#and it isn't wrong to dislike it for yourself either!
treesbian · 11 months
commented on a tiktok video just sharing a fun fact about the terms "femme queen" and "butch queen" and someone is lecturing me </3
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skelliko · 10 months
★-Tokyo revengers
- their insecure
๑-Context: them thinking about their crush (you) but then they start to get insecure and self sabotage about not being good enough
๑- featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, keisuke, seishu, rindou
-for seishu it was so hard because I know that boy is perfect-
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• everything, he thinks of every little thing about him but manages to miss the bigger parts about him that does need fixing. his main thought was that no one as good as you would want to be seen around someone like kazutora due to his delinquency, heck even if you've also done some bad stuff he's still afraid that he'd just bring you down and be an awful influence on you.
for someone who went to juvenile for 'accidental' murder and is in quite a dangerous gang, thats a good reputation to hold in terms of strength, but for wanting something other than fights and instead something innocent like feeling what it's like to be loved... that's difficult.
• he also still dislikes how his face looks, to others he's handsome. to himself, he's nothing but a shit show that he looks deep and hard in the mirror with a straight face but then his expression changes to disgust.
sometimes he thinks if you've also felt like that, he's asked his friends about that sort of thing and the response is always 'sometimes' but when he thinks about you being insecure he feels like he's gone mad because to him you're absolutely perfect.
°- chifuyu matsuno
• sometimes he feels as if he can't protect you, there are times where he pictures out scenarios and he's afraid that he can't keep you safe due to where gangs would get the innocent involved even when they have nothing to do with either of the two bickering gangs and that always ends badly.
he doesn't want you to become a target and he's scared that his strength alone wouldn't deal with anything and you'd get involved in something that you didn't have a choice in. due to that he's forcing himself to stay away from you but part of him can't, he calls himself selfish for talking to you and going out in public with you where anyone would be watching.
• he wants to make you his but how can he keep you as his when there's a lot of options to choose from? he's afraid that there's someone better than him, that eventually you'd lose interest in chifuyu and that's not because he doesn't trust your trust but he's seen other guys and how they easily attract and how they can go on the day confident, chifuyu can't and he can't see that it's not because there's something wrong with him but it's just because he's not a player and he can't see that for himself or others.
°- Keisuke Baji
• when it comes to Baji he knows hes a good looker and as well as the heart, but sometimes in school he'd see you walk in the hallways and he gets a little embarrassed that he turns the opposite direction in hopes of you not seeing him in his nerdy disguise just so the school doesn't kick him out or hold him back for his delinquency. his slicked back hair that he honestly spends time on and is proud in the moment, but when he looks at it for too long he has to hold back on scruffing it up and going to school like his normal self.
You're aware of how he looks outside of school but not everyone does, he's nervous that if you're seen talking to him then he'd just embarrass you, and because of that he thinks you're embarrassed to talk to him too and you force yourself to, even if you've held conversations for a long amount of time and you seem to enjoy it with a smile Baji has a little worm in his brain telling him otherwise
• held back a year for him failing his exams, sure someone being smart isn't exactly a top priority for some people but he thinks you're one of them and he curses himself for not having the academic smarts for it, he'd sometimes compare himself to someone else in his class and think 'how the fuck are they able to memories this and I can't?' In all honesty though academics is pretty hard when you've got other stuff going on too
°- seishu Inui
• his burn mark isn't exactly something that bothers him but whenever he thinks of you and gets a glimpse of the mark from a window he can't help but think that it bothers you. he tends to get a little frustrated about it and whenever he thinks too much of the mark his frustration ends up in sadness because all the memories of the fire and his sister come rushing in.
• whenever he looks at you he can't keep his eyes away, he's always in awe at everything you do. but what does seishu do? getting hurt in gangs here and there and making bad decisions for himself? he knows his skills and the good of him but he also knows his flaws and he can't stand that. he wants to do so much more but he can't, he doesn't know how to and he doesn't want to disappoint you in any sort of way yet he always manages to disappoint himself
°- rindou haitani
• sometimes he considers himself to be in his brother's shadow, he hasn't thought of it like that at all but rindou would pick some things out and then look at his brother and that sense of being younger than him equals to being lower, his older brother seems to always do great causing jealousy to grow. it's like regular sibling rivalry, nothing major but it does linger around his brain that maybe at somepoint if given the chance you'd run right over to ran inside of rindou
• rindou knows the reputation that he holds, the dangers that he keeps with his gang. and one of those dangers also happens to the innocent. he's been foolish to be part of those sort of things before and karma always plucks out the ones that finally find something to be happy about. he doesn't want you to accidentally get involved and get hurt or even killed.
considering that the haitani brothers are quite well known if anyone were to see the sentimental value that rindou has for you, then you will become a target from other gangs that want to take the brothers down. rindou looks through multiple of scenarios as to how or where that could happen and in all of those scenarios the date is all unexpected. rindou's afraid that he'd be the reason to you getting hurt from someone else and he won't be there.
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irisinluv · 7 months
Yandere Stardew Valley- Sebastian
I've been playing some Yandere Stardew mods recently. While I love them..... I feel like they do my husband (Sebastian) wrong. The citizens of Pelican Town are telling me that they can't hang out with me because Sebstian threatened them. That they've noticed some weird behavior. That he's physically violent. I disagree with all of these for Sebby.
He's our hot programmer boyfriend who lives in his basement bedroom, and only emerges to enjoy a smoke break, or to go see his friends. Now, while again, I do enjoy playing the mods...... I think his cannon behavior sets him up to be the perfect chronically online yandere. Pelican Town isn't exactly the most connected (6 out of the 11 rivals have access to a computer), but there's still potential. Obviously they're gonners if they have a computer. Sam finds himself doxed after making a comment about the gifts you gave him this week, and poor Haley's socials are blowing up with hate comments- from her personal insta to her photography blog.
But what about the other 5? The ones who are more disconnected? Well. It's easy enough to get Shane fired from joja. A little email to Morris from "HQ" saying he either fires Shane or his own pay gets docked..... well. Suddenly, everyone's favorite alcoholic doesn't even have a job anymore. Elliott suddenly has all these taxes he hasn't paid on his little shack..... beachfront properties cost a lot, you know. The parents stop letting Penny watch their kids after some..... explicit photos get leaked. It doesn't matter that they're edited. These people don't know about Photoshop. All they know is apparently Penny's making ends meet to support her mother..... and there's a new favorite subject to gossip on between all the older women. The other rivals are equally taken care of. All you need to focus on now is how Sebastian is the only reliable option in the whole damn town.
And he knows you so well, doesn't he? You, who lived away from it all until now. You, who WAS connected to the internet. Who had their entire life detailed through Facebook updates and Instagram posts. Honestly, Sebastian thinks that maybe he DOESN'T need to leave Pelican town... looking at the life you lived before coming to the valley, he thinks its much easier to keep you safe when he can control everything that goes on. There were too many factors to your old life. Too many parties to go to, coworkers to talk to, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends worry about. No. Sebastian thinks that city life isn't fit for the two of you to start you life together.
While he enjoyed seeing the trip down memory lane of who you were before becoming the farmer, and learning more about your likes and dislikes, he much prefers this version of you. The version of you who he found bouncing on their toes outside his door, excitedly shoving a frozen tear at him. Who eventually became the only person he was genuinely excited to have come barging into his room unannounced. And the thought of moving into the farm with you was all together far too tempting. He can picture it already. He'd set up a little area to work on his bike, he'd help out around the farm for you (he saw your hands covered in scrapes and splinters one day, and you sheepishly told him your fences had started wearing down.... but fixing a fence was another first for you. So you ended up scraping yourself up a bit on the old wood. Now, Sebastain, who, while he doesn't enjoy it, grew up with a carpenter mother..... well. He's going to make sure you never have that many splinters again.) Oh and he can already imagine it. The two of you, far away from the rest of the town, from prying eyes, no one to hear what you two would get up to as he helped you relax after a long day of working the feilds.....
This fantasy would sustain him until you eventually asked him to marry you. I don't think he would rush anything. To you, and the rest of the citizens, he was just normal Sebastian. Showing up for band practice, playing pool at the bar (although he seemed to play much better when a certain farmer came to watch). He just realized that the best way to control all the factors in town would be to remain anonymous. Avoid suspicion. After all. In a small town like that, it would be all too easy to turn against him if he decided to publicly threaten someone. And how would you react if you came to drop off some fresh sashimi to your boyfriend, only to find him being dragged out of his house by Clint, with Marlon standing nearby, ready to ship him off to face justice in the adventurers guild? No. That wouldn't do. He can't add any more stress to you like that. He'd remain the puppeteer, pulling the strings of the valley.
This isn't to say Sebastian never stalks you in person or anything like that. He can't help himself. He's a night owl. He knows the villagers schedules, has since before you even came to town. So, he knows he can get away with digging in the trash to find the straw you threw away at the bar. And if someone does hear him.... well. Linus is going to be everyone's first thought. He does, however, start adopting a stricter routine as far as monitoring your house after you mention how you sell your produce.
Sebastian was rightfully horrified when you explained that Mayor Lewis comes by your farm at night to collect anything you wish to sell. How it's such a relief to be able to just chuck things in the the bin as you're rushing to bed at 1:50 in the morning, only to get up first thing and start your day again, and not have to worry about lugging all your goods to the store. Sebastian won't criticize you for the lack of sleep..... no. That's not what's worrying. What's worrying is that this old man who has a gold statue of himself and who gets it on in the bushes with his secret girlfriend (of course Sebastian knows about that) is showing up to your house sometime after 2 am. His mind flashes back to his fantasy of the two of you, completely alone on the farm.... and then is mortified as this fantasy morphs into a nightmare where he looks up from bed with you, and sees Lewis' wrinkled face peering through the window. Yea. No. Sebastain installs some hidden cameras to make sure Lewis doesn't get up to anything funny while you're defenseless, asleep, alone..... ok he might need to get a new mayor elected. The old man might just have to go. Perhaps to a home outside the town. Regardless, he makes sure Lewis stops coming by as frequently. Frustratingly, he isn't able to completely stop it, but that'll be an easy fix once the two of you are married. He'll act surprised, "wow Lewis, that's so kind of you to help out the farmer all this time. But hey, don't worry, I'll take over. I'm up late anyways, and it's the least I can do!" But Sebastian still wakes up in a cold sweat and frantically rushes to check the cameras, making sure you're OK. That Lewis really is just checking the shipping bin.
Once y'all get married, he shows a bit more of that possessive side to you. But you chalk it up to just bedroom spicy time, and honestly find his hand tightening on your waist as Elliot asks you to read his latest poem hot.
Just. Yandere Sebastian brain rot.
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pinkgy · 7 months
okay, ignore the previous ask, i can't be more blind and stupid (💀).
so, if it isn't a bother, may you write some headcanons about the kings (satan, mammon, beelzebub and leviathan) with a reader who's slightly chubby and dislikes their (reader's) body.
thanks in advance, dear.
–☕ (wishing to end myself after this one.)
Hi ! Thank you so much for your request and congratulations for being the first request that is not about sex lol I needed a break.
