#and i’m working at 7. it’s 3:30. can they fucking ANSWER
milflewis · 11 months
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Greetings fellow human, I recently found you and I must say, I love your writing and especially the layout of the posts.
I might also suggest an Idea for you with Alastor.
How 'bout a very passionate painter reader getting their nightly inspiration and staying up all night, also listening to loud music. And maybe being a little messy with the paint, like it somehow ending up on the face or different unusual spots.
Would love to see you write it in whatever form you prefer. Hope to read something from you soon.
And keep in mind, you're doing a great job and keep being amazing <3
Alastor x Painter! Reader
A/n: Omg I used to paint a lot and the places said paint would get?? How it ended up like literally all over me I’m not sure 😭😭 Also thank you so much !!
Warnings: None :3
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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📻𖤐 Alastor finds you very talented and enjoys getting to see all of your little creations and masterpieces !!
📻𖤐 Bonus points if they’re a bit disturbing or dark, he’d love stuff like that (“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable” — Cesar A. Cruz)
📻𖤐 The only thing he isn’t particularly fond of in regards to your passion, however, is how little sleep you’re getting because of it.
📻𖤐 Your sleep schedule is completely fucked because of how often you get inspiration while trying to go to bed at night, because of course you just have to get up and go paint it every time.
📻𖤐 Oh and how messy you can get whilst you paint… which Alastor doesn’t actually mind as much as he wants you to think he does.
📻𖤐 He can shake his head and tut about it all he wants but he can’t deny the fact that getting to clean you up is something he enjoys doing for you.
📻𖤐 Plus, it’s always entertaining to see all the peculiar places the paint ends up on you each time he does. From your cheeks to your arms to more unusual places like your ears… it genuinely never does get old in his eyes ♡
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It was another one of those nights. You were lying in your bed, trying to get some sleep and all of a sudden you got an amazing idea for a painting !! You couldn’t help but get up to go bring your ideas to life on a fresh canvas :-)
You went on with your usual routine, playing some music as you got your stuff all set up. Once everything was ready, off you were into your own little world as you painted away at 2:30 at night
Fortunately and unfortunately for Alastor, your room was right beside his. The walls were quite thin in the hotel.. even so, the loud music blaring wasn’t exactly hard to miss but it was even harder to fully relax with it playing.
You usually stopped your painting at around 7 or 8 in the morning so he figured this was going to be a long night….. he sighed to himself and went back to reading for a while (or at least attempting to for around 10 minutes or so.)
Eventually he did recognize a song you had playing, you’d played it for him before. It was after his time but he did quite like the melody
That’s when he got an idea of his own. his undying grin growing slightly as he bookmarked his book, set it to the side and made his way next door to your room.
He knocked on your door three times, waiting outside of it patiently as he heard you set your painting materials down. His ears twitched slightly.
Once you answered the door he waltzed inside cheerfully, not giving you a chance to speak or ask why he was here.
“Salutations my dear!! Up to the usual, I assume?” Alastor would ask, taking a curious look at the canvas you had been working on before glancing back over at you.
You gave him a smile and nodded “Yeah.. got a little inspiration and wanted to paint it before I forgot it.”
“Hm. Well, would it be too much to ask to pull you away from your work for a while?” He raised a brow as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, offering you his hand; offering a dance. And honestly you weren’t too surprised.
With a giggle and the grow of your smile, you happily took his hand and let him pull you closer to him as you two began to dance to the song playing in the background, your little masterpiece-in-progress long forgotten as you swayed with your favourite Radio Demon.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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heartss4matthewq · 3 months
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Summary: You’ve known chris your whole life. When he gets a girlfriend you are happy for him, right?
Warnings: fluff, dom!chris, fem!reader,
7:00 PM
“matt hurry the fuck up we gotta pick up mya” i said.
mya is my girlfriend. we recently got together and our 6 month is coming up so i decided to take her out for dinner. We’ve been arguing a little more recently. I thought this would be a nice gesture.
“yo why don’t you shut the fuck up and get your drivers license then maybe you could pick her up yourself!” matt yells
“bro can you guys stop arguing, matt you do need to hurry up though chris doesn’t wanna be late” nick says
“wait mya’s calling me hold on” i said answering her call.
“hey, what’s up?”
“soo i kinda cant make it tonight..”
“what? why?” i said clearly upset
“well you know zack right? my best friend?”
“well he’s coming over cause’ like he called me and asked if i was busy but i kinda told him no and i missed him because we haven’t seen eachother since like….october so yeah sorry”
i heard her start..laughing? was she already with him?
“uh that’s fine i guess, i just thought we could have a night to ourselves”
“yeah well sorry but goodnight, bye chris.” she hung up on me.
well what the fuck.
8:08 PM
i was about to fall asleep when i got a text from chris
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i’ve always said i was happy for chris and mya but was i?
i have had a crush on chris since i was little.
i know it’s bad and i truly am happy he found someone but, why couldn’t it be me?
8:30 PM
“bro lowkey mya’s a bitch don’t mind her” matt says to chris
“yeah exactly i mean i’m not tryna dawg on her but why would she do that if she knew you wanted to do this tonight??” i said sounding annoyed.
“yeah i don’t know guys i’ll just talk to her tomorrow morning, i mean she hasn’t seen him for a while.” chris wants to make the situation sound better.
“yeah you fucking better” nick says emerging from his room.
a couple hours pass and we had just been playing games and laughing until…
“guys myas calling!!” i said laughing a little.
“i think we should talk” my face immediately drops
“uh about what??”
“we need to break up.”
“what?” i said clearing my throat
“i said we should break up.” she says firmer than before
“why, i thought we were okay?”
“well we aren’t, plus zach doesn’t like you so..” she trails off
“so that’s it? we’re done like that?”
“i mean yeah, that’s what i said.”
“also i’ve been sleeping with zach for 3 months”
“what?” i said angry and upset
“yeah, love ya, peace out chrissy”
everyone has fallen asleep by this point except me and chris.
we all tried comforting him but nothing seemed to work.
“it’s okay chris, it isn’t your fault she’s a self centered bitch” i said wiping his cheeks.
“yeah but what if i wasn’t giving her what she wanted. and she said she was sleeping with zach for 3 months” he said through sobs
“she did FUCKING what??”
“yeah, i know. what if i’m bad at sex and she just hates me because i couldnt give her what she wanted”
“chris i’m sure you’re good at sex and she’s just talking out of her ass, i bet zach can’t even make her cum” i said laughing
“yeah, maybe”
an awkward silence fills the room
“can i show you that i’m good at sex?”
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chaoticace2005 · 4 months
The list of regrets I totally have and am not just writing because Charlie is making me, Vagina Vaggie is glaring at me, and I want the free rent:
By Angel Dust, 3 time X-X-X award winner.
(Warning, there is some victim blaming in this. The abuse Angel faces from Val is not his fault, but given that I’m writing this from his perspective I figured it would be something he’d add.)
1. Writing this list
2. Verbally complaining about writing this list cause now Vagina wants to stab me.
3. Only taking half my usual hit before starting today.
4. Complaining about not being high enough.
5. Not hiding my drugs better
6. Not having more stashes of drugs
7. Calling TV superior to radio.
8. Not killing that snake before he had a chance to go to the hotel.
9. Not “trying hard enough” at this shitty hotel.
10. Being too close to roof so the CRAZY BITCH COULD THROW ME OFF OF IT.
11. Walking up the stairs with Pentious only to have to go IMMEDIATELY BACK DOWN.
12. Signing my deal with fucking Valentino. Seriously I’m a fucking idiot.
13. Even suggesting the idea that Charlie should come to the studio. She’s just going to get hurt.
14. Mouthing off to Val.
15. Not getting Charlie out of the hotel sooner
16. Being such a pathetic, dick sucking ho who isn’t good at anything beyond sex.
17. Not being able to take all of this.
18. Not acting well enough cause some this bitchass cat is seeing through me.
19. Ever offering that bitchass cat my services.
20. Pushing Husk’s boundaries
21. Not being my true self.
22. Acting for so long I don’t even really know who my true self is
23. Being a dick to Charlie
24. Being a dick to Husk
25. Being a dick to everyone
26. Putting my dick in a vacuum cleaner.
27. Calling Smiles a creepy dommy daddy.
28. Letting Niffty know about some of my more kinky films. She’s getting ideas…
29. Trying to play poker with Husk (and not even strip poker!)
30. Testing if my venom works on myself (it doesn’t and now I have pink bite marks)
31. Leaving what I used to clean my bites out because somehow Alastor found them and is now TEMPORARILY PARALYZED AND I DONT WANT HIM TO KILL ME WHEN HE CAN MOVE AGAIN.
32. Not answering Val’s texts.
33. Wearing boots. Seriously these things hurt sometimes.
34. Having ugly feet so I can’t NOT wear boots.
35. Tracking mud into the hotel
36. Mentioning sex around the Egg Bois because now I have to explain what it is.
37. Describing sex as something their boss “has never had,” it got back to Pentious and I’m scared.
38. Mentioning “Vox” anywhere in Alastor’s vicinity.
39. Agreeing to play Monopoly with Niffty. In general Monopoly sucks but Niffty likes to get knives involved?!?!
40. Getting addicted to drugs.
41. Getting caught in that alleyway by my BITCHASS brother.
42. Not trying harder for Molly.
43. Not saying goodbye.
44. Fucking overdosing.
45. Doing literally fucking nothing with my life and nothing with my death.
46. Taking the easy was out and doing whatever pops told me to
47. Yelling “FUCK” loudly in church that one time
48. Not teaching these people at the hotel how to FUCKING MAKE SPAGHETTI RIGHT?!
49. Getting high with Cherri.
50. Telling Val to “fuck off”
51. Flirting with that one cannibal guy because now they all seem to want to EAT ME (and not in the sexy way)
52. Leaving those pot brownies out. High cannibals, Egg Boiz, and Nifftys are terrifying.
53. Letting myself be named “Angel” because this makes shit too damn confusing plus I think Niffty wants to KILL ME?!
54. Not spending more time with these losers
55. Not opening myself up to Husk sooner.
56. Being too much of a coward to tell him how I feel.
57. Mentioning Pent has two dicks to Cherri cause she won’t stop asking about it.
58. Not doing enough to save Pentious.
59. Not telling him how much he means to me.
60. Trying to lift way more than I should have. Apparently six arms doesn’t mean I’m super strong.
61. Calling Niss a short motherfucker who nobody likes. I’m sorry, I’ll be better (and call him something even worse next time.)
62. Still being too much of a coward to tell Husk how I feel.
63. Flirting with Husk in Italian when he UNDERSTOOD ME THIS WHOLE DAMN TIME?!
64. Getting a room on the same side of the building as Alastor’s because he keeps laughing at 3 in the morning???
65. Kissing Husk in public. Val is mad.
66. Trying to even have a boyfriend with Val around. It’s stupid.
67. Calling yourself stupid for wanting to have a boyfriend.
68. Giving my boyfriend access to this list.
69. No regrets. Only 69. :D (Jesus Christ you’re a child.)
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lo-vearchive · 1 year
Forgive Me (Pt. 2)
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x female reader
Summary: After reconciling in your bedroom, Miguel disappears on you for a week. Giving up on any hopes of romance, your friends plan a night out for you to cheer up. Too bad your boss makes an appearance and catches you with an attractive stranger on a stormy night. Read Part One: here
Word Count: 4463 words
Content: Miguel being a rude bastard, Miguel asking for forgiveness (again), arguments, possessiveness, alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption, 18+ (minors DNI), no p in v but things get spicy at the end, female fingering, finger sucking, misogyny, insecurity, swearing, hurt and comfort, office sex (no p in v), questionable Spanish
Note: ANGST! Got carried away once again. Lowkey not proofread. I love angst and Miguel being vulnerable.  If you are into angst, you will enjoy this. Feel free to correct my Spanish and ask for any other cw to be added. Thank you for the 1K+ notes on Pt. 1. Have fun, horndogs ;)
It has been seven days since you last saw Miguel O’Hara.
After spending a full 48 hours by your side, he had gone back to work. You decided to join him at Alchemax the next day but found his office empty. At first, you thought he was occupied with Spider-Man business, so you kept yourself busy with answering his overflowing email box. Slowly the sun set behind the skyline of Nueva York and the messages ran out, leaving behind a feeling of uneasiness in your stomach.
 You [sent Friday, 6 pm]: Hey, are you coming to work today?
You [sent Friday, 10 pm]: I’m going home for the night. Call me when you are home. I miss you :)
You [sent Saturday, 5 am]: Are you okay?
You [sent Saturday, 1 pm]: I’m getting really worried. Where are you?
You [sent Saturday, 5 pm]: I emailed you in case you lost your phone. Call me asap.
You [sent Sunday, 7 pm]: I’ll see you at work tomorrow.
You [sent Monday, 9 am]: Lyla said you’re okay but won’t tell me what’s going on. Says I don’t have clearance. Please call me.
You [sent Monday 10 am]: Are you actually ignoring me?
You [sent Tuesday, 1 am]: My best friend you’re an asshole and I should never let you near my pussy ever again.
You [sent Tuesday 1:23 am] Are you ghosting me? You know we work together, right?
You [sent Tuesday, 3:30 am]: I hate you Miguel O’Hara.
 Friday rolled around and your best friend had enough of your drunk late-night facetime calls. She gathered a group of your high school girlfriends and decided a night out in the town would be the perfect remedy. “Fuck him, babe,” Katy states, sliding a shot glass across the table. “You should report him to HR for being an ass.”
You laughed and tipped the glass into your mouth. The tequila burnt its way down your throat. “I’m just going to find a new job. I can’t be dealing with this shit right now.”
Your friend Soo let out a burp. “Did you let him hit it?”
You shake your head. “No,” you cough. “We came close to it, like above the pants stuff— do you think that’s why he’s ignoring me? Because I didn’t put out right away?”
“Bitch,” Katy chides, slapping the tabletop, “be fucking for real. You look like a busty, hot secretary from some comic book. He should be lucky you let him touch your tits!”
Your friends nodded along in agreement. Katy grabs the sides of your chair and spins it around, facing you to the restaurant bar. “You see that guy there?” she points at a man with messy blond hair in an open-collar white shirt. “He’s been eyeing you all night. Go talk to him right now.”
The tequila must have heightened your bravery as you found yourself walking across the dimly lit restaurant and to the wall. Stealing a glance at him from the corner of your eye, you ask the bartender for, “a rum and coke please.”
“You can add her drink to my tab,” the man says just like you hoped he would. “I hope you don’t mind. I saw your friends fussing over you earlier and you looked like you needed a drink.”
“Is it that obvious?” You ask, letting out a laugh. “You’re right, I do need a little pick-me-upper tonight.”
“My name is John,” he says.
You introduced yourself and slide in the empty seat next to him. “So, what’s going on with you?” he questions, sipping his beer.
You carefully lift your drink from the bar top and circled the rim with your index finger. “I’m not sure if I wanna’ trauma dump on a stranger.”
“Sometimes talking to strangers helps.”
You contemplate his words and sigh. Your friends would kick you if you said the name Miguel O’Hara again in their general vicinity. You chose to divulge a little to the mystery man. “Things got a bit complicated with someone I really cared about. Everything was going well and then he disappeared suddenly, and I don’t know why.”
John listens to you carefully, nodding to himself. “You know what I do when I’m confused?”
“I take a smoke break to chill out,” he answers, standing up. “Care to join me?”
You downed the contents of your glass and follow him out a door that open to a back alley behind the restaurant. Rain pours down heavily, and you both huddle under a dingy metal shed. The cold air bites your arms sharply as John lights the end of his cigarette and brings it to his mouth. “It can be frustrating when you’re left without answers but a girl like you has nothing to worry about.”
You smile at his words. You take the cigarette off his hand and take a drag. The smoke fills your lungs, making your head spin a little. The light-headedness reminds you of how you felt last time when Miguel was in your arms. Airy, free, and light. No matter what you do, all your thoughts lead back to him. You shake away the memories and pass the cigarette back to John.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” a stern voice asks.
A man melts out of the shadows in the alley and into the light shining from a streetlamp above. You recognize him. “Miguel?”
He doesn’t look at you and keeps his eyes focused on John. “Who is he?” he asks with a deep frown.
