#and it makes you look old and dried up and wrinkly
mooifyourecows · 10 months
idk what teenager needs to hear this but for the love of God do not vape
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ayabeanworks · 11 months
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Title: Hold me tighter
Synopsis: You knew Suguru wasn't well, and you did everything within your power to be there for him, including inviting yourself on a certain mission where two young girls were rescued.
Character: Geto Suguru x reader
Series: Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader)
Notes: Fluff, angst, swearing, feral!reader who probably hung out with Gojo too much, Geto pining, mentions of death and alludes to depression. AU where Geto doesn't defect.
Somewhat of a prequel to this AU.
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You were amazing. You were strong. You were also terrifying.
That's how Geto Suguru saw you during a certain mission.
He and you had been assigned on the mission in a small town inhabiting only more of 100 people, with weird things like deaths and disappearances of the villagers.
You begged the higher ups to go because you were worried about Suguru's health, and you didn't want to leave him alone. You had noticed a downward spiral from him, and these days, it seemed to be getting worse. You also had a very bad feeling about this mission, and you were going to do whatever you could to make sure Suguru's sanity remained intact.
Even if the elders said no, you were going to go anyway. And that's exactly what you did.
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"What exactly is this?"
Suguru had an expression of exasperation as he saw the young girls locked up in the wooden cage, bloodied and bruised, holding onto each other for support.
You could smell the thick scent of blood in the air, as well as see the dried, old patches of blood here and there when you eyes darted around the room. Apart from blood, there were other smells, similar to an abandoned alleyway where the homeless would reside.
Your jaw clenched and your eyes, widened with the need to see every and anything in the room, hoped they were lying when they landed on the girls. You counted the number of bruises on their limbs, the blood on their clothes, the blood on their face, the eye injuries each of them had.
It made your blood run cold. They looked to be just around 6-7 years old, only just old enough to understand and learn more complicated math in a school setting.
Not here.
Not here, bloodied and bruised.
It was like something inside you snapped, and all inhibitions went out the window. Like boiling water, it started to simmer, and you slowly turned to the two villagers as they conversed with Suguru, holding down your anger as your fists clenched and released.
"What do you mean? They're the cause of this, right?" One of the two who accompanied you both raised a hairy brow, his arm raising and trying to make a point.
"No." You could feel Suguru trying to continue being polite, but the slight edge in his voice was obvious.
"But those two strange ones are using their strange powers to attack the villagers!"
"I've already determined the cause of the incidents." Suguru gave a statement, one that he determined after being in the village for 5 days with you.
"My grandson was killed by these two." The older lady chipped in, a terrible frown on her wrinkly features.
Your shoulders relaxed and a light exhale released from your lips. You took a couple of steps forward to stand by Suguru, placing a hand on his shoulder softly, patting it a couple of times.
So they want to die?
Suguru glanced at you, his hand still up, about to summon a curse as he battled with his inner demons.
You gave him a little smile, one you'd give him all the time, but the underlying feeling made him tense. It was much darker, much more sinister.
"He's the one who-!" The girls from the cage exclaimed, but was shut down by the shouting of the male villager.
"Shut up, you monster!!! Your parents were exactly the same! We should have killed you when you were babies!"
"Shut the fuck up."
A loud thump from your fist embued with cursed energy, as well as a resounding crack from the same area tore a bloodhurdling scream from the middle aged male villager.
Suguru's eyes widened as his tensed hand lowered to his side, lips parting in shock at your actions.
That was the first time Suguru has ever seen you so angry you snapped. It sent chills down his spine and the hairs on his body to raise. His body tensed from the accumulation of cursed energy around you.
"Does having a broken rib hurt?" Your words were laced with worry, but with the unyielding mocking tilt in it, it was hardly convincing. "Do you want me to break your arm as well? That'll numb the pain a little."
You strode forward a couple of steps, coming in closer to the older male, crouching down slightly as you grabbed his arm roughly, pulling him in as your foot landed on the shoulder of the arm you pulled, about to dislocate his arm with a rough pull.
A strangled cry for you to stop made you raise your brow as a scowl adorned your face. Your eyes narrowed at the man below you. He was breathing heavily as he grabbed your ankle, trying to pry you off weakly, but to no avail. His grip was painfully weak, and he was struggling to breathe. You wondered if the broken rib pierced his lungs or any other organ?
"Oh? You want me to stop?" You taunted, an amused chuckle resonating through your chest. "Did you stop when you and the village were tormenting those poor kids? Beating them up and locking them up in here?" You dug your heel into his shoulder as you pushed him into the concrete wall, twisting it a couple of times for good measure. He writhed in pain as his grip on your ankle tightened, but you pulled at his arm, making him scream out.
The older lady on the side, who had been trembling the whole time in shock, suddenly let out a screech and flung herself at you, her arms flailing to hit you to let go of her fellow villager.
You grit your teeth as you grab the village man's arm with your left arm, using your elbow as an anchor point to throw a perfectly timed slap to the woman's face, causing her to hit the wall next to him after spinning in the air a couple of times.
"Wow, didn't know a human could spin so much. Especially for an old lady!" You light up into a smile. The smile didn't reach your eyes and was instead habouring a deep hatred for the types of people you were fighting, ready to rip off their arms and limbs if necessary.
"You can join you grandson now. I'm sure he's waiting for you."
What a sorry excuse for a human being.
"[name]..." Suguru called our your name hesitantly, glancing at the two girls in the wooden cage. They were trembling, hugging each other as they watched you. However, it didn't seem like they were scared. Their eyes showed admiration, and were widened in a surprise that could be interpreted as positive.
His eyes once again landed on you. You didn't even react to him saying your name - it was like you were in a state of mania, with such a fluctation in temperament and emotions, it felt like a different person. It didn't feel like you.
Did he even know you?
Who was the person in front of him?
He looked back at the girls, walking a couple of steps closer before trying to shield what you were doing with his body.
"Answer my question. Did you or did you not stop when you were tormenting those kids?" You looked to the wall where the woman hit, seeing her barely unconscious on the ground after the smack made her life flash before her very eyes.
The villager man screamed, "I-AAHHh-hah, you...you'RE THE DEVIL!"
"Oh, wow, you think I'm the devil?" You didn't even miss a beat at responding, giving him a doe eyed look to vouch for your innocence. Your expression shifted to a crazed grin, a laughter erupting in your throat as you pulled roughly at his arm, a loud pop ringing in the air as you dislocated it. You let him scream, collapsing over as you let go of his arm, allowing it to drop to his side as he cried, streaks of tears staining his shirt as drool flowed out of his mouth at the pain. You lean in, a smile on your lips as you coo at his current state, "Honey, if I'm the devil, then what are you and the other villagers? I think you're all devil's incarnate, so we should be the same, no? Why the scared face? Just like you said, I'm a devil. No, we're both devils."
You watch as his expression contorts to one where he wanted to scream something in your face, anger taking hold of him as the fear takes a seat. He was sweating, and the colour was draining from his face from the pain you inflicted.
You could only chuckle at his sorry state, clicking your tongue at him a couple of times. "But there's one thing you got wrong, darling. I'm not the devil, I'm your grim reaper."
You pull your foot back as the man's consciousness finally breaks, and he slumps over to join his fellow unconscious villager after enduring the pain.
"Didn't even answer the fucking question." You muttered, clicking your tongue once more. You fished your phone from your pocket and gave a call to the Windows nearby to alert them of what happened.
As you did so, Suguru watched you. He was frozen in his spot, unable to move. He was in shock at the way you handled the two just now. It was different to when you sparred together, and it made him realise you always unconsciously held back.
While he watched you release your anger at them, he had calmed down. His mind and heart less cloudy than before as he watched everything unfold before him. It gave him a rationality of thought, juxtaposed with your outburst. It almost made thinking a lot easier, with you by his side in such a state.
It reminded him of his best friend Satoru, and he wondered how much time you spent with him to become like this. After all, that mocking tone and speech was actually quite similar that it scared him - or, did you have this side hidden the whole time, but had control over yourself that you didn't break until the situation called for it?
By no means did he condone what you did, but if you didn't handle it the way you did, he didn't know what he would've done. He was so close to breaking that it was almost a miracle he didn't.
"[name]." Suguru repeated your name again after you finished your phone call, taking a couple of steps towards you.
"Hm, yes, Sugu?" You questioned him with a genuine smile. Your usual smile was on your lips as you tilt your head slightly at him, wondering what he wanted to ask.
He paused, wondering which was the real you. The switch was so fast, and oh so sudden. Your cursed energy had dissipated and wasn't so condensed, and your calm temperament was back. It confused him, and he wondered if he was in the wrong for thinking of such horrible things before you literally broke a person's rib.
He grabbed the hand you used to hit the man in the stomach and slap the other, seeing no injuries. Gliding his thumb over the areas that made contact, he closed his eyes for a moment, heaving a light sigh, before making eye contact with you again.
"We should get the girls to safety." You nod to the girls in the cage, placing a hand on Suguru's hand as you pat it a couple of times before releasing from his grip.
Suguru watched as you broke the lock of the cage, taking the girls out carefully. They latched onto you and murmured quiet thank yous as they cried in your arms. It hurt his heart to see such young children suffer from the hands of horrible adults. They didn't deserve this.
He walked over and leaned down slightly, placing his large hands on the girls' heads, gently ruffling their hair. He also ruffled your one too since you were crouched down to their level, a funny noise coming from your throat at the unexpected affection. Seeing your reaction, the girls glanced at each other and did the same, placing their hands gently on your head as they pet it like they did a small animal.
You laughed lightly, a sound so delightful to Suguru's ears at this current moment that it slowly wedged its way into his darker thoughts.
"The Windows should be here soon," You looked from Suguru to the girls, "We'll be taking you back with us. You'll be provided shelter and food, and life will be much better than here." You grabbed a hand from each girl, thumb caressing the back of their hand.
They fervently nodded their heads, ready to depart from the wretched village they used to call home.
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The minute the four of you arrived back at Jujutsu High, you were pulled over by an angry Yaga, who began berating you for going on the mission regardless of what the elders have said, and that you were to see them immediately.
"This is unlike you, [name]! Suguru could have handled it on his own." Yaga pinched his nose bridge, obviously frustrated at your handling of the situation.
You crossed your arms, quickly glancing over at Suguru, the girls and the Window accompanying them. They were watching you, and the girls were getting tugged to go to Shoko for their injuries, but they didn't want to leave since you were getting yelled at.
You met Geto's eyes, which held yours for a moment, before you looked back at Yaga with a heavy exhale. "Well, yes." You said simply. Yaga stared at you like you'd grown another head, wondering why what you said was different from your actions.
"Since you understand that, then why--"
"So do the elders want to see me now?" You interrupted. You didn't want to hear it from him nor did you want to elaborate. It wasn't like they were going to understand what you were doing anyway.
Yaga made an expression he normally did when dealing with Satoru, before sighing. "They'll see you now. You're probably not going to get out of this unscathed."
"So what are they going to do? Kill me? The villagers are still alive and well, just a little bit in pain." You waved at the girls and Suguru as you left with Yaga.
"I'll be back in a bit. Gonna get ripped a new one." You joked light-heartedly. It was the elders, after all. They're going to rip into any and every material and weakness they had on you so they could bring you under their control.
But you weren't going to succumb.
No fucking way.
Suguru watched as you left, his waving hand falling to his side. He felt little hands grab his pants as you left, each one belonging to the little girls saved.
"Is [name] going to get in trouble for saving us?" Their worried tone of voice was so sweet, so young, it hurt Geto.
He shook his head, "Only a little bit. But they'll be ok." He placed his large hands on each of their heads and ruffled their hair gently, careful not to get any healing areas.
"I think [name] will be happy if you go to Shoko and get healed up." Suguru nodded at the Window, who tried to get the little girls with them.
The girls stared up at him for a moment, then let go and nodded, trusting his words. They each grabbed the Window's hands and asked them to lead the way.
And, Geto Suguru was alone once again with his thoughts, the whole fiasco weighing on his mind as his feet took him to your room.
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Geto Suguru wandered why he sat in your room all the time. He practically lived in there now, with how often he was there instead of his own room or house.
You often dragged him when you saw him alone, to your room so he could keep you company, citing 'loneliness', but really, later down the track he realised he was the one needing your company instead, and he looked forward to when he was able to be around you. He also knew you weren't really 'lonely', but rather wanted him to know someone was willing to be there for him.
Could you read minds?
Sure, his other best friend Satoru wasn't around as often due to taking more solo missions, and Shoko was in the morgue, but at least he was able to see her. But out of the three, he saw you the most, and he was glad he did.
When did it start?
He wondered when he started coming to yours, now considered normal without any asking, without any hesitation.
He thinks it was right after the mission with Riko, the star plasma vessel. That was when you started inviting him to things way more often, trying whatever you could to fill up his time and space whenever Satoru and Shoko weren't there. So he was never alone.
The compliments, the time, attention, and love he was showered was almost too much for him when he realised it after this specific mission, and he had to lean forward and hold his head in his hands as the burden of his own thoughts made his eyes glassy.
The one who had reached out their hand, unwavering and steady, was you.
It was always you.
And since it started, the others did their best to support whenever they could, and that would've been an effort on your behalf, most likely you letting them know what you were doing.
Geto let out a choked sob as he let the tears fall in silence. Even though it tore him inside with which side he wanted to take when it came to protecting or not protecting non-sorcerers, he thought of you, he thought of Satoru, and he thought of Shoko. He thought of the girls you and him rescued, and the lives of the other sorcerers he went to school with. He thought of the non-sorcerers who didn't understand what it meant to live as a shaman, and he thought of the ones who cried and thanked him gratefully.
He hated the Jujutsu society and how it was structured. He hated how non-sorcerers were the bane and root of their existence, and the discrimination that comes with being a Jujutsu sorcerer as a minority.
Even though he was combating the very notion of accepting either side of the war raging inside him, he wondered how you were able to be as you are. How you were able to continue on your missions, how you were able to continue on the marathon race called shamantism? Did it not affect you?
But he knew it did, but how deeply he did not know.
He had heard you crying your heart out for Haibara, who was easily one of your favourite underclassmen, alone, when you woke up in the middle of the night before and during the mission you both came back from. But, even though he heard your sobs and cries, he couldn't say anything. All he could do was pretend to sleep and move so one of his arms was draping over you stomach, his forehead touching your shoulder as a way of saying 'I'm here for you'.
He would notice the way you calmed down when he did so, and it was something he noted for next time.
In his mind, he could recognise your smile and your voice, every one of your words drilled into his head as the tears fell onto the floorboards.
He was originally doing this for himself and wanted a solid foundation to base his beliefs off. Before, it was strong, but after the Riko mission, it faltered, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue down the same path.
And now, he was at a crossroad.
He wanted to trust in those who had faith in him, and the good in the people who were not the bad kind of non-sorcerers. Because the world had both. If his noble cause was just to protect the weak, those who weren't able to protect themselves and were good people, then so be it. Those who were corrupt, there will be another punishment waiting for them.
And so, he made up his mind.
"Sugu! Those elders put me under house arrest! For disobeying orders!" You opened the door to your room, half exclaiming and half grinning at the punishment given.
You gave a momentary pause when you saw Suguru with his head in his hands, hunched over where he normally sat at the foot of your bed.
With your arrival, he looked up, his loose hair slightly covering his face. But you could tell, he looked like he'd been crying, or was he still crying?
You took off your shoes, shut the door and immediately made a beeline to him, standing between his legs and cupping his cheeks with both your hands as you stared at him, searching his eyes for answers, for reasons, for everything. He stared up at you, sniffing every couple of seconds as his tears dried.
"Sugu." Your voice was a whisper, "What are you thinking?"
The softness of your voice didn't go unnoticed. Suguru always noticed. His hands hesitantly held your wrist, fingers wrapped around loosely so if you wanted to get out of his grip, you could.
The silence was palpable. It was heavy, and it tasted thick. He could only feel the warmth of your hands on his face and the warmth radiating off the close proximity of your body.
Since you didn't get an answer straight away, you gently swiped your thumb in the area just under his eyes like he did for you, on both sides, one at a time. He blinked a couple of times, the grip on your wrists loosening further as it fell down between his legs.
When you ran your fingers through his hair as a makeshift comb, he closed his eyes, basking in the affection you gave him, calming his tumultuous heart.
"Thank you..." His words were quiet, all too quiet that it seemed like you were the only one who he spoke to, in the bubble of the two of you, "For coming with me on that mission."
You hummed lightly as you continued to thread your hands through his hair, giving him a light head massage here and there as he struggled to find the words to convey his thoughts to you.
"I wavered." It was a statement, a statement that had many emotions in it, spoken to himself more than to you. It made you pause your movements, the raw feeling of his words sinking into you as you waited for him to continue, along with your massage.
"After Riko's death, those non-sorcerers, those monkeys, I can still hear them clapping, applauding her death." Suguru lets out a breathy sigh at the end, finally letting out his thoughts. "I used to believe the strong exists to protect the weak. But now...what about the strong? The strong are dying because of these non-sorcerers, because they aren't able to control their cursed energy, and they create curses that cause our deaths. There's no end."
"Being a Jujutsu sorcerer is a marathon race. What if...at the end, it's just a pile of our corpses? Our friends' corpses?" Suguru opened his eyes again, holding a sadness in his eyes he wasn't able to show until now.
You put your hands back on his cheeks. "Do you still believe the strong exists to protect the weak?"
You weren't able to answer this marathon race question. It was impossible to. Whatever answer you had, it would be negative. And you didn't want to dampen his spirits with something he already knew, deep inside him.
It was silent before he finally replied, "I don't know."
"The strong protect the weak. That was your philosophy, wasn't it?" A pause, "It's also what makes the strong, strong. You know, if there weren't any 'weak' people, you wouldn't even be considered 'strong', you know."
"As someone who's been saved by the strong and now becoming stronger because of them, I will hold that in my heart forever. Those non-sorcerers and sorcerers you've saved, Sugu, will remember you as their saviour."
Suguru's lips parted, but he closed them again, waiting for you to continue. He didn't know what to say.
"If you decide you don't want to protect non-sorcerers anymore and you look down on them, and it's the alternative to saving non-sorcerers because they're weak, then..." Your forehead presses on his as you close your eyes, "I'll let you go."
Suguru's throat became dry. He wanted to badly to say that he wasn't going to leave, but he couldn't deny the feelings he had when it came to whichever road he would pick.
"But, if you do end up hating non-sorcerers, you'll become one of those corpses you didn't want to see. And as a fellow sorcerer, I'd hate for that to happen." You lean down and move to hug him to your smaller body, pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
"Non-sorcerers are weak, yes, but they can also be strong. Not strong enough to kill curses, but strong in other aspects. Strength is not equal to pulverising curses." You gently pet the back of his head, "Riko was strong, wasn't she? She's not a bad non-sorcerer. She was almost like a friend to you, wasn't she?"
Suguru's arms wrap around your mid section, grabbing onto the back of your shirt like life support. "...yes." He managed to whisper.
"There's good and bad in everyone, Sugu, regardless of if they're sorcerers or not. If you're worried about the sorcerers in the world, wouldn't it be best to fix it at its core rather than to to just kill them all?"
Suguru didn't respond. He already had his answer.
You felt a wetness on your neck as his body shook, sobs ripping through his body as relief filled his veins at your words. You hummed, gently patting his back as he cried.
You knew, Suguru was a soft person inside. No matter how troublesome he and Satoru can become when they're together, Suguru was undoubtedly the softer one. Satoru also had a soft heart, but he had walls and walls around so it wasn't easily penetrated. Whereas for Suguru, the environment he's in affects him easier, and the suffering of others will easily shake him. Especially with his job as a sorcerer, it was even harder since it was a job with an abundance of negative energy.
You must've stayed like this for a while, and you felt him move to face you, his face still in your neck. You could feel his exhales on your skin, a soft hum from him as he murmured an apology to you into your skin.
"You okay there, Sugu?" You leaned your head on his, nuzzling a little.
He let go of the back of your shirt, and instead grabbed your waist and under your legs, bringing you to his lap as you yelped in surprise at the sudden lightweightedness.
"Sorry, it's easier this way." He adjusted you so you were directly in front of him, your legs to the side on the bed. His arms encased you as he hugged you tighter than before, not wanting to let go. He wanted to feel your pulse and heartbeat, to know you're present and there with him.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck again, his eyes closing as he tried to burrow impossibly closer, just like you're his lifeline.
You didn't mind since occasionally he would do this, but as of now, this was the most intimate he had become with you, and it was making your heartbeat speed up.
You tried to calm yourself as you continued to pat his back and smooth the back of his hair, chin on his shoulder as you leaned your head on his.
"Your heart's racing." You felt his lips curl into a smile, "You like this?"
Slightly annoyed by his teasing during such a tender moment, especially for him, the next pat was a lot harsher than the rest of them. You pouted as he chuckled into your skin, loosening his grip. He kept one arm around you as he wiped any tears with his sleeve, gently patting the areas on you he made damp.
You noticed he looked a lot better. A lot lighter, even. Even though he was crying, whatever was weighing him down seemed to have lessened or disappeared, like it was never there in the first place. It was like the Suguru pre star plasma vessel mission had returned.
You unknowingly held your breath, wondering if the Suguru in front of you would go back to the one who was conflicted.
"Do I have something on my face?" Suguru could feel your intense gaze on him the whole time, and he felt like he was under a microscope at how strong your gaze was.
He suddenly became self-conscious; did he look that bad after crying?
"You're back." You stated, almost incredulously.
At the tip of his tongue, he wanted to ask 'I'm back?', but he realised, you meant him. You meant the him from before Riko, the him before he started spiralling. The him who had a strong resolve and foundation.
"I've always been here." He gave you a little smile, the smile sincerely reaching his eyes as he gave you a little forehead bump.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks at such a gentle motion, not unnoticed by him.
"You blush at this but not the hugging before?" He stared at you like you were the strangest thing on this earth, but the mirth was clearly dancing around his purple eyes, making you hit him lightly in the chest, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Welcome back, I guess." You rolled your eyes playfully at him, but you were glad he was back.
"So what's this about a house arrest for you?" Suddenly, you remembered you'd come to deliver the news to him after your meeting with the elders.
"Ah, yeah, so I'm under house arrest! For 1 week! They told me to not leave the school and if I do, they're gonna do something." You tried to recall the information, but all you had in your head was Suguru, Suguru and more Suguru.
You blinked once, twice, thrice, but you couldn't remember shit all. "Maybe I should get 'toru to bail me out if I get in trouble. He can threaten them easily."
"...why not me?" Suguru gave his best attempt at puppy dog eyes, making your brows raise at him for the effort.
"Nice try," You pinch his cheeks, trying to stop the smile from pulling your lips upwards, "I don't want you going alone, so go with 'toru if you want to. Double trouble from the two strongest sorcerers, right?" You finally give him a grin as he held a baffled look.
Then, he laughed.
The sound was like a melody to your ears, one which was so genuine and heartfelt, one you hadn't heard in so long. It moved you.
"I'll do that, then. Does that mean you have to stay here the whole time?"
"Nah, as long as I'm in Tengen's barrier."
"That's a pretty good holiday for you."
"I know right?"
"You've worked hard enough so I think you deserve some rest."
The chatter continued until the night, until you fell asleep on him from how tiring the whole day was. Geto cradled you close, like you were made of glass (not that he wasn't hugging you like his lifeline before). Instead of caressing your cheek like he was used to, this time, he mustered up some courage, gave a quick peck on your cheek, then nuzzled your cheeks together as he stood up and got you into your bed.
As he tucked you in, he gently pushed the stray hairs out of your face, his finger caressing your cheek ever so gently.
"...thank you, [name]." He spoke so, so softly he barely heard his own voice, a calm and gentle smile on his face as he reluctantly left. He was going to hop into bed next to you to sleep as well, but he figured he should clean up first before doing so.
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Turns out, Suguru didn't have any missions in the same week you were under house arrest.
You were still sleeping even after Suguru tried to wake you up in the morning, so he just left you there so you could rest. After all, you probably needed some extra time since you worked so hard for him.
"I'm surprised I don't have any missions this week." The martial artist sat down with a cup of tea.
"Wonder why that is?" Shoko had shrugged off the question, eating together with the curse manipulation user in the common area.
She already knew why that was, since she heard it all from you, but she wasn't going to tell Suguru so easily.
"[name] probably complained to the elders." Suguru stated with a laugh. He could see it happening, with you giving them attitude until you got what you want. Almost like a kid trowing a tantrum.
Shoko let out a hum as she agreed. There was a little more to the story, but he didn't need to know yet.
They were so worried about you they actually begged the elders this time. Probably the first time they've begged them, so they allowed it with one condition: [name] had to do whatever they wanted for a week after their house arrest.
But Suguru didn't need to know that, at least, until [name] told him, which they probably didn't want to do.
Seeing Shoko's nonchalant personality was normal, but for Suguru he felt like there was definitely something she knew. After all, [name] was at Shoko's before they came back to their room yesterday. And knowing the elders and from what [name]'s said about them, Suguru assumed there would be some form of condition.
Seeing he wasn't convinced, Shoko decided she was going to allude to it a little, since [name] probably wasn't going to say anything.
To speed up the process, was Shoko's determining factor.
"I think they're going to be quite busy after their week off. My spider senses are telling me this." She joked, leaning back on the chair.
Suguru thought for a moment, "So the elders are going to force [name] to go on difficult missions."
Shoko shrugged, taking out a cigarette and placing it between her lips. She didn't light it inside, but it didn't feel right without it. "Aren't they already doing that?"
