#and i wanna write more din as well
rise-my-angel · 1 year
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mrprettywhenhecries · 3 months
just a ride [b.c] (1/2)
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Benny Cross ✗ f!Reader
✝︎ w.c. 2.6k words ✝︎ tags/warning(s). no use of y/n, reader character uses she/her pronouns, reader leaves boyfriend for benny, minor depiction of violence, alcohol consumption & nicotine use; this part's pretty tame honestly, but there will be smut in the next part ;3 ✝︎ a/n. The Benny brain rot has had me in a vice grip and I needed to write something before I exploded. Admittedly this is somewhat similar to how he and Kathy met in the film, but with my own spin on it, and will be expanded on in the next part. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💚
When your boyfriend brings you to an unfamiliar bar, the rough atmosphere and rowdy clientele are a little more than you bargained for, but when you lock eyes with the handsome biker across the room, your whole night's about to change.
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“Where are we?” you asked as your boyfriend parked across the street from a seedy looking bar in a part of town you’d never been to before.  The otherwise empty street was lined with bikes and you turned to gape at your boyfriend.
“A biker bar?  Really?” you exclaimed, the idea almost comical.  “You wanna go to a biker bar?
Your boyfriend prickled at the insinuation behind your words.  “Yeah, so what if I do?  You don’t think I’m tough enough?” he questioned defensively and you just huffed a cynical laugh.
“Do you even know anyone that comes here?”
“Well, no, but–”
You crossed your arms and leaned back in your seat.  “This seems like a bad idea…”
“C’mon, if it gets too dodgy we’ll leave,” your boyfriend coaxed.  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
Though you had your doubts, you didn’t argue further, stepping out of the car and crossing the street to the bar.  As soon as you stepped inside, you hesitated at the threshold, fighting to catch your breath against the assault to your senses–the sour stench of sweat and stale smoke instantly hitting you, burning your nostrils as you breathed it in.
Jostled by the crowd and press of bodies, you blindly followed your boyfriend in search of a free table, barely able to hear him over the blaring music and rowdy bikers yelling to be heard over the din.  Finding a lone empty table in the center of the room, your boyfriend claimed it, pulling out a chair for you and draping his coat over the one next to it.
“I’m gunna go get us some drinks, you stay here,” he said before taking off in the direction of the bar.
From your seat further away from the jukebox, it was a little more bearable and you could actually hear yourself think.  Letting your gaze roam the packed room, you noticed you were getting some curious glances from the bikers sitting nearby, but you found you weren’t the only woman there and that eased your nerves slightly. 
The sharp clack of pool balls connecting pulled your eyes to the pool table in the corner and your breath hitched as you spotted quite possibly the most beautiful man you’d ever seen in your life leaning over the table, pool cue in hand.  As he lifted his gaze, his eyes meeting yours, you could’ve sworn time slowed, and you wet your lips, your mouth suddenly dry.
Realizing you’d been staring a little too long, you quickly tore your gaze away, glancing back a moment later to find him still watching you curiously.
Pulse pounding in your ears, you watched him set his cue down and head toward you, a swaggering grace to his movements as he approached.  Pulling out the chair on your left, he spun it around and straddled it, leaning forward to wrap his bare arms around the chair back.
“I’m Benny,” he said, introducing himself, a bright grin spreading across his tanned face as he leaned closer, dirt smudged across his cheek and a smattering of light freckles adorning his nose.
“Never seen you around here before,” he observed, tilting his head slightly, waiting for you to respond.
His low raspy voice sent a shiver through you and you watched him for a moment, wetting your lips before giving your name in return and his grin widened.
“You here alone?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at you expectantly.
“I’m here with my boyfriend,” you explained, lifting your shoulder in a rueful shrug, a regretful tinge to your voice.
“Boyfriend, huh?” Benny echoed, wrinkling his nose at the news, though you knew he'd had to have seen you come in together.
“‘Fraid so,” you murmured, losing yourself for a moment in his pale blue eyes, a soulfulness to his unwavering stare that held your breath hostage.
“S’a real shame,” he drawled, his eyes flicking up to focus on something behind you, and before you could reply, your boyfriend claimed the chair on your other side, squaring off across the table from Benny.
“Back off, man, she’s spoken for,” he exclaimed, puffing his chest out in an attempt to look tougher, though beside Benny he just looked foolish.
Benny looked between the two of you, an amused grin playing at the corner of his lips, and he held his hands up harmlessly in surrender.
“Alright, I’ll go,” he said, a hint of laughter to his voice as he rose from the chair, giving you one last lingering look before heading back to his spot by the pool table, grabbing his abandoned beer bottle by the neck and bringing it to his lips.
“What’s his fuckin’ deal, huh?” your boyfriend huffed, setting your drink down in front of you, tearing your gaze from the roguish stranger.  “Fuckin’ vulture, thinks he can take what’s mine,” he grumbled, taking a long drink from his bottle.
At his words, your brows pinched.  
“Hey, you’re the one that wanted to come here,” you reminded him, bringing your glass to your lips and taking a slow sip as your eyes once more flitted toward Benny, studying him over the rim of your glass.  There was something about him that pulled at you, like a moth to a flame, and there was a part of you that wanted to be pulled, to let that flame engulf you whole.
It barely registered that your boyfriend had responded.
“Hey, you listening to me?” he asked, snapping you from your thoughts and you made a noncommittal sound.
“I think I could do this—“
“Do what?” you asked distractedly and he frowned.
“Ride bike.  Y’know, join a club.  Maybe this club.”
At your derisive snort his frown deepened.  “What?” he demanded and you finally looked at him full on.
“You aren’t like these guys,” you said bluntly, tired of him trying to be someone he wasn’t.  “You just wanna look cool, you don’t love it like they do—riding,” you clarified.  “To them their colours are like a second skin, not just a costume you can put on when you feel like it.”
“Oh please, I’m sure most of these guys are just weekend warriors,” he scoffed and you rolled your eyes, letting your gaze wander once more, observing the other bikers that filled the hazy room, their raucous laughter and boisterous conversations filling your ears.
The longer you sat there, the more you felt eyes on you and you began to notice several of the bikers staring at you before quickly turning to talk furtively amongst themselves.  Unsure if you wanted to know what they were saying or not, you turned away and for a moment your eyes met those of the man sitting alone at the table across from you—he was older, his weathered face lined from life and hard work, and an air of authority radiated from him.
When he noticed you looking, he nodded to you and his full lips pulled into a smile, easing the hard cast of his countenance.
“I need some air,” you murmured, standing before your boyfriend could respond.
“Want me to order you another drink?” he grunted, taking another swig of his beer as you slipped your jacket around your shoulders.
“Nah, I’m good,” you mumbled, stepping away from the table.
As you passed, the older man caught your wrist, holding you in place and he peered up at you, an almost fatherly expression on his bluff face.
“You don’t need t’worry,” he drawled knowingly, his heavy midwestern accent coating his words while his deep set eyes flicked to his fellows and back to you.  “Nothin’s gunna happen to yeh,” he assured and you nodded slowly, unsure how to respond.  Once he released you, you headed for the door, keeping your eyes straight ahead.  Despite his words, you still couldn’t quite shake the wariness that had seeped into you.
Slipping outside, you reached in your pocket for your pack of cigarettes, tamping one out and perching it between your lips.  As soon as the door shut behind you, cutting the noise from inside and the cool night air enveloped you, you felt as though you could finally breathe again.
Leaning back against the rough brick wall behind you, you searched your pockets for your lighter, swearing under your breath when it eluded you.  Pulling the cigarette from your lips, a heavy sigh followed and you let your head fall back against the bar wall, your eyes turning skyward–the inky depths above obscured by the light of the neon sign that hung overhead.
You barely noticed the door swing open again until the crunch of boots on pavement stopped next to you and you felt a presence looming at your side.  Figuring it was just your boyfriend, you let your head roll toward him, only to find Benny standing there, tilting his head as he watched you.
“Need a light?” he asked, pulling a worn Zippo from his pocket and flipping it open with a practiced flick of the wrist to thumb the wheel, holding the flickering flame out for you to light your cigarette.
Feeling Benny’s intense gaze on you, you took a deep draw through the filter, watching the cherry burn brightly before leaning back, and Benny snapped the Zippo shut, exhausting the flame in one fluid motion while you let your hand drop, lazily blowing the stream of smoke away from him.
“Thanks,” you murmured, rolling the cigarette between your fingers as you lifted your eyes to his once more.
“S’nothin’,” he drawled softly, lips twitching upward.  With the lamp overhead casting a halo over his tousled dirty blond hair, he looked like some sort of fallen angel clad in leather and denim, his rough garb so at odds with the tender cast of his face.
After several long drags, the nicotine began to soothe your nerves and you offered Benny a puff, your arm brushing against his as he leaned against the wall next to you.
“So who’s that older guy who was sitting at the table next to mine, the one who stopped me on my way out?” you asked, glancing at Benny’s profile, your gaze lingering on his distractingly long lashes that brushed his cheek each time he blinked.
“That’s Johnny,” he grunted, smoke curling from his lips as he answered, handing you the half spent cigarette back to finish off.  “He’s president of the club,” he explained and you nodded.
Silence fell over the pair of you, but all the while you could feel Benny watching you, searching your face for something even he wasn’t sure he was looking for.
“Wanna go for a ride?” he asked suddenly, nodding toward his bike parked nearby and you followed his gaze, flicking a line of ash to the pavement.
“Sounds tempting,” you mused, taking one last drag before dropping the cigarette to crush under heel and pushing off the wall, dusting your hands off.  “But I’m here with my boyfriend, remember?”
“I remember,” Benny replied, huffing a soft laugh as he shook his head, his grin widening mischievously.  “It’s just a ride.”
“Uh huh,” you countered skeptically, though you couldn't help but match his smile, the excuses running through your head seeming flimsier the longer you held his gaze.
Before you could give a proper answer, the door swung open again and your boyfriend stepped out, his expression twisting when he caught sight of you and Benny together.
“I thought I told you to step off, man!  Think you can cut in on what’s mine?” he spat and you couldn’t help but gape at him, echoing his words incredulously.
“What’s yours?” 
“Will you just shut it and let me take care of this guy?"
Prickling with anger, you crossed your arms over your chest, your brows climbing as you shot him an indignant look and Benny’s grin melted from his face.
“Hey now.  Don’t talk to her like that,” he said, stepping up to him while subtly pushing you behind him and for a moment you saw fear flicker in your boyfriend’s eyes as he looked up at Benny, standing nearly a head taller than him.  Tamping his fear down, he wet his lips and opened his mouth.
“She’s my girl, and I can talk to her however the fuck I want.  This is none of your fuckin’ business, asshole.”
Benny shook his head ruefully, sucking his teeth.
“Seems like y’need someone to teach you some manners,” he drawled and you nearly laughed out loud at the thought of this brooding baby faced biker standing up for you against your own boyfriend–though if you were being honest, soon to be ex-boyfriend.
Just then the bar door opened and several of Benny’s fellow Vandals streamed out, forming a circle around the two men when they realized a fight was brewing, like sharks drawn to the scent of blood in the water.  Despite the growing crowd, your boyfriend’s bruised ego refused to let him step down and in a foolish bid to prove himself, he rushed forward, his brazen swing catching Benny square in the jaw.
Stumbling back, Benny let out a low grunt at the blow before straightening, shaking the punch off.
“That all you got?” he taunted, his deep drawl unphased.
Desperate to keep the upper hand, your boyfriend swung again wildly, but this time Benny was ready for it.  Ducking, he countered with a left hook, sending your boyfriend sprawling.  For one brief moment, you thought Benny wasn’t going to stop, even though your boyfriend was already down for the count, but as soon as he looked at you, the wild light faded from his eyes and he merely rolled his shoulders, working the tension free.
When he stepped up to his bike and threw a leg astride it, he glanced back at you over his shoulder, his unspoken question hanging in the air.
Giving your boyfriend one last disgusted look, you turned on your heel and climbed behind Benny, wrapping your arms around his waist as he lifted up momentarily to bring down his boot on the kick lever, putting his full weight into the jump and the bike roared to life beneath you, the vibrations spreading through your body like a wildfire.
Several Vandals whooped in excitement and you heard engines firing around you, but Benny had already pulled away from the curb and out into the street.  The stretch of road to the bridge ahead was deserted and the moon slipped out from behind the clouds to illuminate the way, shining off the damp pavement.
When you first hit the bridge, it was just you and Benny, and he threw his head back, letting out a howl that seemed to encompass everything you were feeling in that moment.  With the chill night wind whipping past you, stinging your cheeks and tugging at your clothes, it felt as though you were flying, Benny’s back pressed to your chest the only solid thing left in the world as everything else fell away.
You’d never felt so alive.
So free.
In that moment, you understood why the Vandals rode.
Overcome with an emotion you could only describe as childlike wonder, you swept your arms out wide, a wild crow of laughter bubbling up from the depths of your stomach just as the other bikers crested the hill to surround you and Benny, the roar of their engines nearly drowning out your cry.
Your rush of adrenaline waned, leaving you reeling and you quickly wrapped your arms tightly around Benny, pressing your cheek to his shoulder blade as his warmth seeped into you, and you knew you’d never be the same.
Part of you wondered if that had been Benny’s plan from the moment your eyes had met across the bar, but even if it had, you knew you couldn't hold it against him.
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d0youc0py · 11 months
Hiii can ypu write something with the 141 boys and their wife who starts a new job and her male coworkers are obcessed with her and dobt believe she is happily married. Please and thank you
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“Yes, Honey?” 
“Something interesting happened at work.” You said slowly. He turned in his office chair, leaning back with a heavy sigh.
“That so?” He hummed. His large hand grabbed your waist resting you on his leg. You hummed back running your fingers up and down the front buttons of his shirt. He leaned into you.
“Remember that guy at work I told you about? Harrison? Anyways, I was walking past his desk and I noticed it was empty. I asked my boss about it and she said he quit in a panic this morning.”
John nodded his head in agreement. “That is interesting.” He gave you a soft smile, running a hand up and down your back.
“John?” You asked again slowly. “What did you do?”
“My job.” He whispered leaning forward planting a quick kiss against your lips.
“Meaning…..” You trailed off swallowing hard.
“Protect you.”
“Did you kill him?” You whispered back, your eyes darting around as if someone was eavesdropping. A chuckle escaped him causing you to jump.
“No, sweetheart. I did gently urge him to fuck off though.”
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“Si, can you pick me up please?”
You could hear him already getting his things over the phone.
“What happened?”
“Nothing serious. Remember that new guy I was training? Well he still hanging out in the parking lot and everyone has already left- it just doesn’t feel right.”
“Good Girl.” He praised. You could hear his truck starting. “I’ll be there in ten, just keep talking to me. How’s that book you’ve been reading?” His voice calmed you. You did as you were told, not bothering to question how he was going to make a thirty minute drive in ten minutes.
He had made the drive in twelve minutes- the longest twelve minutes of your life.
“I’m outside, start heading down.” You breathed a sigh of relief opening the doors, the chilly night air hitting you.
“There’s my girl.” He quickly wrapped an arm around you giving you a peck on the top of the head. He opened the passenger side door of his truck, hoisting you up. He walked around to his side of the truck, leaning with his back against the door. His cold eyes staring directly into the grey car across the lot. It didn’t take long before the grey car tore out of the lot. Simon had a satisfied smirk on his face as he hopped into the truck. “I’m gonna start dropping and picking you up from now on, yeah? At least till that prick knocks it off.”
