#i saved an ironstrange one too but i never finished it...
irondad-defensesquad · 5 months
I’d love some good Tony-centered fics, preferably anti team cap. Either during/after Civil War.
Hi! Unfortunately I didn't save a lot of Anti Team Cap fics that are Tony-centered. My few bookmarks are mostly Peter defending Tony from them, and one I like is Starkquill (As in Tony × Peter Quill), so idk if I should recommend you that 😅
But if my followers have any recs, feel free to add! (I need more recs myself lmao)
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doitwritenow · 3 years
Supreme Super family gets sucked up into WandaVision(let's imagine Tony's alive in this or is from the multiverse). Ironstrange think they're married with a high school kid. Tony is a science teacher, strange is town doctor, and peter is a regular kid. No memories of they're real life. Rhody, Pepper, and Aunt May and Morgan could be added to this too if you wanted.
OHHO! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this; I had to finish the show, for one thing, and then my brain started going all sorts of places with the prompt... and well. I have on heck of a ramble coming, so buckle up! 
(Also, spoilers through the series, so watch out!) 
— — —
It starts with a question on Vision’s job application.
That’s all. So simple, so innocuous, so innocent. Vision is casually recording information that he doesn’t yet realize he can’t remember, and he arrives at a line that asks his family history. It’s nothing complex, left on the application only because Wanda’s subconscious had glossed over the question. So does Vision’s, as a result. But he wants this job. They want to fit in, and so they answer the question truthfully.
Vision writes ‘Stark’, unaware. ‘Tony Stark.’
And pop. Just like that. 
On the edge of Westview, there suddenly is and has always been a small, well-kept mechanic’s shop. It’s run by an aging man with a bright mind and a brighter smile. He’s lived here since he came back from the war, but no one knows for how long. And he has no memory—no memory at all—of what came before. 
Of the round scar in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t need to know. No one needs to know; he’s just a side character, after all. Just the answer to a line on a job application.
Just so that something, anything, about Vision’s life here isn’t a lie. 
Yeah, so Tony gets manifested within the Hex—but because he’s one of Wanda’s creations and not someone being mind-controlled, he is able to exist with agency within Westview. He has no reason, however, to believe anything is amiss; he’s been resurrected only to play a character, and his memories and surface-level motivations only extend to the limits of that character.
But Wanda has other regret. Wanda has other anger and understanding and forgiveness and gratefulness, and she knew Tony Stark, once. 
She knew his worst nightmare—and it’s easy to craft a soul from that, really.
(But it’s fine, of course it’s fine. Tony has no reason to pull down the walls of that hidden spirit. He’s content in his role, just like Vision. So it’s fine. 
… Right?) 
Agatha stands at the base of a towering barrier with her hands on her hips. One side of her mouth is quirked up into a considering, scheming smile, and her magic probes out around her curiously. This is the source of the power she’d felt; she’s sure of it. The spell work… the instinctual, unconscious spell work is so intense she can almost taste it.
How is it possible? What’s the secret? 
Agatha must know. And besides; this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to her since the seventeenth century. 
She’s about to reach out, about to cross into the heart of the magic, when she hears it. A footstep. Quiet and dark and making no attempt at stealth. 
Agatha grips her magic. “Who’s there?” she demands. 
Someone steps out of the trees. A human, Agatha thinks, though you can never be sure nowadays. He wears a hood of green and his hands are dark where they hang at his sides. 
“Witch,” the figure declares.
Agatha raises an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” says Karl Mordo. “I rather think you can.”
Okay, cut to New York. Stephen Strange is exhausted, wrung dry trying to keep the edges of the universe from deteriorating now that the stabilization factors of the Infinity Stones have been destroyed. One task runs into the next, one morning into the night. One future into all the others. 
But Stephen likes the work; it keeps his mind in one place. He’s always alert these days. Always listening. 
So when someone calls out to him from New Jersey, he can hear.
It’s Mordo luring him in, of course, but he doesn’t know that yet. After Dormammu, and certainly after all those futures, Stephen has too much experience for Mordo to hope to get the better of. The old Master is still dedicated to his ‘too many sorcerers’ shebangerang, though, so he’s employed help. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone. Two world-threateningly powerful magic users with one stone. 
Stephen follows the call, because of course he does. It sounds like a call for help; what else is he supposed to do? The kelpie situation in the Thames can wait. Wong waves him off, tells him to be careful without much hope of Stephen listening, and takes over the Sanctum for the few hours Stephen intends to be gone.
(It’s not for a few hours.)
But there’s someone else we should mention before we see what Westview has planned for Stephen. See, a certain spider-kid has just had his identity outed, and his only allies once called themselves Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill, Peter discovers, are not Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
“You’re aliens?” Peter demands, his hands warding the space in front of him. 
Of course they’re aliens, part of him sighs. Of course. Why wouldn’t one more thing just go crazy in his life? Why let him remember what ‘normal’ even felt like? Why the hell not? 
“Er, yes,” says not-Fury. “My name is Talos. But we do still want to help you.”
Helping Peter doesn’t go according to plan. See, the Skrull try to approach SWORD for Monica Rambaeu’s help regarding the kid who saved their lives, but Monica has disappeared. 
Talos only turns around for two seconds. Really, it’s only a moment. But when he turns back, Peter Parker has disappeared, too.
Stephen stops, a hand coming up to shield his third eye as he squints into the absolute maelstrom of power swirling in a hexagonal wall in front of him. It doesn’t feel like the Order’s magic—not like something of the Mystic Arts. It’s something far more human and gritty. Stephen’s perception can’t extend through it. He frowns.
He takes a step forward, the Cloak swirling around his ankles, and begins to stitch his mental walls into place. His wards are strong, even unconsciously.
That’s probably what saves him, in all honesty. 
Two strong, human hands plant themselves in the small of Stephen’s back and shove him into the barrier. Stephen opens his mouth to yell, raises his hands to cast a spell— but blue and red are surrounding him now. Devouring him, now. They lick at his mind, slamming against unbreakable walls.
But they are unbreakable too. 
Stephen disappears. 
(Mordo used a portal to get behind him and knock him into the Hex, btw.) 
It’s those hasty mental walls that keep Stephen from being completely consumed into the Westview spells. He is not fully mind-controlled, nor is he left half-animated and frozen like most people near Ellis Avenue. But there is one main rule of Wanda Maximoff’s Westview, and that, Stephen can’t escape completely. 
‘No one remembers outside.’
Stephen doesn’t. In fact, he doesn’t remember anything at all. 
Tony Stark finds the man lying on the side of the road. He’s just finished dropping his kid Peter off at the Westview high school (it hasn’t occurred to him that it’s weird how he never sees the boy’s classmates. Or that Peter never seems to have stories from school. Or that the kid is always waiting in the exact same place that Tony dropped him off at whenever Tony comes to pick him up. Tony has no reason to think too hard; he’s just a side character—right?). 
“Uh, hi?” Tony pauses, the car puffing it’s irritation when he stops it too quickly. He cranks down the window and leans out. 
The man blinks, slowly, at the sky. He sits up hesitantly, like he hasn’t noticed Tony, and rubs his hand across his face. He pulls it away after a moment and frowns at it. Tony wonders why he looks so confused—it’s not like there’s anything wrong with the man’s hand. No scars or anything. 
“Hi, sir,” Tony says again. “Are you alright?”
The man jumps. He looks over at Tony—and there’s something weird about his eyes. Something… really weird. (Color, says a voice in the back of his mind that he hasn’t heard for a very, very long time. That’s color.)
“Who are you?” Tony asks. He parks the car completely now. 
The man looks down at his hands again. “I’m—” he begins. He’s frowning again.
“Come on now,” Tony encourages. “How hard can it be?”
The man tugs at the scarf around his neck—and it must be windier than Tony thought, because the edges of it are swaying as if of their own accord— and swallows. 
“I don’t know,” he says.
So of course Tony brings Stephen back with him. He prods at the man until Stephen manages to blurt out ‘Doctor Stephen Strange’ for no reason either of them can remember. But it makes Stephen relax, a little, to have it on his tongue. 
Tony catches Stephen staring at him after that. A lot. When he asks him why, Stephen has no clear answer; just a vague “you remind me of someone.” For Stephen’s part, all he knows is that seeing Tony gives him an indistinct sense of relief. Like he’d been missing someone deeply, and has now found it again. 
Still. He can’t quite put his finger on it. Just like he can’t quite put his finger on why his hands don’t hurt when he tries to write…
Vision visits Tony, sometimes, whenever he remembers, or whenever someone in the town mentions the old mechanic. He brings Wanda. They have fun, but Vision always goes home feeling slightly baffled. And Tony always feels like something hurts, deep in the center of his chest. 
Vision likes his adopted younger brother. (And Peter gets along just fine with the twins, too, when they come along, so Wanda doesn’t change anything about it). But when the man with the bright eyes stares at him with just a bit too much calculation on his face, Vision starts to be reminded of… things. Of suspicions. Of Geraldine and how she had no home and no history. And he doesn’t quite look Wanda in the eye that dinner. 
“What do you do?” Wanda asks, her voice a little hard, a little suspicious. Vision tries not to wince. Whatever it is she’s not telling him, this man at his father’s dinner table reminds her of it. 
Tony flips his fork, balancing it like one might a wrench. “Stephen’s a doctor,” he says.  
Wanda’s face flickers. “That’s funny,” she says blankly. “Because no one in this town ever needs one.” 
For a while, Tony Stark didn’t see anything amiss here. He was created, was consistent, was emptily and vaguely pleased. But Tony Stark is Tony Stark, whatever character he’s been told to play. Tony Stark wants to help people. 
And this man, this strange doctor with the eyes that would sometimes go blank for long minutes and the tears that would stain sharp cheeks for a reason he claimed not to remember, needs help.
So Tony Stark begins to scratch at Wanda’s walls. 
 “What do you mean he’s here?”
“I mean your little plan didn’t work,” Agatha says. She stands on the edge of Westview, speaking through a mirror of magic to the man outside. She’s liking this sorcerer less and less the more she works with him—but he has been rather helpful so far, so she continues to put up with him. 
“Does he remember?”
“No,” Agatha says. “The dad that Wanda made up for Vision has taken him in. It’s kind of adorable, actually.”
“Hm.” Mordo’s mouth twists. “You’ll finish the job?”
Agatha shrugs nonchalantly. “Sure. When I get around to it.”
“You don’t want to wait. Deal with Strange now, before he remembers how to be a threat.”
Agatha laughs. It’s brittle, fully conveying her hostility. “Ha, my good sorcerer, listen. Unless you want to come in here and do the job yourself, you’ll let me handle this my way.”
Agatha’s way involves getting to the bottom of things, of course. And that’s rather convenient… because Vision has begun to try to do the same thing. 
— — — —
Okay that’s all I have for now? The other bits are still solidifying in my mind, and it’s basically all Horrible Angst. I hope this scratches a little of the itch of your ask, though! Feel free, anyone, to add onto this if you’d like! I really enjoyed the show, and I think it has some really awesome AU potential. 
Thanks for the ask!!!
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kiki-shortsnout · 3 years
If you're still taking prompts from the intimacy prompts list. 43 with IronStrange or Frostiron please! Love your writing! 💙💙💙
Hey! I've finally finished my IronStrange Bigbang!! So I can come back to my prompts! Thank you for waiting!
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Slight torture, Blood (nothing Graphic)
FrostIron: Head in lap.
Tony had been in this position before, more times than he was willing to admit. Hands bound behind his back, his wrists bleeding from where he’d been tugging at his restraints, his palms sealed together from the stickiness of his blood. The strain on his thighs and knees was a dull burn, a constant ache that never wavered, the grip in his hair ensuring he never sat back on his legs in a desperate reprieve.
If he could survive the torture of the Ten Rings, he could survive this. The arc reactor was already lodged in his chest, the frigid metal caressing the bone of his sternum. There wasn’t much more anyone could do to him, he was already in constant pain from the thing keeping him alive, could feel the shrapnel in his chest rattling with every gasp. Apart from taking his life, which he wasn’t sure he was fond of anyway, there wasn’t anything these kidnappers could take from him.
At least, that’s what Tony thought until they brought in Loki.
Bruises were littered over his high cheekbones, his split lip catching Tony’s attention and making him wriggle against the hand in his hair. He grit his teeth at the kick in the back of his thigh for his effort, not showing any outward pain.
Tony had seen lots of different sides to Loki over the last few months. The would be conqueror ensnared in a mind-controlling spell, a contrite younger brother, wanting to make amends with Thor but not knowing how to. There was the Loki who enjoyed pranking the Avengers, mischief, and humor dancing in his eyes, a Loki who read quietly in Tony’s workshop, finding a quiet freedom in being outside of Odin’s influence.
Recently, there had been the Loki who watched Tony when he thought no one was looking, a flirtatious lilt to his words when they talked, completely at odds with the shy Alpha who brought Tony gifts from other realms.
But, Tony had never seen this.
He could feel the livid rage in those green eyes, like fire on his skin, an intense fury that would make lesser men cower. Even Tony, who trusted Loki, tried to shuffle away from the gaze, scared he could see his weakness, his patheticness at being apprehended like this. His eyes shone bright like the magic he wielded, sweeping over Tony’s body, seeking out any injury, his teeth baring in a furious snarl.
Despite the situation, the tongue lashing he was no doubt going to receive if they managed to get out of here alive, shivers still teased over Tony’s body at the sound. He’d always fought against the idea of having a dominant Alpha, despised the thought that he needed taking care of, that he was inferior in any way, but Loki’s overprotective snarl and the dangerous look in his eyes was making Tony’s inner Omega purr and preen at the attention.
Now is not the time.
‘How the mighty have fallen,’ a silky, sensual voice wrapped around them, shaking Tony out of his fantasies about sexy, deadly alien Alphas. Breaking away from Loki’s stare, the ominous promise in it, Tony turned his head, trying to find the source of the voice. He wasn’t sure where they were, he’d already done recon as soon as he’d woken up in here, and the only information he had was that they were in some sort of castle, stone floors, stone walls, candlesticks on the walls.
Alright, not candlesticks, some sort of magical floating orb that was casting light around them, but he still doesn’t believe Thor, or Loki when they’ve tried to explain magic, so he refused to see them floating around like ghostly fireflies.
Loki didn’t answer, but Tony could tell from his expression that he recognized her, a growl thundering in his chest as he looked between whoever was behind him and Tony’s battered body.
‘My, my, what a beautiful Omega.’
Tony tried to look up, but the hand in his hair gripped hard enough to rip strands from his skull, and he understood that no eye contact was allowed. Green knee high boots entered the line of his vision, and a cool hand grasped his chin, yanking his face up. She was beautiful, all long legs and gorgeous blonde hair, looking like a medieval warrior princess or something. Tony knew that beautiful creatures were often the most dangerous ones.
He’d fallen for one after all.
‘Spirited too, I can see what he sees in you,’ she cooed down to him, nails digging into his cheeks, his blood oozing over her fingers. Tony heard Loki’s frantic struggle against his captors, the shift of leather dragging across stone.
‘No matter your beauty, you are still a pathetic, disgusting creature.’
It’s cute she thought her words will hurt him. He’d been called far worse, tortured to his breaking point before. This was nothing, his body being bruised? That was what happened when he got called to assemble. He grinned up at her, feeling a twist of delight low in his gut as the skin above her nose wrinkled at his blatant disrespect.
‘You do not understand mortals, you never have, never looked past your disdain of them,’ Loki finally said. ‘Leave him. He is worthless to you. It is me you want, Amora.’
