#and im really interested to see what his solo work will look like
crownmemes · 2 months
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Advice; Everyone Should Be Making the First Move
There's been a trend within the rpc here for years now where nobody is willing to make the first move. The problem with this is that if nobody ever makes the first move, then nobody is ever going to write anything. Considering that, everybody should be making an effort to be the first one to reach out to their writing partners more often.
Examples of making the first move:
Sending an IM to say hi, then suggesting a plot
Sending a meme to start a new thread
Responding to starter calls and open starters
All of this is just as valid for old partners as it is for new. If you haven't written with someone in a while, maybe it's time to reach out to start a new thread?
The most common reason I see for people not making the first move is social anxiety. I'm going to give you all a bit of tough love here: speaking as somebody who once had crippling social anxiety (and still does in irl settings), the best way to overcome it is to push yourself to try the things that make you anxious.
Communicating with people is a really important part of rp because it's not a solo hobby, therefore you are going to have to talk to people at some point. It's unavoidable. Here are a few reminders to help you feel a little less nervous:
If somebody follows back, they're doing it because they're interested in writing with you. They are not going to be upset if you send them an IM with plot ideas
Most people are friendly! In 12 years of rping on this site, I can count on one hand the number of people who I've talked to that were actively rude to me
It's okay if someone says no to you! People have different styles and not all of them will work together. If someone says no, say thank you for the consideration, then move on. There are more people to write with out there
If somebody is nasty to you, you can block them. Don't be afraid to do this; you don't have to explain yourself, and you wouldn't want to write with someone who's rude to you anyway
If you're not sure what to say, I usually go with a version of "Hello! Thank you for following/following back! I've looked through your rules and about pages. Would you be interested in plotting something for X and my character, Y? I have an idea already, if you would like to hear?"
Don't just say "Hi!". Cut to the chase and tell them why you're messaging so they immediately know what the conversation is about
Reasons why it's good to message first:
You look actively interested in writing. This is a huge boost in your favour when it comes to asking to write with someone
It makes it a lot easier to get new interactions
It makes you appear more active
If you're a new blog, you won't have a lot of examples of your writing on your blog yet. People will be more willing to give you a chance if you approach them first
If you don't message first, you are likely to be waiting a long time before somebody messages you
It's easier to make friends if you have an active conversation!
Some other thoughts on messaging first:
You have followed the person because you are interested in writing with them. Think about why you are interested, and suggest this as a plot idea
Make sure you read through the rules still. It's very obvious when you haven't. Also, look through the muses on offer so you can suggest which you'd like to write with
If the rules say they're not mutuals only, or that you're welcome to IM to introduce yourself if you want to plot, don't be afraid to message. They wouldn't have put that in their rules if they didn't mean it
If someone is reblogging memes, it's because they want to write responses to them. Send them in! If they didn't want them sent in, they wouldn't have reblogged the meme
IMing to plot is often a better idea than liking a starter call or sending memes if you have never interacted with the person before. It gives you a chance to work out what kind of thread would work well before you start something, so the resulting thread has a lower chance of fizzling out quickly
However, all that being said, it's not just up to the person messaging first to make all the effort. If the receiver doesn't put any effort in in return, then the person making the first move is going to think they aren't interested. Eventually, they may give up messaging people at all, because what's the point if it never goes anywhere? Some tips for not seeming uninterested:
If someone IMs you, try to reply to them in a timely fashion. Especially try to reply to them if they sent you a plot idea. You don't have to agree to do the idea - it's just very annoying to be ghosted the second you actually start plotting
Suggest your own plot ideas in return, or build on the idea that the other person has given you
If you agree to write a starter, or one is written for you, follow through with it. Write the starter, reply to the thread. If it's going to take a while, let your writing partner know that you've seen it but you're going to be slow for a while
Similarly, if you post memes, reply to the ones people send you. If you never reply, people will pick up on this and eventually stop sending you things
If you go on hiatus, message your writing partners directly when you get back to let them know you'd like to write again. This will demonstrate that you really are active and ready to write again
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happylikeasadsong · 3 months
syd x carmy in season three
i’m back here cause i have way too much to say than it can fit on thread on twt
this is just what i could come up after sitting on s3 for the past few days, i was spiralling, it was bad.
this will be a long one, so settle in!
for me, regardless if this season was supposed to be a two parter or not, one thing that’s clear to me is that we were meant to watch this rupture in their relationship develop throughout the season.
listen, he was locked in that freezer for hours, and in those hours he spiraled beyond control. we can’t expect sydcarmy to have the same dynamic as the past seasons cause they’re not in the same place they were before. Carmy locked in the walk-in changed him and therefore, changed their dynamic too.
he promised syd in the first episode that he was never gonna leave her alone again, but in his fucked up mind, this means never let her make a solo decision when is comes to the menu, is having him make all the decisions himself and have the last say and change her every input. For him, this is how he honours his promise and for syd is how he makes her feel under appreciated and undermined.
he makes it look like it doesn’t matter what she does, as great as it is, he’ll always change it and make it about him. the decision of having her as a partner takes her by surprise cause they have never discussed it, he dumps all of these things on her, first thing in the morning, she can wrap her mind around the fact that’s that same guy she left a few hours before. He’s completely changed.
And though she tries to at least get on board and support his non-negotiables list and the menu changing every day and all the bullshit with richie, by “doors” she’s already exhausted of trying to keep up with him, tired of being his babysitter.
so when that new opportunity is presented to her, she actually considers it because it’s a way out of working in a stress free environment where she has full creative control to shape the new place as she sees fit (also the pay and benefits?? I’d be signing that shit right there lmao). It really is an incredible opportunity.
so yeah, i feel like we were meant to see how they crack under pressure and this was something chris storer had said in interviews before when talking about s2 on how hard it is to open a restaurant and keep it running once you do. he always wanted to explore the gritty stuff and I felt like he accomplished that in this season.
from a narrative standpoint, at some point we had to see syd and carmy’s partnership is put to test, we need to see what falling out to the point of almost no return looks for them in order to see how they are gonna find their way back to each other. and i can’t see a better time to do it than now.
it can feel hopeless, yes, and feel like they’re not gonna make it to the finish line, but let’s remember this is a story about finding new ways to reconnect to the things/ people you love, found family and generational trauma.
we see carmy is at his lowest, sydney is at her lowest, so logically the only way we can get to is up.
i believe that after carmy confronted his abusive boss, he had some sort of breakthrough from the way he sighed after their talk. i took it as his way of beginning to process his trauma.
as for sydney, we saw how deeply the idea of leaving has affected her, even though she knows is for a better place where her ideas will be respected and appreciated they way she knows it deserves. hopefully her panic attack will be enough to make her realize she needs help making the decision (if she can’t have her best friend and partner for this, then she’ll have her dad).
all of this to say that i am hopeful and excited to see what’s coming next year, and i truly believe sydcarmy is on the right path (this is a slow burn doing slow burn things ffs). We can’t let go just when things gets interesting. im dying to see their big fight, it’s something I’ve been needing since s2.
they’re still soulmates (after we saw the invisible string scene, there’s no going back) and they had significant scenes this season too, just not the way ppl thought it would be.
let’s have them work it out on the remix
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thedisc0spider · 4 months
can u write spencer introducing reader to star wars💕💕?? ive never seen it 😭
Star Wars
Summary: Spencer is really excited to introduce you to Star Wars.
Warnings: reader gets a little stressed out, cursing, pre established relationship, reader works at smosh, not proof read!
Point of view: 2nd person
A/n: this request was so adorable and I had so much fun writing it! I took this prompt and ran (maybe a little to far) with it SO if this wasn’t what you wanted I’m so sorry!! Id be willing to rewrite it if so.
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You can already tell today will be very interesting. Well, the next few weeks actually.
A few days ago you had revealed to Spencer that you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie. Of course, he was shocked as to how this was the first he was hearing of it.
“You’ve never seen a Star Wars movie? How?”
“I don’t know, when I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to watch it and by the time I was an adult there were way too many and starting just felt overwhelming.” You shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
To Spencer, it was not nothing.
So he convinced, nay, begged you to watch with him.
“Come on, it’s like my favorite thing! We always watch (y/f/s) together, baby. Pleaseeeeeee.”
What were you gonna do, say no? How could you? He was right, you always forced him to watch what you wanted, so it was only fair that you comply.
However, you were still a little exhausted just thinking about the idea of committing to an entire film series. You looked it up, it will take you 25 hours and 7 minutes to watch all the Star Wars movies. This, however, includes the nine movies from the Skywalker saga and the two anthology movies, Rogue One and Solo. Excluding the anthology movies, it will take you 20 hours and 39 minutes to watch and Spencer gave in and promised not to make you watch the anthology films.
‘Okay,’ you think, ‘if we watch one movie a night it will only take a little over a week. That’s not bad, right?’
You tried to convince yourself, but you’ve always had issues with things like this. You’re a hard worker, so taking this much time to watch movies always felt like a waste to you. You felt like you could much easily find a better use of your time, like you were missing out on what you could’ve been spending on more productive activities. In all honesty, it stressed you out.
The work day is now over, you have just finished filming your last video of the day and you’re walking to the games pod to find your boyfriend. There he is, working on something on his computer. You walk up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you bury your head into his neck.
He lets out one of his signature stupid laughs and gently rubs your arm. “Im almost done, then we can go home.” You nod, and he leans his head onto yours, “are you excited?” He whispers.
You raise your head from his shoulder so your faces are level, “hmm… depends. Are there any hot guys in these movies?” You squint your eyes.
Spencer laughs, “oh, yeah, definitely. Just wait ‘til you see Han Solo.” He raises his eyebrows, “or Anakin, he’s more your type.”
“Okay, now I’m excited.” You laugh, before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Spencer closes his laptop and begins to put away his belongings for the day while you sit in his chair. “Hey,” he says, still putting things in his bag, causing you to look up at him, “I really appreciate you doing this with me…” he turns to look at you, “like, it really means a lot that you’re letting me share something with you that’s important to me. I know you’re not really into all this… space stuff, but..” he shrugs, stepping closer, “it makes me really happy that you’re doing this, that’s all.”
