#and in a he hasn’t seen his sister in a while and almost started crying earlier talking about her and i was able to cheer him up
akkpipitphattana · 8 months
it really means the world to me to know i’m my nephew’s favorite person
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embrosegraves · 6 months
ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣
(request) Fernando Alonso x Fem!Reader Starting a committed relationship means telling all of your deepest secrets
Warnings: Mentions of negative mental health, mentions of abu$e, mentions of su!cide, talks of selfh4rm. I am begging you, don't read this if the topics discussed may trigger you
Note: I've never gone through anything like this myself so, with permission, I have based a little bit of the story on a very close friend of mine. It's not exact obviously, but there are elements of a real experience.
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You hadn’t been dating Fernando for very long. Just barely 3 months. It still felt like a very new relationship, even if people said otherwise. It had been enough time to realise that you might genuinely love him. He never pressured you, he never made you feel less than, and he always made sure to tell you that you were enough. Sure it was the bare minimum, but it was always nice to know people could be like that. 
However, the fact was that you were scared to love him fully. You had almost sworn off dating completely because of your last partner. Your ex had made you feel so unworthy of everything. He had almost convinced you that he was the only person who would ever love you. Almost. Thankfully you had an amazing support system in your friends and most of your family. They had helped you get out of a horrible situation and they were with you the entire time, helping you recover from the trauma you had experienced. 
When Fernando had told you he was serious about dating you, you had said to him that it would be a long while before you went further than kissing and holding hands. Like a true gentleman, Fernando had told you that he completely understood that some things would take time, but he was willing to wait for however long it took for you to be comfortable. Which is why today was so important for you. 
“I’m nervous to show him, Y/f/n. What if he runs off after seeing it?” You had called your best friend, who was basically like your sister, trying to get rid of the rest of your nerves and anxiety. 
“Babe, I’ve seen how he treats and looks at you. He won’t run off and you’ll be okay.” She said, “You’re so brave and incredibly beautiful and he will see that regardless of your skin and scars. I promise if he hasn’t said ‘I love you’ before, he definitely will after this.” 
You scoffed. “Thank you but I doubt it. Once he sees he’s going to run for the hills.” 
“Who’s running for the hills?” 
You jerked your head around and saw Fernando walking through the door. You quickly said goodbye to your friend who wished you luck, and hung up the phone. You turned your body so that you were fully facing Fernando. Thankfully he could understand that this was going to be a serious conversation, so he gingerly sat next to you and took a hold of your hands. 
“I need to tell you something important.” You said, keeping your eyes firmly on the space of blanket between you. His thumbs started rubbing circles over your knuckles, bringing you some comfort. 
“I don’t need to know if you’re not ready to tell me.” He said softly. 
“No. You need to know this.” You took a deep breath before you launched into your explanation. It was now or never. 
“When I was in my early 20s, I was dating this guy. He was my first serious relationship that I’d ever had and for a time I thought he was going to be my future. I didn’t realise it at the time but he was very isolating, and controlling. There were times where he would scare me and laugh when I’d cry. He wouldn’t always, but he would often tell me that he was the only person who could ever love me, and for a time I believed him.” You didn’t want to count the amount of times your voice had already cracked. 
“It really took a toll on me. So much that in the last few months of that relationship, I started to hurt myself. Because part of me thought he was right. When he found out what I was doing, he started to- He started-” 
Fernando wiped a tear from your face. When had you started crying? 
Taking in another big breath, you continued. “He started to hurt me as well. He would press on them while they were fresh and he would bruise me to see the colours. If my brother hadn’t walked in, I probably would’ve taken my life.” You finally looked at Fernando’s face and saw that he had begun crying too. Lifting one of your hands you wiped his gathering tears. 
“I decided that if our relationship is going to go further, then you need to see what I did to myself.” 
You slowly stood up, taking your hands from his, and began to shimmy your trousers down until they were pooled at your feet. You kept undressing before you could chicken out. You took your cardigan off and your shirt followed soon after. Standing there, in front of Fernando in just your undergarments, your scars were on full display. The scars on your thighs and stomach had been healed over for many years now but they still looked just as angry as the day they appeared. You had to force your arms to stay at your sides instead of curling around your stomach like they wanted to. You tried your best not to flinch when Fernando brought his hands up to gently trace them with his fingers.
Fernando looked up at you from where he was still sitting. He looked at every inch of your face and he saw just how broken you were. His heart hurt just thinking about all the abuse you were put through. He took hold of your hands again and slowly dragged you closer to him, giving you plenty of time to back away if you wanted to. 
When you stood directly in front of him, he wrapped his arms gently around the back of your thighs and laid his head to rest on your stomach. Your hands were on his shoulders. 
“You don’t know how incredibly strong you are, Mi Vida. You are so, so strong and I’m so lucky to be with you now.” 
By now the both of you had tears streaming down your faces. Neither of you bothered enough to wipe them off. You were terrified of how your relationship was going to continue, if it was continuing at all. 
You felt Fernando leave soft kisses just over your scars, as if he was afraid to hurt you by pressing more firmly. Quiet sobs broke their way past your lips. Your grip on his shoulders tightened just a bit. 
“Please don’t leave.” You whispered, voice heavy with emotion. Fernando loosened his grip and stood up to cup your face in his hands. You brought your own hands to rest on his wrists as he held you. 
“There is not a single thing about you that would make me leave.” His thumb brushed a stray tear away. “I love you more than I can say.” 
Hearing his words, you closed your eyes and began sobbing harder. Your arms wrapped tightly around his waist as you buried your head into his chest. Fernando hugged you close to him and gently caressed the back of your head. 
“Thank you for being brave enough to tell me.”
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I hope you enjoyed reading this! I tried my best to write this in a way that was both a little detailed but also very vague so let me know how I did!
as always, likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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transparentkinks · 1 month
I wanna know what Hancock thinks about the neighbor encounters.
Dead ghouls and angst ahead.
Hancock never gave a whole lot of mind as to how people react to feral ghouls. He knew most held resentment. If a ghoul didn’t keep their mind, they would likely go on to take lives. He couldn't really blame people for their fear, he just wished people could understand not every ghoul was feral. 
He really appreciated the acceptance he got from Nora. She treated him just like she treated anyone else, even occasionally got offended on his behalf when someone tried to deny him entry or said something particularly awful to him. He had a crush on her from the moment she strolled into town, but when she cussed out a new member of vault 88 for their comments towards him he knew he was in love.
He asked her once what shaped her radically accepting attitude, and found himself a bit confused by the answer. 
“Well, you know when we still had mass media we had lots of science fiction. When I got unfrozen I had lots of ideas in regards to what could have happened to people stuck on the surface. I half expected people to have five arms and ten eyes. Or like, be yellow. But most people are just people, or maybe big and green, and you’re basically some dude that got radiation zombified. I'm not gonna be like ‘Ahhhhhh this dude got no nose’. I feel like people should just be grateful that ghouls can keep their sense and get over it”. Nora smiled through her explanation, especially when he started cracking up. 
“Just some dude with no nose huh?” He chuckled once he could speak without laughing again. 
“Yu-p” She popped the p. 
“Well, I can appreciate that sister” he chuckled. Her worldview was certainly unique. He really appreciated it though. In a world where a lot of people thought him a monster, Nora hardly gave him a second glance. Treated him with friendliness and compassion. She found their differences more fascinating than disgusting. He enjoyed traveling with her, protecting her, spending time with her. Loved making her laugh. 
He was surprised when her acceptance went so far as to harbor feelings for him, but he wasn’t about to start questioning her when she was giving him his wildest dreams. She’d give him an earful, he knew, if she ever caught wind of him doubting why she loved him. They were practically a family now, with the institute gone and a synth child to care for. Still, he didn’t quite understand that she really just saw them as people until he saw her crumple to the ground after a fight. 
It was an easy fight, just some ferals. He still found himself looking her over after the fight for injury, because she was sobbing.
“Sunshine, what’s wrong baby?” He tried to hold her, realized she was holding the feral’s mangled hand. It was heavily decayed, with a locket fused into its eternally clenched hand. Nora shook her head, gasped, let him rub her back till she could find words. 
“Sarah-” She sobbed, voice breaking with the word. Dissolved into tears again. Sniffed loudly. “Sarah Donoghue.” 
“That’s her name? You knew her?” He questioned. She nodded, sniffed again and turned. She pulled off her pack, dug through to a small pocket in the interior lining. Pulled out a gold locket, one that looked almost exactly like the silver one clutched in the feral’s hand. He gave her a squeeze, let her lean on his shoulder. He gave her time to talk. 
“We went to university together. We wrote each other while Nate and I served, worked together on sanctuary. Kept the community together when everyone started suspecting each other. She was-” She started crying again. “She didn’t deserve this”. He took her hand, eased it away from Sarah's. Wrapped Nora in a hug. She cried, long and deeply into his chest. He desperately tried to think of something he could do or say to help her feel better. He knew she grieved, but she always seemed to handle it so well. He’d never seen her so deep in it before. 
“She died a long time ago baby, she hasn’t felt nothin for a long time.” He tried to reassure. Nora nodded, heaved in his arms. 
“I know, I know it was so long ago and god-” She paused, sobbed, sniffed and took a deep breath. “I hope you’re right but”. Her voice dropped to a whisper, he could feel her gripping the front of his coat tight. “-It’s been a year for me”. 
And fuck, it had been a year for her. He had always respected her, didn’t really know if he could admire her any more, but it really had been a year since she woke up from what felt like a nap to the end of the world and her family, and walked it off. Managed to avoid dissolving into grief long enough to make the commonwealth an objectively better and safer place to live. He didn’t know how anyone did that. 
“Can I see the locket sunshine?” He wanted to get a glimpse of her life before the war, of who this Sarah was. She nodded, pulled away enough to open the locket, let him see the picture on the inside. 
“Hers has the same photos” It was a photo of the two of them on a lush beach, holding each other wearing bikinis and making a heart with their hands together with the sunset lighting them. Nora was plumper than she was now, paler too with a light speckling of freckles. Her hair was longer, tied back with a braid. Sarah had cornsilk blond hair and more freckles than Nora, with bright green eyes. She wore a large beach hat and held an open wooden fan behind Nora. they both looked incredibly happy. 
“She helped me with shawn too, helped make sure Nate didn’t go insane. Always brought her guy Buck along to help.” She turned the little panel in the center of the locket to show the photo on the other side. A man who must be Nate pressed a kiss to the head of a sweaty and flushed Nora, a rather muscular clean shaven man with brown hair and a few scars, wearing a sweater and holding what must be baby Shawn. Nora was beaming, eyes on her son, holding a finger up to the child so he could take her finger in his tiny grip. Kneeling by the bed, Sarah held up a peace sign to the camera, her other hand in Nora’s grip. A redheaded man with long curly hair and a goofy smile seemed to be holding the camera, himself at a very awkward angle. 
“She sounds like a lovely person” Hancock spoke, ran a finger over the edge of the locket. 
“I should have never gone in that vault”. Nora spoke in one quick breathe. 
“Don’t say that sunshine” Hancock pulled her close again quickly, ran a hand through her hair. “You’re the best thing to happen to this joint in centuries-”. Nora pushed at his chest.
“But maybe the whole place would be better if the past could stay dead. I mean, making super mutants, half of the creatures out in the wasteland, even the bombs, it was all to protect people stuck in the past. If-” He hated this line of reasoning. It felt eerily like the time Nora came back from the Institute. Another way for her to blame herself for the world. 
“Baby, it was your old world ideals of decency, your old world family loyalty, your old world education and cleverness and experience, that made it possible for you to do what you do. You didn’t cling to that, you used it, shared it. Brought us all a little closer to that ‘common decency’ you talk about all the time. You-” He used the space Nora created to hold her face, brush some tears away. Made her look at him. “You’re a fucking miracle baby. I know it hurts, I’ll always be in awe of how you handle it, but I am so glad you made it.” Nora nodded, closed her eyes and leaned back into his arms. 
“I wish anyone else could have made it too”. She sighed, turned her head to look at Sarah once more. Nora had calmed her sobbing, just looking at Sarah with wet eyes.
“Do you wanna bury her?” Nora nodded immediately, trying to get up on shaking limbs. He pushed her back down. “I’ll dig, you cover me, yeah?” Nora nodded. 
“Thanks, John” Nora spoke quietly when he turned to set to work. 
“Ain’t nothing baby.” He spoke calmly. “Ain’t nothing”.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Lovers & Strangers - Chapter 25
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It’s been three months since Ethan kissed me in Tampa. I tried to convince myself that it happened because he was upset, but he brushed it off and acted like nothing happened for the rest of the weekend then basically ghosted me. I thought he was a stranger before but the last few months demonstrated a new relationship between Ethan and I. I never really go to grieve the loss of my friendship because I refuse to tell Mark what happened. 
Ethan didn’t end up staying until the end of April with me like he promised instead Mark did. I got back to Alberta mid-May because I wasn’t ready to leave Mark yet and I really didn’t want to go home to work at my father’s law firm. Leaving Mark was hard but the thought of being around Ethan at family get-togethers over the summer made it harder to go back. 
This was the first year that Ethan didn’t show up to our families Canada Day party and it was the first Canada Day I spent crying in my bedroom instead of watching the fireworks. I saw him for the first time while being home the day after Canada Day when he was almost forced to be at his family's bbq. My family walked out onto Ethan’s back porch and instead of going over to Ethan and Brett I walked over to Josie and Riley, young daughter’s of Ethan and I’s parents that also come to these get-togethers. They are kicking a soccer ball back and forth to each other and I sit in the grass and watch them. Josie who is only 4 smiles at me then makes her way towards me after kicking the ball back to 6 year old Riley. 
“Y/n!!!” she says running and giving me a hug
“Hey Jos!” I said, hugging her back, “Hey Riley!” I greet the older sister as well, opening my arms wider for her to join the hug. 
“Mommy said you an Efan can- can take me and wiley to the park!” Josie says loud enough to get Ethan’s attention
“Yeah! Let’s go!” Riley chanted
I look over at Ethan who is already looking over here before I turn my head back to the girls, “how about after supper?” I say excitedly but Josie crosses her arms
“No!” she shouts, “Efan will take me then” she says running to Ethan, I sigh and look down at Riley and smile. She rolls her eyes at her little sister as she runs to Ethan making me chuckle. 
“Y/n, girlfriend! Come here, we need to catch up!” Denise, Riley and Josie’s mother yells from across the deck. 
I shake my head and chuckle then look down at Riley, “Let’s go sit with you mama” I say and she follows me to the outdoor sectional where her mother is sitting. “Hey Auntie D” I say to her and she squints her eye at me
“You have a lot to tell me about your school year missy” 
Denise is probably the adult I am closest to. She fits the ‘cool mom’ persona perfectly. When I was young and wanted to run away she would always open her doors for me and let me talk shit about my mom. She was also my mother’s biggest supporter so she was always quick to defend her and was usually the mediator in all my family fights. 
“Yeaaaaaah” I say looking over at Ethan and then back at her
“Riley, moms gotta be mean to Y/n for a second” Denise says to Riley and Riley looks back at her with wide eyes then to me before looking back to her mother and nodding her head before running off to sit with Josie, Ethan and Brett. “Missed you last night during fireworks” she starts
“Missed you yesterday when I was sitting by myself at the pool” I say back to her as they couldn’t make yesterday afternoon because the girls had a soccer jamboree
“Ouf, your mother was right about this new attitude you’ve been wearing” she says jokingly, “what happened between you two?”
“Nothing” I say looking down at my feet
“Okaaaay” she says, “Well then tell me about Mark”
“Is there anything my mother hasn’t told you?” I say with a chuckle and she fake thinks to herself
“Hmmm, no” she says making me laugh
“He is my boyfriend, and I haven’t seen him since May, but he is coming here soon. You will have to meet him” 
“How did you two meet?”