Pretty name, Tony thought to himself, inhaling deeply as he tried to work out her secondary gender. Omega, interesting.
‘And what has changed that your view of them is now positive? I remember a time when you sought to enslave these pitiful creatures, and now you live among them, spurning my calls for help, the glory of seeing our enemies at our feet…’
Hell hath no fury like an Omega spurned, Tony chuckled, suppressing his cry as her foot connected with his ribs, sending him sprawling.
Alright, that one hurt.
‘I’ve been watching you Loki, and I do not believe your view has changed. You still see Midgardians as pitiful. It is a single mortal who has changed your outlook,’ Amora whispered, her heels clicking across the stone as she picked up Tony by the back of the neck, yanking him back to his knees.
‘You’re barking up the wrong tree, sister. Loki doesn’t think of me like that, trust me, I’ve tried to flirt with him, and he’s not interested,’ Tony laughed, running his tongue over the blood that coated his teeth.
He wasn’t lying. Tony had tried for weeks to show Loki he was interested in changing their friendship to something more. Short of pinning him down and scenting him like a crazed animal, there was nothing Tony hadn’t done to try and coax Loki into a courtship of some sort.
Loki hadn’t responded to any of it.
‘How little you understand. Loki has always had everything he’s coveted taken from him. He hides what he treasures most, even to the one he cares for. Don’t you remember, Loki? How we used to wreak havoc across the nine realms to cause your father pain due to his special treatment of Thor, his golden child,’ Amora hissed, tightening her hold on his throat.
Tony refused to react, ignoring the panic building in him as his body struggled to draw in a lungful of air, blotchy spots distorting his vision.
‘Leave him, Amora.’
There was no panic, no Alpha command in his voice. His words were concise, coated with a brittle frost. His gaze slid over to where Loki was kneeling, red bleeding into his eyes, his muscles bunched and tense, losing his grip on his magic, his Jotunn heritage blurring the edges of the Alpha he knew.
‘Careful, you’ll send him skittering away with that monster lurking beneath your skin,’ Amora taunted, moving to the side so they could look at each other, her hold on his throat never wavering. ‘This one is strong, isn’t he? I can see he’s in pain, you can smell it in his scent can’t you, the way he’s begging you to save him, the big, strong Alpha,’ she sneered.
Tugging him higher and off his knees, Tony struggled to get a foot onto the stone floor to support his weight, knowing his neck was going to snap if he didn’t.
‘What will it take to break you, hmm?’ she whispered, leaning towards him. Her sunshine blonde hair slipped over his shoulder, tickling his skin as she brought her nose to his unmarked bonding gland, scenting it. ‘What if I gave you to one of the Alphas who stole you, ruined you for him?’
He’d been threatened that in Afghanistan, one of many taunts to make him give up the Jericho missile.
‘Make sure they’re attractive, my public image will suffer if my bond mate is butt ugly,’ Tony answered, his tone considering even as he fought his restraints, the scalding agony of his lungs becoming impossible for him to ignore.
‘I will tear apart any Alpha that dares touch him,’ Loki spat from the other side of the room, his voice thick as if something was obstructing his throat.
Amora froze even as her lips brushed against Tony’s neck, her gaze flicking up to peer through long eyelashes at him, searching for something.
‘Do your worst, sweetheart,’ Tony challenged.
Pretty pink lips curved in an erotic smile. A hand splayed over his stomach, fingers walking up towards his chest. He could feel the tips of her sharp nails through his tattered shirt, and then she was tearing it aside, the azure light of the arc reactor lighting up the gloom of the room.
‘Found you,’ she taunted, finger tapping across the glass.
No matter how much he tried to keep his poker face, the sheer terror he felt when her nails plunged into his skin surrounding the arc reactor was exposed to them all through his scent, the sour scent of it pungent in the room, trapped by the stone walls and turning thicker by the second. Hating himself, Tony let out a high pitched whine, a frantic call for help.
Not there!
His body crumpled to the floor as the pressure on his neck vanished, shuddering pain coursing through his shins as he fell forward, his face taking the brunt of the fall. The memories of terror and agony he felt at Afghanistan left him deaf to the fight around him, the blurring figure of Loki ferociously attacking their captors nothing more than an afterthought as he curled in a ball to protect himself.
Tell us how to build a Jericho missile!
The hell did you do to me?
That is an electromagnet hooked up to a car battery, and it's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart.
Hands fell on his back, and he yelled, rolling on his back to fight, succumbing to his basic instincts in his fear. His lips drew back in a snarl, ready to bite whoever touched him.
‘You are unharmed, Tony, beloved, trust me.’ A wrist was thrust in front of his nose, ignoring the way Tony latched onto it, attempting to bite chunks from his skin. ‘Breathe in, scent me, know who I am,’ the voice instructed, and he could smell crisp snow, permeating the fear gripping his brain.
I know this scent.
‘That’s it, beloved, breathe, regain control of your mind. You are safe, Amora has fled, and I will never let any harm you.’
Tony could feel a hand covering the arc reactor and instead of recoiling from it, his instincts made him lean up into it, knowing this person would protect him. He breathed the scent in deep, the primal part of him knowing he was safe. When the panic had subsided, he looked up into unfamiliar red eyes.
‘Loki?’ he rasped, his words aggravating his abused throat.
‘Do not let my appearance scare you, it is still me. I will regain control of my magic…in a moment,’ Loki conceded, dropping his gaze to look at Tony’s throat.
‘I’m not scared, not of you,’ Tony blurted.
‘Kind words. I know how I appear,’ Loki said in a clipped tone, reaching around Tony’s back and ripping apart the restraints. Tony whimpered in relief, his back sagging to the floor as he brought his hands up. Loki’s eyes blazed ruby as he gently grasped them, bringing them to his face so he could examine the damage.
‘You’re gorgeous,’ Tony argued, delirious from both the pain and the scent Loki was emitting. He wanted to drown in it, wrap it around himself like a blanket and never surface. Even with his body protesting, the tenuous link he had on his consciousness, darkness lapping at the edges of his mind, he managed to put his head in Loki’s lap, breathing a sigh of relief.
‘You, Anthony Stark are a foolish, remarkable creature. Stubborn, brave thing,’ Loki muttered, pulling off his cape to drape on Tony, his thumb smearing across the blood on Tony’s wrist.
‘I’ll take you away from this wretched place once I’ve got better control of my inst…magic,’ Loki amended. Tony liked that Loki’s instincts were going haywire around him, that this gorgeous Alpha was keeping hold of him in case any dared to attack.
‘I’m sorry, that this happened to you,’ Loki whispered at him, stroking a blue hand through his hair.
‘Don’t be, it’s not the worst thing that’s happened to-’
Loki’s growl ripped through the air, making Tony flinch at the force of it, feeling like he could be torn asunder by the noise alone.
‘Sorry, my behavior is inexcusable. My instincts are hard to control when I’m around you, they always have been,’ Loki snapped, forcing his gaze away, the hand in Tony’s hair stopping.
‘I don’t want my Alpha to control himself when he’s with me. I know this is the wrong time to be asking…but was what any of she said true?’
‘What did you call me?’
‘My Alpha,’ Tony said easily, feeling his head droop as his body began to succumb to the pain.
‘Anthony,’ Loki growled, bending over to hold him close. ‘We will speak of this once we return.’
Tony nodded, going limp in Loki’s hold, his last thoughts about how he would tell Rhodey he was going to mate an alien Alpha.
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Could you maybe post a long-ass list of good ironstrange fics because at this point, there's nothing else to do and you seem like you have great taste
puppets on a string
Summary: Stephen Strange is a villain. But a hot one.
Words: 103,206 (incomplete)
This fic is courtesy of our very own @funkylittlebidiot​, so definitely give it a read!
Find a Way (to break the fall)
Summary: Stephen didn't think about it anymore. It had been buried deep beneath all the other shit he'd had to live through in the last couple of years and it didn't impact his day to day life in any way whatsoever. Until the day it does.
Words: 2,170
This one is short, but emotional and impactful. Warning for discussions of past rape/non-con.
The Brands We Carry
Summary: Tony Stark is almost thirteen years old when he gets ready to settle down to bed one early-early-morning and happens to look in the mirror on his childhood wall and catches sight of a circular brand on the skin above his heart.
“About fucking time,” Tony mutters, and goes to sleep without bothering to tell anybody he just cussed out a baby that’s only just crying its way into its new life somewhere on the planet.
The date is February 17, 1983. Happy birthday, whoever you are. Took you long enough.
Or: Tony Stark and Stephen Strange are soulmates. You'd think that would mean they would be perfect for each other right from the start, but it turns out that their soulbond is a long path of mutual distrust, dislike, and miscommunication. Just their luck.
Words: 10,497
I love a good soulmate au, and this is a good soulmate au. Very interesting look at both characters and also what happens if someone’s soulmate has  a not insignificant age gap (though they only meet in person for the first time as adults)
A Crown of Thorn and Shadows
Summary: Anthony Stark, King of Blood and Darkness, ruler of the Unseelie court, did not expect to find Prince Stephen Strange of the Seelie chained up in his torture chamber, cold iron being driven into his hands. Stephen Strange, a Seelie healer, never dreamed of finding himself in the court of nightmares, being cared for by the king that the Seelie called a monster. They must work together to find the traitors in two Faerie courts that have not spoken in over six hundred years and reclaim Stephen's memories before the courts descend into war once more.
Words: 58,465
Wonderful fantasy au, great worldbuilding and relationship buildup. Lots of fun.
Villain Stephen Strange and His Obsession with Tony Stark
Summary: Just a bunch of prompty oneshots that are partially based but 100% inspired by Tumblr IronStrange Posts. Rated T-M
Words: 1,029
Do I even have to explain it? This is just fun. 
Ten times outta nine, I’m a hand grenade
Summary: Though neither remembered that night, it turns out that Tony Stark and Stephen Strange had first encountered each other years earlier. Unfortunately, that might end up destroying the universe.
Words: 419,141
This is a loooooooooong boi. But oh, it’s a good one. Stephen and Tony basically go back in time, change the universe, and fall in love. It’s everything you could want from them. Complete with romance, angst, drama, and humor.
Where Severus Snape is hot, not a stalker, and somehow gets the girl
Summary: And then, as if he wasn’t already the most embarrassing estranged biological dad ever, Tony stopped in his tracks, raised his sunglasses (because of course he would wear sunglasses inside a lecture hall in April), and gave Professor Strange the most blatant, sustained once-over in the history of fuckboyness.
Then he put down his glasses, shot a winning smile at the teacher, and said, “Well, I’m Tony Stark, of course.”Or: Peter Parker is sick and wants to cut his Neuroscience class. Tony just wants to help (and maybe date his son's hot teacher). Stephen Strange just wants to give his lecture in peace.
Words: 2,387
Stephen is a college professor. Peter is his student. Tony is having too much fun with this.
You Remind Me of a Man
Summary: Tony Stark cannot stand the overly opinionated and egotistical Dr. Strange and the feeling is extremely mutual.
Words: 44,788
Perfect no-powers au for them. They’re assholes who fall in love and see another side to each other. It’s amazing, 10/10 would recommend.
I am here
Summary: There’s a technical reason Stephen must surrender the Time Stone to save Tony’s life. It has to be done, and that’s enough for him to do it. But just in case, the universe decides to give him a personal reason as well.
Words: 11,708
This one is so soft. Basically, while looking through time, Stephen keeps showing up in the past at various points throughout Tony’s life. And then they fall in love! Good for them.
T For Tony
Summary: Your soul mark is the first letter of your soulmate's name. Stephen has an 'A'. But he's in love with Tony. Cue anxiety, jealousy, angst.
Words: 2,794
They’re so stupid in this fic. It’s great. It took them so much effort to remember Anthony starts with an A. (I still think this fic should’ve been titled A For Tony, but I didn’t write it, so)
something taken, something new
Summary: The ChronicConnection implement and app allows a person that lives with chronic or illness-induced pain to transfer their burden temporarily to a willing loved one. Tony and Stephen sign up as beta testers.
Words: 14,541.
15 Million
Summary: For every alternate reality there were ten thousand alternate realities from that. And from those ten thousand more. And then ten thousand more off each of those. And so it goes.
The Avengers win once. There’s ten thousand versions of it. 
Stephen Strange doesn’t know what to make of the fact that Tony Stark seems to be *his* victory.
Words: 2,755
Obligatory “Stephen looks through 15 million possible futures and falls in love with Tony in the process fic”. Can’t have a fic rec list without it.
Hero Swap AU
Summary: It's a boring day for the Avengers until Tony Stark attacks.
Words: 17,391.
Just pure, fun crack.
Only a Matter of Time
Summary: Captured by aliens, mistaken for a mating pair, Tony and Stephen find themselves having the universe’s most awkward honeymoon.
Words: 6,056.
Smut. Good smut, though. 
Sunrise in Exile
Summary: Tony does the math and realizes their best chance to save the universe is by... not confronting Thanos on his own turf. 
So he steals a wizard and a spider and a space ship. And he runs.
(Three humans and an A.I in space, the alien friendships they make along the way, and discovering how science and magic might coexist in a universe where they can be one and the same.)
Words: 352,079 (incomplete, has not been updated in a while)
A long fic set during Infinity War where they just ... run away to space. And it’s great.
Rewriting Icarus
Summary: Stephen and Tony, from the beginning to the end and beyond.
Words: 23,504
Pre-powers AU, except they fall in love then get powers. Sad, angsty, beautiful. 
variations on a theme
Summary: Stephen sees into millions of possibilities and finds only one where they win, but he never expected to end up falling in love with Tony Stark in almost every single one of them.
Words: 5,134
Another Stephen looks through the possible futures and falls in love with Tony? ... Guess you can’t have just one. 
Five’s A Party
Summary: It's an orgy fic, I'm not sure what else to say
Words: 2,639
... Not much I can add to that. Magic smut. 
A Lapse in Judgement
Summary: Stephen, the newly minted Sorcerer Supreme, is strong, powerful, and in control of his life in every micromanaged detail, because failure to do so could result in (another) cataclysmic event within the universe. He is. But then Stephen accepts an off-handed offer to spar from Tony Stark – a man who is Stephen’s non-magical equal, a man who Stephen barely sees outside of bi-weekly meetings and the few and far between fight against a villain – and Stark discovers Stephen’s biggest weakness, his most hateful secret that is a deeply fundamental part of Stephen’s psyche.
Except instead of judgement, and horror, and disgust, Stark meets him halfway, and a lapse in judgement turns into a possibility that could change their lives forever.
Words: 22,694
This is the first of a series which was just updated (haven’t finished reading the new part yet, looking forward to it) and is just a really good, surprisingly soft and emotional BDSM series/fic.
Ironstrange Fics and Ironstrange Cinematic Universe
Oh, how did these get here?
Yes, I’m reccing my own work. I’ve written 29 fics and 377,132 words for this ship, I think I’m entitled.
Ironstrange Fics is a collection of every ironstrange fic I’ve written, short, long, sweet, angst, and everything in between. Ironstrange Cinematic Universe (itself responsible for 49% of those 377k words) is my ironstrange rewrite of the MCU specifically. Please read, enjoy, and leave comments, I’m not updating any fics for a couple of weeks and I need the validation. 
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kitkatfat15 · 3 years
IronStrange Fair Date
Hey guys! This is my submission for a challenge me, @stark-strange-love2 and @taruyison ! I know it’s not as long as the others or as angsty, but I did what I could until I was satisfied. Hope you enjoy!
Summary- Tony drags Stephen out on a date to the fair, despite Stephen insisting he doesn’t want to go. Tony spends the whole day trying to show Stephen how much fun it is until finally, Stephen breaks down and confesses the real reason he didn’t want to come today.
