#and if i tell my dad what happened he’ll get angry at my mom and then everything will be even worse
stevie-petey · 4 months
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episode five: dig dug
“You like Y/N?” Dustin asks at the same time as you ask, “You like me?” Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, barely. She’s on thin ice. But you, little Henderson? You just stole the flowers meant for my girlfriend, so backseat you go.” “Yes!” You cheer, pumping your fist in the air as you flash Steve a smile. “Thanks, Harrington.” He rounds the front of his car and opens the driver's side door. “Yeah, don’t get used to it. Like I said, you’re still on thin ice.”
Summary: you and dustin bury a body and con your mother into fleeing town, great sibling bonding time ! you play hockey with a monster, dustin gets ghosted by his friends, and now it's your turn to kidnap steve (technically dustin does, but you don't stop him) who later gives you some terrifying realizations.
Rating: general, swearing and slight violence
Warnings: blood, use of y/n, fem!reader, animal cruelty technically, weapons, cursing
Words: 7.5k
Before you swing in: hello ! late chapter update, but here ya go lovelies !! lots has happened recently, i got a sick ass job and im super excited and :))) so updates will definitely slow down again some more, but i promise i will update whenever possible. for now, please enjoy !
“Remember how angry I was at you about hiding El from me last year?”
“Visualize the anger, multiply it by ten, and then take three steps back from me.”
Dustin trips over his feet to scramble away from you.
You’re currently in your own room, the door locked, with Dustin standing several feet away now as he heeds your warning. Never in your life have you felt such rage before, such blinding fury, and you thought you knew what anger was when your dad left.
But this? This is a new type of anger, one you know that only the older sister to Dustin Henderson could ever feel.
As soon as Dart had lifted its head up at you and screeched, you’d immediately snatched your brother’s hand into yours and ran out the door, door slamming behind you. Now, you’re hiding out in your room with no fucking clue what to do.
“You killed our cat.”
“Technically Dart did.” You glare at Dustin. You had actually liked Mews, she was the sweetest cat in the world and a gift for your fifth birthday. Your brother, sensing he’s only digging a deeper hole for himself, coughs. “I mean… Yeah. I killed our cat.”
Stepping back, you find your desk chair against your legs and fall into the seat. Exhaustion sweeps over you. There’s no time to grieve the loss of your cat. Not when there’s a baby demogorgon in Dustin’s room eating said cat’s corpse still. “What do we even do in this situation?”
“Not tell mom?” Again, you glare at Dustin and he squeaks in fear. “Well I mean, that’s all I can think of right now!”
A headache forms. “I should’ve gone with Jonathan and Nancy.”
Dustin thinks for a moment. “Where did they go, anyways?”
“No. You don’t get to ask any questions right now.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You sigh, a vague idea forming in your mind. “Okay, first we need get Mews out of the room. She was mom’s favorite child, we can’t just leave her in there to be diminished to bones.”
Dustin nods. “Obviously. We can do that… right?”
“We have to. Once she’s out of there, we just… leave Dart in there. At least for now. It’s already late in the afternoon and we need so much help from the party.”
“We can’t tell the party–”
“You’re right. We can’t,” Dustin sighs with relief, but you give him an evil smile. “But you can tell the party. You’ll radio everyone tomorrow, clean the house, and make a plan from there.”
Dustin tries to argue, but you hold a hand up. “You brought a baby demogorgon into our house. You lost every arguing privilege there is to lose.”
He groans, knowing you’re right. Next time, he’ll be better at hiding things from you because you’re a total buzzkill whenever you inevitably find out.
Together, the two of you hatch a plan. You’ll walk into Dustin’s room first, knives out and ready just in case, and Dustin will follow once the coast is clear. Then, he’ll lure Dart away from Mews’ body with chocolate (you don’t want to ask why), and once he’s gone you’ll snatch your cat’s body and flee the room immediately afterwards.
It’s a good plan.
That is, if it works.
“Ready?” You’re standing in front of Dustin’s door, your knives flicked open in your hand, ready for possible war with a foot long little demon.
Your brother pats your shoulder. “Don’t die, sis.”
“I’m holding knives as we speak. Touch me again and die.”
“I hope Dart eats your face.”
You smile. “There’s my brother. Okay, as soon as I’m inside the room, close the door. Then, when I knock three times, open it again and enter.”
“Wait for two knocks–”
“Three knocks. Right.”
You steady your breathing. Around the corner, you can hear your mom humming to herself as she makes dinner. She has no clue what’s going on, and you envy her for it. Your hand on Dustin’s door knob twists slowly, then, before you can psych yourself out, you turn the knob and throw yourself inside.
Quickly the door slams behind you, so at least Dustin did something right.
Your eyes, which had previously been squeezed shut, open slowly. When you don’t see any sign of Dart, you exhale. So far, so good. You walk towards the couch and find the creature still eating away at your dead cat, which you gag at.
Poor Mews.
You rap your knuckles against the door three times, alerting Dustin to come inside.
He opens the door and walks in, his hands fisted against his face as if that would do anything to keep him safe. You roll your eyes and flick his head, which he whines at. “Grab the chocolate and distract Dart, please.”
Dustin runs over to his desk and grabs a Musketeers bar. When you see the candy’s name, you want to slam your head against the wall. You know exactly why the monster’s name is Dart.
“Let me guess,” you say, your tone mocking. “D’Artagnan?”
“Don’t you have a corpse to collect?”
You scoff at him but step aside so that he can dangle the chocolate in Dart’s face. You watch, alert for any signs of danger in case you need to step in, but the monster seems to be pretty friendly with Dustin. You guess they really did create a bond.
Once Dart is far enough away from Mews, you run over and snatch up her body. You try not to think about the possible cat guts now all over your sweater. That will be a later issue. Like a lot of things in your life recently.
“Go, go, go!” You push Dustin towards the door.
He doesn’t need to be told twice, throwing the last piece of the candy bar at Dart’s face and running out the door right behind you. Once you’re both out the room with the door closed, you both lean against the wall and exhale deeply.
“Good job. Now onto phase two.”
Dustin makes a face. “Why do I have to distract mom?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you hold up Mews’ bloody body. “Do you want to be the one to hold our dead cat?”
“Good point, I’ll go distract mom.” Dustin leaves, rounding the corner to go hopefully distract your poor mother in a sane way. With your luck, Dustin will spew some weird bullshit that will only make her more worried than she already is.
Right on cue, you hear Dustin say from the kitchen. “Mom, I think I broke my arm.”
The scream of fear your mom lets out would’ve been comedic had you not been holding her beloved dead cat.
Your mother runs around the kitchen, fretting over your brother, and the second she isn’t looking, you slip out the front door and quickly throw Mews’ body into your bush. You feel a bit bad about that, but there’s nowhere else to hide her body in broad daylight.
When you walk back inside, Dustin is being swaddled by your mother. “What did I miss?”
“Oh, Y/N!” Your mom sighs. “Dusty said he thought he broke his arm, but the silly boy seems to be okay.”
Dustin pats her back. “Ha, right. Silly me!”
Your mom looks up and then squints a bit, eying your sweater. You look down and your heart drops. It’s covered in Mews’ blood.
“Y/N, what’s that all over your sweater?”
“Paint!” You say while Dustin sputters, “Ketchup!”
“We… Were painting with ketchup.” You lie, sending a quick glare your brother’s way. Out of everything red, why ketchup?
“Oh, alright.” Your mom looks uncertain, but doesn’t say anything else about it. “Well, dinner is almost ready. Why don’t you go wash up, honey?”
The second you’re dismissed, you run into your room and yank the sweater off. You’ll burn it tomorrow. First chance you get.
A few seconds later, there’s a knock on your door before Dustin’s head pokes inside. “Dinner’s done.”
“Great. Holding your dead cat definitely works up an appetite.”
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” Dustin tries to play it off, but you see the genuine upset in his eyes. He hadn’t meant to hurt anyone, and you know he loved Mews too.
You sigh and walk over to him and kiss his curls. “It’s okay. Next time, let’s not hide a monster from the Upside Down, yeah?”
Dustin spends the night in your room, which you explain to your mom as needing some “serious bonding time”. She tears up at this, unaware of the fact that you’ll be making your brother sleep on the floor as punishment.
The next morning you and Dustin hatch yet another plan: get mom out of the house. Before you two can do anything else, you both agree that your mom cannot be anywhere near Dart. Plus, she’s already noticed Mews’ absence, so it’s only a matter of time before she finds the body in the bush.
“Alright, you’ll fake the phone call while I start gathering the supplies.” You tell Dustin while your mom calls for Mews outside. She’s at the bottom of the driveway, Mews’ favorite toy in her hand, shaking it around, unaware that the cat’s dead body is in the bush next to her.
“Got it. You remember where my old hockey suit is?” You nod at Dustin’s question, and he’s about to say something else before he sees your mom start walking back towards the house. “Shit! Game time, go!”
Dustin fumbles for the phone and you run to the living room closet. Just as you’ve entered your positions, your mom walks through the front door.
“Mewsy! Dusty, Y/N, sweethearts, you’re sure she’s not in your rooms?”
“No, mom.” You shake your head at her.
Holding up a finger, Dustin presses the phone to his ear and motions for the woman to remain quiet. “Uh-huh. Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much, you are a true lifesaver.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. He’s laying it on pretty thick.
“Alright, this was great. Thank you, have a good one. Bye-bye now, all right. You too.” Dustin pretends to hang up the phone and smiles at your mom. “Alright, great news!”
“They found her?” Tears of joy lace your mother’s voice. You have to turn away, you know she’d notice the discomfort on your face. It feels horrible to be lying to your mother like this.
Dustin seems to be thinking the same thing, because he lowers his voice and gently approaches her. “No, but they saw her wandering around Loch Nora.”
More tears flow down your mom’s face. “How did the poor baby get all the way over there?”
“I don’t know, lost I guess. But they’re gonna look for her, and–and Y/N and I will stay here, just in case they call again. Right, Y/N?”
“Right!” You call from the closet, now quickly grabbing everything you can think of. Would a hammer be necessary?
“And you’re gonna go help look. Yeah?” Dustin’s only response is a relieved hug from your crying mother. “Yeah, give me a hug. Go get her!”
Your mom quickly composes herself and grabs her glasses. She presses a kiss to your forehead and seems to be in better spirits. “We’ll find her!”
“Mews will be home soon, mom!” You cheer, and your mom blows you another kiss.
“I love you,” Dustin sends her a thumbs up.
“I love you, kids.” And with that, your mom clutches her purse to her chest and sends one final kiss your way before shutting the door behind her.
As soon as the door shuts, you and Dustin scramble. Dustin heads to the backyard to open your cellar doors and you grab the remaining hockey gear from the closet. While you drag the uniform out to the living room, your brother begins to look through the fridge for any possible bait.
“Think Dart would like bologna?” Dustin calls over his shoulder as he digs around.
You groan, dropping the heavy goalie pads. “Last I checked, he wasn’t my secret Upside Down pet.”
Dustin grabs the bologna and starts making a trail from his room towards the front door. While he does that, you start sorting through your own pile of gear, soccer to be specific. Dustin liked hockey, you preferred warmer sports. As you’ve finished lacing up your cleats and shin pads, Dustin returns.
“Okay, the bait is all set up. Got my hockey stick?”
You hand him what he needs. “Here, and your helmet is on the couch.”
Dustin gets ready and you retrieve some oven mitts from the kitchen. When you hand them to the boy, he looks at you like you’re insane. “What? Extra protection. Can’t hurt.”
He sighs and swipes them from your hand, putting them on. Once he’s ready, you help him stand up. He looks ridiculous in his old hockey gear, but you suppose you don’t look any better with your shin pads and Dustin’s spare shoulder pads.
“Alright. We all set?”
Dustin pats his helmet. “Ready.”
You walk towards his room, and once you’re there, Dustin pushes past you and bends down a bit so he can speak through his keyhole. “Alright, Dart. Breakfast time.”
“Do we have to mention breakfast right before we set him free?" You mumble, but your brother ignores you.
Slowly, he reaches towards the door handle and then flings it open. As soon as the door has been moved, Dustin practically knocks you to the ground in his haste to escape. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”
His mantra reminds you of Steve’s from last year at Jonathan’s. Seems like the two boys have something in common: they’re idiots.
You follow quickly behind Dustin, terrified but at least trying to hide it, while your brother just repeats “oh my god”, and “shit” over and over again as he stumbles over the bait and out towards the front door.
If the situation wasn’t so grave, you’d be giggling at how dumb Dustin looks waddling over bologna on the floor. However, Dart could very well be right behind you, so you run after the kid equally as terrified.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit–”
By this point, you’re nearing the tool shed outside.
“I will push you down these stairs Dustin Henderson.”
Dustin shuts up and, as soon as you’re inside the shed as well, locks it behind him. Once he’s sure you’re all cleared, he lets out a breath of relief. “Okay, now we wait.”
You walk towards the wood panels, squinting as you peek through a gap to see outside. “I don’t see anything.”
Dustin does the same. “Come on, I know you’re hungry…”
Everything remains still outside, and you’re starting to worry that maybe Dart doesn’t like bologna after all, until you see his scaly body walk out the door. He gobbles down the bologna pieces one by one, which you cringe at.
“Yeah. He likes bologna, alright.”
Dustin silently cheers. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
Dart makes his way down the trail, eating every piece he finds, and soon he scampers down the steps and hovers over the cellar doors. In an odd way, the little guy is kinda cute if you forget about the fact that he killed your cat.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Dustin continues to chant as you watch Dart. The creature just has one more piece of bologna left, he just needs to take a few more steps inside before you can slam the doors shut.
But, because nothing can ever be easy for you, Dart suddenly turns and looks straight at you and Dustin. “Shit!”
You flinch back, knocking into a bucket of nails that spill everywhere. “Shit again!”
Dustin tries to shush you but you grab him by his shoulders and force him behind you. Your knives are out, their blades gleaming in the sunlight that creeps through the wood panels. You peek through them to find Dart slowly approaching the shed, his mouth almost watering.
“Well, this isn’t good.” You take a breath to lessen your fear. “Stay here, I’ll try to distract him–”
“AHHH!” Dustin shoves you against the opposite wall, your body flinging back with a harsh crash, and breaks through the shed’s door. With one solid wack from his hockey stick, he flings Dart into the cellar.
“What the–Dustin!” By the time you make it out the shed, your brother has flung himself on top of the cellar doors, panting.
“Got him,” he informs you, as if it isn’t obvious enough. Dart begins to screech with anger, and Dustin sighs. “I’m sorry, you ate my cat.”
“You’re an idiot, Dustin.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just give me five seconds to catch my breath, please.”
With Dart safely locked away, you and Dustin are able to finally bury your cat.
It doesn’t take long, but the early November heat is just warm enough to make you annoyed as you dig through the soil in your backyard. Dustin has his walkie with him, trying to find the right frequency so he can call the party and inform them of what’s going on.
“Guys, this is Dustin again. Does anyone copy?” You stab at the ground with your shovel and your brother groans when he gets no response. “This is a code red. I repeat, a code red!”
Sweat trickles down your brow and honestly it should be Dustin burying the cat, but you’ve never learned how to radio the party so you just sigh and throw more dirt upon your dead cat. Dustin tries a few more times to contact the party, but no one responds.
“Damn it!” He shouts, frustrated.
“Language,” you huff out, more sweat forming.
It goes on like this for a while, Dustin trying and failing to reach anyone, as you two begin to clean the house of any blood and Mews guts. He tries again while you guys grab the cleaning supplies, then again while you’re on your hands and knees scrubbing his carpet in his room.
“Alright, it’s Dustin again. Seriously, I have a code red.”
“Maybe they don’t know what code red means?” You offer, your nose scrunched up due to the bleach fumes.
Dustin scoffs, “sure, and they also don’t know who Luke Skywalker’s father is–”
Suddenly Erica’s voice comes through the walkie. “Can you please shut up?”
“Erica?” Dustin stops scrubbing and straightens up. “Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care.” Erica has always been such a lovely girl.
“Is he with Mike?”
“Like I said, I don’t know and I don’t care.”
You and Dustin share a look. It worries you that Mike hasn’t been responding all day. From what you’ve heard and seen, he’s spent every day this year camped out in his fort in the basement trying to contact El with the radio frequencies.
It’s not like to Mike to just disappear.
“Listen, Erica.” You speak up, trying to sweet talk to the girl. You’ve babysat her a few times and you’ve even managed to convince her you’re kinda cool, so maybe she’ll respond better to you. “Did Lucas mention anything else? Maybe… Maybe like a girl he went to see?”
Dustin frowns. “A girl? What–” You shush him and wait for a response.
Erica snorts. “A girl? Please, as if. He’s been gone all day. That’s all I can tell you.”
Your brother closes his eyes and sighs. “Please tell him it’s super important. Please tell him that I have a code–”
“Code red?” Erica interrupts.
“Yep, code red. Exactly.” Dustin smiles, then covers his mike to whisper to you, “seems like she likes me more than you–”
“I got a code for you instead. It’s called code shut-your-mouth.” Then, Erica switches off the walkie.