“Like my mother hasn’t told you” I say and she laughs
“She has, but I wanna hear your story”
“He is Ethan’s best friend”
“Oh, so they both got some action?” she says jokingly
“D!” I say as my cheeks begin to blush and I cover my face as we both laugh, she scooches over and gives me a hug as we laugh at the situation
“But seriously, call me about this stuff. I know you don’t want to go to your parents about this stuff but I will”
“I know” I say as we pull away from each other
“Okay, I won’t pester you with anymore questions” 
“Actually, I need to talk to you about something” I say looking back at Ethan before looking back at her
“Oh, so we are looking back at Ethan” she says nodding her head
“Yeah, after they lost in Tampa. He came to my room and kissed me” I told her, “well we kissed each other”
“And what did Mark think of all this”
“He doesn’t know” I tell her and she rolls her eyes
“Because he was right about how I feel about Ethan”
“You love him?”
“I think so”
“Well what about Mark?”
“He told me he loved me before Frozen Four and I can really see myself loving him but Ethan and I’s kiss has me confused” I say and Denise wraps her arm around me and I rest my head on her shoulder, “Everything is so confusing and complicated between Ethan and I and it’s so easy with Mark”
“Well, love is hard. One day you will know. It’s all about how you feel”
“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know why my life is so hard” 
“Oh Y/n/n. Everyone has a little trouble in their life” she smiles at me
“Hey” Denise and I both look up and see Ethan holding hands with Josie, “Jo and Riley want to ask you something”
“Y/n” Josie starts taking me by surprise as I thought Ethan was talking to Denise, “Wanna pway at the park wif me, Wiley, and Efan?”She asks me and I look at Ethan. He awkwardly smiles at me. 
“Did you ask your mama if we could?” I say to Josie looking at Denise. Denise smiles at me lifting an eyebrow
“Of course you guys can go”
I stand up and Riley reaches for my hand to take as we follow Josie and Ethan. We make our way to the edge of the driveway and Josie already starts
“Efan, I don’t wanna walk” she says stopping crossing her arms
“Well that’s how we are going to get there” Ethan says to Josie kneeling down to her height
“I want up!” 
“Fine” Ethan laughs, giving in to the grumpy 4 year old. 
Ethan picks up Josie and we all walk to the park. Ethan and I don’t say anything during the entire walk there. We get there and the two girls run to the jungle gym and I made my way over to the swings. Ethan soon followed. 
“Want a boost?” Ethan asks, coming over to where I sat on the swing. 
“Sure” I smile as he walks behind me
“I’m sorry about- you know” he starts as his hand find my lower back giving me a light push
“About kissing me or cutting me out of your life completely” 
“All of it” he says, “kissing you in Tampa, sleeping with you in general I guess. I’m the reason we aren’t friends anymore, I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you”
“You regret everything?” I say as tears build up in my eyes as I regain the shitty feeling I felt last night. 
“I guess”
“Stop” I say and Ethan backs away from the swing as my feet drag across the park pebbles to stop me from swinging. When I finally stop swinging, my head drops and I cry, “Stay with the girls” 
I leave Ethan and the girls at the park and walk back to Ethan’s. The walk back I made sure to clean up my face enough to go back to the bbq but before turning onto Ethan’s street I decided to continue walking down the street to my own. 
I wasn’t even there for an hour before there was a knock at the door, I get up and walk down the stairs and open the door to see Denise and the girls. 
“Ethan told them you were sad” Denise says and Josie lifts her hand up with a hand full of dandelions. 
“Thanks Jos” I say accepting the flowers
“Are you still sad at Efan?” Josie asks
“So are you and Efan still getting mawied?” Josie asks and I chuckle and shake my head
“No, we aren’t” I say chuckling at how cute she is, “Who told you that?”
“Mommy and Daddy” Riley says and I look up at Denise
“Oops” she says then looks down at her girls, “Y/n has a different boyfriend”
“Wanna meet him?” I say to the girls and they giggle with excitement. 
I walk into the house and Denise and the girls follow. I reach for my phone and Facetime Mark. Mark answers and a smile stretches across his face when it connects
“Hey sexy” he says and my eye widen and an awkward expression crosses my face as I shake my head. “Oh, you aren’t alone?” he asks and Denise laughs
“Mark this is my auntie Denise I was telling you about and he two daughters Riley and Josie”
“Hey guys” Mark says waving awkwardly making me giggle
“Hey sexy” Riley says mimicking Mark making everyone laugh
“Don’t repeat anything he says” I say and the two girls giggle
“You still at the bbq?” Mark says and Denise butts into the Facetime frame
“No, we are trying to get her to come back” she says
“What’s up?” Mark says to me, knowing that something is up. I look over at Denise and tell her I’ll be over soon. They leave and I look at my phone
“Ethan” I say and bite my lip as he sighs
“Still not talking to you?” he asks
“He is just being mean to me, I lost a friend Mark”
“I’m sorry babe. On the bright side, 2 more weeks and I’ll be there”
“I can’t wait” I say as I begin walking back to Ethan’s
“You heading back over?”
“Yeah, walk with me?”
“I’ll do my best a thousand miles away” he says making us both laugh. He stays on Facetime with me until I get to Ethan’s. 
“I just got here” I say walking up the stairs to Ethan’s back deck. My mother runs over to wave to Mark and along follows Ethan’s mother to wave as well. I introduce Mark to all of my parents other friends as my boyfriend. 
“And this is Terri-Lynn, she use to be married to my dad’s brother” I say and Terri-Lynn rolls her eyes then waves to Mark, “Terri this is Mark, my boyfriend”
“And my best friend” Ethan says behind me and I awkwardly look away. 
I leave the deck and go into Ethan’s kitchen alone so I could finish my call with Mark, “See what I mean. Like why did he have to say that as if he is trying to embarrass me?”
“Ignore him babe”
“I can’t”
“You ignored my jackass when I acted like that” he laughed
“I guess you’re right”
“Okay, well go hang out with Riley, and Denise, and Donna, and Bob, and Greg” Mark says continuing naming random names making me laugh
“Bye babe” Mark says
“Wait Mark” I say catching his attention before he hung up, “I love you” I tell him and he smiles brightly at me
“I love you too” Mark says
“Bye” I say before hanging up. 
I don’t know why I told him I loved him but it felt right. I bow my head down as I leaned on the counter. Do I love him or do I love that he loves me and makes me feel loved. If Ethan was just earlier telling me how he felt would their even be a Mark. Suddenly I am taken away from my thoughts. 
“You love him?” Ethan says pulling me away from my thoughts. I look up and see Ethan’s sad eyes. 
“Ethan” I say looking up and seeing him, “You scared me” I say pushing past him but he grabs my wrist
“Do you?” he says
“Yes” I tell him, shaking his grip from my wrist before making my way out to the deck. I walk out and take a different seat than usual beside Denise. I get a couple weird looks from some of the people from around the table but I don’t even pay attention to them. 
“You alright?” Denise asks me
“Yeah” I fake a smile looking at her. I look around the table and see Will, Denise’s husband in my usually seat beside and empty chair that is usually Ethan’s. “Where is-” she starts but I cut her off.
“I don’t know”
Ethan’s father starts putting the plates in front of everyone before looking around, “Where’s Ethan?” he asks looking at me
“I don’t know” I shrug
“I’ll get him” Brett says sitting up from the table and Riley pushes her chair out too
“I’m coming”
“No baby, sit down. It’s time to eat” Denise says and Riley listens
We begin to eat without Ethan and Brett, and the dinner conversation is kept casual. I do worry about Ethan as Brett returns back to the table without him. Brett joins the conversation as there isn’t anything wrong. 
“Where is your brother?” Ethan’s mother asks Brett
“Said he wasn’t hungry, so I sent him to the store to get some booze” he told everyone
Ethan arrived about a half hour later after everyone finished up eating and made his way to the backyard. I already explained the situation to Denise as we sat away from the big group once again. 
“You are going to have to tell him how you feel, he sounds like he is just hurt” she says, “You’ve been through enough. I’ll go get some deets for you”
“No, it’s okay!” I say, “I promise”
“You don’t want to regret your decision 5 years from now if you truly do love each other”
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jafarlover101 · 1 year
Welcome Back | Sinbad & Younger Sister!Reader
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Warnings: Angst (Kind of?)
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
He still remembers. He remembers it all. The beginning the end the everything. It was his coronation Sinbad and his sister were both excited for it. A few hours before the incident she was helping him get ready for it from hyping him up to helping him actually get ready for it. Sinbad was sweating nervously. He had never done this before and was slightly nervous he would mess up. Yes he’s confident about almost everything but he couldn’t help but having a lump in his throat.
However his sister was always there to calm all of his nerves. Y\N was her name. Oh how he missed having her around. When the ceremony finally began she just disappeared. Sinbad didn’t even noticed until he looked into the crowd after being crowned, his face immediately going from pure bliss to worried then worried to scared.
Sinbad immediately hopped off the elevated grounding and searched in the sea of people seated all of them looking just as confused as the next. “Where is she?!” He said panicked as he searched. “Who?” “Y/N!” He practically yelled as he ran out the building hoping she was just at home or something of the sorts. Ja’far was still in there processing what he was saying “What do you mean she’s not here.?” He questioned himself in his head. Taking a glance around the room Sinbad was right. She isn’t here. However she wouldn’t miss this for the world. Ja’far quickly rose to his feet and ran out the building to find Y/N.
Ja’far quickly caught up to Sinbad who was asking all of the civilians who weren’t there if they had seen her. All of them haven’t. Sinbad was getting more distraught by the minute while Ja’far was trying to keep calm and convincing himself that she was just outside of the city walking around or something.
But that was how many years ago? Sinbad doesn’t even remember at this point it seems like decades. Despite her disappearance Sinbad and Ja’far tries their best to not let it mess with them in their daily lives. Well that was until today.
Sinbad was sitting in his castle with Ja’far by his side before a citizen of Sindria bursts in heavily breathing and slurring their words. “She’s back!” They say while trying to catch their breath. “Who?” Sinbad replies with a confused but intrigued tone. “Y/N!” Ja’far turns to the citizen with widened eyes. Sinbad unable to respond he quickly stands up and runs outside immediately searching for the girl.
Ja’far quickly follows behind Sinbad not believing what the man had to say about her being back. They head to the entrance stopping in their tracks finally seeing her in years. However not only she is back.. this child is too? Multiple questions run around in Ja’far’s head like who is this child? Where did she go for so long? Where did she even get this kid?
All of them to be immediately thrown out once he sees Sinbad in tears going to hug her. He slightly moves the kid to the side to give her the tightest hug. “Sinbad..?” She says while looking at him with a shocked face before hugging him back just as tight. He begins to cry into her shoulder her shirt getting soaked in his tears.
“You’ve grown up!” Y/N says calmly acting as if she hasn’t disappeared for god knows how long. Sinbad raises his head to stare at her analyzing every detail she has making sure that this is real. “I can’t believe your back.. Why did you leave? Were you kidnapped? Who is this kid?” He say bombarding you with all the questions that Ja’far had in mind.
“We can worry about that later.” She says before moving on to greet Ja’far. Without saying a word she just hugs him with all her strength almost suffocating him. Ja’far is still in shock that she’s actually back after so long so he just stands there and stares in awe.
“Y/N..” He mumbles out before his eyes start to water slightly. “I can’t believe it..” She smiles at him softly before introducing the kid to them. “I hope she’s able to stay with us for a while..” The kid stares at both of them before giving them a smile. Sinbad smiling back before leading them both back to the castle.
(He will be Making a huge celebration to celebrate Y/N’s return)
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Thanks for your request! Let me know if you would like a part two
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skylarstark4826 · 4 months
Shuri gives birth by the water.
Well, not exactly by the water, but in a hut that’s built next to the river that borders Wakanda.
The very same river where she first met the man who changed her life a few years back.
Ku’ Kul Khan.
Her love.
He waits outside, with M’Baku, little Toussaint, Attuma, and Namora who float in the river while women from the border tribe flutter around the place, coming in and out of the hut where she is lying in pain, holding onto Aneka and Ayo while Okoye soothes and cleans her forehead from the sweat and Nakia stands between her legs encouraging her to push.
Her screams scare the birds around and they fly away as soon as their wings flap and their legs lift them.
Outside, his expression changes between nervous and worried, and when he tries to get up and go to her M’Baku just drags him back down and pats him on the back of the shoulder blades.
It's a testament to see the great Ku’Kul Khan allow the king of Wakanda to drag him back down to the sand. Nobody who knew him two years before would have thought that he would be so calm by the human’s touch.
Minutes pass that feel like an eternity for the god, and he finds himself truly scared for the first time in his long life. Shuri, the love of his life, is hidden away from him and he feels helpless for not being able to be in there with her, helping her as he should. Around him, the men look ahead at the clear surface of the water where little waves rippled every once in a while and try to ignore the shouts inside the hut.
Then, all of a sudden the screaming stops, and a baby’s cry is heard.
Namor stands.
The men behind him follow and his Generals in the water come out from the river.
Drums start to beat, and music can be heard almost immediately while the women start to come out from the hut. Namor can make out Okoye in the center of the group holding onto a small bundle and dancing along with her sisters. He doesn’t understand their language or what they are chanting and singing, but it sounds...happy and he cannot help but smile.
The women continue to dance around Okoye and his child, because he is certain now that the bundle holds his baby, and he in turn starts to move. To his right, little Toussaint jumps down from where he is nestled in M’Baku’s arms and runs to the Dora Milaje who welcome him with huge smiles on their faces and allow him to pass to where Okoye is still dancing.
When they turn and realize that he is making his way to them, they allow him to go through, not making a single move to attack. The joy of having a new baby for their royal family amongst them makes them soften towards him and they give him congratulatory smiles and cheers as he walks. Okoye lifts her eyes from where she is focused on watching over the baby and stops singing. The former General of the Dora Milaje greets him with a nod and passes him the bundle of white cotton in her arms.
He grabs the baby with one hand by its little head and the other by the little feet that peak through the blanket and immediately he starts counting little toes and fingers.
Five little fingers in each hand, and five little toes in each foot.
The baby is already perfect and he hasn’t seen the face yet. Though he is a little disappointed when he checks the ankles and finds that the baby didn’t inherit his wings, nonetheless, he is happy.
The baby lets out a yawn and Namor finally looks up.
A baby girl.
He is the father of a little girl and his heart swells with pride.
She grabs his finger with her two little hands and stares at it with curiosity. He lets her explore for as long as she wants and doesn’t move, not wanting to scare her with a sudden movement while he in turn explores her beautiful face.
She exudes calm, and, it’s a little strange because moments before she was crying so hard that she spooked what was left of the doves around the place.
Ku’ Kul Khan takes a moment to memorize her expression and he smiles at her. His daughter’s eyes were dark, almost black, and her little face round and chubby, though her hair felt soft to the touch and straight, he couldn’t help but chuckle when he realized that it was spiked and all over the place. Her skin is neither dark nor tan, she is rather mixed, and if someone were to ask him he would only be able to describe the color as a chestnut-type of color.
She seemed to be a perfect blend between his love and himself.
Drops of water fell on the blanket and the baby’s little belly and she made a noise that Namor figured out was to show her discomfort at the new sensation. Then he realized that the drops of water had come from his eyes and that he was crying.
That was another new feeling. Crying of joy.
Tears of joy were something that he had never experienced in his five hundred years alive, they were something that he didn’t even feel when his mother was alive and he remembered how much she loved to tease him for that.
“Ku’ Kul Khan, you will meet a woman one day that will make you cry tears of joy for all the happiness she will give you and when that day comes, you’ll think of me, and wherever I am, be sure child, that I will be laughing...” She used to say to him whenever he came back to her complaining about the sappy couples around their city and how they interrupted his games with his friends.
And by Chaak, his mother was right, because here he was now holding his firstborn child with a heart full of joy and feeling the greatest love he could feel for her and her mother.
He didn’t know when, but he had stopped feeling like “el niño sin amor” a long time ago and it was all thanks to Shuri and everything she had shown and taught him about what it was to love someone. He owed his wife so much and he didn’t even know where or how to begin repaying her.
But he had a good start now, with their baby.
He would love and protect her and Shuri until his dying days and Chaak help him, he would try his best to be the best father he could ever hope to be for his little girl and the best husband Shuri could need and want. They would not know hunger or pain. His girls would only feel happiness and love and protection.
Around him, the people were still quiet, allowing him his privacy with the baby. He felt movement a few moments later and found that Nakia, Aneka, and Ayo had left the hut and were standing next to the door.