“Thanks, Si.”
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“Mac! What’re you doing here?” Not that you weren’t excited to see him, he just wasn’t due home for another week.
“I missed you.” He murmured against your hairline.
“I missed you too.” You breathed, enjoying the way his cologne tickled your nose.
“I heard what you said on the phone, about our little problem.” His eyes scanned around your office building wondering who the group of bastards could be.
“Is that why you’re here? John you didn’t need to do that.” You assured, waving him off.
“Yes I do, Bon. This is your dream job and those bastards are already making you wanna quit- now point me in their direction and then we can go to lunch together, hmmm?”
“Please don’t make a scene Mac.” You whined tugging at his shirt. “How about I give you a tour and we just so happen to bump into them?”
He sighed, wanting nothing more than to give each one of them a black eye for how miserable they’ve been making you. But you and those damn puppy eyes outweigh his desire for blood.
“Alright. I might ‘accidentally’ trip one of them though.”
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“How’s my pretty girl doin?” You could hear his smile on the other side of the phone.
“Best I’ve been in a week.” You smiled back. “I have a feeling I owe it to you.” You chirped, running your nails across the dinning room table.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, baby.”
“Yeah, sure. Well let me fill you in since you ‘don’t know.’ This morning I walked into work and you know those guys I was telling you about? The ones who take turns practically cornering me at my desk to ask if me and my husband are really ‘that serious’ and if I would like to go out with them for a ‘bitchin’ time’.”
“I do remember those guys, yeah.” Kyle mused from the other line. He wished he was there to see the air quotes he knew you were doing.
“Well this morning I walked in and they wouldn’t even look at me!” You cheered. “Ky, I don’t know what you did, but I owe you massively.”
“Don’t owe me a thing, pretty. Just happy you’re not scared anymore.”
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endlessthxxghts · 6 months
Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x afab!reader || W/C: 4.3k
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Summary: You help Din release his frustrations after he comes back from a weeklong hunt.
Content/Warnings: Canon divergent around season 3 (no Grogu here; one tiny reference to Living Waters). Reader is able-bodied, but there are no specific physical descriptions. Pet names for both reader and Din (fem pet names for reader). Implied established relationship (you've seen his face and call him Din) - THEY'RE IN LOVE. Reader knows a bit of Mando'a. Helmet comes off. 18+ MDNI. This is 100% porn. Boot riding...blanket..riding...(there's a lot of riding lolz). Multiple orgasms. Cunnilingus. Din is a talker when his mouth isn't occupied. Blow job/face fucking. Unprotected P in V sex. Reader is on whatever form of birth control they have in space LMAO, so #twinkie time😋. Hints of a breeding kink. Praise kink (lots of it). Switch BDSM dynamics. Soft Dom!Din along with subby/desperate!Din. Sub!Reader and soft Dom!Reader. Please let me know if I missed anything! Xx
A/N: First picture was made by @djarin-desires, and honestly, this whole oneshot was inspired by this post they made! I literally could not stop thinking about these pictures all day, so I just had to write my ✨thots✨ down. I hope you enjoy!! Other two photos are found on Pinterest - middle does not represent anything about reader’s physical appearance.
masterlist || notif blog
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“Oh, shit-” you gasp. “Din, please,” eyes rolling back in pleasure, your body shivering in its nakedness compared to his fully armored form. 
“What is it, sweet girl?” he coos, his fingers caressing your cheekbone, pushing the hair from your eyes. 
“Need- stars- need more,” you cry out, your current situation proving to only bring you to the edge, but not carry you off of it. 
“One more like this, cyar’ika, then I’ll give you what you want,” Din reassures you, his leather-clad thumb running across your bottom lip, hooking himself in your mouth for you to make a mess of. “I wanna see that boot soaked, you hear me?”
Din always gets like this when he comes back from a weeklong bounty hunt. He gets hard. Dominating. In need of control. To take back the situation that got out of hand. 
You were sitting on the ground cleaning one of his blasters when he came in. He was tense. Weirdly quiet. He’s always quiet, but not with you, not for a few years now. He threw the bounty into the carbon and froze him, his chest plate rising with every breath. You knew him well enough now to know when he’s seething, and this was it. 
“Din?” you called out softly. 
He just points his helmet at you, the visor staring you down. 
“Everything okay?”
“What do you think?” He responds rather harshly.
“...Din,” you whisper, feeling every ounce of anger in those four words.
You like how it ends in these situations, though. It always ends with him a whimpering mess beneath you. There’s usually some kind of switch. He takes a third orgasm out of you, and always on the third, he becomes needy. Desperate. He just wants to be inside of you. To be balls deep and stay there, to release all of his tension while being wrapped up in you. 
You’re his solace. His warmth. His home. He always needs you. But right now, he needs his control back, so even though it’s you who’s in control by the end of the night, you stay prettily on your knees and obey dutifully. 
“I hear you, Din,” you struggle to get out with his thumb holding your tongue down, drool spilling from the corners of your mouth. 
Your thighs are on fire from your constant back and forth motion, the squelch of your slick rubbing across his shoe sending blood straight to his groin. He can feel himself itching to make you rise, to spread your legs and split you open until he can’t hold himself up anymore. But he knows you’re close even though you whine and plea for more. He knows your tells—the way your eyes struggle to stay open, the sweat beading at your temples, the way you slowly start to clamp down harder and harder on his thumb. His personal favorite, though, he discovered in this new position, is the way you start hugging tighter onto his leg, your chest rubbing against his thigh plate in an attempt to cool yourself off, but you’re just so close, the cool beskar doing nothing to ease the heat. 
“Just like that, pretty girl, come on,” Din groans, the sight before him truly testing his strength. You two have done many things together, but this? This is something new, and Din isn’t sure how long he can last. “I know you can give me one more, baby. Just one more, and then I get to feel you, come on,” he pleads, voice bubbling up into a whine. 
Oh, he’s starting to break, already? 
The thought is what sends you over, your hips stuttering in their rhythm as your arousal pours out of you, your clit shooting a sharp sensation up your spine at the sensitivity. “Dank farrik, you’re so damn gorgeous when you cum all over me, baby, so so gorgeous,” he pulls his thumb out and spreads your drool across your mouth, cradling your cheek softly in his palm as you shake in his grasp.
“Oh, fuck- oh yes, yesyesyes, Din,” you sob, head falling back between your shoulder blades. 
“Oh, my sweet girl, Maker, you’re so beautiful,” he coos, leaning down to let the forehead of his helmet rest against yours, your hot breath fogging his visor. He smiles to himself as his vision blurs momentarily. 
Din’s hands situate themselves beneath your armpits, pulling you up to your feet and supporting you as you allow your limp legs to gain their strength again. “Can I taste you, cyar’ika?” He asks as he wraps his arms around your waist, guiding you to sit on the armory crate in the corner of the hull. 
“Thought you said you wanted to feel me?” you retort, a small smirk forming on your flushed face. 
“Yeah,” he says as he drops down to his knees. “My tongue goes first.” Even with his helmet on, you can still hear the shit-eating grin with his comment. 
Din reaches for his helmet, the hiss of air signifying it’s about to come off never fails to cause butterflies to erupt in your belly. The minute his chocolate brown eyes meet yours, your heart grows two sizes greater. Your hands reach for his face. “There’s my pretty boy,” you whisper. 
His heart nearly jumps out of his chest at your words. He turns his head to kiss your palm. “My pretty girl,” he responds, bashful. “Lean back, baby.” You lay yourself back, body resting against the metal wall as his hands settle underneath you. 
Din brings himself forward, the flat of his tongue starting at the bottom of you and licking upwards—slowly, thoughtfully, calculated. He takes his time moving through your soaked folds, as if he’s mapping it out for the first time even though he’s mapped your body more times than the amount of bounties under his belt. 
The way you moan under his touch has him groaning into you, his fingers tightening their hold, his face more flush against you. He can’t get enough. His licks turn less controlled and more hungry; he uses his lips to help rub the surrounding area as he suckles every part of you he can, drinking you in, bathing in your slick as if to reclaim himself, as he did not too long ago in the Living Waters of Mandalore. His nose nudges your sensitivity as his tongue claims your entrance, the softness of your walls dancing with the softness of his tongue makes you breathless. 
Your fingers find their way into his curls, grabbing on in an attempt to ground yourself, to keep your soul beside him as he brings you to the brink of ecstasy for the fourth time since he’s been back. You whimper in distaste as his tongue leaves your hole, but the disappointment is quickly replaced by a whimper of desperation when his mouth wraps around your throbbing bud and he sucks. “Just- oh, fuck, Din- just like that,” you let out, your hips involuntarily lifting to buck into his face.
He’s quick to bring his mouth back down to your entrance, licking up every drop of the sweet nectar you always keep him full with. His nose massages your bundle as he drinks from you, and the action prolongs your climax and syrupy moans; Din works to pull as much as he possibly can from you. It’s been a week of rations and shitty meals he can sneak. So when such a delicacy is placed before him, solely for his taking, oh, he’s not going to waste a single drop. 
By the time he’s satisfied, the bottom half of his face is covered in your shine, the armory crate’s ledge is soaked, and you’re completely blissed out—face flushed and sweaty, tired eyes, a weak smile… to the average eye, you appear properly satiated. Although, Din knows that you are far from it.
“You alright, sweet girl?” Din asks, rising to his full height again. He brings his hand out for you to take, pulling you up to stand. Delaying your answer, you wrap your hands around his neck and pull him in for a messy, open-mouthed kiss, all tongue with your flavor embedded in each and every one of his taste buds. You moan into the kiss, pulling away with a bite to his plump bottom lip. “Perfect, baby,” you smile, pulling him to the makeshift bed—a pile of blankets—in the hull that you two sleep in. 
You drop yourself down onto your knees, beginning to work his armor off from his legs as he starts on his shoulders. With you helping, he’s down to his flight suit in no time, and your mouth salivates at the sight. As soon as the last clink of the precious metal leaves his body, you’re leaning your face into him, into his bulge, pressing sweet little kisses to its covered form. You can hear Din’s breath hitch, his cock twitching under your touch. “Need you in my mouth, Din,” you say as you look up at him, his eyes already hooded over at the sight of your mouth near his length. “My turn to taste you, huh, pretty boy?” You ask in a teasing tone, his face too hot to register that you’re waiting for a response from him. 
He finally registers the question when your hand dips into his bottoms, his hardness meeting your hand eagerly. You look at him expectantly. 
Although technically it’s his cock’s turn to feel you, he cannot bring himself to deny you or your skillful mouth. He cannot bring himself to deny anything you want, really. “Y-yeah- yes, baby, your turn,” he says shakily, the anticipation putting his body into sensitivity overdrive. 
He helps rip the rest of his flight suit off, and without giving him a second to breathe, you’re already spitting in your palm and working the length of him the way you know he loves. You use your mouth in tandem, your tongue licking from his base to his tip, and instantly, a loud whimper comes from the back of Din’s throat at this particular touch. 
You’re delighted by his reaction, so you repeat the motion a few more times to pull more of those sweet sounds out. “My baby is so sensitive here, isn’t he?” You pump him with your hand as you speak, placing a wet kiss to his tip when the foreskin pulls back to expose it. 
“Kriff…” he moans, his head suddenly too heavy to maintain upright. “Mesh’la, please,” Din begs. 
With one more kiss to the tip, you stop your hand’s movement completely. “Please what, baby? Use those words, honey,” you look up at him, eyes wide and full of promises to please—as soon as he vocalizes what he wants. 
His chest is heaving already at the sight of you, on your knees and looking up at him again, yet this time around, you’re the one calling the shots. 
He prefers it this way, he thinks. Sure, he comes back from a particularly frustrating hunt and ends up taking his stress out on you. Sure, it’s the most beautiful sight seeing you so worked up and at his mercy. But he is always the one in the driver seat—calculating everyone’s every turn, every action before they even have the chance to act. Din’s mind is always active, always alert. Yet, when you have him like this, in this yielding state, it’s like his mind gets to be quiet. With you, under your touch and under your gaze, Din is able to exist in your presence without a worry. He’s finally able to just be. Not a bounty hunter, not the big and tough Mandalorian everyone fears. No, he’s Din. Your Din. Your sweet boy. Yours. And that’s the greatest honor to ever bestow upon him. At least, that’s how he sees it anyway. 
“Y-your mouth, mesh’la, p-please,” he says softly. Your eyebrow quirks up. You want just a little bit more. “Want your- need your mouth on me, baby, please,” he breathes out, attempting and failing to ease the neediness in his voice. 
You hum triumphantly before you begin pumping him again, your hand focusing on his base while your mouth lavishes his leaking head. You swirl your tongue around, the salty flavor of him quick to override your senses, and Din lets out a strangled moan, his hips softly bucking in your grasp. 
Your hand releases him, letting your mouth take full control. You grab onto his thick thighs for stability, breathing through your nose as you let the tip of him reach as far back as you can handle. He gasps when he hits the back of your throat, the twitch of his body triggering your gag reflex, your throat tightening in on where he’s most sensitive. “Oh, fuck,” he grunts, fighting his hips to stay in place and let you do your thing. 
You garble something incoherent, humming into his cock as you pull yourself on and off of him a few more times. Pulling back for a small breather, you use your finger to collect up the spit-arousal mixture from the sides of your mouth and pump it on his erection, his hips twitching once again at your ministrations. 
You know what he really wants right now, but with his head in cloud nine, you know he’ll never ask for it himself. “You wanna fuck my mouth, Din?” You ask bluntly. 
His entire face and chest turn red faster than the speed of light. He sputters in his response. “I- oh my Maker, mesh’la, is that- are- are you sure? I-”
You cut him off by leaning in to kiss his thigh. He softens in your touch. “Din, pretty boy, it’s a yes or no. One word. Choose.” 
“Yes,” he replies, not a single hesitation in sight. 
“Good boy,” you purr. “See what happens when you say what you want from me?”
You shift yourself to a more comfortable position sitting on your haunches, fluffing the blankets underneath you to soften the ache of the metal floor. You look up to Din who’s watching you eagerly but with a softness that tells you to take all your time in the world. Doing this isn’t just for him, though. Letting him take control of you here turns you on just as much as it does him, maybe even more. 
You take one more glance into his thirsty eyes, and, well, okay… maybe he enjoys this slightly more. Nonetheless, you don’t take your time because you can feel the butterflies in your core beginning to flap once again as Din brings himself closer to you, lining himself up with your mouth.
“Don’t waste this opportunity, Djarin. Better use me good, yeah?” You tease, leaning your head back slightly as you stick your salivating tongue flat out, waiting for him to enter. 
His entire body shivers at your words. “Yes, ma’am,” he says under his breath, focusing on easing himself into your mouth as steady as possible, trying to maintain some ounce of self-restraint he’s inevitably going to lose. 
Once his tip is in your mouth, his hands find their home rooted at the base of your air, his thumb reaching forward to caress the apple of your cheeks. He doesn’t move at first, apprehensive in the case he might hurt you. He’s always like this at the beginning, and every single time, you reassure him it’s okay. 
