#as someone who loves drugs and other vices
mooifyourecows · 10 months
idk what teenager needs to hear this but for the love of God do not vape
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mayflysdie · 3 months
No more. -Ghost FanFic
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Story: Simon's wife is kidnapped and tortured, leaving him and 141 to find her. Hopefully before it's too late.
Trigger warnings: Foul language, torture, violence, body fluids, drugs, knives, choking, restraints, dark themes not suited for minors, mentions of pregnancy, bodily harm, a battle with personalities. (tell me if I messed any)
A/N: Haven't edited this yet so excuse the mistakes. I'm also not sure if I'll make a part 2.
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When i entered the apartment, something immediately felt off. Like someone made the air thick, and the rooms eerily silent. 
I set my bag down softly, retrieving the combat knife that Simon had given me years ago. My eyes sweep over every shadowy nook and cranny of the apartment, searching for any signs of danger. I'm usually in the habit of leaving the kitchen light on, but it's off tonight - one of the first things I notice upon entering. My phone begins to vibrate in my hand, thankfully I must have forgotten to turn off the silent mode from my earlier meeting. Without looking at the caller ID, I answer it, bringing it up to my ear. 
" Where are you?" Simon's voice is on edge, and it sounds like he's panting. There’s other male voices in the background, it sounds like Price is yelling. 
“Home” I whisper so quietly i’m not sure he could hear me. Or maybe the heartbeat in my ears made it seem that way. 
As I close my eyes for what feels like a mere second, a sudden jolt startles me. The phone is violently knocked out of my trembling hand and a cloth is swiftly placed over my mouth, the stench of chemicals immediately assaulting my senses. My nose and eyes burn with an intensity that is almost unbearable. Fight, do something.
In a moment of panicked instinct, I swing the nearby knife towards the man who had seemingly appeared from the depths of the kitchen, barely managing to nick him in the neck before he grabs hold of my wrist with a vice-like grip. With a sickening crunch, my bones are twisted until I can no longer hold onto the weapon and drop it to the ground, letting out a muffled scream against the suffocating cloth.
Through the hazy fog clouding my mind, I hear Simon's voice growing increasingly distant as he yells through the phone, his words barely registering in my fading consciousness. As my eyes slowly drift shut on their own accord, a sense of numbness begins to envelop my limbs. Simon, Simon please.
The man roughly lifts me up, easily overpowering my weakened attempts at resistance, and I can do nothing but succumb to the darkness creeping in as my consciousness slips away.
As my eyes slowly creep open, I become aware of the lingering effects of the drugs coursing through my mind and body. Panic immediately sets in as I realize I am unable to move any part of my body. My heart races as I take in my surroundings - a dark metal room with a pungent odor of iron and decay, like a slaughterhouse filled with rotting carcasses.
I am lying on a cold, hard metal table, shackled down by heavy chains that dig into my skin. 
“it’s an incredible drug, isn’t it?” A deep male voice suddenly echos throughout the room. Coming from the right side of the table, where I can’t turn my head to see them. 
“You can’t move or speak, But… you can feel pain” He chuckles, sounding closer than before. 
Suddenly, something sharp stabs into my arm and I try to cry out in pain, but my body won’t respond. Simon, where are you?
“Mike, turn on the camera would you? It’s time for the show,” he instructed someone else in the room. He grabs my hair roughly and yanks my head to the side, facing him.
Then I notice a tightness around my throat, something cold and hard. is there a chain around my neck? I panic, eyes widening.
the man sees my panic and laughs, tossing his head back as if he’s seeing the best thing in the world. 
“Oh that’s good, I love that expression. I hope Ghost does too” He starts tracing my neck and collar bone with a knife. not yet slicing me, but enough pressure to leave raised, red lines. 
“It’s nothing personal, darling,” his gravelly voice whispers in my ear as he lowers himself closer to me. My body tenses and I want to desperately move away. “But, a life for a life, hm?” He chuckles darkly, his breath hot on my skin. “Unfortunately for you, I plan to make your death slow for him. His precious thing.”
My heart races as he drags the sharp blade down my collar bone, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. A searing pain shoots through my chest as he cuts a deep line between my breasts, and down to my lower abdomen. The knife seems to find its home there, digging deeper with each passing second. I want to scream, to kick and squirm away from the agony, but I am paralyzed.
Simon runs into the apartment, gun drawn though he already knows they left. That they got what they came for. A dark pit forms in his stomach, blind fury almost overwhelming him. 
He bends down to pick up your phone, and just stares at it. if only he could’ve called sooner, then this wouldn’t have happened. 
The vow he made when you married; to always protect you, let no harm befall you. 
it rings in his head nonstop, like a broken record. 
Soap and Price slowly walk through the entrance, Price on the phone with Laswell, who’s trying her best to locate you. 
Simon stands up when Soap places a hand on his shoulder, a grim look on his face. “We’ll find the lass”. But his words go in one ear and out the other. 
Price walks into the living room in a hurry, grabbing the tv remote and turning it on. “Simon” He says, and something in his tone makes Simon, and Soap move with haste to see what’s going on. 
Simon's trembling legs nearly give way beneath him as he stumbles towards the couch, reaching out to grab it for support when he sees your face on the television screen. His heart drops to his stomach as he takes in the sight of you, battered and bloody. The camera zooms out, revealing the full extent of your injuries, and that's when bile rises in Simon's throat, threatening to overflow.
He remembers how he used to run his hands across your perfect skin while lying in bed together, or how he would sneak a hand up your shirt while you were cooking and you would just giggle and swat him away with a spoon. He remembers staring into your eyes, like honey pools reflecting all the love in the world. But now they're red and swollen, almost unrecognizable.
Simon rushes to the nearest bathroom, tearing off the balaclava covering his face. He hunches over the toilet as his stomach lurches and empties itself, leaving him dry heaving and gasping for air.
Images from his past come rushing back at full force - bodies, blank stares, all reminders of the darkness that seems to follow him wherever he goes. But you were supposed to be the one good thing in his life. goddamnit, You were supposed to stay.
As Simon stands up and flushes the toilet, trying to steady himself, something catches his eye on the counter. Something white with a blue cap. His mind turns to static as he reaches for it and sees two very obvious red lines.
He slowly walks out of the bathroom, the pregnancy test held tightly in his hand. 
The television screen is now dark and silent, but Price and Soap still stare at it with blank expressions.
Simon closes his eyes, breathing slowly. calming his racing heart, steadying his mind. 
“Simon?” Price calls out, but he ignores him. 
Simon can’t be here.
He's too fragile for this. Too emotional and vulnerable. A man who let himself love and be loved, only to have his world torn apart.
No, what his wife needs now is a ghost. Someone strong and unfeeling, who won't hesitate to do what needs to be done. They took his beloved wife, his reason for living.
And now, he has a child on the way. She’s carrying his child and they’re harming her, hurting his wife and child. 
Not my family, not again.
This world will burn before something happens to them.
Finally, he opens his eyes, and Price is standing closer than before, his gaze fixed on the pregnancy test in Ghost's hand. His face has gone pale with realization.
Simon isn’t fucking here. 
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
holy- THE MAX WEED FIC MIGHT BE THE HOTTEST F1 PIECE IVE READ SO FAR OML PLEASE MORE DRUNK FILTHY SEX WITH MAX I BEG YOU!! or hear me out his rival (who already is into max but refuses to admit it) accidentally takes an aphrodisiac and she’s forced to beg and grind on max for his help!! size kink please with those huge thighs and hands of his ❤️❤️
oh my god thank you!!! i wasn't too sure how people would like intoxicated fics! i know that most write it with liquor, but if you've had sex while stoned, it's a nicer feeling. anyway, i'm really fucking with this idea so! i hope you enjoy!
and for those out there on the internet, send me your ideas! i love ideas to be shared and written!!!! send me your smutty ideas! i want em!!!
max verstappen
cw: smut/pwp, rivals au, aphrodisiacs, begging/whining, size kink, praise kink, non-penetrative sex, driver!reader, recreational drug use (weed), enthusiastic consent, thigh riding, clothed sex, max being a good rival/lover
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"i think i should cutting these up for you, schat." he said as he cut the bag open for you. nothing too spectacular on, just four pieces of chocolate, "so this was their response to not having weed." he picked up a piece and eyed it in the light of the kitchen.
most drivers had their vices, many indulged in the bitter nectar of alcohol. others enjoyed the private company of certain individuals, which left heavy stacks of money on nightstands and tucked into bank accounts. a small portion got their kicks from substances that went harder.
you remembered having to sit in a meeting with max when you first started in formula one about the dangers of illicit drugs. as if most of the retired drivers didn't have their brains re-altered by the likes of cocaine.
but this wasn't canada, or certain parts of the united states or even amsterdam. you couldn't just freely by your fix, weed, so you had to get creative. but someone with as much money as you, with that much influence in a city like monte carlo allowed you to get what you needed.
it may not be marijuana on paper, but it would do the trick on a saturday night during summer break.
"you don't think i can handle it?' you asked as you rested your chin against your hand with your elbow on the counter. you sighed, "you think so poorly of me, verstappen?"
he sighed, "no, i just don't want you passed out on my couch. the point is to have fun, not get wasted." he said but before he could grab a knife to cut it half for you, you had taken a piece of it and ate it down. max looked at you and put the knife back in the drawer, "you know, fine. fine, fine, fine. let's see how this goes, schat."
it was almost a dare and made you sit up a little more, you made a face at him, "what? i'm a big girl, i can handle a little drugs."
he drummed his fingers against the counter top and stuck out his bottom lip as he made a face back at you. his other hand was on his hip as he said, "like you could handle all that vodka in austria in twenty-nineteen. or when you out smoked me that weekend in amsterdam and i had to stay in your hotel room because you were going to cry if i left."
"ya know, verstappen. i don't like how i'm being spoken to."
he sighed, he went around the counter and kissed you on the cheek, "grab your bottle of water, you're going to need it." max knew, underneath it all, you carried a soft spot for him. he did for you as well, but he was a little more open about it. you had protected your soft underbelly when it came to him, while he held his arms open for you.
the feelings didn't start until an hour after you took it.
there was some movie on, but you weren't paying much attention. you were cuddled up against him. his arm was around your shoulders and kept you closed to him. you could feel the tingle in your feet and up your legs.
you made a small moaning noise with your nose in the side of his neck, right up against his hair. your hand was spread across the broadness of his chest.
your clenched onto his shirt and shakily exhaled as it start to really hit. everything felt gooey in your brain as you rubbed up against him. usually when you took part in illicit fun, you just got hungry or sleepy. but not this, something swirled in your gut.
"max." you said out of breath.
he pulled you closer to him and looked at you, "yes, schat? aw, was it all too much for you?" he cupped the back of your head and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
you whined against the kiss as you felt the heat run through your body. you felt hot all over, your knew your face must feel so hot. when you pulled away, you swallowed, "i'm.. i'm really turned on."
he chuckled, oh this was perfect. he rubbed the back of your head, those blue eyes enchanted you. this guy really was going tire-to-tire with you almost every weekend. that excited you.
you've thought about the sight of him in that driving suit, the stupid kits red bull puts him in. even now in a white t-shirt, and sweatpants after a nice dinner, you thought about what was under there.
he chuckled then reached over to grab your metal water bottle. he opened it for you and gave you some. you drank it down heavily before he laughed once more. he put the bottle down and asked, "how are you feeling?"
"hot all over." you said, "i need you to fuck me."
he said, "i don't think i can. you're too high." he tucked hair behind your ear, but his eyes went wide as you got on either side of his thick thigh. he looked up at you and said, "schat, i need your word. are you okay to do this?"
you nodded as you gripped onto his shoulders, "yeah, yeah. i'll do all the work. nothing serious." even through the layers of clothes, you felt the stimulation across your clit. you could feel the blood rush in your ears.
your dug your nails into the meat of his shoulders, through the t-shirt he wore. you shakily exhaled, "i can see why everyone obsesses over your thighs." you then grabbed his hand and pressed your palm against his, "i didn't realize how big your hands were either." you giggled, "they're like bear paws." then pressed his hand against your heated cheek.
"they're not that big."
you nodded as you moved against him, your clothed cunt felt stimulated by the movements you made. plus his hands on you made you more turned on. your eyes fluttered shut for a moment, "they so are, they're like big paws. big bear paws." you giggled as you squirmed against him.
max looked away from you for a moment and sighed deeply to compose himself. in all fairness he wanted to sink his teeth into you. he wanted to fold you in half and fuck you until no words could leave your mouth. but he couldn't not while you were like this, even when he said yes. he wanted to make sure that you were sober when he did that.
"why can't you fuck me, max? i've been such a good girl! i almost beat you in belgium, that should make you fuck me." you whined, you stuck out your bottom lip with your hips still grinding against his thigh.
he cupped your behind and kept his nose against your, he sighed, "i'd love to, beautiful." he said, "but, you're not in the right mindset. i know we're rivals. but, i could never hurt you." it was the god's honest truth.
"no fair!" you whined.
"if you need to get off again after this, you can feel free to... pleasure yourself." he said, the words got caught in his throat. he could feel the blush up to his ears at the sight of you grinding against his thigh.
you nodded and held onto him as you continued to rub against him. you panted wildly and you were louder than usual. nromally you were rather quiet, but while high you were pitifully loud. you kissed him on the jaw and said, "next time i wanna feel that nose of yours against my pussy."
he exhaled deeply, his heartbeat staggered, holy shit. your dirty talk was making the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. he held onto you and let you continue to rut against him like a little puppy.
"aw, ya like that, max?" you asked softly.
he chuckled, "i have to say, usually you're more subtle. i didn't know that you liked my body so much."
you looked at him and said, "max, are you fucking kidding me? have you seen yourself. the first time i ever saw you without your shirt on, i almost came!" this was something you'd never admit sober, "big ol' hands, big ol' thighs, big ol' nose. all leads to one thing." you jabbed your finger in his chest, "and i know the answer to that!"
if this was a dream that max was going to wake up from, he was going to wish he was dead. but as he clenched onto your hips and let you set your own pace, he thought he had died and gone to heaven.
usually giving him a compliment was like having your teeth pulled. but right at that moment, your tongue was loose as you chased that orgasmic high you needed.
"just keep going." he panted, trying to keep himself together. and that you did, rubbing yourself raw against him.
you eventually hissed through your teeth as you climaxed in your panties. you wanted to cover your face from the rush through your system. you felt the sweat on your neck as you slowed down. you let out a few stray moans before you slowed down enough to a stop.
"holy shit." you panted as you rested your face against his shoulder. your fingers held onto the front of his shirt as you felt the aftershocks in your body.
he rubbed your back, "how are you feeling?" his cock was painfully erect in his sweatpants, but he wasn't going to try it push it further. not while you were in this state. he'd rather a painful erection then you getting hurt.
you pulled away and looked him in the eyes, your eyes were rimmed red as you nodded, "perfect, excellent, amazing. do..do you have any snacks in the fridge?"
he chuckled. you were painfully cute like this, all snuggled up with him. he knew come the next race you'd be getting in his face and challenging him at every turn. but at that moment, with you high as a kite both of the chocolate and sexual bliss. he ran his fingers through your hair and looked at your cute face. he said to you, "why don't you just lie down and i'll see what i have."
you giggled and wrapped your arms around him. you kissed him on the cheek, "you're a life saver, max!"
you woke up the next morning with a headache. it was a deep throb like a hangover but it still made you wince if you focused on it too much. you rolled over, away from the streaming sunlight and into max's arms.
"why did you let me take a whole piece?"
he moved his face closer to you and exhaled deeply, "because you're the most stubborn woman i've ever met." he pulled you closer to him, "give me five more minutes and i'll get you something for your head."
you pressed a kiss on his jaw. maybe he wasn't a total nightmare to be around. underneath the mask (or helmet) he wore, he was a caring man who wanted what was best for you. he even made you breakfast afterwards, but don't mistake it all for pure kindness.
come the dutch grand prix after the break, you two were going to go back to wanting to maul one another (and not sexually) <3
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Like father like son, Part 1
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Father P.O.V.
My ex-girlfriend is a witch. Fucked up right? Yeah I never believed in any of this and she knew. And after cheating on her she said she would "make me believe". What a load of crap. I thought. Well, not anymore. Me and my son found ourselves in each others bodies. It happened just as we were normally chatting. We weren't that close, cause I was working most of the time and he was out with his friends enjoying his teen years. I wanted to get close to him, but he seemed to not want to open up to me.
If you have seen a movie Vice Versa where the Dad and son swap bodies while touching the skull. Or is it a transformation? Ah, doesn't matter. Well it happened a bit like that too. We swapped bodies literaly. The clothes stayed where they were previously.
After the initial shock and realisation that it was my girlfriend who caused it, we went to get information from her. My son had to drive, cause his body didn't have a license yet. The start was horrible. He couldn't even keep his eyes on the road, so I had to yell at him what to do. But eventually we got to her house.
On the front door was a note that said:"Went on a holiday for a month. And to my lovely ex-boyfriend - having sex with someone else makes it irreversible :) have fun"
Yeah, so we found out that we were fucked until she got back from her holiday. A month in my teen son's hormone filled body and him in my horny middle aged one. Our chances are very slim I tell you
We got back home, staying quiet on the ride home. We went into the living room and got on the sofa. Then we made a deal. We had to respect our bodies as if it were our own, no sex allowed, no drugs and alcohol. We had to scratch the alcohol, has David said he wants to enjoy the adulthood. But besides that we agreed on everything. We then proceeded to tell each other the details of our schedules. I had to mentally prepare for being in high school again and he had to prepare for a real job. I was actually kind of happy to get back there. I missed being a teen, having less responsibilities etc. Being you, enjoying life, music, love, sex. Ah, fuck. That's gonna be hard
We even had a talk about respecting each others privacy, but after we thought about it, we came to a conclusion that there was no way we could avoid looking at our new bodies naked. We had to take shower some day, or take a shit. All of these are gonna be pretty intimate so that's why.
We agreed that our bedroom's are gonna me our own places that the other can't got to.
And so we went on and parted our ways while leaving to our bedrooms. Maybe we shoould have went to each other's bedroom, but we haven't thought about that. All our clothes were in the other room, but neverminf. My room has its own access to the bathroom so I'll enjoy that.
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I took off my shirt first. My sons's athletic lean teen body just being there. My finger tips touching my haird, my lips my cheeks. Tracing my neck, through the ridges I now had, going down to my beautiful abs covered in hair. I was getting hard, is it weird being hard from touching your son's body? Jesus that sounds horrible. But I am not touching my son, he is touching himself, I am just the one in control now.
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I got on the ground and took off my jeans. Revealing black boxers with KISS logo and two hairy and long legs. Quite similar to mine actually. Genetics is strong I guess
I headed to the bathroom to get a proper look and clean my new body. I can't neglect my son now.
I took off his boxers. His dick flacid now, but still big. "That's my boy". I went to the bath and turned on the water. But I had no intention in lying in the water now. I had much exploring to do. I started from my feet. The beautiful and clean feet. No hard skin. I took the water and sopa into my hands and brought it up everytime I explored a part of his body. Everything wet marked a place I already knew now
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I was now soaping his body above the waist line, enjoying the tight skin of his body. Being young is so amazing. He is mostly hairless, if you don't count some private areas.
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I was now soaped up completely, just scrubbing the body up and down. Enjoying every movement I took.
Wow his butt is really nice, almost woman-like. Maybe I could let some guy fuck me. Wait, I can't do that. We can't have sex in each others bodies or we would seal the deal. But masturbation is not off the table I guess.
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I took my middle and index finger to try out the resistsance of his hole. Nah, this hole already knows what is about to happen. And then it hit me. Fuck, his prostate his so sensitive. I went and pushed my fingers inside, while my other hand started jerking my already throbbing cock.
It couldn't have been long cause I was almost collapsing from the abundance of strong emotion and stimuli. I shot cum into the bath and then got down into the water.
What a body. Maybe this month isn't gonna be so bad after all
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I got out of the shower, to find my body in his own clothes staring at me
"Wow, dad. I see you didn't waste any second huh? Hope you enjoyed it"
"Dave, it's... I'm sorry, it's the hormones. I haven't been this horny for so long. I couldn't control it"
"It's fine dad. I am gonna do the same tonight"
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The rest of the week went on pretty smoothly. There were some embarassing moments, like hearing myself having an orgasm in the other bedroom, or finding open porn videos on tv, but besides that not much. I was enjoying being a young guy in high school again and having David's friends around was really great. We hung out all the time. But his friend Liam seemed like he wanted to be more than friends with David. Which complicated things a bit. I was in David's gay body now and his body wanted Liam. But I was holding on
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One day we were on a beach just enjoying the weekend. We played some beach volleyball and then we got back to our towels to sunbathe
Andrew, my straight friend, then said:"David? Isn't that your dad with a new chick? Damn, he scored a nice one this time. Would like this one for myself too. Look at those tits."
