#and i was doing all these questionnaires and i was like ‘i’m not run by a motor ever!’
yay-depression · 7 months
thinking about my daily behavior: oh shit! it’s another adhd symptom!!
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superblysubpar · 1 year
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modern!steve harrington x fem!reader
We'll Call It Love Masterlist | song inspiration
4.8k words | 18+ NSFW
Warnings: *This is a prequel to my series "We'll Call It Love" linked above | reader drinks wine and loves olives on her pizza | swearing | SMUT (PIV intercourse -wrapped before tapped /oral - both receiving and performing/dirty talk/ass slapping)
A/N: While this is a prequel to the series, I think it's actually kind of fun to read this after the first two parts and before the third, little easter eggs and what not. I hope you enjoy this and thanks for your patience in waiting for this story! 💛
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“You’re laate,” you sing into your phone, smiling at Argyle across the bar as he motions to your almost empty glass of wine. Spinning on your barstool as you nod and Robin huffs into the phone. 
“I’m so sorry, but Joe was on a terror today and like yes sir god forbid you have raisins in your trail mix and no I did not watch the barista take the temp of your half caf soy bullshit latte because believe it or not I do actually do real work for this company other than wait on your hand and foot and-”
“Robin!” Laughing into the phone and shaking your head. Your own chest hurts from her lack of ending a sentence. “Take a deep breath. I’m just joking, I already ordered the pizza and…” trailing off as she becomes far too quiet on the other end, “You’re not coming at all, are you?”
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Your new friend groans, “I’m so, so, so, sorry. I promise I’m not normally this flakey, but like I cannot afford to lose this job and I have that date tomorrow so if I leave now I may as well go and buy a plot at the cemetery because-”
“Oh my god,” laughing at her dramatic flare, you smile at Argyle as he sets your refilled glass back in front of you. “Stop, you’re fine. I’m more than content to just hang here at the bar. There’s a game tonight, besides, Argyle can keep me company.”
Batting your eyelashes at him, he winks and Robin laughs on the other side of the phone but it quickly turns to another groan. “Please get extra olives on the pizza for me? Dingus hates them and he’s a baby who always gets his way and oh shit,” she whispers into the phone, “Gotta go. Joe is back and asking where his steak is and I forgot to order it. And by forgot I mean he told me he didn’t want steak an hour ago. Please pray for my quick and painless demise. I love you.”
Robin hangs up before you can reply and you slip your phone back into your purse. Leaning onto the counter, you sigh as your chin rests in your palm. “Looks like it’s just you and me tonight, Argyle.”
He tosses a rag over his shoulder and leans against the wall behind him. “Hot date cancel on you?”
Shrugging, he was no stranger to the guys you’d picked up at that very bar in just the few short weeks you’d been coming there. You take a sip of your wine before admitting, “Nah, just Robin. Although, she is very hot.”
He squints, rubbing at his jaw before snapping, “Super talkative lady right? She’s nice, I like her.”
You laugh into your glass as you nod. “That’s the one.” Looking around the fairly quiet bar, you turn back to him with a fake pout on your lips, fluttering your eyelashes dramatically. “Could I persuade you to put the baseball game on?”
He groans, wiping down a glass, “You know Eden’s rule…”
Leaning forward on your elbows, exaggerating your pout as he trails off. He squints before throwing his head back, blowing out a long exhale, “Man, you’re going down with me if she gets mad.”
Snickering into your wine glass because the other owner is quite…particular about the restaurant. Argyle is the exact laid back balance she needs to run the business or she’d never get anyone in the place - there’s a reason it’s named after him. If it were up to Eden, every guest would need to answer a questionnaire about what music taste they have, toppings on pizza, and if they played sports in high school. Any sort of sports paraphernalia on your person would get you on the sidewalk immediately if she had her way. 
Which is why you’ve learned from Argyle that Eden runs the behind the scenes business side of things, and Argyle gets creative freedom on pizzas and drinks, tending to the customers, and earning the tips he rightfully deserves. He was not let loose on decor however. The pizza bar is decked out in nostalgia from the decades, various band’s vinyls covering the walls, black and white photographs of Eden and Argyle in front of their VW Van across the country. Candlesticks with dripping wax and soft lamps lighting the tables, gold and black accented decor, and a strict aesthetic to be met when it came to the music played and what was shown on TV. 
Making a crossing motion over your chest, “I promise your secret is safe with me, nobody in here will be paying attention, anyways.”
He hums, unconvinced, but pops it on. Rolling his eyes at your grin while making a show of muting the TV and putting subtitles on. 
The bar, aside from your seat, is empty, other patrons snuggled into booths behind you. Argyle brings you out your pizza and keeps your cab at a decent level throughout the first several innings, chatting with you as he gets orders done for others. Despite being bummed to not see Robin, you’re a tad excited to have a quiet night to yourself. You enjoy being able to sit at the bar, drink too much wine, eat the kind of pizza you like and-
A whisper just over your shoulder has you turning, wine glass half suspended to your lips. 
Your eyes greedily take in the man in front of you. From his worn brown leather boots, up dark black jeans that fit him perfectly, to a striped shirt revealing thick chest hair just above the top button. Swallowing harshly when you spot the gold chain nestled there as your gaze climbs higher over the tanned skin of his neck, dotted with freckles and moles. Several pairings of two that lead you to a jaw lined with slight scruff. Your thighs squeeze together on the bar stool when your eyes finally meet his, a hypnotizing and enticing swirl of honey and moss. 
He runs a hand through his disheveled chestnut locks, causal and airy with his tone after he blows his breath out with a nod to your pizza, “I was about to come over here and throw out an incredibly smooth pick up line that I worked on for the last ten minutes,” his thumb hooking over his shoulder to where he must have been before he continues, “But I see you have olives on your pizza. So. Enjoy your horrible dinner choice.”
Your mouth drops open as he slides down two open chairs from you. He smirks into his bottle of beer as he leans back on the stool, eyes on the screen playing the game. 
Hating that you can’t come up with any sort of comeback, you snap your jaw closed and roll your shoulders back, facing the mounted TV screen as well. 
Watching out of the corner of your eye as he leans forward on the bar, eyes dancing across the screen and his fingers twitching on the bottle. His thumbs wear down the paper label as the home team lets two more runs happen. 
Argyle returns with the cardboard pizza box you asked for and he glances at the screen and you lunge forward, finger pointing in his face, “Aha! So you do like baseball!”
He rolls his eyes, shrugging his shoulders, “Yeah, sure, when the Cubs are winning.”
You scoff into your wine glass, “Mm, so never.”
The olive hating man next to you groans, his forehead landing on his arms as his voice is muffled against the bar, “You hate the Cubs too? What is wrong with you?”
Your wine glass hits the bar top a little too harshly and Argyle winces, moving it safely from the edge as you turn to the adorable yet infuriating man next to you, “What is wrong with you?! I was having a perfectly normal night and then you came over here and complained about my dinner and my team preference and-”
“I’m sorry, I saw a pretty girl, alone at a bar, watching baseball and I thought I’d shoot my shot. Excuse me for finding the one girl who not only likes my least favorite food but also hates my team?!”
Rolling your eyes, you narrow them at the TV muttering to Argyle, “Why are the cutest ones always obnoxious?”
Olive man grins, catching his glance out of the corner of your eyes. His tone changes, amusement in it as his perfect teeth gleam in the low light. “You think I’m cute?”
Groaning, you rub at your temple and he keeps going, “Cause, you know, I think you’re still pretty, for what it’s worth. Even if you’re an olive loving Cubs hater.”
He sighs when you turn to face the TV again fully, arms crossing over your chest. Hearing his chair scuff against the dark hardwood beneath it, you’re a little disappointed he gave up so easily. But then, you watch Argyle smile down at the ground as a tapping happens on your shoulder. Rolling your eyes, you practically growl as you turn around to see olive man standing there. “What?”
He extends his hand, leaning on the bar next to you, “Hi, I’m Steve. While I think your choice in pizza toppings is horrendous, I’m willing to look past this fact and your denial of rooting for an excellent baseball team because you’re super cute and I’d love to buy you a drink, maybe walk you home, could even kiss you goodnight.” He smirks as you look down at his hand, and he raises his eyebrows, waiting.
You laugh, because you can’t help it, there’s just something about him. Call it a cosmic connection, who knows. He’s cute, smooth, and able to make you laugh which is saying a lot considering what you’ve been dealt lately. Slipping your hand into his, you try not to focus on how it engulfs yours or how long his fingers are as you introduce yourself. 
“Very nice to meet you. And, great choice, by the way,” hand still holding yours, he leans forward, his mouth hovering just over your lips. Mint and beer hitting you and making you dizzy as he whispers, “The cutest ones are always the best kissers too.”
That’s how you ended up kissing him in your lobby, up the entire flight of stairs, taking a break to push you against the wall, back arching over the railing as his palms pressed flat to the brick on the side of your head. Breaking apart only when the door at the bottom creaks loudly and rudely interrupts you. Steve’s lips stay on you as you bump and fumble your way to your door, hot and quick gasps for breath against your lips as his fingers dig into your hips. Moaning into your mouth as you yank on the back of his hair a little harshly. 
“Keys,” breathing into him, nipping at his top lip as he pushed you into your door. 
Steve nods and you laugh, pushing on his chest so you can focus. Only spurring him on, his lips find purchase on your neck instead. He smirks into your skin at the little yelp you make at the feeling of his teeth grazing under your ear. Thighs growing sticky from his raspy tone as his nose skims over the shell of your ear, following the curve. “Keys?”
Your back arches, neck extending as his fingers fiddle with the hem of your dress. Eyelashes fluttering and mouth parting as his nose and lips drag down your neck. Your fingers dig into his shoulders, as you laugh breathlessly, “Yeah, you know. Those things that…fuck,” Steve’s mouth is back on your ear, nibbling on your earlobe as his knee slots itself between your legs and you sigh. Fingers dragging down his collar and into his chest hair as you continue, “Unlock doors?”
He hums into your jaw, smiling at the way your hips roll, searching for friction on his thigh and he pulls away, hands on either side of your head again. His eyes sparkle in the low light of your hallway, his lips twitching up on one side before he speaks, “So unlock the door. What’re you waiting on?”
You laugh, rolling your eyes as your fingers pull the keys out of your purse slowly. Batting your eyelashes as you try to gain the upperhand again, “What’s the matter, Steve? Growing a little impatient?”
Steve’s eyes narrow playfully, he brushes a finger across your cheek, tracing it down your jaw. Soft and sweet in contrast to the way you were just making out. He leans in, lips hovering over yours as your eyes slowly fall closed, waiting for another kiss. 
That’s when his hands are on your hips again, rocking you over his thigh and you know you’re leaving a damp spot, whining into the air between your lips at his teasing. You aren’t winning this one, and you don’t really care. 
“God, fuck, I-” your brain is actually short circuiting from the way his nose brushes up yours, at the scruff of his jaw on your skin, his eyes darting down to watch the way you use his thigh shamelessly. 
Steve suddenly removes his leg, eyes growing dark at the pout your lips form, at the needy sigh that comes from your chest and huffs out of your nose. He smiles, voice a whisper and a warm breath across your cheek. Throwing your teasing right back at you, “What’s the matter? Growing impatient?”
Rolling your eyes, you spin, quickly unlocking the door and pushing inside. Steve can’t help himself it seems, hands on you immediately again. Keys and purse thrown somewhere to be dealt with later, he pushes you up against the door, his chest to your back as his nose brushes behind your ear. 
Your fingers search for purchase on the wood, back arching into him as he leaves a trail of kisses on your neck to your shoulder, his hand slowly pulling the zipper of your dress down. 
“Be-bedroom?” you gasp out as he spins you to face him, his eyes roaming over your body. His fingers gliding over the band of your underwear and snapping it, making your thighs push together. 
Steve only nods, lips dragging down your chest and stomach as he drops to his knees, “We’ll get there. Just need to taste you right now.”
“Oh, I…oh,” Your head hits back against the door behind you as his nose drags over your clothed slit. 
His fingers pull your underwear down and yours fall into his hair as his tongue licks a long stripe through you. Steve gently pushes your legs apart further, hooking them over his shoulders as his tongue swirls around your clit. Hands holding your ass, he pulls you closer to his mouth forcefully. Moaning into you as his nose glides through you, parting your lips before his mouth returns to them. Your fingers tug in his hair as you glance down at the way he’s devouring you like a man starved. Pleasantly surprised since most guys don’t even offer to go down on you during a hookup, and they definitely don’t find your clit the way Steve found it. 