You let out a muffled mhm, his signal to keep going. Din’s fingers flex, guiding your head further in as his hips slowly meet you halfway. He’s holding his breath, you can tell in the way his belly twitches. But the moment your swallow reflex triggers around him, he’s gone. “Oh, shit-” he moans ragged, his hips never fully retreating before he’s bucking into you again. “Oh, sweet girl, fuck-” he gasps. “Always so perfect, feel so perfect around me, stars, baby-” he praises, his hips moving at a comfortable, steady pace now. 
You moan around him, eyes rolling back at how good and heavy he feels coasting the expanse of your tongue. Your spit drips further down your chin and neck with each thrust, the messiness of it all mirroring itself between your thighs. Your hands leave the expanse of your thighs and reach for the blankets underneath you. As best as you can, you shuffle them in between you, using it to grind your hips on it, giving you a much needed relief. The material catches on your clit deliciously, pulling a muffled gasp from your throat, sending the sensation up Din’s spine. 
“Oh, fuck, look at you,” he groans, his eyes fighting to stay open at the raw pleasure coursing through his veins as he starts thrusting into you harder, faster. “So pretty, baby, fuck- thank you, pretty girl,” he rambles. “Maker, you feel so damn good.” 
Your moans and whines don’t stop, they reverberate off each metal wall and into his ears, providing him with the sweetest song. Din, ever the talker, is long lost in the way you feel and the way you move. 
“Keep moving those hips, sweet girl, rub that pretty pussy on our blankets, baby.” 
“Gonna cum like that again, baby? Gonna make a mess where we sleep?” 
“Shit, gonna make me lick it up and clean it? Please make me clean it, baby,” he whines, his hips beginning to falter. 
The last thing he says to you is what sends you over the edge, your fingers gripping the blankets below you, bringing it flush against your core as if it were Din’s curls you’re hanging onto. Your hips speed up, chasing the orgasm that is just right there, and with one last thrust forward, you’re cumming. You’re breathing heavily through your nose, tears streaming down your face as you whimper around his dick, begging for the one thing you know he’s not gonna give you. 
With a few more thrusts, you can feel his cock start to twitch, and just as you suspected, he pulls out of you before he can finish. 
“Baby, no,” you cry, leaning yourself forward, chasing after him. Right away, he’s dropping down to his knees, hands still on either side of your face as he’s finally eye level with you. 
“Baby, cyar’ika, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please,” he repents, his chest rising and falling heavily, still out of breath from edging himself. “I just- I didn’t- I… I wanted to cum somewhere else, baby,” his voice falls quieter, shyer. 
Your scowl fades, forming into a more mischievous demeanor, more hungry. You can’t quite argue his reasoning. Because, you, too, would very much like him to finish… elsewhere. “Yeah, baby?” You taunt. “And where do you wanna cum, sweet boy?”
He swallows thickly, his needy eyes on yours, blacked with a ferality he’s addicted to. “In- inside,” he whispers. 
“Inside?” you’re quick to repeat. “Wanna cum inside me, sweet boy? Fill me up? I’ve made so many messes today, is it your turn to make one, baby?”
He leans in to meet your kiss, but you pull away slightly. Answer me, your face tells him. 
“Y-yeah- yes, stars, yes- fuck- please, baby, I wanna cum inside you, wanna make a mess of you so fucking bad, please-” he starts to answer. Satisfied, you cut him off with your lips on his.
You wrap your arms around his neck, lips never breaking the seal, you pull him over you as you lay yourself down on your guys’ bed, scooting farther up for your head to reach a pillow, your back barely missing your puddle of arousal. Din multitasks, grabbing one of the other near pillows and placing it underneath your hips as your body lands on the ground. Your legs are already hooked onto his waist, not giving him the space to stray too far. 
Once you’re settled, Din’s hand is cradling the back of your head while the other reaches for his cock, covered in your wetness and leaking with his own arousal. He guides himself to you, running his tip along your slick folds, stopping to tap on your clit before bringing himself back down to your entrance. He breaks the kiss when he does this, his eyes laser focused on where you two connect. His hand on the back of your head pushes to angle you down, so you can watch, too, both of you observing and listening to the lewdness of it all. 
Finally, his head catches at your entrance, pushing himself in slowly. He’s always a stretch, always something you’ll never quite really get used to, but you love the feeling. Obsessed, even. There are some days where you rile him up on purpose just so he gives it to you, no preparation or foreplay. On those days, he has you screaming, your fingernails digging deep into his back to tether yourself to reality in some kind of way. On his softer days, you have to beg him to, reassure him that it doesn’t hurt—in a bad way. 
As soon as he’s seated all the way to the hilt, he pulls back out entirely before he thrusts back in. You both moan out at the action, your pussy immediately releasing a fresh new wave of arousal around him. “Oh, fuck,” you both mutter at the same time, your eyes meet, and a euphoric smile graces each of your faces. 
“Y-you feel so good, baby, s-so fucking big,” you mewl, your hands tightening their hold around his neck, both the tips of your noses kissing each other. 
“It’s like you were made- fuck-” he stutters, his hips slowing for a brief moment, allowing himself to really feel you. “It’s like I was made for you,” he corrects himself. “I was made for you,” he says again, leaning in to slot his lips against yours.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum,” you say against his lips. I love you. “And I was made for you,” you squeak out, your head bobbing back and forth as the pleasure brings your mind further and further into space. 
“Shit, mesh’la,” he grits between his teeth. His hips speed up at that, loving the way his native tongue sounds on yours. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum,” he repeats back to you. “I’m yours, cyar’ika. Yours,” he murmurs, his head crashing into the crook of your neck and shoulder, sucking and biting at the sweaty flesh. 
He sits up on his haunches for a second, hooking the crook of his elbows into your knees before leaning back over you—the angle allowing him to hit so deep and allowing his pubic area to stimulate your pulsing nerve with every thrust in—you scream out as he repeatedly makes you feel things that no one has ever been able to do, not even yourself. 
“Din,” you keen, his name leaving your mouth like a sinful prayer. “Din, baby, please, I think I’m gonna- fuck-”
“Gonna cum again for me, pretty girl?” He smirks. “Fuck, I’m never gonna stop saying this- you’re so fucking perfect. Come on, baby, cum for me, fucking soak me. Soak me before I make you fucking overflow with me, my sweet girl,” he snarls, his lips meeting yours in a bruising kiss, truly a dance of tongue and spit as he fucks into you at the same pace that brought you to yet another climax. 
Your hands yank on his fluffy curls, back arching into his body as much as this restricting angle allows you to. “Din, oh my-! Fuck- so fucking good, fuck-” you wail out, your heart beating out of your chest as your pussy pulses around his cock, making an utter mess between your two lower halves. 
The flutter of you and the instant wetness consuming him is what sends Din to his finish line. He continues thrusting, shakily, through his own orgasm, his load coating every inch of you, both inside and out. You wanted a mess, so he truly gave you a mess. 
He releases the hold on your legs to wrap his arms around you, his entire body flush against yours as your legs wrap themselves tightly around him again. He’s still inside you, his hips softly still moving in and out as he leaves kisses all along your lips, your jawline, your neck. 
The way you feel, full of him and him, has your hips meeting his small advances, both of you reveling in the aftershock of your highs as you use the pleasure to ease you back down. 
“You okay, mesh’la?” Din asks eventually when you both come to an exhausted, satiated halt. 
“Perfect, my sweet boy,” you smile, repeating your sentiment from earlier. “You okay, though?” You ask hesitantly, and not about what you two just did together. He brings his lips to yours. Soft, and not in a way to arouse you again. In a way that says thank you and I love you in a way spoken tongue will never be able to convey.
“I will be,” he answers truthfully. “Pick a planet, you can pick me apart after we get food.”
“Sounds like a deal, baby.”
“Come, let’s get cleaned up.” He kisses your forehead before he untangles himself and pulls you up to your feet as well, both of you making your way to the refresher. 
In the corner of his eye, he sees his now semi-shiny boot, starting to dry off in the midst of everything else you two did. He smirks to himself. 
You catch it, of course. “What’re you smiling at, Djarin?”
“Nothing,” he says nonchalantly. “Just… I clean my armor and boots after every bounty.”
“And?” You ask, still not realizing where he’s headed. 
“I don’t know if I wanna clean my boots anymore.”
Your eyebrows raise to the middle of your forehead, eyes bulging out of your face. “Din!” you slap his chest. Then, your face goes stern. “You will be cleaning those boots more often if you want me to do that again."
“Yes, ma’am.”
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End notes:
Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you guys enjoyed this one! Please let me know what you guys think, I really love hearing your guys’ reactions and feedback!🫶
Also, did y’all clock how many orgasms reader had in this damn thing?! Coochie of fucking steel fr 😭😭
Moon divider by @saradika-graphics 🩶
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deadghosy · 7 months
Hi so I don’t know if you’re taking requests at the moment but a couple days ago I fell onto the concrete on my way to school and both my knee and leg were bleeding and needed one of those big patch bandaids so I was wondering if you could do like the Hazbin Hotel characters when there kid falls over and gets hurt like I did only they hurt both of their knees and they try fixing it first then they go to there parent and ask for help (no I definitely don’t struggle with asking for help what are you talking about) and they need like multiple patch bandaids on both legs, sorry if I bothered you with this request have a nice day/night
OOP I HOPE YOUR KNEE HEALS LOL! And yeah I don’t like asking for help either 🦆 also sorry if some of them are short because I didn’t write in order and kept skipping to finish other scenarios.✨
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You were training to skateboard as you seen it on a dvd Alastor had for you. You seen how the human teens were skateboarding and wanted to do it as well.
And how did that go for you?
You fell with a face plant as you got up from the concrete from the pentagram city you known and hated for its crimes. You grumbled cursing yourself out as you kicked the damn skateboard as you wrench feeling a burning sensation in your knees to only look down and see them bleed.
At first you panicked like a dumb ass as you had a very shocked pikachu expression. But damn you didn’t want to ask mom….so you went to the hotel and go in your room grabbing some medical things.
You watched plenty of movies where they take the mc to the hospital…of course you can do this!
Time later, and you couldn’t get the hang of it as you actually tied your hands together with a wrapping bandage.
Charlie found you and snickers but grew concerned when she saw your knees. Good thing she was good at bandaging things.
So at the end it was a soft end as you had a cool skull bandage on both of your knees
You were supposed to be in bed, BUT NOOO YOU WANTED TO BE A BAD ASS KID AND SAY NO!
You laid in bed with a grumpy face “fucking bed time…fuck bed times. I go to sleep when I wanna sleep…” you say under your breath. >:(
It was basically giving Eric cartman 🦆
You got out of bed as you sneak around the palace as you held your hand out letting out soft fireworks for a light source. Like hell…you didn’t wanna get caught but shit you were actually thirsty.
You went to the dinning room and go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You flew up with your three pair of wings and grab a glass. You smirked and turned around to find Lucifer, your father in his duck pjs tapping his foot with a raised brow.
You yelp shocked as you accidentally dropped the glass making some glass shatter as you flew to get away only to run into a wall.
At the end, you scrapped your knees by the wall somehow as the kitchen walls were brick and you slide down.
Lucifer tried to help you but you ran to your room as he sighs at his stubborn child…
“What in the world was they thinking…”
You found out about your shadow like powers your father had and wanted to test it out as Alastor had his own shadow watch over you with a soft smile.
And how did that go for you?
It went kinda well you suppose as you did some shadow tricks and even shadow transportation.
He found out you were injured before you knew yourself. His shadow grabbed you into his lap as he shakes his head in disapproval at you getting yourself at how you tried to shadow transport but ending up falling on your knees first from the air.
“My sweet little doe…you must be more responsible with your powers…” Your father said as his shadow counterpart wraps your knees in a bandage wrap
You were skating around the hotel and wanted to do a 360° on the hotel stairs as you let out a gremlin laugh putting up a 🤟 as you said “YOLO!”
Cut to you on your face as your skate board is rolling away from your flat out body on the floor. Yeahh….you ate your own words as you didn’t think you would fail a sick trick.
You got up but hissed looking at your knees that has carpet burn..
“Shitttt” you said hissing still getting up as you grab a skull bandage and putting it both on your knees.
Your mom found out tho….and boy did she give you a huge lecture about skating in the hotel as you felt ashamed at making your two moms, especially the mom who is pouring peroxide on both of your knees to disinfected anything in it.
“You’re grounded from your skateboard….” “WHAT!”
“Kid the fuck happened to you…” Husk said as you had turned your back from him. Husk scoffs as his own child wasn’t responding to him. He grabbed you by the scuff of your shirt and you faced him with teary eyes.
Context: you tried to run downstairs as your favorite show was on but ended up falling down the stairs like a dumbass and slide like a cartoon character as you sobbed just laying there
Husk’s eyes soften as he sighs sitting you on the bar took grabbing a med aid kit and an alcohol wipe. Husk didn’t want to assume but he just had to say it.
“So..kid, you gettin' picked on or something?” He asked as you jolted shocked making him narrow his eyes as if it was the right answer
“What?! No! Pops I ain’t gettin picked on…”
“ then answer.” He said seriously..
You told him the truth as you promised him not to laugh at you….he laughed as you scolded him.
Let’s just say…monkey see, monkey do.
You saw your father practicing his pol dance skills as you watch clapping and appreciating skills. Your eyes shine amazed as your father left you with some leftovers from last dinner the hotel crew had with you.
You ate waiting for your father as you hum peacefully with fat nuggets by you. Your little mind wanted to learn how to pole dance elegantly like your father.
So what did you do?
You got on that damn pole and bruised the fuck out of your knees. Literally you tried to get down safe, maybe like a fireman? As you slide down you hit your knees first than your feet as fat nuggets squealed worried for you.
Your father came in tired as he sighs. But then he instantly comes over to see what was wrong as you covered your knees with a shy smile as fat nuggets poke his cute little nose to your hands covering your knees.
You didn’t want to ask him for help as you felt ashamed for doing dumb shit but Angel takes your hands off your knees and sighed again.
“Jeez kid…if you wanted to learn the sport, ask the pro next time sweetie.” Angel says kissing your head as you nod with a soft smile
You tripped on his tail falling on your two knees as the egg blitz jumped at shocked. Your father didn’t even noticed as he was just excited to make smoothies with you.
You didn’t cry…no…of course no-
You cried like a little bitch…
You held both of your knees as the egg boiz surrounded you trying to calm you down as your papa slithers by you trying to see what was wrong. One of the egg boiz named frank explained what happened. You tried to say it didn’t hurt and that you could stand up.
You stood up with wobbly bleeding knees with a weary smile as you face planted.
Yeah pentious picked you up with his tail and cried to Charlie at how he is a horrible father for harming you as you and Charlie tried to call him down.
He calmed down as Charlie helps while pentious kept asking if you were okay
You flew into a window having glass shards in both of your knees as you let out a scream.
Cut to you being escorted by angel guards to your house as Adam was pissed and tired .
“Fuck kid…just..” he rubs his eyes as he pulled your ear inside and slamming the door to the guards.
“Ow! Dad chill the fuck out old man! Ow ow ow!” You yelled as you hid your wings while Adam grumbled with an irritated expression. Adam definitely gave you a smallest lecture while cursing you out at how he is tired of having the guards come to his door.
Adam sighs looking at your knees while you huff covering them. Adam tries to pull your hands off your knees as you flinch away from him. Now Adam was serious as he pulls your hands off your knees with force. Only for his eyes widen with shock to see your knees cut with glass shards.