And he was right. David was walking around with a blonde woman that had a hand on his waist. What took me off guard was that my body started making out with her and grabbing her tits. Not caring who might see.
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Wait, does this mean what I think it means? Are we really stuck like this now? I just hope he didn't have sex with her
I changed the story a tiny bit. I was really inspired by the photos so it went to a different direction than I hoped for. I hope you don't mind. If you do, please message me and I'll do another one especially for you :)
A story request from inbox: Hi, can you write a story about a closeted widow muscle dad swapping with his straight twink son and somehow their nethaw body fits their role? The dad in his twink son's body came out as a bottom gay and the sun in his muscular dad's for found a girlfriend which he fvcks every night. Thank you
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romanoffsbish · 11 months
Seed of Romanoff
Dark!Natasha Romanoff x Innocent!FReader
Request | A redhead spotted you in a cafe, and nothing was gonna stand in her way of getting to you | WC: 3,376
Warnings: Non-Con (Trafficking — By parent) | Abusive Mom | Drugs | Toxic Natasha |
Smut: Non-Con | Daddy (N) | Little Dove (R) | Restraints | Unprotected Sex (P in V - Natasha has a penis) | Degrading | Forced Breeding | Belly-Bulge |
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You were hesitant, hands sweating, and teeth grinding levels of nerves raced throughout your entire body as you finally entered your house with Wanda, your new classmate turned friend. The girl had made it clear that she liked you, and the truth was you thought you might like her too, but you needed others approval first.
Your mom was really easygoing, most would say neglectful, but you figured that would probably work in your favor. It was Natasha, her youthful wife's approval that you craved, and for some reason, you never got.
"Hey mom," you greeted her with a hopeful smile, "I have someone I want you to meet." This caught Natasha's attention immediately, she sprung up from the couch and met the lot of you in the kitchen. You were so engrossed in letting Wanda introduce herself to them to notice the way your mom winced at your step mothers touch, her grip vice-like on her hips.
"It's lovely to meet you Wendy," Natasha replied, a cordial hand extended her way. The brunette chuckled awkwardly, shaking her hand out of respect, but you could see the way her demeanor had changed. It made you sad to see Nat likely didn't approve, because you were honestly running out of options at this point.
"Wanda," you politely corrected your stepmom, then went on in the same breath, "and I will be going up to my room now. We have an exam to study for this Friday." The way you rushed off, with her hand in yours, in a fit of giggles made the redheads blood boil.
"It's time," was all she offered your mother, the spineless woman nodded then set off to her bedroom while Natasha watched you walk into your own with the live footage now pulled up on her phone.
You were just too cute for words honestly, the way you plopped onto your bed with a silly smile made her swoon. Then she felt her mood fall when Wanda sat next to you, the strawberry brunette's hand brazenly laid on your bare thigh, and the jealousy was back as if it'd never truly left. Because it didn't, anytime someone so much as looked at what was hers she fumed.
You didn't know, but you were hers, she ensured that ages ago when she met your mom in a nightclub and tricked her into believing she was interested in her.
Natasha was well off, and your mother poor. It was easy for her to convince your mom to give her you. Your father left her when you were just a tike, and she resented you for taking her youth. As if you'd asked to be born, but regardless of the circumstances you were dealt, you were just so good. The kindest creature Natasha had ever seen, an obvious innocence that stemmed from neglect radiated from you, it was what attracted the redhead to you in the first place. When she saw you smile for the first time she was hooked.
Natasha, who was much closer to your age than your mother's, caught sight of you on campus one day. You smiled warmly at the barista, and she felt a darkness envelope her heart since it wasn't directed at her. She took a photo of you, but remained out of your eye line as she ran your face through an algorithm. Confirming to her that you were a bit younger, and so damn cute, the naivety radiated off of your instagram account.
All she knew after you left the coffee shop with a hum was that she had to have you. It was her final year of her doctorate while it appeared to only be the third of your bachelors. She knew better than to just approach you alone, you were far too delicate for her gruff, relentless demeanor. So she set out to learn all about you, and the life that led you to where you were now.
Then one day, when your mom was desperate for a fix, Natasha struck a hell of a deal. It was illegal in every single sense, but your mom took it without even a second thought to your safety or happiness. An endless supply of drugs and a home in Miami in exchange for you, her only child. The concept was sinister, and sadly fit her well. It wasn't even her first time considering it.
Fortunately, you got Natasha instead of the sleaze that propositioned her months prior. In this case, you were at least going to experience love, even in a twisted way.
Everything was finally falling into place for Natasha, your mom didn't seem to want to call it off, not that she really cared if she had. Now she could only work out if she handled Wanda first. No way was she about to let that slut have her way with you, your virginity was the redheads. She quite literally paid for that and your child bearing abilities, your genetic predisposition to fertility a cherry on top of the perverse sundae.
Your mother had vacated her womb enough times to confirm to Natasha that was the case. Surprisingly though, the redhead would've been fine if you were only able to carry one. As much as she wanted to breed you endlessly, until your body forgot how to be barren, she also was fine with one heir and the trophy wife.
First though, before she could embark on her fantasy, came the removal of the obstacle. Wanda, the younger redhead, who shared characteristics with the elder that made her want to laugh. Even in your conquest for love elsewhere did you find someone who resembled her. Whether it be her green eyes or red hair, there hadn't been a time where you brought someone unlike her home. It was a perfect reminder of your looming fate.
"Hey! Open this door right now!" Natasha shouted as the side of her fist pummeled into your locked door, "No closed doors in my house!" The action shook the walls surrounding you and startled you out of the horny girls grasp. Wanda glared at the shaking door and you just sat there with a delicate frown. Natasha had never so much as shouted at you before, so the sound actually left you feeling like a wounded puppy.
Your precious Natty, the light in the darkness that was your previous life with your mom was someone you didn't recognize at all today. It hurt your heart, because she'd never had an issue with you closing the door when Peter was over before. Though deep down you knew Wanda was harmless, your body began to regard her as a threat since your stepmom, who you adored, had clearly despised her. The cycle continued on.
"You should probably go," you sadly spoke up, "I-I really do need to focus on my study guide."
Wanda frowned, but with one look into your eyes she realized your daunting predicament. It was clear you were the mouse that'd collect the cheese, and Natasha was setting her trap. If she thought she could help she would, but deep in your gaze she could see you contently fell prey. The woman reluctantly nodded, standing to collect her bag just as she heard an ominous sound of metal scraping just outside the door. You stood up, and opened the door first, walking out to meet the fuming woman. Your soft hand settled onto her arm, and she lowered the hopefully empty gun.
"Are you okay detka?" You kindly smiled up at her over the concern, appreciating it and failing to see the way that her lips were fighting to keep from amusedly lifting. "Did she take advantage of you my little dove?"
"No," you sighed, smile falling ever so slightly, "We were just talking, she is leaving though." Wanda put truth to your words as she passed by in a rush.
"I'm sorry," Natasha solemnly said after a moment of awkward silence (she wasn't), "I just need you to be more careful sweetheart." Her lips gently pressed to your temple, and you melted into her, no discomfort present even as her pistol pressed into your back. "You are too pure, you'll never know who has ill intentions."
Oh how right she was... You'd never know.
With your front flush to hers she felt her cock twitch with anticipation for the upcoming day that she finally got to claim you, in totality. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. "I love you so much, my precious girl."
The following day you woke up to a knock, it was a simple two beats, so you lazily got up and once presentable headed downstairs to eat. However, instead of a table of delicious food you found your mom stood by the door with a suit case by her side.
"Mom?" The middle aged woman smiled, but it was weak as she opened her arms for a hug (a goodbye). It held an apology you didn't see; it was better that way.
"Hey kiddo, I'm headed off for a bit," she pinched your side and smiled, but her eyes looked sad as you met them. "Why? For how long?" She sighed, "A month."
"Natty too?" You cringed, you didn't mean for it to sound so obvious that you cared more about her, but it was always obvious. Charlotte never had the time of day for you, but Nat always did. Natasha found it hard not to laugh at your mom, whose face looked sad.
Natasha found the moment perfect, the way you were about to be all hers was beyond exhilarating. It was also a shameless way to check you out and disgust your vile mother. How dare she sell you... Like you were filthy trash... Fortunately you were left to Natasha, she'd never let you go, you were safest in her arms.
"Nope detka," Natasha sang from behind you, the sound of jingling keys followed her. "We're gonna take your mom to the airport, and then we'll get breakfast."
No one offered you more, not where your mom was going, nor the unsavory reasoning, and truthfully you didn't care to ask. Alone time with Nat was your favorite, every other time your mom left you alone with her you had the time of your life. This time would prove different though, you felt it when she kissed your lips as she entered the car after eating at the diner.
"Na-Natasha," you stuttered out her name, she found it amusing the way you were about to resist her advances even though your eyes had yet to flutter back open. "Don't worry detka, your mom is gone for good now, so we can finally be together. No more other people..."
"No, s-she said a month," you whimpered, both from the proposed betrayal and her hand on your thigh. "Your mother is a liar Y/N, you'll see that I'm not..."
The car ride home was quiet, except for the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears as her hand settled on your thigh, her grip possessive, and confusing. It was just as quiet when she guided you back inside the house, but it didn't remain as such. Natasha pushed you up against the door, with a gentle force to show you she meant what she said before, and you believed it when her lips and hands began to roughly roam.
"You're married," you tried to deter her, but she only shrugged and continued to kiss down your jawline. "That wasn't real, I only married her to have you."
"What?" Natasha pulled back, lips upturned as she saw the fear in your eyes and hot spurts of white coated the tip of her cock and spread all over her boxers. It was apparent to her that you were going to resist some, so she threw you over her shoulder and tossed you onto the bed that she shared with your mother. "Don't worry dove, we never slept together, daddy's all yours."
You cringed outwardly, but much to your shock, you felt as your heart fluttered at the twisted truth, and your virgin cunt dampened with her chosen title.
"I'm doing this for your own good," she informed you as she tied your hands to the posts of her bed. "It would be a shame if you tried to fight destiny."
"Natty," you whimpered, feelings disgusted as your core pulsed in need. “I-I.” For a brief moment she softened. "This is wrong, y-you're my step mom."
"I'm your daddy actually," she chuckled darkly, "I'm here to turn you into a mommy, so get comfortable."
No words left you as you tried to understand your fate. It wasn't until you felt the chilled tip of a blade on your bare skin that you realized you were now naked. "My mom won't be happy, you are not supposed to do this."
Natasha ran her blade down the side of your neck, a whimper left you as you felt the blood trickle down your skin and into the sheets. "Oh, you are just as naive as your mom is a filthy deviant; she gave you to me."
"N-no," you cried, you didn't want to believe her, but it wasn't like you didn't know your mom was a disaster.
"Your mother wasn't worth a sack of shit," she gritted against the skin of your neck as her hands roughly caressed your concealed womb. "But you, I just know that you'll be everything our kids will ever need."
"Kids?" You gulped, her words were clear moments ago, but yet you seemed confused until now, and the redhead chuckled, "Mhm, gonna fill you up until you are begging for more Y/N, my personal cum dump.”
Natasha smirked as your walls clenched around nothing in direct contradiction with your pleading words and persistent attempts to shove her away as your lower body pitifully tried to thrust her off. You were torn between the pleasure you'd craved for years, and the strangely alluring promise of becoming her pretty little housewife to push hard enough. "I'm not sure I want to be a mom Natty," you finally whimpered loud enough and she just laughed in your face as she pushed her cock inside of you without preparation.
The sight of your eyes crossing and mouth opening had her prematurely ejaculating, truly sealing your fate.
"Don't worry my little dove," she coo'd while stilling her hips, reluctantly allowing your untouched body a chance to get used to her twitching intrusion. "You'll be nothing like her, I promise, you'll be the perfect mom."
"I don't want to be," you cried, hands pulling at the restraints, but your words of protest were negated as you moaned like a filthy whore with a simple jolt of her hips. “Daddy isn’t in the business of caring detka.” You whimpered, heart shattering at the coldness you were not expecting from the woman you’d adored, but in the same breath you were incredibly turned on by it all.
This idea of being her filthy whore; just a hole to fuck and a womb to fill, was exciting you greatly. “That’s right detka, let daddy do all the thinking for you.” Her speed picked up in response. Your faux display of disinterest only spurring her on to show you just how much you wanted this too. It was a dual need.
With every thrust you could feel her tip twitch, and a spurt of her essence would follow. It alarmed you the more real it became that she was genuine about breeding you. Desire as you might to be hers, you were still in the process of your final year in undergrad, and had every intention to start your masters child free.
“Natasha please,” you cried, legs trying to squeeze shut, and your cunt was slick enough that it nearly pushed her back out but she thrusted against you. Her hips forced yours back onto the bed, and the way in which her tip slammed into your cervix made your mind go blank, and pussy flutter uncontrollably.
"Nice try slut!" Her fingers caressed the bump protruding from your abdomen in awe, the outline of the tip of her cock clear as day. "Your walls are working overtime to suck me dry, don't you feel it detka?" She grinned wickedly as her hand pressed firmly into your abdomen. "The urge to be full of me? My perfect little whore to breed. You'll never be hollow again."
You sobbed, it was gut wrenching, but not to Natasha. This was just par for the course, you needed a minute to see that this was always how life was meant to be. Natasha was your soulmate, you didn’t need anyone else, and she knew with time you’d be okay with that.
“Shh, stress isn’t good for baby making detka,” she scolded you as she pulled her cock out and kissed your lips with a tenderness, giving you emotional whiplash. Natasha slid a plug inside of you, it was efficient in keeping her cum inside, but purposefully short enough that you couldn’t derive pleasure by humping it. Your fate was indeed sealed; Natasha was a lot of (terrible) things, but she was never a liar. Her seed painted your fertile insides white, and every day since she's done the same. Sex with you had become a fast addiction, it took you only a minute to accept the reality. You sorta loved it, your stretched hole ached for her cock the entire time she would be away, you'd become insatiable too.
She wondered if it was the pre-natals she'd been slipping you every morning in your special smoothies that increased your need, but she liked to believe it was just your natural, insatiable attraction to her. Either way, she indulged the both of your carnal desires.
Before work she'd wake you up with her cock between your tits, you no longer wore clothes to bed because you never woke up in them anyways. After giving her head just like she wanted, with your once virgin mouth, she'd allow you to get her to the edge, but she'd always make sure to save her release for your womb.
Never one to waste an opportunity to fill you.
On the weekends she'd bend you over the coffee table, fucking you raw from the back while she caught up on her favorite shows. It was a mindless means to ensure you were carrying her kin, but at night she'd give it to you with more passion than before. There was a new toy at her disposal every single time, you wondered if the tellers at Kiss-N-Tell knew her by name now.
Natasha was a multi-millionaire, no cost was too much if it meant she could see you writhing with a pleasure only she could offer you. The redhead succeeded in ruining you for anyone else, and there was never much hope for another anyway. Not only were you stupidly in love with the woman, but you knew your only hope at freedom was her wife—your mom, who was gone.
That doomed hope of yours fizzled out fast. The month had come and gone, but in the end the only mother present within the four walls of your house was you as you held the test between your shaky hands. Two red lines, prominent in nature, flashed right up at you.
Natasha, the cause, was at work while you were crying in the bathroom. Then you heard the alarm on your phone. The oven was ready... You set two prepped buns on the pan, and zoned out as the sliders warmed. How hilarious and ironic as the two lines weren't the only pair at play here... Soon enough you'd understand.
Your heart soon cracked as Natasha held your son, Xavier, while your daughter, Inez, laid on your bare chest after a successful feeding. It was almost domestic, especially when Natasha kissed your lips with an unfamiliar tenderness.
"I can't wait for our family to keep growing," she grinned against your lips, feeling the way they shook as you gulped down your fear.
What a silly girl you were to hope for love...
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ambrosiagoldfish · 7 months
HI! Can I request Vox, husk or anyone else with a s/o who has an addiction problem?
Yes I know my Grammar and punctuation is out of line 🙏🏽
Hazbin Hotel x Addict!Reader
(Vox, Husk, and Angel Dust)
Viewer Discretion is Advised!
Warning: Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Gn!Reader, Reader being defensive, happy-ish endings.
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1170
A/n: Hi! Thank you for the request! This is my first time writing both Vox and Husk so I had to do some research (and by research, I mean reading 2+ hours of how other write them) to get an idea of their main characterization.
I really enjoyed writing this as I personally have my own experiences with addicts and how it’s affected me as a person. So this was also a little bit of a vent post if anything. I also added Angel cause I think it fits the theme but also he’s one of my comfort characters and writing for him made me happy.
Hope you enjoy <3
Proofread like once so sorry for any mistakes!
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He’s used to being friends/knowing addicts. I mean one of his closest allies (And TOTES not previous hook-up buddy) Valentino, is also an addict who also employs many as well. So he’s not a stranger to it.
So mostly he’s indifferent to it, almsot desensitized to it. He doesn’t really see a danger to it, I mean we’re in hell and you can’t exactly OD and die
But of course, death isn’t the only thing that can happen when you're an addict. The breakdown of you as a person often happens, as well as you being reckless with money. And this is where Vox starts to have a problem.
If you’re in a relationship with Vox, then clearly you mean a lot to him, he may not be the most expressive about it but he does. So to see the partner that he has opened up to and grown attached to deteriorate slowly in front of him is something he refuses to accept.
So one day he cancels a meeting with his staff and calls you to his office so you two will be alone. When you get there he gives you a cup of coffee and you catch up a bit. How was your day? Have you ate yet? Those kinds of things.
Until finally he decides to just break open the floodgates with one simple statement.
“Darling… I think you should get clean”
You were caught off guard at first
“It’s fine, What’s the problem? we’re in hell”
He then comes out with his honest opinion
“*Sigh* I know it’s hell and you can’t die… but surely you can see how it would make me a bit… worried for you.”
He paused
“I mean even last week you spent all the allowance I gave you on it and you would have starved if I didn’t buy you food, surely you can see why it’s a fucking problem!”
Eventually after talking and depending on how it goes you either agree to go clean or it ends with an argument and he’ll just try again later.
If you agree, he’ll make sure he’s with you ever step of your sobriety. Considering he’s one of the top rising Overlords and owns VoxTech he’s got money so He’ll higher the best people to help you go clean(Do therapist exist in hell?)
“Thank you dear, you have no idea how much this means to me”
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Similar to Vox in a lot of ways but also really different. He himself is an addict with alcohol so he clearly understands the struggles of it.
He has lots of walls up but for someone who “lost the ability to love” he sure does care a lot for you. I don’t think he would try a get you to go clean, at least not right away (or even at the beginning of the relationship) simply cause he thinks he doesn’t have a right to judge. So in all honesty he might just let you be.
That is until he realizes that you do it to forget things and ignore your problems/past. He knew first hand that drowning your sorrows away with your choice of addictive vice did nothing but harm you.
Then when you two are alone at his bar he’ll talk to you about it in a similar way he did with Angel. Perhaps a bit more softer than he did with Angel but even then “softer” is a bit of an overstatement.
“Look, I know you got a lot of shit that you don’t want to think about… but doing this *sigh* it’s not going to work, at least not in the long term.”
“That’s rich coming from you.”
He laughs. I mean, you were right. He was single handedly the worst person to be judging you. But surely you can understand his point of view, right?
Either way though, he leaves it alone again. Occasionally bringing it up when you’re both alone. He expresses the same sentiment about it each time hoping that eventually, hopefully…you’ll come to see from his perspective.
When you do finally see that he’s worried for you and understand why, you agree to go clean. Which, for once in a long while, made his supposedly cold dead heart melt.
“Glad you finally came to your senses… Seriously, I’m glad…”
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He is THE addict of the show, so obviously he knows what you are going through and THEN some. Now,. Here’s the thing, how he handles it depends HEAVILY on when exactly you got with him/when you started having you addiction problem.
If you started dating him when you already were an addict he most definitely wouldn’t question anything about it. Hell, chances are you both might have taken part in it together. And it’s only when he starts making progress in the hotel (post EP4) is when he starts realizing how bad of an influence you both were on each other.
If you started sometime AFTER you both started dating then this boy would honestly feel terrible about it, ESPECIALLY after EP4 when he actually started being sober more often. He’d feel like he was a bad influence on you and that it was his fault you turned to your addiction.
Either way though, he will eventually realize that he doesn’t want you to be/continue to be on the same path he was. He’d talk to Charlie about arranging you to stay in the hotel, either in your own room or you guys could share one (he would honestly prefer the latter) and then after the preparations are made he would finally ask you too
Angel wasn’t expecting it to be easy, he gets what it’s like to suddenly be asked to go clean. And he knows how addicts act when they don’t get there vices, how he acts. So he mentally prepared himself for the worst first before asking you to come over and talk.
“Uh… Y/n can I talk to you about somethin’?”
You nod your head
“I’ve been thinking and… I think you should crash here at the hotel with me… and’ go clean.”
