#and it made me start sobbing uncontrollably because he loves her so much and he would do it for her in less then a heartbeat
moominpopzz · 6 months
Thinking about Dakota’s need to help everyone, thinking about Ashe needing help getting used to her body again
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igotanidea · 3 months
The five year old syndrome: Damian Wayne x reader.
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Summary/request: f!reader having separation anxiety due to Damian's vigilante lifestyle. And him calming her down and trying to make up for the time lost, when he was gone patrolling.
It was normal behaviour.
Her boyfriend was a vigilante, fighting villains every night, more often than not putting himself in harm’s way and ending up hurt (not that he ever wanted to admit it).
So it was pretty obvious that  she was worried, right?
The fact that she kept on asking him in which area he was patrolling on respective night or where was he going and at what time he was planning to come back was simply a sign of her love and concern for him
And even when Damian, being Damian, tried to brush off her concerns, avoiding straightforward answers due to the safety precautions, she was pushing and pushing trying to get as little as a scrap of information from him.
Making him a little concerned and heavily annoyed.
But holding back his irritation for her sake.
“Really Y/N, there’s no need to panic like that.” He muttered, when seconds before his departure on nightly watch she dived into his arms holding him as tight as she could. “I am not a beginner in the area.” His hands were hanging by his side, a little awkwardly for a longer moment before he finally figured it would be better to hug her back in some form of comfort. “In fact, I believe I’m the best fighter in the entire family and –”
“Just please come back to me safe, ok?” she whispered against his chest, hiding face in the material of his jacket. He insisted on never leaving their shared apartment in Robin suit, and she was using that opportunity to inhale his smell that has nothing to do with his persona. “Promise me that.” Her voice turned almost begging, her grip on him tightening in desperation to keep him with her.
“Y/N. My beloved.” Damian gently unclenched her fists from his clothes “I’ll always come back to you. As before. But you really have to let me go now.”
“But –” she squeezed his hands instead, this time almost painfully as he was not expecting it
“Tsk. No buts, beloved. I will be back. And then maybe we can talk about why you suddenly became so alerted about me leaving?”
“Yeah—I mean okay…” the sigh that escaped her lips was an expression of surrender. Not willingly, but she knew there was no use arguing with Damian and his rationality.
After all, she was the overreacting one, becoming needy and putting his patience to the test. And about a situation that has happened dozens of times before.
But in her own head it was just because she was so in love with him and that was how lovers acted.
 It was not normal behaviour.
In the short span of two weeks, her concerns and need for information about Damian’s whereabouts when he was patrolling evolved into something way more serious.
It was like every time he was about to leave, not even raising from the couch yet, she was starting to sob uncontrollably, shaking and getting into a panic attack.
“Don’t go—”
“Please! Please, don’t go tonight.”
“I have to-“ as much as he was bothered with her emotional display, there was also a tiny glimpse of guilt for putting his duties above his love.
“Damian!” she started crying like a five year old, tears running down her cheeks like a waterfall.
Too bad he was already half into a Robin mode.
“Y/N, stop crying.” The voice he used was probably a little too stern, given the fact that he was dealing with his distressed girlfriend and not a criminal.
“I’m sorry-“ she angrily wiped the tears, holding them back with the whole willpower she possessed.
“Look at me, love. Nothing wrong will happen, okay? I’m skilled and swift and capable and-“
“Humble.” She chuckled, slowly letting his words get to her and suppress the fear and anxiety.
“No. Not humble at all. I have every right to brag and I will do it. And when there’s a woman listening to it, it only gets better.” He smirked
“You’re impossible.”
“Made you calm down though.” Damian shrugged casually “But jokes aside, I promise I will be back in one piece. And the blood on the suit will not belong to me-“
That was not helpful at all.
It might have been anxiety. Or fear. Or million other reasons for why it was irregular, though neither of them were psychologists to figure it out.
And clearly, talking did not help at all.
In case of any other person, it would probably rub off on one’s behaviour but Damian Wayne was known to keep his feelings inside, showing the casual and indifferent side to the world.
Good thing there were some certain people that in time learnt to read right through him. And those certain people had no respect for time or place to bring out heavy topics, starting them out of nowhere while perched on the rooftop, observing a group of masked robbers, waiting to strike”
“So, what’s been up with you lately?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Grayson. We shall focus on the object and not chit-chat about our problems.”
“Which you just admit you have.” Dick grinned playfully, daring to ruffle his younger brother's hair, earning an angry huff in response.
“I never said that.”
“Come on, Robin. I can read all over your face.” Dick continued steadfastly, not bothered by the fact that Damian finally turned his head to look at him.
“I am literally wearing a mask covering half of my face. It’s rather hard to read through it.”
“Is it about Y/N?”
Just the use of her name made Damian shake a little. Normal civilians would probably never notice that, but being raised in a vigilante family had its disadvantages. One of them being everyone being overly perceptive.
“You are not bringing her now. No one shall know her name, let alone anything else.”
“Okay, okay,  understood” Dick raised his hands in surrender “let’s give her an alias. How about a sparrow?”
“You lost your mind, Nightwing.”
“Long time ago. Now that we settled that, why don’t you confide your problems with me?”
Damian sighed in annoyance. There were only two ways this could go.
1.  He would refuse to answer and Dick would be up his ass the entire night, trying to gather information.
2.  He will provide information on his own terms and maybe won’t have to deal with Dick’s stubbornness, hidden behind chattiness.
Option two seemed like a better choice, so clenching jaw and fists Damian uttered something about sparrow being overly sensitive about him leaving on patrol.
And that was how young Wayne learnt about separation anxiety.
But if Dick expected gratitude for unveiling the mystery of Y/N’s sensitivity and weepiness he got heavily disappointed as Damian only seemed infuriated even more.
He wished he didn’t know, cause then he could pretend nothing was happening.
But he could not pretend and it was not because of Dick’s revelation.
It was because knowing the trouble she was going through was breaking his heart, regardless of the medically correct term for the disorder.
It was 5 am when he came back.
And she wasn’t in bed.
And not in the living room.
And not in the bathroom.
“I’m here.”
“What are you doing in the kitchen, beloved? You are supposed to—” the other half of the sentence died on his lips as he took in the surroundings.  “Y/n…?”
Her hair was a mess, eyes reddened and wet, nose swollen from the obvious crying.
“Oh Y/N…” he took a few steps forward before she lunged to stop him.  “OUCH! The hell--?!” Damian was definitely not expecting to end up with a shrapnel in his bare feet.
“I – I had to put my mind into something and – and- I was cleaning but—”
“It’s okay-“ he hissed, pulling out the glass.
“I broke my favourite mug and I –“
“You don’t need to explain it to me.”
“I took it a sign that something might have happened to you and –“
“- and it made me freak out even more and –“
“I’m sorry!” she squealed, dropping down the packet of band aids and bandages she managed to gather in a poor attempt to help him.’
“I don’t care about the bleeding!” he grabbed the supplies and put them on the nearby table, instead reaching out his hands to her. A display of affection that only happened in the most vulnerable situations.
Just like now.
“I don’t know what’s happening.” She sobbed, diving into his warmth “I’ve never been this giddy. I’ve never freaked out like that before. And now it’s just seems like my mind is working against me—”
“Sh. It’s okay-“ the gentle caresses on her back were supposed to help her calm down “I’m here. I’m here with you. And I didn’t even make anyone bleed tonight. Todd though-“
“Am I going crazy?” she cut him off, looking up into his eyes with the most vulnerable gaze ever, tugging at his heartstrings.
“No. No love, you are not going crazy.”
“Then what—?”
“I believe you have separation anxiety.”
“Sep- what? The thing when kids start crying because their parents dropped them off at school?”
“But I’m an adult!”
“So how can it possibly—?”
“Hush.” Damian kissed her forehead, pulling her closer “do not worry about it now. We’ll figure it out at the right time.”
“I need you to trust me on that. Can you?” his piercing green eyes focused on hers, almost staring right into her shattered soul. “Can you?” he repeated.
“Good. Now, let me just help you ease up. We’ve got some time to make up for. And I intend to make every minute count.”
“Hush. No words now, beloved. Appreciate the cuddles and soft time with me while you can.” He muttered, leading her to the couch, settling down on it, refusing to let her speak for the rest of the night, silencing her every time she dared to make even one word.
If anything, with the fact he took her problem so seriously, she was going to develop unification anxiety.
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xlatiwritesx · 3 months
Mbappe angst where his family thinks you might be using him but then they see the real you and they feel bad
There for Him | KM9
Genre: fluffy angst (🤨?)
Words: 1.9 K
Synopsis: after his best friend’s funeral, you spend the night at Kylian’s family home to be there for him. Unintentionally, you prove to his family that everything they though of you was false.
A/N: took me a million years, but here you go, anon!! Hope you enjoy it 🥰.
The rain was hard. As if the sky understood the hurt that was caused by the event you were standing in and was crying with you.
Your eyes never left him. You didn't get too close, though. You knew him too well to get too close too soon.
Someone else you tried to avoid at all costs was his family. Specifically his mother. She never was fond of you. Accusing you of all sorts of things ever since you started dating her son. Calling you a gold digger, someone who only pretended to he in love with her son because of all his fame and money.
But even his mother didn't know Kylian like you did. She didn't know that he loved cooking. She had no idea that dancing under the stars made his eyes sparkle, or that driving was the best way to relieve his stress.
Just like everybody else, she saw him as a guy passionate and extremely talented with football. The brightest star in everyone's world, but no one saw how you were the brightest in his world.
You, Kylian, his brother Eathan, and their parents got in the car to go home. Kylian rode in the passenger seat while his father drove. You, Ethan, and his mother rode in the back. You still kept your eyes on Kylian, not baring to see him this broken.
He was just telling you how important his best friend was to him, just to lose him in a car crash a few weeks later. He wasn't crying, though. He never did. You hated that. You always told him to cry. That it's bad to keep emotions unprocessed. He never listened, though.
Not able to look at his stone face any longer, you looked out the wet car window to the French streets on your way to his family home. Your mind drifted to all the unnecessary drama his mother would stir because of your stay with them for the coming days. You didn't want Kylian to worry about that. You sighed quietly, already earning a glare from her that you managed to ignore.