His tongue prods at your entrance, teasing it before licking back up to your swollen nerves, sucking the sensitive bead between his lips. Your thighs are already shaking around his head, whines falling from you between curses and his name. 
Steve’s fingers slip through you while his tongue works at your clit under the vacuum of his lips. He pushes one finger into your entrance, squeezing at your hip when you whine. Quick to slip a second digit into you, they swirl easily, curling forward in a motion that makes you moan loudly, hand slapping over your mouth. 
He breaks away, only for a second and shakes his head no. Kissing your thigh quickly and tapping his fingers on your waist, “Come on, don’t be shy now. Wanna hear you.”
Mouth back on your clit, fingers pumping into you at a pace that matches the swirl and flick of his tongue, your hand falls back to his hair, pulling yourself closer to his face desperately. Steve nods into you, pace picking up until you’re whining loudly again. Heat radiates through your body until your thighs are squeezing on the side of his head, releasing over his tongue and fingers as your mouth falls open in a gasp, eyes pinching shut. 
Steve takes everything you’re giving him, slowly pulling his mouth and fingers away from you as yours relax in his hair. The sight between your thighs makes your arousal flutter again already. Stomach filling with warmth at the sight of his pink and glossy lips, rosy cheeks and rumpled hair. 
He smirks at you, shaking his head before sighing dramatically. “God, how can someone who tastes so sweet,” he pulls you closer to him again, kissing your thighs before continuing, “Like olives on her pizza?”
Your laugh bursts out of you, head hitting the door again, “Oh my god, shut up.”
Steve’s fingers flex on your hips, lips dragging across the plush skin of your thigh. Eyes glinting with a dare. “Make me.”
Moving to let your legs fall and do just that, he quickly grips you harder, standing. You yelp, grabbing onto his hair, your head almost hitting the ceiling. He lets your body drag down his, torturously slow like a scene straight out of Dirty Dancing, until his hands are under your butt, legs wrapping around him and your faces are close together. He’s grinning widely, tongue licking over the top row of white gleaming at you, breathless as he asks, “Bedroom?” 
You point wordlessly, swallowing at the way his muscles flex around you and the warmth of his fingertips on your spine. Your lips attack his again as he lays you on the bed. Your arms fall around his neck, pulling him to fall across you. The muscles in his forearms dance on either side of your head as he grinds against you. The denim of his jeans a welcomed friction on your sensitive cunt and you gasp into his mouth. 
It’s a flurry of wet lips over hot skin, clothes thrown to places neither of you care to pay attention to. Bodies sliding together, his swollen tip catching on your clit and you bite down on his lip at the feeling, fingers pressing crescent moons into the tight muscles of his shoulder blades. You roll, landing on top of him and working your way down his body. Lips kissing at every freckle and mole you find along his chest and abs. Nose dragging across his hips, you smile when he shivers underneath you. 
Your tongue licks up his length, tracing the curve of the vein, swirling around the tip. Pulling the mushroom head between your lips, Steve’s hips jerk as your tongue flicks at the pre-cum spilling out of him already. His fingers twist in your comforter, a strangled noise from his throat as your head sinks lower, cheeks hollowing as you take him deeper. You glance up under your fluttering lashes to find him looking down at you, wrecked, eyes wild as his tip hits the back of your throat, spit spilling from your lips around him.
“Fuck, fuck. Condom? Do you have a condom?” He gasps, pulling his hips down, his cock falling from your mouth as you nod to your dresser. 
Steve’s quick to slip it on as you straddle him, fingers dragging through his chest hair. He sits up, arms circling your waist and yanking you down closer, pulling a laugh from you. His teeth nip at your neck, voice raspy as he asks, “What do you want? Tell me what you like.”
Taken aback by his question, your hook ups are rarely able to make you laugh, orgasm, and be attentive. He slides between your folds, letting you hover over him and you pull your lip between your teeth as he sucks a bruise under your ear. 
“This is…is good,” you gasp out as he pushes at your entrance. 
Steve nods, guiding you to sink down onto his length, fingers squeezing at your waist as your mouth parts in a gasp, yours gripping at his shoulders. 
You press your face into his neck, whining as you slip further down, taking him fully and you both groan as you circle your hips. 
“Shit, take me so well, honey, that’s it,” Steve’s babbling, hands roaming up your back as his lips kiss over your chest and neck. 
Your hips circle again, slowly lifting yourself up and sinking back down on him. His nose presses into your cheek, breath huffing along your jaw as he whines your name and you flutter around him. The slow drag of his cock along your walls not enough and too much all at once. 
“Steve, I-” your chest is tight, familiar heat growing rapidly in your stomach and he holds you, pushing you down into the mattress, his weight falling on top of you. 
Steve curses softly, pulling out of you and thrusting back in with a force that makes you both gasp around each other’s lips. It’s a dirty glide, sweat slicked bodies grinding together, moans lost in each other’s mouths. The sound of your hips meeting and your arousal filling your room  drown out the way you practically plead his name. Each thrust into you feels like he’s knocking the air from your lungs and filling them at the same time. Coarse hair hitting your clit with each roll of his hips, his lips hover over yours as you throw your head back into the mattress. Your hands cling to his back, nails scratching down it as each powerful thrust shoots you higher and higher. Your eyelids flutter, you’re pretty sure you’re actually losing oxygen, leaving the atmosphere. 
Steve’s name leaves your lips in a strangled gasp and he pants into your parting mouth, “Yeah? Gonna cum for me baby?”
Nodding, babbling nonsense to him, he nips at your bottom lip as your eyes squeeze shut. Your vision fills with stars, heat filling your belly as your walls clench around him as his thrusts only pick up their pace. 
“Yeah?” His tone is mocking now into your lips, you can feel his smile against them. Your eyelids flutter, you’re whimpering, feeling like you’re on another planet, floating aimlessly through space. His thrusts stop suddenly and he sucks on your bottom lip before asking, “How about another one?”
Before you can comprehend the question, he’s pulling out and flipping you. Your stomach somersaults at the way he handles you so easily, almost lazy in how he can manhandle you. His palm rests against your lower back, your cheek pressed into the pillows. Steve groans as your legs spread for him. His hand comes down on the curve of your ass in a slap, not painfully. He cups it as you jolt forward and he curses under his breath. 
He’s not quick about it, letting his tip drag through you and you shiver. Not pushing in until you’re begging him, “Steve, please…”
Who the hell is this guy? How does he have you begging for a third orgasm?
He slips into you, your strangled cry of relief mixing with his moan. 
“Only cause you asked so nicely, pretty girl.”
Your comforter twists in your fists as his thrusts quickly turn to a brutal pace. Steve’s grip on you is bruising as you arch lower for him, spreading as wide as you can, chest heaving into the mattress. Steve’s lips trail down your spine, the cold metal of his chain dragging with them. 
He falls forward, his chest against your back, hips stuttering as his hand reaches around and rubs fast and messy circles into your clit. Your name leaves his lips against your ear as his thrusts try to match the pace of his fingers. 
You’re weightless, body buzzing, vibrating like you’re waiting for take off. Steve’s gasping as shooting stars dance across your closed eyelids. Your walls clench around him, sucking him in and he swears, asking you to cum please. You’re certain the entire galaxy just exploded inside of you as his hips thrust quickly, falter, and slow while your name leaves him in a breathless gasp and your mouth falls open in a silent scream. 
Steve rolls off of you, your chests heaving in tandem as you both stare at your ceiling. 
“That was…” Steve’s hand drags down his cheek, laughing a little. 
“Yeah?” Your lip pulls between your teeth as you try to fight your smile. 
It’s quiet for a second before he clears his throat, voice a whisper, “Yeah.”
Normally, a guy would be out your door by now. They got what they came for, and regardless of if you had a great time, you’re happy to see them go. This feels different, you’re a little hopeful for the first time in awhile. Wondering if you could do all of that again in the very near future. 
“Um…” Steve coughs, voice trailing off as you turn your head. His hand runs through his hair as he squints at your ceiling, lips pursed in thought. Your eyes track the veins and lines of muscle in his arm up to his armpit and shoulder. To the sharp line of his jaw and nose. You feel ridiculous that your thighs already push together from want after all of that. Body heating up with embarrassment, you quickly snap your head back, eyes on your ceiling once more. 
He finally sits up and questions, “Bathroom?”
“Oh. Right. Sorry. Right through there.” You point as you sit up as well. Your fingers cover your lips as you take in the angry red lines from your fingernails that contrast against the tan skin of his back. Head tilting as you watch him stand, smile hiding behind your hand as you watch his butt walk away. 
Steve looks over his shoulder, squinting as his own smile tugs at his lips. He tries to cover himself up and whispers dramatically, “Wow. Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Would if I could,” your laugh escapes you, your grin finally winning as your hand drops and he closes the door. 
Steve finds you dressed in sleep shorts and a band tee, chugging a glass of water in your kitchen a few minutes later. You extend it to him, noticing he’s fully dressed with his shoes in his hand. He takes a sip before setting it down, knuckles tapping on your countertop before blowing out a long breath. 
Your lips twitch as you try to fight the smile that seems to be a permanent feature around him as he looks around frantically, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. 
“Um…I guess…I should…” he trails off, watching you. 
Your arms cross over your chest, barefeet overlapping each other as you nod, “Right, yeah. That was…”
He smirks, nodding as you trail off. “Yeah, it was.”
Steve goes to leave, but spins, licking his lips before rushing out, “Listen. Could we do that again sometime? Maybe I could get your number?”
The cocky and smooth man who you met at the bar, the one who just took you to outer space seems to have disappeared. The blush in his cheeks darkens, lips parted as he seems to hold his breath waiting for your response. 
Nodding, you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear as you try not to grin while acting indifferent. “Sure, yeah.”
An awkward shuffle of him pulling his phone out and you typing your number in before handing it back to him. 
You’re startled when there’s a soft press of his smooth lips against the apple of your cheek. Warm breath hitting your jaw as he whispers, “Have a good night.”
“You…you too.”
Your hand touches where he kissed as he leaves, unsure if you’ve ever been kissed on your cheek like that before. 
Only two minutes later, tucked back in your bed when your phone buzzes. 
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You bite your lip as you pull the comforter up over your chin, typing back for it only to buzz with a response immediately.
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Laughing as you roll onto your stomach, it flips when you inhale the scent of his cologne that clings to your sheets. It takes a minute for him to respond again, your eyelids growing heavy when the phone buzzes finally.
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Huffing into your pillow, the smile that sits there is a welcomed friend as you message him goodnight and save his number in your contacts.  Rocketman seems fitting for an idiot who takes you to outer space three times in one night. 
Even if he does hate olives. 
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WCIL taglist: (I just used the series taglist for this, hope that's okay!)
@boomhauer @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean @pastel-pillows @littlesubbyflower @johnricharddeacy @freezaz123 @selfdeprecatingnerd @big-ope-vibes @manda-panda-monium @hellkaisersangel @yogizzz @soulmatecashton @happytimeunicorns @mandyjo8719 @lunarxeclipse @buckleylips @beckkthewreck @differentdeputyfishpaper @supardupar @micheledawn1975 @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @sagelittleplace @totally-bogus-timelady @steves-babysitter @fallinginlovewithqueue @aftermidnightwriting @omgshesinsane @pootcullen @definitionwanderlust @nostalgiafool @palmtreesx3x3
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lynzishell · 1 month
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire 💛Atlas & Asher🩵
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✨TYSM for the tag @raiiny-bay, @zosa95, @dandylion240, @sirianasims, and @hannahssimblr 🤗💖
Of course, I went overboard with this, so grab your favorite beverage and let's dive right in, shall we? ☕💕
-what common/uncommon fear do they have?
💛Atlas: [Pointing to Asher] Water. 🩵Asher: You can’t just leave it at that. It’s not like if you set a glass of water on the table, I’ll run screaming. I have a fear of drowning, so I don’t like to be submerged in water. You’re never going to catch me out swimming. Probably not on a boat either, while we’re at it. Not taking any chances. 💛Atlas: Fair enough. But you won’t even put your face under the water in the shower. 🩵Asher: That’s because it reminds me of being submerged in water. Anyway, this conversation is making me sweaty, and there just happens to be water on the other side of this fence, so let's change the subject. Next question.
-do they have any pet peeves?
🩵Asher: Oh, Atlas fuckin’ hates mindless small talk, like the kind you use just to fill the silence, or because you awkwardly feel like you need to talk to the person next to you. Seriously, he’ll like you a lot more if you just sit next to him in silence for an hour. 💛Atlas:  Very true. And yet, your record for silence is, what, twenty minutes?  🩵Asher: Maybe. But I don’t make mindless small talk. 💛Atlas: Yeah, I do like listening to you ramble on about your latest obsessions. You get all animated and excited, it’s really cute. 🩵Asher: You’re really cute.