Dustin stares at nothing, dumbfounded. You go back to scrubbing the carpet, a pleased smile on your face. “So, you were saying?”
He’s quiet for a few seconds, processing the fact that clearly no one in the party will answer, before letting out an obnoxious groan. “Damn it!”
“Are you gonna help me clean, or–?”
“Can’t you just call Jonathan?” Dustin asks, grasping at straws. “Maybe he can be useful for once and help.”
You shake your head. “No, he’s out of town right now with Nancy.”
“And you’re okay with this because…?”
“Because,” you roll your eyes, “they’re on a secret mission to take down Hawkin’s Lab. They’re at some detective’s house right now, so I have zero way of contacting them.”
Dustin rubs at his eyes tiredly. “How did we get stuck with a cat eating baby demogorgon while Jonathan and Nancy get cool spy work?”
You pinch his leg, causing him to wince and move away from you. “Because you purposefully hid the baby demogorgon. Any other stupid questions?”
“Sure,” Dustin throws his hands up in defeat, obviously joking when he asks, “got any other friend we could call for help?”
A sarcastic laugh escapes your lips and you’re about to tell him that he has more friends than you’ve ever had, but then a thought occurs to you.
Technically speaking, you’re friends. Well, sort of. Sure, he had wanted space yesterday in the lunchroom, and yeah he’s still mad at you and things are awkward at best between the two of you, but still…
He’d been at Jonathan’s house last year, he had fought by your side and saved your life and even bought you a vending machine full of snacks. If anyone else could understand the situation you’re in right now, it’s Steve.
You hesitate though. He still seemed really hurt at lunch, but you also saw the way he lingered even after dismissing himself. He doesn’t hate you, at least not really, and without Jonathan or Nancy to call, he’s the only person you have left right now.
It can’t hurt to try, at least.
“Actually, yeah.” You respond after a minute or so. “Be right back.”
Dustin asks questions as you head towards the living room, but you don’t respond. If Steve doesn’t answer, then you can make up some lie about the phone being broken or something to save yourself the embarrassment.
Your fingers press Steve’s long remembered number. He had given it to you his first week of visiting you at Bookstrordinary, assuring you that you could call him whenever. After a while, you took his word on it and started calling the boy every time you were bored and alone at work.
The line rings for a few seconds, and you bite your lip in anticipation.
This is a horrible idea, and yet your heart flutters when Steve answers with a groggy, “hello?”
“Hey, Steve.”
“Y/N?” He sounds surprised.
You can’t blame him, he did quite literally yesterday tell you he’s still upset with you and that he needs space. And yet here you are: calling him early on a Saturday afternoon. “Yeah, it’s me. Listen, I really need your help–”
A sigh. “Normally I’d love to, but I’m kinda in the middle of getting ready to go to Nancy’s.”
“Nancy’s? Steve, she’s not even home–”
“Can we talk later? I… I’d really like to talk, if that’s alright with you.”
This throws you, and for a second you forget about the reason you called. “Of course we can talk, Steve.”
“Great,” you can hear a smile in his voice, which warms you. “I’ll see you later, then.”
Then you remember Dart and the blood on Dustin’s carpet and you frantically try to stop Steve from hanging up. “Wait, no! Steve, Nancy isn’t home and I really need you to–”
The line goes dead, and you slam the phone down. “Damn it!”
Dustin, hearing the commotion, wanders into the kitchen. “Take it the call didn’t go well?”
“No, it did.” Sure, Steve didn’t necessarily offer his help, but he did tell you where he’s going to be in about twenty minutes. You’ll ambush him there and demand he listen to you and help. As a bonding exercise, of course. “We’re going to the Wheeler’s.”
“Steve’s heading there.”
Dustin trips over his shoelaces. “Steve Harrington?”
“Long story,” you sigh, dreading that you’ll have to explain all of this eventually. “C’mon, let's get our bikes.”
You and Dustin get to the Wheeler’s before Steve does, which makes no sense to you but whatever. He’ll be here soon enough and you’ll ambush him with all your charm and maybe a bit of groveling. You’re not beneath it, if you’re being honest.
Dustin goes up to the front door while you stay behind, keeping an eye out for Steve. Ted opens the front door and while you can’t hear what he says to Dustin, you know he’s unamused by his presence. The father has never been your favorite parent within the group, honestly.
You watch as they exchange a few more words before you see Dustin sigh and angrily march back towards you. Then, right as he’s grabbed his bike, a familiar red BMW pulls up. Just seeing his car makes your heart skip a beat.
The car parks and a frazzled Steve steps out, carrying flowers and mumbling to himself. You aren’t able to hear everything he’s saying, but you can hear the words “what the hell am I sorry for?” and your stomach twists.
So clearly he’s not in a good mood. Still.
The flowers, which you now can see are roses, hang by Steve’s side as he fixes his hair. He hasn’t noticed you yet, and it takes everything within you to pull your eyes away. He looks good today, too good.
There’s a monster currently locked in your cellar.
“Steve!” You rush over to his side.
He does a double take when he sees you. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?” Dustin now joins you two, pointing at the roses in the boy’s hand.
Steve looks between the two of you. “No…? You’re Dustin, right? Y/N’s brother?”
Dustin snatches the roses out of his hand. “Good, and yeah, I am.”
“Hey, what the hell?” Steve looks at you for help, but you know there’s no use trying to reason with your brother. He’s in a mood, similar to Steve, and you just sigh and follow Dustin. “Hey!”
“Nancy isn’t home.” Your brother informs Steve.
“Where is she?” Steve asks, and you hit his shoulder.
“I tried telling you over the phone!”
Dustin claps his hands at you to get your guys’ attention again. “It doesn’t matter where she is or if you tried to warn him, Y/N. We have bigger problems than your love lives.”
He’s at Steve’s car now and opens the passenger side door. “Do you still have that bat?”
Steve whips his head towards you. “Bat? What the hell is he talking about? Y/N, what are you guys doing here–”
“The one with the nails!” Dustin interrupts, exasperated.
Again Steve looks at you. “Why?”
“You’re not gonna like it,” you confess, and this only makes Steve feel worse.
“We’ll explain it on the way.” Dustin goes to sit in the passenger seat but he’s quickly stopped when you grab his hood and yank him out.
“No, absolutely not. I deserve the passenger seat, not you.”
Dustin slaps you away. “I got here first.”
“I was born first–”
“But I was literally about to sit down–”
“Hey!” Steve shouts, effectively shutting you and Dustin up. “It’s my car, and right now I currently only like Y/N, so she gets the passenger seat.”
“You like Y/N?” Dustin asks at the same time as you ask, “You like me?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, barely. She’s on thin ice. But you, little Henderson? You just stole the flowers meant for my girlfriend, so backseat you go.”
“Yes!” You cheer, pumping your fist in the air as you flash Steve a smile. “Thanks, Harrington.”
He rounds the front of his car and opens the driver's side door. “Yeah, don’t get used to it. Like I said, you’re still on thin ice.”
He says it with annoyance in his voice, but you can see the smile he’s trying hard not to let slip, and you feel giddy. Steve obviously can’t be too mad at you if he wanted to talk later and is willingly letting himself be kidnapped by your brother.
Dustin, on the other hand, can’t believe any of this is happening. As soon as you’re all in the car he asks, “Since when did you two become friends?”
“I have a life outside of you and the boys, you know,” you tell him, but you avoid Steve’s gaze. It’s not like you intentionally hid this aspect of your life from Dustin, but… It also never came up, either.
“Sure ya do, but… Wait,” Dustin remembers something. “Oh my god, you have Steve Harrington’s number memorized?”
Your face heats up and Steve hides a smirk, but you see it anyway. You ignore his smugness and respond to your brother. “Like I said, I have a life outside of you.”
Dustin gapes at you. “I have so many questions–”
“I have an even better one: where am I taking you guys?” Steve asks, and suddenly you remember everything at stake.
“My house,” you tell him as you buckle up. He nods, although with some confusion, and then starts the engine. “You know how I called you earlier?”
“Dustin, why don’t you tell Steve here what you found.”
Your brother sighs from the backseat. “A few days ago I found this… lizard of sorts.”
“A lizard.” Steve says, unimpressed.
“Oh, just wait,” you quip.
Dustin turns his head to glare at you and you give him a thumbs up. He scoffs at you before carrying on, “Yes, a lizard. I named him Dart and he was super cool, okay? I thought I had discovered a new species and that I would be super famous and better than everyone else.”
Steve glances at you next to him, raising his eyebrows and whistling low. “Wow, does humbleness run in your family, Y/N?”
“I’d say so, yeah.”
“Anyways,” Dustin interrupts, ignoring Steve’s laugh at your response. “Turns out, Dart is from the Upside Down.”
“The Upside Down?” Steve asks, extremely confused. He looks at you again in the mirror and it hits you that no one explained to him the events from last year. You assumed that Nancy would’ve, seeing as how they’ve been together for a while now and Steve had been with you guys at the hospital the night you brought Will back.
However, from his disbelief and confusion it’s clear that she hasn’t. If you had to guess, Steve probably went home that night and blocked out everything that had gone down with no questions asked.
You respect his repressing skills, honestly.
Dustin groans, beginning to grow impatient with Steve. “Yes, the Upside Down. If you have the bat still, how could you not know–”
“Do you remember that… thing we killed at Jonathan’s last year?” You cut your brother off before he can get too mean. You love the kid, you do, but he isn’t the kindest person when others aren't understanding him.
A dark look passes over Steve’s face and his fingers tighten around the steering wheel. It’s night now, and the atmosphere in the car becomes tense. “I remember.”
You clear your throat, “Well, this creature–”
“Demodog.” Dustin corrects from the backseat.
“Demodog?” You turn in your seat to face him. “That’s what we’re calling it now? Seriously?”
He shrugs. “It’s a baby demogorgon, it looks like a dog, so… Demodog.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Alright. Okay. Whatever, this demodog is from the Upside Down. It’s this parallel universe, basically. Creepy shit happens there, and last year a monster–”
“The Demogorgon.” Dustin once more interrupts.
“Dustin, if you want to catch Steve up then for the love of god, please shut up.”
“Sorry,” he mumbles, embarrassed.
A smile tugs at Steve’s lips and you take a deep breath to calm yourself before continuing. “Look, I don’t know how much Nancy told you about that night at Jonathan’s, but all that you need to know is that the Demogorgon took Will last year and we had to fight it in order to save him.”
Steve nods slightly as he follows along, “Nancy mentioned something about a monster at the hospital… she told me it’s what killed Barb, but never told me it had a name.”
Another silence falls between you guys in the car. The mention of Barb brings back bad memories for you both. You had liked Barb, she had always been nice to you, you guess. Hawkins is a small town. Everyone knows everyone, and in the end the smallness of the town is what makes the Upside Down so hard. You lose people close to you, one way or another.
And as for Steve… The roses he bought for Nancy lay wilted in his backseat.
Dustin shifts uncomfortably in his seat, and your heart pangs in understanding. He misses El, and you do too. The closer it gets to the anniversary of her disappearance, the more you miss the sweet and caring girl; but you know that the boys, Mike especially, haven’t given up hope for her.
“So…” Steve motions for you guys to continue explaining, and Dustin sits up in his seat to begin again.
“So flash forward to now: I didn’t realize Dart was a demodog until he grew like three damn sizes bigger than when I found him. Y/N and I almost died trying to lock him in our cellar.”
“Wait, you guys have a cellar?”
Dustin rubs his face, “That’s what you focus on, Steve?”
“It’s a valid question–”
“Guys!” You lurch yourself forward and wave your hands around wildly to break up their bickering. “We really don’t have time for this. Can we please just focus on the task at hand? Dart has probably grown even more during the course of this stupid conversation.”
Your brother’s hand pushes your shoulder back so that you’re now once again sitting, and you swat him away with annoyance. “Y/N, I’m trying! Blame Steve, he’s the one asking stupid questions–”
Steve speaks up, “What the hell? They aren’t stupid questions–”
Steve shoots you an offended look, “Y/N, I thought you were on my side.”
Dustin scoffs, hurt. “She’s my sister, you idiot!”
“Again, we seriously don’t have time for this because, once more: Dart is getting really big.” Your voice is louder this time, and thankfully it shuts everyone up. Then, just because you can, you add, “and I’m on Steve’s side right now. He’s the one with the car, plus… Well, I owe him.”
Steve fist pumps the air. “Suck it, little Henderson.”
“Do not call me that,” Dustin threatens him, then turns his attention to you. “First Jonathan, now Steve? Can’t you befriend anyone I like?”
The mention of Jonathan gets Steve attention. “Wait a sec, where is the guy? You never actually told me where he and Nancy went, Y/N.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no use keeping anything else from him. He’s already driving you and Dustin home to help with Dart, and you did promise to tell him where they were later, but life seemingly got in the way. “They’re playing detective right now.”
“Yeah, the guy Barb’s parents hired… They’re currently at his place, exposing Hawkin’s Lab.”
A tense silence follows. Steve stares straight ahead, eyes on the road, as his expressions morph from hurt, to reluctance, to eventual acceptance. “Nance didn’t think to ask me to join?”
His voice wavers, just a bit, but you hear it. Knowing that Dustin is watching from the back, you decide to forget any possible boundaries for once and grab Steve’s hand. He’s hurting. The car smells of roses and there’s no girl to give them to. “She tried, Steve.”
He swallows. There’s hurt in his eyes and you want to reach out and stroke his cheek and tell him that it isn’t his fault. “I know…”
“Ahem,” Dustin coughs, clearly uncomfortable with whatever is going on. “So… Back to Dart.”
You clear your own throat, but your hand remains wrapped around Steve’s, who nods. “Wait a sec, how big are we talking?”
Without meaning to, you close your eyes and brace for Dustin’s witty remarks, but he surprises you by answering with a demonstration and zero mockery. “First it was like that,” he opens his fingers a few inches before using both hands to show about a foot in length. “Now he’s like this.”
Steve still looks doubtful. “And you’re sure it isn’t some weird lizard?”
A headache begins to form and you pinch the bridge of your nose again. “It’s not a lizard, Steve.”
“Well how do you know?”
“Because his face opened up and he ate our cat.” Dustin says bluntly.
This seems to shut Steve up and he nods his head in defeat. It’s silent in the car for the remainder of the drive, and just before Steve parks in your driveway, he looks over at you and sees your eyes closed in pain, and before he knows it he squeezes your hand and says, “sorry about your cat, by the way.”
Despite the pounding in your head and your utter exhaustion, his words make you laugh. “Just park, Steve.”
He smiles, feeling proud for getting you to laugh, and does as he’s told. Before you know it you’re standing at his trunk, staring at the baseball bat that saved your life last year. Dustin has already gone over to the cellar, waiting for you and Steve to follow.
The bat stares back at you, and you shiver as the memories come back. Though you had tried your best to forget that night, that entire week, honestly, it’s been useless. The nightmares still haunt you. You obsessively research trauma in children now to compensate for your own guilt from last year.
“Why’d you keep the bat?” You ask as Steve grabs it, giving it a practice swing. Your own blades are out again and he eyes their gleam.
“It’s kinda sick, don’t ya think?” He swings it again. “I look badass with it.”
He’s dodging, but you sense that he kept the bat for the same reason as why you kept the switchblade. You’ve been waiting in fear for something else to happen. “You don’t look too bad with it.”
Steve blushes a bit, which your stomach flutters seeing. “I, uh… Guess we can’t have that talk tonight?”
“No, not unless we somehow manage to deal with Dart in a timely manner. However, if I recall, nothing ever goes our way.”
“Nope!” He closes the trunk and tosses you a flashlight. Then, he sticks his hand out for you to shake. “But for now… Truce?”
You giggle. “Truce.”
His hand is warm, and even though you had just been holding it in the car moments earlier, his touch still fills you with a gooey warmth that you’ve come to associate with him. As soon as you and him are alone, away from Dustin’s nosy ears, you’ll really apologize to Steve. He may be being nice to you now, but he’s still guarding himself from you.
You hate it. You miss how open he used to be with you.
“Ready to go re-live my nightmares?” Steve asks.
You give him a thumbs up as you start heading towards Dustin. “Always, let’s go.”
“Took you guys long enough.” Your brother mutters when you and Steve arrive at the cellar, weapons in hand. You flash him an apologetic smile while Steve simply ignores him.
Steve approaches the door and listens for a second, “I don’t hear shit.”
You frown and listen as well. He’s right, it’s eerily silent. You shoot Dustin a questioning look and he shrugs as well, “He’s in there.”
“Duh, I know that much, You almost knocked me out when you shoved past me to get Dart in there.” you remark, before softly adding “he’s gotta be in there.”
Your words don’t reassure Steve, who begins to use the tip of his bat to bang against the locked doors. When nothing happens, he bangs harder against them before sighing in annoyance.
“All right, listen kid.” Steve begins, and you start to rub small circles into your scalp in a vain attempt to lessen your headache, because you already know that the next words out of his mouth will start yet another fight. “I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you’re dead.”
