#and idk if you want shippy fics so.
irondad-defensesquad · 5 months
I’d love some good Tony-centered fics, preferably anti team cap. Either during/after Civil War.
Hi! Unfortunately I didn't save a lot of Anti Team Cap fics that are Tony-centered. My few bookmarks are mostly Peter defending Tony from them, and one I like is Starkquill (As in Tony × Peter Quill), so idk if I should recommend you that 😅
But if my followers have any recs, feel free to add! (I need more recs myself lmao)
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sleepwalk-living · 1 year
me: i hate self insert and y/n fics so much- they're too intimate for a parasocial relationship and cross too many boundaries. SO cringey and kinda gross.
niall: im making fun of my fans for partaking in fanfiction by reading this self insert fic for cringe and comedic purposes.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
Are there any long Grumbo fics you would recommend?
“This is about a stuffed bird” by Bee_4 :1👍
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trixibebe · 1 year
OC Stuff: *Insert insane training's montage here while Eye of the Tiger plays in the background*
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Under the cut is a kind of drabble/ scene I originally wrote for LYLMM but ultimately couldn't fit in so I'm yeeting it out now after revisiting.
A/N: You know, Kori is based on the reader insert of LYLMM which basically follows the events of Y7. This was supposed to be set after visiting Sotenbori and before going to Kamurocho.
As Kori placed down her bags and was busy with putting up her hair, she watched Zhao carefully take off each of his rings, his glasses, taking out his earrings... She was so caught up observing his hands work that hers forgot to move. In on itself the action wasn’t anything extraordinary but for her this was a rare sight. Her partner with no accessories whatsoever.
Of course he would notice her staring eventually. A half-smile formed on his lips as he turned to her:
“What is it?” She blinked once to get out of her trance, shrugging nonchalantly:
“I don’t know. Nothing...” Kori started off, smiling back at him and trying to give some explanation. “I’ve just never seen you without your jewelry. You seem more naked like this than…” but she felt like she said too much, heat creeping up her face. Not missing the opportunity she saw him take on a challenging grin, intending to coax an answer out of her:
“Than…?” So much for behaving when others are around too. she thought, glancing over to Joon-gi Han for a brief moment.
“When you’re actually naked…” she finished the notion half-heartedly with a burning face, making Zhao laugh. She quickly wanted to change the subject so she turned to the strategist, who just finished getting ready himself, sporting wide black shorts and a gray, loose sleeveless shirt accentuating his muscular arms.
“Anyway, you are in good shape too, Han. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much of your skin…” When she realized how that must have sounded like she just let out a defeated sigh.
“I should just shut my mouth.” The situation reminded her when she had one of her first conversations with the two in Survive. Somehow everything she said came out wrong.
The silver haired man didn’t let himself get thrown off by her wording, letting out a quiet laugh himself before answering calmly:
“My attire changed quite much since coming to Ijincho. You could say that during my stay in Kamurocho I dressed even more revealing. It was a big hit with our customers.” he stated confidently. Customers? She wanted to ask him about his previous occupation upon hearing the new information but Zhao was quicker, putting a hand on his hip, saying with a frown:
“Sheesh, I’m sure glad you two didn’t meet back in the day.” Is that a hint of jealousy? she thought a amused and shrugged again:
“Considering he was part of the mafia that had beef with the Tojo Clan I think it’s for the best. I would probably be dead had we ever met.” Han crossed his arms, giving Kori a relaxed answer:
“Not if you didn’t get involved... Had Majima-san anything to do with the altercations?” The woman contemplated about it for a second, recalling what she could about the events surrounding the fire in Little Asia.
“Hm, I didn’t know much about what he did or didn’t do business-wise. But I don’t think he really had his fingers in this specific mess. Especially after he got arrested.” she finished thoughtfully before Zhao chimed in again:
“We saw where guys with a revealing fit can land you. So it’s for the best you were staying away.” he tried to play it off but his tone had a certain edge to it. His dislike towards the patriarch was more than justified but she couldn’t help pulling his leg a little. It wasn’t common for him to be annoyed about something like this and it was not like he had anything to beware.
“We got together indirectly because of him, didn’t we?” she gave back with crossing her arms over her chest, raising a brow. He just ever so slightly narrowed his eyes at her.
“Don’t give him too much credit.” His patience seemed to run out so she let it be.
“How about we get started?” Han inquired in his usual undisturbed tone and she was quite relieved that he ended the conversational topic.
Kori was up against the Geomijul strategist in the first round of sparring so the two of them got onto the mat with Zhao staying on the side to observe and wait for his turn.
“This feels almost nostalgic, wouldn’t you say, Kornélia-san?” the silver-haired man announced with a perked up tone and the former leader was also more than happy to take the conversation somewhere else.
“Oh, you two practiced before?” he asked curiously to which she shook her head, answering slightly reproachfully:
“No, I think he means the night we were supposed to get that video evidence of Mabuchi, right?” She couldn’t hold it against either of them how that night played out but it still wasn’t the most fun evenings to remember.
“Yes, I certainly underestimated the group.” Han admitted with a little smile.
“I mean it was four against one… Though, you had two guns so it was kinda balanced now that I think about it. But I don’t think I could do much against you as it currently stands, even without your gun being shoved into my face.” the translator pointed out awkwardly. It wasn’t like she expected to have a chance against him one-on-one in the first place but standing in front of him as he wore his training outfit, he felt almost more intimidating than in his raincoat.