Tony pouted at his boyfriend. “C’mon, Stephen! It will be fun!” Stephen scrunched up his face, but at last, was caving to the pleas of his lover. He sighed. “Alright, Tony. We can go.” Tony’s smile was blinding as he grabbed Stephen’s shaky hand and pulled him to his car.  
Stephen allowed a small smile as his lover drove them to the fair. He looked out the car window and noticed how fast they were going with a wince. 
As soon as the small movement happened, Stephen started berating himself. Tony deserved better than someone who couldn’t even ride in a car without being afraid. He looked back at his boyfriend, who was driving with a small smile on his face. Stephen’s thoughts moved to how Tony was amazing. A safer territory. A better topic. 
Soon they arrived. The fair was bustling with people, but everything seemed familiar, happy. Tony looked at Stephen with a small smile. Stephen smiled back.
 “C’mon Stephen! Let’s ride the ferris wheel!” Tony’s boyfriend (His boyfriend, how amazing was that?) was still looking tense, but his shoulders were less tight, and he seemed to be enjoying himself more.
Stephen half shrugged. “I don’t know, Tony. It seems pretty high.” Tony sighed. He supposed they could do it later.  “Fine, let’s go play some games.” Stephen raised an eyebrow and stared at Tony. “You do know all those games are all rigged, right?” Tony fought not to squirm under the intense stare but he thought he managed it okay. “Of course I know that, but do you really think some fixed carnival game can stop the combined efforts of Ironman and the Sorcerer Supreme?” Stephen rolled his eyes, but Tony saw the tiniest hit of a smirk on his face.  
 As it turned out, a rigged carnival game almost did beat them when Stephen threw the ball too hard and it ricocheted back towards their heads. Tony was able to duck and pull Stephen down, but it was a close call that left Stephen feeling guilty. 
Stephen had that look on his face that Tony knew he was feeling bad about himself, and that just wouldn't do. His wizard didn’t deserve to feel sad. He nudged Stephen with his arm. “Hey, it’s alright. Let’s try that game over there.” 
Tony pointed towards the game where you threw the rings on the bottles to win a prize. Stephen scoffed. “There’s no way you can win that.” Tony raised an eyebrow. Now it was on. “Let’s make a bet. I win you that giant bear, and you give me a kiss.”
Stephen raised an eyebrow and smirked. He put one arm around Tony’s shoulders and touched the other hand a little above where Tony’s chest scarring was, and looked him deep in the eyes. “Well then Mr. Stark, I’ll be waiting for my prize.” 
Tony blushed and moved away from his boyfriend, determined to win the huge green bear that almost matched Stephen’s eyes. He walked up to the stand and put 5 dollars down. The woman working the shop didn’t even stutter at him being Tony Stark, just going over the rehearsed script and moving back to a chair, where she pulled out her phone. 
Tony looked at one of the tiny rings. It looked perfectly fine, but Tony bet that it was too small to fit over the bottle heads. He picked up another ring and held them up against each other. Ah ha. The second ring was bigger. He studied the rest of the pile, finding only 2 more winning rings. 
He pushed the winging rings into a separate pile and grabbed a small ring, gently tossing it towards the bottle in the center, the one needed to win. It flew over the bottle, nearly landing on another, before dropping to the floor. Tony narrowed his eyes. He could work with that. 
He grabbed another faulty ring and tossed it lighter than before. This time it hit the bottle before bouncing off. He picked up a winning ring and purposely shot it a little to the right of where it needed to be. He couldn’t make it seem like he was cheating, could he?
He picked up another faulty ring, the last one, before tossing it off to the side. It hit one and stayed on. “I can get you a small prize, or you can keep playing.” Tony narrowed his eyes. “I’ll keep playing.” He said, his gaze never wavering from the center bottle. 
He picked up a winning ring and calculated the distance it needed to go and the force that would need applied. When he was ready, he tossed the ring, landing it dead on the winning bottle.  
The woman turned to him with an expression of respect, as if he had passed some sort of unspoken test. “Which one do you want?” Tony pointed at the green bear and the lady got it for him. 
He took it from the woman and turned towards Stephen, who had been watching. He gave the bear to him and said, “This is for you. And this-“ He planted a kiss on Stephen’s lips, “Is for me.” Stephen smiled at him and looked down at the massive bear in his arms. “Thank you, Tony. We should probably put it in the car instead of dragging it around all day.” Tony nodded and they brought the bear to his car.
 Stephen smiled. Today was going well, even with his reservations. “Ooh Stephen, look!” Tony pointed at a stand that was selling deep fried food. Stephen looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and Tony gasped. “No! Don’t tell me you're one of those people who doesn’t like deep fried food!”
Stephen smirked and leaned in, quickly kissing Tony on the side of the mouth. “I promise you I’m not. Let’s go get some deep fried alligator.” Tony gave him a weird look and Stephen laughed. “I’m joking, genius.” Tony rolled his eyes and they went to get their food. 
 Tony had finally convinced Stephen into riding the ferris wheel with him when the sun was starting to set. When they were at the top Tony finally asked what he had been wondering all day. “What’s wrong, Stephen? You’ve been tense all day, and don’t think I didn’t notice those self deprecating looks.” Stephen sighed and looked out the side of the cart, watching the sunset.
“I don’t know… It’s just.. Lately I’ve been feeling like I don’t deserve you.” Tony looked at him in concern and put a hand on his arm. “Stephen, if anyone in this relationship doesn’t the other it’s me.” Stephen shook his head. “Don’t say that Tony. You’re amazing, and smart and the most kind hearted person I have ever met. And I’m… broken. I lost my dream job, and I’m not even that good of a sorcerer. I couldn’t even save the Ancient One.” The Ferris wheel paused at the top, and Tony grabbed Stephen’s hands.
“Stephen, honey, none of those things were your fault! Where did you ever get the idea that you're not good enough for me?” Stephen gently removed his hand from Tony’s and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s stupid, really. I just- I was having a bad day and Steve saw me in the kitchen struggling to make tea, and made some off handed comment about how he never thought you would fall so low as to date someone like me.” Tony leaned over to Stephen and put his arm around his back in a short hug. 
“Stephen, honey, no. I love you. What does Steve know anyway? Sure we dated for a while, but his idea of how to break up with me was a shield to the chest, so you can’t do worse than that. Besides, you're not the only broken one in this relationship.” Tony vaguely gestured to his chest. 
Stephen shakes his head. “You’re not broken Tony. The marks on your chest only prove your a survivor. They only make me love you more.” Tony leaned in close to him and kissed his forehead. “That’s how I feel about you silly.” Stephen gently smiled. “Really?” Tony nodded his head. “Of course.” 
Stephen looked at him, and he looked lighter than he had all day. “Let’s finish this date.” Tony nodded in agreement and soon they exited the Ferris wheel. 
After that incident, they managed to finish their date and have some fun. Sure, it wasn’t happily ever after, after all, those two are always going to need reassuring at some point, but for a single point in time, everything was fine.
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mutedsilence · 3 years
I decided to create a post with links to all my work. They include summaries and the tag list. It’s under the split. I’ll update as I write more. 
Or, here’s a link to my dashboard MutedSilence 
The Towel  Johnlock Domestic Fluff Domestic Pride Gay Sherlock Holmes Bisexual John Watson Towels Flags Words: 2,002 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: John and Sherlock have been living together for just about a year in this. Sherlock is given a towel from Mycroft for his birthday.
Ianto Sings Janto Dancing and Singing Singing Fluff Domestic Fluff Tooth-Rotting Fluff Words: 844 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Ianto is alone in the hub. He decides to start singing, he doesn't know he's not alone. 
Soldier and his Detective Series Johnlock Mystrade New Meeting Fluff AU Kissing papa lestrade Worry Sherlock is a Brat Established Mystrade Protectiveness Protective Sibling Rivalry Texting Mycroft is really protective but a bit of a dick too Feelings almost break up First Dates John Watson in Afghanistan Homophobic Language Phone Calls email BAMF John Background Case Mycroft Being a Good Brother Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings Jealousy Words:45,738 Works:3 Complete:Yes
Summary: Sherlock is on a case. Just as he's about to be taken down by the suspect, a stranger takes down the suspect and Sherlock begins to fall for the blond stranger. (This is a story set in with a different meeting, John is on leave from the army and Sherlock has started his career with the met.)
Trying to Forget Ianto Janto The 456 Aftermath Grief/Mourning Drinking Jack Needs a Hug Hurt Jack  Words: 438 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: So, in the doctor who episode - End of Time part 2 - the Doctor tips off Jack to Alonso. It takes place in a bar and I decided to carry it on.
Mission to Flirt Johnlock Pining John Fluff Angst with a Happy Ending Slow Burn Flirting Jealous Sherlock Oblivious John Mutual Pining First Kiss Hospitals Background Case Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson John Watson Loves Sherlock Holmes Bisexual John Watson Gay Sherlock Holmes Proud Greg Lestrade Words: 9,064 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Turns out John has been staring at Sherlock like a love sick teen. Greg decides that John just needs to flirt. So, he does. Sort of. He certainly tried to at least.
Fine. I admit, I love him. Johnlock Pining Texting Mycroft's Meddling Pining Sherlock Holmes AU Fluff References to Oscar Wilde Language of Flowers Background Case Distracted Sherlock Holmes Mycroft Being a Good Brother No Reichenbach Secret Admirer Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson Oblivious John Words: 9,237 Chapters: 14/14
Summary: Mycroft has had enough of Sherlock's pining and decides to make him do something about it. Starting with Sherlock figuring out his feelings for John. ((Set before the Reichenbach fall))
Christmas at Holmes Manor Johnlock Mystrade Christmas Party Developing Johnlock AU Different First Meeting Mentions of drugs Depressed John Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism John has been discharged Developing Relationship First Kiss Developing Mystrade Mycroft is good with Children Words: 4,838 Chapters: 6/6 Collections: 1
Summary: Mummy is known for her Christmas parties at Holmes Manor. Sherlock hates the parties and tries to avoid them. This year he can't get out of it. He hates every second. But will he hate it after meeting an army captain?
Hannibal Montannibal Alternate Universe - Hannah Montana Fusion Pure and utter crack beggar's clay chicken inspired by a shitpost Will is a fanboy Hannibal in a dress and wig?? just go with it Ambiguous/Open Ending Words: 613 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Hannah Montana/Hannibal fusion. No one knows that Hannibal is Montannibal, that is until he invites Will Graham for dinner.
The Soul Patch IronStrange Soulmate AU Tumblr Prompt Heart Attacks First Kiss CPR Post-Doctor Strange (2016) Stephen saves Tony it's a little cheesy Words: 1,411 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Soulmate AU: Everyone is born with a black section of skin where their soulmate touches them skin-on-skin for the first time. When this happens, the mark changes to said soulmate’s eye color. Tony Stark and Stephen Strange both hate it because they’ve had to live with the stigma of having black lips all their lives. Tony goes into cardiac arrest at a gala, and Stephen ends up giving him CPR.The prompt I based this off. Set after the events of Doctor Strange (2016)
Who is Victor Trevor? Johnlock Teenlock Unilock Jealous John POV Sherlock Holmes victor is made up practice date First Dates Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Being Idiots Words: 3,256 Chapters: 1/1
Sherlock is in love with his best friend, John Watson. When confronted, Sherlock makes up Victor Trevor - a person that Sherlock wants to ask on a date. John offers to help by taking Sherlock on a practice date. The one thing Sherlock wants more than anything.
I Feel Like I Don’t Even Know Him! Johnlock Fake/Pretend Relationship Developing Relationship and Friendships Implied/Referenced Suicide AU Different First Meeting couples counselling It's For a Case Parental Greg Lestrade Protective Mycroft Holmes Slow Burn idiots to lovers Implied/Referenced Drug Use Miscommunication Eventual Happy Ending Did I Mention They Were Idiots? It's Sad Seriously It's Sad You Have Been Warned  Words: 26,108 Chapters: 25/25
Summary: John is leaving therapy. Sherlock needs to get into the office of a couples counselor. A frantic Sherlock bumps into John as he's making his way out. John - with nothing better to do - agrees to pretend to be a stranger's boyfriend for the afternoon. Beats going home.
Let Me Share Your Pain IronStrange Hurt Stephen Strange Hurt Tony Stark Protective Stephen Strange Friends to Lovers Arguing First Kiss Hurt/Comfort Words: 3957 Chapter 1/1
Tony begins to feel stronger and better than ever. He doesn’t question it, not when his movements are quicker and his mind is sharper. His anxieties and pain appear to have diminished altogether. And the next time he’s facing a villain he finds there’s barely a scratch on him. Funnily enough Doctor Strange looks ten times worse himself after battles lately, even in ones he hardly has a hand in. Tony slowly discovers that Stephen cast a spell to absorb all of Tony’s injuries as his own.
I'll Tell You Until You Believe Me IronStrange Jealous Tony Stark Pining Pining Tony Stark Oblivious Stephen Strange First Kiss Love Confessions Insecurity Insecure Stephen Strange author projecting their insecurities onto the character check Words: 2231 Chapter 1/1
Stephen is quite popular, what with his status as sorcerer supreme, good looks and compassion. Stephen is oblivious to it all, chalking it up as just weird alien customs. One day, an interdimensional being aids Stephen and Tony in battle, flirting with Stephen the whole time. Tony feels protective of Stephen but lets it go for now (pre-relationship, Tony’s kinda jealous yes). Only this keeps happening and it builds up, Tony can’t take anymore and confronts Stephen about why he never shoots down nor reciprocates the advances of the inter-dimensional beings. Light angst where Stephen accidentally reveals that his obliviousness stems from his insecurities. He thinks Tony is pulling his leg. 
Eastern Seaboard Ironstrange Established Relationship Bottom Tony Stark Established Tony/Stephen Is this crack?? Humour Tony's nicknames for the team Words: 717 Chapter 1/1
The only time Tony sees a hint of Stephen’s full power, without his moral limitations, is when they make love and Stephen’s magic accidentally causes an earthquake that knocks out the power of the whole eastern seaboard. Tony decides it's an achievement worthy of a nickname.
Super Fucking Long Sherlock Fic, Stop Being a Bitch and Finish It. Johnlock Slow Burn really really slow Angst Smut Fluff Eventual Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Unrequited Love mutual unrequited love Mutual Pining Violence Murder Case Fic Homophobia Homophobic Language POV Sherlock Holmes Idiots in Love they're really stupid and can't see past their noses but we love them Masturbation Oblivious Hate Crimes Hate Speech Hurt/Comfort Copping Off Coming Out Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship Sherlock Whump Words: 31,275 Chapter 48/? 
Sherlock is bored out of his mind - luckily Lestrade has a string of murders. Even luckier - Sherlock and John have to go undercover in a gay bar, and John's in tight clothes. But what if going back into that scene reminds Sherlock of his uni days? And what if he reverts back to shameless pleasure behind clubs? What if John never returns his affections? A series of life-threatening problems could both bring them together, and drive them apart.
Our Journal Mystrade Developing Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade Lestrade Can Draw switching POV Slow Burn Fluff mystrade Mystrade is art Mycroft is a Softie Even if just in his head Words: 3,798 Chapter 6/?
When the sketch artist is off, Greg is asked to step in. Like any artist - he thinks he's no good and hates his work. Mycroft just so happens to be around to lend some paper. After becoming enraptured in Greg's drawing, Mycroft's once-dormant feelings begin to fester again.