Your heart melts hearing this. ‘How is he so perfect? I can’t believe I was being so selfish, making this about me when it’s not. Its about him. Who cares if it’s not productive in a conventional sense of the word? it’s productive for our relationship. That’s what matters. Us. Who cares about all this superficial shit? The only thing that truly matters is doing what makes you happy, and I’m happy with Spencer.’ You stand, walking to him until you’re standing directly in front of him.
You place your hands on either side of his face, looking up into his eyes. “You’re so sweet, you know that?” His hands find your waist as you lean into him, hugging him tightly. “Im honored you’re sharing this with me, sweetheart.”
You pull away from the hug and Spencer smiles at you, before kissing your forehead briefly. “I love you, (y/n).”
“I love you too.” The two of you kiss, lost in your own little world for a moment. Its deep, yet sweet. Not rough or hasty, but full of love and passion. “We need to leave if we want to have time to actually watch the first movie, Spence.” You say, after pulling apart.
He rolls his eyes, turning to grab his backpack. “Okay, okay. Let’s go.”
The two of you walk to the parking lot, hand in hand, saying bye to the various cast and crew members you see on your way.
As you get into the drivers seat and connect your phone to the auxiliary cord, Spencer suddenly speaks out, “oh, shit, I almost forgot. Do you want to watch the movies in chronological order or in release order?” He asks, looking over at you.
You look up from your phone, thinking to yourself for a second before you turn your head to meet his gaze, your eyebrows furrowed.
“They weren’t released in chronological order?”
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thetobaccotornado · 8 months
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thats mine.
-tom kaulitz
warnings: nothing, just fluff!
synopsis: tom was sat next to his twin brother bill on the stage of a talk show, with the host who was interviewing them, along with his co-host, some busty blonde girl who was getting on his nerves.
“well… no i havent found anyone yet..” bill started, answering the interviewer’s question. “im just focusing on my career at the moment you know?” he said turning to tom with a smile. tom huffed and looked down to his fingers, fiddling subtly.
toms pov:
“so tom..” the co-host spoke. “how about you? weve been seeing photos in the press lately of you and y/n l/n getting pretty handsy, whats the go there?” she said with a smug yet disgusted look on her face. she leaned forward, attempting to push her breasts up to make her cleavage more visible. she pursed her overly glossy lips, tilting her head to the side slightly, flicking her hair over her shoulder. it was obvious what she was doing. and honestly? it was funny that she was trying so hard. she could never compare to my beautiful y/n.
“well actually, weve been dating for a year now, im surprised you havent heard.” i chuckle lowly, looking to bill and back to her, watching her expression drop, rolling her eyes. “well” she huffed sitting back up, “what is your relationship like behind veiw of the paparazzi? not so perfect then no?” she sneered, jealousy clearly written all over her face that was caked with cheap makeup.
i sat up in my chair, my jaw clenching slightly. “actually, things are perfect, she’s been working on her solo career a lot, but shes been touring with us recently, i honestly cant stand being apart from her for more than a day at a time.” i said proudly, looking her dead in the eyes with a knowing smirk, seeing the anger bubble up inside of her. “you should hear them at night on the tour bus, the rest of us barely get any sleep because of how hard the bus shakes” bill laughed, nudging me in the arm and leaning back in his chair. “especially after the vmas, that night was crazy” he spoke, exhaling deeply and looking over to me wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
the interveiwer fixed his composure. “right! the vmas!” he said, displaying a photo of me and y/n at the vmas behind him, where she had won an award for best junior artist of the year. the live studio audience started clapping, as the interviewer leaned forward. “how did you feel about y/n winning her first award at the vmas?” he spoke with a peppy tune, much more interested than is co-host, who was blatantly just trying to get in my pants.
“im honestly really proud of my girl, shes been working so hard, and all of the hours she put into her passion finally paid off. my highlight of the night was honestly just seeing the smile on her face when she got called up.” i said, beaming as i thought about my beautiful girlfriend.
“and her look! killer isnt it? really accentuates her features, no?” the interviewer beamed with admiration, looking behind him at the screen.
the picture showed y/n, wearing a beautiful red silk dress, hugging her curves perfectly, holding an award, and me standing next to her with a hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to me, planting a kiss on her cheek as she smiled widely at the camera. i sat there for a moment, remembering how her smile lit up the stage as she was accepting her award.
“yeah”i said turning to bill with a smile, then back to the interviewer. “absolutely breathtaking” i smiled.
“thats mine. all mine.”
just a short lil fluff peice, im honestly sick asf rn, so i havent been writing as much, but expect more to come soon!
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: okay okay part 2! here we are!! my progress about the story is not as fast as i would like it but im trying my best!! feedback is always appreciated!
PAIRING: Harry x High-School-Best-Friend!Reader
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Harry has thought of seeing you again so many times in the past months, he imagined this moment when he lied in bed, counting the days until he meets you again after all this time, but seeing you in real life is nothing like his daydreams. 
You’ve changed so much, yet he can see the version of you he last saw clearly too. Your facial features have matured, your hair is longer than he was expecting, though he only saw pictures of you from the past years. You have a black wrap-around dress on that’s hugging your curves that look absolutely delicious. 
It’s pretty obvious you’ve put on some weight and judging from the way you nervously keep fixing your dress every other second, it’s something you feel insecure about, but Harry cannot take his eyes off you and he forces himself to tame his already wandering thoughts. 
“Dude, close your mouth!” Beckham walks up to Harry, patting his shoulder to snap him out of his trance. 
“Shut up,” he mumbles under his breath, averting his eyes from you, but it only takes a few seconds before his gaze returns.
“Go say hi,” Beckham encourages him, but he shakes his head no.
“Later. I don’t… I don’t think I’m the person she wants to see the most.”
Beckham laughs as he walks away with his beer while Harry returns to his seat that’s not as close to yours as he would want it to be, but at least you’re on opposite sides, so he can keep an eye on you as the dinner finally starts. He can faintly hear your voice over the chatter every time you speak up or laugh at something and he wishes he was part of the conversation as well, sitting next to you instead of sneakily stealing glances.
Sometime after the main course and before the dessert it’s suggested that everyone say a short little summary of what happened to them in the past decade, and the round starts, everyone curiously listening to what their old pals are saying. 
“Um, hi,” Harry chuckles awkwardly when it’s his turn. “Well, I’ve had a pretty busy couple of years,” he grins, making everyone laugh. “I don’t know what I can say that you can’t read online, but let’s pretend you know nothing. So I just published my third solo album not long ago, I’ve been really enjoying experimenting with music on my own, though I loved my time in the band as well. I’m working on new stuff lately and I still have part of the tour coming up. I’m doing good, it’s all good,” he nods to himself before smiling around and giving the word to the next person. 
While he is interested in what everyone has to say, he is mostly looking forward to your turn finally so he can shamelessly stare at you while you talk.
“Hi everyone,” you smile nervously around, squaring your shoulders as attention turns to you. “Um, I don’t really know where to start. I started marketing at college, but I didn’t really like it and I was learning coding at the time so I thought I would start a career in that field. I went to an intense training so now I mostly make websites, but I do other stuff too. Um… I live here in London as most of us do now,” she chuckles, the class sharing her smile. “Nothing… Nothing else to share, really,” she adds in a mumble and looks to her right, signaling that she is done talking, it’s time for the next person.
It wasn’t enough. Harry wants to know more, everything if that’s possible and if it wasn’t for all the people around him, he would stand up and just sit beside you, asking you dozens of questions.
But he has to sit and wait patiently, pretend like you’re not the only one he is interested in the bunch. 
An entire hour passes by before he sees you slip away from the table and out to the back patio. Part of him tells him he shouldn’t follow you, but he just can’t stop himself. He excuses himself from the conversation and heads after you, hoping no one will notice him missing inside.
In the summer time there are tables outside as well with fairy lights creating a cozy mood, but it’s too cold right now to sit outside, so it’s only used by smokers occasionally. When Harry steps out as he slips into his coat he spots you right away in the corner, scrolling on your phone as you’re probably having a break. Even when you were younger, you often told him your social batteries easily run out and those were the times Harry gladly sat outside with you until you felt comfortable enough to go back inside. Seems like not much has changed. 
“Hey,” he breathes out and watches your eyes widen when you realize he came after you.
“H-Hi!” you clear your throat, slipping your phone back into your pocket.
“Having a social break?” he smiles warmly, standing only a few feet away from you.
“Yeah,” you chuckle.
There’s a bit of a pause where you’re not too sure how to act with Harry right next to you and he is stunned as well. There’s so much he wants to say and do, but he doesn’t know how you’d react. He doesn’t know about a lot of things when it comes to you but he is determined to change that. 
“So… how have you been?” he asks at last, the ure to speak up taking over the silence.
“Um, I’m fine. Fine, yeah,” you nod. 
“Do you still work at that civil organization, or…?”
“You know I worked there?” you ask, the surprise is pretty apparent on your face. 
“Of course,” he smiles softly, a blush tinting his cheeks. 
“Uh, I’m not there anymore. I work for a bigger company.”
“But still in marketing?”
“Yes,” you nod. “I can do more designing here on the side, that’s why I switched.”
“You like it?”
“It’s good. But work is work, you know, I was never the kind to be obsessed with my job.”
As you say that you realize he can’t know that, because you weren’t talking by the time you started working. It brings the awkwardness right back and he knows he needs to address some things before moving on.
“Y/N, I hope you know I didn’t… I didn’t want us to eventually stop talking. It’s just that so much happened, all at once and I didn’t take all of it the best way either. I should have focused more on my oldest friendships. I’m sorry, that’s what I’m trying to say.”
“It’s fine,” you shake your head with a weak smile. “People have fallouts all the time, it’s natural.”
But it wasn’t supposed to happen to us, Harry wants to say, but he bites his tongue. He shouldn’t bring everything up the first time you see each other.