“Listen, I’m off work right now,” you clear your throat, sticking your nose up in the air. “I don’t have to explain—”
“Look, man,” John interrupts, “no need to get all worked about this. We are just talking.”
Miguel lets out a harsh laugh. “Yeah, right,” he spits and gets in his face. “You could have done that at the bar. Why the fuck are you out here alone with her? What were you planning on doing?”
“Mr. O’Hara!” you exclaim, stepping in between them. “You are out of line!”
He raises his eyebrows at your formality but keeps his attention on John over your shoulder.  “Buddy,” John says, wrapping an arm around your waist and moving you to the side. “She is allowed to talk to whoever she wants. I suggest you leave us alone now.”
The touch doesn’t go unnoticed by Miguel. His nostrils flare and his eyes turned red with anger. He steps closer to John until he is looming over the poor man. You often forget how big your boss is compared to everyone around him. The scene looks almost comical with how John tries to puff out his chest. “Te calmas o te calmo,” (Calm yourself, or I’ll calm you down) Miguel snarls.
Whatever John sees in his face is enough to make him reconsider. He holds his hands up in surrender and backs away slowly. Stopping in front of you he pushes the half-burnt cigarette into your hand and whispers, “If this is the guy you were talking about, then maybe it’s a good thing he disappears. I’ll be inside if you still want to talk.”
He walks away from the alley and into the restaurant, leaving you with Miguel alone in the alley. You watch in silence as his body trembles, and you can’t tell if it’s from anger or the rain hammering away at his back.
He breaks the silence. “So, you’re letting strangers into our private business?”
You snort loudly. “You don’t get to speak to me like that,” you tell him, taking another drag. “Especially after disappearing on me. You can’t just strut back into my life and tell me who I can confide in.”
“I was tending to some urgent matters,” he says, brushing his wet hair away from his forehead. “So I took the time to handle them. I can’t be around you every second of the day acting as your lap dog.”
The heat from the cigarette burns your skin. “What the hell is wrong with you?” you raise your voice, throwing your hands in the air. “You’re acting like I want you on a leash! I just wanted to know you were okay.”
“Clearly I’m okay,” he replies, rolling his eyes.
Your lips tug into a deep scowl at his tone. “Did you ever stop to consider how your actions affected me? How lost and confused I felt waiting by the phone every day?”
“It wasn’t intentional,” Miguel matches your tone. “You know I am a busy man, and that I have responsibilities. But you’d rather live in some fantasy land where I’m just some monster out to hurt you! You can’t begin to understand the weight I carry on my shoulders.”
Anger surges through your body. “How am I supposed to understand when you don’t tell me anything? Hell, your AI knows more about you than I do. It’s like you only care about missions or work and nothing else—”
“Sometimes in life, personal matters have to take a backseat,” he cuts you off, harshly. “Not everyone can put on a short skirt and high heels, waltz into work, type a few memos and then call it a night.”
“You misogynist fuck!” You scream back at him, resisting the urge to slap him silly. “I hate you!”
“I hate you too!” he yells back in your face with bloodshot eyes.
You spin on your heels and begin walking towards the main road. Rage begins to bubble inside you and reaches your throat. You turn around just as you reach the sidewalk and call out, “You know what? It doesn’t matter if you disappear again because I have hated you since the moment I met you. I hated you when everyone at work warned me about you. I hated you all those times you dismissed me like an afterthought. And I hated you when you came to my room that night begging for a second chance. So, I don’t care if you hate me, or think I’m useless or unimportant cause have hated you longer and harder and for better fucking reasons!”
You take another drag from the cigarette and then crush it underneath your pretty high heels. You make a right at the end of the alley and begin walking up the street. Warm tears spill down your face as you shiver in the rain. Katy was right, he was an asshole. An asshole that made you feel dumb for having a normal job or human emotions. But maybe you were just an idiot for falling in love with a man who didn’t respect you. Love wasn’t supposed to be this hard, but here you were feeling small and crying at the side of the road.
The sound of screeching tires brings you out of your self-pity. A sleek black car pulls up on the other side of the road and the passenger window rolls down. Miguel’s face emerges from behind the glass. “Ven aquí!” (come here) he calls out.
You ignore him and keep walking ahead. You have no idea where you are going, but you would rather eat rocks than speak to him.
From the corner of your eyes, you see Miguel make a sharp left, almost hitting oncoming traffic and pulling up beside you. “Get in the car!”
Your feet don’t stop moving so he slowly inches his car to match your speed. “Estoy harto. (I’m sick of this) Let’s talk!”
Honks and yells filled the night as people grew frustrated with his speed. “Stop,” you hiss, bending down to the window. “You are embarrassing me!”
“Get in the car then,” he says, with a clenched jaw. “You’re gonna’ catch a cold in the rain.”
“Stop pretending like you care,” you snarl, kicking the side of his car.
“A-YO LADY!” a man yells out of his yellow cab. “Get in the damn car! Your boyfriend is holding up traffic!”
A pleased smirk spread across Miguel’s face at the man’s remarks. You let out a frustrated grunt and yanked the door open, slipping into the passenger seat. “Put your seatbelt on,” he says, picking up speed.
You begrudgingly obey but wished that his car would get rear-ended so hard that his fat head would go through the windshield. “You look like you want me dead, babe,” he commented with a nervous laugh.
“Don’t call me that,” you snap, adjusting the belt over your soaking dress. “Where are we going?”
“Back to Alchemax,” he points at the GPS screen. “The freeway flooded, and it will be a while until it clears up. I have a spare set of clothes I keep in the office for overnighters. You can change while we wait for the storm to blow over.”
“I don’t want your charity,” you grumble, crossing my hand over my chest.
“I know,” he says. “I just want to take care of you.”
You disliked how your stomach felt at his words. “I left my bag behind at the restaurant.”
“I picked it up, it’s in the back seat.”
“I didn’t pay my tab.”
“It’s taken care of. Your friends know you’re fine, too. Just relax.”
Miguel leans over to turn your seat warmer on and warmth spreads across your chest and down your limbs. He drives in silence with only the soft white noise of radio static playing in the background. Occasionally you tear your gaze away from the furiously working windshield wipers and steal glances at his face. The headlights from other cars make the slopes of his cheek and the plumpness of his lips visible even on a stormy night. His warm complexion has turned pale, and you ponder if it was because of your interaction earlier.
You both pull up into the Alchemax parking lot and get out of the car. The security team must be watching through the cameras, wondering why one of their lead engineers was coming into work late at night with his drenched secretary. You quickly follow him into the elevator and up to the floor with his office. He opens the office door, and you slide inside into the dark space.
“Lyla,” he calls out and the room illuminates on command. “Lights.”
Miguel walks up to a storage cupboard and retrieves a towel in one hand and fresh clothes in the other. He passes them to you, and you quietly enter the adjacent washroom to change. You peel your damp dress off your skin and shiver as the chilly air hits you all over. Rubbing the towel quickly over your cold skin, you slip into an oversized t-shirt and shorts. It takes two knots of the drawstring, but you manage to keep the waistband tied around your naval.
You find Miguel waiting for you outside. He had changed into a shirt that hugged his slender waist and pants that hung dangerously low under his taut stomach. He pulls the towel out of your hand and drapes it over your head. His hands gently rub the threads against your wet hair in soft, circular motions. You lean into his touch involuntarily. “I can do it myself,” you complain but made no move to reach for the fabric.
“I know,” he replies. “I want to do it for you.”
“Please don’t.”
“You’re doing that thing again,” you said, “and it’s messing with my head.”
“What thing?”
“The thing where you start acting kind after being mean,” you explain in a small voice. “I don’t like it. It’s confusing”
He tugs the towel back so you can look into each other’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” he speaks, gently. “I just lost my shit when I saw you with him.”
“You cut off all contact when all I wanted was to know if you were okay,” your voice shakes as you stare at your feet. “You left me all alone, what was I supposed to do? Wait for you to change your mind?”
“I know I messed up, baby. I was wrong” he sighs, inching down his forehead to meet yours. “I should have communicated with you, but sometimes on missions, things get complicated. I don’t always like the things I have to do, and recently I’m having a difficult time making peace with it. It’s like the harder I try to do the right thing, the more damage I do. So sometimes, it’s just better to be alone rather than pretend I’m okay around other people.”
His words hurt your heart. You knew that his missions take a toll on him. In the past whenever you tried to inquire about its contents he wouldn’t answer. You wouldn’t push, afraid that he’d pull away, but it seems that he was pulling away regardless.
“When you’re gone,” you clear your throat, trying to speak through your narrowing trachea, “I worry that you might be laying dead in some universe, and I’d be none the wiser. I know that being Spider-Man is a sacrifice, but I don’t care about the world. I only care about you. So, when you treat me this way, it’s like I can’t breathe.”
He cups your face and places a soft kiss right on your cheekbone “Forgive me.”
“You say that a lot,” you remind him with a frown.
“I know,” he nods, “and I still mean it. I’m just an idiot who doesn’t know how to find the balance in life. I love that you care about me, and I want you to continue caring about me.”
“I don’t know, Mr. O’Hara,” you said. “I can’t ignore the way you speak to me at times. It feels as if you think we’re not equals. I am not some idiot. I am not beneath you just because I work under you.”
He groaned at the sound of his last name. Every time you called him that, it made the space between feel bigger. “I have seen a million universes, nena, (babe) and you are not beneath me in any of them,” he curls a damp strand behind your ear, “Unless we are in bed, then you’re definitely under me.”
“Miguel!” you chide, punching him in the stomach. “No es broma! (It’s not a joke) I’m being serious!”
He lets out an oof and backs away. His fangs poke out from underneath his curled lips and in that moment, he looks as carefree. He wraps his large hands around your arms and holds your attention. “I know broken trust isn’t easily mendable, but I’m going to try my hardest. I won’t leave you out in the dark or make you feel small. I’ll think twice before I open my stupid mouth. I’ll even ask Lyla to give you full access to my missions. Wh-when you see what I have to do- what I must do, please don’t hate me.”
“Miggy,” you pout, reaching for his face. “I was really, really angry when I said those things to you. I can never hate you. My heart won’t let me.”
His toothy grin appears again, and Miguel draws you into him. His smooth lips find yours and he cranes your head back to find the angle that leaves you breathless. You run the pads of your thumb gently across the slopes of his cheeks. It never ceased to surprise you that his skin was so soft under his stubble. Without breaking your kiss, your shuffle back and walk him to his desk chair. You smile into his lips as he shakes his head when you move him back and down to sit. His hands wrap around your wrists. “D-don’t leave,” he cries out.
You shake your head and take a seat on his lap with your legs dangling off the side. Miguel’s hands find your jaw and he turns your mouth to his. You wrap your fingers in his hair and tug him closer. You let out a content hum as his fangs softly dig into your lips, breaking the skin. The taste of metal fills your mouth, and you pull away to look at him. He sits in your embrace, with red-stained lips and is just as breathless. “Sorry,” he sheepishly says. “I usually have them under control. It’s just you’re in my office and in my clothes. It’s making my head spin a little.”
You laugh at his words and gently pull his hair back. Pressing a wet kiss to his exposed throat you ask, “Miggy, how come we haven’t had sex yet?”
“Honestly?” he lets out a choked moan.
“Honestly,” you hum, licking his jaw.
His hands suddenly grab you by the elbows and spin you around on his lap, so his chest is facing your back. His warm breath hits the nape of your neck. A shiver runs down your spine. “I haven’t fucked you yet because once I’m inside you,” he whispers into your ear, “I’ll never want to be anywhere else. I wouldn’t want to eat, sleep, work, or be Spider-Man. I think I’ll just want to stay buried in you all the time.”
“Miguel,” you moan, clutching your thighs together.
“Tsk-tsk,” he clicks his tongue. “Don’t hide from me.”
His large hand slips between your thighs and pushes your legs apart. He turns the chair around until you’re both facing his work desk. “Up,” he commands, slapping the side of your thighs.
You gingerly obey and place your bare feet on the edge of his desk. His hands slip under your shirt, and he fumbles with the knot. Impatient with the knots, he uses a sharp claw to cut through the drawstring. Your breath hitches as he pushes the loose shorts down your legs and off your feet. He wraps his fingers behind your knees and draws your legs apart. He puts his chin over your shoulder and bunches your shirt up to get a good look at your pink underwear. “Baby,” he coos. “You gotta’ let me have this once we are done. A little souvenir for when I’m away.”
Your stomach tightens at his suggestion. You glance at him and then the office door,. “Someone will see us,” you nervously gulp.
“You let me worry about that,” he says and presses a kiss to the side of your forehead, “and just relax. I’m not gonna’ let anyone else see my girl spread out like this.”
He runs his knuckles down your bare stomach and across the clothed cunt. Electricity shoots up your body and you almost curl up in his arms. Miguel’s fingertips find a quickly dampening spot on the fabric. “Huh,” he huffs. “Is this me or rainwater?”
You cry, arching into his touch.
“I guess it’s just me,” he grins against your shoulder.
He slides your underwear off your legs and tosses it on the table. It lands on a pile of paperwork you had put aside from him earlier in the week. Miguel stops breathing at the sight of your glistening, swollen pussy. A loud moan escapes your throat as his fingers part your folds and glide back and forth. You were sure that the security guards patrolling this floor would have heard you down the hallway. You almost miss his question over the sensations of pleasure spreading through your body.
“Do you want my finger inside you?”
You nod against his cheek and reach behind to clutch a fistful of his hair to brace for impact. He lowers his down until his thick, middle digit is nudging your opening. You must have been soaking his thighs with how easily his digit sinks inside. You bit your lip harshly to contain the sounds threatening to escape your mouth. It’s your turn to hold your breath when Miguel’s other hand begins to stroke your clit. Once, twice, thrice.
When he speaks, his voice is hoarse. “You clench around my finger every time I flick your clit.”
Not that you needed proof, but Miguel does it again and you shake with pleasure. “See?” he gasps, and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss.
He he pulls back to hold your eyes and you breathe his shaky breaths in. You close your eyes and imagine how it would look to hold his hard cock in your hands while he played with your pussy. He tears you away from your fantasy by hooking his fingers inside on an angle. You almost arch completely off his lap. He moves his free hand away from your clit and presses you back into him. His hard bulge pressed into your ass.
“Here?” Miguel moans and licks your lips. “Tell me where? Right here? Ah, here.”
His fingers find that spot again and he massages his fingers against it. You nod furiously and my hands move to claw forearms. He softly bites your shoulder in retaliation and his free hand resumes working against your clit, picking up rhythm. “Can I put another finger inside?” he asks, breathing hard. “I promise it will feel good.”
“Oh-kay,” you gasp, rocking your hips on his hand.
His index finger slithers into your pussy, and you forget how to speak. You begin to twist and turn in his lap. He pulls away from your clit to press down hard against your stomach so he can keep you in place. You slide your ass over his crotch with every movement of his fingers.
“Mig-Mig-Mig,” you pant, moving your hips to his set rhythm.
“Good? I bet that feels so good.”
He presses soft kisses onto your cheek as you sink into his arms. You begin to tighten further around him. You realize that this is exactly how you always want to be—full of Miguel’s fingers, touch, and love. His tongue slips into your mouth as his fingers begin curling into you faster. Your moans and groans echo through the office. His left hand leaves your stomach and reaches for your clit again. It takes seven swipes, one for each day he left you alone, for you to seize around his finger. His mouth never leaves yours as he drinks all of your pleasurable cries.
Slowly, the current leaves your body and you’re able to take in your surround. Your cheeks burn with realization. Miguel had just fingered you open on his desk at your workplace. The very same desk you set up for him every morning. Your fingers slide up to his hair and you hide your face in the crook of his neck. “Don’t be shy now,” he chuckles, “One day I’ll fuck you all over this office, nena.”
You shriek and lightly slap his arm. Miguel gently slides his fingers out of your cunt, eliciting a soft groan, and brings his to his mouth.
He hums with eyes closed at the taste. “You taste so good,” he mumbles around his fingers.
“Ugh,” Lyla gags at a distance. “Be glad I activated noise cancellation.”
A/N: Thoughts?
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chaosprincess404 · 7 months
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Sex Questions Part 1 (first 30 100% honest answers only).
Do you like kissing with a lot or little tongue?
Depends the person but I like deep tongue kisses mainly.
2) Which parts of your body do you like to have kissed?