Nakia motioned him to enter the place and he cleaned his eyes, wrapped the baby better in her blanket again, and walked inside. The door was large enough for him to pass comfortably but he had to lower his head a little bit when he was already inside. The hut had only two rooms, a bathroom, and the room where he was standing. In front of him, lying on a bed was Shuri with a small smile on her tired face.
“Did I do good my Ku’ Kul Khan?” She teased him.
He could only give her a loving smile as he passed her the baby.
“So good my love, I’m so proud of you,” He said as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Shuri hummed pleased and placed the baby closer to her naked chest.
“Have you thought what we’ll call her?” He asked as he laid down next to her carefully.
Shuri hummed again and grabbed his left arm to lean into.
“I know that our customs dictate that we give her a name according to our own cultures, but I was thinking that we should do something different...” She said before kissing his bicep.
Namor looked down at her with interest then. “What do you propose?” He asked her.
“I was thinking of a Greek name. Melinoa. We can call her Meli for short.” She replied.
“And what does Melinoa mean?” He asked again.
“I looked it up, it means propitiation-minded. And it’s a good meaning Ku’ Kul Khan, with it, she can be the one who can fully bring peace between our kingdoms when her time comes to reign Talokan.” Shuri explained to him before looking down at their baby who continued to look at them with curiosity.
Namor seemed to think about it.
“So, the one who placates and brings peace?”
Shuri nodded.
“I...like it.” Namor smiled and kissed her.
“Gurgh...” the baby nestled between interrupted making her parents split and laugh out loud.
“Yes, Meli, we know, we like your name too...” Shuri whispered before leaning down and placing a kiss on her little forehead.
At that very moment, the rest of their family decided to enter the small hut, and Toussaint all but ran from M’Baku’s side to the bed.
“Can I see the baby, Auntie Shuri?” He asked jumping up and down with a huge smile.
“T’Challa! Let your auntie rest!” Scolded Nakia from the window on the other side of the room.
Namora rolled her eyes but a small smile could be seen underneath her breathing mask.
“It’s okay Nakia” Shuri lifted herself on the bed as her husband made sure that the blanket covered her naked chest. “Here, seat him down love,” She asked Namor to lift her nephew so that he could crawl to her.
The young boy was immediately enthralled by the newborn in front of him and took great care to hold her as gently as possible when Shuri and Namor sat him down between them and gave him the baby.
“This is your cousin T’Challa, can you promise me that you will take care of her and protect her as she grows?” Shuri looked into her nephew’s eyes as she asked him this.
Toussaint nodded as solemnly as an eight-year-old could and then looked down to trace his baby cousin’s face with the pads of his fingers. Then, all of a sudden, the baby let out her first proper giggle and Toussaint looked up at his mom with a huge smile on his face.
“You heard that mommy? She laughed with me!” He told her excitedly.
“Yes baby, she must like you very much already!” Nakia encouraged her son and next to her Ayo shook her head with a smile.
“So, have you thought of a name?” Aneka asked from where she was standing next to Ayo.
Shuri and Namor shared a look and a smile.
“We decided not to give her a name from one of our cultures and go with a different route.”
“What do you mean?” Okoye asked confused and Attuma who was close to her by the door narrowed his eyes. Around them, the rest of their family was as confused as the former general of the Dora Milaje.
“Shuri and I had been talking ever since we found out that she was pregnant that we didn’t want names that could tie them to our cultures. We felt that it would be binding to the baby to have such a heavy burden, with her being wakandan and talokian seemed enough, and we also didn’t want to give her names that already had a past in our cultures...we wanted something new and entirely hers, so Shuri decided to investigate and looked for names of different cultures around the world and we just agreed on one.” Namor explained.
The Wakandans still looked confused. But the Talokians were even more so.
“We decided to name her Melinoa, and she’ll be known as Meli from now on.” Shuri proudly said.
Everybody went silent.
“Isn’t that the name of Hades and Persephone’s daughter? You know, the one from the myth?” Nakia asked breaking the silence.
“Yep,” Shuri looked happy at the fact that Nakia had managed to make the connection.
“Interesting choice Shuri” M’Baku said from the door.
“Well, I like it, auntie,” Toussaint said expressing his support for his aunt and Namor shuffled his hair playfully.
“Thank you ‘Challa” Shuri looked at her nephew with a smile.
“Reina Melinoa of Talokan” Namora tried the feeling in her native tongue and when she found that she liked it, she nodded at Attuma who followed doing the same.
“She would be the first of our kind to reign with a foreign name, but I must say that I support the decision cousin, even if it's a little unorthodox...” Namora spoke again looking at her king and queen in the bed.
“Thank you child” Namor expressed his gratitude to the younger woman. Namora nodded before heading back out of the hut. She had promised to tell their people when the heir was born and she was now returning to the water after having seen her new cousin.
Attuma turned to follow her but not before grabbing Okoye’s hand and turning her around to put their foreheads together and whisper something to her. When the two talokians left the small hut, M’Baku was finally able to enter, but just like Namor, he had to lower his head a little bit so that it wouldn’t go through the roof of the place.
He then leaned down again and kissed Shuri on the cheek before going to stand next to Aneka. Shuri then decided it was time for them to hold the baby for the first time and ordered her husband to pass the baby to Ayo who looked slightly lost at the art of holding a baby but soon with Aneka’s help she got a hold and was whispering sweet nothings to her little ears.
After the couple held Meli, it was M’Baku’s turn and Shuri laughed at how tiny her baby looked nestled in his big arms. He stuck his tongue out at her in a playful manner and she laughed even harder. Okoye, of course, passed as she had already held onto the baby and was content to keep hugging Toussaint.
By the time the baby made its way to Nakia, Meli was already fast asleep and more than happy to stay in her aunt’s arms.
“She reminds me a little bit of the queen Shuri...” Nakia whispered.
Shuri's throat constricted and the hormones took over for a moment, making tears fill her eyes and fall onto the bed.
“She does, doesn’t she?” She asked after finding the strength to speak.
Nakia and Okoye nodded.
Namor hugged her from the side and kissed her on the side of her head before leaning down and cleaning her tears away.
“She looks down on you both and I’m sure she’s proud Shuri” Okoye comforted her.
“Thank you Okoye,” Shuri said turning to look at her.
Okoye only nodded, cleaning her tears away.
And for a moment everybody was solemnly quiet, enjoying the happy moment and thinking about the royal family who they were sure, were looking down at Shuri with pride.
Then M’Baku spoke breaking the silence.
“So...when will you be having the next one?”
Shuri just threw a pillow at him while the rest of the people in the room laughed.
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Untold (Shino x OC) Chapter 4: Speak your mind!
Shino sat there with his brother, his father was tagging along and sat quite near them too. Fuu did not know if he should stay or go, but Torune’s hand touching his wrist was all he needed to know that he needed him near him. Shino saw her back disappear into the other compartment, his eyes were fixed, sweat was clearly seen in his forehead and neck. Never, never has he felt like that. He could not name his feelings unable to decode what she needed. Everything seemed clearer when he saw his name on the list. When he finally saw it the only thing in his mind was… “Now, now I can be with her. Now, I can give her everything.” He thought that everything would be rather easy from that moment onwards, but quite the opposite. His mind was confused.
His father touched his shoulder, bringing him back to the table where they sat. The noise of the engine started to fade while the voices of people rose. He was back, paler than usual. “She has never said no” muttered Shino “That doesn’t mean that she did not know the word” his father’s words were softer “It has been three years since she has been able to see his family completely. Three years since she touched her home. She can feel nervous about it son.”
“It is not that, there is something going on with her” Torune looked directly to his brother “Have you done something to her?”
“I’ll never think of such a thing”
“It could have been a misspoken word” Fuu venture “Sometimes we do not fully notice how our words can affect others”
His brain rushed to every meeting that they have had since the day they met, checking every detail, the box in his chest felt heavier than ever. “Shino, calm.” Shibi’s fierce eyes, hidden under the shades, tried to keep his heir calm “There is nothing to worry. She hasn’t seen his family. Every time that she came here either one of them were on a mission, or she had to stay in the living room.”
“With me…” Shino stopped his father “I…She was there last time and everyone was there and she wanted to go and help with the rebuilding of the house but...” Shibi’s hand was faster than his son’s words and grabbed his shoulder fiercely “She loves you. His father was the one that told her to stay with you and help you with your studies. What is more, his father was afraid that she may suffer any injury helping with the house. Calm Shino, do not lose your senses.”
“But… even on her birthdays I… She could have gone with all of you”
“Then be sure to amend those birthdays.” His father stopped his grabbing, his eyes looked worrisome, his eyebrows in an arch and his lips dry. Now, he got how his own father must have felt when she was trying to profess his loved to Shino’s mother. Scare, lost, hopeless, happy, down, up… Everything at once and nothing at the same time. The sweat was overflowing, not even in combat or when he trained. Shibi felt…fear? He feared how his son’s heart will react to a negative, although both parent and daughter6s signs were clearly positive about it, he could not think of a negative outcome, something that scared him. Like when Torune wanted to ask Fuu’s hand in marriage too.
The door opened it was Reina. She looked paler too almost as if she had thrown out everything that she possibly could have had before. Her eyes were looking for a reassuring face, instinctively she looked at Shino, who return the gaze. It was just a few seconds, but she already felt better, the subtle pink in her nose was sign of such; however, out of nowhere she suddenly looked at way as if frustrated. The pink became red all over her cheeks too, as if she were angry. Shibi noticed, had his son done something to upset her? A roar, a stampede, her sisters burst into sigh sizing her “Let’s go, buggy! Let’s go!” and puff she was nowhere to be seen anymore. Shino rose and followed, Torune grabbed his hand “Let her…” “She has been crying” He did an abrupt movement with his hand and followed them. Shibi looked at his son’s back, that of a loving man. He an elite shinobi did not notice that her face was that of someone who had been crying, instead he thought that it was the face of someone in love, bleeding out of love.
Torune looked at him too. Shibi just looked at the door, Shiori appeared and got closer to them. “Sorry to interrupt but, can I talk with Torune for a moment?” Shibi left the table without questioning going after Shino, Fuu went to the Yamanaka’s table. The teacher’s father was decided to see what was happening with them. He saw him having quite a harsh conversation, well, he was silent while Chikako kept talking “What is wrong with you? Let her cry in peace you have already mess with her enough!”
“What? I…I “
“I.. I … I… TALK! Damit TALK WITH HER!” The bathroom door opened abruptly, and Reina’s face appeared “Shut both of you! “ She looked at their faces “Leave me please. Is too much to ask for a little bit of time for myself? Am I asking much to both of you and what?” Her tears were more than visible even she had a running nose. “Sister please”
“Shut UP!” She screamed and some curious faces looked at them “Just… please… “ the buzzing grew louder. She covered her face with her hood, she run into the bathroom again clearly hyperventilating. Shino stood silent while Chikako entered back. His buzzing started to grow too, his breathing was heavy, he touched his heart. “Shino” his father’s voice startled him.
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mmelionsblog · 2 years
Family Dinner || Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
part TWO of (Caught!)
warnings: make outs (almost!caught), cussing, neck kisses ( mwah mwah mwah )
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It had been exactly a month since you’ve seen Maverick, due to you being grounded. Your parents and family were fed up of your love sick feelings for the guy so you had gotten un-grounded two days ago, and you wanted nothing more than to patch those awkward feelings away with your dad and Mav; what better way to have a family dinner with your said boyfriend?
The two of you were walking hand in hand around the park close to your house. “I’m nervous,” Mav stated. Your eyes widen, “my Mav- THE Maverick, nervous? Of my dad?” You chuckle out with a smile.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “he literally beat the shit out of me when he found out we were dating.” You shrug. “S because I brought a guy over without permission. He would’ve been cool with you if I told him.” His mouth dropped.
“So if we told him at the start of our relationship, we would’ve been best friends?” He wailed. “Maybe..” you teased, giggling as Maverick picked you up and twirled you around in the air.
The two of you both acted as if you both had gotten married right then and there. Not noticing a couple of kids who were gagging at the sight of you, only until you felt stares from the mom’s fiery eyes on both of you. You apologize with an awkward smile and the two of you ran off, towards Mav’s bike before it was too late for dinner.
8:30 p.m when Mav entered, dressed in his usual attire. Tight jeans, a white shirt, bomber jacket, and two dog tags. Your father was still not pleased of him being in the house. “Well hello there Pete.” Your mom greeted, giving him a kiss on both cheeks. He smiled brightly, “hello Mrs (L/n). How’s your day gone by so far?” And then he started off a conversation.
It was a blast with him talking to your sister and Mom. Your dad here and there, and you were happy. Way too happy. You felt like your family had grown once again after your cousin’s wedding. You could also tell maverick felt like home, felt like he finally belonged somewhere. He gave you a tight smile and placed his hand on your knee lovingly.
Your dad and Maverick finally got along at the end of the evening, your dad agreeing Mav could spend the night which shocked the family. Shocked Mav even, but he was blessed. Your dad knew he would be deployed in two days so he didn’t want to hear you crying and yapping about your boyfriend.
Your family finally had gone to sleep, your sister across your room. Though you could hear her talking to her other friends on the phone and sometimes hear you or Mav’s name. Mav had entered your room, after brushing his teeth with an extra toothbrush you had for anyone to use ( of course it hasn’t been used yet ).
He took off his bomber jacket, boots, jeans, and t shirt. You were in purple silky pajamas, the ones in the movies that looked so pretty and expensive you had on. Mav was just only in his underwear, so you couldn’t help but check him out.
“Godly,” you mumble to yourself. “Like what you see?” He giggled, your cheeks heated up in embarrassment as you tried to cover yourself. “Don’t cover that pretty face up.” He whispered, his lips just inches away from yours. Your door swung open, “if you two are gonna fuck can you both be quiet for it? These walls ain’t thick and I need my beauty sleep for work tomorrow.” Your sister grumbled, closing the door back.
The two of you stared at each other with wide eyes once again, before going into a laughing fit. Slowly the mood shined for you both, Mav’s face inches away from you. His lips finally touched yours, and your eyes closed instantly while Mav’s fluttered shut. Your lips moved in sync, opening up and him slowly putting his tongue into your mouth.
You moaned lightly, your hands wrapping around his neck while one leg flew over his waist. “You’re so pretty..” he moaned out. Oh how you felt so in love with him at this moment. His hands slowly traveled your body, eager to put them at use. But you had stopped him from going any further. “You don’t want to get caught again do you?” You tease.
His eyes widen, “no, no,” he mumbled. He got behind you, wrapping his arms around you and slowly moving your hair out of the way. You instantly felt safe. With him holding your body, being behind you and wrapped around you, you felt loved and safe.
“My heart hurts,” you admit. He instantly got up. “What? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He whispered, his hands slowly moving all over your body to check the pain. “My heart hurts due to how much I love you,” you giggle out, putting your hand on his cheek. He smiled softly, “you scared me for a second.”
Pete kissed your lips lovingly, before kissing your cheek, kissing your neck, anywhere he could touch your bare skin. He slowly moved to your other side of your body, “this is much more comfortable,” he mumbled as he pressed his face into your chest. You giggled, “you like getting squished, do you?” You had asked him.
You can feel him nod. “Mhm, if I had an option of dying I’d want to get squished from your boobs so hard that I could die from suffocating.” You laugh out loud at his response, wrapping your arms around his head and playing with his hair.
“Go to sleep, lover-boy.” You whisper to him, and you could feel him going limp in your arms. You smile softly, closing your eyes and dreaming a future with him.
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sswissy · 2 years
𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝗌𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝗀𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅
𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆
( I dedicate this chapter to my ghoulies discord, I love you all immensely. )
two days later
All Hallow's Eve was a favorite amongst the congregation but for Sister Imperator it meant being extra meticulous about how the abbey was. With that meant the stress of decorating fell on Bellamira's shoulders. No matter what the occasion was, the Imperator had eyes on her like a hawk assuring the church looked its best. Bellamira cursed herself for volunteering so many years ago but the prideful look of the Imperator was enough for her to suffer. However she would've preferred not having to deal with the other two whiny sisters whose arms were hurting after spreading fake cobwebs everywhere.