“But we could start again,” he suggests, holding his breath as he watches your reaction to his words.
“Start again?”
“Yeah. I would… love to catch up with you, hear about everything I missed. Only if you want to tell me about it, of course.”
You stare back at him for way longer than he would have loved it and it convinces him it’s the part where you tell him to fuck off. He wouldn’t be surprised, you haven’t talked in ages and now he is so desperate to reconnect. You have every right not to want him back in your life even if you never had a fight that resulted in the fallout.
He is about to take back what he said, but you finally speak up.
“Okay,” is all you say with a tiny nod. 
He’s shocked, to say the least, even though he was hoping you’d say that. But seeing that small smile on your face is all he needs right now.
“Cool,” he breathes out. The door behind him opens and another guest walks out to have a smoke, making them realize they should probably return to the table. “Look, if you’re free sometime soon, I’m staying until the end of the month. We could have lunch, dinner or even breakfast,” he chuckles. “I would love to see you again and talk. Just the two of us.”
“Alright, I’m in.”
“Cool! Great!” he enthuses, probably more excited than he should be, but it doesn’t matter.
The two of you return to the table soon, no one really noticed that you slipped away, but it leaves Harry with a silly smile on his face that widens every time he looks at you again. Suddenly, he feels like a teenager all over again, he is in that basement with his best mates, just having fun, looking forward to spending some time alone with you.
Your bike rides home together were always his favorites, even the ones when you didn’t exchange a single word. He just loved seeing you by his side, the way you always squinted your eyes when the wind blew harder than usual, how you always checked back at him if he was behind you whenever you were about to cross a road. These are all tiny things that are etched into his memories probably forever.
Sometime towards the end of the evening Bee gathers your little group and asks to talk to you outside. You stand in a circle, everyone eyeing her suspiciously as she tries to hold her smile back, Lucas standing right behind her.
“So, there is something that we would like to share with you guys,” Bee starts and without any time to waste, she pulls out a ring from her pocket and slips it on her finger, holding it up, her grins stretching from ear to ear.
“Oh my God!” Chloe gasps as she realizes what it means. “Congratulations!”
It’s a shock, but not really. Bee and Lucas became an official item sometime before graduation, had a short break during college since Lucas studied abroad and long distance took a toll on them, but they found their way back not long after. Engagement was definitely the next step after they moved together three years ago and adopted a dog just last year.
But still, it’s shocking for Harry to see his old pals move on in life together. There’s a pang of jealousy in him too, but it’s overruled by the happiness.
There’s a round of hugs and congratulations before Bee reaches for her purse and pulls out a stack of envelopes.
“We want to invite you all to the wedding that’s gonna be held in June. You guys have been here from the start and it only feels right if you’re there with us on our big day.”
“Man, I might even start crying!” Joshua jokes, but Harry can see the shimmer in his eyes as he takes his invitation.
“Don’t get too mushy,” Lucas chuckles, patting his shoulder. 
Chloe is already talking Bee’s ears off about the wedding and offers to help with basically anything, while you’re examining the invitation card with a soft smile on your lips.
Harry’s excitement runs even higher when he realizes it’s gonna be another occasion where he’ll see you, though he plans to meet a few more times until June.
The night stretches long, it’s way past midnight when the last guests get ready to leave. Harry has been keeping an eye on you all evening in case you wanted to slip out, but you stayed until the end and he doesn’t hesitate to take this opportunity.
“Do you have a ride home?” he asks, when you’re putting your coat on.
“Um, I’ll just call an Uber or something.”
“We can share, I already called one.”
“Oh, okay, thanks.”
In front of the building everyone says their goodbye, heading their own way and you are left alone with Harry on the curb as the car pulls up.
“So when will you be free for that breakfast slash lunch slash dinner?” he asks, not wanting to miss the chance to see you again.
“I have to check my work schedule, but… I’ll text you, okay?” “Promise?” he arches his eyebrows.
“I promise.”
“Okay. Just so you know, if you ghost me I will come for you.”
“So you’re that desperate?” you chuckle and he just shrugs with a smirk.
“I’m just eager to start over and reconnect with you.”
“I’ll text you, don’t worry. My days are just… a bit hectic lately.”
He wants to ask you about it, would be even better if you just opened up about whatever it is that’s happening in your life, but he’s fine with what he got as well. He doesn’t want to be greedy. 
You make some small talk on the way to your place and when the car comes to a stop Harry is already looking forward to seeing you again. 
“Don’t forget about texting me!” he reminds you again, to which you exhale sharply.
“I actually keep my promises, Harry. Goodnight,” you say before hopping out of the car, leaving him too stunned to speak and the car drives away before he could even react. 
It was like a stab in his chest, your words ring in his head all the way until he arrives home and even after that. 
He pushed too hard. He wanted too much. His nagging was supposed to be just a joke, but apparently, he should have been more careful, because your reaction was sharp and painful. But he deserved it, he knows, because what you said… that was a reminder that he fucked up and he can’t just start all over again so quick and easily.
He wants to go back in time and take the words back, everything was going so well up until that point and now it feels like a setback. While in the shower he is composing a text to apologize for overstepping your boundaries and he is just about to type it out when his phone rings, your name on display. 
“Hi!” he answers, shocked to receive a call from you but also thankful that he can apologize.
“Hey.” Your voice is weak, but a lot lighter than it was in the car when you parted ways. “I’m sorry, Harry.”
“No, no, no, you have nothing to be sorry for,” he shakes his head, sitting on the edge of the bed and he wishes he could talk to you in person, see your face.
“It was rude. You’ve been so nice all evening, even asking to reconnect and I was… I was an asshole,” you sigh and he can imagine you closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose.
“I kinda deserved it. It’s been long, Y/N, I shouldn’t have expected to just go back to being best friends. I pushed too hard, so if anyone has to be sorry, it should be me.”
There’s a long pause at your end of the call, Harry is dreading to hear your voice and make sure he didn’t fucked up royally.
“I’ve been kind of… moody lately. I should think about my words before talking.”
“Do you… want to talk about it?” he asks, but then realizes that it might be over the line too. “Only if you want to, you don’t have to share anything with me, I totally understand it.”
“Maybe some other time,” you quietly answer and Harry swallows down his greed to know more. “But… I’m free on Friday,” you add and his heart skips a beat.
“Friday is awesome!” he answers without even thinking through his schedule. If he has anything that day, he’ll surely cancel, nothing can be more important than meeting you again. “We could go out for dinner?”
“Can we… Is it possible not to go out?”
“Yeah,” he nods, though his chest tightens. Does this mean you don’t want to be seen out with him? He wouldn’t blame you, it would put you in the spotlight instantly. “Want to come over? I could cook something.”
“That sounds good. See you on Friday, Harry.”
“Good night, Y/N,” he manages to say before the call ends.
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A week has never felt longer. Every waking moment was spent by counting the days until Harry could finally see you again. He planned out the whole evening the day after the reunion, from the meal to the outfit he would wear, he knew it all by Monday rolled around so he had to spend five days anxiously waiting for Friday. 
On Wednesday he has a few drinks with just the boys, Joshua, Beckham and Lucas, cheering on Lucas’ engagement and having some boytalk. Even though they kept in touch throughout the years, there’s still a lot to share. They are having a great time, lots of laughs and jokes are shared over their beer.
“Alright, I want to talk about something major,” Joshua smirks over his pint, his eyes finding Harry and he already knows it’s gonna be about you.
“Just ask it,” Harry chuckles.
“Can we talk about how you had the heart eyes for Y/N all evening at the reunion?”
“Like a lovesick puppy!” Beckham laughs, patting Harry on the back as he puts up with the teasing.
“It was nice seeing her again, what can I say?” Harry shrugs, but he can’t hold his smirk up, which earns another round of laughter from his friends.
“Oh, it was more than just nice, right?” Lucas grins with a knowing smirk.
“We shouldn’t be surprised though, you were so in love with her back then,” Beck scoffs as he leans back in his seat, folding his arms over his chest.
“Not in love, I was just…” Harry tries to explain himself, but fails.
“Just in love,” Lucas teases him.
“I might have had a crush on her, I admit. But it’s been a long time, we obviously changed a lot. It was great to reunite with her.”
“And you plan to reunite some more with her soon?” Joshua wiggles his eyebrows. 
“We’re actually meeting on Friday.”
“You little minx!” Beckham laughs. “Will you shoot your shot?”
“We literally just met again after almost a decade. There’s no shot to shoot.”
“Yeah, and maybe it’s better if you’re careful,” Lucas nods, but Harry doesn’t really understand what he meant by that.
“Yeah, I mean, after what she went through…”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, you don’t know?” Joshua asks, his gaze flickering between Harry and Lucas.
“What? Tell me what it is!”
“She got a divorce not long ago. Like, about a year ago,” Lucas says, keeping his voice down. 
“Huh? I didn’t even know she was married!”
It feels like a punch in the stomach, how he missed such a major event in your life. Not getting an invitation is one thing, but how did you manage to keep it so secret that he didn’t even know you were engaged?
“She kept it pretty low,” Beckham says. “I mean, the divorce and also the whole relationship.”
“Yeah, I didn’t even know about them until she was engaged,” Joshua shakes his head. 
“And what happened? Why did it end?”
Beckham and Joshua shrug their shoulders, but Lucas seems like he knows something. 
“Lucas? If Bee told you something…”
“I don’t know the whole story, okay? But as far as I know… he cheated on her.”
“Oh fuck,” Harry breathes out, his heart sinking instantly. 
“Pretty rough, yeah. But maybe don’t bring it up until she is ready to share it with you.”
“Yeah, sure,” he nods. 
The night carries on and they talk about anything and everything, but Harry’s mind stays stuck on you. To be more precise, your divorce he knew nothing about. It’s no surprise you are so reserved and moody, it must have been hard for you to go through it. He can only hope you had friends to rely on, Chloe or Bee at last if he wasn’t there for you.
Another thing to add to the list of things he should feel horrible about when it comes to you. 