When his father parked in the drive way, everyone got out of the car and dragged themselves to the front door. The atmosphere was suffocating. You held everything in as much as you could. It was Kylian who lost his best friend after all. You had to be there for him.
While his family walked in, he waited for you, looking back at you from the top of the porch steps with a slightly outstretched hand. You got to him, took his hand, and squeezed it. You glanced in his direction, but he had already looked ahead, guiding you upstairs to his bedroom.
You feel his family's eyes on the two of you as you passed them to the stairs. You didn't care. This wasn't about your relationship or about you. This was about Kylian and his well being. So you just followed him, holding his hand more tightly.
You get to his bedroom and he pushes the door behind the two of you. You stood by it, watching your boyfriend's every move. He sat on his bed, hands intertwined between his spread legs. You watched him closely as you slowly made your way to him. He didn't look at you once and you took it as a sign to keep going.
You finally sat next to him. You didn't say a single thing. You weren't sure if you were even breathing at that point.
"He's gone, y/n" Kylian finally said softly. Your heart shattered into pieces and his eyes flooded.
You uncontrollably pulled him into you, wrapping your arms around his head that he buried into your chest. His sobs slowly got louder and deeper, tearing you into shreds. You quietly held him tight, letting him cry it all out.
Behind the not fully shut door of Kylian's room, his mother stood, watching you hold on to him as he cried into your chest. She never saw his guard this down. She's never seen her own son be this vulnerable with anyone ever. She's never seen anyone hold him the way you did either. Something about the scene softened a part of her cold heart towards you. She started questioning who you really were to him and how you felt towards her son.
A few hours pass and you had managed to convince Kylian to lie down. He rested his head on your lap as you stroked his head to sleep. You allowed yourself to shed a few tears, unable to keep it together anymore.
His mother still watched, checking on the both of you through the slit in the door. Seeing this new scene only made the warmth spread through her heart. However, she quickly walked away when she saw you get up, slowly lifting Kylian's head off your lap to not disturb his sleep. 
You realized that Kylian hadn't eaten anything all day. You headed to the kitchen to make him something for when he wakes up. The bottom floor felt empty, having no one there. You wondered where everybody went, but you didn't give it much thought.
You opened the fridge, assessing the contents to get ideas of what you could make. You quickly looked behind you, though, having heard footsteps. You realize it's Kylian's mother. She had walked into the kitchen and sat on one of the kitchen island stools.
For a second, you stood there, watching her as you waited for her to attack you like she always did. She never wasted a chance to remind you of how she felt towards you. To falsely accuse you of all sorts of things. But when she didn't say anything, you turned back around to open the fridge.
You pulled out some turkey slices to make him a sandwich. You placed the ingredients on the kitchen island, Kylian's mother still watching you from across it. You focused on your task, careful not to trigger your boyfriend's mother who was scrutinizing your every move.
"Making food?" She finally spoke as you spread mayonnaise on one side of the white bread.
"For Kylian. He didn't eat anything since last night" you answered quietly, not looking at her. She still looked at you, though. Your heart picked up its pace, but you still avoided her gaze. You walked to the glasses cabinet, pulled out a glass and filled it with water.
After putting everything on a tray, you walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. You got to Kylian's room and placed the tray on his bedside table. You sat on the edge of his bed, looking at his sleeping face.
"Y/n?" He stirred. You stroked his face.
"Yes, my love?" You whispered. He opened his eyes, and pulled you closer to him. You lied down next to him and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, kissing the top of your head.
You lied there. You let him hold you for as long as he wanted. You spent the night like that. None of you said anything. It was enough for him that he got to hold you. And it was enough for you that he did.
His mother watched all of it. How calm he was with you around. How he cried in your chest. The food you made for him because he hadn't eaten since the night before. She couldn't deny it anymore. You loved her son. More than she ever thought you could. And not for all the materialistic things that came with dating someone with a career like his.
She was sure of her son's feelings for you, how much you meant to him, because he never cried. She always thought he hated turkey sandwiches, but there he was eating it because you insisted, which also surprised her because ever since he was little, he never ate when he got sad or upset.
She watched you through the slightly opened door. She looked at the way you were looking at him. She wasn't sure if she, herself, ever looked at him like that.
"What are you smiling at?" She heard her husband whisper behind her. He looked at his son laughing for the first time in a week as you brushed bread crumbs from around his mouth.
Later that night, you walked down to the kitchen to fill a jug of water for the night you were spending. You weren't going to leave Kylian on a night like that.
His mother walked into the kitchen and sat on an island stool like she did earlier. You still ignored her presence and were on your way out of the kitchen when she called your name. You shut your eyes for a second before turning around to face her.
"Yes?" You replied cautiously. Even with the way she treated you, she was still Kylian's mother whom he loved and cherished more than anything. It killed you, but you had to respect her through everything she said and done to you. And it was about time she realized that.
You were taken aback by how soft her eyes were as she patted the seat next to her, inviting you to sit next to her at the kitchen island. You hesitated for a second before slowly making your way to the stool, setting the water jug in front of you.
You watched her closely, anticipating her next move. She just stared at her hands, though, sighing deeply before she turned to look at you.
"I owe you an apology" she broke the deafening silence. She shocked you so hard you almost fell out of your stool. You tried controlling you expressions, but you clearly failed because she quickly elaborated.
"I, I don't know how to start, honestly" she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. You just sat there in utter shock.
"Let's just say you've been absolutely supportive and I can tell that you've been an intangible source of comfort to Kylian ever since his best friend's passing" she went on. You pierced your lips and nodded once, looking at your hands in your lap. Silence took over for a few seconds before she kept going.
"I can tell he loves you a lot and..." she trailed off and you looked back at her.
"I'm actually really grateful to have someone like you in his life, given his career and all that comes with it, and especially during a hard time like this" she confessed and you couldn't help but tear up a little.
You smiled slightly at her and she did the same. You both stayed like that for a little while before she opened her arms. You laughed lightly and jumped off your stool to wrap your arms around her. She hugged you back tighter and you took it all in.
When you pulled away, you looked to your right and saw Kylian at the bottom of the stairs, smiling a little at the scene.
"You can't love her more than I already do, mom" he frowned, walking to you and pulling you to him. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head.
"You don't have to say it. The way you look at her says it all, Kylian" his mother replied, smiling at the both of you.
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erii-ya · 7 months
Punishing Female Trafalgar Law
A Valentine’s Special One Piece FanFic
CW: **NSFW, smut, bounded, finger-fudging, swear words, dominant reader, submissive Law, spoilers, not proofread**
WC: 1.7k
Dedicated to Anonymous (This may not be to your liking, but I thought of dedicating this story for you still. But I’ll make another one more decent. 😅)
“Y/N-ya… ngghh… s-stop this…” Law huffed. Feverishly squirming under his restraints while you take your time thrusting two fingers inside his wet sex. Choking back a sob, not wanting to accept the fact that you are in control this time and not him.
An unexpected opportunity arises, much to your luck. After getting hit by one of Blackbeard’s men’s devil fruit, Trafalgar Law was turned into a woman. The lasting effect of the DF power is unknown, so you took the opportunity before you missed the chance.
Restrained in your bed by seastone cuffs is your captain and partner, Trafalgar Law, in his female form, as you like to call it. Why you have a seastone cuff is thanks to you being a weird collector of unusual things.
You gave her a maniacal grin, “Aww, the princess wants me to stop?” you teased. Curling up your fingers inside him, hitting that perfect spot you know so well will make him see stars - or hearts.
Law writhed in pure bliss. He didn’t expect this to be too…good. Now he knows just what you feel whenever he does this to you. “Yes…nghh-no… ahh fuuuck.” and for the nth time, he squirted. 
Making a mess on your shared bed and on you, but you didn’t care. As if it’s not enough torture for Law, you played with his clit while he's at it, the same as what he does to you. Overstimulating him while he moans and spasms uncontrollably under you.
The way he looks right now, sweat forming on his forehead, the uneven pump of his chest, and his half-lidded eyes full of undeniable desire and excitement, made you even more eager to mess him up. You want him to experience the same things he’d done to you, how he played and bullied you down there.
Law was gasping for air, looking at you. He wants to say something, but his thoughts are still in disarray after another display of performance. Without missing a beat and to build up his arousal, you shamelessly suck up your fingers that were covered with his essence, licking it clean. You saw how his eyes widened and gulped down in anticipation.
You hover over him, giving him a sloppy kiss to which he hungrily returns. “Can you taste yourself? You tasted so sweet, love. Just how I like it.” you told him in between kisses. Law only moaned in agreement.
“Good girl…so obedient for me.” you cooed. You act precisely as how he is when he fucks you dumb, and you, in fact, are enjoying it. The feeling of being dominant over him for the first time in the course of your sex life was so satisfying it’ll be etched in your memories forever.
Breaking the kiss, you slowly descend to suck on his melons, going down to his sex, leaving a trail of bite marks and hickeys on his body. “Wh-what are you-ooohhh shit…” he hadn’t got time to finish his words when you started to ‘eat’ him out. 
You had never done this before, so you mentally followed how you remembered him doing it with you. Licking his folds while playing with his clit, seems to give him the same amount of pleasure as you experienced since he started to convulse again and was trying hard to squeeze his thighs shut. But he can’t because his legs are splayed out in restraints for you.
“You truly do too much work for me whenever you do this, don’t you?” you stopped for a bit, making him whine in dismay. “Oops, sorry. Were you enjoying it? Just want to appreciate you for a minute.”
“Y/N-ya… stop… t-teasing… m-me…” said Law, heavily breathing, lust covering his strained voice. “I-I want… to cu–ngghhh” moaning louder when you thrust your digits inside him again.
“You’re saying something, hon?” you asked, mischievously toying with him while you continuously pounded your fingers painfully slow inside him. You can feel him clench your digits in their every thrust, desperately clinging onto them for immediate relief until you see him starting to buckle up his hips, attempting to chase his climax.
Then you stop. Removing your fingers inside him.
Law glared at you due to your sudden halt. He was almost there, reaching his needed peak, but you mercilessly stopped and left him hanging on nothing. “W-wait.. Why’d you- why’d you stop?” he groaned.