"It's not that bad ladies! We just have this last corridor and then-" Bellamira paused once hearing the two start to whine for a break. Preparations for the rituals were incredibly important which meant Bellamira had been swamped with work and hadn't seen any of the ghouls in days. But it didn't mean she was going to complain because it almost seemed like a blessing from Lucifer himself. Bellamira was still quite embarrassed from having a panic attack in front of Swiss after just getting his attention. Now it seemed like he was going to avoid her after dealing with rehearsals. Who would want to put up with someone like herself? Nobody sane enough.
"But if you'd like to take a break, I'll finish up here." She waved them off. It didn't take long for them to scamper off towards the dining hall before Mira continued dealing with the annoying cobweb shit.
"You know you missed a spot, right there!" Rain teased while leaning against the wall which Mira was decorating. He hadn't been surprised when Mira boggled herself down with work since the little incident but none of them could confront her with the stressful rehearsals. However that didn't mean that Rain hadn't been worried or Swiss hadn't been on edge not seeing Mira after being so attached to her hip the last week.
"To think I missed you so much, Rainy. Can you move over a bit this way?" Mira grabbed another handful of cobwebs and dealt with the light fixture next to him. It had truly felt like forever without the ghouls around but she would've suffered through even longer to save her the embarrassment.
"I know you're avoiding us, Mira. Especially Swiss who hasn't been able to focus the last few days at rehearsals." Rain made a tsk noise while screwing with the cobwebs to mess with her. Bellamira gently smacked his hand away before shuffling down the corridor to continue working.
"It's not that I'm avoiding him, I feel foolish." Bellamira grumbled. She hadn't even fallen over herself or walked into a pillar the past few weeks but this was ten times worse.
"He doesn't think worse of you, idiot. Swiss actually cares about you more than you realize it." Rain thumped her on the head. He loved his friend but sometimes the girl just didn't look at the bigger picture in front of her.
"Stop bullying me, Rainy." Mira nudged him away from where she was decorating next. "I just hate how I was doing so much better and then I had a mental breakdown in front of him. He needs someone whose more confident and strong, not some weak whiny girl like me." She sniffled trying not to cry again like she did last night.
"Can you stop for one second and just think clearly? Swiss likes you. That means he likes how clumsy you are, the way you ramble about random things, and that you aren't like the other confident sisters here. You're genuinely a special person, Bellamira so please see that and don't ruin this. It would honestly hurt Swiss more than you realize." Rain gently shook her shoulders.
"Should I uh- talk to him?" Bellamira whispered staring at her polished Mary Jane's. Perhaps Rain was right this time as much as she hated to admit it. Because he would definitely gloat about this for weeks to come if Mira agreed.
"Yes, I think you should." Rain nodded. Swiss had also wanted to talk to Mira but hadn't been able to get away from Papa long enough. They had to practice several songs for the rituals as well as prepare for the Hallow's Eve party that was thrown every year. Which Bellamira was adamant about not going to in fear of a repeat of last year.
"Can you take me to him, please?" Bellamira asked. Rain grabbed the ball of cobwebs in her hands and tossed it in the box of decorations next to them. It was actually a shock to him that Mira was agreeing to speak to his brother so fast. But he wasn't going to question it any further and dragged her down the corridor to where the main stage was.
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Dew was continually throwing pics at Aether who kept blocking them while laughing hysterically. Papa had given them a short break after continuous hours of work due to Sister Imperator breathing down his neck. Cirrus and Cumulus was twirling around the stage trying to stretch out their limbs a bit. Mountain was downing another bottle of water thanks to the heat up in his hive. Swiss however was crouched down hugging his guitar while waiting for Rain to come back from his mission.
It had been awful without seeing Bellamira those last few days even with rehearsals attempting to distract him from the fact. Swiss would've usually been able to handle it but it had grown into a dull ache overcoming every other sense of his. During the first day of rehearsals, he was able to kind of ignore it until yesterday when he woke up in a sweat freaking out that Bellamira wasn't next to him. That's when Rain confronted him about whether he had realized that his little human friend was his mate or not. Swiss couldn't exactly hide it to himself that Mira was definitely his mate.
Swiss definitely wasn't used to missing someone so much but it was nearly driving him insane. He couldn't focus on the cues from Papa or the notes he was suppose to be hitting. Dew had become increasingly agitated and had nearly set his platform on fire in protest. Even Papa was feeling some of the unwanted tension in the room. Rain had simply given up on trying to get through rehearsals and set out to find Mira in favor of dealing with Swiss.
"I swear if you ever steal my solo again, I will set you on fire. Do you understand me?" Dew threw another pic quite aggressively as Aether ducked down. Swiss groaned against the neck of his guitar before his tail flickered at the familiar scent of Bellamira entering the room. Her short heels clicking against the staircase leading up the stage as Swiss sprung up and ran towards where she was.
"Thank Satan, you're here princess." Swiss tightly held onto Mira who squeaked in surprise. His entire body cooling down as she nuzzled into his chest. "I missed you so much, please don't disappear for that long again." He could hear the stifled giggles from being pressed against him and he pulled slightly away to see her.
"I uh was a little embarrassed from the other day, I'm sorry." Bellamira sighed. Perhaps it was silly to ignore the ghouls in favor of her own pride. Swiss' tail wrapped around her leg as he kissed the top of her head.
"You don't have to apologize, sweetheart. It's my job to take care of you." Swiss felt so calm now seeing Mira shyly smiling up at him. He hadn't been able to get decent rest worried sick that she was possibly upset with him or worse she was rejecting him. Swiss couldn't help but yawn as the exhaustion was really setting in now.
"Are you sleepy? We could uh always take a nap after you're done?" Bellamira couldn't help cooing as Swiss dropped his head into her shoulder and purred. He reminded her of a sleepy cat that was pawing at his owner for cuddles.
"I would love to sleep with you, princess." Swiss pressed a kiss behind her ear and reluctantly pulled back to see the hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Can you stay right here so I can see you? I don't want you disappearing again." He guided her to one of the chairs facing his side of the stage and Bellamira slowly sat down.
"As long as you deal with Sister Imperator later for abandoning my work." Bellamira laughed. Once she saw the abandoned box of decorations in the corridor, a strict punishment would be awaiting her. Granted the woman had a soft spot for her, it didn't mean Bellamira was exempt from her duties to the church especially important ones like this.
"I'll deal with anything if it means you being here with me." Swiss leaning down to kiss her before Papa called out for him to get his ass back on the platform. Bellamira pulling away to kiss the top of his hand and shooing him away to the stage. He couldn't help glancing back when walking away to make sure she was actually there and it wasn't his imagination. She blew him a kiss and nestled into the chair to get comfy while waiting for rehearsals to end.
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Bellamira couldn't keep up with how fast Swiss was racing down the corridor even with his hand in hers. Multiple sisters fumbling to get out of the way of the ghoul while Mira sent out a few apologizes to them. His long legs helping him get back to his room whereas she was struggling while trying to catch her breath. She leaned against the door of the corridor as Swiss looked for the key in his pockets to unlock it.
"Did I already tire you out, princess?" Swiss teased before grabbing her hand again and walking inside the dorm. It was quite odd not hearing Dew's obnoxious screams or Mountain using his drumsticks on every possible surface around him.
"I'm just a little out of breath is all." Bellamira walked alongside Swiss who was heading towards his room. She was slightly nervous this time around considering being awake and all. Like what if he expected her to do something that she definitely couldn't give him? Well she would've if she wasn't so damn scared.
"Princess, you looked terrified. We're just going to sleep, you can calm down." Swiss kissing her forehead when noticing the wide eyed look on her. She chewed softly on her bottom lip trying to erase the thoughts racing in her mind.
"I'm sorry, I just don't want to uh scare you off or-" Bellamira rambled. She instantly stopped when hearing Swiss laughing softly at her, his hands holding onto her hips and pulling her against his chest.
"You won't be able to scare me off. You're precious, you mean the world to me more than you realize it princess." Swiss slowly walking them over to the bed. Bellamira couldn't help blushing bright red and wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned up to press a kiss on his lips surprising the ghoul considerably. Both of them smiling as the world drifted away from them and savoring the moment being alone for once.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Hello. This is my first request for the Legend of Zelda, so I do not know how to write it correctly. I don't speak English and I'm writing this in a translator, so there may be mistakes here, sorry. In general, I want to see how the reader will react to the fact that Revali, Link and Sidon cheated on her. (something made me feel sad) Thank you in advance ╹▽╹
I'm so sorry something happened to upset you. If it's along the lines of this request give me a name😤👊 anyways thank you so much for requesting!! This ended up being so much longer than I intended but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope this is what you're looking for!
✨ requests are open✨
Warning: angst, cheating
I think with his prickly nature not a lot of people would stick around long enough to get to know how much he cares
But some bitch saw how much he was training to perfect his powers to help Hyrule and couldn't resist
It started off as bringing him lunches and heat pads after a long day of training and then it escalated
They would wrap his wings up and suddenly he was letting them fix his braids. He never saw it as much more than a fan helping him out but you saw differently
It ended up in a big fight when you finally brought up how Revali was allowing this fan to hang off of him like they were his partner not you. You brought up excellent points like how he took such a long time to even trust you with braiding his hair and that he could at least let them know he's in a relationship.
Revali got upset (probably cuz ur right and he can't admit it) and snapped that at least they appreciated him
Yeah bad move. You walked out and bird brain left to train away the pain
You came across his first and decided to head to the shooting range with some peace snacks but what do you find?
You walk up the slope towards the archery range, a container of Revali's favourite snacks in hand. As you approach you see something sitting inside the hut and assume it's him. Sterling your breath you walk into the hut and what you find takes your breath away- not in the good way either. Revali sat there with his wings wrapped around them, too caught up on their liplock to notice you standing there.
The container hits the ground with a shatter, ruining their little scene.
"Don't even try it." You wish your voice didn't sound as broken. No matter how much your heart squeezed in pain from the betrayal, you wanted to come off so much different- angrier. Because you were angry. "Just because we have an argument does not give you the right to run off with your new friend."
Revali flinches at the word and you feel a sick glimmer of satisfaction. He opens his mouth to protest, ignoring your glare. "I-I'm sorry." Your glare darkens and he immediately flounders for the right words. "You accused me of something I didn't do-"
Yeah, not the right words. You wish you could do something, anything to hurt him like he hurt you. But you had to be the bigger person no matter how much you wanted to snap that precious bow of his in half.
"I accused you, not have you permission."
"We can work through this, together" his wing reached out to you, but you recoiled to fast.
"We're not together." You walked towards the entrance "I hope it was worth it."
Link 🗡️
Link is a closed off person. Sure he has people worship him for his title as the hero of Hyrule, but he would never let that get to his head. You could tell this boy he's amazing and it still wouldn't get through his insecurities
Maybe it's cruel but, that almost reassured you he would never break your heart like that. You felt secure in your relationship
That's why it was so shocking when you found out he had fallen for Zelda.
It wasn't meant to ever be more than knight and princess. And you never should have found out.
You were walking towards the stables of your party was staying at. It was supposed to be a simple trip to complete some research out in the plains. Of course your trip was ambushed by an energetic princess who begged to come along for research purposes. You couldn't complain because the addition of the princess also came with your boyfriend Link.
Now you were looking for him outside the small ranch. You fully expected him to be caring for Epona like he always did after a long trip. His love for his horse was something you had always loved about him. The way he would stay later than everyone else to make sure she was okay. It had made stables kind of your spot. Hanging out at the end of a long day to talk and spend time together while caring for your steeds.
Maybe that was why your heart felt so utterly shattered when you did find him, standing next to the stable, with the princess in his arms. Maybe you could have fooled yourself into believing he was being friendly if he hadn't pressed a long loving kiss to her forehead followed by both her cheeks, chuckling softly as she giggled.
You knew they had always been close. I mean they spent all their time together. You'd just never thought that Link would do something like this to you.
You walked away from the stables fighting backs the tears in your eyes. It was only when you found you had walked into an older area, a spare shack outside, that you finally let the tears fall. Your heart twisted in pain as sobs tore from your throat.
Why hasn't you seen this? Why weren't you enough?
Your research trip was almost over. You had gone back late into the night to find Link on the edge of his bed head in his hands. He had shot up to demand where you had been when you finally walked in and although he looked like he wanted to argue, he accepted that you had been organizing your research supplies and notes in quiet.
That had been 3 days ago. You had spent the research trip sticking close to your colleagues, poring over each plant and testing their uses. The princess was too distracted with her own interests to really notice how you shied away from her presence. Link had though. And he was about done with you brushing him off in favour of your work. You both were busy so not having time was nothing new. But this was different. You couldn't meet his eyes and he had caught you staring at him and Zelda as if you were about to cry before. He was at a loss and now he needed to figure things out for himself.
However he wasn't quite ready for the answer.
"I saw you and Zelda together."
His throat closed up. He wanted to say so many things. How sorry he was. How he wished he could have told you himself. How he wished he could hold you and forget how complicated things were.
"it's okay." Now that, he wasn't expecting. "I thought I could be mad at you. Both of you. But I guess... It just makes sense." You sniffled softly. You really didn't want to do this. You hated that it had to be you who gave up. But we're you really going to fight? No. As much as it tore your heart into pieces, you would stand aside for them. "I wish that things hadn't changed but, clearly you don't feel the same anymore and I don't want to hold you back. I love you. So much. But I don't deserve this, and I won't put either of us through the trouble. I hope you two are happy together Link."
As you walked towards your friends to head home Link felt his heart clench. You deserved so much better.
You were a princess from another kingdom, betrothed to Prince Sidon of the Zora. We all know how these things go, neither of you were all that fond of the idea but you would go through with it. For your kingdoms
You tried to be as understanding as possible of the situations, knowing that the prince was just as trapped as you were. So you played along with your parents wishes.
You two went on dates and spent time together, getting closer and closer until finally you kissed him.
Things were great. You were planning your wedding and enjoying the time you spent with your fiance as you prepared for your future
It wasn't until a few days before the wedding when you were trying on your dress that things fell apart.
Your dressmaker had been in a bad mood, grumbling as they worked and even sticking you with needles a few times. You would have brushed it off as a bad day if not for the facts that they seemed so unapologetic.
You finally brought it up, softly asking if there was something wrong and if you could help. They snapped, going off about how you were ruining the princes life and that he didn't love you and was only marrying you for his kingdom and that he deserved to be happy.
They realized their mistake and left quickly, leaving you alone in your wedding dress with shocked tears slipping down your face.
You later made you way to Sidons office, hoping to clear some things up and maybe seek comfort from the one you loved.
What you didn't expect was to find him already comforting someone. Your dressmaker.
You watched as he whispered sweet nothings and reassurances to them. It was when he said no matter what they were the one that he loved when you broke away.
You stood in your room, packed bags beside you. You knew there were better ways to deal with this. You knew that your kingdom was counting on you and thus marriage. You just couldn't go through with it. Not anymore.
You sound around to find the Zora princess standing in your doorway. Mipha had become a close friend in your time in the Zora domain, even feeling like family as you worked closely planning the wedding. She had once told you that you were everything she could hope for in a sister and wife for her brother. You guessed it didn't matter in the end.
Finally you choked out pained words "I can't... I just... I can't do this anymore."
"If you are feeling nervous, I can assure you my brother would never hurt you."
This made you laugh. It was cold, similar to the ice creeping into your veins. "He would. And he did." You cut off Mipha's confusion, wringing a hand through your hair, "Sidon is in love with someone else. I made every effort to work through this engagement despite our... rocky beginning. But he didn't choose me back. He never wanted me, and I won't ruin his chance to be happy."
The room was silent after your outburst. You only noticed the tears when your friend wiped them from your eyes. She offered you a small smile, sharing the pain you felt. She was losing you and still understood it was best for you. You needed to move on and save yourself from a life of pain. A life of being chosen second.
"I hope one day we can meet again, sister."
You let out a choked mix of a son and laugh. Hugging the princess before you grabbed your bags and walked out the door, out of the kingdom that stole your heart and crushed it in its hands.
"I love you, always."
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fun-littlescribbles · 2 years
Maybe… always?