Neck or inner thigh, I will melt instantly.
3) What’s your favourite part about having quickies?
The thrill of being able to not hold back and go crazy on each other.
4) How do you like your breasts and nipples played with?
Absolutely love it.
5) Do you like being spanked?
Yes, I like it as hard as possible so I feel the sting for days and sit their dumb brain at work thinking about it.
6) Do you like spanking others?
Sometimes if I’m being dom.
7) Do you find yourself more dominant or submissive during sex?
Ok so here the thing. I can switch depending the partner but primarily I’m a dom outside of bed and an extreme sub in bed.
8) Do you like role play?
I do indeed it can make things very fun.
9) Do you like calling guys “Daddy?”
Only the man who owns me will ever be daddy when i’m owned. I’m loyal type.
10) What names do you like to be called during sex?
Anything derogatory or degrading as well as princess and babydoll.
11) How much eye contact do you like to have during sex?
Honestly I love it a lot because I love seeing my partners pleasure on his face and I also love him to stare me down like a hungry beast.
12) How long do you usually like to have sex for?
13) What’s something sexual you hesitated to try but ended up loving?
Anal, CNC, Breeding, Wateraports, Knifeplay, Most things tbh.
14) What’s something sexual you thought you’d love, but ending up not caring for?
I mean there is nothing really that I have tried… few things that I haven’t tried cause I know I won’t like them.
15) What, if anything, do you like about having threesomes?
Ok so hear me out…. So hypocritical I know but I will not ever share my man when in relationship. I’m possessive as hell! But I’m ok with him sharing me but I will always give him my main focus.
16) Do you like watching other people have sex?
I’d rather be doing it but I guess it’s fine for solo play.
17) Do you like being watched having sex?
Im an exhibitionist so yes, public sex is also a massive turn on for me.
18) What are your favourite sex positions?
That’s hard to choose tbh because I love all of it. I guess face down pushed into the floor and ass up having my holes used and abused. I love some CNC.
19) What makes you orgasm the fastest?
Choking me and treating me like a worthless whore.
20) Have you ever tried anal? Would you want to try?
Yes and I love it. I also enjoy DP.
21) Do you like anal play on a man?
Depends the partner to be honest but I have done it when they like it.
22) Would you ever want to try pegging?
I have pegged someone before and it’s fine with me. My partner at the time wanted to try it so I was happy to let him experience it.
23) Do you like being choked during sex?
HELL YES! This is absolute.
24) Do you like choking your partner during sex?
I can at times, or suffocating him with my ass.
25) What type of porn turns you on?
CNC, Public, Rough, Domination, Gameshow/TV, Time stop, kink related stuff like water sports rubbing / grinding and the list goes on……
26) Which are your favourite sex toys to masturbate with?
Lush 3 currently but I want a fuck machine.
27) Which sex toys do you like to use during sex?
All of them lol, use whatever you want on me.
28) Do you like having sex in the shower?
Yes I do, spas are good too!
29) How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their third?
Depends the people tbh and depends my status at the time.
30) How do you like to have your vagina stimulated manually?
Let me sit on your face while you suck the chaos out from between my legs.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 29 - Fancy
@jegulus-microfic January 29 Word count 1000
Previous part First Part
Six months later
He’d met Lily through Remus. Apparently, she’d offered him a piece of chocolate on her first day at work, and now she was his best friend. 
Sirius and Remus had decided to play matchmakers and set them up.
He liked her a lot. She was intelligent, feisty, funny, and she didn’t take anyone’s shit. He’d made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want anything serious. So they’d agreed to keep it casual, even though Lily slept over. A lot. 
Another new addition to James’s life was an adorable black cat named Leo. Sirius had gone with him to the rescue centre, and James had known the second he saw the runty little kitten that he was the one. 
Leo had settled in quickly, taking over the house. And for such a little guy, he didn’t half grow. Sirius’s puppy, Procyon. Named because she always rose before Sirius. — Lovingly nicknamed Cece,— let Leo walk all over her. She’d been bigger than him, but now he towered over her. Remus had only agreed to get a dog if it was a small one after he’d caught Sirius looking at pictures of Burmese Mountain Dogs and St.Bernards. So Cece the Yorkshire terrier became part of the family.
Lily came clattering down the stairs as James was booting his computer up. 
“Hey, you coming over tonight?” He asked her as she was shoving her feet into her shoes. 
“Yeah, I think so. Nothing else planned.” She told him absentmindedly as she looked for her keys. 
“Gee, thanks,” She rolled her eyes at him and slapped a kiss on his face. 
“See ya later, sexy.” She called behind her as she raced from the house. 
He liked her a lot, but she wasn’t him.
Regulus was doing surprisingly well at his new job. His boss, while a bit insane, was nice enough. He’d made sure Regulus had everything he needed and checked in weekly.
“Hey,’ Barty poked his head around Regulus’s office door.
“Hi,” Regulus replied, finishing typing before looking up from his computer. 
“You got a minute?” Barty looked nervous. Regulus didn’t think he’d ever seen him like that. Not even when they’d messed up a deadline, and the head boss had come down for a ‘discussion’. 
“Yeah, sure. What’s going on?” Barty had Regulus’s full attention now. 
“You can absolutely say no, and I’m aware that this is not the time or place to be doing this. Please don’t report me to HR. But would you like to go on a date with me this evening? I’m paying.” He added. His cocky smile seemed a bit forced, and Regulus could see a few beads of sweat gathering on his forehead. 
Regulus was shocked. He hadn’t seen this coming at all. But he couldn’t deny that Barty was an extremely handsome man. 
“Yeah, okay. You can pick me up at 7. My address is in my personnel file. I’m sure after this, you’ll have no problem looking through it.” He quirked his eyebrow in a way he hadn’t done in months as a smirk played at the corners of his mouth. 
“Ooooo, I like it when they’re demanding. See you at 7,” He raked his eyes over Regulus. “Wear something sexy.” He winked before he disappeared back onto the office floor. He was back before Regulus could start typing again. 
“Erm—Seriously though, please don’t tell Glenda in HR. I already have two strikes, and she’s got it in for me.” 
“You got it,” Regulus had to chew his cheeks so he didn’t laugh. 
“Good. Now get back to work.” Barty’s boss voice was back in place. He winked again before leaving. 
“Yes, boss.” Regulus snorted.
 He focused on finishing the report he’d been working on before he let his thoughts turn to James.   
His phone buzzed, ‘Unknown Number’ flashed on the screen. It was 3:30 am. He answered it anyway. 
“Hello?” He listened for a reply, but there was just static and maybe breathing. He wasn’t sure. “For fucks sake.” He groaned into the phone. “Why do these stupid automated calls have to do it so early in the—”
“James,” He felt his heart stutter. He knew that voice. 
“Hi,” Another stutter.
“Hi’” A pause.
“I went on a date tonight with my boss,” Regulus’s confession came out in a blur. 
“Oh,” James felt the hope in his chest drain. Why, after all this time, was Regulus calling him? And to add insult to injury, calling him to tell him he’d been on a date!
“Yeah, Reg?” He pinched the bridge of his nose, uncertain if he wanted to hear what came next. 
“I miss you.” James froze. It took him a second to reply.
“I miss you too.” His voice came thick with emotion. 
James turned to look guiltily at the sleeping redhead in his bed. He quietly got up and went downstairs to his office.
“James, you still there?” Regulus’s voice whispered down the phone.
“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry, I had to go downstairs.” He wasn’t sure how much Regulus knew of his life, and he couldn’t bring himself to tell him. 
“Oh, crap, is Lily there? I’m so sorry, James. I shouldn’t have rung. I’ll- I’ll leave you alone.” Apparently, he knew a lot bloody Sirius and his big mouth.  
“Reg! Reg, wait! Reg, you still there?” He gasped into the phone, panicked. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m still here.” Came the reply. James let out a sigh of relief. Leo wandered into the office and brushed against James’s legs before jumping into his lap. James’s hand automatically raised to stroke him. 
“Did he take you anywhere nice?” He wanted to get off the subject of Lily and panicked. 
“Yeah, it was really fancy. Like what my parents used to drag me and Sirius to.” 
“What did you have?” It was easier than he’d thought it would be talking for the first time since their break up.
“Yeah, Reg.”
“I want to come home.”
Next part
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writing0305 · 7 months
“If you tell me what happened I can fix it. Whatever it is.”
2. "This cake reeks of resentment and bitterness." - "When we get to the party I'm going to need you to stop talking like that."
3. "Nothing could ever change how I feel for you."
4."I think I might love you."
5. "I can hear your heart beating, relax."
6. “Can… can I have a hug? Please?”
7. “Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
8. "I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me"
9. "You know, ever since I saw you that day, I haven't stop thinking about you."
10. "Everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
11. "Glad to see that you decided to show up." - "I knew you'd be bored without me here."
12. "This may not mean much to you, but I have your back."
13. "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you."
14. "You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply."
15. "Your jacket smells like you." - "Is that a good thing?" - "It’s… It’s comforting."
16. "I trust you. More than anyone else."
17. "I would do anything to keep her safe."
18. "You put a blanket over me when I was sleeping? What are we, an old married couple?"
"The only thing about you that never disappoints, is your ability to disappoint."
2. "You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me."
3. “Holy shit… that’s a lot of blood...”
4. “Are you okay? does anything hurt? who did this to you?!”
5. "I don't want to see you!" "You can't be serious."
6. "You don't answer my texts or calls, how could I not be suspicious?" "No, you just don't trust me enough!"
7. “Who was that?”
8. “Just a friend, huh?”
9. “You two are so close, it’s adorable.”
10. "You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down"
11. “Please, tell me this isn't your blood.”
12. “You were never going to tell me, were you?”
13. "I get everything I want"
14. "Get the fuck away from me."
15. "I don't know why I am upset about this so much. I never even liked him!"
16. "You know what's the saddest part? There was a time that I would've forgiven you if you just showed a little remorse. No more, though. I'm no longer a fool."
17. “Don’t you dare touch me.”
18. "... who did this to you?"
19. "...who's this?"
20. "What. the. fuck. is going on in here?"
21. "I need answers and I need them now."
22. "So, what's going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden."
23. "Why are you so worked up?" "Because they wouldn't stop fucking staring at you like they wanted to eat you."
24. “I can’t leave you alone for one second without you hurting yourself, can I?” - “I mean, I’m fine so it’s okay—” - “No, it’s not okay. Not when I feel like I’m going to go batshit fucking crazy, thinking you’ve hurt yourself.“
25. "You lied to me. was i just a pawn in your game? the easiest one you can sacrifice ?"
26. “Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
27. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”
28. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
29. "You have no idea what I'm capable of. "
30. "I wouldn't do that if i were you. "
31. “They would be so mad if they found out.” “fuck ‘em”
32. "You have no morals, you know that?" - "Morals will get you killed someday, dear.”
33. “Have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?”
34. “How did you do that?”
35. ”Where were you last night?”
36. “He deserves to die after what he did to you. And I’ll bring it to him.”
37. “She's my date. Fuck off.”
38. “Why was he talking to you?”
39. “You won't go anywhere with him.”
40. “He touches you again and I won't guarantee you I won't kill him immediately.”
41. “You go near him ever again and I'll kill him.”
42. “Whether you like it or not, you're safest with me.”
43. “Yeah, I killed him! He used to hit you! What did you expect me to do?! Leave him alone?”
44. "I didn’t know where else to go. "
45. "Clean yourself up. You're getting blood all over the place."
46. "Why are you avoiding me?"
“Our babies would be so cute.” - “Oh, yeah?”
2. “Wait- we’re having a baby?”
3. “Heartbeats? Plural? There’s more than one?!”
4. “That baby is lucky to have you as a mother.”
5. “Your child has been kicking me all day.”
6. “You’re doing so well sweetheart. Just a few more weeks. My superwoman.”
7. “Go easy. You are carrying my child.”
8. "Of course I'm pregnant! Can't you see that?" - "Well, I didn't want to assume and be rude."
9. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
10. "Well, we both made that baby." - "Don't remind me."
11. “I have a kid?”
12. “He/she’s mine too.”
13. “Anyone fucking hurts my kid again, I’ll kill them.”
14. “I have a right to be in my kids life.”
15. “How could you hide this from me?”
33 notes · View notes
trashmouth-richie · 2 years
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 || 13 |, 14, 15
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*Surprise! Earlier than expected 🥰
Eddie x Female!Reader
Summary: Dinner at your house 🍽️
W.C 3.8k
Warnings: MINORS DNI, Blowjobs, throat fucking, titty fucking, mean!Eddie.
A/N: can’t believe we have made it to part 12! Thank you for everyone so invested into this story, thank you to @munson-blurbs for helping me finish this!!
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The next few days fly by like a blur. Billy was stable and was released from the hospital. His father and step mother came back home and sent him off to a boarding ranch for naughty teens in Montana. After a tearful goodbye with Nancy, Steve was sent to a 60 day inpatient rehab facility in Indianapolis. His parents finally dropped the veil of “our perfect son can do no wrong.”
They both spent Thursday night at your house crying with your parents. Mary apologized to you for her behavior and begged for your forgiveness, her designer mascara trudging down her cheeks traitorously. You weren’t one for grudges and honestly you were just happy that Steve was getting help.
“You’ve always been like a daughter to us, Y/N I should have known better than to think ill of you.” Never having to wonder where Steve gets his dramatic vibes from, you patted her hand gently and gave it a squeeze of reassurance, a silent acceptance.
Things were starting to settle down and feel normal again. The one thing that stayed constant through all the turmoil and sudden changes— was Eddie. Eddie stood by your side through it all, a valiant, heavy medaled, warrior—bracing his armored clad arms around you, keeping you safe.
Friday presented itself as a beautiful day. The sun is leaking through the sheer curtains in your room spreading a warm growth against the plush carpet of your bedroom. Slipping your arms out from beneath your sheets, stretching and letting out a yawn, you turn to face the clock, 7:01AM. The phone rings. Leaning over to answer it and stifling a groan, “h-hello?”
“Oh how I love your little morning voice, princess,” Eddie sing songs through the other end.
Your stomach flutters at the sound of his voice, soothing and sexy, “Mmm, good morning handsome,” you murmur, twirling the cord between your fingers.
“Morning sweetheart,” Eddie says, “how’d you sleep?” He’s in the kitchen packing some pretzels into a plastic baggie.
Slipping your free hand beneath the cotton of your sleep shorts you answer, “I only sleep well when you’re with me.” Twirling slow circles into your sensitive bud. You couldn’t help it, even Eddie’s voice made you long for him, “I wish you were here.”
“Aww princess, you’re making me blush, I wish I was there with you too.”
A small, delicate moan escapes your lips as you pleasure yourself to the sultry mix that is Eddie’s voice. “You still coming over tonight for dinner and to meet my mom?”
Fingers entering your velvet walls as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world baby girl” Eddie says, “by the time I get home from work and shower it should be about 6:30 by the time i make it to your house is that alright?”
“Y-yeah it’s uhh, yeah that’ll be perfect,” your fingers are moving frantically against your clit. “I just can’t wait to see you, and touch you.”
Eddie chuckles, “Ooh baby, are you feeling naughty this morning?”
“I’m just trying to make myself feel the way that you do.. but I’m having some trouble.”
Spitting out bitter coffee all over the kitchen Eddie balks, “y—you-you’re doing what?!”
“I told you I missed you, I haven’t seen you since Wednesday… and your voice is just so sexy and I’m imagining you here with me, so would you wanna help me out… I’m almost there just not quite nailing it home.”
“And the vixen returns…” Eddie purrs, “baby you are going to be the death of me, but who would I be to deny you something so deliciously sexy this early in the morning, if I were there with you… I would be placing my lips on your neck, kissing you sweetly, running my hands up and down your thighs, ghosting over the place you need me so badly.”
Your fingers are moving feverishly against your clit, absorbing the warm wetness that consumes your pussy whenever you’re aroused. “Mm… what else Eddie, tell me what else.”
“I’d slowly take my cock and run it through the folds of your wet dripping cunt, I would inch it further and further into you. Raising my head up to watch your sweet little face pull together as you moan my name.”
“Mmm yeah, you like that? You like me telling you how I would fuck you?” Eddie unzips his mechanic uniform and spits into his hand, rubbing the drippy precum over his purpling head, giving it hard pumps to catch up to you.