You only laugh “Angie I’m glad this hotel thing is workin’ for ya but that’s not really my style. No- I mean, I’m fine!”
Angel knows he put you on the spot, so he lightens off a bit but continues pressing on. He explains how he feels and how he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, to end up where he is. The poor boy starts crying honestly with how much he’s worried. He rarely opens up to people so this was a big step for him.
Seeing how much he cared and worried about you really put into perspective how important this was to him. So you agreed after some thinking.
“*sniff* thank you Baby, I’ll be there with you every step of the way… I love ya’ you know.”
470 notes · View notes
lovelyhan · 1 year
enemies to lovers prompt #10 "I'm not driving home with you..." with mingyu, thx <3
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— vices & virtues ⟢
being from one of the most opulent families in the city, you're used to getting everything you want. but when you realize that your hot bodyguard is strictly off-limits, you treat him like anything else you can't have: with unbridled hostility.
★ FEATURING; bodyguard!mingyu x reader
★ WORD COUNT; 5.4k words
★ TAGS; enemies to lovers, unresolved sexual tension, smut
★ WARNINGS; alcohol consumption, cigarettes, implied/referenced drug use, self-destructive behavior in general, (probably inaccurate) discussions about drug poisoning, graphic sexual content (MINORS DNI)
★ NOTES; when i tell you i speedwrote this just in time for mingyu day,,, eugh i love you so much gyugyu and thank you to the anon who sent this in a while back!! this prompt was so tasty to work with!
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★ SMUT TAGS; unprotected sex, couch sex, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, dacryphilia, size kink, mating press, overstimulation, creampie
★ SVT TAGLIST; @wonderfulshinee - @misssugarlips - @yourfavoritefreakyhan - @jeanjacketjesus - @just-here-to-read-01 - @hanihans - @venusrae - @taestrwbrry - @minnie-mouser22 - @dreamhannies - @thvhannie - @kkooongie - @gae-uls - @lenireads - @gaebestie - @ryusha-rose - @enhacolor - @ilyvern - @woo8hao - @spk93 - @tommolex - @stariightjoyy - @asjkdk - @horny4hoshi
★ MINGYU TAGLIST; @ @renjunphile - @acgyu - @potatofrieswithketchup - @pluviophile-xxx - @pretty-trustme - @zeenanigans - @noveniadelia
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When the tiniest sliver of consciousness slips into your inebriated brain, you feel the cold tile of the bathroom floor being pried off your face. Well, more like you're being gently lifted off it, and into the arms of someone warm.
You nearly lean into their embrace until you catch a whiff of that familiar, musky cologne with hint of something like pine. It takes you some effort to keep yourself from bolting out of his grasp and retching your guts out in the toilet again.
You deign to squint your eyes despite the harsh fluorescent light razing your vision. Looking down on you is none other than Kim Mingyu, gaze as indifferent as ever. Unfortunately, you're too drunk or high to figure out how he even found you here, but you know there's no weaseling your way out when your father's little lapdog has tracked you down.
"What're you doing here?" you still ask even if you knew the answer.
It's my job to take care of you.
"It's my job to take care of you," he says the words in the same way you imagined him to—apathetic. Indecipherable.
"Fuck you. I don't need you to take care of me," you scoff. "My friends'll drop me off at my apartment like they always do."
Mingyu rolls his eyes. "You mean the same friends who called me because they're tired of having to clean up after your shit? I don't want to be here either, princess, but I'm actually getting paid to keep you in line, if you hadn't known that yet."
There's something so unfairly attractive in the snark in his tone, and you fucking hate him for it. Mostly, you hate yourself for even thinking that anything about Mingyu is remotely alluring.
In the end, you just tell yourself that you're an objective person. You have eyes, and it won't cost anything to admit that Mingyu is conventionally attractive. Even if you did hate his guts.
Not that he'll ever hear you admit that aloud, though.
You're vaguely aware of how the hem of your too-short dress rides up your thighs as Mingyu rises back to his full height—having no problems carrying you out of the bathroom bridal-style.
Under normal circumstances, you would've struggled. Proved that you could very much handle yourself despite being obviously hammered. But your head is spinning, and your limbs feel like they'll disintegrate any second.
Eyes closed, you press your face into the fine fabric of Mingyu's suit—breathing in the same scent that repulsed you not five minutes earlier in an attempt at anchoring your consciousness.
As Mingyu maneuvers you out of the bathroom, the loud bass blaring from the speakers at the frat party you've decided to attend last minute rings in your eardrums. You don't have to see your surroundings to know you've got onlookers. Those unsubtle comments are clue enough to know you're being watched.
Who is that? Her boyfriend?
No, idiot, that's probably her bodyguard or some shit. Her family's loaded as fuck.
So lucky. If I had a bodyguard like that, I'd totally let him smash.
The real question is: would he let you smash?
Fuck you.
You want to flash them the most disgusted look you could muster. As if you'd stoop low enough to fuck Mingyu, of all people. Don't they know who you are? You could easily let any man or woman you wanted on their knees for you.
You were supposed to stick to your regular routine of getting railed into the next day after a few drinks and sticks, but you obviously got a little too excited about the new strains your friends snuck into the party. Now you're being princess carried by a man you absolutely despise, too shit-faced to even be remotely desired by anyone else at the moment.
Still, never in a million years would you consider having this guy as a bodyguard lucky.
You can tell you're outside when the music starts to fade in the distance and the cold starts to prickle your legs and arms. A somewhat coherent part of you recalls leaving your designer jacket in the coatrack of the frat house, and if you weren't so fucking shit-faced, you would've yelled at Mingyu to go back and get it.
But just before you can consider asking him somewhat nicely, you hear him unlock a car that definitely doesn't sound like yours—making your ears perk up, and your consciousness flood back in much faster.
"What are you—?"
You thrash in Mingyu's arms until he lets you down on the ground—throwing him a stone-cold glare right after. The fact that your pedicured feet are in direct contact with the asphalt makes your rage spike further. How dare this asshole leave your Valentinos behind? He might as well have just left you at the party altogether!
"I'm not driving home with you," you growl.
Mingyu's expression doesn't even budge. "You're not driving. I am."
"Don't try to be fucking smart with me. I'm high, not stupid."
Folding your arms across your chest, you try to pretend that you're not in the middle of the street, arguing with Mingyu as your blood pressure rises to unimaginable heights.
Unfortunately for you, this isn't the first time your friends have left you in the quote-unquote capable hands of your bodyguard. But every time he did, he would always drive whatever car you chose to bring for the occasion and drop you off at your place.
When he brings a car of his own, however...
"You're bringing me straight to the old man," you grumble. "You think he'll appreciate seeing his daughter all wasted at three in the morning? You think he'll be happy with you when he finds out you let me sneak out like this? Are you stupid or do you actually want to get fired?"
"And who told you I was going to bring you to him?" Mingyu shakes his head, letting out a long-winded sigh. "Like I said, I don't want to be here either. The last thing I need is even more overtime after your father sets you straight."
That makes you pause, eyes widening with a hint of mistrust. Mingyu listens to every word his employer says. He's the perfect little lapdog. So perfect that sneaking out for these nightly escapades of yours have grown increasingly difficult with how good he is at finding you and bringing you home.
So hearing him practically say that he won't tattle on you...
"How can I be sure you're not fucking with me? That if I fall asleep in the car, I won't wake up in the courtyard of the old man's stupid mansion?"
"Do I look like I have the energy to deal with both of you at the same time?" he replies sharply, opening the door to the passenger seat with a hint of finality in his actions. "Just get in the fucking car so we can all head to bed before sunrise."
The sound of the house party still in full swing echoes in your ears from the distance. Your skin tingles a little beneath the heat of Mingyu's mildly pissed off gaze, and you let out a shuddering breath to keep yourself from giving the feeling a name.
Good news: you made it safely back to your apartment without anyone alerting your father about your true whereabouts.
Bad news: Mingyu just won't fucking leave.
He insisted that you get yourself refreshed with a shower first before he talks to you in the living room. The same guy that right-out said that you should hop in the passenger seat of his car so you'd both be asleep before the sun rises. The clock is already pushing past four in the morning, and Mingyu still insists on lecturing you before he leaves?
You of all people know how obstinate he can be. He's even more stubborn than you are, if you're being completely honest. So even if it wounds your pride to play along with what he has planned, you head back to your living room right after slipping on your usual nightgown—flashing Mingyu a look to remind him you're not at all pleased with whatever bullshit he wants to talk about.
However, your irritation ebbs a little when you see a plate of your favorite cookies sitting on the coffee table, along with a glass of water and a sheet of Advil.
Your gaze drifts from the snacks to your bodyguard, who looks more dressed down than usual. His coat is folded neatly, hanging off one side of your couch, and the first three buttons of his dress shirt are undone.
You gulp, prying your eyes off the sliver of chest he's willingly exposed before seating a respectable distance away.
"What did you want to talk about?" You try to sound casual as you leaned forward, reaching for a cookie and the glass of water without as much initiating eye contact.
"You smoked a few joints at the party, didn't you?"
You take a bite, washing it down with your drink before replying with, "So what if I did? A little kush isn't going to kill anybody, Mingyu."
"We both know 'a little' doesn't exist in your vocabulary, princess," he points out, crossing his arms with an unimpressed look. "Anyway, I'm not your father, so I typically don't care about what drugs you're taste testing every night—"
"Are you implying that you suddenly care now?"
"With a new poisonous marijuana strain circulating in the underground market? Of course I do."
You do a double take on that, staring at him hard as you begrudgingly swallow your cookie, "What? Underground market? And what do you mean poisonous?"
Mingyu lets out another sigh when he leans forward to reach for the box of cigarettes and a lighter you left strewn across your coffee table. You're even more surprised to see him lighting himself a stick and taking a drag than you were when he prepared some snacks and water for you.
"Some Columbian drug cartels thought it would be funny to infiltrate surface-level drug transactions. Long story short, they invented some fucked up strain laced with belladonna and smuggled it into the market under the impression that it's a new sativa strain."
You absolutely have no idea how Mingyu even got ahold of this information, but realizing the implication of his words has your stomach sinking with dread. If what he's saying is true, it's no wonder you were out so fucking quick tonight.
"I'm not gonna die within twenty four hours, right?" you half-joke because, Jesus, you're adventurous with your drugs, but you wouldn't willingly take something that can actually kill you.
To your relief, Mingyu shakes his head. "I don't know the science behind it either, but I was told sativa tones down the poisonous effect of belladonna by a huge margin. The worst you'll experience is a fever and a nasty cough if you don't do anything about it."
"Gee, way to be reassuring."
Mingyu scoffs before taking another drag of his cigarette. Your gaze is riveted on the cut of his jaw as he inhales the smoke with eyes closed. It's only when he flicks the ashes in a small ashtray you left by the small table beside the couch that you realize he's pushed the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows—exposing a good deal of his toned arms.
You immediately take a huge gulp of water, not wanting such unsavory thoughts about an unsavory person to surface now, of all times.
You might be more refreshed after your shower, but if you're starting to ogle Kim Mingyu, the strange joints you've been hitting all night might've messed with your head more than you thought.
"That's why we're going to the doctor tomorrow—"
You scowl. "Like hell I'm going to pay Doctor Yoon a visit. That guy's the biggest tattletale in the world. He'll definitely tell the old man. Oh, and I actually have classes tomorrow if you're forgetting, Mingyu."
"You're pretending to attend those now that it's convenient for you?" He smirks as he breathes out another puff of smoke. "Nice try, princess. But don't worry your pretty little head about it. I'll take you to another doctor I know—someone who won't get us both in trouble by telling your father that you've been smoking bad weed."
"Again, way to be fucking reassuring."
The silence finally settles as you nibble contemplatively on the snacks he brought for you. You're can say for sure that you're most certainly sober now, so Mingyu's words have got you thinking.
But it's a little difficult to think about the state of your health when you've got a sort-of uninvited guest manspreading right next to you on the couch.
"Aren't you going to leave?" you ask. "Just text me what time we're going to visit that doctor friend of yours."
"How would you feel if you got told to scram while you're in the middle of a smoke?" Mingyu flashes you an annoyed look. "For the third time, I don't even want to be here, princess. At least let me have this as compensation for saving your sorry ass."
He's so fucking infuriating.
The rough undercurrent in his voice. The perpetual upward curve of his lips as if he always has the upper hand. His beefy arms. His built chest.
...Not to mention his unexpected thoughtfulness when he decided to stick around and inform you about what you might've gotten yourself into instead of leaving you to fend for yourself. He even brought out your favorite cookies for good measure.
You never really know what to do with Kim fucking Mingyu. He stirs up all sorts of confusing feelings inside your chest at any given time, and frankly, you've had enough of it.
You allow yourself to relish in the pride that swells in your chest when he nearly drops his half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray the moment you crawl on top of his lap.
Mingyu's mouth quivers with some sensible words his job description probably requires him to say, but you rob him of his ability to speak when you steal the cancer stick from his fingers. In one long breath, you smoke the cigarette down to the filter—killing it on your ashtray before leaning down to press your lips to his.
With how stunned he is, it doesn't take a lot of effort to pry Mingyu's mouth open, breathing the smoke into his mouth. Once you're satisfied, you pull away with a triumphant smirk.
"Now you're done," you say, making the motions to get off his lap. "I'm heading to bed. Don't wake me up before noon for that doctor's appointment or else I'm going to slash your ti—"
You don't even get to finish that sentence. Mingyu suddenly flips you over so that your back is pressed against the couch and he's lying on top of you—both knees planted on either side of your hips as he gazes at you with an ireful glare.
"W-What are you doing?" you whisper, but in spite of the protesting nature of your words, you can't help but feel a pang of white hot desire shoot straight through you when you feel just how big he is now that his body is pressed against yours.
"Teaching a bad girl a lesson," he whispers, grabbing your face roughly. "You can't just pull off shit like that and expect to walk away from it unscathed, princess."
Fuck. That nickname he always uses never fails to get on your nerves on any other day. But when he sounds like that and has you under him like this...
"What are you gonna do about it then?" you ask.
Mingyu chuckles darkly, as he squishes your face with his big, long fingers. You nearly shudder at the thought of what those digits could do to you if you just pushed the right buttons.
"You'll just have to fuck around and find out."
When the pressure of his strong grip leaves your cheeks, confusion paints your features. Mingyu's weight eases off your pliant body almost immediately as well, leaving you to scowl at him incredulously. He doesn't even look at you as he collects his coat from where it hangs off your couch.
But before he can even think about putting it back on, something not so different from a growl resonates deep in your chest as you sit back up—tugging on the collar of his shirt to smash your lips together.
Mingyu all but groans into the kiss, but you're not sure if you can even call it that. There's nothing but hunger fueling the both of you as your tongue slides alongside his, mapping out each other's mouths like your lives depended on it.
You vaguely hear his coat fall to the floor as Mingyu goes back to crowding you against the couch—one of his strong arms circling your waist as he grinds his hips against your middle. It's nearly embarrassing how willing you are to receive his advances.
You, the same person who told your bodyguard you refused to drive home with him, are now making out with said bodyguard at four in the morning.
But then again, who fucking cares?
"You have no idea," he whispers hoarsely against your lips and you let out a stifled moan when you feel the outline of his erection rut against your clothed pussy, "how much you drive me insane. You're such a fucking handful, you know that?"
"I'm glad to know I make your life miserable," you bite back despite the fact that, when Mingyu brings down the straps of your nightgown to expose your breasts to the cool air, you do nothing about it.
Mingyu lets out a harsh laugh. "You're probably into this, aren't you, princess? You like riling me up so much so that I'd snap and teach you a lesson?"
You want to tell him that he's being fucking full of himself if he thinks you've planned this that far back. But with how massive he feels through his trousers alone, you can't say that you don't want him inside you right this second.
It doesn't help that he's giving your chest a generous amount of attention—suckling at your nipples in a way that has you twitching beneath him with sensitivity.
"So what if I am?" you say, testing the limits of what he'll let you get away with. "You talk big about teaching me a lesson but you're being awfully careful with me. Aren't you going to shove your cock down my throat to get me to shut up?"
Mingyu chuckles with a quick shake of his head, like he isn't even taking your words seriously. You let out a sharp yelp when he bites down on one of your breasts—leaving a distinct imprint of his canines on your skin before staring into your eyes.
"I can choke you with my cock next time, princess. For now, I just want to make you come until you're crying for me."
Mingyu wastes no time. He immediately sinks to his knees on the floor, hauling your hips closer to the edge of the couch so that he can hook your thighs over his shoulders. When he realizes that you're not wearing any underwear underneath your flimsy satin nightgown, you swear the noise he makes is near animalistic.
"Don't get f-fucking cocky," you stammer, nerves alight everywhere his lips graze your inner thighs. "I don't usually wear underwear before going to sleep! This wasn't for you."
"It is now," Mingyu says before licking a long stripe from your leaking hole to your aching clit. He holds your thighs far apart as his lips latch onto that little bundle of nerves, alternating with delicious licks at your sensitive folds.
He practically smothers his face into your cunt as he continues his relentless assault on your clit. By the time Mingyu starts to tease his tongue along your entrance, your fingers have found their way into his unruly hair—moans falling from your lips with little concern about appearances.
Mingyu pulls away for a moment, and you nearly snap at him from that alone until he eases one of those thick fingers into your wet channel—dark eyes trained on you as he stretches you out with a hungry gaze.
You don't even feel any semblance of shame when you start to ride that single digit, wanting to feel him go deeper and spread you wider. Fortunately, your bodyguard is more attentive than you think, and it doesn't take long for him to ease another finger into your needy pussy, curling them just so once he's sure he's found that spot that'll render you an incoherent mess.
The sound he rips out of you is unholy and Mingyu growls again before his mouth finds its way back onto your cunt—getting lost in the taste of you on his tongue.
"Where's the fight you've been putting up against me all this time, princess?" he taunts just before those stupidly thick fingers graze that sensitive patch of flesh inside you again. "Are you that desperate? You've fucked yourself up so much tonight that you couldn't bring anyone back home. Your bodyguard's gonna have to do, huh?"
You know you should be affronted by how offensive his words are. Mingyu might be an expert at getting on your nerves, but with how good his fucking mouth feels as he laves at your cunt like a man starved, you can't even let yourself feel any modicum of annoyance.
"M-Mingyu," you gasp as he suckles on your clit again—steadily building your orgasm from the ground-up. "I'm gonna come, f-fuck!"
Three. Mingyu slides in three fingers at your admission, and you nearly cry with how wide he's stretching you out. This time, he switches from sucking at your clit to rapidly flicking his tongue against the sensitive pearl.
Your toes curl with oversensitivity, thighs nearly crushing his head as you frame the syllables of his name in another wanton moan. When Mingyu curls his fingers inside you one more time, the tension that's been building in your stomach snaps like a rubber band.
Once you teeter off the precarious edge of release, you feel a gush of slick surge out of your cunt and into his awaiting mouth. Mingyu laps it all up—his sinful tongue catching every drop of your tangy essence. If you didn't know better, you would think he's desperate for you as much as you are for him.
It takes a while for your mind to fully come back online after that first orgasm, chest heaving almost painfully with how Mingyu took your breath away with oral alone. When you finally have your wits about you, your bodyguard surges forward so that your faces are levelled, and you nearly groan when you see the way his mouth and chin glisten with your juices.
"So fucking delicious for me," he rasps. "Gonna let me have a taste of this pussy every time now, princess? Want my mouth on you before you sleep?
"Do whatever you want, Gyu," you mewl, tugging him closer as you position yourself horizontally on the couch. "N-Need you so bad."
He sighs, unbuttoning the rest of his dress shirt as he drinks in the sight of you all fucked out and compliant because of his mouth and fingers alone. Your lips are parted, eyes glistening with tears or desire—Mingyu can't say for sure just yet.
But if he can get you this wrecked from oral, he can't fucking wait to see what you'll look like after he gets you to cream on his cock.
His shirt falls to the floor and you can't contained the awed gasp that leaves you at the sight of him. He's built like a fucking sculpture—all lean muscle and hard toned abs. It would make sense for Mingyu to be this well-built, being your bodyguard and all, but the thought of having his body pressed against yours as he fucks you into the couch is sending your mind into overdrive.
"You're so adorable," he chuckles, but you know the words are anything but a compliment. "A moment ago you were challenging everything I said and did. Now you're suddenly an agreeable little thing. Are you that cock-hungry, princess? Want something to fill that pretty pussy?"
"Yes." You don't even hesitate. "Yes, yes, yes. Want your cock in me. Want you to fill me up, Gyu. Please..."
Fortunately for you, Mingyu isn't one to tease. The moment you've given him the green light to rearrange your insides, he steps out of his tight trousers and boxers at the same time, pumping his thick cock in one hand as he nudges your thighs apart once again.
You practically salivate at the thought that you're about to take all those delicious inches inside you. Mingyu doesn't miss the starry look on your face, but doesn't take the time to gloat about it. Instead, he leans all the way forward so that your thighs are squished against your chest—easing your legs across his shoulders in a position that's not so different from when he ate you out earlier.