“Steve…” He ignores you and stares down your brother, shining the flashlight directly at his face in what you assume is meant to be a threatening manner.
“It's not a prank,” Dustin tiredly replies, squinting his eyes against the light. “Get it out of my face.”
Steve complies, still hesitant about the situation at hand, and turns to face you. “You got a key to this thing?”
You nod and fish the keys from out of your pocket and unlock the cellar doors. Steve bends down to investigate, and without him having to ask, you hand him the flashlight and step forward so that you’re next to him.
He flashes the light down the stairs and all that the three of you can see is darkness. An uneasy feeling creeps over you. Something isn’t right, but you really hope that you’re wrong.
“He has to be further down,” you say, more so to reassure yourself than the others.
Dustin shuffles his feet next to you and says, with an extremely unconvincingly “brave” voice, “I’ll stay up here in case he tries to… escape.”
Both you and Steve look at him in disbelief. Dustin stands his ground, however, and looks at the two of you expectantly. Steve shakes his head while you sigh in defeat. Your brother is such a pain sometimes.
“You do realize that if Dart eats me, you’ll have to deal with mom all by yourself, right?” You ask him.
The boy shrugs at you. “That’s a risk I’m willing to take, Y/N.”
“Yeah, love you too.” You mumble, before you begin to follow Steve down the steps.
“I’ll be thinking of you!” Dustin calls out, his voice echoing against the cellar walls.
You trail behind Steve, and the flashlight he brought does nothing to illuminate the dark area, so it’s a relief when he reaches above his head to turn the light on. As your eyes adjust to the light change, you scan the room to find the missing demodog. However, all your eyes land on is a long, thin sheet of film on the ground that you can only assume is molted skin.
“Oh, shit…” you breathe out. “This isn’t good.”
Steve picks the skin up with the tip of his bat and examines it and shakes his head. “Please tell me this isn’t Dart.”
“Actually, it’d be easier if it was him.”
Steve doesn’t laugh at your joke; he continues to look around the room before his eyes widen. You turn your head to see what’s caught his attention, and when you spot the problem, your knees weaken.
There’s a giant, Dart-sized hole in your cellar wall.
“Steve? Y/N? What’s going on down there?” Dustin’s voice carries down to you guys, and you and Steve share a nervous glance.
“Dustin…” You call up to him, your voice weaker than you’d prefer. You wish you could be braver for him at the moment, but right now it takes everything within you not to crawl into bed and shut the world out. Why did it always have to be giant monsters?
While you’re reeling, Steve walks over to the bottom of the steps and flashes his light at Dustin, instructing him to come down. Once the boy has joined you guys, Steve guides the light to his bat so that Dustin can see the skin.
“Oh, shit.”
“Funnily enough, that’s what your sister said, too.”
Then Steve shines the light to where the hole in the wall is, and you watch Dustin’s face go from concerned to horrified. “Oh, shit!”
The three of you crouch closer to the hole, and when Steve shines the flashlight through it, your heart stops and you gasp, “It’s a tunnel.”
“No way…” Dustin says in awe.
It’s hard to see exactly how deep the tunnel goes, but something tells you that there’s more to it than meets the eye. This wouldn’t be some simple fix like you had desperately hoped it would be.
Now you really, really wish Jonathan were here. And Nancy. Definitely Nancy.
But they aren’t. This time, you’re on your own with only Steve and Dustin by your side. No one else in the party is available, you don’t even know where they are or if they’re even safe, but right now that doesn’t matter.
What matters is that Dart has escaped.
And it’s happening again.
Everything you’ve tried so hard for the last year to ignore, to move on and pretend never happened to you, has come crashing back into your life.
Steve, seeing your apprehension, grabs your hand and pulls you in close. “Hey, we’ll figure it out. I’ll be here, okay?”
Even though you don’t deserve his kindness, his sincerity, you believe him.
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monzabee · 1 year
a vettel and a schumacher walk into a bar – ms47
masterlist || part 2 ||
Summary: The one where Mick is dating Seb’s eldest daughter, but forgets to mention this to his mentor and close friend. Another problem? He can’t seem to keep his eyes (or his hands) off of you.
Pairing: mick schumacher x vettel!reader
Word Count: 3308
Warnings: sweet angel baby mick, fluff, slight angst, seb and hanna being the coolest parents ever, haas trauma, sexual innuendos (made by mick, gasp!), allusions to sex, mentions of teen pregnancy, google translate german + my dad as a german dictionary (beware!)
Request: “Could I request a smau where mick is dating Seb’s daughter but like Seb doesn’t know and he’s trying to play wingman to get the two together and when they reveal they’re together he’s like really happy for them (sorry if this is confusing I hope you get what I mean😭😂) and if you do choose to write this thank you ❤️”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! i kind of changed this request a little bit, but only because i will be doing a part 2 as a social media au to follow this in the following days, so i hope it is okay. i always enjoy reading mick fics with vettel!reader and seeing the dynamic between the couple and seb in those, so it was very fun for me to write this. thank you anon, for your request and hopefully you don’t mind that i’ve changed it a little bit. i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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One of the cool things about you and your parents is the fact that you have a very honest relationship. Maybe it’s the fact that they had you when they were both, basically, teenagers, but there is no secrets kept on either part of the relationship. So the bad thing is, you don’t really know why and how you haven’t told your parents yet – you know, considering the fact that you do tell them everything. Your dad accidently washed and shrinked your favourite jumper? He apologizes and tells you he’ll take you shopping. You accidentally hit your car while parallel parking? You tell your mom and she tells you she’ll deal with it. You’re dating your father’s idol’s only son, who happens to be one of his friends,  and forgot to tell your dad? Yeah, that’s not that simple. 
“We need to tell him.” You say to Mick, pacing around in your room whilst he driver is sat on the couch in your parents’ living room. 
“Of course we have to tell him, but how?” Mick muses, his knee bouncing up and down with anxiety. “Jesus, how did we forget to tell him? It’s Seb!”
“I know it’s ‘Seb’! He’s also my father!” You exclaim, hands nervously going to your hair to pull at the roots. “Mick… I think I’m going to be sick.” 
“Hey, hey, no.” He shushes, getting up and walking towards you. “It’s going to be okay, hase.” He assures you while gently prying your hands from your hair. 
You scrunch your nose, a unapproving hum leaves your lips. “Why must you call me that?” 
“Because you look like a bunny when you scrunch your nose, which is always.” He explains, shrugging as he presses a kiss against your cheek and sits back down. “When you’re smiling, when you’re angry, when you’re confused, when you’re about to cu–” 
“Mick!” You exclaim, eyes widening because of the way he was about to conclude his thoughts. 
He has an innocent look on his face as he asks, “What? I was going to say when you’re about to cumulate.” He carries on the expression for a few seconds, letting the small smirk take over his lips afterwards as he eyes you. 
“I’m not letting you touch me for a week, Schumacher.” You announce, shaking your head as you leave the living room to go to the kitchen to get yourself a drink. “How’s that for cumulating?” 
“Hase, I was joking!” 
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The fact that your dad is officially ‘retired’ means that you can spend much more time as a family, which makes him very happy. You make a conscious effort to be home with your sisters and parents in Switzerland when you get breaks from university so the whole family can spend some quality time together. So there you are, all five of you sat in your parents’ backyard around the patio table, enjoying an early dinner. And though you absolutely adore the time you get to spend as a family nowadays, it’s hard to partake in conversation or appear interested in the slightest when your brain is focused on a certain someone with the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“Honey, pass the salad, please?” Your father asks from the head of the table. 
You pass him the bowl without meeting his eyes, or showing any kind of interest. “Sure, dad, there you go.”
“Thanks, honey.” You dad mumbles, sharing a look with your mother and waiting for you to make another comment – he’s confused when it doesn’t come. “No comment? No rolling eyes? No ‘get it on your own, old man’? Hanna, are you seeing this? I think we finally broke Y/N!” 
Your mom rolls her eyes while lightly slapping your dad’s arm. “Are you feeling okay, kleine biene?”
“Are you sick, liebling?” Sebastian asks, and then turns to Matilda. “Do you want to check if she’s okay, Doctor?” 
“Yeah, I’m just tired, I think.” You assure them, giving a small smile to Matilda who’s already taking out her (toy) statoscope to check your heartbeat. 
“Shhh!” She shushes you as she focuses on listening to your heartbeat, and you share a knowing look with the other members of your family, all four of you intend to entertain Matilda’s new obsession. “She’s fine, papa, her heart is beating so fast!” 
“She’s sitting down, Matilda, why would her heart beat so fast?” Emily questions from her place next to your mother, shooting an unamused look to your youngest sister who sits next to you. 
“Be nice, Em.” You chastise her, shaking your head slowly. “Thank you, Doc.” You ruffle Matilda’s hair as she beams up at you. Then, you turn to your dad with a playful look on your face. “Next time, I’m not being nice and handing things to you, just so you know.” 
It’s much later, and you’re in your room working on a piece you need to get done for your art class, when your mother knocks at your door. She comes in with a calm smile on her face when you answer the door. “It almost looks finished!” She beams, standing behind your chair as she studies the piece. 
“I just need to work on the shadows… I think.” You mumble, tilting your head to the side to look at it from another perspective. “I don’t know, mama, I feel like my eyes are about to explode. Remind me why I chose art, again?” 
“I think you were going through a rebellious phase and wanted choose something furthest away from engineering.” She explains, then she takes the paintbrush in your hand and places in the cup filled with water which you used to rinse out your brush. “I wanted to speak to you about something.” 
“Oh god, this takes me back to high school.” You whine, spinning in your chair to look at her. “Am I in trouble?” 
“Honey, you’re past the point where I can tell you you’re in trouble or not.” She takes a deep breath. “I wished you would stay my little girl forever, but unfortunately, you grew up to be this kind, considerate young woman I hardly recognise anymore.” She jokes as she sits down across from you on your bed. 
“Good thing we still have Emmy and Tilly, then.” You smile, pointing to the door. “Are they asleep?”
She chuckles. “They went out immediately, your dad was telling them the story of the ‘Happy Tree’.” 
Your hands move towards your cheeks, a laugh escaping you. “Oh no, not the story of the ‘Happy Tree’.” ‘Happy Tree’ being a childhood story your dad made up to put you to sleep when you were particularly being difficult as a kid, the entire story aiming to put you to sleep by being the most boring thing you’ve ever heard. You’re pretty sure at some part of the story your dad just counts – claiming that it is the age rings of the ‘Happy Tree’. 
“Yeah, they didn’t stand a chance.” Hanna laughs. “Now, tell me what’s been bothering you.” 
“Nothing, mama, really. I’m just stressed because I need to finish this before I go back.” You try your best to assure her. “Where’s dad anyway?”
She waves her hand and shrugs. “Who knows? He was going to talk to Mick before we went to bed the last time I saw him.” 
“Mick?” You ask – a little too quickly for your mom to not notice the way your cheeks light up at the mention of the driver. You fake a cough to hide the any noticeable reactions. “I didn’t know he was back.”
Hanna eyes you with a suspicious look. “I think his plane landed a few hours ago, he took an earlier one.” 
“Oh, okay then.” You mumble, your expression visibly falling tells your mother everything she needs to know. 
“I thought you’d be happier to hear that he’s back, honey.” You mother tells, you confused. 
“I am– I mean, we’re friends.” You shrug. 
“Just friends?” Your mother asks, expecting for you to finally admit your feelings for the boy. 
You take a deep breath and look at your mom with a guilty expression. “Mama, I have to tell you something.”
“Lieber Gott, stay right there,” She exclaims, running out of your room, “I’m going to get ice-cream!” Needless to say, your mother is very happy to hear that you’re in a relationship with your boyfriend.
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After Mick’s plans of surprising you were ruined by your mom, the two of you decide to spend the weekend together to make up for the past two weeks Mick’s been away. Since you can’t tell your dad where you’re actually going, you tell him that you’re going camping with some of your friends from high school; you mom gives you a knowing look, and a shake of her head. Though it makes you feel guilty, you promise yourself that you will talk to Mick this weekend and come clean to your father afterwards about the fact that the two of you are dating. 
So there the two of you are, laying in his bed on a Saturday morning after the not so innocent activities of last night. There is an unusual feeling of heaviness across your chest when you wake up, which causes you to wake up groggier than usual. Your eyes are unfocused at first, causing you to scrunch up your face in discomfort as you try and get used to the light in the room. Once your eyes are feeling better, you let them look around Mick’s  bedroom, which is surprisingly tidy for a man, you realize. Eventually your eyes fall on the sleeping driver next to you, on his stomach while his arm is pinning you down on the bed next to him. You let your body twists towards Mick, seeking the warmth of his body even though the covers over your body provides the same. Even in his sleepy state, he accommodates your body, pulling you towards him and cuddling you in a way which makes you feel as if you’re in a safe cocoon consisting of Mick. Your eyes close by themselves, the warmth surrounding you combined with Mick’s steady breathing lulling you into another sleep, when his fingers start to draw mindless shapes across your naked back and there is a small smile on his face as if he’s trying to keep his laughter in. 
“You’re watching me, hase.” He mumbles, keeping his eyes closed even though he lets you know he’s awake. “It’s creepy.” 
“No it’s not.” You argue with a small pout on your face. “You watch me sleep all the time when you wake up early to work out.” 
“How would you know if you’re sleeping?” He asks, his arm pulling you even closer to his body. 
You laugh, lifting a finger to trace his facial features as you mumble. “You not denying it gives me all the approval I need.” You’re almost done with his lips when he nips at the skin and then presses a soft kiss as an apology, making you giggle as you watch him sleepily. 
“Morning, liebe.” Mick croaks out, his eyes opening and slowly focusing on you as they get use to the light. 
You smile at him going through the same thing you did just minutes ago, pressing a small kiss to his lower lip and leaning your forehead against his. “Morning, Mickey.” 
He smiles back at you at your use of the nickname, his groan making you smile even wider and consequently scrunching up your face. “There’s my smile.” He murmurs, lifting your chin with his fingers and pressing his lips to yours. Unlike your earlier kiss, he deepens it by sliding his tongue into your mouth, and smiles into the kiss as you let out a small moan voicing your approval. When he does eventually pull back, there is an amused smile on his face as you chase his lips for more. “More? Didn’t I do a good job last night?”
You laugh mischievously as you shake your head ‘no’, which causes his eyes to darken in return as he slides his fingers down to your neck to wrap his hand around it gently. “Don’t blame yourself, I know you’ve missed me so you were excited last night.” 
“I did miss you,” He affirms, eyes still locked to yours as his gaze carries a sense of seriousness. “But I’m not doing a good enough job if you’re asking for more, am I?” He tightens his hand, although not by much that it cuts of your circulation, but enough to erase your playful expression. “Can’t have my girl dissatisfied.” 
“Mick,” You moan, his name coming from your mouth encouraging him to move down on your body towards where you need the most. But although you need him, you are reminded by grave reality where the two of you need to come clean to your father. “My mother knows.” The words come out from your mouth slurred together, as if you are in a hurry to get them out before they explode within you. 
Mick’s eyes widen so much that you worry they are going to pop out from their sockets. He quickly takes his hand off from around your neck and scrambles to get off of you, quickly letting himself fall on the bed and turn to you in a sitting position while clutching his grey sheets around the lower half of his body. “You told your– Well, that’s good isn’t it? How did she react?” 
“She was happy, Mick. So, so happy.” You tell him, deciding not to make him suffer after seeing the slight insecurity in his eyes. “You know they both adore you.” You take a deep breath, worry seeping into your expression. “I just don’t want my dad to think we’ve kept this from him on purpose.” 
“He won’t, hase.” He shakes his head and he lies down on the bed, his body turned towards you. “You know how much he loves you; he won’t think we deliberately hid this from him.” 
“I hope so.” You sigh, cuddling into his body as you keep on mumbling. “I’ve never kept a secret from him my entire life, Mick. I can’t keep hiding us.” 
There is a determined look on his face as he speaks. “You won’t have to; we’ll tell him when I drive you back.” 
“But… I drove here in my own car?” You point out. 
“Then I’ll have to drive you back in your own car, darling.” 
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Your hands are shaky when the two of you stand in front of the front door to your parents’ house. It’s weird to think how nervous you are to enter the house, given the fact that it is the house you spend most of your life in, and that Mick has been over a thousand times as your guest and as your parents’. You take a deep breath as you enter the house and call out to your parent’s, “I’m home!” 
There’s a silence before an answer comes, “We’re in the kitchen!”
You and Mick share look as the two of you walk towards the kitchen, his hand is on the small of your back the entire time as a support. You stick your head through the kitchen door to see your parents sitting on the island, looking through some architectural design magazine. Sebastian smiles at you as he sees you enter the kitchen. “Hello, honey, why are you back so early? I thought you were going to camp all weekend.” 
There is a guilty expression on your face as you link your hands behind your back, just as you used to do when you got in trouble as a kid. “I didn’t go camping this weekend, dad.” 
“You didn’t?” He asks, confused. He turns back at you after he shares a look with your mom. “Where were you, then?”