Geto didn't give a response, thinking what the elders would do especially since [name] was involved. From his observations, they were much more strict on you than they were on anybody else. Satoru could get away with things because he was one of the strongest and could actually end them and everything else, but you on the other hand, were not able to do that and effectively just danced in the palm of their hands trying to bite your way out.
He let out a low hum in thought. If he was granted no missions during this time and you were under house arrest, but Shoko alluded to you being busy the next week even after knowing you'll be taking up missions just like usual, that effectively means something was up. Was there another variable he wasn't sure about? Did you have something to do with him having no missions right now?
"Shoko, why not just tell me [name] had a deal with the elders?" He let out a sigh at the roundabout way of getting to the answer. "I'm guessing they agreed to do whatever the elders asked for, for 1 week, right? In exchange for giving me a break and going on that mission even after getting told not to."
"Bingo." Shoko made finger guns at his correct answer. She definitely didn't tell him, he just figured it out on his own, she tells herself.
Suguru's lips pressed into a thin line, wondering what the elders had planned. After all, you were a semi grade-1 sorcerer, but you kept getting pushed into missions which were grade 1 or higher, somehow managing to always come back alive even after facing a grade 1 curse.
Which is why the elders were always assigning you to go on difficult missions.
"You know, the girls you brought back, Mimiko and Nanako, are doing well. They've been put into a foster home associated with Jujutsu High, so you'll be able to see them if you want." Shoko forgot to give him this piece of information.
"That's good to hear." He smiled, now knowing the girls were doing well. It brought him back to the day prior, where he was so, so close to losing it and choosing another path. "I'm sure [name] would like to see them too."
Shoko shifted in her seat when she heard your name from his lips this time, finding it was different to earlier. It was softer? She couldn't quite put her finger to it, but it was like his soft spot for you was even softer than before, if that could even be a thing.
"You sound like a lovesick fool." Shoko commented with a non-commited laugh. She was just teasing, but she was also curious.
Suguru rolled his eyes at her, taking a sip of his tea. "They saved them too. Of course they'd want to see them."
He didn't agree nor deny, making Shoko raise her brows in surprise.
"I heard my name." You yawned as you entered the common area, still in the clothes you wore yesterday.
"Looks like you slept well." Geto examined your hair, which stuck up in some places, a smile on his face at the scene.
You hummed in response, giving a wave to both of them before sauntering over to the kitchenette to make yourself a glass of warm water, uncaring of the eyes trailing after you.
Shoko's gaze landed on Suguru, watching him watch you.
His gaze on you was definitely different. She definitely wasn't seeing things. She swore it was softer than before. The way his expression changed to a more relaxed one the minute you came into the picture, the way his shoulders relaxed when he talked to you, the tone of his voice shifting spectacularly to include an affectionate tilt, all of it was presented right in from of Shoko, who had known Suguru for a while, so she could tell these differences easily.
Wow, damn. He's down bad.
She smirked to herself, wanting so badly to tell Satoru of Suguru's little crush.
Except, both of them would probably deny it to the ends of the earth.
You slip into the seat next to Geto, eyes half open as you slowly blinked away your sleepiness, drinking the water here and there. Suguru laughed lightly at your state, scooting a little closer to detangle your hair with his fingers, running his hands through your hair to fix it.
Shoko's eyes nearly bulged out of her head, watching this blatant public display of affection. She was used to Suguru being a little touchy with [name] and expressing it here and there, but this was a new high. It made her sip the coffee she'd forgotten she had on the side, not sure if she should be there to experience such a thing.
You hummed in content, "Thanks Sugu."
"Should've brushed your hair before coming out." He gently chided, taking a sip of his tea.
"Probably should've changed, too..." You yawn again, taking another sip of water. "But yeah, I'd like to see the kids too, Shoko, when they're ready and all healed up."
Shoko, having been distracted for a moment, returned to her nonchalant self as she grinned, promising to let both of you know when that was possible.
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The week of house arrest was a blessing for you, especially before the files for the missions you were undertaking were handed to you by a Window.
There were 2 missions you were asked to undertake - a grade 1 solo mission, and then a special grade one with Satoru.
A special grade with Satoru? If you didn't already feel alarmed, you were definitely feeling alarmed now. Hell, if Satoru is on any missions, it meant that there was serious harm that could be done.
You flipped through the papers wordlessly, your expression changing here and there before going back to normal.
These were the two missions asked by the elders, the ones who you were to obey for the week.
There can't be anything good here, you thought, going through the documents a second time to remember the information.
"Are you going on a mission soon?" Suguru suddenly appeared out of nowhere, nearly making you jump in surprise. His face was right next to yours, overlooking your shoulders to peer at the documents.
"Yeah, these two are for next week. One solo, one with 'toru." You showed him the front pages of each and the basic information.
He let out a low hum in response and pulled back, plucking the papers with him to sift through them.
He already knew they were missions the elders specifically picked out for you, but for one with Satoru? He was sure something was up there.
Of course, you didn't know he knew about your little deal with the elders, and he didn't plan on telling you he knew. Instead, he just showed up wherever you were because he wanted to be near you. And, who knows, the elders might have something planned so he wanted to know you were safe.
"It's too bad I have my own missions to go to. Otherwise I'd have gone with you." He handed you back the papers, seeing your confused expression.
"I'm sure the elders would love that." You spoke sarcastically, but laughed all the same. It would've been great to go on missions with Suguru, just like not too long ago. "Maybe we'll go on missions together soon!"
"I'd like that."
He'll pretend he didn't see the big red words on the special grade mission with Satoru, one which spelled out '2 special grades'.
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"So, apparently there are 2 special grades." Satoru ate a crepe filled to the brim with toppings, walking side by side with you as you both headed to the site of the mission.
He'd come back a day or so ago and didn't even bother looking through the documents, leaving it to you since you had them before him. Also because he was strong and he didn't care enough; he would've beaten them regardless.
"Which is why I have no idea why I'm here." You muttered, sighing. You snack on your on crepe, much more simple than his, wondering why in the earth the elders wanted to put you on such a mission. You were semi grade 1, for fuck's sake! Just because you survived a special grade and grade 1 mission before doesn't necessarily mean you'll survive the next ones?!
Satoru glanced at you and took a large chomp of his crepe, munching gleefully. Once he finished that bite, he said, "They should've sent Suguru with me if anything."
"I know right? Special grades against special grades, not special grade and semi grade 1 versus 2 special grades. Are they telling me to die?" You let out an exasperated sigh.
"They're probably planning something." Satoru and you both knew how much they were assholes, but cunning was also a word that could be used to describe them.
He left out the part about how he knew you did this for Suguru, and all the nitty gritty details Shoko filled him in about after he came back from the mission prior. He also left out the information only he has access to, one which was more in line with the ability you had, that the elders were convinced you were able to awaken at a later stage.
After all, if you could unlock your cursed energy output channels so abruptly and have so much CE, there was bound to be some locked potential there, right?
Which is why you were put onto this mission to assist Satoru.
"Let's just get this over and done with." You finished the rest of your crepe, downing some bitter green tea before heading to the Windows waiting at the site.
Satoru followed you, feeling the CE ooze strongly from the site.
This will be interesting.
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A couple of nights after you and Satoru went on the mission, Suguru began to get worried. He shouldn't be worried about you since you were with the Gojo heir, but he couldn't shake the feeling something happened to you.
It was when he woke up from a nightmare of you dying in his arms that he feels his stomach drop, and cold sweat run down his face and body.
The feeling was unmistakenably so humane, so real that it fucked his head in. He sat up in bed for a moment, feeling your side of the bed before finding it cold and empty. He started to panic, wondering if the dream was indeed real, but then he realised you were still on a mission, and it's been a couple of days since you went. He sighed to himself, slipping out of the covers to go cool down.
When he opened the door, he saw the light at the end of the hallway was open, the one belonging to the common room.
He didn't know what time it was, but it definitely wasn't a time to be up. But, he still went, curious about who was up this late.
"Satoru?" He questioned, seeing the white haired man in question sprawled out on the couch. "You two finished the mission?"
"Yeah." Gojo leaned back, turning his head to meet Suguru's tired ones. "Can't sleep?"
"Had a nightmare."
"Where's [name]?"
"Getting examined by Shoko."
"What happened to them?" Suguru didn't want to sound too panicked, but Satoru could see through him right away.
"[name]'s fine. Maybe super tired now since they activated their curse technique for the first time."
"Cursed technique?" Suguru echoed. From what he knew, you didn't have a CT.
"Yeah." Satoru leaned on one side, crossing his legs as he faced Suguru. "Nullfication. Can cancel anything with cursed energy within a radius of 2 metres. Curses die just being in contact with it, but depends on grade."
"Isn't that an extremely rare ability?" Geto had to get himself something to drink, he was parched. He also made one for Satoru as well, knowing he'd want one too after the mission.
"Yeah. It bypassed my infinity." Satoru made an expression as he clicked his tongue, "But then my infinity worked again. Was the first time something like this happened."
Suguru couldn't help but let his jaw drop. "Is that even possible?"
Satoru frowned, taking the cup from Suguru and taking a drink. "I don't know, but the CT uses CE to maintain it. Still trying to figure out how it works."
Suguru breathed out in relief, "Wow."
"Not a moment to be celebrating, Suguru." Satoru clicked his tongue at him again, "I think this was exactly what the elders wanted."
Suguru backtracked for a moment - he knew the elders wanted something, but this? He didn't expect them to look at [name] and go 'this one will have a CT manifested'. Usually CT are manifested at an earlier age, so for you to awaken one so much later was a miracle in itself.
"Back then, and now, too." Gojo let out an exasperated sigh. "Those old bastards."
Suguru finished off his drink, "I'm going to go see them."
"Oh, ok." Satoru saw Suguru's expression, it did hold worry, but it was more contemplative due to the situation around it. He quickly finished off his drink and followed his best friend.
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Suguru breathed a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding when he saw you getting a check up from Shoko. You looked tired, but you were still alive and kicking.
"Sugu? Why are you awake? It's 3am." You raise a brow, then quickly realised Shoko was up too because of you and apologised with a little bow.
"I couldn't sleep." He strode to where you were. The tension in his body was replaced with relief as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. He nuzzled into your hair, even if it was dirty from the mission.
"Sugu? I haven't cleaned up, you know." You let out a laugh as you let him do his thing, giving him a light hug back and some pats on the back.
Satoru made an expression, almost pouty, before he also came over and enveloped both you and Suguru into a hug. "I don't know what's going on but I'll hug you too. Shoko, come!" He dragged her by the arm so everyone was in a hug, much to your delight.
It's been a while since there was a group hug.
"If the elders say anything, drop my name and I'll come kill them." Satoru murmured, ready to throw hands. He nuzzled his face into the top of your head, ignoring how his hair tickled Suguru and Shoko's noses.
"If you do that, let me examine their dead bodies." Shoko joked.
"If there are any difficult missions, bring me or Satoru along." Suguru scrunched his nose as he delved deeper, leaning his body weight on you ever so slightly.
"Guys, I think I'll pass out..." You tapped at their arms, not having enough strength to pull them off.
Not even a minute passed and you were tucked into your bed, the other three shoved into your bed with you, hugging at least one part of your body as they drifted off into sleep.
You were facing Suguru, who hadn't slept yet, but was waiting for you to close your eyes and rest.
"Sugu, let's visit the kids soon, ok?" You yawned, closing your eyes, "Goodnight."
He moved slightly to bump his forehead to yours, moving back when a small smile curled your lips. He was ready to sleep now, and he didn't think he'd have anymore nightmares.
"Let's do that. Goodnight."
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A/N: This is almost a little prequel to this angsty one, but can be a fluffy-ish angsty-ish standalone as well!
Fun fact, after Suguru cried his eyes out, his eyes were puffy for the first day of this break, and you and Shoko gave him so much shit for it.
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gyllenhaalstories · 1 year
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summary: detective loki comes home after a long investigation, needing nothing more than something, or someone, to rely on.
warnings: i can’t write canon and accurate portrayals to save my life, mentions of loki’s work, fluff & comfort. 18+ NO MINORS. yes, even if this fic has no smut, i don’t want minors interacting with my content.
word count: 1700
gifs credits: @/magnusedom (cropped) / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: i have the selfish need to take care of this man and protect him from all the bad things in this world so this is exactly what i’m doing with this fic. no plot, only rambling. 🖤 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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“Oh, David.”
He grunted, rejecting what sounded like pity in your voice. It was a reflex, despite you telling him over and over again that you empathized with his hard work. He simply refused to let you feel bad for him.
And you refused for him to not let you do that. How could you not feel bad for your man? He looked dishevelled at best. His clothes were wrinkly, his coat was wet from the rain outside. His beard was unusually long. He smelled of cheap body soap, one labelled a manly tornado of masculine jungle and virile storm clouds.
David started to explain, calculating his words so that he would not speak in vain. He told you that he found a truck stop and used their showers before driving back home. His presence for the investigation was supposed to last a day or two, but he was required to stay on the field for about a week. Unlike his colleagues, he turned his back to the offer of a comfortable bed at the motel and a warm breakfast every morning. He stayed ready and awake for as long and as much as he could, in case of something happening.
You helped him out in silence as he spoke. How you had missed the sound of his voice without the bad network of the phone service struggling to pick up from the place he stayed for the past week. It could have been in the middle of the Bermuda triangle for all you knew, it cut you off too many times and prevented you from falling asleep to the gentle humming of David as he played in his mind songs that looped on the radio during patrol.
He let you remove his drenched coat. He watched you until you disappeared into the bathroom, he assumed you were hanging the coat in the shower where it could drip and dry without making a mess. He loved your attention to details, and how it mirrored his very own. He let you untie his boots so that he could step out of them. He let you do every small and big gestures to get him comfortable.
You offered him a fresh set of clothes, soft worn-out sweatpants and an old t-shirt that had been waiting for his arrival since the moment he walked out of the door. While he changed, you discarded of the dirty work clothes that he wore. You did not comment on how difficult it would be to wash away the dried stains of mud. He was probably kneeling outside in the rain, searching for a piece of information regarding the investigation. Day and night, you knew he devoted himself to his case.
“Love?” He called out for you. He blinked as he caught sight of you, being a busy bee from one room to the other around the house. You hands were full one second, empty the next one. Loki both loved and hated how this all came naturally to you. He loved the ways with which you both took care of each other. You handled the seemingly mindless tasks that weighted heavy on his shoulders while he provided you with a safe, strong presence and with arms to fall into when you needed. When he was actually there.
You finally reappeared in the living room. Your face lit up with a smile at the sight of him. He already looked better in the clean clothes. The shirt stretched over his broad chest, over his soft tummy. “Tell me the story of when you got this t-shirt.”
Loki grinned and looked down at the World’s best fisherman shirt. He explained how he picked it up from the lost and found box at the police station he worked prior to the current one. A cliché altercation between him and a box of donuts had led to him interrogate his first potential criminal with a prideful fisherman shirt. His retelling of the story always made the two of you smile.
It worked as a way to bring his feet down on the ground, to focus on what was important. As a bonus, it was simply entertaining to imagine Loki walking around with that shirt while trying to appear as almighty and professional. “Do you want something to eat?”
The corners of his lips curled into a smile and he followed you to the dimly lit kitchen. In a few swift movements, you had bread, peanut butter, jelly as well as a couple of utensils pulled out on the counter. The final touch was added by David’s arms wrapping around your waist from behind as you assembled his sandwich.
You spread the peanut butter all the way to the crust of the bread and on the other slice, you scooped strawberry jelly and made sure to get chunks of fruit too. Just how he liked it, just how you made it when you packed his lunch for mornings where he was too busy and tired to remember to take care of himself. You pressed the layers together gently and cut it in two triangles, handing him the bigger half.
He thanked you with a kiss on your cheek as he grabbed one of the triangles, taking a big bite out of it. He could easily guess you would have preferred to welcome him home with a big, warm meal. Although, in his mind at this very moment, he saw no difference between that sandwich and something that would have taken hours to make and double the amount of time to bake. And besides, he thought a lot about what he wanted to do during this break from the investigation. He needed to keep his mind and hands busy. This sounded like the right opportunity to invest crazy amounts of time into food you could cook together. Or you’d settle from ordering takeout from the Chinese food restaurant.
You cleaned up once you were both done eating, still with David holding you tight like a safety belt. “Want me to tell you about my day?” He hummed, agreeing. So you did just that, you shared the silly details with him as a way to make him feel included despite his long absence. Sometimes, you disliked sharing stories of your life with him. He was a creature of habit, it was hard to remind David that you were just telling about your encounter with a rude person at the grocery store and it was not an investigation. He would analyze your words, scrutinize your reactions, until you told him to relax.
He did not need such a reminder, at that very moment. Loki leaned his head on your shoulder, not minding how contorted his spine was to maintain him in that position. His eyelids were getting heavy, and so was he. He was half listening and half falling asleep on you.
For every night of the past week, you would have traded anything just to be crushed by his sleeping body and keep him safe and warm. However, you imagined it would be in bed and not laying flat in the middle of the kitchen if you even found the space for that anyway. “Come on, big boy. It’s time for your nap.” You turned gently in Loki’s arms, causing him to gain just enough consciousness to grunt in dissatisfaction. You draped his left arm over your shoulders and held him tightly as you both limped your way to the living room.
Any further, and David would have fallen down on the floor. You helped him to the couch so he could lay down. He shook his head slowly when you presented him with one of the throw pillows. He opened his eyes just long enough to lock his gaze with yours and he grinned when you understood his silent request. He sat up, struggling to stay still, until you joined him on the couch.
You stretched your legs up on the coffee table and you let Loki slowly rest his head on your lap. The sigh he let out made your heart clench inside your chest. He was killing himself trying to save people from dying. All you could do was stand by his side and help keep his head above water for as long as he would let you.
Loki saw it differently. He saw all of the love-filled gestures as a sacrifice as big as his. He appreciated each and every single one of them, and tonight was just the same. He appreciated how you peeled away the layers of stress, of turmoil and of fear. You did that by helping him with his clothes and also by keeping safe physically and at peace mentally.
“It’s okay, now.” You whispered as you placed your right hand on his stubbly cheek, your left one played with his hair. You were soothing both of your souls while trying to make up for all the time he spent away.
You repeated that it was okay over and over again until he, too, said the words to himself. He was okay. For now. And, for now, it was all that mattered. There would never be enough words and actions that could show you how thankful he was to have someone to rely on.
“You’re home.” You smiled down at him and watched him closely as he relaxed under your touch. You stroked your thumb over his lips, tickling his sensitive and chapped skin until his mouth parted open and his breathing slowed down.
He was seconds away from drifting into sleep. His eyelids were heavy. On your thigh, his head was heavy too with all its of horrors and sorrow. His voice sounded gentle and calm. “My love.”
A single tear fell from your cheek and down on the hand that was caressing his. Hearing the words in person rather than on the phone healed the pain that Loki’s absence had put you through once more. You leaned your head back to rest it on the couch and you closed your eyes too. Though it came with all sorts of tribulations, you were just as thankful as him to have someone to rely on.
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sixhours · 6 months
Firsts - Bath
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Anna’s firsts, a series of fluffy drabbles set in the One Day at a Time universe.
Rating: Everyone Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is a sap, mostly follows canon, fluff, fluffy baby stuff, no really this is sickeningly sweet, tooth-rotting, don't forget to brush your teeth Word count: 1.3k
Notes: I promise it's just fluff this time. Sickly sweet with a dash of humor, nary an angsty cloud in sight. Joel thinks of Sarah but it's not sad.
You can also read Firsts on AO3.
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Anna is eight days old.
“She smells,” Charlie says, handing the baby to Joel on her way to the kitchen, a stack of towels tucked under one arm.
Joel frowns. “I just changed her.”
“She needs a bath,” she says. “With soap.”
He takes an experimental whiff off the top of Anna’s sleepy head. She smells like mine , he thinks, that unique combination of scents that turns something in his animal brain to mush.
Then he takes another sniff and catches it. It’s still mine …just gone a little sour.
He’d forgotten how wrinkly newborns are. They find dried milk in the creases of her neck, her arms, even between her toes, and none of their gentle sponge baths seem to catch it all.
It doesn’t help that Charlie’s milk came in with a vengeance on day three, her letdown overactive and eager, and she drenches the kid if she doesn’t latch right away. The first time the poor girl took a firehose of breastmilk to the face, her parents choked on their laughter until they couldn’t breathe, then panicked that they’d drowned her–never mind that she couldn’t have drowned because she was too busy screaming at the top of her lungs at the indignancy of being hungry and soaking wet.
It’s been a long eight days.
But yesterday the umbilical stump fell off, revealing what Joel dubbed the world’s cutest belly button, and today the kid smells, so it’s into the bath she goes. With soap.
Charlie fills up a basin in the kitchen sink with warm water while Joel divests the milk-drunk and drowsing baby of her pajamas.
“Sorry, kiddo,” he mutters as she wakes and fusses at the air’s first contact on her bare skin. He never noticed how drafty the old house was until Anna came along. If they’ve learned anything about their daughter in her short time on this side of the womb, it’s that she hates to be cold. The fireplace roars in the living room and Joel tosses on an extra log to keep it that way, but the window over the kitchen sink is old and lets in just enough of the winter air to be uncomfortable.
He makes a mental note–soon forgotten, because everything is a hazy mess of nights bleeding together right now–to re-insulate that damned window.
When the basin is full and they’ve triple-checked the temperature, he lowers her squirmy little body into the water and concentrates on holding her upright, one large hand cupping the back of her neck. They used to have bath seats for things like this, he thinks, but one has not magically appeared in the multitude of baby things left at their doorstep, so they’ll do this the old-fashioned way.
Anna doesn’t seem to mind at first. Her little brow furrows curiously as Charlie starts to rub down her limbs with a bar of goat’s milk soap.
“She looks like you when she makes that face,” she says.
He mock frowns, mimicking Anna’s expression until Charlie snorts a laugh and flicks soapy water at him.
“She has your eyes,” he murmurs, nudging her with his shoulder.
“Most babies have gray eyes when they’re little. They’ll probably change.”
He shrugs and quietly hopes they don’t.
“S’not so bad, huh?” he murmurs to Anna, trying to remember if he’d done this with Sarah, but he can’t reach back that far–clouded by thirty-five years with sleep deprivation on both sides.
He does remember baths when Sarah was older–kneeling next to the tub with his two-year-old as a small tidal wave of a splash crashed over him, water all over the floor, coming away with his t-shirt and jeans soaked, lightly admonishing her for the mess but unable to suppress his smile at her delight. He’d done bathtime in his boxers after that.
But Anna is less than delighted and getting less so with every pass of the washcloth. She kicks out with a whine, legs pushing against the basin, and water splashes down the front of Charlie’s shirt.
“Baby girl,” Joel murmurs, trying to keep hold of her slippery form as she wriggles. He can almost feel the protest rumbling up her body, her little stomach going taut with a deep breath. Charlie gently brushes the cloth over her head, and that’s the last straw. Anna’s wail is deafening.
“Shit,” Charlie hisses softly. “I know, sweet girl. Almost done.”
The baby is rinsed and wiped down in a rush. Joel plucks her from the basin and puts her on his shoulder, patting her dry with the softest towel he can find. She yells her displeasure into the crook of his neck.
“I know, I gotcha,” he mutters, picking up one of his flannels that they modified to use as a swaddler–one of the good ones from Bill and Frank’s that gets softer and softer with every wash, the buttons snipped off so the sleeves can wrap around her tiny body like a hug. He takes her to the couch, closer to the fire, and wraps her into a soft, tartan-clad burrito.
A red-faced and furious burrito.
Charlie looks down at the front of herself, drenched. “I’m going to change. I need a shower, but—”
“Take your time,” he says, but he can barely hear himself over Anna’s cries. “I got her.”
“You sure?”
He’s not, but he’s supposed to be the experienced one, so he nods with a confidence he doesn’t feel. “Go, clean up. She’ll calm down.”
Charlie goes reluctantly, and Anna does not calm down, her cries growing more frantic with each passing minute, causing Joel’s stomach to clench and twist. It’s a visceral, rising panic, animal brain telling him she’s hurt and he needs to fix it .
He’s killed men in cold blood without breaking a sweat, but the wail of one helpless infant could bring him to his damn knees.
He moves closer to the radiant heat of the fireplace, shushing and swaying and patting her back through the flannel, but she’s worked herself into a state. She fights at the swaddle which is quickly coming undone. Eight days old and she’s already so strong, he thinks, a momentary flush of pride clouded by anxiety.
“Alright, baby girl,” he soothes, wracking his overtired brain.
In a flash of inspiration, he moves her to the crook of one arm, freeing his other hand to fumble at the buttons on his shirt. He undoes the first five, then unwraps her and presses her squalling form to his bare chest, skin to skin, before re-covering her back with the wrap.
It’s the shock of the sudden change more than anything, but it has the intended effect. Anna quiets, little legs and arms still moving of their own volition, toes digging into his belly and pushing like she’s trying to climb him. Her head bobs, mouth seeking, and he chuckles.
“Not gonna find what you’re lookin’ for here, little one.”
She makes a tiny sound, a frustrated huff, but there are no more tears, at least for now. He sways and hums softly with her cheek pressed to the center of his chest, fluffy hair all mussed from her bath and tickling his chin.
Charlie comes downstairs a few minutes later, toweling her hair, looking at them with wide, anxious eyes.
“Is she out?”
“Think so,” he whispers, craning his neck to try to see the baby’s face. “She just wanted to be warm.”
Charlie’s smile is soft as she trails her fingers down Anna’s flannel-clad back, a rare moment of peace that makes Joel’s heart flutter and skip against his ribs.
The quiet is short-lived, however, as he feels a warm, wet stream trickling down his chest and stomach, soaking the flannel wrap where he’s holding Anna’s diaperless bottom.