“S’close Eddie,” your fingers are slick with your own juices as you pump into yourself tediously and use your other hand to rub circles around your clit. You moan out as the coil in your lower belly begins to snap. “I’m coming Eddie, oh my god.” You throw a pillow over your face as you moan loudly letting your release coat your fingers.
Eddie’s pumping his cock in record speed, “fuck baby me too, oh shit,” hes standing over the sink and cums hard, releasing himself all over a faded, bleached kitchen towel.
You’re gasping for air beneath the soft silk of your pillowcase when you float back down from the clouds of your high and hear Eddie’s ragged breathing on the other end of the phone. “.. you.. oh fuck, I have to leave in like 3 minutes. Or I’m going to be late… but we will revisit this later.” You can hear Eddie’s smile break against his lips as he tells you he loves you and hangs up the phone.
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Driving to Hawkins you try to dissect what your dad said to you this morning before leaving for the office. “I have something important to talk to you and Eddie about tonight.” Originally you assumed he wanted to ask you if you were being safe, using protection, but maybe he was going to tell you Eddie wasn’t good for you. You couldn’t bear the thought of your dad doing that, not after how much he seemed to enjoy Eddie’s gig. You shake the thought from your head as you continue driving to surprise your favorite metalhead with lunch. You had called Benny’s Diner earlier to place your order to be ready when you rolled into Hawkins. Picking up the savory burgers and fries, you speed to the shop, letting the smell of the food waft out the windows of your car into the humid, sticky air.
Balancing the bags of food in one hand and the bigger than life Dr. Pepper in another, you walk gingerly to the front door of the shop to the reception desk. The middle aged woman with twinkling green eyes and wrinkles adorning them smiles widely at you. “Oh my goodness gracious, what have we here?” she says standing leaning towards you.
“Hi, I’m bringing some lunch for Eddie.” You say matching her smile.
“Well my word,” she says grasping her chest as her graying blond girls bounce, “you’re the one, the one that boy hasn't stopped talking about.” You smile even wider at her words. You didn’t know Eddie had been beaming about you to his coworkers. Before you can say anything she grabs the phone, hits a few buttons and waits for someone to answer, “Rich? Send Eddie up here, his pretty girlfriend is here with some lun—-yes she’s real Jesus, just send him quick!” She hangs up and blushes a quick pink, “sorry bout that, they all thought Eddie would be single forever since the whole town, outside of these 4 walls, is afraid of him… but we are all so glad that he has you.”
Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much this town hates him, the only thing you ever thought of him was how wonderful and caring he is. Eddie comes running out of the back door leading to one of the bays, “y/n? What are you doing here?” He’s grinning from ear to ear, his overalls are hung low on his hips and tied at the waist leaving him in a white tank, smeared with motor oil and grease. He’s got a baseball cap on backwards with his hair pulled loosely into a bun at the nape of his neck.
“I wanted to surpri—” Eddie grabs you up in his arms and places a chaste kiss to your mouth, “Eddie..”
Loud whistling is heard from the bays as Eddie’s coworkers are hooting and hollering. “Oh would you all shut up and leave ‘em alone!” the receptionist shushes them all, as they turn, begrudgingly heading back to work. “Take 45 minutes today Munson, I’ll let Jimmy know.” She gives you both a wink as Eddie sets you down to go and punch out.
Sitting in the back of Eddie’s van finishing up the burgers and fries and slurping up the last bit of Dr. Pepper, Eddie turns to you and lays a greasy lipped kiss on your neck. “You’re incredible.” Kiss. “I can’t believe you’re mine.” Kiss. “I'm so lucky.”
You still blush and get goosebumps whenever he says sweet things to you. After everything that has happened you can’t believe Eddie has stood beside you through it all. “I’m the lucky one,” you say smiling as you kiss his full lips, “you’re so ridiculously sexy, I mean look at you, fuck I could just gobble you up… in fact.” You unzip Eddie’s overalls and push him back slightly as you wiggle your way down him. Shutting the doors to Eddie’s van you turn back to him, locking your eyes with him as you take your top off letting your heaving chest bounce freely.
“Christ baby,” Eddie groans as you slither down and yank his cock out of his pants, you dribble spit slowly out of your lips onto his girthy length. You slide him in your mouth slowly until your lips meet his ballsack, kitten licking them as you breathe through your nose. Eddie’s head is thrown back in ecstasy as his hips snap forward. Spit is flowing out of your mouth as the onslaught of his dick extending gloriously in your throat deepens. You clasp your hardened nipples between your fingers as you pull back, catching your breath.
Spitting forcefully on your own chest you lean forward and push your tits around Eddie’s dick. “Oh fuck sweetheart, oh my God.” Eddie sits up on one of the amps strewn across the back of the van. You wedge between his legs as you continue your position of squeezing your luscious pillowy tits around Eddie’s thick cock. “Fuck baby, look at you, look at those tits, Jesus Christ, I’m about to cum where do you want me?”
“Mmm, my chest so I can lick it up.” You say seductively as Eddie lifts his ass off the amp to pound violently into your cleavage. Hot ropes of his cum paint your chest as his moans echo throughout the van. The fringe of his bands stick to his forehead with sweat. His eyebrows knit together, and release as he comes down from his high. He tucks himself back into the cotton waistband of his underwear as he looks at you. Eyes filled with lust and desire, his eyelids hanging low as if he could take a nap. He leans forward and places a deep kiss into our lips. He runs a thick finger through his cum spreading it across your chest. You moan with delight at the feeling of his hands on you.
His dark hostile eyes never leave yours as one of his hands snakes around your neck like a veiny necklace. Wrapping his thick fingers around it and squeezing gently, the bite of his cold rings sending shivers down your spine. Scooping up his cum with two fingers watching it drop between them as he places them into your mouth, shoving them further and further down your throat until you gag slightly. You wrap your lips around his fingers, enveloping them in the hot saliva and cum filled adobe that is your mouth. Sucking his fingers clean, Eddie whispers, “good girl.”
Finding a napkin tucked inside the takeout bags, Eddie begins to clean his cum off of your chest. “Wait,” you say as you lean into the bag. You pull out a single fry, swiping the salty fried crunchiness down your lips, and landing home across your chest, swiping up his cum with the fry and popping it back into your mouth. Eddie’s eyes are blown wide with amazement as you lick the salt both from the fries and the saltiness of his cum off your fingers, “mm, delicious.”
Eddie’s mouth falls into a sly grin as he kisses you deeply, thrashing his tongue against yours and entangling his fingers in your hair. Breaking away and trying like hell to leave a purpling hickey on his neck, marking him as yours, Eddie breathes,“Baby I have to get back to work, and you’re —fuck, not making it easy.”
He lets out a throaty moan that vibrates against your lips, tingling through your body. “Seriously sweetheart, I have to go.” Eddie pulls back from you and finds your shirt on the floor of the van, he pulls it over your head as he ties up his coveralls.
You jut your bottom lip out in a fake, pouty, defiance as you open the back of the van and jump out. “But tonight is so far away.”
“T minus 5ish hours my little love,” Eddie wraps you into a hug and kisses you softly, “I love you baby, drive safe, I’ll see you tonight!” He’s jogging to the door, his dark messy bun bobbing behind him, he turns slightly, looking over his left shoulder and winks before disappearing in the open bay door.
You swear your panties are wet from that interaction alone.
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Later that night at your house you are busy prepping the salad as your mother is deciding which wine to serve with the pasta. She settles on a nice bottle of Pinot Grigio as she makes her way back into the kitchen. “Are you nervous to have Eddie over tonight?” Your mother asks as she throws the wine bottle atop of some ice.
Cutting the cucumbers you look up, “No not really, he already met dad and dad really seemed to like him so that’s good, although dad did say he was something important to talk to us about tonight but I’m not sure what that entails.”
Your mother gets a look of concern on her face, “That's news to me y/n, I have no idea what he would say.”
“Yeah me neither.”
The doorbell rings and of course it is Eddie. Your dad hollers from the den that he’ll get it. “Eddie!” Your dad yells excitedly as he opens the door. Gathering him into a bear hug and squeezing him tightly.
“Hey Dan, how are ya?” Eddie says as he claps your dad’s shoulder.
“Come in, come in! Y/n’s in the kitchen with her mother, getting everything ready— and if you go in there you’ll be summoned so let’s go hide in the de—.”
“Dan! It’s time to eat!” Your mother interrupts foiling your dad plan.
“Shit, another day!” Your dad says laughing as he makes his way into the dining room. The oval oak table is set for four. Two candelabras are balancing the ambiance of the room as the candles dance to their own silent melody. You come into the room arranging the chilled wine onto the table as your eyes meet Eddie’s. He’s dressed in a black button up shirt rolled up to the elbows, a black pair of jeans with, surprisingly, no holes in them, and black lace up boots. His hair was freshly washed and he was wearing a new cologne. Fuck, he looked good. your mother stands at the doorway with a smile on her face looking at your dad.
You walk over to Eddie, the knee length black dress you’re wearing flowing with your body as you walk. Eddie mouths “wow”, his throat bobbing with every sway of your hips. Walking to him you peck him innocently on the cheek. “You look so nice,” you beam at him.
“You look gorgeous,” he whispers. Turning to your mom you hold your hand out gesturing to her, “Eddie, this is my mother, Rose, mom, this is my boyfriend, Eddie.”
Your mom walks towards him and wraps him in a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you!” She says as she pulls away from him.
“Thank you for having me, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Eddie said.
The four of you join together at the table passing around the salad, bread, and pasta. The conversation is light talking about the weather, Eddie’s job, and the upcoming senior year. “So Eddie, do you have plans for college?”
Eddie finished swallowing his mouth full of food as he responds, “Actually yeah, I’m thinking of staying local and studying as a diesel mechanic.” You had no idea Eddie had even planned on going to college, you figured he was going to try and make it big with his band.
“Diesel Mechanics are needed almost everywhere!” Your dad chimes in. “That’s a great career choice, Eddie.”
Eddie blushes slightly as he thanks your dad. “I just want to make something of myself.” Your mother beams at him as she takes a sip of her wine.
The meal couldn’t have been better and it seemed as though your parents thoroughly enjoyed Eddie’s company. Laughing at his small jokes and listening intently to his stories.
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After supper is cleaned up your dad calls you and Eddie into his study. The den is decorated with deep polished woods and emerald green carpet. A book shelf adorns one of the walls and is covered floor to ceiling with various sizes of books, Eddie is certain he has never been anywhere this nice his entire life.
Dan pulls out a small polished wooden box from the oversized desk in front of the window, thumbing the edges as he pushes it open. Laying inside on plush crimson velvet lies six Cuban cigars. He plucks one out as he motions for you both to have a seat on the leather sofa as he cuts and lights the cigar, puffing slightly and rolling o’s out of his mouth like a cartoon bad guy as he leans back into his chair.
“Thank you both for joining me. Eddie, as you probably aren’t aware, I never have Y/N in this study unless I’m delivering serious news. I’m going to keep this as light as possible but it is serious.” You and Eddie share a nervous glance as he laces his fingers with yours, squeezing lightly. “When I was growing up I had three very close friends. Two of them were brothers. We had a band, and did everything together. One of them was Steve’s dad, and the other two were Ray & Wayne Munson.”
The sound of Eddie’s own family being mentioned in this room by your dad is enough to send a small bead of sweat down his neck. “What?” You shout to your dad as you look at Eddie’s vacant expression.
“Just let me finish y/n,” your dad says holding a hand up, “I could go into details about how Ray and I fell apart but I’ll save you that. When y/n mentioned she had a new boyfriend she only gave us your first name, Eddie, I had no idea you were Ray’s son… I uh— I want you to know that the reason you were released from juvy and the reason your dad is behind bars— is because of me and Steve’s dad. I would never in my life tell you to stop seeing my daughter because of who your dad is. Apples don’t fall far from the tree but it’s as if you were never even on the same limb as he was. You are welcome here anytime, thank you for taking care of my daughter.”
Eddie’s face is indifferent as he stares a hole into the carpet. His knees are bouncing as he leans forward, “So you know Wayne?”
“Yes, we were very close and he came to me when I was still working in Hawkins, asking for my help. It was right after that clerk was killed and you were sent to juvy.”
“So— okay,” Eddie says, standing up and pacing around the study, “W-Wayne came to you about my dad?”
“Yes.” Your dad says with a puzzled expression.
Eddie’s hands are on his hips as he shakes his head up and down. “Ok ok ok ok okay, ummm y/n, I have to head home. Thank you for having me Mr. Y/L/N.” He opens the door of the study and walks out.
You look from your dad to the door and run after Eddie.
“Wait! Eddie, wait where are you going?” He’s halfway to his van when he hears you and stops, turning quick on his heel.
“12 years, y/n, I’ve grown up without a dad for almost 12 goddamn years! And why is that?! Because of your dad!” He is throwing his hands wildly as rage fills his face.
Trying to diffuse the situation you ask, “Eddie. Don’t you think you were better off without him?”
“Guess I’ll never know because he’s rotting in jail and I’m here, being raised by his brother!” A single tear streams down his face, “I just— I can’t fucking believe it! The other shoe has finally dropped and boy is she a doozie.”
“What is that supposed to mean Eddie? Wayne loves you like you’re his own son!” You say shifting your weight as you cross your arms.
“But I’m not! You don’t get it Y/N! All the father-son things at school and everything else I missed out on because I was raised by Wayne. The entire town hates my fucking guts because my dad is locked up. It means that this,” he says, motioning between the two of you, “was too good to be true. I’ll always be a charity case to your family and I don’t need that.”
Tears are falling heavily down your face as you prepare for what comes next. “Eddie, that's not fair! He was just doing what he felt was right at the time!”
“And what was that exactly?! Crying myself to sleep for years because even though he was a shitty person he was still my dad?!!” Eddie runs his hands down his face in defeat, “ya know what?… I can’t do this—don’t call me, don’t fucking stop by my work, I’m done.”
You can’t believe what he is saying. He wants to end this because of something that happened way before you even knew each other? Something that took place between your dad’s and had nothing to do with you?
“Ed-die please,” you beg through your tear stained face. “Please just t-talk to me.” He gets into his van and slams the door, turning his neck around as he backs down the driveway. Spinning his tires and blaring loud music as he leaves you, crying at the end of the driveway as rain starts to pour down around you.
Taglist: @munson-blurbs @gathered-moss @boomhauer @b-irock @sidthedollface2 @big-ope-vibes @syrennna @idkidknemore @creoleguurl @manda-panda-monium @tlclick73 @munsonficdump @brittney69
If I forgot to tag you let me know!!!
Dividers made by: me ❤️
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marcsburnerphone · 1 year
Her man at the restaurant
Part three of ‘the lady at the bar’
(Tangerine x f! Reader )
Warnings: Alcohol, flirting, SMUT (in future chapters), kissing, mentions of insecurity.
Summary: Tangerine was always sharp and dapper, intimidatingly classic man. He never found the time to experience romance of any sorts. Lemon begged him to get out there and if he found the right one and he empathizes the RIGHT one she would love him despite his work field. He found that to be absolute nonsense he believed there’d never be anyone for him till he found you.
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You woke up to the small patter of rain on the windows. You’ve been smiling since that night reminiscing on how good his lips had held yours and how you craved more.
Conversation between the two of you had been casual this past week nothing boring but nothing too crazy.
You were laying in bed for once basking in the duvet thinking of texting tangerine a meek ‘good morning’. And it was as if he had the same idea but the thing about him was he always followed through with his.
Your phone buzzed vibrating in your hands he was calling you not texting calling.
“hello?” You answered just a small bit confused sleep still lacing your voice.
He shivered at the sound of it how feminine it had been is that how your always sound in the morning.
“Good morning gorgeous, have I woken you?” You turned in bed sitting up. The realization hitting that he was really on the phone right now.
“No, no I woke up like twenty-ish minutes ago.” You heard the small laugh on the opposite side of the phone.
“Oh so you’ve been up a while, I was calling to offer you dinner tonight if you’d like that.” You thought you could sense hesitance in his statement how can a man who looks like that be hesitant.
“Yeah I would love that.” He had a very pleased grin painted on his face you’d love that he thought to himself. Lemon in the other hand was on last fucking nerve.