Eyes lustful, you stared back at him; licking your lips, you asked, “Was it good?”
“Yes… yes, babe, so please… let me cum.” he begged. 
The surgeon of death BEGGED.
It boosted your ego so much that you can’t stop thinking how you’ll prolong this game with him. He’s not the only one on edge for a while now. You can feel your own wetness dripping down your legs. If only you could be turned into a guy right now, you’ll definitely fuck the lights out of him.
You walk over to his side, tracing your fingers on his sensitive skin. Sitting down, you gently wiped away his drool and tucked the strands of loose hair covering his sweat-covered face behind his ears. Slowly laying down beside him, giving feathery kisses on his cheeks, your arm snaked behind him so you could fiddle on his hardened nips, pinching them from time to time while the other hand reached down on his sex, your middle and ring finger alternating between circling his clit and lunging inside.
Law felt the familiar knots on his stomach again, heat building up along with it. “Babe…” he said breathily. “Please… let me cum…” pleading for an immediate release.
You stopped what you were doing and shushed him. Cupping his face with one hand, you close your mouth to his ears, licking it sensually as how he liked it. 
“You want to cum, hon?” Law nodded eagerly, lust drunk. “Me too. Can you feel how wet I am for you right now?” you cooed—placing one of his thighs in between your dripping sex and humping on it. The squelching sound it made was too much for Law to handle. Giving him shivers, and you feel his body tense against yours.
“This is so unfair, love.” whispering in his ears in a flirtatious tone. “As much as I want to play and tease you more while you’re in your female form, I wish you could fuck me senseless instead.” 
Hearing your remark made Law choke.
“Fuck me so hard the only thing I could do is scream your name.” you added. “But I guess it’s not my lucky day, so to be fair, cum for me instead… but only through my voice.” purring to his ears. 
As much as it pains him to admit, Law was actually enjoying this sadistic side of you. He was so thrilled seeing that confidence while you tormented him the whole time. And that dirty talk… hot damn. It makes him too impatient to go back to being a man so he can wipe that smug grin off your face using his cock.
Law’s already at his limit. Your voice sends a tingling sensation throughout his body, and it’s not helping him at all. He started jerking, trying his best to free himself from his shackles, and you’re enjoying watching him try.
To add more fuel to his now blazing fire of desire, you continued purring sweet nothings and dirty talking through his ears. Biting it, then licking, then moaning deliciously after.
“It’s alright, love. You’re doing great.”
“Ngghhh yes… yes that’s it… cum for mee”
“Can’t wait to have you inside me again. My pussy’s throbbing just thinking about it.”
“I am so hot and ready for you, babe.”
“I need you, Law.”
“I love you, captain.”
“Remember to pump me up with your seeds once you're back.”
“I want all of it. I want all of you.”
As soon as you said the last word, Law went on an overdrive—his slim female body spasms in delight with his successful release. Appalled that he came to a climax because of your voice. 
You didn’t interrupt him this time and let him chase down his high. Planting kisses on his face, neck, and shoulders.
“Such a good boy.” you said, wrapping him in a hug as he pants, trying to get even breaths.
You both stayed in that position; moments later, you heard his light snores. Seeing that he’s already out cold, probably due to your exhausting torture, you carefully stood up and removed the seastone cuffs securing him one by one.
There were red marks around his wrists and ankles, proof of him trying to unbind himself the whole time. Feeling a pang of guilt, you softly caress the marks as if it’ll help heal them.
“I may have gone overboard. I’m sorry, love.”
To appease him when he wakes up, you change your clothes to one of his since yours has gotten quite messed up earlier and go over to the kitchen to get him some water and whip up an Onigiri. 
As you return to your shared bedroom, you are so busy mentally thinking about the other things you must prepare to clean him up that you don’t notice the towering shadow in the room waiting for your return. You placed the tray you were holding on his desk near the entrance and were about to close the door when you saw Law –in his original, manly figure, in all his glory, closing in on you.
‘Oh no. This won’t be good.’
“Fuck. I forgot somethi–...” You frantically turn around to open the door when Law cuts you to it, pinning you in place between him and the door.
Feeling his breath in your ears, he whispered, “Why the rush, Y/N-ya? Didn’t you say you are so hot and ready for me?”
“I should’ve left you in cuffs until morning.” you whizzed. 
Law only chuckled; wrapping his other hand on your waist, he spun you around to face him. There, you saw golden eyes staring back at you, piercing your soul and your very core. You swallowed up a lump.
His eyes are still lustful; you know he’ll go feral any minute because you awaken the beast.
“Who would’ve thought this was YOUR lucky day?” mocking you for what you said a while ago. “I hope you built up enough stamina because just as you wished, I’ll fuck you so hard; not only will you scream my name… but you may also not be able to walk for the next. Three. Days.”
‘I am sooo dead.’
(*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*)
A/N: Never thought my first Trafalgar Law fic would be smut. Not even sure if I intended it to be a dirty smut or a decent smut if that makes sense. Happy Valentine's to all!
My bisexual heart had never been triggered by a fictional character until this dazzling pirate captain came to my knowledge. Thank you, Oda-sensei! Thank you for making Trafalgar D. Water Law. I hope the live-action will do him justice, too.
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scftpcws · 2 months
omg can i request a jacob scipio Imagine where him and reader kinda get into an argument because of the reader being insecure and stuff😀 i want something angst but at the same time fluffy 🥹
A/n : Thanks for the request anon!! i am trash at writing angst but i tried my best 😭 Hope you enjoy !! <3
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Warning! Poorly written angst with a lil bit of fluff.
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She looked down at the tiny bikini that she had bought a few days prior while shopping with her friends. Y/n and Jacob were going on a trip to The Maldives in a week and she was packing her stuff waaay in advance, just to make sure she had everything.
The bikini seemed to taunt her as she thought about the way she looked when she tried it on. She hated it. Her friends said she looked great and she was convinced to buy 5 more. Now she was staring at them as she realised just how much she hated the way they made her look.
“Baby, what do you want for dinner? I was thinking pizza but i’m not so sure.” his voice was gentle coming from the doorway, his focus slowly shifting towards the piles and pules of clothes that littered their bedroom. He had then noticed that Y/n was sat on the edge of the bed, the hot pink bikini she had bought a few days ago held tightly in her hands.
“Babe?” he spoke again, trying to get her attention. she looked up at him trying desperately to fight back the tears that gathered in her eyes.
“Baby, whats wrong.” he panicked as he saw her eyes, so full of tears.
He moved towards her, kneeling and cupping her face in his palms. She bit back as sob as she looked deep into his eyes.
“I can’t do this Jacob.” her voice wavered as her bottom lip began to quiver. He looked down at the bikini top, his head cocking to the side in confusion. “Can’t do what, my love?” he answered softly, his thumb caressing her cheek and catching a stray tear.
“I can’t wear these stupid bikinis. I look awful in them!” she snapped, thinking about how she had looked in the bathroom mirror, after being convinced to buy them.
“I look like a whale in them! My arms look huge and my boobs don’t sit right in the top and don’t even get me started on my stomach. I look horrible, J!” she sobbed uncontrollably, spewing her opinions on how her body looked in the garments. Jacob almost cried with her.
“Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true!”
“No it isn’t.”
“I look disgusting.”
“Please don’t insult my wife like that.” was the final thing he said before she looked back up at him, seeing the hurt in his face. She couldn’t help the way she thought about herself. Sometimes she was kinder to her body, but times like this she wished it looked different, that she was different.
“Y/n, please look at me. I love you. And before you say anything just listen to me. Can you do that for me?” he asked, lifting her chin so that she could meet his eyes again. She nodded slowly, sniffing and blinking back her tears.
“You are the most beautiful woman i have ever met, and i’ll be damned if i let you talk about MY wife like that. My wife, the woman i chose to be with till death do us part. So what if your arms look huge or your boobs don’t sit right? You’re beautiful to me and always will be.”
“But people will stare at me.” she whispered, her eyebrows furrowing. “Well when you look as gorgeous as you do people are bound to stare. Your body is perfect to me and i hope that one day you’ll see yourself the way that i do.” he concluded, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Thank you, J. But i still don’t feel comfortable being so exposed.” she mumbled, shuffling a little. He placed his hand on hers and brought it to his lips, kissing the skin in reassurance. “Well then we will buy some new stuff, whatever it takes for my beautiful girl to feel as beautiful and sexy as she looks.” he smiled playfully, the soft glow of the setting sun peeking through the blinds and illuminating his face.
“What did i do to deserve you?” she smiled. their foreheads touching.
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itostea · 1 year
perfect match (shidou x reader)
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When news breaks out that your friend’s boyfriend breaks up with her due to his wish for a “mature” woman, you make sure to not to ensure that never happens with your boyfriend. 
warnings: established relationship, shidou being dirty again lol, he can’t keep his hands off you, the scene is kinda inspired by the ending scene in loving yamada kun at lv999, image from my reason to die
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“I just got dumped.”
“What? That’s impossible! I mean you guys were soooo in love!” One of your friends gasps, a hand clasped over her lips. You feel yourself roll your eyes at the mock surprise, blinking as you watch her comfort your other friend who stared blankly at her lunch.
“He said he wanted a mature woman…” she mumbles quietly. “So he broke up with me and told me he was going to go look for one.”
You sigh, patting her on the back as you smiled in pity. “Don’t believe him. That was probably just an excuse to break up–”
“Oh no!” A voice interrupts you and you watch in wonder as your other friend stares deep in thought. “That actually happened to one of the girls in my class as well. As a matter of fact, that’s quite a trend now!”
“It’s a trend to break up if the woman isn’t mature enough?” You gape, finding her words hard to believe. Then again, you’ve been receiving more news of couple fall outs and failed talking stages. Unexplained motives behind break-ups; tears and uncontrollable sobbing; ending on bad terms. You don’t want to accept such groundless theories regarding these split-ups but they’ve been increasing exponentially ever since last month. 
“Yes, one hundred percent!” Your friend chirps. “Reminds me (Name), you have a boyfriend too right? Shidou? Does he want you to be mature as well?”