Though, the sparring had to wait for another moment as the ex-leader asked from the sidelines:
“Wait, four? Weren’t you five people? What happened?” Her answer came in a matter-of-fact tone:
“Nanba-san had the pleasure of experiencing a taser from up close; he was incapacitated before he eventually was able to flee.” Zhao snickered at the retold events, his tone practically saying I told you so on its own:
“Told you the Geomijul don’t fuck around.” Han nodded to this statement, adding:
“He was lucky Seong-hui didn’t shoot him right away.”
“Yeah, I’m not missing the guns much.” Kori gave back with a shrug, recalling the first night she fought with the gang together before the strategist took on a stance ready to start.
“Just hand-to-hand combat. You also can’t rely on your tanto all the time.”
“I know I don’t. When we beat up Captain Takabe’s guys I didn’t use my tanto either. Didn’t want to provoke them into firing their guns. Kept their guards lower." she paused and ultimately gave her partner a sly grin:
“One crazy guy blasting his gun on the scene was enough.” Zhao wasn't thrown off by the remark, mirroring the girl's facial expression as if he had just received a compliment.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
why do some popular things have such small fandoms, in your opinion? like, John Wick is incredibly popular but has less than 2k fics on ao3 and there doesn't seem to be a big fandom presence on tumblr. there's shows with 10+ seasons that have incredibly small fandoms as well.
i know not every fandom is going to be, say, Harry Potter or Supernatural levels (especially if it's an older show and fics have been lost to time- i've heard ER lost quite a lot) but it's just... odd to me, i guess.
The majority of things don't get fanfic fandoms.
There are some trends though. Certain genres are more likely to generate them than others. SFF is pretty likely. Crime dramas are reasonably likely, whether that's people slashing buddy cops on AO3 or lead canon het on FFN.
Incomplete-feeling canons are a bit more likely, usually due to plot holes or a crappy ending that people want to fix—but not so crappy that everyone just gives up in disgust.
Relatedly, things where the art part isn't too intimidating are more likely than ones where the big draw is that author's exact way of writing or the fantastically subtle and moving acting in some arty movie about social issues.
Serial media are way, way more likely to generate a fic fandom than one-offs, and having a certain number of hiatuses but not ones that are too long helps. You want some gaps where people have time to make stuff before it's instantly jossed, but you do need new canon to reinvigorate a fandom periodically.
Things just being well known by lots of people does help relative to a similar canon that few people saw, but exact audience size isn't the main factor.
Some tasty character dynamics help a lot. Maybe shippy, maybe more found family. A world that people want to play more with also helps. Even the gen-focused fandoms tend to care a lot about the latter two. They don't just write about any old canon. There have to be certain hooks.
John Wick does seem like it fits some of the standard criteria. There's more than one movie. It's fun, dumb genre stuff, not super high art.
TBH, having more than like 5 fics already means it's a success as a fic fandom, so part of it is just your frame of reference. I know you say you don't expect HP, but you should be expecting the norm to be way under 100 fics, not nearly 2k. That's part of it.
But I suspect the big reason is that a lot of people find the films relatively complete as-is.
They're set in the real world (-ish), so the setting isn't that interesting to explore with a bunch of OCs in the way that people write their own HP or Naruto casts. People like the lead, but I don't think they fixate on his relationships to other characters. (Checking AO3, it looks like some people are writing basically John/self, which makes sense.)
For much of the audience, it's all about watching him use a lot of guns. So many guns. All of the guns.
Once the big screen spectacle is done, I don't know that people really want more unless it's more action movies with more visual awesomeness.
IDK, I don't think I've seen any of these beyond some clips, so maybe I'm missing something.
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mixelation · 7 months
hmmm i was thinking about ships in reborn au au (i am....... so sorry)
kakashi/obito is one of those ships were i just.... assume it's going to happen if they're allowed to interact a sufficient amount in a fic. the reincarnation for just one person aspect makes me feel kind of weird about it, BUT i think every obito ship is fucked up nature and also we can limit any shippy interactions to them be certified adults. so idk just skip this one if you're squicked lmao
anyway, then i was like "well i can't just do NOTHING with rin" and the natural conclusion is: fucked up confusing polycule mess
rin still has an unrequited crush on kakashi from ages like 12-15. she has also just assumed throughout her teenaged years that obito likes her, bc that explains uuuuh a lot o his behavior towards her. BUT he has never made a move on her or admitted it; this is just her assumption. bc he never acts on it they have a pretty normal friendship (obito's ACTUAL feels are significantly weirder and more complicated: he no longer has a crush on her, but he REMEMBERS having one on her when he was actually 12 and how good being innocent and in love made him feel, so he wants to spend time with her and make sure she's safe and happy. also if you're mean to her he will set you on fire)
anyway!! konoha recruits tori+deidara when team minato is ~22. obito immediately takes on what rin interprets as a big brother role to them, which she thinks is..... cute? admirable? a secret soft side to obito??
rin has dated around a little bit and obito has always gotten weird about it (he hasn't ever STOPPED HER from doing what she wants, but she's aware that kakashi has had to advise him against giving some.... weird shovel talks) so she assumes he still likes her. and now she's seeing him interact with cute genin in a positive way, and she like hmmmm oh no maybe i DO like obito
so from obito's POV he doing something completely platonic with rin one day-- like idk, something you'd do with a friend but COULD be romantic, like going to watch fireworks or something, and she tries to kiss him. naturally he runs away and ends up face down on tori's floor sobbing because rin is the ONE PERSON he's actively trying to do right by
tori: okay but you can't just RUN. be an adult. talk to her.
obito: (wordless whining noises)
in the other timeline obito would have kissed rin in a heartbeat!! but now it's-- it's weird!! he can't do that to her!!! she is his precious pure angel!!!
tori: she's like 24? she murders people for a living??? obito i think she can decide who she kisses. she's not the kid you keep pretending she is and it's not fair to her to go on thinking about her like that
obito: (rolls around)
tori: well would you do this to kakashi?
obito: (stops rolling around) do what to kakashi
tori: idk i've just always hypothesized that fucking him would fix you
obito: why would you put that in my head
so now obito is haunted by the idea that he COULD just kiss rin, because maybe she wants him to and this rin is a whole other person from HIS rin, and also maybe perhaps he should fuck kakashi
tori: wow, no.