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myironstrange4life · 4 years
Ironstrange one shot #4 part 3
𝙸𝚖 𝙽𝚘𝚃 𝚐𝙰𝚢𝟹
"One word, strange, that's all I needed."
Tony, Stephen, and pepper were sitting at the table. A different place of course, due to all the destruction caused at the previous restaurant.
they talked and talked and-
Talked for a little while more.
Strange eventually got out the second restaurant with a nose bleed and a ripped lip, couple more bruises around the lip. And near the cheeks.
He could just see the cab leaving with tony and pepper in it, acknowledging how mad he managed him to get.
Stephen walked back to the sanctum, knowing this was gonna take a while before he would be able to see or talk to tony again.
He opened the door.
"So I bet he was pretty delighted to see you huh." Wong said not looking up from his books.
"Oh shut up will you." Strange was pissed, he couldn't believe Wong was actually right.
"That's not very polite strange." Comes the ancient one's voice.
"Ancient one." Wong says standing up.
"Good afternoon wong."
She turns to face him and soon turns back to Stephen, noticing the pout of a five year old
"I'd think that being sorcerer supreme, you'd have it easy." The ancient one said.
"What do you mean"
"Being sorcerer supreme offers sacrifices you need to risk taking and if you can't do that-"
"I know I know, doesn't mean I'll like it though."
"You still have lots to learn Stephen but give it time, you'll get the answers you're looking for eventually."
The ancient one always had her ways of comforting Stephen, one way or the other she was always right anyway.
The risks the ancient was talking about was one Stephen didn't think he'd be able to pull off.
He needed to save tony stark.
The only way was to distract him.
Two years ago, Tony Stark had gotten information unintentionally making him a target in so many ways.
The information would get stark more interested, and get him to research about it.
Stephen was the only one at the time to able to pull off a 'trick' on him.
Was it wrong? Yes of course but it was necessary.
Were there other ways, of course but this would also benefit Stephen in his maturity and character, as the ancient one would put it.
Stephen being dead would get tony to get his mind off of things and focus on his friends death. Giving Wong and his team of other sorcerers to 'hack' his computers removing all information taken.
Stephen knew this was going to happen but seeing it play in his head really made him regret it.
It's been a couple of weeks and nothing. Stephen has been doing his sorcery work and Tony's still in mechanics.
Fixing cars or whatever they do-
Stephen is feeling more guilty than ever, as the days pass.
He couldn't hold it in no longer, it's too much to handle how could he do this to him.
Back at the tower, tony was fixing a car after his argument with pepper about going to some meeting. Him proposing was never going to happen and he accepted that. He broke off their relationship.
He sighed thinking about everything. He couldn't keep blaming Stephen for something he might have not even had a choice in the matter.
Tony needed to be cleared, and the only way he was going to get that was by talking.
Stephen got up, knowing things couldn't end this way he needed to talk to tony.
Tony grabbed his coat and was ready to go out that door, just to be stopped by the orange sparks. His eyes widened not being used to those sparks, still knowing from where they came from.
"Tony-" strange said, feeling somewhat guilty
"Stephen? What are you-"
"I need to talk to you, I need to explain."
Tony still was pretty pissed but he allowed Stephen to explain once more, the version he hadn't heard yet.
"Go ahead." Tony signaled him to a chair and he sat down knowing this was the the talk of the night
"Two years ago-"
Oh did those words still trigger tony, to the depths of his heart but he needed to listen.
"You were at reach of some forbidden information, these document were government based, meaning they were secured with only a description that would open the human mind to its curiosity."
Tony nodded and Stephen continued,
"As the protector of this earth,"
Stephen felt kind of weird putting it this way but he had to stay focused and serious about this.
"I need to know what's happening and make sure every thing is in order, and potentially that includes your arrogant ass."
So much for keeping it serious-
"Hmph-" tony said in response
"The ancient one informed me of you, actually, and reached out to me on this mission to distract you."
This caught Tony's eye
"Distract me huh- well tell me doctor, playing dead, was it the best choice, I may be a genius and you're not so bad yourself but didn't you acknowledge at all how I would have felt, in any way at all? Did you think of that!?"
Stephen could sense the tension, tony was still mad and he couldn't blame him, to be completely honest Stephen was too himself.
"Tony- Im not making excuses and I'm tired of apologizing because what I did, it was necessary but I regret it so bad, I never had the intention to hurt you like that, I just needed to-"
"To what-“
Stephen couldn't help it anymore, too much emotions they just cramped up all and eventually led us to this.
Tony couldn't bare this any longer. Stephen saw him getting up, he did only what his heart told him to.
He grabbed tony and connected his lips to his, knowing his could change everything between them, these were the moments where time seemed to have stopped.
Nothing else mattered, Stephen realized that now.
Tony was a mess, his cheeks red, eyes wide open still processing what was happening, and he then felt himself kissing back.
Stephen followed his heart like never before, his head was what got him into this mess I the first place, he needed to fix it.
The moment just seemed so right, why did soemthig so lustful in others eyes, look so pure in theirs?
They parted, tony gasping for air and Stephen looking into his eyes.
"I- I just"
"Nono don't say anything, Im not mad if that's what you're thinking- I'm just surprised."
"Oh" Stephen didnt know what to say at all.
So he remained silent for a couple of seconds.
"I just hated how much I hurt you tony- and well you seemed kind of upset, what am I saying you were really upset with my death so I started assuming, maybe there was more emotion than I had intended. But of course I didn't mind, feeling the same for you, I presumed you'd propose to pepper but having some one special in your life before her, that proposal didn't work out too well, then comes the apology, best friends would have forgiven each other but lovers, lovers do far more than that. See they get a little more freedom knowing their love for each other is very secure so no matter what happens that love doesn't go away, so you loving me, I'm assuming, really gets you to the phase where you make me feel terrible but me loving you, I'd do anything to fix that, so you see it now. So all that hate and agony really was the hints you gave me to believe what I know now-“
Tony listened and listened closely. To every word, letting Stephen read him like a book. Was it all little weird to say he enjoyed it?
"So in conclusión what Im trying to say is, do you love me, just as I’ve loved you?”
That stroke hard but tony had his ways. 
He got closer
"Stephen strange you have to be the most stubborn, arrogant, cynical, crazy man I've met" he looks away
Stephen frowns assuming his answer
Suddenly stark appears to me be centimeters away from Stephens face, "but you're my stubborn, arrogant, cynical, and crazy in love and sexy, very sexy man."
"Oh? Well guess what you're mine and only mine, felt that didn't you."
Stephen grabs him by the waist, "so, answer me this, do you love me?"
"Stephen Vincent strange, I've said it once and I'll say it again, love is a mystery to you, and that answer can't be given with words-"
There was a slight pause.
"You know that." Tony finishes off saying.
"I do now." Stephen kisses his lips once again and tony is very pleased to finally know what his heart desired.
Hello hello, if you know me on wattpad this may seem familiar
A mcu and a sherlock mashup- dont mind if i do :3
This is the last part btw hope you enjoyed
Wattpad: its_joselyn (myironstrange4life)
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002 for ironstrange, clintasha and stucky. Is it too much for the same ask? You can just pick one of them 😁
Three is the magic number, no problems! The only thing is that I don’t ship clintasha romantically so it’ll be a bromantic thing (?)
002 | Ironstrange
when of if I started shipping it: Since 2016, aka when I watched Doctor Strange. At first, it was just because of the Sherlock inception thing. As a lot of you probably know, I’ve a thing about everything related to Sherlock Holmes, to the point when before DBH the only video game I’ve ever played which wasn’t The Sims was a Sherlock Holmes one (and Dante’s Inferno, but I’ve never finished that one). (If you need a confirmation @filvet knows ‘cause I’ve been bothering him with the Sherlock Inception - as I called the ship before - since I found out he was into Marvel). Though I’ve never looked for fics about them until I saw Infinity War. My brother doesn’t have a Tumblr so I can’t tag him, but he was seated by my side at the cinema and he knows that when Tony asks Stephen ��why would you do that?” I kind of yelled in his ear “Because I love you, Tony”, which didn’t happen, but it would have been a great line. [sorry for the TMI]
my thoughts: I’ve known since the first moment I watched DS that their characters match wonderfully. And yet, they are different enough to call out each other bullshit and know when, instead, silence is the best way to face things. Another thing that had me immediately going for this ship is that them both know how much is important what they do (maybe for all the wrong reasons, aka proving they are not assholes), but still. They know that the superhero life is their second chance, and they need to prove it to themselves in the first place, and then to the others. 
What makes me happy about them: All the potential banter and intelligent conversation, the possibility of lab scenes like the one with Tony and Bruce from AOU and also how they compensate each other. 
What makes me sad about them: Endgame! 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Stephen portrayed as the weak one in the relationship, I think. 
things I look for in fanfic: I don’t have preferences, as far as there’s a happy/bittersweet ending. Also seeing their psyche being deeply investigated. They are both so much more than they show, and I love when people go in deep. 
My kinks: breathplay, bondage, D/s, pillow-talk in smutty fics. In general them taking care of each other. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Tony with Nat or Bruce (the ot4 is strong here), Stephen with Christine, Nat or Bruce. 
My happily ever after for them: getting old together and happy
002 | Clintasha
when of if I started shipping it: I don’t ship them romantically, but I love their friendship since the first Avenger. 
my thoughts: We probably never have the real story, but I’m super sure that Budapest is more related to Natasha saving Clint that not the other way around. 
What makes me happy about them: the wholesome relationship Nat has with Clint’s family! 
What makes me sad about them: Endgame once again. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I never read fics about them
things I look for in fanfic: ^^^
My kinks: Ok, it’s not a kink in the real sense of the word, but I’d like to see them having a one-night-stand when they meet the first time and then deciding they work better as friends and Nat setting Clint up with Laura. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Nat with Tony, Bruce or Stephen (or the three of them), Clint with Laura. 
My happily ever after for them: The little scene in AOU having a strong and durable sequel. Like Sunday lunches and Nat in the Bartons’ Christmas pic.
002 | Stucky
when of if I started shipping it: I’ve seen CA:TWA for the first time years after it has been released, so I actually started to ship them during TWS/CW
my thoughts: Is basically the only Steve ship I’ll ever accept because it’s clear that they have had feelings since they were in Brooklin. 
What makes me happy about them: How they never give up on the other. I’d like to see some insight from Bucky’s pov of the time in Wakanda, when Steve was on the run, and they spoke via Skype, but I’m pretty sure this is something rooted deep in them. I also love how when they were younger was Bucky to take care of Steve and then how the things changed after Cap understood Bucky was the Winter Soldier. 
What makes me sad about them: How Steve treated Bucky (and Sam) in Endgame
things done in fanfic that annoys me: While I love them, I’ve never read fics in which they are the main pair, so I can’t tell. 
things I look for in fanfic: I’d love to see a fic in which they, especially Bucky, adapt in a world where same-sex relationships are accepted. 
My kinks: the entire “we have super-serum induced stamina” thing! 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Bucky (only platonically/not sexually) with Shuri or Tony, Steve with Thor. 
My happily ever after for them: a double date with Sam and Sharon should be included in every possible happy ending. But the “real” one will be the one when Steve keeps being Captain America, but gives Bucky his shield and instead of going back in time decides to move in with him in some nice place in Brooklin. 
send me something / asks
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Can you write about Ironstrange through Scott's eyes?
From The Outside Looking In
Scott Lang was not jealous.
Okay, maybe he was a little jealous.
A lot. He was very jealous.
It started when Stephen first wore the suit that Tony made for him. Scott thought it was just the fact that the sorcerer was wearing it and kicked major ass that started his little crush, but then the Hydra mission came around. Stephen wasn't even wearing the suit at first when he went ballistic on the large group of Hydra agents when their commander got a hold of Peter who had been drugged. It was then that the ex-con realized that he didn't have a crush on the sorcerer because of his suit or his moves...
...but his Mama Bear side.
Stephen was so protective of Peter that it was hard for Scott not to think what it might be like if the sorcerer cared about Cassie like that. He fell hard after that. He flirted, touched if he could get away with it, but he never tried to break Tony and Stephen apart. He was not a homewrecker. Scott would never do that to them, especially Peter, because that kid had been through enough. He deserved to have parents that were happy. And Stark and Strange were happy.
Sure, they were always sarcastic and snarked at each other, but even a blind man could see that they were head over heels with each other. They didn't need to profess their feelings, but when they did, it was real. Then Tony discovered Stephen's obsession with chocolate and it floored both the engineer and Scott. He could only look though, and really, he was glad Tony was letting him do that. He could easily kick Scott out of the tower if he felt like the ex-con was overstepping his bounds, and the fact that he got away with attempted manhandling when Stephen got drunk was a miracle. He wasn't actually trying to get into the sorcerer's pants (no matter how amazing he looked shirtless), just trying to see how far gone the sorcerer was.
He would never take advantage of Stephen like that.
Then the sorcerer discovered that he loved hearing Tony speak in different languages and their sex life increased dramatically. Between chocolate and Italian, they did it everywhere, as often as possible. Peter was usually portaled to his friend's house much to the teen's annoyance. When Tony told the team one evening during dinner that he and Stephen used the table as their nearest flat surface...Scott was surprised to find out that it hurt. Sure, he was a little grossed out that the couple had used a surface that the team ate on for bedroom activities, but he couldn't get over the fact that the engineer was essentially gloating about having Stephen.
That was when Scott realized he was more than head over heels. Despite his one sided crush, Stephen was still kind to him (minus the part where the man flicked him across the room but his dumb ass enjoyed it), and always looked out for the team. The sorcerer griped and moaned about the Avengers mischief and the fact that he only signed up to parent Peter, but he looked out for them. He always kept one eye on a fight and the other and the rest of the team when they battled aliens and non, saving them from lethal blows on multiple occasions. The name Tony had given Stephen's suit fit perfectly.
Mystic Guardian, indeed.
Scott always felt his heart clench when Tony and Stephen smiled at each other after a victorious battle, but then he would just busy himself with helping to make sure the others were alright. Except the one time he couldn't get up after battle. New York was overrun by androids (because it was obviously the go to for minions recently, despite Tony being able to find weaknesses fairly quickly) and before Scott could grow or even shrink, he was hit by one of the robots. The force of the punch was so strong that it knocked the wind out if him, and he landed on a broken metal railing, impaling himself on it. No one had been nearby to notice his predicament, that he was stuck, and losing too much blood. He floated in and out of consciousness for a few minutes and after the second time his eyes closed and he had to force himself awake, Stephen was kneeling beside him. When he tried to talk, all that came out was a violent cough followed by a wheeze, and a small stream of blood out of the corner of his mouth.
He later found out that he looked as bad as he felt.
"This will hurt."
That was all the warning Scott got before he was being pulled off the railing, barking out a pained shout, and then laid on the ground. Warmth flooded his body immediately after, it was pleasant, but didn't last very long. Through the pain that came crashing back, he noticed not one, but two pairs of hands. One pair applying pressure to his wound, the other laying on his forehead where the warmth had started.
"I-I can't..."
"You did enough babe. Bruce will do the rest."
Scott had blacked out after that and didn't wake up for over a day. The team had eventually told him what happened after he had passed out. Stephen had already been exhausted when he found Scott, but healed him as much as he could after Tony pulled him off the railing. The sorcerer was able to do enough to keep him from dying but couldn't open a portal directly to med-bay afterwards, so Peter had applied a compression web before the team rushed the ex-con to the Quinjet and then to the tower. Stephen had passed out as soon as he set foot on the jet and was still sleeping when Scott finally woke up.