“Well…” you chuckle awkwardly. Truthfully, “mature” was a reach for your behavior with him. Just an hour ago, you made a stupid deez nuts joke to him because he ate the last of your ice-cream. And a day ago, you walked around in the house with a face mask and in your cringy middle-school shirt–not the most flattering version of you. All of the memories of your time with him come rushing to you and you can’t help but feel sweat drip down your skin. 
Believe it or not, you loved Ryusei. A lot. Even if you had to deal with his constant gushing about that Itoshi Sae player and his weird morning routine that required getting naked and yelling, you genuinely wanted to marry this man. You know it’s pointless to think further into the possibility of him breaking up with you, but the surge in break-ups makes you worried–anxious that he seriously could consider it. 
“(Name)? You’ve been glaring at the table for a good minute now. Are you okay?” 
Your friends watch in surprise as you suddenly stand up, looking at them with a determined expression. You quickly gather your things and slap a couple bills down. “Sorry guys, I have to go! I’ll see you at class!”
“What–? Hey!”
You jolted outside the cafe and sent a text to Shidou, telling him that you were coming home. In a normal situation, you would’ve ignored the fact that he responded with an “ok.” It was rare for him to give you short answer responses but it wasn’t unheard of. Yet, that answer is enough to make you pick up the pace, ignoring the way your heels dug into the side of your foot. 
Today is the day where you perfect the “mature” partner act. 
“So basically,” you mumble, choosing to ignore the hand on your thigh. “I know that you’re busy with practice and all that stuff so I won’t bother you that much. Also, I want you to start prioritizing your health and–”
 A yawn cuts you off from your ramble and you feel your eye twitch in irritation. Even so, you restrain yourself from arguing with him. “Are you listening to me Ryu?”
“Yeah I am babe,” he stretches, manspreading over the couch until you’re left pressed against the corner. The hand on your thigh just moves up to grab your waist and plop you on his lap. You feel your breath hitch but there was no way you were giving in this easily.
You huffed. “Then what’d I say just now?”
“Something ‘bout how you wanted to talk and other stuff.”
“That was at the beginning of our conversation!” You heaved, watching in disbelief as he let out another yawn. “Seriously Ryu?” 
“I promise I was listening, sweets. It’s just I got bored once you mentioned the ‘giving me space talk.’ Y’know that stuff bores me.”
“But it’s important!”
“Nah what’s important is this,” he mumbles against your shoulder, shifting so he can grab your foot to observe a fresh bruise forming. In his arms, you can smell your shampoo on him and it makes you giddy inside to know that you guys started sharing each other’s things. He tilts his head to get a better look at it. 
“Why’d you wear those, what do you call them? Oh heelies right? Yeah, why'd you wear heelies to a ‘casual’ outing with some friends. You’re not hanging out with other men right babe?” 
You roll your eyes from his random fit of jealousy. “They’re called heels and I wore them because it completed the outfit Ryusei. Now back to what I was saying–”
Another yawn cuts you off from continuing. It’s his way of saying that this conversation is meaningless. You sighed and tried to unravel his arms around your waist. “I’m going since you’re not listening to me.”
“Don’t be like that,” his arms tighten around waist and you yelp when he moves you back in his lap. “Not letting you leave ‘til you tell me what’s wrong.” 
“Nothing’s wrong–”
“Uh huh good try,” he says, voice husky against your neck. “Now tell me.”
It’s not easy to dissuade Shidou whenever he’s put his mind to anything. You’ve tried it many times and figured that he’s ten times more stubborn when it comes to you. Just that thought is enough to make you slouch against his chest and sigh. “My friend got dumped.”
“Okay but what’s that gotta do with us?”
“Let me finish,” you slap him lightly on the shoulder, gaining a grin from him. “Anyways, she got dumped because her boyfriend wanted a mature woman. Now before you make fun of me, a lot of couples have been breaking up so I got scared okay? I know I don’t act that mature with you so I was worried you might…” you don’t finish the last part and instead avert your eyes from his pink hues. 
“Oh that’s all? That’s a shitty reason.”
“Are you calling my feelings shitty, Ryusei?”
“Not your feelings pretty thing. Breaking up over that reason is shitty. At least for me. I think you’re cute how you are now,” he shrugged, patting your face with a grin. 
You still don’t believe him completely, frowning as you turned to look at him. “But…”
He huffs and leans back. “Babe I literally took you on a crawfish date and still fucked you afterwards–”
“Ryu! Oh my god,” you covered your face in your hands. “You’re gross!”
“Yeah but you like it,” he laughs. “Okay, point is, don’t worry your pretty head over shit like that. I don’t act that mature around you either.”
“Well that’s because you’re just weird.”
“You’re just as weird for liking me,” he snickers. “That’s all you wanted to say right? It’s cute that you went out of your way to act like this for your mean boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes as he began to squeeze your cheek. “Please shut up and just hold me.”
“Anything for my girl,” he chuckles, bringing your head closer to his shoulder. Shidou always had the warmest body temperature that you couldn’t help but appreciate. Closing your eyes, you choose to relax against his hold and breathe in the smell of his laundry and shampoo. 
And that peace is shattered the moment you hear the sound of a slap and a sting on your ass. Your eye twitches once again. “Ryusei. Why do you always ruin the mood?”
“Babe it was right in front of me! I was resisting the urge for over an hour now!”
You pinch the space in between in your eyes and sigh for the nth time today. Thinking about it now, you two really were a perfect match for one another.
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space-helen · 11 months
Like Her
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Words: 1601
Pairing: Fox Mulder x Reader
A/N: This is the longest thing I've written in a while and I enjoyed it so much!!
Request: Could I request a Mulder x reader where the reader has fallen in love with him but she is sure he doesn’t like her because he is always thirsting after like, those porn models in his magazines and stuff. Little does she know that he loves her just as much. Essentially just heavy angst to fluff with kisses 🥺 - Anon
“No problem. Anytime.” the man said smoothly as he slid back into the driver's seat. 
You adjusted yourself where you sat and watched the woman walk away. She was drop dead gorgeous, beautiful on another level, just like the women you see in magazines. Ripping your eyes away from her you tuned back into where you were, turning towards Mulder to ask him a question you realised he was looking right at you, as if waiting for a response.
“I’m sorry, repeat that?” you said slightly embarrassed.
“Do you want to grab something to eat or head right back?”
You looked at the time, you’d been on a rough journey with the man, all practically for nothing. You were hot, tired, slightly sad and frankly ready to crawl back into bed.
“Lets drive as much as we can before one of us feels like their stomach might decide to eat itself. Then we can switch drivers.”
“I really don’t mind driving all of the way.” he looked sincere as he spoke.
You shrugged “Then lets hope neither of us get hungry or I’ll be hopping right behind the wheel.”
The man fought a smirk appearing on his lips and started the engine “Whatever you say Y/L/N.”
Leaning back into the seat you listened as the man spoke about the case but couldn’t help but let the sadness ebb and grow. This man, the man beside you, was sunshine to you. He’d helped you through a lot and you genuinely didn’t know what you’d do without him, sure he has his quirks, everyone does, but he really made you feel different. He made you feel seen and special, made you want to spend every moment you could with him. 
At the start you told yourself you wouldn’t put yourself through liking him. Well in some ways you’d kept that promise, you didn’t like him, you loved him. 
You knew he liked you as a friend. Heck a man who didn’t like you at all wouldn’t do any of the things he’d done for you.
Sighing a tear ran down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away but this didn’t go unnoticed by the man. Leaning forward you opened the glove compartment to check if the tissues you’d put in there were still there but a magazine slipped out first. 
Turning it over you were face to face with an image of an insanely beautiful woman. Quickly stuffing it back inside you almost slammed the glove compartment shut and sat back. Tears rolling down your cheeks almost uncontrollably. You weren’t hysterical though, they fell silently and naturally.
The man's heart dropped at the sight. He absolutely hated to see you this way but would always do anything he could to make you feel comforted. “Y/N.” he spoke softly as he continued to drive. Looking for a place to pull over.
Reaching a hand over he gently placed it on your shoulder as he kept the other on the wheel. “What’s the matter huh?”
Your heart felt heavy. A multitude of things had brought on the tears but having the man you were crying about try and make it better hurt a little more. “I’m ok.”
“You’re clearly not.” he pulled the car over and turned to you but you tried to face the other way.
“You’re never like this when you’re upset. What’s wrong? " His voice was calm.
A sob left your body and you could feel it trembling, it was silly, it really was but you couldn’t help it.
The man was out of the car in an instant. He quickly moved around the car and opened your door, crouching down in the space he looked up to you and comfortingly took your hand. “Y/N, please, speak to me.”
You could feel the warmth of his hand around yours, even though you were way too warm you really didn’t mind.
“I’m just overwhelmed.” you hoped that would suffice.
“Talk to me.”
“I’m hot, tired, and my heart just hurts ok?” you were done with it all. You could always find another, less fulfilling job elsewhere.
“We can fix two of those things right now. Take your jacket off, we can go and find some cool water and you can nap in the car.” he offered “Why does your heart hurt?”
You let out a huge sigh “I love someone who’ll never love me back. He’s way too interested in model girls, and sure, I really don’t blame him. I could never compare to them.” you weaseled your hand from his and used both of them to wipe your tears “I’m just being silly. Let's go.”
“No.” His voice was soft yet firm. “You’re better than any of those models and he’d be dumb to not see it.”
Your eyes burned and you felt a laugh bubble though “Try telling that to him huh?”  you looked at him and his eyes met his “If only you knew.”
He brought his hand up to your face and pushed some hair behind your ear whilst he took one of your hands in his other. “Is it Clive?” he looked at the floor as he spoke, not really wanting the confirmation.
“It’s you.” your voice was practically a whisper.
His head snapped up, his eyes meeting yours again. Had he just made that up in his head? “What did you say?”
You tore your eyes from his “I’m sorry, forget about it. It’s nothing.”
“Did you say it was me?” 
“Leave it.” you took your hand from his.
“I feel the same about you.”
You looked towards him “What?”
“I like you, well more than that, as well.”
“Don’t mess with me Mulder, you don’t need to just because I’m upset. I know you like me as a friend but-”
“I mean it.”  His voice felt like it echoed for a second. 
“But, I’m seriously not your type.”
“What is my type then?”
You reached forward and pulled the magazine out “This.”