Here it is! I loved writing this request and I hope you like it ♡
It's a bit OOC in some parts (Leviathan), but in my defense, it's not easy to write fluff about them.
Also, I'm sorry if I didn't focus much on the body type part, I'm not a great fan of specifying the reader's body type, race, and sometimes even height, but it's okay! I tried my best.
Also, this is my contribution to the soft and sweet Mammon HC.
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✮ He’s in denial, Satan has you on a pedestal and he genuinely cannot believe that you think this way about yourself, simply because it’s a completely different opinion than the one he has of you.
✮ If you dare to mention any discomfort with your appearance in front of him, he will laugh in your face telling you to stop joking about such things, and when you look at him completely serious he might realize that he was wrong.
✮ Satan genuinely doesn't have any specific body preference, in his eyes you’re perfect, all he cares about is that you’re healthy both physically and mentally. 
✮ Once he fully realizes, you won't EVER hear him joking about it, and if someone else dared to they’re dead within seconds. The same goes for you "jokingly" mistreating yourself, that's the biggest offense for him and the lecture your life awaits you.
✮ This situation would become a priority for satan, he's capable of leaving aside all his work just to do the impossible to make you feel better about yourself. 
✮ He gets very frustrated every time you talk negatively about yourself, and he feels sad every time he notices that you feel insecure about your body, Satan somehow puts himself in your shoes, and that makes him take everything too seriously.
“Stop looking at yourself like that, I know what you're thinking and I don't like it” He hugs you from behind "Let's talk, you're too pretty to be thinking those things"
✮ He might believe that you’re joking if you tell him, and he also might jokingly tell you something like “Yeah, I don’t like your body either” Clearly no offense intended, he would genuinely think that you’re not being serious.
✮ Beelzebub won’t realize that his “Harmless comment” made you feel bad unless someone else tells him that he screwed up, probably many days later he will approach you and actually apologize.
✮ Don’t expect any elaborate apologies from him, he will tell you what is necessary. But after he has taken a long time trying to remember everything you said to him that day, he will subtly start looking for ways to make you feel better about yourself. 
✮ Believe me, Beelzebub is going to make sure you hear every chance he gets about how perfect you are, and in case he forgets to tell you, Bael is under strict orders to remind him. 
✮ He’s really supportive but he sucks at showing it, his main goal is to distract you from your insecurity by at the same time trying to not distract himself, and somehow, it works.
"And who said that being yourself is not okay? As long as that beautiful body of yours is well-fed and healthy, you are the hottest person out there"
✮ He would get offended, but like, really offended, the moment he notices or when you tell him about it he acts like those Latina grandmas when their grandchild tells them they're gay,
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literally him.
✮ He's never seen anyone more ethereal than you, how do you even dare to dislike yourself?
✮ He genuinely doesn’t care about your body type, your weight, etc, as long as you’re healthy he’s going to love every part of you.
✮ He’s an amazing listener, Mammon will encourage you to vent to him while he slowly caresses your hair, and every time you say something he’s not okay with, he kisses your forehead.
✮ He wouldn't think you're joking, the opposite, Mammon would take this really seriously, but like, too seriously, to the point where you’re not getting out of Tartaros without loving your body as much as he loves it, and believe me, that’s a lot. 
“How can you hate such a beautiful body like yours? Every inch of you is perfect and just looking at you feels like a privilege, so don't overthink too much please”
✮ Leviathan will genuinely get mad at you, if he finds out, he will ignore you, and if you tell him, he will leave and ignore you too, but it’s temporary, he will get over it in a few days. 
✮ He kind of sucks at comforting people, but he can and will try his best with you, just don’t expect much from him, and know that he’s genuine about it.
✮ He will make an annoyed face every time you comment something negative about yourself, and trust me, you will notice.
✮ Leviathan has a very good memory, and he’ll make a mental note of every part of your body that you mention that you don’t like, and every chance he gets he will make sure to kiss or caress that part. He won’t be very obvious, but somehow, he will find a way to discreetly improve your opinion of yourself.
✮ He would hang anyone who dared to make jokes about your body, and would also hang anyone who complimented you, only he has the right to do that.
✮ And on those days when you feel particularly bad about your body, Leviathan will be sure to find a way to distract you with something else, he’s very observant so he wouldn’t need to listen to you to know how you feel, he’ll just suddenly leave his work for a few hours and take you to one of your favorite places, even if he hates the place, he hates more that you have a bad opinion of yourself.
“Get those thoughts out of your head, people should be jealous of how you look, okay? Don't be ridiculous”
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caparrucia · 8 months
Here's one of those uncomfortable tidbits that no one wants to think about and which people in cozy internet bubbles hate being reminded of:
The way you speak about people you dislike/hate is a red flag to people you do like/love.
The way you express anger and frustration and rage about people who wronged you, even people who wronged you badly, in a wider context, is very often a red flag for others around you. Do you let your anger be a justification to use dehumanizing language? Slurs? Are your personal feelings the measure you use to determine who is allowed personhood and who isn't?
This doesn't mean you're not allowed to be angry. This doesn't mean that you're not allowed to express said anger. It doesn't even mean your anger is not justified.
But if you find yourself sitting alone in your corner of rage, wondering why your personal connections tend to wither and fizz out, it probably is because you're constantly talking about people who make you angry and all the things you'd like to do to them. And like, people who first encounter that, might be sympathetic, might be wary, but the more visceral your anger is, the more readily you express it, the more people start wondering what's the threshold to trigger that behavior. Will you be talking about them in that tone too, if they piss you off? Will they be the subject of one of your tirades, if they make a mistake? Are you going to go on a rampage, calling them slurs, if it turns out they don't agree with you?
Anger is, for better or for worse, the kind of emotion you share with close friends, not with strangers trying to become friends, or new friends who don't know you yet. Anger is the kind of thing a good friend will know how to parse. But if it's a new person and all they know about you is how angry you are about something or someone, they will lack the context to understand that your anger is justified and that it's not the entirety of your personality... because you have made it so that's the only part of your personality they've seen.
Discord culture being what it is, it's fascinating how prevalent "vent" channels are, and how people just go in there and scream their rage in search of sympathy. But it tends to back fire, because to get sympathy from strangers, your venting needs to be edited to sound like you're in the right. Your anger needs to be righteous, to evoke support in those vent spaces. And it becomes a cycle.
Cause the thing is, anger isn't always justified or righteous. Sometimes you're BEC about someone! (Bitch Eating Crackers, a shorthand for "this person annoys me to an irrational amount, anything they do is parsed as a negative", "LOOK AT THE BITCH, EATING CRACKERS" etc.) And that's anger that needs to be expressed and processed! But that's the kind of anger that only close friends can handle. If you put that anger out, performing in the hopes of getting support, you're going to need to either lie egregiously about why you're angry, or you're going to alienate a ton of people because it turns out "is capable of irrational anger about things/people" is a pretty common red flag when that's all you know about someone.
I keep seeing post after post of people bemoaning being lonely and abandoned and failing to establish long-lasting connections and it's just.
It's the anger. You keep greeting people with anger and anger is a great emotion to fuel a lot of things, like change and protection and closing ranks, but it's kinda shit at building long lasting connections. Try curiosity or good will! It doesn't mean you have to stop being angry, either. If you're angry, you're angry! But when you're trying to build relationships, using anger as an all-purpose tool is like trying to hammer a nail with a saw.
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haetkeeper · 2 years
pineapple l.dh / l.hc 🍍
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4.9k words — smut (in part 2) with plot!
when paired up with the worst partner in the entirety of the university, this research paper is going to need a lot of work—too bad the topic of interest is sex education. with two geniuses like yourselves, you have two different project ideas, but both of them require you to get a whole lot closer to donghyuck than you’ve ever wanted to be.
essentially a fem! reader x haechan college au
tags / enemies to lovers, reader really dislikes haechan, haechan really loves teasing reader, slight mention of reader x other nct members
warnings / masturbation scenes, use of the word ‘slut’, perv!haechan, explicit language, alcohol consumption, multiple mentions of sex
( part 2 will surely be much worse, but this part will be fairly tame— stay tuned )
damn professor mira park. "I'm not working with him!" you shout in the kindest way possible, gaining nothing but a simple tsk and shake of her head.
"you're the top student in your graduating class," she states, "this project will be far too easy for you if I give you a less challenging partner." she demands, and you can't admit to yourself that she's right. with a huff, you exit the classroom lecture hall. you're dropping her class next semester even if it's the last thing you'll ever do. because lord knows he may kill you first.
she knew exactly what she'd done by the way both you and donghyuck gave yourselves whiplash, spinning to face her as the words left her mouth. she'd paired the two of you as project partners, to write a research paper, a very important research paper to be exact.
the topics were drawn randomly, and you were oh-so-lucky enough to pull sex education, while donghyuck was given the broad subject of fruits and vegetables.
you used to love this woman, she used to be your favorite professor, but she's crossed a line this time. your feud with donghyuck has grown to be ten years old, and worsened as time goes on—but she knows this. the two of you used to be civil classmates, until he hit puberty and began to think with the head of his penis instead of the head that sits on his spine.
argument after argument, fight after fight, the two of you have grown from the bickering, these days opting to nothing but the silent treatment for one another, but he hasn't changed. he's always seen with a posse of girls surrounding him, and never seen without a cocky smirk on his face.
it's often that you spare him with nothing but a glare in the hallways, not deeming him worthy enough to even hear you speak. he doesn't deserve your energy nor your time.
but doing a project with each other will take a lot more out of you than a little bit of energy and time. if you fail to work with donghyuck, you won't pass the semester, nor gain the necessary credit you need to graduate.
he’s always had it out for you— his side of the feud had stemmed from the way you constantly rose above him academically; no matter how good his grades were, yours were always better, and second place isn't somewhere lee donghyuck likes to be.
frequently, while you want to strangle him because he's evil, he wants to strangle you because you're just so damn cute when you're angry. now don't get him wrong, you're an absolute bitch to him, and words hurt. he really was furious at you in most of your arguments and fights, but he can't deny the twitch in his pants every time your face contorts into a fussy reaction for all of his teases and ministrations.
above all, to you, donghyuck may believe you're a demonic spawn from hell; but if you're one thing, it's a good student. because there you were, sitting on the beer stained living room carpet of the neo fraternity house, and trying to put the past behind you.
donghyuck was rustling around in the kitchen, every now and then calling a question over his shoulder, "is tomato a fruit or a vegetable? answer me dumbass." and every senior who entered the front door would eye you either suspiciously or with dark intention. an intention you'd soon figure out when jung jaehyun was cornering you in the frat house bathroom.
so maybe you extended yourself a little too far by agreeing to study at donghyucks place, but inviting him to yours would prove to be much worse.
its been nearly a week into the project, and you and donghyuck have done next to nothing when it comes to brainstorming and rough drafting the research paper. you're growing anxious about the final grade you could receive and the importance it holds in your future.
but the frustration didn't keep just you awake all night, donghyuck was up, laid back in bed,  and recalling the way you'd raised your voice at him earlier that day.
you roughly explained your worries to him, cute little eyebrows furrowed with discomfort, and you told him that he needs to be pulling his weight in this project.