At the end of the night he offers to share a ride with any of the boys and Beckham accepts, so they leave together. 
“I know it’s eating you away,” Beckham speaks up in the car. 
“That you didn’t know about her divorce.”
“I wasn’t there for her, Beck. I should have been, but I didn’t even know she was engaged!”
“You weren’t talking, you couldn’t have known.”
“Yeah, but it was my fault we weren’t talking. I should have tried harder and… I should have kept my promise I made to her.”
Silence falls over the car as the passing lights illuminate their faces. Beckham is looking at Harry while Harry is staring straight ahead, his jaw jumping. 
“Look, you’ve made mistakes, it’s fine, totally human. If she is willing to meet you again, I’m sure she is not that mad at you, so it’s a good sign. You… Do you… want to, like… date her?”
Harry presses his lips together, thinking of his answer.
“It’s complicated, but… I think I still have feelings for her,” he admits, finally peeking at his friend. “Is that crazy? I mean, we were kids, can I actually still have… feelings for her?”
“Don’t underestimate your younger self. Look at Lucas. He’s been in love with Bee since forever and now they are getting married.”
Harr hums and nods in agreement, but there’s still a lot he needs to get clear in his head. Whatever it is that he feels for you, he wants to explore it but he also needs to be extremely careful now that he knows what you went through. And what if there’s more to it than the cheating? What if the guy did something else too that left you even more scarred? 
He wants answers, but he needs to be patient and give you time. 
Time, he couldn’t give you before.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
creepypastas of your choice being new parents (reader can be included or not, or the reader can BE the kid. either works)
Eyeless Jack, Slenderman, and Jeff as dads/dad figures
getting silly with it. last request in the inbox, might write some other stuff later today for myself but idk we'll see, admins feeling a little sleepy RAAAAAAH no real mentions of reader i think, just the characters being dads but there might be vague mentions of partners so you can imply that is reader. shrugs. i tend to write these notes before actually writing the post this was originally going to have laughing jack but then i got bummed out when i realized that jack would not make a good solo parent simply because hes too chaotic accidentally swapped from saying "the kid" to "you" midway through writing this but im too tired to fix it so uhuh im making it everyone elses problem/j
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by default i think slenderman can be an okay dad and im purely basing this on the fact that i grew up on the 2010s era of the fandom where quotev quizzes and fics for the fandom were peak. i think in the beginning he would be a little lost, especially if hes going to be raising the kid alone. i mean hes a solitary creature that rarely connects with others, he knows knowing about raising a human child. and thats assuming the kid is even human. if he has a kid with a human reader, are they more human or more... creature..? are they a hybrid? how much of slendermans genetics carry over? can he even have children since admin personally thinks he was made by zalgo like all other demons in this timeline? many questions. protective and strict dad, makes sure the kid does their work and chores, but makes sure he doesnt raise a pushover... definitely hostile towards anyone who harasses the kid, be it bullying or generally just being a douchebag. i think if hes the sole parent he raises them in the woods and teaches them things himself. doesnt bother with putting the child through schooling, theyre a child of the woods now babey!!/hj
look at it this way the kid is really self sufficient and can survive in the wilderness for an extended period of time and they know how to kick butt, assuming they also grow up with his proxies. yeah.. thats going to be interesting... would they see them as uncles or as sibling or family friends? its anyones guess. bonus father figures!!
also does not know what hes doing. i think i wrote somewhere that jack would put the baby in a carrier and walk around with them in the woods. maybe even showing them different animals and plants even if he knows that the kid cant understand him. definitely a case where hes going to need someone else to help him, be it his partner if theyre still around, or someone else... naturally its going to be harder to find someone to help him if his partner is out of the picture for one reason or another. main reason because that jack is... oh you know, literal man eating demon who sometimes goes into blind feeding frenzies if he gets hungry enough + he tries to put off feeding for as long as possible because it literally means taking a life and he still has his humanity in there. not going to say it out right but i think you guys can put two and two together and understand why jack is wary about having a small child hanging around his cabin. also he wants the kid to be able to grow up around other people. its unlikely, since the other person is likely going to be another creepypasta character because any normal person would rat him out... but he might also want the kid to have a 'normal' upbringing. lots of feelings here for him. kind of like a tired dad, between juggling the child and the things going on with him is really going to do a number on him. giggling at the idea of him trying to get slender to help him esp since i hc they have weird territorial beef going on
actually has a decent grasp of how to treat them but thats because he had liu/was an older brother. the dynamic is less father child and more so older brother younger sibling. probably lets you have a fair amount of free reign; he doesnt really strike me as a strict guardian. probably forgets to pick you up from soccer practice/j ....actually wait no i can kind of see him actually doing that on accident. tries to make it up to you by giving you treats because he does kind of feel bad for leaving you behind. you remind him a lot of his brother. im still torn on whether or not liu is still alive in my silly au but imagine hes not and he kind of. tries to raise you good and treat you well to make up for everything that happened. jeff with some level of mental clarity after the height of everything hits me in a weird sad way i can quite describe. like dont get me wrong hes still the knife wielding dude hes usually written as, but hes a little.. just a tiny bit mellowed out. just a tad.. side note i fully blame the idea of jeff being remorseful over murdering liu from a fic that had a chokehold on me in middle school so oooo... you probably know/interact with ben through jeff since theyre good friends. jumping into my personal hc/au jeff carries ben around in a phone since bens usually confined to electronics and they grew up together. obviously jeff outgrows ben because. you know ghosts dont grow up. so imagine you start becoming best friends with ben and ben is just. SPILLING so much old stuff on jeff, mostly dumb stuff jeff did and him being a jackass. idk i just think thats funny. its like when you suddenly get dad lore but instead of getting it from your dad you get it from dads ghost best friend
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
better than sex | myg | 3
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🍑Pairing: Yoongi x Producer!Reader
🍑Genre: fluff, smut, studio!au
🍑Summary: As Min Yoongi’s studio neighbor and self-proclaimed nemesis, you’ve always seen him as someone who knew how to maintain a clean, well-put-together image without any careless slip-ups. But after nearly walking in on him with a hand around his cock, you gain a new perspective that leads to steamy fantasies in your bedroom and much-needed inspiration in the studio for Bangtan’s next album.
A week before track submissions are due, you give Yoongi a taste of the dirty demo, and now the selfish bastard wants to claim it for his own solo album. In exchange, he offers to help you produce another Bangtan track by the end of the week. Your only condition is for this track to be better than the sexual fantasies that inspired its predecessor.
🍑Word Count: 2.3k
🍑Parts: 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 [discontinued after this chapter]
🍑Warnings: this is the last part im posting for this series even though it was supposed to be longer, the ending here isnt conclusive but im posting it for anyone interested! if you have questions about the couple or where the story wouldve went, feel free to send some asks🥹 no smut in this chapter btw
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Yoongi🍑👹 [6:47PM] “We’re filming near the BigHit building if you want a break from the studio”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “is there free coffee👀”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “asking for a friend”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:49PM] “There’s a whole taco truck here for dinner”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:50PM] “And free coffee for your friend”
Y/N💅 [6:51PM] “okay ill be there in a sex🐁”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:51PM] “Sex?”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “SEC”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “fuck you”
You don’t really want to see Yoongi after an embarrassing typo like that, but you can’t say no to free food and coffee. Besides, the studio gets awfully boring and lonely when the boys aren’t around all day. It’s been like that as of late, aside from your late-night studio sessions with you-know-who. In times like this, you’re grateful the boy thought to invite you out for a change of scenery.
After throwing a cardigan over your shoulders and tucking your mini lyric notebook into your pocket, you step out of your studio and head over to the address Yoongi sent you. Your tummy immediately starts to feel like shit, but it isn’t hunger. It’s the kind of nervous feeling you get on a first date—except this isn’t a first date. It’s just the first time you’ve been invited by one of the guys to go behind the scenes of something other than music production.
Just as you’re about to message Yoongi about your arrival, you spot Jimin and Taehyung waving their tacos at you from right outside the area for filming.
“We’ve been expecting you, Y/N,” Taehyung says as if he’s the butler of some royal mansion. It matches his slicked-back hair and fancy gentleman costume that he’s only partly changed out of.
“Yoongi told us you were dropping by for table scraps or something.” Jimin hands you a to-go box loaded with tacos. It’s still nice and hot. “He said you’re like a little mouse scurrying around for free food.”
“Great. Did he just invite me over here so y’all can insult me?” You narrow your eyes at the boys, even though “little mouse” is the most endearing insult you’ve ever heard.
“He wanted to see you, obviously,” Taehyung shrugs. “Bro won’t shut up about that track you’re working on with him. Said you came up with a pretty sick hook.”
Oh, so he’s insulting you and complimenting you. Sounds about right for the nemesis you know.
The boys bring you inside to what looks like the set of a cologne commercial. Who knows. Maybe it’s actually a personal moisturizer for self-pleasure in that black bottle they’re advertising. 
One by one, you spot and say hi to the rest of the guys. Seokjin and Namjoon are getting their makeup touched up, Jungkook is devouring what appears to be his second box of tacos, and Hoseok is looking over the shots he just finished. The only person unaccounted for is the boy who called you over here.
Then you look over to where all the cameras are pointed. Yoongi is lying comfortably on a leather couch, legs propped up on the armrest. He holds the black bottle up and studies it like he’s reading a book. 
He looks good on that couch, but not nearly as good as he looked on the one in your studio last night. On your couch, he had a different look to him. He wasn’t the calm and well-mannered idol you see posing for the camera now. He was very much into finger-fucking you and making a mess out of you on your couch. And it was hot as hell.
Still, you have to admit you’re here drooling over him in his suit and tie like he’s the CEO of your heart or something. You’re not used to seeing him in anything other than sweats or jeans since there’s apparently no one worth impressing in the studio end of the BigHit building. And as much as you adore his naked face and casual look, Hot CEO is definitely a style he should adopt more of.
“Did you come here to stare or to eat?” Yoongi asks as soon as he gets a break from the cameras. No hi, no how are you. Just more slander. It should be illegal to be mean and handsome at the same time.