“Y/N” he sighed and took the magazine from you. “At one point in my life yeah sure. Not anymore. Old Sam gave it to me as a joke, you know he knows me from about ten years ago, give or take, he bought me one back then and again now as a joke.”
He walked away from you to the trash can and put the magazine inside before closing your door and returning to the driver's seat “I’m sorry. I really am. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time now. Since I first laid my eyes on you. I just didn’t ever think you’d feel the same. If I’d known-”
You nodded and faced the man “I’m sorry for being a bit emotional today.”
“Sorry? We’d never have known how we felt if you hadn't been.” 
You let out a slight laugh “Yeah, you could say that.”
“I really think we should at least try and grab some snacks and just do our best to do the journey in one.”
You mulled it over for a second “Sure. Then we can-”
“We’re not swapping. If I remember right, there's a gas station about ten minutes from here. We can grab snacks and then get back onto the road with me driving. You, however, will sleep.”
“I’m not-”
“You just said you were so don’t try and say you’re not tired.”
You smiled, your tears were drying up “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me again. I don’t deserve it for putting you through that.”
The ten minute drive went quickly, the two of you soon breaking out into conversation about the case and awful day that it’d been. Navigating the gas station quickly the two of you stood in line with your snacks. Even though you were practically in the middle of nowhere there was still a decently sized queue.
As the line got more condensed the man stood closer to you, practically pressed to your side yet behind you protectively.
Looking up towards the man your eyes met, the two of you sharing the moment before having to shuffle forward in the queue again. 
What took you by slight surprise was the feeling of the man leaning forward and placing a kiss to your head in an affectionate way. The way a long term couple would do subtly in public to show affection without embarrassing those around them
You felt warmth rush to your face and a smile break out on your lips. The man wrapped his arms around you subtly and you embraced them back before having to breakaway to move to the cashier.
The two of you beamed as you paid for the groceries, you insisted that you paid since Mulder was going to drive the rest of the way.
Sliding back into the car the two of you settled nicely. Mulder spoke about some sightings he’d been tracking and trying to stay up to date with in the United Kingdom. He knew it was unlikely that he’d never be able to investigate it but he was invested in the case.
He noticed that you’d gradually shortened your responses and that they’d become incredibly infrequent until you pretty much weren’t responding to him at all.
Quickly taking a look at you whilst he drove he could see that you were fast asleep. Training his eyes back on the road he let a sad smile form on his lips. 
He loved you more than anything and was hurt that he’d made you feel otherwise. He’d do absolutely anything to never see you that way again.
Tag List: (open) X Files: @discocactus-world
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mbappeward · 1 year
getting your period in the middle of a date - kylian mbappe imagine
im back!!! i finished my finals so from now on i will write more lol i promise. enjoy this one for now !!
you listened contentedly to your boyfriend's story about him and his mom. when ywere younger. "i would love for you to meet her soon," he tells you, still letting out small stifles of laughter while finishing the last of his chocolate croissant. "I think you'd like her." "yeah, i agree. she sounds awesome," you giggled with a sure nod, matching the laughing crease of his eyes to your own. you took the last gulp of your cookies and creame frappe, but subtly slid an arm over your stomach when you felt it starting to cramp up. you tried your best to hide the sudden pain, because you were right in the middle of a long-awaited date with him. you didn't want him to worry because it would ruin the day. but kylian could always easily read you like an open book, as he noticed the way your face contorted, displaying the obvious expression of discomfort, "are you okay?"
a huge wave of agony started to set a camp in your abdomen, causing you to jolt slightly in shock. kylian reached over the table to place his hand on top of yours as if it were a natural reaction. you held your stomach tighter and your eyes grew wide in sudden realisation of what these cramps meant. as well as cramps, you were starting to feel panic rise in your chest as you hadn't come prepared for such a thing. usually, mother nature would pay you a visit at the end of the month, not right at the beginning. you were hoping it was just a false alarm. "uhm... yeah," you said unsurely, giving him a soft yet forced smile and slowly slipping your hand away from his. "i'll be right back." without giving it a second thought, you quickly stood up from your seat and made your way to the toilet, which left your boyfriend confused and dumbfounded. you locked yourself in a cubicle and almost burst into tears when you came eye-to-eye with a tiny puddle of blood. you facepalmed yourself while still sat on the toilet, trying to figure out why this was happening to you right now. everything was going so well. you were having the best time with your boyfriend at the cutest little café. but the universe had other plans for you. plans that you didn't exactly agree with.
after a couple minutes of tears and cursing under your breath, you fished your phone out of your bag and decided to text kylian, hoping he'd be okay to help you out with this. you sighed in relief when he told you that he'd go to the nearest convenience store, which was right next to the cafe, and pick up what you needed. considering you'd only been together for the best of four months, you were a tad embarrassed by this. once he got there, he texted you pictures of everything to make sure he bought you the exact ones that you prefered. a huge smile played on your lips roughly ten minutes later, you heard a knock on your cubicle door, "honey, it's me. i'm gonna slide them to you." a sigh of relief left your mouth and your heart warmed when he slid the packet under the door to you. you bent down to pick them up and was about to thank him, until he spoke again. "i also got some pain killers and a bottle of water, which may help with the cramps and all." tears, another set of tears had flooded your eyes and uncontrollably rolled down your cheeks. damn hormones. although, you had an excuse to be so emotional because you had the sweetest, most thoughtful boyfriend ever.
he really did care about you. he didn't even give a second thought about the fact that he was standing in the middle of a women's restroom. he just wanted to know you were okay first above everything. "y/n, is everything okay?" his voice sounded somewhat timid behind the door. he must've heard you sobbing to yourself. "y-yeah. i just- thank you so much for doing this for me," you sniffled, with your tone evidently wavering from all the waterworks. "always," a small grin tugged up from the corner of his lips. he then looked around and realised where he was, as a teenage girl walked in with a small frown on her face at the sight of a grown man standing in front of a closed cubicle in a women's restroom. "I'll just be waiting outside for you, okay?" you hummed in response, mostly because you were still quietly sobbing and words failed you at the moment. you were crying partly because of how perfect of a boyfriend kylian was to you, but also because you were afraid that you had ruined such a perfectly good date. or maybe it's just that the waterworks had burst open from the hormones that were hitting you like a thousand bricks all at once. you immediately wrapped your arms around kylian's torso when you had joined him outside the café, "you are a literal lifesaver. i can't thank you enough." "don't even mention it, my love," he mumbled into your hair, before gently kissing your head and rubbing his hand across your back. "how are you feeling now?" "well, i could definitely use those pain killers. please," you replied in a soft whisper, lifting your head up from his chest with a small pout. your boyfriend grinned and passed you the bottle of water with the box of pills that were in his spare hand. he watched as you tried to save yourself from any further agony, suggesting to go straight home instead of finishing the date with book-searching in the library. as much as you wanted to protest against the idea, you had to agree with him because you were already starting to feel icky, drowsy, and above all, beyond emotional. home sounded like the best setting for you at the moment. on the journey home in the taxiyour head gradually fell onto kylian's shoulder with your eyes fluttering closed and the grip you had with his hand became loose.
his heart did a little dance at the view of you peacefully sleeping. before he carefully placed your head onto his thigh which allowed you to fully relax with comfort. he smiled ever so softly when he watched your body reflect the steady exhales and inhales of drifting into a deep slumber. subconciously, kylian started stroking your head and occasionally brushing his knuckles against your cheek, happy to see you become so comfortable in his presence. after leaning down to kiss your temple, he hadn't quite noticed the sleepy smile that pierced onto your lips. even though the day didn't go quite as planned, it was still so worth it. just like every day you spent with together.
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p3ndeja6 · 3 months
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Stan m. x y/n
dedicated to my super best friend, took me long enough @lilmeowneow☆ (ma fault slime)
summary: you and Stan were each others first, you guys were meant for each other everyone knew that but it just wouldn't go that way, no matter how much pain you both suffered. you both knew it was time.
content: ANGST, cheating, implied sex, arguing, flashbacks
word count: 1.2k
lazily proof-read, i tried not to suck on this one.
inspired by: I Want You by Mitski
“Right person, wrong time”
“Where did it all go wrong?”
We were so perfect. Everything about him was perfect. Spending time with him was like a never ending dream, where did it go wrong. I paced around our shared apartment, reminiscing on all the moments we shared.
 Laying next to each other as our warm, sticky skin conjoined together, our heavy breathing started to go back to normal, but our heartbeats … our heartbeats were moving rapidly. Having him in my arms like this, like no one else has had him, just me, only me. He looked me into my eyes and saw me, from that day I knew that this was the person i wanted to spend my life with. 
 I started crying at the memory of us spending the night together for the very first time in our apartment. I clutch my heart trying my hardest to keep the uncontrollable sob that wanted to be set free in. Where did it go wrong? Everyone told us that we complement each other so well, we were made for each other, everyone just knew that we would end up together in this lifetime.
Looking up at the ceiling, trying to stop more tears from spilling, my throat started to sting and feel dry. The fights started over little things at first. ‘You forgot to throw away the trash’ ‘it said to take the left lane!’ ‘you messed up the recipe”
To ‘ why are you being this way!’ “You are so clingy!’ ‘just leave me alone!’
The last fight was messy. I cringed as I replayed the fight in my head. I hate fighting with him, but afterwards we always end up in each other's arms. But not these last few times.
You tried so hard to remember the good times, the good times you spent with each other. But it just seems the bad ones kept consuming everything else. 
“y/n you have no idea how much you mean to me, you’re everything i need, everything i want. Only you. I wouldn't want to spend my life without you. I hope that in every lifetime we come back together. I’ll search for you in every lifetime, I promise…”
Everything just spilled out, all the tears that I had built up were finally free, I felt my knees hit the carpet, sobbing uncontrollably. Trying to cover them up with my hand over my mouth. 
“Why?” this wasn't the first time you had a night like this. You felt it that whenever you and Stan would fight he’d leave for long periods of time, sometimes the whole night. You felt it in your gut that he went with her. She was a friend, but you knew better. You confronted him about it multiple times, but he would always tell you the same thing over again. “Gosh y/n! No, I didn't go to her house, I just needed some air. "It was a lie. You knew it was.