Charlie presses her lips together, stifling a laugh as the fabric darkens under his hand and the baby begins to wail. Again.
“Knew I forgot somethin’,” he grimaces.
“I’ll clean her up,” Charlie sighs, lifting the squalling child in the soiled flannel from his arms, then planting a chaste kiss on his nose for good measure. “Guess it’s bath time for everyone tonight.”
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It's 2:31 in the morning. I can't sleep due to excitement of my much needed appointment.
Random thought of this scene to kill time.
You slid on the Marine jacket for your boyfriend as he inserted his arms through the wholes of the fabric as you stood behind his back.
Today was the day...he and his men will attack and destroy hometree.
"My love, can you take the day off today. You hardly have time for me." The Colonel peeked his eyes to the corner to see you giving him a pleading look with your large dewy eyes patiently waiting for his answer.
He hid his cruel smile. The reminder of the power he had over you. At his mercy. He won't admitted to himself that he is saddened that his relationship with you was because of blackmail and other reasons. You were forced to stay with him.
But after months of living with him in his luxurious quarters, he seen the ice melting in your heart. The Colonel caught you staring at him and you would touch him such as striking his scalp on their own accord.
He knew you would come around eventually loving him.
You tucked your delicate effeminate chin in his broad shoulder.
And wrapped your lithe arms around his mid muscled torso.
He turned around and grabbed your face. "I know I have been neglecting you." He stroked your cheekbones with his thumbs. "I'm sorry, kitten. After I'm done with this morning's assignment, you can have me the rest of today."
You stepped away from his hold. He narrowed his eyes at you in warning. How rude.
"Please, don't ruin anymore lives then you already did."
Quaritch set his jaw. He felt offended. So that's why you wanted him to stay. What do you see in those ugly blue monkeys?
His fingers tangled in your hair, giving a hard tug at your roots. Your head titled back and he nipped your neck.
"I'm doing this for us." He licked your esophagus for good measure then went to the kitchen. He grabbed the mug of coffee you made for him and left without a word.
As expected. He locked you inside.
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"That is one big damn tree."
It's a shame you showed his attitude this morning. He would have let you joined him in the ship for sightseeing.
You would always complain how you feel imprisoned being at the base all time. And need fresh air from the stuffy place.
Quaritch loved spoiling you. You were his pretty girl after all. But, he knew you would bitch and complain due to your hippie morals.
The Colonel rolled his eyes.
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In amusement, he noticed Augustine's and Sully's and tied. "Diplomacy has failed."
He wasn't surprised. The Colonel was no fool. After ordering his subordinates here and there. He easily destroyed the ancient landmark.
As for you, fuck it. You were packing your bags. Not the gifts the Colonel gave you and that included that stupid ancient European ring.
You decided to go back to Earth. You slept with the enemy for no reason.
A wrinkly old man bit your type. An old pervert.
It was all for nothing.
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"That's good work, people. First round is on me tonight." He gently tapped his friend pilot on the soldier. "Let's boogie."
He walked in a lighter mood as he picked up his pace to his room where he knew you were there.
The Colonel held a bouquet of odd flowers he found while outside.
He knew you would be upset but hopefully will make it up to you after some sweet love making and a few tipsy drinks.
He found you with your back towards him and packing one large suitcase. You looked over your shoulder. He saw your dried up tears in your cheeks.
He glared. He demanded your actions and snapped when you told him you are going home to your father. The Colonel snickered cruelly and dropped the bouquet on the floor. "What father?" He wanted to coo at your confused face.. "That old man is finally dead after breaking his back for a hopeless cause."
Your eyes widened. " Liar "
The Colonel shrugged playfully and explained why over the past five weeks your father wasn't replying to your videos, calls and even texts. Quaritch lied and said your father was either sick or too busy with legal issues.
You immediately checked your phone. You googled your father's name. Since he was a trillionaire and a known philanthropist. The news articles online all confirmed that he died a month and a week ago. His stress gave him a stroke. And worst of all is ... Your greedy older brothers took all his share and since you didn't go to his will hearing. All your inheritance was taken away.
"you didn't tell me." You whispered.
The Colonel nodded and explained how he knew you would leave him.
"I don't care if about wealth. I will leave anyway." You were the youngest medic scientist in America so far. You can easily make your own living.
The Colonel walked and looked over you.
"I am the head Colonel of the Marines in America. Almost everyone in the English speaking world knows me. I can make you jobless and hurt with my influences. You need me now."
Your breath hitched.
"I should keep you on a shorter leash and muzzle you from barking. "
Ouch. He never degraded or insulted you the whole time you "dated" him....
He would call you his slut or whore when making passionate sex with you. Only inside the bedroom. Outside, he would call you other endearments. He would feed you publicly when he has a lunch meeting with his squad. And make you sit on his lap during other conference meetings.
And the day he proposed to you....
You covered your face and silently sobbed. The Colonel sighed at your pitiful sight. He noticed the ring on top of his dresser. How dare you take it off. He wordlessly inserted back on your delicate finger.
He kissed your palm. "Come." He gently whispered.
Quaritch knew you never drank thanks to your stupid religion. He scoffed at how you believed in a deity that killed your father.
He knew from the press of how a stalker kidnapped your mother. Impregnated her. But she died giving birth to your half brother because her captor couldn't take her to a proper hospital without getting caught and go to prison.
Your father was so busy with work. He never realized that his useless work made him put his guard down and indirectly caused the death of his wife.
Not Quaritch. He vowed to never met you out of his sight.
Your father got a stroke after the police found the corpse of his wife, her child and the dead body of her kidnapper when he pulled the trigger.
The doctor told your father if he gets another stroke, he will die.
And it happened.
The Colonel ordered the most expensive alcoholic drink for you.
You looked at the hateful liquid. "I can't." You shook your head.
Quaritch let out a tsk. He grabbed the drink and forced you to swallow.
You gulped down the drink and some stream of alcohol went down your neck. Setting the glass down. The Colonel licked and sucked your neck.
Your cheeks flushed when you knew the other staff were staring.
He let out a deep low moan. Fuck it. He grabbed your hand. And began to led you away from the bar.
But, you were so slow. He picked you up bridal style. And speed walked to his room. He kicked his room door open. Didn't bother closing or locking his room .
The staff who witnessed it all laughed at what just happened.
"The Colonel sure is getting some." One of them snickered.
"Lucky bastard."
"He should write a list of names. "
This time. The Colonel was not joking about the leash or muzzle thing. It was metaphorically. Another way to keep you with him...
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minhyeong · 2 years
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[ mark ]
mindlessly drums his fingers on your thighs 
is able to make you draw eight cards during UNO but doesn’t have the heart to do it, so he pretends he doesn’t have any card to put down and draws a card instead
wakes up early to make your favorite tea or coffee just the way you like it
traps you in his embrace on lazy mornings and refuses to let you get up
lets you pick the movie for movie nights
calls you first whenever he gets good news
listens to all your favorite songs because he wants to know everything about you
lovingly stares at you whenever you’re talking and becomes a blushing mess when you turn toward him
[ renjun ] 
blow dries and brushes your hair so gently that you always feel sleepy
takes early morning walks with you to chase the sunrise 
sits in comfortable silence with you and sometimes just bumps his feet against yours to get your attention
wants to accompany you to events whenever possible even if he’s not interested in them 
makes a cake from scratch for your birthday and spends all night trying to perfect it
always reminds you to bring an umbrella and jacket when it’s going to rain
writes you love letters because text messages are not the same
personally grows flowers for you instead of getting you bouquets because bouquets don’t last long enough
[ jeno ] 
insists on carrying all the groceries even if you offer to help and gives you his hand to hold instead
folds laundry with you 
is determined to finish every last crumb of the food you make for him even if he’s already full
slows down while biking just so you can catch up
pulls you closer by the hips or the belt loops of your pants
steals one of your baby photos and keeps it in his wallet
lets you lean on him when you’re having a bad day and rubs your back until you feel at ease again 
plants a quick kiss on the top of your head when you’re busy working at the desk
[ haechan ] 
gives all the goodbye kisses and neither of you can quite let go even if someone will be late
cradles your face in his palms when you’re cold
gives you the last cookie in the package 
takes silly selfies on your phone when you’re not looking and changes your wallpaper to a photo of him 
washes the dishes so you can rest
randomly compliments you and professes his love throughout the day 
never lets you go to sleep mad after an argument and will apologize first
lays his head on your lap when you’re watching a show and asks you about the plot 
[ jaemin ] 
tenderly puts bandaids on your injuries and then kisses it to make it better
buys matching plushies and gives you the other half
holds your wrist and traces all the lines and dips of your hand during conversations
gives you space and time alone whenever you need it but always makes sure you know he’s available 
sends you good morning and night text messages
winks at you from across the room just because 
tells you he can’t wait to grow old and wrinkly together
drowsily smiles as he maps out your features when you’re asleep next to him
[ chenle ] 
lets you hog all the blankets at night and sleeps in fetal position with his head buried in the crook of your neck
slow dances with you in the kitchen that ends up in giggle fits
will spend his entire bank account on the claw machines just to win you something
tells his friends and family about you as if you hung all the stars in the sky
takes you on spontaneous trips in the middle of the night to get ice cream 
knows your cafe order by heart
offers to fight anyone who messes with you 
holds his jacket above your head when it’s raining and no one remembered to bring an umbrella
[ jisung ]
excitedly tells you about a dream he had of you last night
surprises you by tickling your waist from behind and it becomes a tickle fight
brushes his teeth with you and continuously bumps into you playfully
tightly holds your hand in crowds so he won’t lose you
asks if there’s anything you want whenever he’s going out to buy something
visits animal shelters with you and talks about adopting a pet together
finds time to spend even twenty minutes with you when he’s busy because he truly, truly misses you
randomly hooks your ankles together under the table
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Mio Piccolo Angelo
Demon! Abbacchio x Reader x Demon! Bucciarati (Use of FEM pronouns)
Supernatural AU! Reader works at a bakery.
Warnings: Stalking, Harassment, Murder, Graphic Descriptions of Corpses, Vulgar Language, Traumatizing Situations, Forced Polygamy
The day couldn’t have been longer or more irritating, but it was. Being sleep deprived did not help this scenario either. Finals were coming up and I had to get serious. I almost missed my shift today because I over slept from studying all hours of the night to the crack of dawn. The bustling Friday of dealing with pesky customers asking to place orders on such short notice. People asking what’s the best cupcake flavor for a kids party, mobile orders going off every other minute. It just wasn’t my day. My boss already loaded me with chores. As I passed the customer their pastries, my boss comes out with a long list in his hands. I quickly said my farewells to the customer and dreadfully faced my boss.
“(Last Name), here’s the to-do list for today. As you can see you have a lot of dishes that have to be done. We had a lot of fundraisers to pack yesterday, so we didn’t have time to help you lessen the load. Make sure you clean the pastry cases inside and out, along with counter tops. Sweeping, mopping, folding boxes, dipping cupcakes, updating the tablets, restock the coffee bar…”
I almost quit on the spot. Dipping cupcakes in ganache, that’s not even my job! The bakers are suppose to handle that, I’m just there for counter help and to take phone calls. And why don’t they hire a janitor?! I sigh dramatically and nod my head, lightly rolling my eyes as my boss walks back to his small office. My eyes drift over to the mountain of dishes. I hear my boss say a quick goodbye as he heads out for the day. My feet found their way in front of the sink and I scowl. The dishes were piled high, almost spilling over the sink. The old chocolate and vanilla batter was caked on the whisks and scoops. I rub my face in annoyance and let out an exasperated ‘ugh’.
“You couldn’t chip in a little bit?” I complained.
I dip my hands back into the stainless steel sink and cringe as I pull up a soggy sink sponge. I tackled the dishes and soaked them in hot water as I handled more customers and phone calls. Hours go by as it consisted of me traveling back and forth from the sink to the front counter. Once the sink was finally empty, I sigh and swipe the hair from my eyes. My fingers were as wrinkly as a dried up raisin in the sun. I look down at my clothes as I feel the wet discomfort. Wet patches were all over my shirt and pants from the scoops sputtering water on me. The shop bell goes off and I sigh. As I make my way back to the front, my wet sneakers squeak with every step. As I step out into the main area, there was no customer. My eyebrows were furrowed with visible confusion. I check the community bathroom to see if anyone was in there. I knock a couple of times before asking, “Hello? Is anyone in there?”
No response.
I jiggle the handle and the door opens to reveal no one. I sigh, “They really have to fix this damn bell already.” The shop bell has been acting up as of late. My boss chalked it up to the faulty wiring after a snow storm. I walk back behind the counter and check off some tasks.
I look at the small clock that was crookedly mounted on the tacky light blue walls. 5:45, it was almost closing time. There was no way I was going to get all these tasks done on such short notice. I did the essential tasks first and left a note for my boss tomorrow morning. I quickly cleaned the front and locked the entrance door. Once the closed sign was flipped around, I quickly counted the money in the register.
I shift on the aching balls of my feet and crack my neck. With a tired sigh, I swipe the bills from my fingers with half lidded eyes.
“30, 40, 50-“ my words were halted by the shop bell going off once more.
I turn around and see the empty store barely lit as the sun sets. I place the bills down making a mental note where I left off. Just to double check the door, I jiggled the handle to confirm it was locked. I go back over to the register and continue where I left off. Once the cash report was completed, I throw the extra cash into the safe and lock it up. As my hands gripped onto the counter to hoist myself up, I became rigid as husky breathing came from behind me. Goosebumps stood on my arms as the breath hit the shell of my ear. My legs found themselves sprinting to the back door as I snatch my belongings. As I swing the door shut, the glimpse of a dark billowing shadow stood still in the doorway where I once was. The door was slammed shut and I was careless to not lock the back.
Quickly readying the keys, I swing the drivers side door open and slam it shut. I swiftly lock all doors and turn the key in the ignition. The cars tires screech as I peeled out of the parking lot as a pair of onlooking eyes follow me. Not caring to look back or even stomaching the thought, I drive down the road looking straight ahead. Once my house appeared in the distance, a sense of serenity washes over me. Once the car came to a squeaking halt, I check my surroundings before switching the car off. I gathered my purse and made a dash to the house. Finding the door unlocked, I slam it shut. I quickly set the alarm and locked the doors.
“Ma! I’m home!” I call out.
I walk through the quiet house and flick the lights on. I check her room and see her bed still neatly made from the morning. No signs of her belongings appear to be anywhere. Now that I realize it, I tip-toe to the bay window and slightly move the blinds and feel my stomach leap as her car was stationary in the driveway. Where was she??
Basement! Maybe she didn’t hear me call out to her! That’s right, she could be cooking. As I head downstairs, I was met with eerie silence. Everything was empty, the stove was off and no food was made. I fish my phone from my pocket and dial my mom’s number. As it rings, I hear her ringtone go off. My eyes widen as a smile appears across my face. I sprint up the stairs and follow the sound to her room. I swing the door open again to see no one. I frown but quickly compose myself as the ringing was significantly louder. I step further into the room and my eyes land under the bed. I see the light of her iPhone shining through the bed skirt.
I reach my hand out and flip the fabric over. The color drains from my body as I become paralyzed with horror. My lip quivers as a broken blood curdling scream erupts from my throat. My eyes were locked onto my mothers irises as she was wide eyed. Her body was contorted in impossible angles as she was wedged underneath the bed. She was bloodied and mutilated as her jaw was hanging on by the hinges. Only being held together by barbed wire that was brutally wrapped around her body like thorns. The prick of the wires curling under her eyelids as it forced the flesh open. Her eyes were dull and drained of life. The only marks left behind was a strange symbol on her forehead.
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I fall onto my butt and scoot back from the horrid scene. A brutal sob rips through my vocal cords as I dial the emergency services. I violently shake and cover my mouth to weakly control my sobs. The operator finally answers, “911, What’s your emergency?”
As I spill out my pleas for help, my words were clashing together. I hold my forehead in distress as I continue to spiral.
“Please help! My mom…. She’s dead!” I scream through the phone.
As the operator begins to speak, an unknown force launches my phone across the room. A deep taunting chuckle was heard behind me. I snap my head to the doorway to see a tall muscular figure leaning against the door frame. The shadow of a man with a bob-like hair cut was blocking my exit. His hair sways back and forth as he shakes his head. His shoulders continue to shake as he bellows out, “Darling! Did you honestly think we’d let you get away?”
As the moonlight pours into the room, the light shadows cast onto the man’s chiseled face. My eyes land on the open window. My eyes dart back and forth from him to the window. I’ll just have to be quick enough, sprint while he’s least expecting it. The man catches on and raises an eyebrow. He steps into the room. I grab a broken piece of my phone and chuck it at his eye to distract him. The jagged phone collides with his eye. He seethed out an unnatural hiss as he holds his face in pain. I take the chance to run to the window in hopes of jumping out. It sounded like an elite plan until I was forcefully yanked backwards.
A pair of muscular arms tightly wrap around my frame. The same husky breathing meets my ear, “Tsk tsk tsk, behave little girl.~” The man says shaking his index finger in my face. I make an attempt to lurch forward and bite his digit. He quickly snatches his hand away before my teeth could sink into the flesh.
“My! What a whippersnapper she is!” He cackles. The other man fixes his posture and stands up to his full height. I thrash around as the man lurks closer, “Now now, you must behave, cara.”
“Get the fuck away from me! Why did you kill my mother?!” I scream out. I sink my nails into his arm and clawed at them.
“She was nothing but a pest who would only get in the way. Now, nothing and no one can come in between the three of us.~” The man cooed into my hair. I continue to cry helplessly as my knees gave out.
The shorter man cooed as he used this thumbs to swipe the tears away, “Fret nothing, mio piccolo angelo. For I, Bruno Bucciarati will give you nothing less than a luxurious and blissful life. That is my promise.” He says as he rubs his nose against mine. He lets out a animalistic purr as a smirk stretches across his face.
“The other demons are going to be sooooo jealous! Aren’t they Abbacchio? Seeing us stroll in with our darling little wife!” He babbles as he stares down at me longingly.
The other man growls, “They better keep their filthy hands to themselves, or else we’ll have a problem.” He says tightening his grip around me.
I whimper as Abbacchio nips at my neck. “Leone, where are your manners? Save some for later.~” His voice driped with lust. Leone grunts as he lifts me into his arms. He carries me out the room with Bruno following closely. His hellish bat wings emerge from his back alongside his husband’s. The last thing I saw before they whisked me away into the darkness, was red and blue flashing lights in the distance.
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suguruverse · 3 years
hi i’m crying because my bf said something that made me insecure and just didn’t make an effort to help me feel better, can you write a comfort fic about any character lol just reassuring reader that they’re pretty lmao i love you :,)
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includes - bokuto koutaro
a/n - omg bubs :(( i’m so fucking sorry about what happened ugh i chose character that i felt would be the best people to go to for reassurance and comfort so i hope this made your situation a little bit better. pls never forget how beautiful you are i love you so much <33 also i kinda went a lil off topic but i still included the reassurance part and i hope this himbo was able to brighten your day just a little bit :))) if you didn't like the character, you could always send me another ask to just change the character <33
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fuck, it was only 3 minutes until your boyfriend would come pick you up for a date and here you were sitting on the cold bathroom floor, your makeup completely ruined with the amount of tears rolling down your face. dresses, pants, shirts, and makeup brushes were all thrown around the ground, and you were sitting in the middle of it. all you wanted was one night to look pretty for your boyfriend, just one night for you not to look like this.
your doorbell rang, but you made no movement to go and answer it. you couldn't let bokuto see you like this. he was no doubt the most sweetest and perfect man you've ever dated. too perfect. so perfect that most of the time you didn't see yourself fit in the equation. he had hopes and dreams that he would no doubt achieve. he was on the fast track to a rich and successful life. but what about you?
"baby i won't leave you no matter what" lies. "WAHH baby you're so pretty" lies. "can't believe you're all mine, aren't i the luckiest guy ever" no you're not. bokuto speaks fluent reassurance, he can make you feel as if you're on cloud 9 and the most prettiest girl in the world, but sometimes you don't understand how blind your boyfriend can be sometimes. you felt suffocated.
your doorbell began to ring at a constant speed, undoubtly, your boyfriend becoming impatient about how long you were taking. through the massive pile of clothes, you tried to search your phone, in an attempt to try cancel the date, albeit a little too late for that, since bokuto was right outside your door. but no matter how much you tried, you couldn't stand up.
you: sorry kou, i don't think i'll be able to go
kou baby: hm? something happen baby?
kou baby: do you want your big strong handsome boyfriend to help you?
kou baby: what's wrong honey bun?
you: sick
'shit', you thought. it seems as if seeing him is unavoidable. at this point you were at rock bottom with no signs of getting any better. does he even love me? shutup. he does. a bath, maybe that would make the weight on your chest magically disappear. the warmth surrounded you in a way that you haven't felt a long time.
you didn't even realise that you fell asleep, you don't even remember the last time you slept, so by the time you woke up, covered by a fluffy blanket and pajamas on, you panicked. you sat up, and drank from the cup of water that was left on your dresser. did i leave that there? a large thud came from your living room and instantly remembered about your date with your boyfriend. [8:56] your clock read. 'shit' you thought. another bang came from your living room and you hesitantly got up to look at what was happening.
you were greeted with the sight of your boyfriend, his body clad in a black suit, seemingly setting up candles and your favourite take-out on your small dining table. for someone so carefree, he was being so meticulous, making sure the knifes and forks were straight and facing the right way, wiping down the plates for the fifth time, using your favourite candle that he knows helps you keep calm. you didn't even know what came over you, bursting into tears that you didn't even know that you had left. your cries were not left unheard by bokuto who immediately panicked after seeing your tear stained face and swept you into his arms, bringing back that warmth in your body. being in his arms just felt so right.
"my pretty baby.. what's wrong my love?"
"what are you doing here kou?"
"well you said you were sick, and i just had to come to your rescue, i used your spare key if you don't mind. i found you asleep in the tub and got a little bit scared. y'know me, a big scaredy cat. but i dried you off and put you to bed"
hearing his words just made you cry even harder. he did so much for you and you couldn't even show up to one stupid date. no matter how hard you tried to fight back the tears, it just kept coming and your boyfriend never let you go. even after a solid 15 minutes of you staining his suit with tears, he never once stopped holding you, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your head.
"m sorry kou... i'm sorry... i'm so sorry kou"
"hey hey hey, no need to apologise pretty girl, i understand, it's okay to cry, i'm the one who should be apologising for not checking up on you sooner"
"not your fault kou, i was just so tired"
"tired of what pretty girl?"
"not being enough for you kou... i'm tired of not being pretty enough, skinny enough... i just wanna be good enough for you"
"but you are baby, always have been, always will be, i don't care about your looks or weight, as long as it's you, i'm happy"
"how can you even be so happy with me, happy with going out in public with me?"
"because i love you baby, and i want everyone to know how much i love you, because at the end of the day, you're the one i chose, you're the one that makes me the happiest in the world, you're the one whom i want to spend the rest of my life with. so stop with these tears baby, you're stuck with me until we're old and wrinkly"
"but kou, i just feel like you could have done so much better than me you know?...someone more interesting and fun"
"baby, are you not listening to me? i love you, so so so so so much, no matter what. to me, you're the prettiest, most beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, irresistable, charming and angelic person i have ever met. and i don't care what anyone says, you're my soulmate, and i would sell my soul to be able to even meet you in my next life. i would give up anything for you to stay by my side for all of eternity, because i love you. understand?"
"mhm, i love you"
your boyfriend did not even hesitate to dig in, and you were mesmerised on how quickly he was able to comfort you so well.
"baby? you still sad? why are you just watching me eat, you should eat too, while it's still warm, CAN I FEED YOU? SAY AHH"
and as you went through the night with your boyfriend, it never occurred to you more than right now, bokuto koutaro was your soulmate.