You stay silent as you take a couple steps back to pull a guilty-looking Mick into the kitchen. “I was with Mick.” You mumble. 
The change of expressions on your dad’s face is interesting – first it turns confused, then enlightened, and worried, and then confused again. You hear him ask, “The guy you’re dating is Mick?”
“You knew I was dating someone?” You turn to your mom with a sense of betrayal. “Mama!”
“I didn’t tell him anything!” She defends herself, at the same time your dad exclaims; “You knew she was dating him?” 
He then turns you with a sad look in his eyes. “You told your mother but not me?” 
“I didn’t mean for this to happen–” You try to explain, but then turn to your boyfriend with an overwhelmed groan. “Help me!”
“We forgot!” Mick exclaims, there is an apprehensive look on his face. “It just happened so fast and we forgot to tell you, but it’s not that we wanted to keep it from you.” 
“When– When did this happen?” Sebastian asks as he shakes his head slowly, trying to comprehend the situation. 
“Last year in Abu Dhabi, after you told me I should stay for a bit.” You explain, somehow scooting yourself closer to Mick without being aware of doing do. 
“I did this?” Your dad asks. Then, he turns to your mom and grabs his cheeks with his hand. “Oh no, honey, as if that was my entire plan the whole time.” 
“Wait a minute– what?” You ask him, jaw slacked. 
“You planned all of this?” Mick asks your father with the same amount of shock. 
“Oh come on,” Your dad laughs. “The two of you already fancied each other long before I got involved – and it turned out to be fine!” 
“Papa!” You exclaim, eyes widening. “This is real life; you can’t strategize with people’s relationships!” 
“I’m so confused right now.” Mick mumbles to you, which earns him a glare. 
“What would have happened if we didn’t end up together?” You ask Sebastian, which melts his hear to hear paired with the concerned look on your face. 
“Then you would’ve stayed good friends.” He replies with a shrug. “Honey, I could see that you both clearly had feelings each other and that’s why I decided to play the matchmaker, you have nothing to worry about.” 
“He’s right, hase.” Mick sighs, as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. “I mean, his plan worked.” 
“I know it worked.” You grumble. “Do you know how guilty I felt because I didn’t tell you when it happened in the first place?” 
“Good,” Your dad nods. “It shows that I’ve raised a good kid.” 
You sigh as you watch your parents laugh over the incident, Mick joining them a few moments later which prompts you to do the same. Your mom gets up from her place as she turns towards the two of you. “Do you guys wanna stay for dinner? We were about to make burgers.” 
“Oh yeah, dad owes us plenty of those after the emotional damage he put us through.” You announce, kissing Mick on the cheek and joining your mom to help her prepare dinner. 
“I like retirement,” Your dad mumbles to himself. 
“I give you one season, old man.” You smirk. “You won’t be able to stay behind when you’ve been behind a wheel since you were eight years old.” 
“She’s got you there, Seb.” Mick laughs as he takes a place on the island. 
“Oh no, is Mick taking your side going to be an ongoing thing?” Sebastian asks with a grimace. 
“What can I say?” Mick shrugs. “I am a good boyfriend.”
“The best.” You agree, while you lock eyes across the room. Your parents share a knowing look between the two of them. Needless to say, it turns out that your dad is also very happy to ‘learn’ that you’re dating Mick. 
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shadowlali · 5 months
That fic you did for the anon with Ranch Owner Ale x Pastors Daughter needs a pt2 P L E A S E, it was so juicy!!
Consider giving them a Ale Vargas Jr in the oven and then the parents have to find out 👀 [can you tell i enjoy the drama??]
Honestly even if you don't make a Pt2, I just wanted to say that every fic you put out is so top tier. Your style and creativity is one of my favorites here. Despite your school schedule which I'm sure is harcore since Organic Chemistry is no joke, you're always posting banger - book quality fics for us for *𝐅 𝐑 𝐄 𝐄*.
Thank you for your existence and efforts 🖤 You are so appreciated.
pastor's daughter - part 2
COD AU - Rancher!Alejandro Vargas x pastor's daughter!reader
[18+] wc: ~4.1 k masterlist part 1
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warnings: NSFW, some proofreading, no use of Y/N nor too many details on reader’s appearance, angry dad/somewhat difficult family dynamics, talks about raising a child, allusions to a HEA, pet names (mami, nena, traviesa), fingering, unprotected sex a/n: my amazing, lovely mutual 💖! you sent this request in so long ago and i have finally finished it. thank you for your patience and sweet words. i hope you enjoy 🖤 to the anon who sent in another ale x reader pregnancy request, don't worry i am working on it! 🤍
No matter how long you stare at the white stick, the two little lines stay the same. You flip it over in your hand, thinking that maybe it's a joke, maybe a little message will appear that says “just kidding!” But it doesn’t, and the little pink lines stay the same. You throw it on the counter, landing it right on top of the three other tests you took which have the same conclusion: you’re pregnant. 
Your head spins from the idea, or more so the fact that you are indeed pregnant, carrying a child, and you’re possibly going to be a mother. Your hands grip the counter as the panic sets in, the room suddenly spinning. It’s not like you were careful, you just really didn’t think it would happen from just one time. 
You think about telling your mom, but you’re terrified at her reaction. You sure as hell won’t tell your dad, the town’s pastor. You have absolutely no idea what he’ll do especially if he finds out who the father of your baby is. The pastor’s daughter knocked up by the wealthy ranch owner is sure to cause a scandal. 
There is only one person who you have to tell, and it's Alejandro. Your phone burns a hole in your pocket. He set up his contact information weeks ago when you two… unexpectedly made a baby in his home? You haven’t seen him since, too busy with church events to find the time to escape your parents’ grasp. 
“Honey?” your mom calls from outside the bathroom door, ”are you okay?” 
“Ye–yeah, I’m almost out.” 
You hear her footsteps continue to the living room and you decide to text Alejandro. 
You: Hi, are you busy? Can I see you? 
Sent at 9:28 A.M.
Alejandro Vargas: No, I’m not busy. Si hermosa, do you want me to pick you up? Where are you? [Yes, beautiful]
Sent at 9:29 A.M.
You: I’ll meet you at the café parking lot. In the back. 
Sent at 9:30 A.M.
Alejandro: I’ll be there soon. 
Sent at 9:30 A.M.
You quickly hide the pregnancy tests, placing one in your pocket before washing your hands. With your purse in hand, you quickly yell out I'm meeting a friend for bible study, to your mom before she asks anymore questions. The walk to the cafe only takes 10 minutes and by the time you get there, Alejandro’s truck is in the back lot. 
As you approach, he gets out of the driver’s side and walks to the passenger’s, opening the door for you. Looking around, you find the coast clear and rush to hug him. His arms wrap around you, strong and warm, his fresh cologne filling your senses.
“¿Qué pasa, nena?” [What’s wrong, my girl?] 
You sniffle, tears filling your waterline. “We need to talk, Ale. Somewhere private.” 
He nods, helping you into his truck then getting in through the driver’s side. The ride to his ranch is quiet, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. Alejandro turns to look at you periodically, but your forehead is kept pressed on the cool glass of the passenger window. 
“Are you alone?” you ask as his ranch comes into view. 
“There’s no one else here, nena. Don’t worry.” 
He helps you off the truck and leads the way into the house. You see the same couch where you were bent over a few weeks ago. It causes a flutter in your lower tummy, but you push it down, the topic of conversation is too important to be turned on right now. He sits on the opposite couch, patting the space next to him. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong? Your dad isn’t here with a rifle pointed at my head,” he laughs to lighten the mood, ”so I assume he hasn’t found out–” 
“I’m pregnant. I took four home tests and they all came out positive,” you interrupt him in a jumble of words, giving him the test. 
His eyes widen, glancing down at the pregnancy test before taking it in his hand. Alejandro focuses on the two little lines, taking a deep breath and placing it on the coffee table. 
“Okay–that’s okay, what are we–,” he stutters, dragging a hand over his beard, ”what do you need me to do? What do you need, do you want to tell your parents together? Do you want me to take you to a gynecologist appointment in the next town? Are we–are you keeping the baby? Just tell me what and I’ll do whatever you need.” 
Alejandro’s words come out fast, the expression on his face seemingly only a little scared. You shake your head, tears falling down your cheeks.
“I don’t know what I want yet,” you whisper, ”right now, just a hug. Please.” 
“Of course, hermosa. Come here,” he says while pulling you in closer. 
He strokes your back while your tears silently fall. While you sit there, wrapped in Alejandro’s arms, with his cologne in your nose, you wonder what it would be like to be a mom. 
Of course you feel like you aren’t ready… but what if you are? Maybe it would be wonderful to have a tiny human that you can love and cherish. You’ve always thought that this would happen much later in life, but the opportunity is here now. And Alejandro seems ready to support whatever decision you make. 
“What if–,” you start, ”what if we keep the baby?” 
He cups your face, wiping away your tears with his thumb. “Then we’ll raise a baby, together.” 
“Are you sure? You won’t leave me–”
“No,” he says firmly, ”it took two of us to make this baby. It’s going to take two of us to raise them.” 
The look in his eyes is serious. Absolutely no doubt, resolute in his beliefs. 
“Believe me, hermosa,” he whispers, ”you’re not alone in this. I’ll go right now and tell your parents that we’re expecting.” 
You place a light kiss on his mouth, sinking your fingers in his thick hair. He returns it, cradling the back of your skull and running his thumb on your cheek. 
“I think,” you say as you pull back, ”I should be the one to tell them. It’s going to be a shock to them and it’s best if I do it alone.” 
It takes a lot of convincing for Alejandro to take you back home. He’s visibly nervous and does not like the idea of you giving them the news alone. This is my responsibility too, hermosa. A real man would show up. 
But, you have no idea how they'll react with him there. So after much persuasion, Alejandro drops you off at home, reminding you to call him the moment the conversation finishes. 
After a few more okay, one more kiss, you hop down his truck, noticing your father’s car in the driveway. He’s definitely here, you think. Never in your life has walking up to the front porch seemed so scary. Your legs feel like lead, only becoming heavier with each step towards the front porch. You let the door close behind you softly, sealing out the rest of the world. 
His bible is placed on the entry table along with the notebook he uses to write the weekly sermons. With cold fingers, you drag them down the front covers of both, praying for a little strength. Adult actions, adult consequences, you remind yourself. Before the burst of confidence leaves, you walk into the living room.
“Hi,” you say in a tiny voice, making your presence known in what suddenly feels like a tiny room. 
Your dad looks up from one of his theology books, a warm smile on his face. He takes one look at your anxious form and immediately goes into protective dad mode. 
“What happened?” he demands. 
“How was it with your friend?” your mother asks, flipping through a fashion magazine, still oblivious to the situation. 
“I need to talk to the both of you.” 
Your mother finally looks up, startled at your serious tone. The look in your father’s eyes doesn’t waiver, most likely already suspecting something is wrong with his normally bubbly daughter. 
“I’m–I’m pregnant,” you stutter out. 
Your mom drops her teacup onto the couch, dousing a pretty throw pillow and the seat cushion in liquid. They stay frozen for a few seconds until your dad snaps his book, dragging a hand down his face. Your mom reacts too, shakily grabbing her teacup and placing it on the coffee table. 
“Who?” your father asks, his voice just above a growl. 
“Who what–” 
“Who is the father?” he demands more firmly. 
“Oh,” you whisper, finally understanding his question. “It’s um… Alejandro.”
“When–” he starts. 
“Does he know?” your mom speaks up, her voice just above a whisper. 
You turn to look at her and nod, grateful that she’s interrupting what you assume to be an onslaught of intrusive questions from your dad. “He’s the first person I told.” 
“You should’ve told us first–” 
“And what did he say?” your mom once again interrupts your dad. 
“He said he’ll support me no matter the decision I make–”
Your father makes a disgruntled sound, immediately standing up and walking towards the front door. 
“Where are you going?”
He ignores your question but you manage to block his path, assuming he’s walking to pick up his car keys. “Dad, please,” you whisper, grabbing his hand.
“Where–where were your morals? Did my words mean nothing to you? Did the education we provided you at the church mean nothing to you?” he barks out, pushing your hand away.   
“No, no, they–they did, dad! Of course they did–” 
“I thought I could trust him, but look at what he did to our daughter!” he continues, turning to your mother. 
“Mi amor,” she tries to reason, ”let’s calm down and talk about it. Alejandro is a good person, it sounds like he’s going to step up and take care of her. He should come here and talk to us–” 
“He will not step foot in this house nor will she,” he points an accusatory finger at you, ”ever speak to him again.” 
Tears blur your vision at his words. Not wanting to hear his voice anymore, you turn and walk quickly to your room, ignoring his calls to come back. Your hands shake while pressing on Alejandro’s name in your phone. It only rings once and he’s answering the call, his gruff voice immediately calming you. 
“¿Qué pasó, hermosa?” he coos. [What happened, beautiful?]
“I told them and it didn’t–I mean it’s–I know they were going to be shocked but this is too much–” you hiccup between quiet sobs. 
“Shhh, pack up your things. I’m down the road.” 
“I’m down the road,” he repeats, ”pack up your things and stay on the line until you walk out the door.” 
It takes a moment for you to grasp what he’s saying. You’ve lived in this house your entire life, only leaving when going on vacation or visiting family, always wanting, but never actually moving out. A sudden pain strikes your chest because with this baby, if you pack up your stuff and leave, you’ll most likely never return. 
You hear Alejandro through the phone, asking if you heard him and if everything is okay. Your parents voices outside the door only become louder, and in that moment you make the decision. The most important items, such as personal documents and a few changes of clothes, are dumped in a small suitcase.
I’m outside, nena, Alejandro says through the receiver. You take one last look at the books on the shelf, the desk your dad built cluttered with little trinkets, the mountain of pillows on the bed and turn, opening the door to walk to the entryway. 
Your dad beats you to it, having already noticed Alejandro’s truck in the driveway. He opens the front door with enough force that it bounces against the wall, making a loud noise. Alejandro is already walking towards the front door, looking determined as he faces your father. 
“I should kill you for what you did to her! She is not leaving this house.” 
“We can go inside and talk about this,” Alejandro tries to reason,” I respect and care a lot for your daughter and I will do everything possible to make her happy–” 
“She is not going anywhere.”
“You don’t get to make that decision for her,” Alejandro calmly states, stretching his hand out for you to walk to him. 
“Go,” your mother whispers behind you, pushing you towards Alejandro. 
You walk around them both, ignoring your father completely. He tries to grab your arm but Alejandro blocks his hand, waiting until you’re in the car to keep walking. Alejandro places the suitcase in the back seat as your mother holds onto your father’s arm, preventing him from moving off the front porch. 
The drive to Alejandro’s ranch is silent, your body too exhausted to talk or even cry. Alejandro tries to ask how the conversation went down and what happened, but you shake your head, words unable to form in your mouth. Once at the ranch, he leads you inside and up to his room, grabbing a washcloth to wipe the mess of tears from earlier. 
“Get in bed, yeah? I’ll bring your suitcase in.”
By the time you strip out of your clothes, Alejandro has brought in your things and has set out a pair of pajamas. In the back of your mind, you think about how efficiently Alejandro moves. He’s a man of action, doing things to make you the most comfortable after such a stressful situation. His hand rubs soothing circles on your back while you curl up next to him, eventually falling into a dreamless sleep. 
- - - 
“¿No tienes frío?” Alejandro asks, placing a blanket over you without waiting for a response. [You’re not cold?]
You lift the blanket to make room for him and scoot closer to his warm body. The sun is slowly setting, the sky a flurry of different purples. The two of you lay on his patio daybed, listening to the chirp of crickets and the light rustle of wind. 
Alejandro kisses the side of your head, leaving his lips there as he breathes in. “He’ll come around, hermosa. He’s just surprised.”
You nod, heart heavy. “Yeah, I hope so.” 
“Either way, I won’t let him come speak to you unless it’s for an apology.” 
You snuggle deeper into Alejandro’s side, the seed of doubt planted by your father only further blooming. “Do you–do you think this is a good idea? Are we ready to be parents?” 
He stays quiet, breathing in your skin. “I don’t think anyone is really prepared to be parents,” Alejandro responds, placing a hand on your tummy. “But, we’re both prepared to give this child all the love and support they need. And even more than that.” 
You tilt your head back, locking eyes with Alejandro. He was so quick to offer everything to you: support, affection, a place to live, a place to raise your child. It’s in his nature, you very quickly realize, to give. He’s been single for so long, probably used to freedom and his own space. But there’s no annoyance in his gaze or actions, just a man ready to take responsibility and provide for the mother of his unborn child. 
Alejandro’s eyes flit down to your lips and up, over the soft planes of your face. Your lips tingle from how he kissed you before, intense and heavy, the soft scratch of his beard forever imprinted in your skin’s memory. You slide a hand on his arm, bringing it up to his shoulder and down the hard expanse of his chest, pressing your lips lightly to his. 