“Oh you gotta be fuckin' kidding me….” Adam says as he gets up and goes to get med kit. As much as an angel can self heal in heaven. You are only a kid…so it’s kinda slow unless you are a grown adult.
“You’re gonna be the death of me you little shit..”
Lute was busy training the other angels for the next extermination as you smile eating some food your mom brought you “couldn’t whine” about be hungry. As you watch your mom be a badass, you tried to mimic her moves only to bust your cheek and fall on your damn knees as if you were praying to the lord himself.
You got up and see gold blood coming out of your knees as you covered a small scream and ran out of the room your mom was in.
She definitely heard you as she side eyed the door you left out of. Her suspicions grew when she was tracks of gold blood where you were.
She just sighed as she facepalmed and told the females to halt in their training as she flew after you.
AND HER BEING YOUR MOM?! yeah fuck no…she’s immediately throwing you over her shoulder as she takes to a nurses office as you wounded yourself while she brought you to work with her….
For context, it was Bring your kid to work day…..🦆
So it kinda embarrassing having some of the angels coo at you while lute had a nonchalant face as she patches you up.
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st4rr-girrl · 1 year
cheater pt 2 please 🥹
Cheater Pt 2
M.R x Fem! Reader
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Summary; Mattheo Riddle, one of your close friends notices your sad energy. He attempts to cheer you up.
Thanks for the request, enjoy! xx
Warnings; swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of smut/implied sexual intercourse, nicknames; bunny & Mi Amor
Side note; Bunny is ur nickname that Mattheo gave you a long time ago, like when you were little. You found a bunny at the park and adopted it and he started calling you bunny. (Idk thought it was cute)
A/n: Should I make this a series? I know I never finish my other ones bc idk where the plot is going nd I lose motivation but ik what to write for this.
Now playing; never felt so alone -labrinth
Up next; see how I circle/labryrinth
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Staring at your plate, filled with foods you would normally dig into, you felt an inexplainable emptiness in the pit of your stomach. Some people were already heading off to their dorms for a good nights sleep, since the school year was almost over and finals were coming up.
Although you were surrounded by people you loved, you still felt a bit lonely. You lost the one person who understood how you felt. You didn’t miss his longing gaze, that stared at your melancholy expression. He wanted nothing more than to hug you and tell Astoria to fuck off, but he understood what he did was wrong.
You’re just protecting yourself.
You glanced at your long-time friend, Mattheo, who was shooting daggers at Draco.
Just as your thoughts were about to consume you, Pansy spoke up. “Earth to Y/n?” She noticed the sad expression on your tired face, and attempted to cheer you up.
“Sorry.” You furrowed your brows and shook your head. “What were you saying?” Pansy pulled you out of your trance-like state.
“We were just debating which was better; butter-beer, or chocolate frogs.” Pansy raised a brow, awaiting your answer.
“Well chocolate frogs are good,” Pansy felt hopeful that at-least one person would agree with her about her favorite treat. “-but…” her face dropped. “Sorry Pansy, chocolate frogs get away too easily! And butter-beer is top tier.” You raised your hands in defense, while Pansy sighed and admitted defeat while Theodore teased her. A spark of happiness fluttering for a moment. You smiled contentedly, before you felt that damn stare.
You frowned and bounced your leg up and down. You felt a hand on your bouncing leg, and looked up. Mattheo was smiling reassuringly. “You ok?” He whispered, gazing at you with adoration. You two were in your own little world while the others talked. He gently grabbed both of your hands.
You smiled softly, about to answer when Astoria came in. She sat on Draco’s lap and stared right at you with a devilish grin.
Your eyes widened slightly, while tears filled your eyes. Draco could no longer face you without shame. You bit your lip and faced back to Mattheo who glared at Draco and Astoria.
“I think I need some air.” You said quickly, pulling your hands from Mattheo softly as you rushed out of the dinning room.
You headed through the halls, not noticing the tall male that followed behind you.
You debated where to go, before your mind lingered around going to the astronomy tower.
So thats where you went. You ran up the stairs and collapsed to the floor, holding yourself while sobs wracked through your body.
Someone sat beside you, and you sniffled before glancing up. It was Mattheo. A part of you was expecting Draco to be there, but it was nothing more than a silly thought. Besides, seeing Mattheo was a lot better than seeing Draco. A pleasant surprise if you will.
Mattheo pulled out a cigarette, putting it to his lips and lighting it. He handed you one.
“Mattheo, you really need to stop smoking.” You said, but still took the cigarette and let him light it.
“I’ll stop when you stop.” He smiled, making you shake your head and smile, while wiping your tears. You didn’t wanna cry in front of him. It was embarrassing, even though you’ve known him forever.
You took a puff of the cigarette as Mattheo scooted closer and wrapped an arm around your waist.
You leaned your head against him. You too were super affectionate before you started dating Draco. You’d cuddle, hug, a kiss on the cheek or head every now and then, but Draco was upset with this. Reasonably, of course, but it cause you and Mattheo to drift apart slightly. Draco was always possessive of you, so you saw less and less of your friends. Ironic, huh.
So this type of affection usually wouldn’t make you flustered, or give you butterflies; but it did. Heat crept up your neck, and you felt nauseous, as if butterflies were flying in your stomach.
“Yknow…” Mattheo said, disturbing the comforting silence. You hummed, looking up and noticing he was already glancing down at you. “There’s a bright side to this.”
You raised a brow. “And that is?”
“I can tell you something I’ve always wanted to.”
“And that is?” This caught your attention.
“I really like you, Bunny.” Your eyes widened as you stared, searching for anything that would tell you that this was some type of sick joke.
Gladly, there was no trace of him playing with your feelings. Only raw, sentimental emotion.
“I-I really like you too, Mattheo.” Your mouth tripped over your words as a faint blush crept up your neck to your cheeks. He cupped your cheek with the hand that didn’t hold a cigarette. You cupped his cheek as well, but your hand did hold a cigarette.
You both leaned in slowly, meeting one another in the middle. You smiled into the kiss, and melted in his hands.
You got on his lap and grinded, the once innocent kiss turning into something less innocent.
One things led to another and….
You shifted in your sleep, feeling a warm pair of strong arms wrapped around you. You smiled contentedly, turning around and facing Mattheo. To your surprise, he was already awake.
“Hey, bunny.” He said, smiling at the nickname he gave you a long while back.
“Hello Mi amor.” Mattheo spoke Spanish, and you took a few classes with him, so you started calling him that.
“Are we official?” He asks.
“What do you mean?” You ask with a raised brow. “I mean we had sex, so I’d like to believe we’re official.” You laugh, as he laughs along. His laugh vibrates his chest, and it give you butterflies.
“We should probably get ready for class.” You considered, softly getting up from the bed. “We don’t want anyone catching us in the same dorm room do we?” You added, before he could protest.
“Finee.” He groaned, getting out of bed gingerly.
He kissed your cheek, before you left to your dorm with all your school clothes in your hands.
Time rolled by quickly, and it was now dinner.
You were late, per usual, but this time your melancholy expression was replaced with one of happiness.
Astoria was sitting on Draco’s lap, and staring at you with confusion. Why weren’t you upset?
You strolled happily to the slytherin table, and took your seat right on Mattheo’s lap. You stared at Astoria with pride, and scowled at Draco.
Kissing Mattheo on the cheek, though it was not for revenge. You just loved him.
And this time, you were not letting anything get in the way of that.
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undressrehearsal · 1 month
right back where we started
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summary: ellie is on tour as the opener for a popular band. she begrudgingly passes through the hometown that she had sworn she would never see again and runs into the one good thing she left behind.
tags: some sad stuff, ellie has daddy issues, mentions of alcohol, modern au, not rockstar ellie but that same kinda genre???, no smut in this one sorry this is all setting the scene, this is another shorter one 3.6k words
a/n: listen. I'm gonna level with yall. life's been fucking insane. it's been what 3 months since I posted something?? and it's because 1. my fiancée and I are buying a house 2. and planning a wedding 3. I work 45 hour weeks (at a job I hate so much omg) 4. I'm writing a book and 5. I'm preparing for a p major surgery (I go on tuesday)
so yeah, life's been insane. but I missed writing fics. I'm writing my book so I never stopped writing but writing a lil fun fic just hits different yk?
anyway enjoy and look forward to a few (I'm thinking 3?) parts of this
love yall. reply and lmk if you wanna be added to my tag list. also I'm posting this on my phone so the formatting might be fucked lmk
part 1
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Ellie couldn’t remember the last time she had been in this city.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She could remember exactly the last time she had been in this city. She had watched it disappear in her mirror when she had driven her bike west three years ago in search of the horizon. She had hoped she would find something more once she got there - more than the dingy dorm room she had loosely called home and the classes that had made her eyes glaze over; something more than playing at the bar’s open mic nights, her guitar hard to hear over the noisy din of drunk students and drunker professors; something more than a future that had been planned for her by the time she was in high school.
Her dad had kicked her out after she dropped out, of course, but that was fine. She had planned to leave that night anyway; she had kept a packed bag hidden underneath her bed for months. She hadn’t seen him in three years, either, and she planned to keep it that way.
But when she woke up and saw the city outside the bus window, silhouetted against the rising sun, something in her chest rose to her throat and refused to be swallowed back down.
She hadn’t missed it - but as she looked down at her shaking hands, Ellie figured her body must not have gotten that memo.
The band she was traveling with were still sleeping; she could hear the singer snoring in her bunk, could see the bassist's leg sticking out into the aisle. She had never been a morning bird - back at her shitbox apartment, you'd rarely catch her up before noon - but something about being stuck on a bus for days made her restless. It was her first time touring - after three years of playing at open mics and taking small jobs singing at the senior center - and she wasn't used to feeling her own bed constantly shifting beneath her.
Which is how she always ended up pacing the length of the bus, tapping her fingers against her thighs as the confined world around her slept, waiting desperately for the driver to pull off to whatever venue they had booked. She wasn't sure what the band did before their shows in the evenings, but she didn't stick around long enough to ask. Maybe it was rude, but she couldn't force herself to hang out with the band who only chose her because their usual opener had “flaked” on them - which was how they described it when the opener couldn't travel with them for several months after their mother had just died.
So, yeah, Ellie couldn’t find it in herself to feel bad about it when she rushed off the bus as soon as it parked, not even sticking around to let the band know where she was going. They wouldn't care either way. Hell, they were probably so hungover they wouldn't wake up until their show started in several hours.
The driver - his name was Zachary (never Zach) and he was the only one who paid her any mind - helped Ellie hoist her bike down from the rack on the back of the bus. The band had teased her about bringing it, bitching about how it showed she didn't want to hang out with them. She had been tempted to tell them they were right, but she couldn't really risk losing the first real gig she’d gotten. She lifted the seat and dug her helmet out, waving to Zachary as he disappeared back into the bus to get his own well-deserved rest.
The purr of the bike was a familiar comfort beneath her. Lowering the visor of her helmet to block out the sun, she squinted at the streets sprawled before her. She realized, with dizzying familiarity, that she was in the next neighborhood over from her old apartment. Hell, she had watched a few shows at the venue she was playing at - something in her stomach clenched.
Fuck, she needed coffee.
With the wind cold against her bare arms, Ellie let the world fly by, the city waking up around her. Her phone remained snuggly in her bag; she didn't need directions here, the familiar streets leading her down well-worn paths, winding all the way back to a life that was no longer hers.
It was muscle memory that led her back to the coffee shop she had frequented as a student. She looked up at it, a glow around its worn brick from the rising sun, and something tightened in her chest. They had replaced the patio chairs - the old ones had been practically falling apart three years ago - but otherwise it hadn't changed.
Ellie cursed under her breath, swallowing around the foreign lump in her throat, and climbed off her bike. When she took the steps two at a time, it felt like somebody else had taken the wheel. It was a familiar stranger that opened the door.
The smell hit her first. They say that scent has the strongest tie to memory, and the smell of burnt coffee beans hit her like a punch. There had always been a sweetness underneath it, something she had never been able to place but thought might be honey? When she stepped up to the counter, she could even smell the milk they were steaming.
The barista - a young girl with faded pink hair tied up into space buns - looked up from her phone and said, in a voice teetering on the edge between cheerful and bored, “How’s it going?”
Ellie took her in briefly, noting the brown corduroy overalls and the star-shaped nose ring, and was comforted knowing that this place was just as queer as she had left it. She would bet money on the fact that if she peeked over the counter, this girl would be wearing beat up Docs. She was young enough to be a student - probably an English major, if she had to guess.
She always ordered the same thing - iced mocha with oat milk. She had never understood why her dad drank his coffee black.
The barista - her tag said Dianna She/Her/Hers - eyed her as she rang Ellie up, brows quirked. When she smiled, dimples caved her cheeks. “I haven’t seen you around before. Are you a student?”
Ellie fought the urge to groan - this girl was just trying to be friendly (and was probably trying to decide if Ellie’s flannel meant she was gay or was just a bad fashion choice), but the last thing she wanted to do after failing to sleep on a bus and waking up at the ass-crack of dawn was to make small talk.
Still, she smiled and said, “I used to be.”
She paid and stuffed the remainder of her cash into the tip jar. When Dianna thanked her, her cheeks were as pink as her hair. Ellie could feel her eyes lingering on her as she walked away, nodding awkwardly in thanks.
This place really hadn’t changed in three years. The coffee shop had a reputation of students writing all along the walls - over a decade ago, they had simply stopped trying to paint over it, so the walls were littered in signatures and drawings and claims of call this number for a good time. Scattered poetry was written along the edges of the windows, an incredibly detailed Sharpie drawing of a cat peeking over the top of the doorway. When she searched for it, she found that her own scrawled handwriting was still there, small letters where nobody would think to look, right underneath the thermostat: Find me where the sun sets east. Don’t forget me.
She swallowed the lump that threatened to choke her and stepped away. Her eyes stung from sleep deprivation and nothing more.
Ellie scanned the room and found that, to her annoyance, nearly every table was taken. Students huddled around notebooks and laptops, engrossed in their work or else on Netflix to avoid studying. Professors blinked wearily, clutching their own cups of coffee as though they were lifelines holding them to this realm. Ellie could see the spot she had frequented herself - a booth tucked by the window, where she could write her songs in a dingy notebook without anyone looking over her shoulder.
Now, there was a guy with his cheek pressed to the cold surface, snoring lightly.
Ellie jumped when Dianna called her name, holding out a cup so filled with coffee that it trickled over the side and down the glass. Ellie took it gingerly, holding it in careful fingers to not spill any more on the countertop.
Dianna held onto the cup for several seconds longer than necessary, her fingers - cold from the glass - lingering on Ellie's. When a crooked smile pulled at her lips, her brown eyes sparkled. There was a teasing tilt to her voice when she said, “I hope to see you around, Ellie.”
Ellie gave her what she hoped was a friendly smile - judging by the way Dianna’s cheeks bloomed pink, she must have succeeded - before turning away. She almost felt guilty for the relief she felt when she found there was no phone number left on her glass this time. She was never sure whether it was nicer to ghost somebody or to send a gentle rejection through text, and she did not have the energy for that decision.
She turned, searching for an empty seat to slouch in and try not to fall asleep into her coffee, when her eyes found you.