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
JJba characters witnessing you skinny dipping
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Summary: caught in 4k characters saw u skinny dipping in the 90s after ur friends left u lol. (Joestars x Fem!Reader) Inspiration:  This was inspired by a funny and innocent scene in Now & Then(1995) where the main characters decided to prank their bullies(who were skinny dipping) by stealing their clothes and running away Disclaimer: Perverted thoughts, skinny dipping reader, characters aged up! anything else under those categories, not nsfw just fluff I suppose(Though I call it soft spice)? Header photo: Koisuru Harinezumi
Joestars Witnessing you Skinny Dipping all alone
Jonathan Joestar
↝ He’ll accidentally see you and get flustered, he’s a gentleman so he’ll probably leave you on your own, afterall there was nothing really wrong with skinny dipping. ↝ Since he’ll walk away you’ll be the one who will notice him and you’ll get his attention, “Hey Jonathan!” and he’ll have no choice but to go towards you and he’ll try to be polite by not staring at your body since its offensive. ↝ You might invite him as a friendly thing to do but he’ll decline and explain that he didn’t wanna ruin your alone time and you respected his choice and you ask him if he could get the towel on your bike and he’ll do it for you. ↝ He gets easily embarrassed and flustered so he’ll leave after saying goodbye and he would just try not to think about it and yet he still does, especially he gets flustered everytime he remembers your question of joining him for skinny dipping Joseph Joestar ↝ Ah he’ll already hear about you going with your group to skinny dip so he’ll stalk you there, this creepy pervert would watch your friends leave you alone. ↝ He would usually cover your eyes from behind and ask you to guess but you would guess that it’s him and slap off his hands and he’ll act playfully hurt ↝ You wont be the one to ask him to skinny dip he’ll ask you if you could join but you’ll jokingly tell him to please at least wear something because you honestly don’t wanna skinny dip with this weirdo. ↝ But in the end you two had fun, you two splash water and chased each other and swam to different places and went back, you had a great time and the more time you spend with him the less his perverted flirts and jokes were told, he did tell them from time to time but not frequent, that’s why you didn’t mind hanging with him at all because you get to see he was honestly a fun and kind person to be with, a funny one as well. ↝ You guys will end up in the lake/beach/any body of water for a long time until the sunsets probably, both of your hands would be wrinkly but you two wouldn’t care and coninue to just talk while in the water ↝ You two will part ways and he’ll remember he doesn’t have a towel so you two shared a towel and dried out while you two are in a nearby park or log to sit on while you two shared the towel till you are warm, you part your ways and immediately fall asleep after all that long swimming, you’ll probably ask him to swim with you again. Jotaro Kujo (Part 3) ↝ He couldn’t care if he knew your group of friends were gonna skinny dip or anything, though he’ll probably take a route where he sees you accidentally, he’ll try to go back but he’ll hear you call out his name ↝ “Oh Jotaro!” You would say and he would probably be annoyed maybe he would mumble a “tch” while adjusting his hat. ↝ You’ll ask him if he can get your towel on your bike and he would comment, “How come you don’t bring your towel with you, woman.” He would still get it though as he explains and you would apologize and laugh it off. ↝ He’ll hand it to you and you’ll thank him and innocently offer him if he’d like to join you and he would disagree, though he would still stay by your side as you skinny dip some more. ↝ You’ll wonder why is he still there but you ignored it and instead chatted to him as he either stood up with hands on his pocket or sat down on a log while watching you as if he was babysitting a baby who was in a pool. ↝ He honestly doesn’t mind your company, and it hella good at not looking at your body whenever you accidentaly reveal it everytime you accidentally get up or something. ↝ He’ll be very unpredictable with what he thinks but nevertheless you like his company more than skinny dipping alone, he would also look away at the right times when you’re gonna get out of the water. ↝ You’ll dress up and he’ll walk you home safely as you continue speaking to him, always leading your conversation. He may look grumpy but you knew deep inside he was listening and interested with your topic Old Joseph Joestar (part 3) ↝ He’ll coincidentally see you skinny dipping and wouldn’t notice you were skinny dipping at first, he’ll think you were wearing something so he’ll come up to you and hold your shoulders to scare you and you’ll get startled but the sudden touch and once you get up he’ll basically look away and apologize “AHH IM SORRY!” He’ll look away and you’ll chuckle. ↝ He’s not much of a pervert as he was when he was younger so he’s more of a mature and gentle person so he did look away and wait for you to hid your body in the water once more, you would apologize as well for standing up but you’ll just laugh and make fun of him because of his face. ↝ He’ll constantly scratch the back of his neck and apologize once you’re back to the water and you’ll just continue makeing fun of his reaction and he’ll blush in embarrassement, you’ll often tease him that he better not tell anyone what he saw and he’ll sincerely yet nervously promised he won’t tell anyone what he saw, he’s too embarrassed to talk about it anyway. ↝ You gave him more of a optional choice on joining you by saying, “You can join me but please wear some clothes I don’t wannna witness anything traumatizing”, he’ll refuse of course and say he’ll be somewhere ↝ After small you tell him that you can accompany him to whereever he was going because you’re bored so you ask him to fetch your towel and you’ll walk with him even though you’re soaking wet out in the streets. Josuke Higashikata   ↝ He will encounter you because he’ll be looking for someone and he’ll see you swimming all alone and he’ll be curious and approach you, “Hey, Y/n what are you doing all alone?” he’ll ask then eventually notice that you were skinny dipping ↝ Like young joseph he would be embarrassed and look away and pretend like he didn’t see anything while you speak to him,  he’s really uncomfortable and embarrassed since he never noticed anyone skinny dip before and you’ll just chuckle at him and offer if he wanted to join ↝ He’ll stutter since he was originally looking for someone else and yet he didn’t want to seem rude. “I-i’m sorry Y/n I’m kind of looking for someone right now.” he’ll scratch the back of his head and you just simply nodded at the flustered Joestar and ask who was he looking for. ↝ He’ll tell you who he was looking for while trying his best not to look at weird areas of you and was literally sweating since this was super hard. He really didn’t want you to think of him as a pervert no way, he’ll never forgive himself because he doesn’t want one of his friends to think that about him. ↝ He’ll find ways to leave the conversation and area immediately so he wouldn’t do something that would make Y/n uncomfortable but you on the other hand would make the conversations long so the poor Higashikata had to wait till he’ll find an exit of that conversation as he tries his best to look away. ↝ It was honestly a funny scene for you since you knew what he was trying to do. Jotaro Kujo (part 4) ↝ “Oh Y/n” he’ll say after he hears you call him out to him, unlike his part 3 self where he accidentally encountered you, you were the one who encountered him and called him. ↝ At first he thought you were swimming with some clothes or something but as he got closer he realized and he adjusted his cap and look someplace else as you spoke to him. ↝ You’ll invite him to swim with you but he’ll decline and convince you it’s a bit dangerous for you to skinny dip at hours like this (which is like mornings) just so you could get back, honestly this guy doesn’t anyone to accidentally encountered you with no clothes that would be a nightmare to him so he convinces you honestly. ↝ He’ll try super hard to convince you and after he does he’ll help you get the towel immediately and gently give it to you and not throwing it (unlike part 3 Jotaro), he’ll look away as you put the towel on and help you walk home. ↝ He’ll watch until you get through the door of your house and that’s when he leaves. Giorno Giovanna ↝ He’ll be looking for you but he’ll hear sounds so he’ll crouch under a big log or a bush as he tries to hear whats going on, once it’s been silent for too long he’ll look up just to see you skinny dipping. ↝ He will be really flustered but his face says otherwise, he’ll just look at you because of the surprise and shock till you get scared of him and fall over in the water.
↝ “Y-y/n!” He’ll stand up and look for you under the water and lake, he was honestly gonna swim in to save you but you came out with soaked hair that drips droplets of water, he’ll calm himself down but breathing in and out faintly, “You scared me.” He’ll say in his normal tone and same expression on his face. ↝ “Sorry, you scared me as well.” You’ll chuckle and then you were about to stand up till you forgot you had nothing on so you quickly sat down, he didn’t see much honestly, but he’ll look at the opposite direction on where you were, “I’m sorry.” He’ll apologize and you’ll find it cute.  ↝ His inner Jonathan side gets revealed when he was around you honestly, you ask if he wanted to join and he’ll be surprised and flustered once again but you won’t hear it in his voice or  anythingm but he’ll politely decline as he waits for you to finish. ↝ At the same time he informs you on what he needed to say in the first place and you two start a conversation afterwards and just enjoyed his accompany as well. ↝ He’ll also walk you home as you two talk and he’ll watch you till you make it back, sweet guy honestly, he’ll also be having a hard time not looking at your body while you were in the pool
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Sorry folks im still only up to part 5 i’ll write the other joestars when i get to their part, im honestly in classes rn so i’ll edit later lmfaO
Check out my masterlist~
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Picking Up The Pieces Part 1
Pairings: Dean AU x Reader
Word Count: 3,654 
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Warnings- Hard times
You clutched your jacket around yourself a little bit tighter. It was the beginning of November and the weather was starting to get really cold in Lawrence Kansas. You were currently standing in line for a bed at the shelter. It was really long so there was a slim chance that you were going to get a slot tonight. Sure enough, after about 10 more people the man at the door said that was it for the night. You sighed and slowly turned walking to Donna’s Place. 
The diner didn’t have that many people in it, just a young teenage couple and an old guy at the counter sipping on his beer. You sat at the counter and the waitress approached you for something to drink, which you shook your head no. 
“I’m sorry, you have to order something to keep your seat.” She said with sympathy in her eyes. 
“I understand. I’ll just have some water please.” You say quietly. 
“Coming right up honey.”
While you waited for your water, you counted the few bills you had in your small wallet. You only had 23$ to your name. You’ve been in this predicament for quite some time now. When you turned eighteen your parents kicked you out because you didn’t want to be a doctor. Your family was all doctors and nurses, and they looked down on other people who didn’t have the same career. 
That was three years ago, and you were now 21. You had a job at Burger King for a while, but the bills were piling up and you didn’t have enough money for rent so the landlord kicked you out. All of your family disowned you, and you had nobody else. You slept at the shelter when you could, but most of the time it was packed with people. 
When you were able to stay you took your showers. Most of the time you took clothes out of the donation bins, and only bought granola bars or fruit so you wouldn’t run out of money. The money was getting low now, and you didn’t know what to do. You’ve been searching for jobs all over the place but nobody hired you. 
You sipped slowly on your water, and stared at your hands. You ran your fingers through your hair and cursed to yourself at how greasy it was becoming. This was the second night in a row you haven’t been able to grab a bed so you haven’t showered. 
You were aware that you probably smelt bad, and you sunk your head down, avoiding the stares of the two teenagers. The employees were staring at you like you were some kind of animal, and it was making you uncomfortable. The bell on the door indicated someone else was walking in. 
You turned to look, and it was four guys. They were attractive, and you quickly looked away. You felt disgusting, and went into the ladies room. You wiped cold water on your face and looked at your reflection ashamed. Your hair was definitely greasy, and you had dark bags underneath your eyes from lack of sleep. 
Your clothes looked wrinkly, and you tried to make yourself look a little bit presentable as you made your way back to your seat. The four guys were sitting in the booth closest to the counter, and you kept your head down trying to avoid eye contact. These four attractive guys didn’t need to see how ugly you were. You were hoping that they couldn’t smell you. 
You felt someone looking at you, and you shyly looked up to see the most attractive man you’ve ever laid eyes on. He had the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen. He had light brown hair and a small amount of stubble. He was looking at you, and he gave you a small smile. You returned it, your cheeks flushed and looked away quickly. 
You kept glancing over at him, and everytime you did he was looking at you. You couldn’t help but think he and his friends were making fun of you, and you tried to make yourself small. 
“I’m sorry guys, we’re closing up soon.”
“No problem sweetheart, we’ll be out soon.” The green eyed man said. 
“Okay.” You whispered quietly and she looked at you in sympathy again. 
“Is there someone I can call for you? Somewhere that you can go?”
You shook your head no, and slowly got up out of your chair. You wrapped your jacket tighter around yourself as you walked out of the diner, but before the door closed you noticed him looking at you again. 
You weren’t sure how long you were walking, but the low rumble sound of a car pulling up next to you broke your train of thought. You looked over to see a beautiful black car and sure enough the same man from the diner looking at you. 
“Hey sweetheart. Do you need a ride somewhere?” He asked kindly and you shook your head no. 
“No thank you, I’ll be home in five minutes.” You lie. 
“Let me take you home, you’ll be there in 1 minute instead of five.” He shrugged and you shook your head again. 
“That’s okay, but thank you so much.”
“I insist. My mother would slap me upside the head if she found out I let a beautiful young girl walk home at night. It’s dangerous out here sweetheart.”
He wasn’t letting up, and you sighed quietly before opening the passenger door, and sliding in quietly. He began to drive and asked where to go. You told him a random turn and luckily there was a motel there.
“Right there. Motel 99.” You say quietly. 
You looked in your wallet, and pulled out 5 dollars and tried to hand it to him. “This is for you.” But he shook his head rapidly. 
“No no no. I don’t think so.” He said gently and pushed the money towards you kindly. 
“Please take it. I insist.” You say quietly. 
“No. It’s no problem at all. I’m just glad I got you home safe and sound. My pleasure.” He said sweetly and you gave him a small smile. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it.” You reply kindly. 
“You’re welcome. Have a goodnight.” 
You walked into the motel, and there was a sketchy guy sitting at the front desk. “Hello miss thing. What can I do for you?”
“How much is it a night?” You ask. 
“100 bucks.” You winced and looked to the ground. 
“Thanks anyways.” You whisper and begin to walk outside. 
“I can knock it down to fifty if you repay me in favors.” He said cheekily and your face scrunched up in disgust. “No thanks.” You say in annoyance and continue your way outside. 
You walked along the dirt path, and you couldn’t help but let a tear slide down your cheek. You haven’t cried that much over your situation. You didn’t cry when your parents kicked you out and shunned you, you didn’t cry when your landlord kicked you out, you didn’t cry when you lost your job. 
But if you were being honest this entire thing was beginning to take a toll on you. It was cold outside now, and the money was beginning to run out. Nobody was hiring, and you cursed to yourself about not applying to Donna’s Place earlier. 
You were starving, and you desperately needed a shower. You were going to make it your mission to get a spot tomorrow night at the shelter. You arrived at a park, and took a seat on the bench. You were shivering, and you tugged your jacket close to your body. 
You tried to make yourself comfortable and laid down shutting your eyes. Sleep was failing you, and you sighed softly before sitting up again. You decided to head back to the shelter. They were most likely going to say no, but you had to try to get a proper bed tonight. 
You knocked softly on the door, and after a couple of minutes a man opened it up. “Can I help you?”
“H-Hi, I was wondering if you had any beds left.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we do tonight honey.”
“O-Okay, I understand.” You say with tears welling in your eyes. You began to walk away when he stopped you. 
“I can tell you’re going through a really rough time. Listen, go to Harvelle’s Roadhouse. My wife and I co own it, and she’s got a couple of beds in the back. I’ll call her and let her know you’re coming. We’ve got a bed, a shower and she can make you something to eat.” 
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. It’s about a 10 minute walk, would you like me to drive you?”
“No, I got this. Thank you for everything.” You say quietly before walking in the direction he pointed you to. 
Harvelle’s Roadhouse was in bold letters on the front of the building. You sighed before knocking on the front door softly. A middle aged woman opened it up. “Can I help you sweetie?”
“Hi. Your husband told you I was coming here?”
“Yes. Of course, come on in.” 
You stepped inside, and she led you to the back. There was a small bedroom connected with a bathroom. 
“There’s shampoo and conditioner for guests in the shower already, and there’s a sealed toothbrush with some toothpaste in the vanity. I can lend you some of my daughters clothes and wash the ones you have on now if you would like.” She said and you nodded your head gratefully.
“Are you hungry? I can whip something up for you.” 
“Please.” You whispered.
“What can I make you?”
“Anything.” You whispered and she looked at you with sympathy. 
“Coming right up honey.”
You stood in the shower for a really long time, and you felt so much better when you got out. Your hair felt fresh, and you were able to shave parts of you that you haven’t been able to attend to in a while. 
You dried yourself off, and slid the sweatpants and tank top over your body. You were grateful to everyone who’s been nice to you tonight. Nobody has been this nice to you in such a long time. 
She entered the room with a bowl of soup and some crackers. “I figured you should take it easy on your stomach, it’s been a while since you’ve had a proper meal huh?” She asked and you looked away shameful. 
“Hey..my name is Ellen by the way. What’s yours?”
“Beautiful name. Is there anyone I can call for you? Parents?” 
You shook your head no, and she looked at you with sympathy. 
“Well, I’ll let you eat your food, and then you need to get some rest.” She said gently and you nodded gratefully. 
“Thank you ma’am.” You say quietly and she smiled at you. 
“Call me Ellen, and you’re welcome sweetie. Sweet dreams.” She says as she leaves the room. 
You ate like you’ve never eaten before, and you were out like a light within minutes. You woke up the next morning and your eyes widened at the time. 5:00 in the afternoon!? 
Ellen folded your clean clothes on the bottom of the bed, and you quickly dressed yourself. You were about to run out the front door before she stopped you. 
“Hey, where are you going sweetie?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep all night and all afternoon here. Thank you so much for everything you and your husband did for me. I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”
“Wait wait wait, y/n you can stay, let me help you get back on your feet,-”
You cut her off but shaking your head. “I’ve been doing this for a long time. But thank you so much again.” 
Before she opened her mouth, you were out the door. You appreciated everything she did, but you felt like you overstayed your welcome. You decided you were going to apply to Donna’s Place as a waitress. You would sleep at the shelter at night, and you would save up until you could afford an apartment. 
The bell rang as you entered the diner, and it had a little more people than it did the night before. You looked to your left and the same four guys were sitting in the same spot. The green eyed man smiled widely, and you gave him a shy one back. 
“Hey sweetheart! C’mere!” He said and you felt your cheeks burn. 
You approached them slowly, and smiled shyly at the other three attractive men and they returned it with grins. 
“This is Benny, Cas, and this is my brother Sam. Guys, this is...I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.” He says sheepishly. 
“The beautiful mystery girl you drove home last night?” Cas teased and you smiled softly and your cheeks turned pink. You were shocked to see that the tips of his ears turned pink. 
“Yes. This is her. I’m Dean. I’m sorry I didn’t formally introduce myself last night.” He said again and you shook your head.
“That’s okay.”
“Why don’t you have a seat with us?” He asked but you shook your head.
“Thank you, but I’m actually here to apply for a job.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” He said a little disappointed. 
“Hey, my wife said you took off this morning. You know you could’ve stayed as long as you needed to.” A voice said next to you and you looked up to see Bill staring at you. 
“U-Um yeah, I told her thanks but I’ll be okay.” You say quickly hoping he would change the subject. 
“If you want a spot tonight, I can arrange that for you.” He says kindly and you give him a small smile.
“I would appreciate that, thank you.”
He just nodded and walked away and you slowly turned to look at the four men with confused looks on their faces. 
“Y/n..Bill runs the homeless shelter.” Dean says and you could feel your face burn with embarrassment. “I thought I brought you home last night?”
“Well, not exactly.” You said hoping that the ground swallowed you up. “L-Look, I don’t want to talk about this. Enjoy your dinner. And thank you again for last night.” You say kindly and turn around walking to the counter. 
As you were filling out an application you felt a warm hand place itself on the small of your back. You looked up into Dean’s green eyes and he was looking at you filled with sympathy. 
“Listen, I know you don’t know me that well. Not at all actually. But I do know that you’re clearly going through a rough time, and if you ever need someone to vent to I’m here for you.” He says sweetly and you smile at him. 
“Thank you.”
 “They’re always hiring here. You should definitely get the job.”
“I hope so.” You say quietly. 
“So I really don’t mean to pry, but you don’t live at the motel?” He asks and you shook your head. 
“No. I’m sorry I lied to you. I was embarrassed.” You say. 
“Don’t be. I promise I’m not judging you.”
“I don’t have a home. I stay at Bill’s shelter whenever there is a free bed. The past two nights in a row I wasn’t able to get a bed and last night I felt at my lowest point and I was desperate. I stayed at Harvelle’s Roadhouse and Ellen was very nice to me. She offered me to stay there but I’m just trying to get a job so I can get back on my feet and find myself an apartment.”
“It’s okay to ask for help every once in a while you know.” He said quietly. 
“I know. But I’ve been on my own since I’ve been eighteen. I can handle it.”
“Listen, I know you don’t know me at all, and I know this sounds absolutely crazy..but stay with me.”
“What? No.” You say quickly. 
“It’s okay to ask for help y/n. You’re going through a hard time and I want to help you. Let me be your friend. Let me help you get back on your feet.”
“Dean..even if I said yes I don’t have a job. I can’t help you with rent. I can’t help with groceries.” 
“And that’s completely okay.”
“No, I can’t agree to that Dean.”
“Listen. If you get hired here, then stay with me. Save up a little bit, and if it means that much to you we can split everything. Okay?”
“Okay.” You say softly. 
The owner Donna was thrilled when you applied and your availability was anytime everyday. There was only her with three other waitresses. Claire, Alex, and Kaia. She said you could start right away, and all the tips you got were yours. Your first shift began at 10:00 tomorrow morning. 
You were embarrassed that you didn’t have anything to bring with you to Dean’s house. Just the clothes on your back. He could tell that you were ashamed, but he didn’t push you to talk. 
“Listen y/n..if you want I can bring you to the mall. Pick out whatever you want.” You shook your head. 
“I can’t do that Dean.”
“I insist sweetheart. Please.” 
“Alright…” You sigh and he gives you a small smile. 
“And then we can pick up bathroom stuff for you. I’m sure you don’t want to use my axe shampoo and cologne smelling deodorant and body wash.” He chuckled and you giggled quietly. 
“Okay Dean. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.”
At the end of it all, you felt terrible for how much Dean was spending on you. He bought you all the bathroom products you needed, along with a bunch of clothes. He even bought you makeup. 
He pulled into his small house, and you helped him carry everything inside. You placed everything on the kitchen counter and you looked up at him with tears welling in your eyes. 
“Thank you Dean.”
“Hey...stop it. Don’t you do that to me.” He said as he pulled you gently into his arms and you buried your face into his chest. It’s been a long time since somebody hugged you, let alone be this nice to you. 
He was rubbing his hand up and down your back. “Listen, I’m always here for you. I want to get to know you. You’ve been through tons of crap and I can’t even imagine. You deserve better than what the world has done to you. Let me be there for you. Let me take care of you. You deserve to be happy.”
“I’m crap Dean. You don’t know me. When you find out how shitty I am you’ll kick me out.” You sniffled.
“I highly doubt that, and you’re not crap. You need help, and there’s nothing wrong with receiving it. Now, I’m going to give you a tour, show you where the guest room is that’s now yours, and then you’re going to take a nice long hot shower, and I’m going to order us a pizza. You like pizza right?” You nodded against his shoulder. 
“Good. Now let me show you around.” 
He showed you around his small house, and for a guy it was neat and clean. Your room was really nice, and the walls were a nice beige color with a queen size bed in the middle. 
You gathered up all your bathroom stuff along with your pajamas and shut the bathroom door. You showered, thinking to yourself that you’ve never met anyone as nice as Dean. When you finished you went out into the living room. Dean was handing the pizza guy money, and he turned around and smiled when he looked at you. 
“Hey sweetheart. Do you feel better?”
“Yeah, much better.”
“Good. Want to watch tv?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Okay, make yourself comfortable on the couch and I’ll be right out.”
“Okay De.” You say softly. 
“Hey..you okay?” He asks in concern. 
“Yeah..yeah I think that everything is just sinking in you know?”
“Yeah..I understand.” 
You ate together in silence, with Friends playing in the background. You felt Dean glance over to you every few moments, but you pretended not to notice. 
“Are you excited for your first shift tomorrow?” He asked. 
“I’m a little nervous. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a job.”
“You’ll do great. I go there every night and it’s mainly the same people who eat there. Everyone is super nice to the staff and the ladies get good tips. I believe in you y/n.” 
“Thank you Dean.” You let out a small yawn. 
“Are you sleepy?”
“Getting there.” 
“Why don’t you head to bed? You need rest sweetheart.” 
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” 
“Here, I’ll walk you.” 
He trailed behind you, and you gently hugged him before entering your room. “Thank you for everything. You’ll never know how much I appreciate it.” You whisper to him and he held you tighter against his body. 
“You’re welcome y/n.” 
You crawled into bed, and moaned softly at the memory foam mattress. It was so soft, and you felt your eyelids droop instantly as you became more comfortable. 
After Dean finished another episode, he shut the tv off and locked up. Before he went into his room he quietly checked on you and he smiled at the sight of you snuggled into the mattress. You were wrapped up in the covers like a cocoon, and he felt his heart swell. 
You were such a sweet and beautiful girl. He wasn’t sure what happened to you for you to end up in the position you were in, but he was a patient man and he was going to be there for you and pick up the pieces. 
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tabitha2 · 3 years
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You looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe it. You had to take some selfies. To believe your eyes. Did they used to be that color ? And your face. Your body. Your… feelings ? Damn, you feel weird. You were like 25, now you’re going on 52. What the actual fuck ? The demon was supposed to make you look like Megan Fox, not some dumb small-chested suburb wife who drives a bimbo box and had a ton of babies…
Wait, dumb ? And… wife ??? Omigawd you’re straight now. And married ! With children who are some of them grown now. But that doesn’t stop you from giving your cookies to all the hot senior boys— a new crop of young studs every year. You just love young cock ?! Sure you do. Every year you throw a big party, where you fuck the football team. Cause you used to be a cheerleader and you so support them still. The pride of the school in the form of muscles and manhood. And you have such school spirit !
Oh. My. God. You are like this horny skanky mom who can’t stop scoring with the varsity quarterback. No matter what your mind thinks, this is what your body does. It’s totally not cool. This must be the curse part they mentioned. You are super in heat and you’ll do anything. Even fuck church-going Gladys and Joe next door, all the wrinkly couples who hook up when the brats are in bed. You’re the neighborhood nympho piece all the pervs pound. And you totally like guys ! Every one. Every fucking one. Shit. Sugar honey ice tea. This is, like, so no way. You gotta, like, fix it.
But you’re too stupid to figure out what to do, with a brain like never passed 9th grade. With your dried-up snatch that gets wet for all dick, and your obvious hard nips for any guy. You are what you see, and you gotta just like accept it. And you gotta get laid. You gotta please your Man. Your hubby. And you gotta go get the kids. You gotta get your housewife bimbo butt over to pickup pronto. Now stop screwing around, throw a dress on over that bikini, and get your ass down there. You know just what to do…
Because duh. You’re a pro. Putting on lipgloss as you back out of the driveway so you can give a super sweet smile to the well-hung dean of discipline. You got this. You have been doing this for more years than your kids have been alive. Using your body not your brain. Getting Men. The best ones. You play the game. You are so good at being an athletic supporter. Ever since you got pregnant and dropped out. And blew the principal to boot. He used to call you that nickname you had in class. Remember ? They used to call you Highbeams. Stupid nipples that get you called stuff. It’s totally out of control but you let it run you. It’s not a curse, it’s a blessing. Just be it.
Grades ? Being into girls ? Being young ? And in control ? Forget all that crap. This is so much better. It was genius to just accept your natural talent for getting fucked. For taking what they put into you. For sneaking around and having a blast. You can’t get caught being sexy, and you think you’re so clever that you can get away with it. Even as you hear yourself sounding so silly. And know you never can. Never could. Never would, never will. Never. Never get out of this. You are a good dumb hot old wife for life until death do you part. Fuck yeah.
