescent, July 29, 2004
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“When we first met, I was confronted with a slick, accomplished, young performer, vastly more experienced than I in the ways of show biz, and yes, I was intimidated. Englishness was at a high premium in my world, and his experience dwarfed my entertainer’s life as a hippie, basket-passing folk singer on the Greenwich Village coffee house circuit. If anything, I suppose I was selected for the cast of ‘The Monkees’ TV show partly as a rough-hewn counterpart to David’s sophistication. What stands out for me about David, however, were the several events through the years in which I came to see a man of extraordinary heart and sympathy. […] I felt this criticism [of The Monkees] keenly, coming as I did from the world of the ethical folk singer, basically honoring the standards of the naysayers.
We did play as a group live on tour, including a concert in Osaka, Japan, in 1968. There, in the middle of a performance of Mike Nesmith’s ‘Sunny Girlfriend,’ we hit the pocket. The beat fell into place, solid and grooving. Rock n roll was happening there for us on stage. David came bouncing over to me and yelled above the volume, ‘WE’RE GONNA FORM A GROUP!’ David’s sympathy for my feelings about the criticism, his musical awareness and his sense of humor buoyed me that day about as much as getting into the groove. Later, when we four argued to be the musicians on our own albums, it was David’s agreement that provided the unanimity that made the difference. This was huge, actually; Micky and David came from an entirely different tradition. Actors sang on records made for them, and nobody thought twice about it. Folkies and rockers made their own albums!” - Peter Tork, Hartford Courant, March 6, 2012
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Peter Tork: “Well, Davy’s always been a man of great talent and heart and I had just been hoping to work with him some more. He had such talent. He was probably the most talented of us all. He certainly had the best pitch and the best time. He should probably have been the drummer or the bass player of something. He should have been in the rhythm section. It’s kind of amazing – the two guys with the best time in the band weren’t in the rhythm section [laughs]. That was a little weird, looking back. And he was so able – there was just nothing he couldn’t do. I remember once in the middle of a tour, we said, ‘Well, we want to do this song, and we want to do it this way. But we’re missing a bass player. Davy, here’s a bass. Put your fingers here and pluck this string there.’ Next thing you knew, he was playing bass on stage like that night or two nights later or something. It was nothing major – he wasn’t popping strings and doing runs and fills, but he was laying down a bass and it was solid – it was solid. And that kind of ability is, I think, what I’m going to miss … what I’m sorriest to see go.” Q: “What was the last you had contact with him?” PT: “At the end of the last tour. We just said, ‘Goodbye, I’ll see you soon.’ I didn’t think I wouldn’t – partly because he was the youngest of us. That was too bad.” - LeHigh Valley Live, June 2012
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“[Micky] and Mike and I have a very cordial relationship and share a lot of common topics. We go to lunch together when we're all in town and have a good time. I love and respect each of these guys in their own way, although the real joys that I shared with Davy were special. At one point we had some good hard connections but as the years rolled on, those things faded away. But I am sorry to see Davy go. He was the one member in the group that I had the strongest human connection with. I still have two guys that I love and respect left from the band, but we share a different dynamic.” - Peter Tork, Review Mag, May 27, 2016
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“Davy adored performing, and adored meeting and greeting his fans. He was tireless in making himself available to sing a song, do a dance, shake a hand; whatever was asked. I had heart-to-heart moments with him that were among the best in my life. I was blessed to know and work closely with him. He was one in about 6 billion, give or take. We won’t see his like again. He left much too soon. I share your sadness. Thank you again for this chance to contribute. God bless and keep you all.” - Peter Tork in a note for a Pennsylvania memorial event for Davy, also shared via Peter’s official Facebook page, 2012
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