You came because he invited you! And because you like free food! And because maybe he’s nice to look at! But you’re not going to waste your breath on telling him something he already knows.
“I heard you called me a little mouse.” You cross your arms as he takes a long sip of water. “Is that your new pet name for me?”
He chokes on his water. Good. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” Aha, you were right. And to be honest, you wouldn’t really mind him calling you his Little Mouse from now on. “It’s because you sent that mouse emoji earlier.”
Ah, yes, the infamous mouse emoji that came right after your infamous sex typo. Good to know he hasn’t burned that cursed text from his memory the way you have.
The boy points to the box in your hands. “You should eat.”
“Did you eat already?” you ask, fidgeting with the notebook in your pocket. A tiny part of you is hoping he hasn’t so you can eat together. Then he’d have some time to look over the lyrics you’ve been working on for the song.
He shakes his head. “Now’s a good time—”
“Yoongi, we need you back for maybe 30… 40 minutes?” a camera guy calls out. You thought this was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn for a break. You thought this was your turn with him.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” he says, pulling you around the corner to a narrow hallway. The strong grip around your wrist is an odd mix of comfort and clinginess. “I heard the tacos are good. You should eat before they get cold.” In other words, eat without him because he doesn’t have time for you.
“They’re already cold.” You don’t mean it as a complaint. If he ate with you, you’re sure a cold meal would be just as satisfying as a hot one. But the thought of eating cold tacos all alone is kind of pathetic. And that makes you sad.
With a frown, he takes the box from you and pulls a taco out, examining it closely like the hottest certified health inspector in town. You’re suddenly hungry. The taco does look quite appetizing in those hands of his. Anything he touches becomes a thousand times prettier.
He takes a small bite as if whatever’s yours is his. You don’t mind, though. At least you know he’s getting some food in his stomach before returning to work.
But then he turns the taco to you and holds it up to your lips. You feel a piece of tortilla cling to the corner of your mouth as you bite into your dinner.
“Good, right?” The boy picks the tortilla bit off your cheek and pops it into his mouth before you can hide the mess from him—can’t get anything past his eyes.
You nod as you munch on the taco. You’ve never heard of a mouse being fed like royalty. But you have to admit, you kind of like it.
Satisfied with your answer, Yoongi tucks the half-eaten taco away with the rest of them in the box. You reach for the box, but he pulls it back out of reach.
“You’re not gonna grab some coffee too?” he asks.
You’d long forgotten about the coffee. Besides, what’s the point if you can’t enjoy it with the biggest coffee enthusiast you know?
“Maybe next time.” You swipe for the box again like a cat making a move on its prey. But once again, he holds the box as far away from you without actually distancing his body from yours. You both know there’s nowhere to run with that taco box in this narrow corridor.
“How about tomorrow morning?” he casually throws out. What, like a coffee date? Like an actual date? There’s no way. “I’ll pick it up on the way to the studio.”
Right. He can’t be seen out in the open with anyone other than his members and managers. You just wish so badly that that wasn’t the case.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Besides, the two of you are just friends. A coffee date with him is asking for too much. You feel yourself shrinking against the wall and fail to notice the way he studies the hint of disappointment in your eyes.
Before you know it, his lips find yours. They’re soft and lazy but also comforting—more comforting than any cup of coffee you could’ve gotten from here. And that’s when you know the small trip you made tonight was all worth it. Any time you get to spend with him is always worth it, no matter how short it may be.
“I’ll surprise you with something good,” he hums against your lips before finally handing the box back to you and walking toward the cameras. “See you around, Little Mouse.”
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When you get back to your studio, all you think about while eating your cold tacos is Yoongi kissing you again. This time was different, though. It wasn’t prompted by sexual tension or frsutration. It was the kind of kiss you’d give when parting with a lover after a perfect night spent together. What business did Min Yoongi have with sending you off like that? You’ve heard of superheroes being charmed by the enemy, but you won’t let yourself be that easy. Not that way.
So after you take the last bite of your tacos, you shake off the thought of his soft lips and reach into your cardigan pocket for your notebook. It’s time to get back to work.
But the pocket is empty. The one on the other side is empty as well. Oh fuck. The notebook with all your lyrics is gone. All your hard work is suddenly gone. You must’ve dropped it on your little outing for free food.
And that’s not even the worst part. There are things in there no one else is supposed to see. If it falls into the wrong hands—i.e. Yoongi’s large veiny hands—you’re going to lose your goddamn mind.
You should probably go back and find it before the enemy does.
As soon as you step out of your studio, your body smacks right into a solid chest. You square up on instinct like it’s some late-night intruder, but it’s just Yoongi. And he’s got his stinken hands on your notebook. Of course he does.
“Oh good, I was looking for that,” you say as innocently as possible before swiping your paws at him. He takes a step back along with the notebook.
“First of all, ouch.” He rubs his chest right where you’d collided with him. “Second, you’re welcome for returning this safely to you.”
“Thank you, Yoongi. You truly are the best,” you mutter, somewhat distracted by the hand on his chest. It’s so veiny. “Happy now? Can I have my notebook back please?”
“Wait.” He holds a finger up like you’re a puppy in training. You only obey because you really need the notebook back. “What are all those lyrics in here?”
“For the song we’re working on, obviously.” A half truth.
“Some pages have dates from years ago.”
“Well you weren’t supposed to see those.”
“Well I read all of them.” He finally hands the notebook back, but it appears to be too late. He knows your secrets now. “It’s a waste of good lyrics. Assuming you weren’t planning on using them after all these years.”
“I’m not.” You cling to the notebook as if there’s anything left to hide in it. Anybody who’s read them could tell those other lyrics weren’t written for Bangtan songs. They were clearly written for you, from your perspective. Your unfiltered feelings, good and bad, make up approximately 99% of those lyrics. You might’ve even written soft shit about Yoongi. 
“Okay, well, I’m glad I got to read them at least.” He leans against the doorframe. You’d expect him to be smirking after reading all the sappy things you’d written in that notebook, but he’s well-behaved tonight. “I wouldn’t be mad if you put out your own music eventually.”
“Very unlikely.” Although you appreciate him subtly supporting everything you do when it comes to music. “I already have my hands full with you, don’t I?”
“Oh, am I too much for you to handle?” There’s the smirk.
“Perhaps.” You press both hands into his chest and walk him backward to escort him out. There shall be no smirking or charming boys in your studio tonight.
“I have to head back before we wrap up.” He nods in the direction of the shoot as your hands continue to rest on him. “Will you still be around in an hour?”
“Nah, I’ll probably be out of here in about twenty minutes.” You pretend to check your phone even though you know you’ll still be in the studio for at least a few more hours. You’d rather not encourage him to come back and extend his already long day. “I just need to jot down a couple of ideas first.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He starts walking away before turning on his heels. “Oh, by the way, there’s been a change of plans about the morning coffee.”
Your heart sinks. No coffee? Got it.
“The photoshoot was supposed to be a two-day thing, but since we’re finishing it up tonight, I don’t have any work scheduled for tomorrow.” A free day? For Min Yoongi? Unheard of. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. Just bring your guitar. And that notebook.”
“You forgot the part where you tell me what the actual plan is.” You’re skeptical. He’s being sneaky, and that’s never a good sign.
“I told you it’s a surprise.” He dips before you can protest.
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
truly trying to not create discourse so feel free to delete instead of posting…i’m just baffled at the bt choices in the last episode:
but i was talking this over with a friend who is a casual watcher (and isn’t really caught up on this season but knows the general bi-buck news and decided to watch with me last night) and she was really confused seeing buck with tommy this episode because she was like ‘that’s his boyfriend tommy? i would not have known from that interaction’
like most of buck’s other lover interests, once they were established together there was a lot more physical affection??
it’s weird because it’s not like they have to kiss in every scene…but like a hug, leaning against one another, holding hands??? those are relatively chaste things that would establish romantic connection.
and maybe the finale will give us more of a ‘bucktalia on the balcony’ kind of thing for them or at least some more solo bt scenes that don’t revolve around work or other people but it is seeming more like…even when bringing up tommy directly like bobby mentioning buck going to see him after work its immediately crashed against the buddie of it all.
which fine. but also like…why bring tommy in at all???
(sorry this is long but i’m just confused by it all and maybe it’s bc the shortened season and it seeming more and more like they truly had no idea what they wanted this season to look like from start to finish. but im kinda 😬 at looking at this relationship just as a way to get bi-buck instead of giving it the space to thrive separate from other relationship implications)
no this is so right lol. and like i said i don’t think the shortened season has anything to do with it. for whatever reason buck and eddie are the priority - like i know this discourse is so 3 weeks ago but if tommy’s NOT a stepping stone for buddie then this is, once again, bad writing. i have to believe it’s intentional at this point lol. like they didn’t even have to be physically affectionate necessarily (although the space in between them???????) but the dialogue could have been so different. buck could have asked “how does it feel to see captain gerrard again?” and come off as concerned for tommy or something (since the show seems to be leaning into making him The Victim lol). tommy could have said something dry about getting medals instead of getting fired that didn’t make him seem like he has a stick up his ass. they could have shown tommy smiling when buck got his medal. even the bobby conversation was capped with EDDIE’S PROBLEMS intervening on buck’s plans with tommy. what are we doing????????
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penny-anna · 2 months
im off work this week and trying to get some Culture!! here's what ive been up to so far:
[REDACTED] 80s themed solo show: im. not gonna share the name of this one bcos the lady doing the show seemed genuinely nice and i had a genuinely bad time. the idea was that it was a pastiche of 80s movies w as much of the dialogue as possible made up of lyrics of well-known 80s songs? i found it Interminable. just did not work for me at all. found the plot hard to follow due to the conceit so it was basically just someone reciting out of context song lyrics for a full hour.
Songs about Roses at the Fruitmarket Gallery: wasnt expecting to enjoy this all that much (looked like. really good but bleak and wasn't sure i'd be up for that) but actually had a really good and educational time. especially enjoyed the making of film.