#aged #milf #bimbo #teen boys #swinger #gangbangs #soccer mom #past your prime
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beelsnack · 3 years
I know this happens to plenty of people. You work in fast food or retail and your just trying to make a living. Whether your saving to get out of a crappy household ASAP, no matter the job, paying for college, or any other reason and you WILL have shitty jerk customers (At my first job and first day, I was asked if I spoke English because I couldn’t understand him with the mask and there’s a glass in front of the food. Buddy, shush. Didn’t help that I’m sensitive, ended up crying the moment I got home. These jobs are ones where you learn to really respect these workers cause of the crap they go through when you have it as a job)
In this request, the boys visit MC in the human world when they have the chance. So, my request is how would the brothers and Diavolo (the limit was 8 right?) react to coming to the human world one night to visit MC and they see them just crying and just frustrated in general due to shitty asshole customers from work?
I feel it's necessary to let you know that I actually started working on this request while on my break at my retail job.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that, friend. Pour one out for the retail workers out here busting ass during a global pandemic.
Thanks for being patient with me, friend, I know I don't really have a consistent upload schedule.
Lucifer: In hindsight. he could have planned this out better.
Perhaps his own pride was to blame. He had planned to surprise the human by showing up unannounced after their shift, but he had gotten so caught up in the thought of them jumping into his arms out of sheer joy that he never considered that it might not be a good time.
"Hush now, my dear," Lucifer sat down next to where they had slumped against the wall of their living room. The carpet was slightly stained and part of him wanted to recoil, but there were more important things to worry about. "Those wretches aren't worth your tears."
He brought his arm around their shoulders, tugging them against his side and letting his cloak drape over them like a blanket. They snuggled into him almost instinctively, and he couldn't help but preen a little bit.
"I know," they hiccupped, burying their face in the crook on his neck. "It's just...sometimes it's hard not to focus on it, y'know?"
Lucifer didn't, but that didn't mean he lacked sympathy. The demon placed two gloved fingers beneath their chin and tilted their head upwards.
"Then how about you focus on me instead?"
Mammon: Turns out every Realm had its Karens. Who knew?
When Mammon had first popped into the human's place and seen them face-down on the kitchen table sobbing, his initial reaction had been violence. He wanted to find whoever made his human cry and wring the reason why out of their throat. But, after the initial bloodlust subsided, he realized that he had something way more important to worry about.
He sat down on the chair next to them, taking one of their hands and gently running his thumb over the bumps of their knuckles as they choked out what had happened. Mammon had worked his fair share of part time jobs, he was no stranger to the specific torture that was retail. So hearing that his human had to go through that made his heart break a tiny bit.
Not that he would show it, of course.
"A'ight, human, the Great Mammon is here to help." he grinned, standing up. "I know just what you need."
He strode over to their kitchen like he lived there, flung open the fridge and pulled out a bottle of alcohol.
"Mammon," the human rubbed at the dried tear tracks on their cheeks. "Not that I don't appreciate it, but...how did you know where I keep my liquor?"
"Minor details, human!"
Leviathan: His first instinct was to panic.
The human was flopped face first onto their couch when Levi showed up, and his specialty had always been jumping to conclusions. He almost took himself out on their coffee table in his haste to make sure they were breathing.
And then the human almost took him out because the logical reaction to someone suddenly bursting into your home and getting right up in your face was to a) scream and b) punch.
After the comedy of errors skit was over, the two of them were sitting upright on the couch. The human looked exhausted, both emotionally and physically, as they filled him in on their day from Hell.
(Except not because their actual days in Hell were a lot better than working retail, but that was beside the point.)
"...so not only did I have to interact with people, which is already more than enough, I got screamed at because this old lady didn't like the price of something! Yes, Helen, I personally made the prices higher just to piss you off, you've figured out my master plan!"
"Ew, no, do not want." Levi winced in sympathy. "My personal remedy is playing beat-em-ups."
"Your solution to everything is video games, Levi."
"Shh, no thoughts, only Smash Brothers."
Satan: He had so many questions.
What happened? How long had the human been sitting there stewing in their own misery? Where was he going to hide the body?
Satan was a pro at suppressing rage. So even though he wanted to go rip out the vocal chords of every soccer mom with a let-me-speak-to-the-manager haircut within a five mile radius, he reigned it in enough to settle himself down on the couch next to the distraught human and rub soothing circles on their back while they tried to tell him what happened through their sobs.
"Next time, summon me and I'll kill them for you."
"I don't think corporate would appreciate me summoning a demon in the middle of a department store."
"I don't appreciate corporate telling you that you have to stand there and be verbally abused by a wrinkly old hag who couldn't figure out what the word 'expires' meant." he huffed. The human let themselves flop heavily against his side, and when he looked down at them he noticed that the corner of their mouth had twitched up in the barest hint of a smile.
"She was, like, thirty, Satan."
"She was a wrinkly old hag in spirit."
Asmodeus: "Oh, darling, what happened?"
Usually Asmo preferred to be on his knees for a different reason, but the human was refusing to look up, so kneeling in front of them was his only option to be able to see their face. He reached up to cup their cheeks, wiping away a few tears with his thumbs. "Shh, it's alright, I'm here, darling. Tell me what happened."
They sniffled, a few fresh tears spilling over when they blinked. "I-I'm sorry, Asmo, I - "
"No need to apologize, darling." he moved some of their hair behind their ear. "Just let it all out. Bottling up all of those negative emotions will make you break out."
After a few more minutes, they finally calmed down enough to recount the torture that had been their retail shift.
"Ugh, honestly," Asmo shook his head. "Hearing those kind of stories just makes you wonder. How do people get so entitled like that?"
He stood from his kneeling position, reaching down to hold their hands. "I refuse to let any of those awful people contaminate your beauty, darling. You," he let go of one of their hands to boop them affectionately on the nose. "Need a spa night."
"A spa night?"
"Mm-hm!" Asmo hummed, already on his way to the bathroom. "You let Nurse Asmo was all of those icky feelings away."
Beelzebub: They hadn't even made it fully into the living room.
When Beel stepped through the portal into the human's apartment and saw them curled into a ball near the doorway, he was immediately on high alert and checking for danger. Only after he realized that he didn't smell blood and had made sure to inspect all of the places for danger to hide did he lower his hackles.
The human was watching him through watery eyes, and Beel realized belatedly that he hadn't even greeted them. Well, bit too late for that. He crossed the living room in a few long strides and crouched down in front of them, lifting their hair out of the way to check for injuries.
Satisfied that there was no immediate danger, he scooped them up into his arms and deposited them on the couch. "Do you want to talk about it?"
They shrugged, wiping furiously at their eyes. "Just...people at work were being jerks, is all. I'm probably just being a big baby about it."
"No you aren't," Beel sat down next to them. "You're allowed to be upset if people are being hurtful."
That only brought on a fresh wave of tears, and Beel felt a little guilty. He pulled them closer until they were practically in his lap and tucked them underneath his chin like he could physically shield them from all of the awful things in the Three Realms.
"I'll make us some dinner. Everything's worse when you're hungry."
Bephegor: They started nap time without him.
Well, that's what it looked like when Belphie first popped through the portal. But, upon closer inspection, he noticed that the lump under the blankets that was the human was definitely not sleeping. Their breathing was quick and staccato, interrupted here and there by low, hiccupping whines.
They were crying.
Well that wouldn't do. Crying yourself to sleep just gave you a headache.
"Hey," he peeled back the protective layer of blanket to look at the human. Eyes red-rimmed and puffy, with a little wet spot on the pillow where their tears had landed. They sniffled, trying to shrink back into their blanket burrito, but Belphie held first. "Let me in."
He wiggled his way into the cocoon until they two of them were snuggled together, with their head against his collarbone. "Wanna tell me what happened?"
"Humans suck."
"Didn't we solve this issue already?" Belphie snickered when they pushed weakly against his chest. "Why in particular do humans suck?"
With a shuddering sigh, they recounted the events of the day. How they had been screamed at by customers, then scolded by their boss when said customers complained, then treated like actual garbage by their coworkers when the boss took their anger out on their employees.
"...Yeah, humans suck." Belphie tugged them in a little closer, burying his face in their hair. "But you've got your favorite demonic nap buddy here, so you don't have to worry about humans, okay?"
Diavolo: He felt powerless.
It was not a feeling Diavolo experienced often as the Crown Prince of the Devildom, and the few times he did experience it, he didn't like it.
If they had been in the Devildom, he would simply order whoever had made the human upset to be tortured for a decade or two - well, actually, he would have them brutally killed, revived, and then killed again, but the human was a merciful soul and likely wouldn't let him. But this was the Human Realm, where the only influence he had was the intimidation factor of his height and size. So all he could do was hold the human as they sobbed against his chest.
"This isn't fair to you," he mumbled into their hair as they sat on the couch. "You should be in the Devildom, treated like the noble you are. You shouldn't have to deal with these ingrates who think they're better because you're on the clock at that particular moment."
They whimpered softly as Diavolo murmured sweet things to them. Even if it was merely a fantasy, it was nice to think of a world where they wouldn't have to put up with all of the bullshit of retail.
Maybe one day they would take Diavolo up on his offer.
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misora-msby · 4 years
his cooking
Tumblr media
rating : general
pairing : miya osamu x fem!reader 
word count : 980
themes/warnings : fluff, slight angst, domesticity, y’all are just cute, food
notes : based on this ad! all the miso soup ads make me tear up or cry ok i had to make something...
Oil sizzled in the frying pan as Osamu flipped over the slice of salmon with his chopsticks. He looked to the second burner and gave the pot a gentle stir, making sure the miso soup didn’t burn at the bottom while heating. The rice cooker on the opposite side of the kitchen played a little tune, signalling that the white rice had finished cooking.
All in all, it was a peaceful evening as always.
“‘Samu, is dinner ready?” your croaky voice called from the living room.
“Almost, just a minute, dear,” he replied as he plated the salmon, rice, tamagoyaki, and pickled vegetables. He carefully brought the dishes to the dining table and set them out neatly before returning to bring two bowls of miso soup.
Soft padding of socked feet could be heard along with the light thumping of a wooden cane as you made your way to the dining room and hobbled to the table. The fragrant smell of the freshly cooked rice and salmon were wafting up, enticing you into gobbling down the meal Osamu cooked before you even got to sit down.
“Almost 60 years later… and your cooking still makes my tummy grumble with just the smell and looks,” you giggled as you sat down on the cushioned chair with a little “hmph”, before looking up at your husband who bashfully took his seat opposite you, “And 60 years later, you still blush when I say that.”
“It’s just normal, ain’t it? When ya hear yer beloved wife compliment you,” Osamu chuckles and picks up his chopsticks before mumbling, “Let’s eat.”
“I wasn’t your beloved wife in high school…” you smile as you mirror him in picking up your chopsticks and saying, “Let’s eat.”
“That’s true but I knew you were the woman I wanted to marry when ya finished university and dropped everything to help me with the ol’ restaurant,” Osamu reminisces, looking at the old photos on the wall.
Each photo held precious memories relating to Onigiri Miya. There were photos of the day he opened, of the day you joined, of the day you two got to open a pop-up stall at the MSBY and Adlers’ game, of the day you two were interviewed for the news, and of the day you two officially passed the restaurant on to your daughter and her husband (just to name a few). All were wonderful memories that led to him knowing you two lived a beautiful life. 
“Of course! My boyfriend of two years at the time looked to be taking on so much work that I had to join him!” you said before taking a bite of the salmon and humming in delight, “Good as ever!”
Osamu smiled and took his own bites, enjoying the soft, flaky texture and the feeling of the oil practically coating his tongue. That paired with the fluffy pure rice and pickled vegetables brought a good balance, and the miso soup helped to wash everything down. He had to agree with your words - his cooking was skillful as ever. 
“‘Samu, can we go out together tomorrow?” you asked suddenly. 
“Well of course, Y/N. Why’d ya ask?” he asks in return.
“I just wondered… if it’s a pain for you to have to wait so long for me. Unfortunately, this old woman didn’t have the body of an athlete back in her prime to support her now!” you joke, though he can clearly see the tinge of sadness behind your old and tired eyes. You had trouble walking these days, spending most of your day sitting in the tea room or on the engawa watching the news or reading a book. You longed to go on dates with your husband once again, now that you have this much free time but on most days you couldn’t do much aside from a few chores. 
“It’s never a pain. I’d wait ten thousand years for ya.” Osamu smiled and carefully reached his hand, old and scarred with experience, over the table to rest on your bony one. 
“Ten thousand? My dear, I don’t know if I’ll even live the next ten.” You can’t stop yourself from saying the sinister thought. 
“It’s a metaphor, dear. But I would wait any period of time for ya. Even forever.”
You felt like a second year high school girl all over again at his words, having a simple crush on your quiet, handsome seat mate who you didn’t know you would start dating in roughly four years, and get married five more years later.
“‘Samu, you can’t make my heart skip beats like this anymore. I’m at a dangerous age, ya know.” You picked up another piece of salmon and rice and took a bite. 
“Like I always say, ya make my heart beat even more so I’d say it’s a fair trade, dontcha think?” Osamu chuckled. You rolled your eyes but laughed with your husband as well.
Even if you two had this conversation a million times, it never got old. 
Plates and cutlery clinked together as Osamu finished washing them off and placed them on the drying rack. He dried his wrinkly hands before looking over at you sitting by the television. 
“Y/N, dear, what would ya like for dinner tomorrow? I’ll go grocery shopping tomorrow,” he asked and made his way over to sit beside you on the couch. 
“Eh… anything’s fine,” you replied. 
Osamu narrowed his eyes before crossing his arms, “‘Anything’ is not a type of food as far as I know!” 
You narrowed your eyes back at him, “You know that’s not what I mean!” 
“Then what do ya want?”
“Like I said, anything’s fine, ya dummy!” 
“Alright what if I make you a blue cheese sandwich?”
“You wouldn’t!”
“Then pick!”
“Oh fine! Let’s go with yakisoba!”
This too, was a repeated conversation in your little household. 
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internalsealpanic · 3 years
Death Cannot Take You
Summary: You died. You should have died, yet here you are having the audacity to still be walking. 
A/n: This is semi abandoned old guard au. I made it for 3 reasons. 1) I love Old Guard. 2) I love writing resurrection scenes cus it makes my brain calm. 3) This is a poly that I am desperate for.  
Warning: Violence, kidnapping, terrible explanations, and blatant disregard for patient care. 
The world shook violently as it staggered into view— blotchy patches of fluorescent lights and rough textures. Drowning the heavy scrape of metal is a chorus of thumping and ringing in your ears. Your hands fly to the seat in front of you, cold metal pressed against hot skin as the train rattles on. It makes your stomach lurch, dredging out its contents. 
Crumpled in your seat, you heave a ragged breath. You retch, the contents of your stomach burning in your esophagus. You screw your eyes shut unable to take another long gulp of air; it stung to breathe in the piss heavy air. You need to breathe. You need the oxygen. You need your mind in working order. Sucking in a greedy lungful, you cough it out, body rejecting it. 
There was a heat.
A pulse. 
A pistol.
A laugh. 
You can remember the wetness of saliva and blood and tears on your face as the warmth bled out of your fingertips. 
It was cold. 
It was so cold. 
Your heartbeat picks up. It’s getting harder to breathe. Your windpipe is closing. The world is getting smaller. The bones in your hands are rattling. 
A cry pries itself out of your chest, tearing its way out of your mouth. They’re not stopping. They’re still laughing. 
Please god, no. 
With another violent rattle, your consciousness slips. 
You’re cold again. Shadows grasp at the corners of your vision. The world is blotchy— a patch of tangling threads. 
The alley smells of piss and garbage. The smell is thick enough to make you choke. Your heart had stopped a while ago. No, your mind did. No, it was your heart you’re sure. No, no. It was his heart that stopped. 
It’s cold. Someone is crying out for you. It’s your father. You’re scared. Your blue eyes are fading in color. You’ve faced death before— No, not you. He has. He’s faced death always with a smile but now with his heart at a complete stand still he’s sure this is it. He’s sure this is how he dies. It isn’t on the trapeze or because of some cookie plan made by a costumed nut case. Your— his heart stops. 
He died. 
So did he. There’s another man. He’s lying on the battlefield. The sky is so pretty. You can hear canonfire. There’s another man beside him. He’s dying too. Your fair hair is matted red. Your— his flesh is reknitting itself. It’s— The whole in his— your stomach is closing the whole in it.  You’re gasping for breath. The alley doesn’t stink of piss and garbage; it smells like cotton fields and summer heat. 
He died.
You died. 
There’s a buzzing in the air— the thrum of electricity as it writhes in the wires. Bouncing your leg, you wait for the receptionist to call your name. Anxiety sings in your veins like a chorus of scraping metal. 
You don’t remember what happened last night— not clearly. 
It’s all a melting pot of images and voices and touches. 
You cup your hand over your mouth, the stomach acid burning its way up your esophagus. Your tongue is tacky with dried saliva and the lingering taste of copper. They’re laughing. They’re all still laughing. The ringing in your ears won’t stop. 
You fold. Legs curl up into your chest as you dip your head under. Eyes sliding shut, you let the darkness pool in your mind. The vague sounds in the emergency room coalescing into a discordant symphony. You let yourself dream again. 
You lift your head up slowly, colors bleeding into view. The words don’t make sense. 
“Kid, are you ok?” 
You regard the large man with the open—mouthed confusion of a fish. He’s handsome in a rough sort of way— grisled with a full beard, cropped hair, and gunmetal blue eyes— eye. He’s got an eye patch. You swallow. Your lungs inflate as they inhale the sterile scent of the room. The smell of hand sanitizer is too thick. He’s tall. You crane your neck to look up at him. It hurts. He must easily be 6’3”, maybe even taller. His chest is broad and through the shirt, he’s wearing you can see the expanse of taut well—defined muscles. His lips are curved up at one side in a lopsided smirk. Your head is pounding. You shut your eyes, vigorously nodding your head. You know what he’s staring at. You know what his eyes— eye— are trained on. 
You… You haven't changed. The crisp white shirt you’d worn to your job is dark and wrinkly with dried blood.  You hate it. You hate how uncharacteristically messy you look; it makes you feel off—model, like something that is a cluttered version of you.  
You curl up again. This time the ringing in your ears blocks out everything else.  Your head dips back into the dark. It’s cold and stuffy and your ears were ringing when they—
Your eyes fly open and there’s a figure in front of you. You squint. The figure is smaller, less broad; a nursing assistant with kind eyes stands over you with a clipboard. You breathe. You turn your head to the man from before. He’s standing next to a man— younger, shorter. He looks dwarfed next to the other man but he’s average height and it would be funny if you had the energy. You’re far enough away that you can’t be sure of his features but it’s not hard to tell that he’s pretty.  He’s got rich brown skin, black hair, and a gymnast’s poise. He’s familiar. Both of them are. They’re talking to the police. You freeze.  
Are they here for you? Who are they?
“I need you to follow me back into the ER,” she says gently, grip firmly grasping your shoulder. You run your hand through your matted hair. Your hand comes back slick and sticky with sweat and dried blood. The oxygen in your lungs stutters. You feel another squeeze on your shoulder.  You’re back. You’re not whole but you’re back. 
“I’m sorry,” you croak, legs wobbling beneath you as you stand. 
You follow her. It’s faint but you can feel someone follow you as you disappear into the hall with her. 
The walk to the hall was peaceful. It was steadying. It’s the talk with the doctor that’s putting you on edge.  He’s tapping his pen on the clipboard. Your mind writhes with every tap. Sighing, you rub your eyes and try to push the sensations away. “I— I’m so sorry. I’m just. It’s my mind. I just can’t—” you breathe “—I can talk. I’m sorry.” You wave vaguely. 
“Alright tell me what happened.”
You swallow. Your trachea still feels splintered. “I—” breathe “—I was cornered. In an alley. Behind a butcher shop. I was trying to take a short cut—” he taps a pen against the board "— I was attacked." You finish, fingers tracing up the length of your throat. Attacked was too quick a word. Attacked was the kind of word you used for the quick in and out of a knife— the split second bite of a bullet.  You weren’t attacked. You were— what happened to you felt like an eternity. 
Shuffling, he looks you over. There's a prickle in the back of your neck. There's someone watching you. Your eyes flick. There's the young man. His eyes are a warm tropical blue. He waves at you. He looks uneasy. The man from before is trying not to pay attention.  Your legs swing, almost clipping the doctor's clipboard. The doctor frowns at you but you shrug. 
"You don't seem to have been injured." 
You blink. "That's not possible," you say, hands shaking,"they had me for hours." No that wasn't true. At most they had you for an hour or maybe two but that didn’t matter not at the bite of the bullet, not at the slice of flesh, not at the impact of the bat. 
"I need you to breathe," the doctor instructs, placing a hand on your back; it tenses. You go rigid. He pulls back muttering about x—rays and brain scans. 
Catching his lab coat in a death grip, you beg: "Please don't leave me." 
"Ma'am, you're perfectly safe here." 
They will find you. 
He thinks you're hysterical. You know that from the way he looks at you, like a caged animal. "We have security personnel if need be," he assures, none—too—gently prying his coat from your grip. "We'll close the curtain if that makes you feel safe and there are hospital gowns in the closet if you'd like to change." 
You nod quietly. 
You slowly peel off your shirt. The cool air stings. You suck in a breath. You think of the dream you had. That man's heart stopping. The press of lips. The bite of metal against skin. You look down at your skin— no bruises, no cuts, nothing. 
You're scared. 
You know these memories aren't fully yours. 
You hear the door slide open. Your knee jerk reaction is to be embarrassed. You're in your underwear. Pulling on a gown, you're ready to snarl at the intruder. Your heart stops. It's the man from before. 
"Did they take a blood sample from you yet?" He asks, closing the curtain behind him. 
His gaze is unyielding as he makes slow predatory strides towards you. You flatten yourself against the wall. "No— I— what?" 
"What—" There's a sharp pain in the side of your head. There's blood trickling down the side of your  head. Your vision is fading.
Falling forward, you grasp your blood tacky hands at his shirt.  You feel weightless. You're on his shoulder. 
"Who are you?" 
"You'll find out." 
The desert sand billows as a gust of wind blows through the dunes. You’re searching for someone. Your friend. His friend not yours. He’s somewhere. He’s being held prisoner. You’ve kept him waiting long enough. 
 You turn your head and the scene shifts. 
There’s a sky full of lights above you, glittering. You can’t tell if they’re man made or not. You reach out to them. Your hands aren’t yours. You squint. Your hands are dark and calloused— covered in sawdust. There’s a terrible shape in your stomach. You’re scared but that’s not new. There’s always a little fear when you go on the trapeze. 
You shift under the cover, limbs wrapped around a pillow.  The smell of freshly roasted coffee is heavy in the air. You burrow your face more into the pillow. Mark can wake you up—
"And you thought kidnapping her was the solution?!" 
You wince at the tone. Shuffling your limbs quitely out of the covers, you press yourself to the wall, peaking over the corner just a fraction— just enough to see two men arguing. The taller man with white hair facing the hall opening into the sleeping area. 
“It was.”
“Slade, you can’t just go kidnapping people!” the younger man shouts, his face red while his arms waved all over the place. Slade, you assumed,  stood impassively, but his arms were now crossed over his chest in a defensive manner. 
“I just did.”
The younger man runs his hand over his face and through his hair, ruffling it in frustration. “She’s going to be terrified when she wakes up.”
You are. Your eyes flick to the window. You could escape.  You're in a motel room you realize. If they’re distracted enough, you could make it out. 
“Well, Kid, it looks like you’re right.”
“Of course, I am—”
You look up. The two men are looking in your direction. Should you go back to the bed and pretend to be asleep? Is there any point? Just make a run for it. 
You sprint only to hit what feels like a brick wall. You stagger back but what feels like a metal band wraps around your waist.  The next thing you know is that you feel weightless. 
“Slade, put her down! You’re going to give her a heart attack.”
“Relax, kid, it’s not like it’s gonna kill her.” Your body is dropped unceremoniously on the bed. You bounce a couple of times before your body settles against the soft sheets. Scrambling back against the headboard, you look between the two men trying to  decide what to do. You place a pillow in front of you as a shield. The pounding of your heart is loud in your ears that you don’t think you’ll be able to hear anything that comes out of your mouth. 
“I’m broke,” you finally manage. You turn to the younger man. “My roommate is broke too.” He gives you a confused furrow in his brow. “We can’t afford ransom. You won’t get anything, so please just… just let me go. I won’t tell the police. I promise.” Folding your legs behind the pillow, you press yourself into the headboard further.  The young man sighs and slumps. “We don’t want money.” You stiffen, keenly aware that save for the flimsy protection of the hospital gown, you’re only in your underwear. He seems to realize what you’d concluded. 
 Slade snorts. “Way to go, kid.”
“Yeah, thanks for the help, asshole.”
“I have done nothing wrong.”
“Ah, yes. Aside from kidnaping her you mean,” he snarls. You swallow loudly, trying to keep the bile down. The younger man turns to you, the impressive glare he was sporting slides way too easily into concern. His body rolls into a different shape; it’s the kind of posture you’ve used when comforting your younger sibling.  He lowers himself on the bed slowly. He reaches out a hand. Carefully, he says “We won’t hurt you.”
And you want to believe him. You desperately want to believe him. 
“Real convincing, Grayson.” Slade sneers as he watches your recoil from Grayson’s outstretched hand. Grayson levels another glare at Slade who simply huffs and shrugs. 
