#and i've been wanting to cut it for so long but just afraid to ruin that part of my whole thing
bassiter2 · 7 months
my mental/existential dysphoria is so abstract and gnarled that, as i've become less vain and obsessed with my own appearance in the past year, and basically phased that out of being part of my whole brand, i've genuinely felt like a more real person. i still put effort into my appearance/outfits and have a sense of superiority about it, but leaving behind the habit of taking selfies all the time genuinely feels so right. not bc it's inherently bad or anything, but just bc i think that particular brand of self-obsession is a less Real trait. i think that even having the capacity to sometimes feel insecure about my appearance makes me more real. i'm even starting to kind of like the idea of getting a little ugly as i get old. bc then when someone finds me really beautiful even when i don't look like a model anymore, it'll actually feel special instead of like "of course you do, duh." and bc i'm not like fully consciously expecting everyone i interact with to think i'm gorgeous, now, when someone expresses something along those lines i actually feel complimented instead of just vaguely reinforced. i literally fantasize about being a 40something who says and fully believes "yeah haha i used to be a hot young thing" and then has someone tell me that i'm still hot. i want that so much more than i want to be conventionally hot anymore.
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cloudcountry · 4 days
SUMMARY: married life with eiland
COMMENTS: i've been thinking so hard about marrying this man i have two lawn chairs next to my mail box and a desk for him and a chest full of sweets for when we get married im planning ahead ahead i need him so bad
reader is compared to lady luck but they're not fem aligned.
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It’s not uncommon for you to wake up in the morning to see Eiland curled up in bed, his reading glasses askew and a book opened over his face. You always remove the book gently, marking his page with a bookmark you keep handy on your nightstand and he thanks you profusely for it later. It’s not even that he stays up outrageously late, you just so happen to have a husband who is so dedicated to his research he can hardly put it down!
Although he would love nothing more than to have chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream and a hearty amount of syrup for breakfast, he is unfortunately bound by the knowledge that food like that has little nutrients and will not keep his precious spouse up and running throughout the day. Soft hands cut up fruits into hearts and stars, depositing them into one of your bowls with a proud smile as seasonal fruit pancakes sizzle on your stove. He takes pride in taking care of your needs. That is, after all, what a husband does! (Ignore the copious amount of times he messed up a dish...he's trying his best.)
Whenever he comes home after a meeting with his sister, he makes sure to ask your opinion on things. If it's something the two of you don’t agree on (much to his chagrin...yes, he pouts about it later) he will still report your honest opinion to Adeline. His sister can tell immediately if you agreed or disagreed with him based on his facial expression alone.
Eiland has a tendency to say things that can be taken in a flirtatious way, but are usually innocent. He still has not learned to watch his words with you even after years of marriage, calling you over to Louis’s stall to look at the beautiful wedding outfits and yapping about how lovely you would look in them. Oh Eiland, he has no idea what he’s implying!
Due to his hobbies, he is more of a help on the farm than some may think! You’re certainly going to have to walk him through ranching if he decides he wants to feed the animals, but he’ll pick up on how to plant seeds a lot faster. He’s quick work with a shovel and can figure out a hoe in no time flat! (He thinks you’re so cool and just wants to help out his lovely spouse, please let him.)
Without a doubt, you will get wrapped up in his Dungeons and Drama campaigns. He’ll be delighted if you make food based on the campaign and will brag for weeks about it. Be prepared to be referred to as the lovebirds when you come to the Inn on Friday’s! That’s simply how Mistria works I’m afraid.
Elsie is going to have the time of her life when the two of you get married. She’ll be on cloud nine, orbiting the two of you with well wishes and the most random gifts she insists you two need for your new life. It’s very sweet of her, even if you’re not entirely sure what you’d use a fondue pot for other than satisfying your husband’s raging appetite.
Daily trips to the Western Ruins and The Narrows are a must. Eiland likes to check in on the Museum, having been contributing to its upkeep for a long time now. If you find him starting a special set of armor tucked away in the back of the main area, don’t mind him. He’s just reminiscing on old times with you.
Eiland takes very good care of his skin and hair, and if you let him he’ll pamper you every morning and night. He tends to lose his sense of personal space when he does this though...his face will be very close to you. If you lean in to steal a kiss, he’ll jump and laugh, cheeks growing warm as you smile at him.
When he spaces out, he’ll reach out for your hand and start fiddling with your wedding ring. You’d think he’d fiddle with his own, but he likes feeling your knuckles under the pads of his fingers. Eiland will slowly come back down to Mistria at some point, his eyes focusing on his fingers against your skin and your soft smile shining upon him like Lady Luck herself. Truly, he got so lucky.
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
Just Pretend-Chapter 26 teaser
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*text messages pictures came from me. all other pictures found on pinterest.*
I wanted to tag everyone who was already tagged for JP but Tumblr was being stupid. So hopefully everyone sees this! I also wanted to let everyone know that even though it's only me now on this story, nothing has changed. All aspects of writing/writing style will remain the same. I'll still be the sole writer of this but it might take me a bit longer because having to rework some things are hurting my brain. 😂 But I swear, you all will love it so much! I promise you; it's going to be so fucking amazing from now until the end.
I started JP strong. I promise all of you, that I will finish it even stronger(but don't worry, we have some time left before that happens)
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The sound of the waves crashing echoed all around us, trapping us together. The salty brine lingered on my lips as I licked them, watching Y/N stare out into the vastness of the ocean in front of her. She stood with arms stretched wide and an even wider smile on her face.
"Do you remember what you told me the last time we were standing on a beach together?" I asked while brushing away the hair that blew into her face.
She giggled with a nod. "It can't rain all the time."
The memory of us together, all that time ago, was one of the few that replayed in my mind on a loop. Her face filled with so much worry about how she would deal with the Trey situation and afraid that she would drown in the rain.
But now she glowed with the ever growing rays of the sunset, the metaphorical halo she wore proving why her nickname fit her so well.
With one arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding her close to my chest, I dug my toes deeper into the sand trying to keep myself grounded. The entire day had been perfect, our redo date becoming a new favorite memory of mine, but there was still one thing left to do. My other hand was stuffed into the pocket of my joggers and it felt like it was wrapped around a weight. My heart would not stop pounding in my chest and I was sure Y/N could feel it against her cheek.
"Angel," I began with a long breath.
Just then, her phone began to ring causing her to pull it out of her sweater with a sigh. She went to ignore the call but when I noticed the caller's I.D, I motioned for her to stop.
"That's the fourth time they've called today, Y/N. You should answer it."
She frowned. "But I don't want to ruin the day."
I pressed a soft kiss to her lips, humming at the taste of her lip gloss.
"It's alright. Answer it."
Nodding, she accepted the call with a smile. "Hey. Sorry, I've-."
The words died on her tongue as she fell away from me, those bright eyes dulling like the dark cloud that suddenly formed overhead, crackling and booming into the air around us.
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doe-eyed-fool · 8 months
Fallen {Chapter One}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Summery- Innocence meant nothing in a place like this. Here, innocence was weakness. It would only get you killed. And yet, it was craved by the most twisted and sinful of demons.
Innocence to them, was something to be tainted, corrupted, and ruined beyond saving. It gave them great pleasure to destroy that innocence.
And he was no different. To him, she was nothing more than a new form of entertainment. But even he, as demented and cruel as he was, could not ignore the feeling that slowly grew deep within his blackened heart.
"What have you done to me?"
I was once a woman of god, my faith unchanging and strong. Because of that, I was granted entry into the kingdom of heaven. However, it would not last.
I awoke in a dirty and dark alleyway, my whole body ached, my mind struggling to keep up. My eyes opened, and I was met with a most horrifying scene. Above me, in the blood red sky, was a giant pentagram that loomed over all. My heart sank upon realizing just where I was. Hell. I had landed myself in hell.
But, how? I was in heaven. I had earned it. I had been good. I've only ever been good. I was faithful and true. So why? I brought myself to a sit, as I did so, a sharp stab of agony shot up my back. I failed to hold back a cry of pain.
Looking back on myself, a gasp escaped me as I found the source of my pain. My wings were still there. Once neat soft white feathers, now messy and dirtied from the ground. But that was not the worse of it. What made my stomach lurch, what caused the horrible throbbing pain I could not ignore, was the broken joint on my left wing.
The bone jutting out from flesh, golden blood dripping down the feathers of my wing. The fact that I had wings at all was proof enough I actually was in heaven. That, and my long white and gold-trimmed dress. However, it only made my confusion grow. If I was in heaven, why am I here now?
I took a shaky breath before attempting to stand, however it would not happen so easily. I hissed out as I felt a sharpness in my legs. Looking down, I saw more of my blood leaking from the various cuts along my legs. One nasty deep gash in particular on my right calf. This wasn't good.
I was bound to be attacked by some loathsome demon if I didn't try to escape. Flying wasn't an option, and neither was walking it seemed. But if I didn't do something quick then-
"Well. What do we have here?"
My breath caught in my throat at the sudden voice. I looked up to see a rather tall, well dressed demon standing before me. His grin, filled with sharp teeth, made my skin crawl. His deep red eyes bore into my own. He looked at me as if I were his next meal, and in a place like this, I very well could be.
I kept my mouth shut, even if I wanted to talk, I couldn't bring myself to speak. So, he filled the silence himself. "I thought I had seen something a bit strange earlier. It's not everyday you see an angel falling from the sky! Well, not unless it's time for the yearly extermination. If that's what you're here for, I'm afraid your a tad too late." He said with a chuckle. Still I kept quiet, he continued.
"Though, you do not look like the usual exterminators. No, I don't think you are. How very interesting." He took a step closer to me. Finally my body reacted, I scramble to move back as he grew closer. My back hit the hard brick wall behind me, I wince at the pain I received by doing so.
My heart was beating out of my chest, tears gathering in my eyes. My reaction seemed to have been amusing to him, as his grin grew wider.
"Afraid?" He leans down, his face inches from my own. "You should be." I shut my eyes tightly as he moved his hand up to my face. Flinching as his clawed finger made contact with my skin. I felt him move a strand of my messily tangled hair out of my face, before his hand left me.
"A creature like you my dear, is just begging to be harmed in a place like this. Though, I don't entirely blame you. You appeared to be heavily injured." I dare to open my eyes, only to be met with his sharp gaze.
His eyes only left mine briefly to meet my broken wing, then down to my injured legs, then back up to my face. "Quite the fall you had." He chuckled. I only nod. That had to be right. I fell from heaven. It was the only explanation that made sense.
Why else would I be here? The demon stood straight again, looking over his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention back to me.
'I doubt I'll ever get an opportunity like this again.' He thought, his grin somehow growing even wider. "Tell me, what do you plan to do now? Surely you intend on leaving this horrid place, yes?" He questions. Of course I do. I don't want to be here any longer that I already have. I nod my head, words still failing me.
"It will be quite the challenge my dear. You can't fly, and no one leaves hell just like that." He says with a snap of his fingers. "What will you do?" An excellent question. What will I do? What could I do? Panic set in quickly as I realized that there was nothing I could do now. I was stuck here. I would never be able to leave this god forsaken place. The tears finally began to roll down my cheeks, my shoulders shook as I cried.
How could this have happened? Why was this happening? Perhaps I've done something wrong? Maybe I've upset god in some way? Is that why I'm here? I'm being punished? Is that it? The demon's voice caught my attention once more as he spoke.
"Oh, how I hate to see a lady cry." I could have sworn there was a hint of sincerity in his tone. But I would be a fool to think a demon could feel sympathy for anyone. "Perhaps, we should make a deal."
I wipe a few tears away before looking at him with a confused glance. "I'll try and find a way for you to return to heaven. And in return..." His expression grew dark and sinister. "All you have to do, is amuse me." Amuse him? My stomach churned at the thought of what a demon would find amusing.
I look up at the sky, the pentagram's glow stinging my eyes. Heaven was out of reach, but I yearned for nothing more than to return. The deal almost sounded tolerable. I look back at the demon and finally, I spoke.
"W-Will you hurt me?" My voice cracked. "Of course not!" The demon waved his hand, as if dismissing the thought. "I'm rather curious about you. And I can't have someone like you harmed. Your value topples almost over all here. Many demons would kill for a chance to obtain an angel such as yourself. That alone is enough for me to keep you in tact as much as possible." His words weren't comforting, that's for sure.
But he said he wouldn't hurt me. I think. I couldn't trust him, but what other choice do I have? I don't want to be stuck here forever. The demon offered his hand. "What do you say?" He asks as a faint green glow engulfed his hand.
I sigh before hesitantly taking his hand with my own. As our hands clasp, the glow engulfed mine as well and a sting could be felt throughout my palm causing me to wince. The glow grew brighter, I shut my eyes tightly to shield my eyes from it.