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inksword · 10 months
One thing I wish all communities of Worm (reddit, tumblr, the forum who must not be named, etc.) would do a bit more frequently is acknowledge Lisa's asexuality. Like, okay you can still ship her with all your favorite ladies but she could be ace about it ya know? This isn't even WoG aceness it's in the actual text of Ward from her own mouth. It's not totally unexpected just sort of a bummer that an extremely rare asexual character in a piece of media that I like gets almost uniformly cast as a lesbian without a nod to her canon sexuality.
She could still date girls! I personally think she's aro not just ace but since that wasn't explicitly mentioned she could still date girls within her canon characterization!
And before anyone throws a "Wildbow totally wrote her bi/lesbian he just doesn't know it, disregard canon statements of sexuality" like they do with Taylor:
Asexual people can have incredibly close friendships
Asexuals can make sex jokes or observations, sometimes certain jokes seem even more absurd or silly to us because we're asexual!
Asexuals can be hyper aware of how they are perceived in terms of affection
You know if Wildbow had confirmed her canon lesbianism in Ward people would cite that shit and not brush it off "because it's Ward and bad and I haven't read it" (okay some straight-dude spacebattles fanfic writers would ignore it but I don't think that's who I'm talking to here.)
IDK if I can remember every argument that people use to justify headcanoning her as lesbian but please please please just believe her own words and her own reflections on her life and feelings. Yes it's a Watsonian argument but I don't think there's a good Doylist reason to doubt her about it either.
I am not here to take away your ships just... venting a little I guess haha. Yes yes I know that technically every shippy drawing of her could technically be her being ace but when that's every shippy drawing with no acknowledgement it doesn't hit ya know? Like getting bi representation and seeing a character 99% shipped with one gender. I seriously don't want to dampen anyone's enjoyment of Tattletale or say you can't relate to her if you're not ace however!
Ughhh I totally feel like a wet blanket complaining considering I pretty much only contribute a drawing every four years to the fandom. I'll admit I don't voraciously read worm-fic so I may be totally off base and she gets acknowledged all the time in places I don't see. I guess anyone got any good explicitly ace Tattletale fics haha?
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butdaddyilovehimmm · 26 days
my two cents on the marvey d/s "debate"
gonna preface this by saying of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinion and if it makes you uncomfortable that's perfectly fine, but to me it's fun and it's fictional. at the end of the day it's fiction.
obviously if you try hard enough (ship goggles, yeah), everything can be seen as a "ship moment", even if they aren't inherently "shippy" or "dom/sub-ish" (in this case, "good boy", harvey gesturing for mike to sit without talking, etc.), but that's the fun of shipping, it's not serious serious.
on to the ethics part of things, obviously dating your boss and adding another layer of power imbalance IRL is wrong, i'm not gonna argue with that, but what i write in fiction doesn't reflect my irl opinions, bc it's fiction for a reason. i also don't think harvey would "abuse" his power over mike, but ig realistically and logically it's a possibility. would harvey be a good dom? i'd like to think so, but it's a headcanon, so idk.
i can say i've done a shit ton of research about bdsm, and i've always come across the saying "the sub has the power"—dunno to what extent that is true, but i thought i'd just leave it here. as long as it's safe, sane, consensual (in the fic), and mike can opt out any time he wants to—bc i honestly don't think harvey would ever deliberately hurt him—i'm all for it. i'm also all for realism in fics, but as realistic as i try to write my fics, it's fiction, which is the main point of this post, i guess.
i hope this kinda makes sense, and sorry for rambling, i'm a little drunk lol, but yeah. not attacking anyone, and it's honestly not that serious for me to be writing this lmao, but my brain won't shut up about it and i love yapping on tumblr so here it is...
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VOTED O7 (although i would have done it anyway heheheh)
anyways idk what kind of stuff u prefer to write but either some rendoc or something season8!grumbo (yanno when mumbo ate his soul to preserve his humanity. that was fun) would b very cool <333
OK SO YOU ARE IN LUCK! have this little thing taken from one of my fics!!
Some season 8!Grumbo for your… soul :)
(ain't exactly very shippy cause at this point in time in the fic they're not together yet! Sorry! I'll try doing some rendoc too<3)
Remember, reblogs>likes
«"… By signing this you agree to me harvesting your… Soul? In an attempt to become human again,"» Grian read from the small print. «Why aren't you human?»
« Grian. Look at me. » Mumbo said to the other, looking at him through the glass.
He took off his mask, revealing his pig-like face.
« That's weird… » Grian said, as if it wasn't obvious already. « But…? Was that supposed to explain anything?»
Mumbo sighed, « Ok, you can't get there on your own, I overestimated you. » Grian let out an offended gasp as Mumbo smiled a bit.