You hadn’t changed a bit.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true either. You had changed - anybody would in three years. You had changed your hair, and now you dressed differently than she remembered - you used to bitch so much about how you couldn’t dress how you wanted, and now, looking at you three years later, she was happy to see that you were finally dressing like all those pictures you had saved in your little Pinterest folder of “outfit inspo.”
Ellie could see the mark of three whole years, but truthfully, you hadn’t changed. You were slouched over a laptop, leaning way too close to the screen, and you still had that pinch between your brows when you concentrated, the one that she used to run her thumb over; she could still feel how soft your skin was beneath her fingers.
She should have ignored you - she should have gone to slump in a corner of the coffee shop like she had planned, trying not to fall asleep into her cup and pretending to not notice you even as her eyes kept cutting across the cafe to find you again. She should have pushed the memories away just like she had pushed away all of the other memories associated with this city - hell, she should have never come back to this city in the first place. There were too many memories here that she had spent three years, a thousand miles, and an ocean of whiskey running away from.
And yet Ellie found her feet carrying her over to your table of their own volition. She walked the tightrope between who she is and who she once was, chasing a memory of the only good thing she left behind.
You didn’t look up at her as she approached. You kept your head bowed over your laptop, your bottom lip stuck between your teeth. There was no reason for you to look up - Ellie could have been any nameless stranger coming to bother you when you were clearly just trying to work.
But Ellie had never been good at leaving well enough alone. Which is why she hesitated for only a moment before reaching out and tapping lightly on your shoulder. She had to bite back a laugh when you jumped, pulling your headphones from your ears and swiveling around to look up at her.
She’d be lying if she said her heart didn’t do an embarrassing acrobatic jump when you met her eyes. And she had always been a terrible liar.
“Hey,” Ellie said, trying her damnedest to keep her voice steady; she only somewhat succeeded. She cleared her throat, lowering her voice when she said, “Remember me?”
Satisfaction bloomed warm in her stomach when your eyes widened, taking in the sight of her. Truthfully, she must’ve looked like shit; she had had to take a disturbingly brief shower at the last rest stop - the water apparently didn’t get any warmer than antarctic - and she hadn’t looked in a mirror for a few days. She had forgotten to pack her brush, so her hair must have been standing up at odd angles. And God knew what the lack of sleep was doing to the ever-growing shadows under her eyes.
But none of this stopped you from running your eyes down her body, cheeks pink when you finally looked up to meet her eyes again. And Ellie couldn’t stop the slow smile that spread across her face, her own cheeks growing warm. It wasn’t intentional when her voice dropped another octave, nearly a murmur when she said, mostly to herself, “Yeah, you remember me.”
“Holy shit, Ellie?” You jumped to your feet, a smile pulling at your lips as you gripped her arm. The familiar shine in your eyes did something funny to her stomach that she was way too stubborn to name. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I was just, uh- just passing through town,” she found herself saying, rubbing at the back of her neck. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but explaining to you the actual reason she finally came back to this hell-hole town suddenly seemed daunting. “Wanted to check out some old haunts, I guess.”
And then you just… looked at her, for several long moments - long enough to make Ellie squirm. Your eyes bore into hers, searching for something that she had buried three years ago.
You jumped, and whatever spell that was floating between you broke when your phone buzzed from where it still sat on the table. You scooped it up and flashed an apologetic smile to the glaring student a few seats away. Swiping at the screen, you cursed under your breath:
“Fuck, I have to get to class.” You looked back up at her again, a question behind your eyes, and Ellie had never wished so hard that she could read minds. You hesitated for only a moment before saying, words rushed, “Do you want to walk with me?” Before Ellie could respond, you continued, picking up your cup and fiddling with the straw, “It feels like forever since I’ve seen you and I want to catch up. But you’re probably busy, so you don’t have to-”
“I’d love to,” she cut you off, trying to smother the smile that pulled at her pink cheeks. She failed drastically when you smiled back at her.
After asking for a to-go cup from Dianna - thankfully no number written on the plastic cup either, despite the way the barista eyed Ellie as she left - she followed you out the door and back into the blinding morning sun. The mid-October air bit at her cheeks, creeping under her flannel; the cold coffee in her hand made her fingers sting, but you were already walking away, so she grit her teeth and followed.
And it was like you both just fell back into place, aligning with each other as though that empty space had never existed. You were working towards your graduate degree, Ellie discovered, and were working as a TA to get through; the class you were heading to was the dreaded public speaking class that you taught around your own curriculum. You laughed as you talked about some ridiculous speech a student had recently presented, and Ellie had forgotten just how much she liked the sound until it was burying behind her ribs again.
Ellie didn't tell you exactly why she had come back. When she’d left, you had known she was chasing a dream - it was the main reason she had presented when she broke up with you. The idea of long distance was too hard - too complicated - and Ellie didn’t want anything tying her to this town.
Even so, her body still wanted to fall into old habits. She told you about her roommate and how, when Ellie had been up too late writing a new song or her roommate had had a late shift at the hospital, they would play truth or dare until they were too drunk to stay awake, and her fingers brushed against yours, muscle memory making her reach for you. Ellie told you how she had visited her sister, Sarah, while passing through Houston, and she wanted so badly to lace your fingers together. She wanted to wrap her arm around your waist - hell, she even wanted to grab your ass right where everyone could see, just like she used to. She tucked her free hand in her pocket.
“You still haven’t told me why you came back,” you said, coming to a stop in front of the Communications building - it was just as tall and ominous as Ellie remembered. Her stomach lurched at the site, remembering all the speeches she had to make in her own classes. She supposed Public Speaking wasn’t a useless class now, considering she didn't stutter when she had to speak in front of an audience now.
Ellie shrugged, dropping her cup into a trashcan without looking at you. “Like I said, I’m just passing through-”
“Bullshit,” you said, but there was no malice behind it. You tilted your head to meet her eyes and smiled at her, even as your eyes held something unreadable. “The Ellie I knew couldn’t wait to get out of this shithole - her words, not mine. She wouldn’t simply pass through - she would go out of her way to stay in the next town over. So,” you crossed your arms, “what changed?”
Before, if you had ever crossed your arms at her, Ellie would reach out and gently pull your arms away from your chest, pulling you into an embrace. She wanted nothing more than to pull you into her, instinct unaware of the three years and a thousand miles that had separated you. Instead, she leaned against the wall of the building, the brick biting into her back. “Nothing’s changed. Trust me, if it was up to me, I wouldn't be here.”
For only a second, your face twisted into something unreadable that pulled at Ellie's stomach. But you quickly schooled your expression, tilting your head, your smile soft. “Listen, I have to go - if I'm too late, these fuckers are just gonna try to skip. But we should meet up later - I want to catch up.” When Ellie opened her mouth to say you had been catching up, you continued, “Really catch up. I want you to tell me everything - it's been years, so we have a lot to cover.” You looked at your phone and cursed. “Look, my last class ends at 3:25. Meet me on the green after?” For good measure, you stuck out your bottom lip and added, “Please?”
Ellie had never been good at resisting that look - she had given into you so many times from that look alone. She had to bite back the sudden, stupid smile pulling at her cheeks, so she pressed her lips together and looked away. After three years, you still made her cheeks flush without trying.
“Okay,” was all she could say.
Without warning, you rushed forward, wrapping your arms around her neck briefly. Her hands hovered at your sides, unsure of where to go. Feeling your body pressed against her again - feeling the warm brush of your breath against her neck - short-circuited her brain, leaving her gasping on dry land.
Before she could figure out where to put her fucking hands, you murmured in her ear, “I really did miss you, Els,” and pulled away, just as quickly as you had come. Ellie's mouth hadn't even caught up to her brain by the time you were gone, the door closing softly behind you.
Later, after she had had a proper breakfast from McDonald's, she was still thinking about you. Seeing you again had opened up a bottle that she had sealed away, and the cork wouldn't fit back into it. Her fingers itched with the memory of your skin beneath them. When you had hugged her, she had smelled the shampoo that you apparently still used, and she remembered how it had felt to have your head on her chest, breathing you in as she pressed a kiss to the top of your head. And your lips next to her ear - that opened a whole subcategory of memories that she tried desperately to push away.
She was only here for the night. She lost count of how many times she had to remind herself.
Ellie was stopped at a red light, leaning her bike from one foot to the other, when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She glanced at the blinking crosswalk sign - twenty seconds, so she still had plenty of time before the light turned green - before fishing her phone out. She had to squint against the sun, straining to make out the screen. She nearly dropped the phone when she saw the familiar name popping up on her screen, fumbling to open the text.
There was a screenshot of an Instagram post from the venue she was going to play at. The band's name was in bold letters, stars pasted around a grainy picture of the group. And in small letters underneath - like an afterthought - was her name: Ellie Miller.
And underneath, in all caps:
Her face flushed all over again. After all these years, you had still kept her number.
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tag list: @macaroni676 @ellstronaut @elliewilliamsmiller0 @elliescoolerwife @letsreadsomesins-shallwe @liliflowers-blog @filtered-sunlight
140 notes · View notes
milktei · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if your requests are still open, if so, could I maybe pwease have an Osamu OS with angst but comfort at the end? Like Samu is super busy with the restaurant to be with his partner, so his partner hangs out with Tsumu and it makes Osamu jealous? Thanks in advance!❤️
Jealousy and Love
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Miya Osamu x gn!Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Minor manga spoilers. not edited :P
Requests: Closed for now as i catch up on both requests and school
a/n: Hope this is to your liking! I feel as if the ending was a teeny bit fast for me but i couldn’t think of what else to write lmao. Writing in the twins and there accent is a big of a hurdle for me but i enjoyed writing it a lot :3
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Waking up to an empty bed is something you had grown to get used to.
The opening of Osamu’s restaurant meant that he was extremely busy, he was there from opening to close, cooking, serving customers, watching his employees, budgeting, creating schedules.
The business was far from a well oiled machine at this point, but you couldn’t be more proud of your boyfriend for making his dreams become a reality.
Still, you couldn’t help but feel the sting of loneliness that creeped up on you whenever you saw his side of the bed empty.
It was the weekend, a day where you didn’t have work but your boyfriend did. A five day work week was just not possible with his restaurant.
You sighed as you turned over in bed again, having been up for over an hour at this point. Deciding to not let the rest of the day go to waste, you got up to in hopes to do something productive.
You had managed to start a load of laundry when you heard a knock at your door.
You looked at your front door in confusion at the sound, you hadn’t been expecting any company or deliveries that day. You stood there wondering who it could possibly be.
Another knock.
“Oi! Anyone home?”
Ah. That answered it.
You walked to the front door and opened it, revealing a mop of bleach blond hair that was all too familiar to you.
“Atsumu? What are you doing here?”
The man pouted at you, “whatever happened to “hi Atsumu! it’s good to see you.”?”
You stared at him blankly, “hi Atsumu, it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?”
He huffed “Well hello to you too. If you must know I’ve weirdly found myself with a lot of free time and thought that I would take that time to spend it with my dear brother and his partner. Now can I come in?”
You opened the door wider and moved aside to let him in, “so in other words. It’s off season and you’re so bored with all your free time that you decided that it was time to bother Osamu and I.” you paused, “don’t you have partner to bother instead?”
Atsumu scoffed as he took his shoes off “no need to rub my loneliness in y/n”
You sighed “No I think we’re in the same boat.”
He sat down at your dinning table and nodded in thanks when you put a glass of water down in front of him. “‘Samu’s not here? It’s the weekend.”
You sat in the chair front of him “No he’s been busy with the restaurant these past weeks.” It was your turn to pout “He’s really only off on Sunday’s and even then he’s usually exhausted.”
“So what you just sit here alone most days? when’s the last time you’ve gone out and done something fun?”
Your silence was enough of an answer to Atsumu.
“Well this is just unacceptable!” Atsumu suddenly stood up from his spot startling you with his outburst, he pointed at you “as the certified funner twin, I say that we go out to have a fun brother, partner-in-law day out!”
You looked up at his wide grin in shock “Your brother and I aren’t married-“
“So where do ya wanna go? I’ll pay.”
You opened your mouth to protest but stopped. It really had been a long time since you’ve gone out to do something fun as you were waiting for the day that Osamu would be free again.
But that seemed so far into the future. When would another opportunity like this present itself again?
“Well…” Your started, “there’s this cafe I’ve been wanting to go to, and down the street from it is the claw machine arcade that we haven’t been able to go to yet.”
“Great! Let’s go!”
Atsumu excitedly made his way to the door before you called out to him. “Atsumu wait!”
“Whattt? Don’t flake on me already.”
“At least let me get ready first.”
Atsumu looked at the state you were in. Still in pyjamas, hair a mess, and wearing your house slippers.
He silently made his way back to the dining table and slid back into his chair.
“I’ll wait here, take yer time.”
Your time with Atsumu had turned out to be a lot more fun than your would care to admit to the blond, in fear that his ego would grow bigger than you could handle.
The cafe you suggested had a calming atmosphere along with wonderful food and drinks. You could tell that Atsumu liked the place too with how many pictures he was taking of the place.
The claw machine arcade also showed just how stubborn the man was.
“Atsumu you’ve spent more at this machine than what the prize is worth. You could probably find it onli-“
“Ya don’t understand y/n! it’s the feeling of finally winning that matters. I’m so close I just know it.”
“…if you say so.”
In the end, Atsumu had won that prize, and combined with the prizes you had won, you were bringing home a multitude of things ranging from plush toys, to figures, and even snacks.
You insisted that Atsumu come back to your place for dinner, in a way trying to make up for how much he had spent during your time out in the city.
With Atsumu having found his spot on your couch with the tv remote, you were nearly finished cooking when you heard the familiar sound of a key unlocking your front door.
“I’m home.” You boyfriend called out as her took off his shoes.
“Welcome home.” You replied back.
There was a pause, “is someone here y/n?” Osamu asked from the entrance.
“Only Atsumu.”
“So no one important then.”
Osamu appeared from the entrance and rolled his eyes at the sight of his brother lounging on the couch, walking to the kitchen he crept up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as his kissed your cheek, you smiled softly.
Both of you ignored Atsumu’s fake gag.
“You’re home early.” you noted.
“Everything seemed to be going well, thought I could treat myself a little bit.”
“This is early?” Atsumu piped up from the couch
Osamu glared at the back of his brother’s head “Yes, the restaurant closes at nine, i’m trusting that my employees will be able to do it.” his eyebrows furrowed “why are ya in my house?”
Atsumu glared “First of all it’s yours and y/n’s house, second of all aren’t ya glad to see your only brother ‘Samu?”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“It’s not volleyball season and he’s lonely.” You answered from your spot at the stove, ignoring Atsumu’s splutters of indignation.
You grabbed three plates and quickly set the table, inviting the boys to sit and enjoy an eventful dinner.
When you were finished, Osamu had grabbed the dirty dishes and began making his way to the sink when he finally noticed the large bag of prizes you and Atsumu had dumped on the living room floor.
“What’s all that from?”
“Oh!” you piped up in excitement, “those are from the claw machine arcade. Atsumu and I won a bunch of stuff, even snacks! you can look and grab some if you’d like.”
“He’ll no he can’t! I spent my precious sanity winning all that stuff.” Atsumu protested
“Atsumu I won the most prizes out of the both of us.”
“Well I paid for it along with yer order at the cafe.”