I missed the twisted smile from the demon, but I felt his hand tightening around my own slightly before the glow finally calmed down and went out. The demon let go of my hand, only to pick me up. I gasp as I felt myself being hoisted up into a bridal style carry.
I couldn't bring myself to look at him, so I kept my gaze down at his chest. "Hold on tight." He warns me. And before I knew what was happening, I felt a rush flow throughout my body. It was almost like the feeling you'd get when going down a steep drop on a rollercoaster. And suddenly, we were in a new location.
I look around and take in my surroundings. There was a rather nice looking home before me. Well, I could consider it nice if it didn't look...haunted. I could have sworn I saw a shadow move in one of the many windows. Surrounding the home was a swamp, the water was infested with gators.
But not normal ones. These gators were far larger, their scales an inky black, multiple sets of eyes glow a deep red, and their teeth abnormally sharp and long, stained with the blood of I didn't know what. The plant life was unnatural as well. While they were alive like normal plants, they were sentient.
Looking for some unfortunate passerby to feast upon. This being proven by a demonic version of a frog hopping by one, only to be snatched up and ripped apart. I look away, not wanting to watch as the sound of crunching and squishing filled my ears. The bugs were abnormally large too, and just as carnivorous as the other creatures of the swamp.
"Home sweet home." The demon sighs before walking up the porch stairs. He walks in, the inside completely dark at first before he steps through the threshold. Like magic, light filled the home. And once again, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, shadows retreating into darkness wherever they could find it.
"Now, let's get you patched up." The demon says as he heads up the stairs. He brings me to his bedroom and sets me carefully on the surprisingly soft and comfortable bed.
I tried to keep still, as not to irritate my wing any further. But nothing could ease the pain, I winced and hissed out sharply as another throb jolted my wing. I could have started crying again it hurt so bad. The demon took note of that before moving to my left. I watched him carefully, wary of what he would do next. He said he would patch me up, while that confused me, I still didn't trust his word.
"This might hurt. But do try to keep still." He says before moving his hand over the broken bone. I move away fearfully, a foolish thing to do. I cried as more pain shot up my wing and back. "What did I just say?" The demon sighed.
"What are you going to do?" I ask sharply. He didn't have anything that could properly set the bone, nothing to ease my pain. Did he intend to force it back? "I'm going to heal it. But I need you to sit. Still." The demon said sternly. Still noticing my hesitation, he rolled his eyes. "I will try to make this less painful as possible. Now, are you going to do as I say? Or are you going to just sit there, still in pain?"
I sighed heavily before doing as I was told. I shut my eyes tightly after I watch him move his hand back. Suddenly I felt a shift in my wing joint, but no pain followed as I had expected. After a moment or two, Alastor moved his hand away.
"There we go. All better." The demon says softly. While I felt no pain, I never felt more light headed. My stress finally caught with me and felt I just might actually pass out. My body began to fall forwards, but the demon caught me before I could fall completely. I go limp in his arms, my eyes lids drooping. I heard him chuckle before I felt him moving my body, he gently laid me on my back.
I look up at him with tired eyes, his grin remained the same. I got the feeling he was enjoying this, it made me more sick to think about it. "Try and relax. I'll work on your legs next." He tells you as he moves his hand down to hover over them. I then heard him laugh, before I could question him he spoke.
"My, how rude of me. I've yet to introduce myself. I suppose I've gotten use to everyone knowing who I am, that it slipped my mind." The demon glances at me, he spoke his name with the most charming of tones.
"My name is Alastor."
Alastor? It was such a nice sounding name for a demon. "And who do I have the pleasure of knowing?" I took a shaky breath before answering with a shaky and cracked voice. "Y/n." Alastor's grin soften for a moment as he spoke my name. "Y/n. What a lovely name."
It felt strange to hear a demon speaking my name. It felt wrong. Though, it wasn't any worse than actually making a deal with him. I close my eyes, and begged god for forgiveness. I hope god could forgive me for what I've done.
I only do this to return to god's light. That's all. Please...please understand. The more I thought about that deal, the worse I felt. I didn't want to think about it, but it would always be there. In the back of my mind, will forever be the guilt of my choice.
And I could only hope that whatever this deal would entail, wouldn't be as bad as I fear it would be.
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cobaltperun · 9 months
Lost (3) - Stay
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 6.4k
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-I've never been the best at letting go, I don't wanna spend the night alone-
Sam was… afraid, frightened even. She never wanted to go back to Woodsboro, to go back to the place that reminded her of all the things she ruined, of all the things that ruined her. And now those things threatened her baby sister, her Tara, the only good in her life she had left, no matter the distance between them. More than the ghosts and memories though, Sam was afraid of Tara’s reaction, she was afraid, yet accepting of rejection. If anyone had the right to hold her accountable, it was Tara. She was the only one who could be her judge, and Sam would accept it. She would accept it because it was the only right reaction, after all Sam wasn’t the first family member that abandoned Tara, and given how their mother was, well, that only made Sam’s choice worse. She didn’t just leave Tara behind, she left her with their mother.
Her reason didn’t matter, her regrets, pain, how much she missed Tara every single moment, none of it mattered. She left. She left Tara to protect her, but she left nonetheless, cutting contact and leaving Tara, almost certainly, with trauma and doubt.
How she wished she could reunite with Tara in a different place, in different circumstances, ones that didn’t involve Tara being hurt, Tara nearly dying. How she wished she could take those wounds and pain away from Tara and go through what Tara did instead. She lost count a long time ago, of all the dreams that had Tara and her reuniting, as unrealistic as they were. Tara, the same as she was when Sam left, when she was merely thirteen years old, with her shy smile and hiding her eyes behind her bangs.
“You’re worried about your sister,” Richie interrupted her thoughts, and she was thankful for that, she was already worried as it was, and thinking about Tara’s reaction wasn’t helping her.
So, she nodded, sighing and looking out the window. It’s been a while since they saw a building of any kind, all they could see were trees, the forest surrounding the road. They were getting closer to Woodsboro. It wouldn’t be long now.
“Hey, isn’t that MMA fighter you like watching from Woodsboro as well?” he suddenly asked and it slipped her mind that she never knew he noticed that.
Sam smiled a bit, despite circumstances, as she did, indeed, watch the last couple of your matches. She saw an edit of your fight, of you weaving and dodging the attacks and countering your opponent with ease. And she immediately recognized you, even before she read your name in the description. So, ever since then, she silently followed your fights, happy that you were accomplishing your dream, and, though she never admitted it to anyone but herself, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tara in the crowd.
“Mhm, Y/N. She’s Tara’s childhood friend,” she replied without a hint of doubt.
“Is? I thought you said you didn’t talk to your sister in years. How do you know they’re still friends?” Richie’s question was valid, and Sam really didn’t know if you and Tara were still friends.
“You don’t know them. Nothing could break the bond Tara and Y/N have,” you were Tara’s best friend, and Tara was the one that made you the happiest. Sure, years could have made the two of you grow distant, but she couldn’t imagine it, she found it inconceivable. Tara not having you by her side? Sam couldn’t even begin to imagine what could have gone wrong for that to happen.
Amber may have given you the Guard Dog nickname, but Sam always preferred to think of you as Tara’s protector, as Tara’s unbreakable shield, even if she figured the guard dog was appropriate as well. Sam would have left Woodsboro either way, to protect Tara, but knowing Tara would still have you made her feel better.
If you weren’t so focused on Tara, you probably would have thought Amber was right for once. You really looked like a guard dog at the moment. Standing to Tara’s left, leaning against the wall with your arms folded over your chest and a scowl on your face as you listened to Tara speaking with her mother.
“No, nothing was taken,” you froze when you heard the defeated tone of Tara’s voice. Once, just this once you thought her damn mother wouldn’t be a contender for the worst parent you had ever met, but here you were. “That wasn’t what they were after,” the exhaustion in Tara’s voice, the way it cracked just a bit, not nearly enough for Christina fucking Carpenter to notice, it made you sit down next to Tara and put an arm around her shoulders. Tara leaned into your touch right away, she hid her face in the crook of your neck, not even complaining when you took her phone. She just pulled your jacket tighter around herself, you’ve given it to her, helped her put it on, because she said it made her feel better.
The sudden wetness on your neck, the realization that it was Tara’s tear, nearly made you lose composure. “Tara needs to rest, please call her later,” you spoke as calmly as you could, hoping that you could soothe Tara by holding her close.
“Huh? What?” Christina sounded drunk even now, knowing her, she was drunk. You didn’t want to wait for the woman to figure out what was going on, you just hung up. She wouldn’t call back anyway.
“You’ll get through this,” you ran your fingers through Tara’s hair, gently calming her down like you did so many times in the past before her asthma could make her condition even worse.
It worked this time as well, as Tara managed a weak nod, her right hand reaching up and gripping your shoulder as if you being there was the only thing keeping her grounded. All things considered; you probably were. “He told me mom was proud of me,” Tara whispered, just barely loud enough for you to hear. “I really wished that was true, Y/N,” she cried, tears falling from her eyes as you just held her like that. How many times did she tell you those words? Or something along those lines. Almost everything was identical, other than the bare hospital room and her injuries. Tara’s emotions, her desire for her mother’s acceptance, it remained the same.
What could you even tell her when her mother wouldn’t even take the time to properly call and ask Tara how she was. How could she believe her mother was proud of her when that same mother didn’t care enough to drop everything and come back to her daughter that nearly got killed.
You remained in that position when Chad, Mindy, Wes and Amber came, with Amber, as the girlfriend, coming in first. The relief on the faces of the first three at the sight of Tara awake and as fine as she could be overpowered everything else, Mindy’s need to tease the two of you, Chad’s need to cheer for you and Tara, and Wes’ jealousy. It didn’t overpower Amber’s jealousy though. You weren't sure what to make of it, but the first thing Amber did was glare at you. Checking on Tara? Her girlfriend? Nope, glaring first, checking on her injured girlfriend who almost got killed later.
Chad, Mindy and Wes remained near the bottom of Tara’s bed, while Amber took her place on Tara’s right side, and while Tara turned to look at them, she kept her hand on your shoulder, preventing you from getting up. “I’m not going anywhere,” you muttered close to her ear, and only then did she let go of your shoulder and allow you to help her move so that she was leaning back against you.
“Sorry, mom just called,” she apologized, her eyes focusing on Amber for a few moments, though the apology was meant for all four of her friends.
Mindy nodded. “We figured, T,” she admitted, her eyes filled with compassion for Tara.
Amber leaned down, kissing Tara on the lips before you could properly look aside. And each and every person in the room could feel how uncomfortable the room just got. Amber kissed Tara, while Tara was leaning back on you and wearing your jacket. And nothing about what she did was accidental, she saw an opportunity and took it, probably believing she was staking her claim on Tara.
You didn’t react though, just looked away, you refused to give Amber that satisfaction or to make things even more uncomfortable for Tara. That is, until you heard Tara’s muffled groan.
“Be gentler,” you snarled, pushing Amber back when you saw she put some pressure on Tara’s right thigh, hurting Tara in the process.
Amber glared for just a moment, before turning her attention back to Tara. "I'm so sorry Baby, I was so worried and-" Amber apologized and you felt the urge to keep her away from Tara. It had to be the jealousy you sometimes felt, right? Surely there was no other reason you would want to push Amber further away from Tara. Amber wouldn't hurt Tara. Right?
"It's okay, I'm okay. I'm just glad you're here with everyone," Tara assured her softly, though she did back away a bit, leaning more toward you, and even as subtle as it was no one missed it.
"Of course, I'm here. Where else would I be but here with you?" the nerve, the audacity, another glare she sent your way. "I'm actually surprised Y/N showed up. You managed to act like a friend for once.”
You felt Tara go stiff at that, the tension, the disapproval radiating from her, you feared she would argue back, and this wasn’t the time for that.
"Where would my life be without your approval, Amber?" self-control be damned, preventing the argument between the two of them was more important, release the snark, target Amber. Tara stifling the tiniest laugh made it even better.
"Okay, okay, let's calm down," Wes, as usual, tried to defuse the situation before it escalated.
"Nah, let them go at it, we just need some popcorn," Chad looked around as if he was actually looking for popcorn. "My money's on Y/N, for obvious reasons," you doubted the double meaning behind those words escaped any of you.
"Yeah, it's not like we came here for Tara," Mindy deadpanned, which thankfully lowered the tension in the room.
You glanced down at Tara, surprised to see she glanced up at you instead of anyone else. There was something in her gaze you couldn't quite decipher. You saw it from time to time; when you first told her you were no longer speaking with your parents, the first and only time she asked you to stay by her side and quit MMA after you came back victorious but beaten and bruised from your first fight, when she told you she was dating Amber, and now. Somehow the only common factor in all those moments, aside from the undecipherable gaze, was the fact that you, in one way or another, always left. Not today, you promised silently as her attention shifted to the rest of her friends.