Cause I mean… look me in the eye and tell me domestic G/t fluff isn’t the absolute cutest thing ever. But… I like angst. So welcome to my angst story!
Based on this post by @the-borrower1
Word count: 1400
Warnings: Mild injuries (bruising) and psychological distress
Maybe… always?
Living with people isn’t easy, that’s a fact. Now, living with people 10 times your size… well that’s an experience. Even though Liana had grown with these people her entire life, the size difference made things… complicated. Especially since adding Arthur to the list.
Her mom was caring and careful with her, but you can’t expect that from a baby. A six-year age difference, although fair, still meant that for the most part, they were both kids. And they were.
Thankfully, Arthur had always been a sweet boy. Very gentle and tender with her. Even though some rough manhandling had occurred, (and at least one broken bone for playing a little too high on her part) he never actually hurt her.
He could never. That’s what she thought.
Maybe that was the most painful part of what happened.
The kid was 14, and adolescence sure made itself seen. He was all of a sudden a moody typical teenager. Too shy to talk to girls, but never afraid of consequences at home.
That was what the discussion was about. Arthur got mad at his mom for not getting permission to go to a party, and he had yelled pretty badly. And, well, as a responsible older sister, Liana had tried to calm him down, talking to him.
The discussion between them began to raise, nothing new. They were siblings; they had small fights all the time! Another thing that made his outburst so… unexpected.
He shoved his hand forward and gripped Liana in a fist. With his thumb he twisted her face, pressing hard on her cheek and neck, threatening to break her ribs if she dared to talk back to him.
“Don’t forget that I can hold your life in my hands.” He growled, as he let her fall on the table and walked away.
He didn’t turn back, he even smirked when she gasped for air after falling roughly on the desk. He felt… strangely proud. He had put her into place. She had no right to tell him what to do! It was his life, his problem.
As Arthur walked away, Liana felt the urge to cry. A lump in her throat formed, almost making her feel like she was still choking in his grip. He had never acted like that, never used his size against her, and just now, he had been the biggest jerk ever. Just because she had pointed out the obvious, “you can’t yell at mom like that,” that’s rude Einstein...
But he clearly didn’t see it that way. He almost seemed pleased when she tried to helplessly squirm out of his hand.
He made her feel stupidly small.
Liana didn’t say anything to her mother, because, she didn’t bring the incident up… ever. He expected to be scolded on why treating his sister like that was not good, but it never came.
He had won.
However, she still hasn’t talked to him. 2 full days, her face hadn’t peek through his desk, no snarky comments on his ‘untidy’ and ‘unreadable’ notes… nothing.
He almost yearned for someone to scold him while giving away all the helpful tips to study. No, not someone… he wanted Liana.
Leaving his messy desk behind, he walked to her room. Maybe if he bugged her about it, she’d come and help him with his homework. She always made time for him.
When he walked in, she visibly tensed, slowly raising her gaze to him. He noticed she was all dressed, wearing a warm sweater, dark jeans and a soft beige scarf.
“Are you going somewhere?” He asked.
“Yes. I’m going to hang out with Simon and the others…” she said, her voice monotone and simple.
“Oh. Cause I had this chemistry homework, it’s impossible and-“
“Arthur, I’m not staying.” She interrupted.
“Just 10 minutes. I promise. Just quick.” He stretched his hand to her. But she took a step back. He noticed how she started fidgeting with the scarf. Weird. She rarely wore a scarf, especially not now, mid-October, when the weather wasn’t even that cold.
“Why are you using that scarf?”
“Look Arthur. I mean it. I’m leaving.” She sounded annoyed. But before she could advance, the boy stepped forward, effectively blocking her way through the ledge of the counter.
“Look, if you’re mad about the other day just say it. Even though-“
“What?” She laughed sarcastically. “It’s your life and you can do whatever you want?”
“Watch your tone!” He snarled back, leaning threateningly closer to her. She just stood there, never breaking eye contact, but she did in fact, stay silent.
Suddenly a thought crossed his mind. Was she, scared? She was if she stayed silent at his request. Liana always had something to say. And normally, she would have snapped back at him, saying he was being disrespectful and rude, and how he should be the one watching his tone…
But she didn’t
She did as he said. And suddenly his gut fell. He felt dirty and… guilty
He took a step back, creating a large distance between them. She probably didn’t want him close. He couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered, covering his face with his hand. A habit of his. “I didn’t mean to… I.” He groaned, leaning against the wall and sliding to the floor. A million thoughts popped in his head, each felt slightly worst than the other.
“You can tell me.” The voice startled him. He didn’t notice she had gotten closer. She was now sitting on the edge of the counter, being at eye level with him.
“Don’t you have plans?” He cursed internally.
“I’ll call Simon.” She said. “I can make some time… if you need it.” She paused before the last part. As if she herself was questioning her actions. Maybe she was. Maybe she should.
He just stared at her for a moment.
“I’m sorry I scared you…” she looked surprised by his words. “I didn’t mean to-” he cut off that sentence. His eyes focused on her hand still tangling her fingers between any loose fibers of the scarf. He rose his hand to his neck. She copied his movement, but upon realization looked away.
He rubbed his neck, the movement darted her eyes back to him.
“You sure you want to see it?” She asked compassionately, but with a cold gaze on the ground below her. He could only nod. An awkward, robotic nod.
A purple mark appeared on her lower jaw, stretching almost to her cheek. It then continued downwards, in a dark patch, a blue-ish wound. Exactly where he had placed his fingers.
She took the scarf and fidgeted with it on her lap. “Look. That’s a sensitive area of the skin… it’s only natural-” a loud gasp interrupted her. She saw Arthur’s eyes full with tears. His eyebrows knitted together and his lower lip quivering. He was shaking.
“IT’S NOT!” He cried. “I should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have done that. It was stupid. I was stupid. I was a monster to you…” His voice cracked and waved with every syllable as something invisible pressed his chest. He could only wail on the floor.
She broke him out of his cries for a second. “You know… you can’t just snap at me like that.” Suddenly her eyes filled with tears too. “It’s not… nice.” He nodded between laments and muffled apologies.
He laid there. Crying and sobbing. His chest hurt; every breath felt forced. His heart thumped in his ears, covering his agonizing moans as guilt fell over him. All over him.
“C-could you ever forgive me?” He murmured between soft whimpers. He felt a small hand rustling his hair, looking up, he noticed his sister now leaning on him, balancing on his head and the edge of the counter.
“Of course.” She said just loud enough for him to hear. Her hand went back and forth between his burnt golden curls. She stretched her arm in front of him, reaching her hand, almost as a sign for him to know it was okay to reach for her.
Slowly, and with the most caution he ever had, he cupped her between his hands. Once settled in his palm, she stroked his thumb. Tracing the small valleys of flesh that formed.
He reminded himself that was the source of her bruised neck, and his fingers twitch, but he found support in her hugging them tightly.
“I’m fine… it’s fine” she was close. So close he could feel her pulsating heart reverberating on his thumb. “It’s fine.” She tried to soothe him, talking sweetly, the same way she always did anytime he cried. Regardless if he had been an ass, a total bully. She would always come to his rescue. Whatever was in her hands, she was always there.
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brisbookmark · 3 years
The Three Times Jason Wasn’t Saved- and The One Time he Was
Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: detailed descriptions of torture, angst, character death, blood, needles, knives/ cutting, batfam au where the gangs all here, Robin!Jason, reader can summon weapons, sad ending
His head hangs, he doesn't have the energy. His feet barely touch the ground, and yet he makes no move to stand himself up. They're tingly and fuzzy and cold, as are his hands that are tied above his head. 
Jason Todd hangs in chains like a slaughtered pig, and his breathing is hoarse. His dull blue eyes land on the bloodied crowbar laying on the floor. It's his blood, and it makes him groan in pain. Hyper realization of his injuries hits him and he whimpers. It's low, pathetic, and his breathing picks up.
He doesn’t remember how to wear clothes that aren’t covered in dirt and grime and acid. The fabric of his robin suit sticks to his skin, blending with his wounds. Every small move of limb sends fires of pain throughout his body, and he tries his hardest not to make a sound. 
The Asylum wing is freezing and he’s cold, skin almost blue. He shivers every once in a while- it’s different from when the Asylum is scorching hot and he feels like he’s in hell where he belongs. The hair he used to keep so elegantly messy, it's dirty and scorched and matted and greasy against his head.
And he’s scared.
He knows that if he looks up, he'll see pictures. Taped to the dusty and damp walls of Arkham Asylum. Red circles trace each of their faces, and whether or not it's paint or blood he doesn't want to know.
It’s blood, it’s always been blood.
He can't bear to see their faces right now. Barbara, happy and smiling next to Dick as they enjoy a Gotham carnival. They're happy without him, he always held them back. He was too dependent on Barbara as a sister figure and was just an annoying kid to Dick, they're better now. 
Bruce. With a child on his shoulders. The son Jason could never be. A new Robin, one that could properly fulfill his duties. He was the failure, he was never going to be what Dick Grayson was. Maybe his replacement could, his replacement wouldn't let himself get captured.
Barbara and Selina and Alfred who had only ever taken care of him.
All with red targets around them. Everyone he'd ever cared for. Marked.
Everyone except Y/N, who's picture lay in pieces on the ground. Unlike the others, it wasn't taken by Joker's goons, and it wasn't recent.
It was her student ID from their first year at Gotham Academy. She was young, really young, eyes still bright and skin untainted by the scars of vigilante work. And she wasn't even looking at the camera but rather off to the side, caught by surprise when the photographer flashed his equipment. She hated pictures, and going to school was never a part of the deal. She’s mid laughing and so alive and happy in a world where Jason never hurt her. 
He'd stolen it soon after it was taken, sticking it in his wallet so she'd be forced to ask him for his own. You couldn't access the Academy Library without one after all. 
And the Joker had found it in his pocket and took it and ruined it and tore it and left her in pieces in the corner, her name never spoken from the maniac again. 
Jason assumed that was good. Better to be left in silence than threatened and marked for death. Hell, he couldn’t remember how long it's been since he’s seen her, and he softly starts to whisper her name. She promised him a night out once he found his mother, 
No, he couldn’t. 
Maybe the Joker couldn’t find her, hadn’t figured out her identity. He could keep her safe.
"What's that my boy?"
"No.. no," Robin pleads, the voice of nails on a chalkboard sending fear into his every bone. "Not again, not again."
The Joker comes into view and a weak cry comes from Jason's lips. His body jerks and another cough wracks his body, warm blood spilling from his mouth. Broken ribs, internal bleeding, punctured lung, he has no idea what it could be. If only Alfred were here, or Dick. To let him rest as they fixed him up, took care of him.
His chin is grabbed harshly, the bruising making it worse. The Joker laughs, pushing his face upwards and close to his own. He can smell death and acid on this villain, and Jason whimpers again. 
"How long do you think it's been, Jason?"
The robin doesn't answer. He can't keep track. He tried counting the amount of times Joker visited him, but then again, that was most likely more than once a day. And sometimes it was Harley, or a low level goon dressed like Batman and Nightwing and Batigrl and her. 
Time is a blur to him, he's been in pain too long. Everything hurts, even if someone were to save him now, he feels practically gone already. 
He wanted someone to save him.
"What about it Jason? You think Bats will come? Save his precious son?" The Joker prods, mouth wide.
Jason wants to say it. But the words dont leave his mouth. 
"Go on, don't be scared Jason. Tell me, tell dear old Joker."
"HE'LL COME FOR ME!" he yells, and it uses all his strength to just move his jaw.
"Even when he's better off without you?" The Joker asks, and he bends down to lift the bloodied crowbar. 
No. Please, anything but that. 
"He's going to! He has to!" Jason screams, and then tears start streaming down his cheeks.
The metal finds its way onto his hip, sending his body swaying helplessly as he cries. 
"Tell me, who's hurting you?" The Joker asks, grin never leaving his face as he hits Jason again. 
"Please stop, I'll do anything," the boy pleads, desperately trying to think of anything else. If only the Joker would end him now, let him go free.
"Who's hurting you Jason?"
"YOU!" He shrieks, the crowbar smacking painfully across his chest and ripping at the skin. It's like his lungs have collapsed, he no longer has bones. 
"The, the Joker-"
Jason looks up at the pictures on the wall, squeezing his eyes shut. Blood pours into his mouth and he spits it out, shaking in his chains. "Batman.. batman is hurting me."
The next hit never comes. "Attaboy," The Joker mutters, and then he leaves.
He returns the next morning. Jason assumes it's the next morning, as he's in a new purple suit. Harley gave him a dosage some odd amount of time ago, it must be a new day. His limbs are numb, his wrists are cracked and bleeding. He tries to keep his tongue in his mouth but his jaw is slack and disfigured, it’s increasingly difficult. 
Jason hasn't slept in days. Dark circles accessorize his black eyes, it's a miracle he can see at all.
The green haired man sets a timer in the corner of the room, and the Robin's brain goes into endless loops of trauma. The crowbar, the explosion that almost killed him. His mind wandered to warm arms pulling him out, thinking Bruce had pulled him from the rubble. Except it wasn't his father at all.
Batman hadn't even tried. 
"Jason." The Joker says sweetly, walking around the boy like a predator. The robin is helpless, he's lost all feeling in his limbs. "I thought I might tell you a story today."
The dark haired boy stays silent. He doesn't cry, he doesn't scream, he prays to a god he doesn't know for it all to stop. A bullet, a poison, the world ends in a fiery explosion, he didn't care.
"Just kill me already," he pleads, voice cracking and desperate.
Loud laughter echoes through the room. Jason's head hurts from the sheer volume, and it doesn't stop. It gets louder, and it carries around, and Jason lets out hushed breaths. 
"I can't kill you boy, we're a great team you and I! Would you like to hear my story?"
Jason closes his eyes in anticipation for today's beating.
The Joker grabs his face again, and Jason is groggy. Fading in and out of consciousness. But as his eyes are forced open and the first thing he sees is a blade, Jason screams.
It's a dull knife, long and serrated and bloody and dirty. And in its reflection is the lunatic's face, grinning like mad. The light catches on the razor as the Joker's eyes go wide.
"Wanna know how I got these scars?" He sneers, and Jason cries. He struggles to get away, hanging helplessly from his suspension. Nothing works, and two goons from the shadows hold him still with no thought towards his bruised and broken body.
He's in agony, and he's begging. He's in insurmountable pain and he can't do anything about it. The razor is brought to Jason's lips, presses to the side of his mouth with dull pressure.
He’s muffled now, and he continues fighting. 
"Just,, like, this!!" The Joker yells, dragging the blade upward through Jason's skin at a slow agonizing pace. He wants this to be slow and torturous, and Jason only cries and shakes. It hurts, god it hurts, he's being cut open, and the blood and tears mix and cause him more pain, 
He almost wishes for the crowbar again and once the knife is finished on one side, he screams again. His blood bleeds from the blade and falls onto the floor, joining the rest from the past days. Months? It couldn’t have been years.
“Such a handsome young man,” the joker croons, erupting into even more laughter. “Tell me what brought the chicks in, your crippling daddy issues or your criminal record?”
Jason couldn’t answer if he tried. The Joker grabs his face, almost smelling his newfound wounds, and then pulls back, leaving him in a hanging sway. 
“Let me go..” he pleads, mouth sore. His bright blue eyes are so devoid of color it hurts, and he closes them. Blood and dirt clumps on his pretty eyelashes. 
“Now I don’t think I can do that dear Jason.”
Joker licks the blade clean, it catches on the man's tongue and cuts him, not that he cares. Jason's glad he's not forced to swallow the damn thing.
Well, be careful what you wish for. 
Its sharp edge is brought down his jaw, down his neck, so close to his jugular veins, if only he could shift and catch himself on the blade, he could end it all. 
He starts crying.
He doesn’t know when he stops.
The Asylum walls go black, and he's shrieking. Harley Quinn brings a bat to his body as the Joker moves his knife, and it finds solace along Jason's cold chest.
One cut. Two cuts. Jason screams more. His throat is raw, he doesn't even know where his terror is coming from anymore, it'd been beaten out of him. 