He discovered, with a bit of mental horror, that he wasn't crushing anymore. Scott was in love and it hurt because he knew it would never come to fruition.
He pushed that feeling so far down that he almost forgot it was there. He still flirted, touched when he could get away with it, but never did anything to ruin his friendship with both Stephen and Tony. They were still his friends, his family...and he wasn't about to do something stupid to lose that.
Then came the kiss. When he helped Stephen and Peter get Tony back after the battle with Thanos, he was expecting Stephen to use the loop hole that the ex-con didn't specify what kind of kiss and to kiss him on the cheek, but no. The sorcerer had given him a proper mouth to mouth kiss and Scott was pretty sure he died on his feet. When he found out he didn't, he waited for Tony to finish the job, but the billionaire just told him that it wasn't happening again.
Scott could live with that.
He could live with the fact that he made Stephen's family whole again and got a taste of the doctor as a reward. The love festered for a little while after that, but he was able to shove it down again.
Seeing Peter and Stephen emotionally alive again was worth the pain. He knew he could never replace Tony for either of them, so he was content to just fall back on his usual behavior, and pretend that he only had a simple crush.
Love was a fickle thing anyway.
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foxcantswim · 5 years
Infinity Reactor 3000
@sammythedragon1 @averagemarvelbitch @nineandthreequarters9 @magitech27 @do-i-draw-or-write-this @stark-eftychia
Post Endgame (Minor Spoilers)
Infinity Reactor 3000
Stephen has created a new Arc Reactor for Tony and now the mechanic has to come to terms with the feelings he possesses for the sorcerer. Friday definitely has something to say about it.
IronStrange - Tony Stark x Stephen Strange Characters: Tony, Stephen, Friday, Dummy, Goose + Carol (mentioned)
"Mr. Stark?"
"What's up, Friday?" Tony asked in frustration, looking around his lab at the scattered metal parts. His progress of a new Iron Man suit had been slow due to his right arm being in a cast. He kicked a part away from him in annoyance.
"I seem to be having issues with my coding, sir."
"Oh? What's the problem?" he asked, sitting down in his chair, slight worry laced his voice. He pulled up a file in the air, "I've run a quick diagnostics and I'm not really seeing the error here."
"I've been experiencing something, sir."
"And what is this something?" he asked as got rid of the file, "Don't keep me on edge!"
"That is... Not what I was expecting you to say." he paused, "What er... What are you disgusted at, Fri?" he wondered as messed around with some wiring with his fingers.
"You may not like my answer."
"I won't be mad. You can say it's my face because lets be honest... It has seen better days."
"No, boss. It's not your face. You are looking as handsome as ever."
Tony chuckled, "Aw, Friday. You flatter me." he smiled, "Okay, seriously... What is it? I promise I won't replace you with a new AI."
"You are terrible at keeping promises, sir... It involves Doctor Strange."
"Strange?" Tony questioned, "Why are you disgusted with Stephen?"
"I'm not disgusted with Stephen as a person, sir."
He groaned, leaning back in his chair, "I'm getting old, Friday! You're losing me!"
"I'm disgusted with how you act around him." she finally answered.
A spark flew from the wiring after Tony gripped it just a bit too tight, he flinched and let it fall back into the shell of a helmet.
"You should be careful with that, sir."
A familiar meow of amusement echoed throughout the lab.
"Don't you start." Tony warned as he turned around in his chair to face Goose. She was sitting in the doorway, "Or I'll leave you stranded in space."
Goose suddenly roared, tentacles flew out of her mouth in an attempt to threaten Tony.
Once Goose was back to 'normal', Tony's face still possessed a blank expression. He rolled his eyes before turning back around to face the helmet on the table once again. His eyes suddenly looked down at himself, slowly trailing to the new arc reactor that was within his chest.
Strange had helped him create it. It was infused with a fragment from the Time Stone. It was the only thing that was keeping him alive after the snap.
Tony had always been fond with Stephen. He always managed to match his sarcasm, whit, humour. Everything. He had never been happier to see the wizard appear after they managed to get everybody back. He knew he felt something... But he was blind to see it himself.
All the pieces connected once Stephen had saved him. The sorcerer was immediately by his side after he snapped his fingers, getting rid of the purple grape for good. Being the Sorcerer Supreme definitely helped in saving his life. And when Strange had taken Tony to the Sanctum, showing him plans of an Arc Reactor infused with a piece of the Time Stone... Tony knew exactly what his feelings were.
It had taken a few weeks to create the 'Infinity Reactor' as Tony had called it. Stephen called it the 'Arc of Agamotto'. They couldn't really come to a decision. (The Ancient One wasn't too fond with the idea of Stephen using the Time Stone to keep Tony alive. But once she knew about Tony being the one to end Thanos' reign, she couldn't say no to Stephen.)
Afterall. There were only two outcomes where Thanos was defeated. One where Tony died a horrible death, sitting on the battlefield. And another where Tony lived, with the power of the Time Stone flowing throughout him.
Stephen had kept Tony in his astral body for the majority of the time during the building process, only allowing him back into his physical body whenever he needed help with a wire or two. He didn't want to risk Tony dying to the post-snap effects.
It took around a month before Tony was able to talk coherently again. And It took around five months for him to be able to walk properly again without help, Stephen thought it would take longer. But he was amazed at Tony's strength to get through everything.
A smile formed on the mechanic's face as he saw the light on his chest glow bright blue. There was an occasional green light swirling throughout. Everytime he saw that green, it always reminded him of Stephen.
"Boss." Friday spoke, breaking Tony away from his thoughts, "It appears that Goose has thrown up again."
"Are you kidding me?!" Tony exclaimed, standing and turning around to face the Flerken, "Goose! What did I tell you about doing that in the lab?!"
Somehow, Goose portrayed pure sass and smugness.
"Stephen was right. You are a pain."
Goose purred, clearly pleased with herself.
Tony sighed, clicking his fingers, "Dummy!" he called and pointed at the mess, "Clean that up."
"Please." Friday added.
He sat back down harshly, he was frustrated in so many different ways. He winced slightly as a jolt of pain rushed through his arm.
"Sir. I have detected an anomaly within your recovery. I have contacted Doctor Strange."
"That was unnecessary, Friday. Call him and tell him I'm fi-"
He was cut off by the familiar orange glow and faint sound of a portal. A slight gust of wind pushed some papers to the ground as the portal finally opened.
"Anthony Edward Stark, If you are overworking yourself again... I swear I'm going to keep you in your Astral form."
Tony never got tired of that voice.
As Stephen stepped through the portal, Tony portrayed fake offence, "How dare you. I'm ill. I don't need abuse from you."
The portal closed as Stephen approached, his eyes landed on Goose. He saw her sitting down next to a pile of... Something... Dummy slowly rolled over and 'extinguished' the mess. Tony had a look of utter disappointment across his face.
"Goose." Stephen nodded with a look of confusion. He shook his head and made his way over to Tony, "Now. Lets have a look at you."
"Stephen, I'm fine." Tony tried to assure as Stephen's hand came to his 'Infinity Reactor'. Stephen gave it an experimental tap and saw the power of the Time Stone flow throughout it.
"Friday tells me otherwise." he paused, "Your reactor could do with an upgrade or two. Just something a bit more stronger to contain the power of the stone. Shouldn't be a problem." he leaned in closer as his eyes then looked at his arm, "The nanites seem to be doing fine. Perhaps they are working a bit too slow but that shouldn't matter. I will go through a few tests once I'm back at the Sanctum."
"Stephen." Tony grabbed the sorcerer's wrist as he reached for his damaged arm, "I'm. Fine. You know I would let you know if I wasn't feeling good."
"We both know that's a lie." Stephen smiled. His eyes scanned the man's face, "At least that's healing." the sorcerer nodded to his right cheek, "Looks a lot better than it did last week. It will clear up within in a month."
A look of shock immediately appeared on Tony's face, "I'll have you know that Friday thinks I'm looking as handsome as ever, so your comment is inval-." Stephen cut him off by shaking his hand out of Tony's grip and placed it on his cheek, "I-Invalid." Tony muttered before clearing his throat.
Stephen smiled at the sight of Tony's reddening face, "Yes. That is definitely healing at an acceptable rate." he stepped back, his hand fell in the process, "The anomaly that Friday detected must've been caused by your stress levels. I can see that you are overworking yourself, Tony..." Tony was about to speak but Stephen quick cut in, "I know you want to finish you suit. But you need to take your time. You need more rest." he spoke softly.
Tony saw it. The look in Stephen's eyes.
At that moment, he had slight hope that maybe. Just maybe Stephen had some sort of feelings for him.
Tony slowly stood from his seat and moved so he stood directly in front of Stephen.
Stephen raised an eyebrow, "You're a lot shorter than I remember. Mr Tiny Stark."
"Shut up, Strange." he said before his hand came to the back of the sorcerer's neck, pulling him down into a short but sweet kiss. Tony was shocked as Stephen almost instantly reciprocated, his hands were quickly on the mechanic's waist. A sigh of relief escaped Tony as they pulled away.
Stephen smiled down at him.
"Disgust." Friday.
Tony shook his head with a chuckle, ignoring Friday, "Okay, Doctor. I want to strike a deal with you."
Stephen's smile faded in confusion, "A deal? For what?"
"I promise to take it easy and sleep more..."
"If you kiss me again, wizard."
The wizard rolled his eyes as his smile reappeared before leaning down to peck the man on lips once again, "I hate you, Stark."
"And I love you times 3000, Strange." Tony hadn't meant to say that. It just felt right after they had literally be dancing around each for months and months.
"Tony, I-" Stephen flinched as Goose jumped up onto the table next to them, this caused both of them to look towards the Flerken.
Tony groaned as he stepped away, causing the taller man's hands to fall from his waist. Tony slightly heaved, "Oh, God... The smell coming from that cat. I don't think I've ever smelt anything worse."
The sorcerer chuckled as he stepped away from the table, too, "Flerken. Not a cat."
"She's a cat."
"Well that cat has demonic tentacles that come out of its mouth. Yeah. Definitely not a Flerken."
Tony sighed, "Danvers needs to pick this cat up now."
"One: It's a Flerken. Two: It's only been two days since she left Goose here. It's your fault for agreeing to look after her for a week."
Stepping over the mess on the floor, Tony pointed at Dummy, "You are a disgrace to Stark Industries."
Stephen shook his head, "Don't insult Dummy. Or I won't kiss you again."
"Oh, Stephie. My dear wizard. You couldn't resist me." he said, making his way out the door of the lab, "It's still a cat by the way!" he shouted over his shoulder.
"Flerken." Friday added.
The smile on Stephen's face grew as he followed Tony.
As Stephen caught up with Tony he muttered, "It's still a Flerken."
Tony looked at him with a smirk, "If you don't shut up I will slap you."
"Yeah. Go for it with your broken arm."
Stephen would have to tell him later that he too loved him times 3000.
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reinarandraw · 5 years
The Herald Descends
I wanted to practice writing something fun so I thought writing a small ficlet for my villain ironstrange au would be neat. Exploring how they first met each other sounds cool. And then things got out of hand and I don’t think I have the energy to finish it, well not in the near future. But I kinda like the 1st part of the fic so I guess it won’t hurt to post it here.
So, enjoy. 
Title: The Herald Descends Words: 1,491 Summary: In the beginning, there was darkness. In the end, the darkness awaited. Stephen Strange would make sure Earth would finally fall into his master’s hand.
In the beginning, there was darkness. The universe was formless and empty. There was no sign of life anywhere nor the smell of death and decay. There was simply nothing. Just never-ending darkness. Just a bottomless void of nothingness.
But then the light appeared and it brought life.
Stephen used to think that life was all that matter. He became a doctor to preserve life and to save people. Even when his heart turned cold and he let his ego dictated his move, he still clung to that ideology. Do no harm. He was not a fan of violence after all.
But one life meant nothing in this multiverse. People died every day and yet everything went on. The Ancient One told him, death is what gives life meaning. Stephen wondered how come she could be so close-minded. She had seen the vast multiverse, she had lived for more than a hundred year, she was the Sorcerer Supreme. And yet she still thought like a mere mortal. 
Neither life nor death mattered. Why should it matter? Every beginning had its ending. Great civilizations fell and left forgotten. Planets explored and gone forever. We were nothing but dust in this multiverse. Our life was too short and insignificant. Nothing mattered. In the end, everything would come back to the darkness.
In the beginning, there was darkness. It the end, the darkness awaited.
“Mercy, please have mercy…”
The man before him croaked. Stephen looked down at him. His skin was marred with blood everywhere. Stephen knelt beside him so he could get a better look. A short gasp escaped the man’s lips as Stephen’s leaned closer, eyes blown wide with terror. Up close, Stephen could see every line on the man’s face, some spoke of his age and some of his agony. This man had minutes left to live, sooner even. He was the one who called himself the good shaman. He brought magic to this little town. He saw himself as a healer and disregarding the dangers he invited by tampering with powers beyond his comprehension. It was the one that drew Stephen’s master to this town. This town flourished with magic. How poetic it was to end it with magic.
“Please…” he whined, his voice breaking, “have mercy! I beg you!”
Stephen looked at his surroundings. Only debris and destruction remained of this small town. Stephen didn’t give them any chance to fight. With waves of his hands, Stephen unfolded reality and destroyed everything in his sight. Buildings collapsed and buried people inside them. Roads bent and trapped cars in their twist. The local polices tried to subdue him with pistols but no bullet managed to graze him. The town was too far to attract attention so no help was coming. Not soon enough at least.
“What do you want?! Why are you doing this?” The man asked. Tears fell from his eyes, leaving wet trails on his bruised cheeks.
Stephen touched the man’s cheek, feeling him whimpered under his touch.
“Please don’t kill me…” he begged.
“I won’t, don’t worry,” Stephen promised. For a fleeting moment, Stephen saw hope flashed in his eyes. It soon died when he heard Stephen’s scoff. “I need someone to spread the news.”
“What news?”
The man shrieked in terror when Stephen let magic to levitate him from the ground. Stephen got up on his feet then walked to the center of the town with the shaman floating behind him. Once he was in the position, he turned to address the man.
“Listen to me,” he began, “you’re going to witness something and I’d like you to tell everyone. Can you do that for me?”
The man was only able to let out a pathetic whimper.
Stephen smiled and somehow it only made the man whimper even louder. How pathetic. He turned his back against him. He felt a surge of energy burst in his system as he opened his connection to The Dark Dimension. His hands then moved to form complicated hand gestures to cast his spell. Soon, he could feel raw power flowing in his vein. So much power, it burned him from within.
It hurt, oh did it hurt. The power set his nerves ablazed and strained his muscles. Mortal body was not meant to wield this power. But thankfully, Stephen was not a mere mortal anymore.
“Let the darkness descend upon this town!” And with that, he released hell.
The ground shook violently below his feet. Stephen could hear the shaman screamed but his cry was drowned by the cracking sound of thunders. Dark purple clouds covering the night sky above them, forming a temporary portal to The Dark Dimension. Stephen smiled at the magnificent sight, a glimpse of the different sky he called home. The air was thrumming with primordial magic. Stephen watched in silent satisfaction as bodies on the ground crumbled to scorched husks. They flew to the sky, towards his master.
“That’s… That’s The Dark Dimension!” The shaman’s words made him turn his attention back to the pathetic wailing man.
“Oh, you’re more than a blabbering idiot,” Stephen commented. “I don’t need to recite my evil monologue. What a shame.”
"You...” the shaman gaped at him. “How...?”
“But what you know about The Dark Dimension is probably wrong. There’s so much misconception about it, especially about my master. Maybe I should start writing a book. Book of Strange has a nice ring on it, doesn’t it?”