“I’ll be at yours by 7:30 sound good?” You got out of bed doing an excited little wiggle before remembering to answer.
“Okay sounds great I’ll send you my address.” He made a noise on the other side like a shooing maybe of some sort.
He knew your address he had remembered it from the night you’d spoken it to the cab driver but he’d never admit that.
“Sounds lovely.” He was smiling on his side of the phone at your humming of focus as you typed it out to send.
“okay then.” You smiled with a soft laugh.
“All right love well I’ll talk to you in a bit, yeah.” Tangerine hate to cut this call short he truly could listen to you for ages.
“Okay bye tangerine.” His name sounded pleasing on your tongue like how violence usually sounded but innocent.
The phone call ended with a small beep you set it down prancing around your flat humming a little tune happily. In tangerines case he was ready to punch lemon in the fucking throat.
“Why must you be up my fucking arse all the time!” Lemon was smirking from the other side of the counter he had been bugging tangerine the whole phone call.
“What mate im happy for you you’ve got a banging lady to go on a date with you.” Tangerine had to admit he definitely did have a beautiful lady to accompany him tonight.
“Doesn’t matter I was on the phone and your here yapping in my ear as I’m trying to speak to her.” He cooled down a bit from his initial frustration.
“Whatever where are you taking her?” He hadn’t quite thought that part through but he’d never admit that and risk being called stupid.
“None of your business don’t want you showing up and fucking it!” His brother knew he had no clue where he was taking you giving tangerine a glare.
“Well in case you don’t know there’s the new Italian spot downtown very nice and upscale, you know just in case though.” Tangerine rolled his eyes acting like he didn’t need that information.
“Well good thing I have it all planned.” He was going to call that place right when he had the chance to be alone.
He got the reservations with a lot of talking and maybe even more money. Was he insecure? No but was he desperately wanting to Make the right impression yes.
He not only wanted to be good for you he wanted to look good for you he needed to be just right.
You on the other hand were on the brim of tears, frustration flooding your senses not so casually you couldn’t for thee life of you find something to wear without judging yourself critically on every basis tearing you self esteem apart for things that simply made you human.
If only you seen yourself as he sees you, so perfect its mind fucking, so invigorating making tangerine feel so full of life like he was suddenly reborn.
“Mate really your going out with a lady what’s the need for a gun?” Lemon questioned watching his brother get ready, he could admit he cleaned up nicely. Must run in the genes he thought.
“Anything can happen remember diesels exist everywhere.” He spoke nonchalantly even though he cringed at the analogy, subtly locking the gun in its holster behind his back.
He was ready, double checking he had everything he needed. He physically had a check-list written out to make sure. Running over it once more keys yes, wallet yes, gun absoul-.
“So where you taking her?” Lemon jumped in his train of thought like he’d always done but he was somewhat the tiniest bit grateful to be snapped out of his anxiousness.
“None of your fucking business goodbye.” Gratefulness short lived he’d never give lemon the spoken satisfaction of admitting he did indeed need the recommendation and he was very thankful.
Lemon chuckled when the door slammed he knew him well.
He drove swiftly to your flat well on time he thought when really the guy was indeed standing on your doorstep at exactly 7:30 a sturdy 3 knocks landed on your front door as you were sliding on your purse. You ran an anxious hand on your dress and again in your hair before saying a quick ‘coming’.
When you opened the door he could’ve fell to his knees right there and to you preferably you could’ve gotten on your own.
You looked delicate and so fucking incredibly sexy, class laced through your demeanor. His hand ran to yours bringing it swiftly to his lips pressing a limited and modest kiss to your hand.
“Evening beautiful, shall we leave?” He finally let out, he seemed so smooth to you, so effortless but really his heart was racing just as yours.
“Hmm yes we should.” He was so unbelievably proud of the blush that laid on your cheek bones, waiting patiently as you locked your door he intertwined your arm walking slowly down your few temps giving you every ounce of his patience to ensure your comfort.
He opened your door to his midnight black coupe. So telling. He swiftly shut your door making his way to the drivers seat fitting perfectly there; once his car door shut everything was so real, the way his cologne was in every molecule of air made your chest rise and fall a bit faster his expert eyes would never miss something as such.
“Where are we going?” He was so utterly relieved to hear you speak you brought something to his senses that have never been there and he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“This new Italian spot in downtown, is that good with you darling?” He sent a quick but firm glance your way his question had genuine concern, What if you hated Italian.
His terms of endearment never failed to make you smirk in adoration.
“It’s really hard to get reservation there especially with how new it is.” You had hints of astonishment in your sentence,
Cockiness was the only feeling to explain how he felt in this moment he smiled at his accomplishment he just knew you were impressed.he wanted to tell you how much more he could do, how much more he wanted to do.
Your hands fidgeted with themselves a normal thing you did when anxious, you glanced over to him he looked so focused his jaw clenched and sharp as ever. Your eyes found themselves settled at his hand that rested on the steering wheel with the firm grip he held it with the few rings on his fingers, god everything about him was entrancing.
He cleared his voice snapping you out of it you smiled a bit and he gave you a wink. On the inside tangerine was dying to touch, the way every time you bounced your leg the slit in your black dress rose just a bit drove him mad and the attention you were settling on him very obviously checking him out was doing something to his ego.
He pulled up swiftly to the curb right in front of the restaurant, something he made sure would happen. Once again he was swiftly at your door offering you a hand out which you cheekily accepted wrapping his hand around your rather smaller one.
You double glanced back at his parking how much sexier can this man get that shit couldn’t be more parallel.
He released your hand begrudgingly to slide it to the small of your back like he did not too long ago sending a very clear message to other men, you were very much his.
Your eyelashes batted up to him as you spoke a small ‘thank you’ when he opened the door for you. The restaurant was stunning, it held high ceiling with earthy looking chandeliers and hard wood floors extremely charming.
“Hello reservations for tangerine.” He spoke to the girl behind the stand who was so fucking clearly checking him out and you couldn’t lie the blue suit he wore made your mouth water but none-the less this was very much clearly a date.
“Right this way sir.” It was so seductive it made you feel hot with anger inside, something must’ve been telling of the way you felt cause before he began to follow her he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“I’m not sure if I told you but you look so fucking beautiful.” He dragged out the last two words he was so close his breath fanned against your neck sending goose bumps all over.
He walked you both to your table pulling out your chair before his settling down your guys’ waiter arrived in no time giving his spiel on tonights special, wine choices and everything fancy. Tangerine ordered a bottle of wine for starters and he left to retrieve it.
“How’s work going you told me you were having trouble with some students last you spoke of it?” You smiled at his memory of something you said randomly.
“Yeah their not going to pass my class I mean I tried so hard to give them extra percentage but it wouldn’t workout and it’d be even more unfair for the students who work so hard.” You looked troubled but passionate when speaking of it he smiled at your care for your class.
“What’s got you so passionate about art?” He was trying his best to subtly rack your brain of everything it’d give him.
You thought a moment before speaking; bitting down softly on your plush color stained lip.
“The expression and emotion you can portray simply by a color palette or design is really intriguing or even the way everyone can portray the same thing but in completely different styles.” Your eyes lit at the topic you loved what you did and for that you were grateful.
“I’d love to see some of your work someday?” He offered in response leaning into the table a bit as your wine glasses were filled. You both ordered meals and your waiter was gone once again.
“Since the work field is on need-to-know tell me something else you do.” You offered taking a sip of your glass humming in satisfaction from the taste, oh how he loved that.
“My work requires a lot of my time but when I don’t have it I’m a free man with financial freedom, and for what I like to do is well work.” He was a bit sad at the admission he hadn’t really ever done anything that he could consider a hobby.
“Well if you can put up with me ill soon fill your free time.” He wanted nothing more.
He was all small smiles and laughs at the things you talked of once you were out of the awkward questions. The food arrived and still conversation flowed between bites and sips. He was so engaged in everything you said; offering questions and hums at your stories of life and childhood. You were so oddly comfortable in his company.
“Sorry if I’m talking to much.” Finally slowing on talking the realization that most of conversation was about yourself which made you feel bad.
“Not enough I’m afraid.” He was quick with his reply, instantly picking up on your posture how you so badly wanted to fold in on yourself.
He reassured his statement by asking you more about your previous story you two sat for awhile longer. He sat back in the chair that looked small compared to him, taking up space on his side of the table. The check was brought to you before you could even ask or offer his Amex card was slid into it and sent back.
“On me gorgeous Thank you for accompanying me.” How was he thanking you, sighing you smiled at him once again you were lost in him the way his gold chain only slightly peeked from the rim of his collar the way his hair was perfectly styled perfect for tugging. Too much wine.
“Keep looking at me like that and I wont be able to contain myself.” He wanted to smash your lips to his passionately show you how much he loved your mouth and all the things his could do without words but he wouldn’t burden you with his disgraceful thoughts just yet.
“From?” You knew from what but you wanted to hear it, you wanted to spur him on.
Just as he was about to deliver you a dirty thought the check with his card arrived leaving him a pen to sign on the receipt he did so but not before sending you a wink. You both left the restaurant and went to the car, you settled in and then were on your way dinner took much longer than he anticipated but he was happy about that cause it never felt like it.
He drove safely though the city back to your home he was all too familiar with these streets usually he’d speed far too fast but not today, not with you.
You arrived to your home but the tension in the car was killing you it was an act now or act never sort of ordeal but what if he didn’t like you anymore what if he hated the way you ate or the dress maybe you talked too much.
“Thank you for dinner-“ he leaned across his seat turning your face towards his own and swiping his lips against yours before pressing them there with so much intention. You leaned into it as much as you could tasting the remnants of wine, his hand fell behind your neck sliding his tounge into your mouth with no effort. Your thighs rubbed together at the notion you dreamed of things like this, watched them on tv but this was so real.
He pulled away before he became animalistic and opened your door then unbuckling your seatbelt on his way back to his own seat.
“That’s what I would’ve done sweetheart, you have a goodnight I hope to see you soon.” He’d make sure he would, you smiled breathless laughing a bit you leaned over your seat for once and pressing a soft kiss to his scruff a small sign of appreciation.
“Goodnight tangerine.” You left the car more than happy, he watched you walk up to your door and slide into your flat usually he would’ve walked with you but he was concerned that if he did he’d leave the impression he wanted more from you, which he did but not just yet he needed to be patient with you.
He adjusted his pants and sped off the sidewalk and back into he busy city to his own flat nestled in the nicest street in London and of course as soon as he opened the fucking door lemon was there just cheekily waiting for him.
“How was it brother?”
Fucking finally am I right.
Please leave comments and anything basically reposts are so appreciated I love you guys <3\
Please send request!
@penny44224 @sarcastic-sourwolf @marialikescherries @starbucksnapkin @easytheripper-blog
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spartanguard · 9 months
sons of love and death, 12/13 {CSSNS 23}
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Summary: After the Final Battle, Killian Jones had finally settled into his happily ever after with his wife and family. Until a new foe arrived in Storybrooke: the infamous Dorian Gray, who looks rather familiar—one might say identical—to the pirate, and he’s on a mission: to claim the powers of the Dark One for himself. There’s only one problem: the Dark One no longer exists. What follows is a journey of vengeance, revelations, magic, and finally facing down the darkness within himself that Killian thought he’d finally put to rest. [roughly canon divergent from 5B, though set post-canon] A/N: Here it is—the last big chapter of this @cssns adventure! I'm so excited to finally share it with you. Hope you enjoy it! (Epilogue to come next week.) (As always, thanks to the best beta, @optomisticgirl !) rated M | 6.5k words | AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Killian was dragged from a deep, post-coital sleep by a shrill, unseasonable tune.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…”
It drew simultaneous curses from him and Emma. “Bloody hell.” “What the fuck?”
He blindly reached towards the bedside table for his phone, wanting to silence the infernal device. But once he found it—and recognized the image on the screen, fuzzy as it was with his sleep-blurred vision—he realized: Belle was calling. 
(She’d set that ringtone against his wishes. “Get it? Jingle Belles?” she’d told him while giggling—and more than a little tipsy on Granny’s rum-spiked eggnog.)
“Belle? Is everything okay?” he asked, voice still rough with sleep, once he managed to answer the call.
“No, it’s not; Dorian took Rumple.”
“What?” That woke him up immediately. “What happened?”
“He took him—right out of our room. He froze me so I wasn’t fully aware of what was happening, but, Killian—he had a dagger.”
An uncomfortable weight settled in his stomach. “I’m assuming a very specific kind of dagger?”
“From what I could see.” Bollocks; that likely meant whatever Dorian had planned towards taking on the Darkness, he was about to execute it—and with it, them, unless Killian could intervene. Next to him, Emma was answering a text on her own phone.
“Do you know where he was going?” he asked Belle and threw off the covers; he knew he wasn’t going to get back to sleep tonight.
“I wish I knew; he didn’t say anything—just poofed them both away. He’s not there, is he?”
It was a logical assumption, but Emma had long since put up wards around the yard that would let them know of any intruders.
Emma tapped on his bare shoulder. “That was Leroy; sounds like there's something odd going on outside the library.”
“Does that man ever sleep?” Killian quipped back, but that told them enough of where they were headed. “He’s been spotted; center of town,” he told Belle. “Don’t worry—we’ll handle this; you stay there with Gideon.”
“Well, I’m definitely going to worry—about all of you,” she replied. “But I trust you. Good luck.”
“Thanks,” he said, something telling him they’d need it.
They made quick work of getting dressed, although Killian did linger a moment over his old pirate coat. It had long been his companion when going into battle, and this was sure to be one of some sort. 
But the bulk of those fights were on the wrong side of things. He wasn’t that man anymore—he knew for certain now. So he grabbed his newer, shorter coat, slipped it on, and then grabbed his prosthetic hand off the dresser where he’d left it.
Emma came up to his side as he snapped it into his brace, looking equally prepared for combat in her red leather jacket. “You ready?”
“As much as I can be at…2:30 am,” he answered, glancing at Emma’s alarm clock. Why couldn’t these things ever happen at reasonable hours?
“We can get coffee after,” Emma assured him, then placed a kiss on his cheek. “Let’s do this.”
He nodded, and the familiar swirl of her magic wrapped around them. When it cleared, they were standing in the town’s main intersection, facing the library and clocktower.
And, directly in front of them, were Dorian and Gold—and a whole display. Upon an easel to one side was the decrepit, cursed portrait of Dorian; to another was a pedestal with a box on it, lid opened to reveal the Crimson Heart. Dammit.
Rumpelstiltskin was tied to a stake on the other side of the portrait, which seemed more than a bit unnecessary, and Dorian stood between the two objects, casually assessing the weapon in his hands: a very recognizable dagger, albeit slightly different—somehow seeming more dangerous.
“Wondered how long it would take you to show up,” Dorian taunted. “Figured you’d be here sooner.”
“It’s only been 15 minutes,” Rumple added, but was quickly silenced as a gag appeared around his mouth after a wave of Dorian’s hand.
“We don’t need that kind of unnecessary commentary, do we?” Dorian strode closer to the former Crocodile, toying with the blade in his hands. “As much as I know we all have a flair for the dramatic, I’d rather not drag this out.”
“Sounds good; so how about you just let him go and then get the hell out?” Emma shouted at him.
“Hmmm…no,” Dorian (unsurprisingly) countered. He turned his attention to Rumple, then. “It’s funny; the first time this metal found its way into his flesh—or so the story goes—it couldn’t do anything. But when you melt it down and reshape it…” He whirled the dagger around dramatically and then, with the tip of it, made a small but deep slice on his cheek.
Rumple hissed through the gag as the blood quickly flowed. Curiously, Dorian caught some on the flat edge of the blade—which was apparently forged from Killian’s hook; bloody bastard. It was hard to see from several yards away, but it looked like he was letting it fill in the engraved design, and then waved a hand over it to seal it. “One down, three to go. Who’s next?”
“I’ll pass,” Killian said, at the same time Emma told him, “No thanks.” 
“Guess I’ll have to take it on my own, then.” His hand glowed and a rope made of magic grew from it. He lashed out with it towards them, but they split up and ran in opposite directions, evading him—and formally starting combat.
From her side, Emma shot a jolt of electrified magic toward Dorian, but he whipped it away with the strand of magic, which in turn dissipated. Killian saw his own opening and fired a jet of water at him, but Dorian threw up a shield of magic at the last possible moment; it arced over the barely-visible dome towards Emma, who ran out of the way just in time.