-what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
💛Atlas: Uh, I don’t know, what’s in our room besides the obvious? Probably too many electronics. 🩵Asher: Right, between the computer and the switch and my drawing tablet and our phones... 💛Atlas: And your sketchbooks and pencils. How many pencils does someone need? 🩵Asher: I don’t have enough; I’ll tell you that much. Count yourself lucky that most of my art supplies are scattered between Lex’s place and my parents’ house. One day I’ll get it all organized in one place, but that day is not today.
-what do they notice first in a person?
🩵Asher: Hm. That's a good question. What did you notice about me first? 💛Atlas: Your hair, obviously. 🩵Asher: [laughs] 💛Atlas: But no, I would say your eyes. I’d never met anyone with such pure gray eyes before, they’re striking. Your eyes are very expressive too. And you make eye contact with people more than anyone else I know. Like, whenever I talk to you, I always feel like you’re really listening. 🩵Asher: [smiles] I am.
-on a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
🩵Asher: Oh god, mine is probably like a 5, and Atlas’s is probably a fuckin’ 8 or 9. 💛Atlas: I would’ve said 7, but we can go with 8.
-do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
💛Atlas: I think my first instinct is freeze, but then probably flight. Depending on the situation, I’ll walk away or hide away. 🩵Asher: Mostly. But with James, you definitely went to fight. 💛Atlas: That was different. I don’t care if people hurt me, but I’m not going to let them hurt the people I love. Ash is definitely more of a fighter than I am.  
-do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
🩵Asher: I don’t come from a big family, it’s just my parents, me, my sister, and my niece, but we are very close. But honestly, family isn’t just about relatives. Chosen family is just as important. When I say my family is the most important thing to me, I don’t just mean them, I also mean Atlas and Lex and Dawn and Phoenix and Aspen too. And Jasper, obviously. 💛Atlas: Exactly. If we’re talking about relatives, I come from a very large family, but I will never see or speak to any of them again, except for Dawn, of course. A few years ago, I never would’ve considered myself a family person, but Ash’s family taking me in changed all that. I’d definitely say I am now. 🩵Asher: I love that.
-what animal represents them best?
💛Atlas: Oh, that’s easy. Ash is just like Jasper, his border collie. Playful and energetic, friendly, intelligent, hardworking, and he loves to snuggle. 🩵Asher: Hm. I think for Atlas, I’d say a deer. 💛Atlas: A deer? 🩵Asher: Yeah, like, you’re quiet and cautious, a bit anxious with a tendency to hide, but you’re also beautiful and sweet. 💛Atlas: You make me sound more like a bunny. 🩵Asher: No, definitely not a bunny. Have you ever come upon a big buck deer? They’re majestic and intimidating, and they’ll kick your ass if they have to. They’re… survivors.
-what is a smell that they dislike?
💛Atlas: Ammonia. 🩵Asher: No one likes the smell of ammonia. 💛Atlas: I know, but when I was a kid, at the end of every school year, we’d have to clean our desks with this ammonia spray. Twenty kids spraying ammonia in an enclosed room. It was awful. I’m sure they had the windows open, but even still, that smell is seared into my brain, makes me want to gag just thinking of it.
-have they broken any bones? if so, how?
🩵Asher: Okay, story time! So, when I was ten? Eleven? Something like that. Anyway, I was dancing around in my room, as one does, and I tripped on a book, one of many scattered around my disaster of a room, and tried to catch myself as I went down. Bad decision. I’ll spare you the details, but the pain I felt in my wrist was horrible. I literally saw stars. And then I almost puked when I looked at it. So, of course, I started screaming for my mom. She came running in, and I told her that I’d broken my wrist. And what did she do? She yanked on it and snapped it back into place! Because apparently, I’d just dislocated it. But, fuck, it hurt. If a broken bone is worse than that, then I hope I never break one. 💛Atlas: I broke a toe once. Stubbed it on the corner of my bed when I was in college. I wasn’t good about taping it up or anything either, so it healed a little crooked.
-how would a stranger likely describe them?
🩵Asher: For Atlas? One word: quiet. How they interpret that quietness varies though. Some people think he’s really shy, others think he’s just aloof. But he’s actually neither. He’s introverted and pensive, sure, but he’s also very warm and enjoys chatting with people if it’s a more meaningful conversation, y’know. Like, when we first met, we would talk for hours and hours. 💛Atlas: That’s true, but you’re such an easy person to talk to. I think that’s what people would say about Ash. He’s just very relaxed and friendly and has a way of putting people at ease. He’s good at connecting with people and getting them talking and making them laugh.  
-are they a night owl or a morning bird?
🩵Asher: Probably night owls, I’d say. Atlas prefers starting his day later and working late, if he has the option. 💛Atlas: Yeah, but these days, it feels like I’m working all the time. But even still, Ash starts his day earlier. I don’t know. I think he’s somehow both. He has no issues with mornings, but he also gets a burst of energy in the evening and sometimes it’s hard to get him to come to bed. 🩵Asher: To sleep, anyway. 💛Atlas: [laughs] Right.
-what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
💛Atlas: Ah, Ash hates vinegar and anything pickled. And he loves warm spices like cinnamon and cardamom. 🩵Asher: Oh my god, and Atlas is fuckin’ backwards when it comes to this. He likes bitter flavors to a strange degree, like super bitter beer and strong coffee and he’ll only eat chocolate if it’s the super dark stuff, otherwise he hates it. He doesn’t like sweets. No sugary drinks or candy or even pastries.
-do they have any hobbies?
🩵Asher: We both love gaming and dancing. Otherwise, I like to draw and spend time with my dog. My favorite is taking him down to the beach to play fetch, he loves it there. 💛Atlas: Yeah, and I don’t know, I like to stay active because I feel like I’m constantly at a desk otherwise. I used to rock climb a lot, but since we climbed Mt. Komorebi, we took a break and never really got back to it, so I pretty much just run and work out at the gym occasionally. And I like to sing. 🩵Asher: Seriously, I wish you could hear him. He has the most incredible voice. 💛Atlas: Aw, thank you.
-boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
💛Atlas: Ash would love it! He’d be so stoked that everyone showed up for him like that. 🩵Asher: And Atlas would probably dump me on the spot if I ever did that to him. 💛Atlas: I don’t know if I’d dump you, but… okay, yeah, I probably would.
-do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
🩵Asher: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Atlas wear any jewelry. 💛Atlas: No, I’ve tried, but I could never get used to it. I’d always end up taking it off by midday. 🩵Asher: I can see that. I wear earrings, but that’s it. I used to wear a necklace that an ex gave me, but I threw it out when we broke up. I wanted to throw it into the ocean, but I didn’t dare to walk out on the dock [laughs] so I tossed it in a dumpster instead. 💛Atlas: I didn’t know that. Which ex? 🩵Asher: Elias. 💛Atlas: Ahh. Yikes. 🩵Asher: Yeah. Anyway. Next question.
-do they have neat or messy handwriting?
💛Atlas: I think we both write fairly neat. 🩵Asher: I think so too. Yours is all sharp angles, but it’s not sloppy. 💛Atlas: Yeah, and you have a strong preference for uppercase letters. Sometimes it’s rushed, but it’s never messy. Actually, I’ve never thought about it before, but I really like your handwriting. 🩵Asher: I like yours too.
-what are two emotions they feel the most?
🩵Asher: [points to Atlas] Anxious. 💛Atlas: All of the time. 🩵Asher: And, hm, we can only pick two? I’d probably go with either introspective or focused. 💛Atlas: That’s probably right. For you, I’d say, passionate or inspired and then maybe playful or energetic or something like that. Okay yeah, passionate and playful.
-do they have a favorite fabric?
💛Atlas: Probably cotton, I guess. 🩵Asher: Yeah, same. I don't know. Never really thought about it, to be honest.
-what kind of accent do they have?
🩵Asher: I don’t know. Do we have accents? I mean, I guess Atlas gets a hint of a drawl when he drinks, it’s pretty cute. 💛Atlas: I do not. 🩵Asher: You do! I never told you because I didn’t want you to get self-conscious and try to stop. 💛Atlas: It’s a good thing I don’t drink often, I guess. 🩵Asher: Whatever. I love it. 💛Atlas: And I love you. 🩵Asher: I love you too.
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And I love them too!! 🥹
Okay, whew! What are the chances anyone actually read all that? I really can't just be normal about these things, can I? Oh well... Now it's your turn!! I'm gonna tag @madebysimblr, @crownsofesha, @xldkx, @honeyjars-sims, aaaaaaaaaaand @igotsnothing 🤸🏻‍♀️💖 Answer them normally, or have a little fun with it, or ignore me completely, that's fine too (no it's not) 🫶🏻
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igotsnothing · 1 month
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire
Thank you for tagging me, @lynzishell! You are the best and I enjoyed reading about Atlas and Asher so much- their warmth and affection were so evident throughout the entire questionnaire! ❤️
For this I chose Sasha and Gideon. If anyone is interested in a different pair, I'd be glad to do it again!
Gideon: Oh, we’ve been invited to do a Deep Dive Questionnaire!
Sasha: No. It’s absurd.
Gideon: We were tagged by Asher and Atlas, though. They’re so nice!
Sasha:  Buuh…Fine.
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-What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Gideon: Are you scared of anything, Sasha? You have to be one of the most fearless people I know. Who walks into a vampire coven meeting like you did? You are something else.
Sasha: When I was little, my mom took me to a petting zoo and bought me feeding pellets to give to the geese; they all kept crowding me and chasing me around this pond and I thought I was going to die.
Gideon: What did you do?
Sasha: I threw all the pellets at them and jumped into the pond.
Gideon: That’s actually very scary for a young child! Did your mother have to jump in after you?
Sasha: Nooo. The pond was pretty shallow.
Gideon...How old were you?
Sasha: Like 10.
Gideon: PFFFF!
Sasha: Shut up.
Gideon: You’re so dramatic.
Sasha: What about you?
Gideon: I fear... not ever having you by my side.
Sasha: [Turning red and burying his face in Gideon’s chest]
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Do they have any pet peeves?
Gideon: Hmm...Probably people who are rude, especially in public. It’s not that hard to hold the door for people or say excuse me, or turn your blinker on before making a turn.
Sasha: OMG, when people sit down at a table and keep talking to each other and when I come over to take their order, they’re like, “Oh, I didn’t get a chance to look at the menu yet.” I’m like- there are FOUR things on the menu. Just order or I will choose your food for you!
Gideon: You also dislike bad tippers.
Sasha: If I get another religious tract as a tip, someone is going to be meeting their lord sooner than they expected.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Sasha: We bought a bunch of stuff recently! We got a sofa bed and a fridge... What's one more thing?
Gideon: What about Mrs. Kachky?
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Sasha: She goes where I go. She’s the only thing I have left of my mom’s.
Gideon: I'm feeling a little jealous. I think she gets more cuddles than I do...
Sasha: Awww! I’ll let you cuddle her too.
Gideon: [Inhaling deeply] I’m throwing you back into that pond.
What do they notice first in a person?
Gideon: Appearances can be deceiving. I’m more interested in seeing how people treat those they perceive as being beneath them. People often behave badly when they have any kind of power.
Sasha: I was raised in the Spice District! You think we make eye contact with people while walking around here? You keep walking- mind your business.
Gideon: Let’s combine the next two questions because I think they’re related.
On a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?  And -do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Gideon: I was a soldier when I was mortal and as a vampire, I’ve endured my share of attempts on my unlife: I’ve been stabbed, beaten, and I’ve escaped more than one attempt to burn me into ashes. I assess a situation before fighting. I won’t necessarily run if the odds are stacked heavily against me, but I may try to explore an alternative. I’d say I have a high tolerance. A 9.
Sasha: Me too.
Gideon: [Squinting and shaking his head]
Sasha: Okay, but in my defense that comb snagged my hair really hard- I didn’t expect that. Let’s say a 7.
Gideon: Or a 4... It’s ironic, because you won’t run from a fight. Even if you know you’ll get beaten up. It’s very paradoxical.
Sasha: In Sparta, we die like men!
Gideon: [Rolls his eyes].
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Gideon: My coven is my family, and it is a fairly large one. I think I’ve been somewhat absent and disconnected from them for a while now. I do miss that closeness we shared over the decades.
Sasha: Nope. It was my mom and my dad and me. After she died, I was pretty much on my own. My dad and I haven't spoken in years.