"Gonna fuck the attitude out of you, princess," he promises before pressing a kiss on the corner of your mouth. "You ready for me?"
You nod a little too eagerly, forcing his face into the crook of your neck as you wrap your arms around his head. "Gyu, please..."
"Alright. Since you asked so nicely."
He doesn't even give any forewarning when he bottoms out inside you in one languid stroke. A choked up noise gets caught in your chest with how sudden he was, how full you feel in such a short amount of time, but Mingyu doesn't give you any time to think, or even to breathe.
Before you can even get a single word out, he's pulling his hips back—making you feel every inch of his thick cock before slamming his hips forward with a powerful thrust that drives you further into the sofa. You let out a long-winded moan, unable to do anything about it as he pounds into you with the vigor of someone who's been putting up with your shit for a better part of the year.
"Pussy's so fucking tight for me," he growls. "You're squeezing my cock so good, princess. Is this all I had to do so you'd stop driving me crazy? Eat you out a little and dick you down 'til you forget your name?"
You can't even process what he's saying right now—too lost in the sensation of his cockhead grazing your cervix with each forward stroke. He's reaching into you so deep that you might really just forget everything but the letters of Mingyu's name by the time he's done with you.
"M-Mingyu," you drawl dumbly as he peppers your neck with bites and bruises—unrelenting with his deep strokes as your cunt flutters around his length. "Fuck. L-Love your cock so much—oh!"
You let out a gasp that Mingyu quickly muffles with his own mouth as he adjusts your positions on the sofa—easing your legs off of his shoulders in exchange for spreading them wider on the cushions. How he manages to do that without his cock slipping out of you is a testament to your flexibility, and he's already cooking up what he'll do about that information for next time.
Mingyu continues kissing you all while he plants one foot on the couch and the other on the floor. When he tugs your hips even closer it's only then that you realize that the lunatic has you in a mating press.
"How long have you been thinking about me fucking you like this?" he whispers, deciding to drag it out with slow, deep thrusts that only serve to frustrate you. "You wouldn't have let me go this far if you hadn't thought about it at least once, princess."
I've wanted to fuck you since the old man introduced us, is the correct answer but you've still got some shred of dignity. If Mingyu wants the truth, he's going to have to work for it.
"Fuck me again after this, and I might give you an answer," you rasp, meeting his lazy thrusts with some of your own to get the point that you want him to ram into you across.
"There she is," Mingyu laughs. "My nasty, sharp-tongued princess. Thought I lost you for a sec."
"You will if you don't fuck me until I black out."
"Oh? All you had to do was ask, you know."
Then and there, Mingyu makes good of that interesting position he'd unknowingly lured you into—plunging that fat cock even deeper into your pussy if that's even possible. It felt heavenly, taking all of him while your legs dangled off his shoulders, but there's just something about having your legs spread impossibly wide as he drills into you with the full intention of making you come until you're crying that does it for you.
As each second passes, Mingyu's thrusts become more erratic—hips snapping with hard, calculated strokes so fucking good that tears are starting to glisten along the lines of your lashes like he promised.
You mewl his name like a string of prayers as the sound of your cunt squelching with every thrust rings in your ears. It's insane how close he's driven you to the edge in the span of thirty minutes, and you're starting to grow fearful of how addicting it feels to have him inside you like this.
At this point, you'd rather get off on Mingyu's cock than get high from some shady sativa joint. Something tells you he'd rather have that, too.
"Where do you want me, princess?" he whispers into your ear, reaching between your legs to give you just the right pressure you've been missing on your clit. You have to bite back a sob when he presses his thumb against it.
"Inside," you whimper as he continues plunging his engorged length into you. "Fill me with your cum, please, Gyu. I want it—want it so bad."
Mingyu hisses when you clench around his cock, large hands undoubtedly about to leave bruises on your thighs come morning. When you hear that deep, sexy laugh in your ear, you know it's all over for you.
"Come on my cock first, princess. Then I'll give you what you want."
He punctuates the words by drawing quick, tight circles on your clit all while keeping up the cadence of his thrusts. With the steady stream of stimulation he's so willing to give, it's a no-brainer for another orgasm to blindside you yet again.
You cry out with bliss as you screw your eyes shut—tears running down your cheeks in cascades as you fall apart on Mingyu's cock. He fucks into you despite the overstimulation, his own high not far behind because of the expression you're showing him.
"That's it," he rasps, leaning down to kiss the tears away. "Fucking cry for me, princess."
You're not sure if you're just too blissed out to comprehend it properly, but you're pretty sure that Mingyu just triggered another orgasm from you when you feel him twitch inside—your tight channel being covered in his white hot emission.
It doesn't help that your insatiable lover continues to fuck his cum deeper into your abused cunt, taking full advantage of this position while he can.
"M-Mingyu," you beg, fingers raking across his back as he punches the breath out of your lungs. "Too much. T-Too much."
You thought he wouldn't heed your words, but surprisingly, Mingyu halts every movement to gaze at you with a hint of concern lining his gaze. Wordlessly, he eases himself out of your sore cunt, wiping the tears off your eyes before pressing a kiss on your lips.
"Sorry," he murmurs before gently fixing the straps of your nightgown. He even tugs the hem down despite the fact that his cum is currently leaking out of you. "You want me to tuck you in?"
You nod, lacing your fingers around his neck, the overstimulated mess you are. Mingyu breathes out a quiet laugh before carrying you into his arms again.
"Alright, princess. Let's get you to bed."
You don't have the heart nor the energy to protest. Besides, it's his job to take care of you, after all.
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⟢ end notes: reminder to not take any of the medical indications abt drugs that i included in this fic seriously. i made all of those up. oh and this should go w/o saying but don't fuck anyone while under the influence of anything AT ALL !!!
that aside, happy birthday to everyone's favorite puppy boy mingyu! i ended up loving him a lot more as i stanned svt, and i hope everyone else gives him the same love as well! god knows he has lots to give to both his members and his fans ueueue
++ if you spotted a few errors here and there, please don't tell me or i'll die of embarrassment ^_^ this wasn't proofread bcs i wanted to drop this exactly on his bday (i am 1 hour and 34 mins late!) HEHEHE i was sposed to write an ending scene in the morning where gyu wakes up and sees her wearing his shirt while making breakfast but that'll make this too long :| i'll just leave that to ur imagination!
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peaxhygirl · 2 months
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: ̗̀➛𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝙲
: ̗̀➛𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: Tensions are still high between Raven and Armando but will a turn in events and some insight from Mike shake some things up for them.
: ̗̀➛𝙰𝙽: Hey friends!! First things first, thanks for all the love and support! Also, this one is kinda long / filler because I need things to start shaking and moving in part 3. ENJOY!
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Armando and Raven found themselves staring daggers at each other just outside of Rita's office. They sat on opposite couches looking like mirrors of the other.
Arms crossed, posture tense, brows furrowed.
After hearing about the little mishap, Rita called in the head of Vice. Initially it was thought to be an argument bound to happen on the basis of professional courtesy and letting someone know about any investigations being held in case something like this were to happen; but, from the looks of it their conversation was rather calm.
The tension was coming from outside the office. "So, you're the guy who was on the run, huh? How'd you manage to get in here, I thought you were highly dangerous." She spoke the last statement with a taunting tone. "Still highly dangerous. You wanna test that? Be my guest." A smirk present on his face, which only caused Raven to rise right along with him.
"Yo, this is your last time threatening me, Rico Sauve." She held to fingers up pointing in the face of the male in front of her. "No, you're tough right, you wanted to test me so let's test it." Armando was not the type to hit a woman, but honestly something about Raven set a fire off inside of him. She reminded him way too much of someone, it was insufferable.
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"Damn Mike, she act like you." Marcus laughed while the two older men approached the bickering pair. "Well hell, I mean they both act like you. You sure you didn't have another kid with a fairy in Never Never Land or something? I mean, you already got the witch."
No matter what, Marcus would not let go of reminding everyone that Mike got tangeled up with that evil ass witch.
Raven's head jerked back. She quickly glanced between the two of them. She'd known that Armando was a fugitive, but no one filled her in on the fact that he was Mike's son. "Well, that makes sense. He's a drug dealer and you dress like one." She began to laugh before she could fully finish the statement.
Marcus began to laugh at the younger woman's words as well. Extending his hand for a high five that she cheerfully returned. When he glanced at Mike seeing his blank expression, he began to cough as if he wasn't just having a good ole chuckle. "I'm not a drug dealer." Armando's voice this time was tamer but there was still an edge to it.
A short silence fell between the four of them before Rita and Mario, the head of vice exited the office. "Rae, you're going to be working with AMMO for a while."
"What?!" Both her and Armando shouted looking at the heads of their teams. "Mario, I'm not going with them-- I wanna stay on vice." "And you are still on Vice, Raven. Rita and I were talking, and it looks like we've been on to the same guy for a while now. He's got his hands in all types of shit that we've had mutual investigations into. So, you'll be working together instead of separately." Armando and Raven looked at each other before looking back at those in front of them.
"No." They spoke in stubborn unison.
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Raven begrudgingly trudged up the path to the private plane they were boarding. Not only had she still been placed with AMMO but now they were on their way to Puerto Rico. From what they could put together, plus a few tips from a reliable source, they were certain their guy would be there, and he had something big coming.
Raven and Armando hadn't spoken to each other since their argument at the station. Ever since she'd call him a drug dealer, he'd been full blown ignoring her and quieter than normal. She kinda missed arguing with him.
"Hey, Raven." Mike tipped his head to her, motioning for he to sit beside him for the flight. This plane, or rather jet was big enough for everyone to have their own space, so why did he want her so close?
Nevertheless, she sat beside him. Soon, they were taking off.
"Hey, so uh. I know you and Armando aren't the best of friends, but can you not call him a drug dealer?" His voice was low while they spoke, by now everyone had fallen asleep. She also had a feeling that he was about to tell her something he didn't want anyone else to hear.
"I mean, he can be a little rough around the edges. But if we're being honest, hell.. So can you." He shifted in his seat, fully turning his attention to her. "He's trying, you know. He didn't have the best upbringing, got dealt a really shitty hand at life. I wasn't any help; his mother wasn't either. So, just cut 'em a little slack. I think if you two chilled out, you'd see you have more in common than not."
With that, Mike turned forward, laying his head back to rest his eyes. "Just think about it." And that's exactly what she did for the remainder of the flight, if Armando would be cool with her, she'd be cool with him.
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shakingparadigm · 4 months
Seeing all those analysis posts about how Till liked Mizi because she was gentle while not giving the same attention to Ivan because he wasn't... how Ivan might have made Till uncomfortable because he expressed his admiration for Till through violence because he liked how Till had the courage to fight back...
I was wandering if Ivan ever realized that the way he went about showing his feelings wasn't positive for Till and he fucking did. "I wish I had been kinder" he fucking regrets dude, fuck me man.
(This veered wildly off-topic I am so sorry.)
Coming back to this ask after the most recent R6 update is interesting.
I've always wondered why they chose the title Cure in particular. I was expecting a song title along the lines of Star or something abyssal. Then I thought about Till's affiliation with experiments and drugs and the various ways he was hurt. Cure... It also brings to mind how the content for Ivan highlights his "oddness", how he's framed as someone different, almost wrong in a sense. There's something that he lacks, something that he feels the need to fix, to cure.
In the recent ROUND 6 production post, the true meaning is revealed. You're right on a certain level, but as always, it's complicated.
Both Ivan and Till seek a certain type of "healing", maybe to compensate for their pain, their oddness and their loneliness. They wish to be cured of their suffering somehow and they seek the solution in other people.
QMENG states that Till desires a type of healing that Ivan cannot provide, and vice versa.
It goes without saying, pretty common knowledge at this point, but Till is a lot softer under his rebellious front. As someone who's been beat and abused his whole life, it makes sense that that type of love he'd want is something gentler, something stable. It's incredibly obvious in the way he acts towards Mizi. She's so genuine, so bright, untainted by the cruel reality of the world. Till softens around her, since she has only showed him kindness he in turn shows her the sweetest side of himself. He's had nothing stable to cling onto before, so he immediately becomes attached to this idealized version of Mizi. He believes she's the only person who can provide him with what he needs, the only one who can "heal" him.
It's outright stated that Ivan cannot provide that type of "healing" that Till is looking for. Ivan does try, of course. Unfortunately, he lacks something fundamental. Because of this he expresses himself in rather childish ways, which may involve a little cruelty and attention-seeking. A lot of Ivan's actions are muddled by his complicated feelings as well, as its stated that his true emotions and intentions are difficult to grasp. With Till, Ivan wants to save and be saved, hurt and heal him, keep him and set him free. Live for him and die for him. He criticizes Sua on the ethics of self-sacrifice and then goes on to do the same himself. With Ivan, everything contradicts.
He tries desperately to be the cure that Till needs, but due to his incredibly complex nature that "healing" will never be just healing. It may come with more pain and confusion despite his best efforts.
I don't think Till refused to give Ivan attention because he wasn't gentle enough, rather I think it's because everything was so complicated whenever Ivan was involved. Ivan is there for him in his times of need and causes a fair bit of trouble during the rest. He's strange and hard to grasp, but he's familiar. Calling each other "friends" seemed like such an inadequate label because they're simultaneously too close and not close enough. Ivan does wish he was kinder, though. Not only to Till, but to Sua and most likely a few other people as well. There's a lot of aspects in which Ivan wishes he were different, and it's tragic to hear how he deprecates himself in his final moments for it.
There's the second half of QMENG's statement as well, "vice versa". Till cannot provide what Ivan needs either, but Ivan desperately desires it anyway.
Ivan views Till as his cure. He wants to not only "heal" Till, but to be healed by him as well. This desire can be seen in the lyrics of Cure:
Notice my pain
And mend me right now
To quiet my fears
I'll drown in you
(The wish for "healing" is stated.)
In your gaze, where I’m seen
Consume me, yes, me, oh, oh
(Ivan urges Till to "consume" him like medicine, he wishes to be what Till needs.)
Ivan lacks something, and he believes that Till can make up for that lack which is why he's so fascinated by him. If Ivan is a black abyss, Till is a supernova, bringing life to an empty void. Unfortunately, Till is explosive and rather inept at handling his own extreme emotions, which causes him to either lash out violently or retreat further inward and push Ivan away. He's also a thoroughly destructive and hurt individual, seeking his own cure in another form. He cannot provide what Ivan needs.
Both Ivan and Till are incredibly volatile. That's not to say they don't have their gentler sides, but overall they've been doomed from the start. Ultimately it's no fault of theirs, they did what they could with their complicated feelings and fought through their own respective hells.
In the end, Ivan had to come to terms with the fact that he couldn't get the "healing" he needed and could never be what Till needed, either. That's why he finally acted on his impulses and let his complicated feelings win over, resulting in his death. Despite all the heartache, his final thoughts are a statement of gratitude. Truly a tragedy.
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lady-hibiscus · 2 months
why you're all sleeping on velvette
the things you like the other vees for? she's better
first, she's even MORE modern than vox. if you think about it- he's television, but who watches tv anymore? on the other hand, you'll be hard-pressed to find someone today not on social media. and while valentino is the overlord of addicts and drug, isn't social media far more widespread and addictive than whatever he has going on? people who like valentino often like controversial things and starting fights. well, social media is the queen of starting fights.
side note on this topic: STOP INFANTILIZING VELVETTE. a lot of people like her as their favorite vee because she's 'not as bad as vox and valentino'. no. she knows what they do, she either supports them or doesn't care. she's not some innocent thing they dragged into their den of filthy vices, she is completely aware of their actions. she is just as bad as they are (/pos)
she reads people like books
to quote another post i saw, alastor pisses people off by correctly reading their weak points and using them to insult his opponents (as seen in hell's greatest dad and stayed gone). he doesn't really see himself as a father figure to charlie, he's just saying that to get under lucifer's skin. you know who else does that?
velvette. she immediately sees all of carmilla and zestial's tells, abandons trying to infuriate the latter after he plays back into her song and focuses her attention on making carmilla snap. and it works.
her rise to power is underratedly terrifying
finally, she's the YOUNGEST overlord (headcanoned to have died in the 2000s-2020s?) this means her rise to power was basically immediate as soon as she got into Hell. alastor had to kill overlords with his raw power, but we haven't seen evidence of velvette being able to do that yet- which arguably is scarier. how could she have risen so fast without needing to kill? how could she have befriended powerful overlords that died decades before her and ascended to be their equal so quickly?
velvette is one of the most underrated characters in the show i'd love to see more of in season 2. she is not to be underestimated!!
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joelalorian · 8 months
Lost Cause
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel thinks you shouldn’t waste your time on him. You disagree.
Warnings: Explicit MDNI; Jackson-era Joel; canon-ish but also not; drinking; mentions of cigarettes, drugs, dark thoughts, and death; unprotected p in v; oral (m and f receiving); interesting use of red wine; unspecified age gap; despair and hope.
Inspired by the song Save Me by Jelly Roll. Some of the lyrics have been woven into the story.
Word count: 2,594 oneshot
The hits just kept coming. Time after time, year after year, life just beat Joel Miller down. It started when he was young, always taken down a peg by someone who was supposed to love him unconditionally, no matter how hard he tried to build himself up. There was a brief respite when he had Sarah – those fourteen years were the happiest of his life, despite the sudden and unexpected nature of becoming a father so young, until it was all ripped away in the blink of an eye on that one horrific day.
Since then, he’d given up hoping for more. Life had completely shattered his hopes and dreams. He couldn’t even put himself out of his own misery, for fuck’s sake. Life hated him that much it wouldn’t even release its grasp on him. He was so damaged beyond repair, and he could do fuck all about it.
His latest hit was a sucker punch to the gut, though.
Just when he finally opened up his heart again, when he allowed himself to feel something other than misery again, that’s precisely when the hit came.
Ellie – sweet, feral child that she was – wanted nothing to do with him after finding out the truth of what happened to the Fireflies in Salt Lake City.
The fracture in his relationship with Ellie sent him spiraling out of control, resorting to old behaviors and vices – drinking too much at the Tipsy Bison, smoking pilfered cigarettes out back behind the bar, taking pills on the rare occasions he could get his hands on them. The nightmares returned no matter how blasted he got to chase them away and he was often moody from lack of sleep.
Joel still contributed to society in Jackson, but he did it in ways that he could keep to himself. Fixing things around town, building stuff in his workshop, taking the odd patrol shift with his brother. He avoided everyone but Tommy and Maria, and Ellie, if she didn’t flee from the very sight of him.
“Jesus Christ, Joel. What the fuck? Were you trying to get yourself killed? Because it almost worked!” Tommy was worked up, laying into Joel at the tail end of their patrol shift. He didn’t know if his older brother had a death wish or was just too hungover to pay proper attention, but Joel was nearly taken out by a clicker while they cleared their route. A clicker that he normally would have dispatched without much effort or thought. Joel cut it way too close this time.
Joel gazed at his brother with baleful eyes. He had nothing to say for himself. He did have a death wish, but how could he tell Tommy that?
Tommy knew Joel was struggling – his behavior was similar to what it had been after Sarah died, when he became a fraction of the man he had been. “Come on, let’s grab a drink at the Bison,” Tommy sighed. At a loss on how else to help him, Tommy often accompanied Joel to the bar despite already thinking his brother drank too much.  At least he could keep an eye on him that way.
They made small talk on the way, Joel’s responses little more that grumbles and grunts. Something needed to give, but what? Tommy didn’t know, but he sent up silent prayers for a miracle to save his brother.
Once they were seated at one end of the bar, Tommy ordered a round. “Joel, brother, what is going on, really? Is it just the thing with Ellie or something more?”
Two sets of deep brown eyes stared at each other for long moments, each waiting for the other to flinch or look away. Joel gave in first, clearing his throat, unable to meet his brother’s eyes as he spoke. “It’s… everythin’, Tommy. It feels like somethin’ inside me is broken, somethin’ that was just starting to repair itself until this thing with Ellie shattered it again.”
Tommy’s heart clenched. Life had done Joel dirty, even before the outbreak, and it seemed like it finally broke him beyond repair. “I know it ain’t been easy, not with… well, everything. Do you… would you ever consider talking to someone about it all? Like a professional, I mean. I know we got someone here who used to be a counselor.”
Brows pinched together, Joel’s stormy eyes glared at the bar top, avoiding Tommy’s searching gaze. “Fuck, no! I don’t want a stranger diggin’ into my psyche or whatever the hell they do, just so they can tell me I have daddy issues or some such shit. And talkin’ ‘bout it don’t help none, either. I’m talking to you and it ain’t doing shit but pissin’ me the hell off!”
“Damn, alright! Don’t gotta get all caveman on me.” Tommy held his hands up with a blatant roll of his eyes. His brother never did like the touchy feely shit and he should have known better than to bring it up. “Maybe you just need a sweet lil’ thing to take your mind off shit.”