"Bruce-, bruce stop-"
The Joker laughs. "AHA, the boys learning, don't you see? That's right, that's right."
The cuts are few, and after a while they're bearable. The hardest part to deal with is Harley"s high squeals as she beats him. She calls him cute, handsome, a songbird.
"You can't.."
"I can't what Jay darling? Hmm?? What can't I do?" The Queen of crime pouts, and Jason sees red.
"Don't say that," he spits, finding his voice. "That name isn't for you bitch."
The next time the knife touches his skin, it's coated in acid. And he's yelling for it to stop, he's pleading, thrashing around.
His kicks find Harley and he's flown forward and backward, still chained to the ceiling. Its desperate.
"JAY DARLIING," she sings. "Puddin what else gets our birdie going?? Mm? What makes him sing like a good pet. Oh this is exciting!" 
"Jay," Harley flutters her eyelashes, bringing herself close to his face. "Baby? Love? Is it sweetheart?" Her mouth is wide, eyes deranged. "Perhaps it's Mister J! He stares into her gaze, and for a second the jester flinches.
If Jason wasn't suspended and restrained, he'd kill her. He knew it and she knew it and Joker most definitely knew.
"Well Jason, kill her then! Do it loverboy, why won't you end her?" He croons, and Harley feigns sadness. 
"I-" he starts, unwilling to let himself hang in shame. How could he do this? 
"Oh come on angel! Why don't you try?" She shrieks, and then Jason is shouting, further tearing into the cuts along his mouth as he brings his legs up, attempting to wrap them around Harley's neck. 
He doesn't get very far. Someone holds him steady, and the stinging knife is brought back to his chest. An H. An A. Another H and an A. 
Straight across his chest, and then it begins again. Jason's breathing is labored from his attempt to retaliate, and he slips back into his daze of unconsciousness. He can't do this much longer.
Jason can see it in the mirror on the opposite wall. He doesn't remember when that got put there. If he could reach something with his feet he could throw it. Break the glass, pick it up with his feet again perhaps, end this torture-
Jason feels like vomiting. 
Jason vomits on the ground in front of him. Sweat sticks to his skin and he's pale, he feels a fever growing on him. The knife continues lower to his bruised skin. This couldn't get worse, could it. 
The words are engraved on his body, marred by the blood dripping from it. Jason's eyes roll to the back of his head. The trauma puts him to sleep, and the Harley Quinn whispers another "Jay Darling" into his ear before departing. 
Y/N’s picture is gone now, he can't even piece it together in his mind anymore. The scraps are scattered and disintegrated into dust.
This time he hears Harley before Joker, she's hanging off of the clown's arm, looking at him with the adoration of a psychopath. In her hands is a long poker, tip red hot, and she swings it without a care in the world. She giggles as her love comes closer to the half dead boy, untying his chains.
Jason lands on the floor, a crumpled heap of skin and broken bones. His head hits the ground, but it's the most beautiful thing he's touched in a long time.
He doesn't move, curling into a protective ball. 
"Mister J our bird isn't moving," Harley whines, kicking him in the back. He groans, shielding himself as best he could. There's nothing on the ground that's usable, not even a sharp stick or rock, there's a used abandoned needle but it sends him into nausea.
The Joker's laughing brings him back to reality as he attempts to crawl away. The floor is appalling, disgusting, a mix of wax and blood and body fluids that he wished he could forget, but he's let go. 
Jason slams his hands on the cement, using the force to wake him up and pull himself forward. His legs don't work, he's going delirious again, and then there's the sizzle of water behind him.
"Where are you going birdie?" Harley asks, and the Joker takes another step closer. 
"No, no, NO-" Jason pleads. Please let him go, dead or alive he doesn't care. Just get him out of here, make it stop. It's the only word he knows at the moment, every syllable is tortuous to pronounce. He bangs his head on the cement. God he’s going insane.
Stop touching him. Stop hurting him. 
He’s been beaten and tortured and degraded in the worst ways possible. He couldn’t remember what it was like to be human. And still, this was the worst pain yet.
He's pinned down as the hot poker nears his face, the symbol bright red on the end. Like a branded piece of meat. His flesh burns and sizzles as the Joker gives more pressure, and Jason's never screamed louder. 
It's in the intense silence within which he screams with his whole body. It forces its way from deep in his throat, demonic and angry and scared. 
He's hiding a truth from himself, and soon he's not screaming from the burning, but rather that he's stuck here. Forever. 
Edged with the tantalisingly sweet release of death, the Joker will never give it to him. 
The Joker will never let him die, he will never let him go. And now his cursed J is on Jason’s cheek, he’ll forever be the Joker’s pet.
When the brand stick is taken off his skin, Jason is sweating and pale and falls asleep.
"What a shame you couldn't handle it."
Y/N runs through the hallway with desperation. She'd tracked down Harley one night and by some god forsaken miracle, the deranged woman had blood on her skirts.
Another miracle hadY/N sneaking into Wayne Manor to ask Barbara to help her, analyzing the blood samples to track down the Joker.
They found something better.
For a second she believed Bruce's high end, most technologically advanced equipment was wrong. Babs assured her it wasn't. That was Jason's blood on Harley, less than two weeks old. 
The boy looks up, whimpering. He almost doesn't hear her.
"Oh Jay," she whispers from the hallway. She's just a shadow but Jason knows it's her. No one has ever said his name with such gentleness. 
The woman lets out a sob. He's here, he's alive, he's gonna be okay. 
Jason holds back sobs of his own as she runs to him. Her fingers are first to touch him, resting on his chest and trailing over his scars, his wounds and his blood. His torn clothes, the dirt and acid burns. Her hand stops over his heart, beating so slow she would have believed him to be dead.
But this is Jason. He's not dying anytime soon. Especially not if she can help it.
Tears stream down her face as she wraps her arms around him, holding him close. 
He's gonna be okay.
Y/N is immediately supporting him as she conjures a knife to cut him down. His arms are free and he nearly goes unconscious.
She catches him before he can fall. It's not like the Joker when he needs to crawl away like a wounded puppy. He welcomes the other presence in the damp room, shaking. Jason lifts his head, and he doesn't even have to move until she's at his side. It's so different.. he forgot what this feels like. 
Jason forgot what it felt like to have emotions besides fear. 
He curls into her lap, slowly using her body to sit up. 
"Jay look at me, please," she murmurs, holding his face and brushing the hair out of those colorless eyes. "Oh my god I knew it.. I knew you were alive.. Jay I'm so sorry-" she stops herself, kissing the top of his blood matted head.
That doesn't matter now.
"I'm gonna get you out of here, you're okay sweetheart. Stay awake okay? Okay. Stay awake for me please."
Jason nods, hanging onto her. If he lets go, she'll leave. He'll lose her and he'll be stuck here again. She'll fade away.
It hurts to move, every bone and every limb is on fire. Then she's grabbing him and they're standing up, she's practically half carrying him.  
Mumbles of his name fill the empty asylum wing. Js and Jason's and Jay's pass her lips as if just repeating it is gonna make him alright.
One step, and Jason crumbles. He can't walk, it's a miracle he can feel his legs at all. "I'm not going anywhere," he mutters. 
She doesn't say anything. She knows.
Footsteps in the background. Walking, jogging, running. 
Maniacal laughs and snarls and spit.
Y/N bends her knees and slings him over her shoulder in a fireman's carry, and then she starts running. Down one hallway and then the next, the Arkham Asylum is a maze.
"Jay, side of my mask, the-"
"Comms," he finishes, holding the button to turn it on.
"Bat? Batgirl, do you read me?" The girl whispers, ducking into an alcove.
"I'm here. Did you..?"
"I've got him. Babs, he's alive, Jason's alive, he's breathing-" It feels so good to say, to not just breathe an empty statement. 
Crying comes from the other side of the comms. Barbara composes herself enough to speak, but even then, emotion hangs in her voice. "Let's bring him home then, where are you right now? Dicks outside the Asylum with Bruce, don't worry about the thugs or the cameras, we have it covered."
"The Joker's here," Y/N tells Barbara and the air hangs with a pregnant pause. 
"Okay, Tim's gonna have you turn right, we got his signal."
The woman turns, ducking into the darkness.
"Y/N,." Jason wheezes, hanging onto her shoulders with the strength he could muster. 
"Jason if this is one of, one of your 'if we don't make it out' speeches-"
"Nevermind," he replies, wishing he had the energy and the ability to smile. She does, she smiles for the both of them- even if he can't see it from this angle. 
"God I'm going to make him pay for this. Writhing and screaming and begging for me to end him," she threatens, listening for the next of Barbara’s directions.
She's told to go right and through a door.
There's two sets of footsteps now.
Y/N continues, trying to fill the silence. The Joker won’t track her voice, the alarms are too loud. "That doesn't matter now, I guess. You're alive and I- we thought you were dead and it took so long for me to accept that, and I still don't know how I found you but I did and Jay I'm so proud of you-"
"Hey this doesn't mean you can give me a speech of your own," Jason interrupts, and she cracks another smile. She’s rambling like she always does when she overthinks, and he closes his eyes to imagine that they’re once again on a Gotham skyscraper with a bottle of champagne. Spilling secrets and laughing like they weren’t masked vigilantes with secret identities. 
"I love you Jason, and you're not leaving me again."
"HAHA I LOVE THIS GAME-" The Joker yells. His psychotic grin fills Jason’s vision as the maniac throws open a hatch, jumping down into the room. Jason is dropped to the ground and Y/N has her sword in hand, stepping in between the two men. 
His vision is blurry, he can’t see anything, and the ground is warm. 
He can’t succumb. Jason stands up again, grabbing a pistol from Y/N’s leg and he shoots. The feel of a gun trigger isn’t unfamiliar. 
Yelling fills the room, as does the clash of metal and fists, Jason smiles as the Joker cries out in pain. Another door opens, there’s girlish laughter now, and so many footsteps. He keeps shooting, dropping enemies like a second nature because he was Jason Peter fucking Todd. 
Jason’s ribs get stomped on again and he loses his gun, and metal echoes on the ground as something is dropped. Three gunshots ring through the room. 
The Joker and the Harlequin keep laughing in glee, and Jason blacks out from crying again. 
Cold hands grab his face. The man who laughs is, well, laughing and pulling Jason’s face close to his own. The smell of death fills his senses and Jason opens his eyes. 
"How long do you think it's been, Jason?"
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
hello!~ o(〃^▽^〃)o
can i request headcanons for kaeya, diluc, childe, and venti on what they would while their s/o dies in their arms? (if thats okay with u <3)
thank u sm! :))
BESTIE THE PAIN I FEEL RN!!! Omw to make hurt some of my faves hope you enjoy <3
Also guys I’ve been here for a day how are there almost 50 of you following?!
Pairings; (Separate) Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Venti x reader
Warning(s); hurt, big hurty, reader death, vague wound description, cursing, talk about dead bodies
Keep reading under the cut!
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. You were meant to live forever with him. You were supposed to grow old with him and become a parent to your future children. You were-
“Kaeya” you choke out smiling at your partner above you. The man shakes his head mentally pleading with you to not die “Kaeya I will always be on the wind” you tell him, a shaky, bloody hand raised to his cheek to weekly caress it
“Please” he pleads “Please don’t die on me [name]” you smile at him feeling the breaths in your lungs disappear
“I’m sorry Kae--ya” you apologise before passing away in his arms
He doesn’t move for a long time. He doesn’t feel for a long time. The one person he could share his secrets and his love to gone. Away with the wind
Kaeya doesn’t remember the last time he cried, but he’ll remember this one. 
Your beaten, bruised, broken, dead, and beautiful body slumped in his arms as his tears fall from his face as he feels an absence in his heart
How is he supposed to live on if this is the pain he feels right now?
Jean eventually stumbles upon Kaeya out in the wilds, still clutched to your now cold and even more lifeless body
Jean manages to get the man up with your body held close to his chest
“Jean, I can’t, I can’t let them go” he pleads as if he’s waiting for you to simply wake up in his arms
“Kaeya...” Jean says in a concerned tone having never seen him in such a state, even he seemed to quickly recover from his fathers death
Eventually Jean coaxed Kaeya to go back to the city and leave your body in the hands of the sisters. Where they dressed you up and prepared a funeral service for you
The funeral was larger than Kaeya was expecting, you had affected a many more people than he realised from your small jobs around the city. Kaeya can’t help but be awed at how many people you’ve helped while you were in Mond
The usual chatter of Mondstat is quiet and in a time of grieving for about a week or so, many people have wonderful memories of you and Kaeya seems to be collecting them all, that and bunches of flowers. Many of which find themselves laying on your tombstone as Kaeya tells you about his day
A month passes and it seems like everything's back to normal, Kaeya is back to his outgoing self. He spends more nights at the tavern, but even Diluc doesn’t have the heart to cut him off. 
Jean seems to pick up on the smallest things, goddamnit Jean, the extra nights at the tavern, the eyebags, the weeping she can hear from his room. In it’s own right is heart-breaking, the acting Grandmaster cannot imagine what it’s like to be actually experiencing that kind of pain
No, not like this
You had both decided that night to join each other in your little vigilante escapade. Which was fine you had both done this before, but tonight resulted in something very different
Here you are, head on Dilucs lap. This could be considered romantic, and often was, were it not for the fact you felt like you choked up a mixture of your lung and your bloody supply
“Diluc” you speak with a much worse for wear voice, the red-head looks into your eyes, eyes already gaining moisture. A similar scene has befallen him before, a Diluc knows how this ends
“Please” he pleads his voice wavering “Please don’t leave me” he chokes back a sob and tears fall off his face the salt hitting your own
“I love you so much” you start, Diluc shakes his head. Must you hurt him so with last words? “Don’t blame yourse-” another set of hacking befalls you as you lose more blood
“Please” he pleads again as the grip you had on his arm goes slack indicating your loss of life
Diluc screams, he cries and he hugs you close. He screams into the air of Mondstat until his voice hurts and he cries until all he’s doing is dry sobbing and he holds you close until you’re broken body is pried from his own broken mind
A wondering Jean heard his screams into the night sky and hereby answered them. She never expected to see Diluc, still in his vigilante getup, crying over your body
She calls for more guards who take your body from his and Jean helps Diluc get back to the estate. At one point during the walk Jean can feel DIluc shaking and hyperventilating. So they stand for a moment, Jean holds and comforts the wine-master before they move again
Jean has never seen such emotion from Diluc before, and she wholeheartedly hopes she’ll never have to see it again. Seeing Diluc so raw and rife with emotion is enough to make anyone cry. And Jean nearly did on more than one occasion.
Your funeral is small, much to Dilucs request and really only were attended by the estate and Jean. Diluc didn’t want to cry again in such a large audience
Though the maids often hear pained sobs coming from Dilucs room as he contemplates and often blames himself for what had transpired. Maids daren’t speak up about what they hear though, Diluc’s pain is more than understandable
Diluc throws himself into work opting to man the bar most days of the week and fighting for the city as often as he can. People around him are more than concerned
Diluc’s stoic nature seems to be intensified now, not wanting to let another person in and die in his arms. He’s seen enough death for his life and wishes not to lose more loved ones
Everything seems to have moved back to what life was before you arrived in your life, depressive, monotonous, boring, mundane for the most part and sad. So very sad
He wishes for a day where his heart isn’t strife with grief, but he doubts that day will not be coming anytime soon
You grin up at him, feeling close to naught pain coming from the gaping wound thanks to the excess of adrenaline that’s pumping through your body
“Childe” you say the smile still on your lips in an attempt at not making the situation as dark and horrific as it is. Childe speaks your name in return
“I love you” you tell him mustering the strength to cup the mans cheek, who immediately nuzzles into it. The situation almost doesn’t feel real to him. He’s going to be shaken awake by a very unwounded you in just a moment and inform him he’s having a nightmare
But that moment doesn’t come. Nor do any words come from you. Your slow rhythms of your heart remind you that he’s still got time, but you’ve expended all your energy. Your smile you’re wearing seems to be dropping
“I love you [name], I love you so much, you are everything I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you” he rambles bringing your body to his chest
“Live for--- me” you sputter out into his chest, a dying wish that Childe isn’t too sure he can uphold. Is it really living if he’s an empty vessel.