His hand cups your face before he moves his fingers to gently wrap around your neck. He licks at you, running the tip of his tongue over your bottom lip, teasing, before pushing it into the warmth of your mouth.
You circle his wrist with both hands, feeling him tighten his hold only slightly, keeping you still. He trails his lips over your cheeks and eyelids, giving you only a moment to catch your breath before he’s nipping the sensitive skin on your neck. A whimper claws its way out of your throat, cunt pulsing and feeling empty, empty, empty. 
“Mi chula,” he murmurs on your skin, letting go of your neck to drag a hand over your achy breasts, “lay back.” [My beautiful]
He pushes off the blanket, maneuvering your body to lay sideways on the daybed while he climbs over you. Alejandro drags your shirt up, dragging his lips over your belly before placing a soft kiss. Goosebumps rise from the light wind, but Alejandro is there to warm you up, his teeth finding the tight peaks of your nipples. 
“Ale,” you moan, threading your fingers through the mass of inky, black curls on his head. 
He squeezes the tender swells of your breasts with calloused fingers, pulling more whimpers from you. Alejandro moves up, attacking your mouth again. His fingers trail down, rubbing your tummy before snaking through your bottoms and easily pushing aside your thin panties. His fingers lightly skim over your swollen clit and continue down to your entrance. You nip at his mouth the moment he sinks a finger inside of you. 
“Traviesa,” he hums, dragging his now slick coated finger up to your sensitive button. [Naughty girl] 
Your hands tremble as they travel over his broad back and up to his hair, gripping harder the moment he sinks two thick fingers inside of you. Your hips twist and grind on his hand, whimpering the moment your clit makes contact with his palm. The patio is soon filled with the sounds of your moans and the wet strokes of his fingers between your thighs. 
“You missed this, didn’t you?” Alejandro groans against your jaw,” so fucking slick from just my fingers.” 
Everything turns to mush in your brain, words becoming too difficult to say, your focus solely on Alejandro and the way he moves, the way he breathes, the way he manages to break you into tiny little pieces and put you back together. 
The pressure in your core grows and grows and grows, your hips rolling from the pleasure. Alejandro grinds his bulge into the meat of your thigh, the warmth of his body burning you even through the layers of clothes. 
“Come on my fingers mami,” he whispers,” let me feel you.” 
His words send you over the edge, pussy tightening hard around his thick digits, covering his hand in your wetness while you come. He traps you in a kiss, fucking his tongue into your mouth with the same intensity of his fingers. You shake in his hold, clawing at his arms and neck, any piece of him that you can reach. 
Alejandro moves down, giving small licks and soft kisses to your tits, removing his fingers to lightly rub through your folds, calming you through the aftershocks of your orgasm. With his hand free from your pajama bottoms, he brings his fingers up to you, smushing your cheeks to open your mouth. 
You suck greedily, tasting yourself. He removes them from your mouth after a few moments, a string of salvia still connected. Alejandro licks it off, moaning at the taste of you. He yanks down your bottoms and panties, then has you sit up to remove your shirt. You’re left bare, the wind cooling your heated skin. 
He brings down his pants just underneath his heavy balls, pumping his cock with one hand while he spreads your legs to make room for himself. You slide a hand over the swells of your breasts, and down your tummy, to the wet opening of your cunt. 
Alejandro watches the movement of your hand, pumping his cock faster as he sees you slide a finger inside. You moan, feeling how swollen and hot you are. 
“Ale,” you whimper,” I’m so empty.”
“You want my cock, traviesa?” 
You hum a yes please, and trail a wet finger over his plush head, down the shaft, dragging a ragged moan from him. He moves your hand, placing it on your thigh to help him keep you spread open. He drags the head of his cock from your entrance, through your folds, and up to your bundle of nerves, rubbing until your back arches from the stimulation. 
No teasing, you whine, too delirious to wait any longer. Alejandro listens, sinking inside of you, hissing through his teeth, not stopping until the tip reaches the very end of you. You whimper from the stretch, wanting to push him off while also wanting him to fuck you deep. He stays still, head thrown back and hands gripping your thigh, your pussy quivering around his length. 
“If you weren’t already pregnant,” he murmurs,” I’d fuck a baby into you right now.” 
“Oh my go–” 
Alejandro doesn’t wait for you to finish, immediately sliding out to plunge back into you. You’re stuffed full, overwhelmed, wanting more Ale, more, please, more. He leans over you, linking your hand with his and placing it right above your head. You wrap your other hand around his neck, squeezing, begging for him to kiss you. 
“Fuck, fuck–” he groans,” do that–do that again.” 
You squeeze again, swallowing his moan once his lips find you in a wet kiss, teeth and tongues clashing from the force. He’s slow with each thrust, deliberate and careful in how he fucks you. Every inch, every vein, the entire shape of his cock feels like it's being branded onto the walls of your cunt. 
“Ale, faster. Please–”
He tightens his grip on your hand, shaking his head while he trails his lips across your jaw. “No, you take what I give you, mami.” 
Alejandro briefly lets go of your hand to tug off his shirt, throwing it to the side right on top of your clothes. His bare skin scorches yours, warms you to your very center. His cologne and the unique scent of him, masculine and fresh, invades your senses. 
You pull him closer, craving the scratches from his beard. He groans and whimpers with every bite mark or fingernail indent you leave on his tan skin. Alejandro digs his fingers into your thigh, spreading you impossibly wider for his broad hips. 
“Can’t wait until your belly grows with my child,” he moans, moving his hand to caress your tummy. 
He leans back, watching where you take him so beautifully. You bring your hand down and link it with his, keeping it pressed to your stomach. 
“I can’t wait to have your baby, Ale,” you whine, the need to become a mother only more intense with Alejandro’s words and his actions. 
Alejandro speeds up, impaling you with each thrust. You feel it in your spine, another orgasm sneaking up on you. His movements don’t falter, fucking you through it as you throw your head back and grip his hand tight. It lasts forever, well it feels like it lasts forever. You pulse around him, crying from how far he reaches inside of you with his fat cock. 
This is only the second time you two are intimate with each other, but as he finishes right after you, filling you with his seed and moaning your name in a broken cadence, you can’t help but think this was always meant to be. He falls on top of you, your sweaty bodies sticking together, his hips moving in short thrusts as he repeats your name in the soft juncture of your neck and shoulder. 
Alejandro gives you another kiss that leaves you breathless and panting. He slowly slides out of you, leaning back slightly to watch his spend drip out of your little hole. With thick fingers he pushes it back and rubs the rest on your thighs. 
You tangle your fingers in his hair, then caress the beard on his jaw. He leans into your hand and presses a kiss onto the palm, scooting down until he’s able to rest his cheek on your belly. The two of you lay in silence for a bit, regulating your breathing and cooling down. 
“We’re going to make this work, yeah?” he asks, his voice breaking through your sleepy brain. "No matter what your dad thinks, or what the town thinks, we're going to be the best parents we can. Right, mami?"
“Right, Ale."
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sinnohelitefourlore · 9 months
Sinnoh Gym Leader Headcanons Pt 1:
- has a, dare i say, “rocky” relationship with his father. originally his father wanted riley to take over orebourgh’s gym, but since he rejected it roark was his second choice. he’s still kind of bitter over it and likes to rebel. (i.e “my dad told me not to do this” *does the thing directly after*)
- every fossil that the other miners find is double-checked by roark because he knows his shit.
- when he was in orebourgh trainer’s school he would be that kid moaning in the back of his class bc he thinks that’s peak comedy. also because he knows it’ll piss his dad off.
- gardenia can interact with fantina’s ghosts without crying, and that’s it. one time, she tried to interact with cynthia’s spiritomb. it took the elite four and cynthia thirty minutes to calm the girl down.
- yes she loves plants but she’s also a piercer hear me out she can definitely do piercings she’d be that girl that gives other girls piercings in the school bathroom.
- is eterna’s local weed dealer. not as good as morty’s shit, but volkner tells her she’s getting there. cynthia definitely knows but looks the other way.
- maylene had her first kiss with aaron at age seven, as they were childhood friends. they both exclaimed “ew!” as soon as their lips touched.
- her mom left her when she was twelve bc of her dad’s gambling problem. her dad was never home which left her in the care of her grandmother. she’s angry over this. so, so angry. but cynthia tells her one day that she herself was raised by her grandmother, too – and look at her now: sinnoh’s champion. this inspires maylene to train harder.
- it was rumored in veilstone that maylene’s hands were made of pure steel which is why she could punch so hard. one time as if to prove this rumor, flint asked her to punch him in the stomach as hard as she could. the league had to shut down for the day as flint recovered in the hospital. it was awkward to explain to the doctors and nurses as to what happened. no, flint did not want to press charges but he’s terribly embarrassed. aaron tried to warn him, so he figures he deserved this outcome.
Crasher Wake:
- wake did wrestling shows that were in the style of a drama (think, WWE) and would come up with the most outrageous storylines.
- was the kid that beat up bullies at his trainer’s school bc “two against one isn’t fair” and, “pick on someone your own size.”
- frequently challenges byron and fantina to a drinking contest after gym hours, and he almost always loses. but when he wins, he’ll throw his hands up, and then promptly pass out.
- when she was ten, she marched up to her parents and told her that she wanted to be called “fantina” from now on. her parents welcomed their daughter with open arms.
- is Kalosian, which according to the sinnoh league members would explain why she can hold her liquor so well. she usually comes out on top in those drinking contests between wake and byron.
- is the most widely known coordinator around the world. you could go to an island with no electricity and the children and elders knew the name “fantina dumont.” if you were fortunate enough to go to one of her shows, you would see paramedics on standby because when she sent out her Drifblim a few people would pass out in awe, not fright.
- before he married his wife: byron shot his friend in the ass with a BB gun by accident, went to hoenn with his buddies and they got kicked out from every single bar by staging fights so they wouldn’t have to pay for drinks, and swam from johto to kanto after he and his friends flipped a police car and were being chased. he drops random stories like this at league meetings and everyone stares in bewilderment – including his own son because what the hell dad wdym you dropped acid with the champion of Unova once???
- occasionally stars as a guest in one of wake’s wrestling shows. they play lovers having a quarrel before wake tackles the shit out of him.
- during canalave’s yearly pride parade he is the one giving dad hugs because “even when i was a kid, men have always had men… y’know, i had a buddy once, back in the mines… and he was a little off to the side, but he was damn good with a pickaxe. had a beer with his husband once.”
- snowpoint city in the sinnoh region is known as the “home of the yodelers.” on top of being the gym leader, candice is the best damn yodeler that snowpoint has ever seen.
- she also had a reputation as a little girl for throwing snowballs at visitors from another region before declaring sinnoh was the best.
- if you want gossip, candice will spill all the details. she knows everything about everyone. no one is more up to speed about who’s-sleeping-with-who, who-cheated-on-who, and how Stacy Cambridge from her trainer school definitely got a nose job and yes, it’s definitely noticeable. no one really asks for her gossip, but she blabs it at the league meetings anyway.
- smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. one time to be cheeky at a league meeting he lights one up, therefore cynthia threw him out – which was what he wanted so thank you cynthia.
- has been on so many fucking antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds throughout his life that he’s basically an expert on them. a lot of the younger gym leaders and elites (i.e gardenia, aaron, candice, roark, and maylene) are depressed and/or anxious and lets them know his own experiences with meds.
- when he was a kid, though he wasn’t a sunyshore hoodlum, he did learn how to use a pocket knife. not that he ever needed it since he had a pikachu to thunderbolt the motherfuckers if he wanted to.
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(So, I decided to do a Yandere headcanon for one of my favorite Godzilla's. (P.S. The reader is gender neutral.)
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Final Wars Godzilla, as a yandere, would be possessive, obsessive, controlling, and easily jealous.
Final Wars Godzilla is incredibly possessive over you; he wants you near him all the time and gets rather aggressive and angry if you want time away from him or if you're taken away. He snaps at everyone and anything, regardless of whether they did anything to him or not. The only kaiju, or thing in general, he doesn't snap at is his son, Minilla. The atomic dinosaur heavily holds his anger back with his son and would probably go and tell him to do something or to go back to their cave while he searches for his mother/father. 
Godzilla is incredibly obsessive about you; he doesn't want anyone to have you; you're his queen/king and no one else. So, don't expect to have any free time for yourself ever. If you want to do something, he'll be right by your side or supervising you like a parent watching their child play.
The atomic dinosaur is rather controlling of you. He doesn't think you should have a say in what he does with you because he knows best. That doesn't mean he won't listen to ''suggestions," as he calls them. If you have an idea of what to do with Minilla or Kaiju, he'll listen, but if he doesn't agree with it, he'll do it his way, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.
He gets extremely jealous if you talk to any male/female Kaiju's that aren't him or Minilla. So, understandable Godzilla will either kill them or threaten them to back off.  Expect him to also get angry at you. He told you not to talk to any of them; why couldn't you just listen? Don't bother to try and argue with him; he won't listen, or he'll interrupt you.
If you ever try to bring these issues up with Godzilla, he'll get annoyed and say nothing is wrong, and if you try pleading your case, the atomic dinosaur will get angry and yell at you. Godzilla yelling at you will just be him trying to convince you that nothing is wrong with your relationship and that you are just not thinking straight or something.  So yeah, gaslighting is also in his cards.
Let's say you get tired of how he's acting, and you try leaving him...Oh boy, grab your popcorn because you're in for a show. He will yell at you and question, why would you even suggest breaking up. He loves you, and you want to break up with him? You don't care about their relationship. The atomic dinosaur would make sure you don't get a single word in as he continues to yell at you. Getting himself worked up, a certain hum would begin alongside a blue color forming on his bone-white dorsal. He won't attack you, but he won't say he wouldn't do it.
In terms of Minilla, he's fine with you playing with him, he considers the young Godzilla to not be a threat or a kaiju who would attempt to steal you, why? Well, he kinda has a plan, basically making Minilla sees you as your Mom/Dad. So, yeah.
Day-to-day life is the same for the most part, you wake up next to him, get breakfast with him, he watches you play with Minilla…yeah, no free time, whatsoever. The one time you might have some alone time is when he has to deal with a kaiju, on the one claw he doesn't want you to get hurt or possibly taken away from him, on the other claw, you could run away, or get attacked by a kaiju….hmm he would probably have Anguirus watch over you, and if something were to happen to you while Anguirus had to watch over you….well, he didn't need a best friend anyway.
Now before you get together, Godzilla will silently observe you whether it would be from afar or when he sees you around. The atomic dinosaur would try and figure out how you work and tick, compared to any other kaiju he acts different with you, well, besides his yandere tendencies, he’ll be soft around you, and if you do as he says he'll treat you well and protect you. Showing his affection through actions like holding and cuddling you, maybe, oh I don't know, saying in a whisper I love you.
Okay, let's say you had enough and you try to run away, run away? Ah, cute. That won't work no, no, the moment Godzilla finds out you're missing, not only that but you ran away from him? Oh, he'll trace and track you down. He'll search every inch of the ocean, all the land, heck he might even consider looking in the core of the earth. But if you're a protector like Mothra, he'll destroy cities to try and coax you to get out.
Once he finally finds you, he'll drag you back to his cave, well that's if he's feeling generous. Whatever he decides he'll yell at you, kinda like a drill sergeant, after everything he's done for you. You run away!?! The atomic dinosaur will yell at you until he fires his atomic breath into the sky, maybe once, or multiple times. Afterward, he'll drag you back, forget about doing things you like, cause he won't let you, Godzilla will start watching you like a hawk so good luck pulling this stunt again, cause he doesn't forget, he'll forgive you, in time, but forgetting? No, no, no.
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All The Pretty Little Horses
Two fics in one night? It's almost like I wrote them ages ago and am only now getting round to actually posting them 🤔
Of course we're all disappointed that we never got to see Rick and Beth actually have the conversation about what happened to Beth C-137, so I wanted to write it. Takes place after Solaricks.
Summary: Beth confronts Rick about the revelation that she's not his original daughter. ~1100 words
Rick’s exhausted from the day’s events, but he’s buzzing with so much restless energy he can’t even sit still, let alone sleep. He’s tried, unsuccessfully, to channel it into a project, or to dull it with alcohol, but neither have worked. His room feels even smaller than normal, like a cage, and he knows he has to get out.
He stumbles out of his room and down the stairs, not really sure where he’s going, driven by a vague need to escape. As he reaches the bottom, he notices a light on in the kitchen. He didn’t know anyone was still up, but company is just the distraction he needs right now. He doesn’t particularly care who it is - he’ll even take Jerry’s company over his own at this point. Rick speeds up as much as his inebriated body will let him.
As he enters the kitchen, a piece of his heart tears itself from his chest at the sight of his daughter slouched over the table, glass of wine in hand. She looks up at him and smiles sardonically.
“Like father, like daughter, huh?”
Rick doesn’t know what to say, but Beth clearly isn’t interested in waiting for him to respond.