"use your brain! if you even have one." you flicked at his forehead, and he actually enjoyed the electric jolt of pain your finger left on his skin, and the way your insult clawed at his heart strings. he smiles to himself in bed, 'heart strings', thinking of how you'd probably say that he doesn't have those either.
perhaps it's irresponsible, but donghyuck isn't too worried about this project grade; because if he goes down— you're going down with him. and maybe, just maybe, if he can annoy you enough through this experience, perhaps little miss perfect will get her first C+ score.
behind his eyelids he recalls your lips, pursed in frustration, and your chest heaved up and down in anger, breasts squeezed together and displayed to him from the way you leant down. donghyuck squeezes his eyes together, and to the memory, reaches a hand down to palm at himself over his boxers.
this isn't the first time he's touched himself to the thought of you. it's actually quite often that your blazing fury swirls into a white hot need in the pit of his stomach.
you could hate him with every fiber of your being, but it would only further his fantasy of fucking you. you'd be so angry, yet so needy at the same time, and he'd get you to admit that you must not hate him that much; if his cock was inside you right now.
he grinds into his hand a couple of times, and it's just as the erotic pleasure begins to rush through his veins that it hits him, an idea for the project.
the next night, he shows up at your door with a handful of groceries, brown paper bags filled to the brim with fruits and vegetables. "sup bitch!" he cheerily beams at you, immediately gaining a frown in return. "it's me, your lord and savior, here with a present."
you sigh loudly, grabbing a bag out of his hands and turning away from him in pursuit of the kitchen, grimacing along to his nonsensical blabber as if it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to your ears.
you're about to grill him out of annoyance, but what he says next stops you in your tracks, both mentally and physically. "don't thank me just yet, I still haven't told you about the perfect project idea I've come up with."
you spin to face him, taking a drink of coconut milk you've stolen from one of the grocery bags. his slender arm is leaning against the countertop and a confident smirk is painted across his features, "masturbation" he says simply.
just as the words leave his mouth, the milk leaves yours, and you're spitting the drink all over the kitchen tiles. "excuse me?" you squeal, face red with embarrassment at his vulgarity, and donghyuck is laughing harder than he ever has before, head tilted backwards and smiling widely.
"you're such a dick!" you land a punch onto his shoulder and grab a handful of paper towels to clean up the mess. as you glare up at him, he's grasping his skin with a wince, "I thought you were serious. you know how important this project is for me."
at the sound of your words, the expression of joy is suddenly washed from donghyucks face, mouth still agape, but now in a surprised '0' shape. "I am serious!" he retorts challengingly.
when you respond with nothing but a scowl, he continues to defend himself. "our research paper can be a sex educational experiment, covering which fruits and vegetables are best for male and female masturbation!"
you scoff out a laugh in disbelief, rolling your eyes as you stand to your feet, nearly gagging at the mere sound of his voice. "nice, donghyuck nice, you really think professor park will take us seriously with a project like that?!"
he takes a step toward you, lips pursed into a pout as he argues, "I already ran it by her, she finds the concept to be unique and challenging!" there's a twinge of light in his voice, as if he's using aegyo to persuade you into his perverted plan. "what? is little-miss-perfect-student not up for the challenge?"
"I don't know.." you trail off, eyeing the vegetables that sit over the kitchen counter, a cucumber peeking it's way out of the brown paper bag.
it's girthy and long, you shiver at the thought of it, large enough to be painful if inserted inside of your— "it's our only idea, and we have to start this project before we run out of time, so what do you say dumbass?" donghyuck pokes, once again stepping toward you.
"it's gross." you state, and donghyuck immediately rebuttals, "it's bold!"
you raise your voice, "it's strange." your tone is stern. "it's daring!" his tone is bright, like the grin on his face.
"I'm not doing it!" you throw the paper towel, soiled with spit-out coconut milk, right into his chest, leaving a dark stain on his grey shirt.
he glances down at the damp spot, and then back up at you, eyes dark and expression unreadable. he's so close to you now, after the two steps he'd taken before, you have to tilt your head upwards to face him. your heart begins to race, unsure if he's about to land a punch on your jaw, or hurt your feelings with the worst insult you'll ever receive by ear.
"listen," he speaks, voice deep and surprisingly calm in order to reason with you, "we need to start this project," he pauses for dramatic effect, "tonight."
you nod your head in agreement, not breaking eye contact. "so we start it." he continues, "if you come up with a better idea by the end of the school week, we can do that one instead."
the idea is tempting, donghyuck giving you just enough leverage to feel in charge, lending you a challenge for the week, to prove his idea to be stupid, and lesser to one that you can come up with.
"deal?" he asks when your respond with nothing but silence. "fine, deal." and the evil smirk he flashes around his perfect teeth has you regretting your decision.
the next twenty-four hours proved to be quite difficult for you. not only were you unsuccessful in racking your brain for any project ideas, but it bled it's way into your school work, and you didn't pay attention in any of your other classes.
donghyuck shows up to your dorm with his laptop in hand and a pair of glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. he plops down onto the couch and illuminates himself in the blue-lit screen.
"so—" he begins, glancing up at you for a second as he types away at the computer keys, "what is your experience with masturbation?"
"what the fuck?! jumping straight to the point are we? at least take me out first." you yelp, grabbing two water bottles from the refrigerator, allowing cool air to blow on your now flushed face.
"come on it’s for the project!" he annoyedly calls over his shoulder back at you, and you plop down onto the floor in front of him, separated by nothing but the coffee table.
"come onnn! a total slut like you has to have some insight." he murmurs, the words coming out of his mouth— so mean, but a playful pout sits over his lips, as if he's suppressing a smile.
you stare up at him, doe eyes unsure of what to respond with. "i'm not a slut." you state, causing a smirk to crawl its way onto his lips. "oh yeah?" he pokes, and your heart sinks in your chest before he can continue.
"is that why you let mark take your virginity sophomore year?" he asks, pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose, "how about the time you had that fling with doyoung, but you cheated on him at the senior party?" his tongue swipes out to lick at his lower lip, and he crosses his arms to await your response.
your blood begins to boil, the scowl on your face growing nastier with every word he speaks. "of course I let mark," you stand to your knees, "my boyfriend," you yell, "take that from me— we'd been dating for nearly a year!"
donghyuck feels small as you point your finger in his face, but he's basking in every moment of it. getting a reaction out of you was his only goal, and here the dominoes fall.
"and doyoung?" you continue, tone laced with sass, "fuck him! I never cheated on him." you mimic him by folding your arms over your chest, and with a final mutter, "we weren't an official couple, nor did we agree to be exclusive."
donghyuck shakes his head, letting out a few cocky chuckles beneath his breath, and then reverts his eyes to the laptop screen, "whatever you say, let's get started."
"fine, I've never masturbated with anything before—" you attempt to admit, yet he's already typing away at the keys and speaking once again. but it isn't false, what you've said, fingers aside, you've never masturbated with an object.
"slut." he states factually, dismissing you completely, "anyway! it's pretty obvious that fruits are better for male masturbation and vegetables are better for female masturbation." and you once again grimace at the vulgarity of his words. "I think we should focus on both citrus and melon families, and the marrow and root families."
you're annoyed he's changed the subject, but grateful you don't have to speak about your own masturbational preferences anymore— as of the moment.
he gets up from the couch and makes his way over to your fridge, opening it up and letting himself in, ignoring the scoff you release at him for it. he sets the coffee table with various produce, a large grapefruit, a small watermelon, a long cucumber, a green squash, and a pointy carrot.
"so, which one catches your eye first?" he asks, his slender hand hovering above the vegetables to display your options.
"you mean—," you mumble out, unnerved by his question, "to masturbate with?" and he laughs loudly, making you wish to soak into the carpet like liquid. "yes! which one do you think would work best for your pleasure?" he's smiling across the floor from you.
he waits as you scan the table with your eyes. the cucumber is long and thick, while the carrot is thin and pointy, and to be truthful, you find it hard to believe that either of them would be pleasant to have inside of you. "the squash." you mutter.
"why?" he gently asks in return, his voice high and airy, all sweetened up just for you. "the cucumber is too big, and the carrot is too sharp." the words mumble out of your mouth, and he smiles widely at your innocence.
"too big?" he questions, his tone impossibly quieter than before, and he wraps his fingers around the cucumber. it's similar in size to his own cock, and his body tingles in excitement at your worries. a new fantasy has popped into his head now, and he'll definitely dream ruining you with the size of his penis for the next few weeks.
"how would these," you hesitantly speak, changing the subject from your vegetables to his fruits, "even work for males?" the words stutter out, making donghyuck laugh.
"well," he picks up the grapefruit in his palm, "you carve a hole into the middle," he glances up at you from beneath a pair of long eyelashes and the glass of his spectacles, "and put it in the microwave to warm it up."
you must have a disgusted look on your face by the way he chuckles again, "do you understand, or should I go more in detail?"
"I get it." you snap, suddenly feeling rushed and glancing at the clock, it's getting late, you have plans tomorrow, and you still have homework to do. "lets finish up here for the night."
donghyuck nods his head, a small grin still playing on his lips. "I'll take my grapefruit with me as I go, and leave you and mr.squash alone together." he wiggles his eyebrows, and you shuffle on your knees, immediately groaning back at him. "get out of my apartment you perv."
if you're honest, a tiny part of you feels excited to pleasure yourself with something you'd never thought of before. it's true that you've never masturbated with an object of any sort, only your fingers, and the imaginable stretch this vegetable could give you is already sending waves down to your core.
donghyuck on the other hand, is just as eager, if not more, to get his hands on this project tonight. in fact, when he gets outside to his car, he's ready to speed home and get started.
he's already halfway hard just from the way you spoke to him earlier. not only were you aggressive to him when debunking the rumors, but the topic of sleeping with mark, and who's ever been able to touch you—it has him wishing he was in their shoes.
you're continuing to run through donghyuck's mind as he drives home. he didn't realize you were so pure, he wants to destroy you, in truth, he wants to send you a teasing text message right now, just to see your aggravated response. so as soon as he parks the car outside of his fraternity home, he does just that.
11:41 PM
lee donghyuck: plans tonight? a vegetable orgy perhaps?
he enters the fraternity house, keys in hand, phone in back pocket, wallet in— where's his wallet?
"shit." he breathily curses, jogging up the stairs to his empty room. his roommate johnny must be out for the night, bed made neatly in the corner.
donghyuck plops into his own bed and dials your number, now growing anxious about his missing wallet.
"what do you want donghyuck?!" you sound angry, well, angrier than usual, and if he listens closely, your breathing is labored, as if you'd just done something strenuous.