You go limp in his arms and he can no longer sense your heartbeat. Death had finally laid claim to you
Childe sits with you for hours, you’d expect him to be wailing like a banshee if you knew his personality but that’s rather not the case. Sobbing quietly is a better word for what happens. Most of his sobs and hacks for air are hidden in your hair. He pulled your body to his shoulder just to weep
Eventually he finds himself mustering the courage to walk back to Liyue Harbour. You firmly held in his arms. He knows that if he walks too plainly the Millelith would pry and ask too many questions for his fragile heart to answer
Childe ends up barging into the wangsheng funeral parlour, which surprises Zhongli a little. He’s about to go on a rant to Childe about how he must book an appointment, until he sees your lifeless body in his arms
The funeral is arranged quickly and neatly. There aren’t many people who attend, Childe is okay with that, he secretly wants to see his family and cry on their shoulder a bit
Instead he opts for a letter, which arrives to the family tear stained and lacking the usual penmanship ‘I’m sorry, you won’t be able to see [name] after all. They passed away not too long ago...’ he basically writes your arbitrary in the letter. And his whole heart is in every word he writes
Determined not to let anybody in Childe finds himself in a pattern, when he’s not throwing himself into battles he’s doing paper work or yelling at his subordinates and when he’s not doing that he’s doing his weekly fight with the traveller. Childe gets next to no sleep and instead opts to reading and rereading every letter and note you’ve ever given him
If Childe passes out at his desk nobody bothers him either in fear of getting yelled at by the harbinger or an understanding of losing a loved one
They never said being a harbinger was fulfilling work. Yet, he let himself believe that he could be fulfilled and content with a lover. What a shameful lie
He’s awfully quiet. He hasn’t experienced death in so long. Especially one he thought would be forever.
He couldn’t even get to you to hear your last words. Ironic isn’t it? He hadn’t heard that guys last words either. And yet this pains him so much more
Sure mortal lives are fleeting but he was certain he had more time with you. More time to see you grow old, more time to put off your inevitable mortality. More time to-
He’s hyperventilating, Venti’s body shakes as he finds nothing to ground himself not even the person he loves so dear is there for him. He feels like he could explode, breaths caught in his throat refusing to surface and come up for air. Despite being an immortal archon, the breaths that refuse to surface don’t fail to make him feel like he’s choking
A bard he is. And one that knows every song from the past, present and future. Suddenly the pained songs from the future make sense to him. He knew what was written. A love lost
Suddenly he finds himself crying and hunched over your deceased form making promises to the wind that he’ll never forget you. Much like he’ll ever forget that bard
He isn’t sure how long has passed but he’s still sobbing over your form, there aren’t many tears left for him to cry but he can’t find himself stopping. He feels like they’ll never stop. 
Maybe he could lay beside you and sleep for another thousand years. But that would only delay the inevitable. The inevitable sinking feeling.
Maybe it was his fault for letting himself fall in love with a mortal, but in the moment he could truly see you living life with him. He could see a marriage, children. He wanted you to have it all.
Damn celestia and all things above for not letting you ascend, at least when he inevitably ascends you’ll be there to greet him. Curse that and your mortality
Jean eventually stumbles upon him during a recon mission to find him covering your body in various flowers, a crown made of cecelias don your head. He’s quiet, but he’s saying goodbye. Who would blame him? Jean doesn’t interrupt him and only wishes you a farewell
News of your death spread around town like wildfire, your grave donned with more flowers than Venti can count. He almost feels bad about not doing a public service after seeing how many people are truly in mourning
Diluc doesn’t push Venti to pay his growing tab no matter how much he should. And Diluc doesn’t say no to Venti singing his happy tunes in the tavern
It feels like his life has retuned to normal. Though Jean can’t help but look out the library window to see Venti sat atop his statue with an expression, as Jean can only guess, of sadness.
Venti finds himself going back to an old schedule again but he can’t miss the nagging feeling of somethings missing. The something being you
Sometimes he half expects you to hug him from behind, or join him up at the statue, or kiss him on his nose, or-
Venti can’t quite comprehend how he feels, he just knows there’s a hole in his heart where you belonged. And he doesn’t want to let anyone find their way into there
He doesn’t want to lose again
It’s happened too much
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sawyerconfort · 3 years
One More Trip | JD x Veronica Sawyer x Heather McNamara x Dean!Reader
Hey! @boiling-oil 58 again, sorry for the late post. I went back to school this week after getting covid, so now I had to be up to date with the subjects and I ended up not getting in here or writing anything...
Anyway, now that I'm back, let's go for another one from the JD and his little sister series! Hope you like it, sorry again, it's now posted!
Any suggestion or request? Send me an ask or a message and I'll do my best to answer!
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Prompt: Things get ugly between JD and his little sister, causing a huge and virtually unsolvable problem. But this time, with an unlikely ally, things might get better in no time.
“I told you not to yell at her like that!”
“And was I going to know she was going to run away from home, Veronica? She never did that!”
The couple argued on the way through the park, walking faster and faster and looking everywhere. They were looking for his little sister, (Y\N), who after fighting with her brother and seeing him explode, made the rash decision to run away from home without telling anyone. JD felt terrible, of course, because his father would kill him if he knew he'd made his sister run away, but he tried not to show that he was worried, because he didn't want to be weak.
Veronica was screaming (Y\N)'s name along the way, looking and running everywhere, but nothing from her. No answer. No strange noises.
Luckily, they were getting close to the house of Heather McNamara, a longtime friend who would surely know where (Y\N) had gone, as the two had always been very close. McNamara was, after Veronica, the most (Y\N) trusted person in the universe.
Veronica knocked on the door of the McNamara house while JD waited, leaning against the hedge, huffing and wiping his forehead with sweat.
“Veronica?” Heather was surprised. "What are you doing here?”
“Heather, we need your help,” she pointed at JD. “JD's little sister is missing, we searched the whole neighborhood, but we couldn't find her anywhere. Did she not come to hide here by any chance?”
Heather looked at JD with an unpleasant expression, knowing exactly what could have caused the escape.
"No, she hasn't been here since the last sleepover...", the blonde sighed. "Don't worry, I'll help you find her, let's find (Y\N) together, ok?"
With a sigh of relief - masked - JD smiled and followed Veronica and Heather to a new path to find (Y\N).
* * *
“(Y\N)! (Y\N)!”
The three of them had been walking for a few minutes, almost an hour, but they couldn't find the little girl anywhere. JD was starting to freak out, to blame himself, he was about to have a fit, and it wasn't going to help if he evolved into something bigger.
Suddenly, he remembered a vague clue, and he gave an alarming cry.
“I know where she might be!” he said, making the two girls turn around. “The abandoned house at the end of the street! We used to hide from daddy there!”
"Really?" Veronica's eyes sparkled. "Well, take us there then, JD!"
The three resumed running through the park and the streets, towards that abandoned house where (Y\N) was potentially hiding. It had been a long time since JD had been at the end of that street, and honestly, he didn't miss it at all. When things got bad with Bud, he used to hide in the creepy rubble of the house, and his mother always found him.
When (Y\N) was born, and sometime after her mother died, JD took her there too, when Bud teased them. Now, he felt a little more guilty, because if he hadn't seen his father explode every single day, he wouldn't have learned that this was the solution to life's problems.
If he found (Y\N), he would apologize and promise not to yell anymore.
The three found the house abandoned in its usual rubble, and they got goosebumps when they thought about the possibility of entering that place. But it was to save (Y\N), so they would do anything. Even face ghosts.
The house was even more derelict inside, their footsteps echoing on the worn, old wooden floors that creaked, and the old decor of the house was already surrounded by cobwebs. Heather McNamara was hugging Veronica, fear consuming her entire body.
JD didn't dare yell or call out to (Y\N), he just kept walking forward, remembering the hiding place they used to stay until someone found them: it was an old couch, which probably wouldn't even be there anymore, or had been eaten by the insects that inhabited the house.
Luckily, the couch was still there - and it was really finished, but you could still fit a person behind it without any problems. JD lifted his head to look behind him and saw (YN)'s body curled up there.
"I found her! I found her! She's here!” he yelled at his friends, making them run to him. (Y\N) was startled and came out from behind the couch, her face pale with fear. JD surprised her with a tight hug. “Damn, (Y\NN), you scared me! Don't ever do that again, okay? Never hide here again! Did you hear me?"
"Sorry..." the little girl whispered. "I was afraid. You started yelling at me, just like daddy did! You know I don't like that, JD!"
“I know, I know, honey, it's okay now,” he hugged her tighter. “I promise I'll never yell at you again, okay? I promise."
“Do you really promise?”
"Of course. I was an idiot thinking I could work things out like this.”
Veronica and Heather McNamara had big smiles on their faces, proud to see their friend acknowledging his flaws and finally showing he had a heart.
“Thanks for coming to save me, JD,” (Y\N) whispered, chuckling. "I love you."
"I love you too, little sister... I love you too."
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ginazmemeoir · 3 years
Since it's Krishna's birthday I couldn't help but write his birth story. So here y'all go, you're welcome. Oh also fun fact about Janmashtami : it always rains tonight. It might be just a drizzle, but it always rains tonight.
Devaki’s screams rent the air as she pushed and kept pushing. This was the eighth time she was giving birth to someone. The prison guards could hardly be bothered, and instead laughed at her like hyenas, their mere gazes leaving marks on her skin. Vasudev covered the prison bars with a flimsy cloth, and went back to assist his wife.
She was crying when Vasudev returned back. He bent down by her side, supporting her, and was about to go in front to assist with the delivery when Devaki squeezed his hand and stopped him. Panting, she said, “I don’t know if I want this child Vasudev.” Vasudev was stunned upon Devaki’s proclamation. She had given birth seven times, all sons, and six times had watched them being murdered by her own brother, the brother who had loved her more than any brother could love a sister. The seventh time, Vasudev had quietly given the baby to his first wife Rohini and instructed her to head to Gokul, where his friend Nanda lived. They had simply lied to Kansa and cited that Devaki had miscarried.
How cruel fate was. The couple had watched six of their children murdered in front of them in cold blood, not even a day old. The seventh, they did not know of his fate. Of his first words or his favourite food or the way he laughed. And yet, this eighth child carried hope. This child would be their salvation. Devaki continued “I cannot bear to watch another child snatched away like that Vasudev. Please I’d rather this child die on my womb, or I die while giving birth so at least I don’t have to watch him die. Please Vasudev, I cannot do this anymore” cried Devaki, tears raining down her once lustrous bronze skin, her once luxurious locks lying limp and lifeless by her side like her soul. “No Devaki. I cannot imagine the pain you endure, each time you push another life from inside you, but know this – this child is our salvation. This child is the reason six of our children were murdered. This child is the reason we sent our seventh son into hiding. This child is the reason we have wasted away in this prison for years. Devaki this child must live. Our child must live to avenge the deaths of our children. To avenge us. This child must live if the universe carries even a shred of mercy for us. For Devaki I would sooner kill both of us than watch another child tortured by your brother.” Vasudev’s eyes burned with an intensity Devaki hadn’t seen in a long time. Most of the time they were sad or scared, reminiscing their past. Their married bliss had ended the day it began, with her brother imprisoning them over a prophecy. Vasudev’s words breathed new life into Devaki. She would not let this child die. She would live. She would make sure the child lived. And she would make sure she heard her brother whimpering in agony as her child crushed his skull open.
The gods had given a prophecy. Devaki and Vasudev’s eighth child would be the death of Kansa. And Devaki did not want to prove the gods as petty liars.
With a final push and a scream, that was thankfully masked by a loud thunderclap, Devaki expelled her child out. Vasudev cut the umbilical cord with a flint stone he had dipped in cheap somaras which he had stolen from the guards yesterday, and cradled the child in his arms, lying beside Devaki, giving this child his parents’ touch one final time, the shared breath and heat warming him. He was dark, dark as the rainclouds that had gathered over the entirety of Brijbhumi that day, as the moonlit night that held secrets and wonder. A small glow emanated from his body, barely lighting his immediate surroundings. The couple kept looking at their son, prerplexed, and the baby looked back at them. He had big soft eyes, and instead of crying, he just looked up at them and gave a small laugh, reaching to grab his mother’s hair. Devaki’s tears fell on his face, as she kissed his forehead and hugged him tight. She then looked at Vasudev, and they understood what had to be done. Vasudev took the baby, and opened his prison door. Turns out if you get drunk with the guards ever so often, they don’t notice things like missing keys.
Vasudev stepped out, and half thought that he and his son were going to be hacked into pieces, but the entire cellar was quiet. The whole world seemed to hold its breath, time itself felt suspended. Only minutes ago the guards were cackling, and yet they now slept a deep slumber. Vasudev quickly stole a dagger, and placed the baby in the laundromat’s basket, covering him with a heavy warm cloth. He exited the prison quarters and entered into Indra’s wrath. The clouds overhead boomed with thunder, and rain covered everything as far as the eye could see. Unperturbed, Vasudev kept walking eastwards, until he reached the Yamuna. He looked for a boat, searching the banks of the usually idyllic river, which now coursed with the strength and vigour of the mighty Saraswati, and yet found no boat to carry him and his son. Time was running out, and his son’s life outweighed a safe passage for him, he could already imagine Kansa’s men running towards him. Vasudev then did the only thing he could – let the river decide his life. He walked into the river, determined to reach the other side. The yojana wide river divided Mathura and its outskirts from the countryside – where his son was to find sanctuary. Vasudev kept walking, and the Yamuna’s waters kept rising and rising. The heavy rain pelted Vasudev, and he kept his swaddled baby on his head in his basket. The spaces between the bamboo basket refused water from filling in. Somehow, he reached the middle, when he felt the water threatening to reach his chin, the river hell bent on drowning him and his son. No mere river was going to stop the descendant of the mighty Shuri, the prince of the Vrishnis today though. Vasudev held his breath and kept swimming forward, the basket safely above the surface of water. Surprisingly, there were no crocodiles in the river. Vasudev had only swam a bit further when the river level started lowering and lowering, until it reached his waist. Vasudev was perplexed, the river was usually the deepest at this point, then why did it suddenly lower down to below his waist? Lost in his thoughts, Vasudev almost missed the giant creature slithering towards him, and that is when he realized he and his infant son were about to be devoured by a sea monster that liked toying with its prey. The creature reached Vasudev, its smooth obsidian scales emitting a green glow, extending to its full length, spreading out its thousand hoods and shielding Vasudev and his son from the merciless rain. Had he not known better, Vasudev would’ve thought it was Adi Shesha, the thousand hooded snake, upon whose infinite coils Narayana rested. Time was running out, and Vasudev picked up speed, the serpentine creature slithering along. Climbing out of the river, he kept picking through the wilderness and hamlets, the creature’s presence scaring off any hungry predators.
At last, Vasudev glimpsed the village of Gokul. Overjoyed, Vasudev rushed down the hillock, which was dotted here and there by the occasional cow. He entered the safety of the village, his frayed nerves calming down, and started searching for Nanda’s home. Even though he was the village chief, his house was tough to spot, the only thing differentiating it from others was a larger gateway and a bigger courtyard. Surprisingly, Nanda was already standing at the gates, waiting for him. Vasudev rushed up to him, and began to speak when Nanda asked, “Vasudev, how did you come here? How are you barely wet?” Vasudev looked behind him, and found the creature had returned. Maybe it was scared of society? “There’s no time for that Nanda. I have come to entrust my last son to you,” said Vasudev, as he hastened to enter Nanda’s home. There was a lantern in front of each room, and the large house was empty except for the cows in the outside stables. Vasudev kept searching along the corridor, until he found Nanda’s wife’s room. He expected to see his elder son sleeping with her, but instead found her snoring loudly, with a baby lying beside her. Vasudev quietly placed his son beside her. The baby started crying, clutching onto his father even as he laid him on the bed. Vasudev quietly removed his hand from his grip, and sang him a lullaby. It was about a bee returning to its hive after a busy day in the meadow. He had never got a chance to sing this lullaby before. Devaki and he and spent each day perfecting it in prison. The baby quietened and went to sleep, and Vasudev left, his vision blurry, when he was stopped by Nanda. “Wait here.” he said. Nanda then returned from his wife’s room, his baby with him, and handed it over to Vasudev. “Here you go Vasudev. You may take my daughter home with you.” Vasudev looked at Nanda with disgust. Was his friend so lowly that in favour of a son he would condemn his daughter to the confines of a prison, frequented by a monster that would kill her the moment he got to know? “I know what you were thinking, and I would never do that Vasu” said Nanda, sensing his friend’s thoughts. “Yashoda gave birth to her yesterday, and hasn’t seen her since. I took her to Goddess Gauri’s temple the same day, to seek her blessings. I can’t explain what happened Vasu, but I heard Gauri. She spoke to me and she instructed me to give her to you when you came. Why do you think I was waiting for you outside?” “Oh come on Nanda, you’re just making up stories now.” said Vasudev, even more repulsed now. “Why would I lie Vasu? Is this what you think of me, a murderer? Trust me Vasu, Gauri Devi spoke to me, she told me to give my daughter to you! Who are we to defy the will of the gods?” Nanda reassured him.