A brief conversation with her friends and girlfriend later you could see Tara progressively getting tired. Before you could react to that the doors opened again, and you immediately recognized the woman that entered the room. Sam, even after five years you knew it was her, and for a moment you weren't sure what to expect, but the concern on Sam's face when she saw Tara made you lower your guard.
You watched as Sam immediately knelt down next to Tara, her hands shakily reaching out for her younger sister. "How are you feeling?" you didn't remember ever hearing Sam's voice that shaky and uncertain.
"You came?" Tara's question, as filled with disbelief as it was, broke something in you and you focused on the heart rate monitor beeping to ground yourself as Sam introduced her boyfriend, Richie, or something, and then went to hug Chad, Mindy, and Wes. She didn't hug Amber and you noticed Amber didn't seem to mind that one bit. After a brief exchange with Wes, Sam returned to the left side of Tara’s bed and raised an eyebrow at you. You shrugged, motioning with your head at Tara who was still leaning back on you, silently telling the older Carpenter sister you weren’t moving any time soon. From the corner of your eye, you saw Tara blushing and looking to the side.
Sam just smiled and patted you on the shoulder. “Thanks, Y/N,” frankly, despite everything that happened, or perhaps because of everything that happened, having Sam around was much appreciated.
“Don’t mention it,” you smiled back.
Satisfied, Sam turned back to her boyfriend. "These are Chad and Mindy, the twins, and Wes. I used to babysit them all," she introduced the three of them.
"Which is always how I want to be introduced," Wes joked, lighting up the mood in the room.
Sam smiled at him before turning to you. "That's Y/N, I didn't babysit her," Sam continued the introduction.
"A very important detail, please remember," you motioned to the trio. "Needed a babysitter," then you pointed at yourself. "Didn't need a babysitter."
"You are like over a year and a half older than me, though," Tara teased you, even though that wasn’t the only reason Sam didn’t babysit you.
You did turn twenty about four months ago, while Tara was around three months away from turning nineteen. "Meh, insignificant details," you jokingly rolled your eyes, but grinned when she nudged you lightly with her elbow.
"And Amber, hey," Sam finally greeted Amber, Amber greeted her back, Richie introduced himself properly and then Sam pointed out the elephant in the room. "Where's mom?" the shift in Tara's demeanor was instantaneous and you reached down under the covers to hold her right hand. She relaxed a bit, but you still felt the tension in her body as she pressed back against you, seeking your touch and presence.
"She's stuck at a conference in London. She called me earlier," Tara clarified and it technically was true. Her mother did call, if that could be considered a call. You were willing to bet all of your savings that the drunk woman wouldn't even remember half of the conversation she had with Tara.
"How considerate of her," let it never be said that you always disagreed with Amber, because for once you agreed with her anger wholeheartedly. "Look guys, Tara is really tired, we should let her rest," twice in a row, maybe you should get worried. Her words got the other three to move as well.
You didn't move though. You didn't come with them, you wouldn't leave with them. If you left it would be brief and you'd stay right outside the doors.
"You as well, Y/N," Amber glared at you, she was daring you to disobey her, and well, who were you to disappoint her of all people.
"No," you wondered if Sam was noticing the tension between you and Amber, because, if Mindy was to be believed, it took exactly ten seconds to figure out that Tara was the cause of that tension.
"Y/N is staying, you as well Sam," Tara firmly ended the discussion.
Sam smiled slightly. "If it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight?" it was a question as much as it was an offer.
"I'd really like that," Tara was smiling, happy to see Sam would stay by her side, at least for some time.
"You got everything you need? Do you have an extra inhaler?" Amber once again shifted Tara's attention back to her.
Tara nodded at that. "Yeah."
Amber leaned down and kissed her again. "Call me if you need anything."
If Sam had any reaction to the revelation that Tara and Amber were together, or the unusual situation Tara found herself in, with you and Amber, she didn't show or voice it in any way.
"Honey, I'll be outside," Richie, likely to give Tara and Sam some privacy, spoke to Sam and then turned toward you. "Uh, could you take me to the break room or something?"
You glanced at Tara, and seeing no issues with it nodded. You slowly separated from Tara, making sure she was comfortable, and stepped outside. Richie only needed a glass of water, so it didn't seem like you'd be away from Tara for long. Besides, you wanted to give Tara some alone time with Sam.
"So, an MMA fighter?" Richie's question took you by surprise. "I, uh, recognized the name, I watched a few of your fights," somehow it sounded like he was making it up on the spot.
"Is that so?" maybe the guy was just timid, he was Sam's boyfriend, so you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and figured he was just uncomfortable about the whole situation, about meeting Tara in these circumstances, but still choosing to come here to support Sam. "Well, then you know why I didn't need a babysitter," you still made sure your tone sent a clear message. Don’t try anything. You weren’t about to fully trust anyone when Tara was attacked, except maybe Sam, because if there was one person who wouldn’t hurt Tara it was Sam.
You were sitting on the bed next to Tara’s for once, she was sleeping and Sam was next to her until about fifteen minutes ago, so you chose to give them some space. Keeping Tara safe was more important. Though, it spooked Sam’s boyfriend, as he went off to watch Netflix or something in another room.
Tara hummed, waking up from her slumber and turning to look at you. “Hey,” she whispered, reaching out for you.
Moving on instinct you moved to sit on her bed and took her hand. “Sam went to freshen up a bit, she’ll be back soon,” you told her.
Tara nodded, content at the moment.
And then the doors burst open, and you jumped to your feet, ready to fight. Sam came in, her eyes filled with panic as she looked at Tara. And then, seeing as Tara was fine, she just slumped back against the wall.
“Sam? What happened?” despite pain Tara sat up, watching, concerned and afraid as Sam dropped to the floor. You both noticed her legs were shaking, unable to hold her up.
“Ghostface was in the hospital,” Sam’s voice was barely louder than a whisper, but it felt like a bomb exploding right next to you. The monster was here. The one responsible for Tara’s pain was here!
“Are you okay?!” Tara demanded, just about ready to get up and go to Sam, and seeing the look on Tara’s face Sam willed her body to move, to sit on the chair next to Tara’s bed and smile at her.
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” Sam assured her. “I think he was just trying to scare me.”
You gritted your teeth, anger clouding your judgment. All you could focus on was the door, Sam’s confused uttering of your name barely registered in your head. It was all anger, wrath, need to hurt the monster that tried to kill Tara. It didn’t matter that the Ghostface probably took the disguise off and that you had no way of recognizing the person underneath it as the attacker, you just wanted to go out and find it. It was someone Tara knew, right? Those were the stupid rules, right?!
“Y/N!” while Sam calling your name fell on deaf ears, Tara was an entirely different case and the anger dissipated as you turned around and looked at her, trying to get out of the bed.
Anger vanished and you rushed back to her side. “Wait, Tara, don’t get up,” you said, gently getting her to sit back down. “I’m sorry, I got angry,” you whispered, looking away from her. You allowed your anger to cloud your judgment, the desire for revenge to make you forget for a brief moment of weakness what was more important.
Tara reached up, putting her right arm around your neck and tugging you down, and you gave in, dropping your head onto her shoulder and wrapping an arm around her. Tara took a deep breath, her hand shaking slightly. “I know, but I need you here,” she whispered, tightening her grip on you and getting you to nod. You’d focus on keeping Tara safe, and if that somehow gave you the chance to fight Ghostface, you’d take it, but you wouldn’t go after it while Tara was this vulnerable.
“I’m here,” you whispered.
A bit later Judy came by with Amber because not only was Sam attacked, some guy got killed, likely by a Ghostface, meaning either there were two people involved, or the one person involved was moving really quickly.
"The call came from Amber's number," Judy said, prompting Amber to defend herself only for Richie to accuse her of being the killer. You didn’t pay much attention to their words, instead you tried to find the signs that they were lying, in their posture, in the tone of their voice.
But it didn’t really help you, Amber was as assertive as usual, aggressively stating her mind and Richie, well, you didn’t even know him.
"And where were you when this was happening?" Judy asked him and he suddenly got really uncomfortable.
"I was, uh watching Netflix, in another room. I didn't want to wake Tara up," he tried to defend himself, and then he awkwardly pointed at you. “She also kinda scares me,” he admitted sheepishly.
“And where were you, Y/N?” Amber demanded.
“With Tara, right here,” you replied while looking Amber in the eyes, daring her to question you further.
“It’s not Y/N,” Tara declared before anyone else could say anything.
Amber narrowed her eyes, this time directing her anger at Tara. “Really? You defend her, but not me? Unbelievable,” she huffed, throwing her hands up. “You know what, call me when you feel like acting like my girlfriend,” she stormed out, anger evident in her voice.
“Amber, wait!” Tara reached out toward her and bit her lower lip.
You placed your hand on Tara’s shoulder. “I’ll go and talk to her,” you sighed, it was about time you had a nice long chat with Amber.
Tara looked at you incredulously and you just chuckled and gave her a thumbs up. Sure, you were the last person Amber wanted to talk to, but someone had to talk some sense into her.
This wasn’t going to be fun though. “Keep her safe,” you told Sam as you walked past her and went after Amber. You looked around and noticed her, near the vending machine in the corridor, still fuming. “Amber! We need to talk!”
She squeezed the bottle of water she got so hard you thought it would burst and then she turned to glare at you as you approached and eventually leaned against the wall near her. You’d wait for her to come to you, and she did.
"You're behind this, aren't you?!" she demanded rather forcefully as she closed the distance, the water bottle tossed aside. She stopped right in front of you, arms folded over her chest and furious glare present in her eyes. She was so angry you wouldn’t be surprised if smoke began coming out of her.
You could feel your blood pressure rising as you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Look, you already decided that it's me, so there's really no point in that conversation. Tara nearly got killed, set your jealousy aside until she recovers."
But Amber just snorted, as if she couldn’t believe what you were saying. "Stay away from my girlfriend, you hear me? My girlfriend, not yours. Go home, Y/N," did she actually think this would work? That she could demand something and you'd comply? Let alone when that something was leaving Tara? You’ve complied with her wishes long enough, wanting to avoid Amber taking her frustration out on Tara.
You bit that retort back, as tempting as it was to argue that you were Tara’s best friend. "That's what this is about? Really? You think I'm behind all of this yet your reason for wanting me to leave is because you're jealous?" flabbergasted didn't even begin to explain how you felt. You really, really, didn't feel like entertaining Amber's jealous outbursts, but you had to try and get her to cool her head so that Tara could rest peacefully.
Amber threw her hands up in the air and stepped back to point her finger at you. "Jealous? Of course, I'm jealous!" okay, you had to admit that one took you by surprise. "Do you have any idea how it felt to watch Tara on the verge of an asthma attack every time you had a fight and Chad didn't call her quickly enough? How many times have I had to be there for her because you won't stop fighting and it frightens her? Do you even know that she constantly worries that something will go wrong and that you won't come back?"
You were genuinely stunned as you took in what Amber was saying, you hated to admit it, but you would probably feel just as frustrated as she was.
"She likes me, she is my girlfriend. Y/N, Tara is mine, but," she approached you, looked you straight in the eyes, and whispered, "She loves you, and no matter how hard I try I can't cut you out of her life or her heart."
She took a few steps back and with a nearly maniacal grin on her face she asked. "So, tell me. If you aren't the killer, what will you do if whoever it is comes to kill her?"
At least that was simple. "Fight. It'll have to kill me before it gets to her. Our issues aside, I think we can agree Tara's safety is what's most important."
The maniacal grin widened. "With pleasure," it was a strange choice of words, but you figured she agreed.
Tara could barely breathe, too focused on everything Sam just told her. She finally knew why her dad left, she finally knew why Sam was distant and why Sam left her behind. Once upon a time, she thought that knowing why she was abandoned and left with an alcoholic mother that was never there for her would bring her closure, that it would bring her some semblance of peace. It didn't. It changed nothing.
And then you came in and her uncontrollable emotions found a new target.
"Amber should calm down a bit, I think, oh and they'll be ready to move you in an hour or so," you didn't do anything wrong, you were the one person that kept her calm, grounded and feeling safe and protected, it was the future that she was worried about. Because she was bound to be abandoned, wasn’t she?
"When will you abandon me, Y/N? Before or after I recover?" the question that plagued her mind just slipped out and the confused look on your face stung more than her wounds. At least the pain from her wounds was dulled by the painkillers.
"I'm not going to abandon you," you didn't get angry. You never got angry with her no matter what was going on. It would usually calm her down enough to rationalize whatever she was angry about. Amber would argue back and eventually guilt her into backing down. Wes would get defensive, and Chad would try to back down while Mindy would usually go for sarcasm. You just, in your own words, took it easy, because it was easier to solve whatever issue the two of you had when you weren't fighting. It didn't calm her down this time.