Against the Clock at the Canon's Gait: i wasn't actually planning on going to see this dlghfjhgkfj I had a different show picked out but when I showed up this happened:
Performer, finding me loitering outside the venue: hi, are you here for a silent comedy show?
Me, puzzled: I'm here for a comedy show
Performer: great, here's your hat!
Me, holding a hat, realising this is definitely not the show I picked out: thank you but I'm just gonna go double check I'm in the right place (at this point I gave back the hat)
Me, checking the board outside the venue to see that I am definitely in the right location on the right date: I was looking for this? (pointing at the show I came to see)
2nd Performer: oh yes she cancelled so we're performing instead
Me: ohh
Me: ok I guess I am here to see you.
anyway: the premise of the show was that it's about silent film-era actor Harold Lloyd (he's this guy) and also about the 2 actors and their relationship and shared love of silent comedy. production was charming n I did learn a bunch of stuff about Harold Lloyd which was interesting.
however the script felt hm, one or two passes away from finished to me? idk if it was edited down to fit in a Free Fringe slot (I know this happens sometimes) but the first 25 minutes consisted mostly of 'hello audience we're going to do a show for you about silent comedy. the show will start shortly. did we mention we're going to do a show about silent comedy? ok here is the show. wait we need to tell you more about what the show is going to be about.'
it was frustrating bcos what was good was really good! ah well. it was a PBH free fringe show and i had a nice time so i would recommend it. they also gave everyone in the audience some popcorn.👍
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melonteee · 8 months
tbh i genuinely dont understand why zoro is as popular as he is. i dont mean this in an 'ugh he sucks!' way but, like, compared to the other strawhats i always feel like he's lacking... something. idk what. he's a good character, but where as i can really get into the others on there own, digging it when they have solo adventures, zoro only really interests me when hes interacting the other strawhats. his solo moments fall flat.
he feels like a character who people like more cuz he gets a lotta cool battle/'bro' moments than anything else.
again, im not hating on zoro, he has a lot of great qualities. if anything im baffled because i cant even exactly pin point what the rest have that he lacks (in my eye)! its just... like robin or frankey or usopp or brooke or, yes, even sanji have this depth that is so much more intereging and enjoyable, i simply cant understand having zoro as a fave with them around. hes just. there.
Zoro is just very cool to a lot of men lol. But outside of that, I totally understand his popularity because he’s a very stable character, he feels like someone you want as a friend because you know he’ll always look out for you. He’s also someone you can desire to be due to his insane strength of will and drive to achieve a near impossible dream.
Zoro’s one of my top favourites as well, but for me it’s because he subverted my expectations! I expected him to be so boring and stoic, instead? He was so funny and goofy, he’s literally a charming idiot. He’s got a scary face and a heart of gold, and the way he clearly WANTS to be cool and WORKS to be cool is just so silly and endearing to me. Because I stand by that Zoro isn’t naturally cool, it’s a conscious effort he makes to be cool, and it makes me wanna pinch his cheeks and say he’s so cute for it lol.
I know a lot of guys don’t see him that way, but with how Zoro honestly gets embarrassed pretty easily, he’s just a cute guy LMAO I find it really hard not to like him and tease him. Tons of people like Zoro simply because he’s got different sides and qualities to him that different people see and latch onto!
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thequibblah · 7 months
wip tag!
i'm here at last! but in my defence, i couldn't spoil a surprise chapter drop through this post, right? ty for the tag @oyprongs @mipwrites @possessingtheproperspirit @emeralddoeadeer @isahorcrux (oh dear)
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends! (so sorry i will not be doing this. so sorry)
we are about to use an incredibly flexible definition of "wip"...
come together ch. 53 — sickening number by the way. too high. this fic is too long
save me a place — IF i'm even working on it, it might be a sequel to a certain author favourite
unbecoming: a love story — whatever. prequel spinoff whatever if im doing it
untitled modern AU — i think i had a title for this one but i forgot it maybe. it'll come back to me. anyway i'll keep lily's role in it top secret but it is musician james i fear he's a bassist i fear he's launching his solo career
susan dennard calls these magical cookies btw that is how i've always thought of them :~)
chiefly, what happened on friday january 13th 1978? but there are a lot of consequences of 52 that will hit the characters like bricks, which i'm overjoyed to write — some of which have been in the works for 2 years, some of which i made up last month!!!! which is nuts if you think about it!! if i had written 52 in 2022 as i meant to, at least two arcs as of now would literally not have happened!
the first line being "It ends with a flash of green light."
i am very excited to play around in the world of CT outside of the hogwarts setting (and with a mature rating...) — there are a lot of minor characters and events i've been sprinkling in there for this exact purpose
this lily feels a little bit more blunt/cynical than most of of my lilys have been because she's been burned before. she's really going to take no shit from james (even more than usual) and that friction will be really fun to explore. i love their childish spats but i'm also interested in writing adult versions of them who can really misunderstand and resent each other. in my head this fic is the other side of the coin to iwnma, which feels very warm and dreamy and sort of rose-coloured; this is the cold-weather 2 am rainy version of that, with the same pressures of fame and personality and art and ambition but in two characters primed to argue rather than merrily embark on an affair.
this poll is a bit cruel to options 2 through 4 i imagine but:
i'm too late to this party to tag people i think. catch you on the next tag game srry
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hehe im coming to say hi here instead of the other way around :3 but omg i think it just hit me now that.... w gwangil gone that's gonna be a very long time without an ot4 comeback and part of me just wants wonsang to enlist as soon as possible so that the time will be shorter until theyre back :( but i wonder if hes working on a lot of songs to put out while theyre enlisted since hes the producer.... i could def see yechan and sangyeop doing some type of comeback or putting out new music and maybe even collabing w other kbands like they did with daybreak. i honestly just hope we still get some new music cause idk how ill survive 2 years with no new lucy music (ik ill survive somehow but ive consistently been able to look forward to amazing comebacks from lucy since i stanned in 2022 during play era so... it'll def be a change of pace) BUT YEAH EMO HOURS HERE I COME 🫠
id be interested to know what you think their plan is for enlistment era. whether wonsang is gonna enlist sooner or later and new music timeline etc!! recently also been thinking about what type of songs lucy would write for you...
yechan would make a super emotional song and ofc its gonna have a beautiful violin section in it, i feel like he could even incorporate some classical music into it and it'd be soooo pretty. but more frequently than writing his own songs for you he'd always take your requests for anything you want him to play
sangyeop would probably put you through some emotions like he'd be singing his heart out to you and after hes done he'd be his usual bright cheery self acting like he didn't just make you cry from his pretty voice
wonsang 100% gonna write an admiration song about you like he did with holly LMAO and would poke fun at your habits or your relationship together, would prob sound like an anime opening too CAUSE HES WONSANG <//3 (my bias rly showing through damn why do i have so many thoughts abt this) but knowing how many songs he writes he'd prob have a range as well with some sadder or just more emotional romantic songs
gwangil is gonna write you the cutest and most heartwarming song ever just like his song would you dance with me !! i feel like hes really into the bright and fun side of love and while his voice is rly suited for slower softer songs, he would want to make you smile with his song, not cry so he'd stray away from that vibe skdjks
man i rly love them so much 💔💔💔 lucy are the best !!
Hi :3
Seeing the photos from their schedules really made it hit home that he isn't there. Stoppp it hadn't even occurred to me that we won't be getting ot4 comeback for a while. I do hope that Wonsang goes soon, but you're right he's probably busy working on stuff that they can put out while he's gone. That would make most sense anyway. I think he'd maybe go around Dec/early next year? I'd imagine they'd want him to be there for award show season if they perform and then he'd go after that? I really hope Yechan and Sangyeop put out music or at least just do schedules while the others are away. Alot of the videos that I had seen when villain came out were just Yechan and Sangyeop, so I wasn't sure if that was them preparing us for how it will be over the next couple of years lol. I think they'll continue to thrive even as a duo, isn't N.Flying still doing well despite being down 3 members? (I haven't kept up to date with them, so I genuinely don't know. All I know is Seunghyub has been in a couple of dramas lol)
I do think we'll get another cb before Wonsang goes! Wasn't boogie man released in Dec? Maybe they'll do another one then?
Yes!! Yechan would definitely have classical or Ghibli vibes in his song! All I can think of is my warm loneliness with it's soft sound and beautiful violin solo in the middle of it. I agree, I think it would be super emotional but also really cute, I think I'd cry if he wrote me a song ahaha. I think Yechan may regret taking requests lol, I definitely would have a few
Sangyeop would be such a menace, writing such an emotional song that makes you bawl and then he'd probably have the audacity to tease you for crying after. I think his would definitely be acoustic (so that you can focus on his voice more) . I think the lyrics would be so beautiful, I NEED him to write me a song lol. I would cry if there was a key change in it, I am a sucker for a key change
Wonsang's song for Holly was so cute oh my goodness. Another song like domino would be so funny. It's such a funny song, especially with the intro ahaha. Maybe he would put funny sound bites from videos of you both in the intro, from clips of you doing the most stupid things (but he finds it endearing because he is so in love with you). Oh and the bit between the verse and chorus could be him listening off things that he loves about you (in his really cute voice 🥺)
I feel like Gwangil would write such a goofy song. I definitely think he would be able to write a really emotional song like Sangyeop, but he's not gonna show you that yet (he's waiting for the right moment because he's going to ask for your hand after, I need to stop lol). I could see it being a really cheesy song or one that's filled with stupid puns because he knows that you hate them but you love him and he's going to be annoying about it. I love how you said that he's "into the bright and fun side of love", I definitely agree with that. I agree that he wouldn't want to make you cry, I feel like his is the only one who wouldn't make you cry with his song (Wonsang wouldn't want to make you cry, but he writes such beautiful songs that I think he would do it accidentally lol)
I think I'm getting a little to in to this, I need to stop (but this will definitely be all I think about for the rest of the day lol). That was very fun to think about
How's life treating you now that it's September? Has your schedule become really busy or is it not too bad? It's definitely been weird to not be in any form of school this year, this is the first time in like 19yrs that I haven't done this (that make me feel so disgusting and old to say that ahaha). Hope you aren't too busy or overwhelmed!