"don't be a bitch, I just have a question," he says coldly, "did I happen to leave my wallet at your place?"
you groan throatily from the other end of the phone line, and haechan smirks in reaction, happy to be of inconvenience. a soft shuffling rustles through his speakers, and you're annoyedly stopping down the hallway to your kitchen.
his leather platted wallet sits quaintly over the counter top, and you sigh loudly enough for him to hear. "yes it's here, I'll be sure to chuck it at your head in class tomorrow." you sneer, and donghyuck scoffs back an "okay, but I know how much money is in there, so don't even think about stealing any."
you're on your way back to your bedroom when you respond, "fuck you donghyuck, I changed my mind, I'm gonna give it to a homeless man on my way to class."
and before he gets a chance to bite back, you throw the phone onto your bed sheets and snuggle right back in to where you were before he called.
he however, is still on the other end of the line, snarking an unheard comeback into the speaker like his life depends on it. he's completely unaware that the phone has just landed next to a vegetable, the squash, which is laying over the bedsheets in preparation to be used.
once he finishes speaking, he's confused as to why you haven't hung up, because the phone call is racking up the minutes before his eyes, yet nothing but a simple rustling noise comes through the speakers.
before his interruption, you were stroking yourself with the vegetable, experimenting with it like the research project entails for you to. so here you are again, and it's difficult, you find yourself whining out loud when it won't fit inside you, stretching the outside of your hole with a sharp burning pain.
donghyuck inhales sharply when he hears you, that soft angelic whimper escaping your throat— he can only imagine it to be one thing. is there someone there with you? are you touching yourself? do you know he's still on the line? the questions fly through his brain.
it isn't until you whine to yourself "too big," that he really understands what's happening on the other end of the phone. the vegetable.
donghyucks heart races, recalling the size of the green squash in his brain, it wasn't even that large. oh my god, you really have never masturbated with an object before. even though he'd heard you say so earlier, he ignored it out of pure disbelief.
yet now that he knows, he can't bare to hear your despair over the phone, he wants to educate you, he's desperate to help you pleasure yourself in your tiny and untouched hole.
he doesn't want to hang up the phone, but the angel on his shoulder reminds him how dirty and wrong the situation may be. you had to have meant to hang up the phone, there's no way, as much as he wishes there was, that you'd left him on the line on purpose.
so the little red end button is tapped by his finger, and it swiftly makes way to the keyboard, typing out yet another text message for you.
11:41 PM
lee donghyuck: plans tonight? a vegetable orgy perhaps?
12:03 AM
lee donghyuck: you can't make yourself feel good with something so big, unless you warm up first. start with your fingers, take your time, stretch yourself out.
he watches closely as the text bubble delivers, and a heavy fog sits in his bedroom air. the fact that he heard you whimper at the mercy of unreachable pleasure, and knowing that you're masturbating in this current moment in time— it's done something to donghyuck, obvious by the imprint of his hard cock in his sweatpants, and the rapid racing beat of his heart.
in the morning, you feel physically ill, when recalling the events from the night before. donghyucks text message had buzzed your phone to life, and your stomach dropped as you read it. there's no way he could've guessed that masturbating is what you'd been doing before and after answering his phone call, and by the amount of minutes the caller ID racked up, you knew exactly what happened.
he heard you. masturbating. with a squash.
in hindsight, it isn't that big of a deal, this is your research project, after all. and donghyuck will need to fuck a food just as well you will, but the fact that he heard you and so nonchalantly gave you advice about it, its so embarrassing.
you cant go into class today, not with this on your conscience, and especially not with the blackmail that the infamous lee donghyuck is now equipped with.
you'll have to switch schools, better yet, you'll have to change your name.
donghyuck was confused when he entered the classroom, actually slightly excited to see you at your desk, only to find it vacant and cold in lack of your presence. even professor park herself asked the students if they'd seen you on campus today, worried by the disruption in your perfect attendance.
donghyuck reaches for his cellphone, immediately typing out a text for you, the third text within twelve hours actually.
11:41 PM
lee donghyuck: plans tonight? a vegetable orgy perhaps?
12:03 AM
lee donghyuck: you can't make yourself feel good with something so big, unless you warm up first. start with your fingers, take your time, stretch yourself out.
10:02 AM
lee donghyuck: where are you?
you stare at the text as it buzzes it's way onto your home screen, nausea pooling it's way into your stomach. you knew you hated donghyucks project idea, but you had no idea that it was going to be this gut wrenchingly awful to execute. so you ignore the message—all day.
tonight's plans consist of a wedding, a beautiful reception for your wonderful cousin and the man she loves. and while you're elated for their happiness, you find yourself most excited to take place at the open bar all night.
so here you are, downing your fourth lemon drop shot and ordering yet another glass of rosé champagne from an old female bartender. the ceremony was gorgeous, so was your cousin, and now that she's wedded, the guests are celebrating, you included, until you hear an agitating-ly familiar voice from down the bar.
"can I get another bottle of soju?" donghyuck slurs, leaning over the black countertop to an older bartender. he seems reluctant to give donghyuck what he asks for, but does it anyway.
a sober you would've ducked your head and ran the other way to avoid donghyuck, but drunk you, "what the fuck are you doing here?" blurts out harshly, also slurring your words.
his reaction time is slowed when he turns to you, proving him also to be very tipsy. "what the hell?" he grits his teeth, "the groom is my brothers best friend, why the fuck are you here?"
oh but of course. what an inconvenient coincidence.
"the bride is my cousin, so I'm family. that means I'm more important." the words barely make sense as they string together when leaving your lips. "you should leave." you state, turning away and stomping back toward a dinner table.
donghyuck can't help but glance at your body in the little blue dress you threw on for tonight's event, it flows cutely in the wind behind you as you stumble away in your high heels. he almost chuckles, until he remembers the way you ghosted him all day.
"excuse me?" he hisses, now stumbling after you. "can you rethink the way you're speaking to me lately? I'm a person too you know." he grasps onto your wrist, but you wriggle away from his touch and plop into a dining chair.
it only takes half a second for him to join you, sitting in the seat directly next to yours. "I really enjoyed your response to my texts, by the way. It was really great, super well thought out, had great diction and outstanding sentence structure, I was appalled by your greatness—" he rambles on and on sarcastically about the read receipts and lack of responses left beneath his messages.
"shut the fuck up!" you lean forward to confidently yell in his face, the gutsy move supported by the alcohol in your veins. your heads are close, and donghyucks eyes widen by the fury in your tone.
"if you're trying to hound me about the project—don't." you warn, breath still close enough to fan donghyucks face. "I'm done talking about it with you. from now on, I'll do my part, and you do yours. that's it." a pout sits over your lips when you lean back into the chair and take a large sip of your drink.
donghyuck is dumbfounded by your words, but resonates with them nonetheless. he crossed a boundary with you, and understands the place you're coming from. you've worked together enough so far, and can finish the research paper without discussing the— intricacies.
the rounded table falls silent, each chair vacant, nothing but purses and jackets left by party guests who now reside on the dance floor. you stare into the middle of the white tablecloth, eyes now focused on the fruit tray appetizer sitting in the middle of it.
"I love pineapple." you drunkenly state through the silence, now gripping a tiny chunk of the fruit between your fingers.
the argument is over, and donghyuck watches as you examine the snack and plop it between your lips, painted such a pretty pink color. he wants to laugh at the way you've just went from screaming at him to contently munching on appetizers. "it's alright. I like strawberry better."
your eyes widen in disbelief, cheeks full of pineapple when you debate the matter of his opinion. "what?! pineapple is so much better! it has so many interesting benefits also. did you know that it promotes reproductive health?"
"benefits?" he leans closer, watching as you pick up yet another piece of the yellow fruit. a sober donghyuck would do his own research and try his best to correct the way you're educating him right now, but drunk donghyuck would rather question it blindly.
"yes," you stare back at him, chewing the juicy texture with happiness, "eating it makes oral sex taste better."
his already flushed cheeks are now burning with saturation, and he smiles at your words. "that's such a myth." a giggle leaves his lips beneath his giddy and crescent shaped eyes, and you sit forward in shock.
that's it. a new project idea that totally trumps his flop masturbation idea, and will get you out of it entirely.
"wanna bet? let's research it." you're now facing him straight on, and there's a curious glint in his foggy and intoxicated eyes. he sits back, once again taking in the way the blue dress compliments your figure. “how?”
who knew that a drunk you could think of a project idea much faster than a sober you ever could.
maybe it’s the way donghyucks brunette hair is disheveled around his forehead, or the way his voice has dropped several octaves to a sexy husk, it could be nothing but the lustful look in his eyes.
but whatever it may be, has curated a need inside of you that you never thought you’d form. “follow me, and I’ll show you.”
part 2 coming soon! ( much quicker than part 1 did, sorry for the wait )
TAGLIST: @thisbabydontstop @thelmathinks @trulanxe @jaeymark @nctxtrash @artgukk @jaehmarks @count-your-shadows @pradagukkie @matchahyuck
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dominophile · 8 months
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💙🍃Branch Dating Headcanons🍃💙
Character: Branch
Warnings: small talk of abandonment issues, nothing major
Nsfw?: none
This is for a friend. The reason I ever actually got into Trolls was because she told me all about how hot Branch was.
I also very much want to headcanon this guy I have so many thoughts.
Note: My headcanons will always include my species headcanons too, which includes but isn't limited to different types of tails, claws, hair, etc.
Now for the man of the hour, Branch!
Branch is the perfect man
I mean kind of
From the first day you started dating, this man has been super protective of you
He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you, even if you're definitely safe already, this guy is taking zero chances
Probably at some point tried to keep you in his bunker for "precautionary reasons"
Look it's the thought that counts, he loves you
Now let's not forget the abandonment issues
He's got a genuine fear that people he loves will all leave him, one way or another
Reassure him you're not going anywhere, please, he needs it
You don't have to be with him 24/7 of course
He understands more than anyone the need to be alone or do your own thing, trust me
If you want to hang out with other Trolls, I doubt he would mind
He doesn't like groups much, but he might appreciate the sentiment of you inviting him regardless
Say "I love you"
You might just have to he the first to do so
He loves you so fucking much, but "What if that scares them away??"
Just tell him how much you love him every so often, it helps
On a similar note, communicate!
Communicate how you feel, and encourage him to do the same
Keeping secrets and emotions from him could easily come back to bite you
Even if you don't have bad intentions, he might assume you do
It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just assumes the worst sometimes
That said, he's not sure how to share his own emotions sometimes either
This guy has spent a long time avoiding every other living being and doesn't often understand the difference between talking to himself, and talking to you
Social cues too, don't assume he knows what you're feeling, because as much as he tries with you all his new friends, he still gets it wrong a lot
Work with him, you'll get there
Branch enjoys spending time with you, but he's wary about physical touch
Ever met someone who hates being touched but is also touched starved? That's Branch!
If he wants physical affection or something of the sort, he'll come to you
You can also ask him. He loves and cares about you and even if it's not his favorite, if it makes you happy he'll allow it
He will absolutely protectively wrap his tail around you though if you guys are sitting next to each other
Who cares if you're all alone? Feel safe damn it
You're the only person who can do that, he knows you won't hurt him
If you also dislike physical affection, you two can just vibe in each other's company
Branch overworks himself sometimes, and normally would fight through exhaustion, but if you're around, he wouldn't mind a quick nap
You'll watch his back won't you?
He wouldn't mind if you fell asleep with him too
All in all though, he's a good boyfriend
He's thoughtful
He's caring
He's protective
And he really really loves you so much
He thinks you make him a better person
Like he was incomplete before you came around
"Meeting you was like finding the last missing piece of a puzzle."
Man that's cheesy. But sweet.