Back and forth they all went, exchanging bursts of power. Killian and Dorian for the most part canceled each other out—either Killian extinguishing Dorian’s fire, or Dorian rendering Killian’s water into steam. 
As a consequence, the view began to get hazy; eventually, Killian was so surrounded by fog that he couldn’t see anything—just the glow of the streetlights overhead.
And then he felt a sharp sting on his left cheek and a heartless laugh he knew too well—one that he used to use himself. “Gotcha,” Dorian mocked from just behind him, and Killian hissed as blood began to flow onto the waiting blade. “How’s it feel to be on the other end of your hook, eh?”
He jumped away as soon as he could, but it wasn’t soon enough; he could see the red pooling in the etching on the dagger, then becoming a dark red enamel as Dorian locked it into the blade, on the opposite side from Rumple’s, though only covering about half the length of the blade. 
Dorian flipped it over and swiped across his opposite palm, allowing a few drips to fill in the rest of the first side. “Almost done, then,” he taunted. “Just need some from your lovely wife.”
“Over my dead body,” Killian spat. 
“Eventually, yes—but not yet,” Dorian countered.
A stiff breeze ran down the street, clearing the smog; Killian recognized by its warm tickle along his skin that it was Emma’s magic at work. Once he could see again, he saw Emma standing behind them. “Gotta catch me first, asshole,” she shouted, then disappeared as soon as Dorian looked in her direction.
“Over here,” she called out from over near the Crimson Heart. She shot Killian a heavy look; he knew exactly what she was saying before she disappeared again. 
“Up here!” she yelled from the roof of the library, then immediately taunted again from down the street.
He saw an angry fire light in Dorian’s eyes as he attempted to track Emma around the street, and then he disappeared on his own, likely trying to follow her. Killian used his distraction to make for the Crimson Heart.
First, though, he decided to get Gold out of there. His former foe watched as he ran past the Heart to him, behind the pole he was tied to. Of course, that was the moment when Killian realized his lack of hook was going to make it all the harder to undo the (rather sloppy) knot around Rumpelstiltskin’s wrists, but he’d have to make do. 
However, he’d barely made a dent in it when a blast of heat sent him flying away from Gold, throwing him several feet away and then making him roll on the pavement. 
“Not so fast, brother; I’m not done with him,” Dorian warned from the center of the intersection. His focus was on Killian, so he didn’t notice when Emma popped up behind him—not until she was slamming her shoulder into him. “Surprise!” she teased, then poofed away again. 
Killian slowly got to his feet after having the wind knocked out of him and watched as Emma and Dorian quite literally played a weird game of popcorn over the town square (yes, he knew that game; Snow’s class had introduced him to it). As soon as Emma appeared in one spot, Dorian found her and moved to that spot just as she was headed somewhere new. 
He could tell she was trying to keep Dorian in her sight the whole time, not moving until she found him. But when she reappeared in the street not far from where Killian stood, she seemed to be coming up empty. 
She turned in her spot, scanning for their foe; Killian did, too, watching the rooftops for an aerial attack, or possibly coming from the alleyways. 
But he was able to slip past both of them. “Surprise,” Dorian parroted, suddenly behind Emma, and took advantage of the pause she made in her reaction—he grabbed her arm and slipped a familiar cuff on her wrist. 
“Shit,” they both cursed, and Emma grabbed at it with her other hand even though it was futile. 
Then she yelped in pain and tried to curl away from Dorian, but he gripped her wrist tight—and held the dagger underneath where he’d apparently just slashed the side of her hand. Her blood dripped onto the blade (the same side as Killian’s blood) and as with the others, Dorian sealed it in. 
“There we go,” he gloated. “Oh, it’s beautiful.”
Now with all four blood samples, the dagger took on an unnatural, uncomfortable glow—red where the blood had been spilled, reminding Killian far too much of the way Excalibur had looked after he pulled all the Dark Ones past into it. 
That awful memory was enough to shake Killian from his momentary stupor and remember what he was supposed to be doing: getting the Crimson Heart. 
Not that he was far from it, but he sprinted towards the pedestal nonetheless. “Oh no you don’t—not yet,” Dorian warned, and shot a line of fire at Killian, but he threw up a shield of water before it got to him, fizzling it out on impact a few feet away from his goal. 
However, he wasn’t sure if it was the shield itself, or the force of the resulting steam, but somehow, something knocked over the podium. 
And everyone’s eyes watched as the Crimson Heart was tossed into the air, its crystalline exterior reflecting the streetlights. 
Killian attempted to make a dive for it—hoping he’d both save it and sacrifice his own magic at once—but Dorian reacted faster and reached out for it with his own magic, likely to prevent it from falling and shattering. 
It worked—in a way; as soon as his magic connected with it, it paused midair. But rather than gently falling back down, it stayed there—and, from where Killian stood, seemed to take control of the flow of magic. 
“What the hell?” Dorian cried, and tried to pull away—but the Heart wouldn’t let him let go. It was taking his powers, swiftly and viciously. He even dropped the dagger, attempting to use his free arm to yank the other away, but to no avail.  
Killian and Emma instinctively found each other as they watched it happen—it was like a magnet, or maybe a vacuum, forcing Dorian’s arm aloft as it pulled the magic out through his fingertips. 
Killian almost felt guilty; if he’d known that was all it took to eliminate his powers, he’d have done that straight away. As it was, though, the only thing he could do was lean on Emma. 
Eventually, it stopped, once it had apparently sucked Dorian dry, and the heart drifted to the pavement, now carrying a bit more of a reddish sheen. Killian was out of breath, but Dorian—he’d definitely taken the brunt of it. He was curled over at first, but once he straightened up, he—well, he looked like shit. Not as bad as the portrait, but he definitely appeared tired, and older, as if some of the life had been sucked out of him (which, in a way, it had). 
That didn’t stop him from holding his palms open and staring at them. Then he closed them and opened them again, as if that would help. “Come on,” he urged. “Do it. Do it!” But nothing happened. 
Emma squeezed Killian’s side. “What about you?” she asked. 
He mirrored Dorian’s gestures, attempting to summon water to his hands, but—nothing. 
“Guess we know it worked,” she said, though it was somewhat emotionless. 
The three stared for a moment, taking in the changed, though still somewhat even, playing field. 
“Whatever,” Dorian finally sighed. “The spell has already started, and I don’t need my magic to kill you all.”
He reached for the pocket of his jeans, expecting to grab something, but a look of surprise crossed his brows as he came back with nothing. He felt around some more, checking his jacket pockets and looking around at the ground (with increasing panic) as he continued to come up empty.
“Looking for this?” Emma taunted from her spot at Killian’s side, waving the glowing dagger at him with her free hand. Killian hadn’t noticed, but her fingers were sticky enough that she must have grabbed it when she was running to reach him while the boys were distracted by the Crimson Heart. A surge of pride rushed through him.
Dorian growled and lunged, but Emma was already sprinting away. However, Killian wasn’t about to let them chase each other again, so he too jumped to action—
—And tackled Dorian to the asphalt before he could get very far. It was at this point he realized that they didn’t exactly have a plan of attack, and this had devolved into something of a game of keep-away until they figured out how to actually put an end to this. (And he lamented the fact that he’d forgotten to bring his sword; a weapon would be extremely useful at the moment.)
“Get the fuck off me,” Dorian demanded, shoving Killian’s shoulders away from his chest where they had landed. But if anything, it just gave Killian more leverage to pin him down; he was able to get his knees under him and straddled Dorian’s waist, then pressed his left forearm across his twin’s chest. 
A glance up showed him that Emma was continuing his earlier efforts to free Gold, using the dagger to saw at the ropes. 
But then his world spun and he was suddenly on his back; should have known not to take his eyes off Dorian for a second. His foe fisted one hand in Killian’s jacket and reared back with the other, then punched down. Killian tried to turn his head, but Dorian’s fist still connected with his face; he could feel the bruise form on his cheekbone almost immediately. 
“That’s for last time,” Dorian hissed, then attempted to scramble up and away. Killian instinctively reached out with his left arm to try to hook his ankle, but his false hand barely touched him, so he rolled over and was just able to get his right hand around the other one as Dorian took another step away, bringing him back to the ground before he could get very far. The subsequent groan suggested he’d hit something sensitive. 
Emma was still working on the knots, so Killian again sat on Dorian to keep him down, pressing a knee to his lower back. Killian still hadn’t decided just what he was trying to do to Dorian, but anything that prevented him from hurting Emma or Gold was worth it. 
Dorian rolled under him, knocking Killian aside but not entirely freeing himself. Killian grabbed the collar of Dorian’s coat before he could get away and followed him to standing, yanking him back before he could stop Emma (perhaps Dorian would have made an excellent sailor, too, with how well he’d tied Rumple up).
He wrapped his arms around Dorian to hold him in place. “Sorry, brother; I’m not much for hugs,” Dorian spat, and tried to shake Killian off. 
“Well that’s a shame; I am,” he retorted and held on tighter. Dorian glared over his shoulder, and from the side, Killian could see blood trailing from his nose again, likely from his fall. 
Squealing brakes grabbed everyone’s attention as Gold’s Cadillac suddenly peeled onto the scene; he wasn’t surprised that Belle had shown up (and he could see Gideon’s infant seat in the back), but he wished she hadn’t. She started to get out of the car but he called out for her to stay put. She glared at him, but complied—especially as she watched Dorian shove his elbow into Killian’s solar plexus.
Spots immediately filled Killian’s vision and he gasped for air; the force of the push had also allowed Dorian to escape from his grasp. For good measure, it seemed, Dorian also turned around and kicked him in the groin, bringing him to his knees.
In the haze of pain, he heard Emma call his name; however, he was aware of nothing for a good moment but the incredible discomfort searing across his midsection and between his legs. It was a dirty move, but he wasn’t shocked at all that Dorian made it.
He was able to suck in enough air to look up and vaguely make out the form of Dorian approaching Emma, though his vision was blurry from tears. He could at least tell that Emma had put herself between his twin and Gold, and had to imagine Belle was calculating her own move there. 
Emma seemed to be holding the dagger in a defensive position, but why did she need to? She was more than capable of “punching his lights out,” as she’d once described her own method of rendering Killian useless in that fight by Lake Nostos.
But a flash of light from Dorian’s right hand caught his eye as the sharp part of a switchblade opened. Bit harder to fight against that with fists.
Dorian flipped the knife to get a better hold on the handle, raised it above his head, and rushed forward. Despite knowing Emma could probably fend him off, and despite still kneeling prone on the pavement, Killian reached towards her, reacting instinctively, and then—
A blue-tinged shield made of magic appeared in front of Emma and Gold, just in time for Dorian to be thrown back by it.
Perhaps Killian hadn’t been entirely truthful when it came to the presence of his powers. (And thank the gods that Dorian had been the one to help them figure out that the Crimson Heart didn’t affect the two of them the way they thought it might, rather than he.)
Through the buffer, Emma was staring at him, stunned—but relieved, he could tell. The shield faltered a bit as he was still requiring considerable focus just to breathe, but the ache was leaving his body enough for him to stand. 
A few feet away, Dorian was seated, rubbing the back of his head and muttering to himself. But his focus returned to Killian, probably when his shadow fell on him, and he turned his angry stare on him. “You filthy liar,” he spat as he hopped to his feet.
“Aye, well—I’m a pirate; comes with the territory,” Killian threw back tiredly. 
“It’s not fucking fair!” he roared, coming closer. “I’ve been chasing this for years and you just—you've taken everything I should have had!” He punctuated his outburst by shoving Killian. 
He snorted; what a bloody fool. “That couldn’t be farther from the truth, mate; I’ve told you that already.”
“You’ve had family, love, the Darkness—”
“Not by choice, that one,” he interjected, and was glad he wasn’t looking at Emma, knowing the guilt that would likely cross her face at that. “And I had nothing to do with whatever decision our parents made; that’s on them. But love—yes; I’ve been so fortunate as to have that, more than once, even. Which proves you can, too,” he insisted. “You knew it once; it’s possible to find it again. I’ve been in your shoes—”
“No you fucking haven’t,” Dorian interrupted again, angrily pointing in his face. “I saw you give up the Darkness. Which—first off: rude; but don’t pretend that everyone would have done the same thing in that situation.”
Killian tilted his head, confused; how could he have “seen” it, as he was implying? He’d mentioned it to him, certainly, but this suggested he’d somehow relived it (something Killian wouldn’t wish on anyone—yet something he still did more often than he’d like to admit, especially in anxious nightmares).
It didn’t really matter, though. “You just have to find—”
“—Something else to live for; yeah, I’ve heard that,” Dorian finished. “But there isn’t—not anymore. This is it for me—this is my last chance. So please, don’t try to stop me further.”
He sighed, but Dorian was right: a hope speech would be wasted breath at this point, and gods only knew how many of those Killian had rejected when he was similarly at his lowest. 
Besides, Dorian was yet again making a run for Emma, and the shield had fallen while Killian was trying to sway him. In an instant, Killian transported himself in front of her and pushed Dorian back with a small but concentrated surge of magic when he got close. He stumbled back and growled.
Killian conjured up a small wall of water to give them a moment of privacy. “Emma, get Gold and have Belle get you all out of here; I’ll handle him,” he murmured over his shoulder.
“You sure?” The worry in her voice was obvious.
“No,” he answered honestly, “but who else can?”
She squeezed his shoulder and pressed a peck against his cheek, then hurried away from him as he let the water fall and faced Dorian, instead summoning a small, whirling orb of water to his palm.
But it fizzled out when he heard the unmistakable (at least, to him) sound of Emma stumbling; she was never known for having any of the grace of her namesake. He looked over and saw, almost in slow motion, as she fell forward, having tripped on an uneven crack in the pavement.
She put her hands out in front of her to brace her fall, but in the process, released her grasp on the dagger, which was turning in the air, glinting in the light, as it fell to the ground.
Killian ran to Emma; Dorian ran to the dagger.
He knelt at Emma’s side and helped her sit up, but both were silent as they watched their foe pick up the weapon several feet ahead. 
The sick grin of satisfaction that appeared on Dorian’s face was both unwelcome and all too familiar; how many times had Killian worn his own when he was about to do something awful?
Dorian flipped the blade in his hand, repeatedly tossing and catching the hilt. And then his gaze turned on Killian. 
He quickly gave Emma’s bicep a squeeze and moved away from her. He wasn’t entirely sure how he’d keep Dorian away from her and Gold, but he could at least put some physical distance there to mitigate any damage. 
“What, offering yourself up first?” he taunted, blade extended, as Killian took careful steps away from Emma and Gold. 
“I’m not going to fight you off,” Killian told him. “And I’m not going to try to change your mind.”
“Good,” Dorian sneered. “It wouldn’t work anyways.” (It sounded a bit like he was trying to convince himself as much as Killian, though.)
He jabbed forward toward Killian, laughing as he jumped out of the way, but Killian tried to remain calm and continue drawing Dorian’s focus away from his loved ones (granted, that term was a stretch for Gold, but Belle had yet again ignored his advice and joined her husband, so the statement still applied).
Subtly, he twitched his hand to draw up another shield over them—but Dorian noticed right away, and looked over his shoulder at it. If Killian wasn’t mistaken, his gaze lingered on Belle, before shaking his head and turning back to Killian.
“The ladies, I understand, but why do you continue to protect that man?” he asked. “Your feud is well-documented, and from what I’ve seen around here, seems to have gone on.” He continued to close in on Killian blade-first. “So why are you trying to save him, too? I figured you’d be all too happy to offer him up as some sort of sacrificial lamb.”
“A few years ago—yeah, I’d have delivered the death blow myself,” he answered. “But that wouldn’t give me satisfaction anymore, especially when it comes at a dire cost to a dear friend.”
Dorian scoffed, but didn’t interrupt for a change, and they continued their slow circle around each other.
“I told you: everything I’ve ever done has been motivated by love,” he said plainly. “The right decisions, and the wrong ones, too. I’ve certainly been selfish and misguided over my many years, but at the heart of it—I was always driven by those I love. Liam, Milah, Emma—and now, more people than I thought I’d ever have. I don’t deserve any of it, but I’ll be damned if I don’t fight for them. Well, damned again.” 