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omophagic-beast · 2 months
for the tarot rpg ask game! The Fool, The Empress, The Hierophant, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Sun!
!!! wowow hi!! thank you for all the questions, im gonna put them under a read more as to not clog up peoples dashes
from this ask game
The Fool – What do the earliest stages of work on a game look like for you? OR How did you get into game design?
i have a notes discord server! and a channel in there specifically for game ideas. previously i had a big word document titled "game ideas", but its easier to access discord from my phone lol
usually i have an idea and i stick it in there first
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heres the start of the pillars of creation :3
and then ill noodle around with it, just brainstorm and slap spaghetti around. this is another reason why i like discord for this at the moment, its informal and easy, much less daunting than a word doc
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i didnt end up using most of the bits here lol
and then ill move it into a word doc once its clear that ive got an actual project / game starting to form!
the one problem with this is sometimes ill keep an idea in there for much longer than i should and it becomes a mess of me replying to myself, terrible to follow. this is the current problem with moonlight whaling, sigh
The Empress — Where do your ideas come from? OR Do you seek out or avoid inspiration while working on an idea?
a lot of places!! tumblr being one of them, sometimes ill see a post where im like "huh that could be a game in some way" and ill stick it in my notes discord for later. but really anything, books, movies, songs, other games. im not the first to say this but u gotta read / watch / experience new things to make new things
The Hierophant — Who is a fellow game designer you’ve learned a lot from? OR What is a piece of popular wisdom about games you think is nonsense?
i answered the second one here so ill answer the first!
ive learned a lot from any designer whos game ive played or read, to start. but i wanna shout out @thydungeongal on here, her posts abt game design and rollmaster / d&d are highly highly fascinating and helpful to me, as a guy who hasnt even played d&d let alone any old school stuff and just kinda jumped into the indie scene from the start.
kinda makes me wanna play rollmaster, ngl. whats it doin with all those mechanics and tables =w=
The Chariot — What is the next project you’re planning to start OR What is the next project you’re excited to finish?
this has been my big question to myself recently, what game to really focus in on next. i have games that just need to be finished, but i think my next one* is gonna be this time travel game ive been thinking of
working title is Hooked, and the reason i think im going to start (and finish) it next is cause ive already got the main mechanic figured out, where when you fail a roll you can choose to create a hook, and in doing so succeed the roll
but that hook is a place where a future you has traveled back to that point in time and given you what you needed to succeed, which means at some point youre going to have to come back and close the loop, or else risk creating a paradox
too many paradoxes and the universe explodes so like. be careful :3!
it is going to be a lot of work, i want the general aesthetic to be the journal of a time traveler, with notes from all their future and past selves scrawled in the margins in different colors. and theres the question of if its a solo game or multiplayer, or both. solo-friendly is my current thought, but encouraged for more than one person. but we'll see how it actually plays.
The Hanged Man — What other creative pursuits do you have? OR What current trends in game design are you most interested in?
someone should ask me this again cause i wanna answer the other one also :3c
but! i have a crochet project on the mind so i wanna talk abt other stuff im into also :3
im currently considering ADHD and how it could possibly relate to myself, so just keep that in mind when i say ive dipped my paws into a whoooole lot of different creative hobbies. sewing, knitting, pottery, bookbinding, needle felting, jewelry making, and yea, crochet, are all stuff ive been into at one point or another
but my favorites are crochet and cooking / baking. for most of my life i thought my career was gonna be in food service! ive been a baker, cake decorator, and diner cook before, and loved all three of those jobs.
and crochet is great mainly cause you can make stuffed animals / amigurimis >:33 i loooove little guys and being able to choose what soft yarn im gonna make em out of, though its been a minute since ive made one. but!! like i mentioned ive got a project on the mind, as im gonna try and make the "something strange and indescribable" from the Before the Flood backerkit campaign and im very excited abt it :3 stay tuned for posts abt my success or failure on this front
The Devil — What motifs or mechanics do you just keep coming back to? OR What is a game you’ve enjoyed playing in the last year?
NIGHTHAWKS by @titanrpg is really really good. it has a heart in it, one that beats at an all too-familiar rhythm. when i played it we told a story that was perhaps a touch too close to home as well, disparate sad people sitting several stools apart at a dive bar in a small town.
i have a tendency towards comedy when i play ttrpgs, but my favorite moments are all when ive been deeply serious and sad, and thats what i got from NIGHTHAWKS
The Tower — Talk about about a game you tried to make that crashed and burned.
center of the known universe was an anthology of games i wanted to make a while back, all inspired by the part of the nevadan desert i live in. i dont think its crashed and burned necessarily but i certainly never finished it and im not sure i ever will, though i still like the ideas for some of the games and may release them individually
The Star — Talk about a game you’re working on and what excites you about it.
a game ive been working on for a looong time that i dont think ive really talked abt on here is The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused. its a descended from the queen game based on The Lady or The Tiger? short story, where (to put it very briefly) a king has created a new form of justice where the accused is put in an arena with two identical doors in front of them.
behind one door, a lady of an appropriate social standing for them to marry, behind the other a very hungry tiger. this leaves the verdict up to fate, for if the accused is innocent they will surely pick the door with the lady, and if they are guilty they will choose the door with the tiger.
but the accused in the story is also the lover of the lands princess, and when they look back at her for the last time she raises a hand and points towards one of the doors.
the question in the story is one of love. would the princess rather see her lover dead, or married to someone else?
what comes through the door, the lady or the tiger?
but! there are other characters in this story, with agency and lives of their own.
The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused instead asks a question of trust. when The Accused looks back towards their princess, and she raises her hand, do they trust her? do they open the door that she points towards?
its a game for three players, with each person playing one of the titular characters. it uses the descended from the queen format to create the character of the princess throughout play, along with the characters of The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused.
its a good game!! ive got a bit more work to do on it, mainly on the tiger role. not everyone is comfortable being an actual tiger and role playing scenes that involve communicating with humans or attending parties and such, it turns out.
but im really excited abt it overall :3 its good and fun and i think it uses the descended from the queen format really well and hopefully one day ill do a crowdfunding project for it and get enough money to hire a bunch of different artists to make princess illustrations for it >:333
The Sun — Talk about a game you’ve made that you’re proud of.
im proud of all of my games, in one way or another. but, with an obligatory Before the Flood mention (crowdfunding now!), im really and truly proud of my body is your body is our body is
it was my first kinda big game that i published, and there was a lot of stuff with the first edition i really wasnt super happy with. im really, really proud of myself for finally going back in this year and fixing it. its so much better now! in a lot of ways.
and i mean it was good to start with also, most of my problems were with the programming side of it. when i was making the second edition reading back through the game made me cry a bit lol. theres a lot of banger lines in there and a lot of feelings.
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
I have seen maybe half a season of TUA and didn’t read the comics so let me tell you seeing those panels where Vanya is yelling “We belong on that stage” (and in reference to herself and her taller blonde bass-playing brother) drawn in profile with literally Gerard’s haircut and outfit was a big shock to the system. I never even considered that he’d inserted elements of himself and his bandmates into TUA except for a bunch of weird edits people made comparing how much Aiden Gallagher looks like Frank but now I feel like I really need to read it.
im really looking forward to rereading all of the comics after this semester's over because i haven't done that since volume 3's run ended and i'll definitely make more coherent posts about it then but like. it's really really interesting to compare to all of gerard's other art because he is just...so distinctively him, even across different mediums and genres. tua and mcr and hesitant alien and kjna and his visual art etc etc etc like his artistic fingerprint is stamped so boldly and unapologetically all over them and that's something i really love about him. like his art, love it or hate it, is sooooo genuine always. even when he's purposely imitating other artists, he's very consciously doing it in his own voice, putting his own spin on it.
when i say tua and mcr are completely separate projects i mean it - i don't think one should only ever be discussed in relation to/in the context of the other - and, above all, tua is certainly not like...autobiographical, or a direct representation of real people/events. it's led by gerard but it has a different creative team than mcr does and that really shows as well - i definitely wanna talk ant this when i have more time but part of the reason im not sold on conweap as an album is because it's too umbrella academy - it's really evident that gerard was working on both of them at the same time, and letting one influence the other too directly. mcr's a band, not a Gerard Project, and umbrella academy is largely a duo (w gabriel bá), so they can't just be transplanted onto each other yk.
anyway I'm rambling but all this to say - tua isn't meant to be "about" mcr any more than bullets is "about" 9/11. but gerard's life was changed and shaped by his experiences in the music scene throughout his life, by dropping everything and living as a penniless artist, by becoming suddenly (in)famous, and that really shines through in tua. he says he drew inspiration from touring band life to write a dysfunctional family, and the dehumanising effects of fame and attention, and of being categorised and scrutinised on a private or public level, are huge themes - as is addiction, mental health, complicated grief.
like...i actually got into mcr through the tua comics lmaooo. i read volume 1 because of wonderful @blackmoldmp3 talking about it and immediately said oh. i need more from this dude's brain right now. and i was soooo not disappointed haha. i really am obsessed with quite a lot of the things gerard is also obsessed with as an artist. the particular themes and imagery and scenarios he's fixated on are really very consistent throughout everything he does - only the way they're discussed or portrayed does change over time. i don't rly subscribe to the idea of gleaning specifics abt artists' personal lives from their works because, beside all else, it just does them a huge disservice (that's my number one gripe with the popular talking pounts around hes alien and frank's solo work in particular; however "confessional" you wanna read art as, it's still art that was created with skill and intent.)