Oh maybe that was just a set up to get you to do a puzzle with him
Eh still sweet
I also think he would appreciate if you made him coffee in the mornings sometimes
If you're a coffee person, have some too!
Tea person? Or anything else? He'll stock up on what you like once he realizes you like it
He sleeps in late sometimes though, if you're a morning person you're fending for yourself with drinks
Other Trolls are happy seeing you with him during the day also
Especially Poppy
"So happy to see you branching out!!"
Bunker Bucket List: Learn to love again
Check ✅
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lisya840 · 3 months
Wrong Order | Cyno | Headcanons🪷
A.N : I'm not an Author, this is just me rambling about what I think Cyno would be like if Your Waiter Accidentally give you the wrong Order, and You're to shy to speak up for yourself.
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If you were to go eat out with Cyno, you guys must had discussed what food you will order, and listen to you order ofcourse he heard/knows what you order.
While you and Cyno happily having a nice conversation, suddenly the waiter came with your food, but the food the waiter gave you is NOT your food.
You stare at the dish in front of you, thinking to yourself what should you do?? Not only it's not what you ordered but the FOOD has one of your dislike food/ingredients (for example Peas. I HATE Peas.)
Cyno ofcourse Noticed your dish is not what you ordered, he question about it and he's about to go call the waiter, but you stop him saying it was Fine. You don't want to trouble the Waiter. Cyno would still insist it's not much of a problem, but you still said it was fine.
Every time this happens it usually ends in two routes. Cyno knows your dislike food, and he hates you eating something you don't like. So Cyno gives you two choices, it's Either he's going to call the waiter and tell them a mistake and brings your actual Order.
OR you would switch dishes with Cyno's. Cyno understands You're shy, so if you don't want him to call the waiter at least switch with his dish. He will happily eat something you don't like just for the sake to see you happy/enjoy your food.
(but unless the food he ordered you don't like as well, Welp he's definitely going to call the waiter for you lol)
As you were having a nice chat with Cyno with great enthusiasm, The Waiter arrived with food in hand, as they laid down the dishes, your voice died down as you just stared at the dish in front of you.
"This. This isn't my Order" you thoughts. The Waiter looks like a nice person, you don't want to bother them, they probably already have a rough day at work, being a Waiter isn't easy. You just have to suck it up and eat it.
"I don't Remember you ordered that?" A voice from the other side of the table spoke. Your eye turns to Cyno, he looks at your food and then at you.
"Oh yeah- I think they gave me the.. wrong one.. But! It's Fine- it's Alright, Food is already here and the Waiter probably had a busy day, I can eat it, food is food after all... It's not that bad...haha..ha..." Yeah. That's what you keep saying to yourself. But as you take another look at the wrong dish. Your appetite has already died.
"But (Name), You Hate (your dislike food)." Cyno looked at you with a raise eyebrow. "It's Fine- Pahaha— Sometimes You just Have to Tough it Up!" you said unenthusiastically, pick up a spoonful as you slowly put it in your mouth. You gagged and almost throw the food out, but you manage and swallow it. Cyno just stares at you, watching you struggle to eat another spoonful.
"... (Name) you clearly don't like the dish, We can just call the Waiter." Cyno suggested and You immediately shake your head "NO! No- it's Alright! There's no need to call the Waiter- They're probably Busy- I don't wanna bother them." You laugh awkwardly. The Restaurant you guys are eating barely had any customers, Cyno glanced at the Waiters and they are chilling and sitting, waiting around for another customer to come in.
"I'm sure It won't be a Hassle. It was their mistake for giving you the wrong Order, There's no reason to feel embarrassed or guilty." Cyno briefly explains, Cyno was just about to call out the Waiter before You jump standing up a little from your chair to gran Cyno's hand, with a pleading look you begged him.
"No-NoNonoNO—!? You don't understand! The Waiters probably already had a rough day, I know being a Waiter can be Hard! If I Tell them they made a mistake, Imagine Them judging ME?! I mean sure They will act Nice- But they don't show It to you! And after they came back to the kitchen telling the problem?! The boss got mad at the waiter for making a Mistake! And after that, at the end of the day They get Fired because That was the 5th Mistake they made! They come back to their home with 3 starving children, with now unemployed How can The Waiter pay for their child Foods! Education-And AND!—" You started babbling about your anxiety, talking like you know the waiter or something. Cyno didn't say anything, listening to your concern, when you finally stop and breathe heavily from your nonstop babbling. Cyno gently holds your hand, with his other hand also comes to place on top of your hand and gently squeeze it.
"Alright. I understand Your concerns. If calling back the waiter stresses you that much. At least switch your dish with Mine." The Tone Cyno used was soft and gentle, his eyes softened a little, looking at you in the eye showing nothing but absolute pure love and understanding.
"Huh? N-no there's no need, You don't need to switch your dish with Mine, it's your dish!" You sit back down to your chair, You look at Cyno with hesitation and concern, you know Cyno is quite thoughtful, especially when it comes to you. But you couldn't possibly let Cyno eat something you don't like, just like that! That's his food, he ordered it because he craved for it, this was Your mistake, can't let him endure it.
"It's Fine, I want You to Have it, After years spent in the Desert, I learn to eat almost anything. Besides, I hate to see you eat something You dislike." Cyno then grab your plate about to switch with his. But you immediately stop him, holding your plate.
"But- But-" You tried to come up with another excuse until Cyno cut you off "It's Either this or we're calling the Waiter." Cyno said soft yet firm with his statement. Hearing that, you loosen your grip as You sigh in defeat, letting Cyno switch your wrong dish with his.
You guys start eating, Slowly eating his dish, It tasted better than the wrong dish you got. Your eye glances at Cyno, He was quietly eating your dish with no problem at all. Such a thoughtful Lover, Willing to go this far just for the sake of his Love to be able to enjoy their lunch/dinner(or whatever).
You smile softly before you spoke in a whisper but loud enough for Cyno to hear.
"I Love You..."
"I Love you Too." <3
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oscconfessions · 30 days
my distaste for the new ii ep comes from how annoying it made everyone be about taco, the ep was good but yeah i just realized that. anyway.
listen. I think that Taco CAN become a better person. I think that she CAN be able to move on and that she needs to let go of II as a whole. But that doesn't mean that all of her actions are immediately erased/forgiven either. Like the whole point of the episode is to show that Taco KNOWS that she's a terrible person, but like, being aware of it doesn't erase all the harm she did. And Taco KNOWS that herself. She says that she can't let go, and she DOESN'T want to get better either. That's the whole thing. She doesn't want to get better because she thinks she can't get better. And like. Listen
BOTH take aways from the episode are like genuinely horrid. "Taco should make up with Mic and Pickle" nope! She wouldn't! And she can't! She literally can't! She died from the stress the idea of confronting them caused her, and she doesn't want to because she's aware of how much pain she caused. Mic leaving made her realize she was terrible. "Taco is an irredimable monster" ALSO no. Listen. Taco isn't doing anything to become better. Blah blah blah "her arc is not done yet" we know shut up. My point is that Taco is aware that she's a terrible person and her whole song is about her having pity for herself instead of working on being better. MEPAD is the one who's pushing her to do those things, but that's because he's only aware of like, half of the context and doesn't know Mic's and Pickle's sides. Does this mean she's irredemable? Not really. Yeah she did a lot of harm on purpose and recognizing that WON'T kill any of you. And calling out the fucked up shit she did won't kill you either nor does make you a woman hater, everyone calls out shitty stuff characters do all the time, I am impressed that the "evil woman enjoyers" are so adamandant on saying that the evil woman isn't actually fucked up??? However. I don't think Taco is irredemable AND this comes from someone who very openly dislikes her. I GENUINELY want Taco to become a better person and to heal, I want her to let go of II, and of everyone there as a result. People don't seem to understand how her attachment to the past, and to the show, AND to pickle, is literally killing her at the moment. It is literally stopping her from becoming a better person.
Feeling "bad" about your actions doesn't make it okay. You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. That's the thing that Taco does. There's like SPECIAL emphasis on mic and pickle being happy and comfortable without taco being around, everyone calls out Taco because she's been stalking them, Taco did the whole questions thing just for. the sake of it. Like she didn't have to do that. Sure "I want you guys to see how bad the show got". Knife LITERALLY called her Ms Projector. But Taco CAN change. She NEEDS to forgive herself and let go for once and for all.
AND before someone compares Taco to Nickel or to any character to ignore the whole fucking point of the ep and of this analysis. They're not the same. They have their similarities but Taco did all of that shit because she wanted the money, and just because she could. Like have we forgotten that she wanted Mic to literally kill Balloon. Come on. A taser would've just killed him. Taco is NOT trying to get better, she says it on her song as well. She knows she did terrible damage and doesn't want to get better because she genuinely THINKS she can't start over at other places. Her unhealthy attachment to II is ruining her. And Nickel? He was like that because Balloon WAS a terrible person on s1, Nickel wanted to protect his alliance, and he KNOWS he was a terrible person now but you know what he did? He started to become a better person AND a better friend once he realized he was in the wrong. AND he's not aware like Taco is! He IS going to therapy and becoming a better person because he WANTS to be a good friend. Taco isn't. Taco kept digging further and further on her own hole despite the fact that she could've just. Start to get better ever since the ep started or moved on with Mepad but she didn't!!!! Because that wouldn't be Taco!!!!
also i honestly don't think people actually like taco as a character i think most of you are like that with her because you think she's hot. "oh max you just hate women" first of all shut up get another argument for whenever someone calls out your shit and also don't you DARE forget the fact that people villainized candle for wanting to take care of herself + that people were HORRID about cabby winning and about her disability. like the treatment you guys give to women is genuinely horrid. DON'T get me started on the way people treat mic or how people infantilize suitcase for being naive/kind. i love fem characters (my main one is literally mic) and the way literally everyone started to treat taco as a shell of her character is genuinely upsetting when the whole point of the ep was to show that "taco is a bad person and she doesn't want to get better". do you guys ACTUALLY care about taco? do you guys see her as a complex individual? do you understand that she's a bad person? do you understand that she doesn't want to get better? do you understand that she NEEDS to let go of ii AND of the past in order to start healing properly? do you understand that you can still enjoy an evil character while also not having to justify their actions, ESPECIALLY when said character recognized that they're fucked up? or do you just feel attracted to her aesthetic? because i think most of you are just attracted to her aesthetic and the fact that she's "hot" to you. taco is a genuinely compelling character and deserves so much better than being treated as a hot woman who's main character trait gets forgotten every single time.
also the ep made me like her more actually but by jove is everyone stupid about her leave her aloneeeee she doesn't need to be excused she doesn't need to be condemned she needs to let go. she needs to accept that meanwhile she can't fix things anymore that doesn't mean she can't work to be a better person.
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sharksnshakes · 1 year
Dinner? - Albert Wesker
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Wesker keeps calling you into his office to run point. It's definitely not anything deeper than that, right?
A/N; wesker? with a crush? unspeakable. gn!reader
Wordcount; 629
TW; one singular curse word, use of (y/n) and (l/n)
"(l/n)," Wesker calls, "A word?"
Startled, you glance up from your paperwork and cast a glance behind you. your captain's sticking his head out of his office door, watching you expectantly. You hadn't even heard it open.