"Don't lie to me! You abandoned your parents just like how Sam abandoned me," and Amber kept telling her you'd abandon her, telling her that it was a matter of time. It wasn't just Amber, almost anyone who knew you would say the same story. While you slept with your arm around her one of the nurses came by.
'That girl wouldn't come to the hospital when her father got sick, and now she won't leave,' that's what the nurse said and it only made Tara believe you abandoned your parents even more. She remembered it clearly, turning sixteen and shortly afterward realizing she was in love with you. For months she struggled with that feeling, afraid of what it could do to your friendship, secretly hoping that you'd be the one to initiate something. When you didn't do anything, she decided she'd confess on your eighteenth birthday, only to be met with a new address and a casual confession that you cut contact with your parents. Instantly she was thirteen years old, and she had just been abandoned by Sam and the fear of you doing the same kept her mouth shut.
And then you chose MMA, despite how beaten up you were after your first fight, despite the fact that she all but begged you not to and it sealed the deal for her.
You sighed and sat down on her bed. "I didn't. It was a mutual agreement, I wanted to leave, and they wanted me gone. No one was abandoned," the world stopped. What did you just say? "I'd never abandon you, Tara."
"Why didn't you tell me before?" she choked out. Why would you keep it from her? That your own parents didn't want you to stay with them? Why wouldn’t they? All the times she saw small clues that something wasn’t right between you and your parents came back and she felt tears filling up her eyes.
You sighed as you reached down and began gently rubbing circles into her right palm. "How about this? I'll tell you why and then we'll leave the rest of the conversation for after you recover, or at least for after this whole thing ends?"
Tara nodded. She waited over two years, she could wait for a few more days.
"It just wasn't fresh in my mind, I guess. By the time I turned eighteen that deal had long since been made, so when it happened it felt more like going to an appointment rather than something significant. I never thought it would cause you to question how I feel about you, or to doubt that I'd stay with you," her breath hitched at that, and you were immediately reaching for her bag to get her inhaler. It wasn't asthma that caused her reaction. It was the way your voice switched from neutral, almost frighteningly cold while talking about your family to warmth and gentleness you reserved only for her the moment she became the focal point of your words.
"Y/N, I'm fine, I don't need it," those words were enough for you to stop and look at her. "Hold me?" you were awkward the first time she asked you to hold her, shortly after Sam abandoned her, but that awkwardness vanished as time went on. This time was different though. She could see uncertainty in your eyes, the worry caused by her injuries. "I can move that much," she assured you. She needed you as close to her as possible, she needed you to hold her to feel safe, the moment you let go of her to go with Richie she felt vulnerable. She felt even more vulnerable, when, after Ghostface attacked Sam, you went after Amber. Even with Sam right there with her, as well as Richie and Judy, Tara didn’t feel safe unless you were with her. Judy was Wes’ mom, she trusted her, Richie was a stranger, Sam was gone for five years, you were the only one that made her feel protected.
That need was what made her less considerate of Amber’s feeling on the matter. Besides, this, you holding her, it was part of how the two of you were even before she fell in love with you. Even if it wasn’t enough of an excuse, it didn’t change the fact that she needed you.
"You'll tell me the moment you get uncomfortable or if anything at all starts hurting," yeah, there was no arguing with you and honestly, she was fine with that in this case.
"I promise I will; now get down here," you complied with her request. She was slightly on her side, but for the most part she was facing you and somewhat lying on top of you, with both of your arms around her body. In addition to that she was resting her head on your chest, with your heart just below her ear. That brought a smile to her face. The steady beating of your heart and the heart rate monitor beeping created a rhythm only she had the pleasure to hear.
The way you held her, and the care you put into making sure she was completely comfortable stood in juxtaposition to the way Amber kissed her when she came to see her. Amber didn't intend to hurt her, but she didn't take extra care not to hurt her either.
Why did you have to make things so difficult for her? She was doubting her decisions, especially the ones concerning her relationship with you and, due to those thoughts, her relationship with Amber. The promise of the conversation and the conviction behind your words took away almost all of her reasons for keeping her feelings for you under lock and key. And the other reason, you fighting? A part of her hoped you’d give it up now, a selfish part of her hoped that nearly losing her would make you reconsider it. Another, louder part of her, told her she could compromise on that much, seeing how much she compromised with Amber, that she could do her best to accept and deal with it.
The guilt in her heart suddenly took over. It was several months too late now. At least until she found it in her to break up with Amber. To very likely do to Amber what she feared you'd do to her, what Sam and her dad did to her. To abandon Amber because she doubted Amber could settle for being just friends again. It wasn't your fault, but she was still going to complain to you about it. "You're the worst, you know," she pouted and settled for snuggling as close to you as her injuries would allow.
"Mhm, I know," you easily agreed, knowing better than anyone when her complaints were fake.
"You know me," you chuckled, making her shiver.
"Let me sleep," she closed her eyes.
"I'm sorry, am I supposed to sing you a lullaby?" you really didn't have to tease her right now.
"Please, don't sing," Tara did not need to be tortured like that. Hearing you chuckle again, on the other hand, yeah, she could handle hearing that.
When they brought the two of you to her new room an hour later you effortlessly and carefully picked her up and placed her on the bed. You stood by her side as the nurses handled the rest, hooking her up to machines and whatnot. And then she got to melt into your touch once again as you lay down next to her, and with that same gentleness from before pulled her into your embrace.
As she once again fell asleep in your arms a voice in the back of her head berated her for ever allowing Amber to make her doubt you.
The sight in front of her really should have angered her. It would be a reasonable reaction, to find her girlfriend sleeping with someone else, and to remain calm would be bizarre. That is, if she actually cared. No, Amber didn't care about how close Tara and you were. Once upon a time, she did feel genuine envy toward you, she envied the way you made Tara laugh, she envied how peaceful Tara would look while sleeping in your arms. Despite what she did to Tara you, somehow, managed to make Tara feel safe.
So, as far as Amber was concerned Tara should have used this opportunity to fuck you, or get fucked by you, since, well, you'd be dead within the next couple of minutes. Then Tara would never again feel safe. By the time she wakes up she'll be covered in your blood, Amber would make sure of that. And then Tara would have no one to turn to, and she would, though more than likely a shell of her former self, belong to Amber.
It was fun, honestly, playing with Tara's doubts, downplaying her emotions for you, while simultaneously making her doubt your dedication to her. It wasn't Amber's fault Tara had abandonment issues that were easy to exploit. Granted, it wasn't her or Richie's intention to torment Tara like that, they just wanted you gone. Tara's torment was more of a bonus for Amber. It would make molding Tara into her perfect pet much easier if she was broken by this experience, because, as far as Amber was concerned, her and Richie would execute their plan flawlessly, and Amber would get to keep Tara all to herself.
Regardless, you were a threat, a trained fighter that might be able to stop them. Tara needed to survive the first attack so that Samantha would come back. Tara surviving also meant you'd act like a fucking guard dog. Predictable. She didn't think this would happen, though.
To think that you'd leave yourself this open and vulnerable. To think that all it took was a jealous girlfriend act to get you to talk to Tara and drop your guard. She didn't tell you a single lie, she didn't even exaggerate and Tara being this clingy only proved her words to be correct. You made a mistake, you fell asleep with your arms wrapped around the wounded girl. Even if you woke up right now you wouldn't have time to react, you likely wouldn't even realize what was going on.
If she could tell you one thing she'd would tell you that she was about to carve you up with the same knife she used on your beloved Tara. Poetic, isn't it, Guard Dog?
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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hopefulromances · 6 months
Could you write a Roy or Jamie fic with a female character who is anxious and maybe doesn’t feel confident or good enough for them? Thank you 🥰
This one has sat in my inbox for like 8 weeks? Just cause i am an anxious non-confident person and wrote and rewrote this one like 10 times i think. I've been going through a pretty deep depression and have no self esteem and rlly wanted to do this one justice. So i hope you enjoy!
There was a soft rumbling of thunder outside. Jamie rushed in the front door, shaking his hair back and forth to get the wet rain off of it. It was the off-season, which meant no day training, but Roy still came by at 4am and again at 5pm for a run and workout. They'd cut their training short today because of the rain. It was one day off, Roy figured they could both use the break.
Jamie slipped off his shoes and padded back upstairs, excited to slip back into the warm bed with you. When he opened the door, his heart melted at the sight. There you were, curled up in bed with his pillow cuddled tightly to your chest. Your nose was shoved right into the pillowcase, getting as much of Jamie's scent as possible.
He smiled, softly, tiptoeing over to the side of the bed,and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He wanted to get in right now, but you would kill him if he got in with his rain wet clothes on.
He rushed through a quick shower before throwing his boxers on. You were still fast asleep, holding on tightly to his pillow. It was so sweet he could die. Instead, he carefully untangled your limbs from the pillow and let you rest your head on his chest instead. Your body immediately recognized his warmth and wrapped themselves around him tightly.
"Jamie? You're home?" You're sleep heavy voice spoke up.
"Hi, love," Jamie cooed, pushing your hair off your face. "Grandad couldn't handle the rain."
"Was afraid you were gone forever," you murmured, not quite awake.
Jamie frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Always afraid you won't come back," you answered, before falling right back into your deep sleep.
While you snuggled into closer to him, Jamie felt himself struck by what you said. Did you really mean that? You weren't sure if he'd come back? He held you tighter, kissing the top of your head.
He did fall asleep eventually, after holding on to you for as long as he could before drifting off. What woke him was your lips on his face, kissing his jaw then his cheek, getting him awake enough to meet you as you reached his lips.
"Morning, Jay," you greeted, smiling as he opened his eyes.
"Morning, Beautiful," he grumbled, pulling you back down to his lips. It wasn't often that you could wake up together. These sacred moments in the morning waking up to a lazy kiss, they were cherished by Jamie. When you pulled back he kept his hand on your cheek, skimming his fingers over your cheek.
"Why are you afraid I won't come back?"
He didn't want to ruin the moment. But looking at you in this moment, he couldn't imagine ever wanting to leave you. He didn't want you to live in fear of him living.
"What?" you pulled away from him.
"When I came back this morning," he explained, sitting up in the bed. "You said you were afraid I wouldn't come back. "
He watched your face as your processed what he said. "I was... I was probably dreaming I have no idea what you're talking about."
You sat up as well, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Jamie followed, sitting behind you. He brought his hands to your shoulders, digging his thumbs into your back.
"But it's true, isn't it?" he asked, softly, kissing your neck where it met your shoulder.
"Please, talk to me," he insisted, pulling you so you were facing him on the bed.
You wouldn't meet his eyes. You stared straight down at the bed sheets, tugging at a loose string. He pushed your chin up to meet his eyes. He saw the sparkle of unshed tears and it broke his heart.
"You could just- fuck- you could do so much better than me." You voice broke as you spoke. "And I know that you've dated models and athletes and, jesus, I'm fucking... I'm nothing."
"(Y/N), what are you-"
"I'm not skinny and fit, I sit in here all day waiting for motivation to do something worthwhile. And you're out there, being fantastic, and amazing, and everytime you leave I'm just waiting for you to realize that. Or meet someone else who's better and just... never come back."
Jamie genuinely felt speechless. He couldn't remember the last time he'd even looked at anyone else the way he looked at you. How could you... how did you not see.
"You think I'm going to leave you?" He really just needed to confirm.
"Jamie, don't make fun of me."
"No, no, no, I'm not, I'm just," he let out a laugh. "I just need to make sure I know what you're saying." You shrugged, wiping at your nose. "Oh, babe, c'mere."
He pulled you into his chest. You clung onto him, letting his arms pull you into his lap. He was so strong and solid. You rested your head on his chest as he pulled your legs across his thighs.
"I'm not leaving you, ever," Jamie whispered, resting his temple on your head. "I can't leave you." You closed your eyes, kissing his chest. "I love you so much. You're all I want. All I need. And if I need to say that to you everyday to remind you I will."
You held him tightered, your arms tight around his waist as he collected you and laid back against the leopard print headrest.
"Please believe me," he said so quietly. Like he was begging, pleading with you to feel the depth of his love for you. "Please."
You nodded minutely. And maybe you were just pleasing him. But from that moment on he'd make it his goal to make sure you knew just how much he loved you. Make sure that when he left, he'd always find his way back home.
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sp1resong · 3 months
hi guysss :3 guess who wrote a song. & it's not even a cover this time i just made it
in summary: main character has realized theyre not actually romantically attracted to their partner, but are afraid to break it off for fear of ruining their friendship
[lyrics under the cut!]