Stan knew he was lying and he knew that you could tell when he would lie. Staring at your beautiful eyes, he felt so much guilt. He loves you so much and it hurts him that you guys are going through a rough patch. He can't explain why this is happening but it is. You were his person and he couldn't fathom losing you, but he knew he slowly was. He tried to keep the act up, he knew that it was wrong to go to her house at the late hours of the night, letting her kiss him, and hold him and caress him. It never went too far but he knew this was already far enough. He just needed this attention. But why couldn't he ask you for it? He doesn't know.
He doesn't want to lose y/n but he knew the relationship was going nowhere. 4 years going on to 5. The fifth year wouldn't even count because of the fallout between you two. Stan still holds hope that this nightmare will come to an end, that you both can just be happy again. One last time, one last time to be together again.
“I cant keep doing this anymore” you told stan as he was changing into his favorite sweater you bought him two christmases ago. He turned around slowly, looking at you confused but he knew.
‘What are you talking about?” he answered after a few minutes of silence. “You know what im talking about” “This Stan!” you pointed at both of you “Us stan, Us, i cant keep doing this anymore” you finally let out the tears you desperately kept from him. “ I-I just can't do this anymore, I am so in love with you but you are pushing me away and going out in the late hours, going God knows where!” tears streaming down your face. The stinging sensation from trying not to cry, burning your throat and nose, making it hard to speak. You had to let him know. “I want you Stan… I need you” “ I need you here with me but you don't try anymore. We wasted a year doing whatever this was… but it's time to stop "" it's time we end it… for good” you stared at him with the tears staining your cheeks.
He looked up to you seeing how destroyed you looked, he caused this in the first place. He wanted to try to work it out, make this right again. Relive the sweet moments when it was just you two in bed. Talking about what the future holds for both of you. 
“But we are meant for each other, you and me till the end” you let out a pity laugh, “yeah i thought so too” “ but its not looking like that stan… not anymore” he got close to you, reaching out to hold you but you backed up a little.
“Please baby, please let me” he whispered to you as he slowly got closer, grabbing your hands, gliding his way up to your shoulders, pulling you into his embrace. You stopped breathing for a second, taking in this moment, taking in his sweet musky scent as it would be the last time you’d be in his arms like this again. You hugged him back, letting it go, letting it all go. Stan didn't realize but he also was crying, sobbing really. You were the one for him...
You looked up at him staring into his beautiful blue eyes, knowing you’ll no longer be able to get lost in the abyss of those eyes you ever so loved. Where did it go wrong? You reach up to hold his face, he holds up a hand to your face as well. Your heads are moving in slow motion, finally connecting to each other kissing each other so gracefully. Taking in the combined salty tears as you kissed; this was like the missing piece to the puzzle, to complete the puzzle. Where did it go wrong? You wanted to hold onto this forever, like he said till the end. It just wasn't going to end like this.
“I love you darling but… im done; we just weren't meant to be in this lifetime together” “no… we were… just not at this time.”
‘You were the right person for me, it was just the wrong time’
‘I hope i can find you again, either in this lifetime or the next’
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chiiyuuvv · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if i could request an OT10 reaction on how the boys would comfort their s/o if they were having a breakdown? I was kind of iffy on requesting this because it may be a little too sensitive of a topic, but it’s up to you if you’re comfy writing this. Either way, thank you for considering! Btw, i love your works!
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Minjae ☆
Minjae would noticed that you were upset about something so he decided to drag you to his studio
Places you on his lap and holds you close as he shows you some songs he has been working on
Forehead kisses :)
Would mutter sweet nothings to take your mind off of whatever made you sad
Let's you fall asleep on him ♡
Junmin ☆
Calls your mom and askes her what you like
Would get kongie and let you play with him
While kongie is busy licking your face junmin is busy petting your hair and running his hands through it
Junmin would make you lay on his lap as kongie sleeps in your arms
Braiding your hair ♡
Sumin ☆
You were getting stressed out over studying so sumin decided to take you outside for some fresh air
Sumin would make you walk on the inside of the sidewalk so your chances of getting hit by a car is slim to none.
Random backhugs :)
Would intertwine his hand with yours as he swings it back and forth
Would make goofy poses for you to laugh at ♡
Jinsik ☆
Traps you in the biggest bear hug of your life
One minute hes out of sight, the next minute he'd pop up with the alien glasses that junghoon wears
Steals your phone to take a million photos of him and the alien glasses with various poses
Not only did he steal the glasses and your phone, he'll also steal kisses from your cheek
Runs away with you find your phone ♡
Hyunwoo ☆
Hyunwoo had heard from your friends that you were very upset so when you came into the room he patted the space beside him
Let's you lay your head on his chest as he caresses your head
Would sing to you softly as he rocks you back and forth
You would wake up to find plushies and snacks surrounding you + a note
"No matter what happens, I will love you. I want you to know that baby.. you mean so much to me." ♡
Junghoon ☆
Would be confused onto why your so quiet, until it finally clicks that your upset about something
Would hug and kiss you to comfort you
You would find junghoon staring at you, but he wouldnt look away when you catch him
He'd smile when you start to blush like crazy, hiding yourself under the covers
Would give you unlimited cuddles and maybe even a movie night if you wanted it ♡
Seeun ☆
Would try his new pickup lines to make you blush, when really it makes you cringe
Would give up and just wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer as he TRIES whisper sweet nothings into your ear, when really hes just whispering gibberish
Would get mad when you start laughing when really hes just happy to lift you from your bad mood
Suggests to cook something together
When really your rolling on the floor because the poor guy is covered in flour ♡
Yujun ☆
After seeing you pout yujun would pout along with you
Would follow you around the house like a child
Would give up and lift you up effortlessly and throw you onto his bed
You want something? He'll get for you. Cant finish your food? He'll finish it for you
Would treat you like a princess and spoil you so much that your giggling ♡
Hunter ☆
Hunter noticed you were staying in the bed a lot so he decided to check up on you
His heart breaks when he hears you sobbing
He'd quickly running into the room and grab your hand, softly wiping your tears "baby what's wrong?"
If your comfortable enough hunter would crawling into bed and cuddle you
Once you have calmed down he would cover your face with kisses ♡
Yechan ☆
Would stare at you, trying to find out what's wrong
Would feel so broken when you sob uncontrollably, telling him how bad your day was
Would gently hold your hand and kiss it, telling you that everything was going to be okay
Once your done ranting he would wipe your tears and run you a warm bath
And when your done with that he would make you a pillow fort and put on your favorite movies ♡
A/n: thank you for requesting! And thank you @yuniniverse for helping me!!
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sissy-the-siren · 1 month
Borderlands: Debt or Alive
"You seem to misunderstand who you're talking to," I growled. "We did this to save you. We're the good guys." "Funny," Fittzwiggins said, a cruel smile curling his lip. "I seem to remember one Handsome Jack saying much the same thing."
Things I was expecting from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, and fun.
Things I got from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, fun, Rhysha goodness, Fiona being Very Gay, existential crises, and class revolution.
A solid entry into the Borderlands universe, Anthony Burch doesn't disappoint, returning with the same wit and charm to his writing that made me fall in love with Borderlands 2. Fast-paced and action-packed, this isn't your standard novel and reads almost like a movie script, but it's so much fun, and, well, so MUCH FUN!!!
(If you haven't played Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands, this book might not make much sense or be enjoyable for you, just a head's up.)
After running and gunning for so long, when con artist sisters Fiona and Sasha finally get their Big Break, they find themselves wallowing in apathy, missing...what, they're not quite sure, but whatever it is, it's preventing them from enjoying their new life of luxury. It only takes Sasha's second death, Fiona's first death, Deathtrap's destruction (don't worry, he gets rebuilt!), Gaige's torture (twice), and an uprising against Eden-5's uber wealthy Elite for them to figure it out, but they get there!
I was hoping--PRAYING--for some Rhysha goodness, and Burch more than delivered; in-between bouts of dealing with her own mortality and the cold realization that nothing awaits her after death, Sasha examines her life, where she's at, what her future holds, and where Rhys slots into it all. I've compiled the following list of Rhysha moments:
Chapter 1 p. 13-14 - Taking place during the last battle with the Guardian, Sasha reflects over the events of Tales, with an emphasis on how she developed feelings for Rhys (and vice versa), largely due to how loyal he was to his friends and the lengths he'd go to protect them. p. 16 - Sasha's death scene, where Rhys is sobbing uncontrollably (described as "heartbreak" by Fiona) and Sasha thinks to herself that he's "[d]umb as a rock" but that he has a "big heart".
Chapter 2 p. 20 - Fiona wonders if she's going to be stuck in the Vault forever while Rhys is free to go and hit on her sister. p. 25 - Sasha's eyes light up with joy, something they haven't done since they were kids--and, Fiona adds in a footnote, since Rhys started flirting with her (she tries not to think about that though). p. 27 - Sasha wishes for a Vaultlander collectible from the Vault, something she learned about from Rhys. He told her about them when she "accidentally brushed my hand against Rhys's arm and he got so nervous he wouldn't stop talking about these things for twenty minutes." Fiona tells her that she can do better, to which Sasha tells her to stop being "such a mom" and that Rhys is "a nice guy".
Chapter 4 p. 39 - The sisters discuss the Vaultlander, Rhys, and whether or not Rhys has ever taken his Vaultlander figures out to play with them (he told Sasha that he hasn't because they're a "sound financial and artistic investment"; the sisters both think he has though).