It felt like Wesker was calling you into his office to run point every three seconds, and while Jill and Chris had reassured you the action was complimentary, you had your doubts. Even so, you set down your pen and shuffled your paperwork, nodding at the captain.
"Sure. Of course," you reply, meeting Wesker's eyes. The door shuts before you can finish speaking, and you resist sighing out loud.
It's not that you don't respect Captain Wesker: you do, really! No, you just feel like a bug under a microscope whenever you're in that office. You two compare notes--or, rather, Wesker asks your opinion, and you give it to him--and you leave feeling like you've either said the wrong thing, been too honest, or some combination of both.
It doesn't help that his added attention always made your cheeks flush. When he's hanging onto your every word and looking at you like that? It only made you even more hesitant to face him... he's attractive, and he knows it.
You passed Chris on your way to the office, and he gave you an encouraging thumbs-up. That was the other thing: Chris was practically Wesker's right hand man, and yet, you are the one who's constantly being called into his office. You tried not to think too hard about it as you pulled the door open and stepped inside.
Wesker was seated at his desk, focusing intently on a map of sorts, and you knocked softly on the doorframe.
The blond glanced up. "Come in. Shut the door behind you."
You nodded, closing it with a soft click. Your footfalls were quiet on the carpeted floor, and as you approached the desk, you waited for his inevitable questions.
Your brow furrowed. "What about it?"
"Should I pick you up at seven?"
You blinked owlishly, shaking your head as if to physically clear it. "I'm sorry," you said, "Are you asking me on a date right now?"
A grin tugged at the corner of his lips. "Seven, then?"
Holy shit.
Wesker was asking you on a date. Like... actually.
"I... is that, like, against S.T.A.R.S. protocol? Dating my supervisor?" you asked, mouth moving faster than your brain. You wanted to take the words back the second they left your mouth, but when Wesker chuckled, amused, and leaned forward, chin in his palms, all of your self-doubts shriveled up and died.
"Would you like to go to dinner with me, or not?"
That is the question, isn't it? You'd been so certain of his dislike for you, but now? You prided yourself on being able to read people, but considering current circumstances, it was an ability you'd have to re-evaluate.
Well... how bad could it be?
"Uh. I'd--I think it could be fun," you finally answered, grasping for the right words. "Sure. I mean, yes! Yes, I'd like to go to dinner with you."
"Wonderful. I'll pick you up at seven."
He glanced back down at the map, and you failed to understand how he managed to exude the confidence required to ask people out so casually.
"I'll see you later, then?"
"Yeah. See you," you echoed, stepping out of his office.
The door shut behind you with a slight click, and you stood there, shocked.
You had a date tonight.
Had he always liked you?
"Looking a little pale there, (y/n)," Jill joked from across the room. "You alright?"
Oh, she didn't even know the half of it.
...What were you going to wear?
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all-pacas · 1 month
ok i was trying to nap because i'm sick and i couldn't sleep and instead i was thinking about house medical doctor. and like. ok. chase is my special favorite, right? i want to punch him in his face, right?
I was thinking, though. It's easy to… smooth over and buff out characters to make them more appealing. To focus on traits and interpretations that you like. And to be clear I do think Chase has a lot of good qualities, both in terms of being a likeable character (he's clever! He doesn't take himself that seriously and isn't ego driven, unlike many others in the cast!) and being a fun character to watch (he's always pulling weird faces or being sarcastic!).
But he also has some real fucking character flaws, so let's talk about them. Because I want to. Because I don't like smoothing people out to fit a Narrative. I want to talk about his apathetic moral vacancy.
Like. Chase is apathetic. He truly and honestly doesn't give a shit about other people a lot of the time. He's not aggressive about it, he's not cruel — he tends to be fairly polite, although he's not great at hiding it ("the nurse's phone can take pictures!" "………cool"), he doesn't often talk shit. When he dislikes a patient, he at least tries to hide it (contrast with Foreman, who genuinely sucks at this). But that doesn't mean he cares. He is absolutely fine with lying to patients (Post Mortem), or with billing people for tests and not telling them (Safe). He doesn't care if that's shady. He's super ethically flexible, is the only one of the fellows to be openly pro euthanasia, has zero moral issue with treating Dibala. This clearly isn't because Chase believes so strongly that being a doctor should make you neutral to petty political beliefs, he just… doesn't care much. It doesn't bother him. I don't think he'd go out of his way to be harmful or cruel to someone, but he also isn't going out of his way to help them either.
While we do see him advocating for his patients and getting involved now and then (mostly with children), he never really has any moments where he takes a stand or fights for someone. Cameron, by contrast, does this constantly (The Itch, Acceptance, Fidelity…). Foreman also has several episodes (Fools For Love, Whac-A-Mole, a lot of his S3 development tbh) where he finds and bonds with and over-invests in a patient. The closest Chase ever comes to "getting way too involved in someone's life because he cares" is Moira in Chase, and she's preeeetty explicitly called out as him rebounding and acting out; he's doing the Wilson-Amber reinvent yourself after trauma thing, and it wears off pretty quickly. In Cameron and Foreman's cases too, it's more about their personal issues than the patient in question… but Chase's situation was really about him.
Speaking of being morally vacant! When Cameron might be infected with HIV (Hunting), he expresses some concern and House immediately mocks him for being fake. I don't actually know that it was (he certainly keeps up the thread of suggesting she should take some time off, he's not just being performative), but it's telling that the first reaction to Chase showing concern for anyone is "lol, who are you kidding?" Cameron accuses him later that of not being a good guy. She wants to get laid and live life on the edge, and the person that jumps to her mind when she wonders "who would be down for doing me on meth" is Chase. Nor is she wrong. Chase is an opportunist. Tritter calls him one, and Tritter is correct. He rats to Vogler to save his job, and is barely sorry for it; I'm not sure he ever apologizes. Everyone expects he'll immediately run to Tritter and a huge source of tension in Finding Judas is that Chase can't win: Foreman and Cameron already assume he has, that he's too spoiled and weak to not. Later in S3, when Cameron propositions him, he again goes "free sex?" and signs up, despite calling her out on what a demeaning offer she's making. He tends to pick the easier options. He stays a diagnostics fellow for years longer than anyone else, because it's a safe space. It's easy. He'd rather be a follower than take any risks. (I think there is no room for a reality where he refused his dad's money out of spite or pride. Why would he refuse a trust fund? It's easy. It's right there.)
We actually do see him lash out and stand up for himself here and there. He pushes back against Cameron a few times, actually (Act your Age, Saviors, Teamwork), and he's also pushed back against Foreman and House. But it's only for himself. I can't think of a time he went far out of his way to defend one of his coworkers, or his boss, or a patient. He did get mad enough to, uh, kill, when Dibala threatened Cameron. Which: fair enough? But he doesn't care much for things outside of his immediate influence. He has no problem shrugging off Cuddy in Living the Dream, or an armed gunman in Last Resort. He has no moral stances or political beliefs that we know of (besides, uh, fat people suck and the US immigration system is annoying). He very much does care about people, he's pretty clear that at least some of his apathy is a defense thing after a deeply fucked up childhood, but it's always despite himself. He prefers to do his job and go home. There's an old not-joke about how all surgeons have god complexes. Chase being a surgeon is kind of a retcon, and in a lot of ways he doesn't fit the stereotype — he's not particularly arrogant or superior, he's not even ambitious. He does get touchy about being called wrong, or accused of making mistakes, but I don't think he's any worse than the others on that front (or more prone to making mistakes). But that indifference? His sort of general aloofness? He cares about himself, and his little circle, and watches his own back, and that's it. He doesn't dislike other people, but he doesn't care much either way. Foreman accuses him of being fake. Everyone accuses him of being morally vacant, an opportunist who will do anything if it improves his own situation. And… yeah. Kinda.
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milkb0nny · 1 year
Heyo! If it's not too much to ask, Could I request Alhaitham with a touch starved reader? That's all! Have a nice day/night! :)
🤍 𝑨𝒍𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒎 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒔/𝒐
note: I waited for a request like this! Gimme more, moreeee!!!
characters: Al Haitham
contents: fluff, gn! reader, cuddling and kisses
warnings: not proofread
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🍃... 𝑨𝒍 𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒎
▫️You can bet on your life that he secretly adores your clingy personality. He feels loved and appreciated whenever you want hugs or want to feel his body.
▫️At first he was overwhelmed with the physical touches you need to feel cherished and it was a little struggle in the beginning. You'd sometimes feel left behind which strained your relationship. Luckily Alhaitham can communicate issues very well with you and since you expressed how much you need him, he's willing to care.
▫️On weekends you'll spend most of the time together. If it is good weather he will pack some lunchboxes and head to a nearby field with you. While he has his books with him, you cuddle in his lap under the sun. On rainy days you stay inside and grab yourselves a blanket.
▫️Alhaitham doesn't mind you laying over him, using him as a mattress or pillow. In fact he is very fond of you being with him. He knows you're safe and you're feeling protected in his presence.
▫️While reading he will sometimes close the book to look at your beautiful face and he'll give you a soft kiss on the cheek.
▫️You're aware he dislikes people who are being too pushy with him so you express your needs in a way to make him feel comfortable with it. You're not mad either when he neglects a hug or kiss after a stressful day. After all you do have these shitty days too and Alhaitham needs some space in a bad mood.
▫️Kaveh often comments on his patience with you. Alhaitham is a preserved man but you twist his mind completely. You can cling on him all day as long as you don't bother him in reading or working you're all good. If Kaveh was you, he'd be dead or thrown out of the house.
▫️At times it happens that the both of you don't see each other for days. It hurts you a lot and you miss him the moment you see him leave. He's you're safe place and it's hard to continue normal housework without him. Surely Alhaitham isn't as cheerful as other people but you always got his back at home.
▫️On reunion you will jump at him, happy to see your beloved man again. Alhaitham missed you as well and this is the time you enjoy a lot: after a period of time not seeing each other he is very touch starved as well.
▫️Imagine you both laying in the bed and he draws circles on your skin with his fingers, while telling you something about his work or businesses. Small gestures like these keep your daily life in tact.
▫️He wraps his arms around you quite often when you are in public to protect you and pull you away from any weird people. No one else except him has the right to touch you.
▫️Alhaitham enjoys cuddling in the morning a lot. When you wake up and your sleepy head just rolls over him he tickles you slightly and then gives you a big hug. On weekends it can take you hours to finally leave the bed since he does enjoy your company so much.
▫️You're glad he's more of an action guy than a man who expresses everything with words. Don't get me wrong he tells you he loves you often but most of his affection comes through touches. You're the right person for him.
▫️Another big positive thing is that he doesn't need to be afraid of making you uncomfortable whenever he seeks your attention.
▫️That you are touch starved is a very nice thing to Alhaitham. Your relationship is balanced and benefits the both of you. You're glad to call yourself his partner and you're grateful for him being so touchy with you as well. Sure, at some days it isn't enough but you two try to communicate your feelings.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How They Would React to an SO Taller/Shorter Than Them - BNHA
How They React to an SO Taller/Shorter Than Them
Katsuki Bakugo
Taller SO: I feel like Katsuki would definitely pout about you being taller than him at first and would continue to deep into your relationship... In public anyway. His pettiness was all about his need to beat everyone, including his partner! He did like that he could climb you like a tree though... I-It meant he could get further in his training! Nothing more!