“You were the one who insisted!”
Osamu paused as the two of you bickered, “Cafe?”
You stopped your teasing to look at your boyfriend “Yeah! the one with all the flowers I showed you like months ago. I told Atsumu about it and he insisted we go.”
“I got pictures! ‘Samu look at this.”
The sound of dishes clattering aggressively in the sink was followed by silence.
“I thought that we were going to go together?” Osamu asked bitterly, he glared at the picture Atsumu was showing him of you mid claw game, “and you went to the arcade too? Without me?”
You looked up at Osamu from your seat, fidgeting nervously as he crossed his arms over his chest, “I know we talked about it before but we’ve never really had the chance. You’ve been so busy lately.”
“So you decide to go without me and with my brother of all people?”
The silence that filled your house was deafening. Osamu’s anger seemed to grow by the second.
Atsumu coughed awkwardly. “Ya know what I think it’s time I go, I’m suddenly busy. Okay bye!”
In record time Atsumu had grabbed his things and fled your home, leaving you alone with Osamu.
The front door slammed shut and the tension in the room bore down on you. Osamu’s glare kept you frozen in your seat.
“Well?” Osamu urged, wanting an explanation.
“I don’t know what you want me to say Osamu.” You said, defending yourself, “Atsumu offered and I couldn’t refuse.”
“Except you could.”
You looked at him incredulously, “and then what? We sit here in the apartment doing nothing instead?”
“No! You kick him out! Tell him to leave!”
“That’s your brother Osamu, I can’t just shut him out!”
Osamu scoffed, “yes you can, and you should have. Instead of running off to god knows where.”
“Oh so that I could sit in this apartment by myself doing nothing again? Do you know just how bored i’ve been?”
“We could’ve gone-“
You threw your hands up in the air,,“When!? when Osamu? When could we have gone out together for an entire day? You’ve been so busy that I can’t remember the last time we’ve been able to go out on a date.”
“That not fair y/n, you know that the-“
“Restaurant? Yes I know damned well about the restaurant and how it’s important for you to be there, especially in the beginning stages. But can you blame me for not wanting to wait around every single day?”
“We agreed early on that this would take time to settle, that I would be working long hour and I wouldn’t be able to be around as often. You knew this well in advance y/n. So yes I’m sorry that you have to deal with what you agreed with, and I’m so sorry that for once, the world isn’t revolving around YOU!”
You froze where you sat. Osamu had never been once to raise his voice at you,
“Do you really think that I’m that full of myself? That I think that I deserve all the attention in the world or else I will wither away?” you stood from your spot “Do you know how lonely it’s been for me? Just how much I’m willing to let go because I know how busy you are?”
“Have you ever stopped for just a moment to think about how living in an empty house may make me feel? I wake up to an empty bed nearly every day, I come home from work to an empty house.”
you shake your head sadly. “If I’ve had a bad day at work I can’t even bring myself to voice my feelings because I know just how exhausted you are the moment you walk through that door. It hurts every time you ignore the dinner I’ve prepared and head straight to bed without even saying hello.”
“Three days Osamu.”
He looked at you confused “Three days?”
You chucked sadly, “that’s the longest we’ve gone without speaking, three whole days of living with what felt like a stranger rather than a boyfriend.”
Tears started to flood your eyes and you had to force yourself to continue. “Believe me when I say that I know more than anyone, how important this is to you. It is why I haven’t said anything up until this point. So forgive me if I decide that I want to spend some time out with a friend.”
With that you turned on your heel and made your way to your bed room, slamming the door behind you. Your breath sped up as the darkness of the room enveloped you and you barely made it to the bed before you found yourself collapsing into a pool of tears.
Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions, angry at him for being angry at you, sad because it felt like he would never understand, even more sad because you felt like you were losing him.
You knew that you had gone over what to expect when Osamu had started his business. You knew that it would be tough and taxing but you also knew that you could get through it.
At least you had hoped that you could get through it together rather than apart.
It was some time before the door creaked open. You buried your face into pillow in an attempt to hide your remaining sobs.
The bed dipped where he sat and there was a moment of quiet, filled only with your cries.
“I…” Osamu started. He sounded apprehensive, unsure of what to say in the moment. He sighed, “This isn’t the life that we talked about when we first started dating. I never wanted it to turn out this way, and for that I’m so sorry y/n.”
As he spoke, you willed yourself to sit up and sit in the edge of the bed beside him. Still refusing to look directly at him.
You missed the way he way he looked at you in remorse, too occupied with your own hands fiddling in your latp.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated, “That I took my anger out on you, you don’t deserve that either. I just got stuck with this idea that you would always be home waiting for me. I got too comfortable with that. When I heard you had gone out with Atsumu without me…“
Osamu looked away in shame, “I guess I was just…jealous”
His words caused you to finally look at him in surprise, “Of your brother?”
he scoffed “I would’ve been jealous regardless of who it was. It’s just…I know I haven’t been able to spend as much time with you as I much as I want to. I know you’ve been wanting to go to that cafe among other places for a while now and the fact that I wasn’t able to take you there, it just made me mad. You told me about it first, I should’ve been the one”
“I guess it just reminded me that you are alone here because of how busy I am, and I turned the anger I was feeling towards myself to you instead. You are allowed to go out—no you shouldn’t need my permission to go out and do all the things you find fun.”
There was a pause before you spoke, “I know that you’re busy Osamu, you’re achieving your dream! I could never blame you for that.” another pause, “it’s just that I hope that now you can understand that there’s only so much alone time a person can take, and that I have another life outside of what happens in this apartment.
he sighed “I know.”
“I miss you ‘Samu.”
He smiled sadly at you, “I know y/n, I miss you too. So much.”
Without saying anything else, you crawled up beside him and wrapped your arms around him. He took the chance to pull you fully in his lap and hug you even tighter. He rested a cheek against the top of your head and the pleased sigh that followed made you smile.
“We have a bit to work out regarding our expectations of each other.” you lamented as you rubbed a hand up and down one of his arms.
He hummed in agreement, “I’ll be home tomorrow so we can talk each others ears off all day.” you softly laughed at his tease.
he continued, “and how about I schedule myself some time off and we can spend the entirety of next weekend together doing whatever you want.”
“I would really like that ‘Samu.”
He smiled and pulled you impossibly closer, as if you would disappear if he were to let go.
“We have to apologize to Atsumu first though.”
“if you insist,” Osamu groaned, “But for now, how about those snacks you told me about earlier?”
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I am IN LOVE with your writing!  I’m a dedicated reader! 💓💓 thanks for taking the time to do it!
Hear me out. Reader pulls a 24 hour shift in the local clinic on a busy day and we get a protective worried din?
He would also be busy but he would definitely pull reader out and make her take a nap AT LEAST. 😂 anyway, I just thought that would be cute to think about.
I hope you have a wonderful day and keep up the good work! 
[a/n: anybody wanna guess how many times it took me to try and post this b/c tumblr wanted to keep glitching and destroying it?? FUCKING FOUR. lord, im gonna go scream in a pillow. anyways, thanks anon for the great idea! also pls consider this my apology for the cliffhanger that i am so sorry (but not really) for.]
Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Warnings: reader overworks herself, mentions of injuries (burns specifically) but not in great detail
Word Count: 1,934
Summary: Everyone needs a break, and Din is hell bent on ensuring you don't skip yours.
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[so not between chapters, but a scene within one of the time breaks in chapter 17.]
"be with someone who will take care of you. not materialistically but take care of your soul, your well being, your heart, and everything that's you." -unknown
Trying to get the emergency clinic established was not easy. You agreed to the job, and Karga had given you free reign. The High Magistrate was essentially allowing you to run the clinic as you saw fit. Which in part was fantastic because it gave you incredible freedom, but it was also your worst nightmare. All your training had taught you was how to handle the medical aspect of an office. The business and organization side was a whole other issue. Especially because the people of Nevarro were not understanding that this was for emergencies only. 
“My ankle hurts.”
“Alright, when did this start? When did you get hurt?”
“I twisted it while jogging three years ago.”
“You⏤ Wait, what?”
In order for this to work the way it needed to, you’d have to focus on actual emergencies only. Alone you would never be able to handle the patient load that would come with servicing an entire city. Plus, you really didn’t want to. The amount of time it would take to even attempt that was insane, and Din needed your help with Grogu.
So, the plan would be to establish that this clinic was emergencies only, emphasize it to everyone who walked in the door, but for today you’d manage all the small, routine problems.
Just for today.
By lunch time, you had already seen 47 patients. None of which were emergent. In fact, the biggest injury was a young man who had dropped a glass plate at home and accidentally cut his hand. He needed four stitches. 
“Four more in the waiting room, doctor!” Aayla called out without even having to be asked the question. She was a gift from the Maker today. Already, you had decided to try training her more in depth medically and hire someone else to work the front desk. “You also have a guest.
“What?” You breathed, barely able to catch her words.
Aayla didn’t need to repeat herself because that was the moment Din swept into the room with the same confident strut he naturally seemed to have. At the sight of him, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as your lips curled up into a smile.
“What is going on?” Din asked as he drifted closer to you. There were still two patients sitting on cots waiting for you to finish with them, but Din commandeered your attention by settling his hand on your lower back and staring down at you. Even through the helmet you could feel his concerned gaze. “Why are you so busy? I thought you were hired for emergencies only.”
“I was, but apparently nobody told all of Nevarro that.”
Din stiffened. “Did Karga⏤”
“No. I don’t think he tricked me into this or that this was on purpose.” You said quickly. “And everyone who comes in, I’m telling them that from now on it’s emergencies only.”
“But today?”
“Today, I am seeing every Nevarro citizen.” You chuckled. “You want a check up, Mando?”
“Ner kar’ta,” Din shook his head, “Have you taken any breaks at all?” You shot him a sheepish smile. “Come. Let’s get lunch.”
“I can’t. I’ll just get further behind.” You mumbled. Din looked like he was ready to argue with you. In fact, his hands even drifted to his hips as his head tilted. You had seen him take on the same stance before lecturing Grogu. You wrapped your hands around his forearm and gave him the most reassuring smile you could muster. “It’s fine. I’m just sorry I’m bailing on you for lunch.” He sighed. “You poor thing, now you’ll have to spend more time with Mayfeld.”
Din huffed and you chuckled. Aayla called out that more people were filling the space, and for a second you thought the Mandalorian Marshal was considering sending everybody home just so you could have a moment for lunch. You squeezed his forearm. 
“Fine.” Din grumbled.
“Also, I know this won’t help my argument or convince you of anything, but,” You scrunched your nose with a small wince, “Do you think you can pick up Grogu today?”
Din seemed taken aback based on his voice alone, “How long do you plan on staying?”
You knew his question was one more focused on the concern of you staying here for too long versus him being upset that you couldn’t get Grogu. When you shot him another sheepish smile he just grumbled under his breath in Mando’a. Din caught you off guard by leaning forward to lightly rest his forehead against yours for a second. 
“This conversation isn’t over.” Din said simply and you just chuckled in response.
He squeezed your hand once before leaving and you were forced to return to the patients you had. Ten minutes passed at the most, you got two patients out with Aayla’s help, when Din’s heavy footfalls returned. You glanced over your shoulder to see he was holding a bag of food. He crossed the space to set the bag in your hands and you peered in to see it was your favorite sandwich from the local shop. Your eyes glanced back up at him with a grin. The warmth of being seen and known settling in your chest.
“Eat.” Din said firmly.
“Thank you.” You replied. “I’ll eat it as soon as⏤”
“No.” He interrupted. A tilt to his head and a challenge in his voice. “I’m not leaving until I watch you take a few bites. At the least.”
You rolled your eyes, in good nature, and handed him the bag so you could wash your hands in the sink off to the side. On your way back to Din, you asked Aayla to bandage one patient’s knee and get imaging of another patient’s hand. Din had already pulled out your sandwich to set on the desk you had brought into the corner. Before you could reach for it, Din pointed to the desk chair. With a chuckle you dropped down into the seat, the first time you were off your feet all morning, and only then did Din push the sandwich toward you. 
“Thanks.” You said after your first bite. More sincere than your last. Din was leaning against the desk beside you. Close enough that your arm could press against his thigh if you moved it over even an inch. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Apparently, I did.” Din chuckled. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have eaten at all.”
You couldn't argue. Instead, you just shook your head, “Not gonna lie, I always did have a bad habit of getting caught up in my work.”
“Why does that not surprise me?”
“Doctor, can you take a look at this?” Aayla called out.
You quickly took one last, large bite of your sandwich before standing. Din pushed off the desk to tower over you again. He nodded. “I’ll pick up Grogu, but if you’re not home by 5 I’m coming back to drag you home.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You teased.
Din leaned over to lightly tap his forehead against yours and you chuckled. He reached over to pick up your sandwich and held it up towards you. You raised an eyebrow at him, but he didn’t budge. Rolling your eyes, you leaned over and took another bite. Holding a hand over your mouth, tucking the food into your cheek, you spoke. “Happy?”
“Yes. Be careful. Message me if you need anything.”
You watched him leave with a bemused smile.
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Never before had you been so acutely aware of the saying ‘when it rains, it pours’. Today had already been stressful and busy so it would make sense that at 4:25 in the afternoon an actual emergency rolled in. Nothing to test and stretch your skills like having to handle a trauma case after a full day of working. There had been an incident, on the other side of this world deep in the lava plains, where a group of smugglers got a bit too close to a river of lava with their weapons and nearly blew one another sky high. 
The least injured of the three had flown them in. She had some superficial burns all along her left side. Then the other two had third degree burns that required some serious fluid replacement. You didn’t stop working, barely paused to take a breath, until all three were stable and resting comfortably. Only then did you drop down into your desk’s chair and rest your head on your arms with a sigh. 
About twenty minutes later, a pair of hands settled on your shoulders, squeezing in comfort, and you would’ve been startled if you didn’t recognize the creak of Din’s leather with the comforting smell of his flight suit’s detergent and the polish used on his beskar. 
“What time is it?” You groaned.
“You’re nearly four hours late.”
Din squeezed your shoulders once more before letting a hand settle on the back of your neck. You found the weight of it grounded you. “I got here at 4:50. Saw you were busy with something important. Left then came back.” His thumb caressed your skin, and you pushed your head up to glance at him. Din had the hand not on your neck resting on the desk. “You alright?”
“Just tired.” You mumbled and rubbed your face with one hand. “Grogu?”
“He’s with Peli. Missed you at dinner though.” Din replied. “He acts up when you’re not around.”
“No, no. He’s a perfect angel, always.”
Din snorted at that, and the sound made you chuckle. You glanced over at the cots that held the three smugglers who slept soundly. All their vitals still stable. Din’s hand slipped down to rub your upper back soothingly. “You coming home?”
“I can’t. Not until the emergency shuttle gets here to pick those three up.” You sighed. “They have to be at a facility with a higher level of care than just me.”
“‘Just you’ saved their lives.”
“You know what I mean.” You shrugged. “You should go though.” Din tilted his head. “There’s no telling how long it’ll take for the ship to get here. I already sent Aayla home. I’m just babysitting right now. You should pick up Grogu and head home. Get some sleep.”
Din shook his head as if it were the stupidest thing you had ever said. He gently wrapped his hand around your upper arm and pulled you up from your seat. You let him drag you along to the fourth cot in the room which was currently empty. “You sleep. I’ll babysit.” 