« I'm a shapeshifter. » Mumbo said, avoiding the other's eyes.
Shapeshifters were usually accepted… but not the ones like him.
« Oh… » Grian said, quietly.
That was it, wasn't it? Grain was gonna be scared or disgusted - he didn't know which he'd prefer.
« Makes sense. You're one of the ones without souls right? » Grian said, calmly, as Mumbo looked up, hearing shuffling.
Grian was sitting on the ground, with his legs crossed.
He didn't seem upset.
Grian motioned for him to sit as well, and after a moment of hesitation, he did.
« So? »
Mumbo gave him a quick nod to answer his question.
« Hm, I wonder how I missed it? » Grain said, with his usual mischievous smile.
Mumbo would usually get out seeing that grin, knowing it meant trouble, but considering what could've been he was overjoyed seeing it.
« I'm good at keeping it a secret. » Mumbo answered, trying to stay positive.
« You can't control your shifting, right? » Grian asked, taking off his Elytra And pulling off his sweater, revealing his wings.
Mumbo hated how thin he was. He wasn't healthy and he hated not being able to help.
« Yes and no, As long as I don't eat too much of the same thing I don't shift… » He trailed off. He had been eating the same thing for the whole season.
« Do you know why you can't control it? » Grian asked, tilting his head.
Mumbo just shrugged « I was just born unlucky, there's no reason. »
« Wrong. » Grian said, humming a bit.
Mumbo tilted his head « What? »
« You're wrong. There is a reason. » Grian said, with a smile, and brought a hand to his chest, and motioned to grab something. He slowly moved it away, and cupped his hands, showing Mumbo whatever appeared in his hand.
It looked like a wisp sphere, glowing with a sky blue light, with small wings and a halo, both glowing with a light purple that melted with the other color.
Mumbo had never seen something so beautiful.
« Do you know what this is? » Grian asked, quietly, looking at the thing in his hand with a soft smile.
Mumbo shook his head.
« It's an old trick someone I once knew taught me, » Grian said, then looked up, holding it out to Mumbo « It's my soul. » he said, and the words echoed through Mumbo's mind.
He clenched his chest.
He knew he'd never have something like that.
« This little thing - or better, the lack of it - is why you can't control when you shift. » Grain explained, holding his soul close to his chest again, he cupped it like you'd do with a flame. « I'm not good at explaining, we both know that. But… I want to help you. » He said, and gripped the soul. His expression shifted,looking a bit pained.
« Grian, what are you doing… » Mumbo whispered, as he started getting up, not liking where this was going.
« I know you didn't really mean it when you said you wanted my soul. You wanted my help to turn you back. » Grian said, smiling wider now « And this is how I'm gonna do it! » He pulled at the wings.
Next thing Mumbo knew, he was thrown against a wall, and there was a blast of light.
When he looked up, Grian was on the other end of the room, leaning against the opposite wall holding…
Two halves of his own soul.
He looked up at Mumbo, with that stupid smile he always had.
Mumbo rushed towards him, breaking the glass that was between them.
Grian had gotten even paler than usual.
His legs gave in, and he sat down. « This should do… » he whispered, holding out one of the two halves « I can shift a little bit. A half should let you keep your powers but let you control them. »
« Grian, what?!- » Mumbo hissed, not accepting it.
« Mumbo, take it. » Grian insisted, yelping when Mumbo pushed his hand back « Don't do that! They'll fuse back together and I don't think I could handle it breaking again! » He said, doing his best to keep the two halves apart.
Mumbo just… stared. « Grian, you know I'm always up for crazy things but… I can't do this… » He murmured.
Grain took his hand, and placed one half in it, « You gotta, cause I'm not taking it back. » Grian said stubbornly, and moved the half he still had next to his chest. It disappeared again.
Mumbo moved the one in his hand closer, just to look at it.
The halo had stayed with Grian's half, but it had one wing.
Grian smiled « Come on, it's yours now. » He murmured.
Mumbo closed his eyes, and pressed it against his chest like he just saw Grian do.
It was a weird feeling. He shifted back to human, as usual, but it was… different, somehow.
A good different, but nothing like it had ever been before.
Grain chirped - as he often did - but he… understood him?
« Change! »
« I'm sorry? » He whispered, confused.
Grian ignored him. « You've changed! You don't look like usual! » He said.
« I- Grain? » Mumbo fiddled with his sleeves, « I think I understood that chirp… »
Grain blinked, then chirped again and tackled him in a hug.
« Yes! »
Grian started purring « Yes! You're flock! You can understand me too now! » He said, squeezing him.
« Geez- for having lost half a soul you're still pretty strong. » Mumbo said, smiling, and pet him on the head.
« Don't you get it?? You understand my flock! »
Mumbo smiled « I'm assuming it's good? »
Grain purred again « It's really good! I never thought it was possible but now- »
He put his forehead against the other, still smiling, and chirped again.
« You're family now! »
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riacte · 1 month
Part of the weirdness about m/f ships feels like this kind of performativity from insecure queer teens? At least I think so based on my own experiences. I've always been a big multishipper who likes f/f m/m m/f and any other kind of ship equally but there was awhile where I felt kinda ashamed if I liked a m/f ship "too much" bc I felt like I wasn't gay enough. Like I wasn't queer enough if I didn't ship gay ships enough. Even now (tho I've gotten better) I still feel this obligation to keep the ratios of ship fics I read "even" so I can prove I'm still a good queer. I think in my case it's probably part of my internalized biphobia (since I feel a similar obligation to make I prove I have attraction to all genders and am really bi "enough" in my actual daily life) and it's a similar feeling of stress at having to constantly police your own identity/attraction/interests.