Guinevere, my dear, i ought to love you like the movies but Guinevere, my dear, that's not how this story goes Guinevere, my dear, i wish i could tell you i am sorry oh, Guinevere, my dear, i'm just scared to let you know
Guinevere, my dear, i love you, oh, i promise but, Guinevere, my dear, no faster beats beats my heart Guinevere, my dear, i'm not certain that i want this Guinevere, my dear, it's tearing me apart
Guinevere, my dear, you wrap your arms around me Guinevere, my dear, please find a better man Guinevere, my dear, i can't love you the way you need Guinevere, my dear, i just want to hold your hand
Guinevere, my dear, see, i've known you for so long Guinevere, my dear, for years we have been friends Guinevere, my dear, i feel there's something wrong oh, Guinevere, my dear, i don't want this to end
Guinevere, my dear, i ought to love you like the movies but Guinevere, my dear, that's not how this story goes Guinevere, my dear, i wish i could tell you i am sorry oh, Guinevere, i guess i'm just scared to let you go
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avatar-anna · 1 year
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pausing our regularly scheduled program with a luke hemmings blurb bc i love him and his solo music and i'm sad i couldn't go to any of his shows 😔 i'll get back to harry soon, but i'll take inspo wherever i can rn. enjoy!
"The next one we're gonna play for you is one of the most vulnerable songs I've ever written," Luke said, mouth pressed up against the microphone. The shimmer you helped spread over the lids of his eyes practically glowed under the blue lights that lit the stage. You thought he looked ethereal, the very embodiment of the music he was performing tonight.
"When I was putting together the final tracklist for this album," Luke continued, "I was hesitant to add this song because I was afraid that it was too vulnerable, but I was convinced that it was worth sharing, that the emotions and experiences behind this song would reach those who needed to hear it the most.
"The person who convinced me, and played a crucial part of making this record, is here tonight, and to them, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for believing in me when I couldn't and making me brave enough to truly face my demons. You pulled me out of the deep end when it felt like I was drowning, and I would be a completely different person than I am today without you. I love you. My heart and soul is yours to keep."
Cheers were heard throughout the venue as the opening chords began. As Luke started to sing, you were thankful that you decided to watch the concert from backstage, unable to keep tears from welling in your eyes.
"Cut like diamonds and sink like stones, starve myself 'til I'm skin and bone, I'm so much older than I ever thought I would be."
He said that often. My heart and soul is yours to keep. Yours to keep safe, was what he meant. It had taken him a long time to open up to you and trust your ability to be a good partner, so him saying that his heart was yours was huge. He trusted you that much not to break his heart, to never let him sink back into old habits and bitter thoughts. That level of trust meant everything to you.
In his little speech, Luke thanked you for being the one to convince him to release the song, which was true in a way. He'd been conflicted about the song at first, not ready to share such a dark period of his life so publicly. The song had originally been just a way to express himself, to put everything he'd been through on paper without ever letting it see the light of day.
Luke had shared what the song was about, had opened up to you just what had made him feel that way in the past—toxic relationships, poor decisions that led to even worse habits, hurting the people closest to him, all of his mistakes. He didn't hide any of it from you, and you took all of those misgivings, all of those past mistakes, and showed him that you loved him anyway.
"How far is far? Are we too deep in? How dark is dark? I need to see it."
It wasn't easy at first. When you met, Luke wasn't in a place where he could give himself to anyone emotionally. He believed that he was too damaged to be loved the way he deserved and that he was better off being alone and unhurt than trying to fall in love again and risk being completely ruined by someone he thought he could trust. He had been more closed off than anyone you'd ever met, but all of it just made you want to show him what love without conditions looked like. And he couldn't fathom why. Luke was never rude to you about it. He never snapped at you or pushed you away or treated you badly to make a point, he just truly believed that he wasn't worth your time.
You were at his house, hanging out as friends. Only this time you surprised him by bringing him flowers.
Luke had been completely dumbfounded, unsure of your intentions. You told him it was just to brighten up his home a little, and because you liked doing nice things for the people you cared about. He didn't question you much further, but the rest of the time you were together, you caught him staring at the bouquet that stood in the vase you'd placed them in. His gaze had been wary and apprehensive each time, and you finally told him the truth.
"I want to take you on a date," you said simply.
Luke seemed surprised, which led to a conversation that was perhaps a step below an argument, but only because you calmly listened to Luke and evaded his tactics to push you away with ease.
"I—I don't deserve you," he finally said, but his voice was heavy with emotion, like he desperately didn't want it to be true.
"Who decides what we do and don't deserve, Luke?" you said to him, resting your hand over his and rubbing your thumb over his knuckles gently. To your surprise, he didn't pull away.
"I'm not good enough for you," he amended.
With a close-lipped smile, you leaned over from your spot on his couch and placed your thumb between his brows, smoothing the furrow there. "I think you think you're a worse person than you are."
You kissed his brow, your touch just enough for him to feel your lips brush his skin. When you pulled back, you tapped his nose with your knuckle. "I won't push you, and I won't try to fix you," you said, because the truth was, you didn't believe he needed fixing. But you knew you weren't going to be able to convince him of that. Not now, anyway. "But I will tell you this: you are a remarkable person, and when you're ready, I'd love to love you one day."
"I'm on my way out, losing the dream. I feel it crash down, down on me. Caught in the madness, holding on me. Is this the way it will always be?"
It took some time, but Luke eventually believed what you did from the day you met him. You were there to see him through the thick of it, holding his hand when he needed you to and giving him space when he asked. He'd gone off to write for a little while, and when he came back, you could practically see the weight lift from his shoulders. It was as if he'd left his biggest demons at the cabin he'd been staying in.
And now he was at his own solo concert performing the songs that held the deepest secrets of his heart. Luke sang each word with passion and pride, the kind that came from knowing that he'd overcome the darkness that had held him for so long. He wasn't drowning anymore, but he sang his songs so that his fans could see that it was possible to be in a dark place and come out of it.
The song faded to its end, and Luke bowed before the crowd as they cheered. He held his hands together in front of his face, the appreciation written in his features abundantly clear. You watched him survey the crowd with so much pride you thought you were going to burst, but you ended up just shedding a couple more tears instead.
While fans were still cheering and his band was playing chords that would lead into the next song, Luke jogged to the side of the stage where you were standing. You hadn't expected him to come over to you, but when you saw his face, you knew what he needed.
Your arms opened for him just in time as he wrapped himself around you. He held onto you tight, his face buried in your hair as he lifted you off the ground. You held on just as fiercely, hoping it would sufficiently express just how much you loved him.
Time stopped as Luke held you in his arms. He had a whole crowd waiting for him to sing the next song, but neither of you seemed worried about getting him back onstage. When he finally set you back down, you kissed his cheek a couple times before kissing him properly, your hands on either side of his face.
"Okay, okay, no more of that," you said, when he kept trying to follow your lips as you pulled away from him, wanting just one more kiss. "There'll be plenty of time for that later. Now go. Everyone's waiting for you."
Luke began to turn like he was going to do just as you said, but before he walked away, he spun on his heel and caught you in one last kiss. Satisfied by your tinged cheeks, he grinned and kissed your cheek. "Mean the world to me, darlin.'"
Hearing him say that made you melt every single time, and he knew that. Shoving his shoulder playfully toward the stage, you said, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Now go be a rockstar, will you? You're keeping everyone waiting. Myself included."
Luke finally turned around for real and did just that.
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MobBoss!Natasha x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, dub con, daddy kink, dom!Nat, implied age gap, dumbification, orgasm denial
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors!
Word count: 1.2k
Authors note: Part 2 of Yes miss Romanoff coming soon I promise ;)
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The Room I was held captive in was cold and wet, you could hear water dripping down somewhere in it. My vision was completely blacked out due to the blindfold that was placed over my eyes. I couldn't scream the piece of fabric in my mouth was preventing me from doing it. My arms started to hurt by how long they've been tied behind my back. Even my legs were bound to the legs of the chair. Leaving me completely spread open, at my kidnapper’s mercy. I knew I was here because of my father he had a lot of enemies. Maybe I was held here to get money for him, at least that's what I hoped for.
The painful quietness was interrupted by a door swinging open followed by loud footsteps and a few comments in Russian. I wanted to scream and cry I was just that scared. The men around me were suddenly quiet all by a feminine voice. "Silence, I want to talk to our little guest here" I could hear her grin in her voice. She stepped closer to me lifting my blind fold her piercing green eyes gazing coldly in my watery ones. She revealed herself to me letting me see her beauty. She looked older, not old but older maybe 40 but no day older. I was mesmerised by her beauty. She gently caressed my cheek whipping the single tear that from my eye.
"Hey hey, look at me I'm Natasha don't be afraid Мой маленький зайчик" I wanted to believe her I truly did however when I saw all the torture devices around the room my last hope faded to get out of there alive. "Now let's get to business shall we" She walked behind me placing her warm hands on my cold shoulders sending shivers down my spine. "You have something I want, зайчик" she whispered in my ear "That being the location of the hard drive" She takes the piece of fabric out my mouth.
"I- I don't know what you m-mean" I said between sobs. Her hands tightened around my shoulders make me hiss in pain. "Don't play dumb now принцесса. I know that you hid it" She signalled her men to leave to room leaving us completely alone. "Normally I would have beat up and tortured by now" She signed stroking trough her red hair "But you are way too cute for me to hurt so I've come up with an better solution" she came closer to me again purposely swinging her hips "I'll give you some much pleasure that you will do anything for your daddy" she whispered in my ear making me release a strangled groan "The best part you would probably even enjoy it, slut" She forcefully kissed me while holding my head in place.
She bit my lip hard enough to draw blood making me hiss before liking over the wound growing at the taste. Natasha’s kisses trail down my neck biting and sucking dark purple marks on my abused skin. I tried to keep it together I really did but it was just too pleasurable. I try to not give her the satisfaction of hearing my moans but when she groped my breaths with her strong hands, I couldn't help it. I licked over my sweet skin tasting me before ripping my blouse followed by her cutting my bra off making it fall the ground.
"You are such a beautiful angle" she said while looking at my exposed boobs and harden nipples. "To bad I'll have to ruin you" her words make me let out a whorish moan. She smirked seemingly satisfied with my answer before kissing my chest. Taking one nibble in her mouth while playing with the other. I thew by head back my body arching in her touch I swear I could cum from this alone. "Daddy please" if I would be honest, I didn't know what I was begging for. She chuckled before biting down on my nibble "You like this right?" I didn't answer being distracted by crying out in a mix of pain and pleasure earning me a slap from her "Answer me you slut or are you too stupid to do that too?"
"I like it daddy please I need you" I cry out in neediness my brain foggy from the pleasure I was gifted for her. "Already so dumb for her daddy nothing but Daddy's little fucktoy right?" I nodded hysterically she seemed pleased with my answer moving to the next nibble. I could already feel how my slick was puddling under me. This was worse than normal torture I was so frustrated by her I didn't know what to do but moan like a bitch in heat. She finally trailed her kisses down my body slicing my skirt and panties from my body, but I didn't care I just wanted my long-awaited pleasure.
She gently almost loving kissed my pubic bone before Natasha untied my legs before grabbing a small device from the table next to her placing it on my clit before I could register what happened she forcefully closed my legs quickly tying my legs together. Slowly I started to register what happened, she pulled out her phone and the device came to live. That Bitch using a bullet vibrator I thought whimpering as the pleasure increased. "Do you like my little helper зайчик“ She smirked sitting down in front of me. I shook my head making her let out a laugh. I was close to cuming already she could clearly see it. Natasha saw that too by the way my thighs twitched. She quickly turned the vibrator down ruining my orgasm. "Only obedient girl get to cum зайчик. So do you want to tell me something or are you too dumbed down?" I couldn't betray my family that easily, so I shook my head.
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"It's been an hour" she announced looking at me without mercy "I wouldn't have thought you would manage to be so stubborn" I looked at her with a pleading look as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Don't look at me you know what you have to do to cum" She had ruined me, yet another orgasm and I couldn't take it any longer "2247 Hoffman Avenue" I say between sobs "please let me cum" She turned the vibrator up again letting me realise shortly after. She had settled between my legs again cutting the rope and taking away the torture device. I took deep breaths trying to regain my mind, but everything was so foggy there was only her, Natasha nothing else.
Just as I thought everything was over, she dived in my pussy again taking bold licks over my pussy. Eating like it's her last meal. She kisses my abused clit before gently biting down making me scream out in pleasure. It only took a few months before I came again with a moan of her name. She fully freed me, helping me stand upright. I could only stand with her strong arms around me "You are mine now do you understand Y/N?" She whispered in my ear before placing her drench coat around me hiding my lack of clothing from the world "I understand Natty."
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 01
"I'm not like trying to stalk you." "That's a relief.."