Chapter 6 p. 50-51 - NOT Rhysha related, but just one--and the most significant--of the many sections that screamed "FIONA LOVES WOMEN!!!!" to me. There is no hetero explanation for the amount of detail with which Fiona observes Holloway. NONE. Chapter 9 p. 71 - Sasha says that meeting Rhys couldn't have been for nothing. Chapter 10 p. 79 - Sasha is able to get a debt cuff off of Fiona because Rhys taught her how to hack. This comes in handy several times throughout the book. Chapter 15 p. 111 - Fiona notes that Sasha ECHOchats with Rhys almost every day. Chapter 16 p. 114-116 - Half of this chapter is Sasha talking to Rhys. Both admit that they miss each other, even if they're in a weird are-we-or-aren't-we place. Sasha thinks that Rhys is a kind, handsome himbo with ambition. Rhys blushes while saying she means a lot to him and Sasha realizes that she likes him. Chapter 31 p. 220-226 - Soooo much happens in these pages! The first thing that comes up is that Sasha notices the beginning of Rhys's mustache and that he's altered his voice. The tone turns serious when Rhys asks if he can call her his girlfriend, to which Sasha apologizes and says that she's not ready for that until she knows that she can promise him with certainty the future that he deserves. Rhys understands and is willing to do whatever is necessary as long as she's happy, to which Sasha admits to herself that she can see them being more--eventually. Things take a MORE serious turn when Rhys asks her how she's doing and Sasha tells him the truth--the full truth, which isn't something she normally would do, but feels comfortable doing so with Rhys because she cares about him and actually wants to let him in to her life. Rhys helps the sisters get back on track and renews their fighting spirits. Chapter 32 p. 227 - Fiona once against questions why Sasha is crushing on Rhys when his brilliant idea to disguise the guns he sent to them is by writing "Not Guns" on the pallets. Sasha says that his heart is in the right place, to which Fiona responds, "[w]here his brain should be." p. 228 - Sasha quotes Rhys ("Mustaches are a facial accoutrement that convey trustworthiness, masculinity, and culture without ever needing to leave the cozy confines of one's upper lip."), much to Fiona's horror, and when his parroted words succeed in swaying the secbot to let the "mustache wax" (pallets of guns) through, Sasha gets an air of "see-Rhys-can-be-useful-who-looks-silly-now" about her. Chapter 34 p. 237-242 - Taking up the bulk of this chapter, Fiona and Sasha argue over Sasha and her inability to make up her mind when it comes to whether or not she wants to be in a relationship with Rhys. Fiona points out that they're not living out of a caravan anymore, not constantly on the run, and that Rhys is a "decently handsome idiot who worships the ground you walk on", going so far to admit that she--Fiona--even likes him. She encourages Sasha to make a decision one way or the other--it's only fair to the both of them. Chapter 36 p. 255 - Fiona hands Sasha a note that Rhys handwrote for her that he sent with the gun shipment. A "big, dumb smile" appears on Sasha's face. Epilogue p. 308-309 - Fiona sends a text-only ECHOcomm to Rhys. Fiona thanks Rhys for everything he's done for her, and for being good to Sasha (of course, she follows up by saying that if he's ever NOT good to her, she'll hunt him down and fill his brain with bullets). She reluctantly congratulates him on officially being Sasha's "long-distance boyfriend".
Even without all that Rhysha goodness, Debt or Alive is a solid book and a wild ride with plenty of love, laughs, and anarchy. (Side note: The sisters' last name is Dillon? Dillon?????)
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year
Let me ease your pain - John Stones
As I'm going through some tough days I thought writing sth would have helped me so here we go. I've imagined it differently in my head, it's not proofread so don't expect too much.
This is dedicated to @johnstonesfc who's going thorugh some hard moments to, stay strong bestie 🤍
Warning: mentions of death
Tag list: @masonxomount, @prideofpd, @chelsealover, @stonesyy
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Death has been and will always be one of humanity's bigger, if not the biggest, mysteries ever: seeing your loved ones fly away from you, people that shared a significant part of their lives gracing yours being taken away from you is terrible, especially if this happens all of a sudden. The moment you get that hateful news it feels as if the ground under your feet magically disappears and start thinking about everything you could have said and done to let that person feel loved or to make them feel your love and, in the end, you always fear you didn’t do enough while that person was alive.
You were sure most people would have felt that way while acknowledging the passing away of someone close or at least it was how you felt the moment you got the news about your relative.
You couldn’t believe it at first, it couldn’t be real. The way your head started spinning around urged you to sit on the sofa behind you, fearing you might have passed out any moment.
Uncontrollable sobs started shaking your body as well but not a hint of tears down your face, only groans of pain leaving your throat. Desperate cries echoed through the walls of your house but it felt as, at the same time, you couldn’t give enough voice to the grief making his way through your body.
John wasn’t there at the moment, he was with his physio to recover from his groin injury but you hoped with every fibre of your soul he would open that door giving access to your house as soon as possible.
When he came back home from his session he found your figure bent over itself, your head in your hands as your gaze was fixed on the wall before you, staring at it blankly.
His eyes were wide open as he caught sight of your figure.
You moved your head to the side and the moment he made eye contact with your glossy orbs it was when he realised something really bad must have happened and therefore got really worried.
He jogged to where you were and knelt down to be at your height, taking your head in his hands.
“What happened?”
“My nan died”
John sighed and pulled you into his chest where you could finally let yourself go in a desperate cry where those hot tears that earlier didn’t happen to leave your eyes now were streaming down your face, soaking your boyfriend’s jumper.
“Shh, I’m here” He kept on whispering in your ear like a never stopping lullaby, while stroking your hair.
“I didn’t get to see her nor talk to her lately and I hate myself for it”
“Don’t, she loved you so much and you know that. I’m sure she didn’t care about it”
“But I feel so guilty” Your cry got even louder, sounding rather desperate.
“Don’t feel guilty baby, don’t have to”
You two stood there like this for a while, him holding you close to his chest trying to calm you down as your sobbing was slowly slowing down.
If seeing John home with an injury always left you with a bitter taste because you hated seeing him being forced away from the pitch, on that occasion you were somehow grateful for it because that meant you wouldn’t have to stay home alone with your negative thoughts pervading your mind.
Not many words were exchanged between you two the following moments as you weren’t feeling like doing so. John looked at you from afar, not wanting to bother you but feeling the need, at the same time, to ease your pain.
“You aren’t hungry, are you?”
You shook your head in denial, still sat in that same curled up position you had been staying in for the past hour or so, the only sound in the room being the tv turned on to try not to make you think about what just happened.
“Maybe I’ll prepare some snacks for later, whenever you’re hungry you can have them”
You nodded and, after what felt like a year, you succeeded in raising your stare to look at John taking some vegetables from the fridge, in the attempt to cook something tasty to make you happy. The way he loved you was moving and you were sure you weren’t deserving of such love but you tried to put aside that thought, for that night at least, and appreciate all of his sweet gestures without thinking if it was alright or not.
You got up and wrapped your arms around his waist, careful not to scare as he was holding a knife. At first he was a bit stiffened up, as he wasn’t expecting your hug but then, when he felt your cheek pressed against his back, he relaxed and smiled.
You were breathing in his scent with your eyes closed, as one of the few things that could make you feel at home no matter where you were.
“Thank you. I love you” You said as simply as that sounded. He put the knife down and gave a quick stroke to your hands before taking the right one and bringing it closer to his lips, to kiss your knuckles and your fingertips.
“I love you too”
You smiled and placed a gentle kiss between his shoulder blades and went back on the sofa, watching the latest Netflix’s teen movie or, better, using it as a background noise as your eyelids were slowly covering your eyes, meaning you were about to fall asleep.
John wanted to leave you your space so he kept on cooking and then doing the kitchen until he saw you with your eyes closed.
He woke you up gently and scooped you up in his arms. “I’ll take you to bed, you fell asleep watching that funny film” He answered sarcastically as he placed your tired body on your mattress, kissing your forehead.
You clutched his arm as he was going away from your shared bed.
“Stay here” The need to feel his touch was stronger than ever and he smiled knowingly.
“I was about to make some tea, do you fancy a cuppa?”
“The way you do it with a bit of milk?”
“Of course, that’s proper tea” He huffed, rolling his eyes playfully.
A little laugh left your mouth, abandoning your head against the pillow behind your head.
“Don’t be long”
“I won’t, turn on the tv and choose a good film…not that shit you’ve fallen asleep on”
“It wasn’t that bad” You protested in a low voice as he jogged down the stairs.
The weight you were carrying was so heavy you couldn’t avoid crying, not even when John came back holding your boiling hot mugs together with the snacks he prepared earlier on.
He didn’t say anything, just left the tray on his bedside table and slipped under the covers with you, pulling you closer to him so his arm was now resting behind your head and his other free hand was caressing your body, his thumbs drying up your warm tears silently.
“I’m glad we can stay home together these days…I don’t wanna be alone” Your sobs began shaking your body again and he promptly reassured you and engulfed you in his hug.
“You won’t. I’ll do whatever I can to make you feel safe and cheer you up”
You smiled and nuzzled your wet face in his chest.
“Including a hot bath, dinner in bed and all those things”
“I might consider the hot bath…”
“I’m included in the bath, for your info”
“Okay” You sighed “I’ll make this sacrifice of bathing with you” You replied ironically.
“Oh wow baby, you’re so kind” You kissed his lips with a giggle plastered on yours, before closing your eyes.
“I love you so much, John. You have no idea how much I do”
He smiled, letting his fingertips travel back and forth your arm wrapped around his neck.
“You have no idea how much I love you” John brushed your lips against your wet ones. “Much more than you”
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st4r-bby · 1 year
Could you do jack champion x reader with a break up prank! Where the reader pranks jack and he believes it and like he gets sad and whatever you can build off on this i just really love angst-fluff
angst-fluff is awesome.
movie : none
character / person : jack champion
pairing : !obsessed jack x !also obsessed (fem) reader
contains : angst to fluff, jack crying, jack being clingy, reader holding in her clingyness.
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y/n turns on her live, "okay guys, today we'll be pranking my boyfriend, if you don't already know, jack champion. i'm going to set up the camera and you'll see what it is." she says. she sets up her phone to where jack can't see it if he went into the room and she waits. "y/nn!" jack says, smiling like a adorable puppy. he goes on the couch next to her and hugs her, stuffing his head on her chest.
"hey jack.." his head perks up and he looks at her, tilting his head. "yes?" he smiles. 'shit.' she thought, 'this will be harder than i thought.' she clears her throat. "we need to talk." her voice was serious and those four words alone made jacks heart drop down to his stomach.
"a..about what?" he says, fully getting off of her chest and looking down at her. she sighs, "this..." she points at both of them. "we.. aren't working jack." his heart shatters at these words, she can see tears forming in his eyes and she immediately wants to end the prank right then and there but she doesn't.