It's unfortunate that this kind of insecurity in how queer we are seems so common in queer people especialky those of us who are young one w/out much actual dating experience (who make a large part of this fandom. This sort of "who even ships m/f lol gay ships only" I've seen others in this fandom doing feels very much like a way of coping with that insecurity, by proving you're gay enough through your ships. I'm sure there are plenty of people who simply are just not interested in m/f but I'm sure there are also others like me, trying to prove we're queer enough by carefully curating our fandom interests.
My thoughts on m/f ships is that the end of the day, shipping is just shipping. It doesn't actually necessarily say much about your sexuality or what you actually want in a relationship and certainly doesn't mean you're less queer.
(Obviously there are other factors too in the weird attitude ppl in the mcyt fandom have about m/f ships, but this is one that has affected me a lot and I've never seen anyone else talk about it so I wanted to bring it up. Idk I hope I made sense)
Thanks for the ask! It was really nice seeing this as a bi person who heavily mains m/f and sometimes feels bad for it (I also main friendships but I mained m/f reallllly hard pre 2020 aka. before this fandom).
Yeah, I feel like it could also be like "we see so much m/f in real life so we should go hard on the other options to even it out". This fandom specifically there's been problems of irl truthing in comments so I completely understand why people shy from it, but it's 2024, we're quite developed in the character vs cc divide, shipping m/f isn't the end of the world.
I do feel guilt over maining m/f (then liking f/f and m/m, in that order, yes Treebark is the exception and my first m/m that I really got into), like for a looong time I was pretty sure it was just terrible heteronormativity that I needed to kill, but now I feel like it's a mix of heteronormativity (which I fight like daily lmfao) and just. being attracted to men and women both. Because when I write m/f, I can write about being attracted to women and men all in one neat package. And it feels "equal" to me. I do tend to prefer pieces of media with an equal gender ratio, or at least the leads are (eg. Miraculous Ladybug (my ex fandom lmao), Kagerou Project (ex fandom, stares into the distance), Spy x Family, Assassination Classroom) so I can love male and female characters. When reading fics, I like reading about loving a man from a woman's pov and loving a woman from a man's pov. Even in HC with its highly uneven gender ratio, this manifests in the corner I've tucked myself into (False, Ren, Stress, Iskall, etc). Although I do also like media with mostly female characters - Love Live (another ex fandom lol), Precure, Madoka Magica, Nikkiverse - and I do read stuff, I just don't really write for them because I wanna write about girls AND guys. Shippy or not. And this leads me to main m/f a lot. That's my personal taste.
Side note: as a kid, I was frustrated by media aimed at boys which had like a whole cast of boys and one token (cardboard cutout) girl AND media aimed at girls which had a whole cast of girls and almost no boys. 9yo me in co-ed school was like "well this doesn't feel very pro gender equality, I want books with the same amount of boys AND girls :((((( oh wait. I can just write it." And.... it ended up defining what I write now? Even outside of shipping, I like m+f friendships a lot. Because I still get to write about a guy and a girl even if they don't kiss or whatever. Idk. Am I cursed with an extreme case of heteronormativity and / or internalised homophobia or am I bisexual. Maybe both. Idk.
Maybe I do have boring stupid milquetoast hetero taste whatever but I'm having a good time in my fandoms and my ships / dynamics. I like writing about my guys and girls and I'll keep on doing it. And I am queer. I am bisexual. This doesn't change.
Anyways watching HTTYD at a young age changed me. Hiccstrid you will always be my origin story <3
Thanks for the ask again! We don't have to prove our queerness because we are queer. Everyone has different tastes. And m/f does get a bad reputation in queer spaces because oftentimes it's done badly and ofc the enemy.... heteronormativity [evil].
Final note re sibling fanon: if you have to turn friends into siblings just to show you're not shipping, you are coming back to heteronormativity. Why can't a (straight) man and a (straight) woman be friends only. What assumptions are you making?
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yonpote · 6 months
under cut cuz i talk too much lol
i am not blaming dan or anything (and obviously this has been a joke in lgbt spaces for forever) but i do think he unintentionally enabled the like "homophobia is a good thing actually" type jokes and like i definitely make them too, and im always seeing jokes on here like "god why are they Like This" etc. but i think some people just dont know the line or view them so much as friends that they don't think about how it could read differently from someone who is essentially a stranger. ive said smth similar before of like, dnp (ESP DAN...) used to be not great at drawing boundaries esp since youtube and social media culture were so different back then, but now even when they draw hard lines ppl either continue to step right over them, or dont understand exactly where the line goes. they dont care if u write smut or dead dove fics, they dont care if u make shippy fanart, but like maybe dont tag them in buttsecks? (or maybe do, idk theyre being so unhinged lately maybe we gotta start @'ing them in catboy porn (JOKING))
i was talking w a friend a little bit ago about the exact differences between the generally speaking philosophies between older fans and younger fans. it seems that older fans embrace creating transformative works and having their own interpretations on who dnp are, whereas younger fans want to know dnp on a personal level and want dnp to know Them and recognize them not just as fans but as people. and OFC there are older phannies who want the parasocial interaction and younger phannies who write fic and people who do neither, and people who do both! (hi :3) but then some people have a difficult time being able to marry the two ideas maybe?