“I haven’t done anything to you. Please let me go.” You croak. 
Grayson looks at you helplessly. “(Y/n)... We can’t...”
“You died last night.” Slade says. Nothing in his tone suggests a question. It’s just a statement. No room for doubt. 
You blink, nose scrunching. “I— I was mugged.” You cover your face with your hands. You’re pretty positive that you’d remember being murdered and you say as much. You got cornered by three to four gang members and they mugged you. That was it. 
Your stomach rebels at the thought. 
Grayson gives you that pitying look again. He pries your hands from your face, blue eyes bearing down at you with so much concern. His touch is so gentle that you almost cry. “Sweetheart, think about it.”
You shake your head trying to pull your hand away from him. He doesn’t let you. Your head is throbbing. You’re scared and confused and you’re starting to feel anger prickle under your skin.  “I think I would know if I died, asshole,” you snarl and the shift in tone catches them both off guard. 
Slade sighs. There’s a flash of metal and a gunshot. The pain radiates from the middle of your stomach; it’s sharp. Some small, shrill sound escapes you.  You’re gasping as you look at him again. He’s looking at a watch. It looks expensive. It’s funny how even  during death your mind finds a way to procrastinate. 
“It’s taking a little while. Of all the inconveniences, why is it so slow the first few times?”Slade mutters in a voice that would sound right at home in a self checkout line. His shoe is tapping against the rug. You wonder if that’s expensive too. 
“Why would you shoot her?” Grayson demands, shooting up from his spot on the bed. The loss of weight jostles the bed. You wince. 
You look down. Something strange is happening. Your flesh like cloth is reknitting, leaving the seamless expanse of your stomach. 
You look back up, eyes blown wide and frantic. You pat your stomach, hand coming away with a thin film of blood but the strange tingling you get when you’re expecting to feel something but you don’t. The bullet hole wasn’t there. It just wasn’t. 
A sprawl of frantic horror lives down the line of your sternum. It was the kind of amorphous energy you get when something doesn’t make sense, when something just shouldn’t have happened— a sort of odd dislocation in the universe. 
Grayson holds his hands up in a placating manner as he sits back down on the bed. He’s careful not to jostle you but you barely notice.  You think his hands look familiar.  Your— his calloused hands reach out to you. “You need to trust us.”
“You. Just. Shot. Me.”
“Correction, he shot you.”
Slade rolls his eye. “Ah yes, kid, very helpful.” 
“It’s an important distinction.”
“Fine!” You point to Slade. “You shot me.” You point to Grayson. “You. Let. Him.”
“Sweetheart, I appreciate that you think I have any control over that brute,” Grayson says, pointing his thumb over his shoulder, “but I have about as much control over that brute as I do over a storm. ”
Unamused, you throw a pillow at Grayson hard enough that he almost topples over the edge. You grab another pillow and Grayson raises the pillow you threw at him in defense. You can see the smile in his eyes; it makes the acid behind your teeth boil. All embarrassment and horror bleed out to give way to anger as you throw the pillow at him with the same ferocity as before. Slade snatches the pillow midair saving Grayson from having to deflect it. Grayson gives him a smile that looks like an insincere apology. Slade, like you, seems unconvinced and pushes your discarded pillow into Grayson’s fine—boned face. It does nothing to wipe the grin off his face but you feel a little better knowing you’re not the only one who has to endure him. 
You fight the urge to laugh but  not too hard. The chords of your muscles come loose and for the first time in what feels like an age, you feel tired. “I’m dead. I died. Then you shot me… And then you shot me. WHAT THE HELL?” You say, the accusation directionless. You were supposed to die on a smoking heap of trash, gutted and pathetic. Hands falling limply to your sides, you let your mind go through that a dozen times because, well, how does one process their own death and undeath? You shouldn't still be here. 
"What’s happening to me?" 
"She's acting far more reasonable than you did." Slade teases. 
Grayson scowls at him, slapping him with the pillow. Slade just kind of grunts clearly less hurt than annoyed. Considering the solid wall of muscle the man is sporting, you wouldn’t be surprised if it would take nothing short of a brick to hurt him. "YOU SHOT ME IN THE HEAD THEN SHOT ME THROUGH THE STOMACH." 
“I only shot you in the stomach because the bullet through your head didn’t get through your thick skull.”
You’re one missed heartbeat away from laughing. Your brows shoot up, limp limbs coming back to life as you curl in on yourself again. What have you gotten yourself into?
"Oh my god, I mean— Shit!" Slade snorts as Grayson flails. Grayson puts his hand in his face, groaning. “Sorry about that… Slade is terrible at explanations.”
Slade makes a noise in the back of his throat. It sounds like a laugh and twitch of his lip would suggest so but you're still second guessing yourself. "You're one to talk Mr. We Won't Hurt You." The air fills with Slade's amusement as Grayson’s cheeks flush. It's funny how easily pretty shifts to adorable. 
You sigh raking your hand through your hair. It's been an exceptionally long day. "What’s happening to me?" You whine mostly to yourself. "I'm not a meta. I think I would know if I was something like that… Right?" You look up at Grayson who just gives you a complicated expression. "You know what's going on don't you?" You say, crawling closer to Grayson. He shifts a bit, keeping his eyes straight. Grayson blinks and runs his hand through his hair, collecting his scattered thoughts. He leans back, putting a bit of space between you as he speaks. "We got off on the wrong foot," he says extending a hand to you, "the name's Dick—”
“Are you sure?” and Slade laughs at your question. Grayson— Dick (is that really his name?) looks tired like he’s heard this question a million times. “Yes, I’m sure about my name.” You feel a little bad but not enough to actually say anything that even comes close to an apology. “Anyway,” Dick (?) continues,”the grumpy old man over there is Slade. We’re sort of in the same boat as you.”
The last line makes you pause. You think back to your dreams, the quick flashes of sensations. Oh. That was— Oh. Your stomach feels like lead. You watched them— Oh. 
“I’m sorry.” you say, at a loss of what else to say. Death was an intimate thing. You guessed that only the dead or the previously dead would know that. You fold your hands on your lap as you sit back on your legs, a primm gesture that made you feel solid and a bit more like yourself than you had in hours. 
Dick’s warm blue eyes are wide. He goes still for a moment taking in what you’d just said. His head shakes and he smiles at you, an expression that is weightless. It made you think of the trapeze. “It’s ok,” he assures you, warm hand on yours, “it’s not your fault… Anyway!” You use the very sarcastic brows you’ve been given to convey your concern about the neck snapping shift in tone. Dick looks at you sheepish, hand rubbing the back of his neck before deciding to soldier on.  “We don’t know why but some individuals are brought back to life and are made immortal. We’ve— I’ve got a few working theories but—”
“Immortal.” You repeat, trying to make the concept make sense. 
“We, now including you, don’t die, kid.” Slade deadpans. 
“Thanks. I’ve read a dictionary.” You say, eyes flicking to your very much intact stomach. Dick laughs, the sound high and breezy. He tries to stifle it but even the hand cupped over his mouth couldn’t contain the sound. Slade’s long leg stretches to give Dick a not so light kick. This does nothing but increase the volume of his laughter.  You look back up at them. “So, what does my latest existential crisis have to do with either of you?”
“Well for one,” Slade says, standing up, “we can’t have you running around with a millenia old secret without even attempting to teach you how to disappear first.” This is what gets your stomach to rebel. Bile is climbing up your throat. Dick, quick as a whip, holds a trash can out for you. You put your hand in front of you. You hold out your hand to stop him, not even sure if you had anything in your stomach aside from acid. 
You had just started getting your life back together and then this. Shaking your head, you try to break the thought down into more manageable pieces before swallowing it. “Ok. ok. That makes sense. I guess.”
Dick pulls back still looking concerned. “You are taking this alarmingly well.”
You stare at him. Your stomach rolls again. "Do I have a choice?" You ask from behind your hand. 
Slade huffs, "she's right, kid."
"Is he just gonna keep calling us kid or..." 
"Considering he's got 700 years on the both of us?" Dick laughs like he didn't just hit you with a ton of bricks.
"Ah, so he's a museum piece. Got it." You deadpan and you're rewarded with another roll of laughter from Dick. Slade grunts but doesn't protest much more than that. You turn your focus to Dick. "So how old are you?"
"A lady never tells," Dick says, crows feet wrinkling at the corners of his eyes. You blow air between your lips. "Lemme guess, you're like 2000 years old."
Dick makes a noise; it sounds offended. You don't much care, finally feeling a smile creeping on to your face. It doesn't hurt when you do not like everything else right now. That fact would be almost uncomfortable if you weren't so weary.
Folding your knees against your chest, you squish your face against your arms. "No seriously, old man. How old are you?"
"You're persistent." Dick hums.
"I want to know if I can cite you for my thesis on ancient greek culture."
Dick shakes his head. "You're better off citing him."
"Sadly, he's right Grayson is just a mere 27 years old."
You blink. He's— He's around your age. You breathe. "Ok so I'm not alone. Great."
"You're not," Slade says, "he was much harder to deal with."
"Do I have to keep mentioning that you shot me twice?" Dick asks crossing his arm sover his chest.
"Are you ever going to stop bringing it up?"
"When it stops working."
"It ever started."
From their banter, they're familiar with each other. The tiredness from before ebbs back in. You feel alone. Out of habit, you bury your head against your knees.  There is something comforting about the stillness.
A warm hand settles on your shoulder. You jolt up, knocking the back of your skull against the headboard. It makes a loud thunk against the wall. Dick winces, pulling his hand away from you. "Sorry about that."
"It's fine." You lied  still seeing stars.
 They look unconvinced. You don't quite care. "You look like you need a good meal."
"Or a hot shower," Slade suggests. 
You think it over, hand on your stomach brain still looking for the bullet wound. Eyes flicking between both, you lick your lips before saying: "I'll take you up on that shower." Your eyes drift back down to your arms, concentrating on the small details, the imperfections you've gathered through the years. The thought that you won't be able to add more doesn't really register like it should.
Dick nods getting up to grab something.  "I might need a couple of minutes in there," you say absently. 
"Take all the time you need." Dick says handing you a towel and a fresh shirt. You accept them with a small nod, carefully peeling yourself away from the bed.  Your eyes go into a tunnel vision, only focused on the door to the shower. 
You stop, a hand gripping your wrist. The pressure is solid and reassuring. You turn back to see Dick, biting his cheek."It'll get better I promise."
You give Dick a crooked smile. "I'll probably feel a lot better when I'm not covered in blood."
"That always helps," Slade says flatly. 
"You'd know."
"You really wanna scare her more right now?"
"It's just way too easy with you around."
"Please save the other world shattering revelations after my shower," You whine pulling the towel to your chest. 
"Can't promise that." Slade says with a rumble that just radiates bastard. 
You blow out a breath, raising a middle finger  over your shoulder. It was a rude gesture you'd never normally even consider but it felt appropriate at this moment.
"Hope you don't mind pizza." Dick says already dialing the number.
You stop leaning against the door, face squished against the frame. "What kind?"
"Hnnnnn... I figure you would like ham and mushrooms." 
With amusement, you note how Slade blanches quietly behind Dick. You quietly question both of their maturities. "how'd you figure oh wise ancient one?"
"Please don't ask him that."
"Why not? I'm curious to see how his mind works."
"You're going to regret that."
You cock your brow as Dick draws himself up. He reminds you of a pitcher winding up. "Because I'm a fun—guy, get it?"
Slade groans, hand on his face and for once he looks like an old man not like a terrifying wall of intimidation. 
"You're right. I do regret it," you say, stifling a laugh,"anyway, if you'll excuse me, the shower is calling my name. You two love birds have fun."
Slade sits beside Dick, an arm wrapping around his waist. "You heard the lady. She told us to have fun," Slade rumbles into Dick's ear only loud enough for you to hear. You flush. Realization hitting you like a truck. The color of Dick's face mimicking yours as he shoves Slade's face away. That warm shower will now be a cold one, you think as you awkwardly shuffle into the bathroom.
Instead of a shower, you elected for a nice soak. You're too weary and rung out and you hadn't seen a decent bath tub in a few years so you took the chance. It's not like an infection from the tub could kill you, right? 
You step out of the bathroom feeling refreshed if not a bit cold from your shirt. Dick's shirt was big but it stopped shy of your thighs. You couldn't really complain. You were just happy to get out of the blood soaked clothes.
You pad your way into the room and eyes are instantly on you. Slade quite blatantly stares at the curve of your ass as it peaks out from under your shirt. You think of scolding him but decide to leave that up to Dick who… is also staring at you… in the same area. He has the decency to look embarrassed when you catch him. Clearing his throat, Dick answers the knock on the door which just adds another set of eyes on you.
A poor pimple faced kid stands frozen at the door, slack jawed. His eyes dart around the room, frantically looking for a camera or something. You sigh. You too could see how this could be a lazy set up to a porn. You’re slightly flattered at the idea that you could be astronomically hot enough to be in a porn with either of these two but you’re more worried about the kid having to deal with a boner while he delivers pizzas. Dick, incredibly oblivious to the problem, seems to take his time looking for his wallet. 
Slade, not oblivious to the problem, makes his way to the poor kid, looking as imposing as possible as he hands the kid a fifty. Whatever arousal the kid felt at the moment floods out of him along with any color in his face. 
You snort plopping on to the bed and crossing your leg over the other and you watch as the men’s eyes widen as they trace the expanse of skin. This is the closest you will ever be to a bond girl.
Slade slams the door in the kids face, not even bothering with the change. Dick rolls his eyes with a crooked smile playing on his lips. “She hasn’t been with us for a day and you’re already acting possessive,” Dick laughs, patting Slade’s chest as he walks past. 
Dick plops on the bed next to you. You press your cheek into his shoulder as he opens the box. The smell of greasy cheese and canned vegetables floods your nostrils in a concert of sweet, unhealthy goodness. Your stomach rumbles and your hand darts down to get a piece. Your hand jerks back as your skin tingles from the heat. 
“Sorry, love, you can still feel pain.” Dick says, puckering his face as he blows the rising steam away. As if to be contrary, Slade grabs the largest slice and immediately takes a bite. You turn to Dick, raising a brow to ask. “Him? He’s just a weirdo.” Dick answers, grabbing his own slice.  You roll your eyes grabbing your own slice. 
Dick’s trying hard not to stare at your legs but ends up staring at your lips instead.  “Do you have any spare pants?” You ask around a mouthful of pizza. 
“I’ll get it,” Slade says before Dick can even stumble out a response, “clearly wonder boy hadn’t thought this through.” 
You hum around another mouthful in agreement and Dick just looks at you betrayed. You uncross and recross your legs to prove your point. 
Shifting away from Dick and swallowing the last bit of your pizza, you take the pants Slade offers you and you’re not at all surprised that it doesn’t fit right. “Any chance I can go back to my apartment? Even just for clothes?”   
“Sadly no.”
“Should I ask?”
“Do you really feel like talking to cops right now, kid?”
“Yanno, you’re gonna have to distinguish between us at some point,” Dick huffs, opening a can of soda,”and she’s right we do need to get her new clothes.” He hands you a can. Not feeling parched, you just roll it in your palm feeling the need to indulge in the feeling on cool metal. You catch yourself before you tuck your legs against your chest again. 
“I don’t see why you’re so hell bent on this, kid 1. You clearly like seeing her in your clothes.” Slade says, flatly the way you’d read out the summary of a particularly boring movie summary, probably based on a Nicholas Sparks novel. 
“You think adding a number is enough effort to distinguish us?” Dick sneers, trying to distract from the flush of his cheeks. 
“Would you prefer I call you ‘Sport’?”
“Dick, for both of our sake’s please accept being called Sport.”
“How about ‘Chum’?”
Dick’s nose wrinkles at the name. You’re not sure if it’s the name itself, the way it rolls off of Slade’s tongue, or something to do with your dream.  You don’t know Dick well enough to discern. 
“Please don’t.” Dick tries politely and there’s a tinge of sadness in his tone. Slade seems to back off, easing into his chair. 
You open your mouth wanting to pry but instead of asking the question on the tip of your tongue, you settle for asking for another slice. The air is full of questions but you’re not really sure which one to pluck out. Then again, you’ve got time. And really? Right now, that’s all you have.
Before you can dwell too much on that thought, Slade turns the TV on to drown out whatever Dick was saying. You’d tuned him out a little bit ago. It wasn’t really a matter of choice; it was more a matter of your brain going on power saving mode. 
You blink sleepily, the voice of the anchor falling into a low hum in your mind. You’re pretty sure your name blips in between the static of words. There’s a dull recognition in the words ‘kidnapping’ and ‘suspects’ but it all seems so distant at the moment. No reaction registers upon realizing that they were probably talking about your kidnapping and really could anyone blame you when some cosmic fuckery just occurred and now your life has been turned on its head? ____________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading!
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ectstasy · 3 years
༻𝕰𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕭𝖔𝖞𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉༺
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴋᴀɴɢ ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ x Qᴜᴇᴇɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.7ᴋ
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ, ʀᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ ᴀᴜ,
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟꜱ
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ. ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴜxᴜʀɪᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴏꜰꜰᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴇᴛᴛʟᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ. ᴀʟᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ, ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪɴɢ. ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ, ʀᴇQᴜɪᴛᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ. ᴏɴᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ, ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀɴ ᴇɴᴄʜᴀɴᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ. ꜱʜᴇ ʜᴇʟᴘꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ʙʏ ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ɴᴇᴄᴋʟᴀᴄᴇ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴇᴘꜱ, ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ. ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ 3 ʟᴏɴɢ ᴅᴀʏꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴇᴘꜱ, ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ ᴡᴀꜱ ɢʀᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ꜰᴀʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɪᴏʀ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴɪɴɢ.
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The young queen sat on her throne with her legs crossed while she did her duties of solving diverse problems amongst the subjects of her kingdom. Her facial expression would seem solemn with a glance. But if you looked into her eyes, you would perceive the anguish she hid. The sadness establishing because of the disgrace of being an unwedded queen. Only a few cared about this because she was a great queen unaccompanied. She had all the queenly qualities such as generosity, intelligence, hardworking and more. Despite that, it still bothered her. She longed to have someone by her side. It wasn’t like nobody wanted to marry her. It was quite the contrary. Many princes and kings were craving to marry her. But there was one similarity that they all shared. They didn’t truly love her. They only loved the status she possessed. The skies of dusk faded into night, signaling her duties finishing for the day. She sat up from her throne and walked towards her chamber with two of her guards escorting her.
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When she set her foot inside her room, the maids that were assigned to ensure that her room would be clean and cozy when she returned after a long day of work greeted her with warmth. “Oh! Your highness Y/N! We were finishing up fluffing your pillows! Is there anything else you would like us to do before we leave you alone? One maid inquired with a smile.” “No. I’ll be fine.. I’ll inform you if I need anything later,” Y/N replied in a soft tone as she picked up the silk robe and towel that was folded neatly and placed on her bed. The two maids nodded and gathered up their cleaning supplies. “By the way. I hope you enjoy the rose milk bath we prepared for you today!” Y/N’s features lit up when she heard rose milk. She adored roses and had many throughout her kingdom. Especially the pink and red ones. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door. She stripped bare of her clothes and soaked herself inside of the basin that was filled with rose milk and rose petals. Her nostrils drowning in the scent of the roses. One of the best ways to calm your mind and nerves after a long and boring day of work.
After a while of soaking, she felt her skin getting wrinkly, letting her know it’s time to get out. She hopped out of the basin and walked towards the shower, where she washed off the rose milk residue and the flower petals that clung to her skin. As she was showering, she heard a knock on the door. Confused, she quickly dried her skin, tied her robe, and exited the shower. When she exited, she saw the two guards that were tasked to shield her from any threats, standing there, a smirk plastered on both of their faces. Y/N immediately clutched her robe and thought the worst. This little action making one of them offended and the other burst out laughing. “Yah! We will not touch you inappropriately or anything!” The guard, who had a pink rose tucked into his hair, exclaimed, taking major offense. “Well then, don’t smirk like that! You two are lucky I didn’t have proper clothing on or you both would’ve been severely injured.” Y/N argued back. “Well, what we wanted to tell you is there is, there is a full moon outside.” She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, so?” The pink rose guard facepalmed himself and looked at the other guard, who, instead of a pink rose, had a red rose tucked in his hair. “Jung. Wooyoung. Didn’t you tell her about the enchantress?!” Wooyoung looked at Yeonjun with disbelief. “Bro. You told me-Okay, you know what. Forget this. What we’re trying to say is, there is an enchantress who comes out every night of the full moon, she has the powers to grant anything, judging by your saddened expressions, both Yeonjun and I thought you would need to visit her because there is something you want but you can’t get.” Y/N was baffled at how observant they both were. “Wait.. when you say anything. Do you mean ANYTHING? Even if it’s not an item, but…. a person?” Yeonjun nodded. “When he said anything, he meant it.” Y/N looked down, then looked back at Wooyoung and Yeonjun. If this enchantress could grant her greatest desire. She will pay any price.
“Since it’s the night of the full moon? Do you think I could meet her right now?”
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“Yeonjun, are you sure we are going the right way?!” Wooyoung questioned, feeling unfamiliar with his surroundings. “It has to be. I’m pretty sure we need to walk further to get to her shack.” Yeonjun responded, making Wooyoung a tad bit consoled. Wooyoung gripped onto his queen’s hands to help her walk through the gloomy forest so he could prevent her from tripping on a random branch or rock. Yeonjun looked back at Y/N and Wooyoung to make sure they were okay. The slight glare of the moon reflected on her face, making Yeonjun distinguish her fright. “Woo, don’t you think it would’ve been less unsettling for all of us if you’d brought a lantern?” A pout appeared on Wooyoung’s face. “Why do you keep blaming me for everything! I try my best, you know?” Yeonjun sighed. “I guess I have to give you that.” They continued walking until they finally approached an old but mysterious-looking shack. Yeonjun was about to open the door but, he got jump scared by a dog ferociously barking at him. “AHHHHHHHH.” He screamed. Wooyoung also screamed, but he acted quickly and pulled out his sword from his belt to protect the queen. “Oh, no need for that. Jinx sit!” a woman commanded the dog. The dog immediately obeyed her commands, earning himself a treat. “Okay, go inside.” She opened the door to her shack. The dog followed and went inside to lie down on his bed. The lady then looked at the three and smiled softly. She had this eerie but sweet look that didn’t fail to make Y/N curious about her. “Oh... Wooyoung and Yeonjun. I see you’ve returned with her.”
“Come in.”
She led them towards a table decorated with many peculiar and pretty-looking items such as skulls, gems of all sorts, a glass orb, and more. She sat down at the back of the table while Y/N sat On the opposite side. Wooyoung and Yeonjun decided it was best if they returned outside to give the two privacy and guard the place because you never know what lurks around at the night. “I never thought I would see a queen in my lifetime... I am indeed honored by your presence, your majesty.” The woman bowed. “Thank you... Uh…” a small smile crept on the woman’s face. “Call me Lucinda. So… your majesty. What May I help you with? Do you want to know about your future? Gain a particular item? Change your physical appearance? Or is it something else?” Y/N gulped, feeling embarrassed to admit it. She tried and explained it in the most secretive way she could think of. “My purpose of coming here is because… I want my childhood dream to come true.” Y/N began reminiscing about all those times she used to be fascinated by the romantic fairy tales she used to skim through as a child. She hoped to always meet her prince and live a happily ever after. But sadly, fate didn’t work out the way she wanted it to. A smirk appeared on Lucinda’s face. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Lucinda knew. But to make her comfortable, Lucinda acted like she was oblivious to the genuine desire of Y/N. “Okay, your highness.. whatever you say.” Lucinda reached her hands for a box that was tucked in one of the drawers. She placed the box in front of Y/N and opened it, revealing a glass beaded necklace with the pendant of a red heart. “Take this necklace and do as I say. Once the procedure’s concluded, your greatest desire will shift to live.” Y/N took the necklace and looked at Lucinda for the rules. “Alright… step one, Collect the rainwater from a stormy day. Rain from the night will not work. Make sure the water is clean, it can mess up a part of the desire. Step two, take a small amount of blood and mix it with the rainwater. The blood could be from anything or anyone besides you. Be careful with whom’s blood you choose though... As it can also cause a big impact on the desire. Step three, take the petals of your favorite flower and soak the petals inside the mixture. Step four, In a candle-lit room, dip the necklace in the mixture for 8 minutes, and in that time focus on nothing besides your desire. Last and final step, put the necklace on and go to sleep.” Y/N nodded as she took in the information, eager to begin. “But before you begin the ritual, keep these things in mind. First, you must do these tasks without the help of your servants. Second, you can’t tell any living being your desire. This must stay with only you. Third and last rule do not under any circumstances wear the necklace without completing the ritual as it could have serious consequences, worst one being losing your life.”
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Day 1:
It’s been a week since she visited the enchantress. Y/N wanted to start with the ritual as soon as possible, but to her misfortune, the skies were clear. Not one rain cloud in sight for the entire week. She continued doing all her duties, but a guard running full speed inside the courtroom interrupted her. “Your majesty! The storms are pouring heavily outside!” She perked up from her throne when she heard the news. It was time to begin. “Thank you for informing me.” She turned towards her brother, who sat on the throne to the left of hers. Confused at her sudden happiness. “Hwa Hwa, please do me a favor and look after my duties... I have some personal issues I must tend to..” Seonghwa nodded and smiled at Y/N. “Of course. Take your time, sister.” She returned a smile towards her brother. “Wooyoung, Yeonjun, please accompany me.” Her two most trusted guards obeyed her and followed her to her chambers.