“You served him!” The shaman spat the words like it was an insult. Stephen resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
“Wow, what gave it away? The fact I just banished the whole population of this pitiful town to The Dark Dimension or my creepy eyes?”
Stephen then grasped the man’s lower face in one hand, his nails digging right to his cheeks. He could feel the man’s scream behind his palm.
“Sshh, there’s no need to struggle.” He brought his other hand to the man’s forehead. “I promise I won’t kill you, remember?” A spark of purple fire ignited from his fingertips.
The shaman’s eyes went wide. The purple light looked so beautiful when it was reflected in his black eyes.
“It’s going to be ok,” Stephen tried to reassure him. “Trust me. I used to be a surgeon.”
And with that, he carved a symbol to the man’s skin. A warning to the world, especially those at Kamar-Taj. His master’s symbol.
Stephen admired his handiwork with a small smile. He leaned forward toward the shaman and said, “Tell everyone you see, darkness will come to you all soon. He will come and there’s nothing you can do to stop him.’”
He didn’t need a sling ring and a hand gesture to open a portal. It was for dumb sorcerers who had no idea how to manipulate space and time continuum. Stephen learned so much from his master. A circle of purple spark materialized just behind the shaman. Stephen could see the street of New York on the other side of the portal.
“What are you-“
“Bye.” Stephen used his magic to launch the shaman towards the portal and then closed it.
Stephen noticed that purple clouds were starting to dissipate. A minute passed in somber silence until the connection to The Dark Dimension was finally closed. Stephen’s knees buckled and just failed to support his weight. Knowing that he was completely alone, he let himself fall to the ground. He was exhausted, his whole body shaking with pain. He curled up into a fetal position and closed his eyes.
It always happened after he channeled an extensive amount of energy from The Dark Dimension. A backlash from casting a large portal to Dark Dimension and banishing hundreds of people there. Stephen’s physiology might have evolved into something more than a mortal but he was not a cosmic being that was born from pure energy.
“I’m disappointed.”
His master’s voice rang loudly in his mind. Stephen’s eyes snapped open as he tried to control his labored breathing.
“You are not ready.”
“Ok, that’s not actually true.” Stephen quickly got up on his feet, ignoring how his muscles spasm painfully as he did so. “I just need more time!”
“Ah, time. The little gift you brought me when we first met.” A deep rumble echoed in his mind. It was hard to tell whether Dormammu was chuckling or grumbling. “Haven’t you spent centuries mastering the power I gave you? You dare to ask for more time?”
“I haven’t been here for a long time,” Stephen argued. “You trained me in The Dark Dimension. Things work differently here. The Sanctums are disturbing my connection to you. It’s harder for me to access your power. They protect the Earth, remember? Let me destroy the sanctums so I can have full access to you. You can even come here.”
“You are not ready,” he repeated. There was no more word for a long time. Stephen feared his master had left him, but then he continued, “Rest, my herald. There is still much work for you.”
Stephen felt like he would collapse once more but he refused to do so. Fuelled by sheer will, Stephen made a portal to his hideout. His master was right. He needed to take a rest. Earth destruction could wait.
I’m just going to stick with fanart for now.
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illicien · 5 years
Prelude to Night
Look I know this is clearly an IronStrangeFrost blog, but I’ve had this piece sitting around forever as the prelude to an IronStrange fic and I need to do something with it to try and motivate my ass to get writing the rest of the damn fic. So have some Mordo/Strange Vampire AU stuff. It is not happy. It is not cute. Don’t expect warm fluffies. Unless you get warm fluffies from dark stuff in which case - no judgement, you do you, I salute you. Rating: M Warnings: Blood, violence, manipulation/mind control, character death (sort of) Themes: Vampires (as inspired primarily by the World of Darkness/New World of Darkness, but look I read and write a lot of vampire stuff so there are influences from everywhere. I’m just also a dirty dirty LARPer and I spent years with WoD.) Pairings: Mordo/Strange
Notes: For Mordo/Strange shippers - I’m sorry this is literally all I have for you right now! As I said this was the prelude to an IronStrange fic. But y’all are damn valid and I see you!!
For IronStrange shippers - I’m also sorry this is all I have for you right now! If you’re interested, I will do my best to get on finishing this darn fic. But dangit, I derive most of my motivation from readers and collaborators, and keeping things to myself like this usually just leads me into a writer’s block.
Now then, on with the story...
Most people don’t know what it means to be unmade. Most people hadn’t descended the way he had.
At first it had been little steps, one at a time. A staircase into darkness. He didn’t know what had happened at first it was such a small thing. So simple.
He mistook it for falling in love at first sight. They caught each other’s eyes across a room and there was a magnetism that drove him to approach the other man. It wasn’t as though he normally would have avoided everyone at the party, but his mind and heart pulled him to the other in a way he hadn’t felt before - he didn’t simply want to speak with the other, he’d needed to.
They spent the night talking. The man knew who he was, that was no surprise at a function like this. It was a gathering of medical professionals and he wasn’t precisely unknown or an unusual person to see at these kinds of gatherings, and the stranger was more than happy to engage him on a great number of subjects from experimental procedures to the intricacies of navigating med school.
While the other showed no interest in drinking, he’d definitely shown an interest in the Doctor’s advancements - not in a way that seemed amused or condescending, but also not in an overeager way. He was refined, almost too elegant about things as he offered a hand to the Doctor to lead him elsewhere. Tipsy and utterly enamored as he was, he’d followed.
It was a memory he’d never forget, a beautiful memory. He was lost in a sea of sensation, disconnected from his own body, unfamiliar with what he was experiencing. The other wasn’t gentle with him, he bit and clawed at him, encouraging reciprocation and the moment the man’s blood touched his tongue he’d felt stronger - empowered.
From that night he’d been trapped.
The Baron had been prepared for him, looking for him quite specifically. He’d had his reasons and despite the Doctor’s oaths they began to slip. There were more pressing things than simply saving lives. The Baron had needs and it was the Doctor’s pleasure to fill those needs. It was a compulsion.
At first it was as simple as letting him siphon off his blood - a little at a time, they were both well enough aware of the limitations of his body, despite the changes he’d gone through. The Baron would show up once a week in the evenings wherever the Doctor was, and more often than not the Doctor made himself available at home for it.
He’d found it much more pleasant to feed the man at home where he could disappear into the bliss of sex even though it often left the Doctor to fall asleep and awaken again alone, mostly healed up and otherwise patched up. Well enough to work.
Eventually the Baron came more often but it wasn’t for blood. Not his anyway. The Doctor began to sneak bags of blood from the hospital at the Baron’s wish. One or two here and there, nothing dramatic but enough to sate the man at first - enough to earn him a smile, praise, signs of pleasure. There was a pride that swelled in the Doctor each time, like a well trained dog.
In hindsight that was all he was. A dog.
His master’s blood in his system wasn’t enough when he went over the edge. It healed the superficial wounds - enough so that the paramedics at first were confused by his state - but without being able to see the Baron, to taste his power, there was no saving him. And his master didn’t come.
There was only so much that could be done. During the time he spent in hospital there was no sign of the Baron, and his hands resembled something more like claws than hands by the time he was released. They’d been clear - his scans had been clear - he’d never be able to perform surgery again.
They trembled such that he could barely lift a glass of water at first and then they trembled for his fury at that knowledge, and the desperation to see his master again. He spent weeks alone, angry, frustrated and lost without guidance. The rare occasion someone arrived, he felt his heart surge in anticipation before dropping back into its misery as he sent visitors away, content to disappear into his solitude as he awaited his master.
It was two months before the man appeared, green robes and skin that seemed almost a part of the night, brown eyes piercing through him in the dark. But the broken man could feel it, a surge of hope for only the briefest of moments.
The Baron didn’t smile as he approached the place the broken man slumped with his hands cradled against him in shame. A strong hand ran into his hair, grasping firmly to tilt his head back watching him sternly a moment before tsking quietly into the night. The broken man allowed his head to be adjusted to the man’s pleasure, intent on proving he was still of use - he still had something to give, even if his title no longer granted him the access he’d had before.
He still bled and the Baron knew it.
“Please help,” the broken man had whispered as his head was rolled to one side, baring his throat and the Baron simply hummed in thought.
“I cannot fix your hands, Stephen.” His voice was calm and quiet even as he knelt beside the broken man, his other hand gentle on the broken man’s scruffy face. “Not like this.”
“I can still be useful,” he insisted, sounding desperate to his own ears, and the hand on his face moved to silence him.
“Not as you are. Perhaps if you become more.” The brush of lips along his neck left him to shiver, relaxing entirely into the man’s hold.
The Baron’s bite was not gentle. It was fierce in a way the broken man had never felt before, the fangs tore into his neck painfully but he didn’t protest, emitting a small whimper as he slumped against his master. The other showed no restraint - he didn’t pull back, holding him firmly in place when he started to struggle slightly, his head growing light and the cold he’d felt in his hands beginning to creep through the rest of his body.
He opened his mouth as realization hit: the Baron wasn’t going to stop. He was taking much more from him than he’d taken before and he felt his heart begin to hammer heavily in his chest.
“You’re-!” The hand on his face grasped at him more firmly, covering his mouth and silencing his verbal panic.
The Baron was killing him. He was going to die. Even as he attempted to struggle he was held more firmly, the glass behind him cracking in testament to the strength with which he was being restrained, his jaw echoing the sound when he tried to struggle further.
His vision grew steadily more bleary as the Baron dug more firmly into his neck, a feeling that was once accompanied by pleasure becoming absolute torment. A little at a time he was dying and the harder his heart beat in his chest the closer he raced to his death. The broken man could barely keep himself upright, not that it mattered for the strength that pinned him in place.
Eventually his eyelids were too heavy to stay open and the hand released his face, fangs and the warmth of the other man’s mouth leaving him.
At first he thought he’d be left alone just like that, his body twitching and shuddering by no strength of his own - and then warmth came. A drop on his lips and then his head was tilted back and the warmth filled his mouth. A hand massaged his throat, encouraging the liquid down his throat.
He didn’t know how long, how much, but eventually the warmth was brushed over the gashes in his neck and the other pulled away again, leaving the broken man to slump into a heap on the floor. He was dying… he was really dying. The liquid - his master’s blood - wasn’t going to do anything to replenish the blood he’d lost. There was no means by which his stomach would divert the blood to his veins - to his failing heart.
“Whether you survive or not is up to you.” He vaguely heard the Baron speak, his voice growing quieter as he walked away. “Find me if you wake up.”
And he was alone.
His heartbeat had slowed, his body was heavy and his head was light all at once. Tears burned down his cheeks as consciousness came and went, and any joy he’d felt at the knowledge that he’d improbably survived his car crash felt wasted. He would die now instead.
He’d been abandoned and left to die alone.
Yup. So that’s my intro. Needed to get that off my chest. Maybe I can finally get my butt back to working on the rest of the darn fic now and some juicy juicy IronStrange.
15 notes · View notes
babywarg · 5 years
ironstrange fic: Love Through Time
This ran on a bit long (close to 5k words). I can’t seem to write shortfic anymore, help T_T
Does anyone else love the new dark blue Tumblr theme? I love it. So soothing to the eyes
Notes: This is a fill for this prompt: “Tony discovers an old drawing of, and finally remembers, his invisible friend Stephen from when he was a child.”
originally on AO3.
tagging @cumberunicorn-ceioln​, as requested :)
“Mr. Stark,” Edward Jarvis greeted. “I’ve come with the items you requested.”
“Hm?’ Tony’s mind leapt out of his musing. He was in his laboratory, trying to solve a particularly sticky schematics issue with a new suit he was developing. “I didn’t request anything.”
“You did, sir,” Jarvis gently corrected. “You said I should salvage whatever I felt was necessary of your family’s summer home, and bring them to you.”
The Starks’ summer home. It was a white elephant; nobody wanted to rent it, and selling it off was proving to be troublesome, considering the high real estate rates in the city it was in.
Tony had thought it best to sell or auction off the things in it, and let the space itself rot, if that was its fate.
“So the auction guys have everything else, right? How much was left?”
“Not much, sir,” Jarvis informed him. “I took the liberty of using the old toy box in the nursery as a receptacle. It was where most of the items were stored, anyway.”
Jarvis held out a small, plain wooden box to him.
“Very good, Jarvis, thanks,” he absently said as he took it.
When Jarvis had left, Tony opened the box.
There were old medals from summer school, old photographs...encouraging notes from his mother. Those were always a treat.
Then there were the old drawings.
The crayon sketches Maria Stark had kept, for no good reason.
One of them made Tony pause.
Made time stop.
  On the sketch was a tall, lanky man with a long face.
A loose blue long-sleeved shirt.
A red cloak.
Blue-green eyes.
And gray hair brushed back from his temples.
The man was standing beside a little boy with dark hair, whom Tony presumed to be himself.
Little Tony held a wrench (it was called an adjustable spanner, he knew now) on his right hand.
The man in the cloak had a halo of golden light around his left hand.
It was a cute, innocent child’s drawing.
Which was why Tony couldn’t explain the sudden, splitting headache he got after looking at it.
“FRIDAY,” he said to the room, “save everything, but keep the simulations running. I need a nap.”
“Will do, boss,” the room answered.
Tony dragged himself to the couch in the living room upstairs, and threw himself down on it. He didn’t make it to any of the bedrooms. He didn’t really want to.
He just wanted his headache to go away.
So, right after collapsing, he closed his eyes, and tried to sleep.
The very first time Stephen made an appearance was when Tony was still in the cradle.
It stands to reason Tony was too little to remember.
Baby Tony had been awakened by the loud male voice yelling “NO!!” that came out of nowhere. He had been frightened. He had cried.
He had been too little to comprehend the loud noises. The lights that had flooded his room. The tall shadow that had been bent over his cradle and his unsuspecting self. The screaming that had come from his tiny, panicked lungs.
The large, shaking hands that had picked him up, rocked him until he calmed down.
And the soft voice that had said “Ssh, I’m here now. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re loved. You’re safe.”
He was starting to fall asleep again, when he felt himself being lowered gently back down to his cradle. He fidgeted, unable to help himself.
That was when his mother raced into the room to pick him up, hold him close.
She said only the same things that the low, male voice had said.
And, doubly reassured, little Tony was able to go back to sleep, finally.
  The first time he realized he was a Stark was when his father slapped him across the face.
He’d fallen from his bike, scraped his knee, and wept in pain in front of his father.
His father had not liked that he had fallen off the bike. He liked it even less that he cried afterwards.
“Stark men are made of iron,” his father had told him.
He was 6 years old. Before that time, he had thought he was...
Not a Stark.
Not a Stark man.
And certainly not made of iron.
But these didn’t make sense to Tony, at the time. These words, the sting, just burned into him, without explanation.
His father walked away, and told everyone watching to leave along with him. “He fell on his own, let him learn to stand on his own,” was his specific instruction.
So 6-year-old Tony found himself alone, sitting on the ground, sobbing and nursing his wounded knee.
A shadow fell over him. He looked up to see a tall, lanky man, wearing a large red cape that blocked Tony’s view of the sun.
“That doesn’t look good,” the man said. His voice was low, soothing and oddly familiar.
Tony wiped his nose. “Who’re you?”
“Someone who shouldn’t be here...”
The man sat in front of Tony.
“...but I guess supernatural threats aren’t all I’m here to shield you from.”
He reached out as if to touch Tony’s knee. Tony flinched but did not move away. His hand stopped short of skin making contact.
Tony noticed that his hand was shaking.