That got Joel to laugh for the first time in a long while. “Oh yeah? You think getting my dick wet will solve everythin’?”
Tommy smirked. “Well, not everything. You’ll still be you afterwards. I’d pity whatever poor girl got stuck with you, honestly. But it couldn’t hurt none, right?” It was good to see his brother grin, nose and corners of eyes crinkling with the broadness of it, and they fell into a comfortable silence while people watching. Sudden movement at the entrance caught Tommy’s attention and Joel followed his eyeline.
You walked in with Maria, the pair of you had your heads tilted toward each other giggling madly about something. While Tommy only had eyes for Maria, Joel drank in the sight of you. New to Jackson, you arrived with a small group a few weeks ago and, while you were still settling in, you were eager to meet people and get involved in helping around town. Maria took an instant liking to you, and you spent a lot of time with her, quickly becoming part of the Miller group.
Catching a glimpse of his brother staring at you, Tommy slapped Joel’s back. “Speaking of a sweet lil’ thing. Maybe this is your chance, brother.” Joel scoffed in return. Girls like you don’t go for guys like him, at least not the guy he was now. It was the law of nature or some shit.
“Hey boys,” Maria greeted, taking a seat next to Tommy. With a knowing glint in her eye and an exaggerated wink, she gestured for you to sit next to Joel. You never should have mentioned to her how handsome you found Joel. She was becoming a menace with her not-so-subtle methods of teasing and pushing the two of you closer at every opportunity.
“Hi Joel.” You slipped onto the stool next to him, one hand placed on his shoulder for balance as you did so.
“Hey darlin’. Whatcha drinking?” he grunted, fighting to ignore the burning heat of your touch. When was the last time a woman touched him? It must have been Tess and that was… a long time ago.
“I’ll take a red wine. Cabernet or pinot noir, whichever kind is available, please.”
After relaying your request to the bartender, and with his brother’s attention focused solely on Maria, Joel turned his attention back to you. He was a miserable sod, but you were a beautiful woman – he’d be a fool to ignore the attention you paid him. “How are you settlin’ in?”
“Pretty good. This is some community.” You launched into a few stories about mishaps and people you’ve met so far, drawing a few chuckles from Joel with your interpretation of some of the townsfolk. You had a way about you that drew him out of shell of melancholy.
One drink quickly became two, then three, and before either of you knew it, Maria and Tommy left and the two of you were alone at the bar. The wine buzz left you feeling bold and brave, making a move you would not have normally.
“Do you want to go back to my place for a nightcap?”
“Darlin’,” Joel sighed, brows pinched, at once drifting back under the dark cloud of hopelessness and unable to meet your heated gaze. “You don’t want to waste your time on me. I’m a lost cause.”
“Why don’t you let me decide what and who I waste my time on,” you challenged.
Joel’s eyebrows lifted in surprise at your tenacity. You were a beautiful young woman and for some unfathomable reason you were interested in him. He had absolutely nothing to offer someone like you, except for a one-night stand, at best. He was good at those – they didn’t require deep connections or feelings, two things he was avoiding like the plague. Maybe Tommy was on to something though – sex would take his mind off his miserable existence for a bit.
“Okay then. Let’s get outta here,” he replied, downing the last of the amber liquid in his glass, and leading you out of the bar with a large, warm hand at your lower back.
The journey to your house was cold and quiet and you began to wonder if you’d made a huge error in judgement. You weren’t a one-night stand kind of girl, preferring the comfort and security of relationships instead, but something told you that this would be the only way you’d get to have Joel. There was a darkness about him, a deep residing mass of regret and remorse, and you felt a burning need to fix him, to be his sunshine, even if only for a little bit.
Your hands fumbled with the latch when you finally reached your house. The warmth of Joel’s large hands suddenly overwhelmed your senses as he helped you, and you were flinging yourself at him before the door even closed behind you.
His kisses were anything but tender, all harsh presses of his lips, teeth, and tongue, like he was a man starved. There would be marks left on your tender skin come morning, but you didn’t mind, giving him the same treatment as you sucked at his neck, soothing your tongue over the spots you just sunk your teeth into.
“I have a bottle of wine. Do you want some?” you breathed against his lips, taking a moment to slow the momentum before the pair of you spontaneously combusted.
A smirk crossed Joel’s lips as an idea struck him. “Sure, why not.” He watched you open the bottle and pour two glasses before returning to him. Accepting one of the stemless glasses, he clinked it against yours before taking a sip. The momentum picked right back up after that first taste of the dark liquid.
Fingers frantically working to undo the buttons on Joel’s flannel with one hand, you walked backwards up the stairs to your bedroom, pulling him along with you without a spare thought about the wine spilled on the wood flooring as you went. Patience wearing thin, he tore your clothes from your body with his free hand, leaving you naked and yearning as you continued working on his shirt. Placing his glass of wine on the nightstand, his hands were everywhere, he could not get enough of your smooth, soft skin.
You were the antithesis of him, bright and bubbly where he was dark and brooding, soft where he was hard, adaptable and happy where he was rigid and sad. You were ripe like fresh fruit ready for plucking. You were everything he wish he could still be. Perhaps he could get just a brief taste of happiness being with you, inside you.
Once his jeans and boots were shed, Joel tossed you onto the bed, watching with hungry eyes as your tits bounced with the movement. He was on you in a flash, hands and mouth exploring every inch of your body. Sharp teeth scraped against your puckered nipples, making them impossibly harder, and the sensation shot a bolt of pleasure right down to your core, where the weight of his hardened cock rested, twitching for attention.
Nails scraped down his chest and belly until you reached his cock, slipping your slender hand around the heft of him. He was huge – both long and thick, a combination you’d not experienced before, and your mouth watered with the desire to taste him. If you only had one night together, you wanted to make it a memorable experience.
It took great effort to get Joel to detach his lips from your breasts, the whine that emanated from him as you did so had you downright aching for him.
“What are you doin’, darlin’?” his deep voice rumbled, dark eyes rolling back in his head when you moved down his body and slipped your plush lips around the head of his cock. “Oh, fuck!”
After spending so long living in hell, your mouth felt like heaven as you licked and sucked on his length.
“Wait, doll, I wanna try somethin’.”
Sitting up against the aged headboard, Joel grasped the wine glass and brought it down to rest on his belly. Two thick fingers dipped into the dark red liquid and swirled, coating every bit of surface area from fingertip to second knuckle before he brought his drenched fingers down towards you. His hand hovered over his cock and you both watched as droplets of translucent ruby red liquid dripped onto his hardened flesh.
Your mouth watered as you watched him repeat the process, eager to taste the heady mix of the bitter tang of wine and his salty pre-cum. Ravenous, you slurped at the liquid trails running down the length of his cock before lapping at the bulbous head, leaving no hint of wine behind as you wrapped your lips around him.
Joel was a panting mess when you took him as far as you could, his weeping head hitting the back of your throat. The glass of wine was forgotten, slipping from his hand to stain the hardwood floor next to the bed. That was a tomorrow problem as you focused on devouring his beautiful cock. He was close to the edge within minutes, the sensations too much, and he pushed you off him none too gently, flipping you onto your back like you weighed nothing.
“My turn, darlin’,” Joel murmured, nestling his face between your legs. He’d been told that his current lifestyle was bad for his health, that all the drinking and smoking was hopeless. They weren’t wrong, but it felt like that was all he needed, the only thing that set him free from his sorrows. Now that he’d tasted you, he knew that was utter bullshit. You could so easily set him free if he got to have you, taste you every day. You were enough to change a man like him.
“Joel,” you mewled his name between long moans as his tongue teased at your clit, thick fingers exploring your folds before dipping inside you. He drew an orgasm from you effortlessly and you clawed at his back as the blinding flash of pleasure washed over you. “I need you inside me. Now. Please.”
He could refuse you nothing, shifting to hover over you. “Save me from myself,” he murmured against your lips as he sheathed himself inside your tight warmth. “You’re the only one who can.”
“Always,” you replied breathlessly, rocking your hips against his. Your mouths met in a kiss full of promise.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Sorry this is gonna be long. Vivziepop doesn't understand the gravity of sin and hence cannot comprehend the idea of redemption.
It's so obvious Viv has had some bad experiences with the Christian church, but she is also totally unwilling to research the philosophy behind the religion. There are reasons we believe what we believe, and reasons why what we believe gets twisted and used to hurt people, and even reasons why our beliefs in their truest and purest form can STILL hurt people. But regardless of their effects, whether good or bad, there are REASONS those beliefs exist, reasons backed up by literal millennial of theology and historical/academic study.
The idea that her characters don't even understand HOW someone gets into heaven just proves she gave no thought to the other side of the argument. The premise of Hazbin Hotel is that people can change and deserve a chance to be redeemed, but she fails to illustrate any actual change or redemption.
Redemption is predicated on the recognition of what you've done wrong and the desire to do better. It is an internal battle of constant self-examination and dedication to improve. The people that make up her main cast are sinful. Whether or not their sins mean they deserved hell is up to interpretation. I'm not asking her to follow the Catechism of the Catholic church. But if these people are to be redeemed, they have to acknowledge themselves as full of fault.
Husk was a gambler. A gambling addiction is not a fun or quirky hobby. It, like any addiction, is a complete loss of control and subservience to a vice that destroys your life and relationships with other people. Alastor was a cannibal and serial killer, who took the lives of fellow humans and desecrated their remains for his own pleasures, showing a complete lack of respect for the sanctity of life. Angel Dust hurts himself over and over and over again through his addiction to pleasure and narcotics. Sometimes sin doesn't hurt other people as much as it hurts us, but it's still a sin because we are supposed to treat our bodies as temples. These are all massive flaws of the characters, sins that have overtaken their personalities and lives, and yes, they may be interesting and fun and entertaining, but that doesn't change the fact they did bad things.
Vivziepop can't redeem anyone, because she fails to set a standard of righteousness. Sin is just a mutation of virtue. It's taking prudence and turning it into greed. It's taking humility and turning it into self-flagellation. It's taking love and turning it into lust. Because of her, I'm sure, completely valid religious trauma, she fails to recognize the humanity of the people that hurt her. That they too are just people who struggle with their own sin and vice. She can't comprehend or give the benefit of the doubt that religious people have valid explanations for their beliefs.
She seems to think of heaven as just a place of stuck-up hypocrites who don't know how to have fun. She seems to think the rules and regulations of religion are just arbitrary rules someone made up for a power grab and not a detailed and dedicated attempt of humanity to understand God and his desires.
Viv's understanding of redemption is likeability. It's illustrated in Angel's scenes in episode six. Yes, Angel is being nice and kind and caring about people, but his problems were never a lack of caring about people. His problems were using substances to deal with his problems, and yes he did deny the drugs Cherry offered him, but there was no moment of reflection as to why he no longer wanted to take them. It seems more like he wants to make Husk happy with him than he actually wants to form better coping mechanisms or even a recognition that he doesn't need the drugs to numb the pain anymore now that he has a support system.
She seems to think that if a sinner is likeable, they don't deserve eternal damnation. That's why she woobifies every character she grows to like, because being a good person and sin cannot co-exist in her mind. People who are likeable cannot be bad people and thus a system that would put a likeable person in hell is rigged and stupid. But that fails to comprehend the multi-faceted of humanity and sin.
Sometimes people you love, people who are good to you, are bad people to others. Child molesters can be good friends. Rapisits can advocate for animal rights. Murderers can be good parents. A person who abused you could be someone else's best friend, and a genuinely good friend at that. A failure to recognize the complexity of virtue and vice is a failure to understand what redemption means.
She can critique the idea of perfection. She can critique the hypocrisies of the church. She can critique the tenets of religion. She can even say the things I believe in are unfair and nonsensical and evil. But she cannot make a good critique without understanding the other side of the argument. Because without that, she herself has no counter argument!
The plot of Hazbin is no longer that people can be redeemed, but that redemption is not necessary, because the rules that government heaven and hell make no sense. And that's a COMPLETELY different argument to be making.
I apologize for the length. I hope I've made some semblance of sense.
No, no apologies for the length. It was an interesting read!
Some would argue that all religions are nothing but arbitrary rules someone made up for a power grab, but it's true, there's at least supposed to be some kind of rhyme and reason to it all. In theory at least, it's supposed to improve yours and everyone else's quality of life, but that goes against Viv's theory that the only thing that matters is doing whatever you want all the time. Viv doesn't have to side with Heaven or go full blown scripture, but you can't tell me that Heaven doesn't even know what it takes for someone to get in.
Thanks for your thoughts!
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cameronspecial · 9 months
The Story Of Them
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, Drug Use, and Unhealthy/Toxic Relationship
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 5.5K
Summary: They thought that their story was supposed to be a fairytale, but what happens when the universe is showing them signs that it isn't because of their vices. Should they keep fighting for them or should they let their story come to an end?
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It’s like their relationship has bipolar disorder. One minute, they are in an argument worse than any world war. The next, they are manic in trying to be consumed by each other, not caring if they are reckless. They are each other’s first loves and hope to be their last, so they ignore the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship that they probably shouldn’t have. They both have their faults. Hers is her lack of communication and his being reliant on his addiction. If any of her friends are in a similar relationship as her, then she would be the first to warn them about the red flags. But for some reason, she is blinded from seeing those flags with Rafe. When they first started dating, everything was amazing. They were young and believed that it was them against the world. Their dates were full of laughter and innocent love. They thought that they could have that feeling forever; however, reality has a funny way of creeping in and crushing rose-coloured glasses under its boots. Even though Y/N and Rafe fall victim to this realization, they still hold onto each other because they are all that they know. Their story doesn’t have a happy ending, but at least they can say they had one to begin with. At least they can say they loved each other with a fiery passion that went out with a bang. 
Even before they started dating, they weren’t allowed to have a sense of calm between them. Rafe didn’t know what it was about her. He’s never seen any other girl as more than someone to warm his bed; however, Y/N could never escape his thoughts, not through his dreams either. Could it be the way her fingertips graze the bottom of her dresses as she fiddles with it? Could it be because it doesn’t take just anything to elicit a laugh out of her? He really had to put thought into the jokes he told her to hear those delicious giggles. Or could it be that she wasn’t afraid to stand up to him or back down? No matter what it was, Rafe knew he wanted her to be a permanent fixture in his life. He approached her with jagged fingernails that he had to remember to file when he got home. She sat on a bench in front of the school, waiting as always for her brother to pick her up. He cleared his throat to catch her attention and she looked up from her phone with a small pout to her lips. 
She was surprised to see him. They ran in the same social groups, yet interactions between the two were not very common. She had to admit he found a way to take the breath from her lungs, whether that be through making her laugh or a sweet action that surprised her. She didn’t think she could ever catch his eye. He was the most popular boy in school and she just hung out with the most popular girls. She was timid; not confident. She was quiet; not loud. She was stubborn; not docile. She was nothing like the popular girls and that was why she stood out to Rafe. It didn’t mean she thought she wasn’t like the other girls. She embraced her femininity and knew that in this large world, nothing she did could be unique from another human. It meant she recognized the fact of being different from the types of girls Rafe normally frequented, so she didn’t think she had a chance. She believed he hated her for those qualities. He wasn’t used to people disagreeing with him and this made her think he wouldn’t like her. She preferred to keep to herself during their group's social outings, so why would he notice her? Similar to the rest of the man-loving population of the school, Y/N had fallen for Rafe’s charm. Who didn’t love a man with a dazzling smile and who knew how to please a woman sexually? Fuckboy or not, the world couldn’t deny the fact that Rafe was the fixation of its attention. 
“Hey,” he greeted with a soft smile. She got butterflies solely by the way he was looking at her, “Hi, can I help you with anything?” She didn’t meet his gaze as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. He gestured to the seat beside her. “Can I sit?” She nodded, “Yeah, I’m just waiting for my brother.” “I know,” he admitted without any thought that he could be seen as a stalker because of his statement. Her head tilted to the side, “You do?”
“Uhhh, yep. I noticed because I see you getting into his car every day when I leave football practice.” 
“Right, I guess it doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out.”
“No, it does not. I’m going to cut right to the chase before I lose my confidence. Y/N, will you go out on a date with me?” 
Her lips parted slightly. “Date?” She knew he didn’t do dates and she wasn’t opposed to having a fling with him, except calling it a date gave her a promise of something else and she wanted to make sure they were on the same page. Nerves racked through him at her reaction. His diminishing nails came between his teeth to soothe him. “Uh, yeah. It could be dinner or a movie or go axe-throwing. Anything you want really,” he presented, lifting a finger at each activity. “I know what a date is. I was just wondering if the activities would be done so you can end up in my pants. It’s okay if you only want to have sex, just don’t pretend you want more,” she clarified. Her vision dropped to the floor and she observed a ladybug crawling in front of her. Ladybugs were a sign of good luck, so it tricked her into thinking this had a favourable ending. Rafe’s smile fell, “Wow, I can’t believe you think so lowly of me.” She tried to backtrack to explain herself. He pushed her shoulder, “I’m just kidding. I know I’m not known for wanting to commit to a woman. I think you are different. I can see myself getting married to you, Love.” “You aren’t lying because going on a date means you are open to the idea of devoting yourself to me. Are you sure you are ready for that?” she verified, meeting his eyes. 
He agreed, “I am fully prepared to be yours.” She couldn’t be happier. The man she liked wanted to be with her. “Then I would happily go on a date with you.” It was a dream come true.
This feeling quickly changed the next day. She was at her locker when she heard the rumour. “I heard Rafe had sex with Y/N yesterday,” a freshman muttered to her friend behind her hand. It was still loud enough for her to hear. Fury devoured her. He said he wanted a relationship with her and he lied. Why else would he go around telling people they slept together? She knew that rumours have a way of snowballing, yet she decided not to go to Rafe to discuss this issue. Instead, she did what she did best and iced him out of her life. 
Rafe didn’t understand why she wasn’t answering his texts until he heard the whispers himself. “Crap. Crap. Crap,” he swore, leaving football practice. She probably thought the words were his truth and that is why she was angry with him. He didn’t take the time to take a shower and get his stuff. He could do that tomorrow. What was important was that he cleared the air with Y/N. She wasn’t on her normal bench in front of the school, so he assumed she must have gone home already. He drove as fast as he could without breaking any laws to verify his conclusion. She sat on the porch swing, swinging with the wind. Her gaze was fixed out towards the street. At the sight of him, she got up from her seat and headed inside. “Love, wait,” he pleaded, jogging up the porch to catch up with her. His foot wedges between the closing door and the door frame. He followed her into the house. She continued to ignore him and went up to her room. Once enclosed in the privacy of her room, she turned toward him with annoyance in her eyes. “I could call the police on you for trespassing,” she warned. Her arms crossed over each other. Rafe’s jaw clenched, “Go ahead. See if I care. I need to talk to you.” “You don’t get to barge in here and order me around,” she complained.
“I can if you aren’t listening to me. I assume you’ve heard the gossip about us and we need to talk about it.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you. You lied and I’m not naive enough to give you a chance.”
She leaned back at his yell, “I don’t like it when you talk to me like that. It goes to show that you aren’t mature enough to be in a relationship. His head moved from side to side as he let out a low chuckle. “You seriously are calling me immature when you are the one who doesn’t even want to talk. That’s childish,” he responded. She pointed at the door, “If I’m so immature, then we don’t have to go on that date anymore. I don’t want to date someone who is a liar and a juvenile.” Rafe stormed out of the room with a slam of the door, not before snarking. “Gladly. I don’t want anything to do with you either.” 
Y/N remembered the first time she realized she was in love with Rafe. They went on a date eventually and it had been the beginning of their story as a couple. Flowers. Giggling. Kisses. Hand Holding. It all made them feel as though they were on cloud nine. So far, there had only been small fights in between since their argument about the hearsay about menial things, such as where to eat or who has to pay. The first notion of her being in love with him popped into her mind while he was on the football team. They had been playing against their rivals of Kildare County and the students of Kildare Academy were cheering in hopes of encouraging the team to get a lead on the other team. Per his request, Y/N was in the front row, wearing his jersey. Her voice attempted to be louder than anyone else in the crowd. Rafe was thrown the ball and as the clock got closer to zero, he dashed toward the endzone. He masterfully dodged every opposing player who tried to tackle him, making it to his destination. He slammed the ball into the ground and cheered in victory. The air horn singalling the end of the game blasted through the air. Rafe secured the win. 
It wasn’t the win that guaranteed her heart; it was being the first person he wanted to celebrate it with that gave him her heart. Whilst the rest of his team ran to congratulate him, he had his path set on someone in the stands. He began his jog, throwing off his helmet onto the grass. Y/N ran to the fence separating the benches from the field and Rafe climbed up it to meet her. His hand cupped her cheek to pull her into a kiss. She moved her lips against his and her fingers ran through his hair. The roar of the people dulled to the buzzing of a bee. All she smelt was the sweat that had started to accumulate on his skin. The world ceased to exist when his lips were on hers. “I love you,” she mumbled against his petals. “I love you too.”