When she walked inside, she saw the same maids as last time tidying up her room. “Oh, Queen Y/N! What may we help you with?” The same maid as last time asked in a sweet voice. “Sweet Mya, please be a dear and get me a raincoat.” Mya nodded and went to her closet. It didn’t take one minute for Mya to come back with a pale pink raincoat. “Here you go!” she said as she handed Y/N the coat and some boots to match. Y/N took it with a smile. “Do you guys need any?” Y/N asked Yeonjun and Wooyoung. “No, it’s okay! We have our armor protecting us.” Wooyoung assured her. The three set off into the rose garden, Y/N had a glass bottle in hand to collect the rainwater. Y/N placed the hood on her head to protect her hair and went out in the rain. She held the bottle out so it could be filled with the rainwater. “Y/N!” Wooyoung shouted from the shade. Y/N turned her head to look at him. “Why didn’t you use the water that was running from the roof?”. She looked up at the shelter the two were standing underneath and he was right. Plenty of water leaked and it was definitely more convenient than standing in the rain. But she remembered Lucinda’s words. “Make sure the water is clean, it can really mess up the desire.” Not willing to risk any chances. She shouted back at Wooyoung responding to his question. “I’m already drenched by the rain, that would mean nothing if I just followed what you told me.” Yeonjun nodded in agreement. “True,” Wooyoung said also agreeing. When the bottle reached its brim, Y/N closed the cap tightly onto it and ran to the shelter.
“Step one, completed”
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Day 2:
Y/N stared at the bottle of rainwater in her hand as she thought about how she was going to proceed with the next step. “Take a small amount of blood and mix it with the rainwater. The blood could be from anything or anyone besides you. Be careful with whom’s blood you choose, though. As it can also cause a big impact on the desire.” She knew she had to be wise when doing this step. Who’s blood should she mix with the rainwater? With an exasperated groan, she rubbed her temples. She entered the courtroom and went towards her brother, who was in his usual part of the room. She ran towards him with a pout and laced her arms around him, embracing him in a side hug. “Woah there, everything alright Lil sis?” He said as he patted her back. “I don’t know what to do anymore,” Y/N said in a dejected tone, making her brother worried. “What do you mean? Is handling the kingdom too much?” She shook her head no. “It’s not that brother..it’s something else..” Seonghwa nodded. “If you need a break, I got you. Go rest, I can see after the kingdom for a day.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “Really? You would do that!?” He nodded and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Y/N, you’re my little sister. I would do anything for you.” He smiled at her. “Thank you so much, Hwa! You are the best big brother anyone could ask for. Love you!” She kissed his cheek and ran towards the exit of the court. She gestured Wooyoung and Yeonjun to follow her again. They went outside where they saw the charioteer feeding his horse some carrots. “Mingi!” She shouted gaining his attention. “Ah!Y/N!Where is your destination for today?” Y/N thought for a minute. “The market please.” Mingi nodded and opened the carriage’s door. “Hop in!”
When the three were situated comfortably in the carriage, Yeonjun asked the queen. “Why did you choose the market?” Y/N shrugged. “I honestly have no reason. It feels right.”
The carriage stopped in the market area. Settled in were many shops. All selling items of different varieties. As she walked through, many people bowed to show their respect towards her. “Wooyoung, can you please get us and yourself something to eat?” Y/N asked Wooyoung as she handed him a wad of cash. “Of course, anything specific?” Y/N had a mental fight with herself as she decided what to eat. After a couple of seconds, she finally decided a piece of chocolate cake would be nice as she’s eaten nothing sweet in a while. “Get me some churros, please! I heard they got fantastic ones here!” Yeonjun exclaimed with a cute smile plastered on his handsome face. “I’ll take the same. How about you Mingi?” Wooyoung asked, turning his gaze to Mingi. “Some carrots and a cupcake, please!” They all thanked the queen for her benevolence, Wooyoung then left to go to the shops that had the treats. Y/N stood there and glanced around. Her sight was captivated by a man, a man bringing a bag of food for someone who looked homeless. She slowly crept closer to eavesdrop on the conversation. “Thank you so much... you don’t understand how much this would help me..” The man smiled. “Of course! Anytime! If you need anything, stop by me! I will always be happy to offer you some freshly baked pastries!” The man then turned to leave for his shops. Y/N couldn’t help but feel curious. “Yeonjun, I’m going over there to check out those shops. Stay here! I’ll be back!” Before Yeonjun could respond, Y/N left, giving him no say.
Y/N was now in front of a shop called “Sunshine’s Sweets.” She stood outside for a while, contemplating whether she should go in or stay out. She concluded she would go inside. When she opened the door, the noise it made startled the man. He quickly wiped his tears and faced her. “Good day ma’am! What can we-Oh my god!? Your highness! It’s an honor to meet you!” He bowed. Y/N looked at the man with concern. In a soft voice, she asked. “I hope I’m not being invasive, but what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” The man’s face turned pale when she asked him this. He let out a heavy sigh as he sat on his stool. “Well… My business has been going down recently. I barely make any profit these days because I can’t stand to see homeless people suffer, also nobody comes to my shop anymore..” Y/N tilted her head in confusion. “Why? Your treats look pretty tasty.” With a frown, he told her the reason. “People think I’m scamming them because I give the homeless people free food.” Y/N had to stop herself from rolling her eyes with aggravation. People can be so irritating sometimes. “I’m sorry this happened.. smile, but may I ask you something?” She asked, making the man perk up. “Anything!” She took a deep breath before asking, “Do you regret any of this?” He looked at her, confused. “What do you mean.” “I mean giving out the food. Do you regret it?” The man smiled. “If I had to do it again, I would. Seeing the smiles of the people I helped makes me euphoric..” Y/N felt very satisfied with his answer. His blood was pure kindness. “What’s your name?.” “Jeong Yunho.” With a smile, she offered him an opportunity, but with one condition. “Yunho. You are a good person. I am willing to help your business go back to how it was, if not even better. But with one request.” He widened his eyes. “What is it? I’m willing to sell my soul to you if that is it!” She giggled. “Your lucky it’s not. But the request is strange.” Yunho smiled. “Strange is a word I’m not afraid of!”
“Give me a small sample of your blood. As strange as it sounds trust me.”
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Day 3 (last day):
Y/N finally could return to her duties of ruling her kingdom because this is a step she planned to do in the night. She didn’t know whether this decision was going to have an impact or do nothing at all. But she wasn’t taking any chances. She always preferred night over day. Not only does night come with rest, but it also comes with a calm but mysterious atmosphere. After a while of sitting on the throne and making decisions that were best for her and her kingdom, the night finally made its entrance. Before she went to her chambers, she visited her garden. The guards weren’t weirded out by her visiting her garden in the middle of the night because this was a usual occurrence. She loved to see how the moon would glisten against the rose petals. After a couple of minutes of admiring the beauty of the roses, she plucked one. She scrutinized it, but this seemed to be dirty. She placed that one aside, knowing what to do with them, so she didn’t waste the pretty flowers. Again, she plucked another, but this one seemed to be ripped. She sighed and cast it aside. She hoped it won’t take a while to find the perfect rose. After five more roses with a problem such as ripped or dirty, finally, she found the perfect one. The 8th rose had no defects. It was perfect. She squealed in excitement. She picked up the basket of roses and ran towards her room.
When she unlocked her room, she quickly went into action. She took out all the items and set them neatly on the table. As Lucinda said, she took out the candles that she had saved for this very moment and lit them ablaze. After doing so, she shut off all the lights and closed the curtains so the only visible light could be the lights of the candles.
Now it was time.
After creating the mixture, she soaked the necklace inside of it for 8 minutes. The only thing that was on her mind was him. She didn’t know how to envision how he’d look, but she knew what type of person she wanted him to be. When the time was up, she put the necklace on. The moment she clasped the necklace against her neck was when she blacked out.
She was awoken by the glare of the sun rays that shone through her window. She arose quickly to see if the ritual worked. Unfortunately, the only presence in the room was her. She let out a frustrated groan and walked towards her vanity. “Was I so foolish to believe this ritual would be effective?” She said, disappointed at how doltish she was. She was about to cry when a sudden realization hit her. But wait… she could clearly remember she blacked out on the vanity. How is it that someone placed her comfortably on her bed? She knew she locked her doors last night so it couldn’t possibly be a maid or butler. Her hands unconsciously went and clutched onto the heart pendant. A radiant reddish-pink hue was emitted from the pendant. It was truly fascinating. “Is this supposed to light up?” It was a rhetorical question, but she got an answer. “Indeed, it is, mistress.” A husky but gentle voice said from behind her. When she turned around. It was as if time stopped. The man who stood before her was ethereal. She walked up to him to have a closer look at his countenance. His hair resembled the color of her favorite pink roses, his face looked silky smooth as one of those rose petals, his jawline was sharp as the knives in her kitchen, his eyes were big and round, his lips looked smooth and kissable. This man was perfect. The epitome of Perfect. “Who are you?” She questioned as her eyes shamefully scanned his clothed body. He looked very muscular, that’s for sure. “Greetings to you, mistress. The name is Kang Yeosang.” His hands lowered to intertwine with hers. A very visible blush painted her cheeks at his next words.
“Your greatest desire.”
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Burning Star
Chapter 1
Characters: Din Djarin/The Mandalorian / Reader / You
Summary: Din Djarin is a long-time associate and friend. When faced with the truth about the creed he's taken, doubts begin to grow in his mind about his choices. He comes to you, looking for a confidant and he finds more than he bargained for. Begins latter part of S2, porn with plot. A growing romance between two characters that thought of themselves as solitary creatures now wanting to no longer be alone. But with The Mandalorian being who he is, things can never be so simple.
Warnings/Tags: Sexual Content. Dry humping. Confessions of feelings. Hurt/Comfort. Touch Starved. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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You couldn’t recall the exact BBY you’d met The Mandalorian. But then again, you weren’t even sure of your birth year, so dates tended to blend into one another in your memory. You recalled every encounter though, every mission he’d asked you to assist him on, the times you’d healed him and his ship, and especially the time he’d come to your planet for refuge with a strange but endearing little green creature. Your small, backwater planet didn’t have much. But that was one of the main things that had drawn you to it. Your parents were nomads, and you’d adopted the same after their death. So you made yourself a home on a green little planet after years of travel. It homed tiny hubs for weary travelers dotted along with the mountainous surface. But the one they called Mando always came to yours.
You had entertained the idea of becoming a Mandalorian after your parent’s death. They were prospectors, planet-hopping and hoping to make a fortune. On one expedition the Imperials decided the planet you and hundreds of others were on was now theirs for the resources. If you want to call it luck, you did live. You were taken in by an orphanage, one of many overrun with children just like you. You were full of anger and hurt and wanted revenge.
You were caught one night, trying to leave, and a woman fatefully saw you and brought you back in, having the first real heart to heart you’d had in your life. With tears in your eyes, you said you wanted the people who killed your parents, dead. You didn’t see this as unreasonable and you still didn't truthfully. You had read about The Mandalorians and were going to join them you’d told her. You were going to learn to fight and be a warrior and take your revenge. Young and full of rage, this was the only thing that made sense. But this woman, who had been watching you knew better than you did. She saw your softness, that capacity for love and sensitivity, and stopped you.
“Do not let their hate make you hard. It’s what they want. You will act recklessly and in their interests with hate in your heart. The only way to defeat evil is with kindness and love.”
It didn’t make sense at the time and when you were in a heated mood you liked to act like it still didn’t. But she was right.
You had previously spent your days reading and learning, drawing the various landscapes your parents took you too and trying to befriend the local fauna. You were a curious child that grew into a curious adult and you had fought hard to keep that sensitivity the woman told you of. So far, it had served you well.
This didn’t mean you didn’t fight. You had to to survive, but when the opportunity for kindness arose you always gave the other being a chance. But if they betrayed that trust you killed them. It seemed fair when it all came down to it. Philosophically speaking, anyway.
You had settled a store for supplies on a long-abandoned mining planet where a nearly extinct mutated species of Nexu lived in the caves under the planet’s surface. You’d protected them for generations now and they trusted you. But they were deadly to anyone else. There were rumors of the mines not being empty, of treasures left behind because they were too tricky to extract. You knew this wasn’t true. You and your toothy, furry associates had explored every bit of the caves that you could find. But that didn’t stop the desperate from trying. This was unfortunately the root of most of the violence in your life. At least you were protecting others in the meantime.
Maybe that’s what drew your Mandalorian to you. He had taken one way, The Way, and you had taken another. You saw in each other what you could have been. He’d given in to his anger and rage when he was young, and you had learned to see past yours. You had the empathy that came from years of self-reflection and control. You had taken different paths, and you both found what was missing in each other. You had the excitement of helping him on quarry hunts on a handful of occasions and he could hide and mend when needed. It was a balance, much like the force you’d read about, and it fell into place without much effort.
Wasn’t it the way that days that began like any other would lead to things you’d never expected? This day was no different. You had previously been most excited about the stew you’d been brewing for the second day, taking your sweet time with an old recipe you’d found in one of the books one of your neighbors had given you. The term neighbor is used loosely as it would be a day's walk, at the least, to the closest person.
The excitement sparked inside your chest as you went out to greet whoever happened to be landing in the field by your settlement. Then you saw the relic hovering above the broken blades of grass. You hadn’t seen a Razor Crest since his and it was easy to know who was going to come off the ramp when it happened upon your humble patch of the planet. You shield your eyes from the burning sun, close this time of the year as the glint off his Beskar armor sends a shock to your eyes.
It was a relief to see you, he thought. Something familiar, consistent, and warm to come back to after the turbulent journey he’d found himself on with the child.
“Hey, stranger!”You call out loudly, waiting for him to be closer so you didn’t have to shout and scare the foul in the surrounding trees. “I know it’s not repairs bringing you in. Your ship is shining like the Bright Star it’s in such good condition. You been on a vacation or something?”
He knew you were joking, his eyes relaxing under his helmet even though you couldn’t see. “Just got back.” his voice hits your ears, the gritty muffle of mechanical filter making it feel remote. You let him approach you, before reaching to hug him. It was something he’d had to get used to, and something you insisted on. After growing close during your time spent on his ship, the trauma bonding of violence and high stakes forced intimacy between two otherwise solitary creatures. For as long as you spent apart, the time picked up where it started when you came back together. Almost dying is hard work, and saving another from it tends to fasten the bond between people with surprising speed.
You had never shied away from him, he’d never given you a reason to. You approached life with an open heart and only shut it to protect yourself when needed. The contact felt soothing despite his hard outer layers. Both physical and figurative. A wrap of strong arms around his helmet, the weight of someone against him, a slight tug down from the height difference. It all felt very sincere, very human to him. At the moment that’s all he was certain about. The helmet hid the troubled eyes that would’ve given him away, and he found himself thankful for it.
“Always good to see you, Manny.” you give him a good squeeze, a kiss to the helmet that you polish out, cooing up at him with attentiveness. You’d refused to call him Mando any longer after one particularly heinous mission. Calling him something everyone else did, something so generic, didn’t fit. So a pet name it was. He’d never had one before. He secretly preferred it. “This Beskar keeping you safe?” you ask, buffing the spot with your sleeve and then patting his chest plate.
“Yes.” he nods. “Except for all the people trying to kill me for it.” You laugh and pat his hard head.
“Can’t blame them. Stylish... strong... beautiful. Just like you, huh?” you give him a wrinkled nose snort and you hear the grunt of amusement and note the subtle nod.
“What I’m best known for. My looks.”
He spoke with such a monotone delivery that his jokes might’ve not landed to someone more fearful and not as knowledgeable of the Mandalorian's personality under all that flash. “Where’s your little guy?”
No sooner than the words were out of your mouth than a gurgle and chirp from a perfectly him sized sack hanging off his shoulders appeared the little green wrinkly friend. “Always close by. Except when I tell him to be. Then he prefers to wander.”
“This goo ball wouldn’t be bad would you?” he tilts his oversized ears and blinks at his father figure as if he’d brutally insulted him. “Never.” you coo and give him little rubs under his jowls. His eyes shut and he happily soaks up the affection. “C’mon. Let's get inside. I bet you’re hungry.”
“He’s always hungry.” a slightly disgruntled Mando grumbles behind you.
“Sounds like you need to eat too.” you retort, hears his heavy footsteps behind you as you enter the humble building you’d built. It was made from the trees that used to fill the little clearing where the landing pad and accommodations were now. They grew fat and had many low, heavy limbs, perfect for construction. The floor was wooden, the walls a mixture of found metal, clay, and beams, same as the roof which made a lovely sound when it rained and kept the harsh seasons out. Dried flowers and herbs hung from low rafters, all part of the long list of things you did to keep yourself busy. You loved making, and your space reflected that. Despite it not being used by anyone but yourself that often, you kept it clean. Shelves and bins as you entered, a small counter for business off the side, a few small tables and chairs on the other side of the large square space with a small kitchen and refresher through doors on the far wall. It wasn’t much, but you’d made it all and it’d served its purpose thus far.
You sit the child down on a table with a cushion in it, letting his round head reach just over the tabletop. He reaches for the flowers in a bottle while you speak and Mando keeps the child's hand from breaking anything.
“Here you go. Been simmering for two days. Broth, meat, and some herbs and veg from the garden. Doesn’t get better than that little one.” You hand him a tiny spoon you’d carved for his equally tiny hands and he makes a confused sound.
“She made that for you, remember? Be nice, use your manners.” he motions towards it with a nod. You watch the child struggle for a moment before giving up and raise the small bowl.
“That works too.” you grin. “You want some? You could get the broth through that absorption accessory I made you.”
“It was destroyed during a mission recently.”
“Ah.” you nod and purse your lips. “I think I have parts to make another.”
He was used to paying for things being made for him. But you and your hobby of tinkering in a little bit of everything had led to a few things that were one of a kind. You’d made a long device that could fit under his helmet to allow liquids to be consumed without removing his helmet. He thought it was thoughtful but it was purely selfish as you were tired of him not eating your food. Before, you had bartered to eat together in separate rooms so you could get feedback. He wasn’t very good at it. Eating to live was his main purpose of doing it at all, not like you that lived to eat.
“Thank you.” is his quiet reply. There’s an easy silence watching the child burp and gulp and making a mess of himself in the process.
“What brings you in this time? You need me to open up the hut? I’ve still got fuel.”
“I’ll refuel before I leave.” You were used to his pauses, but something felt different, you could feel the consideration for his words churning in the silence. “I came to speak to you about something.”
“I can’t tell if this is good or bad.”
“I’m not sure myself.”
Your brow furrows and you lean across the table to engage him. “In trouble again?”
He is still and quiet for another beat. “I found other Mandalorians.”
Your eyes grow wide, “Oh.” you process the information, your surprise clear on your face, you had never been good at keeping control of your expressions. “Is that... not good?”
“We found a common ground and helped each other. But I feel as if I have more questions than I did before. I was so certain before of my standing within the Mandalore creed. I was raised by it, swore to it. And now...”
“What happened Manny?” you reach across and put your hand over his, the child coos at the action. The child could feel emotions, pick up on non-verbal things others couldn’t, and he knew when you were around, his protector was much happier.
“I come from a segment of Mandalorians that broke away from society. They have very different views of The Way. They told me I belonged to a cult of religious zealots.”
“Wow. They didn’t sugar coat that at all did they?” you pat his hand and try to not come off as condescending about it.
“I was not aware of this. This… difference.” you give him a sympathetic smile even though you aren’t sure if he’s looking at your face.
“What do you mean differences?”
“As soon as I met them they removed their helmets.”
“Oh well, yeah that would…” you nod, “That’s a big difference.”
“Have you read about the Children of the Watch? I know you were fond of reading of Mandalore as a child.” he asks with a touch of warmth to his words, as if it made him proud to say it about you.
‘A bit yes. There’s not much about them out there. They’re very strict and secretive. They didn’t want the progressive Mandalorians corrupting what they saw as the true Way. You all believe in being warriors and protecting what’s yours. The helmet thing seems to be the biggest deal.”
“It’s given me… concerning thoughts.”
“Do you mind if I give my opinion on it?”
“That’s what I came for.” his words made you feel special, like you mattered. They didn’t have the tainted burn of someone that wanted to use you or what you for their gain. He came to you to talk. You were flattered.
You turn your body to face his direction, both hands on top of his large, still armored one that he stared at for a moment while you spoke. Watching your hand's flowery movements to accompany your points broke his concentration on them. “I believe this equates to my discovery that I’m not human.”
His attention is grabbed, head swinging up and the child taking notice.
“I am mostly, but I have Cathar in my bloodline....”
It made sense, he thought, he pieced things together, your angled golden eyes, the large swell of hair you styled in various ways, sometimes wild and free and sometimes braided for more function when fighting. Your nails were long and sharp, your teeth a bit pointed as well, he’d never noticed if you could retract them, he thought you’d styled them in that way. Most importantly he could see the strength your ancestors had instilled in you. Even now. You were fierce, proud, loyal, and passionate. It explained your quick temper for those who harmed others for their selfish benefit. If someone had only glanced at you, human would be the general assumption. But if someone took the time to know you as he had, it was easy to believe there was something else in your blood.
“I grew up with what I assumed were humans, but I’ll never know that now. I could’ve been a foundling for all I know. So I had this loyalty to them, what I thought was a bond, a call to be a part of that. But once I came of age and... things started to appear a bit more complicated I went to someone to see what was wrong with me. Turns out nothing, I’m just not human.” you chuckle and shrug, recalling your awkward memories. “I was then left with the questioning of where my loyalty lies. Who was I? Was I Cathar enough to call myself that? Was I human enough to remain within that species, to live and love and fight with them? I was missing such a large portion of who I was, in my blood, I was someone I’d never known. I had so many things I might’ve missed out on you know? Hunting, hierarchies, mating, having family, a pride. We were known for litters, did I have siblings?” you sigh and you feel the sadness well up as it always did when you ponder the unknowns of your existence. “I digress… what I have concluded, and you may take into consideration is that you are in fact, both. Neither is more or less important. They are born of the same thing, they were once one single unit and all future and past components of Manda. You have your war gods, so do they. You have your morals, your duties, your... Way. Even if you were not a Child of the Watch, if you broke those creeds they specified, you are still a Mandalorian. You are not what you speak after all, you are your actions. Both sects believe neither to be a part of the other, but yet they helped you? You help your fellow Mandalorian. It is only a title, The Way is beyond titles, Manny, you know this.”
“I did not know that about you.” was his response.
“There’s far more we don’t know about our fellow man than we do know.” you smile at him and pat his hand. “You are usually quiet and prefer not to discuss frivolous matters. So I don’t bother you with trivia about myself.”
“I don’t believe that you or your beliefs are frivolous.” He pauses a moment, looking at your hand before placing his on top of yours. Both of his now tentatively trying to comfort yours. He didn’t show physical affection, it wasn’t natural to him. You took notice but kept your eyes on the way his hand gently stroked your own as he tried to elaborate the best he could. “You are... very well-read. An… admirable warrior of high morals. Your ideas have helped me with this. I still have concerns...questions. But for the first time since I learned this I feel… better understood.” You could almost feel the pain of him pulling those words out himself to give to another. This wasn’t his strong suit and you knew it. Was it some of the most endearing conversation you’d ever shared? Yes. Did it make your chest ache just slightly with the sweetness he was presenting even though his eyes were hidden? Also yes. He must be hurting, truly upset, and overwhelmed to try to share the burden of it with someone else.
You look back up to him and hold his hands tightly. “You’re very welcome.” you share a connected moment, eyes to the dark void of his visor as your hands move softly and slowly within the others’. “Would you prefer to continue talking about it? Or would you rather us take one of our walks? I think a break might help clear your head.”
“I think you're right .”
You took the opportunity to carry about the child, stopping to let him feel leaves and touch branches, pinching tiny bites of native fruit for him to experience. It was lovely, the scenery and the company. You kept the conversation light, talking about the books you'd read, the things you’d made, how the local Nexu’s were doing, and what the former guests had been up to. He’d met many of the foundlings that had eventually found their way to you. They had been in the same orphanage as you had. He’d scared most of them, and you couldn’t blame them, but he had always asked how they were when you spoke regardless. The child to him was the first foundling he’d taken in, lived with, cared for, and protected. You had helped with the younger children at the orphanage as you grew up and had taken in a handful over the years. And as children did, they would leave once they felt they were ready or the itch to be free came. You were concerned about how your Mando would take losing his little guy. You could tell they had a strong connection. You walked back both holding one of the outstretched arms of the very slow child, you could see how it was easy to be swept up by the little creature.
You had him care for the child, readying him for bed and getting what was needed out of his ship before locking it down and coming into the small clay and brick temporary home next to yours. It was modest, like yours, built from the clay in the hills you’d gathered yourself and decorated with various stones and tile. It was more than enough compared to what he was used to. A small room for the child to sleep, tucked away safe and cozy and you once again held the father figure and wished him a goodnight up against the cool metal of his helmet. He thanks you for your help, as he always does.
You tell him not to mention it, he’d do the same for you, as you always did. The parting goodbyes were always rather special and tender to you. He would tell you he hoped you found yourself in the favor of the maker, to be safe, vigilant, and that he would see you again. He’d always kept his promise.
Going without sleep wasn’t something new for him. So sitting in the light of one of the four moons in the sky wasn’t exactly unexpected when you saw it from the dark interior of your home. He knew you were there. He had detected the movement in the building with his helmet without even looking in your direction. He sat on the stone stoop outside, helmet slowly shifting between looking down to the dirt path in front of him and up into the bright sky. It was the only glint off him from the moonlight, he was without his usual covering of Beskar armor on the rest of his body. He was in his black fabric shirt and pants, odd to see him without the visual breaks the shapes of his armor made. He still had his boots and his helmet on. You had yet to see him without them. You put on a robe to cover yourself in your summer-light sleeping shift and decided to see if you can be of any help.