A halo of golden light appeared on the man’s hand. Tony could feel it: it was warm.
Within seconds, the scrape on his knee healed. It was as if it had never even been there.
“Wow!” Tony exclaimed happily. “You fixed it! Thanks, mister!”
The man smiled.
“No need to thank me,” he said to the child. “I’m a doctor. It’s what I do.”
  “Who’s that, Tony?”
He held up his unfinished crayon drawing for his mother to see.
On the drawing was a tall, thin man with a red cloak. Tony was still starting to draw a dark-haired little boy standing beside him.
“My friend,” Tony proudly answered. “Doctor Magic. We’ve been hanging out.”
Maria Stark smiled. “Is that really his name?”
Tony shrugged. “I call him that. He’s my friend, so I got to name him.”
Tony went back to finishing his drawing.
Maria Stark wondered if she had reason to be nervous. Tony was always surrounded by adults tasked by her husband Howard to look after him. But she didn’t remember any one of them having blue-green eyes and black hair that grayed at the temples.
Still...a man in a cape, and a glowing hand? Surely this was someone Tony had made up.
“I’m really glad you made a friend, Tony. Maybe your father and I can meet him sometime?”
“No...Doctor Magic says only I can see him. He says that’s because he’s a wizard.”
“A wizard, is he?”
“Yep! He’s magic. That’s how he fixes things.”
He just had a thought. He put down his crayons and faced his mom, his face beaming with excitement.
“Mom, when I grow up, I wanna fix things, too. I wanna be a wizard!”
“Oh dear,” Maria chuckled, “don’t let your father hear that.”
Tony pouted.
  “That’s a bad idea, Tony,” Doctor Magic said.
Still pouting, he demanded: “Why can’t I be a wizard?”
Doctor Magic laid his hand on Tony’s head.
“We all have our place,” he said to the child gently. “We’re both around to fix things. I can do it with magic. You can do it...in other ways.”
“I don’t want to do it in other ways! I want to be like you!”
Doctor Magic was about to protest, but the child lunged forward and hugged him, hard. It took the breath out of his lungs for a bit.
That was the only way Tony knew how to hold his first friend. His only friend.
“When I’m a wizard,” Tony muttered, “I can be with you all the time. You never have to leave. And we can go anywhere. We can go away.”
Doctor Magic pulled away briefly, so he could go down on one knee. That way, he could wrap his arms around Tony.
His magic cloak wrapped itself around Tony, too. The only time Tony ever felt warmer, was in the arms of his mother.
“I’ve already stayed too long, Tony,” Doctor Magic whispered. “I just...didn’t leave right away because I wanted to see you happy and smiling a bit longer. I need to leave again soon.”
“Take me with you?” Tony pleaded. “And my Mom, too?”
Doctor Magic sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he said to the boy. “It’s for the best.”
He wouldn’t leave Tony upset, though. They spent the rest of that last summer day together, with Doctor Magic conjuring fanciful images and stories out of thin air, amusing the little boy until tiredness and sleep took him.
6-year-old Tony woke in his bed alone, from a dream of blue-green butterflies and a soft, low voice telling him about how he was safe, how he was cared for, and how he would never be alone.
  Tony couldn’t sleep. So many thoughts were running through his head.
And the headache still wouldn’t vanish.
“FRIDAY,” he said into thin air, “dial the Sanctum. Try to reach Doctor Strange for me.”
After a long pause, thin air reported: “Sorry, boss. Wong says he’s not available. Says he’s on a mission.”
“When will he be back?”
“Didn’t say, boss.”
For a moment he considered going back downstairs and looking at the drawing in the box again. But something told him it wouldn’t make his headache any better.
There was no earthly explanation for why he’d made a drawing of a man who looked like Doctor Strange when he was little.
The memories were a blur, and trying to make sense of them was physically painful, but he was sure he’d made that drawing. He remembered showing it to his mother.
He remembered golden light, and the scar on his knee disappearing. How warm it was to be enveloped in a red cloak, those arms.
But it couldn’t be him.
  Tony saw him again on the night of his parents' funeral. He was 21 years old, out drinking and partying, as perhaps everyone expected. It was “his way of dealing with grief.”
He was fumbling in his pocket for the keys to his car, when he saw someone coming in out of the shadows, from the corner of his eye.
The newcomer stepped into the light: it was a tall guy wearing a weird blue tunic and a ridiculously swishy red cape.
“Hey, man,” Tony greeted, slurring. “Neat costume. It isn’t Halloween, though, right?”
“Tony,” the man said firmly. “Don’t get in that car.”
“Mmh? Why not?”
“In a matter of minutes, a powerful, formless entity will find its way to you. If you’re on the road when it happens, it’s going to be much harder for me to protect you.”
“Protect me?” Tony laughed incredulously. “From what? Vicious balloon animals?” He waved the man away. “Get lost, doc.”
“Doc,” The man repeated. He stepped forward. “You remember, don’t you? You know who I am.”
Tony stopped short of pressing the button to unlock his car.
“Can’t be him, though,” he answered, without looking at the man. “Wasn’t real.”
The man snatched his car keys from his hand, held them up to the level of Tony’s eyes.
“That real enough for you?”
With one swift gesture, the keys in his hand disappeared.
Tony chuckled.
“You know I got spares of those. But I’m not taking them out now, ‘cause you’re just gonna magic them away again.”
“I know you have a spare key. I’m imploring you not to use it.”
“Sure you’re not a mugger? ‘Cause a mugger’s easier...”
“The worst-case scenario is that in the morning, people are going to find the wreck of your car at the bottom of a cliff and conclude that you’d driven yourself off the road while drunk. Which, in fairness, is something you’re likely to do in this state.
“What will really happen is that a creature will attack you, you will lose control of the car, and the creature will manage to kill you, as he wanted.” His voice softened unexpectedly. “Trust me, Tony. I fix things. Let me fix this one before it breaks.”
Inebriated as he was, Tony had a hard time looking the guy in the eye. But those blue-green-what-the-fuck-color-is-that magic eyes just drew him in.
“Look.” He faced the newcomer, though he had a hard time staying upright. “If you’re who I think you are, I haven’t seen you in years, and you don’t get to make demands of me. I don’t owe you shit.”
“There’s no time - “ the newcomer began. But then he caught himself and sighed.
“- you’re right, Tony. You deserve an explanation. So this is my proposition. Stay with me here, where I can keep you safe. Sober up just a little, just enough. And I promise I’ll explain everything.”
Tony considered this for a moment. He truly wasn’t in a hurry to go home.
Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to sober up in this weirdo’s company. Besides, there was something about the way the man said “keep you safe” that sounded...real.
  “Before you say anything,” Tony began, “I want to let you know how shitty you are.”
Tony sat on the hood of his car, nursing a cup of coffee his companion had magicked out of nowhere.
His companion wasn’t drinking anything. He simply sat beside Tony, alert and listening.
“You stayed with me just one summer, then whoosh, you were gone,” Tony kept griping. “Some imaginary friend. I thought you guys could be summoned on command.”
“We’re not genies in lamps,” the older man retorted. “And I don’t even count as imaginary. I’m flesh and blood, just like you.”
“Yeah? Then you got a name, too? Pretty sure it’s not ‘Doctor Magic.’ “
“Close, actually.” The man smiled. “My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. You can call me Stephen.”
“How about I call you a jerk?”
Stephen said nothing.
“I waited and waited, but you didn’t come back.”
He said it into his coffee cup, almost as if Stephen shouldn’t have overheard. He sounded like a little kid. 21 years old, a man now, old enough to drink himself stupid and drive himself off a cliff.
But to Stephen, he sounded 6 years old and lost.
“You’re wrong, you know,” he said quietly. “I wasn’t with you just that summer.”
Tony snorted. “You were the only playmate I had at the time. I’d recall if you were around.”
“Do you remember having dreams about me, at various points in your life?”
Tony blinked.
This was the first time dreams were brought up.
On the night before he was shipped off to boarding school, he had dreamed of Doctor Magic holding him close, saying he would be all right...and he remembered waking up from that dream thinking yeah, being away from his Mom and his bedroom-turned-laboratory wouldn’t be so bad...
He also remembered dreams where Doctor Magic fought off things that attacked him - a demon, a dragon, a giant disembodied cloud. Sometimes, Doctor Magic came off the battle badly wounded, and just left...but sometimes, he emerged relatively unscathed, and in a good mood, and he stuck around a bit longer.
At times like those, Doctor Magic spirited little Tony away. He showed Tony other dimensions, other timelines - realities where his father wasn’t a gigantic dick, and where he didn’t have a father, or a mother even. Places where flora and fauna that didn’t exist on earth, thrived. Animals that talked, colors that the human mind could never have conceived of...
Remembering all this gave Tony a headache. He touched his fingers to his temple.
“Yep.” Stephen was unfazed by the overt display of pain. “That was me. Saying hi.”
When Tony was able to shake off the discomfort, he continued:
“You...really jumped through time, into my dreams,” - he narrowed his eyes at Stephen - “just to say hi?”
“Well, no. Technically they weren’t dreams.” Stephen scratched his head, as he thought of the words that might explain it best. “Each time you had a ‘dream,’ it was me pulling you into...I don’t know what else to call it except a ‘mirror dimension.’ Most of the time, it was because I had to fight an entity that was coming for you. Then wipe as much of our encounter from your memory as I could, before restoring you to reality.”
Tony’s still-sobering mind was having trouble keeping up.
“Wiping the what from my what?” He shook his head, in a feeble attempt to shake understanding into it. “You can do that??”
Stephen looked a little guilty.
“Memory spells aren’t foolproof. They’re like - throwing a blanket over the part of your brain that remembers certain things. They don’t really erase anything, but rather obscure them, until they’re triggered and the blanket comes off.
“In your case, it seems that while you remember having had a ‘Doctor Magic’ to play with as a child, chances are you’ll remember every encounter we’ve ever had. And if they don’t make sense, your mind is going to process them as dreams.” He narrowed his eyes at Tony, as if studying how his brain worked. “I think I’ll have to do something about that...”
Unsettled by his staring, Tony leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees.
“You promised me an explanation,” he reminded Stephen. “Why are you even...stalking me? If that’s the word? Why bother with me at all?”
Stephen leaned forward as well, linked his fingers together.
“I can tell you all of this, because in the end I’m going to wipe every memory you’ve ever had of me, and you won’t remember a thing.”
“Cool. Fun. Hit me.”
He wasn’t taking this seriously. Which worked to Stephen’s benefit. He didn’t want a scene at the end of all of this.
“Many years from now,” Stephen began, “a powerful time-traveling being is going to pick a fight with me. It’s going to be a big fight. He’s going to want me dead.
“But since he won’t be able to kill me, he’ll go back in time and try to kill the people who are most important to me. I’ve already recruited the help of interdimensional beings to make sure my parents and family are safe. He won’t be able to get to them, so they’ll be able to get to their natural ends...”
“ ‘Natural ends’?” Tony interrupted.
Stephen answered, “They’ll die, Tony. All of them. Leaving me alone. Like they’re supposed to.”
The resigned tone in his voice told Tony what he needed to know: Doctor Stephen Strange travels through time, but doesn’t meddle with fate.
That wasn’t enough of an answer for the young, emotionally fragile Tony.
“However, the help I’ve been able to secure is limited to people with whom I share blood ties.” Stephen looked at his younger companion. “And because you don’t...he can get to you.”
“Me? Why me?”
“Because I care about you, Tony. That makes you a target.”
“Then why didn’t you stop my dad from hurting me or my Mom?” he asked, in a deliberately hostile tone. “If it’s true that you cared...you were there, you must have known. Why didn’t you help?”
It was a loaded question. Hard enough to answer while looking into an angry young Tony’s eyes. So Stephen looked away.
“I can’t interfere with what happened to you. I can only save your life, during all those times you were never meant to die.”
“Okay, then answer me this, wise guy: why do you have to save my life? Why not just let me die?”
He could almost see Stephen’s heart breaking through his eyes.
“Because you’re important, Tony.”
“Oh yeah? Important to whom?”
“The world, mostly. But also me.” He took a deep breath, and sighed out, “I love you, Tony. The older you. The one you’ll be decades from now.”
Tony fell silent.
“I know that of all the crazy things I’ve told you tonight, this is the craziest, so I’m going to give you a moment to process that...”
Tony took that moment. When he was done, he asked slowly, “Why am I not allowed to remember you telling me that?”
“Because, in the future, you don’t love me back. You don’t even know how I feel.” Stephen smiled sadly at him. “That’s how it is. That’s how it’s supposed to be.”
Tony thought about it some more. Then he leapt off the hood to pace a bit.
“You love me, though, right?” he said loudly to Stephen, presently. “Now - I mean, right now? You love me? Enough to save my life, at least?”
Stephen noticed a young couple walking nearby, staring at Tony and whispering. He realized they must feel weird, watching Tony pointing to his car and yelling “You love me” at it.
As per the deflection spell he’d always been careful to cast, nobody but Tony could see him.
Fortunately, a drunk, raving young Tony wasn’t exactly an uncommon sight in those parts. (By this point, Tony was actually completely sober. But nobody else needed to know that.)
“Tony,” he answered, “I love the version of you that I met after he’s gone through all the pain. All the heartbreak. All the mistakes he never got the chance to fix. The person who had survived so long and so well without me. Given the chance, I would love him over and over.”
Stephen left his seat on the hood, walked up closer to the young man.
“But if you’re not going to be that person...I don’t know how I’ll feel. If you grow up remembering me, and the things I’ve said and done, you may no longer be the Tony Stark I met. The one I’d love through time.”
Tony stuck his hands in his pockets.
“So,” he carefully began, “let me get this straight - if I remember you...you may not love me? Ever?”
Stephen nodded. “That’s...one of many likely outcomes.”
“And if you don’t love me...the creature you’re fighting now doesn’t come after me at all. Do I get that right?”
Stephen paused, then nodded again.
“That...is also a likely outcome.”
“Doesn’t that mean it’s better for you to let me remember, and to just not fall in love with me as a result?”
A look of sadness crossed Stephen’s face.
“Tony,” he said softly. “What makes you think I’d want a future where I don’t fall in love with you?”
Tony stared long and hard at the person who had just said what was either the sweetest or the most terrifying thing ever said to him.
Stephen returned that stare evenly. He had only told the truth so far. There was no reason to falter.
Eventually, Tony looked away, asked, “Am I really worth it?”
“You’re worth everything.”
“...All right. Then I don’t care. I don’t care if I don’t remember you.” He looked back at Stephen again, spread his arms wide. “If there’s a chance in hell you’ll fall for me, I’ll take it.”
His sudden light-heartedness worried Stephen. Was there something the boy misunderstood? “Tony...”
“Listen, doc. This is just me being practical. A magic man falls for me in the future, goes back in time and saves my life - why would I say no to that?”
He looked Stephen up and down and smirked.
“Besides...I can do much worse, you know?”
Both of Stephen’s eyebrows rose. He laughed incredulously.
“Are you seriously hitting on me right now?” He reached out for a friendly pat on the boy’s upper arm. “Grow some decent facial hair first, then we’ll talk.”
Tony caught his hand. Held it. It trembled in his grip.
Then he caught Stephen’s gaze, held it, too.
“Don’t let older me stay in the dark about your feelings, okay?” He released Stephen’s hand. “I don’t know what goes down when it happens...but at the very least...I’m sure it won’t kill him to know.”
“Won’t it?” Stephen’s smile was sad again. “Trust me, Tony, your future self has a lot of problems. Adding to them is...not in my job description.”
The smile Tony shot back at him was radiant with confidence.