Clyde couldn't help but stare at her. She was like a ghost he ran into every weekend that hid behind a camera, snapping shots of the bands and crowds but never actually let herself be distracted with those around her. She was absolutely enjoying herself and the music but it was like she was in another world. He's been caught staring on more than one occasion but she never seems to want to hang around long enough to actually talk to anyone.
"Dude you've got to give it up. Either talk to the girl or move on. The whole creeping thing is starting to make the bartender nervous." Johnny clapped a hand on Clyde's shoulder startling him out of his gaze.
"What do you mean? I'm not even doing anything. The bartender just has it out for me because they lifted the ban from last time." Clyde bragged.
"Well it's still gives off serial killer vibes so chill." Clyde blew off Johnny's concern and turned back to where y/n was standing only to be disappointed she had disappeared.
Maybe Johnny was right. It was time to give up the cute ghost girl with the camera. He's been lucky she hasn't tried to kick his ass for the amount of times she's met his gaze with a concerned look. He should consider that a win.
He felt around in his pocket and walked towards the door to have a smoke, making sure to give the grumpy bartender and snarky wave before exiting. He took a drag from the cigarette and turned to walk to the smoking section when he noticed the girl.
Clyde immediately started choking embarrassingly loud causing a stir in all those who were also standing outside waiting for a ride or having a smoke. He leaned on one of the parking meters until a bottle of water was shoved into his face. He turned to see who was offering the relief, and was surprised to see she actually approached him.
"I don't think you're supposed to inhale that hard..." Clyde chugged the water to catch his breath before chuckling and gaining his composure.
"I will make a note of that." y/n nodded at him before turning away.
"Um thanks by the way. I'm Clyde." He gave a deflated wave.
"Y/n..." Clyde had finally gotten a name to put with the face.
"I guess this was kind of fate. Apparently I've been creeping everyone out by staring at you." Y/n's face froze in confusion.
"Is this the part that's not supposed to be creepy?" Y/n asks taking a step back.
"After saying it outloud, it sounds so much more creepy than I predicted. I promise I'm not some serial killer. I'm not trying to stalk you." Clyde explained himself.
"That's a relief. I was kind of hoping to try out my taser at some point but I guess I'll have to wait." Y/n wasn't afraid of him and it made Clyde smile.
"I mean I'm down to give it a shot but if I'm taking a jolt you'll have to owe me one." Y/n laughed. God she had a sexy laugh Clyde thought.
"Owe you one? Didn't I just save you from trying to suck the soul out of a cigarette?" She reminded making Clyde put his hands up in defeat.
"Semantics." Clyde smirked.
"So if you aren't trying to wear my skin as a meat suit, why do you keep gawking at me? I mean you're kind of ruining my whole blending in aesthetic." She gestured to the plain clothes she was wearing and Clyde shrugged.
"I don't know, you just have a really familiar face. I can't figure out where I've seen you before." Clyde explained.
"Well I spend most weekends photographing the bands at these clubs-" Clyde cut her off.
"No that's not it. I can't put my finger on it but when I first saw you at a show, I could have sworn I knew who you were. Now it's just kind of driving me crazy." Clyde raked his hand through his hair.
"Do you watch porn?" Y/n asked with a serious look making Clyde's eyebrows practically disappear into his hairline.
"W-ha" Clyde was speechless.
"I'm fucking with you! I promise you haven't seen me in your sweaty dreams." She gave him a shove and he felt the back of his neck warm up.
"CLYDE! We're out!" Johnny and the rest of the band stumbled out of the club, noticing the mystery girl standing in front of him.
"Oh wow you sacked up." Johnny gripped his shoulder and Clyde shook his head.
"Yeah we were just talking about her having my babies, you're kind of blowing the mood here." Clyde tried to get Johnny to give him some space but he swung his arm around Clyde's neck.
"My boy is a sweetheart in the streets and a freak in the sheets. You're in for the night of your life, just talk into his good ear!" Clyde shoved Johnny off of him laughing.
"Wow that's a helluva pitch." Y/n laughed.
"Yeah he's stupider than he looks. Did you need a ride or-" Clyde offered.
"As much as I'd love to be a statistic and get into a strangers van, I still have a lot of things to shoot before I call it a night." Clyde smiled a bit disappointed but amused by her humor.
"Ah but we aren't strangers anymore. Some might even call us best friends at this point." Clyde joked. Y/n laughed before pulling out her phone and holding her hand up.
"Hey Baby...yeah no I'm...I'm sorry I got held up...okay don't be an asshole. I'll be there soon." Clyde listened to y/n call someone baby on the phone and felt kicked in the gut.
"Clyde it's been strangely enjoyable meeting you but I've got to go. Try not to swallow anymore cigarettes or get arrested before I see you again." Y/n zipped her bag up and gave his arm a squeeze.
"No promises." Clyde called out to her as she jogged in the opposite direction. He watched her hop into a car with a guy behind the wheel and a girl in the backseat, giving him a small wave. Clyde didn't want his disappointment to show but a series of heckling from the peanut gallery leaning against his van brought him back to reality.
"You kind blew that one man." Johnny laughed.
"Did I? Or could it have been she just wasn't ready for all this?" Clyde waved his hands down his torso making the boys howl. Clyde jumped into the van and silently hoped he would see y/n again, if only just to stare at her a little longer.
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manofbeskar · 2 months
mild spoilers below for the last few chapters of 'bang the doldrums' under the cut (in case anyone here wants to read it but hasn't lol) just talking about scenes/ideas i had but didn't end up using, and extra details that didn't get included in the story
i didn't end up having time (or opportunity) to put this in 'bang the doldrums' but i had an idea for the story that at one point shanks would get a sore throat (from sucking a certain someone off 💀 ) but can't sing during a concert, so mihawk has to take over singing for a night. he ends up changing "i" to "you" (and vice versa) for some songs — essentially indirectly letting shanks know he has always known the songs are about him. one example is him singing 'hum hallelujah' as "you could write it better than i ever felt it (...) just off the key of reason you thought you loved me, it was just how i looked in the light"
didn't end up having time to put this in—mainly with how the last few chapters were paced and what i needed to get done during those, and where shanks and mihawk are emotionally, it just wasn't feasible to put this scene in... but i thought i could share the idea with you guys anyway.
another idea i had but couldn't use was one piece meeting the members of corazon at the award show—because shanks and mihawk confess their love to each other then, there just wasn't time to put it in. i felt it would ruin the pacing especially since it would have contributed absolutely nothing to the plot by that point and i try to make sure everything plays a part in a story
i ultimately didn't get to one piece's third album. the tracklist would have been as follows:
the (after) life of the party
the kids aren't alright
fake out
favorite record
7 minutes in heaven (atavan heaven)
miss missing you
hold me like a grudge
flu game
jet pack blues — would have been written by mihawk
save rock and roll (ft. roger)
i've got a dark alley and a bad idea
most of these managed to appear anyway as loose lyrics, works in progress or unreleased songs. the story just didn't go long enough to fully use the album... and some of the songs probably would be swapped out for others
another idea that didn't get to see the light of day was shanks would've made mihawk record his own version of iconic songs like 'hum hallelujah'. just couldn't find the right place to put this in
another abandoned idea for the last chapter was that mihawk would have written 'the (shipped) gold standard' to tell shanks that one line "i want to scream 'i love you' from the top of my lungs but i'm afraid that someone else will hear me". he would have surprised shanks with it at a show (the same way shanks surprised him with 'the (after) life of the party' at vivi's party), and then shanks would have confessed his feelings after the show. ultimately didn't work out
i wanted a flashback of rayleigh asking mihawk to "take care of shanks's heart, he often chooses to ignore what he wants" right before one piece left for their first two-week tour. couldn't find a good place to put it in, so roger just brings it up in conversation when he and ray see the mihawk x hancock article
mihawk's absence was going to be longer, and last 6 months. didn't think he needed to be away that long, and that shanks can't wait half a year before telling mihawk he hopes he'll come home
originally, there would be no replacement drummer after buggy leaves the band (beck would help record drums, but drums would be played as part of electronic instrumentals during live shows). didn't think this was feasible long-term, and put yasopp in to replace him. i felt like shanks letting buggy go off on his own and finding a replacement so the band can move forward was a step in the right direction for shanks to accept some things don't work out the way he wants
some small details i had but didn't end up using as they had 0 significance to the plot:
uta, when she's older, would have signed with elegia, a record label
uta's touring band consisting of the east blue roster of the straw hats were just called UTA
hancock's band amazon lily is managed by shakky
but mihawk continues attending kendo classes once a week during college, while shanks ended up quitting to focus on school. this one was vaguely implied in one line when shanks remembers how mihawk still attended kendo when they were in college, but doesn't say "we" to hint he quit
the original birthday road trip mihawk was attempting to recreate in their big talk chapter was their 20th. a few months after it, shanks finished 'hum hallelujah', and then started writing 'immortals'
luffy is still garp's grandson. because garp works in the music industry, luffy meets many musicians and learns how to play the drums so he could tour with uta. luffy got obsessed with one piece and told garp about the band, so garp was very open to meeting and accommodating one piece. i didn't think this connection was very important in the end, so didn't bother including it
implied, but shanks and mihawk's only rules for stage gay was no actual crotch touching (grinding did not count) and no moves that would interfere with their guitar-playing
the band's social media handles are RedHairedShanks, OPMihawk, and BuggyDrums
here are all the songs shanks wrote when mihawk came home:
grand theft autumn / where is your boy
fourth of july
(coffee's for closers)
the kids aren't alright
miss missing you
all appearing musicians and real-life musicians's discographies they used:
one piece: fall out boy (duh)
amazon lily: marina / marina and the diamonds
corazon: surf curse
buggy's delivery: crawlers
uta: ado (of course)
perona: tying tiffany
oro jackson: rolling stones
franky was undecided
anyway that's about all of it! thought it could be fun to put them all down somewhere
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red-riding-wood · 1 year
Hi! :) first of all, I love your blog and your writing is amazing!
I'm obsessed with peaky blinders for years now and i would love to request a fic about arthur shelby (cause he's my comfort character :') is it possible that you write a fic/imagine about him and a younger female reader (in her early 20s) that had a traumatic past and as a result resorted to unhealthy coping mechanisms (hurting herself, drinking,.etc.). Arthur and her are dating, he gets more and more protective over her cause he wants to keep her safe and as they get more intimate with each other (smut) and he notices her scars etc., he tries to make her feel more comfortable by praising her. So a mix of feelings, smut and a slight power dynamic (arthur is more dominant/caring and the reader is a little insecure). I hope that makes sense!
Also, if the topics make you uncomfortable/you don't like to write about said things, i can totally understand that you turn my request down. :)
~sending you positive vibes ! ♡
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moodboard by @shelbydelrey
Arthur Shelby x F!Reader I Peaky Blinders
Warnings: smut, mentions of self harm and scars, allusions to past sexual assault, angst, reader has body issues
WC: 2415
AN: Thank you so much for the request and the support, anon! It means so much to me and I'm SO sorry it's taken me so long to get this written. You've been in my thoughts a lot and I hope you're doing well! Actually was holding onto this one for a little while, too, because I didn't think the smut was very good, but I'll give myself a break because it's been a while since I've written anything spicy. Also, apologies for cutting it short; it was getting to be quite a long oneshot. I hope you like it!
“He wasn’t even looking at me, Arthur.”
“Nah, Y/N, you didn’t see him. I’ve seen enough bad men in my life to know he was up to no good,” Arthur disputed, aggressively hanging his overcoat on the rack.
You sighed, and closed the gap between the two of you; your hands went to the stubble of his cheek, and you sought his gaze with your own.
“Arthur,” you said, softer this time. “Just because I…” Your words hitched in your throat, your tongue bound from speaking of the assault as if admitting it would make it real. “… just because I’ve been hurt in the past doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again.”
Under your touch, he settled, if only slightly; it had been proven, time and time again, to tame the beast inside him. But his chest still heaved, and with a gentle finger you wiped a bead of sweat from his brow.
“Arthur,” you said again to ground him, as his gaze began to wander anywhere but your face. “I hate seeing you like this, picking fights everywhere you go.”
Sometimes you wondered if you had made him worse. Ever since you’d started dating the eldest Shelby brother, he’d found more and more excuses to punch or bludgeon whoever looked at you the wrong way. Though your touch may have soothed him, your existence only stoked the fire that burned bright in his damaged soul.
“What am I supposed to do, then, eh?” he said, exhaustion working its way past the thorns of his tone, and his forehead brushed yours, unruly locks of brown hair tickling your lashes. 
You inhaled his scent – the sharp spice of his aftershave, the sweat of his ire, the musk that was so uniquely him that you couldn’t help but feel at home each time you breathed it. Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you cocked your head at him slightly as an idea formed in your head.
“Maybe some kind of…” You drew a finger from his jaw down the bare of his chest before it disappeared beneath his shirt, and you swallowed as your heart beat faster against your ribs. “… physical therapy?”