[Gideon reaches for his hand and clasps it tightly.]
Gideon: I'm always here for you, Sasha. You're not alone.
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What animal represents them best?
Gideon: [Laughs]
Sasha: PASS!
What is a smell that they dislike?
Sasha: Depending on where you are walking in this city, every once in a while you’ll catch a whiff of weed that’s just skunky-ass bad. Or pee. Or trash water on the sidewalk.
Gideon: Garlic.
Have they broken any bones? if so, how?
Gideon: Oof...I’ve broken a few. I used to ride horses when I was a soldier and had my share of bad falls.
Sasha: I broke my arm falling off a jungle gym. I was in first or second grade. It wasn’t too bad. All my friends drew on my cast and then my arm was super stinky when the cast came off.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Sasha: Gideon? Sophisticated. And...Suede.
Gideon: Suede?
Sasha: Yeah! You know, someone like super confident and elegant...
Gideon: Did you mean...suave?
Sasha: ...Wut?
Gideon: [Quickly] Sasha is completely and devastatingly adorable and endearing.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Gideon: I don’t need much sleep, but I find myself keeping hours similar to Sasha’s now.
Sasha: I stay up late when I work at the diner.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Sasha: This man loves the flavor of his fancy-pants whiskey.
Gideon: You forgot my favorite one: you.
Sasha: Stop it...And you hated Twizzlers.
Gideon: Why someone would eat a rope of twisted wax is beyond me. You hate fine whiskey- I'll never forget “liquid leather”. But you love junk food, which baffles me. Have some Styrofoam instead- at least it doesn't pretend to be real food.
Sasha: Heh! I got you some Tootsie Rolls and Necco candy... Can't wait to see you try those...
Do they have any hobbies?
Gideon: I love the arts. I frequented the theatre, museums, and concert halls often. I'd love to take Sasha with me sometime.
Sasha: I like walking around the city. There is always something interesting or new to see. Oh, and piling stuff into the hall closet so the contents fall down on Dima when he opens it. He falls for it. Every. Time.
Boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
Sasha and Gideon look at each other: No.
Sasha: Let’s say what we hate about surprise parties at the count of three. Ready? 1...2...3!
Gideon: Surprises.
Sasha: People.
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Do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
Gideon: I don’t really wear anything except for my Rolex Daytona.
Sasha: F*ck. How am I supposed to follow that? A few pizza-shaped earrings from Claire’s? They were super cute, though. Oh, and a friendship bracelet Tito made me a couple years ago. It broke off but I still have it somewhere.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Sasha: Have you seen his writing? It’s like he signed the Declaration of Independence. Mine is barely legible.  
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Gideon: I sense many of Sasha’s emotions, but I don’t want to put him on the spot.
Sasha: I do feel anxious and upset a lot.
Gideon: My emotions would be frustration and...Hmm...
Sasha: Horniness.
Gideon [Stares in mock surprise as Sasha snickers]
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Gideon: I like linen. It has an elegant simplicity that is timeless.
Sasha: I like flannel.
Gideon: [Playfully] Not suede?
Sasha: Oh, haha, you dick.
What kind of accent do they have?
Sasha: Do I even have an accent?
Gideon: You sound like you’re from San Myshuno. No doubt. What about me?
Sasha: You do have a pretty neutral accent, but every once in a while you’ll sound like you’re from Henford-on-Bagley.
Gideon: Well, it was more likely to hear Simlish from Henford since it is closer to where I hail from.
Sasha, imitating Gideon very hammily: Say, old chap, do you fancy a tipple of liquid leather with some freshly harvested Cheetos? No, wait- Cheeee-tooows!
Sasha: Heh! I guess that wasn't so bad, after all...
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I'm tagging the following storytellers who are wonderful: @agena87, @aurorangen, @eljeebee, @miss-may-i, @aheathen-conceivably, and if anyone else wants to play, please do so. And because I believe in miracles: @damseljamselI and @greighish. @lynzishell, if you wanted to do this for Phoenix and Dawn...here is your chance! I'd totally read it up! I'd tag more folks but I'm feeling a bit off these days and (irrationally- I hope) worried about bothering people. In that vein- this is totally optional! (butifyoudoitiwannareaditall!)
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adelaidedrubman · 4 months
i was tagged by dears @g0dspeeed @cassietrn @direwombat @simplegenius042 @wrathfulrook to do a little oc interview, thank you dears! i decided to do this one for america’s sweetheart verse for acclaimed novelist jestiny ft. her long suffering publicist andrea who was mostly there to make sure there was some accurate information, then i decided to give her own spotlight. on that note, sorry for the length and needless preamble no expectation to read All That
“Ugh.” Jestiny grabs the wall to steady herself from stumbling at Andrea’s quick darting into the doorway to block her exit. “Are you fuckin’ serious? You’re really gonna tell me  — a grown fucking woman — I’m not allowed to go play until I finish my homework?”
“It smells like you’ve gotten to play plenty today,” Andrea retorts with a nod towards the disposable coffee cup clenched in Jestiny’s fist and reeking with the unmistakable stench of high proof whiskey. “You’ve put off doing a simple introductory questionnaire for three months now. You’re never going to hire a ghostwriter if you can’t respond to an information request that takes five minutes.”
“I don’t need a ghostwriter,” she mumbles in protest as she takes a sip from her coffee cup that has never once contained coffee, or fooled anyone into thinking it did. “Just a copy editor.”
“Three copy editors have quit because you started using them as ghostwriters. And whatever job title you want to give them, they need some basic biographical information about you to work on your memoir.”
“See, that’s the thing, is no they don’t. Not with the kinda thing I’m writing. It’s all just empty fluff, don’t you —”
“Even for empty fluff, they need a vague skeleton,” Andrea snaps. She pulls Jestiny by the arm towards her desk, pushing her down into one of her guest chairs before taking her seat behind it and clicking a pen. “I canceled the car you called and changed the passwords to all your rideshare accounts. And we both know you couldn’t make it out of the parking garage without getting a DUI. You’re not going anywhere until this is done.”
“Oh, that’s real fuckin’ nice Andrea,” Jestiny hisses. “Hold hostage the woman who just survived —”
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“jestiny ellen rook.”
“none. nope. never had one. never will have one. gotta say the whole thing every time. flaunt it in front of some motherfuckers who were too fucking dumb to ever figure it out.”
“again, andrea — i am a grown fucking woman.”
star sign
“how the fuck am i supposed to know that shit?”  without bothering to check her birthday, andrea writes down aries.
personality type
“america’s fuckin’ sweetheart, baby. kind, lovable, and humble. what else is there?’’  andrea’s hand moves of its own volition to scrawl out the words ‘dark triad,’ immediately scribbling it out to write down ‘istp’ and ‘8w7.’
“five foot five, ballpark.”  andrea gives jestiny a skeptical look.  “maybe closer to five-six, camera adds a half-inch.”   andrea, actually 5’6, sighs and writes down 5’4, covering it with her hand to hide from jestiny.
“c’mon, you don’t really have to ask that.” andrea dwells unwillingly on the menagerie of half-dressed strangers milling about jestiny’s home every time she steps into it. no, she doesn’t.  “or lie to the press about it, if that’s what you’re dancing around. it’s 2018! america’s sweetheart can be openly bisexual, right?” 
“again. america’s fucking sweetheart, baby.”
fave fruit 
“persimmons. don’t put that down, though, that information is for the fuckin’ benefit of your files, so you can get me a halfway decent fruit tray in my dressing room next talk show appearance. write some bullshit about how much i miss the fresh picked huckleberries of hope county and nowhere grows ’em better, or something.”
fave season
“awards! ha, we do have fun. gotta be fall, though. salmon run season. but pretend it’s for the sake of pumpkin spice whatever.”
fave flower 
“psh. whatever happens to be in the bouquets i receive from my adoring fans. but if i have to pick, i guess, uh… forget-me-nots, maybe. or — heh, or cockscomb.”
fave scent 
“whiskey.”  andrea looks between jestiny and her cup, wondering if she has told the truth for the first time.  “coffee, i mean.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“i just said —”
average hours of sleep: 
“eh, who can really keep track of that?” people who have to plan their sleep schedule around preventing jestiny from having unsupervised access to social media can and must keep track of that. andrea writes down 3 hours.
dog or cat person
“ew. no. opossums. but write down dog, that probably polls better. andrea, should i get a dog?”   andrea vigorously shakes her head in the negative as she dutifully writes down dog. 
dream trip 
“heh. where do you have me booked for next? checked off a lotta the bucket list already. you’re looking at a dollywood gold pass holder. finally got to go there after a lifetime of dreaming, and it was —”  andrea notes the way jestiny’s eyes suddenly glaze over, her gaze growing hollow and flat as she pauses in searching.  “great. fulfilling. worth the wait. always ready to go back, or onto the next adventure. i mean, it’s such a fucking blessing, don’t you think?” andrea doesn’t answer, looking on with some concern as a hint of earnest joy creeps back into jestiny’s smile. “to have one’s full constitutional right to freedom of movement completely fuckin’ unrestricted?”
favorite fictional/real character
“uh, shrek.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“as many as i want, baby! that’s another benefit of freedom, don’t have to settle for a single scratchy, paper thin excuse for a blanket to curl up on my cot with. i get to enjoy my forty-winks on silk sheets and soft as a cloud comforter, on my casper mattress —”
random fact:
“i know how to do a bit of sleight of hand magic.” andrea feels a light brush at her ear, and looks to see jestiny pulling from behind it a matchbook with the number of a taxi company stamped in bright yellow.  “and for my next trick, i’m going to disappear.”
Andrea sighs as she watches Jestiny march out of her office yelling pick-up orders into her cellphone. It was successful for longer than she would have expected, she thinks, tapping the end of her pen against her bottom lip. 
She clicks her pen a few times as she shuffles the papers on her desk, staring down at a blank copy of the questionnaire she’d made in case Jestiny was in foul enough spirits to rip up the first in defiance. 
It would be nice, to have someone ask her things about who she was for once, she thinks, in an indulgent flight of fancy.  
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“andrea simmons.”
“...anal-retentive goldilocks, was the most recent one.”
“woman, she/her.”
star sign
personality type
“estj. 3w2.’’ 
“five foot six. empirically verified.” 
“lesbian, last i had enough free time to check.”
“american. primarily german and scandinavian ancestry.”
fave fruit 
“nectarine, left to my own devices. learning to appreciate leftover cantaloupe picked around on fruit plates.”
fave season:
“summer. warm, sunny, long days.”
fave flower: 
fave scent 
“lavender, jasmine, eucalyptus.” 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“coffee. at least three shots of espresso. oat milk. two pumps of hazelnut syrup, no sugar.”
average hours of sleep: 
“three. when you have an infant, you learn to sleep when they sleep.”
dog or cat person
“cats. otto curled up in my lap at the end of a long day is the only thing that keeps me going, sometimes.” 
dream trip 
“any trip. any trip alone. any trip alone without having to worry about what i will find when i come back. greece would be nice, i think.” 
favorite fictional/real character
“peggy olson.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“i have a weighted blanket and a quilt at home. and a fleece throw on my office couch that gets more use.”
random fact: 
“i considered going into politics, and interned on a few campaign teams during college. There are many days i regret not following through on that.” 
i know i’m super late to this, so major apologies for repetitive tags and extra no pressure out to the usuals @belorage @hctknives @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @lordundying @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @miyabilicious @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @professorpineapple @strangefable @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton opt in for tags on writing stuff here!
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w1ldthoughts · 10 months
The Forgotten One Chapter Seven: Recurring Nightmare
Series Masterlist
A/n: Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly be any messier…
Warning: Mentions of drinking and psychotherapy methods.
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There was something different this morning when Jack woke up alone. He’d been doing it for a few months so one would assume that this was just another day. But it was the first day that he finally came to terms with it…you were gone. And you weren’t coming back.
You’re not LISTENING to me.
I don’t have to! This isn’t about you right now and I know you’re shocked, but not everything is about you.
You tossed and turned in your sleep, flashes of an argument replaying in your mind. But it wasn’t from a few nights ago.
Baby, we will figure it out. We just need to—
Oh my god Jack, there is no just. You don’t understand what it’s like and you never will. There is no simple fix and you’re not just going to swoop in and make it all better. Not this time.
The fight you had the night that Jack cheated. It was coming back. You willed yourself to go back to sleep so you could see more. But you came upon another memory instead.