“The gods don’t care about us Nanda. They stopped existing for me when they made me watch my sons’ heads being bashed against walls or crushed by hammers. But even so I will take your daughter. Maybe Kansa might spare a girl?”
Saying so, Vasudev took Nanda’s daughter and vanished into the night, heading back to his prison. Even though the babe wasn’t his, he had already named her – Maya – after this night, an illusion, a reality that felt like a dream. He did not know what fate awaited this girl, but at least his boy was safe for now.
Maybe the gods did have a plan. A plan that was tucked away under Yashoda’s arms in the tiny hamlet of Gokul, snuggling against the only mother he would ever know.
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Alfie visits a group of sisters who recently lost a loved one and finds out that the oldest one is rather intriguing. 
He’s come around again.
The morning is filled with screams and little giggles stemming from the younger ones. The kitchen’s a mess, not more so than usual as the sun quietly seeps in from the half closed blinds. Essie, the youngest of four, is screaming bloody murder as she walks around with a wooden spoon on her hand. Lily, the second youngest, isn’t much better as she runs behind her baby sister. Emily is somewhere in her room, trying to put on lipstick for the second time in her very young life.
And you’re just staring.
It hasn’t been long enough, the entire situation of you being on your own. The door knocks once more but you ignore it, trying to swallow down the knot on your throat from the conversation that’s about to come. You yell towards the upper part of the stair for Emily and scoop up Essie in your arms. Lily sits down on the sofa in the living room with milk all over her and you make a mental note of cleaning her up before opening the door.
There he is again.
He’s standing as tall as he did last week with a gentle smile on his lips, something out of pity, you gather. His golden beard shines under the morning light and Essie almost reaches out for the wiry bundle before you reposition her on your hip bone. You look up to meet his eyes, still the same broad man who’d come around during the funeral.
He reminds you of your father, which only makes you angrier about the entire ordeal but you push the thought back.
“Mornin’, lass.” he speaks, much like he has in the weeks that he’s come around.
He comes around often since the funeral and since there’s no one else to greet the gangster, you have to talk to him. You don’t shy away from his gaze but simply feel very agitated. He comes around to see if the fridge is stocked and if you’re doing okay but you figure it’ll all die down in a couple weeks once the grieving part is done.
Essie waves at him at his words and smiles, Alfie waves back with a softer smile while your unamused gaze doesn’t leave him. Your words are curt, almost rude but he knows they come from a place of anger so he doesn’t budge too much. “Have you come for a chat again?” you speak, no greeting or whatsoever but straight to the point.
“Came to fuckin’ see how you lot were’ doin’, right.” he speaks but your eyes widen at the curse words and you look down at Essie while speaking.
“Watch your mouth around her, Mr. Solomons.” you speak and open the door to let the man in.
There’s no point in fighting him, you’ve gathered. He only comes in the living room, talks to the girls for a bit and leaves. He also looks at the state of the house, not so subtly and if he ends up seeing anything missing, sends Ollie to get it for you by sundown the same day.
You don’t know if you’re thankful or annoyed.
Your father had been working with him, the shop was a joint profit source for both him and Alfie and seeing as he’s gone now, Alfie chooses to keep his promise to the dead man of looking out for his girls. He knows you’re just a kid yourself but sees the maturity your father had given you, it’s evident in the way you speak to him.
You put Essie down on the same sofa Lily was sitting a minute ago but is nowhere to be seen now. Alfie sits down next to the youngest girl and watches her, intently while you leave her with the gangster to go look for Lily. You find her under the stairs with sticky milk all over her and drag her gently by the arm towards the living room where the gangster and the little girl are having a staring contest.
He looks out of his element, and it makes you smile.
“Sit down, please.” you whisper to Lily as she settles, doesn’t fuss as much as the youngest kid and Alfie watches as you clean the sticky substance off of her hands and mouth.
“Thank you.” Lily whispers and you plant a small kiss on her forehead before going to the kitchen to clean up.
And that’s when hell breaks loose, right in front of him.
Essie starts screaming at a piece of dust, thinking it was a bug that now resides on her leg. Lily is no better, crying at a slower pace once she realizes that her sister’s upset. Emily comes down at the same minute, evidently made a mess of her lipstick with tears on her eyes as she looks for you to fix it.
And Alfie just watches.
“Oh, god.” he watches you whisper as you emerge from the kitchen with a ruined apron due to Essie’s mess she’s made in the morning. 
You take Essie into your arms and kiss her leg to show that the dust was now gone. Lily wants a hug too so you take both of them in your arms, bobbing them up and down as you whisper sweet words into their ears to calm them down. Emily’s teary face comes into your vision and that’s when you tell her to go to bathroom next to the living room and that you’ll be there in a sec.
And your stare falls on him but you find that he’s already staring.
Alfie had seen you in your father’s shop for the first time, right when you’d become a young lady with rosy cheeks. You’re still a kid, he sees that but can’t help but realize the burden is now on you. Your hair is messy as you rock your little sisters, apron a mess and the dress underneath is no better. He sees the slight rings under your eyes but doesn’t say anything.
“Hold her for a minute for me, please.” you say and hand Essie to the gangster. There’s no confusion on his face, for he thought he’d have to do this at some point with the ways things had been going. 
He sits Essie down on his lap and the girl giggles at the man, no longer crying like she had been just a second ago. Lily follows, murmuring nonsense questions as she climbs up the sofa to sit next to Alfie and you hear them conversing about elephants when you leave the room to get to Emily.
Once you’ve fixed the oldest one and wiped her tears away, you find Alfie on the sofa as he tells the little girls some story about a dog. You watch as Essie laughs and tugs at his beard, the man doesn’t wince but gently takes her hands in his to get it away from his face and he keeps telling on the story.
Like a damn expert.
He senses you watching and shoots a smirk your way, one that makes a light tint of blush rise up your cheeks only he can notice as Emily goes up to change her dress once more. You look at the time and realize it’s time for you to drop them off at school and go to work.
You shoot Alfie a concerned look but he looks at you for a split second as to say he’ll be fine with the kids. You nod and go to your room as quickly as you can to change. The brush is harsh against your hair as you run it through the twisted strands and ten minutes later, you’re walking into the living room, much more put together, to dress Essie for the day.
“Lily, go to the bathroom with Emily, please?” you speak to the little girl and she nods while speaking.
“Yes, ma’am.” leaves her lips and Alfie chuckles at the little girl.
The entire time, Ollie’s waiting for the boss outside.
Fifteen minutes pass: filled with screaming and cries from the inside rooms as Alfie checks the time every two minutes. Emily comes down, dressed properly with some light make-up you’d applied to her face and carries Lily down with her in a wavy blue dress. She walks towards Alfie and starts speaking, her toddler non-sense filling Alfie’s ears as Emily goes to the kitchen.
“Who are you?” Lily asks, innocence booming through her voice as Alfie looks down at the little girl.
“’m a friend, kid.” he speaks, refraining from swearing as he looks down at her brown orbs.
“Y/N’s friend?” she asks, eyes curious and Alfie realizes she has no concept of what’s going on.
“Ya’ could say that, right, but I don’t think she’d agree with ya’.” Alfie speaks, in a softer tone than usual and Lily nods as if to say she’s understood.
You walk in with Essie perched up on your lap, looking very clean and pretty as she flashes a smile at Alfie. She likes him, for whatever reason and Alfie feels fondness towards the little rascal, too. He then realizes you have changed, too. A light cream colored dress and golden earrings he makes out, face shining under the morning light as you dress the girls in their coats.
“Is there anything important you wanted to discuss, Mr. Solomons?” you speak as Emily walks out the door with Lily’s hand in hers and the driver Alfie had given you picks them up for school. Alfie watches them leave as you get ready to do the same with Essie slowly following you but before she can, Alfie takes her up in his arms and holds her with a gentle smile while you lock the door.
“That was fuckin’ mental inside, right, Is it like that every fuckin’ mornin’, lass?” he asks and you narrow your eyes at the curse word before taking Essie from her arms and start walking down the street.
“That was a quiet one, actually.” you speak with an amused voice and he mirrors your slight smile.
“Fuckin’ hell.” he whispers and you’re about to protest the cursing but he speaks before you can. “My bad, lass.”
“So?” you ask, walking towards Essie’s school as she quietly observes the man next to her. You remind Alfie of your previous question and see his eyes change for a second.
“Yeah, there ‘s actually.” he says and you nod, urging him to continue. “I got a fuc- a job for ya’, if you’re interested, pet.” he speaks and you ignore the pet name as you nod.
You already have a job but the gangster seems much more profitable to work with.
“You’ll pay me double?” you ask with a whisper to your tone. 
You’re sitting on his office, legs crossed as he tries not to stare at your exposed calves and collarbones but fails almost miserably. His hands lock into yours then, a whiff of a smile as Ollie watches with a curious gaze. Your feet moves up and down, catching his gaze before he clears his throat.
You’re only twenty, he reminds himself as he looks at you and shakes his head to get his mind out of the gutter.
“I’ll pay ya’ fuckin’ triple, yeah, if ya’ come work for me, that ‘s.” he speaks, finally having the opportunity to curse as he wants and you nod your head before speaking.
He watches the way you wet your lips and speak, too soft for a man like him. “Are you doing it out of pity?” you ask, knowing fully well you’re going to take the job anyway but you decide on teasing him. 
“I promised your father, yeah, that I’d look out for his fuckin’ girls and that’s all ‘m doin’, pet.” he says, calmer this time and watches you nod.
“I get to keep the driver?” you spoke, talking about the driver that took Emily and Lily to school every day so that you could take Essie since they went to separate schools.
“Course, right, and if ya’ fuckin’ need another one for the little one-” he starts speaking but you shake your head softly.
“That’s okay. I don’t think your men could handle her.” you speak with a wicked smile on your lips and it earns a chuckle from deep his chest.
“One driver it ‘s, then, hm?” he speaks with a smirk on his lips and you sit up, as much as you possibly can.
“I'm not keen on doing any of the dirty work.” you speak, knowing fully well what Alfie’s business included. 
You’d be his secretary and keep some of his books but he’d make sure that was it. “No, lass, I got fuckin’ Ollie for that, don’t I.” he speaks and watches you nod hesitantly. 
He watches as the gears in your head turn and you think about everything that goes into it. The pay, your sisters, your education and their schools as well. You think about the perks it will have and also the risks and realize this is the best offer you’ll be met with so you speak.
“When do I start?”
*A month later*
“Essie, please!” your shout can be heard as Alfie follows behind with Lily in his arms. Emily has their bags as you walk out the front door of the apartment.
This has been the routine for the past two weeks. Alfie comes in, barging with a smile on his handsome face as he takes the girls into the living room so that you can clean the kitchen and get ready. While he distracts the girls, you dress them one by one and Emily gets ready on her own and hops into the car with Lily.
“What happened?” you ask Essie as she cries, wails almost like a little baby in your arms after her sisters have left. 
She screams then and Alfie winces before taking her in his arms and the moment he does that, she hushes. You scoff at the act, not liking that your baby sister has taken a liking to a gangster but it doesn’t matter as long as she’s quiet.
“Sorry.” you whisper as Alfie puts her in the car and gets in himself too, after offering his hand to you as help to get in the big machine.
“No fuckin’ need, pet.” he speaks and looks down at Essie in your arms. You look much too young to be having all this on you but he knows it’s not by choice. “Not your fault she screams like a fuckin’ banshee, aye?” he asks and earns a smile and a nod from you.
He’s grown fond of you, he thinks.
He watches you each day as you walk around his bakery with a faint smile on your lips, all the men have grown fond of you in the span of a month and he feels the need to gauge anyone’s eyes when they look at you. He’s seen you at work, smarter than any other bookkeeper he’s had and he thinks if you were given the opportunity, you’d be someone very important.
He also sees you with your sisters. He sees the mother hen in you as you shout at them, gentle afterwards as you wipe their tears from their faces. He sees the kid in you as well, as you become a kid with them every morning when you play with them but he sees the weight of it too.
He then stops the car after you drop of Essie, parking it on the sidewalk and doesn’t get out.
You throw a curious stare his way, eyebrows furrowed and a pretty pout at your lips as you look at him. Your words are measured when you speak but you’re more sure of yourself. “Something wrong?”
His heart sinks.
You’ve made him so weak in the short span of a month and he marvels at that. A thought crosses his mind as he turns to look at you, only to find your curious orbs staring right back at him.
“I want ya’ to take some time off, lass.” he speaks and hears you scoff.
“Mr. Solomons-”
“’s Alfie.”
“Mr. Solomons, it’s only been a month since I started and I don’t see why I should take time off.” you speak with a curt tone and he sees the anger wash your features. Fuck she looks pretty when she’s angry.
“It’s a fuckin’ order, yeah, it ‘s.” he nods at his words and watches you look at him suspiciously.
“Why?” you ask, genuinely curious as to why this man was pushing you to take time off.
“With your fuckin’ sisters and all that ya’ gotta take care of, right, ‘m allowin’ ya’ to take some time off..” he trails off and meets your eyes once more. “..for yourself.”
But you don’t want it. 
You conclude, after the first week of working for him, that you like being around the gangster. He’s intriguing to say the least, stubborn and absolutely cruel but not to you, only to those who need it. He’s been nothing but kind to you, gave you everything you asked for and checks on the girls regularly, along with helping you in the mornings.
“Can I trade the days for something else?” you ask after a while, he smiles at your words and the way your mind works before nodding at you.
“Go on.” his voice is heard inside the vehicle before you speak.
“Get me housekeeper for a few weekdays instead, I’d much rather have that than a few days off.” you say with confidence and he laughs, nodding at your words.
“The house needs a proper fuckin’ cleanin’, lass. It does.” he laughs and you join him.
“I know and it’d be much more helpful.” you speak and notice him stilling for some reason.
He wants to say something.
You’ve grown accustomed to his behavior now. The way he shouts when he’s frustrated or the way his eyebrows lower down a bit when he’s confused. If they shoot up, it means he’s interested and if he tugs at his beard, it means he’s contemplating.
“Ask me.” you say, voice a mere whisper this time as you look at him with curious eyes.
“There’s a match, yeah-” he starts speaking without looking at your eyes and you cut him off, out of morbid curiosity.
“A match?” you ask, sweetly and he swears he’s about to kiss you right there but holds himself back.
“A boxing fight, yeah, my fuckin’ cousin is in it and I was wonderin’, yeah, if ya’ want to accompany me, lass?” he speaks, treading lightly as you measure the words.
You don’t know if he’s asking you out or not, you don’t have enough experience to know the lines between pleasure and business.
“Uh...who’s going to watch the girls?” you ask, the first excuse that comes to your mind.
“Ollie will fuckin’ watch ‘em, pet, he will.” he says, a seed of hope planted on his chest since you didn’t say no, not just yet.
You nod at his words and smile a little after and he swears he’s going to lose his breath. You look up at him through your lashes and speak with a playful tone before getting out of the car to get into the distillery.
“I’ll let you know at the end of the day.”
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum
A/n: This came in as an idea and i do not know if i’ll continue it but if you’d like to read more of it, please do let me know and also if you’d like to be tagged. The lush epilogue will also be coming soon, dear ones! Stay safe and all my love <3
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