heres the truth. dan and phil are real human beings who have made a career largely off their shared dynamic together, BOTH because they genuinely enjoy creating and being together AND because a lot of people really get invested in it and it makes them more money. they don't mind fic or art, you probably SHOULDNT tag them in the saucy stuff, but they know it's out there and generally have been respectful of fan spaces and knowing where OUR boundaries lie (altho maybe the line was toed w the roblox video but thats debatable.) they really do care about their audience both in order to please us and keep us coming back, AND because they see how much theyve affected us as people and have a deep *Sarapocial Relationship with us.
there are both parasocial AND tranformative ways to break boundaries, and oftentimes they can be one and the same. they aren't our friends they arent our dads and they arent objects with no feelings. they don't stalk our accounts but they are still able to see whatever we post publicly. theyve seen so many horrible things and have had many horrible things happen to them, and while no one can be certain something like that won't happen again, now that they have been able to be more honest with us about a lot of things they are able to trust us a little bit more.
anyway ramble over back to me talking abt how dan should embrace their transness
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Ive got this image of Roy kissing Jamie on the head and idk if my brain wants it to be shippy or big brother, little brother kinds way, but in whatever case I Need That
Hey, nonny, do you have spyware installed in my brain? I’ve literally been thinking about this exact scenario for the past few days, trying to hash out what it might look like and what precedes it and what sort of kiss it is.
I have severaly vague ideas that are none of them fully realized and all of them more fluffy wish-fulfillment than anything else. Thought I might get around to ficcing one of them properly one day, but that’s unlikely to ever happen, so have three roughly sketched snapshots of head kisses from my fevered imagination: 
I. Hurt/Comfort
Eventually there comes a day when Jamie snaps and channels the Jamie of yore and just goes for everbody’s throats with bared teeeth. Roy misses the dust-up but arrives for the aftermath with the entire team and Ted looking a little shell-shocked.
“What the fuck happened here?” Roy demands. Ted explains, and hastens to add that clearly something must be wrong for Jamie to behave like that and could Roy please go check on him?
Roy finds Jamie in the storage room and the moment he enters Jamie whirls on him, terrible smirk plastered over his face. 
“Oh, what a fucking surprise, Timid Ted sent Roy Kent to do his shouting for him, that’s a real—“ 
Roy ignores the drawling venom (and ignores the way it makes his stomach drop and twist with the memories of oh so many other confrontations between the two of them, back when they truly did loathe one another). He stops in the middle of the room and fixes Jamie with a carefully neutral look. 
“Jamie,” he asks, very calmly, “do you need a fucking hug?” 
For a moment, nothing. Then Jamie laughs, and it’s an ugly thing filled with scorn and jagged edges. “Oh, you’d fucking like that, wouldn’t you, big man Roy Kent, riding in on your white horse, going to— ”
And still Roy doesn’t raise to the bait. He takes a step closer. No aggression to the move, just determination: the unmoveable object to Jamie’s irresistable force. “No. Jamie, do you need a fucking hug?” 
So close, he’s standing. So steady, his voice. In the face of that resolute peace Jamie’s rage can’t help but dwindle and wither. He closes his eyes. Jerks his head once for yes. 
And Roy wraps his arms around him and holds him, and holds him, and holds him until the tension starts to bleed out of Jamie’s body and he rests his head on Roy’s shoulder. They stay like that for a little longer, but then Roy gently moves his hand to Jamie’s shoulders, pushing him back slightly so that he can look at him. “Feeling better?” 
“Yeah.” And, with a quick glance to Roy’s face, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not really me you need to apologize to.” 
“No, yeah, I know. I will.” 
Roy looks at him for another moment, just looks. Sighs, maybe; eventually gives a little nod.
“Good lad,” he says, briefly pulling Jamie in again to place a kiss on his forehead, before putting a hand on his back to guide him back out into the world. “Don’t fucking let your father make you think any different.”
If Will is huddling in the corner for this one? Your call, gentle reader.
II. Affection
Say that Roy and Keeley are in Jamie’s childhood bedroom because they want to check on him. I’m thinking that Something Has Happened that concerns Jamie – probably something to do with his dad at the next Man City match – but the immediate situation has resolved itself and Roy and Keeley are just getting back together and had this whole fancy dinner planned and Jamie said he was fine so they head out for their big date.
And it’s lovely, really it is, only they’re both preoccupied throughout the meal and eventually one of the just blurts sorry, I’m really excited to be here with you but I can’t stop thinking about Jamie – yeah, me too – we should go check on him – and so they’re off to his mum, and maybe Jamie’s out buying milk and for some reason his mum has Keeley and Roy wait in Jamie’s old bedroom and when Jamie finally does show up he is understandably surprised to see them.
“I though you went on a date,” he says, closing the door behind him.
And they explain that they were, they are, but they were worried about him and just wanted to make sure he’s okay. 
Jamie is okay. Scored two goals against City, and wasn’t nearly as bothered by his dad’s antics as he’d thought he be, he’s just dandy.
Having eventually convinced them of that, he pauses and cocks his head. Does that quizzical little face with his lips pursed. “It’s a bit weird, you two coming to check on me in the middle of your date, innit?”
Keeley shakes her head. “Jamie, it’s not weird. We care about you.”
Jamie raises his eyebrows at this, throwing a teasing look Roy’s way. “Yeah? You care about me, Roy?”
And Roy rolls his eyes and shakes his head, scoffing the way only Jamie can make him scoff, because of course Jamie would fucking ask. 