Winter-blue eyes clouded in lust, and his Adam’s apple bobbed along his throat. Despite seeing him for a while, the two of you hadn’t gone all the way yet, but it wasn’t that you didn’t want him, or didn’t trust him. You had always been afraid that, when he saw the scars on your flesh, he would discard you for another young woman who didn’t ruin her body.
Ruined, indeed, you thought, with a bitter jolt in your chest. Your eyes lowered from his winter blues so that he wouldn’t see the self-hatred in your eyes.
“Now, don’t tempt me with that, love.” His breath fanned the hair from the side of your face as his hand slid from your shoulder down to your hip. “That somethin’ you want?”
Repressing your anxiety and your sullenness, you drew closer to him, pressing yourself against the heat of his body as you tried to formulate a verbal response.
“Hm?” His fingers tipped your chin back up to look him in his eye.
You nodded, biting your lip as your hips connected and you felt him hard beneath his trousers.
“Yes,” you breathed.      
“C’mere, then,” he growled playfully, his hands scooping your legs up. You wrapped your thighs around his waist for balance, and you chimed out a giggle as he carried you to his bedroom.
Though you knew he tried to be gentle, he practically threw you down on the bed, but you didn’t mind. A puff of air escaped your lungs and you sank into the mattress, your head spinning and heat pooling between your legs. Your pointed toe ran down his waist, not wanting to part from him even for the seconds it took for him to shed his shirt. You tried to prop yourself on your elbows to get a better look, biting your lip. A grin stretched apart his lips as he looked down at you, undoing his belt. And he said, with that gravel in his tone that you’d come to adore,
“Going somewhere, love?”     
You shook your head, but you managed to sit up, your breaths cast across his navel as you looked up at him from bright, playful eyes. “Not without you.”
Your fingers ghosted over his, knuckles rough against the softness of your palms. They stilled, and you pried them from his belt, your index slipping between the hem of his trousers and the heat of his flesh, your heart skipping a beat when you felt the coarseness of his hair.
Arthur’s breath hitched in his chest as you rose, on your knees, to place kisses along the ridge of his collarbone, tasting his sweat on the tongue you dragged down his clavicle to the center of his chest. An animalistic groan rumbled beneath your lips as you cast his belt aside and tugged the buttons from his trousers.
“Seems I’m not the only eager one,” he rasped as his fingers wove through your hair, seeming to light a trail of fire from the nape of your neck to your scalp and sending a shudder through every nerve of your body. For a brief moment, you stiffened, the sensation of his fingers tightening around your hair familiar to you in a way that had once been most vile but, in this moment, you were most ashamed to find thrilling. You reminded yourself that he wasn’t pulling as hard, and that at any moment if you asked him to stop he would. You reminded yourself that this time it was Arthur. And it was okay for it to feel good.
Heat suffused your cheeks at his words, and you cast a small moan just above the hem of his trousers, having worked your way down in loving kisses. His hand loosed from your hair, and his other came around to tilt your chin back up to look at him, hair flopping in front of those lustful eyes and the light of the chandelier framing his head in a halo, like he was some kind of fallen angel.
“As I much as I want you to continue…” he said, voice coming out ragged. “… I want to see what we’re dealing with.” His fingers ran along the outline of your breasts beneath your shirt, another shiver passing through you as his thumb brushed a pert nipple.
“I want to see you, love,” he said, thumb dragging down to the lip of your breast, your heart rate increasing the further he explored. You wanted to sit still, and be a good girl for him, but the pounding in your ears and the clamminess of your palms just wouldn’t subside.
You shuddered this time out of fear, that jolted through your veins, intense and cold and criminally contrast to the heat that inundated every other fibre of your being. But you hid it well. How could he had known he’d just traced over a scar you’d never shown him?
Your stomach twisted as you wondered what he would think when he saw them… all of them. And while you wanted nothing more than to be laid bare before the man who owned your heart and your soul and who deserved your body, and you wanted to give him it, you also couldn’t help but wonder, what if he thought you were ugly? What if he thought you were ruined?
And in that moment you scorned yourself for ever laying a blade to your thighs, or your stomach. You hated yourself for ruining something you could never have back, something that would’ve been beautiful had you not squandered it, time and time again.
“Arthur.” Your lip trembled, and your hands were shaking as they left the hem of his trousers. You panted out your breaths, your head even lighter than it had been before. And on your lips you could taste the words you yearned to say, to tell him why you ached so badly to do this but feared so cruelly unveiling a gruesome body that he did not deserve.
But all that came out was, “I’m scared.”
Something in his eyes softened at that, and any trace of his grin vanished as his weight sank into the mattress beside you. His hands were on you, but not in a frightening way; one ran across your trembling back and the other rested reassuringly on your thigh. You felt yourself leaning into his touch, as if it would vanquish any trace of fear or doubt that made your body tremble with such pitifulness. As if it would cleanse your impurities and make you whole again.
Arthur’s words seemed to catch on his tongue, and a flicker of his own uncertainty darted through those winter blues. “You’re not… scared of me, are you?”
“No, Arthur.” You cupped his cheek in your hand now, forcing his gaze to yours, even if yours was brimming with unshed tears. “I want you. And I trust you. I just…”
I’m ruined.
The words froze before they could even reach the back of your tongue, instead strangling your throat, your eyes bugging wide as you swallowed against them. All the while, Arthur’s gaze dragged solicitously across your face, and this time, he was the one to press his forehead to yours, his fingers tangling gently in your hair and rubbing soothingly along your back.
“Y/N,” he said, his heavy breath tangling with your short, frenzied ones. “So long as you ain’t scared of me, you don’t have to be scared of anything. I’m going to take care of you.” His lips dragged to your neck, placing a gentle yet firm kiss along your clavicle. “You don’t have to worry about a thing, love. Just let me take care of you.”
A soft moan stirred from your lips as you felt the heat of his lips on your neck, and your heart pounded in your core. Physically, you had never felt so conflicted, but his words, they were all you needed to hear. You trusted him, and that was what was important. Whether or not you deserved to be taken care of, that was a whole other demon, but Arthur Shelby had a way of making you want to submit to his every whim, to let him do with you as he pleased. This was how you would take care of him.
“Is that a ‘yes’?” he said.
You licked your lips, and said, “Yes.”
“Good girl.”
His hands lowered you to the bed, his stronger, sinewy frame looming over you and making your heart pound wilder in your chest. You licked your lips again, mouth dry, and swallowed back your fear as you felt his fingers begin to undo your blouse, revealing more of you until you were certain he could see what you had so desperately tried to hide. But his kisses were trailing between your breasts, and you helped shrug the garment off as he was absorbed in his work. Had your heart not been beating so fast and had your stomach not been turning so much in fear of what he would soon discover, you would’ve enjoyed the attention a lot more.
And there it was. He hesitated, the bristle of his moustache lifting from your skin and a hot breath exhaling across the scar, still fresh, still burning from the other night.
Your heart practically stopped.
“Y/N…” he breathed, the stubble of his chin brushing your skin to indicate that those blue eyes were on you. You peered back at him reluctantly, expecting horror in those eyes.
And they were filled with adoration.
“Is this what you were scared about, love?” he murmured against your stomach.
“Yes.” Your breath came shattered from your chest, still not quite able to believe your eyes.
For a moment longer, he held your gaze, with a pity you weren’t sure you wanted, but a love that eased your frenzied heart. And then, saying nothing, his lips brushed the scar ever-so-gently, as if to pay it reverence, and though the wound stung, you didn’t care in the slightest.
He still wanted you.
Once he had spent time on the first scar, he let his lips trail all across your stomach, with a surprising tenderness, his fingers gripping your hips tightly but in such a way that felt as if you were safe within his touch. He laid kisses across older scars, that had been slashed across your stomach, and as his lips grazed the lowest, you rocked your hips against the bulge in his trousers, drawing a moan from him and casting it hot against your belly.
“Don’t stop,” you murmured. “Please don’t stop.”
“Y/N, you’re fucking perfect. Have I ever told you that?”
“No,” you laughed, a tear pricking your eye but your anxiety and your tension all dissipating in wake of the sensations that the heat of his lips and the firmness of his hands and the tickle of his moustache sent racing along your skin.
“Well, you’re fucking perfect,” he said, as he pulled your skirt from your waist, and you helped kick it off, your legs instinctively crossing over to shield the scars along your thighs.
He seemed to notice this, and cast you a reassuring look before prying your knees open with strong fingers, and saying, “I’m going to have my way with every bit of you, love. Gonna kiss you everywhere because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had in my bed.”
Your head rolled back into the sheets as he began kissing and running his hands along your inner thighs. Chapped only slightly, his lips were hot as hellfire but soft as heaven as they explored each scar in a way you never had. In a way that was loving rather than shameful.
“Arthur,” you moaned, bucking your hips impatiently as his lips fell in the crook of your thigh.
“What’s the matter, love?” he asked, coming up between your legs and cupping your cheek in his hand.
A streak of a playful grin pulled at your lips, and you whispered, “Fuck me.”
That devilish grin that you knew so well plastered itself across a handsome face, and as you felt him shift his trousers down, he murmured into your ear,
“Told you wouldn’t have to worry, love. Because if that wasn’t the plan for even a goddamn second…”
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TAGLIST: @eclecticwildflowers @emotionalcadaver @evita-shelby @minaethrym @shelbydelrey @zablife @midnightswithdearkatytspb @poisonedtruth
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
The Other Woman: Part 4
Ursa had set out a plate of Zuko's favorite cookies. He'd always known it was juvenile, but he'd always appreciated the thought. Today was different. Now the gesture just seemed infantilizing.
"I'm so happy to see you!" Ursa was saying. "The house feels so empty during the day without Ikem and Kiyi here." She paused and sighed sadly. "Did your sister tell you that all the universities she's considering are hours away from here?"
Zuko winced. He had been present the day that Katara encouraged his youngest sister to take going to college as an opportunity to expand her horizons, both academically and physically. He hadn't added much to the conversation, feeling a bit disloyal to his mother, but he also didn't have the heart to push her to stay closer to home, as he knew Ursa would've wanted. He couldn't after seeing how Kiyi's eyes lit up at the thought of spending time in Ba Sing Se or the Southern Water Tribe. In hindsight, he was glad he hadn't tried to reign in his sister's dreams.
"Mom," Zuko said taking a deep breath. "We need to talk." Ursa froze halfway through filling Zuko's coffee cup. She found a smile a moment later, the consummate hostess, even after all these years since her divorce from his father had taken her far away from the social elite.
"That sounds serious," she said lightly. "I hope it's nothing bad?" Zuko took a breath and silently went over the speech he'd been practicing for the last three days.
"It's about Katara," he said. Ursa's eyes widened, and two splotchy patches of red appeared on her cheeks.
"She's not pregnant, is she?" Ursa tried to keep her tone light, but there was something cold in her tone. Zuko realized with stunning certainty that she would not be happy to hear that Katara was pregnant.
"Mom-" Zuko sighed.
"You should insist on a paternity test," Ursa huffed, setting down the coffee pot and sweeping crumbs from the table, agitatedly. "Before you sign anything, you make sure you get a paternity test. Agni knows how many prominent young men have found themselves bound to supporting uppity little harlots for decades because they signed birth certificates before making sure the child was theirs." Zuko listened to his mother's rant in mounting horror. How had he not seen this hostility towards Katara for what it was? How had Katara taken so long to reach her breaking point?
"Mom, she's not pregnant," Zuko cut in before Ursa could get any further into her insinuations. Ursa visibly relaxed, which made Zuko dread saying what he had to say next. "She broke up with me."
"Oh!" Ursa, to her credit did try not to look too excited. "Well, I never thought she was the right fit for you, anyway. You'll move on in time, you'll see."
"That's just it, Mom," Zuko said as calmly as he could with his insides tumbling wildly inside of him. "Katara is the perfect woman for me. She's smart; she's kind; she's the most patient person I've ever met besides Uncle. She's so far out of my league, I was afraid to talk to her at first. Did you know that it took me almost a year to get the courage to ask her out?"
"Zuko-" Ursa blinked in surprise. She scrambled to find something to say. "I don't know why you would feel that way. You-you're a remarkable young man-"
"And she made sure to tell me that- to make me feel that every opportunity she got!" Zuko exclaimed. "She loved me! If I'm lucky, she still loves me! But I sat by and let her sit through levels of disrespect I wouldn't allow my coworkers to sit through! I ruined the best relationship I ever had because I was afraid of upsetting you!"
"Me!" Ursa gasped. "All I want- all I've ever wanted for you was the best!"
"Then why did you treat Katara so horribly?" Zuko demanded. "She was never anything but respectful to you! And she made me happy. What more could you possibly want from the woman I marry?"