You and Jack were in the car, New Edition was playing in the background and he kissed your hand. Right before—
“The crash,” you sat up in bed and wiped your now very damp eyes. It wasn’t your first time seeing the crash but it was the first time seeing the events right before it happened. You quickly got on your laptop and did a deepdive on alternative methods for memory recovery.
“This is a terrible fucking idea.” Cleo shakes her head at you, telling you ‘no’ for the third time in the last twenty minutes. “You might as well take psychedelics and run around the Kentucky Derby Museum.” She says with a laugh.
Your best friend always wanted to protect you and look out for you but now was not the time. “I need this C. I need to know what’s going on if I ever want to get a restful night of sleep again.”
“And so you can officially close the door on Jack so that you can move freely onto Ben.” Cleo finished for you, rolling her eyes.
“It’s not even about him, it’s about me! I need some answers and I’ve done a lot of research the last two weeks and she’s got the best reviews and I really would like for you to take me. Pretty please?” You batted your eyelashes at her, hoping to solidify your argument.
If you had to clasp your hands together and get on your knees for this woman to drive you then you were ready to do it. “Fine!” She exclaims before you could do any of those humiliating things. “I will take you to the fucking hypnotist. God I feel like our lives is an episode of some early 2000s airing on Chiller.”
“Thank you. I love you, I love you, I love you.” You hugged her tight and she reluctantly told you she loved you back while grabbing her keys. Even though your arms were still wrapped around her.
The two of you walked arm in arm into Mallory Moore’s office for your appointment and you filled out paperwork after you checked in. A few minutes later, Cleo squeezed your hand and wished you luck as you were led into a quiet room in the back of the office. It was very simple and serene, a plain white chair in the center of the room surrounded by plants that you knew were real. And a real pain to upkeep.
Mallory was sitting in a chair next to the white one and greeted you with a warm smile. “Have a seat, y/n. I took a look at your questionnaire that we gave you and all the paperwork you sent over including your brain scans and I do think this will be a beneficial experience for you. I do have to say that it’s not a quick fix and that hypnosis is more like an extended daydream.”
“I’m not putting you under my spell or under my control or anything like you see in the movies. My only job is to create a comfortable environment in which you can relax enough to dig deep into your psyche while asking you to maintain deep but comfortable breaths the entire time. But before we begin, I need to ask you something.”
You nodded, urging her to go ahead. “In the two months that have passed since the accident, why are you coming to me now? What has inspired you to look toward psychotherapy for solutions?”
“Um—well,” you gave her a nervous chuckle. “I’m involved with someone that has nothing to do with this mess of a life that I’ve created for myself. And I want to be whole, for myself and the best version of me there is…so that I can give him—and us, a fair chance. Right now I’m full of questions and the longer that time passes the more glimpses and pieces I get but I know I can dig deeper and find more. Just need help doing that I guess.”
The woman in front of you clears her throat, “can I be honest with you?”
“Yes, please.”
“You woke up living a life that you didn’t recognize. So, being the people pleaser you are, you tried to force yourself into playing a role that you thought everyone wanted you to play. And when that didn’t work you attached yourself to the closest thing that made you feel a sense of normalcy. The reason why your memories are blocked is because you have let your damaged brain do all the decision making for you. Your head has taken up so much real-estate that your heart has no room to help guide you back to yourself. For the next hour, I need you to let go of all the thinking and just let yourself feel. Do you think you can do that?”
Tears began making their way into your eyes and you quickly patted them away. “I don’t really have another choice anymore. Let’s do this.”
Mallory had you lay down and metaphorically walked you down the hypnotic staircase…leading you to your laptop, where the name William Reed came up. And then you were out with Jack, having dinner and laughing. A genuine laugh like the ones that leave you with a stomach ache and tears in your eyes. Letting your heart lead meant letting Jack in, his goofy smile and his perfect teeth and those baby blues that made you weak in the knees. He was wearing his glasses too, which gave you even more flutters in your chest and you wanted to stay in this serene moment with him forever, just laughing your lives away without a care in the world. An overwhelming sense of joy overcame you and before you knew it, you were walking back up the staircase, letting go of Jack’s hand as he whispered that he’d see you later.
You left the office with a little bit of clarity, and a shit ton of questions. Good thing Cleo was there waiting for you and had the day off to help you unpack everything.
“How was it? What did you see?” She presses you as soon as the two of you were in the car.
“I saw…me and Jack. And there was so much love there, it basically tucked me into bed and read me a fucking bedtime story. But that wasn’t the weird part. Does the name William Reed ring any bells?”
Cleo turns to you with a lost look on her face. “William who now?”
“William Reed,” you tell her as she walks behind you into your apartment. “I saw the name and it stood out for some reason and I need to find out why.”
“Before we go all Nancy Drew on this I need to get something off my chest because best friends do not lie to each other.” Cleo states, grabbing a seat next to you on the couch. You urge her to continue. “Something about Ben just doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve been letting you do your thing because I love you and I want the best for you after everything you’ve been through the last few months but he’s just so—”
“Prince Charming?” You interrupt, finishing the sentence for her. Mallory had all but told you the same thing and truthfully, you agreed with both of them. You just didn’t want to let go of the most normal thing that had happened to you since the accident. But you agreed to let you heart lead and your heart was doing a lot of talking for you now. “I don’t know, I was so excited about him before. I mean I literally went and told Jack I was choosing Ben over him but the last few days it’s just felt…weird. It’s like he saw a vulnerable damsel in distress and now he’s doing whatever he can to swoop in? Well maybe that’s more like Jafar from Aladdin but…you know what I mean. And unfortunately I’m starting to see it too.”
You keep the computer in your lap but close it for a moment to be real with her. “He says all the right things. He does all the right things. But deep down I can’t help but wonder if it’s all…fabricated? It’s like he’s trying to prove to me that he’s everything Jack isn’t. Like it’s a competition to win. The other night he drove around for an hour just so I could sleep, he could’ve parked that shit and woken me up for all I care but he wanted to be the good guy and ‘admire my beauty’ or whatever. I don’t know, maybe that hypnosis session opened my third eye or something but this whole thing is just turning me off.”
“That just means we need to figure out who the fuck this William guy is and how he fits into all this.” Cleo says softly. You looked in every folder in your laptop and even went through your iCloud where you found an email account for a William Reed.
“There’s a phone number attached, call it.” Cleo says immediately, practically climbing into your lap so she can have access to the laptop.
After three rings, a man answered the call.
“Hi. Is this William? My name is y/n and I got your phone number from—”
“Y/n, it’s so good to hear from you again. I was so sorry to hear about your accident on the news. I’ve been trying to get ahold of you but I assumed you hadn’t saved my number.” That explained all the missed calls after you had blocked Quinn like Jack asked.
“Oh great. Um—I’m doing much better now but I did lose a lot of memories due a brain injury. So I just need to know what we were in contact for and why it was so secretive?”
“Well, you hired me a few months ago. I’m a private investigator.” Why in the hell had you hired a PI?
“Who did I have you follow?” You looked to Cleo for answers but she seemed just as intrigued by this as you were.
“You said that a woman had been hanging around Mr. Harlow’s office without an appointment. Said she never actually came in but she would sit either outside the building or on the floor below him and never talk to anyone. It was suspicious behavior so you had me tail her.”
“What—what’s the woman’s name?” Your voice shook in anticipation.
“Quinn Freeman, ma’am. If you’d like I can send you the entire file I compiled throughout the investigation and you’ll have everything you need.”
“Yes! Please. I would really appreciate that.”
“I’m sending it to your email now. Hope this helps you get some clarity, enjoy the rest of your day y/n.”
“Thank you so much Mr. Reed. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
Quinn. Freeman.
“Holy fuck. We need to open those files. Now.” Cleo rushes out and you click on the first email, bracing yourself for anything you might see.
It started out pretty harmless, a few pictures of Quinn outside of Churchill Downs and talking to people in the building, probably asking for Jack but getting denied. Then she started hanging out at the gym he would frequent, random places that he liked to visit with his friends and even sometimes would follow the two of you at the same restaurants on dates. And then things got weirder. She was parked outside of one of Jack’s favorite bars and went in to meet him, there were pictures of them sitting next to each other as he ordered drinks and got increasingly intoxicated. Then there were pictures of her walking out to her car with him, and pictures of them checking into a hotel.
“This must’ve been the night we argued and he left.”
Cleo felt shivers down her spine at the memory of holding you in her eyes while you cried your eyes out that night. “Click out of that screen and read the message William left.”
I followed Miss Freeman to LeVee Bourbon Lounge where she knew Mr. Harlow would be. He ordered several drinks and she kept coming onto him with no success. They stumbled out of the bar and she offered to take him to the hotel he was staying at that night and he reluctantly agreed. While she used his card to pay for the room, I headed upstairs and placed a camera in the presidential suite. Miss Freeman brought Mr. Harlow upstairs and as soon as he was asleep, she slipped her clothes off and made it seem like they had spent the night together when in fact they had done nothing of the sort. Attached below is footage from that night.
Tears brimmed your eyes as you and Cleo watched everything unfold.
“That bitch set him up.” Cleo whispered. “Jack never actually cheated, he just thinks he did.”
“Then that means, there’s no way he could be the father of her baby. And if he’s not the father then…wait there’s another email. Lemme open it.”
More pictures. Quinn leaving the hotel and being picked up by a man the morning after signing Jack’s NDA. Then other pictures of her kissing said man and driving away.
“Oh my god Cleo look,” you cried. “That’s fucking Ben.”
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thejaded0nes · 4 months
Chapter Two: Questionnaire
First | Last | Next
She looks at the doctor, a clear suspicion in her tone, “What are the side effects?” murmurs erupt as the makeshift convention begins to bicker. Quick to cut in, Dr Aceilia clears her throat and asks in response, “How do you mean?”
“You claim this to be some sort of miracle drug, capable of so much. Have there been any human clinical trials?” Her tone was one of annoyance at the perceived obviousness of her questions.
Aceilia cocks an eyebrow, “Not on any substantial level, not yet. Just a few case studies. Part of this talk's purpose is to see if anyone here would be interested in being a part of said trials.”
She scoffs, “How am I supposed to put my trust in that?” years of distrust begin boiling to the surface, “How can you stand up here and claim to have to fix all, after all the hoops I’ve had to jump through.” The tears were beginning to well. Aceilia was taken aback, she hadn’t expected to hit such a raw nerve.
“I think I may know how you feel,” she started slowly, “Believe me I’m more than familiar with the hoops we are required to jump through.” her own voice began to waver, “But please believe me when I say I do not plan to gate keep.” She clicked a button on the remote and the house lights went up. “I will be honest, there was Dr. Avie, my colleague. She’s one case we’re still trying to understand.”
“I’m sorry?” she flinched, partially because of the light, mostly aforementioned colleague, “What happened with Dr. Avie?”
“We honestly don’t quite know, at first things were as expected then her changes became more… abstract.” She shook her head, “We’re not even sure we could consider it a side effect, before we lost contact she wrote us a paper detailing how the sera-mones knew her better then herself.” tears began to well, “she said she was happy, happier than she’s ever been and I want to believe her, but I need to know for sure.”
The doctor wiped her face dry. “That’s why I brought you all here today, I would like to run trials in an attempt to understand the effects of this more thoroughly. If this can be a breakthrough for our community, then perhaps it's alright I lost a friend.” Her demeanor had all but dropped, whatever collected facade long since made way to an abject honesty. “If you would like to be a part of these trials please, collect a sheet on your way out, fill it in and send it back. We’ll send a journal for you to record your transition, and a dose of sera-mones of course.” She turned and left the stage, gesturing weakly at the table by the exit.
As the small group left, and a smaller group still collected papers from the table, the girl that asked the last question was left in the auditorium. She had been staring at the area where the doctor once stood, still processing all the information she had been given. Was she serious with the potential? Could this be the advancement in gender affirming care she claimed? What happened to Dr. Avie, and why did it not seem to worry her as much as she felt it should? All the questions and more began to roll in her head as she picked up the sheet and began to fill it in.
Name: Zoe Caelire
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theeccentricraven · 1 month
OC Questionnaire (warning, long post!)
Thank you @willtheweaver @kaylinalexanderbooks @buffythevampirelover @winglesswriter @drchenquill for the tags! I've wanted to do this for ages, but I was so busy. I figured out how to kill two birds with one rock by using these as character sheets for my Camp NaNoWriMo project. All of the characters mentioned below are from my WIP The Keeper of Maralla, which I describe as a nontraditional epic fantasy. Sorry the post is so long. I hoped to capture as many of the posts I had been tagged in as possible and limited to four characters. I hope I didn't give away too much.