“Come here, you fucking twat,” he says and Jamie grins at that as he crosses the floor because Roy is smiling through the bark, and Roy still has one hand in Keeley’s but his free arm he slings around Jamie’s shoulders to give him a tight hug while pressing a firm kiss to the top of Jamie’s blonde hair. “’Course I fucking care.”
(This one’s not unsimiliar to another [shippy] scenario I sketched recently. I tend to ponder all sorts of minor variations of the same theme, though usually I settle for just one to inflict upon the rest of the world.)
III. And a Shippy One to See Us Off
The boys are celebrating something – not winning a game, I don’t think, because they’re not on the pitch, they’re somewhere off alone. In the locker room after everyone’s left, maybe, or out during an early-mornings training session? Doesn’t really matter. They’re alone.
Jamie’s phone goes off, he picks it up, listens for a bit, nods and yeahs and goes “thanks, man, that’s fucking great” and when he puts his phone away he doesn’t say anything at all at first. Looks a bit dazed, and after a minute of that (well, more like a second, ‘cause Roy Kent is not a patient man) Roy demands to know the fuck’s going on.
“I’ve been called up for England,” Jamie says, and he sounds dazed too, like he can’t quite believe it. Sneaks a glance at Roy, as if checking is this real, is this happening?
For a moment, Roy says nothing. Then he says “fuck”, and then they’re both screaming and jumping up and down and holding each other and somewhere in all that Roy just pulls Jamie close and smacks a kiss on the top of his head.
It’s completely unthinking, but it immediately gives them both pause – and it takes them by surprise how it actually makes them go still. If you’d asked them before, neither would have thought a silly little peck on the head would be anything to take notice off; they’re footballers, yeah? They’re tactile. But still they go, and they glance at each other and both of them find their eyes drawn to the other’s lips.
“Oh,” Roy says. Bless his heart, would you believe he’s just figuring it out? But to be fair, so’s Jamie.
A moment, teethering, each of them holding their breath, waiting to see what happens next.
Roy swallows. Jamie tilts his head to the side and slowly, slowly – giving Roy all the time in the world to punch him or run off or go back to jumping up and down like nothing’s happened – he reaches out to put a hand on Roy’s neck.
Roy doesn’t punch Jamie. Roy doesn’t run off. Roy doesn’t go back to jumping up and down. He leans in, ever so slightly, lips parting.
“Yeah?” Jamie asks, just to be sure.
Roys nods, once, sharply. “Yeah.”
Jamie kisses him.
Yeah, nonny, I need that. You need that. Everybody needs that! I mean, Jamie and Roy certainly fucking does.
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I want to confess something kinda funny about one of my fics because I saw a post somewhere about how antis put "not a ship" under their work (and then the work itself has the most sweetest shippiest vibe ever lol). I hope this is amusing.
I made this one fic about a pair of siblings, a fic I intentionally wanted to make platonic because I do not ship them personally. I don't judge anyone shipping them, I myself just don't for whatever reason. All I wanted to do was write a nice wholesome fic for them.
Except I'm abysmal at writing non-shippy physical touch and emotional exchanges. I mainly do various flavours of angsty romance or aromantic sexual relations, so... some of the points at the fic I thought "this is gonna come off as kinda maybe romantic isn't it". So, what I remedied it with was a tag. I tagged it with 'not a ship' of course. Because that's gonna fix it, right? Literally slapped it on like a piece of tape on a burst pipe. I'm so smart!!1
Now, it's OK if people read my fic with shipping in mind, it really is. The point is that I'm such a failperson that when I try to write cute gen friendships it comes across like they're in danger of tripping into a booty grabbing hug all the time and it's so mortifyingly funny now that I think of it after the fact.
Imagine wanting to draw a circle and going about it by drawing a square with extremely rounded corners. Like technically it passes for a circle but there's something vaguely suspicious about it. And you wonder if people see it that way as well.
I'm thinking of taking the tag out but then again it's just so damn funny maybe I should leave it there for giggles because maybe it'll crack a bonafide sibling shipper up, idk. Moral of the story I'm the writer equivalent of the doujin artist doing cheeky shit like automatically inserting messed up ass and tiddy shots into serious emotionally impactful scenes. I'm the mfer that draws the old evil man with plump glossy lips and big naturals.
Anyway have a beautiful Sunday my lovely people 🫶
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
ALSO, SIDE NOTE, what are your opinions or HCs for regressor Toki in any universe? (Hey Mamas, DYKEKLOK, OG) Regressor Toki is very near and dear to my heart and I love him very much and I wanna know your thoughts.
thank you for the love hehe those were very much self-indulgent fics to myself since i started working on them the same week i got lesbophobia in my inbox jtjshdjdbdbd. might do some more with that AU we’ll see 🥰
hmmm idk much about age regression tbh but i have a couple thoughts. for example:
not shippy but skwisgaar is a primary CG for toki. we know canonically that skwisgaar noticed a lot about his band mates that others don’t pick up on, and most notably he was the only one who knew about toki’s fear of quarters. i imagine he’s not necessarily good at being a CG, but he knows enough about what calms toki down and is patient enough to at least be near him as a comforting presence when he needs it. it surprises the rest of dethklok too, since he’s so impatient with toki normally, but think about skwisgaar at the funeral, how he just quietly sat next to toki, didn’t say anything mean to him or yell at him or anything—most he did was tell him not to touch him, but skwisgaar is just touch averse it had nothing to do with toki. AND HE ALSO CANONICALLY HAS DEADDY BEARS IN HIS ROOM SO HE IS PREPARED FOR WHEN TOKI NEEDS THEM. LOOK AT THIS SHOT FROM THIS DVD EXTRA AND GO INSANE WITH ME.