His heart pounded heavily as he looked at Emma through the shield, who was staring back intently, only furthering his resolve to keep her out of harm’s way (even if he was still working out how he would; he wasn’t naive enough to think his impassioned speech would do the trick.)
Dorian’s brow furrowed and he rushed closer, the dagger now leveled at Killian’s neck. “I thought you said you were done trying to reason with me.”
“I’m just answering your question,” he replied calmly, even though he knew it was more than that, and held his hand and prosthesis up in a placating manner. He took a step back, but then his foot connected with something—the easel holding Dorian’s portrait, which nearly toppled over, but he quickly righted it.
“You expect me to believe it’s just that easy? To change who you’ve been for so long just for—for love?”
“Of course it’s not,” he argued back. “It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. But it was worth it. They are worth it,” he emphasized, pointing at Emma and his friends.
“You know what I did to the woman I loved?” Dorian hissed, drawing still closer. “I tore her heart right out of her chest and crushed it myself.” He leveled the dagger at Killian’s chest in emphasis.
“Yeah, I kno—aaahh!!” Killian cried out in pain; Dorian had quickly and pointedly jabbed the tip of the dagger into his pectoral muscle, dangerously close to his heart.
“All to continue my pursuit of the Darkness,” he went on, nearly oblivious to the blood he was shedding. “To prove to my father that I was worthy of it; certainly more than you were.”
“Yeah, probably,” Killian answered through panting breaths. “Sounds like yours at least cared how you turned out, though. Is this what he wanted for you?” he asked, “Or that?” He nodded toward the ghastly painting (at least, as best he could).
Dorian glared and grimaced at him in reply. 
“Is that what Sybil would have wanted?” he added quietly (that was his only volume).
That seemed to strike a nerve; for the first time, he dropped the manic stare he’d been holding toward Killian and looked at the canvas, but then he closed his eyes and tilted his head, as if he was listening for something.
“I should do it,” he bit out, seemingly talking to himself as much as Killian, but the blade was shaking in his grasp—much to Killian’s chagrin; every vibration was a new shock of pain. He was holding on so tight, his knuckles were white; his hair was falling in his eyes; and when he opened them again, there was an almost frenzied light behind those blue irises that seemed to be the only thing keeping him moving.
“You could,” Killian answered, “though we both know you’re at a disadvantage.” He gently waved his fingers—more specifically, the blue light dancing within them, which he was frankly astonished he was able to summon with as much pain as he was in. (Miraculously, the barrier over Emma and Belle was holding, too, and it looked like they’d finally freed Gold.)
(Emma, though, he could tell was now frozen with fear—and probably reliving the same awful memories Dorian had brought up earlier. Gods, he couldn’t be doing this to her again.)
Dorian glanced at Killian’s hand and frowned, then looked back at the group behind the shield. He shook his head and looked back at Killian. “No, I can’t dishonor her memory like that.”
“I understand,” Killian murmured. “So if you’re gonna do this, please—just don’t let Emma see it again,” he asked; he was still hoping for an emotional appeal, but he could feel the blood sluggishly dripping from his chest wound around the steel still embedded in it, and didn’t know how long he could outlast that. “She’s already seen me die a couple times; I can’t do it to her again.”
Again, Dorian looked back at them, then his focus returned to the portrait. He abruptly yanked the dagger out of Killian’s flesh, ignoring the way his twin yelped and curled in on himself, and stood directly in front of the easel.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, though who he was apologizing to wasn’t clear. 
He took a step back, sighed, and then looked up. 
He pulled back the arm holding the dagger and held it aloft. 
Then he screamed, and lunged forward. Killian was in too much pain now to get his magic to protect him; all he could do was find Emma’s eyes and brace for impact, hoping she could see how much he loved her, though he was at least comforted by the fact that he’d never shied from telling her. 
Death, though—he knew what that felt like, and braced himself for it.
But it never came. He watched as Dorian instead plunged the cursed blade into his own portrait, right in the middle of its grotesque face. 
Heat burst from the canvas, as intense and bright as an explosion. The force of it sent Killian rolling across the street, but he could still feel the temperature of the reaction. 
He thought he heard screams coming from inside the odd inferno, but couldn’t see anything but fire. Still, he forced himself to standing, in case he needed to rush in (despite the fact that he was still pressing his hand against the wound on his chest), but then he felt it—different from the throb of his stab wound; more of a twinge, deeper inside, right by his heart. 
Though it pained him, he pulled his hand away; even with the blood covering it, he could still see the blue glow in his veins, even if he couldn’t control it at the moment. But as he glanced between it and the blaze, the light in his palm started to flicker in time with that of the blaze. 
Dorian was dying—the same way he had in his namesake novel (though perhaps a bit more incendiary)—and with him, their connected magic. 
It was a bit ironic that Killian’s powers could have put out the fire; alas.
As such, there was little he could do but watch and wait. It didn’t happen immediately, but where he’d finally gotten used to the feeling of the power in his veins, he felt it slowly recede, like the tide going out.
The glow of his hand faded out before the inferno did, but the impromptu funeral pyre didn’t last much longer, eventually sputtering out with a feeble hiss. 
For hopefully the last time that night, Killian collapsed to the ground—but this time, he was spent. He was fatigued, for sure, after the whole encounter, and obviously injured, but also felt…off, somehow; as if some part of him that had kept him balanced was gone. Which, he supposed, it was, even if it was only recently that he’d discovered what was on the other end of that fulcrum. 
Emma was suddenly in front of him; the shield had probably long since dissipated, he realized, and didn’t hesitate to reach for her waiting arms. 
She pulled him into an embrace that he was all too eager to lean into. “You okay?” she asked, though it was a bit muffled with the way she pressed herself into his neck.
He almost wanted to laugh at the question; he was actively bleeding, so obviously he wasn’t, but he also knew she was asking more about his mental state than physical (she had eyes; she’d seen the whole thing). 
“Aye; I will be,” he wheezed. And he would; it would just take a bit for him to recalibrate. And then he pulled back just enough to find her lips, thankful that he got another chance to kiss them. 
He had to break away far too soon, though, as his head began to spin. “Oh, gods—hold on,” Emma said, an edge of panic in her voice. She slipped off the magic-blocking cuff—now able to, given that the person who placed it was no longer alive—and then immediately pressed her hand to the gash on his chest. He hissed at the contact at first, but then felt the soothe of her healing magic flow over it, sewing muscle and skin back together.
When she was done, he was finally able to take a deep breath. “Thank you, love,” he murmured, but this time from exhaustion rather than an inability to speak louder.
“No problem. But don’t make it a habit,” she teased.
“I’ll try not to.” Two major stab wounds were enough for one lifetime.
Emma helped him up and slowly, they made their way over to where Dorian had last stood. Gold was free of his bindings and was already standing there with Belle and a sleeping Gideon, looking over what was left of their shared enemy. 
Which wasn’t a lot. There was a rather large burn mark on the pavement, but no other evidence that anyone or anything had been immolated in the intersection. 
Incredibly, the portrait still sat on the easel, somehow untouched by the heat. However, it had changed: it was no longer the monstrous depiction of a wicked soul, but a simple portrait of a (dashingly handsome, he had to admit) man in his prime. If the story was accurate, then this was the original picture of Dorian Gray. 
Though the jagged tear through the canvas was obviously a recent addition. 
Next to him, Emma was glancing between the face in the portrait and his own; something was bothering her. He was about to ask, but then she reached up to turn his face to her. 
“That’s better,” she said as she traced the open cut that he’d forgotten about, healing it as well. “Two scars would have been a bit much.”
He chuckled this time, but it was somewhat hollow; he just wasn’t sure how to feel at the moment. 
Especially when the dagger was just laying there on the pavement before them, both innocent and ominous at the same time. 
All eyes were on Emma as she bent down to pick it up, but most of all Killian’s and Rumpelstiltskin’s; they knew best the power—and call—that weapon might hold. (Killian still got an unwelcome chill down his spine whenever he heard a distant murmur or whisper.)
She assessed its weight in her hand, and turned it over to look at it a few times. But… “Nothing,” she finally said. “There’s no magic or anything in it; it’s just a dagger.”
The other two former Dark Ones let out simultaneous sighs of relief, and Killian exchanged a knowing look with Gold. Though it would forever be part of their histories, that chapter of their lives that had threatened to be reopened was once again closed.
“Killian,” Emma started, “Do you want me to change it back?”
“Back?” He was confused.
“Your hook,” she said, nodding at the dagger. “I could probably reshape it, if you wanted.”
He stared at it for a moment, then at the space at the end of his left wrist that had been weaponized for so long. The loss of that tool had been sharply felt over the last few days, but mainly for its utility—not its symbolism. Which, if he’d learned anything these couple of weeks, it was that he was no longer the man who had hidden himself behind a hook for the sake of vengeance, following the darkest paths; he’d come out the other side long ago.
Besides, it had now been marred by Dorian’s actions; he’d shed enough blood with it himself, and didn’t need to walk around with a reminder of his twin’s transgressions, too.
“No,” he told her, after some thought. “I think it’s time I finally move past that.”
Emma raised her eyebrows, surprised, but smiled. Then she tucked herself back into his side and leaned against him.
A sense of finality gradually settled over him; it was over. He’d need time to rest, and to grieve—Dorian was still his brother, after all, bastard he may have been—but for now, everyone could exhale. 
Everyone, that was, but the man with the bright blue eyes in the portrait, who was now forever fated to bear a scowl of failure as the world went on without him.
“Come on; let’s get that coffee,” Emma said, taking his hand in hers.
“Yes, please,” he agreed, and turned away from the last remnant of his brother—and all the drama he’d brought—hopefully leaving that all in the past.
thanks for reading! tagging some peeps (let me know if you do/don’t want a tag!) @kat2609 @xpumpkindumplingx @shipsxahoy @mryddinwilt @cocohook38 @annytecture @shireness-says @ohmightydevviepuu @wistfulcynic @pirateherokillian @colinoeyebrows @wingedlioness @word-bug @thisonesatellite @killianmesmalls @thejollyroger-writer @ineffablecolors @ive-always-been-a-pirate @nfbagelperson @stubblesandwich @phiralovesloki @athenascarlet @kmomof4 @ilovemesomekillianjones @whimsicallyenchantedrose @snowbellewells @idristardis @scientificapricot @searchingwardrobes​ @donteattheappleshook @jrob64 @the-darkdragonfly @stahlop @klynn-stormz​ @resident-of-storybrooke @bluewildcatfanatic
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allylikethecat · 4 months
January OTP Prompts
HAPPY JANUARY 31ST!!! THIS IS IT! THE LAST PROMPT FILL! WE DID IT!! Thank you so much to everyone who followed along on this little January Prompt Fill journey with me. I started this exercise for myself, and didn't expect anyone to actually read them. I was instead only posting them on Tumblr to hold myself accountable. Instead, I was met with so much kindness and support and I am so extremely grateful. These have been hard, some days I really did not want to sit down and write 500 words, and some days I almost forgot to. BUT I somehow managed to not miss a day, and I am so proud of myself for it. Thank you for following along! I will NOT be doing this for February 😂 Please note this one is a little cheesy but what better way to end a month of prompt fills with potentially the cheesiest one yet!
31. “The safest place is in your arms”
Matty was trying to hide it, but George knew he was crying. The sound was muffled from the way Matty had his face squished against George’s chest, and could be mistaken for the whistle of his congested breath. But George knew better, a wet patch spreading across the fabric. 
He hated when Matty was sick, run down and worn thin at his fraying edges. One tug at his loose threads and he would unravel completely. But he hated when Matty cried even more, overwhelmed by illness, and the hatred of the masses. It made George’s heart ache. Matty didn’t deserve the witch hunt the mainstream media had fueled, he didn’t deserve the Twitter users calling for his blood. Even when he misspoke, George couldn’t imagine anyone deserving the level of abuse Matty found himself subjected to. 
He had been drunk, weeks ago, when the hate train started, looking so helplessly young as he stared up at George, his eyes bright and wet as he asked, “Why do they hate me so much?” George hadn’t been able to give him an answer, just pulled him to his chest, and ran his hand down Matty’s back, silently hating that he was once again, able to feel every bump of his spine.  
George knew he had seen the AI images, his already pale face growing all the paler as he locked his phone and sat down next to George. Jamie and the rest of their team was already working to get them taken down, and they had hoped that Matty wouldn’t see them. But George should have known they wouldn’t be able to hide it from Matthew Chronically Online Healy. 
“Can I have a cuddle?” He rasped, his voice rough with illness and his eyes glassy with unshed tears. He had snot matted into his sweaty curls and was objectively disgusting. But George had just opened his arms and Matty slotted into the space like he was made to fit into George’s arms. Sometimes, when George was high and feeling introspective, he wondered if he was. 
George couldn’t protect Matty, he couldn’t keep him safe, but he could hold him while he cried, while he was ill and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, trying to show him that even though he was hurting, and even though it didn’t feel like it, he was loved. 
“I’m sorry,” George said softly, “I’m so fucking sorry, that I can’t fix this, that I can’t protect you, that I can’t keep you safe.” He said, his own heart breaking at the words. 
Matty stilled, and George froze as well, leaning back, to try and get a look at Matty’s face, concern pulsing through his veins as Matty held his breath before exhaling slowly, looking up at George. His nose was red, his face swollen and puffy from his infected sinuses, his eyes bloodshot from crying. 
“Don’t apologize,” said Matty, his voice hoarse but still strong and full of conviction. “The safest place is in your arms,” he paused, “nothing can hurt me here.”
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
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hookhausenschips · 1 year
Prompt List
Here are the prompts, if you need an idea for a request!
(1) “All I’ve ever wanted is for you to see me.”
(2) "What is it about me that isn't good enough?"
(3) "Don't look at me like that." "Like what?" "Like you still love me."
(4) "I'm a fool for believing you meant what you said."
(5) "When did you stop loving me?"
(6) "Stop pretending that you care"
(7) "You deserve better"
(8) I don’t want to see you ever again”
(9) “Let me hold you for a bit longer”
(10) “No, don’t say that”
(11) “You promised, does that mean nothing to you?”
(12) “Don’t make this harder than it already is”
(13) “Don’t say goodbye, it only makes it worse”
(14) “I trusted you more than anyone else and you lied”
(15) “I’m done trying so hard for you to never even look in my direction”
(16) “You weaponised my kindness against me, and now you want to grovel for forgiveness?”
(17) “You know what? You can go shove that apology up your ass because I don’t want to hear any of it.”
(18) “So, what? This was all a game for you? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”
(19) “Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t lie to me this whole fucking time, you fucking asshole!”
(20) “Are you crying because of them again?”
(21) “I gave you my all yet you couldn’t even give half of you to me.”
(22) "I won't let you humiliate me anymore."
(23) "The only thing I want back from this relationship is my sanity."
(24) "Cheating certainly wasn't the answer now was it?"
(25) "I would have done anything for you!"
(26) "Don't forget to pull the knife out of my back when you leave."
(27) “You've never looked at me like that before."
(28) "Please! Just give me one more chance."
(29) "I hope you find happiness, even if it's not with me."
(30) "I'll always be watching over you from a distance."
(31) "I don't think my heart can take watching you love someone else again."
(32) "After everything we've been through, you still don't think that I love you?"
(33) "Keep smiling at me like that."
(34) "I'm not drunk enough for this."
(35) "Ihaven't seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages."
(36) "You're everything I could've wanted and more."
(37) “That was kind of hot."
(38) "Home stopped being a place when you entered my life."
(39) "You come here often?" "Well considering I work here, yes."
(40)"You should probably go home." "But I'm already home."
(41) "Could you say that again?" "Were you not listening?" "No I was, I just like hearing your voice."
(42) "You make me feel at home"
(43) "Why are you wearing my sweater?" "Because it smells like you."
(44) "It's you, it always has been."
(45) “I always kiss you on the cheek, why are you blushing now?"
(46) “We always hold hands, why are you acting weird?"
(47) "I'm so sick of watching you throw away your happiness for people who don't treasure it! I love you!"
(48) "I think I'm falling in love with you."
(49) "I'm pretty certain that you are the only thing that fills my head these days."
(50) "Oh, that smile — please never stop smiling.”
(51) "Go with me?" "As long as you hold my hand."
(52) "Is there a reason you're blushing like that?"