Shorter SO: Katsuki would teasing the living hell out of you! He would probably tease you either way, but especially if you're shorter than him! He would call you nicknames, like 'mouse', 'tiny' and 'squirt'. He would keep you close to him whenever the two of you are in public though, he knows you can take care of yourself, why would he be with you otherwise, but your small stature made him compelled to protect you!
Izuku Midoriya
Taller SO: Izuku would adore you, no matter how tall you are! But I think he'd get a little flustered if you were taller. He was pretty short anyway, he was hoping to have a growth spurt soon but until then he was one of the shortest in class! The only other guys he was taller than were Tokoyami and Mineta! But he did like how safe you made him feel when you would get close and tower over him!
Shorter SO: Even if you were shorter than Izuku, he still is pretty short compared to other people and wouldn't freak out too much knowing that you're shorter than him, but he would still geek out about it sometimes. He loved the fact you would come too close and be forced to look up at him, even a little bit! He would ruffle your hair and smile down at you, his cheeks pink at how cute you were!
Shoto Todoroki
Taller SO: Shoto was one of the taller boys in Class 1-A and was a little surprised when he saw you were taller than himself, he didn't really have a feeling on the matter, he didn't particularly like or dislike that he was shorter. Honestly, when he felt upset or scared or even angry, he would go to you, you would surround him with your presence, he felt safe in your arms and would do anything to stay there.
Shorter SO: Once again, Shoto didn't really have any particular feeling towards your height, but he did like seeing you get all excited and looking up at him, or when you had to stand on your tiptoes just to kiss him, or even how you only came up to under his chin, everything about you was adorable! But pocket size!
Eijiro Kirishima
Taller SO: Super! Manly! Eijiro was pretty tall, kind of average height, but he thought it was so awesome that he was dating someone tall! You could reach things he couldn't, you'd lean your chin on his shoulder when you got bored in quirk training and he thought it was really sweet when you would kiss the tip of his nose!!!
Shorter SO: It's Eijiro, he'd still thing you're super manly, even if you aren't very tall! He liked how short you were compared to him, he liked that you relied on him for things, like reaching things that were high up! He especially liked holding things you wanted above his head, he tended to make you give him a kiss if you wanted what he had!
Denki Kaminari
Taller SO: I feel like Denki would be the only character to be a bit miffed that you're taller than him, not because of anything massive, just that he was envious of your height! It's not that he wants to be taller THAN you, he just wants to be taller in general!
Shorter SO: He LOVED that you're shorter than him! He probably believed it was your most attractive physical attribute. Don't get me wrong, he thinks you're absolutely gorgeous, but other than your personality, your humour, your intelligence, your patience, your kindness and love and- well you get the idea!
Hitoshi Shinso
Taller SO: Isn't massively happy that you're taller than him, he isn't upset or angry but he isn't totally happy with it... He would prefer you being the same height or if you were a little shorter, but he loves you for who you are! He isn't insecure being around you, even if you are taller than him, he just hopes he grows a bit!
Shorter SO: If you were shorter than Hitoshi, he would definitely think you're too pure and cute for this world, he would do everything in his power to protect you and snuggle and suffocate you! It's not his original intention, just what seems to happen when the two of you go out! I feel like he would coddle you to the point you get annoyed and angry with him, but he doesn't care! You looked so cute!
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Just a little bit of housekeeping. Bear with me.
You may call me Jackal. I'm an adult and literally do not give a hoot about what pronouns you use for me. I do not claim to be a good person. If I was a good person, this account would not exist. I am a civil and polite person, though, and I expect you all to be the same. I am a mechatronics major and previously a psychology major. The majority of the information I share here comes from some of the greatest minds to exist on this planet. Perhaps consider heeding it, especially if you have no formal education on the topic.
I do not write nor read most lolicon, incest, or bestiality content. I do not support pedophilia, incest, rape, or bestiality in real life. I do read lolicon of adult women with more youthful bodies, because that content helps me grow confidence in my own body, as I'm constantly mistaken to be a child despite being above the age of 18. I do hope all child-touchers, animal-fuckers, rapists, racists, and anybody else who harms a living thing out of ill will rots in jail. To reiterate, this account is strictly ANTI-CONTACT. You can't control paraphilias but you can control the harm they cause.
I do support the protection of all things fictional, because if we make the things a few people find morally wrong to be illegal, we've then already lost when the folks on top go after fiction supporting LGBT, non-christian religions, etc.
I also support the protection of vent pieces, even if that vent centers around things like pedophilia, rape, etc. I am proud of you for taking yet another step towards healing from abuse you suffered in the past and/or from the harmful paraphilias that you struggle with currently.
This account is built on the notion that any interaction will be productive and good-natured regardless of the involved parties. You are free to give your stance on why proship is bad...so long as you accept the fact that people are then welcome to debate back on why proship isn't bad. Any debates that turn hairy will be ended, however, healthy debate and challenging your beliefs is a wonderful way to continuously educate yourself.
Despite my account, I do not intend on forcing an belief on you. In fact, I greatly support that you look at both anti-proship and proship content, and make the effort to educate yourself as well as possible and determine what belief you truly belong to. There is no good in trapping yourself in an echo chamber.
You are free to submit any points as asks or submissions. So long as they are productive and good-natured, I will post them, regardless of what side they take. If they are not productive or good-natured, they will either be deleted, or I will post them to both clown on you for being an asshole and educate you the best I can on why anti-proship is a rather harmful belief system.
Feel free to draw my attention to any posts I haven't reblogged yet that would fit in to this blog. I'll look them over and reblog them.
Most posts will be reblogs, asks, and submissions. However, I may occasionally post my own thoughts. These will often be tagged with #jackal barks, but sometimes I will forget. Any hate comments will be simply tagged as #hatemail.
I have an alternate account called @proshitters-against-constipation . I use that blog to reblog content from antis and shower it in compliments. Look, it's funny watching them sob because a 'nasty, nasty person' gave them a genuine, heartfelt compliment.
Please just block this blog if uncomfortable with the content. It's very glitchy on my phone, so most of the time, tags are incredibly minimal. I will not hold anything against you for blocking the blog. The whole point is that you are the one responsible for curating your online existence. If you dislike incest ships, block em. Dislike noncon content, block it. Dislike the contents of this blog, block me. You control what you see, just as others control what they see. Curate your feed, don't curate others.
Thank you all for reading this, and remember, if you let them destroy the fiction you find morally despicable, then when they come for what you enjoy and support, you've already lost.
Ask/submission tagging system!
#pro stance - proshipper asks
#anti stance - antishipper asks
#no stance - asks of indeterminate standing
#birthday wishes - B O R T H
#hate mail - death threats and the like
#jackal barks - I'm Talkin Here!
#jackal pets - my fur babies!
#jackal rpf - rpf of me
#jackal ships - ships of me
#tot 2024 - askbox trick or treat for Oct 2024
#pac fanart - art of The Creature
If you actually scrolled down this far, have a fun, exciting, and inconclusive list of beings I would be down to smash:
•Stain (MHA)
•Overhaul (MHA)
•EVA-01 (NGE)
•EVA-02 (NGE)
•Xue Yang (MDZS)
•Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
•u1146 (Cells At Work)
•The S.Q.U.i.P. (Be More Chill)
•Moder (The Ritual)
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maochira · 1 year
enemies to lovers with ness because you're a kaiser hater and he's a kaiser fan but every time you guys argue ness feels something towards you (aka love) but he either shakes it off or questions it
I love enemies to lovers so much SDHSKDKA one of my favourite shipping tropes (besides best friends to lovers)
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader x Ness, enemies (kinda) to lovers, reader is classmates with Kaiser and Ness
-Ness can't stand having you around. Every time he sees you even close to Kaiser, he prepares to argue with you if you even look at Kaiser in the wrong way
-your arguments always give him a little thrill. He knows he could just ignore you and that's what others keep telling him to do, but something in him just wants to argue with you over and over
-he thinks it's because he wants to defend Kaiser, but it's actually because he wants to talk to you and doesn't know any other way to approach you
-by now, your Kaiser hate isn't even as serious anymore. Sure, you dislike him, but half of the things you say during your arguments with Ness are things you come up with on the spot. To you, it's cute to see how defensive Ness gets over Kaiser
-you and Ness always get on the same bus for getting to school and for getting back home. Usually, you'd either ignore each other or give each other judgemental stares
-but today, the bus is fuller than usual and there's no free space to sit. Well, except for next to Ness. You're fine with standing, though
-but when Ness calls your name you can't say no anymore. At first, sitting next to him is a little awkward, but after a few minutes, you find yourself in an actual conversation with him. A conversation that's not only about Kaiser
-from this day on, you and Ness always sit together on the bus to talk. But whenever you're in school, especially if Kaiser is around, your usual arguments only continue
-even after you become friends, the debates about Kaiser NEVER stop. They just become less and less serious over time
-when Ness realizes he has a crush on you, he has a huge internal crisis and keeps telling himself he's not in love with you. As some sort of bad coping mechanism, he starts getting more aggressive during your arguments again to a point where it makes you think he doesn't even like you as a friend
-it hurts you a lot because you've started catching romantic feelings for him
-when you start avoiding Ness and don't even sit next to him on the bus anymore, he realizes he's been dealing with his feelings in a wrong way and that he hurt you
-he apologizes to you and confesses his love at the same time. At first, you don't really know how to react, but hearing he loves you as well makes you forget the way you were hurt
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Gummy Worms
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wc: 2.3k pronouns: none used; n/a -- reader is a trainee at boys planet, but it's just a story so you can pretend any gender is allowed to compete; it doesn't affect the story! warnings: light swears; some mean!junhyeon but fluffy ending; gunwook and gyuvin being absolutely on one summary: junhyeon has really messed up by using an immature method to get rivaltrainee!reader's perpetual attention; can the en garde team convince him to turn it around? ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ guys i just know gyuvin and gunwook are actually like this. this is basically just as much about the rest of dog union as it is about junhyeon so it's slightly insane in the best way. somebody save hao from all those nutcases in zb1 LMAO. had a bunch of requests for junhyeon, because he's the best. so i just compiled a couple of them into this baby. :)
"I can fit ten gummy worms in my mouth," Gyuvin brags, smiling smugly at his friends as he stuffs one, two, five, ten gummy worms into his cheeks.
"That's so gross," Gunwook replies, his face twisting up in fascinated disgust. "But I bet I can fit twenty."
The tall boy is just about to shove a gummy worm in his mouth when the door to the En Garde practice room opens. Hoetaek, Seunghwan and Hiroto come rushing in, joining the three members of the Dog Union where they're sitting on the floor.
As Seunghwan plops himself down, his face contorts. "Gyuvin, what the hell is in your mouth?"
"Only ten gummy worms," Gunwook answers for Gyuvin, who is trying to chew the gelatinous mountain of candy in vain. "Wanna see me fit twenty?"
Seunghwan shakes his head. "No, I do not."
Junhyeon sighs audibly. It's only now that the other three boys notice that the loudest trainee has yet to say a word.