"She isn't good enough for you!" Ursa insisted.
"Why?" Zuko slammed his hands on the table and stood, knocking his chair over "Why don't you think Katara is good enough for me, Mother?" His voice rang through the room. Ursa paled and sank into her chair.
"I feel dizzy," she gasped. Zuko rolled his eyes and got her a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
"All I want is a reason for why you don't like Katara," Zuko groaned.
"I don't like it when you yell," Ursa's voice quaked with unshed tears, and her hands shook as she opened the bottle. "It reminds me so much of your father." Zuko's jaw dropped at that.
"Are you seriously comparing me to him?"
"It's not that, my love," Ursa said hurriedly. "Not at all. It's just that when you were yelling, you reminded me of him. It-it took me back to..." She drew a shallow, shuddering breath.
"Fine, Mom," Zuko growled in frustration. "I won't yell. I just need to know what your problem is with Katara."
"She isn't good-"
"-good enough for me," Zuko interrupted. "So you've said. I want to know why, you think that. What specifically made you think that Katara isn't good enough for me? She's been kind and respectful to you, right?"
"She walked right out of here without saying anything to anyone the other night," Ursa reminded Zuko, defensively. "That's respectful?"
"She heard what you said about her," Zuko told her. "She heard what you said, and she heard me not say anything to you about it. That's why she left. She's always been respectful towards you, and Ikem. And Kiyi loves her. Uncle is furious at me for losing her! Even Azula thinks she's too good for me! Why are you the only one with a problem with her?"
"I'm-I'm sure she's a lovely girl," Ursa forced out. "But you, my son! You are going so many places. You have such a bright future ahead of you. Can you see her being the one to get you there? She is going to want her own career. She won't be there to support your ambitions. She'll put her own ahead of yours. Your children will end up being raised by strangers. Is that what you want?"
"I want her!" Zuko snapped. "I love Katara. And I-I know that I haven't done a good job of letting her know that- of letting you know that. I've wrecked everything with her for your feelings, Mom!"
"Are you blaming me for your break up?" Ursa sputtered indignantly.
"No!" Zuko paced the floor a few times, raking his hand through his hair. "I messed things up with her. I prioritized you over her."
"I'm your mother-"
"Yeah, and you abandoned me !" Zuko rounded on her hotly. "You abandoned me and Azula, and then you showed up ten years later with a new husband and child and wanted us to just play happy family. And, you know what? I was fine with that! I get why you left. I'm not blaming you for that. But Mom, I was an adult when you came back. I'm a grown man, and you still want me to be your little boy. I can't do that anymore. I'm ready for my own family! I want a family with Katara, but I made her take second place to you. I won't do that again. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me, but even if she doesn't, I'm not losing her for nothing.
"What are you talking about?" Ursa asked. Tears were streaming down her face and she had a napkin pressed to her mouth. Guilt lanced Zuko, but he shut his eyes and took a breath.
"I love you, Mom," he said. "But I can't make you the center of my world. I'll still come by to see you, but you can't claim my time for three nights a week anymore. No more last minute favors. No more begging me to come over to check for prowlers when you have a fully functional security system. No more speaking down about people I care about. I want you in my life, Mom. But not at the expense of everyone else."
"Zuko-" Ursa sobbed.
"This has to be the line." Zuko turned his eyes down to the table, with his fists clenched at his sides. "Katara was never a threat to you. I love you because you're my mom. I was hoping you two would get along. Did you know that she lost her mother as a child? I guess, I was hoping..." Zuko pinched his nose and let out a huff. "It doesn't matter what I was hoping. You have two choices now, Mom. Either you respect the fact that I'm a grown man with my own life- respect my time and space and my choice in who I want to spend my life with- or we can't be in each other's lives anymore."
"Zuko!" Usra looked as if she had been slapped in the face. She gaped up at her son in horror. Part of Zuko wanted to cave and apologize for hurting her feelings, but the larger part of him- the part that was still raw and hurting from losing the woman of his dreams- knew that this was for the best. He sighed and turned to leave.
"Good-bye, Mom."
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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slavghoul · 1 year
Slav! You've been to a lot of shows, do you have any advice for how early we should queue up for the show if we want to be in the front? ie how many hours before doors, in your experience?
I usually come at around 9. Sometimes there are plenty of people there already, sometimes just a few, sometimes none. It really depends on the place/country, so it's hard to say. The worst spot I had in the pit was the second row, so not bad by any standards.
If you plan on queueing for a long time, PLEASE drink water and eat something throughout the day!!! If possible something filling. No alcohol. It can get very hot inside the venue (or outside if it's summer) and if you're dehydrated and hungry, there's the risk you may faint and end up in the back. Having an energy gel/bar right before the show is a great booster, but make sure you can bring them inside cause not all venues allow food items.
Also, keep in mind that some people are selfish cunts. There are people who will do anything to get to the first row, they will push, they will shove, they will cut in line, or simply just run faster than you. Queueing etiquette is nice in theory, in practice people are very selfish. This isn't anything new - I've seen comments blaming new fans, which I think are greatly exaggerated. I think it's due to this weird old sentiment that Ghost fans are like a big family and it's all peace and love and good times, which always made me roll my eyes cause that's not really my experience neither now nor in the past, but whatever. Yes, vast majority of the people ARE cool and there to have a good time, but don't ever let your guard down cause there can be that *one* person out of a hundred that will ruin someone's day. It's dog-eat-dog world out there once the gates open. These are very big shows. So be aware of your surroundings, look out for yourselves and others too if possible, and if you see any shady behavior (pushing, fighting, drunk people, inappropriate touching) don't be afraid to let security know.
I realize all this sounds very doomy 💀 So I'd like to emphasise that what I described above is *not* the norm at every show (all my experiences have been mostly positive), but it *can* happen, therefore be cautious and make your safety and safety of others the priority!
Oh and bring earplugs! Seriously. The sound is a lot clearer, the bass doesn't hurt, and you're saving your ears. Tinnitus is no joke. Even cheap ones are better than none, but if you're going to a lot of shows it's worth splurging on something made specifically for concerts.
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aspd-culture · 7 hours
I guess this is a vent?
I don't like doing these things on my blog because what if I ruin my perfect little persona that I've built up for so long, lol.
Anyway.. no matter what I do, when I talk to my partner (they are heavily prosocial. Like.. heightened emotions and empathy, very charismatic and sensitive, SUPER aware of his enotions and everyone elses, too.) about symptoms and sometimes even just the way I see people in general the way that they react.. it worries me that he's scared of me.
I guess I can see why? I mean, I can't have my mother constantly telling me how bad of a person I am and how she's worried I'm going to do something horrible because of the way I act and not associate that with the way every other person see me. (Hurray for being conditioned to think every person is going to think I'm a bad person)
I know that my partner loves me, I know that he knows that I have ASPD and doesn't hold it against me, but I can't help being so livid at myself for scaring him.. for making him worry. They're such a sweet person that it's exhausting sometimes, but honestly, that helps me feel like he wouldn't lie to me. Sometimes I just wish he would. I wish he would tell me that he's not scared and that they don't worry about the things that they think I could do. I want him to treat me like any other partner, but deep down, I know I would hate it if he really did that. I know if he changed for me, for my confortability, I would feel like a bastard. Like I changed him because he wasn't good enough for me.
I don't think, in any way, it's unfair for you to expect that your partner - given that you've not done anything to them to cause this fear - treats you like a normal partner and doesn't act afraid of you. If this is based on knowing you have ASPD, not only aren't you in the wrong (which it doesn't sound like you are), but that partner is being ableist. It feels bad bc it's demonization and is a blatant show of ableism, which you shouldn't have to endure with someone as close to you as a partner is.
Without overstepping the bounds of me only knowing this post's worth of information about you, I think you may want to consider if that fear of you is actually your fault in any way, or if what you mentioned about your mother is coloring your view to make you okay with someone being ableist towards you.
So in my opinion this is a really important conversation for you two to have, and in that conversation if you realize that you were correct and he is actually scared of you, maybe try and explain the ways that is hurtful to you.
I know what it's like to simultaneously have spent hours and hours teaching myself not to respond with anger even when the anger is valid *and* still have people saying they're scared of you when you've done nothing to warrant it, and it's shitty. I eventually made a boundary that, if my partner is afraid of me and can't identify any reason why but just *is*, that that means we're incompatible bc I refuse to be treated like a monster for doing nothing wrong. It pushes me enough that it makes me *want* to do scary sh*t bc why work so hard not to when they're going to act this way anyways? That's just me but it's worth considering anyways.
I hope however you have gone about this has been doing okay, I know this ask is old and I'm responding to all of these old ones as if I just got them so that anyone with similar questions can still get advice on it.
Plain text below the cut:
I don't think, in any way, it's unfair for you to expect that your partner - given that you've not done anything to them to cause this fear - treats you like a normal partner and doesn't act afraid of you. If this is based on knowing you have ASPD, not only aren't you in the wrong (which it doesn't sound like you are), but that partner is being ableist. It feels bad bc it's demonization and is a blatant show of ableism, which you shouldn't have to endure with someone as close to you as a partner is.
Without overstepping the bounds of me only knowing this post's worth of information about you, I think you may want to consider if that fear of you is actually your fault in any way, or if what you mentioned about your mother is coloring your view to make you okay with someone being ableist towards you.
So in my opinion this is a really important conversation for you two to have, and in that conversation if you realize that you were correct and he is actually scared of you, maybe try and explain the ways that is hurtful to you.
I know what it's like to simultaneously have spent hours and hours teaching myself not to respond with anger even when the anger is valid *and* still have people saying they're scared of you when you've done nothing to warrant it, and it's shitty. I eventually made a boundary that, if my partner is afraid of me and can't identify any reason why but just *is*, that that means we're incompatible bc I refuse to be treated like a monster for doing nothing wrong. It pushes me enough that it makes me *want* to do scary sh*t bc why work so hard not to when they're going to act this way anyways? That's just me but it's worth considering anyways.
I hope however you have gone about this has been doing okay, I know this ask is old and I'm responding to all of these old ones as if I just got them so that anyone with similar questions can still get advice on it.
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hushimstressed · 1 year
About the spiderman au:
Who fell in love first? Also who did they fall in love with (the civilian or alter ego version)?
Also do they ever reveal to each other? (I think it would be silly if they accidentally revealed to each other and it was the spiderman pointing meme like “wait YOURE spiderman? I’M *insert venom slimes name*” )
Gonna split this into their civillian vs alter egos because Mariana has a different relation ship with Slime than with Venom and vice versa.
also this has also gotten really long and i've only been able to answer like half your ask so this is probably gonna be a part one... anyway all i've written so far is under the cut :>
Mariana fell first softly and found herself reaching out for Slime's hand just for their fingers to brush. content with keeping this crush at arm's length, it would only complicate things further, what with them pratically co-parenting Juana at this point and being an undercover superhero (and studying for her future career as an investigative journalist).
in comparison, Slime fell so hard and suddenly it felt like a pit in his stomach. he never noticed anything until he looked up at Mariana while at the breakfast table, and saw how the sun shon like a halo around her hair. and sorta stares for an awkward amount of time, looks down at their fingers intertwined and thinks oh
and then they make out
Spider-Man!Mariana thinks Venom is kinda gross at least at first becuase being a writhing and contorting black sludge can do that. she tries to just ignore him as impossible as that turned out to be
they do get to know each other better though, they just kept running into each other on rooftops and eventually, Mariana began to understand that Venom was deeply, deeply afraid, be it the man underneath who was possessed by an alien entity, or the alien itself, which found itself on an unknown planet.
Mariana finds a friend in Venom, the only other guy in the city who understands her, a person who hides everyday of their life and lie to the ones they love to protect them
Venom!Slime really looks up to Spider-Man, he's the kinda guy that was in the business for all the right reasons, to save innocent people at the wrong place at the wrong time. Slime/ Venom isn't like that. he's selfish, desperate and a fuck up. so seeing Spider-Man, someone so heroic and good, a person Slime aspires to be, but can't dream of ever being. because he was ruined from the start.
So he decides to bother Spider-Man. first, purely out of excitement and an unknown draw to the hero. then because he just likes to annoy him, then because they just so happen to frequent the same pizza place, then because he just wanted someone to talk to.
Slime begins to realise that Spider-Man is just as lonely as him, sure, Slime's got Venom, but there's only so much conversation with a being driven by impulse and an unending hunger. speaking to another human being like him, someone who always has something to hide- made him feel like a person for the first time in a long time.
WHICH IS A VERY LONG EXPLAINATION TO JUST SAY: Slime loves deeply and intensely very quickly (with Spider-Man first, and then with Mariana), while Mariana's love simmers like a cooked home meal (in a way he's always loved Charlie) and became friends with Venom. They both love juanaflippa more than life.
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