He couldn’t decide if he was relieved or more anxious at the sight of you. He felt naked suddenly, despite all of his body being covered except his hands. He became hyper-aware of the small patch of skin around his neck that was uncovered, the wind tickling and reminding him he was in his most exposed state around someone in decades. You looked soft as you take slow steps towards him across the grassy garden between the buildings. It wasn’t just your loose hair, the free, flowing fabric showing skin he didn’t recall seeing before. The glow of the moon lent him to think he could see the energy around you as you approached and it bounced off your skin. But unlike The Way he was taught, he didn’t think less of you for appearing delicate. He knew better, but it seemed to help make him feel more at ease in his state of what he would call undress.
“Hey Manny.” your voice was considerate like a mother's and full of affection he didn’t feel he deserved. “Would you like some company?” you ask, tilting your head and holding out a small cup of cold liquid down to him. “Brought tea.” you mumble before moving to stand near him, the edges of your robes reaching out to caress the shaft of his boot on occasion.
With his head low, shielding his chin from your view he takes a sip. At this point in his inner monologue, he didn’t have it in him to ask you to turn away while he drank, hiding in the shadows was good enough.
“Put the kid to bed but you forgot to put yourself down too?” you give him a sleepy smile. You hear a long exhale from the filter in his helmet. “Still too much going on in your head to sleep, huh?” you say with a nod, already knowing. You sit your cup on the corner of the small stone landing in front of the door. You kneel before him, settling in and studying him dutifully. You’d never seen him look so vulnerable before, and you were mixed on your decision about how to approach him.
“Yeah. Still too much.”
“I’m all ears if you want to spill.” you offer with upward palms.
“I don’t want to keep you up. You should go back to bed. You were resting before you saw me.”
“And now I won’t be able to go back to sleep until I know you’re okay.”
A small grunt of acceptance comes from the helmet. “I feel angry and it confuses me. I shouldn’t be angry. I’ve made my decisions. Most a long time ago. But I am. I’m trying to practice humility, acceptance. But there’s only anger and this feeling of being betrayed.”
“That sounds normal to me.” you nod in support, thankful he was finally sharing with you what was going on in his mind. You’d had glances inside before, stories he’d told, where his morals lie, but this felt different. “They did help you. Maybe it’s good to focus on that?”
“I’m not angry at them.”
Your brow shows your confusion.
“I’m angry at the Children of the Watch.”
That was different. You understood him being angry at those that called him a zealot and dismissed his beliefs. Despite them being so similar.
“No matter how small of a part of my creed may have been a lie. It was still a lie. Now I wonder what else was a lie. None of it? All of it? I’ve given my life to this.”
“It’s not... simple.” you offer gently, eyes to the ground, not wanting to antagonize him.
“No. It’s not.” you let him think, studying his bare hands. It gave you plenty to do in the downtime. You’d seen bits of him before when healing him, but you couldn’t recall if you’d seen his hands. The warm brown skin was marked with light and dark scars alike from the years of abuse his body had taken. They were bigger than yours, more square and sturdy in comparison. “The things I’ve sacrificed for a lie.” it was almost a hiss, and you feel the burn of it in your chest for him.
“I know it’s not my apology to give,” you say quietly, rising on your knees to touch his forearms, suddenly aware of the softness and warmth underneath your hands as you touched him. There were no bracers to block you or worry about activating, there was just a man under there after all. “But I am sorry about how much this is upsetting you.”
“You are never a source of upset, Jaira.” Your name came off his lips like a whisper. He had so seldom used it. He wanted to reach out and touch your hands, but the thought of skin against his made him more agitated in multiple ways, both good and bad. Your expressive face told him you had known this but thanked him for the kind words all the same.
“Nor you to me, Manny.” you said his name in the same tender way, making it feel almost vulgar as you rest so close together.
He looks away, you can see the gears shifting from his subtle body language. “I believe it’s long overdue… in the interest of exploring the things I’ve sacrificed... you’ve earned my real name.” Your eyes go large, a quick jerk upward as he moves, bravely so, to place his hand over yours. His skin felt as hot as the sun. “My name is Din. Din Djarin.”
“Din.” you say with an unintentionally sickeningly sweet sigh of revelation. You give a smile that grows larger slowly, feeling it reach up into your eyes. “Din. That’s such a… gentle name. I like it.” you insist with a nudge forward of your chin.
“Yours reminds me of a phrase we have in Mandoa.” he looks down, now preoccupied with his decision to touch your hand. It was so giving, warm, and feeling distinctly feminine when paired with his.
“What’s that?”
“I think it would translate best to luck… destiny. Bright stars that light the good course to take.”
Your eyes went wide like a forest animal. You couldn’t help it, it was one of the sweetest sentiments anyone had ever given you. “Say it for me, Din.”
He felt his chest jerk at the word. He wasn’t used to being affected by them. Certainly not his name. “Jate’kara.”
“I’ve not been able to find much about your language. Would you be willing to teach me someday?”
“Of course.” he sounded borderline offended at your statement.
“Did I say something wrong?” you ask with a tilt of your head.
“No, no.” he shakes his head. “You don’t have to ask things of me like they’re favors.” he clarifies. “Whatever you need of me...I’ll do it.”
It sent a flip to your insides. This felt like a lot of responsibility. You could just... request things from this myth-worthy Mandalorian? It was an odd power rush you weren’t truly capable of dealing with in this rather intimate setting. You were close, almost between his knees, hands clasped together and speaking quietly into the warm night air. The condensation ran cool on your skin, the wind leaving bumps over your skin in its wake. The buzz of animals and insects was loud but faded when you were so close and so deep in conversation. If he said you could ask anything of him. Then perhaps you would. Why sit on the intensity of the moment? Strike.
“What is it that is bothering you? You feel... different. Not angry. I’ve seen you angry this is more subtle more...deep. I feel like you’re holding back. What is it that's making you so angry? You are so logical and reasonable in your approach to things. What is it that's so distressing you can't sleep?”
He takes a deep breath. He hasn’t wanted to say and be thought of as simple or even crude. But you'd asked and he was left with no excuse. “There are things that men want...even need that arent considered with The Way. I am a Mandalorian. But I am also a man. I've given so much of myself to being Mandalorian that I've had to deny myself things that are a part of that human side of me.”
“And with learning of the lies, you’re angry because you feel like you've been suffering for no reason.”
“Yes.” a stern answer and a strong nod to accompany it.
You almost lost your nerve, but with the way his thumb kept sweeping across your skin and the voltage it felt like it created with every touch you would’ve cursed yourself if you didn’t ask. “What have you sacrificed unwillingly, Din?”
Your eyes gave you away if your tone hadn’t. His helmet doesn’t move, he is as still as stone, gray, and shining like a polished river rock as he bores into you. “That is a bold question.”
“You have given me bold answers. I return the earnestness with the things I want to know.”
“You want to know these things?”
“I want to know you.” a direct answer and a slight leaning forward to keep him close as if he might run away in fear. Which was the most ridiculous imagery you could imagine. “I always have. I’ve been witness to your good and the bad actions. I’d like to be a bearer of your thoughts tool. I can’t help but want to understand what makes you, you. Of all the creatures and people I’ve met, you are the only one to hold my attention so completely both with and without his presence.”
Your words made for the most interesting combination of occurrences in his chest and stomach. It was fire and ice, a pull to the man in him, and a calling of praise for the life he led. His cheeks burned, a rare occurrence. It had all been a fantasy before now. But you with your fond words and their heated meanings were making them feel more real by the second.
“You do know how to appeal to both sides of me that I’m talking about.” he pauses and observes your face a moment, and no sign of retreat is within your eyes. “There's been no place for the… physical intimacy that men can crave. I am not one to pay, and I don't have the time to put into such efforts that I believe are needed for such… intimate things. They’re as sacred as an oath. I might've not acted that way when I was young. But clarity is gained with experience.”
“I share the sentiment.” a touch of sadness he understood well was in your eyes and it made his chest ache. A being like you shouldn’t know these feelings. A flash of anger lit within him for the injustice in a universe where a woman like you would ever feel lonely in such a way.
“You’ve taken no oath to hold you back from such things.”
“But I have not had the time, place, or person to swear such sacred oaths.” you give a subdued laugh, throwing his words back at him. “Or… at least I didn’t think I did… because I wasn’t sure if they could.” you look away and he sees it. You meant him.
“They can,” he answers, a deep fearless voice emanates from the helmet that holds your entire body at attention. “There are… obstacles to overcome. But they can.”
With a rush of confidence, you move closer, your chest against his legs and your hands on his knees. “Do you know of any obstacle I have yet to overcome?” a smirk that catches him off guard appears, a playfulness to your eyes bright and doting on him makes him catch the fever you were trying to spread.
“No.” a breathy answer through Beskar.
“Then let me help.” you offer. “I have grown so fond of you over these years. I wasn’t convinced you felt the same.”
“I do.”
“We can approach this issue together and… overcome it the same. As we have before.”
“As we will again.” He recites part of the toast you liked to give before leaving on missions. He remembered it. He did care.
“What obstacles are there? You know you have my silence with such things.”
Where did he even begin? He didn’t feel prepared and ironically he was unprepared for such actions to take place and feelings to be felt. “I know. I trust you.” There was nothing but the truth in his words and you reach to put your hand to the side of his helmet as if it were his cheek. You had always accepted this part of him, treating the helmet as if it WAS him and not an external thing. Which is how he thought of it most of the time. There was never a wish for him to remove it or invasive questions. You were knowledgeable about the Mandalorians and knew their armor was sacred to them, and you assumed as such about this man and his helmet. He places his hand over yours, the warmth between them registering on his helmet display and building condensation on its surface. “Let’s go inside.” he instructs, taking your hands, a flush of warmth through his bones at the touch of another.
“Is the child-?”
“Fast asleep.” he quickly answers, leading you to the small bedroom in the earthen home.
He stands at the long side of the bed for a moment, hand in yours and trying to get his bearings, it had been so long since he’d done anything like this. You saw his head moving and taking in the room and then you and back again, you could sense the uncertainty. “Din, relax.” a warm smile comes across your face, taking the lead, and that was fine with you. You almost coo his name, your hands moving to his upper arms to rub them reassuringly.
“Hard when it’s been so long.” he regrets it as he says it, thinking it might sound a bit pathetic.
“Believe me it’s been a very long time for me too.” you console him, standing chest to chest to start. You follow the hills and valleys of his arms, strong and lean under the pliant fabric to his bare hands, lacing your fingers together, feeling him hide the twitches and jerks from the sensation of touch. “Sit down on the bed. Let me get close to you.” he sits down, sat up far too straight. “Put the bend of your knees against the bed... there we go.” he feels your hands on his thighs and an audible gulp hits your ears that you ignore. “You know I’m not going to judge you. I want this… I want you too.” He feels you close the space between you, your legs sliding between his naturally wide splayed ones. “Now tell me what obstacles did you mean before? Talk to me and let me know what you need.” your hands trace the dark lines on his helmet and a shiver runs down his back.
You were being far better about this than he warranted. It made him want you more, a hunger in his lower stomach slowly growing past his anxiety. “Helmet stays on.” was his first thought, spoken almost too quickly.
“Of course.” you keep your voice quiet and soothing, hands making their trek up and down his arms, waiting to feel them lose their tension. “Do you have to leave everything else on?” you coax him with a squeeze to his biceps, putting one leg up, now visible from beneath your robe over his.
You can’t see it but you get an actual grin out of him. “No.” a more confident response, feeling more relaxed with your unintentional playful humor. You see him look down to see the bare skin, the touchless friction between your bodies growing hotter by the second.“But let’s not get carried away.”
You hear the laugh this time, he sees your expression shift, a triumphant smile for getting him out of his own head. “I know I can be sensitive when I’ve not... been touched in a long time.”
“Yeah?” he liked the sounds of you talking about it a little too much. He wanted to hear anything you’d tell him about your body.
“Yeah.” your breath catches, “Are you?”
He nods, he didn’t have the confidence in this area yet to own what he saw as shortcomings.
“I want to sit in your lap. Can I?” You wanted to take it slow. The last thing you wanted was to scare him off. There is a fine line between indulgence and going too far when it came to dealing with a man like him.
“Yes.” another quick nod, and you are happy to give in, your hips settle well on his strong thighs, feeling secure. To him, it felt it took forever and didn’t last long enough. The drag of your bare skin against his thin clothes was a lot. The weight of what felt like a lifetime of neglect to himself and his needs weighs as heavy on him as you do. He had known touch only through violence for decades now, the tenderness you were offering him willingly was almost overwhelming. He was taught the ways of war and violence since he was young. The ways of more fragile things; of love and intimacy he’d had to learn on his own.
“I’ll go slow.” Slow was the opposite of how your hearts were beating. Your fingers wanted to touch that strip of skin unveiled around his shirt collar, but you only stared at it for the moment. His head pauses just above your chest, your arms resting on his shoulders, fingers light on the edge of his helmet and hungry to move farther down.
“Thank you.” a simple but honest answer.
You’d been close before, seen large spaces of bare skin and carried one another, slept shoved into a single space too small for you both but it had never felt like this. Everywhere your bodies met was warm and giving, both now very aware of the gap between both your hips in this position. You took the time to study him up close, the metal of his helmet was unbelievably smooth as your fingers traced invisible lines and doted on the hard surface separating you from him. Did you want his helmet off? Yes. You wanted to know, to be the only one to know, to touch and feel and savor every inch of him. The more you thought about it, the closer you got to him, the harder it was to recall a time you didn’t think of him this way. Repressing your wants and needs was something you were both personally familiar with.
“It doesn’t bother you when I touch your helmet like this does it?”
“N-no. I like it.” his face a melted mess under the guard. He watched you so close, your bright eyes glowing with the light the moon beaming down. He couldn’t feel it, but he knew everywhere you touched, spots lighting up red with heat, pulsing where more pressure was applied. It was a good introduction to being touched again. You push forward, a single kiss to where you believed his cheek to be. When you pulled away, he answered before you could ask. “Go on.” a heated hiss through the filter deep and dark and heavy as it hit your ears. You place another to the other side, tilting his head you give him another to his forehead. His eyes would close when you were near, a happy sigh, a weighted exhale is let out, feeling his shoulders slumping with each dot of affection. You hold his metal cheeks, a faint kiss to the tinted part of his visor. You press your forehead against his, barely a measurement worth noting separating you as he gives in to your touch, wanting to fall into you, to give you back what you were giving him.
You move your hands slowly, giving him time to register and adapt before moving on, your arms wrap around his helmet, holding him close before leaving a trail of smaller kisses behind, bringing his head only slightly down into your chest. Underneath he was a slack-jawed puddle. Your arms made their way down his shoulders to his back, you could even feel the raised skin of scars you’d helped suture, fingertips light along them, exploring new ones. After your flat palms explored his back, finding his breathing steady and deep you tried something new. A drag of your nails against the fabric drew a deep groan from him. “Good?”
“Ung-” a deep enthusiastic grunt escapes the helmet pushed to your collarbone. “Yes.” You continue, you scratch his back and he swears he could cry at the sensation. You didn’t move away or avoid his scars, the patchwork he felt his body looked like. You embraced it, all of him, and it was hitting him harder than he expected it to.
You take a deep breath, another kiss to soothe to the cold metal. “Do you want to...see me? Or- touch me back?”
He hadn’t even thought about it, his brain hadn’t moved past the feel-good moments you were covering him in.
“Yes.” a simple but hungry answer. As you see his helmet tilt downward towards your chest.
“I want you to too.” Your sincere tone struck him, he watched your agile fingers reach for the belt that held your robe in place. It fell silent, blood in your ears as it was your turn to feel the taste of nervousness on your tongue. Your body was something that did things for you, it wasn’t something you often stopped to consider the aesthetic of. The quiet noises that he let escape as you took off the robe left any hesitation behind with it as it laid on the floor abandoned. His hands didn’t move, his chest did noticeably, as yours mirrored, picking up speed as you moved forward. You take one of his hands, thumbs rubbing circles, leaving small kisses on his fingertips as the sounds beneath the Beskar grew louder. The rhythm of his breathing was now audible, helpless sounds you never expected to hear from anything but pain brushed against your ears and touched you in places no one had in ages. You kiss him palm, nose nuzzled into the only slightly trembling fingers. After you felt the skin-to-skin contact was enough to calibrate him, you meet what you felt to be his eyes, taking his hand and placing it over your breast. You were still covered with the thin sleep shift but it was made for breathability in the heat of summer and didn’t leave much to the imagination. You take him by the wrist of the awkwardly avoidant hand and put it on the curve of your hip. “Is this-?”
“Yes.” he rushes out and sees you smile, causing another kiss to be given to his helmet where you were aiming for what would be his mouth. He groaned, feeling your nipple harden against his palm, the other feeling the silky slip of fabric as he let himself give a firm grip to your fleshiest parts.
“Go on, Din,” you whisper into his visor. “Touch me,” you ask of him. A strangled noise breaking through bitten lips is your answer. You place your hand gently on top of his, showing him it was okay, reminding him how to, helping him give in. Your hand forces his to cup the weight of your chest, the exhale of pleasure fogged up his visor as you had your head rested against his. “Like that, yeah.” you wet your lips and his hand begins to move on its own. Soon his hands are kneading at you, a simple brush of thumb over your nipple forces an inhale he drinks up the sound of.
He fondly recalled this now, that static in the air, the shared breaths and the power he felt with a woman in his grip. He relaxes his head against the bend of your neck, mouth open and watering, hidden from view but the sound of his breathing was enough to tell you he was giving over to it now. The tentativeness leaves, his hand pulls your hips closer to him, both inhaling at the feeling of touch against the places your arousal was spreading from. You let out a small whine at the feeling of the seam of his pants, pressed against by his growing erection.
“Fuck.” you hear exhaled into your shoulder and you shudder. “You feel...so good.” his hand grips you firmly, “Like velvet in my hands…” his lips brush against his helmet and he wishes it was your skin. He was famished for touch, for this connection and lust he’d repressed for so long. But here it was, in his hands, in his lap asking him for more. His hands ran up your bare chest, feeling the pulse under your skin and the slick your sweat had created. “You’re as hot as a star under my hands.” he groans.
You audibly swoon at the comment, feeling that distinct masculine roughness of well-worked hands as his palms moved into your hairline. “And you’re as hard as Beskar under me.” You move your hips, a grind against his, and a fully formed moan escapes, neck going limp and the heaviness of the helmet resting on your shoulder now. You whine, the friction feeling even more delicious against your glossy wet center. He encourages you wordlessly, a hand on your ass to keep a slow rhythm, a painful drag of your engorged clit against the perfectly fit shaft of his cock. Such a thin piece of material between you, you thought. You reach between your legs, a wet mess on both of you and it’s no surprise. “I’m as wet as Kamino, Din.” you hum and smile, the front of his helmet against your neck again. You feel the vibration of his groan against your skin. “Look what you’re doing to me,” you whisper, mouth pressed against his helmet where his ear would be. He sees the light hit your fingers as you raise them. “See that?”
“Fuck...yes little star I do.” he groaned heavily, his chest heaving a bit. You get bolder, your hand moving from your lips to the painfully hard throb in his pants. Another long groan, a jerk of his hips as you palm him, a back and forth against the pressure, feeling him jump against the confines. “Unf - I - I won’t- “ his hips jerk and his hand moved faster than you can register to your wrist. A firm hold that makes you moan and stop. There was that strength you had wanted to be obedient to. “That might be a bit… much for me.” He stopped you out of fear of not being able to stop. He didn’t want to scare you, unleash something he wasn’t ready for or couldn’t control. It was a concern he’d cum too soon and embarrass himself, this wasn’t something he could just jump back into and impress anyone.
He was thankful you weren’t disappointed, “Do you want me to make you cum, Din?” Every time you said his name with such lust in your voice it made him moan. But he didn’t feel the least bit weak for it.
“I wanted us both to...enjoy this.”
“If you think I’m not enjoying myself you’re welcome to put that hand between my legs and find the contrary.” Another moan that makes him slump comes heavily from him. “If you do want to...enjoy this…” you let out a small breathy laugh he raises his head to. “I can arrange that.” you offer, your nose gliding affectionately against the center indent of his helmet. “Relax and enjoy this with me, Din.” you give him a reassuring smile, lining your hips up again. You grind back and forth, his hands finding their place on your body quickly. You straighten your back to give him a view of you, and you finally let your fingers dive under the neck of his shirt, feeling the slightest glimpse of hair at the base of his neck, your fingers go as far into his helmet as they can. You start that back and forth against him, over and over, lazy growing more urgent as each time he gives a harsh drag across your clit, the stimulation you needed. “I’ve thought about you like this, you know.”
A small “Ungff.” was the only response he could manage.
“Wanted my hands to feel your skin, just for pleasure. Wanted to know how you’d feel... thick and throbbing beneath me like this.”
With a deep grunt, his hand holds your hip sternly, the other moving to the back of your head, pressing your forehead to his. “Yes-keep talking like that, fuck.” The demand was thick in his voice, his hands no longer gentle, giving away the need they were trying to find an outlet for.
“You’ve turned me into something I’m not for anyone else. Some needy young girl, hungry for a taste of flash and flesh with a man.”
“You’re so, fuck you’re so soft.” he moans, helmet pushing back against you like a bull, and you were happy to ride. "Your so good at that."
You let it build, focusing on the feeling between your legs, you let your breathing take over, every grind a release of sound, and a step climbed together towards your peak. “I knew you would be impressive. You had to be. Look at you.” You pant and you feel his fingers sink into your hair, a fistful slowly tightening as you held onto his back and head, leveraging and letting your hips do all the work. “No man’s ever made me such a greedy woman with only his hands before Din. No one. Only you.” The filter slips and your mouth falls open, breath fast from exertion, both sets of hands now with a white-knuckled grip against each other's bodies.
It was hot and fast and what you needed to satiate your needs. His hands and sounds told you everything you need to know for now. He wanted you, needed you, craved you. He was giving you the power to make him weak, a rush to your head that wasn’t just your impending orgasm.
“Fuck Din I’m close.” you admit, your mouth open and panting, tongue shamelessly lapping at his helmet, your lips kissing him as if he could kiss back. Once again, he returned the kisses with his hands, switching grip one went to your back, the other back to your breasts bouncing out of their thin confines.
“Fucking do it.” he bites out through gritted teeth, fingers tugging your top down to expose you and give your nipple a pinch.
“Mmmph!” a slight whine but a plea for more. “Yes fuck I love that Din, harder.” your words rush out and he eagerly follows.
“Cum for me. Cum on me. Please.” he growls, and it ignites something in you. Something primal. “C’mon little star, fuckin burn for me.” he commands, a barked order, caught up in it all, the heat, the friction, and the haze of lust around you both he cums. Unexpectedly but it didn’t matter at this point. With that solid thrust against you, a hand gripped into the flesh between your shoulder blades, the masculine energy you’d craved washes over you in the grunts and expletives that leak from the helmet.
“Yes, fucking cum Din. Give it to me.” you moan shamelessly, head falling back. A yip of “Yes.” building from whines to full roars overcomes you as you do as he asks and explode into a white bright hot light that consumes you. You try to keep the pace, the contact but your body stutters and begins to shake. The now warm metal of his helmet presses between your bouncing tits as your head tilts back and he holds you up with both hands, you never felt fear of falling when his hands were on you. At least not falling into the floor.
It was as if his mind cleared, and he was left soaking in this gleaming woman cumming hard in his arms. He held you up, seeing your chest heave, the pink flushing your skin, how much desire he felt in his growled name as you gnashed your teeth and came on him.
Fuck he felt good.
He got to scoop you up, a trembling and panting shadow of the primal goddess you’d just been, arms wrapping around your waist, one hand moving to see your face as it fought to regain its bearings.
"You glow like a star when you're like this." He isn't sure if he's overstepped, he doesn't know if the shine in your eyes is from the recent orgasm or his words. “Fuck you are… beautiful. You know that?” your mass of hair falls forward as you look down at him, chest still finding its normal pace.
Your eyes blink, a flutter of disbelief and, if he read you correctly, a slice of fear for only a second. “Beautiful?” you ask, feeling a bit bewildered.
His hand stops its gentle stroking against your hair and face. “You act like you’ve never been called that before.” You can feel the subtle laugh in his chest when he says it.
When your face remains still for a moment, eyes bright and full of memories he wishes he could access you reply almost sheepishly, “I've not.”
With the simple, quiet answer he was given more information about you than you knew you'd given up. You'd never let anyone in like this before. No one had ever held you and told you the things you longed to hear from another you cared for. You were like him after all.
With a light hand, you rest against his helmet again, stroking it as if it were his hair. "It means more coming from you than it would anyone else."
Now you've taken his words from him. You managed to make him feel special. Something he had denied his entire life. Something he wasn't sure he even believed anyone could be. In the same sentiment as your confession, he was glad it was you that was changing his changing his mind about such things. Learning the truth about the Children of the Watch, and the questions it brought up about his life was the first in a wave of realizations he'd face. Perhaps it was time to reevaluate how he lived his life if it meant missing out on things like you.
I tagged those who wanted in my Javi fic and interacted with my posts about making this fic. If you want to be added or removed just let me know.
@jaegeeeeer​ @likedovesinthewnd​ @inkededucatednnerdy​  @biharryjames @ladamari68​ @past-romantic​ @weliketomoveit @shikin83​ @ookamikuro​ @anglovesthis​ @swol-bear @louist91syndrome​ @guiltylitpleasures​ @nfnoofiii​ @hellothefriend​ @beatha-dubhach @l-e-i-n-t-h​ @firehart9​ ​
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