The euphoric feeling died that night as well. That same night was when she also realized whatever she had with Rafe didn’t have a chance at forever. No matter how much they both wanted it to. They had gone to the after-party to celebrate their triumph and Rafe had promised her he wouldn’t drink that much. He was supposed to drive them home at the end of the night. In all honesty, since the party was at Topper’s, she didn’t mind if he drank because they could stay in one of the guest bedrooms as a last resort. The discovery of their ending being bound came with what an inebriated Rafe executed thanks to the drink. Y/N’s front pressed against Rafe’s side. She was swaying her hips and his head bopped, pressing the lip of his solo cup between his. Robin bumped into Y/N and his drink poured all over her back. She flew into Rafe’s hold to escape the fizzy drink. The man repeated his apologies, ripping off a piece of paper towel from the counter behind him. Y/N reassured him that it was okay and took the towels he offered to dry herself off. Rafe wasn’t forgiving like his girlfriend and the alcohol in his veins meant his hot-tempered personality was even easier to trigger. He yanked himself away from Y/N. His feet lead him so his chest is pressed against the other male’s. “Watch where you are going, asshole,” he growled.
Y/N placed a hand on Rafe’s chest to separate the two. “Honey, leave it. It was an accident.” Rafe disregarded her words, cocking his face at the blank face on the boy’s face. His fist collides with that face. Robin stumbled back from the force and his nose started bleeding profusely. Rafe provided no time for the bleeding man to recuperate. 
Rafe dove onto Robin and knocked them both onto the ground. Robin’s head banged again and again against the floor. The party-goers fled the area to give the fight space. Y/N jumped onto Rafe’s back and tried to peel him off of the smaller boy. “Honey! Get off of him. Please, you are going to kill him. Look how much he is hurt already,” she shrieked. Tears ran down her face. His drunken state focused his attention on the source of his rage. Not his girlfriend’s pleas. The attack was ended only with the help of Topper and Kelce; they dragged their friend away from the injured boy. Y/N rushed to check on Robin with concerns. Not solely because he was a victim of her boyfriend’s anger, but because if he died it would be bad for Rafe. This made Rafe see red and he sped to his girlfriend. His hand circled her bicep in a vice, wrenching her to her feet. She was jerked toward the stairs leading upstairs. He threw her into one of the empty bedrooms before slamming the door shut. His eyes bore into her, “Why the fuck were you so worried about him? Are you cheating on me with him?” “How can you say that? You beat him like he was dough, so I had to make sure he didn’t die,” she yelled back. Her face was now streaming with drops of frustration. His accusation was ironic considering he was the one known as the ladies' man before they started dating. 
“I had to defend your honour. I did this for you.” 
“You didn’t do this for me. You did this because you were drunk. If you did it for me, you would’ve stopped as soon as I begged you to leave him. It was an accident.”
“Why are you so angry about it? You shouldn’t care about him? You wouldn’t unless you were sleeping with him.
“For god’s sake, Rafe. Stop bringing that up like it’s a fact. I have never touched Robin in that way nor will I ever. You know what? I’m done talking about this. I’m going to sleep. I’m taking the bed, so you better sleep on the floor.” 
Rafe wasn’t surprised that she shut down during their argument. She had a good way of wanting to escape any type of true communication. Just like she did after hearing the rumours and during every other minor argument they had. The drinks in him began to make him drowsy, so he didn’t argue. They both got settled in their perspective sleeping arrangements, facing away from each other. Sleep didn’t find them though. Y/N was too busy thinking over the fact that the night started with so much hope. She sensed merely adoration for him and now, it wrapped up with outrage. She doubted the possibility of a happy ending for them because he may love her, but she would never be able to fill the holes his addictions were able to. Her fears caught up to her and released themselves with a sob. Rafe’s heart clenched at the sound of her sniffles. He hated being the reason for her unhappiness and had to make it better. The blanket fell off of him as he got up from the ground and encroached toward the bed. He carefully lifted the blanket from her body, sliding in beside her. His arms found her waist to bring her closer to his chest. His head dropped to her neck and he pressed a kiss on her soft spot. “I’m so sorry, Love. Of course, I don’t think you are cheating on me. It was because I was drunk. I’ll never drink again. I love you,” he promised. Her breath hitched at his words, letting it slap a bandaid on her aching heart. “I love you too.” She let this dissolve her belief of their destined un-fairytale ending and fell asleep with this lie.  
Y/N let things ruminate inside of her. Problems she had with people were kept locked up inside of her, locked away forever. This stemmed from her hatred for talking through her issues, which was ironic because she was known to have a voice when her stubbornness came into play. However, if her unwillingness to do something wasn’t in her mindset, then she let it stew inside of her. It drove Rafe mad because he never knew what was wrong with her. That was till she found snide ways to express her frustration. Rafe returned home from class, leaving his shoes in the middle of the hallway. Y/N approached the front entrance of their off-campus house to greet her boyfriend. She spotted the shoes he left and sighed, not surprised by his carelessness. “Of course, leave your shoes there, in the middle of the room, like a child. Let me pick up after you like your mother,” she grunted under her breath. She leaned down to grab the shoes and placed them on the shoe rack. Rafe paused from walking further into the house, turning toward Y/N. “What was that?” he paused with his head cocked. She gave her attention to him, “Nothing, Honey. How was your day?” 
Rafe’s head shook and his hand lifted. “You murmured something, Love. I heard it. So tell me,” he ordered. She huffed, “I was talking to myself.” “Yeah, about me. If you can say it to yourself, then you can say it to me,” he noted, bringing his finger to point at his chest. Y/N’s arms crossed over her chest, “I don’t want to talk about this, Honey.” She tried to remove herself from the room, except Rafe held onto her wrist. “Tell me,” he instructed. “No.” She yanked her arm away from him and stormed upstairs with Rafe in tow. “You don’t get to do this, Love. You don’t get to just ignore the problem when I confront you and then be snarky about it later on,” he insisted. She froze in the centre of the upstairs hallway and looked at him. “I am not talking about this,” she gritted through her teeth. She entered their bedroom with a slam and a lock of the door. Leaving Rafe to feel exasperated by her constant avoidance. 
The clock showed eight and she didn’t know why she was staying at the restaurant. He left her waiting there for an hour. She had one idea where he was and she was going to confirm this suspicion. Her car sputtered on the unpaved road, coming to a halt in front of the trailer. Rafe heard her door slam shut from inside. He checked his watch. “Shit,” he groaned, trying to tidy up the evidence of the drugs he was using. Barry laughed, “What has your panties in a twist? Where are you going? I still have so much stuff for us to use.” Rafe’s head moved from side to side. “I can’t. I’m late from dinner and Y/N is here,” he informed. He checked the mirror to wipe away the residue of coke on it. He was too late. Y/N opened the door to catch Rafe dusting off the white powder from under his nose. Wrath filled her, “YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU QUIT.” “Love, I promise that I’m not doing it as often. It’s only to blow off some steam sometimes,” Rafe pledged, rushing to her side with blown pupils. Her eyes cut into slivers, “This is the fourth time this week that you’ve been late to something. That doesn’t count as sometimes.” Rafe gapped at her like a fish, opening and closing his mouth. 
“I’m sorry that I was late, Love. How about we go back to the restaurant and you can order whatever you want. Order the whole menu for all I care,” he proposed. He tried to make the mess go away with a flash of his teeth. Her arms shuddered at her sides, “You don’t get to pretend everything is alright. You deceived me by saying you were getting clean when it was a lie.” He tracked her outside and held the driver’s side door of her car closed. He fell to his knees with his hands held together. His folded hands quaked, “I will quit. I will never touch another speck of cocaine or a drop of alcohol again. Please, just let me take you out to dinner.” She towered him from her standing position. She saw the tears bearming his eyelids and she felt her own about to make an appearance. She didn’t understand why the universe was constantly pushing them apart. She didn’t know why their sweet relationship always had to have a bitter aftertaste.“Don’t make a vow that we both know you aren’t going to keep.”
Ultimately, the bitter overpowers the sweet and she can’t ignore it anymore, toppling the last dominion of their relationship. Barry finds her when she is returning home from the grocery store. “Country Club owes me money,” he utters, causing her a fright. She drops the paper bags she is holding and the items inside litter the floor. Y/N twists to look at him with a frown, leaning over to pick up her fallen purchases. Once she straightens up from her actions, Barry slams her against her car. “Did you hear me, Bitch? Rafe owns me money,” he restates. Y/N glares at him, “And last time I checked, I’m not Rafe. Go bother him with your problems.” “See, he knows that he does and he doesn’t care, so I’m bringing the problem to you because I know you’ll listen to me,” he warns, griping her jar tightly. “Get me my money or else.” His eyes burn into her and she meekly nods her head. Satisfied with the response, he pushes off the car and gets onto his bike, leaving the girl behind. She almost wants to laugh at the idea that Barry thinks she would talk to Rafe about this. No, this encounter would be taken to her grave. 
A week later, Barry returns to their house in a fury. He pushes through the semi-open door, almost causing a tried Rafe to nearly fall on his butt. “It’s been a week. Where is my money, Country Club?” Rafe rubs the sleep from his eyes to give the dealer a crossed look, “We talked about this. I don’t owe you anything.” “Yeah and then I had another conversation with that bitch of yours. I made it clear that I had a different opinion,” Barry explains, laughing. The creak of the steps reveals the arrival of the now-awake female. Her palms dig into her eyes as she slots herself in Rafe’s arms in just his t-shirt barely hiding her pastel green underwear. “What’s going on?” she croaks. Barry jeers, “There is the woman of the hour. I hear you didn’t tell your little boy toy about my visit.” Rafe pulls away from her to give her a confused look, “What is he talking about?” Freezing at the mention of her confidentiality, she pads over to the side table by the door. Her hands dig through the drawer to pull out a wad of cash Rafe keeps there in case of an emergency. She presses it into the brunette’s chest and shoves him out the door. “There is your money. Now, leave us alone, asshole,” she commands, slamming the door in his face. This is going to lead to a fight and she doesn’t need for there to be an audience when it breaks out. “He threatened you?” Rafe confirms with his fingers pointing at the door Barry left from. 
She exhales, “Yes, last week.” “Why didn’t you tell me? Did you hurt me?” he wonders how he didn’t notice. She exposes her unharmed body to him, “No, he wanted to scare me with dramatics. That’s it.” “That is beside the point. He could’ve hurt you. You know, this is exactly like you. You never tell me anything that is going on in that vault of a brain of yours,” he accuses, crossing his arms. Her head whips toward him, “Oh, no. You do not get to bring this back to my problems. Your problem is the reason why he came to me in the first place. If you had gotten clean in the first place like you promised, he wouldn’t have come to me in the first place.”
“That is not fair! I’ve been trying to get sober. I’ve been trying to get sober for you.”
“Maybe… maybe that’s the problem. Honey, I don’t want you to get sober for me. I want you to get sober for you. Because you realize just how much this is hurting you. How much it is changing you as a person.”
“Why can’t I want it for the both of us?” 
“Because I think sometimes you want to do it just to spite me and that’s what stopping you. You want to prove me wrong, which means you are doing it for the wrong reasons so it won’t stick. I think… I think that maybe that is what our whole relationship has been.”
This breaks a damn in Rafe. The broken look of realization on her face calls forth tears in his eyes, “What do you mean, Love? Our whole relationship has been about our love for each other.” “Has it though? Honey, all we ever do is fight. How is that love?” she poses, enclosing her small hands around his bigger ones. His blurry vision finds her, “We fight because we are fighting for our relationship. Because we care.” “Honey,” she whispers with agony. “We both know that even before we started dating, our vices made us like fire and ice.” “And we overcame those problems. Together. Please don’t talk about us like this we are over. We can work together. We can get through this,” he argues, gripping onto her like a life vest. “Until the next fight comes along. Then we are at each other’s throats, getting in as many digs as we can to hurt each other. How is that love, Rafe?” He doesn’t have an answer for her. All he wants is to give her a thousand reasons why they are meant to be together, except he gets completely overwhelmed by the situation. “Please don’t say we are over,” he begs.
“Don’t think of us as over, Honey. Think of this as us completing our story, giving us the chance to go on to make a new one.”
“You don’t mean that. I know you don’t, mean it. You just need some time to think it over. I know it. So I’m going to go to give you some space. And when I come back, we can talk it out.” His words aren’t an order; they are a plea. He leaves her with the hope that the distance from their emotions will help them settle the argument because he doesn’t know what he will do if it doesn’t work. 
Rafe didn’t think she was serious about breaking up. They’ve tried to separate so many times since they started dating, except it doesn’t mean that either of them actually went through it. She thought it would be the end after she got rid of his stash one time. His anger burnt hotter than the sun and she thought she would wake up in her bed alone. That morning, she woke up to whisper apologies and kisses to her stomach. He thought it was done when she found out that he was the reason she didn’t get a spot in the study abroad program. The thought of being away from her for a semester terrified him. She came back two days later with tears streaming down her face, saying she understood why he did it. She wouldn’t have been able to be gone for that long either. 
He is wrong about this time. As he walks into their home, it is like he walked into the wrong universe. What made this house his home feels different and yet he chooses to ignore it. The first thing he notices is that her shoes are gone. No neighbour for the pair of shoes he is abandoning at the door. The first clue should’ve been the lack of Y/N, but the fight they had would’ve been the explanation for that. He tries to tell himself she is going through her shoes and that is why they are missing. He goes to the kitchen to fix himself something to eat and get a beer. She won’t like it if she comes back home to find him drinking, so he’ll have to finish it before she does. He gobbles the peanuts and alcohol down in record time. With his snack completely, he heads to their bedroom to get changed out of his suit into something more comfortable. He neglects the absence of her personal items in the room, too preoccupied with thinking about what to make for dinner. He’ll make smothered pork chops; it’s one of her favourites. When he is about to go to cook, he realizes he should buy her flowers first. He slips on his shoes and walks to the grocery store. It will give him time to go over what he wants to say to her once she is home. He doubts she will be home until dinner, so why rush? He has time. 
Jasmine spots Rafe’s nearing figure and her lips tighten into a straight line. This isn’t his first visit to her. He is here at least once a week to buy Y/N flowers because of an argument. “How bad is it this time?” He scratches the back of her neck and gives her an awkward smile, “It was disastrous. Blue hyacinths and baby’s-breath, please. Oh, and that vase.” He points to a tear-dropped-shaped vase. The opening is smaller than the base and it is circled in ridges. Jasmine bobs her head, filling the glass with water prior to placing the bouquet into them. Rafe pays for the items and walks back home. He sits the vase in the middle of the dining room table and begins to make dinner. He plates the food, setting it on the made table. Everything is in place. The cutlery. The food. The drinks. Rafe. Now, all he needs is for Y/N to come home so they can make up. The hours of the night creep up on him and he eventually eats alone because if she isn’t home by now, then she probably won’t be coming home tonight. He uses Saran wrap to cover her room, placing it in the fridge with a sigh. He hopes she is safe wherever she is. 
Day after day the flowers go unadmired by the person they are meant for. Soft petals shrivell up like aging skin. The vibrant blue turns brown, which signifies death. Rafe keeps them in the vase even if they are long gone, hoping she will see the effort of his action. As the flowers progress in the later stage of decomposition, Rafe recognizes that Y/N will never see them. Because it genuinely is over. Their story is complete. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @victory-in-the-llama
171 notes · View notes
chimivx · 1 month
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That one fucked you over last year, this one is fucking you over this year, you had no idea she was involved with him, someone over here has been lying to you, you didn't mean to end up in that ones bed, he told you he loved you... Does anyone even trust anyone anymore?
👫 -> college!teez x fem!reader/oc {frat/sorority} #️⃣ -> 7.7k (part SIX of ten) ‼️ -> 18+, sexual content, drugs/alcohol, college life, all the drama, heavy angst, infidelity adjacent moments, mean boys, mean girls, mentions of anxiety/depression… IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
{ there are names & faces in here that come from NMWID <3 }
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january 14th ~ monday ~ last semester ~ 1:52 p.m 
Sitting on the floor of your bedroom with your back against the post of your bed, Tori and Yuna sat across from you, their legs stretched out as they scrolled your roommates phone together. Isla was beside you, her long shining hair pulled up into a bun on the top of her head. It was the first day back from winter break, three of you went back home to spend it with family, but Isla stayed here. Not entirely alone, some of the other girls stayed put as well, not wanting to travel long distances because of costs.
Everyone knew Isla could afford it, though. She stayed put because of her parents. Her brother, Dokyeom, or DK as he’s now called, was across the country anyhow, their parents were going to spend the holidays with him, and although they offered to fly Isla out to join, she stayed here in the ITZ house getting into who knows what.
“I have people asking me to make videos about sorority life,” Tori giggled with Yuna, glancing up at you and Isla from her phone. You were editing her Instagram caption for her.
Isla rubbed one of her eyes. “You should,” she said to Tori. “You’re good at speaking… and persuading.”
Tori perked a brow putting her focus on her phone screen. “Thank you, I think?”
“You’re welcome,” Isla said, laying her head on your mattress. She pointed her eyes to you typing away and took a breath. “Damn, it was that bad?”
“No,” you said quickly for reassurance. “Not bad at all, just… Missing some words and spelling errors.” Finishing up, you handed her phone back to her with a smile.
“Thanks, Ror,” she whispered, reading over what you’d done. “Idiot Isla over here.”
“Don’t do that,” you said. “You’re smart.”
She shot you a funny look. “Science smart,” she rolled her eyes, “Brain can name every bone in your body but can’t spell definitely.”
Yuna’s head shot up. “To be fair, that one is hard.”
Sharing a laugh with them both, Tori was the only one to keep quiet. Her brows had lowered over her eyes, the energy within them going dim.
“What happened?” you asked, the attention turning over to her. 
Shaking her head, slowly, she parted her lips and released a breath. “Mingi just told me their Vice President is going to be President next year, once their current one graduates.”
“Hongjoong?” Isla questioned, and Tori nodded. “Damn, it should be Seonghwa instead.”
Widening your eyes you nudged her side to agree with her. “Seonghwa is really smart.”
“They all are,” Yuna said, and you tilted your head from side to side.
“Of course they all are,” you said. “But, I’ve known Seonghwa since we started here. He’s different, he’s calculated, yanno?”
Tori watched you for a few seconds, then offered, “Why not Yunho?”
“What about him? He’s been working side by side with their secretary all year, he’s definitely getting that spot.”
She shrugged. “You don’t think he’s presidential material? You’d choose Seonghwa over him?”
Now Yuna and Isla were watching you. “I mean,” you paused, thinking to yourself, then smiled, “Yunho’s the smartest over there schoolwise, right? It makes sense for him to be in charge of keeping their records straight, making sure everything falls into the plan accordingly, he’s the right amount of mad man for the job, but he has too much heart. Seonghwa would make a good president ‘cause he can separate himself feelings-wise.”
Yuna and Isla ‘awe’d’ in response. Tori simply eyed you, cooking up something in her brain to counteract you, always playing devil's advocate.
“But, if Seonghwa separates himself feelings-wise, how will he relate to his brothers and be able to lead them with some sort of compassion. A president should be empathetic all while still strong minded enough to put their foot down when needed.”
Yuna and Isla were looking at her, then snapped their necks back to you.
“Then it makes all the more sense it’d be Hongjoong then, right?” Your smile made her nod.
“Yeah, it makes sense,” she said.
Isla, focused on you, narrowed her bright eyes slightly. “I like your opinions, Aurora.”
“Me too,” Yuna said, quietly. She and Tori went back to her phone.
“I do, too,” Tori said soon after. 
Isla picked her phone back up, getting ready to post her photos for her thousand of followers. “You should be our next president,” she mumbled, and Tori shot you a smile.
september 21st ~ saturday ~ 3:33 a.m.
Your phone buzzed incessantly, waking you up, pulling you from a much needed slumber that would bring you into a day off. Whoever was waking you up right now better have a good enough reason. Nasara was only finishing its second week of classes and everyone was already exhausted, falling straight back into the student mindset like no one had left for summer.
Lifting your phone, the light of the screen blinding you in the pitch black of your bedroom, you blinked hard, squinted your eyes, and lurched forward. Yunho was calling you. The second you sat up the call stopped, taking you to the home screen showing off the messages waiting for you.
[youknow everythin]: I’m sorry
[youknow everythin]: I’m so fucking sorry
[youknow everythin]: Rory
[youknow everythin]: Forgive me
Stomach sinking, you opened your phone to the thread and saw him typing. Then, the bubbles disappeared.
[you]: yunho are you okay
[youknow everythin]: Yes
[youknow everythin]: …
[youknow everythin]: No
[youknow everythin]: Don’t freak out
[you]: what are you talking about you’re scaring me
[youknow everythin]: Open your window
[youknow everythin]: Please
Dropping your phone to the blankets you twisted to your right and pushed the curtains aside, moving to your knees. Pitch black outside, you could barely see anything out of the window. Nerves sparked inside of you, traveling through your veins, your hands shaky as they worked at the locks on the wood. 