1. Do you like the company of others?
Juva - If you mean in the company of animals, yes. If you mean what I think you mean….I’d rather be in the corner reading a book.
Maralla - I love to be around people. I bring them joy. I make them laugh. I see the good in everyone.
Jorem - I can put up with people so long as they don’t give me crap.
Mrs. Terila - A day cannot go by without my visiting a friend, giving counsel to someone who asks, or addressing the people under my charge.
2. What do you like to do in your down time?
Juva - Ride horses on my farm, read a good book, listen to the radio, go watch a movie with my dad, ride tractors, and watch a good TV show.
Maralla - Sing, dance, ride horses, explore forests, go shopping, and play outdoor games, pick flowers, and try on new clothes.
Jorem - Learn new spells
Mrs. Terila - I don’t have much spare time, but when I do, I’m having conversations with dear friends and practicing my magic.
3. Do you believe in ghosts or the supernatural?
Juva - Our people believe that the dead join with the Higher Beings in the Otherworld. Ghosts are the result of when necromancers trap their souls on earth. That’s why necromancy is evil.
Maralla - I’ve glanced Afterlife by visiting the Fay in the Otherworld. I have seen where the dead go. 
Jorem - I’m a necromancer. What do you think?
Mrs. Terila - As a mage, I know how the forces of evil fight to control souls. I know that happiness awaits the free souls.
1. What does the perfect day look like?
Juva- Pastry breakfast, visiting the most beautiful places in the colony, riding horses, watching a concert, and doing something fun with my dad.
Maralla- A festival with lots of songs and dancing, running in a race, and visiting a sacred site.
Jorem- Learning a wave of new spells, casting them to gain the control of more souls, and growing in power. Winning a fight would make the day better. 
Mrs. Terila- Sitting in a chair and reading a good book.
2. What time of day is your favorite?
Juva- Dawn. I love the sunshine, the birds singing, the cool air, and the fairy dust before it fades. 
Maralla- Late morning. Not too early, but bright.
Jorem- Night. When everyone else is asleep, it’s my “me” time.
Mrs. Terila- Dawn. I have to start at dawn for everything or else I’ll never get anything done during the day.
3. If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
Juva- To see my mother again.
Maralla-To see my parents again.
Jorem-Bring back my family, our home, and the life we used to have.
Mrs. Terila- Peace for our country.
1. What is your favorite game/sport?
Juva- Horseback riding
Maralla- Racing
Jorem- Competitions for who is the best sorcerer
Mrs. Terila- Hide and seek, believe it or not!
2. Do you prefer day or night?
Juva- Day. I get scared in the dark.
Maralla- Day, though I love to make beautiful songs either way. Oh, I rhymed. When you have spent as much time with the fairies as I have, you will rhyme a lot.
Jorem- Night. Best time for necromantic spells and there’s no one awake to bother me.
Mrs. Terila- Day, when I’m most active and productive.
3. How would you react if someone close to you betrayed you?
Juva-I was betrayed by someone close to me. It feels like the end of the world to me. No one hurt me so much. No one stole so much from me. I was cursed, too. I thought I was worthless. I would have given up on life if it wasn’t for Maralla.
Maralla-I was betrayed by someone I thought could be trusted. The best I could do was press forward and continue to fight to survive. 
Jorem- If a friend betrayed me, I would make them miserable. I would not rest until they regretted it.
Mrs. Terila- I would remind myself that corruption can haunt any soul, run to a friend for protection and comfort, and summon the fairies to guide me. 
1. Did you have any formal education? If so, what was it like?
Juva- I am fourteen years old and still a student. I’m homeschooled like many of the colonial clan members. Mrs. Terila is my teacher.
Maralla- Back in my day, I would have been able to earn admittance into a prestigious academy. Circumstances caused my mother to need to homeschool me. 
Jorem- Before I lost my family, my home, and our whole town, I was an ace student in the academy. I earned the best grades in every subject. My parents were so proud.
Mrs. Terila- I was trained by the brightest scholars of the clans. When I was young and foolish, I didn’t like school. When I realized my full potential and what I could do in the world, I became a dedicated student.
2. What is your stance on friends and friendship?
Juva- I love friends, though it’s hard when I feel so nervous talking to people. I try to spend as much time as I can with the few friends I have because I feel the most comfortable with them and don’t want to lose them.
Maralla- Friends are the best, second to family. It’s even better when they know how to have fun.
Jorem- You never know if friends could go away someday, whether they ditch you or die on you. Just show that you’ve earned respect. That matters most.
Mrs. Terila- I can never have too many friends. They are everywhere. I politely request them to respect my busy schedule. 
3. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
Juva-I love my dad more than anyone in the world. I work beside him, eat with him, pray with him, and laugh at the TV with him. I miss my mom. She was so beautiful. She was the kindest person in the world. I don’t understand why she was taken away from us. She must be happy in Paradise.  
Maralla- I was small, but I still have fond memories of my father. I was close to my mother while she raised me with the help of the sons of Moras. I miss them.
Jorem- The images of my mother, my father, and my sister still linger in my mind, impossible to scrape out of my head. Of course I loved them. Of course we lived a wonderful life. They were good people in a world where we have almost none.
Mrs. Terila- I love my husband, sons, daughters, and grandchildren. I wish times were like how they used to be, before my work had to call me away.
1.Where do you wish you were at this very moment and why?
Juva- On the farm because I love the horses and love being with my dad.
Maralla- I wish I was back in Faeryland because it’s the best place to be.
Jorem- I wish I was with my mentor Zorik because I enjoy learning necromancy from him. 
Mrs. Terila- With my husband because I miss him.
2.What's something you wanted as a child that you have/have done now and how has this impacted your life's path?
Juva- Visiting the beautiful city of An Lurska. It’s a city of magic that demonstrates the power of the Fay. I’ve heard you're never the same after you visit. They’re right. Walking the streets with the magic around me made me feel like I walked on the air.
Maralla- I wanted the fairy’s kiss when I was young because it is known for being the greatest boon that the Fay may grant. I was given it when I was fourteen. I was given more than I dreamed of. I will never touch death. 
Jorem- I had wanted to learn magic since I was young. Ever since I learned necromancy from Zorik, I have felt a power and fulfillment like I never had before. I’m not going to let the past control me. I control my future.
Mrs. Terila- I wanted a husband and a family. My married life and motherhood were happy and fulfilling. Now that the forces of the demons have gotten in the way, I regret that I can’t enjoy that life again.
3. How do you take your tea?
Juva- With whipped cream
Maralla- With sugar
Jorem- I don’t drink it. I use the tea bags for spells.
Mrs. Terila- Iced
1.How good are you with people?
Juva- I’m so quiet around them, they get frustrated by how quiet I am. I can’t tell someone to do something because it feels wrong.
Maralla- I talk to them, ask them to do something and they follow with a smile, sing to them, and get them to join in games.
Jorem- So long as people aren’t stupid, I can tolerate them. 
Mrs. Terila- Anyone who knows me knows I’m patient and a good leader, but I don’t let troublemakers get away easily.
2. How would you function in a group project?
Juva- I would listen to the group leader and follow their instructions.
Maralla- I would bring flowers and cookies to everyone.
Jorem- I would tell people how it’s done and remind the stupid people of how easy it is.
Mrs. Terila- I would be the leader, give everyone their task, emphasize on expectations, and offer my helping hand to any who ask.
3. What's your most valuable possession?
Juva - My mother’s locket.
Maralla - Love
Jorem - My diary
Mrs. Terila - My husband’s ring.
1. Which color do you hate?
Juva- Black. It’s the sign of all that is unknown, evil, and frightening.
Maralla- I’m actually quite fond of all of the colors, though red reminds me too much of blood. 
Jorem- Brown. It’s boring.
Mrs. Terila- Gray. It doesn’t look good on me.
2. If all the sounds in the world ceased to exist, which sound would you miss the most?
Juva- Birdsong
Maralla- Laughter
Jorem- My voice.
Mrs. Terila- All singing
3. What is the first rule you learned as a child?
Juva- The Fay are above us and the Higher Powers are above them. We must respect the Higher Beings who created this world and the faeryland. We must show that we are purehearted and good in nature to earn a place in the Otherworld.
Maralla- Obey Mother and Father and never stop hugging.
Jorem- Life is all about being happy. When Mom and Dad tell you to not touch a mad dog, they just don’t want you to get bit.
Mrs. Terila- Follow the example of the Order of Elders.
1.What would you say to yourself from the past?
Juva- I would tell myself to keep closer to Koti in hopes of preventing her from turning to the dark side. I would also tell myself to never break the oaths of my clan. 
Maralla- I would tell myself to be braver.
Jorem- I would tell myself to study magic sooner and spend more time practicing.
Mrs. Terila- I would tell myself to not waste my time when young as well as to not work so hard I burn out.
2. If you could send a message to your future self, what would it be?
Juva- Don’t break your oath.
Maralla- Keep spreading happiness.
Jorem- Great as it is to be a sorcerer, don't forget about the other precious moments in life.
Mrs. Terila- Don’t give up on hope.
3. If you could redo your life, is there a moment, an event, that you would never change?
Juva- I would never change taking the oath to be Maralla's keeper.
Maralla- I would never change the friendships I made with my keepers. 
Jorem- I would never change becoming a necromancer.
Mrs. Terila- I would never change marrying the man I loved.
1.What's your deepest regret?
Juva- That I didn’t realize how upset Koti was. I feel like I failed her as a friend.
Maralla- I couldn’t save my mother or my father.
Jorem- I was the only one who survived when my family and neighbors died in the fire caused by a dragon.
Mrs. Terila- Failing to catch the sorcerers who followed the demoness Arsha. 
2.What's your secret wish that nobody knows about?
Juva- To marry my crush.
Maralla- For everyone to visit the Faeryland.
Jorem- Make poison that could kill dragons. And…okay, I denied it, but it’s true. I would like to have a girlfriend. 
Mrs. Terila- Go hide out as a hare again.
3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
Juva- A horse, running and jumping elegantly.
Maralla- An ox. I admire how strong they are.
Jorem- A wolf. The teeth and claws would be handy.
Mrs. Terila- A hare. In fact, I have experience….
Tagging (No Pressure, and open!): @tryingtowritestuff24 @revenantlore @fairy-tales-of-yesterday @gottestod-writes @distortedsense @infinnative @primroseprime2019
Your Questions:
Are you good at telling jokes?
What do you believe is the worst crime someone could ever commit?
How do you decide what to do on a given day?
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tryslora · 7 months
On Being a Neurodiverse Creative: Introduction
Welcome to a series of posts (randomly posted—don’t expect a schedule out of me) on the subject of being a Neurodiverse Creative. About how being ND and creative at the same time affects my life and how I do things. How being ND can be both a superpower and a curse all at once.
To that end, let’s start this series with a proper introduction.
Hi there. I’m Tris, and I have ADHD. 
I just received my formal diagnosis this year. I’m 55 years old, and I’ve spent my entire life relying on coping mechanisms and workarounds, but it was only after my son started dealing with his own ADHD that I started to recognize that maybe, just maybe, I had developed those workarounds because of ADHD.
But I couldn’t be ADHD, could I? I tested well (so did my son…). I mean. I struggled with reading comprehension, and memorizing history dates felt impossible, but I got great grades as long as I cared about the subject. I was good at making lists, and I could get things done. Although I am a pack rat, and a mess, and if it wasn’t interesting, it just kept slipping to the bottom of the list, and oh… Ohh.
When I got my official diagnosis, my evaluator and I talked for a while. We had two sessions. One was the informal questions, one was the formal questionnaire required for diagnosis. Afterward she said that she was surprised I had never been diagnosed before. I blame it on my age, and on the fact that I was raised as a girl in the 80s. I was well-spoken, and quiet. My inability to sit still only translated into sitting on my feet and changing position, not running around the room. I talked a lot (too much, and was punished at one point by being separated from every other student so I couldn’t possibly chat wth anyone), right up until I learned I could read in class instead. 
I flew under the radar, and I developed those aforementioned coping mechanisms, and everything was great, until suddenly… it wasn’t.
So here I am at the age of 55 and I’m really looking hard at all my past habits. My past productivity. Things that worked then and don’t now, and vice versa. Places where my brain just STOPS and nopes out of a task. I am analyzing everything I do, and how I do it, and trying to understand myself better.
And I thought, as one does, that maybe I should do some of this analysis in public. Where other people can see it, and possibly benefit from it. Or at least, perhaps, feel like they are not so alone.
Because that last is a big deal. There have been so many times along my creative journey where I felt like I was one person feeling a certain way, and meeting one other person who also had the same problem/thought/etc. allowed me to break past whatever block it had caused.