"Is something wrong, Junhyeon?" Hiroto asks politely.
Junhyeon sighs again; even deeper this time for dramatic effect as he bemoans, "No."
Hoetaek snorts. "You clearly want us to know something is wrong, so please just get on with it already."
"Geez, tough crowd," Junhyeon relents, leaning back on his hands.
"ISJ COAUGE YARNOIME ISJN HIUA YIH!" Gyuvin tries to say through the gummy worms in his mouth.
"What?" Seunghwan asks, eyes filled with judgment as he stares at the younger boy.
"He said it's cause (Y/N) isn't here yet," Gunwook clarifies, popping a gummy worm into his own mouth.
Hoetaek's brow furrows in confusion. "Why would you be upset about that, Junhyeon? I mean, you've been pretty vocal about your dislike for (Y/N)."
"ISJ AHR OM OCK!" Gyuvin attempts to contribute again.
The other boys look to Gunwook expectantly for a translation.
"He said it's all an act," Gunwook relays, whipping his hair from his eyes and throwing another gummy worm onto his tongue.
"What? What do you mean its all an act?" Hiroto asks.
"That's it," Hoe Taek reprimands sternly, pointing to the garbage can in the corner of the room. "Go spit all of that out right now!"
Gyuvin pouts, chipmunk cheeks still stuffed full of gummy worms as he stands up and walks over to the garbage can sadly.
"And Junhyeon-- just speak for yourself, please," Hoe Taek adds.
Junhyeon nods slowly, chewing his bottom lip. "I actually--."
"HIJ OCKSHOOIRE EEN LUBBIT YERUNOIWE!" Gunwook jumbles, mouth now full to the brim with gummy worms as the rest of the boys turn to look at him. He holds up two fingers and three fingers on either hand respectively to indicate the number of gummy worms he was able to stuff in his cheeks.
The other three boys groan exasperatedly as Gunwook hops up and skips over to the trash can next to Gyuvin.
"That was awesome, buddy," Gyuvin praises with a grin, giving his younger friend a high-five on his way back to the circle. As he sits down, he adds, "Oh, and he said it's cause Junhyeon's actually in love with (Y/N)."
Junhyeon's eyes widen in panic as he hits Gyuvin's arm. "That's--... That's not--... I wasn't gonna say all that, you idiot!"
"Ow," the taller boy whines, rubbing the spot where Junhyeon had hit him. "And I didn't say it-- I was just translating for Wook, remember?"
"Wait," Hoetaek interjects, eyes filled with confusion. "Is that true, Hyeonni? Then why do you fight with (Y/N) pretty much every chance you get?"
"Uh," Junhyeon stammers, wincing as he gives his answer. "Because that's the only way I could get (Y/N) to talk to me..."
"WHAT!?" Seunghwan exclaims, turning his head to glare at Gunwook and Gyuvin who have resumed eating gummy worms. "And you two knew about this? Why didn't you stop him!?"
"We tried to tell him it would be better to just be himself," Gunwook attempts to defend. "But he said he wouldn't take advice from us even if we paid him to."
The other three boys stare at Gunwook and Gyuvin for a moment, remnants of gummy worm mush still on their baby faces. Finally, they all nod in agreement.
"Yeah, no, that makes sense," Hiroto concurs.
"Can't blame him for that," Seunghwan chimes.
Junhyeon sighs. "What am I gonna do now? If I keep picking on (Y/N), then I'm hated. But if I stop, I go back to basically not existing."
"You could just be honest, Junhyeon," Hoetaek advises, eyes softening at the much younger boy in front of him. "The next time you see (Y/N), you can just tell the truth about why you've been acting so mean and you can drop this--."
In the middle of Hoetaek's pep talk, the door to the practice room flies open as you quickly run in and sit down in the circle; completely out of breath.
"Stop panting so hard-- I can smell your breath from here," Junhyeon jabs immediately.
"Oh god," Hoetaek mumbles, head falling to his hands hopelessly.
"You should hold your breath then," you reply with a sneer. "Forever."
Junhyeon glares, jaw setting irritatedly. "Why were you so late anyway?"
You nod to Hoetaek and the others apologetically. "I'm so sorry, I had to take an urgent call. It won't happen again."
"No worries," Hoetaek forgives with a smile. "I think we should probably start this afternoon by solidifying our parts now that we're down a few team members. Should we begin with the Killing Part?"
Everyone nods, preparing themselves for another mini audition.
"Wookie has it now, of course, but I think you'll find it hard not to give it to the handsomest member of the team," Junhyeon jokes, pointing to himself and smizing.
The rest of the boys laugh, but you just roll your eyes. “You might have a shot if you miraculously develop some talent to match those looks.”
Seunghwan and Hoetaek glance at each other nervously as Hiroto looks down awkwardly at his lap.
Gunwook's eyes widen in bewilderment. "Wait, did (Y/N) just inadvertently agree that Junhyeon’s handsome?"
Gyuvin reaches his hand into the bag of gummy worms beside him, eyes locked on the scene playing out in front of them. "Ssssh," he hisses, shoveling the handful of candy into his mouth and chewing loudly. "It's getting good."
"Well, you might have a better chance at the killing part if you had any looks to back up that talent..." Junhyeon counters.
You laugh at his comeback. “At least I can meaningfully contribute to my team’s performance.”
“What does it matter when no one wants you on their team to begin with!?”
"Oh shit," Gyuvin whispers.
"This is bad," Gunwook agrees, shoveling a handful of gummy worms into his own mouth now. "This is really bad."
You can’t help the way your face suddenly falls.
“You’re only on this team in the first place because your fans voted you in,” Junhyeon digs in further. “And you’re only still on it because Park Hanbin self-sacrificed.”
“Junhyeon—,” Hoetaek attempts to mediate, but it’s too late.
“What are you trying to say?" You ask, a lump forming in your throat.
"That literally nobody here likes you!"
The room is silent as your eyes begin to sting. You fruitlessly try to blink away the unexpected tears welling up in them.
"Junhyeon," Hoetaek scolds, frowning at the younger boy.
“What!?” Junhyeon’s eyebrows raise incredulously. “(Y/N)'s the one who called me untalented!”
As you look around, you now notice that all of your teammates are staring directly at you. Was Junhyeon telling the truth? Did nobody here like you?
You’re not sure why, but you’re becoming a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t sign up for this stupid show to be part of some bullshit rivalry with a boy you had once thought was really nice. Why had Junhyeon decided to pick on you that day? And why had you played along?
Embarrassed, you stand up from the circle and rush out of the practice room. You can hear Hoetaek call your name, but you just don't want to talk right now as you find your way to an empty practice room down the hall and step inside. Wiping your tears, you wonder why the boy that told you he liked your shoes on the first day had become such an affliction to your journey here.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and you're shocked to see Junhyeon standing in front of you looking quite distressed.
"(Y/N), I--," he starts, but you cut him off.
"Save it, Junhyeon. I'm just… I’m just gonna go home."
His eyebrows raise in shock. "What!? Why would you do that?"
“You said it yourself, Junhyeon,” you spit angrily, but your trembling bottom lip gives you away. “Nobody here likes me.”
"You--..." The boy in front of you swallows hard before softly shaking his head. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” you counter. “I know I can be too much of a perfectionist and it comes off harshly. I know I’m not great at making conversation— especially when there are so many extroverts here. And I know that I—.”
“I like you.”
You stare back at Junhyeon unblinkingly. “What?”
“It can’t be true that nobody likes you,” he explains, biting his bottom lip anxiously. “Because I like you.”
You’re not exactly sure what it is that Junhyeon is trying to confess. You study him, waiting for his expression to give away his intentions.
"I--... Ugh," he groans exasperatedly, leaning against the wall and sinking down to the floor. Head in his hands, he rubs his forehead as if he's relieving some tension before finally looking back up at you. "I'm sorry I've been so mean to you. But you wouldn't pay attention to me any other way. You just saw me as a nuisance then."
"I never stopped seeing you as a nuisance," you respond quietly.
"No, I became more than a nuisance. I'm a plague," he replies, nodding at you slowly. "Your own personal plague. And I'd do it all again if it meant you'd keep saying more than two words to me every day."
You suddenly feel entirely breathless as you process his words. Junhyeon's eyes are wide and earnest, lips parted as he seems to grapple with the confession himself. He looks innocent... almost cute like this, you catch yourself thinking. Just like you had thought he looked that first week. But as the shock fades, an immediate anger takes its place.
"Oh my god," you whisper, shaking your head in disbelief at the absolute idiot sitting in front of you with his knees hugged to his chest. "Where are we-- ... A playground? Are you five freaking years old!?"
Junhyeon starts to pout, raising his hand up to give you his signature aegyo but you swat it down before he can extend his five fingers.
"Don't you dare," you warn, narrowing your eyes as you frown at him in disapproval. Junhyeon sighs, pout remaining on his lips as he averts your gaze. "You must've talked to Gyuvin and Gunwook about this. Didn't either of them tell you that you were being a childish jerk!?"
Junhyeon nods sadly. "Yes. Many times."
"And you just decided not to believe them or?"
"Don't act like you don't know that Gyuvin, Gunwook and I share exactly one braincell. And if you'd experienced that braincell first hand, you wouldn't trust anything they say either!"
You tilt your head slightly as you consider it. "Okay, that is a valid point actually."
Junhyeon stands up now, taking a deep breath as he steadies himself on his feet. "I'm really sorry, (Y/N). None of what I said earlier was true. You're a bit intimidating, but it's just because you're so good at everything. Everybody thinks you're really cool-- including me. And..."
Your eyebrows raise expectantly as Junhyeon gives you a sheepish smile.
"And you're definitely not ugly either. Like, not at all. You're like... You're, like, really attractive," Junhyeon confesses clumsily. "And your breath actually smells really good, like, always. You smell really good in general. And sometimes you act really cute, too-- like when you think nobody's looking."
Your bottom lip tucks between your teeth involuntarily as the boy who's given you hell for the past month rambles quite passionately about how eye-catching he thinks you are.
"But I'm always looking," he finishes; throwing up his hands in defense as he reconsiders his words. "Not like in a creepy way though! I just meant, like--."
"Thanks," you say simply. "That's... thank you."
He nods quickly. "Yeah. You're welcome."
An uncomfortably awkward silence falls over both of you as you stare at each other. Finally, you gesture to the door.
"Uh, I guess we can probably--," you start to motion.
"Oh, yeah, for sure," Junhyeon agrees, walking to the door with you. You can't help but notice how glum the usually hyperactive boy looks now. And you also can’t lie that his rambling confession had sort of really made your heart flutter.
As you grab the handle, you pause for a moment and turn back to Junhyeon. "I'm sorry you felt like I thought you were a nuisance that first week. That wasn't my intention."
"Oh, it's okay--," he starts to brush off your apology humbly, but you interject quickly.
"I just had such a big crush on you that I could never figure out what to say," you finish, turning away immediately as you push the door open and step out into the hallway.
As expected, you don't hear footsteps behind you as you exit the room. What you do hear is the door to the practice room clicking closed, followed by the only slightly muffled sonic boom of Junhyeon shouting:
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