“So. I’m not your real daughter.” she begins, picking up the bottle to refill her glass. Rick swallows, knowing he should tell her that she is his daughter, that it doesn’t matter about their realities of origin, that he loves her, but the words won’t come out. Beth continues,
“You know, at first, I was actually kind of relieved to find out. You know why? Because if you weren’t my original dad, it meant that you weren’t the one who abandoned me.” 
She stops to drink, but Rick can tell she’s far from done with the confrontation. 
“But then I got angry again, because I realised that you did abandon me. Just not this version of me.” Rick wants to protest, or apologise, or cry, but he’s frozen.
“What did she do? To deserve being abandoned?” Beth’s tone is cold and forceful enough that it temporarily unblocks Rick’s throat just enough for him to choke out two words.
“She died.”
“So, she died, and you decided to just replace her with another Beth? That’s all I am to you, right? Just another infinite daughter.”
“Beth, i-it wasn’t like that.”
“Then what was it like, Dad?” Beth snaps. Rick flinches. 
“My original Beth… she was killed as a child. By another version of me.”
Beth’s face softens slightly, and Rick realises he’s crying.
“He wanted me to abandon you, and your mom, and travel everywhere without consequences. I told him I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay with you, and raise you. He didn’t like it, and… and he killed you, Beth. He took my little girl from me. And he almost did it again today.”
“Dad… I don’t… what do you…?”
Rick takes an unsteady breath. 
“That’s where I was when you were calling for help. I… I had my chance to kill him, Beth. To finally take out that bastard. I tried to do it for decades, even after I knew I had no hope of finding him. I didn’t move in with an adult version of you until I’d given up all hope of ever finding him. Today, I had that hope again…”
He trails off. Beth slowly drops her hands from where they’re clasped over her mouth to finish his sentence. 
“But you chose us?” 
Rick nods. 
Beth sits in stunned silence for a few moments, before beginning to move towards him so slowly that Rick’s hardly sure she’s moving at all. He reaches out his arms and takes her in them, clutching her to his chest.
“So, if your original daughter got murdered for refusing to abandon me, and I’m still alive, that means my original dad…”
“Accepted the offer.”
There’s another painful silence as the feelings wash over both of them. When Beth breaks it, her voice is low and shaky.
“All this time, I thought that’s what you’d done to me. I thought you were him. All the times I blamed you for leaving… why did you let me?”
“I guess… I felt like I deserved it. I couldn’t save her… I couldn’t save you.”
“You did save me. You came back for me.”
Rick can’t help the sob that slips out.
“I almost didn’t, Beth. I was so focused on getting my revenge, even if it killed me. I wasn’t thinking.”
“I’m glad you came back.”
Rick’s too choked up to speak, so he simply pulls Beth tighter to his chest. He feels her squeeze him in return.
Eventually, Beth pulls away, and they both pretend not to notice the other wiping the tears from their face. Beth opens the cupboard and pulls out another glass before pouring them both some wine. Rick accepts, downing the majority of the glass in one go. When he sets it down, he dares to look across at Beth once more, and the sight of her swollen eyes and tearstained face breaks his heart all over again. He reaches a hand across and rests it on hers.
“Lo siento mucho, mijita.” Something about the Spanish feels more meaningful to him, although he has no way of knowing if Beth understands it. She smiles weakly all the same.
They continue drinking in silence until the bottle runs dry.
“Guess that’s our sign to head to bed.” Beth mumbles in a tone that clearly says she wants nothing of the sort.
“I-I dunno if we should risk the stairs, in this state.” Rick offers.
“No. But I think I could make it to the couch.”
They stagger towards the couch, drunkenly leaning on each other, and sink down into the cushions. Beth’s head comes to rest on Rick’s shoulder and he droops an arm around her, pulling her in closer.
Talking about his original Beth has awoken a memory for Rick, and suddenly it’s the most important thing in the world for him to know if it’s one that this Beth shares.
“Did-did your mom… your original mom… did she ever used to sing you the song… ‘hush-a-bye, don’t you cry, go to sleep you little baby. When you awake, you’ll have cake’-”
Rick trails off as Beth joins in. 
“And all the pretty little horses.” 
Suddenly, it strikes Rick that he’s never heard an adult Beth’s singing voice before. It reminds him painfully of Diane and he feels tears spilling down his cheeks, the alcohol lowering his guard. He swallows hard through the lump in his throat to continue singing along with Beth.
“Dapples and greys, pintos and bays. All the pretty little horses. Dapples and greys, pintos and bays. And all the pretty little horses.”
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heliza24 · 1 year
I just stumbled onto your page and I love reading your insights and analysis of Young Royals. I’d like to hear your take on this if you don’t mind ofc.
When Simon tried to tell Marcus that he was not ready for a relationship, Marcus ignored him and said that they could take things slow with no stress and that he can wait. And when you wait for someone, there are two outcomes, either they’ll get together or they won’t. And in this situation where Simon said that he’ll never be ready, it was obviously not going to happen. They never had a mutual discussion about them being exclusive (boyfriends) and Simon made no promises to Marcus. So what was Marcus expecting?
My question is why was Marcus pissed at Simon in the end? Marcus was the one who said that he could wait for someone who would never be ready. Ig the only thing that Marcus can be angry about is Simon using him at the ball. But he barely talked about it and instead insults Simon with assumptions about who Simon is even though Marcus knows nothing about him.
Thanks anon! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my analysis!
So I’ve already written a bit about the breakup scene. I think Marcus is exhibiting some subtle classism and racism in his reaction to the breakup, and I also think Marcus is operating on a very heteronormative relationship timeline which impacts how annoyed he gets with Simon.
But I thought your question might be a good excuse to talk about character and scene writing in a more technical way, since people still have questions about Marcus’s motivations.  I am a playwright and I like thinking and talking about this stuff a lot.
So, when we design a character in playwriting and screenwriting, we always think about their goals. These are big desires that help motivate a character over the course of the whole script. (Or in this case, season of television).  But in any specific scene, a character isn’t usually thinking about their big, defining goal. They’re dealing with the small piece of that desire that is right in front of them. Usually they’re interacting with another character, and they want something from that other character that is going to get them closer to their big goal. That little want is their objective, and the way they go about getting it drives the scene. A character usually doesn’t try just one method for reaching their objective; they’ll try different techniques, rephrase their words, etc. All of those methods are called actions.
(By the way, when people say that scripts require conflict to work, this is what they mean. Characters always have objectives and want something from each other. It doesn’t mean they have to be fighting; their objective could be to make friends. But that exchange is necessary to make a scene work).
This is pretty abstract, so let’s do a silly example to make things clearer. Meet John, my made-up character. John’s overarching goal is to have a closer relationship with his dad, who is a chef. In the scene I’m writing, John wants his dad to try the brownies he just baked because he thinks they will impress his dad. That’s his objective. He might try different actions to get that to happen. First he might set up a fan so the delicious smell wafts over to his dad. He might eat one in front of his dad and remark upon how delicious they are. If neither of those things work, he might resort to begging his dad directly to just try one!
But what if John’s dad still refuses to try his brownies? He’s probably not going to keep trying. After a certain point, trying more and more actions against an unresponsive scene partner feels unrealistic. So John’s objective might change. He might say to his dad: “Mom will eat these and tell me how great they. She’s a better parent than you.” Boom. New objective: make Dad jealous. It still connects to John’s overarching goal. If Dad gets jealous of John’s connection with Mom, he might invest more in his own relationship with John. It’s not a smart or emotionally healthy or reasonable tactic! But you can see how someone who is upset might resort to it.
Scenes can be broken down into smaller units called beats. A new beat starts whenever a character switches to a new action (so using the fan, remarking upon the brownies, and begging would all be distinct beats). Switching to a new objective would also create a new beat. You can think of a beat as the smallest unit of dramatic writing.
 (This is not to be confused with the stage direction “he takes a beat” which is sometimes just used interchangeably with “he pauses before speaking”. Confusing but true).
Thank you for hanging with me through that extremely goofy example I just made up.  Now let’s use these concepts and see if they can help us understand Marcus as a character and the way that his relationship with Simon unfolds.
I would say that Marcus’s goal across season 2 of YR is to make Simon his boyfriend.  Marcus is a pretty minor character, all things considered, so I don’t think his goal needs to be very complex. (If we were talking about Wilhelm or Simon’s goal in the season, it would probably be a lot harder to summarize so succinctly.)
We don’t know a ton about Marcus’s backstory, but we know a few things that might point to character motivation that would make this goal make sense. He’s an older kid, with his own apartment and car. He’s at the point in his life where he might really want a partner to fit in with this grownup conception of himself. And he likes Simon!
So how does he accomplish his goal? In early scenes his objective is to get Simon to like him. He offers to drive him to campus, he asks him to karaoke, he invites him over. Those are all pretty simple actions. And they are at least partially successful! Simon agrees to go out with him.
In that first awkward hookup scene, his and Simon’s objectives are in conflict. Simon is there to hookup and forget his problems. Marcus is there to make Simon his very serious, very committed boyfriend, which to him means no sex yet. So it makes sense that Simon makes a move and that Marcus shuts him down. Those conflicting actions are a good example of how conflict drives a scene forward.
Ok, now let’s look at the scene in 2.3 where Simon first tries to break up with Marcus. Now Marcus’ objective has changed a little bit. Instead of trying to create the relationship with Simon, he’s trying to prevent Simon from ending it. (Simon’s objective in this scene is to breakup with Marcus). There are a few different beats in this scene where Marcus tries different actions to get Simon to stay. First, he offers Simon time. He’ll wait until Simon is ready. When Simon says that he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be ready, then Marcus compares himself to Wilhelm. He tries to make himself seem a safer and better person than Wilhelm (“I won’t hurt you like he did”). When Simon acknowledges his goodness (“I think you’re like, perfect”) but that doesn’t change his mind, Marcus brings up Simon’s family. Marcus asserts that Simon must not recognize how lucky he is to be dating Marcus because Simon’s parents didn’t model a healthy relationship. Marcus ends up “winning” this scene; after those three beats Simon agrees to keep dating him.
Now we’re at the final breakup scene in 2.6. Things have really changed when this scene opens. Marcus already knows that he has failed at his goal. Simon hasn’t been talking to him, and he knows that he hooked up with Wilhelm in some capacity. So Marcus goes through a pretty dramatic shift here. Instead of trying to win over Simon, I think his main goal is now to try to preserve his own feelings. That’s pretty relatable if you’ve ever been broken up with. You’re just trying to get out of there with your heart as intact as possible. A great way to do this is to make it very clear that the breakup was not your fault. That way you don’t have to accept any blame or feel guilty. I would say that this is Marcus’s objective in this scene: make it very clear that the breakup is Simon’s fault, not his. The first action that he tries to accomplish this is to blame Wilhelm. Marcus is a great guy, but how was he supposed to compete with a prince, especially when Simon is clearly just starstruck by Wilhelm’s status? (This is not true of Simon, I would say, but remember that we’re just in Marcus’s head trying to think of ways to deflect blame right now). Here's where the scene shifts in a really interesting way. Instead of just accepting this, Simon pushes back with a new action of his own. He directly points out the ways that Marcus is at fault for their breakup: Marcus didn’t listen to Simon when he said he didn’t want a serious relationship. That’s a new beat in the scene, and I can almost physically see Simon lob the blame back over the fence onto Marcus (good for him tbh). So now Marcus is on the back foot. He’s about to totally fail to reach his objective in this scene. No more Mr. Nice Guy, time to play dirty. So he reaches for the most effective action he can think of, insulting Simon directly.  More specifically, he accuses Simon of the thing that he himself is doing: deflecting blame. He even says to Simon “everything just happens, and it’s never your fault”. Simon plays the victim, he’s turned on by drama, so this breakup MUST be Simon’s fault. And then he tells Simon to get lost, effectively ending the scene on that final, very strong action. He makes sure he gets the last word.
I hope that helps explain why Marcus reacts so angrily, even if his anger doesn’t seem reasonable to an outside, neutral observer. Everything Marcus does is motivated by his larger goal. Every action he takes, even the ways in which he insults Simon, are tactics he uses to try to meet his objectives in each scene. If you’re living inside of Marcus’s head, all of those steps make perfect sense.
This is a good technique to use in general when you’re trying to understand and evaluate a dramatic text (Play, movie, tv show, etc). Does each character have a goal? Does each scene have distinct objectives for all of its characters? Do the actions they take align with those objectives? Asking these questions will help you understand characters but also help you evaluate the overall strength of the writing. Obviously I think Young Royals does a great job with this generally, and I had a good time breaking down Marcus into his component parts so to speak.
Thanks for the ask!
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cositapreciosa · 7 months
hiya! could you write a Gustavo Gaviria x innocent reader? love your work!
Gustavo Gaviria x gn!reader, (nothing very bad, the usual for the show) 777 words
a/n : i wasn't sure where to go for an innocent reader, still love how this came out!
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
Tagging the narcos fam @narcolini @drabbles-mc @anunhealthydoseofangst @hausofmamadas @ashlingnarcos
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Pablo had introduced you years ago, back at the beginning, when everything was still calm and smooth sailing. A sweet thing, his mom had told him, trustful, single too. He had brushed it off, of course, ma, he would say, stop it, it’s not like this, but it was. It was the small talk he had to have with you every time he came to the shop your dad owned, how he used to walk the streets after school hours, hoping to run into you.
It was Pablo who told him to let go, to find someone else, when everything became unsure and the storm came knocking on their door. He had brushed it off, hoping that you would understand, wishing it would stop at once, so you could ease into it like he had. Gustavo was blind to think it would happen, that it would calm down, that his brother would even think to slow down.
This is not right, Gustavo, you would tell him, people are dying, is this really what you want? He couldn’t care less, he wanted to say, that it is not his problem, nor yours, that they are killing each other, that he has nothing to do with it, that they-
He knew it was Pablo who told your dad, about how you still had been seeing him in secret, jumping the balcony at night, getting picked up by a car a block over. It made him red with anger, the feeling of betrayal in his chest, loneliness, despair. My dad knows, Gus. I’m grounded, he says he’ll put bars on the window if he has to. Gustavo is not stupid, he knows why your parents are scared, why his brother hates that he still sees you even though he tells him how dangerous it is. One day they will call the cops on you, is this what you want, hm?
Of course, it is not what he wants, especially when he watches you cry like this, unstoppable, hiccups and tears staining your face, but he has to. For you, he tells you, it is all for you. For your safety, for your life, so that you don’t cry for him if he dies. Gustavo has to stay tall and strong as he holds your hands, as he wipes the salted water off your cheeks, pretend he will not drink his pain away later that night, that he will not resent his brother for months, years. He is the one to leave first, one last squeeze of your hands and he lets go and turns away, he doesn't look, simply because he knows how weak he is, how he would run back to you in a heartbeat.
Pablo introduced you years ago, back in the beginning, back when Gustavo didn’t resent everyone, when he wasn’t so angry and so reckless all the time. For once, he thinks it might settle, the longing, the heartache, when he meets Marina. She is nice, yes, but never as nice, never as soft, too extravagant, too used to this. How their relationship has to be kept secret makes his mouth taste like acid, makes him remember how long he did it with you, how he hated it, how he regrets it.
One day, Gustavo leaves in the morning, as early as he can, as early as they allow him to. It’s for business, he tells everyone, even if it isn’t, even if he knows how risky this is, but he has to, he will, even if it is the last thing he does.
Gustavo had met you years ago, back at the beginning, a small party at your parent’s house, not too far from the one you own now, further down the street. The sun beats down on his hat as he stands in the driveway, he is hot and cold, hands moist as he walks up the stairs and wraps his fingers around the knocker. It might be selfish, he thinks, thought about it the whole flight over, but he can’t think of anything that would fix it. The hole in his heart, the solitude. He remembers what you had worn that first night, cotton soft, all white. He remembers your smile, his brother tugging him along. I’m Gustavo, he had said, mucho gusto. And so he knocks, one time, two times.
Igualmente, Gustavo.
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mrspockify · 6 months
First off, I LOVE your Mute Mario AU it's amazing! Especially your recent post of Mario worrying about his girl going through the same things he went through.
I had some questions about Mute Papa Mario and his daughter actually (forgot her name if she has one yet). What do you think Mario's relationship with her daughter would be like? I imagine it would be very wholesome based on Mario's supporting her and she admires and loves him so much! (I also bet Luigi's the awesome uncle she blabs about while Mario looks at her pridefully and signs something like "That's my brother all right" while Luigi is sobbing tears of joy and laughing happily.)
What would be Mario and his daughters' favorite activities to do together? Sports? Drawing? Go-karting? Or something else?
Also, if her daughter gets picked on or attempted to be kidnapped by Bowser (or any villain really), how do you think Mario will react? No doubt he'll save her obviously, but I can imagine the villains feel this chill as they see Mario's face and NO mercy is shown.
Apologies if this is too much. Feel free to limit it to one question if it's too many questions for you. LOVE your AU once again and hope you continue this AU! Hope you're doing well!