Was he here? On the roof? Was he on the ground? Did he want you to come down? Tori was asleep in the bed mere feet over, not far enough to allow him in if he was here. No one could see him. If he was caught here you were both in trouble. You with Mina, Yunho with Seonghwa.
That thought terrified you. It made you sick. The idea that something would happen to Yunho because he was affiliated with you. Because you two were together after you and Seonghwa… Fuck, you never should’ve did it in the first place. 
Now you were lying to other boys, using him as a pawn in this game you and Yunho were playing, if you could even call it that. Not speaking for a week after he made you cum twice had been taking its toll. You missed him, you wanted him. As much as it hurts to admit it to yourself, you missed him. Even if you meant it as a friend, it still hurt, because how were you two supposed to go back to friends after all of this?
Finding the edge of the window in the dark, you hooked your fingers beneath it and slowly pushed it open, trying to be as quiet as this ancient house would allow you to be. Past every whisper of a creak, every sigh of the slide, you finally opened it all the way, and without another second to think a pair of arms were thrown around your neck, Yunho pressing his lips to yours, his hands slipping into your sleep rumpled hair.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered between kisses, pressing you flush against his chest where he knelt on the shingles, hanging halfway into your window. He kissed you with a ferocity, one you figured came from that place of borderline instability, the part of him that’d make him go crazy over something he was passionate about. Something he loved.
“Yo,” you whispered in the shared air, putting a hand on his chest to push him back. He took a hand to your chin, placing a thumb over your lips.
“Rory,” he kept his voice low, knowing your roommate occupied the room. “I’m sorry.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I know,” his eyes squeezed shut, “But, I am. I’m sorry for not talking to you, for not answering you.” His words began to tighten the space between your lungs. “It’s been weird over there, at the house, with the guys, and I just… I don’t know how to handle this.”
You waited, for him to say anything else. “Handle what, Yo?”
“You.” He kissed your cheek. “You, Rory, this. Us. I don’t want anything else.”
Grabbing his wrists you tugged them away and put space between you. Eyes adjusting to the dark, you were able to make him out now. Fluffy hair, sleepy eyes, puffy cheeks. He had either just woken up, or he hadn’t slept. In a long time.
“Yunho, hang on,” you whispered, taking a breath. “There isn’t… Us.”
“Yes, there is.” He came closer to you. “Rory, come on.”
Moving your hands to his you opened your fingers and he snatched them right up, holding onto yours tight. “What do you think is going to happen? You’re gonna date me? You’re gonna be my boyfriend? After all of this? Yunho we’re not even barely into the semester yet and…” Releasing a sigh, you felt your throat tighten, like you were going to cry.
“Tell me,” he whispered. “Tell me everything, please.”
You wanted to. A part of you, most of you, wanted to tell him everything. From Seonghwa, to Tori and Mina’s friendship, to your dad… But, if you got into any of it you’d be airing out a lot of shit you’ve done to try to move past him. Sleeping with Seonghwa, putting your focus on him, toying with the idea of Soul, keeping the freshman in your back pocket just in case…
“Rory.” His whisper held a bout of sorrow, and when you looked up into his brown eyes, he nodded the smallest he’s ever had. “I know.”
Now you were crying. Tears slid from your eyes without your permission. “When?”
“The night it happened.” He drug his thumb over your cheek, brushing a tear away. “He makes it kinda obvious.”
“Fuck,” you sighed, taking your hands to your face, wiping it clean. Yunho sat back some, still halfway through your window. “I’m sorry.”
He shrugged slightly, and shook his head. “I can’t be mad at you.”
“Yes, you can.” You glared up at him, then closed your eyes.
Taking a deep breath, letting it out with a sigh, he said, “Okay. I am. That’s why I stuck to Mina after… And that's why I haven’t answered you.” He glanced away, but when you opened your eyes to watch him, his attention was back over your being. “But, that still isn’t right, Rory, we hooked up last week. I should’ve answered you, and I’m sorry.”
“Did we?” you asked, and he raised his brows in question. “Hooked up? That’s what we did?”
Yunho ran his tongue over his bottom lip, his eyes blinking like crazy. “I mean,” he breathed, “What do… What do you think?”
You waited to answer him. Letting the question marinate in the air, in the tension between the two of you that was so thick it could only be cut by him smothering you with his body weight on your sheets, you shrugged. “Yunho, it’s more than that.”
“Yeah,” he answered quickly, taking you by surprise.
“It’s been more than that, Rory,” he said. “For a while.”
“It has been,” you whispered.
His sideways smile melted on to his face, charming you, pulling you toward him. Outstretching your arms he let you fall into him, his own arms wrapping around your back, holding you close as you beckoned his lips closer with your own, and you kissed him. Slow, eating away time like you had nothing to lose, Yunho was seconds away from pulling you onto the roof, or rolling on top of your bed inside the window, but you pulled away from him.
“Wait,” you said, and he looked at you wide eyed, his lips still half pursed. “Not to… Talk about it… But, Tori told me something.” He thinned his lips and nodded. “About Seonghwa.”
Yunho sighed, his eyes falling shut for half a second. “Yeah,” he grumbled. “I know what you’re going to say.” Parting your lips to speak, he was quick to kiss you, swallowing your words. “Don’t apologize.”
“How can I not, I’m gonna get you kicked out of your frat,” you said, furrowing your brows. Keeping his lips moving over yours, his tongue slipping out to meet yours, he sighed and held you tighter.
“You’re not,” he whispered. “I’m not going to get kicked out.” 
Clamping your jaw shut, withholding the whine that yearned to slip out, Yunho’s lips slid down your neck. “But, Tori said that Mingi said-“
His teeth pressed into your skin, gently, cutting you off. A breath corrupted your lungs. Wrapping his lips around where he bit, he released a breath, the warm air erupting goosebumps over your skin.
“Can we not listen to other people?” Lifting his head, taking his hands to your cheeks, he drew circles over your skin and left a kiss on the tip of your nose. “That’s how so many of these messes get started, by listening to other people.”
Gazing up at him, longing to pull him into your bed, to fall asleep beside him, you gave him a small smile. “How?” He was quiet, you could see the gears turning behind his eyes. “How does this work, because I see it all going to shit if we do anything.”
“Me too,” he answered honestly, letting out a quiet laugh with you. “The reality is that I have to break things off with Mina, even though we aren’t dating.”
“You’re gonna break her heart,” you whispered, and Yunho expressed his distress on his face. “Do you feel things for her, Yo? Be honest with me.”
He shook his head, then hesitated, then continued to shake it. “She’s… cute. I’m attracted to her, but I don’t… I don’t know. She doesn’t get me like you do, Rory, she thinks I’m… silly.”
You caught your laugh before it echoed into your bedroom. “Silly?”
Yunho creased his brow. “Silly,” he said. “And, she has no opinions on Mesoamerican civilizations.”
Gasping, slightly sarcastic, you whispered, “You’re kidding. Does she even care that your favorite period is postclassic?” 
Holding back his laugh, you could tell he wanted to, he forced a frown on his face and shook his head. “She doesn’t.”
“Oh, honey,” you crooned, cupping his cheeks. “Just know that I still stand by what I said, they were superstitious bastards, and weak, abandoning all their land?”
His eyes bugged out of his head. “Rory, you know they had to move. How can you even say that? We’ve discussed this!”
Shushing him, you giggled and fell into him. Catching you, not finding it very funny, Yunho glanced away in shock. “I know, I know,” you said, catching your breath. “Listen to me,” you looked up at him, his face solemn, “You’re not silly. You’re intelligent, and you love what you do.”
“I think I love you,” he whispered.
“You have people around you who get you, Mingi, Tori, me, yanno? You don’t need that validation from elsewhere, you can get all you need from us. Okay?”
“Did you hear what I said?” he whispered.
Gulping, you tilted your head. “I did.”
He searched your eyes for an answer. “And?”
Thinking for a moment, you sighed. “Yo, I don’t know what that feels like.”
The whole truth. Love? What was that? You’re not sure you’ve ever felt that for another human being, at least on this level. Sure you loved Tori, you loved Mingi and Yunho, as your friends. But, to love somebody? To be in love with somebody?
“I understand,” he said. “It’s okay.”
Toying with his hair at the nape of his neck, you pressed your lips together and frowned. “I like you, I have feelings for you, you have the ability to do things that hurt me in that way… So, I mean, maybe I do?”
Yunho’s eyes flickered to your lips. “Don’t force yourself, Rory, don’t overthink it. Don’t look into it.”
“But, I have to,” you whispered. “I’ve been jealous of Mina since last semester.”
He raised his brows. “You have?”
“I have,” you admitted, curling your lip. “Unfortunately, I still am.”
His hands pressed into you. “Don’t be.”
“Yo,” you started with a smirk, “Everyone throws in my face daily that she’s your type, that she’s perfect for you.” He narrowed his eyes. “And, looking at her, she kinda is.”
“Just by her looks?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Everybody mentions her clothes, her style, the way she puts herself together. She’s perfect for you.”
Yunho lowered his eyes, thinking again. Then, he lifted his gaze to meet yours. “Do they not know she’s a bitch?” Gasping aloud, you both started to laugh, covering each other's mouths with your shoulders. “I’m serious,” he snickered, moving a hand through your hair. “We have to do what she wants to do, we have to say what Mina wants to say, we have to act how Mina wants to act. She pretends to listen to me, but then won’t remember a thing. It’s like she’s not even into me, at least since we’ve been back. She’s worried about her image.”
Taking everything he said, knowing you would save it and hold onto it later, you scoffed. “Damn, started to think I was the only one who was starting to not like her.” Yunho smiled sideways, then shook his head. “What do we do?”
His smile faltered. “Exactly what you know we need to do.” 
“Don’t make me.”
He thinned his lips and bowed his head. “Rory, if I’m breaking it with Mina, I need you to break up with Seonghwa.”
september 21st ~ saturday ~ 10:17 a.m.
Somebody was crying.
Sitting up in bed, awoken by the sobs and harsh breaths, you rubbed your eyes and pushed your hair from your face. Somebody was crying and it was coming from the hallway. Your door was cracked open, Tori gone, having gotten up at some point without waking you.
Throwing the covers from your legs you slid from your bed and poked your head out of your door. The hall was empty, but the crying was louder. Stepping out into the vacant hall, closing your door behind you, you tiptoed around the floor, pressing your ear to Ryujin and Isla’s door. It wasn’t coming from there. Circling around, moving toward the common bathroom on this floor, the door was cracked like yours was, and the crying was coming from inside.
“You can call him,” Tori’s voice said from behind the door. “That’ll help won’t it?”
Shit. Shit. Did it happen already? Did Yunho even sleep at all? He left your roof soon after he told you to break things off with Seonghwa, when it was nearing quarter after four. Did he already do his part?
“I can’t, when he gets like this he doesn’t answer his phone,” Mina sniffled. “So high and mighty,” she muttered with a cry. “It’s scary, you know. You can’t pull him out of it, you can’t bring him back, he has to do it himself.”
“No one can help?” Tori asked.
Mina sniffled. “No,” she said. “His dad usually can, he said he’d get like this too sometimes, but… Chan is way worse. At least that’s what doctors like to say. He’s got the combination. His dad only has one.”
It’s not about Yunho.
Thank god, it’s not about Yunho.
But, damn, it’s about her family. 
Backing away toward the staircase, not wanting to interrupt the two or insert yourself into that situation, you leaned against the bannister and waited for someone, anyone, to come out. It took a couple minutes, but Tori was first, after telling Mina to take all the time she needs, and that if she needs any help she shouldn’t hesitate to let her know.
Your roommate stepped out of the bathroom in her pajamas, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Pulling the door shut, she turned around and caught a glimpse at you, her eyes shifting into a hardened glare, her eyebrows going flat. Folding your hands over your front, you gestured toward the bathroom as Tori bounded forward toward you.
“Is she gonna be okay, should we-”
She grabbed onto your wrist, not worried whether or not she hurt you. Pulling you into your shared bedroom, she flung you inside, releasing you, and shut the door. Slamming it, really. Ryujin would be complaining later on.
“Tori!” you giggled, stumbling over clothes that laid on the floor. Catching your balance, turning to her and her, you think, anger, you sat on the edge of your mattress and shook your head. “What’s going on? Is it Mina?” She came closer to you, slowly, her mind at work. Or, rather, her mind settled, the venom ready to pierce you.
“Tell me everything,” she snapped, her volume low. She stepped in front of you, keeping you trapped where you sat on your bed. Looking up at her and her pointed brown eyes, there wasn’t as much honey in them as there normally would be. She was angry.
Electricity sparked in your veins, shooting throughout every limb. “What are you talking about? What did Mina say?” 
“Mina is having family troubles right now, Aurora, this isn’t about her, this is about you.” She jutted her chin toward the window behind you. Your stomach sunk through the floor. “Tell me why I woke up to you and Jeong Yunho swapping spit on our roof last night.”
Oh, fuck.
Well, here we go.
“Tori, listen, there isn’t anything-”
“Bullshit, Aurora,” she sneered, taking a step backward. Her piercing glare didn’t once leave you. “He told you he loved you. What the fuck is that?”
Lungs tightening in your chest, you tried to take a deep breath to ease the tension but it didn’t work. “I don’t know, Tori, you gotta believe me. I just… We’ve been hooking up for a while, it was only so I could get over what happened with Wooyoung, it wasn’t supposed to turn into anything crazy.”
“Your ‘hooking up’ that’s ‘more than that’?” she whispered behind her teeth. Damn, she really did hear everything. “When did this start? You said it was to get over Wooyoung, are you telling me you’ve been fucking him since last semester? While he’s been dating Mina?”
“What?” you sighed, eyes going wide. “Dating Mina?”
Tori glanced around the room like you were stupid. “Hello, Aurora, where have you been? Even if the words aren’t said it’s clear that the two are for one another. You’re telling me you’ve been sleeping with him this whole time?”
“Hang on,” you breathed, standing to your feet, making her back up. “Tori, hang on.” Reaching out for your best friend's shoulders, your heart sunk as she swatted you away. “Okay,” you whispered, putting your hands to your chest instead. “Yunho and I, it’s been since May.”
“May?!” Tori nearly shouted.
“Yes,” you said. “It was right after the year ended. I was at his place, I was helping him unpack because you know he is not good at that. If I didn’t go there he would probably to this day still not be unpacked.”
She rolled her eyes. “Where was his brother, is he not capable of helping him?”
“Tori, we’re friends, me and Yunho, I’ve been to his house before, it wasn’t weird,” you said, tilting your head aside, questioning her with your eyes. “It took us probably two hours to get him unpacked and comfortable, it was only him and I there, we got to talking, we opened a couple drinks.”
“Talking about what?” she asked, her tone never changing, dripping with frustration. “Don’t you dare beat around the fucking bush, tell me it all, I am so pissed off right now.”
“Wooyoung,” you sighed, speaking with your hands as if it would calm her down. Her emotion radiated off of her, her energy filling the room with the ability to suffocate you. “We were talking about Wooyoung and what had happened, how he slept with Yeji, or how Yeji slept with him. My feelings were hurt, you know this, and Yunho asked me how I was feeling. I was honest with him, it sucked. I thought Wooyoung actually liked me, and he didn’t. I thought I would get to have what you and Mingi had, and I wanted it with him.”
Tori grit her teeth. “Wooyoung or Yunho?”
Taking a breath you shook your head. “What?”
“Wooyoung or Yunho, Aurora,” she said. “Because now a whole bunch of shit is adding up.”
“Like what?” you asked quietly, tucking your hands over your front, clutching your t-shirt for some sort of comfort.
“For starters, last semester you were obsessed with him,” she scoffed, “And you made it pretty damn obvious, but I just thought it was because you guys were friends, and you were upset he was pulling away because of Mina.” She lowered her voice even more. “Now I know it’s because you liked him. Did you even know you liked him?”
“No,” you breathed, your throat tightening. “I didn’t. Not then.”
“From that, to this summer and you and Yunho spending so much time together, to how you guys were at that first party,” she paused and smirked. “You know, Mingi said that Yunho said the same exact thing when he asked him where he went. Outside? You know how upset he is right now?”
You flushed of all color, your blood running cold. “You told Mingi?”
“Of course I told Mingi, Aurora,” she laughed aloud, shaking her ponytail. “What do you think? I’m going to find this out about his best friend and not ask him about it? I had to make sure at least one person in my life was telling me the truth.” Sucking in air like your life depended on it, the tears welled up in your eyes, but you forced them back. “What did I say when you told me about Seonghwa? Don’t keep things from me? And you lied to my face?”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“That’s not going to cut it, Aurora,” she said, her own voice cracking. Knowing her, you were surprised she wasn’t already crying. It wasn’t in weakness either, that was just how she expressed her feelings. “Apologies aren’t going to mean anything anymore if you don’t change how you’re acting.”
“Right,” you whispered. “You’re right.”
“Was Seonghwa a lie? It’s been Yunho this whole time?”
“Seonghwa was not a lie,” you said, holding up your hands. “I slept with Seonghwa, that was real. It was me… Angry that Yunho was giving his attention to Mina instead of me.”
Her brows squished to the center of her forehead. “Sleeping with other guys is not going to heal what happened with another, and that’s coming from me.”
“I know,” you glanced down at the floor, then back at Tori. “Last week I was with Yunho, at the party.”
She huffed a laugh. “What party, you weren’t there.”
“Yes I was,” you whispered, and she spun in a circle, pressing her hands to her cheeks. “I left dinner. Seonghwa picked me up, he brought me to ATZ, and when you guys showed up was when Yunho took me upstairs, when I… followed him upstairs. We were only gonna talk, but… we were really drunk, and, I guess…”
“In love with each other,” Tori mumbled, her icy glare back over your trembling form. “Admit it, Ror.”
Swallowing hard, you clutched your hands together and shrugged. “Tori, I don’t think I can.” Her eyes softened the slightest, her knowing eyes. “I said it to him last night, I don’t know… what that feels like.”
She nodded and whispered, “I know.”
A tear slid down your cheek. “This is all a mess. I promise to you, I swear, that I did not know about Yunho and Mina. All summer, I had no clue. He told me nothing. Not until we were with her after that morning meeting and she told us about it.” She was quiet, letting you speak your truth. “Tori, after what happened to me, you really think that I would go and do that to another girl? One of our sisters?”
“When’s the last time you fucked him?” she raised a single brow, the pierced one. “Last night was pretty shitty enough. Was it last week? At the party nobody saw you at?” You nodded and she sighed. “You’re still doing what Yeji did to you, Aurora. You know she likes him.”
“I know, I know.” Taking your hands to your hair, you tugged them through the strands and gripped the ends. “It’s fucked up, and I hate it, and I don’t wanna do it.”
“Then, break it off,” Tori said.
Looking up at her, lips parted in some sort of shock, you whispered, “What?”
She shrugged. “With Yunho, break it off.”
The words struck you like a bolt of lightning. You couldn’t feel the floor beneath you, your stomach was sick, your head going dizzy. You couldn’t feel the tears on your cheeks, but you knew they were falling.
“I- I can’t do that, Tori,” you babbled, looking everywhere else but at her. “He’s the closest person I have, besides you. He’s one of my best friends, he knows so much, he cares about me. I care about him, how can I just break it off with him. He gets me, I get him, yanno, it’s like, when you talk about Mingi, and how he just fits with you, he’s your other half. That’s how it feels with Yunho, he just fits with me. He laughs at my jokes, he makes sure I’m alright, and I do the same for him, yanno, I love him, I can’t just…”
The corners of Tori’s lips perked up. She stepped closer to you and wiped your cheeks clean of tears. Squishing your cheeks together, she leaned over you and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead. She let you process what you had said, what you admitted in your blind rambles.
“It’s still shitty, Ror,” she said, her tone gentle. Making sure you were looking at her, she whispered, “And I’m really mad you didn’t tell me. As much as I love us loving those best friends, the four of us, I’m upset. So is Mingi. I don’t even want to know what’s going down at ATZ right now, especially since you’re Seonghwas. Yunho knew his consequences, he knew what would happen… So, I guess he really does love you if he doesn’t care about losing his brothers.”
“Please don’t tell Mina,” you whispered, and Tori brushed your cheeks clean again.
Pursing her lips, she sighed. “That puts me in a really awful place, Ror.” Pleading with her, your eyes wide and shiny, she took a breath and shook her head. “Figure this out, and tell me when you do.” Taking her hands back, she crossed her arms over her chest. “And, I’ll tell you when I’m not so mad anymore… I wanna know what it is about this boy's dick that’s made you like this.”
Cracking a smile, you raised your shoulders. “Okay, let me know.”
Bobbing her head, Tori glanced about the room. “We’ve got girls coming around this week, we need to clean up.”
“Let me do it, please,” you said. “I owe you this. I can take care of it all, I’ll do your laundry.”