He lightly pushed down on your shoulders until you were seated on the cot. You stared up at him in question, but he just shook his head. “If something changes with their status I’ll wake you.” Din pushed you down a little further so you were laying down. The moment your body hit the relatively soft bed you felt yourself sink into it with exhaustion. Din went to walk, but you grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the cot as well.
“You can babysit while laying down, can’t you?”
“My armor isn’t gonna be much of a pillow.”
“Neither is this cot.”
Din chuckled and dropped down to lay beside you. You rested your head on his chest, the cool metal of the beskar biting into your warm cheek, and just sighed. It hadn’t occurred to you how tired you truly were until now. Din had an arm wrapped around you so he could grasp your shoulder with his hand and use his thumb to trace patterns there.
“Take a break, doc.” Din hummed. “I got you.”
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@aheadfullofsteverogers @yyiikes @kneelforloki @c-ms1ut @sgt-morgan @luthienaliceisilra @fawn-kitten @missbabyjay @coldlamaspersonspy @dilfsaremyfavourite @jamesbuckybarnes @yorkeylover @teawrites01 @emily-roberts @djarinxore @impala1967666 @shelbyteller @faithrenner @dindjarindude @dankfarrick29 @rh1nestonecowg1rl @garbo-lesbo @anythingforattention @tearfulsolace @onceinamando @catharinaroxastova @uwu-i-purple-you @modiddys-blog @stagerightlauren @mini-bees @xxinvisblexx @adoringanakin @sagegreensensei @spidey-3 @sydney-1209 @thepascalofus @hrtsforpascal @banana-lol @daybleedsintonightfall11 @lil-dragon-draws @guccistardust @ideajpeg @harriedandharassed @leithatnight @elfamosotoga @damnzelsoul @the-anchored-sailor-girl @morks-watermelon @katelynmarieyt @taylorann2013 @chonkercatto @dheet @liadamerondjarin @fallinallinmendes @missdicaprio @jennaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @alphaash99 @djarinsmixtape @pcrushinnerd @closedaddition @thelovelyhann @harrys-sunflower-bakery @mayaaaaah @theway-thisis
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nerdieforpedro · 19 days
WIP Wednesday
It's been a while since I've done one of these. My writing has been all over the place so instead of posting snippets of one fic, I'll post the titles of the fics I'm working on and which character they feature.
I was tagged by @djarins-cyare @for-a-longlongtime and @604to647 most recently I think. 🤔
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Honey and Sugarplum with Jack Daniels. Not on Tumblr, I threw it on AO3. Not sure when I'll have it on Tumblr, I need to finish it first.
Weddings 101 with Dieter - with well Dieter and @angelofsmalldeath-codeine 🤣 On Tumblr and AO3. Maya and Dieter’s saga will continue.
Just wanna lova ya, Sugar with Jack Daniels. This one isn't anywhere. It needs a lot more. It was a challenge @fhatbhabiee threw at me.
Coasting through the Rainbow with Javier Pena. On Tumblr and AO3. It's a queer fic that I need to finish that @perotovar and @julesonrecord looked over my bullet points for. I really want to finish this one, I only have half of it written.
Foul Play with Javier Pena. @magpiepills read over this one for me and if she likes it so do I. On AO3 currently, it's a different sort that I haven't written but I enjoy that the OC is devious and Javi is right there with her. 😎 This one is dark adjacent? Or maybe a sexual thriller? Or my attempt at one. lol
Within a Grumpy Spider's Web with Miguel O'Hara. An Oscar Issac character that I haven't written before. On AO3 and I like the push and pull between them, if that's even the right phrasing.
A Safe Place for Us with Dieter Bravo. On Tumblr and AO3. This one is smut with feelings pretty much and there's gonna be baby eventually. 🤗 lol
Fifty-Six Wildflower Lane with Frankie Morales. On AO3 only so far. Once I think of an ending and finish it, then I'll post on Tumblr since it will actually be finished. 😆 This one is dark.
Fire and Fury with Pero Tovar. On Tumblr and AO3. My dragon lady action, enemies to lovers, we're finally getting to sort of lovers now? 😩 This one is dark too.
No One's Good Girl with Qmir. @megamindsecretlair planted this seed a while ago with her own idea. My idea came to me before I went to sleep last night so I scribbled it and told her about it and she hit me with the "are you going to write it?" So now there's lore I've made and we're on this train. It's not anywhere except some bullet points in a notes app. 🫡 This one will likely be dark.
I feel like 10 is a nice even number and plenty to work with. 😂 I have too many ideas and no endings in sight save for a few. I welcome any and all questions or comments about them. I will likely ramble so be prepared. 🤭
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @saturn-rings-writes @connectioneverywhere
@lotusbxtch @grogusmum @kewwrites @secretelephanttattoo @inept-the-magnificent
@bitchwitch1981 @iamskyereads @80ssong @din-cognito @huntingingoodwill
@lady-bess @jessthebaker @clawdee @tinytinymenace @syd-djarin
@yorksgirl @handspunyarns @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @trulybetty @chaithetics
@goodwithcheese @alltheglitterandtheroar @i-own-loki @avastrasposts @galaxyedging
@yopossum @kilamonster @rhoorl @musings-of-a-rose @yourcoolauntie
@sin-djarin @schnarfer
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rise-my-angel · 2 years
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tightjeansjavi · 7 months
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A/N: so I woke up this morning thinking about Dieter & gumdrop—better known as trash panda and trash possum 🥺 I just love how silly they are together and I hope y’all do too!
~word count: 1.9k~ yeah—idk what happened lol
Summary: Dieter almost burns his script in front of the director, you’re at home writing Din Djarin fanfiction on your tumblr account, Oh! And something about Dieter cloning his cock in silicone?
Pairing | dieter bravo x f!reader
Warnings: none, fluff, implied smut (phone sex bby), language, dirty talk, dieter and the reader being a menace together, one mention of drugs, readers nickname is gumdrop/trash possum, reader has no physical descriptions, +18 minors dni!
series masterlist
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When Dieter is away for a new filming project, you end up house sitting for him because there is no one that he trusts more, (outside of his agent) than you, his gumdrop. Plus, he’s secretly hoping that if you spend more time in his home, that you’ll be open to moving in with him. It’s his genius plan that he of course came up with when he was stoned out of his mind.
He didn’t realize that he could just ask you to move in with him. That was far too simple!
So, for the month that Dieter was away filming, you were lounging in his home like a house cat. He called you multiple times a day to check in on you, and because he missed your voice terribly.
“What have you been up to today, gumdrop?” He was hunched over the side of his hotel bed at an awkward angle. It was a terrible day on set. He was used to the director making last minute changes to the scene, tweaking irrelevant details and minor character traits that no one would pay attention to. Dieter, however, was not prepared for his character's redemption arc to be completely fried to bits.
He compared it to what happens to an egg when you crack it on a pan that is too hot, and the whole thing ends up burnt and crusted onto the pan.
He was furious, and instead of just sticking it through, he stormed off set after he threatened to quit the film entirely.
“Hey, Dee!” You chirped enthusiastically through the receiver. “I’m out by the pool, with a fresh glass of homemade iced tea, and I’m finally getting to write the bit where my slow burn lovers are finally going to kiss!”
He felt his lips curving upwards into a lopsided smile at your enthusiasm as he pictured you in your sunglasses, typing away on your laptop, eyes dancing, little giggles slipping past your lips because he knew just how badly you wanted to write this next part.
“I miss you so fucking much, my little trash possum.” He sighed, scraping his hand down his face before he fell back against the comforter. “This is about that tin helmet dude, right? With the little green guy?”
“Oh, Diets, I miss you too, trash panda.” You paused your typing, reaching for your glass of iced tea and took a sip. “Yes, baby. Din Djarin and Grogu. Speaking of, when you come home next month, do you wanna go to Disneyland?”
“Are Din and the reader finally gonna kiss? Shit, is he gonna take his helmet off and break the creed? Please tell me he takes the helmet off!” He felt like one of your fellow dedicated readers on tumblr, anticipating when you would post the next chapter to one of your many prolific series. “Baby, I would absolutely love to go to Disneyland with you when I get home.”
You giggled softly, shaking your head and set your glass back down on the nearby table. “Dee, I can’t spoil it! You know this, baby. You’re just gonna have to wait for the update like everyone else.” You typed in a few more words to add to the current sentence you were working on before saying, “how’s filming going? Shouldn’t you be on set right now, baby?”
“Well, if I were the tin helmet man, I would absolutely take my helmet off and break my creed for you, Meshla. And then after that I would—” he grumbled and rolled over onto his stomach, “I left set because this fucking director is completely trashing the redemption arc that my character is supposed to have! I had all these cool ideas that pretty much have now just been flushed down the toilet, and I may, or may not have threatened to quit.”
“How romantic, Dee. You’d break your creed for me?” Your lips curved downwards into a set frown when he explained to you what happened on set. “Oh, Dieter, I’m so sorry. Why the hell would the director do that? It sounded like before that it was going really well, too.”
“I’d break every creed for you, gumdrop. But yeah, the guy is on fucking crack, I swear. It’s making my job so much more fucking difficult. Y’know, I thought that after winning my first Oscar that people in this bloodsucking industry would actually take me seriously. Guess not, huh? Guess I’m still just a fuckin’ joke in Hollywood’s eyes.” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his ringed thumb and forefinger to suppress his oncoming tears.
“Baby, you are not a joke in Hollywood’s eyes, okay? If you and the director aren’t seeing eye to eye, I think you should give it one last shot to try and meet a middle ground? If he doesn’t budge, then I fully support you in quitting this job. You’re so passionate about your work, Dee. No reason to be pulling teeth just for a paycheck.” You reassured him, setting your laptop off to the side now so you could give your boyfriend your undivided full attention.
“And this is why I fucking love you, gumdrop. You always know how to validate me and talk me down. What the fuck would I do without you?” He stifled a chuckle. “So, I think I’m gonna give myself another hour to be pissed and grouchy about this, and then I’m gonna march my ass back to set, and give this dude a piece of my fucking—”
“Dieter.” You softly warned him.
“Baby, I’m kidding. But I am gonna try and see if he and I can reach a middle ground. And if we can’t, well, guess I’m coming home early, trash possum.”
“As much as I would love to see you sooner, I want this role to work out for you, Dee.”
“Me too, gumdrop.” He scratched at his beard with a sigh, and just when he was about to say more, there was a knock at his door and the familiar chime of his agent's voice. “I’ll call you later, okay? Cause I wanna hear all about the tin man kissing the reader, finally.”
“Okay, baby. Just remember, you’re my Dieter Bravo, and I’m so proud of you.”
“Love you to the moon and back, trash possum. Catcha on the flipside.” He ended the call, tossing his phone to the side and droned out, “You may enter.”
Later in the evening, and you were finalizing the final draft of the chapter, Dieter texted you and told you that the conversation with the director went well, and things were back on track.
Dee! This is great news, baby! I’m so happy for you 💗
Me too! He actually agreed that destroying my character's redemption arc was piss-poor writing, and he’s gonna have a new script ready for me in the morning. Did Din finally kiss the reader?
See what happens when you just communicate? So proud of you, baby. And maaaaybe. I just finished finalizing the chapter and now I just have to post it! 🤭
See, now if I never met you, I probably would have torn the guy a new one and then set the script on fire right in front of him. Y’know, like that scene in the Social Network, where Andrew Garfield’s gf sets the scarf on fire in his trash can? CLASSIC! Anyway, I’m gripping the edge of my seat! I can’t wait to read, gumdrop.
Ohhh! Yeah, that scene is a classic! I’m glad that you didn’t set your script on fire, Dee. I should have the chapter posted within the hour. Oh! And before I forget, when you come home next month…I have a surprise for you x.
Shiiii is it you naked in my bed and touching yourself? Is that the surprise? 🥵
Well that’s part of it! Butttt you’ll just have to wait and see! 😉
Oh, sure, tease me, why don’t ya? Got my cock stupid hard already, you little filthy thing.
Pics or it didn’t happen!
Tell me if Din and the reader kiss, then I’ll send you a pic ;)
You are a little shithead
Tell me something I don’t already know, gumdrop 🥰
Fine. Fine. They kiss! He takes his helmet off, but she doesn’t see his face. She keeps her eyes closed because she doesn’t want him to break his creed for her 🥺
Damn, that just made my heart & my cock ache :( Din is such a romantic! Be still, my foolish heart. Your readers are gonna eat that shit up, babygirl.
Please show me. That clone your willy dildo you got me just isn’t the same. And yeah, he is such a romantic! Just like you 💗
Oh, fuck. Are you using it on yourself right now? Hold on, I’m gonna FaceTime you! I need to see this for myself 😉
I miiight be.
Seconds after sending that text, Dieter FaceTimes you and his freehand is already slowly and gently fisting his cock in your view just as he sees you fucking yourself with the silicone dildo of his cloned cock.
“So pretty, good golly. You take my fake cock so well, gumdrop.”
It’s hours before Dieter’s flight into LAX is expected to arrive. You had just finished moving in all of your belongings from your apartment, including all of your silly little trinkets and knick knacks that you have now displayed on every available surface in his home.
Tiny animal figurines, built lego sets, little trinkets and bobbles and you even went and bought a cabinet to store yours and Dieter’s Funko Pop collection. Little pieces of yourself and your exuberant personality were scattered about the house. You were, in some ways, like a crow; you loved to collect pretty and shiny things.
When Dieter arrived home, bag slung over his shoulder, and under his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the stack of cardboard boxes neatly stacked next to the front door and his heart immediately swelled at the sight.
“Gumdrop?” He called for you, kicking his shoes off on the rainbow doormat next to yours.
He padded further into the house, stopping at the cabinet with your shared Funko Pop collection and into the kitchen where he saw that along the window sill, you had an array of different animal figurines lined up in a row, and the very first two animals were a little ceramic racoon and possum.Then he finally saw you, lounged out by the pool, typing away like a maniac on your laptop.
He dropped his bag to the floor and pulled open the sliding back door to accompany you outside.
You looked up from the screen at the familiar sound, lips curving upwards into a grin that stretched across your entire face. “Dieter!” You said enthusiastically, setting your laptop off to the side and ran over to him, nearly slipping into the pool on your way because you were so excited.
He met you halfway, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you so tightly it felt like the oxygen was being crushed out of your lungs.
“Hey there, my little crow. You moving in or something?” He said teasingly, loosening his grip around you as your arms looped around his neck, “Cause, I was gonna ask you to move in at some point but I just—”
You shushed him with a kiss, molding your lips against his in a warm embrace. “Surprise.” You carded your fingers through his hair, tugging him in closer, “You’re stuck with me now, trash panda.”
He smiled against your lips, kissing you back deeply, giving your ass a playful squeeze as you yelped in surprise, giving him full access to lick into your mouth, “Wouldn’t’ want to have it any other way, trash possum.”
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banners made by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💗
please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications
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Using my GMT time zone privileges to post a little earlier than usual. Here are the boys in a little diner. We are getting so close to the scene I’ve built this ENTIRE story around 👀👀💛
“Baby?” he asks. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Carlos says, a heat rising in his cheeks at how easily TK has seen him. “This is just, uh…probably the most amount of total strangers I’ve ever kissed someone in front of.” TK grins.