Thank you so much!! 💕
Oh, Mario adores his daughter, more than pretty much anything else. She’s his everything! He takes Mia everywhere with him, showing her the world around them and fostering an explorative nature early on (she’s just like him after all—so curious!). He’s insanely attentive to her every need, and definitely has a tendency to spoil her a bit 🤭 (a very common sign in their household is placing a finger to his chin, then moving it away while shaking his head and gesturing to Peach—“don’t tell mom.”)
But she also loves him so much too! Peach and Luigi both make sure to regale her with tales of Mario’s heroic adventures, so she learns pretty quickly just how amazing her dad is. She looks up to him a lot, and wants to be just like him. She definitely takes after him, and they love spending time doing sports and art together (he’ll maybe take her karting someday, but he’s a little worried about her getting hurt from it).
And I think a lot about what would happen if she was kidnapped! I actually have a narrative for it I’ve been turning around a lot. I think it would only ever happen once, because the result was so bad, for everyone from each side. Bowser kidnapped her (maybe when she’s around 5 or so) without thinking much of it, seeing it as a simple political move. But it makes Mario absolutely lose it. That’s his world. That’s his everything. Peach and Luigi have never seen him so violently angry over anything before. He wants Bowser to understand, and to pay. He’s so overcome with grief that he does the unthinkable.
It’s bad, but I think he’d be sent into such a panic that Mario would seek out Bowser Jr. as collateral, maybe luring him into a trap or storming into the Darklands and just bringing him as a hostage into Bowser’s throne room. Peach would tell him not to, Luigi would tell him not to, he would know it’s a bad idea. But he’s furious and terrified and he doesn’t know what else to do, because what if Bowser hurts his baby? He can’t risk it. He has to make the king understand what he’s doing.
It culminates into a standoff between the two fathers, both unbelievably angry and scared and trying to assure their own children while they have another child in their grips. Nothing would happen. Mario knows he would never actually be able to hurt a child, and it even pains him seeing how scared he’s making Bowser Jr. (and his own daughter from across the room). It becomes evident pretty quickly that Bowser feels the same, and seeing his own child in Mario’s hands makes him realize how much he fucked up.
Bowser doesn’t apologize, but they trade the children, and Mia is never kidnapped again. Mario also holds a lot of guilt and regret over the incident, but he doesn’t apologize either (except to Junior).
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For BNHA I have an All Might/Inko Fake Bitter Divorcees fic that I’m unreasonably fond of.
Effectively what happens is this:
Midoriya goes to the UA Entrance Exam
He has a new Quirk
He has never used this new Quirk in his fucking life
He cannot fucking tell people this fact
This is a foolproof plan nothing will go wrong this will all be FINE
Who’s this blonde boy clapping him on the back what do you mean his Quirk is that he steals Quirks oh fuck oh god wait no
A child
In the UA entrance exam
(Yes I know Monoma can’t steal OFA because it’s a stockpile quirk but I planned this before they revealed that in canon so let’s all just pretend.)
In an act of stunning teamwork, Midoriya keeps Monoma from bleeding out, some random purple haired guy with a mind control Quirk keeps him calm, and Iida Tenya runs to kidnap Setsuna, a girl who canonically regrows limbs with her Quirk, which Midoriya knew because he met her earlier that day, from the recommendation entrance exam. They manage to keep Monoma alive and regrow his arm and are only slightly horribly traumatized.
The school won’t let them leave until their parents come get them for legal reasons.
Everyone knows that izukus quirk was the one that made Monoma explode
He didn’t HAVE a quirk this morning
No one here can know that fact
His mom doesn’t know he has a quirk and he CANNOT let her find out like this.
So he frantically texts all might begging him to come get him instead because he cannot tell his mom like this she will have a heart attack and die and he’ll be an orphan, leaving him to succumb to the fate of shonen protagonists everywhere.
Izuku: “you don’t have to call my mom my uh,” completely unrelated adult man who meets me after school every day without parental knowledge or permission because he told me not to tell anyone. you do NOT want to call the police on this man “dad is coming to get me.”
Aizawa: we already called your mom since she was your only emergency contact.
Izuku: ohgodohno.exe
Two parents show up for Izuku.
Izuku does not HAVE two parents.
His mom KNOWS this fact.
Aizawa, who met Small Might at a meeting: … so you must be Midoriya’s father
Toshinori, sweating: … yes
Inko, who knows this is not the father of her child: I—
Izuku: HI DAD
Izuku decides the only way out is through they just have to go with this. He manages to convince his mom through a combination of whispered pleas and facial expressions to not immediately raise the alarm but that combined with the sheer animosity radiating off inko convinces everyone that Inko and Small Might are extremely bitter divorcees who have given up trying to keep it together for the kid and are just fucking at each others throats.
Shinsou is just sort of sitting in the room feeling kind of awkward that he’s a part of this. They forgot he was there.
Inko: my son doesn’t have a quirk
Toshinori: well uh, dear, you know that my side has a history of late bloomers
Inko, with enough acid to dissolve the bones of a fully grown elephant: did I know that sweetheart? Or was I just expected to somehow know that when I walked into this room?
Toshinori: … at least he has his quirk now!
Toshinori: I’m certain it does other things too
Shinsou, also here: :o
Izuku leverages the awkwardness to dragging his “parents” away for a family meeting in the bathroom wherein 1) they all come clean about the entire OFA business and 2) they decide that they have to just commit to the story that Izuku is all mights child and inko is his angry ex wife because if anyone ever does find out about the connection between them “I inherited his Quirk because I’m his literal biological son” is a lot better for them all than “I inherited his Quirk because it’s a highly secretive transferable quirk from the dawn of superheroes that has grown to be the most powerful quirk in history that you may be able to have too if you torture me into giving it to you.”
Also Featuring:
Shinsou, plagued by knowledge of All Mights torrid family life, because he accidentally walked in on their family meeting while all might was still in his powered form. He did not want to know these secrets. He will not be sharing them. Please go away and let him go back to not knowing things.
Iida, Shinsou, and Izuku friendship pre UA accidentally discovering the past users way sooner because shinsous practicing his Quirk on Izuku and Izukus like “hey who are those eight shadowy figures who watch me from the dark when you use your quirk on me” and shinsous like “the fucking what.”
However they conclude that izukus obviously extremely haunted and has eight angry ghosts living in his bones that they must find a way to exorcise or appease. This is in no small part because the past users are hazing the newbie. It’s okay Iida is extremely productive they will start with exorcisms from all major religions and go from there
(Iida: well if you couldn't manage it here then I don't see what "going to the Vatican" will do--I, sir, sir. If you're going to be uncouth then I'm going to have to block your number. Sir you may tell the bishop whatever you please--I--good day sir *hanging up* the nerve of some people. The Catholic Church was a wash but I’ve made contact with a Taoist Fashi for the upcoming week)
Meanwhile Inko and All Might are trying to gaslight select people in their lives into believing they were married to each other when they absolutely were not married to each other. It has varying success.
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p-artsypants · 7 months
Blurb #2
I'm going to try to share 70 blurbs from my WIPs and unfinished fics to celebrate reaching 70 posted fics! To help with this endeavor, please feel free to send me a word or a fandom you know I write for, and I'll share the blurb. IDK if I'll get 70 prompts, but let's try it! Send as many as you want!
The male doctor was speaking, in a foreign language he had never heard before. “I’m going to increase the dose by one step, but anything more will put him to sleep.” The woman nodded, then turned her attention back to Hiccup. “I know it a lot to take in. And no one expecting you to accept it right away. But for your own safety, please try to relax.” Hiccup swallowed, his throat dry. Relax? Relax?! This woman was insane if she thought he would just relax. In fact, this whole thing was insane! Frozen for a thousand years? He should be dead! That’s it. He was dead. He had to be. This was some weird thing happening in the afterlife…right? He already lost his dad. Now Astrid, Gobber, and the others? His mom, who he just got back? And…Toothless. Tears leaked from his eyes as panic ran through him like an angry bull. His Toothless, his best friend, he couldn’t lose him. He just couldn’t. “John, I think it’s best if we put him under.” The woman said. “Tooothless…” Hiccup whispered. “Did you say something, dear?” “Where’s Toothless?” The woman seemed perplexed by this, like she didn’t know what he was trying to say. “My dragon. Where’s my dragon?!” His voice cracked. He fisted his hands and pulled against the restraints. “Shh,” the woman soothed. “The black dragon you were frozen with?” His eyes widened. “Yes! Is he alive?! Is he okay?!” “I’m going to keep telling you to relax. Your body can’t take much strain.” She reprimanded. This woman was frustrating, but she had his answers, so he’d cooperate. He unfurled his clenched fists and exhaled. “Good.” She praised. “The dragon is alive. He’s at a different wing in the facility. He has not awakened yet. But his vitals look good.” The other doctor, John, looked confused and a little impatient. “What’s going on?” “Seems like the dragon is this Viking’s pet. A different theory than we had.” “Seems so. But that works to our advantage. He’ll be able to keep it calm and maybe even agreeable.” As the man, John, spoke, he kept a close watch on Hiccup and the heart monitor. “I haven’t the slightest idea of the behavior of Dragons.” “Well, considering up to three months ago, they were a myth, I think you’re fine not knowing.” Hiccup glanced between the doctors as they talked. If this ‘New York’ was far away from where Berk was, chances are, most people spoke this language. And a thousand years? Who knew what Norse sounded like now? “Alright dear,” the woman, Helena, said. “I don’t want you to strain your voice, but can you tell us your name?” That was easy. “Hiccup.” The woman smiled, “Hiccup?” “Yes.” She turned to the man, amusement in her eyes. “His name is Hiccup.” “That’s so mean.” “No I mean it! That’s what the word translates to!”
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
petey’s parents were at the canucks game and all i can think about is them getting to watch with astrid and hanging out with their grandbaby
Irene hadn’t let her go the entire game, sitting Astrid in her lap and pointing to and explaining what was happening.
When she saw Elias come up on the big screen, Astrid let out a gurgle and laugh
“Is that your daddy? Oh! She’s spit up-“ you were interrupted by Torbjörn grabbing the muslin cloth and wiping it up.
“There we go, all clean!” He announced, tickling his granddaughters chin.
You beamed at them both, the way they acted around her was endearing and they clearly adored her.
After the second period break Astrid ended up back in your arms, nursing. You in-laws just sat smiling, using this time to talk to you without Elias butting in as he usually did.
“How is he with her? Elias, I mean”
You smiled “He’s amazing! I can’t tell you how much he loves her”
“Big change from a year ago then” his dad commented, your smile dropping slightly. You didn’t like to be reminded of Elias’ original reaction to your pregnancy and it upset Elias greatly but his parents never allowed him to forget — still angry about it.
Choosing not to respond to that you said “She’s his world”
“He’ll have her in skates soon enough!”
Laughing, you said “he’s tried already! As soon as she’s standing”
“She’ll be a great asset to the Swedish team!” Torbjörn joked and his mom said “Or Canada!”
You chuckled “If and that’s a heavy if she chooses sports we’ve decided she’ll compete under her Swedish citizenship with the uncertainty of us moving in the league”
“You’ve already discussed?” “Are you kidding? Elias decided that before she had a name!”
The Canucks lost, nothing new.
Astrid had fallen asleep after nursing, now in her grandfather’s arms as you made your way down to the tunnel.
When Elias came out with Brock in tow, Brock saw his god daughter and said hello to Elias’ parents before bidding them goodbye.
“Hi, my love” you mumbled, leaning into Elias and kissing him. He mumbled a hello to you before he said “Can I see my girl?”
You took no offence and chuckled “She’s with your dad”
He took your hand and trailed over to his father, staring down at the sleeping girl.
He didn’t have the heart to take her from him, as he usually would after a loss.
Instead he opted to stand by you again and usher you all out to the car, getting Astrid strapped in and heading home.
Once in the house and having put Astrid to sleep Elias found his dad in the hallway outside Astrid’s bedroom
“You ok?”
“You’re a good father, my boy”
Elias doesn’t know what came over him as he stepped forward, into his fathers arms and began to cry.
Once he’d come to bed, slipping in beside you he kissed your head and said “Thank You for giving me her”
You didn’t respond with words, simply kissing his chest and cuddling in to sleep.
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jjsstars · 1 year
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Scott McCall Week 2023: Day 2, Scott & parental figures [melissa & rafael]
|| for @scottappreciation event
|| made the sun - posted on my ao3 | 1k+ word count
|| tags : bad parent rafael, angst, mentions of alcoholism, scott remembers what happend the night rafael left, mentions of isaac/alison, re-write of a few canon scenes from when rafael first appears, good parent melissa
Scott would never say it out loud but he remembers what happened that night Rafael got kicked out for good. He remembers his heart dropping when he started to fall down the stairs, the blur in his vision when he came to on the floor with Melissa’s hand cradling his head, he remembers the tears in his mothers eyes, the pounding in his head, the screams that ended with Rafael storming out of the house as Melissa scooped Scott up to take him to the hospital.
[cut off for possible triggering topics & longer word count]
It hadn’t come back to him till a few weeks after everything went down, and at that point telling Melissa would only make things worse. She had already picked up double shifts to cover Rafael’s half of the bills, he could hear her crying when she thought Scott was sleeping, the whispers between Stiles’ mom and dad to Melissa, how many more play dates he and Stiles had because his mom was working. Or she needed to be alone. Scott doesn’t know what the reason was, but he knows the pained look in his moms eyes each time she’d drop him off.
Scott never cared that his dad didn’t call or that they didn’t see each other much, he liked it better when it was just him and Melissa anyways. There’s not many happy memories with Rafael to hold onto, at least not many that aren’t tainted with the later realization that Rafael was drunk.
His dad never had one type of drunk, not like what people say, he wasn’t a ‘happy drunk’ or a ‘sad drunk’ or an ‘angry drunk’, he seemed to be all of them swirled together. But Scott knew what to look for to spot each type of drunk, his least favorite was ‘angry drunk’ dad. It only really came out around Scott, when mom wasn’t home, when it was too late for Scott to hop on his bike and ride to Stiles’, when dad knew Scott couldn’t hide. Or run. Or do anything but stand and listen to whatever Rafael was saying, willing tears away because his dad hated when he cried, gripping his fists tight so he didn’t scream back, just trying to keep control and stay steady.
He was never violent but he’d yell. Certain phrases still repeat in Scott’s head late at night, haunt him. “I don’t know why you’re acting like this” being the one that lingers the most. It stings each time he remembers the words, like stepping into a hot shower with a fresh scrape on his skin, the water only igniting how painful it is.
And that’s how it feels when he sees Rafael standing in the Argents apartment. He doesn’t want him to be here, in Beacon Hills, in Alison’s home, around Alison or Isaac at all. He runs when the smoke grenade Alison sets off starts to fill the room, he doesn’t stop running until Isaac grabs his shoulder because they’re miles from the apartment building and at some point Alison couldn’t keep up so Isaac had picked her up. Scott doesn’t say anything in the moment but part of him is glad that she has Isaac there to protect her, Scott doesn’t think he’ll be much of a good protector when he’s still scared of his dad.
Scared feels like such a harsh word but he isn’t sure what else to call it. Timid? His wolf feels timid, skittish, reluctant to show any of itself to Scott as he stands in the kitchen yelling back at his father. He’s saying something back, something that’s more than just ‘yes dad’ or ‘no sir’, he thinks the nerves might kill him.
“You can’t do this!” Rafael trying to take Noah’s job is not what Scott needs right now, it’s far from it actually. And just as he goes to tell Rafael to get out, for the umpteenth time: Melissa walks in.
“What the hell is going on here?” She lays her purse on the counter, Scott moving to his mothers side before his brain even connects that he’s doing it. It’s always better when she’s around, dad won’t yell as loud, won’t be as mean, he needs his mom there.
“I don’t know why he’s acting like this!” The words burn Scott’s skin in an instant, he recoils hearing his father spit them out again, as if nothing has changed since that night he left.
“He’s trying to get Noah fired!” He shouts despite how badly he wants to curl up into Melissa’s side and hide away. He grabs the back of her scrub shirt instead, gripping the material the same way he would as a kid, holding it like a lifeline.
“What?! Rafael.” Her voice drops to the same disappointment and sorrow it always held when Scott was a child. So tired, too tired for someone like Melissa, someone so bright and beautiful, Scott used to swear to Stiles that she was the one who made the sun, he still believes it. Science be damned, his mom made and hung the sun, the moon too, and the stars. All of it.
Rafael and Melissa keep arguing, a familiar buzz of angry words that Scott tunes out and instead focuses on the feel of Melissa’s shirt. It feels childish and he knows Rafael is probably shooting him a disappointed look. Melissa always “coddled” Scott, he needed to act more “mature” and stop clinging to his mother, Rafael hated it. Told his son to act like a man at the ripe age of seven.
Scott’s seventeen now. He thinks he’s grown up a lot, become a man of sorts, he’s a leader now, a true alpha. So who cares if he wants his mom to tell him everything’s okay and that his dad doesn’t mean the yells he lets out, she’s done it so many times before, yet Scott still believes her. It’s easy to hear her soft voice and not question a thing, she’s always protected him, been there for him, something he can’t say the same about Rafael.