(53) “Have you seen my hoodie?" "Nooo." "You're wearing it, aren't you?"
(54) "OH you're jealous!"
(55) "He's/She’s so pretty I think I'm gonna faint."
(56) "Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"
(57) "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't supposed to see that."
(58) "Is that my shirt?" "You mean our shirt?"
(59) "You bought me flowers?" "Yeah, well I noticed you'd seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up."
(60) "Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance."
(61) "Why are you staring at me?" "Because I think you're beautiful."
(62) "The world gets a little brighter when you’re around."
(63) "They say we won't last." "Then lets prove them wrong."
(64) "You come here often?" "Well, I work here. So think I'd have to say 'yes'."
(65) "Aww, you're blushing. I like that look on you."
(66) softly smiling at each other from across the room
(67) reassuring touches
(68) leaning into the other person
(69) “ I was supposed to take a shower alone but sure, jump right in''
(70) catching each other undressing and very obviously checking each other's bodies out
(71) “I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but that doesn’t mean I regret it one bit.”
(72) “Through both the good and the bad, I’ll always be here, by your side.”
(73) "I'm going outside to make out... care to join me?"
(74) "You can stay but your clothes must go."
(75) "S-Stop staring at me like that!"
(76) "I saw that. You just checked me out."
(77) Friends With Benefits
(78) squirting for the first time
(79) “I’m not sharing you with anybody. You’re mine, and mine only, and I’m going to make you remember that.”
(80) “Gonna fuck you until the only word you remember is my name.”
(81) “My God, you’re so fucking gorgeous like this.”
(82) Soft whines and whimpers; held back noises because they don’t want anyone else hearing them; a plea for more without the use of words.
(83) “Oh, I can think of many ways to shut you up right now.”
(84) “Wanna hear you beg for it, yeah?”
(85) “Where do you want me to touch you?” “I don’t know and I don’t care — I just want your hands on me. Please.”
(86) “I wanna taste you on my lips again.”
(87) “Fuck, just touch me already! Just— just do something!” “Not so fast. We’ve still got the whole night/day ahead of us.”
(88) “Look at your reflection. Look at how gorgeous you are. So fucking gorgeous when I’m fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only for me.”
(89) “You want to cum?” “Y-yes, I— please—” “Hm, but do you really deserve to?”
(90) “You look like a mess and I love it, because I’m the one who made you like this.”
(91) “Look at you, drooling over my thighs. You wanna ride them that bad?” “Y-yes please.”
(92) “Hands behind your back.”
(93) “You can take it, you’ve done it before.”
(94) “Come one more time for me, I know you’ve got it in you.”
(95) “It’s my thigh or nothing, I’m not helping you get off.”
(96) “ I don't bite, you know.. unless it's called for.”
(97) “WE SHOULD FUCK. like right now, right here. hard, fast. pin me down, kiss me hard, look me in the eyes and fuck me like you've never fucked someone before.”
(98) “your face would look better between my legs.”
(99) “excuse me for being too forward but your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like.”
(100) “now spread your legs and try to tell me all about your day.”
(101) “now will you please sit on my face already?”
(102) “bite the pillow and ride it out, sweetheart."
(103) “quit whining. you'll get your turn.”
(104) “look at you, panting like a bitch in heat.”
(105) “babe, you need to stay hydrated if we're going to keep this fuck fest alive."
(106) “when i'm done with you, you won't even remember him/her.”
(107) "They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly, this is getting dangerous."
(108) "Earn it!"
(109) "You're such a dirty girl/boy, of course this excites you."
(110) "Give me a show, babygirl/baby boy.”
(111) "You like it when we both fuck you at the same time, isn't that right, babygirl?"
(112) "You're so hot when you take charge."
(113) "You want me to record you?"
(114) "Have you always been this kinky?"
(115) "I found your dildo, you want to use it in front of me?”
(116) "Be careful, I don't want you to choke."
(117) "Fuck, I love it when you scream my name like that."
(118) "How do you feel about adding some toys to the mix of this?"
(119) "Would you want to make a private video for the two of us?"
(120) "Mmm that's right smile for the camera."
(121) "Put on a show for me."
(122) "Wow...you're easy to rile up."
(123) "Home is too far away. No one's going to see us here."
(124) "S-Stop staring at me like that!"
(125) "oh, look who's not wearing any underwear~"
(126) "Ah, ah. I didn't say you could touch me."
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fandomblogs-posts · 6 months
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] answers
link to questions https://www.tumblr.com/evilwriter37/736066424379932672/floydsin-ao3-wrapped-writers-edition-how-many?source=share
How many words have you written this year?
19,795 words 
2. How many works did you publish this year?
8 works 
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
All of them 
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' 1420 hits 
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Any of them
6. Favourite title you used
'I Gave You A Boner, You Can't Ignore Me'
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Not sure actually. I might need to think on that 
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Viggo x Hiccup 
9. Favourite pairing you wrote for this year?
Viggo x Hiccup 
10. What work was the quickest to write?
'Fish Can Float Too' (by my friend who wrote it in 15 mins) 
'The Dragons Riders' Can Hear Everything (mine. 2 days) 
11. What work took you the longest to write?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' (6 months) 
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
6 I believe 
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
'I Thought I Could Love You'
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
'Thoughts And Prayers'
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
'I Thought I Could Love You'
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Don’t think I have one 
17. Your favourite character to write this year?
Hiccup is really fun to write especially with the extra sass I sometimes add to his character 
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Snotlout and Fishlegs probably 
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I might be writing some hiccstrid next year. I have written them before but havent for a long while so it’ll be fun to write them again
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills'
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
22. Which work has the most comments?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' (there’s a theme apparently since I haven't written a lot) 
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
No but I want to one day 
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
I did! I wrote one for @evilwriter37. And I hope to write more for others 
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
No but that’s ok. I’m still new to writing on ao3 
26. What’s your most common category?
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Whatever playlist I’m obsessed with or race to the edge episodes 
28. Favourite work you wrote this year?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills'
29. Favourite line/passage you wrote this year?
From you wouldn’t believe it 'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' 
“Hello my dear” Viggo said smoothly. Hiccup took a deep breath and stood up. He turned around to face the Viking Chief and spoke his mind.
“Don’t ‘hello my dear’ me. What the fuck were you thinking?” Hiccup didn’t normally use that sort of language but his temper was flaring even higher now with Viggo smiling at him. “Shooting down the dragons? Hurting my friends!? We had a deal” He walked closer to Viggo, almost getting into his face. Hiccup scowled up at the man waiting for his response.
“You look so cute when you’re angry.” Viggo whispered to Hiccup. Hiccup tried to keep the scowl on his face but it faltered slightly.
And from Last Goodbye 
“I wish you did seize the moment”
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
That I finished any of my stories and probably that some of my favourite fic writers commented on my fics 
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cleostoohot · 2 years
So Basically I am Into Law Of Assumption From October 2021 and In that Period I manifested nothing(Bcs I never put in work) But On 7 July 2022 I started Doing (3DolcxROEx12 Hours Challenge{In Which I affirmed 10 Times Instead of 30 For Every hour} ) I did this For Complete 4 And Half Day And In This Period I kept My Thoughts In Check I didn't let Myself Spiral,Waiver,React to 3D For This Complete Period But still I didn't saw Result WHY ?? And I was Affirming for whole 3 weeks that I get full subliminal result In Just 1 listen and Even this Period I kept my Thoughts In check and Whenever I thought its not working I told myself its working But still after persisting this Long I didn't saw result In My 3D Why?? And In This Period I was complete Delusional and I didn't even gave Fuck to 3D But Still I got 0 result Why ?? And If Law Is Real Then why I didn't got result and If Its Not plss tell me 😞
My Affirmation Was :-
ROE,I manifest In 1 hour or less than that
ROE,I always wakeup Into Void State
ROE,I always Get Into void state by just saying Icecream 3 time
[This All Was My Affirmation.I am telling This Bcs If There Is Some Prblm In My affirmation and Just You should get Over all view of my Condition]
i’m so sick of you guys asking me CLEO WHY WHY WHY isn’t my manifestation here WHY is it taking me long WHY do other people do it easier than i do WHY is this not working WHY are you asking meeeee? if all you need to manifest is yourself, all your answers is within yourself too. i am not you. i can’t tell you what you did wrong when you tell me the bare minimum at that. you guys be doing nothing but obsess, doubt, waver, then when you find a new technique and it doesn’t work within a few days you still obsess, doubt, and waver????? if doing that shit didn’t help you the first time then how can it help you the next time? or the time after that????? then you tb some “iF tHe lAw iS ReAL”……… it’s fucking lifeeeeee. is your life real? YES. stop looking at the law of assumption as some magical new thing just because you discovered it some months ago. it’s BEEN real since you were born. like jesus christ’s 80% of my inbox is y’all asking me where your manifestation is like i got air tags on them bitches i do not fucking knowww. i made a posts giving possible reasons based on my experience, that’s all i can tell you luvv. like i understand y’all just want the best for y’all selves and want to live your dream life but that all starts with you taking accountability for your actions. go back to square 1 if you have to. work on how you view yourself, work on how you view your relationship with the law, then get your mf desires. stop acting like all of this shit is out of your control because it’s the complete opposite. you are controlling everything.
and this goes for everybody who has asked me “where is my manifestation” in any way shape or form in the past & for yall who’s gonna ask me in the future since y’all seem to not actually take in the information i and other bloggers put out to help y’all and just jump into our inbox with questions we all ready damn answered.
& i get passionate with stuff like this because it literally took ME finally telling myself enough is enough in order to start getting exactly what i wanted. coaches or other people weren’t doing shit but just answering my basic ass questions that i already knew the answered to. i just wanted reassurance. i had to lift myself up out of that cycle, and place myself into a new cycle of constant manifestations. do the same. if i can it’s completely possible.
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xbunny-k · 2 years
The Actor & I: PART TWENTY-FIVE – You Don’t Get To Pull The Boyfriend Card
This is part TWENTY FIVE of a very long, SLOW BURN series on Austin Butler and a Production Assistant on set of Elvis (2022).
Masterlist here!
Tumblr media
Anything italicized is main character’s thoughts!
Warnings: Possessiveness, smidge of misogyny, Smut, Fluff, eventual Spoilers for Elvis (2022), language (If i missed anything, please comment so i can add!)
Tags: @manddor @pumkiinpasties​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @karamelcoveredolicity @butlerstyles @feral4austinbutler @mirandastuckinthe80s @emilykolchivans @atombombbibunny @francescababy @starry-night-20 @yeetfack-blog @milaa24 @londonalozzy @xo-aurora @chaoticbilly @mamaspresley @sageskywalker @cryingabtab @readerloverlevy @jakiki94 @dancer4j @lolllasblog (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
Please, if you like this, share it, comment, like it and enjoy xx A/N: This one is a bit short, but the next one is SPICY 🌶
The work week flies by as we’re busy getting ready for pre-production to start next week with Baz on Elvis. It feels so surreal this is my job. Austin and I have been texting a bit, but still not like it used to be. It’s been hard for me to figure out how to be around him. I know we were drunk, but last weekend when he told me he'd fuck me senseless, well I just can’t seem to forget him saying that…
I decide to not text him back yet and head home. I spend the weekend either relaxing at home or at the gym, yet it somehow is over in a flash. Sunday night, I’m getting another glass of wine and decide after spending a weekend alone to show the world I’m alive. I take a quick mirror selfie and post it on my Instagram story. I head back to the couch to continue my binge watch of The Sopranos.
About twenty minutes later, my phone is ringing, and I answer without even looking. I quietly answer, “Hello?” and I’m met with Austin’s voice. “Ana, can I come see you?” Not even a hello… Why is he like this? He kinda sounds drunk.
I giggle and say, “Well, hello to you too!” I hear Austin sigh and he says, “Anastasia, please.” I roll my eyes and answer, “Austin, it’s getting late and I’m gonna go to bed soon.” He laughs, “Ana, it’s not even 7 PM. Let me come over.”
I check the time and he’s right, it’s literally 6:30. I’m a little torn because I do want to see him, but I’m trying to keep some space between us. As I’m debating how to answer, Austin says, “You can’t post a photo like that after not texting me back….”
I don’t answer right away as I try to think of what he means. “Post a photo like what,” I ask him, completely confused. He scoffs and says, “Anastasia, you posted one thing. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.” I’m still confused and then I realize he never even answered me that night he showed up at the bar… Is Austin Butler… cyber stalking me? I giggle at the thought and ask, “Austin, I really don’t know what you mean. What photo?” He groans and says, “Ana, I’m coming over.”
I change my tone as I realize once again, this is boyfriend behavior. This isn’t fair nor what we discussed. “Austin, I’m serious, I’m going to bed soon. Don’t come over. You can’t get all possessive over me when we’re just friends. You don’t get to pull the boyfriend card if you’re just my friend, which we already established is all you are.” I don’t wait for a response and hang up.
I think I was a bit harsh, but he keeps doing this with me. It isn’t fair not only because we agreed to just be friends, but because I’m really fucking attracted to him and I can’t keep talking myself off a ledge with him. I put my phone the “Do Not Disturb” setting, grab my wine and head back to my show. A few episodes later, after I get ready for bed, I decide to check my phone before going to sleep. 3 missed calls from Austin…. 6 unread texts. Oh boy.
“Ana, I’m sorry… Just let me stop by. I won’t even come up.”
“I’m just really drunk.”
“Anastasia, please just answer me.”
“I know you don’t want to see me, but can you just call me back?”
“Ok, goodnight. At least I’ll see you Tuesday.”
I sigh as the last one was sent a few minutes ago. I want to stick to my guns. We decided to be friends. Him acting like this isn’t fair. I decide not to call him back, but just send him a quick text so I’m not completely ignoring him. I did get mad at him for ignoring me…
“Sorry Aus, I’m really tired. See you Tuesday, friend… xx”
I hit send, double check my alarm is set for the morning and go to sleep. Monday flies by as I spend the day prepping the rehearsal space for tomorrow’s fitting. It’s just to get measurements and test some sample pieces made in various fabrics before they move forward with actually making any costumes, but it’s still really exciting.
I can only imagine how exciting it is for Austin. Tuesday morning, I wake up earlier than normal and get ready for the day. I wear a white tee, jeans and some sneakers anticipating I’ll be doing a lot of running around. I stop by a coffee shop and get an assortment of pastries, some coffees for people I know orders for and a coffee traveler with cups to have available. I get to the space and set up the food and drinks I brought.
I then unpack a few kits for Catherine’s team and as I’m finishing up, I hear someone say, “Well, look who is here even earlier than me.” I immediately know it’s Austin and slowly turn around. He beams at me and I giggle as I say, “Well happy first day in preproduction on Elvis, Aus.” His eyes light up and he pulls me into a tight hug. Without even thinking, I envelope myself in his arms and he hugs me even tighter. I missed feeling him… But Ana, you’re just friends… I pull myself out of his hug and say, “I brought you your iced black coffee, it’s over here. Can I get you anything else?” I smile at him and he looks confused, but then heads to the coffee.
He takes a sip of his coffee and looks around the space. He smiles and I say, “It’s such a big day for you. How do you feel?” He looks over at me and says, “I’m so excited to be here. It feels so much more real now that we’re starting. And I’m so happy you’re here.” His gaze burns on me and I feel my cheeks burn red. I smile, but before I can say anything I hear Will, Austin’s manager, enter with Baz and Catherine. Well, it’s time… Elvis….
After a few hours of going through lookbooks Catherine and her costume team put together, I help her assistant, Greg, pull some pieces for Austin to try on and put them on a rolling rack. It’s just some test pieces of various iconic Elvis looks in different fabrics so they can see what looks best. Catherine looks each one over and then says, “Ok, Austin, are you ready to try on some looks?” She smiles at him and Austin lights up. It’s the sweetest look and I can’t help but smile with excitement for him.
I grab the rack and head towards a room we converted to a fitting room. After I roll the rack in the fitting room, Austin and Catherine head in. Before I can walk out, Catherine asks, “Oh, Ana, dear, my dresser wasn’t able to make it in today, but will be here tomorrow. Would you stay and help me?”
She smiles at me, but her eyes are filled with purpose. I smile back at her nervously, but say, “Of course. Anything you need!”
Great, me….help with dressing…Austin.
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