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he loves making bracelets (COUGH) and one of the first things he’ll do when regressing is make a new one. he’s crafty already in canon, and he’s still crafty when regressed, he’ll just gravitate to brighter colors and a bit more simple stuff. so, typically toki might make bracelets out of guitar strings and use a soldering gun and stuff, but when regressed he just uses one of those plastic bead kits.
dethklok starts taking him to the circus when he’s regressing. show him some normal ass fucking clowns who aren’t dildos.
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batrachised · 8 months
tagged by @professionalfangrrl for a twenty questions, fanfic author game!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
For lm montgomery, three. For star wars, 38.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
LMM: 14,467. Star Wars: 376,710 [i might have a problem]
3-What fandoms do you write for?
I'll leave you detective sherlocks to work that out
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I've only written 3 lm montgomery fics, and there the top kudos one is sob of fall and song of forest (fun fact: that title is a line from an E. Paulina Johnson poem, whom I discovered LM Montgomery liked after the fact)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sweats nervously listen...listen....let me tell you something! let me tell you something! i'm a good noodle!
after being unsure when i first started writing, i used to respond to comments religiously because I thought it was nice. then, idk what happened, I think i got busy and stopped doing so right away...and then I waited even longer....and then as a result i barely ever responded to comments and now, after compiling over like the course of a year, my ao3 inboxes have a combined unresponded comments of too many comments to deal with😅
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i feel like this is the only fic i ever mention because I've written so few lmm ones, but Violets - fic about Walter's death. i did once write this sad fic that had a very fluffy lead-up, and it always makes me cackle maniacally like an evil scientist when I get comments on the beginning chapters of people being like "omg this is cute :D" and then them reaching the end and proceeding to scream at me in rage via the comments - the happy-sad switch is something I've used in my writing more than once, and I always enjoy it
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my fics are crack and thereby necessitate happy endings, no one stands out as being more happy than another
8-Do you get hate on fics?
I have like, one time? and it just made me laugh tbh, it was one my first fic and I was like I'VE MADE IT ONLINE! I HAVE HATERS! 😎
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
nope, at least not intentionally (yes it's accidentally happened before - never forget). I tend to avoid romance in general (she says, having about 8 different romantic stories) because writing it is not for me. if I do I tend to make it silly/humorous
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope, in general I'm not a crossover person. the only fandom where i actually got really into (reading) crossovers was merlin with harry potter, eons ago, all the more funny because I was never a harry potter fan
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yup, although they did credit me. I've written about it before, but one time I had a fic stolen and put up on some website that appeared to be russia's version of ao3. Had a lot of fun translating comments on that one via google translate
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes a couple of times. one time someone asked to translate my fic and I was like sure, just send me the link when you're done! :D and they did and it was short, so I just typed it in instead of copying except I misremembered whether it was a .org or .com and typed the wrong one and accidentally ended up on a porn website that apparently had a nearly identically domain and was like WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO ME D: DID THEY PUT MY FIC HERE D: IT DOESN'T BELONG HERE D: IS THIS A SPAM LINK only to refer back ot the comment and realize my fingers had betrayed me
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, all me and the workings of my incredibly silly mind
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
don't have one! not a super shippy person anymore, although I used to be! sometimes I read romance fic but it's usually because I feel like reading romance, not because of the ship itself
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
idk man, I've tried abandoning wips before but my brain doesn't let me. one time i abandoned a fic and then months later, i got the answer to the issue i'd been stuck on in a dream (or at least, upon waking in the middle of the night)
16-What are your writing strengths?
not gonna answer this one because (to me) it feels like a job interview question where you have to paste on a fake smile and talk about all the ways you're great while cowering inside. i like my writing and actually rarely experience the whole reading it over and seeing where it could have been better, not because I think my work is just that amazing, but because I don't really have that fine-tuned writer/artist brain that would give me an interesting answer to this question. i do this for fun, and for free, and for me lmao
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING OUT OUTLINES this one I can answer because I never do this enough and then I always end up several chapters into a fic trying to make it go somewhere that makes sense like
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18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
nope, i don't know another language well enough. i'm so paranoid that when I make up space names for my star wars fic I always google the fake word to make sure it's not a dirty/offensive word in another language 💀it's saved me before.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars, about a year and a half ago! It's been cool to see how different my writing has become in that short period of time!
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
always the last one published or the ones that got the least attention. i loved them <3
tagging @gogandmagog @no-where-new-hero @kehlana-wolhamonao3 @kingedmundsroyalmurder
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sixteenth-days · 11 months
question. you don’t have to answer if you don’t want, but do you plan on making any explicitly shippy writing for the gemcyt au, or is it all gonna be platonic?? i don’t mind either way, your writing’s really good and i love what you’re doing with the au!
interesting question! uhh in this case honestly i feel like it’s tough to answer because gems don’t really conceptualize romance in the same way humans do? they express intimacy through fusing and don’t have concepts like, idk, dating or marriage or sex unless they got them from human sources. scott and jimmy in the fic r certainly in some variety of what we would call a romantic relationship, but they don’t have the vocabulary to describe it as such. so i guess i would say nothing will be more explicitly ‘shippy’ than what’s already been posted, but in this case it’s not a super useful line to draw, i think
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