So that’s who I am. I’m Tris. I have ADHD. I am still trying to figure out how to make it work as I try meds, as I get older, as day job and life stress get to me. And as things change, y’all are welcome to come along for the ride.
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heyitssashag · 3 hours
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I ran today in what felt like a torrential downpour. I was beyond soaked. I was planning to just do a little walk or maybe just stay inside and do the elliptical. …but then I kept seeing friends posting their runs …and that green envy hits. The old competitive side of me starts to flare up.
I did 6km. My hip didn’t hurt at all which was great. My neck is stiff and sore as always.
My runners are filthy.
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I felt like I needed to throw my whole body in the dryer when I got home.
Before I went home, I dragged my soaking wet self to the cafe for a cup of tea and a little cream puff.
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I’m sure they loved me dripping all over their floor and then sitting in their fabric covered chair. lol.
I know now that I can run a bit without my hip flaring so I may try and go again, tomorrow. In the afternoon, the kid and I will be volunteering at the aquarium so I have to be careful about pacing and reserving energy, too. Anyway, it felt good.
This past week I’ve been taking it easy aside from some drama erupting from my kids school which I’ll be dealing with. There are 2 EA’s that have been speaking inappropriately around my kid and it’s been rude and disrespectful. I hope to speak with the administrators next week about it. Luckily, it’s the last few weeks of school. I’m so fed up with the school system. Glad the kid only has 1 year left.
I spent this week also working on my website. I hope to start coaching again. I’ve been doing it for free for the past 5 years (since cancer hit me). I think it’s time I get paid for it again (that’s what my kid has been saying). I also created an online Par-Q form/questionnaire and set up an online scheduling system. I also signed up for personal training software and have been trying to figure that out. It’s got a bit of a learning curve. Anyway, I’ll announce on FB and IG once I feel confident with everything. I’m not in a hurry because I want to make sure everything is perfect so I don’t look like an idiot. Not sure if that’s possible. 😂
I have multiple books and shows on the go. Going to make a cup of tea and see what interests me.
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silly-gh0st3 · 2 days
She specializes in prosthetics and battlefield medicine. Her name is Natalia and her segment designation is Xi. 
Im still working out her goals. My current ideas are that she wants to study teyvat through the lense of the limits of humanity. I need to fully figure out what exactly Natalia is studying in teyvat that involves basically turning people into cyborgs. Sure, being influenced by dottore would have her want to make people as strong as gods, but does she want to twist people like balloon animals into all sorts of horrifying shapes using prosthetics and cybernetic technology to see what can be unlocked? Is that the limits of humanity she’s after? Would there be something in irminsul her prosthetics technology could affect? Are cyborgs unable to reenter the leylines if they’ve forsaken their humanity? What constitutes as humanity? Is she shoving souls into prosthetics to use to improve Fatui soldiers? I have so many questions and ideas ha ha h e l p  
She also wants to leave the laboratory to be able to do this but as she makes prosthetic organs for dottore, she has to be on standby. She also wants to be seen as a good scientist by dottore, she def has those gifted kid vibes, so that she’ll be granted more privileges like being able to leave the lab. But she gets the authority to conduct her experiments by being in dottore’s back pocket. She also worries about not making progress to her goals of studying teyvat fast enough, and worries that if she falls behind on scientific progress dottore will get rid of her for being useless. Anyway yeah she has a lot of internal conflict. Potential for a character arc of her regaining everything she needs for her experiments but without the help of the Fatui if she decides to run away, bur who’d want to run away from the Fatui am I right?  
She’s 30 years old and 6’ tall but wears 3” heels. I post a lot of pics of her lmao. I’m slowly filling out a large questionnaire of character creation questions haha help me. 
she thinks discussing emotions is showing weakness and thinks therapy is a scam. She prioritizes her work in gathering knowledge through science as more important than anything else in her life. She also tries to make logical decisions about 95% of the time but there are moments when she’ll act impulsively in terms of personality she is rather obsessed with her work, but she’s also quite petty and a little haughty about being a “true scholar”. She has reverence for science, and scoffs at others who don’t. She also has a mental hierarchy, and that determines if she’ll accept or reject criticism from someone. 
Her voice sounds like a mix between cold and calculating and a little, I don’t know how to describe this, sultry? Something like Kafka from HSR. She is a certified yapper, she may be quiet and focused on her work but get her talking about her studies and she will not shut up. 
If she was playable she’d be an aggressive claymore dendro healer that heals based on edmg. The amount of healing done would equal 110% of the edmg. I’m still figuring out what her skills would do, obviously she’d need an infusion thing to make the healing work. And she’d heal when dendro edmg is done even by other teammates who are infused by her dendro.
Oh and she obviously needs a boss fight because ofc so I’m not sure about the monologue or phase one but phase two would have her in a crow themed battle suit where her extra arms would be strapped into crow themed wings. And how she’d get into this mech suit would be that she would stumble backwards into it and have it activate on impact, or something else I haven’t decided. Her boss theme would have kind of a mechanical vibe like uh coordinate shift by ferry, but obviously would have the Latin chanting and fatui letimotif.
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I Lowkey forget I have this app 💀💀💀💀
But!! She sounds really cool !
I think Theta and Natalia wouldn’t get along, it’s sort of the thing where siblings compete for their parents attention. Theta is the age range of a sometime when Dottore was in the Akademyia, so they’re kinda desperate to be seen lol. Although Theta does well in hiding that desperation for approval and appears arrogant to others.
Since Theta is more biological than the other segments they are also an “experiment” as well. I would like to think that the segments all have their own type of jobs, and Theta is based in spying/information collecting. Theta mainly does exploring around Teyvat to find some sort of anything that interests them.
If Theta was playable they would be a very selfish DPS, most likely a cryo claymore. Their signature weapon would look like a giant pair of scissor s !
I plan to draw them out some more!!! AUUUSGHSHSHSH I LOVE THETA SM :33
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The counsellor I saw yesterday works from her home and she’s about a 30 minute drive from my house. I didn’t get any choice in who I saw, the organisation literally just texted me an appointment time and an address. I think because it’s free through my employer, and I’d said I wanted face to face not over the phone, maybe that limits where there’s availability. Anyway I don’t mind the drive, it gives me a bit of space to think, and it keeps it nice and separate from home.
I found her address and parked outside, and walked through her big front garden to the front door, which had a sign saying “use the back door”. So I wandered round to the back and was just wondering which of the various doors I was meant to go to (there were a couple of garden buildings as well as the house), when she opened the back door and welcomed me in.
Her counselling area is just inside the back door. A bit like a conservatory although I don’t think it was. She showed me where to sit and she sat the other side of the plastic screen and I was a bit like woah this isn’t very friendly. Not a fan of that. She made a bit of small talk about whether I’d found the house ok etc and then we moved on to the reason I was there. I basically just ranted for 50 minutes… tried to explain everything that happened although I doubt whether she could follow all the details as there’s four different social workers involved, three different foster children and two separate adoptions. So a lot to make sense of, but she probably got the gist.
I think I feel afterwards like she was a bit too nice. I guess it was just a first session and we are still getting to know each other and she’s just listening and not challenging. But she basically just agreed with everything I said, and nodded and empathised and said to think about what a great job I’d done for the children and to hell with the social workers. I have friends that can tell me that. Then she said oh we’re running out of time, and I was like, oh how long even is the session? I couldn’t see a clock anyway so I’d no idea.
I think we went about 10 minutes over as she got me to fill in a well being questionnaire, and then she said she’d show me a technique to engage my logical brain with my emotional brain when I was thinking about all this situation. She talked me through doing bilateral tapping with my fingers on my legs… I’m a little bit sceptical but I’ll give it a shot. She’s away now for a few weeks (great timing huh) so my next appointment isn’t till the end of November. I can have 6 sessions, and then if we need more she can apply for another 6 I think. I hope it’s going to help. We also spoke briefly about my dad because I just wanted to get that on her radar too, but there wasn’t time to open anything up about that.
I can’t remotely imagine getting attached to her at the moment. Which is fine, I am not here for that. T is still occupying the My Person space, even though she isn’t my person in a therapeutic way anymore. Maybe it’s that my internalised model of T is My Person now, so really I’ve become my own person… is that a thing?
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yutasbimil · 10 months
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vyn x fem!oc | tears of themis ff. (psychology major!lead) ✦ (1/~) [series fic] REPOSTING!!! also posted on my ao3 acc! { here } tags: fluff, comfort cw: love at first sight, slight prejudice, psychology major student x professor? hmmm . . . meet-cute, eventual smut, eventual romance, heavy psychological anguish later on orz (sorry) ; idk what to put kek note: possible series or there might be more continuation onto this context! for now this settles it for me ;) + supposedly expected to be finished last sept. on vyn's bday, but I only got around it now; majority of this set-up is inspired by vyn's ssr card 'a star in the night' + supposedly this is a 'x reader' fic but got too heavy eventually, I apologize truly ;; word count: 2.5k
part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part x
do not repost © yutasbimil (2021)
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“I wouldn't like a person with a prestigious background.” The lady is irked by the arrogance of rich; higher-class people. Vyn opposes love at first sight.
Ironically, Yule and Vyn came to realize they're both the type of people they came to ‘despise’; likewise.
They promised to stray away from those qualities, but this very essence is what drove them closer.
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In a rush, Rosa approaches Yule at the sight of her. Yule is actually expecting more of a warm greeting from the senior, being an alumna of the campus and all. Yet she’s greeted with a pile of paper shoved by her chest.
“I’m really sorry, Yule!” Rosa almost tumbles as she bows. “I have to make a run to the firm.” By holding the older one with her phone, Yule got the gist that it was urgent.
She didn’t even get the chance to glance at the papers, not till she looked over that what Rosa hands out are survey questionnaires.
Rosa did not even tell her what to do though to get this; what it is for, and is it already up for evaluations? All she does know; it’s still not half done to be enough for input. Seeing one-third of it blank… Yule wants to cry internally.
Rosa didn't even explain to her what to do at all. 
Yule signs and she's even just here as an alumnus to get her documents.
She’s currently on her Masteral, and she's also planning to enroll here. As Rosa recommended.
And Marius.  sighs
They are at most friends, having the same interest in art. Though, she still gets annoyed as he can be quite a tease and unpredictable when they interact.
Geez, the thought of that guy infuriates me.
Yule diverts her attention back elsewhere, scanning over the papers she has at hand, aware of its content since she had psychological assessment courses.
Too drifted off and immersed in reading details, she grows hesitant.
Rosa is just about done with the evaluations— but, I am not in the place to hand these out as in the first place, I am not even assigned to conduct this…
Yule worries over her lips, upon reading a certain name, she pauses.
‘Dr. Richter?  That sounds like the prof. I'll have it in my class.’
She runs her finger on the print. “Vyn…”
She bumps into a man with a lab coat. Startled, she steps back.  “Oh, sorry!”  She’s almost a jittery mess, bowing and keeping the folder by her chest.
The sight of the lady also took Vyn by surprise.
Though, by her reaction, she doesn't recognize him at all. Or as that is what he presumed.
Yule first noticed his golden eyes, brighter through his glasses. She doesn’t know but some warmth spreads in her chest, urging her that he’s the kind of person to approach for aid. More so as his eyes glint back at her.
“Sorry to bother you more, but do you know Dr. Richter around here?”
The taller male says nothing for a moment, pursing his lips as he sees the glimpse of the familiar papers. 
Yule noticed his stares.
“Oh, no worries. I’m planning to give it back.” A bit guilty, she bites her lips as she did check the content. Though she doesn’t want to let go of it yet, she is already intrigued by the study.  What am I saying?
Rosa, you better make it up for me.
“That is me, but may I ask where you got those from?” the white-haired man inquired. She lifts the papers by her chest. 
“Oh, my friend is in a rush. She just handed these out to me. I really thought she planned to make me answer all of these…” Yule laughs, a bit forced, awkward. But all the more perpetually made things indeed more awkward.
At least for her end.
“Are you Miss Saints?” 
Somehow hearing him saying her name in his low voice made her heart tumble.
No Yule! You’re just nervous. No way that your heart skipped a beat at that!
Yule takes a deep breath regaining composure as she stands up straight. She firmly holds the folders and offers her hand.
“I am, and can I take that as you are Dr. Richter?” As if automatically she switched and adjusted her speech to formal talking to this nobleman. Or at least that's what her brain registered her to do.
“Indeed.” He nods, humbly smiling back at her ever so solemnly. “Please… No need to be so formal, any friend of Rosa is to my liking.”