“Haven’t you heard, doc? Stark men are made of iron. He can take it.”
His fearlessness was infectious. Stephen found himself feeling like things were on the right track.
Much like how the older Tony made him feel.
As Stephen thought about this, there was a rumbling, a sound of thunder just over their heads.
And there was no time to think of anything else.
“He’s here,” Stephen pointed out. “It’s time, Tony.”
Tony nodded, suddenly grim. “Do it, doc.”
Stephen took a deep breath, then held his hand up in front of Tony’s face. Already, a golden glow was starting to emerge from the center of his palm.
Tony closed his eyes.
  These were the memories hidden away:
All the kind words. All the peaceful embraces. The other worlds and dimensions and the blue-green butterflies that used to give the little boy so much comfort to watch. The laughter and corny jokes and assurances that everything was going to be all right.
All the way back to the cradle.
Stephen was going to let him keep one.
The only memory that was harmless to keep.
The memory of lights, then soothing darkness, and warmth, and a voice telling him he was safe.
  “He may not come back today,” Wong warned him.
“Yep, I heard you.” Tony proceeded into the Sanctum.
“Those might be wilted by the time he returns...”
“No problem.” Tony glanced down at the bouquet of blue and mint-green roses in his arm. “I’ll just get new ones.”
He could hear Wong shaking his head behind him. Wong had a way of shaking his head that carried across the room.
Something told Tony he’d better get used to that head-shake.
Per tradition, Stephen was supposed to appear in the topmost floor of the Sanctum after a mission.
That was where Tony saw it fit to wait.
Hours passed. He’d paced up and down the floor. Finished reading through his daily news feed twice over (narrowly avoiding some unnecessarily nasty Twitter wars in the process). Barely kept himself from touching anything, thus avoiding certain death.
Soon it was getting dark. Still no Stephen. With a sigh, Tony prepared to go home. He was going to take the flowers down to Wong, who hopefully had a large vase stashed away...
Then the portal appeared.
Tony stood with the flowers in his arms, waiting for Stephen to step through.
Except Stephen stumbled through.
His robe and cloak were drenched in green liquid. Which, Tony was willing to bet, was actually someone else’s blood.
The flowers fell to the floor. Tony rushed to Stephen’s side.
Stephen failed to register surprise as soon as he saw Tony in the Sanctum. “It’s done,” he said between fast, ragged breaths. “It’s done.”
“You got him?” Tony held him up by the arm. Stephen leaned his weight on Tony, used him to stay upright.
“Yeah. Yeah, I got him.” He blinked, suddenly aware of where he was and who he was talking to. “Wait. Got who?”
“The creature that was trying to kill me in the past. You were chasing him down, right?”
Stephen looked at Tony, eyes wide.
“Yeah. Took him down just now. Slippery bastard. But you’re not supposed to know about that...”
Tony took out a piece of folded paper from his pocket, showed it to Stephen.
It was the drawing he’d made as a child.
The surprise in Stephen’s face vanished as soon as he saw it.
“Yeah.” Tony folded the paper and stuck it back in his coat pocket before Stephen could get any green gunk on it. “So, when were you going to tell me?”
Stephen stood apart from Tony. Brushed some of the blood off his person seemingly as a way of gaining a semblance of dignity.
“Never,” he answered matter-of-factly. “Because this was a Master of the Mystic Arts problem. Iron Men not required.”
“Not about the mission, smartass.” Tony wouldn’t stop staring into his face. “I meant how you felt. What you told me on the night of my parents’ funeral.”
Stephen was still catching his breath. He kept his eyes on Tony’s all the while.
“I think I’d better learn how to level up those memory spells,” he muttered.
“Yeah.” Tony turned, started walking away. “Clearly, you suck at them.”
He picked up the roses from the floor, brought them to Stephen, who received them with a puzzled look.
“What are these for?” Stephen asked.
“So you won’t get too surprised when I do this.”
Tony leaned forward and touched their lips together.
The roses ended up on the floor again.
“Jesus,” Tony laughed. “You have any idea how hard those were to find? Handle with care, okay?”
“You dropped them first,” Stephen pointed out.
“Fair enough. Look.” Tony put on his “boardroom” voice, the one time-tested for getting desirable results. “You once told me you might not have feelings for me anymore if I remembered you. Now I do. I remember all of you. From the time you saved me back in the cradle and told me I was loved.” He spread his arms wide. “What now?”
“What now?” Stephen said breathlessly. “Here’s what now.”
Stephen kissed him again, shamelessly getting green gunk all over Tony’s newest Tom Ford.
At that precise moment, all parties in the room stopped caring about the roses on the floor.
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backbendersokka · 5 years
Fanfics I love and you should too (part 2)
these are all super salty so if that's not your thing plz don't read
 If You Had This Time Again
Second time trevel fix it fic I ever read and still one of my favourites. Bitch is over 250.000 words and exactly 100 chapters all finished
Summary be me: my bby tony dies in siberia and wakes up right after the battle of new york. He is very shook and tries to avoid doing the same things that happened last time so siberia and all that stuff don’t happen again. Loki/Tony fic. Not team cap friendly (obv)
SUMMARY: Tony Stark closed his eyes in a wrecked Siberian bunker and woke up on a demolished New York street. Four years earlier.
Nobody's Heroes
One of my favourite post cacw fics,,,it n i c e
Summary by me: the consequences of the accords around the world and what would happen. Absolutely amazing i read it every time possibly can. ive re-read it like 4 times 
SUMMARY: “This job... we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time... maybe nobody gets saved.”
At the end of the day Steve did save everybody. He saved Bucky from Tony, his team from the government, the world from the Sokovia Accords. Some time would probably have to pass for things to blow over, and then everything would go back to normal. Couple of days. Tops. After all Team Cap saved everybody, showing the world how dangerous the accords were, how easily they could be abused. Even their supporters had to come to their senses now.Yet five days after Siberia nobody feels safe.
 Things don’t calm down and suddenly it’s again Steve against the rest of the world. Only now it’s not some international organisation or government but the people. The ones he had saved. Slowly Captain America must realize that they don’t feel saved but angry, hurt and scared. The people demand justice for those who were really trying to save them and paid the price for it.
One can only be blind for so long
Fist salty fanfic I ever read. If you ain't team tony you're not going to like this one
Summary by me: S A L T B I T C H. it saltier than sea water. saltier than my sister's cooking. Saltier than salt itself. You want some salt for your dinner?? Grab a paragraph and you're set for the year.
Starks and Irons
Summary by me: after siberia, Tony, extremis, Friday has a body, Peter has a crush on her, we love one (1) man and his name is James Rhodes, not team cap friendly but we love our vengeful iron-family
SUMMARY: Every choice, even the most minute one, has consequences.
Steve Rogers chose Bucky Barnes over not only Tony Stark, but the rest of the entire world as well, and he stubbornly stuck to his choice well past the point of no return.
Leaving Siberia behind him with Bucky finally at his side, Steve foolishly thought all the consequences of his choice had been dealt with. He couldn't even begin to fathom the immensity of the butterfly effect that the events of Siberia would have caused. Nobody could know at that time, but from the moment Tony Stark finally woke up in the Avengers Compound's infirmary with Extremis running in his veins, the entire universe would never be the same again.
Notes: A series set in an alternate universe that branches off from the MCU at the end of Civil War: after Siberia, Iron Man becomes a lot more than a simple superhero.
I call this universe 'Earth-2008' because that's the year of the first Iron Man movie XD. Compliant with Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Have I Changed?
Really not team cap friendly, ironstrange
Summary by me: I'm not even gonna try to explain it you're going to have to read it
SUMMARY: I liked you more before you met the Avengers.
It's an offhand comment that Tony wasn't sure he was actually meant to hear. But he did and he doesn't know what it means. Lucky for him, Rhodey's got an answer for him.
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27, 35, 3, 6
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Oh, I don’t know actually. I like to think that my fics are generally strong, but I’ve received compliments on my characterization - which is great because I worry about that constantly. 
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
I think narration comes easiest to me - that is, pretty much everything not dialogue. With dialogue, I’m always worrying about whether or not this is something a character would actually say. I like scenes with description and detail and inner-character thoughts. 
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I don’t know, I’ve gotten a lot of comments over the years (not at all humble brag), but a here are a few that stood out to me:
“omg ROFLMAO <3 I was a bit hesitant going in - fem slash usually doesn't do much for me - but considering the two women involved I decided to go for it and..... now i am cleaning coffee off my laptop and trying not to choke on breakfast ;-) This was relatable, hot, and funny AF! The best part? You managed to surprise me every time I thought I had a handle on this deliciously naughty tale - KUDOS!!!!“
- from Athenasbubo on Seduce Me (MCU, Pepper/Christine)
“Do you know how many times I had to stop reading to breathe or because I was crying too much? Each paragraph. You annihilated me. Thank you! I read this fic at least thrice to give you an idea of how much I love it! It's really one of my favourite! You managed to grasp the characters so well and their character development is super realistic! It is really amazing! I have loved every part of it. The parts where my heart ached and the parts where it laughed and the parts where it filled with love for these two idiots. I can't believe it's over. I feel like I've reached the end of the line. I was so terrified of finishing it that I had to re-read all over again and wait a few hours to start reading the last chapter. I have loved the end too. The thing I'm afraid of with fix-it is that they completely leave out Tony's sacrifice. I mean him snapping his fingers had two consequences. Saving the universe and dying. I can't imagine a fic without the first one but I can do very well without the dying part! Your fix-it was perfect! It illustrated how much these two love each other and how far they're ready to go to protect one another. I loved it! Also, I'm so happy that you managed to include Morgan! This kid is precious! To conclude, I am so grateful for this fic and I, honestly, feel so sad that it's finished. Anyway, part of the journey is the end. All I can say is thank you 3000! Wow... too much references in two sentences... that's tell you how emotionally exhausted I am because of you! Anyway, THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZING JOURNEY!“
- from  Athenaskywriter on From the Top (MCU, IronStrange)
“I’ve always believed that Charles’ greatest strength is to love people beyond the confines of his genetic family. His mother shared his DNA, but that never guaranteed love. I love how that’s brought about in this chapter. I love that Charles loves and Wanda and Pietro like he would love his own children, and I love the fact that Wanda feels the same. Thank you for a lovely chapter! 😬Looking forward to the next one!“
- from JackyJango on A Treatise on Evolution and Extinction (XMCU, Cherik)
“its 2:30am currently, i binged this fic in roughly about five hours and im now going to make all of my friends read it because this is such a quality fic that i will never forget.“
- from ghostlyeris on Stay A Thousand Years (Doctor Who, SpyDoc)
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
One of the things I love to do is come up with symbolism and foreshadowing and little things that have meaning that most people probably won’t notice, but then people don’t notice, and it drives me insane! This is something I desperately want to talk to someone about with my current WIP, A Treatise on Evolution and Extinction, but it’s all spoilery so I CAN’T. I just keep telling myself it’ll be worth it even though it probably won’t be worth it. 
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byeronman · 6 years
Here’s a short ironstrange/supreme family drabble just because I was craving the fluff hard :)) Enjoy!! p.s it’s like 2 am here so if you see any mistakes shoot me a message
I Accidentally Heard You Say (That You Love Me)
Stephen was exhausted by the time he made it back to the Tower.
It had all started when Peter somehow managed to turn Ned into a beaver while they were messing around in the Sanctum (which was definitely off limits now), and the pages in the spell book which contained the cure were conveniently smudged from an unfortunate coffee spill last week. It had taken several unsuccessful and frankly embarrassing attempts before Stephen saved Ned from the horrible fate of spending the rest of his life as a wood-chewing rodent.
So, as Stephen trudged across the lobby of Stark Tower, tiredly waving hello at Sarah the receptionist, all he wanted was a nice hot shower, to cuddle with his boyfriend, and for Tony to tell him about his day until Stephen fell asleep to the sound of his voice.
This was one of the rare occasions where Stephen was actually taking the elevator instead of opening a portal in the middle of their bedroom, so he was more than a bit impatient to see Tony after what felt like an eternity apart (it had been a long fucking day, okay?). He started to walk towards the kitchen to fix a quick cup of tea, but the sound of low, urgent voices coming from the common room stopped him in his tracks. He paused, the wall hiding him from the room’s occupants, and now that he was listening more closely he could hear Tony’s panicked murmur.
“Fuck, I’ve never done this before, Pep, you gotta help me,” Tony was saying, “I cannot fuck this one up. I know it’s kind of weird since we used to date, but I really didn’t know who else to ask. Did you know I almost went to Wong for help?” He let out a bark of hysterical and slightly panicked laughter.
“Tony, first just calm down,” Pepper replied evenly, “I promise everything’s going to be okay, alright?”
Stephen knew that it was wrong to eavesdrop and that he should announce his presence somehow, and part of him desperately wanted to rush up to Tony and ask him what was wrong, but a voice in the back of his head told him to stay put. So he did, and continued to listen.
Tony audibly took a few deep breaths, then let out a small and defeated sigh. “Look, it’s just…this is really important to me. I want–need to make sure I do it right. I only have one chance, after all.”
“Of course,” Pepper said, “It’s actually really sweet of you, Tony. I never thought I would live to see this day, honestly. I can’t believe you’re getting married before me.”
Stephen almost thought he had heard it wrong, but somehow tamped down on the urge to burst into the room gracelessly. Could it really be…?
“Assuming he even says yes in the first place,” Tony sighed again. “Why would he want to marry a loser like me? Shit, this is a mistake, isn’t it? It is. I should just give up now, don’t give myself too much hope–”
“Tony,” Pepper interrupts forcefully, “Stop. Stephen is crazy about you, anybody with eyes can tell you that. He’s lucky as hell to have you. Also, if he says no–which he won’t– I will feed you ice cream until you burst and then beat him up with my stilettos.”
Stephen felt something incredibly warm beginning to bloom in his chest and crawl up his windpipe, though he couldn’t suppress the small shudder when he was reminded of Pepper’s shovel talk all those months ago. She had been absolutely terrifying.
Still, it was impossible to stop the goofy grin that spread so widely across his face that his cheeks kind of ached, even though Peter always said that it made him look like an otter. It stayed glued on his face even as Stephen, content with his discoveries, slowly continued on his way to the kitchen and left Tony and Pepper to their conversation.
Later, when Tony finally came upstairs, Stephen had already showered, finished his tea, and was now sitting in bed reading.
“Hey babe,” Tony said, all signs of his earlier nervousness gone. He leaned in for a quick kiss, “Missed you today.”
“Me too,” Stephen replied, setting down his book so that Tony could crawl into bed next to him and cuddle up to his chest.
“You know,” He said wryly, one hand curled protectively against Tony’s back, “Peter is a menace already all by himself, but when he’s with Ned–they are just. Unstoppable.”
Tony chuckled lightly, burying his face in the crook of Stephen’s neck so that his words were slightly muffled. “Should’ve thought of that before you told them they could visit the Sanctum anytime they wanted.”
“Well,” Stephen said, Tony’s hair tickling the bottom of his chin. He could feel the stupid smile back full force again. “They are our kids.”
“Don’t let them hear you say that, they would never leave us alone again. Ever.” Tony joked, turning his head to look at Stephen. He raised his eyebrows, looking amused when he saw Stephen’s expression. “What’s with the dumb smile?”
“Nothing,” Stephen replied, dropping a kiss in Tony’s hair. “Just thinking about how much I love you.”
Tony’s ears immediately turned a dull red, even as he snorted an embarrassed “Sap.”
Besides, Stephen knew without looking that on Tony’s face was a smile just as wide as his own.  
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