She smiled. “I’ll help you, Ror. Don’t be silly.” Smiling back at her, she accepted it. “Recruitment dinner’s a week from now. We’ll be at ATZ. Do you think you’ll have things figured out by then? Sorted out?”
With a breath you shrugged. “I can’t tell you that. Yunho gives me whiplash.”
“Valid,” she popped her brows and turned to make her bed. “Maybe you guys are meant for one another.” Watching her pull at her blankets, you couldn’t help but giggle. She threw you a look over her shoulder, shutting you up.
“Right, mad at me, probably shouldn’t be giddy over a boy telling me he loves me,” you said, narrowing your eyes, and she lost her mind, collapsing onto her bed, laughing. “I’m so serious, too.”
Tori flipped over and tossed a hand your way. “Ror, you’re never serious.”
Sighing, you propped your hands on your hips. “You know, I could give you one fun fact to hold you over until you’re not mad at me, about Yunho.” She started to arrange her pillows, her head shaking, her smile still evident. “You want a spoiler, angry pants?”
“Ror!” she laughed, throwing a plushie at you, one gifted to her from Mingi. Shoving her hands into her lap, she squeezed her eyes shut, her entire face screwing up before she nodded really fast. “Tell me,” she forced from her mouth.
Smirking, you whispered, “He’s huge.”
Her eyes shot open, her extremities flying every which way beside her. “Compared to Seonghwa?”
“Bigger,” you whispered, and she flopped backward, kicking her feet.
“Shut the fuck UP!” Launching forward, she tucked her knees beneath her and slapped a hand over her mouth. “I wouldn’t even think that, ever, Hwa gives off such big-”
Your bedroom door opened, slowly, pulling you and Tori’s attention toward it. A red eyed, tear stained cheeked Mina poked her head inside. Mouth going dry, you watched as she took you in, then turned to Tori.
“Hey,” your roommate said, her tone hushed. You actively watched as she took everything you told her within the last ten to fifteen minutes and sat it in the backseat of her mind. “You okay?”
Mina pouted, a tear slipping down her cheek as she shook her head. “Can I talk to you?”
Tori glanced at you, and you nodded, something small so Mina wouldn’t think too much into anything. “Sure,” she said to the sophomore, moving off of her bed. Mina disappeared behind the door that Tori tugged closed, giving you a look before it latched shut.
Tori would have your back. She wouldn’t tell Mina anything, that much you knew. You could trust her, though it killed you to know that you had broken hers. It was all aired out now, all of your shit. Someone other than you and Yunho knew your history. Tori, and Mingi. Seonghwa had guessed it was Yunho, but the two of you didn’t go into details. He was still someone you could trust, though this whole belonging to him thing made you sick.
Yunho had to break things off with Mina, and you had to find a way to break things off with Seonghwa while still keeping him on your good side. 
september 21st ~ saturday ~ 5:02 p.m.
[youknow everythin]: Thinking about you. What else would I be doing.
[youknow everythin]: I want to see you. I want to show you what page I’m on in this textbook right now, you’ll freak out. It’s for my history of gender class, we’re reviewing the protests of women, the suffrage movements. They’re so badass. Makes me think of you. I don’t know.
[youknow everythin]: I haven’t talked to Mina yet. She’s been texting me about something with her brother. What’s going on over there?
[you]: you already know i’d be one of those girls in the streets with the signs, petticoats and everything
[youknow everythin]: You’d look good in one of those.
[you]: thanks <3
[youknow everythin]: What did you say about those hearts?
[you]: i can send it, you can’t
[youknow everythin]: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
[you]: you’re insufferable, how’s your thumbs after that???
[youknow everythin]: They hurt
[youknow everythin]: See what I put myself through for you, Rory
[you]: my knight in shining armor, woe is me
[you]: mina is not okay, she’s been kinda crying all day, tori has been hanging with her. it is her brother, but i can’t tell what’s going on. he’s either missing, or he ran away, or something else, i dunno. i hope he’s okay, i know he struggles
[you]: let me know when you talk to her, then i’ll talk to seonghwa
[youknow everythin]: I will. I’m going to go back to my women now.
[youknow everythin]: …
[youknow everythin]: <3
[you]: …
[you]: <3
september 22nd ~ sunday ~ 12:14 p.m.
Getting out of the house, spending some time at the Conoscenza, claiming a table on the second floor with Tori, the two of you had been sitting in front of textbooks and notebooks for the last hour. It was incredibly unfortunate you weren’t able to tell Mingi or Yunho to meet you here, there were too many eyes around, and Yeji was off doing god knows what for the day. The two of you were better off getting homework done on your own, and a small part of you kind of loved that. It’d been chaos since move in day, you and Tori hadn’t had much time to just be you and Tori.
Sharing laughs, helping one another with tricky questions, taking time to scroll on your phones and show each other meme’s you knew the other would like, it felt it should, everything was good. Everything was going to be okay.
That is until now, when Tori caught your attention by tapping the end of her gel pen on your book, gesturing behind you with her eyes. Turning over your shoulder, Yunho was sliding into a chair at another table on the other side of the library. Tori smiled as she watched your eyes light up.
“Do you think I can go talk to him?” you whispered, looking at her. She shrugged, and went to speak, but then snapped her jaw shut, her eyes widening the slightest. “What?” Turning back around, you released a breath.
Mina was sitting down across from him in a pleated skirt and the sweetest sweater. She wore a pout on her lips, and when she was seated she stretched her hands across the table toward him, ones he took tentatively. Was this happening now?
“Tori, did she tell you they were coming here?” you asked, facing your best friend who had her eyes locked on the pair.
“No, I swear,” she whispered. “I had no idea they would be here. She did tell me she wanted to talk to him about her family, though. She told me they still don’t know where Chan is, one of the twins, you know about them right?”
Nodding, you sighed. You knew about all of your sisters' families, all of their siblings. Mina was quick to drop all of her information to you the second you two were alone. “I know about them. They’re a good family, she comes from a good one, I feel bad for her.”
Tori frowned. “I do, too. She shouldn’t have to worry about this while she’s here.”
Turning to catch a glimpse of her, Mina was crying, her mouth running a mile a minute. Yunho was nodding his head, his hands not having moved an inch since he originally took them. 
“Do you think they look anything like her?” you asked out of pure curiosity, facing Tori who gave you a questionable look. “Have you seen them before, I mean?”
“Are you asking that because they have a different dad?” she asked, eyeing you as you pulled out your phone. 
Ignoring the text from Seonghwa, who was asking to see you, you opened Instagram. “No, not because of that. You don’t get intrigued? She has three brothers, don’t you wanna know what they look like? We know what Isla’s brother looks like.”
“Everyone knows what DK looks like, Ror, he’s the most pined after baseball player in the fuckin’ MLB,” she laughed, then thought to herself. “Though, if Vernon gets there, that might change,” she mumbled, and you snickered. 
“You have a secret crush?”
Tori deadpanned. “Don’t we all?”
Shrugging, you typed away at your phone and leaned forward onto the table. “Touché.”
Opening up Mina’s profile, her follower count just under six thousand, though it went up everyday, you scrolled until you found a photo of several people standing together on a football field. Her high school graduation.
A man, taller than Yunho, stood beside a woman, his arm wrapped around her back, hooking around her waist. They were a beautiful couple, and they looked genuinely happy. The man, who you assumed was Mina’s father, was gorgeous. So gorgeous you had to keep scrolling through the photos or else you’d have to tell Tori you understood her when she spoke about your own father. The couple stood with Mina, her hair long and past her shoulders like her mothers. She was her father, they shared the same smile, their eyes would scrunch up the same.
In the next photo Mina was standing with another man, he was tall too, but not as tall as her dad. He had shorter dark hair that hung over his forehead, and he wore darker clothes. She was in the middle of the photo, the skinny guy on one side and someone who looked just like him stood on the other. He was tagged as @kaangmiinhoo, but neither the name nor neither of their faces rang any bells.
The third photo is what made you smile. Finally, Mina and her three brothers. Two were nearly identical, tagged as @chan_1007 and @choiisunoo. Speechless, you turned the phone to show Tori.
“Oh my god,” she whispered, zooming in on Chan and Sunoo. “Oh my god.”
“Who’s the dad?” you asked, and you both shared a quiet laugh. “If it’s not the first hot guy, is it the second hot guy?” Scrolling back to the photo with the Minho tag, Tori audibly expressed her disagreement.
“That’s her uncle and her cousin,” she said.
“Damn,” you said. “Is everyone hot?” Swiping back to the brother photo, Tori zoomed in on the boy to Mina’s left. The twins were behind her, smug, their chins tipped backward, but the boy to her left simply smiled, his other hand not behind his sister's back tucked behind his own. He was tagged as @everyone_woo. Wonwoo was his name.
“He’s her actual sibling,” Tori said. “He’s younger than her, and believe it or not, he plays baseball, too.”
“What do the twins do?” you asked, zooming back in on Chan, finding it hard to fathom that he was real. Tori shrugged.
“They’re older, I don’t know, she’s never spoken much of them until now,” she said.
“Hm, interesting,” you mumbled. Tori went back to her books. Sitting back in your chair you tapped on Chan's profile that was thankfully public. There were numerous photos of cars, a few of him and some friends thrown in the midst. With a whopping total of twenty photos, typical man, towards the bottom there were party pictures, probably from high school or college, if he went. The very first post was of him and another guy taller than him by a few inches. They almost shared a face. Tapping on it, the caption read ‘my dad is cooler than your dad’.
His dad was, dare you say, hotter than Mina’s. You couldn’t blame her mom. He was posed with an arm slung around Chan's shoulder, the other hand pressed to his own head, messing with his long, shaggy hair. Chan was leaning into him, his arms crossed over his chest, looking about fifteen or sixteen years old. Below it, the Minho who was tagged in one of Mina’s photos had left multiple comments, the boys going back and forth about the clothes he was wearing, and when they were going to hang out again.
Swiping away from it, scrolling up to the top of his profile, it accidentally refreshed, and when it loaded, there was a colorful ring around his profile photo. A new story update. Furrowing your brow, you contemplated tapping on it. If this guy was… missing, why would he be posting to his Instagram story?
You clicked it.
A video started to play, on silent. Chan was walking through a house, showing off the sneakers on his feet, and then the camera lifted to Sunoo, his twin brother who had a baby on his hip. He was bouncing the little one, a baby girl with a bow in her hair. When Chan shoved the camera in his face, Sunoo flashed him a smile behind the phone and then pushed him away with his free hand. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the words on the screen were ‘dad on duty’, and Sunoo was tagged.
The video ended.
He wasn’t missing, he was at home.
“Tor,” you whispered. She gave you a hum, but didn’t look up from her work. Locking your phone, you stared down at the table and didn’t answer her. Not that she was paying attention anyway. You’d tell her later. Hopefully Chan didn’t take the video down.
Moving slowly, you turned over your shoulder to peek at Mina and Yunho. They were standing, he was hugging her. Arms thrown around his neck, she was looking at you sending your stomach into a tizzy. Her cheek was laying on his shoulder, and you swore she wore some type of dominance in her gaze.
When they pulled apart from one another it vanished, and she blinked big, sad eyes up at him, nodding as he spoke to her. His hands took to her hair, maneuvering her chin upward, and he kissed her cheek. Trying to not let it bother you, you told yourself that everything would be okay. Everything was going to be fine.
He was yours, he told you he loved you.
Things would be settled soon, and everyone would have peace, though you’re not so sure Mina deserved any.
If you were lucky enough to be blessed with siblings, loving, caring siblings… You certainly wouldn’t use them or their struggles for your own personal gain.
What the fuck was going on?
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NU home ✧ nice for what masterlist ✧ talk to me ✧ thank you for reading <3
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you do not have permission to copy or translate my works without my consent.
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empire-if · 1 year
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After rising to the top do you have what it takes to stay there? Do you even want to?
Hollywood; the crown jewel of California. An unconquerable entity that stands the test of time despite various setbacks. Rising to the top was a long and arduous journey but you have done just that.
Sitting upon your throne of broken promises and fanciful lies— all of them being gilded in gold. Leaving behind your past without a second glance back. Childish merriment was replaced with the flashing lights of cameras. Grass-stained jeans turning to designer clothes. You never wanted to go back to what you used to be.
That is until the pesky problems of death threats start to become an actual concern. To your team and the authorities at least.
Meaning you have to leave behind your mansion in the hills for your parents two bedroom house in Airedale, Maine.
How are you going to deal with your past and present clashing? And what will you do about someone wanting you dead?
Empire is Rated 18+ for explicit language, sexual themes, drug/alcohol use, questionable behavior, mentions of murder, and more.
Customizable MC: name, sexuality, gender, appearance, vices, your mansion, and more as things begin to crop up within the story.
Choose what type of Star you have been to the public-- have you been the media's darling or more of black sheep? With a smattering of vices that have helped you cope with the stress of Hollywood.
Have you done something so horrible that it warrants someone wanting you dead? Was your last performance truly that bad? Or is it something a bit closer to home?
Romance 1 of 5 options that will offer something unique. Will you fall for your old sweetheart again; did you ever stop loving them? Or will you fall for the pesky journalist that is coming just a little too close for comfort? Time will tell.
Will your empire, the one you’ve fought so hard for, crumble into dust? Or will you rise above it all?
♛ THE ROs ♛
Scott/Scarlett Frost ♛ He/Him or She/Her ♛ 29 ♛
Your high school sweetheart/ex-fiancé has since become a veterinarian in the small town of Airedale. Light blue eyes still shining with the same warmth as you remember. Though it was a gaze filled with understandable weariness.
Edward/Elizabeth Holland ♛ He/Him or She/Her ♛ 30 ♛
Your costar from your most recent film. Who also happens to be your current PR significant other. Unfortunately, that also means that they have to come with you to not completely ruin everything you both have been implementing. You just hope everything ends up working out all right.
Victor/Victoria Swann ♛ He/Him or She/Her ♛ 29 ♛
The bad kid turned Deputy Sheriff in the small town of Airedale. A sight that you weren’t expecting to see at all when returning. Nor were expecting the reaction you got from them when they finally saw you once again.
Carter Griffith ♛ He/Him or She/Her ♛ 28 ♛
An old family friend has come to town for your class reunion; because of course, your reunion has to be whenever you’re forced to come back. Sly remarks and amused smiles are still a common entity with Carter. You wouldn’t expect anything less from them though.
Taylor Brennan ♛ He/Him or She/Her ♛ 28 ♛
The journalist that’s getting a little too close for comfort but maybe that’s your own fault too. You just have to make sure that you don’t let anything too detrimental slip out. As bad press wouldn’t be the worst thing you’d have to worry about then.
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OK, one more. I'm on a secret admirer thing right now. How about some head-cannons about the yandere vice-dorm leaders as a secret admirer.
Thank you!
Yes yes yes I can do that!
Warning(s): drugging, kidnapping, implications of wanting to injure the reader, mind control, accidental(?) gaslighting, stalking, Lilia's part might not be great because I genuinely had no idea what to do
Trey Clover
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Trey would send you hand-made baked goods every day!
Often along with a short letter signed by "your secret admirer"
Along with the letters and baked goods, he also sends you flowers!
Of course, Trey is the first person you expect when your secret admirer's calling card so to say is sending you baked goods and flowers
But, luckily for him, he's good at throwing you off his trail. He'll send a few things that make you believe it could be someone else...
To be fair, you don't know many other people who attend NRC, maybe it is someone other than Trey.
As the days go on, the letters get... more intense.
It's clear this person, your secret admirer, wants you now.
Tonight, Trey's putting something special in the pastry he's making you
After you eat it, he'll visit you and bring you home with him.
"Morning, (Y/N). Did you have a good sleep? Did the pastry taste good? You know, I used a sprecial family recipe for tha- Huh? What's with that face? You don't have any reason to be shocked, I'm sure you knew this was going to happen, those letters I sent you did have a few red flags..."
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie would be very good at hiding his identity from you
I mean, don't you think a man like him would be good at keeping secrets?
Ruggie doesn't send you baked goods or flowers, or anything like that... he instead sends you stuff he either stole or bought with Leona's money.
Candies, jewels, food... anything Ruggie can find, he'll send to you (and keep a bit for himself, obviously)
Day after day, you'll be given these gifts... and you appreciate it so much, you wish you knew who was giving them to you!
You'll even tell Ruggie about it. You'll tell him you have some kind of secret admirer, and how they've been giving you lots of gifts, and how badly you wish you knew who was sending them so you could thank that person directly!
Ruggie smirks to himself when you say that.
"Should I tell 'em...? Nah, not yet. I'll let things keep playing out until they give hints that they actually like me. Shishishi! Won't that be fun? (Y/N)'s gonna be real shocked when they find out it's me giving 'em those gifts! Grammy likes them, so marriage won't be a problem... I'm sure the rest o' the family will love 'em too!"
Jade Leech
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Jade's love letters are... special.
The letters are very hastily written, like whoever wrote it's life depended on it.
They talk about hurting you, doing these horrible things to you... whoever your secret admirer is, they have a very messed up mind.
Jade makes you believe you can go to him for support.
"That sounds terrible, (Y/N). But you have no reason to worry, you can always turn to Octavinelle for protection."
You continue receiving these threatening letters... they get worse every day.
When you start to actually feel unsafe, you remember how Jade told you that you can always go to Octavinelle for protection, and while you don't exactly want to go to them for protection... what other option do you have?
The moment Floyd sees the letter, he tells you the truth.
"Oh yeah, Jade wrote that."
Huh. Jade Leech wrote these threatening letters to you? Jade Leech, vice housewarden of Octavinelle... the dorm you're currently in? Uh oh.
"Dear me, I wasn't intending on revealing myself this soon... though I suppose I have no choice now. I was intending on building your trust towards me and once things have progressed enough, reveal that I was the author, then breaking you entirely so you love only me, but... I guess I'll have to construct another plan. (Y/N), this will only hurt for a second."
Jamil Viper
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Jamil, much like Trey, sends you home-made food.
You like the food so much! Who knew having a secret admirer could be this fun?
Jamil is good at keeping himself hidden from you, he's also a patient person. He'll keep himself hidden for as long as is necessary.
Kalim often invites you to the parties he throws... though, strangely enough, whenever you arrive, he seems not to recall inviting you.
"Oh well! The more the merrier, you know? I'm sure Jamil won't mind making a bit more food for you!"
But Jamil never has to make more food for you. Almost like he knew you were coming even though Kalim didn't.
One day, you receive a letter.
Come meet me in Scarabia dorm's lounge. I'll be waiting for you. - Your secret admirer
When you go there, you find Kalim. Kalim, standing there, empty.
"(Y/N)... he's waiting for you."
You hear a whisper in your ear, and then you forfeit all control of your body to Scarabia's vice housewarden.
"I'm glad everything worked out in the end."
Rook Hunt
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Oh Rook, where to begin with Rook?
He sends you love letters every day in the form of poems signed by "ton admirateur secret"
Due to the ecessive use of French, you have your suspicions as to who's sending you these
Vil is close to Rook, so you ask him about it, but...
"No, it can't be Rook. He only has that kind of fascination with the inhuman students, like the beastmen, fae, and what little merfolk we have here. He wouldn't send that to a typical, not to mention magicless, human like you. It must be someone else."
Having no other evidence, you just assume Vil's right, and Rook isn't sending you letters...
It drives you crazy
You're determined to find out who is sending these, you begin staying up several nights in a row, just reading these letters over and over and over again...
You can only come to the conclusion that it was Rook.
So you ask him about it one day and...
"Oui. It was I sending those letters to you. I assume this is you coming to accept my confession?"
Well, even if you try to run, you can't escape from Rook. Even if you do, you two attend the same school so he'll just keep stalking you...
"Hm? What was that, mon amour? You do accept? Merveilleux! Let's talk to the Headmage sometime tomorrow! We'll discuss you transferring to my dorm so we can be even closer- Quel? You say you don't want that? Oh, mon amour, you have no idea what you truly want."
Lilia Vanrouge
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Lilia is a very sweet secret admirer
He hides the fact that he is, to put it lightly, obssesed with you amazingly well (the others could learn a thing or two from him...)
It's just cute love letters! No stalking implications, no dubious baked goods, no talking about hurting you, nothing, just genuine confessions of love from a secret admirer!
Lilia can't help but watch over you
And then, well... dead bodies start turning up at the school
Of course, the Headmage only cares about what this will do to the overall public image of NRC...
Lilia takes care of you, from a distance
Lilia shows up directly at your door one day. He hands you a sewing needle, and then disappears into nothing.
A sewing needle? Why?
Well... spinning wheels aren't exactly that common nowadays.
As you examine the sewing needle, you accidentally prick your finger on it...
The next thing you know, you're in Lilia's arms
"Ah, you're finally awake, my dear. Did you enjoy your hundred-year-long dream? No no, there's no reason to cry! I know this is hard for you to understand... I know you're scared and confused, but everything will turn out ok. I only did this for your sake. To protect you."
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