"..what?" he sounds so heartbroken it makes her eyes water. "is it because i'm too clingy? i can change i promise.." he starts panicking and she puts her hands on his shoulders, in a attempt to calm him down. "j.. it's not you.. i just don't think we're in as much love as we should be." the tears overflow in his eyes and drop down. he starts sobbing uncontrollably, "please no.. i love.. you too much to lose you like this.." he says in between tears. "i'm so sorry.." she consumes him into a hug and they stay there for a while, too long, to the point where y/n is crying too.
"jack.. i-it's a prank.. i'm so sorryy.." she whines, when he hears it's a prank, all sadness washes away. "really..? you're not leaving me?" he asks, giving her puppy dog eyes. "really." she pulls away from the hug and kisses him all over his face, making him giggle. y/n forgets about the live and they fall asleep in each others arm, leaving their fans to watch and make edits of.
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THIS MADE ME TEAR UP AND START SNIFFLING and i think i post too much- do i post too much please comment if i do-
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tedwardremus · 3 months
ummm i think that regulus makes a collage of james(like he did for voldy) and he presents the collage to james and james is like “omg wtf are you some kind of stalker” and kicks him and then regulus goes to kreacher and cries in his arms and its ugly crying too like so much snot is coming out of his nostrils and its starting to bubble
this is true Phineas Nigellus' portrait told me all about it:
Regulus Black had spent weeks meticulously cutting and pasting photos, carefully selecting images that captured James Potter in various moments of triumph on the quidditch field. It was a project that consumed him, something he found solace in amidst the patheticness of his life. The collage, a true testament to his admiration—or perhaps obsession—was finally complete. He decided to present it to James, hoping it would convey his feelings or, at the very least, spark a conversation.
"Hey, Potter," Regulus called out nervously, holding the collage behind his back as he approached James in the library where he was studying (James was so smart - he didn't even need to study. He was probably helping another student because that's how wonderful James Potter was).
James turned, eyebrows raising in surprise. "What do you want, Black?"
"I... I made something for you," Regulus said, bringing the collage forward. "I thought you might like it."
James took the collage, his expression quickly shifting from curiosity to bewilderment. His eyes scanned the photos, each meticulously arranged with captions and decorations, and then he looked back at Regulus with a mixture of confusion and disgust.
"What the fuck is this?" James demanded, his voice rising. "Are you some kind of stalker?"
Regulus's heart sank. This wasn't the reaction he had hoped for. "No, I just... I admire you, and I thought..."
"Admire me? You're a bigot and a baby Death Eater. I don't want your admiration unless you renounce the fascist cult and that idiot Dark Lord you love so much." James interrupted, shoving the collage back at him.
Before Regulus could respond, James grabbed his shoulders and kneed him hard in the crotch, and walked away to join his girlfriend Lily for a special study date, laughing as wrapped his arms around her.
He left Regulus hunched over in pain, the rejected collage in his hands. Regulus felt a hot flush of embarrassment and shame wash over him. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he turned and fled the library, clutching the crumpled collage to his chest.
He ran all the way to the Slytherin Common Room so he could floo home to the safety of the Grimmauld Place kitchen, where Kreacher, his loyal house-elf, was busy preparing a meal. Regulus collapsed onto the floor, ugly crying into Kreacher's apron. The tears and snot flowed freely, bubbling from his nostrils as he sobbed uncontrollably.
"Kreacher... Kreacher, he hates me," Regulus choked out between sobs.
Regulus clung to Kreacher, crying until his eyes were swollen and his nose was red.
"It's going to be okay, Master Regulus," Kreacher whispered, his voice soothing. "Kreacher will always be here for you."
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livwritesfics · 1 year
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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A/n: Hey everyone! Thank you for choosing to read this fic. Reader will be a female for this one Warning: death
❃ When y/n gave birth to a beautiful daughter, both parents were overjoyed.
❃ It hadn't been part of their plan to create and raise a child, nonetheless, the child was here... screaming and crying in her father's arms.
❃ "It's a girl y/n-ya!" He announced, shedding tears of joy. This was the happiest moment of his life! He was in love with a beautiful woman and had a daughter with her.
❃ Suddenly y/n became paler and paler. Law knew what was happening. He handed his child off to Bepo and started seeing what was wrong.
❃ "I feel so weak Law." y/n reached for Law's hand. Her voice slowly giving out on her.
❃ "I'm doing the best I can to fix whatever is wrong with you my love. You'll be better before you know it!" Law desperately exclaimed, putting a hand on her face.
❃ "I'm going to die Law, you can't save me." She whispered. "No! No, you can't leave yet! Our daughter needs a mother! I need you and so does she!" Law argued sobbing uncontrollably.
❃ "I know you'll be a great father Law, you'll take care of our daughter. She will be the luckiest, most happiest daughter there is." Law continued sobbing and this. Y/n placed her hand on Law's cheek and he quickly placed his hand over hers. "I love you sweetheart. I will always be with you."
❃ "Goodbye y/n... my love." He placed a final kiss on her forehead.
✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲
❃ Raising a child on his own wasn't easy. Law tried his hardest though.
❃ For the first few days after his girlfriend's death, he's by himself in his room. He hasn't left the bed and hasn't eaten.
❃ The crew has been helping out in his place. They took care of the baby during their captain's absence.
❃ Law was worried sick for his baby, but he knew she was in good hands.
❃ The day he does come out of his room, he's hungry, tired, and stinky. He's been sulking for about a week.
❃ It doesn't matter to him. As soon as he comes out of his room he goes straight to his daughter.
❃ "I'm so sorry I haven't taken care of you lately. But don't worry, I'll be the best father in the world... or at least I'll try." he whispers to her. "I will name you Nadine. Because you bring me hope and courage for the future."
❃ From that day on Law will be there. Always. He's there for her first steps, for her first words, for her first everything.
❃ He secretly keeps a photo album in his desk drawer. This album is his treasure. It has photos of when y/n was pregnant, the ultrasound, them preparing for their little one... up to now, Nadine being almost a year old now.
❃ He misses his girlfriend deeply and will always be crushed by her death. However, he intends to keep the promise he made for her. Being a father to their daughter
A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I hope this is okay!! Should I make this a series? I have a few ideas for Nadine as she is growing up!
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sebastian-queen · 6 months
That was a million years ago
So, here we are once more. Almost 7 years and a liftetime later. I haven't been on tumblr in forever and I haven't been missing it either. BUT... I have been slowly falling in love with watching tv shows again and my current obsession is 'the rookie' and the pairing of Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford. And there's a lot I need to get of my chest and I need to have a place to put things.. This might be it...
I haven't watched 6x05 or 6x06 but saw enough for this to come through.
It feels like her heart has been ripped out of her chest, the moment he walks away. Half of her wants to run after him, scream that it's not his choice to make alone, but her feet won't give. She just stands there, unable to move, she feels lightheaded before she realizes she had forgotten to breath. She blinks through her tears until the only thing she sees is his faint frame in the distance, that's when she finally lets herself go completely and starts sobbing uncontrollably. The only person she thought would always be by her side, who would stand his ground next to her, just left her and she's not sure she's ever going to be okay after this.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It's a week before she manages to look him in the eye again and mutter a silent 'hello' when he greets her from across the hall. She feels like all eyes are on her and she hates it. She hates that the job that used to give her so much solace and joy is just a stiff reminder of the one person she wants most in the world but can't have.  So, it's to no surprise to her that she eventually finds herself in Grey's office. 
'I need to transfer to a different station' and even she hears the emotional turmoil in her voice 'it's time.'  
'Lucy. I don't' 
'Sir, please. This is hard for me. This station is my family, but it just hurts too much to be here, to be around him' she all but whispers the last part as her eyes catch the person she's talking about. 
Grey just stands there watching her and it's as if he can already see that she's made up her mind because as much as he probably wants to, he doesn't stop her, or tries to change her mind and for once she appreciates it more than she's able to put into words. "I'll put in the papers" he says. 
'Sir' She says, tears staining her eyes but she's quick to push them away 'it has been an honor working here. This place will always have a special place in my heart.'  
It's another three agonizing days before she gets pulled into Grey's office again. Three agonizing days of longing looks quiet hellos and a whole lot of silent tears.  
"Lucy, I just heard back from the Hollywood division. They are thrilled to have a rock star officer as you on their team' she hears hem say the words and the emotion is written on his face 'if you still want to go.'  
'I do. I need this, sir.' 
'Then I guess this is your last shift at Mid-Wilshire. We sure as hell are going to miss you around here' and before she can say anything else she feels herself engulfed in the biggest hugs she has ever gotten from her sergeant and for once she lets herself ease into it completely. It's awkward but also very comforting at the same time. 
'Thank you for everything, Sir.'  
It's not until she's clocked out that day that the reality and finality of it all hits her all at once. She doesn't know why but she finds herself walking towards his desk. He looks at her a little bewildered and he opens his mouth to speak but she hushes him 'Please don't say anything, just listen' and he nods. 'It has been an honor being part of your life, Tim. I hope you get everything you ever hoped for, and more. But for me, this is it. I need this.' She points between the two of them 'to not hurt so much. And the only way for me to do that is to leave.' 
She sees the confusion on his face when she drops her badge and gun on his desk 'You are simultaneously the best and worst thing that ever happened to me, Tim. And I love you, I will probably always love you, but this is destroying me, and I can't do it anymore.' 
He is gripping her hand and before she manages to protest, he pushes her into an empty interrogation room 'What do you mean? What are you saying, Lucy?' 
She gulps back the lump in her throat 'I just finished my last shift. I'm not coming back tomorrow' she all but whispers. 
What? You can't just leave' he pleads, and she can see the turmoil written all over his face. For the first time in a month she lets herself look, really look, at him and she sees the bags under his eyes, the wrinkles on his forehead that are a little more prominent than they were before, and she can see his big, beautiful eyes filled with tears. 'It's done, Tim.'  
'Lucy' he manages to choke out but she's already out the door. She can't do this again, it's done. He was the one who broke her heart and when she eventually walks through the front door of the Mid- Wilshire department, she brings herself to look back one last time to the station and the person she left half of her heart with.  
Yeah, it's completely and utterly clear that Lucy Chen will never be the same again.  
So yeah, there you have it.. I just needed a place to put it and this was it..
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