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rosemaryandarsenic · 2 years
Gareth Emerson when you have a nightmare? (HCs or anything is fine!)
So this is like so personal to me because I get PTSD nightmares a lot, have most of my life (long story lol, my trauma started young). There are so many things I’ve tried so this all comes from personal experience - to all my nightmare havers ily and I hope this gives you sweet dreams and lots of rest 💕
- Gareth knows what it’s like to have bad dreams. He used to get them when he was little, before his parents split up. He’d fall asleep and it would get too quiet, yknow? Things sound louder in the night especially in the quiet of their house near the woods and it’s too much. He’d wake up with sweaty palms and a racing heart and curl into a ball on his mattress, trying to blink the bad feeling away. After his dad left, they got worse, and one night he woke up with tears on his face. His little 10 year old self crawled down the hallway to his mamas room and curled up next to her. Ever since then the dreams have been way less, but when it happens he comes to you or his mom or sisters for a hug. Only the people he trusts the most.
- he wakes up whenever you have a nightmare, like he has a sixth sense, and wraps you in his arms. If he’s not there in person he asks you to call him, and you always do. He tells you stories and stays with you until he knows your asleep.
- some nights, when the dreams are so bad you can’t fall back asleep, he’ll get up with you and make you tea. He prefers drinking out of big mugs, large enough to use as bowls if needed. He says that the bigger the mug is the more time you get with the person your drinking tea with. (Big mugs are reserved for you and Jeff almost exclusively)
- his favorite remedy for night scaries is to pull you into his arms and sing to you. He can’t sing very well but you could listen to the crackle in his voice all night long. Also lots of kisses, maybe a joke or two to make you laugh.
- Gareth likes to hear about the nightmare, no matter how weird. “My step-dad says that if you talk about it, it makes it seem less scary and helps you work through it.” He’d say, “our dreams are just our mind trying to work through things while we sleep.”
- his family is kind of hippie like Robins even though they live in Hawkins now, so he was raised with all sorts of natural remedies. His mom makes you a lavender room spray and he likes to give you chamomile tea before bed. If you’re stressed, he insists on baths at least once a week. He makes them with lots of candles and smells, sometimes he joins you in the tub, other times he reads to you while you sit or just sits to talk. All that being said, he’s also not above having a cigarette on hand in case you just feel like sitting and smoking on the porch for some peace of mind. He likes to bring his Walkman out and sit with you, staring up at the sky and showing you new music.
- he’s the kind of guy who threatens to kick your demons for you lol. For example, one night you have a dream that he’s cheating on you and you wake up practically sobbing. He’s terrified, begging you to tell him what’s wrong but you’re just angry and sad and confused so it stumbles out. He listens and then takes your face in both hands, and says, “I will kick dream Gareth in the fucking face, you tell him that if you see him, right?” And it makes you laugh but the next time you get a dream like that he tells you that you were talking in your sleep and said, “my boyfriends gonna kick your ass.” 😂
- his arms are like a little safe haven just for you, no bad dreams get through when he’s holding you against himself. Anytime you get a bad dream you curl up against him and he’ll pull you into his chest and bury his face in the crook of your neck. If he’s awake all the way you’ll be smothered in kisses and sweet words, but if he’s mostly asleep you’ll get slow kisses on your shoulder and sweet murmurs as he whispers how everything’s okay and how much he loves you.
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loveneversleepss · 1 year
Target!Hyunjin x villain!femalereader
Part 1~
Switch povs(Hyunjin pov, reader/thought pov)
^little dash is when the pov changes~
Warnings: Some angst, kidnapped!mentions, gore/blood?, manipulation, smut duh, reader has a vagina, oral(giving), cursing, unprotected sex(don’t do this), brat!reader, switch!hyunjin, Mentions of feeling undeserving, Nicknames (princess, angel, baby), cock-riding, creampie.
Genre: non-idol au, slightly based on fnaf idk, pining, best friend Hyunjin, frenemies to lovers?
About: You have been missing for about 2 years after Hyunjin’s dad kidnapped and blackmailed you. You become his puppet and he assigns you a task about his son Hyunjin. He wants you to keep him quiet.
“You want me to what?” You say with a bit of anger in your voice. He turns around and looks down at you. Immediately feeling like a mouse about to be captured by a hungry cat.
“You heard me.. don’t act stupid.” You can tell he is angry and you messed up by raising your voice.
“I want you to keep him quiet. He is getting too curious and he will mess everything up..”
You look down at your hands, fidgeting. You start to think. ‘How could I do that to him? He never did anything to me. Hyunjin was my best friend. Was.. until I got caught up in a big mess I couldn’t get out of. His father kidnapped me because.. well he is a murder. I caught him in the act and that’s how it all happened. Now he wants me to keep his son quiet. I haven’t seen him in years.’
Your thinking gets interrupted by his father putting a knife on the desk in front of you. You quickly look up at him and down at the knife. “You recognize this yes? It’s what got you into this in the first place.” How could you forget. It was the knife he used to kill all those kids years ago. Those poor, poor kids. You pick it up and look at him. “You are very skilled now. I’ve trained you well and well this isn’t the first time you killed someone..” right. I will never forgive myself for it.
Maybe I can get out of this. I can ask Hyunjin for help.. what if he doesn’t believe me? For all he knows he’ll think I’m a murder. Those poor kids who went “missing”, that were actually killed by his father, went missing at the same time as me. I don’t think he will believe me. I don’t think I could kill him. Maybe I deserve to die. I won’t do it. I won’t hurt him.
“What are you thinking about? You think if you tell my son what you’re doing he’ll believe you? Trust me I have plenty of dirt on you to make everyone believe you killed those kids. That you actually blackmailed me into being quiet.” Your eyes flicker up to his and you can’t believe him. “Haven’t I proven my loyalty to you?” He laughs at your words. He grabs the knife and places your hand on the desk. He holds the knife directly above your fingers.
“Sure you have done stuff for me before but you can never be so sure.. You will do this. Plus my son hates you. He always used to tell me how annoying you were and how you only cared about yourself. He pitied you because you didn’t have many friends and your little siblings got along.” He cuts your skin a little as you wince out of pain. He puts the knife down and walks out.
No way. That’s not the Hyunjin I know.. right? He wouldn’t have said that? Right? Now that I think of it he did say something like that once to me.
“god you’re so fucking annoying! Do you ever think of me once?” Hyunjin yells out in frustration. You have been fighting for a couple minutes and you immediately get quiet. He never yells out like that. His face immediately changes as his hands are placed on your shoulders. “Wait y/n I didn’t mean that..”
Maybe I was fooling myself all along. Playing this version of him that was all wrong. Guess tonight’s the night. You look at the fresh cut on your hand now. It’ll be worse for me if I don’t do this. ~
*time skippppp
“Make sure to wash up before you go to bed!” My mom yells at me as I walk up the stairs. “Kay goodnight mom!” “Night Hyunjin!” I walk past my the dim hallway as I stomp my toe into a box. Dammit. “Fuck!” I yell out in pain. “Ooh that’s a bad worddd.” My little sibling tells me as his head peaks out of his door. “Quiet. This is your fault. Why do you have your box of toys in the hallway?” He giggles as he quickly shuts his door. I roll my eyes as I walk into my room, lock the door and into my bathroom.
THUD. I am brushing my teeth as I hear something. I spit out the remaining toothpaste and wipe my mouth. I open my door quietly as the light from my bathroom provides a bit of light. I walk and see a picture fell of my wall. I pick it up and notice it’s a picture of me and y/n. I put it on my desk to put it up later. God I miss her. I miss how she smells and how her laugh sounds when she laughs at my not so funny jokes. How she has a skip in her walk when she’s happy or when she eats she always loves to feed others.
Creak. I turn around and see a figure. “Who’s there?” I say and turn on the lamp next to me. No way. “What don’t recognize your bestie?” Y/n says as she walks towards me from the window.
“Y/n.. Am I dreaming?” She laughs at my question. God that smile. I take notice of her outfit, a baggy shirt with a short skirt. Clean thoughts..
“Did you miss me?” She takes a few steps closer to me as she is now standing in front of me. I can smell her scent. Her sweet smell that makes me want to stay by her side all day. “God. Where have you been?” She looks away and takes a few steps to where I set the picture down. Her fingers trace the frame. “I needed to get away for a while..” I’m confused. “For 2 years?!” She looks back at me at my sudden raise in my voice. She bites her bottom lip.
“2 years.. right.” She starts to walk over to me again. I reach my hand up as I softly touch her her arm. Her soft skin that makes me want to do naughty things. I look into her eyes maintaining eye contact. “Why didn’t you call me? I was worried about you. Everyone is. All those missing kids..” She looks at the floor. “Do you know what happened to those kids?” You eyes shoot up as she gives me this look. A look I’ve never seen before besides when my dad is angry.
Her look softens as her hands wrap around my neck. Her warmth is so intoxicating. Her lips that look oh so kissable. Her eyes piercing into mine just daring me to do something. “You didn’t answer my question.” She says as her mouth leans into my ear. Her fingers tugging at my hair, making me groan a little. “What question?” Her lips softly trail over my neck. “Did you miss me, Jinnie?” Fuck yes. You have no idea how bad I wanted to see you again. To make you mine and have you under me. To have you screaming my name and scratching at my back. I gulp as I answer, “of course I did. You have no idea.” She pulls away and she grabs my chin. ~
Fucking liar. I bet he was so happy that I was gone. He’s lying so hard to me. I can sense it. I think about the knife that’s lodged safely onto my back. Ready to use whenever you need. “I missed you. did you think about me when I was gone?”
He nods his head yes. “Words, my pretty boy.” You coo at him. His mouth opening a bit. ~
Your pretty boy? Yes I fucking am.~
How this moment will be engraved in your mind. The final words before everything changes. Your hand slowly reaches to your back to the knife as you hear the most earth shattering words.
“I wanted.. to make you mine.”
What. What did he just say to me? Your thoughts are interrupted by his hands cupping your cheeks. “I wanted nothing more in the world for you to come back.. I-I won’t ever let you go again. So please don’t leave again. I will go wherever you go. Please stay.” His eyes flicker to your lips then back up. “Turn around.” You order him. He looks at you confused and he does. You quickly take the knife out and slide it quietly under his bed.
Your hands reach around his waist as you pull him in. Your lips softly placing kisses on his covered back. You hear him gasp softly. He turns you around and pushes you against the wall. “If we do this. You can’t leave.” He tells me. I nod my head. “I want this.” He immediately lays his lips onto yours. Lips colliding as he lets a soft groan. Your leg goes up as it wraps around his waist. His slowly hardening crouch hits yours. A gasp leaves your mouth as he takes it as a opportunity to slide his tongue inside. Your arms are wrapped around his neck while one of his hands is on your cheek and the other on your waist. His hand starts to move you to add some friction between your bodies. You both let out a soft moan as you pull apart to catch your breath. 
You grab him and push him against the wall now. Your mouth connecting to his neck, sucking softly. Which will definitely leave marks for him to find in the morning. You reach at the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head. You step back as you take off yours leaving you in your bra and skirt. You kiss down his body and reach his lower stomach. You look up at him with innocent wide eyes as you smile. He groans and lets his head fall against the wall. You button his pants and pull them down with his boxers in one quick motion.
You take his member in your hand as he brings his head back up to watch you. Your hand starts to lightly stroke him as you kiss his head lightly. He whimpers as his hips buck up a bit. “So sensitive.” You tease and he whimpers out again. ~
Part 2.
For @bubblelixie who always supports and likes my posts🤧🫶.
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imaginefan · 1 year
Slave To Emotions *Part 3*
Klaus Mikaelson!Father X Son!Reader
Word Count: 1061
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Hey can you do a part 3 to Slave to Emotions where Hayley and Elijah get Katherine to work with them to get Y/N back and Hayley ends up getting a vision from the twin let's say her name was Viktoria ands she has a message for Klaus " Love Sirius he is good brother he will protect hope you just got to let him in and tell him the truth you have always loved him you just didn't know you could be a dad. " grandma Esther is bringing me back to life so I will be able to help protect Hope hug my mom and Auntie Beks for me please and thank you Hayley."
*Part 2*
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Sirius then has a conversation with Kol about stuff and Sirius pulls out a bracelet that Viktoria gave him it has a protection spell on that they created that Bonnie could never break.
Mikael pulls Sirius aside and then reveals a secret that he helped Katherine deliver Sirius and Viktoria and help her escape and he also told Niklaus about the existence
Klaus gets the message and then storms off to his painting room and looks at his paintings of babies and screams
Katherine wasn’t expecting visitors in fact since her daughter had died she hadn’t seen anyone, she still got messages from you to let her know that you were okay but nothing past that. That was why when she looked at Elijah and Hayley standing outside of her house she was more than a little confused. “What are you doing here? Better yet, how did you find me?” She asked. “There was a witch willing to help us.” Elijah answered “can we come in?” “Depends what you're here for.” Katherine answered, Hayley was the next to speak sharing the same mothering instinct that she did she knew what Katherine was feeling and thinking. “We just want to help your son, you're probably the only person that he’ll listen to.” Hayley explained and Katherine narrowed her eyes at her before opening the door a little wider and allowing them in. “What happened to (Y/N)?” She asked, closing the door. “He announced his presence to Klaus, you know what he is like and your son seems to be just like him.” Elijah explained “if we don’t deescalate the situation we both know that your son will pay with his life.” “So what do you need me for?” She asked. “Like I said, you are likely the only person that he will listen to.” Hayley explained. “Why do you want to help him?” Katherine asked. “He’s my nephew, Klaus may not take responsibility for his family but I will not let them suffer.” Elijah explained. “And you?” Kathrine asked, turning to Hayley. “My daughter deserves to know her brother as he was not the way that Klaus has made him.” Hayley answered. “Your daughter?” Katherine asked. “He has another sister? Does he know?” “He knows.” Hayley answered “he warned us that she was in danger, that’s why we think that we might be able to save him before he dies, something that he’ll regret.” “Fine I’ll help you but only to help him.” Katherine agreed.
Later that evening Hayley was laying down to go to sleep, she fell asleep quite easily but the voice that she heard in her head she didn’t recognise “Hayley.” It called. “Hello?” She asked as she opened her eyes sitting up, she wasn’t in the guest bedroom that Katherine had given her, instead she was standing in what looked like someone’s old childhood room one side looking like it belonged to girl while the other looked like it belonged to a boy, before she could move from where she was two children run in, the little boy keeping the little girl close behind him. “He’s always been good at protecting those he loved, that’s why he’s so angry that I was killed.” Hayley turned away from the children and towards the voice, there was a girl that looked like a grown up version of the one that had run past her, she realized that must have been you and your little sister. “(Y/S/N)?” Hayley asked. “I need you to pass a message to my father.” She pleaded. “I will try.” Hayley promised. “Love (Y/N) he is a good brother he will protect Hope the same way that he protected me. You just need to let him in and tell him the truth. I know you have always loved him, you just didn't know you could be a dad.” (Y/S/N) explained. “Grandma Esther is bringing me back to help protect Hope but until I’m able to make it back to you all please give my mum and aunty Bekah a hug please.” “Of course.” Hayley answered as she smiled “don’t worry I’ll help you brother and we’ll get the family back together and you can both meet your sister properly.” “Thank you.” (Y/S/N) smiled as Hayley felt herself waking up.
You had been there when Kol was brought back and he noticed that you were different then the last time that he had seen you and he wasn’t surprised after having seen your sister in the afterlife and finding out that your father had another child that clearly loved more than he loved you. “What are you doing out here?” Kol asked. “Trying to figure out what the best approach is.” You explained and he frowned. “What are you talking about?” Kol asked. “Well this will keep me safe but the rest of you are still at her mercy.” You explained as you pulled out a bracelet. “(Y/S/N) made this,it has a protection spell on it that no one has been able to break, not even that meddling witch Bonnie.” “(Y/N)!” Mikael called you over to him and you frowned before standing up and dusting yourself off. “Be careful with him.” Kol warned and you nodded before walking over. “There is something that I need to tell you before we fight your father, he will use it to try and weaken our forces.” Mikeal explained. “I was the one that delivered you and told Klaus of your existence.” “Is that supposed to change something?” You asked. “You are stronger than he ever was and once he’s dead the world will be better off.” Mikael said as he walked away from you.
It took the better half of the day to travel back to New Orleans, Katherine had decided to stay at a hotel instead of with the rest of the family so Hayley had passed on the message that (Y/S/N) had given her along with the hug but now as they stood outside the compound, she started to get nervous. “You’ll be okay, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Elijah promised. They both walked back into the compound where Klaus was waiting for them. “How did your plan go?” He asked. “Well did your plan go the way that you hoped?” He asked, Hayley nodded. “She came to help, she’s staying at a hotel,” Hayley answered. “There is a message.” Hayley relayed the message but didn’t get an answer from Klaus instead he turned and stormed out of the room closing himself away in his studio everyone could hear his scream as he looked at one of his older paintings of two babies ones that had always thought of as you and your sister, one that reminded him of the failure that he continued to be.
*Part 4*
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