Vyn takes her hand, she felt soft by her hand upwards. He speaks. “I suppose you know about those evaluation papers?”
Just when she thought she had the upper hand in keeping the atmosphere in place.  Alas. 
She sighed in defeat and was a bit ashamed. At this point, she’s screaming Rosa’s name at the back of her mind for being in this situation.
“Apologies, Rosa was in such a rush to ask me a favor.” she almost bites back a sob. “Though I do know the protocols yet I still rummaged through it.” 
“Oh, no worries. It’s fine. It is up to you if you want to take part as the respondent, or do you wish to continue to be of assistance?”
She did not even register the question in her head.
The curiosity has been looming over her mind for the past minutes, enough for it to ask to slip off. She didn’t have a moment to fight back her urge.  “How did you know my name?”
“Rosa had mentioned you to me on numerous occasions,” he replies, his lips shifting upwards in a noticeable manner. “She’s actually enthralled for me to meet you soon, since you’re her ‘psychologist friend’, as she worded it.”
Did she just witness him smiling at that fact?  Yule grows more on embarrassed than delighted at that.
Though, how come she didn’t even mention Dr. Richter to her at all to be aware of him? …if he knows her already this much?  How odd of you Rosa…
“Not yet.” She puts emphasis on that, further explaining to him her future plans for her degree. 
He gestures to her to move aside to sit by the waiting benches by the hallway. As more students crowd the room. As they found a bit of comfort by their feet, she continued, playing by the hem of her sleeves as she placed the folder between them. The distance now feels safe. “I am not even fully sure since you handed these out to be conducted. You assigned Rosa.”
Yule only expected him to take it as it is, as it is the facts. So, she didn’t expect the slight gleam of his eyes, though it wouldn’t be discernible if one isn’t paying much attention to a person. 
She rationalized it as she’s someone taking up psychology, of course, she had to be perceptive at most.
A smile is now formed on his lips, distinct more now than it is for her.
“Take it as a ‘makeup’ for bumping into me.”
That is a big thing for him, what an inconvenience you are, Yule. She kept the surging blood rushing through her face to herself, feeling all the more embarrassed.
Vyn is quick to retract it. 
“I am only kidding, though, mind if I do observe you?” he suggests once again. “I won’t be much of a bother. I believe if I accompany you, the students might answer those around me differently.”
As much as she knows that might change behavior, for the genuinity of the study, she's more affected by being watched. 
“Only if you do mind, Miss Yule?”
That made her get out of her zone. “No! I actually want to finish it seeing its content,” she admitted, the words just escaped smoothly.
By the gleaming eyes greeting her back.
She knows well that she'll definitely enjoy having classes here.
Yule is now itching more to move to her feet and get this over with, besides the outcome, the resounding steps of the two of them echoing in the now deserted hallway is growing all the more engaging. The idea of this atmosphere is going to be familiar to her…
I need to finish finalizing my documents.
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It is the least of her expectations.
Yule is yet to know what is going right at her.
How could she slip up on their first conversation?  The look on Vyn across her, is anything but “amused” with his lips pointing upwards.
It felt cold and artificial, remaining unnoticed by the girl while she carried on with her sentiments. 
“They can be quite obnoxious.” she huffs, the push in her voice signals depth. 
“Just because they think they owe you and can bribe you with money.”
Vyn sips from his cup before speaking. “Don’t you think you are discrediting them for their hard work and efforts on what you have said prior on that basis?”
“Also…” Adding a chuckle, he looks at her. “Do you not like Marius that much?”
“N-no! I actually like him, he's one of the few I get along with and of that background.” She almost pokes herself reaching the straw with her mouth. That took her off guard, it is anything but hatred. Although she had to admit, she got carried away with her mouth. That is not at all what she meant, but is it really coming across that way on how Vyn interpreted it?
Yule is part of the middle class, more on the working side, and trying to strive to meet her needs, but delving into the topic and personal encounters, she had a handful of unpleasant experiences working with rich people.
Though, she did not even consider him, Vyn Richter, as that… even when she got to know he's rich af.
She grows somber in her seat. It really flew out of her mind that Vyn had told her about this recently. Remaining her lips wrapped around her straw, Yule made a mental note to hold back her tongue this time around.
“Yule, how come you've developed a stereotype, then such judgment on this matter?” His voice is too clear to bypass.
Yule took the moment to look at him intently. 
At some odd feeling, she felt that his intention on the question is beyond his inquiries on psychology. This is a matter of intuition now.
She doesn't want to back down or stray away from their topic.
Now a bit composed, she tells him in prompt detail what’s on her mind. “Okay, sorry. I held such a judgment, though it is personal based on what I have encountered… Especially in prestigious places that I had a chance to get a job in. Some can be condescending not because they have power, when the actual case is that what they are lacking is simple respect to others.”
“I see.” Vyn runs his fingers by his chin and then gestured to her, she felt her breath release. “You said that in meticulous detail.”
Yule hums, now a bit relieved in her place though nervous if she lessened the mess she placed on the atmosphere.
“I do hope I don't come across that way. May I ask if I have offended you in some way, in our previous meetings perhaps?”
“Not at all.” She shakes her head firmly, assuring him in the best manner. She had to take another good look at him, straight in contact. “What do you mean though, Dr. Richter?” 
She can’t quite put a finger on it…
She won’t think much of it then.
By the clock ticking, and as the condensation of the cup drips by her finger, Vyn drops his question.
“Ah, right. Rosa relayed the message to me moments ago… Since she's got an extra ticket, how about you be the one to join me at this event? Her friend Kiki isn't able to accompany her.”
Yule filched as he handed the invitation, more so as his slender fingers brushed hers for a moment. But looking at the table now, she can't quite comprehend seeing the intricate details on the paper, let alone the scent of it.
Or is it him?
She flushed red as she realized his close proximity.
Yule backs away, also because she might have to turn him down. “Oh no, I don’t know if I may…” The shining letters on the paper gawk at her by her line of vision.
She doesn't have any clothes appropriate.
Like of course, on average, she didn't have anything packed for this certain instance. She will stick out like a sore thumb!
“Is there any problem, Miss Yule?” Vyn had to ask as she had been silent for a while.
 Prompting her feet properly to her seat, her sheepish behavior came off a bit less. “Honestly… I don’t have a dress for a ball.”
Does she look pathetic?
“Oh, no need… Marius suggested a design for you.” Seeing the already prepared reference on the older male’s phone, she had to widen her eyes at the sight of her favorite hues that complements her skin so well.
That made her flush more.
She lets out a nervous laugh, mixed with vexation. “I swear he wants me in debt.”
“I asked him directly though, no worries. Besides, knowing you're in the midst of moving here in Stellis, I suppose you didn't bring any attire for these kinds of events.”
 “Exactly.” She felt herself relax and look at him with intent. So, he didn't see the fact that I may not have any of the luxury, and did not prioritize it since she’s handling something at the moment. She beams at him, feeling the effects of the caffeine saturate her body. “You’ve done so much already, Vyn, thank you.”
Hearing that she had already complied in calling him by the name, she claps his hands together, nodding in appreciation. “That settles it then.”
“Mind if I pick you up at noon?” he asks.
“Not quite a morning person?”
He had to perk a smile, as she even managed to notice that detail.
Vyn chuckles, letting a meek smile paint over his lips. “I suppose you too?”
Nodding, she had to mirror back a shy grin, disappearing in a matter of seconds as it’s been replaced by an astonished reaction. 
“Let's grab a coffee on the way.”
She had to flush back.  He noticed that detail too, huh…
Settling on the same agreement feels safe as they get more captivated into their little bubble. Despite being both’s epitome of ‘irony’ at the first meeting, they have settled it. With Vyn breaking down her beliefs into something more bearable; showing more of the radical explanation of phenomena, and to Yule alluring the appealing nature of the primacy effect  in love for Vyn. Possibly expanding the concept and enticing dynamics to him hereafter.
To the one who acts on her vulnerabilities, the other rational on their approach. One can learn from the other; equal and reciprocal. Opposites do attract.
Having to see in person the name, the one he keeps hearing, now has a form and meaning for him to further analyze. He wishes to comprehend more of her complexities past her captivating appearance. Vyn can now structure better connections based on further impressions he may probe into.
Letting the scent of the café waft their senses, he's stirred awake.
He’s the type who prefers tea, but with him being in her presence, it feels natural. She gives the same palpitation and warmth as he glances at her coffee-brown eyes.
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※ my masterlist | #enjeiwrites ※
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celestialcrowley · 5 months
Thank you for the tag @bildads-shoes 🥂
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
I can’t remember when, but I caught myself missing my dog. She lost her battle with arthritis last February.
3. Do you have kids?
Not a one. Nor do I want smol versions of me running around.
4. What sports do you play / have you played?
I currently don’t play any, but I used to play volleyball, wall ball, tennis, badminton, and when I was much younger, I used to participate in gymnastics.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Not as such, but it does depend on the situation.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Personality and energy.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I am the Spooky Connoisseur. Scary. All the way.
9. Any talents?
I wouldn’t call them talents, but I suppose they could be. I occasionally draw, and I am something of a writer.
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital in Florida.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, drawing, stand up paddle boarding, and getting lost in the woods.
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I’ve got two.
13. How tall are you?
I’m a Sasquatch. I’m so tall. 5’5’’.
14. Favourite subject in school?
When I was in school, I liked science and English. I still like those things, and I am the Grammar Police Supreme. To the point that I drive myself insane.
15. Dream job?
The one I have now. I work as a kennel technician with police and military canines.
No pressure tags: @sad-chaos-goblin @ineffabildaddy @tragic-cosmic-magic @skinnyscottishbloke and really whoever wants to do this little questionnaire 💚
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pixeldistractions · 3 months
OC Questionnaire
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Thank you @treason-and-plot! This is actually perfect timing for a tag game because I have a “new” character to debut in the next couple of scenes. This is Maria’s big sister, Lou.
Name: Eloise Mallory Corelli
Nickname: Lou
Gender: female
Star sign: Aries
Height: 5’7”
Orientation: lesbian
Nationality/Ethnicity: American of Italian heritage 
Favorite Fruit: apples
Favorite Season: fresh fallen snow in winter
Favorite Flower: the only flower she cares about is petal soft and blooms when you kiss it. 
Favorite Scent: old books in an old library 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: espresso 
Average Hours of Sleep: 6.5
Dogs or Cats: neither, she dislikes animals
Dream Trip: London or Rome (she’s been to both before) 
Number of Blankets: none
Random Fact: the reason she’s been on and off for so many years with her girlfriend, Jamie, is because Jamie wholeheartedly wants a baby or two, and Lou doesn’t want to be a parent at all. Other than that unsolvable problem, they quite like each other a lot, which is why they usually find their way back to each other again.  
Bonus shot of her with Jamie:
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Jamie Pendleton has also been around my game forever. She is the big sister of Jessica (who is now dating Ian Thompson), and best friend of Laney Thompson. The Thompson/Pendleton/Corelli siblings are all very closely intertwined at this point.
^ also, I’m just running with the crop tops for Lou at this point. Let’s say she’s fond of the gym and very proud of her abs, lol!
Tagging: @igglemouse @richmondsims @kimmiessimmies @memoirsofasim and anyone else who wants to do it!
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 3 months
Hi Lellen!
For this round of daily askgasms I’m asking the Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire! Imagine me doing my best James Lipton impression…
* What is your favorite word?
* What is your least favorite word?
* What turns you on?
* What turns you off?
* What is your favorite curse word?
* What sound or noise do you love?
* What sound or noise do you hate?
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
* What profession would you not like to do?
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Looking forward to your answers!
Hi Kat! Thanks for the questions!! 💜
* What is your favorite word?
-- coffee? lol
* What is your least favorite word?
-- *shrugs* honestly, no idea...
* What turns you on?
-- common sense, good sense of humor, quick thinker, banter and a nice smile
* What turns you off?
-- rudeness, incompetence, entitlement, bad tippers
* What is your favorite curse word?
-- fuck. it's so multipurpose.
* What sound or noise do you love?
-- rain, my favorite songs, the weird noises cats make, the hum of tires on a racetrack
* What sound or noise do you hate?
-- tv/radio when I'm trying to sleep, leaky faucets, toilets running, ringtones in public
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
-- I watch a lot of HGTV, lol, and I always think being a professional stager looks like it would be fun...
* What profession would you not like to do?
-- food service
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
-- I'm sure there's probably important business to attend to, an orientation of sorts or something, but I'd really just like Him to direct me to all my pets that got there before me....
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