anyway that's way off topic dkfnfj. what i do love about this kind of thing is looking at distinct creations in the context of the rest of an artist's body of work. like...yeah, gerard's said there's a lot of mikey in klaus. has dressed similarly to vanya and the kraken and the seance at times etc etc. has compared himself to the rumor, because she's the one he relates to most. puts a lot of his familiar ideology surrounding music and performance into vanya. puts angry teenage vanya in a shitty punk band with her disillusioned teenage brother on bass, and puts a classical music prodigy in a punk band as an excellent guitarist, writing songs about killing the president etc etc. i could go on! because these things are just scattered everywhere through the comic, just like all of gerard thematic and aesthetic and ideologic fingerprints.
so what's reallyyy interesting to me is looking at umbrella academy as something gerard wrote on the road with mcr across multiple years. volume one was released while the tbp world tour was ongoing, and volume two only a few months after. the progression of parade -> tua -> conweap -> danger days is SOOOO fascinating to me, especially because one of the things that really works about danger days imo is the way it kind of shakes off some of the tua-style gritty cynicism and returns to mcr's defiant, extravagant theatricality. if you go through tua with a fine-tooth comb you'll definitely find the most direct comparisons to conweap, in terms of mcr. the way dd approaches the themes it has in common with tua is just.....so different, and so so mcr. and then you can see the at times self-referential development on those things in hesitant alien - AND THEN VOLUME 3 COMES AROUND AND LIKE. AUUUGGGGHHHHH the change and growth there is SO apparent. btw i don't mean "growth" "progression" etc in this post to mean "improving" - i just mean change and development in a neutral sense, bc it's so interesting to see it laid out there in an artist's body of work. but like. man it makes me crazeeee actually the way gerard picked tua back up....almost certainly around the same time mcr started discussing a potential reunion. and the way that foundations revisits and reconceptualises mcr's existing catalogue is paralleled in the way vol 3 of tua is, like...........like there's so much life lived there, between those things. gerard's even said he's changed his plan for the ending (if we ever see it 🥲) because he has more compassion for his own characters now and doesn't want to see them broken down for good. he says he's gotten better at listening to other people - for starters, he's a lot more conscious of his own subconscious racism/whiteness that came through at times in the original run and has expressed regret for that (namely, the entire main cast being white, with a couple of side characters being uncomfortably stereotyped).
but just like. augh. im not gonna lie man i have no idea what i've just typed im sorry it's probably so rambly bc I'm so dizzy rn and definitely am not gonna proofread it or whatever skdjfj but. I LOVE ART! I LOVE ARTISTS! I LOVE DIVING DEEP INTO AN ARTIST'S BODY OF WORK AND WATCHING THEM REINVENT THEMSELF AND/OR DOUBLE DOWN ON THEMSELF (SOMETIMES FOR BETTER, SOMETIMES FOR WORSE). obvs this fandom genuinely does have a big issue with invasive/un-self-aware parasocial behaviour but there's a difference between that and like. getting obsessed with a particular artist. that's so normal and in fact necessary to life imo. i think every artist literally has to have ppl like that i can't imagine any other way to live it's just a specific type of human connection at a distance baby. don't get me wrong tho i also wanna chew on his thigh. anyway.
my god. how did i get here what even was your question. tua. yes it's crazy. it's not for everyone for sure but it has enough of the shit that makes me crazzzzyyyyy that it got me into mcr which made me crazierrrr so. yes i can recommend. especially if ur like me and lovvvve stories that are a little bit fractured by design. that dance around big parts of the story, where there's as much significance in an absence or in a tiny background detail than there is in any dialogue or action scene. most of the criticism i see of tua is about the pacing but like. to my tastes it's a really great use of the comic medium yk? lmk if you want content warnings or something there are plenty skdjfj.
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fulgurbugs · 5 months
who was your first character you played as for your first playthrough, and do you tend to replay as them or as different characters?
Therion was my first, and that’s because i basically got choice paralysis looking at that first screen and just had a friend of mine tell me who to pick.
Now that i have a really good grasp on how to play the game, I’ve never started the game with the same character, if im remembering correctly, though, i’ve had files where my starters in OT1 were Therion, Alfyn, H’aanit, and Tressa. (the h’aanit file remains unfinished but. lol)
now whenever i recommend people someone to start with in OT1, i stand by the Therion recommendation. his first chapter isn’t too difficult, steal is an extremely useful path action to always have, and you’ll never get mad at not being able to get the purple chests.
as for OT2, im only on my second playthrough, but again i don’t like starting with the same guy. so. my first run i picked Castti (because i like alfyn and was like. you know what apothecary represent, and i couldn’t think of any better reasons to make a decision) and my second run i was also like damn who should i pick, before my roommate said and i quote “pick the gayest one” (and i already picked castti, so i had to go temenos)
i don’t have a recommendation for starting with Ot2 because of the way they changed the ch1s to all be solo so there is no random more difficult ones like ophilias and primroses lol
i also like having different parties and different subclass combos every single time, just to keep things as fun and fresh as possible. though, sometimes you end up with some interesting class combos. but that’s the best part because you get to see how well you can make literally everything work in these games
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melissa-titanium · 6 months
the ask game stuff..001 for N nd doll (giggles
GO FUCK YOURSELF . but thank uou... anime berdly emoji . ill answer...FOR NOW
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: VERY RECENTLY ACTUALLY id say within the last like two weeks. ive always loved doll and always loved n but then i realized like. oh huh i connect alot with n and want to make out with doll . boom. its like borderline selfship at this point its cringe as fuck but let me do whatever i want.
my thoughts: surprisingly i don't have as many thoughts on them as i did but i feel like. because of how much of a foil doll is to uzi i think thats the word it would be like. IDK i feel like for doll it'd help to understand the 'humanity' of the dds. if she witnesses a disassembly drone killing war machine trip over his own tail or bump his head into a doorframe and wince and laugh and talk and hug with gentle arms and do things that she specifically reprogrammed herself NOT to do so she'd have a better chance to kill her worst enemy and avenge her parents... she would short circuit. to actually get to the point of not killing him on sight would take a while or lots of coercing via ... lizzy? or hell maybe even uzi im not sure. unless they had an individual encounter (which, you know, could totally happen! doll out in the wastes and n is on a solo hunt, you know her ass was following them.) that lead to a stalemate, i'm not sure how they'd even meet. HM OK NOW IM THINKING ABOUT THIS. either way tho n has a habit of befriending insane drones (or like... smoochin depending on how you see enzi tho i see them as platonic) and i think he could. Not fix her but he could be there for her bless. and again i think she could help him be not a doormat 💛 also stupid hc i had aboit them i hv always thought doll to have like... a freakishly good memory. which, works perfectly paired with n because like .you know. his memory prahblems . dolls ass can remember the angle of your arm when you were like fucking sitting on a chair on the 13th of april last year or some shit like she PAYS ATTENTION even if she doesn't often share her input... which is also a good thing bcos n is super inclusive always. n voice DOLLLL LOOK WE ARE DOING A THING!!!! :D & shes just like. sighs okay (comes ova 2 him) and eventually.. i think itd get to the point where she can go do shit on her own without being explicitly invited YAY
What makes me happy about them: gotta bring up the Me & My Wife shit again bcos its borderline selfship at this point. i just think its interesting and awesome I REALLY HOPE THEY HAVE AN INTERACTION... tho i doubt it; i think they might fight or smt in ep 7 WHICH HONESTLY I WOULDNT BE SAD ABOUT my goil needs moe screenrtime
What makes me sad about them: doll probably hasnt experienced like. affection in fucking ages & frankly n really hasnt either. i think they'd hold hands and talk about their kill counts. also i just realized they both kind of went thru a period of time tht was little socialization only KILL. doll had school & lizzy, sure, but also living in an apartment with ur parents' & dozens of others' corpses its like. tht fucks w u. but the interesting thing about them is… n and doll don't experience guilt over Killing And Eating People the same way i think. like. just for example v and uzi do (atleast in my perception). like v couldnt cope with the knowledge she had so she fell extra EXTRA hard into her role (atleast using her maid self as an accurate portrayal of her old self) and uzi has never ever experiuenced anything like that before so its fucking terrifying to her. however, with doll and n… they dont percieve it the same way. we understand that both of them are capable of guilt but it takes a very strong connection for them to experience it. ep one; n feels bad for making uzi argue with khan & ruining the card game. does he say a single thing about killing and eating half a dozen workers? No! because it's natural to him. there's nothing out of the ordinary in that situation except for the fact that he was "rude" by interrupting someone & "rude" by causing an argument. yes, he's very sweet and patient and all of the above but he doesn't see killing as really a BAD THING… he sees it as a necessity; as him being useful, higher numbers means hes doing a good job. but, really, that's all he's known. he doesn't remember being a worker. after meeting uzi he's capable of realizing… oh, these are living creatures! i feel a little bad now. but the guilt doesn't come crashing down onto him and leave him utterly devastated at his kill count, it just sits there. it festers. similarly, in my opinion, to how doll reacts to guilt. we see her as this unstoppable force at every point until the end of promening. she knows her goals, she knows what she has to do to get to them, and has shaped herself into the perfect killing machine to do what she needs, removing all forms of guilt from her person to make sure it doesn't get in the way. though, again, it comes bubbling to the surface back from where she buried it so deeply under all her anger when uzi pops her emo little head in. she isnt instantly all "oh my god, what have i done?" but it eats away at her all of this fucking time, she has been killing and hurting her kind, believing she was the only one who could possibly shoulder this burden and deal justice to those who deserved it. but now that she knows she isn't alone… it festers.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i've seen like three n/doll fics literally EVER but i'd honestly say. major mischaracterization of doll... i feel like doll gets mischaracterized more than n? n's behaviours are easy to understand and read with a surface level understanding because he has more screentime and again ON THE SURFACE looks relatively simple. i think a huge thing in some fanfics that bugs me is that. imitation of speech patterns = perfect characterization WHICH IS NOT TRUE... but also understandably makes it difficult to do with doll because she doesn't talk alot, while N talks a LOT so it leads to a heavy imbalance in mischaracterization. just because the characters would fucking say that, doesnt mean they would Fucking Do That
apparently there is a word limit on tumblr. pleasantly surprised this will be two posts instead
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