“Yeah?” he asks. “Wanna do it some more? Anyone says anything, I’ll punch them in the mouth for you. I’m a boxer, you know.” Mischief settles deep in TK’s expression, makes him look younger, accentuates the wildness in him, the boldness. He leans back from Carlos slightly, reaches across himself to pinch his own bicep. He makes a face of exaggerated approval at what he finds, pursing his lips, giving a nod. He looks like a douchebag, and he knows it. There’s a spark in his eyes that could rival the sun. Carlos laughs, and tumbles deeper into love.
“You’re a complete dork,” Carlos laughs. He reaches out, emboldened by TK’s confidence, by his lack of shame, and gathers a fistful of TK’s hoodie in his hand, right at the collar. He pulls TK closer, relishing the way TK laughs softly as he goes. Carlos only closes his eyes when TK’s lips are against his once more, and they sink into one another as the din of chatter around them fades further into the background, mingling with the acoustic music and the push and pull slide of the front door opening for new customers. TK tastes like the peach iced tea sitting half finished at his elbow, and Carlos doesn’t think he’s ever felt this free before. His heart soars with it, so full it practically aches.
It’s Carlos who breaks the kiss this time, biting his lip against the notion suddenly stirring within him – that a blowjob in the bathroom might not put too much of a dampener on their performance in their respective fights tonight. And TK is watching him, smiling warm and small and expectant, brow arched as if he can read Carlos’s mind, as if their hearts and their bodies pulse in tandem now, like some unseen barrier between them has simply been felled.
But then TK’s eyes slide from Carlos’s face, snag on something over his left shoulder, and TK’s whole expression slips.
Carlos opens his mouth, stomach lurching downwards. The worry barely has time to hit. He presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth, but doesn’t have time to say TK’s name.
“Well,” comes a voice over his shoulder. “Hey there, stranger.”
No pressure tags below the cut 💛
@orchidscript @birdclowns @carlos-in-glasses @irispurpurea @heartstringsduet @lutavero @largepeachicedtea @lightningboltreader @louis-ii-reyes-strand @lemonlyman-dotcom @goodways @bonheur-cafe @catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @fitzherbertssmolder @freneticfloetry @ambiguouspenny @three-drink-amy @redshirt2 @tarlosmalec @herefortarlos @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @meditating-honey-badger @thisbuildinghasfeelings @mikibwrites @sanjuwrites @inkweedandlizards @paperstorm @jesuisici33 @three-drink-amy @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @basilsunrise @wandering-night19 @wtfuckevenknows @sugdenlovesdingle @rachelsversion1 @taralaurel @rosedavid @reyesstrand @rmd-writes @detective-giggles @hoko-onchi-writes @welcometololaland and YOU if you see this and aren’t tagged (I love you all I just have a small brain)
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a little fic update
Due to needing a fresh start I deleted more than half of my WiPs. Because my goal still is to finish all my WiPs this year. So I only kept the ones where I actually have written something and not just three sentences. I saved the ideas though. I have a Fic Idea document that is three pages long so if anyone is looking for fic ideas let me know. Or I'll make this a writing challenge/follower celebration in which whoever is willing gets a random fic idea to write from this document
I will work on a Joel fic this weekend and then for September as my own personal challenge I wanna write the second part to my Dave York fic You, the next part to invisible string (I want to finish this little series until October) and one sequel to a fic that you get to choose. I already put up a post last week asking for what fic of mine you want to have another part from and some people let me know what they would want to read. So please choose from the ones below
Find the fics in my Masterlist
And for everyone still reading and interested in what I have planned for the rest of the year:
A Halloween Marcus Pike fic in which he touches a bronze cat figurine of a new drop of stolen artefacts that brings him back in time to the witch who put a spell on all her stuff because it kept getting stolen, though she never anticipated her spell to work so well it travels through time. Now she has to figure out how to bring this strange, very good looking, man back into his timeline... or does she?
An arranged marriage AU in which Javi G has to marry the very young daughter of a crime boss to keep the peace, only to end up falling hopelessly in love with her and they both decide to bring down both of their families
A Dieter fic where a big scandal he caused left him no choice but to flee the country to wait until this blows over with his PR Agent who books them both into a four week stay on a private island to spend christmas together. And maybe (wink wink) they finally figure out that whatever they have going on for the last ten years is more than just a professional relationship
Christmas Tree Farmer Pero who against his will falls for the sunshine reader who gets hired by William to save his Christmas tree farm (I am looking for a co-Writer on this fic! If you're interested send me a message!!)
The last six parts of the Stay Universe (most likely short fics)
Only Fans Dave York (if my brain can decide on the actual plot of the fic for a change)
and the last two parts to my Soulmate Joel AU Counting stars
and if I actually manage to write this all like I planned I am gonna give myself an award. Or.... take myself out to a very fancy Chinese dinner lol
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deeptrashwitch · 4 months
This just appeared since I was having my romantic moment hearing music xd I had to do it. It's more like little moments more than a proper snippet, but still, enjoy! :D
Quizas no fue coincidencia encontrarme contigo (Maybe it wasn't a coincidence to find you)
Private Vargas sighed silently as he waited into the formation, he was bored as hell, but he stayed right beside his friend Rudy. Soon the plane that transported the American soldiers landed, and the soldiers that came to train and be deployed there started to descend. His eyes locked by pure luck with one of the female soldiers, who stole his breath in a second as she raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly.
Tal vez esto lo hizo el destino (Maybe this was destiny's thing)
"Private Vargas, be sure to make Private Marchant keeps with the pace of everyone" a superior said to him, to which he nodded and saluted
"Yes sir!"
"...I guess I'll be under your instruction, huh?" she said with a animated and big smile once the superior walked away, then she saluted him "please, take care of me, Vargas. I hope we can work well together"
"Uh, y-yea, I hope so as well" he murmured, flustered by her smile
Quiero dormirme de nuevo en tu pecho (I wanna sleep over your chest again)
After some months they got into a relationship, and now they passed their free days together, sometimes just staying on bed together. Right now they were, instead, lying over the floor just passing the time with the city sounds outside. Alejandro was lying as some kind of weighted blanket over Alicia, who just played quietly with his hair, with his head over her chest.
"What do you wanna do today?" she asked calmly
"Nothing, let's just stay here for a while" he answered, looking at her with a smile "please, amor"
"Fine, fine, you charming idiot"
"You know you love me that way~"
Y después me despierten tus besos (And that your kisses wake me up)
She groaned and then giggled when she felt how Alejandro was peppering her face with soft kisses, soon she laughed and cover herself with the blanket as she heard his laugh. Just seconds later, she was caged in a huge hug, that make her laugh as well as she tried to liberate from the grip. Alejandro pulled a bit the blanket, discovering her head and starting to kiss her again.
"Stop it Alejo!" she murmured with a giggle
"Nuh-uh, this is the only way to wake you up" he said with a side smile
"Let me sleep!"
"Then cuddle with me!"
"What? It's a good offer"
[...] (some years later)
Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra (I send you poems in my own handwriting)
Alicia was smiling as she was sat over her cot overseas, a bit flustered and blushed, reading a letter that Alejandro sent her once he knew she would be on a long mission. It was filled of romantinc things and even a poem, that last part made her blush a lot, hiding a giggle with her own hand. She kept it inside the book she brought to that mission, feeling a little warm inside her chest, and soon she lied down and started at the ceiling with a lovesick smile.
"You charming idiot..."
Te envío canciones de 4 40 (I send you songs from 4 40)
While he was doing some paperwork inside his office, Alejandro had his earphones on and was hearing some songs that Alicia sent him lately. He hummed while we was writing, also smiling silently as he wondered what would have been Alicia's expression, maybe a smile or a relaxed face. And when he looked to his messages, he felt heat crippling over his face, she always wrote similar things as when she sent him the music.
"It remind me to you, wanna hear it?" he read as he saved the song on his playlist "I always will"
Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella (I send you the pictures of us dinning in Marbella)
They compared the pictures they took during their recent dates during leave, always traveling around the world as tourists, and the last one was during a long leave. Both of them went to Spain and met there to start a tour, and ended up having dinner on a beautiful restaurant with looks to the beach. And they took a picture with the sunset behind them, all as they hugged and smiled.
"You looked handsome, cariño" Alicia teased with a side smile "even like a model"
"Don't make me start about you, amor" he answered, kissing her cheek "like a goddess"
Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela (And when we went to Venezuela)
Another picture was them during an old trip, the first time they were together, to Caracas and now they just could laugh seeing all the differences between the past and how they are now. They were older, were more tired, but also stronger and mature, and that gave them a huge joy to be together again.
"Where's that hat, tho? I haven't see it in a long time" Alicia asked, pointing at the picture
"I...lost it" he admitted with a shy smile
"Just you, Alejo, just you"
Y así me recuerdes y tengas presente que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos (So that you remember and know that my heart is hanging on your hands)
Alejandro and Alicia were sat beside each other, just staring at the landscape in silence, with little smiles. The Colonel put his hand over the Captain's, who just scoffed and squeezed it while the little match bracelets, which they got not so long ago, made a tingling sound. For a second they stayed there without moving until the wind crashed against them and ruffled their hair, then they scoffed and laughed quietly when they looked at each other.
"Now you look like a little hedgehog" Alejandro joked with a side smile
"Oh, look who's talking, you also are a hedgehog" the woman said with a laugh "don't start mocking now, cariño"
"Me? I don't know what you mean~"
"No, I'm not! And you're also laughing at me!"
"Then what is this?"
Then he dragged her into a hug, starting to tickle her as she started to laugh loudly, trying to get away. Like that they continued for a couple of minutes, until Alejandro stopped and just stayed there, hugging Alicia from behind.
"I'm glad to have found you again" Alicia said with a little smile "but are you sure to be here with me?"
"Obviously, amor" he answered, kissing her forehead "it doesn't matter what happened in the past, I'll always be sure to stay by your side"
"Can I ask why?"
"Hmm, because I still see that you are the one I chose, and yes, even if you did something really bad...I'll stay"
"Te amo" (I love you)
"Y yo a tí. Mi corazón es tuyo, querida" (I love you too. My heart is yours, sweetheart)
*overloads of sweetness* Welp, I doubt I'll do this again in a long time. It was worth it, tho *smiles*
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moon-sang · 2 years
Could you add a little more to your 3AM prompt? I feel like it could be a gooooood one shot! :)
36 Days
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Ok, you guys win, I’ll write my idea :>
Please tell me if there are any gender indications, so. I can change it to gender neutral
SUMMARY: You and Mando have a huge fight. (Happy ending)
WARNINGS: Fighting, angst, nightmares, mature language, pls tell me if I miss anything!
How did this start again?
Oh that’s right! You had walked outside of the Crest for the first time in exactly 5 weeks, 4 hours, 19 minutes, and 6 seconds.
And Din had the nerve to tell you off about it!
The story was Gideon had managed to get his hands on you when you were a few years old. From there you had been his lab rat up until the age of 20, that’s when Mando rescued you, and brought you along on his ship with his tiny green son.
You were forever grateful that he let you stay with him, but at the same time you were slowly losing your sanity, piece by piece. Exactly 36 days of being trapped in a dull silver cold ship, with a baby…how did Din not see it?! The frustrations!
Whenever you brought it up he would always turn you down by saying
“There are millions of bounty hunters and imperials looking for you, I can’t protect you as well as I protect the kid, keeping you out of sight is just a safety precaution.”
Fair enough…
You weren’t even allowed to open any windows for kriffing sake!
~~~~~~~~ “You were reckless.” Scowled Din, fists clenched tightly by his side.
“No! I was tired of being trapped in this ship! 36 days, Din! 36 days since I last felt the sun!” You exclaimed.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“I am NOT! You might as well send me back to Gideon! I was more free even with him!” You yell, voice turning hoarse.
Din seemed to be taken back by your statement, because he is silent for a moment. “You wanna go back to Gideon? Be my guest, I’ll drop you off right now if you want me to, it’ll be easier on me, without you here.” He says in the most intimidating voice you’ve ever heard.
Tears formed at the corners of your eyes and he’s about to say something, perhaps and apology for his harsh words, but he doesn’t get a chance to, because your shoving past him, and making your way out of the cockpit.
Din doesn’t follow, he crossed the line and now he just needed to give you some space.
He had regretted the words the moment they came out, but he couldn’t stop them from toppling off of his tongue, pure anger and venom overriding any of his common sense.
You cried for what seemed like hours in Din’s your cot. 
It wasn’t just from the fear of Din’s words being true, but from the fight itself. Everything just got so overwhelming, especially with Din being so tall and just- intimidating! 
An ugly, heavy sob wracked your body as you tried to curl up impossibly tighter on yourself. 
Eventually you felt the familiar pull of your eyelids, and the haze of your tired mind. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, with old tears falling onto the dense pillow. 
“You have made the right choice Din Djarin.” Gideon’s voice booms through what you could only assume was a imperial cell. 
Gideon had his familiar victory smile etched into his face, whilst Din stood beside him watching you struggle against your cuffs. 
“Din? What’s going on?” You croak out. 
Gideon let’s out a sinister laugh
“You wanted to come back, right?” Din says, followed by a dry chuckle. 
Tears stream down your face, as you strain against your chains. “Din! Please don’t do this, I’m sorry!” You scream in broken sobs. 
Din says nothing as he turns away from you, and begins his decent to the Razor Crest in the distance. 
“Din!” You scream as loud as you can, hoping the desperation in your voice would magically change his mind. 
Gideon smirked once more. 
“Din!” You yell again, but to no avail. 
Distantly you knew you were having a nightmare, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to wake up. 
So you settle for screaming for Din, because right now, it’s the only thing you can do. 
Suddenly you felt hands tug at your waist, and your dream shifted, eventually disappearing into thin air, as you were welcomed back to your reality, in the Razor Crest, alone, crying in Din’s bunk, covered in your own sweat. 
Usually Din would comfort you right about now. But he wouldn’t do that now, not after fighting. Maker you would be lucky if he ever spoke to you again! 
An unexpected sob rips through your body, leaving you quivering against the wall. You could distinctly hear something hushing you gently, but you had to remind yourself that you were alone...and probably just paranoid from the nightmare. 
That is until you hear it again. 
“Din?” You sob out, hands travelling up his breastplate to confirm it’s really him. 
“Shh, I’m here, meshurok.” 
Just hearing him speak makes you cry even harder, which seemed impossible for you. 
As the tears began to flow more freely your sobs became harder, until you were gasping for air. Din held you through it all, rocking you gently, bodies swaying together. “I-I’m so-sorry” You cough up, gripping his cowl tightly between your sweaty palms, trying to ground yourself. “I’m so-so sor-sorry.” You whimper. Din hushes you quickly, running his hands through your hair. “It’s ok ner’karta, relax.” 
You don’t remember much of that night, you can’t remember how many hours Din held you securely against his chest, strong arms keeping you safe, and close to him, but it opened up a new path for the two of you. One where you wouldn’t lose your tempers and actually try to understand each other. 
You followed Din over to the hatch, ready to wave him off for yet another hunt. 
You had come to terms with staying on the ship
Din couldn’t lose you. 
Which is why.. you couldn’t understand why Din handed you an oversized cloak and said;
“No, Mesh’la, we’re going to go out”
Din had never seen you smile so brightly in his whole life. 
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